Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau Announce Procedures for the Post-Incentive Auction Broadcast Transition, 12594-12602 [2017-04248]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 42 / Monday, March 6, 2017 / Notices
Commission has done for common
carrier licensees, will provide the
broadcast sector with greater
transparency, more predictability, and
reduce regulatory burdens and costs.
In addition to these tailored changes
to incorporate broadcast licensees into
the existing foreign ownership rules
applicable to common carrier licensees
under Section 310(b)(4), the 2016
Foreign Ownership Report and Order
clarifies the Commission’s foreign
ownership compliance procedures (to
be codified in Section 1.5004(f)(3)–(4))
specifically to allow a broadcast or
common carrier licensee to file a
petition for declaratory ruling to remedy
the licensee’s inadvertent noncompliance with the statutory foreign
ownership limits or the terms and
conditions of the licensee’s existing
foreign ownership ruling with
reasonable assurance that the
Commission will not take enforcement
The Commission is also making nonsubstantial changes to this information
collection to renumber the foreign
ownership rules, which currently are
codified in Part 1, Subpart F, Sections
1.990 through 1.994 of the
Commission’s rules. The new rules, as
adopted in the 2016 Foreign Ownership
Report and Order, will be codified in
Part 1, Subpart T, Section 1.5000
through 1.5004 of the Commission’s
rules. There is for the most part a oneto-one correlation between the existing
rules (1.990–1.994) and the new rules
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–04260 Filed 3–3–17; 8:45 am]
[MB Docket No. 16–306; GN Docket No. 12–
268; DA 17–106]
Incentive Auction Task Force and
Media Bureau Announce Procedures
for the Post-Incentive Auction
Broadcast Transition
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
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In this document, the Federal
Communications Commission
(Commission) addresses the transition
of full power and Class A television
stations to post-auction channel
assignments in the reorganized
television bands following the
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conclusion of the broadcast television
spectrum incentive auction (Auction
1000), summarizes and clarifies the
process established in the Incentive
Auction Report and Order and further
developed in subsequent decisions.
DATES: March 6, 2017.
Shaun Maher, Video Division, Media
Bureau, Federal Communications
(202) 418–2324.
summary of the Commission’s
document, DA 17–106; MB Docket No.
16–306; GN Docket No. 12–268, released
January 27, 2017. The complete text of
this document is available for public
inspection during regular business
hours in the FCC Reference Center,
Room CY–A257, 445 12th Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20554, or online at
The document DA 17–106 provides
detailed information, instructions, and
projected deadlines for filing
applications related to the postincentive auction broadcast transition. It
includes details about the requirement
that all stations assigned a new channel
as a result of the incentive auction
submit an application for construction
permit for their post-auction channel, as
well as the procedures by which
winning reverse auction bidders must
relinquish their spectrum usage rights. It
also sets forth the process by which
eligible television stations can seek
reimbursement of certain costs incurred
in relocating to new channels and
Multichannel Video Programming
Distributors (MVPDs) for certain costs
incurred in order to continue to carry
the signals of relocating television
stations. Additionally, this Public
Notice includes an Appendix with
instructions for filing in the
Commission’s Licensing and
Management System (LMS) the
applications required to effectuate this
The document DA 17–106 provides
broadcasters and other entities involved
in the transition with information,
instructions, and projected deadlines for
filing applications related to the
transition based on the following
categories to which the broadcaster or
entity belongs:
• Reassigned Station: A full power or
Class A station that was protected
during the repacking process and
involuntarily assigned to a new channel
in one of the reorganized broadcast
television bands. This category includes
every station involuntarily assigned to a
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new channel including those that did
not apply to bid in Auction 1001, those
that applied and did not bid, and those
that bid, but exited.
• Band Changing Station: A station
with a winning bid to move to the low
or high very-high frequency (VHF) band.
• Non-Reassigned Station With
Population Loss In Excess of One
Percent: A station that was not
reassigned to a new channel but was
entitled to protection in the repacking
process and is predicted to experience
a loss in population served in excess of
one percent because of new station-tostation interference.
• Displaced Class A Station: A Class
A station that was not protected during
the repacking process and is
consequently displaced as a result of the
• License Relinquishment Station: A
station with a winning bid to go off air
that will relinquish its spectrum usage
rights and cease broadcasting.
• Channel Sharing Station: Includes
both a station with a winning bid to go
off air that intends to relinquish
spectrum usage rights on its current
channel in order to share a channel (the
sharee), as well as the station with
which it will share following the
incentive auction (the sharer).
• MVPDs: Multichannel Video
Programming Distributors that
reasonably incur costs in order to
continue to carry the signals of stations
relocating to new channels as a result of
the incentive auction and that are
eligible for reimbursement.
LPTV, TV translator, and digital
replacement translator stations were not
eligible to participate in the incentive
auction, are not protected in the
repacking process, are not eligible for
reimbursement, and are not included in
the phased transition schedule. Some of
these facilities will be displaced as a
result of the repacking process. Such a
displaced station will have the
opportunity to file an application for a
construction permit to move to another
channel or seek to channel share with
another LPTV or TV translator station.
The Media Bureau will issue a public
notice listing potential channels in all
areas in which LPTV or TV translator
stations are displaced not less than 60
days in advance of the filing window for
displacement applications. A separate
public notice will outline the
requirements and approximate timeline
for the filing of applications for such
displaced stations.
Some of the post auction transitionrelated deadlines set forth in the
Commission’s rules, such as the
deadline for filing an application for a
construction permit for post-auction
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 42 / Monday, March 6, 2017 / Notices
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channel facilities, are referred to in
months. For the sake of clarity and to
provide greater ease of calculation, the
Media Bureau instead refers to such
deadlines in days. For example, a ‘‘3month’’ deadline will be referred to as
a ‘‘90-day’’ deadline.
Reassigned Stations, Band Changing
Stations, Non-Reassigned Stations With
Excess Population Loss, and Displaced
Class A Stations
Construction Permit Application
Process for Reassigned Stations and
Band Changing Stations. All reassigned
stations and band changing stations
must electronically file applications for
construction permits to build their postauction channel facilities via the
Commission’s LMS no later than 90
days after the release date of the Closing
and Reassignment Public Notice. The
instructions for filing FCC Form 2100—
Schedule A (full power stations) and
Schedule E (Class A stations) are
included in Appendix A. Applications
must propose modified facilities
consistent with the technical parameters
set forth in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice except as
set forth below. These applications,
including those that propose
permissible contour extensions, as
discussed immediately below, will be
considered minor change applications
and exempt from filing fees. Although
they have up to 90 days to do so,
stations should file their applications as
early as possible following the release of
the Closing and Reassignment Public
Notice. The earlier that stations submit
their applications, the quicker the
Media Bureau will be able to process
them and authorize construction.
Flexibility to Expand Contour
Coverage in Applications Filed During
the Initial 90-Day Window. The
Commission has provided limited
flexibility for reassigned stations and
band changing stations to request in
their initial construction permit
applications transmission facilities that
will extend their post-auction coverage
contour beyond the technical
parameters specified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice.
Reassigned Stations. A reassigned
station may propose transmission
facilities in its initial construction
permit application that will extend its
coverage contour if such facilities: (1)
Are necessary to achieve the coverage
contour specified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice or to
address loss of coverage area resulting
from its post-auction channel
assignment; (2) will not extend a full
power station’s noise limited contour or
a Class A station’s protected contour by
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more than one percent in any direction;
and (3) will not cause new interference
beyond 0.5 percent to the technical
parameters of any other station based on
the parameters specified in the Closing
and Reassignment Public Notice.
Band Changing Stations. Band
changing stations may specify
transmission facilities that would result
in a larger coverage contour than that
resulting from the technical parameters
specified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice, so long as
the proposed facility will not cause new
interference beyond a rounding
tolerance of 0.5 percent to any other
station. Such stations are not limited to
the one percent contour increase
restriction applicable to reassigned
Applications that Qualify for
Expedited Processing. In order to
expedite the transition, the Commission
provided for expedited processing by
the Media Bureau of a construction
permit application that: (1) Does not
seek to expand the coverage area, as
defined by the technical parameters
specified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice, in any
direction; (2) seeks authorization for
facilities that are no more than five
percent smaller than those specified in
the Closing and Reassignment Public
Notice with respect to predicted
population served; and (3) is filed
within the 90-day deadline. The Media
Bureau expects to process applications
meeting all three of these requirements
within 10 business days of filing.
Incomplete or Defective Applications.
A station that files an application during
the initial 90-day window that is
incomplete or defective will be
contacted and afforded an opportunity
to submit an amendment via LMS to
cure any defects. Failure to cure a defect
will result in dismissal of the
application. A station whose application
is dismissed must file a new application
within 15 calendar days of dismissal
and pay the requisite filing fee. A
station that files an amendment to cure
its pending application or re-files its
application will nonetheless be required
to meet its assigned construction
Minor Amendments and
Modifications. A station may submit
requests for minor amendments to
pending applications or minor
modifications to construction permits at
any time so long as the proposed facility
meets the technical parameters
identified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice or the
allowable variance discussed herein.
Applicants must file amendments to
pending applications and applications
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for minor modifications of construction
permits electronically via LMS by
following the instructions in Appendix
Requests for Waiver of Construction
Permit Filing Deadline. Reassigned
stations and band changing stations that
determine they are unable to construct
facilities that meet the technical
parameters specified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice within the
permissible contour coverage variance
discussed herein, as well as stations
unable to meet the 90-day filing
deadline, may seek a waiver of the
deadline. For stations unable to
construct, requests for waiver of the 90day filing deadline must be filed no
later than 30 days prior to the deadline.
Stations must submit their waiver
requests in the form of a request for a
legal STA via LMS, in accordance with
the instructions contained in Appendix
A. Stations should also send an
electronic copy of the request via email
to: The
staff will notify each requesting station
of the grant or denial of a waiver. A
station whose request is denied must
submit its application no later than the
90-day deadline. Failure to do so may
result in the imposition of a forfeiture or
other sanctions.
The Media Bureau will look most
favorably on requests demonstrating
that, due to extraordinary technical or
legal issues beyond the station’s control,
it is impossible to construct the facility
specified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. This could
occur, for example, if a station is unable
to construct a compliant facility on its
current tower and a replacement tower
cannot be constructed from which the
station would be able to meet the
specified technical parameters. A
station granted a waiver under this
‘‘unable to construct’’ standard will be
allowed to file an application for a
construction permit for an alternate
channel or expanded facilities during
the first priority filing window
described below.
We emphasize that any station that is
granted a waiver of the construction
permit application deadline nonetheless
will be required to meet its construction
Alternate Channel/Expanded
Facilities Filing Windows. After the staff
substantially completes its processing of
the construction permit applications
filed during the initial 90-day window,
the Media Bureau will issue public
notices announcing two, 30-day filing
windows for stations to seek alternate
channels and/or expanded facilities
from those set forth in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. These
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 42 / Monday, March 6, 2017 / Notices
filing windows will run consecutively,
with a brief period in between. Filings
in the first ‘‘priority’’ filing window will
be limited to: (1) Reassigned stations
and band changing stations ‘‘unable to
construct’’ facilities that meet the
technical parameters specified in the
Closing and Reassignment Public
Notice; (2) any reassigned station, band
changing station, or non-reassigned
station entitled to protection in the
repacking process that is predicted to
experience a loss in population served
in excess of one percent as a result of
the repacking process; and (3) Class A
stations that did not receive protection
in the repacking process and were
displaced during the repacking process.
All other reassigned stations and band
changing stations will have an
opportunity to file in the second
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Expanded Facilities and Alternate
Channel Proposal Requirements
Expanded Facilities. All applications
for expanded facilities will be limited to
those that would be considered a minor
change under the Commission’s rules,
i.e., that propose a change in height
above average terrain, effective radiated
power, antenna pattern, or transmitter
location. Reassigned stations that seek
to extend their contours beyond one
percent in any direction from the
contour defined by the technical
parameters specified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice must file
applications for expanded facilities.
