Federal Plan Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units, 3554-3599 [2016-31203]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
40 CFR Part 62
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664; FRL–9957–11–
RIN 2060–AT28
Federal Plan Requirements for
Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste
Incineration Units
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
This action proposes the
federal plan for existing commercial and
industrial incineration (CISWI) units.
This proposed action implements the
Environmental Protection Agency’s
(EPA) emission guidelines (EG) adopted
on February 7, 2013, as amended on
June 23, 2016, in states that do not have
an approved state plan implementing
the EG in place by the effective date of
this federal plan. The federal plan will
result in emissions reductions of certain
pollutants from all affected units
DATES: Comments. Comments must be
received on or before February 27, 2017.
Public Hearing. A public hearing will
be held if requested by January 17, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Comments. Submit your
comments, identified by Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664 at https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Once submitted, comments cannot be
edited or removed from Regulations.gov.
The EPA may publish any comment
received to its public docket. Do not
submit electronically any information
you consider to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Multimedia
submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be
accompanied by a written comment.
The written comment is considered the
official comment and should include
discussion of all points you wish to
make. The EPA will generally not
consider comments or comment
contents located outside of the primary
submission (i.e., on the Web, Cloud, or
other file sharing system). For
additional submission methods, the full
EPA public comment policy,
information about CBI or multimedia
submissions, and general guidance on
making effective comments, please visit
Nabanita Modak Fischer, Fuels and
Incineration Group, Sector Policies and
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
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Programs Division (E143–05),
Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
27711; telephone number: (919) 541–
5572; fax number: (919) 541–3470;
email address: modak.nabanita@
Docket. The EPA has established a
docket for this rulemaking under Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664. All
documents in the docket are listed in
the Regulations.gov index. Although
listed in the index, some information is
not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
is not placed on the Internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are
available either electronically in
Regulations.gov or in hard copy at the
EPA Docket Center, Room 3334, EPA
WJC West Building, 1301 Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC. The
Public Reading Room is open from 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
telephone number for the Public
Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and
the telephone number for the EPA
Docket Center is (202) 566–1742.
Instructions. Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–
0664. The EPA’s policy is that all
comments received will be included in
the public docket without change and
may be made available online at https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through https://
www.regulations.gov or email. The
https://www.regulations.gov Web site is
an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means the EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless
you provide it in the body of your
comment. If you send an email
comment directly to the EPA without
going through https://
www.regulations.gov, your email
address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment
that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, the EPA
recommends that you include your
name and other contact information in
the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD–ROM you submit. If the EPA
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
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you for clarification, the EPA may not
be able to consider your comment.
Electronic files should not include
special characters or any form of
encryption and be free of any defects or
viruses. For additional information
about the EPA’s public docket, visit the
EPA Docket Center homepage at https://
Public Hearing. A public hearing will
be held, if requested by January 17,
2017, to accept oral comments on this
proposed action. If a hearing is
requested, it will be held at the EPA
WJC East Building, Room 1117A,
located at 1201 Constitution Avenue
NW., Washington, DC. The hearing, if
requested, will begin at 9:00 a.m. (local
time) and will conclude at 4:00 p.m.
(local time) on January 30, 2017, or,
January 26, 2017, whichever date is
later. To request a hearing, to register to
speak at a hearing, or to inquire if a
hearing will be held, please contact
Aimee St. Clair at (919) 541–1063 or by
email at stclair.aimee@epa.gov. The last
day to pre-register to speak at a hearing,
if one is held, will be January 24, 2017.
Additionally, requests to speak will be
taken the day of the hearing at the
hearing registration desk, although
preferences on speaking times may not
be able to be fulfilled. Please note that
registration requests received before the
hearing will be confirmed by the EPA
via email.
The EPA will make every effort to
accommodate all speakers who arrive
and register. Because the hearing will be
held at a U.S. governmental facility,
individuals planning to attend the
hearing should be prepared to show
valid picture identification to the
security staff in order to gain access to
the meeting room. Please note that the
REAL ID Act, passed by Congress in
2005, established new requirements for
entering federal facilities. If your
driver’s license is issued by Alaska,
American Samoa, Arizona, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, Montana, New York,
Oklahoma or the state of Washington,
you must present an additional form of
identification to enter the federal
building. Acceptable alternative forms
of identification include: Federal
employee badges, passports, enhanced
driver’s licenses and military
identification cards. In addition, you
will need to obtain a property pass for
any personal belongings you bring with
you. Upon leaving the building, you
will be required to return this property
pass to the security desk. No large signs
will be allowed in the building, cameras
may only be used outside of the
building and demonstrations will not be
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
allowed on federal property for security
Please note that any updates made to
any aspect of the hearing, including
whether or not a hearing will be held,
will be posted online at https://
www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-airpollution/commercial-and-industrialsolid-waste-incineration-units-ciswinew. We ask that you contact Aimee St.
Clair at (919) 541–1063 or by email at
stclair.aimee@epa.gov or monitor our
Web site to determine if a hearing will
be held. The EPA does not intend to
publish a document in the Federal
Register announcing any such updates.
Please go to https://www.epa.gov/
commercial-and-industrial-solid-wasteincineration-units-ciswi-new for more
information on the public hearing.
Acronyms and Abbreviations. The
following acronyms and abbreviations
are used in this document.
AG Attorney General
CAA Clean Air Act
CBI Confidential business information
Cd Cadmium
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CISWI Commercial and industrial solid
waste incineration
CO Carbon monoxide
CPMS Continuous parameter monitoring
dscm Dry standard cubic meter
EG Emission Guidelines
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ERU Energy recovery unit
ESP Electrostatic precipitator
FF Fabric filter
HAP Hazardous air pollutants
HCl Hydrogen chloride
Hg Mercury
IBR Incorporation by reference
ICR Information collection request
MACT Maximum achievable control
mg/dscm Milligrams per dry standard cubic
NAICS North American Industrial
Classification System
NESHAP National emission standards for
hazardous air pollutants
ng/dscm Nanograms per dry standard cubic
NOX Nitrogen oxides
NSPS New source performance standards
NTTAA National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and
OMB Office of Management and Budget
Pb Lead
PCB Hydrocarbons and polychlorinated
PCDD Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
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PCDF Polychlorinated dibenzofurans
PM Particulate matter (filterable, unless
otherwise specified)
PM2.5 Particulate matter (diameter less than
or equal to 2.5 micrometers)
ppm Parts per million
ppmv Parts per million by volume
ppmvd Parts per million by dry volume
PS Performance Specification
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery
RIN Regulatory Information Number
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
The Court United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit
Tpy Tons per year
ug/dscm Micrograms per dry standard
cubic meter
UMRA Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
U.S.C. United States Code
VCS Voluntary consensus standards
Organization of This Document. The
following outline is provided to aid in
locating information in this preamble.
I. General Information
A. Does the proposed action apply to me?
B. What should I consider as I prepare my
II. Background Information
A. What is the regulatory development
background for this proposed rule?
B. What is the purpose of this proposed
C. What is the status of state plan
III. Affected Facilities
A. What is a CISWI unit?
B. Does the federal plan apply to me?
C. How do I determine if my CISWI unit
is covered by an approved and effective
state plan?
IV. Elements of the CISWI Federal Plan
A. Legal Authority and Enforcement
B. Inventory of Affected CISWI Units
C. Inventory of Emissions
D. Compliance Schedules
E. Emissions Limits and Operating Limits
F. Operator Training and Qualification
G. Testing, Monitoring, Recordkeeping,
and Reporting Requirements
H. Record of Public Hearings
I. Progress Reports
V. Summary of Proposed CISWI Federal Plan
A. What are the proposed applicability
B. What are the proposed compliance
C. What emissions and operating limits is
the EPA proposing to incorporate into
the federal plan?
D. What are the proposed performance
testing and monitoring requirements?
E. What are the proposed recordkeeping
and reporting requirements?
F. What are the other proposed
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VI. CISWI Units That Have or Will Shut
A. Units That Plan to Close
B. Inoperable Units
C. CISWI Units That Have Shut Down
VII. Implementation of the Federal Plan and
A. Background of Authority
B. Mechanisms for Transferring Authority
C. Implementing Authority
D. Delegation of the Federal Plan and
Retained Authorities
VIII. Title V Operating Permits
A. Title V and Delegation of a Federal Plan
IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
Part 51
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
To Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
I. General Information
A. Does the proposed action apply to
Regulated Entities. Owners or
operators of existing CISWI units that
are subject to the existing federal plan
implementing the December 1, 2000 EG,
and units not already subject to an EPAapproved and effective state plan
implementing the February 7, 2013, EG,
may be regulated by this final action.
Existing CISWI units are those that
commenced construction on or before
June 4, 2010 or that commenced
modification or reconstruction after
June 4, 2010 but no later than August 7,
2013. Regulated categories and entities
include those that operate CISWI units.
Although there is no specific North
American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) code for CISWI units,
these units may be operated by the
categories of sources listed in Table 1:
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
NAICS 1 Code
Any industrial or commercial facility
using a solid waste incinerator.
211, 212, 486
321, 322, 337
325, 326
333, 336
423, 44
1 North
Mining; oil and gas exploration operations; pipeline operators.
Utility providers.
Manufacturers of wood products; manufacturers of pulp, paper and paperboard;
manufacturers of furniture and related products.
Manufacturers of chemicals and allied products; manufacturers of plastics and
rubber products.
Manufacturers of cement; nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing.
Manufacturers of machinery; manufacturers of transportation equipment.
Merchant wholesalers, durable goods; retail trade.
American Industrial Classification System.
This table is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a general
guide for identifying entities likely to be
affected by the proposed action. To
determine whether a facility would be
affected by this action, please examine
the applicability criteria in 40 CFR
62.14510 to 62.14525 of subpart III
being proposed here. Questions
regarding the applicability of this action
to a particular entity should be directed
to the person listed in the preceding FOR
B. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments?
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Examples of potentially regulated entities
Submitting CBI. Do not submit
information that you consider to be CBI
electronically through https://
www.regulations.gov or email. For
comments on the CISWI Federal Plan
proposal, send or deliver information
identified as CBI to only the following
address: OAQPS Document Control
Officer (Room C404–02), U.S. EPA,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
27711, Attn: Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
Clearly mark the part or all of the
information that you claim to be CBI.
For CBI on a disk or CD–ROM that you
mail to the EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information marked as
CBI will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
If you have any questions about CBI
or the procedures for claiming CBI,
please consult the person identified in
World Wide Web (WWW). In addition
to being available in the docket, an
electronic copy of the proposed action
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is available on the Internet through the
Technical Air Pollution Resources Web
site. Following signature by the
Administrator, the EPA will post a copy
of this proposed action at https://
www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-airpollution/commercial-and-industrialsolid-waste-incineration-units-ciswinew. The Technical Air Pollution
Resources Web site provides
information and technology exchange in
various areas of air pollution control.
Additional information is also available
at the same Web site.
II. Background Information
A. What is the regulatory development
background for this proposed rule?
Section 129 of the Clean Air Act
(CAA), titled, ‘‘Solid Waste
Combustion,’’ requires the EPA to
develop and adopt standards for solid
waste incineration units pursuant to
CAA sections 111 and 129.
On March 21, 2011, the EPA
promulgated revised new source
performance standards (NSPS) and EG
for CISWI units. Following this action,
the Administrator received petitions for
reconsideration that identified certain
issues that warranted further
opportunity for public comment. In
response to the petitions, the EPA
reconsidered and requested comment on
several provisions of the February 2011
final NSPS and EG for CISWI
incineration units. The EPA published
the proposed revisions to the NSPS and
EG for CISWI units on December 23,
2011 (76 FR 80452).
On February 7, 2013, the EPA
promulgated the final reconsidered
NSPS and EG for CISWI units (78 FR
9112). The final rule made some
revisions to the December 2011
proposed reconsideration rule in
response to comments and additional
information received. Following that
action, the EPA again received petitions
for reconsideration. These petitions
stated certain provisions should be
reconsidered and that the public lacked
sufficient opportunity to comment on
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some of the provisions contained in the
final 2013 CISWI rule. On January 21,
2015, the EPA reconsidered and
requested comment on four provisions
of the 2013 final NSPS and EG for
CISWI units. Additionally, the EPA
proposed clarifying changes and
corrections to the final rule, some of
which were raised in petitions for
reconsideration of the 2013 CISWI rule.
On June 23, 2016, the EPA promulgated
the final reconsidered NSPS and EG for
CISWI units (81 FR 40956). For a more
detailed background and additional
information on how this rule is related
to other CAA combustion rules issued
under CAA section 112 and the
Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA) definition of solid waste,
refer to prior documents (76 FR 15704,
78 FR 9112).
Sections 111(b) and 129(a) of the CAA
address emissions from new units (i.e.,
NSPS), and CAA sections 111(d) and
129(b) address emissions from existing
units (i.e., EG). The NSPS are federal
regulations directly enforceable upon
CISWI units, and, under CAA section
129(f)(1), become effective 6 months
after promulgation. Unlike the NSPS,
the EG provide direction for developing
state plans; however, the EG are not
themselves directly enforceable. The EG
are implemented and enforced under an
EPA approved state or tribal plan or
EPA adopted federal plan once the state,
tribal, or federal plan has become
Section 129(b)(2) of the CAA directs
states with existing CISWI unit(s)
subject to the EG to submit plans to the
EPA that implement and enforce the EG.
The deadline for states to submit state
plans to the EPA for review was
February 7, 2014 (see 78 FR 9121–2,
February 7, 2013).1 Sections 111 and
129(b)(3) of the CAA and 40 CFR
60.27(c) and (d) require the EPA to
develop, implement and enforce a
federal plan for CISWI units in any state
without an approvable state plan within
1 Several states did not submit plans to the EPA
by this date.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
2 years after promulgation of the EG.
This action proposes the CISWI Federal
Plan. In this proposal, the EPA is
soliciting comment only on the
implementation of the final CISWI EG
through the proposed federal plan. The
EPA is not reopening the underlying
CISWI rule for public comment and
does not intend to address any
comments on the underlying CISWI
The EPA anticipates that facilities in
approximately eight states and four U.S.
territories will need to rely on the
CISWI Federal Plan.
B. What is the purpose of this proposed
Section 129(b)(2) of the CAA requires
states to implement the EG for existing
solid waste incineration units, including
CISWI units. States with existing CISWI
units were required to submit to the
EPA within 1 year following
promulgation of the EG (by February 7,
2014) state plans that are at least as
protective as the EG. Sections 111 and
129 of the CAA and 40 CFR 60.27(c) and
(d) require the EPA to develop,
implement, and enforce a federal plan
in states which have not submitted an
approvable plan. The EPA is proposing
the CISWI Federal Plan so that a
promulgated federal plan will be
effective in any state that fails to
provide an approvable state plan, thus,
ensuring implementation and
enforcement of the final CISWI EG.
The regulations require states without
any existing CISWI units to submit to
the Administrator a letter of negative
declaration certifying that there are no
CISWI units in the state (See 40 CFR
62.06). No plan is required for states
that do not have any CISWI units.
CISWI units located in states that
mistakenly submit a letter of negative
declaration are subject to the federal
plan, once effective, until a state plan
regulating those CISWI units is
approved. State plans that have been
submitted to implement the final CISWI
EG,3 have either been approved or are
currently undergoing EPA review. This
proposed CISWI Federal Plan will
implement the final CISWI EG in those
states that do not have an approved state
plan in place by the effective date of this
federal plan. If a state or tribal plan is
approved in part, the federal plan will
apply to the affected CISWI units in lieu
of the disapproved portions of the state
plan until the state or tribe addresses
the deficiencies in the state plan and the
revised state plan is approved by the
EPA. Prior to any disapproval, the EPA
will work with states and tribes to
attempt to reconcile areas of the plan
that remain inconsistent with the EG.
Incineration of solid waste at
commercial and industrial facilities
causes the release of a wide array of air
pollutants, some of which exist in the
waste feed material and are released
unchanged during combustion, and
some of which are generated as a result
of the combustion process itself.4 The
EPA estimated in the 2013 rule that
once the state plans and federal plan
become effective, a total emissions
reduction of the regulated pollutants
would occur as follows: Acid gases (i.e.,
hydrogen chloride (HCl) and sulfur
dioxoide (SO2)), about 7,046 tons per
year (tpy); particulate matter (PM) about
2,401 tpy; non-Hg metals (i.e., lead (Pb)
and cadmium (Cd)) about 4.5 tpy;
carbon monoxide (CO) about 20,000 tpy;
nitrogen oxide (NOX) about 5,399 tpy;
and mercury (Hg) about 688 pounds per
year. The EPA also estimated that air
pollution control devices installed to
comply with the 2013 rule would also
effectively reduce emissions of
pollutants such as 7-polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons and polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCB).5 The 2016 rule did not
significantly change the emission
reduction estimates presented in the
2013 rule, other than estimating slightly
less in PM reductions for the wasteburning kiln subcategory (See 81 FR
40969, June 23, 2016).
C. What is the status of state plan
Sections 111(d) and 129(b)(3) of the
CAA, 42 U.S.C. 7411(d) and 7429(b)(3),
authorize and require the EPA to
develop and implement a federal plan
for CISWI units located in states with no
approved and effective state plan. Table
2 below lists the status of state plans as
of the signature date for this proposal.
Additionally, Table 2 lists states and
local agencies that submitted negative
declarations and/or those which have
indicated that they intend to take
delegation of the federal plan.
I. EPA-Approved Implementation Plans ...................................................
II. Indicated intent to Submit Negative Declarations to the EPA .............
None so far.
Massachusetts; Delaware; Maryland; North Carolina; Georgia; Mississippi; Minnesota; Arizona; California; Hawaii; Idaho.
Connecticut; New Hampshire; Vermont; Rhode Island; Virgin Islands;
District of Columbia; New Mexico; City of Albuquerque; Montana.
Alabama; Florida; South Carolina; North Dakota; Oregon.
West Virginia; Virginia.
New York; Illinois; Indiana; Texas; Louisiana; Oklahoma; Arkansas;
Kansas; Missouri; Nebraska; Utah; Wyoming; South Dakota; Washington.
Kentucky; Tennessee; Michigan; Colorado.
Maine; New Jersey; Puerto Rico; Pennsylvania.
Ohio; Wisconsin; Iowa; Nevada; American Samoa; Guam; Alaska;
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
III. Negative Declaration Submitted to the EPA .......................................
IV. Final Implementation Plans Submitted to the EPA ............................
V. Draft Implementation Plans Submitted to the EPA .............................
VI. EPA Has Not Received a Draft or Final Implementation Plan or
Negative Declaration.
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VII. Indicated Intent to Submit State Implementation Plan to the EPA ...
VIII. Indicated Intent to Accept Delegation of Federal Plan .....................
IX. Indicated Intent to Accept Federal Plan Implementation by the EPA
2 Many aspects of the CISWI rule were challenged
in the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Circuit or Court)
in American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA)
v. EPA, and the Court rejected all challenges to the
standards and other provisions being implemented
in this federal plan. See AFPA v. EPA, 830 F.3d 579
(D.C. Cir. 2016).
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3 The ‘‘final CISWI EG’’ means the provision of 40
CFR part 60, subpart DDDD, including the revisions
published on June 23, 2016 (81 FR 40956). As noted
in the June 23 2016 preamble, the final CISWI EG
action granted reconsideration and addressed
certain aspects of the February 7 2013, rule, which
itself was issued to grant reconsideration of aspects
of the March 21 2011, rule. See Section II.A of this
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preamble for more discussion on the background of
the final CISWI EG.
4 See 78 FR 9131–9133 to reference the impacts
of the EG adopted on February 7, 2013.
5 See 75 FR 31970 (June 4, 2010), where
polycyclic organic matter (POM) and
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) emission
reductions are discussed.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
As the EPA Regional offices approve
implementation plans, they will also, in
the same action, amend the appropriate
subpart of 40 CFR part 62 to codify their
approvals. The EPA will maintain a list
of implementation plan submittals and
approvals on the Technical Air
Pollution Resources Web site at https://
www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-airpollution/commercial-and-industrialsolid-waste-incineration-units-ciswinew. The list will help CISWI unit
owners or operators determine whether
their CISWI units are affected by a state
plan or the federal plan.
CISWI owners or operators can also
contact the EPA Regional office for the
state in which their CISWI units are
located to determine whether there is an
approved and effective state plan in
place. Table 3 lists the names, email
addresses, and telephone numbers of
the EPA Regional office contacts and the
states and territories that they cover.
Regional contact
Region I ............
Patrick Bird, bird.patrick@epa.gov ..............
(617) 918–1287
Region II ...........
Region III ..........
Ted Gardella, gardella.anthony@epa.gov ...
Mike Gordon, gordon.mike@epa.gov ..........
(212) 637–3892
(215) 814–2039
Region IV ..........
Keith Goff, goff.keith@epa.gov ....................
Jason Dressler, Dressler.jason@epa.gov ....
Mark Bloeth, Bloeth.mark@epa.gov ............
Kenneth Boyce, boyce.kenneth@epa.gov ...
Lisa Hanlon, hanlon.lisa@epa.gov ..............
Ethan Aumann, aumann.ethan@epa.gov ....
Region V ...........
Region VI ..........
Region VII .........
Region VIII ........
Region IX ..........
Region X ...........
Shaheera Kelly, Kelly.shaheerah@epa.gov
Mark Sims, sims.mark@epa.gov .................
John Pavitt, Pavitt.john@epa.gov ................
Madonna Narvaez, narvaez.madonna@
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
III. Affected Facilities
A. What is a CISWI unit?
A ‘‘CISWI’’ unit is any unit located at
a commercial or industrial facility that
combusts any amount of solid waste, as
defined in 40 CFR part 241, that is not
otherwise exempted from CISWI. See 40
CFR 60.2555 (listing solid waste
incineration units that are not subject to
CISWI). The affected facility under
CISWI is each individual CISWI unit.
This proposed federal plan defines four
subcategories for existing CISWI units in
40 CFR part 62.14840 of subpart III:
Incinerators (i.e., units designed to burn
discarded waste materials for the
purpose of disposal); small, remote
incinerators; energy recovery units
(ERUs) (i.e., units that would be boilers
or process heaters if they did not
combust solid waste); and waste
burning kilns (i.e., units that would be
cement kilns if they did not combust
solid waste). We have further
subcategorized ERUs into three
subcategories and waste burning kilns
into two subcategories for CO emission
limits only.
B. Does the federal plan apply to me?
The federal plan will apply to the
owner or operator of an existing CISWI
unit that was constructed on or before
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States and territories
(214) 665–7259
(913) 551–7599
(303) 312–6773
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island, Vermont.
New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands.
Virginia, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia.
Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee.
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio.
(415) 972–3943
(415) 972–3965
(206) 553–1023
Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska.
Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah,
Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa,
Guam, Northern Mariana Islands.
(907) 271–3688
(206) 553–2117
Idaho, Oregon.
June 4, 2010, or commenced
modification or reconstruction after
June 4, 2010, but no later than August
7, 2013, and that is not subject to an
approved and effective state plan as of
the effective date of the final federal
plan notice.6 The federal plan would
apply to the CISWI unit until the EPA
approves a state plan that regulates the
CISWI unit and that state plan becomes
effective.7 If the construction of a CISWI
unit began after June 4, 2010, or
modification of a CISWI unit began after
August 7, 2013, the unit is a new CISWI
unit and would be subject to the NSPS
at 40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC. The
specific applicability of the proposed
federal plan is described at 40 CFR
62.14510 through 62.14531 of subpart III
in the proposed rule.
This action will not preclude states
from submitting a state plan at a later
time. If a state submits a plan after the
promulgation of the CISWI Federal Plan,
the EPA will review and approve or
disapprove the state plan.8 If the EPA
6 The federal plan will become effective 30 days
after final promulgation.
7 A state plan is effective on the date specified in
the document published in the Federal Register
announcing the EPA’s approval of the plan.
8 An approved state plan is a plan developed by
a state that the EPA has reviewed and approved
based on the requirements in 40 CFR part 60,
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approves a plan, then the CISWI Federal
Plan will no longer apply to CISWI units
covered by the state plan. If a CISWI
unit was overlooked by a state and the
state submitted a negative declaration
letter, or if an individual CISWI unit
was not covered by an approved and
effective state plan, the CISWI unit
would be subject to the federal plan
after the effective date of the final plan.
C. How do I determine if my CISWI unit
is covered by an approved and effective
state plan?
Part 62 of Title 40 of the CFR
identifies the status of approval and
promulgation of CAA section 111(d) and
CAA section 129(b) state plans for
designated facilities in each state.
However, the print version of 40 CFR
part 62 is updated only once per year.
Thus, if 40 CFR part 62 does not
indicate that a state has an approved
and effective plan, please contact the
state environmental agency’s air director
or the EPA’s Regional office (see Table
3 in section II.C of this preamble) to
determine if a state plan was approved
since publication of the most recent
version of 40 CFR part 62. Also note that
the Electronic Code of Federal
subpart B, to implement 40 CFR part 60, subpart
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
Regulations (https://www.ecfr.gov/cgibin/ECFR?page=browse) is updated
periodically, so may be a better source
to obtain an update on state plan status.
IV. Elements of the CISWI Federal Plan
Sections 111(d) and 129 of the CAA,
as amended, 42 U.S.C. 7411(d) and
7429(b)(2), require states to develop and
implement state plans for CISWI units
to implement and enforce the final EG.
Accordingly, subpart DDDD of 40 CFR
part 60 requires states to submit state
plans that include specified elements.
Because this proposed federal plan will
establish standards in the absence of an
approved and effective state plan, this
proposed plan includes the same
essential elements as a state plan: (1)
Identification of legal authority and
mechanisms for implementation; (2)
inventory of CISWI units; (3) emissions
inventory; (4) compliance schedules; (5)
emissions limits and operating limits;
(6) operator training and qualification;
(7) testing, monitoring, recordkeeping,
and reporting; (8) public hearing; and
(9) progress reporting. See Proposed
regulations at 40 CFR part 62, subpart III
and sections 111 and 129 of the CAA.
Below, we explain the proposed federal
plan elements in detail.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
A. Legal Authority and Enforcement
Sections 111(d) and 129(b)(3) of the
CAA direct the EPA to develop a federal
plan for states that do not submit
approvable state plans. Sections 111 and
129 of the CAA provide the EPA with
the authority to implement and enforce
the federal plan in cases where the state
fails to submit a satisfactory state plan.
Pursuant to section 129(f)(2),
compliance with the EG cannot be later
than 5 years after the relevant EG are
promulgated (i.e., by February 7, 2018).9
B. Inventory of Affected CISWI Units
The docket for the proposed federal
plan includes an inventory of the CISWI
units that may potentially be covered by
this federal plan in the absence of
approved state plans. (See Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664 and 40 CFR
62.14521.) This inventory contains 106
CISWI units in 28 states. It is based on
information collected from EPA
Regions, states, CISWI facilities, and
review of existing CISWI inventories,
title V permits, emissions test reports,
and facility Web sites. The EPA
recognizes that this list may not be
complete. Therefore, sources potentially
subject to this proposed federal plan
may include, but are not limited to, the
9 See 78 FR 9125–6 (February 7, 2013) for further
discussion on compliance dates.
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CISWI units listed in Docket No. EPA–
HQ–OAR–2016–0664. Any unit that
meets the applicability criteria in the
proposed federal plan rule will be
subject to the federal plan, regardless of
whether it is listed in the inventory. The
EPA requests that states or individuals
identify additional sources for inclusion
on the list during the comment period
for this proposal.
C. Inventory of Emissions
This proposed federal plan includes
emissions estimates for existing CISWI
units. The pollutants inventoried are
Cd, CO, polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans
(PCDD/PCDF), HCl, Pb, Hg, PM, NOX,
and SO2. For this proposal, the EPA has
estimated the emissions from each
known CISWI unit that potentially may
be covered by the proposed federal plan
for the nine pollutants regulated by the
EG and covered by the proposed federal
plan. The emissions inventory is based
on available information about CISWI
units and typical emissions rates
developed for calculating nationwide air
impacts of the EG. Refer to the inventory
memorandum ‘‘CISWI Federal Plan
Inventory,’’ December 9, 2016 in Docket
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664 for the
complete updated emissions inventory.
D. Compliance Schedules
The CAA provides that owners or
operators of affected CISWI units must
comply no later than 5 years after the
effective date of the final CISWI EG (i.e.,
February 7, 2018) or within 3 years from
state plan approval (or promulgation of
a federal plan), whichever is earlier. See
CAA section 129(f)(2). The EPA aims to
take final action on this proposal in
2017 and, thus, proposes to allow the
maximum time statutorily permitted for
compliance with the federal plan, that is
until February 7, 2018.
E. Emissions Limits and Operating
The proposed federal plan contains
emissions limits that correspond to the
final CISWI EG. (See 40 CFR 62.14630
through 62.14645.) The emissions limits
in this proposed CISWI Federal Plan are
the same as those contained in the final
CISWI EG. (See proposed Table 5 of this
preamble.) This action does not revise
the final limits; instead, it simply
implements the previously promulgated
limits for existing sources in states that
have not adopted a state plan. Section
V.C of this preamble discusses the final
CISWI EG emissions limits.
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F. Operator Training and Qualification
The proposed federal plan requires
that the owner or operator must qualify
operators or their supervisors (at least
one per facility) by ensuring that they
complete an operator training course
and annual review or refresher course.
(See 40 CFR 62.14595 through
62.14625.) This proposed federal plan
also contains operator training and
qualification requirements that
correspond to the final CISWI EG.
G. Testing, Monitoring, Recordkeeping,
and Reporting Requirements
The proposed federal plan includes
testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and
reporting requirements. (See 40 CFR
62.14650 through 62.14760.) These
proposed requirements correspond with
the final CISWI EG. Testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements will assure initial and
ongoing compliance.
H. Record of Public Hearings
This proposed federal plan provides
an opportunity for public participation
in adopting the plan. If requested to do
so, the EPA will hold a public hearing
at the EPA’s office buildings in
Washington, DC. A record of the public
hearing, if any, will appear in Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664. If a
public hearing is requested and held,
the EPA may ask clarifying questions
during the oral presentation, but will
not respond to the presentations or
comments at that time. Written
statements and supporting information
submitted during the public comment
period will be considered with
equivalent weight as any oral statement
and supporting information
subsequently presented at a public
hearing, if held.
I. Progress Reports
The proposed federal plan requests
that the EPA Regional Offices prepare
annual progress reports to show the
progress of CISWI units toward
implementation of the EG. States that
have been delegated the authority to
implement and enforce this federal plan
will be required to submit annual
progress reports to the appropriate EPA
Regional Office as part of their
delegation (See section VII.D). Each
progress report must include the
following items: (1) Status of
enforcement actions; (2) identification
of sources that have shut down or
started operation; (3) emissions
inventory data for sources that were not
in operation at the time of plan
development, but that began operation
during the reporting period; (4)
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
additional data as necessary to update
previously submitted source and
emissions information; and (5) copies of
technical reports on any performance
testing and monitoring. The EPA plans
to request that the EPA Regional offices
prepare progress reports to show the
progress of CISWI units towards the
implementation of EG.
V. Summary of Proposed CISWI
Federal Plan Requirements
The proposed CISWI Federal Plan
requirements are described below.
Table 4 lists each element and identifies
where it is located or codified.
Element of the CISWI Federal Plan
Legal authority and enforcement mechanism .........................................................
Inventory of affected CISWI units ............................................................................
Inventory of emissions .............................................................................................
Compliance schedules .............................................................................................
Emissions limits and operating limits .......................................................................
Operator training and qualification ...........................................................................
Testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting ...................................................
Record of public hearings ........................................................................................
Progress reports ......................................................................................................
Sections 129(b)(3), 111(d), 301(a), and 301(d)(4) of the CAA.
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664.
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664.
40 CFR 62.14535 to 62.14575.
40 CFR 62.14630 to 62.14645.
40 CFR 62.14595 to 62.14625.
40 CFR 62.14650 to 62.14760.
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–0664.
Section IV.I of this preamble.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
A. What are the proposed applicability
The proposed federal plan
applicability reflects the final CISWI EG.
The proposed federal plan applies to
existing CISWI units meeting the
applicability of 40 CFR 62.14510 that
are located in any state that does not
currently have an approved state plan in
place. Existing CISWI units are all
CISWI units for which construction
commenced on or before June 4, 2010.
All CISWI units for which construction
commenced after June 4, 2010, or for
which modification or reconstruction
commenced after August 7, 2013, are
‘‘new’’ sources subject to NSPS
emissions limits (40 CFR part 60,
subpart CCCC). The federal plan
requirements apply to owners and/or
operators of incineration units
combusting solid waste (as defined
under RCRA) and located at commercial
or industrial facilities (i.e., CISWI units
(as defined in the proposed rule at 40
CFR 62.14840)). Four subcategories are
defined for existing units: incinerators
(i.e., units designed to burn discarded
waste materials for the purpose of
disposal); small, remote incinerators;
ERUs (i.e., units that would be boilers or
process heaters if they did not combust
solid waste); and waste burning kilns
(i.e., units that would be cement kilns if
they did not combust solid waste). The
final CISWI EG further subcategorized
ERUs into three subcategories and waste
burning kilns into two subcategories for
CO emission limits only.
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B. What are the proposed compliance
The proposed federal plan requires
owners or operators of CISWI units to
come into compliance by February 7,
2018. The final CISWI EG included
increments of progress in the
compliance schedule. However, we are
not including increments of progress as
a compliance pathway for the proposed
federal plan. Increments of progress
were included in the EG to establish
obligations that would apply to sources
planning to take more than one year
from approval of the state plan to
comply. The increments would help
ensure that sources planning to take
more than one year to comply would
make some incremental progress toward
compliance after the first year. The
increments did not require any
additional action within one year of
approval of a state plan (or
promulgation of a federal plan). The
EPA aims to take final action on this
proposal in 2017. As explained above
(see section IV.D of this preamble), the
statute requires all sources to fully
comply by February 2018 (i.e., 5 years
after promulgation of the relevant EG).
As explained above, the increments of
progress contained in the final EG do
not require any additional action within
one year of promulgation of a federal
plan. Thus, including the increments of
progress in this federal plan would
serve no meaningful purpose and may
create confusion. For this reason, the
EPA is not proposing to include
increments of progress in this federal
If a CISWI unit does not achieve final
compliance by February 7, 2018, the
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proposed federal plan requires the
CISWI unit to shut down by February 7,
2018, complete the retrofit while not
operating, and be in compliance upon
restarting. A CISWI unit that operates
out of compliance after the final
compliance date would be in violation
of the federal plan and subject to
enforcement action.
C. What emissions and operating limits
is the EPA proposing to incorporate into
the federal plan?
The EPA proposes to incorporate the
EG emissions and operating limits from
the final CISWI EG into this proposed
CISWI Federal Plan. Table 5 of this
preamble summarizes the EG emissions
limits promulgated, as well as provides
the existing CISWI Federal Plan
emission limits (currently applicable
only to existing incinerators) for
comparison. Existing sources may
comply with either the PCDD/PCDF
toxicity equivalence or total mass
balance emission limits. These
standards apply at all times. Facilities
will be required to establish site-specific
operating limits derived from the results
of performance testing. The site-specific
operating limits are established as the
minimum (or maximum, as appropriate)
operating parameter value measured
during the performance test. These
operating limits will result in achievable
operating ranges that will ensure that
the control devices used for compliance
will be operated to achieve continuous
compliance with the emissions limits.
Further discussion on performance
testing can be found in section V.D of
this preamble.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
Pollutant (units) 1
(2000 CISWI
CISWI Subcategories
Small, remote
HCl (parts per million by volume
CO (ppmv) ........................................
0.20 (biomass units)/58 (coal units)
3.0 .......................
260 (biomass units)/95 (coal units) ..
Pb (mg/dscm) ...................................
Cd (mg/dscm) ...................................
0.0014 .................
Hg (mg/dscm) ...................................
0.011 ...................
PM, filterable (mg/dscm) ..................
Dioxin, furans, total (ng/dscm) .........
(nanograms per dry standard
cubic meter (ng/dscm)).
NOX (ppmv) ......................................
SO2 (ppmv) .......................................
(no limit)
0.014 (biomass units)/0.057 (coal
0.0014 (biomass units)/0.0017 (coal
0.0022 (biomass units)/0.013 (coal
11 (biomass units)/130 (coal units) ..
0.52 (biomass units)/5.1 (coal units)
0.12 (biomass units)/0.075 (coal
110 (long kilns)/
790 (preheater/
0.014 ...................
13.5 .....................
1.3 .......................
0.075 ...................
630 ......................
600 ......................
1 All
290 (biomass units)/460 (coal units)
7.3 (biomass units)/850 (coal units)
emission limits are expressed as concentrations corrected to 7 percent O2.
D. What are the proposed performance
testing and monitoring requirements?
The EPA is proposing several
performance testing and monitoring
provisions amendments to the current
2003 CISWI Federal Plan that are
consistent with the requirements of the
final CISWI EG. The following
paragraphs list a number of testing and
monitoring requirements in the final
CISWI EG that are being proposed in the
CISWI Federal Plan.
1. Performance Testing and Monitoring
The proposed federal plan requires all
CISWI units to demonstrate initial and
continuous compliance with the final
CISWI EG emission limits. These
provisions require initial and annual
performance tests and initial and annual
inspections of scrubbers, fabric filters
(FF), and other air pollution control
devices that are used to meet the
emission limits. In addition, a Method
22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7)
visible emissions test of the ash
handling operations is required during
the initial and annual compliance test
for all subcategories except wasteburning kilns, which do not have ash
handling systems. Furthermore, for any
CISWI unit that operates a FF air
pollution control device, we are
requiring that a bag leak detection
system be installed to monitor the
device. The proposed federal plan
continues to require parametric
monitoring of all other add-on air
pollution control devices, such as wet
scrubbers, dry scrubbers and activated
carbon injection (ACI). CISWI units that
install selective non-catalytic reduction
technology to reduce NOX emissions are
required to monitor the reagent (e.g.,
ammonia or urea) injection rate and
secondary chamber temperature (if
applicable to the CISWI unit). This
proposed federal plan also requires
subcategory-specific monitoring
requirements in addition to the
aforementioned inspection, bag leak
detection, and parametric monitoring
requirements that are applicable to all
CISWI units. Existing incinerators,
small, remote incinerators, and ERUs
would have annual emissions testing for
all nine pollutants: PM, SO2, HCl, NOX,
CO, Pb, Cd, Hg, and dioxins and furans.
Waste-burning kilns are required to
monitor Hg and HCl (if no scrubber)
emissions using a continuous emissions
monitoring system, monitor PM
emissions using a PM continuous
parameter monitoring system (PM
CPMS), and perform annual testing for
the remaining pollutants. The proposed
federal plan provides reduced annual
testing requirements for all nine
pollutants when testing results are
shown to be well below the limits. If an
ERU has a design capacity greater than
250 Million British Thermal units per
hour, we are requiring a PM CPMS for
PM monitoring for these units. For the
PM CPMS, the EPA is further requiring
that a site-specific parametric operating
limit be established during the
performance test, that there be
continuous monitoring of that
parametric limit using a PM CPMS, that
four deviations within a 12-month
operating period constitutes a violation
and triggers immediate corrective action
and a Method 5 performance test within
30 days with an additional 15 days to
reestablish a site-specific operating
limit. Consistent with the final CISWI
EG, we propose that all operating
parameter averaging for ERU units be on
a 30-day rolling average and allow the
sorbent injection parameter to be
adjusted based on the ERU’s load. These
testing and monitoring provisions
reflect those in the final CISWI EG.
The proposed federal plan
incorporates by reference three
alternatives to the EPA reference test
methods as shown in Table 6 below.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Test method
IBR in 40 CFR part 62, subpart III
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, Flue and Exhaust
Gas Analyses [Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus].
Available for purchase from the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Three Park
Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990, https://
§§ 62.14670(s)(1)(i),
62.14670(s)(1)(ii), 62.14670(t)(1)(ii),
and 62.14670(t)(4)(i).
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
Test method
IBR in 40 CFR part 62, subpart III
ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) Standard
Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized, ParticleBound and Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated
from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources (Ontario
Hydro Method), approved April 1, 2008.
Available for purchase from at least one of the following addresses: American Society for Testing
and Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
Post Office Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA
19428–2959; or ProQuest, 300 North Zeeb
Available from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20460, (202) 272–0167, https://
§§ 62.14670(j), and Tables 1, 5, 6,
and 8 to subpart III.
OAQPS Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance, EPA–454/R–98–015, September 1997.
These tests are discussed further in
section IX.I of this preamble, titled
‘‘National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
part 51.’’
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
2. Electronic Data Submittal
The EPA is proposing that owners and
operators of CISWI units are required to
submit electronic copies of certain
required performance test reports
through the EPA’s Central Data
Exchange (CDX) using the Compliance
and Emissions Data Reporting Interface
(CEDRI). This mirrors the final CISWI
EG for CISWI units. The EPA believes
that the electronic submittal of the
reports addressed in this proposed
rulemaking will increase the usefulness
of the data contained in those reports,
is in keeping with current trends in data
availability, will further assist in the
protection of public health and the
environment and will ultimately result
in less burden on the regulated
community. It also will improve
compliance by facilitating the ability of
regulated facilities to demonstrate
compliance and the ability of air
agencies and the EPA to assess and
determine compliance. Under current
requirements, paper reports are often
stored in filing cabinets or boxes, which
make the reports more difficult to obtain
and use for data analysis and sharing.
Electronic storage of such reports would
make data more accessible for review,
analyses, and sharing. Electronic
reporting can also eliminate paperbased, manual processes, thereby saving
time and resources, simplifying data
entry, eliminating redundancies,
minimizing data reporting errors and
providing data quickly and accurately to
the affected facilities, air agencies, the
EPA and the public.
In 2011, in response to Executive
Order 13563, the EPA developed a
plan 10 to periodically review its
10 EPA’s Final Plan for Periodic Retrospective
Reviews, August 2011. Available at: https://
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regulations to determine if they should
be modified, streamlined, expanded or
repealed in an effort to make regulations
more effective and less burdensome.
The plan includes replacing outdated
paper reporting with electronic
reporting. In keeping with this plan and
the White House’s Digital Government
Strategy,11 in 2013 the EPA issued an
agency-wide policy specifying that new
regulations will require reports to be
electronic to the maximum extent
possible. By requiring electronic
submission of specified reports in this
proposed rule, the EPA is taking steps
to implement this policy.
The EPA Web site that stores the
submitted electronic data, WebFIRE,
will be easily accessible to everyone and
will provide a user-friendly interface
that any stakeholder could access. By
making data readily available, electronic
reporting increases the amount of data
that can be used for many purposes.
One example is the development of
emissions factors. An emissions factor is
a representative value that attempts to
relate the quantity of a pollutant
released to the atmosphere with an
activity associated with the release of
that pollutant (e.g., kilograms of
particulate emitted per megagram of
coal burned). Such factors facilitate the
estimation of emissions from various
sources of air pollution and are an
important tool in developing emissions
inventories, which in turn are the basis
for numerous efforts, including trends
analysis, regional and local scale air
quality modeling, regulatory impact
assessments, and human exposure
modeling. Emissions factors are also
widely used in regulatory applicability
determinations and in permitting
11 Digital Government: Building a 21st Century
Platform to Better Serve the American People, May
2012. Available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/
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§§ 62.14670(r)(3).
The EPA has received feedback from
stakeholders asserting that many of the
EPA’s emissions factors are outdated or
not representative of a particular
industry emission source. While the
EPA believes that the emissions factors
are suitable for their intended purpose,
we recognize that the quality of
emissions factors varies based on the
extent and quality of underlying data.
We also recognize that emissions
profiles on different pieces of
equipment can change over time due to
a number of factors (fuel changes,
equipment improvements, industry
work practices), and it is important for
emissions factors to be updated to keep
up with these changes. The EPA is
currently pursuing emissions factor
development improvements that
include procedures to incorporate the
source test data that we are proposing be
submitted electronically. By requiring
the electronic submission of the reports
identified in this proposed action, the
EPA would be able to access and use the
submitted data to update emissions
factors more quickly and efficiently,
creating factors that are characteristic of
what is currently representative of the
relevant industry sector. Likewise, an
increase in the number of test reports
used to develop the emissions factors
will provide more confidence that the
factor is of higher quality and
representative of the whole industry
Additionally, by making the records,
data, and reports addressed in this
proposed rulemaking readily available,
the EPA, the regulated community, and
the public will benefit when the EPA
conducts its CAA-required technology
and risk-based reviews. As a result of
having performance test reports and air
emission reports readily accessible, our
ability to carry out comprehensive
reviews will be increased and achieved
within a shorter period of time. These
data will provide useful information on
control efficiencies being achieved and
maintained in practice within a source
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
category and across source categories for
regulated sources and pollutants. These
reports can also be used to inform the
technology-review process by providing
information on improvements to add-on
control technology and new control
Under an electronic reporting system,
the EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards (OAQPS) would have air
emissions and performance test data in
hand; OAQPS would not have to collect
these data from the EPA Regional offices
or from delegated air agencies or
industry sources in cases where these
reports are not submitted to the EPA
Regional offices. Thus, we anticipate
fewer or less substantial information
collection requests (ICRs) in conjunction
with prospective CAA-required
technology and risk-based reviews may
be needed. We expect this to result in
a decrease in time spent by industry to
respond to data collection requests. We
also expect the ICRs to contain less
extensive stack testing provisions, as we
will already have stack test data
electronically. Reduced testing
requirements would be a cost savings to
industry. The EPA should also be able
to conduct these required reviews more
quickly, as OAQPS will not have to
include the ICR collection time in the
process or spend time collecting reports
from the EPA Regional Offices. While
the regulated community may benefit
from a reduced burden of ICRs, the
general public benefits from the
agency’s ability to provide these
required reviews more quickly, resulting
in increased public health and
environmental protection.
Electronic reporting could minimize
submission of unnecessary or
duplicative reports in cases where
facilities report to multiple government
agencies and the agencies opt to rely on
the EPA’s electronic reporting system to
view report submissions. Where air
agencies continue to require a paper
copy of these reports and will accept a
hard copy of the electronic report,
facilities will have the option to print
paper copies of the electronic reporting
forms to submit to the air agencies, and,
thus, minimize the time spent reporting
to multiple agencies. Additionally,
maintenance and storage costs
associated with retaining paper records
could likewise be minimized by
replacing those records with electronic
records of electronically submitted data
and reports.
Air agencies could benefit from more
streamlined and automated review of
the electronically submitted data. For
example, because the performance test
data would be readily-available in a
standard electronic format, air agencies
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would be able to review reports and
data electronically rather than having to
conduct a review of the reports and data
manually. Having reports and associated
data in electronic format will facilitate
review through the use of software
‘‘search’’ options, as well as the
downloading and analyzing of data in
spreadsheet format. Additionally, air
agencies would benefit from the
reported data being accessible to them
through the EPA’s electronic reporting
system wherever and whenever they
want or need access (as long as they
have access to the Internet). The ability
to access and review air emission report
information electronically will assist air
agencies to more quickly and accurately
determine compliance with the
applicable regulations, potentially
allowing a faster response to violations
which could minimize harmful air
emissions. This benefits both air
agencies and the general public.
The proposed electronic reporting of
data is consistent with electronic data
trends (e.g., electronic banking and
income tax filing). Electronic reporting
of environmental data is already
common practice in many media offices
at the EPA. The changes being proposed
in this rulemaking are needed to
continue the EPA’s transition to
electronic reporting.
E. What are the proposed recordkeeping
and reporting requirements?
The EPA is proposing requirements
that reflect those finalized in the final
CISWI EG. The federal plan requires
that records of all initial and all
subsequent stack or performance
specification (PS) tests, deviation
reports, operating parameter data,
continuous monitoring data,
maintenance and inspections of air
pollution control devices, monitoring
plan, and operator training and
qualification must be maintained for 5
years. The results of the stack tests and
PS test and values for operating
parameters are required to be included
in initial and subsequent compliance
reports. Any incident of deviation,
resumed operation following shutdown,
force majeure, intent to stop or start use
of Continuous Regulatory Systems
(CMS), and intent of conducting or
rescheduling a performance test are
required to be reported to the
Administrator. Furthermore, final
compliance reports are required
following the completion of each
requirement and identifying any missed
requirement. See section V.B of this
preamble for a more detailed discussion
of the compliance schedules.
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F. What are the other proposed
As discussed in several portions of
this preamble, we are proposing
requirements for the federal plan to
make it consistent with the final CISWI
EG. While many of these requirements
were significantly different from those
currently in the CISWI Federal Plan,
there are some that differ very little, if
at all. Some requirements that differ
little from those in the current CISWI
Federal Plan include the requirements
for owners or operators of existing
CISWI units to meet operator training
and qualification requirements, which
include: Ensuring that at least one
operator or supervisor per facility
complete the operator training course,
that qualified operator(s) or
supervisor(s) complete an annual review
or refresher course specified in the
regulation, and that they maintain plantspecific information, updated annually,
regarding training.
Another such requirement is that
owners or operators of existing CISWI
units are required to submit a
monitoring plan for any CMS or bag leak
detection system used to comply with
the rule.
VI. CISWI Units That Have or Will Shut
A. Units That Plan to Close
The proposed federal plan establishes
that if owners or operators plan to
permanently close currently operating
CISWI units, they must do so and
submit a closure notification to the
Administrator by August 7, 2017. The
proposed requirements for closing a
CISWI unit will be set forth at 40 CFR
62.14570, subpart III. Conversely, the
CISWI requirements do apply to a
‘‘mothballed unit’’ or inactive unit,
where a unit does not operate, but it is
not rendered inoperable. Until such
time as a unit is permanently closed, it
must comply with any applicable
requirements of the federal plan. In
addition, while still in operation, the
CISWI unit is subject to the same
requirements for title V operating
permits that apply to units that will
continue to operate.
B. Inoperable Units
The federal plan provides that in
cases where a CISWI unit has already
shut down permanently and has been
rendered inoperable (e.g., waste charge
door is welded shut, stack is removed,
combustion air blowers removed,
burners or fuel supply equipment are
removed), the CISWI unit may be left off
the source inventory in a state plan or
this proposed federal plan. A CISWI
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
unit that has been rendered inoperable
would not be covered by the federal
C. CISWI Units That Have Shut Down
The unit inventory for this federal
plan includes any CISWI unit known to
have already shut down (but not known
to be inoperable).
1. Restarting Before the Final
Compliance Date
If the owner or operator of an inactive
CISWI unit plans to restart before the
final compliance date, the owner or
operator must achieve final compliance
by February 7, 2018.
2. Restarting After the Final Compliance
Under the proposed federal plan, if
the owner or operator of a CISWI unit
closes the CISWI unit, but restarts the
unit after the final compliance date of
February 7, 2018, the owner or operator
must complete emission control retrofits
and meet the emissions and operating
limits on the date the CISWI unit
restarts operation. Within 6 months of
the unit startup, operator(s) of these
CISWI units would have to complete the
operator training and qualification
requirements. Within 60 days of
installing an air pollution control
device, operator(s) must conduct a unit
inspection. Performance testing to
demonstrate initial compliance would
also be required as described at 40 CFR
62.14650. A CISWI unit may not use the
provisions to close the CISWI unit and
restart after the compliance date to gain
an effective ‘‘extension’’ of the operator
training and qualification requirements
or initial compliance requirements. A
CISWI unit that operates out of
compliance after the final compliance
date would be in violation of the federal
plan and subject to enforcement action.
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VII. Implementation of the Federal Plan
and Delegation
A. Background of Authority
Under sections 111(d) and 129(b) of
the CAA, the EPA is required to adopt
EG that are applicable to existing solid
waste incineration units. These EG are
implemented when the EPA approves a
state plan or adopts a federal plan that
implements and enforces the EG. As
discussed above, the federal plan
regulates CISWI units in states that do
not have approved plans in effect to
implement the EG.
Congress has determined that the
primary responsibility for air pollution
prevention and control rests with state
and local agencies. (See section
101(a)(3) of the CAA.) Consistent with
that overall determination, Congress
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established sections 111 and 129 of the
CAA with the intent that the state and
local agencies take the primary
responsibility for ensuring that the
emissions limitations and other
requirements in the EG are achieved.
Also, in section 111(d) of the CAA,
Congress explicitly required that the
EPA establish procedures that are
similar to those under CAA section
110(c) for state implementation plans.
Although Congress required the EPA to
propose and promulgate a federal plan
for states that fail to submit approvable
state plans on time, states may submit
plans after promulgation of the CISWI
Federal Plan. The EPA strongly
encourages states that are unable to
submit approvable plans to request
delegation of the federal plan so that
they can have primary responsibility for
implementing the final CISWI EG,
consistent with the intent of Congress.
The preferred outcome under the
statute and the regulations results when
the state, tribal, and local agencies
implement the EPA approved state (or
tribal) plan because state, tribal, and
local agencies not only have the
responsibility to implement the final
CISWI EG, but also have the practical
knowledge and enforcement resources
critical to achieving the highest rate of
compliance. In cases where states are
unable to develop and submit
approvable state plans, it is still
preferable for the state and local
agencies to be the implementing agency.
For these reasons, the EPA will do all
that it can to expedite delegation of the
federal plan to state, tribal, and local
agencies, whenever possible, in cases
where states are unable to develop and
submit approvable state plans. The EPA
will also continue to review and
approve state plans after promulgation
of the CISWI Federal Plan.
B. Mechanisms for Transferring
There are two mechanisms for
transferring implementation authority to
state, tribal, and local agencies: (1) The
EPA approval of a state plan after the
federal plan is in effect; and (2) if a state
does not submit or obtain approval of its
own plan, the EPA delegation to a state,
tribe, or local agency with the authority
to implement certain portions of this
federal plan to the extent appropriate
and if allowed by state law. Both of
these options are described in more
detail below.
1. Federal Plan Becomes Effective Prior
To Approval of a State Plan
After CISWI units in a state become
subject to the federal plan, the state or
tribal agency may still adopt and submit
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a state or tribal plan to the EPA. If the
EPA determines that the state or tribal
plan is as protective as the final CISWI
EG, the EPA will approve the state or
tribal plan. If the EPA determines that
the plan is not as protective as the final
CISWI EG, the EPA may approve the
portions of the plan that are consistent
with the final CISWI EG. If a state or
tribal plan is approved in part, the
federal plan will apply to the affected
CISWI units in lieu of the disapproved
portions of the state plan until the state
or tribe addresses the deficiencies in the
state plan and the revised state plan is
approved by the EPA. Prior to any
disapproval, the EPA will work with
states and tribes to attempt to reconcile
areas of the plan that remain
inconsistent with the EG.
Upon the effective date of a state or
tribal plan, the federal plan would no
longer apply to CISWI units covered by
such a plan and the state, tribe, territory,
or local agency would implement and
enforce the state plan in lieu of the
federal plan. When an EPA regional
office approves a state or tribal plan, it
will amend the appropriate subpart of
40 CFR part 62 to indicate such
2. State, Tribe, Territory, or Local
Agency Taking Delegation of the Federal
The EPA, in its discretion, may
delegate to state, tribe, territorial, or
local agencies the authority to
implement this federal plan. As
discussed above, the EPA has concluded
that it is advantageous and the best use
of resources for states, tribes, territories,
or local agencies to agree to undertake,
on the EPA’s behalf, administrative and
substantive roles in implementing the
federal plan to the extent appropriate
and where authorized by federal, state,
tribal, territorial, or local law. If a state,
tribe, territory, or local agency requests
delegation, the EPA will generally
delegate the entire federal plan to the
state, tribe, territory, or local agency.
These functions include administration
and oversight of compliance, and
reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, CISWI unit inspections
and preparation of draft notices of
violation, but will not include any
authorities retained by the EPA.
Agencies that have taken delegation, as
well as the EPA, will have responsibility
for bringing enforcement actions against
sources violating federal plan
C. Implementing Authority
The EPA Regional Administrators
have been delegated the authority for
implementing the CISWI Federal Plan.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
All reports required by the federal plan
should be submitted to the appropriate
Regional Administrator. Section II.C of
this preamble includes Table 3 that lists
names and addresses of the EPA
regional office contacts and the states
they cover.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
D. Delegation of the Federal Plan and
Retained Authorities
If a state, tribe, territory, or local
agency intends to take delegation of the
federal plan, the state, tribe, territory, or
local agency should submit to the
appropriate EPA regional office a
written request for delegation of
authority. The state, tribe, territory, or
local agency should explain how it
meets the criteria for delegation. See
generally ‘‘Good Practices Manual for
Delegation of NSPS and NESHAP’’
(EPA, February 1983). The letter
requesting delegation of authority to
implement the federal plan should: (1)
Demonstrate that the state, tribe,
territory, or local agency has adequate
resources, as well as the legal authority
to administer and enforce the program,
(2) include an inventory of affected
CISWI units, which includes those that
have ceased operation, but have not
been dismantled or rendered inoperable,
and an inventory of the affected units’
air emissions and a provision for state
progress reports to the EPA, (3) certify
that a public hearing is held on the
state, tribe, territory, or local agency
delegation request, and (4) include a
memorandum of agreement between the
state, tribe, territory, or local agency and
the EPA that sets forth the terms and
conditions of the delegation, the
effective date of the agreement and the
mechanism to transfer authority. Upon
signature of the agreement, the
appropriate EPA Regional office would
publish an approval notice in the
Federal Register, thereby incorporating
the delegation of authority into the
appropriate subpart of 40 CFR part 62.
If authority is not delegated to a state,
tribe, territory, or local agency, the EPA
will implement the federal plan. Also, if
a state, tribe, territory, or local agency
fails to properly implement a delegated
portion of the federal plan, the EPA will
assume direct implementation and
enforcement of that portion. The EPA
will continue to hold enforcement
authority along with the state, tribe,
territory, or local agency even when the
agency has received delegation of the
federal plan. In all cases where the
federal plan is delegated, the EPA will
retain and will not transfer authority to
a state, tribe, or local agency to approve
the following items promulgated in the
final CISWI EG:
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1. Approval of alternatives to the emission
limitations in table 5 of this document and
operating limits established under 40 CFR
62.14635 and 62.14640;
2. Approval of major alternatives to test
3. Approval of major alternatives to
4. Approval of major alternatives to
recordkeeping and reporting;
5. [Reserved];
6. The requirements in § 62.14640;
7. The requirements in § 62.14625(b)(2);
8. Approval of alternative opacity emission
limits in § 62.14630 under § 60.11(e)(6)
through (8);
9. Performance test and data reduction
waivers under § 60.8(b)(4) and (5);
10. Determination of whether a qualifying
small power production facility or
cogeneration facility under § 62.14525(e) or
(f) is combusting homogenous waste; and
11. Approval of an alternative to any
electronic reporting to the EPA required by
this subpart.
