Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, 59275-59330 [2016-17700]
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Vol. 81
No. 167
August 29, 2016
Part II
Environmental Protection Agency
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40 CFR Part 60
Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills; Final Rule
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
40 CFR Part 60
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2014–0451; FRL–9949–55–
RIN 2060–AS23
Emission Guidelines and Compliance
Times for Municipal Solid Waste
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is finalizing a new
subpart that updates the Emission
Guidelines and Compliance Times for
Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
(Emission Guidelines). The EPA
reviewed the landfills Emission
Guidelines based on changes in the
landfills industry since the Emission
Guidelines were promulgated in 1996.
The EPA’s review of the Emission
Guidelines for municipal solid waste
(MSW) landfills considered landfills
that accepted waste after November 8,
1987, and commenced construction,
reconstruction, or modification on or
before July 17, 2014. Based on this
review, the EPA has determined that it
is appropriate to revise the Emission
Guidelines to reflect changes to the
population of landfills and the results of
an analysis of the timing and methods
for reducing emissions. This action will
achieve additional reductions in
emissions of landfill gas and its
components, including methane, by
lowering the emissions threshold at
which a landfill must install controls.
This action also incorporates new data
and information received in response to
an advanced notice of proposed
rulemaking and a proposed rulemaking
and addresses other regulatory issues
including surface emissions monitoring,
wellhead monitoring, and the definition
of landfill gas treatment system.
The revised Emission Guidelines,
once implemented through revised state
plans or a revised federal plan, will
reduce emissions of landfill gas, which
contains both nonmethane organic
compounds and methane. Landfills are
a significant source of methane, which
is a potent greenhouse gas pollutant.
These avoided emissions will improve
air quality and reduce the potential for
public health and welfare effects
associated with exposure to landfill gas
DATES: This final rule is effective on
October 28, 2016.
The incorporation by reference of
certain publications listed in the
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regulations is approved by the Director
of the Federal Register as of October 28,
ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2014–0451. All
documents in the docket are listed in
the https://www.regulations.gov index.
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
e.g., Confidential Business Information
(CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the Internet and will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available electronically through https://
information concerning this final rule,
contact Ms. Hillary Ward, Fuels and
Incineration Group, Sector Policies and
Programs Division, Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards (E143–05),
Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711;
telephone number: (919) 541–3154; fax
number: (919) 541–0246; email address:
Acronyms and Abbreviations. The
following acronyms and abbreviations
are used in this document.
ANPRM Advance notice of proposed
ANSI American National Standards
BMP Best management practice
Btu British thermal unit
CAA Clean Air Act
CBI Confidential business information
CDX Central Data Exchange
CEDRI Compliance and Emissions Data
Reporting Interface
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERT Electronic Reporting Tool
FID Flame ionization detector
GCCS Gas collection and control system
GHG Greenhouse gas
GHGRP Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
GWP Global warming potential
HAP Hazardous air pollutant
HOV Higher operating value
IAMS Integrated assessment models
ICR Information collection request
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
IWG Interagency working group
LFG Landfill gas
LFGCost Landfill Gas Energy Cost Model
m3 Cubic meters
Mg Megagram
Mg/yr Megagram per year
mph Miles per hour
MSW Municipal solid waste
mtCO2e Metric tons of carbon dioxide
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MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt hour
NAICS North American Industry
Classification System
NESHAP National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants
NMOC Nonmethane organic compound
NRC National Research Council
NSPS New source performance standards
NTTAA National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PM Particulate matter
PM2.5 Fine particulate matter
ppm Parts per million
ppmvd Parts per million by dry volume
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery
RD&D Research, development, and
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
SBAR Small Business Advocacy Review
SC–CH4 Social cost of methane
SC–CO2 Social cost of carbon dioxide
SEM Surface emissions monitoring
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
SSM Startup, shutdown, and malfunction
Tg Teragram
TIP Tribal implementation plan
TTN Technology Transfer Network
U.S. United States
USGCRP U.S. Global Change Research
VCS Voluntary consensus standard
VOC Volatile organic compound
Organization of This Document. The
following outline is provided to aid in
locating information in this preamble.
I. Executive Summary
A. Purpose of Regulatory Action
B. Summary of Major Provisions
C. Costs and Benefits
II. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
B. Where can I get a copy of this document
and other related information?
III. Background
A. Landfill Gas Emissions and Climate
B. What are the public health and welfare
effects of landfill gas emissions?
C. What is the EPA’s authority for
reviewing the Emission Guidelines?
D. What is the purpose and scope of this
E. How would the changes in applicability
affect sources currently subject to
subparts Cc and WWW?
IV. Summary of the Final Emission
A. What are the control requirements?
B. What are the monitoring, recordkeeping,
and reporting requirements?
C. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction
V. Summary of Significant Changes Since
A. Changes to Monitoring, Recordkeeping,
and Reporting
B. Tier 4
C. Changes to Address Closed or NonProductive Areas
D. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
E. Other Corrections and Clarifications
VI. Rationale for Significant Changes Since
A. Changes to Monitoring, Recordkeeping,
and Reporting
B. Tier 4
C. Changes to Address Closed or NonProductive Areas
D. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction
E. Other Corrections and Clarifications
VII. Impacts of This Final Rule
A. What are the air quality impacts?
B. What are the water quality and solid
waste impacts?
C. What are the secondary air impacts?
D. What are the energy impacts?
E. What are the cost impacts?
F. What are the economic impacts?
G. What are the benefits?
VIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination with Indian Tribal
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children from Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions that
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
part 51
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
to Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
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I. Executive Summary
A. Purpose of Regulatory Action
This action finalizes changes to the
MSW landfills Emission Guidelines
resulting from the EPA’s review of the
Emission Guidelines under Clean Air
Act (CAA) section 111. The EPA’s
review identified a number of advances
in technology and operating practices
for reducing emissions of landfill gas
(LFG) and the final changes are based on
our evaluation of those advances and
our understanding of LFG emissions.
The resulting changes to the Emission
Guidelines will achieve additional
reductions in emissions of LFG and its
components, including methane. This
final rule is consistent with the
President’s 2013 Climate Action Plan,1
which directs federal agencies to focus
on ‘‘assessing current emissions data,
1 Executive
Office of the President, ‘‘The
President’s Climate Action Plan’’ June 2013. https://
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addressing data gaps, identifying
technologies and best practices for
reducing emissions, and identifying
existing authorities and incentive-based
opportunities to reduce methane
emissions.’’ The final rule is also
consistent with the President’s Methane
Strategy,2 which directs the EPA’s
regulatory and voluntary programs to
continue to pursue emission reductions
through regulatory updates and to
encourage LFG energy recovery through
voluntary programs. These directives
are discussed in detail in section III.A
of this preamble. This regulatory action
also resolves or clarifies several
implementation issues that were
previously addressed in amendments
proposed on May 23, 2002 (67 FR
36475) and September 8, 2006 (71 FR
1. Need for Regulatory Action
The EPA reviewed the Emission
Guidelines to determine the potential
for achieving additional reductions in
emissions of LFG. Significant changes
have occurred in the landfill industry
over time, including changes to the size
and number of existing landfills,
industry practices, and gas control
methods and technologies. Based on the
EPA’s review, we are finalizing changes
to the Emission Guidelines. The changes
will achieve additional emission
reductions of LFG and its components
(including methane), which will reduce
air pollution and the resulting harm to
public health and welfare. Landfills are
a significant source of methane, a potent
greenhouse gas, for which there are costeffective means of reduction, so this rule
is an important element of the United
States’ work to reduce emissions that
are contributing to climate change. In
addition, the changes provide more
effective options for demonstrating
compliance, and provide clarification of
several implementation issues raised
during the amendments proposed in
2002 and 2006. Additional information
supporting the EPA’s decision to review
the Emission Guidelines can be found in
Section I.A. of the Emission Guidelines
proposal (80 FR 52100, August 27,
2. Legal Authority
The EPA is not statutorily obligated to
conduct a review of the Emission
Guidelines, but has the discretion to do
so when circumstances indicate that it
is appropriate. The EPA determined that
it was appropriate to review the
2 Executive Office of the President, ‘‘Climate
Action Plan Strategy to Reduce Methane, March
2014. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/
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Emission Guidelines based on changes
in the landfill industry and changes in
operation of landfills, including the
size, trends in gas collection and control
system installations, and age of landfills
since the Emission Guidelines were
promulgated in 1996. The EPA
compiled new information on landfills
through data collection efforts for a
statutorily mandated review of the
existing new source performance
standards (NSPS) (40 CFR part 60,
subpart WWW), public comments
received on the NSPS proposal (79 FR
41796, July 17, 2014), public comments
received on the Advance Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) (79 FR
41772, July 17, 2014), and public
comments received on the Emission
Guidelines proposal (80 FR 52100,
August 27, 2015) for use in reviewing
the Emission Guidelines. This
information allowed the EPA to assess
current practices, emissions, and the
potential for additional emission
The EPA interprets CAA section
111(d) as providing discretionary
authority to update emission guidelines,
and by extension to require states to
update standards of performance, in
appropriate circumstances. The EPA
believes this is the best, and perhaps
only, permissible interpretation of the
CAA. It is consistent with the gap filling
nature of section 111(d), the general
purposes of the CAA to protect and
enhance air quality. Moreover, this is
supported because Congress’s grant of
authority to issue regulations carries
with it the authority to amend or update
regulations 3 that they have issued.4
‘‘Regulatory agencies do not establish
rules of conduct to last forever; they are
supposed, within the limits of the law
and of fair and prudent administration,
to adapt their rules and practices to the
Nation’s needs in a volatile, changing
economy. They are neither required nor
supposed to regulate the present and the
future within the inflexible limits of
yesterday.’’ 5
To interpret the CAA otherwise
would mean that Congress intended to
3 Congress has provided the Agency with broad
authority to issue regulations ‘‘as necessary to carry
out [her] functions under’’ the Act. This broad grant
of authority further supports the reasonableness of
EPA’s interpretation.
4 See Trujillo v. General Electric Co., 621 F.2d
1084, 1086 (10th Cir. 1980) (‘‘Administrative
agencies have an inherent authority to reconsider
their own decisions, since the power to decide in
the first instance carries with it the power to
reconsider.’’) (citing Albertson v. FCC, 182 F.2d
397, 399 (D.C. Cir. 1950)). See 621 F.2d at 1088
(‘‘The authority to reconsider may result in some
instances, as it did here, in a totally new and
different determination.’’).
5 American Trucking Ass’n v. Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Fe Ry., 387 U.S. 397, 416 (1967).
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allow existing sources to operate forever
without any consideration of the need
for updated controls simply because, at
some point in the distant past, the EPA
had previously required these sources to
be regulated. The EPA’s interpretation is
consistent with the gap filling nature of
section 111(d), whereas the opposite
interpretation would undermine it. By
its terms, section 111(d) was designed to
address emissions from existing sources
of non-national ambient air quality
standards (NAAQS), non-CAA section
112 hazardous air pollutants.6 A one-off
approach would mean that the EPA
would be unable to address the threats
from these sources even as we improve
our understanding of the danger
presented by the pollutant at issue or
new or improved control options
become available. Indeed, this lack of
authority would exist even in cases such
as the instant one where some affected
sources had not yet been required to
invest in emission controls.
The overall structure of the CAA also
supports EPA’s interpretation. The
primary goal of the CAA is: ‘‘[T]o
protect and enhance the Nation’s air
resources so as to promote the public
health and welfare and the productive
capacity of its population.’’ CAA section
101(b)(1), 42 U.S.C. 7401(b)(1). The
CAA goes about this in a number of
ways. Under section 111 the chosen
approach is through the identification of
the best system of emission reduction
available to reduce emissions to the
atmosphere which takes into account
the cost of achieving such reductions
and any nonair quality health and
environmental impact and energy
6 CAA subsection 111(d)(1)(A)(i), provides that
regulation under CAA section 111(d) is intended to
cover pollutants that are not regulated under either
the criteria pollutant/NAAQS provisions or section
112 of the CAA. Thus, section 111(d) is designed
to regulate pollutants from existing sources that fall
in the gap not covered by the criteria pollutant
provisions or the hazardous air pollutant
provisions. This gap-filling purpose can be seen in
the early legislative history of the CAA. As
originally enacted in the 1970 CAA, the precursor
to CAA section 111 (which was originally section
114) was described as covering pollutants that
would not be controlled by the criteria pollutant
provisions or the hazardous air pollutant
provisions. See S. Committee Rep. to accompany S.
4358 (Sept. 17, 1970), 1970 CAA Legis. Hist. at 420
(‘‘It should be noted that the emission standards for
pollutants which cannot be considered hazardous
(as defined in section 115 [which later became
section 112]) could be established under section
114 [later, section 111]. Thus, there should be no
gaps in control activities pertaining to stationary
source emissions that pose any significant danger
to public health or welfare.’’); Statement by S.
Muskie, S. Debate on S. 4358 (Sept. 21, 1970), 1970
CAA Legis. Hist. at 227 (‘‘[T]he bill [in section 114]
provides the Secretary with the authority to set
emission standards for selected pollutants which
cannot be controlled through the ambient air
quality standards and which are not hazardous
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requirements. These systems change
over time. Where such changes have the
effect of substantially reducing harmful
air emissions, it would be illogical that
the EPA would be precluded from
requiring existing sources to update
their controls in recognition of those
changes, particularly when those
sources may continue to operate for
decades. Similarly, if, after a rule was
finalized, factual information were to
arise revealing that the initial standards
were too stringent to be met, it would
be illogical that EPA would be
precluded from revising the standards
accordingly. Had Congress intended to
preclude the EPA from updating the
emission guidelines to reflect changes, it
would surely have specifically said so,
something it did not do.
The fact that the EPA has the
authority to update the emission
guidelines does not, however, mean that
it is unconstrained in exercising that
authority. Rather, the decision whether
to update a particular set of emission
guidelines must be made on a rulespecific basis after considering the same
factors the EPA considered in
establishing those guidelines, including
the level of reductions achievable and
the cost of achieving those reductions,
and, as appropriate, taking into account
controls sources installed to comply
with the initial emission guidelines. The
EPA has determined that it is
appropriate to update the emission
guidelines for municipal solid waste
(MSW) landfills. The EPA’s final rule is
not a requirement to install new and
different control equipment (compared
to the existing rule), but rather to install
the same basic controls, i.e., a welldesigned and well-operated landfill gas
collection and control system, on an
accelerated basis. While this will result
in some additional cost, the EPA
believes that cost is fully justified given
the substantial reduction in emissions of
landfill gas and its constituent
components, including methane, that
will result. As indicated in the final
rule, lowering the threshold above
which landfill owners/operators must
install a gas collection and control
system from 50 Mg of non-methane
organic compounds (NMOC) per year to
34 Mg/year will result in an additional
reduction in NMOC emissions of 1,810
Mg/yr and a concomitant reduction in
methane emissions of 0.285 million Mg/
yr. In these circumstances, the EPA
believes that it not only has the legal
authority to update the emission
guidelines, but that doing so
imminently reasonable.
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B. Summary of Major Provisions
The final Emission Guidelines apply
to landfills that accepted waste after
November 8, 1987,7 and that
commenced construction,
reconstruction, or modification on or
before July 17, 2014 (the date of
publication of proposed revisions to the
landfills NSPS, 40 CFR part 60, subpart
XXX). The final rule provisions are
described below.
Thresholds for Installing Controls.
