2017 Revisions to the Civil Penalty Inflation Adjustment Tables, 17097-17101 [2017-06766]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 82, No. 67
Monday, April 10, 2017
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains regulatory documents having general
applicability and legal effect, most of which
are keyed to and codified in the Code of
Federal Regulations, which is published under
50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by
the Superintendent of Documents.
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Parts 13 and 406
[Docket No. FAA–2016–7004; Amdt. Nos.
13–39, 406–11]
RIN 2120–AK90
2017 Revisions to the Civil Penalty
Inflation Adjustment Tables
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
This final rule provides the
2017 inflation adjustment to civil
penalty amounts that may be imposed
for violations of Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) regulations and
the Hazardous Materials Regulations, as
required by the Federal Civil Penalties
Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements
Act of 2015. It also finalizes the catchup inflation adjustment interim final
rule required by the same Act.
DATES: Effective April 10, 2017.
R. Milliard, Attorney, Office of the Chief
Counsel, Enforcement Division, AGC–
300, Federal Aviation Administration,
800 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202)
267–3452; email cole.milliard@faa.gov.
pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES
Authority for This Rulemaking and
Applicable Statutes
The FAA’s authority to issue rules on
aviation safety is found in Title 49 of the
United States Code. Subtitle I, Section
106, describes the authority of the FAA
Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation
Programs, describes in more detail the
scope of the agency’s authority. The
Secretary of Transportation’s authority
to regulate the transportation of
hazardous materials (‘‘hazmat’’) by air is
in chapter 51 of title 49; civil penalty
authority is in section 5123. The
Secretary’s authority to regulate
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commercial space transportation may be
found at 51 U.S.C. subtitle V, sections
50901–50923 (chapter 509), which
provides for the Department of
Transportation (DOT), and, through
delegation, the FAA to impose civil
penalties on persons who violate
chapter 509, a regulation issued under
chapter 509, or any term or condition of
a license or permit issued or transferred
under chapter 509. 51 U.S.C. 50906(h)–
(i), 50917.
This rule implements the Federal
Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act
of 1990 (FCPIAA), Public Law 101–410,
as amended by the Debt Collection
Improvement Act (DCIA) of 1996, Public
Law 104–134, and the Federal Civil
Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act
Improvements Act of 2015 (2015 Act),
Public Law 114–74, codified at 28
U.S.C. 2461 note. The FCPIAA, DCIA,
and the 2015 Act require federal
agencies to adjust minimum and
maximum civil penalty amounts for
inflation to preserve their deterrent
impact. The 2015 Act amended the
formula and frequency of inflation
adjustments. It required an initial catchup adjustment in the form of an interim
final rule, followed by annual
adjustments of civil penalty amounts
using a statutorily mandated formula.
On July 5, 2016, the FAA issued an
interim final rule entitled, ‘‘Revisions to
the Civil Penalty Inflation Adjustment
Tables’’ (the IFR) to implement the
requirement for an initial catch-up
adjustment.1 This final rule (1) finalizes
the catch-up adjustment interim final
rule; and (2) provides the required
annual adjustment of civil penalty
maximums and minimums in
accordance with the FCPIAA, as
Overview of Final Rule
The FCPIAA, as amended, provides a
formula for annual inflationary
adjustments that increase civil penalty
maximums and minimums by a cost-ofliving adjustment (COLA). Under the
FCPIAA, as amended by the 2015 Act,
the COLA for each civil penalty is the
percent change between the U.S.
Department of Labor’s Consumer Price
1 81 FR 43463. A correction and technical
amendments were made in 81 FR 51079 (Aug. 3,
2 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
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Index for all-urban consumers (CPI–U)
for the month of October of the calendar
year preceding the adjustment and the
CPI–U for the month of October of the
previous calendar year. Any resulting
increase must be rounded to the nearest
$1. As required by the FCPIAA, this
final rule provides the 2017 annual
adjustments to the civil penalty
maximums and minimums provided in
14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
13.301 and 406.9.
Method of Calculation of Adjustments
to Civil Penalty Amounts Provided in 14
CFR 13.301 and 406.9
The 2015 Act directed the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) to issue
guidance on implementing the 2017
annual inflation adjustment required by
the 2015 Act no later than December 15,
2016.3 On December 16, 2016, the OMB
released this required guidance, which
provides instructions on how to
calculate the 2017 annual adjustment.4
To derive the 2017 adjustment, the
FAA must multiply the maximum or
minimum penalty amount by the
percent change between the October
2016 CPI–U and the October 2015 CPI–
U. In this case, October 2016 CPI–U
(241.729)/October 2015 CPI–U (237.838)
= Multiplier (1.01636).5 Accordingly,
the agency multiplied the civil penalty
maximums and minimums provided in
current 14 CFR 13.301 and 406.9 by
1.01636 to derive the updated
maximums and minimums provided in
this final rule.
As examples, the agency has provided
the calculations for the adjustments for
the civil penalties authorized by 49
U.S.C. 5123(a)(1) (hazmat) and 51 U.S.C.
50917 (commercial space):
Adjusted penalty for 2016 6 * Multiplier
= Adjusted penalty for 2017
Sec. 5123(a)(1): $77,114 * 1.01636 =
Sec. 50917: $225,867 * 1.01636 =
3 28
U.S.C. 2461 note.
Memorandum M–17–11.
5 28 U.S.C. 2461 note; OMB Memorandum M–17–
6 The adjusted penalty for 2016 includes the
catch-up adjustment also mandated by the 2015
Act, and reflected in current 14 CFR 13.301 and
406.9 as amended by the IFR. 81 FR 43463 (July 5,
2016) and 81 FR 51079 (August 3, 2016).
