Open Commission Meeting, Thursday, October 27, 2016, 74800-74802 [2016-25936]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 208 / Thursday, October 27, 2016 / Notices
• Water Management Administration,
Maryland Department of the
Environment, 1800 Washington
Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21230.
Anthony Meadows, Drinking Water
Branch (3WP21) at the Philadelphia
address given above, or telephone (215)
814–5442 or fax (215) 814–2318.
interested parties are invited to submit
written comments on this determination
and may request a hearing. All
comments will be considered, and if
necessary EPA will issue a response.
Frivolous or insubstantial requests for a
hearing will be denied by the Regional
Administrator. If a substantial request
for a public hearing is made by
November 28, 2016, a public hearing
will be held. A request for public
hearing shall include the following: (1)
The name, address, and telephone
number of the individual, organization,
or other entity requesting a hearing; (2)
a brief statement of the requesting
person’s interest in the Regional
Administrator’s determination and of
information that the requesting person
intends to submit at such hearing; and
(3) the signature of the individual
making the request; or, if the request is
made on behalf of an organization or
other entity, the signature of a
responsible official of the organization
or other entity.
Dated: October 17, 2016.
Shawn M. Garvin,
Regional Administrator.
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
[FR Doc. 2016–26020 Filed 10–26–16; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–0594; FRL–9953–99]
Pesticide Product Registration;
Receipt of Application for New Use
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
EPA has received an
application to register a new use for a
pesticide product containing a currently
registered active ingredient. Pursuant to
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), EPA is hereby
providing notice of receipt and
opportunity to comment on this
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Comments must be received on
or before November 28, 2016.
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17:43 Oct 26, 2016
Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–0594 and
the EPA Registration Number of interest
as shown in the body of this document,
by one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute.
• Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental
Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/
DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001.
• Hand Delivery: To make special
arrangements for hand delivery or
delivery of boxed information, please
follow the instructions at https://
Additional instructions on
commenting or visiting the docket,
along with more information about
dockets generally, is available at https://
Michael Goodis, Registration Division
(7505P), Office of Pesticide Programs,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,
DC 20460–0001; main telephone
number: (703) 305–7090; email address:
Jkt 241001
You may be potentially affected by
this action if you are an agricultural
producer, food manufacturer, or
pesticide manufacturer. The following
list of North American Industrial
Classification System (NAICS) codes is
not intended to be exhaustive, but rather
provides a guide to help readers
determine whether this document
applies to them. Potentially affected
entities may include:
• Crop production (NAICS code 111).
• Animal production (NAICS code
• Food manufacturing (NAICS code
• Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS
code 32532).
B. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this
information to EPA through or email. Clearly mark
the part or all of the information that
you claim to be CBI. For CBI
PO 00000
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information in a disk or CD–ROM that
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for preparing your comments.
When preparing and submitting your
comments, see the commenting tips at
II. Registration Applications
EPA has received an application to
register a new use for a pesticide
product containing a currently
registered active ingredient. Pursuant to
the provisions of FIFRA section 3(c)(4)
(7 U.S.C. 136a(c)(4)), EPA is hereby
providing notice of receipt and
opportunity to comment on this
application. Notice of receipt of this
application does not imply a decision
by the Agency on this application.
EPA Registration Number: 62719–649.
Docket ID number: EPA–HQ–OPP–
2016–0594. Applicant: Dow
AgroSciences, 9330 Zionsville Road,
Indianapolis, IN 46268. Active
ingredient: 2,4–D. Product type:
Herbicide. Proposed use: Cotton, gin
byproducts and cotton, undelinted seed.
Contact: RD.
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.
Dated: October 14, 2016.
Michael Goodis,
Acting Director, Registration Division, Office
of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2016–25928 Filed 10–26–16; 8:45 am]
Open Commission Meeting, Thursday,
October 27, 2016
October 20, 2016.
The Federal Communications
Commission will hold an Open Meeting
on the subjects listed below on October
27, 2016 which is scheduled to
commence at 10:30 a.m. in Room TW–
C305, at 445 12th Street SW.,
Washington, DC.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 208 / Thursday, October 27, 2016 / Notices
Item No.
1 ...........
