Public Comment Draft for the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Assessment of Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE), 60351-60352 [2016-21005]

Download as PDF asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 170 / Thursday, September 1, 2016 / Notices 400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ, Room 2E–347, Washington, DC 20202–4537. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For specific questions related to collection activities, please contact Joanne Bogart, 202–205–7855. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of Education (ED), in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed, revised, and continuing collections of information. This helps the Department assess the impact of its information collection requirements and minimize the public’s reporting burden. It also helps the public understand the Department’s information collection requirements and provide the requested data in the desired format. ED is soliciting comments on the proposed information collection request (ICR) that is described below. The Department of Education is especially interested in public comment addressing the following issues: (1) Is this collection necessary to the proper functions of the Department; (2) will this information be processed and used in a timely manner; (3) is the estimate of burden accurate; (4) how might the Department enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (5) how might the Department minimize the burden of this collection on the respondents, including through the use of information technology. Please note that written comments received in response to this notice will be considered public records. Title of Collection: Study of School Climate Transformation Grants. OMB Control Number: 1875–NEW. Type of Review: A new information collection. Respondents/Affected Public: State, Local, and Tribal Governments. Total Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 89. Total Estimated Number of Annual Burden Hours: 127. Abstract: This study examines how state departments of education and school districts that have received multiple federal grants coordinate the activities across those grants. U.S. Department of Education-funded School Climate Transformation Grants aim to improve school safety by supporting schools in the implementation of an evidence-based, multi-tiered system of behavioral support. Department of Health and Human Services-supported Project AWARE grants aim to increase access to mental health services by training adults to notice signs of VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:14 Aug 31, 2016 Jkt 238001 behavioral health distress and intervene appropriately. Department of Justicefunded School Justice Collaboration Program grants supports courts’ collaboration with schools to implement diversion and similar programs to minimize juvenile detention. The study will explore the nature of coordination across grants, the perceived value of coordination, and challenges and lessons learned. Dated: August 29, 2016. Kate Mullan, Acting Director, Information Collection Clearance Division, Office of the Chief Privacy Officer, Office of Management. [FR Doc. 2016–21042 Filed 8–31–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4000–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 60351 register for this meeting and to review the agenda for this meeting, please visit FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for further information should be sent to consentbasedsiting@ or to Michael Reim at 202– 586–2981. Updated information including registration links and meeting information will be posted at Privacy Act/Publishing of Personally Identifiable Information: Data collected via the mechanisms listed above will not be protected from the public view in any way. Individual commentors’ names and addresses (including email addresses) received as part of oral presentations at the public meeting will be included in the transcript of the public meeting will be published at Notice of Public Meeting To Summarize Public Input Received on the Design of a Consent-Based Siting Process for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Storage and Disposal Facilities Issued in Washington, DC on August 23, 2016. Andrew Griffith, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fuel Cycle Technologies, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy. Fuel Cycle Technologies, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy. ACTION: Notice of public meeting. [FR Doc. 2016–21071 Filed 8–31–16; 8:45 am] AGENCY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is designing a consentbased process for siting facilities that will be a part of an integrated waste management system to transport, store, and dispose of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. As part of this process, the Department issued an Invitation for Public Comment in the Federal Register on December 23, 2015 and hosted eight public meetings across the United States in 2016 to get public input on the elements that should be considered in the development of a consent-based siting process. At the September 15, 2016 meeting, the Department will summarize the comments received and discuss next steps in designing a consent-based siting process. The entire meeting will be broadcast live via webstream at https:// consentbasedsiting DATES: The meeting will take place on Thursday September 15, 2016 from 2:00–4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Department officials will be available to discuss consent-based siting during an informal open house 30 minutes before and after the formal meeting. ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Washington DC Convention Center, 900 10th St NW., Washington, DC 20001. To SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 BILLING CODE 6450–01–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–ORD–2009–0229; FRL–9951–62–ORD] Public Comment Draft for the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Assessment of Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice of public comment period. AGENCY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing a 60-day public comment period for the draft IRIS Toxicological Review of ETBE. The draft document was prepared by the National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) within EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD). As outlined in the May 21, 2009, IRIS process under step 4, EPA is releasing this draft IRIS assessment for public comment and discussion at the October 26, 2016, IRIS Public Science Meeting. This draft assessment is not final, as described in EPA’s information quality guidelines, and it does not represent, and should not be construed to represent Agency policy or views. EPA will consider all public comments submitted in response to this notice when revising this document. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\01SEN1.SGM 01SEN1 60352 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 170 / Thursday, September 1, 2016 / Notices The 60-day public comment period begins September 1, 2016, and ends October 31, 2016. Comments must be received on or before October 31, 2016. DATES: The draft IRIS Toxicological Review of ETBE will be available via the internet on EPA’s IRIS Web page under Recent Additions at https:// or the public docket at https://, Docket ID: EPA– HQ–ORD–2009–0229. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information on the public comment period, contact the ORD Docket at the EPA Headquarters Docket Center; telephone: 202–566–1752; facsimile: 202–566–9744; or email: Docket_ORD@ For technical information on the draft IRIS assessment ETBE, contact Dr. Keith Salazar, NCEA; telephone: 703–347– 0278; or email: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ADDRESSES: I. Information About IRIS EPA’s IRIS Program is a human health assessment program that evaluates quantitative and qualitative risk information on effects that may result from exposure to chemicals found in the environment. Through the IRIS Program, EPA provides the highest quality science-based human health assessments to support the Agency’s regulatory activities and decisions to protect public health. The IRIS database contains information on chemicals that can be used to support the first two steps (hazard identification and doseresponse evaluation) of the human health risk assessment process. When supported by available data, IRIS provides health effects information and toxicity values for health effects (including cancer and effects other than cancer). Government and others combine IRIS toxicity values with exposure information to characterize public health risks of chemicals; this information is then used to support risk management decisions designed to protect public health. asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES II. How To Submit Technical Comments to the Docket at Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–ORD–2009– 0229, by one of the following methods: • Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. • Email: • Fax: 202–566–9744. • Mail: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Docket Center (ORD Docket), Mail Code: 28221T, 1200 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:14 Aug 31, 2016 Jkt 238001 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460. The phone number is 202– 566–1752. • Hand Delivery: The ORD Docket is located in the EPA Headquarters Docket Center, EPA West Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC. The EPA Docket Center Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is 202–566–1744. Deliveries are only accepted during the docket’s normal hours of operation, and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of boxed information. If you provide comments by mail or hand delivery, please submit three copies of the comments. For attachments, provide an index, number pages consecutively with the comments, and submit an unbound original and three copies. Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–ORD–2009– 0229. Please ensure that your comments are submitted within the specified comment period. Comments received after the closing date will be marked ‘‘late,’’ and may only be considered if time permits. It is EPA’s policy to include all comments it receives in the public docket without change and to make the comments available online at, including any personal information provided, unless a comment includes information claimed to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information through or email that you consider to be CBI or otherwise protected. The Web site is an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which means EPA will not know your identity or contact information unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you send an email comment directly to EPA without going through, your email address will be automatically captured and included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket and made available on the Internet. If you submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends that you include your name and other contact information in the body of your comment and with any disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid the use of special characters, any form of encryption, and be free of any defects or viruses. For additional information PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 about EPA’s public docket visit the EPA Docket Center homepage at Docket: Documents in the docket are listed in the index. Although listed in the index, some information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other materials, such as copyrighted material, are publicly available only in hard copy. Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically in or in hard copy at the ORD Docket in the EPA Headquarters Docket Center. Dated: August 19, 2016. Chris Saint, Acting Deputy Director, National Center for Environmental Assessment. [FR Doc. 2016–21005 Filed 8–31–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION Farm Credit Administration Board; Sunshine Act; Regular Meeting AGENCY: Farm Credit Administration. SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Government in the Sunshine Act, of the regular meeting of the Farm Credit Administration Board (Board). Date and Time: The regular meeting of the Board will be held at the offices of the Farm Credit Administration in McLean, Virginia, on September 8, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. until such time as the Board concludes its business. DATES: Dale L. Aultman, Secretary to the Farm Credit Administration Board, (703) 883– 4009, TTY (703) 883–4056. ADDRESSES: Farm Credit Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, Virginia 22102–5090. Submit attendance requests via email to See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for further information about attendance requests. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Parts of this meeting of the Board will be open to the public (limited space available), and parts will be closed to the public. Please send an email to VisitorRequest@ at least 24 hours before the meeting. In your email include: Name, postal address, entity you are representing (if applicable), and telephone number. You will receive an email confirmation from us. Please be prepared to show a photo identification when you arrive. If you need assistance FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: E:\FR\FM\01SEN1.SGM 01SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 170 (Thursday, September 1, 2016)]
[Pages 60351-60352]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-21005]



[Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-ORD-2009-0229; FRL-9951-62-ORD]

Public Comment Draft for the Integrated Risk Information System 
(IRIS) Assessment of Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice of public comment period.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing a 60-
day public comment period for the draft IRIS Toxicological Review of 
ETBE. The draft document was prepared by the National Center for 
Environmental Assessment (NCEA) within EPA's Office of Research and 
Development (ORD).
    As outlined in the May 21, 2009, IRIS process under step 4, EPA is 
releasing this draft IRIS assessment for public comment and discussion 
at the October 26, 2016, IRIS Public Science Meeting. This draft 
assessment is not final, as described in EPA's information quality 
guidelines, and it does not represent, and should not be construed to 
represent Agency policy or views. EPA will consider all public comments 
submitted in response to this notice when revising this document.

[[Page 60352]]

DATES: The 60-day public comment period begins September 1, 2016, and 
ends October 31, 2016. Comments must be received on or before October 
31, 2016.

ADDRESSES: The draft IRIS Toxicological Review of ETBE will be 
available via the internet on EPA's IRIS Web page under Recent 
Additions at or the 
public docket at, Docket ID: EPA-HQ-ORD-

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information on the public comment 
period, contact the ORD Docket at the EPA Headquarters Docket Center; 
telephone: 202-566-1752; facsimile: 202-566-9744; or email:
    For technical information on the draft IRIS assessment ETBE, 
contact Dr. Keith Salazar, NCEA; telephone: 703-347-0278; or email:


I. Information About IRIS

    EPA's IRIS Program is a human health assessment program that 
evaluates quantitative and qualitative risk information on effects that 
may result from exposure to chemicals found in the environment. Through 
the IRIS Program, EPA provides the highest quality science-based human 
health assessments to support the Agency's regulatory activities and 
decisions to protect public health. The IRIS database contains 
information on chemicals that can be used to support the first two 
steps (hazard identification and dose-response evaluation) of the human 
health risk assessment process. When supported by available data, IRIS 
provides health effects information and toxicity values for health 
effects (including cancer and effects other than cancer). Government 
and others combine IRIS toxicity values with exposure information to 
characterize public health risks of chemicals; this information is then 
used to support risk management decisions designed to protect public 

II. How To Submit Technical Comments to the Docket at

    Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-ORD-2009-
0229, by one of the following methods: Follow the online instructions for 
submitting comments.
     Fax: 202-566-9744.
     Mail: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Docket 
Center (ORD Docket), Mail Code: 28221T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20460. The phone number is 202-566-1752.
     Hand Delivery: The ORD Docket is located in the EPA 
Headquarters Docket Center, EPA West Building, Room 3334, 1301 
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC.
    The EPA Docket Center Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
telephone number for the Public Reading Room is 202-566-1744. 
Deliveries are only accepted during the docket's normal hours of 
operation, and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of 
boxed information. If you provide comments by mail or hand delivery, 
please submit three copies of the comments. For attachments, provide an 
index, number pages consecutively with the comments, and submit an 
unbound original and three copies.
    Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-ORD-
2009-0229. Please ensure that your comments are submitted within the 
specified comment period. Comments received after the closing date will 
be marked ``late,'' and may only be considered if time permits. It is 
EPA's policy to include all comments it receives in the public docket 
without change and to make the comments available online at, including any personal information provided, 
unless a comment includes information claimed to be Confidential 
Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is 
restricted by statute. Do not submit information through or email that you consider to be CBI or otherwise 
protected. The Web site is an ``anonymous access'' 
system, which means EPA will not know your identity or contact 
information unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you 
send an email comment directly to EPA without going through, your email address will be automatically captured 
and included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket 
and made available on the Internet. If you submit an electronic 
comment, EPA recommends that you include your name and other contact 
information in the body of your comment and with any disk or CD-ROM you 
submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to technical difficulties 
and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA may not be able to 
consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid the use of special 
characters, any form of encryption, and be free of any defects or 
viruses. For additional information about EPA's public docket visit the 
EPA Docket Center homepage at
    Docket: Documents in the docket are listed in the index. Although listed in the index, some 
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information 
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other materials, 
such as copyrighted material, are publicly available only in hard copy. 
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically 
in or in hard copy at the ORD Docket in the EPA 
Headquarters Docket Center.

    Dated: August 19, 2016.
Chris Saint,
Acting Deputy Director, National Center for Environmental Assessment.
[FR Doc. 2016-21005 Filed 8-31-16; 8:45 am]
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