Driftwood LNG, LLC; Application for Long-Term, Multi-Contract Authorization To Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations, 3760-3762 [2017-00531]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 8 / Thursday, January 12, 2017 / Notices
site at https://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/
dars/. The Web site will be
updated when early inputs will no
longer be accepted. Please note, this
venue does not replace or circumvent
the rulemaking process; DARS will
engage in formal rulemaking, in
accordance with 41 U.S.C. 1303, when
it has been determined that rulemaking
is required to implement a section of the
NDAA for FY 2017 within the
acquisition regulations.
Jennifer L. Hawes,
Editor, Defense Acquisition Regulations
[FR Doc. 2017–00571 Filed 1–11–17; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Board of Regents, Uniformed Services
University of the Health Sciences;
Notice of Federal Advisory Committee
Department of Defense;
Uniformed Services University of the
Health Sciences (‘‘the University’’).
ACTION: Quarterly meeting notice.
The Department of Defense is
publishing this notice to announce the
following meeting of the Board of
Regents, Uniformed Services University
of the Health Sciences (‘‘the Board’’).
DATES: Thursday, February 2, 2017,
from 2:00 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. (Open
Session) and 4:10 p.m. to 4:40 p.m.
(Closed Session).
ADDRESSES: The Emily Morgan Hotel,
705 East Houston Street, San Antonio,
Texas 78205.
Jennifer Nuetzi James, Designated
Federal Officer, 4301 Jones Bridge Road,
A1020, Bethesda, Maryland 20814;
telephone 301–295–3066; email
meeting notice is being published under
the provisions of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C.,
Appendix, as amended), the
Government in the Sunshine Act of
1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and
41 CFR 102–3.150.
Purpose of the Meeting: The purpose
of the meeting is to provide advice and
recommendations to the Secretary of
Defense, through the Under Secretary of
Defense for Personnel and Readiness, on
academic and administrative matters
critical to the full accreditation and
successful operation of the University.
These actions are necessary for the
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University to pursue its mission, which
is to educate, train and comprehensively
prepare uniformed services health
professionals, officers, scientists and
leaders to support the Military and
Public Health Systems, the National
Security and National Defense Strategies
of the United States, and the readiness
of our Uniformed Services.
Agenda: The actions scheduled to
occur include the review of the minutes
from the Board meeting held on
November 1, 2016; recommendations
regarding the awarding of postbaccalaureate degrees;
recommendations regarding the
approval of faculty appointments and
promotions; and recommendations
regarding award nominations. The
University President will provide a
report on recent actions affecting
academic and operational aspects of the
University. There will be reports from
the University Vice President for
Research, the University Vice President
for Finance and Administration, and the
University Vice President for
Information and Education. There will
be a report on the University
Interprofessional Education, and the
meeting will conclude with a report on
the University Defense Health Horizons.
A closed session will be held, after the
open session, to discuss active
investigations and personnel actions.
Meeting Accessibility: Pursuant to
Federal statutes and regulations (5
U.S.C. Appendix, 5 U.S.C. 552b, and 41
CFR 102–3.140 through 102–3.165) and
the availability of space, the meeting is
open to the public from 2:00 p.m. to
4:05 p.m. Seating is on a first-come
basis. Members of the public wishing to
attend the meeting should contact
Jennifer Nuetzi James no later than five
business days prior to the meeting, at
the address and phone number noted in
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(2, 5–7),
the Department of Defense has
determined that the portion of the
meeting from 4:10 p.m. to 4:40 p.m.
shall be closed to the public. The Under
Secretary of Defense (Personnel and
Readiness), in consultation with the
Office of the Department of Defense
General Counsel, has determined in
writing that this portion of the Board’s
meeting will be closed as the discussion
will disclose sensitive personnel
information, will include matters that
relate solely to the internal personnel
rules and practices of the agency, will
involve allegations of a person having
committed a crime or censuring an
individual, and may disclose
investigatory records compiled for law
enforcement purposes.
