Personal Protective Equipment Information (PPE-Info) Database, 11919-11920 [2017-03737]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 37 / Monday, February 27, 2017 / Notices
The World War One Centennial
Commission was established by Public
Law 112–272 (as amended), as a
commission to ensure a suitable
observance of the centennial of World
War I, to provide for the designation of
memorials to the service of members of
the United States Armed Forces in
World War I, and for other purposes.
Under this authority, the Committee
will plan, develop, and execute
programs, projects, and activities to
commemorate the centennial of World
War I, encourage private organizations
and State and local governments to
organize and participate in activities
commemorating the centennial of World
War I, facilitate and coordinate activities
throughout the United States relating to
the centennial of World War I, serve as
a clearinghouse for the collection and
dissemination of information about
events and plans for the centennial of
World War I, and develop
recommendations for Congress and the
President for commemorating the
centennial of World War I. The
Commission does not have an
appropriation and operates solely on
donated funds.
Agenda: Wednesday, March 22, 2017.
Old Business
• Acceptance of minutes of last
• Public Comment Period.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
New Business
• Executive Director’s Report—Mr.
• Financial Committee Report—Vice
Chair Fountain.
• Fundraising Report—Ambassador
• Memorial Report—Vice Chair
• Education Report—Dr. O’Connell.
• Endorsements—(RFS)—Dr.
• International Report—Dr. Seefried.
• Report on April 6 Event—Dr.
• Other Business.
• Chairman’s Report.
• Set Next Meeting.
• Motion to Adjourn.
Dated: February 13, 2017.
Daniel S. Dayton,
Designated Federal Official, World War I
Centennial Commission.
[FR Doc. 2017–03721 Filed 2–24–17; 8:45 am]
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Centers for Disease Control and
[Docket Number CDC–2017–0014, NIOSH–
Draft Chapter: Analysis of Carbon
Nanotubes and Nanofibers on Filters
by Transmission Electron Microscopy;
Request for Comments
National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC),
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
ACTION: Request for comments.
The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health of the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention announces the availability of
a draft chapter to be published in the
NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods
entitled, ‘‘Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes
and Nanofibers on Filters by
Transmission Electron Microscopy,’’ for
public comment. The document and
instructions for submitting comments
can be found at
DATES: Electronic or written comments
must be received by April 28, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by CDC–2017–0014 and
docket number NIOSH–292, by any of
the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH
Docket Office, 1090 Tusculum Avenue,
MS C–34, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226–1998.
Instructions: All information received
in response to this notice must include
the agency name and docket number
[CDC–2017–0014; NIOSH–292]. All
relevant comments received will be
posted without change to, including any
personal information provided. For
access to the docket to read background
documents or comments received, go to All information
received in response to this notice will
also be available for public examination
and copying at the NIOSH Docket
Office, 1150 Tusculum Avenue, Room
155, Cincinnati, OH 45226–1998.
Eileen Birch, Ph.D., CDC/NIOSH, 1090
Tusculum Avenue, MS R–7, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45226; (513) 841–4298 (this is not
a toll free number).
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Background: The NIOSH Manual of
Analytical Methods (NMAM) was first
published in 1974 and currently
contains over 300 methods that can be
used by occupational safety and health
professionals to measure worker
exposures to chemical and biological
agents. In addition to the methods, the
NMAM contains chapters that offer
guidance on workplace air sampling,
instrumentation, analytical protocols,
and quality assurance. The draft chapter
entitled, ‘‘Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes
and Nanofibers on Mixed Cellulose
Ester Filters by Transmission Electron
Microscopy,’’ is proposed for addition
to NMAM and provides standardized
approaches for the analysis of carbon
nanoparticles. These standardized
approaches are meant to harmonize
analytical techniques, enabling
comparison of results between studies
and fostering optimal data quality.
NIOSH scientists published studies on
the microanalysis of airborne
carbonaceous nanomaterials, and this
research has led to the procedures
described in this chapter. The chapter
provides detailed guidance on effective
means to perform transmission electron
microscopic analysis on carbon
nanotubes and nanofibers that are
sampled from occupational
atmospheres. This draft chapter has
previously undergone scientific peer
review and is proposed for inclusion in
the 5th edition of NMAM (
Information Needs: NIOSH is seeking
public review and comment on this
document from anyone with an interest
in analysis of carbon nanoparticles.
John Howard,
Director, National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2017–03738 Filed 2–24–17; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
[Docket Number CDC–2017–0001, NIOSH–
Personal Protective Equipment
Information (PPE-Info) Database
National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC),
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 37 / Monday, February 27, 2017 / Notices
Request for information and
The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention announces the
availability of a draft web-based
database entitled PPE-Info for public
comment. To view the notice and
related materials, visit and enter CDC–
2017–0001 in the search field and click
Table of Contents
For Further Information Contact:
Supplementary Information:
Information Needs:
Electronic or written comments
must be received by April 13, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by CDC–2017–0001 and
docket number NIOSH–293, by any of
the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH
Docket Office, 1090 Tusculum Avenue,
MS C–34, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226–1998.
