Notice To Propose the Re-Designation of the Service Delivery Area for the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township, 12968-12975 [2017-04522]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 8, 2017 / Notices
As a general matter, information
collections will not result in any new
system of records containing privacy
information and will not ask questions
of a sensitive nature, such as sexual
behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs,
and other matters that are commonly
considered private.
Households, Businesses, Organizations,
and/or State, Local or Tribal
Government. There is no cost to
respondents other than their time. The
estimated annualized burden hours for
this data collection activity are 9,690.
This is a revision to the previously
approved collection to reduce the
burden hours from 12,400 to 9,690
hours as a result of the previous usage
and anticipated future usage of this
Generic Information Collection.
Respondents will be screened and
selected from Individuals and
Number of
Type of collection
per response
per response
Total hours
Online surveys .................................................................................................
Discussion Groups ...........................................................................................
Focus groups ...................................................................................................
Web site/app usability testing ..........................................................................
Interviews .........................................................................................................
Totals ........................................................................................................
Leroy A. Richardson,
Chief, Information Collection Review Office,
Office of Scientific Integrity, Office of the
Associate Director for Science, Office of the
Director, Centers for Disease Control and
Advisory Committee Information Line,
1–800–741–8138 (301–443–0572 in the
Washington, DC area). Please call the
Information Line for up-to-date
information on this meeting.
[FR Doc. 2017–04510 Filed 3–7–17; 8:45 am]
In the
Federal Register of January 11, 2017 (82
FR 3333), FDA announced that the joint
meeting of the Drug Safety and Risk
Management Advisory Committee and
the Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug
Products Advisory Committee would be
held on March 13–14, 2017. On page
3334, in the first column, under the
ADDRESSES caption, the address of the
meeting and the phone number in the
first six lines is changed to read as
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2017–N–0067]
Joint Meeting of the Drug Safety and
Risk Management Advisory Committee
and the Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug
Products Advisory Committee;
Amendment of Notice
Food and Drug Administration,
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is announcing an
amendment to the notice of the joint
meeting of the Drug Safety and Risk
Management Advisory Committee and
the Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug
Products Advisory Committee. This
meeting was announced in the Federal
Register of January 11, 2017. The
amendment is being made to reflect a
change in the ADDRESSES portion of the
document. There are no other changes.
Stephanie L. Begansky, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research, Food and
Drug Administration, 10903 New
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 31, Rm. 2417,
Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–
796–9001, FAX: 301–847–8533, email:, or FDA
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The meeting will be held at
the Tommy Douglas Conference Center,
10000 New Hampshire Ave., Silver
Spring, MD 20903. The conference
center’s telephone number is 240–645–
This notice is issued under the
Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
U.S.C. app. 2) and 21 CFR part 14,
relating to the advisory committees.
Dated: March 3, 2017.
Janice M. Soreth,
Associate Commissioner for Special Medical
[FR Doc. 2017–04529 Filed 3–7–17; 8:45 am]
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Indian Health Service
Notice To Propose the Re-Designation
of the Service Delivery Area for the
Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian
Indian Health Service, HHS.
This notice advises the public
that the Indian Health Service (IHS)
proposes to expand the geographic
boundaries of the Purchased/Referred
Care (PRC) Service Delivery Area (SDA)
for the Passamaquoddy Tribe’s
reservation at Indian Township
(Passamaquoddy at Indian Township or
Tribe) in Maine. This notice does not
propose to change or expand the PRC
SDA for the Tribe’s Pleasant Point
reservation. This notice only relates to
the expansion of the Tribe’s PRC SDA
for the Indian Township reservation.
DATES: Comments must be submitted
April 7, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
in one of four ways detailed below.
However, we cannot accept comments
by facsimile (FAX) transmission due to
staff and resource limitations. Please
choose one method below:
1. Electronically. You may submit
electronic comments on this regulation
to Follow
the ‘‘Submit a Comment’’ instructions.
2. By regular mail. You may mail
written comments to the following
address ONLY: Betty Gould, Regulations
Officer, Indian Health Service, 5600
Fishers Lane, Mailstop: 09E70,
Rockville, Maryland 20852. Please allow
sufficient time for mailed comments to
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 8, 2017 / Notices
be received before the close of the
comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You
may send written comments to the
above address.
4. By hand or courier. If you prefer,
you may deliver (by hand or courier)
your written comments before the close
of the comment period to the address
above. If you intend to deliver your
comments to the Rockville address,
please call telephone number (301) 443–
1116 in advance to schedule your
arrival with a staff member.
Comments will be made available for
public inspection at the Rockville
address from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday–Friday, two weeks after
publication of this notice.
Terri Schmidt, Acting Director, Office of
Resource Access and Partnerships,
Indian Health Service, 5600 Fishers
Lane, Mailstop: 10E85C, Rockville,
Maryland 20852. Telephone 301/443–
2694 (This is not a toll free number).
Inspection of Public Comments: All
comments received before the close of
the comment period are available for
viewing by the public, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
a comment.
Background: The Maine Indian
Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L.
96–420; H. Rept. 96–1353) includes the
intent of Congress to fund and provide
PRC to the Passamaquoddy Tribe. The
Passamaquoddy Tribe has two
reservations: Indian Township and
Pleasant Point. The PRC SDA for the
Indian Township reservation is
Aroostook County, ME, and Washington
County, ME. The PRC SDA for the
Pleasant Point reservation is
Washington County, ME, south of State
Route 9, and Aroostook County, ME.
The IHS currently provides services
under regulations codified at 42 CFR
part 136, subparts A through C. Subpart
C defines a Purchased/Referred Care
(PRC) Service Delivery Area (SDA),
formerly referred to as a Contract Health
Service Delivery Area, as the geographic
area within which PRC will be made
available by the IHS to members of an
identified Indian community who reside
in the area. Residence in a PRC SDA by
a person who is within the scope of the
Indian health program, as set forth in 42
CFR 136.12, creates no legal entitlement
to PRC but only potential eligibility for
services. Services needed but not
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available at an IHS/Tribal facility are
provided under the PRC program
depending on the availability of funds,
the person’s relative medical priority,
and the actual availability and
accessibility of alternate resources in
accordance with the regulations.
As applicable to the Tribes, these
regulations provide that, unless
otherwise designated, a PRC SDA shall
consist of a county which includes all
or part of a reservation and any county
or counties which have a common
boundary with the reservation. 42 CFR
136.22(a)(6). The regulations also
provide that after consultation with the
Tribal governing body or bodies on
those reservations included within the
PRC SDA, the Secretary may from time
to time, re-designate areas within the
United States for inclusion in or
exclusion from a PRC SDA. The
regulations require that certain criteria
must be considered before any redesignation is made. The criteria are as
(1) The number of Indians residing in
the area proposed to be so included or
(2) Whether the Tribal governing body
has determined that Indians residing in
the area near the reservation are socially
and economically affiliated with the
(3) The geographic proximity to the
reservation of the area whose inclusion
or exclusion is being considered; and
(4) The level of funding which would
be available for the provision of PRC. 42
CFR 136.22(b).
Additionally, the regulations require
that any re-designation of a PRC SDA
must be made in accordance with the
Administrative Procedures Act (5 U.S.C.
553). See 42 CFR 136.22(c). In
compliance with this requirement, we
are publishing this proposal and
requesting public comments.
The Passamaquoddy Tribe is a
federally recognized tribe with two
separate reservations, Indian Township
and Pleasant Point, located
approximately 50 miles apart. Each
respective reservation elects its own
governing body and each reservation
has a separate PRC SDA. The Indian
Township reservation of the
Passamaquoddy Tribe has a PRC SDA
consisting of Aroostook and Washington
Counties in the State of Maine. The PRC
SDA for the Passamaquoddy Tribe’s
reservation at Pleasant Point is
Washington County, Maine, south of
State Route 9, and Aroostook County,
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Maine. IHS adopted a PRC SDA for each
of the Passamaquoddy Tribe’s
reservations for the purposes of
administering benefits under the IHS
PRC program. Thus, members of the
Tribe who reside outside of Aroostook
and Washington Counties do not reside
within the PRC SDA of the
Passamaquoddy Tribe and they are
currently not eligible for PRC services
from the Tribe.
The Passamaquoddy Tribe has a
significant number of members who are
not residents of Aroostook and
Washington Counties. According to
Tribal estimates, 257 enrolled
Passamaquoddy members reside in
Hancock County in the State of Maine
and remain actively involved with the
Tribe, but they are not currently eligible
for PRC care. The Tribe provides direct
services to its members by operating a
clinic in Washington County.
Under 42 CFR 136.23, those otherwise
eligible Indians who do not reside on a
reservation but reside within a PRC
service delivery area must be either
members of the Tribe or maintain close
economic and social ties with the Tribe.
In this case, in applying the
aforementioned PRC service delivery
area re-designation criteria required by
operative regulations (43 FR 34654), the
following findings are made:
1. By expanding, the Tribe estimates
the current eligible population will be
increased by 257.
2. The Tribe has determined that
these 257 individuals are socially and
economically affiliated with the Tribe.
3. The expanded area, Hancock
County, ME, maintains a common
boundary with Washington County, ME,
the county in which the Tribe’s Indian
Township reservation is located.
4. The Tribe will use its existing
Federal allocation for PRC funds to
provide services to the expanded
population. No additional financial
resources will be allocated by IHS to the
Tribe to provide services to Tribal
members residing in Hancock County.
Accordingly, the purpose of this
Federal Register notice is to notify the
public of the proposal to expand the
PRC service delivery area of the
Passamaquoddy Tribe’s Indian
Township reservation to include
Hancock County in the State of Maine.
The proposed notice will expand their
current service delivery area to include
Hancock County in the State of Maine.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 8, 2017 / Notices
Ak Chin Indian Community .......................................................................
Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas ........................................................
Alaska .......................................................................................................
Arapahoe Tribe of the Wind River Reservation .......................................
Aroostook Band of Micmacs ....................................................................
Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation,
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians of the
Bad River Reservation, Wisconsin.
Bay Mills Indian Community, Michigan ....................................................
Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana ............
Brigham City Intermountain School Health Center, Utah [Permanently
Burns Paiute Tribe ....................................................................................
California ...................................................................................................
Catawba Indian Nation .............................................................................
Pinal, AZ.
Polk, TX.1
Entire State.2
Hot Springs, WY, Fremont, WY, Sublette, WY.
Aroostook, ME.3
Daniels, MT, McCone, MT, Richland, MT, Roosevelt, MT, Sheridan,
MT, Valley, MT.
Ashland, WI, Iron, WI.
Cayuga Nation ..........................................................................................
