New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products, 71428-71444 [2016-24710]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Customs Clearance and Delivery
Fee: per piece $6.00.
International Business Reply Service
Fee: Cards $1.35; Envelopes up to 2
ounces $1.85.
Following the completion of Docket
No. R2017–1, the Postal Service will
adjust the prices for products and
services covered by the International
Mail Manual. These prices will be on
Postal Explorer at
Additionally, as general information,
the product name of Standard Mail®,
which is used in two instances in the
International Mail Manual but is not an
International product, will change to
USPS Marketing Mail effective January
22, 2017.
Although exempt from the notice and
comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act [5 U.S.C.
553(b), (c)] regarding proposed
rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), the
Postal Service invites public comment
on the following proposed revisions to
the Mailing Standards of the United
States Postal Service, International Mail
Manual (IMM), incorporated by
reference in the Code of Federal
Regulations. See 39 CFR 20.1.
Exhibit 116.1 USPS Trademarks in the
[Delete Standard Mail and add USPS
Marketing Mail in correct alphabetical
Treatment of Inbound Mail
Mail of Domestic Origin
762.1 Addressee Moved to Another
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 20
762.12 Mail Other Than Letters and
[In the first sentence, delete the term
Standard Mail and replace it with USPS
Marketing Mail to read as follows:]
Domestic mail (Periodicals mail,
USPS Marketing Mail, and Package
Services) addressed to a domestic
addressee who has moved to another
country must not be forwarded to
another country but must be returned to
the sender.* * *
We will publish an appropriate
amendment to 39 CFR part 20 to reflect
these changes.
Foreign relations, International postal
Stanley F. Mires,
Attorney, Federal Compliance.
Accordingly, we propose to amend 39
CFR part 20 as follows:
[FR Doc. 2016–24968 Filed 10–14–16; 8:45 am]
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR
part 20 continues to read as follows:
39 CFR Part 111
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301–
307; 18 U.S.C. 1692–1737; 39 U.S.C. 101,
401, 403, 404, 407, 414, 416, 3001–3011,
3201–3219, 3403–3406, 3621, 3622, 3626,
3632, 3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the following sections of
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, International Mail
Manual (IMM), as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, International Mail
Manual (IMM)
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
International Mail Services
General Information
Trademarks of the USPS
USPS Trademarks in the IMM
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New Mailing Standards for Domestic
Mailing Services Products
Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Proposed Rule.
In October 2016, the Postal
Service filed a notice of mailing services
price adjustments with the Postal
Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective
January 22, 2017. This proposed rule
contains the revisions to Mailing
Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®)
that we would adopt to implement the
changes coincident with the price
DATES: We must receive comments on or
before November 16, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written
comments to the manager, Product
Classification, U.S. Postal Service®, 475
L’Enfant Plaza SW., Room 4446,
Washington DC 20260–5015. You may
PO 00000
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inspect and photocopy all written
comments at USPS® Headquarters
Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW., 11th
Floor N, Washington, DC by
appointment only between the hours of
9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
Friday, by calling 1–202–268–2906 in
advance. Email comments, containing
the name and address of the commenter,
may be sent to: ProductClassification@, with a subject line of ‘‘January
2017 Domestic Mailing Services
Proposal.’’ Faxed comments are not
Audrey Meloni at (856) 933–4360 or
Lizbeth Dobbins at (202) 268–3789.
prices will be available under Docket
Number(s) R2017–1 on the Postal
Regulatory Commission’s Web site at
The Postal Service’s proposed rule
includes: Changes to prices, several mail
classification updates, mailpiece
marking changes, modifications to
mailpiece weights and mail preparation
categories, multiple product
simplification efforts, a few minor
revisions to the DMM to condense
language and eliminate redundancy, a
change to the redemption period of a
money order claim from two years to
one year, the addition of Official Mail
Accounting System (OMAS) stamp
shipment fee language, and updates to
Enterprise Post Office Box Online
(ePOBOL) process that changes payment
periods for online Post Office Box
Flats Sequencing System (FSS)—
Overview of Changes
As background, the Postal Service
required bundle and pallet preparation
of flat-size Standard Mail®, Periodicals,
and Bound Printed Matter mailpieces
for delivery within ZIP CodesTM served
by FSS processing in the December 18,
2013 Federal Register final rule [78 FR
76533–76548] which was incorporated
into the DMM on January 26, 2014.
Subsequently, on May 31, 2015, the
Postal Service introduced FSS-specific
price structures for flat-sized Bound
Printer Matter, Standard Mail, and
Periodicals mailpieces, pursuant to PRC
Order no. 2472, issued on May 7, 2015.
This current Federal Register proposal
if adopted, removes all FSS-specific
pricing structures from Periodicals,
Standard Mail and Bound Printed
Matter but leaves mail preparation
requirements intact with a few updated
requirements. One change, for example,
requires mailers to add necessitate
optional endorsement lines (OEL) on
each FSS scheme mailpiece.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Again, FSS preparation rules remain
intact for Standard Mail, Periodicals and
Bound Printed Matter for applicable
FSS zones as defined by Labeling List
L006. The required carrier route
separation is new for Standard Mail
High Density and High Density Plus and
for Saturation bundles. As a reminder,
all presorted and carrier route Bound
Printed Matter (BPM) , and Periodicals
flats meeting the standards in 201.6.2
must be sorted to FSS schemes, properly
bundled and placed on or in pallets,
trays, sacks or approved containers, for
FSS scheme ZIP Code combinations
within the same facility. Mailings
(excluding saturation mailings of
Standard Mail) with non presorted BPM
flats may be included in FSS
preparation, but will not be eligible for
presorted, or carrier route prices.
To reiterate, all mailpieces in a 5-digit
scheme FSS bundle must be identified
with an optional endorsement line
(OEL), as described in DMM 708.7.0.
Mailpieces entered under a combined
mailing of Standard Mail and
Periodicals flats (DMM 705.15.0) still
include class and price markings,
applicable to the price paid, in addition
to the OEL.
Periodicals, Standard Mail, and
Bound Printed Matter flats properly
included in a FSS scheme pool qualify
for the piece price applied prior to
inclusion in the FSS scheme pool with
the following exceptions for Standard
Mail: (1) A carrier route mailpiece in a
FSS bundle on a FSS scheme pallet will
receive the Basic CR-Bundles/Pallet
price and (2) a carrier route mailpiece in
a FSS bundle on a FSS facility pallet
will receive the Basic CR price.
Additional information on each mail
class affected is under the Bound
Printed Matter, Periodicals, and
Standard Mail sections in this proposal.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
First-Class Mail
Combine First-Class Mail Commercial
Automation Automated Area
Distribution Center (AADC) and 3-Digit
Sortations for Letters and Cards Into
One Combined Sortation Level Known
Currently, there are four presort levels
for First-Class Mail Commercial
Automation Letters and Cards: Mixed
AADC Automation Letters (Cards),
AADC Automation Letters (Cards), 3Digit Automation Letters (Cards), and 5Digit Automation Letters (Cards). To
help simplify the pricing structure, the
Postal Service implemented the same
price for AADC Automation Letters and
3-Digit Automations Letters in Docket
No. R2012–3. In Docket No. R2013–1,
the similar change was made for
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Automation Cards. The Postal Service is
now proposing to combine AADC and 3Digit presort levels into one sortation.
The new sortation name will be AADC.
The existing labeling List 801 will drive
the FCM AADC separations and the
L003 list will become obsoleted. Origin
entry separations, based on labeling List
002, will be modified to reflect origin
entry AADC separations.
Increase the Weight Standard for FirstClass Mail (FCM) Commercial
Automation and Machinable Letters and
Cards From uP to 3.3 Ounces to Up to
3.5 Ounces
Currently, the ‘‘up to’’ weight
standard for FCM Commercial
Machinable Letters is 3.3 ounces. This
lower weight break of up to 3.3 ounces
is being increased due to mail
processing improvements. Since
machinable letters must follow the
standards for Automation Letters
(except for IMb), the same weight
maximum should apply. Based on this,
the Postal Service is proposing to
increase the weight maximum from 3.3
ounces to 3.5 ounces. This change does
not apply to the maximum weight of
Booklets which are capped at 3.0
One Price for Up to 3.5 Ounces for FirstClass Mail (FCM) Commercial
Automation Letters
Currently, the same price applies for
one and two ounce pieces for each
individual mail sortation level for FirstClass Mail (FCM) Commercial
Automation Letters. The Postal Service
is proposing one price for up to 3.5
ounces for each individual mail
sortation level for FCM Commercial
Automation Letters. The weight increase
will encourage mailers to insert
additional information or sales offers,
and will increase the value of the FCM
brand. This proposal will also apply to
mixed-weight FCM Residual mailings
up to 3.5 ounces. The current
preparation requirements for nonblended trays, such as one ounce, up to
two ounces, and now extending to 3.5
ounces will continue if this proposal is
adopted. This change does not include
FCM Single-Piece Letters (non-Residual)
or FCM Flats.
Simplification and Renaming FCM
Alternate Postage to FCM Share Mail
The Postal Service is proposing to
rename Alternate Postage to Share Mail.
This Federal Register notice reiterates
the content of a previous announcement
of this proposal published in the June 9,
2016 Postal Bulletin issue #22443. Share
Mail allows Postal Service customers to
distribute single-piece First-Class Mail
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letters or cards to consumers, who may
in turn mail those pieces to any
domestic address, without having to
affix postage. Share Mail pieces are
permitted to weigh up to one ounce
each. Payment is collected
electronically from the customer’s
Postage Due and Centralized
Accounting Postage System (CAPS)
Account. Invoicing is performed
manually, by the Postal Service’s Share
Mail Program Office in Marketing.
Share Mail has proven to be a viable
option for senders to share information
with numerous recipients. To continue
the Postal Service’s efforts to simplify
its product line, the Share Mail payment
tiers will be collapsed into one, and
upfront postage payment requirements
will be eliminated. Unique Intelligent
Mail barcodes are no longer required
nor is a signed Marketing Agreement.
Picture Permit will no longer be
available in order to help expedite its
approval process. A customer who
wishes to participate must submit a
request to the Share Mail Program Office
along with production pieces to ensure
readability for postal processing. Share
Mail relies on Intelligent Mail barcode
(IMb) technology and scan data
collected as the mailpiece travels
through the mailstream to determine
piece counts, so readability is
Eliminate Flats Sequencing System
(FSS) Pricing
The Postal Service is proposing to
eliminate the FSS-specific price
structures for Periodicals OutsideCounty. FSS preparation will still be
required and all FSS marking
requirements will remain as is. OutsideCounty Periodicals flats properly
included in a FSS scheme pool, qualify
for the price applied prior to the FSS
scheme pool. If a FSS scheme pallet is
drop shipped to a DFSS facility, the
pallet will receive Carrier Route pallet
pricing. If a FSS facility pallet is drop
shipped to a DFSS facility the pallet
will receive DSCF pallet pricing.
Qualifying FSS scheme pieces entered
at a DFSS facility receive DSCF pound
pricing. FSS scheme bundles on an FSS
scheme pallet will receive carrier route
bundle prices. FSS scheme bundles on
an FSS facility pallet will receive 3digit/SCF bundle pricing. FSS scheme
and facility sack/trays or other
authorized container will receive 3digit/SCF sack/tray prices.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Standard Mail
Renaming Standard Mail to ‘‘USPS
Marketing Mail’’
The Postal Service is proposing to
rename Standard Mail to ‘‘USPS
Marketing Mail’’. This name change will
better communicate to our customers
the message that Standard Mail fits into
their marketing mix.
The 2015 Household Diary Study
shows that customers primarily use
Standard Mail to send advertisements.
According to the study, taken in Fiscal
Year 2015, 84.1 percent of Standard
Mail volume 1 received by households,
contained advertising. Standard Mail is
a primary tool for customers to market
a product, service, or an organization.
Renaming Standard Mail to ‘‘USPS
Marketing Mail’’ will make it easier for
customers to understand what Standard
Mail is and how it can be used. The
name change further supports the
customer engagement message of direct
mail, reinforces Postal Service
initiatives to promote combining
physical and digital advertising formats
as part of the omni-channel outreach.
This outreach is encouraged by the
USPS 2017 Mail Promotions, and
enhances the value of the Postal
Service’s brand. To help smooth the
transition for this change, the Postal
Service will modify postage statements
and the DMM for January 2017 and
implement other changes to postal
forms or documents during the normal
update cycles. The initial
implementation date for mailers to
adopt the new USPS Marketing Mail
abbreviations (such as MKT in lieu of
for STD) is July 1, 2017. Abbreviations
and examples of permit imprints will be
available in a future Postal Bulletin.
Bound Printed Matter
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Eliminate Flat Sequencing System (FSS)
The Postal Service is proposing to
eliminate FSS-specific price structures
for Bound Printed Matter Flats. FSS
preparation will still be required and all
FSS marking requirements will remain
as is. Bound Printed Matter flat pieces
included in an FSS scheme bundle pool
qualify for zone and entry piece pricing
and pound pricing. If an FSS container
is drop shipped to a DFSS facility, those
pieces will receive DSCF pricing.
1 John Mazzone & Samie Rehman, The Household
Diary Study: Mail Use & Attitudes in FY 2015,
United States Postal Service (May 2016). Available
1 The Household Diary Study, Table A3–1.
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Combine AADC and 3 Digit Automation
Sorts for Letters Into One Sort level
Currently there are four presort levels
for Standard Mail and Standard Mail
Nonprofit Automation Letters: Mixed
AADC Automation Letters, AADC
Automation Letters, 3-Digit Automation
Letters, and 5-Digit Automation Letters.
To help simplify the pricing structure,
the Postal Service implemented the
same price for AADC Automation
Letters and 3-Digit Automations Letters
in Docket No. R2013–1. The Postal
Service is now proposing to combine
these two presort levels (AADC and 3Digit) into one sortation. The new
sortation name will be AADC if this
proposal is adopted.
Increase the Weight Standard for
Standard Mail and Standard Mail
Nonprofit Nonautomation Machinable
Letters From Up to 3.3 Ounces to Up to
3.5 Ounces
Currently, the ‘‘up to’’ weight
standard for Standard Mail and
Standard Mail Nonprofit Machinable
Letters is 3.3 ounces. This lower weight
break of up to 3.3 ounces is no longer
needed due to improvements in mail
processing equipment. Since
machinable letters must follow the
standards for Automation Letters
(except for the IMb standards), the
weight maximum should also follow.
Thus the Postal Service is proposing to
increase the weight maximum from 3.3
ounces to 3.5 ounces. This change does
not include Standard Mail Ride-Along
mailpieces which are capped at 3.3
ounces and are inserted into a host
Periodicals mailpiece.
It’s important for both the Industry
and the Postal Service to evaluate the
effects of higher weight breaks for FirstClass Mail automation letters and cards
along with Standard Mail letters.
Collaboration and feedback throughout
calendar year 2017 will be critical in
helping to determine whether higher
weights cause processing and/or address
quality metrics to be put at risk.
Reduce Simple Sample Tiers
There are currently six volume tiers
for Standard Mail Commercial and
Nonprofit Simple Samples. Based on the
volume thresholds currently used by
most customers, the Postal Service is
proposing to collapse the existing six
tiers into two new tiers: Volumes up to
and equal to 200,000 pieces, and
volumes greater than 200,000 pieces.
Eliminate Flat Sequencing System (FSS)
The Postal Service is proposing to
eliminate the FSS-specific price
structures within Standard Mail and
PO 00000
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Standard Mail Nonprofit. FSS
preparation will still be required and all
FSS marking requirements will remain
intact. Standard Mail and Standard Mail
Nonprofit flats properly included in a
FSS scheme pool, qualify for the price
applied prior to the FSS scheme pool
with the following exceptions: (1) A
carrier route mailpiece in an FSS bundle
on an FSS scheme pallet will receive the
Basic CR-Bundles/Pallet price, and (2) a
carrier route mailpiece in a FSS bundle
on an FSS facility pallet will receive the
Basic CR price. If an FSS pallet is drop
shipped to a DFSS facility, those pieces
will receive DSCF pricing.
Increase Standard Mail and Standard
Mail Nonprofit Flats, Nonautomation
Letters, and Nonmachinable Letters
Piece Price Weight Break Structure From
3.3 Ounces to 4.0 Ounces
The current piece/pound price
structure for Standard Mail and
Standard Mail Nonprofit Flats,
Nonautomation Letters, and
Nonmachinable Letters does not provide
a simple, clear view of the actual price
of a mailing especially when here are
nonidentical-weight pieces when some
pieces are between 3.3 and 4 ounces.
The Postal Service is proposing to
increase the Standard Mail and
Standard Mail Nonprofit Flats, and
Nonautomation and Nonmachinable
Letters piece price weight break
structure from 3.3 ounces to 4.0 ounces.
Pieces up to 4 ounces will pay the same
price and a pound price will apply over
4 ounces. This proposal does not
include Nonautomation Machinable
Extra Services
Collect on Delivery (COD) Redesign
Currently, Collect on Delivery allows
for both street delivery and Hold for
Pickup (HFPU) options and is available
at Retail locations, online, and through
commercial channels. Letter Carriers
may accept cash, money order or checks
for the amount due up to $1,000.00 from
the recipient upon delivery. Recipients
of COD shipments can currently pick up
their items at USPS Retail locations or
wait for a USPS Letter Carrier to deliver
them to a street address. Carriers may
have to redeliver COD pieces at the
street address if the customer is not
home or able to pay on the first attempt.
The Postal Service is proposing to
make Hold For Pickup the only delivery
method for Collect on Delivery items.
COD items would be addressed to the
delivery address of the recipient’s Post
Office. The recipient would receive a
notification message to pick-up the item
at the Post Office. A reminder email,
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
text or phone call message will be sent
for Priority Mail Express shipments on
day 3 and for all other packages on day
5. After 5 days, Priority Mail Express
shipments will be returned to sender.
After 15 days all other shipments
returned to the sender. As a result of
these changes the sender will have their
items back in less time than under the
current delivery attempt processes.
Holding all COD shipments for pick-up
has the potential to reduce delivery
costs for the Postal Service, as well as
ensure prompt payment for the sender.
Returns Simplification
Eliminate BRM Parcels Permit &
Account Maintenance Fee
Currently, Business Reply Mail (BRM)
consists of letters, flats, and parcels.
Occasionally BRM customers choose to
use Business Reply Mail for return
parcels because they possessed a BRM
permit for inbound correspondence. The
Postal Service is proposing to waive the
annual permit fee for those current
customers using BRM exclusively for
return parcels. This will align BRM
parcels with other returns products.
BRM permit fees for letters and flats,
and for weight-averaged BRM letters,
flats & parcels, will remain.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Eliminate QBRM Permit Fees
To further support simplification, the
Postal Service is also proposing to
eliminate the annual permit fees for
Business Reply Customers who use only
QBRM Basic and High Volume
Qualified for letters and cards. All other
fees and postage pricing remain intact.
Implement a Simplified Approach for
Shipping Services
The Postal Service is proposing to
eliminate the fees for certain outbound
and return permits used for parcel
shipments including associated annual
account maintenance fees. This
proposal streamlines the application
and returns process and also eliminates
the need to pay permit application fees
for additional entry points. Shipping
Products included under this umbrella
are outbound shipments of Priority Mail
Express, Priority Mail, First-Class
Package Service, Parcel Select
(including Parcel Select Lightweight),
Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail,
Library Mail and for return shipments of
MRS, Parcel Return Service and BRM
(parcels only).
Address Correction Service
Adjust Standard Mail Forwarding Fee to
2 Decimal Places
Currently, Standard Mail Letters and
Flats mailers that use this service are
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charged the Forwarding Fee via Address
Correction Service (ACS) billing which
is managed by the ACS Department of
Address Management Systems in
Memphis, TN. The ACS data file,
Shipping Notice data file, and the
Invoice data file have an implied
decimal position that is conducive to
the 2-decimal places for address
correction services. When mailers use
these files to track their ACS fees and
costs, they must recognize that the
Forwarded Fee product codes have an
implied 3-decimal place price and must
manipulate the data files provided to
them through ACS so that the decimal
place differences are recognized in all of
the data files provided via ACS. This
proposal would adjust the Standard
Mail Forwarding Fee to 2-decimal point
places to allow mailers to track their
ACS fees and costs without making
adjustments for the Forwarding Fees.