Alternate Channels. An application
for an alternate channel will be
considered a major change application
and thus will be subject to the local
public notice requirements of section
73.3580 of the Commission’s rules and
a 30-day period for the filing of petitions
to deny prior to grant. Band changing
stations may not apply for alternate
channels outside of their post-auction
bands. Reassigned stations are not
similarly limited and may apply for any
channel in the reorganized television
First Priority Window Timing and
Timing. The Media Bureau anticipates
opening the first priority window
approximately 120 days after the release
of the Closing and Reassignment Public
Notice. Applicants in the first priority
window must protect the construction
permit facilities of reassigned stations
and band changing stations filed in the
initial 90-day window if those stations’
applications have been granted or
remain pending. Otherwise, applicants
in the first priority window must protect
the facilities specified in the Closing
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and Reassignment Public Notice. In
addition, all applications filed in the
first priority window must protect the
facilities specified in applications filed
before the April 2013 freeze with ‘‘cutoff’’ protection. The facilities proposed
in applications filed during the first
priority window will be entitled to
interference protection from
subsequently filed applications and
amendments thereto.
Eligibility—Stations Unable to
Construct. Reassigned stations or band
changing stations that receive a waiver
of the 90-day filing deadline based on a
demonstration that they are ‘‘unable to
construct’’ may file for an alternate
channel and/or expanded facilities in
the first priority window. Such stations
must submit their applications via LMS
using either FCC Form 2100—Schedule
A (full power stations) or Schedule E
(Class A stations) in accordance with
the procedures outlined in Appendix A.
Because these applications will
constitute these stations’ initial
applications for construction permits,
the applications will not be subject to a
filing fee.
Stations with Excess Aggregate
Interference and/or Terrain Loss. A
reassigned station or band changing
station that demonstrates that it is
predicted to experience a loss in
population served in excess of one
percent as a result of its channel
assignment specified in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice, either
because of new aggregate station-tostation interference or terrain loss (or a
combination of both), may propose
expanded facilities or an alternate
channel by filing an amendment to the
application it filed by the initial 90-day
filing deadline or, if the application has
been granted, by filing an application to
modify its construction permit. The
station’s filing must include an exhibit
demonstrating the predicted population
loss. Such stations must electronically
submit an application for modification
of their construction permit via LMS
using either FCC Form 2100—Schedule
A (full power stations) or Schedule E
(Class A stations), or an amendment to
their pending application by following
the procedures outlined in Appendix A.
These applications will be subject to a
filing fee.
Non-Reassigned Stations with Excess
Population Loss. Stations not reassigned
to new post-auction channels but that
were entitled to protection in the
repacking process and are predicted to
experience a loss in population served
in excess of one percent because of new
station-to-station interference may
submit a construction permit
application proposing expanded
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facilities or an alternate channel and
demonstrating the predicted population
loss. Applications must be filed via LMS
using FCC Form 2100—Schedule A (full
power stations) or Schedule E (Class A
stations). These applications will be
subject to a filing fee. In addition, the
costs incurred by non-reassigned
stations to construct alternate channels
or expanded facilities will not be
reimbursable from the Reimbursement
Displaced Class A Stations. Any Class
A station that was not protected in the
repacking process may file a
displacement application in the first
priority window. The station must
electronically file a displacement
application via LMS using FCC Form
2100—Schedule E, in accordance with
the instructions contained in Appendix
A. The application must specify a new
channel or other modification that
would comply with the interference and
technical rules. The proposed facility
must also comply with Section
336(f)(7)(B) of the Communications Act,
which prevents the Commission from
approving a modification of a Class A
license, ‘‘unless the . . . licensee
shows’’ that its proposal would not
cause interference to a LPTV facility or
translator facilities authorized or
proposed before ‘‘the application for
. . . modification of such a license . . .
was filed.’’ We note that costs associated
with constructing any Class A
displacement facilities will not be
eligible for reimbursement from the
Reimbursement Fund.
Second Window Timing and
Requirements. During the second
window, any reassigned station or band
changing station may file an amendment
to its initial construction permit
application, if still pending, or a
modification to its construction permit,
if granted, to seek an alternate channel
or expanded facility from that specified
in the Closing and Reassignment Public
Notice. The Media Bureau anticipates
opening this window approximately 14
to 30 days after the close of the first
priority filing window. All of the
applications and amendments filed
during the second window must protect
the facilities proposed in the first
priority window, and will be entitled to
interference protection from
subsequently-filed amendments and
modification applications filed after the
close of the second window. Applicants
in the second window must also protect
the construction permit facilities of
reassigned stations and band changing
stations filed in the initial 90-day
window if those stations’ applications
have been granted or remain pending.
Otherwise, applicants in the second
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window must protect the facilities
specified in the Channel and
Reassignment Public Notice. In
addition, all applications filed in the
second window must protect
applications that were filed before the
April 2013 freeze and have ‘‘cut-off’’
protection. Applications and
amendments filed in the second
window will be subject to the applicable
filing fees.
Cut-Off Protection and Mutually
Exclusive (MX) Applications.
Applications filed during either the first
priority window or second window will
be treated as filed on the last day of that
window for purposes of determining
mutual exclusivity. Stations filing
applications during either window that
are determined to be MX with another
application filed in the same window
will be notified and will be given a 90day period to resolve the MX by
proposing a technical solution or
settlement in an amendment to their
pending applications.
Incomplete or Defective Applications.
A station that files an application for a
construction permit during either the
first priority window or second window
that is incomplete or defective will be
contacted and afforded an opportunity
to submit an amendment via LMS to
cure any defects. Failure to correct any
defect will result in dismissal of the
application. If either an application filed
during the first priority window by: (1)
A station that was unable to construct
the facilities specified in the Closing
and Reassignment Public Notice or (2) a
displaced Class A station is dismissed
then the station must file a new
application within 15 days of dismissal
and pay the requisite filing fee. All other
applications filed in the windows that
are dismissed may not be re-filed until
the Media Bureau lifts the freeze on the
filing of minor change applications.
International Coordination.
Applications filed by reassigned stations
and band changing stations to
implement their post-auction channel
facilities must adhere to technical
parameters included in any coordinated
arrangements between the Commission
and the Canadian and Mexican
regulatory agencies. Applications in the
U.S.-Mexico border zone may not
require additional coordination if they
do not expand the noise-limited contour
beyond the range of post-auction
technical parameters negotiated with
Mexico. Applications in the U.S.Canada border zone may not require
additional coordination if they do not
expand the noise-limited contour by
more than one percent in any direction
beyond that predicted by the technical
parameters listed in the Closing and
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Reassignment Public Notice, provided
that the proposed facilities would not
cause more than 0.5 percent new
station-to-station interference to
Canadian assignments or allotments.
Applications for alternate channels or
expanded facilities beyond these limits
may require international coordination
to assess potential cross-border
interference and the potential impact on
the construction deadline phases.
Transition Phases and Phase
Completion Dates. In the Transition
Scheduling Adoption Public Notice, the
Media Bureau, in consultation with IA
Task Force, WTB, and the Office of
Engineering and Technology, has
announced its plan to adopt a phased
transition schedule for reassigned
stations and band changing stations.
Under the approach, stations will be
assigned to one of ten transition phases
with sequential testing periods and
phase completion dates. The transition
phases and phase completion dates will
be announced in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. The phase
completion date, which will be the
station’s construction deadline as
assigned by the Media Bureau, will be
the last day that a station may operate
on its pre-auction channel absent the
grant of an STA. Any such STA will be
granted only in very limited
circumstances and will not extend
beyond the end of the transition period.
To the extent that the Media Bureau
denies a request for a station to continue
operating on its pre-auction channel
past its construction permit deadline,
the Media Bureau noted that stations
can explore a variety of options to assist
with their post-auction transitions,
including the use of temporary channels
and interim or auxiliary facilities.
Extensions of Time to Construct PostAuction Channel Facilities and Tolling.
Reassigned stations and band changing
stations that are unable to complete
construction of their post-auction
channel facilities by their deadlines may
seek a single extension of up to 180
days. Stations anticipating the need for
an extension must submit an extension
application electronically via LMS on
FCC Form 2100—Schedule 337, not less
than 90 days before their deadlines.
An application for extension of time
to construct must include an exhibit
demonstrating that, despite all
reasonable efforts, the station is unable
to complete construction of its new
facility on time due to circumstances
that were either unforeseeable or
beyond its control. To illustrate, the
following circumstances might justify
an extension of a station’s construction
deadline: (1) Weather-related delays; (2)
delays in construction due to the
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unavailability of equipment or a tower
crew; (3) tower lease disputes; (4)
unusual technical challenges; or (5)
delays caused by the need to obtain
government approvals, such as land use
or zoning approvals, or to observe
competitive bidding requirements prior
to purchasing equipment or services.
Additionally, in limited
circumstances, stations may rely on
‘‘financial hardship’’ as a criterion for
seeking an extension of time. Such
circumstances may include a situation
in which a station is subject to an active
bankruptcy or receivership proceeding.
In such a case, the station must show
that it has filed requests to proceed with
construction of the post-auction facility
in the relevant court proceeding. A
station requesting an extension of time
based on financial hardship that is not
in a bankruptcy or receivership
proceeding must demonstrate that
additional time is warranted due to rare
and exceptional financial circumstances
that were unforeseeable or beyond its
control, and that it made all reasonable
efforts to resolve those issues.
The Media Bureau reminds stations
that additional time to construct beyond
the 180-day extended deadline may
only be sought pursuant to the
Commission’s strict ‘‘tolling’’ rule. The
tolling rule provides that a construction
permit deadline may be tolled only for
specific circumstances not under the
licensee’s control, such as acts of God or
delays due to administrative or judicial
review. Stations must electronically file
tolling requests via LMS, in accordance
with the instructions in Appendix A.
Stations may also seek a waiver of the
tolling rule to receive additional time to
construct in the case where ‘‘rare or
exceptional circumstances’’ prevent
construction, following the instructions
for requesting tolling in Appendix A.
Stations should send an electronic copy
of all tolling requests and tolling
waivers via email to:
The Media Bureau reminds stations
that it has also announced that, prior to
grant, it will evaluate all extension
applications to determine whether grant
will delay or disrupt the post-auction
transition schedule.
Absent the grant of an STA, a
reassigned station or a band changing
station must cease operating on its preauction channel by its construction
permit deadline even if construction of
the station’s post-auction channel
facility is not complete. Grant of an
extension of time to construct a station’s
post-auction channel facility will not
extend the time during which the
licensee may operate on its pre-auction
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Additional Flexibility. In order to
facilitate timely construction of new
facilities and to minimize any time
broadcasters may be off the air,
reassigned stations and band changing
stations may request an STA to operate
with temporary facilities while they
complete construction of their postauction channel facilities. The Media
Bureau clarifies that all requests for an
STA must be filed electronically via
LMS and, for commercial stations, will
require payment of a filing fee.
Instructions for filing via LMS are
contained in Appendix A. All STAs for
temporary facilities granted in
connection with the post-auction
transition will be for a maximum of 180
days. In addition, the Media Bureau
reserves the right to modify or cancel an
STA at any time, without prior notice,
at its sole discretion.
To illustrate, examples of potential
temporary facilities could include: A
station operating on its assigned postauction channel with parameters at
variance from its post-auction
construction permit; operating from a
temporary antenna; operating on a
temporary channel, including for a short
period of time on a channel
relinquished by a reverse auction
winner; and the temporary joint use of
a channel. Stations also may request an
STA to continue to operate on their preauction channels beyond their phase
completion deadlines. The Media
Bureau will examine all such requests to
determine whether they would serve the
public interest, and will require that all
temporary authorizations not cause
impermissible interference to other
broadcast or wireless licensees. In
addition, the Media Bureau reminds
stations that it has announced that it
will evaluate all STA requests to
determine whether grant would delay or
disrupt the post-auction transition
schedule. It will not grant an STA that
would authorize a station to operate on
its pre-auction channel beyond the end
of the 39-month transition period.
