Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection; eComments Requested; Approval of a New Collection; Assessing Potential Benefits of Accessible Web Content for Individuals Who Are Blind, 61251-61252 [2016-21298]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 6, 2016 / Notices Controlled substance Schedule Tetrahydrocannabinols (7370) ..... Amphetamine (1100) .................... Lisdexamfetamine (1205) ............. Methylphenidate (1724) ................ Pentobarbital (2270) ..................... 4-Anilino-N-phenethyl-4-piperidine (ANPP) (8333) .............................. Meperidine (9230) ........................ Fentanyl (9801) ............................ I II II II II II The company plans to manufacture bulk controlled substances for use in product development and for distribution to its customers. In reference to drug codes 7360 (marihuana) and 7370 (THC), the company plans to bulk manufacture these drugs as synthetics. No other activities for these drug codes are authorized for this registration. Louis J. Milione, Deputy Assistant Administrator. [FR Doc. 2016–21242 Filed 9–2–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410–09–P DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE [OMB Number 1117–0010] Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection, eComments Requested; Extension Without Change of a Previously Approved Collection U.S. Official Order Forms for Schedules I and II Controlled Substances DEA Form 222 Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice. ACTION: 30-day notice. AGENCY: The Department of Justice (DOJ), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), will submit the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This proposed information collection was previously published in the Federal Register at 81 FR 42726, June 30, 2016, allowing for a 60 day comment period. DATES: Comments are encouraged and will be accepted for an additional 30 days until October 6, 2016. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have comments on the estimated public burden or associated response time, suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information collection instrument with instructions or additional information, please contact Michael J. Lewis, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration; Mailing Address: 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:04 Sep 02, 2016 Jkt 238001 Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information are encouraged. Your comments should address one or more of the following four points: —Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; —Evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; —Evaluate whether and if so how the quality, utility, and clarity of the information proposed to be collected can be enhanced; and —Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: II II SUMMARY: 22152; Telephone: (202) 598–6812 or sent to OIRA_submissions@ Overview of This Information Collection Frm 00071 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 states it ‘‘shall be unlawful for any person to distribute a controlled substance in schedules I or II to another except in pursuance of a written order of the person to whom such substance is distributed, made on a form to be issued by the Attorney General in blank in accordance with subsection (d) of this section..’’ 21 U.S.C. 828(a). 5. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: The DEA estimates that 125,435 registrants participate in this information collection, taking an estimated 11.6 hours per registrant annually. 6. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the proposed collection: The DEA estimates that this collection takes 1,453,348 annual burden hours. If additional information is required please contact: Jerri Murray, Department Clearance Officer, United States Department of Justice, Justice Management Division, Policy and Planning Staff, Two Constitution Square, 145 N Street NE., Suite 3E.405B, Washington, DC 20530. Dated: August 31, 2016. Jerri Murray, Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S. Department of Justice. [FR Doc. 2016–21297 Filed 9–2–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410–09–P 1. Type of Information Collection: Extension of a currently approved collection. 2. Title of the Form/Collection: U.S. Official Order Forms for Schedules I and II Controlled Substances. 3. The agency form number, if any, and the applicable component of the Department sponsoring the collection: DEA Form: 222. The applicable component within the Department of Justice is the Drug Enforcement Administration, Office of Diversion Control. 4. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Affected public (Primary): Business or other for-profit. Affected public (Other): Not-for-profit institutions; Federal, State, local, and tribal governments. Abstract: The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. 801–971) establishes a closed system of distribution for controlled substances. To this end, controlled substances are closely monitored and tightly regulated as they are distributed through the supply chain. One tool that helps to maintain the closed system of distribution is the CSA provision that PO 00000 61251 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE [OMB Number 1190–NEW] Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection; eComments Requested; Approval of a New Collection; Assessing Potential Benefits of Accessible Web Content for Individuals Who Are Blind Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice. ACTION: 30-day notice. AGENCY: The Department of Justice (DOJ), Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section, will submit the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). This proposed information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on June 30, 2016 at 81 FR 43249, on July 1, 2016, allowing for a 60 day public comment period. DATES: Comments are encouraged and will be accepted for an additional 30 days until October 6, 2016. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\06SEN1.SGM 06SEN1 61252 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 6, 2016 / Notices If you have additional comments (especially on the estimated public burden or associated response time), suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information collection instrument with instructions or additional information, please contact Rebecca B. Bond, Chief, Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, by any one of the following methods: By email at; by regular U.S. mail at Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, P.O. Box 2885, Fairfax, VA 22031–0885; by overnight mail, courier, or hand delivery at Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 1425 New York Avenue NW., Suite 4039, Washington, DC 20005; or by phone at (800) 514– 0301 (voice) or (800) 514–0383 (TTY) (the DRS Information Line). Written comments and/or suggestions can also be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention Department of Justice Desk Officer, Washington, DC 20503 or sent to OIRA_ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information are encouraged. Your comments should address one or more of the following four points: —Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the function of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; —Evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; —Evaluate whether and if so how the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected can be enhanced; and —Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. Accessible Web Content for Individuals Who Are Blind. 3. The agency form number, if any, and the applicable component of the Department sponsoring the collection: Form Number: None. Component: The applicable component within the Department of Justice is the Disability Rights Section in the Civil Rights Division. 4. Affected public who will be asked to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Affected public (Primary): Individuals who are blind. Affected Public (Other): None. Abstract: DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section, is requesting PRA approval of a new information collection to assess potential benefits of accessible Web content to individuals who are blind and to inform future rulemaking under the Americans with Disabilities Act. DOJ proposes to have respondents who are blind interact with Web content that has high accessibility and low accessibility to assess any time savings that people who are blind experience when interacting with accessible Web content. The collection will also request additional information regarding challenges, if any, experienced by respondents while interacting with inaccessible Web content. 5. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: An estimated 30 respondents will participate at three hours per respondent. All of the respondents will fully complete the collection. 6. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: The estimated public burden associated with this collection is 90 hours. It is estimated that respondents will take an average of three hours to complete the process. The burden hours for collecting respondent data sum to 90 hours (30 respondents × 3 hours = 90 hours). If additional information is required contact: Jerri Murray, Department Clearance Officer, United States Department of Justice, Justice Management Division, Policy and Planning Staff, Two Constitution Square, 145 N Street NE., 3E.405B, Washington, DC 20530. Overview of This Information Collection Dated: August 31, 2016. Jerri Murray, Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S. Department of Justice. mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 1. Type of Information Collection: New information collection. 2. The Title of the Form/Collection: Assessing Potential Benefits of VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:04 Sep 02, 2016 Jkt 238001 [FR Doc. 2016–21298 Filed 9–2–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410–13–P PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Office of Justice Programs [OMB Number 1121–0184] Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection eComments Requested; Revision of Currently Approved Collection: 2017 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice. ACTION: 30-Day notice. AGENCY: The Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This proposed information collection was previously published in the Federal Register at 81 FR 42727, on June 30, 2016, allowing for a 60 day comment period. DATES: Comments are encouraged and will be accepted for 30 days until October 6, 2016. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have additional comments especially on the estimated public burden or associated response time, suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information collection instrument with instructions or additional information, please contact Rachel Morgan, Statistician, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street NW., Washington, DC 20531 (email:; telephone: 202–616–1707). Written comments and/ or suggestions can also be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention Department of Justice Desk Officer, Washington, DC 20530 or sent to OIRA_submissions@ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information are encouraged. Your comments should address one or more of the following four points: —Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, including whether the information will have practical utility; —Evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\06SEN1.SGM 06SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 172 (Tuesday, September 6, 2016)]
[Pages 61251-61252]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-21298]



