California State Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Standards; Amendments to On-Highway Heavy-Duty Vehicle In-Use Compliance Program, Amendments to 2007 and Subsequent Model Year On-Highway Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles, and Amendments to Truck Requirements; Notice of Decision, 4867-4873 [2017-00940]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2017 / Notices
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Dated: January 6, 2017.
Lorie J. Schmidt,
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[FR Doc. 2017–00942 Filed 1–13–17; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0017; FRL9958–38–
California State Motor Vehicle
Pollution Control Standards;
Amendments to On-Highway HeavyDuty Vehicle In-Use Compliance
Program, Amendments to 2007 and
Subsequent Model Year On-Highway
Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles, and
Amendments to Truck Requirements;
Notice of Decision
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Notice of decision.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (‘‘EPA’’) is granting the
California Air Resources Board’s
(‘‘CARB’s’’) request for a waiver of Clean
Air Act preemption for its On-Highway
Heavy-Duty Vehicle In-Use Compliance
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program (‘‘In-Use Regulation’’). EPA is
also confirming that CARB’s
amendments to its 2007 and Subsequent
Model Year On-Highway Heavy-Duty
Engines and Vehicles regulation (‘‘2007
Amendments’’) and CARB’s
amendments to its Truck Idling
requirements (‘‘Truck Idling
Amendments’’) are within the scope of
previous waivers issued by EPA. The InUse Regulation establishes a
manufacturer-run in-use compliance
program using portable emission
measurement systems (‘‘PEMS’’). The
2007 Amendments specify the NOX
emission standard for heavy- and
medium-duty diesel engines to two
significant figures and provide
manufacturers the option to certify
chassis-certified diesel vehicles within
the phase-in compliance provisions of
the 2007 and Subsequent Model Year
On-Highway Heavy-Duty Engines and
Vehicles regulation. The Truck Idling
Amendments exempt armored cars and
workover rigs (a mobile self-propelled
rig used to perform remedial operations
on producing oil or gas wells to restore
or increase well production) from the
new engine requirements of the
preexisting California Truck Idling
regulation. This decision is issued
under the authority of the Clean Air Act
(‘‘CAA’’ or ‘‘the Act’’).
DATES: Petitions for review must be filed
by March 20, 2017.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0017. All
documents relied upon in making this
decision, including those submitted to
EPA by CARB, are contained in the
public docket. Publicly available docket
materials are available either
electronically through or in hard copy at
the Air and Radiation Docket in the EPA
Headquarters Library, EPA West
Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC. The
Public Reading Room is open to the
public on all federal government
working days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m.; generally, it is open Monday
through Friday, excluding holidays. The
telephone number for the Reading Room
is (202) 566–1744. The Air and
Radiation Docket and Information
Center’s Web site is
oar/docket.html. The email address for
the Air and Radiation Docket is:, the telephone
number is (202) 566–1742, and the fax
number is (202) 566–9744. An
electronic version of the public docket
is available through the federal
government’s electronic public docket
and comment system at https://
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2017 / Notices After opening the Web site, enter
EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0017 in the ‘‘Enter
Keyword or ID’’ fill-in box to view
documents in the record. Although a
part of the official docket, the public
docket does not include Confidential
Business Information (‘‘CBI’’) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute.
EPA’s Office of Transportation and
Air Quality (‘‘OTAQ’’) maintains a Web
page that contains general information
on its review of California waiver and
authorization requests. Included on that
page are links to prior waiver Federal
Register notices, some of which are
cited in today’s notice; the page can be
accessed at
David Dickinson, Office of
Transportation and Air Quality, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Telephone:
(202) 343–9256. Email:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
I. Background
On August 19, 2005, EPA granted
California a waiver of preemption
pursuant to section 209(b) of the CAA,
42 U.S.C. 7543(b), for CARB’s
amendments to its heavy-duty diesel
engine standards for 2007 and
subsequent model year (MY) vehicles
and engines and related test procedures,
including not-to-exceed (‘‘NTE’’) and
supplemental steady-state tests to
determine compliance with applicable
standards (‘‘2007 California HDDE
standards’’).1 Those standards apply to
all heavy-duty diesel engines, and align
California’s standards and test
procedures with corresponding federal
standards and test procedures. In 2010
EPA granted California a waiver of
preemption for CARB’s adoption of
amendments applicable to 2008 and
subsequent MY heavy-duty Otto-cycle
engines.2 In 2005, CARB adopted truck
idling requirements, including an
element whereby new Californiacertified 2008 and subsequent MY onroad diesel engines in trucks with a
gross vehicle weight rating (‘‘GVWR’’)
greater than 14,000 pounds were
required to be equipped with a system
that automatically shuts down the
engine after five minutes of continuous
idling (‘‘Truck Idling regulation’’). In
lieu of the automatic engine shutdown
systems, manufacturers are allowed to
optionally certify engines to a NOX
1 70
FR 50322 (August 26, 2005).
2 75 FR 70237 (November 17, 2010).
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idling emission standard. EPA granted a
waiver for the Truck Idling regulation in
CARB’s In-Use Regulation establishes
a manufacturer-run in-use compliance
program that is largely identical to
EPA’s previously adopted heavy-duty
in-use testing program (‘‘HDIUT
program’’) originally adopted in 2005.4
The regulation applies to 2007 and
subsequent MY engine-dynamometer
certified heavy-duty diesel engines
installed in a motor vehicle with GVWR
greater than 8,500 pounds. CARB’s
initial In-Use Regulation, adopted in
2006, included requirements for
manufacturers screening test vehicles
with portable emission measurement
systems (PEMS) and testing the vehicles
by operating them over typical driving
routes, and under the same vehicle
loads and environmental conditions that
the vehicles routinely encounter. The
in-use compliance program is
comprised of two phases. The first
phase, Phase 1, involves testing a
designated engine family for conformity
with the applicable NTE requirements.
In the second phase, if the engine family
does not pass the Phase 1 requirements
then testing, under more narrowly
defined test conditions, may be required
to target specific noncomplying
operating conditions. The initial
regulation incorporated temporary
measurement allowances when testing
for compliance using PEMS. In 2007,
CARB amended the In-Use Regulation to
set forth new measurement allowances
for gaseous emissions.5 In 2011, CARB
approved additional amendments to the
In-Use Requirements to establish a new
particulate matter (‘‘PM’’) measurement
allowance. EPA similarly amended its
federal HDIUT program in 2010 to
incorporate this same measurement
CARB initially adopted the 2007
California HDDE standards in 2001 to
fully align California’s NOX emission
standards for 2007 and subsequent MY
HDDEs and medium-duty diesel engines
(‘‘MDDEs’’) certified to ultra-lowemission vehicle (‘‘ULEV’’) standards to
the corresponding federal NOX emission
standard of 0.20 gram per brakehorsepower hour (g/bhp-hr) (two
significant figures). CARB also
established a more stringent NOX
standard for MDDEs certified to optional
ultra-low-emission vehicle (‘‘SULEV’’)
3 77
FR 9239 (February 16, 2012).
4 70 FR 34594 (June 14, 2005).
5 See the California Air Resources Board’s Waiver
Request Support Document (‘‘Waiver Support
Document’’), dated December 31, 2015 at EPA–HQ–
OAR–2016–0017–0018, at 7–8.
6 Waiver Support Document at 9, citing 75 FR
68448 (November 8, 2010).
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emission standards of 0.10 g/bhp-hr).
CARB’s 2007 Amendments clarify that
the NOX ULEV emission standard for
HDDEs is the same as the federal NOX
emission standard of 0.20 g/bhp-hr and
amended the NOX SULEV standard to
0.10 g/bhp-hr (CARB had inadvertently
specified these NOX emission standards
to only one significant figure (0.2 and
0.1 g/bhp-hr r, respectively)). CARB had
also inadvertently failed to include a
provision that provided manufacturers
the option to include chassis-certified
2007 through 2009 MY heavy-duty
diesel vehicles under 14,000 pounds
GVWR within the phase-in compliance
provision of the 2007 HDDE standards.
The 2007 Amendments incorporate this
optional provision. In addition, the 2007
Amendments incorporate the flexibility
provided by EPA in 2006, whereby
manufacturers may apply multiplicative
deterioration factors if, based on good
engineering judgment, multiplicative
deterioration factors are more
appropriate for a particular engine
family (as opposed to an adjustment by
the addition of appropriate deterioration
In 2008 CARB adopted amendments
to the new engine requirements within
the Truck Idling regulation to address
specific issues regarding armored cars
and workover rigs. Specifically, the
Truck Idling Amendments provide that
new 2008 and subsequent MY heavyduty diesel engines used in armored
cars and workover rigs are exempt from
the new engine idling requirements. In
addition, in 2011 CARB provided
additional regulatory clarification of the
By letter dated January 27, 2016,
CARB submitted to EPA a request for a
waiver of the preemption found at
section 209(a) of Clean Air Act, 42
U.S.C. 7543(a), for the In-Use
Regulation. CARB’s submission
provided analysis and evidence to
support its finding that the In-Use
Regulation satisfies the CAA section
209(b) criteria and that a waiver of
preemption should be granted. CARB’s
request also sought confirmation that its
2007 Amendments and the Truck Idling
Amendments are within the scope of
waivers of preemption previously
granted by EPA.9
II. Principles Governing This Review
A. Scope of Review
Section 209(a) of the CAA provides:
No State or any political subdivision
thereof shall adopt or attempt to enforce any
7 Id.
at 11, citing 71 FR 51481 (August 30, 2006).