Silent Authority and Section 312(g) of
the Communications Act. The Media
Bureau recognizes that, in order to
successfully complete the transition to
its post-auction channel, a reassigned
station or band changing station may
need to temporarily suspend operations
or ‘‘go silent.’’ The Media Bureau
reminds stations that the rules provide
that a station may suspend operations
for a period of not more than 30 days
absent specific authority from the
Commission. Stations that remain silent
for more than 10 days must notify the
Commission not later than the tenth day
of their suspended operations by filing
a Suspension of Operations Notification
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via LMS as outlined in Appendix A.
Stations that need to remain silent for
more than 30 days must file a Silent
STA via LMS as outlined in Appendix
A, and pay the requisite fee.
The Media Bureau also reminds
stations that the license of any station
that remains silent for any consecutive
12-month period expires automatically
at the end of that period, by operation
of law, except that the Commission can
extend or reinstate such a license ‘‘to
promote equity and fairness.’’ A station
that remains silent for any consecutive
12-month period may request an
extension or reinstatement of its license
and a waiver of the pertinent
Commission rules by filing a written
request with the Commission. In
considering such requests, we will
examine whether the station has
demonstrated that its silence is the
result of compelling reasons beyond the
station’s control, including facts that
relate to the post-auction transition
Completion of Transition to PostAuction Channel
Discontinuation of Operations on PreAuction Channels—Notice to Viewers.
Reassigned stations and band changing
stations must air notifications alerting
viewers prior to transitioning to their
post-auction channels. At a minimum,
these stations must air either 60 seconds
of on-air consumer education public
service announcements (PSAs) or 60
seconds of crawls per day for 30 days
prior to termination of operations on
their pre-auction channels. Stations will
have the discretion to choose the
timeslots for these PSAs or crawls.
Transition PSAs and crawls must
conform to the requirements set forth in
the Commission’s rules. Stations must
include a certification that they have
complied with the viewer notification
requirements in their online public file
within 30 days after beginning operation
on their post-auction channel.
Notice to MVPDs. Before a reassigned
station or band changing station moves
to its post-auction channel, it must
provide notice to MVPDs that currently
carry the station and will continue to be
obligated to carry the station. The
required notice must be provided in the
form of a letter notification, and must
include the following information: (1)
The date and time of any channel
change; (2) the pre-auction and postauction channel assignments; (3) the
modification, if any, to the antenna
position, location, or power levels; and
(4) the engineering staff’s contact
information. Should any of this
information change during the station’s
transition, an amended notification
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must be sent to MVPDs in the same form
as the original notice. For cable systems,
the letter must be addressed to the
system’s official address of record
provided in the cable system’s most
recent filing in the Cable Operations and
Licensing System (‘‘COALS’’) Form 322.
For all other MVPDs, the letter must be
addressed to the official corporate
address registered with the MVPD’s
state of incorporation. The notification
must be sent not less than 90 days prior
to the station’s transition to its postauction channel. Should a station’s
anticipated transition date change due
to an unforeseen delay or change in its
transition plan, the station must send
further notices to affected MVPDs
informing them of the new anticipated
transition date. Where COALS includes
an email address with the official
address of record the letter may be sent
electronically. Where the official
corporate address registered with the
MVPD’s state of incorporation includes
a form of electronic communication the
letter may be sent electronically.
Commencement of Operation on PostAuction Channel. Within 10 days after
commencement of program test
authority, a licensee must submit an
application for license on its postauction channel. Applications for
license must be filed electronically via
LMS using FCC Form 2100—Schedule B
(full power) and Schedule F (Class A).
Commercial stations will be required to
pay the requisite filing fee. Instructions
for filing via LMS are contained in
Appendix A.
License Relinquishment Stations and
Channel Sharing Stations
Payments to Reverse Auction Winning
Bidders. The Media Bureau will release
a separate public notice informing
winning bidders of the process for
receiving auction proceeds at a later
date. That public notice will advise
winning bidders about the process for
providing instructions to the
Commission for payments, including
providing banking information and
necessary certifications. As previously
stated, though providing a precise
timetable is not feasible, the
Commission will share auction proceeds
with broadcast licensees relinquishing
spectrum usage rights as soon as
practicable following the successful
conclusion of the incentive auction. The
forthcoming public notice will detail the
steps that a winning reverse auction
licensee must take before auction
proceeds can be disbursed once they
become available. In particular, the
public notice will detail the form that
winning reverse auction bidders will
use to submit payment information, as
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 42 / Monday, March 6, 2017 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
well as processes for validating the
information prior to the disbursement of
any payments. As described in a prior
public notice, a winning bidder may
provide instructions for payments to an
account owned by a third-party.
As a step prior to beginning this
process, a representative from an entity
that expects to receive a payment from
the FCC for a winning reverse auction
bid must have logged in to the updated
Commission Registration System
and set up a username and password.
Detailed instructions on how to register
for an FCC Username Account can be
found at:
html/Register_New_Account.htm. For
additional information, please contact
the Updated CORES System hotline at
202–418–4120 or
License Relinquishment Transition
Discontinuation of Operations. A
license relinquishment station must
discontinue operations within 90 days
after receiving its share of auction
proceeds.’’ A station needing additional
time to discontinue operations on its
pre-auction channel may submit a
waiver request demonstrating ‘‘good
cause’’ pursuant to Section 1.3 of the
Commission’s rules. The Media Bureau
anticipates that requests for additional
time beyond 90 days are unlikely to
meet our waiver standard. No license
relinquishment station will be granted a
waiver that would extend its deadline to
discontinue operations beyond the end
of the 39-month transition period. The
Media Bureau reminds stations that it
has announced that, prior to granting a
waiver request, it will evaluate all
requests to extend the deadline to
discontinue operations to determine
whether the grant would delay or
disrupt the post-auction transition
A station should file such a request as
soon as it becomes apparent that it
requires additional time to terminate
operations on its pre-auction channel. A
waiver request must be filed
electronically via LMS as a request for
a legal STA, include the requisite fee,
provide the above-described waiver
showing, and include a proposed
discontinuation date. A copy of the
request should also be emailed to
Instructions for filing via LMS are
contained in Appendix A.
Suspension and Discontinuance
Notices to Commission. A license
relinquishment station must notify the
Commission at least two days prior to
discontinuation of operations on its preauction channel. Instructions for filing a
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Suspension of Operations Notification
via LMS are contained in Appendix A.
As soon as possible following the
discontinuation of operations on its preauction channel, a license
relinquishment station must also submit
a Request to Cancel License via LMS, as
outlined in Appendix A, which will
serve as the station’s request for
cancellation of its pre-auction channel
license. Both notifications should be
emailed to: There is
no fee for these two filings.
Notice to Viewers. Prior to
termination of operations,
relinquishment stations must air
notifications to alert their viewers that
they will discontinue service. Stations
that operate on a commercial basis will
be required to air a mix of PSAs and
crawls. Such stations must air at least
one transition PSA and run at least one
transition crawl in every quarter of
every day for 30 days prior to the date
on which the station terminates
operations on its pre-auction channel.
One of the required PSAs and one of the
required crawls must be run during
primetime hours each day. Crawls must
run during programming for no less
than 60 consecutive seconds across the
bottom or top of the viewing area and
be provided in the same language as a
majority of the programming carried by
the station. Although stations have the
flexibility to design the text of their
crawls, they must include the date on
which the station will terminate
operations on its pre-auction channel,
and explain how viewers may obtain
more information by telephone or
online. PSAs must have a duration of at
least 15 seconds, be provided in the
same language as a majority of the
programs carried by the station and
provide, at a minimum, the same
information as required for crawls. In
addition, transition PSAs must be
closed-captioned. Stations are
encouraged to include any other details
about their discontinuation of
operations that they believe to be
important in their notifications, and
stations may air additional notifications
that they deem beneficial to their
Noncommercial educational (NCE)
full power television license
relinquishment stations may choose to
comply with notification requirements
either through the framework set forth
in the preceding paragraph or by airing
60 seconds of on-air consumer
education PSAs each day for 30 days
prior to termination of operations on
their pre-auction channel. NCE stations
choosing the alternate plan will have
the discretion to choose the timeslots for
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these PSAs. The NCE transition PSAs
must include the same information as
noted above for commercial stations and
must be closed-captioned.
A license relinquishment station must
include a certification of compliance
with the notice requirements in its
Suspension of Operations Notification.
Notice to MVPDs. A license
relinquishment station must provide
notice to each affected MVPD that the
MVPD will no longer be required to
carry the station because it will cease
operations. The required notice must be
provided in the form of a letter and
must include the date and time of the
planned termination of operations. For
cable systems, the letter must be
addressed to the system’s official
address of record provided in the cable
system’s most recent filing in the
COALS Form 322. For all other MVPDs,
the letter must be addressed to the
official corporate address registered
with the MVPD’s state of incorporation.
The notification must be sent not less
than 30 days prior to terminating
operations. Should a station’s
anticipated termination date change due
to an unforeseen delay or change in
transition plan, the station must send a
further notice to affected MVPDs
informing them of the new anticipated
termination date. Where COALS
includes an email address with the
official address of record the letter may
be sent electronically. Where the official
corporate address registered with the
MVPD’s state of incorporation includes
a form of electronic communication the
letter may be sent electronically.
Channel Sharing Station Transition
Process. A channel sharing station must
implement shared channel operations,
and a sharee station must discontinue
operations on its pre-auction channel
within 180 days after the sharee receives
its share of auction proceeds.
Application for Construction Permit.
Where a sharer station remains on its
pre-auction channel, the sharee must
file an application for construction
permit via LMS using FCC Form 2100
Schedule A (full power) or Schedule E
(Class A) no later than 60 days prior to
its deadline for discontinuing
operations on its pre-auction channel,
which, absent any extension, is no later
than 120 days after the sharee receives
its share of auction proceeds. The
applicant must pay the requisite filing
fee. The application must specify the
same technical facilities as the sharer
station and include an executed copy of
the Channel Sharing Agreement (CSA).
Instructions for completing this form
can be found in Appendix A. The
timing of this filing requirement is the
same regardless of whether the parties
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 42 / Monday, March 6, 2017 / Notices
have a pre- or post-auction CSA.
Therefore, a sharee that indicated in its
FCC Form 177 application to participate
in the reverse auction the intent to enter
into a post-auction CSA must enter into
a CSA and submit its minor change
application no later than 120 days after
it receives its share of the auction
In the event that the sharer station is
a reassigned station or band changing
station, then it must follow the
procedures outlined for Reassigned
Stations and Band Changing Stations to
implement the move to its new channel,
including submitting an application for
construction permit specifying its postauction channel facilities no later than
the initial 90-day filing deadline for
initial construction permit applications.
If the sharer has, or is expected to,
transition to its new channel by the
deadline on which the sharee must
submit its application for construction
permit (i.e., no later than 120 days after
it receives its share of the auction
proceeds), then the sharee’s application
should specify the sharer’s post-auction
channel facility. In the event that the
sharee’s deadline by which it must
discontinue operations on its preauction channel (i.e., no later than 180
days after it receives its share of the
auction proceeds), is expected to occur
before the sharer has transitioned to its
new channel, however, the sharee
should file an application for a
construction permit specifying the
sharer’s pre-transition channel. Not less
than 60 days prior to the sharer’s phase
construction deadline, the sharee must
then file a minor change application for
a construction permit for the sharer’s
post-auction channel. Sharee
applications for construction permits
will be considered minor changes and
will be subject to filing fees.
If a sharee needs additional time to
submit its application for a construction
permit, then it may request a waiver of
the construction permit filing deadline.
Waivers must be filed as a request for
legal STA via LMS following the
instructions provided in Appendix A
and include payment of the requisite
filing fee. Such waivers must provide a
‘‘good cause’’ showing pursuant to
section 1.3 of the Commission’s rules
and, specify the date by which the
sharee anticipates filing its construction
permit application. Stations should also
email a copy of their waiver request to: In order
to provide the staff with sufficient time
to process the waiver request, and for
stations to make arrangements to meet
the deadline if the waiver is denied,
stations are urged to file no later than 30
days prior to the deadline for filing their
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application for a construction permit,
which, absent an extension, is no later
than 120 days after it receives its share
of auction proceeds.