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 67 / Monday, April 10, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Option to Forgo Annual Civil Penalty
The agency notes that the 2015 Act
provides the Administrator with the
option to forgo adjustment only in a
single circumstance, which is not
present at this time. If, within the
twelve months preceding January 15,
2017, an FAA civil penalty subject to
this inflation adjustment were increased
more than it would be by this inflation
adjustment, the Administrator could
choose to not make the adjustment.
None of the civil penalties subject to the
2017 adjustment increased at all during
the relevant time period. Accordingly,
the Administrator cannot forego
adjustment of any penalty.
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Administrative Procedure Act
Section 553 of the Administrative
Procedure Act requires agencies to
provide an opportunity for notice and
comment on rulemaking and also
requires agencies to delay a rule’s
effective date for 30 days following the
date of publication in the Federal
Register unless an agency finds good
cause to forgo these requirements.
However, section 4(b)(2) of the 2015 Act
requires agencies to adjust civil
monetary penalties notwithstanding
section 553 of the Administrative
Procedure Act (APA) and publish
annual inflation adjustments in the
Federal Register. ‘‘This means that the
public procedure the APA generally
requires . . . is not required for agencies
to issue regulations implementing the
annual adjustment.’’ OMB
Memorandum M–17–11.
Even if the 2015 Act did not except
this rulemaking from section 553 of the
APA, the agency has good cause to
dispense with notice and comment.
Section 553(b)(B), authorizes agencies to
dispense with notice and comment
procedures for rulemaking if the agency
finds good cause that notice and
comment are impracticable,
unnecessary, or contrary to public
interest. The annual adjustments to civil
penalties for inflation and the method of
calculating those adjustments are
established by section 5 of the FCPIAA,
as amended, leaving no discretion for
the Administrator. Accordingly, public
comment would be impracticable
because the Administrator would be
unable to consider such comments in
the rulemaking process.
Regulatory Evaluation
Changes to Federal regulations must
undergo several economic analyses.
First, Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 and
Executive Order 13563 direct that each
Federal agency shall propose or adopt a
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regulation only upon a reasoned
determination that the benefits of the
intended regulation justify its costs.
Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act
of 1980 (Public Law 96–354) requires
agencies to analyze the economic
impact of regulatory changes on small
entities. Third, the Trade Agreements
Act (Public Law 96–39) prohibits
agencies from setting standards that
create unnecessary obstacles to the
foreign commerce of the United States.
In developing U.S. standards, the Trade
Act requires agencies to consider
international standards and, where
appropriate, that they be the basis of
U.S. standards. Fourth, the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public
Law 104–4) requires agencies to prepare
a written assessment of the costs,
benefits, and other effects of proposed
or final rules that include a Federal
mandate likely to result in the
expenditure by State, local, or tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100 million or more
annually (adjusted for inflation with
base year of 1995). This portion of the
preamble summarizes the FAA’s
analysis of the economic impacts of this
final rule.
Department of Transportation Order
DOT 2100.5 prescribes policies and
procedures for simplification, analysis,
and review of regulations. If the
expected cost impact is so minimal that
a proposed or final rule does not
warrant a full evaluation, this order
permits that a statement to that effect
and the basis for it to be included in the
preamble if a full regulatory evaluation
of the cost and benefits is not prepared.
Such a determination has been made for
this final rule. The reasoning for this
determination follows.
This rule adjusts for inflation to civil
penalties for violations of aviation
safety, hazmat, and commercial space
provisions in accord with the Federal
Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act
Improvement Act (the 2015 Act), Pub. L.
114–74, Section 701 (November 2,
2015). The Director of OMB provided
guidance to agencies in a December 16,
2016 memorandum on how to calculate
the 2017 annual adjustment required by
the 2015 Act. The FAA must follow the
direction of Congress and is using
statutorily-mandated guidance provided
by OMB in calculating the annual
inflation adjustment. Applying
Congress’s directions and OMB’s
guidance, the FAA has determined that
this rule imposes no additional social
cost. Civil penalties are, like taxes, an
economic transfer. OMB guidance A–4
states that transfers are monetary
payments from one group to another
and thus not a social cost. OMB further
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dictates that transfers should not be
included in estimates of the benefits and
costs due to regulation. As transfers do
not add social cost, this is a minimal
cost rule. OMB also directs that
distributional impacts of transfers
should be considered. The term
‘‘distributional effect’’ refers to the
impact of a regulatory action across the
population and economy, divided up in
various ways (e.g. income groups, race,
sex, industrial sector, geography).
Distributional effects may arise through
transfer payments like civil penalties
that stem from regulatory enforcement
action. While persons paying civil
penalties may experience distributional
effects, these discrete effects are far
outweighed by the positive effects of
civil penalties. Compliance with FAA
statutes and regulations is essential to
safety. The FAA intends for civil
penalties to serve as a punitive action
against those who violate FAA statutes
and regulations. Civil penalties also
deter future violations. As a result, they
support the FAA’s mission of aviation,
hazmat, and commercial space safety,
which benefits the public at large. Thus,
the cost impact of this rulemaking is
minimal, and a full regulatory
evaluation is not required in accordance
with DOT Order 2100.5.
The Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) Administrator
has determined that agency regulations
exclusively implementing this annual
adjustment are not significant regulatory
actions under E.O. 12866, provided they
are consistent with the guidance in
OMB Memorandum M–17–11,
Implementation of the 2017 annual
adjustment pursuant to the Federal Civil
Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act
Improvements Act of 2015. The agency
has determined that this regulation is
consistent with OMB Memorandum M–
17–11 because it serves only to provide
the 2017 annual civil penalty
adjustment using the formula
established by the 2015 Act. Thus, per
OMB Memorandum M–17–11, the
regulation is not significant.
