Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, 14511-14512 [2017-05469]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 21, 2017 / Notices element within the historic district or that the applicant has not provided sufficient information for a determination, the applicant may not deploy its facilities on that structure without completing the Section 106 review process. If, within the thirty day period, the SHPO either informs the applicant that the structure is not a contributing or compatible element within the historic district, or the SHPO fails to respond to the applicant within the thirty-day period, the applicant has no further Section 106 review obligations, provided that the collocation meets the certain volumetric and ground disturbance provisions. The First Amendment to the Collocation Agreement establishes new exclusions from the Section 106 review process for physically small deployments like DAS and small cells, fulfilling a directive in the Commission’s Infrastructure Report and Order, 80 FR 1238, Jan. 8, 2015, to further streamline review of these installations. These new exclusions will reduce the cost, time, and burden associated with deploying small facilities in many settings, and provide opportunities to increase densification at low cost and with very little impact on historic properties. Facilitating these deployments thus directly advances efforts to roll out 5G service in communities across the country. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2017–05471 Filed 3–20–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [OMB 3060–0773] Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Notice and request for comments. AGENCY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:47 Mar 20, 2017 Jkt 241001 performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission’s burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. DATES: Written PRA comments should be submitted on or before May 22, 2017. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice, you should advise the contact listed below as soon as possible. ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to Nicole Ongele, FCC, via email PRA@ and to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the information collection, contact Nicole Ongele at (202) 418–2991. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collections. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission’s burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. OMB Control Number: 3060–0773. PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 14511 Title: Sections 2.803 and 2.803(c)(2), Marketing of RF Devices Prior to Equipment Authorization. Form Number: N/A. Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection. Respondents: Businesses or other forprofit. Number of Respondents and Responses: 10,000 respondents and 10,000 responses. Estimated Time per Response: 0.5 hours. Frequency of Response: One-time reporting requirement and third party disclosure requirement. Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits. Statutory authority for this information collection is contained in 47 U.S.C. Sections 154(i), 302, 303, 303(r), and 307. Total Annual Burden: 5,000 hours. Total Annual Cost: No Cost. Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: There is no need for confidentiality. Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No impact(s). Needs and Uses: The Commission will submit this information collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) after this 60 day comment period in order to obtain the full three-year clearance from them. The Commission has established rules for the marketing of radio frequency (RF) devices prior to equipment authorization under guidelines in 47 CFR Section 2.803. The general guidelines in Section 2.803 prohibit the marketing or sale of such equipment prior to a demonstration of compliance with the applicable equipment authorization and technical requirements in the case of a device subject to verification or Declaration of Conformity without special notification. Section 2.803(c)(2) permits limited marketing activities prior to equipment authorization, for devices that could be authorized under the current rules; could be authorized under waivers of such rules that are in effect at the time of marketing; or could be authorized under rules that have been adopted by the Commission but that have not yet become effective. These devices may be not operated unless permitted by section 2.805. The following general guidelines apply for third party notifications: (a) A RF device may be advertised and displayed at a trade show or exhibition prior to a demonstration of compliance with the applicable technical standards and compliance with the applicable equipment authorization procedure provided the advertising and display is accompanied by a conspicuous notice E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 21MRN1 14512 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 21, 2017 / Notices specified in Section 2.803(c)(2)(iii)(A) or Section 2.803(c)(2)(iii)(B). (b) An offer for sale solely to business, commercial, industrial, scientific, or medical users of an RF device