Money Order Redemption Period
To help simplify Postal accounting
procedures and comport with Banking
Industry Standards, and other
companies’ comparable money order
offerings, the Postal Service proposes to
change the time limit for claims for
improper payment to a limit of one year.
This language will be updated on the
reverse side of the domestic and
international money order form so the
purchaser is aware of the time limit.
Enterprise PO Boxes Online (ePOBOL)
Payment Process Change
The U.S. Postal Service continues to
seek opportunities to streamline
mailers’ experience when using our
products and services. For example, we
plan to allow Enterprise PO Boxes
Online customers to modify their
current payment period to align their
multiple PO Boxes, Caller Service, and
Reserve payments to one due date per
year, when using an Enterprise Payment
Account (EPA).
Eligible customers will be allowed to
pay pro-rated fees, on a one time basis
to align all payments to a selected
annual renewal date in the future. This
method is optional and will be available
for all of an eligible customer’s PO
Boxes and Caller Service numbers.
When the true-up date is reached they
will continue to pay for the 12 month
term as committed when first enrolled
in the Enterprise Payment Account.
OMAS Stamp Delivery Fee
Federal Agencies Ordering Stamps From
the Stamp Fulfillment Center
Federal agencies have the option
today to order stamps from the USPS
Stamp Fulfillment Services in Kansas
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City and to pay for the stamps through
their Official Mail Accounting System
(OMAS) accounts.
It has been a long-standing practice to
charge customers other than federal
agencies a nominal handling fee for all
purchases ordered through Stamp
Fulfillment Services. Beginning January
1, 2017, these fees will apply to federal
agencies using OMAS.
The handling fee schedule can be
found in section 1560 of the Mail
Classification Schedule, under
References, on the Postal Regulatory
Commission Web site at https://
The Postal Service provides
additional resources to assist customers
with this price change for competitive
products. These tools include price lists,
downloadable price files, and Federal
Register Notices, which may be found
on the Postal Explorer® Web site at
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and
procedure, Incorporation by reference,
Postal Service.
Although we are exempt from the
notice and comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
553(b), (c)) regarding proposed
rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), we
invite public comments on the
following proposed revisions to Mailing
Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM),
incorporated by reference in the Code of
Federal Regulations. See 39 CFR 111.1.
Accordingly, 39 CFR part 111 is
proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR
part 111 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301–
307; 18 U.S.C. 1692–1737; 39 U.S.C. 101,
401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001–3011, 3201–
3219, 3403–3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632,
3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the following sections of
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM), as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
100 Retail Letters, Cards, Flats, and
115 Priority Mail Express—Mail
2.0 Priority Mail Express 1-Day and 2Day
200 Commercial Letters, Cards, Flats,
and Parcels
Physical Standards for Flats
4.7 Flat-Size Pieces Not Eligible for
Flat-Size Prices
Exhibit 4.7b Pricing for Flats
Exceeding Maximum Deflection (see
[Revise Exhibit 4.7b as follows:]
Physical Standards
[Revise the last sentence of 2.3 to read
as follows:]
* * * A mailer must select signature
service for Priority Mail Express COD
HFPU, or Priority Mail Express with
additional insurance.
Priority Mail Express
Signature Required
Piece price eligibility as presented ...........................................................
[Delete Machinable barcoded FSS] ..........................................................
Piece price eligibility with failed deflection.
[Delete Nonmachinable barcoded 5-digit flat.
[Delete Machinable nonbarcoded FSS] .................................................... [Delete Nonmachinable nonbarcoded 5-digit flat].
Eligibility as presented ..............................................................................
[Delete Automation FSS Sch Pallet, Automation FSS Other, Automation FSS Sch Cont., and Automation FSS Facility Cont.].
Eligibility with failed deflection.
[Delete Nonautomation FSS Sch Pallet, Nonautomation FSS Other,
Nonautomation FSS Sch Cont., and Nonautomation FSS Facility
Eligibility as presented ..............................................................................
Eligibility with failed deflection.
[Delete Barcoded/nonbarcoded FSS Sch flat] ......................................... [Delete Presorted parcel].
12.0 Nonbarcoded (Presorted)
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Three-Digit Prices
3-digit prices apply to:
* * *
[Add new item c as follows:]
c. Qualifying flats sorted to a FSS
scheme under 705.14.0.
Carrier Route Eligibility
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Basic Standards
b. Nonletter-size mailings. Carrier
route prices apply to carrier route
bundles that are sorted in one of the
following ways:
[Revise item 13.2.1b1 to read as
1. Bundles sorted onto pallets
prepared under 705.8.0, 705.10.0,
705.12.0, 705.13.0 or 705.14.0, as
14.0 Barcoded (Automation)
14.4.2 Three-Digit Prices
3-digit automation prices apply to:
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
* * *
[Add new item c as follows:]
c. Qualifying flats sorted to a FSS
scheme under 705.14.0.
17.4.0 Detailed Zone Listing for
Basic Standards
[Revise the first sentence of 17.4.1 to
read as follows:]
The publisher must be able to present
documentation to support the actual
number of copies of each edition of an
issue, by entry point, mailed to each
zone, at DDU, DSCF, DADC, DFSS
(DFSS entered with DSCF prices) and
In-County prices. * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Report the number of copies mailed to
each 3-digit ZIP Code area at zone prices
using one of the following formats:
[Revise the first sentence of item b to
read as follows.]
b. Report copies by zone (In-County
DDU, In-County others, Outside-County
DDU, Outside-County DSCF, OutsideCounty DSCF entered at a DFSS and
Outside-County DADC) and by 3-digit
ZIP Code, in ascending numeric order,
for each zone. * * *
Zone Abbreviations
Use the actual price name or the
authorized zone abbreviation in the
listings in 17.3 and 17.4.2
Zone abbreviation
Price equivalent
[Revise the Price Equivalent for FSS to read as follows.]
FSS ........................................................................................................................................
FSS Preparation
[Revise the text of 18.5 to read as
Flat sized Periodicals In-County
priced mailings, along with a maximum
of 5,000 Outside-County pieces for the
same issue (see 1.1.4) may be optionally
sorted under FSS preparation standards.
All other Periodicals flats including
Saturation (Non-simplified addressed)
and High Density priced flats
destinating and qualifying to FSS zones
in L006, must be prepared under
Destination Entry
29.4 Destination Sectional Center
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
[Revise the first sentence of 29.5.2 to
read as follows.]
DSCF prices apply to eligible FSS
pieces deposited at a USPS-designated
FSS processing facility and correctly
placed in a flat tray, sack, alternate
approved container or on a pallet,
labeled to a FSS scheme processed by
that facility, under labeling list L006,
column B or C.
Priority Mail Express
Jkt 241001
Signature Required
[Add the following text to 2.3 as the
last sentence.]
* * * A mailer must select signature
service for Priority Mail Express COD
HFPU, or Priority Mail Express with
additional insurance.
First-Class Mail
Prices and Eligibility
5.0 Additional Eligibility Standards
for Automation First-Class Mail
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Automation prices apply to each
piece that is sorted under 235.6.0 into
the corresponding qualifying groups:
[Revise the text in items a, b, and c to
read as follows.]
a. Groups of 150 or more pieces in 5digit/scheme trays qualify for the 5-digit
price. Preparation to qualify for the 5digit price is optional. Pieces placed in
full AADC trays in lieu of 5-digit/
scheme overflow trays under 235.6.5 are
eligible for the 5-digit prices.
b. Groups of 150 or more pieces in
AADC trays qualify for the AADC price.
c. Groups of fewer than 150 pieces in
AADC origin and pieces placed in
mixed AADC trays in lieu of AADC
overflow trays under 235.6.5 are eligible
for the AADC prices.
Mail Preparation
General Definition of Terms
Terms for Presort Levels
2.0 Priority Mail Express 1-Day and 2Day
5.4 Price Application—Automation
Cards and Letters
215 Priority Mail Express—Mail
[Revise the text of 29.4.2 to read as
Determine price eligibility as follows:
a. Pound Prices. Outside-County
pieces are eligible for DSCF pound
prices when placed on an SCF or more
finely presorted container, deposited at
the DSCF, DFSS or USPS-designated
facility (see also 29.4.2b), and addressed
for delivery within the DSCF’s or DFSS
service area. Nonletter-size pieces are
also eligible when the mailer deposits 5digit bundles at the destination delivery
unit (DDU) (the facility where the
carrier cases mail for delivery to the
addresses on the pieces) and the 5-digit
bundles are in or on the following types
of containers:
1. A merged 5-digit scheme or merged
5-digit sack.
2. A merged 5-digit scheme, merged 5digit, or 5-digit scheme pallet.
b. Container Prices. Mailers may
claim the DSCF container price for SCF
14:20 Oct 14, 2016
Price Eligibility
VerDate Sep<11>2014
29.5 Destination Flat Sequencing
System (DFSS) Facility Entry
Outside-County, DSCF (mail entered at a DFSS).
or FSS and more finely presorted
containers that are entered at and
destined within the service area of the
SCF or FSS at which the container is
General Mail Preparation
Letters and Cards
Terms used for presort levels are
defined as follows:
[Delete items c through f and
renumber items g through j as new c
through f]
Preparing Automation Letters
The requirements for mailings are as
[Revise item b to read as follows.]
b. First-Class Mail. A single
automation price First-Class Mail
mailing may include pieces prepared at
5-digit, AADC, and mixed AADC prices.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Tray Preparation
[Revise the introductory text of 6.5 to
read as follows.]
Instead of preparing overflow trays
with fewer than 150 pieces, mailers may
include these pieces in an existing
qualified tray of at least 150 or more
pieces at the next tray level. (For
example, if a mailer has 30 overflow 5digit pieces for ZIP Code 20260, these
pieces may be added to an existing
qualified AADC tray for the correct
destination (ZIP Code prefix 202) and
the overflow 5-digit pieces will still
qualify for the 5-digit price.). Mailers
must note these trays on standardized
documentation (see 708.1.2). Pieces that
are placed in the next tray level must be
grouped by destination and placed in
the front or back of that tray. Mailers
may use this option selectively for
AADC ZIP Codes. This option does not
apply to origin/entry trays. Preparation
sequence, tray size, and Line 1 labeling:
[Delete item b and renumber items c
and d as b and c.]
[Revise renumbered item b to read as
b. AADC: Optional, but required for
AADC price (150-piece minimum
except no miminum for origin entry
AADC); overflow allowed; group pieces
by 3-digit (or 3-digit scheme) ZIP Code.
For Line 1, use L801, Column B.
Tray Line 2
Line 2: ‘‘FCM LTR’’ and:
[Delete items c and d and renumber
items e and f as c and d.]
Piece/Pound Prices
[Revise the last sentence of 4.3 to read
as follows.]
* * * Discounted per pound prices
also may be claimed for destination
entry mailings-DNDC, DSCF, and DDU
under 246.
5.0 Additional Eligibility Standards
for Nonautomation USPS Marketing
Mail Letters, Flats, and Presorted
Standard Mail Parcels
5.6 Nonautomation Price
5-Digit Prices for Flats
The 5-digit price applies to flat-size
[Add new item d as follows.]
d. In an FSS bundle of 10 or more
pieces properly placed in sack of at least
125 pieces or 15 pounds of pieces or on
a pallet under 705.14.0.
3-Digit Prices for Flats
[Add new item c as follows.]
c. In an FSS bundle of 10 or more
pieces properly placed in sack of at least
125 pieces or 15 pounds of pieces or on
a pallet under 705.14.0.
[Delete items 5.6.5 and 5.6.6]
6.0 Additional Eligibility Standards
for Enhanced Carrier Route USPS
Marketing Mail Letters and Flats
USPS Marketing Mail
6.3 Basic Price Enhanced Carrier
Route Standards
Prices and Eligibility
4.0 Price Eligibility for USPS
Marketing Mail
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Minimum Per Piece Prices
The minimum per piece prices (the
minimum postage that must be paid for
each piece) apply as follows:
[Revise the second sentence of item c
to read as follows.]
c. * * * Except for Customized
MarketMail pieces, discounted per piece
prices also may be claimed for
destination network distribution center
(DNDC), destination sectional center
facility (DSCF), and destination delivery
unit (DDU)) under 246. * * *
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:20 Oct 14, 2016
Jkt 241001
Basic Price Eligibility—Flats
Basic prices apply to each piece in a
carrier route bundle of 10 or more
pieces that is:
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Palletized under 705.8.0, 705.10.0,
705.12.0, 705.13.0 or 705.14.0 (FSS
scheme bundles).
6.5 High Density and High Density
Plus (Enhanced Carrier Route)
6.5.2 High Density and High Density
Plus Prices for Flats
High density or high density plus
prices apply to each piece meeting the
density standards in 6.5.1 or in a carrier
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
route bundle of 10 or more pieces that
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Palletized under 705.8.0, 705.10.0,
705.12.0, 705.13.0 or 705.14.0 (FSS
scheme bundles).
7.0 Eligibility Standards for
Automation USPS Marketing Mail
7.4 Price Application for Automation
Automation prices apply to each
piece that is sorted under 245.10.0, into
the corresponding qualifying groups:
[Delete item b and renumber item c as
item b.]
[Revise renumbered item b to read as
b. Groups of fewer than 150 pieces in
origin/entry AADC trays qualify for the
AADC price. Pieces placed in mixed
AADC trays under 245.7.5 in lieu of
AADC overflow trays also are eligible
for AADC prices (see 245.7.5).
7.5 Price Application for Automation
Automation prices apply to each
piece properly sorted into qualifying
[Revise items a and b to read as
a. The 5-digit price applies to flat-size
pieces in a 5-digit/scheme bundle or
pooled in a FSS scheme bundle of 10 or
more pieces, or 15 or more pieces, as
b. The 3-digit price applies to flat-size
pieces in a 3-digit/scheme bundle or
pooled in a FSS scheme bundle of 10 or
more pieces.
[Delete items e through h.]
245 Mail Preparation
1.0 General Information for Mail
1.6 FSS Preparation
[Revise the text of 1.6 to read as
Except for Standard Mail flats mailed
at Saturation prices, all Standard Mail
flats and meeting the physical standards
in 201.6.2 destinating to a FSS scheme
in accordance with labeling list L006
must be prepared under 705.14.0.
Preparing Automation Letters
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Tray Preparation
[Revise the introductory text to read
as follows.]
Instead of preparing overflow trays
with fewer than 150 pieces, mailers may
include these pieces in an existing
qualified tray of at least 150 or more
pieces at the next tray level. (For
example, if a mailer has 30 overflow 5digit pieces for ZIP Code 20260, these
pieces may be added to an existing
qualified AADC tray for the correct
destination and the overflow 5-digit
pieces will still qualify for the 5-digit
price). Mailers must note these trays on
standardized documentation (see
708.1.2). Pieces that are placed in the
next tray level must be grouped by
destination and placed in the front or
back of that tray. Mailers may use this
option selectively for AADC ZIP Codes.
This option does not apply to origin/
entry AADC trays. Preparation
sequence, tray size, and Line 1 labeling:
[Delete item b and renumber items c
and d as items b and c.]
[Revise renumbered item b to read as
c. AADC: optional, but required for
AADC price (150-piece minimum
except no minimum for origin entry
AADC); overflow allowed; group pieces
by 3-digit (or 3-digit scheme) ZIP Code
prefix. For Line 1, use L801, Column B.
Prices and Eligibility
1.0 Prices and Fees for Bound Printed
1.1 Nonpresorted Bound Printed
1.1.1 Prices
[Revise the second sentence of 1.1.1 to
read follows.]
* * * The nonpresorted price applies
to BPM not mailed at the Presorted or
carrier route prices. * * *
1.2 Presorted and Carrier Route
Bound Printed Matter
1.2.3 Price Application
[Revise the first sentence of 1.2.3 to
read as follows.]
The presorted Bound Printed Matter
price has a per piece charge and a per
pound charge. * * *
1.2.8 Computing Postage for Permit
[Revise the introductory text of 1.2.8
to read as follows.]
Presorted and Carrier Route Bound
Printed Matter mailings paid with
permit imprint are charged a per pound
price and a per piece price as follows:
4.0 Price Eligibility for Bound Printed
4.1 Price Eligibility
BPM prices are based on the weight
Line 2: ‘‘STD LTR’’ and:
of a single addressed piece or 1 pound,
[Delete items c and d and renumbered whichever is higher, and the zone
(where applicable) to which the piece is
items e and f as c and d.]
addressed. Price categories are as
246 Enter and Deposit
[Revise items b and c to read as
6.0 Destination Flat Sequencing
b. Presorted Price. The Presorted price
applies to BPM prepared in a mailing of
System (DFSS) Facility Entry
at least 300 BPM pieces, prepared and
presorted as specified in 265.5.0,
265.8.0, 705.8.0, 705.14.0 and 705.21.0.
6.2 Eligibility
Each parcel must bear a unique
[Revise the first sentence of 6.2 to read Intelligent Mail package barcode or
as follows.]
extra services barcode, including a
DSCF prices apply to pieces deposited postal routing code, prepared under
at a USPS-designated FSS processing
c. Carrier Route Price. The Carrier
site and correctly placed in or on a
Route price applies to BPM prepared in
container labeled to a FSS scheme or
a mailing of at least 300 pieces presorted
FSS Facility processed by that site
to carrier routes, prepared and presorted
under labeling list L006 (Column B or
as specified in 265.6.0, 265.9.0, 705.8.0
Column C).
or 705.14.0. Each parcel must bear a
unique Intelligent Mail package barcode
or extra services barcode, including a
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Bound Printed Matter
Tray Line 2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:20 Oct 14, 2016
Jkt 241001
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
postal routing code, prepared under
Destination Entry Price Eligibility
[Revise the first sentence of the
introductory text to read as follows.]
BPM destination entry prices apply to
BPM mailings prepared as specified in
705.8.0, 705.14.0 and 265, and
addressed for delivery within the
service area of a destination network
distribution center, sectional center
facility, or delivery unit where they are
deposited by the mailer. * * *
[Revise item b to read as follows.]
b. A destination sectional center
facility (DSCF) includes all facilities in
L005 and destination flats sequencing
system (DFSS) in L006.
Mail Preparation
1.0 General Information for Mail
FSS Preparation
[Revise text of 1.6 to read as follows.]
BPM flats claiming presorted prices in
FSS scheme bundles, meeting the
standards in 201 and destinating to a
FSS scheme in accordance with labeling
list L006, must be prepared under
Enter and Deposit
5.0 Destination Sectional Center
Facility (DSCF) Entry
Presorted Flats
[Revise the text of 5.2 to read as
Presorted flats and automation flats in
sacks for the FSS scheme, 5-digit, 3digit, and SCF sort levels or on pallets
at the 5-digit scheme, 5-digit, 3-digit,
SCF, and ASF sort levels may claim
DSCF prices. Mail must be entered at
the appropriate facility under 5.1.
7.0 Destination Flat Sequencing
System (DFSS) Facility Entry
7.2 Eligibility
[Revise the first sentence of 7.2 to read
as follows.]
DSCF prices apply to pieces deposited
at a USPS-designated FSS processing
facility and correctly placed on a
container labeled to a FSS scheme or a
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
FSS facility processed by that facility or
to a single 5-digit destination processed
by that facility under labeling list L006.
Extra and Additional Services
Matter Eligible for Extra Services
503.1.0 Basic Standards for All Extra
Exhibit 1.4.1 Eligible Matter—
Domestic Destinations
Eligible Matter
[Revise Exhibit 1.4.1 as follows.]
Extra service
Eligible mail class
Registered Mail
Additional combined services
* * *
[Revise Registered Mail COD to read Registered Mail COD HFPU]
* * *
* * *
Return Receipt
* * *
* * *
* * *
[Revise Collect on Delivery and Collect on Deliver Restricted Delivery to read as follows]
Collect on Delivery HFPU
Collect on Delivery HFPU Restricted Delivery
* * *
USPS Signature Services
Signature Confirmation
* * *
Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery
* * *
[Revise the entire section for Collect on Delivery
Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD
COD HFPU Restricted Delivery
to read as follows:]
Priority Mail Express (1-Day and 2-Day only)
Priority Mail
First-Class Package Service
Parcel Select Ground
Bound Printed Matter 2
[Revise Collect on Delivery to read as follows.]
Collect on Delivery Hold for
Pickup (COD HFPU)
* * *
[Revise Collect on Delivery to read as follows.]