The FAA has further determined that
this final rule is not ‘‘significant’’ as
defined in DOT’s Regulatory Policies
and Procedures. The FAA made this
determination because this final rule
does not (a) create a serious
inconsistency or otherwise interfere
with an action taken or planned by
another agency, (b) materially alter the
budgetary impact of entitlements,
grants, user fees, or loan programs or the
rights and obligations of recipients
thereof; or (c) raise novel legal or policy
issues arising out of legal mandates, the
President’s priorities, or the principles
set forth in E.O. 12866.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 67 / Monday, April 10, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES
Regulatory Flexibility Determination
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
(Public Law 96–354) (RFA) establishes
‘‘as a principle of regulatory issuance
that agencies shall endeavor, consistent
with the objectives of the rule and of
applicable statutes, to fit regulatory and
informational requirements to the scale
of the businesses, organizations, and
governmental jurisdictions subject to
regulation.’’ To achieve this principle,
agencies are required to solicit and
consider flexible regulatory proposals
and to explain the rationale for their
actions to assure that such proposals are
given serious consideration.’’ The RFA
covers a wide-range of small entities,
including small businesses, not-forprofit organizations, and small
governmental jurisdictions.
Agencies must perform a review to
determine whether a rule will have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. If
the agency determines that it will, the
agency must prepare a regulatory
flexibility analysis as described in the
However, if an agency determines that
a rule is not expected to have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities,
section 605(b) of the RFA provides that
the head of the agency may so certify
and a regulatory flexibility analysis is
not required. The certification must
include a statement providing the
factual basis for this determination, and
the reasoning should be clear.
The FAA believes that this final rule
does not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities for the following reasons. While
this final rule is likely to impact a
substantial number of small entities, it
will impose only minimal costs. This
final rule simply identifies the amount
of the inflation adjustment to existing
civil monetary penalty maximums and
minimums for violations of the statutory
and regulatory provisions the FAA
enforces. The penalty amounts are those
specified by statute or called for under
the inflation adjustment statutes, and
the information in this rule is required
by the Debt Collection Improvement Act
of 1996.7 As civil penalties are
economic transfers, by OMB direction,
these are not included in the calculation
of social costs. Therefore, as provided in
section 605(b), the head of the FAA
certifies that this rule will not result in
7 The 2015 Act, Public Law 114–74, codified at
28 U.S.C. 2461 note, specifies the method of
calculating the inflation adjustment, and OMB
Memorandum M–17–11 provides the guidance
required by the 2015 Act for agencies in calculating
the 2017 annual inflation adjustment.
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a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Moreover, although the FAA has
completed the analysis to support the
certification provided by section 605(b),
the RFA does not apply to this
rulemaking because notice and
comment rulemaking under section 553
of the APA is not required.8 Section
4(b)(2) of the 2015 Act specifically
excludes this rulemaking implementing
each adjustment following the initial
catch-up adjustment from section 553 of
the APA.
International Trade Impact Assessment
The Trade Agreements Act of 1979
(Public Law 96–39), as amended by the
Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Public
Law 103–465), prohibits Federal
agencies from establishing standards or
engaging in related activities that create
unnecessary obstacles to the foreign
commerce of the United States.
Pursuant to these Acts, the
establishment of standards is not
considered an unnecessary obstacle to
the foreign commerce of the United
States, so long as the standard has a
legitimate domestic objective, such as
the protection of safety, and does not
operate in a manner that excludes
imports that meet this objective. The
statute also requires consideration of
international standards and, where
appropriate, that they be the basis for
U.S. standards.
The FAA has assessed the potential
effect of this final rule and determined
that it would impose identical inflation
adjusted civil penalties on domestic and
international entities that violate
aviation safety, hazmat, and commercial
space provisions in Titles 49 and 51 of
the U.S. Code and regulations issued
under those provisions, and thus would
have a neutral trade impact.
Furthermore, the inflation adjustment is
a legitimate domestic objective
preserving the existing deterrent impact
of aviation, hazmat, and commercial
space safety statutes and regulations.
Therefore, we have determined that this
rule will result in a neutral impact on
international trade.
Unfunded Mandates Assessment
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–4)
requires each Federal agency to prepare
a written statement assessing the effects
of any Federal mandate in a proposed or
final agency rule that may result in an
expenditure of $100 million or more (in
1995 dollars) in any one year by State,
local, and tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector; such
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a mandate is deemed to be a ‘‘significant
regulatory action.’’ The FAA currently
uses an inflation-adjusted value of $155
million in lieu of $100 million. This
final rule does not contain such a
mandate; therefore, the requirements of
Title II of the Act do not apply.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) requires that the
FAA consider the impact of paperwork
and other information collection
burdens imposed on the public. The
FAA has determined that there are no
current or new requirements for
information collection associated with
this rule.
International Compatibility
In keeping with U.S. obligations
under the Convention on International
Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to
conform to International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) Standards and
Recommended Practices to the
maximum extent practicable. The FAA
has determined that there are no ICAO
Standards and Recommended Practices
that correspond to these regulations.
Environmental Analysis
FAA Order 1050.1F identifies FAA
actions that are categorically excluded
from preparation of an environmental
assessment or environmental impact
statement under the National
Environmental Policy Act in the
absence of extraordinary circumstances.
The FAA has determined that this
action qualifies for categorical exclusion
under the National Environmental
Policy Act in accordance with FAA
Order 1050.1F, ‘‘Environmental
Impacts: Policies and Procedures,’’
paragraph 5–6.6.f, which covers
regulations not expected to cause any
potentially significant environmental
impacts. The FAA has also determined
that there are no extraordinary
circumstances requiring an
environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement.