CISWI unit owners or operators who
wish to petition the agency for any
alternative requirement should submit a
request to the Regional Administrator
with a copy sent to the appropriate
VIII. Title V Operating Permits
All existing CISWI units regulated
under state, tribal, or federal plans
implementing the final CISWI EG must
operate in a manner consistent with a
title V operating permit that assures
compliance with all federally applicable
requirements for any regulated CISWI
units, including all applicable CAA
section 129 requirements.12
The permit application deadline for a
CAA section 129 source applying for a
title V operating permit depends on
when the source first becomes subject to
the relevant title V permit program.
Because existing major sources are
subject to title V,13 major source
facilities that contain existing CISWI
units should already have a title V
permit. In such cases, the source must
comply with the title V permit revision
provisions of the relevant state title V
program instead of applying for a title
V permit. In contrast, the application
deadline would be important to CISWI
units at facilities that are not subject to
the title V permit program for other
reasons. Such sources with an existing
CISWI unit subject to this proposed
federal plan must submit a complete
title V permit application by the earliest
of the following dates:
• Twelve (12) months after the effective date
of any applicable EPA-approved CAA
sections 111(d)/129 plan (i.e., approved
12 40
CFR 70.2, 70.6(a)(1), 71.2, and 71.6(a)(1).
Section 503(c) and 40 CFR 70.3(a) and (b),
70.5(a)(1)(i), 71.3(a) and (b), and 71.5(a)(1)(i).
13 CAA
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state or tribal plan that implements the
final CISWI EG); or
• Twelve (12) months after the effective date
of any applicable federal plan; or
• Thirty-six (36) months after promulgation
of 40 CFR part 60, subpart DDDD (i.e.,
February 7, 2016).
For any existing CISWI unit not
subject to an earlier permit application
deadline, the application deadline of
February 7, 2016, which is in the past,
applies regardless of whether or when
any applicable federal plan is effective,
or whether or when any applicable CAA
sections 111(d)/129 plan is approved by
the EPA and becomes effective. (See
CAA sections 129(e), 503(c), 503(d),
502(a), and 40 CFR 70.5(a)(1)(i) and
For more background information on
the interface between CAA section 129
and title V, including the EPA’s
interpretation of CAA section 129(e), see
the final federal plan for Commercial
and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators,
October 3, 2003, (68 FR 57518, 57532).
See also the final federal plan for
Hospital Medical Infectious Waste
Incinerators, August 15, 2000, (65 FR
49868, 49877).
A. Title V and Delegation of a Federal
As noted previously, issuance of a
title V permit is not equivalent to the
approval of a state or tribal plan or
delegation of a federal plan.14 Legally,
delegation of a standard or requirement
results in a delegated state, local, or
tribal agency standing in for the EPA as
a matter of federal law. This means that
obligations a source may have to the
EPA under a federally promulgated
standard become obligations to a state,
tribal, or local agency (except for
functions that the EPA retains for itself)
upon delegation.15 Although a state,
local, or tribal agency may have the
authority under state, local, or tribal law
to incorporate CAA section 111/129
requirements into its title V permits,
and implement and enforce these
requirements in these permits without
first taking delegation of the CAA
section 111/129 federal plan, the state,
local, or tribal agency is not standing in
for the EPA as a matter of federal law
in this situation. Where a state, local, or
14 See, e.g., the ‘‘Title V and Delegation of a
Federal Plan’’ section of the proposed federal plan
for Commercial Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators
(CISWI), November 25, 2002, (67 FR 70640, 70652).
The preamble language from this section in the
proposed federal plan for CISWI was reaffirmed in
the final federal plan for CISWI, October 3, 2003,
(68 FR 57518, 57535).
15 If the Administrator chooses to retain certain
authorities under a standard, those authorities
cannot be delegated, e.g., alternative methods of
demonstrating compliance.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
tribal agency does not take delegation of
a section 111/129 federal plan,
obligations that a source has to the EPA
under the federal plan continue after a
title V permit is issued to the source. As
a result, the EPA maintains that an
approved 40 CFR part 70 operating
permits program cannot be used as a
mechanism to transfer the authority to
implement and enforce the federal plan
from the EPA to a state, local, or tribal
As mentioned above, a state, local, or
tribal agency may have the authority
under state, local, or tribal law to
incorporate CAA section 111/129
requirements into its title V permits,
and implement and enforce these
requirements in that context without
first taking delegation of the CAA
section 111/129 federal plan.16 Some
states, local governments, or tribes,
however, may not be able to implement
and enforce a CAA section 111/129
standard in a title V permit under state,
local, or tribal law until the CAA section
111/129 standard has been delegated. In
these situations, a state, local, or tribal
agency should not issue a 40 CFR part
70 permit to a source subject to a federal
plan before taking delegation of the
section 111/129 federal plan.
However, if a state or tribe can
provide an Attorney General’s (AG)
opinion delineating its authority to
incorporate CAA section 111/129
requirements into its title V permits,
and then implement and enforce these
requirements through its title V permits
without first taking delegation of the
requirements, then a state, local, or
tribal agency does not need to take
delegation of the CAA section 111/129
requirements for purposes of title V
permitting.17 In practical terms, without
approval of a state or tribal plan,
delegation of a federal plan, or an
adequate AG’s opinion, states, local
governments, and tribes with approved
40 CFR part 70 permitting programs
open themselves up to potential
questions regarding their authority to
issue permits containing CAA section
111/129 requirements and to assure
16 The EPA interprets the phrase ‘‘assure
compliance’’ in CAA section 502(b)(5)(A) to mean
that permitting authorities will implement and
enforce each applicable standard, regulation, or
requirement which must be included in the title V
permits the permitting authorities issue. See
definition of ‘‘applicable requirement’’ in 40 CFR
70.2. See also 40 CFR 70.4(b)(3)(i) and 70.6(a)(1).
17 It is important to note that an AG’s opinion
submitted at the time of initial title V program
approval is sufficient if it demonstrates that a state
or tribe has adequate authority to incorporate CAA
section 111/129 requirements into its title V permits
and to implement and enforce these requirements
through its title V permits without delegation and
no subsequent state law or regulation has in some
way limited that authority.
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compliance with these requirements.
Such questions could lead to the
issuance of a notice of deficiency for a
state’s or tribe’s 40 CFR part 70 program.
As a result, prior to a state, local, or
tribal permitting authority drafting a
part 70 permit for a source subject to a
CAA section 111/129 federal plan, the
state, local government, or tribe, the
EPA regional office and the source in
question are advised to ensure that
delegation of the relevant federal plan
has taken place or that the permitting
authority has provided an adequate
AG’s opinion to the EPA Regional office.
In addition, if a permitting authority
chooses to rely on an AG’s opinion and
not take delegation of a federal plan, a
CAA section 111/129 source subject to
the federal plan in that state must
simultaneously submit to both the EPA
and the state, local government, or tribe
all reports required by the standard to
be submitted to the EPA. Given that
these reports are necessary to
implement and enforce the CAA section
111/129 requirements when they have
been included in title V permits, the
permitting authority needs to receive
these reports at the same time as the
In the situation where a permitting
authority chooses to rely on an AG’s
opinion and not take delegation of a
federal plan, the EPA regional offices
will be responsible for implementing
and enforcing CAA section 111/129
requirements outside of any title V
permits. Moreover, in this situation, the
EPA regional offices will continue to be
responsible for developing progress
reports and conducting any other
administrative functions required under
this federal plan or any other CAA
section 111/129 federal plan. See,
section V.B of this preamble titled
‘‘What are the final compliance
It is important to note that the EPA is
not using its authority under 40 CFR
part 70.4(i)(3) to request that all states,
local governments, and tribes that do
not take delegation of this federal plan
submit supplemental AG’s opinions at
this time. However, the EPA regional
offices shall request, and permitting
authorities shall provide, such opinions
when the EPA questions a state’s or
tribe’s authority to incorporate CAA
section 111/129 requirements into a title
V permit and implement and enforce
these requirements in that context
without delegation.
IX. Statutory and Executive Order
Additional information about these
statutes and Executive Orders can be
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found at https://www.epa.gov/lawsregulations/laws-and-executive-orders.
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
This action is not a significant
regulatory action and was, therefore, not
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget for review.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
This action does not impose an
information collection burden under the
PRA. This action simply proposes the
CISWI Federal Plan to implement the
EG adopted on February 7, 2013,18 for
those states that do not have a state plan
implementing the EG.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
I certify that this action will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the RFA. In making this
determination, the impact of concern is
any significant adverse economic
impact on small entities. An agency may
certify that a rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities if
the rule relieves regulatory burden, has
no net burden, or otherwise has a
positive economic effect on the small
entities subject to the rule. EG for
owners of existing CISWI units were
established by the February 7, 2013,
final rule (78 FR 9112), and that rule
was certified as not having a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. This action
establishes a federal plan to implement
and enforce those requirements in those
states that do not have their own EPAapproved state plan for implementing
and enforcing the requirements. We
have, therefore, concluded that this
action will have no net regulatory
burden for all directly regulated small
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
This action does not contain an
unfunded mandate of $100 million or
more as described in UMRA, 2 U.S.C.
1531–1538, and does not significantly or
uniquely affect small governments. The
action imposes no enforceable duty or
any state, local, or tribal government or
the private sector.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This action does not have federalism
implications. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the states, on the
18 See
78 FR 9112, February 7, 2013.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
relationship between the national
government and the states, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This action does not have tribal
implications as specified in Executive
Order 13175. The EPA is not aware of
any CISWI units owned or operated by
Indian tribal governments. Thus,
Executive Order 13175 does not apply
to this action.
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
The EPA interprets Executive Order
13045 as applying only to those
regulatory actions that concern
environmental health or safety risks that
the EPA has reason to believe may
disproportionately affect children, per
the definition of ‘‘covered regulatory
action’’ in section 2–202 of the
Executive Order. This action is not
subject to Executive Order 13045
because it does not concern an
environmental health risk or safety risk.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
This action is not subject to Executive
Order 13211 because it is not a
significant regulatory action under
Executive Orders 12866.
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
Part 51
This action involves technical
standards. Please reference Table 6 of
this preamble for the locations where
these standards are available. The EPA
has decided to use ANSI/ASME PTC
19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas
Analyses,’’ for its manual methods of
measuring the oxygen or carbon dioxide
content of the exhaust gas. These parts
of ASME PTC 19.10–1981 are acceptable
alternatives to EPA Methods 6 and 7 for
the manual procedures only. The EPA
determined that this standard is
reasonably available because it is
available for purchase. Another
voluntary consensus standards (VCS),
ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008),
‘‘Standard Test Method for Elemental,
Oxidized, Particle-Bound and Total
Mercury Gas Generated from Coal-Fired
Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro
Method)’’ for its manual method of
measuring mercury is an acceptable
alternative to Method 29 and 30B. The
EPA determined that this standard is
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reasonably available because it is
available for purchase. The EPA further
determined to use OAQPS Fabric Filter
Bag Leak Detection Guidance, EPA–454/
R–98–015, September 1997, for its
guidance on the use of tiboelectic
monitors as bag leak detectors for a
fabric filter air pollution control device
and monitoring system decriptions,
selection, installation, set up,
adjustment, operation, and quality
assurance procedures. The EPA
determined that this standard is
reasonably available because it is freely
available from the EPA. Lastly, the EPA
decided to use EPA Methods 5, 6, 6C,
7, 7E, 9, 10, l0A, l0B, 22, 23, 26A, 29,
and 30B. No VCS were found for EPA
Methods 9 and 22.
While the EPA has identified 23 VCS
as being potentially applicable to the
rule, we have decided not to use these
VCS in this rulemaking. The use of
these VCS would be impractical because
they do not meet the objectives of the
standards cited in this rule. See the
docket for the final CISWI EG (Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2003–0119), which
are being implemented under this
action, for further information.
Under 40 CFR 62.14838, the EPA
Administrator retains the authority of
approving alternate methods of
demonstrating compliance as
established under 40 CFR 60.8(b) and 40
CFR 60.13(i), subpart A (NSPS General
Provisions). A source may apply to the
EPA for permission to use alternative
test methods or alternative monitoring
requirements in place of any required
EPA test methods, performance
specifications, or procedures.
protection for all affected populations
without having any disproportionately
high and adverse human health or
environmental effects on any
population, including any minority or
low-income population. The
amendments finalized in 2013 (made to
the 2011 CISWI final rule) do not relax
the control measures on sources
regulated by the CISWI rule, and,
therefore, will not cause emissions
increases from these sources. The March
2011 final CISWI rule will reduce
emissions of all the listed hazardous air
pollutants (HAP) emitted from this
source. This proposed federal plan
implements national standards in the
final CISWI EG that would result in
reduction in emissions of many of the
listed HAP emitted from this source.
This includes emissions of Cd, HCl, Pb,
and Hg. Other emissions reductions
include reductions of criteria pollutants
such as CO, NOX, PM and PM2.5 microns
or less, and SO2. SO2 and NOX are
precursors for the formation of PM2.5
and NOX is a precursor for ozone.
Reducing these emissions will decrease
the amount of such pollutants to which
all affected populations are exposed.
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations
The EPA believes that this action does
not have disproportionately high and
adverse human health or environmental
effects on minority populations, lowincome populations, and/or indigenous
peoples, as specified in Executive Order
12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
The documentation for this decision
is contained in this preamble section, as
well as the final CISWI EG discussion
for Executive Order 12898 (78 FR 9178,
February 7, 2013). This proposed federal
plan implements the final CISWI EG for
states that do not have an approved state
plan implementing the final CISWI EG.
As discussed in the preamble to the
2013 CISWI rule, the final CISWI EG
will not have disproportionately high
and adverse human health or
environmental effects on minority or
low-income populations because it
increases the level of environmental
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, Title 40, chapter I, part 62 of
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is
proposed to be amended as follows:
PO 00000
Frm 00015
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Sfmt 4702
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 62
Environmental protection,
Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Incorporation by
reference, Intergovernmental relations,
Reporting and recordkeeping
Dated: December 14, 2016.
Gina McCarthy,
1. The authority citation for part 62
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.
2. Part 62 is amended by revising
subpart III to read as follows:
Subpart III—Federal Plan
Requirements for Commercial and
Industrial Solid Waste Incineration
Table of Contents
62.14500 What is the purpose of this
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
62.14505 What are the principal
components of this subpart?
62.14510 Am I subject to this subpart?
62.14515 Can my CISWI unit be covered by
both a state plan and this subpart?
62.14520 How do I determine if my CISWI
unit is covered by an approved and
effective state or tribal plan?
62.14521 If my CISWI unit is not listed in
the federal plan inventory, am I exempt
from this subpart?
62.14525 Can my combustion unit be
exempt from this subpart?
62.14530–62.14531 [Reserved]
Compliance Schedule and Increments of
62.14535 When must I comply with this
subpart if I plan to continue operation of
my CISWI unit?
62.14536 [Reserved]
62.14545 [Reserved]
62.14550 [Reserved]
62.14555 [Reserved]
62.14560 [Reserved]
62.14565 [Reserved]
62.14570 What must I do if I plan to
permanently close my CISWI unit?
62.14575 What must I do if I close my
CISWI unit and then restart it?
Waste Management Plan
62.14580 What is a waste management
62.14585 When must I submit my waste
management plan?
62.14590 What should I include in my
waste management plan?
Operator Training and Qualification
62.14595 What are the operator training and
qualification requirements?
62.14600 When must the operator training
course be completed?
62.14605 How do I obtain my operator
62.14610 How do I maintain my operator
62.14615 How do I renew my lapsed
operator qualification?
62.14620 What site-specific documentation
is required?
62.14625 What if all the qualified operators
are temporarily not accessible?
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
62.14630 What emission limitations must I
meet and by when?
62.14635 What operating limits must I meet
and by when?
62.14640 What if I do not use a wet
scrubber, fabric filter, activated carbon
injection, selective noncatalytic
reduction, an electrostatic precipitator,
or a dry scrubber to comply with the
emission limitations?
62.14645 [Reserved]
Performance Testing
62.14650 How do I conduct the initial and
annual performance test?
62.14655 How are the performance test data
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Initial Compliance Requirements
62.14660 How do I demonstrate initial
compliance with the emission
limitations and establish the operating
62.14665 By what date must I conduct the
initial performance test?
62.14666 By what date must I conduct the
initial air pollution control device
Continuous Compliance Requirements
62.14670 How do I demonstrate continuous
compliance with the emission
limitations and the operating limits?
62.14675 By what date must I conduct the
annual performance test?
62.14676 By what date must I conduct the
annual air pollution control device
62.14680 May I conduct performance
testing less often?
62.14685 May I conduct a repeat
performance test to establish new
operating limits?
62.14690 What monitoring equipment must
I install and what parameters must I
62.14695 Is there a minimum amount of
monitoring data I must obtain?
Recordkeeping and Reporting
62.14700 What records must I keep?
62.14705 Where and in what format must I
keep my records?
62.14710 What reports must I submit?
62.14715 When must I submit my waste
management plan?
62.14720 What information must I submit
following my initial performance test?
62.14725 When must I submit my annual
62.14730 What information must I include
in my annual report?
62.14735 What else must I report if I have
a deviation from the operating limits or
the emission limitations?
62.14740 What must I include in the
deviation report?
62.14745 What else must I report if I have
a deviation from the requirement to have
a qualified operator accessible?
62.14750 Are there any other notifications
or reports that I must submit?
62.14755 In what form can I submit my
62.14760 Can reporting dates be changed?
Air Curtain Incinerators
62.14765 What is an air curtain incinerator?
62.14770–62.14775 [Reserved]
62.14795 [Reserved]
62.14805 What must I do if I close my air
curtain incinerator and then restart it?
62.14810 What must I do if I plan to
permanently close my air curtain
incinerator and not restart it?
62.14815 What are the emission limitations
for air curtain incinerators?
62.14820 How must I monitor opacity for
air curtain incinerators?
62.14825 What are the recordkeeping and
reporting requirements for air curtain
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Title V Requirements
62.14830 Am I required to apply for and
obtain a Title V operating permit for my
62.14835 [Reserved]
Delegation of Authority
62.14838 What authorities are withheld by
the EPA Administrator?
62.14840 What definitions must I know?
Table 1 to Subpart III of Part 62—Emission
Limitations That Apply to Incinerators
Before February 7, 2018 2
Table 2 to Subpart III of Part 62—Operating
Limits for Wet Scrubbers
Table 3 to Subpart III of Part 62—Toxic
Equivalency Factors
Table 4 to Subpart III of Part 62—Summary
of Reporting Requirements 1
Table 5 to Subpart III of Part 62—Model
Rule—Emission Limitations That Apply
to Incinerators on and After February 7,
Table 6 to Subpart III of Part 62—Model
Rule—Emission Limitations That Apply
to Energy Recovery Units After February
7, 2018
Table 7 to Subpart III of Part 62—Model
Rule—Emission Limitations That Apply
to Waste-Burning Kilns After February 7,
Table 8 to Subpart III of Part 62—Model
Rule—Emission Limitations That Apply
to Small, Remote Incinerators After
February 7, 2018
§ 62.14500
What is the purpose of this
(a) This subpart establishes emission
requirements and compliance schedules
for the control of emissions from
commercial and industrial solid waste
incineration (CISWI) units that are not
covered, or are only partially covered,
by an EPA approved and currently
effective state or tribal plan. The
pollutants addressed by these emission
requirements are listed in Table 1 and
Tables 5 through 8 of this subpart.
These emission requirements are
developed in accordance with sections
111 and 129 of the Clean Air Act and
subpart B of 40 CFR part 60.
(b) In this subpart, ‘‘you’’ means the
owner or operator of a CISWI unit.
§ 62.14505 What are the principal
components of this subpart?
This subpart contains the eleven
major components listed in paragraphs
(a) through (k) of this section.
(a) [Reserved].
(b) Waste management plan.
(c) Operator training and
(d) Emission limitations and operating
(e) Performance testing.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
(f) Initial compliance requirements.
(g) Continuous compliance
(h) Monitoring.
(i) Recordkeeping and reporting.
(j) Definitions.
(k) Tables.
§ 62.14510
Am I subject to this subpart?
(a) You are subject to this subpart if
you own or operate a CISWI unit as
defined in § 62.14840 or an air curtain
incinerator as defined in § 62.14840 and
the CISWI unit or air curtain incinerator
meets the criteria described in
paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this
(1) Construction of your CISWI unit or
air curtain incinerator commenced on or
before June 4, 2010, or commenced
modification or reconstruction after
June 4, 2010 but no later than August 7,
(2) Your CISWI unit is not exempt
under § 62.14525.
(3) Your CISWI unit is not regulated
by an EPA approved and currently
effective state or tribal plan, or your
CISWI unit is located in any state whose
approved state or tribal plan is only
approved in part. In the case of a state
or tribal program that is approved in
part, the federal plan applies to affected
CISWI units in lieu of the disapproved
portions of the state or tribal program
until the state or tribe plan addresses
the deficiencies and the revised plan is
approved by the EPA.
(b) If changes to the CISWI unit are
made after August 7, 2013 that meet the
definition of modification or
reconstruction, your CISWI unit is
subject to subpart CCCC of 40 CFR part
60 and this subpart no longer applies to
that unit.
(c) If you make physical or
operational changes to your existing
CISWI unit primarily to comply with
this subpart, then such changes do not
qualify as modifications or
reconstructions under subpart CCCC of
40 CFR part 60.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
§ 62.14515 Can my CISWI unit be covered
by both a state plan and this subpart?
(a) If your CISWI unit is located in a
state that does not have an EPAapproved state plan or your state’s plan
has not become effective, this subpart
applies to your CISWI unit until the
EPA approves a state plan that covers
your CISWI unit and that state plan
becomes effective. However, a state may
enforce the requirements of a state
regulation while your CISWI unit is still
subject to this subpart.
(b) After the EPA fully approves a
state plan covering your CISWI unit,
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and after that state plan becomes
effective, you will no longer be subject
to this subpart and will only be subject
to the approved and effective state plan.
If the state or tribal plan are only
approved in part, you will remain
subject to the federal plan to the extent
necessary to address the deficiencies in
the disapproved portions of the state or
tribal plan.
§ 62.14520 How do I determine if my CISWI
unit is covered by an approved and
effective state or tribal plan?
This part (40 CFR part 62) contains a
list of state and tribal areas with
approved Clean Air Act section 111(d)
and section 129 plans along with the
effective dates for such plans. The list
is published annually. If this part does
not indicate that your state or tribal area
has an approved and effective plan, you
should contact your state environmental
agency’s air director or your EPA
Regional Office to determine if the EPA
has approved a state plan covering your
unit since publication of the most recent
version of this subpart.
§ 62.14521 If my CISWI unit is not listed in
the federal plan inventory, am I exempt from
this subpart?
Any CISWI unit that meets the
applicability criteria in § 62.14510 is
required to comply with the applicable
emissions guidelines even if the source
is not listed in the federal plan or
otherwise applicable state or tribal plan
inventory. CISWI units subject to this
subpart are not limited to the inventory
of sources listed in Docket EPA–HQ–
OAR–2016–0664 for the federal plan. If
your CISWI units meets the
applicability criteria in § 62.14510, this
subpart applies to you whether or not
your unit is listed in the federal plan
inventory in the docket.
§ 62.14525 Can my combustion unit be
exempt from this subpart?
This subpart exempts 8 types of units,
described in paragraphs (a) and (c)
through (o) of this section, from
complying with the requirements of this
subpart with the exception of the
requirements specified in this section.
(a) Pathological waste incineration
units. Incineration units burning 90
percent or more by weight (on a
calendar quarter basis and excluding the
weight of auxiliary fuel and combustion
air) of pathological waste, low-level
radioactive waste, and/or
chemotherapeutic waste as defined in
§ 62.14840 are not subject to this
subpart if you meet the two
requirements specified in paragraphs
(a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Notify the Administrator that the
unit meets these criteria.
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(2) Keep records on a calendar quarter
basis of the weight of pathological
waste, low-level radioactive waste, and/
or chemotherapeutic waste burned, and
the weight of all other fuels and wastes
burned in the unit.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Municipal waste combustion units.
Incineration units that are regulated
under subpart Ea of 40 CFR part 60
(Standards of Performance for
Municipal Waste Combustors); subpart
Eb of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards of
Performance for Municipal Waste
Combustors for Which Construction is
Commenced After September 20, 1994);
subpart Cb of 40 CFR part 60 (Emission
Guidelines and Compliance Times for
Large Municipal Waste Combustors
Constructed on or Before September 20,
1994); subpart AAAA of 40 CFR part 60
(Standards of Performance for New
Stationary Sources: Small Municipal
Waste Combustion Units); subpart BBBB
of 40 CFR part 60 (Emission Guidelines
for Existing Stationary Sources: Small
Municipal Waste Combustion Units); or
subpart JJJ of 40 CFR part 62 (Federal
Plan Requirements for Small Municipal
Waste Combustion Units Constructed on
or Before August 30, 1999).
(d) Medical waste incineration units.
Incineration units regulated under
subpart Ec of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards
of Performance for Hospital/Medical/
Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which
Construction is Commenced After June
20, 1996); 40 CFR part 60 subpart Ce
(Emission Guidelines and Compliance
Times for Hospital/Medical/Infectious
Waste Incinerators); and 40 CFR part 62
subpart HHH (Federal Plan
Requirements for Hospital/Medical/
Infectious Waste Incinerators
Constructed on or before June 20, 1996).
(e) Small power production facilities.
Units that meet the four requirements
specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through
(4) of this section.
(1) The unit qualifies as a small
power-production facility under section
3(17)(C) of the Federal Power Act (16
U.S.C. 796(17)(C)).
(2) The unit burns homogeneous
waste (not including refuse-derived
fuel) to produce electricity.
(3) You submit documentation to the
Administrator notifying the Agency that
the qualifying small power production
facility is combusting homogenous
(4) You must maintain the records
specified in § 62.14700(v).
(f) Cogeneration facilities. Units that
meet the four requirements specified in
paragraphs (f)(1) through (4) of this
(1) The unit qualifies as a
cogeneration facility under section
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
3(18)(B) of the Federal Power Act (16
U.S.C. 796(18)(B)).
(2) The unit burns homogeneous
waste (not including refuse-derived
fuel) to produce electricity and steam or
other forms of energy used for
industrial, commercial, heating, or
cooling purposes.
(3) You submit documentation to the
Administrator notifying the Agency that
the qualifying cogeneration facility is
combusting homogenous waste.
(4) You maintain the records specified
in § 62.14700(w).
(g) Hazardous waste combustion
units. Units for which you are required
to get a permit under section 3005 of the
Solid Waste Disposal Act.
(h) Materials recovery units. Units
that combust waste for the primary
purpose of recovering metals, such as
primary and secondary smelters.
(i) Air curtain incinerators. Air
curtain incinerators that burn 100
percent wood waste; 100 percent clean
lumber; or a 100 percent mixture of only
wood waste, clean lumber, and/or yard
waste; are required to meet only the
requirements under ‘‘Air Curtain
Incinerators’’ (§§ 62.14765 through
62.14825) and the title V operating
permit requirements (§ 62.14830).
(j) [Reserved]
(k) [Reserved]
(l) [Reserved]
(m) Sewage treatment plants.
Incineration units regulated under
subpart O of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards
of Performance for Sewage Treatment
(n) Sewage sludge incineration units.
Incineration units combusting sewage
sludge for the purpose of reducing the
volume of the sewage sludge by
removing combustible matter that are
subject to subpart LLLL of 40 CFR part
60 (Standards of Performance for New
Sewage Sludge Incineration Units) or
subpart MMMM of 40 CFR part 60
(Emission Guidelines and Compliance
Times for Existing Sewage Sludge
Incineration Units).
(o) Other solid waste incineration
units. Incineration units that are subject
to subpart EEEE of 40 CFR part 60
(Standards of Performance for Other
Solid Waste Incineration Units for
Which Construction is Commenced
After December 9, 2004, or for Which
Modification or Reconstruction is
Commenced on or After June 16, 2006)
or subpart FFFF of 40 CFR part 60
(Emission Guidelines and Compliance
Times for Other Solid Waste
Incineration Units That Commenced
Construction On or Before December 9,
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§§ 62.14530–62.14531
Compliance Schedule and Increments
of Progress
§ 62.14535 When must I comply with this
subpart if I plan to continue operation of my
CISWI unit?
If you plan to continue operation of
your CISWI unit, then you must follow
the requirements in paragraph (a) of this
(a) If you plan to continue operation
and come into compliance with the
requirements of this subpart by
February 7, 2018, then you must
complete the requirements of
paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this
(1) You must comply with the
operator training and qualification
requirements and inspection
requirements (if applicable) of this
subpart by February 7, 2018.
(2) You must submit a waste
management plan no later than
November 7, 2017
(3) You must achieve final
compliance by February 7, 2018. To
achieve final compliance, you must
incorporate all process changes and
complete retrofit construction of control
devices, so that, if the affected CISWI
unit is brought online, all necessary
process changes and air pollution
control devices would operate as
(4) You must conduct the initial
performance test within 90 days after
the date when you are required to
achieve final compliance under
paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(5) You must submit an initial report
including the results of the initial
performance test no later than 60 days
following the initial performance test
(see §§ 62.14700 through 62.14760 for
complete reporting and recordkeeping
(b) [Reserved]
§ 62.14536
§ 62.14545
§ 62.14550
§ 62.14555
§ 62.14560
§ 62.14565
Fmt 4701
If you close your CISWI unit but will
restart it after February 7, 2018, you
must complete emission control retrofits
and meet the emission limitations and
operating limits on the date your unit
restarts operation.
Waste Management Plan
§ 62.14580
What is a waste management
A waste management plan is a written
plan that identifies both the feasibility
and the methods used to reduce or
separate certain components of solid
waste from the waste stream in order to
reduce or eliminate toxic emissions
from incinerated waste.
§ 62.14585 When must I submit my waste
management plan?
You must submit a waste management
plan no later than November 7, 2017 or
six months prior to commencing or
recommencing burning solid waste,
whichever is later.
§ 62.14590 What should I include in my
waste management plan?
A waste management plan must
include consideration of the reduction
or separation of waste-stream elements
such as paper, cardboard, plastics, glass,
batteries, or metals; or the use of
recyclable materials. The plan must
identify any additional waste
management measures, and the source
must implement those measures
considered practical and feasible, based
on the effectiveness of waste
management measures already in place,
the costs of additional measures, the
emissions reductions expected to be
achieved, and any other environmental
or energy impacts they might have.
§ 62.14595 What are the operator training
and qualification requirements?
If you plan to permanently close your
CISWI unit rather than comply with the
federal plan, you must submit a legally
binding closure agreement, to the
Administrator no later than six months
prior to your operation will cease. The
closure agreement must specify the date
Frm 00018
§ 62.14575 What must I do if I close my
CISWI unit and then restart it?
Operator Training and Qualification
§ 62.14570 What must I do if I plan to
permanently close my CISWI unit?
PO 00000
by which operation will cease. The
closure date cannot be later than
February 7, 2018 for sources that will
not operate on or after the compliance
Sfmt 4702
(a) You must have a fully trained and
qualified CISWI unit operator accessible
at all times when the unit is in
operation, either at your facility or able
to be at your facility within one hour.
The trained and qualified CISWI unit
operator may operate the CISWI unit
directly or be the direct supervisor of
one or more other plant personnel who
operate the unit. If all qualified CISWI
unit operators are temporarily not
accessible, you must follow the
procedures in § 62.14625.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
(b) Operator training and qualification
must be obtained through a Stateapproved program or by completing the
requirements included in paragraph (c)
of this section.
(c) Training must be obtained by
completing an incinerator operator
training course that includes, at a
minimum, the three elements described
in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this
(1) Training on the eleven subjects
listed in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (xi)
of this section.
(i) Environmental concerns, including
types of emissions.
(ii) Basic combustion principles,
including products of combustion.
(iii) Operation of the specific type of
incinerator to be used by the operator,
including proper startup, waste
charging, and shutdown procedures.
(iv) Combustion controls and
(v) Operation of air pollution control
equipment and factors affecting
performance (where applicable).
(vi) Inspection and maintenance of
the incinerator and air pollution control
(vii) Actions to correct malfunctions
or conditions that may lead to
(viii) Bottom and fly ash
characteristics and handling procedures.
(ix) Applicable Federal, State, and
local regulations, including
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration workplace standards.
(x) Pollution prevention.
(xi) Waste management practices.
(2) An examination designed and
administered by the instructor.
(3) Written material covering the
training course topics that can serve as
reference material following completion
of the course.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
§ 62.14600 When must the operator
training course be completed?
(a) The operator training course must
be completed by the later of the three
dates specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and
(3) of this section.
(1) February 7, 2018.
(2) Six months after CISWI unit
startup; or
(3) Six months after an employee
assumes responsibility for operating the
CISWI unit or assumes responsibility for
supervising the operation of the CISWI
(b) [Reserved].
§ 62.14605 How do I obtain my operator
(a) You must obtain operator
qualification by completing a training
course that satisfies the criteria under
§ 62.14595(b).
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(b) Qualification is valid from the date
on which the training course is
completed and the operator successfully
passes the examination required under
§ 62.14595(c)(2).
§ 62.14610 How do I maintain my operator
To maintain qualification, you must
complete an annual review or refresher
course covering, at a minimum, the five
topics described in paragraphs (a)
through (e) of this section.
(a) Update of regulations.
(b) Incinerator operation, including
startup and shutdown procedures, waste
charging, and ash handling.
(c) Inspection and maintenance.
(d) Responses to malfunctions or
conditions that may lead to
(e) Discussion of operating problems
encountered by attendees.
§ 62.14615 How do I renew my lapsed
operator qualification?
You must renew a lapsed operator
qualification by one of the two methods
specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of
this section.
(a) For a lapse of less than 3 years,
you must complete a standard annual
refresher course described in
§ 62.14610.
(b) For a lapse of 3 years or more, you
must repeat the initial qualification
requirements in § 62.14605(a).
§ 62.14620 What site-specific
documentation is required?
(a) Documentation must be available
at the facility and readily accessible for
all CISWI unit operators that addresses
the ten topics described in paragraphs
(a)(1) through (10) of this section. You
must maintain this information and the
training records required by paragraph
(c) of this section in a manner that they
can be readily accessed and are suitable
for inspection upon request.
(1) Summary of the applicable
standards under this subpart.
(2) Procedures for receiving, handling,
and charging waste.
(3) Incinerator startup, shutdown, and
malfunction procedures.
(4) Procedures for maintaining proper
combustion air supply levels.
(5) Procedures for operating the
incinerator and associated air pollution
control systems within the standards
established under this subpart.
(6) Monitoring procedures for
demonstrating compliance with the
incinerator operating limits.
(7) Reporting and recordkeeping
(8) The waste management plan
required under §§ 62.14580 through
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(9) Procedures for handling ash.
(10) A list of the wastes burned during
the performance test.
(b) You must establish a program for
reviewing the information listed in
paragraph (a) of this section with each
employee who operates your
(1) The initial review of the
information listed in paragraph (a) of
this section must be conducted by the
later of the three dates specified in
paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (iii) of this
(i) February 7, 2018.
(ii) Six months after CISWI unit
(iii) Six months after being assigned to
operate the CISWI unit.
(2) Subsequent annual reviews of the
information listed in paragraph (a) of
this section must be conducted no later
than 12 months following the previous
(c) You must also maintain the
information specified in paragraphs
(c)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Records showing the names of all
plant personnel who operate your
CISWI unit who have completed review
of the information in § 62.14620(a) as
required by § 62.14620(b), including the
date of the initial review and all
subsequent annual reviews.
(2) Records showing the names of all
plant personnel who operate your
CISWI unit who have completed the
operator training requirements under
§ 62.14595, met the criteria for
qualification under § 62.14605, and
maintained or renewed their
qualification under § 62.14610 or
§ 62.14615. Records must include
documentation of training, the dates of
the initial refresher training, and the
dates of their qualification and all
subsequent renewals of such
(3) For each qualified operator, the
phone and/or pager number at which
they can be reached during operating
§ 62.14625 What if all the qualified
operators are temporarily not accessible?
If all qualified operators are
temporarily not accessible (i.e., not at
the facility and not able to be at the
facility within 1 hour), you must meet
one of the two criteria specified in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section,
depending on the length of time that a
qualified operator is not accessible.
(a) When all qualified operators are
not accessible for more than 8 hours, but
less than 2 weeks, the CISWI unit may
be operated by other plant personnel
familiar with the operation of the CISWI
unit who have completed a review of
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
the information specified in
§ 62.14620(a) within the past 12 months.
However, you must record the period
when all qualified operators were not
accessible and include this deviation in
the annual report as specified under
§ 62.14730.
(b) When all qualified operators are
not accessible for 2 weeks or more, you
must take the two actions that are
described in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of
this section.
(1) Notify the Administrator of this
deviation in writing within 10 days. In
the notice, state what caused this
deviation, what you are doing to ensure
that a qualified operator is accessible,
and when you anticipate that a qualified
operator will be accessible.
(2) Submit a status report to the
Administrator every 4 weeks outlining
what you are doing to ensure that a
qualified operator is accessible, stating
when you anticipate that a qualified
operator will be accessible and
requesting approval from the
Administrator to continue operation of
the CISWI unit. You must submit the
first status report 4 weeks after you
notify the Administrator of the
deviation under paragraph (b)(1) of this
section. If the Administrator notifies
you that your request to continue
operation of the CISWI unit is
disapproved, the CISWI unit may
continue operation for 90 days, then
must cease operation. Operation of the
unit may resume if you meet the two
requirements in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and
(ii) of this section.
(i) A qualified operator is accessible
as required under § 62.14595(a).
(ii) You notify the Administrator that
a qualified operator is accessible and
that you are resuming operation.
Emission Limitations and Operating
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
§ 62.14630 What emission limitations must
I meet and by when?
(a) You must meet the emission
limitations for each CISWI unit,
including bypass stack or vent, specified
in table 1 of this subpart or tables 5
through 8 of this subpart by February 7,
2018. The emission limitations apply at
all times the unit is operating including
and not limited to startup, shutdown, or
(b) Units that do not use wet
scrubbers must maintain opacity to less
than or equal to the percent opacity
(three 1-hour blocks consisting of ten 6minute average opacity values) specified
in table 1 of this subpart, as applicable.
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§ 62.14635 What operating limits must I
meet and by when?
(a) If you use a wet scrubber to
comply with the emission limitations,
you must establish operating limits for
four operating parameters (as specified
in table 2 of this subpart) as described
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this
section during the initial performance
(1) Maximum charge rate, calculated
using one of the two different
procedures in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (ii)
of this section, as appropriate.
(i) For continuous and intermittent
units, maximum charge rate is 110
percent of the average charge rate
measured during the most recent
performance test demonstrating
compliance with all applicable emission
(ii) For batch units, maximum charge
rate is 110 percent of the daily charge
rate measured during the most recent
performance test demonstrating
compliance with all applicable emission
(2) Minimum pressure drop across the
wet particulate matter scrubber, which
is calculated as the lowest 1-hour
average pressure drop across the wet
scrubber measured during the most
recent performance test demonstrating
compliance with the particulate matter
emission limitations; or minimum
amperage to the wet scrubber, which is
calculated as the lowest 1-hour average
amperage to the wet scrubber measured
during the most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with the
particulate matter emission limitations.
(3) Minimum scrubber liquor flow
rate, which is calculated as the lowest
1-hour average liquor flow rate at the
inlet to the wet acid gas or particulate
matter scrubber measured during the
most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with all
applicable emission limitations.
(4) Minimum scrubber liquor pH,
which is calculated as the lowest 1-hour
average liquor pH at the inlet to the wet
acid gas scrubber measured during the
most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with the
hydrogen chloride emission limitation.
(b) You must meet the operating
limits established during the initial
performance test on the date the initial
performance test is required or
completed (whichever is earlier). You
must conduct an initial performance
evaluation of each continuous
monitoring system and continuous
parameter monitoring system within 60
days of installation of the monitoring
(c) If you use a fabric filter to comply
with the emission limitations and you
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do not use a PM CPMS for monitoring
PM compliance, you must operate each
fabric filter system such that the bag
leak detection system alarm does not
sound more than 5 percent of the
operating time during any 6-month
period. In calculating this operating
time percentage, if inspection of the
fabric filter demonstrates that no
corrective action is required, no alarm
time is counted. If corrective action is
required, each alarm shall be counted as
a minimum of 1 hour. If you take longer
than 1 hour to initiate corrective action,
the alarm time shall be counted as the
actual amount of time taken by you to
initiate corrective action.
(d) If you use an electrostatic
precipitator to comply with the
emission limitations and you do not use
a PM CPMS for monitoring PM
compliance, you must measure the
(secondary) voltage and amperage of the
electrostatic precipitator collection
plates during the particulate matter
performance test. Calculate the average
electric power value (secondary voltage
x secondary current = secondary electric
power) for each test run. The operating
limit for the electrostatic precipitator is
calculated as the lowest 1-hour average
secondary electric power measured
during the most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with the
particulate matter emission limitations.
(e) If you use activated carbon sorbent
injection to comply with the emission
limitations, you must measure the
sorbent flow rate during the
performance testing. The operating limit
for the carbon sorbent injection is
calculated as the lowest 1-hour average
sorbent flow rate measured during the
most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with the
mercury emission limitations. For
energy recovery units, when your unit
operates at lower loads, multiply your
sorbent injection rate by the load
fraction, as defined in this subpart, to
determine the required injection rate
(e.g., for 50 percent load, multiply the
injection rate operating limit by 0.5).
(f) If you use selective noncatalytic
reduction to comply with the emission
limitations, you must measure the
charge rate, the secondary chamber
temperature (if applicable to your CISWI
unit), and the reagent flow rate during
the nitrogen oxides performance testing.
The operating limits for the selective
noncatalytic reduction are calculated as
the highest 1-hour average charge rate,
lowest secondary chamber temperature,
and lowest reagent flow rate measured
during the most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with the
nitrogen oxides emission limitations.
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(iii) With your instrument zero
expressed in milliamps, or the digital
equivalent, your three run average PM
CPMS milliamp value, or its digital
equivalent, and your three run average
PM concentration from your three
compliance tests, determine a
relationship of mg/dscm per milliamp
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R = the relative mg/dscm per milliamp, or the
digital equivalent, for your PM CPMS,
Y1 = the three run average mg/dscm PM
X1 = the three run average milliamp output,
or the digital equivalent, from your PM
CPMS, and
Z = the milliamp or digital signal equivalent
of your instrument zero determined from
paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section.
(iv) Determine your source specific
30-day rolling average operating limit
using the mg/dscm per milliamp value,
or per digital signal equivalent, from
equation 2 in equation 3, below. This
sets your operating limit at the PM
CPMS output value corresponding to 75
percent of your emission limit:
Ol = the operating limit for your PM CPMS
on a 30-day rolling average, in milliamps
or their digital signal equivalent,
L = your source emission limit expressed in
z = your instrument zero in milliamps or
digital equivalent, determined from
paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section, and
R = the relative mg/dscm per milliamp, or
per digital signal output equivalent, for
your PM CPMS, from equation 2.
(3) If the average of your three PM
compliance test runs is at or above 75
percent of your PM emission limit you
must determine your operating limit by
averaging the PM CPMS milliamp or
digital signal output corresponding to
your three PM performance test runs
that demonstrate compliance with the
emission limit using equation 4 and you
must submit all compliance test and PM
CPMS data according to the reporting
requirements in paragraph (i)(5) of this
X1 = the PM CPMS data points for all runs
n = the number of data points, and
Oh = your site specific operating limit, in
milliamps or digital signal equivalent.
(4) To determine continuous
compliance, you must record the PM
CPMS output data for all periods when
the process is operating and the PM
CPMS is not out-of-control. You must
demonstrate continuous compliance by
using all quality-assured hourly average
X1 = the PM CPMS output data points for the
three runs constituting the performance
Y1 = the PM concentration value for the three
runs constituting the performance test,
n = the number of data points.
or digital signal equivalent, with
equation 2:
your PM CPMS output values for three
corresponding 2-hour Method 5I test
(2) If the average of your three PM
performance test runs are below 75
percent of your PM emission limit, you
must calculate an operating limit by
establishing a relationship of PM CPMS
signal to PM concentration using the PM
CPMS instrument zero, the average PM
CPMS output values corresponding to
the three compliance test runs, and the
average PM concentration from the
Method 5 or performance test with the
procedures in (i)(1) through (5) of this
(i) Determine your instrument zero
output with one of the following
(A) Zero point data for in-situ
instruments should be obtained by
removing the instrument from the stack
and monitoring ambient air on a test
(B) Zero point data for extractive
instruments should be obtained by
removing the extractive probe from the
stack and drawing in clean ambient air;
(C) The zero point can also can be
established obtained by performing
manual reference method measurements
when the flue gas is free of PM
emissions or contains very low PM
concentrations (e.g., when your process
is not operating, but the fans are
operating or your source is combusting
only natural gas) and plotting these with
the compliance data to find the zero
intercept; and
(D) If none of the steps in paragraphs
(i)(2)(i)(A) through (C) of this section are
possible, you must use a zero output
value provided by the manufacturer.
(ii) Determine your PM CPMS
instrument average in milliamps, or the
digital equivalent, and the average of
your corresponding three PM
compliance test runs, using equation 1:
(g) If you use a dry scrubber to comply
with the emission limitations, you must
measure the injection rate of each
sorbent during the performance testing.
The operating limit for the injection rate
of each sorbent is calculated as the
lowest 1-hour average injection rate of
each sorbent measured during the most
recent performance test demonstrating
compliance with the hydrogen chloride
emission limitations. For energy
recovery units, when your unit operates
at lower loads, multiply your sorbent
injection rate by the load fraction, as
defined in this subpart, to determine the
required injection rate (e.g., for 50
percent load, multiply the injection rate
operating limit by 0.5).
(h) If you do not use a wet scrubber,
electrostatic precipitator, or fabric filter
to comply with the emission limitations,
and if you do not determine compliance
with your particulate matter emission
limitation with either a particulate
matter CEMS or a particulate matter
CPMS, you must maintain opacity to
less than or equal to ten percent opacity
(1-hour block average).
(i) If you use a PM CPMS to
demonstrate compliance, you must
establish your PM CPMS operating limit
and determine compliance with it
according to paragraphs (i)(1) through
(5) of this section:
(1) During the initial performance test
or any subsequent performance test that
demonstrates compliance with the PM
limit, record all hourly average output
values (milliamps, or the digital signal
equivalent) from the PM CPMS for the
periods corresponding to the test runs
(e.g., three 1-hour average PM CPMS
output values for three 1-hour test runs):
(i) Your PM CPMS must provide a 4–
20 milliamp output, or the digital signal
equivalent, and the establishment of its
relationship to manual reference
method measurements must be
determined in units of milliamps or
digital bits;
(ii) Your PM CPMS operating range
must be capable of reading PM
concentrations from zero to a level
equivalent to at least two times your
allowable emission limit. If your PM
CPMS is an auto-ranging instrument
capable of multiple scales, the primary
range of the instrument must be capable
of reading PM concentration from zero
to a level equivalent to two times your
allowable emission limit; and
(iii) During the initial performance
test or any subsequent performance test
that demonstrates compliance with the
PM limit, record and average all
milliamp output values, or their digital
equivalent, from the PM CPMS for the
periods corresponding to the
compliance test runs (e.g., average all
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
data collected by the PM CPMS for all
operating hours to calculate the
arithmetic average operating parameter
in units of the operating limit (e.g.,
milliamps or digital signal bits, PM
concentration, raw data signal) on a 30day rolling average basis.
(5) For PM performance test reports
used to set a PM CPMS operating limit,
the electronic submission of the test
report must also include the make and
model of the PM CPMS instrument,
serial number of the instrument,
analytical principle of the instrument
(e.g., beta attenuation), span of the
instruments primary analytical range,
milliamp or digital signal value
equivalent to the instrument zero
output, technique by which this zero
value was determined, and the average
milliamp or digital signals
corresponding to each PM compliance
test run.
§ 62.14640 What if I do not use a wet
scrubber, fabric filter, activated carbon
injection, selective noncatalytic reduction,
an electrostatic precipitator, or a dry
scrubber to comply with the emission
If you use an air pollution control
device other than a wet scrubber,
activated carbon injection, selective
noncatalytic reduction, fabric filter, an
electrostatic precipitator, or a dry
scrubber or limit emissions in some
other manner, including mass balances,
to comply with the emission limitations
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Cadj = pollutant concentration adjusted to 7
percent oxygen;
Cmeas = pollutant concentration measured on
a dry basis;
(20.9¥7) = 20.9 percent oxygen¥7 percent
oxygen (defined oxygen correction
20.9 = oxygen concentration in air, percent;
%O2 = oxygen concentration measured on a
dry basis, percent.
(g) You must determine dioxins/
furans toxic equivalency by following
the procedures in paragraphs (g)(1)
through (4) of this section.
(1) Measure the concentration of each
dioxin/furan (tetra- through octa-)
isomer emitted using EPA Method 23 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7.
(2) Quantify isomers meeting
identification criteria 2, 3, 4, and 5 in
Section of Method 23, regardless
of whether the isomers meet
identification criteria 1 and 7. You must
quantify the isomers per Section 9.0 of
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under § 62.14630, you must petition the
EPA Administrator for specific
operating limits to be established during
the initial performance test and
continuously monitored thereafter. You
must submit the petition at least sixty
days before the performance test is
scheduled to begin. Your petition must
include the five items listed in
paragraphs (a) through (e) of this
(a) Identification of the specific
parameters you propose to use as
additional operating limits.
(b) A discussion of the relationship
between these parameters and emissions
of regulated pollutants, identifying how
emissions of regulated pollutants
change with changes in these
parameters, and how limits on these
parameters will serve to limit emissions
of regulated pollutants.
(c) A discussion of how you will
establish the upper and/or lower values
for these parameters that will establish
the operating limits on these
(d) A discussion identifying the
methods you will use to measure and
the instruments you will use to monitor
these parameters, as well as the relative
accuracy and precision of these methods
and instruments.
(e) A discussion identifying the
frequency and methods for recalibrating
the instruments you will use for
monitoring these parameters.
§ 62.14645
Method 23. [Note: You may reanalyze
the sample aliquot or split to reduce the
number of isomers not meeting
identification criteria 1 or 7 of Section].
(3) For each dioxin/furan (tetrathrough octa-chlorinated) isomer
measured in accordance with paragraph
(g)(1) and (2) of this section, multiply
the isomer concentration by its
corresponding toxic equivalency factor
specified in table 3 of this subpart; and
(4) Sum the products calculated in
accordance with paragraph (g)(3) of this
section to obtain the total concentration
of dioxins/furans emitted in terms of
toxic equivalency.
(h) Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–7 must be used to
determine compliance with the fugitive
ash emission limit in table 5, 6, or 8 of
this subpart.
(i) If you have an applicable opacity
operating limit, you must determine
compliance with the opacity limit using
Method 9 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
A–4, based on three 1-hour blocks
consisting of ten 6-minute average
opacity values, unless you are required
to install a continuous opacity
monitoring system, consistent with
§§ 62.14670 and 62.14690.
(j) You must determine dioxins/furans
total mass basis by following the
procedures in paragraphs (j)(1) through
(3) of this section:
(1) Measure the concentration of each
dioxin/furan tetra- through octachlorinated isomer emitted using EPA
Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
(2) Quantify isomers meeting
identification criteria 2, 3, 4, and 5 in
Section of Method 23, regardless
of whether the isomers meet
identification criteria 1 and 7. You must
quantify the isomers per Section 9.0 of
Method 23. (Note: You may reanalyze
the sample aliquot or split to reduce the
number of isomers not meeting
identification criteria 1 or 7 of Section; and
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Performance Testing
§ 62.14650 How do I conduct the initial and
annual performance test?
(a) All performance tests must consist
of a minimum of three test runs
conducted under conditions
representative of normal operations.
(b) You must document that the waste
burned during the performance test is
representative of the waste burned
under normal operating conditions by
maintaining a log of the quantity of
waste burned (as required in
§ 62.14700(b)(1)) and the types of waste
burned during the performance test.
(c) All performance tests must be
conducted using the minimum run
duration specified in tables 1 and 5
through 8 of this subpart.
(d) Method 1 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A must be used to select the
sampling location and number of
traverse points.
(e) Method 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A must be used for gas
composition analysis, including
measurement of oxygen concentration.
Method 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A must be used
simultaneously with each method.
(f) All pollutant concentrations,
except for opacity, must be adjusted to
7 percent oxygen using Equation 5 of
this section:
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
(3) Sum the quantities measured in
accordance with paragraphs (j)(1) and
(2) of this section to obtain the total
concentration of dioxins/furans emitted
in terms of total mass basis.
§ 62.14655 How are the performance test
data used?
You use results of performance tests
to demonstrate compliance with the
emission limitations in Table 1 of this
subpart or tables 5 through 8 of this
Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 62.14660 How do I demonstrate initial
compliance with the emission limitations
and establish the operating limits?
You must conduct an initial
performance test to determine
compliance with the emission
limitations in Table 1 of this subpart
and tables 5 through 8 of this subpart,
to establish compliance with any
opacity operating limits in § 62.14635,
to establish the kiln-specific emission
limit in § 62.14670(y), as applicable, and
to establish operating limits using the
procedure in § 62.14635 or § 62.14640.
The initial performance test must be
conducted using the test methods listed
in table 1 of this subpart and tables 5
through 8 of this subpart and the
procedures in § 62.14650. The use of the
bypass stack during a performance test
shall invalidate the performance test.
You must conduct a performance
evaluation of each continuous
monitoring system within 60 days of
installation of the monitoring system.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
§ 62.14665 By what date must I conduct
the initial performance test?
(a) The initial performance test must
be conducted no later than 180 days
after your final compliance date. Your
final compliance date is February 7,
2018, or the date you restart your CISWI
unit if later than February 7, 2018.
(b) If you commence or recommence
combusting a solid waste at an existing
combustion unit at any commercial or
industrial facility and you conducted a
test consistent with the provisions of
this subpart while combusting the given
solid waste within the 6 months
preceding the reintroduction of that
solid waste in the combustion chamber,
you do not need to retest until 6 months
from the date you reintroduce that solid
(c) If you commence or recommence
combusting a solid waste at an existing
combustion unit at any commercial or
industrial facility and you have not
conducted a performance test consistent
with the provisions of this subpart
while combusting the given solid waste
within the 6 months preceding the
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reintroduction of that solid waste in the
combustion chamber, you must conduct
a performance test within 60 days from
the date you reintroduce solid waste.
§ 62.14666 By what date must I conduct
the initial air pollution control device
(a) The initial air pollution control
device inspection must be conducted
within 60 days after installation of the
control device and the associated CISWI
unit reaches the charge rate at which it
will operate, but no later than 180 days
after the final compliance date for
meeting the amended emission
(b) Within 10 operating days
following an air pollution control device
inspection, all necessary repairs must be
completed unless the owner or operator
obtains written approval from the state
agency establishing a date whereby all
necessary repairs of the designated
facility must be completed.
Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 62.14670 How do I demonstrate
continuous compliance with the emission
limitations and the operating limits?
(a) Compliance with standards. (1)
The emission standards and operating
requirements set forth in this subpart
apply at all times.
(2) If you cease combusting solid
waste you may opt to remain subject to
the provisions of this subpart.
Consistent with the definition of CISWI
unit, you are subject to the requirements
of this subpart at least 6 months
following the last date of solid waste
combustion. Solid waste combustion is
ceased when solid waste is not in the
combustion chamber (i.e., the solid
waste feed to the combustor has been
cut off for a period of time not less than
the solid waste residence time).
(3) If you cease combusting solid
waste you must be in compliance with
any newly applicable standards on the
effective date of the waste-to-fuel
switch. The effective date of the wasteto-fuel switch is a date selected by you,
that must be at least 6 months from the
date that you ceased combusting solid
waste, consistent with paragraph (a)(2)
of this section. Your source must remain
in compliance with this subpart until
the effective date of the waste-to-fuel
(4) If you own or operate an existing
commercial or industrial combustion
unit that combusted a fuel or non-waste
material, and you commence or
recommence combustion of solid waste,
you are subject to the provisions of this
subpart as of the first day you introduce
or reintroduce solid waste to the
combustion chamber, and this date
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constitutes the effective date of the fuelto-waste switch. You must complete all
initial compliance demonstrations for
any Section 112 standards that are
applicable to your facility before you
commence or recommence combustion
of solid waste. You must provide 30
days prior notice of the effective date of
the waste-to-fuel switch. The
notification must identify:
(i) The name of the owner or operator
of the CISWI unit, the location of the
source, the emissions unit(s) that will
cease burning solid waste, and the date
of the notice;
(ii) The currently applicable
subcategory under this subpart, and any
40 CFR part 63 subpart and subcategory
that will be applicable after you cease
combusting solid waste;
(iii) The fuel(s), non-waste material(s)
and solid waste(s) the CISWI unit is
currently combusting and has
combusted over the past 6 months, and
the fuel(s) or non-waste materials the
unit will commence combusting;
(iv) The date on which you became
subject to the currently applicable
emission limits;
(v) The date upon which you will
cease combusting solid waste, and the
date (if different) that you intend for any
new requirements to become applicable
(i.e., the effective date of the waste-tofuel switch), consistent with paragraphs
(a)(2) and (3) of this section.
(5) All air pollution control
equipment necessary for compliance
with any newly applicable emissions
limits which apply as a result of the
cessation or commencement or
recommencement of combusting solid
waste must be installed and operational
as of the effective date of the waste-tofuel, or fuel-to-waste switch.
(6) All monitoring systems necessary
for compliance with any newly
applicable monitoring requirements
which apply as a result of the cessation
or commencement or recommencement
of combusting solid waste must be
installed and operational as of the
effective date of the waste-to-fuel, or
fuel-to-waste switch. All calibration and
drift checks must be performed as of the
effective date of the waste-to-fuel, or
fuel-to-waste switch. Relative accuracy
tests must be performed as of the
performance test deadline for PM CEMS
(if PM CEMS are elected to demonstrate
continuous compliance with the
particulate matter emission limits).