Wireline Competition ....................................
2 ...........
Enforcement .................................................
3 ...........
Enforcement .................................................
4 ...........
Enforcement .................................................
5 ...........
Enforcement .................................................
Title: Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services Alerts (WC Docket No. 16–106)
Summary: The Commission will consider a Report and Order that applies the privacy
requirements of the Communications Act to broadband Internet access service providers and other telecommunications services to provide broadband customers with
the tools they need to make informed decisions about the use and sharing of their information by their broadband providers.
Title: Locus Telecommunications, Inc.
Summary: The Commission will consider a Memorandum Opinion and Order that dismisses and denies a Petition for Reconsideration of a Forfeiture Order issued by the
Commission for the deceptive marketing of prepaid calling cards.
Title: Lyca Tel, LLC
Summary: The Commission will consider a Memorandum Opinion and Order that dismisses and denies a Petition for Reconsideration of a Forfeiture Order issued by the
Commission for the deceptive marketing of prepaid calling cards.
Title: Touch-Tel USA, LLC
Summary: The Commission will consider a Memorandum Opinion and Order that dismisses and denies a Petition for Reconsideration of a Forfeiture Order issued by the
Commission for the deceptive marketing of prepaid calling cards.
Title: NobelTel, LLC
Summary: The Commission will consider a Memorandum Opinion and Order that dismisses and denies a Petition for Reconsideration of a Forfeiture Order issued by the
Commission for the deceptive marketing of prepaid calling cards.
Consent Agenda
consent agenda and these items will not
be presented individually:
The Commission will consider the
following subjects listed below as a
1 ...........
Media ...........................................................
2 ...........
Media ...........................................................
3 ...........
General Counsel ..........................................
Personnel Actions
The Commission will consider the
following personnel actions listed below
and these items will not be presented
Managing Director ........................................
2 ...........
Managing Director ........................................
3 ...........
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
1 ...........
Managing Director ........................................
The meeting site is fully accessible to
people using wheelchairs or other
mobility aids. Sign language
interpreters, open captioning, and
assistive listening devices will be
provided on site. Other reasonable
accommodations for people with
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:43 Oct 26, 2016
Jkt 241001
Title: Community Radio of Decorah, Postville and Northeast Iowa for a Construction
Permit for New Low-Power FM Broadcast Station KCOD–LP, Decorah, Iowa
Summary: The Commission will consider a Memorandum Opinion and Order concerning an Application for Review filed by Wennes Communications Stations, Inc.,
and Decorah Broadcasting, Inc. regarding the grant of a construction permit for lowpower FM station KCOD–LP.
Title: Open Arms Community of El Paso, Application to Construct a New Noncommercial Educational FM Station at Horizon City, Texas; Christian Ministries of El Paso,
Inc., Application to Construct a New Noncommercial Educational FM Station at Horizon City, Texas, NCE October 2007 Window, MX Group 431
Summary: The Commission will consider a Memorandum Opinion and Order concerning a Petition for Reconsideration and Petition for Reinstatement Nunc Pro Tunc
and Application for Review regarding applications for new NCE construction permits
in NCE MX Group 431.
Title: In the Matter of John Anderson on Request for Inspection of Records (FOIA Control No. 2014–295)
Summary: The Commission will consider a Memorandum Opinion and Order concerning an Application for Review filed by John Anderson, which appealed a decision
by the Enforcement Bureau addressing his Freedom of Information Act request.
Title: Personnel Action #1
Summary: The Commission will consider a personnel action.
Title: Personnel Action #2
Summary: The Commission will consider a personnel action.
Title: Personnel Action #3
Summary: The Commission will consider a personnel action.
disabilities are available upon request.
In your request, include a description of
the accommodation you will need and
a way we can contact you if we need
more information. Last minute requests
will be accepted, but may be impossible
to fill. Send an email to:
PO 00000
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or call the Consumer & Governmental
Affairs Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice),
202–418–0432 (TTY).