8 Id.
9 Id.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2017 / Notices
standard relating to the control of emissions
from new motor vehicles or new motor
vehicle engines subject to this part. No State
shall require certification, inspection or any
other approval relating to the control of
emissions from any new motor vehicle or
new motor vehicle engine as condition
precedent to the initial retail sale, titling (if
any), or registration of such motor vehicle,
motor vehicle engine, or equipment.10
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Section 209(b)(1) of the Act requires
the Administrator, after an opportunity
for public hearing, to waive application
of the prohibitions of section 209(a) for
any state that has adopted standards
(other than crankcase emission
standards) for the control of emissions
from new motor vehicles or new motor
vehicle engines prior to March 30, 1966,
if the state determines that its state
standards will be, in the aggregate, at
least as protective of public health and
welfare as applicable federal
standards.11 However, no such waiver
shall be granted if the Administrator
finds that: (A) The protectiveness
determination of the state is arbitrary
and capricious; (B) the state does not
need such state standards to meet
compelling and extraordinary
conditions; or (C) such state standards
and accompanying enforcement
procedures are not consistent with
section 202(a) of the Act.12
Key principles governing this review
are that EPA should limit its inquiry to
the specific findings identified in
section 209(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act,
and that EPA will give substantial
deference to the policy judgments
California has made in adopting its
regulations. In previous waiver
decisions, EPA has stated that Congress
intended the Agency’s review of
California’s decision-making to be
narrow. EPA has rejected arguments that
are not specified in the statute as
grounds for denying a waiver:
The law makes it clear that the waiver
requests cannot be denied unless the specific
findings designated in the statute can
properly be made. The issue of whether a
proposed California requirement is likely to
result in only marginal improvement in
California air quality not commensurate with
its costs or is otherwise an arguably unwise
exercise of regulatory power is not legally
pertinent to my decision under section 209,
so long as the California requirement is
consistent with section 202(a) and is more
stringent than applicable Federal
requirements in the sense that it may result
10 CAA
§ 209(a). 42 U.S.C. 7543(a).
§ 209(b)(1). 42 U.S.C. 7543(b)(1).
California is the only state that meets section
209(b)(1)’s requirement for obtaining a waiver. See
S. Rep. No. 90–403 at 632 (1967).
12 CAA § 209(b)(1). 42 U.S.C. 7543(b)(1).
11 CAA
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in some further reduction in air pollution in
This principle of narrow EPA review
has been upheld by the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit.14 ‘‘[T]he statute does not
provide for any probing substantive
review of the California standards by
federal officials.’’ Ford Motor Co. v.
EPA, 606 F.2d 1293, 1300 (D.C. Cir.
1979). Thus, EPA’s consideration of all
the evidence submitted concerning a
waiver decision is circumscribed by its
relevance to those questions that may be
considered under section 209(b)(1).
B. Within-the-Scope Determinations
If California amends regulations that
have been previously authorized by
EPA, California may ask EPA to
determine that the amendments are
within the scope of the earlier
authorization. A within-the-scope
determination for such amendments is
permissible without a full authorization
review if three conditions are met. First,
the amended regulations must not
undermine California’s previous
determination that its standards, in the
aggregate, are as protective of public
health and welfare as applicable federal
standards. Second, the amended
regulations must not affect consistency
with section 209 of the Act, following
the same criteria discussed above in the
context of full authorizations. Third, the
amended regulations must not raise any
new issues affecting EPA’s prior waiver
or authorization decisions.15
C. Burden and Standard of Proof
As the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
D.C. Circuit has made clear in MEMA I,
opponents of a waiver request by
California bear the burden of showing
that the statutory criteria for a denial of
the request have been met:
[T]he language of the statute and its
legislative history indicate that California’s
regulations, and California’s determinations
that they must comply with the statute, when
presented to the Administrator are presumed
to satisfy the waiver requirements and that
the burden of proving otherwise is on
whoever attacks them. California must
present its regulations and findings at the
hearing and thereafter the parties opposing
13 ‘‘Waiver of Application of Clean Air Act to
California State Standards,’’ 36 FR 17458 (Aug. 31,
1971). Note that the more stringent standard
expressed here, in 1971, was superseded by the
1977 amendments to section 209, which established
that California must determine that its standards
are, in the aggregate, at least as protective of public
health and welfare as applicable federal standards.
14 See, e.g., Motor and Equip. Mfrs Assoc. v. EPA,
627 F.2d 1095 (D.C. Cir. 1979) (‘‘MEMA I’’).
15 See ‘‘California State Motor Vehicle Pollution
Control Standards; Amendments Within the Scope
of Previous Waiver of Federal Preemption,’’ 46 FR
36742 (July 15, 1981).
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the waiver request bear the burden of
persuading the Administrator that the waiver
request should be denied.16
The Administrator’s burden, on the
other hand, is to make a reasonable
evaluation of the information in the
record in coming to the waiver decision.
As the court in MEMA I stated: ‘‘here,
too, if the Administrator ignores
evidence demonstrating that the waiver
should not be granted, or if he seeks to
overcome that evidence with
unsupported assumptions of his own,
he runs the risk of having his waiver
decision set aside as ‘arbitrary and
capricious.’ ’’ 17 Therefore, the
Administrator’s burden is to act
‘‘reasonably.’’ 18
With regard to the standard of proof,
the court in MEMA I explained that the
Administrator’s role in a section 209
proceeding is to:
[. . .]consider all evidence that passes the
threshold test of materiality and . . .
thereafter assess such material evidence
against a standard of proof to determine
whether the parties favoring a denial of the
waiver have shown that the factual
circumstances exist in which Congress
intended a denial of the waiver.19
In that decision, the court considered
the standards of proof under section 209
for the two findings related to granting
a waiver for an ‘‘accompanying
enforcement procedure.’’ Those findings
involve: (1) Whether the enforcement
procedures impact California’s prior
protectiveness determination for the
associated standards, and (2) whether
the procedures are consistent with
section 202(a). The principles set forth
by the court are similarly applicable to
an EPA review of a request for a waiver
of preemption for a standard. The court
instructed that ‘‘the standard of proof
must take account of the nature of the
risk of error involved in any given
decision, and it therefore varies with the
finding involved. We need not decide
how this standard operates in every
waiver decision.’’ 20
With regard to the protectiveness
finding, the court upheld the
Administrator’s position that, to deny a
waiver, there must be ‘‘clear and
compelling evidence’’ to show that
proposed enforcement procedures
undermine the protectiveness of
California’s standards.21 The court
noted that this standard of proof also
accords with the congressional intent to
provide California with the broadest
I, note 19, at 1121.
at 1126.
18 Id. at 1126.
19 Id. at 1122.
20 Id.
21 Id.
17 Id.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2017 / Notices
possible discretion in setting regulations
it finds protective of the public health
and welfare.22
With respect to the consistency
finding, the court did not articulate a
standard of proof applicable to all
proceedings, but found that the
opponents of the waiver were unable to
meet their burden of proof even if the
standard were a mere preponderance of
the evidence. Although MEMA I did not
explicitly consider the standards of
proof under section 209 concerning a
waiver request for ‘‘standards,’’ as
compared to a waiver request for
accompanying enforcement procedures,
there is nothing in the opinion to
suggest that the court’s analysis would
not apply with equal force to such
determinations. EPA’s past waiver
decisions have consistently made clear
that: ‘‘[E]ven in the two areas
concededly reserved for Federal
judgment by this legislation—the
existence of ‘compelling and
extraordinary’ conditions and whether
the standards are technologically
feasible—Congress intended that the
standards of EPA review of the State
decision to be a narrow one.’’ 23
D. Deference to California
In previous waiver decisions, EPA has
recognized that the intent of Congress in
creating a limited review based on
specifically listed criteria was to ensure
that the federal government did not
second-guess state policy choices. As
the Agency explained in one prior
waiver decision:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
It is worth noting . . . I would feel
constrained to approve a California approach
to the problem which I might also feel unable
to adopt at the federal level in my own
capacity as a regulator. . . . Since a
balancing of risks and costs against the
potential benefits from reduced emissions is
a central policy decision for any regulatory
agency under the statutory scheme outlined
above, I believe I am required to give very
substantial deference to California’s
judgments on this score.24
Similarly, EPA has stated that the
text, structure, and history of the
California waiver provision clearly
indicate both a congressional intent and
appropriate EPA practice of leaving the
decision on ‘‘ambiguous and
controversial matters of public policy’’
to California’s judgment.25 This
interpretation is supported by relevant
discussion in the House Committee
22 Id.
23 See, e.g., ‘‘California State Motor Vehicle
Pollution Control Standards; Waiver of Federal
Preemption,’’ 40 FR 23102 (May 28, 1975), at 23103.
24 40 FR 23102, 23103–04 (May 28, 1975).
25 40 FR 23102, 23104 (May 28, 1975); 58 FR 4166
(January 13, 1993).
