Establishment of a New Drug Code for Marihuana Extract, 90194-90196 [2016-29941]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 240 / Wednesday, December 14, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
FDA performs to monitor third-party
certification bodies that are accredited
by a recognized accreditation body
under § 1.662.
§ 1.710 How will FDA notify the public
about the fee schedule?
FDA will notify the public of the fee
schedule annually. The fee notice will
be made publicly available prior to the
beginning of the fiscal year for which
the fees apply, except for the first fiscal
year in which this regulation is
effective. Each new fee schedule will be
adjusted for inflation and improvements
in the estimates of the cost to FDA of
performing relevant work for the
upcoming year.
§ 1.715 When must a user fee required by
this subpart be submitted?
(a) Accreditation bodies applying for
recognition and third-party certification
bodies applying for direct accreditation
must submit a fee concurrently with
submitting an application or a renewal
(b) Accreditation bodies and thirdparty certification bodies subject to an
annual fee must submit payment within
30 days of receiving billing for the fee.
§ 1.720 Are user fees under this subpart
User fees accompanying completed
applications and annual fees under this
subpart are not refundable.
rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with RULES
§ 1.725 What are the consequences of not
paying a user fee under this subpart on
(a) An application for recognition or
renewal of recognition will not be
considered complete for the purposes of
§ 1.631(a) until the date that FDA
receives the application fee. An
application for direct accreditation or
for renewal of direct accreditation will
not be considered complete for the
purposes of § 1.671(a) until FDA
receives the application fee.
(b) A recognized accreditation body
that fails to submit its annual user fee
within 30 days of the due date will have
its recognition suspended.
(1) FDA will notify the accreditation
body electronically that its recognition
is suspended. FDA will notify the
public of the suspension on the Web site
described in § 1.690.
(2) While an accreditation body’s
recognition is suspended, the
accreditation body will not be able to
accredit additional third-party
certification bodies. The accreditation of
third-party certification bodies that
occurred prior to an accreditation
body’s suspension, as well as food or
facility certifications issued by such
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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third-party certification bodies, would
remain in effect.
(3) If payment is not received within
90 days of the payment due date, FDA
will revoke the accreditation body’s
recognition under § 1.634(a)(4)(iii), and
provide notice of such revocation in
accordance with § 1.634.
(c) An accredited third-party
certification body that fails to submit its
annual fee within 30 days of the due
date will have its accreditation
(1) FDA will notify the third-party
certification body that its accreditation
is suspended, electronically and in
English. FDA will notify a recognized
accreditation body, electronically and in
English, if the accreditation of one if its
third-party certification bodies is
suspended. FDA will notify the public
of the suspension on the Web site
described in § 1.690.
(2) While a third-party certification
body’s accreditation is suspended, the
third-party certification body will not be
able to issue food or facility
certifications. A food or facility
certification issued by a third-party
certification body prior to the
suspension of the auditor/certification
body accreditation will remain in effect.
(3) If payment is not received within
90 days of the payment due date, FDA
will withdraw the third-party
certification body’s accreditation under
§ 1.664(a)(4), and provide notice of such
withdrawal in accordance with § 1.664.
Dated: December 9, 2016.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2016–30033 Filed 12–13–16; 8:45 am]
Drug Enforcement Administration
21 CFR Part 1308
[Docket No. DEA–342]
RIN 1117–AB33
Establishment of a New Drug Code for
Marihuana Extract
Drug Enforcement
Administration, Department of Justice.
ACTION: Final rule.
The Drug Enforcement
Administration is creating a new
Administration Controlled Substances
Code Number for ‘‘Marihuana Extract.’’
This code number will allow DEA and
DEA-registered entities to track
quantities of this material separately
PO 00000
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from quantities of marihuana. This, in
turn, will aid in complying with
relevant treaty provisions.
Under international drug control
treaties administered by the United
Nations, some differences exist between
the regulatory controls pertaining to
marihuana extract versus those for
marihuana and tetrahydrocannabinols.