Suspension of Operations Notice to
Commission. Sharees must notify the
Commission at least two days prior to
discontinuation of operations on their
pre-auction channels by filing a
Suspension of Operations Notification
via LMS as outlined Appendix A. There
is no fee for this filing. This notification
also should be emailed to
Commencement of Operation on
Shared Channel. When implementation
is complete and within 10 days of
commencement of operation of the
shared facilities on program test
authority, both sharer and sharee must
submit applications for license on FCC
Form 2100—Schedule B (full power
stations) and Schedule F (Class A
stations) via LMS following the
instructions in Appendix A. This
process may need to be completed twice
if the sharer becomes a reassigned
station and the sharee decides to share
the sharer’s pre-auction channel while it
is waiting for the sharer to complete its
transition to its post-auction channel,
i.e., once for the sharer’s pre-auction
channel and once for the shared postauction channel.
Waiver of Deadline to Commence
Shared Operations. A channel sharee
may request an additional 90 days to
discontinue operations on its preauction channel and commence shared
operations by requesting a waiver
pursuant to section 1.3 of the
Commission’s rules. Further, channel
sharees may request an additional 90
days (for a total of 180 additional days)
using the same procedure. Prior to grant,
the Media Bureau will evaluate all
requests for waiver of the deadline to
commence shared operations to
determine whether grant will delay or
disrupt the post-auction transition
schedule. In any event, no channel
sharee will be granted a waiver that
would extend its deadline to
discontinue operations on its preauction channel beyond the end of the
39-month transition period.
A station should file such a request
for additional time as soon as it becomes
apparent that it requires additional time
prior to discontinuing operations, and
in no event later than 60 days prior to
its deadline for discontinuing
operations. Such requests must be filed
electronically via LMS as a request for
a legal STA, include the requisite fee,
provide the ‘‘good cause’’ waiver
showing, and include a proposed
discontinuation date not to exceed 90
days beyond the current date to
PO 00000
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discontinue operations. Instructions for
filing via LMS are contained in
Appendix A. A copy of the request
should also be emailed to:
Notice to Viewers. Channel sharees
must air notifications alerting their
viewers prior to transitioning to their
shared channels. These stations must
air, at a minimum, either 60 seconds of
on-air consumer education PSAs or 60
seconds of crawls per day for 30 days
prior to termination of operations on
their pre-auction channels. Stations will
have the discretion to choose the
timeslots for these PSAs or crawls.
Transition PSAs and crawls must
conform to the requirements set forth in
the rules. Stations must include a
certification that they have complied
with the viewer notification
requirements in their online public file
within 30 days after beginning
operations on their shared channel.
Sharer stations are only required to air
viewer notifications if they become a
reassigned station as a result of the
Notice to MVPDs. Channel sharing
stations must also provide notice to
MVPDs that no longer will be required
to carry one of the stations because of
the sharee’s relocation; currently carry
and will continue to be obligated to
carry the sharee; or will become
obligated to carry the sharee. The
required notice must be provided in the
form of a letter and must include: (i)
Date and time of any channel changes;
(ii) pre-auction and shared channels;
(iii) modification (if any) to antenna
position, location or power levels; (iv)
stream identification information for
channel sharing stations; and (v)
engineering staff contact information. If
any of this information changes during
the time that the sharee station is
transitioning from its pre-auction to its
shared channel, an amended
notification must be sent to MVPDs in
the same form as the original notice. For
cable systems, the letter must be
addressed to the cable system’s official
address of record provided in the cable
system’s most recent filing in the
COALS Form 322. For all other MVPDs,
the letter must be addressed to the
official corporate address registered
with the MVPD’s state of incorporation.
For sharee stations, the notification
must be sent not less than 30 days prior
to terminating operations on the
sharee’s pre-auction channel; and for all
channel sharing stations (i.e., both the
sharer and sharee(s)), not less than 30
days prior to initiation of operations on
the sharer channel. Should a station’s
anticipated termination date change due
to an unforeseen delay or change in
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 42 / Monday, March 6, 2017 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
transition plan, the station must send a
further notice to affected MVPDs
informing them of the new anticipated
termination date. Where COALS
includes an email address with the
official address of record the letter may
be sent electronically. Where the official
corporate address registered with the
MVPD’s state of incorporation includes
a form of electronic communications,
the notice may be sent electronically.
Impact on Transition
In the Transition Scheduling
Adoption Public Notice, the Media
Bureau adopted standards it will use to
evaluate the impact on the transition of
applications filed during the first and
second priority windows, applications
for extension of time, requests for STAs,
and requests for waivers of deadlines to
discontinuation operations on preauction channels (‘‘applications/
requests’’). Under these standards, the
Bureau will examine the impact that
grant of an application/request would
have on the overall transition schedule
by, for example, evaluating whether the
application/request may create new, or
affect existing, dependencies. The
Media Bureau will view favorably
applications/requests that are otherwise
compliant with our rules and have little
or no impact on other stations’
transition schedule. In contrast, the
Media Bureau will view unfavorably
any application/request that the staff
determines would be likely to delay or
disrupt the transition, such as by
causing temporary pairwise interference
to another station above the two percent
authorized in the Transition Scheduling
Adoption Public Notice, creating
additional linked-station sets,
necessitating changes to the
construction permit deadlines for other
station(s), or likely causing a strain on
limited transition resources required by
other stations. The Media Bureau will
also view applications/requests that
would have such adverse effects more
favorably if the requesting station
demonstrates that it has the approval of
all the stations that would be affected,
or it agrees to take steps during the
transition period to mitigate the impact
of the proposed request—such as
accepting additional levels of
temporarily increased interference, or
operating with reduced facilities at
variance from its pre-auction licensed
The Media Bureau will evaluate each
request on a case-by-case basis. After
evaluating applications/requests, the
Media Bureau may modify construction
deadlines to enable the grant of a
request. To the extent that the Media
Bureau denies a request for a station to
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continue operating on its pre-auction
channel past its phase completion date,
the Media Bureau noted that stations
can explore a variety of options to assist
with their post-auction transitions,
including the use of temporary channels
and interim or auxiliary facilities.
In this section, the Media Bureau
outlines the post-auction reimbursement
process for reassigned stations as well as
the process by which stations may seek
a service rule waiver in lieu of
reimbursement. Involuntarily reassigned
stations as well as MVPDs that incur
costs by continuing to carry such
reassigned stations are eligible for
reimbursement of their ‘‘reasonably
incurred’’ costs. Entities eligible for
reimbursement will use FCC Form 2100,
Schedule 399 (Reimbursement Form), to
submit both their estimated costs and,
after incurring the costs, actual
reimbursement requests with
documentation substantiating all such
expenses incurred. In lieu of receiving
reimbursement, reassigned stations may
request a waiver of the Commission’s
service rules permitting the station to
make flexible use of the post-auction
channel spectrum to provide services
other than broadcast television services.
Reimbursement Cost Estimates.
Reassigned stations and MVPDs that
will incur costs by continuing to carry
reassigned stations must file their
estimated construction costs for
equipment and services no later than 90
days after release of the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. After
reviewing the cost estimates submitted,
the Media Bureau will make an initial
reimbursement allocation for each
reassigned station and MVPD that filed
cost estimates. The allocated amount is
the dollar amount that stations and
MVPDs will have to draw down against
as they incur actual expenses. To ensure
timely processing, stations must file
their cost estimates by the deadline.
Relocation cost estimates and any
required supporting documentation
must be filed via LMS using the
Reimbursement Form. Instructions for
filing the Reimbursement Form via LMS
are contained in Appendix A. There is
no fee for this filing. When filing
estimated costs, reassigned stations and
MVPDs must identify their current
operational equipment as well as the
equipment and services they expect to
purchase to complete the post-auction
channel transition. Cost estimates for
such equipment and services can be
based either on the predetermined cost
estimates identified in the catalog of
eligible expenses (Catalog), which is
embedded in the Reimbursement Form,
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or by obtaining price quotes from
vendors. Filers must submit supporting
cost estimate documentation (such as a
price quote from a vendor) for any
equipment or service for which there is
no predetermined cost estimate in the
Catalog, and must provide a detailed
explanation if an estimate exceeds the
amount listed for the particular
equipment or service in the Catalog. The
Reimbursement Form is dynamic; and
guides users with prompts that indicate
how and when filers must provide
explanations and supporting
Relocation cost estimates must be
filed no earlier than the day of release
of, and no later than 90 days after
release of, the Closing and Reassignment
Public Notice.
The Media Bureau will release a
separate public notice informing eligible
entities of the process for receiving
reimbursements at a later date. That
public notice will advise eligible
entities about the process for providing
the Commission with banking
information and necessary
certifications. In particular, the public
notice will detail forms that eligible
entities will use to submit information
regarding estimates of relocation costs
and relocation costs actually incurred,
as well as relevant banking information,
and the processes for validating such
information prior to any
As a step prior to beginning this
process, as with all entities doing
business with the FCC, a representative
from an entity that expects to receive a
payment from the FCC—including
reassigned stations and MVPDs that
incur expenses as a result of the postauction station repack—must log in to
the updated Commission Registration
System (CORES) (
cores) and set up a username and
password. Detailed instructions on how
to register for an FCC Username
Account can be found at https://
Register_New_Account.htm. For
additional information, please contact
the Updated CORES System hotline at:
202–418–4120; or email:
Reimbursement Claims for Actual
Expenses Incurred. Once reassigned
stations and MVPDs incur actual costs
as a result of the post-auction channel
reassignments, they must file actual
reimbursement claims along with any
required supporting invoices and other
cost documentation using the
Reimbursement Form via LMS. Entities
may, and likely will, submit multiple
reimbursement requests as they incur
expenses throughout the reimbursement
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 42 / Monday, March 6, 2017 / Notices
period. Because reimbursement
payments can be made only during the
statutory three-year reimbursement
period, the Media Bureau will announce
a date prior to the end of the
reimbursement period at which time all
remaining expense documentation and
additional estimates for work not yet
completed must be submitted. A station
or MVPD must provide a detailed
explanation on the Reimbursement
Form if an actual cost exceeds the
estimated cost for a particular line item.
Reimbursement claims will be reviewed
to ensure that payment is made only for
costs ‘‘reasonably incurred’’ in
accordance with Section 1452(b)(4). The
Commission has determined that costs
incurred during or before the incentive
auction that would otherwise be
reimbursable are eligible for
reimbursement. Although some
reassigned stations will have already
incurred expenses that may be eligible
for reimbursement by the time the
Closing and Reassignment Public Notice
is released, requests for reimbursement
of such costs will not be processed until
after the Media Bureau makes an initial
allocation for stations and MVPDs that
have timely filed reimbursement cost
estimates during the 90-day period after
release of the Closing and Reassignment
Public Notice.
Service Rule Waiver in Lieu of
Reimbursement. In lieu of receiving
reimbursement for relocation costs, a
reassigned station may request a waiver
of the Commission’s service rules to
allow the station to make flexible use of
its reassigned spectrum to provide
services other than broadcast television
services. Such waivers are subject to all
applicable interference protections and
will only remain in effect while the
licensee provides at least one broadcast
television program stream on such
spectrum at no charge to the public. The
Commission has delegated authority to
the Media Bureau to act on service rule
waivers on a case-by-case basis. Waivers
will be evaluated in accordance with the
Commission’s general waiver standard,
and must demonstrate that the applicant
will protect against interference and
provide at least one broadcast television
program stream at no charge to the
public, as required by the Spectrum Act.
Stations may request that a waiver be
granted on either a temporary or a
permanent basis.
The Media Bureau will accept service
rule waiver requests from reassigned
stations otherwise eligible for
reimbursement for relocation costs
during a 30-day window commencing
upon release of the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. Waiver
requests must be filed via LMS in
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accordance with the instructions in
Appendix A, and must include the
requisite fee. Waiver requests should
also be emailed to: The
Media Bureau will expeditiously
process petitions and timely inform the
petitioners of the disposition. A licensee
must accept the terms of a waiver
within 10 days of grant. Instructions on
how to accept grant of the waiver will
be provided in the written notification
sent to the station by the Media Bureau.