in the conceptual, developmental, design or pre-production stage prior to demonstration of compliance with the equipment authorization regulations may be permitted provided that the prospective buyer is advised in writing at the time of the offer for sale that the equipment is subject to FCC rules and that the equipment will comply with the appropriate rules before delivery to the buyer or centers of distribution. (c) Equipment sold as evaluation kit may be sold to specific users with notice specified in Section 2.803(c)(2)(iv)(B). The information to be disclosed about marketing of the RF device is intended: (1) To ensure the compliance of the proposed equipment with Commission rules; and (2) To assist industry efforts to introduce new products to the marketplace more promptly. The information disclosure applies to a variety of RF devices that: (1) Is pending equipment authorization or verification of compliance; (2) May be manufactured in the future; (3) May be sold as kits; and (4) Operates under varying technical standards. The information disclosed is essential to ensuring that interference to radio communications is controlled. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, Office of the Secretary. [FR Doc. 2017–05469 Filed 3–20–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION PERSON TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: Sunshine Act Meetings Judith Ingram, Press Officer, Telephone: (202) 694–1220. AGENCY: Federal Election Commission. Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. DATE AND TIME: 999 E Street NW., Washington, DC (Ninth Floor). Dayna C. Brown, Secretary and Clerk of the Commission. [FR Doc. 2017–05589 Filed 3–17–17; 11:15 am] BILLING CODE 6715–01–P PLACE: This Meeting Will Be Open To the Public. STATUS: ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED: Draft Advisory Opinion 2016–23: Socialist Workers Party Draft Supplemental Notice of Disposition on REG 2014–06 (Candidate Debates) Audit Division Recommendation Memorandum on the Colorado Republican Committee (CRC) (A13– 12) Proposed Final Audit Report on Kind for Congress Committee (A15–02) Proposed Final Audit Report on the Kansas Democratic Party (A13–08) 2017 Chief FOIA Officer Report FEC Email Management Policy REG 2014–10: Implementing the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 REG 2016–03: Political Party Rules Management and Administrative Matters Individuals who plan to attend and require special assistance, such as sign language interpretation or other reasonable accommodations, should contact Dayna C. Brown, Secretary and Clerk, at (202) 694–1040, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Granting of Requests for Early Termination of the Waiting Period Under the Premerger Notification Rules Section 7A of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 18a, as added by Title II of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, requires persons contemplating certain mergers or acquisitions to give the Federal Trade Commission and the Assistant Attorney General advance notice and to wait designated periods before consummation of such plans. Section 7A(b)(2) of the Act permits the agencies, in individual cases, to terminate this waiting period prior to its expiration and requires that notice of this action be published in the Federal Register. The following transactions were granted early termination—on the dates indicated—of the waiting period provided by law and the premerger notification rules. The listing for each transaction includes the transaction number and the parties to the transaction. The grants were made by the Federal Trade Commission and the Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. Neither agency intends to take any action with respect to these proposed acquisitions during the applicable waiting period. EARLY TERMINATIONS GRANTED [February 1, 2017 through February 28, 2017] 02/01/2017 20170560 ...... G Gartner, Inc.; CEB Inc.; Gartner, Inc. 02/02/2017 20170620 ...... G MPLX LP; Marathon Petroleum Corporation; MPLX LP. mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES 02/03/2017 20161360 20170598 20170601 20170602 20170603 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... G G G G G 20170617 20170623 20170627 20170628 ...... ...... ...... ...... G G G G VerDate Sep<11>2014 John Swire & Sons Limited; The Coca-Cola Company; John Swire & Sons Limited. Merck & Co., Inc.; Illumina, Inc.; Merck & Co., Inc. Elliott Associates, L.P.; NRG Energy, Inc.; Elliott Associates, L.P. Elliott International Limited; NRG Energy, Inc.; Elliott International Limited. Bluescape Energy Recapitalization and Restructuring Fund III; NRG Energy, Inc.; Bluescape Energy Recapitalization and Restructuring Fund III. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; Illumina, Inc.; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. Lindsay Goldberg IV L.P.; U.S. Steel Canada Inc.; Lindsay Goldberg IV L.P. KKR Energy Income and Growth Fund I L.P.; SM Energy Company; KKR Energy Income and Growth Fund I L.P. Platform Partners, LLC; George Parsons and Janet Strohmeyer; Platform Partners, LLC. 16:47 Mar 20, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 21MRN1


