Disease, Disability, and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel (SEP): Initial Review, 11578-11579 [2017-03629]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 36 / Friday, February 24, 2017 / Notices
Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) Auditorium,
7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore,
Maryland 21244
STATUS: Open to the public, limited only
by the space available. The meeting
room accommodates approximately 240
people. We will be broadcasting the
meeting live via Webcast at https://
increased security requirements CMS
has instituted stringent procedures for
entrance into the building by nongovernment employees. Attendees will
need to present valid government-issued
picture identification, and sign-in at the
security desk upon entering the
Attendees who wish to attend the
March 7–8, 2017 ICD–10–CM C&M
meeting must submit their name and
organization by February 24, 2016 for
inclusion on the visitor list. This visitor
list will be maintained at the front desk
of the CMS building and used by the
guards to admit visitors to the meeting.
Participants who attended previous
Coordination and Maintenance meetings
will no longer be automatically added to
the visitor list. You must request
inclusion of your name prior to each
meeting you wish attend.
Please register to attend the meeting
on-line at: https://www.cms.hhs.gov/
apps/events/. Please contact Mady Hue
(410–786–4510 or Marilu.hue@
cms.hhs.gov), for questions about the
registration process.
PURPOSE: The ICD–10 Coordination and
Maintenance (C&M) Committee is a
public forum for the presentation of
proposed modifications to the
International Classification of Diseases,
Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification
and ICD–10 Procedure Coding System.
March 7–8, 2017
ICD–10–PCS Topics:
Cerebral Embolic Protection During
Transcatheter Aortic Valve
Renal Replacement Therapy
Magnetically Controlled Growth Rods
Oxidized Zirconium Polyethylene
Implant for Hip and Knee
Endovascular Intracranial
Radiotherapeutic Brain Implant
Combined Thoracic Arch
Replacement and Thoracic Aorta
Occlusion of Left Atrial Appendage
Spinal Fusion with Radiolucent
Interbody Fusion Device
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Administration of ZINPLAVA
Administration of VYXEOS
Administration of KTE–C19
(axicabtageneciloleucel) Congenital
Anomaly Procedures
Resection of the Left Ventricular
Outflow Tract Obstruction and/or
Subaortic Membrane(Stenosis)
Fontan Completion Procedure, Stage
Alfieri Stitch
Ligation of Pulmonary Trunk
Fluoroscopy of Pulmonary Trunk
Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt
Release of Myocardial Bridge
Addenda and Key Updates
ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Topics:
Acute Appendicitis
Antenatal Screening
Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
Cyclic Vomiting
Diverticular Disease of Intestine
Encounter for examination of eyes and
vision with abnormal findings
Fetal Inflammatory Response
Hepatic Encephalopathy (representation)
Lacunar Infarction
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
Neonatal Encephalopathy
Glasgow Coma Scale, Pediatric
Personal History of Mesothelioma and
Secondary Mesothelioma
Post Endometrial Ablation Syndrome
Sickle Cell w/o Acute Chest
Syndrome or Splenic Sequestration
Surgical Site Infection
Types of Myocardial Infarctions (MI)
ICD–10–CM Addendum
Agenda items are subject to change as
priorities dictate.
Note: CMS and NCHS no longer
provide paper copies of handouts for the
meeting. Electronic copies of all meeting
materials will be posted on the CMS and
NCHS Web sites prior to the meeting at
meetings.asp#TopOfPage and https://
INFORMATION: Donna Pickett, Medical
Systems Administrator, Classifications
and Public Health Data Standards Staff,
NCHS, 3311 Toledo Road Hyattsville,
Maryland 20782, email dfp4@cdc.gov,
telephone 301–458–4434 (diagnosis);
Mady Hue, Health Insurance Specialist,
Division of Acute Care, CMS, 7500
Security Boulevard, Baltimore,
Maryland, 21244, email marilu.hue@
cms.hhs.gov, telephone 410–786–4510
PO 00000
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The Director, Management Analysis
and Services Office, has been delegated
the authority to sign Federal Register
notices pertaining to announcements of
meetings and other committee
management activities, for both the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
Elaine L. Baker,
Director, Management Analysis and Services
Office, Centers for Disease Control and
[FR Doc. 2017–03627 Filed 2–23–17; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Disease, Disability, and Injury
Prevention and Control Special
Emphasis Panel (SEP): Initial Review
In accordance with Section 10(a)(2) of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
announces a meeting for the initial
review of application in response to
Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA) PAR 15–361, NIOSH Centers of
Excellence for Total Worker Health
Time and Date: 1:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.,
EDT, March 21, 2017 (Closed).