Until the Media Bureau grants a
waiver request and the station accepts
the terms of the waiver grant, a station
must meet all requirements to obtain
reimbursement (e.g., timely filing the
Reimbursement Form). A station that is
granted and accepts the terms of a
waiver must comply with all transition
filings, construction, and notice
requirements, and deadlines, unless
otherwise instructed by the Media
Judith Ingram, Press Officer, Telephone:
(202) 694–1220.
Dayna C. Brown,
Secretary and Clerk of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2017–04468 Filed 3–2–17; 4:15 pm]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Extension
Federal Trade Commission
(‘‘FTC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’).
ACTION: Notice.
The FTC intends to ask the
Office of Management and Budget
(‘‘OMB’’) to extend for an additional
three years the current Paperwork
Reduction Act (‘‘PRA’’) clearance for
information collection requirements
contained in its Funeral Industry
Practice Rule (‘‘Funeral Rule’’ or
Federal Communications Commission.
‘‘Rule’’). That clearance expires on
Barbara Kreisman,
September 30, 2017.
Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau.
DATES: Comments must be filed by May
[FR Doc. 2017–04248 Filed 3–3–17; 8:45 am]
5, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may file a
comment online or on paper, by
following the instructions in the
Request for Comment part of the
below. Write ‘‘Funeral Rule PRA
Sunshine Act Meeting
Comment: FTC File No. P084401’’ on
your comment, and file your comment
AGENCY: Federal Election Commission.
online at https://
DATE AND TIME: Thursday, March 9, 2017
at 10:00 a.m.
funeralrulepra by following the
instructions on the web-based form. If
PLACE: 999 E Street NW., Washington,
you prefer to file your comment on
DC (Ninth Floor).
paper, mail your comment to the
STATUS: This meeting will be open to the following address: Federal Trade
Commission, Office of the Secretary,
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Suite
Items To Be Discussed
CC–5610 (Annex J), Washington, DC
20580, or deliver your comment to the
Draft Advisory Opinion 2016–23:
following address: Federal Trade
Socialist Workers Party
Commission, Office of the Secretary,
Audit Division Recommendation
Constitution Center, 400 7th Street SW.,
Memorandum on the Colorado
5th Floor, Suite 5610 (Annex J),
Republican Committee (CRC) (A13–
Washington, DC 20024.
2017 Chief FOIA Officer Report
Requests for additional information or
Management and Administrative
copies of the proposed information
requirements for the Funeral Rule
should be addressed by mail to Craig
Individuals who plan to attend and
Tregillus, Staff Attorney, Division of
require special assistance, such as sign
Marketing Practices, Bureau of
language interpretation or other
Consumer Protection, Federal Trade
reasonable accommodations, should
Commission, Room CC–8528, 600
contact Dayna C. Brown, Secretary and
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,
Clerk, at (202) 694–1040, at least 72
DC 20580, by email to
hours prior to the meeting date.
or by telephone to (202) 326–2970.
PO 00000
Frm 00070
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 42 (Monday, March 6, 2017)]
[Pages 12594-12602]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-04248]
[MB Docket No. 16-306; GN Docket No. 12-268; DA 17-106]
Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau Announce Procedures
for the Post-Incentive Auction Broadcast Transition
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission
(Commission) addresses the transition of full power and Class A
television stations to post-auction channel assignments in the
reorganized television bands following the conclusion of the broadcast
television spectrum incentive auction (Auction 1000), summarizes and
clarifies the process established in the Incentive Auction Report and
Order and further developed in subsequent decisions.
DATES: March 6, 2017.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Shaun Maher, Video Division, Media
Bureau, Federal Communications Commission,,
(202) 418-2324.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's
document, DA 17-106; MB Docket No. 16-306; GN Docket No. 12-268,
released January 27, 2017. The complete text of this document is
available for public inspection during regular business hours in the
FCC Reference Center, Room CY-A257, 445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC
20554, or online at
The document DA 17-106 provides detailed information, instructions,
and projected deadlines for filing applications related to the post-
incentive auction broadcast transition. It includes details about the
requirement that all stations assigned a new channel as a result of the
incentive auction submit an application for construction permit for
their post-auction channel, as well as the procedures by which winning
reverse auction bidders must relinquish their spectrum usage rights. It
also sets forth the process by which eligible television stations can
seek reimbursement of certain costs incurred in relocating to new
channels and Multichannel Video Programming Distributors (MVPDs) for
certain costs incurred in order to continue to carry the signals of
relocating television stations. Additionally, this Public Notice
includes an Appendix with instructions for filing in the Commission's
Licensing and Management System (LMS) the applications required to
effectuate this transition.
The document DA 17-106 provides broadcasters and other entities
involved in the transition with information, instructions, and
projected deadlines for filing applications related to the transition
based on the following categories to which the broadcaster or entity
Reassigned Station: A full power or Class A station that
was protected during the repacking process and involuntarily assigned
to a new channel in one of the reorganized broadcast television bands.
This category includes every station involuntarily assigned to a new
channel including those that did not apply to bid in Auction 1001,
those that applied and did not bid, and those that bid, but exited.
Band Changing Station: A station with a winning bid to
move to the low or high very-high frequency (VHF) band.
Non-Reassigned Station With Population Loss In Excess of
One Percent: A station that was not reassigned to a new channel but was
entitled to protection in the repacking process and is predicted to
experience a loss in population served in excess of one percent because
of new station-to-station interference.
Displaced Class A Station: A Class A station that was not
protected during the repacking process and is consequently displaced as
a result of the repacking.
License Relinquishment Station: A station with a winning
bid to go off air that will relinquish its spectrum usage rights and
cease broadcasting.
Channel Sharing Station: Includes both a station with a
winning bid to go off air that intends to relinquish spectrum usage
rights on its current channel in order to share a channel (the sharee),
as well as the station with which it will share following the incentive
auction (the sharer).
MVPDs: Multichannel Video Programming Distributors that
reasonably incur costs in order to continue to carry the signals of
stations relocating to new channels as a result of the incentive
auction and that are eligible for reimbursement.
LPTV, TV translator, and digital replacement translator stations
were not eligible to participate in the incentive auction, are not
protected in the repacking process, are not eligible for reimbursement,
and are not included in the phased transition schedule. Some of these
facilities will be displaced as a result of the repacking process. Such
a displaced station will have the opportunity to file an application
for a construction permit to move to another channel or seek to channel
share with another LPTV or TV translator station. The Media Bureau will
issue a public notice listing potential channels in all areas in which
LPTV or TV translator stations are displaced not less than 60 days in
advance of the filing window for displacement applications. A separate
public notice will outline the requirements and approximate timeline
for the filing of applications for such displaced stations.
Some of the post auction transition-related deadlines set forth in
the Commission's rules, such as the deadline for filing an application
for a construction permit for post-auction
[[Page 12595]]
channel facilities, are referred to in months. For the sake of clarity
and to provide greater ease of calculation, the Media Bureau instead
refers to such deadlines in days. For example, a ``3-month'' deadline
will be referred to as a ``90-day'' deadline.
Reassigned Stations, Band Changing Stations, Non-Reassigned Stations
With Excess Population Loss, and Displaced Class A Stations
Construction Permit Application Process for Reassigned Stations and
Band Changing Stations. All reassigned stations and band changing
stations must electronically file applications for construction permits
to build their post-auction channel facilities via the Commission's LMS
no later than 90 days after the release date of the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. The instructions for filing FCC Form 2100--
Schedule A (full power stations) and Schedule E (Class A stations) are
included in Appendix A. Applications must propose modified facilities
consistent with the technical parameters set forth in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice except as set forth below. These
applications, including those that propose permissible contour
extensions, as discussed immediately below, will be considered minor
change applications and exempt from filing fees. Although they have up
to 90 days to do so, stations should file their applications as early
as possible following the release of the Closing and Reassignment
Public Notice. The earlier that stations submit their applications, the
quicker the Media Bureau will be able to process them and authorize
Flexibility to Expand Contour Coverage in Applications Filed During
the Initial 90-Day Window. The Commission has provided limited
flexibility for reassigned stations and band changing stations to
request in their initial construction permit applications transmission
facilities that will extend their post-auction coverage contour beyond
the technical parameters specified in the Closing and Reassignment
Public Notice.
Reassigned Stations. A reassigned station may propose transmission
facilities in its initial construction permit application that will
extend its coverage contour if such facilities: (1) Are necessary to
achieve the coverage contour specified in the Closing and Reassignment
Public Notice or to address loss of coverage area resulting from its
post-auction channel assignment; (2) will not extend a full power
station's noise limited contour or a Class A station's protected
contour by more than one percent in any direction; and (3) will not
cause new interference beyond 0.5 percent to the technical parameters
of any other station based on the parameters specified in the Closing
and Reassignment Public Notice.
Band Changing Stations. Band changing stations may specify
transmission facilities that would result in a larger coverage contour
than that resulting from the technical parameters specified in the
Closing and Reassignment Public Notice, so long as the proposed
facility will not cause new interference beyond a rounding tolerance of
0.5 percent to any other station. Such stations are not limited to the
one percent contour increase restriction applicable to reassigned
Applications that Qualify for Expedited Processing. In order to
expedite the transition, the Commission provided for expedited
processing by the Media Bureau of a construction permit application
that: (1) Does not seek to expand the coverage area, as defined by the
technical parameters specified in the Closing and Reassignment Public
Notice, in any direction; (2) seeks authorization for facilities that
are no more than five percent smaller than those specified in the
Closing and Reassignment Public Notice with respect to predicted
population served; and (3) is filed within the 90-day deadline. The
Media Bureau expects to process applications meeting all three of these
requirements within 10 business days of filing.
Incomplete or Defective Applications. A station that files an
application during the initial 90-day window that is incomplete or
defective will be contacted and afforded an opportunity to submit an
amendment via LMS to cure any defects. Failure to cure a defect will
result in dismissal of the application. A station whose application is
dismissed must file a new application within 15 calendar days of
dismissal and pay the requisite filing fee. A station that files an
amendment to cure its pending application or re-files its application
will nonetheless be required to meet its assigned construction
Minor Amendments and Modifications. A station may submit requests
for minor amendments to pending applications or minor modifications to
construction permits at any time so long as the proposed facility meets
the technical parameters identified in the Closing and Reassignment
Public Notice or the allowable variance discussed herein. Applicants
must file amendments to pending applications and applications for minor
modifications of construction permits electronically via LMS by
following the instructions in Appendix A.
Requests for Waiver of Construction Permit Filing Deadline.
Reassigned stations and band changing stations that determine they are
unable to construct facilities that meet the technical parameters
specified in the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice within the
permissible contour coverage variance discussed herein, as well as
stations unable to meet the 90-day filing deadline, may seek a waiver
of the deadline. For stations unable to construct, requests for waiver
of the 90-day filing deadline must be filed no later than 30 days prior
to the deadline. Stations must submit their waiver requests in the form
of a request for a legal STA via LMS, in accordance with the
instructions contained in Appendix A. Stations should also send an
electronic copy of the request via email to: The staff will notify each requesting
station of the grant or denial of a waiver. A station whose request is
denied must submit its application no later than the 90-day deadline.
Failure to do so may result in the imposition of a forfeiture or other
The Media Bureau will look most favorably on requests demonstrating
that, due to extraordinary technical or legal issues beyond the
station's control, it is impossible to construct the facility specified
in the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice. This could occur, for
example, if a station is unable to construct a compliant facility on
its current tower and a replacement tower cannot be constructed from
which the station would be able to meet the specified technical
parameters. A station granted a waiver under this ``unable to
construct'' standard will be allowed to file an application for a
construction permit for an alternate channel or expanded facilities
during the first priority filing window described below.
We emphasize that any station that is granted a waiver of the
construction permit application deadline nonetheless will be required
to meet its construction deadline.
Alternate Channel/Expanded Facilities Filing Windows. After the
staff substantially completes its processing of the construction permit
applications filed during the initial 90-day window, the Media Bureau
will issue public notices announcing two, 30-day filing windows for
stations to seek alternate channels and/or expanded facilities from
those set forth in the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice. These
[[Page 12596]]
filing windows will run consecutively, with a brief period in between.
