Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Proposed Rule To List the Maui's Dolphin as Endangered and the South Island Hector's Dolphin as Threatened Under the Endangered Species Act, 64110-64125 [2016-22451]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
intend to continue engaging in informal
and formal contacts with the U.S. State
Department, giving careful
consideration to all written and oral
comments received.
Dated: September 12, 2016.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531–1543; subpart
B, § 223.201–202 also issued under 16 U.S.C.
1361 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 5503(d) for
§ 223.206(d)(9).
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 223
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Transportation.
2. In § 223.102, paragraph (e), add
entries for two species in alphabetical
order by common name under the
‘‘Fishes’’ table subheading to read as
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, we propose to amend 50 CFR
part 223 as follows:
§ 223.102 Enumeration of threatened
marine and anadromous species.
1. The authority citation for part 223
continues to read as follows:
(e) * * *
Species 1
Citation(s) for listing
Description of
listed entity
ESA Rules
Guitarfish, blackchin
Guitarfish, common ..
Entire species ........... [Federal Register citation and date when
published as a final rule].
Entire species ........... [Federal Register citation and date when
published as a final rule].
1 Species
includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7,
1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
[FR Doc. 2016–22450 Filed 9–16–16; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Parts 223 and 224
[Docket No. 160614520–6520–01]
RIN 0648–XE686
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants: Proposed Rule To List the
Maui’s Dolphin as Endangered and the
South Island Hector’s Dolphin as
Threatened Under the Endangered
Species Act
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
We, NMFS, propose to list the
Maui’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus
hectori maui) as endangered and the
South Island Hector’s dolphin (C.
hectori hectori) as threatened under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA). We have
reviewed the best available scientific
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and commercial data and completed a
comprehensive status review for these
two subspecies of Hector’s dolphin (C.
hectori). The Maui’s dolphin faces
serious demographic risks due to
critically low abundance, a low
population growth rate, a restricted
range, low genetic diversity, and
ongoing threats such as bycatch in
commercial and recreational gillnets.
We have determined Maui’s dolphin is
currently in danger of extinction
throughout its range and, therefore,
meets the definition of an endangered
species. The relatively more abundant
and more widely distributed South
Island Hector’s dolphin has experienced
large historical declines and is expected
to continue to slowly decline due to
bycatch and other lesser threats, such as
disease and impacts associated with
tourism. We have determined that this
subspecies is not currently in danger of
extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range, but is likely to
become so within the foreseeable future;
and therefore, it meets the definition of
a threatened species. Both subspecies
occur only in New Zealand. We are
authorized to designate critical habitat
within U.S. jurisdiction only, and we
are not aware of any areas within U.S
jurisdiction that may meet the definition
of critical habitat under the ESA.
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Therefore, we are not proposing to
designate critical habitat. We are
soliciting public comments on our
status review report and proposal to list
these two subspecies.
DATES: Comments on this proposed rule
must be received by November 18, 2016.
Public hearing requests must be made
by November 3, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on this document, identified by NOAA–
NMFS–2016–0118, by either of the
following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic comments via the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. Go to
#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-20160118, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
complete the required fields, and enter
or attach your comments.
• Mail: Submit written comments to
Lisa Manning, NMFS Office of Protected
Resources (F/PR3), 1315 East West
Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910,
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered by NMFS. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public
viewing on www.regulations.gov
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. NMFS will
accept anonymous comments (enter
‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish
to remain anonymous).
You can find the petition, status
review report, Federal Register notices,
and the list of references electronically
on our Web site at https://
Manning, NMFS, Office of Protected
Resources, lisa.manning@noaa.gov,
(301) 427–8466.
On July 15, 2013, we received a
petition from WildEarth Guardians to
list 81 marine species or populations as
endangered or threatened species under
the ESA. We determined that the
petition had sufficient merit for further
consideration, and status reviews were
initiated for 27 of the 81 species or
populations, including the Hector’s
dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori; 78
FR 63941, October 25, 2013; 78 FR
66675, November 6, 2013; 78 FR 69376,
November 19, 2013; 79 FR 9880,
February 21, 2014; and 79 FR 10104,
February 24, 2014). This document
addresses the proposed determination
for the Hector’s dolphin. The findings
and relevant Federal Register notices
for the other species and populations
can be found on our Web site at https://
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Listing Determinations Under the ESA
We are responsible for determining
whether species are threatened or
endangered under the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.). To make this
determination, we first consider
whether a group of organisms
constitutes a ‘‘species’’ under the ESA,
then whether the status of the species
qualifies it for listing as either
threatened or endangered. Section 3 of
the ESA defines a ‘‘species’’ to include
‘‘any subspecies of fish or wildlife or
plants, and any distinct population
segment of any species of vertebrate fish
or wildlife which interbreeds when
mature.’’ Maui’s dolphin, C. hectori
maui, and the South Island (SI) Hector’s
dolphin, C. hectori hectori, have been
formally recognized as subspecies
(Baker et al. 2002, Pichler 2002); and
thus, each meets the ESA definition of
a ‘‘species.’’
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Section 3 of the ESA defines an
endangered species as ‘‘any species
which is in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range’’ and a threatened species as
one ‘‘which is likely to become an
endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range.’’ We
interpret an ‘‘endangered species’’ to be
one that is presently in danger of
extinction. A ‘‘threatened species,’’ on
the other hand, is not presently in
danger of extinction, but is likely to
become so in the foreseeable future (that
is, at a later time). In other words, the
primary statutory difference between a
threatened species and endangered
species is the timing of when a species
may be in danger of extinction, either
presently (endangered) or in the
foreseeable future (threatened).
When we consider whether a species
might qualify as threatened under the
ESA, we must consider the meaning of
the term ‘‘foreseeable future.’’ It is
appropriate to interpret ‘‘foreseeable
future’’ as the horizon over which
predictions about the conservation
status of the species can be reasonably
relied upon. The foreseeable future
considers the life history of the species,
habitat characteristics, availability of
data, particular threats, ability to predict
threats, and the reliability to forecast the
effects of these threats and future events
on the status of the species under
consideration. Because a species may be
susceptible to a variety of threats for
which different data are available
regarding the species’ response to that
threat, or which operate across different
time scales, the foreseeable future is not
necessarily reducible to a particular
number of years.
Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA requires us
to determine whether any species is
endangered or threatened due to any
one or a combination of the following
five threat factors: The present or
threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range;
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; disease or predation; the
inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
existence. We are also required to make
listing determinations based solely on
the best scientific and commercial data
available, after conducting a review of
the species’ status and after taking into
account efforts being made by any state
or foreign nation to protect the species.
In assessing the extinction risk of
these two subspecies, we considered
demographic risk factors, such as those
developed by McElhany et al. (2000), to
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organize and evaluate the forms of risks.
The approach of considering
demographic risk factors to help frame
the consideration of extinction risk has
been used in many of our previous
status reviews (see https://
www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species for links
to these reviews). In this approach, the
collective condition of individual
populations is considered at the species
level (or in this case, the subspecies
level) according to four demographic
viability factors: Abundance and trends,
population growth rate or productivity,
spatial structure and connectivity, and
genetic diversity. These viability factors
reflect concepts that are well-founded in
conservation biology and that
individually and collectively provide
strong indicators of extinction risk.
Scientific conclusions about the
overall risk of extinction faced by
Maui’s dolphin and the SI Hector’s
dolphin under present conditions and
in the foreseeable future are based on
our evaluation of the subspecies’
demographic risks and section 4(a)(1)
threat factors. Our assessment of overall
extinction risk considered the
likelihood and contribution of each
particular factor, synergies among
contributing factors, and the cumulative
impact of all demographic risks and
threats on each subspecies.
Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA requires
the Secretary, when making a listing
determination for a species, to take into
consideration those efforts, if any, being
made by any State or foreign nation, or
any political subdivision of a State or
foreign nation, to protect the species.
Therefore, prior to making a listing
determination, we also assess such
protective efforts to determine if they
are adequate to mitigate the existing
Status Review
Status reviews for Maui’s dolphin and
the SI Hector’s dolphin were completed
by NMFS staff from the Office of
Protected Resources. To complete the
status reviews, we compiled the best
available data and information on the
subspecies’ biology, ecology, life
history, threats, and conservation status
by examining the petition and cited
references, and by conducting a
comprehensive literature search and
review. We also considered information
submitted to us in response to our
petition finding. A single draft status
review report was prepared for the two
subspecies and submitted to three
independent peer reviewers; comments
and information received from peer
reviewers were addressed and
incorporated as appropriate into the
draft report. The draft status review
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
report (cited as Manning and Grantz
2016) is available on our Web site (see
ADDRESSES section). In the sections
below, we provide information from the
report regarding threats to and the status
of each subspecies.
Subspecies Descriptions
The Hector’s dolphin is one of the
world’s smallest dolphins and occurs
only in the coastal waters of New
Zealand. Hector’s dolphins have short
and stocky bodies, no external beak, and
a relatively large fluke. They are easily
distinguished by their distinctive black,
white, and gray color patterns and their
rounded dorsal fin, which has a
shallowly sloping anterior edge and a
convex posterior edge, and is unique to
the genus (Dawson 2009). Lifespan is
thought to be about 20 years (Slooten
1991, Secchi et al. 2004b), and several
dolphins have been aged to a minimum
of 22 years based on photoidentification data (Rayment et al.
2009a, Webster et al. 2009). Hector’s
dolphins have a varied diet that
includes cephalopods, crustaceans, and
small fish species; however, relatively
few prey species appear to comprise the
bulk of their diet. Stomach content
analysis indicates that common prey
species include red cod (Pseudophycis
bachus), ahuru (Auchenoceros
punctatus), arrow squid (Nototodarus
sp.), sprat (Sprattus sp.), sole
(Peltorhamphus sp.), and stargazer
(Crapatalus sp., Miller et al. 2013).
Females typically have their first calf
at 7–9 years of age, and males likely
reach sexual maturity at 6–9 years of age
(Slooten 1991, Gormley 2009). Calving
occurs in the austral spring and early
summer, generally from November to
February (Slooten and Dawson 1988,
Slooten and Dawson 1994). Calves
remain with their mothers for 1 to 2
years, although 2 years appears to be
more common (Slooten and Dawson
1994). Females typically produce single
calves every 2 to 4 years (Slooten and
Dawson 1994), which gives a yearly
birth rate between 0.33 and 0.5.
Fecundity (i.e., the number of female
offspring per female per breeding
season) has been estimated as ranging
from 0.165 to 0.250 (Secchi et al. 2004b,
Gormley 2009).
Hector’s dolphins make few audible
sounds, and their repertoire consists
mainly of high frequency (112–130k Hz)
clicks of either one or two short pulses
(i.e., usually less than 200 ms for single
pulses and less than 400 ms for double
pulses, Dawson 1988a). Analyses of
recorded vocalizations suggest Hector’s
dolphins use their vocalizations for fine
discrimination, locating prey, and
communicating, rather than large-scale
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navigation, for which lower frequency
echolocation is required (Dawson 1988a,
Dawson 1991a).
Available data indicates that Hector’s
dolphins have small home ranges and
high site fidelity (Bedjer and Dawson
2001, Brager et al. 2002, Rayment et al.
2009a, Oremus et al. 2012). Based on
multiple analyses of photoidentification data and genetic recapture
data, the along-shore home range
appears to be similar for both subspecies
and is typically less than 50 km (Brager
et al. 2002, Rayment et al. 2009a,
Oremus et al. 2012). Home ranges also
do not appear to differ between males
and females (Brager et al. 2002, Rayment
et al. 2009a).
Historically, Hector’s dolphins are
thought to have been present along
almost the entire coastlines of both the
North and South Islands of New
Zealand (Cawthorn 1988, Russell 1999,
Pichler 2002, MFish and DOC 2007a).
The two subspecies probably became
initially separated by the opening of
Cook Strait during the late Pleistocene
and Holocene interglacial periods, and
this isolation was likely maintained
through behavioral mechanisms such as
natal philopatry and small home ranges
(Pichler 2002, Baker et al., 2002,
Dawson 2009). Currently, Maui’s
dolphins occur along the northwest
coast of the North Island, between
Maunganui Bluff in the north and
Whanganui in the south (Currey et al.
2012). Occasional sightings and
strandings have also been reported from
areas farther south along the west coast
as well as in areas such as Hawke Bay
on the east coast of the North Island
(Baker 1978, Russell 1999, Ferreira and
Roberts 2003, Slooten et al. 2005, MFish
and DOC 2007a, Du Fresne 2010). The
SI Hector’s dolphin currently has a
fragmented distribution around the
South Island (Dawson et al. 2004,
Rayment et al. 2011b) and consists of at
least three genetically distinct, regional
populations (Pichler 2001, Pichler 2002,
Hamner et al. 2012a). SI Hector’s
dolphins are most abundant around
Banks Peninsula, Cloudy Bay, and
Cliffords Bay on the east coast and along
the central west coast. Distinct and
localized populations also occur on the
south coast in Te Waewae Bay, Toetoe
Bay, and Porpoise Bay (Dawson and
Slooten 1988b, Clement et al. 2011,
Hamner et al. 2012a, Rodda 2014,
Mackenzie and Clement 2014). The
connectivity between these regional
populations, especially the south coast
populations, appears to be limited
(Bejder and Dawson 2001, Hamner et al.
2012a). Hector’s dolphins do not appear
to occur offshore of or within the deep
water fiords of Fiordland, although they
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have been sighted there on rare
occasions (Dawson and Slooten 1988b,
MFish and DOC 2007a).
Hector’s dolphins are typically
sighted within about 20 nautical miles
(nmi; 37.0 km) of the shore and in water
less than 100 m deep (Slooten et al.
2005, Mackenzie and Clement 2014,
Rayment et al. 2011b, Mackenzie and
Clement 2016). For the North Island, an
extensive review by Du Fresne (2010) of
both published scientific surveys and
unpublished opportunistic sightings
data indicates that Maui’s dolphins are
most frequently found within 4 nmi (7.4
km) of the coast but do occasionally
occur at least as far as 7 nmi (13.0 km)
offshore. Off the South Island,
differences in distribution patterns have
been observed for the west and east
coasts that may be driven in part by
differences in bathymetry or location of
the shelf break. On the west coast, the
100 m isobath is always within 13 nmi
(24.1 km) of the coast, and in some
places as close as 5 nmi (9.3 km);
whereas, off Banks Peninsula on the east
coast, the 100 m isobath is 16 to 30 nmi
(29.6 to 55.6 km) offshore (Rayment et
al. 2011b). SI Hector’s dolphins are
typically within 8 nmi (14.8 km) from
shore on the east coast of the South
Island and within 3 nmi (5.6 km) from
shore on the west coast (Rayment et al.
2010b, 2011b, Mackenzie and Clement
2013, Mackenzie and Clement 2016).
However, SI Hector’s dolphins have
been sighted at least occasionally as far
as about 20 nmi (37.0 km) from shore on
both coasts (Rayment et al. 2010b,
2011b, MacKenzie and Clement 2016).
Seasonal changes in this nearshore
distribution are evident for at least some
populations of Hector’s dolphins, with
distributions often extending farther
from shore in the winter relative to the
warmer months. For example, based on
aerial surveys that extended as far as 20
nmi offshore (37.0 km) of Banks
Peninsula and were conducted over 3
years (2002, 2004, and 2005), Rayment
et al. (2010b) found that winter sightings
extended as far as 18.2 nmi (33.6 km)
offshore, compared to 16.3 nmi (30.2
km) in summer; and, while only 7
percent of all dolphins were sighted
beyond the 50 m isobath in summer, 44
percent of all dolphins were sighted
beyond the 50 m isobath in winter.
Slooten et al. (2005) report a similar
change in distribution for Maui’s
dolphins between summer and winter
aerial surveys conducted in 2004/2005.
Similar seasonal changes in SI Hector’s
dolphin distribution relative to shore
and water depth have also been detected
in comparisons of summer and winter
sightings data for the west coast of the
South Island; however, the observed
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
seasonal shift on the west coast is less
dramatic relative to that on the east
coast (Rayment et al. 2011b, Mackenzie
and Clement 2014).
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Summary of ESA Section 4(a)(1)
Factors Affecting Maui’s Dolphin
Available information regarding
historical, current, and potential threats
to Maui’s dolphins was thoroughly
reviewed and is discussed in detail in
the status review report (Manning and
Grantz 2016). We summarize
information regarding these threats
below according to the factors specified
in section 4(a)(1) of the ESA.
In August 2007, the New Zealand
Department of Conservation (DOC) and
the Ministry for Primary Industries
(MPI, formerly called the Ministry of
Fisheries or MFish) released a draft
Threat Management Plan (TMP) for
Hector’s dolphins. This plan describes
the nature and level of actual and
potential threats to Maui’s dolphins, as
well as strategies to address those
threats. In addition, in June 2012, DOC
and MPI convened a risk assessment
workshop to inform their review of the
Maui’s dolphin portion of the TMP. The
results of this semi-quantitative risk
assessment are available in the report by
Currey et al. (2012). The report
identifies, evaluates, and rates threats to
Maui’s dolphins based on scoring by an
expert panel. Both the TMP and the risk
assessment report greatly informed our
assessment, as summarized below.
The Present or Threatened Destruction,
Modification, or Curtailment of Its
Habitat or Range
Threats to the habitat of Maui’s
dolphins include pollution, mining, oil
and gas development activities, acoustic
disturbance (Currey et al. 2012).
Persistent chemical pollutants are a
concern for many cetacean species,
which theoretically can accumulate
high concentrations of contaminants
due to their longevity, high trophiclevel, and naturally high blubber
content (Stockin et al. 2010).
Contaminants are also specifically a
concern for Hector’s dolphins due to the
dolphins’ coastal distribution and thus
close proximity to agricultural and
industrial activities. Toxicological
studies of contaminants, such as
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and
organochlorine (OC) pesticides, are
limited for Maui’s dolphins, and studies
on emerging contaminants, such as
brominated flame retardant (PBDEs) and
perfluorinated chemicals, have yet to be
done. Numerous studies on other
cetacean species have linked
contaminants, such as heavy metals,
PCBs, and OC pesticides, with
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biological impacts, including endocrine
disruption, reproductive impairment,
immune suppression, and elevated
infectious disease (e.g., Fujise et al.
1988, Kuiken et al. 1994, Jepson et al.
2005, O’Hara and O’Shea 2001,
Schwacke et al. 2002, Wells et al. 2005).
Stockin et al. (2010) examined PCB and
OC contaminant loads in stranded or
entangled Hector’s dolphins (n=27, SI
Hector’s dolphins; n=3, Maui’s
dolphins) sampled from 1997 to 2009.
Results indicated high concentrations of
these chemicals in both subspecies, and
a roughly two-fold increase in levels of
OC pesticides than had been previously
reported for Hector’s dolphins by Jones
et al. (1999). However, as noted by
Stockin et al. (2010), no PCB
concentrations were above thresholds
associated with reproductive and
immunological effects (Stockin et al.
Pollution in the form of plastic marine
debris from both marine and land-based
sources can accumulate in, and degrade,
Maui’s dolphins’ habitat. Plastics and
other synthetic, non-biodegradable
materials in the marine environment
create the potential for entanglement,
injury, and ingestion. Although data are
lacking to evaluate whether and the
extent to which this threat is impacting
Maui’s dolphins, Currey et al. (2012) did
identify plastics as being likely to affect
population trends over the next 5 years.
Plastic bags have been identified as a
concern in particular, because they may
be mistaken for squid, a common prey
item for Maui’s dolphins.
Interest in marine minerals mining
along the North Island of New Zealand
has been growing in recent years, with
prospecting and exploration occurring
mainly from Manukua Harbor south to
New Plymouth (Thompson 2012).
Exploration activities have mainly
targeted iron sands or titanomagnetite
(Thompson 2012). According to New
Zealand Petroleum and Minerals
(NZPM), which is the government
agency responsible for issuing mining
permits for New Zealand’s oil, gas and
mineral resources, demand and
exploration for petroleum (oil and gas)
is also increasing, and multiple areas
within the range of Maui’s dolphins are
covered under existing prospecting,
exploration, and mining permits.
Mineral mining activities involving the
large scale removal of sediment from the
seabed are likely to lead to relatively
long term (3–10 year) changes to benthic
community composition, thereby
altering prey availability and benthic
topography (Thompson 2012). Other
potential, unintended side-effects
include the mobilization and accidental
spilling of contaminants and exposure
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to greater levels of vessel traffic
(Thompson 2012). Acoustic disturbance,
such as from seismic surveys, sonar, and
drilling activities, also poses a potential
threat to Maui’s dolphins, because it
may have negative physical or
physiological effects, such as shifts in
hearing thresholds, and may disrupt
normal behaviors, including navigating,
migrating, and feeding (Gordon et al.
2003; Thompson 2012).
The extent to which Maui’s dolphins
are currently being impacted by these
and other habitat-related threats is
assumed to be small. These threats have
been characterized as having mainly
sub-lethal effects, and combined, may
currently be responsible for less than 4.5
percent of all Maui’s dolphin mortalities
(Currey et al. 2012). However, it is
probable that Maui’s dolphin habitat
will become increasingly degraded as a
result of pollution and acoustic and
benthic disturbances due to increasing
human pressure and demand for
mineral and petroleum resources
(MFish and DOC 2007b).
Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific or Educational
Overutilization of Maui’s dolphins for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes does not appear to
pose a significant threat to Maui’s
dolphin. Maui’s dolphins have not been
exploited commercially; although, Baker
(1978, citing Abel et al. 1971) noted
that, between 1969 and 1972, a few
Hector’s dolphins were taken for live
exhibition at Marineland of New
Zealand. It’s not clear which subspecies
was taken. Hector’s dolphins have also
apparently been taken for food, oil, and
bait; however, the extent to which this
occurred is unknown (Pichler et al.
There is some evidence that
commercial dolphin-watching vessels
and swim-with-dolphin operations
cause behavioral changes in Hector’s
dolphins (Bejder et al. 1999,
Constantine 1999, Martinez et al. 2012).
Such tourism activities, however, seem
to occur at a relatively low intensity
within the range of Maui’s dolphins and
instead are much more concentrated
elsewhere—mainly the Bay of Islands
and the Bay of Plenty on the east coast
of the North Island and various
locations of the South Island (Martinez
2010b). Although tourism and the
potential related impacts of boat strike,
noise, and displacement were identified
as threats in the risk assessment
completed by Currey et al. (2012), the
expert panel did not think these threats
were likely to affect population trends
within the next 5 years.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Disease or Predation
Predation of Hector’s dolphins by
several shark species, such as seven-gill
sharks (Notorhynchus cepedianus) and
blue sharks (Prionace glauca), is known
to occur; however, predation rates are
not known (Slooten and Dawson 1988).
Predation was not considered to be
posing a threat to Maui’s dolphins in the
recent risk assessment by Currey et al.
Disease is another known source of
mortality for Hector’s dolphins. In their
evaluation, Currey et al. (2012)
categorized natural disease, stressinduced disease, and domestic animal
vectors as posing threats that are likely
to have population level effects on
Maui’s dolphins within the next 5 years.
Prevalence of infectious disease and
associated behavioral impacts and
mortality rates have not been well
studied in Hector’s dolphins, so the
significance of this source of mortality
remains unclear. Recently, Roe et al.
