Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of the Scarlet-Chested Parrot and the Turquoise Parrot From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, 16522-16540 [2017-06663]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Single engine installations
Column number
Engine power range
weight 3
weight 1 2
300.1–350.0 .....................
weight 4
weight, dry
fuel tank 6
Total weight
Sum of
Controls &
rigging 5
1 Dry weight is the manufacturer’s published weight for the shortest midsection increased by 10 percent to account for longer midsections and
additional required hardware usually not included in published weights. This weight is intended to represent the heaviest model in each power
category. For boats designed with a transom height of 20 inches or less, the weight in Column 2 may be reduced by 10 percent. Recalculate
Columns 3, 4, and 9 as appropriate.
2 For diesel outboards, replace the value in Column 2 with the manufacturer’s published dry weight + 10 percent.
3 Running weight is the dry weight plus fluids (including 2-stroke oil) and the heaviest recommended propeller. Calculated as 5 percent of dry
4 Swamped weight is 85 percent of running weight.
5 Rigging and controls include engine related hardware required to complete the installation (e.g., controls, cables, hydraulic hoses, steering
pumps and cylinders). Calculated as 5 percent of dry weight.
6 If the boat is equipped with a permanent fuel system and is not intended to use a portable tank, the portable fuel tank weight may be omitted.
§ 183.220
4. Amend § 183.220 as follows:
a. In paragraph (b)(2), remove the text
‘‘shown in Column 6 of Table 4’’ and
add, in its place, the text ‘‘shown in
Column 9 of Table 183.75’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (d), remove the text
‘‘specified in Columns 2 and 4 of Table
4 for the swamped weight of the motor
and controls and for the submerged
weight or’’ and add, in its place, the text
‘‘specified in Columns 4 and 7 of Table
183.75 for the swamped weight of the
motor and controls and for the
submerged weight of’’.
Fish and Wildlife Service
§ 183.320
5. Amend § 183.320 as follows:
a. In paragraph (b)(2), remove the text
‘‘shown in column 6 of Table 4’’ and
add, in its place, the text, ‘‘shown in
Column 9 of Table 183.75’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (d), remove the text
‘‘specified in Column 2 of Table 4’’ and
add, in its place, the text ‘‘specified in
Column 4 of Table 183.75’’.
Table 4 to Subpart H of Part 183
6. Remove Table 4 to Subpart H of
Part 183.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Dated: March 29, 2017.
V.B. Gifford,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Director of
Inspections and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2017–06733 Filed 4–4–17; 8:45 am]
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50 CFR Parts 15 and 17
[Docket No. FWS–HQ–ES–2015–0176;
RIN 1018–BB29
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Removal of the ScarletChested Parrot and the Turquoise
Parrot From the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Final rule.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), are removing
the scarlet-chested parrot (Neophema
splendida) and the turquoise parrot
(Neophema pulchella) from the Federal
List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife under the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, as amended (Act). Our
review of the status of these parrots
shows that the threats have been
eliminated or reduced and populations
of both species are stable, with potential
increases noted for the turquoise parrot
in some areas. These species are not
currently in danger of extinction, and
are not likely to again become in danger
of extinction within the foreseeable
future in all or significant portions of
their ranges. After the effective date of
this final rule, the scarlet-chested and
the turquoise parrots will remain
protected under the provisions of the
Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
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Flora (CITES). To date, the scarletchested and turquoise parrots remain on
the Approved List of Captive-bred
Species under the Wild Bird
Conservation Act of 1992 (WBCA).
DATES: This rule becomes effective May
5, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Comments and materials we
received, as well as supporting
documentation we used in preparing
this rule, are available for public
inspection at https://
www.regulations.gov under Docket No.
FWS–HQ–ES–2015–0176. Comments,
materials, and documentation that we
considered in this rulemaking will be
available by appointment during normal
business hours at: U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, MS: ES, 5275 Leesburg
Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–3803;
telephone, 703–358–2171; facsimile,
703–358–1735. If you use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD), call the Federal Relay Service at
Janine Van Norman, Chief, Branch of
Foreign Species, Ecological Services,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS: ES,
5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA
22041–3803; telephone, 703–358–2171;
facsimile, 703–358–1735. If you use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD), call the Federal Relay Service at
Executive Summary
This document contains a final rule to
remove the scarlet-chested parrot and
the turquoise parrot from the Federal
List of Endangered and Threatened
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Purpose of the regulatory action—We
are delisting the scarlet-chested parrot
and the turquoise parrot throughout
their ranges due to recovery under the
Act. Species experts now widely
characterize populations of the scarletchested parrot and the turquoise parrot
as stable, with potential increases noted
for the turquoise parrot in some areas.
Trade in wild specimens is strictly
regulated under Australia’s national
laws as well as through CITES, the
Lacey Act Amendments of 1981, as
amended (16 U.S.C. 3371, et seq.), and
the WBCA (16 U.S.C. 4901–4916).
Basis for the regulatory action—Under
the Act, a species may be determined to
be an endangered species or threatened
species because of any of five factors:
(A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
existence. We must consider the same
factors in delisting a species. We may
delist a species if the best scientific and
commercial data indicate the species is
neither endangered nor threatened for
one or more of the following reasons: (1)
The species is extinct; (2) the species
has recovered and is no longer
threatened or endangered; or (3) the
original scientific data used at the time
the species was classified were in error.
We consider both the scarlet-chested
and turquoise parrots to be ‘‘recovered’’
because threats to these parrots have
been reduced or eliminated, and
populations of both species are now
stable, with potential increases noted for
the turquoise parrot in some areas.
Peer review and public comment—We
sought comments from independent
specialists to ensure that our
determination that these species have
recovered is based on scientifically
sound data, assumptions, and analyses.
We invited these peer reviewers to
comment on our status reviews for the
scarlet-chested parrot and the turquoise
parrot. We also considered all
comments and information received
during the reopening of the comment
period (see Previous Federal Actions,
Previous Federal Actions
The scarlet-chested and the turquoise
parakeets of the genus Neophema are
listed under the Act, as endangered
throughout their entire ranges. The
scarlet-chested parakeet was listed on
December 2, 1970 (35 FR 18319). The
turquoise parakeet was listed on June 2,
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1970 (35 FR 8491). Both species were
originally listed under the Endangered
Species Conservation Act of 1969 (Pub.
L. 91–135, 83 Stat. 275 (1969)) as part
of a list of species classified as
endangered. This list was retained and
incorporated into the Act, and both
species have remained listed as
endangered under the Act since that
time. In addition, both species were
included by regulation in the Approved
List of Captive-bred Bird Species under
the WBCA in title 50 of the Code of
Federal Regulations at 50 CFR 15.33.
The WBCA Approved List includes bird
species that are in the appendices of
CITES, and which occur in international
trade only as captive-bred specimens.
(Both species are listed on the WBCA
Approved List and in the CITES
appendices as ‘‘parrots’’; we use the
term ‘‘parrots’’ in this final rule for
reasons set forth below in Summary of
Changes from the Proposed Rule.)
Captive-bred individuals of species on
the WBCA Approved List may be
imported or exported without a WBCA
permit. For additional information
regarding protections under the Act and
WBCA, please see Existing regulatory
mechanisms, below.
On September 22, 2000, we
announced a review of all endangered
and threatened foreign species in the
Order Psittaciformes (parrots, parakeets,
macaws, cockatoos, and others; also
known as psittacine birds) listed under
the Act (65 FR 57363). Section 4(c)(2) of
the Act requires such a review at least
once every 5 years. The purpose of the
review is to ensure that the List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
(List), found in 50 CFR 17.11, accurately
reflects the most current status
information for each listed species. We
requested comments and the most
current scientific or commercial
information available on these species,
as well as information on other species
that may warrant future consideration
for listing. If the current classification of
a species is not consistent with the best
scientific and commercial information
available at the conclusion of a review,
we may propose changes to the List
accordingly. Based on the 2000 review,
one commenter suggested that we
reevaluate the listing of the scarletchested parrot and the turquoise parrot
and provided enough scientific
information, including information and
correspondence with Australian
Government officials, to merit our
further review of these species.
On September 2, 2003, we published
a proposed rule (68 FR 52169) to remove
the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parakeets from the List under the Act
because the endangered designation no
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longer correctly reflected the current
conservation status of these birds. On
January 21, 2016, we announced the
reopening of the public comment period
on our September 2, 2003, proposal to
remove the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parakeets from the List (81 FR
3373). We took these actions to
determine whether removing these
species from the List is still warranted,
and to ensure that we sought, received,
and made our decision based on the best
scientific and commercial information
available regarding these species and
their status and threats.
This is a final rule to remove the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parakeets
from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife. This final rule
contains updated information from the
information presented in the proposed
rule to remove these species from the
Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife (68 FR 52169,
September 2, 2003) and is based on the
best scientific and commercial
information available regarding these
species and their status and threats.
Summary of Changes From the
Proposed Rule
This final rule includes information
summarized from status reviews we
conducted in 2016–2017 for the scarletchested and the turquoise parrots. These
status reviews are available on the
Internet at https://www.regulations.gov
as supporting documentation for Docket
No. FWS–HQ–ES–2015–0176.
Sections from the status reviews were
added (in part or entirely) to the
preamble to this final rule. These new
sections in the preamble are updates or
additions to information that was
presented in the 2003 proposal to
remove the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parakeets from the list (68 FR
52169, September 2, 2003). We made
changes to Previous Federal Actions,
Summary of Status Review, and
Significant Portion of Its Range
Analysis. More detailed information
about both parrots is in our 2016–2017
status reviews.
In earlier rulemaking documents we
used the common names ‘‘scarletchested parakeet’’ and ‘‘turquoise
parakeet’’ for Neophema splendida and
N. pulchella, respectively. However,
both CITES and the WBCA use the
common names ‘‘scarlet-chested parrot’’
and ‘‘turquoise parrot,’’ and these
common names are also used widely in
the range country of Australia, and in
the scientific literature. Therefore, we
have adopted the use of the term
‘‘parrot’’ instead of ‘‘parakeet’’ in the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
common name for these species in this
final rule and in our 2016–2017 status
When these two species were
included in the Approved List of
Captive-bred Bird Species under the
WBCA, the Service footnoted the
species that require an ESA permit
under 50 CFR part 17 for importation or
other prohibited acts to avoid any
confusion for the public (59 FR 62255,
62261–63; December 2, 1994). With this
final rule, these two species will no
longer require an ESA permit under 50
CFR part 17. Accordingly, in order to
avoid confusion, in this final rule we are
also amending 50 CFR 15.33(a) simply
to make technical corrections to delete
the informational footnote superscripts
from the entries for these two species
and to reflect that the informational
footnote now applies to only one
species on the WBCA Approved List.
These changes are being made with this
final rule because they are
noncontroversial actions necessary for
clarity and consistency that are in the
best interest of the public and should be
undertaken in as timely a manner as
Scarlet-Chested Parrot
Summary of Status Review
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Both the scarlet-chested (Neophema
splendida) parrot and the turquoise
parrot (N. pulchella) belong to the genus
Neophema, which contains six species,
all native to Australia. Both Birdlife
International (BLI 2016 a&b,
unpaginated) and the Integrated
Taxonomic Information System (ITIS
2016 a&b, unpaginated) recognize the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots as
distinct full species. We have reviewed
the available information and conclude
that the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots are valid full species in a
multispecies genus.
Species Description
The scarlet-chested parrot is a
relatively small, very colorful parrot
found in the dry central portions of
southern Australia. Adult size is
approximately 19–21 centimeters (cm)
(7.5–8.3 inches (in)) in length (Higgins
1999, p. 585). The male scarlet-chested
parrot is bright green above with yellow
below. The face, throat, and cheeks are
blue, and flight feathers are also edged
in blue (BLA 2016a, unpaginated;
Higgins 1999, p. 585). Males are easily
distinguished from females by their
scarlet chest; the chest of the female is
light green (BLA 2016a, unpaginated;
Higgins 1999, p. 585). Juvenile birds are
similar in appearance to the female (del
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Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 384), but colors are
somewhat duller (BLA 2016a,
unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p. 585)
The scarlet-chested parrot inhabits
open woodlands or shrublands among
sand plains of the dry inland portions
of the Australian ‘‘outback’’ or
‘‘rangelands.’’ Typical vegetation in
these shrublands includes Eucalyptus
species (mallee), Acacia aneura (mulga),
or Eucalyptus salubris (gimlet), usually
with sparse spinifex (Triodia species;
hummock grass) ground cover (Collar
2016a, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p.
288; Jarman, 1968, p. 111). The term
‘‘mallee’’ can mean both: (1) The various
low-growing shrubby Eucalyptus
species and (2) areas of shrub that are
dominated by mallee bushes, typical of
some arid parts of Australia.
Throughout this document, we use the
term ‘‘mallee’’ to refer to the former and
‘‘mallee shrubland’’ to refer to the latter.
Similarly, we use the term Acacia
shrublands to refer to arid landscapes
dominated by Acacia species.
The scarlet-chested parrot is adapted
to country that is usually waterless,
with average annual rainfall less than 25
cm (10 in) (Jarman 1968, p. 111). It is
frequently found far from water and is
thought to obtain moisture by drinking
dew or eating succulent (water-storing)
plants (NSW 2014a, unpaginated;
Forshaw 1989, p. 288; Jarman 1968, p.
111). The species feeds primarily on
grass seeds (Juniper and Parr 1998, p.
367; del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 384) and
seeds from Acacia species and
herbaceous and succulent plants found
near or on the ground (BLA 2016a,
unpaginated; NSW 2014a, unpaginated;
Forshaw 1989, p. 288; Jarman 1968, p.
111). The scarlet-chested parrot appears
to favor areas that have been recently
burned and are regenerating for forage
(Collar 2016a, unpaginated; BLA 2012,
unpaginated; del Hoyo et al. 1997 p.
384; Robinson et al. 1990, p. 11).
The species is described as nomadic—
birds will appear in an area, nest for
several years, and then disappear again
(Collar 2016a, unpaginated; Rowden
pers. comm. 2016; Higgins 1999, p. 587;
Juniper and Parr, 1998, p. 366; Forshaw
1989, p. 288; del Hoyo et al. 1997, p.
384). The species is also described as
‘‘irruptive,’’ meaning that it is capable of
building up large numbers in response
to favorable environmental conditions
(Andrew and Palliser 1993, as cited in
Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57; Forshaw 1989,
p. 288). However, in general,
movements or patterns of abundance for
the scarlet-chested parrot are not well
understood (BLI 2016a, unpaginated;
Higgins 1999, p. 587).
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The scarlet-chested parrot is typically
seen in isolated pairs or small groups of
fewer than 10 birds (Forshaw 1989, p.
288), but larger flocks have been
reported outside of the breeding season
(NSW 2014a, unpaginated; Higgins
1999, p. 588; Forshaw 1989, p. 288). Age
at maturity is about 3 years (Garnett &
Crowley 2000a, p. 346), and generation
time is estimated at 4.9 years (BLI
2012a, p. 8). The species breeds mostly
from August through January, but
timing likely depends on rain events
and resultant food availability (BLA
2016a, unpaginated; Collar 2016a,
unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 288).
Woodland and shrubland tree hollows
(e.g., hollows in Eucalyptus species) are
important for nesting and may be a
limiting habitat feature for the scarletchested parrot in some areas (see
Competition for nesting hollows and
food, below). The scarlet-chested parrot
lays four to six eggs on a bed of wood
dust or debris in tree hollows (BLA
2016a, unpaginated; Collar 2016a,
unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 288).
The female incubates the eggs, but both
the male and female rear the young
(AFD 2014, unpaginated, Hutchins and
Lovell, 1985 as cited in Higgins 1999, p.
589). Incubation lasts for about 18 days,
and the nestling period is about 30 days
(Forshaw 1989, p. 288). The species is
thought to raise just one brood per
season (Jarman 1968, p. 118) but may
produce two broods under good
conditions (Sindel and Gill undated as
cited in Higgins 1999, p. 589),
consistent with irruptive species
population ecology.
This species once had a wide
distribution (Juniper and Parr 1998, p.
366) within the drier portions of
southern Australia from the west coast
of Australia to the western portions of
New South Wales (Higgins, 1999, pp.
Today, the population is sparsely
distributed across the arid interior of
southern Australia, ranging from
approximately Kalgoorlie (Western
Australia) to western portions of New
South Wales in the east and as far north
as southern portions of the Northern
Territory (NSW 2014a, unpaginated).
The species is primarily concentrated in
the better vegetated areas of the Great
Victoria Desert located in southwestern
Australia (BLI 2016a, unpaginated;
Juniper and Parr 1998, p. 366).
The estimated distribution of the
scarlet-chested parrot is very large
(262,000 km2 (101,159 mi2); BLI 2016a,
unpaginated). However, there appears to
be a reduction in the extent of the
historical range in the west within the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
vicinity of the Western Australian
goldfields, with just one record from the
west coast since 1854 (Dymond in litt.
2001, as cited in BLI 2016a,
unpaginated). Similarly, reductions
have been noted in the east with fewer
records from New South Wales in the
20th than in the 19th century (BLI
2016a, unpaginated), and no confirmed
records from Victoria since 1995 (Clarke
in litt. 2016).
The scarlet-chested parrot at one
point historically was thought to have
gone extinct, as a result of no sightings
of this species for upwards of 20 to 60
years (Jarman 1968, p. 111; Anon. 1932,
p. 538). The current population has not
been quantified, but it is estimated to be
larger than 10,000 mature individuals
(BLI 2012a, p. 1); and population trends
appear to be stable, with no evidence of
decline in the last 20 years (BLI 2016a,
unpaginated; BLI 2012a, p. 4). The
population does not appear to be
fragmented, and subpopulations can
travel great distances (Snyder et al.
2000, p. 57).
Captive-Bred Specimens
The scarlet-chested parrot is bred in
captivity for the pet trade and may
number between 10,000 and 25,000 held
in captivity in Australia alone (Collar
2016a, unpaginated; Juniper and Parr
1998, p. 366; del Hoyo et al. 1997, p.
384), although estimates of the size of
the captive population after the late
1990s could not be found.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Conservation Status
The scarlet-chested parrot was listed
in CITES Appendix I in 1975, but
transferred to Appendix II in 1977
(UNEP 2011a, unpaginated). The Order
Psittaciformes was listed as a whole in
Appendix II in 1981 (UNEP 2011a,
unpaginated). Listing in CITES
Appendix II allows for regulated
international commercial trade based on
certain findings.
International Union for Conservation
of Nature and Natural Resources
(IUCN)—In 1988, the scarlet-chested
parrot was listed as ‘‘Threatened’’ on the
IUCN Red List of Endangered Species
(BLI 2012a, p. 1). The species was
recategorized as ‘‘Vulnerable’’ in 1994,
to ‘‘Lower Risk’’ in 2000, and to ‘‘Least
Concern’’ in 2004; the status remains at
‘‘Least Concern’’ (BLI 2012a, p. 1).
Commercial exports of the scarletchested parrot from Australia have been
prohibited since 1962; these
prohibitions are now codified in
Australia’s Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
(EPBC Act). The scarlet-chested parrot is
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not included in the EPBC Act’s List of
Threatened Fauna (Australian DEE
2017a, unpaginated). Inclusion on EPBC
Act’s List of Threatened Fauna promotes
recovery via: (1) Conservation advice,
(2) recovery plans, and (3) the EPBC
Act’s assessment and approval
provisions (Australian DEE 2017b). The
scarlet-chested parrot was not included
on the List of Threatened Fauna either
because it was never nominated for
consideration, or if it was nominated, it
was found ineligible by a rigorous
scientific assessment of the species’
threat status (Australian DEE 2017b,
Additionally, the 2000 Action Plan for
Australian Birds (Garnett and Crowley
2000a, p. 346) listed the scarlet-chested
parrot nationally as ‘‘Least Concern,’’
but this designation was removed in the
2010 Action Plan (Garnett et al. 2011,
entire). As such, there is no national
recovery plan for the scarlet-chested
parrot, though recommended actions
were outlined for the species in the
2000 Action Plan (Garnett and Crowley
2000a, p. 346). There was no
justification provided for the removal of
the scarlet-chested parrot from the 2010
Action Plan. Justification was provide
for removal of the turquoise parrot form
the 2010 Action Plan, which noted that
the population was too large to be
considered ‘‘near threatened’’ and that
there was no evidence of a recent
decline (Garnett et al. 2011, p. 429). We
assume that similar criteria were
considered for the removal of the
scarlet-chested parrot from the 2010
Action Plan.
At the state level, the scarlet-chested
parrot is listed as ‘‘Near threatened’’ in
the Northern Territory (NT GOV 2016,
unpaginated), and ‘‘Rare’’ in South
Australia (South Australia 2016,
unpaginated). It does not appear on the
list of threatened fauna in Western
Australia (WAG 2015, unpaginated).
Although sightings are rare in New
South Wales, the State has listed the
scarlet-chested parrot as ‘‘Vulnerable’’
and has identified management actions
for its conservation (NSW 2014a,
unpaginated). The species is currently
listed as ‘‘Threatened’’ in Victoria under
the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
(FFG Act 2016, p. 3; Vic DSE 2013, p.
12), although there have been no
confirmed records there since 1995
(Clarke in litt. 2016).
Additionally, portions of suitable
habitat for the scarlet-chested parrot are
protected. For example, nearly 30
percent of the state of South Australia
is now in the Natural Reserve System,
which includes government reserves,
indigenous protected areas, private
protected areas, and jointly managed
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protected areas (CAPAD 2014,
unpaginated). Reserve lands in South
Australia include portions of the Great
Victoria Desert, a primary concentration
area for the scarlet-chested parrot. Also,
nearly 22 percent of Western Australia,
19 percent of the Northern Territory, 9
percent of New South Wales, and 18
percent of Victoria are part of the
Natural Reserve System (CAPAD 2014,
unpaginated). Because we do not
reliably know the degree to which the
Natural Reserve System protects the
scarlet-chested parrot and its habitat, we
did not rely on these protected areas in
our determination of whether or not the
parrot meets the definition of threatened
or endangered.
Factors Affecting the Scarlet-Chested
The following paragraphs provide a
summary of the past, current, and
potential future stressors for the scarletchested parrot and its habitats. In cases
where the stressors were common to
both the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots, we discuss potential effects to
both parrot species for efficiency.
Land Clearing in Australia
In this section, we consider the term
‘‘land clearing’’ to mean the removal of
Australian native vegetation for
agriculture, development, or other
purposes (COAG 2012, p. 2). Thus, we
consider clearing of the native habitats
occupied by both the scarlet-chested
and turquoise parrots as ‘‘land
clearing,’’ including clearing of forests,
woodlands, scrub- or shrublands, and
grasslands. When Europeans began
colonizing Australia in the late 18th
century, approximately 30 percent of
the continent was covered in forest
(Barson et al. 2000 as cited in Bradshaw
2012, p. 110). Since colonization,
Australia has lost nearly 40 percent of
its forests, and much of the remaining
vegetation is highly fragmented
(Bradshaw 2012, p. 109). In the late 18th
and the early 19th centuries,
deforestation occurred mainly on the
most fertile soils closest to the coast
(Bradshaw 2012, p. 109). Land clearing
continues in more recent timeframes—
with Australia having the sixth highest
annual rate of land clearing in the world
from 1990 to 2000 (Lindenmayer and
Burgman 2005, p. 230).
Although land clearing is listed as a
‘‘key threatening process’’ under the
EPBC Act (Australian DEE 2016a,
unpaginated), the Commonwealth has
no jurisdiction over state actions
(Lindenmayer and Burgman 2005, p.
233). Throughout this document, the
term ‘‘key threatening process’’ means a
‘‘threatening process that threatens or
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
may threaten the survival, abundance or
evolutionary development of a native
species or ecological community’’
(EPBC Act; Australian DEE 2016b,
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Land Clearing and the Scarlet-Chested
Europeans settled Australia’s semiarid or arid landscapes (i.e., areas used
by the scarlet-chested parrot) 150 years
ago (Benson et al. 2001, p. 26).
Determining impacts to the scarletchested parrot from land clearing is not
straightforward, partly because the area
known to be available to the parrot is
large (BLI 2012, p. 1), and the parrot is
capable of traveling great distances
(Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57). Habitat
clearing has caused major losses of the
mallee shrublands used by the scarletchested parrot in some areas, such as in
southern South Australia and
northwestern Victoria, but large
fragments remain (CAPAD 2014,
unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley
2000a, p. 346). Overgrazing by exotic
herbivores (i.e., cattle, sheep, and
rabbits) and resultant vegetation
modification is also attributed to the
decline of many arid-zone birds (Reid
and Fleming, 1992, pp. 65, 80), though
trends for the scarlet-chested parrot are
less discernible due, in part, to their use
of remote desert regions (Garnett 1992
as cited in Reid and Fleming, 1992, p.
74). Clearance and harvesting of mallee
shrublands and Acacia shrublands
affects nest hollow availability (NSW
2014a, unpaginated; Joseph 1988, p.
273), although the extent of the impacts
to the scarlet-chested parrot is
Fire in Australia
Fire is an essential component of
Australia’s natural environment. The
indigenous people of Australia learned
to live in a fire-prone environment and
used fire as a primary land management
tool (Whelan et al. 2006, p. 1). When
early Europeans arrived, they feared and
fought bushfires (wildfires) but used
managed fires to clear native vegetation
for agriculture (Whelan et al. 2006, p. 1).
Today, land managers use fire for
biodiversity conservation, to promote
pasture production, and for the
protection of life, property, and other
assets (e.g., to manage fuel loads and
prevent wildfire) (Whelan et al. 2006, p.
1). Fire is also an important process in
the formation of tree hollows used for
nesting species, such as the scarletchested parrot. Australia lacks primary
tree excavator species, such as
woodpeckers, so hollows are generally
started by fire or limb loss, and hollow
formation continues over long time
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periods via invertebrates, fungi, or
bacteria (Haslem et al. 2012, p. 213).
Altered Fire Regimes and the ScarletChested Parrot
Frequency, extent, and intensity of
wildfires appear to be increasing across
most of the scarlet-chested parrot’s
range (see Climate change in Australia,
below). The role these increases play in
the ecology of the scarlet-chested parrot
is difficult to discern. The scarletchested parrot uses and prefers recently
burned and regenerating areas for forage
(Collar 2016a, unpaginated; BLA 2012,
unpaginated; del Hoyo et al., 1997 p.
384; Robinson et al. 1990, p. 11).
However, altered fire regimes (e.g., more
frequent fire intervals) have probably
been detrimental in some areas (BLI
2016a, unpaginated; Collar 2016a,
unpaginated; NSW 2014a, unpaginated;
Garnett and Crowley 2000a, p. 346).
Woodland birds of the mallee
shrublands, occupied by the scarletchested parrot in a large portion of its
range, are sensitive to altered fire
regimes (Clarke in litt. 2016). Timesince-fire (and resultant older vegetation
stages) are important variables for
species richness (Taylor et al. 2012,
entire) and occupancy (Clarke in litt.
2016, Brown et al. 2009, entire; Clarke
et al. 2005, pp. 174, 178, 179) in mallee
Long fire-free periods are important in
the formation of tree hollows (Haslem et
al. 2012, entire), which the parrots
depend upon for breeding. Mid- to latesuccessional stages of vegetation (greater
than 20 years) are important to many
bird species in semi-arid shrublands in
southeastern Australia (Watson et al.