Filings in the first ``priority'' filing window will be limited to: (1)
Reassigned stations and band changing stations ``unable to construct''
facilities that meet the technical parameters specified in the Closing
and Reassignment Public Notice; (2) any reassigned station, band
changing station, or non-reassigned station entitled to protection in
the repacking process that is predicted to experience a loss in
population served in excess of one percent as a result of the repacking
process; and (3) Class A stations that did not receive protection in
the repacking process and were displaced during the repacking process.
All other reassigned stations and band changing stations will have an
opportunity to file in the second window.
Expanded Facilities and Alternate Channel Proposal Requirements
Expanded Facilities. All applications for expanded facilities will
be limited to those that would be considered a minor change under the
Commission's rules, i.e., that propose a change in height above average
terrain, effective radiated power, antenna pattern, or transmitter
location. Reassigned stations that seek to extend their contours beyond
one percent in any direction from the contour defined by the technical
parameters specified in the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice must
file applications for expanded facilities.
Alternate Channels. An application for an alternate channel will be
considered a major change application and thus will be subject to the
local public notice requirements of section 73.3580 of the Commission's
rules and a 30-day period for the filing of petitions to deny prior to
grant. Band changing stations may not apply for alternate channels
outside of their post-auction bands. Reassigned stations are not
similarly limited and may apply for any channel in the reorganized
television band.
First Priority Window Timing and Eligibility
Timing. The Media Bureau anticipates opening the first priority
window approximately 120 days after the release of the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. Applicants in the first priority window
must protect the construction permit facilities of reassigned stations
and band changing stations filed in the initial 90-day window if those
stations' applications have been granted or remain pending. Otherwise,
applicants in the first priority window must protect the facilities
specified in the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice. In addition,
all applications filed in the first priority window must protect the
facilities specified in applications filed before the April 2013 freeze
with ``cut-off'' protection. The facilities proposed in applications
filed during the first priority window will be entitled to interference
protection from subsequently filed applications and amendments thereto.
Eligibility--Stations Unable to Construct. Reassigned stations or
band changing stations that receive a waiver of the 90-day filing
deadline based on a demonstration that they are ``unable to construct''
may file for an alternate channel and/or expanded facilities in the
first priority window. Such stations must submit their applications via
LMS using either FCC Form 2100--Schedule A (full power stations) or
Schedule E (Class A stations) in accordance with the procedures
outlined in Appendix A. Because these applications will constitute
these stations' initial applications for construction permits, the
applications will not be subject to a filing fee.
Stations with Excess Aggregate Interference and/or Terrain Loss. A
reassigned station or band changing station that demonstrates that it
is predicted to experience a loss in population served in excess of one
percent as a result of its channel assignment specified in the Closing
and Reassignment Public Notice, either because of new aggregate
station-to-station interference or terrain loss (or a combination of
both), may propose expanded facilities or an alternate channel by
filing an amendment to the application it filed by the initial 90-day
filing deadline or, if the application has been granted, by filing an
application to modify its construction permit. The station's filing
must include an exhibit demonstrating the predicted population loss.
Such stations must electronically submit an application for
modification of their construction permit via LMS using either FCC Form
2100--Schedule A (full power stations) or Schedule E (Class A
stations), or an amendment to their pending application by following
the procedures outlined in Appendix A. These applications will be
subject to a filing fee.
Non-Reassigned Stations with Excess Population Loss. Stations not
reassigned to new post-auction channels but that were entitled to
protection in the repacking process and are predicted to experience a
loss in population served in excess of one percent because of new
station-to-station interference may submit a construction permit
application proposing expanded facilities or an alternate channel and
demonstrating the predicted population loss. Applications must be filed
via LMS using FCC Form 2100--Schedule A (full power stations) or
Schedule E (Class A stations). These applications will be subject to a
filing fee. In addition, the costs incurred by non-reassigned stations
to construct alternate channels or expanded facilities will not be
reimbursable from the Reimbursement Fund.
Displaced Class A Stations. Any Class A station that was not
protected in the repacking process may file a displacement application
in the first priority window. The station must electronically file a
displacement application via LMS using FCC Form 2100--Schedule E, in
accordance with the instructions contained in Appendix A. The
application must specify a new channel or other modification that would
comply with the interference and technical rules. The proposed facility
must also comply with Section 336(f)(7)(B) of the Communications Act,
which prevents the Commission from approving a modification of a Class
A license, ``unless the . . . licensee shows'' that its proposal would
not cause interference to a LPTV facility or translator facilities
authorized or proposed before ``the application for . . . modification
of such a license . . . was filed.'' We note that costs associated with
constructing any Class A displacement facilities will not be eligible
for reimbursement from the Reimbursement Fund.
Second Window Timing and Requirements. During the second window,
any reassigned station or band changing station may file an amendment
to its initial construction permit application, if still pending, or a
modification to its construction permit, if granted, to seek an
alternate channel or expanded facility from that specified in the
Closing and Reassignment Public Notice. The Media Bureau anticipates
opening this window approximately 14 to 30 days after the close of the
first priority filing window. All of the applications and amendments
filed during the second window must protect the facilities proposed in
the first priority window, and will be entitled to interference
protection from subsequently-filed amendments and modification
applications filed after the close of the second window. Applicants in
the second window must also protect the construction permit facilities
of reassigned stations and band changing stations filed in the initial
90-day window if those stations' applications have been granted or
remain pending. Otherwise, applicants in the second
[[Page 12597]]
window must protect the facilities specified in the Channel and
Reassignment Public Notice. In addition, all applications filed in the
second window must protect applications that were filed before the
April 2013 freeze and have ``cut-off'' protection. Applications and
amendments filed in the second window will be subject to the applicable
filing fees.
Cut-Off Protection and Mutually Exclusive (MX) Applications.
Applications filed during either the first priority window or second
window will be treated as filed on the last day of that window for
purposes of determining mutual exclusivity. Stations filing
applications during either window that are determined to be MX with
another application filed in the same window will be notified and will
be given a 90-day period to resolve the MX by proposing a technical
solution or settlement in an amendment to their pending applications.
Incomplete or Defective Applications. A station that files an
application for a construction permit during either the first priority
window or second window that is incomplete or defective will be
contacted and afforded an opportunity to submit an amendment via LMS to
cure any defects. Failure to correct any defect will result in
dismissal of the application. If either an application filed during the
first priority window by: (1) A station that was unable to construct
the facilities specified in the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice
or (2) a displaced Class A station is dismissed then the station must
file a new application within 15 days of dismissal and pay the
requisite filing fee. All other applications filed in the windows that
are dismissed may not be re-filed until the Media Bureau lifts the
freeze on the filing of minor change applications.
International Coordination. Applications filed by reassigned
stations and band changing stations to implement their post-auction
channel facilities must adhere to technical parameters included in any
coordinated arrangements between the Commission and the Canadian and
Mexican regulatory agencies. Applications in the U.S.-Mexico border
zone may not require additional coordination if they do not expand the
noise-limited contour beyond the range of post-auction technical
parameters negotiated with Mexico. Applications in the U.S.-Canada
border zone may not require additional coordination if they do not
expand the noise-limited contour by more than one percent in any
direction beyond that predicted by the technical parameters listed in
the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice, provided that the proposed
facilities would not cause more than 0.5 percent new station-to-station
interference to Canadian assignments or allotments. Applications for
alternate channels or expanded facilities beyond these limits may
require international coordination to assess potential cross-border
interference and the potential impact on the construction deadline
Transition Phases and Phase Completion Dates. In the Transition
Scheduling Adoption Public Notice, the Media Bureau, in consultation
with IA Task Force, WTB, and the Office of Engineering and Technology,
has announced its plan to adopt a phased transition schedule for
reassigned stations and band changing stations. Under the approach,
stations will be assigned to one of ten transition phases with
sequential testing periods and phase completion dates. The transition
phases and phase completion dates will be announced in the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. The phase completion date, which will be
the station's construction deadline as assigned by the Media Bureau,
will be the last day that a station may operate on its pre-auction
channel absent the grant of an STA. Any such STA will be granted only
in very limited circumstances and will not extend beyond the end of the
transition period. To the extent that the Media Bureau denies a request
for a station to continue operating on its pre-auction channel past its
construction permit deadline, the Media Bureau noted that stations can
explore a variety of options to assist with their post-auction
transitions, including the use of temporary channels and interim or
auxiliary facilities.
Extensions of Time to Construct Post-Auction Channel Facilities and
Tolling. Reassigned stations and band changing stations that are unable
to complete construction of their post-auction channel facilities by
their deadlines may seek a single extension of up to 180 days. Stations
anticipating the need for an extension must submit an extension
application electronically via LMS on FCC Form 2100--Schedule 337, not
less than 90 days before their deadlines.
An application for extension of time to construct must include an
exhibit demonstrating that, despite all reasonable efforts, the station
is unable to complete construction of its new facility on time due to
circumstances that were either unforeseeable or beyond its control. To
illustrate, the following circumstances might justify an extension of a
station's construction deadline: (1) Weather-related delays; (2) delays
in construction due to the unavailability of equipment or a tower crew;
(3) tower lease disputes; (4) unusual technical challenges; or (5)
delays caused by the need to obtain government approvals, such as land
use or zoning approvals, or to observe competitive bidding requirements
prior to purchasing equipment or services.
Additionally, in limited circumstances, stations may rely on
``financial hardship'' as a criterion for seeking an extension of time.
Such circumstances may include a situation in which a station is
subject to an active bankruptcy or receivership proceeding. In such a
case, the station must show that it has filed requests to proceed with
construction of the post-auction facility in the relevant court
proceeding. A station requesting an extension of time based on
financial hardship that is not in a bankruptcy or receivership
proceeding must demonstrate that additional time is warranted due to
rare and exceptional financial circumstances that were unforeseeable or
beyond its control, and that it made all reasonable efforts to resolve
those issues.
The Media Bureau reminds stations that additional time to construct
beyond the 180-day extended deadline may only be sought pursuant to the
Commission's strict ``tolling'' rule. The tolling rule provides that a
construction permit deadline may be tolled only for specific
circumstances not under the licensee's control, such as acts of God or
delays due to administrative or judicial review. Stations must
electronically file tolling requests via LMS, in accordance with the
instructions in Appendix A. Stations may also seek a waiver of the
tolling rule to receive additional time to construct in the case where
``rare or exceptional circumstances'' prevent construction, following
the instructions for requesting tolling in Appendix A. Stations should
send an electronic copy of all tolling requests and tolling waivers via
email to:
The Media Bureau reminds stations that it has also announced that,
prior to grant, it will evaluate all extension applications to
determine whether grant will delay or disrupt the post-auction
transition schedule.
Absent the grant of an STA, a reassigned station or a band changing
station must cease operating on its pre-auction channel by its
construction permit deadline even if construction of the station's
post-auction channel facility is not complete. Grant of an extension of
time to construct a station's post-auction channel facility will not
extend the time during which the licensee may operate on its pre-
auction channel.
[[Page 12598]]
Additional Flexibility. In order to facilitate timely construction
of new facilities and to minimize any time broadcasters may be off the
air, reassigned stations and band changing stations may request an STA
to operate with temporary facilities while they complete construction
of their post-auction channel facilities. The Media Bureau clarifies
that all requests for an STA must be filed electronically via LMS and,
for commercial stations, will require payment of a filing fee.
Instructions for filing via LMS are contained in Appendix A. All STAs
for temporary facilities granted in connection with the post-auction
transition will be for a maximum of 180 days. In addition, the Media
Bureau reserves the right to modify or cancel an STA at any time,
without prior notice, at its sole discretion.
To illustrate, examples of potential temporary facilities could
include: A station operating on its assigned post-auction channel with
parameters at variance from its post-auction construction permit;
operating from a temporary antenna; operating on a temporary channel,
including for a short period of time on a channel relinquished by a
reverse auction winner; and the temporary joint use of a channel.
