Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Rule To List Two Guitarfishes as Threatened, 64094-64110 [2016-22450]
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asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
information could also permit the
record subject to obtain valuable insight
concerning the information obtained
during any investigation and to take
measures to impede the investigation,
e.g., destroy evidence or flee the area to
avoid the investigation.
(2) From subsection (c)(4) notification
requirements because this system is
exempt from the access and amendment
provisions of subsection (d) as well as
the accounting of disclosures provision
of subsection (c)(3). The FBI takes
seriously its obligation to maintain
accurate records despite its assertion of
this exemption, and to the extent it, in
its sole discretion, agrees to permit
amendment or correction of FBI records,
it will share that information in
appropriate cases.
(3) From subsection (d)(1), (2), (3) and
(4), (e)(4)(G) and (H), (e)(8), (f) and (g)
because these provisions concern
individual access to and amendment of
law enforcement, intelligence and
counterintelligence, and
counterterrorism records and
compliance could alert the subject of an
authorized law enforcement or
intelligence activity about that
particular activity and the interest of the
FBI and/or other law enforcement or
intelligence agencies. Providing access
could compromise information
classified to protect national security;
disclose information which would
constitute an unwarranted invasion of
another’s personal privacy; reveal a
sensitive investigative or intelligence
technique; provide information that
would allow a subject to avoid detection
or apprehension; or constitute a
potential danger to the health or safety
of law enforcement personnel,
confidential sources, or witnesses.
(4) From subsection (e)(1) because it
is not always possible to know in
advance what information is relevant
and necessary for law enforcement and
intelligence purposes. The relevance
and utility of certain information that
may have a nexus to insider threats to
national security or to the FBI may not
always be fully evident until and unless
it is vetted and matched with other
sources of information that are
necessarily and lawfully maintained by
the FBI.
(5) From subsections (e)(2) and (3)
because application of these provisions
could present a serious impediment to
efforts to detect, deter and/or mitigate
insider threats to national security or to
the FBI and its personnel, facilities,
resources, and activities. Application of
these provisions would put the subject
of an investigation on notice of the
investigation and allow the subject an
opportunity to engage in conduct
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intended to impede the investigative
activity or avoid apprehension.
(6) From subsection (e)(4)(I), to the
extent that this subsection is interpreted
to require more detail regarding the
record sources in this system than has
been published in the Federal Register.
Should the subsection be so interpreted,
exemption from this provision is
necessary to protect the sources of law
enforcement and intelligence
information and to protect the privacy
and safety of witnesses and informants
and others who provide information to
the FBI. Further, greater specificity of
properly classified records could
compromise national security.
(7) From subsection (e)(5) because in
the collection of information for
authorized law enforcement and
intelligence purposes, including efforts
to detect, deter, and/or mitigate insider
threats to national security or to the FBI
and its personnel, facilities, resources,
and activities, due to the nature of
investigations and intelligence
collection, the FBI often collects
information that may not be
immediately shown to be accurate,
relevant, timely, and complete, although
the FBI takes reasonable steps to collect
only the information necessary to
support its mission and investigations.
Additionally, the information may aid
in establishing patterns of activity and
providing criminal or intelligence leads.
It could impede investigative progress if
it were necessary to assure relevance,
accuracy, timeliness and completeness
of all information obtained during the
scope of an investigation. Further, some
of the records in this system may come
from other domestic or foreign
government entities, or private entities,
and it would not be administratively
feasible for the FBI to vouch for the
compliance of these agencies with this
Dated: September 2, 2016.
Erika Brown Lee,
Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer,
Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. 2016–22412 Filed 9–16–16; 8:45 am]
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 223
[Docket No. 150211138–6789–01]
RIN 0648–XD771
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Proposed Rule To List Two
Guitarfishes as Threatened
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; 12-month
petition finding; request for comments.
We, NMFS, have completed a
comprehensive status review under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA) for the
common guitarfish (Rhinobatos
rhinobatos) and the blackchin guitarfish
(Rhinobatos cemiculus). We have
determined that, based on the best
scientific and commercial data
available, and after taking into account
efforts being made to protect these
species, both species meet the definition
of a threatened species under the ESA.
Therefore, we propose to list both
species as threatened species under the
ESA. We are not proposing to designate
critical habitat for either of the species
proposed for listing because the
geographical areas occupied by these
species are entirely outside U.S.
jurisdiction. We are soliciting comments
on our proposal to list these two foreign
marine guitarfish species.
DATES: Comments on this proposed rule
must be received by November 18, 2016.
Public hearing requests must be made
by November 3, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on this document, identified by NOAA–
NMFS–2016–0082, by either of the
following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to
#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-20160082. Click the ‘‘Comment Now’’ icon,
complete the required fields, and enter
or attach your comments.
• Mail: Submit written comments to
Brendan Newell, NMFS Office of
Protected Resources (F/PR3), 1315 EastWest Highway, Silver Spring, MD
20910, USA.
Instructions: You must submit
comments by one of the above methods
to ensure that we receive, document,
and consider them. Comments sent by
any other method, to any other address
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
or individual, or received after the end
of the comment period, may not be
considered. All comments received are
a part of the public record and will
generally be posted for public viewing
on https://www.regulations.gov without
change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. We will accept
anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/A’’ in
the required fields if you wish to remain
anonymous). You can find the petition,
status review report, Federal Register
notices, and the list of references
electronically on our Web site at https://
Brendan Newell, NMFS, Office of
Protected Resources (OPR), Telephone:
(301) 427–7710 or Marta Nammack,
NMFS, (OPR), Telephone: (301) 427–
On July 15, 2013, we received a
petition from WildEarth Guardians to
list 81 marine species as threatened or
endangered under the ESA. This
petition included species from many
different taxonomic groups, and we
prepared our 90-day findings in batches
by taxonomic group. We found that the
petitioned actions may be warranted for
27 of the 81 species and announced the
initiation of status reviews for each of
the 27 species (78 FR 63941, October 25,
2013; 78 FR 66675, November 6, 2013;
78 FR 69376, November 19, 2013; 79 FR
9880, February 21, 2014; and 79 FR
10104, February 24, 2014). This
document addresses the findings for 2 of
those 27 species: Common guitarfish
(Rhinobatos rhinobatos) and blackchin
guitarfish (Rhinobatos cemiculus). The
status of, and relevant Federal Register
notices for, the other 25 species can be
found on our Web site at https://
We are responsible for determining
whether species are threatened or
endangered under the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.). To make this
determination, we consider first
whether a group of organisms
constitutes a ‘‘species’’ under the ESA,
then whether the status of the species
qualifies it for listing as either
threatened or endangered. Section 3 of
the ESA defines a ‘‘species’’ to include
‘‘any subspecies of fish or wildlife or
plants, and any distinct population
segment of any species of vertebrate fish
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or wildlife which interbreeds when
On February 7, 1996, NMFS and the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS;
together, the Services) adopted a policy
describing what constitutes a distinct
population segment (DPS) of a
taxonomic species (the DPS Policy; 61
FR 4722). The DPS Policy identified two
elements that must be considered when
identifying a DPS: (1) The discreteness
of the population segment in relation to
the remainder of the species (or
subspecies) to which it belongs; and (2)
the significance of the population
segment to the remainder of the species
(or subspecies) to which it belongs. As
stated in the DPS Policy, Congress
expressed its expectation that the
Services would exercise authority with
regard to DPSs sparingly and only when
the biological evidence indicates such
action is warranted. Based on the
scientific information available, we
determined that the common guitarfish
(Rhinobatos rhinobatos) and blackchin
guitarfish (Rhinobatos cemiculus) are
‘‘species’’ under the ESA. There is
nothing in the scientific literature
indicating that either of these species
should be further divided into
subspecies or DPSs.
Section 3 of the ESA defines an
endangered species as ‘‘any species
which is in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range’’ and a threatened species as
one ‘‘which is likely to become an
endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range.’’ We
interpret an ‘‘endangered species’’ to be
one that is presently in danger of
extinction. A ‘‘threatened species,’’ on
the other hand, is not presently in
danger of extinction, but is likely to
become so in the foreseeable future (that
is, at a later time). In other words, the
primary statutory difference between a
threatened and endangered species is
the timing of when a species may be in
danger of extinction, either presently
(endangered) or in the foreseeable future
When we consider whether a species
might qualify as threatened under the
ESA, we must consider the meaning of
the term ‘‘foreseeable future.’’ It is
appropriate to interpret ‘‘foreseeable
future’’ as the horizon over which
predictions about the conservation
status of the species can be reasonably
relied upon. The foreseeable future
considers the life history of the species,
habitat characteristics, availability of
data, particular threats, ability to predict
threats, and the reliability to forecast the
effects of these threats and future events
on the status of the species under
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consideration. Because a species may be
susceptible to a variety of threats for
which different data are available, or
which operate across different time
scales, the foreseeable future is not
necessarily reducible to a particular
number of years.
Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA requires us
to determine whether any species is
endangered or threatened due to any of
the following factors: the present or
threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range;
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; disease or predation; the
inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
existence. Under section (4)(b)(1)(A), we
are also required to make listing
determinations based solely on the best
scientific and commercial data
available, after conducting a review of
the species’ status and after taking into
account efforts being made by any state
or foreign nation to protect the species.
Status Review
The status review for the two
guitarfishes addressed in this finding
was conducted by a NMFS biologist in
the Office of Protected Resources.
Henceforth, the status review report for
these guitarfishes will be referenced in
this preamble as ‘‘Newell (2016)’’, and
is available at https://
petition81.htm and on the respective
species pages found on the Office of
Protected Resources Web site (https://
index.htm). In order to complete the
status review, information was
compiled on each species’ biology,
ecology, life history, threats, and
conservation status from information
contained in the petition, our files, a
comprehensive literature search, and
consultation with experts. We also
considered information submitted by
the public in response to our petition
Newell (2016) provided an evaluation
of the factors specified by section
4(a)(1)(A)–(E) of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1533(a)(1)(A)–(E)) (Summary of Factors
Affecting the Two Guitarfish Species), as
well as the species’ demographic risks,
such as low productivity, and then
synthesized this information to estimate
the extinction risk of the species
(Extinction Risk). For the complete
threats assessment, demographic risks
analysis, and risk of extinction analysis,
see Newell (2016).
The demographic risk analysis,
mentioned above, is an assessment of
the manifestation of past threats that
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
have contributed to the species’ current
status and informs the consideration of
the biological response of the species to
present and future threats. For this
analysis, Newell (2016) considered the
demographic viability factors developed
by McElhany et al., (2000). The
approach of considering demographic
risk factors to help frame the
consideration of extinction risk has been
used in many of our status reviews,
including for Pacific salmonids, Pacific
hake, walleye pollock, Pacific cod,
Puget Sound rockfishes, Pacific herring,
scalloped and great hammerhead sharks,
and black abalone (see https://
www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/ for
links to these reviews). In this approach,
the collective condition of individual
populations is considered at the species
level according to four demographic
viability factors: abundance; growth
rate/productivity; spatial structure/
connectivity; and diversity. These
viability factors reflect concepts that are
well-founded in conservation biology,
and that individually and collectively
provide strong indicators of extinction
In conducting the threats assessment,
Newell (2016) identified and
summarized the section 4(a)(1) factors
that are currently operating on the
species and their likely impact on the
biological status of the species. Newell
(2016) also looked for future threats
(where the impact on the species has yet
to be manifested), and considered the
reliability of forecasting the effects of
these threats and future events on the
status of these species. Using the
findings from the demographic risk
analysis and threats assessment, Newell
(2016) evaluated the overall extinction
risk of the species. Because speciesspecific information (such as current
abundance) is sparse, qualitative
‘‘reference levels’’ of risk were used to
describe extinction risk. The definitions
of the qualitative ‘‘reference levels’’ of
extinction risk were as follows: ‘‘Low
Risk’’—a species is at low risk of
extinction if it is not at a moderate or
high level of extinction risk (see
‘‘Moderate risk’’ and ‘‘High risk’’
below). A species may be at low risk of
extinction if it is not facing threats that
result in declining trends in abundance,
productivity, spatial structure, or
diversity. A species at low risk of
extinction is likely to show stable or
increasing trends in abundance and
productivity with connected, diverse
populations. ‘‘Moderate Risk’’—a
species is at moderate risk of extinction
if it is on a trajectory that puts it at a
high level of extinction risk in the
foreseeable future (see description of
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‘‘High Risk’’ below). A species may be
at moderate risk of extinction due to
projected threats or declining trends in
abundance, productivity, spatial
structure, or diversity. ‘‘High Risk’’—a
species with a high risk of extinction is
at or near a level of abundance,
productivity, spatial structure, and/or
diversity that places its continued
persistence in question. The
demographics of a species at such a high
level of risk may be highly uncertain
and strongly influenced by stochastic or
depensatory processes. (Stochastic
processes are random processes
evolving with time; depensatory
processes are density-dependent
processes where a decrease in a species’
population leads to reduced
reproductive success, such as by an
increase in the rate of predation on eggs
or young, or through the reduced
likelihood of finding a mate.) Similarly,
a species may be at high risk of
extinction if it faces clear and present
threats (e.g., confinement to a small
geographic area; imminent destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its
habitat; or disease epidemic) that are
likely to create present and substantial
demographic risks.
The draft status review report (Newell
(2016)) was submitted to independent
peer reviewers; comments and
information received from peer
reviewers were addressed and
incorporated as appropriate before
finalizing the draft report. The status
review report is available on our Web
site (see ADDRESSES section) and the
peer review report is available at https://
prplans/PRsummaries.html. Below we
summarize information from the report
and our analysis of the status of the two
guitarfish species. Further details can be
found in Newell (2016).
Species Descriptions
Guitarfishes are cartilaginous fishes
(class Chondrichthyes), in the subclass
Elasmobranchii (which includes all
cartilaginous fishes except chimaeras).
They are part of the super order
Batoidea, and members of the order
Rajiformes, which also includes skates,
sawfishes, electric rays, and rays.
Rajiformes are characterized by a
dorsoventrally depressed body with the
anterior edge of the pectoral fin attached
to the side of the head (Serena 2005).
Guitarfishes are members of the family
Rhinobatidae, which have a moderately
depressed, elongated, shark-like body
form, with pectoral fins barely enlarged
(compared to other batoids except for
sawfish), a subtriangular disk, two subequal, well-developed, and wellseparated dorsal fins, and an elongated,
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wedge-shaped snout. Guitarfishes have
a stouter tail than all other batoids
except sawfishes and torpedo rays
(Bigelow & Schroeder 1953; Serena
Rhinobatos rhinobatos and
Rhinobatos cemiculus are sympatric
species with relatively wide,
overlapping ranges in the subtropical
waters of the eastern Atlantic and
Mediterranean. In the Atlantic both
species range from Northern Portugal
south to Angola, with R. rhinobatos
extending slightly farther north into the
Bay of Biscay in south Atlantic France.
Both species’ historical ranges include
all Mediterranean countries with the
exception of Malta and France, which
are only in the range of R. rhinobatos.
Both species are primarily found in
coastal and estuarine, sandy or muddy
bottomed habitat from very shallow
water to depths of approximately 100 m
(Corsini-Foka 2009; Melendez & Macias
2007; Serena 2005). Both species feed
on a variety of macrobenthic organisms,
including crustaceans, fishes, and
mollusks (Basusta et al.,, 2007; Enajjar
et al.,, 2007; Lteif 2015; Patokina &
Litvinov 2005).
In terms of reproduction, Rhinobatos
rhinobatos and Rhinobatos cemiculus
are aplacental viviparous species (giving
birth to live, free swimming young with
embryo nutrition coming from a yolk
sac rather than a placental connection).
Both species aggregate seasonally to
reproduce, with females visiting
protected shallow waters to give birth
(Capape & Zaouali 1994; Demirhan et
al., 2010; Echwikhi et al., 2013; Ismen
et al., 2007). As with many other
elasmobranchs, females mature later
and at greater sizes than males, females
reach greater total length, and female
fecundity increases with total length
(TL) (Capape & Zaouali 1994; Cortes
2000; Demirhan et al., 2010; Enajjar et
al., 2008; Ismen et al., 2007). Based on
the limited available information, both
species seem to be relatively fast
growing compared to most
elasmobranch species (Basusta et al.,
2008; Enajjar et al., 2012)_ENREF_53.
Additional species-specific descriptions
are provided below.
Common guitarfish (Rhinobatos
rhinobatos) are khaki-brown colored on
their dorsal surface with a white
underside (Melendez & Macias 2007). R.
rhinobatos have rostral ridges that are
widely separated over their entire length
with the anterior of their nasal lobe
level with the inner corner of their
nostril. They have a wide posterior
nasal flap and spiracles with two
moderately developed folds, with the
outer fold more prominent. They have
no dorsal or anal spines and relatively
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
small thorns present around the inner
margin of their orbits, between their
spiracles, on their shoulders and along
the midline of their discs and tails
(Melendez & Macias 2007). There are
regional variations in the maximum size
and size at maturity of R. rhinobatos. TL
ranges from 22–185 cm with the
heaviest specimen recorded reaching
26.6 kg (Edelist 2014; Ismen et al.,
2007). The best available information
estimated that 50 percent of females and
males reached maturity between 79–87
cm TL and 68–78 cm TL, respectively
(Abdel-Aziz et al., 1993; Demirhan et
al., 2010; Enajjar et al., 2008), and that
gestation lasts 9–12 months with
females giving birth to 1–14 pups in the
late summer or early fall (see Newell
(2016)). The maximum age recorded was
24 years old (Basusta et al., 2008) and
R. rhinobatos likely matures between 2
and 4 years old (Basusta et al., 2008;
Demirhan et al., 2010). For a more
detailed discussion of size, age, and
reproduction see Newell (2016).
Blackchin guitarfish (Rhinobatos
cemiculus) have a brown dorsal surface
with a white underside and usually a
blackish blotch on the snout, especially
in juveniles. Their rostral ridges are
narrowly separated and nearly join in
the front. Their anterior nasal lobes
extend little if any and their posterior
nasal flaps are narrow. Their spiracle
has two well-developed folds of about
the same size. They have no anal or
dorsal spine and have thorns present
around the inner margin of their orbits,
between their spiracles, on their
shoulders, and along the midline of
their disc and tail (Melendez & Macias
2007). There are regional variations in
the maximum TL and size at maturity.
TL ranges from 32–245 cm with the
heaviest specimen recorded reaching 26
kg, although the maximum weight is
likely much higher because the 26 kg
specimen was only 202 cm TL (Capape
& Zaouali 1994; Seck et al., 2004). Based
on the best available information, 50
percent of females and males reached
maturity between 138–153 cm TL and
112–138 cm TL, respectively (Enajjar et
al., 2012; Valadou et al., 2006). The
reported litter size varies greatly, but the
reported range is 2–24 pups per litter
with small litters typical (Capape &
Zaouali 1994; Seck et al., 2004; Valadou
et al., 2006). R. cemiculus is more
prolific than R. rhinobatos, likely
because it reaches a greater size than R.
rhinobatos (Capape & Zaouali 1994).
Gestation lasts between 5–12 months
with parturition occurring in the later
summer and early fall (Capape &
Zaouali 1994; Seck et al., 2004; Valadou
et al., 2006). Enajjar et al., (2012) found
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authors, some species, including
guitarfishes, which are now rare or
extirpated in other parts of the
Mediterranean, are still common in
Libyan waters. In neighboring Egypt, R.
rhinobatos was common in commercial
fishery catches in 1990 (Abdel-Aziz et
al., 1993). Over the last 10 years,
guitarfishes and other elasmobranchs
Historical and Current Distribution and
have been increasingly exploited by
Population Abundance
Egyptian fishers as desirable bycatch
Rhinobatos rhinobatos
species, and recent declines in landings
indicate that these populations are
Historically the common guitarfish
currently being overexploited (A.
was known on all shores of the
Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B.
Mediterranean as well as the coastal
Newell, NMFS, 21 July, 2016).
eastern Atlantic from the Bay of Biscay
North of Egypt, R. rhinobatos was
(France) to Angola (Melendez & Macias
considered common in Israeli waters as
2007). Throughout its historical
of 2006, with the largest TL for the
Mediterranean range this species has
species recorded from a female
likely always been rare in most of the
specimen in the area (Edelist 2014;
northwestern Mediterranean, and more
common in the Levantine Sea and along Golani 2006). Lernau and Golani (2004)
the southern shore of the Mediterranean state, ‘‘swarms of Rhinobatos rhinobatos
are captured with purse seines.’’
from southern Tunisia to Egypt (AbdelAlthough this statement is not
Aziz et al., 1993; Capape et al., 2004;
Cek et al., 2009; Edelist 2014; Lteif 2015; connected to a specific fishing area it
appears the authors are either
Saad et al., 2006). Presently R.
rhinobatos has been extirpated from the discussing fishing along the Israeli coast
or in the nearby Bardawil Lagoon on the
northwestern Mediterranean, including
Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. R. rhinobatos
the coasts of Spain and France, as well
is the most commonly observed
as the Tyrrhenian, Ligurian, and
elasmobranch in Lebanese fisheries
Adriatic Seas (Bertrand et al., 2000;
(Lteif 2015). In a study of elasmobranch
Capape et al., 2006; Medits 2016a;
exploitation in Syria in the early 2000s,
Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007b). In
R. rhinobatos was characterized as a
this now curtailed portion of its range,
‘‘moderate economically important
up until the early 20th century, R.
species either for being caught in little
rhinobatos was likely only common in
quantities with high efforts in fishing, or
the waters around Sicily (Doderlein
for their little demand for human
1884; Psomadakis et al., 2009) and the
consumption. Or maybe for both
Balearic Islands of Spain (Notarbartolo
reasons’’ (Saad et al., 2006). By
di Sciara et al., 2007b).
comparison, R. cemiculus was
R. rhinobatos is present in all
Tunisian waters, although less common characterized as a ‘‘very economically
important species being caught in
than R. cemiculus. It is more abundant
in the southeastern area around the Gulf plentiful quantities and highly
consumable’’ (Saad et al., 2006). No
of Gabes and the Bahiret el Biban,
clarification was given as to whether
which are areas used by this species for
there is low catch with high effort, or
reproduction (Capape et al., 2004;
low demand. Regardless, the fact that R.
Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi et al.,
rhinobatos was characterized as being of
2012; Enajjar et al., 2008). In the
‘‘moderate’’ economic importance
Northern and Southern Lagoons near
indicates this fish is more than an
the City of Tunis in the Gulf of Tunis
occasional visitor to Syrian waters. In
on the northwest coast of Tunisia, R.
the Turkish portion of the Levantine Sea
rhinobatos has become common since
(off southeastern Turkey), R. rhinobatos
2004, in response to environmental
is common in fisheries bycatch,
restoration of the lagoons (Mejri et al.,
including in ˙skenderun Bay, where, as
2004). Little information was available
for the status of R. rhinobatos in Libyan of 2012, it was less common than R.
cemiculus (Basusta et al., 2012; Cek et
waters beyond that they are targeted by
al., 2009). West of Iskenderun Bay,
fishers (Seret & Serena 2002). In a 2005
based on samples collected in the early
report, the Regional Activity Centre for
1980s, R. rhinobatos is also common in
Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
¨ ¨
proposed a research program that would Mersin Bay (Gucu & Bingel 1994), and
it was collected in a 2002–2003 survey
focus on eight cartilaginous fishes of
of the Karatas Coasts (located between
Libya, including R. rhinobatos, because
Iskenderun Bay and Mersin Bay). R.
of their commercial importance and
interest in their conservation (RAC/SPA rhinobatos has also been recorded in the
Gulf of Antalya, west of Mersin Bay (C.
2005). According to the proposal
that males and females in the Gulf of
Gabes, Tunisia, matured around 3 and 5
years of age, respectively, and that
individuals of the species can live for at
least 14 years. No other age data were
found for this species. For a more
detailed discussion of size, age, and
reproduction, see Newell (2016).
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asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Mancusi, ARPAT, pers. comm. to B.
Newell, NMFS, 23 March, 2016).
Individuals of all life history stages,
including large quantities of pregnant
females, have been captured in the Gulf
of Gabes and the Bahiret el Biban
(Capape et al., 2004), Alexandria, Egypt
(Abdel-Aziz et al., 1993), and in
Iskenderun Bay (Cek et al., 2009). In the
Aegean Sea, which is bound by the east
coast of Turkey and the west coast of
Greece, R. rhinobatos is rare (CorsiniFoka 2009). It was present on a checklist
from 1969 (Bilecenoglu et al., 2014),
with one individual reported in 2008
and another in the 1970s (Corsini-Foka
2009), while no occurrences were
detected during a 2006–2007 survey of
Saroz Bay in the northeastern Aegean
(Keskin et al., 2011).