(2013) found that 7 of 28 Hector’s
dolphins (25 percent), including 2 of 3
Maui’s dolphins, collected between
2007 and 2011 and later necropsied had
died as a result of Toxoplasma gondii
infection. Of the 22 dolphins for which
a definitive cause of death was
established, a total of ten (45 percent)
were found to have died from infectious
disease (T. gondii infections, bacterial
infection, or fungal infection). These
findings suggest that infectious disease
may be a significant source of mortality
for Hector’s dolphins. In addition, while
toxoplasmosis is typically a secondary
disease in cetaceans, resulting in
symptoms in immunosuppressed
individuals rather than healthy
individuals, there was no evidence of
immunosuppression in these cases (Roe
et al. 2013). This finding suggests that
Hector’s dolphins may be particularly
susceptible to toxoplasmosis. Roe et al.
(2013) also note that toxoplasmosis may
have other effects beyond direct
mortality and could be an important
cause of neonatal loss. The source of the
T. gondii infection could not be
determined in this study, but exposure
may be occurring through freshwater
run-off from terrestrial sources (Roe et
al. 2013). Overall, while data remain
limited for Maui’s dolphins, the
available data suggest that disease,
especially toxoplasmosis, is posing a
threat to Maui’s dolphins.
Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory
A number of regulatory measures
have been put in place to address
bycatch of Maui’s dolphins. Although
data on bycatch of Maui’s dolphins are
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limited, fishery-related mortality has
been identified as posing a significant
threat to Maui’s dolphins. The risk
assessment completed by Currey et al.
(2012) attributed 95.5 percent of the
estimated human-caused mortalities
forecasted to occur over the next 5 years
to legal and illegal fishing-related
activities. This translated into an
estimated median of 4.97 Maui’s
dolphin mortalities per year due to
fishing activities (95 percent confidence
interval (CI) = 0.28—8.04). To help
inform the risk assessment of Currey et
al. (2012), Wade et al. (2012) calculated
the Potential Biological Removal (PBR)
for Maui’s dolphins and estimated it as
one dolphin mortality every 10 to 23
years. PBR, which is a management tool
specific to the U.S. Marine Mammal
Protection Act (MMPA) is used to
evaluate allowable levels of humancaused mortality (Wade 1998; Wade et
al. 2012). (PBR is defined under section
3 of the MMPA as the maximum
number of animals, not including
natural mortalities, that may be removed
from a marine mammal stock while
allowing that stock to reach or maintain
its optimum sustainable population (16
U.S.C. 1362).) This analysis indicates
that the estimated bycatch mortality of
Maui’s dolphins greatly exceeds PBR.
The DOC maintains a database of
reports from the public of dead and
stranded Hector’s dolphins, and
between 1921 and 2008, 45 percent of
the reports for Maui’s dolphins (4 of 11
dolphins) for which cause of death
could be determined were found to have
died due to ‘‘possible,’’ ‘‘probable,’’ or
‘‘known’’ entanglement (https://
2008/). Between July 2008 and January
2016, the DOC Incident Database lists an
additional four confirmed Maui’s
dolphins, and of the two with
determinable causes of death, one was
an adult female found dead in January
2012 from entanglement in a
commercial net set (https://
www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/hectors-andmaui-dolphin-incident-database/). (The
other dolphin was recorded as having
died due to natural causes.)
Bycatch of Maui’s dolphins occurs
mainly in gillnet gear, but bycatch in
trawl gear is likely also posing a threat
(Bird and Palka 2013). Although
commercial gillnetting had been
practiced in New Zealand since 1930
(DOC and MFish 1994), fishing effort
was low until the mid-1970s (Dawson
1991). By the 1980’s, bycatch of
dolphins in gillnets became a serious
concern in New Zealand (Dawson and
Slooten 2005). Eventually, in 2003,
MFish began to address bycatch of
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Maui’s dolphins by closing waters to set
netting from Maunganui Bluff to
Pariokariwa Point out to 4 nmi (7.4 km)
and inside the entrance to the Manukau
Harbor. Trawling was also prohibited
out to 2 nmi (3.7 km) along most of this
same stretch of coastline and out to 4
nmi within a short portion of the Maui’s
dolphin’s core range (see Figure 7 in
Manning and Grantz 2016). Commercial
and recreational gillnetting continued
within harbors and in the southern
portion of the Maui’s dolphin range.
In 2007, when the draft TMP was
released, the MPI and DOC concluded
that bycatch was still the most serious
threat to Hector’s dolphins. In 2008,
MFish expanded protection for Maui’s
dolphins by extending the set netting
closure out to 7 nmi (13.0 km; instead
of 4 nmi (7.4 km)) and farther into
Manukau Harbor. Then, in 2012,
following an entanglement of a Maui’s
dolphin off Cape Egmont, an interim
ban was put in place from Pariokariwa
Point south to Hawera for all set netting
out to 2 nmi (Gazette, 28 June 2012) and
for commercial set netting between two
and seven nautical miles offshore unless
an MPI observer was on board (see
Figure 8 in Manning and Grantz 2016).
In 2013, the MPI determined that their
interim measures would be made
permanent (MPI and DOC 2013).
This steady expansion of area-based,
bycatch-reduction measures along the
west coast of the North Island has
resulted in a substantial level of
protection for Maui’s dolphins.
However, bycatch remains a concern for
Maui’s dolphins, because current
fisheries restrictions do not extend
throughout their range and certain forms
of fishing still occur within the core
portion of the subspecies’ range. In
particular, commercial and noncommercial set netting occur within all
west coast harbors, with all areas within
the harbors, from intertidal areas to the
deeper channels, being fished for
species like flounder, mullet, and rig
(MFish and DOC 2007b). Sightings data
(Slooten et al. 2005) and passive
acoustic data (Rayment et al. 2011a)
indicate that Maui’s dolphins occur at
least occasionally within west coast
harbors and therefore may be at risk of
entanglement in these areas (MFish and
DOC 2007b). In addition, the southern
extension of the gillnetting prohibitions
that was put in place in 2012 only
extends out to 2 nmi (3.7 km) from
shore, as opposed to the 7 nmi (13 km)
boundary elsewhere along the west
coast. Beyond 2 nmi, gillnetting is
permitted in this portion of the range if
an MPI observer is on board.
Furthermore, the extension of the closed
area in the southern portion of the
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
dolphin’s range may not extend far
enough southward. The risk assessment
of Currey et al. (2012) used survey and
non-survey sightings data to develop a
distribution for Maui’s dolphins that
extends to Whanganui, which is about
70 km south of the current gillnet closed
area boundary at Hawera. Trawling also
continues in waters past the existing 2
nmi or 4 nmi offshore boundary for the
trawling closed area—even in the core
portion of the Maui’s dolphin’s range.
Currey et al. (2012) concluded that
trawling in this zone was a source of
continued bycatch risk for Maui’s
Before the protected area extensions
in 2012, estimated bycatch was about
4.69 to 13.01 dolphins per year or about
75 times the PBR of 0.044–0.1 Maui’s
dolphins per year (Currey et al. 2012).).
The recent extensions to the protection
measures have reduced the estimated
bycatch to 3.28¥4.16 Maui’s dolphin
mortalities per year or about 54 times
PBR (Slooten 2014).
A series of regulations have been put
in place to address some of the threats
associated with mining and petroleum
industry activities. The West Coast
North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary
(WCNIMMS) was established in 2008 as
part of the draft TMP, and restrictions
were put in place on seabed mining and
acoustic seismic surveys within the
sanctuary. In particular, seabed mineral
mining was prohibited out to 2 nmi (3.7
km) along the full length of the
sanctuary and out to 4 nmi (7.4 km)
south of Raglan Harbor to north of
Manakau Harbor. However, a large
swath of the sanctuary, which extends
out 12 nmi (22.2 km) from the coast,
remains open to mining. A range of
operational requirements has been
specified for seismic surveying within
the sanctuary (Gazette: Gazette, 25
September 2008), including mandatory
notification prior to conducting surveys
and mandatory reporting of any
interactions with dolphins. Qualified
marine mammal observers are required
on all survey ships to help ensure that
no whales or dolphins are too close to
the ship. When visibility is poor,
hydrophones must be used to listen for
whale and dolphin sounds (Gazette, 25
September 2008). In August 2012, the
DOC Minister and the Minister of
Energy and Resources developed a
voluntary ‘‘Code of Conduct for
Minimizing Acoustic Disturbance to
Marine Mammals from Seismic Surveys
Operations.’’ This voluntary guidance
was intended to increase protections for
Maui’s dolphins, in part by identifying
their entire historical range out to 100m
water depth as an ‘‘Area of Ecological
Significance,’’ which triggers additional
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mitigation requirements. Shortly
thereafter, in November 2013, the DOC
and MPI announced a decision to
formally regulate seismic surveying and
make the 2012 code of conduct a
mandatory standard. The mandatory
code of conduct applies to Territorial
waters, the Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) of New Zealand, and within all
marine mammal sanctuaries, and it
continues to include requirements for
planning, operations, monitoring, and
reporting. The 2013 code of conduct is
currently undergoing review and may be
further augmented to increase
protections for Maui’s dolphins and
other species of concern.
As indicated in the discussion above,
there are gaps in the current regulatory
protections for Maui’s dolphins.
Population viability analyses performed
under previous management scenarios
have predicted continued declines in
abundance of Maui’s dolphins or failure
to recover (Burkhart and Slooten 2003,
Slooten 2007a), as do more recent
analyses under the current fisheries
management regime (Slooten 2013).
More recent modelling work also
indicates that recovery of this
subspecies will occur only under
circumstances where human-induced
mortality is extremely minimal (Wade et
al. 2012; Slooten 2013). Therefore, we
conclude that while the protections for
Maui’s dolphins have gradually
increased from 2003 to present, there is
insufficient evidence to conclude that
current regulatory measures are
adequate in terms of addressing threats
to this subspecies.
Other Natural or Manmade Factors
Affecting Its Continued Existence
Other threats identified in the 2012
risk assessment and characterized as
being likely to affect population trends
within the next 5 years include fishing
vessel noise, disturbance, and trophic
effects of fishing; however, these threats
were considered to collectively make
very limited contributions to the overall
level of human-caused mortality (Currey
et al. 2012). Although vessel traffic and
its associated impacts of disturbance
and boat strikes were considered to
contribute little to annual mortality of
Maui’s dolphins, mortality due to vessel
traffic was rated as having a 47.8
percent chance of exceeding PBR
(Currey et al. 2012). Due to their coastal
distribution and apparent attraction to
small boats (Baker 1978, Slooten and
Dawson 1988), the potential for boat
strikes could be considered relatively
high, but reports of boat strikes have
been extremely rare (Stone and
Yoshinaga 2000a). None of the reports
within the DOC Incident Database from
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July 2008 to April 2016 are listed with
boat strike as the cause of death.
Summary of ESA Section 4(a)(1)
Factors Affecting SI Hector’s Dolphin
Available information regarding
historical, current, and potential threats
to SI Hector’s dolphins was thoroughly
reviewed and is discussed in detail in
the status review report (Manning and
Grantz 2016). We summarize
information regarding these threats
below according to the factors specified
in section 4(a)(1) of the ESA.
The Present or Threatened Destruction,
Modification, or Curtailment of Its
Habitat or Range
As discussed earlier for Maui’s
dolphins, persistent chemical pollutants
are a concern for SI Hector’s dolphins,
which can theoretically accumulate
high concentrations of contaminants
due to their longevity, high trophiclevel, and naturally high blubber
content (Stockin et al. 2010). In
cetaceans, biological impacts resulting
from accumulation of contaminants
such as heavy metals, PCBs, and
organochlorine (OC) pesticides include
endocrine disruption, reproductive
impairment, immune suppression, and
elevated infectious disease (e.g., Fujise
et al. 1988, Kuiken et al. 1994, O’Hara
and O’Shea 2001, Schwacke et al. 2002,
Jepson et al. 2005, Wells et al. 2005). As
previously mentioned, Stockin et al.
(2010) found high PCB and OC
contaminant loads in Hector’s dolphins
(n=27, SI Hector’s dolphins; n=3, Maui’s
dolphins) sampled from 1997 to 2009,
and a roughly two-fold increase in
levels of OC pesticides than had been
previously reported for Hector’s
dolphins by Jones et al. (1999).
However, no PCB concentrations were
above thresholds associated with
reproductive and immunological effects
(Stockin et al. 2010). High levels of
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
(PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs),
which are two related and ubiquitous
chemical contaminants, were also found
to occur at unexpected levels in the
blubber of six SI Hector’s dolphins
(Buckland et al. 1990).
Plastic marine debris is also a concern
for SI Hector’s dolphins. Plastics and
other synthetic, non-biodegradable
materials in the marine environment
create the potential for entanglement,
injury, and ingestion by various marine
species. As with other marine mammals,
Hector’s dolphins may become
entangled and subsequently wounded,
or have impaired foraging ability, and/
or increased susceptibility to predation.
Ingestion of plastics by marine species
has been associated with a multitude of
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impacts including blockage of the
digestive tract, starvation, reduction in
reproductive capacity, drowning, and
possible accumulation of toxic
compounds (Laist 1997, Gregory 2009).
Plastic debris was found in the stomach
of a SI Hector’s dolphin that stranded
along the coast of the Canterbury region,
and there are anecdotal reports of SI
Hector’s dolphins off Banks Peninsula
with fishing line or netting entangling
the head or upper body and cutting into
the blubber (MFish and DOC 2007b).
Mining occurs along the west coast of
the South Island where there are
significant nearshore and beach deposits
of ilmenite (mined mainly for titanium
dioxide). The TMP for Hector’s dolphins
identified possible impacts of mining
activity, including loss or reduction in
prey species, noise, and vessel
disturbance (MFish and DOC 2007b).
Based on a search of the NZPM’s map
in June 2016 (https://
a large portion of the SI Hector’s
dolphin west coast range is included in
a prospecting permit application,
indicating the potential for continued
mining activity in this region.
Prospecting permits for petroleum
cover large areas along the southeastern
coast of the South Island (https://
June 2016). Drill ships are also operated
off Canterbury and along the west coast
of the South Island. Potential habitat
impacts from these activities include oil
spills; increased vessel traffic; and
acoustic disturbances from seismic
surveys, sonar, and drilling activities.
Contaminants in oil and gas may impact
the health of the dolphins, and the
associated noise may disrupt normal
behaviors, such as navigating, migrating,
and feeding (Gordon et al. 2003,
Thompson 2012).
Overall, it is clear that SI Hector’s
dolphins are exposed to multiple
habitat-related threats. However, the
extent to which SI Hector’s dolphins are
being impacted—both individually and
at a population level—by these habitatrelated threats is not yet established due
to insufficient data (MFish and DOC
2007b). It is possible that SI Hector’s
dolphin habitat will become
increasingly degraded in the future with
increasing human use of the coastal
zone and its resources (MFish and DOC
Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific or Educational
Hector’s dolphins have not been
systematically captured for any
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commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; although, as
noted earlier, a few Hector’s dolphins
have been taken for live exhibition.
While Hector’s dolphins have also
apparently been taken for food, oil, and
bait, the extent to which this occurred
is not known (Pichler et al. 2003).
There is growing evidence that
overutilization in the form of
commercial dolphin-watching and
swim-with-dolphin operations, which
are increasingly popular tourist
activities in New Zealand, are a concern
for SI Hector’s dolphins. The majority of
the commercial viewing and encounter
operations in New Zealand occur
around the South Island and are
especially popular along the east coast
off Kaikoura and within Akaroa Harbor,
which have become major eco-tourist
destinations in New Zealand (Martinez
2010b). Within Akaroa Harbor, and as of
2010, there were up to about 18 daily
‘swim-with’ trips and 14 dolphinwatching trips per day between
November and March that specifically
targeted Hector’s dolphins (Martinez
2010b). In addition to permitted
commercial operations, opportunistic
viewing also occurs by both commercial
and recreational boaters.
Dolphin-watching and swim-withdolphin operations have been shown to
cause behavioral changes in Hector’s
dolphins (Bejder et al. 1999,
Constantine 1999, Martinez et al. 2012).
In a study of SI Hector’s dolphins in
Porpoise Bay, Bejder et al. (1999) found
that while SI Hector’s dolphins were not
displaced by dolphin-watching tour
boats, the dolphins did respond by
approaching the boats, especially
initially, and by forming significantly
tighter groupings. A possible
interpretation of the behavioral response
of ‘bunching’ is that the boat is
perceived as some kind of threat and
may in fact cause the animals some
level of stress (Constantine 1999). In
Akaroa Harbor, Martinez (2010b) found
that both diving—which is considered a
feeding behavior—and travelling were
significantly disrupted by vessel
interactions. Evidence also indicates
that the use of sounds to attract Hector’s
dolphins to swimmers affects the
behavior of the dolphins (Martinez et al.
2012). For example, both the number
and the duration of close interactions or
approaches by Hector’s dolphins were
significantly greater when a swimmer
banged two rocks together underwater
(Martinez et al. 2012). Such deliberate
efforts to attract Hector’s dolphins could
have behavioral consequences such as
disrupted or reduced foraging time,
which in turn can have biological
consequences (Martinez et al. 2012). For
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some regional dolphin populations, a
relatively large portion of that
population can be exposed to the tourist
activities occurring in a particular
harbor or area. For example, about 80
percent of the SI Hector’s dolphins that
were photo-identified in surveys around
Banks Peninsula between 1985 and
2006 had alongshore home ranges that
included Akaroa Harbor, and for half of
these dolphins, Akaroa Harbor served as
a core use or ‘‘hub’’ area (Rayment et al.
Longer-term impacts of these tourism
activities on SI Hector’s dolphins are
not yet clear but could include
physiological stress, reduced energy
intake, and possibly even reduced
calving success. Linkages between
immediate behavioral responses to
vessel traffic and longer-term biological
consequences have already been
established for other species (e.g.,
Tursiops sp.) and include declines in
abundance and reduced reproductive
success in females (Bejder et al. 2006a,
2006b, 2006c). Given this information
and the fact that SI Hector’s dolphin
populations encounter dolphinwatching operations in multiple areas of
their range (e.g., Porpoise Bay, Timaru,
Akaroa Harbor, and Marlborough
Sounds), dolphin-watching and ‘swimwith’ activities are likely posing a
significant but sub-lethal threat to this
subspecies. The actual magnitude of this
threat cannot yet be established, but this
threat is likely to persist given the
popularity and lucrativeness of the ecotourism industry in New Zealand.
Disease or Predation
As previously mentioned, predation
of Hector’s dolphins by several shark
species, such as broadnose seven-gill
sharks (N. cepedianus) and blue sharks
(P. glauca), is known to occur (Slooten
and Dawson 1988). Although seven-gill
sharks are particularly common around
Banks Peninsula, predation rates are not
known (Slooten and Dawson 1988), and
there is no evidence to suggest
predation is posing a threat to this
Prevalence of infectious disease and
associated impacts have not yet been
well studied in Hector’s dolphins, but
recent evidence suggests that infectious
disease may be a significant source of
mortality for SI Hector’s dolphins. In
particular, Roe et al. (2013) found that
out of 22 dolphins collected between
2007 and 2011 for which a definitive
cause of death was established, a total
of ten (45 percent) had died due to
infectious disease (Toxoplasma gondii
infections, bacterial infection, or fungal
infection). Five of the 22 SI Hector’s
dolphins (23 percent) were found to
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
have died as a result of T. gondii
infection (toxoplasmosis, Roe et al.
2013). While toxoplasmosis is typically
a secondary disease in cetaceans,
resulting in symptoms in
immunosuppressed individuals rather
than healthy individuals, there was no
evidence of immunosuppression in
these cases, suggesting that Hector’s
dolphins are particularly susceptible to
toxoplasmosis (Roe et al. 2013). Beyond
direct mortality, toxoplasmosis can also
have other biological consequences,
such as behavioral changes, reduced
reproductive rate, and neonatal loss.
Because the fatal cases of T. gondii
infection in this study were distributed
throughout almost the entire range of
the SI Hector’s dolphin, exposure is
probably occurring over broad areas.
Overall, the available data suggest that
disease, especially toxoplasmosis, is
posing a threat to SI Hector’s dolphins.
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory
As with Maui’s dolphins, a number of
regulatory measures have been put in
place to address bycatch of SI Hector’s
dolphins. As previously noted, by the
1980’s, bycatch of Hector’s dolphins in
commercial and recreational gillnets
was recognized as a serious issue in
New Zealand (Dawson and Slooten
2005). In the South Island, a region of
particular concern was the Pegasus Bay
and Canterbury Bight area along the east
coast, where there was a known high
degree of overlap between inshore
gillnetting and a locally abundant
population of SI Hector’s dolphins. To
begin to quantify the level of bycatch,
Dawson (1991b) conducted fisherman
interviews during 1984–1988 and found
that at least 230 SI Hector’s dolphins
had died due to entanglement in
commercial and recreational gillnets in
the Pegasus Bay and Canterbury Bight
region during this period. Ages of
entangled dolphins that were physically
examined (n=43) ranged from younger
than 1 year to about 20 years old, but
a high proportion (63 percent) were 3
years old or younger, suggesting that
younger dolphins are especially
vulnerable to entanglement (Dawson
1991b). Overall, this level of bycatch
(i.e., 230 over 4 years or about 57.5
entanglement mortalities per year),
greatly exceeded the estimated
population growth rate for this regional
population (1.8¥4.9 percent or
13.3¥36.3 individuals per year; Dawson
and Slooten 1988b, Slooten and Lad
1991). Subsequent analyses based on
observer data, suggested that bycatch
rates during this period (1984¥1988)
were actually much higher, averaging
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100 dolphins per year (Davies et al.
Released in 2007, the TMP for
Hector’s dolphins identified set
gillnetting as the greatest source of
human-caused mortality of Hector’s
dolphins but also discussed how SI
Hector’s dolphins are incidentally
captured in other gear types (MFish and
DOC 2007b). Between 1921 and when
the TMP was released, the DOC Incident
Database indicates there had been 19
reports of Hector’s dolphin mortalities
due to trawls, which corresponds to 9
percent of the reported incidents with a
known cause of death. All 19 of these
reports occurred off the South Island
within 2 nmi (3.7 km) of shore (MFish
and DOC 2007b). Entanglement deaths
of SI Hector’s dolphins have also
occurred in pot traps (e.g., rock lobster
pots). Three such incidents were
reported (in 1989, 1997, and 2004) and
all occurred off Kaikoura, which is
along the northeast coast of the South
Island (MFish and DOC 2007b).
In reaction to the growing concern
over bycatch of Hector’s dolphins, the
DOC established the Banks Peninsula
Marine Mammal Sanctuary (BPMMS) in
1988. When it was first established, the
sanctuary extended from Sumner Head
to the Rakaia River and out to 4 nmi (7.4
km), covering an area of about 1,140 sq
km. All gillnetting within the sanctuary
(with some harbor exceptions) was
prohibited from November through
February, and additional gear
restrictions that applied throughout the
remainder of the year essentially
resulted in a year-round ban of
commercial gillnetting within the
sanctuary (Dawson and Slooten 1993).