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Written Statements: Pursuant to
section 10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act of 1972 and 41 CFR 102–
3.140, the public or interested
organizations may submit written
comments to the Board about its
approved agenda pertaining to this
meeting or at any time regarding the
Board’s mission. Individuals submitting
a written statement must submit their
statement to the Designated Federal
Officer at the address listed in the FOR
Written statements that do not pertain to
a scheduled meeting of the Board may
be submitted at any time. However, if
individual comments pertain to a
specific topic being discussed at the
planned meeting, then these statements
must be received at least 5 calendar
days prior to the meeting, otherwise, the
comments may not be provided to or
considered by the Board until a later
date. The Designated Federal Officer
will compile all timely submissions
with the Board’s Chair and ensure such
submissions are provided to Board
Members before the meeting.
Dated: January 9, 2017.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2017–00524 Filed 1–11–17; 8:45 am]
[FE Docket No. 16–144–LNG]
Driftwood LNG, LLC; Application for
Long-Term, Multi-Contract
Authorization To Export Liquefied
Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade
Agreement Nations
Office of Fossil Energy, DOE.
Notice of application.
The Office of Fossil Energy
(FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE)
gives notice of receipt of an application
(Application), filed on September 28,
2016, by Driftwood LNG, LLC
(Driftwood LNG), requesting long-term,
multi-contract authorization to export
domestically produced liquefied natural
gas (LNG) in a volume equivalent to
1,496.5 billion cubic feet per year (Bcf/
yr) of natural gas (4.1 Bcf per day).
Driftwood LNG seeks authorization to
export the LNG by vessel from the
proposed Driftwood LNG Facility to be
located in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana,
approximately five miles south of the
town of Carlyss, Louisiana. Driftwood
LNG requests authorization to export
LNG to any nation with which the
United States does not have a free trade
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 8 / Thursday, January 12, 2017 / Notices
agreement (FTA) that requires national
treatment for trade in natural gas and
with which trade is not prohibited by
U.S. law or policy (non-FTA countries)
for a 20-year term to commence on the
earlier of the date of first export or seven
years from the date the requested
authorization is issued. Driftwood LNG
seeks to export this LNG on its own
behalf and as agent for other entities
who hold title to the LNG at the time of
export. The Application was filed under
section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA).
Additional details can be found in the
Application, posted on the DOE/FE Web
site at: https://www.energy.gov/fe/
downloads/driftwood-lng-llc-fe-dkt-16144-lng. Protests, motions to intervene,
notices of intervention, and written
comments are invited.
DATES: Protests, motions to intervene or
notices of intervention, as applicable,
requests for additional procedures, and
written comments are to be filed using
procedures detailed in the Public
Comment Procedures section no later
than 4:30 p.m., Eastern time, March 13,
Electronic Filing by email: fergas@
Regular Mail: U.S. Department of
Energy (FE–34), Office of Regulation
and International Engagement, Office of
Fossil Energy, P.O. Box 44375,
Washington, DC 20026–4375.
Hand Delivery or Private Delivery
Services (e.g., FedEx, UPS, etc.) U.S.
Department of Energy (FE–34), Office of
Regulation and International
Engagement, Office of Fossil Energy,
Forrestal Building, Room 3E–042, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585.
Kyle W. Moorman or Larine Moore, U.S.
Department of Energy (FE–34) Office
of Regulation and International
Engagement, Office of Fossil Energy,
Forrestal Building, Room 3E–042,
1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586–
7970; (202) 586–9578.
Cassandra Bernstein, U.S. Department of
Energy (GC–76) Office of the Assistant
General Counsel for Electricity and
Fossil Energy, Forrestal Building1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586–
Application, Driftwood LNG also
requests authorization to export the
same cumulative volume of LNG to any
country that currently has, or in the
future may enter into, a FTA requiring
national treatment for trade in natural
gas, and with which trade is not
prohibited by U.S. law or policy (FTA
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countries) for a term of 30 years. DOE/
FE will review that request separately
pursuant to section 3(c) of the Natural
Gas Act, 15 U.S.C. 717b(c). The
requested volumes in the FTA portion
and NFTA portion of the Application
are not additive.
