Sunshine Act Meeting, 8214-8217 [2017-01721]

Download as PDF sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES 8214 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 24, 2017 / Notices Department sponsoring the collection: There is no agency form number applicable to this survey. 4. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Federal, state, local, and tribal government law enforcement agencies to which the NCAVC has provided investigative assistance. Abstract: The mission of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) combines investigative and operational support functions, research, and training in order to provide assistance, without charge, to law enforcement agencies investigating unusual or repetitive violent crimes. The NCAVC also provides support through expertise and consultation in non-violent matters such as national security, corruption, and white-collar crime investigations. 5. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: It is estimated that 100 respondents per calendar year will be contacted to complete a survey consisting of 11 questions. An approximate non-response rate of 50% is anticipated. It is estimated that a burden of approximately three to five minutes, or .05 to .08 hours, will be cast upon each respondent to complete the survey, with a total estimate of five to 8.3 hours in a calendar year for all respondents combined, if all respondents complete a survey. If the expected non-response rate of 50% holds true, then the combined burden estimate drops to approximately 2.5 to 4.2 hours per calendar year. The NCAVC estimates little to no variability within this time estimate based upon on individualized data retrieval systems, availability of requested data, and other variables, because this survey is intended to assess customer satisfaction rather than generate empirical data. 6. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: 20–32 annual burden hours. If additional information is required contact: Melody Braswell, Department Clearance Officer, United States Department of Justice, Justice Management Division, Policy and Planning Staff, Two Constitution Square, 145 N Street NE., 3E.405B, Washington, DC 20530. Dated: September 30, 2016. Melody Braswell, Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S. Department of Justice. [FR Doc. 2017–01495 Filed 1–23–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410–02–P VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Jan 23, 2017 Jkt 241001 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Parole Commission Sunshine Act Meeting TIME AND DATE: 11:00 a.m., January 25, 2017. U.S. Parole Commission, 90 K Street NE., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC. STATUS: Open. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: Approval of October 26, 2016 minutes; Reports from the Vice Chairman, Commissioners and Senior Staff; Hearings by Video Conference; Transfer Treaty; Medical Parole-Federal Population. CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Jacqueline Graham, Staff Assistant to the Chairman, U.S. Parole Commission, 90 K Street NE., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20530, (202) 346–7010. PLACE: Dated: January 19, 2017. J. Patricia W. Smoot, Chairman, U.S. Parole Commission. [FR Doc. 2017–01693 Filed 1–19–17; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 4410–31–P DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Parole Commission Sunshine Act Meeting 12:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 25, 2017. PLACE: U.S. Parole Commission, 90 K Street NE., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC. STATUS: Closed. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: Determination on three original jurisdiction cases. TIME AND DATE: CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Jacqueline Graham, Staff Assistant to the Chairman, U.S. Parole Commission, 90 K Street NE., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20530, (202) 346–7010. Dated: January 19, 2017. J. Patricia W. Smoot, Chairman, U.S. Parole Commission. [FR Doc. 2017–01691 Filed 1–19–17; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 4410–31–P LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sunshine Act Meeting The Legal Services Corporation’s Board of Directors and its six committees will meet January 26–28, 2017. On Thursday, January 26, the first meeting will commence at 1:15 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST), with the meeting thereafter commencing promptly upon adjournment of the DATE AND TIME: PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 immediately preceding meeting. On Friday, January 27, the first meeting will commence at 2:00 p.m., EST, with the next meeting commencing promptly upon adjournment of the immediately preceding meeting. On Saturday, January 28, the first meeting will commence