The final Emission Guidelines retain the
current design capacity thresholds of 2.5
million megagrams (Mg) and 2.5 million
cubic meters (m3), but reduce the
nonmethane organic compounds
(NMOC) emission threshold for the
installation and removal of a gas
collection and control system (GCCS)
from 50 Mg/yr to 34 Mg/yr for landfills
that are not closed as of September 27,
2017. (A megagram is also known as a
metric ton, which is equal to 1.1 U.S.
short tons or about 2,205 pounds.) An
MSW landfill that exceeds the design
capacity thresholds must install and
start up a GCCS within 30 months after
LFG emissions reach or exceed an
NMOC level of 34 Mg/yr. Consistent
with the existing Emission Guidelines,
the owner or operator of a landfill may
control the gas by routing it to a nonenclosed flare, an enclosed combustion
device, or a treatment system that
processes the collected gas for
subsequent sale or beneficial use.
Emission Threshold Determination.
The EPA is finalizing an alternative sitespecific emission threshold
determination methodology for when a
landfill must install and operate a
GCCS. This alternative methodology,
referred to as ‘‘Tier 4,’’ is based on
surface emissions monitoring (SEM) and
demonstrates whether or not surface
emissions are below a specific
threshold. The Tier 4 SEM
demonstration allows landfills that
exceed the threshold using modeled
NMOC emission rates using Tier 1 or 2
to demonstrate that actual site-specific
surface methane emissions are below a
specific threshold. A landfill that can
demonstrate that surface emissions are
below 500 parts per million (ppm) for
four consecutive quarters does not
trigger the requirement to install a GCCS
even if Tier 1, 2, or 3 calculations
7 This date in 1987 is the date on which permit
programs were established under the Hazardous
and Solid Waste Amendments of the Resource,
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) which
amended the Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA), 42
U.S.C. 6901–6992k. This date was also selected as
the regulatory cutoff in the Emission Guidelines for
landfills no longer receiving wastes because the
EPA judged states would be able to identify active
facilities as of this date.
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
indicate that the 34 Mg/yr threshold has
been exceeded. Landfills that have
calculated NMOC emissions of 50 Mg/
yr or greater are not eligible for the Tier
4 emission threshold determination in
order to prevent conflicting
requirements between subpart Cf and
the landfills NESHAP (40 CFR part 63,
subpart AAAA). Many landfills that are
subject to subpart Cf will also be subject
to the landfills NESHAP. The landfills
NESHAP requires landfills that exceed
the size threshold (2.5 million Mg and
2.5 million m3) and exceed the NMOC
emissions threshold (50 Mg/yr) to install
and operate a GCCS.
Closed Landfill Subcategory. Because
closed landfills do not produce as much
LFG as an active landfill, the EPA is
finalizing a separate subcategory for
landfills that close on or before
September 27, 2017. Landfills in this
subcategory will continue to be subject
to an NMOC emission threshold of 50
Mg/yr for determining when controls
must be installed or can be removed.
Low LFG Producing Areas. The EPA is
also finalizing criteria for determining
when it is appropriate to cap or remove
all or a portion of the GCCS. The final
criteria for capping or removing all or a
portion of the GCCS are: (1) The landfill
is closed, (2) the GCCS has operated for
at least 15 years or the landfill owner or
operator can demonstrate that the GCCS
will be unable to operate for 15 years
due to declining gas flows, and (3) the
calculated NMOC emission rate at the
landfill is less than 34 Mg/yr on three
successive test dates. The final rule does
not contain a GCCS removal criterion
based on surface emissions monitoring.
Landfill Gas Treatment. In the final
Emission Guidelines, the EPA has
addressed two issues related to LFG
treatment. First, the EPA is clarifying
that the use of treated LFG is not limited
to use as a fuel for a stationary
combustion device but may be used for
other beneficial uses such as vehicle
fuel, production of high-British thermal
unit (Btu) gas for pipeline injection, or
use as a raw material in a chemical
manufacturing process. Second, the EPA
is finalizing a definition of treated
landfill gas that applies to LFG
processed in a treatment system meeting
the requirements in 40 CFR part 60,
subpart Cf, and defining treatment
system as a system that filters, dewaters, and compresses LFG for sale or
beneficial use. The definition of
treatment system allows the level of
treatment to be tailored to the type and
design of the specific combustion
equipment or the other beneficial use
such as vehicle fuel, production of highBtu gas for pipeline injection, or use as
a raw material in a chemical
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manufacturing process in which the
LFG is used. Owners or operators must
develop a site-specific treatment system
monitoring plan that includes
monitoring parameters addressing all
three elements of treatment (filtration,
de-watering, and compression) to ensure
the treatment system is operating
properly for the intended end use of the
treated LFG. They also must keep
records that demonstrate that such
parameters effectively monitor filtration,
de-watering, and compression system
performance necessary for the end use
of the treated LFG.
Wellhead Operational Standards. The
EPA is finalizing changes to certain
operational standards (i.e., the
requirement to meet specific operating
limits) for nitrogen/oxygen level at the
wellheads. Landfill owners or operators
are not required to take corrective action
based on exceedances of specified
operational standards for nitrogen/
oxygen levels at wellheads, but they
must continue to monitor and maintain
records of nitrogen/oxygen levels on a
monthly basis in order to inform any
necessary adjustments to the GCCS and
must maintain records of monthly
readings. The operational standard,
corrective action, and corresponding
recordkeeping and reporting remain for
temperature and maintaining negative
pressure at the wellhead.
Surface Monitoring. The EPA is
finalizing a requirement to monitor all
surface penetrations at existing landfills.
In final 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf,
landfills must conduct SEM at all cover
penetrations and openings within the
area of the landfill where waste has
been placed and a gas collection system
is required to be in place and operating
according to the operational standards
in final 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf.
Specifically, landfill owners or
operators must conduct surface
monitoring on a quarterly basis at the
specified intervals and where visual
observations indicate elevated
concentrations of LFG, such as
distressed vegetation and cracks or
seeps in the cover and all cover
Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction.
The EPA is finalizing a requirement that
standards of performance in the
Emission Guidelines apply at all times,
including periods of startup, shutdown,
and malfunction (SSM). The EPA is also
finalizing an alternative standard during
SSM events: In the event the collection
or control system is not operating, the
gas mover system must be shut down
and all valves in the collection and
control system contributing to venting
of the gas to the atmosphere must be
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closed within 1 hour of the collection or
control system not operating.
Other Clarifications. The EPA is
finalizing a number of clarifications to
address several issues that have been
raised by landfill owners or operators
during implementation of the current
NSPS and Emission Guidelines. These
clarifications include adding criteria for
when an affected source must update its
design plan and clarifying when landfill
owners or operators must submit
requests to extend the timeline for
taking corrective action. The EPA is also
updating several definitions in the
Emission Guidelines. In addition, while
the EPA is not mandating organics
diversion, we are finalizing two specific
compliance flexibilities in the Emission
Guidelines to encourage wider adoption
of organics diversion and GCCS best
management practices (BMPs) for
emission reductions at landfills. These
compliance flexibilities are discussed in
section V.A.1 and VI.A.1 (wellhead
monitoring) and section V.B and section
VI.B (Tier 4 emission threshold
determination) of this preamble.
C. Costs and Benefits
The final Emission Guidelines are
expected to significantly reduce
emissions of LFG and its components,
which include methane, volatile organic
compounds (VOC), and hazardous air
pollutants (HAP). Landfills are a
significant source of methane emissions,
and in 2014, landfills represented the
third largest source of human-related
methane emissions in the U.S. This
rulemaking applies to existing landfills
that commenced construction,
modification, or reconstruction on or
before July 17, 2014 and accepted waste
after 1987. The EPA estimates 1,851
existing landfills that accepted waste
after 1987 and opened prior to 2014.
To comply with the emission limits in
the final rule, MSW landfill owners or
operators are expected to install the
least-cost control for collecting, and
treating or combusting LFG. The
annualized net cost for the final
Emission Guidelines is estimated to be
$54.1 million (2012$) in 2025, when
using a 7 percent discount rate. The
annualized costs represent the costs
compared to no changes to the current
Emission Guidelines (i.e., baseline) and
include $92.6 million to install and
operate a GCCS, as well as $0.76 million
to complete the corresponding testing
and monitoring. These control costs are
offset by $39.3 million in revenue from
electricity sales, which is incorporated
into the net control costs for certain
landfills that are expected to generate
revenue by using the LFG to produce
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
Installation of a GCCS to comply with
the 34 Mg/yr NMOC emissions
threshold at open landfills would
achieve reductions of 1,810 Mg/yr
NMOC and 285,000 metric tons
methane (about 7.1 million metric tons
of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e))
beyond the baseline in year 2025. In
addition, the final rule is expected to
result in the net reduction of an
additional 277,000 Mg CO2, due to
reduced demand for electricity from the
grid as landfills generate electricity from
LFG. The NMOC portion of LFG can
contain a variety of air pollutants,
including VOC and various organic
HAP. VOC emissions are precursors to
both fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and
ozone formation. These pollutants,
along with methane, are associated with
substantial health effects, welfare
effects, and climate effects. The EPA
expects that the reduced emissions will
result in improvements in air quality
and lessen the potential for health
effects associated with exposure to air
pollution related emissions, and result
in climate benefits due to reductions of
the methane component of LFG.
The EPA estimates that the final rule’s
estimated methane emission reductions
and secondary CO2 emission reductions
in the year 2025 would yield global
monetized climate benefits of $200
million to approximately $1.2 billion,
depending on the discount rate. Using
the average social cost of methane (SC–
CH4) and the average social cost of CO2
(SC–CO2), each at a 3-percent discount
rate, results in an estimate of about $440
million in 2025 (2012$).
The SC–CH4 and SC–CO2 are the
monetary values of impacts associated
with marginal changes in methane and
CO2 emissions, respectively, in a given
year. It includes a wide range of
anticipated climate impacts, such as net
changes in agricultural productivity,
property damage from increased flood
risk, and changes in energy system
costs, such as reduced costs for heating
and increased costs for air conditioning.
With the data available, we are not
able to provide health benefit estimates
for the reduction in exposure to HAP,
ozone, and PM2.5 for this rule. This is
not to imply that there are no such
benefits of the rule; rather, it is a
reflection of the difficulties in modeling
the direct and indirect impacts of the
reductions in emissions for this sector
with the data currently available.
Based on the monetized benefits and
costs, the annual net benefits of the final
guidelines are estimated to be $390
million ($2012) in 2025, based on the
average SC–CH4 at a 3 percent discount
rate, average SC–CO2 at a 3 percent
discount rate, and costs at a 7 percent
discount rate.
II. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
This final rule addresses existing
MSW landfills, i.e., landfills accepting
waste after 1987 and on which
construction was commenced on or
before July 17, 2014, and associated
solid waste management programs.
Potentially affected categories include
those listed in Table 1 of this preamble.
Industry: Air and water resource and solid waste management
Industry: Refuse systems—solid waste landfills ........................
State, local, and tribal government agencies .............................
a North
Solid waste landfills.
Solid waste landfills.
Administration of air and water resource and solid waste management programs.
American Industry Classification System.
This table is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be
regulated by the new subpart. To
determine whether your facility would
be regulated by this action, you should
carefully examine the applicability
criteria in final 40 CFR 60.32f of subpart
Cf. If you have any questions regarding
the applicability of the final subpart to
a particular entity, contact the person
listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER
B. Where can I get a copy of this
document and other related
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
Examples of affected facilities
In addition to being available in the
docket, an electronic copy of this action
is available through EPA’s Technology
Transfer Network (TTN) Web site, a
forum for information and technology
exchange in various areas of air
pollution control. Following signature
by the EPA Administrator, the EPA will
post a copy of this action at https://
landflpg.html. Following publication in
the Federal Register, the EPA will post
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the Federal Register version of this final
rule and technical documents at this
same Web site.
III. Background
The Emission Guidelines for MSW
landfills were promulgated on March
12, 1996, and subsequently amended on
June 16, 1998, February 24, 1999, and
April 10, 2000, to make technical
corrections and clarifications.
Amendments were proposed on May 23,
2002, and September 8, 2006, to address
implementation issues, but those
amendments were never finalized. On
July 17, 2014, the EPA issued an
ANPRM for the MSW landfills Emission
Guidelines (79 FR 41772). The purpose
of that action was to request public
input on controls and practices that
could further reduce emissions from
existing MSW landfills and to evaluate
that input to determine if changes to the
Emission Guidelines were appropriate.
On July 17, 2014, the EPA issued a
concurrent proposal for revised NSPS
for new MSW landfills (79 FR 41796).
On August 27, 2015 (80 FR 52100), the
EPA proposed a review of the Emission
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Guidelines to build on progress to date
to (1) Achieve additional reductions in
emissions of LFG and its components,
(2) account for changes in the landfill
industry and changes in operation of the
landfills, including the size, trends in
GCCS installations, and age of landfills,
as reflected in new data, (3) provide
new options for demonstrating
compliance, and (4) to complete efforts
regarding unresolved implementation
issues. The EPA considered information
it received in response to the ANPRM
(79 FR 41772) and Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (80 FR 52100) for existing
landfills in evaluating these final
Emission Guidelines. We are also
finalizing some of the amendments
proposed on May 23, 2002, and
September 8, 2006 to improve
implementation of the Emission
Guidelines. The respective frameworks
of NSPS and Emission Guidelines have
been similar since they were first
promulgated in 1996 (e.g., size
threshold, emission threshold,
monitoring requirements, etc). In
response to public comments, which
include implementation concerns
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
associated with the potential for
different approaches and requirements
between revised final rules, the EPA is
finalizing similar requirements for the
NSPS and Emission Guidelines.
A. Landfill Gas Emissions and Climate
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
In June 2013, President Obama issued
a Climate Action Plan that directed
federal agencies to focus on ‘‘assessing
current emissions data, addressing data
gaps, identifying technologies and best
practices for reducing emissions, and
identifying existing authorities and
incentive-based opportunities to reduce
methane emissions.’’ 8 Methane is a
potent greenhouse gas (GHG) that is 28–
36 times greater than carbon dioxide
(CO2) and has an atmospheric life of
about 12 years.9 Because of methane’s
potency as a GHG and its atmospheric
life, reducing methane emissions is one
of the best ways to achieve near-term
beneficial impact in mitigating global
climate change.
The ‘‘Climate Action Plan: Strategy to
Reduce Methane Emissions’’ 10 (the
Methane Strategy) was released in
March 2014. The strategy recognized the
methane reductions achieved through
the EPA’s regulatory and voluntary
programs to date. It also directed the
EPA to continue to pursue emission
reductions through regulatory updates
and to encourage LFG energy recovery
through voluntary programs.
The EPA recognized the climate
benefits associated with reducing
methane emissions from landfills nearly
25 years ago. The 1991 NSPS
Background Information Document 11
asserted that the reduction of methane
emissions from MSW landfills was one
of many options available to reduce
global warming. The NSPS for MSW
landfills, promulgated in 1996, also
recognized the climate co-benefits of
8 Executive Office of the President, ‘‘The
President’s Climate Action Plan’’ June 2013. https://
9 The IPCC updates GWP estimates with each new
assessment report, and in the latest assessment
report, AR5, the latest estimate of the methane GWP
ranged from 28–36, compared to a GWP of 25 in
AR4. The impacts analysis in this final rule is based
on the 100-year GWP from AR4 (25) instead of AR5
to be consistent with and comparable to key Agency
emission quantification programs such as the
Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
(GHG Inventory), and the GHGRP.
10 Executive Office of the President, ‘‘Climate
Action Plan Strategy to Reduce Methane, March
2014. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/
11 Air Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills-Background Information for Proposed
Standards and Guidelines, U.S. EPA (EPA–450/3–
90–011a) (NTIS PB 91–197061) page 2–15.
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controlling methane (61 FR 9917, March
12, 1996).