Additional restrictions on recreational
gillnetting, such as limiting fishing to
daylight hours only and requiring
continuous tending of nets, were also
enacted to help further reduce bycatch
mortality. Based on fisheries observer
data, bycatch in gillnets continued to
occur to the immediate north and south
of the sanctuary at unsustainable levels
(Baird and Bradford 2000, Dawson and
Slooten 2005), and there was little
evidence of improved survival of SI
Hector’s dolphins within the sanctuary
(Cameron et al. 1999). In recognition
that further protection of SI Hector’s
dolphins was needed, the sanctuary
boundaries were expanded in 2008 to
the north and south and out to 12 nmi
(22.2 km) offshore, but no restrictions
on fishing activities were applied to the
area beyond the original 4 nmi (7.4 km)
sanctuary boundary (MFish and DOC
2007b, DOC 2008). The sanctuary
currently encompasses about 4,130 sq.
km and 389 km of coastline.
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In addition to the expansion of
BPMMS, a series of fishing restrictions
were put in place in 2008 to reduce
bycatch of SI Hector’s dolphins
elsewhere around the South Island.
Along the east and south coasts, from
Cape Jackson in the Marlborough
Sounds to Sandhill Point east of
Fiordland, commercial gillnetting was
banned out to 4 nmi (7.4 km) from
shore, except at Kaikoura, where it was
banned out to 1 nmi (1.9 km), and in Te
Waewae Bay, where it is banned out to
about 9 nmi (16.7 km) from shore
(MFish 2008). Recreational gillnetting
was allowed to continue in specified
harbors and estuaries; and, in the case
of flatfishing (e.g. for Rhombosolea
spp.), gillnetting was permitted from
April through September in the upper
reaches of four harbors on Banks
Peninsula, and in a similar area in
Queen Charlotte Sound. Trawling was
also prohibited along the east and south
coasts from Cape Jackson to Sandhill
Point out to 2 nmi (3.7 km), with an
exception for trawls using a low
headline net (used to target flatfish,
MFish 2008). On the west coast of the
South Island, again with some
exceptions for certain harbors, inlets,
estuaries, river mouths and lagoons,
recreational set netting was banned
year-round in waters out to 2 nmi (3.7
km) and from Cape Farewell on
Farewell Spit to Awarua Point north of
Fiordland; and commercial set netting
was banned in the same area from
December through February (MFish
2008). No trawling prohibitions were
implemented for the west coast, and no
fishing prohibitions were instituted
along the north coast of the South
Island. Since 2008, some amendments
and changes to these fishery restrictions
have been made for particular fishing
activities and specific locations, but
these changes are limited in scope and
scale and are not discussed in detail
here; see Manning and Grantz (2016) for
additional detail.
Recently, in 2013, the DOC
established the Akaroa Harbor Marine
Reserve at the mouth of Akaroa Harbor
on Banks Peninsula. This reserve
includes about 512 hectares of habitat or
about 12 percent of the total harbor area
As a result of this designation, which
provides protection to all marine life
within the reserve, fishing and any other
taking of living or non-living marine
resources is prohibited.
Despite the gradual increase in fishing
restrictions around the South Island,
exposure of SI Hector’s dolphins to
fishing activity remains fairly high
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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throughout the South Island. On the
west coast, where the dolphins are
known to occur year-round and range to
about 6.5 nmi (12.0 km) offshore
(Mackenzie and Clement 2016),
commercial gillnetting is prohibited
only out to 2 nmi for just 3 months of
the year, and there are no prohibitions
on trawling. Survey sightings off the
south coast indicate that the dolphins at
least occasionally occur as far as 9.6 nmi
(17.8 km) from shore and outside of
protected areas (Clement et al. 2011). On
the east coast, a substantial portion of
the population is distributed well
beyond the current closed areas,
particularly in winter months (e.g., out
to 18.2 nmi (33.7 km), Rayment et al.
2006, Rayment et al. 2010b); and
gillnetting is still allowed within the
BPMMS in waters between the original
(4 nmi) and the extended offshore
boundary (12 nmi).
Evidence of continued bycatch
around the South Island is available in
the DOC Incident Database
which lists 13 entanglement mortalities
between May 2009 and April 2015; and,
in 2012, two Hector’s dolphins were
found stranded and wrapped in a gillnet
just north of Christchurch (Slooten
2013, 2016). Unfortunately, the actual
level of bycatch since 2008 is unknown
and the database records provide only a
subset of the total bycatch (Slooten and
Dawson 2016). The majority of
mortalities captured in the database are
also listed as having unknown or
indeterminable causes. Pichler et al.
(2003) reported that of the dolphins
caught by commercial and recreational
gillnet fishers and brought in for
necropsies, only about half have
discernable net markings, contributing
further to the underestimation of
bycatch rates. Some additional data are
available from commercial gillnetting
observer programs. For example, based
on low observer coverage of commercial
gillnet vessels from May 2009 through
April 2010 (about 15.8 percent of fishing
days and about 13 percent of total sets),
three SI Hector’s dolphin mortalities
were recorded from the east coast of the
South Island (ECSI; MPI 2011b, Slooten
and Davies 2012). Slooten and Davies
(2012) analyzed these data and
estimated that 23 SI Hector’s dolphins
(range of 4¥48, CV = 0.21) were caught
off the ECSI in that year.
Evidence from multiple modelling
efforts suggests that SI Hector’s dolphins
will continue to decline due to bycatch
under the current management
measures. For example, for the most
recent assessment of the BPMMS
population, which has benefited from
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almost three decades of protection,
Gormley et al. (2012) conducted a markrecapture analysis of photographically
identified dolphins (n=462) from 1986
to 2006 to compare annual survival rates
before and after establishment of the
sanctuary and associated gillnetting
restrictions. Results indicated that
between the two time periods, mean
survival probability increased by 5.4
percent (from 0.863 to 0.917), which
corresponds to a 6 percent increase in
population growth. However, the
population projections using the postsanctuary survival rate also
corresponded to a mean annual
population decrease of 0.5 percent per
year, with only 41 percent of the model
simulations resulting in a population
increase (Gormley et al. 2012). As noted
by Gormley et al. (2012), this finding is
consistent with other research
indicating that the BPMMS is too small
to allow recovery of this SI Hector’s
dolphin population (Rayment et al.
2006, Slooten et al. 2006b, Slooten and
Dawson 2008, Rayment et al. 2010b,
Slooten and Dawson 2010). A
population viability analysis by Slooten
and Dawson (2010), which relied on
commercial gillnet observer data for a
portion of the east coast to estimate
bycatch (from Baird and Bradford 2000),
projected that the west coast population
would continue to decline (by just over
1,000 individuals by 2050), the Banks
Peninsula population would continue to
decline, and the remainder of the east
coast population would slowly increase
(by 450 individuals by 2050). In a
review of risk assessments for SI
Hector’s dolphins, Slooten and Davies
(2012) found that despite differing
modelling approaches and assumptions
applied, the risk assessments were
highly consistent and were in general
agreement that recovery of SI Hector’s
dolphins is unlikely under the current
level of protections.
Overall, based on the available
information, the existing measures to
address the threat of bycatch of SI
Hector’s dolphins appear inadequate,
and we conclude that bycatch continues
to pose a significant risk to this
subspecies. The risk of bycatch in
commercial and recreational trawl and
gillnet fisheries remains high given the
known distribution of the dolphins
relative to areas closed to fishing,
especially on the west and north coasts
(Faustino et al. 2013, Slooten 2013).
Although bycatch of SI Hector’s
dolphins has been slowed by the
fisheries restrictions implemented in
2008, available risk analyses indicate
that population decline is expected to
continue (Slooten and Dawson 2010,
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Gormley et al. 2012, Slooten and Davies
2012). Finally, enforcement of the
existing regulations may be insufficient.
Illegal fishing has been reported for
Banks Peninsula (Slooten and Davies
2012), and illegal fishing is discussed in
the TMP (MFish and DOC 2007b). There
are insufficient data available to
evaluate the level of compliance with
existing regulations.
Several management measures have
been implemented to address some of
the threats associated with mining and
petroleum industry activities. For both
petroleum and minerals mining
activities, a permit is generally required
from local authorities under the
Resource Management Act 1991 for
mining activities within New Zealand’s
territorial sea (within 12 nmi from the
coast). For mining activities beyond the
territorial sea, the Environmental
Protection Authority (EPA) manages the
environmental effects of activity under
the Exclusive Economic Zone and
Continental Shelf (Environmental
Effects) Act 2012 (EEZ Act) and its
regulations, which establish which
activities require permits and impact
assessments. Seismic surveys are
permitted under the EEZ Act if they
adhere to the Code of Conduct for
Minimizing Acoustic Disturbance to
Marine Mammals from Seismic Survey
Operations (DOC 2013). In 2013, the
DOC and MPI updated their seismic
survey guidelines and announced a
decision to make the code of conduct a
mandatory standard. The mandatory
code of conduct applies to Territorial
waters, the EEZ of New Zealand, and
within all marine mammal sanctuaries,
and includes requirements for planning,
operations, monitoring, and reporting.
The 2013 code of conduct is currently
undergoing review and may be further
augmented to increase protections for
Hector’s dolphins and other species of
concern. Discharge management plans
associated with mining activities also
must be approved under the Maritime
Rules Part 200, Maritime New Zealand
prior to drilling.
To help manage non-fishing-related
threats to Hector’s dolphins, the DOC
expanded BPMMS in 2008 and
established an additional three marine
mammal sanctuaries– the Catlins Coast,
Clifford and Cloudy Bay, and Te
Waewae Bay Marine Mammal
Sanctuaries (MMS). The Catlins Coast
MMS lies along the south coast of the
South Island (SCSI) between Three
Brother’s Point and Busy Point and
extends 5 nmi to 6.9 nmi offshore. The
sanctuary encompasses about 660 sq km
of marine habitat and 161 km of
coastline. The Clifford and Cloudy Bay
MMS, which lies on the northeast coast,
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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includes about 1,427 sq km and 338 km
of coastline between Cape Campbell to
Tory Channel, and extends 12 nmi
offshore. The Te Waewae Bay MMS
includes this entire SCSI bay and
encompasses about 359 sq km of marine
habitat and 113 km of coastline.
Protections for SI Hector’s dolphins that
accompanied the expansion of BPMMS
and the designation of these three
additional sanctuaries were specific
requirements for conducting seismic
surveys. Included among the
requirements for seismic surveys are
mandatory notification prior to
conducting surveys, mandatory
reporting of any interactions with
dolphins, and presence of qualified
marine mammal observers on all survey
ships (Gazette, 23 September 2008).
There are no additional restrictions on
mining activities within the sanctuaries.
Overall, while there is a clear
regulatory process in place for
reviewing and permitting mining
activities, given the existing
information, it is not clear whether
existing management measures are
adequate to minimize acoustic and other
impacts to SI Hector’s dolphins such
that these activities do not pose a threat
to the subspecies.
The dolphin-watching industry in
New Zealand is regulated under the
Marine Mammals Protection
Regulations (MMPR), which were
revised in 1992 in response to the
growth in marine mammal-based
tourism (Constantine (1999), citing
Donoghue 1996). Among other
provisions, these regulations govern the
issuance of permits to commercial
operators and, as discussed above, the
behavior of vessels around dolphins. As
a permit issuance criterion, commercial
tour operators are required to ensure
that their activities have ‘‘no significant
adverse effect’’ on their targeted
population (MMPR, 1992; Appendix
1.4). Given the high level of commercial
dolphin watching operations in some
portions of the SI Hector’s dolphin’s
range, the repeat exposure of individual
dolphins to vessels and/or ‘swim-with’
activities, and the potential linkage to
long-term biological consequences, it is
possible that the current level of tourism
is having a significant adverse impact
on the subspecies. We find that there are
insufficient data by which to verify that
this permit issuance criterion is being
Pursuant to the MMPR, all boaters,
both recreational and commercial, must
adhere to certain rules when operating
around marine mammals. For example,
no more than 3 vessels and/or aircraft
are allowed within 300 m of any marine
mammal at the same time; speeds must
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be kept to ‘no wake’ speeds when
within 300 m of any marine mammal;
swimmers are prohibited from
swimming with dolphin pods with very
young calves; and boats are prohibited
from circling, obstructing, or cutting
through any group (MMPR 1992, part 3).
Compliance monitoring is limited and
sufficient quantitative data are not
available to assess compliance by
commercial and recreational boaters
with these regulations (MFish and DOC
2007b). Thus, it is difficult to determine
whether these regulations, and the
associated education and enforcement,
adequately address boat-related
disturbance and boat strikes, which are
discussed further in the section below.
Other Natural or Manmade Factors
Affecting Its Continued Existence
Other potential threats to SI Hector’s
dolphins include vessel noise, trophic
effects of fishing, and climate change;
however, there are no data available to
assess how or whether these factors are
contributing to the overall level of
human-caused mortality or population
trends. Boat strikes, however, are a
documented source of mortality for
Hector’s dolphins, and the TMP
identifies vessel traffic as a threat that
can result in disturbance and mortality
(MFish and DOC 2007b). Vessel traffic
has increased around the South Island,
especially in areas more densely
populated by people, and reports of
cetaceans with propeller scars have
increased (Martinez 2010b). Stone and
Yoshinaga (2000) reported the death of
two calves on consecutive days in
Akaroa Harbor. In 1999, two calves,
both estimated to be younger than 4
weeks old, were recovered on
successive days from Akaroa Harbor,
and autopsy results confirmed that one
calf was killed by collision with a boat
and the other calf by a propeller strike
(Stone and Yoshinaga 2000). Stone and
Yoshinaga (2000) suggest that mother
and calf pairs may be less capable of
evading boats if they are approached.
Although the specific cause of death
was unknown, the TMP also states that
there were an additional nine cases from
around the South Island in which cause
of death was some form of trauma
(MFish and DOC 2007b). Overall, data
are too limited to assess the rate of boat
strikes, but existing information clearly
indicates that boat strikes are
contributing to the total level of humancaused mortality.
Demographic Risks Affecting Extinction
Risk for Maui’s Dolphins
In our status review, data and
information about demographic risks to
Maui’s dolphins were considered
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according to four categories—abundance
and trends, population growth/
productivity, spatial structure/
connectivity, and genetic diversity. Each
of these demographic threat categories
was then rated according to the
following qualitative scale:
Very low risk: It is unlikely that this
factor contributes significantly to risk of
extinction, either by itself or in
combination with other demographic
Low risk: It is unlikely that this factor
contributes significantly to long-term or
near future risk of extinction by itself,
but there is some concern that it may,
in combination with other demographic
Moderate risk: This factor is likely to
contribute significantly to long-term risk
of extinction, but does not by itself
constitute a danger of extinction in the
near future.
High risk: This factor contributes
significantly to long-term risk of
extinction and is likely to contribute to
short-term risk of extinction in the near
Very high risk: This factor by itself
indicates danger of extinction in the
near future. (Note: The term
‘‘significantly’’ is used here as it is
generally defined—i.e., in a sufficiently
great or important way as to be worthy
of attention.)
In the sections below, we present
information from Manning and Grantz
(2016) to summarize the demographic
risks facing Maui’s dolphins.
A. Abundance and Trends
Based on line-transect aerial surveys
conducted in January 2004, Slooten et
al. 2006a estimated a total population
size of 111 Maui’s dolphins (95 percent
CI = 48–252). A more recent abundance
estimate, derived through genetic markrecapture analysis of samples collected
in 2010 and 2011, is 55 dolphins over
1 year of age (95 percent CI: 48¥69,
Hamner et al. 2012b). This estimate is
based on a genetic mark-recapture
analysis using 37 biopsy samples
collected in 2010 and 36 biopsy samples
collected in 2011, which were
genotyped across 20 variable
microsatellite loci and analyzed in a
closed-sample model (Lincoln-Peterson
estimator with Chapman correction,
Chapman 1951; Hamner et al. 2012b).
Both of these estimates indicate that the
abundance of Maui’s dolphins is
critically low.
Small populations can face higher
risks of extinction from a range of
factors, including stochastic
demographic processes, genetic effects,
and environmental catastrophes; and
various theoretical abundance
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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thresholds have been proposed as
indicators of relative extinction risk
(Gilpin and Soule 1986, Allendorf et al.
1987, Mace et al. 2008). Both of the most
recent abundance estimates for Maui’s
dolphins are well below commonly
cited theoretical thresholds indicating a
very high risk of extinction—e.g., 250
total individuals (Allendorf et al. 1987)
and 250 mature individuals (Mace et al.
Although historical abundance
estimates are not available, Slooten
(2007a) estimated population
abundances for 1970 by backcalculating, using a population estimate
of 117 dolphins (CV= 0.44) and
estimates of fishing effort and rate of
dolphin bycatch. Results suggest that
the abundance of Maui’s dolphins in
1970 was about 1,729 dolphins (CV=
0.51, Slooten 2007, Slooten and Dawson
2010). Martien et al. (1999) also
projected numbers back to 1970 using
an earlier abundance estimate published
by Dawson and Slooten (1988; i.e., 134
dolphins), and estimated there were
about 448 Maui’s dolphins in 1970.
Although there are differences in the
models, assumptions, input data, and
results of these two analyses, these
estimated abundances for 1970 suggest
the Maui’s dolphin population has
declined by about 90 percent or more
when compared to the current
abundance estimate of 55 dolphins over
1 year of age.
Available evidence suggests that
abundance of Maui’s dolphins will
continue to decline. For example, an
annual rate of decline of 3.0 percent per
year (95 percent CI: ¥11 percent to +6
percent) and an annual survival rate of
84 percent (95 percent CI = 0.75–0.90)
was estimated by Hamner et al. (2012b).
Although this result was somewhat
equivocal given the large confidence
interval, a projected decline is
supported by the trend analysis
conducted by Wade et al. (2012) using
six different abundance estimates
generated from 1985 to 2011. Wade et
al. (2012) calculated a statistically
significant declining trend of ¥3.2
percent per year from 1985 to 2011 (90
percent CI = ¥5.7 percent to ¥0.6
percent, p = 0.029).
Given a population abundance of
fewer than 100 dolphins over one year
of age, evidence of a very large historical
decline, and evidence of possible
continued decline, this demographic
risk category was rated as posing a ‘‘very
high risk’’ for the subspecies.
B. Population Growth
Fecundity (i.e., the number of female
offspring per female per breeding
season) of Maui’s dolphins is relatively
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low (0.165 to 0.25, Secchi et al. 2004b),
with females having calves every two to
four years after reaching maturity at
about 7 years of age (Slooten and
Dawson 1994, Dawson 2009). Due to an
estimated lifespan of only about 22
years, later maturity, and low fecundity,
Maui’s dolphins are considered to have
a low intrinsic rate of population growth
(Dawson 2009). The annual mortality
rate is estimated to be about 17 percent
per year for dolphins 1 year of age and
older (Hamner et al. 2012b), and, as
mentioned above, modelling results
suggest a declining population trend
(Wade et al. 2012). Overall, this
demographic factor was found to
constitute a ‘‘high risk’’ for Maui’s
C. Population Structure and
Maui’s dolphins are thought to have
once ranged along the entire coast of the
North Island (Russell 1999, Dawson et
al. 2001b, Baker et al. 2002, Du Fresne
2010). The dolphins now occur only off
the west coast of the North Island.
While there is no indication of spatial
structuring within the subspecies, data
do indicate that home ranges of
individuals are probably small (e.g. 35.5
km (SE= 4.03), Oremus et al. 2012), and
that movements over 100 km are
probably rare (Hamner et al. 2012b).
Overall, the available information
indicates that substantial range
contraction has already occurred, gene
flow will be limited among populations
of Hector’s dolphins that are over 100
km apart, and any fragmentation of the
remaining population would be a
serious concern. Overall, this
demographic factor was rated as posing
a ‘‘moderate risk’’ for Maui’s dolphins.
D. Genetic Diversity
Genetic diversity in Maui’s dolphins
is currently very low. Pichler (2002)
analyzed microsatellite DNA for Maui’s
dolphins across six loci (n = 4 to 12) and
reported an average of 1.5 alleles per
locus, three of which were fixed (i.e., 1
allele), and an overall low
heterozygosity (0.083¥0.25). Analyses
of contemporary mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA) samples also indicate a single
maternal lineage (Pichler 2002, Hamner
et al. 2012a). This level of haplotype
diversity (i.e., h = 0) is well below the
typical range of 0.70¥0.92 for other
more abundant odontocete species
(Pichler and Baker 2000) and is only
seen in several other rare marine
mammals (e.g., vaquita (Phocoena
sinus), north Atlantic right whale
(Eubalaena glacialis), Dawson et al.
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Maui’s dolphins are reproductively
isolated from SI Hector’s dolphins, and
there has been no recent gene flow
between the subspecies (Pichler et al.
2001, Hamner et al. 2012a). Based on
analyses of mtDNA, the North Island
subspecies has been isolated from the
South Island populations for up to
16,000 years (Pichler et al. 2001).
Hamner et al. (2012a) noted that some
degree of inbreeding is inevitable for
such a small, isolated population and
also suggested that the significant
deviation from a 1:1 sex ratio they
observed for stranded Maui’s dolphins,
due to an excess of females in their
sample (41 females of 68 total Maui’s
dolphins), may be an indication of
deleterious inbreeding effects.
Overall, Maui’s dolphins have very
low genetic diversity, are genetically
isolated, and are vulnerable to
inbreeding depression and the
accumulation of deleterious mutations,
which are serious concerns that can
hasten the extinction of small
populations (Lunch et al. 1995,
Frankham 2005, O’Grady et al. 2006).
This demographic factor was rated as a
‘‘high risk’’ for Maui’s dolphins.
Demographic Risks Affecting Extinction
Risk for SI Hector’s Dolphins
In the sections below, we present
information from Manning and Grantz
(2016) on the demographic risks facing
SI Hector’s dolphins. As with Maui’s
dolphins, demographic risks to SI
Hector’s dolphins were considered
according to the same four categories
(abundance and trends, population
growth/productivity, spatial structure/
connectivity, and genetic diversity) and
rated according to the same qualitative
scale as defined above.
A. Abundance and Trends
Various surveys have been completed
for portions of the SI Hector’s dolphin’s
range, each producing a separate,
regional abundance estimate for the
associated portion of the subspecies’
range. (See Manning and Grantz (2016)
for discussion of older surveys and
abundance estimates.) The most recent
abundance estimate for the west coast of
the South Island (WCSI) is based on
aerial surveys conducted by Mackenzie
and Clement (2016) in 2014/2015 from
Farewell Spit south to Milford Sound.
