Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Compressors, 1052-1106 [2016-29427]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
10 CFR Parts 429 and 431
[Docket No. EERE–2014–BT–TP–0054]
RIN 1904–AD43
Energy Conservation Program: Test
Procedures for Compressors
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Final rule.
On May 5, 2016, the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) published
a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR)
to establish new test procedures for
certain varieties of compressors. That
proposed rulemaking serves as the basis
for the final rule. This final rule
establishes definitions, materials
incorporated by reference, sampling
plans, representations requirements,
enforcement provisions, and test
procedures for certain varieties of
compressors. Specifically, this final rule
establishes full-load package isentropic
efficiency as the applicable energy
metric for certain fixed-speed
compressors and part-load package
isentropic efficiency as the applicable
energy metric for certain variable-speed
compressors. Finally, this final rule
incorporates by reference certain
sections of the ISO Standard
1217:2009(E), (ISO 1217:2009(E)),
‘‘Displacement compressors—
Acceptance tests,’’ as amended through
Amendment 1:2016, as the basis for a
test method for determining compressor
efficiency. ISO 1217:2009(E) includes a
test method for measuring compressor
inlet and discharge pressures, actual
volume flow rate, electrical input
power, package isentropic efficiency,
and other compressor performance
metrics. This final rule also adopts
certain modifications and additions to
ISO 1217:2009(E) to increase the
specificity of certain testing methods
established in ISO 1217:2009(E) and
improve the repeatability of tested and
measured values.
DATES: The effective date of this rule is
February 3, 2017. The final rule changes
will be mandatory for representations
starting July 3, 2017. The incorporation
by reference of certain publications
listed in the rule is approved by the
Director of the Federal Register February
3, 2017.
ADDRESSES: The docket, which includes
Federal Register, public meeting
attendee lists and transcripts,
comments, and other supporting
documents/materials, is available for
review at All
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documents in the docket are listed in
the index.
However, some documents listed in the
index, such as those containing
information that is exempt from public
disclosure, may not be publicly
A link to the docket Web page can be
found at
product.aspx/productid/78. The docket
Web page contains simple instructions
on how to access all documents,
including public comments, in the
James Raba, U.S. Department of Energy,
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Office, EE–5B, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121.
Telephone: (202) 586–8654. Email:
This final
rule incorporates by reference into 10
CFR part 431 the testing methods
contained in the following commercial
ISO 1217:2009(E), ‘‘Displacement
compressors—Acceptance tests,’’ July 1,
2009, sections 2, 3, and 4; sections 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9; paragraphs 6.2(g), and
6.2(h) including Table 1; Annex C
(excluding C.1.2, C.2.1, C.3, C.4.2.2,
C.4.3.1, and C.4.5). ISO 1217:2009/
Amd.1:2016(E), Displacement
compressors—Acceptance tests (Fourth
edition); Amendment 1: ‘‘Calculation of
isentropic efficiency and relationship
with specific energy,’’ April 15, 2016,
sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1; sections H.2
and H.3 of Annex H.
Copies of ISO 1217:2009(E) and of
ISO 1217:2009/Amendment 1:2016(E)
may be purchased from ISO at Chemin
de Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier,
Geneva, Switzerland +41 22 749 01 11,
or by going to
See section IV.N for additional
information about ISO 1217:2009(E) and
ISO 1217:2009/Amendment 1:2016(E).
Table of Contents
I. Authority and Background
A. Authority
B. Regulatory History for Compressors
II. Synopsis of the Final Rule
III. Discussion
A. Definitions
1. Definition of Covered Equipment
2. Air Compressor
3. Air Compressor Components
4. Rotary and Reciprocating Compressors
5. Brushless Electric Motor
6. Compressor Motor Nominal Horsepower
7. Volume Flow Rates
8. Maximum Full-Flow Operating Pressure
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9. Lubricated Compressor
B. Scope of Applicability of the Test
1. Air Compressor Limitation
2. Rotary and Reciprocating Compressors
3. Driver Style
4. Compressor Capacity
5. Lubricant Presence
6. Specialty-Purpose Compressors
C. Metrics
1. Package Isentropic Efficiency
2. Package Specific Power
3. Power Factor
D. Incorporation by Reference of Industry
1. ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016
2. Comments Related to the incorporation
of ISO 1217:2009(E)
E. Test Method
1. Measurement Equipment
2. Test Conditions
3. Equipment Configuration
4. Data Collection and Analysis
5. Determination of Full-Load and PartLoad Package Isentropic Efficiency
6. Allowable Deviation from Specified
Load Points
7. Determination of Package Specific Power
8. Determination of Pressure Ratio at FullLoad Operating Pressure
9. Maximum Full-Flow Operating Pressure,
Full-Load Operating Pressure, and FullLoad Actual Volume Flow Rate
F. Definition of Basic Model
G. Sampling Plan for Testing and
Alternative Efficiency Determination
1. Sampling Plan and Representations
2. Alternative Efficiency Determination
H. Enforcement Provisions
1. Sample Variability for Package
Isentropic Efficiency
2. Full-Load Operating Pressure and Actual
Volume Flow Rate
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility
1. Description and Estimate of the Number
of Small Entities Affected
2. Discussion of Testing Burden and
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal
Energy Administration Act of 1974
M. Congressional Notification
N. Description of Materials Incorporated by
V. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
I. Authority and Background
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A. Authority
Title III of the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act of 1975, as amended,
(42 U.S.C. 6291, et seq.; ‘‘EPCA’’ or, ‘‘the
Act’’) sets forth a variety of provisions
designed to improve energy efficiency.1
Part C of Title III, which for editorial
reasons was codified as Part A–1 upon
incorporation into the U.S. Code (42
U.S.C. 6311–6317), establishes the
Energy Conservation Program for
Certain Industrial Equipment. Under
EPCA, DOE may include a type of
industrial equipment, including
compressors, as covered equipment if it
determines that to do so is necessary to
carry out the purposes of Part A–1. (42
U.S. 6311(1)(L), 6311(2)(B)(i), and
6312(b)). The purpose of Part A–1 is to
improve the efficiency of electric motors
and pumps and certain other industrial
equipment in order to conserve the
energy resources of the Nation. (42
U.S.C. 6312(a))
Pursuant to EPCA, DOE’s energy
conservation program for covered
equipment consists essentially of four
parts: (1) Testing; (2) labeling; (3)
Federal energy conservation standards;
and (4) certification and enforcement
procedures. Specifically, subject to
certain criteria and conditions, EPCA
requires DOE to develop test procedures
to measure the energy efficiency, energy
use, or estimated annual operating cost
of each type of covered equipment. (42
U.S.C. 6314(a)) Manufacturers of
covered equipment must use the
prescribed DOE test procedures: (1) As
the basis for certifying to DOE that their
equipment complies with the applicable
energy conservation standards adopted
under EPCA (42 U.S.C. 6295(s) and
6316(a)) and (2) when making
representations to the public regarding
the energy use or efficiency of those
equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6314(d))
B. Regulatory History for Compressors
Currently, no Federal energy
conservation standards for compressors
exist. Before today, no Federal test
procedures for compressors existed.
On December 31, 2012, DOE
published a Proposed Determination of
Coverage (2012 NOPD) proposing to
determine that compressors qualify as
covered equipment under part A–1 of
Title III of EPCA, as amended (42 U.S.C.
6311 et seq.). DOE proposed that
coverage was necessary for the purposes
of Part A–1 on the basis that (1) DOE
may prescribe energy conservation
1 All references to EPCA in this document refer
to the statute as amended through the Energy
Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015, Public Law
114–11 (Apr. 30, 2015).
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standards only for covered equipment;
and (2) energy conservation standards
for compressors would improve the
efficiency of such equipment more than
would be likely to occur in the absence
of standards.77 FR 76972 (Dec. 31,
2012). On February 7, 2013, DOE
published a notice reopening the
comment period on the 2012 NOPD. 78
FR 8998.
On November 15, 2016, DOE
published a final rule, which
determined that coverage for
compressors is necessary to carry out
the purposes of Part A–1 of Title III of
EPCA (herein referred to as ‘‘notice of
final determination’’). 81 FR 79991.
On February 5, 2014, DOE published
in the Federal Register a notice of
public meeting, and provided a
framework document that addressed
potential standards and test procedures
rulemakings for these products. 79 FR
6839. DOE held a public meeting to
discuss the framework document on
April 1, 2014. At this meeting, DOE
discussed and received comments on
the framework document, which
covered the analytical framework,
models, and tools that DOE used to
evaluate potential standards; and all
other issues raised relevant to the
development of energy conservation
standards for the different categories of
compressors. On March 18, 2014, DOE
extended the comment period. 79 FR
On May 5, 2016, DOE published a
NOPR, to propose test procedures for
certain compressors (‘‘May 2016 test
procedure NOPR’’ or ‘‘test procedure
NOPR’’). 87 FR 27220. The test
procedure NOPR proposed establishing
a new subpart T of title 10 of the Code
of Federal Regulations, part 431 (10 CFR
part 431), which would contain
definitions, materials incorporated by
reference, and test procedures for
determining the energy efficiency of
certain varieties of compressors. The
test procedure NOPR would also amend
title 10 CFR part 429 to establish
sampling plans, representations
requirements, and enforcement
provisions for certain compressors. On
June 20, 2016, DOE held a public
meeting to discuss the test procedure
NOPR and receive comments from
interested parties.
Finally, in this final rule, DOE
responds to comments received from
interested parties in response to the
proposals presented in the May 2016
test procedure NOPR, either during the
June 2016 NOPR public meeting or in
subsequent written comments.2 In
response to the May 2016 test procedure
NOPR, DOE received 17 written
comments in addition to the verbal
comments made by interested parties
during the June 2016 NOPR public
meeting. The commenters included: the
Appliance Standards Awareness Project
(ASAP); Atlas Copco AB (Atlas Copco);
CASTAIR; the Compressed Air & Gas
Institute (CAGI); Compressed Air
Systems; Ingersoll Rand; Jenny
Products; Kaeser Compressors; the
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
(NEEA); the Pacific Gas and Electric
Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas and
Electric (SDG&E), Southern California
Edison (SCE), and Southern California
Gas Company (SCGC), collectively
referred to as the California Investor
Owned Utilities (CA IOUs); the People’s
Republic of China (P. R. China); Scales
Industrial Technologies; Sullair; SaylorBeall Manufacturing Company and
Sullivan-Palatek, collectively referred to
as Sullivan-Palatek. DOE identifies
comments received in response to the
May 2016 test procedure NOPR by the
commenter, the number of document as
listed in the docket maintained at (Docket No. EERE–
2014–BT–TP–0054), and the page
number of that document where the
comment appears (for example: CAGI,
No. 10 at p. 4). If a comment was made
verbally during the NOPR public
meeting, DOE also specifically identifies
those as being located in the NOPR
public meeting transcript (for example:
CAGI, public meeting transcript, No. 16
at p. 100). This final rule also contains
certain relevant comments that were
submitted in response to the
compressors energy conservation
standards rulemaking and the 2012
NOPD, but pertain to the topics
discussed in the test procedure
rulemaking. Those comments are
identified with the appropriate docket
numbers, EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040
and EERE–2012–BT–DET–0033,
2 DOE notes that certain comments pertaining to
the definition of ‘‘compressors’’ were addressed in
the November 2016 notice of final determination.
81 FR 79991, 79992–4 (Nov. 15, 2016).
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II. Synopsis of the Final Rule
In this final rule, DOE amends subpart
T of title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, part 431 (10 CFR part 431),
which contains definitions, materials
incorporated by reference, and test
procedures for determining the energy
efficiency of certain varieties of
While the range of equipment
included in DOE’s definition of
compressor is broad, the test procedures
established by this rulemaking are
limited to only a specific subset of
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
compressors. Specifically, this final rule
applies only to a subset of rotary
compressors, as defined in section III.B
of this final rule. DOE intends this test
procedure final rule to apply to similar
equipment for which DOE is
considering adopting energy
conservation standards (Docket No.
EERE–2014–BT–TP–0054). However,
the scope of any energy conservation
standards would be established in that
This final rule establishes package
isentropic efficiency as the applicable
energy metric for compressors within
the scope of the final rule. Package
isentropic efficiency describes the ratio
of the ideal isentropic power required
for compression to the actual packaged
compressor power input used for the
same compression process. Specifically,
this final rule establishes two varieties
of package isentropic efficiency,
depending on equipment configuration:
(1) Full-load package isentropic
efficiency for certain fixed-speed
compressors, and (2) part-load package
isentropic efficiency for certain variablespeed compressors. In this final rule,
DOE concludes these metrics provide a
representative measurement of the
energy performance of the rated
compressor under an average cycle of
In this final rule, DOE establishes test
methods to measure the inlet and
discharge pressures, actual volume flow
rate, and packaged compressor power
input, as well as calculations of the
theoretical power necessary for
compression—all of which are required
to calculate full- or part-load package
isentropic efficiency. For reproducible
and uniform measurement of these
values, DOE incorporates by reference
the test methods established in certain
applicable sections of ISO 1217:2009(E),
‘‘Displacement compressors—
Acceptance tests,’’ as amended through
ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016.3
Specifically, the test procedure codified
by this final rule references the
following parts of ISO 1217 as amended
by Amendment 1:2016: sections 2, 3,
and 4; subsections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9,
6.2(g), and 6.2(h); Annex C subsections
C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1,
C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2 and C.4.4; Annex H
subsections H.2 and H.3; and Table 1 of
subsection 6.2. See section III.D and
section IV.N of this final rule for
additional information about ISO
1217:2009(E) and ISO 1217:2009(E)/
Amd.1:2016. Members of the
compressor industry developed ISO
3 ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 is titled
‘‘Calculation of isentropic efficiency and
relationship with specific energy.’’
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1217:2009(E), which contains methods
for determining inlet and discharge
pressures, actual volume flow rate,
packaged compressor power input, and
package isentropic efficiency for
electrically driven packaged
displacement compressors. DOE has
reviewed the relevant sections of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended, and has
determined that ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, in conjunction with the
additional clarifications and test
methods and calculations established in
this final rule (see section III.E),
produces test results that reflect the
energy efficiency of a compressor during
a representative average use cycle. (42
U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)) DOE has also
reviewed the burdens associated with
conducting the test procedure
established in this final rule, including
ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, and,
based on the results of such analysis,
has found that the test procedure would
not be unduly burdensome to conduct.
(42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)) DOE presents the
analysis of the burdens associated with
the test procedure in section IV.B.
In this final rule, DOE also
establishes, in subpart B of part 429 of
title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR part 429), sampling
plan requirements, representations
requirements, and enforcement
provisions for the compressors within
the scope of this final rule. The
sampling plan requirements established
in this final rule are similar to other
types of commercial equipment (e.g.,
pumps) and are appropriate for
compressors based on the expected
range of measurement uncertainty and
manufacturing tolerances for this
equipment. The sampling plan is
intended to give DOE reasonable
assurance that any individual unit
distributed in commerce is at least as
efficient as its basic model rating. The
representations requirements
established in this final rule specify the
energy consumption or energy
efficiency representations that, in
addition to the regulated metric (part- or
full-load package isentropic efficiency),
may be made by compressor
manufacturers, distributors, retailers, or
private labelers. DOE notes that any
representations of the energy efficiency
or energy use of compressors to which
an adopted test procedure applies must
be made based on the adopted
compressor test procedure beginning
180 days after the publication date of
any test procedure final rule
establishing such procedures. (42 U.S.C.
6314(d)) Finally, the enforcement
provisions established in this final rule
govern the process DOE follows when
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performing its own assessment of basic
model compliance with any future
energy conservation standards.
III. Discussion
A. Definitions
1. Definition of Covered Equipment
Although EPCA lists compressors as a
type of industrial equipment, the term is
not defined. (42 U.S.C. 6311(2)(B)(i)) In
the May 5, 2016 test procedure NOPR,
DOE proposed to define a ‘‘compressor’’
as a machine or apparatus that converts
different types of energy into the
potential energy of gas pressure for
displacement and compression of
gaseous media to any higher pressure
values above atmospheric pressure and
has a pressure ratio 4 greater than 1.3. 81
FR 27220, 27223–27224. Further, DOE
noted that with its proposal of a
pressure ratio of greater than 1.3, it
intended to align the minimum pressure
ratio for compressors with the
maximum ratio proposed in the fans
and blowers rule and to create a
continuous spectrum of coverage
between the two equipment types. Ibid.
To determine objectively and
unambiguously whether equipment
meets the definition of compressor, in
the test procedure NOPR, DOE also
proposed to define the term ‘‘pressure
ratio’’ as the ratio of discharge pressure
to inlet pressure, as determined at fullload operating pressure. Such a
definition enables DOE to establish
quantitatively which compressors meet
the pressure ratio requirement proposed
in the definition of the term compressor.
81 FR 27220, 27224 (May 5, 2016).
In the notice of final determination,
DOE addressed all comments related to
the definition of compressor, and
ultimately adopted the following
Compressor means a machine or
apparatus that converts different types
of energy into the potential energy of gas
pressure for displacement and
compression of gaseous media to any
higher pressure values above
atmospheric pressure and has a pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure
greater than 1.3. 81 FR 79991, 79998
(Nov. 15, 2016).
DOE notes that in the notice of final
determination, for the definition of
compressor, the term pressure ratio
(which was proposed in the TP NOPR),
was replaced with the term ‘‘pressure
ratio at full load operating pressure.’’
DOE stated that the definition of the
new term, as well as methods of testing,
4 For the final rule, the term ‘‘pressure ratio’’ has
been revised to ‘‘pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure,’’ as explained later in this section.
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
would be established in the test
procedure final rule. 81 FR 79991,
79995 (Nov. 15, 2016). In this final rule,
DOE addresses all comments related to
the definition of the term pressure ratio.
CAGI did not provide any direct
comments, but commented that it was
in agreement with DOE’s proposal for
items on which it did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
Jenny Products and Scales Industrial
Technologies commented that they
would prefer to use the more common
term, ‘‘compression ratio,’’ in place of
pressure ratio. Scales Industrial
Technologies also indicated that DOE’s
proposed definition of pressure ratio
was not sufficiently clear, and could be
interpreted in multiple ways. (Scales
Industrial Technologies, No. 0013, at p.
1; Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 2)
In response to Scales Industrial
Technologies’ concerns about clarity, in
this final rule, DOE is clarifying its
NOPR proposal and modifying the term
pressure ratio to pressure ratio at fullload operating pressure. This
clarification better aligns the name of
this metric with its definition, which
states, as proposed, that pressure ratio
means the ratio of discharge pressure to
inlet pressure, determined at full-load
operating pressure in accordance with
the test procedures prescribed in
§ 431.344. 81 FR 27220, 27224 (May 5,
2016). DOE is making this clarification
because it understands that the ratio
between the inlet pressure and the
discharge pressure, measured at the
discharge pipe, can vary based on the
pressure of the system that the
compressor is supplying. As a result,
DOE concludes that the use of the
general term pressure ratio to describe a
pressure ratio at a specific load point
(i.e., full-load operating pressure), is not
appropriate. Additionally, based on the
general support of CAGI, SullivanPalatek, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair, and
the above clarification to the term
pressure ratio, DOE concludes that the
use of the term pressure ratio at fullload operating pressure is sufficiently
clear, and DOE does not adopt the term
compression ratio in its place.
Ultimately, for the reasons discussed
in this section and established in the
test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting
the following definition for pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure.
Beyond the previously discussed
terminology change from pressure ratio
to pressure ratio at full-load operating
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pressure, this definition is unchanged
from the test procedure NOPR proposal.
Pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure means the ratio of discharge
pressure to inlet pressure, determined at
full-load operating pressure in
accordance with the test procedures
prescribed in § 431.344.
2. Air Compressor
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to define the term ‘‘air
compressor’’ as a compressor designed
to compress air that has an inlet open
to the atmosphere or other source of air,
and is made up of a compression
element (bare compressor), driver(s),
mechanical equipment to drive the
compressor element, and any ancillary
equipment. 81 FR 27220, 27226 (May 5,
In response to the proposed
definitions, DOE received comment
from CAGI indicating its support of the
definitions as proposed for the test
procedure. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 20) SullivanPalatek, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair
supported CAGI’s comments. (SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1; Ingersoll Rand,
No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p.
Consequently, for the reasons
established in the test procedure NOPR,
DOE is adopting the definition for air
compressor as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
3. Air Compressor Components
a. Bare Compressor, Driver, and
Mechanical Equipment
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to define ‘‘bare compressor’’ 5
as the compression element and
auxiliary devices (e.g., inlet and outlet
valves, seals, lubrication system, and
gas flow paths) required for performing
the gas compression process. The
definition does not include the driver;
speed-adjusting gear(s); gas processing
apparatuses and piping; or compressor
equipment packaging and mounting
facilities and enclosures. 81 FR 27220,
27227 (May 5, 2016).
Further, in the test procedure NOPR,
DOE proposed to define ‘‘driver’’ and
‘‘mechanical equipment’’ as the
machine providing mechanical input to
drive a bare compressor directly or
through the use of mechanical
equipment, and any component of an air
compressor that transfers energy from
the driver to the bare compressor,
5 The compressors industry frequently uses the
term ‘‘airend’’ or ‘‘air end’’ to refer to the bare
compressor. DOE uses ‘‘bare compressor’’ in the
regulatory text of this rule, and, for the purposes of
this rulemaking, it considers the terms to be
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respectively. 81 FR 27220, 27227 (May
5, 2016).
In response to the proposed
definitions, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but CAGI commented
that it was in agreement with DOE’s
proposal for items on which it did not
directly comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p.
3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Scales
Industrial Technologies commented that
the ‘bare’ compressor often includes
speed-increasing gears. (Scales
Industrial Technologies, no. 0013 at p.
2) In response, DOE clarifies that while
the definition of bare compressor does
not include mention of gears, the
definition of mechanical equipment
does include mention of gears.
Moreover, the definition of air
compressor, which is the overarching
term dictating the scope of applicability
of equipment in this final rule, includes
mechanical equipment. Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the
definitions for bare compressor, driver,
and mechanical equipment as proposed
in the test procedure NOPR.
b. Ancillary Equipment
In the test procedure NOPR, the
proposed definition of air compressor
included the term ‘‘ancillary
equipment.’’ DOE proposed to define
ancillary equipment as any equipment
distributed in commerce with an air
compressor that is not a bare
compressor, driver, or mechanical
equipment. 81 FR 27220, 27227 (May 5,
2016). Ancillary equipment would be
considered to be part of a given air
compressor model regardless of whether
the ancillary equipment is physically
attached to the bare compressor, driver,
or mechanical equipment at the time
when the air compressor is distributed
in commerce. Ibid. DOE also requested
comment on if a list of ancillary
equipment was more appropriate than
the definition. Ibid.
Many commenters suggested that the
definition of ancillary equipment
proposed in the test procedure NOPR
lacked specificity. Scales Industrial
Technologies, Kaeser Compressors, and
Jenny Products commented that
standard, but not application-specific or
optional, ancillary equipment should be
used as required for the safe operation
of the bare compressor. Kaeser
Compressors noted that the metric of
isentropic efficiency is expressed
relative to the theoretical power
required to compress air, and thus the
specified test configuration should
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
logically reflect the equipment required
to compress air, without the effect of
any additional components. Scales
Industrial Technologies stated that
standard compressors should not
include accessories beyond an
aftercooler, a moisture separator, and an
automatic drain cap. (Jenny Products,
No. 0020 at pp. 2–3; Scales Industrial
Technologies, No. 0013 at p. 2; Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 31, 37)
ASAP commented that the definition
of ancillary equipment should be clear
and include equipment that is normally
included with a majority of
applications. (ASAP, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 25, 30)
Similarly, Compressed Air Systems
commented that the list of ancillary
equipment should be defined, noting
that safety equipment should be
included as part of the list to ensure safe
operation of compressors. (Compressed
Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 1) Atlas
Copco agreed that the proposed
definition of ancillary equipment was
not appropriate, and commented that
DOE should consider a definition
similar to the one used in the EU Lot 31
draft standard. Atlas Copco argues that
following the EU Lot 31 standard would
allow for accurate comparisons of the
energy consumption of similar basic
models of compressors and would not
penalize manufacturers who efficiently
integrate optional ancillary equipment
into the compressor design. (Atlas
Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 10–11; Atlas
Copco, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at pp. 34–35) CAGI and Ingersoll
Rand also supported a clearer definition
and suggested the use of a list of
equipment to define the term ancillary
equipment, with Ingersoll Rand further
commenting that optional equipment
such as ancillary air treatment
equipment should be excluded from the
test procedures. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 27–28;
Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 29, 33) CAGI
provided a list that is slightly modified
from the one used by the EU Lot 31 draft
standard; this list is reproduced in Table
III.1. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 3; CAGI,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 37) CAGI stated that this list is
limited to equipment that is required for
safety or basic compressor functionality.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 3) CAGI further
indicated that all other equipment is
optional and should not be included for
testing. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 4–5;
CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 37)
Configuration of basic compressor
Fixed-speed rotary
Variable-speed rotary
Speed .............................................................................................................................
Cooling ...........................................................................................................................
Electric motor (driver) ....................................................................................................
Cooling fan(s) and motors .............................................................................................
Compression element (bare compressor) .....................................................................
Transmission (belt, gear, coupling, etc.) (mechanical equipment) ...............................
Inlet filter ........................................................................................................................
Inlet valve .......................................................................................................................
Minimum pressure check valve/backflow check valve ..................................................
Oil separator ..................................................................................................................
Air piping ........................................................................................................................
Oil piping ........................................................................................................................
Oil pump ........................................................................................................................
Oil filter ...........................................................................................................................
Oil cooler ........................................................................................................................
Thermostatic valve .........................................................................................................
Electrical switchgear ......................................................................................................
Frequency converter ......................................................................................................
Compressed air cooler(s) ..............................................................................................
Compressor control device (pressure switch, pressure transducer, electronic or electrical controls, etc.).
Protective devices ..........................................................................................................
Moisture separator and drain ........................................................................................
Fixed ...................................
Air-cooled/Water-cooled .....
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes (if applicable) ** ...........
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes (if applicable) ** ...........
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes * ...................................
No * .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes (if applicable) **.
Yes (if applicable) **.
No *.
Yes *.
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
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* Electrical switchgear and frequency converter only concern the main electric drive motor, other motors (e.g., fans, pumps) may still be driven
by a variable-speed drive and/or include electrical switchgear and/or frequency converter.
** The term ‘‘if applicable’’ means that if the functionality of the basic package is achieved without the component, then it does not need to be
Sullair and Sullivan-Palatek
expressed support of the CAGI position
and the list defined by CAGI in Table
III.1; Sullivan-Palatek further argued
that a consistent list of installed
equipment, rather than what is included
in commerce, is important such that
compressors can be compared to each
other consistently. (Sullair, No. 0006 at
p. 7; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at pp.
3, 4; Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 28) Ingersoll
Rand expanded on the importance of
using a list to define ancillary
equipment, noting that manufacturers
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independently have been self-declaring
a basic compressor when representing
unit efficiency, which in turn has been
used by DOE to analyze standards for
compressors. (Ingersoll Rand, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 36)
Sullair supported comments from
Kaeser Compressors and CAGI,
elaborating that items not included in
the list of ancillary equipment
developed by CAGI are customer-driven
additional equipment and out of the
control of a manufacturer. (Sullair,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
pp. 33–34) NEEA commented that a
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filter should be included as part of the
definition of ancillary equipment, but
would consider dropping the suggestion
of adding a filter to the list of ancillary
equipment if the draft EU compressor
standard also does not require a filter.
(NEEA, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 35)
Further, CAGI commented that if a
unit is offered for sale without a piece
of equipment on its recommended list,
the manufacturer must provide an
appropriate component, and the
selection and responsibility of providing
and installing this component for testing
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
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shall be the responsibility of the
manufacturer. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 5)
In response to these comments, DOE
agrees with CAGI and other commenters
that DOE should develop a list of
equipment that must be present for
testing. Further, DOE generally agrees
with the list provided by CAGI.
However, instead of including a specific
list as part of the definition of ancillary
equipment, DOE is maintaining a broad
definition of ancillary equipment and
adopting a list of equipment that must
be present for testing in the equipment
configuration section of the test method
(see section III.E.3 for complete details).
This approach helps avoid loopholes, as
it ensures that compressors distributed
in commerce with additional equipment
outside this list are still within the
scope of the test procedure, but such
equipment is tested only with the
equipment on the list. Further, this
approach helps ensure that all
compressors within the scope of this
rulemaking are rated fairly and
equitably with a consistent set of
equipment present, addressing the
concerns of Sullivan-Palatek. DOE
concludes that this approach is
consistent with CAGI’s comments,
which made clear that its list was the
required subset of all potential
equipment that it believed should be
present for testing. As a result, DOE is
adopting the definition of ancillary
equipment proposed in the test
procedure NOPR. Please see section
III.E.3 for a complete discussion of
specific equipment that is required for
4. Rotary and Reciprocating
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed the following definitions for
rotary and reciprocating compressors:
Rotary compressor means a positive
displacement compressor in which gas
admission and diminution of its
successive volumes or its forced
discharge are performed cyclically by
rotation of one or several rotors in a
compressor casing. 81 FR 27220, 27228
(May 5, 2016).
Reciprocating compressor means a
positive displacement compressor in
which gas admission and diminution of
its successive volumes are performed
cyclically by straight-line alternating
movements of a moving member(s) in a
compression chamber(s). 81 FR 27220,
27228 (May 5, 2016).
To support these definitions, DOE
also proposed ‘‘positive-displacement
compressor’’ to mean a compressor in
which the admission and diminution of
successive volumes of the gaseous
medium are performed periodically by
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forced expansion and diminution of a
closed space(s) in a working chamber(s)
by means of displacement of a moving
member(s) or by displacement and
forced discharge of the gaseous medium
into the high-pressure area.
In response to the proposed
definitions, CAGI agreed with the
proposed compressor definitions, but
stated that defining ‘‘rotor’’ would
characterize the equipment more
accurately, and suggested the following
definition: A compression element that
rotates continually in a single direction
[around] a single shaft or axis. (CAGI,
No. 0010 at p. 5) CAGI further
commented that, beyond rotary screw
compressors, other types of rotary
compressors, such as rotary vane and
scroll, would be covered under the
definition. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 22) However,
CAGI did not specifically recommend
whether these other rotary compressors
should, or should not, be included
within the scope of the test procedure.
Sullair added that DOE should clarify
which compressor technologies, such as
scroll and vane, met the proposed
definition. (Sullair, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 23) SullivanPalatek, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair
supported CAGI’s comments. (Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek,
No. 0007 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p.
DOE agrees with CAGI and Sullair’s
comments that a definition of rotor and
examples of rotary compressors would
improve the accuracy of the rotary
compressor definition. Further, DOE
agrees with CAGI’s recommended
definition and finds it to be technically
accurate. For this reason, in this final
rule, DOE is adopting the definition of
rotor, as recommended by CAGI. In
response to Sullair’s request for
examples, DOE notes that rotary
compressors include, but are not limited
to, rotary screw, sliding vane, rotary
lobe, and liquid ring. However, DOE
does not believe that scroll compressors
meet the definition of rotary
compressors, as scroll compressors
nutate (or orbit) rather than rotate
continually in a single direction around
a single shaft or axis.
Beyond these clarifications, DOE is
making no changes to the remaining
definitions discussed in this subsection,
and for the reasons established in the
test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting
in this final rule the definitions for
rotary compressor, reciprocating
compressor, and positive-displacement
compressor, as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
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5. Brushless Electric Motor
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to define a ‘‘brushless electric
motor’’ as a machine that converts
electrical power into rotational
mechanical power without use of
sliding electrical contacts. Further, DOE
considered brushless motors to include,
but not be limited to, what are
commonly known as induction,
brushless direct current, permanent
magnet, electrically commutated, and
reluctance motors. 81 FR 27220, 27229
(May 5, 2016).
In response to the proposed
definitions, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but commented that it
was in agreement with DOE’s proposal
for items on which it did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the
definition for brushless motor as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
6. Compressor Motor Nominal
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed ‘‘compressor motor nominal
horsepower’’ (‘‘hp’’) to mean the motor
horsepower of the electric motor with
which the rated air compressor is
distributed in commerce, as determined
in accordance with the applicable
procedures in subparts B and X of 10
CFR part 431. 81 FR 27220, 27229 (May
5, 2016).
In response to the proposed
definitions, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but commented that it
was in agreement with DOE’s proposal
for items on which it did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting in
this final rule the definition for
compressor motor nominal horsepower
as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
7. Volume Flow Rates
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that ‘‘actual volume flow rate’’
mean the volume flow rate of air,
compressed and delivered at the
standard discharge point, referred to
conditions of total temperature, total
pressure, and composition prevailing at
the standard inlet point, and as
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
determined in accordance with the test
procedures proposed for 10 CFR
431.344. Further, DOE also proposed
that full-load actual volume flow rate
mean the actual volume flow rate of the
compressor at the full-load operating
pressure. 81 FR 27220, 27231 (May 5,
In response to the proposed
definitions, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but CAGI commented
that it was in agreement with DOE’s
proposal for items on which it did not
directly comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p.
3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting in
this final rule the definitions for actual
volume flow rate and full-load actual
volume flow rate as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
8. Maximum Full-Flow Operating
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed ‘‘maximum full-flow operating
pressure’’ to mean the maximum
discharge pressure at which the
compressor is capable of operating, as
determined in accordance with the test
procedures proposed for 10 CFR
431.344.6 81 FR 27220, 27231 (May 5,
In response to the proposed
definition, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but CAGI commented
that it was in agreement with DOE’s
proposal for items on which it did not
directly comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p.
3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, in this final rule DOE
is adopting the definition for maximum
full-flow operating pressure proposed in
the test procedure NOPR.
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9. Lubricated Compressor
In the energy conservation standards
NOPR, DOE proposed ‘‘lubricated
compressor’’ to mean a compressor that
introduces an auxiliary substance into
the compression chamber during
compression. 81 FR 31680, 31698 (May
19, 2016). Analogously, DOE proposed
‘‘lubricant-free compressor’’ to mean a
compressor that does not introduce any
auxiliary substance into the
6 A discussion of the test procedure to determine
the maximum full-flow operating pressure can be
found in section III.E.9.
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compression chamber at any time
during operation. 81 FR 31680, 31698
(May 19, 2016). To support these
definitions, DOE proposed ‘‘auxiliary
substance’’ to mean any substance
deliberately introduced into a
compression process to aid in
compression of a gas by any of the
following: Lubricating, sealing
mechanical clearances, and/or absorbing
heat. 81 FR 31680, 31698 (May 19,
In the energy conservation standards
NOPR, DOE discussed ISO Standard
8573–1:2010, ‘‘Compressed air—Part 1:
Contaminants and purity classes,’’
(hereinafter referred to as ‘‘ISO 8573–
1:2010’’) which is used by industry to
measure and describe the purity of air.7
DOE did not propose to use ISO 8573–
1:2010, but requested comment on the
suitability of using this standard to
characterize compressors based on the
presence of lubricant in the
compression chamber. 81 FR 31680,
31698 (May 19, 2016).
In response, CAGI commented that
ISO 8573–1:2010 is a standard for
measuring the quality of air and, as
such, is not suitable for determining the
presence of lubricant in the
compression chamber. (EERE–2013–BT–
STD–0040, CAGI, No. 0052 at p. 10)
Ingersoll Rand, Mattei Compressors,
Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek
commented in support of CAGI’s
recommendations. (Ingersoll Rand, No.
0055 at p. 1; Mattei Compressors, No.
0063 at p. 2; Sullair, No. 0056 at p. 1;
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0051 at p. 1)
Beyond this commentary, CAGI
provided no comments or
recommendations regarding the
definitions of lubricated compressor and
lubricant-free compressor, as proposed
in the energy conservation standard
NOPR. Kaeser Compressors commented
that ISO 8573–1:2010 is not suitable for
defining a lubricated compressor and
agreed with DOE’s approach in the
NOPR regarding the definition of an
auxiliary substance without reference to
ISO 8573–1:2010. (Kaeser Compressors,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0044 at
p. 21)
DOE agrees with the comments made
by CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, Mattei
Compressors, Sullair, Sullivan-Palatek,
and Kaeser Compressors, and does not
use ISO 8573–1:2010 in the definition of
lubricated compressor in this final rule.
Additionally, due to the reasons
established in the test procedure NOPR,
and due to support from Kaeser
Compressors, in this final rule DOE is
adopting the definitions for lubricated
7 Available at:
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compressor, lubricant-free compressor,
and auxiliary substance as proposed in
the energy conservation standards
B. Scope of Applicability of the Test
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to limit the scope of
applicability of the compressors test
procedures to compressors that meet the
following criteria:
• Are air compressors;
• are rotary or reciprocating
• are driven by a brushless electric
• are distributed in commerce with a
compressor motor nominal horsepower
greater than or equal to 1 hp and less
than or equal to 500 hp; and
• operate at a full-load operating
pressure of greater than or equal to 31
pounds per square inch, gauge (‘‘psig’’)
and less than or equal to 225 psig;
The proposed test procedure NOPR
scope directly aligned with the scope of
compressor equipment that DOE
analyzed for the May 5, 2016 energy
conservation standards NOPR for
compressors. 81 FR 27220, 27224–5.
Similarly, in this final rule, DOE intends
to directly align the scope of the
compressors test procedures with the
scope of the forthcoming energy
conservation standards final rule.
However, while DOE intends the scope
of the test procedures adopted in this
final rule to be consistent with that of
any energy conservation standard that
may eventually be established for
compressors, DOE notes that the scope
of any energy conservation standards
will be established as part of a separate
As such, based on comments received
in response to both the test procedure
and energy conservation standards
NOPR, the scope of this test procedure
final rule is limited to compressors that
meet the following criteria:
• Are air compressors;
• are rotary compressors;
• are not liquid ring compressors;
• are driven by a brushless electric
• are lubricated compressors;
• have a full-load operating pressure
of 75–200 psig;
• are not designed and tested to the
requirements of The American
Petroleum Institute standard 619,
‘‘Rotary-Type Positive-Displacement
Compressors for Petroleum,
Petrochemical, and Natural Gas
Industries;’’ and
• have a capacity that is either:
o 10–200 compressor motor nominal
horsepower (hp), or
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
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o 35–1,250 full-load actual volume
flow rate (cfm).
Detailed discussion of each of the
scope limitations, associated benefits
and burdens, and interested party
comments, are in the subsections that
1. Air Compressor Limitation
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to limit the scope of the
compressors test procedure to air
compressors, as defined in section
In response to the 2012 NOPD,
Ingersoll Rand commented that losses in
efficiency are often attributable to
system-level losses as opposed to
package-level losses. Ingersoll Rand
stated that, therefore, little benefit
would be achieved by regulating the
compressor package alone without
providing guidance for the overall
compressed air system. (Docket No.
EERE–2012–BT–DET–0033, Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0004 at p. 2) CAGI argued
that estimating compressor energy
consumption, alone, is difficult because
it is often operated in an ensemble of
accompanying equipment, including
other compressors. (Docket No. EERE–
2012–BT–DET–0033, CAGI, No. 0003, at
pp. 5–6)
In response to the more recent 2016
test procedure NOPR, CAGI and
Ingersoll Rand provided updated
positions on the subject, and agreed
with DOE’s proposal for items on which
they did not directly comment. (CAGI,
No. 0010 at p. 3; Ingersoll Rand, No.
0011 at p. 1) Sullivan-Palatek and
Sullair supported CAGI’s comments.
(Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1) CASTAIR
disagreed with the notion of efficiency
standards for air compressors, arguing
that DOE should only regulate the
manufacturers of bare compressors, as
air compressor assemblers have very
little control over efficiency. (CASTAIR,
No. 0018 at p. 1)
In response to CASTAIR, the
efficiency of an air compressor is not
solely a function of the bare compressor.
As DOE discussed in the test procedure
NOPR, opportunities exist to select high
efficiency motors, drives (if applicable),
mechanical equipment, and ancillary
equipment that affect efficiency.
Further, proper sizing and integration of
this equipment also influences
efficiency. In the test procedure NOPR,
DOE specifically evaluated the option of
regulating at the bare compressor and
packaged compressor level. For the
reasons just mentioned, DOE concluded
that regulating a bare compressor would
result in significantly lower energy
savings opportunity compared to the
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packaged compressors. Further, DOE
concluded that determining the energy
performance of the bare compressor
alone would not be representative of the
energy consumption of the equipment
under typical use conditions. 81 FR
27220, 27225 (May 5, 2016).
Based on these reasons and the
support of many interested parties, DOE
maintains its NOPR proposal, and is
limiting the scope of the compressors
test procedure final rule to air
compressors as defined in section III.A.2
of this final rule.
2. Rotary and Reciprocating
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to include only rotary and
reciprocating compressors within the
scope of the test procedure, and not to
include dynamic compressors. 81 FR
27220, 27228 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the test procedure
NOPR, the CA IOUs supported the
inclusion of reciprocating compressors
in the scope of the test procedure and
recommended that DOE require testing
and performance data reporting for
reciprocating compressors, noting that
making their performance data publicly
available would be helpful for future
rulemakings and utility incentive
programs. The CA IOUs recommended a
phased approach for reciprocating
compressors to reduce the burden on
manufacturers, in which testing and
reporting of performance data would be
required over a long period of time. (CA
IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 4)
Sullair commented that any
equipment covered by the test
procedure and not the standard presents
a significant burden to the manufacturer
and a competitive advantage to
competing unregulated technologies
without a resulting improvement in unit
efficiency. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 3)
DOE agrees with the CA IOUs that
establishing test procedures and public
reporting requirements for reciprocating
compressors could be helpful in future
rulemakings and utility incentive
programs. However, in the energy
conservation standards NOPR, DOE
concluded that energy conservation
standards for reciprocating compressors
are not economically justified at this
time; as such, DOE did not propose
energy conservation standards for
reciprocating compressors. 81 FR 31680
(May 19, 2016). As discussed
previously, and in agreement with
Sullair’s comments, DOE concludes that
in the absence of existing or proposed
energy conservation standards for
reciprocating equipment, establishing a
test procedure to measure performance
of such equipment is not warranted at
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this time. Further, DOE concludes that
the burdens associated with such a test
procedure, as discussed by Sullair,
outweigh any potential benefits at this
time. Consequently, in this final rule,
DOE is adopting test methods applicable
only to certain rotary compressors and
is not adopting any testing requirements
for reciprocating compressors at this
In response to the concurrent energy
conservation standards rulemaking,
Sullivan-Palatek suggested that DOE’s
consideration of reciprocating
compressors as one, monolithic category
may be inappropriate, as reciprocating
compressors are built to a wide range of
efficiencies, intended duty cycles, and
configurations based on capacity.
Further, Sullivan-Palatek suggested that
a fraction of compressors in the
reciprocating market are likely to be
used in industrial settings and may be
worth considering separately from the
rest. (EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040, NEEA
and NWPCC, No. 0057 at pp. 1–2;
Docket No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040,
ASAP, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0044 at pp. 151–152; Docket No. EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, CA IOUs, No.
0059 at p. 3; Docket No. EERE–2013–
BT–STD–0040, Sullivan-Palatek, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0044 at pp. 67–
68, 84–85, 87, 112–113, 114, 115–116)
DOE acknowledges these suggestions
and concludes that separately
reassessing certain segments of the
reciprocating marketing may lead DOE
to a better informed assessment of the
burdens and benefits of test procedures
and energy conservation standards for
reciprocating compressors. However, at
this time, insufficient data exists to
perform such a specific characterization
of the reciprocating market, as noted by
NEEA. (Docket No. EERE–2013–BT–
STD–0040, NEEA, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0044 at pp. 123–124)
Consequently, DOE concludes the most
suitable path forward is to explore the
appropriateness of test procedures and
energy conservation standards for
reciprocating compressors in a future,
separate rulemaking.
As a point of clarification, DOE notes
that compressors that combine more
than one type of compression principle
(e.g., rotary and reciprocating elements
within a single compressor package) do
not meet DOE’s adopted definition of
rotary compressor, and, therefore, are
subject to the test procedures adopted in
this final rule.
As noted in section III.A.4, liquid ring
compressors meet the definition of a
rotary compressor. Specifically, ISO
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
1217:2009(E), as amended,8 defines
‘‘liquid ring compressor’’ as a machine
with a rotating impeller with protruding
blades eccentrically mounted in a
stationary round housing or centrally
mounted in a stationary elliptical
In this final rule, DOE is explicitly
excluding liquid ring compressors from
the scope of applicability of this test
procedure. Although liquid ring
compressors are rotary compressors,
they provide a unique utility for
applications that require a durable
compressor tolerant of dirty input air
and ingested liquid. Due to this utility
and construction, liquid ring
compressors require test methods
different from those proposed in the test
procedure NOPR. Specifically, ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended,9 specifies
that due to their configuration, liquid
ring compressors should be tested to
Annex A, which provides testing
methods and accuracy tolerances that
differ from those contained in the
sections that DOE proposed to
incorporate by reference in the test
procedure NOPR. As a result, DOE
concludes that it is not appropriate to
include liquid ring compressors in the
scope of this test procedure final rule.
However, DOE retains the authority to
evaluate and propose appropriate test
methods for liquid ring compressors in
future rulemakings.
3. Driver Style
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a. Electric Motor- and Engine-Driven
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to limit the scope of the
compressors test procedure to only
compressors driven by electric motors.
In response, EEI expressed
disappointment that the scope of the
proposed energy conservation standard
for compressors and, by extension, the
test procedure was not fuel-neutral,
noting that there are compressors driven
by natural gas. (Docket No. EERE–2013–
BT–STD–0040, EEI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0044 at p. 5)
In response to EEI’s comment, DOE
considered engine-driven compressors
in the February 5, 2014 Framework
document for compressors and
discussed these extensively in the May
8 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
topic. For details on ISO 1217:2009(E) and
Amendment 1:2016, see III.D and IV.N.
9 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
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5, 2016 test procedure NOPR. 79 FR
6839 and 81 FR 27220. Specifically, in
the test procedure NOPR, DOE
concluded that the inclusion of enginedriven compressors was not appropriate
for various reasons, including their
differing utility as compared to electric
compressors, their existing coverage
under the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’s Tier 4 emissions
regulations, and the limited test data
available under Annex D of ISO
1217:2009(E) to verify suitability as a
DOE test procedure. For these reasons,
DOE noted that engine-driven
compressors would more appropriately
be considered as part of a future
rulemaking. 81 FR 27220, 27229 (May 5,
2016). DOE continues to conclude that
engine-driven compressors are unique
equipment with different performance,
applications, and test requirements from
air compressors driven by electric
motors. However, as noted in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE currently lacks
the performance data and product
information to develop and validate
such procedures. Therefore, DOE
continues to conclude engine-driven
compressors would be more
appropriately addressed as part of a
separate rulemaking specifically
considering such equipment. As such,
DOE is limiting the scope of this
compressors test procedure final rule to
only compressors driven by electric
b. Electric Motor Varieties
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed limiting the scope of the
compressors test procedures to only
compressors driven by brushless electric
motors, as defined in section III.A.5.
Further, DOE discussed the differences
between brushed and brushless motors
and noted that brushed motors are
uncommon in compressors with
significant operating hours due to
higher maintenance requirements, lower
efficiency, acoustic noise, and electrical
arcing. However, DOE noted that
compressors with brushed motors could
be considered in the future as part of a
separate rulemaking. 81 FR 27220,
27229 (May 5, 2016).
In response to DOE’s test procedure
NOPR, NEEA stated that manufacturers
may avoid regulation by changing the
motor technology. (NEEA, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 56)
In response, DOE reiterates that brushed
motors are uncommon in compressors
with significant potential energy savings
(i.e., high operating hours) due to higher
maintenance costs, short operating lives,
significant acoustic noise, and electrical
arcing. For these reasons, DOE
concludes that brushed motors are not
PO 00000
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a viable substitution risk for
compressors within the scope of the
compressor test procedures.
In a joint comment, ASAP and NEEA
recommended that DOE expand the
scope of the test procedures so that it
includes all kinds of electric motors,
rather than exclusively covering
brushless motors. ASAP and NEEA
reasoned that the test procedures should
be broad so that they could be
applicable to possible future energy
conservation standards and could be
used to collect a wide range of
compressor performance data. (ASAP
and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 1)
In response, DOE acknowledges the
potential benefits of standardized test
procedures and reporting requirements
in making available consistent
performance information for utility
programs and consumers. However,
with these potential benefits come
potential burdens. If DOE were to
include this equipment in the scope of
the test procedures and require
reporting of performance data, the
burden would be significant, as most
brushed motor compressors are not
currently tested for efficiency.
Consequently, manufacturers of this
equipment, many of which are small,
would face significant third-party
testing costs or test lab development
costs. Alternatively, DOE could adopt
optional testing and certification
requirements for brushed motor
compressors. However, doing so may
not have the desired effect of making
more certified performance data
available, as this equipment is not
currently tested and energy performance
is not currently represented. Therefore,
based on this discussion, at this time,
the burden associated with establishing
testing requirements for brushed motor
compressors outweigh the associated
4. Compressor Capacity
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to limit the scope of the test
procedures to compressors that met the
following capacity criteria:
• Compressor motor nominal
horsepower of 1–500 hp.
• full-load operating pressure 31–225
81 FR 27220, 27230 (May 5, 2016).
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE did
not propose scope restrictions based on
the actual volume flow rate (expressed
in cfm).
As noted in the test procedure NOPR,
the intent of the compressor capacity
criteria used to establish the scope of
the test procedures was to encompass
the majority of the rotary and
reciprocating compressor market
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
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intended for use in non-specialty
applications. 81 FR 27220, 27224–27230
(May 5, 2016). However, in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE noted that most
equipment operating at an output
pressure of greater than 215 psig is
highly engineered equipment, primarily
used in specialty applications. DOE also
recognized that there are relatively few
compressed air applications in the 31 to
79 psig range. 81 FR 27220, 27230 (May
5, 2016).
a. Compressor Motor Nominal
Horsepower Limitations
In response to the proposed
compressor motor nominal horsepower
scope of 1–500 hp, CAGI recommended
limiting the scope of the test procedures
to compressors with compressor
nominal motor horsepower of 10–200
hp. CAGI suggested that the inclusion of
larger compressors (i.e., greater than 200
hp) would be burdensome and cause
problems with certification and
enforcement as they are infrequently
built and often customized. Further,
CAGI noted that while the test
procedures are technically appropriate
for 1–500 hp compressors, the data
upon which the energy conservation
standard regression curves were
developed is not readily available for
smaller and larger compressors. (CAGI,
No. 0010, p. 6) Kaeser Compressors,
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s scope
suggestion, while Scales Industrial
Technologies suggested a horsepower
scope of 15–200 or 250 hp. (Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at pp. 1–8; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at
pp. 1, 3; Scales Industrial Technologies,
No. 0013 at pp. 3, 7; Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 46; Sullair,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
pp. 40–41, 47; Sullivan-Palatek, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 56;
Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 53)
Compressed Air Systems commented
that there are few 1-hp rotary
compressors manufactured and
suggested that the test procedures
burden would outweigh the energy
savings potential. (Compressed Air
Systems, No. 0008 at p. 1) Sullair agrees
that the test procedure for low
horsepower compressors would be
burdensome, but commented that the
volume of compressors manufactured in
the low horsepower range are high.
(Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 5–6) P. R. China
also commented that the DOE did not
provide adequate justification to include
low horsepower compressors in the
scope of the test procedure. (P. R. China,
No. 0019 at p. 3) P. R. China further
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stated that, in accordance with Article
2.5 of the TBT Agreement, they are
entitled to an explanation for the
justification for a technical regulation
that may impact the trade opportunities
of those in the agreement. (P. R. China,
No. 0019 at p. 3) DOE interprets P. R.
China’s comments as challenging the
rationale of including small capacity
compressors with small nominal
horsepower motors in the scope of the
test procedure NOPR.
Sullair suggested that the testing
burden associated with including rotary
compressors less than 10 hp and greater
than 200 hp in scope would create an
unfair competitive advantage for nonregulated competing equipment;
specifically, reciprocating or scroll
compressors on the low end and
centrifugal compressors on the high
end. Sullair indicated that such burden
may completely eliminate the larger
rotary screw compressors from the
market and significantly hurt the sales
of the smaller ones. (Sullair, No. 0006 at
pp. 2–3, 5–6) Kaeser Compressors
indicated similar concerns of product
substitution, citing 350 hp, rather than
200 hp. (Kaeser Compressors, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 51)
Beyond the financial burden, CAGI and
Sullair commented about the difficulty
of testing large compressors over 200
horsepower. Specifically, Sullair stated
that the test equipment and
environmental chamber required for
compressors above 200 horsepower are
unreasonably costly. (Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 4; CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 50)
Kaeser Compressors further stated
that compressor customization, such as
customer-driven motor substitutions or
modifications due to unique
environments, are more common on
units above 300 hp. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 46) CAGI,
Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek made
similar comments, noting that large
horsepower compressors are more
frequently customized. Sullair and
Sullivan-Palatek defined large
horsepower compressors as compressors
with greater than 200 horsepower.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 6; Sullair, No.
0006 at p. 4; Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 7–
8; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 3)
Additionally, CAGI cited that its
current Performance Verification
Program covers compressors with motor
power of 5–200 hp. CAGI clarified that
manufacturers may publicly rate
equipment beyond 200 hp with the
CAGI performance data sheet; however,
this equipment is not subject to the
CAGI Performance Verification Program.
(CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4700
0016 at pp. 50, 54–55) Conversely, Atlas
Copco and the CA IOUs recommended
that DOE expand the scope of the test
procedures to equipment with
compressor motor horsepower greater
than 500 hp, with Atlas Copco citing
harmonization with the draft EU
standard for compressors and noting
that the ISO 1217:2009(E) standard is
applicable to compressors above 500
horsepower. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at
p. 11; CA IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 4)
In response to the 2012 NOPD, EEI
argued that large electric motors (i.e., of
greater than 500 horsepower), relative to
other sizes, carried the greatest per-unit
energy consumption and tended to be
operated at high duty cycles. EEI noted
that this tendency to operate at high
duty cycles may simplify development
of a test procedure and that, on the
account of both test procedure
simplicity and large unit energy
consumption, DOE should prioritize
large compressors and common gases.
(Docket No. EERE–2012–BT–DET–0033,
EEI, No. 0009, at p. 8)
In summary, one group of
commenters (CAGI, Compressed Air
Systems, Kaeser Compressors, Ingersoll
Rand, P. R. China, Scales Industrial
Technologies, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek) favors a significant reduction in
compressor motor nominal horsepower
scope (to approximately 10–200 hp,
depending on commenter). This group
suggests that significant test burden
would be incurred if the smaller and
larger horsepower range were to be kept
in scope, and this burden could lead to
competitive advantage for unregulated
compressors. This group also cites
weakness in the data used to evaluate
less than 10 hp compressors in the
energy conservation standards NOPR as
a reason to limit the lower horsepower
range. Another group (Atlas Copco, CA
IOUs, and EEI) favors expansion of
scope to all equipment for which the
test method is technically applicable.
EEI, while not outright calling to
exclude lower horsepower ratings,
implies that DOE’s first attention should
go to larger compressors.
In general, DOE agrees with the
concerns that the representations,
sampling, and enforcement provisions
proposed in the test procedure NOPR
may cause significant burden for
compressors greater than 200 hp, as
many of the larger horsepower models
are custom or infrequently built and
typically not available for testing.
Additionally, DOE agrees with Kaeser
Compressors and Sullair that DOE’s
proposed inclusion of small (less than
10 hp) and larger (greater than 200 hp)
rotary compressors, could create a
competitive disadvantage for
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
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manufacturers of these compressors, as
centrifugal, reciprocating, and scroll
compressors of the same horsepower do
not have the same testing and
representations requirements.
Furthermore, DOE concludes that this
competitive advantage may incentivize
end users to switch from a regulated
(rotary) to an unregulated (centrifugal
and reciprocating) compressor, thus
creating an unfair and undue burden on
certain manufacturers.
In response to Atlas Copco and the
CA IOUs suggestions to expand scope,
DOE acknowledges the potential
benefits of standardized test procedures
and reporting requirements in making
available consistent performance
information for utility programs and
consumers. However, DOE also
recognizes that with these potential
benefits come potential burdens. Based
on the comments received and the
discussion in this section, DOE
concludes that the burden of testing
requirements on compressors certain
smaller and larger compressors
outweigh the benefits. DOE
acknowledges that multiple
recommendations for horsepower
limitations were put forward. Of the
commenters supporting a reduction in
horsepower cost, the overwhelming
majority recommended the 10–200 hp
range. For these reasons, DOE is limiting
the scope of the test procedures to only
compressors with 10–200 compressor
nominal motor horsepower. DOE notes
that this limitation on compressor
nominal motor horsepower is coupled
with a limit of compressor full-load
actual volume flow rate, as discussed in
section III.B.4.b.
b. Full-Load Actual Volume Flow Rate
CAGI and Sullair commented that the
absence of a maximum airflow limit
may encourage manufacturers of
compressors to equip units with higher
horsepower motors than the unit
requires to avoid regulatory coverage.
CAGI and Sullair then suggested that
DOE adopt a hybrid scope limitation.
Specifically, CAGI proposed a
horsepower range of 10–200 hp or an
actual volume flow rate range of 35–
1,250 cfm. Sullair proposed a
horsepower range of 10–200 hp or, an
actual volume flow rate of 30–1,250 cfm
(whichever is less). (Docket No. EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, CAGI, No. 0052 at
p. 9; Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 2, 4–5;
Docket No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040,
Sullair, No. 0056 at pp. 9–10; Docket
No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040, Sullair,
No. 0056 at p. 11; Docket No. EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, Sullair, No. 0056
at pp. 11–12; Docket No. EERE–2013–
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BT–STD–0040, Sullair, No. 0056 at p.
13) CAGI’s position is supported by
Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser Compressors,
Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek. (Docket
No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040,
Ingersoll Rand, No. 0055 at p. 1; Docket
No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040, Kaeser
Compressors, No. 0053 at p. 1; Docket
No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040, Sullair,
No. 0056 at p. 1; Docket No. EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, Sullivan-Palatek,
No. 0051 at p. 1)
DOE agrees with CAGI and Sullair
that, by not limiting flow rate,
manufacturers could conceivably
circumvent the intent of compressor
regulations by using a motor of
horsepower slightly greater than 200 hp.
For example, two similar compressors,
one with a 200 hp motor and one with
a 225 hp motor, would supply nearly
identical flow rates and pressure (i.e.,
utility) to the end user, however the
compressor equipped with the 225 hp
motor would not be subject to the test
procedure, as proposed in the NOPR. In
DOE’s view, any alteration in flow rate
directly impacts consumer utility.
Additionally, a flow limitation is
consistent with the EU Lot 31 draft
standard, which proposes to regulate
compressors with airflow of between 5
and 1,280 liters per second (l/s)
(approximately 10.6–2,712 cfm).
A review of all available CAGI
performance data sheets indicates that
the flow rate ranges recommended by
CAGI and Sullair are reasonable. The
full-load actual volume flow rate range
of 35–1,250 cfm is slightly broader than
the compressor motor nominal
horsepower range of 10–200 hp; i.e., the
flow range encompasses slightly more
compressor models. This aligns with the
intent of the recommendations put forth
by CAGI and Sullair. Specifically, the
full-load actual volume flow rate range
of 35–1,250 cfm incorporates 9.2
percent more fixed-speed compressors
and 2.9 percent more variable-speed
compressors as subject to the test
procedure than would otherwise be
included with the compressor motor
nominal horsepower range of 10–200 hp
alone. For the reasons outlined in this
section, in this final rule, DOE adopts a
coupled airflow and horsepower limit,
as recommended by Sullair and CAGI.
DOE notes that the recommendations
from Sullair and CAGI are not
completely aligned, with Sullair
recommending a lower limit of 30 cfm
and CAGI recommending a lower limit
of 35 cfm. Given general support by
Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser Compressors,
Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek for CAGI’s
recommendations, DOE is adopting the
lower limit of 35 cfm. Specifically, the
test procedure applies to compressors
PO 00000
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with either a nominal horsepower of
10–200 horsepower or a full-load actual
volume flow rate between 35–1,250
cubic feet per minute.
c. Full-Load Operating Pressure
In response to the operating pressure
range proposed in the test procedure
NOPR, CAGI suggested reducing the
range to compressors with a full-load
operating pressure of 75–200 psig,
noting that outside this range, the
package isentropic efficiency of a
compressor is no longer independent of
pressure. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 6)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s position.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 3; SullivanPalatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 40) CAGI further stated that
their recommended pressure range of
75–200 psig covers the primary market
for rotary compressors, which the DOE
defines as 80–139 psig according to the
NOPR. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 40) Jenny
Products also recommended a range of
75–200 psig and stated that nearly all of
the compressors sold in commerce
would be covered under this range.
(Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 3)
Atlas Copco asserted that it is
incorrect for DOE to state that isentropic
efficiency is independent of pressure.
Instead, Atlas Copco commented that
the correct statement is that isentropic
efficiency is less dependent on pressure
than specific energy is dependent on
pressure. To support this assertion,
Atlas Copco provided a chart of
pressure versus isentropic efficiency, for
what DOE infers to be a single
compressor. Atlas Copco further stated
that the chart shows the relative
independence of isentropic efficiency
with respect to outlet pressure between
80–170 psig (7–15 bar),10 which was the
motivation for the air compressor
industry to use isentropic efficiency in
Lot 31. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp.
16–17) DOE notes that Atlas Copco’s
unit conversions are incorrect; 80 to 170
psig does not convert to 7 to 15 bar (g),
rather this range converts to 5.5 to 11.7
bar (g) (or 6.5 to 12.7 bar absolute),
which is inconsistent with the scope
proposed in the EU Lot 31 draft
standard.11 In the EU draft standard, the
10 The commenter did not specify whether it
meant absolute or gauge pressure. DOE’s response
in the following sentence addresses both
11 Available at:
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
European Commission proposed to
establish a scope of 7 to 14 bar (g),
which converts to 101.5 to 203.1 psig.
In response, DOE acknowledges the
commenters concerns that package
isentropic efficiency may not be
pressure independent at the lower and
upper regions of the 31 to 225 psig fullload operating pressure scope, as DOE
had originally assumed in the test
procedure and energy conservation
standards NOPR. As discussed
previously, CAGI, Ingersoll Rand,
Sullivan-Palatek, and Sullair suggested
75 to 200 psig as the range over which
package isentropic efficiency can be
considered relatively independent of
pressure. Alternatively, Atlas Copco
suggested that 80 to 170 psig (7 to 15
bar) [sic] as the range over which the
dependence of isentropic efficiency on
outlet pressure is limited. However, as
discussed previously, Atlas Copco’s unit
conversions were inaccurate and their
suggested range does not align with the
scope proposed in the EU Lot 31 draft
standard. Based these ambiguities, DOE
cannot directly consider Atlas Copco’s
recommendation when considering the
range for which package isentropic
efficiency can be considered
independent of full-load operating
pressure. As such, DOE defers to the
recommendation of CAGI, Ingersoll
Rand, Sullivan-Palatek, and Sullair, and
concludes that package isentropic
efficiency can be considered
independent of full-load operating
pressure at full-load operating pressures
between 75 and 200 psig. DOE notes
that the EU draft standard proposed to
establish a scope of 101.5 to 203.1
psig,12 and concluded that isentropic
efficiency is independent of pressure
within this range of full-load operating
pressure. Part of DOE’s rationale for
selecting package isentropic efficiency
as a test metric for compressors, as
explained in the test procedure NOPR,
was that package isentropic efficiency
was believed to be pressure
independent—meaning that attainable
package isentropic efficiency varies as
function of flow, but not pressure. 81 FR
27220, 27232 (May 5, 2016) and 81 FR
31680, 31705 (May 19, 2016). DOE
values dependence on one parameter
(flow) rather than two (flow and
pressure), as it reduces the complexity
(and ultimately the burden) of the
related energy conservation standards
and analyses. DOE’s intent in the test
12 For copies of the EU Lot 31 draft regulation:
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procedure NOPR was to limit the scope
to those compressors for which package
isentropic efficiency and pressure are
independent. However, given the new
information (i.e., pressure dependence
at certain full-load operating pressures),
DOE acknowledges that package
isentropic efficiency may not be the
most appropriate metric to describe the
energy performance of such equipment,
and further investigation is necessary.
Therefore, in this final rule, DOE is
limiting the scope of the test procedures
to compressors within a full-load
operating pressure range of 75–200 psig.
However, in the future DOE may further
investigate package isentropic efficiency
and other metrics to determine if they
are appropriate for compressors outside
this range. Further discussion related to
DOE’s selection of package isentropic
efficiency as a metric can be found in
section III.C.1.
DOE notes that Scales Industrial
Technologies commented that the scope
should be limited to a narrower range of
80–125 psig, commenting that a
narrower range may provide more
meaningful results and have less effect
on isentropic efficiency. (Scales
Industrial Technologies, No. 0013, p. 4)
While Scales Industrial Technologies
may be correct that a narrower range
would have less effect on isentropic
efficiency, DOE concludes, based on the
input of CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, SullivanPalatek, Sullair, and Atlas Copco, as
well as the precedent established by the
draft EU Lot 31 regulation, that
isentropic efficiency can be considered
comparable and meaningful beyond the
80 to 125 psig range.
5. Lubricant Presence
As discussed in section III.A.9, in this
final rule DOE adopts the definition
proposed in the energy conservation
standards NOPR for lubricated
compressor as one that introduces an
auxiliary substance into the
compression chamber during
compression. In this final rule, DOE also
defines lubricant-free compressor and
auxiliary substance. In the test
procedure NOPR, DOE did not propose
limiting scope based on lubrication; as
such, the proposed scope implicitly
included both lubricated and lubricantfree compressors. 81 FR 27220 (May 5,
In response to DOE’s proposal, Atlas
Copco, CAGI, and Kaeser Compressors
noted that other technology options that
are outside the scope of the test
procedure, such as turbo compressors,
centrifugal compressors, and other
styles of dynamic compressors, will
present themselves as viable alternatives
to lubricant-free compressors and are
PO 00000
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risks for unregulated product
substitution. (EERE–2013–BT–STD–
0040, Atlas Copco, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0044 at p. 58)
Furthermore, Kaeser Compressors noted
that the draft EU standard for
compressors excluded lubricant-free
compressors due to the risk of product
substitution and lack of available data.
CAGI and Kaeser recommended that
DOE exclude lubricant-free compressors
so that the DOE can harmonize with the
draft EU compressor standard’s
approach for lubricant-free compressors.
(EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040, CAGI, No.
0052 at p. 12; EERE–2013–BT–STD–
0040, Kaeser Compressors, No. 0053 at
p. 1)
DOE agrees with comments made by
Atlas Copco, CAGI, and Kaeser that
there is a risk of product substitution to
unregulated technologies, which do not
have the burden of representing
efficiency in accordance to the proposed
test procedure. DOE acknowledges that,
in effect, the inclusion of lubricant-free
rotary compressors gives unregulated
technologies a competitive advantage in
the marketplace in that they are free to
represent efficiency in a less
burdensome fashion. DOE also
acknowledges an argument made by
CAGI, which point out that the
shipments volume of lubricant-free
rotary compressors and dynamic
compressors are approximately equal,
yet DOE excluded centrifugal
compressors from the scope of the test
procedure on the basis of low shipment
volume. (EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040,
CAGI, No. 0052 at p. 12) 81 FR 27220,
27228 (May 5, 2016).
DOE also received many comments
related to the appropriateness and
applicability of the variable-speed
compressors test method and metric
(part-load package isentropic efficiency)
to lubricant-free compressors. In
general, commenters expressed concern
that many lubricant-free compressors
are unable to operate at the 40 percent
flow load point, and as such, suggested
that the test procedure, as proposed in
the test procedure NOPR is not
appropriate or applicable to lubricantfree compressors. A full discussion of
these comments and their relationship
to scope is found in section III.C.1,
which discusses, in the depth, the
metric and load points proposed in the
test procedure NOPR. As a result of the
discussions provided in section III.C.1,
DOE is limiting the scope of the test
procedure final rule to lubricated
compressors only.
6. Specialty-Purpose Compressors
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
made no specific scope exclusion for
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what the compressor industry refers to
as ‘‘customized’’ or ‘‘specialty-purpose’’
compressors. In response, DOE received
many comments recommending that it
expressly exclude specialty-purpose
compressors from the scope of the test
procedure. Additionally, many
commenters suggested that DOE
establish criteria to exclude customized
compressors that are created by
modifying a standard compressor.
Sullivan-Palatek commented that
compressor products usually start with
the basic package, but often substitute
non-standard electric motors, controls
or coolers and add numerous other
options and features specified by the
customer or required by the location in
which the compressor is installed.
(Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 22)
Sullair provided examples of custom
requirements, such as sump heating,
extra fans, and special marine
applications for which motors have to
be built (American Bureau of Shipping),
and noted that these frequently increase
package energy consumption. (Sullair,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 113)
Atlas Copco commented that the test
procedures proposed in the NOPR
applied to both standard compressor
packages and custom compressor
packages, and the latter often have
unusual combinations of ancillary
equipment. Atlas Copco provided
examples of custom equipment,
including customized liquid cooling
systems, drive systems, safety systems,
filtration systems, dryers, heaters, and
air receiver/surge tanks. Atlas Copco
also noted that each type of
customization can have a significant
impact on the energy efficiency of the
total compressor system. Ultimately,
Atlas Copco suggested that applying the
proposed test procedure to custom
orders for compressor packages was
unduly burdensome to conduct and
inappropriate under section 343(a)(2) of
EPCA. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 4–
To address the industry concerns over
the testing of customized and specialtypurpose compressors, CAGI
recommended that the list of ancillary
equipment they provided (see section
III.A.3.b and Table III.1) should exclude
all options or modifications required to
meet specific customer requirements or
other codified standards where these
options or modifications are made to an
existing tested model and do not create
in and of themselves a new model.
Examples may include options or
modifications required to meet
hazardous locations, breathing air,
marine environments, ambient
conditions above 45 °C or below 0 °C,
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weather protection, etc. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 4)
Sullair agreed with CAGI’s
recommendation and provided
additional examples of custom
requirements, including hazardous
locations or corrosive environments (as
specified by the standard known as
Atmospheres Explosibles, or ‘‘ATEX’’) 13
or issued by the American Petroleum
Institute (‘‘API’’), the Mine Safety and
Health Administration (‘‘MSHA’’), etc.),
marine environments, alternate cooling
methods (remote coolers, water cooled,
closed loop cooling, etc.), ambient
conditions exceeding 45 °C, ambient
conditions below 5 °C, energy or heat
recovery options, environmental
protections (NEMA 4, IEC 65, etc.), and
dimensional changes or enclosure
modifications. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 8)
In its comments, Sullivan-Palatek
strongly urged the DOE to limit testing
and sampling to the basic package as
defined by CAGI. It also recommended
that DOE permit add-ons and alterations
to basic packages so that specialty
products offered to the end-user
customer base in the past can continue
in the future. (Sullivan-Palatek, No.
0007 at p. 4)
As discussed in sections III.A.3.b and
III.E.3, DOE is incorporating CAGI’s
recommended list of equipment (with
certain modifications) to define the
minimum testing configuration for a
compressor basic model. DOE believes
that the incorporation of this
recommendation effectively excludes,
from the scope of the test procedure,
customized or specialty-purpose
equipment that is created by adding
additional equipment to what the
industry refers to as a standard or basic
package compressor.
Based on DOE’s interpretation of the
comments described above, two
additional concerns remain: (1)
Specialty-purpose equipment that is
created by modifying or replacing
equipment on a standard package
compressor, and (2) specialty-purpose
equipment that is not a derivative of
other standard equipment. However,
DOE notes that the commenters
provided no specific examples of
specialty-purpose compressors that have
been distributed in commerce, nor did
they provide any direct or quantitative
evidence that such compressors
consume more energy and are more
burdensome to test than their ‘‘general13 ATEX is the common industry phrasing for
European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/
34/EU of 26 February 2014, which governs
equipment and protective systems intended for use
in potentially explosive atmospheres. The term
‘‘ATEX’’ is a portmanteau of ‘‘atmospheres
explosibles’’, French for ‘‘explosive atmospheres.’’
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purpose’’ counterparts (beyond noting
that more models may need to be
certified). Regardless, given the
commenters’ concerns, DOE performed
research (using interested party
comments as a starting point) to
determine if any additional scope
exclusions are warranted. Specifically,
DOE was able to identify 10
applications and feature categories that
could possibly be used to characterize
specialty-purpose compressors in the
compressor industry:
(1) Corrosive Environments
(2) Hazardous Environments
(combustion and/or explosion risk)
(3) Extreme Temperatures
(4) Marine Environments
(5) Weather-protected
(6) Mining Environments
(7) Military Applications
(8) Food Service Applications
(9) Medical Air Applications
(10) Petroleum, Gas, and Chemical
Given the concerns raised by
commenters, DOE established three
specific criteria to help determine if test
procedure exclusions are warranted for
each of the aforementioned applications
and feature categories. A compressor
category must meet all criteria to be
considered for exclusion.
The first criterion, distinguishability,
is that compressors under consideration
must be able to be distinguished from
general-purpose compressors. In this
case, to be distinguishable extends
beyond being able to identify any
difference whatsoever. Specifically,
distinguishability is determined in the
context of the test procedure. DOE’s test
procedure final rule contains
instructions regarding compressor
configuration during testing. During a
test, only specific components are
required to be connected; manufacturers
may remove non-required components
at their option. If the specialized nature
of a compressor arises from a nonrequired component, manufacturers
have the option to remove its influence
on compressor performance. In that
scenario, the specialty compressor, from
the perspective of the test procedure,
has collapsed to a general-purpose unit
with no remaining distinction. In
considering whether a compressor
meets the distinguishability criterion,
DOE will assess whether the specialized
nature of the compressor arises from
components or configurations that are
removable or reconfigurable under the
specific provisions of DOE’s test.
As stated previously, DOE is
incorporating CAGI’s recommended list
of equipment (with certain
modifications), so the only specialty-
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
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purpose compressors that could warrant
exclusion are those that are created by
modifying or replacing equipment on a
standard package compressor, and
specialty-purpose equipment that is not
derivative of other standard equipment.
Under the second criterion,
manufacturers must currently make
public representations for the specific
category of compressors using test
procedure metrics. This criterion
establishes the need to use the test
procedure for the specific category.
Absent an energy conservation standard,
the test procedure is needed only to
measure metrics used in representations
of compressor performance. If
manufacturers make no representations
for a specific category of compressors,
the existence of a test procedure has no
impact on them. Sullivan-Palatek
commented that manufacturers typically
do not publish CAGI datasheets for
models that are variations of a basic
package. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at
p.4) This suggests that it is rare for
manufacturers to make public
representations of the performance for
specialty-purpose compressors.
