Commission Information Collection Activities (FERC-510, FERC-520, FERC-561, and FERC-583); Consolidated Comment Request; Extension, 16191-16194 [2017-06420]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 62 / Monday, April 3, 2017 / Notices time on the specified comment date. Protests may be considered, but intervention is necessary to become a party to the proceeding. eFiling is encouraged. More detailed information relating to filing requirements, interventions, protests, service, and qualifying facilities filings can be found at: docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For other information, call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659. Dated: March 28, 2017. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2017–06467 Filed 3–31–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP17–76–000] mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES Northern Natural Gas Company; Notice of Request Under Blanket Authorization Take notice that on March 15, 2017, Northern Natural Gas Company (Northern), 1111 South 103rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, filed in Docket No. CP17–76–000 a prior notice request pursuant to sections 157.205, 157.208, and 157.216 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (Commission) regulations under the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and Northern’s blanket authorizations issued in Docket No. CP82–401–000. Northern seeks authorization to (1) install and operate a compressor station and (2) abandon segments of pipeline, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on file with the Commission and open to public inspection. The filing may also be viewed on the web at https:// using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access the document. For assistance, contact FERC at or call toll-free, (866) 208–3676 or TTY, (202) 502–8659. Northern proposes to install and operate a new 15,900-horsepower (HP) compressor station (Lake Mills Compressor Station) in Worth County, Iowa. Additionally, Northern proposes to abandon approximately 60 feet of pipe from both the D- and E-lines to facilitate tie-ins. Northern states that the facilities proposed herein constitute a discrete, stand-alone project under the large umbrella of the Northern Lights VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:32 Mar 31, 2017 Jkt 241001 expansion plan. The total cost is approximately $30,500,000. Any questions regarding this Application should be directed to Michael T Loeffler, Senior Director, Certificates and External Affairs for Northern, 1111 South 103rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, by phone (402) 398–7103, by fax (402) 398–7592, or by email at Any person or the Commission’s Staff may, within 60 days after the issuance of the instant notice by the Commission, file pursuant to Rule 214 of the Commission’s Procedural Rules (18 CFR 385.214) a motion to intervene or notice of intervention and, pursuant to section 157.205 of the Commission’s Regulations under the NGA (18 CFR 157.205) a protest to the request. If no protest is filed within the time allowed therefore, the proposed activity shall be deemed to be authorized effective the day after the time allowed for protest. If a protest is filed and not withdrawn within 30 days after the time allowed for filing a protest, the instant request shall be treated as an application for authorization pursuant to section 7 of the NGA. Pursuant to section 157.9 of the Commission’s rules, 18 CFR 157.9, within 90 days of this Notice the Commission staff will either: Complete its environmental assessment (EA) and place it into the Commission’s public record (eLibrary) for this proceeding, or issue a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review. If a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review is issued, it will indicate, among other milestones, the anticipated date for the Commission staff’s issuance of the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) or EA for this proposal. The filing of the EA in the Commission’s public record for this proceeding or the issuance of a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review will serve to notify federal and state agencies of the timing for the completion of all necessary reviews, and the subsequent need to complete all federal authorizations within 90 days of the date of issuance of the Commission staff’s FEIS or EA. Persons who wish to comment only on the environmental review of this project should submit an original and two copies of their comments to the Secretary of the Commission. Environmental commenters will be placed on the Commission’s environmental mailing list, will receive copies of the environmental documents, and will be notified of meetings associated with the Commission’s environmental review process. Environmental commenters will not be required to serve copies of filed PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 16191 documents on all other parties. However, the non-party commenters will not receive copies of all documents filed by other parties or issued by the Commission (except for the mailing of environmental documents issued by the Commission) and will not have the right to seek court review of the Commission’s final order. The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings of comments, protests, and interventions via the internet in lieu of paper. See 18 CFR 385.2001(a) (1) (iii) and the instructions on the Commission’s Web site ( under the ‘‘e-Filing’’ link. Persons unable to file electronically should submit an original and 5 copies of the protest or intervention to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426. Dated: March 24, 2017. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2017–06419 Filed 3–31–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. IC17–9–000] Commission Information Collection Activities (FERC–510, FERC–520, FERC–561, and FERC–583); Consolidated Comment Request; Extension Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy. ACTION: Notice of information collections and request for comments. AGENCY: In compliance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) is soliciting public comment on the requirements and burden of the information collections described below. DATES: Comments on the collections of information are due June 2, 2017. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments (identified by Docket No. IC17–9–000) by either of the following methods: • eFiling at Commission’s Web site: asp. • Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426. Please reference the specific collection number and/or title in your comments. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\03APN1.SGM 03APN1 16192 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 62 / Monday, April 3, 2017 / Notices Instructions: All submissions must be formatted and filed in accordance with submission guidelines at: https:// For user assistance contact FERC Online Support by email at, or by phone at: (866) 208–3676 (toll-free), or (202) 502–8659 for TTY. Docket: Users interested in receiving automatic notification of activity in this docket or in viewing/downloading comments and issuances in this docket may do so at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ellen Brown may be reached by email at, telephone at (202) 502–8663, and fax at (202) 273– 0873. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Type of Request: Three-year extension of the information collection requirements for all collections described below with no changes to the current reporting requirements. Please note that each collection is distinct from the next. Comments: Comments are invited on: (1) Whether the collections of information are necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency’s estimates of the burden and cost of the collections of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information collections; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the collections of information on those who are to respond, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. FERC–510 [Application for Surrender of a Hydropower License] OMB Control No.: 1902–0068 Abstract: The information collected under the requirements of FERC–510 is used by the Commission to implement the statutory provisions of sections 4(e), 6 and 13 of the Federal Power Act (FPA) (16 U.S.C. 797(e), 799, and 806). Section 4(e) gives the Commission authority to issue licenses for the purposes of constructing, operating and maintaining dams, water conduits, reservoirs, powerhouses, transmission lines or other power project works necessary or convenient for developing and improving navigation, transmission and utilization of power using bodies of water over which Congress has jurisdiction. Section 6 gives the Commission the authority to prescribe the conditions of licenses including the revocation or surrender of the license. Section 13 defines the Commission’s authority to delegate time periods for when a license must be terminated if project construction has not begun. Surrender of a license may be desired by a licensee when a licensed project is retired or not constructed or natural catastrophes have damaged or destroyed the project facilities. FERC–510 is the application for the surrender of a hydropower license. The information is used by Commission staff to determine the broad impact of such surrender. The Commission will issue a notice soliciting comments from the public and other agencies and conduct a careful review of the application before issuing an order for Surrender of a License. The order is the result of an analysis of the information produced (i.e., dam safety, public safety, and environmental concerns, etc.), which is examined to determine whether any conditions must be satisfied before granting the surrender. The order implements the existing regulations and is inclusive for surrender of all types of hydropower licenses issued by FERC and its predecessor, the Federal Power Commission. The Commission implements these mandatory filing requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under 18 CFR 6.1 through 6.4. Type of Respondent: Private or Municipal Hydropower Licensees. Estimate of Annual Burden: 1 The Commission estimates the total annual burden and cost 2 for this information collection as follows: FERC–510 APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDROPOWER LICENSE Number of respondents Annual number of responses per respondent Total number of responses Average burden and cost per response Total annual burden hours and total annual cost Cost per respondent ($) (1) (2) (1) * (2) = (3) (4) (3) * (4) = (5) (5) ÷ (1) 80 hrs.; 3 $6,120 ........ 1,120 hrs.; $85,680 ... 14 ................................................................. 14 $6,120 Abstract: The Federal Power Act (FPA), as amended by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), mandates federal oversight and approval of certain electric corporate activities to ensure that neither public nor private interests are adversely affected. Accordingly, the FPA proscribes related information filing requirements to achieve this goal. Such filing requirements are found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), specifically in 18 CFR part 45, and serve as the basis for FERC–520. FERC–520 is divided into two types of applications: Full and informational. The full application, as specified in 18 CFR 45.8, implements the FPA requirement under section 305(b) that it is unlawful for any person to concurrently hold the positions of officer or director of more than one public utility; or a public utility and a financial institution that is authorized to underwrite or participate in the marketing of public utility securities; or a public utility and an electrical equipment supplier to that public utility, unless authorized by order of the Commission. In order to obtain authorization, an applicant must demonstrate that neither public nor private interests will be adversely affected by the holding of the position. The full application provides the 1 ‘‘Burden’’ is the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. For additional information, refer to Title 5 Code of Federal Regulations 1320.3. 