Relative accuracy testing for other
CEMS need not be repeated if that
testing was previously performed
consistent with section 112 monitoring
requirements or monitoring
requirements under this subpart.
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
(b) You must conduct an annual
performance test for the pollutants
listed in table 1 of this subpart or tables
5 through 8 of this subpart and opacity
for each CISWI unit as required under
§ 62.14650. The annual performance test
must be conducted using the test
methods listed in table 1 or tables 5
through 8 of this subpart and the
procedures in § 62.14650. Opacity must
be measured using EPA Reference
Method 9 at 40 CFR part 60. Annual
performance tests are not required if you
use CEMS or continuous opacity
monitoring systems to determine
(c) You must continuously monitor
the operating parameters specified in
§ 62.14635 or established under
§ 62.14640. Operation above the
established maximum or below the
established minimum operating limits
constitutes a deviation from the
established operating limits. Three-hour
block average values are used to
determine compliance (except for
baghouse leak detection system alarms)
unless a different averaging period is
established under § 62.14640 or, for
energy recovery units, where the
averaging time for each operating
parameter is a 30-day rolling average,
calculated each hour as the average of
the previous 720 operating hours over
the previous 30 days of operation.
Operation above the established
maximum, below the established
minimum, or outside the allowable
range of the operating limits specified in
paragraph (a) of this section constitutes
a deviation from your operating limits
established under this subpart, except
during performance tests conducted to
determine compliance with the
emission and operating limits or to
establish new operating limits.
Operating limits are confirmed or
reestablished during performance tests.
(d) You must burn only the same
types of waste and fuels used to
establish subcategory applicability (for
ERUs) and operating limits during the
performance test.
(e) For energy recovery units,
incinerators, and small remote units,
you must perform annual visual
emissions tests for ash handling.
(f) For energy recovery units, you
must conduct an annual performance
test for opacity using EPA Reference
Method 9 at 40 CFR part 60, apppendix
A–4 (except where particulate matter
continuous monitoring system or
continuous parameter monitoring
systems are used) and the pollutants
listed in table 6 of this subpart.
(g) For facilities using a CEMS to
demonstrate compliance with the
carbon monoxide emission limit,
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compliance with the carbon monoxide
emission limit may be demonstrated by
using the CEMS according to the
following requirements:
(1) You must measure emissions
according to § 60.13 to calculate 1-hour
arithmetic averages, corrected to 7
percent oxygen. CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this
subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent
oxygen, and are measured at stack
oxygen content. You must demonstrate
initial compliance with the carbon
monoxide emissions limit using a 30day rolling average of the 1-hour
arithmetic average emission
concentrations, including CEMS data
during startup and shutdown as defined
in this subpart, calculated using
equation 19–19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA
Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–7.
(2) Operate the carbon monoxide
continuous emissions monitoring
system in accordance with the
applicable requirements of performance
specification 4A of appendix B and the
quality assurance procedures of
appendix F of this part.
(h) Coal and liquid/gas energy
recovery units with annual average heat
input rates greater than 250 MMBtu/hr
may elect to demonstrate continuous
compliance with the particulate matter
emissions limit using a particulate
matter CEMS according to the
procedures in § 62.14690(n) instead of
the continuous parameter monitoring
system specified in § 62.14670(i). Coal
and liquid/gas energy recovery units
with annual average heat input rates
less than 250 MMBtu/hr, incinerators,
and small remote incinerators may also
elect to demonstrate compliance using a
particulate matter CEMS according to
the procedures in § 62.14690(n) instead
of particulate matter testing with EPA
Method 5 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
A–3 and, if applicable, the continuous
opacity monitoring requirements in
paragraph (i) of this section.
(i) For energy recovery units with
annual average heat input rates greater
than or equal to 10 MMBTU/hour but
less than 250 MMBtu/hr you must
install, operate, certify and maintain a
continuous opacity monitoring system
(COMS) according to the procedures in
§ 62.14690.
(j) For waste-burning kilns, you must
conduct an annual performance test for
the pollutants (except mercury and
particulate matter, and hydrogen
chloride if no acid gas wet scrubber is
used) listed in table 7 of this subpart. If
you do not use an acid gas wet scrubber
or dry scrubber, you must determine
compliance with the hydrogen chloride
emissions limit according to the
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requirements in paragraph (j)(1) of this
section. You must determine
compliance with the mercury emissions
limit using a mercury CEMS according
to paragraph (j)(2) of this section. You
must determine compliance with
particulate matter using CPMS:
(1) If you monitor compliance with
the HCl emissions limit by operating an
HCl CEMS, you must do so in
accordance with Performance
Specification 15 (PS 15) of appendix B
to 40 CFR part 60, or, PS 18 of appendix
B to 40 CFR part 60. You must operate,
maintain, and quality assure a HCl
CEMS installed and certified under PS
15 according to the quality assurance
requirements in Procedure 1 of
appendix F to 40 CFR part 60 except
that the Relative Accuracy Test Audit
requirements of Procedure 1 must be
replaced with the validation
requirements and criteria of sections
11.1.1 and 12.0 of PS 15. You must
operate, maintain and quality assure a
HCl CEMS installed and certified under
PS 18 according to the quality assurance
requirements in Procedure 6 of
appendix F to 40 CFR part 60. For any
performance specification that you use,
you must use Method 321 of appendix
A to 40 CFR part 63 as the reference test
method for conducting relative accuracy
testing. The span value and calibration
requirements in paragraphs (j)(1)(i) and
(ii) of this section apply to all HCl
CEMS used under this subpart:
(i) You must use a measurement span
value for any HCl CEMS of 0–10 ppmvw
unless the monitor is installed on a kiln
without an inline raw mill. Kilns
without an inline raw mill may use a
higher span value sufficient to quantify
all expected emissions concentrations.
The HCl CEMS data recorder output
range must include the full range of
expected HCl concentration values
which would include those expected
during ‘‘mill off’’ conditions. The
corresponding data recorder range shall
be documented in the site-specific
monitoring plan and associated records;
(ii) In order to quality assure data
measured above the span value, you
must use one of the three options in
paragraphs (j)(1)(ii)(A) through (C) of
this section:
(A) Include a second span that
encompasses the HCl emission
concentrations expected to be
encountered during ‘‘mill off’’
conditions. This second span may be
rounded to a multiple of 5 ppm of total
HCl. The requirements of the
appropriate HCl monitor performance
specification shall be followed for this
second span with the exception that a
RATA with the mill off is not required;
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
CEMS during the above span linearity
challenge exceeding +/-20 percent of the
certified value of the reference gas must
be normalized using equation 6;
(C) Quality assure any data above the
span value established in paragraph
(j)(1)(i) of this section using the
following procedure. Any time two
consecutive one-hour average measured
concentration of HCl exceeds the span
value you must, within 24 hours before
or after, introduce a higher, ‘‘above
span’’ HCl reference gas standard to the
HCl CEMS. The ‘‘above span’’ reference
gas must meet the requirements of the
applicable performance specification
and target a concentration level between
50 and 150 percent of the highest
expected hourly concentration
measured during the period of
measurements above span, and must be
introduced at the probe. While this
target represents a desired concentration
range that is not always achievable in
practice, it is expected that the intent to
meet this range is demonstrated by the
value of the reference gas. Expected
values may include above span
calibrations done before or after the
above-span measurement period. Record
and report the results of this procedure
as you would for a daily calibration. The
‘‘above span’’ calibration is successful if
the value measured by the HCl CEMS is
within 20 percent of the certified value
of the reference gas. If the value
measured by the HCl CEMS is not
within 20 percent of the certified value
of the reference gas, then you must
normalize the stack gas values measured
above span as described in paragraph
(j)(1)(ii)(D) of this section. If the ‘‘above
span’’ calibration is conducted during
the period when measured emissions
are above span and there is a failure to
collect the one data point in an hour
due to the calibration duration, then you
must determine the emissions average
for that missed hour as the average of
hourly averages for the hour preceding
the missed hour and the hour following
the missed hour. In an hour where an
‘‘above span’’ calibration is being
conducted and one or more data points
are collected, the emissions average is
represented by the average of all valid
data points collected in that hour; and
(D) In the event that the ‘‘above span’’
calibration is not successful (i.e., the
HCl CEMS measured value is not within
20 percent of the certified value of the
reference gas), then you must normalize
the one-hour average stack gas values
measured above the span during the 24hour period preceding or following the
‘‘above span’’ calibration for reporting
based on the HCl CEMS response to the
reference gas as shown in equation 6:
Only one ‘‘above span’’ calibration is
needed per 24-hour period.
(2) Compliance with the mercury
emissions limit must be determined
using a mercury CEMS according to the
following requirements:
(i) You must operate a CEMS in
accordance with performance
specification 12A at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix B or a sorbent trap based
integrated monitor in accordance with
performance specification 12B at 40
CFR part 60, appendix B. The duration
of the performance test must be a
calendar month. For each calendar
month in which the waste-burning kiln
operates, hourly mercury concentration
data and stack gas volumetric flow rate
data must be obtained. You must
demonstrate compliance with the
mercury emissions limit using a 30-day
rolling average of these 1-hour mercury
concentrations, including CEMS data
during startup and shutdown as defined
in this subpart, calculated using
equation 19–19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA
Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–7. CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this
subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent
oxygen, and are measured at stack
oxygen content;
(ii) Owners or operators using a
mercury continuous emissions
monitoring systems must install,
operate, calibrate and maintain an
instrument for continuously measuring
and recording the mercury mass
emissions rate to the atmosphere
according to the requirements of
performance specifications 6 and 12A at
40 CFR part 60, appendix B and quality
assurance procedure 5 at 40 CFR part
60, appendix F; and
(iii) The owner or operator of a wasteburning kiln must demonstrate initial
compliance by operating a mercury
CEMS while the raw mill of the in-line
kiln/raw mill is operating under normal
conditions and including at least one
period when the raw mill is off.
(k) If you use an air pollution control
device to meet the emission limitations
in this subpart, you must conduct an
initial and annual inspection of the air
pollution control device. The inspection
must include, at a minimum, the
(1) Inspect air pollution control
device(s) for proper operation; and
(2) Develop a site-specific monitoring
plan according to the requirements in
paragraph (l) of this section. This
requirement also applies to you if you
petition the EPA Administrator for
alternative monitoring parameters under
§ 60.13(i).
(l) For each CMS required in this
section, you must develop and submit to
the EPA Administrator for approval a
site-specific monitoring plan according
to the requirements of this paragraph (l)
that addresses paragraphs (l)(1)(i)
through (vi) of this section:
(1) You must submit this site-specific
monitoring plan at least 60 days before
your initial performance evaluation of
your continuous monitoring system:
(i) Installation of the continuous
monitoring system sampling probe or
other interface at a measurement
location relative to each affected process
unit such that the measurement is
representative of control of the exhaust
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(B) Quality assure any data above the
span value by proving instrument
linearity beyond the span value
established in paragraph (j)(1)(i) of this
section using the following procedure.
Conduct a weekly ‘‘above span
linearity’’ calibration challenge of the
monitoring system using a reference gas
with a certified value greater than your
highest expected hourly concentration
or greater than 75% of the highest
measured hourly concentration. The
‘‘above span’’ reference gas must meet
the requirements of the applicable
performance specification and must be
introduced to the measurement system
at the probe. Record and report the
results of this procedure as you would
for a daily calibration. The ‘‘above span
linearity’’ challenge is successful if the
value measured by the HCl CEMS falls
within 10 percent of the certified value
of the reference gas. If the value
measured by the HCl CEMS during the
above span linearity challenge exceeds
10 percent of the certified value of the
reference gas, the monitoring system
must be evaluated and repaired and a
new ‘‘above span linearity’’ challenge
met before returning the HCl CEMS to
service, or data above span from the HCl
CEMS must be subject to the quality
assurance procedures established in
(j)(1)(ii)(D) of this section. In this
manner values measured by the HCl
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emissions (e.g., on or downstream of the
last control device);
(ii) Performance and equipment
specifications for the sample interface,
the pollutant concentration or
parametric signal analyzer and the data
collection and reduction systems;
(iii) Performance evaluation
procedures and acceptance criteria (e.g.,
(iv) Ongoing operation and
maintenance procedures in accordance
with the general requirements of
§ 60.11(d);
(v) Ongoing data quality assurance
procedures in accordance with the
general requirements of § 60.13; and
(vi) Ongoing recordkeeping and
reporting procedures in accordance with
the general requirements of § 60.7(b),
(c), (c)(1), (c)(4), (d), (e), (f) and (g).
(2) You must conduct a performance
evaluation of each continuous
monitoring system in accordance with
your site-specific monitoring plan.
(3) You must operate and maintain
the continuous monitoring system in
continuous operation according to the
site-specific monitoring plan.
(m) If you have an operating limit that
requires the use of a flow monitoring
system, you must meet the requirements
in paragraphs (l) and (m)(1) through (4)
of this section:
(1) Install the flow sensor and other
necessary equipment in a position that
provides a representative flow;
(2) Use a flow sensor with a
measurement sensitivity at full scale of
no greater than 2 percent;
(3) Minimize the effects of swirling
flow or abnormal velocity distributions
due to upstream and downstream
disturbances; and
(4) Conduct a flow monitoring system
performance evaluation in accordance
with your monitoring plan at the time
of each performance test but no less
frequently than annually.
(n) If you have an operating limit that
requires the use of a pressure
monitoring system, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (l) and (n)(1)
through (6) of this section:
(1) Install the pressure sensor(s) in a
position that provides a representative
measurement of the pressure (e.g., PM
scrubber pressure drop);
(2) Minimize or eliminate pulsating
pressure, vibration, and internal and
external corrosion;
(3) Use a pressure sensor with a
minimum tolerance of 1.27 centimeters
of water or a minimum tolerance of 1
percent of the pressure monitoring
system operating range, whichever is
(4) Perform checks at the frequency
outlined in your site-specific monitoring
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plan to ensure pressure measurements
are not obstructed (e.g., check for
pressure tap plugging daily);
(5) Conduct a performance evaluation
of the pressure monitoring system in
accordance with your monitoring plan
at the time of each performance test but
no less frequently than annually; and
(6) If at any time the measured
pressure exceeds the manufacturer’s
specified maximum operating pressure
range, conduct a performance
evaluation of the pressure monitoring
system in accordance with your
monitoring plan and confirm that the
pressure monitoring system continues to
meet the performance requirements in
your monitoring plan. Alternatively,
install and verify the operation of a new
pressure sensor.
(o) If you have an operating limit that
requires a pH monitoring system, you
must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (l) and (o)(1) through (4) of
this section:
(1) Install the pH sensor in a position
that provides a representative
measurement of scrubber effluent pH;
(2) Ensure the sample is properly
mixed and representative of the fluid to
be measured;
(3) Conduct a performance evaluation
of the pH monitoring system in
accordance with your monitoring plan
at least once each process operating day;
(4) Conduct a performance evaluation
(including a two-point calibration with
one of the two buffer solutions having
a pH within 1 of the pH of the operating
limit) of the pH monitoring system in
accordance with your monitoring plan
at the time of each performance test but
no less frequently than quarterly.
(p) If you have an operating limit that
requires a secondary electric power
monitoring system for an electrostatic
precipitator, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (l) and (p)(1)
and (2) of this section:
(1) Install sensors to measure
(secondary) voltage and current to the
precipitator collection plates; and
(2) Conduct a performance evaluation
of the electric power monitoring system
in accordance with your monitoring
plan at the time of each performance
test but no less frequently than
(q) If you have an operating limit that
requires the use of a monitoring system
to measure sorbent injection rate (e.g.,
weigh belt, weigh hopper, or hopper
flow measurement device), you must
meet the requirements in paragraphs (l)
and (q)(1) and (2) of this section:
(1) Install the system in a position(s)
that provides a representative
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measurement of the total sorbent
injection rate; and
(2) Conduct a performance evaluation
of the sorbent injection rate monitoring
system in accordance with your
monitoring plan at the time of each
performance test but no less frequently
than annually.
(r) If you elect to use a fabric filter bag
leak detection system to comply with
the requirements of this subpart, you
must install, calibrate, maintain, and
continuously operate a bag leak
detection system as specified in
paragraphs (l) and (r)(1) through (5) of
this section:
(1) Install a bag leak detection
sensor(s) in a position(s) that will be
representative of the relative or absolute
particulate matter loadings for each
exhaust stack, roof vent, or
compartment (e.g., for a positive
pressure fabric filter) of the fabric filter;
(2) Use a bag leak detection system
certified by the manufacturer to be
capable of detecting particulate matter
emissions at concentrations of 10
milligrams per actual cubic meter or
(3) Conduct a performance evaluation
of the bag leak detection system in
accordance with your monitoring plan
and consistent with the guidance
provided in ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak
Detection Guidance,’’ (EPA–454/R–98–
015, September 1997). This document is
available from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (U.S. EPA); Office of
Air Quality Planning and Standards;
Sector Policies and Programs Division;
Measurement Policy Group (D–243–02),
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. This
document is also available on the
Technology Transfer Network under
Emissions Measurement Center
Continuous Emissions Monitoring;
(4) Use a bag leak detection system
equipped with a device to continuously
record the output signal from the sensor;
(5) Use a bag leak detection system
equipped with a system that will sound
an alarm when an increase in relative
particulate matter emissions over a
preset level is detected. The alarm must
be located where it is observed readily
by plant operating personnel.
(s) For facilities using a CEMS to
demonstrate compliance with the sulfur
dioxide emission limit, compliance with
the sulfur dioxide emission limit may be
demonstrated by using the CEMS
specified in § 62.14690 to measure
sulfur dioxide. CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this
subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent
oxygen, and are measured at stack
oxygen content. You must calculate a
30-day rolling average of the 1-hour
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
arithmetic average emission
concentrations, including CEMS data
during startup and shutdown as defined
in this subpart, using equation 19–19 in
section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method
19 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7.
The sulfur dioxide CEMS must be
operated according to performance
specification 2 in appendix B of 40 CFR
part 60 and must follow the procedures
and methods specified in paragraph (s)
of this section. For sources that have
actual inlet emissions less than 100
parts per million dry volume, the
relative accuracy criterion for inlet
sulfur dioxide CEMS should be no
greater than 20 percent of the mean
value of the reference method test data
in terms of the units of the emission
standard, or 5 parts per million dry
volume absolute value of the mean
difference between the reference
method and the CEMS, whichever is
(1) During each relative accuracy test
run of the CEMS required by
performance specification 2 in appendix
B of 40 CFR part 60, collect sulfur
dioxide and oxygen (or carbon dioxide)
data concurrently (or within a 30- to 60minute period) with both the CEMS and
the test methods specified in paragraphs
(s)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section:
(i) For sulfur dioxide, EPA Reference
Method 6 or 6C, or as an alternative
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, Flue and
Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part 10,
Instruments and Apparatus] must be
used (see paragraph (z) of this section);
(ii) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide),
EPA Reference Method 3A or 3B, or as
an alternative ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–
1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses
[Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus], as
applicable, must be used (see paragraph
(z) of this secion).
(2) The span value of the CEMS at the
inlet to the sulfur dioxide control device
must be 125 percent of the maximum
estimated hourly potential sulfur
dioxide emissions of the unit subject to
this rule. The span value of the CEMS
at the outlet of the sulfur dioxide
control device must be 50 percent of the
maximum estimated hourly potential
sulfur dioxide emissions of the unit
subject to this rule.
(3) Conduct accuracy determinations
quarterly and calibration drift tests daily
in accordance with procedure 1 in
appendix F of 40 CFR part 60.
(t) For facilities using a CEMS to
demonstrate continuous compliance
with the nitrogen oxides emission limit,
compliance with the nitrogen oxides
emission limit may be demonstrated by
using the CEMS specified in § 62.14690
to measure nitrogen oxides. CEMS data
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during startup and shutdown, as
defined in this subpart, are not
corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and are
measured at stack oxygen content. You
must calculate a 30-day rolling average
of the 1-hour arithmetic average
emission concentration using equation
19–19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA
Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–7. The nitrogen oxides
CEMS must be operated according to
performance specification 2 in appendix
B of 40 CFR part 60 and must follow the
procedures and methods specified in
paragraphs (t)(1) through (4) of this
(1) During each relative accuracy test
run of the CEMS required by
performance specification 2 of appendix
B of 40 CFR part 60, collect nitrogen
oxides and oxygen (or carbon dioxide)
data concurrently (or within a 30- to 60minute period) with both the CEMS and
the test methods specified in paragraphs
(t)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section:
(i) For nitrogen oxides, EPA Reference
Method 7 or 7E at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–4 must be used; and
(ii) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide),
EPA Reference Method 3A or 3B, or as
an alternative ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–
1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses
[Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus], as
applicable, must be used (see paragraph
(z) of this section).
(2) The span value of the CEMS must
be 125 percent of the maximum
estimated hourly potential nitrogen
oxide emissions of unit.
(3) Conduct accuracy determinations
quarterly and calibration drift tests daily
in accordance with procedure 1 in
appendix F of 40 CFR part 60.
(4) The owner or operator of an
affected facility may request that
compliance with the nitrogen oxides
emission limit be determined using
carbon dioxide measurements corrected
to an equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. If
carbon dioxide is selected for use in
diluent corrections, the relationship
between oxygen and carbon dioxide
levels must be established during the
initial performance test according to the
procedures and methods specified in
paragraphs (t)(4)(i) through (iv) of this
section. This relationship may be
reestablished during performance
compliance tests:
(i) The fuel factor equation in Method
3B must be used to determine the
relationship between oxygen and carbon
dioxide at a sampling location. Method
3A, 3B, or as an alternative ANSI/ASME
PTC 19.10–1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas
Analyses [Part 10, Instruments and
Apparatus], as applicable, must be used
to determine the oxygen concentration
at the same location as the carbon
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dioxide monitor (see paragraph (z) of
this section);
(ii) Samples must be taken for at least
30 minutes in each hour;
(iii) Each sample must represent a 1hour average; and
(iv) A minimum of 3 runs must be
(u) For facilities using a continuous
emissions monitoring system to
demonstrate continuous compliance
with any of the emission limits of this
subpart, you must complete the
(1) Demonstrate compliance with the
appropriate emission limit(s) using a 30day rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic
average emission concentrations,
including CEMS data during startup and
shutdown, as defined in this subpart,
calculated using equation 19–19 in
section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method
19 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7.
CEMS data during startup and
shutdown, as defined in this subpart,
are not corrected to 7 percent oxygen,
and are measured at stack oxygen
content; and
(2) Operate all CEMS in accordance
with the applicable procedures under
appendices B and F of 40 CFR part 60.
(v) Use of the bypass stack at any time
is an emissions standards deviation for
particulate matter, HCl, Pb, Cd, Hg,
NOX, SO2, and dioxin/furans.
(w) For energy recovery units with a
design heat input capacity of 100
MMBtu per hour or greater that do not
use a carbon monoxide CEMS, you must
install, operate, and maintain an oxygen
analyzer system as defined in
§ 62.14840 according to the procedures
in paragraphs (w)(1) through (4) of this
(1) The oxygen analyzer system must
be installed by the initial performance
test date specified in § 62.14635;
(2) You must operate the oxygen trim
system within compliance with
paragraph (w)(3) of this section at all
(3) You must maintain the oxygen
level such that the 30-day rolling
average that is established as the
operating limit for oxygen is not below
the lowest hourly average oxygen
concentration measured during the most
recent CO performance test; and
(4) You must calculate and record a
30-day rolling average oxygen
concentration using equation 19–19 in
section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method
19 of Appendix A–7 of 40 CFR part 60.
(x) For energy recovery units with
annual average heat input rates greater
than or equal to 250 MMBtu/hour and
waste-burning kilns, you must install,
calibrate, maintain, and operate a PM
CPMS and record the output of the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
burning kiln operating hours data
(milliamps or their digital equivalent).
(5) You must collect data using the
PM CPMS at all times the energy
recovery unit or waste-burning kiln is
operating and at the intervals specified
in paragraph (x)(1)(ii) of this section,
except for periods of monitoring system
malfunctions, repairs associated with
monitoring system malfunctions,
required monitoring system quality
assurance or quality control activities
(including, as applicable, calibration
checks and required zero and span
adjustments), and any scheduled
maintenance as defined in your sitespecific monitoring plan.
(6) You must use all the data collected
during all energy recovery unit or wasteburning kiln operating hours in
assessing the compliance with your
operating limit except:
(i) Any data collected during
monitoring system malfunctions, repairs
associated with monitoring system
malfunctions, or required monitoring
system quality assurance or quality
control activities conducted during
monitoring system malfunctions are not
used in calculations (report any such
periods in your annual deviation
(ii) Any data collected during periods
when the monitoring system is out of
control as specified in your site-specific
monitoring plan, repairs associated with
periods when the monitoring system is
out of control, or required monitoring
system quality assurance or quality
control activities conducted during outof-control periods are not used in
calculations (report emissions or
operating levels and report any such
periods in your annual deviation
(iii) Any PM CPMS data recorded
during periods of CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this
(7) You must record and make
available upon request results of PM
CPMS system performance audits, as
well as the dates and duration of
periods from when the PM CPMS is out
of control until completion of the
corrective actions necessary to return
the PM CPMS to operation consistent
with your site-specific monitoring plan.
(8) For any deviation of the 30-day
rolling average PM CPMS average value
from the established operating
parameter limit, you must:
(i) Within 48 hours of the deviation,
visually inspect the air pollution control
(ii) If inspection of the air pollution
control device identifies the cause of the
deviation, take corrective action as soon
as possible and return the PM CPMS
measurement to within the established
(iii) Within 30 days of the deviation
or at the time of the annual compliance
test, whichever comes first, conduct a
PM emissions compliance test to
determine compliance with the PM
emissions limit and to verify. Within 45
days of the deviation, you must reestablish the CPMS operating limit. You
are not required to conduct additional
testing for any deviations that occur
between the time of the original
deviation and the PM emissions
compliance test required under
paragraph (x) of this section; and
(iv) PM CPMS deviations leading to
more than four required performance
tests in a 12-month process operating
period (rolling monthly) constitute a
violation of this subpart.
(y) When there is an alkali bypass
and/or an in-line coal mill that exhaust
emissions through a separate stack(s),
the combined emissions are subject to
the emission limits applicable to wasteburning kilns. To determine the kilnspecific emission limit for
demonstrating compliance, you must:
(1) Calculate a kiln-specific emission
limit using equation 7:
Cks = Kiln stack concentration (ppmvd, mg/
dscm, ng/dscm, depending on pollutant.
Each corrected to 7% O2.)
Qab = Alkali bypass flow rate (volume/hr).
Cab = Alkali bypass concentration (ppmvd,
mg/dscm, ng/dscm, depending on
pollutant. Each corrected to 7% O2.)
Qcm = In-line coal mill flow rate (volume/hr).
Ccm = In-line coal mill concentration (ppmvd,
mg/dscm, ng/dscm, depending on
pollutant. Each corrected to 7% O2.)
Qks = Kiln stack flow rate (volume/hr).
exhausts through a separate stack,
instead of installing a CEMS or PM
CPMS on the alkali bypass stack or inline coal mill stack, the results of the
initial and subsequent performance test
can be used to demonstrate compliance
with the relevant emissions limit. A
performance test must be conducted on
an annual basis (between 11 and 13
calendar months following the previous
performance test).
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(2) Particulate matter concentration
must be measured downstream of the
in-line coal mill. All other pollutant
concentrations must be measured either
upstream or downstream of the in-line
coal mill.
(3) For purposes of determining the
combined emissions from kilns
equipped with an alkali bypass or that
exhaust kiln gases to a coal mill that
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system as specified in paragraphs (x)(1)
through (8) of this section. For other
energy recovery units, you may elect to
use PM CPMS operated in accordance
with this section. PM CPMS are suitable
in lieu of using other CMS for
monitoring PM compliance (e.g., bag
leak detectors, electrostatic precipitator
secondary power, PM scrubber
(1) Install, calibrate, operate, and
maintain your PM CPMS according to
the procedures in your approved sitespecific monitoring plan developed in
accordance with paragraphs (l) and
(x)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section:
(i) The operating principle of the PM
CPMS must be based on in-stack or
extractive light scatter, light
scintillation, beta attenuation, or mass
accumulation of the exhaust gas or
representative sample. The reportable
measurement output from the PM CPMS
must be expressed as milliamps or the
digital signal equivalent;
(ii) The PM CPMS must have a cycle
time (i.e., period required to complete
sampling, measurement, and reporting
for each measurement) no longer than
60 minutes; and
(iii) The PM CPMS must be capable of
detecting and responding to particulate
matter concentrations increments no
greater than 0.5 mg/actual cubic meter.
(2) During the initial performance test
or any such subsequent performance
test that demonstrates compliance with
the PM limit, you must adjust the sitespecific operating limit in accordance
with the results of the performance test
according to the procedures specified in
§ 62.14635.
(3) Collect PM CPMS hourly average
output data for all energy recovery unit
or waste-burning kiln operating hours.
Express the PM CPMS output as
milliamps or the digital signal
(4) Calculate the arithmetic 30-day
rolling average of all of the hourly
average PM CPMS output collected
during all energy recovery unit or waste-
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
(z) Incorporation by reference. These
standards are incorporated by reference
into this section with the approval of
the Director of the Federal Register in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. All approved material is
available for inspection at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20460, (202) 272–0167, https://
www.epa.gov. You may also inspect a
copy at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030,
or go to: https://www.archives.gov/
(1) American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME), Three Park Avenue,
New York, NY 10016–5990 (Phone: 1–
800–843–2763; Web site: https://
(i) ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, Flue
and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part 10,
Instruments and Apparatus].
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) ASTM Int’l, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
Post Office Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959; or
ProQuest, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann
Arbor, MI 48106 (Phone: 1–877–909–
2786; Web site: https://www.astm.org/).
(i) ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
2008) Standard Test Method for
Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound
and Total Mercury in Flue Gas
Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary
Sources (Ontario Hydro Method),
approved April 1, 2008.
(ii) [Reserved]
(3) U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20460, (202) 272–
0167, https://www.epa.gov.
(i) OAQPS Fabric Filter Bag Leak
Detection Guidance, EPA–454/R–98–
015, September 1997.
(ii) [Reserved]
§ 62.14675 By what date must I conduct
the annual performance test?
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You must conduct annual
performance tests between 11 and 13
months of the previous performance
§ 62.14676 By what date must I conduct
the annual air pollution control device
On an annual basis (no more than 12
months following the previous annual
air pollution control device inspection),
you must complete the air pollution
control device inspection as described
in § 62.14666.
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§ 62.14680 May I conduct performance
testing less often?
(a) You must conduct annual
performance tests according to the
schedule specified in § 62.14675, with
the following exceptions:
(1) You may conduct a repeat
performance test at any time to establish
new values for the operating limits to
apply from that point forward, as
specified in § 62.14685. The
Administrator may request a repeat
performance test at any time;
(2) You must repeat the performance
test within 60 days of a process change,
as defined in § 62.14840; and
(3) If the initial or any subsequent
performance test for any pollutant in
table 1 or tables 5 through 8 of this
subpart, as applicable, demonstrates
that the emission level for the pollutant
is no greater than the emission level
specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i) or
(a)(3)(ii) of this section, as applicable,
and you are not required to conduct a
performance test for the pollutant in
response to a request by the
Administrator in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section or a process change in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, you may elect to
skip conducting a performance test for
the pollutant for the next 2 years. You
must conduct a performance test for the
pollutant during the third year and no
more than 37 months following the
previous performance test for the
pollutant. For cadmium and lead, both
cadmium and lead must be emitted at
emission levels no greater than their
respective emission levels specified in
paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section for you
to qualify for less frequent testing under
paragraph (a) of this section:
(i) For particulate matter, hydrogen
chloride, mercury, carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide,
cadmium, lead, and dioxins/furans, the
emission level equal to 75 percent of the
applicable emission limit in table 1 or
tables 5 through 8 of this subpart, as
applicable, to this subpart; and
(ii) For fugitive emissions, visible
emissions (of combustion ash from the
ash conveying system) for 2 percent of
the time during each of the three 1-hour
observation periods.
(4) If you are conducting less frequent
testing for a pollutant as provided in
paragraph (a)(3) of this section and a
subsequent performance test for the
pollutant indicates that your CISWI unit
does not meet the emission level
specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i) or
(a)(3)(ii) of this section, as applicable,
you must conduct annual performance
tests for the pollutant according to the
schedule specified in paragraph (a) of
this section until you qualify for less
frequent testing for the pollutant as
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specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this
(b) [Reserved].
§ 62.14685 May I conduct a repeat
performance test to establish new operating
(a) Yes. You may conduct a repeat
performance test at any time to establish
new values for the operating limits. The
Administrator may request a repeat
performance test at any time.
(b) You must repeat the performance
test if your feed stream is different than
the feed streams used during any
performance test used to demonstrate
§ 62.14690 What monitoring equipment
must I install and what parameters must I
(a) If you are using a wet scrubber to
comply with the emission limitation
under § 62.14630, you must install,
calibrate (to manufacturers’
specifications), maintain, and operate
devices (or establish methods) for
monitoring the value of the operating
parameters used to determine
compliance with the operating limits
listed in table 2 of this subpart. These
devices (or methods) must measure and
record the values for these operating
parameters at the frequencies indicated
in table 2 of this subpart at all times
except as specified in § 62.14695(a).
(b) If you use a fabric filter to comply
with the requirements of this subpart
and you do not use a PM CPMS for
monitoring PM compliance, you must
install, calibrate, maintain, and
continuously operate a bag leak
detection system as specified in
paragraphs (b)(1) through (8) of this
(1) You must install and operate a bag
leak detection system for each exhaust
stack of the fabric filter.
(2) Each bag leak detection system
must be installed, operated, calibrated,
and maintained in a manner consistent
with the manufacturer’s written
specifications and recommendations.
(3) The bag leak detection system
must be certified by the manufacturer to
be capable of detecting particulate
matter emissions at concentrations of 10
milligrams per actual cubic meter or
(4) The bag leak detection system
sensor must provide output of relative
or absolute particulate matter loadings.
(5) The bag leak detection system
must be equipped with a device to
continuously record the output signal
from the sensor.
(6) The bag leak detection system
must be equipped with an alarm system
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
that will alert automatically an operator
when an increase in relative particulate
matter emissions over a preset level is
detected. The alarm must be located
where it is observed easily by plant
operating personnel.
(7) For positive pressure fabric filter
systems, a bag leak detection system
must be installed in each baghouse
compartment or cell. For negative
pressure or induced air fabric filters, the
bag leak detector must be installed
downstream of the fabric filter.
(8) Where multiple detectors are
required, the system’s instrumentation
and alarm may be shared among
(c) If you are using something other
than a wet scrubber, activated carbon,
selective non-catalytic reduction, an
electrostatic precipitator, or a dry
scrubber to comply with the emission
limitations under § 62.14630, you must
install, calibrate (to the manufacturers’
specifications), maintain, and operate
the equipment necessary to monitor
compliance with the site-specific
operating limits established using the
procedures in § 62.14640.
(d) If you use activated carbon
injection to comply with the emission
limitations in this subpart, you must
measure the minimum sorbent flow rate
once per hour.
(e) If you use selective noncatalytic
reduction to comply with the emission
limitations, you must complete the
(1) Following the date on which the
initial performance test is completed or
is required to be completed under
§ 62.14650, whichever date comes first,
ensure that the affected facility does not
operate above the maximum charge rate,
or below the minimum secondary
chamber temperature (if applicable to
your CISWI unit) or the minimum
reagent flow rate measured as 3-hour
block averages at all times; and
(2) Operation of the affected facility
above the maximum charge rate, below
the minimum secondary chamber
temperature and below the minimum
reagent flow rate simultaneously
constitute a violation of the nitrogen
oxides emissions limit.
(f) If you use an electrostatic
precipitator to comply with the
emission limits of this subpart and you
do not use a PM CPMS for monitoring
PM compliance, you must monitor the
secondary power to the electrostatic
precipitator collection plates and
maintain the 3-hour block averages at or
above the operating limits established
during the mercury or particulate matter
performance test.
(g) For waste-burning kilns not
equipped with a wet scrubber or dry
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scrubber, in place of hydrogen chloride
testing with EPA Method 321 at 40 CFR
part 63, appendix A, an owner or
operator must install, calibrate,
maintain, and operate a CEMS for
monitoring hydrogen chloride
emissions, as specified in § 62.14670(j)
of this subpart, discharged to the
atmosphere and record the output of the
system. To demonstrate continuous
compliance with the hydrogen chloride
emissions limit for units other than
waste-burning kilns not equipped with
a wet scrubber or dry scrubber, a facility
may substitute use of a hydrogen
chloride CEMS for conducting the
hydrogen chloride annual performance
test, monitoring the minimum hydrogen
chloride sorbent flow rate, monitoring
the minimum scrubber liquor pH.
(h) To demonstrate continuous
compliance with the particulate matter
emissions limit, a facility may substitute
use of either a particulate matter CEMS
or a particulate matter CPMS for
conducting the particulate matter
annual performance test and other CMS
monitoring for PM compliance (e.g., bag
leak detectors, electrostatic precipitator
secondary power, PM scrubber
(i) To demonstrate continuous
compliance with the dioxin/furan
emissions limit, a facility may substitute
use of a continuous automated sampling
system for the dioxin/furan annual
performance test. You must record the
output of the system and analyze the
sample according to EPA Method 23 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7. This
option to use a continuous automated
sampling system takes effect on the date
a final performance specification
applicable to dioxin/furan from
continuous monitors is published in the
Federal Register. The owner or operator
who elects to continuously sample
dioxin/furan emissions instead of
sampling and testing using EPA Method
23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7
must install, calibrate, maintain and
operate a continuous automated
sampling system and must comply with
the requirements specified in
§ 60.58b(p) and (q). A facility may
substitute continuous dioxin/furan
monitoring for the minimum sorbent
flow rate, if activated carbon sorbent
injection is used solely for compliance
with the dioxin/furan emission limit.
(j) To demonstrate continuous
compliance with the mercury emissions
limit, a facility may substitute use of a
continuous automated sampling system
for the mercury annual performance
test. You must record the output of the
system and analyze the sample at set
intervals using any suitable
determinative technique that can meet
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performance specification 12B criteria.
This option to use a continuous
automated sampling system takes effect
on the date a final performance
specification applicable to mercury from
monitors is published in the Federal
Register. The owner or operator who
elects to continuously sample mercury
emissions instead of sampling and
testing using EPA Method 29 or 30B at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, ASTM
D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (see
§ 62.14670(z)), or an approved
alternative method for measuring
mercury emissions, must install,
calibrate, maintain and operate a
continuous automated sampling system
and must comply with the requirements
specified in § 60.58b(p) and (q). A
facility may substitute continuous
mercury monitoring for the minimum
sorbent flow rate, if activated carbon
sorbent injection is used solely for
compliance with the mercury emission
limit. Waste-burning kilns must install,
calibrate, maintain, and operate a
mercury CEMS as specified in
§ 62.14670(j) of this subpart.
(k) To demonstrate continuous
compliance with the nitrogen oxides
emissions limit, a facility may substitute
use of a CEMS for the nitrogen oxides
annual performance test to demonstrate
compliance with the nitrogen oxides
emissions limits and monitoring the
charge rate, secondary chamber
temperature and reagent flow for
selective noncatalytic reduction, if
(1) Install, calibrate, maintain and
operate a CEMS for measuring nitrogen
oxides emissions discharged to the
atmosphere and record the output of the
system. The requirements under
performance specification 2 of appendix
B of 40 CFR part 60, the quality
assurance procedure 1 of appendix F of
40 CFR part 60 and the procedures
under § 60.13 must be followed for
installation, evaluation and operation of
the CEMS; and
(2) Following the date that the initial
performance test for nitrogen oxides is
completed or is required to be
completed under § 62.14650,
compliance with the emission limit for
nitrogen oxides required under
§ 60.52b(d) must be determined based
on the 30-day rolling average of the
hourly emission concentrations using
CEMS outlet data. The 1-hour arithmetic
averages must be expressed in parts per
million by volume corrected to 7
percent oxygen (dry basis) and used to
calculate the 30-day rolling average
concentrations. CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this
subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent
oxygen, and are measured at stack
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
oxygen content. The 1-hour arithmetic
averages must be calculated using the
data points required under § 60.13(e)(2).
(l) To demonstrate continuous
compliance with the sulfur dioxide
emissions limit, a facility may substitute
use of a continuous automated sampling
system for the sulfur dioxide annual
performance test to demonstrate
compliance with the sulfur dioxide
emissions limits:
(1) Install, calibrate, maintain and
operate a CEMS for measuring sulfur
dioxide emissions discharged to the
atmosphere and record the output of the
system. The requirements under
performance specification 2 of appendix
B of 40 CFR part 60, the quality
assurance requirements of procedure 1
of appendix F of 40 CFR part 60 and the
procedures under § 60.13 must be
followed for installation, evaluation and
operation of the CEMS; and
(2) Following the date that the initial
performance test for sulfur dioxide is
completed or is required to be
completed under § 62.14650,
compliance with the sulfur dioxide
emission limit may be determined based
on the 30-day rolling average of the
hourly arithmetic average emission
concentrations using CEMS outlet data.
The 1-hour arithmetic averages must be
expressed in parts per million corrected
to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis) and used
to calculate the 30-day rolling average
emission concentrations. CEMS data
during startup and shutdown, as
defined in this subpart, are not
corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and are
measured at stack oxygen content. The
1-hour arithmetic averages must be
calculated using the data points
required under § 60.13(e)(2).
(m) For energy recovery units over 10
MMBtu/hr but less than 250 MMBtu/hr
annual average heat input rates that do
not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter with
bag leak detection system, or particulate
matter CEMS, you must install, operate,
certify and maintain a continuous
opacity monitoring system according to
the procedures in paragraphs (m)(1)
through (5) of this section by the
compliance date specified in § 62.14630.
Energy recovery units that use a
particulate matter CEMS to demonstrate
initial and continuing compliance
according to the procedures in
§ 62.14690(n) are not required to install
a continuous opacity monitoring system
and must perform the annual
performance tests for opacity consistent
with § 62.14670(f):
(1) Install, operate and maintain each
continuous opacity monitoring system
according to performance specification
1 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B;
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(2) Conduct a performance evaluation
of each continuous opacity monitoring
system according to the requirements in
§ 60.13 and according to performance
specification 1 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix B;
(3) As specified in § 60.13(e)(1), each
continuous opacity monitoring system
must complete a minimum of one cycle
of sampling and analyzing for each
successive 10-second period and one
cycle of data recording for each
successive 6-minute period;
(4) Reduce the continuous opacity
monitoring system data as specified in
§ 60.13(h)(1); and
(5) Determine and record all the 6minute averages (and 1-hour block
averages as applicable) collected.
(n) For coal and liquid/gas energy
recovery units, incinerators, and small
remote incinerators, an owner or
operator may elect to install, calibrate,
maintain and operate a CEMS for
monitoring particulate matter emissions
discharged to the atmosphere and
record the output of the system. The
owner or operator of an affected facility
who continuously monitors particulate
matter emissions instead of conducting
performance testing using EPA Method
5 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3 or,
as applicable, monitor with a particulate
matter CPMS according to paragraph (r)
of this section, must install, calibrate,
maintain and operate a CEMS and must
comply with the requirements specified
in paragraphs (n)(1) through (13) of this
(1) Notify the Administrator 1 month
before starting use of the system;
(2) Notify the Administrator 1 month
before stopping use of the system;
(3) The monitor must be installed,
evaluated and operated in accordance
with the requirements of performance
specification 11 of appendix B of 40
CFR part 60 and quality assurance
requirements of procedure 2 of
appendix F of 40 CFR part 60 and
§ 60.13;
(4) The initial performance evaluation
must be completed no later than 180
days after the final compliance date for
meeting the amended emission
limitations, as specified under
§ 62.14650 or within 180 days of
notification to the Administrator of use
of the continuous monitoring system if
the owner or operator was previously
determining compliance by Method 5 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3
performance tests, whichever is later;
(5) The owner or operator of an
affected facility may request that
compliance with the particulate matter
emission limit be determined using
carbon dioxide measurements corrected
to an equivalent of 7 percent oxygen.
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The relationship between oxygen and
carbon dioxide levels for the affected
facility must be established according to
the procedures and methods specified
in § 62.14670(t)(4)(i) through (iv);
(6) The owner or operator of an
affected facility must conduct an initial
performance test for particulate matter
emissions as required under § 62.14650.
Compliance with the particulate matter
emission limit, if PM CEMS are elected
for demonstrating compliance, must be
determined by using the CEMS
specified in paragraph (n) of this section
to measure particulate matter. You must
calculate a 30-day rolling average of 1hour arithmetic average emission
concentrations, including CEMS data
during startup and shutdown, as
defined in this subpart, using equation
19–19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA
Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–7;
(7) Compliance with the particulate
matter emission limit must be
determined based on the 30-day rolling
average calculated using equation 19–19
in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference
Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60, Appendix
A–7 of the part from the 1-hour
arithmetic average of the CEMS outlet
(8) At a minimum, valid continuous
monitoring system hourly averages must
be obtained as specified § 62.14695;
(9) The 1-hour arithmetic averages
required under paragraph (n)(7) of this
section must be expressed in milligrams
per dry standard cubic meter corrected
to 7 percent oxygen (or carbon dioxide)
(dry basis) and must be used to calculate
the 30-day rolling average emission
concentrations. CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this
subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent
oxygen, and are measured at stack
oxygen content. The 1-hour arithmetic
averages must be calculated using the
data points required under § 60.13(e)(2);
(10) All valid CEMS data must be
used in calculating average emission
concentrations even if the minimum
CEMS data requirements of paragraph
(n)(8) of this section are not met;
(11) The CEMS must be operated
according to performance specification
11 in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60;
(12) During each relative accuracy test
run of the CEMS required by
performance specification 11 in
appendix B of 40 CFR part 60,
particulate matter and oxygen (or carbon
dioxide) data must be collected
concurrently (or within a 30- to 60minute period) by both the CEMS and
the following test methods:
(i) For particulate matter, EPA
Reference Method 5 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–3 must be used; and
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(ii) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide),
EPA Reference Method 3A or 3B at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–2, as
applicable, must be used.
(13) Quarterly accuracy
determinations and daily calibration
drift tests must be performed in
accordance with procedure 2 in
appendix F of 40 CFR part 60.
(o) To demonstrate continuous
compliance with the carbon monoxide
emissions limit, a facility may substitute
use of a continuous automated sampling
system for the carbon monoxide annual
performance test to demonstrate
compliance with the carbon monoxide
emissions limits:
(1) Install, calibrate, maintain, and
operate a CEMS for measuring carbon
monoxide emissions discharged to the
atmosphere and record the output of the
system. The requirements under
performance specification 4B of
appendix B of 40 CFR part 60, the
quality assurance procedure 1 of
appendix F of 40 CFR part 60 and the
procedures under § 60.13 must be
followed for installation, evaluation,
and operation of the CEMS; and
(2) Following the date that the initial
performance test for carbon monoxide is
completed or is required to be
completed under § 62.14650,
compliance with the carbon monoxide
emission limit may be determined based
on the 30-day rolling average of the
hourly arithmetic average emission
concentrations, including CEMS data
during startup and shutdown as defined
in this subpart, using CEMS outlet data.
Except for CEMS data during startup
and shutdown, as defined in this
subpart, the 1-hour arithmetic averages
must be expressed in parts per million
corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis)
and used to calculate the 30-day rolling
average emission concentrations. CEMS
data collected during startup or
shutdown, as defined in this subpart,
are not corrected to 7 percent oxygen,
and are measured at stack oxygen
content. The 1-hour arithmetic averages
must be calculated using the data points
required under § 60.13(e)(2).
(p) The owner/operator of an affected
source with a bypass stack shall install,
calibrate (to manufacturers’
specifications), maintain and operate a
device or method for measuring the use
of the bypass stack including date, time
and duration.
(q) For energy recovery units with a
heat input capacity of 100 MMBtu per
hour or greater that do not use a carbon
monoxide CEMS, you must install,
operate and maintain the continuous
oxygen monitoring system as defined in
§ 62.14840 according to the procedures
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in paragraphs (q)(1) through (4) of this
(1) The oxygen analyzer system must
be installed by the initial performance
test date specified in § 62.14635;
(2) You must operate the oxygen trim
system within compliance with
paragraph (q)(3) of this section at all
(3) You must maintain the oxygen
level such that the 30-day rolling
average that is established as the
operating limit for oxygen according to
paragraph (q)(4) of this section is not
below the lowest hourly average oxygen
concentration measured during the most
recent CO performance test; and
(4) You must calculate and record a
30-day rolling average oxygen
concentration using equation 19–19 in
section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method
19 of Appendix A–7.
(r) For energy recovery units with
annual average heat input rates greater
than or equal to 250 MMBtu/hour and
waste-burning kilns, you must install,
calibrate, maintain, and operate a PM
CPMS and record the output of the
system as specified in paragraphs (r)(1)
through (8) of this section. For other
energy recovery units, you may elect to
use PM CPMS operated in accordance
with this section. PM CPMS are suitable
in lieu of using other CMS for
monitoring PM compliance (e.g., bag
leak detectors, electrostatic precipitator
secondary power, PM scrubber
(1) Install, calibrate, operate, and
maintain your PM CPMS according to
the procedures in your approved sitespecific monitoring plan developed in
accordance with § 62.14670(l) and
(r)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section:
(i) The operating principle of the PM
CPMS must be based on in-stack or
extractive light scatter, light
scintillation, beta attenuation, or mass
accumulation of the exhaust gas or
representative sample. The reportable
measurement output from the PM CPMS
must be expressed as milliamps or the
digital signal equivalent;
(ii) The PM CPMS must have a cycle
time (i.e., period required to complete
sampling, measurement, and reporting
for each measurement) no longer than
60 minutes; and
(iii) The PM CPMS must be capable of
detecting and responding to particulate
matter concentrations increments no
greater than 0.5 mg/actual cubic meter.
(2) During the initial performance test
or any such subsequent performance
test that demonstrates compliance with
the PM limit, you must adjust the sitespecific operating limit in accordance
with the results of the performance test
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according to the procedures specified in
§ 62.14635.
(3) Collect PM CPMS hourly average
output data for all energy recovery unit
or waste-burning kiln operating hours.
Express the PM CPMS output as
milliamps or the digital signal
(4) Calculate the arithmetic 30-day
rolling average of all of the hourly
average PM CPMS output collected
during all energy recovery unit or wasteburning kiln operating hours data
(milliamps or digital bits).
(5) You must collect data using the
PM CPMS at all times the energy
recovery unit or waste-burning kiln is
operating and at the intervals specified
in paragraph (r)(1)(ii) of this section,
except for periods of monitoring system
malfunctions, repairs associated with
monitoring system malfunctions,
required monitoring system quality
assurance or quality control activities
(including, as applicable, calibration
checks and required zero and span
adjustments), and any scheduled
maintenance as defined in your sitespecific monitoring plan.
(6) You must use all the data collected
during all energy recovery unit or wasteburning kiln operating hours in
assessing the compliance with your
operating limit except:
(i) Any data collected during
monitoring system malfunctions, repairs
associated with monitoring system
malfunctions, or required monitoring
system quality assurance or quality
control activities conducted during
monitoring system malfunctions are not
used in calculations (report any such
periods in your annual deviation
(ii) Any data collected during periods
when the monitoring system is out of
control as specified in your site-specific
monitoring plan, repairs associated with
periods when the monitoring system is
out of control, or required monitoring
system quality assurance or quality
control activities conducted during outof-control periods are not used in
calculations (report emissions or
operating levels and report any such
periods in your annual deviation
report); and
(iii) Any PM CPMS data recorded
during periods of CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this
(7) You must record and make
available upon request results of PM
CPMS system performance audits, as
well as the dates and duration of
periods from when the PM CPMS is out
of control until completion of the
corrective actions necessary to return
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
the PM CPMS to operation consistent
with your site-specific monitoring plan.
(8) For any deviation of the 30-day
rolling average PM CPMS average value
from the established operating
parameter limit, you must:
(i) Within 48 hours of the deviation,
visually inspect the air pollution control
(ii) If inspection of the air pollution
control device identifies the cause of the
deviation, take corrective action as soon
as possible and return the PM CPMS
measurement to within the established
(iii) Within 30 days of the deviation
or at the time of the annual compliance
test, whichever comes first, conduct a
PM emissions compliance test to
determine compliance with the PM
emissions limit and to verify the
operation of the emissions control
device(s). Within 45 days of the
deviation, you must re-establish the
CPMS operating limit. You are not
required to conduct additional testing
for any deviations that occur between
the time of the original deviation and
the PM emissions compliance test
required under this paragraph; and
(iv) PM CPMS deviations leading to
more than four required performance
tests in a 12-month process operating
period (rolling monthly) constitute a
violation of this subpart.
(s) If you use a dry scrubber to comply
with the emission limits of this subpart,
you must monitor the injection rate of
each sorbent and maintain the 3-hour
block averages at or above the operating
limits established during the hydrogen
chloride performance test.
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§ 62.14695 Is there a minimum amount of
monitoring data I must obtain?
For each continuous monitoring
system required or optionally allowed
under § 62.14690, you must monitor and
collect data according to this section:
(a) You must operate the monitoring
system and collect data at all required
intervals at all times compliance is
required except for periods of
monitoring system malfunctions or outof-control periods, repairs associated
with monitoring system malfunctions or
out-of-control periods (as specified in
§ 62.14730(o)), and required monitoring
system quality assurance or quality
control activities including, as
applicable, calibration checks and
required zero and span adjustments. A
monitoring system malfunction is any
sudden, infrequent, not reasonably
preventable failure of the monitoring
system to provide valid data.
Monitoring system failures that are
caused in part by poor maintenance or
careless operation are not malfunctions.
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You are required to effect monitoring
system repairs in response to
monitoring system malfunctions or outof-control periods and to return the
monitoring system to operation as
expeditiously as practicable.
(b) You may not use data recorded
during monitoring system malfunctions,
repairs associated with monitoring
system malfunctions or out-of-control
periods, or required monitoring system
quality assurance or control activities in
calculations used to report emissions or
operating levels. You must use all the
data collected during all other periods,
including data normalized for above
scale readings, in assessing the
operation of the control device and
associated control system.
(c) Except for periods of monitoring
system malfunctions or out-of-control
periods, repairs associated with
monitoring system malfunctions or outof-control periods, and required
monitoring system quality assurance or
quality control activities including, as
applicable, calibration checks and
required zero and span adjustments,
failure to collect required data is a
deviation of the monitoring
Recordkeeping and Reporting
§ 62.14700
What records must I keep?
You must maintain the items (as
applicable) as specified in paragraphs
(a), (b), and (e) through (w) of this
section for a period of at least 5 years:
(a) Calendar date of each record.
(b) Records of the data described in
paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this
(1) The CISWI unit charge dates,
times, weights, and hourly charge rates;
(2) Liquor flow rate to the wet
scrubber inlet every 15 minutes of
operation, as applicable;
(3) Pressure drop across the wet
scrubber system every 15 minutes of
operation or amperage to the wet
scrubber every 15 minutes of operation,
as applicable;
(4) Liquor pH as introduced to the wet
scrubber every 15 minutes of operation,
as applicable.
(5) For affected CISWI units that
establish operating limits for controls
other than wet scrubbers under
§ 62.14640, you must maintain data
collected for all operating parameters
used to determine compliance with the
operating limits. For energy recovery
units using activated carbon injection or
a dry scrubber, you must also maintain
records of the load fraction and
corresponding sorbent injection rate
records; and
(6) If a fabric filter is used to comply
with the emission limitations, you must
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record the date, time, and duration of
each alarm and the time corrective
action was initiated and completed, and
a brief description of the cause of the
alarm and the corrective action taken.
You must also record the percent of
operating time during each 6-month
period that the alarm sounds, calculated
as specified in § 62.14635(c).
(c) [Reserved]
(d) [Reserved]
(e) Identification of calendar dates
and times for which data show a
deviation from the operating limits in
table 2 of this subpart or a deviation
from other operating limits established
under § 62.14635(d) through (g) or
§ 62.14640 with a description of the
deviations, reasons for such deviations,
and a description of corrective actions
(f) The results of the initial, annual,
and any subsequent performance tests
conducted to determine compliance
with the emission limits and/or to
establish operating limits, as applicable.
Retain a copy of the complete test report
including calculations.
(g) Records showing the names of
CISWI unit operators who have
completed review of the information in
§ 62.14620(a) as required by
§ 62.14620(b), including the date of the
initial review and all subsequent annual
(h) Records showing the names of the
CISWI operators who have completed
the operator training requirements
under § 62.14595, met the criteria for
qualification under § 62.14605, and
maintained or renewed their
qualification under § 62.14610 or
§ 62.14615. Records must include
documentation of training, the dates of
the initial and refresher training, and
the dates of their qualification and all
subsequent renewals of such
(i) For each qualified operator, the
phone and/or pager number at which
they can be reached during operating
(j) Records of calibration of any
monitoring devices as required under
§ 62.14690.
(k) Equipment vendor specifications
and related operation and maintenance
requirements for the incinerator,
emission controls, and monitoring
(l) The information listed in
§ 62.14620(a).
(m) On a daily basis, keep a log of the
quantity of waste burned and the types
of waste burned (always required).
(n) Maintain records of the annual air
pollution control device inspections
that are required for each CISWI unit
subject to the emissions limits in table
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1 of this subpart or tables 5 through 8
of this subpart, any required
maintenance and any repairs not
completed within 10 days of an
inspection or the timeframe established
by the state regulatory agency.