2012, p. 685). More frequent fire
intervals can prevent these stages from
In summary, although habitat loss and
degradation has occurred in the arid and
semi-arid habitat occupied by the
scarlet-chested parrot over the last 150
years, the degree to which land clearing
for agriculture, overgrazing by
introduced herbivores and altered fire
regimes have acted on, are presently
acting on, or will act on the scarletchested parrot in the foreseeable future,
is difficult to assess. Mallee shrublands
in southern South Australia and
northwestern Victoria have been lost,
but large fragments remain (CAPAD
2014, unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley
2000a, p. 346). Availability of nest
hollows in the dwindling mallee
shrublands is a concern over the long
term (Joseph 1988, p. 273). Although
habitat destruction and modification is
a likely stressor for the scarlet-chested
parrot, we do not consider it to be a
major stressor to the species throughout
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its entire range now or in the foreseeable
future because the scarlet-chested parrot
has evolved in dynamic environmental
conditions, the area available to the
parrot is large, and the parrot is capable
of traveling great distances.
Illegal Collection and Trade (for Both
Scarlet-Chested and Turquoise Parrots)
Trapping or nest robbing of scarletchested and turquoise parrots for the
caged bird industry may have been a
significant stressor in the past (NSW
2014a&b, unpaginated; Higgins 1999,
pp. 587 & 576), but current rates of
trapping are unknown. It may no longer
be much of a stressor because these
species are readily captive-bred and
kept in large numbers (Garnett 1992 as
cited in Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57).
However, if illegal trapping is still
occurring, it could be significant in
some areas if only a small number of
birds are present (NSW 2014a,
unpaginated). For example, the scarletchested parrot was the subject of illegal
bird trappers at Gluepot Reserve in
eastern South Australia in the 1970s,
where there may be a small resident
population (MacKenzie in litt. 2016).
Additionally, practices used in illegal
trapping can destroy nest hollows (NSW
2014b, unpaginated; Baker-Gabb 2011,
p. 10). Both the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parrots are still thought to be
illegally trapped at some level (NSW
2014a&b, unpaginated), but trapping is
no longer thought to be a major stressor
(Garnett 1992 as cited in Snyder et al.
2000, p. 57; Joseph 1988, p. 274).
Legislation by the states within these
species’ range prohibits, or limits by
permit, the capture of these species from
the wild (See Existing regulatory
mechanisms, below). Legitimate state
permit holders (such as zoos, breeders,
or pet shops) must prove that they are
qualified to care for the animals and
keep detailed records in a logbook
(Barry 2011, unpaginated). However, the
limited permissions for removal of
wildlife and associated recordkeeping
are, at times, abused. A practice called
‘‘leaving the book open’’ is a common
way to launder wildlife—where permit
holders sometimes head to the bush to
replace a permitted animal that died, or
pass off a wild animal as captive-bred
(Barry 2011, unpaginated). Although
there are thousands of state wildlife
permit infringements and seizures each
year in Australia, only a small number
go to court (e.g., as few as 12 cases per
year), and punishments across the states
vary (Barry 2011, unpaginated). Under
Australian Federal law, maximum fines
for wildlife permit violations are
$110,000 AUS ($83,194 US) and 10
years in prison, but across the states,
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penalties range from $220,000 AUS
($158,824 US) and 2 years jail in New
South Wales to $10,000 AUS ($7,563
US) and no jail time in Western
Australia (Barry 2011, unpaginated).
International trade in wild-caught
specimens is strictly limited by
domestic regulation (in Australia) and
through additional national and
international treaties and laws (See
Existing regulatory mechanisms, below).
However, the fact that so many species
of native Australian birds have appeared
overseas during the years of prohibition
is evidence that some smuggling has
been successful (Parliament of Australia
2016, unpaginated).
Despite domestic and international
protections for wild birds, captive-bred
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots are
widely available, and their market value
is relatively low compared to other
species of parrots, especially for birds
sold in Australia. Scarlet-chested
parrots sold in Australia are valued at
approximately $20 to $50 AUS ($15 to
$38 US) (Findads.com 2016,
unpaginated). Prices for scarlet-chested
parrots in the United States are
approximately five times higher, or
more—approximately $99 to $165 AUS
($75 to $125 US) (Hoobly Classifieds
2016, unpaginated). Market value for
turquoise parrots is lower—
approximately $15 AUS ($11 US) for
birds sold in Australia and $50 AUS
($38 US) for birds sold overseas
(Parliament of Australia 2016,
Levels of Legal International Trade (for
the Scarlet-Chested Parrot)
Between 1980 and 2014, there were
very few wild scarlet-chested parrots in
trade. There were 22,612 recorded
exports of the species in international
trade (19,337 recorded as imports). Of
these, only 32 specimens were recorded
as exports from Australia (7 recorded as
imported). With few exceptions,
specimens in trade were captive-bred
for the pet trade. Within this same time
period there were 295 recorded imports
(and 168 recorded exports) to the United
States. Of those imports, 23 specimens
were confiscated by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (UNEP 2016a).
In summary, poaching for the pet
trade may be occurring at a low level
that is not likely to affect wild
populations. Small, possibly resident,
subpopulations may face some risk from
poaching, but we are not aware of any
significant poaching since the 1970s.
Nor are we aware of any information
indicating that overutilization for
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes is a stressor to the scarletchested parrot.
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Disease (for Scarlet-Chested and
Turquoise Parrots)
Information regarding diseases and
their potential effect to wild scarletchested and turquoise parrots is limited.
Psittacine beak and feather disease
(PBFD) is a viral disease that occurs in
a fatal form and a chronic form in both
old and new world parrots (Fogell et al.
2016, pp. 2059 and 2060). In 2001,
PBFD was listed as a ‘‘key threatening
process affecting endangered psittacine
species’’ (Peters et al. 2014, p. 289;
Australian DEH 2004, unpaginated).
Cases of PBFD are pervasive in
Australia, having been reported in more
than 61 psittacine species (Australian
DEH 2004, unpaginated).
The virus particularly affects
juveniles or young adults, but all ages
are susceptible (Australian DEH 2004,
unpaginated). The chronic form of PBFD
results in feather, beak, and skin
abnormalities, with most birds
eventually dying (Australian DEH 2004,
unpaginated). Symptoms of the acute
form of PBFD include feather
abnormalities and diarrhea, with death
likely within 1 to 2 weeks (Australian
DEH 2004, unpaginated). PBFD is
readily transmitted through contact with
contaminated feces, feather dust, crop
secretions, surfaces, or objects (Gerlach
1994 as cited in Ritchie et al. 2003,
p.109) and can also be passed directly
from a female to her young (Fogell et al.
2016, p. 2060).
PBFD can probably survive for many
years in tree hollows and other nest
sites (Australian DEH 2004,
unpaginated). To date, the disease has
not been reported for the scarlet-chested
or turquoise parrots (Fogell et al. 2016,
pp. 2063–2065), but recent phylogenetic
analyses of the virus indicate that all
endangered Australian psittacine birds
are susceptible to, and equally likely to
be infected by, the disease (Raidal et al.
2015, p. 466). PBFD may be less of a
danger to larger, non-threatened
populations of Australian psittacine
species because they are generally better
able to sustain losses to the disease, and
individuals that survive infection
develop immunity (Australian DEH
2004, unpaginated). Because PBFD is so
pervasive in Australia, scarlet-chested
and turquoise parrots are likely
susceptible, but population sizes (i.e.,
approximately 10,000 scarlet-chested
and 20,000 turquoise parrots) may
provide some resiliency from the
Predation From Non-Native Cats and
Foxes in Australia
Nonnative cats (Felis catus) were
introduced and became established soon
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after European settlement and are now
found throughout mainland Australia
(Australian DEE 2015, p. 7). Predation
by feral cats was identified as a key
threatening process in 1999 (Australian
DEE 2015, p. 5). In response, a feral cat
threat abatement plan was developed by
the Australian Government in 2008, and
the most recent plan was published in
2015. It establishes a national
framework for cat control, research,
management, and other actions needed
to ensure the long-term survival of
native species and ecological
communities affected by feral cats
(Australian DEE 2015, p. 5).
The non-native European red fox
(Vulpes vulpes) was introduced in the
mid-1800s and now occupies much of
mainland Australia (Australian
DSEWP&C 2010, unpaginated),
including the range of the scarletchested and turquoise parrots. Predation
by the European red fox is listed by the
Australian Government as a key
threatening process in 1999 (Australian
DEE 2015, p. 5). In response, the
Australian Government developed a
threat abatement plan that outlines
conventional control techniques such as
shooting, poisoning, and fencing as well
as research and management actions
(Australian DSEWP&C 2010,
unpaginated). To date, it is not known
if these efforts are resulting in a
reduction in these predators.
Predation and the Scarlet-Chested
Predation by feral cats and European
red foxes could be a stressor for the
scarlet-chested parrot, but the degree of
predation is not known. Both the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrot
were assessed as ‘‘high risk’’ from these
predators within the rangeland
environment in the Western Division of
New South Wales based on variables
such as predator density, body weight,
habitat use, and behavior (Dickman et
al. 1996, p. 249). The Western Division
of New South Wales represents the
eastern edge of the current distribution
of the scarlet-chested parrot.
Additionally, the night parrot
(Pezoporus occidentalis), which shares
some habitat (Triodia grass) with the
scarlet-chested parrot, may have
experienced a decline partly due to
nonnative predators such as foxes and
cats (Joseph 1988, p. 274). Lastly, the
provisioning of water for livestock has
made some areas that were, perhaps,
once too dry for these predators more
hospitable. However, we did not find
any information indicating that
predation by foxes and cats is affecting
the scarlet-chested parrot.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Competition for Nesting Hollows and
Competition for suitable nest hollows
has the potential to limit reproductive
success by limiting the number of pairs
that can breed, or by causing nest
mortality as a result of competitive
interactions. All but four species of
Australian parrots are dependent on tree
hollows for nesting (Forshaw 1990, p.
58), and at least 14 species of parrots are
known to use mallee shrublands
(Schodde, 1990, p. 61). Availability of
nest hollows in the dwindling mallee
shrublands is a concern over the long
term (Joseph 1988, p. 273).
Additionally, the provisioning of water
for livestock in semi-arid and arid
rangelands may have caused increases
and competitive advantage (e.g., for food
and nest hollows) to more waterdependent parrots (Collar 2016a,
unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley
2000a, p. 346; del Hoyo et al., 1997, p.
384). National legislation, policy, and
strategic management plans are in place
to protect hollow-bearing trees in
Australia; however, prioritization and
implementation of actions at the local
level may be limited or lacking (Treby
et al. 2014, entire).
In summary, disease, predation, and
competition are all potential stressors
for the scarlet-chested parrot. Although
PBFD has not been confirmed in the
scarlet-chested parrot, it is likely
susceptible to the disease at some level.
We are not aware of other diseases or
pathogens that affect the wild
population. Predation and competition
may be occurring at low levels. Disease,
predation, and competition do not
appear to be significant stressors to the
species because populations of the
scarlet-chested parrot appear to be
stable with an estimated 10,000
individuals and no evidence of decline
in the past 20 years.
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Existing Regulatory Mechanisms (for
Both Scarlet-Chested and Turquoise
In Australia, legislation from all states
within these species’ range prohibits, or
limits by permit, the capture of the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots
from the wild. Commercial exports of
these species from Australia have been
banned since 1962. The prohibition is
now codified under the EPBC Act.
Individuals who violate this act, for
example to export native species for
commercial reasons, can face serious
penalties, such as lengthy imprisonment
and hefty fines.
These species are listed in Appendix
II of CITES (50 CFR 23.91). CITES, an
international agreement between
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governments, ensures that the
international trade of CITES-listed
plants and animals does not threaten the
survival of the species in the wild.
Under this treaty, CITES Parties regulate
the import, export, and reexport of
specimens, parts, and products of
CITES-listed plants and animals (CITES
2016, unpaginated). Trade must be
authorized through a system of permits
and certificates that are provided by the
designated CITES Scientific and
Management Authorities of each CITES
Party (CITES 2016, unpaginated). The
United States implements CITES
through the Act and our implementing
regulations at 50 CFR part 23. It is
unlawful for any person subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States to
engage in any trade in any specimens
contrary to the provisions of CITES, or
to possess any specimens traded
contrary to the provisions of CITES, the
Act, or part 23. Protections for CITESlisted species are provided
independently of whether a species is a
threatened species or endangered
species under the Act.
In the United States, the scarletchested and turquoise parrots are
currently listed as endangered and
protected by the Act. Conservation
measures provided to species listed as
endangered or threatened under the Act
include recognition, requirements for
Federal protection, and prohibitions
against certain practices. Recognition
through listing results in public
awareness, and encourages and results
in conservation actions by Federal and
State governments, private agencies and
interest groups, and individuals.
Section 7(a) of the Act, as amended,
and as implemented by regulations at 50
CFR part 402, requires Federal agencies
to evaluate their actions that are to be
conducted within the United States or
upon the high seas, with respect to any
species that is proposed to be listed or
is listed as endangered or threatened.
Specifically, section 7(a)(2) requires
Federal agencies to ensure those actions
they authorize, fund, or carry out are not
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of a listed species or to
destroy or adversely modify its critical
habitat. However, because foreign
species are not native to the United
States, critical habitat is not designated.
Regulations implementing the
interagency cooperation provision of the
Act are codified at 50 CFR part 402.
Section 8(a) of the Act authorizes the
provision of limited financial assistance
for the development and management of
programs that the Secretary of the
Interior determines to be necessary or
useful for the conservation of
endangered or threatened species in
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foreign countries. Sections 8(b) and 8(c)
of the Act authorize the Secretary to
encourage conservation programs for
foreign listed species, and to provide
assistance for such programs, in the
form of personnel and the training of
Section 9(a)(1) of the Act and our
implementing regulations set forth a
series of general prohibitions and
exceptions that apply to all endangered
wildlife. These prohibitions, at 50 CFR
17.21, in part, make it illegal for any
person subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States to ‘‘take’’ (includes harass,
harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill,
trap, capture, or to attempt any of these)
within the United States or upon the
high seas; import or export; deliver,
receive, carry, transport, or ship in
interstate or foreign commerce, by any
means whatsoever, in the course of
commercial activity; or sell or offer for
sale in interstate or foreign commerce
any endangered wildlife species. It also
is illegal to possess, sell, deliver, carry,
transport, or ship any such wildlife that
has been taken in violation of the Act.
Certain exceptions apply to agents of the
Service and State conservation agencies.
Under section 10 of the Act, permits
may be issued to carry out otherwise
prohibited activities involving
endangered species under certain
circumstances. Regulations governing
permits are codified at 50 CFR 17.22 for
endangered species. With regard to
endangered wildlife, a permit may be
issued for the following purposes: for
scientific purposes, to enhance the
propagation or survival of the species
and for incidental take in connection
with otherwise lawful activities.
Two other laws in the United States
apart from the Act provide protection
from the illegal import of wild-caught
birds into the United States: the Wild
Bird Conservation Act (WBCA) and the
Lacey Act. The WBCA was passed in
1992 to ensure that exotic bird species
are not harmed by international trade
and to encourage wild bird conservation
programs in countries of origin. Under
the WBCA and our implementing
regulations (50 CFR 15.11), it is
unlawful to import into the United
States any exotic bird species listed
under CITES except under certain
circumstances. The U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service may issue permits to
allow import of listed birds for scientific
research, zoological breeding or display,
cooperative breeding, or personal pet
purposes when the applicant meets
certain criteria (50 CFR 15.22–15.25).
All Neophema are protected under the
allows import into the United States of
captive-bred birds of certain species
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
included in the WBCA Approved List
(50 CFR 15.33), such as scarlet-chested
and turquoise parrots, which meet the
following criteria (50 CFR 15.31):
(a) All specimens of the species
known to be in trade (legal or illegal)
must be captive bred;
(b) No specimens of the species may
be removed from the wild for
commercial purposes;
(c) Any importation of the species
must not be detrimental to the survival
of the species in the wild; and
(d) Adequate enforcement controls
must be in place to ensure compliance
with paragraphs (a) through (c).
The Lacey Act was originally passed
in 1900 and was the first Federal law
protecting wildlife. Today, it provides
civil and criminal penalties for the
illegal trade of animals and plants.
Under the Lacey Act, in part, it is
unlawful to import, export, transport,
sell, receive, acquire, or purchase any
fish, or wildlife taken, possessed,
transported, or sold: (1) In violation of
any law, treaty, or regulation of the
United States or in violation of any
Indian tribal law, or (2) in interstate or
foreign commerce any fish or wildlife
taken, possessed, transported, or sold in
violation of any law or regulation of any
State or in violation of any foreign law.
Therefore, for example, because the take
of wild-caught Australian parrots would
be in violation of Australia’s EPBC Act,
the subsequent import of such parrots
would be in violation of the Lacey Act.
Similarly, under the Lacey Act it is
unlawful to import, export, transport,
sell, receive, acquire, or purchase
specimens of these species traded
contrary to CITES.
In this section, we reviewed the
existing regulatory mechanisms
governing collection and trade of wild
scarlet-chested parrots. While we note
the conservation measures that would
no longer be in place under the Act as
a result of a delisting, such as the
prohibitions on take within the United
States or on the high seas, and import,
export, or re-export into or out of the
United States, we did not rely on the
conservation measures provided by a
listing under the Act in reaching our
determination of whether or not the
species meets the definition of
threatened or endangered. As described
above, the EPBC Act (which controls
commercial export), Lacey Act, CITES,
and WBCA all provide protection to
scarlet-chested parrots that minimize or
eliminate threats from trade to the
species independently of the listing of
the species under the Act. Thus, we do
not expect declines in the species due
to the removal of the protections of the
Act. As discussed under the other
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sections in Factors Affecting the ScarletChested Parrot, we do not find major
stressors adversely affecting the species
or its habitat. Thus, it is reasonable to
conclude that the regulatory
mechanisms addressing these potential
stressors are adequate at protecting the
species at a domestic and global level.
Small Population Size
We discussed the nomadic behavior
and the irruptive species population
ecology of the scarlet-chested parrot in
the Biology section above and noted that
the species can experience range
contractions and low numbers (Runge et
al. 2014, pp. 870, 874). Although the
current population has not been
quantified, it is estimated to be larger
than 10,000 mature individuals (BLI
2012a, p. 1); and population trends
appear to be stable, with no evidence of
decline in the last 20 years (BLI 2016a,
unpaginated; BLI 2012a, p. 4). Because
the scarlet-chested parrot can
experience large range contractions and
low numbers, we considered whether
small population size in combination
with other stressors might act as a
stressor to the species. Small
populations are generally at greater risk
of extinction from habitat loss,
predation, disease, loss of genetic
diversity, and stochastic (random)
environmental events such as wildfire
and floods.
Species that naturally occur in low
densities, however, are not necessarily
in danger of extinction merely by virtue
of their rarity. Many naturally rare
species have persisted for long periods,
and many naturally rare species exhibit
traits (e.g., nomadic behavior and
irruptive species population ecology of
the scarlet-chested parrot) that allow
them to persist despite their small
population sizes. Consequently, the fact
that a species is rare or has small
populations alone does not indicate that
it may be in danger of extinction now
or in the foreseeable future. Additional
information beyond rarity is needed to
determine whether the species may
warrant listing. In the absence of
information identifying stressors to the
species and linking those stressors to
the rarity of the species or a declining
status, we do not consider rarity alone
to be a threat. Further, a species that has
always had small population sizes or
has always been rare, yet continues to
survive, could be well-equipped to
continue to exist into the future.
We considered specific potential
stressors that may affect or exacerbate
rarity or small population size for the
scarlet-chested parrot. Although low
genetic diversity could occur with some
small populations, the scarlet-chested
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parrot population is not known to be
fragmented (Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57).
We are not aware of any genetic studies
on the scarlet-chested parrot and have
no evidence that low genetic diversity is
a problem for the species. Additionally,
the scarlet-chested parrot is capable of
building up large numbers in response
to favorable environmental conditions,
and has historically survived changes to
its habitat, including wildfire and other
stochastic events.
In summary, the best available
information does not indicate that lack
of genetic variability and reduced
fitness is acting on the scarlet-chested
parrot now or will do so in the future.
Global Climate Change
Described in general terms, ‘‘climate’’
refers to the mean and variability of
different types of weather conditions
over a long period of time, which may
be reported as decades, centuries, or
thousands of years. The term ‘‘climate
change’’ thus refers to a change in the
mean or variability of one or more
measures of climate (e.g., temperature,
precipitation) that persists for an
extended period, typically decades or
longer, whether the change is due to
natural variability, human activity, or
both (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change; (IPCC 2007, p. 78).
Various types of changes in climate can
have direct or indirect effects on
species, and these may be positive or
negative depending on the species and
other relevant considerations, such as
the effects of interactions with nonclimate conditions (e.g., habitat
fragmentation). We use our expert
judgment to weigh information,
including uncertainty, in our
consideration of various aspects of
climate change that are relevant to the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots.
Global climate change predictions
include increases in intensity and/or
duration of heat waves and droughts, as
well as greater numbers of heavy
precipitation events (IPCC 2013, p. 7).
Climate Change in Australia
Over the last century, Australia has
experienced an average increase of 1.0
°C (1.8 °F), with the most pronounced
and rapid warming occurring in eastern
Australia from the 1950s to the present
(Nicholls 2006 as cited in Bradshaw
2012, p. 116). Along with this warming,
there has been an increased frequency of
hot days and nights, and a decrease in
cold days and nights (Deo 2011 as cited
in Bradshaw 2012, p. 116). Rainfall
patterns have shifted over this period,
with decreased rainfall in the
southeastern and southwestern regions
and increases in the northwest (Nicholls
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and Lavery 1992 as cited in Bradshaw
2012, p. 116). An increase in annual
total rainfall of approximately 15
percent was experienced in New South
Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and
the Northern Territory, with little
change in the other states (Hughes 2003,
p. 424). In eastern Australia, since 1973,
drought periods are becoming hotter
(Nicholls 2004 as cited in Bradshaw
2012, p. 116).
Climate change projections for
Australia show significant vulnerability
to changes in temperature and rainfall.
The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
identified agriculture and natural
resources as two key sectors likely to be
strongly affected (Stokes et al. 2008, p.
41). Temperatures in Australia are
projected to increase by 1–5 °C (1.8–9
°F), depending on location and the
emissions scenarios. The most warming
is projected for the dry interior of the
continent, particularly for the northwest
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Accompanying these temperature
increases will be an increase in the
frequency of hot days and warm nights
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Rainfall projections for Australia are
less reliable with some dryer and wetter
trends predicted within a large range of
uncertainty (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Projections focusing on median rainfall
show a general pattern of drying across
the continent, with the strongest drying
trends in the southwest and the weakest
in the east (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Seasonal rainfall is expected to be
reduced in winter and spring in the
south. Rainfall intensity is expected to
increase in most of the country,
particularly in the north (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41). Frequency in the incidence
of drought is also expected to increase—
with up to 40 percent more droughts
predicted for eastern Australia and 80
percent more droughts in the southwest
by 2070 (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Climate Change and the Scarlet-Chested
Based on the information for Australia
above, climate patterns over the last
century within the known range of the
scarlet-chested parrot included: (1)
Increased average temperature of 1.0 °C
(1.8 °F) (Nicholls 2006 as cited in
Bradshaw 2012, p. 116); (2) increased
frequency of hot days and warm nights
(Deo 2011 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p.
116); (3) decreased rainfall in the
southeastern and southwestern regions
(Nicholls and Lavery 1992 as cited in
Bradshaw 2012, p. 116); and (4)
increased annual total rainfall of
approximately 15 percent in South
Australia, New South Wales, the
Northern Territory and Victoria (Hughes
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2003, p. 424). Similarly, a summary of
climate projections for areas within the
known range of the scarlet-chested
parrot includes: (1) Temperature
increase of 1–5 °C (1.8–9 °F) with most
warming in the dry interior (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41); (2) increases in the
frequency of hot days and warm nights
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41); (3) a large
range of uncertainty for rainfall, but
(using median rainfall) a general pattern
of drying, with less rain in the spring
and winter in the south, and increased
intensity of rain, particularly in the
north (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41); and (4)
increased frequency and intensity of
drought (up to 40 percent in eastern
areas and 80 percent in the southwest
by 2070) (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Habitats used by the scarlet-chested
parrot will respond differently to
projected warmer and drier conditions
and the variable rain predictions.
Habitats such as woodland areas used
by the scarlet-chested parrot that do not
receive adequate rain to produce needed
fuels may actually see a decrease in fire
frequency (Bradstock 2010, p. 145).
However, fire frequency is likely to
increase in areas with ample fuel and
connectivity, such as hummock grasses
interspersed with shrubs including
mallee shrubland (Garnett et al. 2013a,
p. 16).
Although there is still some
variability in climate change predictions
for Australia, the increased warming
and frequency and/or intensity of
droughts are of concern for the scarletchested parrot and its habitats; however,
the information at this time is too
speculative for us to draw conclusions
as to the scale and timing of any effects.
Two recent studies analyzed the
capacity of woodland birds in dry
woodlands and riparian areas in
southeastern Australia to resist the
pressures of extended drought and then
recover once drought conditions abated
(Selwood et al. 2015, entire; Bennet et
al. 2014, entire). Overall, these studies
indicated long-term decline in the face
of more frequent and extended droughts
in southeastern Australia (Selwood et
al. 2015, entire; Bennet et al. 2014,
A recent climate-change-adaptation
model using a ‘‘Business as Usual’’
projection (i.e., the ‘‘worst-case’’
scenario with increasing greenhouse
gasses through time), predicted that the
distribution of climate, similar to that
currently used by the species, may
contract to approximately one third of
its current range by 2085, shifting
suitable habitat to more southerly
portions of Western Australia and South
Australia (Garnett et al. 2013b,
interactive model results). Although the
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model does well to incorporate speciesspecific traits, it also includes a number
of uncertainties that may limit its
predictive power (Garnett et al. 2013,
pp. 76–77). Basic model assumptions
such as that trends into the future will
follow simple linear extrapolations of
existing relationships, and assumptions
regarding (scaled down) projected
climate change itself, may limit its
accuracy (Garnett et al. 2013, pp. 76–
77). Given the variability in the existing
climate and uncertainties in modelling,
it can be concluded that climate change
does not pose a substantial threat to the
species in the next 50 years based on
current knowledge (Garnett in litt.
The scarlet-chested parrot has evolved
in a landscape where environmental
conditions are dynamic, and its
nomadic strategies may help it to
recover from periods of range
contraction and low numbers (Runge et
al. 2014, pp. 870, 874), but too rapid an
environmental change (e.g., from
climate change effects) may outpace the
species’ abilities to respond to spatial
and temporal shifts (Runge et al. 2014,
pp. 870, 874).
In summary, effects from past and
predicted climate change are difficult to
assess for the scarlet-chested parrot.
Because it is adapted to dry habitat, the
parrot would likely fare better than
more water-dependent birds in times of
drought. However, within areas of
increased rainfall, vegetation shifts may
occur, fuel loads and wildfire risk may
be altered, and competition with waterdependent species may increase.
Although long-term range contraction
was indicated in the climate-changeadaptation model (Garnett et al. 2013b,
interactive model results), there are
uncertainties in the model and
variability in the climate data on which
it relies. Due to species’ adaptability to
arid landscapes and ability to travel
great distances, climate change is not
likely to be a major stressor for the
scarlet-chested parrot, within the next
50 years.
Turquoise Parrot
Summary of Status Review
Taxonomy—Please see Taxonomy
section above, which includes
taxonomy for both the scarlet-chested
and turquoise parrots.