2 The Commission staff thinks that the average respondent for this collection is similarly situated to the Commission, in terms of salary plus benefits. Based upon FERC’s 2017 annual average of $158,754 (for salary plus benefits), the average hourly cost is $76.50/hour. 3 Based on additional information, we are revising the estimated average burden per response to 80 hours (rather than 10 hours). The reporting requirements have not changed. FERC–520 [Application for Authority To Hold Interlocking Directorate Positions] OMB Control No.: 1902–0083 mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES 1 VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:47 Mar 31, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03APN1.SGM 03APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 62 / Monday, April 3, 2017 / Notices Commission with information about any interlocking position for which the applicant seeks authorization including, but not limited to, a description of duties and the estimated time devoted to the position. An informational application, specified in 18 CFR 45.9, allows an applicant to receive automatic authorization for an interlocked position upon receipt of the filing by the Commission. The informational application applies only to those individuals who seek authorization as: (1) An officer or director of two or more public utilities where the same holding company owns, directly or indirectly, that percentage of each utility’s stock (of whatever class or classes) which is required by each utility’s by-laws to elect directors; (2) an officer or director of two public utilities, if one utility is owned, wholly or in part, by the other and, as its primary business, owns or operates transmission or generation facilities to provide transmission service or electric power for sale to its owners; or (3) an officer or director of more than one public utility, if such person is already authorized under part 45 to hold different positions as officer or director of those utilities where the interlock involves affiliated public utilities. Pursuant to 18 CFR 45.5, in the event that an applicant resigns or withdraws from Commission-authorized 16193 interlocked positions or is not re-elected or re-appointed to such interlocked positions, the Commission requires that the applicant submit a notice of change within 30 days from the date of the change. Type of Respondents: Individuals who plan to concurrently become officers or directors of public utilities and of certain other covered entities must request authorization to hold such interlocking positions by submitting a FERC–520. Estimate of Annual Burden: 1 The Commission estimates the total annual burden and cost 2 for this information collection as follows: FERC–520 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO HOLD INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATE POSITIONS Number of respondents Annual number of responses per respondent Total number of responses Average burden and cost per response Total annual burden hours (total annual cost) Cost per respondent ($) (1) (2) (1) * (2) = (3) (4) (3) * (4) = (5) (5) ÷ (1) Full ................................... Informational .................... Notice of Change ............. 16 500 200 1 1 1 16 500 200 50 hrs.; $3,825 .......... 8 hrs.; $612 ............... 0.25 hrs.; $19.13 ....... 800 hrs.; $61,200 ...... 4,000 hrs.; $306,000 50 hrs.; $3,825 .......... Total .......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ .................................... 4,850 hrs.; $371,025 specifically defines most of the information elements in the Form 561 including the information that must be filed, the required filers, the directive to make the information available to the public, and the filing deadline. The Commission uses the information required by 18 CFR 131.31 and collected by the Form 561 to implement the FPA requirement that those who are authorized to hold interlocked directorates annually disclose all the interlocked positions held within the prior year. The Form 561 data identifies persons holding interlocking positions FERC–561 [Annual Report of Interlocking Positions] OMB Control No.: 1902–0099 Abstract: The FERC Form 561 responds to the FPA requirements for annual reporting of similar types of positions which public utility officers and directors hold with financial institutions, insurance companies, utility equipment and fuel providers, and with any of an electric utility’s 20 largest purchasers of electric energy (i.e., the 20 entities with high expenditures of electricity). The FPA $3,825 612 19.13 ........................ between public utilities and other entities, allows the Commission to review these interlocking positions, and allows identification of possible conflicts of interest. Type of Respondents: Public utility officers and directors holding financial positions, insurance companies, security underwriters, electrical equipment suppliers, fuel provider, and any entity which is controlled by these. Estimate of Annual Burden: 1 The Commission estimates the total annual burden and cost 2 for this information collection as follows: FERC FORM 561—ANNUAL REPORT OF INTERLOCKING POSITIONS Number of respondents Annual number of responses per respondent Total number of responses Average burden and cost per response Total annual burden hours and total annual cost Cost per respondent ($) (1) (2) (1) * (2) = (3) (4) (3) * (4) = (5) (5) ÷ (1) mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES 2,700 ............................................................ FERC–583 [Annual Kilowatt Generating Report (Annual Charges)] OMB Control No.: 1902–0136 Abstract: The FERC–583 is used by the Commission to implement the statutory provisions of section 10(e) of VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:32 Mar 31, 2017 Jkt 241001 1 2,700 0.25 hrs.; $19.13 ....... the Federal Power Act (FPA) (16 U.S.C. 803(e)), which requires the Commission to collect annual charges from hydropower licensees for, among other things, the cost of administering part I of the FPA and for the use of United States dams. In addition, section 3401 of PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 675.00 hrs.; $51,637.50. $19.13 the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (OBRA) authorizes the Commission to ‘‘assess and collect fees and annual charges in any fiscal year in amounts equal to all of the costs incurred by the Commission in that fiscal year.’’ The information is E:\FR\FM\03APN1.SGM 03APN1 16194 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 62 / Monday, April 3, 2017 / Notices collected annually and used to determine the amounts of the annual charges to be assessed licensees for reimbursable government administrative costs and for the use of government dams. The Commission implements these filing requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under 18 CFR part 11.1 through 11.8.4 Type of Respondent: FERC-regulated private and public hydropower licensees. Estimate of Annual Burden: 1 The Commission estimates the total annual burden and cost 2 for this information collection as follows: FERC–583—ANNUAL KILOWATT GENERATING REPORT [Annual Charges] Number of respondents 5 Annual number of responses per respondent Total number of responses Average burden and cost per response Total annual burden hours and total annual cost Cost per respondent ($) (1) (2) (1) * (2) = (3) (4) (3) * (4) = (5) (5) ÷ (1) 2 hrs.; $153 ............... 1,040 hrs.; $79,560 ... 520 ............................................................... Dated: March 24, 2017. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2017–06420 Filed 3–31–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 2221–038] mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES Empire District Electric Company; Notice of Intent To File License Application, Filing of Pre-Application Document (PAD), Commencement of Pre-Filing Process, and Scoping; Request for Comments on the PAD and Scoping Document, and Identification of Issues and Associated Study Requests a. Type of Filing: Notice of Intent to File License Application for a New License and Commencing Pre-filing Process. b. Project No.: 2221–038. c. Dated Filed: January 26, 2017. d. Submitted By: Empire District Electric Company. e. Name of Project: Ozark Beach Hydroelectric Project. f. Location: On the White River near the Town of Forsyth, in Taney County, Missouri. The project occupies 5.1 acres of United States lands administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. g. Filed Pursuant to: 18 CFR part 5 of the Commission’s Regulations. h. Potential Applicant Contact: Blake Mertens, Vice President of Energy Supply and Delivery Operations, Empire District Electric Company, P.O. 4 As discussed in 18 CFR part 11, selected federal agencies (such as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service) submit annual reports to the Commission on their federal costs in administering part I of the Federal Power Act. The filing requirements VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:32 Mar 31, 2017 Jkt 241001 1 520 $153 Box 127, Joplin, MO 64802, (417) 625– 6587 or; and Randy Richardson, Plant Manager, Empire District Electric Company, 2537 Fir Road, Sarcoxie, MO 64862, (417) 625–6138 or RRichardson@ i. FERC Contact: Colleen Corballis at (202) 502–8598 or email at j. Cooperating agencies: Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies with jurisdiction and/or special expertise with respect to environmental issues that wish to cooperate in the preparation of the environmental document should follow the instructions for filing such requests described in item o below. Cooperating agencies should note the Commission’s policy that agencies that cooperate in the preparation of the environmental document cannot also intervene. See 94 FERC ¶ 61,076 (2001). k. With this notice, we are initiating informal consultation with: (a) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and the joint agency regulations thereunder at 50 CFR, Part 402 and (b) the State Historic Preservation Officer, as required by section 106, National Historic Preservation Act, and the implementing regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation at 36 CFR 800.2. l. With this notice, we are designating Empire District Electric Company as the Commission’s non-federal representative for carrying out informal consultation, pursuant to section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. m. Empire District Electric Company filed with the Commission a PreApplication Document (PAD; including a proposed process plan and schedule), pursuant to 18 CFR 5.6 of the Commission’s regulations. n. A copy of the PAD is available for review at the Commission in the Public Reference Room or may be viewed on the Commission’s Web site (https://, using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket number, excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access the document. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support at, (866) 208–3676 (toll free), or (202) 502–8659 (TTY). A copy is also available for inspection and reproduction at the address in paragraph h. Register online at https:// esubscription.asp to be notified via email of new filing and issuances related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support. o. With this notice, we are soliciting comments on the PAD and Commission’s staff Scoping Document 1 (SD1), as well as study requests. All comments on the PAD and SD1, and study requests should be sent to Randy Richardson at the address above in paragraph h. In addition, all comments on the PAD and SD1, study requests, requests for cooperating agency status, and all communications to and from Commission staff related to the merits of imposed on those federal agencies are not collected for general statistical purposes and are not a ‘‘collection of information’’ as defined by 5 CFR 1320.3(c)(3). (The form and additional information on the information provided by those agencies is posted at forms.asp#ofa.) 5 Based on data from Fiscal Year 2016, there were 520 projects, owned by 242 FERC-regulated private and public licensees. Many of the licensees owned multiple projects. PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03APN1.SGM 03APN1