The third criterion is that it must be
impractical to apply the test procedure
to compressors in the specific category,
because an attribute of the compressor
renders testing technically impossible or
possible only with major modification,
or because the test procedure produces
non-representative results for the
specific category of compressor. This
criterion establishes that there is a
technical impediment to using the test
procedure with the specific category of
DOE performed research, using
publicly available data, on each of the
categories to determine if exclusions are
warranted. In the following paragraphs,
DOE discusses findings for each of the
aforementioned ten specialty
Corrosive Environments
Corrosive environments can be
damaging to both the external
components of a compressor and the
internal components, if corrosive agents
are ingested with the air. DOE’s research
indicated that corrosive agents are
found in a wide range of varieties and
severities. Certain corrosive agents may
harm some materials but not others.
Compressors may be adapted to
corrosive environments by using special
materials, having special coatings, using
additional intake air filtration, or using
special or remote enclosures to isolate
the compressor from the corrosive
environment. However, most
requirements for corrosive
environments are customer-specific,
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making it difficult to create a
generalized scope exclusion. Some end
users also use general-purpose
compressors in a corrosive environment,
opting to replace the compressor at an
earlier interval instead of purchasing a
more expensive compressor that can last
longer in the corrosive environment.
Based on this information, DOE does
not believe that all corrosive
environment compressors meet the first
criterion of distinguishability; however
certain corrosive environment
compressors utilizing special materials
and/or coatings may be distinguishable.
DOE did not find any public
representations of the performance for
compressors designed for corrosive
environments, suggesting that
representations are not commonly
Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for compressors designed
for corrosive environments, because
these compressors operate in the same
manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because manufacturers do
not appear to make representations of
performance for these compressors and
there is no technical impediment to
testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE finds no cause to
exclude compressors adapted to
corrosive environments from the scope
of this final rule.
Hazardous Environments
Hazardous environments include
those in which there is the possibility of
combustion or explosion. Compressors
may be adapted to hazardous
environments through modified
electrical components and enclosures
that protect against sparks and high
temperatures. At least some of these
components need to be included as part
of the basic package during testing.
Several standards specify the type and
level of precautions required for these
environments, so certification with one
or more of these could be a method for
defining the scope of exclusion.
For these reasons, DOE finds that
hazardous environment compressors
meet the first criterion of
distinguishability. Hazardous
environment compressors are
designated as such by independent
agencies such as UL, and given a rating
that corresponds to the specific
attributes of the hazardous environment
for which the unit is being certified.
DOE did not find any public
representations of the performance for
compressors designed for hazardous
environments, suggesting that
representations are not commonly
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Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for compressors designed
for hazardous environments, because
these compressors operate in the same
manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because manufacturers do
not appear to make representations of
performance for these compressors and
there is no technical impediment to
testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE finds no cause to
exclude compressors adapted to operate
in hazardous environments from the
scope of this final rule.
Extreme Temperatures
CAGI and Sullair identified the need
to exclude compressors used in extreme
temperatures. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 4;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 8) For hightemperature extremes, both commenters
identified temperatures above 45 °C. For
low-temperature extremes, Sullair
indicated temperatures below 5 °C,
while CAGI indicated temperatures
below 0 °C. DOE notes that CAGI and
Sullair did not present any standardized
tests or inspections that might be used
to uniformly classify a non-extreme
temperature range for compressors.
In the absence of that information,
DOE performed research and found
neither industry-accepted, standardized
test methods to determine allowable
operating temperature, nor any
industry-accepted certification programs
to classify compressors for extreme
temperatures. DOE also researched what
types of modification and components
might be employed to adapt
compressors for extremely high- and
low-temperature environments. For
lower temperatures, a variety of heating
devices may be used to heat the
compressor package in various ways—
such equipment is not required as a part
of test procedure testing configuration
and is, therefore, not a distinguishing
In hotter environments, compressors
may employ larger output air heat
exchangers and associated fans. Unlike
package heating and cooling, heat
exchangers and fans are part of the test
configuration. However, manufacturers
may employ larger heat exchangers and
fans for a variety of reasons, e.g.
recovering waste heat for use in space
heating. Furthermore, heat exchanger
and fan size (as compared to compressor
capacity) is not a standardized feature
across the compressor industry, with
different manufacturers choosing
different-sized components to meet their
specific design goals. Consequently,
DOE is unable to establish a clear
threshold to delineate larger heat
exchangers and fans employed for high
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temperature applications. Furthermore,
doing so opens a significant
circumvention risk, as manufacturers
could purposely substitute larger heat
exchangers and fans in order to exclude
compressors from regulation. For these
reasons, DOE concludes that
compressors designed for extreme
temperature operation are not clearly
distinguishable from general-purpose
DOE also did not find any public
representations of the performance for
compressors designed for extreme
temperatures, suggesting that
representations are not commonly
Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for compressors designed
for extreme temperatures, because these
compressors operate in the same
manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because (a) it is difficult to
clearly identify compressors for extreme
temperatures; (b) manufacturers do not
appear to make representations of
performance for these compressors; and
(c) there is no technical impediment to
testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE does not find cause to
exclude compressors adapted to extreme
temperatures from the scope of this final
Marine Environments
Marine air compressors are intended
for use aboard ships, offshore platforms,
and similar environments. In general,
DOE found this to be a very broad
category of compressors. There are a
wide variety of standards for these
applications, but many of the
requirements are customer-specific,
making it difficult to clearly identify the
scope for exclusion. Marine
compressors may be space constrained
if installed on ships. However, this may
not always be the case, and some marine
environments may be able to utilize
general-purpose compressors. Further,
DOE found no way to clearly
distinguish, from general-purpose
compressors, those that are specifically
developed for constrained spaces. DOE’s
research found that other items, such as
saltwater coolers, may be employed on
marine air compressors, however, this
equipment does not need to be included
for testing. For these reasons, DOE does
not find marine environment
compressors to meet the first criterion of
DOE did not find any public
representations of the performance for
compressors designed for marine
environments, suggesting that
representations are not commonly
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Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for compressors designed
for marine environments, because these
compressors operate in the same
manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because (a) it is difficult to
clearly identify compressors for marine
environments; (b) manufacturers do not
appear to make representations of
performance for these compressors; and
(c) there is no technical impediment to
testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE does not find cause to
exclude compressors adapted to marine
environments from the scope of this
final rule.
Weather-protected compressors
require features to prevent the ingress of
water and debris, as well as
accommodation for extreme
temperatures in some cases. DOE found
that third-party standards exist for
ingress protection of the electrical
components. However, DOE did not
find an indication of a standard or
certification for other aspects of weather
protection, making it difficult to clearly
identify a general scope for exclusion
for all weather-protected equipment.
However, DOE believes that certain
weather-protected compressors (i.e.,
those with electrical components rated
for ingress protection) meet the first
criterion of distinguishability.
DOE did not find any public
representations of the performance for
weather-protected compressors,
suggesting that representations are not
commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for weather-protected
compressors, because these compressors
operate in the same manner as generalpurpose compressors.
Therefore, because manufacturers do
not appear to make representations of
performance for these compressors and
there is no technical impediment to
testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE finds no cause to
exclude compressors adapted to
corrosive environments from the scope
of this final rule.
Mining Environments
Mining environments can include
both surface and subsurface mine
compressor applications. There are
some standards for these applications,
but many of the requirements are
customer-specific, making it difficult to
clearly identify the scope for exclusion.
Some mining applications also use
general-purpose compressors. For this
reason, DOE does not find mining
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environment compressors to meet the
first criterion of distinguishability.
DOE did not find any public
representations of the performance for
compressors designed for mining
environments, suggesting that
representations are not commonly
Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for compressors designed
for mining environments, because these
compressors operate in the same
manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because (a) it is difficult to
clearly identify compressors designed
for mining environments; (b)
manufacturers do not appear to make
representations of performance for these
compressors; and (c) there is no
technical impediment to testing these
compressors with the test procedure,
DOE does not find cause to exclude
compressors designed for mining
environments from the scope of this
final rule.
Military Applications
Compressors used in military
applications have a wide range of
applications. Many military
applications use common commercial or
industrial compressors. Other military
applications, however, must meet
extensive customer-specific
requirements. These requirements can
vary greatly with the customer, and
there are no commonly used standards
for compressors in military applications.
This makes it difficult to clearly identify
the scope for exclusion. For this reason,
DOE does not find military compressors
to meet the first criterion of
DOE did not find any public
representations of the performance for
compressors designed for military
applications, suggesting that
representations are not commonly
Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for compressors designed
for military applications, because these
compressors operate in the same
manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because (a) it is difficult to
clearly identify compressors designed
for military applications; (b)
manufacturers do not appear to make
representations of performance for these
compressors; and (c) there is no
technical impediment to testing these
compressors with the test procedure,
DOE does not find cause to exclude
compressors designed for military
applications from the scope of this final
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Medical Air Applications
Medical air applications can have
requirements for air purity, which is
both rated according to ISO 8573–1 and
included in the National Fire Protection
Association Standard for Health Care
Facilities (NFPA 99). DOE notes that
most medical air compressors are
lubricant-free and, as such, are already
excluded from this final rule. In
lubricated compressors, high air purity
is attained using a combination of filters
and dryers added to the system
downstream of the compressor
discharge. These items are outside the
basic compressor package, so a medical
air compressor collapses to a standard
basic package for testing. For this
reason, DOE does not find medical air
application compressors to meet the
first criterion of distinguishability.
DOE did not find any public
representations of the performance for
compressors designed for medical air
applications, suggesting that
representations are not commonly
Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for compressors designed
for medical air applications, because
these compressors operate in the same
manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because (a) manufacturers
do not appear to make representations
of performance for compressors
designed for medical air applications;
(b) these compressors collapses to the
basic package for testing; and (c) there
is no technical impediment to testing
these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE does not find cause to
exclude compressors designed for
medical air applications from the scope
of this final rule.
reliability in the petroleum, gas, and
chemical industry. These requirements
ensure that the compressor can be
operated and maintained safely, in the
safety-critical petroleum, gas, and
chemical industry. Thus, there is not a
current industry test procedure that
would apply and it is unclear if the
methodology being adopted in this final
rule would be representative of their
actual use. Thus, DOE is declining to
adopt a test procedure for compressors
designed for petroleum, chemical and
gas applications.
C. Metrics
1. Package Isentropic Efficiency
Petroleum, Gas, and Chemical
The American Petroleum Institute
standard 619, ‘‘Rotary-Type PositiveDisplacement Compressors for
Petroleum, Petrochemical, and Natural
Gas Industries,’’ (API 619), specifies
certain minimum requirements for
compressors used in the petroleum, gas,
and chemical industry. While API 619
contains many specific design
requirements, it also indicates that
customers must specify many design
requirements themselves. As a result,
compressors designed to meet API 619
requirements are not uniform; rather,
they are, by definition, customized
compressors. In addition to the design
requirements, API 619 imposes rigorous
testing, data reporting, and data
retention requirements on
manufacturers. For example,
manufacturers are required to perform
specific hydrostatic and operational
mechanical vibration testing on each
individual unit distributed in
commerce. Furthermore, manufacturers
must retain certain data for at least 20
years, such as certification of materials,
test data and results, records of all heat
treatment, results of quality control tests
and inspections, and details of all
repairs. Based on these testing, data
reporting, and data retention
requirements, DOE concludes that
compressors designed and tested to the
requirements of API 619 meet the first
criterion of distinguishability.
Based on DOE’s assessment of API
619, DOE believes that the minimum
design and testing requirements
specified in API 619 are created to
achieve, among other goals, safety and
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed ‘‘package isentropic
efficiency’’ to be the energy metric for
compressors, and defined package
isentropic efficiency to mean the ratio of
power required for an ideal isentropic
compression process to the actual
packaged compressor power input used
at a given load point, as determined in
accordance with the test procedures
included in 10 CFR 431.344.14 81 FR
27220, 27232 (May 5, 2016). Because
package isentropic efficiency is
expressed relative to an ideal isentropic
process between the same input and
output pressures, it could therefore be
used to compare units across a wide
range of pressures. DOE presented this
applicability across a wide range of
pressures as an advantage of package
isentropic efficiency over specific input
power. Ibid.
Specifically, DOE proposed to
establish two versions of package
isentropic efficiency: Full-load package
isentropic efficiency and part-load
package isentropic efficiency. DOE
proposed that full-load package
isentropic efficiency would apply only
to fixed-speed compressors, whereas
part-load package isentropic efficiency
would apply only to variable-speed
compressors. Full-load package
isentropic efficiency is evaluated at a
single load point, while part-load
package isentropic efficiency is a
weighted composite of performance at
multiple load points (or rating points).
Equation 1 and Equation 2 describe the
full- and part-load package isentropic
efficiency, as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
14 Test methods are discussed specifically in
section III.E.
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Food Service Applications
Food service applications can have
requirements for air purity and to use
food-grade lubricants. Food grade
lubricants need to be included for
testing, so at least some compressors
designed for food service applications
meet the first criterion of
DOE did not find any public
representations of the performance for
compressors designed for food service
applications, suggesting that
representations are not commonly
Finally, DOE found no evidence that
testing with the test procedure is
impractical for compressors designed
for food service applications, because
these compressors operate in the same
manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because manufacturers do
not appear to make representations of
performance for these compressors and
there is no technical impediment to
testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE finds no cause to
exclude compressors adapted to
corrosive environments from the scope
of this final rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Pisen,100≠ = isentropic power required for
compression at full-load operating
pressure, and
Preal,100≠ = packaged compressor power input
at full-load operating pressure.
hisen,PL = part-load package isentropic
wi = weighting factor for rating point i,
Pisen,i = isentropic power required for
compression at rating point i,
Preal,i = packaged compressor power input at
rating point i, and
i = load points at 100, 70, and 40 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate.
produced by the air compressor. In
response to this suggestion, DOE
clarifies that the efficiency and energy
consumption of an air compressor is not
solely a function of the motor. As DOE
discussed in the energy conservation
standards NOPR, opportunities exist to
select or design higher efficiency
motors, drives (if applicable), bare
compressors (including multi-staging),
mechanical equipment, and ancillary
equipment. 81 FR 31680, 31701–2 (May
19, 2016). For this reason, DOE
concludes that the efficiency of the
motor alone, even when coupled with
the output airflow of the compressor, is
not an appropriate metric to represent to
energy efficiency or consumption of an
air compressor.
Alternatively, DOE recognizes that
CASTAIR may have been
recommending a metric of the form of
power (in kW) per unit flow (in cfm).
DOE acknowledges that this general
metric could properly characterize the
typical energy use of an air compressor,
if coupled with an appropriate test
method. However, this ratio has a
significant shortcoming as a regulatory
metric. Specifically, achievable kW/cfm
is a function of both pressure and flow,
which means an energy conservation
standard would need to be a function of
both pressure and flow—a more
complex determination as compared to
package isentropic efficiency.15 Thus, in
this final rule, DOE concludes that a
metric of the form kW/cfm introduces
unnecessary complexity into any energy
conservation standards that would rely
on such a metric (i.e., adding pressure
as a second dependent characteristic).
With respect to metric selection, Atlas
Copco asserted that DOE’s method of
calculating compressor energy use is
flawed because, as a steady-state metric,
it lacks a means to compare in-operation
energy savings of compressors with
different operating profiles. Atlas Copco
further asserted that DOE failed to use
a methodology to calculate the
performance of an air compressor at
part-load, and failed to take into account
energy losses due to the cyclic
operations. Cyclic operations,
commented Atlas Copco, are
responsible for an additional vast
amount of energy required without
delivering any useful air and should be
accounted for to understand cyclic
demands required for certain
applications. (Docket No. EERE–2013–
BT–STD–0040, Atlas Copco, No. 0054 at
p. 9; Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 13–
Atlas Copco suggested an alternative
metric that considers energy
consumption during loaded operation,
unloaded operation, and the transient
in-between. Specifically, Atlas Copco
suggested a metric that calculates the
energy consumption for one running
hour and the accumulated useful
volume of air which is delivered to the
customer. Based on these values, the
corresponding overall Specific Energy
Requirement (SER) can be calculated,
which can be converted to the
isentropic efficiency. Atlas Copco went
on to specifically define SER as the
energy consumed during one hour of
operation, divided by the useful volume
of air produced during this time period,
and provided an equation to convert
SER to isentropic efficiency. Atlas
Copco stated that these metrics reflect
the true energy consumption and would
allow customers to compare all
compressor technologies on an applesto-apples basis. It also stated that such
metrics would provide a method to
assess the part-load performance of
variable-speed machines that cannot
reach the 40-percent load point rather
than allowing the compressor to test at
the minimum achievable flow point,
which unfairly penalizes large
turndown variable-speed compressors.
(Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 12–13;
Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 15; Docket
No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040, Atlas
Copco, No. 0054 at pp. 9–11)
In its comments, Atlas Copco suggests
that the energy consumption during one
hour of operation can be calculated as
the sum of the energy consumed during
loaded and unloaded operation (which
can be measured using ISO
1217:2009(E)), as well as the ‘‘cycle
energy requirement.’’ Atlas Copco
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To clearly separate the two varieties
of compressors, in the test procedure
NOPR, DOE proposed the following
definitions for fixed-speed and variablespeed compressors:
Fixed-speed compressor means an air
compressor that is not capable of
adjusting the speed of the driver
continuously over the driver operating
speed range in response to incremental
changes in the required compressor flow
Variable-speed compressor means an
air compressor that is capable of
adjusting the speed of the driver
continuously over the driver operating
speed range in response to incremental
changes in the required compressor
actual volume flow rate.
DOE received a significant volume of
comments regarding these metrics,
associated load points and weights, and
the applicability of each version of
package isentropic efficiency. The
following subsections discuss these
issues and relevant comments in detail.
a. Use of Full-Load and Part-Load
Package Isentropic Efficiency as
Regulatory Metrics
In response to DOE’s proposal to use
package isentropic efficiency as a
metric, CASTAIR disagreed, stating that
air compressors consume electricity (in
kW, using electric motors that are
already regulated) and produce flow (in
cfm). CASTAIR further stated that
power (in kW) and flow (in cfm) are
very easy things to test and record, and
suggested that DOE should then
regulate, if it must, the efficiency
between the two (i.e., kW and cfm) for
air ends. (CASTAIR, No. 0018 at p. 1)
Based on this comment, DOE interprets
that CASTAIR is suggesting that the
efficiency of the compressor should be
a simple calculation based on the
regulated representation of efficiency for
the electric motor and the airflow
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15 For example, higher flow machines can
naturally achieve a better kW/cfm score as
maximum achievable motor and bare compressor
efficiency increase with size and flow.
Alternatively, lower pressure machines can
naturally achieve a better kW/cfm score as less
power is required to compress the same volume of
air to a lower pressure.
PO 00000
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hisen,FL = package isentropic efficiency at fullload operating pressure,
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defines the cycle energy requirement as
the total energy required for fully
pressurizing the internals of the
compressor package starting from idle
regime until useful air delivery,
summed with the full venting of the
same internals starting from the end of
useful air delivery until idle regime; i.e.,
the energy consumed during transient
operation between the loaded and
unloaded state. Atlas Copco goes on to
provide a suggested measurement
procedure for the determination of cycle
energy losses. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at
pp. 13–14; Atlas Copco, Annex A, No.
0009 at pp. 3–13; Docket No. EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, Atlas Copco, No.
0054 at p. 9–11) Further, Atlas Copco
suggested that DOE establish separate
regulations for the fixed flow profile and
the variable flow profile, but to also
have all machines list values for both.
(Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 11; Atlas
Copco, No. 0009 at p. 15) Given Atlas
Copco’s suggestion to use a new metric,
DOE is unclear what values Atlas Copco
is referring to when it suggests that DOE
list ‘‘both.’’ DOE is unclear whether
Atlas Copco supports the use of its new
metrics (SER and its associated
isentropic efficiency) as the exclusive
metrics for compressors, or if Atlas
Copco is suggesting that the new metrics
be used in addition to the DOEproposed part-load and full-load
package isentropic efficiency.
Sullair agreed that although
measurements and efficiency standards
for part-load operation of fixed-speed
compressors may be useful, no standard
has been established, tested, or proven
to measure compressor performance
across all fixed-speed control methods
(modulation, load-unload, variable
displacement, etc.) employed by various
manufacturers. As a result, Sullair
commented that it did not support a
part-load test procedure for fixed-speed
compressors at this time. Sullair noted
that preliminary work is being done by
CAGI to measure one of these control
methods (variable displacement) and
supported further development of a test
procedure or metric across multiple
manufacturers and control types prior to
adoption by DOE. (Docket No. EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, Sullair, No. 0056
at pp. 16–17)
Sullair cited that the variable-speed,
part-load performance data used to
develop both the EU Lot 31 draft
standard and the proposed DOE
standard came from CAGI’s Performance
Verification Program, which was
gathered over the span of nearly 10
years. In contrast, Sullair argued that to
rush development of a new test method
and metric for part-load measurement of
fixed-speed compressors, without
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support from the industry or verified
supporting data from multiple
manufacturers and units, would be rash
and inappropriate. Sullair anticipated
that such a development risks
unintended consequences that may
negatively impact the compressor
industry, compressor consumers, and
U.S. industry at-large. (Docket No.
EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040, Sullair, No.
0056 at pp. 16–17)
Sullair concluded that, primarily
because of a lack of verified data and an
agreed upon industry test standard for
all fixed-speed control types, DOE
should proceed with its proposal to
classify compressors as fixed-speed or
variable-speed, and limit part-load
testing to variable-speed compressors.
(Docket No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040,
Sullair, No. 0056 at pp. 16–17)
In agreement with Sullair, DOE
acknowledges that a package isentropic
efficiency metric that includes cycle
losses (as recommended by Atlas Copco)
could acceptably represent the typical
energy use of compressors. However, as
discussed in Sullair’s comment, the use
of cycle losses and the test and
calculation methods recommended by
Atlas Copco represent the opinions and
findings of one industry participant, and
do not represent an industry accepted
metric or test method. Atlas Copco has
not presented evidence that these
methods and accompanying results have
been validated or peer reviewed outside
of Atlas Copco’s organization. Further,
DOE believes that the use of Atlas
Copco’s suggested metric and cycle loss
test method is likely to increase the
burden on manufacturers as it appears
to require additional testing beyond
what was proposed in the test procedure
NOPR. Furthermore, the industry
(outside of Atlas Copco) is unfamiliar
with the additional testing that would
be required. Finally, no historical
performance data exists for the metric
proposed by Atlas Copco, which makes
it a poor choice for a regulatory metric
at this time. Without historical
performance data for the Atlas Copco
metric, DOE would be unable to
establish baseline and maximum
technologically feasible efficiency
levels, and would be unable to complete
any of the analyses required to assess
and establish energy conservation
Alternatively, given the general
support of CAGI, Sullivan-Palatek,
Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair for items on
which they did not directly comment
on, DOE believes that full-load package
isentropic efficiency represents an
industry-accepted metric, which is
backed by an industry-accepted test
method (ISO 1217:2009(E), as
PO 00000
Frm 00019
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
amended), and has a large cache of
reliable industry test data. (CAGI, No.
0010 at p. 3, Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007
at p. 1; Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p.
1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1) The use of
full-load package isentropic efficiency
in the EU Lot 31 draft standard further
indicates that this metric is an
appropriate and industry-accepted
metric for the assessment of fixed-speed
compressors. In summary, DOE again
acknowledges that Atlas Copco’s
suggested metric, which incorporates
part-load cycle losses, may acceptably
represent the typical energy use of
compressors, however for the reasons
discussed in this section, DOE
concludes that, at this time, it is not an
appropriate metric to adopt. If this
metric gains acceptance in the industry
and the test method can be formalized
and validated beyond a case study, DOE
may consider incorporating such a
method in future rulemakings.
With respect to Atlas Copco’s
suggestion that each compressor be
labeled with scores from two metrics,
DOE notes the core purpose of a Federal
test procedure is to establish test
methods to evaluate equipment against
the applicable energy conservation
standards. If DOE were to require the
listing of two metrics on each
compressor, DOE must require that each
compressor test to two test methods.
Requiring such testing and reporting
would represent an incremental burden
beyond what DOE proposed in the test
procedure NOPR. In general, DOE
strives to minimize the incremental
burden of any test procedures
rulemaking. Therefore, in this test
procedure final rule, DOE does not
adopt any mandatory testing or
reporting beyond the metrics proposed
in the test procedure NOPR.
Similarly to Atlas Copco, the CA IOUs
suggested that, for fixed-speed
compressors with either ‘‘start/stop,’’ or
‘‘load/unload’’ controls, the air flow and
power consumption should be tested to
capture energy consumption at full-load
and fully unloaded. They also suggested
that fixed-speed compressors with
‘‘load/unload’’ controls be tested to
measure the duration of the purge cycle
(time it takes to achieve fully unloaded
power—also known as blowdown time),
as this data can be mathematically
combined with the airflow and power
consumption data at full-load and fully
unloaded to estimate the compressor’s
efficiency at various points between
full-load and fully unloaded. (CA IOUs,
No. 0012 at p. 1–2) Unlike Atlas Copco,
the CA IOUs suggest that this data be
measured and reported as supplemental
information, rather than incorporated
into a new metric.
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While DOE agrees that information
describing unloaded and transition
states of operation could be useful to the
end user, the CA IOUs’ recommendation
represents testing and reporting that is
not essential to the output of the test
procedures; requiring such testing and
reporting would represent an
incremental burden beyond what DOE
proposed in the test procedure NOPR. In
general, DOE strives to minimize the
incremental burden of any test
procedures rulemaking. Therefore, in
this test procedure final rule, DOE is not
adopting any mandatory testing or
reporting of no-load power.
Manufacturers may measure and
advertise no-load power and blowdown
time, and DOE may further explore noload power measurement and reporting
requirements in a future rulemaking.
CAGI also argued for the importance
of considering operating conditions in
determining efficiency. CAGI
commented that, because field variables
were a large determinant of system
efficiency, any value assigned to
package efficiency may be misleading to
consumers. (Docket No. EERE–2012–
BT–DET–0033, CAGI, No. 0003 at p. 8)
In response to CAGI’s comment, DOE
is not representing package isentropic
efficiency as a substitute for
consideration of site-specific operating
factors. Rather, it is intended to serve as
a common basis for comparison between
Atlas Copco suggested that lowpressure air and lubricant-free
compressors have their package
isentropic efficiencies expressed as a
function of discharge pressure in
addition to flow rate, noting that fullload operating pressure is a significant
variable that affects package isentropic
efficiency for those compressor
configurations. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009
at p. 15; Atlas Copco, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 41–42;
EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040, Atlas
Copco, No. 0054 at pp. 19–20) As
discussed in sections III.B, DOE is
narrowing the scope of this test
procedure final rule to a smaller
pressure range, which only includes
lubricated compressors. This revised
scope matches the range over which the
dependency of isentropic efficiency on
discharge pressure is described by CAGI
as limited. Therefore, DOE concludes
that the changes to the proposed metric,
recommended by Atlas Copco, are not
necessary. However, DOE may consider
adding a pressure-dependent term,
should it choose to pursue to test
procedures or energy conservation
standards for lubricant-free equipment
or equipment outside of the 75–200 psig
range in future rulemakings.
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Scales Industrial Technologies agreed
that the package isentropic efficiency
metric is a good measurement, but
commented that the metric is not
common in industry. Scales Industrial
Technologies suggested instead to use
specific power, as it has been the
industry-accepted expression of
compressor efficiency. (Scales Industrial
Technologies, No. 0013 at p. 4)
In response, DOE acknowledges that
package isentropic efficiency is not as
commonly used as specific power.
However, based on the general support
of other commenters for package
isentropic efficiency, its use in the
analogous EU Lot 31 draft standard, and
its pressure independence over the
scope being established in this final
rule, DOE concludes that package
isentropic efficiency is the most
appropriate metric for describing the
energy performance of compressors
within the scope of this test procedure.
b. Load Points Selection and
As shown in Equation 1 and Equation
2 in the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that fixed-speed units be
tested at a single load point, the fullload actual volume flow rate; and that
variable-speed units be tested at three
load points: 100, 70, and 40 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate. 81 FR
27220, 27232–4 (May 5, 2016).
In response, ASAP and NEEA
generally supported DOE’s proposed
load points for full-load and part-load
package isentropic efficiency. (ASAP
and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 2) Kaeser
Compressors also supported the
selection of load points that harmonized
with the EU Lot 31 draft standard.
(Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 63)
Alternatively, the CA IOUs suggested
that variable-speed compressors be
tested at a minimum of six test points
(excluding a no load power test point),
in alignment with the CAGI
Performance Verification Program test
procedure, and also use a minimum
volume flow rate no higher than 40
percent of the maximum volume flow
rate to avoid possible loopholes. (CA
IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 3)
With respect to the smallest flow rate
load point for variable-speed
compressors, CAGI noted that not all
variable-speed compressors can reach a
speed that achieves 40 percent of fullload actual volume flow rate, as
minimum speeds can be limited by
technical considerations such as bearing
speeds, overheating, motor current, etc.
(CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 60) Kaeser Compressors and
Sullair supported CAGI’s remark, while
PO 00000
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Sullair continued to state that this is
especially important for lubricant-free
compressors due to technical limitations
that keep them from running at speeds
as low as 40 percent of [full] flow.
(Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 64) Kaeser Compressors
added that, among other reasons, EU Lot
31 draft standard can set a 40-percent
load point because it does not include
lubricant-free compressors. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 64–5) In
response to this concern, CAGI
suggested that the lower load point
should be at 40 percent flow or the
manufacturer’s minimum stated
capacity, if greater. (CAGI, No. 0010 at
p. 6) Sullair supported CAGI’s
comments. (Sullair, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 64)
Atlas Copco commented that a
provision that permits manufacturers to
test at the manufacturer’s stated
minimum speed if a compressor cannot
achieve the 40-percent load point would
penalize compressor packages with
large turndown ratios. (Atlas Copco, No.
0009 at p. 12–13) Atlas Copco further
clarified that the disadvantage to larger
turndown machines results from the
higher average efficiency achieved by
testing at a load point greater than 40
percent, which results in a higher
average weighted isentropic efficiency.
(Atlas Copco, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 60) DOE notes
in this statement that Atlas Copco has
incorrectly quoted the test procedure
NOPR, in which DOE made no mention
of how to test a variable-speed
compressor for which the 40-percent
load point is unachievable due to
technical limitations. Atlas Copco went
on to suggest that compressors that
cannot reach the 40-percent load point
should instead be allowed to use the
SER metric, which is discussed in
section III.C.1.a. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009
at p. 11) Atlas Copco further commented
that the draft EU compressor standard
included no load power as a reported
metric, allowing for a more complete
picture of efficiency when a variablespeed compressor is used at flow rates
below the manufacturer’s minimum
flow rate. (Atlas Copco, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 69–70)
Similar to Atlas Copco, Kaeser
Compressors noted that there would be
efficiency gains in testing at flow rates
greater than 40 percent, but that there
would also be market disadvantages
because the unit would seem less
flexible, and so there would be little
incentive for manufacturers to declare
relatively high flow rates. For that
reason, Kaeser therefore suggested that
main issue with the 40-percent load
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point was not the possibility of
manufacturers artificially increasing
efficiency ratings, but instead the fact
that lubricant-free compressors may not
be able to reach that flow rate. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 65–6) Sullair
stated that manufacturers would lose
marketability if they rated the unit at a
greater minimum flow rate to gain
efficiency, because the primary benefit
of variable-speed compressors is to
allow control over a wide range of flow
rates. (Sullair, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 66) Likewise,
and ASE did not support the CAGI
proposal of using a lower load point of
40 percent or manufacturer minimum as
it inflates efficiency ratings for
compressors that cannot reach 40
percent and suggested that DOE work
with CAGI to develop an alternative
minimum test for compressors. (EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, ASAP, ACEEE,
NEEA, NRDC, NEEP, ASE, No. 0060 at
p. 4)
In response to comments on the 40percent load point, DOE reviewed all
available CAGI Performance Verification
Program data sheets for lubricant-free
variable-speed compressors, and
concurs with the concerns raised by
industry that not all lubricant-free
variable-speed compressors can achieve
the 40-percent load point. Specifically,
DOE found that 65 percent of CAGI data
sheets for lubricant-free compressors
were rated with a minimum flow greater
than 40 percent of maximum flow.
DOE considers this data, in
conjunction with the previously
referenced comments, as clear evidence
that the proposed test procedure load
points do not apply to variable-speed
lubricant-free compressors due to the
technical limitations in the turndown
ratio of such equipment. Further, DOE
concludes that because of these
technical limitations and other
significant technological differences
between lubricated and lubricant-free
compressors, separate test methods and
metrics may be required for each. In
addition, the European Commission is
exploring specific standards and test
methods for lubricant-free compressors,
but has not released a draft proposal of
its standard. Based on the comments
discussed in this section, DOE
concludes that significant work is
required to establish an acceptable test
method specific to lubricant-free
compressors, and that the most efficient
path to establishing an acceptable test
method for lubricant-free compressors is
to monitor and, possibly, collaborate
with the European Commission as its
own work progresses. DOE may pursue
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a test procedure for lubricant-free
equipment in a separate rulemaking, but
is not including lubricant-free
compressors in the scope of this test
procedure final rule.
For lubricated compressors, DOE
found that 16 percent of CAGI data
sheets were rated with a minimum flow
greater than 40 percent of maximum
flow. These results indicate that 84
percent of lubricated variable-speed
compressors are able to achieve the 40percent load point.
DOE agrees with Atlas Copco that
allowing those few lubricated variablespeed compressors that cannot achieve
40 percent flow to test using the
minimum achievable flow as an
alternative to the 40-percent load point
would penalize high-turndown
machines. Such penalization would
occur because the package isentropic
efficiency of a variable-speed
compressor typically decreases as flow
(i.e., load) decreases. To confirm this,
DOE reviewed available CAGI
Performance Verification Program data
sheets and found that for 82 percent of
the rotary lubricated variable-speed
models, the package isentropic
efficiency at 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate was lower than
the package isentropic efficiency at 70
percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate.16 Given this relationship between
package isentropic efficiency and flow
rate, a compressor’s package isentropic
efficiency (as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR) would typically
increase by replacing the 40-percent
load point with a load point at a higher
Given this information, DOE has two
major concerns with CAGI’s
recommendation. First, CAGI’s
recommended method would not result
in a fair and equitable efficiency metric.
For example, given two compressors
with the same full-load actual volume
flow rate and full-load package
isentropic efficiency, one with a
manufacturer-specified minimum flow
rate of 40 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate and one with a
manufacturer-specified minimum flow
rate of 70 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, the latter would
usually test at a better part-load package
isentropic efficiency, even though the
former provides more utility to the end
user and has the potential to use less
Second, CAGI’s recommended
method relies on a ‘‘manufacturer’s
16 Not all units reported performance at 40
percent and 70 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate. In those cases, DOE generated estimates
for those points using interpolation from
surrounding data points.
PO 00000
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minimum stated capacity,’’ and creates
a significant opportunity for loopholes.
For example, if a given variable-speed
compressor does not meet the
established energy conservation
standard, a manufacturer may be able to
restate its minimum capacity at a larger
value and retest the model. Because
package isentropic efficiency is
typically greater at the rerated higher
capacity, the manufacturer may be able
to pass the standard with the rerated
value. The result of this example
directly conflicts with the intent of an
energy conservation standard, because
the resulting compressor offers reduced
utility to the end user and may even
consume more energy than it would
with a lower stated minimum capacity.
Consequently, in this final rule, DOE
rejects CAGI’s recommendation to use
the manufacturer’s minimum stated
capacity for variable-speed compressors
if the compressor cannot achieve the 40percent load point.
DOE concludes that the amount to
which a variable-speed lubricated
compressor can turn down is a distinct
end user utility. Both Sullair and Kaeser
Compressors clearly noted similar
assertions that the speed and flow to
which a variable-speed compressor can
turn down is a distinct utility to the end
user. (Sullair, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 66; Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 65–6)
DOE also concludes, based on
previously mentioned data analysis as
well as comments from Kaeser
Compressors and Sullair (Sullair, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 67;
Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 67–8), that
for lubricated variable-speed
compressors within the scope of this
final rule, the majority of lubricated
compressors are able to reach the 40percent load point; i.e., turning down to
40 percent of flow is technologically
feasible for all pressures, flows, and
horsepower of compressors within the
scope of this final rule.
Consequently, DOE concludes that it
is appropriate that the test method for
variable-speed lubricated compressors
require that a tested compressor reach
each flow point because the part-load
package isentropic efficiency metric is
designed to align with the utility of the
variable-speed compressors and must
accurately represent their operation. For
these reasons, DOE is adopting the
methodology as proposed in the NOPR,
which requires testing at the 40-percent
load point. If a manufacturer has a basic
model which is incapable of operating
at the 40-percent load point, the
manufacturer must seek a waiver from
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the test procedure to obtain an
alternative method of test from the
Department pursuant to 10 CFR
431.401. As part of the test procedure
waiver application, DOE would examine
the details of the variable-speed
compressor’s performance curve (e.g.,
the package isentropic efficiency over
the range of available driver speeds for
which the compressor is capable of
operating) in order to determine the
correct testing points and weightings for
regulatory purposes. Since these could
be different for each basic model, DOE
believes it is best to determine the
details on a basic model basis, rather
than adopting a blanket approach of the
manufacturer’s specified minimum as
suggested by CAGI. This would allow
DOE to ensure fair and equitable ratings
and not disadvantage those compressors
that operate at lower speeds. This
approach ensures that all compressors
rated with the part-load package
isentropic efficiency metric provide
comparable utility to the end user, and
that any compressors requiring a waiver
would use a modified metric that
reflects the reduction in utility resulting
from their restricted range of flow rates.
DOE’s regulations set forth at 10 CFR
431.401 contain provisions that permit
a person to seek a waiver from the test
procedure requirements for covered
equipment if at least one of the
following conditions is met: (1) The
basic model contains one or more
design characteristics that prevent
testing according to the prescribed test
procedures; or (2) the prescribed test
procedures may evaluate the basic
model in a manner so unrepresentative
of its true energy consumption as to
provide materially inaccurate
comparative data. 10 CFR 431.401(a)(1)
A petitioner must include in its petition
any alternate test procedures known to
the petitioner to evaluate the basic
model in a manner representative of its
energy consumption. 10 CFR
431.401(b)(1)(iii) DOE may grant a
waiver subject to conditions, including
adherence to alternate test procedures.
10 CFR 431.401(f)(2)
For the case of variable-speed
compressors that cannot reduce flow to
the 40-percent load point, DOE may
grant a waiver using a modified test
procedure that reflects the reduction in
utility resulting from the compressor’s
restricted range of flow rates. The
modified test procedure may calculate
part-load package isentropic efficiency
using a weighted average of the
performance at full-load, the
performance at the 70-percent load
point (if the compressor can reach this
load point), and the performance at the
compressor’s lowest load point. The
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weighted average may include
modifications to reflect the reduction in
utility resulting from the compressor’s
restricted range of flow rates. For
example, the weighting may consider
the typical change of efficiency with
flow rate and may account for the
increased energy required for the
compressor to achieve the 70-percent
and 40-percent load points by loading
and unloading. DOE may determine the
modified test procedure on a case-bycase basis, depending on the specific
nature of the waiver request and the
equipment construction.
Based on the preceding discussion,
DOE concludes that no changes are
needed in DOE’s proposed definitions of
fixed-speed compressor and variablespeed compressor. As a result, DOE is
adopting the definitions of fixed-speed
compressor and variable-speed
compressor that it proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
With respect to the remaining load
points (i.e., 100 and 70 percent for
variable-speed and 100 percent for
fixed-speed), DOE reiterates that Kaeser
Compressors, ASAP, and NEEA
supported DOE’s test procedure NOPR.
(Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 63; ASAP and
NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 2) However, the
CA IOUs disagreed and suggested that
variable-speed compressors be tested at
a minimum of six test points while
utilizing a minimum volume flow rate
no higher than 40 percent of the
maximum volume flow rate to avoid
possible loopholes. In response, DOE
recognizes that the CA IOUs’
recommendation aligns with the current
CAGI Performance Verification Program
testing method; however, DOE has two
major concerns with CA IOUs’
recommendation. First, the CA IOUs’
recommended method would not result
in a repeatable, fair, and equitable
efficiency metric. For example, given
two compressors with the same full-load
actual volume flow rate and full-load
package isentropic efficiency, one could
be tested at six points (40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
and 100 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate) and one could be
tested at 10 points (40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
90, 92.5, 95, 97.5, and 100 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate). As
previously discussed, due to the fact
that package isentropic efficiency varies
as a function of actual volume flow rate,
the latter compressor, tested at 10 load
points would likely achieve a different
part-load package isentropic efficiency
score (as in the test procedure NOPR)
than the former compressor.
Similarly, the lack of firmly specified
load points creates a significant
opportunity for loopholes. For example,
PO 00000
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if a given variable-speed compressor
does not meet the established energy
conservation standard, a manufacturer
may be able to retest with additional
load points that are biased to the
compressor’s most efficient flow range
and ultimately pass the standard with
this rerated value. This directly conflicts
with the intent of an energy
conservation standard, as the resulting
compressor still consumes the same
amount of energy as it did before the
retesting and rerating.
Due to these concerns with the CA
IOUs’ suggestion, the general support
provided by CAGI, ASAP, and NEEA,
and the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the
load points of 100, 70, and 40 percent
of full-load actual volume flow rate for
the part-load package isentropic
efficiency metric, and 100 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate for the
full-load package isentropic efficiency
c. Metric Applicability
In response to the test procedure
NOPR, the CA IOUs suggested that
fixed-speed ‘‘inlet modulating’’ 17 and
‘‘variable displacement’’ 18 compressors
(herein referred to as ‘‘fixed-speed
variable-flow compressors’’) should be
tested at full-load and multiple partloads in alignment with the CAGI
Performance Verification Program test
procedures for variable-speed
compressors. According to the CA IOUs,
this would provide valuable efficiency
information for part-load conditions,
which are common for fixed-speed
compressors. (CA IOUs, No. 0012 at pp.
2) Similarly, ASAP and NEEA suggested
that DOE require that fixed-speed
compressors with controls that allow for
variable airflows be tested in the same
way as variable-speed compressors.
ASAP and NEEA stated that this would
facilitate the comparison between fixedspeed and variable-speed compressors
17 Inlet modulating compressors adjust the
capacity of the compressor to the demand required
by the system with a regulating valve on the inlet.
The control system closes the inlet valve in
response to a reduction in system demand,
effectively throttling the compressor by reducing
the inlet pressure and, consequently, the mass flow
of air entering the compressor. (https://
page 88).
18 Variable displacement compressors use a valve
to divert a fraction of the inlet mass flow from the
start of the rotor to an intermediate position of the
compression system, reducing the effective length
of the rotor but maintaining the inlet pressure and
compression ratio. The valve is adjustable and
responds to changes in discharge pressure. (https://
page 88).
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
under part-load conditions. (ASAP and
NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 2)
NEEA further commented that the
efficiency metrics are appropriate for
comparing variable-speed compressors
amongst themselves, but made it hard to
compare variable-speed compressors to
fixed-speed compressors. (NEEA, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 60–
62) Conversely, Sullivan-Palatek
commented that fixed-speed and
variable-speed compressors are different
products with different applications,
which shouldn’t be compared with each
other. (Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 61–62)
Kaeser Compressors commented that
the efficiency and utility of a variablespeed compressor relative to a fixedspeed compressor is promoted by
utilities to consumers and stressed that
the primary goal of the metric should be
consistent assessment of variable-speed
compressor efficiency. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 71–72)
Sullair echoed this sentiment, stating
that the industrial customers that
purchase the equipment understand the
energy efficiency associated with
variable-speed compressors and
purchase variable-speed compressors
based on the best overall fit for the
application. (Sullair, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 72)
Sullair agreed that although
measurements and efficiency standards
for part-load operation of fixed-speed
compressors may be useful, no standard
has been established, tested or proven to
measure compressor performance across
all fixed-speed control methods
(modulation, load-unload, variable
displacement, etc.) employed by various
manufacturers. As a result, Sullair
commented that it did not support a
part-load test procedure for fixed-speed
compressors at this time. Sullair noted
that preliminary work is being done by
CAGI to measure one of these control
methods (variable displacement) and
supported further development of a test
procedure or metric across multiple
manufacturers and control types prior to
adoption by DOE. (Docket No. EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, Sullair, No. 0056
at pp. 16–17)
In agreement with the CA IOUs,
ASAP, NEEA, and Sullair, DOE
acknowledges that a part-load package
isentropic efficiency metric for fixedspeed variable airflow compressors
could acceptably represent the typical
energy use of these compressors. DOE
reviewed the scope and applicability of
relevant, comparable testing and rating
programs, namely, the CAGI
Performance Verification Program and
the EU Lot 31 draft standard for
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compressors. The CAGI Performance
Verification Program separates rotary
compressors into only two groupings:
(1) ‘‘rotary compressors,’’ and (2) ‘‘rotary
variable frequency drive
compressors.’’ 19 The former rates
compressors at only full-load operating
pressure, while the latter allows for
multiple ratings at reduced flows.
However, as indicated by the name of
the latter grouping, it encompasses only
compressors driven by variablefrequency drives. Consequently, fixedspeed variable airflow compressors are
considered ‘‘rotary compressors’’ by the
CAGI Performance Verification Program,
and rated at only full-load operating
In addition, the EU Lot 31 draft
standard defines a ‘‘fixed-speed rotary
standard air compressor’’ to mean a
rotary standard air compressor that is
not equipped with a variable-speed
drive when placed on the market; and
defines a ‘‘variable-speed rotary
standard air compressor’’ to mean a
rotary standard air compressor that is
equipped with a variable-speed drive
when placed on the market.
Consequently, similar to the CAGI
program, the EU Lot 31 draft standard
considers a fixed-speed variable airflow
compressor to be a fixed-speed rotary
standard air compressor, which is rated
at only full-load operating pressure.
As a result of the research into
relevant, comparable testing and rating
programs for compressors, DOE agrees
with Sullair that test methods for
variable airflow fixed-speed
compressors are still in the development
stage and the limited available data is
not yet fully verified. In other words,
test methods are still a work in progress
for this variety of fixed-speed
compressors. Additionally, with no
historical part-load performance data
available for variable-flow fixed-speed
compressors, DOE would be unable to
establish baseline and maximum
technologically feasible efficiency
levels, and would be unable to complete
any of the analyses required to assess
and establish energy conservation
standards. Alternatively, historical fullload isentropic efficiency currently
exists for this equipment and was
considered in the energy conservation
standards NOPR.
In light of the precedent established
by CAGI and the EU, the lack of a
verified test method, and the lack of
verified historical performance data,
DOE concludes that it is not appropriate
to establish part-load package isentropic
efficiency as the rating metric for non19 For more information see:
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speed-varying varieties of variable
airflow compressors at this time.
Consequently, in this final rule, DOE
reaffirms and establishes its NOPR test
procedure that when rating a
compressor for compliance purposes,
full-load package isentropic efficiency
applies to fixed-speed compressors, and
part-load package isentropic efficiency
applies to variable-speed compressors.
Although part-load package isentropic
efficiency is not currently suitable as a
regulatory metric for fixed-speed
variable flow compressors, part-load
performance information for these
varieties of compressors can provide
valuable information for the end user.
Consequently, in this final rule DOE
clarifies that manufacturers of fixedand variable-speed compressors may
continue making graphical or numerical
representations of package isentropic
efficiency and package specific power as
functions of flow rate or rotational
speed. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed a similar allowance,
applicable only to variable-speed
compressors. 81 FR 27220, 27244 (May
5, 2016). DOE is opening this allowance
to fixed-speed compressors to account
for non-speed-varying varieties of
variable airflow compressors and fixedspeed compressors that can vary speed
continuously to adjust output flow, but
cannot reach 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate.
DOE notes that graphical or numerical
representations of package isentropic
efficiency or package specific power at
40, 70, and 100 percent of the full-load
actual volume flow rate must represent
values measured in accordance with the
DOE test procedure. DOE also notes that
graphical or numerical representations
of these metrics at any other load points
must be generated using methods
consistent with the DOE test procedure.
d. Metric Weights
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed a part-load package isentropic
efficiency metric that was a weighted
composite of performance at multiple
load points, following the structure of
the EU Lot 31 draft standard. 81 FR
27220, 27233 (May 5, 2016). DOE
further proposed weighting factors of
25, 50, and 25 percent for load points
of 40, 70, and 100 percent of maximum
flow, respectively. DOE cited alignment
with the EU Lot 31 draft standard and
a lack of industry weighting factors or
real-world load profile data as rationale
for the proposed weights. 81 FR 27220,
27234–5 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the proposed weights,
P.R. China commented that there was no
selection criteria provided to justify the
weighting coefficients for the 40
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percent, 70 percent, and 100 percent
package isentropic efficiency values.
(P.R. China, No. 0049 at p. 3) CAGI did
not provide any direct comments, but
CAGI commented that it was in
agreement with DOE’s proposal for
items on which it did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
In response to comments made by
P.R. China regarding the justification of
selected load weights, the part-load
package isentropic efficiency metric is a
benchmark for all variable-speed
compressors. The benchmark’s intent is
not to mirror energy consumption for all
consumers (which is calculated in the
energy conversation standard), but to
provide a consistent and repeatable
measure of efficiency for variable-speed
compressors. In this case, half of the
weighting represents operating extremes
(40 percent and 100 percent) for
variable-speed compressors, and half
characterizes the midpoint of those
values (i.e., 70 percent). Furthermore,
DOE did not receive any data providing
real-world representative load profile
data. However, even in the presence of
such data any given weighting would
only reflect energy consumption for
units that happened to be operated at
that particular load profile.
Additionally, the selected weights are in
alignment with the EU Lot 31 draft
standard, which carries the benefits of
familiarity for consumers and reduced
compliance burden for manufacturers
who do business in both the US and EU
markets. For these reasons, as well as
those discussed in the test procedure
NOPR, DOE is adopting the metric
weights, as proposed.
2. Package Specific Power
In the May 5, 2016 test procedure
NOPR, DOE defined ‘‘package specific
power’’ to mean the compressor power
input at a given load point, divided by
the actual volume flow rate at the same
load point, as determined in accordance
with the test procedures proposed for 10
CFR 431.344. 81 FR 27220, 27256 (May
5, 2016). DOE noted that package
specific power provides users with a
direct way to calculate the power
required to deliver a particular flow rate
of air. The CAGI Performance
Verification Program currently uses this
metric to characterize compressor
performance.20 Given the prevalence of
this metric in the industry, DOE deems
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it appropriate to provide a clear and
uniform method to test and calculate
this value. However, given the reasons
noted in the test procedure NOPR, DOE
selected package isentropic efficiency,
rather than package specific power, as
the rating metric for the compressors
within the scope of this rulemaking.
For the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the
definition for package specific power, as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
The specific methods and calculations
used to find package specific power for
a given compressor are discussed in
section III.E.7.
3. Power Factor
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE did
not explicitly propose measurement and
reporting of power factor. In response,
the CA IOUs commented that the test
procedure NOPR proposed
measurement of real power (e.g., kW),
cannot accurately reflect power
generation needs. The CA IOUs added
that measurement and reporting of
power factor should be mandatory at all
tested points so that power generation
needs can be accurately estimated. (CA
IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 3)
DOE agrees with the CA IOUs that
power factor is a useful metric for
estimating power generation needs. ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended,21 allows two
methods to determine packaged
compressor power input, as discussed
in section III.E.1.a. One of the allowable
methods requires measurement of
power factor as an intermediary to
calculate packaged compressor power
input. Because only one of the two
allowable methods requires
measurement of power factor, a
mandatory reporting requirement for
power factor would represent an
incremental testing burden, beyond
what DOE proposed in the test
procedure NOPR, for some
manufacturers. As such, there is not
enough benefit to the end user to justify
adopting mandatory measurement and
reporting of power factor in this final
rule. DOE may further explore power
factor measurement and reporting
requirements in future rulemakings.
D. Incorporation by Reference of
Industry Standard(s)
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
stated that ISO 1217:2009(E) is an
appropriate industry testing standard for
evaluating the performance of
applicable compressors, but noted that
21 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
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some sections of that standard were not
applicable to the DOE test procedures.
DOE further noted that additions and
modifications to the test method
described in ISO 1217:2009(E) would be
necessary in order to determine the
package isentropic efficiency of
applicable compressors and improve
repeatability and reproducibility of the
ratings. Consequently, in the test
procedure NOPR DOE proposed to
incorporate by reference ISO
1217:2009(E) with a number of
modifications. 81 FR 27220, 27236–
27243 (May 5, 2016).
Specifically, DOE proposed to
incorporate by reference the following
sections and subsections of ISO
• Sections 2, 3, and 4;
• Subsections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9,
6.2(g), 6.2(h); and
• Subsections C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3,
C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1, C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2,
C.4.4 of Annex C. 81 FR 27220, 27238
(May 5, 2016).
Conversely, in the test procedure
NOPR, DOE proposed not to incorporate
by reference the following sections,
subsections and annexes of ISO
1217:2009(E) because they are not
applicable to DOE’s regulatory
• Sections 1, 7, 8 and 9, in their
• Section 6, (except subsections
6.2(g), and 6.2(h), which would be
incorporated by reference);
• Subsections 5.1, 5.5, 5.7, and 5.8;
• Annexes A, B, D, E, F, and G in
their entirety; and
• Sections C.1.2, C.2.1, C.3, C.4.2.2,
C.4.3.1 and C.4.5 of Annex C. 81 FR
27220, 27237 (May 5, 2016).
1. ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016
On April 15, 2016, ISO published an
amendment to ISO 1217:2009(E) (ISO
1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016). In general,
amendments to ISO standards play the
role of materially altering and/or adding
content to the source document; in this
case, ISO 1217:2009(E). ISO
1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 modifies the
definitions of isentropic power and
isentropic efficiency contained in
sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1 of ISO
1217:2009(E) to provide more detail,
and provides equations to calculate
those performance metrics in a new
Annex H to ISO 1217:2009(E). ISO
1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 makes no
other changes to ISO 1217:2009(E). In
this final rule, the combined result of
the pre-amendment ISO 1217:2009(E)
and ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 is
referred to as ‘‘ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended.’’ Where the pre-amendment
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
version is being referenced, it is referred
to simply as ‘‘ISO 1217:2009(E).’’
Generally, DOE prefers to incorporate
the most recent versions of industry
standards, when such versions remain
applicable to its test procedures. DOE
reiterates that ISO 1217:2009(E)/
Amd.1:2016 makes no other changes to
ISO 1217:2009(E), beyond amending
sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1 and adding
Annex H. Thus, for administrative
consistency, in this final rule, any
sections incorporated by reference in
this final rule refer to the ISO
1217:2009(E) as amended, rather than
the original ISO 1217:2009(E), as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
The following paragraphs discuss
rationale for incorporating the amended
sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1, as well as
certain sections of the new Annex H of
ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended.
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
provided equations to calculate
isentropic power and package isentropic
efficiency, as these equations were not
present in ISO 1217:2009(E). The
equations proposed in the test
procedure NOPR are mathematically
equivalent to those provided in the
amended version of ISO 1217:2009(E)
and could be used in the DOE test
procedure with no impact on the
calculated results. Thus, in this final
rule, DOE is revising its proposed test
procedure to incorporate by reference
sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1, as well as
sections H.2 and H.3 of Annex H of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended. These
sections provide the symbols,
subscripts, and equations needed to
calculate isentropic power (and
ultimately, package isentropic
efficiency). Given that the equations
found in ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended,
are mathematically equivalent to those
proposed by DOE in the test procedure
NOPR, DOE concludes that this change
is administrative in nature. An in-depth
discussion of the calculations contained
in these sections can be found in section
DOE is not incorporating the new
sections H.1, H.4, and H.5 of Annex H
to ISO 1214:2009, as amended, as these
sections are not applicable to test
method in the test procedure NOPR.
Specifically, subsection H.1 provides a
general introduction to Annex H, which
is not necessary for the application of
the symbols, subscripts, and equations
in subsections H.2 and H.3 for the
purposes of the calculation of isentropic
power. Subsection H.4 provides a
derivation of the relationship between
isentropic efficiency and specific energy
requirement. While the DOE test
procedure adopted today requires the
calculation of package isentropic
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efficiency and specific energy (also
referred to as specific power), it does
not require derivation of the
relationship between these two
metrics.22 Subsection H.5 provides the
relationship between customer
acceptance tolerances for specific
energy and isentropic efficiency.
Customer acceptance tolerances are not
directly applicable to, or necessary for
DOE’s test methods, as DOE is
establishing its own sampling,
representations, and enforcement
provisions, as discussed in sections III.G
and III.H.
2. Comments Related to the
Incorporation of ISO 1217:2009(E)
In response to DOE’s proposal to
incorporate specific sections of ISO
1217:2009(E), commenters generally
supported incorporating the test
methods established in ISO
1217:2009(E). ASAP and NEEA
commented that they support DOE’s use
of ISO 1217, with the modifications
described in the test procedure NOPR,
as the basis for the compressors test
procedure. (ASAP and NEEA, No. 0015
at p. 2) Sullair strongly supported the
use of ISO 1217:2009(E) as the basis for
the DOE test procedure. (Sullair, No.
0006 at p. 1) Sullivan-Palatek advised
against material deviations from the test
procedure in ISO 1217:2009(E), so as to
not invalidate previous performance
data. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 3)
CAGI urged DOE to formalize the
incorporation of the ISO 1217:2009(E)
test method so that the historical
performance data obtained with that test
method is compliant with the DOE test
procedure. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 15)
Compressed Air Systems and Jenny
Products dissented from the other
commenters. Jenny Products objected to
incorporating standards by reference
and advocated for including the
referenced sections directly in the text
of the test procedure to avoid confusion.
(Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 2)
Compressed Air Systems suggested
caution when adopting ISO standards,
stating that standards adopted in the
United States should favor U.S.
manufacturing. (Compressed Air
Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2) In response
to Compressed Air Systems, DOE
clarifies that any test procedures
adopted by DOE must be fair and
equitable to all industry participants,
regardless of the location that
equipment is manufactured.
In response to comments from
Compressed Air Systems and Jenny
22 For details on the calculation of package
isentropic efficiency and specific power, see
sections III.E.5 and III.E.7, respectively.
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Products about incorporating standards
directly into the test procedure text,
DOE is not allowed, due to copyright
law, to print any material incorporated
by reference into the Federal Register or
Code of Federal Regulations. As a result,
when DOE adopts portions of a test
procedure from ISO, it must incorporate
those sections by reference and refer to
them appropriately in the test
procedure. Once the regulation
publishes, any standard incorporated by
reference is incorporated based on the
date of its publication and is not subject
to change. In other words, if the external
standard is revised in the future, DOE
will continue to incorporate the prior
version in this final rule.
In addition to general comments, DOE
received comments pertinent to the
specific sections of ISO 1217:2009(E)
that DOE proposed to exclude or
incorporate by reference in the test
procedure NOPR. The following
paragraphs summarize the sections of
ISO 1217:2009(E) on which DOE
received comment, summarize DOE’s
conclusions, and provide reference to
the appropriate subsections of section
III.E (test method), where these
comments are addressed in detail.
DOE received specific comments
regarding subsection 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E); these comments are
presented and discussed in detail in
section III.E.1.b. In response, DOE is
adopting its proposal to incorporate all
of subsection 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, in this final rule.
DOE received comments suggesting
that it reconsider subsections 6.2(i),
6.2(j) and 6.2(k) of ISO 1217:2009(E),
with regard to the data acquisition
requirements. DOE also received
suggestions to incorporate requirements
from Table 1 of ISO 1217:2009(E).
(CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 6–8, 10; CAGI,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
pp. 74, 83) (See also section III.E.4). In
response, DOE decided to incorporate
Table 1 by reference but not to
incorporate sections 6.2(i), 6.2(j) and
6.2(k) by reference, as discussed in
section III.E.4.
DOE received no specific comment on
the other sections of ISO 1217:2009(E),
other than the previously referenced
comments expressing general support
for the use of ISO 1217:2009(E). Thus,
for the reasons discussed in this
document and the test procedure NOPR,
DOE incorporates the following sections
of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, by
reference, in this final rule:
• Sections 2, 3, and 4;
• Subsections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9,
6.2(g), 6.2(h); and
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• Subsections C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3,
C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1, C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2,
C.4.4 of Annex C.
• Subsections H.2 and H.3 of Annex
• Table 1 of subsection 6.2.
Conversely, in this final rule DOE
does not incorporate by reference the
following sections of ISO 1217:2009(E),
as amended:
• Sections 1, 7, 8 and 9, in their
• Section 6, (except subsections
6.2(g), and 6.2(h), which would be
incorporated by reference);
• Subsections 5.1, 5.5, 5.7, and 5.8;
• Annexes A, B, D, E, F, and G in
their entirety; and
• Sections C.1.2, C.2.1, C.3, C.4.2.2,
C.4.3.1 and C.4.5 of Annex C.
• Subsections H.1, H.4 and H.5 of
Annex H.
E. Test Method
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed specific test methods to
measure inlet pressure, discharge
pressure, actual volume flow rate, and
electrical input power. DOE also
proposed specific methods to calculate
package isentropic efficiency, package
specific power, pressure ratio, full-load
actual volume flow rate, full-load
operating pressure, and maximum fullflow operating pressure. Many of the
test methods and calculations proposed
in the test procedure NOPR were
incorporated by reference from ISO
1217:2009(E). However, DOE proposed
several modifications and additions to
the methods specified by ISO
1217:2009(E), as these are required to
provide the necessary specificity and
repeatability. Even with the proposed
modifications and additions, DOE stated
in the test procedure NOPR that its
intent was to propose a test procedure
that would remain closely aligned with
existing and widely used industry
procedures to limit testing burden on
DOE received many specific
comments in response to the testing and
calculation methods proposed in the
test procedure NOPR, and one general
comment from Jenny Products. The
following sections walk through the
methods in the test procedure NOPR,
the interested party comments as they
pertain to the section, and the methods
DOE ultimately is adopting in this final
Jenny Products made a general
comment that the proposed test
procedure had measurement equipment
and test condition tolerances that were
too tight for an initial DOE test
procedure. Jenny Products suggested
that relaxing the tolerances initially
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would reduce the burden of the test
procedure from a compliance and
financial standpoint, and that DOE
could tighten the tolerances after
manufacturers are comfortable with the
test procedure. (Jenny Products, No.
0020 at p. 2)
DOE acknowledges the comment
made by Jenny Products; however, DOE
reiterates that the goal of the proposed
test procedure was to align with ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended,23 to reduce
the burden and cost to manufacturers.
Most manufacturers currently use ISO
1217:2009(E), and many of the testingand calculation-related comments that
DOE received suggested that DOE align
its test procedure as closely as possible
with ISO 1217:2009(E). As discussed in
the following sections, in this final rule,
DOE is modifying certain methods
proposed in the test procedure NOPR,
including the tolerances, in order to
align as closely as possible to ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended.24 With these
modifications, the test methods
established in this final rule are
intended to produce results equivalent
to those produced historically under
ISO 1217:2009(E). Consequently, if
historical test data meets the
requirements of the test methods
established in this final rule, then
manufacturers may use this data for the
purposes of representing any metrics
subject to representations requirements.
Therefore, because the industrystandard test method is ISO
1217:2009(E), DOE is using the
tolerances specified in ISO
1217:2009(E), and DOE is not relaxing
the tolerances as suggested by Jenny
Products. DOE is also adopting
additional tolerances that are not
specified in ISO 1217:2009(E), and the
reasoning for each of these tolerances is
explained in the following sections.
1. Measurement Equipment
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that for the purposes of
measuring air compressor performance,
the equipment necessary to measure
flow rate, inlet and discharge pressure,
temperature, condensate, and energy
must comply with the equipment and
23 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
topic, so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, is equivalent to aligning with ISO
1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
24 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
topic, so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, is equivalent to aligning with ISO
1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
PO 00000
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accuracy requirements specified in ISO
1217:2009(E) sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6,
5.9, C.2.3, and C.2.4 of Annex C. 81 FR
27220, 27237–8 (May 5, 2016). DOE also
proposed the following specific
• Electrical measurement equipment
must be capable of measuring true root
mean square (RMS) current, true RMS
voltage, and real power up to the 40th
harmonic of fundamental supply source
frequency. 81 FR 27220, 27240 (May 5,
• Any instruments used to measure a
particular parameter must have a
combined accuracy of ±2.0 percent of
the measured value at the fundamental
supply source frequency, where
combined accuracy is the sum of the
individual accuracies in quadrature. 81
FR 27220, 27240 (May 5, 2016).
• Any instruments used to measure
the density of air must have an accuracy
of ±1.0 percent of the measured value.
81 FR 27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016).
• Any pressure measurement
equipment used in a calculation of
another variable (e.g., actual volume
flow rate) must also meet all accuracy
and measurement requirements of
section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E). 81 FR
27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016).
• Any temperature measurement
equipment used in a calculation of
another variable (e.g., actual volume
flow rate) must also meet all accuracy
and measurement requirements of
section 5.3 of ISO 1217:2009(E). 81 FR
27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016).
• Where ISO 1217:2009(E) refers to
‘‘corrected volume flow rate,’’ the term
is deemed synonymous with the term
‘‘actual volume flow rate,’’ as defined in
section 3.4.1 of ISO 1217:2009(E). 81 FR
27220, 27238 (May 5, 2016).
• The piping connected to the
discharge orifice of the compressor must
be of a diameter at least equal to that of
the compressor discharge orifice to
which it is connected. The piping must
be straight with a length of at least 15
times the diameter of the discharge
piping. 81 FR 27220, 27241 (May 5,
• The pressure tap must be located on
the discharge piping between 2 inches
and 6 inches, inclusive, from the
discharge orifice of the compressor at
the higher point of the cross-section of
the pipe. 81 FR 27220, 27241 (May 5,
DOE received specific comments
related to the proposed requirements for
equipment used to measure input
power, air density, and pressure as well
as requirements regarding their
installation location. These comments
are discussed in detail in the sections
that follow.
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Aside from the input power, pressure,
and air density measurement
equipment, DOE received no specific
comments related to the remainder of
this proposal. CAGI commented that it
was in agreement with DOE’s proposal
for items on which it did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the
measurement equipment requirements
(excluding input power, pressure, and
air density measurement equipment) as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR in
this final rule.
a. Input Power Measurement
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that measurement equipment
used for packaged compressor power
input must comply with the equipment
and accuracy requirements in section
C.2.4 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E).
81 FR 27220, 27257 (May 5, 2016).
Section C.2.4 of Annex C of ISO
1217:2009(E) permits two methods to
determine packaged compressor power
input; (1) the double element wattmeter
method, which gives a direct indication
of the electrical kilowatt/input; and (2)
a computation based on the separate
measurements of voltage, current and
power factor of the electrical supply.
DOE proposed requiring electrical
measurement equipment to be capable
of measuring true RMS current, true
RMS voltage, and real power up to the
40th harmonic of fundamental supply
source frequency. It also proposed
requiring this equipment to have a
combined accuracy of ±2.0 percent of
the measured value at the fundamental
supply source frequency, where
combined accuracy is the square root of
the sum of the squares of individual
instrument accuracies. 81 FR 27220,
27240 (May 5, 2016).
In response to DOE’s proposal, Scales
Industrial Technologies recommended
that power measurements should use
the two- or three-wattmeter method, and
not individual measurements of voltage,
current, and power factor. (Scales
Industrial Technologies, No. 0013 at p.
5) In response to Scales Industrial
Technologies comment, DOE concludes
that power measurements should not be
restricted to the double element
wattmeter method, because ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended,25 allows
25 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
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power to be calculated from individual
measurements, and these measurements
would need to meet the additional
accuracy and measurement
requirements DOE proposed in the test
procedure NOPR. So long as these
requirements are met, DOE concludes
that either method in section C.2.4 of
Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, will produce valid and
repeatable results. DOE notes that some
manufacturers and customers may value
measurement of power factor, and
wishes to preserve their current ability
to use it.
CAGI did not directly comment on
this item, but CAGI commented that it
was in agreement with DOE’s proposal
for items on which it did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) ASAP and
NEEA also supported the proposed
electrical measurement requirements.
(ASAP and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 3)
However, Sullair also commented that
for large air compressors above 200 hp,
many units come with high-voltage
equipment in the range of 2,300 or 4,160
volts, which makes the proposed limits
for harmonics, THD, and voltage
accuracy difficult to guarantee. (Sullair,
No. 0006 at p. 4) DOE acknowledges
Sullair’s concern regarding compressors
above 200 hp, however, in this final rule
DOE is restricting to the scope of the test
procedure to compressors with less than
or equal to 200 compressors motor
nominal horsepower. As such, the
concerns raised by Sullair are no longer
Conversely, Jenny Products
commented that power measuring
devices are already regulated by the Air
Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration
Institute (AHRI) and the Canadian
Standards Association (CSA). As a
result, Jenny Products commented that
any accuracy beyond that required by
AHRI and CSA increases the cost of the
equipment, increases the cost of
certifying the equipment, reduces the
reliability of the equipment, and
imposes an additional financial burden
to small manufacturers. (Jenny Products,
No. 0020 at p. 4) DOE acknowledges
comments made by Jenny Products and
wishes to clarify that the CSA and AHRI
do not certify or regulate the accuracy
of power measurement equipment. The
CSA product design and testing
guidelines are intended to ensure the
safe operation of products. AHRI
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
PO 00000
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provides standard test procedures for
rating the performance of air
conditioning, heating, and refrigeration
equipment. As a result, DOE proposed
requirements for the power
measurement equipment in the absence
of a standard accuracy requirement that
ensures an equitable test for
compressors regardless of testing
In summary, based on the general
support provided by ASAP, NEEA,
CAGI, Sullivan-Palatek, Ingersoll Rand,
and Sullair, and for the reasons
discussed in this section and the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting
power measurement requirements, as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
b. Pressure Measurement
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that equipment used for
pressure measurement must comply
with the requirements in section 5.2 of
ISO 1217:2009(E). DOE also proposed
additional requirements to remedy what
it believed to be certain ambiguities in
section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E).
Specifically, DOE proposed that
discharge piping be at least equal in
diameter to the discharge port and of at
least 15 times that diameter in length.
DOE also proposed that the pressure
transducers be placed on the discharge
piping between 2 inches and 6 inches
from the discharge orifice of the
compressor. Finally, DOE requested
clarifications, but did not propose any
itself, for a number of other ambiguities
in section 5.2. 81 FR 27220, 27240–1
(May 5, 2016).
DOE received several comments on its
proposals for discharge piping. CAGI
agreed that the discharge pipe should be
equal to, or greater than, the discharge
orifice in diameter, and that the
pressure tap should be located 2 to 6
inches from the compressor discharge.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10; CAGI, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 89–
90) Jenny Products made similar
comments to CAGI’s regarding the
discharge pipe diameter, but suggested
that the pressure tap be located on a
receiver. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p.
4) However, CAGI did not see a need for
a discharge pipe with a length of 15
times the diameter of the compressor
discharge; instead, CAGI recommended
a 6-inch minimum discharge pipe.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10; CAGI, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 89–
90) CAGI indicated that the use of an
insertion-type mass flowmeter is the
only possible reason to require a
discharge pipe with the length proposed
by DOE. CAGI indicated that ISO 1217
specifies that nozzles should be used for
measuring flow and insertion-type
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
flowmeters should not be used. (CAGI,
No. 0010 at p. 10; CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 89–90)
Sullair and Kaeser Compressors
supported CAGI’s opinions on the
length of the discharge pipe. (Sullair,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 91; Kaeser Compressors, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 92–
93) Atlas Copco commented that it is
possible for the test procedure to specify
only the accuracy required, and not
require a specific length of discharge
pipe similar to the approach of ISO
1217:2009(E). (Atlas Copco, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 94)
Scales Industrial Technologies stated
that the length of pipe varies with the
type of meter, but that 15 times the
diameter is acceptable in most cases.
Scales Industrial Technologies also
stated that, in many cases, it is also
important to specify a required length of
piping for the outlet of the flow
measurement device. (Scales Industrial
Technologies, No. 0013 at p. 6)
Compressed Air Systems commented
that the distance requirement had no
merit and would add unnecessary cost
to the test equipment required.
(Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at
p. 2)
In response to comments, DOE
clarifies that it did not specify a
discharge pipe length equal to 15 times
the diameter of the outlet in order to
accommodate insertion-type
flowmeters. DOE specified this length to
avoid oscillations in outlet pressure that
can occur when an elbow or bend is
placed a short distance from the
compressor outlet. Kaeser Compressors
acknowledged this need to ensure an
adequate distance of discharge pipe
before an elbow. (Kaeser Compressors,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 93)
In response to commenters’ concerns,
DOE is adopting changes to its
proposals for discharge piping in this
final rule. Specifically, DOE is adopting
the requirement that discharge pipe be
a minimum of 6 inches long while also
adopting tolerance for oscillations in
outlet pressure as part of its stability
criteria, as outlined in section III.E.4.
This change aligns with
recommendations of CAGI, Sullair,
Kaeser Compressors, and Atlas Copco,
and allows test labs to determine the
length of discharge pipe that is required
to ensure that outlet pressure
oscillations remain within the stability
Further, based on the support
received from CAGI, and for the reasons
outlined in the test procedure NOPR,
DOE is adopting its proposals that
discharge piping be at least equal in
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diameter to the discharge port and that
the pressure transducers be placed on
the discharge piping between 2 inches
and 6 inches from the discharge port.
DOE is also clarifying in this final rule
that the pressure tap for the discharge
pressure transducers is to be located at
the highest point of the discharge pipe’s
cross section. In the test procedure
NOPR, DOE stated that the discharge
pressure transducers must be mounted
on the discharge piping. As a result,
DOE is revising the phrasing in this
final rule to make clear the required
location of the pressure tap for the
discharge pressure transducers.
DOE also received comments on its
request for clarifications of the
ambiguities in section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E). CAGI indicated that much
of the content that DOE found
ambiguous is intended as guidance for
testers to eliminate leaks and ensure
good data. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10;
CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 89–90) Atlas Copco requested
clarification of the ambiguities in
section 5.2.1 of ISO 1217:2009(E),
especially on the elimination of leaks.
(Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 17–18)
Scales Industrial Technologies noted
that some of the ambiguities appear to
be applicable to larger reciprocating
compressors and not for rotary screw
models. (Scales Industrial Technologies,
No. 0013 at p. 6) Jenny Products advised
that leak detection can be conducted
with soapy water and a paint brush,
stated that pipes should be tight enough
such that they don’t leak, and suggested
that a flexible hose be used to reduce
vibration. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at
p. 4)
Upon review, DOE agrees with CAGI
that most of the material in section 5.2
of ISO 1217:2009(E) is guidance for
testers and is not required to perform a
repeatable and accurate test. DOE
believes that the accuracy requirements
in section 5.2 are required, but that
testers can consider the other materials
as guidance. DOE also does not believe
that the guidance materials prevent the
performance of a repeatable and
accurate test. Some of the guidance
material might also help testers to avoid
leaks in the system. As a result, in this
final rule, DOE is adopting its proposal
to incorporate by reference all of section
5.2 in ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended.26
c. Air Density Measurement
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that any measurement of air
26 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
PO 00000
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density have an accuracy of ± 1.0
percent of the measured value. 81 FR
27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016). In response
to DOE’s proposal, Kaeser Compressors
commented at the public meeting that
they agreed with the proposed accuracy
requirement on the measurement of air
density and clarified that manufacturers
calculate density using other measured
parameters in accordance with the test
procedure. (Kaeser Compressors, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 87–
88) CAGI did not directly comment on
this item, but CAGI commented that it
was in agreement with DOE’s proposals
of items on which CAGI did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
In response to Kaeser Compressors,
DOE clarifies that the intent of its test
procedure NOPR proposal was that any
direct measurement of density must
have an accuracy of ± 1.0 percent of the
measured value. Consequently, for the
reasons established in the test procedure
NOPR DOE is adopting the accuracy
requirements for air density measure, as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR,
with the minor clarification that such
requirements only apply to directly
measured values.