A recent study assessed EPA
regulations and voluntary programs over
the period 1993–2013 and found that
they were responsible for the reduction
of about 130 million metric tons of
methane emissions (equal to about 18
percent of the total U.S. methane
emissions over that time period),
leading to a reduction in atmospheric
concentrations of methane of about 28
parts per billion in 2013 12 (compared to
an observed increase in methane
concentrations of about 80 ppb over
those 20 years).
The review and final revision of the
MSW landfills Emission Guidelines
capitalizes on additional opportunities
to achieve methane reductions while
acknowledging historical agency
perspectives and research on climate, a
charge from the President’s Climate
Action Plan, the Methane Strategy, and
improvements in the science
surrounding GHG emissions.
LFG is a collection of air pollutants,
including methane and NMOC. LFG is
typically composed of 50-percent
methane, 50-percent CO2, and less than
1-percent NMOC by volume. The NMOC
portion of LFG can contain various
organic HAP and VOC. When the
Emission Guidelines and NSPS were
promulgated in 1996, NMOC was
selected as a surrogate for MSW LFG
emissions because NMOC contains the
air pollutants that at that time were of
most concern due to their adverse
effects on public health and welfare.
Today, methane’s effects on climate
change are also considered important. In
2014, methane emissions from MSW
landfills represented 18.2 percent of
total U.S. methane emissions and 1.9
percent of total U.S. GHG emissions (in
carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)).13 In
2014, MSW landfills continued to be the
third largest source of human-related
methane emissions in the U.S., releasing
an estimated 133.1 million metric tons
of CO2e. For these reasons and because
additional emissions reductions can be
achieved at a reasonable cost, the EPA
is finalizing changes to the Emission
12 Melvin, A.M.; Sarofim, M.C.; Crimmins, A.R.,
‘‘Climate benefits of U.S. EPA programs and
policies that reduced methane emissions 1993–
2013’’, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016,
in press. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/
acs.est.6b00367. DOI 10.1021/acs.est.6b00367.
13 Total U.S. methane emissions were 731
teragrams (Tg) CO2e and total U.S. GHG emissions
were 6,870.5 Tg in 2014. A teragram is equal to 1
million Mg. (A megagram is also known as a metric
ton, which is equal to 1.1 U.S. short tons or about
2,205 pounds.) U.S. EPA ‘‘Inventory of U.S.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990–2014.’’
Table ES–2. Available at https://www.epa.gov/
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Guidelines that are based on reducing
the NMOC and methane components of
B. What are the public health and
welfare effects of landfill gas emissions?
1. Public Health Effects of VOC and
Various Organic HAP
VOC emissions are precursors to both
PM2.5 and ozone formation. As
documented in previous analyses (U.S.
EPA, 2006 14, 2010 15, and 2014 16),
exposure to PM2.5 and ozone is
associated with significant public health
effects. PM2.5 is associated with health
effects, including premature mortality
for adults and infants, cardiovascular
morbidity such as heart attacks, and
respiratory morbidity such as asthma
attacks, acute bronchitis, hospital
admissions and emergency room visits,
work loss days, restricted activity days
and respiratory symptoms, as well as
welfare impacts such as visibility
impairment.17 Ozone is associated with
public health effects, including hospital
and emergency department visits,
school loss days and premature
mortality, as well as ecological effects
(e.g., injury to vegetation and climate
change).18 Nearly 30 organic HAP have
been identified in uncontrolled LFG,
including benzene, toluene, ethyl
benzene, and vinyl chloride.19 Benzene
is a known human carcinogen.
14 U.S. EPA. RIA. National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for Particulate Matter, Chapter 5. Office
of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research
Triangle Park, NC. October 2006. Available on the
Internet at https://www.epa.gov/ttn/ecas/regdata/
15 U.S. EPA. RIA. National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for Ozone. Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. January
2010. Available on the Internet at https://
16 U.S. EPA. RIA. National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for Ozone. Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
December 2014. Available on the Internet at https://
17 U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment for
Particulate Matter (Final Report). EPA–600–R–08–
139F. National Center for Environmental
Assessment—RTP Division. December 2009.
Available at https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/
18 U.S. EPA. Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and
Related Photochemical Oxidants (Final). EPA/600/
R–05/004aF–cF. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA.
February 2006. Available on the Internet at https://
19 U.S. EPA. 1998. Office of Air and Radiation,
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.
‘‘Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors,
Fifth Edition, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area
Sources, Chapter 2: Solid Waste Disposal, Section
2.4: Municipal Solid Waste Landfills’’. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
3. Public Health Impacts Detailed in the
2009 Endangerment Finding
In addition to the improvements in air
quality and resulting benefits to human
health and the non-climate welfare
effects discussed above, reducing
emissions from landfills is expected to
result in climate co-benefits due to
reductions of the methane component of
LFG. Methane is a potent GHG with a
global warming potential (GWP) 28–36
times greater than CO2, which accounts
for methane’s stronger absorption of
infrared radiation per ton in the
atmosphere, but also its shorter lifetime
(on the order of 12 years compared to
centuries or millennia for CO2).20 21
According to the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th
Assessment Report, methane is the
second leading long-lived climate forcer
after CO2 globally.22
Methane is also a precursor to groundlevel ozone, which can cause a number
of harmful effects on public health and
the environment. Additionally, ozone is
a short-lived climate forcer that
contributes to global warming.
In 2009, based on a large body of
robust and compelling scientific
evidence, the EPA Administrator issued
an Endangerment Finding under CAA
section 202(a)(1).23 In the Endangerment
Finding, the Administrator found that
the current, elevated concentrations of
GHGs in the atmosphere—already at
levels unprecedented in human
history—may reasonably be anticipated
to endanger public health and welfare of
current and future generations in the
U.S. We summarize these adverse
effects on public health and welfare
briefly here.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
2. Climate Impacts of Methane
The 2009 Endangerment Finding
documented that climate change caused
by human emissions of GHGs threatens
the health of Americans. By raising
average temperatures, climate change
increases the likelihood of heat waves,
which are associated with increased
deaths and illnesses. While climate
change also increases the likelihood of
reductions in cold-related mortality,
evidence indicates that the increases in
heat mortality will be larger than the
decreases in cold mortality in the
United States. Compared to a future
without climate change, climate change
is expected to increase ozone pollution
over broad areas of the U.S., including
in the largest metropolitan areas with
the worst ozone problems, and thereby
increase the risk of morbidity and
mortality. Climate change is also
expected to cause more intense
hurricanes and more frequent and
intense storms of other types and heavy
precipitation, with impacts on other
areas of public health, such as the
potential for increased deaths, injuries,
infectious and waterborne diseases, and
stress-related disorders. Children, the
elderly, and the poor are among the
most vulnerable to these climate-related
health effects.
20 IPCC, 2013: Climate Change 2013: The Physical
Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to
the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
[Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor,
S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex
and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York,
21 As previously noted, this rulemaking uses the
AR4 100-year GWP value for methane (25), rather
than AR5, for CO2 equivalency calculations to be
consistent with and comparable to key Agency
emission quantification programs such as the
Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
(GHG Inventory), and the GHGRP.
22 IPCC, 2013: Climate Change 2013: The Physical
Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to
the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
[Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor,
S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex
and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York,
23 ‘‘Endangerment and Cause or Contribute
Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section
202(a) of the Clean Air Act,’’ 74 FR 66496 (Dec. 15,
2009) (‘‘Endangerment Finding’’).
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4. Public Welfare Impacts Detailed in
the 2009 Endangerment Finding
The 2009 Endangerment Finding
documented that climate change
impacts touch nearly every aspect of
public welfare. Among the multiple
threats caused by human emissions of
GHGs, climate changes are expected to
place large areas of the country at
serious risk of reduced water supplies,
increased water pollution, and
increased occurrence of extreme events
such as floods and droughts. Coastal
areas are expected to face a multitude of
increased risks, particularly from rising
sea level and increases in the severity of
storms. These communities face storm
and flooding damage to property, or
even loss of land due to inundation,
erosion, wetland submergence and
habitat loss.
Impacts of climate change on public
welfare also include threats to social
and ecosystem services. Climate change
is expected to result in an increase in
peak electricity demand. Extreme
weather from climate change threatens
energy, transportation, and water
resource infrastructure. Climate change
may also exacerbate ongoing
environmental pressures in certain
settlements, particularly in Alaskan
indigenous communities, and is very
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likely to fundamentally rearrange U.S.
ecosystems over the 21st century.
Though some benefits may balance
adverse effects on agriculture and
forestry in the next few decades, the
body of evidence points towards
increasing risks of net adverse impacts
on U.S. food production, agriculture and
forest productivity as temperature
continues to rise. These impacts are
global and may exacerbate problems
outside the U.S. that raise humanitarian,
trade, and national security issues for
the U.S.
5. New Scientific Assessments
In 2009, based on a large body of
robust and compelling scientific
evidence, the EPA Administrator issued
the Endangerment Finding under CAA
section 202(a)(1).24 In the Endangerment
Finding, the Administrator found that
the current, elevated concentrations of
GHGs in the atmosphere—already at
levels unprecedented in human
history—may reasonably be anticipated
to endanger public health and welfare of
current and future generations in the
U.S. The D.C. Circuit later upheld the
Endangerment Finding from all
challenges. Coalition for Responsible
Regulation v. EPA, 684 F. 3d 102, 116–
26 (D.C. Cir. 2012).
Since the administrative record
concerning the Endangerment Finding
closed following the EPA’s 2010
Reconsideration Denial, the climate has
continued to change, with new records
being set for a number of climate
indicators such as global average surface
temperatures, Arctic sea ice retreat, CO2
concentrations, and sea level rise.
Additionally, a number of major
scientific assessments have been
released that improve understanding of
the climate system and strengthen the
case that GHGs endanger public health
and welfare both for current and future
generations. These assessments, from
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), the U.S. Global Change
Research Program (USGCRP), and the
National Research Council (NRC),
include: IPCC’s 2012 Special Report on
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events
and Disasters to Advance Climate
Change Adaptation (SREX) and the
2013–2014 Fifth Assessment Report
(AR5), the USGCRP’s 2014 National
Climate Assessment, Climate Change
Impacts in the United States (NCA3),
and the NRC’s 2010 Ocean
Acidification: A National Strategy to
Meet the Challenges of a Changing
24 ‘‘Endangerment and Cause or Contribute
Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section
202(a) of the Clean Air Act,’’ 74 FR 66496 (Dec. 15,
2009) (‘‘Endangerment Finding’’).
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
Ocean (Ocean Acidification), 2011
Report on Climate Stabilization Targets:
Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts
over Decades to Millennia (Climate
Stabilization Targets), 2011 National
Security Implications for U.S. Naval
Forces (National Security Implications),
2011 Understanding Earth’s Deep Past:
Lessons for Our Climate Future
(Understanding Earth’s Deep Past), 2012
Sea Level Rise for the Coasts of
California, Oregon, and Washington:
Past, Present, and Future, 2012 Climate
and Social Stress: Implications for
Security Analysis (Climate and Social
Stress), and 2013 Abrupt Impacts of
Climate Change (Abrupt Impacts)
The conclusions of the recent
scientific assessments confirm and
strengthen the science that supported
the 2009 Endangerment Finding. The
NCA3 indicates that climate change
‘‘threatens human health and well-being
in many ways, including impacts from
increased extreme weather events,
wildfire, decreased air quality, threats to
mental health, and illnesses transmitted
by food, water, and disease-carriers such
as mosquitoes and ticks.’’ 25 Most
recently, the USGCRP released a new
assessment, ‘‘The Impacts of Climate
Change on Human Health in the United
States: A Scientific Assessment’’ (also
known as the USGCRP Climate and
Health Assessment). This assessment
finds that ‘‘climate change impacts
endanger our health’’ and that in the
United States we have ‘‘observed
climate-related increases in our
exposure to elevated temperatures; more
frequent, severe, or longer lasting
extreme events; diseases transmitted
through food, water, or disease vectors
such as ticks and mosquitoes; and
stresses to mental health and wellbeing.’’ The assessment determines that
‘‘[e]very American is vulnerable to the
health impacts associated with climate
change.’’ Climate warming will also
likely ‘‘make it harder for any given
regulatory approach to reduce groundlevel ozone pollution’’, and, unless
offset by reductions of ozone precursors,
it is likely that ‘‘climate-driven
increases in ozone will cause premature
deaths, hospital visits, lost school days,
and acute respiratory symptoms.’’ 26
Assessments state that certain
populations are particularly vulnerable
to climate change. The USGCRP Climate
and Health Assessment assesses several
25 USGCRP, Third National Climate Assessment,
p. 221.
26 See also Kleeman, M.J., S.-H. Chen, and R.A.
Harley. 2010. Climate change impact on air quality
in California: Report to the California Air Resources
Board. https://www.arb.ca.gov/research/apr/past/04349.pdf.
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disproportionately vulnerable
populations, including those with low
income, some communities of color,
immigrant groups, indigenous peoples,
pregnant women, vulnerable
occupational groups, persons with
disabilities, and persons with
preexisting or chronic medical
conditions. The Climate and Health
Assessment also concludes that
children’s unique physiology and
developing bodies contribute to making
them particularly vulnerable to climate
change. Children also have unique
behaviors and exposure pathways that
could increase their exposure to
environmental stressors, like
contaminants in dust or extreme heat
events. Impacts from climate change on
children are likely from heat waves, air
pollution, infectious and waterborne
illnesses, disruptions in food safety and
security, and mental health effects
resulting from extreme weather events.
For example, climate change can disrupt
food safety and security by significantly
reducing food quality, availability and
access. Children are more susceptible to
this disruption because nutrition is
important during critical windows of
development and growth. Older people
are at much higher risk of mortality
during extreme heat events and preexisting health conditions also make
older adults susceptible to cardiac and
respiratory impacts of air pollution and
to more severe consequences from
infectious and waterborne diseases.
Limited mobility among older adults
can also increase health risks associated
with extreme weather and floods.
The new assessments also confirm
and strengthen the science that
supported the 2009 Endangerment
Finding. The NRC assessment
Understanding Earth’s Deep Past stated
that ‘‘[b]y the end of this century,
without a reduction in emissions,
atmospheric CO2 is projected to
increase to levels that Earth has not
experienced for more than 30 million
years.’’ In fact, that assessment stated
that ‘‘the magnitude and rate of the
present GHG increase place the climate
system in what could be one of the most
severe increases in radiative forcing of
the global climate system in Earth
history.’’ 27 Because of these
unprecedented changes in atmospheric
concentrations, several assessments
state that we may be approaching
critical, poorly understood thresholds.
The NRC Abrupt Impacts report
analyzed the potential for abrupt
climate change in the physical climate
system and abrupt impacts of ongoing
27 National Research Council, Understanding
Earth’s Deep Past, p. 138.
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changes that, when thresholds are
crossed, could cause abrupt impacts for
society and ecosystems. The report
considered destabilization of the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet (which could cause
3–4 m of potential sea level rise) as an
abrupt climate impact with unknown
but probably low probability of
occurring this century. The report
categorized a decrease in ocean oxygen
content (with attendant threats to
aerobic marine life); increase in
intensity, frequency, and duration of
heat waves; and increase in frequency
and intensity of extreme precipitation
events (droughts, floods, hurricanes,
and major storms) as climate impacts
with moderate risk of an abrupt change
within this century. The NRC Abrupt
Impacts report also analyzed the threat
of rapid state changes in ecosystems and
species extinctions as examples of an
irreversible impact that is expected to be
exacerbated by climate change. Species
at most risk include those whose
migration potential is limited, whether
because they live on mountaintops or
fragmented habitats with barriers to
movement, or because climatic
conditions are changing more rapidly
than the species can move or adapt.