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the Cheyenne River Reservation, South
Chippewa-Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy’s Reservation, Montana ........
Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana ..................................................................
Cocopah Tribe of Arizona ........................................................................
Coeur D’Alene Tribe .................................................................................
Colorado River Indian Tribes of the Colorado River Indian Reservation,
Arizona and California.
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation ..........................
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon ....................................
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation ...................................
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Washington ................
Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Nevada and Utah .....
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon ...........
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation .........................
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon ........
Coquille Indian Tribe ................................................................................
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana ...................................................................
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians .........................................
Cowlitz Indian Tribe ..................................................................................
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of the Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota
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Crow Tribe of Montana .............................................................................
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians ..........................................................
Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming ........
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe of South Dakota ......................................
Forest County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin .................................
Fort Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation of
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribes of the Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation, Nevada and Oregon.
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Arizona ..................................................
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe of Arizona, California and Nevada ..................
Gila River Indian Community of the Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona.
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Michigan ........
Hannahville Indian Community, Michigan ................................................
Haskell Indian Health Center ...................................................................
Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation, Arizona ........................
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Chippewa, MI.
Glacier, MT, Pondera, MT.
Harney, OR.
Entire State, except for the counties listed in the footnote.5
All Counties in SC,6 Cabarrus, NC, Cleveland, NC, Gaston, NC, Mecklenburg, NC, Rutherford, NC, Union, NC.
Allegany, NY,7 Cattaraugus, NY, Chautauqua, NY, Erie, NY, Warren,
Corson, SD, Dewey, SD, Haakon, SD, Meade, SD, Perkins, SD, Potter, SD, Stanley, SD, Sully, SD, Walworth, SD, Ziebach, SD.
Chouteau, MT, Hill, MT, Liberty, MT.
St. Mary Parish, LA.
Yuma, AZ, Imperial, CA.
Benewah, ID, Kootenai, ID, Latah, ID, Spokane, WA, Whitman, WA.
La Paz, AZ, Riverside, CA, San Bernardino, CA, Yuma, AZ.
Flathead, MT, Lake, MT, Missoula, MT, Sanders, MT.
Klickitat, WA, Lewis, WA, Skamania, WA,8 Yakima, WA.
Benton, OR,9 Clackamas, OR, Lane, OR, Lincoln, OR, Linn, OR, Marion, OR, Multnomah, OR, Polk, OR, Tillamook, OR, Washington, OR,
Yam Hill, OR.
Grays Harbor, WA, Lewis, WA, Thurston, WA.
Chelan, WA,10 Douglas, WA, Ferry, WA, Grant, WA, Lincoln, WA,
Okanogan, WA, Stevens, WA.
Coos, OR,11 Curry, OR, Douglas, OR, Lane, OR, Lincoln, OR.
Nevada, Juab, UT, Toole, UT.
Polk, OR,12 Washington, OR, Marion, OR, Tillamook, OR, Multnomah,
OR, Yam Hill, OR.
Umatilla, OR, Union, OR.
Clackamas, OR, Jefferson, OR, Linn, OR, Marion, OR, Wasco, OR.
Coos, OR, Curry, OR, Douglas, OR, Jackson, OR, Lane, OR.
Allen Parish, LA, Elton, LA.13
Coos, OR,14 Deshutes, OR, Douglas, OR, Jackson, OR, Josephine,
OR, Klamath, OR, Lane, OR.
Clark, WA, Columbia, OR,15 Cowlitz, WA, King, WA, Kittitas, WA,
Lewis, WA, Pierce, WA, Skamania, WA, Thurston, WA, Wahkiakum,
Brule, SD, Buffalo, SD, Hand, SD, Hughes, SD, Hyde, SD, Lyman, SD,
Stanley, SD.
Big Horn, MT, Big Horn, WY, Carbon, MT, Treasure, MT,16 Yellowstone, MT, Sheridan, WY.
Cherokee, NC, Graham, NC, Haywood, NC, Jackson, NC, Swain, NC.
Fremont, WY, Hot Springs, WY, Sublette, WY.
Moody, SD.
Forest, WI, Marinette, WI, Oconto, WI.
Blaine, MT, Phillips, MT.
Nevada, Malheur, OR.
Maricopa, AZ.
Nevada, Mohave, AZ, San Bernardino, CA.
Maricopa, AZ, Pinal, AZ.
Antrim, MI,17 Benzie, MI, Charlevoix, MI, Grand Traverse, MI,
Leelanau, MI, Manistee, MI.
Delta, MI, Menominee, MI.
Douglas, KS.18
Coconino, AZ.
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 8, 2017 / Notices
Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin ................................................................
Adams, WI,19 Clark, WI, Columbia, WI, Crawford, WI, Dane, WI, Eau
Claire, WI, Houston, MN, Jackson, WI, Juneau, WI, La Crosse, WI,
Marathon, WI, Monroe, WI, Sauk, WI, Shawano, WI, Vernon, WI,
Wood, WI.
Jefferson, WA.
Apache, AZ, Coconino, AZ, Navajo, AZ.
Aroostook, ME.20
Coconino, AZ, Mohave, AZ, Yavapai, AZ.
Brown, KS, Doniphan, KS, Richardson, NE.
Clallam, WA, Jefferson, WA.
Grand Parish, LA,21 LaSalle Parish, LA, Rapides Parish, LA.
Archuleta, CO, Rio Arriba, NM, Sandoval, NM.
Coconino, AZ, Mohave, AZ, Kane, UT.
Hoh Indian Tribe .......................................................................................
Hopi Tribe of Arizona ...............................................................................
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians ............................................................
Hualapai Indian Tribe of the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona ........
Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska ........................................................
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe ......................................................................
Jena Band of Choctaw Indians ................................................................
Jicarilla Apache Nation, New Mexico .......................................................
Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians of the Kaibab Indian Reservation, Arizona.
Kalispel Indian Community of the Kalispel Reservation ..........................
Kewa Pueblo, New Mexico ......................................................................
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Michigan ..........................................
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas ........................................................
Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of the Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas .........
Klamath Tribes .........................................................................................
Koi Nation of Northern California (formerly known as Lower Lake
Rancheria, California).
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho ............................................................................
Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin.
Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of the Lac
du Flambeau Reservation of Wisconsin.
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Michigan
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Michigan .........................................
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Michigan ..........................
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe of the Lower Brule Reservation, South Dakota
Lower Elwha Tribal Community ...............................................................
Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota ......................
Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation ...................................................
Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation .............................
Mashantucket Pequot Indian Tribe ..........................................................
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe ....................................................................
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan ....
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin .....................................................
Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation, New Mexico ....
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians ....................................................................
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Bois Forte Band (Nett Lake) .....
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Fond du Lac Band .....................
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Grand Portage Band .................
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Leech Lake Band ......................
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Mille Lacs Band .........................
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota White Earth Band ......................
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians .......................................................
Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut ................................................
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Muckleshoot Indian Tribe .........................................................................
Narragansett Indian Tribe .........................................................................
Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Utah ..........................................
Nevada .....................................................................................................
Nez Perce Tribe .......................................................................................
Nisqually Indian Tribe ...............................................................................
Nooksack Indian Tribe ..............................................................................
Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Montana.
Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation ...........................................
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Pend Oreille, WA, Spokane, WA.
Sandoval, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Baraga, MI, Houghton, MI, Ontonagon, MI.
Maverick, TX.22
Brown, KS, Jackson, KS.
Klamath, OR.23
Lake, CA, Sonoma, CA.24
Boundary, ID.
Sawyer, WI.
Iron, WI, Oneida, WI, Vilas, WI.
Gogebic, MI.
Kent, MI,25 Manistee, MI, Mason, MI, Muskegon, MI, Newaygo, MI,
Oceana, MI, Ottawa, MI, Wexford, MI, Lake, MI.
Alcona, MI,25 Alger, MI, Alpena, MI, Antrim, MI, Benzie, MI, Charlevoix,
MI, Cheboygan, MI, Chippewa, MI, Crawford, MI, Delta, MI, Emmet,
MI, Grand Traverse, MI, Iosco, MI, Kalkaska, MI, Leelanau, MI,
Luce, MI, Mackinac, MI, Manistee, MI, Missaukee, MI, Montmorency,
MI, Ogemaw, MI, Oscoda, MI, Otsego, MI, Presque Isle, MI,
Schoolcraft, MI, Roscommon, MI, Wexford, MI.
Brule, SD, Buffalo, SD, Hughes, SD, Lyman, SD, Stanley, SD.
Clallam, WA.
Redwood, MN, Renville, MN.
Whatcom, WA.
Clallam, WA.
New London, CT.26
Barnstable, MA, Bristol, MA, Norfolk, MA, Plymouth, MA, Suffolk,
Allegan, MI,28 Barry, MI, Kalamazoo, MI, Kent, MI, Ottawa, MI.
Langlade, WI, Menominee, WI, Oconto, WI, Shawano, WI.
Chaves, NM, Lincoln, NM, Otero, NM.
Broward, FL, Collier, FL, Miami-Dade, FL, Hendry, FL.
Itasca, MN, Koochiching, MN, St. Louis, MN.
Carlton, MN, St. Louis, MN.
Cook, MN.
Beltrami, MN, Cass, MN, Hubbard, MN, Itasca, MN.
Aitkin, MN, Kanebec, MN, Mille Lacs, MN, Pine, MN.
Becker, MN, Clearwater, MN, Mahnomen, MN, Norman, MN, Polk, MN.
Attala, MS, Jasper, MS,29 Jones, MS, Kemper, MS, Leake, MS,
Neshoba, MS, Newton, MS, Noxubee, MS,29 Scott, MS,30 Winston,
Fairfield, CT, Hartford, CT, Litchfield, CT, Middlesex, CT, New Haven,
CT, New London, CT, Tolland, CT, Windham, CT.
King, WA, Pierce, WA.
Washington, RI.31
Apache, AZ, Bernalillo, NM, Cibola, NM, Coconino, AZ, Kane, UT,
McKinley, NM, Montezuma, CO, Navajo, AZ, Rio Arriba, NM,
Sandoval, NM, San Juan, NM, San Juan, UT, Socorro, NM, Valencia, NM.
Entire State.32
Clearwater, ID, Idaho, ID, Latah, ID, Lewis, ID, Nez Perce, ID.
Pierce, WA, Thurston, WA.
Whatcom, WA.
Big Horn, MT, Carter, MT,33 Rosebud, MT.
Box Elder, UT.34
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 8, 2017 / Notices
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Michigan ........................
Allegan, MI,35 Barry, MI, Branch, MI, Calhoun, MI, Kalamazoo, MI,
Kent, MI, Ottawa, MI.