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Report for the 1977 amendments to the
CAA. Congress had the opportunity
through the 1977 amendments to restrict
the preexisting waiver provision, but
elected instead to expand California’s
flexibility to adopt a complete program
of motor vehicle emission controls. The
report explains that the amendment is
intended to ratify and strengthen the
preexisting California waiver provision
and to affirm the underlying intent of
that provision, that is, to afford
California the broadest possible
discretion in selecting the best means to
protect the health of its citizens and the
public welfare.26
E. EPA’s Administrative Process in
Consideration of California’s Request
On August 9, 2016, EPA published a
notice of opportunity for public hearing
and comment on California’s waiver
request.27 In that notice, EPA requested
comments on whether the 2007
Amendments and the Truck Idling
Amendments, each individually
assessed, should be considered under
the within-the-scope analysis or
whether they should be considered
under the full waiver criteria. For the InUse Regulation, and to the degree the
2007 Amendments or the Truck Idling
Amendments should not be considered
under the within-the-scope criteria, EPA
sought comment under the following
three criteria: Whether (a) California’s
determination that its motor vehicle
emissions standards are, in the
aggregate, at least as protective of public
health and welfare as applicable federal
standards is arbitrary and capricious, (b)
California needs such State standards to
meet compelling and extraordinary
conditions, and (c) California’s
standards and accompanying
enforcement procedures are consistent
with section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act.
EPA received no comments and no
requests for a public hearing.
Consequently, EPA did not hold a
public hearing.
III. Discussion
A. Within-the-Scope Analysis
EPA initially evaluates California’s
2007 Amendments and Truck Idling
Amendments by application of our
traditional within-the-scope analysis, as
CARB requested. If we determine that
CARB’s request does not meet the
requirements for a within-the-scope
determination, we then evaluate the
request based on a full authorization
analysis. In determining whether
amendments can be viewed as within
26 MEMA I, 627 F.2d at 1110 (citing H.R. Rep. No.
294, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 301–02 (1977)).
27 81 FR 52678 (August 9, 2016).
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the scope of previous waivers, EPA
looks at whether CARB’s revision is
either limited to minor technical
amendments to previously waived
regulations or modifying regulations in
order to provide additional compliance
flexibility without significantly
reducing the overall stringency of
previously waived regulations. The
amendments at issue in this request
provide regulatory clarity and
corrections, and provide limited
exemptions in order to provide for
compliance flexibility
EPA sought comment on a range of
issues, including those applicable to a
within-the-scope analysis as well as
those applicable to a full authorization
analysis. No party submitted a comment
that California’s 2007 Amendments or
Truck Idling Amendments require a full
authorization analysis. Given the lack of
comments on this issue, and EPA’s
assessment of the nature of the
amendments, I will evaluate California’s
2007 amendments and Truck Idling
Amendments by application of the
traditional within-the-scope analysis, as
CARB requested.
As noted above, EPA can confirm that
the amended regulations are within the
scope of a previously granted waiver of
preemption if three conditions are met.
First, the amended regulations do not
undermine California’s determination
that its standards, in the aggregate, are
as protective of public health and
welfare as applicable federal standards.
Second, the amended regulations do not
affect consistency with section 202(a) of
the Act. Third, the amended regulations
do not raise any ‘‘new issues’’ affecting
EPA’s prior authorizations.
B. Full Authorization Analysis
CARB’s waiver request also included
the In-Use Regulation. EPA must grant
a waiver for the In-Use Regulation
unless the Administrator finds: (1)
California’s determination that its
standards will be, in the aggregate, as
protective of public health and welfare
as applicable federal standards is
arbitrary and capricious; (2) California
does not need such California standards
to meet compelling and extraordinary
conditions; or (3) California’s standards
and accompanying enforcement
procedures are not consistent with this
EPA’s evaluation of the 2007
Amendments, the Truck Idling
Amendments, and the In-use Regulation
is set forth below. Because of the
similarity of the within-the-scope
criteria and the full waiver criteria, a
discussion of all three sets of respective
amendments take place within each
waiver criterion. To the extent that the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2017 / Notices
criteria are applied uniquely, or that
additional criteria apply under either
the within-the-scope analysis or the full
waiver analysis, such application is also
addressed below.
C. Whether California’s Protectiveness
Determination Was Arbitrary and
As stated in the background, section
209(b)(1)(A) of the Act sets forth the first
of the three criteria governing a new
waiver request—whether California was
arbitrary and capricious in its
determination that its motor vehicle
emissions standards will be, in the
aggregate, at least as protective of public
health and welfare as applicable federal
standards. Section 209(b)(1)(A) of the
CAA requires EPA to deny a waiver if
the Administrator finds that California’s
protectiveness determination was
arbitrary and capricious. However, a
finding that California’s determination
was arbitrary and capricious must be
based upon clear and convincing
evidence that California’s finding was
CARB notes that in its initial adoption
and amendments to the In-Use
Regulation in 2006, 2007, and 2011, the
CARB Board approved Resolutions 06–
27, 07–56 and 11–19 in which it
Be it further resolved that the Board hereby
determines that the regulations adopted
herein will not cause California motor
vehicle emission standards, in the aggregate,
to be less protective of the public health and
welfare than applicable federal standards.29
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
CARB also notes that EPA has
previously granted California a waiver
for California’s 2007 California HDDE
standards (which included the NTE test
procedures), and the addition of the InUse Regulation will help ensure that the
emission control systems on HDDEs are
properly designed and sufficiently
durable to ensure compliance with the
emission requirements during their
useful life. CARB further noted that the
In-Use Regulation provisions are
‘‘essentially identical to the
requirements of EPA’s corresponding
HDIUT program.30 CARB also notes that
the 2007 Amendments in no way
undermine the stringency of the
underlying exhaust emission standards
or the associated test procedures (which
is the criterion under the within-the28 MEMA I, 627 F.2d at 1122, 1124 (‘‘Once
California has come forward with a finding that the
procedures it seeks to adopt will not undermine the
protectiveness of its standards, parties opposing the
waiver request must show that this finding is
unreasonable.’’); see also 78 FR 2112, at 2121
(January. 9, 2013).
29 Waiver Support Document at 17. See EPA–HQ–
OAR–2016–0017–0027, EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–
0017–0047, and EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0017–0056.
30 Id.
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scope analysis), but instead ensure that
California’s standards remain as, or
more protective than, applicable federal
standards.31 Similarly, CARB notes that
with regard to the Truck Idling
Amendments that EPA’s regulations do
not require new heavy-duty diesel
engines to be equipped with idling
shutdown systems or to optionally
comply with NOX idling emission
As it is clear that California’s
standards are at least as protective of
public health and welfare as applicable
federal standards, and that no evidence
is in the record suggesting otherwise
(and EPA is not otherwise aware of any
information), I find that California’s
respective protectiveness
determinations are not arbitrary and
capricious for purposes of the In-Use
Regulation, the 2007 Amendments, and
the Truck Idling Amendments.
D. Whether the Standards Are
Necessary To Meet Compelling and
Extraordinary Conditions
Section 209(b)(1)(B) instructs that
EPA cannot grant a waiver if the Agency
finds that California ‘‘does not need
such State standards to meet compelling
and extraordinary conditions.’’ EPA’s
inquiry under this second criterion has
traditionally been to determine whether
California needs its own motor vehicle
emission control program (i.e., set of
standards) to meet compelling and
extraordinary conditions, and not
whether the specific standards that are
the subject of the waiver request are
necessary to meet such conditions.33 In
recent waiver actions, EPA again
examined the language of section
209(b)(1)(B) and reiterated this
longstanding traditional interpretation
as the better approach for analyzing the
need for ‘‘such State standards’’ to meet
‘‘compelling and extraordinary
conditions.’’ 34
31 Id.
at 21.
at 24, citing Resolution 11–19.
33 See California State Motor Vehicle Pollution
Control Standards; Notice of Decision Granting a
Waiver of Clean Air Act Preemption for California’s
2009 and Subsequent Model Year Greenhouse Gas
Emission Standards for New Motor Vehicles,’’ 74
FR 32744 (July 8, 2009), at 32761; see also
‘‘California State Motor Vehicle Pollution Control
Standards; Waiver of Federal Preemption Notice of
Decision,’’ 49 FR 18887 (May 3, 1984), at 18889–
34 See 78 FR 2112, at 2125–26 (Jan. 9, 2013)
(‘‘EPA does not look at whether the specific
standards at issue are needed to meet compelling
and extraordinary conditions related to that air
pollutant.’’; see also EPA’s July 9, 2009 GHG Waiver
Decision wherein EPA rejected the suggested
interpretation of section 209(b)(1)(B) as requiring a
review of the specific need for California’s new
motor vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards as
opposed to the traditional interpretation (need for
the motor vehicle emission program as a whole)
applied to local or regional air pollution problems.
See also 79 FR 46256, 46261 (August 7, 2014).