Collect on Delivery Hold for
Pickup (COD HFPU)
* * *
Return Receipt
Signature Confirmation 2 (not available for purchase with Priority Mail Express COD
Special Handling-Fragile
Special Handling
* * *
* * *
[Revise Collect on Delivery to read as follows.]
Collect On Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD
* * *
[Revise the footnotes to read as follows.]
1 Not at retail.
2 Parcels only.
3 If also purchased with Certified Mail, COD HFPU, insurance over $500.00 or Registered Mail, as eligible for the mail class.
4 If also purchased with bulk insurance over $500.00.
5 If also purchased with COD HFPU insurance over $500.00, as eligible for the mail class.
6 If purchased with insurance over $500.00, COD HFPU, Registered Mail, or Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery.
7 Excludes Marketing Parcels.
Exhibit 1.4.2 Eligible Matter—
Offshore Domestic Destinations
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Extra service
U.S. territories and possessions
Freely associated states
[Revise the heading for COD to read as follows:]
COD HFPU ....................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:20 Oct 14, 2016
No .................................................
Jkt 241001
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Fmt 4702
Yes ................................................
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Where to Mail
[Revise the second and third
sentences of 1.5.1 to read as follows.]
* * * Except for Registered Mail (see
2.0), COD HFPU (see 9.0), and Adult
Signature (see 8.0), items with postage
and extra service fees affixed may be
placed in, but not on, a Post Office
maildrop, a street letterbox, or a rural
mailbox, or may be given to the carrier
(for that delivery address). A mailer may
schedule a Pickup on Demand, or
schedule a Package Pickup using for items bearing extra
services (except for Registered Mail,
COD HFPU, and Adult Signature in
certain circumstances); however a
physical scan must be received from the
USPS as evidence of acceptance (See
1.10 for obtaining mailing receipts for
extra service items). * * *
Presenting to Rural Carriers
[Revise the second sentence of 1.5.2 to
read as follows.]
* * * When Registered Mail, Insured
Mail, Certificate of Mailing, Collect on
Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU)
(shipping label must already be affixed),
and Adult Signature in certain
circumstances, is desired, additional
conditions under the standards for the
extra service must be met. * * *
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
[Revise the text of 1.10 to read as
Except for certificate of mailing under
5.0, the mailer receives a USPS sales
receipt and the postmarked (rounddated) extra service form for services
purchased at retail channels. The mailer
must provide the receipt when
submitting an insurance claim or filing
an inquiry. For articles mailed via PC
Postage or other online services, the
mailer may access a computer printout
online that identifies the applicable
extra service number, total postage paid,
insurance fee amount, declared value,
declared mailing date, origin ZIP Code,
and delivery ZIP Code. For three or
more pieces with extra or accountable
services presented for mailing at one
time, the mailer uses Form 3877 (firm
sheet) or USPS-approved privately
printed firm sheets (see 1.7.2) in lieu of
the receipt portion of the individual
form. All entries made on firm sheets
must be computer-generated or made by
typewriter, ink, or ballpoint pen.
Alterations must be initialed by the
mailer and accepting employee.
Obliterate all unused portions of the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:20 Oct 14, 2016
Jkt 241001
addressee column with a diagonal line.
USPS-approved privately printed firm
sheets that contain the same information
as Form 3877 may be approved by the
local Postmaster or manager Business
Mail Entry. The mailer may omit
columns from privately printed Form
3877 that are not applicable to extra
service requested. If the mailer wants
the firm sheets receipted by the USPS
(postmarked), the mailer must present
the firm sheets with the articles to be
mailed at a Post Office. The postmarked
firm sheets become the mailer’s receipts.
For Registered Mail and COD HFPU
(when Label 3816 is used), the mailer
submits the forms in duplicate and
receives one copy as a mailing receipt
after the entries are verified by the
postal employee accepting the mailing.
Except for Registered Mail and COD
HFPU items, the USPS keeps no mailing
records for mail pieces bearing extra
2.0 Registered Mail
[Revise the heading and introductory
text of 2.1.5 to read as follows.]
2.1.5 Registered Mail COD HFPU
Sealed domestic mail bearing FirstClass Package Service or Priority Mail
postage may be sent as Registered Mail
COD HFPU when meeting the standards
in 9.0 and as follows:
[Revise the third sentence of item b to
read as follows.]
b. * * * The total fees charged for
registered COD HFPU service include
the proper registry fee for the value
declared plus the registered COD HFPU
fee. * * *
[Revise the first sentence of item c to
read as follows.].
c. The registered label and the COD
HFPU label must be affixed to each
article. * * *
Insured Mail
4.1.1 Additional Insurance-Priority
Mail Express
[Revise 4.1.1 to read as follows.]
Additional insurance, up to a
maximum coverage of $5,000.00, may be
purchased for merchandise valued at
more than $100.00 sent by Priority Mail
Express. The additional insurance fee is
in addition to postage and other fees.
See Notice 123—Price List. Coverage is
limited to the actual value of the
contents, regardless of the fee paid, or
the highest insurance value increment
for which the fee is fully paid,
whichever is lower. When ‘‘signature
required’’ service is not requested or
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
when ‘‘waiver of signature’’ is
requested, additional insurance is not
[Revise the heading of 9.0 to read as
9.0 Collect on Delivery Hold for
Pickup (COD HFPU)
Basic Standards
9.1.1 Description
[Revise 9.1.1 to read as follows.]
Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup
(COD HFPU) is subject to the basic
standards in 1.0, and 508.7.0 for HFPU;
see 1.4 for eligible matter. Any mailer
may use COD HFPU to mail an article
(using a unique COD HFPU number for
each article) for which the mailer has
not been paid and have its price and the
cost of the postage collected (not to
exceed $1,000.00) from the addressee
(or agent) and held for pickup at the
Post Office of the addressee. COD HFPU
service provides the mailer with a
mailing receipt and the USPS maintains
a record of delivery (including the
recipient’s signature). The recipient has
the option to pay the COD HFPU
charges (with one form of payment) by
cash, pin-fed debit card, or a personal
check or money order made payable to
the mailer (accepted by the USPS
employee upon the recipient’s
presentation of adequate identification).
The USPS forwards the check or money
order to the mailer. If payment is made
by cash, a money order fee is will be
collected from the recipient separately
(unless the mailer is authorized to
participate in electronic funds transfer
(EFT) for the remittance (contact the
National Customer Support Center
(NCSC) (See 608.8.0) for EFT enrollment
information), in addition to the COD
HFPU amount. The Postal Service
cannot intervene in disputes between
mailers and recipients of COD HFPU
mail after payment was returned to the
mailer. Customers may obtain a delivery
record by purchasing a return receipt.
Bulk proof of delivery service (7.0) is
also available if electronic return receipt
service is purchased at the time of
[Revise the heading and text of 9.1.2
to read as follows.]
9.1.2 Additional Conditions for COD
COD HFPU service is available under
the following additional conditions:
a. The name and address of the person
to whom the remittance is to be sent
must appear in the proper location on
the COD HFPU label and in the return
address area on the COD HFPU article
with the postal endorsements for return
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
if undeliverable. The return address
must be the same in both locations.
b. The mailer guarantees to pay any
return postage, unless otherwise
specified on the label.
c. The goods shipped are ordered by
the addressee.
d. COD HFPU service may not be used
1. Articles sent to international
destinations, or from an APO/FPO/DPO
address, including official mail and
shipments to Armed Forces agencies.
2. The return of merchandise about
which some dissatisfaction arises,
unless the new addressee consents in
advance to such return.
3. The mailing of only bills or
statements of account, even with the
addressee’s consent. If a legitimate COD
HFPU shipment of merchandise is
mailed, the balance due on a past or
expected transaction may be included in
the charges on a COD HFPU article, if
the addressee consents in advance to
such action. In such a case, USPS
indemnity is limited to the value of the
article lost or damaged, not the full COD
HFPU charges to be collected.
[Revise the heading and text of 9.1.3
to read as follows.]
Registered Mail COD HFPU
Sealed domestic mail bearing FirstClass Package Service, or Priority Mail
postage may be sent as Registered Mail
COD HFPU mail as provided under 9.0
and 2.1.5.
[Revise the heading and text of 9.1.4
to read as follows.]
Priority Mail Express COD HFPU
Any article sent COD HFPU also may
be sent by Priority Mail Express (1-Day
and 2-Day service only) when a
signature is requested. The maximum
amount collectible from the addressee
on one article is $1,000.00, and
indemnity is limited to $1,000.00.
Priority Mail Express postage and the
proper COD HFPU fees must be paid.
Both the Priority Mail Express label and
COD HFPU label must be affixed to each
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
[Revise 9.1.5 to read as follows.]
COD HFPU mail must be presented
for mailing as provided in 1.5 to the
local Post Office or to rural carriers
when the articles are prepared properly,
with stamps for the required postage
and fees affixed. If the mailer wants
insurance for an amount more than the
COD HFPU amount to be collected, that
amount must be shown.
Identifying Number
[Revise 9.1.6 to read as follows.]
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Each COD HFPU articles is identified
by a number on each section of the COD
HFPU label. When COD HFPU is used
with Priority Mail Express or Registered
Mail, a separate barcoded shipping label
(under 1.7), the mailer must place both
the label and the COD HFPU label on
the front of the article. The Priority Mail
Express article number or the Registered
Mail number is used for delivery receipt
and indemnity claims.
[Delete 9.1.8 in its entirety.]
[Revise the heading of 9.2 to read as
[Revise the heading and text of 9.2.1
to read as follows.]
Label 3816 COD HFPU
The mailer must securely affix a
completed COD HFPU Label 3816 to
each article. The label must be attached
either above the delivery address or to
the right of the return address, or to the
left of the delivery address on parcels.
Privately printed or computer-generated
firm sheets may be used under the
standards in 1.10. The mailer must
submit firm sheets in duplicate and will
receive one copy of the postmarked
form as a mailing receipt after the
entries are verified by a postal
employee. The acceptance Post Office
retains the second copy.
[Revise the heading and text of 9.2.2
to read as follows.]
9.2.2 Completing COD HFPU Labels
The label must show article number,
name and domestic address of the
mailer, hold for pickup Post Office
location for the addressee, and the
amount due from the mailer (for
payments made in cash, the money
order fee necessary to make remittance
will be collected from the recipient
separately and is not included in the
amount due the mailer indicated on the
label). The USPS is not responsible for
errors that a mailer makes in stating the
charges to be collected. The information
required on the COD HFPU label must
be handwritten, typed or computer
generated in ink. The mailer may not
stipulate a specific payment method on
the COD HFPU label.
Nursery Stock
[Revise the introductory text of 9.2.3
to read as follows.]
A firm that mails nursery stock may
use Form 3816 and include instructions
for disposing of shipments not delivered
immediately by printing instructions on
the back of the delivery office part of the
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COD HFPU form (item a) and on the
remittance coupon (item b) as follows:
Money Orders
Cashing Money Orders
[Revise the heading and text of 12.3.8
to read as follows.]
No payment is made when a money
order is issued in return for a COD
HFPU parcel, and is presented by the
addressee (purchaser), and the money
order is not endorsed by the payee
(shipper) or the payee has not
authorized payment to the purchaser by
written approval.
Return Services
Business Reply Mail (BRM)
Basic Qualified BRM (QBRM)
[Revise the first sentence of 1.1.3 to
read as follows.]
For basic qualified BRM a permit
holder is required to an account
maintenance fee under 1.1.8, and a perpiece fee under 1.1.7 in addition to the
applicable letter or card First-Class Mail
postage for each returned piece. ***
High-Volume Qualified BRM
[Revise the text of 1.1.4 to read as
In addition to the account
maintenance, per-piece fees and
applicable postage required under 1.1.3,
a quarterly fee under 1.1.11 is required
for high-volume QBRM.
Application Process
[Revise the first sentence of 1.2.2 to
read as follows.]
The mailer may apply for a BRM
permit by submitting a completed Form
3615 to the Post Office issuing the
permit and except under 1.2.3 paying
the annual permit fee. * * *
Annual Permit Fee
[Revise the first sentence of 1.2.3 to
read as follows.]
Except for QBRM permits, a permit
fee must be paid once each 12-month
period at each Post Office where a BRM
permit is held. * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Renewal of Annual Permit Fee
[Revise the introductory text of 1.2.4
to read as follows.]
Except for QBRM permits, an annual
renewal notice is provided to each BRM
permit holder by the USPS. QBRM
permits do not expire unless the
account is unused for a period of 12
months. The renewal notice and the
payment for the next 12 months must be
returned by the expiration date to the
Post Office that issued the permit. After
the expiration date, if the permit holder
has not paid the annual permit fee, then
returned BRM pieces are treated as
Revocation of a Permit
[Revise the text of 1.2.6 to read as
The USPS may revoke any BRM
permit because of format errors or for
refusal to pay the applicable permit fees
(annual, accounting, quarterly, or
monthly), postage, or per piece fees. If
the permit was revoked due to format
errors, then a former permit holder may
obtain a new permit and permit number
by completing and submitting a new
Form 3615, paying the required BRM
annual permit fee (if applicable), paying
a new annual account maintenance fee
(if applicable), and, for the next 2 years,
submitting two samples of each BRM
format to the appropriate Post Office for
Mailer Services
Treatment of Mail
Directory Service
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Mail with extra services (certified,
COD HFPU, registered, special
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Extra Services
[Revise the first and fourth sentences
of 1.8.5 to read as follows.]
If a return receipt is attached to a
certified, Collect on Delivery Hold for
Pickup (COD HFPU), numbered insured,
registered, return receipt for
merchandise, or Priority Mail Express
piece to be returned, the reason for
nondelivery is shown on the face of the
piece. * * * The sender must sign a
delivery receipt for returned Priority
Mail Express, Registered Mail, COD
HFPU articles, Adult Signature services,
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Postage for Forwarding
Premium Forwarding Service
3.3 Premium Forwarding Service
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Recipient Services
Recipient Options
Basic Recipient Concerns
Refusal After Delivery
2.3.7 Extra Services
[Revise 2.3.7 to read as follows.]
Certified, Collect on Delivery Hold
For Pickup (COD HFPU), USPS
Tracking, insured, registered, Signature
Confirmation, Adult Signature, return
receipt for merchandise, and special
handling mail, is forwarded to a
domestic address only without
additional extra service fees, subject to
the applicable postage charge.
At the sender’s request, the delivery
Post Office holds mail, other than
Registered Mail, insured, Certified Mail,
Adult Signature, Signature Confirmation
and return receipt for merchandise, for
no fewer than 3 days nor more than 30
[Revise item g to read as follows.]
g. Priority Mail Express, or mailpieces
with USPS Tracking, Certified Mail,
COD HFPU, insurance, Signature
Confirmation, or Adult Signature are
shipped to the destination delivery
office Postmaster separately, for proper
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Pieces sent as Registered Mail,
insured, Certified Mail, Collect on
Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU),
Adult Signature and return receipt for
1.1.7 Priority Mail Express and
Accountable Mail
[Revise the introductory text to read
as follows.]
The following conditions also apply
to the delivery of Priority Mail Express,
Registered Mail, Certified Mail, mail
insured for more than $500.00, Adult
Signature, or COD HFPU, as well as
mail for which a return receipt is
requested or the sender has specified
restricted delivery.
[Revise item f to read as follows.]
f. A notice is provided to the
addressee for a mailpiece that cannot be
delivered. If the piece is not called for
or redelivery is not requested, the piece
is returned to the sender after 15 days
(5 days for Priority Mail Express), unless
the sender specifies fewer days on the
Jkt 241001
Address Correction Services
Sender Instruction
1.8 Commercial Mail Receiving
Returning Mail
1.8.7 Post Office Box
[Revise 1.8.7 to read as follows.]
Deliverable mail addressed to a Post
Office box is not returned until after the
box is declared vacant, except for
certified, collect on delivery (COD
HFPU), insured, registered, postage due,
Adult Signature and perishable mail.
and mail insured for more than $500.
* * *
4.3.2 Extra Services
[Revise the first sentence of the
introductory text to read as follows.]
A change-of-address order to a
domestic address covers Certified Mail,
COD HFPU insured, Registered Mail,
Signature Confirmation, Adult Signature
services, and return receipt for
merchandise mail unless the sender
gives other instructions.
4.3.4 Holding Mail
[Revise the first sentence of 4.3.4 to
read as follows.]
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[Revise item d to read as follows.]
d. A CMRA is authorized to accept the
following accountable mail from their
customers for mailing at the Post Office:
Insured, Priority Mail Express, Certified
Mail, USPS Tracking, and Signature
Confirmation mail. The sender (CMRA
customer) must present accountable
mail items not listed to the Post Office
for mailing.
Hold For Pickup
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Form 3615 to the Post Office where
mailings are made, or online under the
terms and conditions in the Business
Customer Gateway portal at https:// Mail Anywhere
allows a qualified mailer to maintain a
single permit for a postage payment
method for mailings at any Business
Mail Acceptance site under 705.23.3.2.
Basic Information
7.2.5 Extra Services
[Delete item e]
Elements of Addressing
Return Addresses
5.1.5 Application Fee
[Revise the text of 5.1.5 to read as
No application fee is required.
1.5.3 Required Use of Return
[Revise item l to read as follows.]
l. Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup
(COD HFPU) mail.
Use of Alternative Addressing
General Information
3.1.2 Prohibited Use
Alternative addressing formats may
not be used on:
e. Mail with the following extra
[Revise item 8 to read as follows.]
8. Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup
604 Postage Payment Methods and
4.0 Postage Meters and PC Postage
Products (‘‘Postage Evidencing
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
4.6.1 Mailing Date Format
* * * The mailing date format used
in the indicia is also subject to the
following conditions.
a. Complete Date. Mailers must use a
complete date for the following:
[Revise item 2 to read as follows.]
2. All mailpieces with Insured Mail,
COD HFPU (only when a manual office
COD HFPU Label 3816 is used), or
Special Handling service.
5.0 Permit Imprint (Indicia)
[Revise the heading and text of 5.1.4
to read as follows.]
5.1.4 Permit and Application
A mailer may obtain a permit to use
a permit imprint indicia by submitting
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Exchanges and Refunds
b. Submit production quality
mailpieces to USPS for pre-approval
and have received subsequent USPS
approval; and
c. Have approved mailpieces that bear
unique or static Intelligent Mail
barcodes, an approved permit imprint
indicia in the upper-right hand corner of
the mailpiece, and a special facing
identification mark (FIM E) (see
Suspension and Revocation
Postage and Fee Refunds
5.2.2 Revocation of Permit
[Revise the first sentence of 5.2.2 to
read as follows.]
A permit may be revoked for use in
operating any unlawful scheme or
enterprise, if no mailings or payment of
postage occurred during any
consecutive 2-year period, for refusal to
provide information about permit
imprint use or mailings, and for
noncompliance with any standard
applicable to permit imprints. * * *
5.3 Indicia Design, Placement, and
5.3.10 Use of a Local Permit Imprint
in Other Mailing Locations
A permit imprint displaying the city,
state, and permit number of a mailer’s
original permit may be applied to pieces
in a mailing presented for verification
and acceptance at another Post Office
location under the following conditions:
[Delete item a and renumber items b
through d as items a through c]
[Revise the heading and introductory
text of 5.5 to read as follows.]
5.5 Share Mail
Share Mail is an electronic postage
payment mechanism for single-piece
First-Class Mail letters or postcards,
addressed to any domestic address, that
weigh no more than one ounce each.
Customers wishing to participate in this
program must submit their request in
writing to the Manager, New Solutions,
Mailing Services, USPS, 475 L’Enfant
Plaza SW., Room 5440, Washington, DC
20260–4440. Customers participating in
the Share Mail postage payment
program must, at a minimum, meet the
following requirements:
a. Have a Centralized Account
Processing System (CAPS) account link
with USPS;
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9.2.4 Postage and Fee Refunds Not
Refunds are not made for the
[Revise item b to read as follows.]
b. Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup
(COD HFPU), Priority Mail Express
insurance, insured mail, and Registered
Mail fees, after the USPS accepts the
article (even if the article is later
withdrawn from the mail).
11.0 Postage Due Weight Averaging
11.1 Basic Information
Quality Control
[Revise the first sentence of the
introductory text to read as follows.]