at 9:30 a.m., EST and will be followed by the closed session meeting of the Board of Directors that will commence promptly upon adjournment of the prior meeting. LOCATION: The Hyatt Regency Atlanta, 265 Peachtree Street, NE., Atlanta, Georgia 30303. PUBLIC OBSERVATION: Unless otherwise noted herein, the Board and all committee meetings will be open to public observation. Members of the public who are unable to attend in person but wish to listen to the public proceedings may do so by following the telephone call-in directions provided below. CALL-IN DIRECTIONS FOR OPEN SESSIONS: • Call toll-free number: 1–866–451– 4981; • When prompted, enter the following numeric pass code: 5907707348 • Once connected to the call, your telephone line will be automatically ‘‘MUTED’’. • To participate in the meeting during public comment press #6 to ‘‘UNMUTE’’ your telephone line, once you have concluded your comments please press *6 to ‘‘MUTE’’ your line. Members of the public are asked to keep their telephones muted to eliminate background noises. To avoid disrupting the meeting, please refrain from placing the call on hold if doing so will trigger recorded music or other sound. From time to time, the presiding Chair may solicit comments from the public. MEETING SCHEDULE Time * Thursday, January 26, 2017: 1. Operations & Regulations Committee. 2. Governance and Performance Review Committee Friday, January 27, 2017: 1. Delivery of Legal Services Committee. 2. Institutional Advancement Committee 3. Communications Subcommittee of the Institutional Advancement Committee 4. Combined Audit and Finance Committee 5. Finance Committee 6. Audit Committee Saturday, January 28, 2017: E:\FR\FM\24JAN1.SGM 24JAN1 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 24, 2017 / Notices MEETING SCHEDULE—Continued Time * 1. Board of Directors ................ 9:30 a.m. Open, except as noted below. Board of Directors—Open, except that, upon a vote of the Board of Directors, a portion of the meeting may be closed to the public to hear briefings by management and LSC’s Inspector General, and to consider and act on the General Counsel’s report on potential and pending litigation involving LSC, and on a list of prospective funders.** Institutional Advancement Committee—Open, except that, upon a vote of the Board of Directors, the meeting may be closed to the public to consider and act on recommendation of new prospective donors and to receive a briefing on the donor report.** Audit Committee—Open, except that the meeting may be closed to the public to hear a briefing on the Office of Compliance and Enforcement’s active enforcement matters.** Combined Audit and Finance Committee—Open, except that the meeting may be closed to the public to hear a briefing from the Corporation’s Auditor.** A verbatim written transcript will be made of the closed session of the Board, Institutional Advancement Committee, Audit Committee, and Combined Audit and Finance Committee meetings. The transcript of any portions of the closed sessions falling within the relevant provisions of the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6) and (10), will not be available for public inspection. A copy of the General Counsel’s Certification that, in his opinion, the closing is authorized by law will be available upon request. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: STATUS OF MEETING: January 26, 2017 OPERATIONS & REGULATIONS COMMITTEE sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Open Session meeting of October 16, 2016 3. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s telephonic Open * Please note that all times in this notice are in Eastern Standard Time. ** Any portion of the closed session consisting solely of briefings does not fall within the Sunshine Act’s definition of the term ‘‘meeting’’ and, therefore, the requirements of the Sunshine Act do not apply to such portion of the closed session. 5 U.S.C. 552b(a)(2) and (b). See also 45 CFR 1622.2 & 1622.3. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Jan 23, 2017 Jkt 241001 Session meeting of November 22, 2016 4. Consider and act on Resolution #2017–XXX, Revisions to the Operations and Regulations Committee Charter 5. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2016 and goals for 2017 6. Discussion of Management’s report on implementation of the Strategic Plan 2012–2016 as provided by Section VI (3) of the Committee Charter • Jim Sandman, President 7. Consider and act on Final Rule for 45 CFR Parts1610—Use of Non-LSC Funds, Transfers of LSC Funds, Program Integrity; 1627—Subgrants and Membership Fees or Dues, and 1630—Cost Standards and Procedures • Ron Flagg, General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs • Stefanie Davis, Assistant General Counsel • Mark Freedman, Senior Associate General Counsel 8. Consider and act on Proposed Rule for 45 CFR part 1609—Fee Generating Cases • Ron Flagg, General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs • Stefanie Davis, Assistant General Counsel 9. Other public comment 10. Consider and act on other business 11. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting January 26, 2017 GOVERNANCE AND PERFORMANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Open Session meeting on October 17, 2016 3. Consider and act on Resolution #2017–XXX, Revisions to the Governance and Performance Review Committee Charter 4. Discussion of Board and Committee evaluations Review Committee Charter a. Staff Report on 2016 Board and Committee Evaluations b. Discussion of Governance and Performance Committee evaluations for 2016 and the Committee’s goals for 2017 • Carol Bergman, Director of Government Relations & Public Affairs 5. Discussion of President’s evaluation 2016 6. Discussion of the Inspector General’s FY 2016 activities PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 8215 7. Update on transition planning • Report on White House transition, Carol Bergman, Vice President for Government Relations & Public Affairs • Report on Board transition, Ron Flagg, General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs 8. Report on foundation grants and LSC’s research agenda • Jim Sandman, President 9. Consider and act on other business 10. Public comment 11. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting January 27, 2017 DELIVERY OF LEGAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Open Session meeting on October 17, 2016 3. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2016 and the Committee’s goals for 2017 4. Panel presentation and Committee discussion on follow-up of outcomes achieved in limited services • Steve Gottlieb, Executive Director, Atlanta Legal Aid Society • Kristin Verrill, Director of Grants and Innovation, Atlanta Legal Aid Society • Vicky Kimbrell, Family Violence Project Director, Georgia Legal Services Program • Janet LaBella, Director, Office of Program Performance (Moderator) 5. Public comment 6. Consider and act on other business 7. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting January 27, 2017 INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Open Session meeting of October 16, 2016 3. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Open Session telephonic meeting of November 2, 2016 4. Consider and act on Resolution #2017–XXX, Revision to the Institutional Advancement Committee Charter 5. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2016 and the Committee’s goals of 2017 6. Update on Leaders Council • John G. Levi, Chairman of the Board E:\FR\FM\24JAN1.SGM 24JAN1 8216 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 24, 2017 / Notices Closed Session 7. Development report • Jim Sandman, President 8. Public Comment 9. Consider and act on other business 10. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the open session meeting and proceed to a closed session Closed Session 11. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Closed Session meeting of October 16, 2016 12. Development activities report 13. Consider and act on motion to approve Leaders Council invitees 14. Consider and act on other business 15. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Subcommittee’s Open Session meeting of October 16, 2016 3. Consider and act on Resolution #2017–XXX, Adoption of the Communications Subcommittee Charter 4. Discussion of Subcommittee’s evaluations for 2016 and the Subcommittee’s goals for 2017 5. Communications analytics update • Carl Rauscher, Director of Communications and Media Relations 6. Public comment 7. Consider and act on other business 8. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting January 27, 2017 COMBINED AUDIT & FINANCE COMMITTEE sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Presentation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Annual Financial Audit • John Seeba, Assistant Inspector General for Audits • Eric Strauss, and David Karakashian, WithumSmith+Brown 3. Consider and act on acceptance of Annual Financial Audit Management Letter for FY 2016, Resolution 2017–XXX 4. Presentation of Financial Report for FY 2016 5. Review of LSC’s Form 990 for FY 2016 6. Public comment 7. Consider and act on other business 8. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the open session meeting and proceed to a closed session VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Jan 23, 2017 Jkt 241001 9. Communication by Corporate Auditor with those charged with governance under Statement on Auditing Standard 114 • Jeffrey Schanz, Inspector General • John Seeba, Assistant Inspector General for Audits • Eric Strauss, and David Karakashian, WithumSmith+Brown 10. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting January 27, 2017 FINANCE COMMITTEE Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Open Session meeting on October 16, 2016 3. Consider and act on Resolution #2017–XXX, Revision to the Finance Committee Charter 4. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2016 and the Committee’s goals of 2017 5. Presentation of LSC’s Financial Report for the first two months of FY 2017 • David Richardson, Treasurer/ Comptroller 6. Discussion of LSC’s FY 2017 appropriations • Carol Bergman, Vice President for Government Relations & Public Affairs 7. Consider and act on Resolution #2017–XXX, LSC’s Revised Operating Budget for FY 2017 • David Richardson, Treasurer/ Comptroller 8. Discussion of LSC’s FY 2018 appropriations request • Carol Bergman, Director of Government Relations & Public Affairs 9. Report on the Selection of Accounts and Depositories for LSC Funds • David Richardson, Treasurer/ Comptroller 10. Public comment 11. Consider and act on other business 12. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting January 27, 2017 AUDIT COMMITTEE Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Open Session meeting on October 16, 2016 3. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2016 and the Committee’s Goals for 2017 4. Briefing of Office of Inspector General PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 • Jeffrey Schanz, Inspector General • John Seeba, Assistant Inspector General for Audits 5. Management update regarding risk management • Ron Flagg, General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs 6. Briefing about follow-up by the Office of Compliance and Enforcement on referrals by the Office of Inspector General regarding audit reports and annual Independent Public audits of grantees • Lora Rath, Director of Compliance and Enforcement • John Seeba, Assistant IG for Audits 7. Public comment 8. Consider and act on other business 9. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the open session meeting and proceed to a closed session Closed Session 10. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s Closed Session meeting of October 16, 2016 11. Briefing by the Office of Compliance and Enforcement on active enforcement matter(s) and followup to open investigation referrals from the Office of Inspector General • Lora Rath, Director of Compliance and Enforcement 12. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting January 28, 2017 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Open Session 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of agenda 3. Approval of minutes of the Board’s Open Session meeting of October 18, 2016 4. Approval of minutes of the Board’s Open Session telephonic meeting of November 22, 2016 5. Consider and act on nomination for the Chairman of the Board Directors 6. Consider and act on nominations for the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors 7. Chairman’s Report 8. Members’ Report 9. President’s Report 10. Inspector General’s Report 11. Consider and act on the report of the Finance Committee 12. Consider and act on the report of the Audit Committee 13. Consider and act on the Combined Audit and Finance Committee 14. Consider and act on the report of the Operations and Regulations Committee 15. Consider and act on the report of the Governance and Performance Review Committee E:\FR\FM\24JAN1.SGM 24JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 24, 2017 / Notices 16. Consider and act on the report of the Institutional Advancement Committee 17. Consider and act on the report of the Delivery of Legal Services Committee 18. Consider and act on Resolution #2017–XXX, In Memoriam Bertrand Thomas 19. Public comment 20. Consider and act on other business 21. Consider and act on whether to authorize an executive session of the Board to address items listed below, under Closed Session Closed Session 22. Approval of minutes of the Board’s Closed Session meeting of October 18, 2016 23. Briefing by Management 24. Briefing by Inspector General 25. Consider and act on General Counsel’s report on potential and pending litigation Involving LSC 26. Consider and act on list of prospective Leaders Council members 27. Consider and act on motion to adjourn meeting CONTACT PERSON FOR INFORMATION: Katherine Ward, Executive Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel, at (202) 295–1500. Questions may be sent by electronic mail to FR_NOTICE_ NON-CONFIDENTIAL MEETING MATERIALS: Non-confidential meeting materials will be made available in electronic format at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting on the LSC Web site, at https:// board-meeting-notices/non-confidentialmaterials-be-considered-open-session. LSC complies with the American’s with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Upon request, meeting notices and materials will be made available in alternative formats to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Individuals who need other accommodations