Bennett, SD, Cherry, NE, Custer, SD, Dawes, NE, Fall River, SD,
Jackson, SD,36 Mellete, SD, Pennington, SD, Shannon, SD, Sheridan, NE, Todd, SD.
Rio Arriba, NM.
Entire State.37
Burt, NE, Cuming, NE, Monona, IA, Thurston, NE, Wayne, NE.
Brown, WI, Outagamie, WI.
Chenango, NY, Cortland, NY, Herkimer, NY, Madison, NY, Oneida,
NY, Onondaga, NY.
Onondaga, NY.
Iron, UT,38 Millard, UT, Sevier, UT, Washington, UT.
Pima, AZ.39
Aroostook, ME,40 41 Hancock, ME,42 Washington, ME.
Aroostook, ME,43 Penobscot, ME.
Baldwin, AL,44 Elmore, AL, Escambia, AL, Mobile, AL, Monroe, AL,
Escambia, FL.
Allegan, MI,45 Berrien, MI, Cass, MI, Elkhart, IN, Kosciusko, IN, La
Porte, IN, Marshall, IN, St. Joseph, IN, Starke, IN, Van Buren, MI.
Boyd, NE,46 Burt, NE, Charles Mix, SD, Douglas, NE, Hall, NE, Holt,
NE, Knox, NE, Lancaster, NE, Madison, NE, Platte, NE,
Pottawattomie, IA, Sarpy, NE, Stanton, NE, Wayne, NE, Woodbury,
Kitsap, WA.
Jackson, KS.
Goodhue, MN.
Cibola, NM.
Sandoval, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Bernalillo, NM, Torrance, NM, Valencia, NM.
Sandoval, NM.
Bernalillo, NM, Cibola, NM, Sandoval, NM, Valencia, NM.
Santa Fe, NM.
Taos, NM.
Rio Arriba, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Sandoval, NM.
Los Alamos, NM, Rio Arriba, NM, Sandoval, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Bernalillo, NM, Sandoval, NM.
Sandoval, NM.
Los Alamos, NM, Sandoval, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Colfax, NM, Taos, NM.
Santa Fe, NM.
Sandoval, NM.
King, WA, Pierce, WA, Thurston, WA.
Yuma, AZ, Imperial, CA.
Oglala Sioux Tribe ....................................................................................
Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico ..................................................................
Oklahoma .................................................................................................
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska ........................................................................
Oneida Nation ...........................................................................................
Oneida Nation of New York .....................................................................
Onondaga Nation .....................................................................................
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah ......................................................................
Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona ................................................................
Passamaquoddy Tribe ..............................................................................
Penobscot Nation .....................................................................................
Poarch Band of Creeks ............................................................................
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Michigan and Indiana ................
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska .........................................................................
Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe ....................................................................
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation ..........................................................
Prairie Island Indian Community in the State of Minnesota ....................
Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico ................................................................
Pueblo of Cochiti, New Mexico ................................................................
Pueblo of Isleta, New Mexico ...................................................................
Pueblo of Jemez, New Mexico .................................................................
Pueblo of Laguna, New Mexico ...............................................................
Pueblo of Nambe, New Mexico ................................................................
Pueblo of Picuris, New Mexico ................................................................
Pueblo of Pojoaque, New Mexico ............................................................
Pueblo of San Felipe, New Mexico ..........................................................
Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico .....................................................
Pueblo of Sandia, New Mexico ................................................................
Pueblo of Santa Ana, New Mexico ..........................................................
Pueblo of Santa Clara, New Mexico ........................................................
Pueblo of Taos, New Mexico ...................................................................
Pueblo of Tesuque, New Mexico .............................................................
Pueblo of Zia, New Mexico ......................................................................
Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation .............................................
Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, California and Arizona.
Quileute Tribe of the Quileute Reservation ..............................................
Quinault Indian Nation ..............................................................................
Rapid City, South Dakota .........................................................................
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin ..........
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Minnesota ....................................
Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota
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Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska .........................
Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa ..............................................
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan ...........................................
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe .......................................................................
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community of the Salt River Reservation, Arizona.
Samish Indian Nation ...............................................................................
San Carlos Apache Tribe of the San Carlos Reservation, Arizona .........
San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe of Arizona ............................................
Santee Sioux Nation, Nebraska ...............................................................
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe ........................................................................
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Michigan ............................
Seminole Tribe of Florida .........................................................................
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Clallam, WA, Jefferson, WA.
Grays Harbor, WA, Jefferson, WA.
Pennington, SD.47
Bayfield, WI.
Beltrami, MN, Clearwater, MN, Koochiching, MN, Lake of the Woods,
MN, Marshall, MN, Pennington, MN, Polk, MN, Roseau, MN.
Bennett, SD, Cherry, NE, Gregory, SD, Lyman, SD, Mellette, SD,
Todd, SD, Tripp, SD.
Brown, KS, Richardson, NE.
Tama, IA.
Arenac, MI,48 Clare, MI, Isabella, MI, Midland, MI, Missaukee, MI.
Franklin, NY, St. Lawrence, NY.
Maricopa, AZ.
Clallam, WA,49 Island, WA, Jefferson, WA, King, WA, Kitsap, WA,
Pierce, WA, San Juan, WA, Skagit, WA, Snohomish, WA, Whatcom,
Apache, AZ, Cochise, AZ, Gila, AZ, Graham, AZ, Greenlee, AZ, Pinal,
Coconino, AZ, San Juan, UT.
Bon Homme, SD, Knox, NE.
Snohomish, WA, Skagit, WA.
Alger, MI,50 Chippewa, MI, Delta, MI, Luce, MI, Mackinac, MI, Marquette, MI, Schoolcraft, MI.
Broward, FL, Collier, FL, Glades, FL, Hendry, FL, Miami-Dade, FL.
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Seneca Nation of Indians .........................................................................
Allegany, NY, Cattaraugus, NY, Chautauqua, NY, Erie, NY, Warren,
Scott, MN.
Nassau, NY,51 Suffolk, NY.
Pacific, WA.
Bannock, ID, Bingham, ID, Caribou, ID, Lemhi, ID,52 Power, ID.
Nevada, Owyhee, ID.
Codington, SD, Day, SD, Grant, SD, Marshall, SD, Richland, ND, Roberts, SD, Sargent, ND, Traverse, MN.
Mason, WA.
Tooele, UT.
Island, WA, King, WA,53 Mason, WA, Snohomish, WA, Pierce, WA.
Forest, WI.
Archuleta, CO, La Plata, CO, Montezuma, CO, Rio Arriba, NM, San
Juan, NM.
Benson, ND, Eddy, ND, Nelson, ND, Ramsey, ND.
Ferry, WA, Lincoln, WA, Stevens, WA.
Mason, WA.
Barron, WI, Burnett, WI, Pine, MN, Polk, WI, Washburn, WI.
Adams, ND, Campbell, SD, Corson, SD, Dewey, SD, Emmons, ND,
Grant, ND, Morton, ND, Perkins, SD, Sioux, ND, Walworth, SD,
Ziebach, SD.
Snohomish, WA.
Menominee, WI, Shawano, WI.
Kitsap, WA.
Skagit, WA.
Kern, CA.54
Dunn, ND, Mercer, ND, McKenzie, ND, McLean, ND, Mountrail, ND,
Ward, ND.
Maricopa, AZ, Pima, AZ, Pinal, AZ.
Genesee, NY, Erie, NY, Niagara, NY.
Gila, AZ.
Divide, ND,55 McKenzie, ND, Williams, ND, Richland, MT, Roosevelt,
MT, Sheridan, MT.
Snohomish, WA.
Avoyelles, LA, Rapides, LA.56
Rolette, ND.
Niagara, NY.
Chippewa, MN, Yellow Medicine, MN.
Skagit, WA.
Carbon, UT, Daggett, UT, Duchesne, UT, Emery, UT, Grand, UT, Rio
Blanco, CO, Summit, UT, Uintah, UT, Utah, UT, Wasatch, UT.
Apache, AZ, La Plata, CO, Montezuma, CO, San Juan, NM, San Juan,
Dukes, MA,57 Barnstable, MA, Bristol, MA, Norfolk, MA, Plymouth, MA,
Suffolk, MA.58
Nevada, California except for the counties listed in footnote.
Apache, AZ, Coconino, AZ, Gila, AZ, Graham, AZ, Greenlee, AZ, Navajo, AZ.
Sacramento, CA.59
Dakota, NE, Dixon, NE, Monona, IA, Thurston, NE, Wayne, NE,
Woodbury, IA.
Bon Homme, SD, Boyd, NE, Charles Mix, SD, Douglas, SD, Gregory,
SD, Hutchinson, SD, Knox, NE.
Yavapai, AZ.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community of Minnesota ......................
Shinnecock Indian Nation .........................................................................
Shoalwater Bay Tribe of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation ...........
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation .........................
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation, Nevada .........
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation, South
Skokomish Indian Tribe ............................................................................
Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians of Utah .........................................
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe ..........................................................................
Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Wisconsin ..........................................
Southern Ute Indian Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado ..
Spirit Lake Tribe, North Dakota ................................................................
Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Reservation ............................................
Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation .........................
St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin ................................................
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North & South Dakota ..............................
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians of Washington ..........................................
Stockbridge Munsee Community, Wisconsin ...........................................
Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation ......................
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community ........................................................
Tejon Indian Tribe ....................................................................................
Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota ..
Tohono O’odham Nation of Arizona .........................................................
Tonawanda Band of Seneca ....................................................................
Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona ................................................................
Trenton Service Unit, North Dakota and Montana ...................................
Tulalip Tribes of Washington ....................................................................
Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe .........................................................................
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dakota ..................
Tuscarora Nation ......................................................................................
Upper Sioux Community, Minnesota ........................................................
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe ........................................................................
Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah & Ouay Reservation, Utah ......................
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe ............................................................................
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) ...........................................
Washoe Tribe of Nevada & California .....................................................
White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona
Wilton Rancheria, California .....................................................................
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska .................................................................
Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota ......................................................
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Yavapai-Apache Nation of the Camp Verde Indian Reservation, Arizona.
Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe ..................................................................
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo of Texas ...............................................................
Zuni Tribe of the Zuni Reservation, New Mexico ....................................
Yavapai, AZ.
El Paso, TX.60
Apache, AZ, Cibola, NM, McKinley, NM, Valencia, NM.
1 Public Law 100–89, Restoration Act for Ysleta Del Sur and Alabama and Coushatta Tribes of Texas establishes service areas for ‘‘members
of the Tribe’’ by sections 101(3) and 105(a) for the Pueblo and sections 201(3) and 206(a) respectively.