These surveys included substantial
effort in waters beyond 4 nmi (7.4 km)
from shore and included an ‘‘outer’’
survey zone between 12 nmi and 20 nmi
from shore (22.2–37.0 km, MacKenzie
and Clement 2016). Based on these
surveys, summer and winter abundance
estimates of 5,490 dolphins (95% CI =
3,319–9,079) and 5,802 dolphins (95%
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CI = 3,879–8,679), respectively, were
estimated using mark-recapture distance
sampling after correcting for availability
bias (or how ‘‘available’’ the dolphins
are at or near the surface where they can
be observed; Mackenzie and Clement
2016)). The most recent surveys of the
north (NCSI) and east coasts (ECSI) of
the South Island were conducted in the
summer of 2012/2013 and winter 2013
and extended from Farewell Spit to
Nugget Point and extended offshore to
20 nm (37.0 km; MacKenzie and
Clement 2014). These intensive aerial
surveys, which had a similar design as
the WCSI surveys, produced an
estimated summer abundance of 9,728
dolphins (95 percent CI= 7,001–13,517)
and an estimated winter abundance of
8,208 dolphins (95 percent CI = 4,888–
13,785, MacKenzie and Clement 2014,
Mackenzie and Clement 2016). The
most recent surveys of the SCSI
produced an abundance estimate of 238
dolphins (95 percent CI = 113–503,
Clement et al. 2011, Mackenzie and
Clement 2016). This abundance estimate
was based on two aerial surveys
completed in March and August 2010
from Puysegur Point to Nugget Point
and extended out to the 100-m depth
contour (Clement et al. 2011). Following
completion of the last of these three
regional survey efforts, Mackenzie and
Clement (2016) re-analyzed the data
and, using the sum of the averages of the
summer and winter abundance
estimates from these surveys, calculated
a total population estimate of 14,849 SI
Hector’s dolphins (95% CI = 11,923–
Despite the large confidence intervals
associated with some of these recent
abundance estimates, the data indicate
that the total abundance of SI Hector’s
dolphins is greater than commonly
applied theoretical abundances used as
indicators of a high risk of extinction—
e.g., 2,500 total individuals (Allendorf et
al. 1987) and 1,000 mature individuals
(Mace et al. 2008)—suggesting that SI
Hector’s dolphins are not at high risk of
extinction due to abundance alone.
Populations of SI Hector’s dolphins
have, however, experienced substantial
declines and available information
suggests that the subspecies is likely to
continue declining (Slooten and Lad
1991, Slooten et al. 1992, Burkhart and
Slooten 2003). SI Hector’s dolphin
populations are estimated to have
experienced declines of 20–73 percent
since the 1970s following the expansion
of commercial gillnetting in New
Zealand (Slooten 2007, Davies et al.
2008, Slooten and Dawson 2010).
Evidence of a historical decline is also
provided by the findings of Pichler and
Baker (2000), who detected a significant
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decline in mtDNA diversity (from h =
0.65 to h = 0.35, p<0.05) for ECSI
Hector’s dolphins in a comparison of
contemporary (n=108) samples to
historical samples (n=55) dating back to
1870. These authors suggest that the
high rate of decline in mitochondrial
DNA diversity reflects a high rate of
population decline driven by
unsustainable levels of bycatch
mortality. While there is strong
evidence that adult survival in the ECSI
population has improved following the
implementation of fishing restrictions at
BPMMS (0.863 (95 percent CI = 0.647–
0.971) pre-sanctuary versus 0.917 (95
percent CI = 0.802–0.984) postsanctuary), the improved survival rate
still corresponds to an estimated decline
of 0.5 percent per year (Gormley et al.
2012). Results of modelling efforts by
Slooten and Davies (2012) also suggest
continued population declines over the
next 50 years if fisheries management
practices remain the same.
Overall, this demographic factor was
rated as posing a ‘‘moderate risk’’ for SI
Hector’s dolphins.
B. Population Growth
Given an estimated lifespan of about
22 years, relatively late maturity (at 7–
9 years), and low fecundity (0.165 to
0.25), Hector’s dolphins are considered
to have a low intrinsic population
growth rate (Slooten 1991, Slooten and
Lad 1991, Secchi and Fletcher 2004,
Secchi et al. 2004b, Dawson 2009).
Females may produce only four to seven
calves over their lifetime. Estimates of
the survival rate of SI Hector’s dolphins
≥ 1 year old have ranged from 0.77 to
0.89 (Slooten and Lad 1991, Slooten et
al. 1992, Slooten and Dawson 1994,
Cameron et al. 1999). Based on simple
Leslie matrix models, Slooten and Ladd
(1991) estimated a maximum population
growth rate of 0.018 to 0.049; whereas,
Secchi and Fletcher (2004) estimated a
much lower population growth rate of
0.0065. Projections of population
growth, given estimated levels of
human-caused mortality, have varied
depending on the modelling approach
and the study population, but results are
generally consistent in indicating a
continuing population decline (Slooten
and Dawson 2010, Slooten and Davies
2012). Essentially, the available
information indicates that population
growth is too low to compensate for
current mortality rates, and that
mortality needs to be reduced in order
to allow populations around the South
Island to recover from past declines due
to bycatch (Slooten 2013).
This demographic factor was rated as
posing a ‘‘moderate risk’’ for SI Hector’s
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C. Population Structure and
Analyses of both mtDNA and
microsatellite DNA indicate the
existence of three distinct regional
populations of SI Hector’s dolphins—
east, west, and south coast populations
(Pichler et al. 1998, Pichler 2002,
Hamner et al. 2012a). Each regional
population is characterized by one or
two high frequency mtDNA haplotypes,
and hierarchical analyses of both
mtDNA and microsatellite DNA data
indicate strong genetic differentiation
among the three regional populations
(mtDNA FST = 0.321, p<0.001; Phi ST =
0.395; microsatellite FST = 0.058,
p<0.001; Hamner et al. 2012a). There
appears to be additional genetic
structuring on the south coast, as
samples from Te W#w# Bay and
Toetoe Bay, locations separated by only
about 100 km of coastline, were
significantly differentiated based on
both mtDNA (FST = 0.136, p = 0.03) and
microsatellite DNA (FST = 0.043, p =
0.005). Fine-scale population
structuring has also recently been
detected in ECSI Hector’s dolphins
sampled from adjacent populations on
either side of Kaikoura Canyon (Hamner
et al. 2016). Analysis of both mtDNA
(FST = 0.081, p<0.001) and microsatellite
DNA (FST = 0.013, p<0.001) indicated a
low but statistically significant level of
genetic differentiation between these
adjacent populations (Hamner et al.
Estimated migration rates for males
and females among the three main
regional populations are low and appear
to be asymmetrical (Pichler 2002,
Hamner et al. 2012a). Based on mtDNA,
Pichler (2002) estimated long-term
migration rates of less than one female
per generation among regions, except
between the west and south coasts
where female migration rates were
estimated to be between 2.7 and 3.7
female migrants per generation. Based
on analyses of both mtDNA and
microsatellite DNA, there also appears
to be a low level of male-mediated gene
flow, with the highest exchange
appearing to occur from the south coast
to the east coast (Hamner et al. 2012a).
Analysis of levels of genetic
differentiation among sample locations
within regions suggests a ‘‘steppingstone’’ model of gene flow in which
there are low levels of migration
between neighboring populations over
distances shorter than 100 km and much
more limited gene flow among the three
larger regional populations (Pichler
2002; Hamner et al. 2012a). Hamner et
al. (2012a) concluded that very rare
migration events are facilitating gene
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
flow across the roughly 100–370 km
distances separating the three larger
regions. Overall, these findings are
consistent with a priori expectations of
low gene flow over larger spatial scales
given the small estimated home ranges
(typically 30 km–60 km) and high
degree of site fidelity observed in SI
Hector’s dolphins (Bejder and Dawson
2001, Brager et al. 2002, Rayment et al.
2009a). Although longer-range
movements (> 400 km) of SI Hector’s
dolphins do appear to occur, at least on
occasion, there is as yet no indication
that such movements are associated
with mating (Hamner et al. 2012b,
Hamner et al. 2014a).
How the existing population structure
and connectivity of SI Hector’s dolphin
populations influence extinction risk is
unclear. The current distribution of SI
Hector’s dolphins as multiple
populations with a low level of
connectivity could potentially provide
protection from local extirpation (for
example, by a catastrophic event) while
allowing for local adaptation, which
could ultimately benefit long-term
survival (Franklin 1980). Alternatively,
restricted and asymmetrical dispersal
among populations may mean there is
very limited potential for one
population to buffer against the loss of
another local population and prevent
further fragmentation (Pichler et al.
1998, Pichler 2001). The ongoing
human-caused mortality and the slow
population growth rate of SI Hector’s
dolphins are factors that favor this latter
Overall, this demographic factor was
rated as posing a ‘‘moderate risk’’ to SI
Hector’s dolphins.
D. Genetic Diversity
Relative to other abundant dolphin
species, genetic diversity of SI Hector’s
dolphins is low (Pichler and Baker
2000; Pichler 2002). Pichler and Baker
(2000) reported haplotype (h) and
nucleotide (p) diversity estimates of 0.35
and 0.0030, respectively, for ECSI
Hector’s dolphins (n = 46) and 0.66 and
0.0040 for WCSI Hector’s dolphins (n =
47), which are low compared to
previously reported estimates for other,
more abundant odontocetes (e.g., h =
0.70–0.92 and p > 0.01). Diversity
estimates based on mtDNA analyses by
Hamner et al. (2012a) were somewhat
higher for both the ECSI (h = 0.51, p =
0.0039) and WCSI (h = 0.72, p = 0.0049,
n = 154) populations, possibly as a
consequence of larger sample sizes, but
they are still relatively low. The low
genetic diversity observed may reflect
restricted gene flow among populations
and a consequent increase in genetic
drift within populations.
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As noted above, analysis of mtDNA
samples for ECSI Hector’s dolphins by
Pichler and Baker (2000) indicated a
significant decline in mitochondrial
diversity between historical samples
from 1870–1987 (h = 0.65 and p =
0.0084, n = 36) and more contemporary
samples from 1988–1998 (h = 0.35 and
p = 0.0030, n = 46). A trend analysis of
mtDNA diversity also indicated full loss
of diversity within the next 20 years
(Pichler and Baker 2000).
Guidelines commonly cited and
applied in conservation biology are that,
in a finite population and ignoring other
ecological considerations, a minimum
effective population size of at least 50
individuals is required to prevent the
harmful effects of inbreeding, and an
effective population size of at least 500
individuals is required to prevent the
accumulation of deleterious recessive
alleles and maintain genetic diversity
over hundreds of years (Franklin 1980,
Soule 1980, Gilpin and Soule 1986,
Allendorf et al. 1987). Other theoretical
analyses, however, suggests that these
thresholds are too low and that well
over 1,000 breeding adults per
generation may instead be necessary to
avoid extinction by ‘‘mutational
meltdown’’ over time periods of 100 or
more generations (Lynch et al. 1995).
Given that effective population size is
often about 1⁄5 to 1⁄3 of a population’s
total size (Frankham 1995), a
conservative estimate of the effective
population size for SI Hector’s dolphins
could be roughly estimated as 2,385 to
3,698 dolphins (calculated using 1⁄5 of
the 95 percent CI abundance estimates).
Because these rough estimates are well
above the thresholds of 50, 500, and
1,000 associated with inbreeding, loss of
genetic diversity, and mutational
meltdown, we conclude that the SI
Hector’s dolphin is not at high risk of
extinction in the near-term due to its
current genetic health.
Given the evidence of low and
potentially declining genetic diversity,
this demographic factor was rated as
being a ‘‘moderate risk.’’
Protective Efforts
In addition to the regulatory measures
discussed above (e.g. fishing and
boating regulations, sanctuary
designations), we considered other
efforts being made to protect Hector’s
dolphins. We considered whether such
protective efforts, as summarized below,
alter our findings regarding the status of
Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins.
To help raise awareness and educate
boaters about the regulations governing
the operation of vessels around marine
mammals, the DOC recently initated the
‘Sustainable Marine Mammal Actions in
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Recreation and Tourism’—or SMART
program. Commercial operators who
participate in the training course
through this program are labelled
‘SMART operators’ and are promoted to
tourists as such. A training course for
recreational boaters is also available.
While this proactive program has likely
improved boater awareness and on-thewater behavior to some degree, we have
no data to evaluate the extent to which
boater-associated impacts on Hector’s
dolphins have been reduced, and the
available information indicates that
dolphin-watching and ‘swim-with’
activities are not benign activities even
when conducted according to the
existing regulations.
To help minimize fisheries
interactions and bycatch, some
voluntary practices have been used in
some areas around the South Island
since 2002. These measures include
deployment of pingers and other
modifications to fishing activities.
However, the extent to which such
voluntary measures are being
implemented is unclear, and the
efficacy of pingers in reducing bycatch
of Hector’s dolphins has not yet been
clearly established (Dawson 1998, Stone
et al. 2000b). The MPI also established
a hotline for reporting violations of
fishing restrictions; however, there are
no data available to evaluate whether
the hotline has contributed to improved
enforcement or compliance with
existing fishing regulations.
Although these efforts may be
providing measurable protection for
Hector’s dolphins, there is no indication
that these efforts are ameliorating
threats, particularly the threats of
bycatch and disease, such that the
extinction risk of either subspecies is
reduced. Therefore, we conclude that
these protective efforts do not alter the
extinction risk for either Maui’s or SI
Hector’s dolphins. We are not aware of
any other conservation measures for
these subspecies and are soliciting
additional information on any relevant
conservation efforts through the public
comment process on this proposed rule
(see Public Comments Solicited below).
Proposed Listing Determinations
Maui’s dolphins are currently at
critically low abundance, and face
additional demographic risks due to
greatly reduced genetic diversity and a
low population growth rate. Past
declines, on the order of about 90
percent, have been driven largely by
bycatch in gillnets. Maui’s dolphins
continue to face threats of bycatch,
disease, and mining and seismic
disturbances; and available evidence
suggests the population will continue to
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
decline despite existing management
protections. We conclude that Maui’s
dolphin is currently facing a high risk
of extinction throughout its range and is
likely to become extinct. Therefore, we
find that this subspecies meets the
definition of an endangered species
under the ESA. This conclusion is
consistent with previous risk
assessments for Maui’s dolphin, which
have concluded this subspecies is facing
an extremely high risk of extinction in
the wild and will recover only if sources
of anthropogenic mortality are
eliminated (Slooten et al. 2006; MFish
and DOC 2007b, Baker et al. 2010).
Concern over abundance and trends for
Maui’s dolphin has previously led to its
classification as ‘‘nationally critical’’
under the New Zealand Threat
Classification System, which is the most
threatened status within this
classification system (Baker et al. 2010).
Under the New Zealand Threat
Classification System, the SI Hector’s
dolphin has been formally classified as
‘‘nationally endangered,’’ which is the
second-most threatened status within
this classification system (Baker et al.
2010). The qualifier ‘‘conservation
dependent’’ is also applied to SI
Hector’s dolphins, meaning that the
subspecies is likely to move to the
higher category of ‘‘nationally critical’’
if current management were to cease
(Townsend et al. 2008, Baker et al.
Our review of the best available data
indicates that the SI Hector’s dolphin
has experienced substantial population
declines since the 1970s, has relatively
low genetic diversity, a low intrinsic
population growth rate, and a
fragmented population structure.
Although historical data are lacking,
Slooten (2007a) estimated that the SI
Hector’s dolphin population has
declined by about 73 percent between
1970 and 2007, and available
population viability analyses indicate
that the SI Hector’s dolphin is likely to
continue to decline unless bycatch
mortality is reduced (Davies et al. 2008,
Slooten and Davies 2012, Slooten 2013).
Gormley et al. (2012) estimated that the
Banks Peninsula population, which has
benefited from almost three decades of
protection, would continue to decline at
a rate of about 0.5 percent per year
despite significantly improved survival
rates. Assuming an existing population
abundance of about 14,849 dolphins (95
percent CI = 11,923–18,492), a constant
rate of decline of 0.5 percent per year for
the subspecies as a whole could result
in a 50 percent decline in the
population in about 138 years and an 80
percent decline in about 321 years.
These are simply estimates based on the
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limited data available, however, and
they do not establish any specific
thresholds for determining when the
subspecies may be in danger of
extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range. The actual rate of
decline of the subspecies remains
unclear given the very limited bycatch
mortality data available. A trend
analysis based on survey data is also
confounded by the fact that surveys
have covered different portions of the
range and have dramatically increased
in sophistication and geographical
scope over time. Thus, a precise
analysis of the rate of decline and
projection of time to extinction given
multiple threats and demographic
considerations is not currently possible.
Current levels of bycatch are
contributing to the decline of this
subspecies (Slooten and Davies 2012).
Additional, lesser threats, such as
disease and tourism impacts, are likely
exacerbating the rate of decline and
thereby contributing to the overall
extinction risk of this subspecies. Given
recent abundance estimates for the total
population and evidence of a slowed
rate of decline following expanded
fisheries management measures, we find
that this subspecies is not facing an
imminent risk of extinction. However,
historical declines and the projected
decline for most populations, combined
with a low population growth rate, low
genetic diversity, limited population
connectivity, and the ongoing threats of
bycatch, disease, and tourism, provide a
strong indication that this subspecies is
likely to become an endangered species
within the foreseeable future assuming
a status quo in conservation. We
therefore propose to list this subspecies
as threatened under the ESA.
Effects of Listing
Conservation measures provided for
species listed as endangered or
threatened under the ESA include the
development and implementation of
recovery plans (16 U.S.C. 1533(f));
designation of critical habitat, if prudent
and determinable (16 U.S.C.
1533(a)(3)(A)); a requirement that
Federal agencies consult with NMFS
under section 7 of the ESA to ensure
their actions do not jeopardize the
species or result in adverse modification
or destruction of designated critical
habitat (16 U.S.C. 1536); and
prohibitions on ‘‘taking’’ (16 U.S.C.
1538). The prohibitions on ‘‘take,’’
including export and import,
automatically apply to species listed as
endangered. Prohibitions on take do not
apply to species listed as threatened
unless protective regulations are issued
under section 4(d) of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
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1533(d)). In the case of threatened
species, section 4(d) of the ESA leaves
it to the Secretary’s discretion whether,
and to what extent, to extend take
prohibitions to the species. Section 4(d)
protective regulations may prohibit,
with respect to threatened species, some
or all of the acts which section 9(a) of
the ESA prohibits with respect to
endangered species. We are not
proposing such regulations at this time
but may consider potential protective
regulations pursuant to section 4(d) for
the SI Hector’s dolphin in a future
Recognition of the species’ imperiled
status through listing may also promote
conservation actions by Federal and
state agencies, foreign entities, private
groups, and individuals.
Activities That Would Constitute a
Violation of Section 9 of the ESA
On July 1, 1994, NMFS and the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
published a policy (59 FR 34272) that
requires us to identify, to the maximum
extent practicable at the time a species
is listed, those activities that would or
would not constitute a violation of
section 9 of the ESA. The intent of this
policy is to increase public awareness of
the potential effects of species listings
on proposed and ongoing activities.
If the Maui’s dolphin is listed as
endangered, all of the prohibitions of
section 9(a)(1) of the ESA will apply to
this subspecies. Section 9(a)(1) includes
prohibitions against the import, export,
use in foreign commerce, and ‘‘take’’ of
the listed species. These prohibitions
apply to all persons subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States,
including in the United States, its
territorial sea, or on the high seas. Take
is defined as ‘‘to harass, harm, pursue,
hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture,
or collect, or to attempt to engage in any
such conduct.’’ Activities that could
result in a violation of section 9
prohibitions for Maui’s dolphins
include, but are not limited to, the
(1) Delivering, receiving, carrying,
transporting, or shipping in interstate or
foreign commerce any individual or
part, in the course of a commercial
(2) Selling or offering for sale in
interstate commerce any part, except
antique articles at least 100 years old;
(3) Importing or exporting Maui’s
dolphins or any parts of these dolphins.
Whether a violation results from a
particular activity is entirely dependent
upon the facts and circumstances of
each incident. Further, an activity not
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
listed here may in fact constitute a
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Section 7 Conference and Consultation
Section 7(a)(2) (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2))
of the ESA and joint NMFS/USFWS
regulations require Federal agencies to
consult with NMFS to ensure that
activities they authorize, fund, or carry
out are not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of listed species or
destroy or adversely modify critical
habitat. Section 7(a)(4) (16 U.S.C.
1536(a)(4)) of the ESA and NMFS/
USFWS regulations also require Federal
agencies to confer with us on actions
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of species proposed for listing,
or that are likely to result in the
destruction or adverse modification of
proposed critical habitat of those
species. It is unlikely that the listing of
these subspecies under the ESA will
increase the number of section 7
consultations, because these subspecies
occur outside of the United States and
are unlikely to be affected by Federal
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3
of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1532(5)) as: (1)
The specific areas within the
geographical area occupied by a species,
at the time it is listed in accordance
with the ESA, on which are found those
physical or biological features (a)
essential to the conservation of the
species and (b) that may require special
management considerations or
protection; and (2) specific areas outside
the geographical area occupied by a
species at the time it is listed if such
areas are determined to be essential for
the conservation of the species. Section
4(a)(3)(A) of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1533(a)(3)(A)) requires that, to the
extent prudent and determinable,
critical habitat be designated
concurrently with the listing of a
species. However, critical habitat cannot
be designated in foreign countries or
other areas outside U.S. jurisdiction (50
CFR 424.12(g)). Maui’s and SI Hector’s
dolphins are endemic to New Zealand
and do not occur within areas under
U.S. jurisdiction. There is no basis to
conclude that any unoccupied areas
under U.S. jurisdiction are essential for
the conservation of either subspecies.
Therefore, we do not intend to propose
any critical habitat designations for
either subspecies.
Public Comments Solicited
We must base our final listing
determination on the best scientific and
commercial data available. We cannot
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consider the economic effects of a
listing determination. To help ensure
that any final action resulting from this
proposed rule will be accurate and
based on the best available data, we are
soliciting comments from the public,
other concerned governmental agencies,
the scientific community, industry, and
any other interested parties on the draft
status review report and proposed rule.
information on how to submit
Promulgation of any final regulation
to list these subspecies will take into
consideration the comments and any
additional data we receive during the
comment period, and this process may
lead to a final regulation that differs
from this proposal. We are especially
seeking information regarding the
following topics:
(1) New or updated data regarding
threats to Maui’s and SI Hector’s
dolphins, especially bycatch rates in
commercial and recreational fisheries,
bycatch in fishing gear types other than
gillnets, compliance with fishing
regulations, and trends in disease
(2) New or updated population
viability analyses that reflect the most
recent abundance estimates for the
(3) Current or planned activities
within the range of these subspecies and
their possible impacts on these species;
(4) Conservation efforts that are
addressing threats to either subspecies.
We request that all information be
accompanied by: (1) Supporting
documentation, such as maps,
bibliographic references, or reprints of
pertinent publications; and (2) the
submitter’s name, address, and any
association, institution, or business that
the person represents.
Peer Review
In December 2004, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a Final Information Quality Bulletin for
Peer Review establishing a minimum
peer review standard. We solicited peer
review comments on the draft status
review report (Manning and Gantz 2016)
from three scientists with expertise on
Hector’s dolphins. We received and
reviewed comments from these
scientists, and their comments are
incorporated into the draft status review
report and this proposed rule. Their
comments on the status review are
summarized in the peer review report
and available at www.cio.noaa.gov/
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A complete list of the references used
in this proposed rule is available upon
request (see ADDRESSES).
National Environmental Policy Act
Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA restricts
the information that may be considered
when assessing species for listing and
sets the basis upon which listing
determinations must be made. Based on
the requirements in section 4(b)(1)(A) of
the ESA and the opinion in Pacific Legal
Foundation v. Andrus, 675 F. 2d 825
(6th Cir. 1981), we have concluded that
ESA listing actions are not subject to the
environmental assessment requirements
of the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA).
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Flexibility Act, and Paperwork
Reduction Act
As noted in the Conference Report on
the 1982 amendments to the ESA,
economic impacts cannot be considered
when assessing the status of a species.
Therefore, the economic analysis
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act are not applicable to the
listing process.