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 62 (Monday, April 3, 2017)]
[Pages 16191-16194]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-06420]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Docket No. IC17-9-000]

Commission Information Collection Activities (FERC-510, FERC-520, 
FERC-561, and FERC-583); Consolidated Comment Request; Extension

AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy.

ACTION: Notice of information collections and request for comments.


SUMMARY: In compliance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction 
Act of 1995, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or 
FERC) is soliciting public comment on the requirements and burden of 
the information collections described below.

DATES: Comments on the collections of information are due June 2, 2017.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments (identified by Docket No. IC17-9-
000) by either of the following methods:
     eFiling at Commission's Web site:
     Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First Street NE., 
Washington, DC 20426.

    Please reference the specific collection number and/or title in 
your comments.

[[Page 16192]]

    Instructions: All submissions must be formatted and filed in 
accordance with submission guidelines at: For user assistance contact FERC Online Support 
by email at, or by phone at: (866) 208-3676 
(toll-free), or (202) 502-8659 for TTY.
    Docket: Users interested in receiving automatic notification of 
activity in this docket or in viewing/downloading comments and 
issuances in this docket may do so at

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ellen Brown may be reached by email at, telephone at (202) 502-8663, and fax at (202) 

    Type of Request: Three-year extension of the information collection 
requirements for all collections described below with no changes to the 
current reporting requirements. Please note that each collection is 
distinct from the next.
    Comments: Comments are invited on: (1) Whether the collections of 
information are necessary for the proper performance of the functions 
of the Commission, including whether the information will have 
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimates of the 
burden and cost of the collections of information, including the 
validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance 
the quality, utility and clarity of the information collections; and 
(4) ways to minimize the burden of the collections of information on 
those who are to respond, including the use of automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology.

FERC-510 [Application for Surrender of a Hydropower License]

OMB Control No.: 1902-0068

    Abstract: The information collected under the requirements of FERC-
510 is used by the Commission to implement the statutory provisions of 
sections 4(e), 6 and 13 of the Federal Power Act (FPA) (16 U.S.C. 
797(e), 799, and 806). Section 4(e) gives the Commission authority to 
issue licenses for the purposes of constructing, operating and 
maintaining dams, water conduits, reservoirs, powerhouses, transmission 
lines or other power project works necessary or convenient for 
developing and improving navigation, transmission and utilization of 
power using bodies of water over which Congress has jurisdiction. 
Section 6 gives the Commission the authority to prescribe the 
conditions of licenses including the revocation or surrender of the 
license. Section 13 defines the Commission's authority to delegate time 
periods for when a license must be terminated if project construction 
has not begun. Surrender of a license may be desired by a licensee when 
a licensed project is retired or not constructed or natural 
catastrophes have damaged or destroyed the project facilities.
    FERC-510 is the application for the surrender of a hydropower 
license. The information is used by Commission staff to determine the 
broad impact of such surrender. The Commission will issue a notice 
soliciting comments from the public and other agencies and conduct a 
careful review of the application before issuing an order for Surrender 
of a License. The order is the result of an analysis of the information 
produced (i.e., dam safety, public safety, and environmental concerns, 
etc.), which is examined to determine whether any conditions must be 
satisfied before granting the surrender. The order implements the 
existing regulations and is inclusive for surrender of all types of 
hydropower licenses issued by FERC and its predecessor, the Federal 
Power Commission. The Commission implements these mandatory filing 
requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under 18 CFR 6.1 
through 6.4.
    Type of Respondent: Private or Municipal Hydropower Licensees.
    Estimate of Annual Burden: \1\ The Commission estimates the total 
annual burden and cost \2\ for this information collection as follows:

    \1\ ``Burden'' is the total time, effort, or financial resources 
expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
provide information to or for a Federal agency. For additional 
information, refer to Title 5 Code of Federal Regulations 1320.3.
    \2\ The Commission staff thinks that the average respondent for 
this collection is similarly situated to the Commission, in terms of 
salary plus benefits. Based upon FERC's 2017 annual average of 
$158,754 (for salary plus benefits), the average hourly cost is 

                                               FERC-510 Application for Surrender of a Hydropower License
                                      Annual number
       Number of respondents          of responses    Total number      Average burden and cost  per      Total annual burden hours and      Cost per
                                     per respondent   of responses                response                      total annual cost         respondent ($)
(1)                                             (2)     (1) * (2) =  (4)..............................  (3) * (4) = (5).................       (5) / (1)
14.................................               1              14  80 hrs.; \3\ $6,120..............  1,120 hrs.; $85,680.............          $6,120

FERC-520 [Application for Authority To Hold Interlocking Directorate 

OMB Control No.: 1902-0083

    Abstract: The Federal Power Act (FPA), as amended by the Public 
Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), mandates federal 
oversight and approval of certain electric corporate activities to 
ensure that neither public nor private interests are adversely 
affected. Accordingly, the FPA proscribes related information filing 
requirements to achieve this goal. Such filing requirements are found 
in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), specifically in 18 CFR part 
45, and serve as the basis for FERC-520.

    \3\ Based on additional information, we are revising the 
estimated average burden per response to 80 hours (rather than 10 
hours). The reporting requirements have not changed.

    FERC-520 is divided into two types of applications: Full and 
informational. The full application, as specified in 18 CFR 45.8, 
implements the FPA requirement under section 305(b) that it is unlawful 
for any person to concurrently hold the positions of officer or 
director of more than one public utility; or a public utility and a 
financial institution that is authorized to underwrite or participate 
in the marketing of public utility securities; or a public utility and 
an electrical equipment supplier to that public utility, unless 
authorized by order of the Commission. In order to obtain 
authorization, an applicant must demonstrate that neither public nor 
private interests will be adversely affected by the holding of the 
position. The full application provides the

[[Page 16193]]

Commission with information about any interlocking position for which 
the applicant seeks authorization including, but not limited to, a 
description of duties and the estimated time devoted to the position.
    An informational application, specified in 18 CFR 45.9, allows an 
applicant to receive automatic authorization for an interlocked 
position upon receipt of the filing by the Commission. The 
informational application applies only to those individuals who seek 
authorization as: (1) An officer or director of two or more public 
utilities where the same holding company owns, directly or indirectly, 
that percentage of each utility's stock (of whatever class or classes) 
which is required by each utility's by-laws to elect directors; (2) an 
officer or director of two public utilities, if one utility is owned, 
wholly or in part, by the other and, as its primary business, owns or 
operates transmission or generation facilities to provide transmission 
service or electric power for sale to its owners; or (3) an officer or 
director of more than one public utility, if such person is already 
authorized under part 45 to hold different positions as officer or 
director of those utilities where the interlock involves affiliated 
public utilities.
    Pursuant to 18 CFR 45.5, in the event that an applicant resigns or 
withdraws from Commission-authorized interlocked positions or is not 
re-elected or re-appointed to such interlocked positions, the 
Commission requires that the applicant submit a notice of change within 
30 days from the date of the change.
    Type of Respondents: Individuals who plan to concurrently become 
officers or directors of public utilities and of certain other covered 
entities must request authorization to hold such interlocking positions 
by submitting a FERC-520.
    Estimate of Annual Burden: \1\ The Commission estimates the total 
annual burden and cost \2\ for this information collection as follows:

                                      FERC-520 Application for Authority To Hold Interlocking Directorate Positions
                                                Annual  number                                                                               Cost per
                                   Number of     of  responses   Total number     Average  burden and cost    Total annual  burden hours    respondent
                                  respondents   per respondent   of responses           per response             (total annual cost)            ($)
                                           (1)             (2)     (1) * (2) =  (4)                          (3) * (4) = (5)                   (5) / (1)
Full..........................              16               1              16  50 hrs.; $3,825............  800 hrs.; $61,200..........          $3,825
Informational.................             500               1             500  8 hrs.; $612...............  4,000 hrs.; $306,000.......             612
Notice of Change..............             200               1             200  0.25 hrs.; $19.13..........  50 hrs.; $3,825............           19.13
    Total.....................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ...........................  4,850 hrs.; $371,025.......  ..............