2 Entire State of Alaska is included as a CHSDA by regulation (42 CFR 136.22(a)(1)).
3 Aroostook Band of Micmacs was recognized by Congress on November 26, 1991, through the Aroostook Band of Micmac Settlement Act.
Aroostook County, ME, was defined as the SDA.
4 Special programs have been established by Congress irrespective of the eligibility regulations. Eligibility for services at these facilities is
based on the legislative history of the appropriation of funds for the particular facility rather than the eligibility regulations. Historically services
have been provided at Brigham City Intermountain School Health Center, Utah (Pub. L. 88–358).
5 Entire State of California, excluding the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Sacramento, San Francisco, San
Mateo, Santa Clara, Kern, Merced, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, Solano, Stanislaus, and Ventura, is
designated a CHSDA (25 U.S.C. 1680).
6 The counties were recognized after the January 1984 CHSDA FRN was published, in accordance with Public Law 103–116, Catawba Indian
Tribe of South Carolina Land Claims Settlement Act of 1993, dated October 27, 1993.
7 There is no reservation for the Cayuga Nation; the service delivery area consists of those counties identified by the Cayuga Nation.
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8 Skamania
County, WA, has historically been a part of the Yakama Service Unit population since 1979.
order to carry out the Congressional intent of the Siletz Restoration Act, Public Law 95–195, as expressed in H. Report No. 95–623, at
page 4, members of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon residing in these counties are eligible for contract health services.
10 Chelan County, WA, has historically been a part of the Colville Service Unit population since 1970.
11 Pursuant to Public Law 98–481 (H. Rept. No. 98–904), Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Restoration Act, members of the Tribe residing in
these counties were specified as eligible for Federal services and benefits without regard to the existence of a Federal Indian reservation.
12 The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon were recognized by Public Law 98–165 which was signed into law on November 22, 1983, and provides for eligibility in these six counties without regard to the existence of a reservation.
13 The CHSDA for the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana was expanded administratively by the Director, IHS, through regulation (42 CFR 136.22(6))
to include city limits of Elton, LA.
14 Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians recognized by Public Law 97–391, signed into law on December 29, 1983. House Rept. No.
97–862 designates Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine Counties as a service area without regard to the existence of a reservation. The IHS later
administratively expanded the CHSDA to include the counties of Coos, OR, Deshutes, OR, Klamath, OR, and Lane, OR.
15 The Cowlitz Indian Tribe was recognized in July 2002 as documented at 67 FR 46329, July 12, 2002. The counties listed were designated
administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93–
638. The CHSDA was administratively expanded to included Columbia County, OR, Kittitas, WA, and Wahkiakum County, WA, as published at
67884 FR December 21, 2009.
16 Treasure County, MT, has historically been a part of the Crow Service Unit population.
17 The counties listed have historically been a part of the Grand Traverse Service Unit population since 1980.
18 Haskell Indian Health Center has historically been a part of Kansas Service Unit since 1979. Special programs have been established by
Congress irrespective of the eligibility regulations. Eligibility for services at these facilities is based on the legislative history of the appropriation
of funds for the particular facility rather than the eligibility regulations. Historically services have been provided at Haskell Indian Health Center
(H. Rept. No. 95–392).
19 CHSDA counties for the Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin were designated by regulation (42 CFR 136.22(a)(5)). Dane County, WI, was added
to the reservation by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1986.
20 Public Law 97–428 provides that any member of the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians in or around the Town of Houlton shall be eligible
without regard to existence of a reservation.
21 The Jena Band of Choctaw Indian was Federally acknowledged as documented at 60 FR 28480, May 31, 1995. The counties listed were
designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public
Law 93–638.
22 Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, formerly known as the Texas Band of Kickapoo, was recognized by Public Law 97–429, signed into law
on January 8, 1983. The Act provides for eligibility for Kickapoo Tribal members residing in Maverick County without regard to the existence of a
23 The Klamath Indian Tribe Restoration Act (Pub. L. 99–398, Sec. 2(2)) states that for the purpose of Federal services and benefits ‘‘members
of the tribe residing in Klamath County shall be deemed to be residing in or near a reservation’’.
24 The Koi Nation of Northern California, formerly known as the Lower Lake Rancheria, was reaffirmed by the Secretary of the Bureau of Indian Affairs on December 29, 2000. The counties listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a PRC SDA, for the purposes of operating a PRC program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
25 The Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians and the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians Act recognized the Little River Band of Ottawa
Indians and the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians. Pursuant to Public Law 103–324, Sec. 4(b) the counties listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
26 Mashantucket Pequot Indian Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 98–134, signed into law on October 18, 1983, provides a reservation for the
Mashantucket Pequot Indian Tribe in New London County, CT.
27 The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe was recognized in February 2007, as documented at 72 FR 8007, February 22, 2007. The counties listed
were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA,
Public Law 93–638.
28 The Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan was recognized in October 1998, as documented at 63 FR 56936,
October 23, 1998. The counties listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a
CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
29 Members of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians residing in Jasper and Noxubee Counties, MS, are eligible for contract health services;
these two counties were inadvertently omitted from 42 CFR 136.22.
30 Scott County, MS, has historically been a part of the Choctaw Service Unit population since 1970.
31 The Narragansett Indian Tribe was recognized by Public Law 95–395, signed into law September 30, 1978. Lands in Washington County,
RI, are now Federally restricted and the Bureau of Indian Affairs considers them as the Narragansett Indian Reservation.
32 Entire State of Nevada is included as a CHSDA by regulation (42 CFR 136.22(a)(2)).
33 Carter County, MT, has historically been a part of the Northern Cheyenne Service Unit population since 1979.
34 Land of Box Elder County, Utah, was taken into trust for the Northwestern Band of Shoshoni Nation in 1986.
35 The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Michigan, formerly known as the Huron Band of Potawatomi, Inc., was recognized in December 1995, as documented at 60 FR 66315, December 21, 1995. The counties listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to function
as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
36 Washabaugh County, SD, merged and became part of Jackson County, SD, in 1983; both were/are CHSDA counties for the Oglala Sioux
37 Entire State of Oklahoma is included as a CHSDA by regulation (42 CFR 136.22(a)(3)).
38 Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah Restoration Act, Public Law 96–227, provides for the extension of services for the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah to
these four counties without regard to the existence of a reservation.
39 Legislative history (H.R. Report No. 95–1021) to Public Law 95–375, Extension of Federal Benefits to Pascua Yaqui Indians, Arizona, expresses congressional intent that lands conveyed to the Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona pursuant to Act of October 8, 1964 (Pub. L. 88–350)
shall be deemed a Federal Indian Reservation.
40 The Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–420; H. Rept. 96–1353) includes the intent of Congress to fund and provide
contract health services to the Passamaquoddy Tribe and the Penobscot Nation.
41 The Passamaquoddy Tribe has two reservations: Indian Township and Pleasant Point. The PRC SDA for the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township, ME, is Aroostook County, ME, Washington County, ME, and Hancock County, ME. The PRC SDA for the Passamaquoddy Tribe
at Pleasant Point, ME, is Washington County, ME, south of State Route 9, and Aroostook County, ME.
42 The Passamaquoddy Tribe’s counties listed are designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a PRC SDA, for the purposes of operating a PRC program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
43 The Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–420; H. Rept. 96–1353) includes the intent of Congress to fund and provide
PRC to the Passamaquoddy Tribe and the Penobscot Nation.
44 Counties in the Service Unit designated by Congress for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians (see H. Rept. 98–886, June 29, 1984; Cong.
Record, October 10, 1984, Pg. H11929).
45 Public Law 103–323 restored Federal recognition to the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Michigan and Indiana, in 1994 and identified
counties to serve as the SDA.
46 The Ponca Restoration Act, Public Law 101–484, recognized members of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska in Boyd, Douglas, Knox, Madison or
Lancaster counties of Nebraska or Charles Mix county of South Dakota as residing on or near a reservation. Public Law 104–109 made technical
corrections to laws relating to Native Americans and added Burt, Hall, Holt, Platte, Sarpy, Stanton, and Wayne counties of Nebraska and
Pottawatomie and Woodbury counties of Iowa to the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska SDA.
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47 Special programs have been established by Congress irrespective of the eligibility regulations. Eligibility for services at these facilities is
based on the legislative history of the appropriation of funds for the particular facility, rather than the eligibility regulations. Historically services
have been provided at Rapid City (S. Rept. No. 1154, FY 1967 Interior Approp. 89th Cong. 2d Sess.).
48 Historically part of Isabella Reservation Area for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan and the Eastern Michigan Service Unit population since 1979.
49 The Samish Indian Tribe Nation was Federally acknowledged in April 1996 as documented at 61 FR 15825, April 9, 1996. The counties listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the
ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
50 CHSDA counties for the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Michigan, were designated by regulation (42 CFR 136.22(a)(4)).
51 The Shinnecock Indian Nation was Federally acknowledged in June 2010 as documented at 75 FR 34760, June 18, 2010. The counties listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the
ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
52 Lemhi County, ID, has historically been a part of the Fort Hall Service Unit population since 1979.
53 The Snoqualmie Indian Tribe was Federally acknowledged in August 1997 as documented at 62 FR 45864, August 29, 1997. The counties
listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the
ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
54 On December 30, 2011 the Office of Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs reaffirmed the Federal recognition of the Tejon Indian Tribe. The
county listed was designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the
ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
55 The Secretary acting through the Service is directed to provide contract health services to Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians that
reside in Trenton Service Unit, North Dakota and Montana, in Divide, Mackenzie, and Williams counties in the state of North Dakota and the adjoining counties of Richland, Roosevelt, and Sheridan in the state of Montana (Sec. 815, Pub. L. 94–437).
56 Rapides County, LA, has historically been a part of the Tunica Biloxi Service Unit population since 1982.
57 According to Public Law 100–95, Sec. 12, members of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) residing on Martha’s Vineyard are
deemed to be living on or near an Indian reservation for the purposes of eligibility for Federal services.
58 The counties listed are designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a PRC SDA, for the purposes of operating a PRC program
pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93–638.
59 The Wilton Rancheria, California had Federal recognition restored in July 2009 as documented at 74 FR 33468, July 13, 2009. Sacramento
County, CA, was designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA. Sacramento County was not covered when Congress originally established the State of California as a CHSDA excluding certain counties including Sacramento County (25 U.S.C. 1680).
60 Public Law 100–89, Restoration Act for Ysleta Del Sur and Alabama and Coushatta Tribes of Texas establishes service areas for ‘‘members
of the Tribe’’ by sections 101(3) and 105(a) for the Pueblo and sections 201(3) and 206(a) respectively.