The DEA has previously established
separate code numbers for marihuana
and for tetrahydrocannabinols, but not
for marihuana extract. To better track
these materials and comply with treaty
provisions, DEA is creating a separate
code number for marihuana extract with
the following definition: ‘‘Meaning an
extract containing one or more
cannabinoids that has been derived
from any plant of the genus Cannabis,
other than the separated resin (whether
crude or purified) obtained from the
plant.’’ Extracts of marihuana will
continue to be treated as Schedule I
controlled substances.
DATES: Effective: January 13, 2017.
Michael J. Lewis, Office of Diversion
Control, Drug Enforcement
Administration; Mailing Address: 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia
22152; Telephone (202) 598–6812.
As provided in 21 CFR 1308.03, each
controlled substance or basic class
thereof is assigned a four digit
Administration Controlled Substance
Code Number (‘‘Code number’’ or ‘‘drug
code’’) that is used to track quantities of
the controlled substance imported and
exported to and from the United States.
Additionally, the DEA uses these code
numbers in establishing aggregate
production quotas for basic classes of
controlled substances listed in
Schedules I and II as required by 21
U.S.C. 826.
Consistent with the Controlled
Substances Act (CSA), the schedules
contained in DEA regulations include
marihuana (drug code 7360) in
Schedule I. 21 CFR 1308.11(d)(23). This
listing includes (unless specifically
excepted or unless listed in another
schedule) any material, compound,
mixture, or preparation, which contains
any quantity of the substance, or which
contains any of its salts, isomers, and
salts of isomers that are possible within
the specific chemical designation.
Because the definition of marihuana in
21 U.S.C. 802(16) includes both
derivatives and preparations of
marihuana, the DEA until now has used
drug code 7360 for extracts of
marihuana. This final rule finalizes a
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 240 / Wednesday, December 14, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with RULES
July 5, 2011, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (76 FR 39039) in which the
DEA proposed that a new drug code
7350 be used for extracts of marihuana.
Why a New Code Number Is Needed
The United Nations Conventions on
international drug control treats extracts
from the cannabis plant somewhat
differently than marihuana or
tetrahydrocannabinols. The creation of a
new drug code in the DEA regulations
for marihuana extracts will allow for
more appropriate accounting of such
materials consistent with treaty
The Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs, 1961 (‘‘Single Convention’’) and
the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic
Substances (‘‘Psychotropic
Convention’’) provide for the
international control of marihuana
constituents. Many of the CSA’s
provisions were drafted to comply with
these Conventions. The CSA includes
schemes of drug scheduling and
procedures for adding, removing, and
transferring drugs among the schedules
that are similar, in some ways, to those
in the Single Convention. With respect
to those drugs that are subject to control
under the Single Convention, the CSA
mandates that DEA control such drugs
in a manner that will ensure the United
States meets its obligations under the
Single Convention. 21 U.S.C. 811(d)(1).
Somewhat similar to the CSA, the
Single Convention lists substances in
four schedules. However, under the
Single Convention, the drugs that are
subject to the most stringent controls are
in Schedule IV. Another difference
between the CSA and the Single
Convention is that, under the latter, a
drug can be listed in more than one
schedule. Cannabis and cannabis resin
are listed in both Schedule IV and
Schedule I of the Single Convention.
Schedule I controls under the Single
Convention include: Requirements for
import and export authorization,
licensing of manufacturers/distributors,
recordkeeping requirements, a
requirement for prescriptions for
medical use, annual estimate of needs,
quotas, annual statistical reporting, and
a requirement that use be limited to
medical and scientific purposes.
Schedule II of the Single Convention is
similar in controls to Schedule I with a
few exceptions, and Schedule III is less
restrictive. All substances listed in
Schedule IV are also listed in Schedule
I under the Single Convention in order
to encompass the requirements
mentioned above. In addition, as
indicated, the Single Convention
imposes certain heightened measures of
control with respect to Schedule IV
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drugs. The placing of a drug into both
Schedule I and Schedule IV, therefore
imposes the most stringent controls
under the Single Convention. Although
cannabis and cannabis resin are listed in
Schedules I and IV of the Single
Convention, cannabis extracts are listed
only in Schedule I.