32 Id.
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In conjunction with the initial
adoption and subsequent amendments
of the In-Use Regulation in 2006, 2007,
and 2011, respectively (see Resolutions
06–27, 07–56, and 11–19 noted above),
the CARB’s Board confirmed
California’s longstanding position that
California continues to need its own
motor vehicle emission program to meet
serious air pollution problems. CARB
notes that the geographical and climatic
conditions and the tremendous growth
in vehicle population and use that
moved Congress to authorize California
to establish separate vehicle standards
in 1967 still exist today.35 ‘‘Nothing in
these conditions has changed to warrant
a change in EPA’s confirmation, and
therefore there can be no doubt of the
continuing existence of compelling and
extraordinary conditions justifying
California’s need for its own motor
vehicle emissions control program.’’ 36
There has been no evidence submitted
to indicate that California’s compelling
and extraordinary conditions do not
continue to exist. California,
particularly in the South Coast and San
Joaquin Valley air basins, continues to
experience some of the worst air quality
in the nation, and many areas in
California continue to be in nonattainment with national ambient air
quality standards for fine particulate
matter and ozone.37 As California has
previously stated, ‘‘nothing in
[California’s unique geographic and
climatic] conditions has changed to
warrant a change in this
determination.’’ 38
Based on the record before us,
including EPA’s prior waiver decisions,
I am unable to identify any change in
circumstances or evidence to suggest
that the conditions that Congress
identified as giving rise to serious air
quality problems in California no longer
exist. Therefore, EPA cannot find that
California does not need its state
standards, including its In-Use
35 Waiver
Support Request Support Document at
36 Id.
37 74 FR 32744, 32762–63 (July 8, 2009), 76 FR
77515, 77518 (December 13, 2011), 81 FR 95982
(December 29, 2016). EPA continually evaluates the
air quality conditions in the United States,
including California. California continues to
experience some of the worst air quality in the
country and continues to be in nonattainment with
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for fine
particulate matter and ozone, see ‘‘Notice of
Availability of the Environmental Protection
Agency’s Preliminary Interstate Ozone Transport
Modeling Data for the 2015 Ozone National
Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)’’ at EPA–
38 Id.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2017 / Notices
Regulation, to meet compelling and
extraordinary conditions in California.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
E. Consistency With Section 202(a)
For the third and final criterion, EPA
evaluates the program for consistency
with section 202(a) of the CAA. Under
section 209(b)(1)(C) of the CAA, EPA
must deny California’s waiver request if
EPA finds that California’s standards
and accompanying enforcement
procedures are not consistent with
section 202(a). Section 202(a) requires
that regulations ‘‘shall take effect after
such period as the Administrator finds
necessary to permit the development
and application of the relevant
technology, considering the cost of
compliance within that time.’’
EPA has previously stated that the
determination is limited to whether
those opposed to the waiver have met
their burden of establishing that
California’s standards are
technologically infeasible, or that
California’s test procedures impose
requirements inconsistent with the
federal test procedure. Infeasibility
would be shown here by demonstrating
that there is inadequate lead time to
permit the development of technology
necessary to meet the In-Use
Amendments, the 2007 Amendments, or
the Truck Idling Amendments that are
the subject of the waiver request, giving
appropriate consideration to the cost of
compliance within that time.39
California’s accompanying enforcement
procedures would also be inconsistent
with section 202(a) if the federal and
California test procedures conflicted,
i.e., if manufacturers would be unable to
meet both the California and federal test
requirements with the same test
Regarding test procedure conflict,
CARB notes both EPA and CARB utilize
essentially identical test procedures in
certifying 2007 and subsequent MY
heavy-duty engines and that the 2007
Amendments also do not preclude
manufacturers from conducting one set
of tests on a heavy-duty engines or
vehicle to determine compliance with
both the California and federal
requirements.41 For the reasons set forth
above, and because there is no evidence
in the record or other information that
EPA is aware of, I cannot find that
CARB’s In-Use Compliance Regulation,
2007 Amendments, and Truck Idling
Amendments are inconsistent with
39 See, e.g., 38 FR 30136 (November 1, 1973) and
40 FR 30311 (July 18, 1975).
40 See, e.g., 43 FR 32182 (July 25, 1978).
41 Id. at 20, 22.
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section 202(a) based upon test
procedure inconsistency.
In addition, EPA did not receive any
comments arguing that the CARB’s InUse Regulation, 2007 Amendments, and
Truck Idling Amendments were
technologically infeasible or that the
cost of compliance would be excessive,
such that California’s standards might
be inconsistent with section 202(a).42 In
EPA’s review of CARB’s In-Use
Regulation, I find that CARB’s
statements about the capability of PEMS
technology to measure gaseous
pollutants as well as PM emissions is
accurate.43 With regard to the 2007
Amendments, I find that the
amendments do not raise any new
issues regarding technological feasibility
given that the amendments regarding
how the NOX standard is expressed is a
regulatory clarification and the
amendment regarding the new option
for certain chassis-certified 2007
through 2009 model year heavy-duty
vehicles provides additional compliance
flexibility. Similarly, the Truck Idling
Amendments merely provide
compliance flexibility to a previously
waived program by setting forth limited
compliance exemptions (i.e., the
exemptions for armored vehicles and
workover rigs).
I therefore cannot find that California
standards, which include the CARB’s
In-Use Regulation, 2007 Amendments,
and Truck Idling Amendments are
inconsistent with section 202(a).
F. New Issues
EPA has stated in the past that if
California promulgates amendments
that raise new issues affecting
previously granted waivers, we would
not confirm that those amendments are
within the scope of previous waivers.44
I do not believe that either the 2007
Amendments or the Truck Idling
Amendments raise any new issues with
respect to our prior waivers governing
their underlying regulations. Moreover,
EPA did not receive any comments that
CARB’s 2007 Amendments or Truck
Idling Amendments raised new issues
affecting the previously granted waivers.
Therefore, I cannot find that CARB’s
2007 Amendments and Truck Idling
42 See, e.g., 78 FR 2134 (January 9, 2013), 47 FR
7306, 7309 (February 18, 1982), 43 FR 25735 (June
17, 1978), and 46 FR 26371, 26373 (May 12, 1981).
43 Waiver Support Document at 19 (CARB
explains that several PEMS capable of measuring
gaseous emissions are commercially available and
that the further development needed (at the time of
CARB’s initial adoption of the In-Use Regulation)
for PM emissions monitoring by PEMS has been
44 See, e.g., 78 FR 38970 (June 28, 2013), 75 FR
8056 (February 23, 2010), and 70 FR 22034 (April
28, 2005).
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Amendments raise new issues and
consequently, cannot deny CARB’s
within-the-scope requests based on this
IV. Decision
After evaluating CARB’s In-Use
Regulation and CARB’s submissions for
EPA review, I am hereby granting a
waiver for the In-Use Regulation. After
evaluating CARB’s 2007 Amendments
and Truck Idling Amendments and
CARB’s submissions for EPA review, I
am hereby confirming that such
amendments are within the scope of
prior EPA waivers.
This decision will affect persons in
California and those manufacturers and/
or owners/operators nationwide who
must comply with California’s
requirements. In addition, because other
states may adopt California’s standards
for which a section 209(b) waiver has
been granted under section 177 of the
Act if certain criteria are met, this
decision would also affect those states
and those persons in such states. For
these reasons, EPA determines and finds
that this is a final action of national
applicability, and also a final action of
nationwide scope or effect for purposes
of section 307(b)(1) of the Act. Pursuant
to section 307(b)(1) of the Act, judicial
review of this final action may be sought
only in the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit. Petitions for review must be
filed by March 20, 2017. Judicial review
of this final action may not be obtained
in subsequent enforcement proceedings,
pursuant to section 307(b)(2) of the Act.
V. Statutory and Executive Order
As with past waiver and authorization
decisions, this action is not a rule as
defined by Executive Order 12866.
Therefore, it is exempt from review by
the Office of Management and Budget as
required for rules and regulations by
Executive Order 12866.
In addition, this action is not a rule
as defined in the Regulatory Flexibility
Act, 5 U.S.C. 601(2). Therefore, EPA has
not prepared a supporting regulatory
flexibility analysis addressing the
impact of this action on small business
Further, the Congressional Review
Act, 5 U.S.C. 801, et seq., as added by
the Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, does
not apply because this action is not a
rule for purposes of 5 U.S.C. 804(3).
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2017 / Notices
Dated: January 9, 2017.
Gina McCarthy,
[FR Doc. 2017–00940 Filed 1–13–17; 8:45 am]
[OMB 3060–0989]
Information Collection Being Reviewed
by the Federal Communications
Commission Under Delegated
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice and request for
As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork burdens, and as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC or
Commission) invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collections.
Comments are requested concerning:
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and ways to
further reduce the information
collection burden on small business
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
The FCC may not conduct or sponsor
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
PRA that does not display a valid OMB
control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before March 20,
2017. If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contact listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to
Nicole Ongele, FCC, via email to PRA@ and to
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:21 Jan 13, 2017
additional information about the
information collection, contact Nicole
Ongele at (202) 418–2991.
OMB Control Number: 3060–0989.
Title: Sections 63.01, 63.03, 63.04,
Procedures for Applicants Requiring
Section 214 Authorization for Domestic
Interstate Transmission Lines Acquired
Through Corporate Control.
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents of Responses:
92 respondents; 92 responses.
Estimated Time per Response: 1.5–10
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Mandatory.
Statutory authority for this collection is
contained in 47 U.S.C. 152, 154(i)–(j),
201, 214, and 303(r).
Total Annual Burden: 861 hours.