due to disability in order to attend the meeting in person or telephonically should contact Katherine Ward, at (202) 295–1500 or FR_, at least 2 business days in advance of the meeting. If a request is made without advance notice, LSC will make every effort to accommodate the request but cannot guarantee that all requests can be fulfilled. sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES ACCESSIBILITY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Jan 23, 2017 Jkt 241001 Dated: January 19, 2017. Katherine Ward, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Legal Affairs, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary. [FR Doc. 2017–01721 Filed 1–19–17; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 7050–01–P NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Proposal Review Panel for Physics; Notice of Meeting In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub., L. 92– 463, as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the following meeting: Name: Proposal Review Panel for the Division of Physics (1208) (V170894)— Site Visit. Date and Time: February 16, 2017; 8:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. February 17, 2017; 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Place: University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (UND). Type of Meeting: Part-Open. Contact Person: Allena Opper, Program Director for Nuclear Precision Measurements, Division of Physics, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 1015, Arlington, VA 22230; Telephone: (703) 292–8958. Purpose of Meeting: Site visit to provide an evaluation of the progress of the projects at the host site for the Division of Physics at the National Science Foundation. Agenda February 16, 2017; 8:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Executive Session—Closed 8:30 a.m. Welcome Dean/VP 8:50 a.m. Introduction (Wiescher) 9:20 a.m. Anna Simon 9:45 a.m. Manoel Couder 10:10 a.m. Coffee Break 10:30 a.m. Dan Bardayan 10:55 a.m. Michael Wiescher 11:20 a.m. Ani Aprahamian 11:45 a.m. Executive Session—Closed 12:15 p.m. Lunch with grad students and post docs 1:30 p.m. Maxime Brodeur 1:55 p.m. Tan Ahn 2:20 p.m. Umesh Garg 2:45 p.m. Lab Tour/Poster Session/ Coffee break 4:30 p.m. Phillippe Collon 4:55 p.m. Graham Peaslee 5:20 p.m. Micha Kilburn 5:45 p.m. Executive Session—Closed 7:00 p.m. Dinner February 17, 2017; 8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. PO 00000 Executive Session—Closed Executive Session—Closed Frm 00044 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 8217 9:00 a.m. Answer to questions 11:00 p.m. Executive Session—Closed 1:00 p.m. Close Out Session Reason for Closing: Topics to be discussed and evaluated during closed portions of the site review will include information of a proprietary or confidential nature, including technical information and information on personnel. These matters are exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c), (4) and (6) of the Government in the Sunshine Act. Dated: January 18, 2017. Crystal Robinson, Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 2017–01526 Filed 1–23–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7555–01–P NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Proposal Review Panel for Physics; Notice of Meeting In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub., L. 92– 463, as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the following meeting: Name: Proposal Review Panel for the Division of Physics (1208) (V170844)— Site Visit. Date and Time: February 13, 2017; 8:00 a.m.–6:35 p.m. February 14, 2017; 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Place: Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 (FSU). Type of Meeting: Part-Open. Contact Person: Allena Opper, Program Director for Nuclear Precision Measurements, Division of Physics, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 1015, Arlington, VA 22230; Telephone: (703) 292–8958. Purpose of Meeting: Site visit to provide an evaluation of the progress of the projects at the host site for the Division of Physics at the National Science Foundation. Agenda February 13, 2017; 8:00 a.m.–6:35 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Executive Session—Closed 8:30 a.m. Overview (Wiedenhoever) 9:00 a.m. Nuclear Astrophysics and Fusion (Almaraz-Calderon) 9:45 a.m. Lab tour and coffee break 11:15 a.m. Relativistic Heavy Ions (Frawley) 12:00 p.m. Executive Session—Closed 12:30 p.m. Lunch with students 1:15 p.m. Exotic Nuclei (Tabor) 2:00 p.m. Nuclei at the extremes (Riley) 2:45 p.m. Evolution of Shell Structure (Cottle) 3:30 p.m. Education, Broader Impacts 4:00 p.m. Executive Session—Closed E:\FR\FM\24JAN1.SGM 24JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 14 (Tuesday, January 24, 2017)]
[Pages 8214-8217]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-01721]