2. Test Conditions
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that for both fixed-speed and
variable-speed compressors, testing be
conducted in accordance with the test
conditions, unit configuration, and
specifications of subsections 6.2(g),
6.2(h), of ISO 1217:2009(E) and C.1.1,
C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1,
C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2, and C.4.4 of Annex C to
ISO 1217:2009(E), Annex C. 81 FR
27220, 27238 (May 5, 2016). In response
to the test procedure NOPR, CAGI
commented that it was in agreement
with DOE’s proposals of items on which
CAGI did not directly comment. (CAGI,
No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair,
and Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI’s
comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at
p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR DOE is adopting the
requirements as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
In addition, DOE proposed specific
requirements for the power supply and
ambient conditions. These proposals
and related comments are discussed in
the following sections.
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
a. Power Supply
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
noted that ISO 1217:2009(E) does not
specify the power supply characteristics
required for testing. As such, DOE
proposed a set of requirements based on
those adopted for similar equipment
(i.e., pumps); specifically these
requirements were: (a) Input voltage at
±5 percent of the rated value of the
motor; (b) input frequency at ±1 percent
of the rated value of the motor; (c) input
voltage unbalance at ±3 percent of the
rated value of the motor; and d) total
harmonic distortion at less than or equal
to 12 percent. 81 FR 27220, 27238–9
(May 5, 2016).
Jenny Products commented that the
power supplied to their facility, as well
as other companies, do not meet the
requirements proposed in the test
procedure NOPR. (Jenny Products, No.
0020 at p. 3) Similarly, Compressed Air
Systems argued that the electrical
conditions should be recorded at the
time of the test, but that creating a
nearly static electrical condition is
unnecessary because those conditions
would rarely be seen in field
applications. According to Compressed
Air Systems, this approach would
enable manufacturers to use existing
equipment for the test. Compressed Air
Systems further stated that the
tolerances proposed in the test
procedure NOPR would create undue
compliance expense. (Compressed Air
Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2) In response
to Compressed Air Systems, DOE
clarifies that it did not propose nearly
static electrical conditions. Rather, DOE
proposed tolerance ranges that define
the acceptable condition of the power
inputted to a compressor under test. The
purpose of power supply and other
testing tolerances is to ensure that all
compressors are tested under similar
conditions that result in fair and
equitable ratings. Omitting or relaxing
power supply tolerances, as implied by
Compressed Air Systems and Jenny
Products, respectively, and just
requiring conditions to be recorded
would not result in an equitable test, as
large variations in power supply
conditions can have a significant impact
on the energy efficiency of a compressor
under test and affect the repeatability of
the test procedure.
Scales Industrial Technologies agreed
with DOE’s proposed voltage and
frequency tolerance requirements, and
stated that they should be less than 5
percent because many motors have
efficiency reductions beyond 10
percent. Scales Industrial Technologies
also stated that a voltage unbalance
greater than 1 percent is not acceptable
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and can lead to significant increases in
motor electric current. (Scales Industrial
Technologies, No. 0013 at p. 5) Scales
Industrial Technologies noted that the
motor amps may increase by two times
the square of the voltage unbalance and
included a representation that shows
the effect of voltage variation on ‘‘T’’
frame motor performance. (Scales
Industrial Technologies, No. 0017.1 at p.
1; Scales Industrial Technologies, No.
0017.2 at p. 1)
CAGI suggested that the voltage
tolerance range should be from 5
percent below to 10 percent above the
nameplate voltage, and claimed that the
range proposed by DOE would require
significant and costly adaptations by the
labs with negligible impact on test
results. CAGI also suggested that the
frequency tolerance should be ±5
percent and that the voltage imbalance
should be ±3 percent. CAGI further
suggested that DOE consider input
provided by manufacturers regarding
the total harmonic distortion tolerance,
but had internal feedback that the range
should be somewhere between ±12 and
±36 percent. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 8–9)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
CAGI’s written comment, which were
supported by other commenters, differs
slightly from its original voltage
tolerance proposal during the June 2016
public meeting. At the public meeting,
CAGI suggested a ±10 percent voltage
tolerance. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 96–7) This
is slightly wider than its written
proposal of 5 percent below to 10
percent above the nameplate voltage.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 8–9) SullivanPalatek, Kaeser Compressors, and
Sullair supported CAGI’s proposal at the
public meeting. (Sullivan-Palatek,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 97; Kaeser Compressors, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 98;
Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 98) Compressed Air Systems
expressed a preference for testing at the
nameplate voltage. (Compressed Air
Systems, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 99) Sullair reiterated that they
believed 10 percent was a tolerance that
manufacturers could work with.
(Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 100) Sullivan-Palatek stated
that manufacturers often do not have
controlled voltage at its facilities, but
the test labs generally do. (SullivanPalatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at pp. 102–3)
DOE agrees with Scales Industrial
Technologies that a narrow voltage,
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frequency, and voltage unbalance
tolerance may improve accuracy and
repeatability. However, DOE also agrees
with CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser
Compressors, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek that there may be significant test
burden associated with narrower
voltage, frequency, and voltage
unbalance tolerance ranges, and that
this burden may not be justified by a
minor increase in accuracy and
repeatability. Therefore, in response to
commenters concern of testing burden,
in this final rule DOE adopts the broader
voltage and frequency range proposed
by CAGI in its written comment, i.e.,
¥ 5 to +10 percent, and ±5 percent,
respectively. DOE also adopts the
voltage unbalance tolerance of ±3
percent, unchanged, as proposed in the
test procedure NOPR.
With regard to total harmonic
distortion, CAGI suggested that a range
of ±12 to ±36 percent seemed
appropriate, but commented that
individual manufacturers would make
recommendations as well. (CAGI, No.
0010 at pp. 8–9) DOE did not receive
input from any of the other commenters
with regard to total harmonic distortion.
DOE adopts the test procedure NOPR
proposal for total harmonic distortion
tolerances without change. These
changes pertain only to the power
supply, fall within the range suggested
by CAGI, and do not translate into a
wider tolerance on the reported results.
b. Ambient Conditions
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
specifically proposed ambient test
conditions. In addition to incorporating
sections 6.2 g and 6.2 h of ISO
1217:2009(E), DOE proposed that testing
should occur with an ambient air
temperature of 80–90 °F, because this is
the range that the CAGI Performance
Verification Program uses. DOE
proposed no requirements for inlet
pressure or relative humidity. 81 FR
27220, 27238 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received several comments on
these proposals. CAGI agreed with the
proposed ambient conditions in
principle, but stated that the proposed
range would be overly burdensome for
manufacturers and that ambient
temperature does not affect test results.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 8; CAGI, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 76–
77) CAGI proposed, instead, an ambient
air temperature range of 68–90 °F.
(CAGI, No. 0010, p. 8; CAGI, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 76–
77) Several manufacturers supported
and echoed CAGI’s statements.
(Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 3;
Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 77–78;
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 79;
Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at p.
2; Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 3)
Scales Industrial Technologies stated
that the temperature range should be
resolved between the manufacturers and
the testing companies, and that the
proposed 80–90 °F temperature range
may be hard to maintain for some
compressors. (Scales Industrial
Technologies, No. 0013 at p. 4)
Sullivan-Palatek further stated that the
measured efficiency of an air
compressor is not affected when
narrowing the temperature range from
68–90 °F to 80–90 °F according to
testimony from industry engineers.
(Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 3)
In response to ambient temperature
concerns at the June 17, 2016, public
meeting DOE stated that it was willing
to consider CAGI’s proposed
temperature range. DOE also requested
data to substantiate manufacturer claims
that ambient temperature does not affect
measured efficiency. (DOE, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 78–
9). Kaeser Compressors responded by
stating that Sullivan-Palatek
compressors are tested at ambient
temperatures below 80 °F, and their
performance is verified at 80–90 °F,
indicating that temperature does not
affect compressor efficiency. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 79) Test data
was not made available to DOE to
support or refute the claims made by
CAGI. Conversely, in written comments,
Jenny Products stated that ambient
temperature needs to be corrected for
because it will affect test results.
Further, Jenny suggested that the
‘‘reference ranges and their subsequent
correction factors’’ be examined to avoid
adding undue financial burden to small
manufacturers, which DOE interpreted
as comments being directed to the
ambient conditions and applicable
correction factors that have been
defined as part of this test procedure.
(Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 3)
However, Jenny provided no
quantitative or qualitative data or
information to support the claim that
the ambient temperature in the test
location that a compressor is tested in
impacts test results. Further, DOE notes
that ISO 1217:2009, which is the
industry accepted test method, does not
specify a required ambient temperature
range for testing.
Additionally, Sullivan-Palatek stated
that many small businesses may not
control the ambient temperature at
which they test their compressors.
(Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 3)
Jenny Products commented that they do
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not have a climate-controlled room to
test compressors, which would be
problematic for winter testing as they
are located in a cold climate. (Jenny
Products, No. 0020 at p. 3) Compressed
Air Systems also made comments that
suggested that it does not control the
ambient temperature of testing facilities.
(Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at
p. 2)
DOE acknowledges comments made
by Compressed Air Systems and Jenny
Products and agrees that the need to
create a climate-controlled space for
testing compressors could be a
significant burden on these small
businesses. Therefore, in this final rule,
DOE is relaxing the proposal in the test
procedure NOPR to limit ambient
temperature to 68–90 °F, as suggested by
CAGI. DOE concludes this temperature
range provides representative
measurements without imposing undue
test burden on manufacturers.
DOE received no comments directly
regarding the remaining test condition
requirements proposed in the test
procedure NOPR. Consequently, for the
reasons established in the test procedure
NOPR, DOE is adopting its proposal not
to establish requirements for inlet
pressure and relative humidity.
3. Equipment Configuration
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed the following requirements
related to equipment configuration for
• All ancillary equipment that is
distributed in commerce with the
compressor under test must be present
and installed for all tests specified in
this appendix. 81 FR 27220, 27239 (May
5, 2016).
• The inlet of the compressor under
test must be open to the atmosphere and
take in ambient air for all tests specified
in this appendix. 81 FR 27220, 27239
(May 5, 2016).
• The compressor under test must be
set up according to all manufacturer
instructions for normal operation (e.g.,
verify oil-level, connect all loose
electrical connections, close-off bottom
of unit to floor, cover forklift holes). 81
FR 27220, 27239 (May 5, 2016).
As discussed in section III.A.3.b,
CAGI provided a list of equipment that
it believed should be included for
testing. CAGI also suggested that if a
unit is offered for sale without a piece
of equipment on its recommended list,
the manufacturer must provide an
appropriate component, and the
selection and responsibility of providing
and installing this component for testing
shall be the responsibility of the
manufacturer. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 3–
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As discussed in section III.A.3.b, DOE
is adopting in this final rule a required
minimum equipment configuration for
compressor testing. This configuration
is based on the list provided by CAGI,
with some modifications. CAGI’s list
included many caveats and footnotes
related to applicability of certain
equipment to certain compressors,
which DOE found to be ambiguous. In
the interest of clarity, DOE is splitting
CAGI’s list into two separate lists, as
shown in Table III.2 and Table III.3, and
adopting these lists to describe the
minimum equipment configuration for
compressor testing. The first list
contains equipment that must be
included on a unit when testing,
regardless of whether it is distributed in
commerce with the basic model under
test. This table aligns with many of the
items that CAGI specified as ‘‘yes.’’ The
second list contains equipment that is
only required if it is distributed in
commerce with the basic model under
test. This represents much of the
equipment that CAGI specified as ‘‘if
applicable.’’ DOE believes that it is
impossible to require the equipment on
Table III.3 for testing, as many basic
models do not require some of this
equipment to achieve their basic
functionality and adding such
equipment is impossible or impractical.
Further, DOE agrees with CAGI and is
adopting the provision that if a unit is
offered for sale without a piece of
equipment listed in Table III.2, the
manufacturer must provide an
appropriate component, and the
selection and responsibility of providing
and installing this component for testing
shall be the responsibility of the
manufacturer. The only alternative
option under this testing structure
would be for the testing laboratory to
determine the needed specifications of
the missing component and furnish that
item. Based on discussion with industry
testing experts, DOE concludes that this
is not a reasonable alternative. A testing
laboratory does not have the expertise to
determine the needed specifications of
the component, so the laboratory cannot
reliably choose the component. In
addition, due to the large number of
ancillary components and the wide
range of compressor sizes, it is
impractical for DOE to specify the
characteristics of these components as
part of the test procedure. DOE is also
adopting the requirement that DOE
install any additional ancillary
equipment provided by the
manufacturer prior to performing
enforcement testing of a compressor.
Additionally, DOE is specifying that
additional ancillary equipment may be
installed for testing, if distributed in
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
commerce with a compressor, but this
additional ancillary equipment is not
required. This approach is consistent
with the approach taken in the EU Lot
31 draft standard. DOE notes that it will
not install any non-required ancillary
equipment during any DOE-run
assessment or enforcement testing. The
list that CAGI provided is slightly
modified from the list used by the EU
Lot 31 draft standard, and the EU Lot 31
draft standard specifies the list as a
minimum configuration.
Fixed-speed rotary
air compressors
Driver ....................................................................................................................................................
Bare compressors ................................................................................................................................
Inlet filter ...............................................................................................................................................
Inlet valve .............................................................................................................................................
Minimum pressure check valve/backflow check valve ........................................................................
Lubricant separator ..............................................................................................................................
Air piping ..............................................................................................................................................
Lubricant piping ....................................................................................................................................
Lubricant filter .......................................................................................................................................
Lubricant cooler ....................................................................................................................................
Thermostatic valve ...............................................................................................................................
Electrical switchgear or frequency converter for the driver .................................................................
Device to control the speed of the driver (e.g., variable speed drive) ................................................
Compressed air cooler(s) .....................................................................................................................
Pressure switch, pressure transducer, or similar pressure control device ..........................................
Moisture separator and drain ...............................................................................................................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Not applicable ** ......
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
rotary air
Not applicable *.
* This category is not applicable to variable-speed rotary air compressors.
** This category is not applicable to fixed-speed rotary air compressors.
Fixed-speed rotary
air compressors
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
Cooling fan(s) and motors ....................................................................................................................
Mechanical equipment .........................................................................................................................
Lubricant pump .....................................................................................................................................
Interstage cooler ...................................................................................................................................
Electronic or electrical controls and user interface ..............................................................................
All protective and safety devices .........................................................................................................
DOE is also adopting some changes to
the individual items included in the list
from CAGI. DOE has changed any
mention of ‘‘oil’’ in the list to
‘‘lubricant,’’ in order to be consistent
with the terminology throughout the test
procedure. DOE has added interstage
cooler to the list of items that must be
included if they are distributed in
commerce with the compressor, to
ensure that interstage coolers are not
removed from a compressor for testing.
DOE is revising and clarifying the
‘‘compressor control device’’ item from
CAGI’s list. DOE is including ‘‘pressure
switch, pressure transducer, or similar
pressure control device’’ in the list of
equipment that is required during a test,
because all compressors must have the
ability to load and unload in response
to changes in outlet pressure. DOE is
also including ‘‘electronic or electrical
controls and user interface’’ in the list
of equipment required during a test, if
distributed in commerce with the basic
model. Many compressors include
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controls that perform other tasks beyond
controlling pressure, such as cycling the
intercoolers or fans on and off
depending upon temperature. In
addition, many compressors include an
interface panel through which a user
can get information and control the
compressor. This equipment, if present,
impacts the energy consumption of the
packaged compressor, and should be
accounted for. As such, electronic or
electrical controls and user interfaces
must be included if they are distributed
in commerce with the compressor.
DOE is adopting modifications to the
electrical switchgear and frequency
converters included in CAGI’s list. DOE
is specifying that that electrical
switchgear or a frequency converter
must be included for fixed-speed
compressors, to ensure that there is a
method to turn the driver on and off.
For variable-speed compressors, DOE is
adopting the requirement that they
include a device to control the speed of
the driver. CAGI had specified that a
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rotary air
frequency converter be required for
variable-speed compressors (CAGI, No.
0010 at pp. 4) A frequency converter is
a common device for controlling the
speed of an electric motor, but there
may be other devices that can also
control the driver speed. Therefore, DOE
is only specifying that a piece of
equipment capable of controlling driver
speed is required. DOE is doing this to
ensure that the requirement is only for
the performance of the device, and is
not a prescriptive requirement for a
particular technology to control motor
DOE is also aware that certain rotary
compressors are distributed in
commerce with storage tanks. CAGI
commented that for reciprocating
compressors, storage tanks should be
included in the test when they are part
of the package offered by manufacturers,
because their inclusion will not affect
performance. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 5)
DOE reviewed this issue with an
industry testing expert and concluded
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
that CAGI’s comment is also relevant to
rotary compressors distributed in
commerce with tanks; i.e., tanks on
rotary compressors will not affect rotary
compressor performance either.
Consequently, DOE concludes that tanks
may be included during testing, if
distributed in commerce with a
compressor, but tanks are not required
during testing.
Defining the list of equipment that
must be installed as part of the test
procedure addresses comments made by
Jenny Products that identified a
loophole, which would allow a
manufacturer to remove ancillary
equipment from the basic compressor
package to improve the efficiency of the
unit and sell the ancillary equipment as
an optional package separate from the
compressor. (Jenny Products, No. 0020
at p. 3)
DOE received no comments directly
regarding the remaining equipment
configuration requirements proposed in
the test procedure NOPR. Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting its
proposal that the compressor inlet be
open to ambient conditions and intake
ambient air during testing and the
compressor under test must be set up
according to all manufacturer
instructions for normal operation.
4. Data Collection and Analysis
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a. Stabilization and Data Sampling and
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed several requirements for data
collection and sampling. DOE proposed
to require that measurements be taken at
steady-state conditions, which are
achieved when the difference between
two consecutive, unique, power
measurements, taken at least 10 seconds
apart and no more than 60 seconds apart
and measured per section C.2.4 of
Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E), is less
than or equal to 300 watts. 81 FR 27220,
27239 (May 5, 2016).
DOE also proposed that at each load
point, a minimum of 16 unique
measurements must be recorded over a
minimum time of 15 minutes. Each
consecutive measurement must be no
more than 60 seconds apart, no less than
10 seconds apart, and the difference in
packaged compressor power input
between the maximum and minimum
measurement must be equal to or less
than 300 watts, as measured per section
C.2.4 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E).
Each measurement within the data
recording must meet these
requirements. If one or more
measurements do not meet the
requirements, the tester must take a new
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data recording of at least 16 new unique
measurements collected over a
minimum period of 15 minutes. 81 FR
27220, 27239 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received a number of comments
in response to data collection and
sampling requirements proposed in the
test procedure NOPR. Jenny Products
commented that the frequency of data
sampling seems too high, noting that
their process of manually recording
readings takes more than 10 seconds to
complete. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at
p. 4) DOE wishes to clarify that data
samples must be taken between 10 and
60 seconds apart; DOE believes that 60
seconds provides enough time to
manually record measurements. CAGI
commented that it agrees with the
proposed data sampling frequency
requirements. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Based on the
general support of commenters and the
reasons established in the test procedure
NOPR, DOE is adopting the
requirements that at each load point, a
minimum of 16 unique measurements
must be recorded over a minimum time
of 15 minutes and each consecutive
measurement must be no more than 60
seconds apart, and not less than 10
seconds apart.
However, CAGI commented that it
does not agree with the requirements of
stability. CAGI recommended that DOE
adopt Table 1 from Section 6.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E), to quantify the maximum
permissible fluctuation from average
during steady-state operation for
discharge pressure, temperature at the
nozzle or orifice plate, and differential
pressure over the nozzle or orifice plate.
CAGI also recommended that DOE
incorporate by reference sections 6.2(i),
6.2(j), and 6.2(k) to help clarify stability.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 6–8, 10; CAGI,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
pp. 74, 83) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and
Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI’s
comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at
p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Atlas Copco
supports comments made by CAGI with
regard to adopting the cited sections of
ISO 1217:2009(E). (Atlas Copco, No.
0009 at pp. 17–18) CAGI and Kaeser
Compressors commented that the power
restriction of 300 W, likely taken from
the CAGI Performance Verification
Program, is inappropriate and not
followed by some members as it is not
a realistic stability requirement for
larger horsepower compressors and that
a more appropriate threshold is a
percentage of full-load power. (CAGI,
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No. 0010 at p. 10; Kaeser Compressors,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 82–83) CAGI and Kaeser Compressors
further argue that the power is the
measured result of the test, but the
stability criteria should be strictly based
on measured temperatures and
pressures. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10;
Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 84)
In response to commenters’ concerns
over the 300 watt stability requirement,
DOE agrees with the CAGI
recommendation that stability should be
determined using the maximum
permissible fluctuation from average for
discharge pressure, temperature at the
nozzle or orifice plate, and differential
pressure over nozzle or orifice plate
from Table 1 in ISO 1217:2009(E).
Therefore, in this final rule, DOE adopts
revised requirements stating that steadystate is achieved when the difference
between two consecutive, unique,
measurements taken at least 10 seconds
apart and no more than 60 seconds apart
meet all of the following requirements
from Table 1 of ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended: (1) Discharge pressure varies
less than or equal to 1 percent from the
average reading; (2) temperature at the
nozzle or orifice plate, measured per
section 5.3 of ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, varies less than or equal to 2
K from the average reading; and (3)
differential pressure over nozzle or
orifice plate, measured per section 5.2 of
ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, varies
less than or equal to 2 percent from the
average reading.27
In response to CAGI’s additional
recommendation that DOE incorporate
by reference sections 6.2(i), 6.2(j), and
6.2(k) of ISO 1217:2009(E), DOE
reviewed these sections and concluded
that these sections contain general
qualitative guidance for testing, and that
the same issues are already addressed in
various other sections of the test
procedure being established in this final
rule. Therefore, DOE is not
incorporating these sections in the test
Specifically, section 6.2(i) of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended,28 states that
before readings are taken, the
compressor shall be run long enough to
ensure that steady-state conditions are
reached so that no systematic changes
27 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
28 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
the term referred to as pressure ratio in
the test procedure NOPR is now referred
to as pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure in this final rule. Further, in
this final rule, DOE specifies that all
calculations for pressure ratio at fullload operating pressure be carried out
with the raw measured data. As such,
the rounding requirement for
representations of full-load operating
pressure does not affect the calculation
of the pressure ratio at full-load
operating pressure. Additionally, DOE is
not specifying a method for calculating
pressure ratio at any load point other
than full-load operating pressure.
Therefore, manufacturers are not
restricted by any specific rounding or
representations requirement for such
Based on this consideration, DOE
does not believe that stricter rounding
requirements are necessary in
representations of the full-load
operating pressure. Therefore, in this
final rule DOE adopts the test procedure
NOPR proposal for rounding and
calculations requirements.
than 10 seconds apart. As such, DOE
does not incorporate by reference the
qualitative guidance provided in section
6.2(k) of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended.
hisen,FL = hisen,100% = package isentropic
efficiency at full-load operating pressure
and 100 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate,
Preal,100% = packaged compressor power input
at full-load operating pressure and 100
percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate, as determined from Equation 4,31
Pisen,100% = isentropic power required for
compression at full-load operating
pressure and 100 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate, as determined
from Equation 5.
As referenced in Equation 3, the
packaged compressor power input at
full-load operating pressure and 100
percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate was proposed to be determined in
accordance with Equation 4. 81 FR
27220, 27234 (May 5, 2016).
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
31 The correction factor for the shaft speed (K ) in
section C.4.3.1 of Annex C in ISO 1217:2009(E) is
not applicable to this test procedure because the
electric motor drive is included in the package, and
it is therefore omitted from this equation.
30 In
this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
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5. Determination of Full-Load and PartLoad Package Isentropic Efficiency
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to rate fixed-speed
compressors with the full-load package
isentropic efficiency metric. For
variable-speed compressors, DOE
proposed the use of the part-load
package isentropic efficiency. 81 FR
27220, 27232–3 (May 5, 2016).
According to Equation 3 in the
proposal, the full-load package
isentropic efficiency is calculated at the
full-load operating pressure. 81 FR
27220, 27234 (May 5, 2016).
29 Ibid.
b. Calculations and Rounding
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
recognized that the order and manner in
which values are rounded can affect the
final represented values produced by
the test procedure. DOE noted that ISO
1217:2009(E) does not specify rounding
requirements. Consequently, DOE
proposed its own rounding
requirements for the calculations and
representations required by the DOE test
procedure. DOE proposed that package
isentropic efficiency be rounded and
represented to the nearest 0.001,
specific power to the nearest 0.01 kW/
100 cfm, pressure ratio to the nearest
0.1, actual volume flow rate to the
nearest 0.1 cubic feet per minute
(‘‘cfm’’), and full-load operating
pressure to the nearest 1 psig. DOE
further proposed to require that all
calculations be performed with the raw
measured data in order to ensure
accuracy. 81 FR 27220, 27240 (May 5,
CAGI and Atlas Copco suggested that
the full-load operating pressure should
be expressed to the nearest 0.1 psig to
ensure that the pressure ratio is not
distorted. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10;
Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 18) Ingersoll
Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek
supported CAGI’s comments. (Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p.
In response to CAGI and Atlas
Copco’s concerns that pressure ratio not
be distorted, DOE first notes that, as
discussed in sections III.A.8 and III.E.8,
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occur in the instrument readings during
the test. In response, DOE clarifies that
in this document DOE is adopting the
specific requirement that steady-state is
achieved when the difference between
two consecutive, unique, measurements
taken at least 10 seconds apart and no
more than 60 seconds apart meet certain
requirements from Table 1 of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended. As such,
DOE concludes that it is unnecessary to
incorporate by reference the qualitative
guidance provided section 6.2(i) of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended.
Section 6.2(j) of ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended,29 states that, should the test
conditions be such that systematic
changes cannot be avoided, or if
individual readings are subject to great
variations, then the number of readings
shall be increased. In response, DOE
clarifies that in this document DOE is
adopting the requirement that if
measurements do not meet stability
requirements then a new data recording
of at least 16 new unique measurements
must be taken. As such, DOE does not
incorporate by reference the qualitative
guidance provided section 6.2(j) of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended.
Section 6.2(k) of ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended,30 states that for each load, a
sufficient number of readings shall be
taken to indicate that steady-state
conditions have been reached. The
number of readings and the intervals
shall be chosen to obtain the required
accuracy. In response, DOE clarifies that
in this document DOE is adopting
specific requirements that at each load
point, a minimum of 16 unique
measurements must be recorded over a
minimum time of 15 minutes and each
consecutive measurement must be no
more than 60 seconds apart, and not less
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
The isentropic power required for
compression at full-load operating
pressure and 100 percent of full-load
V1_m3/s = corrected volume flow rate at fullload operating pressure and 100 percent
of full-load actual volume flow rate, as
determined in section C.4.2.1 of Annex
C of ISO 1217:2009(E) (cubic meters per
second) with no corrections made for
shaft speed,
p1 = atmospheric pressure, as determined in
section 5.2.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (Pa),
p2 = discharge pressure at full-load operating
pressure and 100 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate, determined in
accordance with section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (Pa), and
k = isentropic exponent (ratio of specific
heats) of air, which, for the purposes of
this test procedure, is 1.400.33
hisen,PL = part-load package isentropic
efficiency for a variable-speed
hisen,100% = package isentropic efficiency at
full-load operating pressure, as
determined in Equation 3,
hisen,70% = package isentropic efficiency at 70
percent of full-load actual volume flow
hisen,40% = package isentropic efficiency at 40
percent of full-load actual volume flow
w40% = weighting at 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate (0.25),
w70% = weighting at 70 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate (0.5), and
w100% = weighting at 100 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate (0.25).
actual volume flow rate, and those
values are used to calculate the package
isentropic efficiency at 40 percent.
In response to the test procedure
NOPR, DOE did not receive any direct
comments on this item. CAGI
commented that it was in agreement
with DOE’s proposals of items on which
CAGI did not directly comment. (CAGI,
No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair,
and Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI’s
comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at
p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR DOE is adopting the
calculation methods for full-load and
part-load package isentropic efficiency,
as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
However, as previously discussed in
section III.D, ISO recently published an
amendment to ISO 1217:2009(E), ISO
1217:2009(E)/Amd.1,34 which includes
formulas for isentropic efficiency and
isentropic power. DOE reviewed the
amendment and notes that the equations
provided are equivalent to the equations
DOE provided in the test procedure
NOPR. Therefore, in this final rule DOE
is amending its proposed test method to
incorporate ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, and referencing it for the
calculation of package isentropic
efficiency, rather than directly
providing all the equations. DOE
considers this to be an administrative
change, as it has no impact on the
ultimate result of the test procedure.
In this test procedure final rule, DOE
is also establishing certain clarifying
language that it concludes is required to
clearly and unambiguously interpret the
methods proposed in the test procedure
NOPR. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
did not specify an operating pressure for
the points at 70 and 40 percent of fullload actual volume flow rate. DOE is
specifying in this final rule that these
points be tested at full-load operating
pressure. This is the same pressure used
for the point at 100 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate.
DOE is also revising the pressure
values used in the calculation of
isentropic power. In the test procedure
NOPR, DOE proposed to correct the
measured real power to a standard
atmospheric pressure of 100 kPa. For
isentropic power, DOE proposed to use
the atmospheric and discharge pressure
values measured at each load point,
without correction for atmospheric
pressure. This creates an inconsistency,
because real power is corrected to
atmospheric pressure and isentropic
power is not. Therefore, DOE is
adopting a method that calculates the
isentropic power at a standard
atmospheric pressure of 100 kPa. The
method specifies a discharge pressure
that is equal to the sum of 100 kPa and
33 The isentropic exponent of air has some limited
variability with atmospheric conditions. DOE chose
a fixed value of 1.400 to align with the EU Lot 31
draft standard’s metric calculations.
34 ISO 1217:2009(E) and ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1
create one amended document, which is referred to
in this final rule as ‘‘ISO 1217:2009(E), as
32 The correction factor for inlet pressure uses
contractual values for inlet pressure. Since a
contractual value is not applicable to this test
procedure, DOE proposed to use a value of 100 kPa
from Annex F in ISO 1217:2009(E).
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actual volume flow rate (Pisen,100%),
shown in equation 5, was proposed to
be evaluated using measurements taken
while the unit is operating at full-load
operating pressure. 81 FR 27220, 27234–
5 (May 5, 2016).
Also according to the test procedure
NOPR proposal, the part-load efficiency
is calculated using Equation 6. 81 FR
27220, 27235–27236 (May 5, 2016).
Package isentropic efficiencies at 70
percent and 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate were proposed
to be calculated using equations of the
same form as equations 3, 4 and 5, but
with the necessary modification of the
inputs. Thus, for the 70 percent case,
the packaged compressor power input
and the package isentropic efficiency
are evaluated at 70 percent of the fullload actual volume flow rate, and those
values are used to calculate the package
isentropic efficiency at 70 percent.
Analogously, for the 40 percent case the
package compressor power input and
the package isentropic efficiency are
evaluated at 40 percent of the full-load
and 100 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate (W), as determined in
section C.2.4 of Annex C to ISO
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as
determined in section C.4.3.2 of Annex
C to ISO 1217:2009(E) at a contractual
inlet pressure of 100 kPa,32 and
PPR,100% = packaged compressor power input
reading at full-load operating pressure
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
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6. Allowable Deviation From Specified
Load Points
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to explicitly limit the
maximum allowable deviation from
specified load points when testing to
find part-load and full-load package
isentropic efficiency and pressure ratio.
Specifically, DOE proposed that
maximum allowable deviations from the
specified discharge pressure and
volume flow rate in Tables C.1 and C.2
of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) apply.
81 FR 27220, 27239–27240 (May 5,
2016). DOE also clarified that the term
‘‘volume flow rate’’ in Table C.2 of
Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) refers to
the actual volume flow rate of the
compressor under test. 81 FR 27220,
27259 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received no comments directly
regarding this proposed requirement,
but notes that CAGI stated that it was in
agreement with DOE’s proposals of
items on which CAGI did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently,
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting this
7. Determination of Package Specific
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that package specific power
can be determined for both fixed and
variable-speed air compressors at any
load point using the equation for
specific energy consumption in section
C.4.4 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E).
81 FR 27220, 27259 (May 5, 2016). DOE
received no comments directly
regarding this proposed requirement,
but notes that CAGI stated that it was in
agreement with DOE’s proposals of
items on which CAGI did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
In this final rule, DOE is adopting a
clarification of the method for
calculating corrected package power
input for specific power. The
clarification ensures that this value is
calculated in the same way as it is
calculated for isentropic efficiency. In
the test procedure NOPR, DOE did not
incorporate by reference the subsection
in Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) in
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which the corrected package power
input (PPcorr) is calculated. DOE has
resolved this ambiguity by adopting an
equation in this final rule for calculating
DOE is also adopting the clarification
that correction for shaft speed shall not
be performed when calculating package
specific power. In the NOPR and this
final rule, DOE does not allow for shaft
speed correction when calculating
package isentropic efficiency. Therefore,
DOE believes it is most consistent and
clear to require the same standards for
determining package specific power.
8. Determination of Pressure Ratio at
Full-Load Operating Pressure
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed a method to determine
pressure ratio. Specifically DOE
proposed that pressure ratio be defined
by the following equation:
PR = pressure ratio
P1 = atmosphere pressure as determined in
section 5.2.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (Pa),
P2 = discharge pressure at full-load operating
pressure, determined in accordance with
section 5.2 of ISO 1217: 2009 (Pa). 81 FR
27220, 27260 (May 5, 2016).
CAGI did not directly comment on
pressure ratio, but CAGI stated that it
was in agreement with DOE’s proposals
of items on which CAGI did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
As discussed in section III.A.1, Scales
Industrial Technologies indicated that
DOE’s proposed definition of pressure
ratio was not sufficiently clear, and
could be interpreted in multiple ways.
(Scales Industrial Technologies, No.
0013, at p. 1) Jenny Products
commented that ambient temperature,
barometric pressure, humidity, and
altitude must be corrected for because
they will all affect test results. (Jenny
Products, No. 0020 at p. 3)
As discussed in section III.A.1, in an
effort to add clarity, the term referred to
as pressure ratio in the test procedure
NOPR is now referred to as pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure in
this final rule. Additionally, in this final
rule, DOE is incorporating clarifying
changes to the test method and
calculations for pressure ratio at fullload isentropic efficiency. Specifically,
DOE reviewed the test method proposed
PO 00000
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in the test procedure NOPR and agrees
with Scales Industrial Technologies that
the method was ambiguous and would
create results that vary with
atmospheric pressure. Further, DOE
agrees with Jenny Products that it is
important to account for ambient
barometric pressure.
Specifically, compressors within the
scope of this rulemaking all use control
devices. As a result, the full-load
operating pressure is a characteristic of
each model and remains constant under
varying atmospheric pressure. This
means that the method proposed by
DOE would result in a pressure ratio
that is dependent on the atmospheric
pressure at which the test is performed.
This dependence on atmospheric
pressure reduces the repeatability of the
To remove the dependence on
atmospheric pressure, DOE is adopting
a revised method for measuring pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure in
this final rule. This method uses a
standard atmospheric pressure, 100 kPa,
and uses the full-load operating
pressure declared for the compressor.
As a result, this method creates results
that are independent of the atmospheric
pressure at which testing is performed.
9. Maximum Full-Flow Operating
Pressure, Full-Load Operating Pressure,
and Full-Load Actual Volume Flow Rate
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed a detailed method to
determine maximum full-flow operating
pressure, full-load operating pressure,
and full-load actual volume flow rate.
Specifically, DOE proposed that the fullload operating pressure would be a
manufacturer-declared value based on
the measured maximum full-flow
operating pressure. In its proposal, DOE
allowed manufacturers to declare a fullload operating pressure of between 90
percent and 100 percent of the
maximum full-flow operating pressure.
The full-load operating pressure would
then be used for subsequent testing in
order to determine the full-load actual
volume flow rate, specific power and
package isentropic efficiency. 81 FR
27220, 27241–27243 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received many comments related
to its proposal that full-load operating
pressure would be a manufacturerdeclared value based on the measured
maximum full-flow operating pressure,
as well as comments related to the
procedure to determine maximum fullflow operating pressure. These
comments are discussed in the
paragraphs that follow. However, DOE
received no comments regarding the
proposed method to determine full-load
actual volume flow rate. Consequently,
the discharge gauge pressure measured
during the test.
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting this
method as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
Jenny Products commented that the
procedure to determine maximum fullflow operating pressure was confusing,
but did not offer specific guidance as to
how it could be simplified. (Jenny
Products, No. 0020 at p. 4) Further,
Jenny Products stated that ISO allowed
for a tolerance of ±2 psig for pressure
variation vs. the ±1 psig variation
proposed by DOE when determining the
maximum full-flow operating pressure.
DOE would like to clarify that the
discharge pressure variation tolerance in
ISO 1217:2009(E) is ±1 percent from
average as specified in 6.2 Table 1. With
respect to Jenny Products comments
regarding the detail of the procedure to
determine maximum full-flow operating
pressure, DOE recognizes that the
procedure is nuanced, but believes that
the detail is necessary to ensure a
repeatable and reproducible test across
all compressors included in the scope of
this final rule. DOE also notes that the
accuracy requirement of ±1 psig is
necessary due to the discrete increments
of pressure required as discussed in the
test procedure NOPR. 81 FR 27220,
27242 (May 5, 2016). Consequently,
DOE adopts the method to determine
maximum full-flow operating pressure
as proposed in the test procedure NOPR
in this final rule.
Compressed Air Systems commented
that the operating pressure is a range,
not a static number, and can vary
between load and unload pressure.
(Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at
p. 2) In response to Compressed Air
Systems’ concern, DOE agrees that
compressors may output air at a range
of pressures. However, DOE must select
a specific pressure value for
manufacturers to use, in order to fairly
and equitably measure compressor
In response to DOE’s proposal, Atlas
Copco objected to manufacturers selfdeclaring full-load operating pressure of
between 90 and 100 percent of
maximum full-flow operating pressure,
claiming that this creates a loophole
where fixed-speed machines can select
the optimal pressure for maximum
efficiency (between 90–100 percent), but
variable-speed units are penalized
because all points have to achieve
efficiencies greater than required by the
standard. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p.
15) In response to Atlas Copco’s
concern, DOE clarifies that
manufacturers currently self-declare
full-load operating pressure and the
provision proposed by DOE in the test
procedure NOPR allows manufacturers
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to continue this practice. Further, any
potential benefit to fixed-speed
compressors from this self-declaration
could be realized equally by all fixedspeed compressors and thus not be
considered a loophole. Additionally, in
the energy conservation standards
NOPR, DOE proposed fixed-speed and
variable-speed compressors to be
considered in separate equipment
classes with separate proposed
standards. As such, any benefits
provided to fixed-speed compressors
would have no bearing on the
performance or relative ranking of
variable compressors, which would be
assessed using a completely separate
metric and proposed standard.
Atlas Copco also claimed there could
be a loophole whereby a manufacturer
represents the full-load operating
pressure at which the compressor
achieves its optimum efficiency (e.g.,
125 psig), but markets the product at a
different pressure (e.g., 90 psig). To
remedy these concerns, Atlas Copco
suggested any declared full-load
operating pressure must have an
associated efficiency that is above the
standard. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp.
15–16) DOE agrees with Atlas Copco
that rating a compressor at one pressure
and marketing a compressor at a
different pressure is undesirable and
believes the provisions of the test
procedure NOPR are in agreement with
Atlas Copco’s suggestion. Specifically,
in the test procedure NOPR, DOE clearly
proposed that any representation of fullload actual volume flow rate, full-load
operating pressure, full-load package
isentropic efficiency, and part-load
package isentropic efficiency must be
made according to the DOE test
procedure. Given this provision,
manufacturers can only self-declare one
full-load operating pressure, and the
package isentropic efficiency associated
with this operating pressure must be
represented in accordance with the DOE
test procedure.
Scales Industrial Technologies
indicated a preference for the
manufacturer’s maximum design
pressure at full capacity in response to
a request for comment regarding the
full-load operating pressure. (Scales
Industrial Technologies, No. 0013 at pp.
7) DOE is unclear as to the exact
meaning of maximum design pressure at
full capacity. However, requiring use of
an objective maximum pressure (i.e.,
maximum full-flow operating pressure)
would force a manufacturer to rate a
compressor in a manner unfamiliar to
customers and, possibly, in a way that
does not characterize the way the
compressor is likely to be operated in
practice. The 10-percent psig limit
PO 00000
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proposed in the test procedure NOPR
balances DOE’s need to create a fair and
equitable rating point while maintaining
the flexibility needed for compressor
manufacturers to continue to meet the
needs of their end users.
CAGI agreed that manufacturers
should be allowed to self-declare a fullload operating pressure, but suggested a
tolerance of either 10 percent or 10
psi, 35 whichever is greater. CAGI added
that a 10-percent range would not be
practical for lower-pressure equipment.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11) DOE
interpreted this comment to translate to
the following requirement:
If measured maximum full-flow
operating pressure is greater than 100
psig, manufacturers would be allowed
to declare a full-load operating pressure
of between 90 percent and 100 percent
of the measured maximum full-flow
operating pressure. If measured
maximum full-flow operating pressure
is less than or equal to 100 psig,
manufacturers would be allowed to
declare a full-load operating pressure as
a value that is up to 10 psi 36 less than
the measured maximum full-flow
operating pressure.
CAGI suggested that this is a better
approach because the 10 percent range
proposed by DOE would not be practical
for low-pressure equipment. (CAGI, No.
0010 at p. 11) Sullair and CAGI had
previously suggested this approach in
the June 2016 public meeting. (Sullair,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 105; CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 105–6)
The CAGI suggestion would only
affect units whose maximum full-flow
operating pressures are less than 100
psig. For those units, 10 percent of the
full-operating pressure would be 10
psi 37 or less. DOE concludes that
CAGI’s recommendation is reasonable,
and aligns with DOE’s intent to create
a fair and equitable rating point while
maintaining the flexibility needed for
compressor manufacturers to continue
to meet the needs of their end users.
Thus, in this final rule DOE adopts
CAGI’s suggestion that if measured
maximum full-flow operating pressure
is greater than 100 psig, manufacturers
are allowed to declare a full-load
operating pressure of between 90
percent and 100 percent of the
measured maximum full-flow operating
pressure; and if measured maximum
full-flow operating pressure is less than
or equal to 100 psig, manufacturers are
35 Here, there is no difference between absolute
and gauge pressure.
36 Here, there is no difference between absolute
and gauge pressure.
37 Here, there is no difference between absolute
and gauge pressure.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
allowed to declare a full-load operating
pressure as a value that is up to 10 psi 38
less than the measured maximum fullflow operating pressure.
In this test procedure final rule, DOE
is adopting a minor modification to the
starting pressure used in the maximum
full-flow operating pressure test
method. In the test procedure NOPR,
DOE proposed to start the test by
adjusting the backpressure of the system
so the measured discharge pressure is
90 percent of the expected maximum
full-flow operating pressure, rounded to
the nearest integer, in psig. If the
expected maximum full-flow operating
pressure is not known, DOE proposed to
adjust the backpressure of the system so
that the measured discharge pressure is
75 psig. The intent of this provision is
to ensure that all compressors within
the scope of this rulemaking can be
tested to find maximum full-flow
operating pressure, even when no
expected value is known. As discussed
in section III.B, the scope of this test
procedure is now restricted to
compressors with full-load operating
pressure greater than or equal to 75 psig.
To achieve the original intent of this
provision, the starting discharge
pressure for this test must be slightly
lower than that 90 percent of the lowest
possible maximum full-flow operating
pressure (i.e., 75 psig). Consequently, it
is appropriate to revise the default
starting discharge pressure to 65 psig.
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F. Definition of Basic Model
In the course of regulating products
and equipment, DOE has developed the
concept of using a ‘‘basic model’’ for
testing to allow manufacturers to group
similar equipment to minimize testing
burden, provided all representations
regarding the energy use of compressors
within that basic model are identical
and based on the most consumptive,
least efficient unit. 76 FR 12422, 12423
(Mar. 7, 2011).39 In that rulemaking,
DOE established that manufacturers
38 Here, there is no difference between absolute
and gauge pressure.
39 These provisions allow manufacturers to group
individual models with essentially identical, but
not exactly the same, electrical, physical, and
functional characteristics that affect energy
performance characteristics into a basic model to
reduce testing burden. Under DOE’s certification
requirements, all the individual models within a
basic model identified in a certification report as
being the same basic model must have the same
certified efficiency rating and use the same test data
underlying the certified rating. The Compliance
Certification and Enforcement final rule also
establishes that the efficiency rating of a basic
model must be based on the least efficient or most
energy consuming individual model (i.e., put
another way, all individual models within a basic
model must be at least as energy efficient as the
certified rating). 76 FR 12422, 12428–12429 (March
7, 2011).
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may elect to group similar individual
models within the same equipment
class into the same basic model to
reduce testing burden, provided all
representations regarding the energy use
of individual models within that basic
model are identical and based on the
most consumptive unit. 76 FR 12422,
12423 (Mar. 7, 2011). However,
manufacturers group models with the
understanding that there is increased
risk associated with such model
consolidation, due to the potential for
an expanded impact from a finding of
noncompliance. Consolidation of
models within a single basic model
results in such increased risk because
DOE determines compliance on a basic
model basis. Ibid.
In keeping with this practice, in the
test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed a
definition of basic model for
compressors that defines the compressor
models on which manufacturers must
conduct testing to demonstrate
compliance with any energy
conservation standard for compressors,
while still enabling manufacturers to
group individual models to reduce the
burden of testing. DOE proposed to
establish a definition of basic model that
is similar to other commercial and
industrial equipment. Specifically, DOE
proposed to define a compressor basic
model to include all units of a class of
compressors manufactured by one
manufacturer, having the same primary
energy source, and having essentially
identical electrical, physical, and
functional (or pneumatic) characteristics
that affect energy consumption and
energy efficiency. The requirement of
‘‘essentially identical electrical . . .
characteristics’’ means that models with
different compressor motor nominal
horsepower ratings must be classified as
separate basic models. 81 FR 27220,
27243 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the test procedure
NOPR, DOE received comments
expressing concern that under the
definition of the basic model, small
changes to certified compressors may
require manufacturers to retest or
perform an AEDM in order to recertify
the equipment. Specifically, SullivanPalatek commented that the substitution
of non-standard electric motors,
controls, or coolers would be a
significant burden due to the testing that
would be required for that compressor.
Sullivan-Palatek further commented
that DOE should consider the definition
of basic model that CAGI currently uses,
which permits add-ons and alterations
to basic packages. Sullivan-Palatek
indicated that this definition of basic
model would allow manufacturers to
offer specialty products without the
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burden of certifying each customized
compressor as a new basic model.
(Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at pp. 1, 4;
Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 44) Kaeser
Compressors and Sullair also
commented that customers often request
small changes, particularly at higher
compressor capacities, and used motor
substitutions as the primary example of
what may constitute additional basic
models. (Kaeser Compressors, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 46;
Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 131) CAGI stated that the
DOE definition of a basic model differed
from the industry definition of a
standard model, which the industry
uses to represent efficiency. CAGI
implied that the difference in the
interpretation of what constitutes a
basic model would cause many more
compressor models to be tested in order
to represent their efficiency, which is
burdensome to manufacturers. (CAGI,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 125–8) Sullair commented that many
non-standard compressor models exist
which include modifications that
increase the energy consumed by the
compressor compared to its basic
model. (Sullair, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 113)
DOE clarifies that changes, such as
the use of alternate brand components
(e.g., motors, filters, drives) trigger the
need for a new basic model only if the
variant no longer has essentially
identical electrical, physical, and
functional (or pneumatic) characteristics
that affect energy consumption and
energy efficiency. In response to CAGI’s
concerns that a greater number of basic
models may need to represent efficiency
in comparison to the industry practice
of a standard model, DOE believes that
changes made to the test configuration
(see section III.E.3) that are adopted in
this final rule result in a DOE basic
model that more closely aligns with the
industry’s concept of a standard model.
However, based on Sullair’s comment,
DOE concludes that some additional
basic models (as compared to the
industry’s ‘‘standard models’’) are
justified, as some models exhibit unique
efficiency characteristics, and accurate
representation of equipment efficiency
is critical to setting an equitable test
procedure. Finally, DOE notes that in
this final rule it is also adopting a
provision to allow for the use of an
AEDM to alleviate the burden of
representing the efficiency of basic
models that are similar in design to a
standard compressor, but with
modifications to suit an application or
customer request.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Consequently, DOE is adopting in this
final rule the definition for basic model
as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
G. Sampling Plan for Testing and
Alternative Efficiency Determination
DOE must provide test procedures
that produce results that reflect energy
efficiency, energy use, and estimated
operating cost of industrial equipment
during a representative average use
cycle. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)) These
representative values are used when
making public representations and
when determining compliance with
prescribed energy conservation
standards. In the test procedure NOPR,
DOE proposed two uniform methods for
manufacturers to determine
representative values of energy and costrelated metrics: A statistical sampling
plan or an alternative efficiency
determination method. 81 FR 27220,
27244 (May 5, 2016). The following
sections discuss comments received in
response to DOE’s test procedure NOPR
regarding statistical sampling and
1. Sampling Plan and Representations
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a. Minimum Sample Size
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed a statistical sampling plan that
requires a minimum of two units be
tested to ensure a basic model’s
compliance. 81 FR 27220, 27244–5 (May
5, 2016). In response to the proposed
sampling plan, CAGI, Compressed Air
Systems, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek
commented that, due to low production
volume of some compressors models, a
minimum of two samples would be
impractical to test as there is not
adequate inventory to meet the
sampling requirements. (CAGI, No. 0010
at p. 11, Compressed Air Systems, No.
0008 at p. 2, Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9;
Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 124; Sullivan-Palatek, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 56)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek supported CAGI’s comments.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Sullair and
Sullivan-Palatek further commented
that, for customized low volume units,
they use a mixture of customer
acceptance test data and estimation
rather than testing per the CAGI
Performance Verification Program.
(Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at pp. 43; Sullivan-Palatek, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 44)
Ingersoll Rand commented that testing
is performed on every compressor
package that it produces, but some units
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are unique and driven by customerspecific application requirements.
(Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 44–45)
In response to the concerns regarding
low-volume units, DOE understands
that within the scope in the test
procedure NOPR, certain basic models
may be produced in low volume and a
minimum of two samples are
impractical to test for these low volume
basic models due to inadequate
inventory availability. However, DOE
believes that the majority of these low
volume units are larger capacity models
(i.e., models with compressor motor
nominal horsepower greater than 200 hp
and full-load operating pressures greater
than 200 psig). As noted in section III.B,
DOE is limiting the applicability of the
test procedure established in this final
rule to only lubricated compressors with
compressor nominal motor horsepower
of 10 to 200 hp (inclusive) and full-load
operating pressures of 75 to 200 psig
(inclusive). This revised scope aligns
with the scope recommended by CAGI
and other manufacturers. Further, the 10
to 200 hp scope established in this final
rule aligns directly with the scope of the
CAGI Performance Verification Program
for rotary compressors. Manufacturers
who participate in this program 40 are
required to test multiple basic models
per year as a part of the program’s
compliances and certification
requirements. Basic models are selected
at the discretion of the CAGI program
manager, with the intent of testing
through the range of eligible products
over a period of several years. For each
basic model selected, manufacturers
must make available two individual
units that are randomly selected from
available manufacturer and/or
distributor stock. Consequently, DOE
concludes that the majority of the basic
models within the scope of the test
procedure established by this final rule
are commonly available (i.e., not low
production volume) and are typically
produced in quantities of at least two
units per year.
However, even with the reduced
scope established in this test procedure
final rule, a small number of basic
models may still be produced in very
limited quantities. This limited subset
of models may be produced in low
quantities for a variety of reasons; for
example, specific customer
40 The following manufacturers participate in the
CAGI Rotary Compressor Performance Verification
Program according to the participant directory:
Atlas Copco, Boge, Chicago Pneumatic, CompAir,
FS Curtis, Gardner Denver, Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser
Compressors, Mattei, Quincy, Sullair and SullivanPalatek. The participant directory is available at
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requirements may lead manufacturers to
customize existing basic models or
produce new, custom compressors, with
unique performance characteristics. To
address the industry’s concern regarding
the testing of low-volume production
compressors, DOE specifically
proposed, in the test procedure NOPR,
to allow manufacturers to certify the
energy efficiency of basic models
through the use of an AEDM in lieu of
physical testing. In such cases, no
physical testing is required and,
therefore, the sample size provisions are
not applicable. Complete discussion of
AEDM is provided in section III.G.2,
where DOE discusses its rationale for
adopting certain AEDM provisions in
this final rule.
In summary, DOE concludes that the
reduced scope has significantly reduced
the number of low-production-volume
basic models that are subject to this test
procedure. Further, DOE concludes that
the allowance of an AEDM in the place
of testing sufficiently addresses the
industry’s concern regarding testing the
limited number of low-shipmentsvolume compressor basic models that
remain in scope. DOE also notes that
relying on a sample size of at least two
units is important to account for
manufacturing variability and test
uncertainty. Using a sample size of at
least two units and the associated
statistics provides consumers and DOE
with reasonable assurance that any
representative value of package
isentropic efficiency or other values
associated with a given basic model is,
in fact, representative of the population
of units to which that basic model rating
applies. For these reasons, in this final
rule, DOE is adopting a minimum
sample size of two units, as proposed in
the test procedure NOPR.
b. Sampling Statistics
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed that package isentropic
efficiency be represented as the lower of
(1) the mean of the test sample, and (2)
the lower 95 percent confidence limit
(LCL) divided by 0.95. 81 FR 27220,
27244–27245 (May 5, 2016). DOE also
proposed that package specific power,
full-load actual volume flow rate, fullload operating pressure, and pressure
ratio be represented as the mean of the
test sample. 81 FR 27220, 27244 (May
5, 2016).
In response to DOE’s proposal, CAGI,
Ingersoll Rand, and Sullivan-Palatek
commented that the 95 percent lower
confidence limit as part of the sampling
plan results in a more conservative
rating than the current industry
standard. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 14;
Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 121–2;
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at pp. 2, 4)
CAGI’s comments regarding sampling
were supported by Sullair. (Sullair, No.
0006 at p. 1) CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, and
Sullivan-Palatek further stated that data
published under the CAGI Performance
Verification Program was not collected
using the sampling method proposed in
the test procedure NOPR (i.e., the lower
of the sample mean or the 95 percent
confidence limit divided by 0.95). They
further argued that adjustments may be
needed to the minimum standard levels
proposed in the compressors energy
conservation standard NOPR, which
was made with unaltered CAGI
Performance Verification Program data,
to account for the proposed sampling
plan. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 15–16;
Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at pp. 1–2;
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 4)
Sullivan-Palatek further commented
that the proposed standards, if left
without adjustment, represented an
extra level of performance above and
beyond the TSL2 standard. (SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 4)
In response to commenters’ concerns,
DOE acknowledges that the proposed
sampling plan may result in a more
conservative rating than the current
industry standard, as the proposed
sampling statistics for package
isentropic efficiency are designed to
account for variability in testing and
manufacture (as is done with most other
covered products and equipment).
Requiring the use of sampling statistics,
rather than the sample mean, provides
end-users and DOE with reasonable
assurance that any individual unit
distributed in commerce is as efficient,
or better, than its basic model rating.
DOE believes that this assurance is
beneficial to the end user, and as such
rejects the use of the sample mean for
representations of package isentropic
In the absence of a specific alternative
recommendation for package isentropic
efficiency sampling statistics, DOE
adopts the sampling statistics plan, as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR, in
this final rule. Specifically, package
isentropic efficiency shall be
represented as the lower of (1) the mean
of the test sample, and (2) the lower 95
percent confidence limit (LCL) divided
by 0.95.
DOE received no comments
disagreeing with the test procedure
NOPR proposal that package specific
power, full-load actual volume flow
rate, full-load operating pressure, and
pressure ratio shall be represented as
the mean of the test sample.
Consequently, in this final rule, DOE
adopts this requirement, as proposed in
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the test procedure NOPR. However,
DOE acknowledges that the sampling
plan proposed in the test procedure
NOPR may result in package isentropic
efficiency ratings that differ from those
used in the energy conservation
standards NOPR analysis. This is
because the energy conservation
standards analysis assumed mean
package isentropic efficiency values for
each basic model, while in practice
some basic models may be rated using
the lower 95 percent LCL divided by
0.95. Consequently, in the concurrent
energy conservation standards final
rule, DOE will account for the effect of
rating using the lower 95 percent LCL
divided by 0.95, and adjust the analysis
and efficiency levels, where applicable.
c. 180-Day Representations Requirement
EPCA prescribes that all
representation of the metrics discussed
in section III.G.1.b must be made in
accordance with DOE test procedures
and representations requirements,
beginning 180 days after publication of
such a test procedure final rule in the
Federal Register. (42 U.S.C. 6314(d)(1))
In response to DOE’s test procedure
NOPR, CAGI commented that the
adoption of the 180-day effective date is
a significant burden that DOE did not
consider. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 11, 14)
These comments were echoed by
Ingersoll Rand. (Ingersoll Rand, No.
0011 at p. 2; Ingersoll Rand, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 14)
Atlas Copco raised similar concerns in
its comments. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at
p. 7–10) Likewise, Jenny Products
commented that it will not be able to
comply within 180 days and noted that
it would need to order test equipment,
construct an environmental testing
room, train employees to conduct
testing, build compressors, and test
compressors. Jenny Products indicated
that they have over 110,880 different
basic models that would need to be
certified. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at
pp. 4–5) CAGI noted that while the
proposed full- and part-load package
isentropic efficiency metric isn’t used
by the industry nor represented in
literature, four other metrics (package
specific power, full-load actual volume
flow rate, full-load operating pressure,
and pressure ratio) are. CAGI further
stated that the requirement to review
literature and verify compliance with
the test procedure within 180 days of
publication for these four metrics is
unreasonable. (CAGI, No 0010 at p. 14)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek made similar comments as
CAGI, with Ingersoll Rand stating that
its existing compressor data would
likely be rendered invalid due to
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changes in the test procedure, and the
proposed test procedure would impose
significant burden to re-evaluate its
existing portfolio of products. (Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0011 at p. 2; Ingersoll Rand,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
pp. 131, 133; Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 1,
9; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 5)
CAGI requested that DOE delay the
compliance date of the test procedures
to coincide with the compliance date of
any energy conservation standards.
CAGI further stated that there is ample
precedent to support such a delay.41
(CAGI, No 0010 at p. 15; CAGI, No 0010
at p. 11) Ingersoll Rand and Sullair
made similar comments with respect to
delaying the compliance date of the test
procedure; Ingersoll Rand specifically
commented that the compliance date
should be delayed to coincide with the
energy conservation standard. (Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0011 at p. 2; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 9)
CAGI also commented that aligning
the test methods and tolerances with
current practice would significantly
minimize the 180-day burden of the
sampling plan. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11)
Ingersoll Rand and Sullair had similar
comments to CAGI. Specifically, Sullair
stated that if the scope of the test
procedure was limited to commonly
commercial units with test procedures
that had better alignment with ISO
1217:2009(E), the burden [of
representing efficiency per the proposed
test procedure within 180 days] would
be reduced. (Ingersoll Rand, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 131,
133; Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 0016 at p. 134)
Similarly, Atlas Copco stated that the
DOE’s proposed test procedure omits or
changes key elements from ISO
1217:2009(E), ultimately requiring every
manufacturer to retest (or perform an
AEDM) and rerate every compressor
within 180 days, if manufacturers were
to continue making representations.
Atlas Copco also stated that this
scenario would be unduly burdensome,
and recommended that DOE adopt a
three-year transition rule allowing
manufacturers to meet testing and
modeling requirements with valid data
generated under ISO 1217:2009(E). Atlas
Copco cited case law supporting its
recommendation of adoption of a threeyear transition period, specifically,
Center for Biological Diversity v.
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration,42 538 F.3d 1172, 1206
41 DOE notes that under EPCA, it does not have
the authority to implement such a delay.
42 DOE notes that this case is not pertinent to the
regulation of industrial equipment under EPCA.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
(9th Cir. 2008). (Atlas Copco, No. 0009
at pp. 7–10)
DOE acknowledges Atlas Copco’s
concerns that its test method, as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR
differed from ISO 1217:2009(E).
However, as discussed in sections III.B
and III.E, in this final rule DOE is
modifying its NOPR proposal to reduce
scope and better align with ISO
1217:2009(E). As stated by CAGI,
Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair, DOE
believes that increased alignment with
ISO 1217:2009(E) will reduce the
burden of making representation per the
test procedure within 180 days.
Regarding comments requesting that
DOE extend the 180-day representations
requirement, DOE reiterates that EPCA
prescribes the effective date for test
procedure representations in 42 U.S.C.
6314(d)(1) and does not provide DOE
with discretion to delay the effective
date for covered equipment. However,
EPCA does provide an allowance for
individual manufacturers to petition
DOE for an extension of the 180-day
effective date if the manufacturer may
experience undue hardship as a result of
180-day timeframe provided under 42
U.S.C. 6314(d)(1). To receive such an
extension, petitions must be filed with
DOE not later than 60 days before the
representations are required to reflect
the DOE test procedure and must detail
how the manufacturer will experience
undue hardship. (42 U.S.C. 6314 (d)(2))
Beyond this extension, as noted above,
DOE lacks authority to extend the date
for adjust representations to reflect the
DOE test procedure.
In response to these concerns, DOE
notes that EPCA prescribes the effective
date for test procedure representations
in 42 U.S.C. 6314(d)(1) and does not
provide DOE with discretion as to the
effective date for different equipment.
However, to reduce, to the extent
possible, the potential burden cited by
manufacturers, in this final rule, DOE is
establishing test procedures that are
intended to produce results equivalent
to those produced under ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended.43 As
discussed in section III.E, in this final
rule DOE is making many modifications
to the methods proposed in the test
procedure NOPR proposal to align as
closely as possible to ISO 1217:2009(E),
as amended. In addition, as discussed in
section III.B, DOE is limiting the scope
of the adopted test procedures to be
43 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
topic, so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, is equivalent to aligning with ISO
1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
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consistent with compressors that
currently participate in the CAGI
program. As noted by CAGI and Sullair,
these modifications to align the scope
and test methods of the test procedures
adopted in this final rule with ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended, mitigate the
majority of the commenters’ concerns.
DOE understands that manufacturers of
compressors may have historical test
data that were developed based on ISO
1217:2009(E). If historical test data is
based on the same methodology being
adopted in this final rule, then
manufacturers may use this data for the
purposes of representing any metrics
subject to the representations
requirements. Additionally, DOE
concludes that Atlas Copco’s request for
a three-year transition rule is no longer
pertinent, as the request is predicated
on the assumption that historical data
tested to ISO 1217:2009(E) does not
meet the requirements of the DOE test
2. Alternative Efficiency Determination
An AEDM is a mathematical model
that a manufacturer may validate and
use to predict the energy efficiency or
energy consumption characteristics of a
basic model. In the test procedure
NOPR, DOE proposed the use of a
validated AEDM as an alternative to
testing to reduce testing burden. DOE
laid out the basic criteria an AEDM
must satisfy, as well as validation,
records retention, enforcement, and
representations requirements related to
AEDMs. 81 FR 27220, 27245–6 (May 5,
Specifically, the test procedure NOPR
contained four AEDM validation
classes, applicable to four varieties of
compressor: (1) Rotary, fixed-speed; (2)
rotary, variable-speed; (3) reciprocating,
fixed-speed; and (4) reciprocating,
variable-speed. DOE also proposed that
two basic models be tested to validate
the AEDM for each validation class for
which it is intended to be applied.
Validation is achieved by demonstrating
that the results from the mathematical
model are in agreement with the results
obtained from actual testing of the
requisite number of basic models in
accordance with the applicable DOE test
procedures. In the test procedure NOPR,
DOE proposed that the AEDM-predicted
results for a basic model must be (for
energy consumption metrics) equal to or
greater than 95-percent or (for energy
efficiency metrics) less than or equal to
105-percent of the tested results for that
same model for the AEDM results to be
valid. 81 FR 27220, 27245–27246 (May
5, 2016).
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In response to the test procedure
NOPR, CAGI commented that the
representative values for a number of
basic models can be predicted using
computer modeling and prediction
techniques based on a single common
basic package compressor model. As
such, CAGI suggested that DOE relax the
AEDM definition so that testing does
not need to be carried out on every basic
model. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 15)
Compressed Air Systems commented
that the use of AEDMs could translate
to large expenses for small air
compressor packagers, as they often do
not have the necessary staff and
software. Compressed Air Systems also
stated that the specialized nature of
small packagers means that most
products are low-volume and
customized, and that the cost to develop
an AEDM for those products would
make it impossible to maintain a
competitive price. (Compressed Air
Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2) CASTAIR
commented that AEDM modeling would
be too large an expense for small air
compressor assemblers due to the cost
in staffing, equipment, and facilities.
(CASTAIR, No. 0018 at p. 1)
In response to CAGI’s comment, DOE
clarifies that the proposed AEDM
requirements are that a minimum of two
basic models be tested for each
validation class; there is no requirement
that all basic models for which the
AEDM is applicable be tested. That is,
while an AEDM may be validated for a
large number of basic models within a
given validation class, only two of those
basic models need to be tested in
accordance with the test procedure and
related sampling plans to validate the
AEDM for all basic models in that
validation class. DOE believes,
therefore, that the AEDM requirements,
as proposed in the test procedure NOPR,
already align with CAGI’s suggestions
and no modification is necessary. DOE
believes that at least two unique models
for each validation class must be tested
to ensure the broad applicability and
accuracy of the validated AEDM across
the range of basic models to which it
may be applied.
With respect to Compressed Air
Systems and CASTAIR’s comments,
DOE also notes that AEDMs were
proposed as an optional strategy to
evaluate equipment at a lower cost than
physical testing. Under the test
procedure NOPR proposal,
manufacturers may continue to conduct
physical testing according to the
proposed test procedure and sampling
plan instead of choosing to rate
equipment using an AEDM, or both.
Thus, given the optional nature of the
AEDM, DOE does not expect the
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
inclusion of AEDMs to result in
additional burden to manufacturers. In
fact, in many cases, use of an AEDM
dramatically reduces the cost of rating
compressor models, as once the AEDM
is developed and validated, it can be
used on any basic model for which it is
The use of an AEDM may be
particularly helpful for customized and/
or low-volume basic models that are
rarely manufactured and sold. As noted
in section III.G.1.a, commenters
expressed concern that some units are
not produced in enough quantity to
meet the minimum sample size of two
units, which makes the application of
the test procedures impractical. In those
cases, use of an AEDM may be a less
burdensome way to determine the
performance data required for
representation and compliance with any
energy conservation standard. With
AEDMs, several similar models can be
accurately evaluated based on test data
for only a few models, which can greatly
reduce the costs associated with
determining the performance of
customized models. Furthermore,
AEDMs can be validated using test data
from commonly available basic models
and then used to estimate the
performance of low-volume units,
which reduces the cost of testing per
unit for low-volume basic models. Thus,
AEDMs are a convenient option to
reduce the testing burden on
customized equipment and/or
equipment with low sales volume.
Additionally, in response to
Compressed Air Systems and
CASTAIR’s specific comments on the
burden of test procedures or an AEDM,
any test procedures or energy
conservation standards DOE
promulgates must be equitable to all
industry participants, meaning that all
participants, regardless of size, must be
held to the same testing and energy
conservation standard criteria. As
discussed further in section IV.B, DOE
analyzed the costs of conducting testing
and rating of compressors in accordance
with the test procedures adopted in this
final rule and accounted for the costs of
such testing on manufacturers,
including small manufacturers, in its
energy conservation standards NOPR
analysis. 81 FR 31680, 31761 (May 19,
2016). However, as noted in the energy
conservation standards NOPR,
additional compliance flexibilities may
be available through other means. For
example, individual manufacturers may
petition DOE for a waiver of the
applicable test procedures. In addition,
EPCA provides that a manufacturer
whose annual gross revenue from all of
its operations does not exceed
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$8,000,000 may apply for an exemption
from all or part of an energy
conservation standard for a period not
longer than 24 months after the effective
date of a final rule establishing the
standard. Ibid.
DOE did not receive any specific
comments regarding the applicability of
the AEDM validation tolerances or other
AEDM requirements proposed in the
test procedure NOPR. Accordingly, DOE
is adopting the AEDM validation
requirements proposed in the test
procedure NOPR. However, due the
revised scope of the test procedures
adopted in this final rule (discussed in
section III.B), DOE is reducing the
number of validation classes from four
to two. Specifically, DOE is adopting
AEDM provisions for rotary fixed-speed
and rotary variable-speed compressors
and removing the validation classes of
reciprocating fixed-speed and
reciprocating variable-speed
compressors, as the latter are no longer
within the scope of applicability of this
final rule.
H. Enforcement Provisions
Enforcement provisions govern the
process DOE follows when performing
its own assessment of basic model
compliance with standards, as described
under 10 CFR 429.110. In the test
procedure NOPR, DOE proposed
requirements related to the variability of
the enforcement sample, as well as the
methods it would use to determine fullload operating pressure and full-load
actual volume flow rate when
determining compliance for
enforcement purposes. 81 FR 27220,
27246–27247 (May 5, 2016). The
following sections discuss interested
party comments related to the
enforcement sampling plan for package
isentropic efficiency and enforcement
testing procedures for full-load
operating pressure and full-load actual
volume flow rate, respectively.
1. Sample Variability for Package
Isentropic Efficiency
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed an enforcement procedure in
which DOE would evaluate compliance
based on the arithmetic mean of a
sample not to exceed four units. 81 FR
27220, 27246 (May 5, 2016). This
proposal mirrors the enforcement
provisions adopted in the test procedure
final rule for commercial and industrial
pumps. 81 FR 4086 (Jan. 25, 2016).
In response to DOE’s proposal, CAGI
commented that using the sample mean
for enforcement without considering the
standard deviation of the sample
increases the risk of a finding of
noncompliance. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp.
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12–13) CAGI and Ingersoll Rand also
noted that the sampling plans in
appendices A, B, and C to subpart C of
10 CFR part 429 do account for product
variability when evaluating compliance
for other covered products and
equipment. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 12–
13; Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 140) CAGI
recommended that DOE not use the
arithmetic mean when evaluating
compliance during an enforcement test,
and instead account for product
variability in a manner similar to
appendices A, B, and C to subpart C of
10 CFR part 429 and in alignment with
ISO 1217:2009(E). (CAGI, No. 0010 at p.
13) Ingersoll Rand commented that the
enforcement procedure should allow for
a 5-percent tolerance and not use the
sample mean, and noted that certain
other covered products and equipment
allow for a tolerance on top of the
sample mean. (Ingersoll Rand, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp.
140–141) Sullair and Sullivan-Palatek
stated that they support CAGI’s position
relative to sampling and enforcement.
(Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at pp. 1)
CAGI and Sullair commented that, for
low-volume compressors, manufacturers
may not be able to produce 4 units for
the DOE to conduct enforcement testing
on, because manufacturers may not
manufacture four units of a given model
within a year. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 13;
Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 141)
In response to these comments, DOE
is not finalizing an enforcement
sampling plan in this rule. Because
compliance with any standards will not
be required for 5 years, DOE will engage
in a separate rulemaking to allow for
further comments and input on how
DOE should evaluate compliance.
2. Full-Load Operating Pressure and
Actual Volume Flow Rate
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to adopt provisions that
specify how DOE would determine the
full-load operating pressure for the
purposes of measuring the full-load
actual volume flow rate, package
isentropic efficiency, specific power,
and pressure ratio for any equipment
tested for enforcement purposes. In
addition, DOE proposed a method for
determining the appropriate standard
level for any tested equipment based on
the tested full-load actual volume flow
rate. Specifically, to verify the full-load
operating pressure certified by the
manufacturer, DOE proposed to perform
the same procedure proposed for
determining the maximum full-flow
operating pressure of each unit tested,
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
except that DOE would begin searching
for maximum full-flow operating
pressure at the manufacturer’s certified
value of full-load operating pressure
prior to increasing discharge pressure.
As DOE has proposed to allow
manufacturers to self-declare a full-load
operating pressure value of between 90
and 100 percent (inclusive) of the
measured maximum full-flow operating
pressure, DOE proposed to compare the
measured value(s) of maximum fullflow operating pressure from a sample
of one or more units to the certified
value of full-load operating pressure. If
a sample of more than one units is used,
DOE proposed to calculate the mean of
the measurements. If the certified value
of full-load operating pressure is greater
than or equal to 90 and less than or
equal to 100 percent of the maximum
full-flow operating pressure determined
through DOE’s testing (i.e., within the
tolerance allowed by DOE in the test
procedures), then DOE proposed it
would use the certified value of fullload operating pressure certified by the
manufacturer as the basis for
determining full-load actual volume
flow rate, package isentropic efficiency,
and other applicable values. Otherwise,
DOE proposed it would use the
maximum full-flow operating pressure
as the basis for determining the full-load
actual volume flow rate, package
isentropic efficiency, and other
applicable values. That is, if the
certified value of full-load operating
pressure is found to be valid, DOE
proposed it would set the compressor
under test to that operating pressure to
determine the full-load actual volume
flow rate, package isentropic efficiency,
specific power, and pressure ratio in
accordance with the DOE test
procedures. If the certified full-load
operating pressure is found to be
invalid, DOE proposed it would use the
measured maximum full-flow operating
pressure resulting from DOE’s testing as
the basis for determining the full-load
actual volume flow rate, package
isentropic efficiency, specific power,
and pressure ratio for any tested
Similarly, DOE proposed a procedure
to verify the full-load actual volume
flow rate of any certified equipment and
determine the applicable full-load
actual volume flow rate DOE would use
when determining the standard level for
any tested equipment. Specifically, DOE
proposed to use the full-load actual
volume flow rate determined based on
verification of full-load operating
pressure and compare such value to the
certified value of full-load actual
volume flow rate certified by the
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manufacturer. If DOE found the fullload operating pressure to be valid, DOE
proposed it would use the full-load
actual volume flow rate determined at
the full-load operating pressure certified
by the manufacturer. If the full-load
operating pressure was found to be
invalid, DOE proposed it would use the
actual volume flow rate measured at the
maximum full-flow operating pressure
as the full-load actual volume flow rate.