Annual Cost Burden: $98,175.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is no need for confidentiality. The
FCC is not requiring applicants to
submit confidential information to the
Commission. If applicants want to
request confidential treatment of the
documents they submit to Commission,
they may do so under 47 CFR 0.459 of
the Commission’s rules.
Needs and Uses: A Report and Order,
FCC 02–78, adopted and released in
March 2002 (Order), set forth the
procedures for common carriers
requiring authorization under section
214 of the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, to acquire domestic
interstate transmission lines through a
transfer of control. Under section 214 of
the Act, carriers must obtain FCC
approval before constructing, acquiring,
or operating an interstate transmission
line. Acquisitions involving interstate
common carriers require affirmative
action by the Commission before the
acquisition can occur. This information
collection contains filing procedures for
domestic transfer of control applications
under sections 63.03 and 63.04. The
FCC filing fee amount for section 214
applications is currently $1,155 per
application, which reflects an increase
of the previous fee of $1,050 per
application. (a) Sections 63.03 and 63.04
require domestic section 214
applications involving domestic
transfers of control, at a minimum,
should specify: (1) The name, address
and telephone number of each
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applicant; (2) the government, state, or
territory under the laws of which each
corporate or partnership applicant is
organized; (3) the name, title, post office
address, and telephone number of the
officer or contact point, such as legal
counsel, to whom correspondence
concerning the application is to be
addressed; (4) the name, address,
citizenship and principal business of
any person or entity that directly or
indirectly owns at least ten percent of
the equity of the applicant, and the
percentage of equity owned by each of
those entities (to the nearest one
percent); (5) certification pursuant to 47
CFR 1.2001 that no party to the
application is subject to a denial of
Federal benefits pursuant to section
5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of
1988; (6) a description of the
transaction; (7) a description of the
geographic areas in which the transferor
and transferee (and their affiliates) offer
domestic telecommunications services,
and what services are provided in each
area; (8) a statement as to how the
application fits into one or more of the
presumptive streamlined categories in
section 63.03 or why it is otherwise
appropriate for streamlined treatment;
(9) identification of all other
Commission applications related to the
same transaction; (10) a statement of
whether the applicants are requesting
special consideration because either
party to the transaction is facing
imminent business failure; (11)
identification of any separately filed
waiver request being sought in
conjunction with the transaction; and
(12) a statement showing how grant of
the application will serve the public
interest, convenience, and necessity,
including any additional information
that may be necessary to show the effect
of the proposed transaction on
competition in domestic markets. Where
an applicant wishes to file a joint
international section 214 transfer of
control application and domestic
section 214 transfer of control
application, the applicant must submit
information that satisfies the
requirements of 47 CFR 63.18. In the
attachment to the international
application, the applicant must submit
information described in 47 CFR
63.04(a)(6). When the Commission,
acting through the Wireline Competition
Bureau, determines that applicants have
submitted a complete application
qualifying for streamlined treatment, it
shall issue a public notice commencing
a 30-day review period to consider
whether the transaction serves the
public interest, convenience and
necessity. Parties will have 14 days to
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 10 (Tuesday, January 17, 2017)]
[Pages 4867-4873]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-00940]
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0017; FRL9958-38-OAR]
California State Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Standards;
Amendments to On-Highway Heavy-Duty Vehicle In-Use Compliance Program,
Amendments to 2007 and Subsequent Model Year On-Highway Heavy-Duty
Engines and Vehicles, and Amendments to Truck Requirements; Notice of
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
ACTION: Notice of decision.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (``EPA'') is granting the
California Air Resources Board's (``CARB's'') request for a waiver of
Clean Air Act preemption for its On-Highway Heavy-Duty Vehicle In-Use
Compliance program (``In-Use Regulation''). EPA is also confirming that
CARB's amendments to its 2007 and Subsequent Model Year On-Highway
Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles regulation (``2007 Amendments'') and
CARB's amendments to its Truck Idling requirements (``Truck Idling
Amendments'') are within the scope of previous waivers issued by EPA.
The In-Use Regulation establishes a manufacturer-run in-use compliance
program using portable emission measurement systems (``PEMS''). The
2007 Amendments specify the NOX emission standard for heavy-
and medium-duty diesel engines to two significant figures and provide
manufacturers the option to certify chassis-certified diesel vehicles
within the phase-in compliance provisions of the 2007 and Subsequent
Model Year On-Highway Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles regulation. The
Truck Idling Amendments exempt armored cars and workover rigs (a mobile
self-propelled rig used to perform remedial operations on producing oil
or gas wells to restore or increase well production) from the new
engine requirements of the preexisting California Truck Idling
regulation. This decision is issued under the authority of the Clean
Air Act (``CAA'' or ``the Act'').
DATES: Petitions for review must be filed by March 20, 2017.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID
EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0017. All documents relied upon in making this
decision, including those submitted to EPA by CARB, are contained in
the public docket. Publicly available docket materials are available
either electronically through or in hard copy at
the Air and Radiation Docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, EPA West
Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC. The
Public Reading Room is open to the public on all federal government
working days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; generally, it is open Monday
through Friday, excluding holidays. The telephone number for the
Reading Room is (202) 566-1744. The Air and Radiation Docket and
Information Center's Web site is
The email address for the Air and Radiation Docket is:, the telephone number is (202) 566-1742, and the fax
number is (202) 566-9744. An electronic version of the public docket is
available through the federal government's electronic public docket and
comment system at https://
[[Page 4868]] After opening the Web site,
enter EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0017 in the ``Enter Keyword or ID'' fill-in box
to view documents in the record. Although a part of the official
docket, the public docket does not include Confidential Business
Information (``CBI'') or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute.
EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (``OTAQ'') maintains
a Web page that contains general information on its review of
California waiver and authorization requests. Included on that page are
links to prior waiver Federal Register notices, some of which are cited
in today's notice; the page can be accessed at
Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Telephone: (202) 343-9256. Email:
I. Background
On August 19, 2005, EPA granted California a waiver of preemption
pursuant to section 209(b) of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. 7543(b), for CARB's
amendments to its heavy-duty diesel engine standards for 2007 and
subsequent model year (MY) vehicles and engines and related test
procedures, including not-to-exceed (``NTE'') and supplemental steady-
state tests to determine compliance with applicable standards (``2007
California HDDE standards'').\1\ Those standards apply to all heavy-
duty diesel engines, and align California's standards and test
procedures with corresponding federal standards and test procedures. In
2010 EPA granted California a waiver of preemption for CARB's adoption
of amendments applicable to 2008 and subsequent MY heavy-duty Otto-
cycle engines.\2\ In 2005, CARB adopted truck idling requirements,
including an element whereby new California-certified 2008 and
subsequent MY on-road diesel engines in trucks with a gross vehicle
weight rating (``GVWR'') greater than 14,000 pounds were required to be
equipped with a system that automatically shuts down the engine after
five minutes of continuous idling (``Truck Idling regulation''). In
lieu of the automatic engine shutdown systems, manufacturers are
allowed to optionally certify engines to a NOX idling
emission standard. EPA granted a waiver for the Truck Idling regulation
in 2012.\3\
\1\ 70 FR 50322 (August 26, 2005).
\2\ 75 FR 70237 (November 17, 2010).
\3\ 77 FR 9239 (February 16, 2012).
CARB's In-Use Regulation establishes a manufacturer-run in-use
compliance program that is largely identical to EPA's previously
adopted heavy-duty in-use testing program (``HDIUT program'')
originally adopted in 2005.\4\ The regulation applies to 2007 and
subsequent MY engine-dynamometer certified heavy-duty diesel engines
installed in a motor vehicle with GVWR greater than 8,500 pounds.
CARB's initial In-Use Regulation, adopted in 2006, included
requirements for manufacturers screening test vehicles with portable
emission measurement systems (PEMS) and testing the vehicles by
operating them over typical driving routes, and under the same vehicle
loads and environmental conditions that the vehicles routinely
encounter. The in-use compliance program is comprised of two phases.
The first phase, Phase 1, involves testing a designated engine family
for conformity with the applicable NTE requirements. In the second
phase, if the engine family does not pass the Phase 1 requirements then
testing, under more narrowly defined test conditions, may be required
to target specific noncomplying operating conditions. The initial
regulation incorporated temporary measurement allowances when testing
for compliance using PEMS. In 2007, CARB amended the In-Use Regulation
to set forth new measurement allowances for gaseous emissions.\5\ In
2011, CARB approved additional amendments to the In-Use Requirements to
establish a new particulate matter (``PM'') measurement allowance. EPA
similarly amended its federal HDIUT program in 2010 to incorporate this
same measurement allowance.\6\
\4\ 70 FR 34594 (June 14, 2005).
\5\ See the California Air Resources Board's Waiver Request
Support Document (``Waiver Support Document''), dated December 31,
2015 at EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0017-0018, at 7-8.
\6\ Waiver Support Document at 9, citing 75 FR 68448 (November
8, 2010).