In response to the July 5, 2011, Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking (76 FR 39039),
the DEA received six submissions from
five commenters. Three of the
comments raised issues relating to the
medical use or legality of marihuana/
cannabis; these comments were not
germane to the issues addressed by this
rulemaking. A fourth comment was
merely a clarification of a comment
previously submitted.
One comment requested clarification
of whether the new drug code will be
applicable to cannabidiol (CBD), if it is
not combined with cannabinols.
DEA response: For practical purposes,
all extracts that contain CBD will also
contain at least small amounts of other
cannabinoids.1 However, if it were
possible to produce from the cannabis
plant an extract that contained only
CBD and no other cannabinoids, such
an extract would fall within the new
drug code 7350. In view of this
comment, the regulatory text
accompanying new drug code 7350 has
been modified slightly to make clear
that it includes cannabis extracts that
contain only one cannabinoid.
Another comment from a
pharmaceutical firm currently involved
in cannabinoid research and product
development praised DEA’s efforts to
establish a new drug code for marihuana
extracts as a means to more accurately
reflect the activities of scientific
research and provide more consistent
adherence to the requirements of the
Single Convention. However, the
comment expressed concerns that the
proposed definition for the new drug
code (i.e. ‘‘meaning extracts that have
been derived from any plant of the
genus Cannabis and which contain
cannabinols and cannabidiols’’) is too
narrow. The comment suggested that the
broader term ‘‘cannabinoids’’ be
substituted for ‘‘cannabinols and
cannabidiols.’’ The comment pointed
out that other constituents of the
marihuana plant may have therapeutic
potential. The comment further clarified
that the broader term ‘‘cannabinoid’’
includes both cannabinol-type
1 Although
it might be theoretically possible to
produce a CBD extract that contains absolutely no
amounts of other cannabinoids, the DEA is not
aware of any industrially-utilized methods that
have achieved this result.
PO 00000
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compounds and cannabidiol-type
compounds, as well as
cannabichromene-type compounds,
cannabigerol-type compounds, and
other categories of compounds.
DEA response: DEA agrees with the
commenter that the term ‘‘cannabinoid’’
would provide for a broader definition
of marihuana extract; however, use of
the term ‘‘cannabinoid’’ necessitates
that the DEA clarify that the new
marihuana extract category (drug code
7350) is not intended to include
‘‘cannabis resin’’ as defined in the U.N.
Single Convention.
As discussed in the NPRM, a new
drug code is necessary in order to better
account for these materials in
accordance with treaty obligations. The
Single Convention placed ‘‘cannabis’’
and ‘‘cannabis resin’’ under both
Schedule I and IV of the Convention,
the most stringent level of control under
the Convention. While ‘‘cannabis resin’’
is extracted from ‘‘cannabis,’’ the Single
Convention specifically controls
‘‘extracts’’ separately. Extracts of
cannabis are controlled only under
Schedule I of the Convention, which is
a lower level of control than ‘‘cannabis
Accordingly, it is the DEA’s intent to
define the term ‘‘marihuana extract’’ so
as to exclude material referenced as
‘‘cannabis resin’’ under the Single
Convention on Narcotics. ‘‘Cannabis
resin’’ (regulated under the CSA as a
resin of marihuana) contains a variety of
‘‘cannabinoids’’ and will continue to be
regulated as marihuana under drug code
7360. The new drug code for marihuana
extracts under 21 CFR 1308.11(d)(58)
will exclude the resin. Cannabis resin
and marihuana resin remain captured
under the drug code for marihuana
(drug code 7360), thus differentiating
this material from marihuana extracts
(new drug code 7350). This will
maintain compliance with the Single
Final Action
After careful consideration of all
comments, the DEA is hereby amending
21 CFR 1308.11(d) to include a new
subparagraph (58) which creates a new
code number in Schedule I as follows:
‘‘(58) Marihuana Extract—7350
‘‘Meaning an extract containing one or
more cannabinoids that has been derived
from any plant of the genus Cannabis, other
than the separated resin (whether crude or
purified) obtained from the plant.’’