[OMB Number 1190-NEW]

Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection; 
eComments Requested; Approval of a New Collection; Assessing Potential 
Benefits of Accessible Web Content for Individuals Who Are Blind

AGENCY: Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice.

ACTION: 30-day notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Justice (DOJ), Civil Rights Division, 
Disability Rights Section, will submit the following information 
collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for 
review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1995 (PRA). This proposed information collection was previously 
published in the Federal Register on June 30, 2016 at 81 FR 43249, on 
July 1, 2016, allowing for a 60 day public comment period.

DATES: Comments are encouraged and will be accepted for an additional 
30 days until October 6, 2016.

[[Page 61252]]

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have additional comments 
(especially on the estimated public burden or associated response 
time), suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information 
collection instrument with instructions or additional information, 
please contact Rebecca B. Bond, Chief, Disability Rights Section, Civil 
Rights Division, by any one of the following methods: By email at; by regular U.S. mail at Disability Rights Section, 
Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, P.O. Box 2885, 
Fairfax, VA 22031-0885; by overnight mail, courier, or hand delivery at 
Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of 
Justice, 1425 New York Avenue NW., Suite 4039, Washington, DC 20005; or 
by phone at (800) 514-0301 (voice) or (800) 514-0383 (TTY) (the DRS 
Information Line). Written comments and/or suggestions can also be 
directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information 
and Regulatory Affairs, Attention Department of Justice Desk Officer, 
Washington, DC 20503 or sent to

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Written comments and suggestions from the 
public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of 
information are encouraged. Your comments should address one or more of 
the following four points:

--Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary 
for the proper performance of the function of the agency, including 
whether the information will have practical utility;
--Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used;
--Evaluate whether and if so how the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected can be enhanced; and
--Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are 
to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic 
submission of responses.

Overview of This Information Collection

    1. Type of Information Collection: New information collection.
    2. The Title of the Form/Collection: Assessing Potential Benefits 
of Accessible Web Content for Individuals Who Are Blind.
    3. The agency form number, if any, and the applicable component of 
the Department sponsoring the collection:
    Form Number: None.
    Component: The applicable component within the Department of 
Justice is the Disability Rights Section in the Civil Rights Division.
    4. Affected public who will be asked to respond, as well as a brief 
    Affected public (Primary): Individuals who are blind.
    Affected Public (Other): None.
    Abstract: DOJ's Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section, 
is requesting PRA approval of a new information collection to assess 
potential benefits of accessible Web content to individuals who are 
blind and to inform future rulemaking under the Americans with 
Disabilities Act. DOJ proposes to have respondents who are blind 
interact with Web content that has high accessibility and low 
accessibility to assess any time savings that people who are blind 
experience when interacting with accessible Web content. The collection 
will also request additional information regarding challenges, if any, 
experienced by respondents while interacting with inaccessible Web 
    5. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of 
time estimated for an average respondent to respond: An estimated 30 
respondents will participate at three hours per respondent. All of the 
respondents will fully complete the collection.
    6. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated 
with the collection: The estimated public burden associated with this 
collection is 90 hours. It is estimated that respondents will take an 
average of three hours to complete the process. The burden hours for 
collecting respondent data sum to 90 hours (30 respondents x 3 hours = 
90 hours).
    If additional information is required contact: Jerri Murray, 
Department Clearance Officer, United States Department of Justice, 
Justice Management Division, Policy and Planning Staff, Two 
Constitution Square, 145 N Street NE., 3E.405B, Washington, DC 20530.

    Dated: August 31, 2016.
Jerri Murray,
Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S. Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. 2016-21298 Filed 9-2-16; 8:45 am]
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