DOE/FE Evaluation
The Application will be reviewed
pursuant to section 3(a) of the NGA, 15
U.S.C. 717b(a), and DOE will consider
any issues required by law or policy. To
the extent determined to be relevant,
these issues will include the domestic
need for the natural gas proposed to be
exported, the adequacy of domestic
natural gas supply, and U.S. energy
security. DOE may also consider other
factors bearing on the public interest,
including the impact of the proposed
exports on the U.S. economy and
international considerations, and
whether the authorization is consistent
with DOE’s policy of promoting
competition in the marketplace by
allowing commercial parties to freely
negotiate their own trade arrangements.
As part of this analysis, DOE will
consider the following two studies
examining the cumulative impacts of
exporting domestically produced LNG:
• Effect of Increased Levels of Liquefied
Natural Gas on U.S. Energy Markets,
conducted by the U.S. Energy Information
Administration upon DOE’s request (2014
EIA LNG Export Study); 1 and
• The Macroeconomic Impact of
Increasing U.S. LNG Exports, conducted
jointly by the Center for Energy Studies at
Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public
Policy and Oxford Economics, on behalf of
DOE (2015 LNG Export Study).2
Additionally, DOE will consider the
following environmental documents:
• Addendum to Environmental Review
Documents Concerning Exports of Natural
Gas From the United States, 79 FR 48132
(Aug. 15, 2014); 3 and
• Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Perspective
on Exporting Liquefied Natural Gas from the
United States, 79 FR 32260 (June 4, 2014).4
Parties that may oppose this
Application should address these issues
in their comments and/or protests, as
well as other issues deemed relevant to
the Application.
1 The 2014 EIA LNG Export Study, published on
Oct. 29, 2014, is available at: https://www.eia.gov/
2 The 2015 LNG Export Study, dated Oct. 29,
2015, is available at: https://energy.gov/sites/prod/
3 The Addendum and related documents are
available at: https://energy.gov/fe/addendumenvironmental-review-documents-concerningexports-natural-gas-united-states.
4 The Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Report is
available at: https://energy.gov/fe/life-cyclegreenhouse-gas-perspective-exporting-liquefiednatural-gas-united-states.
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The National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.,
requires DOE to give appropriate
consideration to the environmental
effects of its proposed decisions. No
final decision will be issued in this
proceeding until DOE has met its
environmental responsibilities.
Public Comment Procedures
In response to this Notice, any person
may file a protest, comments, or a
motion to intervene or notice of
intervention, as applicable. Due to the
complexity of the issues raised by the
Applicant, interested persons will be
provided 60 days from the date of
publication of this Notice in which to
submit comments, protests, motions to
intervene, or notices of intervention.
Any person wishing to become a party
to the proceeding must file a motion to
intervene or notice of intervention. The
filing of comments or a protest with
respect to the Application will not serve
to make the commenter or protestant a
party to the proceeding, although
protests and comments received from
persons who are not parties will be
considered in determining the
appropriate action to be taken on the
Application. All protests, comments,
motions to intervene, or notices of
intervention must meet the
requirements specified by the
regulations in 10 CFR part 590.
Filings may be submitted using one of
the following methods: (1) Emailing the
filing to fergas@hq.doe.gov, with FE
Docket No. 16–144–LNG in the title
line; (2) mailing an original and three
paper copies of the filing to the Office
of Regulation and International
Engagement at the address listed in
ADDRESSES; or (3) hand delivering an
original and three paper copies of the
filing to the Office of Regulation and
International Engagement at the address
listed in ADDRESSES. All filings must
include a reference to FE Docket No.
submitting a filing via email, please
include all related documents and
attachments (e.g., exhibits) in the
original email correspondence. Please
do not include any active hyperlinks or
password protection in any of the
documents or attachments related to the
filing. All electronic filings submitted to
DOE must follow these guidelines to
ensure that all documents are filed in a
timely manner. Any hardcopy filing
submitted greater in length than 50
pages must also include, at the time of
the filing, a digital copy on disk of the
entire submission.
A decisional record on the
Application will be developed through
responses to this notice by parties,
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 8 / Thursday, January 12, 2017 / Notices
including the parties’ written comments
and replies thereto. Additional
procedures will be used as necessary to
achieve a complete understanding of the
facts and issues. If an additional
procedure is scheduled, notice will be
provided to all parties. If no party
requests additional procedures, a final
Opinion and Order may be issued based
on the official record, including the
Application and responses filed by
parties pursuant to this notice, in
accordance with 10 CFR 590.316.