FERC-561 [Annual Report of Interlocking Positions]

OMB Control No.: 1902-0099

    Abstract: The FERC Form 561 responds to the FPA requirements for 
annual reporting of similar types of positions which public utility 
officers and directors hold with financial institutions, insurance 
companies, utility equipment and fuel providers, and with any of an 
electric utility's 20 largest purchasers of electric energy (i.e., the 
20 entities with high expenditures of electricity). The FPA 
specifically defines most of the information elements in the Form 561 
including the information that must be filed, the required filers, the 
directive to make the information available to the public, and the 
filing deadline.
    The Commission uses the information required by 18 CFR 131.31 and 
collected by the Form 561 to implement the FPA requirement that those 
who are authorized to hold interlocked directorates annually disclose 
all the interlocked positions held within the prior year. The Form 561 
data identifies persons holding interlocking positions between public 
utilities and other entities, allows the Commission to review these 
interlocking positions, and allows identification of possible conflicts 
of interest.
    Type of Respondents: Public utility officers and directors holding 
financial positions, insurance companies, security underwriters, 
electrical equipment suppliers, fuel provider, and any entity which is 
controlled by these.
    Estimate of Annual Burden: \1\ The Commission estimates the total 
annual burden and cost \2\ for this information collection as follows:

                                                 FERC Form 561--Annual Report of Interlocking Positions
                                     Annual  number
                                      of  responses   Total number     Average  burden and cost  per     Total annual  burden hours and      Cost per
       Number of respondents               per        of responses                response                     total  annual cost         respondent ($)
(1)                                             (2)     (1) * (2) =  (4)..............................  (3) * (4) = (5).................       (5) / (1)
2,700..............................               1           2,700  0.25 hrs.; $19.13................  675.00 hrs.; $51,637.50.........          $19.13

FERC-583 [Annual Kilowatt Generating Report (Annual Charges)]

OMB Control No.: 1902-0136

    Abstract: The FERC-583 is used by the Commission to implement the 
statutory provisions of section 10(e) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) 
(16 U.S.C. 803(e)), which requires the Commission to collect annual 
charges from hydropower licensees for, among other things, the cost of 
administering part I of the FPA and for the use of United States dams. 
In addition, section 3401 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 
1986 (OBRA) authorizes the Commission to ``assess and collect fees and 
annual charges in any fiscal year in amounts equal to all of the costs 
incurred by the Commission in that fiscal year.'' The information is

[[Page 16194]]

collected annually and used to determine the amounts of the annual 
charges to be assessed licensees for reimbursable government 
administrative costs and for the use of government dams. The Commission 
implements these filing requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations 
(CFR) under 18 CFR part 11.1 through 11.8.\4\

    \4\ As discussed in 18 CFR part 11, selected federal agencies 
(such as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the 
National Marine Fisheries Service) submit annual reports to the 
Commission on their federal costs in administering part I of the 
Federal Power Act. The filing requirements imposed on those federal 
agencies are not collected for general statistical purposes and are 
not a ``collection of information'' as defined by 5 CFR 
1320.3(c)(3). (The form and additional information on the 
information provided by those agencies is posted at

    Type of Respondent: FERC-regulated private and public hydropower 
    Estimate of Annual Burden: \1\ The Commission estimates the total 
annual burden and cost \2\ for this information collection as follows:

                                                       FERC-583--Annual Kilowatt Generating Report
                                                                    [Annual Charges]
                                     Annual  number
                                      of  responses   Total number     Average  burden and cost  per     Total annual  burden hours  and     Cost per
     Number of respondents \5\             per        of responses                response                     total  annual cost         respondent ($)
(1)                                             (2)     (1) * (2) =  (4)..............................  (3) * (4) = (5).................       (5) / (1)
520................................               1             520  2 hrs.; $153.....................  1,040 hrs.; $79,560.............            $153

    Dated: March 24, 2017.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2017-06420 Filed 3-31-17; 8:45 am]
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