60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery, 11099-11100 [2017-03227]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 32 / Friday, February 17, 2017 / Notices
Incident: Severe Winter Storm.
Incident Period: 01/13/2017 through
Effective Date: 02/10/2017.
Physical Loan Application Deadline
Date: 04/11/2017.
Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan
Application Deadline Date: 11/13/2017.
Submit completed loan
applications to: U.S. Small Business
Administration, Processing and
Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
[Public Notice 9834]
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information
Collection: Generic Clearance for the
Collection of Qualitative Feedback on
Agency Service Delivery
Notice of request for public
The Department of State is
seeking Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval for the
information collection described below.
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, we are
requesting comments on this collection
Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
from all interested individuals and
U.S. Small Business Administration,
organizations. The purpose of this
409 3rd Street SW., Suite 6050,
notice is to allow 60 days for public
Washington, DC 20416.
comment preceding submission of the
collection to OMB.
hereby given that as a result of the
DATES: The Department will accept
President’s major disaster declaration on comments from the public up to April
02/10/2017, Private Non-Profit
18, 2017.
organizations that provide essential
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
services of governmental nature may file by any of the following methods:
disaster loan applications at the address
• Web: Persons with access to the
listed above or other locally announced
Internet may comment on this notice by
going to www.Regulations.gov. You can
search for the document by entering
The following areas have been
‘‘Docket Number: DOS–2016–0081’’ in
determined to be adversely affected by
the Search field. Then click the
the disaster:
‘‘Comment Now’’ button and complete
Primary Counties: Beaver, Beckham,
the comment form.
Dewey, Ellis, Harper, Major, Roger
• Email: watkinspk@state.gov.
You must include the DS form
Mills, Texas, Woods, Woodward.
number (if applicable), information
The Interest Rates are:
collection title, and the OMB control
number in any correspondence.
Direct requests for additional
For Physical Damage:
information regarding the collection
Non–Profit Organizations With
Credit Available Elsewhere ...
2.500 listed in this notice, including requests
for copies of the proposed collection
Non–Profit Organizations Withinstrument and supporting documents,
out Credit Available Elsewhere .....................................
2.500 to Pamela Watkins, Department of State,
For Economic Injury:
Office of Directives Management, 1800
Non–Profit Organizations WithG Street NW., Suite 2400, Washington,
out Credit Available ElseDC 20522–2202 who may be reached at
where .....................................
2.500 watkinspk@state.gov.
The number assigned to this disaster
• Title of Information Collection:
for physical damage is 15047B and for
Generic Clearance for the Collection of
Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service
economic injury is 15048B.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
• OMB Control Number: 1405–0193.
Number 59008)
• Type of Request: Extension of a
Currently Approved Collection.
James E. Rivera,
• Originating Office: Office of
Associate Administrator for Disaster
Directives Management, A/GIS/DIR.
• Form Number: Various public
[FR Doc. 2017–03249 Filed 2–16–17; 8:45 am]
• Respondents: Individuals
responding to Department of State
customer service evaluation requests.
• Estimated Number of Respondents:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:38 Feb 16, 2017
Jkt 241001
PO 00000
Frm 00100
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
• Estimated Number of Responses:
• Average Time per Response: 3.5
• Total Estimated Burden Time:
18,958 annual hours.
• Frequency: Once per request.
• Obligation to Respond: Voluntary.
We are soliciting public comments to
permit the Department to:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper functions of the Department.
• Evaluate the accuracy of our
estimate of the time and cost burden for
this proposed collection, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used.
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
• Minimize the reporting burden on
those who are to respond, including the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
Please note that comments submitted
in response to this Notice are public
record. Before including any detailed
personal information, you should be
aware that your comments as submitted,
including your personal information,
will be available for public review.
Abstract of Proposed Collection
The information collection activity
will collect qualitative customer
feedback in an efficient, timely manner,
in accordance with the Administration’s
commitment to improving service
delivery. This qualitative feedback will
provide insights into customer
perceptions, experiences and
expectations, provide an early warning
of issues with service, or focus attention
on areas where communication, training
or changes in operations might improve
delivery of products or services. These
collections will allow for ongoing,
collaborative and actionable
communications between the Agency
and its customers. It will also allow
feedback to contribute directly to the
improvement of program management.