The Application is available for
inspection and copying in the Office of
Regulation and International
Engagement docket room, Room 3E–
042, 1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585. The docket
room is open between the hours of 8:00
a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
The Application and any filed
protests, motions to intervene or notice
of interventions, and comments will
also be available electronically by going
to the following DOE/FE Web address:
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 6,
John A. Anderson,
Director, Office of Regulation and
International Engagement, Office of Oil and
Natural Gas.
Orders Granting Authority To Import
and Export Natural Gas, To Import and
Export Liquefied Natural Gas, and
Vacating Authority During November
Office of Fossil Energy,
Department of Energy.
Notice of orders.
[FR Doc. 2017–00531 Filed 1–11–17; 8:45 am]
FE Docket Nos.
CONSTELLATION ENERGY SERVICES, INC ................................................................................................................................
CNE GAS SUPPLY, LLC .................................................................................................................................................................
CNE GAS SUPPLY, LLC .................................................................................................................................................................
BG ENERGY MERCHANTS, LLC ....................................................................................................................................................
MAGNOLIA LNG, LLC ......................................................................................................................................................................
NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION d/b/a NORTHWESTERN ENERGY ......................................................................................
ENERGIA DE CHIHUAHUA, S.A. DE C.V .......................................................................................................................................
GDF SUEZ ENERGY MARKETING NA, INC ..................................................................................................................................
ALLIANCE PIPELINE L.P .................................................................................................................................................................
ACCESS GAS SERVICES (ONTARIO) INC ....................................................................................................................................
BOSTON GAS CO. d/b/a NATIONAL GRID ....................................................................................................................................
NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION d/b/a NATIONAL GRID .......................................................................................
SEMCO ENERGY, INC., d/b/a SEMCO ENERGY GAS COMPANY ..............................................................................................
UGI ENERGY SERVICES ................................................................................................................................................................
VITOL INC. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
MEXICANA DE COBRE, S.A. DE C.V .............................................................................................................................................
COLONIAL GAS COMPANY d/b/a NATIONAL GRID .....................................................................................................................
THE NARRAGANSETT ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a NATIONAL GRID .......................................................................................
KEYSPAN GAS EAST CORPORATION d/b/a NATIONAL GRID ...................................................................................................
THE BROOKLYN UNION GAS COMPANY d/b/a NATIONAL GRID ..............................................................................................
ENERGIA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA, S. de R.L. DE C.V ...................................................................................................................
SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, L.P ......................................................................................................................................
EXELON GENERATION COMPANY, LLC ......................................................................................................................................
SPECTRUM LNG LLC .....................................................................................................................................................................
CARIB ENERGY ...............................................................................................................................................................................
POWEREX CORP. ...........................................................................................................................................................................
BP ENERGY COMPANY .................................................................................................................................................................
HUSKY MARKETING AND SUPPLY COMPANY ...........................................................................................................................
STAND ENERGY CORPORATION .................................................................................................................................................
CENTRAL GENERADORA ELECTRICA HUINALA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. ......................................................................................
FERUS NATURAL GAS FUELS (CNG), LLC ..................................................................................................................................
CASTLETON COMMODITIES MERCHANT TRADING L.P. ...........................................................................................................
DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS MARKETING, LLC .........................................................................................................................
MC GLOBAL GAS CORPORATION ................................................................................................................................................
UNITED ENERGY TRADING, LLC ..................................................................................................................................................
MPOWER ENERGY .........................................................................................................................................................................
MANSFIELD POWER AND GAS, LLC ............................................................................................................................................
TRANSALTA ENERGY MARKETING CORP ..................................................................................................................................
The Office of Fossil Energy
(FE) of the Department of Energy gives
notice that during November 2016, it
issued orders granting authority to
import and export natural gas, to import
and export liquefied natural gas (LNG),
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and vacating authority. These orders are
summarized in the attached appendix
and may be found on the FE Web site
at https://energy.gov/fe/listing-doefeauthorizationsorders-issued-2016.