The FAA has analyzed this final rule
under the principles and criteria of
Executive Order 13132, Federalism. The
agency determined that this action will
not have a substantial direct effect on
the States, or the relationship between
the Federal Government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, and, therefore,
does not have federalism implications.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 67 / Monday, April 10, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Regulations That Significantly Affect
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
The FAA has analyzed this final rule
under Executive Order 13211, Actions
Concerning Regulations that
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (May 18, 2001). The
agency has determined that it is not a
‘‘significant energy action’’ under the
executive order and it is not likely to
have a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
Availability of Rulemaking Documents
You can get an electronic copy of
rulemaking documents using the
Internet by—
1. Searching the Federal eRulemaking
Portal (https://www.regulations.gov);
2. Visiting the FAA’s Regulations and
Policies Web page at https://
www.faa.gov/regulations_policies; or
3. Accessing the Government Printing
Office’s Web page at https://
You can also get a copy by sending a
request to the Federal Aviation
Administration, Office of Rulemaking,
ARM–1, 800 Independence Avenue
SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by
calling (202) 267–9680. Make sure to
identify the amendment number or
docket number of this rulemaking.
List of Subjects
1. The authority citation for part 13 is
revised to read as follows:
14 CFR Part 13
Administrative practice and
procedure, Air transportation,
Hazardous materials transportation,
Investigations, Law enforcement,
14 CFR Part 406
Administrative procedure and review,
Commercial space transportation,
Enforcement, Investigations, Penalties,
Rules of adjudication.
The Amendment
Accordingly, the interim rule
amending 14 CFR parts 13 and 406
which was published at 81 FR 43463 on
July 5, 2016, is adopted as a final rule
with the following changes:
Authority: 18 U.S.C. 6002, 28 U.S.C. 2461
(note); 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 5121–5124, 40113–
40114, 44103–44106, 44701–44703, 44709–
44710, 44713, 44725, 46101–46111, 46301,
46302 (for a violation of 49 U.S.C. 46504),
46304–46316, 46318, 46501–46502, 46504–
46507, 47106, 47107, 47111, 47122, 47306,
47531–47532; 49 CFR 1.83.
2. Amend § 13.301 by revising the
section heading and paragraph (c) to
read as follows:
§ 13.301 Inflation adjustments of civil
monetary penalties.
(c) Minimum and maximum civil
monetary penalties within the
jurisdiction of the FAA are as follows:
United States Code
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C.
pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES
New minimum
2016 maximum penalty amount
New maximum penalty amount
$77,114 ...................
179,933 ...................
77,114 .....................
32,140 .....................
1,414 .......................
1,414 .......................
No change.
Increase above otherwise applicable
maximum amount
not to exceed 3
times the amount
of revenues that
are used in violation of such section.
12,856 .....................
12,856 .....................
Violation of hazardous materials transportation law.
Violation of hazardous materials transportation law resulting in death, serious illness, severe injury, or substantial property destruction.
Violation of hazardous materials transportation law relating to training.
Violation by a person other than an individual or small business concern under
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)(A) or (B).
Violation by an airman serving as an airman under 49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)(A)
46301(a)(5)(A) or (B)).
Violation by an individual or small business concern under 49 U.S.C.
46301(a)(1)(A) or (B) (but not covered
in 49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)).
Violation of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) (or any
assurance made under such section)
or 49 U.S.C. 47133.
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C.
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2016 minimum
Civil monetary penalty description
Violation by an individual or small business concern (except an airman serving as an airman) under 49 U.S.C.
46301(a)(5)(A)(i) or (ii).
Violation by an individual or small business concern related to the transportation of hazardous materials.
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 67 / Monday, April 10, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
AFTER JANUARY 15, 2017—Continued
2016 minimum
United States Code
Civil monetary penalty description
49 U.S.C.
2016 maximum penalty amount
New maximum penalty amount
12,856 .....................
12,856 .....................
12,856 .....................
4,126 .......................
22,587 .....................
34,172 .....................
12,856 .....................
See 49 U.S.C.
46301(a)(1) and
(a)(5), above.
See 49 U.S.C.
46301(a)(1) and
(a)(5), above.
Violation by an individual or small business concern related to the registration
or recordation under 49 U.S.C. chapter
441, of an aircraft not used to provide
air transportation.
Violation by an individual or small business concern of 49 U.S.C. 44718(d),
relating to limitation on construction or
establishment of landfills.
Violation by an individual or small business concern of 49 U.S.C. 44725, relating to the safe disposal of life-limited
aircraft parts.
Tampering with a smoke alarm device ....
Knowingly providing false information
about alleged violation involving the
special aircraft jurisdiction of the
United States.
Interference with cabin or flight crew ......
Permanent closure of an airport without
providing sufficient notice.
Violation of 49 U.S.C. 47528–47530, relating to the prohibition of operating
certain aircraft not complying with
stage 3 noise levels.
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C.
49 U.S.C. 46301(b)
49 U.S.C. 46302 .....
49 U.S.C. 46318 .....
49 U.S.C. 46319 .....
49 U.S.C. 47531 .....
3. The authority citation for part 406
continues to read as follows:
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A.
Model ERJ 190–300 Airplane; Flight
Envelope Protection, General Limiting
Authority: 51 U.S.C. 50901–50923.
4. Amend § 406.9 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
Civil penalties.
(a) Civil penalty liability. Under 51
U.S.C. 50917(c), a person found by the
FAA to have violated a requirement of
the Act, a regulation issued under the
Act, or any term or condition of a
license or permit issued or transferred
under the Act, is liable to the United
States for a civil penalty of not more
than $229,562 for each violation. A
separate violation occurs for each day
the violation continues.
Issued under the authority provided by 28
U.S.C. 2461 note, 49 U.S.C. 106(f) and
44701(a), and 51 U.S.C. 50901 in
Washington, DC, on February 13, 2017.