The creation of this new drug code in
the DEA regulations for marihuana
extracts allows for more appropriate
accounting of such materials consistent
with treaty provisions. Such marihuana
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 240 / Wednesday, December 14, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
extracts remain in Schedule I. Entities
registered to handle marihuana (under
drug code 7360) that also handle
marihuana extracts, will need to apply
to modify their registrations to add the
new drug code 7350 to their existing
DEA registrations and procure quotas
specifically for drug code 7350 each
Regulatory Analyses
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563,
Regulatory Planning and Review, and
13563, Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
This regulation has been drafted and
reviewed in accordance with the
principles of Executive Orders 12866
and 13563. This rule is not a significant
regulatory action under Executive Order
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
This regulation meets the applicable
standards set forth in sections 3(a) and
3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988 to
eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity,
minimize litigation, provide a clear legal
standard for affected conduct, and
promote simplification and burden
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
This rulemaking does not have
federalism implications warranting the
application of Executive Order 13132.
The rule does not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Executive Order 13175, Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This rule does not have tribal
implications warranting the application
of Executive Order 13175. It does not
have substantial direct effects on one or
more Indian tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal Government and
Indian tribes, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities between the
Federal Government and Indian tribes.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Administrator, in accordance
with the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601–602, has reviewed
this rule and by approving it, certifies
that it will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. This rule
establishes a new drug code for
marihuana extracts. DEA already
registers persons handling marihuana
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extracts but within another alreadyestablished drug code. Thus, persons
who handle these marihuana extracts
have already met DEA’s registration,
security, and other statutory and
regulatory requirements. The only direct
effect to registrants who handle
marihuana extracts will be the
requirement to add the new drug code
to their registration. Therefore, DEA has
concluded that this rule will not have a
significant effect on a substantial
number of small entities.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
On the basis of information contained
in the ‘‘Regulatory Flexibility Act’’
section above, DEA has determined and
certifies pursuant to the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) of 1995,
2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq., that this action
would not result in any Federal
mandate that may result in the
expenditure by State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100,000,000 or more
(adjusted for inflation) in any one year.
Therefore, neither a Small Government
Agency Plan nor any other action is
required under provisions of the UMRA
of 1995.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
This action does not impose a
collection of information requirement
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995. 44 U.S.C. 3501–3521. This action
would not impose recordkeeping or
reporting requirements on State or local
governments, individuals, businesses, or
organizations. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
Congressional Review Act
This rule is not a major rule as
defined by section 804 of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (Congressional
Review Act (CRA)). This rule will not
result in: An annual effect on the
economy of $100,000,000 or more; a
major increase in costs or prices for
consumers, individual industries,
Federal, State, or local government
agencies, or geographic regions; or
significant adverse effects on
competition, employment, investment,
productivity, innovation, or on the
ability of U.S.-based companies to
compete with foreign based companies
in domestic and export markets.
However, pursuant to the CRA, the DEA
has submitted a copy of this final rule
to both Houses of Congress and to the
Comptroller General.
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List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 1308
Drug traffic control, Controlled
For the reasons set out above, 21 CFR
part 1308 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1308
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 21 U.S.C. 811, 812, 871(b),
unless otherwise noted.
2. Section 1308.11 is amended by
adding paragraph (d)(58) to read as
§ 1308.11
Schedule I.
(d) * * *
(58) Marihuana Extract—(7350)
Meaning an extract containing one or
more cannabinoids that has been
derived from any plant of the genus
Cannabis, other than the separated resin
(whether crude or purified) obtained
from the plant.
Dated: December 7, 2016.
Chuck Rosenberg,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2016–29941 Filed 12–13–16; 8:45 am]
Occupational Safety and Health
29 CFR Part 1988
[Docket Number: OSHA–2015–0021]
RIN 1218–AC88
Procedures for Handling Retaliation
Complaints Under Section 31307 of the
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st
Century Act (MAP–21)
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Final rule.