CARB initially adopted the 2007 California HDDE standards in 2001
to fully align California's NOX emission standards for 2007
and subsequent MY HDDEs and medium-duty diesel engines (``MDDEs'')
certified to ultra-low-emission vehicle (``ULEV'') standards to the
corresponding federal NOX emission standard of 0.20 gram per
brake-horsepower hour (g/bhp-hr) (two significant figures). CARB also
established a more stringent NOX standard for MDDEs
certified to optional ultra-low-emission vehicle (``SULEV'') emission
standards of 0.10 g/bhp-hr). CARB's 2007 Amendments clarify that the
NOX ULEV emission standard for HDDEs is the same as the
federal NOX emission standard of 0.20 g/bhp-hr and amended
the NOX SULEV standard to 0.10 g/bhp-hr (CARB had
inadvertently specified these NOX emission standards to only
one significant figure (0.2 and 0.1 g/bhp-hr r, respectively)). CARB
had also inadvertently failed to include a provision that provided
manufacturers the option to include chassis-certified 2007 through 2009
MY heavy-duty diesel vehicles under 14,000 pounds GVWR within the
phase-in compliance provision of the 2007 HDDE standards. The 2007
Amendments incorporate this optional provision. In addition, the 2007
Amendments incorporate the flexibility provided by EPA in 2006, whereby
manufacturers may apply multiplicative deterioration factors if, based
on good engineering judgment, multiplicative deterioration factors are
more appropriate for a particular engine family (as opposed to an
adjustment by the addition of appropriate deterioration factors).\7\
\7\ Id. at 11, citing 71 FR 51481 (August 30, 2006).
In 2008 CARB adopted amendments to the new engine requirements
within the Truck Idling regulation to address specific issues regarding
armored cars and workover rigs. Specifically, the Truck Idling
Amendments provide that new 2008 and subsequent MY heavy-duty diesel
engines used in armored cars and workover rigs are exempt from the new
engine idling requirements. In addition, in 2011 CARB provided
additional regulatory clarification of the exemption.\8\
\8\ Id.
By letter dated January 27, 2016, CARB submitted to EPA a request
for a waiver of the preemption found at section 209(a) of Clean Air
Act, 42 U.S.C. 7543(a), for the In-Use Regulation. CARB's submission
provided analysis and evidence to support its finding that the In-Use
Regulation satisfies the CAA section 209(b) criteria and that a waiver
of preemption should be granted. CARB's request also sought
confirmation that its 2007 Amendments and the Truck Idling Amendments
are within the scope of waivers of preemption previously granted by
\9\ Id.
II. Principles Governing This Review
A. Scope of Review
Section 209(a) of the CAA provides:
No State or any political subdivision thereof shall adopt or
attempt to enforce any
[[Page 4869]]
standard relating to the control of emissions from new motor
vehicles or new motor vehicle engines subject to this part. No State
shall require certification, inspection or any other approval
relating to the control of emissions from any new motor vehicle or
new motor vehicle engine as condition precedent to the initial
retail sale, titling (if any), or registration of such motor
vehicle, motor vehicle engine, or equipment.\10\
\10\ CAA Sec. 209(a). 42 U.S.C. 7543(a).
Section 209(b)(1) of the Act requires the Administrator, after an
opportunity for public hearing, to waive application of the
prohibitions of section 209(a) for any state that has adopted standards
(other than crankcase emission standards) for the control of emissions
from new motor vehicles or new motor vehicle engines prior to March 30,
1966, if the state determines that its state standards will be, in the
aggregate, at least as protective of public health and welfare as
applicable federal standards.\11\ However, no such waiver shall be
granted if the Administrator finds that: (A) The protectiveness
determination of the state is arbitrary and capricious; (B) the state
does not need such state standards to meet compelling and extraordinary
conditions; or (C) such state standards and accompanying enforcement
procedures are not consistent with section 202(a) of the Act.\12\
\11\ CAA Sec. 209(b)(1). 42 U.S.C. 7543(b)(1). California is
the only state that meets section 209(b)(1)'s requirement for
obtaining a waiver. See S. Rep. No. 90-403 at 632 (1967).
\12\ CAA Sec. 209(b)(1). 42 U.S.C. 7543(b)(1).
Key principles governing this review are that EPA should limit its
inquiry to the specific findings identified in section 209(b)(1) of the
Clean Air Act, and that EPA will give substantial deference to the
policy judgments California has made in adopting its regulations. In
previous waiver decisions, EPA has stated that Congress intended the
Agency's review of California's decision-making to be narrow. EPA has
rejected arguments that are not specified in the statute as grounds for
denying a waiver:
The law makes it clear that the waiver requests cannot be denied
unless the specific findings designated in the statute can properly
be made. The issue of whether a proposed California requirement is
likely to result in only marginal improvement in California air
quality not commensurate with its costs or is otherwise an arguably
unwise exercise of regulatory power is not legally pertinent to my
decision under section 209, so long as the California requirement is
consistent with section 202(a) and is more stringent than applicable
Federal requirements in the sense that it may result in some further
reduction in air pollution in California.\13\
\13\ ``Waiver of Application of Clean Air Act to California
State Standards,'' 36 FR 17458 (Aug. 31, 1971). Note that the more
stringent standard expressed here, in 1971, was superseded by the
1977 amendments to section 209, which established that California
must determine that its standards are, in the aggregate, at least as
protective of public health and welfare as applicable federal
This principle of narrow EPA review has been upheld by the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.\14\ ``[T]he
statute does not provide for any probing substantive review of the
California standards by federal officials.'' Ford Motor Co. v. EPA, 606
F.2d 1293, 1300 (D.C. Cir. 1979). Thus, EPA's consideration of all the
evidence submitted concerning a waiver decision is circumscribed by its
relevance to those questions that may be considered under section
\14\ See, e.g., Motor and Equip. Mfrs Assoc. v. EPA, 627 F.2d
1095 (D.C. Cir. 1979) (``MEMA I'').
B. Within-the-Scope Determinations
If California amends regulations that have been previously
authorized by EPA, California may ask EPA to determine that the
amendments are within the scope of the earlier authorization. A within-
the-scope determination for such amendments is permissible without a
full authorization review if three conditions are met. First, the
amended regulations must not undermine California's previous
determination that its standards, in the aggregate, are as protective
of public health and welfare as applicable federal standards. Second,
the amended regulations must not affect consistency with section 209 of
the Act, following the same criteria discussed above in the context of
full authorizations. Third, the amended regulations must not raise any
new issues affecting EPA's prior waiver or authorization decisions.\15\
\15\ See ``California State Motor Vehicle Pollution Control
Standards; Amendments Within the Scope of Previous Waiver of Federal
Preemption,'' 46 FR 36742 (July 15, 1981).
C. Burden and Standard of Proof
As the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has made clear in
MEMA I, opponents of a waiver request by California bear the burden of
showing that the statutory criteria for a denial of the request have
been met:
[T]he language of the statute and its legislative history
indicate that California's regulations, and California's
determinations that they must comply with the statute, when
presented to the Administrator are presumed to satisfy the waiver
requirements and that the burden of proving otherwise is on whoever
attacks them. California must present its regulations and findings
at the hearing and thereafter the parties opposing the waiver
request bear the burden of persuading the Administrator that the
waiver request should be denied.\16\
\16\ MEMA I, note 19, at 1121.
The Administrator's burden, on the other hand, is to make a
reasonable evaluation of the information in the record in coming to the
waiver decision. As the court in MEMA I stated: ``here, too, if the
Administrator ignores evidence demonstrating that the waiver should not
be granted, or if he seeks to overcome that evidence with unsupported
assumptions of his own, he runs the risk of having his waiver decision
set aside as `arbitrary and capricious.' '' \17\ Therefore, the
Administrator's burden is to act ``reasonably.'' \18\
\17\ Id. at 1126.
\18\ Id. at 1126.
With regard to the standard of proof, the court in MEMA I explained
that the Administrator's role in a section 209 proceeding is to:
[. . .]consider all evidence that passes the threshold test of
materiality and . . . thereafter assess such material evidence
against a standard of proof to determine whether the parties
favoring a denial of the waiver have shown that the factual
circumstances exist in which Congress intended a denial of the
\19\ Id. at 1122.
In that decision, the court considered the standards of proof under
section 209 for the two findings related to granting a waiver for an
``accompanying enforcement procedure.'' Those findings involve: (1)
Whether the enforcement procedures impact California's prior
protectiveness determination for the associated standards, and (2)
whether the procedures are consistent with section 202(a). The
principles set forth by the court are similarly applicable to an EPA
review of a request for a waiver of preemption for a standard. The
court instructed that ``the standard of proof must take account of the
nature of the risk of error involved in any given decision, and it
therefore varies with the finding involved. We need not decide how this
standard operates in every waiver decision.'' \20\
\20\ Id.
With regard to the protectiveness finding, the court upheld the
Administrator's position that, to deny a waiver, there must be ``clear
and compelling evidence'' to show that proposed enforcement procedures
undermine the protectiveness of California's standards.\21\ The court
noted that this standard of proof also accords with the congressional
intent to provide California with the broadest
[[Page 4870]]
possible discretion in setting regulations it finds protective of the
public health and welfare.\22\
\21\ Id.
\22\ Id.
With respect to the consistency finding, the court did not
articulate a standard of proof applicable to all proceedings, but found
that the opponents of the waiver were unable to meet their burden of
proof even if the standard were a mere preponderance of the evidence.