In the Atlantic, north of the strait of
Gibraltar, the only records we found of
this species were from checklists and
museum records from Spain and
Portugal (Banon et al., 2010; Carneiro et
al., 2014) and it not is reported in the
International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea (ICES) DATRAS
data base, which is a collection of 45
years’ worth of survey data including
data collected off the Atlantic coasts of
France, Spain, and Portugal (ICES 2016),
indicating that they are likely
historically rare North of the Strait of
Along the Atlantic coast of Africa, this
species is found from Morocco to
Angola. It is likely that this species is
rare in Moroccan waters (Gulyugin et
al., 2006; Serghini et al., 2008). In West
Africa, R. rhinobatos has been one of the
most common and widely distributed
elasmobranchs in Mauritania, Gambia,
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and
Sierra Leone, but has become scarce
throughout most of this portion of its
range in recent decades (Diop & Dossa
2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June,
2016). In Mauritania, fishing pressure
has driven declines in the average size
of guitarfishes landed in the Banc
d’Arguin National Park from 1998 to
2007 (Diop & Dossa 2011). Restrictions
on elasmobranch fishing in the park
have allowed guitarfishes to recover
locally but they are still exploited
throughout the rest of Mauritanian
waters (M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June,
2016). In Senegal, guitarfishes are
heavily targeted and this fishing
pressure has caused local declines in
both species, with substantial declines
reported over the period of 1990 to 2005
(Diop & Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs
Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS,
21 June, 2016; Notarbartolo di Sciara et
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 238001
al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al.,
Rhinobatos rhinobatos occurs in the
waters of Guinea-Bissau off the
mainland and around the Bijagos
Archipelago where it is targeted by
fishers (Cross 2015; Fowler & Cavanagh
2005; Kasisi 2004; Tous et al., 1998). In
the late 1990s, rapid and substantial
declines of R. rhinobatos were reported
in the Bijagos Archipelago, as
specialized and sophisticated fishing
teams targeting elasmobranchs for their
fins migrated into the area, although
previously the area had seen almost no
elasmobranch fishing (Tous et al., 1998).
In Guinea it is likely that this species is
experiencing similar declines to those in
Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and Gambia (M.
Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J.
Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). In Sierra
Leone, this species is one of the most
heavily exploited elasmobranchs (Diop
& Dossa 2011). It was recorded from
2008–2010 in a survey by the Sierra
Leone Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources as well as in industrial and
artisanal fishery data (Sierra Leone
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, pers. comm. to M. Miller,
NMFS, 11 April, 2016). Rhinobatos
rhinobatos is listed in an updated
checklist of the marine fishes of Cape
Verde, an island nation located about
600 km west of Dakar, Senegal.
However, the authors of the checklist
considered the record of R. rhinobatos
invalid, stating that they did not know
of any records of this species in the
Cape Verde Islands (Wirtz et al., 2013).
Little information about the status of
R. rhinobatos was available throughout
the rest of this species’ Atlantic range.
From January 2009 to December 2010,
R. rhinobatos was recorded during a
study of landings by artisanal fishers
based in the Ghanaian villages of
Ahwaim and Elmina (Nunoo & Asiedu
2013). Rhinobatos rhinobatos is present
in Gabon, but is likely less abundant
than R. cemiculus (G. De Bruyne,
Wildlife Conservation Society,
Mayumba, pers. comm. to B. Newell,
NMFS, 26 June, 2016). Rhinobatos
rhinobatos was not caught from March
2013 to May 2015 during a study of
artisanal fisheries around Mayumba,
Gabon (De Bruyne 2015). No
information on this species was
available from Ghana and Gabon prior
to these periods of study. We found no
data for R. rhinobatos in the following
countries, which have coastline in this
species’ range: Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire,
Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon,
Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and
Prıncipe, Republic of the Congo,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, and
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Rhinobatos cemiculus
Historically, the blackchin guitarfish
had a distribution similar to, but slightly
more restricted than, R. rhinobatos, with
its range listed through most of the
coastal Mediterranean, and in the
eastern Atlantic from Portugal to Angola
(Melendez & Macias 2007). In the
Mediterranean, there are no records of
this species off the coast of France
(Capape et al., 2006), and there are
doubts about whether R. cemiculus
occurred in the Adriatic Sea (Akyol &
Capape 2014). Throughout its historical
Mediterranean range, this species has
likely always been rare in most of the
northwestern Mediterranean, and more
common in the Levantine Sea and along
the southern shore of the Mediterranean
from southern Tunisia to Egypt (RafrafiNouira et al., 2015). Presently all
guitarfishes have been extirpated from
the northwestern Mediterranean
including the coast of Spain, as well as
from the Tyrrhenian, Ligurian, and
Adriatic Seas (Bertrand et al., 2000;
Capape et al., 2006; Medits 2016a;
Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007b). In
this now curtailed portion of its range,
up until the early 20th century, R.
cemiculus may have been common in
the waters around Sicily (Doderlein
1884; Psomadakis et al., 2009), and
frequently occurred around the Balearic
Islands of Spain (Notarbartolo di Sciara
et al., 2007b).
Rhinobatos cemiculus commonly
occur in fishery landings, both as a
target species and as bycatch from the
waters of the east coast of Tunisia, the
north coast of Africa, and the eastern
Mediterranean from Israel to
southeastern Turkey (Capape & Zaouali
1994; Lteif 2015; Saad et al., 2006). It is
fished throughout all of Tunisian
waters. It is considered rare along the
north coast of Tunisa, although it may
become more common in this area due
to warming seas (Rafrafi-Nouira et al.,
2015) and environmental restoration
(Mejri et al., 2004). It has always been
abundant in southeastern Tunisia
around the Gulf of Gabes and the
Bahiret el Biban, where it is more
abundant than R. rhinobatos, and is
known to use these areas during
reproduction, including for parturition
(Capape et al., 2004; Echwikhi et al.,
2013; Echwikhi et al., 2012; Enajjar et
al., 2008).
As with R. rhinobatos, little
information is available on the status of
R. cemiculus in Libyan waters beyond
that they are targeted by fishers (Seret &
Serena 2002), and that they are still
common, relative to their occurrence in
other parts of the Mediterranean (RAC/
SPA 2005). Guitarfishes are consumed
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
in Libya, and in a 2005 proposal for a
research program focused on the
cartilaginous fishes of Libya, R.
cemiculus was selected as one of the
eight priority species for research
because of its commercial importance
and interest in its conservation (RAC/
SPA 2005). Capape et al., (1981)
reported that an Egyptian museum
specimen of R. cemiculus originated
from the Red Sea, but no other reference
to this species occurring in the Red Sea
was reported. We found no information
on the distribution or abundance of R.
cemiculus in Mediterranean Egyptian
waters, but this fish likely occurs in this
area (Capape & Zaouali 1994).
North of Egypt, R. cemiculus is
considered prevalent in Israeli waters
(less common than R. rhinobatos),
where it is caught as bycatch by
commercial fishers (Golani 2006). From
December 2012 to October 2014, R.
cemiculus was the second most
common elasmobranch in Lebanese
fisheries catches after R. rhinobatos
(Lteif 2015). In a study of elasmobranch
exploitation in Syria in the early 2000s,
R. cemiculus was characterized as a
‘‘very economically important species
being caught in plentiful quantities and
highly consumable’’ (Saad et al., 2006).
North of Syria, R. cemiculus is one of
the most common elasmobranchs in
fisheries landings in Iskenderun Bay,
Turkey (and more abundant than R.
rhinobatos) (Basusta et al., 2012; Keskin
et al., 2011). West of ˙skenderun Bay, R.
cemiculus was caught during a 2006
study of shrimp trawl bycatch in Mersin
Bay sampling (Duruer et al., 2008).
Rhinobatos rhinobatos, but not R.
cemiculus, was collected in a 2002–
2003 survey of the Karatas Coasts (Cicek
¸ ¸
et al., 2014). In the Aegean Sea, R.
cemiculus is rare (Corsini-Foka 2009;
Filiz et al., 2016). In 2013, two large R.
cemiculus were caught in trawls in
˙zmir Bay, Turkey (eastern-central
Aegean), which the authors considered
a range expansion for this species
(Akyol & Capape 2014). Further
expanding the range of this species, in
October 2012 one R. cemiculus was
caught near Bursa, Turkey, in the Sea of
Marmara, which connects the Aegean
Sea and the greater Mediterranean to the
Black Sea (C. Mancusi, ARPAT, pers.
comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 23 March,
2016), although this record has not been
reported in peer-reviewed literature.
In the Atlantic, north of the Strait of
Gibraltar, the only records we found of
this species were from checklists and
museum records from Spain and
Portugal (Banon et al., 2010; Carneiro et
al., 2014), although Rafrafi-Nouira et al.,
(2015) noted that north of the Strait of
Gibraltar, R. cemiculus was only known
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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off Portugal. This species was not
reported in the DATRAS data base (ICES
2016), indicating that they have
historically been rare north of the Strait
of Gibraltar.
Along the Atlantic coast of Africa, this
species is found from Morocco to
Angola. It is likely rare in Moroccan
waters (Gulyugin et al., 2006; Serghini
et al., 2008). In West Africa, R.
cemiculus has been one of most
common and widely distributed
elasmobranchs in Mauritania, Gambia,
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and
Sierra Leone, but it has become scarce
throughout most of this portion of its
range in recent decades (Diop & Dossa
2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June,
2016). In Mauritania, fishing pressure
has driven declines in the average size
of guitarfishes landed in the Banc
d’Arguin National Park from 1998 to
2007, resulting in 95 percent of the
landed R. cemiculus being smaller than
the size at 50 percent maturity (Diop &
Dossa 2011). Restrictions on
elasmobranch fishing in the park have
allowed guitarfishes to recover locally,
but they are still exploited throughout
the rest of Mauritanian waters (M.
Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J.
Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). In
Senegal, guitarfishes are heavily
targeted, and this has caused local
declines in both species, with
substantial declines reported over the
period of 1990 to 2005 (Diop & Dossa
2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June,
2016; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al.,
2007a; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al.,
Rhinobatos cemiculus occurs in the
waters of Guinea-Bissau off the
mainland and around the Bijagos
Archipelago, where they are targeted by
fishers (Cross 2015; Fowler & Cavanagh
2005; Kasisi 2004; Tous et al., 1998).
Rhinobatos cemiculus was one of the
elasmobranch species taken in the
highest numbers in 1989 during
experimental fishing trips (Diop & Dossa
2011). In the late 1990s, rapid and
substantial declines of R. cemiculus
were reported in the Bijagos
Archipelago, as specialized and
sophisticated fishing teams targeting
elasmobranchs for their fins migrated
into the area, although previously the
area had seen almost no elasmobranch
fishing (Tous et al., 1998). In Guinea,
just south of Guinea-Bissau, R.
cemiculus is one of the most important
fishery species (Diop & Dossa 2011), and
it is likely that this species is
experiencing declines similar to those in
Guinea, Senegal, and Gambia (M.
Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J.
PO 00000
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Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). In Sierra
Leone, this species is one of the most
heavily exploited elasmobranchs (Diop
& Dossa 2011). It was recorded from
2008 to 2010 in a survey by the Sierra
Leone Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources as well as in industrial and
artisanal fishery data (Sierra Leone
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, pers. comm. to M. Miller,
NMFS, 11 April, 2016). Rhinobatos
cemiculus is likely not common or
exploited in the waters of Cape Verde
(Diop & Dossa 2011). Little information
about the status of R. cemiculus was
available throughout the rest of this
species’ Atlantic range. From January
2009 to December 2010, R. cemiculus
was not recorded in a study of landings
by artisanal fishers based in the
Ghanaian villages of Ahwaim and
Elmina (Nunoo & Asiedu 2013).
Rhinobatos cemiculus is present
throughout Gabonese coastal waters (G.
De Bruyne, Wildlife Conservation
Society, Mayumba, pers. comm. to B.
Newell, NMFS, 26 June, 2016), and it
was reported as bycatch from March
2013 to May 2015 during a study of
artisanal fisheries around Mayumba,
Gabon (De Bruyne 2015). No
information on this species was
available from Ghana and Gabon prior
to these periods of study. We found no
data for R. cemiculus in the following
countries with coastline in this species’
range: Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Togo,
Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial
Guinea, Sao Tome and Prıncipe,
Republic of the Congo, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and Angola.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Two
Guitarfish Species
Available information regarding
historical, current, and potential threats
to these two guitarfishes was thoroughly
reviewed (see Newell (2016)). We find
that the main threat to these species is
overutilization for commercial
purposes. This threat is exacerbated by
both species’ reproductive behavior.
Mature adults, including near-term
pregnant females, congregate in shallow
waters to breed and give birth. This
behavior is well understood and
exploited by fishers throughout these
species’ ranges and exposes both species
to capture by most demersal fishing gear
types (Diop & Dossa 2011; Echwikhi et
al., 2013; Echwikhi et al., 2012).
Although information on these species’
age structure and reproductive capacity
is incomplete, it is likely that their
reproductive capacity, which may be
high compared to some other
elasmobranchs, but low compared to
most fished species, increases the threat
of commercial overutilization to both
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
species. We find that current regulatory
mechanisms contribute to the extinction
risk of both species because they are
inadequate to protect these species from
further overutilization. In addition,
pollution and development that
modifies coastal habitat may be a threat
to these species’ survival, although the
specific effects of these threats are not
well studied, so there is significant
uncertainty regarding the contribution
of pollution and coastal development to
the extinction risk of these guitarfishes.
We summarize information regarding
these threats and their interactions
below, with species-specific information
where available, and according to the
factors specified in section 4(a)(1) of the
ESA. Available information does not
indicate that recreational fishing,
disease, predation, or other natural or
manmade factors are operative threats
on these species; therefore, we do not
discuss these factors further in this
finding. See Newell (2016) for a full
discussion of all ESA section 4(a)(1)
threat categories.
Present or Threatened Destruction,
Modification, or Curtailment of Habitat
or Range
Both R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus
have likely been extirpated from the
northwestern Mediterranean.
Rhinobatos rhinobatos has likely been
extirpated from the Mediterranean
coasts of Spain and France, as well as
the Tyrrhenian, Ligurian, and Adriatic
Seas (Bertrand et al., 2000; Capape et
al., 2006; Medits 2016a). Rhinobatos
cemiculus may never have occurred in
the Mediterranean waters of France, but
it has been extirpated from the Ligurian
and Tyrrhenian Seas, the Balearic
Islands, and possibly the Adriatic (it is
uncertain if it ever occurred there)
(Akyol & Capape 2014; Medits 2016a;
Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007a).
Throughout the area where both species
have been extirpated, we found almost
no information on the life-history of
either species, including no mention of
the presence of different maturity stages
or pregnant females. Based on the lack
of available information, it appears that
both species were rare throughout much
of the area where they have been
extirpated, with the exception of the
Balearic Islands and the waters off
Around the Balearic Islands, both R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus were
frequently observed until at least the
early 20th century (Notarbartolo di
Sciara et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di
Sciara et al., 2007b). In the Tyrrhenian
Sea, especially around Sicily,
Rhinobatos spp. was common in
commercial trawls in the northern
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Tyrrhenian as late as the 1960s
(Doderlein 1884; Fowler & Cavanagh
2005; Psomadakis et al., 2009). Both
species were present daily at the
Palermo (northwest Sicily) fish market
in the late 19th century, where R.
rhinobatos was likely more common
than R. cemiculus (Doderlein 1884). The
seasonal influx of R. rhinobatos in
Sicilian waters (which may also apply
to R. cemiculus) described by Doderlein
(1884) is similar to the seasonal
congregation of breeding adults reported
in other portions of both species’ ranges.
Additionally, Doderlein (1884)
reported specimens of R. cemiculus that
were 170, 180, and 230 cm TL (the
largest being male), indicating that these
individuals were likely mature.
However, there was no discussion of
pregnant females, reproduction, or how
R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus used
these areas, so there is significant
uncertainty regarding how the loss of
the populations in Sicilian and Balearic
waters, as well as the loss of
populations in the rest of the
northwestern Mediterranean, could
contribute to the extinction risk of either
Although we found no other evidence
of extirpations, the best available
information indicates significant
declines of elasmobranchs in West
Africa, with R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus, which were once common,
becoming scarce. This region has
already seen the total or near extirpation
of sawfishes and the African wedgefish
(Diop & Dossa 2011; Fowler & Cavanagh
2005). Given the similarity of these
species (relatively large, dorsoventrally
flattened, coastal elasmobranchs) to
Rhinobatos spp., and the significant
fishing pressure in the area, it is
reasonable to conclude that R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus could face
the threat of range curtailment in West
Africa in the foreseeable future.
Throughout these species’ ranges
there is not much information available
on the species-specific threats to R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus habitat.
However, in the Mediterranean, the
decline of elasmobranch diversity and
abundance is well documented, and is
attributed in part to habitat destruction
and pollution (Carlini et al., 2002;
Cavanagh & Gibson 2007; Melendez &
Macias 2007; Psomadakis et al., 2009).
Mediterranean ecosystems have been
shaped by human actions for millennia,
perhaps more so than anywhere else on
earth (Bradai et al., 2012). Large species
that use coastal habitat, especially those
species that use these areas as nursery
areas (e.g., R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus), are particularly vulnerable
in areas of intensive human activity
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(Cavanagh & Gibson 2007). The semienclosed nature of the Mediterranean
increases the effects of pollution and
habitat degradation on elasmobranch
species and, as a result, the status of
elasmobranchs may be worse in the
Mediterranean than in other regions of
the world (Melendez & Macias 2007;
Seret & Serena 2002).
The Mediterranean Sea receives heavy
metals, pesticides, excess nutrients, and
other pollutants in the form of run-off
(Melendez & Macias 2007; Psomadakis
et al., 2009). As long-lived predators,
large elasmobranchs are significant
bioaccumulators of pollutants
(Melendez & Macias 2007). No
information is available on the
bioaccumulation of pollutants in the
tissues of Rhinobatos spp. in the
Mediterranean Sea, but other
elasmobranchs, such as the spiny
dogfish and the gulper shark, have
shown high concentrations of toxins
(Melendez & Macias 2007). A study of
the accumulation of trace metals
cadmium, copper, and zinc in fish along
the Mauritanian coast showed low
levels of bioaccumulation of these
metals in the tissues of R. cemiculus
compared to bony fishes. It should be
noted that three specimens of R.
cemiculus were the only elasmobranchs
collected in this study, and that, in
contrast with the Mediterranean, the
trace metals in the area of the study are
thought to be primarily natural in origin
(Sidoumou et al., 2005).
Pollution, habitat degradation, and
development in the coastal zone are also
of concern in some African countries
within these species’ ranges (Diop &
Dossa 2011; Kasisi 2004). While
pollution is a concern in portions of
both species’ ranges, the effects of
pollution on elasmobranchs and marine
food webs are not well understood
(Melendez & Macias 2007). We found no
information describing how marine
pollution affects Rhinobatos spp., so the
contribution of marine pollution to
these species’ extinction risk is
The significant demersal trawling that
occurred and continues to occur
throughout the Mediterranean range of
the two Rhinobatos species (Edelist
2014; FAO 2016b; Sacchi 2008), and to
a lesser extent throughout their Atlantic
range (Diop & Dossa 2011), has likely
altered seafloor morphology (Puig et al.,
2012). In some important reproductive
areas for Rhinobatos spp., such as the
southeast coast of Turkey, intense
trawling pressure has occurred over
recent decades in depths less than 70 m
(Cicek et al., 2014). However, we found
¸ ¸
no information that this habitat
modification has had a direct effect on
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
the abundance or distribution of these
two species. Additionally, trawl fishing
within three nautical miles of the
Mediterranean coast has been
prohibited since 2012 in order to protect
coastal elasmobranch species (FAO
Some information shows that these
species are sensitive to habitat
modification. Psomadakis et al., (2009)
attributed the extirpation of Rhinobatos
spp. from the northwestern
Mediterranean to the combination of
centuries of human development and
fishing pressure. Additionally, both
species returned to the Northern and
Southern Tunis Lagoons in Tunisia after
large scale restoration of the area (Mejri
et al., 2004). Prior to restoration, the
lagoons had undergone significant
anthropogenic hydrological
modification and been extremely
polluted from sewage input and
industrial waste (Noppen 2003). After
restoration was completed in 2001, R.
cemiculus was recorded for the first
time, and R. rhinobatos, which had
previously been rare, became common
(Mejri et al., 2004). Based on the
available information, it is likely that
pollution and modification of habitat
contribute to the risk of extirpation of
both species from portions of their
range. However, because of the lack of
information on the pollution and habitat
modification throughout their entire
ranges, and because there is no
information on the direct effects of these
threats to either species, the degree of
the contribution of these factors to the
extinction risk of both species is
unknown at this time.
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Overutilization for Commercial
The primary threat to both of these
species is commercial overutilization.
This threat is difficult to quantify, as
fisheries data on elasmobranch landings
throughout both species’ ranges has
been drastically underreported (Clarke
et al., 2006; Diop & Dossa 2011; FAO
2016a). When elasmobranch catches
have been reported, it was generally not
reported at the species level (Bradai et
al., 2012; Echwikhi et al., 2012).
However, based on surveys of fishers’
knowledge, museum records, and
analysis of scientific surveys of the
northern Mediterranean, it appears that
commercial overutilization has been the
main driver of both species’ extirpation
from the northwestern Mediterranean,
and their decline in abundance in other
regions (Baino et al., 2001; Bertrand et
al., 2000; Capape et al., 2006; Carlini et
al., 2002; Diop & Dossa 2011; Echwikhi
et al., 2012; Psomadakis et al., 2009).
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The overutilization of these species is
not concentrated in one area or fishery.
Throughout portions of their ranges,
they are, or were until recently, targeted
for their fins, meat, or both (G. De
Bruyne, Wildlife Conservation Society,
Mayumba, pers. Comm. to B. Newell,
NMFS, 26 June, 2016; Diop & Dossa
2011; Echwikhi et al., 2012).
Throughout their ranges, there is great
diversity in fisheries and in the types of
gear used (Diop & Dossa 2011; FAO
2016b). As bycatch, R. cemiculus and R.
rhinobatos are particularly exposed to
fishing pressure from demersal trawl,
gillnet, and longline fisheries (Cavanagh
& Gibson 2007; Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012; FAO 2016d).
In West Africa, both species have
been targeted by the shark fin fishery,
which has led to both species becoming
scarce in this region after a few decades
of targeted fishing (Diop & Dossa 2011;
Fowler & Cavanagh 2005). The
explosion of the Chinese middle class at
the end of the last century led to a rapid
increase in demand for shark fin soup,
a traditional Chinese dish desired for its
alleged tonic properties and, most
importantly, because it has served as an
indicator of high societal status for
centuries. Shark fins are one of the
highest value seafood products in the
world, especially compared to shark
meat, which is widely regarded as low
value (Dulvy et al., 2014; Hareide et al.,
2007b). The value and quality of shark
fins are judged by the thickness and
length of the ceratotrichia, or fin
needles, and based on this valuation
system, guitarfishes have some of the
most valuable elasmobranch fins
(Hareide et al., 2007b).
The majority of the commercial
harvest information available for these
species in the Atlantic pertains to the
FAO Subregional Fisheries Commission
(SRFC) member countries: Mauritania,
Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, GuineaBissau, Sierra Leone, and Cape Verde.
Outside of the SRFC countries, we also
found information on fisheries in
Morocco, Ghana, and Gabon. We found
no data for either species in the
following countries, which have
Atlantic coastline that is considered in
one or both species’ ranges: France,
Spain, Portugal, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire,
Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon,
Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and
Prıncipe, Republic of the Congo,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, and
In the SRFC region, elasmobranchs,
including R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus, have historically been
extremely abundant (Diop & Dossa
2011). Prior to the 1970s, elasmobranchs
were primarily taken as bycatch and
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processed for sale to meet local demand.
There was a small market for salted and
dried elasmobranch meat, based in
Ghana that fueled trade for
elasmobranch bycatch through the SRFC
region, including for guitarfishes caught
in Senegal and Gambia. However,
compared to other fishery products,
shark meat had very low value, so there
was little economic incentive to develop
a targeted fishery. Elasmobranch fishing
in the SRFC region began to grow in
Senegal and Gambia in the 1970s, and
then, fueled by the growing demand for
shark fins, developed into a robust and
unsustainable shark fishery by the early
1980s. To supply the shark fin export
industry, specialized shark fishing
teams became increasingly common in
the SRFC region. These teams of
artisanal fishers migrate into new areas
along the west coast of Africa as local
elasmobranch resources become locally
overexploited (Diop & Dossa 2011;
Ducrocq & Diop 2006). As the fishery
became more migratory, the increase in
fishing effort drove the need to
maximize profits, further encouraging
the unsustainable, wasteful practice of
finning (Diop & Dossa 2011; Tous et al.,
1998). In recent decades the demand for
elasmobranch meat, which was once
considered a low value product, has
grown, which provided additional
economic incentive for growth in the
shark fishery in the SRFC region (Clarke
et al., 2007; Dent & Clarke 2015).
The SRFC subregion’s international
elasmobranch fishing industry is
composed of industrial and artisanal
fishing vessels, coastal processing
facilities, and a robust trade network.
Vessels are owned both by local
fishermen and foreign investors
(primarily Spanish). Owners have
financed improvements in fishing
technology (e.g. more advanced boats
and nets) as yields have declined.
Guitarfishes are also targeted from
shore, such as by fishers using beachbased ‘‘‘guitar lines’’ in Mauritania. In
the SRFC region, elasmobranch fishing
effort steadily increased since the 1970s,
with landings peaking in the early
2000s, and then showing a significant
and ongoing drop. Throughout the
region (with the exception of Cape
Verde, an offshore island nation where
neither species are abundant),
‘‘resources seem to be fully exploited, if
not overexploited, for almost all
selachian1 species’’ (Diop & Dossa 2011;
Ducrocq & Diop 2006). Because
Rhinobatos spp. have also been heavily
targeted for their highly valuable fins in
the SRFC region for decades, this status
of full or overexploitation likely also
1 i.e.