Michael P. Huerta,
[FR Doc. 2017–06766 Filed 4–7–17; 8:45 am]
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Federal Aviation Administration
[Docket No. FAA–2016–9402; Special
Conditions No. 25–655–SC]
§ 406.9
14 CFR Part 25
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New minimum
Final special conditions; request
for comments.
These special conditions are
issued for the Embraer S.A. (Embraer)
Model ERJ 190–300 airplane. This
airplane will have a novel or unusual
design feature when compared to the
state of technology envisioned in the
airworthiness standards for transportcategory airplanes. This design feature
is a new control architecture and a full
digital flight-control system, both of
which provide flight-envelope
protections. The applicable
airworthiness regulations do not contain
adequate or appropriate safety standards
for this design feature. These special
conditions contain the additional safety
standards that the Administrator
considers necessary to establish a level
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of safety equivalent to that established
by the existing airworthiness standards.
DATES: This action is effective on
Embraer on April 10, 2017. We must
receive your comments by May 25,
ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
by docket number FAA–2016–9402
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[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 67 (Monday, April 10, 2017)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 17097-17101]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-06766]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 67 / Monday, April 10, 2017 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 17097]]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Parts 13 and 406
[Docket No. FAA-2016-7004; Amdt. Nos. 13-39, 406-11]
RIN 2120-AK90
2017 Revisions to the Civil Penalty Inflation Adjustment Tables
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule provides the 2017 inflation adjustment to
civil penalty amounts that may be imposed for violations of Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and the Hazardous Materials
Regulations, as required by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation
Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015. It also finalizes the catch-up
inflation adjustment interim final rule required by the same Act.
DATES: Effective April 10, 2017.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cole R. Milliard, Attorney, Office of
the Chief Counsel, Enforcement Division, AGC-300, Federal Aviation
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591;
telephone (202) 267-3452; email cole.milliard@faa.gov.
Authority for This Rulemaking and Applicable Statutes
The FAA's authority to issue rules on aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes
the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation
Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's authority.
The Secretary of Transportation's authority to regulate the
transportation of hazardous materials (``hazmat'') by air is in chapter
51 of title 49; civil penalty authority is in section 5123. The
Secretary's authority to regulate commercial space transportation may
be found at 51 U.S.C. subtitle V, sections 50901-50923 (chapter 509),
which provides for the Department of Transportation (DOT), and, through
delegation, the FAA to impose civil penalties on persons who violate
chapter 509, a regulation issued under chapter 509, or any term or
condition of a license or permit issued or transferred under chapter
509. 51 U.S.C. 50906(h)-(i), 50917.
This rule implements the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation
Adjustment Act of 1990 (FCPIAA), Public Law 101-410, as amended by the
Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) of 1996, Public Law 104-134, and
the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act
of 2015 (2015 Act), Public Law 114-74, codified at 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
The FCPIAA, DCIA, and the 2015 Act require federal agencies to adjust
minimum and maximum civil penalty amounts for inflation to preserve
their deterrent impact. The 2015 Act amended the formula and frequency
of inflation adjustments. It required an initial catch-up adjustment in
the form of an interim final rule, followed by annual adjustments of
civil penalty amounts using a statutorily mandated formula.
On July 5, 2016, the FAA issued an interim final rule entitled,
``Revisions to the Civil Penalty Inflation Adjustment Tables'' (the
IFR) to implement the requirement for an initial catch-up
adjustment.\1\ This final rule (1) finalizes the catch-up adjustment
interim final rule; and (2) provides the required annual adjustment of
civil penalty maximums and minimums in accordance with the FCPIAA, as
\1\ 81 FR 43463. A correction and technical amendments were made
in 81 FR 51079 (Aug. 3, 2016).
\2\ 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
Overview of Final Rule
The FCPIAA, as amended, provides a formula for annual inflationary
adjustments that increase civil penalty maximums and minimums by a
cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). Under the FCPIAA, as amended by the
2015 Act, the COLA for each civil penalty is the percent change between
the U.S. Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index for all-urban
consumers (CPI-U) for the month of October of the calendar year
preceding the adjustment and the CPI-U for the month of October of the
previous calendar year. Any resulting increase must be rounded to the
nearest $1. As required by the FCPIAA, this final rule provides the
2017 annual adjustments to the civil penalty maximums and minimums
provided in 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 13.301 and 406.9.
Method of Calculation of Adjustments to Civil Penalty Amounts Provided
in 14 CFR 13.301 and 406.9
The 2015 Act directed the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to
issue guidance on implementing the 2017 annual inflation adjustment
required by the 2015 Act no later than December 15, 2016.\3\ On
December 16, 2016, the OMB released this required guidance, which
provides instructions on how to calculate the 2017 annual
\3\ 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
\4\ OMB Memorandum M-17-11.
To derive the 2017 adjustment, the FAA must multiply the maximum or
minimum penalty amount by the percent change between the October 2016
CPI-U and the October 2015 CPI-U. In this case, October 2016 CPI-U
(241.729)/October 2015 CPI-U (237.838) = Multiplier (1.01636).\5\
Accordingly, the agency multiplied the civil penalty maximums and
minimums provided in current 14 CFR 13.301 and 406.9 by 1.01636 to
derive the updated maximums and minimums provided in this final rule.
\5\ 28 U.S.C. 2461 note; OMB Memorandum M-17-11.
As examples, the agency has provided the calculations for the
adjustments for the civil penalties authorized by 49 U.S.C. 5123(a)(1)
(hazmat) and 51 U.S.C. 50917 (commercial space):
Adjusted penalty for 2016 \6\ * Multiplier = Adjusted penalty for 2017
\6\ The adjusted penalty for 2016 includes the catch-up
adjustment also mandated by the 2015 Act, and reflected in current
14 CFR 13.301 and 406.9 as amended by the IFR. 81 FR 43463 (July 5,
2016) and 81 FR 51079 (August 3, 2016).