Stations also may request an STA to continue to operate on their pre-
auction channels beyond their phase completion deadlines. The Media
Bureau will examine all such requests to determine whether they would
serve the public interest, and will require that all temporary
authorizations not cause impermissible interference to other broadcast
or wireless licensees. In addition, the Media Bureau reminds stations
that it has announced that it will evaluate all STA requests to
determine whether grant would delay or disrupt the post-auction
transition schedule. It will not grant an STA that would authorize a
station to operate on its pre-auction channel beyond the end of the 39-
month transition period.
Silent Authority and Section 312(g) of the Communications Act. The
Media Bureau recognizes that, in order to successfully complete the
transition to its post-auction channel, a reassigned station or band
changing station may need to temporarily suspend operations or ``go
silent.'' The Media Bureau reminds stations that the rules provide that
a station may suspend operations for a period of not more than 30 days
absent specific authority from the Commission. Stations that remain
silent for more than 10 days must notify the Commission not later than
the tenth day of their suspended operations by filing a Suspension of
Operations Notification via LMS as outlined in Appendix A. Stations
that need to remain silent for more than 30 days must file a Silent STA
via LMS as outlined in Appendix A, and pay the requisite fee.
The Media Bureau also reminds stations that the license of any
station that remains silent for any consecutive 12-month period expires
automatically at the end of that period, by operation of law, except
that the Commission can extend or reinstate such a license ``to promote
equity and fairness.'' A station that remains silent for any
consecutive 12-month period may request an extension or reinstatement
of its license and a waiver of the pertinent Commission rules by filing
a written request with the Commission. In considering such requests, we
will examine whether the station has demonstrated that its silence is
the result of compelling reasons beyond the station's control,
including facts that relate to the post-auction transition process.
Completion of Transition to Post-Auction Channel
Discontinuation of Operations on Pre-Auction Channels--Notice to
Viewers. Reassigned stations and band changing stations must air
notifications alerting viewers prior to transitioning to their post-
auction channels. At a minimum, these stations must air either 60
seconds of on-air consumer education public service announcements
(PSAs) or 60 seconds of crawls per day for 30 days prior to termination
of operations on their pre-auction channels. Stations will have the
discretion to choose the timeslots for these PSAs or crawls. Transition
PSAs and crawls must conform to the requirements set forth in the
Commission's rules. Stations must include a certification that they
have complied with the viewer notification requirements in their online
public file within 30 days after beginning operation on their post-
auction channel.
Notice to MVPDs. Before a reassigned station or band changing
station moves to its post-auction channel, it must provide notice to
MVPDs that currently carry the station and will continue to be
obligated to carry the station. The required notice must be provided in
the form of a letter notification, and must include the following
information: (1) The date and time of any channel change; (2) the pre-
auction and post-auction channel assignments; (3) the modification, if
any, to the antenna position, location, or power levels; and (4) the
engineering staff's contact information. Should any of this information
change during the station's transition, an amended notification must be
sent to MVPDs in the same form as the original notice. For cable
systems, the letter must be addressed to the system's official address
of record provided in the cable system's most recent filing in the
Cable Operations and Licensing System (``COALS'') Form 322. For all
other MVPDs, the letter must be addressed to the official corporate
address registered with the MVPD's state of incorporation. The
notification must be sent not less than 90 days prior to the station's
transition to its post-auction channel. Should a station's anticipated
transition date change due to an unforeseen delay or change in its
transition plan, the station must send further notices to affected
MVPDs informing them of the new anticipated transition date. Where
COALS includes an email address with the official address of record the
letter may be sent electronically. Where the official corporate address
registered with the MVPD's state of incorporation includes a form of
electronic communication the letter may be sent electronically.
Commencement of Operation on Post-Auction Channel. Within 10 days
after commencement of program test authority, a licensee must submit an
application for license on its post-auction channel. Applications for
license must be filed electronically via LMS using FCC Form 2100--
Schedule B (full power) and Schedule F (Class A). Commercial stations
will be required to pay the requisite filing fee. Instructions for
filing via LMS are contained in Appendix A.
License Relinquishment Stations and Channel Sharing Stations
Payments to Reverse Auction Winning Bidders. The Media Bureau will
release a separate public notice informing winning bidders of the
process for receiving auction proceeds at a later date. That public
notice will advise winning bidders about the process for providing
instructions to the Commission for payments, including providing
banking information and necessary certifications. As previously stated,
though providing a precise timetable is not feasible, the Commission
will share auction proceeds with broadcast licensees relinquishing
spectrum usage rights as soon as practicable following the successful
conclusion of the incentive auction. The forthcoming public notice will
detail the steps that a winning reverse auction licensee must take
before auction proceeds can be disbursed once they become available. In
particular, the public notice will detail the form that winning reverse
auction bidders will use to submit payment information, as
[[Page 12599]]
well as processes for validating the information prior to the
disbursement of any payments. As described in a prior public notice, a
winning bidder may provide instructions for payments to an account
owned by a third-party.
As a step prior to beginning this process, a representative from an
entity that expects to receive a payment from the FCC for a winning
reverse auction bid must have logged in to the updated Commission
Registration System (CORES) ( and set up a
username and password. Detailed instructions on how to register for an
FCC Username Account can be found at: For additional information, please contact
the Updated CORES System hotline at 202-418-4120 or
License Relinquishment Transition Process
Discontinuation of Operations. A license relinquishment station
must discontinue operations within 90 days after receiving its share of
auction proceeds.'' A station needing additional time to discontinue
operations on its pre-auction channel may submit a waiver request
demonstrating ``good cause'' pursuant to Section 1.3 of the
Commission's rules. The Media Bureau anticipates that requests for
additional time beyond 90 days are unlikely to meet our waiver
standard. No license relinquishment station will be granted a waiver
that would extend its deadline to discontinue operations beyond the end
of the 39-month transition period. The Media Bureau reminds stations
that it has announced that, prior to granting a waiver request, it will
evaluate all requests to extend the deadline to discontinue operations
to determine whether the grant would delay or disrupt the post-auction
transition schedule.
A station should file such a request as soon as it becomes apparent
that it requires additional time to terminate operations on its pre-
auction channel. A waiver request must be filed electronically via LMS
as a request for a legal STA, include the requisite fee, provide the
above-described waiver showing, and include a proposed discontinuation
date. A copy of the request should also be emailed to Instructions for filing via LMS are
contained in Appendix A.
Suspension and Discontinuance Notices to Commission. A license
relinquishment station must notify the Commission at least two days
prior to discontinuation of operations on its pre-auction channel.
Instructions for filing a Suspension of Operations Notification via LMS
are contained in Appendix A. As soon as possible following the
discontinuation of operations on its pre-auction channel, a license
relinquishment station must also submit a Request to Cancel License via
LMS, as outlined in Appendix A, which will serve as the station's
request for cancellation of its pre-auction channel license. Both
notifications should be emailed to:
There is no fee for these two filings.
Notice to Viewers. Prior to termination of operations,
relinquishment stations must air notifications to alert their viewers
that they will discontinue service. Stations that operate on a
commercial basis will be required to air a mix of PSAs and crawls. Such
stations must air at least one transition PSA and run at least one
transition crawl in every quarter of every day for 30 days prior to the
date on which the station terminates operations on its pre-auction
channel. One of the required PSAs and one of the required crawls must
be run during primetime hours each day. Crawls must run during
programming for no less than 60 consecutive seconds across the bottom
or top of the viewing area and be provided in the same language as a
majority of the programming carried by the station. Although stations
have the flexibility to design the text of their crawls, they must
include the date on which the station will terminate operations on its
pre-auction channel, and explain how viewers may obtain more
information by telephone or online. PSAs must have a duration of at
least 15 seconds, be provided in the same language as a majority of the
programs carried by the station and provide, at a minimum, the same
information as required for crawls. In addition, transition PSAs must
be closed-captioned. Stations are encouraged to include any other
details about their discontinuation of operations that they believe to
be important in their notifications, and stations may air additional
notifications that they deem beneficial to their viewers.
Noncommercial educational (NCE) full power television license
relinquishment stations may choose to comply with notification
requirements either through the framework set forth in the preceding
paragraph or by airing 60 seconds of on-air consumer education PSAs
each day for 30 days prior to termination of operations on their pre-
auction channel. NCE stations choosing the alternate plan will have the
discretion to choose the timeslots for these PSAs. The NCE transition
PSAs must include the same information as noted above for commercial
stations and must be closed-captioned.
A license relinquishment station must include a certification of
compliance with the notice requirements in its Suspension of Operations
Notice to MVPDs. A license relinquishment station must provide
notice to each affected MVPD that the MVPD will no longer be required
to carry the station because it will cease operations. The required
notice must be provided in the form of a letter and must include the
date and time of the planned termination of operations. For cable
systems, the letter must be addressed to the system's official address
of record provided in the cable system's most recent filing in the
COALS Form 322. For all other MVPDs, the letter must be addressed to
the official corporate address registered with the MVPD's state of
incorporation. The notification must be sent not less than 30 days
prior to terminating operations. Should a station's anticipated
termination date change due to an unforeseen delay or change in
transition plan, the station must send a further notice to affected
MVPDs informing them of the new anticipated termination date. Where
COALS includes an email address with the official address of record the
letter may be sent electronically. Where the official corporate address
registered with the MVPD's state of incorporation includes a form of
electronic communication the letter may be sent electronically.
Channel Sharing Station Transition Process. A channel sharing
station must implement shared channel operations, and a sharee station
must discontinue operations on its pre-auction channel within 180 days
after the sharee receives its share of auction proceeds.
Application for Construction Permit. Where a sharer station remains
on its pre-auction channel, the sharee must file an application for
construction permit via LMS using FCC Form 2100 Schedule A (full power)
or Schedule E (Class A) no later than 60 days prior to its deadline for
discontinuing operations on its pre-auction channel, which, absent any
extension, is no later than 120 days after the sharee receives its
share of auction proceeds. The applicant must pay the requisite filing
fee. The application must specify the same technical facilities as the
sharer station and include an executed copy of the Channel Sharing
Agreement (CSA). Instructions for completing this form can be found in
Appendix A. The timing of this filing requirement is the same
regardless of whether the parties
[[Page 12600]]
have a pre- or post-auction CSA. Therefore, a sharee that indicated in
its FCC Form 177 application to participate in the reverse auction the
intent to enter into a post-auction CSA must enter into a CSA and
submit its minor change application no later than 120 days after it
receives its share of the auction proceeds.
In the event that the sharer station is a reassigned station or
band changing station, then it must follow the procedures outlined for
Reassigned Stations and Band Changing Stations to implement the move to
its new channel, including submitting an application for construction
permit specifying its post-auction channel facilities no later than the
initial 90-day filing deadline for initial construction permit
applications. If the sharer has, or is expected to, transition to its
new channel by the deadline on which the sharee must submit its
application for construction permit (i.e., no later than 120 days after
it receives its share of the auction proceeds), then the sharee's
application should specify the sharer's post-auction channel facility.
In the event that the sharee's deadline by which it must discontinue
operations on its pre-auction channel (i.e., no later than 180 days
after it receives its share of the auction proceeds), is expected to
occur before the sharer has transitioned to its new channel, however,
the sharee should file an application for a construction permit
specifying the sharer's pre-transition channel. Not less than 60 days
prior to the sharer's phase construction deadline, the sharee must then
file a minor change application for a construction permit for the
sharer's post-auction channel. Sharee applications for construction
permits will be considered minor changes and will be subject to filing
If a sharee needs additional time to submit its application for a
construction permit, then it may request a waiver of the construction
permit filing deadline. Waivers must be filed as a request for legal
STA via LMS following the instructions provided in Appendix A and
include payment of the requisite filing fee. Such waivers must provide
a ``good cause'' showing pursuant to section 1.3 of the Commission's
rules and, specify the date by which the sharee anticipates filing its
construction permit application. Stations should also email a copy of
their waiver request to: In order to
provide the staff with sufficient time to process the waiver request,
and for stations to make arrangements to meet the deadline if the
waiver is denied, stations are urged to file no later than 30 days
prior to the deadline for filing their application for a construction
permit, which, absent an extension, is no later than 120 days after it
receives its share of auction proceeds.