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applies to guitarfishes in the SRFC
region (Diop & Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq,
Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz,
NMFS, 21 June, 2016).
In the SRFC region, Diop and Dossa
(2011) report the importance of one or
both R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus to
local elasmobranch fisheries in all
member countries except Gambia and
Cape Verde. Fishers throughout this
region time their fishing activities with
the migration patterns and reproductive
behavior of both species, targeting
guitarfishes when they return to the
shallows to give birth (Ducrocq & Diop
2006). In Mauritania, R. cemiculus is
one of the three elasmobranch species
taken in highest numbers (Diop & Dossa
2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June,
2016). In Guinea-Bissau and Guinea, R.
cemiculus is listed as one of the few
species listed as ‘‘most important
landings’’ and ‘‘taken in the highest
numbers,’’ respectively. In Sierra Leone,
‘‘Rhinobatos spp. and Dasyatis spp.
(stingrays) are found in the highest
numbers, both in terms of weight and
number.’’ In Senegal, both species,
along with coastal sharks, are the main
fisheries targets (Diop & Dossa 2011).
Diatta et al., (2009) also found that
guitarfishes were some of the primary
elasmobranchs targeted by the robust
artisanal fishery in Senegal, where
finning is prevalent, and these fishes
were caught when they returned to
shallow waters to breed.
While the shark fin industry has been
the major driver for elasmobranch
declines in the SRFC countries, it is not
the sole driver of overutilization of R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus. The region
has also experienced heavy population
shifts in recent decades, primarily from
people migrating to the coast, and this
has put increased demand on all marine
resources. Additionally, fisheries
reporting in the area is inadequate, and
there is significant bycatch in the
industrial fishing industry (Diop &
Dossa 2011). In addition to reported
harvest, since 1980, the African Atlantic
coast has experienced extremely high
rates of illegal, unreported, and
unregulated (IUU) fishing, including in
shallow areas where both guitarfish
species are vulnerable to capture
(Agnew et al., 2009; Greenpeace 2015).
As a result of the decades of sustained
and widespread targeting of guitarfishes
and other elasmobranchs in the SRFC
region, combined with the increasing
overall fishing effort, there has been an
overall decrease in catch, with some
species, such as sawfishes, lemon sharks
and the African wedgefish, almost
completely disappearing (Diop & Dossa
2011), and some species, including
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guitarfishes, becoming scarce (Diop &
Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon,
pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21
June, 2016; Ducrocq & Diop 2006).
Based on survey and fisher interview
data collected by the IUCN GuineaBissau Programme and the National
Centro de Investigacao Pesqueira
Applicada, both guitarfishes were the
main targets of specialized fishing teams
in Guinea-Bissau, and landings had
declined substantially as of the late
1990s (Fowler & Cavanagh 2005; Tous et
al., 1998). This fishing pressure also
drove down the average size of R.
rhinobatos landed (Notarbartolo di
Sciara et al., 2007b). According to
unpublished data from the Senegalese
Ministry of Maritime Economy and
International Maritime Transportation,
guitarfish landings in Senegal have
decreased from 4,050 t in 1998 to 821
t in 2005, with a reduction in the overall
size of specimens landed (Notarbartolo
di Sciara et al., 2007a). Diop and Dossa
(2011) reported that, because of
overexploitation in the Banc d’Arguin
National Park in Mauritania, 95 percent
of landed R. cemiculus were smaller
than their size-at-maturity, which was
likely impacting their reproductive
capacity. A ban on shark fishing in Banc
d’Arguin National Park has allowed
guitarfishes to recover within the park’s
boundaries, but both species are still
heavily targeted outside of the park (M.
Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J.
Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016).
While Diop and Dossa (2011)
characterized one or both species as
being important, or landed in high
numbers, in fisheries in Senegal,
Mauritania, and Guinea-Bissau, the
authors did not state a time period for
these characterizations. As just
discussed, significant declines in the
overall abundance of guitarfishes have
been reported in all of these countries
(Diop & Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs
Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS,
21 June, 2016; Fowler & Cavanagh 2005;
Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007a;
Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007b) as
well as substantial reported declines in
landings of larger, more fecund,
individuals of both species in GuineaBissau, Senegal (Notarbartolo di Sciara
et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di Sciara et
al., 2007b) and Mauritania (Diop &
Dossa 2011). Similar trends are likely in
Guinea and Gambia (M. Ducrocq, Parcs
Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS,
21 June, 2016). Because of the migratory
fisheries in the SRFC countries, and the
reported scarcity of guitarfishes
throughout the area (Diop & Dossa
2011), it is reasonable to assume similar
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declines have occurred or will occur in
Sierra Leone.
In Morocco, both species are likely
rare; they are not targeted, but at least
R. rhinobatos occurs as demersal trawl
bycatch (Notarbartolo di Sciara et al.,
2007b). We found no information on the
commercial exploitation of Rhinobatos
spp. in Morocco but, in general,
Moroccan fisheries are likely in a state
of overexploitation after years of intense
and extremely underreported fishing
activity by foreign vessels (Belhabib et
al., 2012b; Jouffre & Inejih 2005). In
Ghana, where the artisanal fishing
industry is an important and entrenched
part of the economy, the demand for
dried and salted elasmobranch meat was
an early driver of the regional
elasmobranch industry (Diop & Dossa
2011; Ducrocq & Diop 2006; Nunoo &
Asiedu 2013), and R. rhinobatos, but not
R. cemiculus, was recently reported in
artisanal fisheries landings (Nunoo &
Asiedu 2013). The demersal fisheries
resources of Ghana have been
‘‘operating under stress during the last
decades’’ (Nunoo & Asiedu 2013).
Artisanal fishers from Ghana, as well as
from neighboring Togo and Benin, have
migrated to other countries’ fishing
grounds along the west coast of Africa,
likely because fishing grounds in these
fishers’ countries have been
overexploited, overcrowded, or both (De
Bruyne 2015; Diop & Dossa 2011).
In Gabon, both species are present in
coastal waters, and are targeted by
artisanal fishers using specialized gear
for their meat and to supply the black
market fin trade, which is connected to
the West African fin trade. Both species
are also targeted by recreational fishers
(G. De Bruyne, Wildlife Conservation
Society, Mayumba, pers. comm. to B.
Newell, NMFS, 26 June, 2016). In the
area of the village of Mayumba in
southwest Gabon, R. cemiculus was the
most frequent batoid species captured
by artisanal fishers from 2014 to 2015
(R. rhinobatos is not mentioned). This
catch included no mature females,
which was noted by the author as an
indicator that fishing has had a negative
impact on the reproductive capacity of
this species in the area. Although the
author noted the absence of pregnant
females, he did not discuss whether
pregnant females had previously been
recorded in the area. ‘‘Sea fishing’’
began around Mayumba in the 1950s
with the arrival of fishers from Ghana,
Benin, and Togo, many of whom had
been crowded out of fishing grounds in
the Republic of the Congo. Until
recently, this area experienced
unsustainable industrial and IUU
fishing. In this area, there has also long
been subsistence fishing by locals in the
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Banio Lagoon, where sharks and rays
were prevalent 30 years ago, but today
are almost impossible to catch (De
Bruyne 2015). Based on this
information, it appears that
overutilization has caused a decline in
abundance and reproductive capacity of
R. cemiculus in at least part of Gabonese
In contrast with the relatively recent
and rapid exploitation of guitarfishes in
the African Atlantic, primarily driven
by the demand for shark fins, finning is
not widely practiced in the
Mediterranean (Hareide et al., 2007a;
Serena 2005). Instead, in the
Mediterranean these species have been
impacted by the centuries of sustained
fishing pressure coupled with recent
increases in fishing effort and fishing
technology advances (Ferretti et al.,
2008; Psomadakis et al., 2009). As
evidence of both species’ decline, R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus have been
listed on Annex II: List of Endangered
or Threatened Species of the Protocol
Concerning Specially Protected Areas
and Biological Diversity in the
Mediterranean (SPA/BD Protocol) of the
Barcelona Convention since 2012. The
SPA/BD Protocol prohibits the landing
of these species in the Mediterranean
and requires that they ‘‘must be released
unharmed and alive to the highest
extent possible.’’ We found no studies
on the survival rates of guitarfishes after
being released from fishing gear
interactions, so the potential of this
requirement to reduce fishing mortality
is unknown.
General Fisheries Commission for the
Mediterranean (GFCM) recommendation
GFCM/36/2012/3, which is associated
with the SPA/BD Protocol (see
Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory
Mechanisms), also prohibits trawling
within three nautical miles of the
shoreline, greatly reducing the
likelihood that these coastal fish will be
caught as bycatch. Recommendation
GFCM/36/2012/3 also prohibits finning
and the landing of elasmobranchs
without their heads and skins, thus
protecting these fish from illegal sale
(FAO 2016e)(Hareide et al., 2007a;
Serena 2005). We found no information
on the current level of IUU fishing on
these species in the Mediterranean, so it
is difficult to assess the impact of these
prohibitions. Recent information from
Tunisia, Lebanon, and Egypt indicates
that the fisheries in these countries are
inadequately regulated (Echwikhi et al.,
2013; Echwikhi et al., 2012; Lteif 2015;
A. Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B.
Newell, NMFS, 21 July, 2016; SamyKamal 2015).
Regardless of the efficacy of the SPA/
BD Protocol prohibitions, the historical
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fishing pressure on R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus has driven declines in
abundance throughout much of the
Mediterranean (Baino et al., 2001;
Bertrand et al., 2000; Capape et al.,
2006; Diop & Dossa 2011; Notarbartolo
di Sciara et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di
Sciara et al., 2007b; Psomadakis et al.,
2009). The area has a long history of
fishing pressure, which has not abated
in recent decades (Ferretti et al., 2008).
Better technology and increased fishing
effort, including increased benthic
continental shelf and slope trawling
over the last 50 years, has resulted in
the decline of many elasmobranch
species (Bradai et al., 2012). In the
northwestern Mediterranean, sustained
and intensive fishing pressure has been
a main driver of the extirpation of
Rhinobatos spp. (Bradai et al., 2012;
Capape et al., 2006; Psomadakis et al.,
2009; Sacchi 2008). The highest
concentration of fishing vessels in the
Mediterranean occurs in the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea and the Ionian Sea
GFCM subregions, which make up the
majority of the current Mediterranean
ranges of Rhinobatos spp. Turkey,
which appears to have some of the
largest concentrations of R. cemiculus
along its southern coast, also has the
most fishing vessels with 16,447 vessels
(17.74 percent of vessels in the
Mediterranean). However, some of these
vessels fish in the Black Sea, where
neither species is found, or in the
Aegean Sea, where these species are rare
(FAO 2016b).
Between 1970 and 1985, reported
Mediterranean and Black Sea
chondrichthyan landings (which
includes both guitarfishes) grew from
10,000 t to 25,000 t, and then declined
to about 7,000 t annually in 2008
despite growing fishing effort (Bradai et
al., 2012; Cavanagh & Gibson 2007;
Hareide et al., 2007). During this time,
Tunisia and Turkey were two of the
most prolific Mediterranean
elasmobranch fishing countries. As of
2007, there were six Mediterranean
elasmobranchs affected by targeted
fisheries. Historically, many more
species had been targeted or landed in
large quantities, but this number has
been reduced because these fisheries are
no longer commercially viable
(Cavanagh & Gibson 2007; FAO 2016d;
Ferretti et al., 2008). In a few areas in
the Mediterranean, R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus are or were targeted or
considered a valuable secondary catch.
Additionally, the global demand for
elasmobranch meat has grown rapidly
in recent decades, with the reported
production of meat and fillets growing
from approximately 40,000 tons in 1985
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to 121,641 tons in 2004 (Clarke et al.,
2007; Dent & Clarke 2015), potentially
providing economic incentive to retain
these species as targeted or incidental
The primary Mediterranean area
where R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus
have been fished is the waters of
Tunisia, where seasonal artisanal fishers
target elasmobranchs with gillnets and
longlines when they move into shallow
waters in the spring and summer
(Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi et al.,
2012). Rhinobatos spp. meat is sold in
local markets and the skin is used for
drumheads by local players (Capape &
Zaouali 1994). In Tunisian waters R.
cemiculus is landed in greater numbers
than R. rhinobatos (Capape & Zaouali
1994; Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi et
al., 2012), although species-specific data
and reliable discard data are largely
unavailable (Echwikhi et al., 2012). Data
on fishing vessels are underreported,
especially in Tunisia and Morocco.
However, based on the available data,
the Tunisian fleet is composed of 12,826
reported vessels, or 14.91 percent of the
92,734 vessels reported in the
Mediterranean and Black Sea, making it
the third largest Mediterranean and
Black Sea fishing fleet. Since 1970,
when total fisheries landings in Tunisia
were about 25,000 tons, there has been
a steady increase in landings, reaching
an average of 101,400 t from 2000to
2013. Additionally, Tunisia has one of
the youngest fishing fleets in terms of
vessel age, indicating a relatively recent
increase in fishing capacity. As is the
case throughout the Mediterranean, the
vast majority of the Tunisian fishery is
composed of artisanal vessels (FAO
2016b). While elasmobranch landings
have dropped overall in southern
Tunisia (Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012), an assessment
from the Workshop on Stock
Assessment of Selected Species of
Elasmobranchs in the GFCM area found
that the southern Tunisian R. cemiculus
stock was actually underfished from
2001–2007 (GFMC:SAC 2012).
Targeted fishing for guitarfishes in
Tunisia likely began in the 1970s to
mid-1980s (Capape et al., 2004;
Echwikhi et al., 2013). The majority of
Tunisian elasmobranch catches have
been from the Gulf of Gabes (Bradaı et
al., 2006; Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012), where general
elasmobranch landings and batoid
landings steadily increased during the
1990s, peaked in 2002, and decreased
from 2003 to 2008 (trend data are not
available after 2008) (Echwikhi et al.,
2012). Guitarfishes were targeted with
special gillnets called ‘‘garracia,’’ with
catches peaking in the spring and
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summer when females move into
shallow waters to gestate and give birth.
Adults, juveniles, and neonates have
also been caught as bycatch in demersal
fish and shrimp trawls (Bradaı et al.,
2006). In a study of elasmobranch
gillnet fishing in the Gulf of Gabes from
2007 to 2008, R. cemiculus was the most
abundant elasmobranch caught. R.
cemiculus and R. rhinobatos were 52
percent and 6.81 percent of the total
elasmobranch catch, respectively.
Female R. cemiculus (40 percent
mature) and R. rhinobatos (48 percent
mature) were more common than males.
The authors of this study noted that R.
cemiculus is particularly susceptible to
capture in bottom gillnets because of its
shape and schooling behavior (Echwikhi
et al., 2012).
In recent years, Gulf of Gabes
fishermen who had targeted grouper
using demersal longlines have shifted to
targeting elasmobranchs as grouper
abundance has declined, although in
this fishery elasmobranchs were still
reported as bycatch (Echwikhi et al.,
2013). The first study of elasmobranch
catches in this longline fishery,
conducted from 2007 to 2008, found
that R. cemiculus was the most
abundant elasmobranch, with R.
cemiculus and R. rhinobatos composing
31.7 percent and 11.2 percent of the
elasmobranch catch, respectively.
Mature, pregnant females dominated the
R. cemiculus catch, while males and
females were about equal for R.
rhinobatos, with slightly more mature
individuals than juvenile individuals
caught. This study found that longline
fishing effort during this time period
was ‘‘considerable’’ (Echwikhi et al.,
2013). Enajjar et al., (2008) found a
decrease in the overall TL and TL at 50
percent maturity for male and female R.
rhinobatos in southern Tunisia,
compared to the results reported by
Capape et al., (1975, 1997). The reported
decrease in R. rhinobatos, compared to
the relatively recent GFCM:SAC (2012)
stock assessment that found R.
cemiculus was underfished in this area,
may indicate that only the Tunisian
population of R. rhinobatos is
experiencing levels of fishing pressure
that contribute to its risk of extinction.
There is significant uncertainty with
this conclusion because of the limited
information available.
Just east of the Tunisian border, there
are artisanal gillnet and longline
elasmobranch fisheries based in
Tarwah, Libya, that, as of 2000,
primarily targeted sharks of the family
Carcharhinidae, with guitarfishes and
angelsharks retained as associate target
species (Lamboeuf et al., 2000). This
information was reported in Appendix
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VI of Lamboeuf et al., (2000), which
provided an example of the project’s
database printout, rather than a
complete picture of guitarfish retention
in Libya, and we found no additional
information on guitarfish catch in this
country. According to the RAC/SPA
(2005) research proposal, guitarfishes
have been traditionally consumed in
Libya, and some species that have
declined in the greater Mediterranean,
including guitarfishes, are still relatively
common in Libyan waters. The effects of
targeted fishing in Libya on the
extinction risk of these species are
unknown at this time.
Along the eastern Mediterranean,
guitarfishes are illegally targeted in
Lebanon by artisanal fishers. From
December 2012 to October 2014, R.
rhinobatos was the most common
elasmobranch in Lebanese fisheries
catches, followed by R. cemiculus, and
both have had significant economic
value. Fishing pressure in Lebanon is
greatest in the north, where it has
already impacted elasmobranch
diversity (Lteif 2015). In a study of
elasmobranch exploitation in Syria in
the early 2000s, R. cemiculus was
characterized as a ‘‘very economically
important species being caught in
plentiful quantities and highly
consumable,’’ whereas R. rhinobatos
was characterized as a ‘‘moderate
economically important species either
for being caught in little quantities with
high efforts in fishing, or for their little
demand for human consumption. Or
maybe for both reasons’’ (Saad et al.,
2006). It is unclear if R. cemiculus is
more common or if there is a higher
demand for its meat over that of R.
rhinobatos, but these data indicate that
both species were either targeted or
welcomed as secondary catch in Syria.
Overall fisheries landings in Lebanon
and Syria increased since the 1970s, but
their reported landings only make a
small fraction of the overall
Mediterranean catch (FAO 2016c).
Throughout their entire
Mediterranean ranges, R. cemiculus and
R. rhinobatos have long been exposed to
pressure as bycatch (Bradai et al., 2012).
Rhinobatos cemiculus is one of the most
commonly landed elasmobranchs in
˙skenderun Bay, Turkey (and more
abundant than R. rhinobatos) (Basusta et
al., 2012; Keskin et al., 2011), where the
coastal area is heavily fished, exposing
mature, breeding individuals to capture
when they migrate to shallow waters
(Basusta et al., 2008). Rhinobatos spp.
are not commercially important species
in Turkey (Keskin et al., 2011), but Cek
et al., (2009) reported that R. rhinobatos
has been exploited by bottom trawlers
in Iskenderun Bay since 1990, and it is
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consumed locally. The same is likely
true for R. cemiculus. After Egypt,
Turkey has the highest number of
registered trawlers in the Eastern
Mediterranean, with 599 vessels (FAO
2016b). While some of these trawlers are
concentrated in the Black Sea (FAO
2016b), the southeastern waters of
Turkey, including ˙skenderun Bay, have
been intensely fished for decades and
have shown obvious signs of decline in
biodiversity and fish abundance (Cicek
¸ ¸
et al., 2014).
In Egypt, Mediterranean fisheries
landings have generally been growing
since the 1970s, as fishing technology
has advanced and fishing effort has
increased. There have been periods
where landings dropped despite
continued increases in fishing efforts
(FAO 2016c; Samy-Kamal 2015). As a
result there has been an increase in the
landings of and demand for
cartilaginous fishes bycatch, with
guitarfishes (not reported at the species
level) composing the majority of these
landings, primarily as bycatch from
shrimp trawls. Prior to 2005, shark and
ray bycatch were usually discarded.
From 2005 to 2006, landings of
cartilaginous fishes jumped from around
500 tons to over 3,000 tons. Over the
last 10 years, this production has
remained high, although recently it
decreased from over 3,000 tons annually
in 2010 and 2011, to 1,843 tons in 2014
in spite of sustained fishing effort (A.
Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B.
Newell, NMFS, 21 July, 2016). Most of
the landings in Egypt occur in the Nile
Delta region, which is highly suitable
for trawling and includes Alexandria,
where R. rhinobatos is known to
aggregate in shallow waters to give birth
(Abdel-Aziz et al., 1993; Samy-Kamal
2015). Within this region, almost 80
percent of the cartilaginous fish
production is landed at two ports,
Alexandria and Borg El Burullus (A.
Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B.
Newell, NMFS, 21 July, 2016). Wildcaught fisheries in Egypt have been
regulated for decades, but these
regulations have been under-enforced,
as the government has focused on
developing the booming aquaculture
industry. Additionally, regulations have
not been updated to reflect the GFCM
recommendations, which are apparently
also not being enforced. This lack of
enforcement has resulted in rampant
IUU fishing in Egyptian waters,
including unsustainable trawling and
the use of illegal fishing gear (SamyKamal 2015). The lack of fishing
regulations and enforcement has
resulted in widespread declines in
Egyptian fisheries, including in
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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elasmobranch populations, and is likely
also affecting neighboring countries, as
Egyptian fishers are known to illegally
fish in Libyan waters (A. Marbourk,
NOS, pers. comm. to B. Newell, NMFS,
21 July, 2016).
In the waters of Cyprus, there was a
large increase in coastal trawl fishing
effort in the late 1980s. From 1985 to
1990, there was a spike in elasmobranch
capture, primarily of dogfish, skates,
and rays, followed by a sharp decline in
capture after 1990. In response to a
government fishing permit buy-back
program, trawling effort has reduced
substantially since the early 2000s
(Hadjichristophorou 2006). In Israel,
reported landings are low,
approximately at the levels reported for
Syria and Lebanon, and have been
decreasing for decades (FAO 2016c),
although Edelist (2014) considered the
soft-bottomed habitat off Israel to be
under intensive fishing pressure.
Guitarfish are caught as bycatch by local
fishermen, but there is little market for
elasmobranch products because they are
not kosher, thus their consumption is
forbidden by Jewish law. Elasmobranch
species are primarily caught as bycatch
by local fishermen using trawls and
bottom long-lines, and also purse seines
and trammel nets (Golani 2006).
Rhinobatos rhinobatos are considered
common in the area, while R. cemiculus
is prevalent but less abundant than R.
rhinobatos (Edelist 2014; Golani 2006).
The magnitude of the threat to R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus from
commercial overharvest is impossible to
fully assess because of the lack of
fisheries data, especially at the species
level, from all countries in which these
species occur. However, the best
available information shows (1) fishery
driven extirpation of Rhinobatos spp.
from the northwestern Mediterranean
(Capape et al., 2006; Psomadakis et al.,
2009); (2) decreasing elasmobranch
landings due to decades of technological
advances and increased fishing effort
(Cavanagh & Gibson 2007; Diop & Dossa
2011; Melendez & Macias 2007; Seret &
Serena 2002); (3) substantial decreases
in the abundance of both species in
West Africa (Diop & Dossa 2011); (4)
considerable fishing effort in demersal
fisheries concentrated in coastal areas
where both species, especially
reproductive individuals, are
particularly vulnerable to capture (Cicek
¸ ¸
et al., 2014; Diop & Dossa 2011;
Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi et al.,
2012; Samy-Kamal 2015); (5) sustained
targeting of these species as
commercially important species (Diop &
Dossa 2011; Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012; Lteif et al., 2016;
Saad et al., 2006); and (6) evidence of
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fishery driven size reduction (Diop &
Dossa 2011; Enajjar et al., 2012). Based
on this information, we conclude that
overharvest from industrial and
artisanal commercial fisheries is
contributing significantly to the
extinction risk of both R. rhinobatos and
R. cemiculus throughout their ranges.
Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory
There are some regional and national
regulatory mechanisms that impact the
conservation status of these species. In
2009, both species were listed on SPA/
BD Protocol Annex III: List of Species
Whose Exploitation is Regulated, which
was adopted under the Barcelona
Convention in 1995 (Bradai et al., 2012).
In 2012, both species were uplisted to
Annex II: List of Endangered or
Threatened Species (S. de Benedictis,
GFCM Secretariat, pers. comm. to B.
Newell, 12, May, 2016). The protocol
charges all parties with identifying and
compiling lists of all endangered or
threatened species in their jurisdiction,
controlling or prohibiting (where
appropriate) the taking or disturbance of
wild protected species, and
coordinating their protection and
recovery efforts for migratory species,
among other measures that are likely
less relevant to these species (RAC/SPA
1996). Currently, all coastal
Mediterranean countries where these
species occur are contracting parties to
the SPA/BD Protocol (European
Commission 2016). Further, since 2012,
both species have been protected by
GFCM recommendation GFCM/36/
2012/3. This recommendation prohibits
the finning of elasmobranchs or the
beheading or skinning of elasmobranchs
before landing, and it prohibits trawling
in the first three nautical miles off the
coast or up to the 50 m isobaths
(whichever comes first). Additionally,
Annex II elasmobranch species cannot
be retained on board, transshipped,
landed, transferred, stored, sold or
displayed or offered for sale, and must
be released unharmed and alive to the
extent possible (GFCM/36/2012/3). Any
capture of these species in the GFCM
area of competence, which includes all
national and high seas waters of the
Mediterranean and Black Seas (FAO
2016f), is considered IUU fishing (S. de
Benedictis, GFCM Secretariat, pers.
comm. to B. Newell, 12, May, 2016).