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 53 (Tuesday, March 21, 2017)]
[Pages 14511-14512]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-05469]



[OMB 3060-0773]

Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal 
Communications Commission

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, 
and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the 
Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the 
general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to 
comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested 
concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary 
for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, 
including whether the information shall have practical utility; the 
accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the 
quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to 
minimize the burden of the collection of information on the 
respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the 
information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer 
than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of 
information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No 
person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a 
collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a 
valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.

DATES: Written PRA comments should be submitted on or before May 22, 
2017. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find 
it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice, 
you should advise the contact listed below as soon as possible.

ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to Nicole Ongele, FCC, via email and to

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the 
information collection, contact Nicole Ongele at (202) 418-2991.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As part of its continuing effort to reduce 
paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) 
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), the Federal Communications Commission 
(FCC or Commission) invites the general public and other Federal 
agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following 
information collections. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the 
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper 
performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the 
information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the 
Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and 
clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of 
the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of 
automated collection techniques or other forms of information 
technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection 
burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
    OMB Control Number: 3060-0773.
    Title: Sections 2.803 and 2.803(c)(2), Marketing of RF Devices 
Prior to Equipment Authorization.
    Form Number: N/A.
    Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    Respondents: Businesses or other for-profit.
    Number of Respondents and Responses: 10,000 respondents and 10,000 
    Estimated Time per Response: 0.5 hours.
    Frequency of Response: One-time reporting requirement and third 
party disclosure requirement.
    Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits. 
Statutory authority for this information collection is contained in 47 
U.S.C. Sections 154(i), 302, 303, 303(r), and 307.
    Total Annual Burden: 5,000 hours.
    Total Annual Cost: No Cost.
    Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: There is no need for 
    Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No impact(s).
    Needs and Uses: The Commission will submit this information 
collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) after this 60 
day comment period in order to obtain the full three-year clearance 
from them.
    The Commission has established rules for the marketing of radio 
frequency (RF) devices prior to equipment authorization under 
guidelines in 47 CFR Section 2.803. The general guidelines in Section 
2.803 prohibit the marketing or sale of such equipment prior to a 
demonstration of compliance with the applicable equipment authorization 
and technical requirements in the case of a device subject to 
verification or Declaration of Conformity without special notification. 
Section 2.803(c)(2) permits limited marketing activities prior to 
equipment authorization, for devices that could be authorized under the 
current rules; could be authorized under waivers of such rules that are 
in effect at the time of marketing; or could be authorized under rules 
that have been adopted by the Commission but that have not yet become 
effective. These devices may be not operated unless permitted by 
section 2.805.
    The following general guidelines apply for third party 
    (a) A RF device may be advertised and displayed at a trade show or 
exhibition prior to a demonstration of compliance with the applicable 
technical standards and compliance with the applicable equipment 
authorization procedure provided the advertising and display is 
accompanied by a conspicuous notice

[[Page 14512]]

specified in Section 2.803(c)(2)(iii)(A) or Section 
    (b) An offer for sale solely to business, commercial, industrial, 
scientific, or medical users of an RF device in the conceptual, 
developmental, design or pre-production stage prior to demonstration of 
compliance with the equipment authorization regulations may be 
permitted provided that the prospective buyer is advised in writing at 
the time of the offer for sale that the equipment is subject to FCC 
rules and that the equipment will comply with the appropriate rules 
before delivery to the buyer or centers of distribution.
    (c) Equipment sold as evaluation kit may be sold to specific users 
with notice specified in Section 2.803(c)(2)(iv)(B).
    The information to be disclosed about marketing of the RF device is 
    (1) To ensure the compliance of the proposed equipment with 
Commission rules; and
    (2) To assist industry efforts to introduce new products to the 
marketplace more promptly.
    The information disclosure applies to a variety of RF devices that:
    (1) Is pending equipment authorization or verification of 
    (2) May be manufactured in the future;
    (3) May be sold as kits; and
    (4) Operates under varying technical standards.
    The information disclosed is essential to ensuring that 
interference to radio communications is controlled.

Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017-05469 Filed 3-20-17; 8:45 am]
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