PDWA customers may elect to
establish a quality control program to
ensure that all missorted and
accountable mail (including Certified
Mail), return receipt for merchandise,
USPS Tracking, Adult Signature, and
Signature Confirmation) is identified
and returned to the servicing Post Office
prior to being opened. * * *
609 Filing Indemnity Claims for Loss
or Damage
General Filing Instructions
Extra Services With Indemnity
[Revise the text of 1.1 to read as
A customer may file an indemnity
claim for insured mail, COD HFPU
items, Registered Mail with postal
insurance, or Priority Mail Express. See
Publication 122, available on, for additional
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Who May File
e. Only the mailer, for insured or
collect on delivery (COD HFPU) parcels
paid using eVS under 705.2.9.
A claim may be filed by:
[Revise item e to read as follows.]
1.4 When to File
File claims as follows:
b. Lost Articles: customers must file a
claim within the time limits in the chart
[Revise the table to read as follows.]
When to file (from mailing date)
Mail type or service
No sooner than
Priority Mail Express ...............................................................................
Priority Mail Express COD HFPU ...........................................................
Registered Mail .......................................................................................
Registered COD HFPU ...........................................................................
Insured Mail (including Priority Mail under 503.4.2) ...............................
COD HFPU ..............................................................................................
APO/FPO Priority Mail, Express Military Service ...................................
APO/FPO/DPO Insured Mail and registered Mail (Priority Mail, FirstClass Mail, SAM, or PAL).
APO/FPO/DPO Insured Mail (Surface only) ...........................................
Where and How to File
1.5.1 Claims Filed Online
[Revise the first sentence of 1.5.1 to
read as follows.]
Domestic indemnity claims should be
filed online (preferred) at
domestic-claims for domestic insured
mail, COD HFPU, Registered Mail with
postal insurance, and Priority Mail
Express. * * *
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
3.0 Providing Evidence of Insurance
and Value
3.1 Evidence of Insurance
For a claim involving articles listed in
1.1, the customer must retain evidence
showing that the specific USPS service
was purchased, until the claim is
resolved. Examples of acceptable
evidence are:
[Revise items a and b to read as
a. The original mailing receipt issued
at the time of mailing (Registered Mail
receipts must contain a USPS
postmark). For insured mail and COD
HFPU, a photocopy of the original retail
mailing receipt is acceptable.
b. The outer packaging showing the
names and addresses of the sender and
the addressee and the proper label
showing that the article was sent
insured, COD HFPU, Registered Mail
with postal insurance, or Priority Mail
Express. (If only the outer packaging is
submitted, indemnity can be limited to
$100 for insured, $50 for COD HFPU,
$100 for Registered Mail, and $100 for
Priority Mail Express.)
[Revise the first sentence of item d to
read as follows.]
d. For insurance or COD HFPU,
purchased online, a printed electronic
online label record or a computer
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No later than
7 days ............................................
15 days ..........................................
15 days ..........................................
15 days ..........................................
15 days ..........................................
15 days ..........................................
21 days ..........................................
45 days ..........................................
60 days
60 days
60 days
60 days
60 days
60 days
180 days
1 year
75 days ..........................................
1 year
printout from the application used to
print the label and purchase the
insurance. * * *
[Revise the introductory text of item e
to read as follows.]
e. For insured mail or COD HFPU
mail paid using MMS or eVS under
705.2.0, the mailer must use one of the
[Revise item e2 to read as follows.]
2. A printout of the part of Form 3877
that identifies the parcel by article
number, the package identification code
(PIC) of the insured or COD HFPU
parcel, total postage paid, fee paid,
declared insured value, amount due
sender if COD HFPU, mailing date,
origin ZIP Code, and delivery ZIP Code
reported in the parcel record in the
manifest file.
Priority Mail), Registered Mail, COD
HFPU, or Priority Mail and Priority Mail
Express in these situations:
[Revise item w to read as follows.]
w. Items sent COD HFPU without the
addressee’s consent.
5.7 Recovered Article
[Revise the first sentence of 5.7 to read
as follows.]
If a lost registered, insured, COD
HFPU, or Priority Mail Express article is
recovered after payment of a claim, the
payee may accept the article and
reimburse the USPS for the full amount
paid if the article is undamaged.
4.1 Payable Claim
[Revise the introductory text and item
c to read as follows.]
Insurance for loss or damage to
insured, COD HFPU, or Registered Mail
within the amount covered by the fee
paid, or the indemnity limits for Priority
Mail, or Priority Mail Express (under
4.2), is payable for the following:
c. Remittance due on a COD HFPU
parcel not received by the sender,
subject to the limitations set by the
standards for COD HFPU service.
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5.4 Loss
[Revise the text of 5.4 to read as
If the insured, registered, or COD
HFPU article is lost the payment
includes an additional amount for the
postage (not fee) paid by the sender.
Postage for Priority Mail Express is
refunded under 604.9.5.
703 Nonprofit Standard Mail and
Other Unique Eligibility
Department of State Mail
Conditions for Authorized Mail
Nonpayable Claims
[Revise the introductory text of 4.3 to
read as follows.]
Indemnity is not paid for insured mail
(including Priority Mail Express and
PO 00000
Extra Services
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
with the FSS preparations standards.
Mailpieces and bundles must also be
prepared as follows:
[Revise item a to read as follows.
a. Collect on Delivery (COD HFPU).
Mixed Classes
Extra Services for Mixed Classes
[Revise the heading and text of 9.13.2
to read as follows.]
Insured and COD HFPU
A combination mailpiece may be sent
insured or COD HFPU. The insurance
covers only the value of the parcel.
705 Advanced Preparation and
Special Postage Payment Systems
FSS Scheme Preparation
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
[Revise the introductory text of 14.1 to
read as follows.]
All presorted and high density plus,
high density and basic carrier route
Standard Mail, presorted and carrier
route Bound Printed Matter (BPM), and
Periodicals flats including all carrier
route flats meeting the standards in
201.6.2 must be separated/pooled into
FSS schemes, properly bundled and
placed on or in pallets, trays, sacks, or
approved alternate containers, for FSS
scheme ZIP Code combinations within
the same facility. Mailings that include
10 or more pieces of Standard Mail flats,
6 or more pieces of Periodicals flats, or
10 or more pieces (or 10 or more
pounds) of BPM flats to an FSS scheme
must be separated/pooled into FSS
scheme bundles. The Postal Service also
recommends the use of authorized flat
trays in lieu of sacks for FSS bundles.
FSS scheme bundles that are not
required to be placed in a FSS scheme
or FSS facility container are combined
with bundles of non-FSS sorted bundles
and placed on an applicable SCF, 3-digit
or NDC container. Mailers must prepare
FSS scheme qualifying mailpieces for
each individual FSS scheme
combination, and then prepare bundles
of uniform size from those pieces.
Mailings (excluding saturation mailings
of Standard Mail) with nonpresorted
BPM flats may be included in FSS
preparation, but will not be eligible for
presorted or carrier route prices.
Mailpieces that meet the eligibility
standards for 5-digit or 3-digit
automation, 5-digit or 3-digit
nonautomation, carrier route (except
Standard Mail saturation) or presort will
continue to be eligible for those piece
prices when prepared in accordance
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Basic Standards
Basic Standards
[Revise the introductory text and
items a through e to read as follows.]
All Periodicals flats (including carrier
route flats) meeting the standards in
201.6.2 and destinating to FSS sites as
shown in L006 must be prepared
according to these standards. Mailings
of In-County Periodicals flats and the
associated Outside-County Periodicals
flats mailings of 5,000 pieces or less
may be prepared according to these
standards. Periodicals are subject to the
a. Pricing eligibility is based on
207.11.0 through 207.14.0. FSS bundles
placed on FSS facility pallets, sacks,
trays, or approved alternate container
will claim the 3-Digit/SCF bundle price.
FSS bundles placed on a FSS scheme
pallet, sack, tray or approved alternate
container will claim the Carrier Route
bundle price.
b. FSS scheme pallets will be assessed
the Carrier Route Pallet price. FSS
facility sort level pallets will be charged
a 3-Digit/SCF Pallet container price. FSS
scheme or facility sacks or trays will be
assessed the 3-Digit/SCF Sack/Tray
price. Pallets, sacks and trays entered at
a DFSS will claim the DSCF entry price.
c. The Outside-County pound price
for mail entered at a DFSS will be the
DSCF price. The Inside-County price
will claim prices for the ‘‘None’’ entry
d. Mailers must provide standardized
presort documentation under 708.1.0
that demonstrates eligibility for prices
in accordance with 207.14.0 and
e. Each mailpiece must be identified
with an optional endorsement line in
accordance with Exhibit 708.7.1.1, or
when authorized, using a red Label 5
SCH barcoded pressure-sensitive bundle
Standard Mail
Basic Standards
[Revise the introductory text of 14.3.1
to read as follows.]
All flat-size Standard Mail mailpieces
(except saturation) must be separated/
pooled into 5-digit FSS scheme bundles
and placed on pallets, or in sacks or
approved alternate containers, for
delivery to ZIP Codes having Flats
Sequencing System (FSS) processing
PO 00000
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capability, as shown in L006. Standard
Mail flats are subject to the following:
[Revise items b and c to read as
b. Mailers must provide standardized
presort documentation under 708.1.0
that demonstrates eligibility for prices
in accordance with 243.
c. Each mailpiece must be identified
with an optional endorsement line in
accordance with Exhibit 708.7.1.1; or
when authorized, using a red Label 5
SCH barcoded pressure-sensitive bundle
Bound Printed Matter
14.4.1 Basic Standards
[Revise the introductory text of 14.4.1
to read as follows.]
Bound Printed Matter (BPM) flats that
meet the standards in 201.6.2, must be
separated/pooled into FSS scheme
bundles and placed on pallets, or in flat
trays, sacks, or approved alternate
containers, for delivery to ZIP Codes
having FSS processing capability, as
shown in L006. BPM flats are subject to
the following:
[Revise items b, c and d to read as
b. Mailers must provide standardized
presort documentation under 708.1.0
that demonstrates eligibility for prices
in accordance with 263.
c. Mailers must separate/pool all
eligible flat-size mailpieces into FSS
scheme bundles according to L006.
d. Each mailpiece must be identified
with an optional endorsement line in
accordance with Exhibit 708.7.1.1; or
when authorized, using a red Label 5
SCH barcoded pressure-sensitive bundle
15.0 Combining Standard Mail Flats
and Periodicals Flats
Basic Standards
15.1.6 Piece Prices
[Revise the text of 15.1.6 to read as
Apply piece prices based on the
bundle level except FSS scheme
bundles apply the piece prices based on
the original bundle level. Pieces
contained within mixed class bundles
may claim prices based on the presort
level of the bundle.
15.1.11 Preparation for FSS Zones
[Revise the introductory text of
15.1.11 to read as follows.]
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Mailers authorized to combine
mailings of Standard Mail flats and
Periodicals flats must prepare these
mailings under 14.0, when the mailing
includes pieces destinating within one
or more of the FSS zones in L006. The
following applies:
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Each mailpiece must be identified
with an optional endorsement line
(OEL), including the correct ZIP Code
listed in L006, Column B, in accordance
with Exhibit 708.7.1.1. The OEL
described in 2.2 must not be used with
mailpieces prepared under this option.
Pallet Preparation
15.4.1 Pallet Preparation, Sequence
and Labeling
When combining Standard Mail and
Periodicals flats within the same bundle
or combining bundles of Standard Mail
flats and bundles of Periodicals flats on
pallets, bundles must be placed on
pallets. Preparation, sequence and
[Reverse the order of items a and b to
read as follows.]
a. 5-digit scheme carrier routes,
required. Pallet must contain only
carrier route bundles for the same 5digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit
destinations not part of L001, 5-digit
carrier routes pallet preparation begins
with 15.4.1c. Labeling:
1. Line 1: L001.
2. Line 2: ‘‘STD/PER FLTS’’; followed
by ‘‘CARRIER ROUTES’’ (or ‘‘CR–RTS’’);
followed by ‘‘SCHEME’’ (or ‘‘SCH’’);
followed by ‘‘MIX COMAIL.’’
b. Merged 5-digit scheme, optional.
Not permitted for bundles containing
noncarrier route automation-compatible
flats under 201.6.0. Required for all
other bundles. Pallet must contain
carrier route bundles and noncarrier
route 5-digit bundles (Presorted bundles
only) for the same 5-digit scheme under
L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of
L001, merged 5-digit pallet preparation
begins with 15.4.1d. Labeling:
1. Line 1: L001.
2. Line 2: ‘‘STD/PER FLTS CR/5D;’’
followed by ‘‘SCHEME’’ (or ‘‘SCH’’);
followed by ‘‘MIX COMAIL.’’
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Technical Specifications
1.0 Standardized Documentation for
First-Class Mail, Periodicals, Standard
Mail, and Flat-Size Bound Printed
1.3 Price Level Column Headings
The actual name of the price level (or
abbreviation) is used for column
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:20 Oct 14, 2016
Jkt 241001
headings required by 1.2 and shown
a. Automation First-Class Mail,
Standard Mail, and barcoded
[Revise the table in item a to read as
5-Digit scheme [FSS Periodicals flats and Standard
Mail flats].
5-Digit [First-Class Mail letters and flats, Periodicals
letters and flats, and
Standard Mail letters and
3-Digit FSS [Periodicals flats
and Standard Mail flats].
3-Digit [First-Class Mail letters and flats, Periodicals
letters and flats, and
Standard Mail letters and
AADC [First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and Standard Mail
ADC [First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and Standard Mail
Mixed AADC [First-Class
Mail, Periodicals, and
Standard Mail letters].
Mixed ADC [First-Class Mail,
Periodicals, and Standard
Mail flats].
Basic [In-County Periodicals]
Firm [Outside-County Periodicals].
PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4702
Mixed ADC [Standard Mail
nonmachinable letters,
flats, irregular parcels; and
all Periodicals].
NDC [Standard Mail machinable parcels and Marketing parcels 6 ounces
and over].
Mixed NDC [Standard Mail
machinable parcels and
Marketing parcels 6
ounces and over].
Firm [Outside-County Periodicals].
c. Carrier Route Periodicals and
Enhanced Carrier Route Standard Mail:
[Revise the table in item c to read as
[Revise the table in item b to read as
b. Presorted First-Class Mail,
barcoded and nonbarcoded Periodicals
flats, nonbarcoded Periodicals letters,
and machinable and nonmachinable
Standard Mail:
Presorted [First-Class Mail
letters/cards, flats, and
5-Digit [all Standard Mail and
Periodicals letters].
5-Digit FSS [Periodicals flats
and Standard Mail flats].
3-Digit [all Standard Mail and
Periodicals letters].
3-Digit FSS [Periodicals flats
and Standard Mail flats].
SCF [for Standard Mail parcels].
AADC [Standard Mail machinable letters].
ADC [Standard Mail nonmachinable letters, flats,
and irregular parcels, and
all Periodicals].
Basic [In-County Periodicals]
Mixed AADC [Standard Mail
machinable letters].
Saturation [letters, flats, and
irregular parcels].
Saturation FSS [Periodicals
High Density [letters, flats,
and irregular parcels].
High Density FSS [flats] .......
High Density Plus [Standard
Mail only; letters and flats].
High Density Plus FSS
[Standard Mail only flats].
Basic [letters, flats, and irregular parcels].
Basic FSS [flats] ...................
Firm [Outside-County Periodicals].
1.6 Detailed Zone Listing for
Definition and Retention
[Revise the first sentence of 1.6.1 to
read as follows.]
The publisher must be able to present
documentation to support the number of
copies of each edition of an issue, by
entry point, mailed to each zone, and at
DDU, DSCF, DADC, DNDC, and InCounty prices. * * *
Zone Abbreviations
Use the actual price name or the
authorized zone abbreviation in the
listings in 1.0 and
Zone abbreviation
[Delete the row containing FSS]
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 200 / Monday, October 17, 2016 / Proposed Rules
7.0 Optional Endorsement Lines
text, including the correct ZIP code
listed in Column B of L006, as described
in Exhibit 7.1.1. * * *
An optional endorsement line (OEL)
may be used to label bundles instead of
applying pressure-sensitive bundle
labels or facing slips to the top piece of
bundles except each mailpiece in a FSS
bundle must bear an optional
endorsement line in human-readable
7.1.1. Basic Standards
[Revise the first sentence of the
introductory text to read as follows.]
Exhibit 7.1.1
[Revise Exhibit 7.1.1 to read as
Sortation level
OEL example
Firm—BPM machinable parcels .................................................................................................
Firm—Periodicals ........................................................................................................................
Origin Mixed ADC—Periodicals (3-digit ZIP Code prefix) ..........................................................
Carrier Route—Periodicals basic ...............................................................................................
Carrier Route—basic FSS ..........................................................................................................
Carrier Route—Periodicals high density ....................................................................................
Carrier Route—High density FSS ..............................................................................................
Carrier Route—Periodicals saturation ........................................................................................
Carrier Route—Periodicals Saturation FSS ...............................................................................
ECR—Standard Mail basic .........................................................................................................
ECR—Standard Mail high density or high density plus .............................................................
ECR—High Density Plus FSS ....................................................................................................
ECR—Standard Mail saturation .................................................................................................
Carrier Route—Bound Printed Matter ........................................................................................
Carrier Route FSS—Bound Printed Matter ................................................................................
5-Digit ..........................................................................................................................................
5-Digit (Nonautomation FSS flats) ..............................................................................................
5-Digit Scheme (Automation flats) ..............................................................................................
5-Digit Scheme (Automation FSS flats) .....................................................................................
3-Digit ..........................................................................................................................................
3-Digit (Nonautomation FSS flats) ..............................................................................................
3-Digit Scheme (Automation flats) ..............................................................................................
3-Digit Scheme (Automation FSS flats) .....................................................................................
ADC (3-digit ZIP Code prefix) ....................................................................................................
ADC (5-digit ZIP Code) ..............................................................................................................
Mixed ADC (3-digit ZIP Code prefix) ..........................................................................................
Mixed ADC (5-digit ZIP Code) ....................................................................................................
Optional tray level piece ID for automation letters:
AADC (3-digit ZIP Code prefix) ...........................................................................................
AADC (5-digit ZIP Code) .....................................................................................................
Mixed AADC (3-digit ZIP Code prefix) ................................................................................
Mixed AADC (5-digit ZIP Code) ..........................................................................................
Additional required human-readable text for use with combined mailings of Standard Mail and
5-Digit Scheme (and other sortation levels as appropriate) ...............................................
5-Digit Scheme (Automation FSS flats) ..............................................................................
5-Digit (Nonautomation FSS flats) ......................................................................................
3-Digit (Automation FSS flats) .............................................................................................
3-Digit (Nonautomation FSS flats) ......................................................................................
Carrier Route high density plus (FSS flats) ........................................................................
Carrier Route high density (FSS flats) ................................................................................
Carrier Route basic .............................................................................................................
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
7.1.8 Required OEL Use in Combined
Mailings of Standard Mail and
Periodicals Flats
Mailers authorized to combine
Standard Mail flats and Periodicals flats,
under 705.15.0, must apply an OEL
identifying the presort level of the
bundle and other applicable information
as specified in 7.1 to each mailpiece.
The following additional standards also
[Revise item c to read as follows.]
c. When combined mailings of
Standard Mail and Periodicals flats are
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:20 Oct 14, 2016
Jkt 241001
Stanley F. Mires,
Attorney, Federal Compliance.
Frm 00033
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
FIRM 12345.
FIRM 12345.
CR LOT 1234A**C–001.
CAR–RT WSH**C–001.
CAR–RT WSS**C–001.
ECRLOT 1234A**C–001.
5-DIGIT 12345.
SCH 5-DIGIT 12345.
3-DIGIT 771.
SCH 3-DIGIT 006.
SCH 5-Digit 12345 FSSF.
ALL FOR ADC 90197.
MIXED ADC 60821.
40 CFR Parts 52, and 81
[EPA–R05–OAR–2016–0396; FRL–9954–22–
Region 5]
Air Plan Approval; Ohio;
Redesignation of the Cleveland Area to
Attainment of the 2008 Ozone Standard
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a
July 6, 2016, request from the Ohio
[FR Doc. 2016–24710 Filed 10–14–16; 8:45 am]
prepared to FSS zones under
705.15.1.11, each mailpiece must bear
an optional endorsement line in humanreadable text, including the correct ZIP
code listed in Column B of L006, as
described in Exhibit 7.1.1.
We will publish an appropriate
amendment to 39 CFR part 111 to reflect
these changes if our proposal is
PO 00000
OEL Formats
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 200 (Monday, October 17, 2016)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 71428-71444]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-24710]
39 CFR Part 111
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
AGENCY: Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Proposed Rule.