In the Mediterranean, the efficacy of
these and other protections is unclear,
but it appears that countries have
historically been slow to adopt and
enforce the SPA/BD Protocol
protections (Serena 2005). Italy, Greece,
and Lebanon have promulgated
regulations in accordance with the SPA/
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BD Protocol to protect species listed in
Annex II (Bradai et al., 2012; Lteif 2015),
Tunisia has restricted the retention of
rays and skates less than 40cm, and all
cartilaginous fishes are protected in
Israel (Bradai et al., 2012). In Lebanon,
these regulations are neither being
followed nor enforced (Lteif 2015).
Historically, monitoring of the
Mediterranean fleet has been negligible
(Seret & Serena 2002), and the data on
cartilaginous fishes have not been
reported at the species level (Echwikhi
et al., 2012; Serena 2005). Vessel,
bycatch, and discard data from artisanal
fisheries, which primarily operate along
the coast and make up 80 percent of the
vessels in the Mediterranean, are
difficult to obtain and likely
underreported (FAO 2016c, 2016d).
Echwikhi et al., (2012) and Echwikhi et
al., (2013) describe the nature of
artisanal gillnet and longline fisheries in
Tunisia and the Mediterranean as
‘‘unregulated.’’ In Lebanon, Turkey, and
Tunisia the artisanal sector makes up
well over 80 percent of the total vessels,
and no data were available for Syria
(FAO 2016c), increasing the likelihood
that fisheries in these important
portions of Rhinobatos spp. range are
underregulated and catches are
In Egypt, which is also an important
part of the range of at least R.
rhinobatos, the wild catch fisheries are
underregulated as the government has
focused most of its resources on
supporting the booming aquaculture
industry (Samy-Kamal 2015). This lack
of regulation and enforcement has led to
widespread overfishing in Egyptian
waters, where both guitarfish species
have been retained as profitable bycatch
species since 2005, and Egyptian fishers
are known to illegally fish in Libyan
waters because of the overexploited
state of local Egyptian fisheries.
Additionally, the focus on aquaculture
production has resulted in the pollution
of coastal brackish lakes, which
degrades coastal ecosystems (A.
Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B.
Newell, NMFS, 21 July, 2016).
In the Atlantic African countries, as in
the Mediterranean, artisanal fishing
makes up a huge, growing proportion of
the fishing activity. Until recently, this
fishing sector has lacked speciesspecific data and strong management or
regulations (De Bruyne 2015; Diop &
Dossa 2011; Nunoo & Asiedu 2013).
Along the Atlantic coast of Africa, all of
the SRFC countries have passed
regulations that offer some protection to
either or both species. Cape Verde,
Guinea, Gambia, and Sierra Leone have
all banned finning. Mauritania has
banned all elasmobranch fishing (except
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
for houndshark) in Banc d’Arguin
National Park since 2003. Guinea and
Sierra Leone have introduced
elasmobranch fishing licenses. GuineaBissau dismantled elasmobranch fishing
camps in the Bijagos Archipelago and
banned elasmobranch fishing in all
marine protected areas (MPAs). Senegal
established size limits for R. cemiculus
(106 cm for males and 100 cm for
females). However, all of the SRFC
countries lack adequate technical and
financial resources for monitoring and
management, and regulations at the
country level are not very strict and lack
regional coordination (Diop & Dossa
2011). Whether these regulatory
protections put in place in the SRFC
countries are reducing the extinction
risk of these species is unknown at this
In Gabon, a national marine planning
effort called ‘‘Gabon Bleu,’’ which was
established in 2012, seeks to improve
management of marine resources across
different stakeholder groups, including
artisanal and industrial fishing. The
country’s 2005 Fisheries Code had
established regulations that were not
being followed, with reported noncompliance including the disconnection
of vessel monitoring systems and the
use of illegal monofilament nets by
artisanal fishers. In 2012, under Gabon
Bleu, all fishing activity was suspended,
and all fishers who wished to resume
work were required to sign an
agreement that clearly defined the
regulations and required their
participation in fisheries research.
Several arrests were made as a result of
a crackdown on IUU fishing that
included increased surveillance (De
Bruyne 2015). Additionally, both
species are considered ‘‘sensitive
species’’ and cannot be targeted by
fishers. Unfortunately, these regulations
have not eliminated the black market for
fins, so guitarfishes are still being
targeted by artisanal fishers and illegally
finned by demersal trawl fishers (G. De
Bruyne, Wildlife Conservation Society,
Mayumba, pers. comm. to B. Newell,
NMFS, 28 June, 2016). In Mayumba
National Park, only artisanal fishers
have been allowed to operate, and
sharks are no longer targeted (De Bruyne
2015). Recent efforts to improve
monitoring of artisanal catches have
also been made in Ghana (Nunoo &
Asiedu 2013). Republic of the Congo,
which shares Gabon’s southern border,
banned all shark fishing along its entire
coastline in 2001 (Marine Conservation
Institute 2016), although we found no
information on the enforcement of this
IUU fishing by foreign fleets is also a
major challenge for sustainable fisheries
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management in Africa. The west coast of
Africa has experienced some of the
highest amounts of IUU fishing in the
world for decades (Agnew et al., 2009).
Historically, EU vessels had fished
unsustainably off African countries
(Agnew et al., 2009; Belhabib et al.,
2012a), but recent regulatory updates,
such as the reform for the European
Union Common Fisheries Policy (CFP),
have curbed these practices (Greenpeace
2015). Currently, the biggest source of
IUU fishing in Atlantic African waters,
in particular the SRFC region, is China,
whose African distant water fishing fleet
has swelled from 13 vessels in 1985, to
462 vessels in 2013 (Greenpeace 2015).
Chinese vessels, which negotiate fishing
agreements with African countries, have
been documented trawling in shallow
prohibited areas, underreporting catch,
using illegal fishing gear, misreporting
vessel specifications (including gross
tonnage), and tampering with vessel
monitoring systems (Greenpeace 2015).
Currently, it appears that many West
African coastal states lack the regulatory
and enforcement capacity to adequately
deal with this issue (Greenpeace 2015).
We found no regulatory information
for Morocco, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire,
Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, and
Angola. Overall, we found little
information on the effectiveness of the
current regulations in countries along
the west coast of Africa and the
Mediterranean, so it is difficult to assess
how these regulations are impacting the
extinction risk of both species.
However, we do know that in the
African Atlantic there has been rapid
growth of unregulated or underregulated
exploitation of both species. In addition,
throughout both species’ ranges IUU
fishing is still prevalent, and there is an
abundance of coastal, artisanal fishers,
who can be difficult to regulate because
of the novelty of efforts to regulate and
manage fishers that have long been
undermanaged or not regulated at all.
Because of these factors, as well as the
high catchability and low reproductive
potential of these species, we conclude
that the inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms is likely
contributing significantly to the
extinction risk of both R. rhinobatos and
R. cemiculus. Although the 2012 SPA/
BD Protocol Annex II listing and other
current regulations may, in time,
provide sufficient protection to reduce
these species’ risk of extinction, the
current uncertainty associated with the
enforcement of these restrictions is too
great to conclude these protections are
adequate to prevent overutilization.
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Extinction Risk
Although there is no quantitative
analysis of either species’ abundance
over time, and data for many
demographic characteristics of R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus are lacking,
the best available data indicate that
these species currently face a moderate
risk of extinction due to their inherent
demographic vulnerabilities, coupled
with commercial overutilization and the
inadequacy of regulations of commercial
fisheries in their ranges. As defined in
the status review (see Newell (2016)), a
species is considered to be at a moderate
risk of extinction when it is on a
trajectory that puts it at a high level of
extinction risk in the foreseeable future.
In this case, we define the foreseeable
future as 15–20 years, which is a
reasonable amount of time to project the
continued threat of overutilization as
countries throughout both species’
ranges develop and begin to enforce
relevant regulations. Additionally, given
the relatively low productivity of these
species, it will likely take more than one
generation for these species to recover.
This foreseeable future corresponds
roughly to three generation times of R.
cemiculus (Enajjar et al., 2012). In this
case, because of the lack of life-history
data, we simply define the generation
time of R. cemiculus as the age when the
average female reaches sexual maturity
(5.09 years).
Rhinobatos rhinobatos
The common guitarfish faces
demographic risks that significantly
increase its risk of extinction in the
foreseeable future. Although there is no
species-specific quantitative analysis of
R. rhinobatos abundance over time, the
best available information (including
survey data, interviews with fishers, and
anecdotal accounts) indicates that this
species has likely undergone significant
declines throughout most of its range,
with no evidence to suggest a reversal
of these trends, with the exception of a
few, extremely localized examples.
Based on survey data and historical
records, this species once occurred
throughout the entire coastal
northwestern Mediterranean, including
as a common species off the Balearic
Islands and Sicily, but it has been
extirpated for decades throughout this
entire area. In the Mediterranean, strong
fishing pressure on this species, both as
a targeted species and as bycatch, likely
still occurs in Tunisia, Lebanon,
southeast Turkey, Egypt, and Libya. In
Africa, substantial and relatively recent
declines have occurred in Mauritania,
Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, and
Sierra Leone, all countries where this
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
species was one of the most common
elasmobranch species only a few
decades ago. This species is also
targeted illegally for its fins in Gabon,
and IUU fishing is likely rampant
throughout most of its African Atlantic
The limited productivity data on R.
rhinobatos suggests this species may be
relatively fast-growing and productive
compared to other elasmobranchs.
However, compared to most fished
species, such as bony fishes, this species
is slow-growing and has low
productivity. Additionally, aspects of
this species’ reproductive strategy make
it inherently vulnerable to
overexploitation. This species is longlived, and larger, older individuals are
the most productive. Because this
species migrates into shallow waters to
give birth and breed, the breeding
population of this species is very
vulnerable to fishing capture and, as a
result, a decline of the average size at
maturity and rate of maturity in catches
has been reported in many of the
portions of this species’ range where
data are available. Information on
spatial structure, connectivity, and
diversity is unavailable for this species.
However, differences in maximum TL,
size at maturity, and reproductive
timing throughout this species’ range,
combined with evidence of extirpated
populations from areas that have not
been recolonized after decades, suggest
there may be isolated populations that
contribute to the genetic diversity of this
In conclusion, although there is
significant uncertainty regarding the
current abundance of this species, the
best available information indicates that
the species has suffered substantial
declines in many portions of its range
where it was once common. Throughout
almost all of this species’ range, the
threat of overutilization from industrial
and artisanal fishing continues. Given
the past evidence of fishery-driven
extirpation in areas where this species
was once common, and the stillpracticed targeting of mature, breeding
individuals, which has likely reduced
the reproductive potential of these
species, we find that continued fishing
pressure poses a significant risk of
endangering this species with extinction
in the foreseeable future. Additionally,
the regulations and conservation
measures in place are likely inadequate
to reverse the decline of this species. In
summary, based on the best available
information and the above analysis, we
conclude that R. rhinobatos is presently
at a moderate risk of extinction
throughout its range.
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Rhinobatos cemiculus
The blackchin guitarfish faces
demographic risks that significantly
increase its risk of extinction in the
foreseeable future. Although there is no
species-specific quantitative analysis of
R. cemiculus abundance over time, the
best available information (including
survey data, interviews with fishers, and
anecdotal accounts) indicates that this
species has likely undergone significant
declines throughout most of its range,
with no evidence to suggest a reversal
of these trends, with the exception of a
few, extremely localized examples.
Based on survey data and historical
records, this species once occurred
throughout much of the coastal
northwestern Mediterranean, likely as a
common species off the Balearic Islands
and Sicily, but it has been extirpated for
decades throughout this entire area. In
the Mediterranean, strong fishing
pressure on this species, both as a
targeted species and as bycatch, likely
still occurs in Tunisia, Lebanon,
southeast Turkey, Egypt, and Libya. In
Africa, substantial and relatively recent
declines have occurred in Mauritania,
Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, and
Sierra Leone, all countries where this
species was one of the most common
elasmobranch species only a few
decades ago. This species is also
targeted illegally for its fins in Gabon,
and IUU fishing is likely rampant
throughout most of its African Atlantic
The limited productivity data on R.
cemiculus suggests this species may be
relatively fast-growing and productive
compared to other elasmobranchs.
However, compared to most fished
species, such as bony fishes, this species
is slow-growing and has low
productivity. Additionally, aspects of
this species’ reproductive strategy make
it inherently vulnerable to
overexploitation. This species is longlived and larger, older individuals are
the most productive. Because this
species migrates into shallow waters to
give birth and breed, the breeding
population of this species is very
vulnerable to fishing capture and, as a
result, a decline of the average size at
maturity and rate of maturity in catches
has been reported in many of the
portions of this species’ range where
data are available. Information on
spatial structure, connectivity, and
diversity is unavailable for this species.
However, differences in maximum TL,
size at maturity, and reproductive
timing throughout this species’ range,
combined with evidence of extirpated
populations from areas that have not
been recolonized after decades, suggest
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there may be isolated populations that
contribute to the genetic diversity of this
In conclusion, although there is
significant uncertainty regarding the
current abundance of this species, the
best available information indicates that
the species has suffered substantial
declines in many portions of its range
where it was once common. Throughout
almost all of this species’ range, the
threat of overutilization from industrial
and artisanal fishing continues. Given
the past evidence of fishery driven
extirpation in areas where this species
was once common, and the stillpracticed targeting of mature, breeding
individuals, which has likely reduced
the reproductive potential of this
species, we find that continued fishing
pressure poses a significant risk of
endangering this species with extinction
in the foreseeable future. Additionally,
the regulations and conservation
measures in place are likely inadequate
to reverse the decline of this species. In
summary, based on the best available
information and the above analysis, we
conclude that R. cemiculus is presently
at a moderate risk of extinction
throughout its range.
Conservation Efforts
Throughout the ranges of R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus, we found
no efforts that are dedicated specifically
to the conservation of these species.
However, there are some efforts in
portions of their ranges that may have
a positive effect on the status of these
species. These include recently
developed management plans and
protections from harvest and habitat
modification in national parks and
All SRFC countries except Gambia
have adopted, or integrated into their
fisheries management plans, a National
Plan of Action for the Conservation and
Management of Sharks (NPOA-Sharks)
as part of the Sub-Regional Plan of
Action for the Conservation of Sharks
(SRPOA-Sharks) (Diop & Dossa 2011).
With assistance from the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature’s
Shark Specialist Group (IUCNSSG),
these plans were developed under the
recommendations of the FAO
International Plan of Action for the
Conservation and Management of
SHARKS seeks to ensure conservation
and sustainable management of sharks
with emphasis on quality data
collection for management purposes
(IUCNSSG 2016). In the SRFC, these
plans are still in the early stage of
implementation, and it remains to be
seen how effective they will be in
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
minimizing the extinction risk of R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus.
Additionally, all of the SRFC countries
lack adequate technical and financial
resources for monitoring and
management, and regulations at the
country level are not very strict and lack
regional coordination (Diop & Dossa
2011). There are no NPOA-Sharks
developed for the other African nations
in these species’ Atlantic ranges
(IUCNSSG 2016). All European
countries have adopted the EU Plan of
Action (EUPOA Sharks) but we could
find little information on conservation
actions associated with this plan.
The GFMC is one of the only FAO
Regional Fisheries Management
Organizations (RMFOs) with the
competence to adopt spatial
management measures in the high seas.
However, many of these protections
have focused on the deep sea (FAO
2016e), offering little conservation value
to either species. In the early 2000s,
Cyprus initiated a fishing license buyback program, which likely reduced
trawl impact on these species
(Hadjichristophorou 2006), although we
found little information on either
species’ status in Cyprian waters, so we
cannot evaluate the conservation benefit
of this action.
The Regional Activity Centre for
Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
and the Network of Marine Protection
Area Managers in the Mediterranean
(MedPAN) have been working with a
diverse network of partners to establish
a network of well-connected, wellmanaged MPAs that protect at least 10
percent of the Mediterranean Sea while
representing the sea’s biodiversity
(Gabrie et al., 2012). The Gabrie et al.,
(2012) report, entitled ‘‘The Status of
Marine Protected Areas in the
Mediterranean Sea,’’ found that, as of
2012, only 4.6 percent of the
Mediterranean surface (114,600 km2)
was protected by MPAs, with these
areas mostly concentrated in the coastal
zone, predominantly in the northern
basin where these species are rare or
have been extirpated. Two
Mediterranean ecoregions that are
important to both species, the Tunisian
plateau and the Levantine Sea, were
found to be ‘‘markedly underrepresented.’’ Management of MPAs
throughout the Mediterranean was
found to be weak, with many MPAs
lacking dedicated managers and
management plans and financial
resources, and having a low surveillance
levels, with only northwestern MPAs
reporting a sufficient budget to
effectively manage. Additionally, the
level of ecosystem protection varies
throughout the Mediterranean MPAs.
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For example, most are not ‘‘no-take’’
zones, so artisanal and recreational
fishers still have access to many
protected areas.
There are also MPAs on the West
Coast of Africa that might impact or
have already impacted the status of
these two guitarfish species. In the Banc
d’Arguin National Park in Mauritania,
the use of specialized gear such as
guitarfish nets as well as the targeting of
shark and ray species has been
prohibited since 2003 (Diop & Dossa
2011). This allowed the local guitarfish
populations to recover, but both species
are still targeted outside of the park (M.
Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J.
Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). GuineaBissau has banned shark fishing in all
of its MPAs, including the Bijagos
Archipelago, which includes important
areas for both species (Cross 2015; Diop
& Dossa 2011). Mayumba National Park
in Gabon, where at least R. cemiculus is
found, has recently implemented gear
restrictions and no longer allows
industrial fishing (De Bruyne 2015).
There are also other MPAs that dot the
west coast of Africa, but they
collectively cover only a small fraction
of both species’ ranges (MPAtlas 2016).
Proposed Determination
There is significant uncertainty
regarding the status of the current
populations of both R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus, but both species may still be
relatively common, although very likely
below their historical population levels,
in Tunisia, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and
southeastern Turkey. Based on this
information, and the best available
scientific and commercial information,
as summarized here and in Newell
(2015), we find that neither Rhinobatos
species is currently at high risk of
extinction throughout their entire
ranges. However, both species are at
moderate risk of extinction. We assessed
the ESA section 4(a)(1) factors and
conclude that R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus face ongoing threats of
overutilization by fisheries and
inadequate existing regulatory
mechanisms throughout their ranges.
Both species have also suffered a
curtailment of a large portion of their
historical ranges. These species’ natural
biological vulnerability to
overexploitation and present
demographic risks (declining
abundance, decreasing size of
reproductive individuals, and low
productivity) are currently exacerbating
the negative effects of these threats.
Further, ongoing conservation efforts are
not adequate to improve the status of
these species. Thus, both species are
likely to become endangered throughout
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Sfmt 4702
their ranges in the foreseeable future.
We therefore propose to list both species
as threatened under the ESA.
Effects of Listing
Conservation measures provided for
species listed as endangered or
threatened under the ESA include
recovery plans (16 U.S.C. 1533(f));
concurrent designation of critical
habitat, if prudent and determinable (16
U.S.C. 1533(a)(3)(A)) and consistent
with implementing regulations; Federal
agency requirements to consult with
NMFS under section 7 of the ESA to
ensure their actions do not jeopardize
the species or result in adverse
modification or destruction of critical
habitat should it be designated (16
U.S.C. 1536); and, for endangered
species, prohibitions on taking (16
U.S.C. 1538). Recognition of the species’
plight through listing promotes
conservation actions by Federal and
state agencies, foreign entities, private
groups, and individuals.
Identifying Section 7 Conference and
Consultation Requirements
Section 7(a)(2) (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2))
of the ESA and NMFS/USFWS
regulations require Federal agencies to
consult with us to ensure that activities
they authorize, fund, or carry out are not
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of listed species or destroy or
adversely modify critical habitat.
Section 7(a)(4) (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(4)) of
the ESA and NMFS/USFWS regulations
also require Federal agencies to confer
with us on actions likely to jeopardize
the continued existence of species
proposed for listing, or that result in the
destruction or adverse modification of
proposed critical habitat of those
species. It is unlikely that the listing of
these species under the ESA will
increase the number of section 7
consultations, because these species
occur outside of the United States and
are unlikely to be affected by Federal
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3
of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1532(5)) as: (1)
The specific areas within the
geographical area occupied by a species,
at the time it is listed in accordance
with the ESA, on which are found those
physical or biological features (a)
essential to the conservation of the
species and (b) that may require special
management considerations or
protection; and (2) specific areas outside
the geographical area occupied by a
species at the time it is listed upon a
determination that such areas are
essential for the conservation of the
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
species. ‘‘Conservation’’ means the use
of all methods and procedures needed
to bring the species to the point at
which listing under the ESA is no
longer necessary (16 U.S.C. 1532(3)).
Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1533(a)(3)(A)) requires that, to the
extent prudent and determinable,
critical habitat be designated
concurrently with the listing of a
species. However, critical habitat shall
not be designated in foreign countries or
other areas outside U.S. jurisdiction (50
CFR 424.12(h)).
The best available scientific and
commercial data as discussed above
identify the geographical areas occupied
by R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus as
being entirely outside U.S. jurisdiction,
so we cannot designate critical habitat
for these species.
Identification of Those Activities That
Would Constitute a Violation of Section
9 of the ESA
On July 1, 1994, NMFS and FWS
published a policy (59 FR 34272) that
requires NMFS to identify, to the
maximum extent practicable at the time
a species is listed, those activities that
would or would not constitute a
violation of section 9 of the ESA.
Because we are proposing to list the R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus as
threatened, no prohibitions of section
9(a)(1) of the ESA will apply to these
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Protective Regulations Under Section
4(d) of the ESA
We are proposing to list R. rhinobatos
and R. cemiculus as threatened under
the ESA. In the case of threatened
species, ESA section 4(d) leaves it to the
Secretary’s discretion whether, and to
what extent, to extend the section 9(a)
‘‘take’’ prohibitions to the species, and
authorizes us to issue regulations
necessary and advisable for the
conservation of the species. Thus, we
have flexibility under section 4(d) to
tailor protective regulations, taking into
account the effectiveness of available
conservation measures. The section 4(d)
protective regulations may prohibit,
with respect to threatened species, some
or all of the acts which section 9(a) of
the ESA prohibits with respect to
endangered species. These section 9(a)
prohibitions apply to all individuals,
organizations, and agencies subject to
U.S. jurisdiction. Because neither
species has ever occupied U.S. waters,
and the United States has no known
commercial or management interest in
either species, we propose to not apply
any section 9(a) prohibitions to either
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Public Comments Solicited
To ensure that any final action
resulting from this proposed rule to list
the R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus as
threatened will be as accurate and
effective as possible, we are soliciting
comments and information from the
public, other concerned governmental
agencies, the scientific community,
industry, and any other interested
parties on information in the status
review and proposed rule. Comments
are encouraged on these proposals (See
DATES and ADDRESSES). We must base
our final determination on the best
available scientific and commercial
information. We cannot, for example,
consider the economic effects of a
listing determination. Before finalizing
this proposed rule, we will consider the
comments and any additional
information we receive, and such
information may lead to a final
regulation that differs from this proposal
or result in a withdrawal of this listing
proposal. We particularly seek:
(1) Information concerning the threats
to the Rhinobatos species proposed for
(2) Taxonomic information on the
(3) Biological information (life
history, genetics, population
connectivity, etc.) on the species;
(4) Efforts being made to protect the
species throughout their current ranges;
(5) Information on the commercial
trade of the species;
(6) Historical and current distribution
and abundance and trends for the
species; and
(7) Any of the above information on
either or both species from the following
countries, from which we have very
little information: Morocco, Liberia,
Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin,
Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea,
Sao Tome and Prıncipe, Republic of the
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Angola, Algeria, and Syria.
We request that all information be
accompanied by: (1) Supporting
documentation, such as maps,
bibliographic references, or reprints of
pertinent publications; and (2) the
submitter’s name, address, and any
association, institution, or business that
the person represents.
Role of Peer Review
In December 2004, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a Final Information Quality Bulletin for
Peer Review establishing a minimum
peer review standard. We solicited peer
review comments on the draft common
guitarfish and blackchin guitarfish
status review report (Newell (2016))
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
from three scientists familiar with both
guitarfish species. We received and
reviewed these peer review comments,
and incorporated them into both the
draft status review report for the
common guitarfish and blackchin
guitarfish and this proposed rule. Peer
reviewer comments on the draft status
review are summarized in the peer
review report, which is available at:
A complete list of references used in
this proposed rule is available upon
request (see ADDRESSES).
National Environmental Policy Act
The 1982 amendments to the ESA, in
section 4(b)(1)(A), restrict the
information that may be considered
when assessing species for listing. Based
on this limitation of criteria for a listing
decision and the opinion in Pacific
Legal Foundation v. Andrus, 675 F. 2d
825 (6th Cir. 1981), NMFS has
concluded that ESA listing actions are
not subject to the environmental
assessment requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Flexibility Act, and Paperwork
Reduction Act
As noted in the Conference Report on
the 1982 amendments to the ESA,
economic impacts cannot be considered
when assessing the status of a species.