Dated: February 22, 2017.
Chris Buchanan,
Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS, Acting
Director, Indian Health Service.
[FR Doc. 2017–04522 Filed 3–7–17; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases; Notice
of Closed Meetings
Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is
hereby given of the following meetings.
The meetings will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the grant
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Special Emphasis Panel; NIDDK Program
Date: March 29, 2017.
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Place: National Institutes of Health, Two
Democracy Plaza, 6707 Democracy
Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Elena Sanovich, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Review Branch,
DEA, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health,
Room 7351, 6707 Democracy Boulevard,
Bethesda, MD 20892–2542, 301–594–8886,
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Special Emphasis Panel; RFA–DK–16–036:
Diabetic Complications Consortium
Coordinating Unit (U24).
Date: April 5, 2017.
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate
cooperative agreement applications.
Place: National Institutes of Health, Two
Democracy Plaza, 6707 Democracy
Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Ann A. Jerkins, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Review Branch,
DEA, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health,
Room 7119, 6707 Democracy Boulevard,
Bethesda, MD 20892–5452, 301–594–2242,
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.847, Diabetes,
Endocrinology and Metabolic Research;
93.848, Digestive Diseases and Nutrition
Research; 93.849, Kidney Diseases, Urology
and Hematology Research, National Institutes
of Health, HHS)
Dated: March 2, 2017.
David Clary,
Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2017–04483 Filed 3–7–17; 8:45 am]
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National Institutes of Health
Center for Scientific Review; Notice of
Closed Meetings
Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is
hereby given of the following meetings.
The meetings will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the grant
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel; Member
Conflict: Enabling Bioanalytical and Imaging
Date: March 28–29, 2017.
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
(Virtual Meeting).
Contact Person: Alexander Gubin, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Center for
Scientific Review, National Institutes of
Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 6046B,
MSC 7892, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–408–
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 44 (Wednesday, March 8, 2017)]
[Pages 12968-12975]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-04522]
Indian Health Service
Notice To Propose the Re-Designation of the Service Delivery Area
for the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township
AGENCY: Indian Health Service, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice advises the public that the Indian Health Service
(IHS) proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the Purchased/
Referred Care (PRC) Service Delivery Area (SDA) for the Passamaquoddy
Tribe's reservation at Indian Township (Passamaquoddy at Indian
Township or Tribe) in Maine. This notice does not propose to change or
expand the PRC SDA for the Tribe's Pleasant Point reservation. This
notice only relates to the expansion of the Tribe's PRC SDA for the
Indian Township reservation.
DATES: Comments must be submitted April 7, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments in one of four ways detailed below.
However, we cannot accept comments by facsimile (FAX) transmission due
to staff and resource limitations. Please choose one method below:
1. Electronically. You may submit electronic comments on this
regulation to Follow the ``Submit a
Comment'' instructions.
2. By regular mail. You may mail written comments to the following
address ONLY: Betty Gould, Regulations Officer, Indian Health Service,
5600 Fishers Lane, Mailstop: 09E70, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Please
allow sufficient time for mailed comments to
[[Page 12969]]
be received before the close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You may send written comments to
the above address.
4. By hand or courier. If you prefer, you may deliver (by hand or
courier) your written comments before the close of the comment period
to the address above. If you intend to deliver your comments to the
Rockville address, please call telephone number (301) 443-1116 in
advance to schedule your arrival with a staff member.
Comments will be made available for public inspection at the
Rockville address from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, two weeks
after publication of this notice.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Terri Schmidt, Acting Director, Office
of Resource Access and Partnerships, Indian Health Service, 5600
Fishers Lane, Mailstop: 10E85C, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Telephone
301/443-2694 (This is not a toll free number).
Inspection of Public Comments: All comments received before the
close of the comment period are available for viewing by the public,
including any personally identifiable or confidential business
information that is included in a comment.
Background: The Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L.
96-420; H. Rept. 96-1353) includes the intent of Congress to fund and
provide PRC to the Passamaquoddy Tribe. The Passamaquoddy Tribe has two
reservations: Indian Township and Pleasant Point. The PRC SDA for the
Indian Township reservation is Aroostook County, ME, and Washington
County, ME. The PRC SDA for the Pleasant Point reservation is
Washington County, ME, south of State Route 9, and Aroostook County,
The IHS currently provides services under regulations codified at
42 CFR part 136, subparts A through C. Subpart C defines a Purchased/
Referred Care (PRC) Service Delivery Area (SDA), formerly referred to
as a Contract Health Service Delivery Area, as the geographic area
within which PRC will be made available by the IHS to members of an
identified Indian community who reside in the area. Residence in a PRC
SDA by a person who is within the scope of the Indian health program,
as set forth in 42 CFR 136.12, creates no legal entitlement to PRC but
only potential eligibility for services. Services needed but not
available at an IHS/Tribal facility are provided under the PRC program
depending on the availability of funds, the person's relative medical
priority, and the actual availability and accessibility of alternate
resources in accordance with the regulations.
As applicable to the Tribes, these regulations provide that, unless
otherwise designated, a PRC SDA shall consist of a county which
includes all or part of a reservation and any county or counties which
have a common boundary with the reservation. 42 CFR 136.22(a)(6). The
regulations also provide that after consultation with the Tribal
governing body or bodies on those reservations included within the PRC
SDA, the Secretary may from time to time, re-designate areas within the
United States for inclusion in or exclusion from a PRC SDA. The
regulations require that certain criteria must be considered before any
re-designation is made. The criteria are as follows:
(1) The number of Indians residing in the area proposed to be so
included or excluded;
(2) Whether the Tribal governing body has determined that Indians
residing in the area near the reservation are socially and economically
affiliated with the Tribe;
(3) The geographic proximity to the reservation of the area whose
inclusion or exclusion is being considered; and
(4) The level of funding which would be available for the provision
of PRC. 42 CFR 136.22(b).
Additionally, the regulations require that any re-designation of a
PRC SDA must be made in accordance with the Administrative Procedures
Act (5 U.S.C. 553). See 42 CFR 136.22(c). In compliance with this
requirement, we are publishing this proposal and requesting public
The Passamaquoddy Tribe is a federally recognized tribe with two
separate reservations, Indian Township and Pleasant Point, located
approximately 50 miles apart. Each respective reservation elects its
own governing body and each reservation has a separate PRC SDA. The
Indian Township reservation of the Passamaquoddy Tribe has a PRC SDA
consisting of Aroostook and Washington Counties in the State of Maine.
The PRC SDA for the Passamaquoddy Tribe's reservation at Pleasant Point
is Washington County, Maine, south of State Route 9, and Aroostook
County, Maine. IHS adopted a PRC SDA for each of the Passamaquoddy
Tribe's reservations for the purposes of administering benefits under
the IHS PRC program. Thus, members of the Tribe who reside outside of
Aroostook and Washington Counties do not reside within the PRC SDA of
the Passamaquoddy Tribe and they are currently not eligible for PRC
services from the Tribe.
The Passamaquoddy Tribe has a significant number of members who are
not residents of Aroostook and Washington Counties. According to Tribal
estimates, 257 enrolled Passamaquoddy members reside in Hancock County
in the State of Maine and remain actively involved with the Tribe, but
they are not currently eligible for PRC care. The Tribe provides direct
services to its members by operating a clinic in Washington County.
Under 42 CFR 136.23, those otherwise eligible Indians who do not
reside on a reservation but reside within a PRC service delivery area
must be either members of the Tribe or maintain close economic and
social ties with the Tribe. In this case, in applying the
aforementioned PRC service delivery area re-designation criteria
required by operative regulations (43 FR 34654), the following findings
are made:
1. By expanding, the Tribe estimates the current eligible
population will be increased by 257.
2. The Tribe has determined that these 257 individuals are socially
and economically affiliated with the Tribe.
3. The expanded area, Hancock County, ME, maintains a common
boundary with Washington County, ME, the county in which the Tribe's
Indian Township reservation is located.
4. The Tribe will use its existing Federal allocation for PRC funds
to provide services to the expanded population. No additional financial
resources will be allocated by IHS to the Tribe to provide services to
Tribal members residing in Hancock County.
Accordingly, the purpose of this Federal Register notice is to
notify the public of the proposal to expand the PRC service delivery
area of the Passamaquoddy Tribe's Indian Township reservation to
include Hancock County in the State of Maine. The proposed notice will
expand their current service delivery area to include Hancock County in
the State of Maine.
[[Page 12970]]
Purchased/Referred Care Service Delivery Areas
Tribe/reservation County/state
Ak Chin Indian Community............... Pinal, AZ.
Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas...... Polk, TX.\1\
Alaska................................. Entire State.\2\
Arapahoe Tribe of the Wind River Hot Springs, WY, Fremont, WY,
Reservation. Sublette, WY.
Aroostook Band of Micmacs.............. Aroostook, ME.\3\
Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Daniels, MT, McCone, MT,
Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana. Richland, MT, Roosevelt, MT,
Sheridan, MT, Valley, MT.
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Ashland, WI, Iron, WI.
Tribe of Chippewa Indians of the Bad
River Reservation, Wisconsin.
Bay Mills Indian Community, Michigan... Chippewa, MI.
Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Glacier, MT, Pondera, MT.
Reservation of Montana.
Brigham City Intermountain School (\4\)
Health Center, Utah [Permanently
Burns Paiute Tribe..................... Harney, OR.
California............................. Entire State, except for the
counties listed in the
Catawba Indian Nation.................. All Counties in SC,\6\
Cabarrus, NC, Cleveland, NC,
Gaston, NC, Mecklenburg, NC,
Rutherford, NC, Union, NC.
Cayuga Nation.......................... Allegany, NY,\7\ Cattaraugus,
NY, Chautauqua, NY, Erie, NY,
Warren, PA.
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the Corson, SD, Dewey, SD, Haakon,
Cheyenne River Reservation, South SD, Meade, SD, Perkins, SD,
Dakota. Potter, SD, Stanley, SD,
Sully, SD, Walworth, SD,
Ziebach, SD.
Chippewa-Cree Indians of the Rocky Chouteau, MT, Hill, MT,
Boy's Reservation, Montana. Liberty, MT.
Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana.......... St. Mary Parish, LA.
Cocopah Tribe of Arizona............... Yuma, AZ, Imperial, CA.
Coeur D'Alene Tribe.................... Benewah, ID, Kootenai, ID,
Latah, ID, Spokane, WA,
Whitman, WA.
Colorado River Indian Tribes of the La Paz, AZ, Riverside, CA, San
Colorado River Indian Reservation, Bernardino, CA, Yuma, AZ.
Arizona and California.