PO 00000
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They are also available for inspection
and copying in the U.S. Department of
Energy (FE–34), Division of Natural Gas
Regulation, Office of Regulation and
International Engagement, Office of
Fossil Energy, Docket Room 3E–033,
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 8 (Thursday, January 12, 2017)]
[Pages 3760-3762]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-00531]
[FE Docket No. 16-144-LNG]
Driftwood LNG, LLC; Application for Long-Term, Multi-Contract
Authorization To Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade
Agreement Nations
AGENCY: Office of Fossil Energy, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of application.
SUMMARY: The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy
(DOE) gives notice of receipt of an application (Application), filed on
September 28, 2016, by Driftwood LNG, LLC (Driftwood LNG), requesting
long-term, multi-contract authorization to export domestically produced
liquefied natural gas (LNG) in a volume equivalent to 1,496.5 billion
cubic feet per year (Bcf/yr) of natural gas (4.1 Bcf per day).
Driftwood LNG seeks authorization to export the LNG by vessel from the
proposed Driftwood LNG Facility to be located in Calcasieu Parish,
Louisiana, approximately five miles south of the town of Carlyss,
Louisiana. Driftwood LNG requests authorization to export LNG to any
nation with which the United States does not have a free trade
[[Page 3761]]
agreement (FTA) that requires national treatment for trade in natural
gas and with which trade is not prohibited by U.S. law or policy (non-
FTA countries) for a 20-year term to commence on the earlier of the
date of first export or seven years from the date the requested
authorization is issued. Driftwood LNG seeks to export this LNG on its
own behalf and as agent for other entities who hold title to the LNG at
the time of export. The Application was filed under section 3 of the
Natural Gas Act (NGA). Additional details can be found in the
Application, posted on the DOE/FE Web site at: https://www.energy.gov/fe/downloads/driftwood-lng-llc-fe-dkt-16-144-lng. Protests, motions to
intervene, notices of intervention, and written comments are invited.
DATES: Protests, motions to intervene or notices of intervention, as
applicable, requests for additional procedures, and written comments
are to be filed using procedures detailed in the Public Comment
Procedures section no later than 4:30 p.m., Eastern time, March 13,
Electronic Filing by email: fergas@hq.doe.gov.
Regular Mail: U.S. Department of Energy (FE-34), Office of
Regulation and International Engagement, Office of Fossil Energy, P.O.
Box 44375, Washington, DC 20026-4375.
Hand Delivery or Private Delivery Services (e.g., FedEx, UPS, etc.)
U.S. Department of Energy (FE-34), Office of Regulation and
International Engagement, Office of Fossil Energy, Forrestal Building,
Room 3E-042, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585.
Kyle W. Moorman or Larine Moore, U.S. Department of Energy (FE-34)
Office of Regulation and International Engagement, Office of Fossil
Energy, Forrestal Building, Room 3E-042, 1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-7970; (202) 586-9578.
Cassandra Bernstein, U.S. Department of Energy (GC-76) Office of the
Assistant General Counsel for Electricity and Fossil Energy, Forrestal
Building1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Application, Driftwood LNG also
requests authorization to export the same cumulative volume of LNG to
any country that currently has, or in the future may enter into, a FTA
requiring national treatment for trade in natural gas, and with which
trade is not prohibited by U.S. law or policy (FTA countries) for a
term of 30 years. DOE/FE will review that request separately pursuant
to section 3(c) of the Natural Gas Act, 15 U.S.C. 717b(c). The
requested volumes in the FTA portion and NFTA portion of the
Application are not additive.
DOE/FE Evaluation
The Application will be reviewed pursuant to section 3(a) of the
NGA, 15 U.S.C. 717b(a), and DOE will consider any issues required by
law or policy. To the extent determined to be relevant, these issues
will include the domestic need for the natural gas proposed to be
exported, the adequacy of domestic natural gas supply, and U.S. energy
security. DOE may also consider other factors bearing on the public
interest, including the impact of the proposed exports on the U.S.
economy and international considerations, and whether the authorization
is consistent with DOE's policy of promoting competition in the
marketplace by allowing commercial parties to freely negotiate their
own trade arrangements. As part of this analysis, DOE will consider the
following two studies examining the cumulative impacts of exporting
domestically produced LNG:
Effect of Increased Levels of Liquefied Natural Gas on
U.S. Energy Markets, conducted by the U.S. Energy Information
Administration upon DOE's request (2014 EIA LNG Export Study); \1\
\1\ The 2014 EIA LNG Export Study, published on Oct. 29, 2014,
is available at: https://www.eia.gov/analysis/requests/fe/.