Species Description
The turquoise parrot is a relatively
small, colorful parrot found in eastern
and southeastern Australia. Adult size is
approximately 20–22 cm (7.9–8.7 in) in
length (Higgins 1999, p. 573). Adult
coloration is primarily bright green
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above with bright yellow below, with a
bright blue face and shoulder patch.
Males are distinguished from females by
a small red shoulder band or patch and
more blue on the face; the red shoulder
patch and blue facial coloration of
juvenile males is less extensive than
that of adult males (BLA 2016b,
unpaginated; NSW 2014b & 2009,
unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p. 573; Quin
and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 3; Jarman 1973,
p. 240).
The turquoise parrot occurs in many
parts of eastern and southeastern
Australia, particularly the foothills of
the Great Dividing Range (NSW 2009,
unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley
2000b, p. 345; Juniper and Parr 1988, p.
365). Typical habitat is hill country
including woodlands, open forest, and
timbered grasslands (Collar 2016b,
unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 286).
Within this habitat, the parrot prefers
the transition zones between open and
closed areas, such as the edges of
woodland adjoining grasslands and treelined creeks (Collar 2016, unpaginated;
Forshaw 1989, p. 286).
The turquoise parrot tends to feed on
or near the ground (BLA 2016b,
unpaginated; Higgins 1999b, p. 574;
Quin and Reid 1996, p. 250), usually
under the cover of trees (NSW 2014b,
unpaginated; Higgins 1999b, p. 574).
The species also feeds in farmland,
mainly pasture with remnant trees
(Higgins 1999, p. 574). The turquoise
parrot must have access to drinking
water (Jarman 1973, p. 239), and its
habitat usually receives more than 38
cm (15 in) of annual rainfall (Jarman
1973, p. 240). The species feeds on a
generalized diet of seeds from grasses,
herbaceous plants, and shrubs; it also
feeds on flowers, nectar, fruit, leaves,
and scale-insects (NSW 2009,
unpaginated; Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 15). Turquoise parrots can
exploit disturbed environments and use
a variety of colonizing plants as food
sources (Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p.
27). The turquoise parrot eats from both
native and non-native plants, and
researchers credit its ability to partially
adapt to modified habitats as
contributing to its recovery (Quin 1990
as cited in Quin and Reid 1996, p. 253).
Type and quality of the pasture land
used for food is important. Although the
species can use partially modified
habitats, use of highly modified
habitats, such as ‘‘highly improved’’
pasture, is less likely. Improved
pastures, in general, are sown with a
proportion of non-native plant species
to promote productive growth of both
the pasture and grazing animals.
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Introduced non-native pasture species
are usually grasses, in combination with
legumes. In a study of the species near
Chiltern, a town bordering the hill
country in northeast Victoria, almost all
habitat types in forest and unimproved
pasture were potentially useful for
feeding in at least one season. However,
use of highly improved pasture and
cropped land was rare (Quin and BakerGabb 1993, p. 15).
The turquoise parrot is usually seen
in pairs, in small groups, or, in flocks of
up to 30 birds (NSW 2014b,
unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p. 574; Quin
and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 16). Rarer
sightings of larger flocks of 100 to 200
birds have also been reported (Higgins
1999, p. 574; Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 16).The species is described as
mainly sedentary or resident with some
post-breeding movement from
woodland to pastures (Juniper and Parr
1998, p. 366), and some sporadic local
movement, likely related to rainfall (del
Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 383). The turquoise
parrot disperses mostly less than 10
kilometers (km) (6.2 miles (mi)), using
the protection of treed corridors for
dispersal (NSW 2009, unpaginated). The
turquoise parrot reaches maturity at
about 3 years of age (Garnett and
Crowley 2000b, p. 345).
The species breeds in pairs primarily
from August to January with some
nesting noted in February, and even
from April to May (Collar 2016b,
unpaginated; Quin in litt. 2016; Juniper
and Parr 1988, p. 366; del Hoyo et al.
1997, p. 383). Four to five eggs, and less
commonly, six or seven eggs, are laid in
hollows of trees, stumps, fallen logs, or
even fence posts (Collar 2016b,
unpaginated; Quin in litt. 2016; Garnett
and Crowley 2000b, p. 345; del Hoyo et
al. 1997, p. 383; Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 9; Forshaw 1989, p. 286;
Juniper and Parr 1988, p. 366; Jarman,
1973, p. 241), often within
approximately 1–2 meters (m) (3–6 feet
(ft)) of the ground (NSW 2009,
unpaginated; Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 9). The female incubates the
eggs and is fed by the male during
incubation; both parents rear the chicks
(BLA 2016b, unpaginated). In some
areas, the species will have two clutches
per year (BLA 2016b, unpaginated; NSW
2009, unpaginated; Juniper and Parr
1998, p. 366). Incubation lasts about 18–
20 days, followed by a nestling period
of about 30 days (NSW 2009,
unpaginated; Juniper and Parr 1998, p.
366; del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 383). After
fledging, juveniles remain dependent on
their parents for at least 1 week, and
continue to be fed by the male while the
female begins a second clutch (NSW
2009, unpaginated). Breeding
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productivity is estimated at 2.8 young
per successful nest (NSW 2009,
A little more than a century ago, the
turquoise parrot was common through
many parts of eastern Australia, ranging
from eastern Queensland to southcentral Victoria (Higgins 1999, p. 575;
Jarman 1973, p. 239), though it is
unknown whether the historical range
was continuous (Jarman 1973, p. 240).
Between 1880 and 1920, the species
went through a major population crash
with associated contractions in its range
(Quin and Reid 1966, p. 250; see below).
Although the turquoise parrot is still
not found in central Queensland, it is
now distributed through much of its
former range, from southeastern
Queensland through eastern New South
Wales and into Victoria (west to
Bendigo, Victoria) (del Hoyo et al. 1997,
p. 383; Juniper and Parr 1989, pp. 365–
366). The species’ distribution is not
continuous but rather occurs in patches
of suitable habitat throughout this
broader range (Tzaros 2016,
unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 286).
Based on distribution and density
information (Barret et al. 2003 as cited
in NSW 2009, unpaginated), about 90
percent of the population is thought to
occur in New South Wales (NSW 2009,
The reasons for the turquoise parrot
population crash between 1880 and
1920 are not fully understood. Likely
contributing factors included: (1)
Habitat loss from European settlement,
including competition for food (grasses)
from grazing livestock and rabbits, (2)
an intense period of drought from 1895
to 1902, and (3) trapping for the pet
trade (Tzaros 2016, unpaginated; del
Hoyo 1997, p. 383; Juniper and Parr
1989, p. 365). Some have also suggested
that disease may have played a role
because of the steep decline in numbers
(Collar 2016b, unpaginated, Tzaros
2016, unpaginated; Quin and BakerGabb 1993, p. 3; Morse and Sullivan
1930, p. 289), but there is no evidence
that disease was a factor. Other potential
factors were predation by the non-native
European red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and
feral cats (Felis catus) and
indiscriminate shooting (Tzaros 2016,
The return of the turquoise parrot to
portions of its former range was
reported by the 1930s and 1940s (BLA
2016b, unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p.
575), though it did not reappear in
Victoria until the 1950s (Tzaros 2016,
unpaginated). By the time we listed the
species as endangered under the Act in
1970, recovery was continuing and the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
parrot was generally considered rare
(Smith 1978 and IUCN 1966 & 1981 as
cited in Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p.
3). Further recovery during the 1970s
and 1980s was, in part, attributed to the
removal of livestock from reserve lands
in northeastern Victoria (Quin and
Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 3). Increases in
both numbers and range were apparent
in Victoria by the mid to late 1980s,
though the species was still regarded as
rare (Traill 1988, p. 267). The global
population of turquoise parrots is
currently estimated at 20,000
individuals (BLI 2012b, p. 1; Garnet and
Crowley 2000b, p. 345; Juniper and Parr,
p. 366) and appears to be stable with
increases reported in some areas (BLI
2016b, unpaginated; Garnett & Crowley
2000b, p. 345).
Captive-Bred Specimens
The turquoise parrot is bred in
captivity for the pet trade with about
8,000 held in captivity in Australia
(Juniper and Parr 1998, p. 366);
estimates of the size of the captive
population after the late 1990s could not
be found.
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Conservation Status
The turquoise parrot was listed in
CITES Appendix III in 1976, as part of
a listing for the Family Psittacidae, and
was later listed in Appendix II in 1981,
along with all Psittaciformes (UNEP
2011b, unpaginated; see Conservation
status for the scarlet-chested parrot
above for more information on
implications of listing in CITES
Appendix II).
International Union for Conservation
of Nature and Natural Resources
(IUCN)—The turquoise parrot was listed
on the International Union for
Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN) Red List of
Threatened and Endangered Species in
1988 as ‘‘Lower Risk’’ and transferred to
‘‘Least Concern’’ in 2004; the status
remains at ‘‘Least Concern’’ (BLI 2012b,
p. 1).
Commercial exports of the turquoise
parrot from Australia have been
prohibited since 1962; these
prohibitions are now codified in
Australia’s EPBC Act. The turquoise
parrot is not included in the EPBC Act’s
List of Threatened Fauna (Australian
DEE 2017a, unpaginated). Inclusion on
the EPBC Act’s List of Threatened Fauna
promotes recovery via: (1) Conservation
advice, (2) recovery plans, and (3) the
EPBC Act’s assessment and approval
provisions (Australian DEE 2017b). The
turquoise parrot was not included on
the List of Threatened Fauna either
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because it was never nominated for
consideration, or if it was nominated, it
was found ineligible by a rigorous
scientific assessment of the species’
threat status (Australian DEE 2017b,
Additionally, the 2000 Action Plan for
Australian Birds (Garnett and Crowley
2000b, p. 345) listed it nationally as
‘‘Near Threatened,’’ but this designation
was removed in the 2010 Action Plan
for Australian Birds, which noted that
the population was too large to be
considered ‘‘near threatened’’ and that
there was no evidence of a recent
decline (Garnett et al. 2011, p. 429). As
such, there is no national recovery plan
for the turquoise parrot, though
recommended actions were outlined for
the species in the 2000 Action Plan
(Garnett and Crowley 2000b, p. 345).
At the state level, the species is
currently listed as ‘‘Rare’’ in
Queensland under the Nature
Conservation Act 1992 and
‘‘Threatened’’ in Victoria under the
Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
(FFG; FFG 2016, p. 3). It was
subsequently recommended for
downlisting to ‘‘Near Threatened’’ by an
FFG Scientific Advisory Committee in
2013; however, it is still officially
‘‘Threatened’’ in Victoria (Vic DSE 2013,
p. 13; NSW 2009, unpaginated). In 2009,
the New South Wales Scientific
Committee determined that the
turquoise parrot met criteria for listing
as ‘‘Vulnerable’’ under the New South
Wales Threatened Species Conservation
Act 1995 (NSW 2009, unpaginated), and
this classification is still in place (BLA
2016b, unpaginated).
Additionally, portions of suitable
habitat for the turquoise parrot are
protected. For example, about 8 percent
of Queensland is now in the Natural
Reserve System that includes
government reserves, indigenous
protected areas, private protected areas,
and jointly managed protected areas
(CAPAD 2014, unpaginated).
Approximately 9 percent of New South
Wales and 18 percent of Victoria are
also part of this Natural Reserve System
(CAPAD 2014, unpaginated). Because
we do not reliably know the degree to
which the Natural Reserve System
protects the turquoise parrot and its
habitat, we did not rely on these
protected areas in our determination of
whether or not the parrot meets the
definition of threatened or endangered.
Factors Affecting the Turquoise Parrot
The following sections provide a
summary of the past, current, and
potential future stressors for the
turquoise parrot and its habitats. In
cases where the stressors were common
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to both the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots, we discuss potential effects to
both parrot species in the section for the
scarlet-chested parrot for the sake of
Land clearing—See Land clearing in
Australia under Factors Affecting the
Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
Land Clearing and the Turquoise Parrot
Typical turquoise parrot habitat is hill
country including woodlands, open
forest, and timbered grasslands (Collar
2016b, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p.
286). Since the 1970s, southeastern
Queensland and northern New South
Wales have experienced the greatest
rates of deforestation in Australia, and
Victoria is now the most deforested state
or territory in Australia (Bradshaw 2012,
p. 109).
Unlike New South Wales and
Victoria, most of the land clearing in
Queensland has occurred in the last 50
years (Bradshaw 2012, p. 113; McAlpine
et al. 2009, p. 22) with high rates of
vegetation loss in the last several
decades (Lindenmayer and Burgman
2005, p. 233). Clearing was
predominantly in central and southern
regions where native forests and
woodlands were converted for intensive
cropping and improved pastures for
cattle (McAlpine et al. 2009, p. 23). In
2004, Queensland enacted clearance
restrictions to phase out broad-scale
clearing by the end of 2006
(Lindenmayer and Burgman 2005, p.
233). As of 2014, about 8.16 percent of
Queensland’s jurisdiction was in
protected areas (CAPAD 2014,
Victoria is heavily cleared
(Lindenmayer 2007, as cited in
Bradshaw 2012, p. 114), having lost an
estimated 66 percent of its native
vegetation (Victoria Department of
Sustainability and the Environment
2011 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, pp.
113–114). Most of the clearance
occurred prior to the 1890s when the
wheat and livestock industries were
developing (Lindenmayer 2007, as cited
in Bradshaw 2012, p. 114). Land
clearance was estimated to have
continued at a slow, steady rate of about
1 percent per year until 1987, when
anti-clearing legislation was introduced
(Lindenmayer 2007, as cited in
Bradshaw 2012, p. 114). Despite this
legislation, proportional clearance rates
from 1995–2005 remained high and
even increased near the end of this
decade (Bradshaw 2012, p. 114).
Although Victoria is now the most
cleared of the three states, it also
contains the highest proportion of
protected land. As of 2014, about 17.63
percent of Victoria’s jurisdiction was in
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
protected areas (CAPAD 2014,
New South Wales was one of the first
regions settled by Europeans and
generally has a higher human
population than other parts of Australia.
Most of the land clearing and damage to
forest ecosystems happened during the
nineteenth century (Bradshaw 2012, p.
112). More than 50 percent of the forest
and woodland in New South Wales has
been cleared (Lunney 2004, Olsen et al.
2005 and Johnson et al. 2007 as cited in
NSW 2009, unpaginated). As of 2014,
about 9.10 percent of New South Wales’
jurisdiction was in protected areas
(CAPAD 2014, unpaginated).
Forest fragmentation as a result of
land clearing can also affect the
turquoise parrot, which is mostly
sedentary but capable of short-distance
dispersal (generally less than 10 km (6.2
mi)) along treed corridors) (NSW 2009,
unpaginated; Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 16). Therefore, gaps between
forest remnants may cause
fragmentation of turquoise parrot
populations in heavily cleared
landscapes (NSW 2009, unpaginated).
Altered fire regimes—see Fire in
Australia under Factors Affecting the
Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
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Altered Fire Regimes and the Turquoise
Prescribed fire and timber-cutting
have negatively affected the turquoise
parrot and its habitat (NSW 2009,
unpaginated). Both practices have the
potential to cause the loss of hollowbearing trees, which can be a limiting
habitat feature for the turquoise parrot
(NSW 2014b). Similarly, firewood
collection and selective removal of dead
wood and dead trees reduce the
availability of nest hollows (NSW
2014b, unpaginated; NSW 2009,
In summary, land clearing for
agriculture in combination with other
stressors (i.e., drought, trapping) was
likely a significant cause of the
population crash between 1880 and
1920. While most of the land clearing
occurred in the late 18th and the early
19th centuries, more recent forest
clearance rates are of concern for the
three states that support the turquoise
parrot. Forest fragmentation as a result
of clearing has the potential to isolate
turquoise parrot populations, which are
mostly sedentary but capable of shortdistance dispersal (and population
expansion) along treed corridors.
Management actions such as prescribed
fire, selective logging, and reforestation
should be carefully applied and adapted
to benefit parrot habitat. Managing for
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protection of nesting hollows is
particularly important.
The advent of anti-clearing legislation
since approximately the 1990s
(Bradshaw 2012, p. 116) and the
growing proportion of lands in
protected areas are positive signs for
further turquoise parrot recovery, but
researchers caution that conservation
efforts such as reforestation should be
carefully planned and implemented at
the local level. The turquoise parrot
population has continued to recover
since the historic crash and through
periods of subsequent deforestation,
with no evidence of recent decline
(Garnett et al. 2011, p. 429). While
habitat destruction and modification is
a likely stressor for the turquoise parrot,
we do not consider it to be a major
stressor to the species throughout its
entire range now or in the foreseeable
Removal From the Wild for Food
About a century ago, turquoise parrots
were shot for food for pie-filling (BLA
2016b, unpaginated; Seth-Smith 1909 as
cited in Higgins 1999, p. 576) and, in
some cases, were indiscriminately shot
(Tzaros 2016, unpaginated). These are
no longer reported as stressors for the
turquoise parrot.
Illegal collection and trade—see
Illegal collection and trade (for both
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots)
under Factors Affecting the ScarletChested Parrot, above.
Levels of Legal International Trade (for
the Turquoise Parrot)
Between 1980 and 2014, there were
very few wild turquoise parrots in trade.
There were 44,244 turquoise parrot
specimens exported in international
trade (27,248 recorded imports). More
than 99 percent of these were captivebred live parrots (UNEP 2016b).
In summary, use as food and poaching
for the pet trade were noted as stressors
in the past. Presently, poaching may be
occurring at a low level that is not likely
to affect wild populations. We are not
aware of any information indicating that
overutilization for recreational,
scientific, or educational purposes are
current stressors to the turquoise parrot.
Disease—See Disease (for scarletchested and turquoise parrots) under
Factors Affecting the Scarlet-Chested
Parrot, above.
Predation—See Predation from nonnative cats and foxes in Australia under
Factors Affecting the Scarlet-Chested
Parrot, above.
Predation and the Turquoise Parrot
The turquoise parrot nests in tree
hollows close to the ground, making it
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vulnerable to predation from introduced
terrestrial predators such as feral cats
and European red foxes (Rowden pers.
comm. 2016; NSW 2014b and 2009,
unpaginated; Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, pp. 3, 26). Feral cat control and
feral predator control are identified
objectives in management plans for the
turquoise parrot (NSW 2014b,
unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley
2000b, p. 345; Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 26). Both feral cats and foxes
were predators of the turquoise parrot at
Chiltern in Victoria in the 1980s (Quin
and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 26), and more
fox control was likely needed in the area
at that time (Quin in litt. 2016).
Additionally, the turquoise parrot and
the scarlet-chested parrot were assessed
as ‘‘high risk’’ from these predators
within the rangeland environment in
the Western Division of New South
Wales based on variables such as
predator density, body weight, habitat
use, and behavior (Dickman et al. 1996,
p. 249). However, we could not find
recent information regarding the
predation rate of feral cats or foxes on
the turquoise parrot.
Foxes dig at active turquoise parrot
nests and usually take the female and
the nestlings, if they can be reached.
Some predation of turquoise parrots by
foxes can be mitigated by physically
reinforcing degraded natural nest
hollows to avoid digging out of these
nests by foxes (Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 22). Similarly, placement of
artificial nesting material higher in the
host tree can generally keep them out of
reach of foxes (Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 22). There are ongoing efforts
to improve turquoise parrot nesting
habitat, particularly in Victoria (see
Competition for nesting hollows, below).
Competition for Nesting Hollows
Competition for suitable nest hollows
has the potential to limit reproductive
success of the turquoise parrot by
limiting the number of pairs that can
breed, or by causing nest mortality as a
result of competitive interactions. All
but four species of Australian parrots
are dependent on tree hollows for
nesting (Forshaw 1990, p. 58).
Competition for nest hollows (both
intraspecific and interspecific) was
noted at Chiltern in Victoria, where
limited nest hollows likely limited
reproductive success of the turquoise
parrot (Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p.
12). National legislation, policy, and
strategic management plans are in place
to protect hollow-bearing trees in
Australia; however, prioritization and
implementation of actions at the local
level may be limited or lacking (Treby
et al. 2014, entire).
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Placing artificial nest hollows in areas
that appear to be nest-hollow limited
seems to be successful, and programs
that construct and strategically place
artificial nests are supported at the State
level and appear to be ongoing. For
example, early experimental efforts to
hollow-out naturally occurring stumps
in the Warby Ranges (in Victoria, near
Chiltern) were successful but ended in
the 1990s (Tzaros 2016, unpaginated). In
2010, Monash University researchers
placed artificial nests around the
Warby-Ovens State Park (also near
Chiltern), and the hollows were readily
occupied by turquoise parrots (Tzaros
2016, unpaginated). More recent efforts
to improve habitat for turquoise parrots
include those of two land-care networks
in northeastern Victoria. The Broken
Boosey Conservation Management
Network has made and installed 200
potential nest sites for the species
(Tzaros 2016, unpaginated), and the
Ovens Land-care Network received a
$4,600 AUS ($3,525 US) grant that aims
to raise awareness of the increasing risk
to hollow-dependent species by the
non-native Indian (common) myna bird
(Acridotheres tristis) (Quin in litt. 2016;
Tzaros 2016, unpaginated).
Competition for Food
Grazing by livestock can directly
affect available food resources for the
turquoise parrot (NSW 2009,
unpaginated). As livestock grazing
ended in some protected areas of
Victoria, numbers of turquoise parrots
in those areas increased (Quin and
Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 7; Juniper and Parr
1989, p. 366; Forshaw 1989, p. 286),
indicating that a reduction in grazing
may benefit the species’ recovery.
Competition for food by grazing
sheep, cattle, and European wild rabbits
(Oryctolagus cuniculus) was noted as a
possible contributing factor in the crash
of the turquoise parrot population
between 1880 and 1920 (Collar 2016b,
unpaginated, Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 3). Around the time of the
parrot’s population crash, rabbit
numbers swelled to plague proportions,
forcing some farmers out of business
(Tzaros 2016, unpaginated). Turquoise
parrot habitat and food sources were
undoubtedly adversely affected by this
plague, but the degree to which they
were affected is unknown. Application
of Myxomatosis, a disease that is spread
by mosquitoes and affects only rabbits,
has succeeded in keeping rabbit
numbers at approximately 5 percent
their former high abundance in wetter
areas (Australian DSEWP&C 2011,
unpaginated). Current rates of
competition between rabbits and
turquoise parrots for food are not well
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understood but are assumed to be much
less than they were a century ago.
In summary, disease, predation, and
competition are all potential stressors
for the turquoise parrot. Although PBFD
has not been confirmed in the turquoise
parrot, it is likely susceptible to the
disease at some level. We are not aware
of other diseases or pathogens that affect
the wild population. Predation and
competition may be occurring at low
levels, but there are active plans in
place to control feral cats, foxes, and
rabbits. Use of artificial nests may be
helping to mitigate fox predation and
competition for nest hollows where this
is a limiting habitat feature. While
disease, predation, and competition may
be affecting the turquoise parrot at low
levels, they do not appear to be
significant stressors to the species
because populations of the turquoise
parrot are stable with an estimated
20,000 individuals and may be
increasing in some areas.
Existing regulatory mechanisms—see
Existing regulatory mechanisms (for
both scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots) under Factors Affecting the
Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
In this section, we reviewed the
existing regulatory mechanisms
governing collection and trade of wild
turquoise parrots. As described above,
the EPBC Act (which controls
commercial export), the Lacey Act,
CITES, and the WBCA all provide
protection to turquoies parrots that
minimize or eliminate threats from trade
to the species. As discussed under the
other sections in Factors Affecting the
Turquoise Parrot, we do not find major
stressors adversely affecting the species
or its habitat. Thus, it is reasonable to
conclude that the regulating
mechanisms addressing these potential
stressors are adequate at protecting the
species at a domestic and global level.
Climate change—see Global climate
change and Climate change in Australia
under Factors Affecting the ScarletChested Parrot, above.
Climate Change and the Turquoise
Based on the information presented in
Climate change in Australia above, a
summary of climate patterns over the
last century, within the known range of
the turquoise parrot includes: (1)
Increased average temperature of 1.0 °C
(1.8 °F) with pronounced and rapid
warming in eastern Australia since the
1950s (Nicholls 2006 as cited in
Bradshaw 2012, p. 116); (2) increased
frequency of hot days and warm nights
(Deo 2011 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p.
116); (3) decreased rainfall in the
southeastern regions (Nicholls and
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Lavery 1992 as cited in Bradshaw 2012,
p. 116); and (4) increased annual total
rainfall of approximately 15 percent in
New South Wales and Victoria (Hughes
2003, p. 424). Similarly, a summary of
climate projections for areas within the
known range of the turquoise parrot
includes: (1) Temperature increase of 1–
5 °C (1.8–9 °F) (Stokes et al. 2008, p.
41); (2) increases in the frequency of hot
days and warm nights (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41); (3) a large range of
uncertainty for rainfall, but (using
median rainfall) a general pattern of
drying, with less rain in the spring and
winter in the south, and increased
intensity of rain (Stokes et al. 2008, p.
41); and (4) increased frequency and
intensity of drought (up to 40 percent in
eastern areas by 2070) (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41).
Climate change is projected to affect
pasture habitat used by the turquoise
parrot. Rainfall is expected to be the
dominant influence on pasture growth;
fewer, more intense rain events are
anticipated as well as (from year to year)
more frequent droughts (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41). Increased temperatures
could benefit pasture growth and
growing seasons in the cooler southern
climates, but depletion of moisture in
the soil due to this growth might
adversely affect spring pasture growth
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) will
affect rangeland function, with a
projected increase in pasture production
but potential loss in forage quality (e.g.,
declines in forage protein content)
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 42). Fire danger
will increase over much of Australia
(Hughes 2003, p. 427). Increased pasture
growth will produce heavier fuel loads
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 42; Hughes 2003,
p. 427). The risk of wildfires could
increase and make prescribed burns
more difficult to manage (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 42).
Projections for more droughts could
also negatively affect the turquoise
parrot. A recent study analyzed the
capacity of woodland bird species in
north-central Victoria to resist the
pressures of extended drought (i.e., the
13-year ‘‘Millennium drought’’ or the
‘‘Big Dry’’) and then recover once
drought conditions abated (i.e., the 2year ‘‘Big Wet’’) (Bennet et al. 2014,
entire). Results indicated a substantial
decline (42–62 percent) in the reporting
rates of bird species between the early
and late surveys in the Big Dry (Bennet
et al. 2014, pp. 1321, 1326).
Additionally, a recent climate-changeadaptation model using a ‘‘Business as
Usual’’ projection (i.e., the ‘‘worst-case’’
scenario with increasing greenhouse
gasses through time), predicted that the
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distribution of climate, similar to that
currently used by the species, may
contract by approximately one half to
the southern part of its current range
(i.e., dropping out of Queensland but
remaining in portions of New South
Wales and Victoria) by 2085 (Garnett et
al. 2013c, interactive model results).
Although the model does well to
incorporate species-specific traits, it
also includes a number of uncertainties
that may limit its predictive power
(Garnett et al. 2013, pp. 76–77). Basic
model assumptions such as that trends
into the future will follow simple linear
extrapolations of existing relationships,
and assumptions regarding (scaled
down) projected climate change itself,
may limit its accuracy (Garnett et al.
2013, pp. 76–77). Although there is
much uncertainty in these trends (given
the variability in the existing climate
and uncertainties in modeling), effects
from climate change may rise to the
level of a stressor in the next 50 years
based on our current knowledge
(Garnett in litt. 2016b).