Place: Via Teleconference.
Status: The meeting will be closed to
the public in accordance with
provisions set forth in Section
552b(c)(4) and (6), Title 5 U.S.C., and
the Determination of the Director,
Management Analysis and Services
Office, CDC, pursuant to Public Law 92–
Matters for Discussion: The meeting
will include the initial review,
discussion, and evaluation of
applications received in response to
‘‘NIOSH Centers of Excellence for Total
Worker Health (TWH)’’, PAR 15–361.
Contact Person for More Information:
Marilyn Ridenour, B.S.N., M.B.A.,
M.P.H., Scientific Review Officer, CDC,
1095 Willowdale Road, Mailstop 1811,
Morgantown, WV Telephone: (304) 285–
5879, DVN7@CDC.GOV .
The Director, Management Analysis
and Services Office, has been delegated
the authority to sign Federal Register
notices pertaining to announcements of
meetings and other committee
management activities, for both the
Centers for Disease Control and
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 36 / Friday, February 24, 2017 / Notices
Prevention and the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
Elaine L. Baker,
Director, Management Analysis and Services
Office, Centers for Disease Control and
[FR Doc. 2017–03629 Filed 2–23–17; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare and Medicaid Programs:
Application From the Center for
Improvement in Healthcare Quality for
Continued Approval of Its Hospital
Accreditation Program
Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services, HHS.
ACTION: Proposed notice.
This proposed notice
acknowledges the receipt of an
application from the Center for
Improvement in Healthcare Quality
(CIHQ) for continued recognition as a
national accrediting organization for
hospitals that wish to participate in the
Medicare or Medicaid programs.
DATES: To be assured consideration,
comments must be received at one of
the addresses provided below, no later
than 5 p.m. on March 27, 2017.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer
to file code CMS–3338–PN. Because of
staff and resource limitations, we cannot
accept comments by facsimile (FAX)
You may submit comments in one of
four ways:
1. Electronically. You may submit
electronic comments on specific issues
in this regulation to https://
www.regulations.gov . Follow the
‘‘submit a comment’’ instructions.
2. By regular mail. You may mail
written comments (one original and two
copies) to the following address only:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, Attention: CMS–3338–
PN, P.O. Box 8016, Baltimore, MD
Please allow sufficient time for mailed
comments to be received before the
close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You
may send written comments to the
following address only: Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human
Services, Attention: CMS–3338–PN,
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Mail Stop C4–26–05, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–1850.
4. By hand or courier. Alternatively,
you may deliver (by hand or courier)
your written comments to the following
a. For delivery in Washington, DC—
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, Room 445–G, Hubert
H. Humphrey Building, 200
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20201.
(Because access to the interior of the
Hubert H. Humphrey Building is not
readily available to persons without
Federal government identification,
commenters are encouraged to leave
their comments in the CMS drop slots
located in the main lobby of the
building. A stamp-in clock is available
for persons wishing to retain a proof of
filing by stamping in and retaining an
extra copy of the comments being filed.)
Comments erroneously mailed to the
addresses indicated as appropriate for
hand or courier delivery may be delayed
and received after the comment period.
b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD—
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–1850.
If you intend to deliver your
comments to the Baltimore address, call
telephone number (410) 786–9994 in
advance to schedule your arrival with
one of our staff members.