While some of these abrupt impacts may
be of low or moderate probability in this
century, the probability for a significant
change in many of these processes after
2100 was judged to be higher, with
severe impacts likely should the abrupt
change occur. Future temperature
changes will be influenced by what
emissions path the world follows. In its
high emission scenario, the IPCC AR5
projects that global temperatures by the
end of the century will likely be 2.6 °C
to 4.8 °C (4.7 to 8.6 °F) warmer than
today. There is very high confidence
that temperatures on land and in the
Arctic will warm even faster than the
global average. However, according to
the NCA3, significant reductions in
emissions would lead to noticeably less
future warming beyond mid-century,
and therefore less impact to public
health and welfare. According to the
NCA3, regions closer to the poles are
projected to receive more precipitation,
while the dry subtropics expand
(colloquially, this has been summarized
as wet areas getting wet and dry regions
getting drier), while ‘‘[t]he widespread
trend of increasing heavy downpours is
expected to continue, with precipitation
becoming less frequent but more
intense.’’ Meanwhile, the NRC Climate
Stabilization Targets assessment found
that the area burned by wildfire in parts
of western North America is expected to
grow by 2 to 4 times for 1 °C (1.8 °F) of
warming. The NCA also found that
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
‘‘[e]xtrapolation of the present observed
trend suggests an essentially ice-free
Arctic in summer before mid-century.’’
Retreating snow and ice, and emissions
of carbon dioxide and methane released
from thawing permafrost, are very likely
to amplify future warming.
Since the 2009 Endangerment
Finding, the IPCC AR5, the USGCRP
NCA3, and three of the new NRC
assessments provide estimates of
projected global average sea level rise.
These estimates, while not always
directly comparable as they assume
different emissions scenarios and
baselines, are at least 40 percent larger
than, and in some cases more than twice
as large as, the projected rise estimated
in the IPCC AR4 assessment, which was
referred to in the 2009 Endangerment
Finding. The NRC Sea Level Rise
assessment projects a global average sea
level rise of 0.5 to 1.4 meters by 2100.
The NRC National Security Implications
assessment suggests that ‘‘the
Department of the Navy should expect
roughly 0.4 to 2 meters global average
sea-level rise by 2100.’’ The NRC
Climate Stabilization Targets assessment
states that a global average temperature
increase of 3 °C will lead to a global
average sea level rise of 0.5 to 1 meter
by 2100. These NRC and IPCC
assessments continue to recognize and
characterize the uncertainty inherent in
accounting for melting ice sheets in sea
level rise projections.
In addition to future impacts, the
NCA3 emphasizes that climate change
driven by human emissions of GHGs is
already happening now and it is
happening in the U.S. According to the
IPCC AR5 and the NCA3, there are a
number of climate-related changes that
have been observed recently, and these
changes are projected to accelerate in
the future:
• The planet warmed about 0.85 °C
(1.5 °F) from 1880 to 2012. It is
extremely likely (>95 percent
probability) that human influence was
the dominant cause of the observed
warming since the mid-20th century,
and likely (>66 percent probability) that
human influence has more than doubled
the probability of occurrence of heat
waves in some locations. In the
Northern Hemisphere, the last 30 years
were likely the warmest 30 year period
of the last 1400 years.
• Global sea levels rose 0.19 m (7.5
inches) from 1901 to 2010. Contributing
to this rise was the warming of the
oceans and melting of land ice. It is
likely that 275 gigatons per year of ice
melted from land glaciers (not including
ice sheets) since 1993, and that the rate
of loss of ice from the Greenland and
Antarctic ice sheets increased
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substantially in recent years, to 215
gigatons per year and 147 gigatons per
year respectively since 2002. For
context, 360 gigatons of ice melt is
sufficient to cause global sea levels to
rise 1 mm.
• Annual mean Arctic sea ice has
been declining at 3.5 to 4.1 percent per
decade, and Northern Hemisphere snow
cover extent has decreased at about 1.6
percent per decade for March and 11.7
percent per decade for June.
• Permafrost temperatures have
increased in most regions since the
1980s, by up to 3 °C (5.4 °F) in parts of
Northern Alaska.
• Winter storm frequency and
intensity have both increased in the
Northern Hemisphere. The NCA3 states
that the increases in the severity or
frequency of some types of extreme
weather and climate events in recent
decades can affect energy production
and delivery, causing supply
disruptions, and compromise other
essential infrastructure such as water
and transportation systems.
In addition to the changes
documented in the assessment
literature, there have been other climate
milestones of note. According to the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), methane
concentrations in 2014 were about 1,823
parts per billion, 150 percent higher
than concentrations were in 1750. After
a few years of nearly stable
concentrations from 1999 to 2006,
methane concentrations have resumed
increasing at about 5 parts per billion
per year.28 Concentrations today are
likely higher than they have been for at
least the past 800,000 years.29 Arctic sea
ice has continued to decline, with
September of 2012 marking the record
low in terms of Arctic sea ice extent, 40
percent below the 1979–2000 median.
Sea level has continued to rise at a rate
of 3.2 mm per year (1.3 inches/decade)
since satellite observations started in
1993, more than twice the average rate
of rise in the 20th century prior to
1993.30 And 2015 was the warmest year
globally in the modern global surface
temperature record, going back to 1880,
breaking the record previously held by
2014; this now means that the last 15
years have been 15 of the 16 warmest
years on record.31
28 Ed Dlugokencky, NOAA/ESRL
29 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2014.
Climate change indicators in the United States,
2014. Third edition. EPA 430–R–14–004.
30 Blunden, J., and D. S. Arndt, Eds., 2015: State
of the Climate in 2014. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
96 (7), S1–S267.
31 https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201513.
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These assessments and observed
changes raise concerns that reducing
emissions of GHGs across the globe is
necessary in order to avoid the worst
impacts of climate change, and
underscore the urgency of reducing
emissions now. In 2011 the NRC
Committee on America’s Climate
Choices listed a number of reasons
‘‘why it is imprudent to delay actions
that at least begin the process of
substantially reducing emissions.’’ 32
For example, they stated:
• The faster emissions are reduced,
the lower the risks posed by climate
change. Delays in reducing emissions
could commit the planet to a wide range
of adverse impacts, especially if the
sensitivity of the climate to GHGs is on
the higher end of the estimated range.
• Waiting for unacceptable impacts to
occur before taking action is imprudent
because the effects of GHG emissions do
not fully manifest themselves for
decades and, once manifested, many of
these changes will persist for hundreds
or even thousands of years.
• In the committee’s judgment, the
risks associated with maintaining
business as usual are a much greater
concern than the risks associated with
engaging in strong response efforts.
Overview of Climate Change Impacts in
the United States
The NCA3 assessed the climate
impacts in eight regions of the U.S.,
noting that changes in physical climate
parameters such as temperatures,
precipitation, and sea ice retreat were
already having impacts on forests, water
supplies, ecosystems, flooding, heat
waves, and air quality. The U.S. average
temperatures have similarly increased
by 1.3 to 1.9 degrees F since 1895, with
most of that increase occurring since
1970, and the most recent decade was
the U.S.’s hottest as well as the world’s
hottest. Moreover, the NCA3 found that
future warming is projected to be much
larger than recent observed variations in
temperature, with 2 to 4 degrees F
warming expected in most areas of the
U.S. over the next few decades, and up
to 10 degrees F possible by the end of
the century assuming continued
increases in emissions. Extreme heat
events will continue to become more
common, and extreme cold less
common. Additionally, precipitation is
considered likely to increase in the
northern states, decrease in the southern
states, and with the heaviest
precipitation events projected to
increase everywhere.
32 NRC, 2011: America’s Climate Choices, The
National Academies Press, p. 2.
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
In the Northeast, temperatures
increased almost 2 °F from 1895 to
2011, precipitation increased by about 5
inches (10 percent), and sea level rise of
about a foot has led to an increase in
coastal flooding. In the future, if
emissions continue to increase, the
Northeast is projected to experience 4.5
to 10 °F of warming by the 2080s. This
is expected to lead to more heat waves,
coastal and river flooding, and intense
precipitation events. Sea levels in the
Northeast are expected to increase faster
than the global average because of
subsidence, and models suggest
changing ocean currents may further
increase the rate of sea level rise.
In the Southeast, average annual
temperature during the last century
cycled between warm and cool periods.
A warm peak occurred during the 1930s
and 1940s followed by a cool period and
temperatures then increased again from
1970 to the present by an average of
2 °F. Louisiana has already lost 1,880
square miles of land in the last 80 years
due to sea level rise and other
contributing factors. The Southeast is
exceptionally vulnerable to sea level
rise, extreme heat events, hurricanes,
and decreased water availability. Major
risks of further warming include
significant increases in the number of
hot days (95 °F or above) and decreases
in freezing events, as well as
exacerbated ground level ozone in urban
areas. Projections suggest that there may
be fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic in
the future, but they will be more
intense, with more Category 4 and 5
storms. The NCA identified New
Orleans, Miami, Tampa, Charleston, and
Virginia Beach as cities at particular risk
of flooding.
In the Northwest, temperatures
increased by about 1.3 °F between 1895
and 2011. Snowpack in the Northwest is
an important freshwater source for the
region. More precipitation falling as rain
instead of snow has reduced the
snowpack, and warmer springs have
corresponded to earlier snowpack
melting and reduced stream flows
during summer months. Drier
conditions have increased the extent of
wildfires in the region. Average annual
temperatures are projected to increase
by 3.3 °F to 9.7 °F by the end of the
century (depending on future global
GHG emissions), with the greatest
warming is expected during the
summer. Continued increases in global
GHG emissions are projected to result in
up to a 30 percent decrease in summer
precipitation. Warmer waters are
expected to increase disease and
mortality in important fish species,
including Chinook and sockeye salmon.
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In Alaska, temperatures have changed
faster than anywhere else in the U.S.
Annual temperatures increased by about
3 °F in the past 60 years. Warming in
the winter has been even greater, rising
by an average of 6 °F. Glaciers in Alaska
are melting at some of the fastest rates
on Earth. Permafrost soils are also
warming and beginning to thaw. Drier
conditions had already contributed to
more large wildfires in the 10 years
prior to the NCA3 than in any previous
decade since the 1940s, when
recordkeeping began, and subsequent
years have seen even more wildfires. By
the end of this century, continued
increases in GHG emissions are
expected to increase temperatures by 10
to 12 °F in the northernmost parts of
Alaska, by 8 to 10 °F in the interior, and
by 6 to 8 °F across the rest of the state.
These increases will exacerbate ongoing
arctic sea ice loss, glacial melt,
permafrost thaw and increased wildfire,
and threaten humans, ecosystems, and
In the Southwest, temperatures are
now about 2 °F higher than the past
century, and are already the warmest
that region has experienced in at least
600 years. The NCA notes that there is
evidence that climate-change induced
warming on top of recent drought has
influenced tree mortality, wildfire
frequency and area, and forest insect
outbreaks. At the time of publication of
the NCA, even before the last 2 years of
extreme drought in California, tree ring
data was already indicating that the
region might be experiencing its driest
period in 800 years. The Southwest is
projected to warm an additional 5.5 to
9.5 °F over the next century if emissions
continue to increase. Winter snowpack
in the Southwest is projected to decline
(consistent with recent record lows),
reducing the reliability of surface water
supplies for cities, agriculture, cooling
for power plants, and ecosystems. Sea
level rise along the California coast is
projected to worsen coastal erosion,
increase flooding risk for coastal
highways, bridges, and low-lying
airports, and pose a threat to
groundwater supplies in coastal cities.
Also, ‘‘[t]he combination of a longer
frost-free season, less frequent cold air
outbreaks, and more frequent heat
waves accelerates crop ripening and
maturity, reduces yields of corn, tree
fruit, and wine grapes, stresses
livestock, and increases agricultural
water consumption.’’ Increased drought,
higher temperatures, and bark beetle
outbreaks are likely to contribute to
continued increases in wildfires.
The rate of warming in the Midwest
has markedly accelerated over the past
few decades. Temperatures rose by more
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than 1.5 °F from 1900 to 2010, but
between 1980 and 2010 the rate of
warming was three times faster than
from 1900 through 2010. Precipitation
generally increased over the last
century, with much of the increase
driven by intensification of the heaviest
rainfalls. Several types of extreme
weather events in the Midwest (e.g.,
heat waves and flooding) have already
increased in frequency and/or intensity
due to climate change. In the future, if
emissions continue increasing, the
Midwest is expected to experience 5.6
to 8.5 °F of warming by the 2080s,
leading to more heat waves. Specific
vulnerabilities highlighted by the NCA
include long-term decreases in
agricultural productivity, changes in the
composition of the region’s forests,
increased public health threats from
heat waves and degraded air and water
quality, negative impacts on
transportation and other infrastructure
associated with extreme rainfall events
and flooding, and risks to the Great
Lakes including shifts in invasive
species, increases in harmful algal
blooms, and declining beach health.
High temperatures (more than 100 °F
in the Southern Plains and more than
95 °F in the Northern Plains) are
projected to occur much more
frequently by mid-century. Increases in
extreme heat will increase heat stress for
residents, energy demand for air
conditioning, and water losses. In
Hawaii, other Pacific islands, and the
Caribbean, rising air and ocean
temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns,
changing frequencies and intensities of
storms and drought, decreasing base
flow in streams, rising sea levels, and
changing ocean chemistry will affect
ecosystems on land and in the oceans,
as well as local communities,
livelihoods, and cultures. Low islands
are particularly at risk.
In Hawaii and the Pacific islands,
‘‘[w]armer oceans are leading to
increased coral bleaching events and
disease outbreaks in coral reefs, as well
as changed distribution patterns of tuna
fisheries. Ocean acidification will
reduce coral growth and health.
Warming and acidification, combined
with existing stresses, will strongly
affect coral reef fish communities.’’ For
Hawaii and the Pacific islands, future
sea surface temperatures are projected to
increase 2.3 °F by 2055 and 4.7 °F by
2090 under a scenario that assumes
continued increases in emissions.
Methane Specific Impacts. Methane is
also a precursor to ground-level ozone,
which can cause a number of harmful
effects on health and the environment.
Additionally, ozone is a short-lived
climate forcer that contributes to global
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
warming. In remote areas, methane is an
important precursor to tropospheric
ozone formation.33 Almost half of the
global annual mean ozone increase
since preindustrial times is believed to
be due to anthropogenic methane.34
Projections of future emissions also
indicate that methane is likely to be a
key contributor to ozone concentrations
in the future.35 Unlike nitrogen oxide
(NOX) and VOC, which affect ozone
concentrations regionally and at hourly
time scales, methane emissions affect
ozone concentrations globally and on
decadal time scales given methane’s
relatively long atmospheric lifetime
compared to these other ozone
precursors.36 Reducing methane
emissions, therefore, may contribute to
efforts to reduce global background
ozone concentrations that contribute to
the incidence of ozone-related health
effects.37 38 39 These benefits are global
and occur in both urban and rural areas.
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C. What is the EPA’s authority for
reviewing the Emission Guidelines?
The EPA is not statutorily obligated to
conduct a review of the Emission
Guidelines, but has the discretionary
authority to do so when circumstances
indicate that it is appropriate. The EPA
has determined that it is appropriate to
conduct a review of and finalize certain
changes to the Emission Guidelines due
to changes in the landfill industry and
changes in operation of the landfills,
including the size, trends in GCCS
installations (such as the types of MSW
landfills that have installed gas
collection systems), and age of landfills
since the Emission Guidelines were
promulgated in 1996 and the
opportunities for significant reductions
in methane and other pollutants at
reasonable cost. The EPA compiled new
information on MSW landfills through
data collection efforts for a statutorily
mandated review of the NSPS, public
comments received on the NSPS
proposal, and public comments received
on an ANPRM, as well as a proposed
33 U.S. EPA. 2013. ‘‘Integrated Science
Assessment for Ozone and Related Photochemical
Oxidants (Final Report).’’ EPA–600–R–10–076F.