In addition, this proposed rule is
exempt from review under Executive
Order 12866. This proposed rule does
not contain a collection-of-information
requirement for the purposes of the
Paperwork Reduction Act.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
In accordance with E.O. 13132, we
determined that this proposed rule does
not have significant federalism effects
and that a federalism assessment is not
required. In keeping with the intent of
the Administration and Congress to
provide continuing and meaningful
dialogue on issues of mutual state and
Federal interest, this proposed rule will
be given to the relevant governmental
agencies in New Zealand, and they will
be invited to comment. We will confer
with the U.S. Department of State to
ensure appropriate notice is given to
New Zealand. As the process continues,
we intend to continue engaging in
informal and formal contact with the
U.S. State Department, giving careful
consideration to all written and oral
comments received.
List of Subjects
50 CFR Part 223
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Transportation.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
50 CFR Part 224
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Transportation.
‘‘Marine Mammals’’ in alphabetical
order, by common name, to read as
1. The authority citation for part 223
continues to read as follows:
Dated: September 13, 2016.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, we propose to amend 50 CFR
parts 223 and 224 as follows:
§ 223.102 Enumeration of threatened
marine and anadromous species.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531–1543; subpart
B, § 223.201–202 also issued under 16 U.S.C.
1361 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 5503(d) for
§ 223.206(d)(9).
(e) * * *
2. In § 223.102, amend the table in
paragraph (e) by adding an entry under
Species 1
Common name
Description of listed
Scientific name
Citation(s) for listing
Critical habitat
ESA rules
Marine Mammals
Dolphin, Hector’s ..........
hectori hectori.
Entire subspecies ........
[Federal Register Citation and Date When
Published as a Final
1 Species
includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7,
1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531–1543 and 16
U.S.C 1361 et seq.
order, by common name, to read as
4. In § 224.101, amend the table in
paragraph (h) by adding an entry under
‘‘Marine Mammals’’ in alphabetical
§ 224.101 Enumeration of endangered
marine and anadromous species.
3. The authority citation for part 224
continues to read as follows:
(h) * * *
Species 1
Common name
Description of listed
Scientific name
Citation(s) for listing
Critical habitat
ESA rules
Marine Mammals
Dolphin, Maui’s .............
hectori maui.
Entire subspecies ........
[Federal Register Citation and Date When
Published as a Final
1 Species
includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7,
1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
[FR Doc. 2016–22451 Filed 9–16–16; 8:45 am]
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 181 (Monday, September 19, 2016)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 64110-64125]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-22451]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Parts 223 and 224
[Docket No. 160614520-6520-01]
RIN 0648-XE686
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Proposed Rule To
List the Maui's Dolphin as Endangered and the South Island Hector's
Dolphin as Threatened Under the Endangered Species Act
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
SUMMARY: We, NMFS, propose to list the Maui's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus
hectori maui) as endangered and the South Island Hector's dolphin (C.
hectori hectori) as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
We have reviewed the best available scientific and commercial data and
completed a comprehensive status review for these two subspecies of
Hector's dolphin (C. hectori). The Maui's dolphin faces serious
demographic risks due to critically low abundance, a low population
growth rate, a restricted range, low genetic diversity, and ongoing
threats such as bycatch in commercial and recreational gillnets. We
have determined Maui's dolphin is currently in danger of extinction
throughout its range and, therefore, meets the definition of an
endangered species. The relatively more abundant and more widely
distributed South Island Hector's dolphin has experienced large
historical declines and is expected to continue to slowly decline due
to bycatch and other lesser threats, such as disease and impacts
associated with tourism. We have determined that this subspecies is not
currently in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range, but is likely to become so within the foreseeable
future; and therefore, it meets the definition of a threatened species.
Both subspecies occur only in New Zealand. We are authorized to
designate critical habitat within U.S. jurisdiction only, and we are
not aware of any areas within U.S jurisdiction that may meet the
definition of critical habitat under the ESA. Therefore, we are not
proposing to designate critical habitat. We are soliciting public
comments on our status review report and proposal to list these two
DATES: Comments on this proposed rule must be received by November 18,
2016. Public hearing requests must be made by November 3, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on this document, identified by
NOAA-NMFS-2016-0118, by either of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic comments via
the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2016-0118, click the ``Comment Now!'' icon,
complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.
Mail: Submit written comments to Lisa Manning, NMFS Office
of Protected Resources (F/PR3), 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring,
MD 20910, USA.
Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period,
may not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of the
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on
[[Page 64111]]
without change. All personal identifying information (e.g., name,
address, etc.), confidential business information, or otherwise
sensitive information submitted voluntarily by the sender will be
publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous comments (enter ``N/A''
in the required fields if you wish to remain anonymous).
You can find the petition, status review report, Federal Register
notices, and the list of references electronically on our Web site at
Protected Resources, lisa.manning@noaa.gov, (301) 427-8466.
On July 15, 2013, we received a petition from WildEarth Guardians
to list 81 marine species or populations as endangered or threatened
species under the ESA. We determined that the petition had sufficient
merit for further consideration, and status reviews were initiated for
27 of the 81 species or populations, including the Hector's dolphin
(Cephalorhynchus hectori; 78 FR 63941, October 25, 2013; 78 FR 66675,
November 6, 2013; 78 FR 69376, November 19, 2013; 79 FR 9880, February
21, 2014; and 79 FR 10104, February 24, 2014). This document addresses
the proposed determination for the Hector's dolphin. The findings and
relevant Federal Register notices for the other species and populations
can be found on our Web site at https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/petition81.htm.
Listing Determinations Under the ESA
We are responsible for determining whether species are threatened
or endangered under the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). To make this
determination, we first consider whether a group of organisms
constitutes a ``species'' under the ESA, then whether the status of the
species qualifies it for listing as either threatened or endangered.
Section 3 of the ESA defines a ``species'' to include ``any subspecies
of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct population segment of
any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when
mature.'' Maui's dolphin, C. hectori maui, and the South Island (SI)
Hector's dolphin, C. hectori hectori, have been formally recognized as
subspecies (Baker et al. 2002, Pichler 2002); and thus, each meets the
ESA definition of a ``species.''
Section 3 of the ESA defines an endangered species as ``any species
which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range'' and a threatened species as one ``which is
likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future
throughout all or a significant portion of its range.'' We interpret an
``endangered species'' to be one that is presently in danger of
extinction. A ``threatened species,'' on the other hand, is not
presently in danger of extinction, but is likely to become so in the
foreseeable future (that is, at a later time). In other words, the
primary statutory difference between a threatened species and
endangered species is the timing of when a species may be in danger of
extinction, either presently (endangered) or in the foreseeable future
When we consider whether a species might qualify as threatened
under the ESA, we must consider the meaning of the term ``foreseeable
future.'' It is appropriate to interpret ``foreseeable future'' as the
horizon over which predictions about the conservation status of the
species can be reasonably relied upon. The foreseeable future considers
the life history of the species, habitat characteristics, availability
of data, particular threats, ability to predict threats, and the
reliability to forecast the effects of these threats and future events
on the status of the species under consideration. Because a species may
be susceptible to a variety of threats for which different data are
available regarding the species' response to that threat, or which
operate across different time scales, the foreseeable future is not
necessarily reducible to a particular number of years.
Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA requires us to determine whether any
species is endangered or threatened due to any one or a combination of
the following five threat factors: The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range;
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; disease or predation; the inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms; or other natural or manmade factors affecting
its continued existence. We are also required to make listing
determinations based solely on the best scientific and commercial data
available, after conducting a review of the species' status and after
taking into account efforts being made by any state or foreign nation
to protect the species.
In assessing the extinction risk of these two subspecies, we
considered demographic risk factors, such as those developed by
McElhany et al. (2000), to organize and evaluate the forms of risks.
The approach of considering demographic risk factors to help frame the
consideration of extinction risk has been used in many of our previous
status reviews (see https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species for links to
these reviews). In this approach, the collective condition of
individual populations is considered at the species level (or in this
case, the subspecies level) according to four demographic viability
factors: Abundance and trends, population growth rate or productivity,
spatial structure and connectivity, and genetic diversity. These
viability factors reflect concepts that are well-founded in
conservation biology and that individually and collectively provide
strong indicators of extinction risk.
Scientific conclusions about the overall risk of extinction faced
by Maui's dolphin and the SI Hector's dolphin under present conditions
and in the foreseeable future are based on our evaluation of the
subspecies' demographic risks and section 4(a)(1) threat factors. Our
assessment of overall extinction risk considered the likelihood and
contribution of each particular factor, synergies among contributing
factors, and the cumulative impact of all demographic risks and threats
on each subspecies.
Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA requires the Secretary, when making a
listing determination for a species, to take into consideration those
efforts, if any, being made by any State or foreign nation, or any
political subdivision of a State or foreign nation, to protect the
species. Therefore, prior to making a listing determination, we also
assess such protective efforts to determine if they are adequate to
mitigate the existing threats.
Status Review
Status reviews for Maui's dolphin and the SI Hector's dolphin were
completed by NMFS staff from the Office of Protected Resources. To
complete the status reviews, we compiled the best available data and
information on the subspecies' biology, ecology, life history, threats,
and conservation status by examining the petition and cited references,
and by conducting a comprehensive literature search and review. We also
considered information submitted to us in response to our petition
finding. A single draft status review report was prepared for the two
subspecies and submitted to three independent peer reviewers; comments
and information received from peer reviewers were addressed and
incorporated as appropriate into the draft report. The draft status
[[Page 64112]]
report (cited as Manning and Grantz 2016) is available on our Web site
(see ADDRESSES section). In the sections below, we provide information
from the report regarding threats to and the status of each subspecies.
Subspecies Descriptions
The Hector's dolphin is one of the world's smallest dolphins and
occurs only in the coastal waters of New Zealand. Hector's dolphins
have short and stocky bodies, no external beak, and a relatively large
fluke. They are easily distinguished by their distinctive black, white,
and gray color patterns and their rounded dorsal fin, which has a
shallowly sloping anterior edge and a convex posterior edge, and is
unique to the genus (Dawson 2009). Lifespan is thought to be about 20
years (Slooten 1991, Secchi et al. 2004b), and several dolphins have
been aged to a minimum of 22 years based on photo-identification data
(Rayment et al. 2009a, Webster et al. 2009). Hector's dolphins have a
varied diet that includes cephalopods, crustaceans, and small fish
species; however, relatively few prey species appear to comprise the
bulk of their diet. Stomach content analysis indicates that common prey
species include red cod (Pseudophycis bachus), ahuru (Auchenoceros
punctatus), arrow squid (Nototodarus sp.), sprat (Sprattus sp.), sole
(Peltorhamphus sp.), and stargazer (Crapatalus sp., Miller et al.
Females typically have their first calf at 7-9 years of age, and
males likely reach sexual maturity at 6-9 years of age (Slooten 1991,
Gormley 2009). Calving occurs in the austral spring and early summer,
generally from November to February (Slooten and Dawson 1988, Slooten
and Dawson 1994). Calves remain with their mothers for 1 to 2 years,
although 2 years appears to be more common (Slooten and Dawson 1994).
Females typically produce single calves every 2 to 4 years (Slooten and
Dawson 1994), which gives a yearly birth rate between 0.33 and 0.5.
Fecundity (i.e., the number of female offspring per female per breeding
season) has been estimated as ranging from 0.165 to 0.250 (Secchi et
al. 2004b, Gormley 2009).
Hector's dolphins make few audible sounds, and their repertoire
consists mainly of high frequency (112-130k Hz) clicks of either one or
two short pulses (i.e., usually less than 200 [mu]s for single pulses
and less than 400 [mu]s for double pulses, Dawson 1988a). Analyses of
recorded vocalizations suggest Hector's dolphins use their
vocalizations for fine discrimination, locating prey, and
communicating, rather than large-scale navigation, for which lower
frequency echolocation is required (Dawson 1988a, Dawson 1991a).
Available data indicates that Hector's dolphins have small home
ranges and high site fidelity (Bedjer and Dawson 2001, Br[auml]ger et
al. 2002, Rayment et al. 2009a, Oremus et al. 2012). Based on multiple
analyses of photo-identification data and genetic recapture data, the
along-shore home range appears to be similar for both subspecies and is
typically less than 50 km (Br[auml]ger et al. 2002, Rayment et al.
2009a, Oremus et al. 2012). Home ranges also do not appear to differ
between males and females (Br[auml]ger et al. 2002, Rayment et al.
Historically, Hector's dolphins are thought to have been present
along almost the entire coastlines of both the North and South Islands
of New Zealand (Cawthorn 1988, Russell 1999, Pichler 2002, MFish and
DOC 2007a). The two subspecies probably became initially separated by
the opening of Cook Strait during the late Pleistocene and Holocene
interglacial periods, and this isolation was likely maintained through
behavioral mechanisms such as natal philopatry and small home ranges
(Pichler 2002, Baker et al., 2002, Dawson 2009). Currently, Maui's
dolphins occur along the northwest coast of the North Island, between
Maunganui Bluff in the north and Whanganui in the south (Currey et al.
2012). Occasional sightings and strandings have also been reported from
areas farther south along the west coast as well as in areas such as
Hawke Bay on the east coast of the North Island (Baker 1978, Russell
1999, Ferreira and Roberts 2003, Slooten et al. 2005, MFish and DOC
2007a, Du Fresne 2010). The SI Hector's dolphin currently has a
fragmented distribution around the South Island (Dawson et al. 2004,
Rayment et al. 2011b) and consists of at least three genetically
distinct, regional populations (Pichler 2001, Pichler 2002, Hamner et
al. 2012a). SI Hector's dolphins are most abundant around Banks
Peninsula, Cloudy Bay, and Cliffords Bay on the east coast and along
the central west coast. Distinct and localized populations also occur
on the south coast in Te Waewae Bay, Toetoe Bay, and Porpoise Bay
(Dawson and Slooten 1988b, Clement et al. 2011, Hamner et al. 2012a,
Rodda 2014, Mackenzie and Clement 2014). The connectivity between these
regional populations, especially the south coast populations, appears
to be limited (Bejder and Dawson 2001, Hamner et al. 2012a). Hector's
dolphins do not appear to occur offshore of or within the deep water
fiords of Fiordland, although they have been sighted there on rare
occasions (Dawson and Slooten 1988b, MFish and DOC 2007a).
Hector's dolphins are typically sighted within about 20 nautical
miles (nmi; 37.0 km) of the shore and in water less than 100 m deep
(Slooten et al. 2005, Mackenzie and Clement 2014, Rayment et al. 2011b,
Mackenzie and Clement 2016). For the North Island, an extensive review
by Du Fresne (2010) of both published scientific surveys and
unpublished opportunistic sightings data indicates that Maui's dolphins
are most frequently found within 4 nmi (7.4 km) of the coast but do
occasionally occur at least as far as 7 nmi (13.0 km) offshore. Off the
South Island, differences in distribution patterns have been observed
for the west and east coasts that may be driven in part by differences
in bathymetry or location of the shelf break. On the west coast, the
100 m isobath is always within 13 nmi (24.1 km) of the coast, and in
some places as close as 5 nmi (9.3 km); whereas, off Banks Peninsula on
the east coast, the 100 m isobath is 16 to 30 nmi (29.6 to 55.6 km)
offshore (Rayment et al. 2011b). SI Hector's dolphins are typically
within 8 nmi (14.8 km) from shore on the east coast of the South Island
and within 3 nmi (5.6 km) from shore on the west coast (Rayment et al.
2010b, 2011b, Mackenzie and Clement 2013, Mackenzie and Clement 2016).
However, SI Hector's dolphins have been sighted at least occasionally
as far as about 20 nmi (37.0 km) from shore on both coasts (Rayment et
al. 2010b, 2011b, MacKenzie and Clement 2016).
Seasonal changes in this nearshore distribution are evident for at
least some populations of Hector's dolphins, with distributions often
extending farther from shore in the winter relative to the warmer
months. For example, based on aerial surveys that extended as far as 20
nmi offshore (37.0 km) of Banks Peninsula and were conducted over 3
years (2002, 2004, and 2005), Rayment et al. (2010b) found that winter
sightings extended as far as 18.2 nmi (33.6 km) offshore, compared to
16.3 nmi (30.2 km) in summer; and, while only 7 percent of all dolphins
were sighted beyond the 50 m isobath in summer, 44 percent of all
dolphins were sighted beyond the 50 m isobath in winter. Slooten et al.
(2005) report a similar change in distribution for Maui's dolphins
between summer and winter aerial surveys conducted in 2004/2005.
Similar seasonal changes in SI Hector's dolphin distribution relative
to shore and water depth have also been detected in comparisons of
summer and winter sightings data for the west coast of the South
Island; however, the observed
[[Page 64113]]
seasonal shift on the west coast is less dramatic relative to that on
the east coast (Rayment et al. 2011b, Mackenzie and Clement 2014).
Summary of ESA Section 4(a)(1) Factors Affecting Maui's Dolphin
Available information regarding historical, current, and potential
threats to Maui's dolphins was thoroughly reviewed and is discussed in
detail in the status review report (Manning and Grantz 2016). We
summarize information regarding these threats below according to the
factors specified in section 4(a)(1) of the ESA.
In August 2007, the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC)
and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI, formerly called the
Ministry of Fisheries or MFish) released a draft Threat Management Plan
(TMP) for Hector's dolphins. This plan describes the nature and level
of actual and potential threats to Maui's dolphins, as well as
strategies to address those threats. In addition, in June 2012, DOC and
MPI convened a risk assessment workshop to inform their review of the
Maui's dolphin portion of the TMP. The results of this semi-
quantitative risk assessment are available in the report by Currey et
al. (2012). The report identifies, evaluates, and rates threats to
Maui's dolphins based on scoring by an expert panel. Both the TMP and
the risk assessment report greatly informed our assessment, as
summarized below.
The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment of
Its Habitat or Range
Threats to the habitat of Maui's dolphins include pollution,
mining, oil and gas development activities, acoustic disturbance
(Currey et al. 2012).
Persistent chemical pollutants are a concern for many cetacean
species, which theoretically can accumulate high concentrations of
contaminants due to their longevity, high trophic-level, and naturally
high blubber content (Stockin et al. 2010). Contaminants are also
specifically a concern for Hector's dolphins due to the dolphins'
coastal distribution and thus close proximity to agricultural and
industrial activities. Toxicological studies of contaminants, such as
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine (OC) pesticides,
are limited for Maui's dolphins, and studies on emerging contaminants,
such as brominated flame retardant (PBDEs) and perfluorinated
chemicals, have yet to be done. Numerous studies on other cetacean
species have linked contaminants, such as heavy metals, PCBs, and OC
pesticides, with biological impacts, including endocrine disruption,
reproductive impairment, immune suppression, and elevated infectious
disease (e.g., Fujise et al. 1988, Kuiken et al. 1994, Jepson et al.
2005, O'Hara and O'Shea 2001, Schwacke et al. 2002, Wells et al. 2005).
Stockin et al. (2010) examined PCB and OC contaminant loads in stranded
or entangled Hector's dolphins (n=27, SI Hector's dolphins; n=3, Maui's
dolphins) sampled from 1997 to 2009. Results indicated high
concentrations of these chemicals in both subspecies, and a roughly
two-fold increase in levels of OC pesticides than had been previously
reported for Hector's dolphins by Jones et al. (1999). However, as
noted by Stockin et al. (2010), no PCB concentrations were above
thresholds associated with reproductive and immunological effects
(Stockin et al. 2010).
Pollution in the form of plastic marine debris from both marine and
land-based sources can accumulate in, and degrade, Maui's dolphins'
habitat. Plastics and other synthetic, non-biodegradable materials in
the marine environment create the potential for entanglement, injury,
and ingestion. Although data are lacking to evaluate whether and the
extent to which this threat is impacting Maui's dolphins, Currey et al.
(2012) did identify plastics as being likely to affect population
trends over the next 5 years. Plastic bags have been identified as a
concern in particular, because they may be mistaken for squid, a common
prey item for Maui's dolphins.
Interest in marine minerals mining along the North Island of New
Zealand has been growing in recent years, with prospecting and
exploration occurring mainly from Manukua Harbor south to New Plymouth
(Thompson 2012). Exploration activities have mainly targeted iron sands
or titanomagnetite (Thompson 2012). According to New Zealand Petroleum
and Minerals (NZPM), which is the government agency responsible for
issuing mining permits for New Zealand's oil, gas and mineral
resources, demand and exploration for petroleum (oil and gas) is also
increasing, and multiple areas within the range of Maui's dolphins are
covered under existing prospecting, exploration, and mining permits.
Mineral mining activities involving the large scale removal of sediment
from the seabed are likely to lead to relatively long term (3-10 year)
changes to benthic community composition, thereby altering prey
availability and benthic topography (Thompson 2012). Other potential,
unintended side-effects include the mobilization and accidental
spilling of contaminants and exposure to greater levels of vessel
traffic (Thompson 2012). Acoustic disturbance, such as from seismic
surveys, sonar, and drilling activities, also poses a potential threat
to Maui's dolphins, because it may have negative physical or
physiological effects, such as shifts in hearing thresholds, and may
disrupt normal behaviors, including navigating, migrating, and feeding
(Gordon et al. 2003; Thompson 2012).
The extent to which Maui's dolphins are currently being impacted by
these and other habitat-related threats is assumed to be small. These
threats have been characterized as having mainly sub-lethal effects,
and combined, may currently be responsible for less than 4.5 percent of
all Maui's dolphin mortalities (Currey et al. 2012). However, it is
probable that Maui's dolphin habitat will become increasingly degraded
as a result of pollution and acoustic and benthic disturbances due to
increasing human pressure and demand for mineral and petroleum
resources (MFish and DOC 2007b).
Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific or Educational
Overutilization of Maui's dolphins for commercial, recreational,
scientific, or educational purposes does not appear to pose a
significant threat to Maui's dolphin. Maui's dolphins have not been
exploited commercially; although, Baker (1978, citing Abel et al. 1971)
noted that, between 1969 and 1972, a few Hector's dolphins were taken
for live exhibition at Marineland of New Zealand. It's not clear which
subspecies was taken. Hector's dolphins have also apparently been taken
for food, oil, and bait; however, the extent to which this occurred is
unknown (Pichler et al. 2003).
There is some evidence that commercial dolphin-watching vessels and
swim-with-dolphin operations cause behavioral changes in Hector's
dolphins (Bejder et al. 1999, Constantine 1999, Martinez et al. 2012).
Such tourism activities, however, seem to occur at a relatively low
intensity within the range of Maui's dolphins and instead are much more
concentrated elsewhere--mainly the Bay of Islands and the Bay of Plenty
on the east coast of the North Island and various locations of the
South Island (Martinez 2010b). Although tourism and the potential
related impacts of boat strike, noise, and displacement were identified
as threats in the risk assessment completed by Currey et al. (2012),
the expert panel did not think these threats were likely to affect
population trends within the next 5 years.
[[Page 64114]]
Disease or Predation
Predation of Hector's dolphins by several shark species, such as
seven-gill sharks (Notorhynchus cepedianus) and blue sharks (Prionace
glauca), is known to occur; however, predation rates are not known
(Slooten and Dawson 1988). Predation was not considered to be posing a
threat to Maui's dolphins in the recent risk assessment by Currey et
al. (2012).
Disease is another known source of mortality for Hector's dolphins.