DOE proposed it would compare the
measured full-load actual volume flow
rate (determined at the applicable
operating pressure) from an
appropriately sized sample to the
certified value of full-load actual
volume flow rate. If the full-load actual
volume flow rate measured by DOE is
within the allowances of the certified
full-load actual volume flow rate
specified in Table III.4, then DOE
proposed it would use the
manufacturer-certified value of full-load
actual volume flow rate as the basis for
determining the standard level for tested
equipment. Otherwise, DOE proposed it
would use the measured actual volume
flow rate resulting from DOE’s testing
when determining the standard level for
tested equipment. 81 FR 27220, 27247
(May 5, 2016).
Manufacturer certified fullload actual volume flow rate
(m3/s) × 10 ¥3
percent of the
actual volume
flow rate
0 < and ≤ 8.3 ........................
8.3 < and ≤ 25 ......................
25 < and ≤ 250 .....................
> 250 ....................................
In response, CAGI commented that it
agreed with the tolerances DOE
proposed in Table III.4. However, CAGI
disagreed with DOE’s proposal to
continue an enforcement test when a
compressor under test is determined not
to deliver the full-load actual volume
flow rate certified by the manufacturer
(accounting for allowable enforcement
deviations). CAGI stated that the
proposed methodology could, in some
cases, allow DOE to evaluate
compliance of a compressor based on a
lower than certified full-load actual
volume flow rate, and, therefore, a
correspondingly lower package
isentropic efficiency standard level.
CAGI stated that this is because
compressors that do not provide the
full-load actual volume flow rate
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certified by the manufacturer may still
be deemed compliant provided the
compressor was compliant with the
standard determined based on the tested
(i.e., lower that the manufacturer-rated)
full-load actual volume flow rate. CAGI
suggested this scenario is not fair to the
users of industry products and
recommend that a manufacturer that
fails to provide the flow that is claimed
and certified by the manufacturer after
taking allowable deviations into account
be deemed to have failed. (CAGI, No.
0010 at p. 11; CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 106) Atlas
Copco made similar comments with
respect to testing at a lower volume flow
rate and the equity of doing so. (Atlas
Copco, No. 0009 at p. 18) CAGI’s
position regarding the tolerances and
enforcement of full-load actual volume
flow rate is supported by Sullair,
Sullivan-Palatek, and Ingersoll Rand.
(Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 1; Ingersoll Rand,
No. 0011 at p. 1) DOE received no
comments disagreeing with the
proposed method for determining
maximum and full-load operating
DOE acknowledges the concerns of
commenters that allowing compressor
equipment to be deemed compliant with
any applicable standards for
compressors when the full-load actual
volume flow rate is below the certified
and represented value is unfair to
compressor end users. DOE typically
designs the enforcement provisions to
minimize risk for manufacturers such
that equipment with capacities (i.e.,
full-load actual volume flow rates) that
differ from the certified values may still
be deemed compliant based on the
tested energy performance and a unit is
not be deemed non-compliant on the
grounds of the tested capacity alone.
However, given the broad manufacturer
support for modified enforcement
provisions in this case, in this final rule,
DOE is adopting CAGI and Atlas
Copco’s recommendation to declare
compressors with tested full-load actual
volume flow rates below the certified
value non-compliant. Specifically, the
certified full-load actual volume flow
rate will be considered valid only if all
measurement(s) (either the measured
full-load actual volume flow rate for a
single unit sample or the measured
values for each unit in a multiple unit
sample) are within the percentage of the
certified full-load actual volume flow
rate specified in Table III.4. If the
representative value of full-load actual
volume flow rate as tested is outside of
the allowable tolerances specified in
Table III.4, DOE will make a
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
determination that the basic model is
not in compliance with the applicable
regulations for that model. Specifically,
DOE will fail such models on the basis
of making representations that are not in
accordance with the test procedure,
which is consistent with DOE’s
authority under 42 U.S.C. 6316(a) and
DOE is also adopting a small
modification in the starting pressure
used when determining maximum fullflow operating pressure during
enforcement testing. In the test
procedure NOPR, DOE stated that
testing would start at the certified value
for full-load operating pressure. This
starting value, however, creates the
possibility that units could unload on
the first test point, requiring testers to
start the test again. There are many
compressors that have a full-load
operating pressure equal to their
maximum full-flow operating pressure.
DOE has also been told by an industry
testing expert that the cut-out controls
on compressors can vary by 1 or more
psig between units. Therefore, starting
the test at the certified full-load
operating pressure creates the potential
that the unit under test could unload at
the starting discharge pressure. To
prevent this possibility, DOE is adopting
a starting point for this method equal to
90 percent of the certified full-load
operating pressure. This allows the unit
to be tested at several discharge
pressures prior to reaching the range of
pressures at which it is likely to unload.
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) has determined that test
procedure rulemakings do not constitute
‘‘significant regulatory actions’’ under
section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866,
Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR
51735 (Oct. 4, 1993). Accordingly, this
action was not subject to review under
the Executive Order by the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs
(OIRA) in the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB).
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B. Review Under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq., as amended by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996) requires
preparation of an initial regulatory
flexibility analysis (IRFA) for any rule
that by law must be proposed for public
comment and a final regulatory
flexibility analysis (FRFA) for any such
rule that an agency adopts as a final
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rule, unless the agency certifies that the
rule, if promulgated, will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
A regulatory flexibility analysis
examines the impact of the rule on
small entities and considers alternative
ways of reducing negative effects. Also,
as required by Executive Order 13272,
‘‘Proper Consideration of Small Entities
in Agency Rulemakings,’’ 67 FR 53461
(August 16, 2002), DOE published
procedures and policies on February 19,
2003, to ensure that the potential
impacts of its rules on small entities are
properly considered during the DOE
rulemaking process. 68 FR 7990. DOE
has made its procedures and policies
available on the Office of General
Counsel’s Web site at:
gc/office-general-counsel. As part of the
test procedure NOPR published on May
5, 2016 (81 FR 27220), DOE concluded
that the cost effects accruing from the
final rule would not have a ‘‘significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities,’’ and that the
preparation of a FRFA is not warranted.
DOE has submitted a certification and
supporting statement of factual basis to
the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the
Small Business Administration for
review under 5 U.S.C. 605(b).
DOE reviewed this rule, which
establishes a new test procedure for
compressors, under the provisions of
the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the
procedures and policies published on
February 19, 2003.
DOE certifies that the adopted rule
does not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
DOE notes that certification of
compressor models is not currently
required because energy conservation
standards do not currently exist for
compressors. That is, any burden
associated with testing compressors in
accordance with the requirements for
this test procedure will not be required
until the promulgation of any energy
conservation standards for compressors.
On this basis, DOE maintains that the
test procedure final rule has no
incremental burden associated with it
and a FRFA is not required.
1. Description and Estimate of the
Number of Small Entities Affected
For the compressors manufacturing
industry, the Small Business
Administration (SBA) has set a size
threshold, which defines those entities
classified as small businesses for the
purpose of the statute. DOE used the
SBA’s size standards to determine
whether any small entities are be
required to comply with the rule. The
size standards are codified at 13 CFR
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part 121. The standards are listed by
North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) code and industry
description and are available at: https://
Size_Standards_Table.pdf. Compressor
manufacturers are classified under
NAICS 333912, ‘‘Air and Gas
Compressor Manufacturing.’’ The SBA
sets a threshold of 1,000 employees or
less for an entity to be considered as a
small business for this category.
To estimate the number of small
business manufacturers of equipment
applicable to this rulemaking, DOE
conducted a market survey using
available public information. DOE’s
research involved industry trade
association membership directories
(including CAGI), individual company
and online retailer Web sites, and
market research tools (e.g., Hoovers
reports) to create a list of companies that
manufacture products applicable to this
rulemaking. DOE presented its list to
manufacturers in MIA interviews and
asked industry representatives if they
were aware of any other small
manufacturers during manufacturer
interviews and at DOE public meetings.
DOE reviewed publicly available data
and contacted select companies on its
list, as necessary, to determine whether
they met the SBA’s definition of a small
business manufacturer. DOE screened
out companies that do not offer
products applicable to this rulemaking,
do not meet the definition of a small
business, or are foreign-owned and
DOE identified a total of 40
manufacturers of applicable air
compressor products sold in the United
States. Nineteen of these manufacturers
met the 1,000-employee threshold
defined by the SBA to qualify as a small
business, but only 15 were domestic
companies. Seven domestic small
businesses manufacture rotary air
Within the air compressor industry,
manufacturers can be classified into two
categories; original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) and compressor
packagers. OEMs manufacture their own
air-ends and assemble them with other
components to create complete package
air compressors. Packagers assemble
motors and other accessories with airends purchased from other companies,
resulting in a complete air compressor.
Within the rotary air compressor
industry, DOE identified 22
manufacturers; 16 are OEMs and seven
are packagers of compressors. Of the 22
total manufacturers, seven large OEMs
supply approximately 80 percent of
shipments and revenues. Of the seven
domestic small rotary air compressor
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
businesses identified, DOE’s research
indicates that two are OEMs and five are
2. Discussion of Testing Burden and
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a. Burden Related to Test Method and
Retesting Equipment for
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
stated that ISO 1217:2009(E) is an
appropriate industry testing standard for
evaluating compressor performance,
with the caveat that ISO 1217:2009(E) is
written as a customer acceptance test,
and as such it required several
modifications and additions in order to
provide the specificity and repeatability
required by DOE. Consequently, DOE
proposed several modifications and
additions to ISO 1217:2009(E) and
proposed to incorporate by reference
only the sections of ISO 1217:2009(E)
that are relevant to the equipment
within the scope of applicability of
DOE’s proposed test procedures. DOE
stated that by proposing to incorporate
by reference much of ISO 1217:2009(E)
into the proposed DOE test procedures,
DOE believed that the resulting DOE test
procedures would remain closely
aligned with existing and widely used
industry procedures and limit the
testing burden on manufacturers. 81 FR
27220, 27236–27237 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received many comments
regarding the burden imposed by DOE’s
proposed test procedures. Many of these
comments argued that DOE’s proposed
modifications and additions to ISO
1217:2009(E) were materially
significant, such that historical test data
obtained under ISO 1217:2009(E) could
no longer be used for representation
purposes. As a result, the comments
stated that manufacturers would be
required to retest all equipment if they
wanted to continue making public
representations of package specific
power, full-load actual volume flow
rate, full-load operating pressure and
pressure ratio.
Specifically, CAGI, Atlas Copco,
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and SullivanPalatek commented that the proposed
rule includes modifications to the CAGI
Performance Verification Program
which, coupled with the 180-day
effective compliance date of the
proposed test procedures, presents a
significant burden for manufacturers to
verify compliance in their efficiency
and non-efficiency representations.
(CAGI, No 0010 at pp. 11, 14; Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0011 at p. 2; Atlas Copco, No.
0009 at pp. 7–10; Sullair, No. 0006 at
pp. 1, 9; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at
pp. 5)
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In response to the 2012 NOPD, CAGI
commented that ‘‘test procedures for
measuring the energy efficiency, energy
use, or estimated annual operating cost
of compressors during a representative
average use cycle or period of use would
be unduly burdensome or impossible to
conduct,’’ and that ‘‘there would also be
a cost impact to the users for this, which
would place heavier financial burdens,
especially on small business users.’’
(Docket No. EERE–2012–BT–DET–0033,
CAGI, No. 0003 at p. 6)
However, in response to the more
recent 2016 test procedure NOPR, CAGI
commented that if the test methods and
tolerances are aligned with current
practice, the burden of the sampling
plan will be significantly minimized.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11)
CASTAIR and Compressed Air
Systems commented that the proposed
regulations will force CASTAIR and
other small businesses out of the rotary
screw market. (CASTAIR, No. 0018 at p.
1; Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at
p. 2) Compressed Air Systems stated
that the test method would require large
investments, which would be in excess
of their annual sales volume, represent
a higher per-unit cost due to their low
volume of shipments compared to large
manufacturers, and take a longer time to
recover the cost of investing test
equipment, placing small businesses at
a competitive disadvantage relative to
large manufacturers. (Compressed Air
Systems, No. 0008 at pp. 2, 4–5;
Compressed Air Systems, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 143)
Similarly, Jenny Products commented
that the cost of compliance, including
test facilities or the cost of independent
lab testing, would bankrupt their small
business and is unduly burdensome.
(Jenny Products, No. 0020 at pp. 1, 3)
Further, Jenny Products asserted that
the test procedure is complicated and
primarily developed by CAGI members,
which unfairly burdens non-CAGI
members and small businesses that can’t
afford to test their equipment. (Jenny
Products, No. 0020 at pp. 2, 4–5)
DOE acknowledges the commenters’
general concerns that the test
procedures, as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR, differed enough from
ISO 1217:2009(E) that, if adopted,
manufacturers may need to retest all
units in order to continue making
representations. However, DOE
reiterates that, as stated in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE’s intent is to
propose test procedures that remain
closely aligned with existing and widely
used industry procedures and limit
testing burden on manufacturers.
In response to the commenters’
concerns, in this final rule, DOE is
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making many modifications to the
methods proposed in the test procedure
NOPR, in order to align as closely as
possible to ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended.44 A complete discussion of
these modifications is found in section
III.E of this final rule. With these
modifications, the test methods
established in the final rule are intended
to produce results equivalent to those
produced historically under ISO
1217:2009(E). Consequently, if historical
test data are consistent with values that
are generated when testing with the test
methods established in this final rule,
then manufacturers may use this data
for the purposes of representing any
metrics subject to representations
requirements. (DOE, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 136)
However, DOE acknowledges that
current representations for some models
may not be based on test data or may be
based on test data that is not in
alignment with the test methods
established in this final rule. DOE agrees
that for those models, further testing or
the application of an AEDM may be
needed to continue making
representations. However, DOE also
notes that such representations are
voluntary and if manufacturers require
longer than 180 days to determine
accurate represented values consistent
with the adopted test procedure, the
manufacturer may elect to not make
public representations of standardized
metrics until such testing is completed.
At this time, DOE does not have direct
data regarding how many models
require further testing or application of
an AEDM, however, DOE estimates that
this is a small percentage of total
models. Specifically, DOE estimates that
90 percent of models within the scope
of this test procedure final rule
participate in the CAGI Performance
Verification Program. All members of
the CAGI Performance Verification
Program must represent the
performance of all of their models
(within the scope of the program) based
on ISO 1217:2009(E) testing. Thus, DOE
believes it is fair to assume that the vast
majority of models participating in the
CAGI Performance Verification Program
have historical ISO 1217:2009(E) test
data available, which DOE believes is
consistent with any values that
generated by the test procedure adopted
in this final rule. DOE acknowledges
that the remainder of the models (i.e.,
44 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
topic, so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, is equivalent to aligning with ISO
1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
those not participating in the CAGI
Performance Verification Program),
approximately 15 percent, may not have
historical test data available. However,
DOE reviewed publically available
marketing data from all known
manufacturers that do not participate in
the CAGI Performance Verification
Program and found none of these
manufacturers currently represent
package isentropic efficiency, package
specific power, full-load actual volume
flow rate, full-load operating pressure,
or pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure for compressors within the
scope of this test procedure final rule.
As such, these manufacturers incur no
burden as a direct result of this test
procedure final rule, as they are not
required to make any representations
until the effective date of any relevant
future energy conservation standards.45
In summary, DOE concludes that the
test procedures and associated
representations requirements
established in this test procedure final
rule are not unduly burdensome, as (1)
the test method follows accepted
industry practice, and (2) only a limited
number of models (if any) may, at the
manufacturer’s discretion, need to be
retested in order to continue to make
representations. Further DOE notes that
impact to each manufacturer will be
different, and manufactures may
petition DOE for an extension of the
180-day representations requirement,
for up to an additional 180 days, if
manufacturers feel it represents an
undue hardship. (42 U.S.C. 6314 (d)(2))
However, as any representations are
voluntary prior to the compliance date
of any energy conservations standards
for compressors that may be set, there is
no direct burden associated with any of
the testing requirements established in
this final rule. As such, specific
quantification of the burden associated
with testing and rating equipment to
comply with any energy conservation
standards is addressed in the associated
compressors energy conservation
standard rulemaking manufacturer
impact analysis (Docket No. EERE–
b. Burdens Related to Low ShipmentVolume Equipment
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed a scope of applicability of
compressors that meet the following
• Are air compressors;
• are rotary or reciprocating
45 DOE accounts for mandatory testing burden for
compressors in the energy conservation standards
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• are driven by a brushless electric
• are distributed in commerce with a
compressor motor nominal horsepower
greater than or equal to 1 and less than
or equal to 500 hp; and
• operate at a full-load operating
pressure of greater than or equal to 31
and less than or equal to 225 pounds per
square inch gauge; 81 FR 27220, 27224–
27225 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the test procedure
NOPR, many interested parties
commented that DOE’s proposed scope
would capture many low-shipment
volume or ‘‘custom’’ compressor
models, and the requirement to test
such models would cause undue
Specifically, Atlas Copco stated that
the test procedures would result in
duplicative testing for custom units,
because custom units already undergo
customer acceptance tests based on ISO
1217:2009(E). Atlas Copco also
commented that an AEDM would not
alleviate the burden because it requires
validation through testing. Atlas Copco
further recommended that DOE
establish a de minimis rule exempting
small volume (fewer than 20 units per
year), customized orders from the test
requirements in order to avoid unduly
burdensome testing requirements. (Atlas
Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 6–7) Compressed
Air Systems stated that the requirement
to test two units of custom models that
are only sold once 2 or 3 years will add
undue cost, causing many
manufacturers to stop production of
low-shipment-volume models.
(Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at
p. 2) CAGI stated that manufacturers
cannot build four units of all basic
models for the purposes of DOE
enforcement. Considering the definition
of a basic model, CAGI expects that
many basic models will rarely be sold,
and it would be impractical to build
those units only for testing purposes.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 13)
Sullair commented that it would be a
burden to test or model all of its basic
units as the company has more than 500
basic models in the range proposed by
DOE for the test procedures, most of
which are not high-volume products.
(Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9) Sullair
elaborates that a number of those lowvolume basic models are above 200 hp,
which would be a significant burden to
test per proposed test procedures and
would likely result in Sullair ceasing to
represent efficiency metrics for those
units. Sullairs comment is supported by
comments made by Sullivan-Palatek.
(Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 3–4; SullivanPalatek, No. 0007 at p. 3)
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In response to these comments, DOE
acknowledges the commenter’s
concerns that the scope of the test
procedure, as defined in the test
procedure NOPR includes many lowshipment volume or custom compressor
models, and the requirement to test
such models could cause significant
burden. Therefore in this final rule, DOE
is taking two key steps to address
commenters’ concerns and reduce the
burden of testing, especially for lowvolume equipment: (1) DOE is
significantly limiting the scope of this
final rule, as compared to the scope
proposed in the test procedure NOPR,
and (2) DOE is allowing the use of an
AEDM, in lieu of testing. As discussed
in section III.B, the scope of this test
procedure final rule is limited to
compressors that meet the following
• Are air compressors;
• are rotary compressors;
• are not liquid ring compressors;
• are driven by a brushless electric
• are lubricated compressors;
• have a full-load operating pressure
of 75–200 psig;
• are not designed and tested to the
requirements of The American
Petroleum Institute standard 619,
‘‘Rotary-Type Positive-Displacement
Compressors for Petroleum,
Petrochemical, and Natural Gas
Industries;’’ and
• have a capacity that is either:
Æ 10–200 compressor motor nominal
horsepower (hp), or
Æ 35–1,250 full-load actual volume
flow rate (cfm).
This revised scope generally aligns
with the scope recommended by CAGI
and supported by many manufacturers.
Further, the 10 to 200 hp scope
established in this final rule falls within
the scope of the CAGI Performance
Verification Program for rotary
compressors. Manufacturers who
participate in this program are required
to test multiple basic models per year as
a part of the program’s compliances and
certification requirements. Basic models
are selected at the discretion of the
CAGI program manager, with the intent
of testing the range of eligible products
over a period of several years. For each
basic model selected, manufacturers
must make available two individual
units that are randomly selected from
available manufacturer and/or
distributor stock. Consequently, DOE
concludes that the majority of the basic
models within the scope of the test
procedure established by this final rule
are commonly available (i.e., not low
production volume) and are typically
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produced in quantities of at least two
units per year.
However, even with the reduce scope
established in this test procedure final
rule, a small number of basic models
may still be produced in very limited
quantities. To address the industry’s
concern regarding the testing of lowvolume production compressors, DOE
specifically proposed, in the test
procedure NOPR, to allow
manufacturers to certify the energy
efficiency of basic models through the
use of an AEDM in lieu of physical
testing. In such cases, no physical
testing is required and, therefore, the
sample size provisions are not
applicable. Complete discussion of
AEDM is provided in section III.G.2,
where DOE discusses its rationale for
adopting certain AEDM provisions in
this final rule.
In summary, DOE concludes that the
reduced scope has significantly reduced
the number of low-production-volume
basic models that are subject to this test
procedure. Further DOE concludes that
the allowance of an AEDM in the place
of testing sufficiently addresses the
industry’s concern regarding testing the
limited number of low-shipmentsvolume compressor basic models that
remain in scope. For these reasons, DOE
concludes that the test procedures and
associated representations requirements
established in this final rule are not
unduly burdensome.
Further, the concerns raised by Atlas
Copco, which lead them to request a de
minimis rule exempting small volume
custom orders, have been mitigated by
the scope limitations and allowance for
AEDMs discussed earlier in this section.
However, DOE further clarifies that any
test procedures it promulgates must be
equitable to all industry participants,
meaning that all participant and
regulated equipment must be held to the
same testing criteria, regardless of
manufacturer size or physical location.
However, DOE reiterates that no direct
burden is associated with this test
procedure final rule until the
compliance date of any energy
conservation standard for compressors
that may be set and any direct
quantification of testing burdens are
calculated as part of that rulemaking.
(Docket No. EERE–2013–BT–STD–0040)
Finally, regarding CAGI’s comment
regarding a sample size of up to four
units for enforcement testing, DOE is
not finalizing an enforcement sampling
plan in this rule. Because compliance
with any standards will not be required
for 5 years, DOE will engage in a
separate rulemaking to allow for further
comments and input on how DOE
should evaluate compliance.
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c. Comments on the NOPR Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
preliminarily concluded that the
proposed test procedures do not
represent a significant incremental
burden for any of the identified small
In response to DOE’s request for
comment, Compressed Air Systems
provided an additional 16 names of
domestic small manufacturers
producing equipment within the scope
of this rulemaking. (Docket No. EERE–
2013–BT–STD–0040, Compressed Air
Systems, No. 0061, pp. 3–4) Upon
further research, DOE concluded that
one of the sixteen entities produces
equipment within the scope of this
rulemaking and added that entity to its
list of domestic small manufacturers
producing equipment within the scope
of this rulemaking.
In response to DOE’s conclusions,
Compressed Air Systems stated that
small businesses will be uniquely
burdened by the test procedures because
they will now have to test their
products, leading to costs associated
with large in-house test areas, additional
employees, and electricity costs.
(Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at
p. 2; Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008,
p. 3) Furthermore, it stated that the
testing cost per unit would be
significantly higher for smaller
suppliers. CASTAIR commented that
the proposed regulations will force it to
abandon the market and requested that
DOE exempt American air compressor
assemblers from regulation. (CASTAIR,
No. 0018, pp. 1–2) Both CASTAIR and
Compressed Air Systems stressed that
testing costs would not be alleviated
through use of AEDM as such practices
are not currently used. (CASTAIR, No.
0018, p. 1; Compressed Air Systems, No.
0008, p. 2)
DOE acknowledges the concerns
raised by CASTAIR and Compressed Air
Systems. Fundamentally, DOE
reiterates, as noted in the test procedure
NOPR, that the promulgation of test
procedures alone, in the absence of
existing energy conservation standards,
does not require a manufacturer to
perform any certification testing. As
such, the burden associated with
compliance testing will be assessed in
the weighing of costs and benefits of the
associated energy conservation
standards rulemaking for compressors.
However, DOE recognizes that an energy
conservation standard rulemaking from
compressors is ongoing and may result
in standards and associated certification
requirements for certain compressors in
the near future. Therefore, DOE has
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considered the burden associated with
the testing and rating requirements
adopted in this final rule and, to the
extent possible, has sought to minimize
burden on manufacturers while
ensuring that the test procedures
adopted herein result in consistent,
reliable, and repeatable values.
Financial burden stemming from these
DOE test procedures can be discussed in
two general categories: (1) Aggregates
costs of testing in order to continue
representing standardized metrics that
are now specified in the DOE test
procedures, and (2) the per-unit cost of
testing to the specified DOE test
Regarding the first cost category, DOE
researched public literature of the
identified small manufacturers and
found that seven of the eight currently
do not make representations of package
specific power, full-load actual volume
flow rate, full-load operating pressure,
and pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure. None make representations of
package isentropic efficiency. Those
that do not make representations of
these metrics are not expected to incur
burden, as they can continue to not
make representations of these metrics
after promulgation of this test procedure
final rule. As noted above, the
certification burden is associated with
the energy conservation standard and
will be assessed as part of that
rulemaking (Docket No. EERE–2013–
Further, the one small manufacturer
making representations of package
specific power, full-load actual volume
flow rate, full-load operating pressure,
and pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure does so as a part of the CAGI
Performance Verification Program,
which relies on ISO 1217:2009(E) test
data. As discussed previously, the test
methods established in this final rule
are intended to produce results
equivalent to those produced
historically under ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended. Consequently, if historical
test data meet the requirements of the
test methods established in this final
rule, then manufacturers may use these
data for the purposes of representing
any metrics subject to representations
requirements. (DOE, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 136) Thus,
DOE expects that this manufacturer will
incur burdens no different from other
manufacturers participating in the CAGI
Performance Verification Program.
Regarding the second cost category,
the per-unit cost of testing to the
specified DOE test method, DOE
reiterates that the test methods
established in this final rule are based
on the industry accepted test method,
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ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, and
intended to produce results equivalent
to those produced historically under
ISO 1217:2009(E).46 As such, DOE
concludes that the method itself is not
overly burdensome as it is currently
employed by the many manufacturers
who participate in the CAGI program.47
However, DOE acknowledges the
commenters’ concerns that testing may
be more costly and burdensome for
small manufacturers, as they may not
have in-house test facilities. In the
energy conservation standards NOPR,
DOE assessed the per-unit cost to test
compressors for compliance, and
concluded that the industry average cost
was $2,400 for a fixed-speed rotary
compressor, and $3,025 for a variablespeed compressor. (see chapter 12 of
TSD 48) These costs represent industryaverage values (i.e., a mix of in-house
and third-party testing costs) and were
based on data gathered during
confidential manufacturer interviews.
Based on these data, DOE estimates that
third party testing costs approximately
50 percent more than the stated
industry-average values (i.e., $3,600 for
fixed-speed and $4,538 for variablespeed compressors).49 Although most
small manufacturers incur testing costs
in this higher range, some larger
manufacturers may also incur similar
third party testing costs. Given these
costs, DOE again, acknowledges that
that testing may be more costly small
Finally, in response to CASTAIR’s
recommendation that DOE exempt
American air compressor assemblers
from regulation, DOE clarifies that any
test procedure it promulgates must be
equitable to all industry participants,
meaning that all participant and
regulated equipment with in an
equipment class must be held to the
same testing criteria, regardless of
shipments volume or the nature of a
shipment order.
46 In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by
reference parts of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by
Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016 did not
introduce any changes in regards to this particular
topic, so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended, is equivalent to aligning with ISO
1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
47 The following manufacturers participate in the
CAGI Rotary Compressor Performance Verification
Program according to the participant directory:
Atlas Copco, Boge, Chicago Pneumatic, CompAir,
FS Curtis, Gardner Denver, Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser
Compressors, Mattei, Quincy, Sullair and SullivanPalatek. The participant directory is available at
48 Available at:
49 Third party testing is readily available in North
America and one site is currently used by the CAGI
Performance Verification Program.
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Based on its research and discussions
presented in this section, DOE
concludes that the cost burdens
accruing from the compressors test
procedure final rule do not constitute
‘‘significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.’’
C. Review Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995
While there are currently no energy
conservation standards for compressors,
DOE recently published a final
determination establishing compressors
as a type of covered equipment. 81 FR
79991 (Nov. 15, 2016). DOE is also
considering establishing energy
conservation standards for such
equipment as part of a parallel
rulemaking (Docket No. EERE–2013–
BT–STD–0040). Manufacturers of
compressors will be required to certify
to DOE that their equipment complies
with any applicable energy conservation
standards, once established. To certify
compliance, manufacturers must first
obtain test data for their products
according to the DOE test procedures for
compressors and maintain records of
that testing for a period of two years
after discontinuing the product,
consistent with the requirements of 10
CFR 429.71. As part of this test
procedure final rule, DOE is establishing
regulations for recordkeeping
requirements for compressors. The
collection-of-information requirement
for the certification (to be finalized in a
separate rulemaking) and recordkeeping
is subject to review and approval by
OMB under the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA). This requirement has been
approved by OMB under OMB control
number 1910–1400. Public reporting
burden for the certification and
recordkeeping requirement is estimated
to average 30 hours per response,
including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information.
Notwithstanding any other provision
of the law, no person is required to
respond to, nor shall any person be
subject to a penalty for failure to comply
with, a collection of information subject
to the requirements of the PRA, unless
that collection of information displays a
currently valid OMB Control Number.
CAGI stated that, based on its
members’ experience with its
Performance Verification Program, the
recordkeeping burden estimate (30
hours/year) is too low. CAGI also stated
that complying with the recordkeeping
requirements would entail significant
development of procedures,
recordkeeping, quality control
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measures, etc. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 13)
Sullair fully supported CAGI’s
comments on recordkeeping. (Sullair,
No. 0006 at p. 9) Ingersoll Rand stated
that it would need two or three
employees for a period of 12 months in
order to sample, re-test and evaluate
their units according to the
requirements of the proposed test
procedure. Ingersoll Rand also stated
that additional staff would be needed
indefinitely to comply with the
recordkeeping requirements of the
proposed rule. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011
at p. 2) Jenny Products commented that
the recordkeeping requirements are
burdensome. (Jenny Products, No. 0020
at p. 5)
DOE understands that the
recordkeeping requirements may vary
between manufacturers, and that in
some cases the recordkeeping burden
may be greater than estimated. However,
DOE has not received any data to
support the claim that the average
recordkeeping burden is greater than it
estimated. Without data to support an
update to its estimate, DOE cannot
review that estimate. The burden
discussed in this section relates only to
the development and retention of test
records and development and
submission of certification paperwork; it
does not address the burden of
conducting the test procedure, itself,
which is addressed elsewhere in this
rule. Therefore, in this final rule DOE
does not adjust the recordkeeping
burden estimate in the test procedure
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
In this final rule, DOE establishes a
new test procedure that it expects will
be used to develop and implement
future energy conservation standards for
compressors. DOE has determined that
this rule falls into a class of actions that
are categorically excluded from review
under the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.) and DOE’s implementing
regulations at 10 CFR part 1021.
Specifically, this final rule creates a new
test procedure without affecting the
amount, quality or distribution of
energy usage, and, therefore, does not
result in any environmental impacts.
Thus, this rulemaking is covered by
Categorical Exclusion A6 under 10 CFR
part 1021, subpart D, which applies to
any rulemaking that creates a new rule
without changing the environmental
effect of that rule. Accordingly, neither
an environmental assessment nor an
environmental impact statement is
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E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism,’’
64 FR 43255 (August 4, 1999), imposes
certain requirements on agencies
formulating and implementing policies
or regulations that preempt State law or
that have Federalism implications. The
Executive Order requires agencies to
examine the constitutional and statutory
authority supporting any action that
would limit the policymaking discretion
of the States and to carefully assess the
necessity for such actions. The
Executive Order also requires agencies
to have an accountable process to
ensure meaningful and timely input by
State and local officials in the
development of regulatory policies that
have Federalism implications. On
March 14, 2000, DOE published a
statement of policy describing the
intergovernmental consultation process
it will follow in the development of
such regulations. 65 FR 13735. DOE
examined this final rule and determined
that it will not have a substantial direct
effect on the States, on the relationship
between the national government and
the States, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government. EPCA
governs and prescribes Federal
preemption of State regulations as to
energy conservation for the products
that are the subject of this final rule.
States can petition DOE for a waiver of
Federal preemption to the extent, and
based on criteria, set forth in EPCA. (42
U.S.C. 6297(d) 6316(a)) No further
action is required by Executive Order
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
Regarding the review of existing
regulations and the promulgation of
new regulations, section 3(a) of
Executive Order 12988, ‘‘Civil Justice
Reform,’’ 61 FR 4729 (Feb. 7, 1996),
imposes on Federal agencies the general
duty to adhere to the following
requirements: (1) Eliminate drafting
errors and ambiguity; (2) write
regulations to minimize litigation; (3)
provide a clear legal standard for
affected conduct rather than a general
standard; and (4) promote simplification
and burden reduction. Section 3(b) of
Executive Order 12988 specifically
requires that Executive agencies make
every reasonable effort to ensure that the
regulation (1) clearly specifies the
preemptive effect, if any; (2) clearly
specifies any effect on existing Federal
law or regulation; (3) provides a clear
legal standard for affected conduct
while promoting simplification and
burden reduction; (4) specifies the
retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately
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defines key terms; and (6) addresses
other important issues affecting clarity
and general draftsmanship under any
guidelines issued by the Attorney
General. Section 3(c) of Executive Order
12988 requires Executive agencies to
review regulations in light of applicable
standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b) to
determine whether they are met or it is
unreasonable to meet one or more of
them. DOE has completed the required
review and determined that, to the
extent permitted by law, this final rule
meets the relevant standards of
Executive Order 12988.
G. Review Under the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) requires
each Federal agency to assess the effects
of Federal regulatory actions on State,
local, and Tribal governments and the
private sector. Public Law 104–4, sec.
201 (codified at 2 U.S.C. 1531). For a
regulatory action resulting in a rule that
may cause the expenditure by State,
local, and Tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector of
$100 million or more in any one year
(adjusted annually for inflation), section
202 of UMRA requires a Federal agency
to publish a written statement that
estimates the resulting costs, benefits,
and other effects on the national
economy. (2 U.S.C. 1532(a), (b)) The
UMRA also requires a Federal agency to
develop an effective process to permit
timely input by elected officers of State,
local, and Tribal governments on a
proposed ‘‘significant intergovernmental
mandate,’’ and requires an agency plan
for giving notice and opportunity for
timely input to potentially affected
small governments before establishing
any requirements that might
significantly or uniquely affect small
governments. On March 18, 1997, DOE
published a statement of policy on its
process for intergovernmental
consultation under UMRA. 62 FR
12820; also available at https://
DOE examined this final rule according
to UMRA and its statement of policy
and determined that the rule contains
neither an intergovernmental mandate,
nor a mandate that may result in the
expenditure of $100 million or more in
any year, so these requirements do not
H. Review Under the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999
Section 654 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999 (Pub. L. 105–277) requires
Federal agencies to issue a Family
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Policymaking Assessment for any rule
that may affect family well-being. This
final rule will not have any impact on
the autonomy or integrity of the family
as an institution. Accordingly, DOE has
concluded that it is not necessary to
prepare a Family Policymaking
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
DOE has determined, under Executive
Order 12630, ‘‘Governmental Actions
and Interference with Constitutionally
Protected Property Rights’’ 53 FR 8859
(March 18, 1988), that this regulation
will not result in any takings that might
require compensation under the Fifth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
J. Review Under Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 2001
Section 515 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001 (44 U.S.C. 3516 note) provides
for agencies to review most
disseminations of information to the
public under guidelines established by
each agency pursuant to general
guidelines issued by OMB. OMB’s
guidelines were published at 67 FR
8452 (Feb. 22, 2002), and DOE’s
guidelines were published at 67 FR
62446 (Oct. 7, 2002). DOE has reviewed
this final rule under the OMB and DOE
guidelines and has concluded that it is
consistent with applicable policies in
those guidelines.
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
Executive Order 13211, ‘‘Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use,’’ 66 FR 28355 (May
22, 2001), requires Federal agencies to
prepare and submit to OMB, a
Statement of Energy Effects for any
significant energy action. A ‘‘significant
energy action’’ is defined as any action
by an agency that promulgated or is
expected to lead to promulgation of a
final rule, and that (1) is a significant
regulatory action under Executive Order
12866, or any successor order; and (2)
is likely to have a significant adverse
effect on the supply, distribution, or use
of energy; or (3) is designated by the
Administrator of OIRA as a significant
energy action. For any significant energy
action, the agency must give a detailed
statement of any adverse effects on
energy supply, distribution, or use if the
regulation is implemented, and of
reasonable alternatives to the action and
their expected benefits on energy
supply, distribution, and use.
This regulatory action is not a
significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866. Moreover, it
does not have a significant adverse
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
L. Review Under Section 32 of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of
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Under section 301 of the Department
of Energy Organization Act (Pub. L. 95–
91; 42 U.S.C. 7101), DOE must comply
with section 32 of the Federal Energy
Administration Act of 1974, as amended
by the Federal Energy Administration
Authorization Act of 1977. (15 U.S.C.
788; FEAA) Section 32 essentially
provides in relevant part that, where a
proposed rule authorizes or requires use
of commercial standards, the NOPR
must inform the public of the use and
background of such standards. In
addition, section 32(c) requires DOE to
consult with the Attorney General and
the Chairman of the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) concerning the
impact of the commercial or industry
standards on competition.
The test procedures for compressors
adopted in this final rule incorporate
testing methods contained in certain
sections of the following commercial
standards: ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended through ISO 1217:2009(E)/
While this test procedure is not
exclusively based on this industry
testing standard, some components of
the DOE test procedure adopt
definitions, test parameters,
measurement techniques, and
additional calculations from them
without amendment. DOE has evaluated
these standards and is unable to
conclude whether it fully complies with
the requirements of section 32(b) of the
FEAA (i.e., whether it was developed in
a manner that fully provides for public
participation, comment, and review.)
DOE has consulted with both the
Attorney General and the Chairman of
the FTC about the impact on
competition of using the methods
contained in these standards and has
received no comments objecting to their
M. Congressional Notification
As required by 5 U.S.C. 801, DOE will
report to Congress on the promulgation
of this rule before its effective date. The
report will state that it has been
determined that the rule is not a ‘‘major
rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
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N. Description of Materials Incorporated
by Reference
In this final rule, DOE incorporates by
reference specific sections from a
method of test published by the
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), titled
‘‘Displacement compressors—
Acceptance tests,’’ ISO 1217:2009(E).
Specifically, the test procedure codified
by this final rule references the
following parts of ISO 1217:2009(E):
Sections 2, 3, and 4; sections 5.2, 5.3,
5.4, 5.6, 5.9; paragraphs 6.2(g), and
6.2(h) including Table 1; sections C.1.1,
C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1,
C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2, C.4.4 of Annex C. The
test procedure also references
Amendment 1 to ISO 1217:2009(E) (ISO
1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016), titled
‘‘Calculation of isentropic efficiency and
relationship with specific energy.’’
Specifically, the test procedure codified
by this final rule references the
following parts of Amendment 1 to ISO
1217:2009(E): Sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1;
sections H.2 and H.3 of Annex H.
Members of the compressors industry
developed ISO 1217:2009(E), which
contains methods for determining inlet
and discharge pressures, actual volume
flow rate, packaged compressor power
input, and package isentropic efficiency
for electrically driven packaged
displacement compressors.
Copies of ISO 1217:2009(E) and of
ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 may be
purchased from ISO at Chemin de
Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier,
Geneva, Switzerland +41 22 749 01 11,
or by going to
V. Approval of the Office of the
The Secretary of Energy has approved
publication of this final rule.
List of Subjects
10 CFR part 429
Administrative practice and
procedure, Confidential business
information, Energy conservation,
Imports, Intergovernmental relations,
Small businesses.
10 CFR part 431
Administrative practice and
procedure, Confidential business
information, Energy conservation,
Imports, Incorporation by reference,
Intergovernmental relations, Small
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Issued in Washington, DC, on December 1,
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy
Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and Renewable
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, DOE proposes to amend parts
429 and 431 of chapter II, subchapter D
of title 10, Code of Federal Regulations
as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 429
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291–6317; 28 U.S.C.
2461 note.
2. In § 429.2, revise paragraph (a) to
read as follows:
§ 429.2
(a) The definitions found in §§ 430.2,
431.2, 431.62, 431.72, 431.82, 431.92,
431.102, 431.132, 431.152, 431.192,
431.202, 431.222, 431.242, 431.262,
431.282, 431.292, 431.302, 431.322,
431.342, 431.442, and 431.462 of this
chapter apply for purposes of this part.
■ 3. Add § 429.63 to read as follows:
§ 429.63
(a) Determination of represented
value. Manufacturers must determine
the represented value, which includes
the certified rating, for each basic model
of compressor either by testing in
conjunction with the applicable
sampling provisions or by applying an
(1) Units to be tested. (i) If the
represented value is determined through
testing, the general requirements of
§ 429.11 apply; and
(ii) For each basic model selected for
testing, a sample of sufficient size must
be randomly selected and tested to
ensure that—
(A) Measures of energy efficiency.
Any represented value of the full- or
part-load package isentropic efficiency
or other measure of energy efficiency of
a basic model for which customers
would favor higher values is less than
or equal to the lower of:
(1) The mean of the sample, where:
And x is the sample mean; n is the
number of samples; and xi is the
measured value for the ith sample; or,
effect on the supply, distribution, or use
of energy, nor has it been designated as
a significant energy action by the
Administrator of OIRA. Therefore, it is
not a significant energy action, and,
accordingly, DOE has not prepared a
Statement of Energy Effects.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
(2) The lower 95 percent confidence
limit (LCL) of the true mean divided by
0.95, where:
And x is the sample mean; s is the
sample standard deviation; n is the
number of samples; and t0.95 is the t
statistic for a 95 percent one-tailed
confidence interval with n¥1 degrees of
freedom (from appendix A of this
subpart); and
(B) Package specific power. The
representative value(s) of package
specific power of a basic model must be
the mean of the package specific power
measurement(s) for each tested unit of
the basic model.
(2) Alternative efficiency
determination methods. In lieu of
testing, any represented value of
efficiency, consumption, or other nonenergy metrics listed in paragraph (a)(3)
of this section for a basic model may be
determined through the application of
an AEDM pursuant to the requirements
of § 429.70 and the provisions of this
section, where:
(i) Any represented values of package
isentropic efficiency or other measure of
energy consumption of a basic model for
which customers would favor higher
values must be less than or equal to the
output of the AEDM; and
(ii) Any represented values of package
specific power, pressure ratio at fullload operating pressure, full-load actual
volume flow rate, or full-load operating
pressure must be the output of the
AEDM corresponding to the represented
value of package isentropic efficiency
determined in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this
(3) Representations of non-energy
metrics—(i) Full-load actual volume
flow rate. The representative value of
full-load actual volume flow rate of a
basic model must be either—
(A) The mean of the full-load actual
volume flow rate for the units in the
sample; or
(B) As determined through the
application of an AEDM pursuant to the
requirements of § 429.70.
(ii) Full-load operating pressure. The
representative value of full-load
operating pressure of a basic model
must be less than or equal to the
maximum full-flow operating pressure
and greater than or equal to the lesser
(A) 90 percent of the maximum fullflow operating pressure; or
(B) 10 psig less than the maximum
full-flow operating pressure, where the
maximum full-flow operating pressure
must either be determined as the mean
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of the maximum full-flow operating
pressure values for the units in the
sample or through the application of an
AEDM pursuant to the requirements of
§ 429.70.
(iii) Pressure ratio at full-load
operating pressure. The representative
value of pressure ratio at full-load
operating pressure of a basic model
must be either be determined as the
mean of the pressure ratio at full-load
operating pressure for the units in the
sample or through the application of an
AEDM pursuant to the requirements of
§ 429.70.
(b) [Reserved]
■ 4. Section 429.70 is amended by
adding paragraph (h) to read as follows:
§ 429.70 Alternative methods for
determining energy efficiency and energy
(h) Alternative efficiency
determination method (AEDM) for
compressors—(1) Criteria an AEDM
must satisfy. A manufacturer may not
apply an AEDM to a basic model to
determine its efficiency pursuant to this
section, unless:
(i) The AEDM is derived from a
mathematical model that estimates the
energy efficiency or energy
consumption characteristics of the basic
model as measured by the applicable
DOE test procedure;
(ii) The AEDM is based on
engineering or statistical analysis,
computer simulation or modeling, or
other analytic evaluation of performance
data; and
(iii) The manufacturer has validated
the AEDM, in accordance with
paragraph (h)(2) of this section.
(2) Validation of an AEDM. Before
using an AEDM, the manufacturer must
validate the AEDM’s accuracy and
reliability as follows:
(i) AEDM overview. The manufacturer
must select at least the minimum
number of basic models for each
validation class specified in paragraph
(h)(2)(iv) of this section to which the
particular AEDM applies. Using the
AEDM, calculate the energy use or
energy efficiency for each of the selected
basic models. Test each basic model and
determine the represented value(s) in
accordance with § 429.63(a). Compare
the results from the testing and the
AEDM output according to paragraph
(h)(2)(ii) of this section. The
manufacturer is responsible for ensuring
the accuracy and repeatability of the
(ii) AEDM basic model tolerances. (A)
The predicted representative values for
each basic model calculated by applying
the AEDM may not be more than five
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percent greater (for measures of
efficiency) or less (for measures of
consumption) than the represented
values determined from the
corresponding test of the model.
(B) The predicted package isentropic
efficiency for each basic model
calculated by applying the AEDM must
meet or exceed the applicable federal
energy conservation standard.
(iii) Additional test unit requirements.
(A) Each AEDM must be supported by
test data obtained from physical tests of
current models; and
(B) Test results used to validate the
AEDM must meet or exceed current,
applicable Federal standards as
specified in part 431 of this chapter; and
(C) Each test must have been
performed in accordance with the
applicable DOE test procedure with
which compliance is required at the
time the basic models used for
validation are distributed in commerce.
(iv) Compressor validation classes.
Validation class
Minimum number of distinct
basic models
that must be
Rotary, Fixed-speed ..........
Rotary, Variable-speed ......
2 Basic Models.
2 Basic Models.
(3) AEDM Records Retention
Requirements. If a manufacturer has
used an AEDM to determine
representative values pursuant to this
section, the manufacturer must have
available upon request for inspection by
the Department records showing:
(i) The AEDM, including the
mathematical model, the engineering or
statistical analysis, and/or computer
simulation or modeling that is the basis
of the AEDM;
(ii) Equipment information, complete
test data, AEDM calculations, and the
statistical comparisons from the units
tested that were used to validate the
AEDM pursuant to paragraph (h)(2) of
this section; and
(iii) Equipment information and
AEDM calculations for each basic model
to which the AEDM was applied.
(4) Additional AEDM requirements. If
requested by the Department, the
manufacturer must:
(i) Conduct simulations before
representatives of the Department to
predict the performance of particular
basic models of the equipment to which
the AEDM was applied;
(ii) Provide analyses of previous
simulations conducted by the
manufacturer; and/or
(iii) Conduct certification testing of
basic models selected by the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
5. Section 429.134 is amended by
adding paragraph (p) to read as follows:
§ 429.134 Product-specific enforcement
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(p) Compressors—(1) Verification of
full-load operating pressure. (i) The
maximum full-flow operating pressure
of each tested unit of the basic model
will be measured pursuant to the test
requirements of appendix A to subpart
T of part 431 of this chapter, where 90
percent of the value of full-load
operating pressure certified by the
manufacturer will be the starting point
of the test method prior to increasing
discharge pressure. The measured
maximum full-flow operating pressure
(either the single measured value for a
single unit sample or the mean of the
measured maximum full-flow operating
pressures for a multiple unit sample)
will be compared to the certified rating
for full-load operating pressure to
determine if the certified rating is valid
or not. The certified rating for full-load
operating pressure will be considered
valid only if the certified rating for fullload operating pressure is less than or
equal to the measured maximum fullflow operating pressure and greater than
or equal to the lesser of—
(A) 90 percent of the measured
maximum full-flow operating pressure;
(B) 10 psig less than the measured
maximum full-flow operating pressure.
(ii) If the certified full-load operating
pressure is found to be valid, then the
certified value will be used as the fullload operating pressure and will be the
basis for determination of full-load
actual volume flow rate, pressure ratio
at full-load operating pressure, specific
power, and package isentropic
(iii) If the certified full-load operating
pressure is found to be invalid, then the
measured maximum full-flow operating
pressure will be used as the full-load
operating pressure and will be the basis
for determination of full-load actual
volume flow rate, pressure ratio at fullload operating pressure, specific power,
and package isentropic efficiency.
(2) Verification of full-load actual
volume flow rate. The measured fullload actual volume flow rate will be
measured, pursuant to the test
requirements of appendix A to subpart
T of part 431 of this chapter, at the fullload operating pressure determined in
paragraph (p)(1) of this section. The
certified full-load actual volume flow
rate will be considered valid only if the
measurement(s) (either the measured
full-load actual volume flow rate for a
single unit sample or the mean of the
measured values for a multiple unit
sample) are within the percentage of the
certified full-load actual volume flow
rate specified in Table 1 of this section:
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Manufacturer certified fullload actual volume flow rate
(m3/s) × 10¥3
percent of the
actual volume
flow rate
0 < and ≤ 8.3 ........................
8.3 < and ≤ 25 ......................
25 < and ≤ 250 .....................
> 250 ....................................
(i) If the certified value of full-load
actual volume flow rate is found to be
valid, the full-load actual volume flow
rate certified by the manufacturer will
be used as the basis for determination of
the applicable standard.
(ii) If the certified value of full-load
actual volume flow rate is found to be
invalid, the entire sample (one or
multiple units) will be considered as
failing the enforcement test.
(3) Ancillary equipment. Prior to
testing each compressor, DOE will
install any required ancillary equipment
specified by the manufacturer in the
certification report submitted pursuant
to § 429.63(b).
6. The authority citation for part 431
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291–6317; 28 U.S.C.
2461 note.
7. Section 431.342 is revised to read
as follows:
§ 431.342 Definitions concerning
The following definitions are
applicable to this subpart, including
appendix A. In cases where there is a
conflict, the language of the definitions
adopted in this section take precedence
over any descriptions or definitions
found in any other source, including in
ISO Standard 1217:2009(E),
‘‘Displacement compressors—
Acceptance tests,’’ as amended through
Amendment 1:2016(E), ‘‘Calculation of
isentropic efficiency and relationship
with specific energy’’ (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343). In cases where
definitions reference design intent, DOE
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will consider all relevant information,
including marketing materials, labels
and certifications, and equipment
design, to determine design intent.
Actual volume flow rate means the
volume flow rate of air, compressed and
delivered at the standard discharge
point, referred to conditions of total
temperature, total pressure and
composition prevailing at the standard
inlet point, and as determined in
accordance with the test procedures
prescribed in § 431.344.
Air compressor means a compressor
designed to compress air that has an
inlet open to the atmosphere or other
source of air, and is made up of a
compression element (bare compressor),
driver(s), mechanical equipment to
drive the compressor element, and any
ancillary equipment.
Ancillary equipment means any
equipment distributed in commerce
with an air compressor but that is not
a bare compressor, driver, or mechanical
equipment. Ancillary equipment is
considered to be part of a given air
compressor, regardless of whether the
ancillary equipment is physically
attached to the bare compressor, driver,
or mechanical equipment at the time
when the air compressor is distributed
in commerce.
Auxiliary substance means any
substance deliberately introduced into a
compression process to aid in
compression of a gas by any of the
following: Lubricating, sealing
mechanical clearances, or absorbing
Bare compressor means the
compression element and auxiliary
devices (e.g., inlet and outlet valves,
seals, lubrication system, and gas flow
paths) required for performing the gas
compression process, but does not
include any of the following:
(1) The driver;
(2) Speed-adjusting gear(s);
(3) Gas processing apparatuses and
piping; and
(4) Compressor equipment packaging
and mounting facilities and enclosures.
Basic model means all units of a class
of compressors manufactured by one
manufacturer, having the same primary
energy source, the same compressor
motor nominal horsepower, and
essentially identical electrical, physical,
and functional (or pneumatic)
characteristics that affect energy
consumption and energy efficiency.
Brushless electric motor means a
machine that converts electrical power
into rotational mechanical power
without use of sliding electrical
Compressor means a machine or
apparatus that converts different types
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
of energy into the potential energy of gas
pressure for displacement and
compression of gaseous media to any
higher pressure values above
atmospheric pressure and has a pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure
greater than 1.3.
Compressor motor nominal
horsepower means the motor
horsepower of the electric motor, as
determined in accordance with the
applicable procedures in subparts B and
X of this part, with which the rated air
compressor is distributed in commerce.
Driver means the machine providing
mechanical input to drive a bare
compressor directly or through the use
of mechanical equipment.
Fixed-speed compressor means an air
compressor that is not capable of
adjusting the speed of the driver
continuously over the driver operating
speed range in response to incremental
changes in the required compressor flow
Full-load actual volume flow rate
means the actual volume flow rate of the
compressor at the full-load operating
Lubricant-free compressor means a
compressor that does not introduce any
auxiliary substance into the
compression chamber at any time
during operation.
Lubricated compressor means a
compressor that introduces an auxiliary
substance into the compression chamber
during compression.
Maximum full-flow operating pressure
means the maximum discharge pressure
at which the compressor is capable of
operating, as determined in accordance
with the test procedure prescribed in
§ 431.344.
Mechanical equipment means any
component of an air compressor that
transfers energy from the driver to the
bare compressor.
Package isentropic efficiency means
the ratio of power required for an ideal
isentropic compression process to the
actual packaged compressor power
input used at a given load point, as
determined in accordance with the test
procedures prescribed in § 431.344.
Package specific power means the
compressor power input at a given load
point, divided by the actual volume
flow rate at the same load point, as
determined in accordance with the test
procedures prescribed in § 431.344.
Positive displacement compressor
means a compressor in which the
admission and diminution of successive
volumes of the gaseous medium are
performed periodically by forced
expansion and diminution of a closed
space(s) in a working chamber(s) by
means of displacement of a moving
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member(s) or by displacement and
forced discharge of the gaseous medium
into the high-pressure area.
Pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure means the ratio of discharge
pressure to inlet pressure, determined at
full-load operating pressure in
accordance with the test procedures
prescribed in § 431.344.
Reciprocating compressor means a
positive displacement compressor in
which gas admission and diminution of
its successive volumes are performed
cyclically by straight-line alternating
movements of a moving member(s) in a
compression chamber(s).
Rotary compressor means a positive
displacement compressor in which gas
admission and diminution of its
successive volumes or its forced
discharge are performed cyclically by
rotation of one or several rotors in a
compressor casing.
Rotor means a compression element
that rotates continually in a single
direction about a single shaft or axis.
Variable-speed compressor means an
air compressor that is capable of
adjusting the speed of the driver
continuously over the driver operating
speed range in response to incremental
changes in the required compressor
actual volume flow rate.
■ 8. Add §§ 431.343 through 431.346
and appendix A to subpart T to read as
431.343 Materials incorporated by
431.344 Test procedure for measuring and
determining energy efficiency of
431.345 [Reserved]
431.346 [Reserved]
Appendix A to Subpart T of Part 431—
Uniform Test Method for Certain Air
§ 431.343 Materials incorporated by
(a) General. DOE incorporates by
reference the following standards into
part 431. The material listed has been
approved for incorporation by reference
by the Director of the Federal Register
in accordance with 6 U.S.C. 522(a) and
1 CFR part 51. Any subsequent
amendment to a standard by the
standard-setting organization will not
affect the DOE test procedures unless
and until amended by DOE. Material is
incorporated as it exists on the date of
the approval and a notice of any change
in the material will be published in the
Federal Register. All approved material
is available from the sources below. It is
available for inspection at U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
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Building Technologies Program, Sixth
Floor, 950 L’Enfant Plaza SW.,
Washington, DC 20024, (202) 586–6636,
or go to
buildings/appliance_standards/. Also,
this material is available for inspection
at the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030,
or go to:
(b) ISO. International Organization for
Standardization, Chemin de Blandonnet
8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier, Geneva,
Switzerland +41 22 749 01 11,
(1) ISO Standard 1217:2009(E), (‘‘ISO
1217:2009(E)’’), ‘‘Displacement
compressors—Acceptance tests,’’ July 1,
2009, IBR approved for appendix A to
this subpart:
(i) Section 2. Normative references;
(ii) Section 3. Terms and definitions;
(iii) Section 4. Symbols;
(iv) Section 5. Measuring equipment,
methods and accuracy (excluding 5.1,
5.5, 5.7, and 5.8);
(v) Section 6. Test procedures,
introductory text to Section 6.2, Test
arrangements, and paragraphs 6.2(g) and
6.2(h) including Table 1—Maximum
deviations from specified values and
fluctuations from average readings;
(vi) Annex C (normative), Simplified
acceptance test for electrically driven
packaged displacement compressors
(excluding C.1.2, C.2.1, C.3, C.4.2.2,
C.4.3.1, and C.4.5).
(2) ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E),
Displacement compressors—Acceptance
tests (Fourth edition); Amendment 1:
‘‘Calculation of isentropic efficiency and
relationship with specific energy,’’ April
15, 2016, IBR approved for appendix A
to this subpart:
(i) Section 3.5.1: isentropic power;
(ii) Section 3.6.1: isentropic
(iii) Annex H (informative), Isentropic
efficiency and its relation to specific
energy requirement, sections H.2,
Symbols and subscripts, and H.3,
Derivation of isentropic power.
§ 431.344 Test procedure for measuring
and determining energy efficiency of
(a) Scope. This section is a test
procedure that is applicable to a
compressor that meets the following
(1) Is an air compressor;
(2) Is a rotary compressor;
(3) Is not a liquid ring compressor;
(4) Is driven by a brushless electric
(5) Is a lubricated compressor;
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
(6) Has a full-load operating pressure
greater than or equal to 75 pounds per
square inch gauge (psig) and less than
or equal to 200 psig;
(7) Is not designed and tested to the
requirements of the American
Petroleum Institute Standard 619,
‘‘Rotary-Type Positive-Displacement
Compressors for Petroleum,
Petrochemical, and Natural Gas
(8) Has full-load actual volume flow
rate greater than or equal to 35 cubic
feet per minute (cfm), or is distributed
in commerce with a compressor motor
nominal horsepower greater than or
equal to 10 horsepower (hp); and
(9) Has a full-load actual volume flow
rate less than or equal to 1,250 cfm, or
is distributed in commerce with a
compressor motor nominal horsepower
less than or equal to 200 hp.
(b) Testing and calculations.
Determine the applicable full-load
package isentropic efficiency (hisen,FL),
part-load package isentropic efficiency
(hisen,PL), package specific power,
maximum full-flow operating pressure,
full-load operating pressure, full-load
actual volume flow rate, and pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure
using the test procedure set forth in
appendix A of this subpart.
§ 431.345
§ 431.346
Appendix A to Subpart T of Part 431—
Uniform Test Method for Certain Air
Note: Starting on July 3, 2017, any
representations made with respect to the
energy use or efficiency of compressors
subject to testing pursuant to 10 CFR 431.344
must be made in accordance with the results
of testing pursuant to this appendix.
I. Measurements, Test Conditions, and
Equipment Configuration
A. Measurement Equipment
A.1. For the purposes of measuring air
compressor performance, the equipment
necessary to measure volume flow rate, inlet
and discharge pressure, temperature,
condensate, and packaged compressor power
input must comply with the equipment and
accuracy requirements specified in ISO
1217:2009(E) sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9,
and Annex C, sections C.2.3 and C.2.4
(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343).
A.2. Electrical measurement equipment
must be capable of measuring true root mean
square (RMS) current, true RMS voltage, and
real power up to the 40th harmonic of
fundamental supply source frequency.
A.3. Any instruments used to measure a
particular parameter specified in paragraph
(A.1.) must have a combined accuracy of ±2.0
percent of the measured value at the
fundamental supply source frequency, where
combined accuracy is the square root of the
sum of the squares of individual instrument
A.4. Any instruments used to directly
measure the density of air must have an
accuracy of ±1.0 percent of the measured
A.5. Any pressure measurement equipment
used in a calculation of another variable (e.g.,
actual volume flow rate) must also meet all
accuracy and measurement requirements of
section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated
by reference, see § 431.343).
A.6. Any temperature measurement
equipment used in a calculation of another
variable (e.g., actual volume flow rate) must
also meet all accuracy and measurement
requirements of section 5.3 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
§ 431.343).
A.7. Where ISO 1217:2009(E) refers to
‘‘corrected volume flow rate,’’ the term is
deemed synonymous with the term ‘‘actual
volume flow rate,’’ as defined in section 3.4.1
of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343).
B. Test Conditions and Configuration of Unit
Under Test
B.1. For both fixed-speed and variablespeed compressors, conduct testing in
accordance with the test conditions, unit
configuration, and specifications of ISO
1217:2009(E), Section 6.2 paragraphs (g) and
(h) and Annex C, sections C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3,
C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1, C.4.2.3, and C.4.3.2
(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343).
B.2. The power supply must:
(1) Maintain the voltage greater than or
equal to 95 percent and less than or equal to
110 percent of the rated value of the motor,
(2) Maintain the frequency within ±5
percent of the rated value of the motor,
(3) Maintain the voltage unbalance of the
power supply within ±3 percent of the rated
values of the motor, and
(4) Maintain total harmonic distortion
below 12 percent throughout the test.
B.3. Ambient Conditions. The ambient air
temperature must be greater than or equal to
68 °F and less than or equal to 90 °F for the
duration of testing. There are no ambient
condition requirements for inlet pressure or
relative humidity.
B.4. All equipment indicated in Table 1 of
this appendix must be present and installed
for all tests specified in this appendix. If the
compressor is distributed in commerce
without an item from Table 1 of this
appendix, the manufacturer must provide an
appropriate item to be installed for the test.
Additional ancillary equipment may be
installed for the test, if distributed in
commerce with the compressor, but this
additional ancillary equipment is not
required. If any of the equipment listed in
Table 2 of this appendix is distributed in
commerce with units of the compressor basic
model, it must be present and installed for
all tests specified in this appendix.
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air compressors
Driver ....................................................................................................................................................
Bare compressors ................................................................................................................................
Inlet filter ...............................................................................................................................................
Inlet valve .............................................................................................................................................
Minimum pressure check valve/backflow check valve ........................................................................
Lubricant separator ..............................................................................................................................
Air piping ..............................................................................................................................................
Lubricant piping ....................................................................................................................................
Lubricant filter .......................................................................................................................................
Lubricant cooler ....................................................................................................................................
Thermostatic valve ...............................................................................................................................
Electrical switchgear or frequency converter for the driver .................................................................
Device to control the speed of the driver (e.g., variable speed drive) ................................................
Compressed air cooler(s) .....................................................................................................................
Pressure switch, pressure transducer, or similar pressure control device ..........................................
Moisture separator and drain ...............................................................................................................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Not applicable 2 .......
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
Yes ..........................
1 This
2 This
category is not applicable to variable-speed rotary air compressors.
category is not applicable to fixed-speed rotary air compressors.
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air compressors
Not applicable.1
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
rotary air
Cooling fan(s) and motors ....................................................................................................................
Mechanical equipment .........................................................................................................................
Lubricant pump .....................................................................................................................................
Interstage cooler ...................................................................................................................................
Electronic or electrical controls and user interface ..............................................................................
All protective and safety devices .........................................................................................................
B.5. The inlet of the compressor under test
must be open to the atmosphere and take in
ambient air for all tests specified in this
B.6. The compressor under test must be set
up according to all manufacturer instructions
for normal operation (e.g., verify lubricant
level, connect all loose electrical
connections, close off bottom of unit to floor,
cover forklift holes).
B.7. The piping connected to the discharge
orifice of the compressor must be of a
diameter at least equal to that of the
compressor discharge orifice to which it is
connected. The piping must be straight with
a length of at least 6 inches.
B.8. Transducers used to record
compressor discharge pressure must be
located on the discharge piping between 2
inches and 6 inches, inclusive, from the
discharge orifice of the compressor. The
pressure tap for transducers must be located
at the highest point of the pipe’s cross
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II. Determination of Package Isentropic
Efficiency, Package Specific Power, and
Pressure Ratio at Full-Load Operating
A. Data Collection and Analysis
A.1. Stabilization. Record data at each load
point under steady-state conditions. Steadystate conditions are achieved when a set of
two consecutive readings taken at least 10
seconds apart and no more than 60 seconds
apart are within the maximum permissible
fluctuation from the average (of the two
consecutive readings), as specified in Table
1 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343) for—
(1) Discharge pressure;
(2) Temperature at the nozzle or orifice
plate, measured per section 5.3 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
§ 431.343); and
(3) Differential pressure over the nozzle or
orifice plate, measured per section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
§ 431.343).
A.2. Data Sampling and Frequency. At
each load point, record a minimum set of 16
unique readings, collected over a minimum
time of 15 minutes. Each consecutive reading
must be no more than 60 seconds apart, and
not less than 10 seconds apart. All readings
at each load point must be within the
maximum permissible fluctuation from
average specified in Table 1 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
§ 431.343) for—
(1) Discharge pressure;
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(2) Temperature at the nozzle or orifice
plate, measured per section 5.3 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
§ 431.343); and
(3) Differential pressure over the nozzle or
orifice plate, measured per section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
§ 431.343).
If one or more readings do not meet the
requirements, then all previous readings
must be disregarded and a new set of at least
16 new unique readings must be collected
over a minimum time of 15 minutes. Average
the readings to determine the value of each
parameter to be used in subsequent
A.3. Calculations and Rounding. Perform
all calculations using raw measured values.
Round the final result for package isentropic
efficiency to the thousandth (i.e., 0.001), for
package specific power in kilowatts per 100
cubic feet per minute to the nearest
hundredth (i.e., 0.01), for pressure ratio at
full-load operating pressure to the nearest
tenth (i.e., 0.1), for full-load actual volume
flow rate in cubic feet per minute to the
nearest tenth (i.e., 0.1), and for full-load
operating pressure in pounds per square inch
gauge (psig) to the nearest integer (i.e., 1). All
terms and quantities refer to values
determined in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this appendix for the
tested unit.
B. Full-Load Operating Pressure and FullLoad Actual Volume Flow Rate
Determine the full-load operating pressure
and full-load actual volume flow rate
(referenced throughout this appendix) in
accordance with the procedures prescribed in
section III of this appendix.
C. Full-Load Package Isentropic Efficiency for
Fixed- and Variable-Speed Air Compressors
Use this test method to test fixed-speed air
compressors and variable-speed air
C.1. Test unit at full-load operating
pressure and full-load volume flow rate
according to the requirements established in
sections I, II.A, and II.B of this appendix.
Measure volume flow rate and calculate
actual volume flow rate in accordance with
section C.4.2.1 of Annex C of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
§ 431.343) with no corrections made for shaft
speed. Measure discharge gauge pressure and
packaged compressor power input. Measured
discharge gauge pressure and calculated
actual volume flow rate must be within the
deviation limits for discharge pressure and
volume flow rate specified in Tables C.1 and
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rotary air
C.2 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E)
(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343),
where full-load operating pressure and fullload actual volume flow rate (as determined
in section III of this appendix) are the
targeted values.
C.2. Calculate the package isentropic
efficiency at full-load operating pressure and
full-load actual volume flow rate (full-load
package isentropic efficiency, hisen,FL) using
the equation for isentropic efficiency in
section 3.6.1 of ISO 1217:2009(E) as modified
by ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E)
(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343).
For Pisen, use the isentropic power required
for compression at full-load operating
pressure and full-load actual volume flow
rate, as determined in section II.C.2.1 of this
appendix. For Preal, use the real packaged
compressor power input at full-load
operating pressure and full-load actual
volume flow rate, as determined in section
II.C.2.2 of this appendix.
C.2.1. Calculate the isentropic power
required for compression at full-load
operating pressure and full-load actual
volume flow rate using equation (H.6) of
Annex H of ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E)
(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343).
For qV1, use the actual volume flow rate
(cubic meters per second) calculated in
section II.C.1 of this appendix. For p1, use
100 kPa. For p2, use the sum of (a) 100 kPa,
and (b) the measured discharge gauge
pressure (Pa) from section II.C.1 of this
appendix. For K, use the isentropic exponent
(ratio of specific heats) of air, which, for the
purposes of this test procedure, is 1.400.
C.2.2. Calculate real packaged compressor
power input at full-load operating pressure
and full-load actual volume flow rate using
the following equation:
Preal,100% = K5 · PPR,100%
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as
determined in section C.4.3.2 of Annex
C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343). For
calculations of this variable use a value
of 100 kPa for contractual inlet pressure;
PPR,100% = packaged compressor power input
reading at full-load operating pressure
and full-load actual volume flow rate
measured in section II.C.1 of this
appendix (W).
D. Part-Load Package Isentropic Efficiency
for Variable-Speed Air Compressors
Use this test method to test variable-speed
air compressors.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES3
hisen,PL = w40% × hisen,40% + w70% × hisen,70% +
w100% × hisen,100%
hisen,PL = part-load package isentropic
efficiency for a variable-speed
hisen,100% = package isentropic efficiency at
full-load operating pressure and 100
percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate, as determined in section II.C.2 of
this appendix;
hisen,70% = package isentropic efficiency at
full-load operating pressure and 70
percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate, as determined in section II.D.3 of
this appendix;
hisen,40% = package isentropic efficiency at
full-load operating pressure and 40
percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate, as determined in section II.D.4 of
this appendix;
w40% = weighting at 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate and is 0.25;
w70% = weighting at 70 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate and is 0.50; and
w100% = weighting at 100 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate and is 0.25.
D.3. Calculate package isentropic efficiency
at full-load operating pressure and 70 percent
of full-load actual volume flow rate using the
equation for isentropic efficiency in section
3.6.1 of ISO 1217:2009(E) as modified by ISO
1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343). For Pisen, use the
isentropic power required for compression at
full-load operating pressure and 70 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate, as
determined in section II.D.3.1 of this
appendix. For Preal, use the real packaged
compressor power input at full-load
operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate, as determined in
section II.D.3.2 of this appendix.
D.3.1. Calculate the isentropic power
required for compression at full-load
operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate using equation (H.6)
of Annex H of ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E)
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(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343).
For qV1, use actual volume flow rate (cubic
meters per second) at full-load operating
pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as calculated in section
II.D.1 of this appendix. For p1, use 100 kPa.
For p2, use the sum of (a) 100 kPa, and (b)
discharge gauge pressure (Pa) at full-load
operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate, as calculated in
section II.D.1 of this appendix. For K, use the
isentropic exponent (ratio of specific heats)
of air, which, for the purposes of this test
procedure, is 1.400.
D.3.2. Calculate real packaged compressor
power input at full-load operating pressure
and 70 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate using the following equation:
Preal,70% = K5 · PPR,70%
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as
determined in section C.4.3.2 of Annex
C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343). For
calculations of this variable use a value
of 100 kPa for contractual inlet pressure;
PPR,70% = packaged compressor power input
reading at full-load operating pressure
and 70 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate, as measured in section II.D.1
of this appendix (W).
D.4. Calculate package isentropic efficiency
at full-load operating pressure and 40 percent
of full-load actual volume flow rate using the
equation for isentropic efficiency in section
3.6.1 of ISO 1217:2009(E) as modified by ISO
1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343). For Pisen, use the
isentropic power required for compression at
full-load operating pressure and 40 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate, as
determined in section II.D.4.1 of this
appendix. For Preal, use the real packaged
compressor power input at full-load
operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate, as determined in
section II.D.4.2 of this appendix.
D.4.1. Calculate the isentropic power
required for compression at full-load
operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate using equation (H.6)
of Annex H of ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E)
(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343).
For qV1, use actual volume flow rate (cubic
meters per second) at full-load operating
pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as calculated in section
II.D.1 of this appendix. For p1, use 100 kPa.
For p2, use the sum of (a) 100 kPa, and (b)
discharge gauge pressure (Pa) at full-load
operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate, as calculated in
section II.D.1 of this appendix. For K, use the
isentropic exponent (ratio of specific heats)
of air, which, for the purposes of this test
procedure, is 1.400.
D.4.2. Calculate real packaged compressor
power input at full-load operating pressure
and 40 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate using the following equation:
Preal,40% = K5 · PPR,40≠
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K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as
determined in section C.4.3.2 of Annex
C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343). For
calculations of this variable use a value
of 100 kPa for contractual inlet pressure;
PPR,40% = packaged compressor power input
reading at full-load operating pressure
and 40 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate, as measured in section II.D.1
of this appendix (W).
E. Determination of Package Specific Power
For both fixed and variable-speed air
compressors, determine the package specific
power, at any load point, using the equation
for specific energy consumption in section
C.4.4 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E)
(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343)
and other values measured pursuant to this
appendix, with no correction for shaft speed.
Calculate PPcorr in section C.4.4 of Annex C
of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343) using the following
PPcorr = K5 · PPR
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as
determined in section C.4.3.2 of Annex
C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343). For
calculations of this variable use a value
of 100 kPa for contractual inlet pressure;
PPR = packaged compressor power input
reading (W), as determined in section
C.2.4 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E)
(incorporated by reference, see
§ 431.343).
F. Determination of Pressure Ratio at FullLoad Operating Pressure
Pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure, as defined in § 431.342, is
calculated using the following equation:
PR = pressure ratio at full-load operating
p1 = 100 kPa; and
pFL = full-load operating pressure,
determined in section III.C.4 of this
appendix (Pa gauge).
III. Method to Determine Maximum FullFlow Operating Pressure, Full-Load
Operating Pressure, and Full-Load Actual
Volume Flow Rate
A. Principal Strategy
The principal strategy of this method is to
incrementally increase discharge pressure by
2 psig relative to a starting point, and identify
the maximum full-flow operating pressure at
which the compressor is capable of
operating. The maximum discharge pressure
achieved is the maximum full-flow operating
pressure. The full-load operating pressure
and full-load actual volume flow rate are
determined based on the maximum full-flow
operating pressure.
D.1. Test unit at two load points: (1) Fullload operating pressure and 70 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate and (2) fullload operating pressure and 40 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate, according
to the requirements established in sections I,
II.A, and II.B of this appendix. To reach each
specified load point, adjust the speed of the
driver and the backpressure of the system.
For each load point, measure volume flow
rate and calculate actual volume flow rate in
accordance with section C.4.2.1 of Annex C
of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343), with no corrections
made for shaft speed. For each load point,
measure discharge gauge pressure and
packaged compressor power input. Measured
discharge gauge pressure and calculated
actual volume flow rate must be within the
deviation limits for discharge pressure and
volume flow rate specified in Tables C.1 and
C.2 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E), where
the targeted values are as specified in the
beginning of this section.