Potential responses and adaptability
of the parrot to the projected effects
from climate change are difficult to
predict. Since the parrot is mainly
resident, it is not known if it would
relocate if local conditions degrade (e.g.,
drought); however, one group of
turquoise parrots did move into an area
of central Victoria during the mid1990s, probably in response to drought
conditions elsewhere at this time (del
Hoyo, p. 383; Quin and Reid 1996, p.
In summary, other than the projected
increases in temperature and CO2 levels,
there is a relatively high level of
uncertainty associated with other
projected climate change variables
(particularly patterns of rainfall) for
Australia and across the occupied range
of the turquoise parrot. These
uncertainties are a component of the
climate-change-adaptation model for the
turquoise parrot. Climate distribution
modeling and a study of declines in
woodland birds over a recent and
extended drought period indicate that
effects from climate change have the
potential to become a stressor for parrots
in the next 50 years (Bennet et al. 2014,
pp. 1321, 1326; Garnett et al. 2013c,
interactive model results). However, we
found no information indicating that
climate change is currently affecting the
turquoise parrot specifically, coupled
with the fact that it has shown some
adaptability to drought conditions in the
past. Stress to the species from climate
change will likely occur within the next
50 years, but climate change variables in
the area occupied by the parrot and the
parrot’s response to these variables are
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currently mostly speculative, and we
cannot conclude that climate change is
significant enough to result in the
species being in danger of extinction in
the foreseeable future.
Summary of Comments and
We reviewed all comments we
received from the public and peer
reviewers for substantive issues and
new information. All substantive
information was incorporated into the
status reviews for each species and into
this final rule, as appropriate. The
following section summarizes issues
and information we consider to be
substantive from peer review and public
comments, and provides our responses.
Peer Reviewer Comments
In accordance with our peer review
policy published on July 1, 1994 (59 FR
34270), we solicited expert opinion
from knowledgeable individuals with
scientific expertise that included
familiarity with the scarlet-chested
parrot and the turquoise parrot and their
habitats, biological needs, and threats.
In all, we contacted eight individuals
seeking peer review for the scarletchested parrot and five individuals for
the turquoise parrot. We found that
there were a limited number of
individuals who had worked with these
parrot species because: (1) They are not
listed species in Australia and thus have
not been the subject of many dedicated
studies, and (2) scarlet-chested parrots
are often difficult to find and study due
to their nomadic behavior and irruptive
species population ecology.
We received responses from three
peer reviewers for the scarlet-chested
parrot and two peer reviewers for the
turquoise parrot. We reviewed all the
peer reviewers’ comments for
substantive issues and information
regarding the status of and threats to
these species. The peer reviewers
generally concurred with our summaries
and conclusions regarding these species
and provided additional information,
clarifications, and suggestions. We
incorporated all peer reviewer
information into the status reviews for
each species, and the majority of the
information provided in the peer review
is also incorporated into this final rule,
where appropriate. Status reviews and
peer reviewer comments for the scarletchested and turquoise parrot are
available on the Internet at https://
www.regulations.gov as supporting
documentation for Docket No. FWS–
Comment: Two peer reviewers
commented on our evaluation of the
effects of altered fire regimes on the
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scarlet-chested parrot. They relayed that
there is new information that altered fire
regimes affect mallee shrublands used
by the species and shared relevant
Our Response: Based on these peer
reviewers’ comments and the
information provided, we updated the
Altered fire regimes sections in the
scarlet-chested parrot status review and
this final rule.
Comment: One peer reviewer noted
that the scarlet-chested parrots observed
at Gluepot Reserve may not actually be
a resident population. Additionally, the
same reviewer commented that, while
the overlap of Bourke’s parrot with the
scarlet-chested parrot is considerable,
the scarlet-chested parrot tends to be
found at greater distances than the
Bourke’s parrot from the pastoral
(better-watered) country.
Our Response: We changed the text in
the scarlet-chested parrot status review
to reflect: (1) Uncertainty regarding
whether or not the scarlet-chested
parrots at Gluepot are resident; and (2)
that the scarlet-chested parrot tends to
be found at greater distances than the
Bourke’s parrot from the better-watered,
pastoral areas.
Comment: One peer reviewer noted
that the climate change section in our
status review for the scarlet-chested
parrot contained outdated information
and shared relevant literature. The same
peer reviewer referred us to two
publications that examine the capacity
of woodland birds (in dry woodlands
and riparian areas in southeastern
Australia) to resist the pressures of
drought and then recover once drought
conditions are lifted. He suggested that
these publications indicate a trend for
long-term decline in the face of more
frequent and extended droughts in
southern Australia as predicted by
recent climate modelling. A second peer
reviewer referred us to a recent
publication and interactive model that
allowed us to project potential future
reductions in ‘‘climate space’’ for both
the scarlet-chested parrot and the
turquoise parrot.
Our Response: We reviewed the
information provided and updated our
evaluation of climate change as a
stressor to the scarlet-chested parrot and
its habitat. Further, in our review of the
new material, we found that one of the
publications was also helpful in
assessing extended drought as a
potential stressor to the turquoise
parrot. Therefore, we updated the
Climate Change sections for both the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots in
both status reviews and this final rule.
Comment: One peer reviewer noted
that the percentages of protected lands
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for the scarlet-chested parrot were
outdated and did not reflect the large
proportion that is Aboriginal-held land.
Our Response: We found updated
information for proportions of protected
land in the states and territories within
the range of both the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parrots and reflected these
updates in our estimates in both status
reviews and this final rule.
Comment: One peer reviewer
commented on distribution of the
turquoise parrot, relaying that: (1) There
are parts of the historical range in
Victoria where the species has not
returned, and (2) a small population of
the species occurs at Bunyip State Park
in West Gippsland, Victoria.
The same peer reviewer provided the
following observations regarding the
population of turquoise parrots near
Chiltern in northeastern Victoria: (1)
The numbers of turquoise parrots
currently in this area appear
significantly fewer than the numbers
that were there during the late 1980s to
the early 1990s; (2) the decrease in
numbers is likely due to a decrease in
grass abundance either from the
Millennium drought or an increase in
herbivore abundance, or both; and (3)
more fox control was likely needed in
this area in the late 1980s.
Lastly, this peer reviewer provided
information on two ongoing land-care
networks that are working to improve
turquoise parrot habitat in northeastern
Victoria and commented that more
intensive surveys are needed to
determine population size of the
turquoise parrot in all the regions of
Victoria where the turquoise parrot is
Our Response: We added information
about turquoise parrots in Victoria to
the turquoise parrot status review and
this final rule, where appropriate: (1)
The decreases at Chiltern and likely
causes; (2) the small population at
Bunyip State Park; (3) the land-care
networks; and (4) the recommendation
for more extensive surveys.
Public Comments
We published a proposed rule to
remove the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parakeets from the List on
September 2, 2003 (68 FR 52169), and
we requested that all interested parties
submit written comments at that time.
Additionally, because considerable time
had passed since the 2003 proposal, we
published a reopening of the public
comment period in January 2016, which
closed on February 22, 2016 (81 FR
3373, January 21, 2016). We took this
action to ensure that we sought,
received, and made our decision based
on the best scientific and commercial
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information available on these species
and their status and threats, in order to
determine whether removing these
species from the List is warranted.
Comments summarized below are from
our reopening of the public comment
period in January 2016 (81 FR 3373).
We received 18 public comments
relating to the proposed delisting of
scarlet-chested and turquoise parakeets
during the public comment period.
More detailed information about the
comments we received and our
responses are below.
Comment: Several commenters noted
that the Act placed restrictions on trade
in captive-bred individuals that have
limited imports into the United States
and, by extension, the genetic diversity
of U.S. captive-bred populations.
Our Response: Although we
considered captive individuals in our
review of both the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parrots, these comments fall
outside the scope of our analysis.
Removal of the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parakeets from the List will
eliminate the need for an import permit
under the Act. Trade in captive-bred
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots
will still be regulated under CITES, and,
to date, import of captive-bred scarletchested and turquoise parrots into the
United States is currently allowed under
the WBCA Approved List (50 CFR
15.33) without requiring a permit.
Comment: Several commenters stated
that more information is needed on the
status of populations, or that
conservation measures were needed for
these species before they can be
removed from the List.
Our Response: We have reviewed the
status of and threats to both parrots, and
the best available scientific and
commercial information indicates that
populations of the scarlet-chested parrot
presently appear to be stable, with no
evidence of decline in the last 20 years,
and populations of the turquoise parrot
are stable and may be increasing in
some areas. Populations of both parrots
are doing well despite the stressors
noted in the Factors Affecting the
Scarlet-chested Parrot and Factors
Affecting the Turquoise Parrot sections,
above. Although the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parrots are not included in the
EPBC Act’s List of Threatened Fauna,
Australia prohibits exports of wild
specimens of these species under the
EPBC Act, and removal of these species
from the wild is strictly controlled.
Additionally, there are numerous
ongoing conservation efforts in
Australia by Federal and state
governments, indigenous peoples, and
private organizations and landowners
that likely benefit these species
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including, but not limited to: (1)
Protected areas; (2) recent anti-clearing
legislation; (3) protections and
initiatives for nest hollows; (4) nonnative predator and competitor control
programs (e.g., feral cats, red foxes,
rabbits); and (5) programs for
construction and placement of artificial
nest hollows for the turquoise parrot.
Comment: Two commenters
expressed their view that our listing
proposal was procedurally invalid
under the Act because finalizing a 12year-old proposed delisting rule violates
section 4(b)(6) and section 4(c) of the
Act, which require that the Service
finalize any proposed rule within 1 year
of publication of the proposed rule
unless narrow exceptions apply. These
commenters opined that the Act
requires the Service to withdraw the
proposed rule if those exceptions do not
Our Response: We disagree. The
Service’s proposal has not been
invalidated, and with this final rule, all
procedural requirements under section
4(b) of the Act have been met. Further,
consistent with our regulations at 50
CFR 424.17(a)(1)(iii) and (a)(3), the Act
does not allow for withdrawal of a
proposed listing determination solely
because of the passage of time; any
withdrawal must be based upon a
finding that the available evidence does
not justify the action proposed by the
rule. Additionally, as explained above,
the purpose of the scientific review
under section 4(c) of the Act is to ensure
that the List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife accurately reflects
the most current status information for
each listed species. In our 2000 review,
we requested comments and the most
current scientific or commercial
information available on these species,
and based on that review, we
reevaluated the listing of the scarletchested parrot and the turquoise parrot.
On September 2, 2003, we published
our review of the status of these species
and a proposed rule (68 FR 52169) to
remove the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parakeets from the List under
the Act because the endangered
designation no longer correctly reflected
the current conservation status of these
birds, as the best available information
indicated that they had recovered. We
explained that our review of the best
available information showed that the
wild populations of these species were
stable with more than 20,000 turquoise
parakeets and 10,000 scarlet-chested
parakeets found throughout their range.
Furthermore, trade in wild-caught
specimens was strictly limited, and the
species were protected through
domestic regulation within the range
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
country (Australia), as well as through
additional national and international
treaties and laws.
On January 21, 2016, because
considerable time had passed since the
2003 proposal, we published the
reopening of the public comment period
on our proposal to remove the scarletchested and turquoise parakeets from
the List (81 FR 3373). We took these
actions to determine whether removing
these species from the List is still
warranted, and to ensure that we
sought, received, and made our final
decision based on the best scientific and
commercial information available
regarding these species and their status
and threats. This final rule is based on
the best scientific and commercial
information available regarding these
species and includes information
summarized from status reviews we
conducted in 2016–2017 for the scarletchested and the turquoise parrots. These
status reviews are available on the
Internet at https://www.regulations.gov
as supporting documentation for Docket
No. FWS–HQ–ES–2015–0176. Sections
from the status reviews were added (in
part or entirely) to the preamble to this
final rule. These new sections in the
preamble are updates or additions to
information that was presented in the
2003 proposal to remove the scarletchested and turquoise parakeets from
the list (68 FR 52169, September 2,
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Our regulations direct us to determine
if a species is endangered or threatened
due to any one or a combination of the
five threat factors identified in the Act
(50 CFR 424.11(c)). We examined the
best scientific and commercial
information available regarding the past,
present, and future threats faced by the
species. We reviewed information
available in our files and other available
published and unpublished
information, and we consulted with
recognized species and habitat experts
and representatives of the range country
Scarlet-Chested Parrot
We consider cumulative effects to be
the potential stressors to the species in
totality and combination, and the degree
to which there might be any synergistic
effects among any of the stressors (e.g.,
increased fire frequency and potential
decline in nesting hollows). This
finding constitutes our cumulativeeffects analysis. In the discussions
above, we evaluated the individual
effects of the following potential
stressors to the scarlet-chested parrot:
Land clearing and altered fire regimes
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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(Factor A); limited nest hollows (Factor
A); illegal collection and trade (Factor
B); Psittacine beak and feather disease
(Factor C); predation from non-native
species (Factor C); competition for nest
hollows (Factor C); effects from small
population size (Factor E); and effects
from climate change (Factor E).
Although one or some of these stressors
may be acting on the species in some
manner, we found no data to indicate
that these stressors, individually or
cumulatively, are causing the species to
be in danger of extinction, either now or
in the foreseeable future. In the face of
these stressors, the population appears
to be stable, with no evidence of decline
in the last 20 years. We have concluded
that this stability is not due to listing
under the Act; thus, we do not expect
declines due to the removal of the
protections provided by the listing
under the Act.
The Australian Government does not
include the scarlet-chested parrot in the
EPBC Act’s List of Threatened Fauna
(Australian DEE 2017, unpaginated)
either because it was never nominated
for consideration, or if it was
nominated, it was found ineligible by a
rigorous scientific assessment of the
species’ threat status (Australian DEE
2017b, unpaginated). The 2000 Action
Plan for Australian Birds listed it
nationally as ‘‘Least Concern’’ and then
did not list it in the 2010 Action Plan
for Australian Birds. As such, there is
no national recovery plan for the scarletchested parrot.
The species is listed on the IUCN Red
List as ‘‘Least Concern.’’ Domestic and
international trade in wild-caught
specimens is limited and strictly
regulated. The species is protected
through domestic regulation in
Australia and through additional
national and international treaties and
As with all species, the scarletchested parrot is subject to some
stressors. As discussed above, however,
we reviewed those stressors and
conclude that individually and
cumulatively they are currently not
having a significant impact on the
species. This determination is
evidenced by the apparent stability of
the population of the species for the last
20 years. Therefore we conclude, based
on our review of the best available
scientific and commercial data, that the
scarlet-chested parrot is not currently in
danger of extinction throughout all of its
range. In addition, we considered
whether the impact of any of the
stressors is likely to significantly
increase, individually or cumulatively,
within the foreseeable future. We
conclude, based on our review of the
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4700
best available scientific and commercial
data, that stressors are not likely to
increase such that they would cause
significant population declines within
the foreseeable future, or otherwise to
result in the species becoming in danger
of extinction within the foreseeable
future throughout all of its range.
Turquoise Parrot
We consider cumulative effects to be
the potential stressors to the species in
totality and combination, and the degree
to which there might be any synergistic
effects among any of the stressors (e.g.,
nest predation by foxes and the loss of
nesting hollows); this finding
constitutes our cumulative-effects
analysis. In the discussions above, we
evaluated the individual effects of the
following potential stressors to the
turquoise parrot: Land clearing and
forest fragmentation (Factor A); altered
fire regimes (Factor A); limited nest
hollows (Factor A); removal from the
wild for food (Factor B); illegal
collection and trade (Factor B);
Psittacine beak and feather disease
(Factor C); predation from non-native
species (Factor C); competition for food
and nest hollows (Factor C); and effects
from climate change (Factor E).
Although one or some of these stressors
may be acting on the turquoise parrot in
some manner, we found no data to
indicate that these stressors,
individually or cumulatively, are
causing the species to be in danger of
extinction, either now or in the
foreseeable future. In the face of these
stressors, the population appears to be
stable and may be increasing in some
The Australian Government does not
include the turquoise parrot in the EPBC
Act’s List of Threatened Fauna
(Australian DEE 2017, unpaginated),
either because it was never nominated
for consideration, or if it was
nominated, it was found ineligible by a
rigorous scientific assessment of the
species’ threat status (Australian DEE
2017b, unpaginated). The 2000 Action
Plan for Australian Birds listed it
nationally as ‘‘Near Threatened’’ but
then did not list it in the 2010 Action
Plan for Australian Birds because the
population was too large to be
considered ‘‘near threatened’’ and there
was no evidence of a recent decline
(Garnett et al. 2011, p. 429). As such,
there is no national recovery plan for
the turquoise parrot.
The species is listed on the IUCN Red
List as ‘‘Least Concern.’’ Domestic and
international trade in wild-caught
specimens is limited and strictly
regulated. The species is protected
through domestic regulation in
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Australia and through additional
national and international treaties and
As with all species, the turquoise
parrot is subject to some stressors. As
discussed above, however, we reviewed
those stressors and conclude that
individually and cumulatively they are
currently not having a significant
impact on the species. This is evidenced
by the apparent stable population of
approximately 20,000 individuals with
increases reported in some areas.
Therefore, we conclude, based on our
review of the best available scientific
and commercial data, that the turquoise
parrot is not currently in danger of
extinction throughout all of its range. In
addition, we considered whether the
impact of any of the stressors is likely
to significantly increase, individually or
cumulatively, within the foreseeable
future. We conclude, based on our
review of the best available scientific
and commercial data, that stressors are
not likely to increase such that they
would cause significant population
declines within the foreseeable future,
or otherwise to result in the species
becoming in danger of extinction within
the foreseeable future throughout all of
its range.
We have carefully assessed the best
scientific and commercial data available
and determined that the scarlet-chested
and turquoise parrots are no longer in
danger of extinction throughout all their
respective ranges, nor are they likely to
become so in the foreseeable future.
Significant Portion of Its Range
Having examined the status of the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots
throughout all of their ranges, we next
examine whether these species are in
danger of extinction, or likely to become
so, in a significant portion of their
respective ranges. Under the Act and
our implementing regulations, a species
may warrant listing if it is in danger of
extinction or likely to become so
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range. The Act defines ‘‘endangered
species’’ as any species which is ‘‘in
danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range,’’ and
‘‘threatened species’’ as any species
which is ‘‘likely to become an
endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range.’’ The
term ‘‘species’’ includes ‘‘any
subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants,
and any distinct population segment
[DPS] of any species of vertebrate fish or
wildlife which interbreeds when
mature.’’ We published a final policy
interpreting the phrase ‘‘significant
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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portion of its range’’ (SPR) (79 FR
37578; July 1, 2014).
The final policy states that (1) if a
species is found to be endangered or
threatened throughout a significant
portion of its range, the entire species is
listed as an endangered or a threatened
species, respectively, and the Act’s
protections apply to all individuals of
the species wherever found; (2) a
portion of the range of a species is
‘‘significant’’ if the species is not
currently endangered or threatened
throughout all of its range, but the
portion’s contribution to the viability of
the species is so important that, without
the members in that portion, the species
would be in danger of extinction, or
likely to become so in the foreseeable
future, throughout all of its range; (3)
the range of a species is considered to
be the general geographical area within
which that species can be found at the
time the Service or the National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS) makes any
particular status determination; and (4)
if a vertebrate species is endangered or
threatened throughout an SPR, and the
population in that significant portion is
a valid DPS, we will list the DPS rather
than the entire taxonomic species or
The SPR policy is applied to all status
determinations, including analyses for
the purposes of making listing,
delisting, and reclassification
determinations. The procedure for
analyzing whether any portion is an
SPR is similar, regardless of the type of
status determination we are making.
The first step in our analysis of the
status of a species is to determine its
status throughout all of its range. If we
determine that the species is in danger
of extinction, or likely to become so in
the foreseeable future, throughout all of
its range, we list the species as an
endangered (or threatened) species and
no SPR analysis is required. If the
species is neither in danger of extinction
nor likely to become so throughout all
of its range, we determine whether the
species is in danger of extinction or
likely to become so throughout a
significant portion of its range. If it is,
we list the species as an endangered or
a threatened species, respectively; if it is
not, we conclude that listing the species
is not warranted.
When we conduct an SPR analysis,
we first identify any portions of the
species’ range that warrant further
consideration. The range of a species
can theoretically be divided into
portions in an infinite number of ways.
However, there is no purpose to
analyzing portions of the range that are
not reasonably likely to be significant
and endangered or threatened. To
PO 00000
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identify only those portions that warrant
further consideration, we determine
whether there is substantial information
indicating that (1) the portions may be
significant and (2) the species may be in
danger of extinction in those portions or
likely to become so within the
foreseeable future.
We emphasize that answering these
questions in the affirmative is not a
determination that the species is
endangered or threatened throughout a
significant portion of its range—rather,
it is a step in determining whether a
more detailed analysis of the issue is
required. In practice, a key part of this
analysis is whether the threats are
geographically concentrated in some
way. If the threats to the species are
affecting it uniformly throughout its
range, no portion is likely to warrant
further consideration. Moreover, if any
concentration of threats applies only to
portions of the range that clearly do not
meet the biologically based definition of
‘‘significant’’ (i.e., the loss of that
portion clearly would not be expected to
increase the vulnerability to extinction
of the entire species), those portions
will not warrant further consideration. If
we identify any portions that may be
both (1) significant and (2) endangered
or threatened, we engage in a more
detailed analysis to determine whether
these standards are indeed met. To
determine whether a species is
endangered or threatened throughout an
SPR, we will use the same standards
and methodology that we use to
determine if a species is endangered or
threatened throughout its range.
Depending on the biology of the
species, its range, and the threats it
faces, it may be more efficient to address
the ‘‘significant’’ question first, or the
status question first. Thus, if we
determine that a portion of the range is
not ‘‘significant,’’ we do not need to
determine whether the species is
endangered or threatened there; if we
determine that the species is not
endangered or threatened in a portion of
its range, we do not need to determine
if that portion is ‘‘significant.’’
Scarlet-Chested Parrot
Applying the process described
above, we evaluated portions of the
scarlet-chested parrot’s range that may
be significant, and examined whether
any threats are geographically
concentrated in some way that would
indicate that those portions of the range
may be in danger of extinction, or likely
to become so in the foreseeable future.
The range available to the scarletchested parrot is very large (262,000
km2 (101,159 mi2); BLI 2016a,
unpaginated). Within this range, the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Great Victoria Desert, located in
southwestern Australia, may be of
biological or conservation importance to
the scarlet-chested parrot, because the
species is primarily concentrated in the
better vegetated areas of this region (BLI
2016a, unpaginated; Juniper and Parr
1998, p. 366). Therefore, the Great
Victoria Desert has the potential to be of
greater biological or conservation
importance than other areas and may
constitute a significant portion of the
parrot’s range.
We next examined whether any
stressors are geographically
concentrated in some way that would
indicate the species could be in danger
of extinction, or likely to become so, in
this portion. We examined potential
stressors, including land clearing,
altered fire regimes, limited nest
hollows, illegal collection and trade,
Psittacine beak and feather disease,
predation from non-native species,
competition for food and nest hollows,
small population size, and effects from
climate change. All these stressors
appeared to be uniform across the range
of the species, with the exception of
potential effects from climate change
(See Climate change and the scarletchested parrot above). A recent climatechange-adaptation model indicated a
long-term range contraction to the
southern portion of its range (to an area
that includes the Great Victoria Desert)
(Garnett et al. 2013b, interactive model
results). However, given the uncertainty
in the modelling of future climate
scenarios, particularly patterns of
precipitation, we are unable to reliably
discern if the areas projected to be lost
will result in any significant threat.
While regions of the Great Victoria
Desert may be significant, information
and analyses indicate that the species is
unlikely to be in danger of extinction or
become so in the foreseeable future in
this portion.
All other stressors appear to be
uniform across the range of the species.
The scarlet-chested parrot is adapted to
arid landscapes and able to travel great
distances. The population is not known
to be fragmented (Snyder et al. 2000, p.
57) and appears to be stable, with no
evidence of decline in the last 20 years
(BLI 2016a, unpaginated; BLI 2012a, p.
4). Therefore, based on the best
scientific and commercial data
available, no portion warrants further
consideration to determine whether the
species may be endangered or
threatened in a significant portion of its
Turquoise Parrot
We evaluated portions of the
turquoise parrot’s range that may be
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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significant, and examined whether any
threats are geographically concentrated
in some way that would indicate that
those portions of the range may be in
danger of extinction, or likely to become
so in the foreseeable future. The
turquoise parrot occurs in many parts of
eastern and southeastern Australia,
particularly the foothills of the Great
Dividing Range (NSW 2009,
unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley
2000b, p. 345; Juniper and Parr 1988, p.
365). The Great Dividing Range is
formed from multiple mountain ranges
that dominate the eastern Australia
landmass. The species’ distribution is
not continuous but rather occurs in
patches of suitable habitat throughout
this broader range (Tzaros 2016,
unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 286),
and about 90 percent of the population
is thought to occur in New South Wales
(NSW 2009, unpaginated). We did not
identify any natural divisions within the
range that may be of biological or
conservation importance with the
exception that the central portion of the
parrot’s current range (in New South
Wales) could be considered significant
based on the concentration of parrots
We next examined whether any
stressors are geographically
concentrated in some way that would
indicate the species could be in danger
of extinction, or likely to become so in
the foreseeable future. We examined
potential stressors, including land
clearing, altered fire regimes, limited
nest hollows, illegal collection and
trade, Psittacine beak and feather
disease, predation from non-native
species competition for food and nest
hollows, and effects from climate
change. All these stressors appeared to
be uniform across the range of the
species, with the exception of potential
effects from climate change (See Climate
change and the turquoise parrot above).
A recent climate-change-adaptation
model indicated a long-term range
contraction by about one half to the
southern part of its current range (i.e.,
dropping out of Queensland but
remaining in portions of New South
Wales and Victoria) by 2085 (Garnett et
al. 2013c, interactive model results).
This reduced climate space includes
developed regions near Sydney and in
and around Melbourne (Garnett et al.
2013c, interactive model results).
Currently, approximately 90 percent of
the population is distributed in eastern
portions of New South Wales. Based on
the modeling, the species would
experience a reduction in climate space
in New South Wales that is
approximately a little more than one
half of what is currently modeled. The
PO 00000
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modeled climate space in Victoria may
improve somewhat with more areas
becoming suitable for the parrot.
However, given the uncertainty in the
modelling of future climate scenarios,
particularly patterns of precipitation, we
are unable to reliably discern if the areas
projected to be lost will result in any
significant threat. While areas in New
South Wales may be significant to the
parrot, information and analyses
indicate that the species is unlikely to
be in danger of extinction or become so
in the foreseeable future in this portion.
All other stressors appear to be
uniform across the range of the species.
The population of the turquoise parrot
now numbers more than 20,000
individuals. The population appears to
be stable and may be increasing in some
areas. Therefore, based on the best
scientific and commercial data
available, no portion warrants further
consideration to determine whether the
species may be endangered or
threatened in a significant portion of its
We have carefully assessed the best
scientific and commercial data available
and have determined that the scarletchested and turquoise parrots are no
longer in danger of extinction
throughout all or significant portions of
their respective ranges, nor are they
likely to become so in the foreseeable
future. As a consequence of this
determination, we are removing these
species from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
Effects of the Rule
This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.11(h)
by removing the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parakeets from the Federal
List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife. As of the effective date of this
rule (see DATES), the prohibitions and
conservation measures provided by the
Act, particularly through sections 7, 8
and 9, no longer apply to these species.
The scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots will remain protected under the
provisions of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES). To date, the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parrots remain on the
Approved List of captive-bred species
under the WBCA, which allows import
or export of captive-bred individuals of
these species without a WBCA permit.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 64 / Wednesday, April 5, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Required Determinations
National Environmental Policy Act (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
We have determined that
environmental assessments and
environmental impact statements, as
defined under the authority of the
National Environmental Policy Act,
need not be prepared in connection
with listing or reclassification of a
species as an endangered or threatened
species under the Endangered Species
Act. We published a notice outlining
our reasons for this determination in the
Federal Register on October 25, 1983
(48 FR 49244).
References Cited
A complete list of references cited in
this rulemaking is available on the
Internet at https://www.regulations.gov
under Docket No. FWS–HQ–ES–2015–
0176 or upon request (see FOR FURTHER
This final rule was authored by staff
of the Branch of Foreign Species,
Ecological Services Program, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service.
List of Subjects
50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements,
Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, we amend part 15 and
part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title
50 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 15
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 4901–4916.
2. Amend § 15.33(a) by:
a. Amending the entries in the table
for ‘‘Neophema pulchella 1 (Turquoise
parrot.)’’ and ‘‘Neophema splendida 1
(Scarlet-chested parrot.)’’ by removing
the footnote superscripts; and
■ b. Revising footnote 1 following the
table to read as follows:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Species included in the approved
(a) * * *
1 Note:
Permits are still required for this
species under part 17 of this chapter.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
3. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
1544; and 4201–4245, unless otherwise
§ 17.11
4. Amend § 17.11(h) by removing the
entries for ‘‘Parakeet, scarlet-chested’’
and ‘‘Parakeet, turquoise’’ under BIRDS
in the List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife.
Dated: March 3, 2017.
James W. Kurth
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
[FR Doc. 2017–06663 Filed 4–4–17; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 679
[Docket No. 161020985–7181–02]
50 CFR Part 15
Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Wildlife.
§ 15.33
16:35 Apr 04, 2017
Jkt 241001
RIN 0648–XF334
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by
Catcher Vessels Using Trawl Gear in
the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
Management Area
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Temporary rule; closure.
NMFS is prohibiting directed
fishing for Pacific cod by catcher vessels
using trawl gear in the Bering Sea and
Aleutian Islands management area
(BSAI). This action is necessary to
prevent exceeding the B season
apportionment of the 2017 Pacific cod
total allowable catch allocated to
catcher vessels using trawl gear in the
DATES: Effective 1200 hours, Alaska
local time (A.l.t.), April 3, 2017, through
1200 hours, A.l.t., June 10, 2017.
Keaton, 907–586–7228.
manages the groundfish fishery in the
BSAI exclusive economic zone
according to the Fishery Management
Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea
and Aleutian Islands Management Area
PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
(FMP) prepared by the North Pacific
Fishery Management Council under
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act. Regulations governing fishing by
U.S. vessels in accordance with the FMP
appear at subpart H of 50 CFR part 600
and 50 CFR part 679.
The B season apportionment of the
2017 Pacific cod total allowable catch
(TAC) allocated to catcher vessels using
trawl gear in the BSAI is 5,197 metric
tons (mt) as established by the final
2017 and 2018 harvest specifications for
groundfish in the BSAI (82 FR 11826,
February 27, 2017.
In accordance with § 679.20(d)(1)(i),
the Administrator, Alaska Region,
NMFS (Regional Administrator), has
determined that the B season
apportionment of the 2017 Pacific cod
TAC allocated to trawl catcher vessels
in the BSAI will soon be reached.
Therefore, the Regional Administrator is
establishing a directed fishing
allowance of 4,697 mt and is setting
aside the remaining 500 mt as bycatch
to support other anticipated groundfish
fisheries. In accordance with
§ 679.20(d)(1)(iii), the Regional
Administrator finds that this directed
fishing allowance has been reached.
Consequently, NMFS is prohibiting
directed fishing for Pacific cod by
catcher vessels using trawl gear in the
After the effective date of this closure
the maximum retainable amounts at
§ 679.20(e) and (f) apply at any time
during a trip.
This action responds to the best
available information recently obtained
from the fishery. The Acting Assistant
Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA
(AA), finds good cause to waive the
requirement to provide prior notice and
opportunity for public comment
pursuant to the authority set forth at 5
U.S.C. 553(b)(B) as such requirement is
impracticable and contrary to the public
interest. This requirement is
impracticable and contrary to the public
interest as it would prevent NMFS from
responding to the most recent fisheries
data in a timely fashion and would
delay the closure of directed fishing for
Pacific cod by catcher vessels using
trawl gear in the BSAI. NMFS was
unable to publish a notice providing
time for public comment because the
most recent, relevant data only became
available as of March 30, 2017.
The AA also finds good cause to
waive the 30-day delay in the effective
date of this action under 5 U.S.C.
553(d)(3). This finding is based upon
the reasons provided above for waiver of
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 64 (Wednesday, April 5, 2017)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 16522-16540]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-06663]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Parts 15 and 17
[Docket No. FWS-HQ-ES-2015-0176; 4500030113]
RIN 1018-BB29
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of the
Scarlet-Chested Parrot and the Turquoise Parrot From the Federal List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), are removing
the scarlet-chested parrot (Neophema splendida) and the turquoise
parrot (Neophema pulchella) from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (Act). Our review of the status of these parrots shows that the
threats have been eliminated or reduced and populations of both species
are stable, with potential increases noted for the turquoise parrot in
some areas. These species are not currently in danger of extinction,
and are not likely to again become in danger of extinction within the
foreseeable future in all or significant portions of their ranges.
After the effective date of this final rule, the scarlet-chested and
the turquoise parrots will remain protected under the provisions of the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora (CITES). To date, the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots
remain on the Approved List of Captive-bred Species under the Wild Bird
Conservation Act of 1992 (WBCA).
DATES: This rule becomes effective May 5, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Comments and materials we received, as well as supporting
documentation we used in preparing this rule, are available for public
inspection at https://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-HQ-ES-
2015-0176. Comments, materials, and documentation that we considered in
this rulemaking will be available by appointment during normal business
hours at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS: ES, 5275 Leesburg Pike,
Falls Church, VA 22041-3803; telephone, 703-358-2171; facsimile, 703-
358-1735. If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD),
call the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Janine Van Norman, Chief, Branch of
Foreign Species, Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
MS: ES, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803; telephone,
703-358-2171; facsimile, 703-358-1735. If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), call the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-
Executive Summary
This document contains a final rule to remove the scarlet-chested
parrot and the turquoise parrot from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife.
[[Page 16523]]
Purpose of the regulatory action--We are delisting the scarlet-
chested parrot and the turquoise parrot throughout their ranges due to
recovery under the Act. Species experts now widely characterize
populations of the scarlet-chested parrot and the turquoise parrot as
stable, with potential increases noted for the turquoise parrot in some
areas. Trade in wild specimens is strictly regulated under Australia's
national laws as well as through CITES, the Lacey Act Amendments of
1981, as amended (16 U.S.C. 3371, et seq.), and the WBCA (16 U.S.C.
Basis for the regulatory action--Under the Act, a species may be
determined to be an endangered species or threatened species because of
any of five factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence. We must consider the same factors in
delisting a species. We may delist a species if the best scientific and
commercial data indicate the species is neither endangered nor
threatened for one or more of the following reasons: (1) The species is
extinct; (2) the species has recovered and is no longer threatened or
endangered; or (3) the original scientific data used at the time the
species was classified were in error. We consider both the scarlet-
chested and turquoise parrots to be ``recovered'' because threats to
these parrots have been reduced or eliminated, and populations of both
species are now stable, with potential increases noted for the
turquoise parrot in some areas.
Peer review and public comment--We sought comments from independent
specialists to ensure that our determination that these species have
recovered is based on scientifically sound data, assumptions, and
analyses. We invited these peer reviewers to comment on our status
reviews for the scarlet-chested parrot and the turquoise parrot. We
also considered all comments and information received during the
reopening of the comment period (see Previous Federal Actions, below).
Previous Federal Actions
The scarlet-chested and the turquoise parakeets of the genus
Neophema are listed under the Act, as endangered throughout their
entire ranges. The scarlet-chested parakeet was listed on December 2,
1970 (35 FR 18319). The turquoise parakeet was listed on June 2, 1970
(35 FR 8491). Both species were originally listed under the Endangered
Species Conservation Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91-135, 83 Stat. 275 (1969))
as part of a list of species classified as endangered. This list was
retained and incorporated into the Act, and both species have remained
listed as endangered under the Act since that time. In addition, both
species were included by regulation in the Approved List of Captive-
bred Bird Species under the WBCA in title 50 of the Code of Federal
Regulations at 50 CFR 15.33. The WBCA Approved List includes bird
species that are in the appendices of CITES, and which occur in
international trade only as captive-bred specimens. (Both species are
listed on the WBCA Approved List and in the CITES appendices as
``parrots''; we use the term ``parrots'' in this final rule for reasons
set forth below in Summary of Changes from the Proposed Rule.) Captive-
bred individuals of species on the WBCA Approved List may be imported
or exported without a WBCA permit. For additional information regarding
protections under the Act and WBCA, please see Existing regulatory
mechanisms, below.
On September 22, 2000, we announced a review of all endangered and
threatened foreign species in the Order Psittaciformes (parrots,
parakeets, macaws, cockatoos, and others; also known as psittacine
birds) listed under the Act (65 FR 57363). Section 4(c)(2) of the Act
requires such a review at least once every 5 years. The purpose of the
review is to ensure that the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
(List), found in 50 CFR 17.11, accurately reflects the most current
status information for each listed species. We requested comments and
the most current scientific or commercial information available on
these species, as well as information on other species that may warrant
future consideration for listing. If the current classification of a
species is not consistent with the best scientific and commercial
information available at the conclusion of a review, we may propose
changes to the List accordingly. Based on the 2000 review, one
commenter suggested that we reevaluate the listing of the scarlet-
chested parrot and the turquoise parrot and provided enough scientific
information, including information and correspondence with Australian
Government officials, to merit our further review of these species.
On September 2, 2003, we published a proposed rule (68 FR 52169) to
remove the scarlet-chested and turquoise parakeets from the List under
the Act because the endangered designation no longer correctly
reflected the current conservation status of these birds. On January
21, 2016, we announced the reopening of the public comment period on
our September 2, 2003, proposal to remove the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parakeets from the List (81 FR 3373). We took these actions
to determine whether removing these species from the List is still
warranted, and to ensure that we sought, received, and made our
decision based on the best scientific and commercial information
available regarding these species and their status and threats.
This is a final rule to remove the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parakeets from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
This final rule contains updated information from the information
presented in the proposed rule to remove these species from the Federal
List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (68 FR 52169, September 2,
2003) and is based on the best scientific and commercial information
available regarding these species and their status and threats.
Summary of Changes From the Proposed Rule
This final rule includes information summarized from status reviews
we conducted in 2016-2017 for the scarlet-chested and the turquoise
parrots. These status reviews are available on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov as supporting documentation for Docket No. FWS-HQ-
Sections from the status reviews were added (in part or entirely)
to the preamble to this final rule. These new sections in the preamble
are updates or additions to information that was presented in the 2003
proposal to remove the scarlet-chested and turquoise parakeets from the
list (68 FR 52169, September 2, 2003). We made changes to Previous
Federal Actions, Summary of Status Review, and Significant Portion of
Its Range Analysis. More detailed information about both parrots is in
our 2016-2017 status reviews.
In earlier rulemaking documents we used the common names ``scarlet-
chested parakeet'' and ``turquoise parakeet'' for Neophema splendida
and N. pulchella, respectively. However, both CITES and the WBCA use
the common names ``scarlet-chested parrot'' and ``turquoise parrot,''
and these common names are also used widely in the range country of
Australia, and in the scientific literature. Therefore, we have adopted
the use of the term ``parrot'' instead of ``parakeet'' in the
[[Page 16524]]
common name for these species in this final rule and in our 2016-2017
status reviews.
When these two species were included in the Approved List of
Captive-bred Bird Species under the WBCA, the Service footnoted the
species that require an ESA permit under 50 CFR part 17 for importation
or other prohibited acts to avoid any confusion for the public (59 FR
62255, 62261-63; December 2, 1994). With this final rule, these two
species will no longer require an ESA permit under 50 CFR part 17.
Accordingly, in order to avoid confusion, in this final rule we are
also amending 50 CFR 15.33(a) simply to make technical corrections to
delete the informational footnote superscripts from the entries for
these two species and to reflect that the informational footnote now
applies to only one species on the WBCA Approved List. These changes
are being made with this final rule because they are noncontroversial
actions necessary for clarity and consistency that are in the best
interest of the public and should be undertaken in as timely a manner
as possible.
Scarlet-Chested Parrot
Summary of Status Review
Both the scarlet-chested (Neophema splendida) parrot and the
turquoise parrot (N. pulchella) belong to the genus Neophema, which
contains six species, all native to Australia. Both Birdlife
International (BLI 2016 a&b, unpaginated) and the Integrated Taxonomic
Information System (ITIS 2016 a&b, unpaginated) recognize the scarlet-
chested and turquoise parrots as distinct full species. We have
reviewed the available information and conclude that the scarlet-
chested and turquoise parrots are valid full species in a multispecies
Species Description
The scarlet-chested parrot is a relatively small, very colorful
parrot found in the dry central portions of southern Australia. Adult
size is approximately 19-21 centimeters (cm) (7.5-8.3 inches (in)) in
length (Higgins 1999, p. 585). The male scarlet-chested parrot is
bright green above with yellow below. The face, throat, and cheeks are
blue, and flight feathers are also edged in blue (BLA 2016a,
unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p. 585). Males are easily distinguished from
females by their scarlet chest; the chest of the female is light green
(BLA 2016a, unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p. 585). Juvenile birds are
similar in appearance to the female (del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 384), but
colors are somewhat duller (BLA 2016a, unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p.
The scarlet-chested parrot inhabits open woodlands or shrublands
among sand plains of the dry inland portions of the Australian
``outback'' or ``rangelands.'' Typical vegetation in these shrublands
includes Eucalyptus species (mallee), Acacia aneura (mulga), or
Eucalyptus salubris (gimlet), usually with sparse spinifex (Triodia
species; hummock grass) ground cover (Collar 2016a, unpaginated;
Forshaw 1989, p. 288; Jarman, 1968, p. 111). The term ``mallee'' can
mean both: (1) The various low-growing shrubby Eucalyptus species and
(2) areas of shrub that are dominated by mallee bushes, typical of some
arid parts of Australia. Throughout this document, we use the term
``mallee'' to refer to the former and ``mallee shrubland'' to refer to
the latter. Similarly, we use the term Acacia shrublands to refer to
arid landscapes dominated by Acacia species.
The scarlet-chested parrot is adapted to country that is usually
waterless, with average annual rainfall less than 25 cm (10 in) (Jarman
1968, p. 111). It is frequently found far from water and is thought to
obtain moisture by drinking dew or eating succulent (water-storing)
plants (NSW 2014a, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 288; Jarman 1968, p.
111). The species feeds primarily on grass seeds (Juniper and Parr
1998, p. 367; del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 384) and seeds from Acacia
species and herbaceous and succulent plants found near or on the ground
(BLA 2016a, unpaginated; NSW 2014a, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 288;
Jarman 1968, p. 111). The scarlet-chested parrot appears to favor areas
that have been recently burned and are regenerating for forage (Collar
2016a, unpaginated; BLA 2012, unpaginated; del Hoyo et al. 1997 p. 384;
Robinson et al. 1990, p. 11).
The species is described as nomadic--birds will appear in an area,
nest for several years, and then disappear again (Collar 2016a,
unpaginated; Rowden pers. comm. 2016; Higgins 1999, p. 587; Juniper and
Parr, 1998, p. 366; Forshaw 1989, p. 288; del Hoyo et al. 1997, p.
384). The species is also described as ``irruptive,'' meaning that it
is capable of building up large numbers in response to favorable
environmental conditions (Andrew and Palliser 1993, as cited in Snyder
et al. 2000, p. 57; Forshaw 1989, p. 288). However, in general,
movements or patterns of abundance for the scarlet-chested parrot are
not well understood (BLI 2016a, unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p. 587).
The scarlet-chested parrot is typically seen in isolated pairs or
small groups of fewer than 10 birds (Forshaw 1989, p. 288), but larger
flocks have been reported outside of the breeding season (NSW 2014a,
unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p. 588; Forshaw 1989, p. 288). Age at
maturity is about 3 years (Garnett & Crowley 2000a, p. 346), and
generation time is estimated at 4.9 years (BLI 2012a, p. 8). The
species breeds mostly from August through January, but timing likely
depends on rain events and resultant food availability (BLA 2016a,
unpaginated; Collar 2016a, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 288).
Woodland and shrubland tree hollows (e.g., hollows in Eucalyptus
species) are important for nesting and may be a limiting habitat
feature for the scarlet-chested parrot in some areas (see Competition
for nesting hollows and food, below). The scarlet-chested parrot lays
four to six eggs on a bed of wood dust or debris in tree hollows (BLA
2016a, unpaginated; Collar 2016a, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 288).
The female incubates the eggs, but both the male and female rear the
young (AFD 2014, unpaginated, Hutchins and Lovell, 1985 as cited in
Higgins 1999, p. 589). Incubation lasts for about 18 days, and the
nestling period is about 30 days (Forshaw 1989, p. 288). The species is
thought to raise just one brood per season (Jarman 1968, p. 118) but
may produce two broods under good conditions (Sindel and Gill undated
as cited in Higgins 1999, p. 589), consistent with irruptive species
population ecology.
This species once had a wide distribution (Juniper and Parr 1998,
p. 366) within the drier portions of southern Australia from the west
coast of Australia to the western portions of New South Wales (Higgins,
1999, pp. 585-586).
Today, the population is sparsely distributed across the arid
interior of southern Australia, ranging from approximately Kalgoorlie
(Western Australia) to western portions of New South Wales in the east
and as far north as southern portions of the Northern Territory (NSW
2014a, unpaginated). The species is primarily concentrated in the
better vegetated areas of the Great Victoria Desert located in
southwestern Australia (BLI 2016a, unpaginated; Juniper and Parr 1998,
p. 366).
The estimated distribution of the scarlet-chested parrot is very
large (262,000 km\2\ (101,159 mi\2\); BLI 2016a, unpaginated). However,
there appears to be a reduction in the extent of the historical range
in the west within the
[[Page 16525]]
vicinity of the Western Australian goldfields, with just one record
from the west coast since 1854 (Dymond in litt. 2001, as cited in BLI
2016a, unpaginated). Similarly, reductions have been noted in the east
with fewer records from New South Wales in the 20th than in the 19th
century (BLI 2016a, unpaginated), and no confirmed records from
Victoria since 1995 (Clarke in litt. 2016).
The scarlet-chested parrot at one point historically was thought to
have gone extinct, as a result of no sightings of this species for
upwards of 20 to 60 years (Jarman 1968, p. 111; Anon. 1932, p. 538).
The current population has not been quantified, but it is estimated to
be larger than 10,000 mature individuals (BLI 2012a, p. 1); and
population trends appear to be stable, with no evidence of decline in
the last 20 years (BLI 2016a, unpaginated; BLI 2012a, p. 4). The
population does not appear to be fragmented, and subpopulations can
travel great distances (Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57).
Captive-Bred Specimens
The scarlet-chested parrot is bred in captivity for the pet trade
and may number between 10,000 and 25,000 held in captivity in Australia
alone (Collar 2016a, unpaginated; Juniper and Parr 1998, p. 366; del
Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 384), although estimates of the size of the
captive population after the late 1990s could not be found.
Conservation Status
The scarlet-chested parrot was listed in CITES Appendix I in 1975,
but transferred to Appendix II in 1977 (UNEP 2011a, unpaginated). The
Order Psittaciformes was listed as a whole in Appendix II in 1981 (UNEP
2011a, unpaginated). Listing in CITES Appendix II allows for regulated
international commercial trade based on certain findings.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN)--In 1988, the scarlet-chested parrot was listed as
``Threatened'' on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species (BLI 2012a,
p. 1). The species was recategorized as ``Vulnerable'' in 1994, to
``Lower Risk'' in 2000, and to ``Least Concern'' in 2004; the status
remains at ``Least Concern'' (BLI 2012a, p. 1).
Commercial exports of the scarlet-chested parrot from Australia
have been prohibited since 1962; these prohibitions are now codified in
Australia's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
1999 (EPBC Act). The scarlet-chested parrot is not included in the EPBC
Act's List of Threatened Fauna (Australian DEE 2017a, unpaginated).
Inclusion on EPBC Act's List of Threatened Fauna promotes recovery via:
(1) Conservation advice, (2) recovery plans, and (3) the EPBC Act's
assessment and approval provisions (Australian DEE 2017b). The scarlet-
chested parrot was not included on the List of Threatened Fauna either
because it was never nominated for consideration, or if it was
nominated, it was found ineligible by a rigorous scientific assessment
of the species' threat status (Australian DEE 2017b, unpaginated).
Additionally, the 2000 Action Plan for Australian Birds (Garnett
and Crowley 2000a, p. 346) listed the scarlet-chested parrot nationally
as ``Least Concern,'' but this designation was removed in the 2010
Action Plan (Garnett et al. 2011, entire). As such, there is no
national recovery plan for the scarlet-chested parrot, though
recommended actions were outlined for the species in the 2000 Action
Plan (Garnett and Crowley 2000a, p. 346). There was no justification
provided for the removal of the scarlet-chested parrot from the 2010
Action Plan. Justification was provide for removal of the turquoise
parrot form the 2010 Action Plan, which noted that the population was
too large to be considered ``near threatened'' and that there was no
evidence of a recent decline (Garnett et al. 2011, p. 429). We assume
that similar criteria were considered for the removal of the scarlet-
chested parrot from the 2010 Action Plan.
At the state level, the scarlet-chested parrot is listed as ``Near
threatened'' in the Northern Territory (NT GOV 2016, unpaginated), and
``Rare'' in South Australia (South Australia 2016, unpaginated). It
does not appear on the list of threatened fauna in Western Australia
(WAG 2015, unpaginated). Although sightings are rare in New South
Wales, the State has listed the scarlet-chested parrot as
``Vulnerable'' and has identified management actions for its
conservation (NSW 2014a, unpaginated). The species is currently listed
as ``Threatened'' in Victoria under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act
1988 (FFG Act 2016, p. 3; Vic DSE 2013, p. 12), although there have
been no confirmed records there since 1995 (Clarke in litt. 2016).
Additionally, portions of suitable habitat for the scarlet-chested
parrot are protected. For example, nearly 30 percent of the state of
South Australia is now in the Natural Reserve System, which includes
government reserves, indigenous protected areas, private protected
areas, and jointly managed protected areas (CAPAD 2014, unpaginated).
Reserve lands in South Australia include portions of the Great Victoria
Desert, a primary concentration area for the scarlet-chested parrot.
Also, nearly 22 percent of Western Australia, 19 percent of the
Northern Territory, 9 percent of New South Wales, and 18 percent of
Victoria are part of the Natural Reserve System (CAPAD 2014,
unpaginated). Because we do not reliably know the degree to which the
Natural Reserve System protects the scarlet-chested parrot and its
habitat, we did not rely on these protected areas in our determination
of whether or not the parrot meets the definition of threatened or
Factors Affecting the Scarlet-Chested Parrot
The following paragraphs provide a summary of the past, current,
and potential future stressors for the scarlet-chested parrot and its
habitats. In cases where the stressors were common to both the scarlet-
chested and turquoise parrots, we discuss potential effects to both
parrot species for efficiency.
Land Clearing in Australia
In this section, we consider the term ``land clearing'' to mean the
removal of Australian native vegetation for agriculture, development,
or other purposes (COAG 2012, p. 2). Thus, we consider clearing of the
native habitats occupied by both the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots as ``land clearing,'' including clearing of forests, woodlands,
scrub- or shrublands, and grasslands. When Europeans began colonizing
Australia in the late 18th century, approximately 30 percent of the
continent was covered in forest (Barson et al. 2000 as cited in
Bradshaw 2012, p. 110). Since colonization, Australia has lost nearly
40 percent of its forests, and much of the remaining vegetation is
highly fragmented (Bradshaw 2012, p. 109). In the late 18th and the
early 19th centuries, deforestation occurred mainly on the most fertile
soils closest to the coast (Bradshaw 2012, p. 109). Land clearing
continues in more recent timeframes--with Australia having the sixth
highest annual rate of land clearing in the world from 1990 to 2000
(Lindenmayer and Burgman 2005, p. 230).
Although land clearing is listed as a ``key threatening process''
under the EPBC Act (Australian DEE 2016a, unpaginated), the
Commonwealth has no jurisdiction over state actions (Lindenmayer and
Burgman 2005, p. 233). Throughout this document, the term ``key
threatening process'' means a ``threatening process that threatens or
[[Page 16526]]
may threaten the survival, abundance or evolutionary development of a
native species or ecological community'' (EPBC Act; Australian DEE
2016b, unpaginated).
Land Clearing and the Scarlet-Chested Parrot
Europeans settled Australia's semi-arid or arid landscapes (i.e.,
areas used by the scarlet-chested parrot) 150 years ago (Benson et al.
2001, p. 26). Determining impacts to the scarlet-chested parrot from
land clearing is not straightforward, partly because the area known to
be available to the parrot is large (BLI 2012, p. 1), and the parrot is
capable of traveling great distances (Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57).
Habitat clearing has caused major losses of the mallee shrublands used
by the scarlet-chested parrot in some areas, such as in southern South
Australia and northwestern Victoria, but large fragments remain (CAPAD
2014, unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley 2000a, p. 346). Overgrazing by
exotic herbivores (i.e., cattle, sheep, and rabbits) and resultant
vegetation modification is also attributed to the decline of many arid-
zone birds (Reid and Fleming, 1992, pp. 65, 80), though trends for the
scarlet-chested parrot are less discernible due, in part, to their use
of remote desert regions (Garnett 1992 as cited in Reid and Fleming,
1992, p. 74). Clearance and harvesting of mallee shrublands and Acacia
shrublands affects nest hollow availability (NSW 2014a, unpaginated;
Joseph 1988, p. 273), although the extent of the impacts to the
scarlet-chested parrot is unknown.
Fire in Australia
Fire is an essential component of Australia's natural environment.
The indigenous people of Australia learned to live in a fire-prone
environment and used fire as a primary land management tool (Whelan et
al. 2006, p. 1). When early Europeans arrived, they feared and fought
bushfires (wildfires) but used managed fires to clear native vegetation
for agriculture (Whelan et al. 2006, p. 1). Today, land managers use
fire for biodiversity conservation, to promote pasture production, and
for the protection of life, property, and other assets (e.g., to manage
fuel loads and prevent wildfire) (Whelan et al. 2006, p. 1). Fire is
also an important process in the formation of tree hollows used for
nesting species, such as the scarlet-chested parrot. Australia lacks
primary tree excavator species, such as woodpeckers, so hollows are
generally started by fire or limb loss, and hollow formation continues
over long time periods via invertebrates, fungi, or bacteria (Haslem et
al. 2012, p. 213).
Altered Fire Regimes and the Scarlet-Chested Parrot
Frequency, extent, and intensity of wildfires appear to be
increasing across most of the scarlet-chested parrot's range (see
Climate change in Australia, below). The role these increases play in
the ecology of the scarlet-chested parrot is difficult to discern. The
scarlet-chested parrot uses and prefers recently burned and
regenerating areas for forage (Collar 2016a, unpaginated; BLA 2012,
unpaginated; del Hoyo et al., 1997 p. 384; Robinson et al. 1990, p.