Instructions: All information received
in response to this notice must include
the agency name and docket number
[CDC–2017–0001; NIOSH–293]. All
relevant comments received will be
posted without change to, including any
personal information provided. For
access to the docket to read background
documents or comments received, go to All information
received in response to this notice will
also be available for public examination
and copying at the NIOSH Docket
Office, 1150 Tusculum Avenue, Room
155, Cincinnati, OH 45226–1998.
Susan Moore, NIOSH, National Personal
Protective Technology Laboratory,
Office of the Director, 626 Cochrans Mill
Road, Building 20, Pittsburgh, PA,
15236, (412) 386–6613, (not a toll free
is a collection of national personal
protective equipment (PPE) information.
The database provides standards
developers, manufacturers, suppliers,
purchasers, and end users of PPE with
the ability to conduct general- or
advanced-criteria searches of (1)
relevant standards, (2) associated
product types, (3) target occupational
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
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groups, (4) basic conformity assessment
specifications, and (5) an abundance of
additional pertinent information. PPEInfo is the only private or public U.S.
database that compiles, tracks, and
updates comprehensive information
about national PPE standards and select
product information.
Using this collection of information,
PPE-Info currently offers the following
• Identification of PPE standards,
searchable by PPE type, hazard category,
Standards Development Organization,
Standard Occupational Classification
(SOC) code, standard type, and standard
status, with basic- and advanced-search
• A PPE-Selection Logic Tool for
potential Ebola exposure;
• Identification of 3rd party testing
laboratories whose scope of
accreditation includes testing to the
identified standard.
1. Background: In 2011 NIOSH began
an effort to address the
recommendations issued by the Institute
of Medicine (IOM) in its report
‘‘Certifying Personal Protective
Technologies: Improving Worker
Safety,’’ which recommended that
‘‘NIOSH NPPTL should continue and
expand its role in PPT [personal
protective technology] conformity
assessment. Specifically, NPPTL should
expand its role and become the primary
clearinghouse for reliable information
on non-respirator PPT.’’ The PPE-Info
Database is an initial key element
designed to address this IOM
recommendation. The PPE-Info Web site
was developed in 2012 and is available
for use and review (https:// In addition,
users can access a tutorial on the
features and use of the current PPE-Info
database (https://niosh-connect.adobe
Information Needs: Public comments
and recommendations are needed to
assist NIOSH in finalizing the PPE-Info
database. Information is needed to
answer the following questions:
1. What improvements to the current
PPE-Info capabilities are still needed?
For example,
a. Should PPE-Info include a list of
PPE that conforms to a given standard
along with the corresponding level of
conformity (e.g., supplier declaration of
conformity, accredited third-party
declaration of conformity)? If so, what
types of PPE would be the most
important to include? Provide your
rationale, any supporting data or
information, including references or
sources of technical expert opinion.
b. Should additional selection logic
assistance be added, similar to what
PO 00000
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Sfmt 9990
PPE-Info already does for the hazard of
Ebola? If so, which hazards would be
most relevant to include and, of those,
which have been sufficiently researched
to support this logic selection
assistance? Provide any supporting data
or information regarding the research,
including references.
2. In addition to the existing content
included in PPE-Info, what new content
or capabilities could be included to
further improve health and safety
outcomes for U.S. workers? Please
provide an explanation for why these
improvements are needed, including the
affected parties/target audience and the
potential impact to the PPE community
if these improvements were made. For
example, should PPE-Info include
international PPE standards? If so, what
standards would be the highest priority?
Provide your rationale, any supporting
data or information, including
references or sources of technical expert
3. What improvements (if any) to PPEInfo are needed to achieve the IOM’s
vision of the ‘‘primary clearinghouse for
reliable information on non-respirator
PPT?’’ Please provide an explanation for
why these improvements are needed,
including the affected parties/target
audience and the potential impact to the
PPE community if these improvements
were made. Provide your rationale, any
supporting data or information,
including references or sources of
technical expert opinion.
4. Identify any other issues that you
feel NIOSH should address in regards to
this database. Please provide an
explanation for why these
improvements are needed, including the
affected parties/target audience and the
potential impact to the PPE community
if these improvements were made.
Provide your rationale, any supporting
data or information, including
references or sources of technical expert
opinion, or describe your experiences as
a database user.
Cohen HJ, Liverman CT [2010]. ‘‘Certifying
Personal Protective Technologies:
Improving Worker Safety.’’ https://
John Howard,
Director, National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2017–03737 Filed 2–24–17; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 37 (Monday, February 27, 2017)]
[Pages 11919-11920]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-03737]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
[Docket Number CDC-2017-0001, NIOSH-293]
Personal Protective Equipment Information (PPE-Info) Database
AGENCY: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
[[Page 11920]]
ACTION: Request for information and comment.