Additional information concerning
this meeting may be obtained from the
Office of Media Relations, (202) 418–
0500; TTY 1–888–835–5322. Audio/
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 208 / Thursday, October 27, 2016 / Notices
Video coverage of the meeting will be
broadcast live with open captioning
over the Internet from the FCC Live Web
page at
For a fee this meeting can be viewed
live over George Mason University’s
Capitol Connection. The Capitol
Connection also will carry the meeting
live via the Internet. To purchase these
services, call (703) 993–3100 or go to
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2016–25936 Filed 10–26–16; 8:45 am]
effective no sooner than thirty days after
the date of this Notice. If any person
wishes to comment concerning the
termination of the receivership, such
comment must be made in writing and
sent within thirty days of the date of
this Notice to: Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, Division of
Resolutions and Receiverships,
Attention: Receivership Oversight
Department 34.6, 1601 Bryan Street,
Dallas, TX 75201.
No comments concerning the
termination of this receivership will be
considered which are not sent within
this time frame.
Dated: October 21, 2016.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Valerie J. Best,
Assistant Executive Secretary.
Notice To All Interested Parties of the
Termination of the Receivership of
10355—New Horizons Bank, East
Ellijay, Georgia
Notice is hereby given that the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(‘‘FDIC’’) as Receiver for New Horizons
Bank, East Ellijay, Georgia (‘‘the
Receiver’’) intends to terminate its
receivership for said institution. The
FDIC was appointed receiver of New
Horizons Bank on April 15, 2011. The
liquidation of the receivership assets
has been completed. To the extent
permitted by available funds and in
accordance with law, the Receiver will
be making a final dividend payment to
proven creditors.
Based upon the foregoing, the
Receiver has determined that the
continued existence of the receivership
will serve no useful purpose.
Consequently, notice is given that the
receivership shall be terminated, to be
[FR Doc. 2016–25952 Filed 10–26–16; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection
Renewals; Comment Request (3064–
0018 & –0137)
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC).
ACTION: Notice and request for comment.
The FDIC, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on the renewal of existing
information collections, as required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. chapter 35). Currently, the
FDIC is soliciting comment on renewal
of the information collections described
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before December 27, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are
invited to submit written comments to
the FDIC by any of the following
• Email: Include
the name and number of the collection
in the subject line of the message.
• Mail: Jennifer Jones (202–898–
6768), Counsel, MB–3105, Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th
Street NW., Washington, DC 20429.
• Hand Delivery: Comments may be
hand-delivered to the guard station at
the rear of the 17th Street Building
(located on F Street), on business days
between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
All comments should refer to the
relevant OMB control number. A copy
of the comments may also be submitted
to the OMB desk officer for the FDIC:
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, New Executive Office Building,
Washington, DC 20503.
Jennifer Jones, at the FDIC address
Proposal to renew the following
currently approved collections of
1. Title: Application Pursuant to
Section 19 of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act.
OMB Number: 3064–0018.
Form Number: FDIC 6710/07.
Affected Public: Insured Depository
number of
Estimated time
per response
Frequency of response
Total annual
On Occasion ..................................................
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Application Pursuant to Section 19 of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
General Description of Collection:
Section 19 of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act (FDI), 12 U.S.C. 1829,
requires the FDIC’s consent prior to any
participation in the affairs of an insured
depository institution by a person who
has been convicted of crimes involving
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:43 Oct 26, 2016
Jkt 241001
dishonesty or breach of trust, and
included drug-related convictions. To
obtain that consent, an insured
depository institution must submit an
application to the FDIC for approval on
Form FDIC 6710/07.
PO 00000
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2. Title: Interagency Guidance on
Asset Securitization Activities.
OMB Number: 3064–0137.
Affected Public: Insured State
Nonmember Banks and Savings
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 208 (Thursday, October 27, 2016)]
[Pages 74800-74802]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-25936]
Open Commission Meeting, Thursday, October 27, 2016
October 20, 2016.
The Federal Communications Commission will hold an Open Meeting on
the subjects listed below on October 27, 2016 which is scheduled to
commence at 10:30 a.m. in Room TW-C305, at 445 12th Street SW.,
Washington, DC.