In their evaluation, Currey et al. (2012) categorized natural disease,
stress-induced disease, and domestic animal vectors as posing threats
that are likely to have population level effects on Maui's dolphins
within the next 5 years. Prevalence of infectious disease and
associated behavioral impacts and mortality rates have not been well
studied in Hector's dolphins, so the significance of this source of
mortality remains unclear. Recently, Roe et al. (2013) found that 7 of
28 Hector's dolphins (25 percent), including 2 of 3 Maui's dolphins,
collected between 2007 and 2011 and later necropsied had died as a
result of Toxoplasma gondii infection. Of the 22 dolphins for which a
definitive cause of death was established, a total of ten (45 percent)
were found to have died from infectious disease (T. gondii infections,
bacterial infection, or fungal infection). These findings suggest that
infectious disease may be a significant source of mortality for
Hector's dolphins. In addition, while toxoplasmosis is typically a
secondary disease in cetaceans, resulting in symptoms in
immunosuppressed individuals rather than healthy individuals, there was
no evidence of immunosuppression in these cases (Roe et al. 2013). This
finding suggests that Hector's dolphins may be particularly susceptible
to toxoplasmosis. Roe et al. (2013) also note that toxoplasmosis may
have other effects beyond direct mortality and could be an important
cause of neonatal loss. The source of the T. gondii infection could not
be determined in this study, but exposure may be occurring through
freshwater run-off from terrestrial sources (Roe et al. 2013). Overall,
while data remain limited for Maui's dolphins, the available data
suggest that disease, especially toxoplasmosis, is posing a threat to
Maui's dolphins.
Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
A number of regulatory measures have been put in place to address
bycatch of Maui's dolphins. Although data on bycatch of Maui's dolphins
are limited, fishery-related mortality has been identified as posing a
significant threat to Maui's dolphins. The risk assessment completed by
Currey et al. (2012) attributed 95.5 percent of the estimated human-
caused mortalities forecasted to occur over the next 5 years to legal
and illegal fishing-related activities. This translated into an
estimated median of 4.97 Maui's dolphin mortalities per year due to
fishing activities (95 percent confidence interval (CI) = 0.28--8.04).
To help inform the risk assessment of Currey et al. (2012), Wade et al.
(2012) calculated the Potential Biological Removal (PBR) for Maui's
dolphins and estimated it as one dolphin mortality every 10 to 23
years. PBR, which is a management tool specific to the U.S. Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) is used to evaluate allowable levels of
human-caused mortality (Wade 1998; Wade et al. 2012). (PBR is defined
under section 3 of the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not
including natural mortalities, that may be removed from a marine mammal
stock while allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum
sustainable population (16 U.S.C. 1362).) This analysis indicates that
the estimated bycatch mortality of Maui's dolphins greatly exceeds PBR.
The DOC maintains a database of reports from the public of dead and
stranded Hector's dolphins, and between 1921 and 2008, 45 percent of
the reports for Maui's dolphins (4 of 11 dolphins) for which cause of
death could be determined were found to have died due to ``possible,''
``probable,'' or ``known'' entanglement (https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/hectors-and-maui-dolphin-incident-database/1921-2008/). Between
July 2008 and January 2016, the DOC Incident Database lists an
additional four confirmed Maui's dolphins, and of the two with
determinable causes of death, one was an adult female found dead in
January 2012 from entanglement in a commercial net set (https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/hectors-and-maui-dolphin-incident-database/).
(The other dolphin was recorded as having died due to natural causes.)
Bycatch of Maui's dolphins occurs mainly in gillnet gear, but
bycatch in trawl gear is likely also posing a threat (Bird and Palka
2013). Although commercial gillnetting had been practiced in New
Zealand since 1930 (DOC and MFish 1994), fishing effort was low until
the mid-1970s (Dawson 1991). By the 1980's, bycatch of dolphins in
gillnets became a serious concern in New Zealand (Dawson and Slooten
2005). Eventually, in 2003, MFish began to address bycatch of Maui's
dolphins by closing waters to set netting from Maunganui Bluff to
Pariokariwa Point out to 4 nmi (7.4 km) and inside the entrance to the
Manukau Harbor. Trawling was also prohibited out to 2 nmi (3.7 km)
along most of this same stretch of coastline and out to 4 nmi within a
short portion of the Maui's dolphin's core range (see Figure 7 in
Manning and Grantz 2016). Commercial and recreational gillnetting
continued within harbors and in the southern portion of the Maui's
dolphin range.
In 2007, when the draft TMP was released, the MPI and DOC concluded
that bycatch was still the most serious threat to Hector's dolphins. In
2008, MFish expanded protection for Maui's dolphins by extending the
set netting closure out to 7 nmi (13.0 km; instead of 4 nmi (7.4 km))
and farther into Manukau Harbor. Then, in 2012, following an
entanglement of a Maui's dolphin off Cape Egmont, an interim ban was
put in place from Pariokariwa Point south to Hawera for all set netting
out to 2 nmi (Gazette, 28 June 2012) and for commercial set netting
between two and seven nautical miles offshore unless an MPI observer
was on board (see Figure 8 in Manning and Grantz 2016). In 2013, the
MPI determined that their interim measures would be made permanent (MPI
and DOC 2013).
This steady expansion of area-based, bycatch-reduction measures
along the west coast of the North Island has resulted in a substantial
level of protection for Maui's dolphins. However, bycatch remains a
concern for Maui's dolphins, because current fisheries restrictions do
not extend throughout their range and certain forms of fishing still
occur within the core portion of the subspecies' range. In particular,
commercial and non-commercial set netting occur within all west coast
harbors, with all areas within the harbors, from intertidal areas to
the deeper channels, being fished for species like flounder, mullet,
and rig (MFish and DOC 2007b). Sightings data (Slooten et al. 2005) and
passive acoustic data (Rayment et al. 2011a) indicate that Maui's
dolphins occur at least occasionally within west coast harbors and
therefore may be at risk of entanglement in these areas (MFish and DOC
2007b). In addition, the southern extension of the gillnetting
prohibitions that was put in place in 2012 only extends out to 2 nmi
(3.7 km) from shore, as opposed to the 7 nmi (13 km) boundary elsewhere
along the west coast. Beyond 2 nmi, gillnetting is permitted in this
portion of the range if an MPI observer is on board. Furthermore, the
extension of the closed area in the southern portion of the
[[Page 64115]]
dolphin's range may not extend far enough southward. The risk
assessment of Currey et al. (2012) used survey and non-survey sightings
data to develop a distribution for Maui's dolphins that extends to
Whanganui, which is about 70 km south of the current gillnet closed
area boundary at Hawera. Trawling also continues in waters past the
existing 2 nmi or 4 nmi offshore boundary for the trawling closed
area--even in the core portion of the Maui's dolphin's range. Currey et
al. (2012) concluded that trawling in this zone was a source of
continued bycatch risk for Maui's dolphins.
Before the protected area extensions in 2012, estimated bycatch was
about 4.69 to 13.01 dolphins per year or about 75 times the PBR of
0.044-0.1 Maui's dolphins per year (Currey et al. 2012).). The recent
extensions to the protection measures have reduced the estimated
bycatch to 3.28-4.16 Maui's dolphin mortalities per year or about 54
times PBR (Slooten 2014).
A series of regulations have been put in place to address some of
the threats associated with mining and petroleum industry activities.
The West Coast North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary (WCNIMMS) was
established in 2008 as part of the draft TMP, and restrictions were put
in place on seabed mining and acoustic seismic surveys within the
sanctuary. In particular, seabed mineral mining was prohibited out to 2
nmi (3.7 km) along the full length of the sanctuary and out to 4 nmi
(7.4 km) south of Raglan Harbor to north of Manakau Harbor. However, a
large swath of the sanctuary, which extends out 12 nmi (22.2 km) from
the coast, remains open to mining. A range of operational requirements
has been specified for seismic surveying within the sanctuary (Gazette:
Gazette, 25 September 2008), including mandatory notification prior to
conducting surveys and mandatory reporting of any interactions with
dolphins. Qualified marine mammal observers are required on all survey
ships to help ensure that no whales or dolphins are too close to the
ship. When visibility is poor, hydrophones must be used to listen for
whale and dolphin sounds (Gazette, 25 September 2008). In August 2012,
the DOC Minister and the Minister of Energy and Resources developed a
voluntary ``Code of Conduct for Minimizing Acoustic Disturbance to
Marine Mammals from Seismic Surveys Operations.'' This voluntary
guidance was intended to increase protections for Maui's dolphins, in
part by identifying their entire historical range out to 100m water
depth as an ``Area of Ecological Significance,'' which triggers
additional mitigation requirements. Shortly thereafter, in November
2013, the DOC and MPI announced a decision to formally regulate seismic
surveying and make the 2012 code of conduct a mandatory standard. The
mandatory code of conduct applies to Territorial waters, the Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) of New Zealand, and within all marine mammal
sanctuaries, and it continues to include requirements for planning,
operations, monitoring, and reporting. The 2013 code of conduct is
currently undergoing review and may be further augmented to increase
protections for Maui's dolphins and other species of concern.
As indicated in the discussion above, there are gaps in the current
regulatory protections for Maui's dolphins. Population viability
analyses performed under previous management scenarios have predicted
continued declines in abundance of Maui's dolphins or failure to
recover (Burkhart and Slooten 2003, Slooten 2007a), as do more recent
analyses under the current fisheries management regime (Slooten 2013).
More recent modelling work also indicates that recovery of this
subspecies will occur only under circumstances where human-induced
mortality is extremely minimal (Wade et al. 2012; Slooten 2013).
Therefore, we conclude that while the protections for Maui's dolphins
have gradually increased from 2003 to present, there is insufficient
evidence to conclude that current regulatory measures are adequate in
terms of addressing threats to this subspecies.
Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Its Continued Existence
Other threats identified in the 2012 risk assessment and
characterized as being likely to affect population trends within the
next 5 years include fishing vessel noise, disturbance, and trophic
effects of fishing; however, these threats were considered to
collectively make very limited contributions to the overall level of
human-caused mortality (Currey et al. 2012). Although vessel traffic
and its associated impacts of disturbance and boat strikes were
considered to contribute little to annual mortality of Maui's dolphins,
mortality due to vessel traffic was rated as having a 47.8 percent
chance of exceeding PBR (Currey et al. 2012). Due to their coastal
distribution and apparent attraction to small boats (Baker 1978,
Slooten and Dawson 1988), the potential for boat strikes could be
considered relatively high, but reports of boat strikes have been
extremely rare (Stone and Yoshinaga 2000a). None of the reports within
the DOC Incident Database from July 2008 to April 2016 are listed with
boat strike as the cause of death.
Summary of ESA Section 4(a)(1) Factors Affecting SI Hector's Dolphin
Available information regarding historical, current, and potential
threats to SI Hector's dolphins was thoroughly reviewed and is
discussed in detail in the status review report (Manning and Grantz
2016). We summarize information regarding these threats below according
to the factors specified in section 4(a)(1) of the ESA.
The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment of
Its Habitat or Range
As discussed earlier for Maui's dolphins, persistent chemical
pollutants are a concern for SI Hector's dolphins, which can
theoretically accumulate high concentrations of contaminants due to
their longevity, high trophic-level, and naturally high blubber content
(Stockin et al. 2010). In cetaceans, biological impacts resulting from
accumulation of contaminants such as heavy metals, PCBs, and
organochlorine (OC) pesticides include endocrine disruption,
reproductive impairment, immune suppression, and elevated infectious
disease (e.g., Fujise et al. 1988, Kuiken et al. 1994, O'Hara and
O'Shea 2001, Schwacke et al. 2002, Jepson et al. 2005, Wells et al.
2005). As previously mentioned, Stockin et al. (2010) found high PCB
and OC contaminant loads in Hector's dolphins (n=27, SI Hector's
dolphins; n=3, Maui's dolphins) sampled from 1997 to 2009, and a
roughly two-fold increase in levels of OC pesticides than had been
previously reported for Hector's dolphins by Jones et al. (1999).
However, no PCB concentrations were above thresholds associated with
reproductive and immunological effects (Stockin et al. 2010). High
levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans
(PCDFs), which are two related and ubiquitous chemical contaminants,
were also found to occur at unexpected levels in the blubber of six SI
Hector's dolphins (Buckland et al. 1990).
Plastic marine debris is also a concern for SI Hector's dolphins.
Plastics and other synthetic, non-biodegradable materials in the marine
environment create the potential for entanglement, injury, and
ingestion by various marine species. As with other marine mammals,
Hector's dolphins may become entangled and subsequently wounded, or
have impaired foraging ability, and/or increased susceptibility to
predation. Ingestion of plastics by marine species has been associated
with a multitude of
[[Page 64116]]
impacts including blockage of the digestive tract, starvation,
reduction in reproductive capacity, drowning, and possible accumulation
of toxic compounds (Laist 1997, Gregory 2009). Plastic debris was found
in the stomach of a SI Hector's dolphin that stranded along the coast
of the Canterbury region, and there are anecdotal reports of SI
Hector's dolphins off Banks Peninsula with fishing line or netting
entangling the head or upper body and cutting into the blubber (MFish
and DOC 2007b).
Mining occurs along the west coast of the South Island where there
are significant nearshore and beach deposits of ilmenite (mined mainly
for titanium dioxide). The TMP for Hector's dolphins identified
possible impacts of mining activity, including loss or reduction in
prey species, noise, and vessel disturbance (MFish and DOC 2007b).
Based on a search of the NZPM's map in June 2016 (https://data.nzpam.govt.nz/permitwebmaps?commodity=minerals), a large portion
of the SI Hector's dolphin west coast range is included in a
prospecting permit application, indicating the potential for continued
mining activity in this region.
Prospecting permits for petroleum cover large areas along the
southeastern coast of the South Island (https://data.nzpam.govt.nz/permitwebmaps?commodity=petroleum, June 2016). Drill ships are also
operated off Canterbury and along the west coast of the South Island.
Potential habitat impacts from these activities include oil spills;
increased vessel traffic; and acoustic disturbances from seismic
surveys, sonar, and drilling activities. Contaminants in oil and gas
may impact the health of the dolphins, and the associated noise may
disrupt normal behaviors, such as navigating, migrating, and feeding
(Gordon et al. 2003, Thompson 2012).
Overall, it is clear that SI Hector's dolphins are exposed to
multiple habitat-related threats. However, the extent to which SI
Hector's dolphins are being impacted--both individually and at a
population level--by these habitat-related threats is not yet
established due to insufficient data (MFish and DOC 2007b). It is
possible that SI Hector's dolphin habitat will become increasingly
degraded in the future with increasing human use of the coastal zone
and its resources (MFish and DOC 2007b).
Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific or Educational
Hector's dolphins have not been systematically captured for any
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes;
although, as noted earlier, a few Hector's dolphins have been taken for
live exhibition. While Hector's dolphins have also apparently been
taken for food, oil, and bait, the extent to which this occurred is not
known (Pichler et al. 2003).
There is growing evidence that overutilization in the form of
commercial dolphin-watching and swim-with-dolphin operations, which are
increasingly popular tourist activities in New Zealand, are a concern
for SI Hector's dolphins. The majority of the commercial viewing and
encounter operations in New Zealand occur around the South Island and
are especially popular along the east coast off Kaikoura and within
Akaroa Harbor, which have become major eco-tourist destinations in New
Zealand (Martinez 2010b). Within Akaroa Harbor, and as of 2010, there
were up to about 18 daily `swim-with' trips and 14 dolphin-watching
trips per day between November and March that specifically targeted
Hector's dolphins (Martinez 2010b). In addition to permitted commercial
operations, opportunistic viewing also occurs by both commercial and
recreational boaters.
Dolphin-watching and swim-with-dolphin operations have been shown
to cause behavioral changes in Hector's dolphins (Bejder et al. 1999,
Constantine 1999, Martinez et al. 2012). In a study of SI Hector's
dolphins in Porpoise Bay, Bejder et al. (1999) found that while SI
Hector's dolphins were not displaced by dolphin-watching tour boats,
the dolphins did respond by approaching the boats, especially
initially, and by forming significantly tighter groupings. A possible
interpretation of the behavioral response of `bunching' is that the
boat is perceived as some kind of threat and may in fact cause the
animals some level of stress (Constantine 1999). In Akaroa Harbor,
Martinez (2010b) found that both diving--which is considered a feeding
behavior--and travelling were significantly disrupted by vessel
interactions. Evidence also indicates that the use of sounds to attract
Hector's dolphins to swimmers affects the behavior of the dolphins
(Martinez et al. 2012). For example, both the number and the duration
of close interactions or approaches by Hector's dolphins were
significantly greater when a swimmer banged two rocks together
underwater (Martinez et al. 2012). Such deliberate efforts to attract
Hector's dolphins could have behavioral consequences such as disrupted
or reduced foraging time, which in turn can have biological
consequences (Martinez et al. 2012). For some regional dolphin
populations, a relatively large portion of that population can be
exposed to the tourist activities occurring in a particular harbor or
area. For example, about 80 percent of the SI Hector's dolphins that
were photo-identified in surveys around Banks Peninsula between 1985
and 2006 had alongshore home ranges that included Akaroa Harbor, and
for half of these dolphins, Akaroa Harbor served as a core use or
``hub'' area (Rayment et al. 2009a).
Longer-term impacts of these tourism activities on SI Hector's
dolphins are not yet clear but could include physiological stress,
reduced energy intake, and possibly even reduced calving success.
Linkages between immediate behavioral responses to vessel traffic and
longer-term biological consequences have already been established for
other species (e.g., Tursiops sp.) and include declines in abundance
and reduced reproductive success in females (Bejder et al. 2006a,
2006b, 2006c). Given this information and the fact that SI Hector's
dolphin populations encounter dolphin-watching operations in multiple
areas of their range (e.g., Porpoise Bay, Timaru, Akaroa Harbor, and
Marlborough Sounds), dolphin-watching and `swim-with' activities are
likely posing a significant but sub-lethal threat to this subspecies.
The actual magnitude of this threat cannot yet be established, but this
threat is likely to persist given the popularity and lucrativeness of
the eco-tourism industry in New Zealand.
Disease or Predation
As previously mentioned, predation of Hector's dolphins by several
shark species, such as broadnose seven-gill sharks (N. cepedianus) and
blue sharks (P. glauca), is known to occur (Slooten and Dawson 1988).
Although seven-gill sharks are particularly common around Banks
Peninsula, predation rates are not known (Slooten and Dawson 1988), and
there is no evidence to suggest predation is posing a threat to this
Prevalence of infectious disease and associated impacts have not
yet been well studied in Hector's dolphins, but recent evidence
suggests that infectious disease may be a significant source of
mortality for SI Hector's dolphins. In particular, Roe et al. (2013)
found that out of 22 dolphins collected between 2007 and 2011 for which
a definitive cause of death was established, a total of ten (45
percent) had died due to infectious disease (Toxoplasma gondii
infections, bacterial infection, or fungal infection). Five of the 22
SI Hector's dolphins (23 percent) were found to
[[Page 64117]]
have died as a result of T. gondii infection (toxoplasmosis, Roe et al.
2013). While toxoplasmosis is typically a secondary disease in
cetaceans, resulting in symptoms in immunosuppressed individuals rather
than healthy individuals, there was no evidence of immunosuppression in
these cases, suggesting that Hector's dolphins are particularly
susceptible to toxoplasmosis (Roe et al. 2013). Beyond direct
mortality, toxoplasmosis can also have other biological consequences,
such as behavioral changes, reduced reproductive rate, and neonatal
loss. Because the fatal cases of T. gondii infection in this study were
distributed throughout almost the entire range of the SI Hector's
dolphin, exposure is probably occurring over broad areas. Overall, the
available data suggest that disease, especially toxoplasmosis, is
posing a threat to SI Hector's dolphins.
Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
As with Maui's dolphins, a number of regulatory measures have been
put in place to address bycatch of SI Hector's dolphins. As previously
noted, by the 1980's, bycatch of Hector's dolphins in commercial and
recreational gillnets was recognized as a serious issue in New Zealand
(Dawson and Slooten 2005). In the South Island, a region of particular
concern was the Pegasus Bay and Canterbury Bight area along the east
coast, where there was a known high degree of overlap between inshore
gillnetting and a locally abundant population of SI Hector's dolphins.
To begin to quantify the level of bycatch, Dawson (1991b) conducted
fisherman interviews during 1984-1988 and found that at least 230 SI
Hector's dolphins had died due to entanglement in commercial and
recreational gillnets in the Pegasus Bay and Canterbury Bight region
during this period. Ages of entangled dolphins that were physically
examined (n=43) ranged from younger than 1 year to about 20 years old,
but a high proportion (63 percent) were 3 years old or younger,
suggesting that younger dolphins are especially vulnerable to
entanglement (Dawson 1991b). Overall, this level of bycatch (i.e., 230
over 4 years or about 57.5 entanglement mortalities per year), greatly
exceeded the estimated population growth rate for this regional
population (1.8-4.9 percent or 13.3-36.3 individuals per year; Dawson
and Slooten 1988b, Slooten and Lad 1991). Subsequent analyses based on
observer data, suggested that bycatch rates during this period (1984-
1988) were actually much higher, averaging 100 dolphins per year
(Davies et al. 2007).
Released in 2007, the TMP for Hector's dolphins identified set
gillnetting as the greatest source of human-caused mortality of
Hector's dolphins but also discussed how SI Hector's dolphins are
incidentally captured in other gear types (MFish and DOC 2007b).
Between 1921 and when the TMP was released, the DOC Incident Database
indicates there had been 19 reports of Hector's dolphin mortalities due
to trawls, which corresponds to 9 percent of the reported incidents
with a known cause of death. All 19 of these reports occurred off the
South Island within 2 nmi (3.7 km) of shore (MFish and DOC 2007b).
Entanglement deaths of SI Hector's dolphins have also occurred in pot
traps (e.g., rock lobster pots). Three such incidents were reported (in
1989, 1997, and 2004) and all occurred off Kaikoura, which is along the
northeast coast of the South Island (MFish and DOC 2007b).
In reaction to the growing concern over bycatch of Hector's
dolphins, the DOC established the Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal
Sanctuary (BPMMS) in 1988. When it was first established, the sanctuary
extended from Sumner Head to the Rakaia River and out to 4 nmi (7.4
km), covering an area of about 1,140 sq km. All gillnetting within the
sanctuary (with some harbor exceptions) was prohibited from November
through February, and additional gear restrictions that applied
throughout the remainder of the year essentially resulted in a year-
round ban of commercial gillnetting within the sanctuary (Dawson and
Slooten 1993). Additional restrictions on recreational gillnetting,
such as limiting fishing to daylight hours only and requiring
continuous tending of nets, were also enacted to help further reduce
bycatch mortality. Based on fisheries observer data, bycatch in
gillnets continued to occur to the immediate north and south of the
sanctuary at unsustainable levels (Baird and Bradford 2000, Dawson and
Slooten 2005), and there was little evidence of improved survival of SI
Hector's dolphins within the sanctuary (Cameron et al. 1999). In
recognition that further protection of SI Hector's dolphins was needed,
the sanctuary boundaries were expanded in 2008 to the north and south
and out to 12 nmi (22.2 km) offshore, but no restrictions on fishing
activities were applied to the area beyond the original 4 nmi (7.4 km)
sanctuary boundary (MFish and DOC 2007b, DOC 2008). The sanctuary
currently encompasses about 4,130 sq. km and 389 km of coastline.