Sunshine Act Meeting

DATE AND TIME:  The Legal Services Corporation's Board of Directors and 
its six committees will meet January 26-28, 2017. On Thursday, January 
26, the first meeting will commence at 1:15 p.m., Eastern Standard Time 
(EST), with the meeting thereafter commencing promptly upon adjournment 
of the immediately preceding meeting. On Friday, January 27, the first 
meeting will commence at 2:00 p.m., EST, with the next meeting 
commencing promptly upon adjournment of the immediately preceding 
meeting. On Saturday, January 28, the first meeting will commence at 
9:30 a.m., EST and will be followed by the closed session meeting of 
the Board of Directors that will commence promptly upon adjournment of 
the prior meeting.

LOCATION:  The Hyatt Regency Atlanta, 265 Peachtree Street, NE., 
Atlanta, Georgia 30303.

PUBLIC OBSERVATION:  Unless otherwise noted herein, the Board and all 
committee meetings will be open to public observation. Members of the 
public who are unable to attend in person but wish to listen to the 
public proceedings may do so by following the telephone call-in 
directions provided below.

     Call toll-free number: 1-866-451-4981;
     When prompted, enter the following numeric pass code: 
     Once connected to the call, your telephone line will be 
automatically ``MUTED''.
     To participate in the meeting during public comment press 
#6 to ``UNMUTE'' your telephone line, once you have concluded your 
comments please press *6 to ``MUTE'' your line.
    Members of the public are asked to keep their telephones muted to 
eliminate background noises. To avoid disrupting the meeting, please 
refrain from placing the call on hold if doing so will trigger recorded 
music or other sound. From time to time, the presiding Chair may 
solicit comments from the public.

                            Meeting Schedule
                                                        Time *
Thursday, January 26, 2017:
  1. Operations & Regulations Committee....  1:15 p.m.
  2. Governance and Performance Review
Friday, January 27, 2017:
  1. Delivery of Legal Services Committee..  2:00 p.m.
  2. Institutional Advancement Committee
  3. Communications Subcommittee of the
   Institutional Advancement Committee
  4. Combined Audit and Finance Committee
  5. Finance Committee
  6. Audit Committee
Saturday, January 28, 2017:

[[Page 8215]]

  1. Board of Directors....................  9:30 a.m.

STATUS OF MEETING:  Open, except as noted below.
    Board of Directors--Open, except that, upon a vote of the Board of 
Directors, a portion of the meeting may be closed to the public to hear 
briefings by management and LSC's Inspector General, and to consider 
and act on the General Counsel's report on potential and pending 
litigation involving LSC, and on a list of prospective funders.\**\

    \*\ Please note that all times in this notice are in Eastern 
Standard Time.
    \**\ Any portion of the closed session consisting solely of 
briefings does not fall within the Sunshine Act's definition of the 
term ``meeting'' and, therefore, the requirements of the Sunshine 
Act do not apply to such portion of the closed session. 5 U.S.C. 
552b(a)(2) and (b). See also 45 CFR 1622.2 & 1622.3.

    Institutional Advancement Committee--Open, except that, upon a vote 
of the Board of Directors, the meeting may be closed to the public to 
consider and act on recommendation of new prospective donors and to 
receive a briefing on the donor report.\**\
    Audit Committee--Open, except that the meeting may be closed to the 
public to hear a briefing on the Office of Compliance and Enforcement's 
active enforcement matters.\**\
    Combined Audit and Finance Committee--Open, except that the meeting 
may be closed to the public to hear a briefing from the Corporation's 
    A verbatim written transcript will be made of the closed session of 
the Board, Institutional Advancement Committee, Audit Committee, and 
Combined Audit and Finance Committee meetings. The transcript of any 
portions of the closed sessions falling within the relevant provisions 
of the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6) and (10), 
will not be available for public inspection. A copy of the General 
Counsel's Certification that, in his opinion, the closing is authorized 
by law will be available upon request.


January 26, 2017


Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Open Session meeting of 
October 16, 2016
3. Approval of minutes of the Committee's telephonic Open Session 
meeting of November 22, 2016
4. Consider and act on Resolution #2017-XXX, Revisions to the 
Operations and Regulations Committee Charter
5. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2016 and goals for 2017
6. Discussion of Management's report on implementation of the Strategic 
Plan 2012-2016 as provided by Section VI (3) of the Committee Charter
     Jim Sandman, President
7. Consider and act on Final Rule for 45 CFR Parts1610--Use of Non-LSC 
Funds, Transfers of LSC Funds, Program Integrity; 1627--Subgrants and 
Membership Fees or Dues, and 1630--Cost Standards and Procedures
     Ron Flagg, General Counsel and Vice President for Legal 
     Stefanie Davis, Assistant General Counsel
     Mark Freedman, Senior Associate General Counsel
8. Consider and act on Proposed Rule for 45 CFR part 1609--Fee 
Generating Cases
     Ron Flagg, General Counsel and Vice President for Legal 
     Stefanie Davis, Assistant General Counsel
9. Other public comment
10. Consider and act on other business
11. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting

January 26, 2017


Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Open Session meeting on 
October 17, 2016
3. Consider and act on Resolution #2017-XXX, Revisions to the 
Governance and Performance Review Committee Charter
4. Discussion of Board and Committee evaluations Review Committee 
    a. Staff Report on 2016 Board and Committee Evaluations
    b. Discussion of Governance and Performance Committee evaluations 
for 2016 and the Committee's goals for 2017
     Carol Bergman, Director of Government Relations & Public 
5. Discussion of President's evaluation 2016
6. Discussion of the Inspector General's FY 2016 activities
7. Update on transition planning
     Report on White House transition, Carol Bergman, Vice 
President for Government Relations & Public Affairs
     Report on Board transition, Ron Flagg, General Counsel and 
Vice President for Legal Affairs
8. Report on foundation grants and LSC's research agenda
     Jim Sandman, President
9. Consider and act on other business
10. Public comment
11. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting

January 27, 2017


Open Session

1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Open Session meeting on 
October 17, 2016
3. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2016 and the Committee's 
goals for 2017
4. Panel presentation and Committee discussion on follow-up of outcomes 
achieved in limited services
     Steve Gottlieb, Executive Director, Atlanta Legal Aid 
     Kristin Verrill, Director of Grants and Innovation, 
Atlanta Legal Aid Society
     Vicky Kimbrell, Family Violence Project Director, Georgia 
Legal Services Program
     Janet LaBella, Director, Office of Program Performance 
5. Public comment
6. Consider and act on other business
7. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

January 27, 2017


Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Open Session meeting of 
October 16, 2016
3. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Open Session telephonic 
meeting of November 2, 2016
4. Consider and act on Resolution #2017-XXX, Revision to the 
Institutional Advancement Committee Charter
5. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2016 and the Committee's 
goals of 2017
6. Update on Leaders Council
     John G. Levi, Chairman of the Board

[[Page 8216]]

7. Development report
     Jim Sandman, President
8. Public Comment
9. Consider and act on other business
10. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the open session meeting and 
proceed to a closed session
Closed Session
11. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Closed Session meeting of 
October 16, 2016
12. Development activities report
13. Consider and act on motion to approve Leaders Council invitees
14. Consider and act on other business
15. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting


Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Subcommittee's Open Session meeting of 
October 16, 2016
3. Consider and act on Resolution #2017-XXX, Adoption of the 
Communications Subcommittee Charter
4. Discussion of Subcommittee's evaluations for 2016 and the 
Subcommittee's goals for 2017
5. Communications analytics update
     Carl Rauscher, Director of Communications and Media 
6. Public comment
7. Consider and act on other business
8. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

January 27, 2017


Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Presentation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Annual Financial Audit
     John Seeba, Assistant Inspector General for Audits
     Eric Strauss, and David Karakashian, WithumSmith+Brown
3. Consider and act on acceptance of Annual Financial Audit Management 
Letter for FY 2016, Resolution 2017-XXX
4. Presentation of Financial Report for FY 2016
5. Review of LSC's Form 990 for FY 2016
6. Public comment
7. Consider and act on other business
8. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the open session meeting and 
proceed to a closed session
Closed Session
9. Communication by Corporate Auditor with those charged with 
governance under Statement on Auditing Standard 114
     Jeffrey Schanz, Inspector General
     John Seeba, Assistant Inspector General for Audits
     Eric Strauss, and David Karakashian, WithumSmith+Brown
10. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