National Center for Environmental Assessment—
RTP Division. Available at www.epa.gov/ncea/isa/
34 Ibid.
35 Ibid.
36 Ibid.
37 West, J.J., Fiore, A.M. 2005. ‘‘Management of
tropospheric ozone by reducing methane
emissions.’’ Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:4685–4691.
38 Anenberg, S.C., et al. 2009. ‘‘Intercontinental
impacts of ozone pollution on human mortality,’’
Environ. Sci. & Technol. 43: 6482–6487.
39 Sarofim, M.C., Waldhoff, S.T., Anenberg, S.C.
2015. ‘‘Valuing the Ozone-Related Health Benefits
of Methane Emission Controls,’’ Environ. Resource
Econ. DOI 10.1007/s10640–015–9937–6.
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rulemaking for a review of the Emission
Guidelines. This information allowed
the EPA to conduct an assessment of
current practices, emissions and
potential for additional emission
D. What is the purpose and scope of this
The purpose of this action is to (1)
Present the results of the EPA’s review
of the Emission Guidelines, (2) finalize
revisions to the Emission Guidelines
based on that review, and (3) resolve or
provide clarification regarding several
implementation issues that were
addressed in prior proposed
amendments published on May 23, 2002
(67 FR 36475) and September 8, 2006
(71 FR 53271) as they apply to existing
sources. The final revisions appear in 40
CFR part 60, subpart Cf.40 Although the
EPA is not required to respond to
comments received on the July 17, 2014,
ANPRM (79 FR 41772) for the MSW
landfills Emission Guidelines or
comments it received on the concurrent
proposal for revised NSPS for new MSW
landfills in this document, the EPA is
summarizing several comments it
received to provide a framework and
support the rationale for the final
revisions to the Emission Guidelines.
E. How would the changes in
applicability affect sources currently
subject to subparts Cc and WWW?
Landfills currently subject to 40 CFR
part 60, subparts Cc and WWW, are
considered ‘‘existing’’ with the
promulgation of this new subpart Cf and
are ultimately affected by any changes
to the Emission Guidelines resulting
from this review. Each MSW landfill for
which construction, modification, or
reconstruction commenced on or before
July 17, 2014, the date of proposal of the
standard for new landfills under subpart
XXX, is an existing source as of the
effective date of this rule. Under CAA
section 111, a source is either new, i.e.,
construction, modification, or
reconstruction commenced after a
proposed NSPS is published in the
Federal Register (CAA section 111(a)(1))
or existing, i.e., any source other than a
new source (CAA section 111(a)(6)).
Because the revised Emission
Guidelines apply to existing sources,
any source that is not subject to subpart
XXX will be subject to the revised
Emission Guidelines. Any existing
40 Rather than merely updating 40 CFR part 60,
subpart Cc, the existing emissions guidelines, the
EPA has determined that the most appropriate way
to proceed is to establish a new subpart that
includes both the verbatim restatement of certain
provisions in the existing Emission Guidelines and
revisions to, or the addition of, other provisions.
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MSW landfill that modifies or
reconstructs after July 17, 2014 would
become a new source subject to the
NSPS subpart XXX.
Consistent with the general approach
evinced by CAA section 111, sources
currently subject to subpart WWW
would need to continue to comply with
the requirements in that rule until they
become subject to more stringent
requirements in the revised Emission
Guidelines as implemented through a
revised state or federal plan. The current
Emission Guidelines, subpart Cc, refer
to subpart WWW for their substantive
requirements. That is, the requirements
regarding the installation and operation
of a well-designed and well-operated
GCCS and compliance with the
specified emission limits are the same
in both rules. Thus, because the EPA is
finalizing its proposal to revise the
Emission Guidelines to increase their
stringency, a landfill currently subject to
40 CFR part 60, subpart WWW, would
need to comply with the more stringent
requirements in a revised state plan or
federal plan implementing the revised
Emission Guidelines (40 CFR part 60,
subpart Cf). States with designated
facilities must develop (or revise) and
submit a state plan to the EPA within 9
months of promulgation of any revisions
to the Emission Guidelines (40 CFR
60.23). Any revisions to an existing state
plan and any newly adopted state plan
must be established following the
requirements of 40 CFR part 60, subpart
B. To assist regulatory agencies in
preparing state plans, the EPA
developed the document ‘‘Municipal
Solid Waste Landfills, Volume 2:
Summary of Requirements for Section
111(d) State Plans for Implementing the
Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
Emission Guidelines.’’ This volume
describes the elements of a state plan
and explains the state plan development
and review process. The requirements
include making the state plan publically
available and providing the opportunity
for public discussion. MSW Landfills,
Volume 2 is available on the TTN Web
site at https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/atw/
landfill/landflpg.html. Note that MSW
Landfills, Volume 2 was written for
implementing the 1996 Emission
Guidelines and contains a schedule
corresponding to the 1996 Emission
Guidelines. For these 2016 Emission
Guidelines, state plans are due May 30,
Once the EPA receives a complete
state plan or plan revision, and
completes its review of that plan or plan
revision, the EPA will propose the plan
or plan revision for approval or
disapproval. The EPA will approve or
disapprove the plan or plan revision
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
according to the schedule in 40 CFR
part 60, subpart B. The EPA will publish
notice of state plan approvals or
disapprovals in the Federal Register
and will include an explanation of its
decision. The EPA also intends to revise
the existing federal plan (40 CFR part
62, subpart GGG) to incorporate the
changes and other requirements adopted
in this final action revising the Emission
Guidelines. The revised federal plan
will apply in states that have either
never submitted a state plan or not
received approval of any necessary
revised state plan until such time as an
initial state plan or revised state plan is
approved. Fifteen states and territories
implement the original Emission
Guidelines promulgated at subpart Cc
under the Federal Plan (40 CFR part 62,
subpart GGG) The revised federal plan
would also apply in Indian country
unless and until replaced by a tribal
implementation plan (TIP).41
Because many of the landfills
currently subject to 40 CFR part 60,
subparts Cc and WWW, are closed, the
EPA is finalizing provisions to minimize
the burden on these closed landfills
while continuing to protect air quality,
as discussed in sections V.C and VI.C of
this preamble.
IV. Summary of the Final Emission
A. What are the control requirements?
1. Design Capacity and Emissions
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The revised Emission Guidelines
retain the current design capacity
thresholds of 2.5 million Mg and 2.5
million m3, but reduce the NMOC
emission threshold for the installation
and removal of a GCCS from 50 Mg/yr
to 34 Mg/yr for landfills that are not
closed as of September 27, 2017. An
MSW landfill that exceeds the design
capacity thresholds must install and
start up a GCCS within 30 months after
reporting that LFG emissions reach or
exceed a NMOC level of 34 Mg/yr
NMOC. The owner or operator of a
landfill may control the gas by routing
it to a non-enclosed flare, an enclosed
combustion device, or a treatment
system that processes the collected gas
for subsequent sale or beneficial use.
41 Indian tribes may, but are not required to, seek
approval for treatment in a manner similar to a state
for purposes of developing a tribal implementation
plan implementing the Emission guidelines. If a
tribe obtains such approval and submits a proposed
TIP, the EPA will use the same criteria and follow
the same procedure in approving that plan as it
does with state plans. The federal plan will apply
to all affected facilities located in Indian country
unless and until EPA approves an applicable TIP.
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2. Tier 4
The current Emission Guidelines (40
CFR part 60, subpart Cc) provide that
owners or operators determine whether
the landfill has exceeded the NMOC
emissions threshold using one of three
available modeling procedures, known
as Tiers 1, 2, and 3. The EPA is
finalizing in subpart Cf an additional
optional methodology based on sitespecific surface methane emissions to
determine when a landfill must install
and operate a GCCS. This alternative
emission threshold methodology,
referred to as ‘‘Tier 4,’’ is based on SEM
and demonstrates that surface methane
emissions are below a specific
threshold. The Tier 4 SEM
demonstration allows certain landfills
that exceed modeled NMOC emission
rates using Tier 1 or 2 to demonstrate
that site-specific surface methane
emissions are below a surface
concentration threshold (a landfill need
not model emissions under Tier 3 before
using Tier 4). A landfill that can
demonstrate that surface emissions are
below 500 ppm for four consecutive
quarters does not trigger the
requirement to install a GCCS even if
Tier 1, 2, or 3 calculations indicate that
the 34 Mg/yr threshold has been
exceeded. Owners or operators continue
to keep detailed records of each
quarterly monitoring demonstration and
must submit a Tier 4 surface emissions
report annually. If a landfill measures a
surface emissions reading of greater
than 500 ppm methane, the landfill
must submit a GCCS design plan and
install and operate a GCCS.
Tier 4 is based on the results of
quarterly site-specific methane
emissions monitoring of the perimeter
of the landfill and entire surface of the
landfill along a pattern that traverses the
landfill at 30-meter (98-ft) intervals, in
addition to monitoring areas where
visual observations may indicate
elevated concentrations of LFG, such as
distressed vegetation and cracks or
seeps in the cover and all cover
penetrations. If the landfill opts to use
Tier 4 for its emission threshold
determination and there is any
measured concentration of methane of
500 ppm or greater from the surface of
the landfill, the owner or operator must
install a GCCS, and the landfill cannot
go back to using Tiers 1, 2, or 3
modeling to demonstrate that emissions
are below the NMOC threshold.
Tier 4 is allowed only if the landfill
owner or operator can demonstrate that
NMOC emissions are greater than or
equal to 34 Mg/yr, but less than 50 Mg/
yr using Tier 1 or Tier 2. If both Tier 1
and Tier 2 indicate NMOC emissions of
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50 Mg/yr or greater, Tier 4 cannot be
used. In addition, a wind barrier must
be used for Tier 4 when the average
wind speed exceeds 4 miles per hour
(mph)(or 2 meters per second), or gusts
are above 10 mph. Tier 4 measurements
cannot be conducted if the average wind
speed exceeds 25 mph. Wind speed
must be measured with an on-site
anemometer with a continuous recorder
and data logger for the entire duration
of the monitoring event. The average
wind speed must be determined at 5minute intervals. The gust must be
determined at 3-second intervals.
Further, when conducting Tier 4
monitoring, the sampling probe must be
held no more than 5 centimeters above
the landfill (e.g., using a mechanical
device such as a wheel on a pole). Tier
4 measurements cannot be conducted if
the average wind speed exceeds 25 mph
In addition, landfills with a nonregulatory GCCS are allowed to operate
the GCCS during the Tier 4 SEM
demonstration, however, the GCCS must
have operated at least 75 percent of the
hours during the 12 months leading up
to the Tier 4 SEM demonstration.
3. Subcategory of Closed Landfills
Because many landfills are closed and
do not produce as much LFG, the EPA
is finalizing the proposed subcategory
for landfills that close on or before
September 27, 2017. Landfills in this
subcategory will continue to be subject
to an NMOC emission threshold of 50
Mg/yr for determining when controls
must be installed or can be removed,
consistent with the NMOC thresholds in
subparts Cc and WWW of 40 CFR part
60. These closed landfills would also be
exempt from initial reporting
requirements (i.e., initial design
capacity, initial NMOC emission rate,
GCCS design plan, initial annual report,
closure report, equipment removal
report, and initial performance test
report), provided that the landfill
already met these requirements under
subparts Cc or WWW of 40 CFR part 60.
4. Criteria for Removing GCCS
Landfill emissions increase as waste
is added to a landfill, but decline over
time; as waste decays, a landfill
produces less and less methane and
other pollutants. In the proposed
Emission Guidelines (80 FR 52112), the
EPA recognized that many open
landfills subject to the Emission
Guidelines contain inactive areas that
have experienced declining LFG flows.
Therefore, the EPA is finalizing criteria
for determining when it is appropriate
to cap, remove, or decommission a
portion of the GCCS. The criteria for
capping, removing, or decommissioning
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
the GCCS are: (1) The landfill is closed,
(2) the GCCS has operated for at least 15
years or the landfill owner or operator
can demonstrate that the GCCS will be
unable to operate for 15 years due to
declining gas flows, and (3) the
calculated NMOC emission rate at the
landfill is less than 34 Mg/yr on three
successive test dates. For landfills in the
closed subcategory, the NMOC emission
rate threshold for removing controls is
50 Mg/yr.
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5. Excluding Non-Productive Areas
From Control
The EPA is finalizing a provision that
allows the use of actual flow data when
estimating NMOC emissions for the
purposes of excluding low- or nonproducing areas of the landfill from
control. Owners or operators of landfills
with physically separated, closed areas
may either model NMOC emission rates,
or may determine the flow rate of LFG
using actual measurements, to
determine NMOC emissions. Using
actual flow measurements yields a more
precise measurement of NMOC
emissions for purposes of demonstrating
the closed area represents less than 1
percent of the landfills total NMOC
emissions. The Emission Guidelines
historically allowed owners or operators
to exclude from control areas that are
non-productive. In this final action, the
retained the 1 percent criteria level,
rather than raising it, to prevent
landfills from excluding areas from
control unless emissions were very low.
But, to help owners or operators
demonstrate that a non-productive area
may be excluded from control, the final
rule allow the owner or operator to use
site-specific flow measurements to
determine NMOC emissions.
6. Landfill Gas Treatment
The EPA is finalizing two provisions
related to LFG treatment. First, the EPA
is clarifying that the use of treated LFG
is not limited to use as a fuel for a
stationary combustion device but also
allows other beneficial uses such as
vehicle fuel, production of high-Btu gas
for pipeline injection, and use as a raw
material in a chemical manufacturing
process. Second, the EPA is defining
‘‘treated landfill gas’’ as LFG processed
in a treatment system meeting the
requirements in 40 CFR part 60, subpart
Cf, and defining ‘‘treatment system’’ as
a system that filters, de-waters, and
compresses LFG for sale or beneficial
use. Owners or operators must develop
a site-specific treatment system
monitoring plan that includes
monitoring parameters addressing all
three elements of treatment (filtration,
de-watering, and compression) to ensure
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the treatment system is operating
properly for each intended end use of
the treated LFG. They also must keep
records that demonstrate that such
parameters effectively monitor filtration,
de-watering, and compression system
performance necessary for each end use
of the treated LFG. The treatment
system monitoring plan must be
submitted as part of the landfill’s title V
permit application. The permitting
authority will review the permit
application, including the treatment
system monitoring plan, as part of the
general permitting process. The
treatment system monitoring parameters
would be included in the permit as
applicable requirements and thus
become enforceable conditions (i.e., the
landfill monitors the treatment system
monitoring parameters and maintains
them in the specified range).
B. What are the monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting
1. Wellhead Monitoring
The operational standard, corrective
action, and corresponding
recordkeeping and reporting remain for
temperature and maintaining negative
pressure at the wellhead. The EPA is
removing the operational standards for
nitrogen/oxygen levels at wellheads.
Thus, the EPA is removing the
corresponding requirement to take
corrective action for exceedances of
nitrogen/oxygen at wellheads. These
adjustments to the wellhead monitoring
parameters apply to all landfills.
Although landfill owners or operators
are not required to take corrective action
based on exceedances of nitrogen/
oxygen levels at wellheads, they are
required to monitor nitrogen/oxygen
levels at wellheads on a monthly basis
to inform any necessary adjustments to
the GCCS and must maintain records of
all monthly readings. The landfill owner
or operator must make these records
available to the Administrator upon
2. Surface Monitoring
The EPA is finalizing the proposed
requirement to monitor all surface
penetrations. Landfills must conduct
SEM at all cover penetrations and
openings within the area of the landfill
where waste has been placed and a
GCCS is required to be in place and
operating according to the operational
standards in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf.