Sec. 5123(a)(1): $77,114 * 1.01636 = $78,376
Sec. 50917: $225,867 * 1.01636 = $229,562
[[Page 17098]]
Option to Forgo Annual Civil Penalty Adjustment
The agency notes that the 2015 Act provides the Administrator with
the option to forgo adjustment only in a single circumstance, which is
not present at this time. If, within the twelve months preceding
January 15, 2017, an FAA civil penalty subject to this inflation
adjustment were increased more than it would be by this inflation
adjustment, the Administrator could choose to not make the adjustment.
None of the civil penalties subject to the 2017 adjustment increased at
all during the relevant time period. Accordingly, the Administrator
cannot forego adjustment of any penalty.
Administrative Procedure Act
Section 553 of the Administrative Procedure Act requires agencies
to provide an opportunity for notice and comment on rulemaking and also
requires agencies to delay a rule's effective date for 30 days
following the date of publication in the Federal Register unless an
agency finds good cause to forgo these requirements. However, section
4(b)(2) of the 2015 Act requires agencies to adjust civil monetary
penalties notwithstanding section 553 of the Administrative Procedure
Act (APA) and publish annual inflation adjustments in the Federal
Register. ``This means that the public procedure the APA generally
requires . . . is not required for agencies to issue regulations
implementing the annual adjustment.'' OMB Memorandum M-17-11.
Even if the 2015 Act did not except this rulemaking from section
553 of the APA, the agency has good cause to dispense with notice and
comment. Section 553(b)(B), authorizes agencies to dispense with notice
and comment procedures for rulemaking if the agency finds good cause
that notice and comment are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to
public interest. The annual adjustments to civil penalties for
inflation and the method of calculating those adjustments are
established by section 5 of the FCPIAA, as amended, leaving no
discretion for the Administrator. Accordingly, public comment would be
impracticable because the Administrator would be unable to consider
such comments in the rulemaking process.
Regulatory Evaluation
Changes to Federal regulations must undergo several economic
analyses. First, Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 and Executive Order 13563
direct that each Federal agency shall propose or adopt a regulation
only upon a reasoned determination that the benefits of the intended
regulation justify its costs. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 (Public Law 96-354) requires agencies to analyze the economic
impact of regulatory changes on small entities. Third, the Trade
Agreements Act (Public Law 96-39) prohibits agencies from setting
standards that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign commerce of
the United States. In developing U.S. standards, the Trade Act requires
agencies to consider international standards and, where appropriate,
that they be the basis of U.S. standards. Fourth, the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4) requires agencies to prepare a
written assessment of the costs, benefits, and other effects of
proposed or final rules that include a Federal mandate likely to result
in the expenditure by State, local, or tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 million or more annually
(adjusted for inflation with base year of 1995). This portion of the
preamble summarizes the FAA's analysis of the economic impacts of this
final rule.
Department of Transportation Order DOT 2100.5 prescribes policies
and procedures for simplification, analysis, and review of regulations.
If the expected cost impact is so minimal that a proposed or final rule
does not warrant a full evaluation, this order permits that a statement
to that effect and the basis for it to be included in the preamble if a
full regulatory evaluation of the cost and benefits is not prepared.
Such a determination has been made for this final rule. The reasoning
for this determination follows.
This rule adjusts for inflation to civil penalties for violations
of aviation safety, hazmat, and commercial space provisions in accord
with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvement
Act (the 2015 Act), Pub. L. 114-74, Section 701 (November 2, 2015). The
Director of OMB provided guidance to agencies in a December 16, 2016
memorandum on how to calculate the 2017 annual adjustment required by
the 2015 Act. The FAA must follow the direction of Congress and is
using statutorily-mandated guidance provided by OMB in calculating the
annual inflation adjustment. Applying Congress's directions and OMB's
guidance, the FAA has determined that this rule imposes no additional
social cost. Civil penalties are, like taxes, an economic transfer. OMB
guidance A-4 states that transfers are monetary payments from one group
to another and thus not a social cost. OMB further dictates that
transfers should not be included in estimates of the benefits and costs
due to regulation. As transfers do not add social cost, this is a
minimal cost rule. OMB also directs that distributional impacts of
transfers should be considered. The term ``distributional effect''
refers to the impact of a regulatory action across the population and
economy, divided up in various ways (e.g. income groups, race, sex,
industrial sector, geography). Distributional effects may arise through
transfer payments like civil penalties that stem from regulatory
enforcement action. While persons paying civil penalties may experience
distributional effects, these discrete effects are far outweighed by
the positive effects of civil penalties. Compliance with FAA statutes
and regulations is essential to safety. The FAA intends for civil
penalties to serve as a punitive action against those who violate FAA
statutes and regulations. Civil penalties also deter future violations.
As a result, they support the FAA's mission of aviation, hazmat, and
commercial space safety, which benefits the public at large. Thus, the
cost impact of this rulemaking is minimal, and a full regulatory
evaluation is not required in accordance with DOT Order 2100.5.
The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
Administrator has determined that agency regulations exclusively
implementing this annual adjustment are not significant regulatory
actions under E.O. 12866, provided they are consistent with the
guidance in OMB Memorandum M-17-11, Implementation of the 2017 annual
adjustment pursuant to the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment
Act Improvements Act of 2015. The agency has determined that this
regulation is consistent with OMB Memorandum M-17-11 because it serves
only to provide the 2017 annual civil penalty adjustment using the
formula established by the 2015 Act. Thus, per OMB Memorandum M-17-11,
the regulation is not significant.