D.2. For variable-speed compressors,
calculate the part-load package isentropic
efficiency using the following equation:
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
B. Pre-test Instructions
B.1. Safety
For the method presented in section III.C.1
of this appendix, only test discharge pressure
within the safe operating range of the
compressor, as specified by the manufacturer
in the installation and operation manual
shipped with the unit. Make no changes to
safety limits or equipment. Do not violate any
manufacturer-provided motor operational
guidelines for normal use, including any
restriction on instantaneous and continuous
input power draw and output shaft power
(e.g., electrical rating and service factor
B.2. Adjustment of Discharge Pressure
B.2.1. If the air compressor is not
equipped, as distributed in commerce by the
manufacturer, with any mechanism to adjust
the maximum discharge pressure output
limit, proceed to section III.B.3 of this
B.2.2. If the air compressor is equipped, as
distributed in commerce by the
manufacturer, with any mechanism to adjust
the maximum discharge pressure output
limit, then adjust this mechanism to the
maximum pressure allowed, according to the
manufacturer’s operating instructions for
these mechanisms. Mechanisms to adjust
discharge pressure may include, but are not
limited to, onboard digital or analog controls,
and user-adjustable inlet valves.
B.3. Driver speed
If the unit under test is a variable-speed
compressor, maintain maximum driver speed
throughout the test. If the unit under test is
a fixed-speed compressor with a multi-speed
driver, maintain driver speed at the
maximum speed throughout the test.
B.4. Measurements and Tolerances
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B.4.1. Recording
Record data by electronic means such that
the requirements of section B.4.5 of section
III of this appendix are met.
B.4.2. Discharge Pressure
Measure discharge pressure in accordance
with section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E)
(incorporated by reference, see § 431.343).
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Express compressor discharge pressure in
psig in reference to ambient conditions, and
record it to the nearest integer. Specify
targeted discharge pressure points in integer
values only. The maximum allowable
measured deviation from the targeted
discharge pressure at each tested point is ±1
B.4.3. Actual Volume Flow Rate
Measure actual volume flow rate in
accordance with section C.4.2.1 of Annex C
of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see § 431.343) (where it is called
‘‘corrected volume flow rate’’) with no
corrections made for shaft speed. Express
compressor actual volume flow rate in cubic
feet per minute at inlet conditions (cfm).
B.4.4. Stabilization
Record data at each tested load point under
steady-state conditions, as determined in
section II.A.1 of this appendix.
B.4.5. Data Sampling and Frequency
At each load point, record a set of at least
of two readings, collected at a minimum of
10 seconds apart. All readings at each load
point must be within the maximum
permissible fluctuation from the average (of
the two consecutive readings), as specified in
II.A.2 of this appendix. Average the
measurements to determine the value of each
parameter to be used in subsequent
B.5. Adjusting System Backpressure
Set up the unit under test so that
backpressure on the unit can be adjusted
(e.g., by valves) incrementally, causing the
measured discharge pressure to change, until
the compressor is in an unloaded condition.
B.6. Unloaded Condition
A unit is considered to be in an unloaded
condition if capacity controls on the unit
automatically reduce the actual volume flow
rate from the compressor (e.g., shutting the
motor off, or unloading by adjusting valves).
C. Test Instructions
C.1. Adjust the backpressure of the system
so the measured discharge pressure is 90
percent of the expected maximum full-flow
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operating pressure, rounded to the nearest
integer, in psig. If the expected maximum
full-flow operating pressure is not known,
then adjust the backpressure of the system so
that the measured discharge pressure is 65
psig. Allow the unit to remain at this setting
for 15 minutes to allow the unit to thermally
stabilize. Then measure and record discharge
pressure and actual volume flow rate at the
starting pressure.
C.2. Adjust the backpressure of the system
to increase the discharge pressure by 2 psig
from the previous value, allow the unit to
remain at this setting for a minimum of 2
minutes, and proceed to section III.C.3 of this
C.3. If the unit is now in an unloaded
condition, end the test and proceed to section
III.C.4 of this appendix. If the unit is not in
an unloaded condition, measure discharge
pressure and actual volume flow rate, and
repeat section III.C.2 of this appendix.
C.4. Of the discharge pressures recorded
under stabilized conditions in sections III.C.1
through III.C.3 of this appendix, identify the
largest. This is the maximum full-flow
operating pressure. Determine the full-load
operating pressure as a self-declared value
greater than or equal to the lesser of (A) 90
percent of the maximum full-flow operating
pressure, or (B) 10 psig less than the
maximum full-flow operating pressure.
C.5. The full-load actual volume flow rate
is the actual volume flow rate measured at
the full-load operating pressure. If the selfdeclared full-load operating pressure falls on
a previously tested value of discharge
pressure, then use the previously measured
actual volume flow rate as the full-load
actual volume flow rate. If the self-declared
full-load operating pressure does not fall on
a previously tested value of discharge
pressure, then adjust the backpressure of the
system to the self-declared full-load
operating pressure and allow the unit to
remain at this setting for a minimum of 2
minutes. The measured actual volume flow
rate at this setting is the full-load actual
volume flow rate.
[FR Doc. 2016–29427 Filed 1–3–17; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 2 (Wednesday, January 4, 2017)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 1052-1106]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-29427]
[[Page 1051]]
Vol. 82
No. 2
January 4, 2017
Part IV
Department of Energy
10 CFR Parts 429 and 431
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Compressors; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 82 , No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2017 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 1052]]
10 CFR Parts 429 and 431
[Docket No. EERE-2014-BT-TP-0054]
RIN 1904-AD43
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Compressors
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: On May 5, 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published
a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) to establish new test procedures
for certain varieties of compressors. That proposed rulemaking serves
as the basis for the final rule. This final rule establishes
definitions, materials incorporated by reference, sampling plans,
representations requirements, enforcement provisions, and test
procedures for certain varieties of compressors. Specifically, this
final rule establishes full-load package isentropic efficiency as the
applicable energy metric for certain fixed-speed compressors and part-
load package isentropic efficiency as the applicable energy metric for
certain variable-speed compressors. Finally, this final rule
incorporates by reference certain sections of the ISO Standard
1217:2009(E), (ISO 1217:2009(E)), ``Displacement compressors--
Acceptance tests,'' as amended through Amendment 1:2016, as the basis
for a test method for determining compressor efficiency. ISO
1217:2009(E) includes a test method for measuring compressor inlet and
discharge pressures, actual volume flow rate, electrical input power,
package isentropic efficiency, and other compressor performance
metrics. This final rule also adopts certain modifications and
additions to ISO 1217:2009(E) to increase the specificity of certain
testing methods established in ISO 1217:2009(E) and improve the
repeatability of tested and measured values.
DATES: The effective date of this rule is February 3, 2017. The final
rule changes will be mandatory for representations starting July 3,
2017. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in
the rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register February
3, 2017.
ADDRESSES: The docket, which includes Federal Register, public meeting
attendee lists and transcripts, comments, and other supporting
documents/materials, is available for review at
All documents in the docket are listed in the
index. However, some documents listed in the index, such as those
containing information that is exempt from public disclosure, may not
be publicly available.
A link to the docket Web page can be found at The docket Web page contains simple instructions on how
to access all documents, including public comments, in the docket.
Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Office, EE-5B, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington,
DC 20585-0121. Telephone: (202) 586-8654. Email:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This final rule incorporates by reference
into 10 CFR part 431 the testing methods contained in the following
commercial standards:
ISO 1217:2009(E), ``Displacement compressors--Acceptance tests,''
July 1, 2009, sections 2, 3, and 4; sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9;
paragraphs 6.2(g), and 6.2(h) including Table 1; Annex C (excluding
C.1.2, C.2.1, C.3, C.4.2.2, C.4.3.1, and C.4.5). ISO 1217:2009/
Amd.1:2016(E), Displacement compressors--Acceptance tests (Fourth
edition); Amendment 1: ``Calculation of isentropic efficiency and
relationship with specific energy,'' April 15, 2016, sections 3.5.1 and
3.6.1; sections H.2 and H.3 of Annex H.
Copies of ISO 1217:2009(E) and of ISO 1217:2009/Amendment 1:2016(E)
may be purchased from ISO at Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214
Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland +41 22 749 01 11, or by going to
See section IV.N for additional information about ISO 1217:2009(E)
and ISO 1217:2009/Amendment 1:2016(E).
Table of Contents
I. Authority and Background
A. Authority
B. Regulatory History for Compressors
II. Synopsis of the Final Rule
III. Discussion
A. Definitions
1. Definition of Covered Equipment
2. Air Compressor
3. Air Compressor Components
4. Rotary and Reciprocating Compressors
5. Brushless Electric Motor
6. Compressor Motor Nominal Horsepower
7. Volume Flow Rates
8. Maximum Full-Flow Operating Pressure
9. Lubricated Compressor
B. Scope of Applicability of the Test Procedure
1. Air Compressor Limitation
2. Rotary and Reciprocating Compressors
3. Driver Style
4. Compressor Capacity
5. Lubricant Presence
6. Specialty-Purpose Compressors
C. Metrics
1. Package Isentropic Efficiency
2. Package Specific Power
3. Power Factor
D. Incorporation by Reference of Industry Standard(s)
1. ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016
2. Comments Related to the incorporation of ISO 1217:2009(E)
E. Test Method
1. Measurement Equipment
2. Test Conditions
3. Equipment Configuration
4. Data Collection and Analysis
5. Determination of Full-Load and Part-Load Package Isentropic
6. Allowable Deviation from Specified Load Points
7. Determination of Package Specific Power
8. Determination of Pressure Ratio at Full-Load Operating
9. Maximum Full-Flow Operating Pressure, Full-Load Operating
Pressure, and Full-Load Actual Volume Flow Rate
F. Definition of Basic Model
G. Sampling Plan for Testing and Alternative Efficiency
Determination Methods
1. Sampling Plan and Representations
2. Alternative Efficiency Determination Method
H. Enforcement Provisions
1. Sample Variability for Package Isentropic Efficiency
2. Full-Load Operating Pressure and Actual Volume Flow Rate
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
1. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities
2. Discussion of Testing Burden and Comments
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
D. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act, 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under Treasury and General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal Energy Administration
Act of 1974
M. Congressional Notification
N. Description of Materials Incorporated by Reference
V. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
[[Page 1053]]
I. Authority and Background
A. Authority
Title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, as
amended, (42 U.S.C. 6291, et seq.; ``EPCA'' or, ``the Act'') sets forth
a variety of provisions designed to improve energy efficiency.\1\ Part
C of Title III, which for editorial reasons was codified as Part A-1
upon incorporation into the U.S. Code (42 U.S.C. 6311-6317),
establishes the Energy Conservation Program for Certain Industrial
Equipment. Under EPCA, DOE may include a type of industrial equipment,
including compressors, as covered equipment if it determines that to do
so is necessary to carry out the purposes of Part A-1. (42 U.S.
6311(1)(L), 6311(2)(B)(i), and 6312(b)). The purpose of Part A-1 is to
improve the efficiency of electric motors and pumps and certain other
industrial equipment in order to conserve the energy resources of the
Nation. (42 U.S.C. 6312(a))
\1\ All references to EPCA in this document refer to the statute
as amended through the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015,
Public Law 114-11 (Apr. 30, 2015).
Pursuant to EPCA, DOE's energy conservation program for covered
equipment consists essentially of four parts: (1) Testing; (2)
labeling; (3) Federal energy conservation standards; and (4)
certification and enforcement procedures. Specifically, subject to
certain criteria and conditions, EPCA requires DOE to develop test
procedures to measure the energy efficiency, energy use, or estimated
annual operating cost of each type of covered equipment. (42 U.S.C.
6314(a)) Manufacturers of covered equipment must use the prescribed DOE
test procedures: (1) As the basis for certifying to DOE that their
equipment complies with the applicable energy conservation standards
adopted under EPCA (42 U.S.C. 6295(s) and 6316(a)) and (2) when making
representations to the public regarding the energy use or efficiency of
those equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6314(d))
B. Regulatory History for Compressors
Currently, no Federal energy conservation standards for compressors
exist. Before today, no Federal test procedures for compressors
On December 31, 2012, DOE published a Proposed Determination of
Coverage (2012 NOPD) proposing to determine that compressors qualify as
covered equipment under part A-1 of Title III of EPCA, as amended (42
U.S.C. 6311 et seq.). DOE proposed that coverage was necessary for the
purposes of Part A-1 on the basis that (1) DOE may prescribe energy
conservation standards only for covered equipment; and (2) energy
conservation standards for compressors would improve the efficiency of
such equipment more than would be likely to occur in the absence of
standards.77 FR 76972 (Dec. 31, 2012). On February 7, 2013, DOE
published a notice reopening the comment period on the 2012 NOPD. 78 FR
On November 15, 2016, DOE published a final rule, which determined
that coverage for compressors is necessary to carry out the purposes of
Part A-1 of Title III of EPCA (herein referred to as ``notice of final
determination''). 81 FR 79991.
On February 5, 2014, DOE published in the Federal Register a notice
of public meeting, and provided a framework document that addressed
potential standards and test procedures rulemakings for these products.
79 FR 6839. DOE held a public meeting to discuss the framework document
on April 1, 2014. At this meeting, DOE discussed and received comments
on the framework document, which covered the analytical framework,
models, and tools that DOE used to evaluate potential standards; and
all other issues raised relevant to the development of energy
conservation standards for the different categories of compressors. On
March 18, 2014, DOE extended the comment period. 79 FR 15061.
On May 5, 2016, DOE published a NOPR, to propose test procedures
for certain compressors (``May 2016 test procedure NOPR'' or ``test
procedure NOPR''). 87 FR 27220. The test procedure NOPR proposed
establishing a new subpart T of title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, part 431 (10 CFR part 431), which would contain
definitions, materials incorporated by reference, and test procedures
for determining the energy efficiency of certain varieties of
compressors. The test procedure NOPR would also amend title 10 CFR part
429 to establish sampling plans, representations requirements, and
enforcement provisions for certain compressors. On June 20, 2016, DOE
held a public meeting to discuss the test procedure NOPR and receive
comments from interested parties.
Finally, in this final rule, DOE responds to comments received from
interested parties in response to the proposals presented in the May
2016 test procedure NOPR, either during the June 2016 NOPR public
meeting or in subsequent written comments.\2\ In response to the May
2016 test procedure NOPR, DOE received 17 written comments in addition
to the verbal comments made by interested parties during the June 2016
NOPR public meeting. The commenters included: the Appliance Standards
Awareness Project (ASAP); Atlas Copco AB (Atlas Copco); CASTAIR; the
Compressed Air & Gas Institute (CAGI); Compressed Air Systems;
Ingersoll Rand; Jenny Products; Kaeser Compressors; the Northwest
Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA); the Pacific Gas and Electric Company
(PG&E), San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison
(SCE), and Southern California Gas Company (SCGC), collectively
referred to as the California Investor Owned Utilities (CA IOUs); the
People's Republic of China (P. R. China); Scales Industrial
Technologies; Sullair; Saylor-Beall Manufacturing Company and Sullivan-
Palatek, collectively referred to as Sullivan-Palatek. DOE identifies
comments received in response to the May 2016 test procedure NOPR by
the commenter, the number of document as listed in the docket
maintained at (Docket No. EERE-2014-BT-TP-0054),
and the page number of that document where the comment appears (for
example: CAGI, No. 10 at p. 4). If a comment was made verbally during
the NOPR public meeting, DOE also specifically identifies those as
being located in the NOPR public meeting transcript (for example: CAGI,
public meeting transcript, No. 16 at p. 100). This final rule also
contains certain relevant comments that were submitted in response to
the compressors energy conservation standards rulemaking and the 2012
NOPD, but pertain to the topics discussed in the test procedure
rulemaking. Those comments are identified with the appropriate docket
numbers, EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040 and EERE-2012-BT-DET-0033, respectively.
\2\ DOE notes that certain comments pertaining to the definition
of ``compressors'' were addressed in the November 2016 notice of
final determination. 81 FR 79991, 79992-4 (Nov. 15, 2016).
II. Synopsis of the Final Rule
In this final rule, DOE amends subpart T of title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, part 431 (10 CFR part 431), which contains
definitions, materials incorporated by reference, and test procedures
for determining the energy efficiency of certain varieties of
While the range of equipment included in DOE's definition of
compressor is broad, the test procedures established by this rulemaking
are limited to only a specific subset of
[[Page 1054]]
compressors. Specifically, this final rule applies only to a subset of
rotary compressors, as defined in section III.B of this final rule. DOE
intends this test procedure final rule to apply to similar equipment
for which DOE is considering adopting energy conservation standards
(Docket No. EERE-2014-BT-TP-0054). However, the scope of any energy
conservation standards would be established in that rulemaking.
This final rule establishes package isentropic efficiency as the
applicable energy metric for compressors within the scope of the final
rule. Package isentropic efficiency describes the ratio of the ideal
isentropic power required for compression to the actual packaged
compressor power input used for the same compression process.
Specifically, this final rule establishes two varieties of package
isentropic efficiency, depending on equipment configuration: (1) Full-
load package isentropic efficiency for certain fixed-speed compressors,
and (2) part-load package isentropic efficiency for certain variable-
speed compressors. In this final rule, DOE concludes these metrics
provide a representative measurement of the energy performance of the
rated compressor under an average cycle of use.
In this final rule, DOE establishes test methods to measure the
inlet and discharge pressures, actual volume flow rate, and packaged
compressor power input, as well as calculations of the theoretical
power necessary for compression--all of which are required to calculate
full- or part-load package isentropic efficiency. For reproducible and
uniform measurement of these values, DOE incorporates by reference the
test methods established in certain applicable sections of ISO
1217:2009(E), ``Displacement compressors--Acceptance tests,'' as
amended through ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016.\3\ Specifically, the test
procedure codified by this final rule references the following parts of
ISO 1217 as amended by Amendment 1:2016: sections 2, 3, and 4;
subsections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9, 6.2(g), and 6.2(h); Annex C
subsections C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1, C.4.2.3,
C.4.3.2 and C.4.4; Annex H subsections H.2 and H.3; and Table 1 of
subsection 6.2. See section III.D and section IV.N of this final rule
for additional information about ISO 1217:2009(E) and ISO 1217:2009(E)/
Amd.1:2016. Members of the compressor industry developed ISO
1217:2009(E), which contains methods for determining inlet and
discharge pressures, actual volume flow rate, packaged compressor power
input, and package isentropic efficiency for electrically driven
packaged displacement compressors. DOE has reviewed the relevant
sections of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, and has determined that ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended, in conjunction with the additional
clarifications and test methods and calculations established in this
final rule (see section III.E), produces test results that reflect the
energy efficiency of a compressor during a representative average use
cycle. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)) DOE has also reviewed the burdens
associated with conducting the test procedure established in this final
rule, including ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, and, based on the results
of such analysis, has found that the test procedure would not be unduly
burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)) DOE presents the analysis
of the burdens associated with the test procedure in section IV.B.
\3\ ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 is titled ``Calculation of
isentropic efficiency and relationship with specific energy.''
In this final rule, DOE also establishes, in subpart B of part 429
of title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR part 429),
sampling plan requirements, representations requirements, and
enforcement provisions for the compressors within the scope of this
final rule. The sampling plan requirements established in this final
rule are similar to other types of commercial equipment (e.g., pumps)
and are appropriate for compressors based on the expected range of
measurement uncertainty and manufacturing tolerances for this
equipment. The sampling plan is intended to give DOE reasonable
assurance that any individual unit distributed in commerce is at least
as efficient as its basic model rating. The representations
requirements established in this final rule specify the energy
consumption or energy efficiency representations that, in addition to
the regulated metric (part- or full-load package isentropic
efficiency), may be made by compressor manufacturers, distributors,
retailers, or private labelers. DOE notes that any representations of
the energy efficiency or energy use of compressors to which an adopted
test procedure applies must be made based on the adopted compressor
test procedure beginning 180 days after the publication date of any
test procedure final rule establishing such procedures. (42 U.S.C.
6314(d)) Finally, the enforcement provisions established in this final
rule govern the process DOE follows when performing its own assessment
of basic model compliance with any future energy conservation
III. Discussion
A. Definitions
1. Definition of Covered Equipment
Although EPCA lists compressors as a type of industrial equipment,
the term is not defined. (42 U.S.C. 6311(2)(B)(i)) In the May 5, 2016
test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to define a ``compressor'' as a
machine or apparatus that converts different types of energy into the
potential energy of gas pressure for displacement and compression of
gaseous media to any higher pressure values above atmospheric pressure
and has a pressure ratio \4\ greater than 1.3. 81 FR 27220, 27223-
27224. Further, DOE noted that with its proposal of a pressure ratio of
greater than 1.3, it intended to align the minimum pressure ratio for
compressors with the maximum ratio proposed in the fans and blowers
rule and to create a continuous spectrum of coverage between the two
equipment types. Ibid.
\4\ For the final rule, the term ``pressure ratio'' has been
revised to ``pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure,'' as
explained later in this section.
To determine objectively and unambiguously whether equipment meets
the definition of compressor, in the test procedure NOPR, DOE also
proposed to define the term ``pressure ratio'' as the ratio of
discharge pressure to inlet pressure, as determined at full-load
operating pressure. Such a definition enables DOE to establish
quantitatively which compressors meet the pressure ratio requirement
proposed in the definition of the term compressor. 81 FR 27220, 27224
(May 5, 2016).
In the notice of final determination, DOE addressed all comments
related to the definition of compressor, and ultimately adopted the
following definition:
Compressor means a machine or apparatus that converts different
types of energy into the potential energy of gas pressure for
displacement and compression of gaseous media to any higher pressure
values above atmospheric pressure and has a pressure ratio at full-load
operating pressure greater than 1.3. 81 FR 79991, 79998 (Nov. 15,
DOE notes that in the notice of final determination, for the
definition of compressor, the term pressure ratio (which was proposed
in the TP NOPR), was replaced with the term ``pressure ratio at full
load operating pressure.'' DOE stated that the definition of the new
term, as well as methods of testing,
[[Page 1055]]
would be established in the test procedure final rule. 81 FR 79991,
79995 (Nov. 15, 2016). In this final rule, DOE addresses all comments
related to the definition of the term pressure ratio. CAGI did not
provide any direct comments, but commented that it was in agreement
with DOE's proposal for items on which it did not directly comment.
(CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek
supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair,
No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
Jenny Products and Scales Industrial Technologies commented that
they would prefer to use the more common term, ``compression ratio,''
in place of pressure ratio. Scales Industrial Technologies also
indicated that DOE's proposed definition of pressure ratio was not
sufficiently clear, and could be interpreted in multiple ways. (Scales
Industrial Technologies, No. 0013, at p. 1; Jenny Products, No. 0020 at
p. 2)
In response to Scales Industrial Technologies' concerns about
clarity, in this final rule, DOE is clarifying its NOPR proposal and
modifying the term pressure ratio to pressure ratio at full-load
operating pressure. This clarification better aligns the name of this
metric with its definition, which states, as proposed, that pressure
ratio means the ratio of discharge pressure to inlet pressure,
determined at full-load operating pressure in accordance with the test
procedures prescribed in Sec. 431.344. 81 FR 27220, 27224 (May 5,
2016). DOE is making this clarification because it understands that the
ratio between the inlet pressure and the discharge pressure, measured
at the discharge pipe, can vary based on the pressure of the system
that the compressor is supplying. As a result, DOE concludes that the
use of the general term pressure ratio to describe a pressure ratio at
a specific load point (i.e., full-load operating pressure), is not
appropriate. Additionally, based on the general support of CAGI,
Sullivan-Palatek, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair, and the above
clarification to the term pressure ratio, DOE concludes that the use of
the term pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure is sufficiently
clear, and DOE does not adopt the term compression ratio in its place.
Ultimately, for the reasons discussed in this section and
established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the following
definition for pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure. Beyond
the previously discussed terminology change from pressure ratio to
pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure, this definition is
unchanged from the test procedure NOPR proposal.
Pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure means the ratio of
discharge pressure to inlet pressure, determined at full-load operating
pressure in accordance with the test procedures prescribed in Sec.
2. Air Compressor
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to define the term ``air
compressor'' as a compressor designed to compress air that has an inlet
open to the atmosphere or other source of air, and is made up of a
compression element (bare compressor), driver(s), mechanical equipment
to drive the compressor element, and any ancillary equipment. 81 FR
27220, 27226 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the proposed definitions, DOE received comment from
CAGI indicating its support of the definitions as proposed for the test
procedure. (CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 20)
Sullivan-Palatek, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair supported CAGI's
comments. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1; Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011
at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1)
Consequently, for the reasons established in the test procedure
NOPR, DOE is adopting the definition for air compressor as proposed in
the test procedure NOPR.
3. Air Compressor Components
a. Bare Compressor, Driver, and Mechanical Equipment
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to define ``bare
compressor'' \5\ as the compression element and auxiliary devices
(e.g., inlet and outlet valves, seals, lubrication system, and gas flow
paths) required for performing the gas compression process. The
definition does not include the driver; speed-adjusting gear(s); gas
processing apparatuses and piping; or compressor equipment packaging
and mounting facilities and enclosures. 81 FR 27220, 27227 (May 5,
\5\ The compressors industry frequently uses the term ``airend''
or ``air end'' to refer to the bare compressor. DOE uses ``bare
compressor'' in the regulatory text of this rule, and, for the
purposes of this rulemaking, it considers the terms to be
Further, in the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to define
``driver'' and ``mechanical equipment'' as the machine providing
mechanical input to drive a bare compressor directly or through the use
of mechanical equipment, and any component of an air compressor that
transfers energy from the driver to the bare compressor, respectively.
81 FR 27220, 27227 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the proposed definitions, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but CAGI commented that it was in agreement with DOE's
proposal for items on which it did not directly comment. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported
CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Scales Industrial
Technologies commented that the `bare' compressor often includes speed-
increasing gears. (Scales Industrial Technologies, no. 0013 at p. 2) In
response, DOE clarifies that while the definition of bare compressor
does not include mention of gears, the definition of mechanical
equipment does include mention of gears. Moreover, the definition of
air compressor, which is the overarching term dictating the scope of
applicability of equipment in this final rule, includes mechanical
equipment. Consequently, for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the definitions for bare compressor,
driver, and mechanical equipment as proposed in the test procedure
b. Ancillary Equipment
In the test procedure NOPR, the proposed definition of air
compressor included the term ``ancillary equipment.'' DOE proposed to
define ancillary equipment as any equipment distributed in commerce
with an air compressor that is not a bare compressor, driver, or
mechanical equipment. 81 FR 27220, 27227 (May 5, 2016). Ancillary
equipment would be considered to be part of a given air compressor
model regardless of whether the ancillary equipment is physically
attached to the bare compressor, driver, or mechanical equipment at the
time when the air compressor is distributed in commerce. Ibid. DOE also
requested comment on if a list of ancillary equipment was more
appropriate than the definition. Ibid.
Many commenters suggested that the definition of ancillary
equipment proposed in the test procedure NOPR lacked specificity.
Scales Industrial Technologies, Kaeser Compressors, and Jenny Products
commented that standard, but not application-specific or optional,
ancillary equipment should be used as required for the safe operation
of the bare compressor. Kaeser Compressors noted that the metric of
isentropic efficiency is expressed relative to the theoretical power
required to compress air, and thus the specified test configuration
[[Page 1056]]
logically reflect the equipment required to compress air, without the
effect of any additional components. Scales Industrial Technologies
stated that standard compressors should not include accessories beyond
an aftercooler, a moisture separator, and an automatic drain cap.
(Jenny Products, No. 0020 at pp. 2-3; Scales Industrial Technologies,
No. 0013 at p. 2; Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at pp. 31, 37)
ASAP commented that the definition of ancillary equipment should be
clear and include equipment that is normally included with a majority
of applications. (ASAP, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 25,
30) Similarly, Compressed Air Systems commented that the list of
ancillary equipment should be defined, noting that safety equipment
should be included as part of the list to ensure safe operation of
compressors. (Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 1) Atlas Copco
agreed that the proposed definition of ancillary equipment was not
appropriate, and commented that DOE should consider a definition
similar to the one used in the EU Lot 31 draft standard. Atlas Copco
argues that following the EU Lot 31 standard would allow for accurate
comparisons of the energy consumption of similar basic models of
compressors and would not penalize manufacturers who efficiently
integrate optional ancillary equipment into the compressor design.
(Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 10-11; Atlas Copco, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 34-35) CAGI and Ingersoll Rand also
supported a clearer definition and suggested the use of a list of
equipment to define the term ancillary equipment, with Ingersoll Rand
further commenting that optional equipment such as ancillary air
treatment equipment should be excluded from the test procedures. (CAGI,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 27-28; Ingersoll Rand,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 29, 33) CAGI provided a list
that is slightly modified from the one used by the EU Lot 31 draft
standard; this list is reproduced in Table III.1. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p.
3; CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 37) CAGI stated that
this list is limited to equipment that is required for safety or basic
compressor functionality. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 3) CAGI further
indicated that all other equipment is optional and should not be
included for testing. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 4-5; CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 37)
Table III.1--CAGI-Suggested List of Ancillary Equipment To Be Included for Testing
Configuration of basic compressor Fixed-speed rotary Variable-speed rotary
Speed............................ Fixed................................. Variable.
Cooling.......................... Air-cooled/Water-cooled............... Air-cooled/Water-cooled.
Electric motor (driver).......... Yes................................... Yes.
Cooling fan(s) and motors........ Yes................................... Yes.
Compression element (bare Yes................................... Yes.
Transmission (belt, gear, Yes (if applicable) **................ Yes (if applicable) **.
coupling, etc.) (mechanical
Inlet filter..................... Yes................................... Yes.
Inlet valve...................... Yes................................... Yes.
Minimum pressure check valve/ Yes................................... Yes.
backflow check valve.
Oil separator.................... Yes................................... Yes.
Air piping....................... Yes................................... Yes.
Oil piping....................... Yes................................... Yes.
Oil pump......................... Yes (if applicable) **................ Yes (if applicable) **.
Oil filter....................... Yes................................... Yes.
Oil cooler....................... Yes................................... Yes.
Thermostatic valve............... Yes................................... Yes.
Electrical switchgear............ Yes *................................. No *.
Frequency converter.............. No *.................................. Yes *.
Compressed air cooler(s)......... Yes................................... Yes.
Compressor control device Yes................................... Yes.
(pressure switch, pressure
transducer, electronic or
electrical controls, etc.).
Protective devices............... Yes................................... Yes.
Moisture separator and drain..... Yes................................... Yes.
* Electrical switchgear and frequency converter only concern the main electric drive motor, other motors (e.g.,
fans, pumps) may still be driven by a variable-speed drive and/or include electrical switchgear and/or
frequency converter.
** The term ``if applicable'' means that if the functionality of the basic package is achieved without the
component, then it does not need to be included.
Sullair and Sullivan-Palatek expressed support of the CAGI position
and the list defined by CAGI in Table III.1; Sullivan-Palatek further
argued that a consistent list of installed equipment, rather than what
is included in commerce, is important such that compressors can be
compared to each other consistently. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 7;
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at pp. 3, 4; Sullivan-Palatek, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 28) Ingersoll Rand expanded on the
importance of using a list to define ancillary equipment, noting that
manufacturers independently have been self-declaring a basic compressor
when representing unit efficiency, which in turn has been used by DOE
to analyze standards for compressors. (Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 36) Sullair supported comments from Kaeser
Compressors and CAGI, elaborating that items not included in the list
of ancillary equipment developed by CAGI are customer-driven additional
equipment and out of the control of a manufacturer. (Sullair, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 33-34) NEEA commented that a filter
should be included as part of the definition of ancillary equipment,
but would consider dropping the suggestion of adding a filter to the
list of ancillary equipment if the draft EU compressor standard also
does not require a filter. (NEEA, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016
at p. 35)
Further, CAGI commented that if a unit is offered for sale without
a piece of equipment on its recommended list, the manufacturer must
provide an appropriate component, and the selection and responsibility
of providing and installing this component for testing
[[Page 1057]]
shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p.
In response to these comments, DOE agrees with CAGI and other
commenters that DOE should develop a list of equipment that must be
present for testing. Further, DOE generally agrees with the list
provided by CAGI. However, instead of including a specific list as part
of the definition of ancillary equipment, DOE is maintaining a broad
definition of ancillary equipment and adopting a list of equipment that
must be present for testing in the equipment configuration section of
the test method (see section III.E.3 for complete details). This
approach helps avoid loopholes, as it ensures that compressors
distributed in commerce with additional equipment outside this list are
still within the scope of the test procedure, but such equipment is
tested only with the equipment on the list. Further, this approach
helps ensure that all compressors within the scope of this rulemaking
are rated fairly and equitably with a consistent set of equipment
present, addressing the concerns of Sullivan-Palatek. DOE concludes
that this approach is consistent with CAGI's comments, which made clear
that its list was the required subset of all potential equipment that
it believed should be present for testing. As a result, DOE is adopting
the definition of ancillary equipment proposed in the test procedure
NOPR. Please see section III.E.3 for a complete discussion of specific
equipment that is required for testing.
4. Rotary and Reciprocating Compressors
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed the following definitions
for rotary and reciprocating compressors:
Rotary compressor means a positive displacement compressor in which
gas admission and diminution of its successive volumes or its forced
discharge are performed cyclically by rotation of one or several rotors
in a compressor casing. 81 FR 27220, 27228 (May 5, 2016).
Reciprocating compressor means a positive displacement compressor
in which gas admission and diminution of its successive volumes are
performed cyclically by straight-line alternating movements of a moving
member(s) in a compression chamber(s). 81 FR 27220, 27228 (May 5,
To support these definitions, DOE also proposed ``positive-
displacement compressor'' to mean a compressor in which the admission
and diminution of successive volumes of the gaseous medium are
performed periodically by forced expansion and diminution of a closed
space(s) in a working chamber(s) by means of displacement of a moving
member(s) or by displacement and forced discharge of the gaseous medium
into the high-pressure area.
In response to the proposed definitions, CAGI agreed with the
proposed compressor definitions, but stated that defining ``rotor''
would characterize the equipment more accurately, and suggested the
following definition: A compression element that rotates continually in
a single direction [around] a single shaft or axis. (CAGI, No. 0010 at
p. 5) CAGI further commented that, beyond rotary screw compressors,
other types of rotary compressors, such as rotary vane and scroll,
would be covered under the definition. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 22) However, CAGI did not specifically
recommend whether these other rotary compressors should, or should not,
be included within the scope of the test procedure. Sullair added that
DOE should clarify which compressor technologies, such as scroll and
vane, met the proposed definition. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 0016 at p. 23) Sullivan-Palatek, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair
supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullivan-
Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1)
DOE agrees with CAGI and Sullair's comments that a definition of
rotor and examples of rotary compressors would improve the accuracy of
the rotary compressor definition. Further, DOE agrees with CAGI's
recommended definition and finds it to be technically accurate. For
this reason, in this final rule, DOE is adopting the definition of
rotor, as recommended by CAGI. In response to Sullair's request for
examples, DOE notes that rotary compressors include, but are not
limited to, rotary screw, sliding vane, rotary lobe, and liquid ring.
However, DOE does not believe that scroll compressors meet the
definition of rotary compressors, as scroll compressors nutate (or
orbit) rather than rotate continually in a single direction around a
single shaft or axis.
Beyond these clarifications, DOE is making no changes to the
remaining definitions discussed in this subsection, and for the reasons
established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting in this final
rule the definitions for rotary compressor, reciprocating compressor,
and positive-displacement compressor, as proposed in the test procedure
5. Brushless Electric Motor
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to define a ``brushless
electric motor'' as a machine that converts electrical power into
rotational mechanical power without use of sliding electrical contacts.
Further, DOE considered brushless motors to include, but not be limited
to, what are commonly known as induction, brushless direct current,
permanent magnet, electrically commutated, and reluctance motors. 81 FR
27220, 27229 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the proposed definitions, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but commented that it was in agreement with DOE's
proposal for items on which it did not directly comment. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported
CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently, for the
reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the
definition for brushless motor as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
6. Compressor Motor Nominal Horsepower
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed ``compressor motor nominal
horsepower'' (``hp'') to mean the motor horsepower of the electric
motor with which the rated air compressor is distributed in commerce,
as determined in accordance with the applicable procedures in subparts
B and X of 10 CFR part 431. 81 FR 27220, 27229 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the proposed definitions, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but commented that it was in agreement with DOE's
proposal for items on which it did not directly comment. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported
CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently, for the
reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting in this
final rule the definition for compressor motor nominal horsepower as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
7. Volume Flow Rates
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that ``actual volume flow
rate'' mean the volume flow rate of air, compressed and delivered at
the standard discharge point, referred to conditions of total
temperature, total pressure, and composition prevailing at the standard
inlet point, and as
[[Page 1058]]
determined in accordance with the test procedures proposed for 10 CFR
431.344. Further, DOE also proposed that full-load actual volume flow
rate mean the actual volume flow rate of the compressor at the full-
load operating pressure. 81 FR 27220, 27231 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the proposed definitions, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but CAGI commented that it was in agreement with DOE's
proposal for items on which it did not directly comment. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported
CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently, for the
reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting in this
final rule the definitions for actual volume flow rate and full-load
actual volume flow rate as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
8. Maximum Full-Flow Operating Pressure
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed ``maximum full-flow
operating pressure'' to mean the maximum discharge pressure at which
the compressor is capable of operating, as determined in accordance
with the test procedures proposed for 10 CFR 431.344.\6\ 81 FR 27220,
27231 (May 5, 2016).
\6\ A discussion of the test procedure to determine the maximum
full-flow operating pressure can be found in section III.E.9.
In response to the proposed definition, CAGI did not provide any
direct comments, but CAGI commented that it was in agreement with DOE's
proposal for items on which it did not directly comment. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported
CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently, for the
reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, in this final rule DOE
is adopting the definition for maximum full-flow operating pressure
proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
9. Lubricated Compressor
In the energy conservation standards NOPR, DOE proposed
``lubricated compressor'' to mean a compressor that introduces an
auxiliary substance into the compression chamber during compression. 81
FR 31680, 31698 (May 19, 2016). Analogously, DOE proposed ``lubricant-
free compressor'' to mean a compressor that does not introduce any
auxiliary substance into the compression chamber at any time during
operation. 81 FR 31680, 31698 (May 19, 2016). To support these
definitions, DOE proposed ``auxiliary substance'' to mean any substance
deliberately introduced into a compression process to aid in
compression of a gas by any of the following: Lubricating, sealing
mechanical clearances, and/or absorbing heat. 81 FR 31680, 31698 (May
19, 2016).
In the energy conservation standards NOPR, DOE discussed ISO
Standard 8573-1:2010, ``Compressed air--Part 1: Contaminants and purity
classes,'' (hereinafter referred to as ``ISO 8573-1:2010'') which is
used by industry to measure and describe the purity of air.\7\ DOE did
not propose to use ISO 8573-1:2010, but requested comment on the
suitability of using this standard to characterize compressors based on
the presence of lubricant in the compression chamber. 81 FR 31680,
31698 (May 19, 2016).
\7\ Available at:
In response, CAGI commented that ISO 8573-1:2010 is a standard for
measuring the quality of air and, as such, is not suitable for
determining the presence of lubricant in the compression chamber.
(EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, CAGI, No. 0052 at p. 10) Ingersoll Rand, Mattei
Compressors, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek commented in support of
CAGI's recommendations. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0055 at p. 1; Mattei
Compressors, No. 0063 at p. 2; Sullair, No. 0056 at p. 1; Sullivan-
Palatek, No. 0051 at p. 1) Beyond this commentary, CAGI provided no
comments or recommendations regarding the definitions of lubricated
compressor and lubricant-free compressor, as proposed in the energy
conservation standard NOPR. Kaeser Compressors commented that ISO 8573-
1:2010 is not suitable for defining a lubricated compressor and agreed
with DOE's approach in the NOPR regarding the definition of an
auxiliary substance without reference to ISO 8573-1:2010. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0044 at p. 21)
DOE agrees with the comments made by CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, Mattei
Compressors, Sullair, Sullivan-Palatek, and Kaeser Compressors, and
does not use ISO 8573-1:2010 in the definition of lubricated compressor
in this final rule. Additionally, due to the reasons established in the
test procedure NOPR, and due to support from Kaeser Compressors, in
this final rule DOE is adopting the definitions for lubricated
compressor, lubricant-free compressor, and auxiliary substance as
proposed in the energy conservation standards NOPR.
B. Scope of Applicability of the Test Procedure
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to limit the scope of
applicability of the compressors test procedures to compressors that
meet the following criteria:
Are air compressors;
are rotary or reciprocating compressors;
are driven by a brushless electric motor;
are distributed in commerce with a compressor motor
nominal horsepower greater than or equal to 1 hp and less than or equal
to 500 hp; and
operate at a full-load operating pressure of greater than
or equal to 31 pounds per square inch, gauge (``psig'') and less than
or equal to 225 psig;
The proposed test procedure NOPR scope directly aligned with the
scope of compressor equipment that DOE analyzed for the May 5, 2016
energy conservation standards NOPR for compressors. 81 FR 27220, 27224-
5. Similarly, in this final rule, DOE intends to directly align the
scope of the compressors test procedures with the scope of the
forthcoming energy conservation standards final rule. However, while
DOE intends the scope of the test procedures adopted in this final rule
to be consistent with that of any energy conservation standard that may
eventually be established for compressors, DOE notes that the scope of
any energy conservation standards will be established as part of a
separate rulemaking.
As such, based on comments received in response to both the test
procedure and energy conservation standards NOPR, the scope of this
test procedure final rule is limited to compressors that meet the
following criteria:
Are air compressors;
are rotary compressors;
are not liquid ring compressors;
are driven by a brushless electric motor;
are lubricated compressors;
have a full-load operating pressure of 75-200 psig;
are not designed and tested to the requirements of The
American Petroleum Institute standard 619, ``Rotary-Type Positive-
Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Petrochemical, and Natural Gas
Industries;'' and
have a capacity that is either:
o 10-200 compressor motor nominal horsepower (hp), or
[[Page 1059]]
o 35-1,250 full-load actual volume flow rate (cfm).
Detailed discussion of each of the scope limitations, associated
benefits and burdens, and interested party comments, are in the
subsections that follow.
1. Air Compressor Limitation
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to limit the scope of the
compressors test procedure to air compressors, as defined in section
In response to the 2012 NOPD, Ingersoll Rand commented that losses
in efficiency are often attributable to system-level losses as opposed
to package-level losses. Ingersoll Rand stated that, therefore, little
benefit would be achieved by regulating the compressor package alone
without providing guidance for the overall compressed air system.
(Docket No. EERE-2012-BT-DET-0033, Ingersoll Rand, No. 0004 at p. 2)
CAGI argued that estimating compressor energy consumption, alone, is
difficult because it is often operated in an ensemble of accompanying
equipment, including other compressors. (Docket No. EERE-2012-BT-DET-
0033, CAGI, No. 0003, at pp. 5-6)
In response to the more recent 2016 test procedure NOPR, CAGI and
Ingersoll Rand provided updated positions on the subject, and agreed
with DOE's proposal for items on which they did not directly comment.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 3; Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1) Sullivan-
Palatek and Sullair supported CAGI's comments. (Sullivan-Palatek, No.
0007 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1) CASTAIR disagreed with the
notion of efficiency standards for air compressors, arguing that DOE
should only regulate the manufacturers of bare compressors, as air
compressor assemblers have very little control over efficiency.
(CASTAIR, No. 0018 at p. 1)
In response to CASTAIR, the efficiency of an air compressor is not
solely a function of the bare compressor. As DOE discussed in the test
procedure NOPR, opportunities exist to select high efficiency motors,
drives (if applicable), mechanical equipment, and ancillary equipment
that affect efficiency. Further, proper sizing and integration of this
equipment also influences efficiency. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
specifically evaluated the option of regulating at the bare compressor
and packaged compressor level. For the reasons just mentioned, DOE
concluded that regulating a bare compressor would result in
significantly lower energy savings opportunity compared to the packaged
compressors. Further, DOE concluded that determining the energy
performance of the bare compressor alone would not be representative of
the energy consumption of the equipment under typical use conditions.
81 FR 27220, 27225 (May 5, 2016).
Based on these reasons and the support of many interested parties,
DOE maintains its NOPR proposal, and is limiting the scope of the
compressors test procedure final rule to air compressors as defined in
section III.A.2 of this final rule.
2. Rotary and Reciprocating Compressors
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to include only rotary and
reciprocating compressors within the scope of the test procedure, and
not to include dynamic compressors. 81 FR 27220, 27228 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the test procedure NOPR, the CA IOUs supported the
inclusion of reciprocating compressors in the scope of the test
procedure and recommended that DOE require testing and performance data
reporting for reciprocating compressors, noting that making their
performance data publicly available would be helpful for future
rulemakings and utility incentive programs. The CA IOUs recommended a
phased approach for reciprocating compressors to reduce the burden on
manufacturers, in which testing and reporting of performance data would
be required over a long period of time. (CA IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 4)
Sullair commented that any equipment covered by the test procedure
and not the standard presents a significant burden to the manufacturer
and a competitive advantage to competing unregulated technologies
without a resulting improvement in unit efficiency. (Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 3)
DOE agrees with the CA IOUs that establishing test procedures and
public reporting requirements for reciprocating compressors could be
helpful in future rulemakings and utility incentive programs. However,
in the energy conservation standards NOPR, DOE concluded that energy
conservation standards for reciprocating compressors are not
economically justified at this time; as such, DOE did not propose
energy conservation standards for reciprocating compressors. 81 FR
31680 (May 19, 2016). As discussed previously, and in agreement with
Sullair's comments, DOE concludes that in the absence of existing or
proposed energy conservation standards for reciprocating equipment,
establishing a test procedure to measure performance of such equipment
is not warranted at this time. Further, DOE concludes that the burdens
associated with such a test procedure, as discussed by Sullair,
outweigh any potential benefits at this time. Consequently, in this
final rule, DOE is adopting test methods applicable only to certain
rotary compressors and is not adopting any testing requirements for
reciprocating compressors at this time.
In response to the concurrent energy conservation standards
rulemaking, ASAP, NEEA, NWPCC, CA IOUs, and Sullivan-Palatek suggested
that DOE's consideration of reciprocating compressors as one,
monolithic category may be inappropriate, as reciprocating compressors
are built to a wide range of efficiencies, intended duty cycles, and
configurations based on capacity. Further, Sullivan-Palatek suggested
that a fraction of compressors in the reciprocating market are likely
to be used in industrial settings and may be worth considering
separately from the rest. (EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, NEEA and NWPCC, No.
0057 at pp. 1-2; Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, ASAP, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0044 at pp. 151-152; Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040,
CA IOUs, No. 0059 at p. 3; Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Sullivan-
Palatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0044 at pp. 67-68, 84-85, 87,
112-113, 114, 115-116) DOE acknowledges these suggestions and concludes
that separately reassessing certain segments of the reciprocating
marketing may lead DOE to a better informed assessment of the burdens
and benefits of test procedures and energy conservation standards for
reciprocating compressors. However, at this time, insufficient data
exists to perform such a specific characterization of the reciprocating
market, as noted by NEEA. (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, NEEA,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0044 at pp. 123-124) Consequently, DOE
concludes the most suitable path forward is to explore the
appropriateness of test procedures and energy conservation standards
for reciprocating compressors in a future, separate rulemaking.
As a point of clarification, DOE notes that compressors that
combine more than one type of compression principle (e.g., rotary and
reciprocating elements within a single compressor package) do not meet
DOE's adopted definition of rotary compressor, and, therefore, are
subject to the test procedures adopted in this final rule.
As noted in section III.A.4, liquid ring compressors meet the
definition of a rotary compressor. Specifically, ISO
[[Page 1060]]
1217:2009(E), as amended,\8\ defines ``liquid ring compressor'' as a
machine with a rotating impeller with protruding blades eccentrically
mounted in a stationary round housing or centrally mounted in a
stationary elliptical housing.
\8\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic.
For details on ISO 1217:2009(E) and Amendment 1:2016, see III.D and
In this final rule, DOE is explicitly excluding liquid ring
compressors from the scope of applicability of this test procedure.
Although liquid ring compressors are rotary compressors, they provide a
unique utility for applications that require a durable compressor
tolerant of dirty input air and ingested liquid. Due to this utility
and construction, liquid ring compressors require test methods
different from those proposed in the test procedure NOPR. Specifically,
ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended,\9\ specifies that due to their
configuration, liquid ring compressors should be tested to Annex A,
which provides testing methods and accuracy tolerances that differ from
those contained in the sections that DOE proposed to incorporate by
reference in the test procedure NOPR. As a result, DOE concludes that
it is not appropriate to include liquid ring compressors in the scope
of this test procedure final rule. However, DOE retains the authority
to evaluate and propose appropriate test methods for liquid ring
compressors in future rulemakings.
\9\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic.
3. Driver Style
a. Electric Motor- and Engine-Driven Compressors
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to limit the scope of the
compressors test procedure to only compressors driven by electric
motors. In response, EEI expressed disappointment that the scope of the
proposed energy conservation standard for compressors and, by
extension, the test procedure was not fuel-neutral, noting that there
are compressors driven by natural gas. (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-
0040, EEI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0044 at p. 5)
In response to EEI's comment, DOE considered engine-driven
compressors in the February 5, 2014 Framework document for compressors
and discussed these extensively in the May 5, 2016 test procedure NOPR.
79 FR 6839 and 81 FR 27220. Specifically, in the test procedure NOPR,
DOE concluded that the inclusion of engine-driven compressors was not
appropriate for various reasons, including their differing utility as
compared to electric compressors, their existing coverage under the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Tier 4 emissions regulations,
and the limited test data available under Annex D of ISO 1217:2009(E)
to verify suitability as a DOE test procedure. For these reasons, DOE
noted that engine-driven compressors would more appropriately be
considered as part of a future rulemaking. 81 FR 27220, 27229 (May 5,
2016). DOE continues to conclude that engine-driven compressors are
unique equipment with different performance, applications, and test
requirements from air compressors driven by electric motors. However,
as noted in the test procedure NOPR, DOE currently lacks the
performance data and product information to develop and validate such
procedures. Therefore, DOE continues to conclude engine-driven
compressors would be more appropriately addressed as part of a separate
rulemaking specifically considering such equipment. As such, DOE is
limiting the scope of this compressors test procedure final rule to
only compressors driven by electric motors.
b. Electric Motor Varieties
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed limiting the scope of the
compressors test procedures to only compressors driven by brushless
electric motors, as defined in section III.A.5. Further, DOE discussed
the differences between brushed and brushless motors and noted that
brushed motors are uncommon in compressors with significant operating
hours due to higher maintenance requirements, lower efficiency,
acoustic noise, and electrical arcing. However, DOE noted that
compressors with brushed motors could be considered in the future as
part of a separate rulemaking. 81 FR 27220, 27229 (May 5, 2016).
In response to DOE's test procedure NOPR, NEEA stated that
manufacturers may avoid regulation by changing the motor technology.
(NEEA, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 56) In response, DOE
reiterates that brushed motors are uncommon in compressors with
significant potential energy savings (i.e., high operating hours) due
to higher maintenance costs, short operating lives, significant
acoustic noise, and electrical arcing. For these reasons, DOE concludes
that brushed motors are not a viable substitution risk for compressors
within the scope of the compressor test procedures.
In a joint comment, ASAP and NEEA recommended that DOE expand the
scope of the test procedures so that it includes all kinds of electric
motors, rather than exclusively covering brushless motors. ASAP and
NEEA reasoned that the test procedures should be broad so that they
could be applicable to possible future energy conservation standards
and could be used to collect a wide range of compressor performance
data. (ASAP and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 1)
In response, DOE acknowledges the potential benefits of
standardized test procedures and reporting requirements in making
available consistent performance information for utility programs and
consumers. However, with these potential benefits come potential
burdens. If DOE were to include this equipment in the scope of the test
procedures and require reporting of performance data, the burden would
be significant, as most brushed motor compressors are not currently
tested for efficiency. Consequently, manufacturers of this equipment,
many of which are small, would face significant third-party testing
costs or test lab development costs. Alternatively, DOE could adopt
optional testing and certification requirements for brushed motor
compressors. However, doing so may not have the desired effect of
making more certified performance data available, as this equipment is
not currently tested and energy performance is not currently
represented. Therefore, based on this discussion, at this time, the
burden associated with establishing testing requirements for brushed
motor compressors outweigh the associated benefits.
4. Compressor Capacity
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to limit the scope of the
test procedures to compressors that met the following capacity
Compressor motor nominal horsepower of 1-500 hp.
full-load operating pressure 31-225 psig.
81 FR 27220, 27230 (May 5, 2016).
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE did not propose scope restrictions
based on the actual volume flow rate (expressed in cfm).
As noted in the test procedure NOPR, the intent of the compressor
capacity criteria used to establish the scope of the test procedures
was to encompass the majority of the rotary and reciprocating
compressor market
[[Page 1061]]
intended for use in non-specialty applications. 81 FR 27220, 27224-
27230 (May 5, 2016). However, in the test procedure NOPR, DOE noted
that most equipment operating at an output pressure of greater than 215
psig is highly engineered equipment, primarily used in specialty
applications. DOE also recognized that there are relatively few
compressed air applications in the 31 to 79 psig range. 81 FR 27220,
27230 (May 5, 2016).
a. Compressor Motor Nominal Horsepower Limitations
In response to the proposed compressor motor nominal horsepower
scope of 1-500 hp, CAGI recommended limiting the scope of the test
procedures to compressors with compressor nominal motor horsepower of
10-200 hp. CAGI suggested that the inclusion of larger compressors
(i.e., greater than 200 hp) would be burdensome and cause problems with
certification and enforcement as they are infrequently built and often
customized. Further, CAGI noted that while the test procedures are
technically appropriate for 1-500 hp compressors, the data upon which
the energy conservation standard regression curves were developed is
not readily available for smaller and larger compressors. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 6) Kaeser Compressors, Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-
Palatek supported CAGI's scope suggestion, while Scales Industrial
Technologies suggested a horsepower scope of 15-200 or 250 hp.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 1-8;
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at pp. 1, 3; Scales Industrial Technologies,
No. 0013 at pp. 3, 7; Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 0016 at p. 46; Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp.
40-41, 47; Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p.
56; Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 53)
Compressed Air Systems commented that there are few 1-hp rotary
compressors manufactured and suggested that the test procedures burden
would outweigh the energy savings potential. (Compressed Air Systems,
No. 0008 at p. 1) Sullair agrees that the test procedure for low
horsepower compressors would be burdensome, but commented that the
volume of compressors manufactured in the low horsepower range are
high. (Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 5-6) P. R. China also commented that
the DOE did not provide adequate justification to include low
horsepower compressors in the scope of the test procedure. (P. R.
China, No. 0019 at p. 3) P. R. China further stated that, in accordance
with Article 2.5 of the TBT Agreement, they are entitled to an
explanation for the justification for a technical regulation that may
impact the trade opportunities of those in the agreement. (P. R. China,
No. 0019 at p. 3) DOE interprets P. R. China's comments as challenging
the rationale of including small capacity compressors with small
nominal horsepower motors in the scope of the test procedure NOPR.
Sullair suggested that the testing burden associated with including
rotary compressors less than 10 hp and greater than 200 hp in scope
would create an unfair competitive advantage for non-regulated
competing equipment; specifically, reciprocating or scroll compressors
on the low end and centrifugal compressors on the high end. Sullair
indicated that such burden may completely eliminate the larger rotary
screw compressors from the market and significantly hurt the sales of
the smaller ones. (Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 2-3, 5-6) Kaeser
Compressors indicated similar concerns of product substitution, citing
350 hp, rather than 200 hp. (Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 51) Beyond the financial burden, CAGI and
Sullair commented about the difficulty of testing large compressors
over 200 horsepower. Specifically, Sullair stated that the test
equipment and environmental chamber required for compressors above 200
horsepower are unreasonably costly. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 4; CAGI,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 50)
Kaeser Compressors further stated that compressor customization,
such as customer-driven motor substitutions or modifications due to
unique environments, are more common on units above 300 hp. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 46) CAGI,
Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek made similar comments, noting that large
horsepower compressors are more frequently customized. Sullair and
Sullivan-Palatek defined large horsepower compressors as compressors
with greater than 200 horsepower. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 6; Sullair, No.
0006 at p. 4; Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 7-8; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007
at p. 3)
Additionally, CAGI cited that its current Performance Verification
Program covers compressors with motor power of 5-200 hp. CAGI clarified
that manufacturers may publicly rate equipment beyond 200 hp with the
CAGI performance data sheet; however, this equipment is not subject to
the CAGI Performance Verification Program. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 50, 54-55) Conversely, Atlas Copco and the
CA IOUs recommended that DOE expand the scope of the test procedures to
equipment with compressor motor horsepower greater than 500 hp, with
Atlas Copco citing harmonization with the draft EU standard for
compressors and noting that the ISO 1217:2009(E) standard is applicable
to compressors above 500 horsepower. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 11;
CA IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 4)
In response to the 2012 NOPD, EEI argued that large electric motors
(i.e., of greater than 500 horsepower), relative to other sizes,
carried the greatest per-unit energy consumption and tended to be
operated at high duty cycles. EEI noted that this tendency to operate
at high duty cycles may simplify development of a test procedure and
that, on the account of both test procedure simplicity and large unit
energy consumption, DOE should prioritize large compressors and common
gases. (Docket No. EERE-2012-BT-DET-0033, EEI, No. 0009, at p. 8)
In summary, one group of commenters (CAGI, Compressed Air Systems,
Kaeser Compressors, Ingersoll Rand, P. R. China, Scales Industrial
Technologies, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek) favors a significant
reduction in compressor motor nominal horsepower scope (to
approximately 10-200 hp, depending on commenter). This group suggests
that significant test burden would be incurred if the smaller and
larger horsepower range were to be kept in scope, and this burden could
lead to competitive advantage for unregulated compressors. This group
also cites weakness in the data used to evaluate less than 10 hp
compressors in the energy conservation standards NOPR as a reason to
limit the lower horsepower range. Another group (Atlas Copco, CA IOUs,
and EEI) favors expansion of scope to all equipment for which the test
method is technically applicable. EEI, while not outright calling to
exclude lower horsepower ratings, implies that DOE's first attention
should go to larger compressors.
In general, DOE agrees with the concerns that the representations,
sampling, and enforcement provisions proposed in the test procedure
NOPR may cause significant burden for compressors greater than 200 hp,
as many of the larger horsepower models are custom or infrequently
built and typically not available for testing. Additionally, DOE agrees
with Kaeser Compressors and Sullair that DOE's proposed inclusion of
small (less than 10 hp) and larger (greater than 200 hp) rotary
compressors, could create a competitive disadvantage for
[[Page 1062]]
manufacturers of these compressors, as centrifugal, reciprocating, and
scroll compressors of the same horsepower do not have the same testing
and representations requirements. Furthermore, DOE concludes that this
competitive advantage may incentivize end users to switch from a
regulated (rotary) to an unregulated (centrifugal and reciprocating)
compressor, thus creating an unfair and undue burden on certain
In response to Atlas Copco and the CA IOUs suggestions to expand
scope, DOE acknowledges the potential benefits of standardized test
procedures and reporting requirements in making available consistent
performance information for utility programs and consumers. However,
DOE also recognizes that with these potential benefits come potential
burdens. Based on the comments received and the discussion in this
section, DOE concludes that the burden of testing requirements on
compressors certain smaller and larger compressors outweigh the
benefits. DOE acknowledges that multiple recommendations for horsepower
limitations were put forward. Of the commenters supporting a reduction
in horsepower cost, the overwhelming majority recommended the 10-200 hp
range. For these reasons, DOE is limiting the scope of the test
procedures to only compressors with 10-200 compressor nominal motor
horsepower. DOE notes that this limitation on compressor nominal motor
horsepower is coupled with a limit of compressor full-load actual
volume flow rate, as discussed in section III.B.4.b.
b. Full-Load Actual Volume Flow Rate Limitations
CAGI and Sullair commented that the absence of a maximum airflow
limit may encourage manufacturers of compressors to equip units with
higher horsepower motors than the unit requires to avoid regulatory
coverage. CAGI and Sullair then suggested that DOE adopt a hybrid scope
limitation. Specifically, CAGI proposed a horsepower range of 10-200 hp
or an actual volume flow rate range of 35-1,250 cfm. Sullair proposed a
horsepower range of 10-200 hp or, an actual volume flow rate of 30-
1,250 cfm (whichever is less). (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, CAGI,
No. 0052 at p. 9; Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 2, 4-5; Docket No. EERE-
2013-BT-STD-0040, Sullair, No. 0056 at pp. 9-10; Docket No. EERE-2013-
BT-STD-0040, Sullair, No. 0056 at p. 11; Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-
0040, Sullair, No. 0056 at pp. 11-12; Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040,
Sullair, No. 0056 at p. 13) CAGI's position is supported by Ingersoll
Rand, Kaeser Compressors, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek. (Docket No.
EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Ingersoll Rand, No. 0055 at p. 1; Docket No.
EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Kaeser Compressors, No. 0053 at p. 1; Docket No.
EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Sullair, No. 0056 at p. 1; Docket No. EERE-2013-
BT-STD-0040, Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0051 at p. 1)
DOE agrees with CAGI and Sullair that, by not limiting flow rate,
manufacturers could conceivably circumvent the intent of compressor
regulations by using a motor of horsepower slightly greater than 200
hp. For example, two similar compressors, one with a 200 hp motor and
one with a 225 hp motor, would supply nearly identical flow rates and
pressure (i.e., utility) to the end user, however the compressor
equipped with the 225 hp motor would not be subject to the test
procedure, as proposed in the NOPR. In DOE's view, any alteration in
flow rate directly impacts consumer utility. Additionally, a flow
limitation is consistent with the EU Lot 31 draft standard, which
proposes to regulate compressors with airflow of between 5 and 1,280
liters per second (l/s) (approximately 10.6-2,712 cfm).
A review of all available CAGI performance data sheets indicates
that the flow rate ranges recommended by CAGI and Sullair are
reasonable. The full-load actual volume flow rate range of 35-1,250 cfm
is slightly broader than the compressor motor nominal horsepower range
of 10-200 hp; i.e., the flow range encompasses slightly more compressor
models. This aligns with the intent of the recommendations put forth by
CAGI and Sullair. Specifically, the full-load actual volume flow rate
range of 35-1,250 cfm incorporates 9.2 percent more fixed-speed
compressors and 2.9 percent more variable-speed compressors as subject
to the test procedure than would otherwise be included with the
compressor motor nominal horsepower range of 10-200 hp alone. For the
reasons outlined in this section, in this final rule, DOE adopts a
coupled airflow and horsepower limit, as recommended by Sullair and
CAGI. DOE notes that the recommendations from Sullair and CAGI are not
completely aligned, with Sullair recommending a lower limit of 30 cfm
and CAGI recommending a lower limit of 35 cfm. Given general support by
Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser Compressors, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek for
CAGI's recommendations, DOE is adopting the lower limit of 35 cfm.
Specifically, the test procedure applies to compressors with either a
nominal horsepower of 10-200 horsepower or a full-load actual volume
flow rate between 35-1,250 cubic feet per minute.
c. Full-Load Operating Pressure Limitations
In response to the operating pressure range proposed in the test
procedure NOPR, CAGI suggested reducing the range to compressors with a
full-load operating pressure of 75-200 psig, noting that outside this
range, the package isentropic efficiency of a compressor is no longer
independent of pressure. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 6) Ingersoll Rand,
Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI's position. (Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek,
No. 0007 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 3; Sullivan-Palatek,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 40) CAGI further stated that
their recommended pressure range of 75-200 psig covers the primary
market for rotary compressors, which the DOE defines as 80-139 psig
according to the NOPR. (CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p.
40) Jenny Products also recommended a range of 75-200 psig and stated
that nearly all of the compressors sold in commerce would be covered
under this range. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 3)
Atlas Copco asserted that it is incorrect for DOE to state that
isentropic efficiency is independent of pressure. Instead, Atlas Copco
commented that the correct statement is that isentropic efficiency is
less dependent on pressure than specific energy is dependent on
pressure. To support this assertion, Atlas Copco provided a chart of
pressure versus isentropic efficiency, for what DOE infers to be a
single compressor. Atlas Copco further stated that the chart shows the
relative independence of isentropic efficiency with respect to outlet
pressure between 80-170 psig (7-15 bar),\10\ which was the motivation
for the air compressor industry to use isentropic efficiency in Lot 31.
(Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 16-17) DOE notes that Atlas Copco's unit
conversions are incorrect; 80 to 170 psig does not convert to 7 to 15
bar (g), rather this range converts to 5.5 to 11.7 bar (g) (or 6.5 to
12.7 bar absolute), which is inconsistent with the scope proposed in
the EU Lot 31 draft standard.\11\ In the EU draft standard, the
[[Page 1063]]
European Commission proposed to establish a scope of 7 to 14 bar (g),
which converts to 101.5 to 203.1 psig.
\10\ The commenter did not specify whether it meant absolute or
gauge pressure. DOE's response in the following sentence addresses
both possibilities.
\11\ Available at:
In response, DOE acknowledges the commenters concerns that package
isentropic efficiency may not be pressure independent at the lower and
upper regions of the 31 to 225 psig full-load operating pressure scope,
as DOE had originally assumed in the test procedure and energy
conservation standards NOPR. As discussed previously, CAGI, Ingersoll
Rand, Sullivan-Palatek, and Sullair suggested 75 to 200 psig as the
range over which package isentropic efficiency can be considered
relatively independent of pressure. Alternatively, Atlas Copco
suggested that 80 to 170 psig (7 to 15 bar) [sic] as the range over
which the dependence of isentropic efficiency on outlet pressure is
limited. However, as discussed previously, Atlas Copco's unit
conversions were inaccurate and their suggested range does not align
with the scope proposed in the EU Lot 31 draft standard. Based these
ambiguities, DOE cannot directly consider Atlas Copco's recommendation
when considering the range for which package isentropic efficiency can
be considered independent of full-load operating pressure. As such, DOE
defers to the recommendation of CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, Sullivan-Palatek,
and Sullair, and concludes that package isentropic efficiency can be
considered independent of full-load operating pressure at full-load
operating pressures between 75 and 200 psig. DOE notes that the EU
draft standard proposed to establish a scope of 101.5 to 203.1
psig,\12\ and concluded that isentropic efficiency is independent of
pressure within this range of full-load operating pressure. Part of
DOE's rationale for selecting package isentropic efficiency as a test
metric for compressors, as explained in the test procedure NOPR, was
that package isentropic efficiency was believed to be pressure
independent--meaning that attainable package isentropic efficiency
varies as function of flow, but not pressure. 81 FR 27220, 27232 (May
5, 2016) and 81 FR 31680, 31705 (May 19, 2016). DOE values dependence
on one parameter (flow) rather than two (flow and pressure), as it
reduces the complexity (and ultimately the burden) of the related
energy conservation standards and analyses. DOE's intent in the test
procedure NOPR was to limit the scope to those compressors for which
package isentropic efficiency and pressure are independent. However,
given the new information (i.e., pressure dependence at certain full-
load operating pressures), DOE acknowledges that package isentropic
efficiency may not be the most appropriate metric to describe the
energy performance of such equipment, and further investigation is
necessary. Therefore, in this final rule, DOE is limiting the scope of
the test procedures to compressors within a full-load operating
pressure range of 75-200 psig. However, in the future DOE may further
investigate package isentropic efficiency and other metrics to
determine if they are appropriate for compressors outside this range.
Further discussion related to DOE's selection of package isentropic
efficiency as a metric can be found in section III.C.1.
\12\ For copies of the EU Lot 31 draft regulation:
DOE notes that Scales Industrial Technologies commented that the
scope should be limited to a narrower range of 80-125 psig, commenting
that a narrower range may provide more meaningful results and have less
effect on isentropic efficiency. (Scales Industrial Technologies, No.
0013, p. 4) While Scales Industrial Technologies may be correct that a
narrower range would have less effect on isentropic efficiency, DOE
concludes, based on the input of CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, Sullivan-
Palatek, Sullair, and Atlas Copco, as well as the precedent established
by the draft EU Lot 31 regulation, that isentropic efficiency can be
considered comparable and meaningful beyond the 80 to 125 psig range.
5. Lubricant Presence
As discussed in section III.A.9, in this final rule DOE adopts the
definition proposed in the energy conservation standards NOPR for
lubricated compressor as one that introduces an auxiliary substance
into the compression chamber during compression. In this final rule,
DOE also defines lubricant-free compressor and auxiliary substance. In
the test procedure NOPR, DOE did not propose limiting scope based on
lubrication; as such, the proposed scope implicitly included both
lubricated and lubricant-free compressors. 81 FR 27220 (May 5, 2016).
In response to DOE's proposal, Atlas Copco, CAGI, and Kaeser
Compressors noted that other technology options that are outside the
scope of the test procedure, such as turbo compressors, centrifugal
compressors, and other styles of dynamic compressors, will present
themselves as viable alternatives to lubricant-free compressors and are
risks for unregulated product substitution. (EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040,
Atlas Copco, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0044 at p. 58) Furthermore,
Kaeser Compressors noted that the draft EU standard for compressors
excluded lubricant-free compressors due to the risk of product
substitution and lack of available data. CAGI and Kaeser recommended
that DOE exclude lubricant-free compressors so that the DOE can
harmonize with the draft EU compressor standard's approach for
lubricant-free compressors. (EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, CAGI, No. 0052 at
p. 12; EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Kaeser Compressors, No. 0053 at p. 1)
DOE agrees with comments made by Atlas Copco, CAGI, and Kaeser that
there is a risk of product substitution to unregulated technologies,
which do not have the burden of representing efficiency in accordance
to the proposed test procedure. DOE acknowledges that, in effect, the
inclusion of lubricant-free rotary compressors gives unregulated
technologies a competitive advantage in the marketplace in that they
are free to represent efficiency in a less burdensome fashion. DOE also
acknowledges an argument made by CAGI, which point out that the
shipments volume of lubricant-free rotary compressors and dynamic
compressors are approximately equal, yet DOE excluded centrifugal
compressors from the scope of the test procedure on the basis of low
shipment volume. (EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, CAGI, No. 0052 at p. 12) 81 FR
27220, 27228 (May 5, 2016).
DOE also received many comments related to the appropriateness and
applicability of the variable-speed compressors test method and metric
(part-load package isentropic efficiency) to lubricant-free
compressors. In general, commenters expressed concern that many
lubricant-free compressors are unable to operate at the 40 percent flow
load point, and as such, suggested that the test procedure, as proposed
in the test procedure NOPR is not appropriate or applicable to
lubricant-free compressors. A full discussion of these comments and
their relationship to scope is found in section III.C.1, which
discusses, in the depth, the metric and load points proposed in the
test procedure NOPR. As a result of the discussions provided in section
III.C.1, DOE is limiting the scope of the test procedure final rule to
lubricated compressors only.
6. Specialty-Purpose Compressors
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE made no specific scope exclusion
[[Page 1064]]
what the compressor industry refers to as ``customized'' or
``specialty-purpose'' compressors. In response, DOE received many
comments recommending that it expressly exclude specialty-purpose
compressors from the scope of the test procedure. Additionally, many
commenters suggested that DOE establish criteria to exclude customized
compressors that are created by modifying a standard compressor.
Sullivan-Palatek commented that compressor products usually start
with the basic package, but often substitute non-standard electric
motors, controls or coolers and add numerous other options and features
specified by the customer or required by the location in which the
compressor is installed. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 22)
Sullair provided examples of custom requirements, such as sump
heating, extra fans, and special marine applications for which motors
have to be built (American Bureau of Shipping), and noted that these
frequently increase package energy consumption. (Sullair, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 113)
Atlas Copco commented that the test procedures proposed in the NOPR
applied to both standard compressor packages and custom compressor
packages, and the latter often have unusual combinations of ancillary
equipment. Atlas Copco provided examples of custom equipment, including
customized liquid cooling systems, drive systems, safety systems,
filtration systems, dryers, heaters, and air receiver/surge tanks.
Atlas Copco also noted that each type of customization can have a
significant impact on the energy efficiency of the total compressor
system. Ultimately, Atlas Copco suggested that applying the proposed
test procedure to custom orders for compressor packages was unduly
burdensome to conduct and inappropriate under section 343(a)(2) of
EPCA. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 4-7)
To address the industry concerns over the testing of customized and
specialty-purpose compressors, CAGI recommended that the list of
ancillary equipment they provided (see section III.A.3.b and Table
III.1) should exclude all options or modifications required to meet
specific customer requirements or other codified standards where these
options or modifications are made to an existing tested model and do
not create in and of themselves a new model. Examples may include
options or modifications required to meet hazardous locations,
breathing air, marine environments, ambient conditions above 45 [deg]C
or below 0 [deg]C, weather protection, etc. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 4)
Sullair agreed with CAGI's recommendation and provided additional
examples of custom requirements, including hazardous locations or
corrosive environments (as specified by the standard known as
Atmosph[egrave]res Explosibles, or ``ATEX'') \13\ or issued by the
American Petroleum Institute (``API''), the Mine Safety and Health
Administration (``MSHA''), etc.), marine environments, alternate
cooling methods (remote coolers, water cooled, closed loop cooling,
etc.), ambient conditions exceeding 45 [deg]C, ambient conditions below
5 [deg]C, energy or heat recovery options, environmental protections
(NEMA 4, IEC 65, etc.), and dimensional changes or enclosure
modifications. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 8)
\13\ ATEX is the common industry phrasing for European
Parliament and Council Directive 2014/34/EU of 26 February 2014,
which governs equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres. The term ``ATEX'' is a
portmanteau of ``atmosph[egrave]res explosibles'', French for
``explosive atmospheres.''
In its comments, Sullivan-Palatek strongly urged the DOE to limit
testing and sampling to the basic package as defined by CAGI. It also
recommended that DOE permit add-ons and alterations to basic packages
so that specialty products offered to the end-user customer base in the
past can continue in the future. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 4)
As discussed in sections III.A.3.b and III.E.3, DOE is
incorporating CAGI's recommended list of equipment (with certain
modifications) to define the minimum testing configuration for a
compressor basic model. DOE believes that the incorporation of this
recommendation effectively excludes, from the scope of the test
procedure, customized or specialty-purpose equipment that is created by
adding additional equipment to what the industry refers to as a
standard or basic package compressor.
Based on DOE's interpretation of the comments described above, two
additional concerns remain: (1) Specialty-purpose equipment that is
created by modifying or replacing equipment on a standard package
compressor, and (2) specialty-purpose equipment that is not a
derivative of other standard equipment. However, DOE notes that the
commenters provided no specific examples of specialty-purpose
compressors that have been distributed in commerce, nor did they
provide any direct or quantitative evidence that such compressors
consume more energy and are more burdensome to test than their
``general-purpose'' counterparts (beyond noting that more models may
need to be certified). Regardless, given the commenters' concerns, DOE
performed research (using interested party comments as a starting
point) to determine if any additional scope exclusions are warranted.
Specifically, DOE was able to identify 10 applications and feature
categories that could possibly be used to characterize specialty-
purpose compressors in the compressor industry:
(1) Corrosive Environments
(2) Hazardous Environments (combustion and/or explosion risk)
(3) Extreme Temperatures
(4) Marine Environments
(5) Weather-protected
(6) Mining Environments
(7) Military Applications
(8) Food Service Applications
(9) Medical Air Applications
(10) Petroleum, Gas, and Chemical Applications
Given the concerns raised by commenters, DOE established three
specific criteria to help determine if test procedure exclusions are
warranted for each of the aforementioned applications and feature
categories. A compressor category must meet all criteria to be
considered for exclusion.