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Flathead, MT, Lake, MT,
of the Flathead Reservation. Missoula, MT, Sanders, MT.
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Klickitat, WA, Lewis, WA,
Yakama Nation. Skamania, WA,\8\ Yakima, WA.
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Benton, OR,\9\ Clackamas, OR,
of Oregon. Lane, OR, Lincoln, OR, Linn,
OR, Marion, OR, Multnomah, OR,
Polk, OR, Tillamook, OR,
Washington, OR, Yam Hill, OR.
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Grays Harbor, WA, Lewis, WA,
Reservation. Thurston, WA.
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Chelan, WA,\10\ Douglas, WA,
Reservation, Washington. Ferry, WA, Grant, WA, Lincoln,
WA, Okanogan, WA, Stevens, WA.
Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Coos, OR,\11\ Curry, OR,
Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians. Douglas, OR, Lane, OR,
Lincoln, OR.
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Nevada, Juab, UT, Toole, UT.
Reservation, Nevada and Utah.
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Polk, OR,\12\ Washington, OR,
Community of Oregon. Marion, OR, Tillamook, OR,
Multnomah, OR, Yam Hill, OR.
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Umatilla, OR, Union, OR.
Indian Reservation.
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Clackamas, OR, Jefferson, OR,
Reservation of Oregon. Linn, OR, Marion, OR, Wasco,
Coquille Indian Tribe.................. Coos, OR, Curry, OR, Douglas,
OR, Jackson, OR, Lane, OR.
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana........... Allen Parish, LA, Elton,
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Coos, OR,\14\ Deshutes, OR,
Indians. Douglas, OR, Jackson, OR,
Josephine, OR, Klamath, OR,
Lane, OR.
Cowlitz Indian Tribe................... Clark, WA, Columbia, OR,\15\
Cowlitz, WA, King, WA,
Kittitas, WA, Lewis, WA,
Pierce, WA, Skamania, WA,
Thurston, WA, Wahkiakum, WA.
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of the Crow Brule, SD, Buffalo, SD, Hand,
Creek Reservation, South Dakota. SD, Hughes, SD, Hyde, SD,
Lyman, SD, Stanley, SD.
Crow Tribe of Montana.................. Big Horn, MT, Big Horn, WY,
Carbon, MT, Treasure, MT,\16\
Yellowstone, MT, Sheridan, WY.
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians....... Cherokee, NC, Graham, NC,
Haywood, NC, Jackson, NC,
Swain, NC.
Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind Fremont, WY, Hot Springs, WY,
River Reservation, Wyoming. Sublette, WY.
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe of South Moody, SD.
Forest County Potawatomi Community, Forest, WI, Marinette, WI,
Wisconsin. Oconto, WI.
Fort Belknap Indian Community of the Blaine, MT, Phillips, MT.
Fort Belknap Reservation of Montana.
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Nevada, Malheur, OR.
Tribes of the Fort McDermitt Indian
Reservation, Nevada and Oregon.
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Arizona.. Maricopa, AZ.
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe of Arizona, Nevada, Mohave, AZ, San
California and Nevada. Bernardino, CA.
Gila River Indian Community of the Gila Maricopa, AZ, Pinal, AZ.
River Indian Reservation, Arizona.
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Antrim, MI,\17\ Benzie, MI,
Chippewa Indians, Michigan. Charlevoix, MI, Grand
Traverse, MI, Leelanau, MI,
Manistee, MI.
Hannahville Indian Community, Michigan. Delta, MI, Menominee, MI.
Haskell Indian Health Center........... Douglas, KS.\18\
Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Coconino, AZ.
Reservation, Arizona.
[[Page 12971]]
Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin........... Adams, WI,\19\ Clark, WI,
Columbia, WI, Crawford, WI,
Dane, WI, Eau Claire, WI,
Houston, MN, Jackson, WI,
Juneau, WI, La Crosse, WI,
Marathon, WI, Monroe, WI,
Sauk, WI, Shawano, WI, Vernon,
WI, Wood, WI.
Hoh Indian Tribe....................... Jefferson, WA.
Hopi Tribe of Arizona.................. Apache, AZ, Coconino, AZ,
Navajo, AZ.
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians....... Aroostook, ME.\20\
Hualapai Indian Tribe of the Hualapai Coconino, AZ, Mohave, AZ,
Indian Reservation, Arizona. Yavapai, AZ.
Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska...... Brown, KS, Doniphan, KS,
Richardson, NE.
Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe.............. Clallam, WA, Jefferson, WA.
Jena Band of Choctaw Indians........... Grand Parish, LA,\21\ LaSalle
Parish, LA, Rapides Parish,
Jicarilla Apache Nation, New Mexico.... Archuleta, CO, Rio Arriba, NM,
Sandoval, NM.
Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians of the Coconino, AZ, Mohave, AZ, Kane,
Kaibab Indian Reservation, Arizona. UT.
Kalispel Indian Community of the Pend Oreille, WA, Spokane, WA.
Kalispel Reservation.
Kewa Pueblo, New Mexico................ Sandoval, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Michigan Baraga, MI, Houghton, MI,
Ontonagon, MI.
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas.... Maverick, TX.\22\
Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of the Brown, KS, Jackson, KS.
Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas.
Klamath Tribes......................... Klamath, OR.\23\
Koi Nation of Northern California Lake, CA, Sonoma, CA.\24\
(formerly known as Lower Lake
Rancheria, California).
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho................ Boundary, ID.
Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Sawyer, WI.
Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin.
Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Iron, WI, Oneida, WI, Vilas,
Chippewa Indians of the Lac du WI.
Flambeau Reservation of Wisconsin.
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Gogebic, MI.
Chippewa Indians of Michigan.
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Kent, MI,\25\ Manistee, MI,
Michigan. Mason, MI, Muskegon, MI,
Newaygo, MI, Oceana, MI,
Ottawa, MI, Wexford, MI, Lake,
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Alcona, MI,\25\ Alger, MI,
Indians, Michigan. Alpena, MI, Antrim, MI,
Benzie, MI, Charlevoix, MI,
Cheboygan, MI, Chippewa, MI,
Crawford, MI, Delta, MI,
Emmet, MI, Grand Traverse, MI,
Iosco, MI, Kalkaska, MI,
Leelanau, MI, Luce, MI,
Mackinac, MI, Manistee, MI,
Missaukee, MI, Montmorency,
MI, Ogemaw, MI, Oscoda, MI,
Otsego, MI, Presque Isle, MI,
Schoolcraft, MI, Roscommon,
MI, Wexford, MI.
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe of the Lower Brule, SD, Buffalo, SD, Hughes,
Brule Reservation, South Dakota. SD, Lyman, SD, Stanley, SD.
Lower Elwha Tribal Community........... Clallam, WA.
Lower Sioux Indian Community in the Redwood, MN, Renville, MN.
State of Minnesota.
Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation... Whatcom, WA.
Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Clallam, WA.
Mashantucket Pequot Indian Tribe....... New London, CT.\26\
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe................ Barnstable, MA, Bristol, MA,
Norfolk, MA, Plymouth, MA,
Suffolk, MA.\27\
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Allegan, MI,\28\ Barry, MI,
Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan. Kalamazoo, MI, Kent, MI,
Ottawa, MI.
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin.... Langlade, WI, Menominee, WI,
Oconto, WI, Shawano, WI.
Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Chaves, NM, Lincoln, NM, Otero,
Reservation, New Mexico. NM.
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians............ Broward, FL, Collier, FL, Miami-
Dade, FL, Hendry, FL.
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Itasca, MN, Koochiching, MN,
Bois Forte Band (Nett Lake). St. Louis, MN.
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Carlton, MN, St. Louis, MN.
Fond du Lac Band.
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Cook, MN.
Grand Portage Band.
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Beltrami, MN, Cass, MN,
Leech Lake Band. Hubbard, MN, Itasca, MN.
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Aitkin, MN, Kanebec, MN, Mille
Mille Lacs Band. Lacs, MN, Pine, MN.
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota Becker, MN, Clearwater, MN,
White Earth Band. Mahnomen, MN, Norman, MN,
Polk, MN.
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.... Attala, MS, Jasper, MS,\29\
Jones, MS, Kemper, MS, Leake,
MS, Neshoba, MS, Newton, MS,
Noxubee, MS,\29\ Scott,
MS,\30\ Winston, MS.
Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut Fairfield, CT, Hartford, CT,
Litchfield, CT, Middlesex, CT,
New Haven, CT, New London, CT,
Tolland, CT, Windham, CT.
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe............... King, WA, Pierce, WA.
Narragansett Indian Tribe.............. Washington, RI.\31\
Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Apache, AZ, Bernalillo, NM,
Utah. Cibola, NM, Coconino, AZ,
Kane, UT, McKinley, NM,
Montezuma, CO, Navajo, AZ, Rio
Arriba, NM, Sandoval, NM, San
Juan, NM, San Juan, UT,
Socorro, NM, Valencia, NM.
Nevada................................. Entire State.\32\
Nez Perce Tribe........................ Clearwater, ID, Idaho, ID,
Latah, ID, Lewis, ID, Nez
Perce, ID.
Nisqually Indian Tribe................. Pierce, WA, Thurston, WA.
Nooksack Indian Tribe.................. Whatcom, WA.
Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Northern Big Horn, MT, Carter, MT,\33\
Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Montana. Rosebud, MT.
Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Box Elder, UT.\34\
[[Page 12972]]
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Allegan, MI,\35\ Barry, MI,
Potawatomi, Michigan. Branch, MI, Calhoun, MI,
Kalamazoo, MI, Kent, MI,
Ottawa, MI.
Oglala Sioux Tribe..................... Bennett, SD, Cherry, NE,
Custer, SD, Dawes, NE, Fall
River, SD, Jackson, SD,\36\
Mellete, SD, Pennington, SD,
Shannon, SD, Sheridan, NE,
Todd, SD.
Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico.............. Rio Arriba, NM.
Oklahoma............................... Entire State.\37\
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska................ Burt, NE, Cuming, NE, Monona,
IA, Thurston, NE, Wayne, NE.
Oneida Nation.......................... Brown, WI, Outagamie, WI.
Oneida Nation of New York.............. Chenango, NY, Cortland, NY,
Herkimer, NY, Madison, NY,
Oneida, NY, Onondaga, NY.
Onondaga Nation........................ Onondaga, NY.
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah............ Iron, UT,\38\ Millard, UT,
Sevier, UT, Washington, UT.
Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona.......... Pima, AZ.\39\
Passamaquoddy Tribe.................... Aroostook, ME,40 41 Hancock,
ME,\42\ Washington, ME.