The FAA has further determined that this final rule is not
``significant'' as defined in DOT's Regulatory Policies and Procedures.
The FAA made this determination because this final rule does not (a)
create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an action
taken or planned by another agency, (b) materially alter the budgetary
impact of entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan programs or the
rights and obligations of recipients thereof; or (c) raise novel legal
or policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the President's
priorities, or the principles set forth in E.O. 12866.
[[Page 17099]]
Regulatory Flexibility Determination
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-354) (RFA)
establishes ``as a principle of regulatory issuance that agencies shall
endeavor, consistent with the objectives of the rule and of applicable
statutes, to fit regulatory and informational requirements to the scale
of the businesses, organizations, and governmental jurisdictions
subject to regulation.'' To achieve this principle, agencies are
required to solicit and consider flexible regulatory proposals and to
explain the rationale for their actions to assure that such proposals
are given serious consideration.'' The RFA covers a wide-range of small
entities, including small businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and
small governmental jurisdictions.
Agencies must perform a review to determine whether a rule will
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities. If the agency determines that it will, the agency must
prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis as described in the RFA.
However, if an agency determines that a rule is not expected to
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities, section 605(b) of the RFA provides that the head of the
agency may so certify and a regulatory flexibility analysis is not
required. The certification must include a statement providing the
factual basis for this determination, and the reasoning should be
The FAA believes that this final rule does not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities for the
following reasons. While this final rule is likely to impact a
substantial number of small entities, it will impose only minimal
costs. This final rule simply identifies the amount of the inflation
adjustment to existing civil monetary penalty maximums and minimums for
violations of the statutory and regulatory provisions the FAA enforces.
The penalty amounts are those specified by statute or called for under
the inflation adjustment statutes, and the information in this rule is
required by the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996.\7\ As civil
penalties are economic transfers, by OMB direction, these are not
included in the calculation of social costs. Therefore, as provided in
section 605(b), the head of the FAA certifies that this rule will not
result in a significant economic impact on a substantial number of
small entities.
\7\ The 2015 Act, Public Law 114-74, codified at 28 U.S.C. 2461
note, specifies the method of calculating the inflation adjustment,
and OMB Memorandum M-17-11 provides the guidance required by the
2015 Act for agencies in calculating the 2017 annual inflation
Moreover, although the FAA has completed the analysis to support
the certification provided by section 605(b), the RFA does not apply to
this rulemaking because notice and comment rulemaking under section 553
of the APA is not required.\8\ Section 4(b)(2) of the 2015 Act
specifically excludes this rulemaking implementing each adjustment
following the initial catch-up adjustment from section 553 of the APA.
\8\ 5 U.S.C. 604(a).
International Trade Impact Assessment
The Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (Public Law 96-39), as amended by
the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Public Law 103-465), prohibits
Federal agencies from establishing standards or engaging in related
activities that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign commerce of
the United States. Pursuant to these Acts, the establishment of
standards is not considered an unnecessary obstacle to the foreign
commerce of the United States, so long as the standard has a legitimate
domestic objective, such as the protection of safety, and does not
operate in a manner that excludes imports that meet this objective. The
statute also requires consideration of international standards and,
where appropriate, that they be the basis for U.S. standards.
The FAA has assessed the potential effect of this final rule and
determined that it would impose identical inflation adjusted civil
penalties on domestic and international entities that violate aviation
safety, hazmat, and commercial space provisions in Titles 49 and 51 of
the U.S. Code and regulations issued under those provisions, and thus
would have a neutral trade impact. Furthermore, the inflation
adjustment is a legitimate domestic objective preserving the existing
deterrent impact of aviation, hazmat, and commercial space safety
statutes and regulations. Therefore, we have determined that this rule
will result in a neutral impact on international trade.
Unfunded Mandates Assessment
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law
104-4) requires each Federal agency to prepare a written statement
assessing the effects of any Federal mandate in a proposed or final
agency rule that may result in an expenditure of $100 million or more
(in 1995 dollars) in any one year by State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector; such a mandate
is deemed to be a ``significant regulatory action.'' The FAA currently
uses an inflation-adjusted value of $155 million in lieu of $100
million. This final rule does not contain such a mandate; therefore,
the requirements of Title II of the Act do not apply.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) requires
that the FAA consider the impact of paperwork and other information
collection burdens imposed on the public. The FAA has determined that
there are no current or new requirements for information collection
associated with this rule.
International Compatibility
In keeping with U.S. obligations under the Convention on
International Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to conform to
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and
Recommended Practices to the maximum extent practicable. The FAA has
determined that there are no ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
that correspond to these regulations.
Environmental Analysis
FAA Order 1050.1F identifies FAA actions that are categorically
excluded from preparation of an environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement under the National Environmental Policy
Act in the absence of extraordinary circumstances. The FAA has
determined that this action qualifies for categorical exclusion under
the National Environmental Policy Act in accordance with FAA Order
1050.1F, ``Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures,'' paragraph
5-6.6.f, which covers regulations not expected to cause any potentially
significant environmental impacts. The FAA has also determined that
there are no extraordinary circumstances requiring an environmental
assessment or environmental impact statement.
The FAA has analyzed this final rule under the principles and
criteria of Executive Order 13132, Federalism. The agency determined
that this action will not have a substantial direct effect on the
States, or the relationship between the Federal Government and the
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government, and, therefore, does not have federalism
[[Page 17100]]
Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or
The FAA has analyzed this final rule under Executive Order 13211,
Actions Concerning Regulations that Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (May 18, 2001). The agency has determined that it
is not a ``significant energy action'' under the executive order and it
is not likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply,
distribution, or use of energy.