January 27, 2017


Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Open Session meeting on 
October 16, 2016
3. Consider and act on Resolution #2017-XXX, Revision to the Finance 
Committee Charter
4. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2016 and the Committee's 
goals of 2017
5. Presentation of LSC's Financial Report for the first two months of 
FY 2017
     David Richardson, Treasurer/Comptroller
6. Discussion of LSC's FY 2017 appropriations
     Carol Bergman, Vice President for Government Relations & 
Public Affairs
7. Consider and act on Resolution #2017-XXX, LSC's Revised Operating 
Budget for FY 2017
     David Richardson, Treasurer/Comptroller
8. Discussion of LSC's FY 2018 appropriations request
     Carol Bergman, Director of Government Relations & Public 
9. Report on the Selection of Accounts and Depositories for LSC Funds
     David Richardson, Treasurer/Comptroller
10. Public comment
11. Consider and act on other business
12. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting

January 27, 2017


Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Open Session meeting on 
October 16, 2016
3. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2016 and the Committee's 
Goals for 2017
4. Briefing of Office of Inspector General
     Jeffrey Schanz, Inspector General
     John Seeba, Assistant Inspector General for Audits
5. Management update regarding risk management
     Ron Flagg, General Counsel and Vice President for Legal 
6. Briefing about follow-up by the Office of Compliance and Enforcement 
on referrals by the Office of Inspector General regarding audit reports 
and annual Independent Public audits of grantees
     Lora Rath, Director of Compliance and Enforcement
     John Seeba, Assistant IG for Audits
7. Public comment
8. Consider and act on other business
9. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the open session meeting and 
proceed to a closed session
Closed Session
10. Approval of minutes of the Committee's Closed Session meeting of 
October 16, 2016
11. Briefing by the Office of Compliance and Enforcement on active 
enforcement matter(s) and follow-up to open investigation referrals 
from the Office of Inspector General
     Lora Rath, Director of Compliance and Enforcement
12. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting

January 28, 2017


Open Session
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of agenda
3. Approval of minutes of the Board's Open Session meeting of October 
18, 2016
4. Approval of minutes of the Board's Open Session telephonic meeting 
of November 22, 2016
5. Consider and act on nomination for the Chairman of the Board 
6. Consider and act on nominations for the Vice Chairman of the Board 
of Directors
7. Chairman's Report
8. Members' Report
9. President's Report
10. Inspector General's Report
11. Consider and act on the report of the Finance Committee
12. Consider and act on the report of the Audit Committee
13. Consider and act on the Combined Audit and Finance Committee
14. Consider and act on the report of the Operations and Regulations 
15. Consider and act on the report of the Governance and Performance 
Review Committee

[[Page 8217]]

16. Consider and act on the report of the Institutional Advancement 
17. Consider and act on the report of the Delivery of Legal Services 
18. Consider and act on Resolution #2017-XXX, In Memoriam Bertrand 
19. Public comment
20. Consider and act on other business
21. Consider and act on whether to authorize an executive session of 
the Board to address items listed below, under Closed Session
Closed Session
22. Approval of minutes of the Board's Closed Session meeting of 
October 18, 2016
23. Briefing by Management
24. Briefing by Inspector General
25. Consider and act on General Counsel's report on potential and 
pending litigation Involving LSC
26. Consider and act on list of prospective Leaders Council members
27. Consider and act on motion to adjourn meeting

CONTACT PERSON FOR INFORMATION:  Katherine Ward, Executive Assistant to 
the Vice President & General Counsel, at (202) 295-1500. Questions may 
be sent by electronic mail to

NON-CONFIDENTIAL MEETING MATERIALS:  Non-confidential meeting materials 
will be made available in electronic format at least 24 hours in 
advance of the meeting on the LSC Web site, at

ACCESSIBILITY:  LSC complies with the American's with Disabilities Act 
and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Upon request, meeting 
notices and materials will be made available in alternative formats to 
accommodate individuals with disabilities. Individuals who need other 
accommodations due to disability in order to attend the meeting in 
person or telephonically should contact Katherine Ward, at (202) 295-
1500 or, at least 2 business days in 
advance of the meeting. If a request is made without advance notice, 
LSC will make every effort to accommodate the request but cannot 
guarantee that all requests can be fulfilled.

    Dated: January 19, 2017.
Katherine Ward,
Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Legal Affairs, General 
Counsel & Corporate Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017-01721 Filed 1-19-17; 4:15 pm]
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