Specifically, landfill owners or
operators must conduct surface
monitoring on a quarterly basis around
the perimeter of the collection area and
along a pattern that traverses the landfill
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at no more than 30 meter intervals, at all
cover penetrations, and where visual
observations may indicate the presence
of elevated concentrations of LFG, such
as distressed vegetation and cracks or
seeps in the cover. Cover penetrations
include wellheads, but do not include
items such as survey stakes, fencing or
litter fencing, flags, signs, trees, and
utility poles.
3. Corrective Action
The owner or operator must measure
the LFG temperature at the wellhead
and gauge pressure in the gas collection
header applied to each individual well
on a monthly basis. If there is an
exceedance (i.e., LFG temperature of 55
degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit)
or positive pressure), the owner or
operator must initiate corrective action
within 5 days. If the temperature
exceedance or positive pressure cannot
be resolved within 15 days, then the
owner or operator must determine the
appropriate corrective action by
conducting a root cause analysis and
correct the exceedance as soon as
practicable, but no later than 60 days
after the first measurement of the
temperature exceedance or positive
pressure. For corrective action that takes
longer than 60 days to fully implement,
the owner or operator must also conduct
a corrective action analysis and develop
an implementation schedule for the
corrective action that does not exceed
120 days. The owner or operator must
also notify the Administrator of any
corrective action exceeding 60 days
within 75 days and also include a
description of the root cause analysis,
corrective action analysis and
implementation schedule in the annual
report. If corrective action is expected to
take longer than 120 days after the
initial exceedance, the owner or
operator must submit the corrective
action plan and corresponding
implementation timeline to the
Administrator for approval within 75
days of the first measurement of positive
pressure. Owners or operators must
keep records of corrective action
analyses. Owners or operators must
include corrective action records in the
annual compliance report for corrective
actions that take more than 60 days to
4. Update and Approval of Design Plan
The EPA is reaffirming some
requirements and revising others to
address design plans. Design plans must
continue to be prepared and approved
by a professional engineer. The landfill
owner or operator must then notify the
Administrator that the plan is
completed and provide a copy of the
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plan’s signature page. The
Administrator will now have 90 days to
make a decision about whether the plan
should be submitted for review. If the
Administrator chooses to review, the
approval process continues at outlined
in this section. However, if the
Administrator indicates that submission
is not required or doesn’t respond
within 90 days, the landfill owner or
operator can continue to implement the
plan with the recognition that they are
proceeding at their own risk. In the
event that the design plan is required to
be modified to obtain approval, the
owner/operator must take any steps
necessary to conform any prior actions
to the approved design plan and any
failure to do so could result in an
enforcement action.
The EPA is also finalizing two criteria
for when an affected source must update
its design plan and submit it to the
Administrator for approval. A revised
design plan must be submitted on the
following timeline: (1) Within 90 days
of expanding operations to an area not
covered by the previously approved
design plan; and (2) prior to installing
or expanding the gas collection system
in a manner other than the one
described in the previous design plan.
The final rule continues to require
landfill owners or operators to prepare
both an initial and revised design plan.
5. Electronic Reporting
The EPA is requiring owners or
operators of existing MSW Landfills to
submit electronic copies of certain
required performance test reports,
NMOC emission rate reports, annual
reports, Tier 4 emission rate reports, and
wet landfilling practices through the
EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX)
using the Compliance and Emissions
Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI).
Owners or operators are allowed to
maintain electronic copies of the
records in lieu of hardcopies to satisfy
federal recordkeeping requirements.
The requirement to submit
performance test data electronically to
the EPA applies only to those
performance tests conducted using test
methods that are supported by the
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT). A
listing of the pollutants and test
methods supported by the ERT is
available at: www3.epa.gov/ttn/chief/
ert/ert_info.html. When the EPA adds
new methods to the ERT, a notice will
be sent out through the Clearinghouse
for Inventories and Emissions Factors
(CHIEF) Listserv (www.epa.gov/airemissions-inventories/emissionsinventory-listservs) and a notice of
availability will be added to the ERT
Web site. You are encouraged to check
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the ERT Web site regularly for up-todate information on methods supported
by the ERT.
The EPA believes that the electronic
submittal of the reports addressed in
this rulemaking will increase the
usefulness of the data contained in
those reports, is in keeping with current
trends in data availability, will further
assist in the protection of public health
and the environment and will
ultimately result in less burden on the
regulated community. Electronic
reporting can also eliminate paperbased, manual processes, thereby saving
time and resources, simplifying data
entry, eliminating redundancies,
minimizing data reporting errors and
providing data quickly and accurately to
the affected facilities, air agencies, the
EPA and the public.
The EPA Web site that stores the
submitted electronic data, WebFIRE,
will be easily accessible to everyone and
will provide a user-friendly interface
that any stakeholder could access. By
making the records, data, and reports
addressed in this rulemaking readily
available, the EPA, the regulated
community, and the public will benefit
when the EPA conducts its CAArequired reviews. As a result of having
reports readily accessible, our ability to
carry out comprehensive reviews will be
increased and achieved within a shorter
period of time.
We anticipate fewer or less substantial
information collection requests (ICRs) in
conjunction with prospective CAArequired reviews may be needed. Under
an electronic reporting system, the EPA
would have air emissions and
performance test data in hand; we
would not have to collect these data
from the regulated industry. The data
would provide useful information on
actual emissions, types of controls in
place, locations of facilities, and other
data that the EPA uses in conducting
required reviews or future assessments.
We expect this to result in a decrease in
time spent by industry to respond to
data collection requests. We also expect
the ICRs to contain less extensive stack
testing provisions, as we will already
have stack test data electronically.
Reduced testing requirements would be
a cost savings to industry. The EPA
should also be able to conduct these
required reviews more quickly. While
the regulated community may benefit
from a reduced burden of ICRs, the
general public benefits from the
agency’s ability to provide these
required reviews more quickly, resulting
in increased public health and
environmental protection.
Air agencies could benefit from more
streamlined and automated review of
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the electronically submitted data.
Having reports and associated data in
electronic format will facilitate review
through the use of software ‘‘search’’
options, as well as the downloading and
analyzing of data in spreadsheet format.
The ability to access and review air
emission report information
electronically will assist air agencies to
more quickly and accurately determine
compliance with the applicable
regulations, potentially allowing a faster
response to violations which could
minimize harmful air emissions. This
benefits both air agencies and the
general public.
For a more thorough discussion of
electronic reporting required by this
rule, see the discussion in the proposed
NSPS (79 FR 41818) and the 2015
proposed Emission Guidelines (80 FR
52127). In summary, in addition to
supporting regulation development,
control strategy development, and other
air pollution control activities, having
an electronic database populated with
performance test data will save
industry, air agencies, and the EPA
significant time, money, and effort
while improving the quality of emission
inventories and air quality regulations
and enhancing the public’s access to
this important information.
6. Landfills Recirculating Leachate or
Adding Other Liquids
In the ANPRM and proposed
Emission Guidelines, the EPA solicited
input on whether additional action
should be taken to address emissions
from wet landfills. As discussed in
section VI.A.3 of this preamble, there
were a wide variety of perspectives
provided in the public comments, and
while many commenters supported
separate thresholds for wet landfills, the
EPA did not receive sufficient data to
support a separate subcategory for
landfills adding leachate or other
liquids. In addition, the EPA has several
other pending regulatory actions that
could affect wet landfills. Accordingly,
the EPA believes it is appropriate to
further assess emissions from wet
landfills prior to taking additional
action. Therefore, the EPA is finalizing
electronic reporting of additional data
elements, as discussed in Section V.A.3
of this preamble, to inform potential
action on wet landfills in the future.
C. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction
The standards in 40 CFR part 60,
subpart Cf, apply at all times, including
periods of startup or shutdown, and
periods of malfunction. The EPA is
reaffirming the work practice standard
applicable during SSM events wherein
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
the landfill owner or operator is
required to shut down the gas mover
system and close all valves in the
collection and control system
potentially contributing to the venting
of the gas to the atmosphere within 1
hour of the collection or control system
not operating. The landfill owner or
operator must also keep records and
submit reports of all periods when the
collection and control device is not
V. Summary of Significant Changes
Since Proposal
A. Changes to Monitoring,
Recordkeeping, and Reporting
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1. Wellhead Monitoring
Although the EPA is finalizing the
proposed removal of wellhead
operational standards for nitrogen/
oxygen, the EPA has decided to retain
the operational standards for
temperature. The temperature standards
were considered to be an essential
indicator for fires, as discussed in
Section VI.A.1 of this preamble.
2. Corrective Action
We are revising the procedural
requirements for correcting positive
pressure and temperature by allowing
owners or operators 60 days to correct
exceedances. If the owner or operator
cannot achieve negative pressure or
temperature of 55 degrees Celsius (131
degrees Fahrenheit) by 60 days after the
initial exceedance, owners or operators
must conduct a root cause analysis to
identify the most appropriate corrective
action, which can include, but is not
limited to, expanding the GCCS. For
corrective action that takes longer than
60 days, owners or operators must
develop an implementation schedule to
complete the corrective action as soon
as practicable, but no more than 120
days following the initial positive
pressure or temperature reading.
Additionally, owners or operators must
keep records of the corrective action
analysis. Owners or operators must
submit the corrective action and
corresponding implementation timeline
to the Administrator for approval when
implementation of the corrective action
is expected to take longer than 120 days
after the initial exceedance.
This change provides flexibility to
owners or operators in determining the
appropriate remedy, as well as the
timeline for implementing the remedy.
3. Landfills Recirculating Leachate or
Adding Other Liquids
The EPA is adding additional
electronic reporting requirements for
wet areas of landfills. The additional
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reporting applies to areas of the landfill
that have recirculated leachate within
the last 10 years and to areas where
other liquids were added within the last
10 years.
The EPA is requiring these landfills to
annually report quantities of liquids
added and/or leachate recirculated. The
first report will contain historical
quantities, where those data are
available in on-site records. The EPA is
also requiring the landfill to report the
surface area over which the liquids are
added or the leachate is recirculated
during each reporting year. The EPA is
also requiring the landfill to report the
total waste disposed in the area with
recirculated leachate or added liquids as
well as the annual waste acceptance
rates in those same areas. As discussed
in Section VI.A.3 of this preamble, this
additional electronic reporting for wet
landfills will inform potential future
action on wet landfills.
4. Portable Gas Analyzers
We are allowing the use of portable
gas composition analyzers in
conjunction with Method 3A to monitor
the oxygen level at a wellhead. A
portable analyzer may be used to
monitor the oxygen level at a wellhead
provided that it is calibrated and meets
all QA/QC requirements according to
Method 3A. ASTM D6522–11 may be
used as an alternative to Method 3A for
wellhead monitoring as long as all the
quality assurance is conducted as
required by ASTM D6522–11. To use
ASTM D6552–11, the sample location
must be prior to combustion.
This change allows owners or
operators to employ devices that are
commonly used in practice to measure
wellhead parameters. This change also
eliminates the need for the landfill
owner or operator to request portable
analyzers as an alternative, as well as
the need for agency review or approval
of such requests. In addition to
providing reliable results when used
properly, portable analyzers have a
number of benefits, including common
use, the ability to provide additional
information on gas composition, and the
ability to download data to a
spreadsheet for easy access and
5. More Precise Location Data
The EPA is finalizing a requirement
for landfills to report the latitude and
longitude coordinates of each surface
emissions exceedance (500 ppm
methane or greater), as proposed, except
the instrument accuracy must be at least
4 meters instead of 3 meters. This
change will provide a more robust and
long-term record of GCCS performance.
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Landfill owners or operators and
regulators can use locational data to
gain perspective on how the LFG
collection system is functioning over
time and owners or operators will be
able to track trends in GCCS
performance and cover practices to
ensure a well operating system and
minimize emissions.
B. Tier 4
The EPA is finalizing the use of Tier
4 SEM as an alternative way of
determining when a landfill must install
a GCCS; however, in the final rule, the
final Tier 4 emissions threshold
determination can be used only at
landfills that have modeled NMOC
emissions using Tier 1 or Tier 2 of
greater than or equal to 34 Mg/yr but
less than 50 Mg/yr because the landfills
NESHAP (40 CFR part 63, subpart
AAAA) requires landfills that have
modeled NMOC emissions of 50 Mg/yr
or greater to install and operate a GCCS
irrespective of surface emissions. If both
Tier 1 and Tier 2 indicate NMOC
emissions of 50 Mg/yr or greater, Tier 4
cannot be used (a landfill need not
model emissions under Tier 3 before
using Tier 4). In order to verify that the
landfill is eligible for Tier 4, the EPA is
finalizing a provision to require landfill
owners or operators that choose to use
Tier 4 to continue to conduct Tier 1 and
Tier 2 NMOC emission rate calculations
and report results in the annual report.
The EPA is also limiting the use of
Tier 4 at landfills with a GCCS installed.
In order for a landfill with an
operational GCCS to qualify for Tier 4,
the GCCS must have operated for at
least 75 percent of the 12 months prior
to initiating Tier 4 testing. The EPA is
finalizing reporting and recordkeeping
requirements for the annual operating
hours of destruction devices in order to
verify that a landfill with a GCCS
installed and opting for Tier 4 meets the
GCCS criteria for having operated the
In addition, the EPA is finalizing
specific requirements for the use of Tier
4 for emission threshold determinations
related to wind speed. Since accurate
measurements can be compromised in
even moderately windy conditions, the
EPA is requiring the owner or operator
to use a wind barrier, similar to a funnel
or other device, to minimize surface air
turbulence when onsite wind speed
exceeds the limits in the rule. Thus,
when a wind barrier is used, the final
rule allows the Tier 4 surface emissions
demonstration to proceed when the
average on-site wind speed exceeds 4
mph, or gusts exceed 10 mph. Tier 4
measurements cannot be conducted if
the average wind speed exceeds 25
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
mph. Although we are aware of the use
of wind barriers in the field, the EPA
intends to provide additional guidance
on their use. In addition, the owner or
operator must take digital photographs
of the instrument setup, including the
wind barrier. The photographs must be
time and date-stamped and taken at the
first sampling location prior to sampling
and at the last sampling location after
sampling at the end of each sampling
day, for the duration of the Tier 4
monitoring demonstration. The owner
or operator must maintain those
photographs per the recordkeeping
requirements. Wind speed must be
measured with an on-site anemometer
with a continuous recorder and data
logger for the entire duration of the
monitoring event. The average wind
speed must be determined at 5-minute
intervals. The gust must be determined
at 3-second intervals. Further, when
taking surface measurements, the
sampling probe must be held no more
than 5 centimeters above the landfill
surface (e.g., using a mechanical device
such as a wheel on a pole).
The EPA is also finalizing reporting
and recordkeeping requirements to
ensure that a GCCS is installed in a
timely manner and to improve the
transparency of SEM testing. To ensure
that a GCCS is installed in a timely
manner, the EPA is requiring a GCCS to
be installed and operated within 30
months of the most recent NMOC
emission rate report in which the
calculated NMOC emission rate equals
or exceeds 34 Mg/yr according to Tier
2, once there is any measured
concentration of methane of 500 ppm or
greater from the surface of the landfill.
To improve the transparency of SEM
testing, landfill owners or operators
must notify the delegated authority 30
days prior to conducting Tier 4 tests and
maintain records of all SEM monitoring
data and calibrations. In addition,
landfill owners or operators must take
and store digital photographs of the
instrument setup. The photographs
must be time and date-stamped and
taken at the first sampling location prior
to sampling and at the last sampling
location after sampling at the end of
each sampling day, for the duration of
the Tier 4 monitoring demonstration.