11). However, altered fire regimes (e.g., more frequent fire intervals)
have probably been detrimental in some areas (BLI 2016a, unpaginated;
Collar 2016a, unpaginated; NSW 2014a, unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley
2000a, p. 346). Woodland birds of the mallee shrublands, occupied by
the scarlet-chested parrot in a large portion of its range, are
sensitive to altered fire regimes (Clarke in litt. 2016). Time-since-
fire (and resultant older vegetation stages) are important variables
for species richness (Taylor et al. 2012, entire) and occupancy (Clarke
in litt. 2016, Brown et al. 2009, entire; Clarke et al. 2005, pp. 174,
178, 179) in mallee shrublands.
Long fire-free periods are important in the formation of tree
hollows (Haslem et al. 2012, entire), which the parrots depend upon for
breeding. Mid- to late-successional stages of vegetation (greater than
20 years) are important to many bird species in semi-arid shrublands in
southeastern Australia (Watson et al. 2012, p. 685). More frequent fire
intervals can prevent these stages from occurring.
In summary, although habitat loss and degradation has occurred in
the arid and semi-arid habitat occupied by the scarlet-chested parrot
over the last 150 years, the degree to which land clearing for
agriculture, overgrazing by introduced herbivores and altered fire
regimes have acted on, are presently acting on, or will act on the
scarlet-chested parrot in the foreseeable future, is difficult to
assess. Mallee shrublands in southern South Australia and northwestern
Victoria have been lost, but large fragments remain (CAPAD 2014,
unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley 2000a, p. 346). Availability of nest
hollows in the dwindling mallee shrublands is a concern over the long
term (Joseph 1988, p. 273). Although habitat destruction and
modification is a likely stressor for the scarlet-chested parrot, we do
not consider it to be a major stressor to the species throughout its
entire range now or in the foreseeable future because the scarlet-
chested parrot has evolved in dynamic environmental conditions, the
area available to the parrot is large, and the parrot is capable of
traveling great distances.
Illegal Collection and Trade (for Both Scarlet-Chested and Turquoise
Trapping or nest robbing of scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots
for the caged bird industry may have been a significant stressor in the
past (NSW 2014a&b, unpaginated; Higgins 1999, pp. 587 & 576), but
current rates of trapping are unknown. It may no longer be much of a
stressor because these species are readily captive-bred and kept in
large numbers (Garnett 1992 as cited in Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57).
However, if illegal trapping is still occurring, it could be
significant in some areas if only a small number of birds are present
(NSW 2014a, unpaginated). For example, the scarlet-chested parrot was
the subject of illegal bird trappers at Gluepot Reserve in eastern
South Australia in the 1970s, where there may be a small resident
population (MacKenzie in litt. 2016). Additionally, practices used in
illegal trapping can destroy nest hollows (NSW 2014b, unpaginated;
Baker-Gabb 2011, p. 10). Both the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots
are still thought to be illegally trapped at some level (NSW 2014a&b,
unpaginated), but trapping is no longer thought to be a major stressor
(Garnett 1992 as cited in Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57; Joseph 1988, p.
Legislation by the states within these species' range prohibits, or
limits by permit, the capture of these species from the wild (See
Existing regulatory mechanisms, below). Legitimate state permit holders
(such as zoos, breeders, or pet shops) must prove that they are
qualified to care for the animals and keep detailed records in a
logbook (Barry 2011, unpaginated). However, the limited permissions for
removal of wildlife and associated recordkeeping are, at times, abused.
A practice called ``leaving the book open'' is a common way to launder
wildlife--where permit holders sometimes head to the bush to replace a
permitted animal that died, or pass off a wild animal as captive-bred
(Barry 2011, unpaginated). Although there are thousands of state
wildlife permit infringements and seizures each year in Australia, only
a small number go to court (e.g., as few as 12 cases per year), and
punishments across the states vary (Barry 2011, unpaginated). Under
Australian Federal law, maximum fines for wildlife permit violations
are $110,000 AUS ($83,194 US) and 10 years in prison, but across the
[[Page 16527]]
penalties range from $220,000 AUS ($158,824 US) and 2 years jail in New
South Wales to $10,000 AUS ($7,563 US) and no jail time in Western
Australia (Barry 2011, unpaginated).
International trade in wild-caught specimens is strictly limited by
domestic regulation (in Australia) and through additional national and
international treaties and laws (See Existing regulatory mechanisms,
below). However, the fact that so many species of native Australian
birds have appeared overseas during the years of prohibition is
evidence that some smuggling has been successful (Parliament of
Australia 2016, unpaginated).
Despite domestic and international protections for wild birds,
captive-bred scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots are widely
available, and their market value is relatively low compared to other
species of parrots, especially for birds sold in Australia. Scarlet-
chested parrots sold in Australia are valued at approximately $20 to
$50 AUS ($15 to $38 US) (Findads.com 2016, unpaginated). Prices for
scarlet-chested parrots in the United States are approximately five
times higher, or more--approximately $99 to $165 AUS ($75 to $125 US)
(Hoobly Classifieds 2016, unpaginated). Market value for turquoise
parrots is lower--approximately $15 AUS ($11 US) for birds sold in
Australia and $50 AUS ($38 US) for birds sold overseas (Parliament of
Australia 2016, unpaginated).
Levels of Legal International Trade (for the Scarlet-Chested Parrot)
Between 1980 and 2014, there were very few wild scarlet-chested
parrots in trade. There were 22,612 recorded exports of the species in
international trade (19,337 recorded as imports). Of these, only 32
specimens were recorded as exports from Australia (7 recorded as
imported). With few exceptions, specimens in trade were captive-bred
for the pet trade. Within this same time period there were 295 recorded
imports (and 168 recorded exports) to the United States. Of those
imports, 23 specimens were confiscated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (UNEP 2016a).
In summary, poaching for the pet trade may be occurring at a low
level that is not likely to affect wild populations. Small, possibly
resident, subpopulations may face some risk from poaching, but we are
not aware of any significant poaching since the 1970s. Nor are we aware
of any information indicating that overutilization for recreational,
scientific, or educational purposes is a stressor to the scarlet-
chested parrot.
Disease (for Scarlet-Chested and Turquoise Parrots)
Information regarding diseases and their potential effect to wild
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots is limited. Psittacine beak and
feather disease (PBFD) is a viral disease that occurs in a fatal form
and a chronic form in both old and new world parrots (Fogell et al.
2016, pp. 2059 and 2060). In 2001, PBFD was listed as a ``key
threatening process affecting endangered psittacine species'' (Peters
et al. 2014, p. 289; Australian DEH 2004, unpaginated). Cases of PBFD
are pervasive in Australia, having been reported in more than 61
psittacine species (Australian DEH 2004, unpaginated).
The virus particularly affects juveniles or young adults, but all
ages are susceptible (Australian DEH 2004, unpaginated). The chronic
form of PBFD results in feather, beak, and skin abnormalities, with
most birds eventually dying (Australian DEH 2004, unpaginated).
Symptoms of the acute form of PBFD include feather abnormalities and
diarrhea, with death likely within 1 to 2 weeks (Australian DEH 2004,
unpaginated). PBFD is readily transmitted through contact with
contaminated feces, feather dust, crop secretions, surfaces, or objects
(Gerlach 1994 as cited in Ritchie et al. 2003, p.109) and can also be
passed directly from a female to her young (Fogell et al. 2016, p.
PBFD can probably survive for many years in tree hollows and other
nest sites (Australian DEH 2004, unpaginated). To date, the disease has
not been reported for the scarlet-chested or turquoise parrots (Fogell
et al. 2016, pp. 2063-2065), but recent phylogenetic analyses of the
virus indicate that all endangered Australian psittacine birds are
susceptible to, and equally likely to be infected by, the disease
(Raidal et al. 2015, p. 466). PBFD may be less of a danger to larger,
non-threatened populations of Australian psittacine species because
they are generally better able to sustain losses to the disease, and
individuals that survive infection develop immunity (Australian DEH
2004, unpaginated). Because PBFD is so pervasive in Australia, scarlet-
chested and turquoise parrots are likely susceptible, but population
sizes (i.e., approximately 10,000 scarlet-chested and 20,000 turquoise
parrots) may provide some resiliency from the disease.
Predation From Non-Native Cats and Foxes in Australia
Nonnative cats (Felis catus) were introduced and became established
soon after European settlement and are now found throughout mainland
Australia (Australian DEE 2015, p. 7). Predation by feral cats was
identified as a key threatening process in 1999 (Australian DEE 2015,
p. 5). In response, a feral cat threat abatement plan was developed by
the Australian Government in 2008, and the most recent plan was
published in 2015. It establishes a national framework for cat control,
research, management, and other actions needed to ensure the long-term
survival of native species and ecological communities affected by feral
cats (Australian DEE 2015, p. 5).
The non-native European red fox (Vulpes vulpes) was introduced in
the mid-1800s and now occupies much of mainland Australia (Australian
DSEWP&C 2010, unpaginated), including the range of the scarlet-chested
and turquoise parrots. Predation by the European red fox is listed by
the Australian Government as a key threatening process in 1999
(Australian DEE 2015, p. 5). In response, the Australian Government
developed a threat abatement plan that outlines conventional control
techniques such as shooting, poisoning, and fencing as well as research
and management actions (Australian DSEWP&C 2010, unpaginated). To date,
it is not known if these efforts are resulting in a reduction in these
Predation and the Scarlet-Chested Parrot
Predation by feral cats and European red foxes could be a stressor
for the scarlet-chested parrot, but the degree of predation is not
known. Both the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrot were assessed as
``high risk'' from these predators within the rangeland environment in
the Western Division of New South Wales based on variables such as
predator density, body weight, habitat use, and behavior (Dickman et
al. 1996, p. 249). The Western Division of New South Wales represents
the eastern edge of the current distribution of the scarlet-chested
parrot. Additionally, the night parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis), which
shares some habitat (Triodia grass) with the scarlet-chested parrot,
may have experienced a decline partly due to nonnative predators such
as foxes and cats (Joseph 1988, p. 274). Lastly, the provisioning of
water for livestock has made some areas that were, perhaps, once too
dry for these predators more hospitable. However, we did not find any
information indicating that predation by foxes and cats is affecting
the scarlet-chested parrot.
[[Page 16528]]
Competition for Nesting Hollows and Food
Competition for suitable nest hollows has the potential to limit
reproductive success by limiting the number of pairs that can breed, or
by causing nest mortality as a result of competitive interactions. All
but four species of Australian parrots are dependent on tree hollows
for nesting (Forshaw 1990, p. 58), and at least 14 species of parrots
are known to use mallee shrublands (Schodde, 1990, p. 61). Availability
of nest hollows in the dwindling mallee shrublands is a concern over
the long term (Joseph 1988, p. 273). Additionally, the provisioning of
water for livestock in semi-arid and arid rangelands may have caused
increases and competitive advantage (e.g., for food and nest hollows)
to more water-dependent parrots (Collar 2016a, unpaginated; Garnett and
Crowley 2000a, p. 346; del Hoyo et al., 1997, p. 384). National
legislation, policy, and strategic management plans are in place to
protect hollow-bearing trees in Australia; however, prioritization and
implementation of actions at the local level may be limited or lacking
(Treby et al. 2014, entire).
In summary, disease, predation, and competition are all potential
stressors for the scarlet-chested parrot. Although PBFD has not been
confirmed in the scarlet-chested parrot, it is likely susceptible to
the disease at some level. We are not aware of other diseases or
pathogens that affect the wild population. Predation and competition
may be occurring at low levels. Disease, predation, and competition do
not appear to be significant stressors to the species because
populations of the scarlet-chested parrot appear to be stable with an
estimated 10,000 individuals and no evidence of decline in the past 20
Existing Regulatory Mechanisms (for Both Scarlet-Chested and Turquoise
In Australia, legislation from all states within these species'
range prohibits, or limits by permit, the capture of the scarlet-
chested and turquoise parrots from the wild. Commercial exports of
these species from Australia have been banned since 1962. The
prohibition is now codified under the EPBC Act. Individuals who violate
this act, for example to export native species for commercial reasons,
can face serious penalties, such as lengthy imprisonment and hefty
These species are listed in Appendix II of CITES (50 CFR 23.91).
CITES, an international agreement between governments, ensures that the
international trade of CITES-listed plants and animals does not
threaten the survival of the species in the wild. Under this treaty,
CITES Parties regulate the import, export, and reexport of specimens,
parts, and products of CITES-listed plants and animals (CITES 2016,
unpaginated). Trade must be authorized through a system of permits and
certificates that are provided by the designated CITES Scientific and
Management Authorities of each CITES Party (CITES 2016, unpaginated).
The United States implements CITES through the Act and our implementing
regulations at 50 CFR part 23. It is unlawful for any person subject to
the jurisdiction of the United States to engage in any trade in any
specimens contrary to the provisions of CITES, or to possess any
specimens traded contrary to the provisions of CITES, the Act, or part
23. Protections for CITES-listed species are provided independently of
whether a species is a threatened species or endangered species under
the Act.
In the United States, the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots are
currently listed as endangered and protected by the Act. Conservation
measures provided to species listed as endangered or threatened under
the Act include recognition, requirements for Federal protection, and
prohibitions against certain practices. Recognition through listing
results in public awareness, and encourages and results in conservation
actions by Federal and State governments, private agencies and interest
groups, and individuals.
Section 7(a) of the Act, as amended, and as implemented by
regulations at 50 CFR part 402, requires Federal agencies to evaluate
their actions that are to be conducted within the United States or upon
the high seas, with respect to any species that is proposed to be
listed or is listed as endangered or threatened. Specifically, section
7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to ensure those actions they
authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of a listed species or to destroy or adversely
modify its critical habitat. However, because foreign species are not
native to the United States, critical habitat is not designated.
Regulations implementing the interagency cooperation provision of the
Act are codified at 50 CFR part 402.
Section 8(a) of the Act authorizes the provision of limited
financial assistance for the development and management of programs
that the Secretary of the Interior determines to be necessary or useful
for the conservation of endangered or threatened species in foreign
countries. Sections 8(b) and 8(c) of the Act authorize the Secretary to
encourage conservation programs for foreign listed species, and to
provide assistance for such programs, in the form of personnel and the
training of personnel.
Section 9(a)(1) of the Act and our implementing regulations set
forth a series of general prohibitions and exceptions that apply to all
endangered wildlife. These prohibitions, at 50 CFR 17.21, in part, make
it illegal for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United
States to ``take'' (includes harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound,
kill, trap, capture, or to attempt any of these) within the United
States or upon the high seas; import or export; deliver, receive,
carry, transport, or ship in interstate or foreign commerce, by any
means whatsoever, in the course of commercial activity; or sell or
offer for sale in interstate or foreign commerce any endangered
wildlife species. It also is illegal to possess, sell, deliver, carry,
transport, or ship any such wildlife that has been taken in violation
of the Act. Certain exceptions apply to agents of the Service and State
conservation agencies.
Under section 10 of the Act, permits may be issued to carry out
otherwise prohibited activities involving endangered species under
certain circumstances. Regulations governing permits are codified at 50
CFR 17.22 for endangered species. With regard to endangered wildlife, a
permit may be issued for the following purposes: for scientific
purposes, to enhance the propagation or survival of the species and for
incidental take in connection with otherwise lawful activities.
Two other laws in the United States apart from the Act provide
protection from the illegal import of wild-caught birds into the United
States: the Wild Bird Conservation Act (WBCA) and the Lacey Act. The
WBCA was passed in 1992 to ensure that exotic bird species are not
harmed by international trade and to encourage wild bird conservation
programs in countries of origin. Under the WBCA and our implementing
regulations (50 CFR 15.11), it is unlawful to import into the United
States any exotic bird species listed under CITES except under certain
circumstances. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may issue permits to
allow import of listed birds for scientific research, zoological
breeding or display, cooperative breeding, or personal pet purposes
when the applicant meets certain criteria (50 CFR 15.22-15.25). All
Neophema are protected under the WBCA (USFWS 2004). The WBCA allows
import into the United States of captive-bred birds of certain species
[[Page 16529]]
included in the WBCA Approved List (50 CFR 15.33), such as scarlet-
chested and turquoise parrots, which meet the following criteria (50
CFR 15.31):
(a) All specimens of the species known to be in trade (legal or
illegal) must be captive bred;
(b) No specimens of the species may be removed from the wild for
commercial purposes;
(c) Any importation of the species must not be detrimental to the
survival of the species in the wild; and
(d) Adequate enforcement controls must be in place to ensure
compliance with paragraphs (a) through (c).
The Lacey Act was originally passed in 1900 and was the first
Federal law protecting wildlife. Today, it provides civil and criminal
penalties for the illegal trade of animals and plants. Under the Lacey
Act, in part, it is unlawful to import, export, transport, sell,
receive, acquire, or purchase any fish, or wildlife taken, possessed,
transported, or sold: (1) In violation of any law, treaty, or
regulation of the United States or in violation of any Indian tribal
law, or (2) in interstate or foreign commerce any fish or wildlife
taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of any law or
regulation of any State or in violation of any foreign law. Therefore,
for example, because the take of wild-caught Australian parrots would
be in violation of Australia's EPBC Act, the subsequent import of such
parrots would be in violation of the Lacey Act. Similarly, under the
Lacey Act it is unlawful to import, export, transport, sell, receive,
acquire, or purchase specimens of these species traded contrary to
In this section, we reviewed the existing regulatory mechanisms
governing collection and trade of wild scarlet-chested parrots. While
we note the conservation measures that would no longer be in place
under the Act as a result of a delisting, such as the prohibitions on
take within the United States or on the high seas, and import, export,
or re-export into or out of the United States, we did not rely on the
conservation measures provided by a listing under the Act in reaching
our determination of whether or not the species meets the definition of
threatened or endangered. As described above, the EPBC Act (which
controls commercial export), Lacey Act, CITES, and WBCA all provide
protection to scarlet-chested parrots that minimize or eliminate
threats from trade to the species independently of the listing of the
species under the Act. Thus, we do not expect declines in the species
due to the removal of the protections of the Act. As discussed under
the other sections in Factors Affecting the Scarlet-Chested Parrot, we
do not find major stressors adversely affecting the species or its
habitat. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that the regulatory
mechanisms addressing these potential stressors are adequate at
protecting the species at a domestic and global level.
Small Population Size
We discussed the nomadic behavior and the irruptive species
population ecology of the scarlet-chested parrot in the Biology section
above and noted that the species can experience range contractions and
low numbers (Runge et al. 2014, pp. 870, 874). Although the current
population has not been quantified, it is estimated to be larger than
10,000 mature individuals (BLI 2012a, p. 1); and population trends
appear to be stable, with no evidence of decline in the last 20 years
(BLI 2016a, unpaginated; BLI 2012a, p. 4). Because the scarlet-chested
parrot can experience large range contractions and low numbers, we
considered whether small population size in combination with other
stressors might act as a stressor to the species. Small populations are
generally at greater risk of extinction from habitat loss, predation,
disease, loss of genetic diversity, and stochastic (random)
environmental events such as wildfire and floods.
Species that naturally occur in low densities, however, are not
necessarily in danger of extinction merely by virtue of their rarity.
Many naturally rare species have persisted for long periods, and many
naturally rare species exhibit traits (e.g., nomadic behavior and
irruptive species population ecology of the scarlet-chested parrot)
that allow them to persist despite their small population sizes.
Consequently, the fact that a species is rare or has small populations
alone does not indicate that it may be in danger of extinction now or
in the foreseeable future. Additional information beyond rarity is
needed to determine whether the species may warrant listing. In the
absence of information identifying stressors to the species and linking
those stressors to the rarity of the species or a declining status, we
do not consider rarity alone to be a threat. Further, a species that
has always had small population sizes or has always been rare, yet
continues to survive, could be well-equipped to continue to exist into
the future.
We considered specific potential stressors that may affect or
exacerbate rarity or small population size for the scarlet-chested
parrot. Although low genetic diversity could occur with some small
populations, the scarlet-chested parrot population is not known to be
fragmented (Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57). We are not aware of any genetic
studies on the scarlet-chested parrot and have no evidence that low
genetic diversity is a problem for the species. Additionally, the
scarlet-chested parrot is capable of building up large numbers in
response to favorable environmental conditions, and has historically
survived changes to its habitat, including wildfire and other
stochastic events.
In summary, the best available information does not indicate that
lack of genetic variability and reduced fitness is acting on the
scarlet-chested parrot now or will do so in the future.
Global Climate Change
Described in general terms, ``climate'' refers to the mean and
variability of different types of weather conditions over a long period
of time, which may be reported as decades, centuries, or thousands of
years. The term ``climate change'' thus refers to a change in the mean
or variability of one or more measures of climate (e.g., temperature,
precipitation) that persists for an extended period, typically decades
or longer, whether the change is due to natural variability, human
activity, or both (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; (IPCC
2007, p. 78). Various types of changes in climate can have direct or
indirect effects on species, and these may be positive or negative
depending on the species and other relevant considerations, such as the
effects of interactions with non-climate conditions (e.g., habitat
fragmentation). We use our expert judgment to weigh information,
including uncertainty, in our consideration of various aspects of
climate change that are relevant to the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots. Global climate change predictions include increases in
intensity and/or duration of heat waves and droughts, as well as
greater numbers of heavy precipitation events (IPCC 2013, p. 7).
Climate Change in Australia
Over the last century, Australia has experienced an average
increase of 1.0 [deg]C (1.8 [deg]F), with the most pronounced and rapid
warming occurring in eastern Australia from the 1950s to the present
(Nicholls 2006 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p. 116). Along with this
warming, there has been an increased frequency of hot days and nights,
and a decrease in cold days and nights (Deo 2011 as cited in Bradshaw
2012, p. 116). Rainfall patterns have shifted over this period, with
decreased rainfall in the southeastern and southwestern regions and
increases in the northwest (Nicholls
[[Page 16530]]
and Lavery 1992 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p. 116). An increase in
annual total rainfall of approximately 15 percent was experienced in
New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and the Northern Territory,
with little change in the other states (Hughes 2003, p. 424). In
eastern Australia, since 1973, drought periods are becoming hotter
(Nicholls 2004 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p. 116).
Climate change projections for Australia show significant
vulnerability to changes in temperature and rainfall. The IPCC Fourth
Assessment Report identified agriculture and natural resources as two
key sectors likely to be strongly affected (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Temperatures in Australia are projected to increase by 1-5 [deg]C (1.8-
9 [deg]F), depending on location and the emissions scenarios. The most
warming is projected for the dry interior of the continent,
particularly for the northwest (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Accompanying these temperature increases will be an increase in the
frequency of hot days and warm nights (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Rainfall projections for Australia are less reliable with some
dryer and wetter trends predicted within a large range of uncertainty
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41). Projections focusing on median rainfall
show a general pattern of drying across the continent, with the
strongest drying trends in the southwest and the weakest in the east
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41). Seasonal rainfall is expected to be
reduced in winter and spring in the south. Rainfall intensity is
expected to increase in most of the country, particularly in the north
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41). Frequency in the incidence of drought is
also expected to increase--with up to 40 percent more droughts
predicted for eastern Australia and 80 percent more droughts in the
southwest by 2070 (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Climate Change and the Scarlet-Chested Parrot
Based on the information for Australia above, climate patterns over
the last century within the known range of the scarlet-chested parrot
included: (1) Increased average temperature of 1.0 [deg]C (1.8 [deg]F)
(Nicholls 2006 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p. 116); (2) increased
frequency of hot days and warm nights (Deo 2011 as cited in Bradshaw
2012, p. 116); (3) decreased rainfall in the southeastern and
southwestern regions (Nicholls and Lavery 1992 as cited in Bradshaw
2012, p. 116); and (4) increased annual total rainfall of approximately
15 percent in South Australia, New South Wales, the Northern Territory
and Victoria (Hughes 2003, p. 424). Similarly, a summary of climate
projections for areas within the known range of the scarlet-chested
parrot includes: (1) Temperature increase of 1-5 [deg]C (1.8-9 [deg]F)
with most warming in the dry interior (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41); (2)
increases in the frequency of hot days and warm nights (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41); (3) a large range of uncertainty for rainfall, but (using
median rainfall) a general pattern of drying, with less rain in the
spring and winter in the south, and increased intensity of rain,
particularly in the north (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41); and (4)
increased frequency and intensity of drought (up to 40 percent in
eastern areas and 80 percent in the southwest by 2070) (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41).
Habitats used by the scarlet-chested parrot will respond
differently to projected warmer and drier conditions and the variable
rain predictions. Habitats such as woodland areas used by the scarlet-
chested parrot that do not receive adequate rain to produce needed
fuels may actually see a decrease in fire frequency (Bradstock 2010, p.
145). However, fire frequency is likely to increase in areas with ample
fuel and connectivity, such as hummock grasses interspersed with shrubs
including mallee shrubland (Garnett et al. 2013a, p. 16).
Although there is still some variability in climate change
predictions for Australia, the increased warming and frequency and/or
intensity of droughts are of concern for the scarlet-chested parrot and
its habitats; however, the information at this time is too speculative
for us to draw conclusions as to the scale and timing of any effects.
Two recent studies analyzed the capacity of woodland birds in dry
woodlands and riparian areas in southeastern Australia to resist the
pressures of extended drought and then recover once drought conditions
abated (Selwood et al. 2015, entire; Bennet et al. 2014, entire).
Overall, these studies indicated long-term decline in the face of more
frequent and extended droughts in southeastern Australia (Selwood et
al. 2015, entire; Bennet et al. 2014, entire).
A recent climate-change-adaptation model using a ``Business as
Usual'' projection (i.e., the ``worst-case'' scenario with increasing
greenhouse gasses through time), predicted that the distribution of
climate, similar to that currently used by the species, may contract to
approximately one third of its current range by 2085, shifting suitable
habitat to more southerly portions of Western Australia and South
Australia (Garnett et al. 2013b, interactive model results). Although
the model does well to incorporate species-specific traits, it also
includes a number of uncertainties that may limit its predictive power
(Garnett et al. 2013, pp. 76-77). Basic model assumptions such as that
trends into the future will follow simple linear extrapolations of
existing relationships, and assumptions regarding (scaled down)
projected climate change itself, may limit its accuracy (Garnett et al.
2013, pp. 76-77). Given the variability in the existing climate and
uncertainties in modelling, it can be concluded that climate change
does not pose a substantial threat to the species in the next 50 years
based on current knowledge (Garnett in litt. 2016a).
The scarlet-chested parrot has evolved in a landscape where
environmental conditions are dynamic, and its nomadic strategies may
help it to recover from periods of range contraction and low numbers
(Runge et al. 2014, pp. 870, 874), but too rapid an environmental
change (e.g., from climate change effects) may outpace the species'
abilities to respond to spatial and temporal shifts (Runge et al. 2014,
pp. 870, 874).
In summary, effects from past and predicted climate change are
difficult to assess for the scarlet-chested parrot. Because it is
adapted to dry habitat, the parrot would likely fare better than more
water-dependent birds in times of drought. However, within areas of
increased rainfall, vegetation shifts may occur, fuel loads and
wildfire risk may be altered, and competition with water-dependent
species may increase. Although long-term range contraction was
indicated in the climate-change-adaptation model (Garnett et al. 2013b,
interactive model results), there are uncertainties in the model and
variability in the climate data on which it relies. Due to species'
adaptability to arid landscapes and ability to travel great distances,
climate change is not likely to be a major stressor for the scarlet-
chested parrot, within the next 50 years.