On March 16, 2016, the
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) of the U.S.
Department of Labor (Department)
issued an interim final rule (IFR) that
provided procedures for the
Department’s processing of complaints
under the employee protection
(retaliation or whistleblower) provisions
of Section 31307 of the Moving Ahead
for Progress in the 21st Century Act
(MAP–21). The IFR established
procedures and time frames for the
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 240 (Wednesday, December 14, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 90194-90196]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-29941]
Drug Enforcement Administration
21 CFR Part 1308
[Docket No. DEA-342]
RIN 1117-AB33
Establishment of a New Drug Code for Marihuana Extract
AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Drug Enforcement Administration is creating a new
Administration Controlled Substances Code Number for ``Marihuana
Extract.'' This code number will allow DEA and DEA-registered entities
to track quantities of this material separately from quantities of
marihuana. This, in turn, will aid in complying with relevant treaty
Under international drug control treaties administered by the
United Nations, some differences exist between the regulatory controls
pertaining to marihuana extract versus those for marihuana and
tetrahydrocannabinols. The DEA has previously established separate code
numbers for marihuana and for tetrahydrocannabinols, but not for
marihuana extract. To better track these materials and comply with
treaty provisions, DEA is creating a separate code number for marihuana
extract with the following definition: ``Meaning an extract containing
one or more cannabinoids that has been derived from any plant of the
genus Cannabis, other than the separated resin (whether crude or
purified) obtained from the plant.'' Extracts of marihuana will
continue to be treated as Schedule I controlled substances.
DATES: Effective: January 13, 2017.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael J. Lewis, Office of Diversion
Control, Drug Enforcement Administration; Mailing Address: 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22152; Telephone (202) 598-
As provided in 21 CFR 1308.03, each controlled substance or basic
class thereof is assigned a four digit Administration Controlled
Substance Code Number (``Code number'' or ``drug code'') that is used
to track quantities of the controlled substance imported and exported
to and from the United States. Additionally, the DEA uses these code
numbers in establishing aggregate production quotas for basic classes
of controlled substances listed in Schedules I and II as required by 21
U.S.C. 826.
Consistent with the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), the schedules
contained in DEA regulations include marihuana (drug code 7360) in
Schedule I. 21 CFR 1308.11(d)(23). This listing includes (unless
specifically excepted or unless listed in another schedule) any
material, compound, mixture, or preparation, which contains any
quantity of the substance, or which contains any of its salts, isomers,
and salts of isomers that are possible within the specific chemical
designation. Because the definition of marihuana in 21 U.S.C. 802(16)
includes both derivatives and preparations of marihuana, the DEA until
now has used drug code 7360 for extracts of marihuana. This final rule
finalizes a
[[Page 90195]]
July 5, 2011, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (76 FR 39039) in which the
DEA proposed that a new drug code 7350 be used for extracts of
Why a New Code Number Is Needed
The United Nations Conventions on international drug control treats
extracts from the cannabis plant somewhat differently than marihuana or
tetrahydrocannabinols. The creation of a new drug code in the DEA
regulations for marihuana extracts will allow for more appropriate
accounting of such materials consistent with treaty provisions.
The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (``Single
Convention'') and the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances
(``Psychotropic Convention'') provide for the international control of
marihuana constituents. Many of the CSA's provisions were drafted to
comply with these Conventions. The CSA includes schemes of drug
scheduling and procedures for adding, removing, and transferring drugs
among the schedules that are similar, in some ways, to those in the
Single Convention. With respect to those drugs that are subject to
control under the Single Convention, the CSA mandates that DEA control
such drugs in a manner that will ensure the United States meets its
obligations under the Single Convention. 21 U.S.C. 811(d)(1).