SUMMARY: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announces the
availability of a draft web-based database entitled PPE-Info for public
comment. To view the notice and related materials, visit and enter CDC-2017-0001 in the search field and
click ``Search.''
Table of Contents
For Further Information Contact:
Supplementary Information:
Information Needs:
DATES: Electronic or written comments must be received by April 13,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by CDC-2017-0001 and
docket number NIOSH-293, by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health, NIOSH Docket Office, 1090 Tusculum Avenue, MS C-34, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45226-1998.
Instructions: All information received in response to this notice
must include the agency name and docket number [CDC-2017-0001; NIOSH-
293]. All relevant comments received will be posted without change to, including any personal information provided. For
access to the docket to read background documents or comments received,
go to All information received in response to this
notice will also be available for public examination and copying at the
NIOSH Docket Office, 1150 Tusculum Avenue, Room 155, Cincinnati, OH
Protective Technology Laboratory, Office of the Director, 626 Cochrans
Mill Road, Building 20, Pittsburgh, PA, 15236, (412) 386-6613, (not a
toll free number).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: PPE-Info is a collection of national
personal protective equipment (PPE) information. The database provides
standards developers, manufacturers, suppliers, purchasers, and end
users of PPE with the ability to conduct general- or advanced-criteria
searches of (1) relevant standards, (2) associated product types, (3)
target occupational groups, (4) basic conformity assessment
specifications, and (5) an abundance of additional pertinent
information. PPE-Info is the only private or public U.S. database that
compiles, tracks, and updates comprehensive information about national
PPE standards and select product information.
Using this collection of information, PPE-Info currently offers the
following capabilities:
Identification of PPE standards, searchable by PPE type,
hazard category, Standards Development Organization, Standard
Occupational Classification (SOC) code, standard type, and standard
status, with basic- and advanced-search functions;
A PPE-Selection Logic Tool for potential Ebola exposure;
Identification of 3rd party testing laboratories whose
scope of accreditation includes testing to the identified standard.
1. Background: In 2011 NIOSH began an effort to address the
recommendations issued by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its report
``Certifying Personal Protective Technologies: Improving Worker
Safety,'' which recommended that ``NIOSH NPPTL should continue and
expand its role in PPT [personal protective technology] conformity
assessment. Specifically, NPPTL should expand its role and become the
primary clearinghouse for reliable information on non-respirator PPT.''
The PPE-Info Database is an initial key element designed to address
this IOM recommendation. The PPE-Info Web site was developed in 2012
and is available for use and review ( In
addition, users can access a tutorial on the features and use of the
current PPE-Info database (
Information Needs: Public comments and recommendations are needed
to assist NIOSH in finalizing the PPE-Info database. Information is
needed to answer the following questions:
1. What improvements to the current PPE-Info capabilities are still
needed? For example,
a. Should PPE-Info include a list of PPE that conforms to a given
standard along with the corresponding level of conformity (e.g.,
supplier declaration of conformity, accredited third-party declaration
of conformity)? If so, what types of PPE would be the most important to
include? Provide your rationale, any supporting data or information,
including references or sources of technical expert opinion.
b. Should additional selection logic assistance be added, similar
to what PPE-Info already does for the hazard of Ebola? If so, which
hazards would be most relevant to include and, of those, which have
been sufficiently researched to support this logic selection
assistance? Provide any supporting data or information regarding the
research, including references.
2. In addition to the existing content included in PPE-Info, what
new content or capabilities could be included to further improve health
and safety outcomes for U.S. workers? Please provide an explanation for
why these improvements are needed, including the affected parties/
target audience and the potential impact to the PPE community if these
improvements were made. For example, should PPE-Info include
international PPE standards? If so, what standards would be the highest
priority? Provide your rationale, any supporting data or information,
including references or sources of technical expert opinion.
3. What improvements (if any) to PPE-Info are needed to achieve the
IOM's vision of the ``primary clearinghouse for reliable information on
non-respirator PPT?'' Please provide an explanation for why these
improvements are needed, including the affected parties/target audience
and the potential impact to the PPE community if these improvements
were made. Provide your rationale, any supporting data or information,
including references or sources of technical expert opinion.
4. Identify any other issues that you feel NIOSH should address in
regards to this database. Please provide an explanation for why these
improvements are needed, including the affected parties/target audience
and the potential impact to the PPE community if these improvements
were made. Provide your rationale, any supporting data or information,
including references or sources of technical expert opinion, or
describe your experiences as a database user.
Cohen HJ, Liverman CT [2010]. ``Certifying Personal Protective
Technologies: Improving Worker Safety.''
John Howard,
Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2017-03737 Filed 2-24-17; 8:45 am]