Therefore, the economic analysis
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act are not applicable to the
listing process. In addition, this
proposed rule is exempt from review
under Executive Order 12866. This
proposed rule does not contain a
collection-of-information requirement
for the purposes of the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
In accordance with E.O. 13132, we
determined that this proposed rule does
not have significant federalism effects
and that a federalism assessment is not
required. In keeping with the intent of
the Administration and Congress to
provide continuing and meaningful
dialogue on issues of mutual state and
Federal interest, this proposed rule will
be given to the relevant governmental
agencies in the countries in which the
species occurs, and they will be invited
to comment. We will confer with the
U.S. Department of State to ensure
appropriate notice is given to all foreign
nations within the ranges of both
species. As the process continues, we
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 181 / Monday, September 19, 2016 / Proposed Rules
intend to continue engaging in informal
and formal contacts with the U.S. State
Department, giving careful
consideration to all written and oral
comments received.
Dated: September 12, 2016.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531–1543; subpart
B, § 223.201–202 also issued under 16 U.S.C.
1361 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 5503(d) for
§ 223.206(d)(9).
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 223
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Transportation.
2. In § 223.102, paragraph (e), add
entries for two species in alphabetical
order by common name under the
‘‘Fishes’’ table subheading to read as
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, we propose to amend 50 CFR
part 223 as follows:
§ 223.102 Enumeration of threatened
marine and anadromous species.
1. The authority citation for part 223
continues to read as follows:
(e) * * *
Species 1
Citation(s) for listing
Description of
listed entity
ESA Rules
Guitarfish, blackchin
Guitarfish, common ..
Entire species ........... [Federal Register citation and date when
published as a final rule].
Entire species ........... [Federal Register citation and date when
published as a final rule].
1 Species
includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7,
1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
[FR Doc. 2016–22450 Filed 9–16–16; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Parts 223 and 224
[Docket No. 160614520–6520–01]
RIN 0648–XE686
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants: Proposed Rule To List the
Maui’s Dolphin as Endangered and the
South Island Hector’s Dolphin as
Threatened Under the Endangered
Species Act
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
We, NMFS, propose to list the
Maui’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus
hectori maui) as endangered and the
South Island Hector’s dolphin (C.
hectori hectori) as threatened under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA). We have
reviewed the best available scientific
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:18 Sep 16, 2016
Jkt 238001
and commercial data and completed a
comprehensive status review for these
two subspecies of Hector’s dolphin (C.
hectori). The Maui’s dolphin faces
serious demographic risks due to
critically low abundance, a low
population growth rate, a restricted
range, low genetic diversity, and
ongoing threats such as bycatch in
commercial and recreational gillnets.
We have determined Maui’s dolphin is
currently in danger of extinction
throughout its range and, therefore,
meets the definition of an endangered
species. The relatively more abundant
and more widely distributed South
Island Hector’s dolphin has experienced
large historical declines and is expected
to continue to slowly decline due to
bycatch and other lesser threats, such as
disease and impacts associated with
tourism. We have determined that this
subspecies is not currently in danger of
extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range, but is likely to
become so within the foreseeable future;
and therefore, it meets the definition of
a threatened species. Both subspecies
occur only in New Zealand. We are
authorized to designate critical habitat
within U.S. jurisdiction only, and we
are not aware of any areas within U.S
jurisdiction that may meet the definition
of critical habitat under the ESA.
PO 00000
Frm 00036
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Therefore, we are not proposing to
designate critical habitat. We are
soliciting public comments on our
status review report and proposal to list
these two subspecies.
DATES: Comments on this proposed rule
must be received by November 18, 2016.
Public hearing requests must be made
by November 3, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on this document, identified by NOAA–
NMFS–2016–0118, by either of the
following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic comments via the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. Go to
#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-20160118, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
complete the required fields, and enter
or attach your comments.
• Mail: Submit written comments to
Lisa Manning, NMFS Office of Protected
Resources (F/PR3), 1315 East West
Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910,
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered by NMFS. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public
viewing on www.regulations.gov
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 181 (Monday, September 19, 2016)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 64094-64110]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-22450]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 223
[Docket No. 150211138-6789-01]
RIN 0648-XD771
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Rule To
List Two Guitarfishes as Threatened
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule; 12-month petition finding; request for comments.
SUMMARY: We, NMFS, have completed a comprehensive status review under
the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for the common guitarfish (Rhinobatos
rhinobatos) and the blackchin guitarfish (Rhinobatos cemiculus). We
have determined that, based on the best scientific and commercial data
available, and after taking into account efforts being made to protect
these species, both species meet the definition of a threatened species
under the ESA. Therefore, we propose to list both species as threatened
species under the ESA. We are not proposing to designate critical
habitat for either of the species proposed for listing because the
geographical areas occupied by these species are entirely outside U.S.
jurisdiction. We are soliciting comments on our proposal to list these
two foreign marine guitarfish species.
DATES: Comments on this proposed rule must be received by November 18,
2016. Public hearing requests must be made by November 3, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on this document, identified by
NOAA-NMFS-2016-0082, by either of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic public
comments via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to https://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2016-0082. Click the
``Comment Now'' icon, complete the required fields, and enter or attach
your comments.
Mail: Submit written comments to Brendan Newell, NMFS
Office of Protected Resources (F/PR3), 1315 East-West Highway, Silver
Spring, MD 20910, USA.
Instructions: You must submit comments by one of the above methods
to ensure that we receive, document, and consider them. Comments sent
by any other method, to any other address
[[Page 64095]]
or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, may not
be considered. All comments received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public viewing on https://www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily
by the sender will be publicly accessible. We will accept anonymous
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain
anonymous). You can find the petition, status review report, Federal
Register notices, and the list of references electronically on our Web
site at https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/petition81.htm.
Protected Resources (OPR), Telephone: (301) 427-7710 or Marta Nammack,
NMFS, (OPR), Telephone: (301) 427-8469.
On July 15, 2013, we received a petition from WildEarth Guardians
to list 81 marine species as threatened or endangered under the ESA.
This petition included species from many different taxonomic groups,
and we prepared our 90-day findings in batches by taxonomic group. We
found that the petitioned actions may be warranted for 27 of the 81
species and announced the initiation of status reviews for each of the
27 species (78 FR 63941, October 25, 2013; 78 FR 66675, November 6,
2013; 78 FR 69376, November 19, 2013; 79 FR 9880, February 21, 2014;
and 79 FR 10104, February 24, 2014). This document addresses the
findings for 2 of those 27 species: Common guitarfish (Rhinobatos
rhinobatos) and blackchin guitarfish (Rhinobatos cemiculus). The status
of, and relevant Federal Register notices for, the other 25 species can
be found on our Web site at https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/petition81.htm.
We are responsible for determining whether species are threatened
or endangered under the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). To make this
determination, we consider first whether a group of organisms
constitutes a ``species'' under the ESA, then whether the status of the
species qualifies it for listing as either threatened or endangered.
Section 3 of the ESA defines a ``species'' to include ``any subspecies
of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct population segment of
any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when
On February 7, 1996, NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS; together, the Services) adopted a policy describing what
constitutes a distinct population segment (DPS) of a taxonomic species
(the DPS Policy; 61 FR 4722). The DPS Policy identified two elements
that must be considered when identifying a DPS: (1) The discreteness of
the population segment in relation to the remainder of the species (or
subspecies) to which it belongs; and (2) the significance of the
population segment to the remainder of the species (or subspecies) to
which it belongs. As stated in the DPS Policy, Congress expressed its
expectation that the Services would exercise authority with regard to
DPSs sparingly and only when the biological evidence indicates such
action is warranted. Based on the scientific information available, we
determined that the common guitarfish (Rhinobatos rhinobatos) and
blackchin guitarfish (Rhinobatos cemiculus) are ``species'' under the
ESA. There is nothing in the scientific literature indicating that
either of these species should be further divided into subspecies or
Section 3 of the ESA defines an endangered species as ``any species
which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range'' and a threatened species as one ``which is
likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future
throughout all or a significant portion of its range.'' We interpret an
``endangered species'' to be one that is presently in danger of
extinction. A ``threatened species,'' on the other hand, is not
presently in danger of extinction, but is likely to become so in the
foreseeable future (that is, at a later time). In other words, the
primary statutory difference between a threatened and endangered
species is the timing of when a species may be in danger of extinction,
either presently (endangered) or in the foreseeable future
When we consider whether a species might qualify as threatened
under the ESA, we must consider the meaning of the term ``foreseeable
future.'' It is appropriate to interpret ``foreseeable future'' as the
horizon over which predictions about the conservation status of the
species can be reasonably relied upon. The foreseeable future considers
the life history of the species, habitat characteristics, availability
of data, particular threats, ability to predict threats, and the
reliability to forecast the effects of these threats and future events
on the status of the species under consideration. Because a species may
be susceptible to a variety of threats for which different data are
available, or which operate across different time scales, the
foreseeable future is not necessarily reducible to a particular number
of years.
Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA requires us to determine whether any
species is endangered or threatened due to any of the following
factors: the present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; disease or
predation; the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or other
natural or manmade factors affecting its continued existence. Under
section (4)(b)(1)(A), we are also required to make listing
determinations based solely on the best scientific and commercial data
available, after conducting a review of the species' status and after
taking into account efforts being made by any state or foreign nation
to protect the species.
Status Review
The status review for the two guitarfishes addressed in this
finding was conducted by a NMFS biologist in the Office of Protected
Resources. Henceforth, the status review report for these guitarfishes
will be referenced in this preamble as ``Newell (2016)'', and is
available at https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/petition81.htm and on
the respective species pages found on the Office of Protected Resources
Web site (https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/index.htm). In order to
complete the status review, information was compiled on each species'
biology, ecology, life history, threats, and conservation status from
information contained in the petition, our files, a comprehensive
literature search, and consultation with experts. We also considered
information submitted by the public in response to our petition
Newell (2016) provided an evaluation of the factors specified by
section 4(a)(1)(A)-(E) of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(1)(A)-(E))
(Summary of Factors Affecting the Two Guitarfish Species), as well as
the species' demographic risks, such as low productivity, and then
synthesized this information to estimate the extinction risk of the
species (Extinction Risk). For the complete threats assessment,
demographic risks analysis, and risk of extinction analysis, see Newell
The demographic risk analysis, mentioned above, is an assessment of
the manifestation of past threats that
[[Page 64096]]
have contributed to the species' current status and informs the
consideration of the biological response of the species to present and
future threats. For this analysis, Newell (2016) considered the
demographic viability factors developed by McElhany et al., (2000). The
approach of considering demographic risk factors to help frame the
consideration of extinction risk has been used in many of our status
reviews, including for Pacific salmonids, Pacific hake, walleye
pollock, Pacific cod, Puget Sound rockfishes, Pacific herring,
scalloped and great hammerhead sharks, and black abalone (see https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/ for links to these reviews). In this
approach, the collective condition of individual populations is
considered at the species level according to four demographic viability
factors: abundance; growth rate/productivity; spatial structure/
connectivity; and diversity. These viability factors reflect concepts
that are well-founded in conservation biology, and that individually
and collectively provide strong indicators of extinction risk.
In conducting the threats assessment, Newell (2016) identified and
summarized the section 4(a)(1) factors that are currently operating on
the species and their likely impact on the biological status of the
species. Newell (2016) also looked for future threats (where the impact
on the species has yet to be manifested), and considered the
reliability of forecasting the effects of these threats and future
events on the status of these species. Using the findings from the
demographic risk analysis and threats assessment, Newell (2016)
evaluated the overall extinction risk of the species. Because species-
specific information (such as current abundance) is sparse, qualitative
``reference levels'' of risk were used to describe extinction risk. The
definitions of the qualitative ``reference levels'' of extinction risk
were as follows: ``Low Risk''--a species is at low risk of extinction
if it is not at a moderate or high level of extinction risk (see
``Moderate risk'' and ``High risk'' below). A species may be at low
risk of extinction if it is not facing threats that result in declining
trends in abundance, productivity, spatial structure, or diversity. A
species at low risk of extinction is likely to show stable or
increasing trends in abundance and productivity with connected, diverse
populations. ``Moderate Risk''--a species is at moderate risk of
extinction if it is on a trajectory that puts it at a high level of
extinction risk in the foreseeable future (see description of ``High
Risk'' below). A species may be at moderate risk of extinction due to
projected threats or declining trends in abundance, productivity,
spatial structure, or diversity. ``High Risk''--a species with a high
risk of extinction is at or near a level of abundance, productivity,
spatial structure, and/or diversity that places its continued
persistence in question. The demographics of a species at such a high
level of risk may be highly uncertain and strongly influenced by
stochastic or depensatory processes. (Stochastic processes are random
processes evolving with time; depensatory processes are density-
dependent processes where a decrease in a species' population leads to
reduced reproductive success, such as by an increase in the rate of
predation on eggs or young, or through the reduced likelihood of
finding a mate.) Similarly, a species may be at high risk of extinction
if it faces clear and present threats (e.g., confinement to a small
geographic area; imminent destruction, modification, or curtailment of
its habitat; or disease epidemic) that are likely to create present and
substantial demographic risks.
The draft status review report (Newell (2016)) was submitted to
independent peer reviewers; comments and information received from peer
reviewers were addressed and incorporated as appropriate before
finalizing the draft report. The status review report is available on
our Web site (see ADDRESSES section) and the peer review report is
available at https://www.cio.noaa.gov/services_programs/prplans/PRsummaries.html. Below we summarize information from the report and
our analysis of the status of the two guitarfish species. Further
details can be found in Newell (2016).
Species Descriptions
Guitarfishes are cartilaginous fishes (class Chondrichthyes), in
the subclass Elasmobranchii (which includes all cartilaginous fishes
except chimaeras). They are part of the super order Batoidea, and
members of the order Rajiformes, which also includes skates, sawfishes,
electric rays, and rays. Rajiformes are characterized by a
dorsoventrally depressed body with the anterior edge of the pectoral
fin attached to the side of the head (Serena 2005). Guitarfishes are
members of the family Rhinobatidae, which have a moderately depressed,
elongated, shark-like body form, with pectoral fins barely enlarged
(compared to other batoids except for sawfish), a subtriangular disk,
two sub-equal, well-developed, and well-separated dorsal fins, and an
elongated, wedge-shaped snout. Guitarfishes have a stouter tail than
all other batoids except sawfishes and torpedo rays (Bigelow &
Schroeder 1953; Serena 2005).
Rhinobatos rhinobatos and Rhinobatos cemiculus are sympatric
species with relatively wide, overlapping ranges in the subtropical
waters of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. In the Atlantic both
species range from Northern Portugal south to Angola, with R.
rhinobatos extending slightly farther north into the Bay of Biscay in
south Atlantic France. Both species' historical ranges include all
Mediterranean countries with the exception of Malta and France, which
are only in the range of R. rhinobatos. Both species are primarily
found in coastal and estuarine, sandy or muddy bottomed habitat from
very shallow water to depths of approximately 100 m (Corsini-Foka 2009;
Melendez & Macias 2007; Serena 2005). Both species feed on a variety of
macrobenthic organisms, including crustaceans, fishes, and mollusks
(Basusta et al.,, 2007; Enajjar et al.,, 2007; Lteif 2015; Patokina &
Litvinov 2005).
In terms of reproduction, Rhinobatos rhinobatos and Rhinobatos
cemiculus are aplacental viviparous species (giving birth to live, free
swimming young with embryo nutrition coming from a yolk sac rather than
a placental connection). Both species aggregate seasonally to
reproduce, with females visiting protected shallow waters to give birth
(Capape & Zaouali 1994; Demirhan et al., 2010; Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Ismen et al., 2007). As with many other elasmobranchs, females mature
later and at greater sizes than males, females reach greater total
length, and female fecundity increases with total length (TL) (Capape &
Zaouali 1994; Cort[eacute]s 2000; Demirhan et al., 2010; Enajjar et
al., 2008; Ismen et al., 2007). Based on the limited available
information, both species seem to be relatively fast growing compared
to most elasmobranch species (Ba[scedil]usta et al., 2008; Enajjar et
al., 2012)_ENREF_53. Additional species-specific descriptions are
provided below.
Common guitarfish (Rhinobatos rhinobatos) are khaki-brown colored
on their dorsal surface with a white underside (Melendez & Macias
2007). R. rhinobatos have rostral ridges that are widely separated over
their entire length with the anterior of their nasal lobe level with
the inner corner of their nostril. They have a wide posterior nasal
flap and spiracles with two moderately developed folds, with the outer
fold more prominent. They have no dorsal or anal spines and relatively
[[Page 64097]]
small thorns present around the inner margin of their orbits, between
their spiracles, on their shoulders and along the midline of their
discs and tails (Melendez & Macias 2007). There are regional variations
in the maximum size and size at maturity of R. rhinobatos. TL ranges
from 22-185 cm with the heaviest specimen recorded reaching 26.6 kg
(Edelist 2014; Ismen et al., 2007). The best available information
estimated that 50 percent of females and males reached maturity between
79-87 cm TL and 68-78 cm TL, respectively (Abdel-Aziz et al., 1993;
Demirhan et al., 2010; Enajjar et al., 2008), and that gestation lasts
9-12 months with females giving birth to 1-14 pups in the late summer
or early fall (see Newell (2016)). The maximum age recorded was 24
years old (Ba[scedil]usta et al., 2008) and R. rhinobatos likely
matures between 2 and 4 years old (Ba[scedil]usta et al., 2008;
Demirhan et al., 2010). For a more detailed discussion of size, age,
and reproduction see Newell (2016).
Blackchin guitarfish (Rhinobatos cemiculus) have a brown dorsal
surface with a white underside and usually a blackish blotch on the
snout, especially in juveniles. Their rostral ridges are narrowly
separated and nearly join in the front. Their anterior nasal lobes
extend little if any and their posterior nasal flaps are narrow. Their
spiracle has two well-developed folds of about the same size. They have
no anal or dorsal spine and have thorns present around the inner margin
of their orbits, between their spiracles, on their shoulders, and along
the midline of their disc and tail (Melendez & Macias 2007). There are
regional variations in the maximum TL and size at maturity. TL ranges
from 32-245 cm with the heaviest specimen recorded reaching 26 kg,
although the maximum weight is likely much higher because the 26 kg
specimen was only 202 cm TL (Capape & Zaouali 1994; Seck et al., 2004).
Based on the best available information, 50 percent of females and
males reached maturity between 138-153 cm TL and 112-138 cm TL,
respectively (Enajjar et al., 2012; Valadou et al., 2006). The reported
litter size varies greatly, but the reported range is 2-24 pups per
litter with small litters typical (Capape & Zaouali 1994; Seck et al.,
2004; Valadou et al., 2006). R. cemiculus is more prolific than R.
rhinobatos, likely because it reaches a greater size than R. rhinobatos
(Capape & Zaouali 1994). Gestation lasts between 5-12 months with
parturition occurring in the later summer and early fall (Capape &
Zaouali 1994; Seck et al., 2004; Valadou et al., 2006). Enajjar et al.,
(2012) found that males and females in the Gulf of Gab[eacute]s,
Tunisia, matured around 3 and 5 years of age, respectively, and that
individuals of the species can live for at least 14 years. No other age
data were found for this species. For a more detailed discussion of
size, age, and reproduction, see Newell (2016).
Historical and Current Distribution and Population Abundance
Rhinobatos rhinobatos
Historically the common guitarfish was known on all shores of the
Mediterranean as well as the coastal eastern Atlantic from the Bay of
Biscay (France) to Angola (Melendez & Macias 2007). Throughout its
historical Mediterranean range this species has likely always been rare
in most of the northwestern Mediterranean, and more common in the
Levantine Sea and along the southern shore of the Mediterranean from
southern Tunisia to Egypt (Abdel-Aziz et al., 1993; Capap[eacute] et
al., 2004; [Ccedil]ek et al., 2009; Edelist 2014; Lteif 2015; Saad et
al., 2006). Presently R. rhinobatos has been extirpated from the
northwestern Mediterranean, including the coasts of Spain and France,
as well as the Tyrrhenian, Ligurian, and Adriatic Seas (Bertrand et
al., 2000; Capap[eacute] et al., 2006; Medits 2016a; Notarbartolo di
Sciara et al., 2007b). In this now curtailed portion of its range, up
until the early 20th century, R. rhinobatos was likely only common in
the waters around Sicily (Doderlein 1884; Psomadakis et al., 2009) and
the Balearic Islands of Spain (Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007b).
R. rhinobatos is present in all Tunisian waters, although less
common than R. cemiculus. It is more abundant in the southeastern area
around the Gulf of Gab[egrave]s and the Bahiret el Biban, which are
areas used by this species for reproduction (Capap[eacute] et al.,
2004; Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi et al., 2012; Enajjar et al.,
2008). In the Northern and Southern Lagoons near the City of Tunis in
the Gulf of Tunis on the northwest coast of Tunisia, R. rhinobatos has
become common since 2004, in response to environmental restoration of
the lagoons (Mejri et al., 2004). Little information was available for
the status of R. rhinobatos in Libyan waters beyond that they are
targeted by fishers (S[eacute]ret & Serena 2002). In a 2005 report, the
Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
proposed a research program that would focus on eight cartilaginous
fishes of Libya, including R. rhinobatos, because of their commercial
importance and interest in their conservation (RAC/SPA 2005). According
to the proposal authors, some species, including guitarfishes, which
are now rare or extirpated in other parts of the Mediterranean, are
still common in Libyan waters. In neighboring Egypt, R. rhinobatos was
common in commercial fishery catches in 1990 (Abdel-Aziz et al., 1993).
Over the last 10 years, guitarfishes and other elasmobranchs have been
increasingly exploited by Egyptian fishers as desirable bycatch
species, and recent declines in landings indicate that these
populations are currently being overexploited (A. Marbourk, NOS, pers.
comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 21 July, 2016).
North of Egypt, R. rhinobatos was considered common in Israeli
waters as of 2006, with the largest TL for the species recorded from a
female specimen in the area (Edelist 2014; Golani 2006). Lernau and
Golani (2004) state, ``swarms of Rhinobatos rhinobatos are captured
with purse seines.'' Although this statement is not connected to a
specific fishing area it appears the authors are either discussing
fishing along the Israeli coast or in the nearby Bardawil Lagoon on the
Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. R. rhinobatos is the most commonly observed
elasmobranch in Lebanese fisheries (Lteif 2015). In a study of
elasmobranch exploitation in Syria in the early 2000s, R. rhinobatos
was characterized as a ``moderate economically important species either
for being caught in little quantities with high efforts in fishing, or
for their little demand for human consumption. Or maybe for both
reasons'' (Saad et al., 2006). By comparison, R. cemiculus was
characterized as a ``very economically important species being caught
in plentiful quantities and highly consumable'' (Saad et al., 2006). No
clarification was given as to whether there is low catch with high
effort, or low demand. Regardless, the fact that R. rhinobatos was
characterized as being of ``moderate'' economic importance indicates
this fish is more than an occasional visitor to Syrian waters. In the
Turkish portion of the Levantine Sea (off southeastern Turkey), R.
rhinobatos is common in fisheries bycatch, including in [Idot]skenderun
Bay, where, as of 2012, it was less common than R. cemiculus
(Ba[scedil]usta et al., 2012; [Ccedil]ek et al., 2009). West of
[Idot]skenderun Bay, based on samples collected in the early 1980s, R.
rhinobatos is also common in Mersin Bay (G[uuml]c[uuml] & Bingel 1994),
and it was collected in a 2002-2003 survey of the Karata[scedil] Coasts
(located between [Idot]skenderun Bay and Mersin Bay). R. rhinobatos has
also been recorded in the Gulf of Antalya, west of Mersin Bay (C.
[[Page 64098]]
Mancusi, ARPAT, pers. comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 23 March, 2016).
Individuals of all life history stages, including large quantities of
pregnant females, have been captured in the Gulf of Gab[egrave]s and
the Bahiret el Biban (Capap[eacute] et al., 2004), Alexandria, Egypt
(Abdel-Aziz et al., 1993), and in [Idot]skenderun Bay ([Ccedil]ek et
al., 2009). In the Aegean Sea, which is bound by the east coast of
Turkey and the west coast of Greece, R. rhinobatos is rare (Corsini-
Foka 2009). It was present on a checklist from 1969 (Bileceno[gbreve]lu
et al., 2014), with one individual reported in 2008 and another in the
1970s (Corsini-Foka 2009), while no occurrences were detected during a
2006-2007 survey of Saroz Bay in the northeastern Aegean (Keskin et
al., 2011).