Penobscot Nation....................... Aroostook, ME,\43\ Penobscot,
Poarch Band of Creeks.................. Baldwin, AL,\44\ Elmore, AL,
Escambia, AL, Mobile, AL,
Monroe, AL, Escambia, FL.
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Allegan, MI,\45\ Berrien, MI,
Michigan and Indiana. Cass, MI, Elkhart, IN,
Kosciusko, IN, La Porte, IN,
Marshall, IN, St. Joseph, IN,
Starke, IN, Van Buren, MI.
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska................ Boyd, NE,\46\ Burt, NE, Charles
Mix, SD, Douglas, NE, Hall,
NE, Holt, NE, Knox, NE,
Lancaster, NE, Madison, NE,
Platte, NE, Pottawattomie, IA,
Sarpy, NE, Stanton, NE, Wayne,
NE, Woodbury, IA.
Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe............ Kitsap, WA.
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation...... Jackson, KS.
Prairie Island Indian Community in the Goodhue, MN.
State of Minnesota.
Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico............ Cibola, NM.
Pueblo of Cochiti, New Mexico.......... Sandoval, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Pueblo of Isleta, New Mexico........... Bernalillo, NM, Torrance, NM,
Valencia, NM.
Pueblo of Jemez, New Mexico............ Sandoval, NM.
Pueblo of Laguna, New Mexico........... Bernalillo, NM, Cibola, NM,
Sandoval, NM, Valencia, NM.
Pueblo of Nambe, New Mexico............ Santa Fe, NM.
Pueblo of Picuris, New Mexico.......... Taos, NM.
Pueblo of Pojoaque, New Mexico......... Rio Arriba, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Pueblo of San Felipe, New Mexico....... Sandoval, NM.
Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico.... Los Alamos, NM, Rio Arriba, NM,
Sandoval, NM, Santa Fe, NM.
Pueblo of Sandia, New Mexico........... Bernalillo, NM, Sandoval, NM.
Pueblo of Santa Ana, New Mexico........ Sandoval, NM.
Pueblo of Santa Clara, New Mexico...... Los Alamos, NM, Sandoval, NM,
Santa Fe, NM.
Pueblo of Taos, New Mexico............. Colfax, NM, Taos, NM.
Pueblo of Tesuque, New Mexico.......... Santa Fe, NM.
Pueblo of Zia, New Mexico.............. Sandoval, NM.
Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup King, WA, Pierce, WA, Thurston,
Reservation. WA.
Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Yuma, AZ, Imperial, CA.
Reservation, California and Arizona.
Quileute Tribe of the Quileute Clallam, WA, Jefferson, WA.
Quinault Indian Nation................. Grays Harbor, WA, Jefferson,
Rapid City, South Dakota............... Pennington, SD.\47\
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Bayfield, WI.
Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin.
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Beltrami, MN, Clearwater, MN,
Minnesota. Koochiching, MN, Lake of the
Woods, MN, Marshall, MN,
Pennington, MN, Polk, MN,
Roseau, MN.
Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Bennett, SD, Cherry, NE,
Indian Reservation, South Dakota. Gregory, SD, Lyman, SD,
Mellette, SD, Todd, SD, Tripp,
Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas Brown, KS, Richardson, NE.
and Nebraska.
Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Tama, IA.
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Arenac, MI,\48\ Clare, MI,
Michigan. Isabella, MI, Midland, MI,
Missaukee, MI.
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe............... Franklin, NY, St. Lawrence, NY.
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Maricopa, AZ.
Community of the Salt River
Reservation, Arizona.
Samish Indian Nation................... Clallam, WA,\49\ Island, WA,
Jefferson, WA, King, WA,
Kitsap, WA, Pierce, WA, San
Juan, WA, Skagit, WA,
Snohomish, WA, Whatcom, WA.
San Carlos Apache Tribe of the San Apache, AZ, Cochise, AZ, Gila,
Carlos Reservation, Arizona. AZ, Graham, AZ, Greenlee, AZ,
Pinal, AZ.
San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe of Coconino, AZ, San Juan, UT.
Santee Sioux Nation, Nebraska.......... Bon Homme, SD, Knox, NE.
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe............. Snohomish, WA, Skagit, WA.
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Alger, MI,\50\ Chippewa, MI,
Indians, Michigan. Delta, MI, Luce, MI, Mackinac,
MI, Marquette, MI,
Schoolcraft, MI.
Seminole Tribe of Florida.............. Broward, FL, Collier, FL,
Glades, FL, Hendry, FL, Miami-
Dade, FL.
[[Page 12973]]
Seneca Nation of Indians............... Allegany, NY, Cattaraugus, NY,
Chautauqua, NY, Erie, NY,
Warren, PA.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community of Scott, MN.
Shinnecock Indian Nation............... Nassau, NY,\51\ Suffolk, NY.
Shoalwater Bay Tribe of the Shoalwater Pacific, WA.
Bay Indian Reservation.
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Bannock, ID, Bingham, ID,
Hall Reservation. Caribou, ID, Lemhi, ID,\52\
Power, ID.
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Nevada, Owyhee, ID.
Valley Reservation, Nevada.
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Codington, SD, Day, SD, Grant,
Traverse Reservation, South Dakota. SD, Marshall, SD, Richland,
ND, Roberts, SD, Sargent, ND,
Traverse, MN.
Skokomish Indian Tribe................. Mason, WA.
Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians of Tooele, UT.
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe................ Island, WA, King, WA,\53\
Mason, WA, Snohomish, WA,
Pierce, WA.
Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Wisconsin. Forest, WI.
Southern Ute Indian Tribe of the Archuleta, CO, La Plata, CO,
Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado. Montezuma, CO, Rio Arriba, NM,
San Juan, NM.
Spirit Lake Tribe, North Dakota........ Benson, ND, Eddy, ND, Nelson,
ND, Ramsey, ND.
Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Ferry, WA, Lincoln, WA,
Reservation. Stevens, WA.
Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Mason, WA.
Island Reservation.
St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin Barron, WI, Burnett, WI, Pine,
MN, Polk, WI, Washburn, WI.
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North & Adams, ND, Campbell, SD,
South Dakota. Corson, SD, Dewey, SD, Emmons,
ND, Grant, ND, Morton, ND,
Perkins, SD, Sioux, ND,
Walworth, SD, Ziebach, SD.
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians of Snohomish, WA.
Stockbridge Munsee Community, Wisconsin Menominee, WI, Shawano, WI.
Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Kitsap, WA.
Madison Reservation.
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community...... Skagit, WA.
Tejon Indian Tribe..................... Kern, CA.\54\
Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Dunn, ND, Mercer, ND, McKenzie,
Berthold Reservation, North Dakota. ND, McLean, ND, Mountrail, ND,
Ward, ND.
Tohono O'odham Nation of Arizona....... Maricopa, AZ, Pima, AZ, Pinal,
Tonawanda Band of Seneca............... Genesee, NY, Erie, NY, Niagara,
Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona.......... Gila, AZ.
Trenton Service Unit, North Dakota and Divide, ND,\55\ McKenzie, ND,
Montana. Williams, ND, Richland, MT,
Roosevelt, MT, Sheridan, MT.
Tulalip Tribes of Washington........... Snohomish, WA.
Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe............. Avoyelles, LA, Rapides, LA.\56\
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Rolette, ND.
Indians of North Dakota.
Tuscarora Nation....................... Niagara, NY.
Upper Sioux Community, Minnesota....... Chippewa, MN, Yellow Medicine,
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe.............. Skagit, WA.
Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah & Ouay Carbon, UT, Daggett, UT,
Reservation, Utah. Duchesne, UT, Emery, UT,
Grand, UT, Rio Blanco, CO,
Summit, UT, Uintah, UT, Utah,
UT, Wasatch, UT.
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe................. Apache, AZ, La Plata, CO,
Montezuma, CO, San Juan, NM,
San Juan, UT.
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah). Dukes, MA,\57\ Barnstable, MA,
Bristol, MA, Norfolk, MA,
Plymouth, MA, Suffolk, MA.\58\
Washoe Tribe of Nevada & California.... Nevada, California except for
the counties listed in
White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache, AZ, Coconino, AZ, Gila,
Apache Reservation, Arizona. AZ, Graham, AZ, Greenlee, AZ,
Navajo, AZ.
Wilton Rancheria, California........... Sacramento, CA.\59\
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska............ Dakota, NE, Dixon, NE, Monona,
IA, Thurston, NE, Wayne, NE,
Woodbury, IA.
Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota.... Bon Homme, SD, Boyd, NE,
Charles Mix, SD, Douglas, SD,
Gregory, SD, Hutchinson, SD,
Knox, NE.
Yavapai-Apache Nation of the Camp Verde Yavapai, AZ.
Indian Reservation, Arizona.
Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe.......... Yavapai, AZ.
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo of Texas......... El Paso, TX.\60\
Zuni Tribe of the Zuni Reservation, New Apache, AZ, Cibola, NM,
Mexico. McKinley, NM, Valencia, NM.
\1\ Public Law 100-89, Restoration Act for Ysleta Del Sur and Alabama
and Coushatta Tribes of Texas establishes service areas for ``members
of the Tribe'' by sections 101(3) and 105(a) for the Pueblo and
sections 201(3) and 206(a) respectively.
\2\ Entire State of Alaska is included as a CHSDA by regulation (42 CFR
\3\ Aroostook Band of Micmacs was recognized by Congress on November 26,
1991, through the Aroostook Band of Micmac Settlement Act. Aroostook
County, ME, was defined as the SDA.
\4\ Special programs have been established by Congress irrespective of
the eligibility regulations. Eligibility for services at these
facilities is based on the legislative history of the appropriation of
funds for the particular facility rather than the eligibility
regulations. Historically services have been provided at Brigham City
Intermountain School Health Center, Utah (Pub. L. 88-358).
\5\ Entire State of California, excluding the counties of Alameda,
Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Sacramento, San Francisco,
San Mateo, Santa Clara, Kern, Merced, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San
Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, Solano, Stanislaus, and Ventura,
is designated a CHSDA (25 U.S.C. 1680).
\6\ The counties were recognized after the January 1984 CHSDA FRN was
published, in accordance with Public Law 103-116, Catawba Indian Tribe
of South Carolina Land Claims Settlement Act of 1993, dated October
27, 1993.
\7\ There is no reservation for the Cayuga Nation; the service delivery
area consists of those counties identified by the Cayuga Nation.
[[Page 12974]]
\8\ Skamania County, WA, has historically been a part of the Yakama
Service Unit population since 1979.
\9\ In order to carry out the Congressional intent of the Siletz
Restoration Act, Public Law 95-195, as expressed in H. Report No. 95-
623, at page 4, members of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
of Oregon residing in these counties are eligible for contract health
\10\ Chelan County, WA, has historically been a part of the Colville
Service Unit population since 1970.