Suspension of Operations Notice to Commission. Sharees must notify
the Commission at least two days prior to discontinuation of operations
on their pre-auction channels by filing a Suspension of Operations
Notification via LMS as outlined Appendix A. There is no fee for this
filing. This notification also should be emailed to
Commencement of Operation on Shared Channel. When implementation is
complete and within 10 days of commencement of operation of the shared
facilities on program test authority, both sharer and sharee must
submit applications for license on FCC Form 2100--Schedule B (full
power stations) and Schedule F (Class A stations) via LMS following the
instructions in Appendix A. This process may need to be completed twice
if the sharer becomes a reassigned station and the sharee decides to
share the sharer's pre-auction channel while it is waiting for the
sharer to complete its transition to its post-auction channel, i.e.,
once for the sharer's pre-auction channel and once for the shared post-
auction channel.
Waiver of Deadline to Commence Shared Operations. A channel sharee
may request an additional 90 days to discontinue operations on its pre-
auction channel and commence shared operations by requesting a waiver
pursuant to section 1.3 of the Commission's rules. Further, channel
sharees may request an additional 90 days (for a total of 180
additional days) using the same procedure. Prior to grant, the Media
Bureau will evaluate all requests for waiver of the deadline to
commence shared operations to determine whether grant will delay or
disrupt the post-auction transition schedule. In any event, no channel
sharee will be granted a waiver that would extend its deadline to
discontinue operations on its pre-auction channel beyond the end of the
39-month transition period.
A station should file such a request for additional time as soon as
it becomes apparent that it requires additional time prior to
discontinuing operations, and in no event later than 60 days prior to
its deadline for discontinuing operations. Such requests must be filed
electronically via LMS as a request for a legal STA, include the
requisite fee, provide the ``good cause'' waiver showing, and include a
proposed discontinuation date not to exceed 90 days beyond the current
date to discontinue operations. Instructions for filing via LMS are
contained in Appendix A. A copy of the request should also be emailed
Notice to Viewers. Channel sharees must air notifications alerting
their viewers prior to transitioning to their shared channels. These
stations must air, at a minimum, either 60 seconds of on-air consumer
education PSAs or 60 seconds of crawls per day for 30 days prior to
termination of operations on their pre-auction channels. Stations will
have the discretion to choose the timeslots for these PSAs or crawls.
Transition PSAs and crawls must conform to the requirements set forth
in the rules. Stations must include a certification that they have
complied with the viewer notification requirements in their online
public file within 30 days after beginning operations on their shared
channel. Sharer stations are only required to air viewer notifications
if they become a reassigned station as a result of the repacking.
Notice to MVPDs. Channel sharing stations must also provide notice
to MVPDs that no longer will be required to carry one of the stations
because of the sharee's relocation; currently carry and will continue
to be obligated to carry the sharee; or will become obligated to carry
the sharee. The required notice must be provided in the form of a
letter and must include: (i) Date and time of any channel changes; (ii)
pre-auction and shared channels; (iii) modification (if any) to antenna
position, location or power levels; (iv) stream identification
information for channel sharing stations; and (v) engineering staff
contact information. If any of this information changes during the time
that the sharee station is transitioning from its pre-auction to its
shared channel, an amended notification must be sent to MVPDs in the
same form as the original notice. For cable systems, the letter must be
addressed to the cable system's official address of record provided in
the cable system's most recent filing in the COALS Form 322. For all
other MVPDs, the letter must be addressed to the official corporate
address registered with the MVPD's state of incorporation. For sharee
stations, the notification must be sent not less than 30 days prior to
terminating operations on the sharee's pre-auction channel; and for all
channel sharing stations (i.e., both the sharer and sharee(s)), not
less than 30 days prior to initiation of operations on the sharer
channel. Should a station's anticipated termination date change due to
an unforeseen delay or change in
[[Page 12601]]
transition plan, the station must send a further notice to affected
MVPDs informing them of the new anticipated termination date. Where
COALS includes an email address with the official address of record the
letter may be sent electronically. Where the official corporate address
registered with the MVPD's state of incorporation includes a form of
electronic communications, the notice may be sent electronically.
Impact on Transition
In the Transition Scheduling Adoption Public Notice, the Media
Bureau adopted standards it will use to evaluate the impact on the
transition of applications filed during the first and second priority
windows, applications for extension of time, requests for STAs, and
requests for waivers of deadlines to discontinuation operations on pre-
auction channels (``applications/requests''). Under these standards,
the Bureau will examine the impact that grant of an application/request
would have on the overall transition schedule by, for example,
evaluating whether the application/request may create new, or affect
existing, dependencies. The Media Bureau will view favorably
applications/requests that are otherwise compliant with our rules and
have little or no impact on other stations' transition schedule. In
contrast, the Media Bureau will view unfavorably any application/
request that the staff determines would be likely to delay or disrupt
the transition, such as by causing temporary pairwise interference to
another station above the two percent authorized in the Transition
Scheduling Adoption Public Notice, creating additional linked-station
sets, necessitating changes to the construction permit deadlines for
other station(s), or likely causing a strain on limited transition
resources required by other stations. The Media Bureau will also view
applications/requests that would have such adverse effects more
favorably if the requesting station demonstrates that it has the
approval of all the stations that would be affected, or it agrees to
take steps during the transition period to mitigate the impact of the
proposed request--such as accepting additional levels of temporarily
increased interference, or operating with reduced facilities at
variance from its pre-auction licensed parameters.
The Media Bureau will evaluate each request on a case-by-case
basis. After evaluating applications/requests, the Media Bureau may
modify construction deadlines to enable the grant of a request. To the
extent that the Media Bureau denies a request for a station to continue
operating on its pre-auction channel past its phase completion date,
the Media Bureau noted that stations can explore a variety of options
to assist with their post-auction transitions, including the use of
temporary channels and interim or auxiliary facilities.
In this section, the Media Bureau outlines the post-auction
reimbursement process for reassigned stations as well as the process by
which stations may seek a service rule waiver in lieu of reimbursement.
Involuntarily reassigned stations as well as MVPDs that incur costs by
continuing to carry such reassigned stations are eligible for
reimbursement of their ``reasonably incurred'' costs. Entities eligible
for reimbursement will use FCC Form 2100, Schedule 399 (Reimbursement
Form), to submit both their estimated costs and, after incurring the
costs, actual reimbursement requests with documentation substantiating
all such expenses incurred. In lieu of receiving reimbursement,
reassigned stations may request a waiver of the Commission's service
rules permitting the station to make flexible use of the post-auction
channel spectrum to provide services other than broadcast television
Reimbursement Cost Estimates. Reassigned stations and MVPDs that
will incur costs by continuing to carry reassigned stations must file
their estimated construction costs for equipment and services no later
than 90 days after release of the Closing and Reassignment Public
Notice. After reviewing the cost estimates submitted, the Media Bureau
will make an initial reimbursement allocation for each reassigned
station and MVPD that filed cost estimates. The allocated amount is the
dollar amount that stations and MVPDs will have to draw down against as
they incur actual expenses. To ensure timely processing, stations must
file their cost estimates by the deadline.
Relocation cost estimates and any required supporting documentation
must be filed via LMS using the Reimbursement Form. Instructions for
filing the Reimbursement Form via LMS are contained in Appendix A.
There is no fee for this filing. When filing estimated costs,
reassigned stations and MVPDs must identify their current operational
equipment as well as the equipment and services they expect to purchase
to complete the post-auction channel transition. Cost estimates for
such equipment and services can be based either on the predetermined
cost estimates identified in the catalog of eligible expenses
(Catalog), which is embedded in the Reimbursement Form, or by obtaining
price quotes from vendors. Filers must submit supporting cost estimate
documentation (such as a price quote from a vendor) for any equipment
or service for which there is no predetermined cost estimate in the
Catalog, and must provide a detailed explanation if an estimate exceeds
the amount listed for the particular equipment or service in the
Catalog. The Reimbursement Form is dynamic; and guides users with
prompts that indicate how and when filers must provide explanations and
supporting documentation.
Relocation cost estimates must be filed no earlier than the day of
release of, and no later than 90 days after release of, the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice.
The Media Bureau will release a separate public notice informing
eligible entities of the process for receiving reimbursements at a
later date. That public notice will advise eligible entities about the
process for providing the Commission with banking information and
necessary certifications. In particular, the public notice will detail
forms that eligible entities will use to submit information regarding
estimates of relocation costs and relocation costs actually incurred,
as well as relevant banking information, and the processes for
validating such information prior to any reimbursements.
As a step prior to beginning this process, as with all entities
doing business with the FCC, a representative from an entity that
expects to receive a payment from the FCC--including reassigned
stations and MVPDs that incur expenses as a result of the post-auction
station repack--must log in to the updated Commission Registration
System (CORES) ( and set up a username and
password. Detailed instructions on how to register for an FCC Username
Account can be found at For additional information, please contact
the Updated CORES System hotline at: 202-418-4120; or email:
Reimbursement Claims for Actual Expenses Incurred. Once reassigned
stations and MVPDs incur actual costs as a result of the post-auction
channel reassignments, they must file actual reimbursement claims along
with any required supporting invoices and other cost documentation
using the Reimbursement Form via LMS. Entities may, and likely will,
submit multiple reimbursement requests as they incur expenses
throughout the reimbursement
[[Page 12602]]
period. Because reimbursement payments can be made only during the
statutory three-year reimbursement period, the Media Bureau will
announce a date prior to the end of the reimbursement period at which
time all remaining expense documentation and additional estimates for
work not yet completed must be submitted. A station or MVPD must
provide a detailed explanation on the Reimbursement Form if an actual
cost exceeds the estimated cost for a particular line item.
Reimbursement claims will be reviewed to ensure that payment is made
only for costs ``reasonably incurred'' in accordance with Section
1452(b)(4). The Commission has determined that costs incurred during or
before the incentive auction that would otherwise be reimbursable are
eligible for reimbursement. Although some reassigned stations will have
already incurred expenses that may be eligible for reimbursement by the
time the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice is released, requests
for reimbursement of such costs will not be processed until after the
Media Bureau makes an initial allocation for stations and MVPDs that
have timely filed reimbursement cost estimates during the 90-day period
after release of the Closing and Reassignment Public Notice.
Service Rule Waiver in Lieu of Reimbursement. In lieu of receiving
reimbursement for relocation costs, a reassigned station may request a
waiver of the Commission's service rules to allow the station to make
flexible use of its reassigned spectrum to provide services other than
broadcast television services. Such waivers are subject to all
applicable interference protections and will only remain in effect
while the licensee provides at least one broadcast television program
stream on such spectrum at no charge to the public. The Commission has
delegated authority to the Media Bureau to act on service rule waivers
on a case-by-case basis. Waivers will be evaluated in accordance with
the Commission's general waiver standard, and must demonstrate that the
applicant will protect against interference and provide at least one
broadcast television program stream at no charge to the public, as
required by the Spectrum Act. Stations may request that a waiver be
granted on either a temporary or a permanent basis.
The Media Bureau will accept service rule waiver requests from
reassigned stations otherwise eligible for reimbursement for relocation
costs during a 30-day window commencing upon release of the Closing and
Reassignment Public Notice. Waiver requests must be filed via LMS in
accordance with the instructions in Appendix A, and must include the
requisite fee. Waiver requests should also be emailed to: The Media Bureau will expeditiously
process petitions and timely inform the petitioners of the disposition.
A licensee must accept the terms of a waiver within 10 days of grant.
Instructions on how to accept grant of the waiver will be provided in
the written notification sent to the station by the Media Bureau.
Until the Media Bureau grants a waiver request and the station
accepts the terms of the waiver grant, a station must meet all
requirements to obtain reimbursement (e.g., timely filing the
Reimbursement Form). A station that is granted and accepts the terms of
a waiver must comply with all transition filings, construction, and
notice requirements, and deadlines, unless otherwise instructed by the
Media Bureau.
Federal Communications Commission.
Barbara Kreisman,
Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau.
[FR Doc. 2017-04248 Filed 3-3-17; 8:45 am]