SUMMARY: In October 2016, the Postal Service filed a notice of mailing
services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC),
effective January 22, 2017. This proposed rule contains the revisions
to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM[supreg]) that we would adopt to implement the changes
coincident with the price adjustments.
DATES: We must receive comments on or before November 16, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product
Classification, U.S. Postal Service[supreg], 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW.,
Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all
written comments at USPS[supreg] Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant
Plaza SW., 11th Floor N, Washington, DC by appointment only between the
hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, by calling 1-202-
268-2906 in advance. Email comments, containing the name and address of
the commenter, may be sent to:, with a
subject line of ``January 2017 Domestic Mailing Services Proposal.''
Faxed comments are not accepted.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Audrey Meloni at (856) 933-4360 or
Lizbeth Dobbins at (202) 268-3789.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Proposed prices will be available under
Docket Number(s) R2017-1 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's Web site
The Postal Service's proposed rule includes: Changes to prices,
several mail classification updates, mailpiece marking changes,
modifications to mailpiece weights and mail preparation categories,
multiple product simplification efforts, a few minor revisions to the
DMM to condense language and eliminate redundancy, a change to the
redemption period of a money order claim from two years to one year,
the addition of Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS) stamp shipment
fee language, and updates to Enterprise Post Office Box Online (ePOBOL)
process that changes payment periods for online Post Office Box
Flats Sequencing System (FSS)--Overview of Changes
As background, the Postal Service required bundle and pallet
preparation of flat-size Standard Mail[supreg], Periodicals, and Bound
Printed Matter mailpieces for delivery within ZIP CodesTM
served by FSS processing in the December 18, 2013 Federal Register
final rule [78 FR 76533-76548] which was incorporated into the DMM on
January 26, 2014. Subsequently, on May 31, 2015, the Postal Service
introduced FSS-specific price structures for flat-sized Bound Printer
Matter, Standard Mail, and Periodicals mailpieces, pursuant to PRC
Order no. 2472, issued on May 7, 2015. This current Federal Register
proposal if adopted, removes all FSS-specific pricing structures from
Periodicals, Standard Mail and Bound Printed Matter but leaves mail
preparation requirements intact with a few updated requirements. One
change, for example, requires mailers to add necessitate optional
endorsement lines (OEL) on each FSS scheme mailpiece.
[[Page 71429]]
Again, FSS preparation rules remain intact for Standard Mail,
Periodicals and Bound Printed Matter for applicable FSS zones as
defined by Labeling List L006. The required carrier route separation is
new for Standard Mail High Density and High Density Plus and for
Saturation bundles. As a reminder, all presorted and carrier route
Bound Printed Matter (BPM) , and Periodicals flats meeting the
standards in 201.6.2 must be sorted to FSS schemes, properly bundled
and placed on or in pallets, trays, sacks or approved containers, for
FSS scheme ZIP Code combinations within the same facility. Mailings
(excluding saturation mailings of Standard Mail) with non presorted BPM
flats may be included in FSS preparation, but will not be eligible for
presorted, or carrier route prices.
To reiterate, all mailpieces in a 5-digit scheme FSS bundle must be
identified with an optional endorsement line (OEL), as described in DMM
708.7.0. Mailpieces entered under a combined mailing of Standard Mail
and Periodicals flats (DMM 705.15.0) still include class and price
markings, applicable to the price paid, in addition to the OEL.
Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter flats properly
included in a FSS scheme pool qualify for the piece price applied prior
to inclusion in the FSS scheme pool with the following exceptions for
Standard Mail: (1) A carrier route mailpiece in a FSS bundle on a FSS
scheme pallet will receive the Basic CR-Bundles/Pallet price and (2) a
carrier route mailpiece in a FSS bundle on a FSS facility pallet will
receive the Basic CR price. Additional information on each mail class
affected is under the Bound Printed Matter, Periodicals, and Standard
Mail sections in this proposal.
First-Class Mail
Combine First-Class Mail Commercial Automation Automated Area
Distribution Center (AADC) and 3-Digit Sortations for Letters and Cards
Into One Combined Sortation Level Known as AADC
Currently, there are four presort levels for First-Class Mail
Commercial Automation Letters and Cards: Mixed AADC Automation Letters
(Cards), AADC Automation Letters (Cards), 3-Digit Automation Letters
(Cards), and 5-Digit Automation Letters (Cards). To help simplify the
pricing structure, the Postal Service implemented the same price for
AADC Automation Letters and 3-Digit Automations Letters in Docket No.
R2012-3. In Docket No. R2013-1, the similar change was made for
Automation Cards. The Postal Service is now proposing to combine AADC
and 3-Digit presort levels into one sortation. The new sortation name
will be AADC. The existing labeling List 801 will drive the FCM AADC
separations and the L003 list will become obsoleted. Origin entry
separations, based on labeling List 002, will be modified to reflect
origin entry AADC separations.
Increase the Weight Standard for First-Class Mail (FCM) Commercial
Automation and Machinable Letters and Cards From uP to 3.3 Ounces to Up
to 3.5 Ounces
Currently, the ``up to'' weight standard for FCM Commercial
Machinable Letters is 3.3 ounces. This lower weight break of up to 3.3
ounces is being increased due to mail processing improvements. Since
machinable letters must follow the standards for Automation Letters
(except for IMb), the same weight maximum should apply. Based on this,
the Postal Service is proposing to increase the weight maximum from 3.3
ounces to 3.5 ounces. This change does not apply to the maximum weight
of Booklets which are capped at 3.0 ounces.
One Price for Up to 3.5 Ounces for First-Class Mail (FCM) Commercial
Automation Letters
Currently, the same price applies for one and two ounce pieces for
each individual mail sortation level for First-Class Mail (FCM)
Commercial Automation Letters. The Postal Service is proposing one
price for up to 3.5 ounces for each individual mail sortation level for
FCM Commercial Automation Letters. The weight increase will encourage
mailers to insert additional information or sales offers, and will
increase the value of the FCM brand. This proposal will also apply to
mixed-weight FCM Residual mailings up to 3.5 ounces. The current
preparation requirements for non-blended trays, such as one ounce, up
to two ounces, and now extending to 3.5 ounces will continue if this
proposal is adopted. This change does not include FCM Single-Piece
Letters (non-Residual) or FCM Flats.
Simplification and Renaming FCM Alternate Postage to FCM Share Mail
The Postal Service is proposing to rename Alternate Postage to
Share Mail. This Federal Register notice reiterates the content of a
previous announcement of this proposal published in the June 9, 2016
Postal Bulletin issue #22443. Share Mail allows Postal Service
customers to distribute single-piece First-Class Mail letters or cards
to consumers, who may in turn mail those pieces to any domestic
address, without having to affix postage. Share Mail pieces are
permitted to weigh up to one ounce each. Payment is collected
electronically from the customer's Postage Due and Centralized
Accounting Postage System (CAPS) Account. Invoicing is performed
manually, by the Postal Service's Share Mail Program Office in
Share Mail has proven to be a viable option for senders to share
information with numerous recipients. To continue the Postal Service's
efforts to simplify its product line, the Share Mail payment tiers will
be collapsed into one, and upfront postage payment requirements will be
eliminated. Unique Intelligent Mail barcodes are no longer required nor
is a signed Marketing Agreement. Picture Permit will no longer be
available in order to help expedite its approval process. A customer
who wishes to participate must submit a request to the Share Mail
Program Office along with production pieces to ensure readability for
postal processing. Share Mail relies on Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb)
technology and scan data collected as the mailpiece travels through the
mailstream to determine piece counts, so readability is paramount.
Eliminate Flats Sequencing System (FSS) Pricing
The Postal Service is proposing to eliminate the FSS-specific price
structures for Periodicals Outside-County. FSS preparation will still
be required and all FSS marking requirements will remain as is.
Outside-County Periodicals flats properly included in a FSS scheme
pool, qualify for the price applied prior to the FSS scheme pool. If a
FSS scheme pallet is drop shipped to a DFSS facility, the pallet will
receive Carrier Route pallet pricing. If a FSS facility pallet is drop
shipped to a DFSS facility the pallet will receive DSCF pallet pricing.
Qualifying FSS scheme pieces entered at a DFSS facility receive DSCF
pound pricing. FSS scheme bundles on an FSS scheme pallet will receive
carrier route bundle prices. FSS scheme bundles on an FSS facility
pallet will receive 3-digit/SCF bundle pricing. FSS scheme and facility
sack/trays or other authorized container will receive 3-digit/SCF sack/
tray prices.
[[Page 71430]]
Standard Mail
Renaming Standard Mail to ``USPS Marketing Mail''
The Postal Service is proposing to rename Standard Mail to ``USPS
Marketing Mail''. This name change will better communicate to our
customers the message that Standard Mail fits into their marketing mix.
The 2015 Household Diary Study shows that customers primarily use
Standard Mail to send advertisements. According to the study, taken in
Fiscal Year 2015, 84.1 percent of Standard Mail volume \1\ received by
households, contained advertising. Standard Mail is a primary tool for
customers to market a product, service, or an organization. Renaming
Standard Mail to ``USPS Marketing Mail'' will make it easier for
customers to understand what Standard Mail is and how it can be used.
The name change further supports the customer engagement message of
direct mail, reinforces Postal Service initiatives to promote combining
physical and digital advertising formats as part of the omni-channel
outreach. This outreach is encouraged by the USPS 2017 Mail Promotions,
and enhances the value of the Postal Service's brand. To help smooth
the transition for this change, the Postal Service will modify postage
statements and the DMM for January 2017 and implement other changes to
postal forms or documents during the normal update cycles. The initial
implementation date for mailers to adopt the new USPS Marketing Mail
abbreviations (such as MKT in lieu of for STD) is July 1, 2017.
Abbreviations and examples of permit imprints will be available in a
future Postal Bulletin.
\1\ John Mazzone & Samie Rehman, The Household Diary Study: Mail
Use & Attitudes in FY 2015, United States Postal Service (May 2016).
Available at:
\1\ The Household Diary Study, Table A3-1.
Bound Printed Matter
Eliminate Flat Sequencing System (FSS) Pricing
The Postal Service is proposing to eliminate FSS-specific price
structures for Bound Printed Matter Flats. FSS preparation will still
be required and all FSS marking requirements will remain as is. Bound
Printed Matter flat pieces included in an FSS scheme bundle pool
qualify for zone and entry piece pricing and pound pricing. If an FSS
container is drop shipped to a DFSS facility, those pieces will receive
DSCF pricing.
Combine AADC and 3 Digit Automation Sorts for Letters Into One Sort
Currently there are four presort levels for Standard Mail and
Standard Mail Nonprofit Automation Letters: Mixed AADC Automation
Letters, AADC Automation Letters, 3-Digit Automation Letters, and 5-
Digit Automation Letters. To help simplify the pricing structure, the
Postal Service implemented the same price for AADC Automation Letters
and 3-Digit Automations Letters in Docket No. R2013-1. The Postal
Service is now proposing to combine these two presort levels (AADC and
3-Digit) into one sortation. The new sortation name will be AADC if
this proposal is adopted.
Increase the Weight Standard for Standard Mail and Standard Mail
Nonprofit Nonautomation Machinable Letters From Up to 3.3 Ounces to Up
to 3.5 Ounces
Currently, the ``up to'' weight standard for Standard Mail and
Standard Mail Nonprofit Machinable Letters is 3.3 ounces. This lower
weight break of up to 3.3 ounces is no longer needed due to
improvements in mail processing equipment. Since machinable letters
must follow the standards for Automation Letters (except for the IMb
standards), the weight maximum should also follow. Thus the Postal
Service is proposing to increase the weight maximum from 3.3 ounces to
3.5 ounces. This change does not include Standard Mail Ride-Along
mailpieces which are capped at 3.3 ounces and are inserted into a host
Periodicals mailpiece.
It's important for both the Industry and the Postal Service to
evaluate the effects of higher weight breaks for First-Class Mail
automation letters and cards along with Standard Mail letters.
Collaboration and feedback throughout calendar year 2017 will be
critical in helping to determine whether higher weights cause
processing and/or address quality metrics to be put at risk.
Reduce Simple Sample Tiers
There are currently six volume tiers for Standard Mail Commercial
and Nonprofit Simple Samples. Based on the volume thresholds currently
used by most customers, the Postal Service is proposing to collapse the
existing six tiers into two new tiers: Volumes up to and equal to
200,000 pieces, and volumes greater than 200,000 pieces.
Eliminate Flat Sequencing System (FSS) Pricing
The Postal Service is proposing to eliminate the FSS-specific price
structures within Standard Mail and Standard Mail Nonprofit. FSS
preparation will still be required and all FSS marking requirements
will remain intact. Standard Mail and Standard Mail Nonprofit flats
properly included in a FSS scheme pool, qualify for the price applied
prior to the FSS scheme pool with the following exceptions: (1) A
carrier route mailpiece in an FSS bundle on an FSS scheme pallet will
receive the Basic CR-Bundles/Pallet price, and (2) a carrier route
mailpiece in a FSS bundle on an FSS facility pallet will receive the
Basic CR price. If an FSS pallet is drop shipped to a DFSS facility,
those pieces will receive DSCF pricing.
Increase Standard Mail and Standard Mail Nonprofit Flats, Nonautomation
Letters, and Nonmachinable Letters Piece Price Weight Break Structure
From 3.3 Ounces to 4.0 Ounces
The current piece/pound price structure for Standard Mail and
Standard Mail Nonprofit Flats, Nonautomation Letters, and Nonmachinable
Letters does not provide a simple, clear view of the actual price of a
mailing especially when here are nonidentical-weight pieces when some
pieces are between 3.3 and 4 ounces. The Postal Service is proposing to
increase the Standard Mail and Standard Mail Nonprofit Flats, and
Nonautomation and Nonmachinable Letters piece price weight break
structure from 3.3 ounces to 4.0 ounces. Pieces up to 4 ounces will pay
the same price and a pound price will apply over 4 ounces. This
proposal does not include Nonautomation Machinable Letters.
Extra Services
Collect on Delivery (COD) Redesign
Currently, Collect on Delivery allows for both street delivery and
Hold for Pickup (HFPU) options and is available at Retail locations,
online, and through commercial channels. Letter Carriers may accept
cash, money order or checks for the amount due up to $1,000.00 from the
recipient upon delivery. Recipients of COD shipments can currently pick
up their items at USPS Retail locations or wait for a USPS Letter
Carrier to deliver them to a street address. Carriers may have to
redeliver COD pieces at the street address if the customer is not home
or able to pay on the first attempt.
The Postal Service is proposing to make Hold For Pickup the only
delivery method for Collect on Delivery items. COD items would be
addressed to the delivery address of the recipient's Post Office. The
recipient would receive a notification message to pick-up the item at
the Post Office. A reminder email,
[[Page 71431]]
text or phone call message will be sent for Priority Mail Express
shipments on day 3 and for all other packages on day 5. After 5 days,
Priority Mail Express shipments will be returned to sender. After 15
days all other shipments returned to the sender. As a result of these
changes the sender will have their items back in less time than under
the current delivery attempt processes. Holding all COD shipments for
pick-up has the potential to reduce delivery costs for the Postal
Service, as well as ensure prompt payment for the sender.
Returns Simplification
Eliminate BRM Parcels Permit & Account Maintenance Fee
Currently, Business Reply Mail (BRM) consists of letters, flats,
and parcels. Occasionally BRM customers choose to use Business Reply
Mail for return parcels because they possessed a BRM permit for inbound
correspondence. The Postal Service is proposing to waive the annual
permit fee for those current customers using BRM exclusively for return
parcels. This will align BRM parcels with other returns products. BRM
permit fees for letters and flats, and for weight-averaged BRM letters,
flats & parcels, will remain.
Eliminate QBRM Permit Fees
To further support simplification, the Postal Service is also
proposing to eliminate the annual permit fees for Business Reply
Customers who use only QBRM Basic and High Volume Qualified for letters
and cards. All other fees and postage pricing remain intact.
Implement a Simplified Approach for Shipping Services
The Postal Service is proposing to eliminate the fees for certain
outbound and return permits used for parcel shipments including
associated annual account maintenance fees. This proposal streamlines
the application and returns process and also eliminates the need to pay
permit application fees for additional entry points. Shipping Products
included under this umbrella are outbound shipments of Priority Mail
Express, Priority Mail, First-Class Package Service, Parcel Select
(including Parcel Select Lightweight), Bound Printed Matter, Media
Mail, Library Mail and for return shipments of MRS, Parcel Return
Service and BRM (parcels only).
Address Correction Service
Adjust Standard Mail Forwarding Fee to 2 Decimal Places
Currently, Standard Mail Letters and Flats mailers that use this
service are charged the Forwarding Fee via Address Correction Service
(ACS) billing which is managed by the ACS Department of Address
Management Systems in Memphis, TN. The ACS data file, Shipping Notice
data file, and the Invoice data file have an implied decimal position
that is conducive to the 2-decimal places for address correction
services. When mailers use these files to track their ACS fees and
costs, they must recognize that the Forwarded Fee product codes have an
implied 3-decimal place price and must manipulate the data files
provided to them through ACS so that the decimal place differences are
recognized in all of the data files provided via ACS. This proposal
would adjust the Standard Mail Forwarding Fee to 2-decimal point places
to allow mailers to track their ACS fees and costs without making
adjustments for the Forwarding Fees.
Money Order Redemption Period
To help simplify Postal accounting procedures and comport with
Banking Industry Standards, and other companies' comparable money order
offerings, the Postal Service proposes to change the time limit for
claims for improper payment to a limit of one year. This language will
be updated on the reverse side of the domestic and international money
order form so the purchaser is aware of the time limit.
Enterprise PO Boxes Online (ePOBOL) Payment Process Change
The U.S. Postal Service continues to seek opportunities to
streamline mailers' experience when using our products and services.
For example, we plan to allow Enterprise PO Boxes Online customers to
modify their current payment period to align their multiple PO Boxes,
Caller Service, and Reserve payments to one due date per year, when
using an Enterprise Payment Account (EPA).
Eligible customers will be allowed to pay pro-rated fees, on a one
time basis to align all payments to a selected annual renewal date in
the future. This method is optional and will be available for all of an
eligible customer's PO Boxes and Caller Service numbers. When the true-
up date is reached they will continue to pay for the 12 month term as
committed when first enrolled in the Enterprise Payment Account.
OMAS Stamp Delivery Fee
Federal Agencies Ordering Stamps From the Stamp Fulfillment Center
Federal agencies have the option today to order stamps from the
USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services in Kansas City and to pay for the
stamps through their Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS) accounts.
It has been a long-standing practice to charge customers other than
federal agencies a nominal handling fee for all purchases ordered
through Stamp Fulfillment Services. Beginning January 1, 2017, these
fees will apply to federal agencies using OMAS.
The handling fee schedule can be found in section 1560 of the Mail
Classification Schedule, under References, on the Postal Regulatory
Commission Web site at
The Postal Service provides additional resources to assist
customers with this price change for competitive products. These tools
include price lists, downloadable price files, and Federal Register
Notices, which may be found on the Postal Explorer[supreg] Web site at
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and procedure, Incorporation by reference,
Postal Service.
Although we are exempt from the notice and comment requirements of
the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553(b), (c)) regarding
proposed rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), we invite public comments on
the following proposed revisions to Mailing Standards of the United
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), incorporated by
reference in the Code of Federal Regulations. See 39 CFR 111.1.
Accordingly, 39 CFR part 111 is proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR part 111 continues to read as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-
1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001-3011, 3201-3219,
3403-3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the following sections of Mailing Standards of the United
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
[[Page 71432]]
100 Retail Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
* * * * *
110 Priority Mail Express
* * * * *
115 Priority Mail Express--Mail Preparation
* * * * *
2.0 Priority Mail Express 1-Day and 2-Day
* * * * *
2.3 Signature Required
[Revise the last sentence of 2.3 to read as follows:]
* * * A mailer must select signature service for Priority Mail
Express COD HFPU, or Priority Mail Express with additional insurance.
* * * * *
200 Commercial Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
201 Physical Standards
* * * * *
4.0 Physical Standards for Flats
* * * * *
4.7 Flat-Size Pieces Not Eligible for Flat-Size Prices
* * * * *
Exhibit 4.7b Pricing for Flats Exceeding Maximum Deflection (see 4.6)
[Revise Exhibit 4.7b as follows:]
* * * * * * *
Piece price eligibility as presented... Piece price eligibility with
failed deflection.