(o) For continuously monitored
pollutants or parameters, you must
document and keep a record of the
following parameters measured using
continuous monitoring systems:
(1) All 6-minute average levels of
(2) All 1-hour average concentrations
of sulfur dioxide emissions. You must
indicate which data are CEMS data
during startup and shutdown;
(3) All 1-hour average concentrations
of nitrogen oxides emissions. You must
indicate which data are CEMS data
during startup and shutdown;
(4) All 1-hour average concentrations
of carbon monoxide emissions. You
must indicate which data are CEMS data
during startup and shutdown;
(5) All 1-hour average concentrations
of particulate matter emissions. You
must indicate which data are CEMS data
during startup and shutdown;
(6) All 1-hour average concentrations
of mercury emissions. You must
indicate which data are CEMS data
during startup and shutdown;
(7) All 1-hour average concentrations
of hydrogen chloride emissions. You
must indicate which data are CEMS data
during startup and shutdown;
(8) All 1-hour average percent oxygen
concentrations; and
(9) All 1-hour average PM CPMS
readings or particulate matter CEMS
(p) Records indicating use of the
bypass stack, including dates, times and
(q) If you choose to stack test less
frequently than annually, consistent
with § 62.14680(a) through (c), you must
keep annual records that document that
your emissions in the previous stack
test(s) were less than 75 percent of the
applicable emission limit and document
that there was no change in source
operations including fuel composition
and operation of air pollution control
equipment that would cause emissions
of the relevant pollutant to increase
within the past year.
(r) Records of the occurrence and
duration of each malfunction of
operation (i.e., process equipment) or
the air pollution control and monitoring
(s) Records of all required
maintenance performed on the air
pollution control and monitoring
(t) Records of actions taken during
periods of malfunction to minimize
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emissions in accordance with § 60.11(d),
including corrective actions to restore
malfunctioning process and air
pollution control and monitoring
equipment to its normal or usual
manner of operation.
(u) For operating units that combust
non-hazardous secondary materials that
have been determined not to be solid
waste pursuant to § 241.3(b)(1), you
must keep a record which documents
how the secondary material meets each
of the legitimacy criteria under
§ 241.3(d)(1). If you combust a fuel that
has been processed from a discarded
non-hazardous secondary material
pursuant to § 241.3(b)(4), you must keep
records as to how the operations that
produced the fuel satisfies the definition
of processing in § 241.2 and each of the
legitimacy criteria in § 241.3(d)(1) of
this chapter. If the fuel received a nonwaste determination pursuant to the
petition process submitted under
§ 241.3(c), you must keep a record that
documents how the fuel satisfies the
requirements of the petition process. For
operating units that combust nonhazardous secondary materials as fuel
per § 241.4, you must keep records
documenting that the material is a listed
non-waste under § 241.4(a).
(v) Records of the criteria used to
establish that the unit qualifies as a
small power production facility under
section 3(17)(C) of the Federal Power
Act (16 U.S.C. 796(17)(C)) and that the
waste material the unit is proposed to
burn is homogeneous.
(w) Records of the criteria used to
establish that the unit qualifies as a
cogeneration facility under section
3(18)(B) of the Federal Power Act (16
U.S.C. 796(18)(B)) and that the waste
material the unit is proposed to burn is
§ 62.14705 Where and in what format must
I keep my records?
All records must be available onsite in
either paper copy or computer-readable
format that can be printed upon request,
unless an alternative format is approved
by the Administrator.
§ 62.14710
What reports must I submit?
See table 4 of this subpart for a
summary of the reporting requirements.
§ 62.14715 When must I submit my waste
management plan?
You must submit a waste management
plan no later than November 7, 2017 or
six months prior to the date you
commence or recommence burning
solid waste, whichever is later.
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§ 62.14720 What information must I submit
following my initial performance test?
You must submit the information
specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of
this section no later than 60 days
following the initial performance test.
All reports must be signed by the
facilities manager:
(a) The complete test report for the
initial performance test results obtained
under § 62.14660, as applicable;
(b) The values for the site-specific
operating limits established in
§ 62.14635 or § 62.14640; and
(c) If you are using a fabric filter to
comply with the emission limitations,
documentation that a bag leak detection
system has been installed and is being
operated, calibrated, and maintained as
required by § 62.14690(b).
§ 62.14725
When must I submit my annual
You must submit an annual report no
later than 12 months following the
submission of the information in
§ 62.14720. You must submit
subsequent reports no more than 12
months following the previous report.
(If the unit is subject to permitting
requirements under title V of the Clean
Air Act, you may be required by the
permit to submit these reports more
§ 62.14730 What information must I
include in my annual report?
The annual report required under
§ 62.14725 must include the ten items
listed in paragraphs (a) through (j) of
this section. If you have a deviation
from the operating limits or the
emission limitations, you must also
submit deviation reports as specified in
§§ 62.14735, 62.14740, and 62.14745.
(a) Company name and address;
(b) Statement by a responsible official,
with that official’s name, title, and
signature, certifying the accuracy of the
content of the report;
(c) Date of report and beginning and
ending dates of the reporting period.
(d) The values for the operating limits
established pursuant to § 62.14635 or
§ 62.14640.
(e) If no deviation from any emission
limitation or operating limit that applies
to you has been reported, a statement
that there was no deviation from the
emission limitations or operating limits
during the reporting period.
(f) The highest recorded 3-hour
average and the lowest recorded 3-hour
average, as applicable, for each
operating parameter recorded for the
calendar year being reported;
(g) Information recorded under
§ 62.14700(b)(6) and (c) through (e) for
the calendar year being reported.
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(h) For each performance test
conducted during the reporting period,
if any performance test is conducted,
the process unit(s) tested, the
pollutant(s) tested and the date that
such performance test was conducted.
Submit, following the procedure
specified in § 62.14755(b)(1), the
performance test report no later than the
date that you submit the annual report;
(i) If you met the requirements of
§ 62.14680(a) or (b), and did not conduct
a performance test during the reporting
period, you must state that you met the
requirements of § 62.14680(a) or (b),
and, therefore, you were not required to
conduct a performance test during the
reporting period;
(j) Documentation of periods when all
qualified CISWI unit operators were
unavailable for more than 8 hours, but
less than 2 weeks;
(k) If you had a malfunction during
the reporting period, the compliance
report must include the number,
duration, and a brief description for
each type of malfunction that occurred
during the reporting period and that
caused or may have caused any
applicable emission limitation to be
exceeded. The report must also include
a description of actions taken by an
owner or operator during a malfunction
of an affected source to minimize
emissions in accordance with § 60.11(d),
including actions taken to correct a
(l) For each deviation from an
emission or operating limitation that
occurs for a CISWI unit for which you
are not using a CMS to comply with the
emission or operating limitations in this
subpart, the annual report must contain
the following information:
(1) The total operating time of the
CISWI unit at which the deviation
occurred during the reporting period;
(2) Information on the number,
duration, and cause of deviations
(including unknown cause, if
applicable), as applicable, and the
corrective action taken.
(m) If there were periods during
which the continuous monitoring
system, including the CEMS, was out of
control as specified in paragraph (o) of
this section, the annual report must
contain the following information for
each deviation from an emission or
operating limitation occurring for a
CISWI unit for which you are using a
continuous monitoring system to
comply with the emission and operating
limitations in this subpart:
(1) The date and time that each
malfunction started and stopped;
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(2) The date, time, and duration that
each CMS was inoperative, except for
zero (low-level) and high-level checks;
(3) The date, time, and duration that
each continuous monitoring system was
out-of-control, including start and end
dates and hours and descriptions of
corrective actions taken;
(4) The date and time that each
deviation started and stopped, and
whether each deviation occurred during
a period of malfunction or during
another period;
(5) A summary of the total duration of
the deviation during the reporting
period, and the total duration as a
percent of the total source operating
time during that reporting period;
(6) A breakdown of the total duration
of the deviations during the reporting
period into those that are due to control
equipment problems, process problems,
other known causes, and other
unknown causes;
(7) A summary of the total duration of
continuous monitoring system
downtime during the reporting period,
and the total duration of continuous
monitoring system downtime as a
percent of the total operating time of the
CISWI unit at which the continuous
monitoring system downtime occurred
during that reporting period;
(8) An identification of each
parameter and pollutant that was
monitored at the CISWI unit;
(9) A brief description of the CISWI
(10) A brief description of the
continuous monitoring system;
(11) The date of the latest continuous
monitoring system certification or audit;
(12) A description of any changes in
continuous monitoring system,
processes, or controls since the last
reporting period.
(n) If there were periods during which
the continuous monitoring system,
including the CEMS, was not out of
control as specified in paragraph (o) of
this section, a statement that there were
not periods during which the
continuous monitoring system was out
of control during the reporting period.
(o) A continuous monitoring system is
out of control if any of the following
(1) The zero (low-level), mid-level (if
applicable), or high-level calibration
drift exceeds two times the applicable
calibration drift specification in the
applicable performance specification or
in the relevant standard;
(2) The continuous monitoring system
fails a performance test audit (e.g.,
cylinder gas audit), relative accuracy
audit, relative accuracy test audit, or
linearity test audit; and
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(3) The continuous opacity
monitoring system calibration drift
exceeds two times the limit in the
applicable performance specification in
the relevant standard.
(p) For energy recovery units, include
the annual heat input and average
annual heat input rate of all fuels being
burned in the unit to verify which
subcategory of energy recovery unit
§ 62.14735 What else must I report if I have
a deviation from the operating limits or the
emission limitations?
(a) You must submit a deviation
report if any recorded 3-hour average
parameter level is above the maximum
operating limit or below the minimum
operating limit established under this
subpart, if the bag leak detection system
alarm sounds for more than 5 percent of
the operating time for any 6-month
reporting period, or if a performance test
was conducted that deviated from any
emission limitation.
(b) The deviation report must be
submitted by August 1 of that year for
data collected during the first half of the
calendar year (January 1 to June 30), and
by February 1 of the following year for
data you collected during the second
half of the calendar year (July 1 to
December 31).
§ 62.14740 What must I include in the
deviation report?
In each report required under
§ 62.14735, for any pollutant or
parameter that deviated from the
emission limitations or operating limits
specified in this subpart, include the
four items described in paragraphs (a)
through (d) of this section.
(a) The calendar dates and times your
unit deviated from the emission
limitations or operating limit
(b) The averaged and recorded data
for those dates;
(c) Duration and causes of the
(1) Each deviation from the emission
limitations or operating limits and your
corrective actions; and
(2) Bypass events and your corrective
(d) A copy of the operating limit
monitoring data during each deviation
and, for any test report that documents
the emission levels, the process unit(s)
tested, the pollutant(s) tested and the
date that the performance test was
conducted. Submit, following the
procedure specified in § 62.14755(b)(1),
the performance test report no later than
the date that you submit the deviation
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
§ 62.14745 What else must I report if I have
a deviation from the requirement to have a
qualified operator accessible?
(a) If all qualified operators are not
accessible for two weeks or more, you
must take the two actions in paragraphs
(a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) You must submit a notification of
the deviation within 10 days that
includes the three items in paragraphs
(a)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) A statement of what caused the
(ii) A description of what you are
doing to ensure that a qualified operator
is accessible; and
(iii) The date when you anticipate that
a qualified operator will be available.
(2) Submit a status report to the
Administrator every 4 weeks that
includes the three items in paragraphs
(a)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) A description of what you are
doing to ensure that a qualified operator
is accessible;
(ii) The date when you anticipate that
a qualified operator will be accessible;
(iii) Request approval from the
Administrator to continue operation of
the CISWI unit.
(b) If your unit was shut down by the
Administrator, under the provisions of
§ 62.14625(b)(2), due to a failure to
provide an accessible qualified operator,
you must notify the Administrator that
you are resuming operation once a
qualified operator is accessible.
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§ 62.14750 Are there any other
notifications or reports that I must submit?
(a) Yes. You must submit notifications
as provided by § 60.7.
(b) If you cease combusting solid
waste but continue to operate, you must
provide 30 days prior notice of the
effective date of the waste-to-fuel
switch, consistent with § 62.14670(a).
The notification must identify:
(1) The name of the owner or operator
of the CISWI unit, the location of the
source, the emissions unit(s) that will
cease burning solid waste, and the date
of the notice;
(2) The currently applicable
subcategory under this subpart, and any
40 CFR part 63 subpart and subcategory
that will be applicable after you cease
combusting solid waste;
(3) The fuel(s), non-waste material(s)
and solid waste(s) the CISWI unit is
currently combusting and has
combusted over the past 6 months, and
the fuel(s) or non-waste materials the
unit will commence combusting;
(4) The date on which you became
subject to the currently applicable
emission limits; and
(5) The date upon which you will
cease combusting solid waste, and the
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date (if different) that you intend for any
new requirements to become applicable
(i.e., the effective date of the waste-tofuel switch), consistent with paragraphs
(b)(2) and (3) of this section.
§ 62.14755
In what form can I submit my
(a) Submit initial, annual, and
deviation reports electronically on or
before the submittal due dates. Submit
the reports to the EPA via the
Compliance and Emissions Data
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can
be accessed through the EPA’s Central
Data Exchange (CDX) (https://
cdx.epa.gov).) Use the appropriate
electronic report in CEDRI for this
subpart or an alternate electronic file
format consistent with the extensible
markup language (XML) schema listed
on the CEDRI Web site (https://
www.epa.gov/electronic-reporting-airemissions/compliance-and-emissionsdata-reporting-interface-cedri), once the
XML schema is available. If the
reporting form specific to this subpart is
not available in CEDRI at the time that
the report is due, submit the report to
the Administrator at the appropriate
address listed in § 60.4. Once the form
has been available in CEDRI for 90
calendar days, you must begin
submitting all subsequent reports via
CEDRI. The reports must be submitted
by the deadlines specified in this
subpart, regardless of the method in
which the report is submitted.
(b) Submit results of each
performance test and CEMS
performance evaluation required by this
subpart as follows:
(1) Within 60 days after the date of
completing each performance test (see
§ 60.8) required by this subpart, you
must submit the results of the
performance test following the
procedure specified in either paragraph
(b)(1)(i) or (b)(1)(ii) of this section:
(i) For data collected using test
methods supported by the EPA’s
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as
listed on the EPA’s ERT Web site
(https://www.epa.gov/electronicreporting-air-emissions/electronicreporting-tool-ert) at the time of the test,
you must submit the results of the
performance test to the EPA via the
CEDRI. (CEDRI can be accessed through
the EPA’s CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov).)
Performance test data must be submitted
in a file format generated through the
use of the EPA’s ERT or an alternate
electronic file format consistent with the
XML schema listed on the EPA’s ERT
Web site. If you claim that some of the
performance test information being
submitted is confidential business
information (CBI), you must submit a
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complete file generated through the use
of the EPA’s ERT or an alternate
electronic file consistent with the XML
schema listed on the EPA’s ERT Web
site, including information claimed to
be CBI, on a compact disc, flash drive,
or other commonly used electronic
storage media to the EPA. The electronic
media must be clearly marked as CBI
and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE
CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader,
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404–
02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC
27703. The same ERT or alternate file
with the CBI omitted must be submitted
to the EPA via the EPA’s CDX as
described earlier in this paragraph; and
(ii) For data collected using test
methods that are not supported by the
EPA’s ERT as listed on the EPA’s ERT
Web site at the time of the test, you must
submit the results of the performance
test to the Administrator at the
appropriate address listed in § 60.4.
(2) Within 60 days after the date of
completing each continuous emissions
monitoring system performance
evaluation you must submit the results
of the performance evaluation following
the procedure specified in either
paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section:
(i) For performance evaluations of
continuous monitoring systems
measuring relative accuracy test audit
(RATA) pollutants that are supported by
the EPA’s ERT as listed on the EPA’s
ERT Web site at the time of the
evaluation, you must submit the results
of the performance evaluation to the
EPA via the CEDRI. (CEDRI can be
accessed through the EPA’s CDX.)
Performance evaluation data must be
submitted in a file format generated
through the use of the EPA’s ERT or an
alternate file format consistent with the
XML schema listed on the EPA’s ERT
Web site. If you claim that some of the
performance evaluation information
being submitted is CBI, you must submit
a complete file generated through the
use of the EPA’s ERT or an alternate
electronic file consistent with the XML
schema listed on the EPA’s ERT Web
site, including information claimed to
be CBI, on a compact disc, flash drive,
or other commonly used electronic
storage media to the EPA. The electronic
storage media must be clearly marked as
CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/
CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group
Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD
C404–02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham,
NC 27703. The same ERT or alternate
file with the CBI omitted must be
submitted to the EPA via the EPA’s CDX
as described earlier in this paragraph;
(ii) For any performance evaluations
of continuous monitoring systems
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
measuring RATA pollutants that are not
supported by the EPA’s ERT as listed on
the EPA’s ERT Web site at the time of
the evaluation, you must submit the
results of the performance evaluation to
the Administrator at the appropriate
address listed in § 60.4.
§ 62.14760
Can reporting dates be
If the Administrator agrees, you may
change the semiannual or annual
reporting dates. See § 60.19(c) for
procedures to seek approval to change
your reporting date.
Air Curtain Incinerators
§ 62.14765 What is an air curtain
(a) An air curtain incinerator operates
by forcefully projecting a curtain of air
across an open chamber or open pit in
which combustion occurs. Incinerators
of this type can be constructed above or
below ground and with or without
refractory walls and floor. (Air curtain
incinerators are not to be confused with
conventional combustion devices with
enclosed fireboxes and controlled air
technology such as mass burn, modular,
and fluidized bed combustors.)
(b) Air curtain incinerators that burn
only the materials listed in paragraphs
(b)(1) through (3) of this section are only
required to meet the requirements under
§ 62.14830 and under ‘‘Air Curtain
Incinerators’’ (§§ 62.14765 through
(1) 100 percent wood waste;
(2) 100 percent clean lumber; and
(3) 100 percent mixture of only wood
waste, clean lumber, and/or yard waste.
§§ 62.14770–62.14775
§ 62.14795
§ 62.14805 What must I do if I close my air
curtain incinerator and then restart it?
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(a) If you close your incinerator but
will reopen it prior to the final
compliance date in this subpart, you
must comply with the final standards on
February 7, 2018.
(b) If you close your incinerator but
will restart it after February 7, 2018, you
must complete emission control retrofits
and meet the emission limitations on
the date your incinerator restarts
§ 62.14810 What must I do if I plan to
permanently close my air curtain
incinerator and not restart it?
If you plan to permanently close your
incinerator rather than comply with this
subpart, submit a closure notification,
including the date of closure, to the
Administrator no later than six months
prior to your operation will cease. The
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closure date cannot be later than
February 7, 2018 for sources that will
not operate on and after the compliance
date. In addition, while still in
operation, your air curtain incinerator is
subject to the same requirement to apply
for and obtain a title V operating permit
that applies to an air curtain incinerator
that will not be permanently closing.
§ 62.14815 What are the emission
limitations for air curtain incinerators?
After the date the initial test for
opacity is required or completed
(whichever is earlier), you must meet
the limitations in paragraphs (a) and (b)
of this section.
(a) Maintain opacity to less than or
equal to 10 percent opacity (as
determined by the average of three 1hour blocks consisting of ten 6-minute
average opacity values), except as
described in paragraph (b) of this
(b) Maintain opacity to less than or
equal to 35 percent opacity (as
determined by the average of three 1hour blocks consisting of ten 6-minute
average opacity values) during the
startup period that is within the first 30
minutes of operation.
§ 62.14820 How must I monitor opacity for
air curtain incinerators?
(a) Use Method 9 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A to determine compliance
with the opacity limitation.
(b) Conduct an initial test for opacity
as specified in § 60.8 no later than 180
days after your final compliance date.
(c) After the initial test for opacity,
conduct annual tests no more than 12
calendar months following the date of
your previous test.
§ 62.14825 What are the recordkeeping
and reporting requirements for air curtain
(a) Keep records of results of all initial
and annual opacity tests onsite in either
paper copy or electronic format, unless
the Administrator approves another
format, for at least 5 years.
(b) Make all records available for
submittal to the Administrator or for an
inspector’s onsite review.
(c) Submit an initial report no later
than 60 days following the initial
opacity test that includes the
information specified in paragraphs
(c)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) The types of materials you plan to
combust in your air curtain incinerator;
(2) The results (as determined by the
average of three 1-hour blocks
consisting of ten 6-minute average
opacity values) of the initial opacity
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(d) Submit annual opacity test results
within 12 months following the
previous report.
(e) Submit initial and annual opacity
test reports as electronic or paper copy
on or before the applicable submittal
date and keep a copy onsite for a period
of 5 years.
Title V Requirements
§ 62.14830 Am I required to apply for and
obtain a Title V operating permit for my
Yes. Each CISWI unit and air curtain
incinerator subject to standards under
this subpart must operate pursuant to a
permit issued under Clean Air Act
sections 129(e) and title V.
§ 62.14835
Delegation of Authority
§ 62.14838 What authorities are withheld
by the EPA Administrator?
The following authorities are
withheld by the EPA Administrator and
not transferred to the State or Tribe:
(a) Approval of alternatives to the
emission limitations in tables 1 and 5
through 8 of this subpart and operating
limits established under § 62.14635 and
table 2 of this subpart.
(b) Approval of petitions submitted
pursuant to the requirements of
§ 62.14640 establishing operating
parameters when using controls other
than a wet scrubber, fabric filter,
activated carbon injection, selective
noncatalytic reduction, or a dry
scrubber to comply with the emission
limitations in tables 1 and 5 through 8
of this subpart.
(c) Approval of major alternatives to
test methods established under
§ 62.14650 and tables 1 and 5 through
8 of this subpart.
(d) Approval of major alternatives to
monitoring requirements established
under §§ 62.14690, 62.14605 and table 2
of this subpart.
(e) Approval of major alternatives to
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements of this subpart.
(f) [Reserved]
(g) Approval of requests submitted
pursuant to the requirements in
§ 62.14625(b)(2).
(h) Approval of alternative opacity
emission limits in § 62.14630 under
§ 60.11(e)(6) through (e)(8).
(i) Performance test and data
reduction waivers under §§ 62.14650(j),
60.8(b)(4) and (5).
(j) Determination of whether a
qualifying small power production
facility or cogeneration facility under
§ 62.14525(e) or (f) is combusting
homogeneous waste.
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§ 62.14840
What definitions must I know?
Terms used but not defined in this
subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act,
subparts A and B of part 60 and subpart
A of this part 62.
30-day rolling average means the
arithmetic mean of the previous 720
hours of valid operating data. Valid data
excludes periods when this unit is not
operating. The 720 hours should be
consecutive, but not necessarily
continuous if operations are
Administrator means the
Administrator of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency or
his/her authorized representative or
Administrator of a State Air Pollution
Control Agency.
Agricultural waste means vegetative
agricultural materials such as nut and
grain hulls and chaff (e.g., almond,
walnut, peanut, rice, and wheat),
bagasse, orchard prunings, corn stalks,
coffee bean hulls and grounds, and
other vegetative waste materials
generated as a result of agricultural
Air curtain incinerator means an
incinerator that operates by forcefully
projecting a curtain of air across an open
chamber or pit in which combustion
occurs. Incinerators of this type can be
constructed above or below ground and
with or without refractory walls and
floor. (Air curtain incinerators are
different from conventional combustion
devices which typically have enclosed
fireboxes and controlled air technology
such as mass burn, modular, and
fluidized bed combustors.)
Annual heat input means the heat
input for the 12 months preceding the
compliance demonstration.
Auxiliary fuel means natural gas,
liquefied petroleum gas, fuel oil, or
diesel fuel.
Average annual heat input rate means
annual heat input divided by the hours
of operation for the 12 months
preceding the compliance
Bag leak detection system means an
instrument that is capable of monitoring
particulate matter loadings in the
exhaust of a fabric filter (i.e., baghouse)
in order to detect bag failures. A bag
leak detection system includes, but is
not limited to, an instrument that
operates on triboelectric, light
scattering, light transmittance, or other
principle to monitor relative particulate
matter loadings.
Burn-off oven means any rack
reclamation unit, part reclamation unit,
or drum reclamation unit. A burn-off
oven is not an incinerator, waste-
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burning kiln, an energy recovery unit or
a small, remote incinerator under this
Bypass stack means a device used for
discharging combustion gases to avoid
severe damage to the air pollution
control device or other equipment.
Calendar quarter means 3 consecutive
months (non-overlapping) beginning on:
January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1.
Calendar year means 365 consecutive
days starting on January 1 and ending
on December 31.
CEMS data during startup and
shutdown means the following:
(1) For incinerators and small remote
incinerators: CEMS data collected
during the first hours of operation of a
CISWI unit startup from a cold start
until waste is fed into the unit and the
hours of operation following the
cessation of waste material being fed to
the CISWI unit during a unit shutdown.
For each startup event, the length of
time that CEMS data may be claimed as
being CEMS data during startup must be
48 operating hours or less. For each
shutdown event, the length of time that
CEMS data may be claimed as being
CEMS data during shutdown must be 24
operating hours or less;
(2) For energy recovery units: CEMS
data collected during the startup or
shutdown periods of operation. Startup
begins with either the first-ever firing of
fuel in a boiler or process heater for the
purpose of supplying useful thermal
energy (such as steam or heat) for
heating, cooling or process purposes, or
producing electricity, or the firing of
fuel in a boiler or process heater for any
purpose after a shutdown event. Startup
ends four hours after when the boiler or
process heater makes useful thermal
energy (such as heat or steam) for
heating, cooling, or process purposes, or
generates electricity, whichever is
earlier. Shutdown begins when the
boiler or process heater no longer makes
useful thermal energy (such as heat or
steam) for heating, cooling, or process
purposes and/or generates electricity or
when no fuel is being fed to the boiler
or process heater, whichever is earlier.
Shutdown ends when the boiler or
process heater no longer makes useful
thermal energy (such as steam or heat)
for heating, cooling, or process purposes
and/or generates electricity, and no fuel
is being combusted in the boiler or
process heater; and
(3) For waste-burning kilns: CEMS
data collected during the periods of kiln
operation that do not include normal
operations. Startup means the time from
when a shutdown kiln first begins firing
fuel until it begins producing clinker.
Startup begins when a shutdown kiln
turns on the induced draft fan and
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begins firing fuel in the main burner.
Startup ends when feed is being
continuously introduced into the kiln
for at least 120 minutes or when the
feed rate exceeds 60 percent of the kiln
design limitation rate, whichever occurs
first. Shutdown means the cessation of
kiln operation. Shutdown begins when
feed to the kiln is halted and ends when
continuous kiln rotation ceases.
Chemical recovery unit means
combustion units burning materials to
recover chemical constituents or to
produce chemical compounds where
there is an existing commercial market
for such recovered chemical
constituents or compounds. A chemical
recovery unit is not an incinerator, a
waste-burning kiln, an energy recovery
unit or a small, remote incinerator
under this subpart. The following seven
types of units are considered chemical
recovery units:
(1) Units burning only pulping liquors
(i.e., black liquor) that are reclaimed in
a pulping liquor recovery process and
reused in the pulping process;
(2) Units burning only spent sulfuric
acid used to produce virgin sulfuric
(3) Units burning only wood or coal
feedstock for the production of charcoal;
(4) Units burning only manufacturing
byproduct streams/residue containing
catalyst metals that are reclaimed and
reused as catalysts or used to produce
commercial grade catalysts;
(5) Units burning only coke to
produce purified carbon monoxide that
is used as an intermediate in the
production of other chemical
(6) Units burning only hydrocarbon
liquids or solids to produce hydrogen,
carbon monoxide, synthesis gas, or
other gases for use in other
manufacturing processes; and
(7) Units burning only photographic
film to recover silver.
Chemotherapeutic waste means waste
material resulting from the production
or use of antineoplastic agents used for
the purpose of stopping or reversing the
growth of malignant cells.
Clean lumber means wood or wood
products that have been cut or shaped
and include wet, air-dried, and kilndried wood products. Clean lumber
does not include wood products that
have been painted, pigment-stained, or
pressure-treated by compounds such as
chromate copper arsenate,
pentachlorophenol, and creosote.
Commercial and industrial solid
waste incineration (CISWI) unit means
any distinct operating unit of any
commercial or industrial facility that
combusts, or has combusted in the
preceding 6 months, any solid waste as
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
that term is defined in 40 CFR part 241.
If the operating unit burns materials
other than traditional fuels as defined in
§ 241.2 that have been discarded, and
you do not keep and produce records as
required by § 62.14700(u), the operating
unit is a CISWI unit. While not all
CISWI units will include all of the
following components, a CISWI unit
includes, but is not limited to, the solid
waste feed system, grate system, flue gas
system, waste heat recovery equipment,
if any, and bottom ash system. The
CISWI unit does not include air
pollution control equipment or the
stack. The CISWI unit boundary starts at
the solid waste hopper (if applicable)
and extends through two areas: The
combustion unit flue gas system, which
ends immediately after the last
combustion chamber or after the waste
heat recovery equipment, if any; and the
combustion unit bottom ash system,
which ends at the truck loading station
or similar equipment that transfers the
ash to final disposal. The CISWI unit
includes all ash handling systems
connected to the bottom ash handling
Contained gaseous material means
gases that are in a container when that
container is combusted.
Continuous emission monitoring
system (CEMS) means the total
equipment that may be required to meet
the data acquisition and availability
requirements of this subpart, used to
sample, condition (if applicable),
analyze, and provide a record of
Continuous monitoring system (CMS)
means the total equipment, required
under the emission monitoring sections
in applicable subparts, used to sample
and condition (if applicable), to analyze,
and to provide a permanent record of
emissions or process parameters. A
particulate matter continuous parameter
monitoring system (PM CPMS) is a type
of CMS.
Cyclonic burn barrel means a
combustion device for waste materials
that is attached to a 55 gallon, openhead drum. The device consists of a lid,
which fits onto and encloses the drum,
and a blower that forces combustion air
into the drum in a cyclonic manner to
enhance the mixing of waste material
and air. A cyclonic burn barrel is not an
incinerator, a waste-burning kiln, an
energy recovery unit or a small, remote
incinerator under this subpart.
Deviation means any instance in
which an affected source subject to this
subpart, or an owner or operator of such
a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or
obligation established by this subpart,
including but not limited to any
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emission limitation, operating limit, or
operator qualification and accessibility
requirements; and
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition
that is adopted to implement an
applicable requirement in this subpart
and that is included in the operating
permit for any affected source required
to obtain such a permit.
Dioxins/furans means tetra-through
octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and
Discard means, for purposes of this
subpart and 40 CFR part 60, subpart
DDDD, only, burned in an incineration
unit without energy recovery.
Drum reclamation unit means a unit
that burns residues out of drums (e.g.,
55 gallon drums) so that the drums can
be reused.
Dry scrubber means an add-on air
pollution control system that injects dry
alkaline sorbent (dry injection) or sprays
an alkaline sorbent (spray dryer) to react
with and neutralize acid gas in the
exhaust stream forming a dry powder
material. Sorbent injection systems in
fluidized bed boilers and process
heaters are included in this definition.
A dry scrubber is a dry control system.
Energy recovery means the process of
recovering thermal energy from
combustion for useful purposes such as
steam generation or process heating.
Energy recovery unit means a
combustion unit combusting solid waste
(as that term is defined by the
Administrator in 40 CFR part 241) for
energy recovery. Energy recovery units
include units that would be considered
boilers and process heaters if they did
not combust solid waste.
Energy recovery unit designed to burn
biomass (Biomass) means an energy
recovery unit that burns solid waste,
biomass, and non-coal solid materials
but less than 10 percent coal, on a heat
input basis on an annual average, either
alone or in combination with liquid
waste, liquid fuel or gaseous fuels.
Energy recovery unit designed to burn
coal (Coal) means an energy recovery
unit that burns solid waste and at least
10 percent coal on a heat input basis on
an annual average, either alone or in
combination with liquid waste, liquid
fuel or gaseous fuels.
Energy recovery unit designed to burn
liquid waste materials and gas (Liquid/
gas) means an energy recovery unit that
burns a liquid waste with liquid or
gaseous fuels not combined with any
solid fuel or waste materials.
Energy recovery unit designed to burn
solid materials (Solids) includes energy
recovery units designed to burn coal
and energy recovery units designed to
burn biomass.
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Fabric filter means an add-on air
pollution control device used to capture
particulate matter by filtering gas
streams through filter media, also
known as a baghouse.
Foundry sand thermal reclamation
unit means a type of part reclamation
unit that removes coatings that are on
foundry sand. A foundry sand thermal
reclamation unit is not an incinerator, a
waste-burning kiln, an energy recovery
unit or a small, remote incinerator
under this subpart.
Incinerator means any furnace used in
the process of combusting solid waste
(as that term is defined by the
Administrator in 40 CFR part 241) for
the purpose of reducing the volume of
the waste by removing combustible
matter. Incinerator designs include
single chamber and two-chamber.
In-line coal mill means those coal
mills using kiln exhaust gases in their
process. Coal mills with a heat source
other than the kiln or coal mills using
exhaust gases from the clinker cooler
alone are not an in-line coal mill.
In-line kiln/raw mill means a system
in a Portland Cement production
process where a dry kiln system is
integrated with the raw mill so that all
or a portion of the kiln exhaust gases are
used to perform the drying operation of
the raw mill, with no auxiliary heat
source used. In this system the kiln is
capable of operating without the raw
mill operating, but the raw mill cannot
operate without the kiln gases, and
consequently, the raw mill does not
generate a separate exhaust gas stream.
Kiln means an oven or furnace,
including any associated preheater or
precalciner devices, in-line raw mills,
in-line coal mills or alkali bypasses used
for processing a substance by burning,
firing or drying. Kilns include cement
kilns that produce clinker by heating
limestone and other materials for
subsequent production of Portland
Cement. Because the alkali bypass, inline raw mill and in-line coal mill are
considered an integral part of the kiln,
the kiln emissions limits also apply to
the exhaust of the alkali bypass, in-line
raw mill and in-line coal mill.
Laboratory analysis unit means units
that burn samples of materials for the
purpose of chemical or physical
analysis. A laboratory analysis unit is
not an incinerator, waste-burning kiln,
an energy recovery unit or a small,
remote incinerator under this subpart.
Load fraction means the actual heat
input of an energy recovery unit divided
by heat input during the performance
test that established the minimum
sorbent injection rate or minimum
activated carbon injection rate,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
expressed as a fraction (e.g., for 50
percent load the load fraction is 0.5).
Low-level radioactive waste means
waste material which contains
radioactive nuclides emitting primarily
beta or gamma radiation, or both, in
concentrations or quantities that exceed
applicable federal or state standards for
unrestricted release. Low-level
radioactive waste is not high-level
radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel, or
by-product material as defined by the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C.
Malfunction means any sudden,
infrequent, and not reasonably
preventable failure of air pollution
control equipment, process equipment,
or a process to operate in a normal or
usual manner. Failures that are caused,
in part, by poor maintenance or careless
operation are not malfunctions.
Minimum voltage or amperage means
90 percent of the lowest test-run average
voltage or amperage to the electrostatic
precipitator measured during the most
recent particulate matter or mercury
performance test demonstrating
compliance with the applicable
emission limits.
Modification or modified CISWI unit
means a CISWI unit you have changed
later than August 7, 2013 and that meets
one of two criteria:
(1) The cumulative cost of the changes
over the life of the unit exceeds 50
percent of the original cost of building
and installing the CISWI unit (not
including the cost of land) updated to
current costs (current dollars). To
determine what systems are within the
boundary of the CISWI unit used to
calculate these costs, see the definition
of CISWI unit; and
(2) Any physical change in the CISWI
unit or change in the method of
operating it that increases the amount of
any air pollutant emitted for which
section 129 or section 111 of the Clean
Air Act has established standards.
Municipal solid waste or municipaltype solid waste means household,
commercial/retail, or institutional
waste. Household waste includes
material discarded by residential
dwellings, hotels, motels, and other
similar permanent or temporary
housing. Commercial/retail waste
includes material discarded by stores,
offices, restaurants, warehouses,
nonmanufacturing activities at
industrial facilities, and other similar
establishments or facilities. Institutional
waste includes materials discarded by
schools, by hospitals (nonmedical), by
nonmanufacturing activities at prisons
and government facilities, and other
similar establishments or facilities.
Household, commercial/retail, and
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institutional waste does include yard
waste and refuse-derived fuel.
Household, commercial/retail, and
institutional waste does not include
used oil; sewage sludge; wood pallets;
construction, renovation, and
demolition wastes (which include
railroad ties and telephone poles); clean
wood; industrial process or
manufacturing wastes; medical waste; or
motor vehicles (including motor vehicle
parts or vehicle fluff).
Opacity means the degree to which
emissions reduce the transmission of
light and obscure the view of an object
in the background.
Operating day means a 24-hour
period between 12:00 midnight and the
following midnight during which any
amount of solid waste is combusted at
any time in the CISWI unit.
Oxygen analyzer system means all
equipment required to determine the
oxygen content of a gas stream and used
to monitor oxygen in the boiler or
process heater flue gas, boiler/process
heater, firebox, or other appropriate
location. This definition includes
oxygen trim systems and certified
oxygen CEMS. The source owner or
operator is responsible to install,
calibrate, maintain, and operate the
oxygen analyzer system in accordance
with the manufacturer’s
Oxygen trim system means a system of
monitors that is used to maintain excess
air at the desired level in a combustion
device over its operating range. A
typical system consists of a flue gas
oxygen and/or carbon monoxide
monitor that automatically provides a
feedback signal to the combustion air
controller or draft controller.
Part reclamation unit means a unit
that burns coatings off parts (e.g., tools,
equipment) so that the parts can be
reconditioned and reused.
Particulate matter means total
particulate matter emitted from CISWI
units as measured by Method 5 or
Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix
Pathological waste means waste
material consisting of only human or
animal remains, anatomical parts, and/
or tissue, the bags/containers used to
collect and transport the waste material,
and animal bedding (if applicable).
Performance evaluation means the
conduct of relative accuracy testing,
calibration error testing, and other
measurements used in validating the
continuous monitoring system data.
Performance test means the collection
of data resulting from the execution of
a test method (usually three emission
test runs) used to demonstrate
compliance with a relevant emission
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standard as specified in the performance
test section of the relevant standard.
Process change means any of the
following physical or operational
(1) A physical change (maintenance
activities excluded) to the CISWI unit
which may increase the emission rate of
any air pollutant to which a standard
(2) An operational change to the
CISWI unit where a new type of nonhazardous secondary material is being
(3) A physical change (maintenance
activities excluded) to the air pollution
control devices used to comply with the
emission limits for the CISWI unit (e.g.,
replacing an electrostatic precipitator
with a fabric filter); and
(4) An operational change to the air
pollution control devices used to
comply with the emission limits for the
affected CISWI unit (e.g., change in the
sorbent injection rate used for activated
carbon injection).
Rack reclamation unit means a unit
that burns the coatings off racks used to
hold small items for application of a
coating. The unit burns the coating
overspray off the rack so the rack can be
Raw mill means a ball or tube mill,
vertical roller mill or other size
reduction equipment, that is not part of
an in-line kiln/raw mill, used to grind
feed to the appropriate size. Moisture
may be added or removed from the feed
during the grinding operation. If the raw
mill is used to remove moisture from
feed materials, it is also, by definition,
a raw material dryer. The raw mill also
includes the air separator associated
with the raw mill.
Reconstruction means rebuilding a
CISWI unit and meeting two criteria:
(1) The reconstruction begins on or
after August 7, 2013; and
(2) The cumulative cost of the
construction over the life of the
incineration unit exceeds 50 percent of
the original cost of building and
installing the CISWI unit (not including
land) updated to current costs (current
dollars). To determine what systems are
within the boundary of the CISWI unit
used to calculate these costs, see the
definition of CISWI unit.
Refuse-derived fuel means a type of
municipal solid waste produced by
processing municipal solid waste
through shredding and size
classification. This includes all classes
of refuse-derived fuel including two
(1) Low-density fluff refuse-derived
fuel through densified refuse-derived
fuel; and
(2) Pelletized refuse-derived fuel.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
Responsible official means one of the
(1) For a corporation: A president,
secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of
the corporation in charge of a principal
business function, or any other person
who performs similar policy or
decision-making functions for the
corporation, or a duly authorized
representative of such person if the
representative is responsible for the
overall operation of one or more
manufacturing, production, or operating
facilities applying for or subject to a
permit and either:
(i) The facilities employ more than
250 persons or have gross annual sales
or expenditures exceeding $25 million
(in second quarter 1980 dollars); or
(ii) The delegation of authority to
such representatives is approved in
advance by the permitting authority;
(2) For a partnership or sole
proprietorship: a general partner or the
proprietor, respectively;
(3) For a municipality, state, federal,
or other public agency: Either a
principal executive officer or ranking
elected official. For the purposes of this
part, a principal executive officer of a
Federal agency includes the chief
executive officer having responsibility
for the overall operations of a principal
geographic unit of the agency (e.g., a
Regional Administrator of EPA); or
(4) For affected facilities:
(i) The designated representative in so
far as actions, standards, requirements,
or prohibitions under Title IV of the
Clean Air Act or the regulations
promulgated thereunder are concerned;
(ii) The designated representative for
any other purposes under part 60.
Shutdown means, for incinerators and
small, remote incinerators, the period of
time after all waste has been combusted
in the primary chamber.
Small, remote incinerator means an
incinerator that combusts solid waste
(as that term is defined by the
Administrator in 40 CFR part 241) and
combusts 3 tons per day or less solid
waste and is more than 25 miles driving
distance to the nearest municipal solid
waste landfill.
Soil treatment unit means a unit that
thermally treats petroleumcontaminated soils for the sole purpose
of site remediation. A soil treatment
unit may be direct-fired or indirect
fired. A soil treatment unit is not an
incinerator, a waste-burning kiln, an
energy recovery unit or a small, remote
incinerator under this subpart.
Solid waste means the term solid
waste as defined in 40 CFR 241.2.
Solid waste incineration unit means a
distinct operating unit of any facility
which combusts any solid waste (as that
term is defined by the Administrator in
40 CFR part 241) material from
commercial or industrial establishments
or the general public (including single
and multiple residences, hotels and
motels). Such term does not include
incinerators or other units required to
have a permit under section 3005 of the
Solid Waste Disposal Act. The term
‘‘solid waste incineration unit’’ does not
(1) Materials recovery facilities
(including primary or secondary
smelters) which combust waste for the
primary purpose of recovering metals;
(2) Qualifying small power
production facilities, as defined in
section 3(17)(C) of the Federal Power
Act (16 U.S.C. 769(17)(C)), or qualifying
cogeneration facilities, as defined in
section 3(18)(B) of the Federal Power
Act (16 U.S.C. 796(18)(B)), which burn
homogeneous waste (such as units
which burn tires or used oil, but not
including refuse-derived fuel) for the
production of electric energy or in the
case of qualifying cogeneration facilities
which burn homogeneous waste for the
production of electric energy and steam
or forms of useful energy (such as heat)
which are used for industrial,
commercial, heating or cooling
purposes; or
(3) Air curtain incinerators provided
that such incinerators only burn wood
wastes, yard wastes and clean lumber
and that such air curtain incinerators
comply with opacity limitations to be
established by the Administrator by
Space heater means a unit that meets
the requirements of 40 CFR 279.23. A
space heater is not an incinerator, a
waste-burning kiln, an energy recovery
unit or a small, remote incinerator
under this subpart.
Standard conditions, when referring
to units of measure, means a
temperature of 68 °F (20 °C) and a
pressure of 1 atmosphere (101.3
Startup period means, for incinerators
and small, remote incinerators, the
period of time between the activation of
the system and the first charge to the
Useful Thermal Energy means energy
(i.e., steam, hot water, or process heat)
that meets the minimum operating
temperature and/or pressure required by
any energy use system that uses energy
provided by the affected energy
recovery unit.
Waste-burning kiln means a kiln that
is heated, in whole or in part, by
combusting solid waste (as the term is
defined by the Administrator in 40 CFR
part 241). Secondary materials used in
Portland cement kilns shall not be
deemed to be combusted unless they are
introduced into the flame zone in the
hot end of the kiln or mixed with the
precalciner fuel.
Wet scrubber means an add-on air
pollution control device that utilizes an
aqueous or alkaline scrubbing liquor to
collect particulate matter (including
non-vaporous metals and condensed
organics) and/or to absorb and
neutralize acid gases.
Wood waste means untreated wood
and untreated wood products, including
tree stumps (whole or chipped), trees,
tree limbs (whole or chipped), bark,
sawdust, chips, scraps, slabs, millings,
and shavings. Wood waste does not
(1) Grass, grass clippings, bushes,
shrubs, and clippings from bushes and
shrubs from residential, commercial/
retail, institutional, or industrial sources
as part of maintaining yards or other
private or public lands;
(2) Construction, renovation, or
demolition wastes; or
(3) Clean lumber.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
2018 2
For the air pollutant
You must meet this emission
limitation 1
Cadmium ..........................
Carbon monoxide ............
0.004 milligrams per dry standard
cubic meter.
157 parts per million by dry volume ..
Dioxins/furans (toxic
equivalency basis).
0.41 nanograms per dry standard
cubic meter.
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Using this averaging time
And determining compliance using
this method
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
Performance test (Method 29 of appendix A of part 60).
Performance test (Method 10, 10A,
or 10B, of appendix A of this part).
Performance test (Method 23 of appendix A of this part).
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
2018 2—Continued
For the air pollutant
You must meet this emission
limitation 1
Using this averaging time
And determining compliance using
this method
Hydrogen chloride ............
62 parts per million by dry volume ....
Performance test (Method 26 or 26A
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8).
Lead .................................
0.04 milligrams per dry standard
cubic meter.
0.47 milligrams per dry standard
cubic meter.
3-run average (For Method 26, collect a minimum volume of 120 liters per run. For Method 26A, collect a minimum volume of 1 dry
standard cubic meter per run).
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
Mercury ............................
Opacity .............................
10 percent .........................................
Oxides of nitrogen ...........
388 parts per million by dry volume ..
Particulate matter .............
70 milligrams per dry standard cubic
20 parts per million by dry volume ....
Sulfur dioxide ...................
Three 1-hour blocks consisting of ten
6-minute average opacity values.
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
Performance test (Method 29 of appendix A of this part).
Performance test (Method 29 or 30B
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8)
or ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
Performance test (Method 9 at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–4).
Performance test (Methods 7 or 7E
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4).
Performance test (Method 5 or 29 of
appendix A of part 60).
Performance test (Method 6 or 6c of
appendix A of part 60).
1 All
emission limitations (except for opacity) are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard conditions.
only to incinerators subject to the CISWI standards through a state plan or the Federal plan prior to June 4, 2010.
3 Incorporated by reference, see § 62.14670(z).
2 Applies
And monitor using these minimum frequencies
For these operating
You must establish these
operating limits
Data measurement
Data recording
Charge rate .......................
Maximum charge rate .......
Continuous ........................
Every hour .........................
Pressure drop across the
wet scrubber or amperage to wet scrubber.
Scrubber liquor flow rate ...
Scrubber liquor pH ............
Minimum pressure drop or
Continuous ........................
Every 15 minutes ..............
1. Daily (batch units).
2. 3-hour rolling (continuous and intermittent
3-hour rolling.1
Minimum flow rate .............
Minimum pH ......................
Continuous ........................
Continuous ........................
Every 15 minutes ..............
Every 15 minutes ..............
3-hour rolling.1
3-hour rolling.1
1 Calculated
Averaging time
each hour as the average of the previous 3 operating hours.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Dioxin/furan congener
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ............................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ........................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ......................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ......................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ......................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ..................................................................................................................................
Octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ........................................................................................................................................................
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzofuran ..................................................................................................................................................
2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran .............................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran .............................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran ...........................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran ...........................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran ...........................................................................................................................................
2,3,4,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran ...........................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran .......................................................................................................................................
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran .......................................................................................................................................
Octachlorinated dibenzofuran ..............................................................................................................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
Due date
A. Waste Management Plan ..........
No later than November 7, 2017
or six months prior to the date
you commence or recommence
burning solid waste, whichever
is later.
No later than 60 days following
the initial performance test.
Waste management plan .............
§ 62.14715.
1. Complete test report for the initial performance test.
2. The values for the site-specific
operating limits.
3. Installation of bag leak detection systems for fabric filters.
1. Name and address ...................
2. Statement and signature by responsible official.
3. Date of report.
4. Values for the operating limits.
5. If no deviations or malfunctions
were reported, a statement that
no deviations occurred during
the reporting period.
6. Highest recorded 3-hour average and the lowest 3-hour average, as applicable, for each operating parameter recorded for
the calendar year being reported.
7. Information for deviations or
malfunctions recorded under
§ 62.14700(b)(6)
through (e).
8. If a performance test was conducted during the reporting period, the results of the test.
9. If a performance test was not
conducted during the reporting
period, a statement that the requirements of § 62.14680(a)
were met.
10. Documentation of periods
when all qualified CISWI unit
operators were unavailable for
more than 8 hours but less than
2 weeks.
1. Dates and times of deviations ..
2. Averaged and recorded data
for these dates.
3. Duration and causes for each
deviation and the corrective actions taken.
4. Copy of operating limit monitoring data and any test reports.
5. Dates, times, and causes for
monitor downtime incidents.
6. Whether each deviation occurred during a period of startup, shutdown, or malfunction.
1. Statement of cause of deviation
2. Description of efforts to have
an accessible qualified operator.
3. The date a qualified operator
will be accessible.
1. Description of efforts to have
an accessible qualified operator.
2. The date a qualified operator
will be accessible.
3. Request for approval to continue operation.
Notification that you are resuming
§ 62.14720.
B. Initial Test Report ......................
No later than 12 months following
the submission of the initial test
report. Subsequent reports are
to be submitted no more than
12 months following the previous report.
D. Emission Limitation or Operating Limit Deviation Report.
By August 1 of that year for data
collected during the first half of
the calendar year.
By February 1 of the following
year for data collected during
the second half of the calendar
E. Qualified Operator Deviation
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
C. Annual report ............................
Within 10 days of deviation ..........
F. Qualified Operator Deviation
Status Report.
Every 4 weeks following deviation
G. Qualified Operator Deviation
Notification of Resumed Operation.
Prior to resuming operation ..........
1 This
§§ 62.14725 and 62.14730. Subsequent reports are to be submitted no more than 12 months
following the previous report.
§§ 62.14735 and 62.14740.
§ 62.14745(a)(1).
§ 62.14745(a)(2).
§ 62.14745(b).
table is only a summary, see the referenced sections of the rule for the complete requirements.
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For the air pollutant
You must meet this emission
limitation 1
Using this averaging time
And determining compliance
using this method
Cadmium ........................................
0.0026 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter.
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 2 dry standard cubic
Carbon monoxide ..........................
17 parts per million dry volume ....
Dioxins/furans (total mass basis) ...
4.6 nanograms per dry standard
cubic meter.
Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency
0.13 nanograms per dry standard
cubic meter.
Hydrogen chloride ..........................
29 parts per million dry volume ....
Lead ...............................................
0.015 milligrams per dry standard
cubic meter.2
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 2 dry standard cubic
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 2 dry standard cubic
3-run average (For Method 26,
collect a minimum volume of 60
liters per run. For Method 26A,
collect a minimum volume of 1
dry standard cubic meter per
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 2 dry standard cubic
Performance test (Method 29 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8).
Use ICPMS for the analytical
Performance test (Method 10 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4).
Performance test (Method 23 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7).
Mercury ..........................................
0.0048 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter.
Oxides of nitrogen .........................
53 parts per million dry volume ....
Particulate matter filterable ............
34 milligrams per dry standard
cubic meter.
Sulfur dioxide .................................
11 parts per million dry volume ....
Fugitive ash ...................................
Visible emissions for no more
than 5% of the hourly observation period.
3-run average (For Method 29 an
ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
2008),3 collect a minimum volume of 2 dry standard cubic
meters per run. For Method
30B, collect a minimum sample
as specified in Method 30B at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A).
3-run average (for Method 7E, 1
hour minimum sample time per
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 1 dry standard cubic
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
Three 1-hour observation periods
Performance test (Method 23 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7).
Performance test (Method 26 or
26A at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8).
Performance test (Method 29 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8).
Use ICPMS for the analytical
Performance test (Method 29 or
30B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8) or ASTM D6784–02
(Reapproved 2008).3
Performance test (Method 7 or 7E
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–
Performance test (Method 5 or 29
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–
3 or appendix A–8).
Performance test (Method 6 or 6c
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–
Visible emission test (Method 22
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–
1 All emission limitations are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must meet either the total
mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
2 If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years
show that your emissions are at or below this limit, you can skip testing according to § 62.14680 if all of the other provisions of § 62.14680 are
met. For all other pollutants that do not contain a footnote ‘‘2’’, your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years must
show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify for skip testing.
3 Incorporated by reference, see § 62.1670(z).
You must meet this emission limitation 1
Using this averaging time
And determining compliance
using this method
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 2 dry standard cubic meters).
Performance test (Method 29
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
A–8). Use ICPMS for the
analytical finish.
3-run average (1 hour minimum sample time per run).
Performance test (Method 10
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
For the air pollutant
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Cadmium ...................
0.023 milligrams per
dry standard cubic
Carbon monoxide .....
35 parts per million
dry volume.
Biomass—0.0014 milligrams
per dry standard cubic
Coal—0.0017 milligrams per
dry standard cubic meter.
Biomass—260 parts per million dry volume.
Coal—95 parts per million dry
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
AFTER FEBRUARY 7, 2018—Continued
You must meet this emission limitation 1
Using this averaging time
And determining compliance
using this method
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 4 dry standard cubic meter).
Performance test (Method 23
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 4 dry standard cubic meters).
Performance test (Method 23
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
3-run average (for Method 26,
collect a minimum of 120 liters; for Method 26A, collect
a minimum volume of 1 dry
standard cubic meter).
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 2 dry standard cubic meters).
Performance test (Method 26
or 26A at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8).
3-run average (For Method 29
and ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008),3 collect a
minimum volume of 2 dry
standard cubic meters per
run. For Method 30B, collect
a minimum sample as specified in Method 30B at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A).
3-run average (for Method 7E,
1 hour minimum sample
time per run).
Performance test (Method 29
or 30B at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8) or ASTM
D6784–02 (Reapproved
2008) 3
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meter).
Performance test (Method 5 or
29 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3 or appendix A–
8) if the unit has an annual
average heat input rate less
than or equal to 250 MMBtu/
hr; or PM CPMS (as specified in § 62.14670(x)) if the
unit has an annual average
heat input rate greater than
250 MMBtu/hr.
Performance test (Method 6 or
6c at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4).
For the air pollutant
Dioxins/furans (total
mass basis).
2.9 nanograms per
dry standard cubic
Dioxins/furans (toxic
equivalency basis).
0.32 nanograms per
dry standard cubic
Hydrogen chloride .....
14 parts per million
dry volume.
Biomass—0.52 nanograms per
dry standard cubic meter.2
Coal—5.1 nanograms per dry
standard cubic meter.
Biomass—0.12 nanograms per
dry standard cubic meter.
Coal—0.075 nanograms per
dry standard cubic meter.2
Biomass—0.20 parts per million dry volume.
Coal—58 parts per million dry
Lead ..........................
0.096 milligrams per
dry standard cubic
Mercury .....................
0.0024 milligrams
per dry standard
cubic meter.
Oxides of nitrogen ....
76 parts per million
dry volume.
Particulate matter filterable.
110 milligrams per
dry standard cubic
Sulfur dioxide ............
720 parts per million
dry volume.
Fugitive ash ..............
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Visible emissions for
no more than 5
percent of the
hourly observation
Biomass—0.014 milligrams
per dry standard cubic
Coal—0.057 milligrams per dry
standard cubic meter.
Biomass—0.0022 milligrams
per dry standard cubic
Coal—0.013 milligrams per dry
standard cubic meter.
Biomass—290 parts per million dry volume.
Coal—460 parts per million
dry volume.
Biomass—11 milligrams per
dry standard cubic meter.
Coal—130 milligrams per dry
standard cubic meter.
Biomass—7.3 parts per million
dry volume.
Coal—850 parts per million
dry volume.
Visible emissions for no more
than 5 percent of the hourly
observation period.
3-run average (1 hour minimum sample time per run).
Three 1-hour observation periods.
Performance test (Method 29
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
A–8). Use ICPMS for the
analytical finish.
Performance test (Method 7 or
7E at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4).
Visible emission test (Method
22 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7).
1 All emission limitations (except for opacity) are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must
meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
2 If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years
show that your emissions are at or below this limit, you can skip testing according to § 62.14680 if all of the other provisions of § 62.14680 are
met. For all other pollutants that do not contain a footnote ‘‘2’’, your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years must
show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify for skip testing, with the exception of annual performance
tests to certify a CEMS or PM CPMS.
3 Incorporated by reference, see § 62.14670(z).
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
For the air pollutant
You must meet this emission
limitation 1
Using this averaging time
And determining compliance
using this method 3
Cadmium ........................................
0.0014 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter.2
Performance test (Method 29 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8).
Carbon monoxide ..........................
110 (long kilns)/790 (preheater/
precalciner) parts per million
dry volume.
1.3 nanograms per dry standard
cubic meter.
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 2 dry standard cubic
3-run average (1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 4 dry standard cubic
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 4 dry standard cubic
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 1 dry standard cubic
meter) or 30-day rolling average
if HCl CEMS is being used.
Performance test (Method 23 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7).
Dioxins/furans (total mass basis) ...
Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency
0.075 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter.2
Hydrogen chloride ..........................
3.0 parts per million dry volume.2
Lead ...............................................
0.014 milligrams per dry standard
cubic meter.2
Mercury ..........................................
0.011 milligrams per dry standard
cubic meter.
Oxides of nitrogen .........................
630 parts per million dry volume ..
Particulate matter filterable ............
13.5 milligrams per dry standard
cubic meter.
600 parts per million dry volume ..
Sulfur dioxide .................................
3-run average (collect a minimum
volume of 2 dry standard cubic
30-day rolling average ..................
3-run average (for Method 7E, 1
hour minimum sample time per
30-day rolling average ..................
3-run average (for Method 6, collect a minimum of 20 liters; for
Method 6C, 1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
Performance test (Method 10 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–4).
Performance test (Method 23 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7).
Performance test (Method 321 at
40 CFR part 63, appendix A of
this part) or HCl CEMS if a wet
scrubber or dry scrubber is not
§ 62.14670(j).
Performance test (Method 29 at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8).
Mercury CEMS or sorbent trap
monitoring system (performance specification 12A or 12B,
respectively, of appendix B of
this part), as specified in
§ 62.14670(j).
Performance test (Method 7 or 7E
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–
PM CPMS (as specified in
§ 62.14670(x)).