In the Atlantic, north of the strait of Gibraltar, the only records
we found of this species were from checklists and museum records from
Spain and Portugal (Ba[ntilde][oacute]n et al., 2010; Carneiro et al.,
2014) and it not is reported in the International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea (ICES) DATRAS data base, which is a collection
of 45 years' worth of survey data including data collected off the
Atlantic coasts of France, Spain, and Portugal (ICES 2016), indicating
that they are likely historically rare North of the Strait of
Along the Atlantic coast of Africa, this species is found from
Morocco to Angola. It is likely that this species is rare in Moroccan
waters (Gulyugin et al., 2006; Serghini et al., 2008). In West Africa,
R. rhinobatos has been one of the most common and widely distributed
elasmobranchs in Mauritania, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal,
and Sierra Leone, but has become scarce throughout most of this portion
of its range in recent decades (Diop & Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs
Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). In Mauritania,
fishing pressure has driven declines in the average size of
guitarfishes landed in the Banc d'Arguin National Park from 1998 to
2007 (Diop & Dossa 2011). Restrictions on elasmobranch fishing in the
park have allowed guitarfishes to recover locally but they are still
exploited throughout the rest of Mauritanian waters (M. Ducrocq, Parcs
Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). In Senegal,
guitarfishes are heavily targeted and this fishing pressure has caused
local declines in both species, with substantial declines reported over
the period of 1990 to 2005 (Diop & Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon,
pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016; Notarbartolo di Sciara
et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007b).
Rhinobatos rhinobatos occurs in the waters of Guinea-Bissau off the
mainland and around the Bijag[oacute]s Archipelago where it is targeted
by fishers (Cross 2015; Fowler & Cavanagh 2005; Kasisi 2004; Tous et
al., 1998). In the late 1990s, rapid and substantial declines of R.
rhinobatos were reported in the Bijag[oacute]s Archipelago, as
specialized and sophisticated fishing teams targeting elasmobranchs for
their fins migrated into the area, although previously the area had
seen almost no elasmobranch fishing (Tous et al., 1998). In Guinea it
is likely that this species is experiencing similar declines to those
in Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and Gambia (M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). In Sierra Leone, this species
is one of the most heavily exploited elasmobranchs (Diop & Dossa 2011).
It was recorded from 2008-2010 in a survey by the Sierra Leone Ministry
of Fisheries and Marine Resources as well as in industrial and
artisanal fishery data (Sierra Leone Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, pers. comm. to M. Miller, NMFS, 11 April, 2016). Rhinobatos
rhinobatos is listed in an updated checklist of the marine fishes of
Cape Verde, an island nation located about 600 km west of Dakar,
Senegal. However, the authors of the checklist considered the record of
R. rhinobatos invalid, stating that they did not know of any records of
this species in the Cape Verde Islands (Wirtz et al., 2013).
Little information about the status of R. rhinobatos was available
throughout the rest of this species' Atlantic range. From January 2009
to December 2010, R. rhinobatos was recorded during a study of landings
by artisanal fishers based in the Ghanaian villages of Ahwaim and
Elmina (Nunoo & Asiedu 2013). Rhinobatos rhinobatos is present in
Gabon, but is likely less abundant than R. cemiculus (G. De Bruyne,
Wildlife Conservation Society, Mayumba, pers. comm. to B. Newell, NMFS,
26 June, 2016). Rhinobatos rhinobatos was not caught from March 2013 to
May 2015 during a study of artisanal fisheries around Mayumba, Gabon
(De Bruyne 2015). No information on this species was available from
Ghana and Gabon prior to these periods of study. We found no data for
R. rhinobatos in the following countries, which have coastline in this
species' range: Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon,
Equatorial Guinea, S[atilde]o Tom[eacute] and Pr[iacute]ncipe, Republic
of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Angola.
Rhinobatos cemiculus
Historically, the blackchin guitarfish had a distribution similar
to, but slightly more restricted than, R. rhinobatos, with its range
listed through most of the coastal Mediterranean, and in the eastern
Atlantic from Portugal to Angola (Melendez & Macias 2007). In the
Mediterranean, there are no records of this species off the coast of
France (Capap[eacute] et al., 2006), and there are doubts about whether
R. cemiculus occurred in the Adriatic Sea (Akyol & Capap[eacute] 2014).
Throughout its historical Mediterranean range, this species has likely
always been rare in most of the northwestern Mediterranean, and more
common in the Levantine Sea and along the southern shore of the
Mediterranean from southern Tunisia to Egypt (Rafrafi-Nouira et al.,
2015). Presently all guitarfishes have been extirpated from the
northwestern Mediterranean including the coast of Spain, as well as
from the Tyrrhenian, Ligurian, and Adriatic Seas (Bertrand et al.,
2000; Capap[eacute] et al., 2006; Medits 2016a; Notarbartolo di Sciara
et al., 2007b). In this now curtailed portion of its range, up until
the early 20th century, R. cemiculus may have been common in the waters
around Sicily (Doderlein 1884; Psomadakis et al., 2009), and frequently
occurred around the Balearic Islands of Spain (Notarbartolo di Sciara
et al., 2007b).
Rhinobatos cemiculus commonly occur in fishery landings, both as a
target species and as bycatch from the waters of the east coast of
Tunisia, the north coast of Africa, and the eastern Mediterranean from
Israel to southeastern Turkey (Capape & Zaouali 1994; Lteif 2015; Saad
et al., 2006). It is fished throughout all of Tunisian waters. It is
considered rare along the north coast of Tunisa, although it may become
more common in this area due to warming seas (Rafrafi-Nouira et al.,
2015) and environmental restoration (Mejri et al., 2004). It has always
been abundant in southeastern Tunisia around the Gulf of Gab[egrave]s
and the Bahiret el Biban, where it is more abundant than R. rhinobatos,
and is known to use these areas during reproduction, including for
parturition (Capap[eacute] et al., 2004; Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012; Enajjar et al., 2008).
As with R. rhinobatos, little information is available on the
status of R. cemiculus in Libyan waters beyond that they are targeted
by fishers (S[eacute]ret & Serena 2002), and that they are still
common, relative to their occurrence in other parts of the
Mediterranean (RAC/SPA 2005). Guitarfishes are consumed
[[Page 64099]]
in Libya, and in a 2005 proposal for a research program focused on the
cartilaginous fishes of Libya, R. cemiculus was selected as one of the
eight priority species for research because of its commercial
importance and interest in its conservation (RAC/SPA 2005).
Capap[eacute] et al., (1981) reported that an Egyptian museum specimen
of R. cemiculus originated from the Red Sea, but no other reference to
this species occurring in the Red Sea was reported. We found no
information on the distribution or abundance of R. cemiculus in
Mediterranean Egyptian waters, but this fish likely occurs in this area
(Capape & Zaouali 1994).
North of Egypt, R. cemiculus is considered prevalent in Israeli
waters (less common than R. rhinobatos), where it is caught as bycatch
by commercial fishers (Golani 2006). From December 2012 to October
2014, R. cemiculus was the second most common elasmobranch in Lebanese
fisheries catches after R. rhinobatos (Lteif 2015). In a study of
elasmobranch exploitation in Syria in the early 2000s, R. cemiculus was
characterized as a ``very economically important species being caught
in plentiful quantities and highly consumable'' (Saad et al., 2006).
North of Syria, R. cemiculus is one of the most common
elasmobranchs in fisheries landings in [Idot]skenderun Bay, Turkey (and
more abundant than R. rhinobatos) (Ba[scedil]usta et al., 2012; Keskin
et al., 2011). West of [Idot]skenderun Bay, R. cemiculus was caught
during a 2006 study of shrimp trawl bycatch in Mersin Bay sampling
(Duruer et al., 2008). Rhinobatos rhinobatos, but not R. cemiculus, was
collected in a 2002-2003 survey of the Karata[scedil] Coasts
([Ccedil]i[ccedil]ek et al., 2014). In the Aegean Sea, R. cemiculus is
rare (Corsini-Foka 2009; Filiz et al., 2016). In 2013, two large R.
cemiculus were caught in trawls in [Idot]zmir Bay, Turkey (eastern-
central Aegean), which the authors considered a range expansion for
this species (Akyol & Capap[eacute] 2014). Further expanding the range
of this species, in October 2012 one R. cemiculus was caught near
Bursa, Turkey, in the Sea of Marmara, which connects the Aegean Sea and
the greater Mediterranean to the Black Sea (C. Mancusi, ARPAT, pers.
comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 23 March, 2016), although this record has not
been reported in peer-reviewed literature.
In the Atlantic, north of the Strait of Gibraltar, the only records
we found of this species were from checklists and museum records from
Spain and Portugal (Ba[ntilde][oacute]n et al., 2010; Carneiro et al.,
2014), although Rafrafi-Nouira et al., (2015) noted that north of the
Strait of Gibraltar, R. cemiculus was only known off Portugal. This
species was not reported in the DATRAS data base (ICES 2016),
indicating that they have historically been rare north of the Strait of
Along the Atlantic coast of Africa, this species is found from
Morocco to Angola. It is likely rare in Moroccan waters (Gulyugin et
al., 2006; Serghini et al., 2008). In West Africa, R. cemiculus has
been one of most common and widely distributed elasmobranchs in
Mauritania, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and Sierra Leone,
but it has become scarce throughout most of this portion of its range
in recent decades (Diop & Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). In Mauritania, fishing
pressure has driven declines in the average size of guitarfishes landed
in the Banc d'Arguin National Park from 1998 to 2007, resulting in 95
percent of the landed R. cemiculus being smaller than the size at 50
percent maturity (Diop & Dossa 2011). Restrictions on elasmobranch
fishing in the park have allowed guitarfishes to recover locally, but
they are still exploited throughout the rest of Mauritanian waters (M.
Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016).
In Senegal, guitarfishes are heavily targeted, and this has caused
local declines in both species, with substantial declines reported over
the period of 1990 to 2005 (Diop & Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon,
pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016; Notarbartolo di Sciara
et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007b).
Rhinobatos cemiculus occurs in the waters of Guinea-Bissau off the
mainland and around the Bijag[oacute]s Archipelago, where they are
targeted by fishers (Cross 2015; Fowler & Cavanagh 2005; Kasisi 2004;
Tous et al., 1998). Rhinobatos cemiculus was one of the elasmobranch
species taken in the highest numbers in 1989 during experimental
fishing trips (Diop & Dossa 2011). In the late 1990s, rapid and
substantial declines of R. cemiculus were reported in the
Bijag[oacute]s Archipelago, as specialized and sophisticated fishing
teams targeting elasmobranchs for their fins migrated into the area,
although previously the area had seen almost no elasmobranch fishing
(Tous et al., 1998). In Guinea, just south of Guinea-Bissau, R.
cemiculus is one of the most important fishery species (Diop & Dossa
2011), and it is likely that this species is experiencing declines
similar to those in Guinea, Senegal, and Gambia (M. Ducrocq, Parcs
Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). In Sierra Leone,
this species is one of the most heavily exploited elasmobranchs (Diop &
Dossa 2011). It was recorded from 2008 to 2010 in a survey by the
Sierra Leone Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources as well as in
industrial and artisanal fishery data (Sierra Leone Ministry of
Fisheries and Marine Resources, pers. comm. to M. Miller, NMFS, 11
April, 2016). Rhinobatos cemiculus is likely not common or exploited in
the waters of Cape Verde (Diop & Dossa 2011). Little information about
the status of R. cemiculus was available throughout the rest of this
species' Atlantic range. From January 2009 to December 2010, R.
cemiculus was not recorded in a study of landings by artisanal fishers
based in the Ghanaian villages of Ahwaim and Elmina (Nunoo & Asiedu
2013). Rhinobatos cemiculus is present throughout Gabonese coastal
waters (G. De Bruyne, Wildlife Conservation Society, Mayumba, pers.
comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 26 June, 2016), and it was reported as
bycatch from March 2013 to May 2015 during a study of artisanal
fisheries around Mayumba, Gabon (De Bruyne 2015). No information on
this species was available from Ghana and Gabon prior to these periods
of study. We found no data for R. cemiculus in the following countries
with coastline in this species' range: Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Togo,
Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, S[atilde]o Tom[eacute] and
Pr[iacute]ncipe, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, and Angola.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Two Guitarfish Species
Available information regarding historical, current, and potential
threats to these two guitarfishes was thoroughly reviewed (see Newell
(2016)). We find that the main threat to these species is
overutilization for commercial purposes. This threat is exacerbated by
both species' reproductive behavior. Mature adults, including near-term
pregnant females, congregate in shallow waters to breed and give birth.
This behavior is well understood and exploited by fishers throughout
these species' ranges and exposes both species to capture by most
demersal fishing gear types (Diop & Dossa 2011; Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012). Although information on these species' age
structure and reproductive capacity is incomplete, it is likely that
their reproductive capacity, which may be high compared to some other
elasmobranchs, but low compared to most fished species, increases the
threat of commercial overutilization to both
[[Page 64100]]
species. We find that current regulatory mechanisms contribute to the
extinction risk of both species because they are inadequate to protect
these species from further overutilization. In addition, pollution and
development that modifies coastal habitat may be a threat to these
species' survival, although the specific effects of these threats are
not well studied, so there is significant uncertainty regarding the
contribution of pollution and coastal development to the extinction
risk of these guitarfishes. We summarize information regarding these
threats and their interactions below, with species-specific information
where available, and according to the factors specified in section
4(a)(1) of the ESA. Available information does not indicate that
recreational fishing, disease, predation, or other natural or manmade
factors are operative threats on these species; therefore, we do not
discuss these factors further in this finding. See Newell (2016) for a
full discussion of all ESA section 4(a)(1) threat categories.
Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment of
Habitat or Range
Both R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus have likely been extirpated
from the northwestern Mediterranean. Rhinobatos rhinobatos has likely
been extirpated from the Mediterranean coasts of Spain and France, as
well as the Tyrrhenian, Ligurian, and Adriatic Seas (Bertrand et al.,
2000; Capap[eacute] et al., 2006; Medits 2016a). Rhinobatos cemiculus
may never have occurred in the Mediterranean waters of France, but it
has been extirpated from the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas, the Balearic
Islands, and possibly the Adriatic (it is uncertain if it ever occurred
there) (Akyol & Capap[eacute] 2014; Medits 2016a; Notarbartolo di
Sciara et al., 2007a). Throughout the area where both species have been
extirpated, we found almost no information on the life-history of
either species, including no mention of the presence of different
maturity stages or pregnant females. Based on the lack of available
information, it appears that both species were rare throughout much of
the area where they have been extirpated, with the exception of the
Balearic Islands and the waters off Sicily.
Around the Balearic Islands, both R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus
were frequently observed until at least the early 20th century
(Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al.,
2007b). In the Tyrrhenian Sea, especially around Sicily, Rhinobatos
spp. was common in commercial trawls in the northern Tyrrhenian as late
as the 1960s (Doderlein 1884; Fowler & Cavanagh 2005; Psomadakis et
al., 2009). Both species were present daily at the Palermo (northwest
Sicily) fish market in the late 19th century, where R. rhinobatos was
likely more common than R. cemiculus (Doderlein 1884). The seasonal
influx of R. rhinobatos in Sicilian waters (which may also apply to R.
cemiculus) described by Doderlein (1884) is similar to the seasonal
congregation of breeding adults reported in other portions of both
species' ranges.
Additionally, Doderlein (1884) reported specimens of R. cemiculus
that were 170, 180, and 230 cm TL (the largest being male), indicating
that these individuals were likely mature. However, there was no
discussion of pregnant females, reproduction, or how R. rhinobatos and
R. cemiculus used these areas, so there is significant uncertainty
regarding how the loss of the populations in Sicilian and Balearic
waters, as well as the loss of populations in the rest of the
northwestern Mediterranean, could contribute to the extinction risk of
either species.
Although we found no other evidence of extirpations, the best
available information indicates significant declines of elasmobranchs
in West Africa, with R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus, which were once
common, becoming scarce. This region has already seen the total or near
extirpation of sawfishes and the African wedgefish (Diop & Dossa 2011;
Fowler & Cavanagh 2005). Given the similarity of these species
(relatively large, dorsoventrally flattened, coastal elasmobranchs) to
Rhinobatos spp., and the significant fishing pressure in the area, it
is reasonable to conclude that R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus could
face the threat of range curtailment in West Africa in the foreseeable
Throughout these species' ranges there is not much information
available on the species-specific threats to R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus habitat. However, in the Mediterranean, the decline of
elasmobranch diversity and abundance is well documented, and is
attributed in part to habitat destruction and pollution (Carlini et
al., 2002; Cavanagh & Gibson 2007; Melendez & Macias 2007; Psomadakis
et al., 2009). Mediterranean ecosystems have been shaped by human
actions for millennia, perhaps more so than anywhere else on earth
(Bradai et al., 2012). Large species that use coastal habitat,
especially those species that use these areas as nursery areas (e.g.,
R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus), are particularly vulnerable in areas
of intensive human activity (Cavanagh & Gibson 2007). The semi-enclosed
nature of the Mediterranean increases the effects of pollution and
habitat degradation on elasmobranch species and, as a result, the
status of elasmobranchs may be worse in the Mediterranean than in other
regions of the world (Melendez & Macias 2007; S[eacute]ret & Serena
The Mediterranean Sea receives heavy metals, pesticides, excess
nutrients, and other pollutants in the form of run-off (Melendez &
Macias 2007; Psomadakis et al., 2009). As long-lived predators, large
elasmobranchs are significant bioaccumulators of pollutants (Melendez &
Macias 2007). No information is available on the bioaccumulation of
pollutants in the tissues of Rhinobatos spp. in the Mediterranean Sea,
but other elasmobranchs, such as the spiny dogfish and the gulper
shark, have shown high concentrations of toxins (Melendez & Macias
2007). A study of the accumulation of trace metals cadmium, copper, and
zinc in fish along the Mauritanian coast showed low levels of
bioaccumulation of these metals in the tissues of R. cemiculus compared
to bony fishes. It should be noted that three specimens of R. cemiculus
were the only elasmobranchs collected in this study, and that, in
contrast with the Mediterranean, the trace metals in the area of the
study are thought to be primarily natural in origin (Sidoumou et al.,
Pollution, habitat degradation, and development in the coastal zone
are also of concern in some African countries within these species'
ranges (Diop & Dossa 2011; Kasisi 2004). While pollution is a concern
in portions of both species' ranges, the effects of pollution on
elasmobranchs and marine food webs are not well understood (Melendez &
Macias 2007). We found no information describing how marine pollution
affects Rhinobatos spp., so the contribution of marine pollution to
these species' extinction risk is unknown.
The significant demersal trawling that occurred and continues to
occur throughout the Mediterranean range of the two Rhinobatos species
(Edelist 2014; FAO 2016b; Sacchi 2008), and to a lesser extent
throughout their Atlantic range (Diop & Dossa 2011), has likely altered
seafloor morphology (Puig et al., 2012). In some important reproductive
areas for Rhinobatos spp., such as the southeast coast of Turkey,
intense trawling pressure has occurred over recent decades in depths
less than 70 m ([Ccedil]i[ccedil]ek et al., 2014). However, we found no
information that this habitat modification has had a direct effect on
[[Page 64101]]
the abundance or distribution of these two species. Additionally, trawl
fishing within three nautical miles of the Mediterranean coast has been
prohibited since 2012 in order to protect coastal elasmobranch species
(FAO 2016e).
Some information shows that these species are sensitive to habitat
modification. Psomadakis et al., (2009) attributed the extirpation of
Rhinobatos spp. from the northwestern Mediterranean to the combination
of centuries of human development and fishing pressure. Additionally,
both species returned to the Northern and Southern Tunis Lagoons in
Tunisia after large scale restoration of the area (Mejri et al., 2004).
Prior to restoration, the lagoons had undergone significant
anthropogenic hydrological modification and been extremely polluted
from sewage input and industrial waste (Noppen 2003). After restoration
was completed in 2001, R. cemiculus was recorded for the first time,
and R. rhinobatos, which had previously been rare, became common (Mejri
et al., 2004). Based on the available information, it is likely that
pollution and modification of habitat contribute to the risk of
extirpation of both species from portions of their range. However,
because of the lack of information on the pollution and habitat
modification throughout their entire ranges, and because there is no
information on the direct effects of these threats to either species,
the degree of the contribution of these factors to the extinction risk
of both species is unknown at this time.
Overutilization for Commercial Purposes
The primary threat to both of these species is commercial
overutilization. This threat is difficult to quantify, as fisheries
data on elasmobranch landings throughout both species' ranges has been
drastically underreported (Clarke et al., 2006; Diop & Dossa 2011; FAO
2016a). When elasmobranch catches have been reported, it was generally
not reported at the species level (Bradai et al., 2012; Echwikhi et
al., 2012). However, based on surveys of fishers' knowledge, museum
records, and analysis of scientific surveys of the northern
Mediterranean, it appears that commercial overutilization has been the
main driver of both species' extirpation from the northwestern
Mediterranean, and their decline in abundance in other regions (Baino
et al., 2001; Bertrand et al., 2000; Capap[eacute] et al., 2006;
Carlini et al., 2002; Diop & Dossa 2011; Echwikhi et al., 2012;
Psomadakis et al., 2009).
The overutilization of these species is not concentrated in one
area or fishery. Throughout portions of their ranges, they are, or were
until recently, targeted for their fins, meat, or both (G. De Bruyne,
Wildlife Conservation Society, Mayumba, pers. Comm. to B. Newell, NMFS,
26 June, 2016; Diop & Dossa 2011; Echwikhi et al., 2012). Throughout
their ranges, there is great diversity in fisheries and in the types of
gear used (Diop & Dossa 2011; FAO 2016b). As bycatch, R. cemiculus and
R. rhinobatos are particularly exposed to fishing pressure from
demersal trawl, gillnet, and longline fisheries (Cavanagh & Gibson
2007; Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi et al., 2012; FAO 2016d).
In West Africa, both species have been targeted by the shark fin
fishery, which has led to both species becoming scarce in this region
after a few decades of targeted fishing (Diop & Dossa 2011; Fowler &
Cavanagh 2005). The explosion of the Chinese middle class at the end of
the last century led to a rapid increase in demand for shark fin soup,
a traditional Chinese dish desired for its alleged tonic properties
and, most importantly, because it has served as an indicator of high
societal status for centuries. Shark fins are one of the highest value
seafood products in the world, especially compared to shark meat, which
is widely regarded as low value (Dulvy et al., 2014; Hareide et al.,
2007b). The value and quality of shark fins are judged by the thickness
and length of the ceratotrichia, or fin needles, and based on this
valuation system, guitarfishes have some of the most valuable
elasmobranch fins (Hareide et al., 2007b).
The majority of the commercial harvest information available for
these species in the Atlantic pertains to the FAO Subregional Fisheries
Commission (SRFC) member countries: Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia,
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, and Cape Verde. Outside of the
SRFC countries, we also found information on fisheries in Morocco,
Ghana, and Gabon. We found no data for either species in the following
countries, which have Atlantic coastline that is considered in one or
both species' ranges: France, Spain, Portugal, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire,
Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, S[atilde]o
Tom[eacute] and Pr[iacute]ncipe, Republic of the Congo, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and Angola.
In the SRFC region, elasmobranchs, including R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus, have historically been extremely abundant (Diop & Dossa
2011). Prior to the 1970s, elasmobranchs were primarily taken as
bycatch and processed for sale to meet local demand. There was a small
market for salted and dried elasmobranch meat, based in Ghana that
fueled trade for elasmobranch bycatch through the SRFC region,
including for guitarfishes caught in Senegal and Gambia. However,
compared to other fishery products, shark meat had very low value, so
there was little economic incentive to develop a targeted fishery.
Elasmobranch fishing in the SRFC region began to grow in Senegal and
Gambia in the 1970s, and then, fueled by the growing demand for shark
fins, developed into a robust and unsustainable shark fishery by the
early 1980s. To supply the shark fin export industry, specialized shark
fishing teams became increasingly common in the SRFC region. These
teams of artisanal fishers migrate into new areas along the west coast
of Africa as local elasmobranch resources become locally overexploited
(Diop & Dossa 2011; Ducrocq & Diop 2006). As the fishery became more
migratory, the increase in fishing effort drove the need to maximize
profits, further encouraging the unsustainable, wasteful practice of
finning (Diop & Dossa 2011; Tous et al., 1998). In recent decades the
demand for elasmobranch meat, which was once considered a low value
product, has grown, which provided additional economic incentive for
growth in the shark fishery in the SRFC region (Clarke et al., 2007;
Dent & Clarke 2015).
The SRFC subregion's international elasmobranch fishing industry is
composed of industrial and artisanal fishing vessels, coastal
processing facilities, and a robust trade network. Vessels are owned
both by local fishermen and foreign investors (primarily Spanish).
Owners have financed improvements in fishing technology (e.g. more
advanced boats and nets) as yields have declined. Guitarfishes are also
targeted from shore, such as by fishers using beach-based ```guitar
lines'' in Mauritania. In the SRFC region, elasmobranch fishing effort
steadily increased since the 1970s, with landings peaking in the early
2000s, and then showing a significant and ongoing drop. Throughout the
region (with the exception of Cape Verde, an offshore island nation
where neither species are abundant), ``resources seem to be fully
exploited, if not overexploited, for almost all selachian\1\ species''
(Diop & Dossa 2011; Ducrocq & Diop 2006). Because Rhinobatos spp. have
also been heavily targeted for their highly valuable fins in the SRFC
region for decades, this status of full or overexploitation likely also
[[Page 64102]]
applies to guitarfishes in the SRFC region (Diop & Dossa 2011; M.
Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016).
\1\ i.e. sharks.