Although MEMA I did not explicitly consider the standards of proof
under section 209 concerning a waiver request for ``standards,'' as
compared to a waiver request for accompanying enforcement procedures,
there is nothing in the opinion to suggest that the court's analysis
would not apply with equal force to such determinations. EPA's past
waiver decisions have consistently made clear that: ``[E]ven in the two
areas concededly reserved for Federal judgment by this legislation--the
existence of `compelling and extraordinary' conditions and whether the
standards are technologically feasible--Congress intended that the
standards of EPA review of the State decision to be a narrow one.''
\23\ See, e.g., ``California State Motor Vehicle Pollution
Control Standards; Waiver of Federal Preemption,'' 40 FR 23102 (May
28, 1975), at 23103.
D. Deference to California
In previous waiver decisions, EPA has recognized that the intent of
Congress in creating a limited review based on specifically listed
criteria was to ensure that the federal government did not second-guess
state policy choices. As the Agency explained in one prior waiver
It is worth noting . . . I would feel constrained to approve a
California approach to the problem which I might also feel unable to
adopt at the federal level in my own capacity as a regulator. . . .
Since a balancing of risks and costs against the potential benefits
from reduced emissions is a central policy decision for any
regulatory agency under the statutory scheme outlined above, I
believe I am required to give very substantial deference to
California's judgments on this score.\24\
\24\ 40 FR 23102, 23103-04 (May 28, 1975).
Similarly, EPA has stated that the text, structure, and history of
the California waiver provision clearly indicate both a congressional
intent and appropriate EPA practice of leaving the decision on
``ambiguous and controversial matters of public policy'' to
California's judgment.\25\ This interpretation is supported by relevant
discussion in the House Committee Report for the 1977 amendments to the
CAA. Congress had the opportunity through the 1977 amendments to
restrict the preexisting waiver provision, but elected instead to
expand California's flexibility to adopt a complete program of motor
vehicle emission controls. The report explains that the amendment is
intended to ratify and strengthen the preexisting California waiver
provision and to affirm the underlying intent of that provision, that
is, to afford California the broadest possible discretion in selecting
the best means to protect the health of its citizens and the public
\25\ 40 FR 23102, 23104 (May 28, 1975); 58 FR 4166 (January 13,
\26\ MEMA I, 627 F.2d at 1110 (citing H.R. Rep. No. 294, 95th
Cong., 1st Sess. 301-02 (1977)).
E. EPA's Administrative Process in Consideration of California's
On August 9, 2016, EPA published a notice of opportunity for public
hearing and comment on California's waiver request.\27\ In that notice,
EPA requested comments on whether the 2007 Amendments and the Truck
Idling Amendments, each individually assessed, should be considered
under the within-the-scope analysis or whether they should be
considered under the full waiver criteria. For the In-Use Regulation,
and to the degree the 2007 Amendments or the Truck Idling Amendments
should not be considered under the within-the-scope criteria, EPA
sought comment under the following three criteria: Whether (a)
California's determination that its motor vehicle emissions standards
are, in the aggregate, at least as protective of public health and
welfare as applicable federal standards is arbitrary and capricious,
(b) California needs such State standards to meet compelling and
extraordinary conditions, and (c) California's standards and
accompanying enforcement procedures are consistent with section 202(a)
of the Clean Air Act.
\27\ 81 FR 52678 (August 9, 2016).
EPA received no comments and no requests for a public hearing.
Consequently, EPA did not hold a public hearing.
III. Discussion
A. Within-the-Scope Analysis
EPA initially evaluates California's 2007 Amendments and Truck
Idling Amendments by application of our traditional within-the-scope
analysis, as CARB requested. If we determine that CARB's request does
not meet the requirements for a within-the-scope determination, we then
evaluate the request based on a full authorization analysis. In
determining whether amendments can be viewed as within the scope of
previous waivers, EPA looks at whether CARB's revision is either
limited to minor technical amendments to previously waived regulations
or modifying regulations in order to provide additional compliance
flexibility without significantly reducing the overall stringency of
previously waived regulations. The amendments at issue in this request
provide regulatory clarity and corrections, and provide limited
exemptions in order to provide for compliance flexibility
EPA sought comment on a range of issues, including those applicable
to a within-the-scope analysis as well as those applicable to a full
authorization analysis. No party submitted a comment that California's
2007 Amendments or Truck Idling Amendments require a full authorization
analysis. Given the lack of comments on this issue, and EPA's
assessment of the nature of the amendments, I will evaluate
California's 2007 amendments and Truck Idling Amendments by application
of the traditional within-the-scope analysis, as CARB requested.
As noted above, EPA can confirm that the amended regulations are
within the scope of a previously granted waiver of preemption if three
conditions are met. First, the amended regulations do not undermine
California's determination that its standards, in the aggregate, are as
protective of public health and welfare as applicable federal
standards. Second, the amended regulations do not affect consistency
with section 202(a) of the Act. Third, the amended regulations do not
raise any ``new issues'' affecting EPA's prior authorizations.
B. Full Authorization Analysis
CARB's waiver request also included the In-Use Regulation. EPA must
grant a waiver for the In-Use Regulation unless the Administrator
finds: (1) California's determination that its standards will be, in
the aggregate, as protective of public health and welfare as applicable
federal standards is arbitrary and capricious; (2) California does not
need such California standards to meet compelling and extraordinary
conditions; or (3) California's standards and accompanying enforcement
procedures are not consistent with this section.
EPA's evaluation of the 2007 Amendments, the Truck Idling
Amendments, and the In-use Regulation is set forth below. Because of
the similarity of the within-the-scope criteria and the full waiver
criteria, a discussion of all three sets of respective amendments take
place within each waiver criterion. To the extent that the
[[Page 4871]]
criteria are applied uniquely, or that additional criteria apply under
either the within-the-scope analysis or the full waiver analysis, such
application is also addressed below.
C. Whether California's Protectiveness Determination Was Arbitrary and
As stated in the background, section 209(b)(1)(A) of the Act sets
forth the first of the three criteria governing a new waiver request--
whether California was arbitrary and capricious in its determination
that its motor vehicle emissions standards will be, in the aggregate,
at least as protective of public health and welfare as applicable
federal standards. Section 209(b)(1)(A) of the CAA requires EPA to deny
a waiver if the Administrator finds that California's protectiveness
determination was arbitrary and capricious. However, a finding that
California's determination was arbitrary and capricious must be based
upon clear and convincing evidence that California's finding was
CARB notes that in its initial adoption and amendments to the In-
Use Regulation in 2006, 2007, and 2011, the CARB Board approved
Resolutions 06-27, 07-56 and 11-19 in which it declared:
Be it further resolved that the Board hereby determines that the
regulations adopted herein will not cause California motor vehicle
emission standards, in the aggregate, to be less protective of the
public health and welfare than applicable federal standards.\29\
\28\ MEMA I, 627 F.2d at 1122, 1124 (``Once California has come
forward with a finding that the procedures it seeks to adopt will
not undermine the protectiveness of its standards, parties opposing
the waiver request must show that this finding is unreasonable.'');
see also 78 FR 2112, at 2121 (January. 9, 2013).
\29\ Waiver Support Document at 17. See EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0017-
0027, EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0017-0047, and EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0017-0056.
CARB also notes that EPA has previously granted California a waiver for
California's 2007 California HDDE standards (which included the NTE
test procedures), and the addition of the In-Use Regulation will help
ensure that the emission control systems on HDDEs are properly designed
and sufficiently durable to ensure compliance with the emission
requirements during their useful life. CARB further noted that the In-
Use Regulation provisions are ``essentially identical to the
requirements of EPA's corresponding HDIUT program.\30\ CARB also notes
that the 2007 Amendments in no way undermine the stringency of the
underlying exhaust emission standards or the associated test procedures
(which is the criterion under the within-the-scope analysis), but
instead ensure that California's standards remain as, or more
protective than, applicable federal standards.\31\ Similarly, CARB
notes that with regard to the Truck Idling Amendments that EPA's
regulations do not require new heavy-duty diesel engines to be equipped
with idling shutdown systems or to optionally comply with
NOX idling emission standards.\32\
\30\ Id.
\31\ Id. at 21.
\32\ Id. at 24, citing Resolution 11-19.
As it is clear that California's standards are at least as
protective of public health and welfare as applicable federal
standards, and that no evidence is in the record suggesting otherwise
(and EPA is not otherwise aware of any information), I find that
California's respective protectiveness determinations are not arbitrary
and capricious for purposes of the In-Use Regulation, the 2007
Amendments, and the Truck Idling Amendments.
D. Whether the Standards Are Necessary To Meet Compelling and
Extraordinary Conditions
Section 209(b)(1)(B) instructs that EPA cannot grant a waiver if
the Agency finds that California ``does not need such State standards
to meet compelling and extraordinary conditions.'' EPA's inquiry under
this second criterion has traditionally been to determine whether
California needs its own motor vehicle emission control program (i.e.,
set of standards) to meet compelling and extraordinary conditions, and
not whether the specific standards that are the subject of the waiver
request are necessary to meet such conditions.\33\ In recent waiver
actions, EPA again examined the language of section 209(b)(1)(B) and
reiterated this longstanding traditional interpretation as the better
approach for analyzing the need for ``such State standards'' to meet
``compelling and extraordinary conditions.'' \34\
\33\ See California State Motor Vehicle Pollution Control
Standards; Notice of Decision Granting a Waiver of Clean Air Act
Preemption for California's 2009 and Subsequent Model Year
Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for New Motor Vehicles,'' 74 FR
32744 (July 8, 2009), at 32761; see also ``California State Motor
Vehicle Pollution Control Standards; Waiver of Federal Preemption
Notice of Decision,'' 49 FR 18887 (May 3, 1984), at 18889-18890.