Availability of Rulemaking Documents
You can get an electronic copy of rulemaking documents using the
Internet by--
1. Searching the Federal eRulemaking Portal (https://www.regulations.gov);
2. Visiting the FAA's Regulations and Policies Web page at https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies; or
3. Accessing the Government Printing Office's Web page at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys.
You can also get a copy by sending a request to the Federal
Aviation Administration, Office of Rulemaking, ARM-1, 800 Independence
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by calling (202) 267-9680. Make
sure to identify the amendment number or docket number of this
List of Subjects
14 CFR Part 13
Administrative practice and procedure, Air transportation,
Hazardous materials transportation, Investigations, Law enforcement,
14 CFR Part 406
Administrative procedure and review, Commercial space
transportation, Enforcement, Investigations, Penalties, Rules of
The Amendment
Accordingly, the interim rule amending 14 CFR parts 13 and 406
which was published at 81 FR 43463 on July 5, 2016, is adopted as a
final rule with the following changes:
1. The authority citation for part 13 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 18 U.S.C. 6002, 28 U.S.C. 2461 (note); 49 U.S.C.
106(g), 5121-5124, 40113-40114, 44103-44106, 44701-44703, 44709-
44710, 44713, 44725, 46101-46111, 46301, 46302 (for a violation of
49 U.S.C. 46504), 46304-46316, 46318, 46501-46502, 46504-46507,
47106, 47107, 47111, 47122, 47306, 47531-47532; 49 CFR 1.83.
2. Amend Sec. 13.301 by revising the section heading and paragraph (c)
to read as follows:
Sec. 13.301 Inflation adjustments of civil monetary penalties.
* * * * *
(c) Minimum and maximum civil monetary penalties within the
jurisdiction of the FAA are as follows:
Table of Minimum and Maximum Civil Monetary Penalty Amounts for Certain Violations Occurring on or After January 15, 2017
Civil monetary penalty 2016 minimum New minimum 2016 maximum penalty New maximum penalty
United States Code citation description penalty amount penalty amount amount amount
49 U.S.C. 5123(a)(1)................. Violation of hazardous N/A N/A $77,114................. $78,376.
materials transportation law.
49 U.S.C. 5123(a)(2)................. Violation of hazardous N/A N/A 179,933................. 182,877.
materials transportation law
resulting in death, serious
illness, severe injury, or
substantial property
49 U.S.C. 5123(a)(3)................. Violation of hazardous $463 $471 77,114.................. 78,376.
materials transportation law
relating to training.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)................ Violation by a person other N/A N/A 32,140.................. 32,666.
than an individual or small
business concern under 49
U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)(A) or (B).
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)................ Violation by an airman N/A N/A 1,414................... 1,437.
serving as an airman under
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)(A) or
(B) (but not covered by
46301(a)(5)(A) or (B)).
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)................ Violation by an individual or N/A N/A 1,414................... 1,437.
small business concern under
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)(A) or
(B) (but not covered in 49
U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)).
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(3)................ Violation of 49 U.S.C. N/A N/A Increase above otherwise No change.
47107(b) (or any assurance applicable maximum
made under such section) or amount not to exceed 3
49 U.S.C. 47133. times the amount of
revenues that are used
in violation of such
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(A)............. Violation by an individual or N/A N/A 12,856.................. 13,066.
small business concern
(except an airman serving as
an airman) under 49 U.S.C.
46301(a)(5)(A)(i) or (ii).
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(B)(i).......... Violation by an individual or N/A N/A 12,856.................. 13,066.
small business concern
related to the
transportation of hazardous
[[Page 17101]]
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(B)(ii)......... Violation by an individual or N/A N/A 12,856.................. 13,066.
small business concern
related to the registration
or recordation under 49
U.S.C. chapter 441, of an
aircraft not used to provide
air transportation.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(B)(iii)........ Violation by an individual or N/A N/A 12,856.................. 13,066.
small business concern of 49
U.S.C. 44718(d), relating to
limitation on construction
or establishment of
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(B)(iv)......... Violation by an individual or N/A N/A 12,856.................. 13,066.
small business concern of 49
U.S.C. 44725, relating to
the safe disposal of life-
limited aircraft parts.
49 U.S.C. 46301(b)................... Tampering with a smoke alarm N/A N/A 4,126................... 4,194.
49 U.S.C. 46302...................... Knowingly providing false N/A N/A 22,587.................. 22,957.
information about alleged
violation involving the
special aircraft
jurisdiction of the United
49 U.S.C. 46318...................... Interference with cabin or N/A N/A 34,172.................. 34,731.
flight crew.
49 U.S.C. 46319...................... Permanent closure of an N/A N/A 12,856.................. 13,066.
airport without providing
sufficient notice.
49 U.S.C. 47531...................... Violation of 49 U.S.C. 47528- N/A N/A See 49 U.S.C. See 49 U.S.C.
47530, relating to the 46301(a)(1) and (a)(5), 46301(a)(1) and (a)(5),
prohibition of operating above. above.
certain aircraft not
complying with stage 3 noise
3. The authority citation for part 406 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 51 U.S.C. 50901-50923.
4. Amend Sec. 406.9 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 406.9 Civil penalties.
(a) Civil penalty liability. Under 51 U.S.C. 50917(c), a person
found by the FAA to have violated a requirement of the Act, a
regulation issued under the Act, or any term or condition of a license
or permit issued or transferred under the Act, is liable to the United
States for a civil penalty of not more than $229,562 for each
violation. A separate violation occurs for each day the violation
* * * * *
Issued under the authority provided by 28 U.S.C. 2461 note, 49
U.S.C. 106(f) and 44701(a), and 51 U.S.C. 50901 in Washington, DC,
on February 13, 2017.
Michael P. Huerta,
[FR Doc. 2017-06766 Filed 4-7-17; 8:45 am]