Performance test (Method 6 or 6c
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–
1 All emission limitations are measured at 7 percent oxygen (except for CEMS data during startup and shutdown), dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
2 If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years
show that your emissions are at or below this limit, you can skip testing according to § 62.14680 if all of the other provisions of § 62.14680 are
met. For all other pollutants that do not contain a footnote ‘‘2’’, your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years must
show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify for skip testing, with the exception of annual performance
tests to certify a CEMS or PM CPMS.
3 Alkali bypass and in-line coal mill stacks are subject to performance testing only, as specified in 62.14670(y)(3). They are not be subject to
the CEMS, sorbent trap or CPMS requirements that otherwise may apply to the main kiln exhaust.
For the air pollutant
You must meet this
emission limitation 1
0.95 milligrams per dry
standard cubic meter.
Carbon monoxide ................
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS4
Cadmium .............................
64 parts per million dry volume.
4,400 nanograms per dry
standard cubic meter.
Dioxins/furans (total mass
Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency basis).
Fugitive ash .........................
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180 nanograms per dry
standard cubic meter.
Visible emissions for no
more than 5 percent of
the hourly observation
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Using this averaging time
And determining compliance using this
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters
per run).
3-run average (1 hour minimum sample
time per run).
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters
per run).
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters).
Three 1-hour observation periods ...........
Performance test (Method 29 at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–8).
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Performance test (Method 10 at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–4).
Performance test (Method 23 at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–7).
Performance test (Method 23 at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–7).
Visible emissions test (Method 22 at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–7).
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / Proposed Rules
For the air pollutant
Hydrogen chloride ...............
300 parts per million dry
Lead .....................................
2.1 milligrams per dry
standard cubic meter.
Mercury ................................
0.0053 milligrams per dry
standard cubic meter.
Oxides of nitrogen ...............
190 parts per million dry
270 milligrams per dry
standard cubic meter.
Particulate matter (filterable)
Sulfur dioxide .......................
Using this averaging time
And determining compliance using this
3-run average (For Method 26, collect a
minimum volume of 120 liters per run.
For Method 26A, collect a minimum
volume of 1 dry standard cubic meter
per run).
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters).
Performance test (Method 26 or 26A at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8).
You must meet this
emission limitation 1
150 parts per million dry
3-run average (For Method 29 and
ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008),2
collect a minimum volume of 2 dry
standard cubic meters per run. For
Method 30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in Method 30B at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A).
3-run average (for Method 7E, 1 hour
minimum sample time per run).
3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters).
3-run average (for Method 6, collect a
minimum of 20 liters per run; for Method 6C, 1 hour minimum sample time
per run).
Performance test (Method 29 at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–8). Use ICPMS
for the analytical finish.
Performance test (Method 29 or 30B at
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8) or
ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008).2
Performance test (Method 7 or 7E at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–4).
Performance test (Method 5 or 29 at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–3 or appendix A–8).
Performance test (Method 6 or 6c at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–4).
1 All emission limitations (except for opacity) are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must
meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
2 Incorporated by reference, see § 62.14670(z).
[FR Doc. 2016–31203 Filed 1–10–17; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 7 (Wednesday, January 11, 2017)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 3554-3599]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-31203]
[[Page 3553]]
Vol. 82
No. 7
January 11, 2017
Part IV
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 62
Federal Plan Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste
Incineration Units; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2017 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 3554]]
40 CFR Part 62
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0664; FRL-9957-11-OAR]
RIN 2060-AT28
Federal Plan Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Solid
Waste Incineration Units
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This action proposes the federal plan for existing commercial
and industrial incineration (CISWI) units. This proposed action
implements the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) emission
guidelines (EG) adopted on February 7, 2013, as amended on June 23,
2016, in states that do not have an approved state plan implementing
the EG in place by the effective date of this federal plan. The federal
plan will result in emissions reductions of certain pollutants from all
affected units covered.
DATES: Comments. Comments must be received on or before February 27,
Public Hearing. A public hearing will be held if requested by
January 17, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Comments. Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No.
EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0664 at https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments. Once submitted, comments cannot
be edited or removed from Regulations.gov. The EPA may publish any
comment received to its public docket. Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Multimedia submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be accompanied by a
written comment. The written comment is considered the official comment
and should include discussion of all points you wish to make. The EPA
will generally not consider comments or comment contents located
outside of the primary submission (i.e., on the Web, Cloud, or other
file sharing system). For additional submission methods, the full EPA
public comment policy, information about CBI or multimedia submissions,
and general guidance on making effective comments, please visit https://www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Nabanita Modak Fischer, Fuels and
Incineration Group, Sector Policies and Programs Division (E143-05),
Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
27711; telephone number: (919) 541-5572; fax number: (919) 541-3470;
email address: modak.nabanita@epa.gov.
Docket. The EPA has established a docket for this rulemaking under
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0664. All documents in the docket are
listed in the Regulations.gov index. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such
as copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy. Publicly available docket
materials are available either electronically in Regulations.gov or in
hard copy at the EPA Docket Center, Room 3334, EPA WJC West Building,
1301 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room
is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is
(202) 566-1744, and the telephone number for the EPA Docket Center is
(202) 566-1742.
Instructions. Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2016-0664. The EPA's policy is that all comments received will be
included in the public docket without change and may be made available
online at https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal
information provided, unless the comment includes information claimed
to be CBI or other information whose disclosure is restricted by
statute. Do not submit information that you consider to be CBI or
otherwise protected through https://www.regulations.gov or email. The
https://www.regulations.gov Web site is an ``anonymous access'' system,
which means the EPA will not know your identity or contact information
unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you send an email
comment directly to the EPA without going through https://www.regulations.gov, your email address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket
and made available on the Internet. If you submit an electronic
comment, the EPA recommends that you include your name and other
contact information in the body of your comment and with any disk or
CD-ROM you submit. If the EPA cannot read your comment due to technical
difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, the EPA may not
be able to consider your comment. Electronic files should not include
special characters or any form of encryption and be free of any defects
or viruses. For additional information about the EPA's public docket,
visit the EPA Docket Center homepage at https://www.epa.gov/dockets.
Public Hearing. A public hearing will be held, if requested by
January 17, 2017, to accept oral comments on this proposed action. If a
hearing is requested, it will be held at the EPA WJC East Building,
Room 1117A, located at 1201 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC.
The hearing, if requested, will begin at 9:00 a.m. (local time) and
will conclude at 4:00 p.m. (local time) on January 30, 2017, or,
January 26, 2017, whichever date is later. To request a hearing, to
register to speak at a hearing, or to inquire if a hearing will be
held, please contact Aimee St. Clair at (919) 541-1063 or by email at
stclair.aimee@epa.gov. The last day to pre-register to speak at a
hearing, if one is held, will be January 24, 2017. Additionally,
requests to speak will be taken the day of the hearing at the hearing
registration desk, although preferences on speaking times may not be
able to be fulfilled. Please note that registration requests received
before the hearing will be confirmed by the EPA via email.
The EPA will make every effort to accommodate all speakers who
arrive and register. Because the hearing will be held at a U.S.
governmental facility, individuals planning to attend the hearing
should be prepared to show valid picture identification to the security
staff in order to gain access to the meeting room. Please note that the
REAL ID Act, passed by Congress in 2005, established new requirements
for entering federal facilities. If your driver's license is issued by
Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,
Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New York, Oklahoma or the state of
Washington, you must present an additional form of identification to
enter the federal building. Acceptable alternative forms of
identification include: Federal employee badges, passports, enhanced
driver's licenses and military identification cards. In addition, you
will need to obtain a property pass for any personal belongings you
bring with you. Upon leaving the building, you will be required to
return this property pass to the security desk. No large signs will be
allowed in the building, cameras may only be used outside of the
building and demonstrations will not be
[[Page 3555]]
allowed on federal property for security reasons.
Please note that any updates made to any aspect of the hearing,
including whether or not a hearing will be held, will be posted online
at https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/commercial-and-industrial-solid-waste-incineration-units-ciswi-new. We ask that you
contact Aimee St. Clair at (919) 541-1063 or by email at
stclair.aimee@epa.gov or monitor our Web site to determine if a hearing
will be held. The EPA does not intend to publish a document in the
Federal Register announcing any such updates. Please go to https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/commercial-and-industrial-solid-waste-incineration-units-ciswi-new for more information on the
public hearing.
Acronyms and Abbreviations. The following acronyms and
abbreviations are used in this document.
AG Attorney General
CAA Clean Air Act
CBI Confidential business information
Cd Cadmium
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CISWI Commercial and industrial solid waste incineration
CO Carbon monoxide
CPMS Continuous parameter monitoring system
dscm Dry standard cubic meter
EG Emission Guidelines
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ERU Energy recovery unit
ESP Electrostatic precipitator
FF Fabric filter
HAP Hazardous air pollutants
HCl Hydrogen chloride
Hg Mercury
IBR Incorporation by reference
ICR Information collection request
MACT Maximum achievable control technology
mg/dscm Milligrams per dry standard cubic meter
NAICS North American Industrial Classification System
NESHAP National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
ng/dscm Nanograms per dry standard cubic meter
NOX Nitrogen oxides
NSPS New source performance standards
NTTAA National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OMB Office of Management and Budget
Pb Lead
PCB Hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls
PCDD Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
PCDF Polychlorinated dibenzofurans
PM Particulate matter (filterable, unless otherwise specified)
PM2.5 Particulate matter (diameter less than or equal to
2.5 micrometers)
ppm Parts per million
ppmv Parts per million by volume
ppmvd Parts per million by dry volume
PS Performance Specification
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RIN Regulatory Information Number
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
The Court United States Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit
Tpy Tons per year
ug/dscm Micrograms per dry standard cubic meter
UMRA Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
U.S.C. United States Code
VCS Voluntary consensus standards
Organization of This Document. The following outline is provided to
aid in locating information in this preamble.
I. General Information
A. Does the proposed action apply to me?
B. What should I consider as I prepare my comments?
II. Background Information
A. What is the regulatory development background for this
proposed rule?
B. What is the purpose of this proposed rule?
C. What is the status of state plan submittals?
III. Affected Facilities
A. What is a CISWI unit?
B. Does the federal plan apply to me?
C. How do I determine if my CISWI unit is covered by an approved
and effective state plan?
IV. Elements of the CISWI Federal Plan
A. Legal Authority and Enforcement Mechanism
B. Inventory of Affected CISWI Units
C. Inventory of Emissions
D. Compliance Schedules
E. Emissions Limits and Operating Limits
F. Operator Training and Qualification Requirements
G. Testing, Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting
H. Record of Public Hearings
I. Progress Reports
V. Summary of Proposed CISWI Federal Plan Requirements
A. What are the proposed applicability requirements?
B. What are the proposed compliance schedules?
C. What emissions and operating limits is the EPA proposing to
incorporate into the federal plan?
D. What are the proposed performance testing and monitoring
E. What are the proposed recordkeeping and reporting
F. What are the other proposed requirements?
VI. CISWI Units That Have or Will Shut Down
A. Units That Plan to Close
B. Inoperable Units
C. CISWI Units That Have Shut Down
VII. Implementation of the Federal Plan and Delegation
A. Background of Authority
B. Mechanisms for Transferring Authority
C. Implementing Authority
D. Delegation of the Federal Plan and Retained Authorities
VIII. Title V Operating Permits
A. Title V and Delegation of a Federal Plan
IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That Significantly Affect
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and
1 CFR Part 51
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income
I. General Information
A. Does the proposed action apply to me?
Regulated Entities. Owners or operators of existing CISWI units
that are subject to the existing federal plan implementing the December
1, 2000 EG, and units not already subject to an EPA-approved and
effective state plan implementing the February 7, 2013, EG, may be
regulated by this final action. Existing CISWI units are those that
commenced construction on or before June 4, 2010 or that commenced
modification or reconstruction after June 4, 2010 but no later than
August 7, 2013. Regulated categories and entities include those that
operate CISWI units. Although there is no specific North American
Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for CISWI units, these
units may be operated by the categories of sources listed in Table 1:
[[Page 3556]]
Table 1--Examples of Potentially Regulated Entities
Examples of
Category NAICS \1\ Code potentially regulated
Any industrial or commercial 211, 212, 486 Mining; oil and gas
facility using a solid waste 221 exploration
incinerator. operations; pipeline
Utility providers.
321, 322, 337 Manufacturers of wood
manufacturers of
pulp, paper and
manufacturers of
furniture and
related products.
325, 326 Manufacturers of
chemicals and allied
manufacturers of
plastics and rubber
327 Manufacturers of
cement; nonmetallic
mineral product
333, 336 Manufacturers of
manufacturers of
423, 44 Merchant wholesalers,
durable goods;
retail trade.
\1\ North American Industrial Classification System.
This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a
general guide for identifying entities likely to be affected by the
proposed action. To determine whether a facility would be affected by
this action, please examine the applicability criteria in 40 CFR
62.14510 to 62.14525 of subpart III being proposed here. Questions
regarding the applicability of this action to a particular entity
should be directed to the person listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER
B. What should I consider as I prepare my comments?
Submitting CBI. Do not submit information that you consider to be
CBI electronically through https://www.regulations.gov or email. For
comments on the CISWI Federal Plan proposal, send or deliver
information identified as CBI to only the following address: OAQPS
Document Control Officer (Room C404-02), U.S. EPA, Research Triangle
Park, North Carolina 27711, Attn: Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0664.
Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to
be CBI. For CBI on a disk or CD-ROM that you mail to the EPA, mark the
outside of the disk or CD-ROM as CBI and then identify electronically
within the disk or CD-ROM the specific information that is claimed as
CBI. In addition to one complete version of the comment that includes
information claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain
the information claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information marked as CBI will not be disclosed except
in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.
If you have any questions about CBI or the procedures for claiming
CBI, please consult the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
World Wide Web (WWW). In addition to being available in the docket,
an electronic copy of the proposed action is available on the Internet
through the Technical Air Pollution Resources Web site. Following
signature by the Administrator, the EPA will post a copy of this
proposed action at https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/commercial-and-industrial-solid-waste-incineration-units-ciswi-new. The Technical Air Pollution Resources Web site provides
information and technology exchange in various areas of air pollution
control. Additional information is also available at the same Web site.
II. Background Information
A. What is the regulatory development background for this proposed
Section 129 of the Clean Air Act (CAA), titled, ``Solid Waste
Combustion,'' requires the EPA to develop and adopt standards for solid
waste incineration units pursuant to CAA sections 111 and 129.
On March 21, 2011, the EPA promulgated revised new source
performance standards (NSPS) and EG for CISWI units. Following this
action, the Administrator received petitions for reconsideration that
identified certain issues that warranted further opportunity for public
comment. In response to the petitions, the EPA reconsidered and
requested comment on several provisions of the February 2011 final NSPS
and EG for CISWI incineration units. The EPA published the proposed
revisions to the NSPS and EG for CISWI units on December 23, 2011 (76
FR 80452).
On February 7, 2013, the EPA promulgated the final reconsidered
NSPS and EG for CISWI units (78 FR 9112). The final rule made some
revisions to the December 2011 proposed reconsideration rule in
response to comments and additional information received. Following
that action, the EPA again received petitions for reconsideration.
These petitions stated certain provisions should be reconsidered and
that the public lacked sufficient opportunity to comment on some of the
provisions contained in the final 2013 CISWI rule. On January 21, 2015,
the EPA reconsidered and requested comment on four provisions of the
2013 final NSPS and EG for CISWI units. Additionally, the EPA proposed
clarifying changes and corrections to the final rule, some of which
were raised in petitions for reconsideration of the 2013 CISWI rule. On
June 23, 2016, the EPA promulgated the final reconsidered NSPS and EG
for CISWI units (81 FR 40956). For a more detailed background and
additional information on how this rule is related to other CAA
combustion rules issued under CAA section 112 and the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) definition of solid waste, refer
to prior documents (76 FR 15704, 78 FR 9112).
Sections 111(b) and 129(a) of the CAA address emissions from new
units (i.e., NSPS), and CAA sections 111(d) and 129(b) address
emissions from existing units (i.e., EG). The NSPS are federal
regulations directly enforceable upon CISWI units, and, under CAA
section 129(f)(1), become effective 6 months after promulgation. Unlike
the NSPS, the EG provide direction for developing state plans; however,
the EG are not themselves directly enforceable. The EG are implemented
and enforced under an EPA approved state or tribal plan or EPA adopted
federal plan once the state, tribal, or federal plan has become
Section 129(b)(2) of the CAA directs states with existing CISWI
unit(s) subject to the EG to submit plans to the EPA that implement and
enforce the EG. The deadline for states to submit state plans to the
EPA for review was February 7, 2014 (see 78 FR 9121-2, February 7,
2013).\1\ Sections 111 and 129(b)(3) of the CAA and 40 CFR 60.27(c) and
(d) require the EPA to develop, implement and enforce a federal plan
for CISWI units in any state without an approvable state plan within
[[Page 3557]]
2 years after promulgation of the EG. This action proposes the CISWI
Federal Plan. In this proposal, the EPA is soliciting comment only on
the implementation of the final CISWI EG through the proposed federal
plan. The EPA is not reopening the underlying CISWI rule for public
comment and does not intend to address any comments on the underlying
CISWI rule.\2\
\1\ Several states did not submit plans to the EPA by this date.
\2\ Many aspects of the CISWI rule were challenged in the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C.
Circuit or Court) in American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) v.
EPA, and the Court rejected all challenges to the standards and
other provisions being implemented in this federal plan. See AFPA v.
EPA, 830 F.3d 579 (D.C. Cir. 2016).
The EPA anticipates that facilities in approximately eight states
and four U.S. territories will need to rely on the CISWI Federal Plan.
B. What is the purpose of this proposed rule?
Section 129(b)(2) of the CAA requires states to implement the EG
for existing solid waste incineration units, including CISWI units.
States with existing CISWI units were required to submit to the EPA
within 1 year following promulgation of the EG (by February 7, 2014)
state plans that are at least as protective as the EG. Sections 111 and
129 of the CAA and 40 CFR 60.27(c) and (d) require the EPA to develop,
implement, and enforce a federal plan in states which have not
submitted an approvable plan. The EPA is proposing the CISWI Federal
Plan so that a promulgated federal plan will be effective in any state
that fails to provide an approvable state plan, thus, ensuring
implementation and enforcement of the final CISWI EG.
The regulations require states without any existing CISWI units to
submit to the Administrator a letter of negative declaration certifying
that there are no CISWI units in the state (See 40 CFR 62.06). No plan
is required for states that do not have any CISWI units. CISWI units
located in states that mistakenly submit a letter of negative
declaration are subject to the federal plan, once effective, until a
state plan regulating those CISWI units is approved. State plans that
have been submitted to implement the final CISWI EG,\3\ have either
been approved or are currently undergoing EPA review. This proposed
CISWI Federal Plan will implement the final CISWI EG in those states
that do not have an approved state plan in place by the effective date
of this federal plan. If a state or tribal plan is approved in part,
the federal plan will apply to the affected CISWI units in lieu of the
disapproved portions of the state plan until the state or tribe
addresses the deficiencies in the state plan and the revised state plan
is approved by the EPA. Prior to any disapproval, the EPA will work
with states and tribes to attempt to reconcile areas of the plan that
remain inconsistent with the EG.
\3\ The ``final CISWI EG'' means the provision of 40 CFR part
60, subpart DDDD, including the revisions published on June 23, 2016
(81 FR 40956). As noted in the June 23 2016 preamble, the final
CISWI EG action granted reconsideration and addressed certain
aspects of the February 7 2013, rule, which itself was issued to
grant reconsideration of aspects of the March 21 2011, rule. See
Section II.A of this preamble for more discussion on the background
of the final CISWI EG.
Incineration of solid waste at commercial and industrial facilities
causes the release of a wide array of air pollutants, some of which
exist in the waste feed material and are released unchanged during
combustion, and some of which are generated as a result of the
combustion process itself.\4\ The EPA estimated in the 2013 rule that
once the state plans and federal plan become effective, a total
emissions reduction of the regulated pollutants would occur as follows:
Acid gases (i.e., hydrogen chloride (HCl) and sulfur dioxoide
(SO2)), about 7,046 tons per year (tpy); particulate matter
(PM) about 2,401 tpy; non-Hg metals (i.e., lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd))
about 4.5 tpy; carbon monoxide (CO) about 20,000 tpy; nitrogen oxide
(NOX) about 5,399 tpy; and mercury (Hg) about 688 pounds per
year. The EPA also estimated that air pollution control devices
installed to comply with the 2013 rule would also effectively reduce
emissions of pollutants such as 7-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB).\5\ The 2016 rule did not significantly
change the emission reduction estimates presented in the 2013 rule,
other than estimating slightly less in PM reductions for the waste-
burning kiln subcategory (See 81 FR 40969, June 23, 2016).
\4\ See 78 FR 9131-9133 to reference the impacts of the EG
adopted on February 7, 2013.
\5\ See 75 FR 31970 (June 4, 2010), where polycyclic organic
matter (POM) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) emission reductions
are discussed.
C. What is the status of state plan submittals?
Sections 111(d) and 129(b)(3) of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. 7411(d) and
7429(b)(3), authorize and require the EPA to develop and implement a
federal plan for CISWI units located in states with no approved and
effective state plan. Table 2 below lists the status of state plans as
of the signature date for this proposal. Additionally, Table 2 lists
states and local agencies that submitted negative declarations and/or
those which have indicated that they intend to take delegation of the
federal plan.
Table 2--Status of State and Territory Plans
Status States
I. EPA-Approved Implementation Plans... None so far.
II. Indicated intent to Submit Negative Massachusetts; Delaware;
Declarations to the EPA. Maryland; North Carolina;
Georgia; Mississippi;
Minnesota; Arizona;
California; Hawaii; Idaho.
III. Negative Declaration Submitted to Connecticut; New Hampshire;
the EPA. Vermont; Rhode Island; Virgin
Islands; District of Columbia;
New Mexico; City of
Albuquerque; Montana.
IV. Final Implementation Plans Alabama; Florida; South
Submitted to the EPA. Carolina; North Dakota;
V. Draft Implementation Plans Submitted West Virginia; Virginia.
to the EPA.
VI. EPA Has Not Received a Draft or New York; Illinois; Indiana;
Final Implementation Plan or Negative Texas; Louisiana; Oklahoma;
Declaration. Arkansas; Kansas; Missouri;
Nebraska; Utah; Wyoming; South
Dakota; Washington.
VII. Indicated Intent to Submit State Kentucky; Tennessee; Michigan;
Implementation Plan to the EPA. Colorado.
VIII. Indicated Intent to Accept Maine; New Jersey; Puerto Rico;
Delegation of Federal Plan. Pennsylvania.
IX. Indicated Intent to Accept Federal Ohio; Wisconsin; Iowa; Nevada;
Plan Implementation by the EPA. American Samoa; Guam; Alaska;
Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands.
[[Page 3558]]
As the EPA Regional offices approve implementation plans, they will
also, in the same action, amend the appropriate subpart of 40 CFR part
62 to codify their approvals. The EPA will maintain a list of
implementation plan submittals and approvals on the Technical Air
Pollution Resources Web site at https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/commercial-and-industrial-solid-waste-incineration-units-ciswi-new. The list will help CISWI unit owners or operators determine
whether their CISWI units are affected by a state plan or the federal
CISWI owners or operators can also contact the EPA Regional office
for the state in which their CISWI units are located to determine
whether there is an approved and effective state plan in place. Table 3
lists the names, email addresses, and telephone numbers of the EPA
Regional office contacts and the states and territories that they
Table 3--Regional Office Contacts
Region Regional contact Phone States and territories
Region I........................ Patrick Bird, (617) 918-1287 Connecticut, Massachusetts,
bird.patrick@epa.gov. Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode
Island, Vermont.
Region II....................... Ted Gardella, (212) 637-3892 New York, New Jersey, Puerto
gardella.anthony@epa.gov. Rico, Virgin Islands.
Region III...................... Mike Gordon, (215) 814-2039 Virginia, Delaware, District of
gordon.mike@epa.gov. Columbia, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, West Virginia.
Region IV....................... Keith Goff, (404) 562-9137 Florida, Georgia, North
goff.keith@epa.gov. (404) 562-9208 Carolina, Alabama, Kentucky,
Jason Dressler, (404) 562-9013 Mississippi, South Carolina,
Dressler.jason@epa.gov. Tennessee.
Mark Bloeth,
Region V........................ Margaret Sieffert, (312) 353-1151 Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois,
sieffert.margaret@epa.gov. Indiana, Michigan, Ohio.
Region VI....................... Kenneth Boyce, (214) 665-7259 Arkansas, Louisiana, New
boyce.kenneth@epa.gov. Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.
Region VII...................... Lisa Hanlon, (913) 551-7599 Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,
hanlon.lisa@epa.gov. Nebraska.
Region VIII..................... Ethan Aumann, (303) 312-6773 Colorado, Montana, North
aumann.ethan@epa.gov. Dakota, South Dakota, Utah,
Region IX....................... Shaheera Kelly, (415) 972-3943 Arizona, California, Hawaii,
Kelly.shaheerah@epa.gov. (415) 972-3965 Nevada, American Samoa, Guam,
Mark Sims, Northern Mariana Islands.
Region X........................ Katharine Owens, (206) 553-1023 Washington.
John Pavitt, (907) 271-3688 Alaska.
Pavitt.john@epa.gov. (206) 553-2117 Idaho, Oregon.
Madonna Narvaez,
III. Affected Facilities
A. What is a CISWI unit?
A ``CISWI'' unit is any unit located at a commercial or industrial
facility that combusts any amount of solid waste, as defined in 40 CFR
part 241, that is not otherwise exempted from CISWI. See 40 CFR 60.2555
(listing solid waste incineration units that are not subject to CISWI).
The affected facility under CISWI is each individual CISWI unit. This
proposed federal plan defines four subcategories for existing CISWI
units in 40 CFR part 62.14840 of subpart III: Incinerators (i.e., units
designed to burn discarded waste materials for the purpose of
disposal); small, remote incinerators; energy recovery units (ERUs)
(i.e., units that would be boilers or process heaters if they did not
combust solid waste); and waste burning kilns (i.e., units that would
be cement kilns if they did not combust solid waste). We have further
subcategorized ERUs into three subcategories and waste burning kilns
into two subcategories for CO emission limits only.
B. Does the federal plan apply to me?
The federal plan will apply to the owner or operator of an existing
CISWI unit that was constructed on or before June 4, 2010, or commenced
modification or reconstruction after June 4, 2010, but no later than
August 7, 2013, and that is not subject to an approved and effective
state plan as of the effective date of the final federal plan
notice.\6\ The federal plan would apply to the CISWI unit until the EPA
approves a state plan that regulates the CISWI unit and that state plan
becomes effective.\7\ If the construction of a CISWI unit began after
June 4, 2010, or modification of a CISWI unit began after August 7,
2013, the unit is a new CISWI unit and would be subject to the NSPS at
40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC. The specific applicability of the
proposed federal plan is described at 40 CFR 62.14510 through 62.14531
of subpart III in the proposed rule.
\6\ The federal plan will become effective 30 days after final
\7\ A state plan is effective on the date specified in the
document published in the Federal Register announcing the EPA's
approval of the plan.
This action will not preclude states from submitting a state plan
at a later time. If a state submits a plan after the promulgation of
the CISWI Federal Plan, the EPA will review and approve or disapprove
the state plan.\8\ If the EPA approves a plan, then the CISWI Federal
Plan will no longer apply to CISWI units covered by the state plan. If
a CISWI unit was overlooked by a state and the state submitted a
negative declaration letter, or if an individual CISWI unit was not
covered by an approved and effective state plan, the CISWI unit would
be subject to the federal plan after the effective date of the final
\8\ An approved state plan is a plan developed by a state that
the EPA has reviewed and approved based on the requirements in 40
CFR part 60, subpart B, to implement 40 CFR part 60, subpart DDDD.
C. How do I determine if my CISWI unit is covered by an approved and
effective state plan?
Part 62 of Title 40 of the CFR identifies the status of approval
and promulgation of CAA section 111(d) and CAA section 129(b) state
plans for designated facilities in each state. However, the print
version of 40 CFR part 62 is updated only once per year. Thus, if 40
CFR part 62 does not indicate that a state has an approved and
effective plan, please contact the state environmental agency's air
director or the EPA's Regional office (see Table 3 in section II.C of
this preamble) to determine if a state plan was approved since
publication of the most recent version of 40 CFR part 62. Also note
that the Electronic Code of Federal
[[Page 3559]]
Regulations (https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/ECFR?page=browse) is updated
periodically, so may be a better source to obtain an update on state
plan status.
IV. Elements of the CISWI Federal Plan
Sections 111(d) and 129 of the CAA, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 7411(d)
and 7429(b)(2), require states to develop and implement state plans for
CISWI units to implement and enforce the final EG. Accordingly, subpart
DDDD of 40 CFR part 60 requires states to submit state plans that
include specified elements. Because this proposed federal plan will
establish standards in the absence of an approved and effective state
plan, this proposed plan includes the same essential elements as a
state plan: (1) Identification of legal authority and mechanisms for
implementation; (2) inventory of CISWI units; (3) emissions inventory;
(4) compliance schedules; (5) emissions limits and operating limits;
(6) operator training and qualification; (7) testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting; (8) public hearing; and (9) progress
reporting. See Proposed regulations at 40 CFR part 62, subpart III and
sections 111 and 129 of the CAA. Below, we explain the proposed federal
plan elements in detail.
A. Legal Authority and Enforcement Mechanism
Sections 111(d) and 129(b)(3) of the CAA direct the EPA to develop
a federal plan for states that do not submit approvable state plans.
Sections 111 and 129 of the CAA provide the EPA with the authority to
implement and enforce the federal plan in cases where the state fails
to submit a satisfactory state plan. Pursuant to section 129(f)(2),
compliance with the EG cannot be later than 5 years after the relevant
EG are promulgated (i.e., by February 7, 2018).\9\
\9\ See 78 FR 9125-6 (February 7, 2013) for further discussion
on compliance dates.
B. Inventory of Affected CISWI Units
The docket for the proposed federal plan includes an inventory of
the CISWI units that may potentially be covered by this federal plan in
the absence of approved state plans. (See Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2016-0664 and 40 CFR 62.14521.) This inventory contains 106 CISWI units
in 28 states. It is based on information collected from EPA Regions,
states, CISWI facilities, and review of existing CISWI inventories,
title V permits, emissions test reports, and facility Web sites. The
EPA recognizes that this list may not be complete. Therefore, sources
potentially subject to this proposed federal plan may include, but are
not limited to, the CISWI units listed in Docket No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-
0664. Any unit that meets the applicability criteria in the proposed
federal plan rule will be subject to the federal plan, regardless of
whether it is listed in the inventory. The EPA requests that states or
individuals identify additional sources for inclusion on the list
during the comment period for this proposal.
C. Inventory of Emissions
This proposed federal plan includes emissions estimates for
existing CISWI units. The pollutants inventoried are Cd, CO,
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/
PCDF), HCl, Pb, Hg, PM, NOX, and SO2. For this
proposal, the EPA has estimated the emissions from each known CISWI
unit that potentially may be covered by the proposed federal plan for
the nine pollutants regulated by the EG and covered by the proposed
federal plan. The emissions inventory is based on available information
about CISWI units and typical emissions rates developed for calculating
nationwide air impacts of the EG. Refer to the inventory memorandum
``CISWI Federal Plan Inventory,'' December 9, 2016 in Docket No. EPA-
HQ-OAR-2016-0664 for the complete updated emissions inventory.
D. Compliance Schedules
The CAA provides that owners or operators of affected CISWI units
must comply no later than 5 years after the effective date of the final
CISWI EG (i.e., February 7, 2018) or within 3 years from state plan
approval (or promulgation of a federal plan), whichever is earlier. See
CAA section 129(f)(2). The EPA aims to take final action on this
proposal in 2017 and, thus, proposes to allow the maximum time
statutorily permitted for compliance with the federal plan, that is
until February 7, 2018.
E. Emissions Limits and Operating Limits
The proposed federal plan contains emissions limits that correspond
to the final CISWI EG. (See 40 CFR 62.14630 through 62.14645.) The
emissions limits in this proposed CISWI Federal Plan are the same as
those contained in the final CISWI EG. (See proposed Table 5 of this
preamble.) This action does not revise the final limits; instead, it
simply implements the previously promulgated limits for existing
sources in states that have not adopted a state plan. Section V.C of
this preamble discusses the final CISWI EG emissions limits.
F. Operator Training and Qualification Requirements
The proposed federal plan requires that the owner or operator must
qualify operators or their supervisors (at least one per facility) by
ensuring that they complete an operator training course and annual
review or refresher course. (See 40 CFR 62.14595 through 62.14625.)
This proposed federal plan also contains operator training and
qualification requirements that correspond to the final CISWI EG.
G. Testing, Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements
The proposed federal plan includes testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting requirements. (See 40 CFR 62.14650 through
62.14760.) These proposed requirements correspond with the final CISWI
EG. Testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements will
assure initial and ongoing compliance.
H. Record of Public Hearings
This proposed federal plan provides an opportunity for public
participation in adopting the plan. If requested to do so, the EPA will
hold a public hearing at the EPA's office buildings in Washington, DC.
A record of the public hearing, if any, will appear in Docket ID No.
EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0664. If a public hearing is requested and held, the
EPA may ask clarifying questions during the oral presentation, but will
not respond to the presentations or comments at that time. Written
statements and supporting information submitted during the public
comment period will be considered with equivalent weight as any oral
statement and supporting information subsequently presented at a public
hearing, if held.
I. Progress Reports
The proposed federal plan requests that the EPA Regional Offices
prepare annual progress reports to show the progress of CISWI units
toward implementation of the EG. States that have been delegated the
authority to implement and enforce this federal plan will be required
to submit annual progress reports to the appropriate EPA Regional
Office as part of their delegation (See section VII.D). Each progress
report must include the following items: (1) Status of enforcement
actions; (2) identification of sources that have shut down or started
operation; (3) emissions inventory data for sources that were not in
operation at the time of plan development, but that began operation
during the reporting period; (4)
[[Page 3560]]
additional data as necessary to update previously submitted source and
emissions information; and (5) copies of technical reports on any
performance testing and monitoring. The EPA plans to request that the
EPA Regional offices prepare progress reports to show the progress of
CISWI units towards the implementation of EG.
V. Summary of Proposed CISWI Federal Plan Requirements
The proposed CISWI Federal Plan requirements are described below.
Table 4 lists each element and identifies where it is located or
Table 4--Elements of the Proposed CISWI Federal Plan
Element of the CISWI Federal Plan Location
Legal authority and enforcement Sections 129(b)(3), 111(d),
mechanism. 301(a), and 301(d)(4) of the
Inventory of affected CISWI units...... Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-
Inventory of emissions................. Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-
Compliance schedules................... 40 CFR 62.14535 to 62.14575.
Emissions limits and operating limits.. 40 CFR 62.14630 to 62.14645.
Operator training and qualification.... 40 CFR 62.14595 to 62.14625.
Testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and 40 CFR 62.14650 to 62.14760.
Record of public hearings.............. Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-
Progress reports....................... Section IV.I of this preamble.
A. What are the proposed applicability requirements?
The proposed federal plan applicability reflects the final CISWI
EG. The proposed federal plan applies to existing CISWI units meeting
the applicability of 40 CFR 62.14510 that are located in any state that
does not currently have an approved state plan in place. Existing CISWI
units are all CISWI units for which construction commenced on or before
June 4, 2010. All CISWI units for which construction commenced after
June 4, 2010, or for which modification or reconstruction commenced
after August 7, 2013, are ``new'' sources subject to NSPS emissions
limits (40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC). The federal plan requirements
apply to owners and/or operators of incineration units combusting solid
waste (as defined under RCRA) and located at commercial or industrial
facilities (i.e., CISWI units (as defined in the proposed rule at 40
CFR 62.14840)). Four subcategories are defined for existing units:
incinerators (i.e., units designed to burn discarded waste materials
for the purpose of disposal); small, remote incinerators; ERUs (i.e.,
units that would be boilers or process heaters if they did not combust
solid waste); and waste burning kilns (i.e., units that would be cement
kilns if they did not combust solid waste). The final CISWI EG further
subcategorized ERUs into three subcategories and waste burning kilns
into two subcategories for CO emission limits only.
B. What are the proposed compliance schedules?
The proposed federal plan requires owners or operators of CISWI
units to come into compliance by February 7, 2018. The final CISWI EG
included increments of progress in the compliance schedule. However, we
are not including increments of progress as a compliance pathway for
the proposed federal plan. Increments of progress were included in the
EG to establish obligations that would apply to sources planning to
take more than one year from approval of the state plan to comply. The
increments would help ensure that sources planning to take more than
one year to comply would make some incremental progress toward
compliance after the first year. The increments did not require any
additional action within one year of approval of a state plan (or
promulgation of a federal plan). The EPA aims to take final action on
this proposal in 2017. As explained above (see section IV.D of this
preamble), the statute requires all sources to fully comply by February
2018 (i.e., 5 years after promulgation of the relevant EG). As
explained above, the increments of progress contained in the final EG
do not require any additional action within one year of promulgation of
a federal plan. Thus, including the increments of progress in this
federal plan would serve no meaningful purpose and may create
confusion. For this reason, the EPA is not proposing to include
increments of progress in this federal plan.
If a CISWI unit does not achieve final compliance by February 7,
2018, the proposed federal plan requires the CISWI unit to shut down by
February 7, 2018, complete the retrofit while not operating, and be in
compliance upon restarting. A CISWI unit that operates out of
compliance after the final compliance date would be in violation of the
federal plan and subject to enforcement action.
C. What emissions and operating limits is the EPA proposing to
incorporate into the federal plan?
The EPA proposes to incorporate the EG emissions and operating
limits from the final CISWI EG into this proposed CISWI Federal Plan.
Table 5 of this preamble summarizes the EG emissions limits
promulgated, as well as provides the existing CISWI Federal Plan
emission limits (currently applicable only to existing incinerators)
for comparison. Existing sources may comply with either the PCDD/PCDF
toxicity equivalence or total mass balance emission limits. These
standards apply at all times. Facilities will be required to establish
site-specific operating limits derived from the results of performance
testing. The site-specific operating limits are established as the
minimum (or maximum, as appropriate) operating parameter value measured
during the performance test. These operating limits will result in
achievable operating ranges that will ensure that the control devices
used for compliance will be operated to achieve continuous compliance
with the emissions limits. Further discussion on performance testing
can be found in section V.D of this preamble.
[[Page 3561]]
Table 5--Summary of EG Emissions Limits Promulgated for Existing CISWI Units
CISWI Subcategories
Incinerators --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pollutant (units) \1\ (2000 CISWI ERUs--liquid/ Small, remote
limit) Incinerators ERUs--solids gas Waste-burning kilns incinerators
HCl (parts per million by volume 62 29 0.20 (biomass units)/58 14 3.0.................... 300
(ppmv)). (coal units).
CO (ppmv)............................ 157 17 260 (biomass units)/95 35 110 (long kilns)/790 64
(coal units). (preheater/
Pb (mg/dscm)......................... 0.04 0.015 0.014 (biomass units)/ 0.096 0.014.................. 2.1
0.057 (coal units).
Cd (mg/dscm)......................... 0.004 0.0026 0.0014 (biomass units)/ 0.023 0.0014................. 0.95
0.0017 (coal units).
Hg (mg/dscm)......................... 0.47 0.0048 0.0022 (biomass units)/ 0.0024 0.011.................. 0.0053
0.013 (coal units).
PM, filterable (mg/dscm)............. 70 34 11 (biomass units)/130 110 13.5................... 270
(coal units).
Dioxin, furans, total (ng/dscm)...... (no limit) 4.6 0.52 (biomass units)/5.1 2.9 1.3.................... 4,400
(coal units).
Dioxins and furans, TEQ (nanograms 0.41 0.13 0.12 (biomass units)/ 0.32 0.075.................. 180
per dry standard cubic meter (ng/ 0.075 (coal units).
NOX (ppmv)........................... 388 53 290 (biomass units)/460 76 630.................... 190
(coal units).
SO2 (ppmv)........................... 20 11 7.3 (biomass units)/850 720 600.................... 150
(coal units).
\1\ All emission limits are expressed as concentrations corrected to 7 percent O2.
D. What are the proposed performance testing and monitoring
The EPA is proposing several performance testing and monitoring
provisions amendments to the current 2003 CISWI Federal Plan that are
consistent with the requirements of the final CISWI EG. The following
paragraphs list a number of testing and monitoring requirements in the
final CISWI EG that are being proposed in the CISWI Federal Plan.
1. Performance Testing and Monitoring
The proposed federal plan requires all CISWI units to demonstrate
initial and continuous compliance with the final CISWI EG emission
limits. These provisions require initial and annual performance tests
and initial and annual inspections of scrubbers, fabric filters (FF),
and other air pollution control devices that are used to meet the
emission limits. In addition, a Method 22 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
7) visible emissions test of the ash handling operations is required
during the initial and annual compliance test for all subcategories
except waste-burning kilns, which do not have ash handling systems.
Furthermore, for any CISWI unit that operates a FF air pollution
control device, we are requiring that a bag leak detection system be
installed to monitor the device. The proposed federal plan continues to
require parametric monitoring of all other add-on air pollution control
devices, such as wet scrubbers, dry scrubbers and activated carbon
injection (ACI). CISWI units that install selective non-catalytic
reduction technology to reduce NOX emissions are required to
monitor the reagent (e.g., ammonia or urea) injection rate and
secondary chamber temperature (if applicable to the CISWI unit). This
proposed federal plan also requires subcategory-specific monitoring
requirements in addition to the aforementioned inspection, bag leak
detection, and parametric monitoring requirements that are applicable
to all CISWI units. Existing incinerators, small, remote incinerators,
and ERUs would have annual emissions testing for all nine pollutants:
PM, SO2, HCl, NOX, CO, Pb, Cd, Hg, and dioxins
and furans. Waste-burning kilns are required to monitor Hg and HCl (if
no scrubber) emissions using a continuous emissions monitoring system,
monitor PM emissions using a PM continuous parameter monitoring system
(PM CPMS), and perform annual testing for the remaining pollutants. The
proposed federal plan provides reduced annual testing requirements for
all nine pollutants when testing results are shown to be well below the
limits. If an ERU has a design capacity greater than 250 Million
British Thermal units per hour, we are requiring a PM CPMS for PM
monitoring for these units. For the PM CPMS, the EPA is further
requiring that a site-specific parametric operating limit be
established during the performance test, that there be continuous
monitoring of that parametric limit using a PM CPMS, that four
deviations within a 12-month operating period constitutes a violation
and triggers immediate corrective action and a Method 5 performance
test within 30 days with an additional 15 days to reestablish a site-
specific operating limit. Consistent with the final CISWI EG, we
propose that all operating parameter averaging for ERU units be on a
30-day rolling average and allow the sorbent injection parameter to be
adjusted based on the ERU's load. These testing and monitoring
provisions reflect those in the final CISWI EG.
The proposed federal plan incorporates by reference three
alternatives to the EPA reference test methods as shown in Table 6
Table 6--List of Incorporation by Reference (IBR)
IBR in 40 CFR
Test method Publisher part 62, subpart
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, Flue Available for purchase Sec. Sec.
and Exhaust Gas Analyses from the American 62.14670(s)(1)(
[Part 10, Instruments and Society of Mechanical i),
Apparatus]. Engineers (ASME), 62.14670(s)(1)(
Three Park Avenue, ii),
New York, NY 10016- 62.14670(t)(1)(
5990, https:// ii), and
www.asme.org/. 62.14670(t)(4)(
[[Page 3562]]
ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved Available for purchase Sec. Sec.
2008) Standard Test Method from at least one of 62.14670(j),
for Elemental, Oxidized, the following and Tables 1,
Particle-Bound and Total addresses: American 5, 6, and 8 to
Mercury in Flue Gas Generated Society for Testing subpart III.
from Coal-Fired Stationary and Materials (ASTM),
Sources (Ontario Hydro 100 Barr Harbor
Method), approved April 1, Drive, Post Office
2008. Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA
19428-2959; or
ProQuest, 300 North
Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor,
MI 48106, https://www.astm.org/.
OAQPS Fabric Filter Bag Leak Available from the Sec. Sec.
Detection Guidance, EPA-454/R- U.S. Environmental 62.14670(r)(3).
98-015, September 1997. Protection Agency,
1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20460,
(202) 272-0167, https://www.epa.gov.
These tests are discussed further in section IX.I of this preamble,
titled ``National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1
CFR part 51.''
2. Electronic Data Submittal
The EPA is proposing that owners and operators of CISWI units are
required to submit electronic copies of certain required performance
test reports through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) using the
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). This mirrors
the final CISWI EG for CISWI units. The EPA believes that the
electronic submittal of the reports addressed in this proposed
rulemaking will increase the usefulness of the data contained in those
reports, is in keeping with current trends in data availability, will
further assist in the protection of public health and the environment
and will ultimately result in less burden on the regulated community.
It also will improve compliance by facilitating the ability of
regulated facilities to demonstrate compliance and the ability of air
agencies and the EPA to assess and determine compliance. Under current
requirements, paper reports are often stored in filing cabinets or
boxes, which make the reports more difficult to obtain and use for data
analysis and sharing. Electronic storage of such reports would make
data more accessible for review, analyses, and sharing. Electronic
reporting can also eliminate paper-based, manual processes, thereby
saving time and resources, simplifying data entry, eliminating
redundancies, minimizing data reporting errors and providing data
quickly and accurately to the affected facilities, air agencies, the
EPA and the public.
In 2011, in response to Executive Order 13563, the EPA developed a
plan \10\ to periodically review its regulations to determine if they
should be modified, streamlined, expanded or repealed in an effort to
make regulations more effective and less burdensome. The plan includes
replacing outdated paper reporting with electronic reporting. In
keeping with this plan and the White House's Digital Government
Strategy,\11\ in 2013 the EPA issued an agency-wide policy specifying
that new regulations will require reports to be electronic to the
maximum extent possible. By requiring electronic submission of
specified reports in this proposed rule, the EPA is taking steps to
implement this policy.
\10\ EPA's Final Plan for Periodic Retrospective Reviews, August
2011. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-09/documents/eparetroreviewplan-aug2011_0.pdf.
\11\ Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to
Better Serve the American People, May 2012. Available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/egov/digital-government/digital-government-strategy.pdf.
The EPA Web site that stores the submitted electronic data,
WebFIRE, will be easily accessible to everyone and will provide a user-
friendly interface that any stakeholder could access. By making data
readily available, electronic reporting increases the amount of data
that can be used for many purposes. One example is the development of
emissions factors. An emissions factor is a representative value that
attempts to relate the quantity of a pollutant released to the
atmosphere with an activity associated with the release of that
pollutant (e.g., kilograms of particulate emitted per megagram of coal
burned). Such factors facilitate the estimation of emissions from
various sources of air pollution and are an important tool in
developing emissions inventories, which in turn are the basis for
numerous efforts, including trends analysis, regional and local scale
air quality modeling, regulatory impact assessments, and human exposure
modeling. Emissions factors are also widely used in regulatory
applicability determinations and in permitting decisions.
The EPA has received feedback from stakeholders asserting that many
of the EPA's emissions factors are outdated or not representative of a
particular industry emission source. While the EPA believes that the
emissions factors are suitable for their intended purpose, we recognize
that the quality of emissions factors varies based on the extent and
quality of underlying data. We also recognize that emissions profiles
on different pieces of equipment can change over time due to a number
of factors (fuel changes, equipment improvements, industry work
practices), and it is important for emissions factors to be updated to
keep up with these changes. The EPA is currently pursuing emissions
factor development improvements that include procedures to incorporate
the source test data that we are proposing be submitted electronically.
By requiring the electronic submission of the reports identified in
this proposed action, the EPA would be able to access and use the
submitted data to update emissions factors more quickly and
efficiently, creating factors that are characteristic of what is
currently representative of the relevant industry sector. Likewise, an
increase in the number of test reports used to develop the emissions
factors will provide more confidence that the factor is of higher
quality and representative of the whole industry sector.
Additionally, by making the records, data, and reports addressed in
this proposed rulemaking readily available, the EPA, the regulated
community, and the public will benefit when the EPA conducts its CAA-
required technology and risk-based reviews. As a result of having
performance test reports and air emission reports readily accessible,
our ability to carry out comprehensive reviews will be increased and
achieved within a shorter period of time. These data will provide
useful information on control efficiencies being achieved and
maintained in practice within a source
[[Page 3563]]
category and across source categories for regulated sources and
pollutants. These reports can also be used to inform the technology-
review process by providing information on improvements to add-on
control technology and new control technology.
Under an electronic reporting system, the EPA's Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) would have air emissions and
performance test data in hand; OAQPS would not have to collect these
data from the EPA Regional offices or from delegated air agencies or
industry sources in cases where these reports are not submitted to the
EPA Regional offices. Thus, we anticipate fewer or less substantial
information collection requests (ICRs) in conjunction with prospective
CAA-required technology and risk-based reviews may be needed. We expect
this to result in a decrease in time spent by industry to respond to
data collection requests. We also expect the ICRs to contain less
extensive stack testing provisions, as we will already have stack test
data electronically. Reduced testing requirements would be a cost
savings to industry. The EPA should also be able to conduct these
required reviews more quickly, as OAQPS will not have to include the
ICR collection time in the process or spend time collecting reports
from the EPA Regional Offices. While the regulated community may
benefit from a reduced burden of ICRs, the general public benefits from
the agency's ability to provide these required reviews more quickly,
resulting in increased public health and environmental protection.
Electronic reporting could minimize submission of unnecessary or
duplicative reports in cases where facilities report to multiple
government agencies and the agencies opt to rely on the EPA's
electronic reporting system to view report submissions. Where air
agencies continue to require a paper copy of these reports and will
accept a hard copy of the electronic report, facilities will have the
option to print paper copies of the electronic reporting forms to
submit to the air agencies, and, thus, minimize the time spent
reporting to multiple agencies. Additionally, maintenance and storage
costs associated with retaining paper records could likewise be
minimized by replacing those records with electronic records of
electronically submitted data and reports.
Air agencies could benefit from more streamlined and automated
review of the electronically submitted data. For example, because the
performance test data would be readily-available in a standard
electronic format, air agencies would be able to review reports and
data electronically rather than having to conduct a review of the
reports and data manually. Having reports and associated data in
electronic format will facilitate review through the use of software
``search'' options, as well as the downloading and analyzing of data in
spreadsheet format. Additionally, air agencies would benefit from the
reported data being accessible to them through the EPA's electronic
reporting system wherever and whenever they want or need access (as
long as they have access to the Internet). The ability to access and
review air emission report information electronically will assist air
agencies to more quickly and accurately determine compliance with the
applicable regulations, potentially allowing a faster response to
violations which could minimize harmful air emissions. This benefits
both air agencies and the general public.
The proposed electronic reporting of data is consistent with
electronic data trends (e.g., electronic banking and income tax
filing). Electronic reporting of environmental data is already common
practice in many media offices at the EPA. The changes being proposed
in this rulemaking are needed to continue the EPA's transition to
electronic reporting.
E. What are the proposed recordkeeping and reporting requirements?
The EPA is proposing requirements that reflect those finalized in
the final CISWI EG. The federal plan requires that records of all
initial and all subsequent stack or performance specification (PS)
tests, deviation reports, operating parameter data, continuous
monitoring data, maintenance and inspections of air pollution control
devices, monitoring plan, and operator training and qualification must
be maintained for 5 years. The results of the stack tests and PS test
and values for operating parameters are required to be included in
initial and subsequent compliance reports. Any incident of deviation,
resumed operation following shutdown, force majeure, intent to stop or
start use of Continuous Regulatory Systems (CMS), and intent of
conducting or rescheduling a performance test are required to be
reported to the Administrator. Furthermore, final compliance reports
are required following the completion of each requirement and
identifying any missed requirement. See section V.B of this preamble
for a more detailed discussion of the compliance schedules.
F. What are the other proposed requirements?
As discussed in several portions of this preamble, we are proposing
requirements for the federal plan to make it consistent with the final
CISWI EG. While many of these requirements were significantly different
from those currently in the CISWI Federal Plan, there are some that
differ very little, if at all. Some requirements that differ little
from those in the current CISWI Federal Plan include the requirements
for owners or operators of existing CISWI units to meet operator
training and qualification requirements, which include: Ensuring that
at least one operator or supervisor per facility complete the operator
training course, that qualified operator(s) or supervisor(s) complete
an annual review or refresher course specified in the regulation, and
that they maintain plant-specific information, updated annually,
regarding training.
Another such requirement is that owners or operators of existing
CISWI units are required to submit a monitoring plan for any CMS or bag
leak detection system used to comply with the rule.
VI. CISWI Units That Have or Will Shut Down
A. Units That Plan to Close
The proposed federal plan establishes that if owners or operators
plan to permanently close currently operating CISWI units, they must do
so and submit a closure notification to the Administrator by August 7,
2017. The proposed requirements for closing a CISWI unit will be set
forth at 40 CFR 62.14570, subpart III. Conversely, the CISWI
requirements do apply to a ``mothballed unit'' or inactive unit, where
a unit does not operate, but it is not rendered inoperable. Until such
time as a unit is permanently closed, it must comply with any
applicable requirements of the federal plan. In addition, while still
in operation, the CISWI unit is subject to the same requirements for
title V operating permits that apply to units that will continue to
B. Inoperable Units
The federal plan provides that in cases where a CISWI unit has
already shut down permanently and has been rendered inoperable (e.g.,
waste charge door is welded shut, stack is removed, combustion air
blowers removed, burners or fuel supply equipment are removed), the
CISWI unit may be left off the source inventory in a state plan or this
proposed federal plan. A CISWI
[[Page 3564]]
unit that has been rendered inoperable would not be covered by the
federal plan.
C. CISWI Units That Have Shut Down
The unit inventory for this federal plan includes any CISWI unit
known to have already shut down (but not known to be inoperable).
1. Restarting Before the Final Compliance Date
If the owner or operator of an inactive CISWI unit plans to restart
before the final compliance date, the owner or operator must achieve
final compliance by February 7, 2018.
2. Restarting After the Final Compliance Date
Under the proposed federal plan, if the owner or operator of a
CISWI unit closes the CISWI unit, but restarts the unit after the final
compliance date of February 7, 2018, the owner or operator must
complete emission control retrofits and meet the emissions and
operating limits on the date the CISWI unit restarts operation. Within
6 months of the unit startup, operator(s) of these CISWI units would
have to complete the operator training and qualification requirements.
Within 60 days of installing an air pollution control device,
operator(s) must conduct a unit inspection. Performance testing to
demonstrate initial compliance would also be required as described at
40 CFR 62.14650. A CISWI unit may not use the provisions to close the
CISWI unit and restart after the compliance date to gain an effective
``extension'' of the operator training and qualification requirements
or initial compliance requirements. A CISWI unit that operates out of
compliance after the final compliance date would be in violation of the
federal plan and subject to enforcement action.
VII. Implementation of the Federal Plan and Delegation
A. Background of Authority
Under sections 111(d) and 129(b) of the CAA, the EPA is required to
adopt EG that are applicable to existing solid waste incineration
units. These EG are implemented when the EPA approves a state plan or
adopts a federal plan that implements and enforces the EG. As discussed
above, the federal plan regulates CISWI units in states that do not
have approved plans in effect to implement the EG.
Congress has determined that the primary responsibility for air
pollution prevention and control rests with state and local agencies.
(See section 101(a)(3) of the CAA.) Consistent with that overall
determination, Congress established sections 111 and 129 of the CAA
with the intent that the state and local agencies take the primary
responsibility for ensuring that the emissions limitations and other
requirements in the EG are achieved. Also, in section 111(d) of the
CAA, Congress explicitly required that the EPA establish procedures
that are similar to those under CAA section 110(c) for state
implementation plans. Although Congress required the EPA to propose and
promulgate a federal plan for states that fail to submit approvable
state plans on time, states may submit plans after promulgation of the
CISWI Federal Plan. The EPA strongly encourages states that are unable
to submit approvable plans to request delegation of the federal plan so
that they can have primary responsibility for implementing the final
CISWI EG, consistent with the intent of Congress.
The preferred outcome under the statute and the regulations results
when the state, tribal, and local agencies implement the EPA approved
state (or tribal) plan because state, tribal, and local agencies not
only have the responsibility to implement the final CISWI EG, but also
have the practical knowledge and enforcement resources critical to
achieving the highest rate of compliance. In cases where states are
unable to develop and submit approvable state plans, it is still
preferable for the state and local agencies to be the implementing
agency. For these reasons, the EPA will do all that it can to expedite
delegation of the federal plan to state, tribal, and local agencies,
whenever possible, in cases where states are unable to develop and
submit approvable state plans. The EPA will also continue to review and
approve state plans after promulgation of the CISWI Federal Plan.
B. Mechanisms for Transferring Authority
There are two mechanisms for transferring implementation authority
to state, tribal, and local agencies: (1) The EPA approval of a state
plan after the federal plan is in effect; and (2) if a state does not
submit or obtain approval of its own plan, the EPA delegation to a
state, tribe, or local agency with the authority to implement certain
portions of this federal plan to the extent appropriate and if allowed
by state law. Both of these options are described in more detail below.
1. Federal Plan Becomes Effective Prior To Approval of a State Plan
After CISWI units in a state become subject to the federal plan,
the state or tribal agency may still adopt and submit a state or tribal
plan to the EPA. If the EPA determines that the state or tribal plan is
as protective as the final CISWI EG, the EPA will approve the state or
tribal plan. If the EPA determines that the plan is not as protective
as the final CISWI EG, the EPA may approve the portions of the plan
that are consistent with the final CISWI EG. If a state or tribal plan
is approved in part, the federal plan will apply to the affected CISWI
units in lieu of the disapproved portions of the state plan until the
state or tribe addresses the deficiencies in the state plan and the
revised state plan is approved by the EPA. Prior to any disapproval,
the EPA will work with states and tribes to attempt to reconcile areas
of the plan that remain inconsistent with the EG.
Upon the effective date of a state or tribal plan, the federal plan
would no longer apply to CISWI units covered by such a plan and the
state, tribe, territory, or local agency would implement and enforce
the state plan in lieu of the federal plan. When an EPA regional office
approves a state or tribal plan, it will amend the appropriate subpart
of 40 CFR part 62 to indicate such approval.