\11\ Pursuant to Public Law 98-481 (H. Rept. No. 98-904), Coos, Lower
Umpqua and Siuslaw Restoration Act, members of the Tribe residing in
these counties were specified as eligible for Federal services and
benefits without regard to the existence of a Federal Indian
\12\ The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon were
recognized by Public Law 98-165 which was signed into law on November
22, 1983, and provides for eligibility in these six counties without
regard to the existence of a reservation.
\13\ The CHSDA for the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana was expanded
administratively by the Director, IHS, through regulation (42 CFR
136.22(6)) to include city limits of Elton, LA.
\14\ Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians recognized by Public Law
97-391, signed into law on December 29, 1983. House Rept. No. 97-862
designates Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine Counties as a service area
without regard to the existence of a reservation. The IHS later
administratively expanded the CHSDA to include the counties of Coos,
OR, Deshutes, OR, Klamath, OR, and Lane, OR.
\15\ The Cowlitz Indian Tribe was recognized in July 2002 as documented
at 67 FR 46329, July 12, 2002. The counties listed were designated
administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes
of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638.
The CHSDA was administratively expanded to included Columbia County,
OR, Kittitas, WA, and Wahkiakum County, WA, as published at 67884 FR
December 21, 2009.
\16\ Treasure County, MT, has historically been a part of the Crow
Service Unit population.
\17\ The counties listed have historically been a part of the Grand
Traverse Service Unit population since 1980.
\18\ Haskell Indian Health Center has historically been a part of Kansas
Service Unit since 1979. Special programs have been established by
Congress irrespective of the eligibility regulations. Eligibility for
services at these facilities is based on the legislative history of
the appropriation of funds for the particular facility rather than the
eligibility regulations. Historically services have been provided at
Haskell Indian Health Center (H. Rept. No. 95-392).
\19\ CHSDA counties for the Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin were designated
by regulation (42 CFR 136.22(a)(5)). Dane County, WI, was added to the
reservation by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1986.
\20\ Public Law 97-428 provides that any member of the Houlton Band of
Maliseet Indians in or around the Town of Houlton shall be eligible
without regard to existence of a reservation.
\21\ The Jena Band of Choctaw Indian was Federally acknowledged as
documented at 60 FR 28480, May 31, 1995. The counties listed were
designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for
the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public
Law 93-638.
\22\ Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, formerly known as the Texas
Band of Kickapoo, was recognized by Public Law 97-429, signed into law
on January 8, 1983. The Act provides for eligibility for Kickapoo
Tribal members residing in Maverick County without regard to the
existence of a reservation.
\23\ The Klamath Indian Tribe Restoration Act (Pub. L. 99-398, Sec.
2(2)) states that for the purpose of Federal services and benefits
``members of the tribe residing in Klamath County shall be deemed to
be residing in or near a reservation''.
\24\ The Koi Nation of Northern California, formerly known as the Lower
Lake Rancheria, was reaffirmed by the Secretary of the Bureau of
Indian Affairs on December 29, 2000. The counties listed were
designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a PRC SDA, for
the purposes of operating a PRC program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public
Law 93-638.
\25\ The Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians and the Little River
Band of Ottawa Indians Act recognized the Little River Band of Ottawa
Indians and the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians. Pursuant
to Public Law 103-324, Sec. 4(b) the counties listed were designated
administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes
of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638.
\26\ Mashantucket Pequot Indian Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 98-
134, signed into law on October 18, 1983, provides a reservation for
the Mashantucket Pequot Indian Tribe in New London County, CT.
\27\ The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe was recognized in February 2007, as
documented at 72 FR 8007, February 22, 2007. The counties listed were
designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for
the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public
Law 93-638.
\28\ The Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of
Michigan was recognized in October 1998, as documented at 63 FR 56936,
October 23, 1998. The counties listed were designated administratively
as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a
CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638.
\29\ Members of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians residing in
Jasper and Noxubee Counties, MS, are eligible for contract health
services; these two counties were inadvertently omitted from 42 CFR
\30\ Scott County, MS, has historically been a part of the Choctaw
Service Unit population since 1970.
\31\ The Narragansett Indian Tribe was recognized by Public Law 95-395,
signed into law September 30, 1978. Lands in Washington County, RI,
are now Federally restricted and the Bureau of Indian Affairs
considers them as the Narragansett Indian Reservation.
\32\ Entire State of Nevada is included as a CHSDA by regulation (42 CFR
\33\ Carter County, MT, has historically been a part of the Northern
Cheyenne Service Unit population since 1979.
\34\ Land of Box Elder County, Utah, was taken into trust for the
Northwestern Band of Shoshoni Nation in 1986.
\35\ The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Michigan, formerly
known as the Huron Band of Potawatomi, Inc., was recognized in
December 1995, as documented at 60 FR 66315, December 21, 1995. The
counties listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to
function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program
pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638.
\36\ Washabaugh County, SD, merged and became part of Jackson County,
SD, in 1983; both were/are CHSDA counties for the Oglala Sioux Tribe.
\37\ Entire State of Oklahoma is included as a CHSDA by regulation (42
CFR 136.22(a)(3)).
\38\ Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah Restoration Act, Public Law 96-227,
provides for the extension of services for the Paiute Indian Tribe of
Utah to these four counties without regard to the existence of a
\39\ Legislative history (H.R. Report No. 95-1021) to Public Law 95-375,
Extension of Federal Benefits to Pascua Yaqui Indians, Arizona,
expresses congressional intent that lands conveyed to the Pascua Yaqui
Tribe of Arizona pursuant to Act of October 8, 1964 (Pub. L. 88-350)
shall be deemed a Federal Indian Reservation.
\40\ The Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-420; H.
Rept. 96-1353) includes the intent of Congress to fund and provide
contract health services to the Passamaquoddy Tribe and the Penobscot
\41\ The Passamaquoddy Tribe has two reservations: Indian Township and
Pleasant Point. The PRC SDA for the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian
Township, ME, is Aroostook County, ME, Washington County, ME, and
Hancock County, ME. The PRC SDA for the Passamaquoddy Tribe at
Pleasant Point, ME, is Washington County, ME, south of State Route 9,
and Aroostook County, ME.
\42\ The Passamaquoddy Tribe's counties listed are designated
administratively as the SDA, to function as a PRC SDA, for the
purposes of operating a PRC program pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law
\43\ The Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-420; H.
Rept. 96-1353) includes the intent of Congress to fund and provide PRC
to the Passamaquoddy Tribe and the Penobscot Nation.
\44\ Counties in the Service Unit designated by Congress for the Poarch
Band of Creek Indians (see H. Rept. 98-886, June 29, 1984; Cong.
Record, October 10, 1984, Pg. H11929).
\45\ Public Law 103-323 restored Federal recognition to the Pokagon Band
of Potawatomi Indians, Michigan and Indiana, in 1994 and identified
counties to serve as the SDA.
\46\ The Ponca Restoration Act, Public Law 101-484, recognized members
of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska in Boyd, Douglas, Knox, Madison or
Lancaster counties of Nebraska or Charles Mix county of South Dakota
as residing on or near a reservation. Public Law 104-109 made
technical corrections to laws relating to Native Americans and added
Burt, Hall, Holt, Platte, Sarpy, Stanton, and Wayne counties of
Nebraska and Pottawatomie and Woodbury counties of Iowa to the Ponca
Tribe of Nebraska SDA.
[[Page 12975]]
\47\ Special programs have been established by Congress irrespective of
the eligibility regulations. Eligibility for services at these
facilities is based on the legislative history of the appropriation of
funds for the particular facility, rather than the eligibility
regulations. Historically services have been provided at Rapid City
(S. Rept. No. 1154, FY 1967 Interior Approp. 89th Cong. 2d Sess.).
\48\ Historically part of Isabella Reservation Area for the Saginaw
Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan and the Eastern Michigan Service
Unit population since 1979.
\49\ The Samish Indian Tribe Nation was Federally acknowledged in April
1996 as documented at 61 FR 15825, April 9, 1996. The counties listed
were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA,
for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA,
Public Law 93-638.
\50\ CHSDA counties for the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians,
Michigan, were designated by regulation (42 CFR 136.22(a)(4)).
\51\ The Shinnecock Indian Nation was Federally acknowledged in June
2010 as documented at 75 FR 34760, June 18, 2010. The counties listed
were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a CHSDA,
for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the ISDEAA,
Public Law 93-638.
\52\ Lemhi County, ID, has historically been a part of the Fort Hall
Service Unit population since 1979.
\53\ The Snoqualmie Indian Tribe was Federally acknowledged in August
1997 as documented at 62 FR 45864, August 29, 1997. The counties
listed were designated administratively as the SDA, to function as a
CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program pursuant to the
ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638.
\54\ On December 30, 2011 the Office of Assistant Secretary-Indian
Affairs reaffirmed the Federal recognition of the Tejon Indian Tribe.
The county listed was designated administratively as the SDA, to
function as a CHSDA, for the purposes of operating a CHS program
pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638.
\55\ The Secretary acting through the Service is directed to provide
contract health services to Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
that reside in Trenton Service Unit, North Dakota and Montana, in
Divide, Mackenzie, and Williams counties in the state of North Dakota
and the adjoining counties of Richland, Roosevelt, and Sheridan in the
state of Montana (Sec. 815, Pub. L. 94-437).
\56\ Rapides County, LA, has historically been a part of the Tunica
Biloxi Service Unit population since 1982.
\57\ According to Public Law 100-95, Sec. 12, members of the Wampanoag
Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) residing on Martha's Vineyard are deemed
to be living on or near an Indian reservation for the purposes of
eligibility for Federal services.
\58\ The counties listed are designated administratively as the SDA, to
function as a PRC SDA, for the purposes of operating a PRC program
pursuant to the ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638.
\59\ The Wilton Rancheria, California had Federal recognition restored
in July 2009 as documented at 74 FR 33468, July 13, 2009. Sacramento
County, CA, was designated administratively as the SDA, to function as
a CHSDA. Sacramento County was not covered when Congress originally
established the State of California as a CHSDA excluding certain
counties including Sacramento County (25 U.S.C. 1680).
\60\ Public Law 100-89, Restoration Act for Ysleta Del Sur and Alabama
and Coushatta Tribes of Texas establishes service areas for ``members
of the Tribe'' by sections 101(3) and 105(a) for the Pueblo and
sections 201(3) and 206(a) respectively.
Dated: February 22, 2017.
Chris Buchanan,
Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS, Acting Director, Indian Health
[FR Doc. 2017-04522 Filed 3-7-17; 8:45 am]