The Macroeconomic Impact of Increasing U.S. LNG
Exports, conducted jointly by the Center for Energy Studies at Rice
University's Baker Institute for Public Policy and Oxford Economics,
on behalf of DOE (2015 LNG Export Study).\2\
\2\ The 2015 LNG Export Study, dated Oct. 29, 2015, is available
at: https://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2015/12/f27/20151113_macro_impact_of_lng_exports_0.pdf.
Additionally, DOE will consider the following environmental
Addendum to Environmental Review Documents Concerning
Exports of Natural Gas From the United States, 79 FR 48132 (Aug. 15,
2014); \3\ and
\3\ The Addendum and related documents are available at: https://energy.gov/fe/addendum-environmental-review-documents-concerning-exports-natural-gas-united-states.
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Perspective on Exporting
Liquefied Natural Gas from the United States, 79 FR 32260 (June 4,
\4\ The Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Report is available at: https://energy.gov/fe/life-cycle-greenhouse-gas-perspective-exporting-liquefied-natural-gas-united-states.
Parties that may oppose this Application should address these
issues in their comments and/or protests, as well as other issues
deemed relevant to the Application.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq., requires DOE to give appropriate consideration to the
environmental effects of its proposed decisions. No final decision will
be issued in this proceeding until DOE has met its environmental
Public Comment Procedures
In response to this Notice, any person may file a protest,
comments, or a motion to intervene or notice of intervention, as
applicable. Due to the complexity of the issues raised by the
Applicant, interested persons will be provided 60 days from the date of
publication of this Notice in which to submit comments, protests,
motions to intervene, or notices of intervention.
Any person wishing to become a party to the proceeding must file a
motion to intervene or notice of intervention. The filing of comments
or a protest with respect to the Application will not serve to make the
commenter or protestant a party to the proceeding, although protests
and comments received from persons who are not parties will be
considered in determining the appropriate action to be taken on the
Application. All protests, comments, motions to intervene, or notices
of intervention must meet the requirements specified by the regulations
in 10 CFR part 590.
Filings may be submitted using one of the following methods: (1)
Emailing the filing to fergas@hq.doe.gov, with FE Docket No. 16-144-LNG
in the title line; (2) mailing an original and three paper copies of
the filing to the Office of Regulation and International Engagement at
the address listed in ADDRESSES; or (3) hand delivering an original and
three paper copies of the filing to the Office of Regulation and
International Engagement at the address listed in ADDRESSES. All
filings must include a reference to FE Docket No. 16-144-LNG. PLEASE
NOTE: If submitting a filing via email, please include all related
documents and attachments (e.g., exhibits) in the original email
correspondence. Please do not include any active hyperlinks or password
protection in any of the documents or attachments related to the
filing. All electronic filings submitted to DOE must follow these
guidelines to ensure that all documents are filed in a timely manner.
Any hardcopy filing submitted greater in length than 50 pages must also
include, at the time of the filing, a digital copy on disk of the
entire submission.
A decisional record on the Application will be developed through
responses to this notice by parties,
[[Page 3762]]
including the parties' written comments and replies thereto. Additional
procedures will be used as necessary to achieve a complete
understanding of the facts and issues. If an additional procedure is
scheduled, notice will be provided to all parties. If no party requests
additional procedures, a final Opinion and Order may be issued based on
the official record, including the Application and responses filed by
parties pursuant to this notice, in accordance with 10 CFR 590.316.
The Application is available for inspection and copying in the
Office of Regulation and International Engagement docket room, Room 3E-
042, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585. The docket
room is open between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
The Application and any filed protests, motions to intervene or
notice of interventions, and comments will also be available
electronically by going to the following DOE/FE Web address: https://www.fe.doe.gov/programs/gasregulation/.
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2017.
John A. Anderson,
Director, Office of Regulation and International Engagement, Office of
Oil and Natural Gas.
[FR Doc. 2017-00531 Filed 1-11-17; 8:45 am]