2. State, Tribe, Territory, or Local Agency Taking Delegation of the
Federal Plan
The EPA, in its discretion, may delegate to state, tribe,
territorial, or local agencies the authority to implement this federal
plan. As discussed above, the EPA has concluded that it is advantageous
and the best use of resources for states, tribes, territories, or local
agencies to agree to undertake, on the EPA's behalf, administrative and
substantive roles in implementing the federal plan to the extent
appropriate and where authorized by federal, state, tribal,
territorial, or local law. If a state, tribe, territory, or local
agency requests delegation, the EPA will generally delegate the entire
federal plan to the state, tribe, territory, or local agency. These
functions include administration and oversight of compliance, and
reporting and recordkeeping requirements, CISWI unit inspections and
preparation of draft notices of violation, but will not include any
authorities retained by the EPA. Agencies that have taken delegation,
as well as the EPA, will have responsibility for bringing enforcement
actions against sources violating federal plan provisions.
C. Implementing Authority
The EPA Regional Administrators have been delegated the authority
for implementing the CISWI Federal Plan.
[[Page 3565]]
All reports required by the federal plan should be submitted to the
appropriate Regional Administrator. Section II.C of this preamble
includes Table 3 that lists names and addresses of the EPA regional
office contacts and the states they cover.
D. Delegation of the Federal Plan and Retained Authorities
If a state, tribe, territory, or local agency intends to take
delegation of the federal plan, the state, tribe, territory, or local
agency should submit to the appropriate EPA regional office a written
request for delegation of authority. The state, tribe, territory, or
local agency should explain how it meets the criteria for delegation.
See generally ``Good Practices Manual for Delegation of NSPS and
NESHAP'' (EPA, February 1983). The letter requesting delegation of
authority to implement the federal plan should: (1) Demonstrate that
the state, tribe, territory, or local agency has adequate resources, as
well as the legal authority to administer and enforce the program, (2)
include an inventory of affected CISWI units, which includes those that
have ceased operation, but have not been dismantled or rendered
inoperable, and an inventory of the affected units' air emissions and a
provision for state progress reports to the EPA, (3) certify that a
public hearing is held on the state, tribe, territory, or local agency
delegation request, and (4) include a memorandum of agreement between
the state, tribe, territory, or local agency and the EPA that sets
forth the terms and conditions of the delegation, the effective date of
the agreement and the mechanism to transfer authority. Upon signature
of the agreement, the appropriate EPA Regional office would publish an
approval notice in the Federal Register, thereby incorporating the
delegation of authority into the appropriate subpart of 40 CFR part 62.
If authority is not delegated to a state, tribe, territory, or
local agency, the EPA will implement the federal plan. Also, if a
state, tribe, territory, or local agency fails to properly implement a
delegated portion of the federal plan, the EPA will assume direct
implementation and enforcement of that portion. The EPA will continue
to hold enforcement authority along with the state, tribe, territory,
or local agency even when the agency has received delegation of the
federal plan. In all cases where the federal plan is delegated, the EPA
will retain and will not transfer authority to a state, tribe, or local
agency to approve the following items promulgated in the final CISWI
1. Approval of alternatives to the emission limitations in table
5 of this document and operating limits established under 40 CFR
62.14635 and 62.14640;
2. Approval of major alternatives to test methods;
3. Approval of major alternatives to monitoring;
4. Approval of major alternatives to recordkeeping and
5. [Reserved];
6. The requirements in Sec. 62.14640;
7. The requirements in Sec. 62.14625(b)(2);
8. Approval of alternative opacity emission limits in Sec.
62.14630 under Sec. 60.11(e)(6) through (8);
9. Performance test and data reduction waivers under Sec.
60.8(b)(4) and (5);
10. Determination of whether a qualifying small power production
facility or cogeneration facility under Sec. 62.14525(e) or (f) is
combusting homogenous waste; and
11. Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to
the EPA required by this subpart.
CISWI unit owners or operators who wish to petition the agency for
any alternative requirement should submit a request to the Regional
Administrator with a copy sent to the appropriate state.
VIII. Title V Operating Permits
All existing CISWI units regulated under state, tribal, or federal
plans implementing the final CISWI EG must operate in a manner
consistent with a title V operating permit that assures compliance with
all federally applicable requirements for any regulated CISWI units,
including all applicable CAA section 129 requirements.\12\
\12\ 40 CFR 70.2, 70.6(a)(1), 71.2, and 71.6(a)(1).
The permit application deadline for a CAA section 129 source
applying for a title V operating permit depends on when the source
first becomes subject to the relevant title V permit program. Because
existing major sources are subject to title V,\13\ major source
facilities that contain existing CISWI units should already have a
title V permit. In such cases, the source must comply with the title V
permit revision provisions of the relevant state title V program
instead of applying for a title V permit. In contrast, the application
deadline would be important to CISWI units at facilities that are not
subject to the title V permit program for other reasons. Such sources
with an existing CISWI unit subject to this proposed federal plan must
submit a complete title V permit application by the earliest of the
following dates:
\13\ CAA Section 503(c) and 40 CFR 70.3(a) and (b),
70.5(a)(1)(i), 71.3(a) and (b), and 71.5(a)(1)(i).
Twelve (12) months after the effective date of any
applicable EPA-approved CAA sections 111(d)/129 plan (i.e., approved
state or tribal plan that implements the final CISWI EG); or
Twelve (12) months after the effective date of any
applicable federal plan; or
Thirty-six (36) months after promulgation of 40 CFR part
60, subpart DDDD (i.e., February 7, 2016).
For any existing CISWI unit not subject to an earlier permit
application deadline, the application deadline of February 7, 2016,
which is in the past, applies regardless of whether or when any
applicable federal plan is effective, or whether or when any applicable
CAA sections 111(d)/129 plan is approved by the EPA and becomes
effective. (See CAA sections 129(e), 503(c), 503(d), 502(a), and 40 CFR
70.5(a)(1)(i) and 71.5(a)(1)(i).)
For more background information on the interface between CAA
section 129 and title V, including the EPA's interpretation of CAA
section 129(e), see the final federal plan for Commercial and
Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators, October 3, 2003, (68 FR 57518,
57532). See also the final federal plan for Hospital Medical Infectious
Waste Incinerators, August 15, 2000, (65 FR 49868, 49877).
A. Title V and Delegation of a Federal Plan
As noted previously, issuance of a title V permit is not equivalent
to the approval of a state or tribal plan or delegation of a federal
plan.\14\ Legally, delegation of a standard or requirement results in a
delegated state, local, or tribal agency standing in for the EPA as a
matter of federal law. This means that obligations a source may have to
the EPA under a federally promulgated standard become obligations to a
state, tribal, or local agency (except for functions that the EPA
retains for itself) upon delegation.\15\ Although a state, local, or
tribal agency may have the authority under state, local, or tribal law
to incorporate CAA section 111/129 requirements into its title V
permits, and implement and enforce these requirements in these permits
without first taking delegation of the CAA section 111/129 federal
plan, the state, local, or tribal agency is not standing in for the EPA
as a matter of federal law in this situation. Where a state, local, or
[[Page 3566]]
tribal agency does not take delegation of a section 111/129 federal
plan, obligations that a source has to the EPA under the federal plan
continue after a title V permit is issued to the source. As a result,
the EPA maintains that an approved 40 CFR part 70 operating permits
program cannot be used as a mechanism to transfer the authority to
implement and enforce the federal plan from the EPA to a state, local,
or tribal agency.
\14\ See, e.g., the ``Title V and Delegation of a Federal Plan''
section of the proposed federal plan for Commercial Industrial Solid
Waste Incinerators (CISWI), November 25, 2002, (67 FR 70640, 70652).
The preamble language from this section in the proposed federal plan
for CISWI was reaffirmed in the final federal plan for CISWI,
October 3, 2003, (68 FR 57518, 57535).
\15\ If the Administrator chooses to retain certain authorities
under a standard, those authorities cannot be delegated, e.g.,
alternative methods of demonstrating compliance.
As mentioned above, a state, local, or tribal agency may have the
authority under state, local, or tribal law to incorporate CAA section
111/129 requirements into its title V permits, and implement and
enforce these requirements in that context without first taking
delegation of the CAA section 111/129 federal plan.\16\ Some states,
local governments, or tribes, however, may not be able to implement and
enforce a CAA section 111/129 standard in a title V permit under state,
local, or tribal law until the CAA section 111/129 standard has been
delegated. In these situations, a state, local, or tribal agency should
not issue a 40 CFR part 70 permit to a source subject to a federal plan
before taking delegation of the section 111/129 federal plan.
\16\ The EPA interprets the phrase ``assure compliance'' in CAA
section 502(b)(5)(A) to mean that permitting authorities will
implement and enforce each applicable standard, regulation, or
requirement which must be included in the title V permits the
permitting authorities issue. See definition of ``applicable
requirement'' in 40 CFR 70.2. See also 40 CFR 70.4(b)(3)(i) and
However, if a state or tribe can provide an Attorney General's (AG)
opinion delineating its authority to incorporate CAA section 111/129
requirements into its title V permits, and then implement and enforce
these requirements through its title V permits without first taking
delegation of the requirements, then a state, local, or tribal agency
does not need to take delegation of the CAA section 111/129
requirements for purposes of title V permitting.\17\ In practical
terms, without approval of a state or tribal plan, delegation of a
federal plan, or an adequate AG's opinion, states, local governments,
and tribes with approved 40 CFR part 70 permitting programs open
themselves up to potential questions regarding their authority to issue
permits containing CAA section 111/129 requirements and to assure
compliance with these requirements. Such questions could lead to the
issuance of a notice of deficiency for a state's or tribe's 40 CFR part
70 program. As a result, prior to a state, local, or tribal permitting
authority drafting a part 70 permit for a source subject to a CAA
section 111/129 federal plan, the state, local government, or tribe,
the EPA regional office and the source in question are advised to
ensure that delegation of the relevant federal plan has taken place or
that the permitting authority has provided an adequate AG's opinion to
the EPA Regional office.
\17\ It is important to note that an AG's opinion submitted at
the time of initial title V program approval is sufficient if it
demonstrates that a state or tribe has adequate authority to
incorporate CAA section 111/129 requirements into its title V
permits and to implement and enforce these requirements through its
title V permits without delegation and no subsequent state law or
regulation has in some way limited that authority.
In addition, if a permitting authority chooses to rely on an AG's
opinion and not take delegation of a federal plan, a CAA section 111/
129 source subject to the federal plan in that state must
simultaneously submit to both the EPA and the state, local government,
or tribe all reports required by the standard to be submitted to the
EPA. Given that these reports are necessary to implement and enforce
the CAA section 111/129 requirements when they have been included in
title V permits, the permitting authority needs to receive these
reports at the same time as the EPA.
In the situation where a permitting authority chooses to rely on an
AG's opinion and not take delegation of a federal plan, the EPA
regional offices will be responsible for implementing and enforcing CAA
section 111/129 requirements outside of any title V permits. Moreover,
in this situation, the EPA regional offices will continue to be
responsible for developing progress reports and conducting any other
administrative functions required under this federal plan or any other
CAA section 111/129 federal plan. See, section V.B of this preamble
titled ``What are the final compliance schedules?''.
It is important to note that the EPA is not using its authority
under 40 CFR part 70.4(i)(3) to request that all states, local
governments, and tribes that do not take delegation of this federal
plan submit supplemental AG's opinions at this time. However, the EPA
regional offices shall request, and permitting authorities shall
provide, such opinions when the EPA questions a state's or tribe's
authority to incorporate CAA section 111/129 requirements into a title
V permit and implement and enforce these requirements in that context
without delegation.
IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
Additional information about these statutes and Executive Orders
can be found at https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
This action is not a significant regulatory action and was,
therefore, not submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
This action does not impose an information collection burden under
the PRA. This action simply proposes the CISWI Federal Plan to
implement the EG adopted on February 7, 2013,\18\ for those states that
do not have a state plan implementing the EG.
\18\ See 78 FR 9112, February 7, 2013.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
I certify that this action will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. In
making this determination, the impact of concern is any significant
adverse economic impact on small entities. An agency may certify that a
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities if the rule relieves regulatory burden, has no
net burden, or otherwise has a positive economic effect on the small
entities subject to the rule. EG for owners of existing CISWI units
were established by the February 7, 2013, final rule (78 FR 9112), and
that rule was certified as not having a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities. This action establishes a
federal plan to implement and enforce those requirements in those
states that do not have their own EPA-approved state plan for
implementing and enforcing the requirements. We have, therefore,
concluded that this action will have no net regulatory burden for all
directly regulated small entities.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
This action does not contain an unfunded mandate of $100 million or
more as described in UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538, and does not
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. The action imposes
no enforceable duty or any state, local, or tribal government or the
private sector.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have
substantial direct effects on the states, on the
[[Page 3567]]
relationship between the national government and the states, or on the
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
This action does not have tribal implications as specified in
Executive Order 13175. The EPA is not aware of any CISWI units owned or
operated by Indian tribal governments. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does
not apply to this action.
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental
Health Risks and Safety Risks
The EPA interprets Executive Order 13045 as applying only to those
regulatory actions that concern environmental health or safety risks
that the EPA has reason to believe may disproportionately affect
children, per the definition of ``covered regulatory action'' in
section 2-202 of the Executive Order. This action is not subject to
Executive Order 13045 because it does not concern an environmental
health risk or safety risk.
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That Significantly Affect Energy
Supply, Distribution, or Use
This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211 because it is
not a significant regulatory action under Executive Orders 12866.
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
Part 51
This action involves technical standards. Please reference Table 6
of this preamble for the locations where these standards are available.
The EPA has decided to use ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, ``Flue and Exhaust
Gas Analyses,'' for its manual methods of measuring the oxygen or
carbon dioxide content of the exhaust gas. These parts of ASME PTC
19.10-1981 are acceptable alternatives to EPA Methods 6 and 7 for the
manual procedures only. The EPA determined that this standard is
reasonably available because it is available for purchase. Another
voluntary consensus standards (VCS), ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008),
``Standard Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and
Total Mercury Gas Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources (Ontario
Hydro Method)'' for its manual method of measuring mercury is an
acceptable alternative to Method 29 and 30B. The EPA determined that
this standard is reasonably available because it is available for
purchase. The EPA further determined to use OAQPS Fabric Filter Bag
Leak Detection Guidance, EPA-454/R-98-015, September 1997, for its
guidance on the use of tiboelectic monitors as bag leak detectors for a
fabric filter air pollution control device and monitoring system
decriptions, selection, installation, set up, adjustment, operation,
and quality assurance procedures. The EPA determined that this standard
is reasonably available because it is freely available from the EPA.
Lastly, the EPA decided to use EPA Methods 5, 6, 6C, 7, 7E, 9, 10, l0A,
l0B, 22, 23, 26A, 29, and 30B. No VCS were found for EPA Methods 9 and
While the EPA has identified 23 VCS as being potentially applicable
to the rule, we have decided not to use these VCS in this rulemaking.
The use of these VCS would be impractical because they do not meet the
objectives of the standards cited in this rule. See the docket for the
final CISWI EG (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0119), which are being
implemented under this action, for further information.
Under 40 CFR 62.14838, the EPA Administrator retains the authority
of approving alternate methods of demonstrating compliance as
established under 40 CFR 60.8(b) and 40 CFR 60.13(i), subpart A (NSPS
General Provisions). A source may apply to the EPA for permission to
use alternative test methods or alternative monitoring requirements in
place of any required EPA test methods, performance specifications, or
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
The EPA believes that this action does not have disproportionately
high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority
populations, low-income populations, and/or indigenous peoples, as
specified in Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
The documentation for this decision is contained in this preamble
section, as well as the final CISWI EG discussion for Executive Order
12898 (78 FR 9178, February 7, 2013). This proposed federal plan
implements the final CISWI EG for states that do not have an approved
state plan implementing the final CISWI EG. As discussed in the
preamble to the 2013 CISWI rule, the final CISWI EG will not have
disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental
effects on minority or low-income populations because it increases the
level of environmental protection for all affected populations without
having any disproportionately high and adverse human health or
environmental effects on any population, including any minority or low-
income population. The amendments finalized in 2013 (made to the 2011
CISWI final rule) do not relax the control measures on sources
regulated by the CISWI rule, and, therefore, will not cause emissions
increases from these sources. The March 2011 final CISWI rule will
reduce emissions of all the listed hazardous air pollutants (HAP)
emitted from this source. This proposed federal plan implements
national standards in the final CISWI EG that would result in reduction
in emissions of many of the listed HAP emitted from this source. This
includes emissions of Cd, HCl, Pb, and Hg. Other emissions reductions
include reductions of criteria pollutants such as CO, NOX,
PM and PM2.5 microns or less, and SO2.
SO2 and NOX are precursors for the formation of
PM2.5 and NOX is a precursor for ozone. Reducing
these emissions will decrease the amount of such pollutants to which
all affected populations are exposed.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 62
Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental
relations, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: December 14, 2016.
Gina McCarthy,
For the reasons stated in the preamble, Title 40, chapter I, part
62 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is proposed to be amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 62 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.
2. Part 62 is amended by revising subpart III to read as follows:
Subpart III--Federal Plan Requirements for Commercial and
Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units
Table of Contents
62.14500 What is the purpose of this subpart?
[[Page 3568]]
62.14505 What are the principal components of this subpart?
62.14510 Am I subject to this subpart?
62.14515 Can my CISWI unit be covered by both a state plan and this
62.14520 How do I determine if my CISWI unit is covered by an
approved and effective state or tribal plan?
62.14521 If my CISWI unit is not listed in the federal plan
inventory, am I exempt from this subpart?
62.14525 Can my combustion unit be exempt from this subpart?
62.14530-62.14531 [Reserved]
Compliance Schedule and Increments of Progress
62.14535 When must I comply with this subpart if I plan to continue
operation of my CISWI unit?
62.14536 [Reserved]
62.14545 [Reserved]
62.14550 [Reserved]
62.14555 [Reserved]
62.14560 [Reserved]
62.14565 [Reserved]
62.14570 What must I do if I plan to permanently close my CISWI
62.14575 What must I do if I close my CISWI unit and then restart
Waste Management Plan
62.14580 What is a waste management plan?
62.14585 When must I submit my waste management plan?
62.14590 What should I include in my waste management plan?
Operator Training and Qualification
62.14595 What are the operator training and qualification
62.14600 When must the operator training course be completed?
62.14605 How do I obtain my operator qualification?
62.14610 How do I maintain my operator qualification?
62.14615 How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
62.14620 What site-specific documentation is required?
62.14625 What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
62.14630 What emission limitations must I meet and by when?
62.14635 What operating limits must I meet and by when?
62.14640 What if I do not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter,
activated carbon injection, selective noncatalytic reduction, an
electrostatic precipitator, or a dry scrubber to comply with the
emission limitations?
62.14645 [Reserved]
Performance Testing
62.14650 How do I conduct the initial and annual performance test?
62.14655 How are the performance test data used?
Initial Compliance Requirements
62.14660 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission
limitations and establish the operating limits?
62.14665 By what date must I conduct the initial performance test?
62.14666 By what date must I conduct the initial air pollution
control device inspection?
Continuous Compliance Requirements
62.14670 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the
emission limitations and the operating limits?
62.14675 By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
62.14676 By what date must I conduct the annual air pollution
control device inspection?
62.14680 May I conduct performance testing less often?
62.14685 May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish new
operating limits?
62.14690 What monitoring equipment must I install and what
parameters must I monitor?
62.14695 Is there a minimum amount of monitoring data I must obtain?
Recordkeeping and Reporting
62.14700 What records must I keep?
62.14705 Where and in what format must I keep my records?
62.14710 What reports must I submit?
62.14715 When must I submit my waste management plan?
62.14720 What information must I submit following my initial
performance test?
62.14725 When must I submit my annual report?
62.14730 What information must I include in my annual report?
62.14735 What else must I report if I have a deviation from the
operating limits or the emission limitations?
62.14740 What must I include in the deviation report?
62.14745 What else must I report if I have a deviation from the
requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?
62.14750 Are there any other notifications or reports that I must
62.14755 In what form can I submit my reports?
62.14760 Can reporting dates be changed?
Air Curtain Incinerators
62.14765 What is an air curtain incinerator?
62.14770-62.14775 [Reserved]
62.14795 [Reserved]
62.14805 What must I do if I close my air curtain incinerator and
then restart it?
62.14810 What must I do if I plan to permanently close my air
curtain incinerator and not restart it?
62.14815 What are the emission limitations for air curtain
62.14820 How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators?
62.14825 What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for
air curtain incinerators?
Title V Requirements
62.14830 Am I required to apply for and obtain a Title V operating
permit for my unit?
62.14835 [Reserved]
Delegation of Authority
62.14838 What authorities are withheld by the EPA Administrator?
62.14840 What definitions must I know?
Table 1 to Subpart III of Part 62--Emission Limitations That Apply
to Incinerators Before February 7, 2018 \2\
Table 2 to Subpart III of Part 62--Operating Limits for Wet
Table 3 to Subpart III of Part 62--Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 4 to Subpart III of Part 62--Summary of Reporting Requirements
Table 5 to Subpart III of Part 62--Model Rule--Emission Limitations
That Apply to Incinerators on and After February 7, 2018
Table 6 to Subpart III of Part 62--Model Rule--Emission Limitations
That Apply to Energy Recovery Units After February 7, 2018
Table 7 to Subpart III of Part 62--Model Rule--Emission Limitations
That Apply to Waste-Burning Kilns After February 7, 2018
Table 8 to Subpart III of Part 62--Model Rule--Emission Limitations
That Apply to Small, Remote Incinerators After February 7, 2018
Sec. 62.14500 What is the purpose of this subpart?
(a) This subpart establishes emission requirements and compliance
schedules for the control of emissions from commercial and industrial
solid waste incineration (CISWI) units that are not covered, or are
only partially covered, by an EPA approved and currently effective
state or tribal plan. The pollutants addressed by these emission
requirements are listed in Table 1 and Tables 5 through 8 of this
subpart. These emission requirements are developed in accordance with
sections 111 and 129 of the Clean Air Act and subpart B of 40 CFR part
(b) In this subpart, ``you'' means the owner or operator of a CISWI
Sec. 62.14505 What are the principal components of this subpart?
This subpart contains the eleven major components listed in
paragraphs (a) through (k) of this section.
(a) [Reserved].
(b) Waste management plan.
(c) Operator training and qualification.
(d) Emission limitations and operating limits.
(e) Performance testing.
[[Page 3569]]
(f) Initial compliance requirements.
(g) Continuous compliance requirements.
(h) Monitoring.
(i) Recordkeeping and reporting.
(j) Definitions.
(k) Tables.
Sec. 62.14510 Am I subject to this subpart?
(a) You are subject to this subpart if you own or operate a CISWI
unit as defined in Sec. 62.14840 or an air curtain incinerator as
defined in Sec. 62.14840 and the CISWI unit or air curtain incinerator
meets the criteria described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of
this section.
(1) Construction of your CISWI unit or air curtain incinerator
commenced on or before June 4, 2010, or commenced modification or
reconstruction after June 4, 2010 but no later than August 7, 2013.
(2) Your CISWI unit is not exempt under Sec. 62.14525.
(3) Your CISWI unit is not regulated by an EPA approved and
currently effective state or tribal plan, or your CISWI unit is located
in any state whose approved state or tribal plan is only approved in
part. In the case of a state or tribal program that is approved in
part, the federal plan applies to affected CISWI units in lieu of the
disapproved portions of the state or tribal program until the state or
tribe plan addresses the deficiencies and the revised plan is approved
by the EPA.
(b) If changes to the CISWI unit are made after August 7, 2013 that
meet the definition of modification or reconstruction, your CISWI unit
is subject to subpart CCCC of 40 CFR part 60 and this subpart no longer
applies to that unit.
(c) If you make physical or operational changes to your existing
CISWI unit primarily to comply with this subpart, then such changes do
not qualify as modifications or reconstructions under subpart CCCC of
40 CFR part 60.
Sec. 62.14515 Can my CISWI unit be covered by both a state plan and
this subpart?
(a) If your CISWI unit is located in a state that does not have an
EPA-approved state plan or your state's plan has not become effective,
this subpart applies to your CISWI unit until the EPA approves a state
plan that covers your CISWI unit and that state plan becomes effective.
However, a state may enforce the requirements of a state regulation
while your CISWI unit is still subject to this subpart.
(b) After the EPA fully approves a state plan covering your CISWI
unit, and after that state plan becomes effective, you will no longer
be subject to this subpart and will only be subject to the approved and
effective state plan. If the state or tribal plan are only approved in
part, you will remain subject to the federal plan to the extent
necessary to address the deficiencies in the disapproved portions of
the state or tribal plan.
Sec. 62.14520 How do I determine if my CISWI unit is covered by an
approved and effective state or tribal plan?
This part (40 CFR part 62) contains a list of state and tribal
areas with approved Clean Air Act section 111(d) and section 129 plans
along with the effective dates for such plans. The list is published
annually. If this part does not indicate that your state or tribal area
has an approved and effective plan, you should contact your state
environmental agency's air director or your EPA Regional Office to
determine if the EPA has approved a state plan covering your unit since
publication of the most recent version of this subpart.
Sec. 62.14521 If my CISWI unit is not listed in the federal plan
inventory, am I exempt from this subpart?
Any CISWI unit that meets the applicability criteria in Sec.
62.14510 is required to comply with the applicable emissions guidelines
even if the source is not listed in the federal plan or otherwise
applicable state or tribal plan inventory. CISWI units subject to this
subpart are not limited to the inventory of sources listed in Docket
EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0664 for the federal plan. If your CISWI units meets
the applicability criteria in Sec. 62.14510, this subpart applies to
you whether or not your unit is listed in the federal plan inventory in
the docket.
Sec. 62.14525 Can my combustion unit be exempt from this subpart?
This subpart exempts 8 types of units, described in paragraphs (a)
and (c) through (o) of this section, from complying with the
requirements of this subpart with the exception of the requirements
specified in this section.
(a) Pathological waste incineration units. Incineration units
burning 90 percent or more by weight (on a calendar quarter basis and
excluding the weight of auxiliary fuel and combustion air) of
pathological waste, low-level radioactive waste, and/or
chemotherapeutic waste as defined in Sec. 62.14840 are not subject to
this subpart if you meet the two requirements specified in paragraphs
(a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Notify the Administrator that the unit meets these criteria.
(2) Keep records on a calendar quarter basis of the weight of
pathological waste, low-level radioactive waste, and/or
chemotherapeutic waste burned, and the weight of all other fuels and
wastes burned in the unit.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Municipal waste combustion units. Incineration units that are
regulated under subpart Ea of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards of Performance
for Municipal Waste Combustors); subpart Eb of 40 CFR part 60
(Standards of Performance for Municipal Waste Combustors for Which
Construction is Commenced After September 20, 1994); subpart Cb of 40
CFR part 60 (Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Large
Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed on or Before September 20,
1994); subpart AAAA of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards of Performance for New
Stationary Sources: Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units); subpart
BBBB of 40 CFR part 60 (Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary
Sources: Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units); or subpart JJJ of 40
CFR part 62 (Federal Plan Requirements for Small Municipal Waste
Combustion Units Constructed on or Before August 30, 1999).
(d) Medical waste incineration units. Incineration units regulated
under subpart Ec of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards of Performance for
Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construction
is Commenced After June 20, 1996); 40 CFR part 60 subpart Ce (Emission
Guidelines and Compliance Times for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste
Incinerators); and 40 CFR part 62 subpart HHH (Federal Plan
Requirements for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators
Constructed on or before June 20, 1996).
(e) Small power production facilities. Units that meet the four
requirements specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through (4) of this
(1) The unit qualifies as a small power-production facility under
section 3(17)(C) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(17)(C)).
(2) The unit burns homogeneous waste (not including refuse-derived
fuel) to produce electricity.
(3) You submit documentation to the Administrator notifying the
Agency that the qualifying small power production facility is
combusting homogenous waste.
(4) You must maintain the records specified in Sec. 62.14700(v).
(f) Cogeneration facilities. Units that meet the four requirements
specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (4) of this section.
(1) The unit qualifies as a cogeneration facility under section
[[Page 3570]]
3(18)(B) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(18)(B)).
(2) The unit burns homogeneous waste (not including refuse-derived
fuel) to produce electricity and steam or other forms of energy used
for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes.
(3) You submit documentation to the Administrator notifying the
Agency that the qualifying cogeneration facility is combusting
homogenous waste.
(4) You maintain the records specified in Sec. 62.14700(w).
(g) Hazardous waste combustion units. Units for which you are
required to get a permit under section 3005 of the Solid Waste Disposal
(h) Materials recovery units. Units that combust waste for the
primary purpose of recovering metals, such as primary and secondary
(i) Air curtain incinerators. Air curtain incinerators that burn
100 percent wood waste; 100 percent clean lumber; or a 100 percent
mixture of only wood waste, clean lumber, and/or yard waste; are
required to meet only the requirements under ``Air Curtain
Incinerators'' (Sec. Sec. 62.14765 through 62.14825) and the title V
operating permit requirements (Sec. 62.14830).
(j) [Reserved]
(k) [Reserved]
(l) [Reserved]
(m) Sewage treatment plants. Incineration units regulated under
subpart O of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards of Performance for Sewage
Treatment Plants).
(n) Sewage sludge incineration units. Incineration units combusting
sewage sludge for the purpose of reducing the volume of the sewage
sludge by removing combustible matter that are subject to subpart LLLL
of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards of Performance for New Sewage Sludge
Incineration Units) or subpart MMMM of 40 CFR part 60 (Emission
Guidelines and Compliance Times for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration
(o) Other solid waste incineration units. Incineration units that
are subject to subpart EEEE of 40 CFR part 60 (Standards of Performance
for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is
Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification or
Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006) or subpart FFFF
of 40 CFR part 60 (Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Other
Solid Waste Incineration Units That Commenced Construction On or Before
December 9, 2004).
Sec. Sec. 62.14530-62.14531 [Reserved]
Compliance Schedule and Increments of Progress
Sec. 62.14535 When must I comply with this subpart if I plan to
continue operation of my CISWI unit?
If you plan to continue operation of your CISWI unit, then you must
follow the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section.
(a) If you plan to continue operation and come into compliance with
the requirements of this subpart by February 7, 2018, then you must
complete the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this
(1) You must comply with the operator training and qualification
requirements and inspection requirements (if applicable) of this
subpart by February 7, 2018.
(2) You must submit a waste management plan no later than November
7, 2017
(3) You must achieve final compliance by February 7, 2018. To
achieve final compliance, you must incorporate all process changes and
complete retrofit construction of control devices, so that, if the
affected CISWI unit is brought online, all necessary process changes
and air pollution control devices would operate as designed.
(4) You must conduct the initial performance test within 90 days
after the date when you are required to achieve final compliance under
paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(5) You must submit an initial report including the results of the
initial performance test no later than 60 days following the initial
performance test (see Sec. Sec. 62.14700 through 62.14760 for complete
reporting and recordkeeping requirements).
(b) [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14536 [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14545 [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14550 [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14555 [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14560 [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14565 [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14570 What must I do if I plan to permanently close my CISWI
If you plan to permanently close your CISWI unit rather than comply
with the federal plan, you must submit a legally binding closure
agreement, to the Administrator no later than six months prior to your
operation will cease. The closure agreement must specify the date by
which operation will cease. The closure date cannot be later than
February 7, 2018 for sources that will not operate on or after the
compliance date.
Sec. 62.14575 What must I do if I close my CISWI unit and then
restart it?
If you close your CISWI unit but will restart it after February 7,
2018, you must complete emission control retrofits and meet the
emission limitations and operating limits on the date your unit
restarts operation.
Waste Management Plan
Sec. 62.14580 What is a waste management plan?
A waste management plan is a written plan that identifies both the
feasibility and the methods used to reduce or separate certain
components of solid waste from the waste stream in order to reduce or
eliminate toxic emissions from incinerated waste.
Sec. 62.14585 When must I submit my waste management plan?
You must submit a waste management plan no later than November 7,
2017 or six months prior to commencing or recommencing burning solid
waste, whichever is later.
Sec. 62.14590 What should I include in my waste management plan?
A waste management plan must include consideration of the reduction
or separation of waste-stream elements such as paper, cardboard,
plastics, glass, batteries, or metals; or the use of recyclable
materials. The plan must identify any additional waste management
measures, and the source must implement those measures considered
practical and feasible, based on the effectiveness of waste management
measures already in place, the costs of additional measures, the
emissions reductions expected to be achieved, and any other
environmental or energy impacts they might have.
Operator Training and Qualification
Sec. 62.14595 What are the operator training and qualification
(a) You must have a fully trained and qualified CISWI unit operator
accessible at all times when the unit is in operation, either at your
facility or able to be at your facility within one hour. The trained
and qualified CISWI unit operator may operate the CISWI unit directly
or be the direct supervisor of one or more other plant personnel who
operate the unit. If all qualified CISWI unit operators are temporarily
not accessible, you must follow the procedures in Sec. 62.14625.
[[Page 3571]]
(b) Operator training and qualification must be obtained through a
State-approved program or by completing the requirements included in
paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Training must be obtained by completing an incinerator operator
training course that includes, at a minimum, the three elements
described in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Training on the eleven subjects listed in paragraphs (c)(1)(i)
through (xi) of this section.
(i) Environmental concerns, including types of emissions.
(ii) Basic combustion principles, including products of combustion.
(iii) Operation of the specific type of incinerator to be used by
the operator, including proper startup, waste charging, and shutdown
(iv) Combustion controls and monitoring.
(v) Operation of air pollution control equipment and factors
affecting performance (where applicable).
(vi) Inspection and maintenance of the incinerator and air
pollution control devices.
(vii) Actions to correct malfunctions or conditions that may lead
to malfunction.
(viii) Bottom and fly ash characteristics and handling procedures.
(ix) Applicable Federal, State, and local regulations, including
Occupational Safety and Health Administration workplace standards.
(x) Pollution prevention.
(xi) Waste management practices.
(2) An examination designed and administered by the instructor.
(3) Written material covering the training course topics that can
serve as reference material following completion of the course.
Sec. 62.14600 When must the operator training course be completed?
(a) The operator training course must be completed by the later of
the three dates specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (3) of this section.
(1) February 7, 2018.
(2) Six months after CISWI unit startup; or
(3) Six months after an employee assumes responsibility for
operating the CISWI unit or assumes responsibility for supervising the
operation of the CISWI unit.
(b) [Reserved].
Sec. 62.14605 How do I obtain my operator qualification?
(a) You must obtain operator qualification by completing a training
course that satisfies the criteria under Sec. 62.14595(b).
(b) Qualification is valid from the date on which the training
course is completed and the operator successfully passes the
examination required under Sec. 62.14595(c)(2).
Sec. 62.14610 How do I maintain my operator qualification?
To maintain qualification, you must complete an annual review or
refresher course covering, at a minimum, the five topics described in
paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section.
(a) Update of regulations.
(b) Incinerator operation, including startup and shutdown
procedures, waste charging, and ash handling.
(c) Inspection and maintenance.
(d) Responses to malfunctions or conditions that may lead to
(e) Discussion of operating problems encountered by attendees.
Sec. 62.14615 How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
You must renew a lapsed operator qualification by one of the two
methods specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
(a) For a lapse of less than 3 years, you must complete a standard
annual refresher course described in Sec. 62.14610.
(b) For a lapse of 3 years or more, you must repeat the initial
qualification requirements in Sec. 62.14605(a).
Sec. 62.14620 What site-specific documentation is required?
(a) Documentation must be available at the facility and readily
accessible for all CISWI unit operators that addresses the ten topics
described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (10) of this section. You must
maintain this information and the training records required by
paragraph (c) of this section in a manner that they can be readily
accessed and are suitable for inspection upon request.
(1) Summary of the applicable standards under this subpart.
(2) Procedures for receiving, handling, and charging waste.
(3) Incinerator startup, shutdown, and malfunction procedures.
(4) Procedures for maintaining proper combustion air supply levels.
(5) Procedures for operating the incinerator and associated air
pollution control systems within the standards established under this
(6) Monitoring procedures for demonstrating compliance with the
incinerator operating limits.
(7) Reporting and recordkeeping procedures.
(8) The waste management plan required under Sec. Sec. 62.14580
through 62.14590.
(9) Procedures for handling ash.
(10) A list of the wastes burned during the performance test.
(b) You must establish a program for reviewing the information
listed in paragraph (a) of this section with each employee who operates
your incinerator.
(1) The initial review of the information listed in paragraph (a)
of this section must be conducted by the later of the three dates
specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) February 7, 2018.
(ii) Six months after CISWI unit startup.
(iii) Six months after being assigned to operate the CISWI unit.
(2) Subsequent annual reviews of the information listed in
paragraph (a) of this section must be conducted no later than 12 months
following the previous review.
(c) You must also maintain the information specified in paragraphs
(c)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Records showing the names of all plant personnel who operate
your CISWI unit who have completed review of the information in Sec.
62.14620(a) as required by Sec. 62.14620(b), including the date of the
initial review and all subsequent annual reviews.
(2) Records showing the names of all plant personnel who operate
your CISWI unit who have completed the operator training requirements
under Sec. 62.14595, met the criteria for qualification under Sec.
62.14605, and maintained or renewed their qualification under Sec.
62.14610 or Sec. 62.14615. Records must include documentation of
training, the dates of the initial refresher training, and the dates of
their qualification and all subsequent renewals of such qualifications.
(3) For each qualified operator, the phone and/or pager number at
which they can be reached during operating hours.
Sec. 62.14625 What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not
If all qualified operators are temporarily not accessible (i.e.,
not at the facility and not able to be at the facility within 1 hour),
you must meet one of the two criteria specified in paragraphs (a) and
(b) of this section, depending on the length of time that a qualified
operator is not accessible.
(a) When all qualified operators are not accessible for more than 8
hours, but less than 2 weeks, the CISWI unit may be operated by other
plant personnel familiar with the operation of the CISWI unit who have
completed a review of
[[Page 3572]]
the information specified in Sec. 62.14620(a) within the past 12
months. However, you must record the period when all qualified
operators were not accessible and include this deviation in the annual
report as specified under Sec. 62.14730.
(b) When all qualified operators are not accessible for 2 weeks or
more, you must take the two actions that are described in paragraphs
(b)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Notify the Administrator of this deviation in writing within 10
days. In the notice, state what caused this deviation, what you are
doing to ensure that a qualified operator is accessible, and when you
anticipate that a qualified operator will be accessible.
(2) Submit a status report to the Administrator every 4 weeks
outlining what you are doing to ensure that a qualified operator is
accessible, stating when you anticipate that a qualified operator will
be accessible and requesting approval from the Administrator to
continue operation of the CISWI unit. You must submit the first status
report 4 weeks after you notify the Administrator of the deviation
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section. If the Administrator notifies
you that your request to continue operation of the CISWI unit is
disapproved, the CISWI unit may continue operation for 90 days, then
must cease operation. Operation of the unit may resume if you meet the
two requirements in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(i) A qualified operator is accessible as required under Sec.
(ii) You notify the Administrator that a qualified operator is
accessible and that you are resuming operation.
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
Sec. 62.14630 What emission limitations must I meet and by when?
(a) You must meet the emission limitations for each CISWI unit,
including bypass stack or vent, specified in table 1 of this subpart or
tables 5 through 8 of this subpart by February 7, 2018. The emission
limitations apply at all times the unit is operating including and not
limited to startup, shutdown, or malfunction.
(b) Units that do not use wet scrubbers must maintain opacity to
less than or equal to the percent opacity (three 1-hour blocks
consisting of ten 6-minute average opacity values) specified in table 1
of this subpart, as applicable.
Sec. 62.14635 What operating limits must I meet and by when?
(a) If you use a wet scrubber to comply with the emission
limitations, you must establish operating limits for four operating
parameters (as specified in table 2 of this subpart) as described in
paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section during the initial
performance test.
(1) Maximum charge rate, calculated using one of the two different
procedures in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section, as
(i) For continuous and intermittent units, maximum charge rate is
110 percent of the average charge rate measured during the most recent
performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission
(ii) For batch units, maximum charge rate is 110 percent of the
daily charge rate measured during the most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limitations.
(2) Minimum pressure drop across the wet particulate matter
scrubber, which is calculated as the lowest 1-hour average pressure
drop across the wet scrubber measured during the most recent
performance test demonstrating compliance with the particulate matter
emission limitations; or minimum amperage to the wet scrubber, which is
calculated as the lowest 1-hour average amperage to the wet scrubber
measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating
compliance with the particulate matter emission limitations.
(3) Minimum scrubber liquor flow rate, which is calculated as the
lowest 1-hour average liquor flow rate at the inlet to the wet acid gas
or particulate matter scrubber measured during the most recent
performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission
(4) Minimum scrubber liquor pH, which is calculated as the lowest
1-hour average liquor pH at the inlet to the wet acid gas scrubber
measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating
compliance with the hydrogen chloride emission limitation.
(b) You must meet the operating limits established during the
initial performance test on the date the initial performance test is
required or completed (whichever is earlier). You must conduct an
initial performance evaluation of each continuous monitoring system and
continuous parameter monitoring system within 60 days of installation
of the monitoring system.
(c) If you use a fabric filter to comply with the emission
limitations and you do not use a PM CPMS for monitoring PM compliance,
you must operate each fabric filter system such that the bag leak
detection system alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the
operating time during any 6-month period. In calculating this operating
time percentage, if inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that
no corrective action is required, no alarm time is counted. If
corrective action is required, each alarm shall be counted as a minimum
of 1 hour. If you take longer than 1 hour to initiate corrective
action, the alarm time shall be counted as the actual amount of time
taken by you to initiate corrective action.
(d) If you use an electrostatic precipitator to comply with the
emission limitations and you do not use a PM CPMS for monitoring PM
compliance, you must measure the (secondary) voltage and amperage of
the electrostatic precipitator collection plates during the particulate
matter performance test. Calculate the average electric power value
(secondary voltage x secondary current = secondary electric power) for
each test run. The operating limit for the electrostatic precipitator
is calculated as the lowest 1-hour average secondary electric power
measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating
compliance with the particulate matter emission limitations.
(e) If you use activated carbon sorbent injection to comply with
the emission limitations, you must measure the sorbent flow rate during
the performance testing. The operating limit for the carbon sorbent
injection is calculated as the lowest 1-hour average sorbent flow rate
measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating
compliance with the mercury emission limitations. For energy recovery
units, when your unit operates at lower loads, multiply your sorbent
injection rate by the load fraction, as defined in this subpart, to
determine the required injection rate (e.g., for 50 percent load,
multiply the injection rate operating limit by 0.5).
(f) If you use selective noncatalytic reduction to comply with the
emission limitations, you must measure the charge rate, the secondary
chamber temperature (if applicable to your CISWI unit), and the reagent
flow rate during the nitrogen oxides performance testing. The operating
limits for the selective noncatalytic reduction are calculated as the
highest 1-hour average charge rate, lowest secondary chamber
temperature, and lowest reagent flow rate measured during the most
recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the nitrogen
oxides emission limitations.
[[Page 3573]]
(g) If you use a dry scrubber to comply with the emission
limitations, you must measure the injection rate of each sorbent during
the performance testing. The operating limit for the injection rate of
each sorbent is calculated as the lowest 1-hour average injection rate
of each sorbent measured during the most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with the hydrogen chloride emission
limitations. For energy recovery units, when your unit operates at
lower loads, multiply your sorbent injection rate by the load fraction,
as defined in this subpart, to determine the required injection rate
(e.g., for 50 percent load, multiply the injection rate operating limit
by 0.5).
(h) If you do not use a wet scrubber, electrostatic precipitator,
or fabric filter to comply with the emission limitations, and if you do
not determine compliance with your particulate matter emission
limitation with either a particulate matter CEMS or a particulate
matter CPMS, you must maintain opacity to less than or equal to ten
percent opacity (1-hour block average).
(i) If you use a PM CPMS to demonstrate compliance, you must
establish your PM CPMS operating limit and determine compliance with it
according to paragraphs (i)(1) through (5) of this section:
(1) During the initial performance test or any subsequent
performance test that demonstrates compliance with the PM limit, record
all hourly average output values (milliamps, or the digital signal
equivalent) from the PM CPMS for the periods corresponding to the test
runs (e.g., three 1-hour average PM CPMS output values for three 1-hour
test runs):
(i) Your PM CPMS must provide a 4-20 milliamp output, or the
digital signal equivalent, and the establishment of its relationship to
manual reference method measurements must be determined in units of
milliamps or digital bits;
(ii) Your PM CPMS operating range must be capable of reading PM
concentrations from zero to a level equivalent to at least two times
your allowable emission limit. If your PM CPMS is an auto-ranging
instrument capable of multiple scales, the primary range of the
instrument must be capable of reading PM concentration from zero to a
level equivalent to two times your allowable emission limit; and
(iii) During the initial performance test or any subsequent
performance test that demonstrates compliance with the PM limit, record
and average all milliamp output values, or their digital equivalent,
from the PM CPMS for the periods corresponding to the compliance test
runs (e.g., average all your PM CPMS output values for three
corresponding 2-hour Method 5I test runs).
(2) If the average of your three PM performance test runs are below
75 percent of your PM emission limit, you must calculate an operating
limit by establishing a relationship of PM CPMS signal to PM
concentration using the PM CPMS instrument zero, the average PM CPMS
output values corresponding to the three compliance test runs, and the
average PM concentration from the Method 5 or performance test with the
procedures in (i)(1) through (5) of this section:
(i) Determine your instrument zero output with one of the following
(A) Zero point data for in-situ instruments should be obtained by
removing the instrument from the stack and monitoring ambient air on a
test bench;
(B) Zero point data for extractive instruments should be obtained
by removing the extractive probe from the stack and drawing in clean
ambient air;
(C) The zero point can also can be established obtained by
performing manual reference method measurements when the flue gas is
free of PM emissions or contains very low PM concentrations (e.g., when
your process is not operating, but the fans are operating or your
source is combusting only natural gas) and plotting these with the
compliance data to find the zero intercept; and
(D) If none of the steps in paragraphs (i)(2)(i)(A) through (C) of
this section are possible, you must use a zero output value provided by
the manufacturer.
(ii) Determine your PM CPMS instrument average in milliamps, or the
digital equivalent, and the average of your corresponding three PM
compliance test runs, using equation 1:
X1 = the PM CPMS output data points for the three runs
constituting the performance test,
Y1 = the PM concentration value for the three runs
constituting the performance test, and
n = the number of data points.
(iii) With your instrument zero expressed in milliamps, or the
digital equivalent, your three run average PM CPMS milliamp value, or
its digital equivalent, and your three run average PM concentration
from your three compliance tests, determine a relationship of mg/dscm
per milliamp or digital signal equivalent, with equation 2:
R = the relative mg/dscm per milliamp, or the digital equivalent,
for your PM CPMS,
Y1 = the three run average mg/dscm PM concentration,
X1 = the three run average milliamp output, or the
digital equivalent, from your PM CPMS, and
Z = the milliamp or digital signal equivalent of your instrument
zero determined from paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section.
(iv) Determine your source specific 30-day rolling average
operating limit using the mg/dscm per milliamp value, or per digital
signal equivalent, from equation 2 in equation 3, below. This sets your
operating limit at the PM CPMS output value corresponding to 75 percent
of your emission limit:
Ol = the operating limit for your PM CPMS on a 30-day
rolling average, in milliamps or their digital signal equivalent,
L = your source emission limit expressed in mg/dscm,
z = your instrument zero in milliamps or digital equivalent,
determined from paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section, and
R = the relative mg/dscm per milliamp, or per digital signal output
equivalent, for your PM CPMS, from equation 2.
(3) If the average of your three PM compliance test runs is at or
above 75 percent of your PM emission limit you must determine your
operating limit by averaging the PM CPMS milliamp or digital signal
output corresponding to your three PM performance test runs that
demonstrate compliance with the emission limit using equation 4 and you
must submit all compliance test and PM CPMS data according to the
reporting requirements in paragraph (i)(5) of this section:
X1 = the PM CPMS data points for all runs i,
n = the number of data points, and
Oh = your site specific operating limit, in milliamps or
digital signal equivalent.
(4) To determine continuous compliance, you must record the PM CPMS
output data for all periods when the process is operating and the PM
CPMS is not out-of-control. You must demonstrate continuous compliance
by using all quality-assured hourly average
[[Page 3574]]
data collected by the PM CPMS for all operating hours to calculate the
arithmetic average operating parameter in units of the operating limit
(e.g., milliamps or digital signal bits, PM concentration, raw data
signal) on a 30-day rolling average basis.
(5) For PM performance test reports used to set a PM CPMS operating
limit, the electronic submission of the test report must also include
the make and model of the PM CPMS instrument, serial number of the
instrument, analytical principle of the instrument (e.g., beta
attenuation), span of the instruments primary analytical range,
milliamp or digital signal value equivalent to the instrument zero
output, technique by which this zero value was determined, and the
average milliamp or digital signals corresponding to each PM compliance
test run.
Sec. 62.14640 What if I do not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter,
activated carbon injection, selective noncatalytic reduction, an
electrostatic precipitator, or a dry scrubber to comply with the
emission limitations?
If you use an air pollution control device other than a wet
scrubber, activated carbon injection, selective noncatalytic reduction,
fabric filter, an electrostatic precipitator, or a dry scrubber or
limit emissions in some other manner, including mass balances, to
comply with the emission limitations under Sec. 62.14630, you must
petition the EPA Administrator for specific operating limits to be
established during the initial performance test and continuously
monitored thereafter. You must submit the petition at least sixty days
before the performance test is scheduled to begin. Your petition must
include the five items listed in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this
(a) Identification of the specific parameters you propose to use as
additional operating limits.
(b) A discussion of the relationship between these parameters and
emissions of regulated pollutants, identifying how emissions of
regulated pollutants change with changes in these parameters, and how
limits on these parameters will serve to limit emissions of regulated
(c) A discussion of how you will establish the upper and/or lower
values for these parameters that will establish the operating limits on
these parameters.
(d) A discussion identifying the methods you will use to measure
and the instruments you will use to monitor these parameters, as well
as the relative accuracy and precision of these methods and
(e) A discussion identifying the frequency and methods for
recalibrating the instruments you will use for monitoring these
Sec. 62.14645 [Reserved]
Performance Testing
Sec. 62.14650 How do I conduct the initial and annual performance
(a) All performance tests must consist of a minimum of three test
runs conducted under conditions representative of normal operations.
(b) You must document that the waste burned during the performance
test is representative of the waste burned under normal operating
conditions by maintaining a log of the quantity of waste burned (as
required in Sec. 62.14700(b)(1)) and the types of waste burned during
the performance test.
(c) All performance tests must be conducted using the minimum run
duration specified in tables 1 and 5 through 8 of this subpart.
(d) Method 1 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A must be used to select
the sampling location and number of traverse points.
(e) Method 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A must be used for
gas composition analysis, including measurement of oxygen
concentration. Method 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A must be
used simultaneously with each method.
(f) All pollutant concentrations, except for opacity, must be
adjusted to 7 percent oxygen using Equation 5 of this section:
Cadj = pollutant concentration adjusted to 7 percent
Cmeas = pollutant concentration measured on a dry basis;
(20.9-7) = 20.9 percent oxygen-7 percent oxygen (defined oxygen
correction basis);
20.9 = oxygen concentration in air, percent; and
%O2 = oxygen concentration measured on a dry basis,
(g) You must determine dioxins/furans toxic equivalency by
following the procedures in paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) of this
(1) Measure the concentration of each dioxin/furan (tetra- through
octa-) isomer emitted using EPA Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
(2) Quantify isomers meeting identification criteria 2, 3, 4, and 5
in Section of Method 23, regardless of whether the isomers meet
identification criteria 1 and 7. You must quantify the isomers per
Section 9.0 of Method 23. [Note: You may reanalyze the sample aliquot
or split to reduce the number of isomers not meeting identification
criteria 1 or 7 of Section].
(3) For each dioxin/furan (tetra- through octa-chlorinated) isomer
measured in accordance with paragraph (g)(1) and (2) of this section,
multiply the isomer concentration by its corresponding toxic
equivalency factor specified in table 3 of this subpart; and
(4) Sum the products calculated in accordance with paragraph (g)(3)
of this section to obtain the total concentration of dioxins/furans
emitted in terms of toxic equivalency.
(h) Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 must be used to
determine compliance with the fugitive ash emission limit in table 5,
6, or 8 of this subpart.
(i) If you have an applicable opacity operating limit, you must
determine compliance with the opacity limit using Method 9 at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A-4, based on three 1-hour blocks consisting of ten
6-minute average opacity values, unless you are required to install a
continuous opacity monitoring system, consistent with Sec. Sec.
62.14670 and 62.14690.
(j) You must determine dioxins/furans total mass basis by following
the procedures in paragraphs (j)(1) through (3) of this section:
(1) Measure the concentration of each dioxin/furan tetra- through
octa-chlorinated isomer emitted using EPA Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-7;
(2) Quantify isomers meeting identification criteria 2, 3, 4, and 5
in Section of Method 23, regardless of whether the isomers meet
identification criteria 1 and 7. You must quantify the isomers per
Section 9.0 of Method 23. (Note: You may reanalyze the sample aliquot
or split to reduce the number of isomers not meeting identification
criteria 1 or 7 of Section; and
[[Page 3575]]
(3) Sum the quantities measured in accordance with paragraphs
(j)(1) and (2) of this section to obtain the total concentration of
dioxins/furans emitted in terms of total mass basis.
Sec. 62.14655 How are the performance test data used?
You use results of performance tests to demonstrate compliance with
the emission limitations in Table 1 of this subpart or tables 5 through
8 of this subpart.
Initial Compliance Requirements
Sec. 62.14660 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the
emission limitations and establish the operating limits?
You must conduct an initial performance test to determine
compliance with the emission limitations in Table 1 of this subpart and
tables 5 through 8 of this subpart, to establish compliance with any
opacity operating limits in Sec. 62.14635, to establish the kiln-
specific emission limit in Sec. 62.14670(y), as applicable, and to
establish operating limits using the procedure in Sec. 62.14635 or
Sec. 62.14640. The initial performance test must be conducted using
the test methods listed in table 1 of this subpart and tables 5 through
8 of this subpart and the procedures in Sec. 62.14650. The use of the
bypass stack during a performance test shall invalidate the performance
test. You must conduct a performance evaluation of each continuous
monitoring system within 60 days of installation of the monitoring
Sec. 62.14665 By what date must I conduct the initial performance
(a) The initial performance test must be conducted no later than
180 days after your final compliance date. Your final compliance date
is February 7, 2018, or the date you restart your CISWI unit if later
than February 7, 2018.
(b) If you commence or recommence combusting a solid waste at an
existing combustion unit at any commercial or industrial facility and
you conducted a test consistent with the provisions of this subpart
while combusting the given solid waste within the 6 months preceding
the reintroduction of that solid waste in the combustion chamber, you
do not need to retest until 6 months from the date you reintroduce that
solid waste.
(c) If you commence or recommence combusting a solid waste at an
existing combustion unit at any commercial or industrial facility and
you have not conducted a performance test consistent with the
provisions of this subpart while combusting the given solid waste
within the 6 months preceding the reintroduction of that solid waste in
the combustion chamber, you must conduct a performance test within 60
days from the date you reintroduce solid waste.
Sec. 62.14666 By what date must I conduct the initial air pollution
control device inspection?
(a) The initial air pollution control device inspection must be
conducted within 60 days after installation of the control device and
the associated CISWI unit reaches the charge rate at which it will
operate, but no later than 180 days after the final compliance date for
meeting the amended emission limitations.
(b) Within 10 operating days following an air pollution control
device inspection, all necessary repairs must be completed unless the
owner or operator obtains written approval from the state agency
establishing a date whereby all necessary repairs of the designated
facility must be completed.
Continuous Compliance Requirements
Sec. 62.14670 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the
emission limitations and the operating limits?
(a) Compliance with standards. (1) The emission standards and
operating requirements set forth in this subpart apply at all times.
(2) If you cease combusting solid waste you may opt to remain
subject to the provisions of this subpart. Consistent with the
definition of CISWI unit, you are subject to the requirements of this
subpart at least 6 months following the last date of solid waste
combustion. Solid waste combustion is ceased when solid waste is not in
the combustion chamber (i.e., the solid waste feed to the combustor has
been cut off for a period of time not less than the solid waste
residence time).
(3) If you cease combusting solid waste you must be in compliance
with any newly applicable standards on the effective date of the waste-
to-fuel switch. The effective date of the waste-to-fuel switch is a
date selected by you, that must be at least 6 months from the date that
you ceased combusting solid waste, consistent with paragraph (a)(2) of
this section. Your source must remain in compliance with this subpart
until the effective date of the waste-to-fuel switch.
(4) If you own or operate an existing commercial or industrial
combustion unit that combusted a fuel or non-waste material, and you
commence or recommence combustion of solid waste, you are subject to
the provisions of this subpart as of the first day you introduce or
reintroduce solid waste to the combustion chamber, and this date
constitutes the effective date of the fuel-to-waste switch. You must
complete all initial compliance demonstrations for any Section 112
standards that are applicable to your facility before you commence or
recommence combustion of solid waste. You must provide 30 days prior
notice of the effective date of the waste-to-fuel switch. The
notification must identify:
(i) The name of the owner or operator of the CISWI unit, the
location of the source, the emissions unit(s) that will cease burning
solid waste, and the date of the notice;
(ii) The currently applicable subcategory under this subpart, and
any 40 CFR part 63 subpart and subcategory that will be applicable
after you cease combusting solid waste;
(iii) The fuel(s), non-waste material(s) and solid waste(s) the
CISWI unit is currently combusting and has combusted over the past 6
months, and the fuel(s) or non-waste materials the unit will commence
(iv) The date on which you became subject to the currently
applicable emission limits;
(v) The date upon which you will cease combusting solid waste, and
the date (if different) that you intend for any new requirements to
become applicable (i.e., the effective date of the waste-to-fuel
switch), consistent with paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this section.
(5) All air pollution control equipment necessary for compliance
with any newly applicable emissions limits which apply as a result of
the cessation or commencement or recommencement of combusting solid
waste must be installed and operational as of the effective date of the
waste-to-fuel, or fuel-to-waste switch.