In the SRFC region, Diop and Dossa (2011) report the importance of
one or both R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus to local elasmobranch
fisheries in all member countries except Gambia and Cape Verde. Fishers
throughout this region time their fishing activities with the migration
patterns and reproductive behavior of both species, targeting
guitarfishes when they return to the shallows to give birth (Ducrocq &
Diop 2006). In Mauritania, R. cemiculus is one of the three
elasmobranch species taken in highest numbers (Diop & Dossa 2011; M.
Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016).
In Guinea-Bissau and Guinea, R. cemiculus is listed as one of the few
species listed as ``most important landings'' and ``taken in the
highest numbers,'' respectively. In Sierra Leone, ``Rhinobatos spp. and
Dasyatis spp. (stingrays) are found in the highest numbers, both in
terms of weight and number.'' In Senegal, both species, along with
coastal sharks, are the main fisheries targets (Diop & Dossa 2011).
Diatta et al., (2009) also found that guitarfishes were some of the
primary elasmobranchs targeted by the robust artisanal fishery in
Senegal, where finning is prevalent, and these fishes were caught when
they returned to shallow waters to breed.
While the shark fin industry has been the major driver for
elasmobranch declines in the SRFC countries, it is not the sole driver
of overutilization of R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus. The region has
also experienced heavy population shifts in recent decades, primarily
from people migrating to the coast, and this has put increased demand
on all marine resources. Additionally, fisheries reporting in the area
is inadequate, and there is significant bycatch in the industrial
fishing industry (Diop & Dossa 2011). In addition to reported harvest,
since 1980, the African Atlantic coast has experienced extremely high
rates of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, including
in shallow areas where both guitarfish species are vulnerable to
capture (Agnew et al., 2009; Greenpeace 2015).
As a result of the decades of sustained and widespread targeting of
guitarfishes and other elasmobranchs in the SRFC region, combined with
the increasing overall fishing effort, there has been an overall
decrease in catch, with some species, such as sawfishes, lemon sharks
and the African wedgefish, almost completely disappearing (Diop & Dossa
2011), and some species, including guitarfishes, becoming scarce (Diop
& Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS,
21 June, 2016; Ducrocq & Diop 2006). Based on survey and fisher
interview data collected by the IUCN Guinea-Bissau Programme and the
National Centro de Investigacao Pesqueira Applicada, both guitarfishes
were the main targets of specialized fishing teams in Guinea-Bissau,
and landings had declined substantially as of the late 1990s (Fowler &
Cavanagh 2005; Tous et al., 1998). This fishing pressure also drove
down the average size of R. rhinobatos landed (Notarbartolo di Sciara
et al., 2007b). According to unpublished data from the Senegalese
Ministry of Maritime Economy and International Maritime Transportation,
guitarfish landings in Senegal have decreased from 4,050 t in 1998 to
821 t in 2005, with a reduction in the overall size of specimens landed
(Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007a). Diop and Dossa (2011) reported
that, because of overexploitation in the Banc d'Arguin National Park in
Mauritania, 95 percent of landed R. cemiculus were smaller than their
size-at-maturity, which was likely impacting their reproductive
capacity. A ban on shark fishing in Banc d'Arguin National Park has
allowed guitarfishes to recover within the park's boundaries, but both
species are still heavily targeted outside of the park (M. Ducrocq,
Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016).
While Diop and Dossa (2011) characterized one or both species as
being important, or landed in high numbers, in fisheries in Senegal,
Mauritania, and Guinea-Bissau, the authors did not state a time period
for these characterizations. As just discussed, significant declines in
the overall abundance of guitarfishes have been reported in all of
these countries (Diop & Dossa 2011; M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016; Fowler & Cavanagh 2005;
Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al.,
2007b) as well as substantial reported declines in landings of larger,
more fecund, individuals of both species in Guinea-Bissau, Senegal
(Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al.,
2007b) and Mauritania (Diop & Dossa 2011). Similar trends are likely in
Guinea and Gambia (M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers. comm. to J. Shultz,
NMFS, 21 June, 2016). Because of the migratory fisheries in the SRFC
countries, and the reported scarcity of guitarfishes throughout the
area (Diop & Dossa 2011), it is reasonable to assume similar declines
have occurred or will occur in Sierra Leone.
In Morocco, both species are likely rare; they are not targeted,
but at least R. rhinobatos occurs as demersal trawl bycatch
(Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007b). We found no information on the
commercial exploitation of Rhinobatos spp. in Morocco but, in general,
Moroccan fisheries are likely in a state of overexploitation after
years of intense and extremely underreported fishing activity by
foreign vessels (Belhabib et al., 2012b; Jouffre & Inejih 2005). In
Ghana, where the artisanal fishing industry is an important and
entrenched part of the economy, the demand for dried and salted
elasmobranch meat was an early driver of the regional elasmobranch
industry (Diop & Dossa 2011; Ducrocq & Diop 2006; Nunoo & Asiedu 2013),
and R. rhinobatos, but not R. cemiculus, was recently reported in
artisanal fisheries landings (Nunoo & Asiedu 2013). The demersal
fisheries resources of Ghana have been ``operating under stress during
the last decades'' (Nunoo & Asiedu 2013). Artisanal fishers from Ghana,
as well as from neighboring Togo and Benin, have migrated to other
countries' fishing grounds along the west coast of Africa, likely
because fishing grounds in these fishers' countries have been
overexploited, overcrowded, or both (De Bruyne 2015; Diop & Dossa
In Gabon, both species are present in coastal waters, and are
targeted by artisanal fishers using specialized gear for their meat and
to supply the black market fin trade, which is connected to the West
African fin trade. Both species are also targeted by recreational
fishers (G. De Bruyne, Wildlife Conservation Society, Mayumba, pers.
comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 26 June, 2016). In the area of the village of
Mayumba in southwest Gabon, R. cemiculus was the most frequent batoid
species captured by artisanal fishers from 2014 to 2015 (R. rhinobatos
is not mentioned). This catch included no mature females, which was
noted by the author as an indicator that fishing has had a negative
impact on the reproductive capacity of this species in the area.
Although the author noted the absence of pregnant females, he did not
discuss whether pregnant females had previously been recorded in the
area. ``Sea fishing'' began around Mayumba in the 1950s with the
arrival of fishers from Ghana, Benin, and Togo, many of whom had been
crowded out of fishing grounds in the Republic of the Congo. Until
recently, this area experienced unsustainable industrial and IUU
fishing. In this area, there has also long been subsistence fishing by
locals in the
[[Page 64103]]
Banio Lagoon, where sharks and rays were prevalent 30 years ago, but
today are almost impossible to catch (De Bruyne 2015). Based on this
information, it appears that overutilization has caused a decline in
abundance and reproductive capacity of R. cemiculus in at least part of
Gabonese waters.
In contrast with the relatively recent and rapid exploitation of
guitarfishes in the African Atlantic, primarily driven by the demand
for shark fins, finning is not widely practiced in the Mediterranean
(Hareide et al., 2007a; Serena 2005). Instead, in the Mediterranean
these species have been impacted by the centuries of sustained fishing
pressure coupled with recent increases in fishing effort and fishing
technology advances (Ferretti et al., 2008; Psomadakis et al., 2009).
As evidence of both species' decline, R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus
have been listed on Annex II: List of Endangered or Threatened Species
of the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological
Diversity in the Mediterranean (SPA/BD Protocol) of the Barcelona
Convention since 2012. The SPA/BD Protocol prohibits the landing of
these species in the Mediterranean and requires that they ``must be
released unharmed and alive to the highest extent possible.'' We found
no studies on the survival rates of guitarfishes after being released
from fishing gear interactions, so the potential of this requirement to
reduce fishing mortality is unknown.
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
recommendation GFCM/36/2012/3, which is associated with the SPA/BD
Protocol (see Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms), also
prohibits trawling within three nautical miles of the shoreline,
greatly reducing the likelihood that these coastal fish will be caught
as bycatch. Recommendation GFCM/36/2012/3 also prohibits finning and
the landing of elasmobranchs without their heads and skins, thus
protecting these fish from illegal sale (FAO 2016e)(Hareide et al.,
2007a; Serena 2005). We found no information on the current level of
IUU fishing on these species in the Mediterranean, so it is difficult
to assess the impact of these prohibitions. Recent information from
Tunisia, Lebanon, and Egypt indicates that the fisheries in these
countries are inadequately regulated (Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi
et al., 2012; Lteif 2015; A. Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B. Newell,
NMFS, 21 July, 2016; Samy-Kamal 2015).
Regardless of the efficacy of the SPA/BD Protocol prohibitions, the
historical fishing pressure on R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus has
driven declines in abundance throughout much of the Mediterranean
(Baino et al., 2001; Bertrand et al., 2000; Capap[eacute] et al., 2006;
Diop & Dossa 2011; Notarbartolo di Sciara et al., 2007a; Notarbartolo
di Sciara et al., 2007b; Psomadakis et al., 2009). The area has a long
history of fishing pressure, which has not abated in recent decades
(Ferretti et al., 2008). Better technology and increased fishing
effort, including increased benthic continental shelf and slope
trawling over the last 50 years, has resulted in the decline of many
elasmobranch species (Bradai et al., 2012). In the northwestern
Mediterranean, sustained and intensive fishing pressure has been a main
driver of the extirpation of Rhinobatos spp. (Bradai et al., 2012;
Capap[eacute] et al., 2006; Psomadakis et al., 2009; Sacchi 2008). The
highest concentration of fishing vessels in the Mediterranean occurs in
the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Ionian Sea GFCM subregions, which
make up the majority of the current Mediterranean ranges of Rhinobatos
spp. Turkey, which appears to have some of the largest concentrations
of R. cemiculus along its southern coast, also has the most fishing
vessels with 16,447 vessels (17.74 percent of vessels in the
Mediterranean). However, some of these vessels fish in the Black Sea,
where neither species is found, or in the Aegean Sea, where these
species are rare (FAO 2016b).
Between 1970 and 1985, reported Mediterranean and Black Sea
chondrichthyan landings (which includes both guitarfishes) grew from
10,000 t to 25,000 t, and then declined to about 7,000 t annually in
2008 despite growing fishing effort (Bradai et al., 2012; Cavanagh &
Gibson 2007; Hareide et al., 2007). During this time, Tunisia and
Turkey were two of the most prolific Mediterranean elasmobranch fishing
countries. As of 2007, there were six Mediterranean elasmobranchs
affected by targeted fisheries. Historically, many more species had
been targeted or landed in large quantities, but this number has been
reduced because these fisheries are no longer commercially viable
(Cavanagh & Gibson 2007; FAO 2016d; Ferretti et al., 2008). In a few
areas in the Mediterranean, R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus are or were
targeted or considered a valuable secondary catch. Additionally, the
global demand for elasmobranch meat has grown rapidly in recent
decades, with the reported production of meat and fillets growing from
approximately 40,000 tons in 1985 to 121,641 tons in 2004 (Clarke et
al., 2007; Dent & Clarke 2015), potentially providing economic
incentive to retain these species as targeted or incidental catch.
The primary Mediterranean area where R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus
have been fished is the waters of Tunisia, where seasonal artisanal
fishers target elasmobranchs with gillnets and longlines when they move
into shallow waters in the spring and summer (Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012). Rhinobatos spp. meat is sold in local markets
and the skin is used for drumheads by local players (Capape & Zaouali
1994). In Tunisian waters R. cemiculus is landed in greater numbers
than R. rhinobatos (Capape & Zaouali 1994; Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012), although species-specific data and reliable
discard data are largely unavailable (Echwikhi et al., 2012). Data on
fishing vessels are underreported, especially in Tunisia and Morocco.
However, based on the available data, the Tunisian fleet is composed of
12,826 reported vessels, or 14.91 percent of the 92,734 vessels
reported in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, making it the third
largest Mediterranean and Black Sea fishing fleet. Since 1970, when
total fisheries landings in Tunisia were about 25,000 tons, there has
been a steady increase in landings, reaching an average of 101,400 t
from 2000to 2013. Additionally, Tunisia has one of the youngest fishing
fleets in terms of vessel age, indicating a relatively recent increase
in fishing capacity. As is the case throughout the Mediterranean, the
vast majority of the Tunisian fishery is composed of artisanal vessels
(FAO 2016b). While elasmobranch landings have dropped overall in
southern Tunisia (Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi et al., 2012), an
assessment from the Workshop on Stock Assessment of Selected Species of
Elasmobranchs in the GFCM area found that the southern Tunisian R.
cemiculus stock was actually underfished from 2001-2007 (GFMC:SAC
Targeted fishing for guitarfishes in Tunisia likely began in the
1970s to mid-1980s (Capap[eacute] et al., 2004; Echwikhi et al., 2013).
The majority of Tunisian elasmobranch catches have been from the Gulf
of Gab[egrave]s (Brada[iuml] et al., 2006; Echwikhi et al., 2013;
Echwikhi et al., 2012), where general elasmobranch landings and batoid
landings steadily increased during the 1990s, peaked in 2002, and
decreased from 2003 to 2008 (trend data are not available after 2008)
(Echwikhi et al., 2012). Guitarfishes were targeted with special
gillnets called ``garracia,'' with catches peaking in the spring and
[[Page 64104]]
summer when females move into shallow waters to gestate and give birth.
Adults, juveniles, and neonates have also been caught as bycatch in
demersal fish and shrimp trawls (Brada[iuml] et al., 2006). In a study
of elasmobranch gillnet fishing in the Gulf of Gab[egrave]s from 2007
to 2008, R. cemiculus was the most abundant elasmobranch caught. R.
cemiculus and R. rhinobatos were 52 percent and 6.81 percent of the
total elasmobranch catch, respectively. Female R. cemiculus (40 percent
mature) and R. rhinobatos (48 percent mature) were more common than
males. The authors of this study noted that R. cemiculus is
particularly susceptible to capture in bottom gillnets because of its
shape and schooling behavior (Echwikhi et al., 2012).
In recent years, Gulf of Gab[egrave]s fishermen who had targeted
grouper using demersal longlines have shifted to targeting
elasmobranchs as grouper abundance has declined, although in this
fishery elasmobranchs were still reported as bycatch (Echwikhi et al.,
2013). The first study of elasmobranch catches in this longline
fishery, conducted from 2007 to 2008, found that R. cemiculus was the
most abundant elasmobranch, with R. cemiculus and R. rhinobatos
composing 31.7 percent and 11.2 percent of the elasmobranch catch,
respectively. Mature, pregnant females dominated the R. cemiculus
catch, while males and females were about equal for R. rhinobatos, with
slightly more mature individuals than juvenile individuals caught. This
study found that longline fishing effort during this time period was
``considerable'' (Echwikhi et al., 2013). Enajjar et al., (2008) found
a decrease in the overall TL and TL at 50 percent maturity for male and
female R. rhinobatos in southern Tunisia, compared to the results
reported by Capape et al., (1975, 1997). The reported decrease in R.
rhinobatos, compared to the relatively recent GFCM:SAC (2012) stock
assessment that found R. cemiculus was underfished in this area, may
indicate that only the Tunisian population of R. rhinobatos is
experiencing levels of fishing pressure that contribute to its risk of
extinction. There is significant uncertainty with this conclusion
because of the limited information available.
Just east of the Tunisian border, there are artisanal gillnet and
longline elasmobranch fisheries based in Tarwah, Libya, that, as of
2000, primarily targeted sharks of the family Carcharhinidae, with
guitarfishes and angelsharks retained as associate target species
(Lamboeuf et al., 2000). This information was reported in Appendix VI
of Lamboeuf et al., (2000), which provided an example of the project's
database printout, rather than a complete picture of guitarfish
retention in Libya, and we found no additional information on
guitarfish catch in this country. According to the RAC/SPA (2005)
research proposal, guitarfishes have been traditionally consumed in
Libya, and some species that have declined in the greater
Mediterranean, including guitarfishes, are still relatively common in
Libyan waters. The effects of targeted fishing in Libya on the
extinction risk of these species are unknown at this time.
Along the eastern Mediterranean, guitarfishes are illegally
targeted in Lebanon by artisanal fishers. From December 2012 to October
2014, R. rhinobatos was the most common elasmobranch in Lebanese
fisheries catches, followed by R. cemiculus, and both have had
significant economic value. Fishing pressure in Lebanon is greatest in
the north, where it has already impacted elasmobranch diversity (Lteif
2015). In a study of elasmobranch exploitation in Syria in the early
2000s, R. cemiculus was characterized as a ``very economically
important species being caught in plentiful quantities and highly
consumable,'' whereas R. rhinobatos was characterized as a ``moderate
economically important species either for being caught in little
quantities with high efforts in fishing, or for their little demand for
human consumption. Or maybe for both reasons'' (Saad et al., 2006). It
is unclear if R. cemiculus is more common or if there is a higher
demand for its meat over that of R. rhinobatos, but these data indicate
that both species were either targeted or welcomed as secondary catch
in Syria. Overall fisheries landings in Lebanon and Syria increased
since the 1970s, but their reported landings only make a small fraction
of the overall Mediterranean catch (FAO 2016c).
Throughout their entire Mediterranean ranges, R. cemiculus and R.
rhinobatos have long been exposed to pressure as bycatch (Bradai et
al., 2012). Rhinobatos cemiculus is one of the most commonly landed
elasmobranchs in [Idot]skenderun Bay, Turkey (and more abundant than R.
rhinobatos) (Ba[scedil]usta et al., 2012; Keskin et al., 2011), where
the coastal area is heavily fished, exposing mature, breeding
individuals to capture when they migrate to shallow waters
(Ba[scedil]usta et al., 2008). Rhinobatos spp. are not commercially
important species in Turkey (Keskin et al., 2011), but [Ccedil]ek et
al., (2009) reported that R. rhinobatos has been exploited by bottom
trawlers in [Idot]skenderun Bay since 1990, and it is consumed locally.
The same is likely true for R. cemiculus. After Egypt, Turkey has the
highest number of registered trawlers in the Eastern Mediterranean,
with 599 vessels (FAO 2016b). While some of these trawlers are
concentrated in the Black Sea (FAO 2016b), the southeastern waters of
Turkey, including [Idot]skenderun Bay, have been intensely fished for
decades and have shown obvious signs of decline in biodiversity and
fish abundance ([Ccedil]i[ccedil]ek et al., 2014).
In Egypt, Mediterranean fisheries landings have generally been
growing since the 1970s, as fishing technology has advanced and fishing
effort has increased. There have been periods where landings dropped
despite continued increases in fishing efforts (FAO 2016c; Samy-Kamal
2015). As a result there has been an increase in the landings of and
demand for cartilaginous fishes bycatch, with guitarfishes (not
reported at the species level) composing the majority of these
landings, primarily as bycatch from shrimp trawls. Prior to 2005, shark
and ray bycatch were usually discarded. From 2005 to 2006, landings of
cartilaginous fishes jumped from around 500 tons to over 3,000 tons.
Over the last 10 years, this production has remained high, although
recently it decreased from over 3,000 tons annually in 2010 and 2011,
to 1,843 tons in 2014 in spite of sustained fishing effort (A.
Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 21 July, 2016). Most of
the landings in Egypt occur in the Nile Delta region, which is highly
suitable for trawling and includes Alexandria, where R. rhinobatos is
known to aggregate in shallow waters to give birth (Abdel-Aziz et al.,
1993; Samy-Kamal 2015). Within this region, almost 80 percent of the
cartilaginous fish production is landed at two ports, Alexandria and
Borg El Burullus (A. Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 21
July, 2016). Wild-caught fisheries in Egypt have been regulated for
decades, but these regulations have been under-enforced, as the
government has focused on developing the booming aquaculture industry.
Additionally, regulations have not been updated to reflect the GFCM
recommendations, which are apparently also not being enforced. This
lack of enforcement has resulted in rampant IUU fishing in Egyptian
waters, including unsustainable trawling and the use of illegal fishing
gear (Samy-Kamal 2015). The lack of fishing regulations and enforcement
has resulted in widespread declines in Egyptian fisheries, including in
[[Page 64105]]
elasmobranch populations, and is likely also affecting neighboring
countries, as Egyptian fishers are known to illegally fish in Libyan
waters (A. Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 21 July,
In the waters of Cyprus, there was a large increase in coastal
trawl fishing effort in the late 1980s. From 1985 to 1990, there was a
spike in elasmobranch capture, primarily of dogfish, skates, and rays,
followed by a sharp decline in capture after 1990. In response to a
government fishing permit buy-back program, trawling effort has reduced
substantially since the early 2000s (Hadjichristophorou 2006). In
Israel, reported landings are low, approximately at the levels reported
for Syria and Lebanon, and have been decreasing for decades (FAO
2016c), although Edelist (2014) considered the soft-bottomed habitat
off Israel to be under intensive fishing pressure. Guitarfish are
caught as bycatch by local fishermen, but there is little market for
elasmobranch products because they are not kosher, thus their
consumption is forbidden by Jewish law. Elasmobranch species are
primarily caught as bycatch by local fishermen using trawls and bottom
long-lines, and also purse seines and trammel nets (Golani 2006).
Rhinobatos rhinobatos are considered common in the area, while R.
cemiculus is prevalent but less abundant than R. rhinobatos (Edelist
2014; Golani 2006).
The magnitude of the threat to R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus from
commercial overharvest is impossible to fully assess because of the
lack of fisheries data, especially at the species level, from all
countries in which these species occur. However, the best available
information shows (1) fishery driven extirpation of Rhinobatos spp.
from the northwestern Mediterranean (Capap[eacute] et al., 2006;
Psomadakis et al., 2009); (2) decreasing elasmobranch landings due to
decades of technological advances and increased fishing effort
(Cavanagh & Gibson 2007; Diop & Dossa 2011; Melendez & Macias 2007;
S[eacute]ret & Serena 2002); (3) substantial decreases in the abundance
of both species in West Africa (Diop & Dossa 2011); (4) considerable
fishing effort in demersal fisheries concentrated in coastal areas
where both species, especially reproductive individuals, are
particularly vulnerable to capture ([Ccedil]i[ccedil]ek et al., 2014;
Diop & Dossa 2011; Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi et al., 2012; Samy-
Kamal 2015); (5) sustained targeting of these species as commercially
important species (Diop & Dossa 2011; Echwikhi et al., 2013; Echwikhi
et al., 2012; Lteif et al., 2016; Saad et al., 2006); and (6) evidence
of fishery driven size reduction (Diop & Dossa 2011; Enajjar et al.,
2012). Based on this information, we conclude that overharvest from
industrial and artisanal commercial fisheries is contributing
significantly to the extinction risk of both R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus throughout their ranges.
Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
There are some regional and national regulatory mechanisms that
impact the conservation status of these species. In 2009, both species
were listed on SPA/BD Protocol Annex III: List of Species Whose
Exploitation is Regulated, which was adopted under the Barcelona
Convention in 1995 (Bradai et al., 2012). In 2012, both species were
uplisted to Annex II: List of Endangered or Threatened Species (S. de
Benedictis, GFCM Secretariat, pers. comm. to B. Newell, 12, May, 2016).
The protocol charges all parties with identifying and compiling lists
of all endangered or threatened species in their jurisdiction,
controlling or prohibiting (where appropriate) the taking or
disturbance of wild protected species, and coordinating their
protection and recovery efforts for migratory species, among other
measures that are likely less relevant to these species (RAC/SPA 1996).
Currently, all coastal Mediterranean countries where these species
occur are contracting parties to the SPA/BD Protocol (European
Commission 2016). Further, since 2012, both species have been protected
by GFCM recommendation GFCM/36/2012/3. This recommendation prohibits
the finning of elasmobranchs or the beheading or skinning of
elasmobranchs before landing, and it prohibits trawling in the first
three nautical miles off the coast or up to the 50 m isobaths
(whichever comes first). Additionally, Annex II elasmobranch species
cannot be retained on board, transshipped, landed, transferred, stored,
sold or displayed or offered for sale, and must be released unharmed
and alive to the extent possible (GFCM/36/2012/3). Any capture of these
species in the GFCM area of competence, which includes all national and
high seas waters of the Mediterranean and Black Seas (FAO 2016f), is
considered IUU fishing (S. de Benedictis, GFCM Secretariat, pers. comm.
to B. Newell, 12, May, 2016).
In the Mediterranean, the efficacy of these and other protections
is unclear, but it appears that countries have historically been slow
to adopt and enforce the SPA/BD Protocol protections (Serena 2005).
Italy, Greece, and Lebanon have promulgated regulations in accordance
with the SPA/BD Protocol to protect species listed in Annex II (Bradai
et al., 2012; Lteif 2015), Tunisia has restricted the retention of rays
and skates less than 40cm, and all cartilaginous fishes are protected
in Israel (Bradai et al., 2012). In Lebanon, these regulations are
neither being followed nor enforced (Lteif 2015). Historically,
monitoring of the Mediterranean fleet has been negligible (S[eacute]ret
& Serena 2002), and the data on cartilaginous fishes have not been
reported at the species level (Echwikhi et al., 2012; Serena 2005).
Vessel, bycatch, and discard data from artisanal fisheries, which
primarily operate along the coast and make up 80 percent of the vessels
in the Mediterranean, are difficult to obtain and likely underreported
(FAO 2016c, 2016d). Echwikhi et al., (2012) and Echwikhi et al., (2013)
describe the nature of artisanal gillnet and longline fisheries in
Tunisia and the Mediterranean as ``unregulated.'' In Lebanon, Turkey,
and Tunisia the artisanal sector makes up well over 80 percent of the
total vessels, and no data were available for Syria (FAO 2016c),
increasing the likelihood that fisheries in these important portions of
Rhinobatos spp. range are underregulated and catches are underreported.