For information on viewing public
comments, see the beginning of the
Lillian Williams, (410) 786–8636,
Patricia Chmielewski, (410) 786–6899,
or Monda Shaver, (410) 786–3410.
of Public Comments: All comments
received before the close of the
comment period are available for
viewing by the public, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
a comment. We post all comments
received before the close of the
comment period on the following Web
site as soon as possible after they have
been received: https://
www.regulations.gov . Follow the search
instructions on that Web site to view
public comments.
Comments received timely will also
be available for public inspection as
they are received, generally beginning
approximately 3 weeks after publication
of a document, at the headquarters of
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244, Monday
PO 00000
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through Friday of each week from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. To schedule an
appointment to view public comments,
phone 1–800–743–3951.
I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible
beneficiaries may receive covered
services from a hospital, provided that
certain requirements are met. Section
1861(e) of the Social Security Act (the
Act), establishes distinct criteria for
facilities seeking designation as a
hospital. Regulations concerning
provider agreements are at 42 CFR part
489 and those pertaining to activities
relating to the survey and certification
of facilities are at 42 CFR part 488. The
regulations at 42 CFR part 482 specify
the minimum conditions that a hospital
must meet to participate in the Medicare
Generally, to enter into an agreement,
a hospital must first be certified by a
State survey agency as complying with
the conditions or requirements set forth
in part 482 of our regulations.
Thereafter, the hospital is subject to
regular surveys by a State survey agency
to determine whether it continues to
meet these requirements
Section 1865(a)(1) of the Act provides
that, if a provider entity demonstrates
through accreditation by an approved
national accrediting organization that all
applicable Medicare conditions are met
or exceeded, we may deem those
provider entities as having met the
requirements. Accreditation by an
accrediting organization is voluntary
and is not required for Medicare
If an accrediting organization is
recognized by the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human
Services (the Secretary) as having
standards for accreditation that meet or
exceed Medicare requirements, any
provider entity accredited by the
national accrediting body’s approved
program may be deemed to meet the
Medicare conditions. A national
accrediting organization applying for
approval of its accreditation program
under part 488, subpart A, must provide
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) with reasonable
assurance that the accrediting
organization requires the accredited
provider entities to meet requirements
that are at least as stringent as the
Medicare conditions. Our regulations
concerning the approval of accrediting
organizations are set forth at § 488.5.
The regulations at § 488.5(e)(2)(i)
require accrediting organizations to
reapply for continued approval of its
accreditation program every 6 years or
sooner as determined by CMS.
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 36 (Friday, February 24, 2017)]
[Pages 11578-11579]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-03629]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Disease, Disability, and Injury Prevention and Control Special
Emphasis Panel (SEP): Initial Review
In accordance with Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463), the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) announces a meeting for the initial review of
application in response to Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) PAR
15-361, NIOSH Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health (TWH).
Time and Date: 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., EDT, March 21, 2017 (Closed).
Place: Via Teleconference.
Status: The meeting will be closed to the public in accordance with
provisions set forth in Section 552b(c)(4) and (6), Title 5 U.S.C., and
the Determination of the Director, Management Analysis and Services
Office, CDC, pursuant to Public Law 92-463.
Matters for Discussion: The meeting will include the initial
review, discussion, and evaluation of applications received in response
to ``NIOSH Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health (TWH)'', PAR
Contact Person for More Information: Marilyn Ridenour, B.S.N.,
M.B.A., M.P.H., Scientific Review Officer, CDC, 1095 Willowdale Road,
Mailstop 1811, Morgantown, WV Telephone: (304) 285-5879, DVN7@CDC.GOV .
The Director, Management Analysis and Services Office, has been
delegated the authority to sign Federal Register notices pertaining to
announcements of meetings and other committee management activities,
for both the Centers for Disease Control and
[[Page 11579]]
Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
Elaine L. Baker,
Director, Management Analysis and Services Office, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2017-03629 Filed 2-23-17; 8:45 am]