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C. Changes To Address Closed or NonProductive Areas
1. Closed Landfill Subcategory
The closed landfill subcategory is
expanded to include those landfills that
close on or before September 27, 2017
which is 13 months after publication of
the final Emission Guidelines. This
change gives landfills that closed or are
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planning to close time to complete the
steps to reach closure.
2. Criteria for Removing or
Decommissioning GCCS
The GCCS can be capped or removed
when a landfill owner or operator
demonstrates that (1) the landfill is
closed, (2) the GCCS has operated for at
least 15 years or the landfill owner or
operator can demonstrate that the GCCS
will be unable to operate for 15 years
due to declining gas flows, and (3) the
calculated NMOC emission rate at the
landfill is less than 34 Mg/yr on three
consecutive test dates (50 Mg/yr for the
closed landfill subcategory). The final
rule does not contain a GCCS removal
criterion based on SEM.
D. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction
In the 2015 Emission Guidelines
proposal (80 FR 52103), the EPA
clarified that standards apply at all
times, including periods of SSM. The
EPA also added requirements to
estimate emissions during SSM events.
Consistent with Sierra Club v. EPA, 551
F.3d 1019 (D.C. Cir. 2008), the EPA is
clarifying that the standards in the
Emission Guidelines, once implemented
through an EPA-approved state plan or
a promulgated federal plan, apply at all
times. In recognition of the unique
nature of landfill emissions, and
consistent with the need for standards
to apply at all times, including during
periods of SSM, the EPA is reaffirming
a work practice standard that applies
during SSM events. During such events,
owners or operators must shut down the
gas mover system and close within 1
hour all valves in the collection and
control system contributing to the
potential venting of the gas to the
atmosphere. The landfill owner or
operator must also keep records and
submit reports of all periods when the
collection and control device is not
E. Other Corrections and Clarifications
The use of EPA Method 25A and
Method 18 (on a limited basis, e.g.,
specific compounds like methane) are
included in the final rule. Method 25A
in conjunction with Method 18 (for
methane) or Method 3C can be used to
determine NMOC for the outlet
concentrations less than 50 ppm NMOC
as carbon.
VI. Rationale for Significant Changes
Since Proposal
After considering public comments
and further analyzing the available data,
the EPA made several changes in this
final rule relative to what we proposed.
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A complete list of public comments
received on the proposed rule and the
responses to them can be viewed in the
document ‘‘Responses to Public
Comments on EPA’s Standards of
Performance for Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills and Emission Guidelines and
Compliance Times for Municipal Solid
Waste Landfills: Proposed Rules’’
(hereafter ‘‘Response to Comments
document’’), which is available in
Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2014–0451. This
section of the preamble summarizes
comments and presents responses to
those comments for only those
provisions that have changed since the
2015 proposed Emission Guidelines.
A. Changes to Monitoring,
Recordkeeping, and Reporting
1. Wellhead Monitoring
In the 2014 proposed NSPS, the EPA
requested comment on alternative
wellhead monitoring requirements,
including potential exclusion from the
temperature and nitrogen/oxygen
monitoring requirements, or a reduction
in the frequency of this monitoring. For
example, the EPA indicated that it could
reduce the frequency of wellhead
monitoring for these three parameters
(temperature and nitrogen/oxygen) from
monthly to a quarterly or semi-annual
schedule. The EPA requested comments
on whether the potential exclusion
should apply to a subset of landfills or
landfill areas based on beneficial use of
In the 2015 proposed Emission
Guidelines, the EPA proposed to remove
the operational standards (i.e., the
requirement to meet operating limits)
for temperature and nitrogen/oxygen at
the wellheads, thus removing the
corresponding requirement to take
corrective action for exceedances of
these parameters. This approach was
taken to eliminate the need for owners
or operators to request higher operating
values (HOVs) for these parameters,
submit alternative timelines for
corrective action, or expand the GCCS to
address exceeding these wellhead
standards. The EPA proposed to
maintain the requirement to monitor
nitrogen/oxygen and temperature on a
monthly basis, but to remove the
requirement to report exceedances from
fluctuations or variations in these
parameters in the annual reports.
Instead of annual reporting, the EPA
proposed that landfill owners or
operators maintain the records of this
monthly monitoring on site to inform
any necessary adjustments to the GCCS
and make these records available to the
Administrator upon request. The EPA
proposed to maintain the requirement to
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
operate the GCCS at negative pressure
and in a manner that collects the most
LFG and minimizes losses of LFG
through the surface of the landfill. The
EPA also requested comments on
whether it should add a requirement to
monitor wellhead flow rate, or any other
wellhead monitoring parameters, that
would help to ensure a well-operated
GCCS (80 FR 52138).
Comment: Several commenters want
the EPA to maintain the wellhead
operational standards, including states,
industry consultants, and
environmental organizations, with one
environmental organization stating that
these wellhead parameters are the only
warning signal for potential fire hazards.
One state stated that the removal of the
operational standards could lead to
some landfill owners or operators not
operating the GCCS in an effective
manner, thus creating a potential for
increased LFG emissions through the
landfill surface.
Many other commenters supported
removing the nitrogen/oxygen and
temperature operational standards,
including industry, some states), and
the Small Business Association. Several
commenters indicated that a lack of
response to or approval of HOV requests
or alternative timelines for corrective
action, despite appropriate justification,
is a significant administrative barrier in
the current Emission Guidelines. These
commenters stated that a lack of
response to or approval of HOVs results
in owners or operators having to install
new wells to correct for temperature or
oxygen exceedances even though such
expansion of the GCCS does not correct
the exceedance and may be contrary to
a well-operated GCCS. One commenter
stated that removing the operational
standards would alleviate one of the
most significant barriers to installing
interim gas collection measures and
would alleviate the corresponding
administrative burden of requesting
HOVs. Other commenters stated that
removing the operational standards
would not only reduce administrative
burden, but would also facilitate early
installation of GCCS and the use of
appropriate best management practices
to maximize gas collection. Two
commenters from state agencies agreed
with removing the operational
standards, and agreed with retaining
monthly monitoring of temperature and
nitrogen/oxygen and retaining the
corresponding monitoring data.
Several commenters suggested that
certain monitoring data should be
reported on a semi-annual basis so that
agencies can identify or prevent fires.
For example, state agency commenters
suggested that the EPA require semi-
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annual reporting of wellhead readings
above 5 percent oxygen and 130 degrees
Fahrenheit, which was supported by
supplemental comments received from
the industry and industry trade
organizations. One commenter also
suggested reporting of any subsurface
fire. One regional agency wanted the
results to be reported if temperature
exceeds 150 °F and also suggested
reporting any methane to carbon
dioxide ratio less than 1.
Commenters that supported removal
of the operational standards for
temperature and nitrogen/oxygen also
contended that the nitrogen/oxygen and
temperature wellheads parameters are
poor indicators of landfill fires or
inhibited decomposition and that
landfill owners or operators already
have their own incentive to prevent
landfill fires. Commenters added that
expanding the LFG collection system by
drilling new wells may introduce more
air into the landfill, which can
exacerbate a fire and actually increase
oxygen content. Commenters (0451–
0178, 0451–0167, 0215–0191, 0215–
0121) that favored retaining the
operational standards for temperature
and nitrogen/oxygen contend that
temperature and nitrogen/oxygen data
are essential to inform regulators of the
presence of the potential for a landfill
Response: After carefully considering
public comments and available data, the
EPA is removing the operational
standards (i.e., the requirement to meet
operating limits) for nitrogen/oxygen,
but not temperature. Landfill owners or
operators must continue to monitor
nitrogen/oxygen on a monthly basis,
however, to ensure that the GCCS is
well maintained and operated, collects
the most LFG, and minimizes losses of
LFG through the surface of the landfill.
Landfill owners or operators must
maintain records of this monthly
monitoring and make these records
available to the Administrator upon
request. The EPA is requiring monthly
monitoring and recordkeeping for these
wellhead monitoring parameters (i.e.,
oxygen, nitrogen, temperature, and
pressure), since these are key indicators
that are already being monitored by
landfill owner or operators to determine
how well the landfill is being operated,
including the capturing and destroying
landfill gas, promoting efficient
anaerobic decomposition and/or
preventing landfill fires.
Because of concerns regarding fire
hazards, the EPA is retaining the
operational standard for temperature.
Landfill owners or operators must
electronically submit, as part of their
annual report, all readings that show
PO 00000
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LFG temperatures greater than 55
degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit), and document the root
cause and corrective action taken to
correct for this exceedance, as discussed
in section VI.A.2 of this preamble.
While several commenters supported
removing the temperature parameter,
other commenters were concerned with
fire risks if the parameter was removed.
In addition, given the EPA experience
with consent decrees and other
enforcement actions involving elevated
temperature values, the EPA has
decided to retain temperature as an
operating standard in the final rule. This
overall approach will reduce the
number of requests for higher operating
values and alternative timeliness for
nitrogen/oxygen parameters. In
addition, note that regulatory agencies
can request data records of oxygen,
nitrogen, or temperature monitoring, as
measured on a monthly basis, at any
Landfills are subject to 40 CFR part
60, subpart A. These provisions require
landfill owners or operators, to the
extent practicable, to maintain and
operate any affected facility including
associated air pollution control
equipment in a manner consistent with
good air pollution control practice for
minimizing emissions. Due to the
extreme environmental consequences of
a subsurface landfill fire, these
provisions obligate landfill owners or
operators to take all practical steps
necessary to avoid landfill fires. While
this action removes requirements to
meet operational standards for nitrogen/
oxygen at wellheads and to make
corrective actions, landfill owners or
operators must continue all due
diligence to ensure that the GCCS is not
overdrawn, thereby creating a
flammable subsurface environment.
Because the corrective action
requirements for certain parameters
have been retained, the EPA is
reaffirming its provisions for HOVs. The
HOV provisions were originally enacted
to address variations in temperature
between landfills and between wells.
With a sufficient demonstration (i.e.,
supporting data showing the elevated
parameter does not cause fires or
significantly inhibit anaerobic
decomposition by killing methanogens),
an HOV may be established for
temperature, nitrogen, or oxygen at a
particular well. The EPA encourages
regulatory authorities review requests
for HOVs in a timely manner and to
make use of these mechanisms where
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appropriate.42 States may also consider
HOVs when developing state plans.
2. Corrective Action
In a 1998 Federal Register notice (63
FR 32748, June 16, 1998), the EPA
amended the wellhead monitoring
provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart
WWW, to allow an alternative timeline
for correcting wellhead exceedances to
be submitted to the Administrator for
approval. The rule change made the
wellhead monitoring provisions
consistent with the SEM provisions,
which allow an alternative remedy and
corresponding timeline for correcting an
exceedance to be submitted to the
Administrator for approval. The EPA
noted in the 1998 preamble that any
timeline extending more than 120 days
must be approved by the regulating
agency. Since 1998, questions have been
raised about the timing of correcting
wellhead exceedances and whether a
landfill needs agency approval for
corrective action timelines that exceed
15 calendar days but are less than the
120 days allowed for expanding the
In the 2015 Emission Guidelines
proposal, the EPA clarified its intent
and outlined a corresponding timeline
for correcting positive pressure at a
wellhead. The EPA proposed that a
landfill must submit an alternative
corrective action timeline request to the
Administrator for approval if the
landfill cannot restore negative pressure
within 15 calendar days of the initial
failure to maintain negative pressure
and the landfill is unable to (or does not
plan to) expand the gas collection
system within 120 days of the initial
exceedance. The EPA explained in the
preamble that it did not specify a
schedule in the proposed rule language
by when a landfill would need to
submit alternative timeline requests
because the EPA determined that
investigating and determining the
appropriate corrective action, as well as
the schedule for implementing
corrective action, would be site specific
and depend on the reason for the
exceedance (80 FR 52126). In addition,
the EPA requested comment (80 FR
52126) on an alternative timeline that
extends the requirement for notification
from 15 days to as soon as practicable,
but no later than 60 days from when an
exceedance is identified. In the 2014
ANPRM, the EPA had requested
42 The EPA asserts the importance of case specific
HOV requests and approvals. However, to address
concerns from HOV request reviewers and those
submitting requests, an example of regulatory
guidance for HOV demonstrations can be found at
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comment on the same approach, as well
as whether 60 days is the appropriate
time to make necessary repairs.
Comment: The EPA received
comments on the proposed changes,
including the time allowed for
corrective action and for submitting
alternative timeline requests for
approval by the Administrator.
Regarding the timeframe for submitting
a request, several state agencies
recommended extending the 15-day
timeline for a request to be submitted
and indicated that 15 days is not
sufficient time to evaluate the problem
and plan for corrective action, which
may often involve construction
activities. There were varied opinions
from the state agencies on what length
of time beyond 15 days is appropriate.
Two agencies supported an extension to
as soon as practicable but no later than
60 days, other agencies specified that
the request should be submitted within
30 days from the initial exceedance.
Industry representatives from private
and publicly owned landfills as well as
waste industry consultants opposed the
requirement to submit a request for an
alternative corrective action timeline
within 15 days. The commenters were
concerned that 15 days is not enough
time to assess the appropriate solution
across miles of interconnected piping.
In addition, the commenters were
concerned that a 15-day time period
would increase the paperwork for both
the landfill and the reviewing regulatory
agency. One commenter indicated that
while many repairs can be completed
within 60 days, some repairs, especially
in cold weather climates, may take
longer. One industry commenter
suggested that a timeframe of 90 days to
complete any adjustments or repairs is
appropriate. If the corrections could not
be made within 90 days, the commenter
stated that the landfill would be
prepared to have the system expanded
within 120 days.
Industry commenters raised the issue
that the timeline for corrective action for
surface exceedances in the current
subpart WWW regulations, 40 CFR
60.755(c)(4)(v), allows 120 days to
install a new well or other collection
device or submit an alternative timeline
for another corrective action. These
commenters also indicated that the 1998
NSPS amendments modified the
corrective action for wellhead parameter
exceedances to be consistent with the
timeframe allowed for correcting surface
exceedances (63 FR 32748, June 16,
1998). The commenters also noted that
the 1998 amendments recognized that
installation of a new well may not
always be the appropriate corrective
PO 00000
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action for remedying a wellhead
Despite the 1998 rule amendments,
several of these industry commenters
note that interpretation and
implementation of the 1998
amendments to 40 CFR 60.755(a)(3)
have been inconsistent, with some
agencies only requiring the landfill
owner or operator to submit requests if
the corrective action will take longer
than 120 days. Other states have taken
the position that any exceedances that
cannot be resolved within 15 days must
automatically result in a requirement to
expand the GCCS. One commenter
referenced determinations that required
landfills to submit an alternative
timeline request within 15 days. One
commenter indicated that the original
rule never anticipated notification and a
request for an alternative compliance
timeline within 15 days, while another
commenter indicated that the state of
Texas requires landfills to submit
alternative timelines only if the
corrective action requires more than 120
days to complete.
In consideration of the 1998 final rule
notice, industry commenters
recommended that EPA require landfill
owners or operators to submit an
alternative timeline request for approval
as soon as practicable and only in
circumstances in which a system
expansion or alternative corrective
action will require more than 120 days
to complete. One of the commenters
(Republic 0451–0176) suggested that
this approach was consistent with the
Petroleum Refineries NSPS (40 CFR part
60, subpart Ja). The commenter noted
that while the Landfills NSPS requires
special approval to avoid the default
corrective action of expanding the
GCCS, the Refineries NSPS requires a
root cause analysis to identify the
appropriate corrective action, without
specifying a default approach. The
Refineries NSPS requires a root cause
analysis and a corrective action analysis
for exceedances and requires the facility
to implement the corrective action
within 45 days. If the corrective action
cannot be completed in 45 days, the
refinery must document and record all
corrective actions completed to date.