Somewhat similar to the CSA, the Single Convention lists substances
in four schedules. However, under the Single Convention, the drugs that
are subject to the most stringent controls are in Schedule IV. Another
difference between the CSA and the Single Convention is that, under the
latter, a drug can be listed in more than one schedule. Cannabis and
cannabis resin are listed in both Schedule IV and Schedule I of the
Single Convention. Schedule I controls under the Single Convention
include: Requirements for import and export authorization, licensing of
manufacturers/distributors, recordkeeping requirements, a requirement
for prescriptions for medical use, annual estimate of needs, quotas,
annual statistical reporting, and a requirement that use be limited to
medical and scientific purposes. Schedule II of the Single Convention
is similar in controls to Schedule I with a few exceptions, and
Schedule III is less restrictive. All substances listed in Schedule IV
are also listed in Schedule I under the Single Convention in order to
encompass the requirements mentioned above. In addition, as indicated,
the Single Convention imposes certain heightened measures of control
with respect to Schedule IV drugs. The placing of a drug into both
Schedule I and Schedule IV, therefore imposes the most stringent
controls under the Single Convention. Although cannabis and cannabis
resin are listed in Schedules I and IV of the Single Convention,
cannabis extracts are listed only in Schedule I.
In response to the July 5, 2011, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (76
FR 39039), the DEA received six submissions from five commenters. Three
of the comments raised issues relating to the medical use or legality
of marihuana/cannabis; these comments were not germane to the issues
addressed by this rulemaking. A fourth comment was merely a
clarification of a comment previously submitted.
One comment requested clarification of whether the new drug code
will be applicable to cannabidiol (CBD), if it is not combined with
DEA response: For practical purposes, all extracts that contain CBD
will also contain at least small amounts of other cannabinoids.\1\
However, if it were possible to produce from the cannabis plant an
extract that contained only CBD and no other cannabinoids, such an
extract would fall within the new drug code 7350. In view of this
comment, the regulatory text accompanying new drug code 7350 has been
modified slightly to make clear that it includes cannabis extracts that
contain only one cannabinoid.
\1\ Although it might be theoretically possible to produce a CBD
extract that contains absolutely no amounts of other cannabinoids,
the DEA is not aware of any industrially-utilized methods that have
achieved this result.
Another comment from a pharmaceutical firm currently involved in
cannabinoid research and product development praised DEA's efforts to
establish a new drug code for marihuana extracts as a means to more
accurately reflect the activities of scientific research and provide
more consistent adherence to the requirements of the Single Convention.
However, the comment expressed concerns that the proposed definition
for the new drug code (i.e. ``meaning extracts that have been derived
from any plant of the genus Cannabis and which contain cannabinols and
cannabidiols'') is too narrow. The comment suggested that the broader
term ``cannabinoids'' be substituted for ``cannabinols and
cannabidiols.'' The comment pointed out that other constituents of the
marihuana plant may have therapeutic potential. The comment further
clarified that the broader term ``cannabinoid'' includes both
cannabinol-type compounds and cannabidiol-type compounds, as well as
cannabichromene-type compounds, cannabigerol-type compounds, and other
categories of compounds.
DEA response: DEA agrees with the commenter that the term
``cannabinoid'' would provide for a broader definition of marihuana
extract; however, use of the term ``cannabinoid'' necessitates that the
DEA clarify that the new marihuana extract category (drug code 7350) is
not intended to include ``cannabis resin'' as defined in the U.N.
Single Convention.
As discussed in the NPRM, a new drug code is necessary in order to
better account for these materials in accordance with treaty
obligations. The Single Convention placed ``cannabis'' and ``cannabis
resin'' under both Schedule I and IV of the Convention, the most
stringent level of control under the Convention. While ``cannabis
resin'' is extracted from ``cannabis,'' the Single Convention
specifically controls ``extracts'' separately. Extracts of cannabis are
controlled only under Schedule I of the Convention, which is a lower
level of control than ``cannabis resin.''