The first criterion, distinguishability, is that compressors under
consideration must be able to be distinguished from general-purpose
compressors. In this case, to be distinguishable extends beyond being
able to identify any difference whatsoever. Specifically,
distinguishability is determined in the context of the test procedure.
DOE's test procedure final rule contains instructions regarding
compressor configuration during testing. During a test, only specific
components are required to be connected; manufacturers may remove non-
required components at their option. If the specialized nature of a
compressor arises from a non-required component, manufacturers have the
option to remove its influence on compressor performance. In that
scenario, the specialty compressor, from the perspective of the test
procedure, has collapsed to a general-purpose unit with no remaining
distinction. In considering whether a compressor meets the
distinguishability criterion, DOE will assess whether the specialized
nature of the compressor arises from components or configurations that
are removable or reconfigurable under the specific provisions of DOE's
As stated previously, DOE is incorporating CAGI's recommended list
of equipment (with certain modifications), so the only specialty-
[[Page 1065]]
purpose compressors that could warrant exclusion are those that are
created by modifying or replacing equipment on a standard package
compressor, and specialty-purpose equipment that is not derivative of
other standard equipment.
Under the second criterion, manufacturers must currently make
public representations for the specific category of compressors using
test procedure metrics. This criterion establishes the need to use the
test procedure for the specific category. Absent an energy conservation
standard, the test procedure is needed only to measure metrics used in
representations of compressor performance. If manufacturers make no
representations for a specific category of compressors, the existence
of a test procedure has no impact on them. Sullivan-Palatek commented
that manufacturers typically do not publish CAGI datasheets for models
that are variations of a basic package. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at
p.4) This suggests that it is rare for manufacturers to make public
representations of the performance for specialty-purpose compressors.
The third criterion is that it must be impractical to apply the
test procedure to compressors in the specific category, because an
attribute of the compressor renders testing technically impossible or
possible only with major modification, or because the test procedure
produces non-representative results for the specific category of
compressor. This criterion establishes that there is a technical
impediment to using the test procedure with the specific category of
DOE performed research, using publicly available data, on each of
the categories to determine if exclusions are warranted. In the
following paragraphs, DOE discusses findings for each of the
aforementioned ten specialty applications.
Corrosive Environments
Corrosive environments can be damaging to both the external
components of a compressor and the internal components, if corrosive
agents are ingested with the air. DOE's research indicated that
corrosive agents are found in a wide range of varieties and severities.
Certain corrosive agents may harm some materials but not others.
Compressors may be adapted to corrosive environments by using
special materials, having special coatings, using additional intake air
filtration, or using special or remote enclosures to isolate the
compressor from the corrosive environment. However, most requirements
for corrosive environments are customer-specific, making it difficult
to create a generalized scope exclusion. Some end users also use
general-purpose compressors in a corrosive environment, opting to
replace the compressor at an earlier interval instead of purchasing a
more expensive compressor that can last longer in the corrosive
Based on this information, DOE does not believe that all corrosive
environment compressors meet the first criterion of distinguishability;
however certain corrosive environment compressors utilizing special
materials and/or coatings may be distinguishable.
DOE did not find any public representations of the performance for
compressors designed for corrosive environments, suggesting that
representations are not commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for compressors designed for corrosive environments,
because these compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose
Therefore, because manufacturers do not appear to make
representations of performance for these compressors and there is no
technical impediment to testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE finds no cause to exclude compressors adapted to
corrosive environments from the scope of this final rule.
Hazardous Environments
Hazardous environments include those in which there is the
possibility of combustion or explosion. Compressors may be adapted to
hazardous environments through modified electrical components and
enclosures that protect against sparks and high temperatures. At least
some of these components need to be included as part of the basic
package during testing. Several standards specify the type and level of
precautions required for these environments, so certification with one
or more of these could be a method for defining the scope of exclusion.
For these reasons, DOE finds that hazardous environment compressors
meet the first criterion of distinguishability. Hazardous environment
compressors are designated as such by independent agencies such as UL,
and given a rating that corresponds to the specific attributes of the
hazardous environment for which the unit is being certified.
DOE did not find any public representations of the performance for
compressors designed for hazardous environments, suggesting that
representations are not commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for compressors designed for hazardous environments,
because these compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose
Therefore, because manufacturers do not appear to make
representations of performance for these compressors and there is no
technical impediment to testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE finds no cause to exclude compressors adapted to operate
in hazardous environments from the scope of this final rule.
Extreme Temperatures
CAGI and Sullair identified the need to exclude compressors used in
extreme temperatures. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 4; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 8)
For high-temperature extremes, both commenters identified temperatures
above 45 [deg]C. For low-temperature extremes, Sullair indicated
temperatures below 5 [deg]C, while CAGI indicated temperatures below 0
[deg]C. DOE notes that CAGI and Sullair did not present any
standardized tests or inspections that might be used to uniformly
classify a non-extreme temperature range for compressors.
In the absence of that information, DOE performed research and
found neither industry-accepted, standardized test methods to determine
allowable operating temperature, nor any industry-accepted
certification programs to classify compressors for extreme
temperatures. DOE also researched what types of modification and
components might be employed to adapt compressors for extremely high-
and low-temperature environments. For lower temperatures, a variety of
heating devices may be used to heat the compressor package in various
ways--such equipment is not required as a part of test procedure
testing configuration and is, therefore, not a distinguishing feature.
In hotter environments, compressors may employ larger output air
heat exchangers and associated fans. Unlike package heating and
cooling, heat exchangers and fans are part of the test configuration.
However, manufacturers may employ larger heat exchangers and fans for a
variety of reasons, e.g. recovering waste heat for use in space
heating. Furthermore, heat exchanger and fan size (as compared to
compressor capacity) is not a standardized feature across the
compressor industry, with different manufacturers choosing different-
sized components to meet their specific design goals. Consequently, DOE
is unable to establish a clear threshold to delineate larger heat
exchangers and fans employed for high
[[Page 1066]]
temperature applications. Furthermore, doing so opens a significant
circumvention risk, as manufacturers could purposely substitute larger
heat exchangers and fans in order to exclude compressors from
regulation. For these reasons, DOE concludes that compressors designed
for extreme temperature operation are not clearly distinguishable from
general-purpose compressors.
DOE also did not find any public representations of the performance
for compressors designed for extreme temperatures, suggesting that
representations are not commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for compressors designed for extreme temperatures,
because these compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose
Therefore, because (a) it is difficult to clearly identify
compressors for extreme temperatures; (b) manufacturers do not appear
to make representations of performance for these compressors; and (c)
there is no technical impediment to testing these compressors with the
test procedure, DOE does not find cause to exclude compressors adapted
to extreme temperatures from the scope of this final rule.
Marine Environments
Marine air compressors are intended for use aboard ships, offshore
platforms, and similar environments. In general, DOE found this to be a
very broad category of compressors. There are a wide variety of
standards for these applications, but many of the requirements are
customer-specific, making it difficult to clearly identify the scope
for exclusion. Marine compressors may be space constrained if installed
on ships. However, this may not always be the case, and some marine
environments may be able to utilize general-purpose compressors.
Further, DOE found no way to clearly distinguish, from general-purpose
compressors, those that are specifically developed for constrained
spaces. DOE's research found that other items, such as saltwater
coolers, may be employed on marine air compressors, however, this
equipment does not need to be included for testing. For these reasons,
DOE does not find marine environment compressors to meet the first
criterion of distinguishability.
DOE did not find any public representations of the performance for
compressors designed for marine environments, suggesting that
representations are not commonly made.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for compressors designed for marine environments,
because these compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose
Therefore, because (a) it is difficult to clearly identify
compressors for marine environments; (b) manufacturers do not appear to
make representations of performance for these compressors; and (c)
there is no technical impediment to testing these compressors with the
test procedure, DOE does not find cause to exclude compressors adapted
to marine environments from the scope of this final rule.
Weather-protected compressors require features to prevent the
ingress of water and debris, as well as accommodation for extreme
temperatures in some cases. DOE found that third-party standards exist
for ingress protection of the electrical components. However, DOE did
not find an indication of a standard or certification for other aspects
of weather protection, making it difficult to clearly identify a
general scope for exclusion for all weather-protected equipment.
However, DOE believes that certain weather-protected compressors (i.e.,
those with electrical components rated for ingress protection) meet the
first criterion of distinguishability.
DOE did not find any public representations of the performance for
weather-protected compressors, suggesting that representations are not
commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for weather-protected compressors, because these
compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose compressors.
Therefore, because manufacturers do not appear to make
representations of performance for these compressors and there is no
technical impediment to testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE finds no cause to exclude compressors adapted to
corrosive environments from the scope of this final rule.
Mining Environments
Mining environments can include both surface and subsurface mine
compressor applications. There are some standards for these
applications, but many of the requirements are customer-specific,
making it difficult to clearly identify the scope for exclusion. Some
mining applications also use general-purpose compressors. For this
reason, DOE does not find mining environment compressors to meet the
first criterion of distinguishability.
DOE did not find any public representations of the performance for
compressors designed for mining environments, suggesting that
representations are not commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for compressors designed for mining environments,
because these compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose
Therefore, because (a) it is difficult to clearly identify
compressors designed for mining environments; (b) manufacturers do not
appear to make representations of performance for these compressors;
and (c) there is no technical impediment to testing these compressors
with the test procedure, DOE does not find cause to exclude compressors
designed for mining environments from the scope of this final rule.
Military Applications
Compressors used in military applications have a wide range of
applications. Many military applications use common commercial or
industrial compressors. Other military applications, however, must meet
extensive customer-specific requirements. These requirements can vary
greatly with the customer, and there are no commonly used standards for
compressors in military applications. This makes it difficult to
clearly identify the scope for exclusion. For this reason, DOE does not
find military compressors to meet the first criterion of
DOE did not find any public representations of the performance for
compressors designed for military applications, suggesting that
representations are not commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for compressors designed for military applications,
because these compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose
Therefore, because (a) it is difficult to clearly identify
compressors designed for military applications; (b) manufacturers do
not appear to make representations of performance for these
compressors; and (c) there is no technical impediment to testing these
compressors with the test procedure, DOE does not find cause to exclude
compressors designed for military applications from the scope of this
final rule.
[[Page 1067]]
Food Service Applications
Food service applications can have requirements for air purity and
to use food-grade lubricants. Food grade lubricants need to be included
for testing, so at least some compressors designed for food service
applications meet the first criterion of distinguishability.
DOE did not find any public representations of the performance for
compressors designed for food service applications, suggesting that
representations are not commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for compressors designed for food service applications,
because these compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose
Therefore, because manufacturers do not appear to make
representations of performance for these compressors and there is no
technical impediment to testing these compressors with the test
procedure, DOE finds no cause to exclude compressors adapted to
corrosive environments from the scope of this final rule.
Medical Air Applications
Medical air applications can have requirements for air purity,
which is both rated according to ISO 8573-1 and included in the
National Fire Protection Association Standard for Health Care
Facilities (NFPA 99). DOE notes that most medical air compressors are
lubricant-free and, as such, are already excluded from this final rule.
In lubricated compressors, high air purity is attained using a
combination of filters and dryers added to the system downstream of the
compressor discharge. These items are outside the basic compressor
package, so a medical air compressor collapses to a standard basic
package for testing. For this reason, DOE does not find medical air
application compressors to meet the first criterion of
DOE did not find any public representations of the performance for
compressors designed for medical air applications, suggesting that
representations are not commonly posted.
Finally, DOE found no evidence that testing with the test procedure
is impractical for compressors designed for medical air applications,
because these compressors operate in the same manner as general-purpose
Therefore, because (a) manufacturers do not appear to make
representations of performance for compressors designed for medical air
applications; (b) these compressors collapses to the basic package for
testing; and (c) there is no technical impediment to testing these
compressors with the test procedure, DOE does not find cause to exclude
compressors designed for medical air applications from the scope of
this final rule.
Petroleum, Gas, and Chemical Applications
The American Petroleum Institute standard 619, ``Rotary-Type
Positive-Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Petrochemical, and
Natural Gas Industries,'' (API 619), specifies certain minimum
requirements for compressors used in the petroleum, gas, and chemical
industry. While API 619 contains many specific design requirements, it
also indicates that customers must specify many design requirements
themselves. As a result, compressors designed to meet API 619
requirements are not uniform; rather, they are, by definition,
customized compressors. In addition to the design requirements, API 619
imposes rigorous testing, data reporting, and data retention
requirements on manufacturers. For example, manufacturers are required
to perform specific hydrostatic and operational mechanical vibration
testing on each individual unit distributed in commerce. Furthermore,
manufacturers must retain certain data for at least 20 years, such as
certification of materials, test data and results, records of all heat
treatment, results of quality control tests and inspections, and
details of all repairs. Based on these testing, data reporting, and
data retention requirements, DOE concludes that compressors designed
and tested to the requirements of API 619 meet the first criterion of
Based on DOE's assessment of API 619, DOE believes that the minimum
design and testing requirements specified in API 619 are created to
achieve, among other goals, safety and reliability in the petroleum,
gas, and chemical industry. These requirements ensure that the
compressor can be operated and maintained safely, in the safety-
critical petroleum, gas, and chemical industry. Thus, there is not a
current industry test procedure that would apply and it is unclear if
the methodology being adopted in this final rule would be
representative of their actual use. Thus, DOE is declining to adopt a
test procedure for compressors designed for petroleum, chemical and gas
C. Metrics
1. Package Isentropic Efficiency
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed ``package isentropic
efficiency'' to be the energy metric for compressors, and defined
package isentropic efficiency to mean the ratio of power required for
an ideal isentropic compression process to the actual packaged
compressor power input used at a given load point, as determined in
accordance with the test procedures included in 10 CFR 431.344.\14\ 81
FR 27220, 27232 (May 5, 2016). Because package isentropic efficiency is
expressed relative to an ideal isentropic process between the same
input and output pressures, it could therefore be used to compare units
across a wide range of pressures. DOE presented this applicability
across a wide range of pressures as an advantage of package isentropic
efficiency over specific input power. Ibid.
\14\ Test methods are discussed specifically in section III.E.
Specifically, DOE proposed to establish two versions of package
isentropic efficiency: Full-load package isentropic efficiency and
part-load package isentropic efficiency. DOE proposed that full-load
package isentropic efficiency would apply only to fixed-speed
compressors, whereas part-load package isentropic efficiency would
apply only to variable-speed compressors. Full-load package isentropic
efficiency is evaluated at a single load point, while part-load package
isentropic efficiency is a weighted composite of performance at
multiple load points (or rating points). Equation 1 and Equation 2
describe the full- and part-load package isentropic efficiency, as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
[[Page 1068]]
[eta]isen,FL = package isentropic efficiency at full-load
operating pressure,
Pisen,100[ne] = isentropic power required for compression
at full-load operating pressure, and
Preal,100[ne] = packaged compressor power input at full-
load operating pressure.
[eta]isen,PL = part-load package isentropic efficiency,
[omega]i = weighting factor for rating point i,
Pisen,i = isentropic power required for compression at
rating point i,
Preal,i = packaged compressor power input at rating point
i, and
i = load points at 100, 70, and 40 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate.
To clearly separate the two varieties of compressors, in the test
procedure NOPR, DOE proposed the following definitions for fixed-speed
and variable-speed compressors:
Fixed-speed compressor means an air compressor that is not capable
of adjusting the speed of the driver continuously over the driver
operating speed range in response to incremental changes in the
required compressor flow rate.
Variable-speed compressor means an air compressor that is capable
of adjusting the speed of the driver continuously over the driver
operating speed range in response to incremental changes in the
required compressor actual volume flow rate.
DOE received a significant volume of comments regarding these
metrics, associated load points and weights, and the applicability of
each version of package isentropic efficiency. The following
subsections discuss these issues and relevant comments in detail.
a. Use of Full-Load and Part-Load Package Isentropic Efficiency as
Regulatory Metrics
In response to DOE's proposal to use package isentropic efficiency
as a metric, CASTAIR disagreed, stating that air compressors consume
electricity (in kW, using electric motors that are already regulated)
and produce flow (in cfm). CASTAIR further stated that power (in kW)
and flow (in cfm) are very easy things to test and record, and
suggested that DOE should then regulate, if it must, the efficiency
between the two (i.e., kW and cfm) for air ends. (CASTAIR, No. 0018 at
p. 1) Based on this comment, DOE interprets that CASTAIR is suggesting
that the efficiency of the compressor should be a simple calculation
based on the regulated representation of efficiency for the electric
motor and the airflow produced by the air compressor. In response to
this suggestion, DOE clarifies that the efficiency and energy
consumption of an air compressor is not solely a function of the motor.
As DOE discussed in the energy conservation standards NOPR,
opportunities exist to select or design higher efficiency motors,
drives (if applicable), bare compressors (including multi-staging),
mechanical equipment, and ancillary equipment. 81 FR 31680, 31701-2
(May 19, 2016). For this reason, DOE concludes that the efficiency of
the motor alone, even when coupled with the output airflow of the
compressor, is not an appropriate metric to represent to energy
efficiency or consumption of an air compressor.
Alternatively, DOE recognizes that CASTAIR may have been
recommending a metric of the form of power (in kW) per unit flow (in
cfm). DOE acknowledges that this general metric could properly
characterize the typical energy use of an air compressor, if coupled
with an appropriate test method. However, this ratio has a significant
shortcoming as a regulatory metric. Specifically, achievable kW/cfm is
a function of both pressure and flow, which means an energy
conservation standard would need to be a function of both pressure and
flow--a more complex determination as compared to package isentropic
efficiency.\15\ Thus, in this final rule, DOE concludes that a metric
of the form kW/cfm introduces unnecessary complexity into any energy
conservation standards that would rely on such a metric (i.e., adding
pressure as a second dependent characteristic).
\15\ For example, higher flow machines can naturally achieve a
better kW/cfm score as maximum achievable motor and bare compressor
efficiency increase with size and flow. Alternatively, lower
pressure machines can naturally achieve a better kW/cfm score as
less power is required to compress the same volume of air to a lower
With respect to metric selection, Atlas Copco asserted that DOE's
method of calculating compressor energy use is flawed because, as a
steady-state metric, it lacks a means to compare in-operation energy
savings of compressors with different operating profiles. Atlas Copco
further asserted that DOE failed to use a methodology to calculate the
performance of an air compressor at part-load, and failed to take into
account energy losses due to the cyclic operations. Cyclic operations,
commented Atlas Copco, are responsible for an additional vast amount of
energy required without delivering any useful air and should be
accounted for to understand cyclic demands required for certain
applications. (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Atlas Copco, No. 0054
at p. 9; Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 13-14)
Atlas Copco suggested an alternative metric that considers energy
consumption during loaded operation, unloaded operation, and the
transient in-between. Specifically, Atlas Copco suggested a metric that
calculates the energy consumption for one running hour and the
accumulated useful volume of air which is delivered to the customer.
Based on these values, the corresponding overall Specific Energy
Requirement (SER) can be calculated, which can be converted to the
isentropic efficiency. Atlas Copco went on to specifically define SER
as the energy consumed during one hour of operation, divided by the
useful volume of air produced during this time period, and provided an
equation to convert SER to isentropic efficiency. Atlas Copco stated
that these metrics reflect the true energy consumption and would allow
customers to compare all compressor technologies on an apples-to-apples
basis. It also stated that such metrics would provide a method to
assess the part-load performance of variable-speed machines that cannot
reach the 40-percent load point rather than allowing the compressor to
test at the minimum achievable flow point, which unfairly penalizes
large turndown variable-speed compressors. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p.
12-13; Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 15; Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-
0040, Atlas Copco, No. 0054 at pp. 9-11)
In its comments, Atlas Copco suggests that the energy consumption
during one hour of operation can be calculated as the sum of the energy
consumed during loaded and unloaded operation (which can be measured
using ISO 1217:2009(E)), as well as the ``cycle energy requirement.''
Atlas Copco
[[Page 1069]]
defines the cycle energy requirement as the total energy required for
fully pressurizing the internals of the compressor package starting
from idle regime until useful air delivery, summed with the full
venting of the same internals starting from the end of useful air
delivery until idle regime; i.e., the energy consumed during transient
operation between the loaded and unloaded state. Atlas Copco goes on to
provide a suggested measurement procedure for the determination of
cycle energy losses. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 13-14; Atlas Copco,
Annex A, No. 0009 at pp. 3-13; Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Atlas
Copco, No. 0054 at p. 9-11) Further, Atlas Copco suggested that DOE
establish separate regulations for the fixed flow profile and the
variable flow profile, but to also have all machines list values for
both. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 11; Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 15)
Given Atlas Copco's suggestion to use a new metric, DOE is unclear what
values Atlas Copco is referring to when it suggests that DOE list
``both.'' DOE is unclear whether Atlas Copco supports the use of its
new metrics (SER and its associated isentropic efficiency) as the
exclusive metrics for compressors, or if Atlas Copco is suggesting that
the new metrics be used in addition to the DOE-proposed part-load and
full-load package isentropic efficiency.
Sullair agreed that although measurements and efficiency standards
for part-load operation of fixed-speed compressors may be useful, no
standard has been established, tested, or proven to measure compressor
performance across all fixed-speed control methods (modulation, load-
unload, variable displacement, etc.) employed by various manufacturers.
As a result, Sullair commented that it did not support a part-load test
procedure for fixed-speed compressors at this time. Sullair noted that
preliminary work is being done by CAGI to measure one of these control
methods (variable displacement) and supported further development of a
test procedure or metric across multiple manufacturers and control
types prior to adoption by DOE. (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040,
Sullair, No. 0056 at pp. 16-17)
Sullair cited that the variable-speed, part-load performance data
used to develop both the EU Lot 31 draft standard and the proposed DOE
standard came from CAGI's Performance Verification Program, which was
gathered over the span of nearly 10 years. In contrast, Sullair argued
that to rush development of a new test method and metric for part-load
measurement of fixed-speed compressors, without support from the
industry or verified supporting data from multiple manufacturers and
units, would be rash and inappropriate. Sullair anticipated that such a
development risks unintended consequences that may negatively impact
the compressor industry, compressor consumers, and U.S. industry at-
large. (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Sullair, No. 0056 at pp. 16-
Sullair concluded that, primarily because of a lack of verified
data and an agreed upon industry test standard for all fixed-speed
control types, DOE should proceed with its proposal to classify
compressors as fixed-speed or variable-speed, and limit part-load
testing to variable-speed compressors. (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-
0040, Sullair, No. 0056 at pp. 16-17)
In agreement with Sullair, DOE acknowledges that a package
isentropic efficiency metric that includes cycle losses (as recommended
by Atlas Copco) could acceptably represent the typical energy use of
compressors. However, as discussed in Sullair's comment, the use of
cycle losses and the test and calculation methods recommended by Atlas
Copco represent the opinions and findings of one industry participant,
and do not represent an industry accepted metric or test method. Atlas
Copco has not presented evidence that these methods and accompanying
results have been validated or peer reviewed outside of Atlas Copco's
organization. Further, DOE believes that the use of Atlas Copco's
suggested metric and cycle loss test method is likely to increase the
burden on manufacturers as it appears to require additional testing
beyond what was proposed in the test procedure NOPR. Furthermore, the
industry (outside of Atlas Copco) is unfamiliar with the additional
testing that would be required. Finally, no historical performance data
exists for the metric proposed by Atlas Copco, which makes it a poor
choice for a regulatory metric at this time. Without historical
performance data for the Atlas Copco metric, DOE would be unable to
establish baseline and maximum technologically feasible efficiency
levels, and would be unable to complete any of the analyses required to
assess and establish energy conservation standards.
Alternatively, given the general support of CAGI, Sullivan-Palatek,
Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair for items on which they did not directly
comment on, DOE believes that full-load package isentropic efficiency
represents an industry-accepted metric, which is backed by an industry-
accepted test method (ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended), and has a large
cache of reliable industry test data. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 3,
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1; Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1) The use of full-load package isentropic
efficiency in the EU Lot 31 draft standard further indicates that this
metric is an appropriate and industry-accepted metric for the
assessment of fixed-speed compressors. In summary, DOE again
acknowledges that Atlas Copco's suggested metric, which incorporates
part-load cycle losses, may acceptably represent the typical energy use
of compressors, however for the reasons discussed in this section, DOE
concludes that, at this time, it is not an appropriate metric to adopt.
If this metric gains acceptance in the industry and the test method can
be formalized and validated beyond a case study, DOE may consider
incorporating such a method in future rulemakings.
With respect to Atlas Copco's suggestion that each compressor be
labeled with scores from two metrics, DOE notes the core purpose of a
Federal test procedure is to establish test methods to evaluate
equipment against the applicable energy conservation standards. If DOE
were to require the listing of two metrics on each compressor, DOE must
require that each compressor test to two test methods. Requiring such
testing and reporting would represent an incremental burden beyond what
DOE proposed in the test procedure NOPR. In general, DOE strives to
minimize the incremental burden of any test procedures rulemaking.
Therefore, in this test procedure final rule, DOE does not adopt any
mandatory testing or reporting beyond the metrics proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
Similarly to Atlas Copco, the CA IOUs suggested that, for fixed-
speed compressors with either ``start/stop,'' or ``load/unload''
controls, the air flow and power consumption should be tested to
capture energy consumption at full-load and fully unloaded. They also
suggested that fixed-speed compressors with ``load/unload'' controls be
tested to measure the duration of the purge cycle (time it takes to
achieve fully unloaded power--also known as blowdown time), as this
data can be mathematically combined with the airflow and power
consumption data at full-load and fully unloaded to estimate the
compressor's efficiency at various points between full-load and fully
unloaded. (CA IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 1-2) Unlike Atlas Copco, the CA IOUs
suggest that this data be measured and reported as supplemental
information, rather than incorporated into a new metric.
[[Page 1070]]
While DOE agrees that information describing unloaded and
transition states of operation could be useful to the end user, the CA
IOUs' recommendation represents testing and reporting that is not
essential to the output of the test procedures; requiring such testing
and reporting would represent an incremental burden beyond what DOE
proposed in the test procedure NOPR. In general, DOE strives to
minimize the incremental burden of any test procedures rulemaking.
Therefore, in this test procedure final rule, DOE is not adopting any
mandatory testing or reporting of no-load power. Manufacturers may
measure and advertise no-load power and blowdown time, and DOE may
further explore no-load power measurement and reporting requirements in
a future rulemaking.
CAGI also argued for the importance of considering operating
conditions in determining efficiency. CAGI commented that, because
field variables were a large determinant of system efficiency, any
value assigned to package efficiency may be misleading to consumers.
(Docket No. EERE-2012-BT-DET-0033, CAGI, No. 0003 at p. 8)
In response to CAGI's comment, DOE is not representing package
isentropic efficiency as a substitute for consideration of site-
specific operating factors. Rather, it is intended to serve as a common
basis for comparison between compressors.
Atlas Copco suggested that low-pressure air and lubricant-free
compressors have their package isentropic efficiencies expressed as a
function of discharge pressure in addition to flow rate, noting that
full-load operating pressure is a significant variable that affects
package isentropic efficiency for those compressor configurations.
(Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 15; Atlas Copco, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 41-42; EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Atlas Copco,
No. 0054 at pp. 19-20) As discussed in sections III.B, DOE is narrowing
the scope of this test procedure final rule to a smaller pressure
range, which only includes lubricated compressors. This revised scope
matches the range over which the dependency of isentropic efficiency on
discharge pressure is described by CAGI as limited. Therefore, DOE
concludes that the changes to the proposed metric, recommended by Atlas
Copco, are not necessary. However, DOE may consider adding a pressure-
dependent term, should it choose to pursue to test procedures or energy
conservation standards for lubricant-free equipment or equipment
outside of the 75-200 psig range in future rulemakings.
Scales Industrial Technologies agreed that the package isentropic
efficiency metric is a good measurement, but commented that the metric
is not common in industry. Scales Industrial Technologies suggested
instead to use specific power, as it has been the industry-accepted
expression of compressor efficiency. (Scales Industrial Technologies,
No. 0013 at p. 4)
In response, DOE acknowledges that package isentropic efficiency is
not as commonly used as specific power. However, based on the general
support of other commenters for package isentropic efficiency, its use
in the analogous EU Lot 31 draft standard, and its pressure
independence over the scope being established in this final rule, DOE
concludes that package isentropic efficiency is the most appropriate
metric for describing the energy performance of compressors within the
scope of this test procedure.
b. Load Points Selection and Applicability
As shown in Equation 1 and Equation 2 in the test procedure NOPR,
DOE proposed that fixed-speed units be tested at a single load point,
the full-load actual volume flow rate; and that variable-speed units be
tested at three load points: 100, 70, and 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate. 81 FR 27220, 27232-4 (May 5, 2016).
In response, ASAP and NEEA generally supported DOE's proposed load
points for full-load and part-load package isentropic efficiency. (ASAP
and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 2) Kaeser Compressors also supported the
selection of load points that harmonized with the EU Lot 31 draft
standard. (Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
p. 63) Alternatively, the CA IOUs suggested that variable-speed
compressors be tested at a minimum of six test points (excluding a no
load power test point), in alignment with the CAGI Performance
Verification Program test procedure, and also use a minimum volume flow
rate no higher than 40 percent of the maximum volume flow rate to avoid
possible loopholes. (CA IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 3)
With respect to the smallest flow rate load point for variable-
speed compressors, CAGI noted that not all variable-speed compressors
can reach a speed that achieves 40 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate, as minimum speeds can be limited by technical considerations
such as bearing speeds, overheating, motor current, etc. (CAGI, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 60) Kaeser Compressors and Sullair
supported CAGI's remark, while Sullair continued to state that this is
especially important for lubricant-free compressors due to technical
limitations that keep them from running at speeds as low as 40 percent
of [full] flow. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 64)
Kaeser Compressors added that, among other reasons, EU Lot 31 draft
standard can set a 40-percent load point because it does not include
lubricant-free compressors. (Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 64-5) In response to this concern, CAGI
suggested that the lower load point should be at 40 percent flow or the
manufacturer's minimum stated capacity, if greater. (CAGI, No. 0010 at
p. 6) Sullair supported CAGI's comments. (Sullair, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 64)
Atlas Copco commented that a provision that permits manufacturers
to test at the manufacturer's stated minimum speed if a compressor
cannot achieve the 40-percent load point would penalize compressor
packages with large turndown ratios. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 12-
13) Atlas Copco further clarified that the disadvantage to larger
turndown machines results from the higher average efficiency achieved
by testing at a load point greater than 40 percent, which results in a
higher average weighted isentropic efficiency. (Atlas Copco, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 60) DOE notes in this statement that
Atlas Copco has incorrectly quoted the test procedure NOPR, in which
DOE made no mention of how to test a variable-speed compressor for
which the 40-percent load point is unachievable due to technical
limitations. Atlas Copco went on to suggest that compressors that
cannot reach the 40-percent load point should instead be allowed to use
the SER metric, which is discussed in section III.C.1.a. (Atlas Copco,
No. 0009 at p. 11) Atlas Copco further commented that the draft EU
compressor standard included no load power as a reported metric,
allowing for a more complete picture of efficiency when a variable-
speed compressor is used at flow rates below the manufacturer's minimum
flow rate. (Atlas Copco, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 69-
Similar to Atlas Copco, Kaeser Compressors noted that there would
be efficiency gains in testing at flow rates greater than 40 percent,
but that there would also be market disadvantages because the unit
would seem less flexible, and so there would be little incentive for
manufacturers to declare relatively high flow rates. For that reason,
Kaeser therefore suggested that main issue with the 40-percent load
[[Page 1071]]
point was not the possibility of manufacturers artificially increasing
efficiency ratings, but instead the fact that lubricant-free
compressors may not be able to reach that flow rate. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 65-6) Sullair
stated that manufacturers would lose marketability if they rated the
unit at a greater minimum flow rate to gain efficiency, because the
primary benefit of variable-speed compressors is to allow control over
a wide range of flow rates. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 66) Likewise, ASAP, ACEEE, NEEA, NRDC, NEEP, and ASE did not
support the CAGI proposal of using a lower load point of 40 percent or
manufacturer minimum as it inflates efficiency ratings for compressors
that cannot reach 40 percent and suggested that DOE work with CAGI to
develop an alternative minimum test for compressors. (EERE-2013-BT-STD-
0040, ASAP, ACEEE, NEEA, NRDC, NEEP, ASE, No. 0060 at p. 4)
In response to comments on the 40-percent load point, DOE reviewed
all available CAGI Performance Verification Program data sheets for
lubricant-free variable-speed compressors, and concurs with the
concerns raised by industry that not all lubricant-free variable-speed
compressors can achieve the 40-percent load point. Specifically, DOE
found that 65 percent of CAGI data sheets for lubricant-free
compressors were rated with a minimum flow greater than 40 percent of
maximum flow.
DOE considers this data, in conjunction with the previously
referenced comments, as clear evidence that the proposed test procedure
load points do not apply to variable-speed lubricant-free compressors
due to the technical limitations in the turndown ratio of such
equipment. Further, DOE concludes that because of these technical
limitations and other significant technological differences between
lubricated and lubricant-free compressors, separate test methods and
metrics may be required for each. In addition, the European Commission
is exploring specific standards and test methods for lubricant-free
compressors, but has not released a draft proposal of its standard.
Based on the comments discussed in this section, DOE concludes that
significant work is required to establish an acceptable test method
specific to lubricant-free compressors, and that the most efficient
path to establishing an acceptable test method for lubricant-free
compressors is to monitor and, possibly, collaborate with the European
Commission as its own work progresses. DOE may pursue a test procedure
for lubricant-free equipment in a separate rulemaking, but is not
including lubricant-free compressors in the scope of this test
procedure final rule.
For lubricated compressors, DOE found that 16 percent of CAGI data
sheets were rated with a minimum flow greater than 40 percent of
maximum flow. These results indicate that 84 percent of lubricated
variable-speed compressors are able to achieve the 40-percent load
DOE agrees with Atlas Copco that allowing those few lubricated
variable-speed compressors that cannot achieve 40 percent flow to test
using the minimum achievable flow as an alternative to the 40-percent
load point would penalize high-turndown machines. Such penalization
would occur because the package isentropic efficiency of a variable-
speed compressor typically decreases as flow (i.e., load) decreases. To
confirm this, DOE reviewed available CAGI Performance Verification
Program data sheets and found that for 82 percent of the rotary
lubricated variable-speed models, the package isentropic efficiency at
40 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate was lower than the
package isentropic efficiency at 70 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate.\16\ Given this relationship between package isentropic
efficiency and flow rate, a compressor's package isentropic efficiency
(as proposed in the test procedure NOPR) would typically increase by
replacing the 40-percent load point with a load point at a higher flow.
\16\ Not all units reported performance at 40 percent and 70
percent of full-load actual volume flow rate. In those cases, DOE
generated estimates for those points using interpolation from
surrounding data points.
Given this information, DOE has two major concerns with CAGI's
recommendation. First, CAGI's recommended method would not result in a
fair and equitable efficiency metric. For example, given two
compressors with the same full-load actual volume flow rate and full-
load package isentropic efficiency, one with a manufacturer-specified
minimum flow rate of 40 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate
and one with a manufacturer-specified minimum flow rate of 70 percent
of full-load actual volume flow rate, the latter would usually test at
a better part-load package isentropic efficiency, even though the
former provides more utility to the end user and has the potential to
use less energy.
Second, CAGI's recommended method relies on a ``manufacturer's
minimum stated capacity,'' and creates a significant opportunity for
loopholes. For example, if a given variable-speed compressor does not
meet the established energy conservation standard, a manufacturer may
be able to restate its minimum capacity at a larger value and retest
the model. Because package isentropic efficiency is typically greater
at the rerated higher capacity, the manufacturer may be able to pass
the standard with the rerated value. The result of this example
directly conflicts with the intent of an energy conservation standard,
because the resulting compressor offers reduced utility to the end user
and may even consume more energy than it would with a lower stated
minimum capacity.
Consequently, in this final rule, DOE rejects CAGI's recommendation
to use the manufacturer's minimum stated capacity for variable-speed
compressors if the compressor cannot achieve the 40-percent load point.
DOE concludes that the amount to which a variable-speed lubricated
compressor can turn down is a distinct end user utility. Both Sullair
and Kaeser Compressors clearly noted similar assertions that the speed
and flow to which a variable-speed compressor can turn down is a
distinct utility to the end user. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 0016 at p. 66; Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at pp. 65-6)
DOE also concludes, based on previously mentioned data analysis as
well as comments from Kaeser Compressors and Sullair (Sullair, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 67; Kaeser Compressors, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 67-8), that for lubricated
variable-speed compressors within the scope of this final rule, the
majority of lubricated compressors are able to reach the 40-percent
load point; i.e., turning down to 40 percent of flow is technologically
feasible for all pressures, flows, and horsepower of compressors within
the scope of this final rule.
Consequently, DOE concludes that it is appropriate that the test
method for variable-speed lubricated compressors require that a tested
compressor reach each flow point because the part-load package
isentropic efficiency metric is designed to align with the utility of
the variable-speed compressors and must accurately represent their
operation. For these reasons, DOE is adopting the methodology as
proposed in the NOPR, which requires testing at the 40-percent load
point. If a manufacturer has a basic model which is incapable of
operating at the 40-percent load point, the manufacturer must seek a
waiver from
[[Page 1072]]
the test procedure to obtain an alternative method of test from the
Department pursuant to 10 CFR 431.401. As part of the test procedure
waiver application, DOE would examine the details of the variable-speed
compressor's performance curve (e.g., the package isentropic efficiency
over the range of available driver speeds for which the compressor is
capable of operating) in order to determine the correct testing points
and weightings for regulatory purposes. Since these could be different
for each basic model, DOE believes it is best to determine the details
on a basic model basis, rather than adopting a blanket approach of the
manufacturer's specified minimum as suggested by CAGI. This would allow
DOE to ensure fair and equitable ratings and not disadvantage those
compressors that operate at lower speeds. This approach ensures that
all compressors rated with the part-load package isentropic efficiency
metric provide comparable utility to the end user, and that any
compressors requiring a waiver would use a modified metric that
reflects the reduction in utility resulting from their restricted range
of flow rates.
DOE's regulations set forth at 10 CFR 431.401 contain provisions
that permit a person to seek a waiver from the test procedure
requirements for covered equipment if at least one of the following
conditions is met: (1) The basic model contains one or more design
characteristics that prevent testing according to the prescribed test
procedures; or (2) the prescribed test procedures may evaluate the
basic model in a manner so unrepresentative of its true energy
consumption as to provide materially inaccurate comparative data. 10
CFR 431.401(a)(1) A petitioner must include in its petition any
alternate test procedures known to the petitioner to evaluate the basic
model in a manner representative of its energy consumption. 10 CFR
431.401(b)(1)(iii) DOE may grant a waiver subject to conditions,
including adherence to alternate test procedures. 10 CFR 431.401(f)(2)
For the case of variable-speed compressors that cannot reduce flow
to the 40-percent load point, DOE may grant a waiver using a modified
test procedure that reflects the reduction in utility resulting from
the compressor's restricted range of flow rates. The modified test
procedure may calculate part-load package isentropic efficiency using a
weighted average of the performance at full-load, the performance at
the 70-percent load point (if the compressor can reach this load
point), and the performance at the compressor's lowest load point. The
weighted average may include modifications to reflect the reduction in
utility resulting from the compressor's restricted range of flow rates.
For example, the weighting may consider the typical change of
efficiency with flow rate and may account for the increased energy
required for the compressor to achieve the 70-percent and 40-percent
load points by loading and unloading. DOE may determine the modified
test procedure on a case-by-case basis, depending on the specific
nature of the waiver request and the equipment construction.
Based on the preceding discussion, DOE concludes that no changes
are needed in DOE's proposed definitions of fixed-speed compressor and
variable-speed compressor. As a result, DOE is adopting the definitions
of fixed-speed compressor and variable-speed compressor that it
proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
With respect to the remaining load points (i.e., 100 and 70 percent
for variable-speed and 100 percent for fixed-speed), DOE reiterates
that Kaeser Compressors, ASAP, and NEEA supported DOE's test procedure
NOPR. (Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p.
63; ASAP and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 2) However, the CA IOUs disagreed and
suggested that variable-speed compressors be tested at a minimum of six
test points while utilizing a minimum volume flow rate no higher than
40 percent of the maximum volume flow rate to avoid possible loopholes.
In response, DOE recognizes that the CA IOUs' recommendation aligns
with the current CAGI Performance Verification Program testing method;
however, DOE has two major concerns with CA IOUs' recommendation.
First, the CA IOUs' recommended method would not result in a
repeatable, fair, and equitable efficiency metric. For example, given
two compressors with the same full-load actual volume flow rate and
full-load package isentropic efficiency, one could be tested at six
points (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 100 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate) and one could be tested at 10 points (40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
90, 92.5, 95, 97.5, and 100 percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate). As previously discussed, due to the fact that package isentropic
efficiency varies as a function of actual volume flow rate, the latter
compressor, tested at 10 load points would likely achieve a different
part-load package isentropic efficiency score (as in the test procedure
NOPR) than the former compressor.
Similarly, the lack of firmly specified load points creates a
significant opportunity for loopholes. For example, if a given
variable-speed compressor does not meet the established energy
conservation standard, a manufacturer may be able to retest with
additional load points that are biased to the compressor's most
efficient flow range and ultimately pass the standard with this rerated
value. This directly conflicts with the intent of an energy
conservation standard, as the resulting compressor still consumes the
same amount of energy as it did before the retesting and rerating.
Due to these concerns with the CA IOUs' suggestion, the general
support provided by CAGI, ASAP, and NEEA, and the reasons established
in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the load points of 100, 70,
and 40 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate for the part-load
package isentropic efficiency metric, and 100 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate for the full-load package isentropic efficiency
c. Metric Applicability
In response to the test procedure NOPR, the CA IOUs suggested that
fixed-speed ``inlet modulating'' \17\ and ``variable displacement''
\18\ compressors (herein referred to as ``fixed-speed variable-flow
compressors'') should be tested at full-load and multiple part-loads in
alignment with the CAGI Performance Verification Program test
procedures for variable-speed compressors. According to the CA IOUs,
this would provide valuable efficiency information for part-load
conditions, which are common for fixed-speed compressors. (CA IOUs, No.
0012 at pp. 2) Similarly, ASAP and NEEA suggested that DOE require that
fixed-speed compressors with controls that allow for variable airflows
be tested in the same way as variable-speed compressors. ASAP and NEEA
stated that this would facilitate the comparison between fixed-speed
and variable-speed compressors
[[Page 1073]]
under part-load conditions. (ASAP and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 2)
\17\ Inlet modulating compressors adjust the capacity of the
compressor to the demand required by the system with a regulating
valve on the inlet. The control system closes the inlet valve in
response to a reduction in system demand, effectively throttling the
compressor by reducing the inlet pressure and, consequently, the
mass flow of air entering the compressor. (,
page 88).
\18\ Variable displacement compressors use a valve to divert a
fraction of the inlet mass flow from the start of the rotor to an
intermediate position of the compression system, reducing the
effective length of the rotor but maintaining the inlet pressure and
compression ratio. The valve is adjustable and responds to changes
in discharge pressure. (,
page 88).
NEEA further commented that the efficiency metrics are appropriate
for comparing variable-speed compressors amongst themselves, but made
it hard to compare variable-speed compressors to fixed-speed
compressors. (NEEA, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 60-62)
Conversely, Sullivan-Palatek commented that fixed-speed and variable-
speed compressors are different products with different applications,
which shouldn't be compared with each other. (Sullivan-Palatek, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 61-62)
Kaeser Compressors commented that the efficiency and utility of a
variable-speed compressor relative to a fixed-speed compressor is
promoted by utilities to consumers and stressed that the primary goal
of the metric should be consistent assessment of variable-speed
compressor efficiency. (Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 0016 at pp. 71-72) Sullair echoed this sentiment, stating that the
industrial customers that purchase the equipment understand the energy
efficiency associated with variable-speed compressors and purchase
variable-speed compressors based on the best overall fit for the
application. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 72)
Sullair agreed that although measurements and efficiency standards
for part-load operation of fixed-speed compressors may be useful, no
standard has been established, tested or proven to measure compressor
performance across all fixed-speed control methods (modulation, load-
unload, variable displacement, etc.) employed by various manufacturers.
As a result, Sullair commented that it did not support a part-load test
procedure for fixed-speed compressors at this time. Sullair noted that
preliminary work is being done by CAGI to measure one of these control
methods (variable displacement) and supported further development of a
test procedure or metric across multiple manufacturers and control
types prior to adoption by DOE. (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040,
Sullair, No. 0056 at pp. 16-17)
In agreement with the CA IOUs, ASAP, NEEA, and Sullair, DOE
acknowledges that a part-load package isentropic efficiency metric for
fixed-speed variable airflow compressors could acceptably represent the
typical energy use of these compressors. DOE reviewed the scope and
applicability of relevant, comparable testing and rating programs,
namely, the CAGI Performance Verification Program and the EU Lot 31
draft standard for compressors. The CAGI Performance Verification
Program separates rotary compressors into only two groupings: (1)
``rotary compressors,'' and (2) ``rotary variable frequency drive
compressors.'' \19\ The former rates compressors at only full-load
operating pressure, while the latter allows for multiple ratings at
reduced flows. However, as indicated by the name of the latter
grouping, it encompasses only compressors driven by variable-frequency
drives. Consequently, fixed-speed variable airflow compressors are
considered ``rotary compressors'' by the CAGI Performance Verification
Program, and rated at only full-load operating pressure.
\19\ For more information see:
In addition, the EU Lot 31 draft standard defines a ``fixed-speed
rotary standard air compressor'' to mean a rotary standard air
compressor that is not equipped with a variable-speed drive when placed
on the market; and defines a ``variable-speed rotary standard air
compressor'' to mean a rotary standard air compressor that is equipped
with a variable-speed drive when placed on the market. Consequently,
similar to the CAGI program, the EU Lot 31 draft standard considers a
fixed-speed variable airflow compressor to be a fixed-speed rotary
standard air compressor, which is rated at only full-load operating
As a result of the research into relevant, comparable testing and
rating programs for compressors, DOE agrees with Sullair that test
methods for variable airflow fixed-speed compressors are still in the
development stage and the limited available data is not yet fully
verified. In other words, test methods are still a work in progress for
this variety of fixed-speed compressors. Additionally, with no
historical part-load performance data available for variable-flow
fixed-speed compressors, DOE would be unable to establish baseline and
maximum technologically feasible efficiency levels, and would be unable
to complete any of the analyses required to assess and establish energy
conservation standards. Alternatively, historical full-load isentropic
efficiency currently exists for this equipment and was considered in
the energy conservation standards NOPR.
In light of the precedent established by CAGI and the EU, the lack
of a verified test method, and the lack of verified historical
performance data, DOE concludes that it is not appropriate to establish
part-load package isentropic efficiency as the rating metric for non-
speed-varying varieties of variable airflow compressors at this time.
Consequently, in this final rule, DOE reaffirms and establishes its
NOPR test procedure that when rating a compressor for compliance
purposes, full-load package isentropic efficiency applies to fixed-
speed compressors, and part-load package isentropic efficiency applies
to variable-speed compressors.
Although part-load package isentropic efficiency is not currently
suitable as a regulatory metric for fixed-speed variable flow
compressors, part-load performance information for these varieties of
compressors can provide valuable information for the end user.
Consequently, in this final rule DOE clarifies that manufacturers of
fixed- and variable-speed compressors may continue making graphical or
numerical representations of package isentropic efficiency and package
specific power as functions of flow rate or rotational speed. In the
test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed a similar allowance, applicable only
to variable-speed compressors. 81 FR 27220, 27244 (May 5, 2016). DOE is
opening this allowance to fixed-speed compressors to account for non-
speed-varying varieties of variable airflow compressors and fixed-speed
compressors that can vary speed continuously to adjust output flow, but
cannot reach 40 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate.
DOE notes that graphical or numerical representations of package
isentropic efficiency or package specific power at 40, 70, and 100
percent of the full-load actual volume flow rate must represent values
measured in accordance with the DOE test procedure. DOE also notes that
graphical or numerical representations of these metrics at any other
load points must be generated using methods consistent with the DOE
test procedure.
d. Metric Weights
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed a part-load package
isentropic efficiency metric that was a weighted composite of
performance at multiple load points, following the structure of the EU
Lot 31 draft standard. 81 FR 27220, 27233 (May 5, 2016). DOE further
proposed weighting factors of 25, 50, and 25 percent for load points of
40, 70, and 100 percent of maximum flow, respectively. DOE cited
alignment with the EU Lot 31 draft standard and a lack of industry
weighting factors or real-world load profile data as rationale for the
proposed weights. 81 FR 27220, 27234-5 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the proposed weights, P.R. China commented that
there was no selection criteria provided to justify the weighting
coefficients for the 40
[[Page 1074]]
percent, 70 percent, and 100 percent package isentropic efficiency
values. (P.R. China, No. 0049 at p. 3) CAGI did not provide any direct
comments, but CAGI commented that it was in agreement with DOE's
proposal for items on which it did not directly comment. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported
CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
In response to comments made by P.R. China regarding the
justification of selected load weights, the part-load package
isentropic efficiency metric is a benchmark for all variable-speed
compressors. The benchmark's intent is not to mirror energy consumption
for all consumers (which is calculated in the energy conversation
standard), but to provide a consistent and repeatable measure of
efficiency for variable-speed compressors. In this case, half of the
weighting represents operating extremes (40 percent and 100 percent)
for variable-speed compressors, and half characterizes the midpoint of
those values (i.e., 70 percent). Furthermore, DOE did not receive any
data providing real-world representative load profile data. However,
even in the presence of such data any given weighting would only
reflect energy consumption for units that happened to be operated at
that particular load profile. Additionally, the selected weights are in
alignment with the EU Lot 31 draft standard, which carries the benefits
of familiarity for consumers and reduced compliance burden for
manufacturers who do business in both the US and EU markets. For these
reasons, as well as those discussed in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is
adopting the metric weights, as proposed.
2. Package Specific Power
In the May 5, 2016 test procedure NOPR, DOE defined ``package
specific power'' to mean the compressor power input at a given load
point, divided by the actual volume flow rate at the same load point,
as determined in accordance with the test procedures proposed for 10
CFR 431.344. 81 FR 27220, 27256 (May 5, 2016). DOE noted that package
specific power provides users with a direct way to calculate the power
required to deliver a particular flow rate of air. The CAGI Performance
Verification Program currently uses this metric to characterize
compressor performance.\20\ Given the prevalence of this metric in the
industry, DOE deems it appropriate to provide a clear and uniform
method to test and calculate this value. However, given the reasons
noted in the test procedure NOPR, DOE selected package isentropic
efficiency, rather than package specific power, as the rating metric
for the compressors within the scope of this rulemaking.
For the reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is
adopting the definition for package specific power, as proposed in the
test procedure NOPR.
The specific methods and calculations used to find package specific
power for a given compressor are discussed in section III.E.7.
3. Power Factor
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE did not explicitly propose
measurement and reporting of power factor. In response, the CA IOUs
commented that the test procedure NOPR proposed measurement of real
power (e.g., kW), cannot accurately reflect power generation needs. The
CA IOUs added that measurement and reporting of power factor should be
mandatory at all tested points so that power generation needs can be
accurately estimated. (CA IOUs, No. 0012 at p. 3)
DOE agrees with the CA IOUs that power factor is a useful metric
for estimating power generation needs. ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended,\21\ allows two methods to determine packaged compressor power
input, as discussed in section III.E.1.a. One of the allowable methods
requires measurement of power factor as an intermediary to calculate
packaged compressor power input. Because only one of the two allowable
methods requires measurement of power factor, a mandatory reporting
requirement for power factor would represent an incremental testing
burden, beyond what DOE proposed in the test procedure NOPR, for some
manufacturers. As such, there is not enough benefit to the end user to
justify adopting mandatory measurement and reporting of power factor in
this final rule. DOE may further explore power factor measurement and
reporting requirements in future rulemakings.
\21\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic.
D. Incorporation by Reference of Industry Standard(s)
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE stated that ISO 1217:2009(E) is an
appropriate industry testing standard for evaluating the performance of
applicable compressors, but noted that some sections of that standard
were not applicable to the DOE test procedures. DOE further noted that
additions and modifications to the test method described in ISO
1217:2009(E) would be necessary in order to determine the package
isentropic efficiency of applicable compressors and improve
repeatability and reproducibility of the ratings. Consequently, in the
test procedure NOPR DOE proposed to incorporate by reference ISO
1217:2009(E) with a number of modifications. 81 FR 27220, 27236-27243
(May 5, 2016).
Specifically, DOE proposed to incorporate by reference the
following sections and subsections of ISO 1217:2009(E):
Sections 2, 3, and 4;
Subsections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9, 6.2(g), 6.2(h); and
Subsections C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1,
C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2, C.4.4 of Annex C. 81 FR 27220, 27238 (May 5, 2016).
Conversely, in the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed not to
incorporate by reference the following sections, subsections and
annexes of ISO 1217:2009(E) because they are not applicable to DOE's
regulatory framework:
Sections 1, 7, 8 and 9, in their entirety;
Section 6, (except subsections 6.2(g), and 6.2(h), which
would be incorporated by reference);
Subsections 5.1, 5.5, 5.7, and 5.8;
Annexes A, B, D, E, F, and G in their entirety; and
Sections C.1.2, C.2.1, C.3, C.4.2.2, C.4.3.1 and C.4.5 of
Annex C. 81 FR 27220, 27237 (May 5, 2016).
1. ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016
On April 15, 2016, ISO published an amendment to ISO 1217:2009(E)
(ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016). In general, amendments to ISO standards
play the role of materially altering and/or adding content to the
source document; in this case, ISO 1217:2009(E). ISO 1217:2009(E)/
Amd.1:2016 modifies the definitions of isentropic power and isentropic
efficiency contained in sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1 of ISO 1217:2009(E) to
provide more detail, and provides equations to calculate those
performance metrics in a new Annex H to ISO 1217:2009(E). ISO
1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 makes no other changes to ISO 1217:2009(E). In
this final rule, the combined result of the pre-amendment ISO
1217:2009(E) and ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 is referred to as ``ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended.'' Where the pre-amendment
[[Page 1075]]
version is being referenced, it is referred to simply as ``ISO
Generally, DOE prefers to incorporate the most recent versions of
industry standards, when such versions remain applicable to its test
procedures. DOE reiterates that ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 makes no
other changes to ISO 1217:2009(E), beyond amending sections 3.5.1 and
3.6.1 and adding Annex H. Thus, for administrative consistency, in this
final rule, any sections incorporated by reference in this final rule
refer to the ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended, rather than the original ISO
1217:2009(E), as proposed in the test procedure NOPR. The following
paragraphs discuss rationale for incorporating the amended sections
3.5.1 and 3.6.1, as well as certain sections of the new Annex H of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended.
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE provided equations to calculate
isentropic power and package isentropic efficiency, as these equations
were not present in ISO 1217:2009(E). The equations proposed in the
test procedure NOPR are mathematically equivalent to those provided in
the amended version of ISO 1217:2009(E) and could be used in the DOE
test procedure with no impact on the calculated results. Thus, in this
final rule, DOE is revising its proposed test procedure to incorporate
by reference sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1, as well as sections H.2 and H.3
of Annex H of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended. These sections provide the
symbols, subscripts, and equations needed to calculate isentropic power
(and ultimately, package isentropic efficiency). Given that the
equations found in ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, are mathematically
equivalent to those proposed by DOE in the test procedure NOPR, DOE
concludes that this change is administrative in nature. An in-depth
discussion of the calculations contained in these sections can be found
in section III.E.5.
DOE is not incorporating the new sections H.1, H.4, and H.5 of
Annex H to ISO 1214:2009, as amended, as these sections are not
applicable to test method in the test procedure NOPR. Specifically,
subsection H.1 provides a general introduction to Annex H, which is not
necessary for the application of the symbols, subscripts, and equations
in subsections H.2 and H.3 for the purposes of the calculation of
isentropic power. Subsection H.4 provides a derivation of the
relationship between isentropic efficiency and specific energy
requirement. While the DOE test procedure adopted today requires the
calculation of package isentropic efficiency and specific energy (also
referred to as specific power), it does not require derivation of the
relationship between these two metrics.\22\ Subsection H.5 provides the
relationship between customer acceptance tolerances for specific energy
and isentropic efficiency. Customer acceptance tolerances are not
directly applicable to, or necessary for DOE's test methods, as DOE is
establishing its own sampling, representations, and enforcement
provisions, as discussed in sections III.G and III.H.
\22\ For details on the calculation of package isentropic
efficiency and specific power, see sections III.E.5 and III.E.7,
2. Comments Related to the Incorporation of ISO 1217:2009(E)
In response to DOE's proposal to incorporate specific sections of
ISO 1217:2009(E), commenters generally supported incorporating the test
methods established in ISO 1217:2009(E). ASAP and NEEA commented that
they support DOE's use of ISO 1217, with the modifications described in
the test procedure NOPR, as the basis for the compressors test
procedure. (ASAP and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 2) Sullair strongly supported
the use of ISO 1217:2009(E) as the basis for the DOE test procedure.
(Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1) Sullivan-Palatek advised against material
deviations from the test procedure in ISO 1217:2009(E), so as to not
invalidate previous performance data. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p.
3) CAGI urged DOE to formalize the incorporation of the ISO
1217:2009(E) test method so that the historical performance data
obtained with that test method is compliant with the DOE test
procedure. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 15)
Compressed Air Systems and Jenny Products dissented from the other
commenters. Jenny Products objected to incorporating standards by
reference and advocated for including the referenced sections directly
in the text of the test procedure to avoid confusion. (Jenny Products,
No. 0020 at p. 2) Compressed Air Systems suggested caution when
adopting ISO standards, stating that standards adopted in the United
States should favor U.S. manufacturing. (Compressed Air Systems, No.
0008 at p. 2) In response to Compressed Air Systems, DOE clarifies that
any test procedures adopted by DOE must be fair and equitable to all
industry participants, regardless of the location that equipment is
In response to comments from Compressed Air Systems and Jenny
Products about incorporating standards directly into the test procedure
text, DOE is not allowed, due to copyright law, to print any material
incorporated by reference into the Federal Register or Code of Federal
Regulations. As a result, when DOE adopts portions of a test procedure
from ISO, it must incorporate those sections by reference and refer to
them appropriately in the test procedure. Once the regulation
publishes, any standard incorporated by reference is incorporated based
on the date of its publication and is not subject to change. In other
words, if the external standard is revised in the future, DOE will
continue to incorporate the prior version in this final rule.
In addition to general comments, DOE received comments pertinent to
the specific sections of ISO 1217:2009(E) that DOE proposed to exclude
or incorporate by reference in the test procedure NOPR. The following
paragraphs summarize the sections of ISO 1217:2009(E) on which DOE
received comment, summarize DOE's conclusions, and provide reference to
the appropriate subsections of section III.E (test method), where these
comments are addressed in detail.
DOE received specific comments regarding subsection 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E); these comments are presented and discussed in detail in
section III.E.1.b. In response, DOE is adopting its proposal to
incorporate all of subsection 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, in
this final rule.
DOE received comments suggesting that it reconsider subsections
6.2(i), 6.2(j) and 6.2(k) of ISO 1217:2009(E), with regard to the data
acquisition requirements. DOE also received suggestions to incorporate
requirements from Table 1 of ISO 1217:2009(E). (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp.
6-8, 10; CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 74, 83) (See
also section III.E.4). In response, DOE decided to incorporate Table 1
by reference but not to incorporate sections 6.2(i), 6.2(j) and 6.2(k)
by reference, as discussed in section III.E.4.
DOE received no specific comment on the other sections of ISO
1217:2009(E), other than the previously referenced comments expressing
general support for the use of ISO 1217:2009(E). Thus, for the reasons
discussed in this document and the test procedure NOPR, DOE
incorporates the following sections of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, by
reference, in this final rule:
Sections 2, 3, and 4;
Subsections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9, 6.2(g), 6.2(h); and
[[Page 1076]]
Subsections C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1,
C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2, C.4.4 of Annex C.
Subsections H.2 and H.3 of Annex H.
Table 1 of subsection 6.2.
Conversely, in this final rule DOE does not incorporate by
reference the following sections of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended:
Sections 1, 7, 8 and 9, in their entirety;
Section 6, (except subsections 6.2(g), and 6.2(h), which
would be incorporated by reference);
Subsections 5.1, 5.5, 5.7, and 5.8;
Annexes A, B, D, E, F, and G in their entirety; and
Sections C.1.2, C.2.1, C.3, C.4.2.2, C.4.3.1 and C.4.5 of
Annex C.
Subsections H.1, H.4 and H.5 of Annex H.
E. Test Method
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed specific test methods to
measure inlet pressure, discharge pressure, actual volume flow rate,
and electrical input power. DOE also proposed specific methods to
calculate package isentropic efficiency, package specific power,
pressure ratio, full-load actual volume flow rate, full-load operating
pressure, and maximum full-flow operating pressure. Many of the test
methods and calculations proposed in the test procedure NOPR were
incorporated by reference from ISO 1217:2009(E). However, DOE proposed
several modifications and additions to the methods specified by ISO
1217:2009(E), as these are required to provide the necessary
specificity and repeatability. Even with the proposed modifications and
additions, DOE stated in the test procedure NOPR that its intent was to
propose a test procedure that would remain closely aligned with
existing and widely used industry procedures to limit testing burden on
DOE received many specific comments in response to the testing and
calculation methods proposed in the test procedure NOPR, and one
general comment from Jenny Products. The following sections walk
through the methods in the test procedure NOPR, the interested party
comments as they pertain to the section, and the methods DOE ultimately
is adopting in this final rule.
Jenny Products made a general comment that the proposed test
procedure had measurement equipment and test condition tolerances that
were too tight for an initial DOE test procedure. Jenny Products
suggested that relaxing the tolerances initially would reduce the
burden of the test procedure from a compliance and financial
standpoint, and that DOE could tighten the tolerances after
manufacturers are comfortable with the test procedure. (Jenny Products,
No. 0020 at p. 2)
DOE acknowledges the comment made by Jenny Products; however, DOE
reiterates that the goal of the proposed test procedure was to align
with ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended,\23\ to reduce the burden and cost to
manufacturers. Most manufacturers currently use ISO 1217:2009(E), and
many of the testing- and calculation-related comments that DOE received
suggested that DOE align its test procedure as closely as possible with
ISO 1217:2009(E). As discussed in the following sections, in this final
rule, DOE is modifying certain methods proposed in the test procedure
NOPR, including the tolerances, in order to align as closely as
possible to ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended.\24\ With these modifications,
the test methods established in this final rule are intended to produce
results equivalent to those produced historically under ISO
1217:2009(E). Consequently, if historical test data meets the
requirements of the test methods established in this final rule, then
manufacturers may use this data for the purposes of representing any
metrics subject to representations requirements. Therefore, because the
industry-standard test method is ISO 1217:2009(E), DOE is using the
tolerances specified in ISO 1217:2009(E), and DOE is not relaxing the
tolerances as suggested by Jenny Products. DOE is also adopting
additional tolerances that are not specified in ISO 1217:2009(E), and
the reasoning for each of these tolerances is explained in the
following sections.
\23\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic,
so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, is equivalent to
aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
\24\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic,
so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, is equivalent to
aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
1. Measurement Equipment
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that for the purposes of
measuring air compressor performance, the equipment necessary to
measure flow rate, inlet and discharge pressure, temperature,
condensate, and energy must comply with the equipment and accuracy
requirements specified in ISO 1217:2009(E) sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6,
5.9, C.2.3, and C.2.4 of Annex C. 81 FR 27220, 27237-8 (May 5, 2016).
DOE also proposed the following specific additions:
Electrical measurement equipment must be capable of
measuring true root mean square (RMS) current, true RMS voltage, and
real power up to the 40th harmonic of fundamental supply source
frequency. 81 FR 27220, 27240 (May 5, 2016).
Any instruments used to measure a particular parameter
must have a combined accuracy of 2.0 percent of the
measured value at the fundamental supply source frequency, where
combined accuracy is the sum of the individual accuracies in
quadrature. 81 FR 27220, 27240 (May 5, 2016).
Any instruments used to measure the density of air must
have an accuracy of 1.0 percent of the measured value. 81
FR 27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016).
Any pressure measurement equipment used in a calculation
of another variable (e.g., actual volume flow rate) must also meet all
accuracy and measurement requirements of section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E). 81 FR 27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016).
Any temperature measurement equipment used in a
calculation of another variable (e.g., actual volume flow rate) must
also meet all accuracy and measurement requirements of section 5.3 of
ISO 1217:2009(E). 81 FR 27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016).
Where ISO 1217:2009(E) refers to ``corrected volume flow
rate,'' the term is deemed synonymous with the term ``actual volume
flow rate,'' as defined in section 3.4.1 of ISO 1217:2009(E). 81 FR
27220, 27238 (May 5, 2016).
The piping connected to the discharge orifice of the
compressor must be of a diameter at least equal to that of the
compressor discharge orifice to which it is connected. The piping must
be straight with a length of at least 15 times the diameter of the
discharge piping. 81 FR 27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016).
The pressure tap must be located on the discharge piping
between 2 inches and 6 inches, inclusive, from the discharge orifice of
the compressor at the higher point of the cross-section of the pipe. 81
FR 27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received specific comments related to the proposed requirements
for equipment used to measure input power, air density, and pressure as
well as requirements regarding their installation location. These
comments are discussed in detail in the sections that follow.
[[Page 1077]]
Aside from the input power, pressure, and air density measurement
equipment, DOE received no specific comments related to the remainder
of this proposal. CAGI commented that it was in agreement with DOE's
proposal for items on which it did not directly comment. (CAGI, No.
0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported
CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently, for the
reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting the
measurement equipment requirements (excluding input power, pressure,
and air density measurement equipment) as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR in this final rule.
a. Input Power Measurement
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that measurement equipment
used for packaged compressor power input must comply with the equipment
and accuracy requirements in section C.2.4 of Annex C of ISO
1217:2009(E). 81 FR 27220, 27257 (May 5, 2016). Section C.2.4 of Annex
C of ISO 1217:2009(E) permits two methods to determine packaged
compressor power input; (1) the double element wattmeter method, which
gives a direct indication of the electrical kilowatt/input; and (2) a
computation based on the separate measurements of voltage, current and
power factor of the electrical supply.
DOE proposed requiring electrical measurement equipment to be
capable of measuring true RMS current, true RMS voltage, and real power
up to the 40th harmonic of fundamental supply source frequency. It also
proposed requiring this equipment to have a combined accuracy of 2.0 percent of the measured value at the fundamental supply
source frequency, where combined accuracy is the square root of the sum
of the squares of individual instrument accuracies. 81 FR 27220, 27240
(May 5, 2016).
In response to DOE's proposal, Scales Industrial Technologies
recommended that power measurements should use the two- or three-
wattmeter method, and not individual measurements of voltage, current,
and power factor. (Scales Industrial Technologies, No. 0013 at p. 5) In
response to Scales Industrial Technologies comment, DOE concludes that
power measurements should not be restricted to the double element
wattmeter method, because ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended,\25\ allows
power to be calculated from individual measurements, and these
measurements would need to meet the additional accuracy and measurement
requirements DOE proposed in the test procedure NOPR. So long as these
requirements are met, DOE concludes that either method in section C.2.4
of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, will produce valid and
repeatable results. DOE notes that some manufacturers and customers may
value measurement of power factor, and wishes to preserve their current
ability to use it.
\25\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic.
CAGI did not directly comment on this item, but CAGI commented that
it was in agreement with DOE's proposal for items on which it did not
directly comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and
Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011
at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
ASAP and NEEA also supported the proposed electrical measurement
requirements. (ASAP and NEEA, No. 0015 at p. 3) However, Sullair also
commented that for large air compressors above 200 hp, many units come
with high-voltage equipment in the range of 2,300 or 4,160 volts, which
makes the proposed limits for harmonics, THD, and voltage accuracy
difficult to guarantee. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 4) DOE acknowledges
Sullair's concern regarding compressors above 200 hp, however, in this
final rule DOE is restricting to the scope of the test procedure to
compressors with less than or equal to 200 compressors motor nominal
horsepower. As such, the concerns raised by Sullair are no longer
Conversely, Jenny Products commented that power measuring devices
are already regulated by the Air Conditioning, Heating, and
Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) and the Canadian Standards Association
(CSA). As a result, Jenny Products commented that any accuracy beyond
that required by AHRI and CSA increases the cost of the equipment,
increases the cost of certifying the equipment, reduces the reliability
of the equipment, and imposes an additional financial burden to small
manufacturers. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 4) DOE acknowledges
comments made by Jenny Products and wishes to clarify that the CSA and
AHRI do not certify or regulate the accuracy of power measurement
equipment. The CSA product design and testing guidelines are intended
to ensure the safe operation of products. AHRI provides standard test
procedures for rating the performance of air conditioning, heating, and
refrigeration equipment. As a result, DOE proposed requirements for the
power measurement equipment in the absence of a standard accuracy
requirement that ensures an equitable test for compressors regardless
of testing location.
In summary, based on the general support provided by ASAP, NEEA,
CAGI, Sullivan-Palatek, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair, and for the
reasons discussed in this section and the test procedure NOPR, DOE is
adopting power measurement requirements, as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
b. Pressure Measurement
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that equipment used for
pressure measurement must comply with the requirements in section 5.2
of ISO 1217:2009(E). DOE also proposed additional requirements to
remedy what it believed to be certain ambiguities in section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E). Specifically, DOE proposed that discharge piping be at
least equal in diameter to the discharge port and of at least 15 times
that diameter in length. DOE also proposed that the pressure
transducers be placed on the discharge piping between 2 inches and 6
inches from the discharge orifice of the compressor. Finally, DOE
requested clarifications, but did not propose any itself, for a number
of other ambiguities in section 5.2. 81 FR 27220, 27240-1 (May 5,
DOE received several comments on its proposals for discharge
piping. CAGI agreed that the discharge pipe should be equal to, or
greater than, the discharge orifice in diameter, and that the pressure
tap should be located 2 to 6 inches from the compressor discharge.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10; CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at
pp. 89-90) Jenny Products made similar comments to CAGI's regarding the
discharge pipe diameter, but suggested that the pressure tap be located
on a receiver. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 4) However, CAGI did not
see a need for a discharge pipe with a length of 15 times the diameter
of the compressor discharge; instead, CAGI recommended a 6-inch minimum
discharge pipe. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10; CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 89-90) CAGI indicated that the use of an
insertion-type mass flowmeter is the only possible reason to require a
discharge pipe with the length proposed by DOE. CAGI indicated that ISO
1217 specifies that nozzles should be used for measuring flow and
[[Page 1078]]
flowmeters should not be used. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10; CAGI, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 89-90) Sullair and Kaeser
Compressors supported CAGI's opinions on the length of the discharge
pipe. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 91; Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 92-93) Atlas
Copco commented that it is possible for the test procedure to specify
only the accuracy required, and not require a specific length of
discharge pipe similar to the approach of ISO 1217:2009(E). (Atlas
Copco, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 94) Scales Industrial
Technologies stated that the length of pipe varies with the type of
meter, but that 15 times the diameter is acceptable in most cases.
Scales Industrial Technologies also stated that, in many cases, it is
also important to specify a required length of piping for the outlet of
the flow measurement device. (Scales Industrial Technologies, No. 0013
at p. 6) Compressed Air Systems commented that the distance requirement
had no merit and would add unnecessary cost to the test equipment
required. (Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2)
In response to comments, DOE clarifies that it did not specify a
discharge pipe length equal to 15 times the diameter of the outlet in
order to accommodate insertion-type flowmeters. DOE specified this
length to avoid oscillations in outlet pressure that can occur when an
elbow or bend is placed a short distance from the compressor outlet.
Kaeser Compressors acknowledged this need to ensure an adequate
distance of discharge pipe before an elbow. (Kaeser Compressors, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 93)
In response to commenters' concerns, DOE is adopting changes to its
proposals for discharge piping in this final rule. Specifically, DOE is
adopting the requirement that discharge pipe be a minimum of 6 inches
long while also adopting tolerance for oscillations in outlet pressure
as part of its stability criteria, as outlined in section III.E.4. This
change aligns with recommendations of CAGI, Sullair, Kaeser
Compressors, and Atlas Copco, and allows test labs to determine the
length of discharge pipe that is required to ensure that outlet
pressure oscillations remain within the stability criteria.
Further, based on the support received from CAGI, and for the
reasons outlined in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting its
proposals that discharge piping be at least equal in diameter to the
discharge port and that the pressure transducers be placed on the
discharge piping between 2 inches and 6 inches from the discharge port.
DOE is also clarifying in this final rule that the pressure tap for
the discharge pressure transducers is to be located at the highest
point of the discharge pipe's cross section. In the test procedure
NOPR, DOE stated that the discharge pressure transducers must be
mounted on the discharge piping. As a result, DOE is revising the
phrasing in this final rule to make clear the required location of the
pressure tap for the discharge pressure transducers.
DOE also received comments on its request for clarifications of the
ambiguities in section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E). CAGI indicated that
much of the content that DOE found ambiguous is intended as guidance
for testers to eliminate leaks and ensure good data. (CAGI, No. 0010 at
p. 10; CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 89-90) Atlas
Copco requested clarification of the ambiguities in section 5.2.1 of
ISO 1217:2009(E), especially on the elimination of leaks. (Atlas Copco,
No. 0009 at p. 17-18) Scales Industrial Technologies noted that some of
the ambiguities appear to be applicable to larger reciprocating
compressors and not for rotary screw models. (Scales Industrial
Technologies, No. 0013 at p. 6) Jenny Products advised that leak
detection can be conducted with soapy water and a paint brush, stated
that pipes should be tight enough such that they don't leak, and
suggested that a flexible hose be used to reduce vibration. (Jenny
Products, No. 0020 at p. 4)
Upon review, DOE agrees with CAGI that most of the material in
section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E) is guidance for testers and is not
required to perform a repeatable and accurate test. DOE believes that
the accuracy requirements in section 5.2 are required, but that testers
can consider the other materials as guidance. DOE also does not believe
that the guidance materials prevent the performance of a repeatable and
accurate test. Some of the guidance material might also help testers to
avoid leaks in the system. As a result, in this final rule, DOE is
adopting its proposal to incorporate by reference all of section 5.2 in
ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended.\26\
\26\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic.
c. Air Density Measurement
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that any measurement of
air density have an accuracy of 1.0 percent of the
measured value. 81 FR 27220, 27241 (May 5, 2016). In response to DOE's
proposal, Kaeser Compressors commented at the public meeting that they
agreed with the proposed accuracy requirement on the measurement of air
density and clarified that manufacturers calculate density using other
measured parameters in accordance with the test procedure. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 87-88) CAGI did
not directly comment on this item, but CAGI commented that it was in
agreement with DOE's proposals of items on which CAGI did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-
Palatek supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
In response to Kaeser Compressors, DOE clarifies that the intent of
its test procedure NOPR proposal was that any direct measurement of
density must have an accuracy of 1.0 percent of the
measured value. Consequently, for the reasons established in the test
procedure NOPR DOE is adopting the accuracy requirements for air
density measure, as proposed in the test procedure NOPR, with the minor
clarification that such requirements only apply to directly measured
2. Test Conditions
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that for both fixed-speed
and variable-speed compressors, testing be conducted in accordance with
the test conditions, unit configuration, and specifications of
subsections 6.2(g), 6.2(h), of ISO 1217:2009(E) and C.1.1, C.2.2,
C.2.3, C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1, C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2, and C.4.4 of Annex C to
ISO 1217:2009(E), Annex C. 81 FR 27220, 27238 (May 5, 2016). In
response to the test procedure NOPR, CAGI commented that it was in
agreement with DOE's proposals of items on which CAGI did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-
Palatek supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
Consequently, for the reasons established in the test procedure NOPR
DOE is adopting the requirements as proposed in the test procedure
In addition, DOE proposed specific requirements for the power
supply and ambient conditions. These proposals and related comments are
discussed in the following sections.