[[Page 74801]]
Item No. Bureau Subject
1................. Wireline Competition... Title: Protecting the
Privacy of Customers of
Broadband and Other
Services Alerts (WC Docket
No. 16-106)
Summary: The Commission
will consider a Report and
Order that applies the
privacy requirements of
the Communications Act to
broadband Internet access
service providers and
other telecommunications
services to provide
broadband customers with
the tools they need to
make informed decisions
about the use and sharing
of their information by
their broadband providers.
2................. Enforcement............ Title: Locus
Telecommunications, Inc.
Summary: The Commission
will consider a Memorandum
Opinion and Order that
dismisses and denies a
Petition for
Reconsideration of a
Forfeiture Order issued by
the Commission for the
deceptive marketing of
prepaid calling cards.
3................. Enforcement............ Title: Lyca Tel, LLC
Summary: The Commission
will consider a Memorandum
Opinion and Order that
dismisses and denies a
Petition for
Reconsideration of a
Forfeiture Order issued by
the Commission for the
deceptive marketing of
prepaid calling cards.
4................. Enforcement............ Title: Touch-Tel USA, LLC
Summary: The Commission
will consider a Memorandum
Opinion and Order that
dismisses and denies a
Petition for
Reconsideration of a
Forfeiture Order issued by
the Commission for the
deceptive marketing of
prepaid calling cards.
5................. Enforcement............ Title: NobelTel, LLC
Summary: The Commission
will consider a Memorandum
Opinion and Order that
dismisses and denies a
Petition for
Reconsideration of a
Forfeiture Order issued by
the Commission for the
deceptive marketing of
prepaid calling cards.
Consent Agenda
The Commission will consider the following subjects listed below as
a consent agenda and these items will not be presented individually:
1................. Media.................. Title: Community Radio of
Decorah, Postville and
Northeast Iowa for a
Construction Permit for
New Low-Power FM Broadcast
Station KCOD-LP, Decorah,
Summary: The Commission
will consider a Memorandum
Opinion and Order
concerning an Application
for Review filed by Wennes
Communications Stations,
Inc., and Decorah
Broadcasting, Inc.
regarding the grant of a
construction permit for
low-power FM station KCOD-
2................. Media.................. Title: Open Arms Community
of El Paso, Application to
Construct a New
Noncommercial Educational
FM Station at Horizon
City, Texas; Christian
Ministries of El Paso,
Inc., Application to
Construct a New
Noncommercial Educational
FM Station at Horizon
City, Texas, NCE October
2007 Window, MX Group 431
Summary: The Commission
will consider a Memorandum
Opinion and Order
concerning a Petition for
Reconsideration and
Petition for Reinstatement
Nunc Pro Tunc and
Application for Review
regarding applications for
new NCE construction
permits in NCE MX Group
3................. General Counsel........ Title: In the Matter of
John Anderson on Request
for Inspection of Records
(FOIA Control No. 2014-
Summary: The Commission
will consider a Memorandum
Opinion and Order
concerning an Application
for Review filed by John
Anderson, which appealed a
decision by the
Enforcement Bureau
addressing his Freedom of
Information Act request.
Personnel Actions
The Commission will consider the following personnel actions listed
below and these items will not be presented individually:
1................. Managing Director...... Title: Personnel Action #1
Summary: The Commission
will consider a personnel
2................. Managing Director...... Title: Personnel Action #2
Summary: The Commission
will consider a personnel
3................. Managing Director...... Title: Personnel Action #3
Summary: The Commission
will consider a personnel
The meeting site is fully accessible to people using wheelchairs or
other mobility aids. Sign language interpreters, open captioning, and
assistive listening devices will be provided on site. Other reasonable
accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request.
In your request, include a description of the accommodation you will
need and a way we can contact you if we need more information. Last
minute requests will be accepted, but may be impossible to fill. Send
an email to: or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs
Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (TTY).
Additional information concerning this meeting may be obtained from
the Office of Media Relations, (202) 418-0500; TTY 1-888-835-5322.
[[Page 74802]]
Video coverage of the meeting will be broadcast live with open
captioning over the Internet from the FCC Live Web page at
For a fee this meeting can be viewed live over George Mason
University's Capitol Connection. The Capitol Connection also will carry
the meeting live via the Internet. To purchase these services, call
(703) 993-3100 or go to
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2016-25936 Filed 10-26-16; 8:45 am]