Feedback collected under this generic
clearance will provide useful
information, but it will not yield data
that can be used for quantitative
information collections that are
designed to yield reliably actionable
results, such as monitoring trends over
time or documenting program
performance. Such data uses require
more rigorous designs that address: The
target population to which
generalizations will be made, the
sampling frame, the sample design
(including stratification and clustering),
the precision requirements or power
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 32 / Friday, February 17, 2017 / Notices
calculations that justify the proposed
sample size, the expected response rate,
methods for assessing potential nonresponse bias, the protocols for data
collection, and any testing procedures
that were or will be undertaken prior
fielding the study. Depending on the
degree of influence the results are likely
to have, such collections may still be
eligible for submission for other generic
mechanisms that are designed to yield
quantitative results.
Respondents will fill out a brief
customer survey after completing their
interaction with a Department Office or
Embassy. Surveys are designed to gather
feedback on the customer’s experiences.
Janet Freer,
Director, Office of Directives Management,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2017–03227 Filed 2–16–17; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. EP 290 (Sub-No. 4)]
Railroad Cost Recovery Procedures—
Productivity Adjustment
Surface Transportation Board.
ACTION: Tentative Railroad Cost
Recovery Procedures Productivity
In a decision served on
February 14, 2017, the Surface
Transportation Board tentatively
adopted 1.020 (2.0% per year) as the
measure of average change in railroad
productivity for the 2011–2015 (fiveyear) averaging period. This value
represents an increase of 0.6% from the
average for the 2010–2014 period.
Because of the unique circumstances of
this year’s productivity adjustment
calculation, including the proposal of a
linking factor to address a change in
methodology in the calculation of an
input to the productivity adjustment,
the Board is making its productivity
adjustment tentative to allow public
comment on this approach. The Board
will hold a technical conference with
interested parties and Board staff.
DATES: A technical conference with
interested parties and Board staff will be
held on February 28, 2017, at 10:00 a.m.
Comments are due by March 16, 2017;
replies are due by April 5, 2017. This
decision adopting a tentative
productivity adjustment is effective on
March 1, 2017.
ADDRESSES: The technical conference
will be held in the Board’s Hearing
Room at 395 E Street SW., Washington,
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:38 Feb 16, 2017
Jkt 241001
DC 20423–0001. Send comments (an
original and 10 copies) referring to
Docket No. EP 290 (Sub-No. 4) to:
Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20423–
Pedro Ramirez, (202) 245–0333. Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) for the
hearing impaired, (800) 877–8339.
conference will be available on the
Board’s Web site by live video
streaming. To access the conference,
click on the ‘‘Live Video’’ link under
‘‘Information Center’’ at the left side of
the home page beginning at February 28,
2017, at 10:00 a.m.
Additional information is contained
in the Board’s decision, which is
available on the Board’s Web site at
https://www.stb.gov. Copies of the
decision may be purchased by
contacting the Board’s Office of Public
Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and
Compliance at (202) 245–0236.
Assistance for the hearing impaired is
available through FIRS at (800) 877–
Decided: February 13, 2017.
By the Board, Board Members Begeman,
Elliott, and Miller.
Raina S. Contee,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2017–03215 Filed 2–16–17; 8:45 am]
Release of Waybill Data
The Surface Transportation Board has
received a request from a student at Rice
University (WB17–09—2/13/17) for
permission to use unmasked data from
the Board’s 1984–2015 Carload Waybill
Samples. A copy of this request may be
obtained from the Office of Economics.
The waybill sample contains
confidential railroad and shipper data;
therefore, if any parties object to these
requests, they should file their
objections with the Director of the
Board’s Office of Economics within 14
calendar days of the date of this notice.
The rules for release of waybill data are
codified at 49 CFR 1244.9.
Contact: Alexander Dusenberry, (202)
Brendetta S. Jones,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2017–03206 Filed 2–16–17; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00101
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Highway Administration
Notice of Final Federal Agency Action
on State Highway 99 (Grand Parkway)
Segment B, From SH 288 to Interstate
Highway (IH) 45 South, Brazoria and
Galveston Counties, Texas
Texas Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of Limitation on Claims
for Judicial Review of Actions by
TxDOT and Federal Agencies.