[[Page 1079]]
a. Power Supply
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE noted that ISO 1217:2009(E) does
not specify the power supply characteristics required for testing. As
such, DOE proposed a set of requirements based on those adopted for
similar equipment (i.e., pumps); specifically these requirements were:
(a) Input voltage at 5 percent of the rated value of the
motor; (b) input frequency at 1 percent of the rated value
of the motor; (c) input voltage unbalance at 3 percent of
the rated value of the motor; and d) total harmonic distortion at less
than or equal to 12 percent. 81 FR 27220, 27238-9 (May 5, 2016).
Jenny Products commented that the power supplied to their facility,
as well as other companies, do not meet the requirements proposed in
the test procedure NOPR. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 3) Similarly,
Compressed Air Systems argued that the electrical conditions should be
recorded at the time of the test, but that creating a nearly static
electrical condition is unnecessary because those conditions would
rarely be seen in field applications. According to Compressed Air
Systems, this approach would enable manufacturers to use existing
equipment for the test. Compressed Air Systems further stated that the
tolerances proposed in the test procedure NOPR would create undue
compliance expense. (Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2) In
response to Compressed Air Systems, DOE clarifies that it did not
propose nearly static electrical conditions. Rather, DOE proposed
tolerance ranges that define the acceptable condition of the power
inputted to a compressor under test. The purpose of power supply and
other testing tolerances is to ensure that all compressors are tested
under similar conditions that result in fair and equitable ratings.
Omitting or relaxing power supply tolerances, as implied by Compressed
Air Systems and Jenny Products, respectively, and just requiring
conditions to be recorded would not result in an equitable test, as
large variations in power supply conditions can have a significant
impact on the energy efficiency of a compressor under test and affect
the repeatability of the test procedure.
Scales Industrial Technologies agreed with DOE's proposed voltage
and frequency tolerance requirements, and stated that they should be
less than 5 percent because many motors have efficiency reductions
beyond 10 percent. Scales Industrial Technologies also stated that a
voltage unbalance greater than 1 percent is not acceptable and can lead
to significant increases in motor electric current. (Scales Industrial
Technologies, No. 0013 at p. 5) Scales Industrial Technologies noted
that the motor amps may increase by two times the square of the voltage
unbalance and included a representation that shows the effect of
voltage variation on ``T'' frame motor performance. (Scales Industrial
Technologies, No. 0017.1 at p. 1; Scales Industrial Technologies, No.
0017.2 at p. 1)
CAGI suggested that the voltage tolerance range should be from 5
percent below to 10 percent above the nameplate voltage, and claimed
that the range proposed by DOE would require significant and costly
adaptations by the labs with negligible impact on test results. CAGI
also suggested that the frequency tolerance should be 5
percent and that the voltage imbalance should be 3 percent.
CAGI further suggested that DOE consider input provided by
manufacturers regarding the total harmonic distortion tolerance, but
had internal feedback that the range should be somewhere between 12 and 36 percent. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 8-9)
Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI's
comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1;
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
CAGI's written comment, which were supported by other commenters,
differs slightly from its original voltage tolerance proposal during
the June 2016 public meeting. At the public meeting, CAGI suggested a
10 percent voltage tolerance. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 96-7) This is slightly wider than its
written proposal of 5 percent below to 10 percent above the nameplate
voltage. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 8-9) Sullivan-Palatek, Kaeser
Compressors, and Sullair supported CAGI's proposal at the public
meeting. (Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p.
97; Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 98;
Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 98) Compressed Air
Systems expressed a preference for testing at the nameplate voltage.
(Compressed Air Systems, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 99)
Sullair reiterated that they believed 10 percent was a tolerance that
manufacturers could work with. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 100) Sullivan-Palatek stated that manufacturers often do not
have controlled voltage at its facilities, but the test labs generally
do. (Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 102-
DOE agrees with Scales Industrial Technologies that a narrow
voltage, frequency, and voltage unbalance tolerance may improve
accuracy and repeatability. However, DOE also agrees with CAGI,
Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser Compressors, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek that
there may be significant test burden associated with narrower voltage,
frequency, and voltage unbalance tolerance ranges, and that this burden
may not be justified by a minor increase in accuracy and repeatability.
Therefore, in response to commenters concern of testing burden, in this
final rule DOE adopts the broader voltage and frequency range proposed
by CAGI in its written comment, i.e., - 5 to +10 percent, and 5 percent, respectively. DOE also adopts the voltage unbalance
tolerance of 3 percent, unchanged, as proposed in the test
procedure NOPR.
With regard to total harmonic distortion, CAGI suggested that a
range of 12 to 36 percent seemed appropriate,
but commented that individual manufacturers would make recommendations
as well. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 8-9) DOE did not receive input from any
of the other commenters with regard to total harmonic distortion. DOE
adopts the test procedure NOPR proposal for total harmonic distortion
tolerances without change. These changes pertain only to the power
supply, fall within the range suggested by CAGI, and do not translate
into a wider tolerance on the reported results.
b. Ambient Conditions
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE specifically proposed ambient test
conditions. In addition to incorporating sections 6.2 g and 6.2 h of
ISO 1217:2009(E), DOE proposed that testing should occur with an
ambient air temperature of 80-90 [deg]F, because this is the range that
the CAGI Performance Verification Program uses. DOE proposed no
requirements for inlet pressure or relative humidity. 81 FR 27220,
27238 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received several comments on these proposals. CAGI agreed with
the proposed ambient conditions in principle, but stated that the
proposed range would be overly burdensome for manufacturers and that
ambient temperature does not affect test results. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p.
8; CAGI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 76-77) CAGI
proposed, instead, an ambient air temperature range of 68-
90[emsp14][deg]F. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 8; CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 76-77) Several manufacturers supported and
echoed CAGI's statements. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 3;
Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 77-78;
[[Page 1080]]
Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 79;
Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2; Jenny Products, No. 0020 at
p. 3) Scales Industrial Technologies stated that the temperature range
should be resolved between the manufacturers and the testing companies,
and that the proposed 80-90[emsp14][deg]F temperature range may be hard
to maintain for some compressors. (Scales Industrial Technologies, No.
0013 at p. 4) Sullivan-Palatek further stated that the measured
efficiency of an air compressor is not affected when narrowing the
temperature range from 68-90[emsp14][deg]F to 80-90[emsp14][deg]F
according to testimony from industry engineers. (Sullivan-Palatek, No.
0007 at p. 3)
In response to ambient temperature concerns at the June 17, 2016,
public meeting DOE stated that it was willing to consider CAGI's
proposed temperature range. DOE also requested data to substantiate
manufacturer claims that ambient temperature does not affect measured
efficiency. (DOE, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 78-9).
Kaeser Compressors responded by stating that Sullivan-Palatek
compressors are tested at ambient temperatures below 80[emsp14][deg]F,
and their performance is verified at 80-90[emsp14][deg]F, indicating
that temperature does not affect compressor efficiency. (Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 79) Test data
was not made available to DOE to support or refute the claims made by
CAGI. Conversely, in written comments, Jenny Products stated that
ambient temperature needs to be corrected for because it will affect
test results. Further, Jenny suggested that the ``reference ranges and
their subsequent correction factors'' be examined to avoid adding undue
financial burden to small manufacturers, which DOE interpreted as
comments being directed to the ambient conditions and applicable
correction factors that have been defined as part of this test
procedure. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 3) However, Jenny provided
no quantitative or qualitative data or information to support the claim
that the ambient temperature in the test location that a compressor is
tested in impacts test results. Further, DOE notes that ISO 1217:2009,
which is the industry accepted test method, does not specify a required
ambient temperature range for testing.
Additionally, Sullivan-Palatek stated that many small businesses
may not control the ambient temperature at which they test their
compressors. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 3) Jenny Products
commented that they do not have a climate-controlled room to test
compressors, which would be problematic for winter testing as they are
located in a cold climate. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 3)
Compressed Air Systems also made comments that suggested that it does
not control the ambient temperature of testing facilities. (Compressed
Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2)
DOE acknowledges comments made by Compressed Air Systems and Jenny
Products and agrees that the need to create a climate-controlled space
for testing compressors could be a significant burden on these small
businesses. Therefore, in this final rule, DOE is relaxing the proposal
in the test procedure NOPR to limit ambient temperature to 68-
90[emsp14][deg]F, as suggested by CAGI. DOE concludes this temperature
range provides representative measurements without imposing undue test
burden on manufacturers.
DOE received no comments directly regarding the remaining test
condition requirements proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
Consequently, for the reasons established in the test procedure NOPR,
DOE is adopting its proposal not to establish requirements for inlet
pressure and relative humidity.
3. Equipment Configuration
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed the following requirements
related to equipment configuration for test:
All ancillary equipment that is distributed in commerce
with the compressor under test must be present and installed for all
tests specified in this appendix. 81 FR 27220, 27239 (May 5, 2016).
The inlet of the compressor under test must be open to the
atmosphere and take in ambient air for all tests specified in this
appendix. 81 FR 27220, 27239 (May 5, 2016).
The compressor under test must be set up according to all
manufacturer instructions for normal operation (e.g., verify oil-level,
connect all loose electrical connections, close-off bottom of unit to
floor, cover forklift holes). 81 FR 27220, 27239 (May 5, 2016).
As discussed in section III.A.3.b, CAGI provided a list of
equipment that it believed should be included for testing. CAGI also
suggested that if a unit is offered for sale without a piece of
equipment on its recommended list, the manufacturer must provide an
appropriate component, and the selection and responsibility of
providing and installing this component for testing shall be the
responsibility of the manufacturer. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 3-5)
As discussed in section III.A.3.b, DOE is adopting in this final
rule a required minimum equipment configuration for compressor testing.
This configuration is based on the list provided by CAGI, with some
modifications. CAGI's list included many caveats and footnotes related
to applicability of certain equipment to certain compressors, which DOE
found to be ambiguous. In the interest of clarity, DOE is splitting
CAGI's list into two separate lists, as shown in Table III.2 and Table
III.3, and adopting these lists to describe the minimum equipment
configuration for compressor testing. The first list contains equipment
that must be included on a unit when testing, regardless of whether it
is distributed in commerce with the basic model under test. This table
aligns with many of the items that CAGI specified as ``yes.'' The
second list contains equipment that is only required if it is
distributed in commerce with the basic model under test. This
represents much of the equipment that CAGI specified as ``if
applicable.'' DOE believes that it is impossible to require the
equipment on Table III.3 for testing, as many basic models do not
require some of this equipment to achieve their basic functionality and
adding such equipment is impossible or impractical.
Further, DOE agrees with CAGI and is adopting the provision that if
a unit is offered for sale without a piece of equipment listed in Table
III.2, the manufacturer must provide an appropriate component, and the
selection and responsibility of providing and installing this component
for testing shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer. The only
alternative option under this testing structure would be for the
testing laboratory to determine the needed specifications of the
missing component and furnish that item. Based on discussion with
industry testing experts, DOE concludes that this is not a reasonable
alternative. A testing laboratory does not have the expertise to
determine the needed specifications of the component, so the laboratory
cannot reliably choose the component. In addition, due to the large
number of ancillary components and the wide range of compressor sizes,
it is impractical for DOE to specify the characteristics of these
components as part of the test procedure. DOE is also adopting the
requirement that DOE install any additional ancillary equipment
provided by the manufacturer prior to performing enforcement testing of
a compressor.
Additionally, DOE is specifying that additional ancillary equipment
may be installed for testing, if distributed in
[[Page 1081]]
commerce with a compressor, but this additional ancillary equipment is
not required. This approach is consistent with the approach taken in
the EU Lot 31 draft standard. DOE notes that it will not install any
non-required ancillary equipment during any DOE-run assessment or
enforcement testing. The list that CAGI provided is slightly modified
from the list used by the EU Lot 31 draft standard, and the EU Lot 31
draft standard specifies the list as a minimum configuration.
Table III.2--List of Equipment Required During Test
Variable-speed rotary air
Equipment Fixed-speed rotary air compressors compressors
Driver................................ Yes................................ Yes.
Bare compressors...................... Yes................................ Yes.
Inlet filter.......................... Yes................................ Yes.
Inlet valve........................... Yes................................ Yes.
Minimum pressure check valve/backflow Yes................................ Yes.
check valve.
Lubricant separator................... Yes................................ Yes.
Air piping............................ Yes................................ Yes.
Lubricant piping...................... Yes................................ Yes.
Lubricant filter...................... Yes................................ Yes.
Lubricant cooler...................... Yes................................ Yes.
Thermostatic valve.................... Yes................................ Yes.
Electrical switchgear or frequency Yes................................ Not applicable *.
converter for the driver.
Device to control the speed of the Not applicable **.................. Yes.
driver (e.g., variable speed drive).
Compressed air cooler(s).............. Yes................................ Yes.
Pressure switch, pressure transducer, Yes................................ Yes.
or similar pressure control device.
Moisture separator and drain.......... Yes................................ Yes.
* This category is not applicable to variable-speed rotary air compressors.
** This category is not applicable to fixed-speed rotary air compressors.
Table III.3--List of Equipment Required During Test, if Distributed in Commerce With the Basic Model
Variable-speed rotary air
Equipment Fixed-speed rotary air compressors compressors
Cooling fan(s) and motors............. Yes................................ Yes.
Mechanical equipment.................. Yes................................ Yes.
Lubricant pump........................ Yes................................ Yes.
Interstage cooler..................... Yes................................ Yes.
Electronic or electrical controls and Yes................................ Yes.
user interface.
All protective and safety devices..... Yes................................ Yes.
DOE is also adopting some changes to the individual items included
in the list from CAGI. DOE has changed any mention of ``oil'' in the
list to ``lubricant,'' in order to be consistent with the terminology
throughout the test procedure. DOE has added interstage cooler to the
list of items that must be included if they are distributed in commerce
with the compressor, to ensure that interstage coolers are not removed
from a compressor for testing.
DOE is revising and clarifying the ``compressor control device''
item from CAGI's list. DOE is including ``pressure switch, pressure
transducer, or similar pressure control device'' in the list of
equipment that is required during a test, because all compressors must
have the ability to load and unload in response to changes in outlet
pressure. DOE is also including ``electronic or electrical controls and
user interface'' in the list of equipment required during a test, if
distributed in commerce with the basic model. Many compressors include
controls that perform other tasks beyond controlling pressure, such as
cycling the intercoolers or fans on and off depending upon temperature.
In addition, many compressors include an interface panel through which
a user can get information and control the compressor. This equipment,
if present, impacts the energy consumption of the packaged compressor,
and should be accounted for. As such, electronic or electrical controls
and user interfaces must be included if they are distributed in
commerce with the compressor.
DOE is adopting modifications to the electrical switchgear and
frequency converters included in CAGI's list. DOE is specifying that
that electrical switchgear or a frequency converter must be included
for fixed-speed compressors, to ensure that there is a method to turn
the driver on and off. For variable-speed compressors, DOE is adopting
the requirement that they include a device to control the speed of the
driver. CAGI had specified that a frequency converter be required for
variable-speed compressors (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 4) A frequency
converter is a common device for controlling the speed of an electric
motor, but there may be other devices that can also control the driver
speed. Therefore, DOE is only specifying that a piece of equipment
capable of controlling driver speed is required. DOE is doing this to
ensure that the requirement is only for the performance of the device,
and is not a prescriptive requirement for a particular technology to
control motor speed.
DOE is also aware that certain rotary compressors are distributed
in commerce with storage tanks. CAGI commented that for reciprocating
compressors, storage tanks should be included in the test when they are
part of the package offered by manufacturers, because their inclusion
will not affect performance. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 5) DOE reviewed this
issue with an industry testing expert and concluded
[[Page 1082]]
that CAGI's comment is also relevant to rotary compressors distributed
in commerce with tanks; i.e., tanks on rotary compressors will not
affect rotary compressor performance either. Consequently, DOE
concludes that tanks may be included during testing, if distributed in
commerce with a compressor, but tanks are not required during testing.
Defining the list of equipment that must be installed as part of
the test procedure addresses comments made by Jenny Products that
identified a loophole, which would allow a manufacturer to remove
ancillary equipment from the basic compressor package to improve the
efficiency of the unit and sell the ancillary equipment as an optional
package separate from the compressor. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p.
DOE received no comments directly regarding the remaining equipment
configuration requirements proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
Consequently, for the reasons established in the test procedure NOPR,
DOE is adopting its proposal that the compressor inlet be open to
ambient conditions and intake ambient air during testing and the
compressor under test must be set up according to all manufacturer
instructions for normal operation.
4. Data Collection and Analysis
a. Stabilization and Data Sampling and Frequency
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed several requirements for
data collection and sampling. DOE proposed to require that measurements
be taken at steady-state conditions, which are achieved when the
difference between two consecutive, unique, power measurements, taken
at least 10 seconds apart and no more than 60 seconds apart and
measured per section C.2.4 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E), is less than
or equal to 300 watts. 81 FR 27220, 27239 (May 5, 2016).
DOE also proposed that at each load point, a minimum of 16 unique
measurements must be recorded over a minimum time of 15 minutes. Each
consecutive measurement must be no more than 60 seconds apart, no less
than 10 seconds apart, and the difference in packaged compressor power
input between the maximum and minimum measurement must be equal to or
less than 300 watts, as measured per section C.2.4 of Annex C to ISO
1217:2009(E). Each measurement within the data recording must meet
these requirements. If one or more measurements do not meet the
requirements, the tester must take a new data recording of at least 16
new unique measurements collected over a minimum period of 15 minutes.
81 FR 27220, 27239 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received a number of comments in response to data collection
and sampling requirements proposed in the test procedure NOPR. Jenny
Products commented that the frequency of data sampling seems too high,
noting that their process of manually recording readings takes more
than 10 seconds to complete. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 4) DOE
wishes to clarify that data samples must be taken between 10 and 60
seconds apart; DOE believes that 60 seconds provides enough time to
manually record measurements. CAGI commented that it agrees with the
proposed data sampling frequency requirements. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p.
10) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI's
comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1;
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Based on the general support of
commenters and the reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE
is adopting the requirements that at each load point, a minimum of 16
unique measurements must be recorded over a minimum time of 15 minutes
and each consecutive measurement must be no more than 60 seconds apart,
and not less than 10 seconds apart.
However, CAGI commented that it does not agree with the
requirements of stability. CAGI recommended that DOE adopt Table 1 from
Section 6.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E), to quantify the maximum permissible
fluctuation from average during steady-state operation for discharge
pressure, temperature at the nozzle or orifice plate, and differential
pressure over the nozzle or orifice plate. CAGI also recommended that
DOE incorporate by reference sections 6.2(i), 6.2(j), and 6.2(k) to
help clarify stability. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 6-8, 10; CAGI, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 74, 83) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair,
and Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No.
0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at
p. 1) Atlas Copco supports comments made by CAGI with regard to
adopting the cited sections of ISO 1217:2009(E). (Atlas Copco, No. 0009
at pp. 17-18) CAGI and Kaeser Compressors commented that the power
restriction of 300 W, likely taken from the CAGI Performance
Verification Program, is inappropriate and not followed by some members
as it is not a realistic stability requirement for larger horsepower
compressors and that a more appropriate threshold is a percentage of
full-load power. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10; Kaeser Compressors, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 82-83) CAGI and Kaeser Compressors
further argue that the power is the measured result of the test, but
the stability criteria should be strictly based on measured
temperatures and pressures. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10; Kaeser
Compressors, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 84)
In response to commenters' concerns over the 300 watt stability
requirement, DOE agrees with the CAGI recommendation that stability
should be determined using the maximum permissible fluctuation from
average for discharge pressure, temperature at the nozzle or orifice
plate, and differential pressure over nozzle or orifice plate from
Table 1 in ISO 1217:2009(E). Therefore, in this final rule, DOE adopts
revised requirements stating that steady-state is achieved when the
difference between two consecutive, unique, measurements taken at least
10 seconds apart and no more than 60 seconds apart meet all of the
following requirements from Table 1 of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended:
(1) Discharge pressure varies less than or equal to 1 percent from the
average reading; (2) temperature at the nozzle or orifice plate,
measured per section 5.3 of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, varies less
than or equal to 2 K from the average reading; and (3) differential
pressure over nozzle or orifice plate, measured per section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended, varies less than or equal to 2 percent from
the average reading.\27\
\27\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic.
In response to CAGI's additional recommendation that DOE
incorporate by reference sections 6.2(i), 6.2(j), and 6.2(k) of ISO
1217:2009(E), DOE reviewed these sections and concluded that these
sections contain general qualitative guidance for testing, and that the
same issues are already addressed in various other sections of the test
procedure being established in this final rule. Therefore, DOE is not
incorporating these sections in the test procedure.
Specifically, section 6.2(i) of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended,\28\
states that before readings are taken, the compressor shall be run long
enough to ensure that steady-state conditions are reached so that no
systematic changes
[[Page 1083]]
occur in the instrument readings during the test. In response, DOE
clarifies that in this document DOE is adopting the specific
requirement that steady-state is achieved when the difference between
two consecutive, unique, measurements taken at least 10 seconds apart
and no more than 60 seconds apart meet certain requirements from Table
1 of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended. As such, DOE concludes that it is
unnecessary to incorporate by reference the qualitative guidance
provided section 6.2(i) of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended.
\28\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic.
Section 6.2(j) of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended,\29\ states that,
should the test conditions be such that systematic changes cannot be
avoided, or if individual readings are subject to great variations,
then the number of readings shall be increased. In response, DOE
clarifies that in this document DOE is adopting the requirement that if
measurements do not meet stability requirements then a new data
recording of at least 16 new unique measurements must be taken. As
such, DOE does not incorporate by reference the qualitative guidance
provided section 6.2(j) of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended.
\29\ Ibid.
Section 6.2(k) of ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended,\30\ states that for
each load, a sufficient number of readings shall be taken to indicate
that steady-state conditions have been reached. The number of readings
and the intervals shall be chosen to obtain the required accuracy. In
response, DOE clarifies that in this document DOE is adopting specific
requirements that at each load point, a minimum of 16 unique
measurements must be recorded over a minimum time of 15 minutes and
each consecutive measurement must be no more than 60 seconds apart, and
not less than 10 seconds apart. As such, DOE does not incorporate by
reference the qualitative guidance provided in section 6.2(k) of ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended.
\30\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic.
b. Calculations and Rounding
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE recognized that the order and
manner in which values are rounded can affect the final represented
values produced by the test procedure. DOE noted that ISO 1217:2009(E)
does not specify rounding requirements. Consequently, DOE proposed its
own rounding requirements for the calculations and representations
required by the DOE test procedure. DOE proposed that package
isentropic efficiency be rounded and represented to the nearest 0.001,
specific power to the nearest 0.01 kW/100 cfm, pressure ratio to the
nearest 0.1, actual volume flow rate to the nearest 0.1 cubic feet per
minute (``cfm''), and full-load operating pressure to the nearest 1
psig. DOE further proposed to require that all calculations be
performed with the raw measured data in order to ensure accuracy. 81 FR
27220, 27240 (May 5, 2016).
CAGI and Atlas Copco suggested that the full-load operating
pressure should be expressed to the nearest 0.1 psig to ensure that the
pressure ratio is not distorted. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 10; Atlas Copco,
No. 0009 at p. 18) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek
supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair,
No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
In response to CAGI and Atlas Copco's concerns that pressure ratio
not be distorted, DOE first notes that, as discussed in sections
III.A.8 and III.E.8, the term referred to as pressure ratio in the test
procedure NOPR is now referred to as pressure ratio at full-load
operating pressure in this final rule. Further, in this final rule, DOE
specifies that all calculations for pressure ratio at full-load
operating pressure be carried out with the raw measured data. As such,
the rounding requirement for representations of full-load operating
pressure does not affect the calculation of the pressure ratio at full-
load operating pressure. Additionally, DOE is not specifying a method
for calculating pressure ratio at any load point other than full-load
operating pressure. Therefore, manufacturers are not restricted by any
specific rounding or representations requirement for such information.
Based on this consideration, DOE does not believe that stricter
rounding requirements are necessary in representations of the full-load
operating pressure. Therefore, in this final rule DOE adopts the test
procedure NOPR proposal for rounding and calculations requirements.
5. Determination of Full-Load and Part-Load Package Isentropic
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to rate fixed-speed
compressors with the full-load package isentropic efficiency metric.
For variable-speed compressors, DOE proposed the use of the part-load
package isentropic efficiency. 81 FR 27220, 27232-3 (May 5, 2016).
According to Equation 3 in the proposal, the full-load package
isentropic efficiency is calculated at the full-load operating
pressure. 81 FR 27220, 27234 (May 5, 2016).
[eta]isen,FL = [eta]isen,100 = package
isentropic efficiency at full-load operating pressure and 100
percent of full-load actual volume flow rate,
Preal,100 = packaged compressor power input at
full-load operating pressure and 100 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as determined from Equation 4,\31\ and
\31\ The correction factor for the shaft speed (K4)
in section C.4.3.1 of Annex C in ISO 1217:2009(E) is not applicable
to this test procedure because the electric motor drive is included
in the package, and it is therefore omitted from this equation.
Pisen,100 = isentropic power required for
compression at full-load operating pressure and 100 percent of full-
load actual volume flow rate, as determined from Equation 5.
As referenced in Equation 3, the packaged compressor power input at
full-load operating pressure and 100 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate was proposed to be determined in accordance with Equation 4.
81 FR 27220, 27234 (May 5, 2016).
[[Page 1084]]
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as determined
in section C.4.3.2 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E) at a contractual
inlet pressure of 100 kPa,\32\ and
\32\ The correction factor for inlet pressure uses contractual
values for inlet pressure. Since a contractual value is not
applicable to this test procedure, DOE proposed to use a value of
100 kPa from Annex F in ISO 1217:2009(E).
PPR,100 = packaged compressor power input reading
at full-load operating pressure and 100 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate (W), as determined in section C.2.4 of Annex C to
ISO 1217:2009(E).
The isentropic power required for compression at full-load
operating pressure and 100 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate
(Pisen,100), shown in equation 5, was proposed to be
evaluated using measurements taken while the unit is operating at full-
load operating pressure. 81 FR 27220, 27234-5 (May 5, 2016).
V1\m3/s = corrected volume flow rate at full-load operating pressure
and 100 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate, as determined
in section C.4.2.1 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) (cubic meters per
second) with no corrections made for shaft speed,
p1 = atmospheric pressure, as determined in section 5.2.2
of ISO 1217:2009(E) (Pa),
p2 = discharge pressure at full-load operating pressure
and 100 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate, determined in
accordance with section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (Pa), and
[kappa] = isentropic exponent (ratio of specific heats) of air,
which, for the purposes of this test procedure, is 1.400.\33\
\33\ The isentropic exponent of air has some limited variability
with atmospheric conditions. DOE chose a fixed value of 1.400 to
align with the EU Lot 31 draft standard's metric calculations.
Also according to the test procedure NOPR proposal, the part-load
efficiency is calculated using Equation 6. 81 FR 27220, 27235-27236
(May 5, 2016).
[eta]isen,PL = part-load package isentropic efficiency
for a variable-speed compressor,
[eta]isen,100 = package isentropic efficiency at
full-load operating pressure, as determined in Equation 3,
[eta]isen,70 = package isentropic efficiency at
70 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate,
[eta]isen,40 = package isentropic efficiency at
40 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate,
[omega]40 = weighting at 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate (0.25),
[omega]70 = weighting at 70 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate (0.5), and
[omega]100 = weighting at 100 percent of full-
load actual volume flow rate (0.25).
Package isentropic efficiencies at 70 percent and 40 percent of
full-load actual volume flow rate were proposed to be calculated using
equations of the same form as equations 3, 4 and 5, but with the
necessary modification of the inputs. Thus, for the 70 percent case,
the packaged compressor power input and the package isentropic
efficiency are evaluated at 70 percent of the full-load actual volume
flow rate, and those values are used to calculate the package
isentropic efficiency at 70 percent. Analogously, for the 40 percent
case the package compressor power input and the package isentropic
efficiency are evaluated at 40 percent of the full-load actual volume
flow rate, and those values are used to calculate the package
isentropic efficiency at 40 percent.
In response to the test procedure NOPR, DOE did not receive any
direct comments on this item. CAGI commented that it was in agreement
with DOE's proposals of items on which CAGI did not directly comment.
(CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek
supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair,
No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently, for
the reasons established in the test procedure NOPR DOE is adopting the
calculation methods for full-load and part-load package isentropic
efficiency, as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
However, as previously discussed in section III.D, ISO recently
published an amendment to ISO 1217:2009(E), ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1,\34\
which includes formulas for isentropic efficiency and isentropic power.
DOE reviewed the amendment and notes that the equations provided are
equivalent to the equations DOE provided in the test procedure NOPR.
Therefore, in this final rule DOE is amending its proposed test method
to incorporate ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, and referencing it for the
calculation of package isentropic efficiency, rather than directly
providing all the equations. DOE considers this to be an administrative
change, as it has no impact on the ultimate result of the test
\34\ ISO 1217:2009(E) and ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1 create one
amended document, which is referred to in this final rule as ``ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended.''
In this test procedure final rule, DOE is also establishing certain
clarifying language that it concludes is required to clearly and
unambiguously interpret the methods proposed in the test procedure
NOPR. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE did not specify an operating
pressure for the points at 70 and 40 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate. DOE is specifying in this final rule that these points be
tested at full-load operating pressure. This is the same pressure used
for the point at 100 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate.
DOE is also revising the pressure values used in the calculation of
isentropic power. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to correct
the measured real power to a standard atmospheric pressure of 100 kPa.
For isentropic power, DOE proposed to use the atmospheric and discharge
pressure values measured at each load point, without correction for
atmospheric pressure. This creates an inconsistency, because real power
is corrected to atmospheric pressure and isentropic power is not.
Therefore, DOE is adopting a method that calculates the isentropic
power at a standard atmospheric pressure of 100 kPa. The method
specifies a discharge pressure that is equal to the sum of 100 kPa and
[[Page 1085]]
the discharge gauge pressure measured during the test.
6. Allowable Deviation From Specified Load Points
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to explicitly limit the
maximum allowable deviation from specified load points when testing to
find part-load and full-load package isentropic efficiency and pressure
ratio. Specifically, DOE proposed that maximum allowable deviations
from the specified discharge pressure and volume flow rate in Tables
C.1 and C.2 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) apply. 81 FR 27220, 27239-
27240 (May 5, 2016). DOE also clarified that the term ``volume flow
rate'' in Table C.2 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) refers to the actual
volume flow rate of the compressor under test. 81 FR 27220, 27259 (May
5, 2016).
DOE received no comments directly regarding this proposed
requirement, but notes that CAGI stated that it was in agreement with
DOE's proposals of items on which CAGI did not directly comment. (CAGI,
No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported
CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006
at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Consequently, for the
reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting this
7. Determination of Package Specific Power
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that package specific
power can be determined for both fixed and variable-speed air
compressors at any load point using the equation for specific energy
consumption in section C.4.4 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E). 81 FR
27220, 27259 (May 5, 2016). DOE received no comments directly regarding
this proposed requirement, but notes that CAGI stated that it was in
agreement with DOE's proposals of items on which CAGI did not directly
comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-
Palatek supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1)
In this final rule, DOE is adopting a clarification of the method
for calculating corrected package power input for specific power. The
clarification ensures that this value is calculated in the same way as
it is calculated for isentropic efficiency. In the test procedure NOPR,
DOE did not incorporate by reference the subsection in Annex C of ISO
1217:2009(E) in which the corrected package power input
(PPcorr) is calculated. DOE has resolved this ambiguity by
adopting an equation in this final rule for calculating
DOE is also adopting the clarification that correction for shaft
speed shall not be performed when calculating package specific power.
In the NOPR and this final rule, DOE does not allow for shaft speed
correction when calculating package isentropic efficiency. Therefore,
DOE believes it is most consistent and clear to require the same
standards for determining package specific power.
8. Determination of Pressure Ratio at Full-Load Operating Pressure
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed a method to determine
pressure ratio. Specifically DOE proposed that pressure ratio be
defined by the following equation:
PR = pressure ratio
P1 = atmosphere pressure as determined in section 5.2.2
of ISO 1217:2009(E) (Pa), and
P2 = discharge pressure at full-load operating pressure,
determined in accordance with section 5.2 of ISO 1217: 2009 (Pa). 81
FR 27220, 27260 (May 5, 2016).
CAGI did not directly comment on pressure ratio, but CAGI stated
that it was in agreement with DOE's proposals of items on which CAGI
did not directly comment. (CAGI, No. 0010, p. 3) Ingersoll Rand,
Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll
Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek,
No. 0007 at p. 1)
As discussed in section III.A.1, Scales Industrial Technologies
indicated that DOE's proposed definition of pressure ratio was not
sufficiently clear, and could be interpreted in multiple ways. (Scales
Industrial Technologies, No. 0013, at p. 1) Jenny Products commented
that ambient temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, and altitude
must be corrected for because they will all affect test results. (Jenny
Products, No. 0020 at p. 3)
As discussed in section III.A.1, in an effort to add clarity, the
term referred to as pressure ratio in the test procedure NOPR is now
referred to as pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure in this
final rule. Additionally, in this final rule, DOE is incorporating
clarifying changes to the test method and calculations for pressure
ratio at full-load isentropic efficiency. Specifically, DOE reviewed
the test method proposed in the test procedure NOPR and agrees with
Scales Industrial Technologies that the method was ambiguous and would
create results that vary with atmospheric pressure. Further, DOE agrees
with Jenny Products that it is important to account for ambient
barometric pressure.
Specifically, compressors within the scope of this rulemaking all
use control devices. As a result, the full-load operating pressure is a
characteristic of each model and remains constant under varying
atmospheric pressure. This means that the method proposed by DOE would
result in a pressure ratio that is dependent on the atmospheric
pressure at which the test is performed. This dependence on atmospheric
pressure reduces the repeatability of the method.
To remove the dependence on atmospheric pressure, DOE is adopting a
revised method for measuring pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure in this final rule. This method uses a standard atmospheric
pressure, 100 kPa, and uses the full-load operating pressure declared
for the compressor. As a result, this method creates results that are
independent of the atmospheric pressure at which testing is performed.
9. Maximum Full-Flow Operating Pressure, Full-Load Operating Pressure,
and Full-Load Actual Volume Flow Rate
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed a detailed method to
determine maximum full-flow operating pressure, full-load operating
pressure, and full-load actual volume flow rate. Specifically, DOE
proposed that the full-load operating pressure would be a manufacturer-
declared value based on the measured maximum full-flow operating
pressure. In its proposal, DOE allowed manufacturers to declare a full-
load operating pressure of between 90 percent and 100 percent of the
maximum full-flow operating pressure. The full-load operating pressure
would then be used for subsequent testing in order to determine the
full-load actual volume flow rate, specific power and package
isentropic efficiency. 81 FR 27220, 27241-27243 (May 5, 2016).
DOE received many comments related to its proposal that full-load
operating pressure would be a manufacturer-declared value based on the
measured maximum full-flow operating pressure, as well as comments
related to the procedure to determine maximum full-flow operating
pressure. These comments are discussed in the paragraphs that follow.
However, DOE received no comments regarding the proposed method to
determine full-load actual volume flow rate. Consequently,
[[Page 1086]]
for the reasons established in the test procedure NOPR, DOE is adopting
this method as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
Jenny Products commented that the procedure to determine maximum
full-flow operating pressure was confusing, but did not offer specific
guidance as to how it could be simplified. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at
p. 4) Further, Jenny Products stated that ISO allowed for a tolerance
of 2 psig for pressure variation vs. the 1 psig
variation proposed by DOE when determining the maximum full-flow
operating pressure. DOE would like to clarify that the discharge
pressure variation tolerance in ISO 1217:2009(E) is 1
percent from average as specified in 6.2 Table 1. With respect to Jenny
Products comments regarding the detail of the procedure to determine
maximum full-flow operating pressure, DOE recognizes that the procedure
is nuanced, but believes that the detail is necessary to ensure a
repeatable and reproducible test across all compressors included in the
scope of this final rule. DOE also notes that the accuracy requirement
of 1 psig is necessary due to the discrete increments of
pressure required as discussed in the test procedure NOPR. 81 FR 27220,
27242 (May 5, 2016). Consequently, DOE adopts the method to determine
maximum full-flow operating pressure as proposed in the test procedure
NOPR in this final rule.
Compressed Air Systems commented that the operating pressure is a
range, not a static number, and can vary between load and unload
pressure. (Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2) In response to
Compressed Air Systems' concern, DOE agrees that compressors may output
air at a range of pressures. However, DOE must select a specific
pressure value for manufacturers to use, in order to fairly and
equitably measure compressor performance.
In response to DOE's proposal, Atlas Copco objected to
manufacturers self-declaring full-load operating pressure of between 90
and 100 percent of maximum full-flow operating pressure, claiming that
this creates a loophole where fixed-speed machines can select the
optimal pressure for maximum efficiency (between 90-100 percent), but
variable-speed units are penalized because all points have to achieve
efficiencies greater than required by the standard. (Atlas Copco, No.
0009 at p. 15) In response to Atlas Copco's concern, DOE clarifies that
manufacturers currently self-declare full-load operating pressure and
the provision proposed by DOE in the test procedure NOPR allows
manufacturers to continue this practice. Further, any potential benefit
to fixed-speed compressors from this self-declaration could be realized
equally by all fixed-speed compressors and thus not be considered a
loophole. Additionally, in the energy conservation standards NOPR, DOE
proposed fixed-speed and variable-speed compressors to be considered in
separate equipment classes with separate proposed standards. As such,
any benefits provided to fixed-speed compressors would have no bearing
on the performance or relative ranking of variable compressors, which
would be assessed using a completely separate metric and proposed
Atlas Copco also claimed there could be a loophole whereby a
manufacturer represents the full-load operating pressure at which the
compressor achieves its optimum efficiency (e.g., 125 psig), but
markets the product at a different pressure (e.g., 90 psig). To remedy
these concerns, Atlas Copco suggested any declared full-load operating
pressure must have an associated efficiency that is above the standard.
(Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 15-16) DOE agrees with Atlas Copco that
rating a compressor at one pressure and marketing a compressor at a
different pressure is undesirable and believes the provisions of the
test procedure NOPR are in agreement with Atlas Copco's suggestion.
Specifically, in the test procedure NOPR, DOE clearly proposed that any
representation of full-load actual volume flow rate, full-load
operating pressure, full-load package isentropic efficiency, and part-
load package isentropic efficiency must be made according to the DOE
test procedure. Given this provision, manufacturers can only self-
declare one full-load operating pressure, and the package isentropic
efficiency associated with this operating pressure must be represented
in accordance with the DOE test procedure.
Scales Industrial Technologies indicated a preference for the
manufacturer's maximum design pressure at full capacity in response to
a request for comment regarding the full-load operating pressure.
(Scales Industrial Technologies, No. 0013 at pp. 7) DOE is unclear as
to the exact meaning of maximum design pressure at full capacity.
However, requiring use of an objective maximum pressure (i.e., maximum
full-flow operating pressure) would force a manufacturer to rate a
compressor in a manner unfamiliar to customers and, possibly, in a way
that does not characterize the way the compressor is likely to be
operated in practice. The 10-percent psig limit proposed in the test
procedure NOPR balances DOE's need to create a fair and equitable
rating point while maintaining the flexibility needed for compressor
manufacturers to continue to meet the needs of their end users.
CAGI agreed that manufacturers should be allowed to self-declare a
full-load operating pressure, but suggested a tolerance of either 10
percent or 10 psi, \35\ whichever is greater. CAGI added that a 10-
percent range would not be practical for lower-pressure equipment.
(CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11) DOE interpreted this comment to translate to
the following requirement:
\35\ Here, there is no difference between absolute and gauge
If measured maximum full-flow operating pressure is greater than
100 psig, manufacturers would be allowed to declare a full-load
operating pressure of between 90 percent and 100 percent of the
measured maximum full-flow operating pressure. If measured maximum
full-flow operating pressure is less than or equal to 100 psig,
manufacturers would be allowed to declare a full-load operating
pressure as a value that is up to 10 psi \36\ less than the measured
maximum full-flow operating pressure.
\36\ Here, there is no difference between absolute and gauge
CAGI suggested that this is a better approach because the 10
percent range proposed by DOE would not be practical for low-pressure
equipment. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11) Sullair and CAGI had previously
suggested this approach in the June 2016 public meeting. (Sullair,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 105; CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 105-6)
The CAGI suggestion would only affect units whose maximum full-flow
operating pressures are less than 100 psig. For those units, 10 percent
of the full-operating pressure would be 10 psi \37\ or less. DOE
concludes that CAGI's recommendation is reasonable, and aligns with
DOE's intent to create a fair and equitable rating point while
maintaining the flexibility needed for compressor manufacturers to
continue to meet the needs of their end users.
\37\ Here, there is no difference between absolute and gauge
Thus, in this final rule DOE adopts CAGI's suggestion that if
measured maximum full-flow operating pressure is greater than 100 psig,
manufacturers are allowed to declare a full-load operating pressure of
between 90 percent and 100 percent of the measured maximum full-flow
operating pressure; and if measured maximum full-flow operating
pressure is less than or equal to 100 psig, manufacturers are
[[Page 1087]]
allowed to declare a full-load operating pressure as a value that is up
to 10 psi \38\ less than the measured maximum full-flow operating
\38\ Here, there is no difference between absolute and gauge
In this test procedure final rule, DOE is adopting a minor
modification to the starting pressure used in the maximum full-flow
operating pressure test method. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed to start the test by adjusting the backpressure of the system
so the measured discharge pressure is 90 percent of the expected
maximum full-flow operating pressure, rounded to the nearest integer,
in psig. If the expected maximum full-flow operating pressure is not
known, DOE proposed to adjust the backpressure of the system so that
the measured discharge pressure is 75 psig. The intent of this
provision is to ensure that all compressors within the scope of this
rulemaking can be tested to find maximum full-flow operating pressure,
even when no expected value is known. As discussed in section III.B,
the scope of this test procedure is now restricted to compressors with
full-load operating pressure greater than or equal to 75 psig. To
achieve the original intent of this provision, the starting discharge
pressure for this test must be slightly lower than that 90 percent of
the lowest possible maximum full-flow operating pressure (i.e., 75
psig). Consequently, it is appropriate to revise the default starting
discharge pressure to 65 psig.
F. Definition of Basic Model
In the course of regulating products and equipment, DOE has
developed the concept of using a ``basic model'' for testing to allow
manufacturers to group similar equipment to minimize testing burden,
provided all representations regarding the energy use of compressors
within that basic model are identical and based on the most
consumptive, least efficient unit. 76 FR 12422, 12423 (Mar. 7,
2011).\39\ In that rulemaking, DOE established that manufacturers may
elect to group similar individual models within the same equipment
class into the same basic model to reduce testing burden, provided all
representations regarding the energy use of individual models within
that basic model are identical and based on the most consumptive unit.
76 FR 12422, 12423 (Mar. 7, 2011). However, manufacturers group models
with the understanding that there is increased risk associated with
such model consolidation, due to the potential for an expanded impact
from a finding of noncompliance. Consolidation of models within a
single basic model results in such increased risk because DOE
determines compliance on a basic model basis. Ibid.
\39\ These provisions allow manufacturers to group individual
models with essentially identical, but not exactly the same,
electrical, physical, and functional characteristics that affect
energy performance characteristics into a basic model to reduce
testing burden. Under DOE's certification requirements, all the
individual models within a basic model identified in a certification
report as being the same basic model must have the same certified
efficiency rating and use the same test data underlying the
certified rating. The Compliance Certification and Enforcement final
rule also establishes that the efficiency rating of a basic model
must be based on the least efficient or most energy consuming
individual model (i.e., put another way, all individual models
within a basic model must be at least as energy efficient as the
certified rating). 76 FR 12422, 12428-12429 (March 7, 2011).
In keeping with this practice, in the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed a definition of basic model for compressors that defines the
compressor models on which manufacturers must conduct testing to
demonstrate compliance with any energy conservation standard for
compressors, while still enabling manufacturers to group individual
models to reduce the burden of testing. DOE proposed to establish a
definition of basic model that is similar to other commercial and
industrial equipment. Specifically, DOE proposed to define a compressor
basic model to include all units of a class of compressors manufactured
by one manufacturer, having the same primary energy source, and having
essentially identical electrical, physical, and functional (or
pneumatic) characteristics that affect energy consumption and energy
efficiency. The requirement of ``essentially identical electrical . . .
characteristics'' means that models with different compressor motor
nominal horsepower ratings must be classified as separate basic models.
81 FR 27220, 27243 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the test procedure NOPR, DOE received comments
expressing concern that under the definition of the basic model, small
changes to certified compressors may require manufacturers to retest or
perform an AEDM in order to recertify the equipment. Specifically,
Sullivan-Palatek commented that the substitution of non-standard
electric motors, controls, or coolers would be a significant burden due
to the testing that would be required for that compressor. Sullivan-
Palatek further commented that DOE should consider the definition of
basic model that CAGI currently uses, which permits add-ons and
alterations to basic packages. Sullivan-Palatek indicated that this
definition of basic model would allow manufacturers to offer specialty
products without the burden of certifying each customized compressor as
a new basic model. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at pp. 1, 4; Sullivan-
Palatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 44) Kaeser
Compressors and Sullair also commented that customers often request
small changes, particularly at higher compressor capacities, and used
motor substitutions as the primary example of what may constitute
additional basic models. (Kaeser Compressors, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 46; Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at p. 131) CAGI stated that the DOE definition of a basic model
differed from the industry definition of a standard model, which the
industry uses to represent efficiency. CAGI implied that the difference
in the interpretation of what constitutes a basic model would cause
many more compressor models to be tested in order to represent their
efficiency, which is burdensome to manufacturers. (CAGI, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 125-8) Sullair commented that many non-
standard compressor models exist which include modifications that
increase the energy consumed by the compressor compared to its basic
model. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 113)
DOE clarifies that changes, such as the use of alternate brand
components (e.g., motors, filters, drives) trigger the need for a new
basic model only if the variant no longer has essentially identical
electrical, physical, and functional (or pneumatic) characteristics
that affect energy consumption and energy efficiency. In response to
CAGI's concerns that a greater number of basic models may need to
represent efficiency in comparison to the industry practice of a
standard model, DOE believes that changes made to the test
configuration (see section III.E.3) that are adopted in this final rule
result in a DOE basic model that more closely aligns with the
industry's concept of a standard model. However, based on Sullair's
comment, DOE concludes that some additional basic models (as compared
to the industry's ``standard models'') are justified, as some models
exhibit unique efficiency characteristics, and accurate representation
of equipment efficiency is critical to setting an equitable test
procedure. Finally, DOE notes that in this final rule it is also
adopting a provision to allow for the use of an AEDM to alleviate the
burden of representing the efficiency of basic models that are similar
in design to a standard compressor, but with modifications to suit an
application or customer request.
[[Page 1088]]
Consequently, DOE is adopting in this final rule the definition for
basic model as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
G. Sampling Plan for Testing and Alternative Efficiency Determination
DOE must provide test procedures that produce results that reflect
energy efficiency, energy use, and estimated operating cost of
industrial equipment during a representative average use cycle. (42
U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)) These representative values are used when making
public representations and when determining compliance with prescribed
energy conservation standards. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed
two uniform methods for manufacturers to determine representative
values of energy and cost-related metrics: A statistical sampling plan
or an alternative efficiency determination method. 81 FR 27220, 27244
(May 5, 2016). The following sections discuss comments received in
response to DOE's test procedure NOPR regarding statistical sampling
and AEDMs.
1. Sampling Plan and Representations
a. Minimum Sample Size
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed a statistical sampling
plan that requires a minimum of two units be tested to ensure a basic
model's compliance. 81 FR 27220, 27244-5 (May 5, 2016). In response to
the proposed sampling plan, CAGI, Compressed Air Systems, Sullair, and
Sullivan-Palatek commented that, due to low production volume of some
compressors models, a minimum of two samples would be impractical to
test as there is not adequate inventory to meet the sampling
requirements. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11, Compressed Air Systems, No.
0008 at p. 2, Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9; Sullair, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 124; Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 56) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-
Palatek supported CAGI's comments. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1;
Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1) Sullair
and Sullivan-Palatek further commented that, for customized low volume
units, they use a mixture of customer acceptance test data and
estimation rather than testing per the CAGI Performance Verification
Program. (Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 43;
Sullivan-Palatek, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 44)
Ingersoll Rand commented that testing is performed on every compressor
package that it produces, but some units are unique and driven by
customer-specific application requirements. (Ingersoll Rand, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 44-45)
In response to the concerns regarding low-volume units, DOE
understands that within the scope in the test procedure NOPR, certain
basic models may be produced in low volume and a minimum of two samples
are impractical to test for these low volume basic models due to
inadequate inventory availability. However, DOE believes that the
majority of these low volume units are larger capacity models (i.e.,
models with compressor motor nominal horsepower greater than 200 hp and
full-load operating pressures greater than 200 psig). As noted in
section III.B, DOE is limiting the applicability of the test procedure
established in this final rule to only lubricated compressors with
compressor nominal motor horsepower of 10 to 200 hp (inclusive) and
full-load operating pressures of 75 to 200 psig (inclusive). This
revised scope aligns with the scope recommended by CAGI and other
manufacturers. Further, the 10 to 200 hp scope established in this
final rule aligns directly with the scope of the CAGI Performance
Verification Program for rotary compressors. Manufacturers who
participate in this program \40\ are required to test multiple basic
models per year as a part of the program's compliances and
certification requirements. Basic models are selected at the discretion
of the CAGI program manager, with the intent of testing through the
range of eligible products over a period of several years. For each
basic model selected, manufacturers must make available two individual
units that are randomly selected from available manufacturer and/or
distributor stock. Consequently, DOE concludes that the majority of the
basic models within the scope of the test procedure established by this
final rule are commonly available (i.e., not low production volume) and
are typically produced in quantities of at least two units per year.
\40\ The following manufacturers participate in the CAGI Rotary
Compressor Performance Verification Program according to the
participant directory: Atlas Copco, Boge, Chicago Pneumatic,
CompAir, FS Curtis, Gardner Denver, Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser
Compressors, Mattei, Quincy, Sullair and Sullivan-Palatek. The
participant directory is available at
However, even with the reduced scope established in this test
procedure final rule, a small number of basic models may still be
produced in very limited quantities. This limited subset of models may
be produced in low quantities for a variety of reasons; for example,
specific customer requirements may lead manufacturers to customize
existing basic models or produce new, custom compressors, with unique
performance characteristics. To address the industry's concern
regarding the testing of low-volume production compressors, DOE
specifically proposed, in the test procedure NOPR, to allow
manufacturers to certify the energy efficiency of basic models through
the use of an AEDM in lieu of physical testing. In such cases, no
physical testing is required and, therefore, the sample size provisions
are not applicable. Complete discussion of AEDM is provided in section
III.G.2, where DOE discusses its rationale for adopting certain AEDM
provisions in this final rule.
In summary, DOE concludes that the reduced scope has significantly
reduced the number of low-production-volume basic models that are
subject to this test procedure. Further, DOE concludes that the
allowance of an AEDM in the place of testing sufficiently addresses the
industry's concern regarding testing the limited number of low-
shipments-volume compressor basic models that remain in scope. DOE also
notes that relying on a sample size of at least two units is important
to account for manufacturing variability and test uncertainty. Using a
sample size of at least two units and the associated statistics
provides consumers and DOE with reasonable assurance that any
representative value of package isentropic efficiency or other values
associated with a given basic model is, in fact, representative of the
population of units to which that basic model rating applies. For these
reasons, in this final rule, DOE is adopting a minimum sample size of
two units, as proposed in the test procedure NOPR.
b. Sampling Statistics
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that package isentropic
efficiency be represented as the lower of (1) the mean of the test
sample, and (2) the lower 95 percent confidence limit (LCL) divided by
0.95. 81 FR 27220, 27244-27245 (May 5, 2016). DOE also proposed that
package specific power, full-load actual volume flow rate, full-load
operating pressure, and pressure ratio be represented as the mean of
the test sample. 81 FR 27220, 27244 (May 5, 2016).
In response to DOE's proposal, CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullivan-
Palatek commented that the 95 percent lower confidence limit as part of
the sampling plan results in a more conservative rating than the
current industry standard. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 14; Ingersoll Rand,
Public Meeting
[[Page 1089]]
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 121-2; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at pp. 2,
4) CAGI's comments regarding sampling were supported by Sullair.
(Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 1) CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullivan-Palatek
further stated that data published under the CAGI Performance
Verification Program was not collected using the sampling method
proposed in the test procedure NOPR (i.e., the lower of the sample mean
or the 95 percent confidence limit divided by 0.95). They further
argued that adjustments may be needed to the minimum standard levels
proposed in the compressors energy conservation standard NOPR, which
was made with unaltered CAGI Performance Verification Program data, to
account for the proposed sampling plan. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 15-16;
Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at pp. 1-2; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p.
4) Sullivan-Palatek further commented that the proposed standards, if
left without adjustment, represented an extra level of performance
above and beyond the TSL2 standard. (Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p.
In response to commenters' concerns, DOE acknowledges that the
proposed sampling plan may result in a more conservative rating than
the current industry standard, as the proposed sampling statistics for
package isentropic efficiency are designed to account for variability
in testing and manufacture (as is done with most other covered products
and equipment). Requiring the use of sampling statistics, rather than
the sample mean, provides end-users and DOE with reasonable assurance
that any individual unit distributed in commerce is as efficient, or
better, than its basic model rating. DOE believes that this assurance
is beneficial to the end user, and as such rejects the use of the
sample mean for representations of package isentropic efficiency.
In the absence of a specific alternative recommendation for package
isentropic efficiency sampling statistics, DOE adopts the sampling
statistics plan, as proposed in the test procedure NOPR, in this final
rule. Specifically, package isentropic efficiency shall be represented
as the lower of (1) the mean of the test sample, and (2) the lower 95
percent confidence limit (LCL) divided by 0.95.
DOE received no comments disagreeing with the test procedure NOPR
proposal that package specific power, full-load actual volume flow
rate, full-load operating pressure, and pressure ratio shall be
represented as the mean of the test sample. Consequently, in this final
rule, DOE adopts this requirement, as proposed in the test procedure
NOPR. However, DOE acknowledges that the sampling plan proposed in the
test procedure NOPR may result in package isentropic efficiency ratings
that differ from those used in the energy conservation standards NOPR
analysis. This is because the energy conservation standards analysis
assumed mean package isentropic efficiency values for each basic model,
while in practice some basic models may be rated using the lower 95
percent LCL divided by 0.95. Consequently, in the concurrent energy
conservation standards final rule, DOE will account for the effect of
rating using the lower 95 percent LCL divided by 0.95, and adjust the
analysis and efficiency levels, where applicable.
c. 180-Day Representations Requirement
EPCA prescribes that all representation of the metrics discussed in
section III.G.1.b must be made in accordance with DOE test procedures
and representations requirements, beginning 180 days after publication
of such a test procedure final rule in the Federal Register. (42 U.S.C.
In response to DOE's test procedure NOPR, CAGI commented that the
adoption of the 180-day effective date is a significant burden that DOE
did not consider. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 11, 14) These comments were
echoed by Ingersoll Rand. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 2; Ingersoll
Rand, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 14) Atlas Copco raised
similar concerns in its comments. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 7-10)
Likewise, Jenny Products commented that it will not be able to comply
within 180 days and noted that it would need to order test equipment,
construct an environmental testing room, train employees to conduct
testing, build compressors, and test compressors. Jenny Products
indicated that they have over 110,880 different basic models that would
need to be certified. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at pp. 4-5) CAGI noted
that while the proposed full- and part-load package isentropic
efficiency metric isn't used by the industry nor represented in
literature, four other metrics (package specific power, full-load
actual volume flow rate, full-load operating pressure, and pressure
ratio) are. CAGI further stated that the requirement to review
literature and verify compliance with the test procedure within 180
days of publication for these four metrics is unreasonable. (CAGI, No
0010 at p. 14) Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and Sullivan-Palatek made
similar comments as CAGI, with Ingersoll Rand stating that its existing
compressor data would likely be rendered invalid due to changes in the
test procedure, and the proposed test procedure would impose
significant burden to re-evaluate its existing portfolio of products.
(Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 2; Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 131, 133; Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 1, 9;
Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 5) CAGI requested that DOE delay the
compliance date of the test procedures to coincide with the compliance
date of any energy conservation standards. CAGI further stated that
there is ample precedent to support such a delay.\41\ (CAGI, No 0010 at
p. 15; CAGI, No 0010 at p. 11) Ingersoll Rand and Sullair made similar
comments with respect to delaying the compliance date of the test
procedure; Ingersoll Rand specifically commented that the compliance
date should be delayed to coincide with the energy conservation
standard. (Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 2; Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9)
\41\ DOE notes that under EPCA, it does not have the authority
to implement such a delay.
CAGI also commented that aligning the test methods and tolerances
with current practice would significantly minimize the 180-day burden
of the sampling plan. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11) Ingersoll Rand and
Sullair had similar comments to CAGI. Specifically, Sullair stated that
if the scope of the test procedure was limited to commonly commercial
units with test procedures that had better alignment with ISO
1217:2009(E), the burden [of representing efficiency per the proposed
test procedure within 180 days] would be reduced. (Ingersoll Rand,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at pp. 131, 133; Sullair, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 134)
Similarly, Atlas Copco stated that the DOE's proposed test
procedure omits or changes key elements from ISO 1217:2009(E),
ultimately requiring every manufacturer to retest (or perform an AEDM)
and rerate every compressor within 180 days, if manufacturers were to
continue making representations. Atlas Copco also stated that this
scenario would be unduly burdensome, and recommended that DOE adopt a
three-year transition rule allowing manufacturers to meet testing and
modeling requirements with valid data generated under ISO 1217:2009(E).
Atlas Copco cited case law supporting its recommendation of adoption of
a three-year transition period, specifically, Center for Biological
Diversity v. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,\42\ 538
F.3d 1172, 1206
[[Page 1090]]
(9th Cir. 2008). (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 7-10)
\42\ DOE notes that this case is not pertinent to the regulation
of industrial equipment under EPCA.
DOE acknowledges Atlas Copco's concerns that its test method, as
proposed in the test procedure NOPR differed from ISO 1217:2009(E).
However, as discussed in sections III.B and III.E, in this final rule
DOE is modifying its NOPR proposal to reduce scope and better align
with ISO 1217:2009(E). As stated by CAGI, Ingersoll Rand, and Sullair,
DOE believes that increased alignment with ISO 1217:2009(E) will reduce
the burden of making representation per the test procedure within 180
Regarding comments requesting that DOE extend the 180-day
representations requirement, DOE reiterates that EPCA prescribes the
effective date for test procedure representations in 42 U.S.C.
6314(d)(1) and does not provide DOE with discretion to delay the
effective date for covered equipment. However, EPCA does provide an
allowance for individual manufacturers to petition DOE for an extension
of the 180-day effective date if the manufacturer may experience undue
hardship as a result of 180-day timeframe provided under 42 U.S.C.
6314(d)(1). To receive such an extension, petitions must be filed with
DOE not later than 60 days before the representations are required to
reflect the DOE test procedure and must detail how the manufacturer
will experience undue hardship. (42 U.S.C. 6314 (d)(2)) Beyond this
extension, as noted above, DOE lacks authority to extend the date for
adjust representations to reflect the DOE test procedure.
In response to these concerns, DOE notes that EPCA prescribes the
effective date for test procedure representations in 42 U.S.C.
6314(d)(1) and does not provide DOE with discretion as to the effective
date for different equipment. However, to reduce, to the extent
possible, the potential burden cited by manufacturers, in this final
rule, DOE is establishing test procedures that are intended to produce
results equivalent to those produced under ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended.\43\ As discussed in section III.E, in this final rule DOE is
making many modifications to the methods proposed in the test procedure
NOPR proposal to align as closely as possible to ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended. In addition, as discussed in section III.B, DOE is limiting
the scope of the adopted test procedures to be consistent with
compressors that currently participate in the CAGI program. As noted by
CAGI and Sullair, these modifications to align the scope and test
methods of the test procedures adopted in this final rule with ISO
1217:2009(E), as amended, mitigate the majority of the commenters'
concerns. DOE understands that manufacturers of compressors may have
historical test data that were developed based on ISO 1217:2009(E). If
historical test data is based on the same methodology being adopted in
this final rule, then manufacturers may use this data for the purposes
of representing any metrics subject to the representations
requirements. Additionally, DOE concludes that Atlas Copco's request
for a three-year transition rule is no longer pertinent, as the request
is predicated on the assumption that historical data tested to ISO
1217:2009(E) does not meet the requirements of the DOE test procedure.
\43\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic,
so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, is equivalent to
aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
2. Alternative Efficiency Determination Method
An AEDM is a mathematical model that a manufacturer may validate
and use to predict the energy efficiency or energy consumption
characteristics of a basic model. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed the use of a validated AEDM as an alternative to testing to
reduce testing burden. DOE laid out the basic criteria an AEDM must
satisfy, as well as validation, records retention, enforcement, and
representations requirements related to AEDMs. 81 FR 27220, 27245-6
(May 5, 2016).
Specifically, the test procedure NOPR contained four AEDM
validation classes, applicable to four varieties of compressor: (1)
Rotary, fixed-speed; (2) rotary, variable-speed; (3) reciprocating,
fixed-speed; and (4) reciprocating, variable-speed. DOE also proposed
that two basic models be tested to validate the AEDM for each
validation class for which it is intended to be applied. Validation is
achieved by demonstrating that the results from the mathematical model
are in agreement with the results obtained from actual testing of the
requisite number of basic models in accordance with the applicable DOE
test procedures. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed that the
AEDM-predicted results for a basic model must be (for energy
consumption metrics) equal to or greater than 95-percent or (for energy
efficiency metrics) less than or equal to 105-percent of the tested
results for that same model for the AEDM results to be valid. 81 FR
27220, 27245-27246 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the test procedure NOPR, CAGI commented that the
representative values for a number of basic models can be predicted
using computer modeling and prediction techniques based on a single
common basic package compressor model. As such, CAGI suggested that DOE
relax the AEDM definition so that testing does not need to be carried
out on every basic model. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 15) Compressed Air
Systems commented that the use of AEDMs could translate to large
expenses for small air compressor packagers, as they often do not have
the necessary staff and software. Compressed Air Systems also stated
that the specialized nature of small packagers means that most products
are low-volume and customized, and that the cost to develop an AEDM for
those products would make it impossible to maintain a competitive
price. (Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2) CASTAIR commented
that AEDM modeling would be too large an expense for small air
compressor assemblers due to the cost in staffing, equipment, and
facilities. (CASTAIR, No. 0018 at p. 1)
In response to CAGI's comment, DOE clarifies that the proposed AEDM
requirements are that a minimum of two basic models be tested for each
validation class; there is no requirement that all basic models for
which the AEDM is applicable be tested. That is, while an AEDM may be
validated for a large number of basic models within a given validation
class, only two of those basic models need to be tested in accordance
with the test procedure and related sampling plans to validate the AEDM
for all basic models in that validation class. DOE believes, therefore,
that the AEDM requirements, as proposed in the test procedure NOPR,
already align with CAGI's suggestions and no modification is necessary.
DOE believes that at least two unique models for each validation class
must be tested to ensure the broad applicability and accuracy of the
validated AEDM across the range of basic models to which it may be
With respect to Compressed Air Systems and CASTAIR's comments, DOE
also notes that AEDMs were proposed as an optional strategy to evaluate
equipment at a lower cost than physical testing. Under the test
procedure NOPR proposal, manufacturers may continue to conduct physical
testing according to the proposed test procedure and sampling plan
instead of choosing to rate equipment using an AEDM, or both. Thus,
given the optional nature of the AEDM, DOE does not expect the
[[Page 1091]]
inclusion of AEDMs to result in additional burden to manufacturers. In
fact, in many cases, use of an AEDM dramatically reduces the cost of
rating compressor models, as once the AEDM is developed and validated,
it can be used on any basic model for which it is validated.
The use of an AEDM may be particularly helpful for customized and/
or low-volume basic models that are rarely manufactured and sold. As
noted in section III.G.1.a, commenters expressed concern that some
units are not produced in enough quantity to meet the minimum sample
size of two units, which makes the application of the test procedures
impractical. In those cases, use of an AEDM may be a less burdensome
way to determine the performance data required for representation and
compliance with any energy conservation standard. With AEDMs, several
similar models can be accurately evaluated based on test data for only
a few models, which can greatly reduce the costs associated with
determining the performance of customized models. Furthermore, AEDMs
can be validated using test data from commonly available basic models
and then used to estimate the performance of low-volume units, which
reduces the cost of testing per unit for low-volume basic models. Thus,
AEDMs are a convenient option to reduce the testing burden on
customized equipment and/or equipment with low sales volume.
Additionally, in response to Compressed Air Systems and CASTAIR's
specific comments on the burden of test procedures or an AEDM, any test
procedures or energy conservation standards DOE promulgates must be
equitable to all industry participants, meaning that all participants,
regardless of size, must be held to the same testing and energy
conservation standard criteria. As discussed further in section IV.B,
DOE analyzed the costs of conducting testing and rating of compressors
in accordance with the test procedures adopted in this final rule and
accounted for the costs of such testing on manufacturers, including
small manufacturers, in its energy conservation standards NOPR
analysis. 81 FR 31680, 31761 (May 19, 2016). However, as noted in the
energy conservation standards NOPR, additional compliance flexibilities
may be available through other means. For example, individual
manufacturers may petition DOE for a waiver of the applicable test
procedures. In addition, EPCA provides that a manufacturer whose annual
gross revenue from all of its operations does not exceed $8,000,000 may
apply for an exemption from all or part of an energy conservation
standard for a period not longer than 24 months after the effective
date of a final rule establishing the standard. Ibid.
DOE did not receive any specific comments regarding the
applicability of the AEDM validation tolerances or other AEDM
requirements proposed in the test procedure NOPR. Accordingly, DOE is
adopting the AEDM validation requirements proposed in the test
procedure NOPR. However, due the revised scope of the test procedures
adopted in this final rule (discussed in section III.B), DOE is
reducing the number of validation classes from four to two.
Specifically, DOE is adopting AEDM provisions for rotary fixed-speed
and rotary variable-speed compressors and removing the validation
classes of reciprocating fixed-speed and reciprocating variable-speed
compressors, as the latter are no longer within the scope of
applicability of this final rule.
H. Enforcement Provisions
Enforcement provisions govern the process DOE follows when
performing its own assessment of basic model compliance with standards,
as described under 10 CFR 429.110. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE
proposed requirements related to the variability of the enforcement
sample, as well as the methods it would use to determine full-load
operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow rate when
determining compliance for enforcement purposes. 81 FR 27220, 27246-
27247 (May 5, 2016). The following sections discuss interested party
comments related to the enforcement sampling plan for package
isentropic efficiency and enforcement testing procedures for full-load
operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow rate, respectively.
1. Sample Variability for Package Isentropic Efficiency
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed an enforcement procedure
in which DOE would evaluate compliance based on the arithmetic mean of
a sample not to exceed four units. 81 FR 27220, 27246 (May 5, 2016).
This proposal mirrors the enforcement provisions adopted in the test
procedure final rule for commercial and industrial pumps. 81 FR 4086
(Jan. 25, 2016).
In response to DOE's proposal, CAGI commented that using the sample
mean for enforcement without considering the standard deviation of the
sample increases the risk of a finding of noncompliance. (CAGI, No.
0010 at pp. 12-13) CAGI and Ingersoll Rand also noted that the sampling
plans in appendices A, B, and C to subpart C of 10 CFR part 429 do
account for product variability when evaluating compliance for other
covered products and equipment. (CAGI, No. 0010 at pp. 12-13; Ingersoll
Rand, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 140) CAGI recommended
that DOE not use the arithmetic mean when evaluating compliance during
an enforcement test, and instead account for product variability in a
manner similar to appendices A, B, and C to subpart C of 10 CFR part
429 and in alignment with ISO 1217:2009(E). (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 13)
Ingersoll Rand commented that the enforcement procedure should allow
for a 5-percent tolerance and not use the sample mean, and noted that
certain other covered products and equipment allow for a tolerance on
top of the sample mean. (Ingersoll Rand, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
0016 at pp. 140-141) Sullair and Sullivan-Palatek stated that they
support CAGI's position relative to sampling and enforcement. (Sullair,
No. 0006 at p. 9; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at pp. 1)
CAGI and Sullair commented that, for low-volume compressors,
manufacturers may not be able to produce 4 units for the DOE to conduct
enforcement testing on, because manufacturers may not manufacture four
units of a given model within a year. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 13;
Sullair, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 141)
In response to these comments, DOE is not finalizing an enforcement
sampling plan in this rule. Because compliance with any standards will
not be required for 5 years, DOE will engage in a separate rulemaking
to allow for further comments and input on how DOE should evaluate
2. Full-Load Operating Pressure and Actual Volume Flow Rate
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed to adopt provisions that
specify how DOE would determine the full-load operating pressure for
the purposes of measuring the full-load actual volume flow rate,
package isentropic efficiency, specific power, and pressure ratio for
any equipment tested for enforcement purposes. In addition, DOE
proposed a method for determining the appropriate standard level for
any tested equipment based on the tested full-load actual volume flow
rate. Specifically, to verify the full-load operating pressure
certified by the manufacturer, DOE proposed to perform the same
procedure proposed for determining the maximum full-flow operating
pressure of each unit tested,
[[Page 1092]]
except that DOE would begin searching for maximum full-flow operating
pressure at the manufacturer's certified value of full-load operating
pressure prior to increasing discharge pressure. As DOE has proposed to
allow manufacturers to self-declare a full-load operating pressure
value of between 90 and 100 percent (inclusive) of the measured maximum
full-flow operating pressure, DOE proposed to compare the measured
value(s) of maximum full-flow operating pressure from a sample of one
or more units to the certified value of full-load operating pressure.
If a sample of more than one units is used, DOE proposed to calculate
the mean of the measurements. If the certified value of full-load
operating pressure is greater than or equal to 90 and less than or
equal to 100 percent of the maximum full-flow operating pressure
determined through DOE's testing (i.e., within the tolerance allowed by
DOE in the test procedures), then DOE proposed it would use the
certified value of full-load operating pressure certified by the
manufacturer as the basis for determining full-load actual volume flow
rate, package isentropic efficiency, and other applicable values.
Otherwise, DOE proposed it would use the maximum full-flow operating
pressure as the basis for determining the full-load actual volume flow
rate, package isentropic efficiency, and other applicable values. That
is, if the certified value of full-load operating pressure is found to
be valid, DOE proposed it would set the compressor under test to that
operating pressure to determine the full-load actual volume flow rate,
package isentropic efficiency, specific power, and pressure ratio in
accordance with the DOE test procedures. If the certified full-load
operating pressure is found to be invalid, DOE proposed it would use
the measured maximum full-flow operating pressure resulting from DOE's
testing as the basis for determining the full-load actual volume flow
rate, package isentropic efficiency, specific power, and pressure ratio
for any tested equipment.
Similarly, DOE proposed a procedure to verify the full-load actual
volume flow rate of any certified equipment and determine the
applicable full-load actual volume flow rate DOE would use when
determining the standard level for any tested equipment. Specifically,
DOE proposed to use the full-load actual volume flow rate determined
based on verification of full-load operating pressure and compare such
value to the certified value of full-load actual volume flow rate
certified by the manufacturer. If DOE found the full-load operating
pressure to be valid, DOE proposed it would use the full-load actual
volume flow rate determined at the full-load operating pressure
certified by the manufacturer. If the full-load operating pressure was
found to be invalid, DOE proposed it would use the actual volume flow
rate measured at the maximum full-flow operating pressure as the full-
load actual volume flow rate. DOE proposed it would compare the
measured full-load actual volume flow rate (determined at the
applicable operating pressure) from an appropriately sized sample to
the certified value of full-load actual volume flow rate. If the full-
load actual volume flow rate measured by DOE is within the allowances
of the certified full-load actual volume flow rate specified in Table
III.4, then DOE proposed it would use the manufacturer-certified value
of full-load actual volume flow rate as the basis for determining the
standard level for tested equipment. Otherwise, DOE proposed it would
use the measured actual volume flow rate resulting from DOE's testing
when determining the standard level for tested equipment. 81 FR 27220,
27247 (May 5, 2016).
Table III.4--Enforcement Allowances for Full-Load Actual Volume Flow
percent of the
Manufacturer certified full-load actual volume flow rate certified full-
(m\3\/s) x 10 -\3\ load actual
volume flow
rate (%)
0 < and <= 8.3.......................................... 7
8.3 < and <= 25......................................... 6
25 < and <= 250......................................... 5
> 250................................................... 4
In response, CAGI commented that it agreed with the tolerances DOE
proposed in Table III.4. However, CAGI disagreed with DOE's proposal to
continue an enforcement test when a compressor under test is determined
not to deliver the full-load actual volume flow rate certified by the
manufacturer (accounting for allowable enforcement deviations). CAGI
stated that the proposed methodology could, in some cases, allow DOE to
evaluate compliance of a compressor based on a lower than certified
full-load actual volume flow rate, and, therefore, a correspondingly
lower package isentropic efficiency standard level. CAGI stated that
this is because compressors that do not provide the full-load actual
volume flow rate certified by the manufacturer may still be deemed
compliant provided the compressor was compliant with the standard
determined based on the tested (i.e., lower that the manufacturer-
rated) full-load actual volume flow rate. CAGI suggested this scenario
is not fair to the users of industry products and recommend that a
manufacturer that fails to provide the flow that is claimed and
certified by the manufacturer after taking allowable deviations into
account be deemed to have failed. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11; CAGI,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 106) Atlas Copco made similar
comments with respect to testing at a lower volume flow rate and the
equity of doing so. (Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at p. 18) CAGI's position
regarding the tolerances and enforcement of full-load actual volume
flow rate is supported by Sullair, Sullivan-Palatek, and Ingersoll
Rand. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9; Sullivan-Palatek, No. 0007 at p. 1;
Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 1) DOE received no comments disagreeing
with the proposed method for determining maximum and full-load
operating pressure.