In addition to the expansion of BPMMS, a series of fishing
restrictions were put in place in 2008 to reduce bycatch of SI Hector's
dolphins elsewhere around the South Island. Along the east and south
coasts, from Cape Jackson in the Marlborough Sounds to Sandhill Point
east of Fiordland, commercial gillnetting was banned out to 4 nmi (7.4
km) from shore, except at Kaikoura, where it was banned out to 1 nmi
(1.9 km), and in Te Waewae Bay, where it is banned out to about 9 nmi
(16.7 km) from shore (MFish 2008). Recreational gillnetting was allowed
to continue in specified harbors and estuaries; and, in the case of
flatfishing (e.g. for Rhombosolea spp.), gillnetting was permitted from
April through September in the upper reaches of four harbors on Banks
Peninsula, and in a similar area in Queen Charlotte Sound. Trawling was
also prohibited along the east and south coasts from Cape Jackson to
Sandhill Point out to 2 nmi (3.7 km), with an exception for trawls
using a low headline net (used to target flatfish, MFish 2008). On the
west coast of the South Island, again with some exceptions for certain
harbors, inlets, estuaries, river mouths and lagoons, recreational set
netting was banned year-round in waters out to 2 nmi (3.7 km) and from
Cape Farewell on Farewell Spit to Awarua Point north of Fiordland; and
commercial set netting was banned in the same area from December
through February (MFish 2008). No trawling prohibitions were
implemented for the west coast, and no fishing prohibitions were
instituted along the north coast of the South Island. Since 2008, some
amendments and changes to these fishery restrictions have been made for
particular fishing activities and specific locations, but these changes
are limited in scope and scale and are not discussed in detail here;
see Manning and Grantz (2016) for additional detail.
Recently, in 2013, the DOC established the Akaroa Harbor Marine
Reserve at the mouth of Akaroa Harbor on Banks Peninsula. This reserve
includes about 512 hectares of habitat or about 12 percent of the total
harbor area (www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-go/
canterbury/places/banks-peninsula-area/akaroa-marine-reserve/). As a
result of this designation, which provides protection to all marine
life within the reserve, fishing and any other taking of living or non-
living marine resources is prohibited.
Despite the gradual increase in fishing restrictions around the
South Island, exposure of SI Hector's dolphins to fishing activity
remains fairly high
[[Page 64118]]
throughout the South Island. On the west coast, where the dolphins are
known to occur year-round and range to about 6.5 nmi (12.0 km) offshore
(Mackenzie and Clement 2016), commercial gillnetting is prohibited only
out to 2 nmi for just 3 months of the year, and there are no
prohibitions on trawling. Survey sightings off the south coast indicate
that the dolphins at least occasionally occur as far as 9.6 nmi (17.8
km) from shore and outside of protected areas (Clement et al. 2011). On
the east coast, a substantial portion of the population is distributed
well beyond the current closed areas, particularly in winter months
(e.g., out to 18.2 nmi (33.7 km), Rayment et al. 2006, Rayment et al.
2010b); and gillnetting is still allowed within the BPMMS in waters
between the original (4 nmi) and the extended offshore boundary (12
Evidence of continued bycatch around the South Island is available
in the DOC Incident Database (www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/hectors-and-
maui-dolphin-incident-database/), which lists 13 entanglement
mortalities between May 2009 and April 2015; and, in 2012, two Hector's
dolphins were found stranded and wrapped in a gillnet just north of
Christchurch (Slooten 2013, 2016). Unfortunately, the actual level of
bycatch since 2008 is unknown and the database records provide only a
subset of the total bycatch (Slooten and Dawson 2016). The majority of
mortalities captured in the database are also listed as having unknown
or indeterminable causes. Pichler et al. (2003) reported that of the
dolphins caught by commercial and recreational gillnet fishers and
brought in for necropsies, only about half have discernable net
markings, contributing further to the underestimation of bycatch rates.
Some additional data are available from commercial gillnetting observer
programs. For example, based on low observer coverage of commercial
gillnet vessels from May 2009 through April 2010 (about 15.8 percent of
fishing days and about 13 percent of total sets), three SI Hector's
dolphin mortalities were recorded from the east coast of the South
Island (ECSI; MPI 2011b, Slooten and Davies 2012). Slooten and Davies
(2012) analyzed these data and estimated that 23 SI Hector's dolphins
(range of 4-48, CV = 0.21) were caught off the ECSI in that year.
Evidence from multiple modelling efforts suggests that SI Hector's
dolphins will continue to decline due to bycatch under the current
management measures. For example, for the most recent assessment of the
BPMMS population, which has benefited from almost three decades of
protection, Gormley et al. (2012) conducted a mark-recapture analysis
of photographically identified dolphins (n=462) from 1986 to 2006 to
compare annual survival rates before and after establishment of the
sanctuary and associated gillnetting restrictions. Results indicated
that between the two time periods, mean survival probability increased
by 5.4 percent (from 0.863 to 0.917), which corresponds to a 6 percent
increase in population growth. However, the population projections
using the post-sanctuary survival rate also corresponded to a mean
annual population decrease of 0.5 percent per year, with only 41
percent of the model simulations resulting in a population increase
(Gormley et al. 2012). As noted by Gormley et al. (2012), this finding
is consistent with other research indicating that the BPMMS is too
small to allow recovery of this SI Hector's dolphin population (Rayment
et al. 2006, Slooten et al. 2006b, Slooten and Dawson 2008, Rayment et
al. 2010b, Slooten and Dawson 2010). A population viability analysis by
Slooten and Dawson (2010), which relied on commercial gillnet observer
data for a portion of the east coast to estimate bycatch (from Baird
and Bradford 2000), projected that the west coast population would
continue to decline (by just over 1,000 individuals by 2050), the Banks
Peninsula population would continue to decline, and the remainder of
the east coast population would slowly increase (by 450 individuals by
2050). In a review of risk assessments for SI Hector's dolphins,
Slooten and Davies (2012) found that despite differing modelling
approaches and assumptions applied, the risk assessments were highly
consistent and were in general agreement that recovery of SI Hector's
dolphins is unlikely under the current level of protections.
Overall, based on the available information, the existing measures
to address the threat of bycatch of SI Hector's dolphins appear
inadequate, and we conclude that bycatch continues to pose a
significant risk to this subspecies. The risk of bycatch in commercial
and recreational trawl and gillnet fisheries remains high given the
known distribution of the dolphins relative to areas closed to fishing,
especially on the west and north coasts (Faustino et al. 2013, Slooten
2013). Although bycatch of SI Hector's dolphins has been slowed by the
fisheries restrictions implemented in 2008, available risk analyses
indicate that population decline is expected to continue (Slooten and
Dawson 2010, Gormley et al. 2012, Slooten and Davies 2012). Finally,
enforcement of the existing regulations may be insufficient. Illegal
fishing has been reported for Banks Peninsula (Slooten and Davies
2012), and illegal fishing is discussed in the TMP (MFish and DOC
2007b). There are insufficient data available to evaluate the level of
compliance with existing regulations.
Several management measures have been implemented to address some
of the threats associated with mining and petroleum industry
activities. For both petroleum and minerals mining activities, a permit
is generally required from local authorities under the Resource
Management Act 1991 for mining activities within New Zealand's
territorial sea (within 12 nmi from the coast). For mining activities
beyond the territorial sea, the Environmental Protection Authority
(EPA) manages the environmental effects of activity under the Exclusive
Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012
(EEZ Act) and its regulations, which establish which activities require
permits and impact assessments. Seismic surveys are permitted under the
EEZ Act if they adhere to the Code of Conduct for Minimizing Acoustic
Disturbance to Marine Mammals from Seismic Survey Operations (DOC
2013). In 2013, the DOC and MPI updated their seismic survey guidelines
and announced a decision to make the code of conduct a mandatory
standard. The mandatory code of conduct applies to Territorial waters,
the EEZ of New Zealand, and within all marine mammal sanctuaries, and
includes requirements for planning, operations, monitoring, and
reporting. The 2013 code of conduct is currently undergoing review and
may be further augmented to increase protections for Hector's dolphins
and other species of concern. Discharge management plans associated
with mining activities also must be approved under the Maritime Rules
Part 200, Maritime New Zealand prior to drilling.
To help manage non-fishing-related threats to Hector's dolphins,
the DOC expanded BPMMS in 2008 and established an additional three
marine mammal sanctuaries- the Catlins Coast, Clifford and Cloudy Bay,
and Te Waewae Bay Marine Mammal Sanctuaries (MMS). The Catlins Coast
MMS lies along the south coast of the South Island (SCSI) between Three
Brother's Point and Busy Point and extends 5 nmi to 6.9 nmi offshore.
The sanctuary encompasses about 660 sq km of marine habitat and 161 km
of coastline. The Clifford and Cloudy Bay MMS, which lies on the
northeast coast,
[[Page 64119]]
includes about 1,427 sq km and 338 km of coastline between Cape
Campbell to Tory Channel, and extends 12 nmi offshore. The Te Waewae
Bay MMS includes this entire SCSI bay and encompasses about 359 sq km
of marine habitat and 113 km of coastline. Protections for SI Hector's
dolphins that accompanied the expansion of BPMMS and the designation of
these three additional sanctuaries were specific requirements for
conducting seismic surveys. Included among the requirements for seismic
surveys are mandatory notification prior to conducting surveys,
mandatory reporting of any interactions with dolphins, and presence of
qualified marine mammal observers on all survey ships (Gazette, 23
September 2008). There are no additional restrictions on mining
activities within the sanctuaries.
Overall, while there is a clear regulatory process in place for
reviewing and permitting mining activities, given the existing
information, it is not clear whether existing management measures are
adequate to minimize acoustic and other impacts to SI Hector's dolphins
such that these activities do not pose a threat to the subspecies.
The dolphin-watching industry in New Zealand is regulated under the
Marine Mammals Protection Regulations (MMPR), which were revised in
1992 in response to the growth in marine mammal-based tourism
(Constantine (1999), citing Donoghue 1996). Among other provisions,
these regulations govern the issuance of permits to commercial
operators and, as discussed above, the behavior of vessels around
dolphins. As a permit issuance criterion, commercial tour operators are
required to ensure that their activities have ``no significant adverse
effect'' on their targeted population (MMPR, 1992; Appendix 1.4). Given
the high level of commercial dolphin watching operations in some
portions of the SI Hector's dolphin's range, the repeat exposure of
individual dolphins to vessels and/or `swim-with' activities, and the
potential linkage to long-term biological consequences, it is possible
that the current level of tourism is having a significant adverse
impact on the subspecies. We find that there are insufficient data by
which to verify that this permit issuance criterion is being met.
Pursuant to the MMPR, all boaters, both recreational and
commercial, must adhere to certain rules when operating around marine
mammals. For example, no more than 3 vessels and/or aircraft are
allowed within 300 m of any marine mammal at the same time; speeds must
be kept to `no wake' speeds when within 300 m of any marine mammal;
swimmers are prohibited from swimming with dolphin pods with very young
calves; and boats are prohibited from circling, obstructing, or cutting
through any group (MMPR 1992, part 3). Compliance monitoring is limited
and sufficient quantitative data are not available to assess compliance
by commercial and recreational boaters with these regulations (MFish
and DOC 2007b). Thus, it is difficult to determine whether these
regulations, and the associated education and enforcement, adequately
address boat-related disturbance and boat strikes, which are discussed
further in the section below.
Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Its Continued Existence
Other potential threats to SI Hector's dolphins include vessel
noise, trophic effects of fishing, and climate change; however, there
are no data available to assess how or whether these factors are
contributing to the overall level of human-caused mortality or
population trends. Boat strikes, however, are a documented source of
mortality for Hector's dolphins, and the TMP identifies vessel traffic
as a threat that can result in disturbance and mortality (MFish and DOC
2007b). Vessel traffic has increased around the South Island,
especially in areas more densely populated by people, and reports of
cetaceans with propeller scars have increased (Martinez 2010b). Stone
and Yoshinaga (2000) reported the death of two calves on consecutive
days in Akaroa Harbor. In 1999, two calves, both estimated to be
younger than 4 weeks old, were recovered on successive days from Akaroa
Harbor, and autopsy results confirmed that one calf was killed by
collision with a boat and the other calf by a propeller strike (Stone
and Yoshinaga 2000). Stone and Yoshinaga (2000) suggest that mother and
calf pairs may be less capable of evading boats if they are approached.
Although the specific cause of death was unknown, the TMP also states
that there were an additional nine cases from around the South Island
in which cause of death was some form of trauma (MFish and DOC 2007b).
Overall, data are too limited to assess the rate of boat strikes, but
existing information clearly indicates that boat strikes are
contributing to the total level of human-caused mortality.
Demographic Risks Affecting Extinction Risk for Maui's Dolphins
In our status review, data and information about demographic risks
to Maui's dolphins were considered according to four categories--
abundance and trends, population growth/productivity, spatial
structure/connectivity, and genetic diversity. Each of these
demographic threat categories was then rated according to the following
qualitative scale:
Very low risk: It is unlikely that this factor contributes
significantly to risk of extinction, either by itself or in combination
with other demographic factors.
Low risk: It is unlikely that this factor contributes significantly
to long-term or near future risk of extinction by itself, but there is
some concern that it may, in combination with other demographic
Moderate risk: This factor is likely to contribute significantly to
long-term risk of extinction, but does not by itself constitute a
danger of extinction in the near future.
High risk: This factor contributes significantly to long-term risk
of extinction and is likely to contribute to short-term risk of
extinction in the near future.
Very high risk: This factor by itself indicates danger of
extinction in the near future. (Note: The term ``significantly'' is
used here as it is generally defined--i.e., in a sufficiently great or
important way as to be worthy of attention.)
In the sections below, we present information from Manning and
Grantz (2016) to summarize the demographic risks facing Maui's
A. Abundance and Trends
Based on line-transect aerial surveys conducted in January 2004,
Slooten et al. 2006a estimated a total population size of 111 Maui's
dolphins (95 percent CI = 48-252). A more recent abundance estimate,
derived through genetic mark-recapture analysis of samples collected in
2010 and 2011, is 55 dolphins over 1 year of age (95 percent CI: 48-69,
Hamner et al. 2012b). This estimate is based on a genetic mark-
recapture analysis using 37 biopsy samples collected in 2010 and 36
biopsy samples collected in 2011, which were genotyped across 20
variable microsatellite loci and analyzed in a closed-sample model
(Lincoln-Peterson estimator with Chapman correction, Chapman 1951;
Hamner et al. 2012b). Both of these estimates indicate that the
abundance of Maui's dolphins is critically low.
Small populations can face higher risks of extinction from a range
of factors, including stochastic demographic processes, genetic
effects, and environmental catastrophes; and various theoretical
[[Page 64120]]
thresholds have been proposed as indicators of relative extinction risk
(Gilpin and Soul[eacute] 1986, Allendorf et al. 1987, Mace et al.
2008). Both of the most recent abundance estimates for Maui's dolphins
are well below commonly cited theoretical thresholds indicating a very
high risk of extinction--e.g., 250 total individuals (Allendorf et al.
1987) and 250 mature individuals (Mace et al. 2008).
Although historical abundance estimates are not available, Slooten
(2007a) estimated population abundances for 1970 by back-calculating,
using a population estimate of 117 dolphins (CV= 0.44) and estimates of
fishing effort and rate of dolphin bycatch. Results suggest that the
abundance of Maui's dolphins in 1970 was about 1,729 dolphins (CV=
0.51, Slooten 2007, Slooten and Dawson 2010). Martien et al. (1999)
also projected numbers back to 1970 using an earlier abundance estimate
published by Dawson and Slooten (1988; i.e., 134 dolphins), and
estimated there were about 448 Maui's dolphins in 1970. Although there
are differences in the models, assumptions, input data, and results of
these two analyses, these estimated abundances for 1970 suggest the
Maui's dolphin population has declined by about 90 percent or more when
compared to the current abundance estimate of 55 dolphins over 1 year
of age.
Available evidence suggests that abundance of Maui's dolphins will
continue to decline. For example, an annual rate of decline of 3.0
percent per year (95 percent CI: -11 percent to +6 percent) and an
annual survival rate of 84 percent (95 percent CI = 0.75-0.90) was
estimated by Hamner et al. (2012b). Although this result was somewhat
equivocal given the large confidence interval, a projected decline is
supported by the trend analysis conducted by Wade et al. (2012) using
six different abundance estimates generated from 1985 to 2011. Wade et
al. (2012) calculated a statistically significant declining trend of -
3.2 percent per year from 1985 to 2011 (90 percent CI = -5.7 percent to
-0.6 percent, p = 0.029).
Given a population abundance of fewer than 100 dolphins over one
year of age, evidence of a very large historical decline, and evidence
of possible continued decline, this demographic risk category was rated
as posing a ``very high risk'' for the subspecies.
B. Population Growth
Fecundity (i.e., the number of female offspring per female per
breeding season) of Maui's dolphins is relatively low (0.165 to 0.25,
Secchi et al. 2004b), with females having calves every two to four
years after reaching maturity at about 7 years of age (Slooten and
Dawson 1994, Dawson 2009). Due to an estimated lifespan of only about
22 years, later maturity, and low fecundity, Maui's dolphins are
considered to have a low intrinsic rate of population growth (Dawson
2009). The annual mortality rate is estimated to be about 17 percent
per year for dolphins 1 year of age and older (Hamner et al. 2012b),
and, as mentioned above, modelling results suggest a declining
population trend (Wade et al. 2012). Overall, this demographic factor
was found to constitute a ``high risk'' for Maui's dolphin.
C. Population Structure and Connectivity
Maui's dolphins are thought to have once ranged along the entire
coast of the North Island (Russell 1999, Dawson et al. 2001b, Baker et
al. 2002, Du Fresne 2010). The dolphins now occur only off the west
coast of the North Island. While there is no indication of spatial
structuring within the subspecies, data do indicate that home ranges of
individuals are probably small (e.g. 35.5 km (SE= 4.03), Oremus et al.
2012), and that movements over 100 km are probably rare (Hamner et al.
2012b). Overall, the available information indicates that substantial
range contraction has already occurred, gene flow will be limited among
populations of Hector's dolphins that are over 100 km apart, and any
fragmentation of the remaining population would be a serious concern.
Overall, this demographic factor was rated as posing a ``moderate
risk'' for Maui's dolphins.
D. Genetic Diversity
Genetic diversity in Maui's dolphins is currently very low. Pichler
(2002) analyzed microsatellite DNA for Maui's dolphins across six loci
(n = 4 to 12) and reported an average of 1.5 alleles per locus, three
of which were fixed (i.e., 1 allele), and an overall low heterozygosity
(0.083-0.25). Analyses of contemporary mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
samples also indicate a single maternal lineage (Pichler 2002, Hamner
et al. 2012a). This level of haplotype diversity (i.e., h = 0) is well
below the typical range of 0.70-0.92 for other more abundant odontocete
species (Pichler and Baker 2000) and is only seen in several other rare
marine mammals (e.g., vaquita (Phocoena sinus), north Atlantic right
whale (Eubalaena glacialis), Dawson et al. 2001b).
Maui's dolphins are reproductively isolated from SI Hector's
dolphins, and there has been no recent gene flow between the subspecies
(Pichler et al. 2001, Hamner et al. 2012a). Based on analyses of mtDNA,
the North Island subspecies has been isolated from the South Island
populations for up to 16,000 years (Pichler et al. 2001). Hamner et al.
(2012a) noted that some degree of inbreeding is inevitable for such a
small, isolated population and also suggested that the significant
deviation from a 1:1 sex ratio they observed for stranded Maui's
dolphins, due to an excess of females in their sample (41 females of 68
total Maui's dolphins), may be an indication of deleterious inbreeding
Overall, Maui's dolphins have very low genetic diversity, are
genetically isolated, and are vulnerable to inbreeding depression and
the accumulation of deleterious mutations, which are serious concerns
that can hasten the extinction of small populations (Lunch et al. 1995,
Frankham 2005, O'Grady et al. 2006). This demographic factor was rated
as a ``high risk'' for Maui's dolphins.
Demographic Risks Affecting Extinction Risk for SI Hector's Dolphins
In the sections below, we present information from Manning and
Grantz (2016) on the demographic risks facing SI Hector's dolphins. As
with Maui's dolphins, demographic risks to SI Hector's dolphins were
considered according to the same four categories (abundance and trends,
population growth/productivity, spatial structure/connectivity, and
genetic diversity) and rated according to the same qualitative scale as
defined above.
A. Abundance and Trends
Various surveys have been completed for portions of the SI Hector's
dolphin's range, each producing a separate, regional abundance estimate
for the associated portion of the subspecies' range. (See Manning and
Grantz (2016) for discussion of older surveys and abundance estimates.)
The most recent abundance estimate for the west coast of the South
Island (WCSI) is based on aerial surveys conducted by Mackenzie and
Clement (2016) in 2014/2015 from Farewell Spit south to Milford Sound.
These surveys included substantial effort in waters beyond 4 nmi (7.4
km) from shore and included an ``outer'' survey zone between 12 nmi and
20 nmi from shore (22.2-37.0 km, MacKenzie and Clement 2016). Based on
these surveys, summer and winter abundance estimates of 5,490 dolphins
(95% CI = 3,319-9,079) and 5,802 dolphins (95%
[[Page 64121]]
CI = 3,879-8,679), respectively, were estimated using mark-recapture
distance sampling after correcting for availability bias (or how
``available'' the dolphins are at or near the surface where they can be
observed; Mackenzie and Clement 2016)). The most recent surveys of the
north (NCSI) and east coasts (ECSI) of the South Island were conducted
in the summer of 2012/2013 and winter 2013 and extended from Farewell
Spit to Nugget Point and extended offshore to 20 nm (37.0 km; MacKenzie
and Clement 2014). These intensive aerial surveys, which had a similar
design as the WCSI surveys, produced an estimated summer abundance of
9,728 dolphins (95 percent CI= 7,001-13,517) and an estimated winter
abundance of 8,208 dolphins (95 percent CI = 4,888-13,785, MacKenzie
and Clement 2014, Mackenzie and Clement 2016). The most recent surveys
of the SCSI produced an abundance estimate of 238 dolphins (95 percent
CI = 113-503, Clement et al. 2011, Mackenzie and Clement 2016). This
abundance estimate was based on two aerial surveys completed in March
and August 2010 from Puysegur Point to Nugget Point and extended out to
the 100-m depth contour (Clement et al. 2011). Following completion of
the last of these three regional survey efforts, Mackenzie and Clement
(2016) re-analyzed the data and, using the sum of the averages of the
summer and winter abundance estimates from these surveys, calculated a
total population estimate of 14,849 SI Hector's dolphins (95% CI =
Despite the large confidence intervals associated with some of
these recent abundance estimates, the data indicate that the total
abundance of SI Hector's dolphins is greater than commonly applied
theoretical abundances used as indicators of a high risk of
extinction--e.g., 2,500 total individuals (Allendorf et al. 1987) and
1,000 mature individuals (Mace et al. 2008)--suggesting that SI
Hector's dolphins are not at high risk of extinction due to abundance
Populations of SI Hector's dolphins have, however, experienced
substantial declines and available information suggests that the
subspecies is likely to continue declining (Slooten and Lad 1991,
Slooten et al. 1992, Burkhart and Slooten 2003). SI Hector's dolphin
populations are estimated to have experienced declines of 20-73 percent
since the 1970s following the expansion of commercial gillnetting in
New Zealand (Slooten 2007, Davies et al. 2008, Slooten and Dawson
2010). Evidence of a historical decline is also provided by the
findings of Pichler and Baker (2000), who detected a significant
decline in mtDNA diversity (from h = 0.65 to h = 0.35, p<0.05) for ECSI
Hector's dolphins in a comparison of contemporary (n=108) samples to
historical samples (n=55) dating back to 1870. These authors suggest
that the high rate of decline in mitochondrial DNA diversity reflects a
high rate of population decline driven by unsustainable levels of
bycatch mortality. While there is strong evidence that adult survival
in the ECSI population has improved following the implementation of
fishing restrictions at BPMMS (0.863 (95 percent CI = 0.647-0.971) pre-
sanctuary versus 0.917 (95 percent CI = 0.802-0.984) post-sanctuary),
the improved survival rate still corresponds to an estimated decline of
0.5 percent per year (Gormley et al. 2012). Results of modelling
efforts by Slooten and Davies (2012) also suggest continued population
declines over the next 50 years if fisheries management practices
remain the same.