This notice announces actions
taken by TxDOT and Federal agencies
that are final within the meaning of 23
U.S.C. 139(l)(1). The environmental
review, consultation, and other actions
required by applicable Federal
environmental laws for this project are
being, or have been, carried-out by
TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and
a Memorandum of Understanding dated
December 16, 2014 and executed by
FHWA and TxDOT. The actions relate
to a proposed highway project, State
Highway 99 (Grand Parkway) Segment
B, from SH 288 to IH 45 South, in
Brazoria and Galveston Counties in the
State of Texas. Those actions grant
licenses, permits, and approvals for the
project. Under MAP–21 section 1319,
TxDOT has issued a separate Final
Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
and Record of Decision (ROD) for this
DATES: By this notice, TxDOT is
advising the public of final agency
actions subject to 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). A
claim seeking judicial review of the
Federal agency actions on the highway
project will be barred unless the claim
is filed on or before July 17, 2017. If the
Federal law that authorizes judicial
review of a claim provides a time period
of less than 150 days for filing such
claim, then that shorter time period still
Carlos Swonke, P.G., Environmental
Affairs Division, Texas Department of
Transportation, 125 East 11th Street,
Austin, Texas 78701; telephone: (512)
416–2734; email: carlos.swonke@
txdot.gov. TxDOT’s normal business
hours are 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (central
time), Monday through Friday.
hereby given that TxDOT and Federal
agencies have taken final agency actions
by issuing licenses, permits, and
approvals for the following highway
project in the State of Texas: State
Highway 99 (Grand Parkway) Segment
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 32 (Friday, February 17, 2017)]
[Pages 11099-11100]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-03227]
[Public Notice 9834]
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Generic
Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service
ACTION: Notice of request for public comment.
SUMMARY: The Department of State is seeking Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval for the information collection described below.
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are
requesting comments on this collection from all interested individuals
and organizations. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for
public comment preceding submission of the collection to OMB.
DATES: The Department will accept comments from the public up to April
18, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
Web: Persons with access to the Internet may comment on
this notice by going to www.Regulations.gov. You can search for the
document by entering ``Docket Number: DOS-2016-0081'' in the Search
field. Then click the ``Comment Now'' button and complete the comment
Email: watkinspk@state.gov.
You must include the DS form number (if applicable), information
collection title, and the OMB control number in any correspondence.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Direct requests for additional
information regarding the collection listed in this notice, including
requests for copies of the proposed collection instrument and
supporting documents, to Pamela Watkins, Department of State, Office of
Directives Management, 1800 G Street NW., Suite 2400, Washington, DC
20522-2202 who may be reached at watkinspk@state.gov.
Title of Information Collection: Generic Clearance for the
Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery.
OMB Control Number: 1405-0193.
Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved
Originating Office: Office of Directives Management, A/
Form Number: Various public surveys.
Respondents: Individuals responding to Department of State
customer service evaluation requests.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 325,000.
Estimated Number of Responses: 325,000.
Average Time per Response: 3.5 minutes.
Total Estimated Burden Time: 18,958 annual hours.
Frequency: Once per request.
Obligation to Respond: Voluntary.
We are soliciting public comments to permit the Department to:
Evaluate whether the proposed information collection is
necessary for the proper functions of the Department.
Evaluate the accuracy of our estimate of the time and cost
burden for this proposed collection, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used.
Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected.
Minimize the reporting burden on those who are to respond,
including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Please note that comments submitted in response to this Notice are
public record. Before including any detailed personal information, you
should be aware that your comments as submitted, including your
personal information, will be available for public review.
Abstract of Proposed Collection
The information collection activity will collect qualitative
customer feedback in an efficient, timely manner, in accordance with
the Administration's commitment to improving service delivery. This
qualitative feedback will provide insights into customer perceptions,
experiences and expectations, provide an early warning of issues with
service, or focus attention on areas where communication, training or
changes in operations might improve delivery of products or services.
These collections will allow for ongoing, collaborative and actionable
communications between the Agency and its customers. It will also allow
feedback to contribute directly to the improvement of program
Feedback collected under this generic clearance will provide useful
information, but it will not yield data that can be used for
quantitative information collections that are designed to yield
reliably actionable results, such as monitoring trends over time or
documenting program performance. Such data uses require more rigorous
designs that address: The target population to which generalizations
will be made, the sampling frame, the sample design (including
stratification and clustering), the precision requirements or power
[[Page 11100]]
calculations that justify the proposed sample size, the expected
response rate, methods for assessing potential non-response bias, the
protocols for data collection, and any testing procedures that were or
will be undertaken prior fielding the study. Depending on the degree of
influence the results are likely to have, such collections may still be
eligible for submission for other generic mechanisms that are designed
to yield quantitative results.
Respondents will fill out a brief customer survey after completing
their interaction with a Department Office or Embassy. Surveys are
designed to gather feedback on the customer's experiences.
Janet Freer,
Director, Office of Directives Management, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2017-03227 Filed 2-16-17; 8:45 am]