DOE acknowledges the concerns of commenters that allowing
compressor equipment to be deemed compliant with any applicable
standards for compressors when the full-load actual volume flow rate is
below the certified and represented value is unfair to compressor end
users. DOE typically designs the enforcement provisions to minimize
risk for manufacturers such that equipment with capacities (i.e., full-
load actual volume flow rates) that differ from the certified values
may still be deemed compliant based on the tested energy performance
and a unit is not be deemed non-compliant on the grounds of the tested
capacity alone. However, given the broad manufacturer support for
modified enforcement provisions in this case, in this final rule, DOE
is adopting CAGI and Atlas Copco's recommendation to declare
compressors with tested full-load actual volume flow rates below the
certified value non-compliant. Specifically, the certified full-load
actual volume flow rate will be considered valid only if all
measurement(s) (either the measured full-load actual volume flow rate
for a single unit sample or the measured values for each unit in a
multiple unit sample) are within the percentage of the certified full-
load actual volume flow rate specified in Table III.4. If the
representative value of full-load actual volume flow rate as tested is
outside of the allowable tolerances specified in Table III.4, DOE will
make a
[[Page 1093]]
determination that the basic model is not in compliance with the
applicable regulations for that model. Specifically, DOE will fail such
models on the basis of making representations that are not in
accordance with the test procedure, which is consistent with DOE's
authority under 42 U.S.C. 6316(a) and 6314(d).
DOE is also adopting a small modification in the starting pressure
used when determining maximum full-flow operating pressure during
enforcement testing. In the test procedure NOPR, DOE stated that
testing would start at the certified value for full-load operating
pressure. This starting value, however, creates the possibility that
units could unload on the first test point, requiring testers to start
the test again. There are many compressors that have a full-load
operating pressure equal to their maximum full-flow operating pressure.
DOE has also been told by an industry testing expert that the cut-out
controls on compressors can vary by 1 or more psig between units.
Therefore, starting the test at the certified full-load operating
pressure creates the potential that the unit under test could unload at
the starting discharge pressure. To prevent this possibility, DOE is
adopting a starting point for this method equal to 90 percent of the
certified full-load operating pressure. This allows the unit to be
tested at several discharge pressures prior to reaching the range of
pressures at which it is likely to unload.
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has determined that test
procedure rulemakings do not constitute ``significant regulatory
actions'' under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735 (Oct. 4, 1993). Accordingly, this
action was not subject to review under the Executive Order by the
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB).
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., as amended by
the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996)
requires preparation of an initial regulatory flexibility analysis
(IRFA) for any rule that by law must be proposed for public comment and
a final regulatory flexibility analysis (FRFA) for any such rule that
an agency adopts as a final rule, unless the agency certifies that the
rule, if promulgated, will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
A regulatory flexibility analysis examines the impact of the rule
on small entities and considers alternative ways of reducing negative
effects. Also, as required by Executive Order 13272, ``Proper
Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemakings,'' 67 FR 53461
(August 16, 2002), DOE published procedures and policies on February
19, 2003, to ensure that the potential impacts of its rules on small
entities are properly considered during the DOE rulemaking process. 68
FR 7990. DOE has made its procedures and policies available on the
Office of General Counsel's Web site at: As part of the test procedure NOPR published on May 5,
2016 (81 FR 27220), DOE concluded that the cost effects accruing from
the final rule would not have a ``significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities,'' and that the preparation of a
FRFA is not warranted. DOE has submitted a certification and supporting
statement of factual basis to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the
Small Business Administration for review under 5 U.S.C. 605(b).
DOE reviewed this rule, which establishes a new test procedure for
compressors, under the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and
the procedures and policies published on February 19, 2003.
DOE certifies that the adopted rule does not have a significant
impact on a substantial number of small entities. DOE notes that
certification of compressor models is not currently required because
energy conservation standards do not currently exist for compressors.
That is, any burden associated with testing compressors in accordance
with the requirements for this test procedure will not be required
until the promulgation of any energy conservation standards for
compressors. On this basis, DOE maintains that the test procedure final
rule has no incremental burden associated with it and a FRFA is not
1. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities Affected
For the compressors manufacturing industry, the Small Business
Administration (SBA) has set a size threshold, which defines those
entities classified as small businesses for the purpose of the statute.
DOE used the SBA's size standards to determine whether any small
entities are be required to comply with the rule. The size standards
are codified at 13 CFR part 121. The standards are listed by North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and industry
description and are available at: Compressor manufacturers are
classified under NAICS 333912, ``Air and Gas Compressor
Manufacturing.'' The SBA sets a threshold of 1,000 employees or less
for an entity to be considered as a small business for this category.
To estimate the number of small business manufacturers of equipment
applicable to this rulemaking, DOE conducted a market survey using
available public information. DOE's research involved industry trade
association membership directories (including CAGI), individual company
and online retailer Web sites, and market research tools (e.g., Hoovers
reports) to create a list of companies that manufacture products
applicable to this rulemaking. DOE presented its list to manufacturers
in MIA interviews and asked industry representatives if they were aware
of any other small manufacturers during manufacturer interviews and at
DOE public meetings. DOE reviewed publicly available data and contacted
select companies on its list, as necessary, to determine whether they
met the SBA's definition of a small business manufacturer. DOE screened
out companies that do not offer products applicable to this rulemaking,
do not meet the definition of a small business, or are foreign-owned
and operated.
DOE identified a total of 40 manufacturers of applicable air
compressor products sold in the United States. Nineteen of these
manufacturers met the 1,000-employee threshold defined by the SBA to
qualify as a small business, but only 15 were domestic companies. Seven
domestic small businesses manufacture rotary air compressors.
Within the air compressor industry, manufacturers can be classified
into two categories; original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and
compressor packagers. OEMs manufacture their own air-ends and assemble
them with other components to create complete package air compressors.
Packagers assemble motors and other accessories with air-ends purchased
from other companies, resulting in a complete air compressor.
Within the rotary air compressor industry, DOE identified 22
manufacturers; 16 are OEMs and seven are packagers of compressors. Of
the 22 total manufacturers, seven large OEMs supply approximately 80
percent of shipments and revenues. Of the seven domestic small rotary
air compressor
[[Page 1094]]
businesses identified, DOE's research indicates that two are OEMs and
five are packagers.
2. Discussion of Testing Burden and Comments
a. Burden Related to Test Method and Retesting Equipment for
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE stated that ISO 1217:2009(E) is an
appropriate industry testing standard for evaluating compressor
performance, with the caveat that ISO 1217:2009(E) is written as a
customer acceptance test, and as such it required several modifications
and additions in order to provide the specificity and repeatability
required by DOE. Consequently, DOE proposed several modifications and
additions to ISO 1217:2009(E) and proposed to incorporate by reference
only the sections of ISO 1217:2009(E) that are relevant to the
equipment within the scope of applicability of DOE's proposed test
procedures. DOE stated that by proposing to incorporate by reference
much of ISO 1217:2009(E) into the proposed DOE test procedures, DOE
believed that the resulting DOE test procedures would remain closely
aligned with existing and widely used industry procedures and limit the
testing burden on manufacturers. 81 FR 27220, 27236-27237 (May 5,
DOE received many comments regarding the burden imposed by DOE's
proposed test procedures. Many of these comments argued that DOE's
proposed modifications and additions to ISO 1217:2009(E) were
materially significant, such that historical test data obtained under
ISO 1217:2009(E) could no longer be used for representation purposes.
As a result, the comments stated that manufacturers would be required
to retest all equipment if they wanted to continue making public
representations of package specific power, full-load actual volume flow
rate, full-load operating pressure and pressure ratio.
Specifically, CAGI, Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and
Sullivan-Palatek commented that the proposed rule includes
modifications to the CAGI Performance Verification Program which,
coupled with the 180-day effective compliance date of the proposed test
procedures, presents a significant burden for manufacturers to verify
compliance in their efficiency and non-efficiency representations.
(CAGI, No 0010 at pp. 11, 14; Ingersoll Rand, No. 0011 at p. 2; Atlas
Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 7-10; Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 1, 9; Sullivan-
Palatek, No. 0007 at pp. 5)
In response to the 2012 NOPD, CAGI commented that ``test procedures
for measuring the energy efficiency, energy use, or estimated annual
operating cost of compressors during a representative average use cycle
or period of use would be unduly burdensome or impossible to conduct,''
and that ``there would also be a cost impact to the users for this,
which would place heavier financial burdens, especially on small
business users.'' (Docket No. EERE-2012-BT-DET-0033, CAGI, No. 0003 at
p. 6)
However, in response to the more recent 2016 test procedure NOPR,
CAGI commented that if the test methods and tolerances are aligned with
current practice, the burden of the sampling plan will be significantly
minimized. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 11)
CASTAIR and Compressed Air Systems commented that the proposed
regulations will force CASTAIR and other small businesses out of the
rotary screw market. (CASTAIR, No. 0018 at p. 1; Compressed Air
Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2) Compressed Air Systems stated that the test
method would require large investments, which would be in excess of
their annual sales volume, represent a higher per-unit cost due to
their low volume of shipments compared to large manufacturers, and take
a longer time to recover the cost of investing test equipment, placing
small businesses at a competitive disadvantage relative to large
manufacturers. (Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at pp. 2, 4-5;
Compressed Air Systems, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 143)
Similarly, Jenny Products commented that the cost of compliance,
including test facilities or the cost of independent lab testing, would
bankrupt their small business and is unduly burdensome. (Jenny
Products, No. 0020 at pp. 1, 3) Further, Jenny Products asserted that
the test procedure is complicated and primarily developed by CAGI
members, which unfairly burdens non-CAGI members and small businesses
that can't afford to test their equipment. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at
pp. 2, 4-5)
DOE acknowledges the commenters' general concerns that the test
procedures, as proposed in the test procedure NOPR, differed enough
from ISO 1217:2009(E) that, if adopted, manufacturers may need to
retest all units in order to continue making representations. However,
DOE reiterates that, as stated in the test procedure NOPR, DOE's intent
is to propose test procedures that remain closely aligned with existing
and widely used industry procedures and limit testing burden on
In response to the commenters' concerns, in this final rule, DOE is
making many modifications to the methods proposed in the test procedure
NOPR, in order to align as closely as possible to ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended.\44\ A complete discussion of these modifications is found in
section III.E of this final rule. With these modifications, the test
methods established in the final rule are intended to produce results
equivalent to those produced historically under ISO 1217:2009(E).
Consequently, if historical test data are consistent with values that
are generated when testing with the test methods established in this
final rule, then manufacturers may use this data for the purposes of
representing any metrics subject to representations requirements. (DOE,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016 at p. 136)
\44\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic,
so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, is equivalent to
aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
However, DOE acknowledges that current representations for some
models may not be based on test data or may be based on test data that
is not in alignment with the test methods established in this final
rule. DOE agrees that for those models, further testing or the
application of an AEDM may be needed to continue making
representations. However, DOE also notes that such representations are
voluntary and if manufacturers require longer than 180 days to
determine accurate represented values consistent with the adopted test
procedure, the manufacturer may elect to not make public
representations of standardized metrics until such testing is
At this time, DOE does not have direct data regarding how many
models require further testing or application of an AEDM, however, DOE
estimates that this is a small percentage of total models.
Specifically, DOE estimates that 90 percent of models within the scope
of this test procedure final rule participate in the CAGI Performance
Verification Program. All members of the CAGI Performance Verification
Program must represent the performance of all of their models (within
the scope of the program) based on ISO 1217:2009(E) testing. Thus, DOE
believes it is fair to assume that the vast majority of models
participating in the CAGI Performance Verification Program have
historical ISO 1217:2009(E) test data available, which DOE believes is
consistent with any values that generated by the test procedure adopted
in this final rule. DOE acknowledges that the remainder of the models
[[Page 1095]]
those not participating in the CAGI Performance Verification Program),
approximately 15 percent, may not have historical test data available.
However, DOE reviewed publically available marketing data from all
known manufacturers that do not participate in the CAGI Performance
Verification Program and found none of these manufacturers currently
represent package isentropic efficiency, package specific power, full-
load actual volume flow rate, full-load operating pressure, or pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure for compressors within the scope
of this test procedure final rule. As such, these manufacturers incur
no burden as a direct result of this test procedure final rule, as they
are not required to make any representations until the effective date
of any relevant future energy conservation standards.\45\
\45\ DOE accounts for mandatory testing burden for compressors
in the energy conservation standards analyses.
In summary, DOE concludes that the test procedures and associated
representations requirements established in this test procedure final
rule are not unduly burdensome, as (1) the test method follows accepted
industry practice, and (2) only a limited number of models (if any)
may, at the manufacturer's discretion, need to be retested in order to
continue to make representations. Further DOE notes that impact to each
manufacturer will be different, and manufactures may petition DOE for
an extension of the 180-day representations requirement, for up to an
additional 180 days, if manufacturers feel it represents an undue
hardship. (42 U.S.C. 6314 (d)(2)) However, as any representations are
voluntary prior to the compliance date of any energy conservations
standards for compressors that may be set, there is no direct burden
associated with any of the testing requirements established in this
final rule. As such, specific quantification of the burden associated
with testing and rating equipment to comply with any energy
conservation standards is addressed in the associated compressors
energy conservation standard rulemaking manufacturer impact analysis
(Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040).
b. Burdens Related to Low Shipment-Volume Equipment
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE proposed a scope of applicability
of compressors that meet the following criteria:
Are air compressors;
are rotary or reciprocating compressors;
are driven by a brushless electric motor;
are distributed in commerce with a compressor motor
nominal horsepower greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to
500 hp; and
operate at a full-load operating pressure of greater than
or equal to 31 and less than or equal to 225 pounds per square inch
gauge; 81 FR 27220, 27224-27225 (May 5, 2016).
In response to the test procedure NOPR, many interested parties
commented that DOE's proposed scope would capture many low-shipment
volume or ``custom'' compressor models, and the requirement to test
such models would cause undue burden.
Specifically, Atlas Copco stated that the test procedures would
result in duplicative testing for custom units, because custom units
already undergo customer acceptance tests based on ISO 1217:2009(E).
Atlas Copco also commented that an AEDM would not alleviate the burden
because it requires validation through testing. Atlas Copco further
recommended that DOE establish a de minimis rule exempting small volume
(fewer than 20 units per year), customized orders from the test
requirements in order to avoid unduly burdensome testing requirements.
(Atlas Copco, No. 0009 at pp. 6-7) Compressed Air Systems stated that
the requirement to test two units of custom models that are only sold
once 2 or 3 years will add undue cost, causing many manufacturers to
stop production of low-shipment-volume models. (Compressed Air Systems,
No. 0008 at p. 2) CAGI stated that manufacturers cannot build four
units of all basic models for the purposes of DOE enforcement.
Considering the definition of a basic model, CAGI expects that many
basic models will rarely be sold, and it would be impractical to build
those units only for testing purposes. (CAGI, No. 0010 at p. 13)
Sullair commented that it would be a burden to test or model all of
its basic units as the company has more than 500 basic models in the
range proposed by DOE for the test procedures, most of which are not
high-volume products. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9) Sullair elaborates
that a number of those low-volume basic models are above 200 hp, which
would be a significant burden to test per proposed test procedures and
would likely result in Sullair ceasing to represent efficiency metrics
for those units. Sullairs comment is supported by comments made by
Sullivan-Palatek. (Sullair, No. 0006 at pp. 3-4; Sullivan-Palatek, No.
0007 at p. 3)
In response to these comments, DOE acknowledges the commenter's
concerns that the scope of the test procedure, as defined in the test
procedure NOPR includes many low-shipment volume or custom compressor
models, and the requirement to test such models could cause significant
burden. Therefore in this final rule, DOE is taking two key steps to
address commenters' concerns and reduce the burden of testing,
especially for low-volume equipment: (1) DOE is significantly limiting
the scope of this final rule, as compared to the scope proposed in the
test procedure NOPR, and (2) DOE is allowing the use of an AEDM, in
lieu of testing. As discussed in section III.B, the scope of this test
procedure final rule is limited to compressors that meet the following
Are air compressors;
are rotary compressors;
are not liquid ring compressors;
are driven by a brushless electric motor;
are lubricated compressors;
have a full-load operating pressure of 75-200 psig;
are not designed and tested to the requirements of The
American Petroleum Institute standard 619, ``Rotary-Type Positive-
Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Petrochemical, and Natural Gas
Industries;'' and
have a capacity that is either:
[cir] 10-200 compressor motor nominal horsepower (hp), or
[cir] 35-1,250 full-load actual volume flow rate (cfm).
This revised scope generally aligns with the scope recommended by
CAGI and supported by many manufacturers. Further, the 10 to 200 hp
scope established in this final rule falls within the scope of the CAGI
Performance Verification Program for rotary compressors. Manufacturers
who participate in this program are required to test multiple basic
models per year as a part of the program's compliances and
certification requirements. Basic models are selected at the discretion
of the CAGI program manager, with the intent of testing the range of
eligible products over a period of several years. For each basic model
selected, manufacturers must make available two individual units that
are randomly selected from available manufacturer and/or distributor
stock. Consequently, DOE concludes that the majority of the basic
models within the scope of the test procedure established by this final
rule are commonly available (i.e., not low production volume) and are
[[Page 1096]]
produced in quantities of at least two units per year.
However, even with the reduce scope established in this test
procedure final rule, a small number of basic models may still be
produced in very limited quantities. To address the industry's concern
regarding the testing of low-volume production compressors, DOE
specifically proposed, in the test procedure NOPR, to allow
manufacturers to certify the energy efficiency of basic models through
the use of an AEDM in lieu of physical testing. In such cases, no
physical testing is required and, therefore, the sample size provisions
are not applicable. Complete discussion of AEDM is provided in section
III.G.2, where DOE discusses its rationale for adopting certain AEDM
provisions in this final rule.
In summary, DOE concludes that the reduced scope has significantly
reduced the number of low-production-volume basic models that are
subject to this test procedure. Further DOE concludes that the
allowance of an AEDM in the place of testing sufficiently addresses the
industry's concern regarding testing the limited number of low-
shipments-volume compressor basic models that remain in scope. For
these reasons, DOE concludes that the test procedures and associated
representations requirements established in this final rule are not
unduly burdensome.
Further, the concerns raised by Atlas Copco, which lead them to
request a de minimis rule exempting small volume custom orders, have
been mitigated by the scope limitations and allowance for AEDMs
discussed earlier in this section. However, DOE further clarifies that
any test procedures it promulgates must be equitable to all industry
participants, meaning that all participant and regulated equipment must
be held to the same testing criteria, regardless of manufacturer size
or physical location. However, DOE reiterates that no direct burden is
associated with this test procedure final rule until the compliance
date of any energy conservation standard for compressors that may be
set and any direct quantification of testing burdens are calculated as
part of that rulemaking. (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040)
Finally, regarding CAGI's comment regarding a sample size of up to
four units for enforcement testing, DOE is not finalizing an
enforcement sampling plan in this rule. Because compliance with any
standards will not be required for 5 years, DOE will engage in a
separate rulemaking to allow for further comments and input on how DOE
should evaluate compliance.
c. Comments on the NOPR Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
In the test procedure NOPR, DOE preliminarily concluded that the
proposed test procedures do not represent a significant incremental
burden for any of the identified small entities.
In response to DOE's request for comment, Compressed Air Systems
provided an additional 16 names of domestic small manufacturers
producing equipment within the scope of this rulemaking. (Docket No.
EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040, Compressed Air Systems, No. 0061, pp. 3-4) Upon
further research, DOE concluded that one of the sixteen entities
produces equipment within the scope of this rulemaking and added that
entity to its list of domestic small manufacturers producing equipment
within the scope of this rulemaking.
In response to DOE's conclusions, Compressed Air Systems stated
that small businesses will be uniquely burdened by the test procedures
because they will now have to test their products, leading to costs
associated with large in-house test areas, additional employees, and
electricity costs. (Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008 at p. 2;
Compressed Air Systems, No. 0008, p. 3) Furthermore, it stated that the
testing cost per unit would be significantly higher for smaller
suppliers. CASTAIR commented that the proposed regulations will force
it to abandon the market and requested that DOE exempt American air
compressor assemblers from regulation. (CASTAIR, No. 0018, pp. 1-2)
Both CASTAIR and Compressed Air Systems stressed that testing costs
would not be alleviated through use of AEDM as such practices are not
currently used. (CASTAIR, No. 0018, p. 1; Compressed Air Systems, No.
0008, p. 2)
DOE acknowledges the concerns raised by CASTAIR and Compressed Air
Systems. Fundamentally, DOE reiterates, as noted in the test procedure
NOPR, that the promulgation of test procedures alone, in the absence of
existing energy conservation standards, does not require a manufacturer
to perform any certification testing. As such, the burden associated
with compliance testing will be assessed in the weighing of costs and
benefits of the associated energy conservation standards rulemaking for
compressors. However, DOE recognizes that an energy conservation
standard rulemaking from compressors is ongoing and may result in
standards and associated certification requirements for certain
compressors in the near future. Therefore, DOE has considered the
burden associated with the testing and rating requirements adopted in
this final rule and, to the extent possible, has sought to minimize
burden on manufacturers while ensuring that the test procedures adopted
herein result in consistent, reliable, and repeatable values. Financial
burden stemming from these DOE test procedures can be discussed in two
general categories: (1) Aggregates costs of testing in order to
continue representing standardized metrics that are now specified in
the DOE test procedures, and (2) the per-unit cost of testing to the
specified DOE test method.
Regarding the first cost category, DOE researched public literature
of the identified small manufacturers and found that seven of the eight
currently do not make representations of package specific power, full-
load actual volume flow rate, full-load operating pressure, and
pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure. None make
representations of package isentropic efficiency. Those that do not
make representations of these metrics are not expected to incur burden,
as they can continue to not make representations of these metrics after
promulgation of this test procedure final rule. As noted above, the
certification burden is associated with the energy conservation
standard and will be assessed as part of that rulemaking (Docket No.
Further, the one small manufacturer making representations of
package specific power, full-load actual volume flow rate, full-load
operating pressure, and pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure
does so as a part of the CAGI Performance Verification Program, which
relies on ISO 1217:2009(E) test data. As discussed previously, the test
methods established in this final rule are intended to produce results
equivalent to those produced historically under ISO 1217:2009(E), as
amended. Consequently, if historical test data meet the requirements of
the test methods established in this final rule, then manufacturers may
use these data for the purposes of representing any metrics subject to
representations requirements. (DOE, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 0016
at p. 136) Thus, DOE expects that this manufacturer will incur burdens
no different from other manufacturers participating in the CAGI
Performance Verification Program.
Regarding the second cost category, the per-unit cost of testing to
the specified DOE test method, DOE reiterates that the test methods
established in this final rule are based on the industry accepted test
[[Page 1097]]
ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, and intended to produce results
equivalent to those produced historically under ISO 1217:2009(E).\46\
As such, DOE concludes that the method itself is not overly burdensome
as it is currently employed by the many manufacturers who participate
in the CAGI program.\47\ However, DOE acknowledges the commenters'
concerns that testing may be more costly and burdensome for small
manufacturers, as they may not have in-house test facilities. In the
energy conservation standards NOPR, DOE assessed the per-unit cost to
test compressors for compliance, and concluded that the industry
average cost was $2,400 for a fixed-speed rotary compressor, and $3,025
for a variable-speed compressor. (see chapter 12 of TSD \48\) These
costs represent industry-average values (i.e., a mix of in-house and
third-party testing costs) and were based on data gathered during
confidential manufacturer interviews. Based on these data, DOE
estimates that third party testing costs approximately 50 percent more
than the stated industry-average values (i.e., $3,600 for fixed-speed
and $4,538 for variable-speed compressors).\49\ Although most small
manufacturers incur testing costs in this higher range, some larger
manufacturers may also incur similar third party testing costs. Given
these costs, DOE again, acknowledges that that testing may be more
costly small manufacturers.
\46\ In this final rule, DOE is incorporating by reference parts
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as amended by Amendment 1:2016. Amendment 1:2016
did not introduce any changes in regards to this particular topic,
so aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended, is equivalent to
aligning with ISO 1217:2009(E) prior to Amendment 1:2016.
\47\ The following manufacturers participate in the CAGI Rotary
Compressor Performance Verification Program according to the
participant directory: Atlas Copco, Boge, Chicago Pneumatic,
CompAir, FS Curtis, Gardner Denver, Ingersoll Rand, Kaeser
Compressors, Mattei, Quincy, Sullair and Sullivan-Palatek. The
participant directory is available at
\48\ Available at:
\49\ Third party testing is readily available in North America
and one site is currently used by the CAGI Performance Verification
Finally, in response to CASTAIR's recommendation that DOE exempt
American air compressor assemblers from regulation, DOE clarifies that
any test procedure it promulgates must be equitable to all industry
participants, meaning that all participant and regulated equipment with
in an equipment class must be held to the same testing criteria,
regardless of shipments volume or the nature of a shipment order.
Based on its research and discussions presented in this section,
DOE concludes that the cost burdens accruing from the compressors test
procedure final rule do not constitute ``significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.''
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
While there are currently no energy conservation standards for
compressors, DOE recently published a final determination establishing
compressors as a type of covered equipment. 81 FR 79991 (Nov. 15,
2016). DOE is also considering establishing energy conservation
standards for such equipment as part of a parallel rulemaking (Docket
No. EERE-2013-BT-STD-0040). Manufacturers of compressors will be
required to certify to DOE that their equipment complies with any
applicable energy conservation standards, once established. To certify
compliance, manufacturers must first obtain test data for their
products according to the DOE test procedures for compressors and
maintain records of that testing for a period of two years after
discontinuing the product, consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR
429.71. As part of this test procedure final rule, DOE is establishing
regulations for recordkeeping requirements for compressors. The
collection-of-information requirement for the certification (to be
finalized in a separate rulemaking) and recordkeeping is subject to
review and approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).
This requirement has been approved by OMB under OMB control number
1910-1400. Public reporting burden for the certification and
recordkeeping requirement is estimated to average 30 hours per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is
required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty
for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the PRA, unless that collection of information displays
a currently valid OMB Control Number.
CAGI stated that, based on its members' experience with its
Performance Verification Program, the recordkeeping burden estimate (30
hours/year) is too low. CAGI also stated that complying with the
recordkeeping requirements would entail significant development of
procedures, recordkeeping, quality control measures, etc. (CAGI, No.
0010 at p. 13) Sullair fully supported CAGI's comments on
recordkeeping. (Sullair, No. 0006 at p. 9) Ingersoll Rand stated that
it would need two or three employees for a period of 12 months in order
to sample, re-test and evaluate their units according to the
requirements of the proposed test procedure. Ingersoll Rand also stated
that additional staff would be needed indefinitely to comply with the
recordkeeping requirements of the proposed rule. (Ingersoll Rand, No.
0011 at p. 2) Jenny Products commented that the recordkeeping
requirements are burdensome. (Jenny Products, No. 0020 at p. 5)
DOE understands that the recordkeeping requirements may vary
between manufacturers, and that in some cases the recordkeeping burden
may be greater than estimated. However, DOE has not received any data
to support the claim that the average recordkeeping burden is greater
than it estimated. Without data to support an update to its estimate,
DOE cannot review that estimate. The burden discussed in this section
relates only to the development and retention of test records and
development and submission of certification paperwork; it does not
address the burden of conducting the test procedure, itself, which is
addressed elsewhere in this rule. Therefore, in this final rule DOE
does not adjust the recordkeeping burden estimate in the test procedure
D. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
In this final rule, DOE establishes a new test procedure that it
expects will be used to develop and implement future energy
conservation standards for compressors. DOE has determined that this
rule falls into a class of actions that are categorically excluded from
review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.) and DOE's implementing regulations at 10 CFR part 1021.
Specifically, this final rule creates a new test procedure without
affecting the amount, quality or distribution of energy usage, and,
therefore, does not result in any environmental impacts. Thus, this
rulemaking is covered by Categorical Exclusion A6 under 10 CFR part
1021, subpart D, which applies to any rulemaking that creates a new
rule without changing the environmental effect of that rule.
Accordingly, neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental
impact statement is required.
[[Page 1098]]
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132, ``Federalism,'' 64 FR 43255 (August 4,
1999), imposes certain requirements on agencies formulating and
implementing policies or regulations that preempt State law or that
have Federalism implications. The Executive Order requires agencies to
examine the constitutional and statutory authority supporting any
action that would limit the policymaking discretion of the States and
to carefully assess the necessity for such actions. The Executive Order
also requires agencies to have an accountable process to ensure
meaningful and timely input by State and local officials in the
development of regulatory policies that have Federalism implications.
On March 14, 2000, DOE published a statement of policy describing the
intergovernmental consultation process it will follow in the
development of such regulations. 65 FR 13735. DOE examined this final
rule and determined that it will not have a substantial direct effect
on the States, on the relationship between the national government and
the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among
the various levels of government. EPCA governs and prescribes Federal
preemption of State regulations as to energy conservation for the
products that are the subject of this final rule. States can petition
DOE for a waiver of Federal preemption to the extent, and based on
criteria, set forth in EPCA. (42 U.S.C. 6297(d) 6316(a)) No further
action is required by Executive Order 13132.
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
Regarding the review of existing regulations and the promulgation
of new regulations, section 3(a) of Executive Order 12988, ``Civil
Justice Reform,'' 61 FR 4729 (Feb. 7, 1996), imposes on Federal
agencies the general duty to adhere to the following requirements: (1)
Eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity; (2) write regulations to
minimize litigation; (3) provide a clear legal standard for affected
conduct rather than a general standard; and (4) promote simplification
and burden reduction. Section 3(b) of Executive Order 12988
specifically requires that Executive agencies make every reasonable
effort to ensure that the regulation (1) clearly specifies the
preemptive effect, if any; (2) clearly specifies any effect on existing
Federal law or regulation; (3) provides a clear legal standard for
affected conduct while promoting simplification and burden reduction;
(4) specifies the retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately defines
key terms; and (6) addresses other important issues affecting clarity
and general draftsmanship under any guidelines issued by the Attorney
General. Section 3(c) of Executive Order 12988 requires Executive
agencies to review regulations in light of applicable standards in
sections 3(a) and 3(b) to determine whether they are met or it is
unreasonable to meet one or more of them. DOE has completed the
required review and determined that, to the extent permitted by law,
this final rule meets the relevant standards of Executive Order 12988.
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA)
requires each Federal agency to assess the effects of Federal
regulatory actions on State, local, and Tribal governments and the
private sector. Public Law 104-4, sec. 201 (codified at 2 U.S.C. 1531).
For a regulatory action resulting in a rule that may cause the
expenditure by State, local, and Tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or by the private sector of $100 million or more in any one year
(adjusted annually for inflation), section 202 of UMRA requires a
Federal agency to publish a written statement that estimates the
resulting costs, benefits, and other effects on the national economy.
(2 U.S.C. 1532(a), (b)) The UMRA also requires a Federal agency to
develop an effective process to permit timely input by elected officers
of State, local, and Tribal governments on a proposed ``significant
intergovernmental mandate,'' and requires an agency plan for giving
notice and opportunity for timely input to potentially affected small
governments before establishing any requirements that might
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. On March 18, 1997,
DOE published a statement of policy on its process for
intergovernmental consultation under UMRA. 62 FR 12820; also available
at DOE examined this final
rule according to UMRA and its statement of policy and determined that
the rule contains neither an intergovernmental mandate, nor a mandate
that may result in the expenditure of $100 million or more in any year,
so these requirements do not apply.
H. Review Under the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act,
Section 654 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999 (Pub. L. 105-277) requires Federal agencies to issue a Family
Policymaking Assessment for any rule that may affect family well-being.
This final rule will not have any impact on the autonomy or integrity
of the family as an institution. Accordingly, DOE has concluded that it
is not necessary to prepare a Family Policymaking Assessment.
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
DOE has determined, under Executive Order 12630, ``Governmental
Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property
Rights'' 53 FR 8859 (March 18, 1988), that this regulation will not
result in any takings that might require compensation under the Fifth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
J. Review Under Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act,
Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001 (44 U.S.C. 3516 note) provides for agencies to review most
disseminations of information to the public under guidelines
established by each agency pursuant to general guidelines issued by
OMB. OMB's guidelines were published at 67 FR 8452 (Feb. 22, 2002), and
DOE's guidelines were published at 67 FR 62446 (Oct. 7, 2002). DOE has
reviewed this final rule under the OMB and DOE guidelines and has
concluded that it is consistent with applicable policies in those
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
Executive Order 13211, ``Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use,'' 66 FR 28355
(May 22, 2001), requires Federal agencies to prepare and submit to OMB,
a Statement of Energy Effects for any significant energy action. A
``significant energy action'' is defined as any action by an agency
that promulgated or is expected to lead to promulgation of a final
rule, and that (1) is a significant regulatory action under Executive
Order 12866, or any successor order; and (2) is likely to have a
significant adverse effect on the supply, distribution, or use of
energy; or (3) is designated by the Administrator of OIRA as a
significant energy action. For any significant energy action, the
agency must give a detailed statement of any adverse effects on energy
supply, distribution, or use if the regulation is implemented, and of
reasonable alternatives to the action and their expected benefits on
energy supply, distribution, and use.
This regulatory action is not a significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866. Moreover, it does not have a significant adverse
[[Page 1099]]
effect on the supply, distribution, or use of energy, nor has it been
designated as a significant energy action by the Administrator of OIRA.
Therefore, it is not a significant energy action, and, accordingly, DOE
has not prepared a Statement of Energy Effects.
L. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal Energy Administration Act of
Under section 301 of the Department of Energy Organization Act
(Pub. L. 95-91; 42 U.S.C. 7101), DOE must comply with section 32 of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, as amended by the Federal
Energy Administration Authorization Act of 1977. (15 U.S.C. 788; FEAA)
Section 32 essentially provides in relevant part that, where a proposed
rule authorizes or requires use of commercial standards, the NOPR must
inform the public of the use and background of such standards. In
addition, section 32(c) requires DOE to consult with the Attorney
General and the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
concerning the impact of the commercial or industry standards on
The test procedures for compressors adopted in this final rule
incorporate testing methods contained in certain sections of the
following commercial standards: ISO 1217:2009(E), as amended through
ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016.
While this test procedure is not exclusively based on this industry
testing standard, some components of the DOE test procedure adopt
definitions, test parameters, measurement techniques, and additional
calculations from them without amendment. DOE has evaluated these
standards and is unable to conclude whether it fully complies with the
requirements of section 32(b) of the FEAA (i.e., whether it was
developed in a manner that fully provides for public participation,
comment, and review.) DOE has consulted with both the Attorney General
and the Chairman of the FTC about the impact on competition of using
the methods contained in these standards and has received no comments
objecting to their use.
M. Congressional Notification
As required by 5 U.S.C. 801, DOE will report to Congress on the
promulgation of this rule before its effective date. The report will
state that it has been determined that the rule is not a ``major rule''
as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
N. Description of Materials Incorporated by Reference
In this final rule, DOE incorporates by reference specific sections
from a method of test published by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), titled ``Displacement compressors--Acceptance
tests,'' ISO 1217:2009(E). Specifically, the test procedure codified by
this final rule references the following parts of ISO 1217:2009(E):
Sections 2, 3, and 4; sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9; paragraphs
6.2(g), and 6.2(h) including Table 1; sections C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3,
C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1, C.4.2.3, C.4.3.2, C.4.4 of Annex C. The test
procedure also references Amendment 1 to ISO 1217:2009(E) (ISO
1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016), titled ``Calculation of isentropic efficiency
and relationship with specific energy.'' Specifically, the test
procedure codified by this final rule references the following parts of
Amendment 1 to ISO 1217:2009(E): Sections 3.5.1 and 3.6.1; sections H.2
and H.3 of Annex H.
Members of the compressors industry developed ISO 1217:2009(E),
which contains methods for determining inlet and discharge pressures,
actual volume flow rate, packaged compressor power input, and package
isentropic efficiency for electrically driven packaged displacement
Copies of ISO 1217:2009(E) and of ISO 1217:2009(E)/Amd.1:2016 may
be purchased from ISO at Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier,
Geneva, Switzerland +41 22 749 01 11, or by going to
V. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
The Secretary of Energy has approved publication of this final
List of Subjects
10 CFR part 429
Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business
information, Energy conservation, Imports, Intergovernmental relations,
Small businesses.
10 CFR part 431
Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business
information, Energy conservation, Imports, Incorporation by reference,
Intergovernmental relations, Small businesses.
Issued in Washington, DC, on December 1, 2016.
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, DOE proposes to amend parts
429 and 431 of chapter II, subchapter D of title 10, Code of Federal
Regulations as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 429 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291-6317; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
2. In Sec. 429.2, revise paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 429.2 Definitions.
(a) The definitions found in Sec. Sec. 430.2, 431.2, 431.62,
431.72, 431.82, 431.92, 431.102, 431.132, 431.152, 431.192, 431.202,
431.222, 431.242, 431.262, 431.282, 431.292, 431.302, 431.322, 431.342,
431.442, and 431.462 of this chapter apply for purposes of this part.
* * * * *
3. Add Sec. 429.63 to read as follows:
Sec. 429.63 Compressors.
(a) Determination of represented value. Manufacturers must
determine the represented value, which includes the certified rating,
for each basic model of compressor either by testing in conjunction
with the applicable sampling provisions or by applying an AEDM.
(1) Units to be tested. (i) If the represented value is determined
through testing, the general requirements of Sec. 429.11 apply; and
(ii) For each basic model selected for testing, a sample of
sufficient size must be randomly selected and tested to ensure that--
(A) Measures of energy efficiency. Any represented value of the
full- or part-load package isentropic efficiency or other measure of
energy efficiency of a basic model for which customers would favor
higher values is less than or equal to the lower of:
(1) The mean of the sample, where:
And x is the sample mean; n is the number of samples; and
xi is the measured value for the ith sample; or,
[[Page 1100]]
(2) The lower 95 percent confidence limit (LCL) of the true mean
divided by 0.95, where:
And x is the sample mean; s is the sample standard deviation; n is
the number of samples; and t0.95 is the t statistic for a 95
percent one-tailed confidence interval with n-1 degrees of freedom
(from appendix A of this subpart); and
(B) Package specific power. The representative value(s) of package
specific power of a basic model must be the mean of the package
specific power measurement(s) for each tested unit of the basic model.
(2) Alternative efficiency determination methods. In lieu of
testing, any represented value of efficiency, consumption, or other
non-energy metrics listed in paragraph (a)(3) of this section for a
basic model may be determined through the application of an AEDM
pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 429.70 and the provisions of this
section, where:
(i) Any represented values of package isentropic efficiency or
other measure of energy consumption of a basic model for which
customers would favor higher values must be less than or equal to the
output of the AEDM; and
(ii) Any represented values of package specific power, pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure, full-load actual volume flow
rate, or full-load operating pressure must be the output of the AEDM
corresponding to the represented value of package isentropic efficiency
determined in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section.
(3) Representations of non-energy metrics--(i) Full-load actual
volume flow rate. The representative value of full-load actual volume
flow rate of a basic model must be either--
(A) The mean of the full-load actual volume flow rate for the units
in the sample; or
(B) As determined through the application of an AEDM pursuant to
the requirements of Sec. 429.70.
(ii) Full-load operating pressure. The representative value of
full-load operating pressure of a basic model must be less than or
equal to the maximum full-flow operating pressure and greater than or
equal to the lesser of--
(A) 90 percent of the maximum full-flow operating pressure; or
(B) 10 psig less than the maximum full-flow operating pressure,
where the maximum full-flow operating pressure must either be
determined as the mean of the maximum full-flow operating pressure
values for the units in the sample or through the application of an
AEDM pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 429.70.
(iii) Pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure. The
representative value of pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure
of a basic model must be either be determined as the mean of the
pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure for the units in the
sample or through the application of an AEDM pursuant to the
requirements of Sec. 429.70.
(b) [Reserved]
4. Section 429.70 is amended by adding paragraph (h) to read as
Sec. 429.70 Alternative methods for determining energy efficiency
and energy use.
* * * * *
(h) Alternative efficiency determination method (AEDM) for
compressors--(1) Criteria an AEDM must satisfy. A manufacturer may not
apply an AEDM to a basic model to determine its efficiency pursuant to
this section, unless:
(i) The AEDM is derived from a mathematical model that estimates
the energy efficiency or energy consumption characteristics of the
basic model as measured by the applicable DOE test procedure;
(ii) The AEDM is based on engineering or statistical analysis,
computer simulation or modeling, or other analytic evaluation of
performance data; and
(iii) The manufacturer has validated the AEDM, in accordance with
paragraph (h)(2) of this section.
(2) Validation of an AEDM. Before using an AEDM, the manufacturer
must validate the AEDM's accuracy and reliability as follows:
(i) AEDM overview. The manufacturer must select at least the
minimum number of basic models for each validation class specified in
paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section to which the particular AEDM
applies. Using the AEDM, calculate the energy use or energy efficiency
for each of the selected basic models. Test each basic model and
determine the represented value(s) in accordance with Sec. 429.63(a).
Compare the results from the testing and the AEDM output according to
paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section. The manufacturer is responsible
for ensuring the accuracy and repeatability of the AEDM.
(ii) AEDM basic model tolerances. (A) The predicted representative
values for each basic model calculated by applying the AEDM may not be
more than five percent greater (for measures of efficiency) or less
(for measures of consumption) than the represented values determined
from the corresponding test of the model.
(B) The predicted package isentropic efficiency for each basic
model calculated by applying the AEDM must meet or exceed the
applicable federal energy conservation standard.
(iii) Additional test unit requirements. (A) Each AEDM must be
supported by test data obtained from physical tests of current models;
(B) Test results used to validate the AEDM must meet or exceed
current, applicable Federal standards as specified in part 431 of this
chapter; and
(C) Each test must have been performed in accordance with the
applicable DOE test procedure with which compliance is required at the
time the basic models used for validation are distributed in commerce.
(iv) Compressor validation classes.
Minimum number of distinct
Validation class basic models that must be
Rotary, Fixed-speed.................... 2 Basic Models.
Rotary, Variable-speed................. 2 Basic Models.
(3) AEDM Records Retention Requirements. If a manufacturer has used
an AEDM to determine representative values pursuant to this section,
the manufacturer must have available upon request for inspection by the
Department records showing:
(i) The AEDM, including the mathematical model, the engineering or
statistical analysis, and/or computer simulation or modeling that is
the basis of the AEDM;
(ii) Equipment information, complete test data, AEDM calculations,
and the statistical comparisons from the units tested that were used to
validate the AEDM pursuant to paragraph (h)(2) of this section; and
(iii) Equipment information and AEDM calculations for each basic
model to which the AEDM was applied.
(4) Additional AEDM requirements. If requested by the Department,
the manufacturer must:
(i) Conduct simulations before representatives of the Department to
predict the performance of particular basic models of the equipment to
which the AEDM was applied;
(ii) Provide analyses of previous simulations conducted by the
manufacturer; and/or
(iii) Conduct certification testing of basic models selected by the
[[Page 1101]]
5. Section 429.134 is amended by adding paragraph (p) to read as
Sec. 429.134 Product-specific enforcement provisions.
* * * * *
(p) Compressors--(1) Verification of full-load operating pressure.
(i) The maximum full-flow operating pressure of each tested unit of the
basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of
appendix A to subpart T of part 431 of this chapter, where 90 percent
of the value of full-load operating pressure certified by the
manufacturer will be the starting point of the test method prior to
increasing discharge pressure. The measured maximum full-flow operating
pressure (either the single measured value for a single unit sample or
the mean of the measured maximum full-flow operating pressures for a
multiple unit sample) will be compared to the certified rating for
full-load operating pressure to determine if the certified rating is
valid or not. The certified rating for full-load operating pressure
will be considered valid only if the certified rating for full-load
operating pressure is less than or equal to the measured maximum full-
flow operating pressure and greater than or equal to the lesser of--
(A) 90 percent of the measured maximum full-flow operating
pressure; or
(B) 10 psig less than the measured maximum full-flow operating
(ii) If the certified full-load operating pressure is found to be
valid, then the certified value will be used as the full-load operating
pressure and will be the basis for determination of full-load actual
volume flow rate, pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure,
specific power, and package isentropic efficiency.
(iii) If the certified full-load operating pressure is found to be
invalid, then the measured maximum full-flow operating pressure will be
used as the full-load operating pressure and will be the basis for
determination of full-load actual volume flow rate, pressure ratio at
full-load operating pressure, specific power, and package isentropic
(2) Verification of full-load actual volume flow rate. The measured
full-load actual volume flow rate will be measured, pursuant to the
test requirements of appendix A to subpart T of part 431 of this
chapter, at the full-load operating pressure determined in paragraph
(p)(1) of this section. The certified full-load actual volume flow rate
will be considered valid only if the measurement(s) (either the
measured full-load actual volume flow rate for a single unit sample or
the mean of the measured values for a multiple unit sample) are within
the percentage of the certified full-load actual volume flow rate
specified in Table 1 of this section:
Table 1 of Sec. 429.134--Allowable Percentage Deviation From the
Certified Full-Load Actual Volume Flow Rate
percent of the
Manufacturer certified full-load actual volume flow rate certified
(m3/s) x 10-3 full-load
actual volume
flow rate (%)
0 < and <= 8.3.......................................... 7
8.3 < and <= 25......................................... 6
25 < and <= 250......................................... 5
> 250................................................... 4
(i) If the certified value of full-load actual volume flow rate is
found to be valid, the full-load actual volume flow rate certified by
the manufacturer will be used as the basis for determination of the
applicable standard.
(ii) If the certified value of full-load actual volume flow rate is
found to be invalid, the entire sample (one or multiple units) will be
considered as failing the enforcement test.
(3) Ancillary equipment. Prior to testing each compressor, DOE will
install any required ancillary equipment specified by the manufacturer
in the certification report submitted pursuant to Sec. 429.63(b).
6. The authority citation for part 431 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291-6317; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
7. Section 431.342 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 431.342 Definitions concerning compressors.
The following definitions are applicable to this subpart, including
appendix A. In cases where there is a conflict, the language of the
definitions adopted in this section take precedence over any
descriptions or definitions found in any other source, including in ISO
Standard 1217:2009(E), ``Displacement compressors--Acceptance tests,''
as amended through Amendment 1:2016(E), ``Calculation of isentropic
efficiency and relationship with specific energy'' (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343). In cases where definitions reference
design intent, DOE will consider all relevant information, including
marketing materials, labels and certifications, and equipment design,
to determine design intent.
Actual volume flow rate means the volume flow rate of air,
compressed and delivered at the standard discharge point, referred to
conditions of total temperature, total pressure and composition
prevailing at the standard inlet point, and as determined in accordance
with the test procedures prescribed in Sec. 431.344.
Air compressor means a compressor designed to compress air that has
an inlet open to the atmosphere or other source of air, and is made up
of a compression element (bare compressor), driver(s), mechanical
equipment to drive the compressor element, and any ancillary equipment.
Ancillary equipment means any equipment distributed in commerce
with an air compressor but that is not a bare compressor, driver, or
mechanical equipment. Ancillary equipment is considered to be part of a
given air compressor, regardless of whether the ancillary equipment is
physically attached to the bare compressor, driver, or mechanical
equipment at the time when the air compressor is distributed in
Auxiliary substance means any substance deliberately introduced
into a compression process to aid in compression of a gas by any of the
following: Lubricating, sealing mechanical clearances, or absorbing
Bare compressor means the compression element and auxiliary devices
(e.g., inlet and outlet valves, seals, lubrication system, and gas flow
paths) required for performing the gas compression process, but does
not include any of the following:
(1) The driver;
(2) Speed-adjusting gear(s);
(3) Gas processing apparatuses and piping; and
(4) Compressor equipment packaging and mounting facilities and
Basic model means all units of a class of compressors manufactured
by one manufacturer, having the same primary energy source, the same
compressor motor nominal horsepower, and essentially identical
electrical, physical, and functional (or pneumatic) characteristics
that affect energy consumption and energy efficiency.
Brushless electric motor means a machine that converts electrical
power into rotational mechanical power without use of sliding
electrical contacts.
Compressor means a machine or apparatus that converts different
[[Page 1102]]
of energy into the potential energy of gas pressure for displacement
and compression of gaseous media to any higher pressure values above
atmospheric pressure and has a pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure greater than 1.3.
Compressor motor nominal horsepower means the motor horsepower of
the electric motor, as determined in accordance with the applicable
procedures in subparts B and X of this part, with which the rated air
compressor is distributed in commerce.
Driver means the machine providing mechanical input to drive a bare
compressor directly or through the use of mechanical equipment.
Fixed-speed compressor means an air compressor that is not capable
of adjusting the speed of the driver continuously over the driver
operating speed range in response to incremental changes in the
required compressor flow rate.
Full-load actual volume flow rate means the actual volume flow rate
of the compressor at the full-load operating pressure.
Lubricant-free compressor means a compressor that does not
introduce any auxiliary substance into the compression chamber at any
time during operation.
Lubricated compressor means a compressor that introduces an
auxiliary substance into the compression chamber during compression.
Maximum full-flow operating pressure means the maximum discharge
pressure at which the compressor is capable of operating, as determined
in accordance with the test procedure prescribed in Sec. 431.344.
Mechanical equipment means any component of an air compressor that
transfers energy from the driver to the bare compressor.
Package isentropic efficiency means the ratio of power required for
an ideal isentropic compression process to the actual packaged
compressor power input used at a given load point, as determined in
accordance with the test procedures prescribed in Sec. 431.344.
Package specific power means the compressor power input at a given
load point, divided by the actual volume flow rate at the same load
point, as determined in accordance with the test procedures prescribed
in Sec. 431.344.
Positive displacement compressor means a compressor in which the
admission and diminution of successive volumes of the gaseous medium
are performed periodically by forced expansion and diminution of a
closed space(s) in a working chamber(s) by means of displacement of a
moving member(s) or by displacement and forced discharge of the gaseous
medium into the high-pressure area.
Pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure means the ratio of
discharge pressure to inlet pressure, determined at full-load operating
pressure in accordance with the test procedures prescribed in Sec.
Reciprocating compressor means a positive displacement compressor
in which gas admission and diminution of its successive volumes are
performed cyclically by straight-line alternating movements of a moving
member(s) in a compression chamber(s).
Rotary compressor means a positive displacement compressor in which
gas admission and diminution of its successive volumes or its forced
discharge are performed cyclically by rotation of one or several rotors
in a compressor casing.
Rotor means a compression element that rotates continually in a
single direction about a single shaft or axis.
Variable-speed compressor means an air compressor that is capable
of adjusting the speed of the driver continuously over the driver
operating speed range in response to incremental changes in the
required compressor actual volume flow rate.
8. Add Sec. Sec. 431.343 through 431.346 and appendix A to subpart T
to read as follows:
431.343 Materials incorporated by reference.
431.344 Test procedure for measuring and determining energy
efficiency of compressors.
431.345 [Reserved]
431.346 [Reserved]
Appendix A to Subpart T of Part 431--Uniform Test Method for Certain
Air Compressors
Sec. 431.343 Materials incorporated by reference.
(a) General. DOE incorporates by reference the following standards
into part 431. The material listed has been approved for incorporation
by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with
6 U.S.C. 522(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Any subsequent amendment to a
standard by the standard-setting organization will not affect the DOE
test procedures unless and until amended by DOE. Material is
incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval and a notice of
any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register.
All approved material is available from the sources below. It is
available for inspection at U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Program, Sixth
Floor, 950 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20024, (202) 586-6636, or
go to Also,
this material is available for inspection at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of
this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:
(b) ISO. International Organization for Standardization, Chemin de
Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland +41 22 749 01
(1) ISO Standard 1217:2009(E), (``ISO 1217:2009(E)''),
``Displacement compressors--Acceptance tests,'' July 1, 2009, IBR
approved for appendix A to this subpart:
(i) Section 2. Normative references;
(ii) Section 3. Terms and definitions;
(iii) Section 4. Symbols;
(iv) Section 5. Measuring equipment, methods and accuracy
(excluding 5.1, 5.5, 5.7, and 5.8);
(v) Section 6. Test procedures, introductory text to Section 6.2,
Test arrangements, and paragraphs 6.2(g) and 6.2(h) including Table 1--
Maximum deviations from specified values and fluctuations from average
(vi) Annex C (normative), Simplified acceptance test for
electrically driven packaged displacement compressors (excluding C.1.2,
C.2.1, C.3, C.4.2.2, C.4.3.1, and C.4.5).
(2) ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E), Displacement compressors--
Acceptance tests (Fourth edition); Amendment 1: ``Calculation of
isentropic efficiency and relationship with specific energy,'' April
15, 2016, IBR approved for appendix A to this subpart:
(i) Section 3.5.1: isentropic power;
(ii) Section 3.6.1: isentropic efficiency;
(iii) Annex H (informative), Isentropic efficiency and its relation
to specific energy requirement, sections H.2, Symbols and subscripts,
and H.3, Derivation of isentropic power.
Sec. 431.344 Test procedure for measuring and determining energy
efficiency of compressors.
(a) Scope. This section is a test procedure that is applicable to a
compressor that meets the following criteria:
(1) Is an air compressor;
(2) Is a rotary compressor;
(3) Is not a liquid ring compressor;
(4) Is driven by a brushless electric motor;
(5) Is a lubricated compressor;
[[Page 1103]]
(6) Has a full-load operating pressure greater than or equal to 75
pounds per square inch gauge (psig) and less than or equal to 200 psig;
(7) Is not designed and tested to the requirements of the American
Petroleum Institute Standard 619, ``Rotary-Type Positive-Displacement
Compressors for Petroleum, Petrochemical, and Natural Gas Industries;''
(8) Has full-load actual volume flow rate greater than or equal to
35 cubic feet per minute (cfm), or is distributed in commerce with a
compressor motor nominal horsepower greater than or equal to 10
horsepower (hp); and
(9) Has a full-load actual volume flow rate less than or equal to
1,250 cfm, or is distributed in commerce with a compressor motor
nominal horsepower less than or equal to 200 hp.
(b) Testing and calculations. Determine the applicable full-load
package isentropic efficiency ([eta]isen,FL), part-load
package isentropic efficiency ([eta]isen,PL), package
specific power, maximum full-flow operating pressure, full-load
operating pressure, full-load actual volume flow rate, and pressure
ratio at full-load operating pressure using the test procedure set
forth in appendix A of this subpart.
Sec. 431.345 [Reserved]
Sec. 431.346 [Reserved]
Appendix A to Subpart T of Part 431--Uniform Test Method for Certain
Air Compressors
Note: Starting on July 3, 2017, any representations made with
respect to the energy use or efficiency of compressors subject to
testing pursuant to 10 CFR 431.344 must be made in accordance with
the results of testing pursuant to this appendix.
I. Measurements, Test Conditions, and Equipment Configuration
A. Measurement Equipment
A.1. For the purposes of measuring air compressor performance,
the equipment necessary to measure volume flow rate, inlet and
discharge pressure, temperature, condensate, and packaged compressor
power input must comply with the equipment and accuracy requirements
specified in ISO 1217:2009(E) sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9, and
Annex C, sections C.2.3 and C.2.4 (incorporated by reference, see
Sec. 431.343).
A.2. Electrical measurement equipment must be capable of
measuring true root mean square (RMS) current, true RMS voltage, and
real power up to the 40th harmonic of fundamental supply source
A.3. Any instruments used to measure a particular parameter
specified in paragraph (A.1.) must have a combined accuracy of
2.0 percent of the measured value at the fundamental
supply source frequency, where combined accuracy is the square root
of the sum of the squares of individual instrument accuracies.
A.4. Any instruments used to directly measure the density of air
must have an accuracy of 1.0 percent of the measured
A.5. Any pressure measurement equipment used in a calculation of
another variable (e.g., actual volume flow rate) must also meet all
accuracy and measurement requirements of section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343).
A.6. Any temperature measurement equipment used in a calculation
of another variable (e.g., actual volume flow rate) must also meet
all accuracy and measurement requirements of section 5.3 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343).
A.7. Where ISO 1217:2009(E) refers to ``corrected volume flow
rate,'' the term is deemed synonymous with the term ``actual volume
flow rate,'' as defined in section 3.4.1 of ISO 1217:2009(E)
(incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343).
B. Test Conditions and Configuration of Unit Under Test
B.1. For both fixed-speed and variable-speed compressors,
conduct testing in accordance with the test conditions, unit
configuration, and specifications of ISO 1217:2009(E), Section 6.2
paragraphs (g) and (h) and Annex C, sections C.1.1, C.2.2, C.2.3,
C.2.4, C.4.1, C.4.2.1, C.4.2.3, and C.4.3.2 (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343).
B.2. The power supply must:
(1) Maintain the voltage greater than or equal to 95 percent and
less than or equal to 110 percent of the rated value of the motor,
(2) Maintain the frequency within 5 percent of the
rated value of the motor,
(3) Maintain the voltage unbalance of the power supply within
3 percent of the rated values of the motor, and
(4) Maintain total harmonic distortion below 12 percent
throughout the test.
B.3. Ambient Conditions. The ambient air temperature must be
greater than or equal to 68 [deg]F and less than or equal to 90
[deg]F for the duration of testing. There are no ambient condition
requirements for inlet pressure or relative humidity.
B.4. All equipment indicated in Table 1 of this appendix must be
present and installed for all tests specified in this appendix. If
the compressor is distributed in commerce without an item from Table
1 of this appendix, the manufacturer must provide an appropriate
item to be installed for the test. Additional ancillary equipment
may be installed for the test, if distributed in commerce with the
compressor, but this additional ancillary equipment is not required.
If any of the equipment listed in Table 2 of this appendix is
distributed in commerce with units of the compressor basic model, it
must be present and installed for all tests specified in this
Table 1--Equipment Required During Test
Fixed-speed rotary air Variable-speed rotary air
Equipment compressors compressors
Driver.................................. Yes............................... Yes.
Bare compressors........................ Yes............................... Yes.
Inlet filter............................ Yes............................... Yes.
Inlet valve............................. Yes............................... Yes.
Minimum pressure check valve/backflow Yes............................... Yes.
check valve.
Lubricant separator..................... Yes............................... Yes.
Air piping.............................. Yes............................... Yes.
Lubricant piping........................ Yes............................... Yes.
Lubricant filter........................ Yes............................... Yes.
Lubricant cooler........................ Yes............................... Yes.
Thermostatic valve...................... Yes............................... Yes.
Electrical switchgear or frequency Yes............................... Not applicable.\1\
converter for the driver.
Device to control the speed of the Not applicable \2\................ Yes.
driver (e.g., variable speed drive).
Compressed air cooler(s)................ Yes............................... Yes.
Pressure switch, pressure transducer, or Yes............................... Yes.
similar pressure control device.
Moisture separator and drain............ Yes............................... Yes.
\1\ This category is not applicable to variable-speed rotary air compressors.
\2\ This category is not applicable to fixed-speed rotary air compressors.
[[Page 1104]]
Table 2--Equipment Required During Test, if Distributed in Commerce With the Basic Model
Variable-speed rotary air
Equipment Fixed-speed rotary air compressors compressors
Cooling fan(s) and motors............... Yes............................... Yes.
Mechanical equipment.................... Yes............................... Yes.
Lubricant pump.......................... Yes............................... Yes.
Interstage cooler....................... Yes............................... Yes.
Electronic or electrical controls and Yes............................... Yes.
user interface.
All protective and safety devices....... Yes............................... Yes.
B.5. The inlet of the compressor under test must be open to the
atmosphere and take in ambient air for all tests specified in this
B.6. The compressor under test must be set up according to all
manufacturer instructions for normal operation (e.g., verify
lubricant level, connect all loose electrical connections, close off
bottom of unit to floor, cover forklift holes).
B.7. The piping connected to the discharge orifice of the
compressor must be of a diameter at least equal to that of the
compressor discharge orifice to which it is connected. The piping
must be straight with a length of at least 6 inches.
B.8. Transducers used to record compressor discharge pressure
must be located on the discharge piping between 2 inches and 6
inches, inclusive, from the discharge orifice of the compressor. The
pressure tap for transducers must be located at the highest point of
the pipe's cross section.
II. Determination of Package Isentropic Efficiency, Package Specific
Power, and Pressure Ratio at Full-Load Operating Pressure
A. Data Collection and Analysis
A.1. Stabilization. Record data at each load point under steady-
state conditions. Steady-state conditions are achieved when a set of
two consecutive readings taken at least 10 seconds apart and no more
than 60 seconds apart are within the maximum permissible fluctuation
from the average (of the two consecutive readings), as specified in
Table 1 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
431.343) for--
(1) Discharge pressure;
(2) Temperature at the nozzle or orifice plate, measured per
section 5.3 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
Sec. 431.343); and
(3) Differential pressure over the nozzle or orifice plate,
measured per section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343).
A.2. Data Sampling and Frequency. At each load point, record a
minimum set of 16 unique readings, collected over a minimum time of
15 minutes. Each consecutive reading must be no more than 60 seconds
apart, and not less than 10 seconds apart. All readings at each load
point must be within the maximum permissible fluctuation from
average specified in Table 1 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343) for--
(1) Discharge pressure;
(2) Temperature at the nozzle or orifice plate, measured per
section 5.3 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see
Sec. 431.343); and
(3) Differential pressure over the nozzle or orifice plate,
measured per section 5.2 of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343).
If one or more readings do not meet the requirements, then all
previous readings must be disregarded and a new set of at least 16
new unique readings must be collected over a minimum time of 15
minutes. Average the readings to determine the value of each
parameter to be used in subsequent calculations.
A.3. Calculations and Rounding. Perform all calculations using
raw measured values. Round the final result for package isentropic
efficiency to the thousandth (i.e., 0.001), for package specific
power in kilowatts per 100 cubic feet per minute to the nearest
hundredth (i.e., 0.01), for pressure ratio at full-load operating
pressure to the nearest tenth (i.e., 0.1), for full-load actual
volume flow rate in cubic feet per minute to the nearest tenth
(i.e., 0.1), and for full-load operating pressure in pounds per
square inch gauge (psig) to the nearest integer (i.e., 1). All terms
and quantities refer to values determined in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this appendix for the tested unit.
B. Full-Load Operating Pressure and Full-Load Actual Volume Flow
Determine the full-load operating pressure and full-load actual
volume flow rate (referenced throughout this appendix) in accordance
with the procedures prescribed in section III of this appendix.
C. Full-Load Package Isentropic Efficiency for Fixed- and Variable-
Speed Air Compressors
Use this test method to test fixed-speed air compressors and
variable-speed air compressors.
C.1. Test unit at full-load operating pressure and full-load
volume flow rate according to the requirements established in
sections I, II.A, and II.B of this appendix. Measure volume flow
rate and calculate actual volume flow rate in accordance with
section C.4.2.1 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343) with no corrections made for shaft
speed. Measure discharge gauge pressure and packaged compressor
power input. Measured discharge gauge pressure and calculated actual
volume flow rate must be within the deviation limits for discharge
pressure and volume flow rate specified in Tables C.1 and C.2 of
Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
431.343), where full-load operating pressure and full-load actual
volume flow rate (as determined in section III of this appendix) are
the targeted values.
C.2. Calculate the package isentropic efficiency at full-load
operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow rate (full-load
package isentropic efficiency, [eta]isen,FL) using the
equation for isentropic efficiency in section 3.6.1 of ISO
1217:2009(E) as modified by ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E)
(incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343). For
Pisen, use the isentropic power required for compression
at full-load operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow
rate, as determined in section II.C.2.1 of this appendix. For
Preal, use the real packaged compressor power input at
full-load operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow rate,
as determined in section II.C.2.2 of this appendix.
C.2.1. Calculate the isentropic power required for compression
at full-load operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow
rate using equation (H.6) of Annex H of ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E)
(incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343). For qV1,
use the actual volume flow rate (cubic meters per second) calculated
in section II.C.1 of this appendix. For p1, use 100 kPa.
For p2, use the sum of (a) 100 kPa, and (b) the measured
discharge gauge pressure (Pa) from section II.C.1 of this appendix.
For K, use the isentropic exponent (ratio of specific heats) of air,
which, for the purposes of this test procedure, is 1.400.
C.2.2. Calculate real packaged compressor power input at full-
load operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow rate using
the following equation:
Preal,100 = K5 [middot]
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as determined
in section C.4.3.2 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343). For calculations of this variable use
a value of 100 kPa for contractual inlet pressure; and
PPR,100 = packaged compressor power input reading
at full-load operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow
rate measured in section II.C.1 of this appendix (W).
D. Part-Load Package Isentropic Efficiency for Variable-Speed Air
Use this test method to test variable-speed air compressors.
[[Page 1105]]
D.1. Test unit at two load points: (1) Full-load operating
pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual volume flow rate and (2)
full-load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, according to the requirements established in
sections I, II.A, and II.B of this appendix. To reach each specified
load point, adjust the speed of the driver and the backpressure of
the system. For each load point, measure volume flow rate and
calculate actual volume flow rate in accordance with section C.4.2.1
of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
431.343), with no corrections made for shaft speed. For each load
point, measure discharge gauge pressure and packaged compressor
power input. Measured discharge gauge pressure and calculated actual
volume flow rate must be within the deviation limits for discharge
pressure and volume flow rate specified in Tables C.1 and C.2 of
Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E), where the targeted values are as
specified in the beginning of this section.
D.2. For variable-speed compressors, calculate the part-load
package isentropic efficiency using the following equation:
[eta]isen,PL = [omega]40 x
[eta]isen,40 + [omega]70 x
[eta]isen,70 + [omega]100 x
[eta]isen,PL = part-load package isentropic efficiency
for a variable-speed compressor;
[eta]isen,100 = package isentropic efficiency at
full-load operating pressure and 100 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as determined in section II.C.2 of this appendix;
[eta]isen,70 = package isentropic efficiency at
full-load operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as determined in section II.D.3 of this appendix;
[eta]isen,40 = package isentropic efficiency at
full-load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as determined in section II.D.4 of this appendix;
[omega]40 = weighting at 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate and is 0.25;
[omega]70 = weighting at 70 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate and is 0.50; and
[omega]100 = weighting at 100 percent of full-
load actual volume flow rate and is 0.25.
D.3. Calculate package isentropic efficiency at full-load
operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate using the equation for isentropic efficiency in section 3.6.1
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as modified by ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E)
(incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343). For
Pisen, use the isentropic power required for compression
at full-load operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as determined in section II.D.3.1 of this
appendix. For Preal, use the real packaged compressor
power input at full-load operating pressure and 70 percent of full-
load actual volume flow rate, as determined in section II.D.3.2 of
this appendix.
D.3.1. Calculate the isentropic power required for compression
at full-load operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate using equation (H.6) of Annex H of ISO 1217:2009/
Amd.1:2016(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343). For
qV1, use actual volume flow rate (cubic meters per
second) at full-load operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate, as calculated in section II.D.1 of this
appendix. For p1, use 100 kPa. For p2, use the
sum of (a) 100 kPa, and (b) discharge gauge pressure (Pa) at full-
load operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate, as calculated in section II.D.1 of this appendix. For K,
use the isentropic exponent (ratio of specific heats) of air, which,
for the purposes of this test procedure, is 1.400.
D.3.2. Calculate real packaged compressor power input at full-
load operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate using the following equation:
Preal,70 = K5 [middot]
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as determined
in section C.4.3.2 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343). For calculations of this variable use
a value of 100 kPa for contractual inlet pressure; and
PPR,70 = packaged compressor power input reading
at full-load operating pressure and 70 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as measured in section II.D.1 of this appendix
D.4. Calculate package isentropic efficiency at full-load
operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual volume flow
rate using the equation for isentropic efficiency in section 3.6.1
of ISO 1217:2009(E) as modified by ISO 1217:2009/Amd.1:2016(E)
(incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343). For
Pisen, use the isentropic power required for compression
at full-load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as determined in section II.D.4.1 of this
appendix. For Preal, use the real packaged compressor
power input at full-load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-
load actual volume flow rate, as determined in section II.D.4.2 of
this appendix.
D.4.1. Calculate the isentropic power required for compression
at full-load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate using equation (H.6) of Annex H of ISO 1217:2009/
Amd.1:2016(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343). For
qV1, use actual volume flow rate (cubic meters per
second) at full-load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load
actual volume flow rate, as calculated in section II.D.1 of this
appendix. For p1, use 100 kPa. For p2, use the
sum of (a) 100 kPa, and (b) discharge gauge pressure (Pa) at full-
load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate, as calculated in section II.D.1 of this appendix. For K,
use the isentropic exponent (ratio of specific heats) of air, which,
for the purposes of this test procedure, is 1.400.
D.4.2. Calculate real packaged compressor power input at full-
load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual volume
flow rate using the following equation:
Preal,40 = K5 [middot]
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as determined
in section C.4.3.2 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343). For calculations of this variable use
a value of 100 kPa for contractual inlet pressure; and
PPR,40 = packaged compressor power input reading
at full-load operating pressure and 40 percent of full-load actual
volume flow rate, as measured in section II.D.1 of this appendix
E. Determination of Package Specific Power
For both fixed and variable-speed air compressors, determine the
package specific power, at any load point, using the equation for
specific energy consumption in section C.4.4 of Annex C of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343) and
other values measured pursuant to this appendix, with no correction
for shaft speed. Calculate PPcorr in section C.4.4 of
Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
431.343) using the following equation:
PPcorr = K5 [middot] PPR
K5 = correction factor for inlet pressure, as determined
in section C.4.3.2 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343). For calculations of this variable use
a value of 100 kPa for contractual inlet pressure; and
PPR = packaged compressor power input reading (W), as determined in
section C.2.4 of Annex C to ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 431.343).
F. Determination of Pressure Ratio at Full-Load Operating Pressure
Pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure, as defined in
Sec. 431.342, is calculated using the following equation:
PR = pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure;
p1 = 100 kPa; and
pFL = full-load operating pressure, determined in section
III.C.4 of this appendix (Pa gauge).
III. Method to Determine Maximum Full-Flow Operating Pressure, Full-
Load Operating Pressure, and Full-Load Actual Volume Flow Rate
A. Principal Strategy
The principal strategy of this method is to incrementally
increase discharge pressure by 2 psig relative to a starting point,
and identify the maximum full-flow operating pressure at which the
compressor is capable of operating. The maximum discharge pressure
achieved is the maximum full-flow operating pressure. The full-load
operating pressure and full-load actual volume flow rate are
determined based on the maximum full-flow operating pressure.
[[Page 1106]]
B. Pre-test Instructions
B.1. Safety
For the method presented in section III.C.1 of this appendix,
only test discharge pressure within the safe operating range of the
compressor, as specified by the manufacturer in the installation and
operation manual shipped with the unit. Make no changes to safety
limits or equipment. Do not violate any manufacturer-provided motor
operational guidelines for normal use, including any restriction on
instantaneous and continuous input power draw and output shaft power
(e.g., electrical rating and service factor limits).
B.2. Adjustment of Discharge Pressure
B.2.1. If the air compressor is not equipped, as distributed in
commerce by the manufacturer, with any mechanism to adjust the
maximum discharge pressure output limit, proceed to section III.B.3
of this appendix.
B.2.2. If the air compressor is equipped, as distributed in
commerce by the manufacturer, with any mechanism to adjust the
maximum discharge pressure output limit, then adjust this mechanism
to the maximum pressure allowed, according to the manufacturer's
operating instructions for these mechanisms. Mechanisms to adjust
discharge pressure may include, but are not limited to, onboard
digital or analog controls, and user-adjustable inlet valves.
B.3. Driver speed
If the unit under test is a variable-speed compressor, maintain
maximum driver speed throughout the test. If the unit under test is
a fixed-speed compressor with a multi-speed driver, maintain driver
speed at the maximum speed throughout the test.
B.4. Measurements and Tolerances
B.4.1. Recording
Record data by electronic means such that the requirements of
section B.4.5 of section III of this appendix are met.
B.4.2. Discharge Pressure
Measure discharge pressure in accordance with section 5.2 of ISO
1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 431.343). Express
compressor discharge pressure in psig in reference to ambient
conditions, and record it to the nearest integer. Specify targeted
discharge pressure points in integer values only. The maximum
allowable measured deviation from the targeted discharge pressure at
each tested point is 1 psig.
B.4.3. Actual Volume Flow Rate
Measure actual volume flow rate in accordance with section
C.4.2.1 of Annex C of ISO 1217:2009(E) (incorporated by reference,
see Sec. 431.343) (where it is called ``corrected volume flow
rate'') with no corrections made for shaft speed. Express compressor
actual volume flow rate in cubic feet per minute at inlet conditions
B.4.4. Stabilization
Record data at each tested load point under steady-state
conditions, as determined in section II.A.1 of this appendix.
B.4.5. Data Sampling and Frequency
At each load point, record a set of at least of two readings,
collected at a minimum of 10 seconds apart. All readings at each
load point must be within the maximum permissible fluctuation from
the average (of the two consecutive readings), as specified in
II.A.2 of this appendix. Average the measurements to determine the
value of each parameter to be used in subsequent calculations.
B.5. Adjusting System Backpressure
Set up the unit under test so that backpressure on the unit can
be adjusted (e.g., by valves) incrementally, causing the measured
discharge pressure to change, until the compressor is in an unloaded
B.6. Unloaded Condition
A unit is considered to be in an unloaded condition if capacity
controls on the unit automatically reduce the actual volume flow
rate from the compressor (e.g., shutting the motor off, or unloading
by adjusting valves).
C. Test Instructions
C.1. Adjust the backpressure of the system so the measured
discharge pressure is 90 percent of the expected maximum full-flow
operating pressure, rounded to the nearest integer, in psig. If the
expected maximum full-flow operating pressure is not known, then
adjust the backpressure of the system so that the measured discharge
pressure is 65 psig. Allow the unit to remain at this setting for 15
minutes to allow the unit to thermally stabilize. Then measure and
record discharge pressure and actual volume flow rate at the
starting pressure.
C.2. Adjust the backpressure of the system to increase the
discharge pressure by 2 psig from the previous value, allow the unit
to remain at this setting for a minimum of 2 minutes, and proceed to
section III.C.3 of this appendix.
C.3. If the unit is now in an unloaded condition, end the test
and proceed to section III.C.4 of this appendix. If the unit is not
in an unloaded condition, measure discharge pressure and actual
volume flow rate, and repeat section III.C.2 of this appendix.
C.4. Of the discharge pressures recorded under stabilized
conditions in sections III.C.1 through III.C.3 of this appendix,
identify the largest. This is the maximum full-flow operating
pressure. Determine the full-load operating pressure as a self-
declared value greater than or equal to the lesser of (A) 90 percent
of the maximum full-flow operating pressure, or (B) 10 psig less
than the maximum full-flow operating pressure.
C.5. The full-load actual volume flow rate is the actual volume
flow rate measured at the full-load operating pressure. If the self-
declared full-load operating pressure falls on a previously tested
value of discharge pressure, then use the previously measured actual
volume flow rate as the full-load actual volume flow rate. If the
self-declared full-load operating pressure does not fall on a
previously tested value of discharge pressure, then adjust the
backpressure of the system to the self-declared full-load operating
pressure and allow the unit to remain at this setting for a minimum
of 2 minutes. The measured actual volume flow rate at this setting
is the full-load actual volume flow rate.
[FR Doc. 2016-29427 Filed 1-3-17; 8:45 am]