[Delete Machinable barcoded FSS]....... [Delete Nonmachinable barcoded
5-digit flat.
* * * * * * *
[Delete Machinable nonbarcoded FSS].... [Delete Nonmachinable
nonbarcoded 5-digit flat].
* * * * * * *
Eligibility as presented............... Eligibility with failed
[Delete Automation FSS Sch Pallet, [Delete Nonautomation FSS Sch
Automation FSS Other, Automation FSS Pallet, Nonautomation FSS
Sch Cont., and Automation FSS Facility Other, Nonautomation FSS Sch
Cont.]. Cont., and Nonautomation FSS
Facility Cont.].
* * * * * * *
Eligibility as presented............... Eligibility with failed
* * * * * * *
[Delete Barcoded/nonbarcoded FSS Sch [Delete Presorted parcel].
* * * * *
207 Periodicals
* * * * *
12.0 Nonbarcoded (Presorted) Eligibility
* * * * *
12.3 Prices--In-County
* * * * *
12.3.2 Three-Digit Prices
3-digit prices apply to:
* * *
[Add new item c as follows:]
c. Qualifying flats sorted to a FSS scheme under 705.14.0.
* * * * *
13.0 Carrier Route Eligibility
* * * * *
13.2 Sorting
13.2.1 Basic Standards
* * * * *
b. Nonletter-size mailings. Carrier route prices apply to carrier
route bundles that are sorted in one of the following ways:
[Revise item 13.2.1b1 to read as follows:]
1. Bundles sorted onto pallets prepared under 705.8.0, 705.10.0,
705.12.0, 705.13.0 or 705.14.0, as appropriate.
* * * * *
14.0 Barcoded (Automation) Eligibility
* * * * *
14.4 Prices--In-County
* * * * *
14.4.2 Three-Digit Prices
3-digit automation prices apply to:
* * *
[Add new item c as follows:]
c. Qualifying flats sorted to a FSS scheme under 705.14.0.
* * * * *
17.0 Documentation
* * * * *
17.4.0 Detailed Zone Listing for Periodicals
17.4.1 Basic Standards
[Revise the first sentence of 17.4.1 to read as follows:]
The publisher must be able to present documentation to support the
actual number of copies of each edition of an issue, by entry point,
mailed to each zone, at DDU, DSCF, DADC, DFSS (DFSS entered with DSCF
prices) and In-County prices. * * *
[[Page 71433]]
17.4.2 Format
Report the number of copies mailed to each 3-digit ZIP Code area at
zone prices using one of the following formats:
* * * * *
[Revise the first sentence of item b to read as follows.]
b. Report copies by zone (In-County DDU, In-County others, Outside-
County DDU, Outside-County DSCF, Outside-County DSCF entered at a DFSS
and Outside-County DADC) and by 3-digit ZIP Code, in ascending numeric
order, for each zone. * * *
17.4.3 Zone Abbreviations
Use the actual price name or the authorized zone abbreviation in
the listings in 17.3 and 17.4.2
Zone abbreviation Price equivalent
* * * * * * *
[Revise the Price Equivalent for FSS to read as follows.]
FSS....................................... Outside-County, DSCF (mail
entered at a DFSS).
* * * * *
18.0 General Mail Preparation
* * * * *
18.5 FSS Preparation
[Revise the text of 18.5 to read as follows.]
Flat sized Periodicals In-County priced mailings, along with a
maximum of 5,000 Outside-County pieces for the same issue (see 1.1.4)
may be optionally sorted under FSS preparation standards. All other
Periodicals flats including Saturation (Non-simplified addressed) and
High Density priced flats destinating and qualifying to FSS zones in
L006, must be prepared under 705.14.0.
* * * * *
29.0 Destination Entry
* * * * *
29.4 Destination Sectional Center Facility
* * * * *
29.4.2 Price Eligibility
[Revise the text of 29.4.2 to read as follows.]
Determine price eligibility as follows:
a. Pound Prices. Outside-County pieces are eligible for DSCF pound
prices when placed on an SCF or more finely presorted container,
deposited at the DSCF, DFSS or USPS-designated facility (see also
29.4.2b), and addressed for delivery within the DSCF's or DFSS service
area. Nonletter-size pieces are also eligible when the mailer deposits
5-digit bundles at the destination delivery unit (DDU) (the facility
where the carrier cases mail for delivery to the addresses on the
pieces) and the 5-digit bundles are in or on the following types of
1. A merged 5-digit scheme or merged 5-digit sack.
2. A merged 5-digit scheme, merged 5-digit, or 5-digit scheme
b. Container Prices. Mailers may claim the DSCF container price for
SCF or FSS and more finely presorted containers that are entered at and
destined within the service area of the SCF or FSS at which the
container is deposited.
29.5 Destination Flat Sequencing System (DFSS) Facility Entry
* * * * *
29.5.2 Eligibility
[Revise the first sentence of 29.5.2 to read as follows.]
DSCF prices apply to eligible FSS pieces deposited at a USPS-
designated FSS processing facility and correctly placed in a flat tray,
sack, alternate approved container or on a pallet, labeled to a FSS
scheme processed by that facility, under labeling list L006, column B
or C.
* * * * *
210 Priority Mail Express
* * * * *
215 Priority Mail Express--Mail Preparation
* * * * *
2.0 Priority Mail Express 1-Day and 2-Day
* * * * *
2.3 Signature Required
[Add the following text to 2.3 as the last sentence.]
* * * A mailer must select signature service for Priority Mail
Express COD HFPU, or Priority Mail Express with additional insurance.
* * * * *
230 First-Class Mail
233 Prices and Eligibility
* * * * *
5.0 Additional Eligibility Standards for Automation First-Class Mail
* * * * *
5.4 Price Application--Automation Cards and Letters
Automation prices apply to each piece that is sorted under 235.6.0
into the corresponding qualifying groups: [Revise the text in items a,
b, and c to read as follows.]
a. Groups of 150 or more pieces in 5-digit/scheme trays qualify for
the 5-digit price. Preparation to qualify for the 5-digit price is
optional. Pieces placed in full AADC trays in lieu of 5-digit/scheme
overflow trays under 235.6.5 are eligible for the 5-digit prices.
b. Groups of 150 or more pieces in AADC trays qualify for the AADC
c. Groups of fewer than 150 pieces in AADC origin and pieces placed
in mixed AADC trays in lieu of AADC overflow trays under 235.6.5 are
eligible for the AADC prices.
* * * * *
235 Mail Preparation
1.0 General Definition of Terms
* * * * *
1.3 Terms for Presort Levels
1.3.1 Letters and Cards
Terms used for presort levels are defined as follows:
[Delete items c through f and renumber items g through j as new c
through f]
* * * * *
6.0 Preparing Automation Letters
* * * * *
6.2 Mailings
The requirements for mailings are as follows:
* * * * *
[Revise item b to read as follows.]
b. First-Class Mail. A single automation price First-Class Mail
mailing may include pieces prepared at 5-digit, AADC, and mixed AADC
* * * * *
[[Page 71434]]
6.5 Tray Preparation
[Revise the introductory text of 6.5 to read as follows.]
Instead of preparing overflow trays with fewer than 150 pieces,
mailers may include these pieces in an existing qualified tray of at
least 150 or more pieces at the next tray level. (For example, if a
mailer has 30 overflow 5-digit pieces for ZIP Code 20260, these pieces
may be added to an existing qualified AADC tray for the correct
destination (ZIP Code prefix 202) and the overflow 5-digit pieces will
still qualify for the 5-digit price.). Mailers must note these trays on
standardized documentation (see 708.1.2). Pieces that are placed in the
next tray level must be grouped by destination and placed in the front
or back of that tray. Mailers may use this option selectively for AADC
ZIP Codes. This option does not apply to origin/entry trays.
Preparation sequence, tray size, and Line 1 labeling:
* * * * *
[Delete item b and renumber items c and d as b and c.]
[Revise renumbered item b to read as follows.]
b. AADC: Optional, but required for AADC price (150-piece minimum
except no miminum for origin entry AADC); overflow allowed; group
pieces by 3-digit (or 3-digit scheme) ZIP Code. For Line 1, use L801,
Column B.
6.6 Tray Line 2
Line 2: ``FCM LTR'' and:
* * * * *
[Delete items c and d and renumber items e and f as c and d.]
* * * * *
240 USPS Marketing Mail
243 Prices and Eligibility
* * * * *
4.0 Price Eligibility for USPS Marketing Mail
* * * * *
4.2 Minimum Per Piece Prices
The minimum per piece prices (the minimum postage that must be paid
for each piece) apply as follows:
* * * * *
[Revise the second sentence of item c to read as follows.]
c. * * * Except for Customized MarketMail pieces, discounted per
piece prices also may be claimed for destination network distribution
center (DNDC), destination sectional center facility (DSCF), and
destination delivery unit (DDU)) under 246. * * *
4.3 Piece/Pound Prices
[Revise the last sentence of 4.3 to read as follows.]
* * * Discounted per pound prices also may be claimed for
destination entry mailings-DNDC, DSCF, and DDU under 246.
* * * * *
5.0 Additional Eligibility Standards for Nonautomation USPS Marketing
Mail Letters, Flats, and Presorted Standard Mail Parcels
* * * * *
5.6 Nonautomation Price Application--Flats
5.6.1 5-Digit Prices for Flats
The 5-digit price applies to flat-size pieces:
[Add new item d as follows.]
* * * * *
d. In an FSS bundle of 10 or more pieces properly placed in sack of
at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of pieces or on a pallet under
5.6.2 3-Digit Prices for Flats
* * * * *
[Add new item c as follows.]
c. In an FSS bundle of 10 or more pieces properly placed in sack of
at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of pieces or on a pallet under
* * * * *
[Delete items 5.6.5 and 5.6.6]
* * * * *
6.0 Additional Eligibility Standards for Enhanced Carrier Route USPS
Marketing Mail Letters and Flats
* * * * *
6.3 Basic Price Enhanced Carrier Route Standards
* * * * *
6.3.3 Basic Price Eligibility--Flats
Basic prices apply to each piece in a carrier route bundle of 10 or
more pieces that is:
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Palletized under 705.8.0, 705.10.0, 705.12.0, 705.13.0 or
705.14.0 (FSS scheme bundles).
* * * * *
6.5 High Density and High Density Plus (Enhanced Carrier Route)
* * * * *
6.5.2 High Density and High Density Plus Prices for Flats
High density or high density plus prices apply to each piece
meeting the density standards in 6.5.1 or in a carrier route bundle of
10 or more pieces that is:
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Palletized under 705.8.0, 705.10.0, 705.12.0, 705.13.0 or
705.14.0 (FSS scheme bundles).
* * * * *
7.0 Eligibility Standards for Automation USPS Marketing Mail
* * * * *
7.4 Price Application for Automation Letters
Automation prices apply to each piece that is sorted under
245.10.0, into the corresponding qualifying groups:
* * * * *
[Delete item b and renumber item c as item b.]
[Revise renumbered item b to read as follows.]
b. Groups of fewer than 150 pieces in origin/entry AADC trays
qualify for the AADC price. Pieces placed in mixed AADC trays under
245.7.5 in lieu of AADC overflow trays also are eligible for AADC
prices (see 245.7.5).
* * * * *
7.5 Price Application for Automation Flats
Automation prices apply to each piece properly sorted into
qualifying groups:
[Revise items a and b to read as follows.]
a. The 5-digit price applies to flat-size pieces in a 5-digit/
scheme bundle or pooled in a FSS scheme bundle of 10 or more pieces, or
15 or more pieces, as applicable;
b. The 3-digit price applies to flat-size pieces in a 3-digit/
scheme bundle or pooled in a FSS scheme bundle of 10 or more pieces.
* * * * *
[Delete items e through h.]
* * * * *
245 Mail Preparation
1.0 General Information for Mail Preparation
* * * * *
1.6 FSS Preparation
[Revise the text of 1.6 to read as follows.]
Except for Standard Mail flats mailed at Saturation prices, all
Standard Mail flats and meeting the physical standards in 201.6.2
destinating to a FSS scheme in accordance with labeling list L006 must
be prepared under 705.14.0.
* * * * *
7.0 Preparing Automation Letters
* * * * *
[[Page 71435]]
7.5 Tray Preparation
[Revise the introductory text to read as follows.]
Instead of preparing overflow trays with fewer than 150 pieces,
mailers may include these pieces in an existing qualified tray of at
least 150 or more pieces at the next tray level. (For example, if a
mailer has 30 overflow 5-digit pieces for ZIP Code 20260, these pieces
may be added to an existing qualified AADC tray for the correct
destination and the overflow 5-digit pieces will still qualify for the
5-digit price). Mailers must note these trays on standardized
documentation (see 708.1.2). Pieces that are placed in the next tray
level must be grouped by destination and placed in the front or back of
that tray. Mailers may use this option selectively for AADC ZIP Codes.
This option does not apply to origin/entry AADC trays. Preparation
sequence, tray size, and Line 1 labeling:
* * * * *
[Delete item b and renumber items c and d as items b and c.]
[Revise renumbered item b to read as follows.]
c. AADC: optional, but required for AADC price (150-piece minimum
except no minimum for origin entry AADC); overflow allowed; group
pieces by 3-digit (or 3-digit scheme) ZIP Code prefix. For Line 1, use
L801, Column B.
* * * * *
7.6 Tray Line 2
Line 2: ``STD LTR'' and:
[Delete items c and d and renumbered items e and f as c and d.]
* * * * *
246 Enter and Deposit
* * * * *
6.0 Destination Flat Sequencing System (DFSS) Facility Entry
* * * * *
6.2 Eligibility
[Revise the first sentence of 6.2 to read as follows.]
DSCF prices apply to pieces deposited at a USPS-designated FSS
processing site and correctly placed in or on a container labeled to a
FSS scheme or FSS Facility processed by that site under labeling list
L006 (Column B or Column C).
* * * * *
260 Bound Printed Matter
263 Prices and Eligibility
1.0 Prices and Fees for Bound Printed Matter
1.1 Nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter
1.1.1 Prices
[Revise the second sentence of 1.1.1 to read follows.]
* * * The nonpresorted price applies to BPM not mailed at the
Presorted or carrier route prices. * * *
* * * * *
1.2 Presorted and Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter
* * * * *
1.2.3 Price Application
[Revise the first sentence of 1.2.3 to read as follows.]
The presorted Bound Printed Matter price has a per piece charge and
a per pound charge. * * *
* * * * *
1.2.8 Computing Postage for Permit Imprint
[Revise the introductory text of 1.2.8 to read as follows.]
Presorted and Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter mailings paid with
permit imprint are charged a per pound price and a per piece price as
* * * * *
4.0 Price Eligibility for Bound Printed Matter
4.1 Price Eligibility
BPM prices are based on the weight of a single addressed piece or 1
pound, whichever is higher, and the zone (where applicable) to which
the piece is addressed. Price categories are as follows:
* * * * *
[Revise items b and c to read as follows.]
b. Presorted Price. The Presorted price applies to BPM prepared in
a mailing of at least 300 BPM pieces, prepared and presorted as
specified in 265.5.0, 265.8.0, 705.8.0, 705.14.0 and 705.21.0. Each
parcel must bear a unique Intelligent Mail package barcode or extra
services barcode, including a postal routing code, prepared under
c. Carrier Route Price. The Carrier Route price applies to BPM
prepared in a mailing of at least 300 pieces presorted to carrier
routes, prepared and presorted as specified in 265.6.0, 265.9.0,
705.8.0 or 705.14.0. Each parcel must bear a unique Intelligent Mail
package barcode or extra services barcode, including a postal routing
code, prepared under 708.5.0.
* * * * *
4.2 Destination Entry Price Eligibility
[Revise the first sentence of the introductory text to read as
BPM destination entry prices apply to BPM mailings prepared as
specified in 705.8.0, 705.14.0 and 265, and addressed for delivery
within the service area of a destination network distribution center,
sectional center facility, or delivery unit where they are deposited by
the mailer. * * *
* * * * *
[Revise item b to read as follows.]
b. A destination sectional center facility (DSCF) includes all
facilities in L005 and destination flats sequencing system (DFSS) in
* * * * *
265 Mail Preparation
1.0 General Information for Mail Preparation
* * * * *
1.6 FSS Preparation
[Revise text of 1.6 to read as follows.]
BPM flats claiming presorted prices in FSS scheme bundles, meeting
the standards in 201 and destinating to a FSS scheme in accordance with
labeling list L006, must be prepared under 705.14.0.
* * * * *
266 Enter and Deposit
* * * * *
5.0 Destination Sectional Center Facility (DSCF) Entry
* * * * *
5.2 Presorted Flats
[Revise the text of 5.2 to read as follows.]
Presorted flats and automation flats in sacks for the FSS scheme,
5-digit, 3-digit, and SCF sort levels or on pallets at the 5-digit
scheme, 5-digit, 3-digit, SCF, and ASF sort levels may claim DSCF
prices. Mail must be entered at the appropriate facility under 5.1.
* * * * *
7.0 Destination Flat Sequencing System (DFSS) Facility Entry
* * * * *
7.2 Eligibility
[Revise the first sentence of 7.2 to read as follows.]
DSCF prices apply to pieces deposited at a USPS-designated FSS
processing facility and correctly placed on a container labeled to a
FSS scheme or a
[[Page 71436]]
FSS facility processed by that facility or to a single 5-digit
destination processed by that facility under labeling list L006.
* * * * *
503 Extra and Additional Services
503.1.0 Basic Standards for All Extra Services
* * * * *
1.4 Matter Eligible for Extra Services
1.4.1 Eligible Matter
* * * * *
Exhibit 1.4.1 Eligible Matter--Domestic Destinations
[Revise Exhibit 1.4.1 as follows.]
Extra service Eligible mail class Additional combined services
Registered Mail * * * [Revise Registered Mail COD to read
Registered Mail COD HFPU]
* * * .................................... * * *
* * * * * * *
Return Receipt * * * * * *
* * * .................................... [Revise Collect on Delivery and
Collect on Deliver Restricted
Delivery to read as follows]
Collect on Delivery HFPU
Collect on Delivery HFPU Restricted
* * *
USPS Signature Services
Signature Confirmation * * * [Revise Collect on Delivery to read
as follows.]
Collect on Delivery Hold for
Pickup (COD HFPU)
* * *
Signature Confirmation Restricted * * * [Revise Collect on Delivery to read
Delivery as follows.]
Collect on Delivery Hold for
Pickup (COD HFPU)
* * *
* * * * * * *
[Revise the entire section for Collect on Delivery to read as follows:]
Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup Priority Mail Express (1-Day and 2- Return Receipt
(COD HFPU) Day only) Signature Confirmation \2\ (not
COD HFPU Restricted Delivery Priority Mail available for purchase with
First-Class Package Service Priority Mail Express COD HFPU)
Parcel Select Ground Special Handling-Fragile
Bound Printed Matter \2\
* * * * * * *
Special Handling
Special * * * [Revise Collect on Delivery to read
Handling--Fragile * * * as follows.] Collect On Delivery
Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU)
* * *
[Revise the footnotes to read as follows.]
\1\ Not at retail.
\2\ Parcels only.
\3\ If also purchased with Certified Mail, COD HFPU, insurance over $500.00 or Registered Mail, as eligible for
the mail class.
\4\ If also purchased with bulk insurance over $500.00.
\5\ If also purchased with COD HFPU insurance over $500.00, as eligible for the mail class.
\6\ If purchased with insurance over $500.00, COD HFPU, Registered Mail, or Signature Confirmation Restricted
\7\ Excludes Marketing Parcels.
* * * * *
Exhibit 1.4.2 Eligible Matter--Offshore Domestic Destinations
U.S. territories and Freely associated
Extra service APO/FPO/DPO possessions states
[Revise the heading for COD to read as follows:]
COD HFPU............................. No..................... Yes.................... Limited.\3\
[[Page 71437]]
* * * * *
1.5 Mailing
1.5.1 Where to Mail
[Revise the second and third sentences of 1.5.1 to read as
* * * Except for Registered Mail (see 2.0), COD HFPU (see 9.0), and
Adult Signature (see 8.0), items with postage and extra service fees
affixed may be placed in, but not on, a Post Office maildrop, a street
letterbox, or a rural mailbox, or may be given to the carrier (for that
delivery address). A mailer may schedule a Pickup on Demand, or
schedule a Package Pickup using for items bearing extra
services (except for Registered Mail, COD HFPU, and Adult Signature in
certain circumstances); however a physical scan must be received from
the USPS as evidence of acceptance (See 1.10 for obtaining mailing
receipts for extra service items). * * *
1.5.2 Presenting to Rural Carriers
[Revise the second sentence of 1.5.2 to read as follows.]