(6) All monitoring systems necessary for compliance with any newly
applicable monitoring requirements which apply as a result of the
cessation or commencement or recommencement of combusting solid waste
must be installed and operational as of the effective date of the
waste-to-fuel, or fuel-to-waste switch. All calibration and drift
checks must be performed as of the effective date of the waste-to-fuel,
or fuel-to-waste switch. Relative accuracy tests must be performed as
of the performance test deadline for PM CEMS (if PM CEMS are elected to
demonstrate continuous compliance with the particulate matter emission
limits). Relative accuracy testing for other CEMS need not be repeated
if that testing was previously performed consistent with section 112
monitoring requirements or monitoring requirements under this subpart.
[[Page 3576]]
(b) You must conduct an annual performance test for the pollutants
listed in table 1 of this subpart or tables 5 through 8 of this subpart
and opacity for each CISWI unit as required under Sec. 62.14650. The
annual performance test must be conducted using the test methods listed
in table 1 or tables 5 through 8 of this subpart and the procedures in
Sec. 62.14650. Opacity must be measured using EPA Reference Method 9
at 40 CFR part 60. Annual performance tests are not required if you use
CEMS or continuous opacity monitoring systems to determine compliance.
(c) You must continuously monitor the operating parameters
specified in Sec. 62.14635 or established under Sec. 62.14640.
Operation above the established maximum or below the established
minimum operating limits constitutes a deviation from the established
operating limits. Three-hour block average values are used to determine
compliance (except for baghouse leak detection system alarms) unless a
different averaging period is established under Sec. 62.14640 or, for
energy recovery units, where the averaging time for each operating
parameter is a 30-day rolling average, calculated each hour as the
average of the previous 720 operating hours over the previous 30 days
of operation. Operation above the established maximum, below the
established minimum, or outside the allowable range of the operating
limits specified in paragraph (a) of this section constitutes a
deviation from your operating limits established under this subpart,
except during performance tests conducted to determine compliance with
the emission and operating limits or to establish new operating limits.
Operating limits are confirmed or reestablished during performance
(d) You must burn only the same types of waste and fuels used to
establish subcategory applicability (for ERUs) and operating limits
during the performance test.
(e) For energy recovery units, incinerators, and small remote
units, you must perform annual visual emissions tests for ash handling.
(f) For energy recovery units, you must conduct an annual
performance test for opacity using EPA Reference Method 9 at 40 CFR
part 60, apppendix A-4 (except where particulate matter continuous
monitoring system or continuous parameter monitoring systems are used)
and the pollutants listed in table 6 of this subpart.
(g) For facilities using a CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the
carbon monoxide emission limit, compliance with the carbon monoxide
emission limit may be demonstrated by using the CEMS according to the
following requirements:
(1) You must measure emissions according to Sec. 60.13 to
calculate 1-hour arithmetic averages, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
CEMS data during startup and shutdown, as defined in this subpart, are
not corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and are measured at stack oxygen
content. You must demonstrate initial compliance with the carbon
monoxide emissions limit using a 30-day rolling average of the 1-hour
arithmetic average emission concentrations, including CEMS data during
startup and shutdown as defined in this subpart, calculated using
equation 19-19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A-7.
(2) Operate the carbon monoxide continuous emissions monitoring
system in accordance with the applicable requirements of performance
specification 4A of appendix B and the quality assurance procedures of
appendix F of this part.
(h) Coal and liquid/gas energy recovery units with annual average
heat input rates greater than 250 MMBtu/hr may elect to demonstrate
continuous compliance with the particulate matter emissions limit using
a particulate matter CEMS according to the procedures in Sec.
62.14690(n) instead of the continuous parameter monitoring system
specified in Sec. 62.14670(i). Coal and liquid/gas energy recovery
units with annual average heat input rates less than 250 MMBtu/hr,
incinerators, and small remote incinerators may also elect to
demonstrate compliance using a particulate matter CEMS according to the
procedures in Sec. 62.14690(n) instead of particulate matter testing
with EPA Method 5 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 and, if applicable,
the continuous opacity monitoring requirements in paragraph (i) of this
(i) For energy recovery units with annual average heat input rates
greater than or equal to 10 MMBTU/hour but less than 250 MMBtu/hr you
must install, operate, certify and maintain a continuous opacity
monitoring system (COMS) according to the procedures in Sec. 62.14690.
(j) For waste-burning kilns, you must conduct an annual performance
test for the pollutants (except mercury and particulate matter, and
hydrogen chloride if no acid gas wet scrubber is used) listed in table
7 of this subpart. If you do not use an acid gas wet scrubber or dry
scrubber, you must determine compliance with the hydrogen chloride
emissions limit according to the requirements in paragraph (j)(1) of
this section. You must determine compliance with the mercury emissions
limit using a mercury CEMS according to paragraph (j)(2) of this
section. You must determine compliance with particulate matter using
(1) If you monitor compliance with the HCl emissions limit by
operating an HCl CEMS, you must do so in accordance with Performance
Specification 15 (PS 15) of appendix B to 40 CFR part 60, or, PS 18 of
appendix B to 40 CFR part 60. You must operate, maintain, and quality
assure a HCl CEMS installed and certified under PS 15 according to the
quality assurance requirements in Procedure 1 of appendix F to 40 CFR
part 60 except that the Relative Accuracy Test Audit requirements of
Procedure 1 must be replaced with the validation requirements and
criteria of sections 11.1.1 and 12.0 of PS 15. You must operate,
maintain and quality assure a HCl CEMS installed and certified under PS
18 according to the quality assurance requirements in Procedure 6 of
appendix F to 40 CFR part 60. For any performance specification that
you use, you must use Method 321 of appendix A to 40 CFR part 63 as the
reference test method for conducting relative accuracy testing. The
span value and calibration requirements in paragraphs (j)(1)(i) and
(ii) of this section apply to all HCl CEMS used under this subpart:
(i) You must use a measurement span value for any HCl CEMS of 0-10
ppmvw unless the monitor is installed on a kiln without an inline raw
mill. Kilns without an inline raw mill may use a higher span value
sufficient to quantify all expected emissions concentrations. The HCl
CEMS data recorder output range must include the full range of expected
HCl concentration values which would include those expected during
``mill off'' conditions. The corresponding data recorder range shall be
documented in the site-specific monitoring plan and associated records;
(ii) In order to quality assure data measured above the span value,
you must use one of the three options in paragraphs (j)(1)(ii)(A)
through (C) of this section:
(A) Include a second span that encompasses the HCl emission
concentrations expected to be encountered during ``mill off''
conditions. This second span may be rounded to a multiple of 5 ppm of
total HCl. The requirements of the appropriate HCl monitor performance
specification shall be followed for this second span with the exception
that a RATA with the mill off is not required;
[[Page 3577]]
(B) Quality assure any data above the span value by proving
instrument linearity beyond the span value established in paragraph
(j)(1)(i) of this section using the following procedure. Conduct a
weekly ``above span linearity'' calibration challenge of the monitoring
system using a reference gas with a certified value greater than your
highest expected hourly concentration or greater than 75% of the
highest measured hourly concentration. The ``above span'' reference gas
must meet the requirements of the applicable performance specification
and must be introduced to the measurement system at the probe. Record
and report the results of this procedure as you would for a daily
calibration. The ``above span linearity'' challenge is successful if
the value measured by the HCl CEMS falls within 10 percent of the
certified value of the reference gas. If the value measured by the HCl
CEMS during the above span linearity challenge exceeds 10 percent of
the certified value of the reference gas, the monitoring system must be
evaluated and repaired and a new ``above span linearity'' challenge met
before returning the HCl CEMS to service, or data above span from the
HCl CEMS must be subject to the quality assurance procedures
established in (j)(1)(ii)(D) of this section. In this manner values
measured by the HCl CEMS during the above span linearity challenge
exceeding +/-20 percent of the certified value of the reference gas
must be normalized using equation 6;
(C) Quality assure any data above the span value established in
paragraph (j)(1)(i) of this section using the following procedure. Any
time two consecutive one-hour average measured concentration of HCl
exceeds the span value you must, within 24 hours before or after,
introduce a higher, ``above span'' HCl reference gas standard to the
HCl CEMS. The ``above span'' reference gas must meet the requirements
of the applicable performance specification and target a concentration
level between 50 and 150 percent of the highest expected hourly
concentration measured during the period of measurements above span,
and must be introduced at the probe. While this target represents a
desired concentration range that is not always achievable in practice,
it is expected that the intent to meet this range is demonstrated by
the value of the reference gas. Expected values may include above span
calibrations done before or after the above-span measurement period.
Record and report the results of this procedure as you would for a
daily calibration. The ``above span'' calibration is successful if the
value measured by the HCl CEMS is within 20 percent of the certified
value of the reference gas. If the value measured by the HCl CEMS is
not within 20 percent of the certified value of the reference gas, then
you must normalize the stack gas values measured above span as
described in paragraph (j)(1)(ii)(D) of this section. If the ``above
span'' calibration is conducted during the period when measured
emissions are above span and there is a failure to collect the one data
point in an hour due to the calibration duration, then you must
determine the emissions average for that missed hour as the average of
hourly averages for the hour preceding the missed hour and the hour
following the missed hour. In an hour where an ``above span''
calibration is being conducted and one or more data points are
collected, the emissions average is represented by the average of all
valid data points collected in that hour; and
(D) In the event that the ``above span'' calibration is not
successful (i.e., the HCl CEMS measured value is not within 20 percent
of the certified value of the reference gas), then you must normalize
the one-hour average stack gas values measured above the span during
the 24-hour period preceding or following the ``above span''
calibration for reporting based on the HCl CEMS response to the
reference gas as shown in equation 6:
Only one ``above span'' calibration is needed per 24-hour period.
(2) Compliance with the mercury emissions limit must be determined
using a mercury CEMS according to the following requirements:
(i) You must operate a CEMS in accordance with performance
specification 12A at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B or a sorbent trap based
integrated monitor in accordance with performance specification 12B at
40 CFR part 60, appendix B. The duration of the performance test must
be a calendar month. For each calendar month in which the waste-burning
kiln operates, hourly mercury concentration data and stack gas
volumetric flow rate data must be obtained. You must demonstrate
compliance with the mercury emissions limit using a 30-day rolling
average of these 1-hour mercury concentrations, including CEMS data
during startup and shutdown as defined in this subpart, calculated
using equation 19-19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A-7. CEMS data during startup and shutdown, as
defined in this subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and are
measured at stack oxygen content;
(ii) Owners or operators using a mercury continuous emissions
monitoring systems must install, operate, calibrate and maintain an
instrument for continuously measuring and recording the mercury mass
emissions rate to the atmosphere according to the requirements of
performance specifications 6 and 12A at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B and
quality assurance procedure 5 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix F; and
(iii) The owner or operator of a waste-burning kiln must
demonstrate initial compliance by operating a mercury CEMS while the
raw mill of the in-line kiln/raw mill is operating under normal
conditions and including at least one period when the raw mill is off.
(k) If you use an air pollution control device to meet the emission
limitations in this subpart, you must conduct an initial and annual
inspection of the air pollution control device. The inspection must
include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) Inspect air pollution control device(s) for proper operation;
(2) Develop a site-specific monitoring plan according to the
requirements in paragraph (l) of this section. This requirement also
applies to you if you petition the EPA Administrator for alternative
monitoring parameters under Sec. 60.13(i).
(l) For each CMS required in this section, you must develop and
submit to the EPA Administrator for approval a site-specific monitoring
plan according to the requirements of this paragraph (l) that addresses
paragraphs (l)(1)(i) through (vi) of this section:
(1) You must submit this site-specific monitoring plan at least 60
days before your initial performance evaluation of your continuous
monitoring system:
(i) Installation of the continuous monitoring system sampling probe
or other interface at a measurement location relative to each affected
process unit such that the measurement is representative of control of
the exhaust
[[Page 3578]]
emissions (e.g., on or downstream of the last control device);
(ii) Performance and equipment specifications for the sample
interface, the pollutant concentration or parametric signal analyzer
and the data collection and reduction systems;
(iii) Performance evaluation procedures and acceptance criteria
(e.g., calibrations);
(iv) Ongoing operation and maintenance procedures in accordance
with the general requirements of Sec. 60.11(d);
(v) Ongoing data quality assurance procedures in accordance with
the general requirements of Sec. 60.13; and
(vi) Ongoing recordkeeping and reporting procedures in accordance
with the general requirements of Sec. 60.7(b), (c), (c)(1), (c)(4),
(d), (e), (f) and (g).
(2) You must conduct a performance evaluation of each continuous
monitoring system in accordance with your site-specific monitoring
(3) You must operate and maintain the continuous monitoring system
in continuous operation according to the site-specific monitoring plan.
(m) If you have an operating limit that requires the use of a flow
monitoring system, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (l) and
(m)(1) through (4) of this section:
(1) Install the flow sensor and other necessary equipment in a
position that provides a representative flow;
(2) Use a flow sensor with a measurement sensitivity at full scale
of no greater than 2 percent;
(3) Minimize the effects of swirling flow or abnormal velocity
distributions due to upstream and downstream disturbances; and
(4) Conduct a flow monitoring system performance evaluation in
accordance with your monitoring plan at the time of each performance
test but no less frequently than annually.
(n) If you have an operating limit that requires the use of a
pressure monitoring system, you must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (l) and (n)(1) through (6) of this section:
(1) Install the pressure sensor(s) in a position that provides a
representative measurement of the pressure (e.g., PM scrubber pressure
(2) Minimize or eliminate pulsating pressure, vibration, and
internal and external corrosion;
(3) Use a pressure sensor with a minimum tolerance of 1.27
centimeters of water or a minimum tolerance of 1 percent of the
pressure monitoring system operating range, whichever is less;
(4) Perform checks at the frequency outlined in your site-specific
monitoring plan to ensure pressure measurements are not obstructed
(e.g., check for pressure tap plugging daily);
(5) Conduct a performance evaluation of the pressure monitoring
system in accordance with your monitoring plan at the time of each
performance test but no less frequently than annually; and
(6) If at any time the measured pressure exceeds the manufacturer's
specified maximum operating pressure range, conduct a performance
evaluation of the pressure monitoring system in accordance with your
monitoring plan and confirm that the pressure monitoring system
continues to meet the performance requirements in your monitoring plan.
Alternatively, install and verify the operation of a new pressure
(o) If you have an operating limit that requires a pH monitoring
system, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (l) and (o)(1)
through (4) of this section:
(1) Install the pH sensor in a position that provides a
representative measurement of scrubber effluent pH;
(2) Ensure the sample is properly mixed and representative of the
fluid to be measured;
(3) Conduct a performance evaluation of the pH monitoring system in
accordance with your monitoring plan at least once each process
operating day; and
(4) Conduct a performance evaluation (including a two-point
calibration with one of the two buffer solutions having a pH within 1
of the pH of the operating limit) of the pH monitoring system in
accordance with your monitoring plan at the time of each performance
test but no less frequently than quarterly.
(p) If you have an operating limit that requires a secondary
electric power monitoring system for an electrostatic precipitator, you
must meet the requirements in paragraphs (l) and (p)(1) and (2) of this
(1) Install sensors to measure (secondary) voltage and current to
the precipitator collection plates; and
(2) Conduct a performance evaluation of the electric power
monitoring system in accordance with your monitoring plan at the time
of each performance test but no less frequently than annually.
(q) If you have an operating limit that requires the use of a
monitoring system to measure sorbent injection rate (e.g., weigh belt,
weigh hopper, or hopper flow measurement device), you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (l) and (q)(1) and (2) of this section:
(1) Install the system in a position(s) that provides a
representative measurement of the total sorbent injection rate; and
(2) Conduct a performance evaluation of the sorbent injection rate
monitoring system in accordance with your monitoring plan at the time
of each performance test but no less frequently than annually.
(r) If you elect to use a fabric filter bag leak detection system
to comply with the requirements of this subpart, you must install,
calibrate, maintain, and continuously operate a bag leak detection
system as specified in paragraphs (l) and (r)(1) through (5) of this
(1) Install a bag leak detection sensor(s) in a position(s) that
will be representative of the relative or absolute particulate matter
loadings for each exhaust stack, roof vent, or compartment (e.g., for a
positive pressure fabric filter) of the fabric filter;
(2) Use a bag leak detection system certified by the manufacturer
to be capable of detecting particulate matter emissions at
concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter or less;
(3) Conduct a performance evaluation of the bag leak detection
system in accordance with your monitoring plan and consistent with the
guidance provided in ``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance,''
(EPA-454/R-98-015, September 1997). This document is available from the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA); Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards; Sector Policies and Programs Division;
Measurement Policy Group (D-243-02), Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
This document is also available on the Technology Transfer Network
under Emissions Measurement Center Continuous Emissions Monitoring;
(4) Use a bag leak detection system equipped with a device to
continuously record the output signal from the sensor; and
(5) Use a bag leak detection system equipped with a system that
will sound an alarm when an increase in relative particulate matter
emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm must be located
where it is observed readily by plant operating personnel.
(s) For facilities using a CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the
sulfur dioxide emission limit, compliance with the sulfur dioxide
emission limit may be demonstrated by using the CEMS specified in Sec.
62.14690 to measure sulfur dioxide. CEMS data during startup and
shutdown, as defined in this subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent
oxygen, and are measured at stack oxygen content. You must calculate a
30-day rolling average of the 1-hour
[[Page 3579]]
arithmetic average emission concentrations, including CEMS data during
startup and shutdown as defined in this subpart, using equation 19-19
in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-7. The sulfur dioxide CEMS must be operated according to
performance specification 2 in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60 and must
follow the procedures and methods specified in paragraph (s) of this
section. For sources that have actual inlet emissions less than 100
parts per million dry volume, the relative accuracy criterion for inlet
sulfur dioxide CEMS should be no greater than 20 percent of the mean
value of the reference method test data in terms of the units of the
emission standard, or 5 parts per million dry volume absolute value of
the mean difference between the reference method and the CEMS,
whichever is greater:
(1) During each relative accuracy test run of the CEMS required by
performance specification 2 in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60, collect
sulfur dioxide and oxygen (or carbon dioxide) data concurrently (or
within a 30- to 60-minute period) with both the CEMS and the test
methods specified in paragraphs (s)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section:
(i) For sulfur dioxide, EPA Reference Method 6 or 6C, or as an
alternative ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses
[Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus] must be used (see paragraph (z) of
this section); and
(ii) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide), EPA Reference Method 3A or 3B,
or as an alternative ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas
Analyses [Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus], as applicable, must be
used (see paragraph (z) of this secion).
(2) The span value of the CEMS at the inlet to the sulfur dioxide
control device must be 125 percent of the maximum estimated hourly
potential sulfur dioxide emissions of the unit subject to this rule.
The span value of the CEMS at the outlet of the sulfur dioxide control
device must be 50 percent of the maximum estimated hourly potential
sulfur dioxide emissions of the unit subject to this rule.
(3) Conduct accuracy determinations quarterly and calibration drift
tests daily in accordance with procedure 1 in appendix F of 40 CFR part
(t) For facilities using a CEMS to demonstrate continuous
compliance with the nitrogen oxides emission limit, compliance with the
nitrogen oxides emission limit may be demonstrated by using the CEMS
specified in Sec. 62.14690 to measure nitrogen oxides. CEMS data
during startup and shutdown, as defined in this subpart, are not
corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and are measured at stack oxygen
content. You must calculate a 30-day rolling average of the 1-hour
arithmetic average emission concentration using equation 19-19 in
section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
A-7. The nitrogen oxides CEMS must be operated according to performance
specification 2 in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60 and must follow the
procedures and methods specified in paragraphs (t)(1) through (4) of
this section:
(1) During each relative accuracy test run of the CEMS required by
performance specification 2 of appendix B of 40 CFR part 60, collect
nitrogen oxides and oxygen (or carbon dioxide) data concurrently (or
within a 30- to 60-minute period) with both the CEMS and the test
methods specified in paragraphs (t)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section:
(i) For nitrogen oxides, EPA Reference Method 7 or 7E at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A-4 must be used; and
(ii) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide), EPA Reference Method 3A or 3B,
or as an alternative ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas
Analyses [Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus], as applicable, must be
used (see paragraph (z) of this section).
(2) The span value of the CEMS must be 125 percent of the maximum
estimated hourly potential nitrogen oxide emissions of unit.
(3) Conduct accuracy determinations quarterly and calibration drift
tests daily in accordance with procedure 1 in appendix F of 40 CFR part
(4) The owner or operator of an affected facility may request that
compliance with the nitrogen oxides emission limit be determined using
carbon dioxide measurements corrected to an equivalent of 7 percent
oxygen. If carbon dioxide is selected for use in diluent corrections,
the relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels must be
established during the initial performance test according to the
procedures and methods specified in paragraphs (t)(4)(i) through (iv)
of this section. This relationship may be reestablished during
performance compliance tests:
(i) The fuel factor equation in Method 3B must be used to determine
the relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide at a sampling
location. Method 3A, 3B, or as an alternative ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981,
Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus], as
applicable, must be used to determine the oxygen concentration at the
same location as the carbon dioxide monitor (see paragraph (z) of this
(ii) Samples must be taken for at least 30 minutes in each hour;
(iii) Each sample must represent a 1-hour average; and
(iv) A minimum of 3 runs must be performed.
(u) For facilities using a continuous emissions monitoring system
to demonstrate continuous compliance with any of the emission limits of
this subpart, you must complete the following:
(1) Demonstrate compliance with the appropriate emission limit(s)
using a 30-day rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission
concentrations, including CEMS data during startup and shutdown, as
defined in this subpart, calculated using equation 19-19 in section
12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7. CEMS
data during startup and shutdown, as defined in this subpart, are not
corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and are measured at stack oxygen
content; and
(2) Operate all CEMS in accordance with the applicable procedures
under appendices B and F of 40 CFR part 60.
(v) Use of the bypass stack at any time is an emissions standards
deviation for particulate matter, HCl, Pb, Cd, Hg, NOX,
SO2, and dioxin/furans.
(w) For energy recovery units with a design heat input capacity of
100 MMBtu per hour or greater that do not use a carbon monoxide CEMS,
you must install, operate, and maintain an oxygen analyzer system as
defined in Sec. 62.14840 according to the procedures in paragraphs
(w)(1) through (4) of this section:
(1) The oxygen analyzer system must be installed by the initial
performance test date specified in Sec. 62.14635;
(2) You must operate the oxygen trim system within compliance with
paragraph (w)(3) of this section at all times;
(3) You must maintain the oxygen level such that the 30-day rolling
average that is established as the operating limit for oxygen is not
below the lowest hourly average oxygen concentration measured during
the most recent CO performance test; and
(4) You must calculate and record a 30-day rolling average oxygen
concentration using equation 19-19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference
Method 19 of Appendix A-7 of 40 CFR part 60.
(x) For energy recovery units with annual average heat input rates
greater than or equal to 250 MMBtu/hour and waste-burning kilns, you
must install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a PM CPMS and record the
output of the
[[Page 3580]]
system as specified in paragraphs (x)(1) through (8) of this section.
For other energy recovery units, you may elect to use PM CPMS operated
in accordance with this section. PM CPMS are suitable in lieu of using
other CMS for monitoring PM compliance (e.g., bag leak detectors,
electrostatic precipitator secondary power, PM scrubber pressure):
(1) Install, calibrate, operate, and maintain your PM CPMS
according to the procedures in your approved site-specific monitoring
plan developed in accordance with paragraphs (l) and (x)(1)(i) through
(iii) of this section:
(i) The operating principle of the PM CPMS must be based on in-
stack or extractive light scatter, light scintillation, beta
attenuation, or mass accumulation of the exhaust gas or representative
sample. The reportable measurement output from the PM CPMS must be
expressed as milliamps or the digital signal equivalent;
(ii) The PM CPMS must have a cycle time (i.e., period required to
complete sampling, measurement, and reporting for each measurement) no
longer than 60 minutes; and
(iii) The PM CPMS must be capable of detecting and responding to
particulate matter concentrations increments no greater than 0.5 mg/
actual cubic meter.
(2) During the initial performance test or any such subsequent
performance test that demonstrates compliance with the PM limit, you
must adjust the site-specific operating limit in accordance with the
results of the performance test according to the procedures specified
in Sec. 62.14635.
(3) Collect PM CPMS hourly average output data for all energy
recovery unit or waste-burning kiln operating hours. Express the PM
CPMS output as milliamps or the digital signal equivalent.
(4) Calculate the arithmetic 30-day rolling average of all of the
hourly average PM CPMS output collected during all energy recovery unit
or waste-burning kiln operating hours data (milliamps or their digital
(5) You must collect data using the PM CPMS at all times the energy
recovery unit or waste-burning kiln is operating and at the intervals
specified in paragraph (x)(1)(ii) of this section, except for periods
of monitoring system malfunctions, repairs associated with monitoring
system malfunctions, required monitoring system quality assurance or
quality control activities (including, as applicable, calibration
checks and required zero and span adjustments), and any scheduled
maintenance as defined in your site-specific monitoring plan.
(6) You must use all the data collected during all energy recovery
unit or waste-burning kiln operating hours in assessing the compliance
with your operating limit except:
(i) Any data collected during monitoring system malfunctions,
repairs associated with monitoring system malfunctions, or required
monitoring system quality assurance or quality control activities
conducted during monitoring system malfunctions are not used in
calculations (report any such periods in your annual deviation report);
(ii) Any data collected during periods when the monitoring system
is out of control as specified in your site-specific monitoring plan,
repairs associated with periods when the monitoring system is out of
control, or required monitoring system quality assurance or quality
control activities conducted during out-of-control periods are not used
in calculations (report emissions or operating levels and report any
such periods in your annual deviation report);
(iii) Any PM CPMS data recorded during periods of CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this subpart.
(7) You must record and make available upon request results of PM
CPMS system performance audits, as well as the dates and duration of
periods from when the PM CPMS is out of control until completion of the
corrective actions necessary to return the PM CPMS to operation
consistent with your site-specific monitoring plan.
(8) For any deviation of the 30-day rolling average PM CPMS average
value from the established operating parameter limit, you must:
(i) Within 48 hours of the deviation, visually inspect the air
pollution control device;
(ii) If inspection of the air pollution control device identifies
the cause of the deviation, take corrective action as soon as possible
and return the PM CPMS measurement to within the established value;
(iii) Within 30 days of the deviation or at the time of the annual
compliance test, whichever comes first, conduct a PM emissions
compliance test to determine compliance with the PM emissions limit and
to verify. Within 45 days of the deviation, you must re-establish the
CPMS operating limit. You are not required to conduct additional
testing for any deviations that occur between the time of the original
deviation and the PM emissions compliance test required under paragraph
(x) of this section; and
(iv) PM CPMS deviations leading to more than four required
performance tests in a 12-month process operating period (rolling
monthly) constitute a violation of this subpart.
(y) When there is an alkali bypass and/or an in-line coal mill that
exhaust emissions through a separate stack(s), the combined emissions
are subject to the emission limits applicable to waste-burning kilns.
To determine the kiln-specific emission limit for demonstrating
compliance, you must:
(1) Calculate a kiln-specific emission limit using equation 7:
Cks = Kiln stack concentration (ppmvd, mg/dscm, ng/dscm,
depending on pollutant. Each corrected to 7% O2.)
Qab = Alkali bypass flow rate (volume/hr).
Cab = Alkali bypass concentration (ppmvd, mg/dscm, ng/
dscm, depending on pollutant. Each corrected to 7% O2.)
Qcm = In-line coal mill flow rate (volume/hr).
Ccm = In-line coal mill concentration (ppmvd, mg/dscm,
ng/dscm, depending on pollutant. Each corrected to 7%
Qks = Kiln stack flow rate (volume/hr).
(2) Particulate matter concentration must be measured downstream of
the in-line coal mill. All other pollutant concentrations must be
measured either upstream or downstream of the in-line coal mill.
(3) For purposes of determining the combined emissions from kilns
equipped with an alkali bypass or that exhaust kiln gases to a coal
mill that exhausts through a separate stack, instead of installing a
CEMS or PM CPMS on the alkali bypass stack or in-line coal mill stack,
the results of the initial and subsequent performance test can be used
to demonstrate compliance with the relevant emissions limit. A
performance test must be conducted on an annual basis (between 11 and
13 calendar months following the previous performance test).
[[Page 3581]]
(z) Incorporation by reference. These standards are incorporated by
reference into this section with the approval of the Director of the
Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
All approved material is available for inspection at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20460, (202) 272-0167, https://www.epa.gov. You may also
inspect a copy at the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA,
call 202-741-6030, or go to: https://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
(1) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Three Park
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 (Phone: 1-800-843-2763; Web site:
(i) ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part
10, Instruments and Apparatus].
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) ASTM Int'l, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, Post Office Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; or ProQuest, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann
Arbor, MI 48106 (Phone: 1-877-909-2786; Web site: https://www.astm.org/
(i) ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008) Standard Test Method for
Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue Gas
Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method),
approved April 1, 2008.
(ii) [Reserved]
(3) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20460, (202) 272-0167, https://www.epa.gov.
(i) OAQPS Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance, EPA-454/R-98-
015, September 1997.
(ii) [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14675 By what date must I conduct the annual performance
You must conduct annual performance tests between 11 and 13 months
of the previous performance test.
Sec. 62.14676 By what date must I conduct the annual air pollution
control device inspection?
On an annual basis (no more than 12 months following the previous
annual air pollution control device inspection), you must complete the
air pollution control device inspection as described in Sec. 62.14666.
Sec. 62.14680 May I conduct performance testing less often?
(a) You must conduct annual performance tests according to the
schedule specified in Sec. 62.14675, with the following exceptions:
(1) You may conduct a repeat performance test at any time to
establish new values for the operating limits to apply from that point
forward, as specified in Sec. 62.14685. The Administrator may request
a repeat performance test at any time;
(2) You must repeat the performance test within 60 days of a
process change, as defined in Sec. 62.14840; and
(3) If the initial or any subsequent performance test for any
pollutant in table 1 or tables 5 through 8 of this subpart, as
applicable, demonstrates that the emission level for the pollutant is
no greater than the emission level specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i) or
(a)(3)(ii) of this section, as applicable, and you are not required to
conduct a performance test for the pollutant in response to a request
by the Administrator in paragraph (a)(1) of this section or a process
change in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, you may elect to skip
conducting a performance test for the pollutant for the next 2 years.
You must conduct a performance test for the pollutant during the third
year and no more than 37 months following the previous performance test
for the pollutant. For cadmium and lead, both cadmium and lead must be
emitted at emission levels no greater than their respective emission
levels specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section for you to
qualify for less frequent testing under paragraph (a) of this section:
(i) For particulate matter, hydrogen chloride, mercury, carbon
monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, cadmium, lead, and dioxins/
furans, the emission level equal to 75 percent of the applicable
emission limit in table 1 or tables 5 through 8 of this subpart, as
applicable, to this subpart; and
(ii) For fugitive emissions, visible emissions (of combustion ash
from the ash conveying system) for 2 percent of the time during each of
the three 1-hour observation periods.
(4) If you are conducting less frequent testing for a pollutant as
provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and a subsequent
performance test for the pollutant indicates that your CISWI unit does
not meet the emission level specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i) or
(a)(3)(ii) of this section, as applicable, you must conduct annual
performance tests for the pollutant according to the schedule specified
in paragraph (a) of this section until you qualify for less frequent
testing for the pollutant as specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this
(b) [Reserved].
Sec. 62.14685 May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish
new operating limits?
(a) Yes. You may conduct a repeat performance test at any time to
establish new values for the operating limits. The Administrator may
request a repeat performance test at any time.
(b) You must repeat the performance test if your feed stream is
different than the feed streams used during any performance test used
to demonstrate compliance.
Sec. 62.14690 What monitoring equipment must I install and what
parameters must I monitor?
(a) If you are using a wet scrubber to comply with the emission
limitation under Sec. 62.14630, you must install, calibrate (to
manufacturers' specifications), maintain, and operate devices (or
establish methods) for monitoring the value of the operating parameters
used to determine compliance with the operating limits listed in table
2 of this subpart. These devices (or methods) must measure and record
the values for these operating parameters at the frequencies indicated
in table 2 of this subpart at all times except as specified in Sec.
(b) If you use a fabric filter to comply with the requirements of
this subpart and you do not use a PM CPMS for monitoring PM compliance,
you must install, calibrate, maintain, and continuously operate a bag
leak detection system as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (8) of
this section.
(1) You must install and operate a bag leak detection system for
each exhaust stack of the fabric filter.
(2) Each bag leak detection system must be installed, operated,
calibrated, and maintained in a manner consistent with the
manufacturer's written specifications and recommendations.
(3) The bag leak detection system must be certified by the
manufacturer to be capable of detecting particulate matter emissions at
concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter or less.
(4) The bag leak detection system sensor must provide output of
relative or absolute particulate matter loadings.
(5) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with a device to
continuously record the output signal from the sensor.
(6) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with an alarm
[[Page 3582]]
that will alert automatically an operator when an increase in relative
particulate matter emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm
must be located where it is observed easily by plant operating
(7) For positive pressure fabric filter systems, a bag leak
detection system must be installed in each baghouse compartment or
cell. For negative pressure or induced air fabric filters, the bag leak
detector must be installed downstream of the fabric filter.
(8) Where multiple detectors are required, the system's
instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors.
(c) If you are using something other than a wet scrubber, activated
carbon, selective non-catalytic reduction, an electrostatic
precipitator, or a dry scrubber to comply with the emission limitations
under Sec. 62.14630, you must install, calibrate (to the
manufacturers' specifications), maintain, and operate the equipment
necessary to monitor compliance with the site-specific operating limits
established using the procedures in Sec. 62.14640.
(d) If you use activated carbon injection to comply with the
emission limitations in this subpart, you must measure the minimum
sorbent flow rate once per hour.
(e) If you use selective noncatalytic reduction to comply with the
emission limitations, you must complete the following:
(1) Following the date on which the initial performance test is
completed or is required to be completed under Sec. 62.14650,
whichever date comes first, ensure that the affected facility does not
operate above the maximum charge rate, or below the minimum secondary
chamber temperature (if applicable to your CISWI unit) or the minimum
reagent flow rate measured as 3-hour block averages at all times; and
(2) Operation of the affected facility above the maximum charge
rate, below the minimum secondary chamber temperature and below the
minimum reagent flow rate simultaneously constitute a violation of the
nitrogen oxides emissions limit.
(f) If you use an electrostatic precipitator to comply with the
emission limits of this subpart and you do not use a PM CPMS for
monitoring PM compliance, you must monitor the secondary power to the
electrostatic precipitator collection plates and maintain the 3-hour
block averages at or above the operating limits established during the
mercury or particulate matter performance test.
(g) For waste-burning kilns not equipped with a wet scrubber or dry
scrubber, in place of hydrogen chloride testing with EPA Method 321 at
40 CFR part 63, appendix A, an owner or operator must install,
calibrate, maintain, and operate a CEMS for monitoring hydrogen
chloride emissions, as specified in Sec. 62.14670(j) of this subpart,
discharged to the atmosphere and record the output of the system. To
demonstrate continuous compliance with the hydrogen chloride emissions
limit for units other than waste-burning kilns not equipped with a wet
scrubber or dry scrubber, a facility may substitute use of a hydrogen
chloride CEMS for conducting the hydrogen chloride annual performance
test, monitoring the minimum hydrogen chloride sorbent flow rate,
monitoring the minimum scrubber liquor pH.
(h) To demonstrate continuous compliance with the particulate
matter emissions limit, a facility may substitute use of either a
particulate matter CEMS or a particulate matter CPMS for conducting the
particulate matter annual performance test and other CMS monitoring for
PM compliance (e.g., bag leak detectors, electrostatic precipitator
secondary power, PM scrubber pressure).
(i) To demonstrate continuous compliance with the dioxin/furan
emissions limit, a facility may substitute use of a continuous
automated sampling system for the dioxin/furan annual performance test.
You must record the output of the system and analyze the sample
according to EPA Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7. This option
to use a continuous automated sampling system takes effect on the date
a final performance specification applicable to dioxin/furan from
continuous monitors is published in the Federal Register. The owner or
operator who elects to continuously sample dioxin/furan emissions
instead of sampling and testing using EPA Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-7 must install, calibrate, maintain and operate a continuous
automated sampling system and must comply with the requirements
specified in Sec. 60.58b(p) and (q). A facility may substitute
continuous dioxin/furan monitoring for the minimum sorbent flow rate,
if activated carbon sorbent injection is used solely for compliance
with the dioxin/furan emission limit.
(j) To demonstrate continuous compliance with the mercury emissions
limit, a facility may substitute use of a continuous automated sampling
system for the mercury annual performance test. You must record the
output of the system and analyze the sample at set intervals using any
suitable determinative technique that can meet performance
specification 12B criteria. This option to use a continuous automated
sampling system takes effect on the date a final performance
specification applicable to mercury from monitors is published in the
Federal Register. The owner or operator who elects to continuously
sample mercury emissions instead of sampling and testing using EPA
Method 29 or 30B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8, ASTM D6784-02
(Reapproved 2008) (see Sec. 62.14670(z)), or an approved alternative
method for measuring mercury emissions, must install, calibrate,
maintain and operate a continuous automated sampling system and must
comply with the requirements specified in Sec. 60.58b(p) and (q). A
facility may substitute continuous mercury monitoring for the minimum
sorbent flow rate, if activated carbon sorbent injection is used solely
for compliance with the mercury emission limit. Waste-burning kilns
must install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a mercury CEMS as
specified in Sec. 62.14670(j) of this subpart.
(k) To demonstrate continuous compliance with the nitrogen oxides
emissions limit, a facility may substitute use of a CEMS for the
nitrogen oxides annual performance test to demonstrate compliance with
the nitrogen oxides emissions limits and monitoring the charge rate,
secondary chamber temperature and reagent flow for selective
noncatalytic reduction, if applicable:
(1) Install, calibrate, maintain and operate a CEMS for measuring
nitrogen oxides emissions discharged to the atmosphere and record the
output of the system. The requirements under performance specification
2 of appendix B of 40 CFR part 60, the quality assurance procedure 1 of
appendix F of 40 CFR part 60 and the procedures under Sec. 60.13 must
be followed for installation, evaluation and operation of the CEMS; and
(2) Following the date that the initial performance test for
nitrogen oxides is completed or is required to be completed under Sec.
62.14650, compliance with the emission limit for nitrogen oxides
required under Sec. 60.52b(d) must be determined based on the 30-day
rolling average of the hourly emission concentrations using CEMS outlet
data. The 1-hour arithmetic averages must be expressed in parts per
million by volume corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis) and used to
calculate the 30-day rolling average concentrations. CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this subpart, are not corrected to
7 percent oxygen, and are measured at stack
[[Page 3583]]
oxygen content. The 1-hour arithmetic averages must be calculated using
the data points required under Sec. 60.13(e)(2).
(l) To demonstrate continuous compliance with the sulfur dioxide
emissions limit, a facility may substitute use of a continuous
automated sampling system for the sulfur dioxide annual performance
test to demonstrate compliance with the sulfur dioxide emissions
(1) Install, calibrate, maintain and operate a CEMS for measuring
sulfur dioxide emissions discharged to the atmosphere and record the
output of the system. The requirements under performance specification
2 of appendix B of 40 CFR part 60, the quality assurance requirements
of procedure 1 of appendix F of 40 CFR part 60 and the procedures under
Sec. 60.13 must be followed for installation, evaluation and operation
of the CEMS; and
(2) Following the date that the initial performance test for sulfur
dioxide is completed or is required to be completed under Sec.
62.14650, compliance with the sulfur dioxide emission limit may be
determined based on the 30-day rolling average of the hourly arithmetic
average emission concentrations using CEMS outlet data. The 1-hour
arithmetic averages must be expressed in parts per million corrected to
7 percent oxygen (dry basis) and used to calculate the 30-day rolling
average emission concentrations. CEMS data during startup and shutdown,
as defined in this subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and
are measured at stack oxygen content. The 1-hour arithmetic averages
must be calculated using the data points required under Sec.
(m) For energy recovery units over 10 MMBtu/hr but less than 250
MMBtu/hr annual average heat input rates that do not use a wet
scrubber, fabric filter with bag leak detection system, or particulate
matter CEMS, you must install, operate, certify and maintain a
continuous opacity monitoring system according to the procedures in
paragraphs (m)(1) through (5) of this section by the compliance date
specified in Sec. 62.14630. Energy recovery units that use a
particulate matter CEMS to demonstrate initial and continuing
compliance according to the procedures in Sec. 62.14690(n) are not
required to install a continuous opacity monitoring system and must
perform the annual performance tests for opacity consistent with Sec.
(1) Install, operate and maintain each continuous opacity
monitoring system according to performance specification 1 at 40 CFR
part 60, appendix B;
(2) Conduct a performance evaluation of each continuous opacity
monitoring system according to the requirements in Sec. 60.13 and
according to performance specification 1 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B;
(3) As specified in Sec. 60.13(e)(1), each continuous opacity
monitoring system must complete a minimum of one cycle of sampling and
analyzing for each successive 10-second period and one cycle of data
recording for each successive 6-minute period;
(4) Reduce the continuous opacity monitoring system data as
specified in Sec. 60.13(h)(1); and
(5) Determine and record all the 6-minute averages (and 1-hour
block averages as applicable) collected.
(n) For coal and liquid/gas energy recovery units, incinerators,
and small remote incinerators, an owner or operator may elect to
install, calibrate, maintain and operate a CEMS for monitoring
particulate matter emissions discharged to the atmosphere and record
the output of the system. The owner or operator of an affected facility
who continuously monitors particulate matter emissions instead of
conducting performance testing using EPA Method 5 at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-3 or, as applicable, monitor with a particulate matter CPMS
according to paragraph (r) of this section, must install, calibrate,
maintain and operate a CEMS and must comply with the requirements
specified in paragraphs (n)(1) through (13) of this section:
(1) Notify the Administrator 1 month before starting use of the
(2) Notify the Administrator 1 month before stopping use of the
(3) The monitor must be installed, evaluated and operated in
accordance with the requirements of performance specification 11 of
appendix B of 40 CFR part 60 and quality assurance requirements of
procedure 2 of appendix F of 40 CFR part 60 and Sec. 60.13;
(4) The initial performance evaluation must be completed no later
than 180 days after the final compliance date for meeting the amended
emission limitations, as specified under Sec. 62.14650 or within 180
days of notification to the Administrator of use of the continuous
monitoring system if the owner or operator was previously determining
compliance by Method 5 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 performance
tests, whichever is later;
(5) The owner or operator of an affected facility may request that
compliance with the particulate matter emission limit be determined
using carbon dioxide measurements corrected to an equivalent of 7
percent oxygen. The relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide
levels for the affected facility must be established according to the
procedures and methods specified in Sec. 62.14670(t)(4)(i) through
(6) The owner or operator of an affected facility must conduct an
initial performance test for particulate matter emissions as required
under Sec. 62.14650. Compliance with the particulate matter emission
limit, if PM CEMS are elected for demonstrating compliance, must be
determined by using the CEMS specified in paragraph (n) of this section
to measure particulate matter. You must calculate a 30-day rolling
average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission concentrations, including
CEMS data during startup and shutdown, as defined in this subpart,
using equation 19-19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at 40
CFR part 60, appendix A-7;
(7) Compliance with the particulate matter emission limit must be
determined based on the 30-day rolling average calculated using
equation 19-19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR
part 60, Appendix A-7 of the part from the 1-hour arithmetic average of
the CEMS outlet data;
(8) At a minimum, valid continuous monitoring system hourly
averages must be obtained as specified Sec. 62.14695;
(9) The 1-hour arithmetic averages required under paragraph (n)(7)
of this section must be expressed in milligrams per dry standard cubic
meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen (or carbon dioxide) (dry basis) and
must be used to calculate the 30-day rolling average emission
concentrations. CEMS data during startup and shutdown, as defined in
this subpart, are not corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and are measured
at stack oxygen content. The 1-hour arithmetic averages must be
calculated using the data points required under Sec. 60.13(e)(2);
(10) All valid CEMS data must be used in calculating average
emission concentrations even if the minimum CEMS data requirements of
paragraph (n)(8) of this section are not met;
(11) The CEMS must be operated according to performance
specification 11 in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60;
(12) During each relative accuracy test run of the CEMS required by
performance specification 11 in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60,
particulate matter and oxygen (or carbon dioxide) data must be
collected concurrently (or within a 30- to 60-minute period) by both
the CEMS and the following test methods:
(i) For particulate matter, EPA Reference Method 5 at 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-3 must be used; and
[[Page 3584]]
(ii) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide), EPA Reference Method 3A or 3B
at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2, as applicable, must be used.
(13) Quarterly accuracy determinations and daily calibration drift
tests must be performed in accordance with procedure 2 in appendix F of
40 CFR part 60.
(o) To demonstrate continuous compliance with the carbon monoxide
emissions limit, a facility may substitute use of a continuous
automated sampling system for the carbon monoxide annual performance
test to demonstrate compliance with the carbon monoxide emissions
(1) Install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a CEMS for measuring
carbon monoxide emissions discharged to the atmosphere and record the
output of the system. The requirements under performance specification
4B of appendix B of 40 CFR part 60, the quality assurance procedure 1
of appendix F of 40 CFR part 60 and the procedures under Sec. 60.13
must be followed for installation, evaluation, and operation of the
CEMS; and
(2) Following the date that the initial performance test for carbon
monoxide is completed or is required to be completed under Sec.
62.14650, compliance with the carbon monoxide emission limit may be
determined based on the 30-day rolling average of the hourly arithmetic
average emission concentrations, including CEMS data during startup and
shutdown as defined in this subpart, using CEMS outlet data. Except for
CEMS data during startup and shutdown, as defined in this subpart, the
1-hour arithmetic averages must be expressed in parts per million
corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis) and used to calculate the 30-
day rolling average emission concentrations. CEMS data collected during
startup or shutdown, as defined in this subpart, are not corrected to 7
percent oxygen, and are measured at stack oxygen content. The 1-hour
arithmetic averages must be calculated using the data points required
under Sec. 60.13(e)(2).
(p) The owner/operator of an affected source with a bypass stack
shall install, calibrate (to manufacturers' specifications), maintain
and operate a device or method for measuring the use of the bypass
stack including date, time and duration.
(q) For energy recovery units with a heat input capacity of 100
MMBtu per hour or greater that do not use a carbon monoxide CEMS, you
must install, operate and maintain the continuous oxygen monitoring
system as defined in Sec. 62.14840 according to the procedures in
paragraphs (q)(1) through (4) of this section:
(1) The oxygen analyzer system must be installed by the initial
performance test date specified in Sec. 62.14635;
(2) You must operate the oxygen trim system within compliance with
paragraph (q)(3) of this section at all times;
(3) You must maintain the oxygen level such that the 30-day rolling
average that is established as the operating limit for oxygen according
to paragraph (q)(4) of this section is not below the lowest hourly
average oxygen concentration measured during the most recent CO
performance test; and
(4) You must calculate and record a 30-day rolling average oxygen
concentration using equation 19-19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference
Method 19 of Appendix A-7.
(r) For energy recovery units with annual average heat input rates
greater than or equal to 250 MMBtu/hour and waste-burning kilns, you
must install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a PM CPMS and record the
output of the system as specified in paragraphs (r)(1) through (8) of
this section. For other energy recovery units, you may elect to use PM
CPMS operated in accordance with this section. PM CPMS are suitable in
lieu of using other CMS for monitoring PM compliance (e.g., bag leak
detectors, electrostatic precipitator secondary power, PM scrubber
(1) Install, calibrate, operate, and maintain your PM CPMS
according to the procedures in your approved site-specific monitoring
plan developed in accordance with Sec. 62.14670(l) and (r)(1)(i)
through (iii) of this section:
(i) The operating principle of the PM CPMS must be based on in-
stack or extractive light scatter, light scintillation, beta
attenuation, or mass accumulation of the exhaust gas or representative
sample. The reportable measurement output from the PM CPMS must be
expressed as milliamps or the digital signal equivalent;
(ii) The PM CPMS must have a cycle time (i.e., period required to
complete sampling, measurement, and reporting for each measurement) no
longer than 60 minutes; and
(iii) The PM CPMS must be capable of detecting and responding to
particulate matter concentrations increments no greater than 0.5 mg/
actual cubic meter.
(2) During the initial performance test or any such subsequent
performance test that demonstrates compliance with the PM limit, you
must adjust the site-specific operating limit in accordance with the
results of the performance test according to the procedures specified
in Sec. 62.14635.
(3) Collect PM CPMS hourly average output data for all energy
recovery unit or waste-burning kiln operating hours. Express the PM
CPMS output as milliamps or the digital signal equivalent.
(4) Calculate the arithmetic 30-day rolling average of all of the
hourly average PM CPMS output collected during all energy recovery unit
or waste-burning kiln operating hours data (milliamps or digital bits).
(5) You must collect data using the PM CPMS at all times the energy
recovery unit or waste-burning kiln is operating and at the intervals
specified in paragraph (r)(1)(ii) of this section, except for periods
of monitoring system malfunctions, repairs associated with monitoring
system malfunctions, required monitoring system quality assurance or
quality control activities (including, as applicable, calibration
checks and required zero and span adjustments), and any scheduled
maintenance as defined in your site-specific monitoring plan.
(6) You must use all the data collected during all energy recovery
unit or waste-burning kiln operating hours in assessing the compliance
with your operating limit except:
(i) Any data collected during monitoring system malfunctions,
repairs associated with monitoring system malfunctions, or required
monitoring system quality assurance or quality control activities
conducted during monitoring system malfunctions are not used in
calculations (report any such periods in your annual deviation report);
(ii) Any data collected during periods when the monitoring system
is out of control as specified in your site-specific monitoring plan,
repairs associated with periods when the monitoring system is out of
control, or required monitoring system quality assurance or quality
control activities conducted during out-of-control periods are not used
in calculations (report emissions or operating levels and report any
such periods in your annual deviation report); and
(iii) Any PM CPMS data recorded during periods of CEMS data during
startup and shutdown, as defined in this subpart.
(7) You must record and make available upon request results of PM
CPMS system performance audits, as well as the dates and duration of
periods from when the PM CPMS is out of control until completion of the
corrective actions necessary to return
[[Page 3585]]
the PM CPMS to operation consistent with your site-specific monitoring
(8) For any deviation of the 30-day rolling average PM CPMS average
value from the established operating parameter limit, you must:
(i) Within 48 hours of the deviation, visually inspect the air
pollution control device;
(ii) If inspection of the air pollution control device identifies
the cause of the deviation, take corrective action as soon as possible
and return the PM CPMS measurement to within the established value;
(iii) Within 30 days of the deviation or at the time of the annual
compliance test, whichever comes first, conduct a PM emissions
compliance test to determine compliance with the PM emissions limit and
to verify the operation of the emissions control device(s). Within 45
days of the deviation, you must re-establish the CPMS operating limit.
You are not required to conduct additional testing for any deviations
that occur between the time of the original deviation and the PM
emissions compliance test required under this paragraph; and
(iv) PM CPMS deviations leading to more than four required
performance tests in a 12-month process operating period (rolling
monthly) constitute a violation of this subpart.
(s) If you use a dry scrubber to comply with the emission limits of
this subpart, you must monitor the injection rate of each sorbent and
maintain the 3-hour block averages at or above the operating limits
established during the hydrogen chloride performance test.
Sec. 62.14695 Is there a minimum amount of monitoring data I must
For each continuous monitoring system required or optionally
allowed under Sec. 62.14690, you must monitor and collect data
according to this section:
(a) You must operate the monitoring system and collect data at all
required intervals at all times compliance is required except for
periods of monitoring system malfunctions or out-of-control periods,
repairs associated with monitoring system malfunctions or out-of-
control periods (as specified in Sec. 62.14730(o)), and required
monitoring system quality assurance or quality control activities
including, as applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span
adjustments. A monitoring system malfunction is any sudden, infrequent,
not reasonably preventable failure of the monitoring system to provide
valid data. Monitoring system failures that are caused in part by poor
maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions. You are
required to effect monitoring system repairs in response to monitoring
system malfunctions or out-of-control periods and to return the
monitoring system to operation as expeditiously as practicable.
(b) You may not use data recorded during monitoring system
malfunctions, repairs associated with monitoring system malfunctions or
out-of-control periods, or required monitoring system quality assurance
or control activities in calculations used to report emissions or
operating levels. You must use all the data collected during all other
periods, including data normalized for above scale readings, in
assessing the operation of the control device and associated control
(c) Except for periods of monitoring system malfunctions or out-of-
control periods, repairs associated with monitoring system malfunctions
or out-of-control periods, and required monitoring system quality
assurance or quality control activities including, as applicable,
calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments, failure to
collect required data is a deviation of the monitoring requirements.
Recordkeeping and Reporting
Sec. 62.14700 What records must I keep?
You must maintain the items (as applicable) as specified in
paragraphs (a), (b), and (e) through (w) of this section for a period
of at least 5 years:
(a) Calendar date of each record.
(b) Records of the data described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6)
of this section:
(1) The CISWI unit charge dates, times, weights, and hourly charge
(2) Liquor flow rate to the wet scrubber inlet every 15 minutes of
operation, as applicable;
(3) Pressure drop across the wet scrubber system every 15 minutes
of operation or amperage to the wet scrubber every 15 minutes of
operation, as applicable;
(4) Liquor pH as introduced to the wet scrubber every 15 minutes of
operation, as applicable.
(5) For affected CISWI units that establish operating limits for
controls other than wet scrubbers under Sec. 62.14640, you must
maintain data collected for all operating parameters used to determine
compliance with the operating limits. For energy recovery units using
activated carbon injection or a dry scrubber, you must also maintain
records of the load fraction and corresponding sorbent injection rate
records; and
(6) If a fabric filter is used to comply with the emission
limitations, you must record the date, time, and duration of each alarm
and the time corrective action was initiated and completed, and a brief
description of the cause of the alarm and the corrective action taken.
You must also record the percent of operating time during each 6-month
period that the alarm sounds, calculated as specified in Sec.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) [Reserved]
(e) Identification of calendar dates and times for which data show
a deviation from the operating limits in table 2 of this subpart or a
deviation from other operating limits established under Sec.
62.14635(d) through (g) or Sec. 62.14640 with a description of the
deviations, reasons for such deviations, and a description of
corrective actions taken.
(f) The results of the initial, annual, and any subsequent
performance tests conducted to determine compliance with the emission
limits and/or to establish operating limits, as applicable. Retain a
copy of the complete test report including calculations.
(g) Records showing the names of CISWI unit operators who have
completed review of the information in Sec. 62.14620(a) as required by
Sec. 62.14620(b), including the date of the initial review and all
subsequent annual reviews.
(h) Records showing the names of the CISWI operators who have
completed the operator training requirements under Sec. 62.14595, met
the criteria for qualification under Sec. 62.14605, and maintained or
renewed their qualification under Sec. 62.14610 or Sec. 62.14615.
Records must include documentation of training, the dates of the
initial and refresher training, and the dates of their qualification
and all subsequent renewals of such qualifications.
(i) For each qualified operator, the phone and/or pager number at
which they can be reached during operating hours.
(j) Records of calibration of any monitoring devices as required
under Sec. 62.14690.
(k) Equipment vendor specifications and related operation and
maintenance requirements for the incinerator, emission controls, and
monitoring equipment.
(l) The information listed in Sec. 62.14620(a).
(m) On a daily basis, keep a log of the quantity of waste burned
and the types of waste burned (always required).
(n) Maintain records of the annual air pollution control device
inspections that are required for each CISWI unit subject to the
emissions limits in table
[[Page 3586]]
1 of this subpart or tables 5 through 8 of this subpart, any required
maintenance and any repairs not completed within 10 days of an
inspection or the timeframe established by the state regulatory agency.
(o) For continuously monitored pollutants or parameters, you must
document and keep a record of the following parameters measured using
continuous monitoring systems:
(1) All 6-minute average levels of opacity;
(2) All 1-hour average concentrations of sulfur dioxide emissions.
You must indicate which data are CEMS data during startup and shutdown;
(3) All 1-hour average concentrations of nitrogen oxides emissions.
You must indicate which data are CEMS data during startup and shutdown;
(4) All 1-hour average concentrations of carbon monoxide emissions.
You must indicate which data are CEMS data during startup and shutdown;
(5) All 1-hour average concentrations of particulate matter
emissions. You must indicate which data are CEMS data during startup
and shutdown;
(6) All 1-hour average concentrations of mercury emissions. You
must indicate which data are CEMS data during startup and shutdown;
(7) All 1-hour average concentrations of hydrogen chloride
emissions. You must indicate which data are CEMS data during startup
and shutdown;
(8) All 1-hour average percent oxygen concentrations; and
(9) All 1-hour average PM CPMS readings or particulate matter CEMS
(p) Records indicating use of the bypass stack, including dates,
times and durations.
(q) If you choose to stack test less frequently than annually,
consistent with Sec. 62.14680(a) through (c), you must keep annual
records that document that your emissions in the previous stack test(s)
were less than 75 percent of the applicable emission limit and document
that there was no change in source operations including fuel
composition and operation of air pollution control equipment that would
cause emissions of the relevant pollutant to increase within the past
(r) Records of the occurrence and duration of each malfunction of
operation (i.e., process equipment) or the air pollution control and
monitoring equipment.
(s) Records of all required maintenance performed on the air
pollution control and monitoring equipment.
(t) Records of actions taken during periods of malfunction to
minimize emissions in accordance with Sec. 60.11(d), including
corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution
control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of
(u) For operating units that combust non-hazardous secondary
materials that have been determined not to be solid waste pursuant to
Sec. 241.3(b)(1), you must keep a record which documents how the
secondary material meets each of the legitimacy criteria under Sec.
241.3(d)(1). If you combust a fuel that has been processed from a
discarded non-hazardous secondary material pursuant to Sec.
241.3(b)(4), you must keep records as to how the operations that
produced the fuel satisfies the definition of processing in Sec. 241.2
and each of the legitimacy criteria in Sec. 241.3(d)(1) of this
chapter. If the fuel received a non-waste determination pursuant to the
petition process submitted under Sec. 241.3(c), you must keep a record
that documents how the fuel satisfies the requirements of the petition
process. For operating units that combust non-hazardous secondary
materials as fuel per Sec. 241.4, you must keep records documenting
that the material is a listed non-waste under Sec. 241.4(a).
(v) Records of the criteria used to establish that the unit
qualifies as a small power production facility under section 3(17)(C)
of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(17)(C)) and that the waste
material the unit is proposed to burn is homogeneous.