Turquoise Parrot
Summary of Status Review
Taxonomy--Please see Taxonomy section above, which includes
taxonomy for both the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots.
Species Description
The turquoise parrot is a relatively small, colorful parrot found
in eastern and southeastern Australia. Adult size is approximately 20-
22 cm (7.9-8.7 in) in length (Higgins 1999, p. 573). Adult coloration
is primarily bright green
[[Page 16531]]
above with bright yellow below, with a bright blue face and shoulder
patch. Males are distinguished from females by a small red shoulder
band or patch and more blue on the face; the red shoulder patch and
blue facial coloration of juvenile males is less extensive than that of
adult males (BLA 2016b, unpaginated; NSW 2014b & 2009, unpaginated;
Higgins 1999, p. 573; Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 3; Jarman 1973, p.
The turquoise parrot occurs in many parts of eastern and
southeastern Australia, particularly the foothills of the Great
Dividing Range (NSW 2009, unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley 2000b, p.
345; Juniper and Parr 1988, p. 365). Typical habitat is hill country
including woodlands, open forest, and timbered grasslands (Collar
2016b, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 286). Within this habitat, the
parrot prefers the transition zones between open and closed areas, such
as the edges of woodland adjoining grasslands and tree-lined creeks
(Collar 2016, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 286).
The turquoise parrot tends to feed on or near the ground (BLA
2016b, unpaginated; Higgins 1999b, p. 574; Quin and Reid 1996, p. 250),
usually under the cover of trees (NSW 2014b, unpaginated; Higgins
1999b, p. 574). The species also feeds in farmland, mainly pasture with
remnant trees (Higgins 1999, p. 574). The turquoise parrot must have
access to drinking water (Jarman 1973, p. 239), and its habitat usually
receives more than 38 cm (15 in) of annual rainfall (Jarman 1973, p.
240). The species feeds on a generalized diet of seeds from grasses,
herbaceous plants, and shrubs; it also feeds on flowers, nectar, fruit,
leaves, and scale-insects (NSW 2009, unpaginated; Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 15). Turquoise parrots can exploit disturbed environments and
use a variety of colonizing plants as food sources (Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 27). The turquoise parrot eats from both native and non-native
plants, and researchers credit its ability to partially adapt to
modified habitats as contributing to its recovery (Quin 1990 as cited
in Quin and Reid 1996, p. 253).
Type and quality of the pasture land used for food is important.
Although the species can use partially modified habitats, use of highly
modified habitats, such as ``highly improved'' pasture, is less likely.
Improved pastures, in general, are sown with a proportion of non-native
plant species to promote productive growth of both the pasture and
grazing animals. Introduced non-native pasture species are usually
grasses, in combination with legumes. In a study of the species near
Chiltern, a town bordering the hill country in northeast Victoria,
almost all habitat types in forest and unimproved pasture were
potentially useful for feeding in at least one season. However, use of
highly improved pasture and cropped land was rare (Quin and Baker-Gabb
1993, p. 15).
The turquoise parrot is usually seen in pairs, in small groups, or,
in flocks of up to 30 birds (NSW 2014b, unpaginated; Higgins 1999, p.
574; Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 16). Rarer sightings of larger flocks
of 100 to 200 birds have also been reported (Higgins 1999, p. 574; Quin
and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 16).The species is described as mainly
sedentary or resident with some post-breeding movement from woodland to
pastures (Juniper and Parr 1998, p. 366), and some sporadic local
movement, likely related to rainfall (del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 383).
The turquoise parrot disperses mostly less than 10 kilometers (km) (6.2
miles (mi)), using the protection of treed corridors for dispersal (NSW
2009, unpaginated). The turquoise parrot reaches maturity at about 3
years of age (Garnett and Crowley 2000b, p. 345).
The species breeds in pairs primarily from August to January with
some nesting noted in February, and even from April to May (Collar
2016b, unpaginated; Quin in litt. 2016; Juniper and Parr 1988, p. 366;
del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 383). Four to five eggs, and less commonly,
six or seven eggs, are laid in hollows of trees, stumps, fallen logs,
or even fence posts (Collar 2016b, unpaginated; Quin in litt. 2016;
Garnett and Crowley 2000b, p. 345; del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 383; Quin
and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 9; Forshaw 1989, p. 286; Juniper and Parr 1988,
p. 366; Jarman, 1973, p. 241), often within approximately 1-2 meters
(m) (3-6 feet (ft)) of the ground (NSW 2009, unpaginated; Quin and
Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 9). The female incubates the eggs and is fed by the
male during incubation; both parents rear the chicks (BLA 2016b,
unpaginated). In some areas, the species will have two clutches per
year (BLA 2016b, unpaginated; NSW 2009, unpaginated; Juniper and Parr
1998, p. 366). Incubation lasts about 18-20 days, followed by a
nestling period of about 30 days (NSW 2009, unpaginated; Juniper and
Parr 1998, p. 366; del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 383). After fledging,
juveniles remain dependent on their parents for at least 1 week, and
continue to be fed by the male while the female begins a second clutch
(NSW 2009, unpaginated). Breeding productivity is estimated at 2.8
young per successful nest (NSW 2009, unpaginated).
A little more than a century ago, the turquoise parrot was common
through many parts of eastern Australia, ranging from eastern
Queensland to south-central Victoria (Higgins 1999, p. 575; Jarman
1973, p. 239), though it is unknown whether the historical range was
continuous (Jarman 1973, p. 240). Between 1880 and 1920, the species
went through a major population crash with associated contractions in
its range (Quin and Reid 1966, p. 250; see below).
Although the turquoise parrot is still not found in central
Queensland, it is now distributed through much of its former range,
from southeastern Queensland through eastern New South Wales and into
Victoria (west to Bendigo, Victoria) (del Hoyo et al. 1997, p. 383;
Juniper and Parr 1989, pp. 365-366). The species' distribution is not
continuous but rather occurs in patches of suitable habitat throughout
this broader range (Tzaros 2016, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 286).
Based on distribution and density information (Barret et al. 2003 as
cited in NSW 2009, unpaginated), about 90 percent of the population is
thought to occur in New South Wales (NSW 2009, unpaginated).
The reasons for the turquoise parrot population crash between 1880
and 1920 are not fully understood. Likely contributing factors
included: (1) Habitat loss from European settlement, including
competition for food (grasses) from grazing livestock and rabbits, (2)
an intense period of drought from 1895 to 1902, and (3) trapping for
the pet trade (Tzaros 2016, unpaginated; del Hoyo 1997, p. 383; Juniper
and Parr 1989, p. 365). Some have also suggested that disease may have
played a role because of the steep decline in numbers (Collar 2016b,
unpaginated, Tzaros 2016, unpaginated; Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 3;
Morse and Sullivan 1930, p. 289), but there is no evidence that disease
was a factor. Other potential factors were predation by the non-native
European red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and feral cats (Felis catus) and
indiscriminate shooting (Tzaros 2016, unpaginated).
The return of the turquoise parrot to portions of its former range
was reported by the 1930s and 1940s (BLA 2016b, unpaginated; Higgins
1999, p. 575), though it did not reappear in Victoria until the 1950s
(Tzaros 2016, unpaginated). By the time we listed the species as
endangered under the Act in 1970, recovery was continuing and the
[[Page 16532]]
parrot was generally considered rare (Smith 1978 and IUCN 1966 & 1981
as cited in Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 3). Further recovery during
the 1970s and 1980s was, in part, attributed to the removal of
livestock from reserve lands in northeastern Victoria (Quin and Baker-
Gabb 1993, p. 3). Increases in both numbers and range were apparent in
Victoria by the mid to late 1980s, though the species was still
regarded as rare (Traill 1988, p. 267). The global population of
turquoise parrots is currently estimated at 20,000 individuals (BLI
2012b, p. 1; Garnet and Crowley 2000b, p. 345; Juniper and Parr, p.
366) and appears to be stable with increases reported in some areas
(BLI 2016b, unpaginated; Garnett & Crowley 2000b, p. 345).
Captive-Bred Specimens
The turquoise parrot is bred in captivity for the pet trade with
about 8,000 held in captivity in Australia (Juniper and Parr 1998, p.
366); estimates of the size of the captive population after the late
1990s could not be found.
Conservation Status
The turquoise parrot was listed in CITES Appendix III in 1976, as
part of a listing for the Family Psittacidae, and was later listed in
Appendix II in 1981, along with all Psittaciformes (UNEP 2011b,
unpaginated; see Conservation status for the scarlet-chested parrot
above for more information on implications of listing in CITES Appendix
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN)--The turquoise parrot was listed on the International
Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List
of Threatened and Endangered Species in 1988 as ``Lower Risk'' and
transferred to ``Least Concern'' in 2004; the status remains at ``Least
Concern'' (BLI 2012b, p. 1).
Commercial exports of the turquoise parrot from Australia have been
prohibited since 1962; these prohibitions are now codified in
Australia's EPBC Act. The turquoise parrot is not included in the EPBC
Act's List of Threatened Fauna (Australian DEE 2017a, unpaginated).
Inclusion on the EPBC Act's List of Threatened Fauna promotes recovery
via: (1) Conservation advice, (2) recovery plans, and (3) the EPBC
Act's assessment and approval provisions (Australian DEE 2017b). The
turquoise parrot was not included on the List of Threatened Fauna
either because it was never nominated for consideration, or if it was
nominated, it was found ineligible by a rigorous scientific assessment
of the species' threat status (Australian DEE 2017b, unpaginated).
Additionally, the 2000 Action Plan for Australian Birds (Garnett
and Crowley 2000b, p. 345) listed it nationally as ``Near Threatened,''
but this designation was removed in the 2010 Action Plan for Australian
Birds, which noted that the population was too large to be considered
``near threatened'' and that there was no evidence of a recent decline
(Garnett et al. 2011, p. 429). As such, there is no national recovery
plan for the turquoise parrot, though recommended actions were outlined
for the species in the 2000 Action Plan (Garnett and Crowley 2000b, p.
At the state level, the species is currently listed as ``Rare'' in
Queensland under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and ``Threatened'' in
Victoria under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG; FFG 2016,
p. 3). It was subsequently recommended for downlisting to ``Near
Threatened'' by an FFG Scientific Advisory Committee in 2013; however,
it is still officially ``Threatened'' in Victoria (Vic DSE 2013, p. 13;
NSW 2009, unpaginated). In 2009, the New South Wales Scientific
Committee determined that the turquoise parrot met criteria for listing
as ``Vulnerable'' under the New South Wales Threatened Species
Conservation Act 1995 (NSW 2009, unpaginated), and this classification
is still in place (BLA 2016b, unpaginated).
Additionally, portions of suitable habitat for the turquoise parrot
are protected. For example, about 8 percent of Queensland is now in the
Natural Reserve System that includes government reserves, indigenous
protected areas, private protected areas, and jointly managed protected
areas (CAPAD 2014, unpaginated). Approximately 9 percent of New South
Wales and 18 percent of Victoria are also part of this Natural Reserve
System (CAPAD 2014, unpaginated). Because we do not reliably know the
degree to which the Natural Reserve System protects the turquoise
parrot and its habitat, we did not rely on these protected areas in our
determination of whether or not the parrot meets the definition of
threatened or endangered.
Factors Affecting the Turquoise Parrot
The following sections provide a summary of the past, current, and
potential future stressors for the turquoise parrot and its habitats.
In cases where the stressors were common to both the scarlet-chested
and turquoise parrots, we discuss potential effects to both parrot
species in the section for the scarlet-chested parrot for the sake of
Land clearing--See Land clearing in Australia under Factors
Affecting the Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
Land Clearing and the Turquoise Parrot
Typical turquoise parrot habitat is hill country including
woodlands, open forest, and timbered grasslands (Collar 2016b,
unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 286). Since the 1970s, southeastern
Queensland and northern New South Wales have experienced the greatest
rates of deforestation in Australia, and Victoria is now the most
deforested state or territory in Australia (Bradshaw 2012, p. 109).
Unlike New South Wales and Victoria, most of the land clearing in
Queensland has occurred in the last 50 years (Bradshaw 2012, p. 113;
McAlpine et al. 2009, p. 22) with high rates of vegetation loss in the
last several decades (Lindenmayer and Burgman 2005, p. 233). Clearing
was predominantly in central and southern regions where native forests
and woodlands were converted for intensive cropping and improved
pastures for cattle (McAlpine et al. 2009, p. 23). In 2004, Queensland
enacted clearance restrictions to phase out broad-scale clearing by the
end of 2006 (Lindenmayer and Burgman 2005, p. 233). As of 2014, about
8.16 percent of Queensland's jurisdiction was in protected areas (CAPAD
2014, unpaginated).
Victoria is heavily cleared (Lindenmayer 2007, as cited in Bradshaw
2012, p. 114), having lost an estimated 66 percent of its native
vegetation (Victoria Department of Sustainability and the Environment
2011 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, pp. 113-114). Most of the clearance
occurred prior to the 1890s when the wheat and livestock industries
were developing (Lindenmayer 2007, as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p. 114).
Land clearance was estimated to have continued at a slow, steady rate
of about 1 percent per year until 1987, when anti-clearing legislation
was introduced (Lindenmayer 2007, as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p. 114).
Despite this legislation, proportional clearance rates from 1995-2005
remained high and even increased near the end of this decade (Bradshaw
2012, p. 114). Although Victoria is now the most cleared of the three
states, it also contains the highest proportion of protected land. As
of 2014, about 17.63 percent of Victoria's jurisdiction was in
[[Page 16533]]
protected areas (CAPAD 2014, unpaginated).
New South Wales was one of the first regions settled by Europeans
and generally has a higher human population than other parts of
Australia. Most of the land clearing and damage to forest ecosystems
happened during the nineteenth century (Bradshaw 2012, p. 112). More
than 50 percent of the forest and woodland in New South Wales has been
cleared (Lunney 2004, Olsen et al. 2005 and Johnson et al. 2007 as
cited in NSW 2009, unpaginated). As of 2014, about 9.10 percent of New
South Wales' jurisdiction was in protected areas (CAPAD 2014,
Forest fragmentation as a result of land clearing can also affect
the turquoise parrot, which is mostly sedentary but capable of short-
distance dispersal (generally less than 10 km (6.2 mi)) along treed
corridors) (NSW 2009, unpaginated; Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 16).
Therefore, gaps between forest remnants may cause fragmentation of
turquoise parrot populations in heavily cleared landscapes (NSW 2009,
Altered fire regimes--see Fire in Australia under Factors Affecting
the Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
Altered Fire Regimes and the Turquoise Parrot
Prescribed fire and timber-cutting have negatively affected the
turquoise parrot and its habitat (NSW 2009, unpaginated). Both
practices have the potential to cause the loss of hollow-bearing trees,
which can be a limiting habitat feature for the turquoise parrot (NSW
2014b). Similarly, firewood collection and selective removal of dead
wood and dead trees reduce the availability of nest hollows (NSW 2014b,
unpaginated; NSW 2009, unpaginated).
In summary, land clearing for agriculture in combination with other
stressors (i.e., drought, trapping) was likely a significant cause of
the population crash between 1880 and 1920. While most of the land
clearing occurred in the late 18th and the early 19th centuries, more
recent forest clearance rates are of concern for the three states that
support the turquoise parrot. Forest fragmentation as a result of
clearing has the potential to isolate turquoise parrot populations,
which are mostly sedentary but capable of short-distance dispersal (and
population expansion) along treed corridors. Management actions such as
prescribed fire, selective logging, and reforestation should be
carefully applied and adapted to benefit parrot habitat. Managing for
protection of nesting hollows is particularly important.
The advent of anti-clearing legislation since approximately the
1990s (Bradshaw 2012, p. 116) and the growing proportion of lands in
protected areas are positive signs for further turquoise parrot
recovery, but researchers caution that conservation efforts such as
reforestation should be carefully planned and implemented at the local
level. The turquoise parrot population has continued to recover since
the historic crash and through periods of subsequent deforestation,
with no evidence of recent decline (Garnett et al. 2011, p. 429). While
habitat destruction and modification is a likely stressor for the
turquoise parrot, we do not consider it to be a major stressor to the
species throughout its entire range now or in the foreseeable future.
Removal From the Wild for Food
About a century ago, turquoise parrots were shot for food for pie-
filling (BLA 2016b, unpaginated; Seth-Smith 1909 as cited in Higgins
1999, p. 576) and, in some cases, were indiscriminately shot (Tzaros
2016, unpaginated). These are no longer reported as stressors for the
turquoise parrot.
Illegal collection and trade--see Illegal collection and trade (for
both scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots) under Factors Affecting the
Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
Levels of Legal International Trade (for the Turquoise Parrot)
Between 1980 and 2014, there were very few wild turquoise parrots
in trade. There were 44,244 turquoise parrot specimens exported in
international trade (27,248 recorded imports). More than 99 percent of
these were captive-bred live parrots (UNEP 2016b).
In summary, use as food and poaching for the pet trade were noted
as stressors in the past. Presently, poaching may be occurring at a low
level that is not likely to affect wild populations. We are not aware
of any information indicating that overutilization for recreational,
scientific, or educational purposes are current stressors to the
turquoise parrot.
Disease--See Disease (for scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots)
under Factors Affecting the Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
Predation--See Predation from non-native cats and foxes in
Australia under Factors Affecting the Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
Predation and the Turquoise Parrot
The turquoise parrot nests in tree hollows close to the ground,
making it vulnerable to predation from introduced terrestrial predators
such as feral cats and European red foxes (Rowden pers. comm. 2016; NSW
2014b and 2009, unpaginated; Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, pp. 3, 26).
Feral cat control and feral predator control are identified objectives
in management plans for the turquoise parrot (NSW 2014b, unpaginated;
Garnett and Crowley 2000b, p. 345; Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 26).
Both feral cats and foxes were predators of the turquoise parrot at
Chiltern in Victoria in the 1980s (Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 26),
and more fox control was likely needed in the area at that time (Quin
in litt. 2016). Additionally, the turquoise parrot and the scarlet-
chested parrot were assessed as ``high risk'' from these predators
within the rangeland environment in the Western Division of New South
Wales based on variables such as predator density, body weight, habitat
use, and behavior (Dickman et al. 1996, p. 249). However, we could not
find recent information regarding the predation rate of feral cats or
foxes on the turquoise parrot.
Foxes dig at active turquoise parrot nests and usually take the
female and the nestlings, if they can be reached. Some predation of
turquoise parrots by foxes can be mitigated by physically reinforcing
degraded natural nest hollows to avoid digging out of these nests by
foxes (Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 22). Similarly, placement of
artificial nesting material higher in the host tree can generally keep
them out of reach of foxes (Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 22). There are
ongoing efforts to improve turquoise parrot nesting habitat,
particularly in Victoria (see Competition for nesting hollows, below).
Competition for Nesting Hollows
Competition for suitable nest hollows has the potential to limit
reproductive success of the turquoise parrot by limiting the number of
pairs that can breed, or by causing nest mortality as a result of
competitive interactions. All but four species of Australian parrots
are dependent on tree hollows for nesting (Forshaw 1990, p. 58).
Competition for nest hollows (both intraspecific and interspecific) was
noted at Chiltern in Victoria, where limited nest hollows likely
limited reproductive success of the turquoise parrot (Quin and Baker-
Gabb 1993, p. 12). National legislation, policy, and strategic
management plans are in place to protect hollow-bearing trees in
Australia; however, prioritization and implementation of actions at the
local level may be limited or lacking (Treby et al. 2014, entire).
[[Page 16534]]
Placing artificial nest hollows in areas that appear to be nest-
hollow limited seems to be successful, and programs that construct and
strategically place artificial nests are supported at the State level
and appear to be ongoing. For example, early experimental efforts to
hollow-out naturally occurring stumps in the Warby Ranges (in Victoria,
near Chiltern) were successful but ended in the 1990s (Tzaros 2016,
unpaginated). In 2010, Monash University researchers placed artificial
nests around the Warby-Ovens State Park (also near Chiltern), and the
hollows were readily occupied by turquoise parrots (Tzaros 2016,
unpaginated). More recent efforts to improve habitat for turquoise
parrots include those of two land-care networks in northeastern
Victoria. The Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network has made
and installed 200 potential nest sites for the species (Tzaros 2016,
unpaginated), and the Ovens Land-care Network received a $4,600 AUS
($3,525 US) grant that aims to raise awareness of the increasing risk
to hollow-dependent species by the non-native Indian (common) myna bird
(Acridotheres tristis) (Quin in litt. 2016; Tzaros 2016, unpaginated).
Competition for Food
Grazing by livestock can directly affect available food resources
for the turquoise parrot (NSW 2009, unpaginated). As livestock grazing
ended in some protected areas of Victoria, numbers of turquoise parrots
in those areas increased (Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 7; Juniper and
Parr 1989, p. 366; Forshaw 1989, p. 286), indicating that a reduction
in grazing may benefit the species' recovery.
Competition for food by grazing sheep, cattle, and European wild
rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was noted as a possible contributing
factor in the crash of the turquoise parrot population between 1880 and
1920 (Collar 2016b, unpaginated, Quin and Baker-Gabb 1993, p. 3).
Around the time of the parrot's population crash, rabbit numbers
swelled to plague proportions, forcing some farmers out of business
(Tzaros 2016, unpaginated). Turquoise parrot habitat and food sources
were undoubtedly adversely affected by this plague, but the degree to
which they were affected is unknown. Application of Myxomatosis, a
disease that is spread by mosquitoes and affects only rabbits, has
succeeded in keeping rabbit numbers at approximately 5 percent their
former high abundance in wetter areas (Australian DSEWP&C 2011,
unpaginated). Current rates of competition between rabbits and
turquoise parrots for food are not well understood but are assumed to
be much less than they were a century ago.
In summary, disease, predation, and competition are all potential
stressors for the turquoise parrot. Although PBFD has not been
confirmed in the turquoise parrot, it is likely susceptible to the
disease at some level. We are not aware of other diseases or pathogens
that affect the wild population. Predation and competition may be
occurring at low levels, but there are active plans in place to control
feral cats, foxes, and rabbits. Use of artificial nests may be helping
to mitigate fox predation and competition for nest hollows where this
is a limiting habitat feature. While disease, predation, and
competition may be affecting the turquoise parrot at low levels, they
do not appear to be significant stressors to the species because
populations of the turquoise parrot are stable with an estimated 20,000
individuals and may be increasing in some areas.
Existing regulatory mechanisms--see Existing regulatory mechanisms
(for both scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots) under Factors
Affecting the Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
In this section, we reviewed the existing regulatory mechanisms
governing collection and trade of wild turquoise parrots. As described
above, the EPBC Act (which controls commercial export), the Lacey Act,
CITES, and the WBCA all provide protection to turquoies parrots that
minimize or eliminate threats from trade to the species. As discussed
under the other sections in Factors Affecting the Turquoise Parrot, we
do not find major stressors adversely affecting the species or its
habitat. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that the regulating
mechanisms addressing these potential stressors are adequate at
protecting the species at a domestic and global level.
Climate change--see Global climate change and Climate change in
Australia under Factors Affecting the Scarlet-Chested Parrot, above.
Climate Change and the Turquoise Parrot
Based on the information presented in Climate change in Australia
above, a summary of climate patterns over the last century, within the
known range of the turquoise parrot includes: (1) Increased average
temperature of 1.0 [deg]C (1.8 [deg]F) with pronounced and rapid
warming in eastern Australia since the 1950s (Nicholls 2006 as cited in
Bradshaw 2012, p. 116); (2) increased frequency of hot days and warm
nights (Deo 2011 as cited in Bradshaw 2012, p. 116); (3) decreased
rainfall in the southeastern regions (Nicholls and Lavery 1992 as cited
in Bradshaw 2012, p. 116); and (4) increased annual total rainfall of
approximately 15 percent in New South Wales and Victoria (Hughes 2003,
p. 424). Similarly, a summary of climate projections for areas within
the known range of the turquoise parrot includes: (1) Temperature
increase of 1-5 [deg]C (1.8-9 [deg]F) (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41); (2)
increases in the frequency of hot days and warm nights (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41); (3) a large range of uncertainty for rainfall, but (using
median rainfall) a general pattern of drying, with less rain in the
spring and winter in the south, and increased intensity of rain (Stokes
et al. 2008, p. 41); and (4) increased frequency and intensity of
drought (up to 40 percent in eastern areas by 2070) (Stokes et al.
2008, p. 41).
Climate change is projected to affect pasture habitat used by the
turquoise parrot. Rainfall is expected to be the dominant influence on
pasture growth; fewer, more intense rain events are anticipated as well
as (from year to year) more frequent droughts (Stokes et al. 2008, p.
41). Increased temperatures could benefit pasture growth and growing
seasons in the cooler southern climates, but depletion of moisture in
the soil due to this growth might adversely affect spring pasture
growth (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 41).
Increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) will affect rangeland
function, with a projected increase in pasture production but potential
loss in forage quality (e.g., declines in forage protein content)
(Stokes et al. 2008, p. 42). Fire danger will increase over much of
Australia (Hughes 2003, p. 427). Increased pasture growth will produce
heavier fuel loads (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 42; Hughes 2003, p. 427).
The risk of wildfires could increase and make prescribed burns more
difficult to manage (Stokes et al. 2008, p. 42).
Projections for more droughts could also negatively affect the
turquoise parrot. A recent study analyzed the capacity of woodland bird
species in north-central Victoria to resist the pressures of extended
drought (i.e., the 13-year ``Millennium drought'' or the ``Big Dry'')
and then recover once drought conditions abated (i.e., the 2-year ``Big
Wet'') (Bennet et al. 2014, entire). Results indicated a substantial
decline (42-62 percent) in the reporting rates of bird species between
the early and late surveys in the Big Dry (Bennet et al. 2014, pp.
1321, 1326).
Additionally, a recent climate-change-adaptation model using a
``Business as Usual'' projection (i.e., the ``worst-case'' scenario
with increasing greenhouse gasses through time), predicted that the
[[Page 16535]]
distribution of climate, similar to that currently used by the species,
may contract by approximately one half to the southern part of its
current range (i.e., dropping out of Queensland but remaining in
portions of New South Wales and Victoria) by 2085 (Garnett et al.
2013c, interactive model results). Although the model does well to
incorporate species-specific traits, it also includes a number of
uncertainties that may limit its predictive power (Garnett et al. 2013,
pp. 76-77). Basic model assumptions such as that trends into the future
will follow simple linear extrapolations of existing relationships, and
assumptions regarding (scaled down) projected climate change itself,
may limit its accuracy (Garnett et al. 2013, pp. 76-77). Although there
is much uncertainty in these trends (given the variability in the
existing climate and uncertainties in modeling), effects from climate
change may rise to the level of a stressor in the next 50 years based
on our current knowledge (Garnett in litt. 2016b).
Potential responses and adaptability of the parrot to the projected
effects from climate change are difficult to predict. Since the parrot
is mainly resident, it is not known if it would relocate if local
conditions degrade (e.g., drought); however, one group of turquoise
parrots did move into an area of central Victoria during the mid-1990s,
probably in response to drought conditions elsewhere at this time (del
Hoyo, p. 383; Quin and Reid 1996, p. 250).