\34\ See 78 FR 2112, at 2125-26 (Jan. 9, 2013) (``EPA does not
look at whether the specific standards at issue are needed to meet
compelling and extraordinary conditions related to that air
pollutant.''; see also EPA's July 9, 2009 GHG Waiver Decision
wherein EPA rejected the suggested interpretation of section
209(b)(1)(B) as requiring a review of the specific need for
California's new motor vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards as
opposed to the traditional interpretation (need for the motor
vehicle emission program as a whole) applied to local or regional
air pollution problems. See also 79 FR 46256, 46261 (August 7,
In conjunction with the initial adoption and subsequent amendments
of the In-Use Regulation in 2006, 2007, and 2011, respectively (see
Resolutions 06-27, 07-56, and 11-19 noted above), the CARB's Board
confirmed California's longstanding position that California continues
to need its own motor vehicle emission program to meet serious air
pollution problems. CARB notes that the geographical and climatic
conditions and the tremendous growth in vehicle population and use that
moved Congress to authorize California to establish separate vehicle
standards in 1967 still exist today.\35\ ``Nothing in these conditions
has changed to warrant a change in EPA's confirmation, and therefore
there can be no doubt of the continuing existence of compelling and
extraordinary conditions justifying California's need for its own motor
vehicle emissions control program.'' \36\
\35\ Waiver Support Request Support Document at 18.
\36\ Id.
There has been no evidence submitted to indicate that California's
compelling and extraordinary conditions do not continue to exist.
California, particularly in the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley air
basins, continues to experience some of the worst air quality in the
nation, and many areas in California continue to be in non-attainment
with national ambient air quality standards for fine particulate matter
and ozone.\37\ As California has previously stated, ``nothing in
[California's unique geographic and climatic] conditions has changed to
warrant a change in this determination.'' \38\
\37\ 74 FR 32744, 32762-63 (July 8, 2009), 76 FR 77515, 77518
(December 13, 2011), 81 FR 95982 (December 29, 2016). EPA
continually evaluates the air quality conditions in the United
States, including California. California continues to experience
some of the worst air quality in the country and continues to be in
nonattainment with National Ambient Air Quality Standards for fine
particulate matter and ozone, see ``Notice of Availability of the
Environmental Protection Agency's Preliminary Interstate Ozone
Transport Modeling Data for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air
Quality Standard (NAAQS)'' at EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0751.
\38\ Id.
Based on the record before us, including EPA's prior waiver
decisions, I am unable to identify any change in circumstances or
evidence to suggest that the conditions that Congress identified as
giving rise to serious air quality problems in California no longer
exist. Therefore, EPA cannot find that California does not need its
state standards, including its In-Use
[[Page 4872]]
Regulation, to meet compelling and extraordinary conditions in
E. Consistency With Section 202(a)
For the third and final criterion, EPA evaluates the program for
consistency with section 202(a) of the CAA. Under section 209(b)(1)(C)
of the CAA, EPA must deny California's waiver request if EPA finds that
California's standards and accompanying enforcement procedures are not
consistent with section 202(a). Section 202(a) requires that
regulations ``shall take effect after such period as the Administrator
finds necessary to permit the development and application of the
relevant technology, considering the cost of compliance within that
EPA has previously stated that the determination is limited to
whether those opposed to the waiver have met their burden of
establishing that California's standards are technologically
infeasible, or that California's test procedures impose requirements
inconsistent with the federal test procedure. Infeasibility would be
shown here by demonstrating that there is inadequate lead time to
permit the development of technology necessary to meet the In-Use
Amendments, the 2007 Amendments, or the Truck Idling Amendments that
are the subject of the waiver request, giving appropriate consideration
to the cost of compliance within that time.\39\ California's
accompanying enforcement procedures would also be inconsistent with
section 202(a) if the federal and California test procedures
conflicted, i.e., if manufacturers would be unable to meet both the
California and federal test requirements with the same test
\39\ See, e.g., 38 FR 30136 (November 1, 1973) and 40 FR 30311
(July 18, 1975).
\40\ See, e.g., 43 FR 32182 (July 25, 1978).
Regarding test procedure conflict, CARB notes both EPA and CARB
utilize essentially identical test procedures in certifying 2007 and
subsequent MY heavy-duty engines and that the 2007 Amendments also do
not preclude manufacturers from conducting one set of tests on a heavy-
duty engines or vehicle to determine compliance with both the
California and federal requirements.\41\ For the reasons set forth
above, and because there is no evidence in the record or other
information that EPA is aware of, I cannot find that CARB's In-Use
Compliance Regulation, 2007 Amendments, and Truck Idling Amendments are
inconsistent with section 202(a) based upon test procedure
\41\ Id. at 20, 22.
In addition, EPA did not receive any comments arguing that the
CARB's In-Use Regulation, 2007 Amendments, and Truck Idling Amendments
were technologically infeasible or that the cost of compliance would be
excessive, such that California's standards might be inconsistent with
section 202(a).\42\ In EPA's review of CARB's In-Use Regulation, I find
that CARB's statements about the capability of PEMS technology to
measure gaseous pollutants as well as PM emissions is accurate.\43\
With regard to the 2007 Amendments, I find that the amendments do not
raise any new issues regarding technological feasibility given that the
amendments regarding how the NOX standard is expressed is a
regulatory clarification and the amendment regarding the new option for
certain chassis-certified 2007 through 2009 model year heavy-duty
vehicles provides additional compliance flexibility. Similarly, the
Truck Idling Amendments merely provide compliance flexibility to a
previously waived program by setting forth limited compliance
exemptions (i.e., the exemptions for armored vehicles and workover
\42\ See, e.g., 78 FR 2134 (January 9, 2013), 47 FR 7306, 7309
(February 18, 1982), 43 FR 25735 (June 17, 1978), and 46 FR 26371,
26373 (May 12, 1981).
\43\ Waiver Support Document at 19 (CARB explains that several
PEMS capable of measuring gaseous emissions are commercially
available and that the further development needed (at the time of
CARB's initial adoption of the In-Use Regulation) for PM emissions
monitoring by PEMS has been resolved.
I therefore cannot find that California standards, which include
the CARB's In-Use Regulation, 2007 Amendments, and Truck Idling
Amendments are inconsistent with section 202(a).
F. New Issues
EPA has stated in the past that if California promulgates
amendments that raise new issues affecting previously granted waivers,
we would not confirm that those amendments are within the scope of
previous waivers.\44\ I do not believe that either the 2007 Amendments
or the Truck Idling Amendments raise any new issues with respect to our
prior waivers governing their underlying regulations. Moreover, EPA did
not receive any comments that CARB's 2007 Amendments or Truck Idling
Amendments raised new issues affecting the previously granted waivers.
Therefore, I cannot find that CARB's 2007 Amendments and Truck Idling
Amendments raise new issues and consequently, cannot deny CARB's
within-the-scope requests based on this criterion.
\44\ See, e.g., 78 FR 38970 (June 28, 2013), 75 FR 8056
(February 23, 2010), and 70 FR 22034 (April 28, 2005).
IV. Decision
After evaluating CARB's In-Use Regulation and CARB's submissions
for EPA review, I am hereby granting a waiver for the In-Use
Regulation. After evaluating CARB's 2007 Amendments and Truck Idling
Amendments and CARB's submissions for EPA review, I am hereby
confirming that such amendments are within the scope of prior EPA
This decision will affect persons in California and those
manufacturers and/or owners/operators nationwide who must comply with
California's requirements. In addition, because other states may adopt
California's standards for which a section 209(b) waiver has been
granted under section 177 of the Act if certain criteria are met, this
decision would also affect those states and those persons in such
states. For these reasons, EPA determines and finds that this is a
final action of national applicability, and also a final action of
nationwide scope or effect for purposes of section 307(b)(1) of the
Act. Pursuant to section 307(b)(1) of the Act, judicial review of this
final action may be sought only in the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit. Petitions for review must be
filed by March 20, 2017. Judicial review of this final action may not
be obtained in subsequent enforcement proceedings, pursuant to section
307(b)(2) of the Act.
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
As with past waiver and authorization decisions, this action is not
a rule as defined by Executive Order 12866. Therefore, it is exempt
from review by the Office of Management and Budget as required for
rules and regulations by Executive Order 12866.
In addition, this action is not a rule as defined in the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601(2). Therefore, EPA has not prepared a
supporting regulatory flexibility analysis addressing the impact of
this action on small business entities.
Further, the Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801, et seq., as
added by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
1996, does not apply because this action is not a rule for purposes of
5 U.S.C. 804(3).
[[Page 4873]]
Dated: January 9, 2017.
Gina McCarthy,
[FR Doc. 2017-00940 Filed 1-13-17; 8:45 am]