(w) Records of the criteria used to establish that the unit
qualifies as a cogeneration facility under section 3(18)(B) of the
Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(18)(B)) and that the waste material
the unit is proposed to burn is homogeneous.
Sec. 62.14705 Where and in what format must I keep my records?
All records must be available onsite in either paper copy or
computer-readable format that can be printed upon request, unless an
alternative format is approved by the Administrator.
Sec. 62.14710 What reports must I submit?
See table 4 of this subpart for a summary of the reporting
Sec. 62.14715 When must I submit my waste management plan?
You must submit a waste management plan no later than November 7,
2017 or six months prior to the date you commence or recommence burning
solid waste, whichever is later.
Sec. 62.14720 What information must I submit following my initial
performance test?
You must submit the information specified in paragraphs (a) through
(c) of this section no later than 60 days following the initial
performance test. All reports must be signed by the facilities manager:
(a) The complete test report for the initial performance test
results obtained under Sec. 62.14660, as applicable;
(b) The values for the site-specific operating limits established
in Sec. 62.14635 or Sec. 62.14640; and
(c) If you are using a fabric filter to comply with the emission
limitations, documentation that a bag leak detection system has been
installed and is being operated, calibrated, and maintained as required
by Sec. 62.14690(b).
Sec. 62.14725 When must I submit my annual report?
You must submit an annual report no later than 12 months following
the submission of the information in Sec. 62.14720. You must submit
subsequent reports no more than 12 months following the previous
report. (If the unit is subject to permitting requirements under title
V of the Clean Air Act, you may be required by the permit to submit
these reports more frequently.)
Sec. 62.14730 What information must I include in my annual report?
The annual report required under Sec. 62.14725 must include the
ten items listed in paragraphs (a) through (j) of this section. If you
have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations,
you must also submit deviation reports as specified in Sec. Sec.
62.14735, 62.14740, and 62.14745.
(a) Company name and address;
(b) Statement by a responsible official, with that official's name,
title, and signature, certifying the accuracy of the content of the
(c) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting
(d) The values for the operating limits established pursuant to
Sec. 62.14635 or Sec. 62.14640.
(e) If no deviation from any emission limitation or operating limit
that applies to you has been reported, a statement that there was no
deviation from the emission limitations or operating limits during the
reporting period.
(f) The highest recorded 3-hour average and the lowest recorded 3-
hour average, as applicable, for each operating parameter recorded for
the calendar year being reported;
(g) Information recorded under Sec. 62.14700(b)(6) and (c) through
(e) for the calendar year being reported.
[[Page 3587]]
(h) For each performance test conducted during the reporting
period, if any performance test is conducted, the process unit(s)
tested, the pollutant(s) tested and the date that such performance test
was conducted. Submit, following the procedure specified in Sec.
62.14755(b)(1), the performance test report no later than the date that
you submit the annual report;
(i) If you met the requirements of Sec. 62.14680(a) or (b), and
did not conduct a performance test during the reporting period, you
must state that you met the requirements of Sec. 62.14680(a) or (b),
and, therefore, you were not required to conduct a performance test
during the reporting period;
(j) Documentation of periods when all qualified CISWI unit
operators were unavailable for more than 8 hours, but less than 2
(k) If you had a malfunction during the reporting period, the
compliance report must include the number, duration, and a brief
description for each type of malfunction that occurred during the
reporting period and that caused or may have caused any applicable
emission limitation to be exceeded. The report must also include a
description of actions taken by an owner or operator during a
malfunction of an affected source to minimize emissions in accordance
with Sec. 60.11(d), including actions taken to correct a malfunction;
(l) For each deviation from an emission or operating limitation
that occurs for a CISWI unit for which you are not using a CMS to
comply with the emission or operating limitations in this subpart, the
annual report must contain the following information:
(1) The total operating time of the CISWI unit at which the
deviation occurred during the reporting period; and
(2) Information on the number, duration, and cause of deviations
(including unknown cause, if applicable), as applicable, and the
corrective action taken.
(m) If there were periods during which the continuous monitoring
system, including the CEMS, was out of control as specified in
paragraph (o) of this section, the annual report must contain the
following information for each deviation from an emission or operating
limitation occurring for a CISWI unit for which you are using a
continuous monitoring system to comply with the emission and operating
limitations in this subpart:
(1) The date and time that each malfunction started and stopped;
(2) The date, time, and duration that each CMS was inoperative,
except for zero (low-level) and high-level checks;
(3) The date, time, and duration that each continuous monitoring
system was out-of-control, including start and end dates and hours and
descriptions of corrective actions taken;
(4) The date and time that each deviation started and stopped, and
whether each deviation occurred during a period of malfunction or
during another period;
(5) A summary of the total duration of the deviation during the
reporting period, and the total duration as a percent of the total
source operating time during that reporting period;
(6) A breakdown of the total duration of the deviations during the
reporting period into those that are due to control equipment problems,
process problems, other known causes, and other unknown causes;
(7) A summary of the total duration of continuous monitoring system
downtime during the reporting period, and the total duration of
continuous monitoring system downtime as a percent of the total
operating time of the CISWI unit at which the continuous monitoring
system downtime occurred during that reporting period;
(8) An identification of each parameter and pollutant that was
monitored at the CISWI unit;
(9) A brief description of the CISWI unit;
(10) A brief description of the continuous monitoring system;
(11) The date of the latest continuous monitoring system
certification or audit; and
(12) A description of any changes in continuous monitoring system,
processes, or controls since the last reporting period.
(n) If there were periods during which the continuous monitoring
system, including the CEMS, was not out of control as specified in
paragraph (o) of this section, a statement that there were not periods
during which the continuous monitoring system was out of control during
the reporting period.
(o) A continuous monitoring system is out of control if any of the
following occur:
(1) The zero (low-level), mid-level (if applicable), or high-level
calibration drift exceeds two times the applicable calibration drift
specification in the applicable performance specification or in the
relevant standard;
(2) The continuous monitoring system fails a performance test audit
(e.g., cylinder gas audit), relative accuracy audit, relative accuracy
test audit, or linearity test audit; and
(3) The continuous opacity monitoring system calibration drift
exceeds two times the limit in the applicable performance specification
in the relevant standard.
(p) For energy recovery units, include the annual heat input and
average annual heat input rate of all fuels being burned in the unit to
verify which subcategory of energy recovery unit applies.
Sec. 62.14735 What else must I report if I have a deviation from the
operating limits or the emission limitations?
(a) You must submit a deviation report if any recorded 3-hour
average parameter level is above the maximum operating limit or below
the minimum operating limit established under this subpart, if the bag
leak detection system alarm sounds for more than 5 percent of the
operating time for any 6-month reporting period, or if a performance
test was conducted that deviated from any emission limitation.
(b) The deviation report must be submitted by August 1 of that year
for data collected during the first half of the calendar year (January
1 to June 30), and by February 1 of the following year for data you
collected during the second half of the calendar year (July 1 to
December 31).
Sec. 62.14740 What must I include in the deviation report?
In each report required under Sec. 62.14735, for any pollutant or
parameter that deviated from the emission limitations or operating
limits specified in this subpart, include the four items described in
paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section.
(a) The calendar dates and times your unit deviated from the
emission limitations or operating limit requirements;
(b) The averaged and recorded data for those dates;
(c) Duration and causes of the following:
(1) Each deviation from the emission limitations or operating
limits and your corrective actions; and
(2) Bypass events and your corrective actions.
(d) A copy of the operating limit monitoring data during each
deviation and, for any test report that documents the emission levels,
the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested and the date that
the performance test was conducted. Submit, following the procedure
specified in Sec. 62.14755(b)(1), the performance test report no later
than the date that you submit the deviation report.
[[Page 3588]]
Sec. 62.14745 What else must I report if I have a deviation from the
requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?
(a) If all qualified operators are not accessible for two weeks or
more, you must take the two actions in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of
this section.
(1) You must submit a notification of the deviation within 10 days
that includes the three items in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (iii) of
this section.
(i) A statement of what caused the deviation;
(ii) A description of what you are doing to ensure that a qualified
operator is accessible; and
(iii) The date when you anticipate that a qualified operator will
be available.
(2) Submit a status report to the Administrator every 4 weeks that
includes the three items in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (iii) of this
(i) A description of what you are doing to ensure that a qualified
operator is accessible;
(ii) The date when you anticipate that a qualified operator will be
accessible; and
(iii) Request approval from the Administrator to continue operation
of the CISWI unit.
(b) If your unit was shut down by the Administrator, under the
provisions of Sec. 62.14625(b)(2), due to a failure to provide an
accessible qualified operator, you must notify the Administrator that
you are resuming operation once a qualified operator is accessible.
Sec. 62.14750 Are there any other notifications or reports that I
must submit?
(a) Yes. You must submit notifications as provided by Sec. 60.7.
(b) If you cease combusting solid waste but continue to operate,
you must provide 30 days prior notice of the effective date of the
waste-to-fuel switch, consistent with Sec. 62.14670(a). The
notification must identify:
(1) The name of the owner or operator of the CISWI unit, the
location of the source, the emissions unit(s) that will cease burning
solid waste, and the date of the notice;
(2) The currently applicable subcategory under this subpart, and
any 40 CFR part 63 subpart and subcategory that will be applicable
after you cease combusting solid waste;
(3) The fuel(s), non-waste material(s) and solid waste(s) the CISWI
unit is currently combusting and has combusted over the past 6 months,
and the fuel(s) or non-waste materials the unit will commence
(4) The date on which you became subject to the currently
applicable emission limits; and
(5) The date upon which you will cease combusting solid waste, and
the date (if different) that you intend for any new requirements to
become applicable (i.e., the effective date of the waste-to-fuel
switch), consistent with paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section.
Sec. 62.14755 In what form can I submit my reports?
(a) Submit initial, annual, and deviation reports electronically on
or before the submittal due dates. Submit the reports to the EPA via
the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI
can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov).) Use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for this
subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the
extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the CEDRI Web site
(https://www.epa.gov/electronic-reporting-air-emissions/compliance-and-emissions-data-reporting-interface-cedri), once the XML schema is
available. If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not
available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, submit the
report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec.
60.4. Once the form has been available in CEDRI for 90 calendar days,
you must begin submitting all subsequent reports via CEDRI. The reports
must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this subpart,
regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.
(b) Submit results of each performance test and CEMS performance
evaluation required by this subpart as follows:
(1) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance
test (see Sec. 60.8) required by this subpart, you must submit the
results of the performance test following the procedure specified in
either paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (b)(1)(ii) of this section:
(i) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site
(https://www.epa.gov/electronic-reporting-air-emissions/electronic-reporting-tool-ert) at the time of the test, you must submit the
results of the performance test to the EPA via the CEDRI. (CEDRI can be
accessed through the EPA's CDX (https://cdx.epa.gov).) Performance test
data must be submitted in a file format generated through the use of
the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file format consistent with
the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site. If you claim that some
of the performance test information being submitted is confidential
business information (CBI), you must submit a complete file generated
through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file
consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site,
including information claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash
drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The
electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/
OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy
Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or
alternate file with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via
the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this paragraph; and
(ii) For data collected using test methods that are not supported
by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the
test, you must submit the results of the performance test to the
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec. 60.4.
(2) Within 60 days after the date of completing each continuous
emissions monitoring system performance evaluation you must submit the
results of the performance evaluation following the procedure specified
in either paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section:
(i) For performance evaluations of continuous monitoring systems
measuring relative accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants that are
supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the
time of the evaluation, you must submit the results of the performance
evaluation to the EPA via the CEDRI. (CEDRI can be accessed through the
EPA's CDX.) Performance evaluation data must be submitted in a file
format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate file
format consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site.
If you claim that some of the performance evaluation information being
submitted is CBI, you must submit a complete file generated through the
use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file consistent with
the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, including information
claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly
used electronic storage media to the EPA. The electronic storage media
must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI
Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02,
4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or alternate file
with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as
described earlier in this paragraph; and
(ii) For any performance evaluations of continuous monitoring
[[Page 3589]]
measuring RATA pollutants that are not supported by the EPA's ERT as
listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the evaluation, you
must submit the results of the performance evaluation to the
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec. 60.4.
Sec. 62.14760 Can reporting dates be changed?
If the Administrator agrees, you may change the semiannual or
annual reporting dates. See Sec. 60.19(c) for procedures to seek
approval to change your reporting date.
Air Curtain Incinerators
Sec. 62.14765 What is an air curtain incinerator?
(a) An air curtain incinerator operates by forcefully projecting a
curtain of air across an open chamber or open pit in which combustion
occurs. Incinerators of this type can be constructed above or below
ground and with or without refractory walls and floor. (Air curtain
incinerators are not to be confused with conventional combustion
devices with enclosed fireboxes and controlled air technology such as
mass burn, modular, and fluidized bed combustors.)
(b) Air curtain incinerators that burn only the materials listed in
paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section are only required to meet
the requirements under Sec. 62.14830 and under ``Air Curtain
Incinerators'' (Sec. Sec. 62.14765 through 62.14825):
(1) 100 percent wood waste;
(2) 100 percent clean lumber; and
(3) 100 percent mixture of only wood waste, clean lumber, and/or
yard waste.
Sec. Sec. 62.14770-62.14775 [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14795 [Reserved]
Sec. 62.14805 What must I do if I close my air curtain incinerator
and then restart it?
(a) If you close your incinerator but will reopen it prior to the
final compliance date in this subpart, you must comply with the final
standards on February 7, 2018.
(b) If you close your incinerator but will restart it after
February 7, 2018, you must complete emission control retrofits and meet
the emission limitations on the date your incinerator restarts
Sec. 62.14810 What must I do if I plan to permanently close my air
curtain incinerator and not restart it?
If you plan to permanently close your incinerator rather than
comply with this subpart, submit a closure notification, including the
date of closure, to the Administrator no later than six months prior to
your operation will cease. The closure date cannot be later than
February 7, 2018 for sources that will not operate on and after the
compliance date. In addition, while still in operation, your air
curtain incinerator is subject to the same requirement to apply for and
obtain a title V operating permit that applies to an air curtain
incinerator that will not be permanently closing.
Sec. 62.14815 What are the emission limitations for air curtain
After the date the initial test for opacity is required or
completed (whichever is earlier), you must meet the limitations in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
(a) Maintain opacity to less than or equal to 10 percent opacity
(as determined by the average of three 1-hour blocks consisting of ten
6-minute average opacity values), except as described in paragraph (b)
of this section.
(b) Maintain opacity to less than or equal to 35 percent opacity
(as determined by the average of three 1-hour blocks consisting of ten
6-minute average opacity values) during the startup period that is
within the first 30 minutes of operation.
Sec. 62.14820 How must I monitor opacity for air curtain
(a) Use Method 9 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A to determine
compliance with the opacity limitation.
(b) Conduct an initial test for opacity as specified in Sec. 60.8
no later than 180 days after your final compliance date.
(c) After the initial test for opacity, conduct annual tests no
more than 12 calendar months following the date of your previous test.
Sec. 62.14825 What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements
for air curtain incinerators?
(a) Keep records of results of all initial and annual opacity tests
onsite in either paper copy or electronic format, unless the
Administrator approves another format, for at least 5 years.
(b) Make all records available for submittal to the Administrator
or for an inspector's onsite review.
(c) Submit an initial report no later than 60 days following the
initial opacity test that includes the information specified in
paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) The types of materials you plan to combust in your air curtain
incinerator; and
(2) The results (as determined by the average of three 1-hour
blocks consisting of ten 6-minute average opacity values) of the
initial opacity tests.
(d) Submit annual opacity test results within 12 months following
the previous report.
(e) Submit initial and annual opacity test reports as electronic or
paper copy on or before the applicable submittal date and keep a copy
onsite for a period of 5 years.
Title V Requirements
Sec. 62.14830 Am I required to apply for and obtain a Title V
operating permit for my unit?
Yes. Each CISWI unit and air curtain incinerator subject to
standards under this subpart must operate pursuant to a permit issued
under Clean Air Act sections 129(e) and title V.
Sec. 62.14835 [Reserved]
Delegation of Authority
Sec. 62.14838 What authorities are withheld by the EPA Administrator?
The following authorities are withheld by the EPA Administrator and
not transferred to the State or Tribe:
(a) Approval of alternatives to the emission limitations in tables
1 and 5 through 8 of this subpart and operating limits established
under Sec. 62.14635 and table 2 of this subpart.
(b) Approval of petitions submitted pursuant to the requirements of
Sec. 62.14640 establishing operating parameters when using controls
other than a wet scrubber, fabric filter, activated carbon injection,
selective noncatalytic reduction, or a dry scrubber to comply with the
emission limitations in tables 1 and 5 through 8 of this subpart.
(c) Approval of major alternatives to test methods established
under Sec. 62.14650 and tables 1 and 5 through 8 of this subpart.
(d) Approval of major alternatives to monitoring requirements
established under Sec. Sec. 62.14690, 62.14605 and table 2 of this
(e) Approval of major alternatives to recordkeeping and reporting
requirements of this subpart.
(f) [Reserved]
(g) Approval of requests submitted pursuant to the requirements in
Sec. 62.14625(b)(2).
(h) Approval of alternative opacity emission limits in Sec.
62.14630 under Sec. 60.11(e)(6) through (e)(8).
(i) Performance test and data reduction waivers under Sec. Sec.
62.14650(j), 60.8(b)(4) and (5).
(j) Determination of whether a qualifying small power production
facility or cogeneration facility under Sec. 62.14525(e) or (f) is
combusting homogeneous waste.
[[Page 3590]]
Sec. 62.14840 What definitions must I know?
Terms used but not defined in this subpart are defined in the Clean
Air Act, subparts A and B of part 60 and subpart A of this part 62.
30-day rolling average means the arithmetic mean of the previous
720 hours of valid operating data. Valid data excludes periods when
this unit is not operating. The 720 hours should be consecutive, but
not necessarily continuous if operations are intermittent.
Administrator means the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency or his/her authorized representative or Administrator
of a State Air Pollution Control Agency.
Agricultural waste means vegetative agricultural materials such as
nut and grain hulls and chaff (e.g., almond, walnut, peanut, rice, and
wheat), bagasse, orchard prunings, corn stalks, coffee bean hulls and
grounds, and other vegetative waste materials generated as a result of
agricultural operations.
Air curtain incinerator means an incinerator that operates by
forcefully projecting a curtain of air across an open chamber or pit in
which combustion occurs. Incinerators of this type can be constructed
above or below ground and with or without refractory walls and floor.
(Air curtain incinerators are different from conventional combustion
devices which typically have enclosed fireboxes and controlled air
technology such as mass burn, modular, and fluidized bed combustors.)
Annual heat input means the heat input for the 12 months preceding
the compliance demonstration.
Auxiliary fuel means natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, fuel
oil, or diesel fuel.
Average annual heat input rate means annual heat input divided by
the hours of operation for the 12 months preceding the compliance
Bag leak detection system means an instrument that is capable of
monitoring particulate matter loadings in the exhaust of a fabric
filter (i.e., baghouse) in order to detect bag failures. A bag leak
detection system includes, but is not limited to, an instrument that
operates on triboelectric, light scattering, light transmittance, or
other principle to monitor relative particulate matter loadings.
Burn-off oven means any rack reclamation unit, part reclamation
unit, or drum reclamation unit. A burn-off oven is not an incinerator,
waste-burning kiln, an energy recovery unit or a small, remote
incinerator under this subpart.
Bypass stack means a device used for discharging combustion gases
to avoid severe damage to the air pollution control device or other
Calendar quarter means 3 consecutive months (non-overlapping)
beginning on: January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1.
Calendar year means 365 consecutive days starting on January 1 and
ending on December 31.
CEMS data during startup and shutdown means the following:
(1) For incinerators and small remote incinerators: CEMS data
collected during the first hours of operation of a CISWI unit startup
from a cold start until waste is fed into the unit and the hours of
operation following the cessation of waste material being fed to the
CISWI unit during a unit shutdown. For each startup event, the length
of time that CEMS data may be claimed as being CEMS data during startup
must be 48 operating hours or less. For each shutdown event, the length
of time that CEMS data may be claimed as being CEMS data during
shutdown must be 24 operating hours or less;
(2) For energy recovery units: CEMS data collected during the
startup or shutdown periods of operation. Startup begins with either
the first-ever firing of fuel in a boiler or process heater for the
purpose of supplying useful thermal energy (such as steam or heat) for
heating, cooling or process purposes, or producing electricity, or the
firing of fuel in a boiler or process heater for any purpose after a
shutdown event. Startup ends four hours after when the boiler or
process heater makes useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) for
heating, cooling, or process purposes, or generates electricity,
whichever is earlier. Shutdown begins when the boiler or process heater
no longer makes useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) for
heating, cooling, or process purposes and/or generates electricity or
when no fuel is being fed to the boiler or process heater, whichever is
earlier. Shutdown ends when the boiler or process heater no longer
makes useful thermal energy (such as steam or heat) for heating,
cooling, or process purposes and/or generates electricity, and no fuel
is being combusted in the boiler or process heater; and
(3) For waste-burning kilns: CEMS data collected during the periods
of kiln operation that do not include normal operations. Startup means
the time from when a shutdown kiln first begins firing fuel until it
begins producing clinker. Startup begins when a shutdown kiln turns on
the induced draft fan and begins firing fuel in the main burner.
Startup ends when feed is being continuously introduced into the kiln
for at least 120 minutes or when the feed rate exceeds 60 percent of
the kiln design limitation rate, whichever occurs first. Shutdown means
the cessation of kiln operation. Shutdown begins when feed to the kiln
is halted and ends when continuous kiln rotation ceases.
Chemical recovery unit means combustion units burning materials to
recover chemical constituents or to produce chemical compounds where
there is an existing commercial market for such recovered chemical
constituents or compounds. A chemical recovery unit is not an
incinerator, a waste-burning kiln, an energy recovery unit or a small,
remote incinerator under this subpart. The following seven types of
units are considered chemical recovery units:
(1) Units burning only pulping liquors (i.e., black liquor) that
are reclaimed in a pulping liquor recovery process and reused in the
pulping process;
(2) Units burning only spent sulfuric acid used to produce virgin
sulfuric acid;
(3) Units burning only wood or coal feedstock for the production of
(4) Units burning only manufacturing byproduct streams/residue
containing catalyst metals that are reclaimed and reused as catalysts
or used to produce commercial grade catalysts;
(5) Units burning only coke to produce purified carbon monoxide
that is used as an intermediate in the production of other chemical
(6) Units burning only hydrocarbon liquids or solids to produce
hydrogen, carbon monoxide, synthesis gas, or other gases for use in
other manufacturing processes; and
(7) Units burning only photographic film to recover silver.
Chemotherapeutic waste means waste material resulting from the
production or use of antineoplastic agents used for the purpose of
stopping or reversing the growth of malignant cells.
Clean lumber means wood or wood products that have been cut or
shaped and include wet, air-dried, and kiln-dried wood products. Clean
lumber does not include wood products that have been painted, pigment-
stained, or pressure-treated by compounds such as chromate copper
arsenate, pentachlorophenol, and creosote.
Commercial and industrial solid waste incineration (CISWI) unit
means any distinct operating unit of any commercial or industrial
facility that combusts, or has combusted in the preceding 6 months, any
solid waste as
[[Page 3591]]
that term is defined in 40 CFR part 241. If the operating unit burns
materials other than traditional fuels as defined in Sec. 241.2 that
have been discarded, and you do not keep and produce records as
required by Sec. 62.14700(u), the operating unit is a CISWI unit.
While not all CISWI units will include all of the following components,
a CISWI unit includes, but is not limited to, the solid waste feed
system, grate system, flue gas system, waste heat recovery equipment,
if any, and bottom ash system. The CISWI unit does not include air
pollution control equipment or the stack. The CISWI unit boundary
starts at the solid waste hopper (if applicable) and extends through
two areas: The combustion unit flue gas system, which ends immediately
after the last combustion chamber or after the waste heat recovery
equipment, if any; and the combustion unit bottom ash system, which
ends at the truck loading station or similar equipment that transfers
the ash to final disposal. The CISWI unit includes all ash handling
systems connected to the bottom ash handling system.
Contained gaseous material means gases that are in a container when
that container is combusted.
Continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) means the total
equipment that may be required to meet the data acquisition and
availability requirements of this subpart, used to sample, condition
(if applicable), analyze, and provide a record of emissions.
Continuous monitoring system (CMS) means the total equipment,
required under the emission monitoring sections in applicable subparts,
used to sample and condition (if applicable), to analyze, and to
provide a permanent record of emissions or process parameters. A
particulate matter continuous parameter monitoring system (PM CPMS) is
a type of CMS.
Cyclonic burn barrel means a combustion device for waste materials
that is attached to a 55 gallon, open-head drum. The device consists of
a lid, which fits onto and encloses the drum, and a blower that forces
combustion air into the drum in a cyclonic manner to enhance the mixing
of waste material and air. A cyclonic burn barrel is not an
incinerator, a waste-burning kiln, an energy recovery unit or a small,
remote incinerator under this subpart.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to
this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this
subpart, including but not limited to any emission limitation,
operating limit, or operator qualification and accessibility
requirements; and
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to
implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is
included in the operating permit for any affected source required to
obtain such a permit.
Dioxins/furans means tetra-through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-
dioxins and dibenzofurans.
Discard means, for purposes of this subpart and 40 CFR part 60,
subpart DDDD, only, burned in an incineration unit without energy
Drum reclamation unit means a unit that burns residues out of drums
(e.g., 55 gallon drums) so that the drums can be reused.
Dry scrubber means an add-on air pollution control system that
injects dry alkaline sorbent (dry injection) or sprays an alkaline
sorbent (spray dryer) to react with and neutralize acid gas in the
exhaust stream forming a dry powder material. Sorbent injection systems
in fluidized bed boilers and process heaters are included in this
definition. A dry scrubber is a dry control system.
Energy recovery means the process of recovering thermal energy from
combustion for useful purposes such as steam generation or process
Energy recovery unit means a combustion unit combusting solid waste
(as that term is defined by the Administrator in 40 CFR part 241) for
energy recovery. Energy recovery units include units that would be
considered boilers and process heaters if they did not combust solid
Energy recovery unit designed to burn biomass (Biomass) means an
energy recovery unit that burns solid waste, biomass, and non-coal
solid materials but less than 10 percent coal, on a heat input basis on
an annual average, either alone or in combination with liquid waste,
liquid fuel or gaseous fuels.
Energy recovery unit designed to burn coal (Coal) means an energy
recovery unit that burns solid waste and at least 10 percent coal on a
heat input basis on an annual average, either alone or in combination
with liquid waste, liquid fuel or gaseous fuels.
Energy recovery unit designed to burn liquid waste materials and
gas (Liquid/gas) means an energy recovery unit that burns a liquid
waste with liquid or gaseous fuels not combined with any solid fuel or
waste materials.
Energy recovery unit designed to burn solid materials (Solids)
includes energy recovery units designed to burn coal and energy
recovery units designed to burn biomass.
Fabric filter means an add-on air pollution control device used to
capture particulate matter by filtering gas streams through filter
media, also known as a baghouse.
Foundry sand thermal reclamation unit means a type of part
reclamation unit that removes coatings that are on foundry sand. A
foundry sand thermal reclamation unit is not an incinerator, a waste-
burning kiln, an energy recovery unit or a small, remote incinerator
under this subpart.
Incinerator means any furnace used in the process of combusting
solid waste (as that term is defined by the Administrator in 40 CFR
part 241) for the purpose of reducing the volume of the waste by
removing combustible matter. Incinerator designs include single chamber
and two-chamber.
In-line coal mill means those coal mills using kiln exhaust gases
in their process. Coal mills with a heat source other than the kiln or
coal mills using exhaust gases from the clinker cooler alone are not an
in-line coal mill.
In-line kiln/raw mill means a system in a Portland Cement
production process where a dry kiln system is integrated with the raw
mill so that all or a portion of the kiln exhaust gases are used to
perform the drying operation of the raw mill, with no auxiliary heat
source used. In this system the kiln is capable of operating without
the raw mill operating, but the raw mill cannot operate without the
kiln gases, and consequently, the raw mill does not generate a separate
exhaust gas stream.
Kiln means an oven or furnace, including any associated preheater
or precalciner devices, in-line raw mills, in-line coal mills or alkali
bypasses used for processing a substance by burning, firing or drying.
Kilns include cement kilns that produce clinker by heating limestone
and other materials for subsequent production of Portland Cement.
Because the alkali bypass, in-line raw mill and in-line coal mill are
considered an integral part of the kiln, the kiln emissions limits also
apply to the exhaust of the alkali bypass, in-line raw mill and in-line
coal mill.
Laboratory analysis unit means units that burn samples of materials
for the purpose of chemical or physical analysis. A laboratory analysis
unit is not an incinerator, waste-burning kiln, an energy recovery unit
or a small, remote incinerator under this subpart.
Load fraction means the actual heat input of an energy recovery
unit divided by heat input during the performance test that established
the minimum sorbent injection rate or minimum activated carbon
injection rate,
[[Page 3592]]
expressed as a fraction (e.g., for 50 percent load the load fraction is
Low-level radioactive waste means waste material which contains
radioactive nuclides emitting primarily beta or gamma radiation, or
both, in concentrations or quantities that exceed applicable federal or
state standards for unrestricted release. Low-level radioactive waste
is not high-level radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel, or by-product
material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C.
Malfunction means any sudden, infrequent, and not reasonably
preventable failure of air pollution control equipment, process
equipment, or a process to operate in a normal or usual manner.
Failures that are caused, in part, by poor maintenance or careless
operation are not malfunctions.
Minimum voltage or amperage means 90 percent of the lowest test-run
average voltage or amperage to the electrostatic precipitator measured
during the most recent particulate matter or mercury performance test
demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limits.
Modification or modified CISWI unit means a CISWI unit you have
changed later than August 7, 2013 and that meets one of two criteria:
(1) The cumulative cost of the changes over the life of the unit
exceeds 50 percent of the original cost of building and installing the
CISWI unit (not including the cost of land) updated to current costs
(current dollars). To determine what systems are within the boundary of
the CISWI unit used to calculate these costs, see the definition of
CISWI unit; and
(2) Any physical change in the CISWI unit or change in the method
of operating it that increases the amount of any air pollutant emitted
for which section 129 or section 111 of the Clean Air Act has
established standards.
Municipal solid waste or municipal-type solid waste means
household, commercial/retail, or institutional waste. Household waste
includes material discarded by residential dwellings, hotels, motels,
and other similar permanent or temporary housing. Commercial/retail
waste includes material discarded by stores, offices, restaurants,
warehouses, nonmanufacturing activities at industrial facilities, and
other similar establishments or facilities. Institutional waste
includes materials discarded by schools, by hospitals (nonmedical), by
nonmanufacturing activities at prisons and government facilities, and
other similar establishments or facilities. Household, commercial/
retail, and institutional waste does include yard waste and refuse-
derived fuel. Household, commercial/retail, and institutional waste
does not include used oil; sewage sludge; wood pallets; construction,
renovation, and demolition wastes (which include railroad ties and
telephone poles); clean wood; industrial process or manufacturing
wastes; medical waste; or motor vehicles (including motor vehicle parts
or vehicle fluff).
Opacity means the degree to which emissions reduce the transmission
of light and obscure the view of an object in the background.
Operating day means a 24-hour period between 12:00 midnight and the
following midnight during which any amount of solid waste is combusted
at any time in the CISWI unit.
Oxygen analyzer system means all equipment required to determine
the oxygen content of a gas stream and used to monitor oxygen in the
boiler or process heater flue gas, boiler/process heater, firebox, or
other appropriate location. This definition includes oxygen trim
systems and certified oxygen CEMS. The source owner or operator is
responsible to install, calibrate, maintain, and operate the oxygen
analyzer system in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Oxygen trim system means a system of monitors that is used to
maintain excess air at the desired level in a combustion device over
its operating range. A typical system consists of a flue gas oxygen
and/or carbon monoxide monitor that automatically provides a feedback
signal to the combustion air controller or draft controller.
Part reclamation unit means a unit that burns coatings off parts
(e.g., tools, equipment) so that the parts can be reconditioned and
Particulate matter means total particulate matter emitted from
CISWI units as measured by Method 5 or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A.
Pathological waste means waste material consisting of only human or
animal remains, anatomical parts, and/or tissue, the bags/containers
used to collect and transport the waste material, and animal bedding
(if applicable).
Performance evaluation means the conduct of relative accuracy
testing, calibration error testing, and other measurements used in
validating the continuous monitoring system data.
Performance test means the collection of data resulting from the
execution of a test method (usually three emission test runs) used to
demonstrate compliance with a relevant emission standard as specified
in the performance test section of the relevant standard.
Process change means any of the following physical or operational
(1) A physical change (maintenance activities excluded) to the
CISWI unit which may increase the emission rate of any air pollutant to
which a standard applies;
(2) An operational change to the CISWI unit where a new type of
non-hazardous secondary material is being combusted;
(3) A physical change (maintenance activities excluded) to the air
pollution control devices used to comply with the emission limits for
the CISWI unit (e.g., replacing an electrostatic precipitator with a
fabric filter); and
(4) An operational change to the air pollution control devices used
to comply with the emission limits for the affected CISWI unit (e.g.,
change in the sorbent injection rate used for activated carbon
Rack reclamation unit means a unit that burns the coatings off
racks used to hold small items for application of a coating. The unit
burns the coating overspray off the rack so the rack can be reused.
Raw mill means a ball or tube mill, vertical roller mill or other
size reduction equipment, that is not part of an in-line kiln/raw mill,
used to grind feed to the appropriate size. Moisture may be added or
removed from the feed during the grinding operation. If the raw mill is
used to remove moisture from feed materials, it is also, by definition,
a raw material dryer. The raw mill also includes the air separator
associated with the raw mill.
Reconstruction means rebuilding a CISWI unit and meeting two
(1) The reconstruction begins on or after August 7, 2013; and
(2) The cumulative cost of the construction over the life of the
incineration unit exceeds 50 percent of the original cost of building
and installing the CISWI unit (not including land) updated to current
costs (current dollars). To determine what systems are within the
boundary of the CISWI unit used to calculate these costs, see the
definition of CISWI unit.
Refuse-derived fuel means a type of municipal solid waste produced
by processing municipal solid waste through shredding and size
classification. This includes all classes of refuse-derived fuel
including two fuels:
(1) Low-density fluff refuse-derived fuel through densified refuse-
derived fuel; and
(2) Pelletized refuse-derived fuel.
[[Page 3593]]
Responsible official means one of the following:
(1) For a corporation: A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-
president of the corporation in charge of a principal business
function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-
making functions for the corporation, or a duly authorized
representative of such person if the representative is responsible for
the overall operation of one or more manufacturing, production, or
operating facilities applying for or subject to a permit and either:
(i) The facilities employ more than 250 persons or have gross
annual sales or expenditures exceeding $25 million (in second quarter
1980 dollars); or
(ii) The delegation of authority to such representatives is
approved in advance by the permitting authority;
(2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: a general partner or
the proprietor, respectively;
(3) For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency:
Either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For
the purposes of this part, a principal executive officer of a Federal
agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for
the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency
(e.g., a Regional Administrator of EPA); or
(4) For affected facilities:
(i) The designated representative in so far as actions, standards,
requirements, or prohibitions under Title IV of the Clean Air Act or
the regulations promulgated thereunder are concerned; or
(ii) The designated representative for any other purposes under
part 60.
Shutdown means, for incinerators and small, remote incinerators,
the period of time after all waste has been combusted in the primary
Small, remote incinerator means an incinerator that combusts solid
waste (as that term is defined by the Administrator in 40 CFR part 241)
and combusts 3 tons per day or less solid waste and is more than 25
miles driving distance to the nearest municipal solid waste landfill.
Soil treatment unit means a unit that thermally treats petroleum-
contaminated soils for the sole purpose of site remediation. A soil
treatment unit may be direct-fired or indirect fired. A soil treatment
unit is not an incinerator, a waste-burning kiln, an energy recovery
unit or a small, remote incinerator under this subpart.
Solid waste means the term solid waste as defined in 40 CFR 241.2.
Solid waste incineration unit means a distinct operating unit of
any facility which combusts any solid waste (as that term is defined by
the Administrator in 40 CFR part 241) material from commercial or
industrial establishments or the general public (including single and
multiple residences, hotels and motels). Such term does not include
incinerators or other units required to have a permit under section
3005 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act. The term ``solid waste
incineration unit'' does not include:
(1) Materials recovery facilities (including primary or secondary
smelters) which combust waste for the primary purpose of recovering
(2) Qualifying small power production facilities, as defined in
section 3(17)(C) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 769(17)(C)), or
qualifying cogeneration facilities, as defined in section 3(18)(B) of
the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(18)(B)), which burn homogeneous
waste (such as units which burn tires or used oil, but not including
refuse-derived fuel) for the production of electric energy or in the
case of qualifying cogeneration facilities which burn homogeneous waste
for the production of electric energy and steam or forms of useful
energy (such as heat) which are used for industrial, commercial,
heating or cooling purposes; or
(3) Air curtain incinerators provided that such incinerators only
burn wood wastes, yard wastes and clean lumber and that such air
curtain incinerators comply with opacity limitations to be established
by the Administrator by rule.
Space heater means a unit that meets the requirements of 40 CFR
279.23. A space heater is not an incinerator, a waste-burning kiln, an
energy recovery unit or a small, remote incinerator under this subpart.
Standard conditions, when referring to units of measure, means a
temperature of 68[emsp14][deg]F (20 [deg]C) and a pressure of 1
atmosphere (101.3 kilopascals).
Startup period means, for incinerators and small, remote
incinerators, the period of time between the activation of the system
and the first charge to the unit.
Useful Thermal Energy means energy (i.e., steam, hot water, or
process heat) that meets the minimum operating temperature and/or
pressure required by any energy use system that uses energy provided by
the affected energy recovery unit.
Waste-burning kiln means a kiln that is heated, in whole or in
part, by combusting solid waste (as the term is defined by the
Administrator in 40 CFR part 241). Secondary materials used in Portland
cement kilns shall not be deemed to be combusted unless they are
introduced into the flame zone in the hot end of the kiln or mixed with
the precalciner fuel.
Wet scrubber means an add-on air pollution control device that
utilizes an aqueous or alkaline scrubbing liquor to collect particulate
matter (including non-vaporous metals and condensed organics) and/or to
absorb and neutralize acid gases.
Wood waste means untreated wood and untreated wood products,
including tree stumps (whole or chipped), trees, tree limbs (whole or
chipped), bark, sawdust, chips, scraps, slabs, millings, and shavings.
Wood waste does not include:
(1) Grass, grass clippings, bushes, shrubs, and clippings from
bushes and shrubs from residential, commercial/retail, institutional,
or industrial sources as part of maintaining yards or other private or
public lands;
(2) Construction, renovation, or demolition wastes; or
(3) Clean lumber.
Table 1 to Subpart III of Part 62--Emission Limitations That Apply to Incinerators Before February 7, 2018 \2\
And determining
For the air pollutant You must meet this Using this averaging compliance using this
emission limitation \1\ time method
Cadmium.............................. 0.004 milligrams per 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
dry standard cubic minimum sample time (Method 29 of appendix
meter. per run). A of part 60).
Carbon monoxide...................... 157 parts per million 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
by dry volume. minimum sample time (Method 10, 10A, or
per run). 10B, of appendix A of
this part).
Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency 0.41 nanograms per dry 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
basis). standard cubic meter. minimum sample time (Method 23 of appendix
per run). A of this part).
[[Page 3594]]
Hydrogen chloride.................... 62 parts per million by 3-run average (For Performance test
dry volume. Method 26, collect a (Method 26 or 26A at
minimum volume of 120 40 CFR part 60,
liters per run. For appendix A-8).
Method 26A, collect a
minimum volume of 1
dry standard cubic
meter per run).
Lead................................. 0.04 milligrams per dry 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
standard cubic meter. minimum sample time (Method 29 of appendix
per run). A of this part).
Mercury.............................. 0.47 milligrams per dry 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
standard cubic meter. minimum sample time (Method 29 or 30B at
per run). 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-8) or ASTM
D6784-02 (Reapproved
Opacity.............................. 10 percent............. Three 1-hour blocks Performance test
consisting of ten 6- (Method 9 at 40 CFR
minute average opacity part 60, appendix A-
values. 4).
Oxides of nitrogen................... 388 parts per million 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
by dry volume. minimum sample time (Methods 7 or 7E at 40
per run). CFR part 60, appendix
Particulate matter................... 70 milligrams per dry 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
standard cubic meter. minimum sample time (Method 5 or 29 of
per run). appendix A of part
Sulfur dioxide....................... 20 parts per million by 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
dry volume. minimum sample time (Method 6 or 6c of
per run). appendix A of part
\1\ All emission limitations (except for opacity) are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard
\2\ Applies only to incinerators subject to the CISWI standards through a state plan or the Federal plan prior
to June 4, 2010.
\3\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 62.14670(z).
Table 2 to Subpart III of Part 62--Operating Limits for Wet Scrubbers
You must establish And monitor using these minimum frequencies
For these operating parameters these operating -----------------------------------------------------------
limits Data measurement Data recording Averaging time
Charge rate..................... Maximum charge Continuous........ Every hour........ 1. Daily (batch
rate. units).
2. 3-hour rolling
(continuous and
Pressure drop across the wet Minimum pressure Continuous........ Every 15 minutes.. 3-hour rolling.\1\
scrubber or amperage to wet drop or amperage.
Scrubber liquor flow rate....... Minimum flow rate. Continuous........ Every 15 minutes.. 3-hour rolling.\1\
Scrubber liquor pH.............. Minimum pH........ Continuous........ Every 15 minutes.. 3-hour rolling.\1\
\1\ Calculated each hour as the average of the previous 3 operating hours.
Table 3 to Subpart III of Part 62--Toxic Equivalency Factors
Dioxin/furan congener equivalency
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin............... 1
1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin............. 0.5
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin............ 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin............ 0.1
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin............ 0.1
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin......... 0.01
Octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin........................ 0.001
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzofuran................... 0.1
2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran................. 0.5
1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran................. 0.05
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran................ 0.1
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran................ 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran................ 0.1
2,3,4,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran................ 0.1
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran............. 0.01
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran............. 0.01
Octachlorinated dibenzofuran............................ 0.001
[[Page 3595]]
Table 4 to Subpart III of Part 62--Summary of Reporting Requirements \1\
Report Due date Contents Reference
A. Waste Management Plan............. No later than November Waste management plan.. Sec. 62.14715.
7, 2017 or six months
prior to the date you
commence or recommence
burning solid waste,
whichever is later.
B. Initial Test Report............... No later than 60 days 1. Complete test report Sec. 62.14720.
following the initial for the initial
performance test. performance test.
2. The values for the
operating limits.
3. Installation of bag
leak detection systems
for fabric filters.
C. Annual report..................... No later than 12 months 1. Name and address.... Sec. Sec. 62.14725
following the 2. Statement and and 62.14730.
submission of the signature by Subsequent reports are
initial test report. responsible official. to be submitted no
Subsequent reports are 3. Date of report...... more than 12 months
to be submitted no 4. Values for the following the previous
more than 12 months operating limits.. report.
following the previous 5. If no deviations or
report. malfunctions were
reported, a statement
that no deviations
occurred during the
reporting period.
6. Highest recorded 3-
hour average and the
lowest 3-hour average,
as applicable, for
each operating
parameter recorded for
the calendar year
being reported.
7. Information for
deviations or
malfunctions recorded
under Sec.
62.14700(b)(6) and (c)
through (e).
8. If a performance
test was conducted
during the reporting
period, the results of
the test.
9. If a performance
test was not conducted
during the reporting
period, a statement
that the requirements
of Sec. 62.14680(a)
were met.
10. Documentation of
periods when all
qualified CISWI unit
operators were
unavailable for more
than 8 hours but less
than 2 weeks.
D. Emission Limitation or Operating By August 1 of that 1. Dates and times of Sec. Sec. 62.14735
Limit Deviation Report. year for data deviations. and 62.14740.
collected during the 2. Averaged and
first half of the recorded data for
calendar year. these dates.
By February 1 of the 3. Duration and causes
following year for for each deviation and
data collected during the corrective actions
the second half of the taken.
calendar year. 4. Copy of operating
limit monitoring data
and any test reports.
5. Dates, times, and
causes for monitor
downtime incidents.
6. Whether each
deviation occurred
during a period of
startup, shutdown, or
E. Qualified Operator Deviation Within 10 days of 1. Statement of cause Sec. 62.14745(a)(1).
Notification. deviation. of deviation.
2. Description of
efforts to have an
accessible qualified
3. The date a qualified
operator will be
F. Qualified Operator Deviation Every 4 weeks following 1. Description of Sec. 62.14745(a)(2).
Status Report. deviation. efforts to have an
accessible qualified
2. The date a qualified
operator will be
3. Request for approval
to continue operation.
G. Qualified Operator Deviation Prior to resuming Notification that you Sec. 62.14745(b).
Notification of Resumed Operation. operation. are resuming operation.
\1\ This table is only a summary, see the referenced sections of the rule for the complete requirements.
[[Page 3596]]
Table 5 to Subpart III of Part 62--Model Rule--Emission Limitations That Apply to Incinerators on and After
February 7, 2018
You must meet this And determining
For the air pollutant emission limitation Using this averaging compliance using this
\1\ time method
Cadmium.............................. 0.0026 milligrams per 3-run average (collect Performance test
dry standard cubic a minimum volume of 2 (Method 29 at 40 CFR
meter. dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 8). Use ICPMS for the
analytical finish.
Carbon monoxide...................... 17 parts per million 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
dry volume. minimum sample time (Method 10 at 40 CFR
per run). part 60, appendix A-
Dioxins/furans (total mass basis).... 4.6 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 2 (Method 23 at 40 CFR
dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 7).
Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency 0.13 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
basis). standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 2 (Method 23 at 40 CFR
dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 7).
Hydrogen chloride.................... 29 parts per million 3-run average (For Performance test
dry volume. Method 26, collect a (Method 26 or 26A at
minimum volume of 60 40 CFR part 60,
liters per run. For appendix A-8).
Method 26A, collect a
minimum volume of 1
dry standard cubic
meter per run).
Lead................................. 0.015 milligrams per 3-run average (collect Performance test
dry standard cubic a minimum volume of 2 (Method 29 at 40 CFR
meter.\2\ dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 8). Use ICPMS for the
analytical finish.
Mercury.............................. 0.0048 milligrams per 3-run average (For Performance test
dry standard cubic Method 29 an ASTM (Method 29 or 30B at
meter. D6784-02 (Reapproved 40 CFR part 60,
2008),\3\ collect a appendix A-8) or ASTM
minimum volume of 2 D6784-02 (Reapproved
dry standard cubic 2008).\3\
meters per run. For
Method 30B, collect a
minimum sample as
specified in Method
30B at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A).
Oxides of nitrogen................... 53 parts per million 3-run average (for Performance test
dry volume. Method 7E, 1 hour (Method 7 or 7E at 40
minimum sample time CFR part 60, appendix
per run). A-4).
Particulate matter filterable........ 34 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 1 (Method 5 or 29 at 40
dry standard cubic CFR part 60, appendix
meter). A-3 or appendix A-8).
Sulfur dioxide....................... 11 parts per million 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
dry volume. minimum sample time (Method 6 or 6c at 40
per run). CFR part 60, appendix
Fugitive ash......................... Visible emissions for Three 1-hour Visible emission test
no more than 5% of the observation periods. (Method 22 at 40 CFR
hourly observation part 60, appendix A-
period. 7).
\1\ All emission limitations are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/
furans, you must meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
\2\ If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant
for at least 2 consecutive years show that your emissions are at or below this limit, you can skip testing
according to Sec. 62.14680 if all of the other provisions of Sec. 62.14680 are met. For all other
pollutants that do not contain a footnote ``2'', your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2
consecutive years must show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify
for skip testing.
\3\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 62.1670(z).
Table 6 to Subpart III of Part 62--Model Rule--Emission Limitations That Apply to Energy Recovery Units After
February 7, 2018
You must meet this emission limitation
\1\ Using this And determining
For the air pollutant ---------------------------------------- averaging time compliance using
Liquid/gas Solids this method
Cadmium......................... 0.023 milligrams Biomass--0.0014 3-run average Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per (collect a (Method 29 at 40
cubic meter. dry standard minimum volume of CFR part 60,
cubic meter. 2 dry standard appendix A-8).
Coal--0.0017 cubic meters). Use ICPMS for the
milligrams per analytical
dry standard finish.
cubic meter.
Carbon monoxide................. 35 parts per Biomass--260 parts 3-run average (1 Performance test
million dry per million dry hour minimum (Method 10 at 40
volume. volume. sample time per CFR part 60,
Coal--95 parts per run). appendix A-4).
million dry
[[Page 3597]]
Dioxins/furans (total mass 2.9 nanograms per Biomass--0.52 3-run average Performance test
basis). dry standard nanograms per dry (collect a (Method 23 at 40
cubic meter. standard cubic minimum volume of CFR part 60,
meter.\2\ 4 dry standard appendix A-7).
Coal--5.1 cubic meter).
nanograms per dry
standard cubic
Dioxins/furans (toxic 0.32 nanograms per Biomass--0.12 3-run average Performance test
equivalency basis). dry standard nanograms per dry (collect a (Method 23 at 40
cubic meter. standard cubic minimum volume of CFR part 60,
meter. 4 dry standard appendix A-7).
Coal--0.075 cubic meters).
nanograms per dry
standard cubic
Hydrogen chloride............... 14 parts per Biomass--0.20 3-run average (for Performance test
million dry parts per million Method 26, (Method 26 or 26A
volume. dry volume. collect a minimum at 40 CFR part
Coal--58 parts per of 120 liters; 60, appendix A-
million dry for Method 26A, 8).
volume. collect a minimum
volume of 1 dry
standard cubic
Lead............................ 0.096 milligrams Biomass--0.014 3-run average Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per (collect a (Method 29 at 40
cubic meter. dry standard minimum volume of CFR part 60,
cubic meter.\2\ 2 dry standard appendix A-8).
Coal--0.057 cubic meters). Use ICPMS for the
milligrams per analytical
dry standard finish.
cubic meter.
Mercury......................... 0.0024 milligrams Biomass--0.0022 3-run average (For Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per Method 29 and (Method 29 or 30B
cubic meter. dry standard ASTM D6784-02 at 40 CFR part
cubic meter. (Reapproved 60, appendix A-8)
Coal--0.013 2008),\3\ collect or ASTM D6784-02
milligrams per a minimum volume (Reapproved 2008)
dry standard of 2 dry standard \3\
cubic meter. cubic meters per
run. For Method
30B, collect a
minimum sample as
specified in
Method 30B at 40
CFR part 60,
appendix A).
Oxides of nitrogen.............. 76 parts per Biomass--290 parts 3-run average (for Performance test
million dry per million dry Method 7E, 1 hour (Method 7 or 7E
volume. volume. minimum sample at 40 CFR part
Coal--460 parts time per run). 60, appendix A-
per million dry 4).
Particulate matter filterable... 110 milligrams per Biomass--11 3-run average Performance test
dry standard milligrams per (collect a (Method 5 or 29
cubic meter. dry standard minimum volume of at 40 CFR part
cubic meter. 1 dry standard 60, appendix A-3
Coal--130 cubic meter). or appendix A-8)
milligrams per if the unit has
dry standard an annual average
cubic meter. heat input rate
less than or
equal to 250
MMBtu/hr; or PM
CPMS (as
specified in Sec.
62.14670(x)) if
the unit has an
annual average
heat input rate
greater than 250
Sulfur dioxide.................. 720 parts per Biomass--7.3 parts 3-run average (1 Performance test
million dry per million dry hour minimum (Method 6 or 6c
volume. volume. sample time per at 40 CFR part
Coal--850 parts run). 60, appendix A-
per million dry 4).
Fugitive ash.................... Visible emissions Visible emissions Three 1-hour Visible emission
for no more than for no more than observation test (Method 22
5 percent of the 5 percent of the periods. at 40 CFR part
hourly hourly 60, appendix A-
observation observation 7).
period. period.
\1\ All emission limitations (except for opacity) are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard
conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis
\2\ If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant
for at least 2 consecutive years show that your emissions are at or below this limit, you can skip testing
according to Sec. 62.14680 if all of the other provisions of Sec. 62.14680 are met. For all other
pollutants that do not contain a footnote ``2'', your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2
consecutive years must show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify
for skip testing, with the exception of annual performance tests to certify a CEMS or PM CPMS.
\3\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 62.14670(z).
[[Page 3598]]
Table 7 to Subpart III of Part 62--Model Rule--Emission Limitations That Apply to Waste-Burning Kilns After
February 7, 2018
And determining
For the air pollutant You must meet this Using this averaging compliance using this
emission limitation \1\ time method \3\
Cadmium.............................. 0.0014 milligrams per 3-run average (collect Performance test
dry standard cubic a minimum volume of 2 (Method 29 at 40 CFR
meter.\2\ dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 8).
Carbon monoxide...................... 110 (long kilns)/790 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
(preheater/ minimum sample time (Method 10 at 40 CFR
precalciner) parts per per run). part 60, appendix A-
million dry volume. 4).
Dioxins/furans (total mass basis).... 1.3 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 4 (Method 23 at 40 CFR
dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 7).
Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency 0.075 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
basis). standard cubic a minimum volume of 4 (Method 23 at 40 CFR
meter.\2\ dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 7).
Hydrogen chloride.................... 3.0 parts per million 3-run average (collect Performance test
dry volume.\2\ a minimum volume of 1 (Method 321 at 40 CFR
dry standard cubic part 63, appendix A of
meter) or 30-day this part) or HCl CEMS
rolling average if HCl if a wet scrubber or
CEMS is being used. dry scrubber is not
used, as specified in
Sec. 62.14670(j).
Lead................................. 0.014 milligrams per 3-run average (collect Performance test
dry standard cubic a minimum volume of 2 (Method 29 at 40 CFR
meter.\2\ dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 8).
Mercury.............................. 0.011 milligrams per 30-day rolling average. Mercury CEMS or sorbent
dry standard cubic trap monitoring system
meter. (performance
specification 12A or
12B, respectively, of
appendix B of this
part), as specified in
Sec. 62.14670(j).
Oxides of nitrogen................... 630 parts per million 3-run average (for Performance test
dry volume. Method 7E, 1 hour (Method 7 or 7E at 40
minimum sample time CFR part 60, appendix
per run). A-4).
Particulate matter filterable........ 13.5 milligrams per dry 30-day rolling average. PM CPMS (as specified
standard cubic meter. in Sec.
Sulfur dioxide....................... 600 parts per million 3-run average (for Performance test
dry volume. Method 6, collect a (Method 6 or 6c at 40
minimum of 20 liters; CFR part 60, appendix
for Method 6C, 1 hour A-4).
minimum sample time
per run).
\1\ All emission limitations are measured at 7 percent oxygen (except for CEMS data during startup and
shutdown), dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must meet either the total mass basis
limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
\2\ If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant
for at least 2 consecutive years show that your emissions are at or below this limit, you can skip testing
according to Sec. 62.14680 if all of the other provisions of Sec. 62.14680 are met. For all other
pollutants that do not contain a footnote ``2'', your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2
consecutive years must show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify
for skip testing, with the exception of annual performance tests to certify a CEMS or PM CPMS.
\3\ Alkali bypass and in-line coal mill stacks are subject to performance testing only, as specified in
62.14670(y)(3). They are not be subject to the CEMS, sorbent trap or CPMS requirements that otherwise may
apply to the main kiln exhaust.
Table 8 to Subpart III of Part 62--Model Rule--Emission Limitations That Apply to Small, Remote Incinerators
After February 7, 2018
And determining
For the air pollutant You must meet this Using this averaging compliance using this
emission limitation \1\ time method
Cadmium.............................. 0.95 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 1 (Method 29 at 40 CFR
dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters per run). 8).
Carbon monoxide...................... 64 parts per million 3-run average (1 hour Performance test
dry volume. minimum sample time (Method 10 at 40 CFR
per run). part 60, appendix A-
Dioxins/furans (total mass basis).... 4,400 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 1 (Method 23 at 40 CFR
dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters per run). 7).
Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency 180 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
basis). standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 1 (Method 23 at 40 CFR
dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 7).
Fugitive ash......................... Visible emissions for Three 1-hour Visible emissions test
no more than 5 percent observation periods. (Method 22 at 40 CFR
of the hourly part 60, appendix A-
observation period. 7).
[[Page 3599]]
Hydrogen chloride.................... 300 parts per million 3-run average (For Performance test
dry volume. Method 26, collect a (Method 26 or 26A at
minimum volume of 120 40 CFR part 60,
liters per run. For appendix A-8).
Method 26A, collect a
minimum volume of 1
dry standard cubic
meter per run).
Lead................................. 2.1 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 1 (Method 29 at 40 CFR
dry standard cubic part 60, appendix A-
meters). 8). Use ICPMS for the
analytical finish.
Mercury.............................. 0.0053 milligrams per 3-run average (For Performance test
dry standard cubic Method 29 and ASTM (Method 29 or 30B at
meter. D6784-02 (Reapproved 40 CFR part 60,
2008),\2\ collect a appendix A-8) or ASTM
minimum volume of 2 D6784-02 (Reapproved
dry standard cubic 2008).\2\
meters per run. For
Method 30B, collect a
minimum sample as
specified in Method
30B at 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A).
Oxides of nitrogen................... 190 parts per million 3-run average (for Performance test
dry volume. Method 7E, 1 hour (Method 7 or 7E at 40
minimum sample time CFR part 60, appendix
per run). A-4).
Particulate matter (filterable)...... 270 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect Performance test
standard cubic meter. a minimum volume of 1 (Method 5 or 29 at 40
dry standard cubic CFR part 60, appendix
meters). A-3 or appendix A-8).
Sulfur dioxide....................... 150 parts per million 3-run average (for Performance test
dry volume. Method 6, collect a (Method 6 or 6c at 40
minimum of 20 liters CFR part 60, appendix
per run; for Method A-4).
6C, 1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
\1\ All emission limitations (except for opacity) are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard
conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis
\2\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 62.14670(z).
[FR Doc. 2016-31203 Filed 1-10-17; 8:45 am]