* * * When Registered Mail, Insured Mail, Certificate of Mailing,
Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU) (shipping label must
already be affixed), and Adult Signature in certain circumstances, is
desired, additional conditions under the standards for the extra
service must be met. * * *
* * * * *
1.10 Receipts
[Revise the text of 1.10 to read as follows.]
Except for certificate of mailing under 5.0, the mailer receives a
USPS sales receipt and the postmarked (round-dated) extra service form
for services purchased at retail channels. The mailer must provide the
receipt when submitting an insurance claim or filing an inquiry. For
articles mailed via PC Postage or other online services, the mailer may
access a computer printout online that identifies the applicable extra
service number, total postage paid, insurance fee amount, declared
value, declared mailing date, origin ZIP Code, and delivery ZIP Code.
For three or more pieces with extra or accountable services presented
for mailing at one time, the mailer uses Form 3877 (firm sheet) or
USPS-approved privately printed firm sheets (see 1.7.2) in lieu of the
receipt portion of the individual form. All entries made on firm sheets
must be computer-generated or made by typewriter, ink, or ballpoint
pen. Alterations must be initialed by the mailer and accepting
employee. Obliterate all unused portions of the addressee column with a
diagonal line. USPS-approved privately printed firm sheets that contain
the same information as Form 3877 may be approved by the local
Postmaster or manager Business Mail Entry. The mailer may omit columns
from privately printed Form 3877 that are not applicable to extra
service requested. If the mailer wants the firm sheets receipted by the
USPS (postmarked), the mailer must present the firm sheets with the
articles to be mailed at a Post Office. The postmarked firm sheets
become the mailer's receipts. For Registered Mail and COD HFPU (when
Label 3816 is used), the mailer submits the forms in duplicate and
receives one copy as a mailing receipt after the entries are verified
by the postal employee accepting the mailing. Except for Registered
Mail and COD HFPU items, the USPS keeps no mailing records for mail
pieces bearing extra services.
2.0 Registered Mail
[Revise the heading and introductory text of 2.1.5 to read as
2.1.5 Registered Mail COD HFPU
Sealed domestic mail bearing First-Class Package Service or
Priority Mail postage may be sent as Registered Mail COD HFPU when
meeting the standards in 9.0 and as follows:
* * * * *
[Revise the third sentence of item b to read as follows.]
b. * * * The total fees charged for registered COD HFPU service
include the proper registry fee for the value declared plus the
registered COD HFPU fee. * * *
[Revise the first sentence of item c to read as follows.].
c. The registered label and the COD HFPU label must be affixed to
each article. * * *
* * * * *
4.0 Insured Mail
* * * * *
4.1.1 Additional Insurance-Priority Mail Express
[Revise 4.1.1 to read as follows.]
Additional insurance, up to a maximum coverage of $5,000.00, may be
purchased for merchandise valued at more than $100.00 sent by Priority
Mail Express. The additional insurance fee is in addition to postage
and other fees. See Notice 123--Price List. Coverage is limited to the
actual value of the contents, regardless of the fee paid, or the
highest insurance value increment for which the fee is fully paid,
whichever is lower. When ``signature required'' service is not
requested or when ``waiver of signature'' is requested, additional
insurance is not available.
* * * * *
[Revise the heading of 9.0 to read as follows.]
9.0 Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU)
9.1 Basic Standards
9.1.1 Description
[Revise 9.1.1 to read as follows.]
Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU) is subject to the
basic standards in 1.0, and 508.7.0 for HFPU; see 1.4 for eligible
matter. Any mailer may use COD HFPU to mail an article (using a unique
COD HFPU number for each article) for which the mailer has not been
paid and have its price and the cost of the postage collected (not to
exceed $1,000.00) from the addressee (or agent) and held for pickup at
the Post Office of the addressee. COD HFPU service provides the mailer
with a mailing receipt and the USPS maintains a record of delivery
(including the recipient's signature). The recipient has the option to
pay the COD HFPU charges (with one form of payment) by cash, pin-fed
debit card, or a personal check or money order made payable to the
mailer (accepted by the USPS employee upon the recipient's presentation
of adequate identification). The USPS forwards the check or money order
to the mailer. If payment is made by cash, a money order fee is will be
collected from the recipient separately (unless the mailer is
authorized to participate in electronic funds transfer (EFT) for the
remittance (contact the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) (See
608.8.0) for EFT enrollment information), in addition to the COD HFPU
amount. The Postal Service cannot intervene in disputes between mailers
and recipients of COD HFPU mail after payment was returned to the
mailer. Customers may obtain a delivery record by purchasing a return
receipt. Bulk proof of delivery service (7.0) is also available if
electronic return receipt service is purchased at the time of mailing.
[Revise the heading and text of 9.1.2 to read as follows.]
9.1.2 Additional Conditions for COD HFPU Mail
COD HFPU service is available under the following additional
a. The name and address of the person to whom the remittance is to
be sent must appear in the proper location on the COD HFPU label and in
the return address area on the COD HFPU article with the postal
endorsements for return
[[Page 71438]]
if undeliverable. The return address must be the same in both
b. The mailer guarantees to pay any return postage, unless
otherwise specified on the label.
c. The goods shipped are ordered by the addressee.
d. COD HFPU service may not be used for:
1. Articles sent to international destinations, or from an APO/FPO/
DPO address, including official mail and shipments to Armed Forces
2. The return of merchandise about which some dissatisfaction
arises, unless the new addressee consents in advance to such return.
3. The mailing of only bills or statements of account, even with
the addressee's consent. If a legitimate COD HFPU shipment of
merchandise is mailed, the balance due on a past or expected
transaction may be included in the charges on a COD HFPU article, if
the addressee consents in advance to such action. In such a case, USPS
indemnity is limited to the value of the article lost or damaged, not
the full COD HFPU charges to be collected.
[Revise the heading and text of 9.1.3 to read as follows.]
9.1.3 Registered Mail COD HFPU
Sealed domestic mail bearing First-Class Package Service, or
Priority Mail postage may be sent as Registered Mail COD HFPU mail as
provided under 9.0 and 2.1.5.
[Revise the heading and text of 9.1.4 to read as follows.]
9.1.4 Priority Mail Express COD HFPU
Any article sent COD HFPU also may be sent by Priority Mail Express
(1-Day and 2-Day service only) when a signature is requested. The
maximum amount collectible from the addressee on one article is
$1,000.00, and indemnity is limited to $1,000.00. Priority Mail Express
postage and the proper COD HFPU fees must be paid. Both the Priority
Mail Express label and COD HFPU label must be affixed to each article.
9.1.5 Mailing
[Revise 9.1.5 to read as follows.]
COD HFPU mail must be presented for mailing as provided in 1.5 to
the local Post Office or to rural carriers when the articles are
prepared properly, with stamps for the required postage and fees
affixed. If the mailer wants insurance for an amount more than the COD
HFPU amount to be collected, that amount must be shown.
9.1.6 Identifying Number
[Revise 9.1.6 to read as follows.]
Each COD HFPU articles is identified by a number on each section of
the COD HFPU label. When COD HFPU is used with Priority Mail Express or
Registered Mail, a separate barcoded shipping label (under 1.7), the
mailer must place both the label and the COD HFPU label on the front of
the article. The Priority Mail Express article number or the Registered
Mail number is used for delivery receipt and indemnity claims.
* * * * *
[Delete 9.1.8 in its entirety.]
[Revise the heading of 9.2 to read as follows.]
9.2 Labels
[Revise the heading and text of 9.2.1 to read as follows.]
9.2.1 Label 3816 COD HFPU
The mailer must securely affix a completed COD HFPU Label 3816 to
each article. The label must be attached either above the delivery
address or to the right of the return address, or to the left of the
delivery address on parcels. Privately printed or computer-generated
firm sheets may be used under the standards in 1.10. The mailer must
submit firm sheets in duplicate and will receive one copy of the
postmarked form as a mailing receipt after the entries are verified by
a postal employee. The acceptance Post Office retains the second copy.
[Revise the heading and text of 9.2.2 to read as follows.]
9.2.2 Completing COD HFPU Labels Forms
The label must show article number, name and domestic address of
the mailer, hold for pickup Post Office location for the addressee, and
the amount due from the mailer (for payments made in cash, the money
order fee necessary to make remittance will be collected from the
recipient separately and is not included in the amount due the mailer
indicated on the label). The USPS is not responsible for errors that a
mailer makes in stating the charges to be collected. The information
required on the COD HFPU label must be handwritten, typed or computer
generated in ink. The mailer may not stipulate a specific payment
method on the COD HFPU label.
9.2.3 Nursery Stock
[Revise the introductory text of 9.2.3 to read as follows.]
A firm that mails nursery stock may use Form 3816 and include
instructions for disposing of shipments not delivered immediately by
printing instructions on the back of the delivery office part of the
COD HFPU form (item a) and on the remittance coupon (item b) as
* * * * *
12.0 Money Orders
* * * * *
12.3 Cashing Money Orders
* * * * *
[Revise the heading and text of 12.3.8 to read as follows.]
12.3.8 COD HFPU Parcel
No payment is made when a money order is issued in return for a COD
HFPU parcel, and is presented by the addressee (purchaser), and the
money order is not endorsed by the payee (shipper) or the payee has not
authorized payment to the purchaser by written approval.
* * * * *
505 Return Services
1.0 Business Reply Mail (BRM)
* * * * *
1.1.3 Basic Qualified BRM (QBRM)
[Revise the first sentence of 1.1.3 to read as follows.]
For basic qualified BRM a permit holder is required to an account
maintenance fee under 1.1.8, and a per-piece fee under 1.1.7 in
addition to the applicable letter or card First-Class Mail postage for
each returned piece. ***
1.1.4 High-Volume Qualified BRM
[Revise the text of 1.1.4 to read as follows.]
In addition to the account maintenance, per-piece fees and
applicable postage required under 1.1.3, a quarterly fee under 1.1.11
is required for high-volume QBRM.
* * * * *
1.2 Permits
* * * * *
1.2.2 Application Process
[Revise the first sentence of 1.2.2 to read as follows.]
The mailer may apply for a BRM permit by submitting a completed
Form 3615 to the Post Office issuing the permit and except under 1.2.3
paying the annual permit fee. * * *
1.2.3 Annual Permit Fee
[Revise the first sentence of 1.2.3 to read as follows.]
Except for QBRM permits, a permit fee must be paid once each 12-
month period at each Post Office where a BRM permit is held. * * *
[[Page 71439]]
1.2.4 Renewal of Annual Permit Fee
[Revise the introductory text of 1.2.4 to read as follows.]
Except for QBRM permits, an annual renewal notice is provided to
each BRM permit holder by the USPS. QBRM permits do not expire unless
the account is unused for a period of 12 months. The renewal notice and
the payment for the next 12 months must be returned by the expiration
date to the Post Office that issued the permit. After the expiration
date, if the permit holder has not paid the annual permit fee, then
returned BRM pieces are treated as follows:
* * * * *
1.2.6 Revocation of a Permit
[Revise the text of 1.2.6 to read as follows.]
The USPS may revoke any BRM permit because of format errors or for
refusal to pay the applicable permit fees (annual, accounting,
quarterly, or monthly), postage, or per piece fees. If the permit was
revoked due to format errors, then a former permit holder may obtain a
new permit and permit number by completing and submitting a new Form
3615, paying the required BRM annual permit fee (if applicable), paying
a new annual account maintenance fee (if applicable), and, for the next
2 years, submitting two samples of each BRM format to the appropriate
Post Office for approval.
507 Mailer Services
1.0 Treatment of Mail
* * * * *
1.3 Directory Service
* * * * *
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Mail with extra services (certified, COD HFPU, registered,
special handling).
* * * * *
1.8 Returning Mail
* * * * *
1.8.5 Extra Services
[Revise the first and fourth sentences of 1.8.5 to read as
If a return receipt is attached to a certified, Collect on Delivery
Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU), numbered insured, registered, return
receipt for merchandise, or Priority Mail Express piece to be returned,
the reason for nondelivery is shown on the face of the piece. * * * The
sender must sign a delivery receipt for returned Priority Mail Express,
Registered Mail, COD HFPU articles, Adult Signature services, and mail
insured for more than $500. * * *
* * * * *
1.8.7 Post Office Box
[Revise 1.8.7 to read as follows.]
Deliverable mail addressed to a Post Office box is not returned
until after the box is declared vacant, except for certified, collect
on delivery (COD HFPU), insured, registered, postage due, Adult
Signature and perishable mail.
* * * * *
2.0 Forwarding
2.3 Postage for Forwarding
* * * * *
2.3.7 Extra Services
[Revise 2.3.7 to read as follows.]
Certified, Collect on Delivery Hold For Pickup (COD HFPU), USPS
Tracking, insured, registered, Signature Confirmation, Adult Signature,
return receipt for merchandise, and special handling mail, is forwarded
to a domestic address only without additional extra service fees,
subject to the applicable postage charge.
2.0 Premium Forwarding Service
* * * * *
3.3 Premium Forwarding Service Commercial
* * * * *
3.3.3 Conditions
* * * * *
[Revise item g to read as follows.]
g. Priority Mail Express, or mailpieces with USPS Tracking,
Certified Mail, COD HFPU, insurance, Signature Confirmation, or Adult
Signature are shipped to the destination delivery office Postmaster
separately, for proper handling.
* * * * *
4.0 Address Correction Services
4.3 Sender Instruction
* * * * *
4.3.2 Extra Services
[Revise the first sentence of the introductory text to read as
A change-of-address order to a domestic address covers Certified
Mail, COD HFPU insured, Registered Mail, Signature Confirmation, Adult
Signature services, and return receipt for merchandise mail unless the
sender gives other instructions.
* * * * *
4.3.4 Holding Mail
[Revise the first sentence of 4.3.4 to read as follows.]
At the sender's request, the delivery Post Office holds mail, other
than Registered Mail, insured, Certified Mail, Adult Signature,
Signature Confirmation and return receipt for merchandise, for no fewer
than 3 days nor more than 30 days.
* * * * *
508 Recipient Services
1.0 Recipient Options
1.1 Basic Recipient Concerns
* * * * *
1.1.3 Refusal After Delivery
* * * * *
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Pieces sent as Registered Mail, insured, Certified Mail, Collect
on Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU), Adult Signature and return
receipt for merchandise.
* * * * *
1.1.7 Priority Mail Express and Accountable Mail
[Revise the introductory text to read as follows.]
The following conditions also apply to the delivery of Priority
Mail Express, Registered Mail, Certified Mail, mail insured for more
than $500.00, Adult Signature, or COD HFPU, as well as mail for which a
return receipt is requested or the sender has specified restricted
* * * * *
[Revise item f to read as follows.]
f. A notice is provided to the addressee for a mailpiece that
cannot be delivered. If the piece is not called for or redelivery is
not requested, the piece is returned to the sender after 15 days (5
days for Priority Mail Express), unless the sender specifies fewer days
on the piece.
* * * * *
1.8 Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies
1.8.1 Procedures
* * * * *
[Revise item d to read as follows.]
d. A CMRA is authorized to accept the following accountable mail
from their customers for mailing at the Post Office: Insured, Priority
Mail Express, Certified Mail, USPS Tracking, and Signature Confirmation
mail. The sender (CMRA customer) must present accountable mail items
not listed to the Post Office for mailing.
* * * * *
7.0 Hold For Pickup
* * * * *
[[Page 71440]]
7.2 Basic Information
* * * * *
7.2.5 Extra Services
[Delete item e]
* * * * *
602 Addressing
1.0 Elements of Addressing
* * * * *
1.5 Return Addresses
* * * * *
1.5.3 Required Use of Return Addresses
* * * * *
[Revise item l to read as follows.]
l. Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU) mail.
* * * * *
3.0 Use of Alternative Addressing
3.1 General Information
* * * * *
3.1.2 Prohibited Use
Alternative addressing formats may not be used on:
* * * * *
e. Mail with the following extra services:
[Revise item 8 to read as follows.]
8. Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU).
* * * * *
604 Postage Payment Methods and Refunds
* * * * *
4.0 Postage Meters and PC Postage Products (``Postage Evidencing
* * * * *
4.6 Mailings
4.6.1 Mailing Date Format
* * * The mailing date format used in the indicia is also subject
to the following conditions.
a. Complete Date. Mailers must use a complete date for the
[Revise item 2 to read as follows.]
2. All mailpieces with Insured Mail, COD HFPU (only when a manual
office COD HFPU Label 3816 is used), or Special Handling service.
* * * * *
5.0 Permit Imprint (Indicia)
[Revise the heading and text of 5.1.4 to read as follows.]
5.1.4 Permit and Application Information
A mailer may obtain a permit to use a permit imprint indicia by
submitting Form 3615 to the Post Office where mailings are made, or
online under the terms and conditions in the Business Customer Gateway
portal at Mail Anywhere allows a qualified
mailer to maintain a single permit for a postage payment method for
mailings at any Business Mail Acceptance site under 705.23.3.2.
5.1.5 Application Fee
[Revise the text of 5.1.5 to read as follows.]
No application fee is required.
* * * * *
5.2 Suspension and Revocation
* * * * *
5.2.2 Revocation of Permit
[Revise the first sentence of 5.2.2 to read as follows.]
A permit may be revoked for use in operating any unlawful scheme or
enterprise, if no mailings or payment of postage occurred during any
consecutive 2-year period, for refusal to provide information about
permit imprint use or mailings, and for noncompliance with any standard
applicable to permit imprints. * * *
* * * * *
5.3 Indicia Design, Placement, and Content
* * * * *
5.3.10 Use of a Local Permit Imprint in Other Mailing Locations
A permit imprint displaying the city, state, and permit number of a
mailer's original permit may be applied to pieces in a mailing
presented for verification and acceptance at another Post Office
location under the following conditions:
[Delete item a and renumber items b through d as items a through c]
* * * * *
[Revise the heading and introductory text of 5.5 to read as
5.5 Share Mail
Share Mail is an electronic postage payment mechanism for single-
piece First-Class Mail letters or postcards, addressed to any domestic
address, that weigh no more than one ounce each. Customers wishing to
participate in this program must submit their request in writing to the
Manager, New Solutions, Mailing Services, USPS, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW.,
Room 5440, Washington, DC 20260-4440. Customers participating in the
Share Mail postage payment program must, at a minimum, meet the
following requirements:
a. Have a Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS) account link
with USPS;
b. Submit production quality mailpieces to USPS for pre-approval
and have received subsequent USPS approval; and
c. Have approved mailpieces that bear unique or static Intelligent
Mail barcodes, an approved permit imprint indicia in the upper-right
hand corner of the mailpiece, and a special facing identification mark
(FIM E) (see 708.9.2e.).
* * * * *
9.0 Exchanges and Refunds
* * * * *
9.2 Postage and Fee Refunds
* * * * *
9.2.4 Postage and Fee Refunds Not Available
Refunds are not made for the following:
* * * * *
[Revise item b to read as follows.]
b. Collect on Delivery Hold for Pickup (COD HFPU), Priority Mail
Express insurance, insured mail, and Registered Mail fees, after the
USPS accepts the article (even if the article is later withdrawn from
the mail).
* * * * *
11.0 Postage Due Weight Averaging Program
11.1 Basic Information
* * * * *
11.1.3 Quality Control
[Revise the first sentence of the introductory text to read as
PDWA customers may elect to establish a quality control program to
ensure that all missorted and accountable mail (including Certified
Mail), return receipt for merchandise, USPS Tracking, Adult Signature,
and Signature Confirmation) is identified and returned to the servicing
Post Office prior to being opened. * * *
* * * * *
609 Filing Indemnity Claims for Loss or Damage
1.0 General Filing Instructions
1.1 Extra Services With Indemnity
[Revise the text of 1.1 to read as follows.]
A customer may file an indemnity claim for insured mail, COD HFPU
items, Registered Mail with postal insurance, or Priority Mail Express.
See Publication 122, available on, for additional
* * * * *
[[Page 71441]]
1.3 Who May File
A claim may be filed by:
* * * * *
[Revise item e to read as follows.]
e. Only the mailer, for insured or collect on delivery (COD HFPU)
parcels paid using eVS under 705.2.9.