Accordingly, it is the DEA's intent to define the term ``marihuana
extract'' so as to exclude material referenced as ``cannabis resin''
under the Single Convention on Narcotics. ``Cannabis resin'' (regulated
under the CSA as a resin of marihuana) contains a variety of
``cannabinoids'' and will continue to be regulated as marihuana under
drug code 7360. The new drug code for marihuana extracts under 21 CFR
1308.11(d)(58) will exclude the resin. Cannabis resin and marihuana
resin remain captured under the drug code for marihuana (drug code
7360), thus differentiating this material from marihuana extracts (new
drug code 7350). This will maintain compliance with the Single
Final Action
After careful consideration of all comments, the DEA is hereby
amending 21 CFR 1308.11(d) to include a new subparagraph (58) which
creates a new code number in Schedule I as follows:
``(58) Marihuana Extract--7350
``Meaning an extract containing one or more cannabinoids that
has been derived from any plant of the genus Cannabis, other than
the separated resin (whether crude or purified) obtained from the
The creation of this new drug code in the DEA regulations for
marihuana extracts allows for more appropriate accounting of such
materials consistent with treaty provisions. Such marihuana
[[Page 90196]]
extracts remain in Schedule I. Entities registered to handle marihuana
(under drug code 7360) that also handle marihuana extracts, will need
to apply to modify their registrations to add the new drug code 7350 to
their existing DEA registrations and procure quotas specifically for
drug code 7350 each year.
Regulatory Analyses
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563, Regulatory Planning and Review, and
13563, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
This regulation has been drafted and reviewed in accordance with
the principles of Executive Orders 12866 and 13563. This rule is not a
significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform
This regulation meets the applicable standards set forth in
sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988 to eliminate
drafting errors and ambiguity, minimize litigation, provide a clear
legal standard for affected conduct, and promote simplification and
burden reduction.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
This rulemaking does not have federalism implications warranting
the application of Executive Order 13132. The rule does not have
substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between
the national government and the States, or the distribution of power
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This rule does not have tribal implications warranting the
application of Executive Order 13175. It does not have substantial
direct effects on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on the
distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Administrator, in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601-602, has reviewed this rule and by approving
it, certifies that it will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. This rule establishes a new drug
code for marihuana extracts. DEA already registers persons handling
marihuana extracts but within another already-established drug code.
Thus, persons who handle these marihuana extracts have already met
DEA's registration, security, and other statutory and regulatory
requirements. The only direct effect to registrants who handle
marihuana extracts will be the requirement to add the new drug code to
their registration. Therefore, DEA has concluded that this rule will
not have a significant effect on a substantial number of small
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
On the basis of information contained in the ``Regulatory
Flexibility Act'' section above, DEA has determined and certifies
pursuant to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) of 1995, 2 U.S.C.
1501 et seq., that this action would not result in any Federal mandate
that may result in the expenditure by State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of
$100,000,000 or more (adjusted for inflation) in any one year.
Therefore, neither a Small Government Agency Plan nor any other action
is required under provisions of the UMRA of 1995.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
This action does not impose a collection of information requirement
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. 3501-3521. This
action would not impose recordkeeping or reporting requirements on
State or local governments, individuals, businesses, or organizations.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently
valid OMB control number.
Congressional Review Act
This rule is not a major rule as defined by section 804 of the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
(Congressional Review Act (CRA)). This rule will not result in: An
annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or more; a major increase
in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries, Federal,
State, or local government agencies, or geographic regions; or
significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment,
productivity, innovation, or on the ability of U.S.-based companies to
compete with foreign based companies in domestic and export markets.
However, pursuant to the CRA, the DEA has submitted a copy of this
final rule to both Houses of Congress and to the Comptroller General.
List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 1308
Drug traffic control, Controlled substances.
For the reasons set out above, 21 CFR part 1308 is amended as
1. The authority citation for part 1308 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 21 U.S.C. 811, 812, 871(b), unless otherwise noted.
2. Section 1308.11 is amended by adding paragraph (d)(58) to read as
Sec. 1308.11 Schedule I.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(58) Marihuana Extract--(7350)
Meaning an extract containing one or more cannabinoids that has
been derived from any plant of the genus Cannabis, other than the
separated resin (whether crude or purified) obtained from the plant.
* * * * *
Dated: December 7, 2016.
Chuck Rosenberg,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2016-29941 Filed 12-13-16; 8:45 am]