In summary, other than the projected increases in temperature and
CO2 levels, there is a relatively high level of uncertainty
associated with other projected climate change variables (particularly
patterns of rainfall) for Australia and across the occupied range of
the turquoise parrot. These uncertainties are a component of the
climate-change-adaptation model for the turquoise parrot. Climate
distribution modeling and a study of declines in woodland birds over a
recent and extended drought period indicate that effects from climate
change have the potential to become a stressor for parrots in the next
50 years (Bennet et al. 2014, pp. 1321, 1326; Garnett et al. 2013c,
interactive model results). However, we found no information indicating
that climate change is currently affecting the turquoise parrot
specifically, coupled with the fact that it has shown some adaptability
to drought conditions in the past. Stress to the species from climate
change will likely occur within the next 50 years, but climate change
variables in the area occupied by the parrot and the parrot's response
to these variables are currently mostly speculative, and we cannot
conclude that climate change is significant enough to result in the
species being in danger of extinction in the foreseeable future.
Summary of Comments and Recommendations
We reviewed all comments we received from the public and peer
reviewers for substantive issues and new information. All substantive
information was incorporated into the status reviews for each species
and into this final rule, as appropriate. The following section
summarizes issues and information we consider to be substantive from
peer review and public comments, and provides our responses.
Peer Reviewer Comments
In accordance with our peer review policy published on July 1, 1994
(59 FR 34270), we solicited expert opinion from knowledgeable
individuals with scientific expertise that included familiarity with
the scarlet-chested parrot and the turquoise parrot and their habitats,
biological needs, and threats. In all, we contacted eight individuals
seeking peer review for the scarlet-chested parrot and five individuals
for the turquoise parrot. We found that there were a limited number of
individuals who had worked with these parrot species because: (1) They
are not listed species in Australia and thus have not been the subject
of many dedicated studies, and (2) scarlet-chested parrots are often
difficult to find and study due to their nomadic behavior and irruptive
species population ecology.
We received responses from three peer reviewers for the scarlet-
chested parrot and two peer reviewers for the turquoise parrot. We
reviewed all the peer reviewers' comments for substantive issues and
information regarding the status of and threats to these species. The
peer reviewers generally concurred with our summaries and conclusions
regarding these species and provided additional information,
clarifications, and suggestions. We incorporated all peer reviewer
information into the status reviews for each species, and the majority
of the information provided in the peer review is also incorporated
into this final rule, where appropriate. Status reviews and peer
reviewer comments for the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrot are
available on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov as supporting
documentation for Docket No. FWS-HQ-ES-2015-0176.
Comment: Two peer reviewers commented on our evaluation of the
effects of altered fire regimes on the scarlet-chested parrot. They
relayed that there is new information that altered fire regimes affect
mallee shrublands used by the species and shared relevant literature.
Our Response: Based on these peer reviewers' comments and the
information provided, we updated the Altered fire regimes sections in
the scarlet-chested parrot status review and this final rule.
Comment: One peer reviewer noted that the scarlet-chested parrots
observed at Gluepot Reserve may not actually be a resident population.
Additionally, the same reviewer commented that, while the overlap of
Bourke's parrot with the scarlet-chested parrot is considerable, the
scarlet-chested parrot tends to be found at greater distances than the
Bourke's parrot from the pastoral (better-watered) country.
Our Response: We changed the text in the scarlet-chested parrot
status review to reflect: (1) Uncertainty regarding whether or not the
scarlet-chested parrots at Gluepot are resident; and (2) that the
scarlet-chested parrot tends to be found at greater distances than the
Bourke's parrot from the better-watered, pastoral areas.
Comment: One peer reviewer noted that the climate change section in
our status review for the scarlet-chested parrot contained outdated
information and shared relevant literature. The same peer reviewer
referred us to two publications that examine the capacity of woodland
birds (in dry woodlands and riparian areas in southeastern Australia)
to resist the pressures of drought and then recover once drought
conditions are lifted. He suggested that these publications indicate a
trend for long-term decline in the face of more frequent and extended
droughts in southern Australia as predicted by recent climate
modelling. A second peer reviewer referred us to a recent publication
and interactive model that allowed us to project potential future
reductions in ``climate space'' for both the scarlet-chested parrot and
the turquoise parrot.
Our Response: We reviewed the information provided and updated our
evaluation of climate change as a stressor to the scarlet-chested
parrot and its habitat. Further, in our review of the new material, we
found that one of the publications was also helpful in assessing
extended drought as a potential stressor to the turquoise parrot.
Therefore, we updated the Climate Change sections for both the scarlet-
chested and turquoise parrots in both status reviews and this final
Comment: One peer reviewer noted that the percentages of protected
[[Page 16536]]
for the scarlet-chested parrot were outdated and did not reflect the
large proportion that is Aboriginal-held land.
Our Response: We found updated information for proportions of
protected land in the states and territories within the range of both
the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots and reflected these updates
in our estimates in both status reviews and this final rule.
Comment: One peer reviewer commented on distribution of the
turquoise parrot, relaying that: (1) There are parts of the historical
range in Victoria where the species has not returned, and (2) a small
population of the species occurs at Bunyip State Park in West
Gippsland, Victoria.
The same peer reviewer provided the following observations
regarding the population of turquoise parrots near Chiltern in
northeastern Victoria: (1) The numbers of turquoise parrots currently
in this area appear significantly fewer than the numbers that were
there during the late 1980s to the early 1990s; (2) the decrease in
numbers is likely due to a decrease in grass abundance either from the
Millennium drought or an increase in herbivore abundance, or both; and
(3) more fox control was likely needed in this area in the late 1980s.
Lastly, this peer reviewer provided information on two ongoing
land-care networks that are working to improve turquoise parrot habitat
in northeastern Victoria and commented that more intensive surveys are
needed to determine population size of the turquoise parrot in all the
regions of Victoria where the turquoise parrot is found.
Our Response: We added information about turquoise parrots in
Victoria to the turquoise parrot status review and this final rule,
where appropriate: (1) The decreases at Chiltern and likely causes; (2)
the small population at Bunyip State Park; (3) the land-care networks;
and (4) the recommendation for more extensive surveys.
Public Comments
We published a proposed rule to remove the scarlet-chested and
turquoise parakeets from the List on September 2, 2003 (68 FR 52169),
and we requested that all interested parties submit written comments at
that time. Additionally, because considerable time had passed since the
2003 proposal, we published a reopening of the public comment period in
January 2016, which closed on February 22, 2016 (81 FR 3373, January
21, 2016). We took this action to ensure that we sought, received, and
made our decision based on the best scientific and commercial
information available on these species and their status and threats, in
order to determine whether removing these species from the List is
warranted. Comments summarized below are from our reopening of the
public comment period in January 2016 (81 FR 3373).
We received 18 public comments relating to the proposed delisting
of scarlet-chested and turquoise parakeets during the public comment
period. More detailed information about the comments we received and
our responses are below.
Comment: Several commenters noted that the Act placed restrictions
on trade in captive-bred individuals that have limited imports into the
United States and, by extension, the genetic diversity of U.S. captive-
bred populations.
Our Response: Although we considered captive individuals in our
review of both the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots, these
comments fall outside the scope of our analysis. Removal of the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parakeets from the List will eliminate
the need for an import permit under the Act. Trade in captive-bred
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots will still be regulated under
CITES, and, to date, import of captive-bred scarlet-chested and
turquoise parrots into the United States is currently allowed under the
WBCA Approved List (50 CFR 15.33) without requiring a permit.
Comment: Several commenters stated that more information is needed
on the status of populations, or that conservation measures were needed
for these species before they can be removed from the List.
Our Response: We have reviewed the status of and threats to both
parrots, and the best available scientific and commercial information
indicates that populations of the scarlet-chested parrot presently
appear to be stable, with no evidence of decline in the last 20 years,
and populations of the turquoise parrot are stable and may be
increasing in some areas. Populations of both parrots are doing well
despite the stressors noted in the Factors Affecting the Scarlet-
chested Parrot and Factors Affecting the Turquoise Parrot sections,
above. Although the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots are not
included in the EPBC Act's List of Threatened Fauna, Australia
prohibits exports of wild specimens of these species under the EPBC
Act, and removal of these species from the wild is strictly controlled.
Additionally, there are numerous ongoing conservation efforts in
Australia by Federal and state governments, indigenous peoples, and
private organizations and landowners that likely benefit these species
including, but not limited to: (1) Protected areas; (2) recent anti-
clearing legislation; (3) protections and initiatives for nest hollows;
(4) non-native predator and competitor control programs (e.g., feral
cats, red foxes, rabbits); and (5) programs for construction and
placement of artificial nest hollows for the turquoise parrot.
Comment: Two commenters expressed their view that our listing
proposal was procedurally invalid under the Act because finalizing a
12-year-old proposed delisting rule violates section 4(b)(6) and
section 4(c) of the Act, which require that the Service finalize any
proposed rule within 1 year of publication of the proposed rule unless
narrow exceptions apply. These commenters opined that the Act requires
the Service to withdraw the proposed rule if those exceptions do not
Our Response: We disagree. The Service's proposal has not been
invalidated, and with this final rule, all procedural requirements
under section 4(b) of the Act have been met. Further, consistent with
our regulations at 50 CFR 424.17(a)(1)(iii) and (a)(3), the Act does
not allow for withdrawal of a proposed listing determination solely
because of the passage of time; any withdrawal must be based upon a
finding that the available evidence does not justify the action
proposed by the rule. Additionally, as explained above, the purpose of
the scientific review under section 4(c) of the Act is to ensure that
the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife accurately reflects the
most current status information for each listed species. In our 2000
review, we requested comments and the most current scientific or
commercial information available on these species, and based on that
review, we reevaluated the listing of the scarlet-chested parrot and
the turquoise parrot.
On September 2, 2003, we published our review of the status of
these species and a proposed rule (68 FR 52169) to remove the scarlet-
chested and turquoise parakeets from the List under the Act because the
endangered designation no longer correctly reflected the current
conservation status of these birds, as the best available information
indicated that they had recovered. We explained that our review of the
best available information showed that the wild populations of these
species were stable with more than 20,000 turquoise parakeets and
10,000 scarlet-chested parakeets found throughout their range.
Furthermore, trade in wild-caught specimens was strictly limited, and
the species were protected through domestic regulation within the range
[[Page 16537]]
country (Australia), as well as through additional national and
international treaties and laws.
On January 21, 2016, because considerable time had passed since the
2003 proposal, we published the reopening of the public comment period
on our proposal to remove the scarlet-chested and turquoise parakeets
from the List (81 FR 3373). We took these actions to determine whether
removing these species from the List is still warranted, and to ensure
that we sought, received, and made our final decision based on the best
scientific and commercial information available regarding these species
and their status and threats. This final rule is based on the best
scientific and commercial information available regarding these species
and includes information summarized from status reviews we conducted in
2016-2017 for the scarlet-chested and the turquoise parrots. These
status reviews are available on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov as supporting documentation for Docket No. FWS-HQ-
ES-2015-0176. Sections from the status reviews were added (in part or
entirely) to the preamble to this final rule. These new sections in the
preamble are updates or additions to information that was presented in
the 2003 proposal to remove the scarlet-chested and turquoise parakeets
from the list (68 FR 52169, September 2, 2003).
Our regulations direct us to determine if a species is endangered
or threatened due to any one or a combination of the five threat
factors identified in the Act (50 CFR 424.11(c)). We examined the best
scientific and commercial information available regarding the past,
present, and future threats faced by the species. We reviewed
information available in our files and other available published and
unpublished information, and we consulted with recognized species and
habitat experts and representatives of the range country (Australia).
Scarlet-Chested Parrot
We consider cumulative effects to be the potential stressors to the
species in totality and combination, and the degree to which there
might be any synergistic effects among any of the stressors (e.g.,
increased fire frequency and potential decline in nesting hollows).
This finding constitutes our cumulative-effects analysis. In the
discussions above, we evaluated the individual effects of the following
potential stressors to the scarlet-chested parrot: Land clearing and
altered fire regimes (Factor A); limited nest hollows (Factor A);
illegal collection and trade (Factor B); Psittacine beak and feather
disease (Factor C); predation from non-native species (Factor C);
competition for nest hollows (Factor C); effects from small population
size (Factor E); and effects from climate change (Factor E). Although
one or some of these stressors may be acting on the species in some
manner, we found no data to indicate that these stressors, individually
or cumulatively, are causing the species to be in danger of extinction,
either now or in the foreseeable future. In the face of these
stressors, the population appears to be stable, with no evidence of
decline in the last 20 years. We have concluded that this stability is
not due to listing under the Act; thus, we do not expect declines due
to the removal of the protections provided by the listing under the
The Australian Government does not include the scarlet-chested
parrot in the EPBC Act's List of Threatened Fauna (Australian DEE 2017,
unpaginated) either because it was never nominated for consideration,
or if it was nominated, it was found ineligible by a rigorous
scientific assessment of the species' threat status (Australian DEE
2017b, unpaginated). The 2000 Action Plan for Australian Birds listed
it nationally as ``Least Concern'' and then did not list it in the 2010
Action Plan for Australian Birds. As such, there is no national
recovery plan for the scarlet-chested parrot.
The species is listed on the IUCN Red List as ``Least Concern.''
Domestic and international trade in wild-caught specimens is limited
and strictly regulated. The species is protected through domestic
regulation in Australia and through additional national and
international treaties and laws.
As with all species, the scarlet-chested parrot is subject to some
stressors. As discussed above, however, we reviewed those stressors and
conclude that individually and cumulatively they are currently not
having a significant impact on the species. This determination is
evidenced by the apparent stability of the population of the species
for the last 20 years. Therefore we conclude, based on our review of
the best available scientific and commercial data, that the scarlet-
chested parrot is not currently in danger of extinction throughout all
of its range. In addition, we considered whether the impact of any of
the stressors is likely to significantly increase, individually or
cumulatively, within the foreseeable future. We conclude, based on our
review of the best available scientific and commercial data, that
stressors are not likely to increase such that they would cause
significant population declines within the foreseeable future, or
otherwise to result in the species becoming in danger of extinction
within the foreseeable future throughout all of its range.
Turquoise Parrot
We consider cumulative effects to be the potential stressors to the
species in totality and combination, and the degree to which there
might be any synergistic effects among any of the stressors (e.g., nest
predation by foxes and the loss of nesting hollows); this finding
constitutes our cumulative-effects analysis. In the discussions above,
we evaluated the individual effects of the following potential
stressors to the turquoise parrot: Land clearing and forest
fragmentation (Factor A); altered fire regimes (Factor A); limited nest
hollows (Factor A); removal from the wild for food (Factor B); illegal
collection and trade (Factor B); Psittacine beak and feather disease
(Factor C); predation from non-native species (Factor C); competition
for food and nest hollows (Factor C); and effects from climate change
(Factor E). Although one or some of these stressors may be acting on
the turquoise parrot in some manner, we found no data to indicate that
these stressors, individually or cumulatively, are causing the species
to be in danger of extinction, either now or in the foreseeable future.
In the face of these stressors, the population appears to be stable and
may be increasing in some areas.
The Australian Government does not include the turquoise parrot in
the EPBC Act's List of Threatened Fauna (Australian DEE 2017,
unpaginated), either because it was never nominated for consideration,
or if it was nominated, it was found ineligible by a rigorous
scientific assessment of the species' threat status (Australian DEE
2017b, unpaginated). The 2000 Action Plan for Australian Birds listed
it nationally as ``Near Threatened'' but then did not list it in the
2010 Action Plan for Australian Birds because the population was too
large to be considered ``near threatened'' and there was no evidence of
a recent decline (Garnett et al. 2011, p. 429). As such, there is no
national recovery plan for the turquoise parrot.
The species is listed on the IUCN Red List as ``Least Concern.''
Domestic and international trade in wild-caught specimens is limited
and strictly regulated. The species is protected through domestic
regulation in
[[Page 16538]]
Australia and through additional national and international treaties
and laws.
As with all species, the turquoise parrot is subject to some
stressors. As discussed above, however, we reviewed those stressors and
conclude that individually and cumulatively they are currently not
having a significant impact on the species. This is evidenced by the
apparent stable population of approximately 20,000 individuals with
increases reported in some areas. Therefore, we conclude, based on our
review of the best available scientific and commercial data, that the
turquoise parrot is not currently in danger of extinction throughout
all of its range. In addition, we considered whether the impact of any
of the stressors is likely to significantly increase, individually or
cumulatively, within the foreseeable future. We conclude, based on our
review of the best available scientific and commercial data, that
stressors are not likely to increase such that they would cause
significant population declines within the foreseeable future, or
otherwise to result in the species becoming in danger of extinction
within the foreseeable future throughout all of its range.
We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial data
available and determined that the scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots
are no longer in danger of extinction throughout all their respective
ranges, nor are they likely to become so in the foreseeable future.
Significant Portion of Its Range Analysis
Having examined the status of the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots throughout all of their ranges, we next examine whether these
species are in danger of extinction, or likely to become so, in a
significant portion of their respective ranges. Under the Act and our
implementing regulations, a species may warrant listing if it is in
danger of extinction or likely to become so throughout all or a
significant portion of its range. The Act defines ``endangered
species'' as any species which is ``in danger of extinction throughout
all or a significant portion of its range,'' and ``threatened species''
as any species which is ``likely to become an endangered species within
the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its
range.'' The term ``species'' includes ``any subspecies of fish or
wildlife or plants, and any distinct population segment [DPS] of any
species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature.''
We published a final policy interpreting the phrase ``significant
portion of its range'' (SPR) (79 FR 37578; July 1, 2014).
The final policy states that (1) if a species is found to be
endangered or threatened throughout a significant portion of its range,
the entire species is listed as an endangered or a threatened species,
respectively, and the Act's protections apply to all individuals of the
species wherever found; (2) a portion of the range of a species is
``significant'' if the species is not currently endangered or
threatened throughout all of its range, but the portion's contribution
to the viability of the species is so important that, without the
members in that portion, the species would be in danger of extinction,
or likely to become so in the foreseeable future, throughout all of its
range; (3) the range of a species is considered to be the general
geographical area within which that species can be found at the time
the Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) makes any
particular status determination; and (4) if a vertebrate species is
endangered or threatened throughout an SPR, and the population in that
significant portion is a valid DPS, we will list the DPS rather than
the entire taxonomic species or subspecies.
The SPR policy is applied to all status determinations, including
analyses for the purposes of making listing, delisting, and
reclassification determinations. The procedure for analyzing whether
any portion is an SPR is similar, regardless of the type of status
determination we are making. The first step in our analysis of the
status of a species is to determine its status throughout all of its
range. If we determine that the species is in danger of extinction, or
likely to become so in the foreseeable future, throughout all of its
range, we list the species as an endangered (or threatened) species and
no SPR analysis is required. If the species is neither in danger of
extinction nor likely to become so throughout all of its range, we
determine whether the species is in danger of extinction or likely to
become so throughout a significant portion of its range. If it is, we
list the species as an endangered or a threatened species,
respectively; if it is not, we conclude that listing the species is not
When we conduct an SPR analysis, we first identify any portions of
the species' range that warrant further consideration. The range of a
species can theoretically be divided into portions in an infinite
number of ways. However, there is no purpose to analyzing portions of
the range that are not reasonably likely to be significant and
endangered or threatened. To identify only those portions that warrant
further consideration, we determine whether there is substantial
information indicating that (1) the portions may be significant and (2)
the species may be in danger of extinction in those portions or likely
to become so within the foreseeable future.
We emphasize that answering these questions in the affirmative is
not a determination that the species is endangered or threatened
throughout a significant portion of its range--rather, it is a step in
determining whether a more detailed analysis of the issue is required.
In practice, a key part of this analysis is whether the threats are
geographically concentrated in some way. If the threats to the species
are affecting it uniformly throughout its range, no portion is likely
to warrant further consideration. Moreover, if any concentration of
threats applies only to portions of the range that clearly do not meet
the biologically based definition of ``significant'' (i.e., the loss of
that portion clearly would not be expected to increase the
vulnerability to extinction of the entire species), those portions will
not warrant further consideration. If we identify any portions that may
be both (1) significant and (2) endangered or threatened, we engage in
a more detailed analysis to determine whether these standards are
indeed met. To determine whether a species is endangered or threatened
throughout an SPR, we will use the same standards and methodology that
we use to determine if a species is endangered or threatened throughout
its range.
Depending on the biology of the species, its range, and the threats
it faces, it may be more efficient to address the ``significant''
question first, or the status question first. Thus, if we determine
that a portion of the range is not ``significant,'' we do not need to
determine whether the species is endangered or threatened there; if we
determine that the species is not endangered or threatened in a portion
of its range, we do not need to determine if that portion is
Scarlet-Chested Parrot
Applying the process described above, we evaluated portions of the
scarlet-chested parrot's range that may be significant, and examined
whether any threats are geographically concentrated in some way that
would indicate that those portions of the range may be in danger of
extinction, or likely to become so in the foreseeable future. The range
available to the scarlet-chested parrot is very large (262,000 km\2\
(101,159 mi\2\); BLI 2016a, unpaginated). Within this range, the
[[Page 16539]]
Great Victoria Desert, located in southwestern Australia, may be of
biological or conservation importance to the scarlet-chested parrot,
because the species is primarily concentrated in the better vegetated
areas of this region (BLI 2016a, unpaginated; Juniper and Parr 1998, p.
366). Therefore, the Great Victoria Desert has the potential to be of
greater biological or conservation importance than other areas and may
constitute a significant portion of the parrot's range.
We next examined whether any stressors are geographically
concentrated in some way that would indicate the species could be in
danger of extinction, or likely to become so, in this portion. We
examined potential stressors, including land clearing, altered fire
regimes, limited nest hollows, illegal collection and trade, Psittacine
beak and feather disease, predation from non-native species,
competition for food and nest hollows, small population size, and
effects from climate change. All these stressors appeared to be uniform
across the range of the species, with the exception of potential
effects from climate change (See Climate change and the scarlet-chested
parrot above). A recent climate-change-adaptation model indicated a
long-term range contraction to the southern portion of its range (to an
area that includes the Great Victoria Desert) (Garnett et al. 2013b,
interactive model results). However, given the uncertainty in the
modelling of future climate scenarios, particularly patterns of
precipitation, we are unable to reliably discern if the areas projected
to be lost will result in any significant threat. While regions of the
Great Victoria Desert may be significant, information and analyses
indicate that the species is unlikely to be in danger of extinction or
become so in the foreseeable future in this portion.
All other stressors appear to be uniform across the range of the
species. The scarlet-chested parrot is adapted to arid landscapes and
able to travel great distances. The population is not known to be
fragmented (Snyder et al. 2000, p. 57) and appears to be stable, with
no evidence of decline in the last 20 years (BLI 2016a, unpaginated;
BLI 2012a, p. 4). Therefore, based on the best scientific and
commercial data available, no portion warrants further consideration to
determine whether the species may be endangered or threatened in a
significant portion of its range.
Turquoise Parrot
We evaluated portions of the turquoise parrot's range that may be
significant, and examined whether any threats are geographically
concentrated in some way that would indicate that those portions of the
range may be in danger of extinction, or likely to become so in the
foreseeable future. The turquoise parrot occurs in many parts of
eastern and southeastern Australia, particularly the foothills of the
Great Dividing Range (NSW 2009, unpaginated; Garnett and Crowley 2000b,
p. 345; Juniper and Parr 1988, p. 365). The Great Dividing Range is
formed from multiple mountain ranges that dominate the eastern
Australia landmass. The species' distribution is not continuous but
rather occurs in patches of suitable habitat throughout this broader
range (Tzaros 2016, unpaginated; Forshaw 1989, p. 286), and about 90
percent of the population is thought to occur in New South Wales (NSW
2009, unpaginated). We did not identify any natural divisions within
the range that may be of biological or conservation importance with the
exception that the central portion of the parrot's current range (in
New South Wales) could be considered significant based on the
concentration of parrots there.
We next examined whether any stressors are geographically
concentrated in some way that would indicate the species could be in
danger of extinction, or likely to become so in the foreseeable future.
We examined potential stressors, including land clearing, altered fire
regimes, limited nest hollows, illegal collection and trade, Psittacine
beak and feather disease, predation from non-native species competition
for food and nest hollows, and effects from climate change. All these
stressors appeared to be uniform across the range of the species, with
the exception of potential effects from climate change (See Climate
change and the turquoise parrot above).
A recent climate-change-adaptation model indicated a long-term
range contraction by about one half to the southern part of its current
range (i.e., dropping out of Queensland but remaining in portions of
New South Wales and Victoria) by 2085 (Garnett et al. 2013c,
interactive model results). This reduced climate space includes
developed regions near Sydney and in and around Melbourne (Garnett et
al. 2013c, interactive model results). Currently, approximately 90
percent of the population is distributed in eastern portions of New
South Wales. Based on the modeling, the species would experience a
reduction in climate space in New South Wales that is approximately a
little more than one half of what is currently modeled. The modeled
climate space in Victoria may improve somewhat with more areas becoming
suitable for the parrot. However, given the uncertainty in the
modelling of future climate scenarios, particularly patterns of
precipitation, we are unable to reliably discern if the areas projected
to be lost will result in any significant threat. While areas in New
South Wales may be significant to the parrot, information and analyses
indicate that the species is unlikely to be in danger of extinction or
become so in the foreseeable future in this portion.
All other stressors appear to be uniform across the range of the
species. The population of the turquoise parrot now numbers more than
20,000 individuals. The population appears to be stable and may be
increasing in some areas. Therefore, based on the best scientific and
commercial data available, no portion warrants further consideration to
determine whether the species may be endangered or threatened in a
significant portion of its range.
We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial data
available and have determined that the scarlet-chested and turquoise
parrots are no longer in danger of extinction throughout all or
significant portions of their respective ranges, nor are they likely to
become so in the foreseeable future. As a consequence of this
determination, we are removing these species from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
Effects of the Rule
This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.11(h) by removing the scarlet-
chested and turquoise parakeets from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife. As of the effective date of this rule (see DATES),
the prohibitions and conservation measures provided by the Act,
particularly through sections 7, 8 and 9, no longer apply to these
species. The scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots will remain
protected under the provisions of the Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). To date, the
scarlet-chested and turquoise parrots remain on the Approved List of
captive-bred species under the WBCA, which allows import or export of
captive-bred individuals of these species without a WBCA permit.
[[Page 16540]]
Required Determinations
National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National
Environmental Policy Act, need not be prepared in connection with
listing or reclassification of a species as an endangered or threatened
species under the Endangered Species Act. We published a notice
outlining our reasons for this determination in the Federal Register on
October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
References Cited
A complete list of references cited in this rulemaking is available
on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-HQ-
ES-2015-0176 or upon request (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
This final rule was authored by staff of the Branch of Foreign
Species, Ecological Services Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
List of Subjects
50 CFR Part 15
Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Wildlife.
50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, we amend part 15 and part 17, subchapter B of chapter
I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 15 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 4901-4916.
2. Amend Sec. 15.33(a) by:
a. Amending the entries in the table for ``Neophema pulchella \1\
(Turquoise parrot.)'' and ``Neophema splendida \1\ (Scarlet-chested
parrot.)'' by removing the footnote superscripts; and
b. Revising footnote 1 following the table to read as follows:
Sec. 15.33 Species included in the approved list.
(a) * * *
\1\ Note: Permits are still required for this species under part
17 of this chapter.
* * * * *
3. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; and 4201-4245, unless
otherwise noted.
Sec. 17.11 [Amended]
4. Amend Sec. 17.11(h) by removing the entries for ``Parakeet,
scarlet-chested'' and ``Parakeet, turquoise'' under BIRDS in the List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
Dated: March 3, 2017.
James W. Kurth
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2017-06663 Filed 4-4-17; 8:45 am]