1.4 When to File
File claims as follows:
* * * * *
b. Lost Articles: customers must file a claim within the time
limits in the chart below.
[Revise the table to read as follows.]
When to file (from mailing date)
Mail type or service ---------------------------------------
No sooner than No later than
Priority Mail Express........... 7 days............ 60 days
Priority Mail Express COD HFPU.. 15 days........... 60 days
Registered Mail................. 15 days........... 60 days
Registered COD HFPU............. 15 days........... 60 days
Insured Mail (including Priority 15 days........... 60 days
Mail under 503.4.2).
COD HFPU........................ 15 days........... 60 days
APO/FPO Priority Mail, Express 21 days........... 180 days
Military Service.
APO/FPO/DPO Insured Mail and 45 days........... 1 year
registered Mail (Priority Mail,
First-Class Mail, SAM, or PAL).
APO/FPO/DPO Insured Mail 75 days........... 1 year
(Surface only).
1.5 Where and How to File
1.5.1 Claims Filed Online
[Revise the first sentence of 1.5.1 to read as follows.]
Domestic indemnity claims should be filed online (preferred) at for domestic insured mail, COD HFPU,
Registered Mail with postal insurance, and Priority Mail Express. * * *
3.0 Providing Evidence of Insurance and Value
3.1 Evidence of Insurance
For a claim involving articles listed in 1.1, the customer must
retain evidence showing that the specific USPS service was purchased,
until the claim is resolved. Examples of acceptable evidence are:
[Revise items a and b to read as follows.]
a. The original mailing receipt issued at the time of mailing
(Registered Mail receipts must contain a USPS postmark). For insured
mail and COD HFPU, a photocopy of the original retail mailing receipt
is acceptable.
b. The outer packaging showing the names and addresses of the
sender and the addressee and the proper label showing that the article
was sent insured, COD HFPU, Registered Mail with postal insurance, or
Priority Mail Express. (If only the outer packaging is submitted,
indemnity can be limited to $100 for insured, $50 for COD HFPU, $100
for Registered Mail, and $100 for Priority Mail Express.)
* * * * *
[Revise the first sentence of item d to read as follows.]
d. For insurance or COD HFPU, purchased online, a printed
electronic online label record or a computer printout from the
application used to print the label and purchase the insurance. * * *
[Revise the introductory text of item e to read as follows.]
e. For insured mail or COD HFPU mail paid using MMS or eVS under
705.2.0, the mailer must use one of the following:
* * * * *
[Revise item e2 to read as follows.]
2. A printout of the part of Form 3877 that identifies the parcel
by article number, the package identification code (PIC) of the insured
or COD HFPU parcel, total postage paid, fee paid, declared insured
value, amount due sender if COD HFPU, mailing date, origin ZIP Code,
and delivery ZIP Code reported in the parcel record in the manifest
* * * * *
4.0 Claims
4.1 Payable Claim
[Revise the introductory text and item c to read as follows.]
Insurance for loss or damage to insured, COD HFPU, or Registered
Mail within the amount covered by the fee paid, or the indemnity limits
for Priority Mail, or Priority Mail Express (under 4.2), is payable for
the following:
* * * * *
c. Remittance due on a COD HFPU parcel not received by the sender,
subject to the limitations set by the standards for COD HFPU service.
* * * * *
4.3 Nonpayable Claims
[Revise the introductory text of 4.3 to read as follows.]
Indemnity is not paid for insured mail (including Priority Mail
Express and Priority Mail), Registered Mail, COD HFPU, or Priority Mail
and Priority Mail Express in these situations:
* * * * *
[Revise item w to read as follows.]
w. Items sent COD HFPU without the addressee's consent.
* * * * *
5.0 Compensation
* * * * *
5.4 Loss
[Revise the text of 5.4 to read as follows.]
If the insured, registered, or COD HFPU article is lost the payment
includes an additional amount for the postage (not fee) paid by the
sender. Postage for Priority Mail Express is refunded under 604.9.5.
* * * * *
5.7 Recovered Article
[Revise the first sentence of 5.7 to read as follows.]
If a lost registered, insured, COD HFPU, or Priority Mail Express
article is recovered after payment of a claim, the payee may accept the
article and reimburse the USPS for the full amount paid if the article
is undamaged.
* * * * *
703 Nonprofit Standard Mail and Other Unique Eligibility
* * * * *
3.0 Department of State Mail
* * * * *
3.2 Conditions for Authorized Mail
* * * * *
3.2.6 Extra Services
* * * * *
[[Page 71442]]
[Revise item a to read as follows.
a. Collect on Delivery (COD HFPU).
* * * * *
9.0 Mixed Classes
* * * * *
9.13 Extra Services for Mixed Classes
* * * * *
[Revise the heading and text of 9.13.2 to read as follows.]
9.13.2 Insured and COD HFPU
A combination mailpiece may be sent insured or COD HFPU. The
insurance covers only the value of the parcel.
* * * * *
705 Advanced Preparation and Special Postage Payment Systems
* * * * *
14.0 FSS Scheme Preparation
14.1 General
[Revise the introductory text of 14.1 to read as follows.]
All presorted and high density plus, high density and basic carrier
route Standard Mail, presorted and carrier route Bound Printed Matter
(BPM), and Periodicals flats including all carrier route flats meeting
the standards in 201.6.2 must be separated/pooled into FSS schemes,
properly bundled and placed on or in pallets, trays, sacks, or approved
alternate containers, for FSS scheme ZIP Code combinations within the
same facility. Mailings that include 10 or more pieces of Standard Mail
flats, 6 or more pieces of Periodicals flats, or 10 or more pieces (or
10 or more pounds) of BPM flats to an FSS scheme must be separated/
pooled into FSS scheme bundles. The Postal Service also recommends the
use of authorized flat trays in lieu of sacks for FSS bundles. FSS
scheme bundles that are not required to be placed in a FSS scheme or
FSS facility container are combined with bundles of non-FSS sorted
bundles and placed on an applicable SCF, 3-digit or NDC container.
Mailers must prepare FSS scheme qualifying mailpieces for each
individual FSS scheme combination, and then prepare bundles of uniform
size from those pieces. Mailings (excluding saturation mailings of
Standard Mail) with nonpresorted BPM flats may be included in FSS
preparation, but will not be eligible for presorted or carrier route
prices. Mailpieces that meet the eligibility standards for 5-digit or
3-digit automation, 5-digit or 3-digit nonautomation, carrier route
(except Standard Mail saturation) or presort will continue to be
eligible for those piece prices when prepared in accordance with the
FSS preparations standards. Mailpieces and bundles must also be
prepared as follows:
* * * * *
14.2 Basic Standards
14.2.1 Basic Standards
[Revise the introductory text and items a through e to read as
All Periodicals flats (including carrier route flats) meeting the
standards in 201.6.2 and destinating to FSS sites as shown in L006 must
be prepared according to these standards. Mailings of In-County
Periodicals flats and the associated Outside-County Periodicals flats
mailings of 5,000 pieces or less may be prepared according to these
standards. Periodicals are subject to the following:
a. Pricing eligibility is based on 207.11.0 through 207.14.0. FSS
bundles placed on FSS facility pallets, sacks, trays, or approved
alternate container will claim the 3-Digit/SCF bundle price. FSS
bundles placed on a FSS scheme pallet, sack, tray or approved alternate
container will claim the Carrier Route bundle price.
b. FSS scheme pallets will be assessed the Carrier Route Pallet
price. FSS facility sort level pallets will be charged a 3-Digit/SCF
Pallet container price. FSS scheme or facility sacks or trays will be
assessed the 3-Digit/SCF Sack/Tray price. Pallets, sacks and trays
entered at a DFSS will claim the DSCF entry price.
c. The Outside-County pound price for mail entered at a DFSS will
be the DSCF price. The Inside-County price will claim prices for the
``None'' entry level.
d. Mailers must provide standardized presort documentation under
708.1.0 that demonstrates eligibility for prices in accordance with
207.14.0 and 207.25.0.
e. Each mailpiece must be identified with an optional endorsement
line in accordance with Exhibit 708.7.1.1, or when authorized, using a
red Label 5 SCH barcoded pressure-sensitive bundle label.
* * * * *
14.3 Standard Mail
14.3.1 Basic Standards
[Revise the introductory text of 14.3.1 to read as follows.]
All flat-size Standard Mail mailpieces (except saturation) must be
separated/pooled into 5-digit FSS scheme bundles and placed on pallets,
or in sacks or approved alternate containers, for delivery to ZIP Codes
having Flats Sequencing System (FSS) processing capability, as shown in
L006. Standard Mail flats are subject to the following:
* * * * *
[Revise items b and c to read as follows.]
b. Mailers must provide standardized presort documentation under
708.1.0 that demonstrates eligibility for prices in accordance with
c. Each mailpiece must be identified with an optional endorsement
line in accordance with Exhibit 708.7.1.1; or when authorized, using a
red Label 5 SCH barcoded pressure-sensitive bundle label.
* * * * *
14.4 Bound Printed Matter
14.4.1 Basic Standards
[Revise the introductory text of 14.4.1 to read as follows.]
Bound Printed Matter (BPM) flats that meet the standards in
201.6.2, must be separated/pooled into FSS scheme bundles and placed on
pallets, or in flat trays, sacks, or approved alternate containers, for
delivery to ZIP Codes having FSS processing capability, as shown in
L006. BPM flats are subject to the following:
* * * * *
[Revise items b, c and d to read as follows.]
b. Mailers must provide standardized presort documentation under
708.1.0 that demonstrates eligibility for prices in accordance with
c. Mailers must separate/pool all eligible flat-size mailpieces
into FSS scheme bundles according to L006.
d. Each mailpiece must be identified with an optional endorsement
line in accordance with Exhibit 708.7.1.1; or when authorized, using a
red Label 5 SCH barcoded pressure-sensitive bundle label.
* * * * *
15.0 Combining Standard Mail Flats and Periodicals Flats
15.1.0 Basic Standards
* * * * *
15.1.6 Piece Prices
[Revise the text of 15.1.6 to read as follows.]
Apply piece prices based on the bundle level except FSS scheme
bundles apply the piece prices based on the original bundle level.
Pieces contained within mixed class bundles may claim prices based on
the presort level of the bundle.
* * * * *
15.1.11 Preparation for FSS Zones
[Revise the introductory text of 15.1.11 to read as follows.]
[[Page 71443]]
Mailers authorized to combine mailings of Standard Mail flats and
Periodicals flats must prepare these mailings under 14.0, when the
mailing includes pieces destinating within one or more of the FSS zones
in L006. The following applies:
[Revise item a to read as follows.]
a. Each mailpiece must be identified with an optional endorsement
line (OEL), including the correct ZIP Code listed in L006, Column B, in
accordance with Exhibit 708.7.1.1. The OEL described in 2.2 must not be
used with mailpieces prepared under this option.
* * * * *
15.4.0 Pallet Preparation
15.4.1 Pallet Preparation, Sequence and Labeling
When combining Standard Mail and Periodicals flats within the same
bundle or combining bundles of Standard Mail flats and bundles of
Periodicals flats on pallets, bundles must be placed on pallets.
Preparation, sequence and labeling:
[Reverse the order of items a and b to read as follows.]
a. 5-digit scheme carrier routes, required. Pallet must contain
only carrier route bundles for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For
5-digit destinations not part of L001, 5-digit carrier routes pallet
preparation begins with 15.4.1c. Labeling:
1. Line 1: L001.
2. Line 2: ``STD/PER FLTS''; followed by ``CARRIER ROUTES'' (or
``CR-RTS''); followed by ``SCHEME'' (or ``SCH''); followed by ``MIX
b. Merged 5-digit scheme, optional. Not permitted for bundles
containing noncarrier route automation-compatible flats under 201.6.0.
Required for all other bundles. Pallet must contain carrier route
bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (Presorted bundles only)
for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not
part of L001, merged 5-digit pallet preparation begins with 15.4.1d.
1. Line 1: L001.
2. Line 2: ``STD/PER FLTS CR/5D;'' followed by ``SCHEME'' (or
``SCH''); followed by ``MIX COMAIL.''
* * * * *
708 Technical Specifications
1.0 Standardized Documentation for First-Class Mail, Periodicals,
Standard Mail, and Flat-Size Bound Printed Matter
* * * * *
1.3 Price Level Column Headings
The actual name of the price level (or abbreviation) is used for
column headings required by 1.2 and shown below:
a. Automation First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, and barcoded
[Revise the table in item a to read as follows.]
Price Abbreviation
5-Digit scheme [FSS Periodicals flats 5BF
and Standard Mail flats].
5[dash]Digit [First-Class Mail letters 5B
and flats, Periodicals letters and
flats, and Standard Mail letters and
3-Digit FSS [Periodicals flats and 3BF
Standard Mail flats].
3[dash]Digit [First-Class Mail letters 3B
and flats, Periodicals letters and
flats, and Standard Mail letters and
AADC [First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and AB
Standard Mail letters].
ADC [First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and AB
Standard Mail Flats].
Mixed AADC [First-Class Mail, MB
Periodicals, and Standard Mail letters].
Mixed ADC [First-Class Mail, MB
Periodicals, and Standard Mail flats].
Basic [In-County Periodicals]........... BB
Firm [Outside-County Periodicals]....... FB
[Revise the table in item b to read as follows.]
b. Presorted First-Class Mail, barcoded and nonbarcoded Periodicals
flats, nonbarcoded Periodicals letters, and machinable and
nonmachinable Standard Mail:
Price Abbreviation
Presorted [First-Class Mail letters/ Presort
cards, flats, and parcels].
5[dash]Digit [all Standard Mail and 5D
Periodicals letters].
5-Digit FSS [Periodicals flats and 5DF
Standard Mail flats].
3[dash]Digit [all Standard Mail and 3D
Periodicals letters].
3-Digit FSS [Periodicals flats and 3DF
Standard Mail flats].
SCF [for Standard Mail parcels]......... SCF
AADC [Standard Mail machinable letters]. AB
ADC [Standard Mail nonmachinable AD
letters, flats, and irregular parcels,
and all Periodicals].
Basic [In-County Periodicals]........... BS
Mixed AADC [Standard Mail machinable MB
Mixed ADC [Standard Mail nonmachinable MD
letters, flats, irregular parcels; and
all Periodicals].
NDC [Standard Mail machinable parcels NDC
and Marketing parcels 6 ounces and
Mixed NDC [Standard Mail machinable MNDC
parcels and Marketing parcels 6 ounces
and over].
Firm [Outside-County Periodicals]....... FB
c. Carrier Route Periodicals and Enhanced Carrier Route Standard
[Revise the table in item c to read as follows.]
Price Abbreviation
Saturation [letters, flats, and WS
irregular parcels].
Saturation FSS [Periodicals flats]...... WSF
High Density [letters, flats, and HD
irregular parcels].
High Density FSS [flats]................ HDF
High Density Plus [Standard Mail only; HDP
letters and flats].
High Density Plus FSS [Standard Mail HPF
only flats].
Basic [letters, flats, and irregular CR
Basic FSS [flats]....................... CRF
Firm [Outside-County Periodicals]....... FB
* * * * *
1.6 Detailed Zone Listing for Periodicals
1.6.1 Definition and Retention
[Revise the first sentence of 1.6.1 to read as follows.]
The publisher must be able to present documentation to support the
number of copies of each edition of an issue, by entry point, mailed to
each zone, and at DDU, DSCF, DADC, DNDC, and In-County prices. * * *
* * * * *
1.6.3 Zone Abbreviations
Use the actual price name or the authorized zone abbreviation in
the listings in 1.0 and
Zone abbreviation Rate equivalent
[Delete the row containing FSS]
* * * * *
[[Page 71444]]
7.0 Optional Endorsement Lines (OELs)
7.1 OEL Use
7.1.1. Basic Standards
[Revise the first sentence of the introductory text to read as
An optional endorsement line (OEL) may be used to label bundles
instead of applying pressure-sensitive bundle labels or facing slips to
the top piece of bundles except each mailpiece in a FSS bundle must
bear an optional endorsement line in human-readable text, including the
correct ZIP code listed in Column B of L006, as described in Exhibit
7.1.1. * * *
Exhibit 7.1.1 OEL Formats
[Revise Exhibit 7.1.1 to read as follows.]
Sortation level OEL example
Firm--BPM machinable parcels........... * * * * * * FIRM 12345.
Firm--Periodicals...................... * * * * * * FIRM 12345.
Origin Mixed ADC--Periodicals (3-digit * * * * * * ORIGIN MIXED ADC 117.
ZIP Code prefix).
Carrier Route--Periodicals basic....... * * * * * * CAR-RT LOT**C-001
* * * * * * CR LOT 1234A**C-001.
Carrier Route--basic FSS............... * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 2345 FSSC.
Carrier Route--Periodicals high density * * * * * * CAR-RT WSH**C-001.
Carrier Route--High density FSS........ * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSB.
Carrier Route--Periodicals saturation.. * * * * * * CAR-RT WSS**C-001.
Carrier Route--Periodicals Saturation * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSH.
ECR--Standard Mail basic............... * * * * * * ECRLOT**C-001
* * * * * * ECRLOT 1234A**C-001.
ECR--Standard Mail high density or high * * * * * * ECRWSH**C-001.
density plus.
ECR--High Density Plus FSS............. * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSA.
ECR--Standard Mail saturation.......... * * * * * * ECRWSS**C-001.
Carrier Route--Bound Printed Matter.... * * * * * * CAR-RT SORT**C-001.
Carrier Route FSS--Bound Printed Matter * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSC.
5-Digit................................ * * * * * * 5-DIGIT 12345.
5-Digit (Nonautomation FSS flats)...... * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSE.
5-Digit Scheme (Automation flats)...... * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345.
5-Digit Scheme (Automation FSS flats).. * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSD.
3-Digit................................ * * * * * * 3-DIGIT 771.
3-Digit (Nonautomation FSS flats)...... * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSG.
3-Digit Scheme (Automation flats)...... * * * * * * SCH 3-DIGIT 006.
3-Digit Scheme (Automation FSS flats).. * * * * * * SCH 5-Digit 12345 FSSF.
ADC (3-digit ZIP Code prefix).......... * * * * * * ALL FOR ADC 105.
ADC (5-digit ZIP Code)................. * * * * * * ALL FOR ADC 90197.
Mixed ADC (3-digit ZIP Code prefix).... * * * * * * MIXED ADC 640.
Mixed ADC (5-digit ZIP Code)........... * * * * * * MIXED ADC 60821.
Optional tray level piece ID for automation letters:
AADC (3-digit ZIP Code prefix)..... * * * * * * ALL FOR AADC 050.
AADC (5-digit ZIP Code)............ * * * * * * ALL FOR AADC 07099.
Mixed AADC (3-digit ZIP Code * * * * * * MIXED AADC 870.
Mixed AADC (5-digit ZIP Code)...... * * * * * * MIXED AADC 75197.
Additional required human-readable text for use with combined mailings of Standard Mail and Periodical flats:
5-Digit Scheme (and other sortation * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 MIX COMAIL.
levels as appropriate).
5-Digit Scheme (Automation FSS * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSD COMAIL.
5-Digit (Nonautomation FSS flats).. * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSE COMAIL.
3-Digit (Automation FSS flats)..... * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSF COMAIL.
3-Digit (Nonautomation FSS flats).. * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSG COMAIL.
Carrier Route high density plus * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSA COMAIL.
(FSS flats).
Carrier Route high density (FSS * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSB COMAIL.
Carrier Route basic................ * * * * * * SCH 5-DIGIT 12345 FSSC COMAIL.
* * * * *
7.1.8 Required OEL Use in Combined Mailings of Standard Mail and
Periodicals Flats
Mailers authorized to combine Standard Mail flats and Periodicals
flats, under 705.15.0, must apply an OEL identifying the presort level
of the bundle and other applicable information as specified in 7.1 to
each mailpiece. The following additional standards also apply:
* * * * *
[Revise item c to read as follows.]
c. When combined mailings of Standard Mail and Periodicals flats
are prepared to FSS zones under 705.15.1.11, each mailpiece must bear
an optional endorsement line in human-readable text, including the
correct ZIP code listed in Column B of L006, as described in Exhibit
* * * * *
We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR part 111 to
reflect these changes if our proposal is adopted.
* * * * *
Stanley F. Mires,
Attorney, Federal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2016-24710 Filed 10-14-16; 8:45 am]