In Egypt, which is also an important part of the range of at least
R. rhinobatos, the wild catch fisheries are underregulated as the
government has focused most of its resources on supporting the booming
aquaculture industry (Samy-Kamal 2015). This lack of regulation and
enforcement has led to widespread overfishing in Egyptian waters, where
both guitarfish species have been retained as profitable bycatch
species since 2005, and Egyptian fishers are known to illegally fish in
Libyan waters because of the overexploited state of local Egyptian
fisheries. Additionally, the focus on aquaculture production has
resulted in the pollution of coastal brackish lakes, which degrades
coastal ecosystems (A. Marbourk, NOS, pers. comm. to B. Newell, NMFS,
21 July, 2016).
In the Atlantic African countries, as in the Mediterranean,
artisanal fishing makes up a huge, growing proportion of the fishing
activity. Until recently, this fishing sector has lacked species-
specific data and strong management or regulations (De Bruyne 2015;
Diop & Dossa 2011; Nunoo & Asiedu 2013). Along the Atlantic coast of
Africa, all of the SRFC countries have passed regulations that offer
some protection to either or both species. Cape Verde, Guinea, Gambia,
and Sierra Leone have all banned finning. Mauritania has banned all
elasmobranch fishing (except
[[Page 64106]]
for houndshark) in Banc d'Arguin National Park since 2003. Guinea and
Sierra Leone have introduced elasmobranch fishing licenses. Guinea-
Bissau dismantled elasmobranch fishing camps in the Bijagos Archipelago
and banned elasmobranch fishing in all marine protected areas (MPAs).
Senegal established size limits for R. cemiculus (106 cm for males and
100 cm for females). However, all of the SRFC countries lack adequate
technical and financial resources for monitoring and management, and
regulations at the country level are not very strict and lack regional
coordination (Diop & Dossa 2011). Whether these regulatory protections
put in place in the SRFC countries are reducing the extinction risk of
these species is unknown at this time.
In Gabon, a national marine planning effort called ``Gabon Bleu,''
which was established in 2012, seeks to improve management of marine
resources across different stakeholder groups, including artisanal and
industrial fishing. The country's 2005 Fisheries Code had established
regulations that were not being followed, with reported non-compliance
including the disconnection of vessel monitoring systems and the use of
illegal monofilament nets by artisanal fishers. In 2012, under Gabon
Bleu, all fishing activity was suspended, and all fishers who wished to
resume work were required to sign an agreement that clearly defined the
regulations and required their participation in fisheries research.
Several arrests were made as a result of a crackdown on IUU fishing
that included increased surveillance (De Bruyne 2015). Additionally,
both species are considered ``sensitive species'' and cannot be
targeted by fishers. Unfortunately, these regulations have not
eliminated the black market for fins, so guitarfishes are still being
targeted by artisanal fishers and illegally finned by demersal trawl
fishers (G. De Bruyne, Wildlife Conservation Society, Mayumba, pers.
comm. to B. Newell, NMFS, 28 June, 2016). In Mayumba National Park,
only artisanal fishers have been allowed to operate, and sharks are no
longer targeted (De Bruyne 2015). Recent efforts to improve monitoring
of artisanal catches have also been made in Ghana (Nunoo & Asiedu
2013). Republic of the Congo, which shares Gabon's southern border,
banned all shark fishing along its entire coastline in 2001 (Marine
Conservation Institute 2016), although we found no information on the
enforcement of this ban.
IUU fishing by foreign fleets is also a major challenge for
sustainable fisheries management in Africa. The west coast of Africa
has experienced some of the highest amounts of IUU fishing in the world
for decades (Agnew et al., 2009). Historically, EU vessels had fished
unsustainably off African countries (Agnew et al., 2009; Belhabib et
al., 2012a), but recent regulatory updates, such as the reform for the
European Union Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), have curbed these
practices (Greenpeace 2015). Currently, the biggest source of IUU
fishing in Atlantic African waters, in particular the SRFC region, is
China, whose African distant water fishing fleet has swelled from 13
vessels in 1985, to 462 vessels in 2013 (Greenpeace 2015). Chinese
vessels, which negotiate fishing agreements with African countries,
have been documented trawling in shallow prohibited areas,
underreporting catch, using illegal fishing gear, misreporting vessel
specifications (including gross tonnage), and tampering with vessel
monitoring systems (Greenpeace 2015). Currently, it appears that many
West African coastal states lack the regulatory and enforcement
capacity to adequately deal with this issue (Greenpeace 2015).
We found no regulatory information for Morocco, Liberia, Cote
d'Ivoire, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, and Angola. Overall, we found little information on the
effectiveness of the current regulations in countries along the west
coast of Africa and the Mediterranean, so it is difficult to assess how
these regulations are impacting the extinction risk of both species.
However, we do know that in the African Atlantic there has been rapid
growth of unregulated or underregulated exploitation of both species.
In addition, throughout both species' ranges IUU fishing is still
prevalent, and there is an abundance of coastal, artisanal fishers, who
can be difficult to regulate because of the novelty of efforts to
regulate and manage fishers that have long been undermanaged or not
regulated at all. Because of these factors, as well as the high
catchability and low reproductive potential of these species, we
conclude that the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms is
likely contributing significantly to the extinction risk of both R.
rhinobatos and R. cemiculus. Although the 2012 SPA/BD Protocol Annex II
listing and other current regulations may, in time, provide sufficient
protection to reduce these species' risk of extinction, the current
uncertainty associated with the enforcement of these restrictions is
too great to conclude these protections are adequate to prevent
Extinction Risk
Although there is no quantitative analysis of either species'
abundance over time, and data for many demographic characteristics of
R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus are lacking, the best available data
indicate that these species currently face a moderate risk of
extinction due to their inherent demographic vulnerabilities, coupled
with commercial overutilization and the inadequacy of regulations of
commercial fisheries in their ranges. As defined in the status review
(see Newell (2016)), a species is considered to be at a moderate risk
of extinction when it is on a trajectory that puts it at a high level
of extinction risk in the foreseeable future. In this case, we define
the foreseeable future as 15-20 years, which is a reasonable amount of
time to project the continued threat of overutilization as countries
throughout both species' ranges develop and begin to enforce relevant
regulations. Additionally, given the relatively low productivity of
these species, it will likely take more than one generation for these
species to recover. This foreseeable future corresponds roughly to
three generation times of R. cemiculus (Enajjar et al., 2012). In this
case, because of the lack of life-history data, we simply define the
generation time of R. cemiculus as the age when the average female
reaches sexual maturity (5.09 years).
Rhinobatos rhinobatos
The common guitarfish faces demographic risks that significantly
increase its risk of extinction in the foreseeable future. Although
there is no species-specific quantitative analysis of R. rhinobatos
abundance over time, the best available information (including survey
data, interviews with fishers, and anecdotal accounts) indicates that
this species has likely undergone significant declines throughout most
of its range, with no evidence to suggest a reversal of these trends,
with the exception of a few, extremely localized examples. Based on
survey data and historical records, this species once occurred
throughout the entire coastal northwestern Mediterranean, including as
a common species off the Balearic Islands and Sicily, but it has been
extirpated for decades throughout this entire area. In the
Mediterranean, strong fishing pressure on this species, both as a
targeted species and as bycatch, likely still occurs in Tunisia,
Lebanon, southeast Turkey, Egypt, and Libya. In Africa, substantial and
relatively recent declines have occurred in Mauritania, Senegal,
Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, and Sierra Leone, all countries where this
[[Page 64107]]
species was one of the most common elasmobranch species only a few
decades ago. This species is also targeted illegally for its fins in
Gabon, and IUU fishing is likely rampant throughout most of its African
Atlantic range.
The limited productivity data on R. rhinobatos suggests this
species may be relatively fast-growing and productive compared to other
elasmobranchs. However, compared to most fished species, such as bony
fishes, this species is slow-growing and has low productivity.
Additionally, aspects of this species' reproductive strategy make it
inherently vulnerable to overexploitation. This species is long-lived,
and larger, older individuals are the most productive. Because this
species migrates into shallow waters to give birth and breed, the
breeding population of this species is very vulnerable to fishing
capture and, as a result, a decline of the average size at maturity and
rate of maturity in catches has been reported in many of the portions
of this species' range where data are available. Information on spatial
structure, connectivity, and diversity is unavailable for this species.
However, differences in maximum TL, size at maturity, and reproductive
timing throughout this species' range, combined with evidence of
extirpated populations from areas that have not been recolonized after
decades, suggest there may be isolated populations that contribute to
the genetic diversity of this species.
In conclusion, although there is significant uncertainty regarding
the current abundance of this species, the best available information
indicates that the species has suffered substantial declines in many
portions of its range where it was once common. Throughout almost all
of this species' range, the threat of overutilization from industrial
and artisanal fishing continues. Given the past evidence of fishery-
driven extirpation in areas where this species was once common, and the
still-practiced targeting of mature, breeding individuals, which has
likely reduced the reproductive potential of these species, we find
that continued fishing pressure poses a significant risk of endangering
this species with extinction in the foreseeable future. Additionally,
the regulations and conservation measures in place are likely
inadequate to reverse the decline of this species. In summary, based on
the best available information and the above analysis, we conclude that
R. rhinobatos is presently at a moderate risk of extinction throughout
its range.
Rhinobatos cemiculus
The blackchin guitarfish faces demographic risks that significantly
increase its risk of extinction in the foreseeable future. Although
there is no species-specific quantitative analysis of R. cemiculus
abundance over time, the best available information (including survey
data, interviews with fishers, and anecdotal accounts) indicates that
this species has likely undergone significant declines throughout most
of its range, with no evidence to suggest a reversal of these trends,
with the exception of a few, extremely localized examples. Based on
survey data and historical records, this species once occurred
throughout much of the coastal northwestern Mediterranean, likely as a
common species off the Balearic Islands and Sicily, but it has been
extirpated for decades throughout this entire area. In the
Mediterranean, strong fishing pressure on this species, both as a
targeted species and as bycatch, likely still occurs in Tunisia,
Lebanon, southeast Turkey, Egypt, and Libya. In Africa, substantial and
relatively recent declines have occurred in Mauritania, Senegal,
Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, and Sierra Leone, all countries where this
species was one of the most common elasmobranch species only a few
decades ago. This species is also targeted illegally for its fins in
Gabon, and IUU fishing is likely rampant throughout most of its African
Atlantic range.
The limited productivity data on R. cemiculus suggests this species
may be relatively fast-growing and productive compared to other
elasmobranchs. However, compared to most fished species, such as bony
fishes, this species is slow-growing and has low productivity.
Additionally, aspects of this species' reproductive strategy make it
inherently vulnerable to overexploitation. This species is long-lived
and larger, older individuals are the most productive. Because this
species migrates into shallow waters to give birth and breed, the
breeding population of this species is very vulnerable to fishing
capture and, as a result, a decline of the average size at maturity and
rate of maturity in catches has been reported in many of the portions
of this species' range where data are available. Information on spatial
structure, connectivity, and diversity is unavailable for this species.
However, differences in maximum TL, size at maturity, and reproductive
timing throughout this species' range, combined with evidence of
extirpated populations from areas that have not been recolonized after
decades, suggest there may be isolated populations that contribute to
the genetic diversity of this species.
In conclusion, although there is significant uncertainty regarding
the current abundance of this species, the best available information
indicates that the species has suffered substantial declines in many
portions of its range where it was once common. Throughout almost all
of this species' range, the threat of overutilization from industrial
and artisanal fishing continues. Given the past evidence of fishery
driven extirpation in areas where this species was once common, and the
still-practiced targeting of mature, breeding individuals, which has
likely reduced the reproductive potential of this species, we find that
continued fishing pressure poses a significant risk of endangering this
species with extinction in the foreseeable future. Additionally, the
regulations and conservation measures in place are likely inadequate to
reverse the decline of this species. In summary, based on the best
available information and the above analysis, we conclude that R.
cemiculus is presently at a moderate risk of extinction throughout its
Conservation Efforts
Throughout the ranges of R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus, we found
no efforts that are dedicated specifically to the conservation of these
species. However, there are some efforts in portions of their ranges
that may have a positive effect on the status of these species. These
include recently developed management plans and protections from
harvest and habitat modification in national parks and MPAs.
All SRFC countries except Gambia have adopted, or integrated into
their fisheries management plans, a National Plan of Action for the
Conservation and Management of Sharks (NPOA-Sharks) as part of the Sub-
Regional Plan of Action for the Conservation of Sharks (SRPOA-Sharks)
(Diop & Dossa 2011). With assistance from the International Union for
the Conservation of Nature's Shark Specialist Group (IUCNSSG), these
plans were developed under the recommendations of the FAO International
Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (IPOA-
SHARKS). IPOA-SHARKS seeks to ensure conservation and sustainable
management of sharks with emphasis on quality data collection for
management purposes (IUCNSSG 2016). In the SRFC, these plans are still
in the early stage of implementation, and it remains to be seen how
effective they will be in
[[Page 64108]]
minimizing the extinction risk of R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus.
Additionally, all of the SRFC countries lack adequate technical and
financial resources for monitoring and management, and regulations at
the country level are not very strict and lack regional coordination
(Diop & Dossa 2011). There are no NPOA-Sharks developed for the other
African nations in these species' Atlantic ranges (IUCNSSG 2016). All
European countries have adopted the EU Plan of Action (EUPOA Sharks)
but we could find little information on conservation actions associated
with this plan.
The GFMC is one of the only FAO Regional Fisheries Management
Organizations (RMFOs) with the competence to adopt spatial management
measures in the high seas. However, many of these protections have
focused on the deep sea (FAO 2016e), offering little conservation value
to either species. In the early 2000s, Cyprus initiated a fishing
license buy-back program, which likely reduced trawl impact on these
species (Hadjichristophorou 2006), although we found little information
on either species' status in Cyprian waters, so we cannot evaluate the
conservation benefit of this action.
The Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/
SPA) and the Network of Marine Protection Area Managers in the
Mediterranean (MedPAN) have been working with a diverse network of
partners to establish a network of well-connected, well-managed MPAs
that protect at least 10 percent of the Mediterranean Sea while
representing the sea's biodiversity (Gabri[eacute] et al., 2012). The
Gabri[eacute] et al., (2012) report, entitled ``The Status of Marine
Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Sea,'' found that, as of 2012,
only 4.6 percent of the Mediterranean surface (114,600 km\2\) was
protected by MPAs, with these areas mostly concentrated in the coastal
zone, predominantly in the northern basin where these species are rare
or have been extirpated. Two Mediterranean ecoregions that are
important to both species, the Tunisian plateau and the Levantine Sea,
were found to be ``markedly under-represented.'' Management of MPAs
throughout the Mediterranean was found to be weak, with many MPAs
lacking dedicated managers and management plans and financial
resources, and having a low surveillance levels, with only northwestern
MPAs reporting a sufficient budget to effectively manage. Additionally,
the level of ecosystem protection varies throughout the Mediterranean
MPAs. For example, most are not ``no-take'' zones, so artisanal and
recreational fishers still have access to many protected areas.
There are also MPAs on the West Coast of Africa that might impact
or have already impacted the status of these two guitarfish species. In
the Banc d'Arguin National Park in Mauritania, the use of specialized
gear such as guitarfish nets as well as the targeting of shark and ray
species has been prohibited since 2003 (Diop & Dossa 2011). This
allowed the local guitarfish populations to recover, but both species
are still targeted outside of the park (M. Ducrocq, Parcs Gabon, pers.
comm. to J. Shultz, NMFS, 21 June, 2016). Guinea-Bissau has banned
shark fishing in all of its MPAs, including the Bijagos Archipelago,
which includes important areas for both species (Cross 2015; Diop &
Dossa 2011). Mayumba National Park in Gabon, where at least R.
cemiculus is found, has recently implemented gear restrictions and no
longer allows industrial fishing (De Bruyne 2015). There are also other
MPAs that dot the west coast of Africa, but they collectively cover
only a small fraction of both species' ranges (MPAtlas 2016).
Proposed Determination
There is significant uncertainty regarding the status of the
current populations of both R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus, but both
species may still be relatively common, although very likely below
their historical population levels, in Tunisia, Israel, Lebanon, Syria,
and southeastern Turkey. Based on this information, and the best
available scientific and commercial information, as summarized here and
in Newell (2015), we find that neither Rhinobatos species is currently
at high risk of extinction throughout their entire ranges. However,
both species are at moderate risk of extinction. We assessed the ESA
section 4(a)(1) factors and conclude that R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus face ongoing threats of overutilization by fisheries and
inadequate existing regulatory mechanisms throughout their ranges. Both
species have also suffered a curtailment of a large portion of their
historical ranges. These species' natural biological vulnerability to
overexploitation and present demographic risks (declining abundance,
decreasing size of reproductive individuals, and low productivity) are
currently exacerbating the negative effects of these threats. Further,
ongoing conservation efforts are not adequate to improve the status of
these species. Thus, both species are likely to become endangered
throughout their ranges in the foreseeable future. We therefore propose
to list both species as threatened under the ESA.
Effects of Listing
Conservation measures provided for species listed as endangered or
threatened under the ESA include recovery plans (16 U.S.C. 1533(f));
concurrent designation of critical habitat, if prudent and determinable
(16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(3)(A)) and consistent with implementing regulations;
Federal agency requirements to consult with NMFS under section 7 of the
ESA to ensure their actions do not jeopardize the species or result in
adverse modification or destruction of critical habitat should it be
designated (16 U.S.C. 1536); and, for endangered species, prohibitions
on taking (16 U.S.C. 1538). Recognition of the species' plight through
listing promotes conservation actions by Federal and state agencies,
foreign entities, private groups, and individuals.
Identifying Section 7 Conference and Consultation Requirements
Section 7(a)(2) (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) of the ESA and NMFS/USFWS
regulations require Federal agencies to consult with us to ensure that
activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of listed species or destroy or
adversely modify critical habitat. Section 7(a)(4) (16 U.S.C.
1536(a)(4)) of the ESA and NMFS/USFWS regulations also require Federal
agencies to confer with us on actions likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of species proposed for listing, or that result in
the destruction or adverse modification of proposed critical habitat of
those species. It is unlikely that the listing of these species under
the ESA will increase the number of section 7 consultations, because
these species occur outside of the United States and are unlikely to be
affected by Federal actions.
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1532(5)) as: (1) The specific areas within the geographical area
occupied by a species, at the time it is listed in accordance with the
ESA, on which are found those physical or biological features (a)
essential to the conservation of the species and (b) that may require
special management considerations or protection; and (2) specific areas
outside the geographical area occupied by a species at the time it is
listed upon a determination that such areas are essential for the
conservation of the
[[Page 64109]]
species. ``Conservation'' means the use of all methods and procedures
needed to bring the species to the point at which listing under the ESA
is no longer necessary (16 U.S.C. 1532(3)). Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the
ESA (16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(3)(A)) requires that, to the extent prudent and
determinable, critical habitat be designated concurrently with the
listing of a species. However, critical habitat shall not be designated
in foreign countries or other areas outside U.S. jurisdiction (50 CFR
The best available scientific and commercial data as discussed
above identify the geographical areas occupied by R. rhinobatos and R.
cemiculus as being entirely outside U.S. jurisdiction, so we cannot
designate critical habitat for these species.
Identification of Those Activities That Would Constitute a Violation of
Section 9 of the ESA
On July 1, 1994, NMFS and FWS published a policy (59 FR 34272) that
requires NMFS to identify, to the maximum extent practicable at the
time a species is listed, those activities that would or would not
constitute a violation of section 9 of the ESA. Because we are
proposing to list the R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus as threatened, no
prohibitions of section 9(a)(1) of the ESA will apply to these species.
Protective Regulations Under Section 4(d) of the ESA
We are proposing to list R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus as
threatened under the ESA. In the case of threatened species, ESA
section 4(d) leaves it to the Secretary's discretion whether, and to
what extent, to extend the section 9(a) ``take'' prohibitions to the
species, and authorizes us to issue regulations necessary and advisable
for the conservation of the species. Thus, we have flexibility under
section 4(d) to tailor protective regulations, taking into account the
effectiveness of available conservation measures. The section 4(d)
protective regulations may prohibit, with respect to threatened
species, some or all of the acts which section 9(a) of the ESA
prohibits with respect to endangered species. These section 9(a)
prohibitions apply to all individuals, organizations, and agencies
subject to U.S. jurisdiction. Because neither species has ever occupied
U.S. waters, and the United States has no known commercial or
management interest in either species, we propose to not apply any
section 9(a) prohibitions to either species.
Public Comments Solicited
To ensure that any final action resulting from this proposed rule
to list the R. rhinobatos and R. cemiculus as threatened will be as
accurate and effective as possible, we are soliciting comments and
information from the public, other concerned governmental agencies, the
scientific community, industry, and any other interested parties on
information in the status review and proposed rule. Comments are
encouraged on these proposals (See DATES and ADDRESSES). We must base
our final determination on the best available scientific and commercial
information. We cannot, for example, consider the economic effects of a
listing determination. Before finalizing this proposed rule, we will
consider the comments and any additional information we receive, and
such information may lead to a final regulation that differs from this
proposal or result in a withdrawal of this listing proposal. We
particularly seek:
(1) Information concerning the threats to the Rhinobatos species
proposed for listing;
(2) Taxonomic information on the species;
(3) Biological information (life history, genetics, population
connectivity, etc.) on the species;
(4) Efforts being made to protect the species throughout their
current ranges;
(5) Information on the commercial trade of the species;
(6) Historical and current distribution and abundance and trends
for the species; and
(7) Any of the above information on either or both species from the
following countries, from which we have very little information:
Morocco, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon,
Equatorial Guinea, S[atilde]o Tom[eacute] and Pr[iacute]ncipe, Republic
of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Algeria, and
We request that all information be accompanied by: (1) Supporting
documentation, such as maps, bibliographic references, or reprints of
pertinent publications; and (2) the submitter's name, address, and any
association, institution, or business that the person represents.
Role of Peer Review
In December 2004, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review establishing a
minimum peer review standard. We solicited peer review comments on the
draft common guitarfish and blackchin guitarfish status review report
(Newell (2016)) from three scientists familiar with both guitarfish
species. We received and reviewed these peer review comments, and
incorporated them into both the draft status review report for the
common guitarfish and blackchin guitarfish and this proposed rule. Peer
reviewer comments on the draft status review are summarized in the peer
review report, which is available at: https://www.cio.noaa.gov/services_programs/prplans/PRsummaries.html.
A complete list of references used in this proposed rule is
available upon request (see ADDRESSES).
National Environmental Policy Act
The 1982 amendments to the ESA, in section 4(b)(1)(A), restrict the
information that may be considered when assessing species for listing.
Based on this limitation of criteria for a listing decision and the
opinion in Pacific Legal Foundation v. Andrus, 675 F. 2d 825 (6th Cir.
1981), NMFS has concluded that ESA listing actions are not subject to
the environmental assessment requirements of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA).
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Flexibility Act, and Paperwork
Reduction Act
As noted in the Conference Report on the 1982 amendments to the
ESA, economic impacts cannot be considered when assessing the status of
a species. Therefore, the economic analysis requirements of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act are not applicable to the listing process.
In addition, this proposed rule is exempt from review under Executive
Order 12866. This proposed rule does not contain a collection-of-
information requirement for the purposes of the Paperwork Reduction
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
In accordance with E.O. 13132, we determined that this proposed
rule does not have significant federalism effects and that a federalism
assessment is not required. In keeping with the intent of the
Administration and Congress to provide continuing and meaningful
dialogue on issues of mutual state and Federal interest, this proposed
rule will be given to the relevant governmental agencies in the
countries in which the species occurs, and they will be invited to
comment. We will confer with the U.S. Department of State to ensure
appropriate notice is given to all foreign nations within the ranges of
both species. As the process continues, we
[[Page 64110]]
intend to continue engaging in informal and formal contacts with the
U.S. State Department, giving careful consideration to all written and
oral comments received.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 223
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports,
Dated: September 12, 2016.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, we propose to amend 50 CFR
part 223 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 223 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531-1543; subpart B, Sec. 223.201-202
also issued under 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 5503(d) for
Sec. 223.206(d)(9).
2. In Sec. 223.102, paragraph (e), add entries for two species in
alphabetical order by common name under the ``Fishes'' table subheading
to read as follows:
Sec. 223.102 Enumeration of threatened marine and anadromous species.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
Species \1\
----------------------------------------------------------------- Citation(s) for Critical
Description of listing habitat ESA Rules
Common name Scientific name listed entity determination(s)
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Guitarfish, blackchin........ Rhinobatos Entire species. [Federal Register NA NA
cemiculus. citation and date
when published as a
final rule].
Guitarfish, common........... Rhinobatos Entire species. [Federal Register NA NA
rhinobatos. citation and date
when published as a
final rule].
* * * * * * *
\1\ Species includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement,
see 61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56
FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2016-22450 Filed 9-16-16; 8:45 am]