Overall, this demographic factor was rated as posing a ``moderate
risk'' for SI Hector's dolphins.
B. Population Growth
Given an estimated lifespan of about 22 years, relatively late
maturity (at 7-9 years), and low fecundity (0.165 to 0.25), Hector's
dolphins are considered to have a low intrinsic population growth rate
(Slooten 1991, Slooten and Lad 1991, Secchi and Fletcher 2004, Secchi
et al. 2004b, Dawson 2009). Females may produce only four to seven
calves over their lifetime. Estimates of the survival rate of SI
Hector's dolphins >= 1 year old have ranged from 0.77 to 0.89 (Slooten
and Lad 1991, Slooten et al. 1992, Slooten and Dawson 1994, Cameron et
al. 1999). Based on simple Leslie matrix models, Slooten and Ladd
(1991) estimated a maximum population growth rate of 0.018 to 0.049;
whereas, Secchi and Fletcher (2004) estimated a much lower population
growth rate of 0.0065. Projections of population growth, given
estimated levels of human-caused mortality, have varied depending on
the modelling approach and the study population, but results are
generally consistent in indicating a continuing population decline
(Slooten and Dawson 2010, Slooten and Davies 2012). Essentially, the
available information indicates that population growth is too low to
compensate for current mortality rates, and that mortality needs to be
reduced in order to allow populations around the South Island to
recover from past declines due to bycatch (Slooten 2013).
This demographic factor was rated as posing a ``moderate risk'' for
SI Hector's dolphins.
C. Population Structure and Connectivity
Analyses of both mtDNA and microsatellite DNA indicate the
existence of three distinct regional populations of SI Hector's
dolphins--east, west, and south coast populations (Pichler et al. 1998,
Pichler 2002, Hamner et al. 2012a). Each regional population is
characterized by one or two high frequency mtDNA haplotypes, and
hierarchical analyses of both mtDNA and microsatellite DNA data
indicate strong genetic differentiation among the three regional
populations (mtDNA FST = 0.321, p<0.001; Phi ST =
0.395; microsatellite FST = 0.058, p<0.001; Hamner et al.
2012a). There appears to be additional genetic structuring on the south
coast, as samples from Te W[aelig]w[aelig] Bay and Toetoe Bay,
locations separated by only about 100 km of coastline, were
significantly differentiated based on both mtDNA (FST =
0.136, p = 0.03) and microsatellite DNA (FST = 0.043, p =
0.005). Fine-scale population structuring has also recently been
detected in ECSI Hector's dolphins sampled from adjacent populations on
either side of Kaikoura Canyon (Hamner et al. 2016). Analysis of both
mtDNA (FST = 0.081, p<0.001) and microsatellite DNA
(FST = 0.013, p<0.001) indicated a low but statistically
significant level of genetic differentiation between these adjacent
populations (Hamner et al. 2016).
Estimated migration rates for males and females among the three
main regional populations are low and appear to be asymmetrical
(Pichler 2002, Hamner et al. 2012a). Based on mtDNA, Pichler (2002)
estimated long-term migration rates of less than one female per
generation among regions, except between the west and south coasts
where female migration rates were estimated to be between 2.7 and 3.7
female migrants per generation. Based on analyses of both mtDNA and
microsatellite DNA, there also appears to be a low level of male-
mediated gene flow, with the highest exchange appearing to occur from
the south coast to the east coast (Hamner et al. 2012a). Analysis of
levels of genetic differentiation among sample locations within regions
suggests a ``stepping-stone'' model of gene flow in which there are low
levels of migration between neighboring populations over distances
shorter than 100 km and much more limited gene flow among the three
larger regional populations (Pichler 2002; Hamner et al. 2012a). Hamner
et al. (2012a) concluded that very rare migration events are
facilitating gene
[[Page 64122]]
flow across the roughly 100-370 km distances separating the three
larger regions. Overall, these findings are consistent with a priori
expectations of low gene flow over larger spatial scales given the
small estimated home ranges (typically 30 km-60 km) and high degree of
site fidelity observed in SI Hector's dolphins (Bejder and Dawson 2001,
Br[auml]ger et al. 2002, Rayment et al. 2009a). Although longer-range
movements (> 400 km) of SI Hector's dolphins do appear to occur, at
least on occasion, there is as yet no indication that such movements
are associated with mating (Hamner et al. 2012b, Hamner et al. 2014a).
How the existing population structure and connectivity of SI
Hector's dolphin populations influence extinction risk is unclear. The
current distribution of SI Hector's dolphins as multiple populations
with a low level of connectivity could potentially provide protection
from local extirpation (for example, by a catastrophic event) while
allowing for local adaptation, which could ultimately benefit long-term
survival (Franklin 1980). Alternatively, restricted and asymmetrical
dispersal among populations may mean there is very limited potential
for one population to buffer against the loss of another local
population and prevent further fragmentation (Pichler et al. 1998,
Pichler 2001). The ongoing human-caused mortality and the slow
population growth rate of SI Hector's dolphins are factors that favor
this latter interpretation.
Overall, this demographic factor was rated as posing a ``moderate
risk'' to SI Hector's dolphins.
D. Genetic Diversity
Relative to other abundant dolphin species, genetic diversity of SI
Hector's dolphins is low (Pichler and Baker 2000; Pichler 2002).
Pichler and Baker (2000) reported haplotype (h) and nucleotide ([pi])
diversity estimates of 0.35 and 0.0030, respectively, for ECSI Hector's
dolphins (n = 46) and 0.66 and 0.0040 for WCSI Hector's dolphins (n =
47), which are low compared to previously reported estimates for other,
more abundant odontocetes (e.g., h = 0.70-0.92 and [pi] > 0.01).
Diversity estimates based on mtDNA analyses by Hamner et al. (2012a)
were somewhat higher for both the ECSI (h = 0.51, [pi] = 0.0039) and
WCSI (h = 0.72, [pi] = 0.0049, n = 154) populations, possibly as a
consequence of larger sample sizes, but they are still relatively low.
The low genetic diversity observed may reflect restricted gene flow
among populations and a consequent increase in genetic drift within
As noted above, analysis of mtDNA samples for ECSI Hector's
dolphins by Pichler and Baker (2000) indicated a significant decline in
mitochondrial diversity between historical samples from 1870-1987 (h =
0.65 and [pi] = 0.0084, n = 36) and more contemporary samples from
1988-1998 (h = 0.35 and [pi] = 0.0030, n = 46). A trend analysis of
mtDNA diversity also indicated full loss of diversity within the next
20 years (Pichler and Baker 2000).
Guidelines commonly cited and applied in conservation biology are
that, in a finite population and ignoring other ecological
considerations, a minimum effective population size of at least 50
individuals is required to prevent the harmful effects of inbreeding,
and an effective population size of at least 500 individuals is
required to prevent the accumulation of deleterious recessive alleles
and maintain genetic diversity over hundreds of years (Franklin 1980,
Soul[eacute] 1980, Gilpin and Soul[eacute] 1986, Allendorf et al.
1987). Other theoretical analyses, however, suggests that these
thresholds are too low and that well over 1,000 breeding adults per
generation may instead be necessary to avoid extinction by ``mutational
meltdown'' over time periods of 100 or more generations (Lynch et al.
1995). Given that effective population size is often about \1/5\ to \1/
3\ of a population's total size (Frankham 1995), a conservative
estimate of the effective population size for SI Hector's dolphins
could be roughly estimated as 2,385 to 3,698 dolphins (calculated using
\1/5\ of the 95 percent CI abundance estimates). Because these rough
estimates are well above the thresholds of 50, 500, and 1,000
associated with inbreeding, loss of genetic diversity, and mutational
meltdown, we conclude that the SI Hector's dolphin is not at high risk
of extinction in the near-term due to its current genetic health.
Given the evidence of low and potentially declining genetic
diversity, this demographic factor was rated as being a ``moderate
Protective Efforts
In addition to the regulatory measures discussed above (e.g.
fishing and boating regulations, sanctuary designations), we considered
other efforts being made to protect Hector's dolphins. We considered
whether such protective efforts, as summarized below, alter our
findings regarding the status of Maui's and Hector's dolphins.
To help raise awareness and educate boaters about the regulations
governing the operation of vessels around marine mammals, the DOC
recently initated the `Sustainable Marine Mammal Actions in Recreation
and Tourism'--or SMART program. Commercial operators who participate in
the training course through this program are labelled `SMART operators'
and are promoted to tourists as such. A training course for
recreational boaters is also available. While this proactive program
has likely improved boater awareness and on-the-water behavior to some
degree, we have no data to evaluate the extent to which boater-
associated impacts on Hector's dolphins have been reduced, and the
available information indicates that dolphin-watching and `swim-with'
activities are not benign activities even when conducted according to
the existing regulations.
To help minimize fisheries interactions and bycatch, some voluntary
practices have been used in some areas around the South Island since
2002. These measures include deployment of pingers and other
modifications to fishing activities. However, the extent to which such
voluntary measures are being implemented is unclear, and the efficacy
of pingers in reducing bycatch of Hector's dolphins has not yet been
clearly established (Dawson 1998, Stone et al. 2000b). The MPI also
established a hotline for reporting violations of fishing restrictions;
however, there are no data available to evaluate whether the hotline
has contributed to improved enforcement or compliance with existing
fishing regulations.
Although these efforts may be providing measurable protection for
Hector's dolphins, there is no indication that these efforts are
ameliorating threats, particularly the threats of bycatch and disease,
such that the extinction risk of either subspecies is reduced.
Therefore, we conclude that these protective efforts do not alter the
extinction risk for either Maui's or SI Hector's dolphins. We are not
aware of any other conservation measures for these subspecies and are
soliciting additional information on any relevant conservation efforts
through the public comment process on this proposed rule (see Public
Comments Solicited below).
Proposed Listing Determinations
Maui's dolphins are currently at critically low abundance, and face
additional demographic risks due to greatly reduced genetic diversity
and a low population growth rate. Past declines, on the order of about
90 percent, have been driven largely by bycatch in gillnets. Maui's
dolphins continue to face threats of bycatch, disease, and mining and
seismic disturbances; and available evidence suggests the population
will continue to
[[Page 64123]]
decline despite existing management protections. We conclude that
Maui's dolphin is currently facing a high risk of extinction throughout
its range and is likely to become extinct. Therefore, we find that this
subspecies meets the definition of an endangered species under the ESA.
This conclusion is consistent with previous risk assessments for Maui's
dolphin, which have concluded this subspecies is facing an extremely
high risk of extinction in the wild and will recover only if sources of
anthropogenic mortality are eliminated (Slooten et al. 2006; MFish and
DOC 2007b, Baker et al. 2010). Concern over abundance and trends for
Maui's dolphin has previously led to its classification as ``nationally
critical'' under the New Zealand Threat Classification System, which is
the most threatened status within this classification system (Baker et
al. 2010).
Under the New Zealand Threat Classification System, the SI Hector's
dolphin has been formally classified as ``nationally endangered,''
which is the second-most threatened status within this classification
system (Baker et al. 2010). The qualifier ``conservation dependent'' is
also applied to SI Hector's dolphins, meaning that the subspecies is
likely to move to the higher category of ``nationally critical'' if
current management were to cease (Townsend et al. 2008, Baker et al.
Our review of the best available data indicates that the SI
Hector's dolphin has experienced substantial population declines since
the 1970s, has relatively low genetic diversity, a low intrinsic
population growth rate, and a fragmented population structure. Although
historical data are lacking, Slooten (2007a) estimated that the SI
Hector's dolphin population has declined by about 73 percent between
1970 and 2007, and available population viability analyses indicate
that the SI Hector's dolphin is likely to continue to decline unless
bycatch mortality is reduced (Davies et al. 2008, Slooten and Davies
2012, Slooten 2013). Gormley et al. (2012) estimated that the Banks
Peninsula population, which has benefited from almost three decades of
protection, would continue to decline at a rate of about 0.5 percent
per year despite significantly improved survival rates. Assuming an
existing population abundance of about 14,849 dolphins (95 percent CI =
11,923-18,492), a constant rate of decline of 0.5 percent per year for
the subspecies as a whole could result in a 50 percent decline in the
population in about 138 years and an 80 percent decline in about 321
years. These are simply estimates based on the limited data available,
however, and they do not establish any specific thresholds for
determining when the subspecies may be in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of its range. The actual rate
of decline of the subspecies remains unclear given the very limited
bycatch mortality data available. A trend analysis based on survey data
is also confounded by the fact that surveys have covered different
portions of the range and have dramatically increased in sophistication
and geographical scope over time. Thus, a precise analysis of the rate
of decline and projection of time to extinction given multiple threats
and demographic considerations is not currently possible.
Current levels of bycatch are contributing to the decline of this
subspecies (Slooten and Davies 2012). Additional, lesser threats, such
as disease and tourism impacts, are likely exacerbating the rate of
decline and thereby contributing to the overall extinction risk of this
subspecies. Given recent abundance estimates for the total population
and evidence of a slowed rate of decline following expanded fisheries
management measures, we find that this subspecies is not facing an
imminent risk of extinction. However, historical declines and the
projected decline for most populations, combined with a low population
growth rate, low genetic diversity, limited population connectivity,
and the ongoing threats of bycatch, disease, and tourism, provide a
strong indication that this subspecies is likely to become an
endangered species within the foreseeable future assuming a status quo
in conservation. We therefore propose to list this subspecies as
threatened under the ESA.
Effects of Listing
Conservation measures provided for species listed as endangered or
threatened under the ESA include the development and implementation of
recovery plans (16 U.S.C. 1533(f)); designation of critical habitat, if
prudent and determinable (16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(3)(A)); a requirement that
Federal agencies consult with NMFS under section 7 of the ESA to ensure
their actions do not jeopardize the species or result in adverse
modification or destruction of designated critical habitat (16 U.S.C.
1536); and prohibitions on ``taking'' (16 U.S.C. 1538). The
prohibitions on ``take,'' including export and import, automatically
apply to species listed as endangered. Prohibitions on take do not
apply to species listed as threatened unless protective regulations are
issued under section 4(d) of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1533(d)). In the case
of threatened species, section 4(d) of the ESA leaves it to the
Secretary's discretion whether, and to what extent, to extend take
prohibitions to the species. Section 4(d) protective regulations may
prohibit, with respect to threatened species, some or all of the acts
which section 9(a) of the ESA prohibits with respect to endangered
species. We are not proposing such regulations at this time but may
consider potential protective regulations pursuant to section 4(d) for
the SI Hector's dolphin in a future rulemaking.
Recognition of the species' imperiled status through listing may
also promote conservation actions by Federal and state agencies,
foreign entities, private groups, and individuals.
Activities That Would Constitute a Violation of Section 9 of the ESA
On July 1, 1994, NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) published a policy (59 FR 34272) that requires us to identify,
to the maximum extent practicable at the time a species is listed,
those activities that would or would not constitute a violation of
section 9 of the ESA. The intent of this policy is to increase public
awareness of the potential effects of species listings on proposed and
ongoing activities.
If the Maui's dolphin is listed as endangered, all of the
prohibitions of section 9(a)(1) of the ESA will apply to this
subspecies. Section 9(a)(1) includes prohibitions against the import,
export, use in foreign commerce, and ``take'' of the listed species.
These prohibitions apply to all persons subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States, including in the United States, its territorial sea,
or on the high seas. Take is defined as ``to harass, harm, pursue,
hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to
engage in any such conduct.'' Activities that could result in a
violation of section 9 prohibitions for Maui's dolphins include, but
are not limited to, the following:
(1) Delivering, receiving, carrying, transporting, or shipping in
interstate or foreign commerce any individual or part, in the course of
a commercial activity;
(2) Selling or offering for sale in interstate commerce any part,
except antique articles at least 100 years old; and
(3) Importing or exporting Maui's dolphins or any parts of these
Whether a violation results from a particular activity is entirely
dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each incident. Further,
an activity not
[[Page 64124]]
listed here may in fact constitute a violation.
Section 7 Conference and Consultation Requirements
Section 7(a)(2) (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) of the ESA and joint NMFS/
USFWS regulations require Federal agencies to consult with NMFS to
ensure that activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not
likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species or
destroy or adversely modify critical habitat. Section 7(a)(4) (16
U.S.C. 1536(a)(4)) of the ESA and NMFS/USFWS regulations also require
Federal agencies to confer with us on actions likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of species proposed for listing, or that are likely
to result in the destruction or adverse modification of proposed
critical habitat of those species. It is unlikely that the listing of
these subspecies under the ESA will increase the number of section 7
consultations, because these subspecies occur outside of the United
States and are unlikely to be affected by Federal actions.
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1532(5)) as: (1) The specific areas within the geographical area
occupied by a species, at the time it is listed in accordance with the
ESA, on which are found those physical or biological features (a)
essential to the conservation of the species and (b) that may require
special management considerations or protection; and (2) specific areas
outside the geographical area occupied by a species at the time it is
listed if such areas are determined to be essential for the
conservation of the species. Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1533(a)(3)(A)) requires that, to the extent prudent and determinable,
critical habitat be designated concurrently with the listing of a
species. However, critical habitat cannot be designated in foreign
countries or other areas outside U.S. jurisdiction (50 CFR 424.12(g)).
Maui's and SI Hector's dolphins are endemic to New Zealand and do not
occur within areas under U.S. jurisdiction. There is no basis to
conclude that any unoccupied areas under U.S. jurisdiction are
essential for the conservation of either subspecies. Therefore, we do
not intend to propose any critical habitat designations for either
Public Comments Solicited
We must base our final listing determination on the best scientific
and commercial data available. We cannot consider the economic effects
of a listing determination. To help ensure that any final action
resulting from this proposed rule will be accurate and based on the
best available data, we are soliciting comments from the public, other
concerned governmental agencies, the scientific community, industry,
and any other interested parties on the draft status review report and
proposed rule. See DATES and ADDRESSES for information on how to submit
Promulgation of any final regulation to list these subspecies will
take into consideration the comments and any additional data we receive
during the comment period, and this process may lead to a final
regulation that differs from this proposal. We are especially seeking
information regarding the following topics:
(1) New or updated data regarding threats to Maui's and SI Hector's
dolphins, especially bycatch rates in commercial and recreational
fisheries, bycatch in fishing gear types other than gillnets,
compliance with fishing regulations, and trends in disease prevalence;
(2) New or updated population viability analyses that reflect the
most recent abundance estimates for the subspecies;
(3) Current or planned activities within the range of these
subspecies and their possible impacts on these species; and,
(4) Conservation efforts that are addressing threats to either
We request that all information be accompanied by: (1) Supporting
documentation, such as maps, bibliographic references, or reprints of
pertinent publications; and (2) the submitter's name, address, and any
association, institution, or business that the person represents.
Peer Review
In December 2004, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review establishing a
minimum peer review standard. We solicited peer review comments on the
draft status review report (Manning and Gantz 2016) from three
scientists with expertise on Hector's dolphins. We received and
reviewed comments from these scientists, and their comments are
incorporated into the draft status review report and this proposed
rule. Their comments on the status review are summarized in the peer
review report and available at www.cio.noaa.gov/services_programs/prplans/PRsummaries.html.
A complete list of the references used in this proposed rule is
available upon request (see ADDRESSES).
National Environmental Policy Act
Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA restricts the information that may be
considered when assessing species for listing and sets the basis upon
which listing determinations must be made. Based on the requirements in
section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA and the opinion in Pacific Legal
Foundation v. Andrus, 675 F. 2d 825 (6th Cir. 1981), we have concluded
that ESA listing actions are not subject to the environmental
assessment requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Flexibility Act, and Paperwork
Reduction Act
As noted in the Conference Report on the 1982 amendments to the
ESA, economic impacts cannot be considered when assessing the status of
a species. Therefore, the economic analysis requirements of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act are not applicable to the listing process.
In addition, this proposed rule is exempt from review under
Executive Order 12866. This proposed rule does not contain a
collection-of-information requirement for the purposes of the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
In accordance with E.O. 13132, we determined that this proposed
rule does not have significant federalism effects and that a federalism
assessment is not required. In keeping with the intent of the
Administration and Congress to provide continuing and meaningful
dialogue on issues of mutual state and Federal interest, this proposed
rule will be given to the relevant governmental agencies in New
Zealand, and they will be invited to comment. We will confer with the
U.S. Department of State to ensure appropriate notice is given to New
Zealand. As the process continues, we intend to continue engaging in
informal and formal contact with the U.S. State Department, giving
careful consideration to all written and oral comments received.
List of Subjects
50 CFR Part 223
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Transportation.
[[Page 64125]]
50 CFR Part 224
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports,
Dated: September 13, 2016.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, we propose to amend 50 CFR
parts 223 and 224 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 223 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531-1543; subpart B, Sec. 223.201-202
also issued under 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 5503(d) for
Sec. 223.206(d)(9).
2. In Sec. 223.102, amend the table in paragraph (e) by adding an
entry under ``Marine Mammals'' in alphabetical order, by common name,
to read as follows:
Sec. 223.102 Enumeration of threatened marine and anadromous species.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
Species \1\
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Citation(s) for listing
Description of listed determination(s) Critical habitat ESA rules
Common name Scientific name entity
Marine Mammals
Dolphin, Hector's.................... Cephalorhynchus hectori Entire subspecies...... [Federal Register NA NA
hectori. Citation and Date When
Published as a Final
* * * * * * *
\1\ Species includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996), and
evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
* * * * *
3. The authority citation for part 224 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531-1543 and 16 U.S.C 1361 et seq.
4. In Sec. 224.101, amend the table in paragraph (h) by adding an
entry under ``Marine Mammals'' in alphabetical order, by common name,
to read as follows:
Sec. 224.101 Enumeration of endangered marine and anadromous
* * * * *
(h) * * *
Species \1\
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Citation(s) for listing
Description of listed determination(s) Critical habitat ESA rules
Common name Scientific name entity
Marine Mammals
* * * * * * *
Dolphin, Maui's...................... Cephalorhynchus hectori Entire subspecies...... [Federal Register NA NA
maui. Citation and Date When
Published as a Final
* * * * * * *
\1\ Species includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996), and
evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2016-22451 Filed 9-16-16; 8:45 am]