For actions not fully completed by day
45, they must develop an
implementation schedule, as soon as
practicable, for beginning and
completing all corrective action.
One commenter provided some ideas
for landfills to demonstrate good faith
effort to comply with the 120-day
corrective action schedule. They
suggested the rules clarify that the
landfill owner or operator is required to
submit a notification to the agency that
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
identifies and describes the diagnosis
performed, the results of the diagnosis,
identifies the corrective measure or
alternative remedy to be implemented
and reason(s) why system expansion is
not appropriate to correct the
exceedance. Under such an approach,
corrective measures other than
expansion that take 0–60 days to
complete from the initial exceedance
would not require any notification or
approval but they would be documented
in the annual compliance report. For
corrective actions other than expansion
that take longer than 60 days but less
than 120 days to complete, the landfill
owner or operator would notify the
regulatory agency by day 75 from the
date of the initial exceedance. This
would allow 45 days for the agency to
review and comment, and such
notification would not require agency
approval so as not to delay the site from
proceeding with and completing the
corrective action, as long as the
corrective actions are completed within
the 120-day timeframe.
Industry commenters indicated that
the timeline for corrective action is
affected by other regulations. Two of
these commenters noted that any
corrective action that involves
disturbing the final landfill cover could
delay diagnosing the problem. All of
these commenters also noted that a 60day timeframe is problematic for
landfills affected by the Asbestos
NESHAP (40 CFR part 61, subpart M),
which requires a 45-day notification
prior to disturbing areas that may have
asbestos containing material.
Response: The EPA is retaining the
corrective action requirements for
temperature in addition to negative
pressure. The EPA recognizes the
importance of temperature as a critical
indicator of landfill fires and its effect
on methanogens. Further removal of the
corrective action requirements for
temperature could have the unintended
consequence of improper operation of a
GCCS which could lead to a subsurface
fire. Due to the importance of this
parameter, e-reporting requirements for
excessive temperature have also been
established to better assess landfill
After carefully considering the
comments received and evaluating the
available data, the EPA is finalizing
corrective action requirements that
generally give owners or operators 60
43 The need to rely on temperature in addition to
pressure is also illustrated in the report titled
Subsurface Heating Events at Solid Waste and
Construction and Demolition Debris Landfills: Best
Management Practices at https://
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days to investigate and determine the
appropriate corrective action and then
implement that action. The EPA has
retained the requirements for
temperature and positive pressure, in
that if positive pressure or temperature
exceedances exist, action must be
initiated to correct the exceedances
within 5 calendar days. This
requirement has been retained to ensure
the landfill takes prompt action to
ensure the GCCS remains well-operated.
The EPA recognizes, however, that the
appropriate corrective action, as well as
a schedule to implement it, is sitespecific and depends on the reason for
the exceedance. Therefore, for corrective
action that takes longer than 60 days
after the initial exceedance to
implement, the EPA is providing
flexibility for the landfill to determine
the appropriate course of action based
on a root cause analysis. Specifically, if
the owner or operator cannot achieve
negative pressure or temperature of 55
degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit)
at the GCCS wellhead within 15 days,
then the owner or operator must
conduct a root cause analysis and
correct the exceedance as soon as
practicable, but no later than 60 days
after positive pressure or temperature of
55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit) was first measured. An
implementation schedule is required for
exceedances that will take longer than
60 days to correct. A root cause analysis
is an assessment conducted through a
process of investigation to determine the
primary cause, and any other
contributing cause(s), of positive
pressure at a wellhead or temperature
above 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit). The root cause analysis and
documentation of the corrective action
taken to restore negative pressure or
temperature of 55 degrees Celsius (131
degrees Fahrenheit) must be kept on site
as a record, but they do not have to be
submitted or approved.
If negative pressure or temperature of
55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit) cannot be achieved within
60 days, then the owner or operator
must develop an implementation
schedule to complete the corrective
action(s) as soon as practicable, but no
more than 120 days following the
positive pressure or temperature
reading. The owner or operator must
also notify the Administrator within 75
days. The implementation schedule,
root cause analysis, and documentation
of the corrective action taken to restore
negative pressure or temperature of 55
degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit)
must be submitted in the facility’s next
PO 00000
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annual report, but these items do not
have to be approved.
If the exceedance cannot be corrected
(or is not expected to be corrected)
within 120 days, then the owner or
operator must submit the root cause
analysis, plan for corrective action to
restore negative pressure or temperature
of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit), and the corresponding
implementation timeline to the
Administrator. The Administrator must
approve the plan for corrective action
and the corresponding timeline. The
owner or operator must submit the
proposed corrective action and timeline
to the Administrator for approval as
soon as practicable but no later than 75
days after the initial exceedance.
Requiring approval by the
Administrator for corrective action
timelines that extend beyond 120 days
is consistent with the corrective action
timeline for surface emissions in 40 CFR
60.36f(c)(4)(v). This approach also
prevents the landfill owner or operator
from delaying submittals for corrective
action requests until day 120. Once the
negative pressure has been restored, the
facility must document the corrective
actions taken in the facility’s next
annual report.
For corrective action required to
address positive pressure or
temperature, the owner or operator must
keep a record of the root cause analysis
conducted, including a description of
the recommended corrective action(s);
the date for corrective action(s) already
completed following the positive
pressure reading and; and for action(s)
not already completed within 60 days of
the initial positive pressure reading, a
schedule for implementation, including
proposed commencement and
completion dates. For corrective actions
taking longer than 60 days to correct the
exceedance, the owner or operator
would also include in the annual report
the root cause analysis, recommended
corrective action(s), date corrective
actions were completed, and schedule
for implementing corrective actions.
The owner or operator must also notify
the Administrator within 75 days. For
corrective actions taking longer than 120
days to correct the exceedance, the
owner or operator would include, in a
separate notification submitted to the
Administrator for approval as soon as
practicable, but no later than 75 days
after the initial positive pressure or
elevated temperature reading, the root
cause analysis, recommended corrective
action(s), date corrective actions taken
to date were completed, and proposed
schedule for implementing corrective
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
3. Landfills Recirculating Leachate or
Adding Other Liquids
In the ANPRM and proposed
Emission Guidelines, the EPA solicited
input on whether additional action
should be taken to address emissions
from wet landfills (i.e., landfills that
recirculate leachate or add liquids).
Commenters differed on whether the
EPA should require separate thresholds
or different lag times for landfills that
recirculate leachate or add liquids. (The
lag time is the time period between
when the landfill exceeds the emission
rate threshold and when controls are
required to be installed and started up.)
Comments: Commenters supported
more environmentally protective
requirements for wet landfills and
asserted that wet landfills produce more
methane but actually collect less.
Commenters said that the EPA should
shorten the lag time for installing
controls for these landfills. Other
commenters opposed separate
requirements for wet landfills and
contended that additional requirements
for wet landfills would achieve minimal
emission reductions and would result in
a significant additional burden for
landfills that recirculate leachate. One
commenter said that the EPA should
focus on potential emission reductions
at landfills that recirculate leachate.
Commenters also differed on what
methane generation rate (k-value)
should be used in the landfill Emission
Guidelines for wet landfills. One
commenter indicated that they have
previously provided several studies on
k-values for wet landfills to EPA and
urged the EPA to update the emission
factors for wet landfills based on this
literature prior to adjusting the control
requirements at landfills recirculating
leachate or adding other liquids.
Another commenter asked the EPA to
use higher, more representative kvalues, or perhaps a sensitivity analysis
for a range of k-values to estimate the
impacts of controlling emissions from
wet landfills in the landfills Emission
Response: Based on the diverse nature
of the feedback provided and several
other outstanding EPA actions affecting
the control requirements and emission
factors for wet landfills, the EPA is not
creating separate emission threshold or
lag time requirements for wet landfills
in this action. Instead, the EPA believes
it is appropriate to further assess
emissions from wet landfills prior to
taking additional action on control
requirements or changes to the k-values.
As a result, the EPA is finalizing
additional electronic reporting
requirements for wet landfills with a
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design capacity of 2.5 million Mg or
greater to inform potential future action
on wet landfills. The final rule is
limiting reporting of these additional
data to wet landfills that meet the
current size threshold of 2.5 million Mg
of design capacity to be consistent with
the universe of landfills that are affected
by the rule.
Specifically, the final Emission
Guidelines require annual electronic
reporting of the volume of leachate
recirculated (gallons per year) and the
volume of other liquids added (gallons
per year), as well as the surface area
over which the leachate is recirculated
(or sprayed), and the surface area (acres)
over which any liquids are applied. The
quantity of leachate recirculated or
liquids added should be based on
company records or engineering
estimates. The initial report will collect
historical data for the 10 years
preceding the initial annual reporting
year, to the extent the data are available
in on-site records, along with data
corresponding to the initial reporting
year. After the initial report, the other
annual electronic reports will include
only the quantities of leachate
recirculated and/or added liquid and
their corresponding surface areas for
each the subsequent reporting year. The
EPA believes many landfills, especially
those operating with a Research,
Development, and Demonstration
(RD&D) permit, already keep records
and may submit reports containing
quantities of liquids added. So, the
effort to track these additional data is
expected to be minimal. RD&D permits
are issued through Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
subtitle D, part 258 regulations for MSW
landfills. The EPA is also aware of some
state rules that require reporting of
leachate or added liquids outside of the
Clean Air Act reporting requirements.
Consolidating these data in an
electronic format in a central repository
can help inform how leachate or added
liquids affect LFG generation and
collection whether air emission
standards should be adjusted for wet
The EPA is also requiring the landfill
to report the total waste disposed (Mg)
in the area with recirculated leachate
and/or added liquids, as well as the
annual waste acceptance rates (Mg/yr)
in those same areas. Recognizing that
the waste quantities may be tracked at
the scale house entry to the landfill and
not the specific cell where the liquids
are added, the EPA is allowing the
landfill to report data based on on-site
records or engineering estimates.
The EPA is exempting landfills in the
closed landfill subcategory from this
PO 00000
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wet landfill report recognizing that this
information would be difficult to obtain
from this subcategory of landfills, these
landfills are unlikely to still be adding
liquids if closed, and also because the
gas generation from these landfills is on
the downward side of their gas
generation curve. In addition, for similar
reasons the EPA is allowing owners or
operators of landfills to discontinue
annual reporting of the wet landfill
report after the landfill has submitted its
closure report.
The EPA is also aware of annual LFG
collected and annual LFG generation
data electronically reported to 40 CFR
part 98, subpart HH, of the GHGRP and
therefore the EPA is not requesting
reporting of these data in this rule to
avoid duplicative requests. However,
the EPA may link the wet landfill
practices data collected under the
landfills NSPS with the annual gas
collected data under subpart HH in
order to inform how liquids addition
affects LFG emissions. Similarly, the
EPA understands that precipitation may
affect gas generation. However, since
precipitation data are readily available
through the National Weather Service,
the EPA is not requiring reporting of
this parameter. Instead, the EPA will
use existing electronic data already
available to link up with data collected
under this final rule. These additional
data will be used to assess the
appropriateness of potential future
action on wet areas of landfills.
The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
requires each federal agency to obtain
OMB approval before undertaking a
collection of information directed to 10
or more people. The PRA applies
whether a ‘‘collection of information is
mandatory, voluntary, or required to
obtain or retain a benefit.’’ The EPA
believes the additional data on wet
landfills will be beneficial for evaluating
whether separate thresholds for wet
landfills are appropriate when revising
future MSW landfill standards. Because
the EPA understands that many of the
data elements in the wet landfill report,
including quantities of leachate or other
liquids added and the surface areas over
which those liquids are added are
tracked at a state level as part of a
leachate management or RDD permit,
the EPA does not anticipate these data.
Additionally, the EPA is allowing
landfill owners or operators to report
the data elements in the wet landfill
monitoring report using either
engineering estimates or on-site records
to minimize the burden on respondents,
depending on the types of records the
landfill owner/operator may keep.
This is a new rule and a new
collections submitted to OMB under
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EPA ICR number 2522.02. This
collection is similar to collections for
subpart Cc. Thus, many of the line item
burden estimates in this ICR estimate
are the same as the burdens submitted
to OMB under ICR number 1893.06 for
the most recent ICR renewal for subpart
4. Portable Gas Analyzers
Commenters on the proposed NSPS
(79 FR 41796) requested that the EPA
specify that portable gas composition
analyzers are an acceptable alternative
to Methods 3A or 3C, and noted that
these devices are commonly used in
practice to measure wellhead
parameters and are calibrated according
to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Currently, approvals of these analyzers
are done on a case-by-case basis.
Therefore, in the preamble for the
proposed revisions of the Emission
Guidelines (80 FR 52141), the EPA
requested data or information on using
a portable gas composition analyzer
according to Method 3A for wellhead
monitoring. The EPA also requested
data on other reference methods used
for calibrating these analyzers.
Comment: Many commenters
supported the use of portable gas
composition analyzers and requested
that the EPA specify that these analyzers
may be used as an approved alternative
monitoring method for well monitoring.
Three state agencies indicated the use of
the portable analyzers is common
practice. One of these agencies stated
that Method 3A and Method 3C are
designed to be used in ‘‘quasi-CEMS’’
and/or ‘‘laboratory benchtop’’ situations
and most landfill operators are not using
this type of equipment to test wellhead
LFG; instead, landfill operators are
using handheld-size portable analyzers.
Another state agency stated that
portable gas composition analyzers (e.g.,
Landtec GEM 2000) are a standard for
conducting MSW landfill well
monitoring and the analyzers provide
additional information on gas
composition than what the current
Emission Guidelines require, which
provides operators with a better
understanding of the condition of the
landfill. This commenter said that a
primary advantage of portable gas
composition analyzers, for both landfills
and regulators, is that these devices take
and record the monitored readings (as
well as other information on gas
composition that is not required to be
monitored in the Emission Guidelines),
which can then be downloaded into a
spreadsheet and prevent landfills from
making data collection mistakes. The
commenter suggested that the EPA and
state air pollution control agencies
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would benefit if the EPA were to require
landfills to submit, in their semi-annual
reports, all of the monitoring data
recorded by portable gas composition
One commenter stated that most
portable gas composition analyzers can
be used to measure the oxygen level at
the wellhead and can be calibrated
according to Method 3A, but are
unlikely to be calibrated according to
Method 3C (to measure oxygen or
nitrogen levels) because such calibration
requires the use of gas chromatograph
equipment with a thermal conductivity
detector and integrator. The commenter
said that Method 3A is straightforward
and does not specify a particular
technology. Several commenters
specifically referenced the comments
from an equipment manufacturer that
provided specific details on how its
Landtec GEM Series portable analyzers
are able to comply with each specific
requirement in Method 3A, including
the calibration requirements. Two of
these commenters said that portable gas
composition analyzers should be
allowed in both the Emissions
Guidelines and NSPS. Another of these
commenters requested that the EPA add
language to the rule to recognize that
balance gas is commonly used as a
surrogate for nitrogen.
With regard to the EPA’s request for
data on other reference methods used
for calibrating portable gas composition
analyzers, one commenter suggested
that the EPA allow ASTM D6522 as an
alternative to Method 3A because an
analyzer can easily be calibrated for
oxygen alone following ASTM D6522.
The commenter stated that although the
QA/QC procedures in ASTM D6522 are
different from Method 3A, they are just
as rigorous as Method 3A. The
commenter stated that it has extensive
data available showing portable gas
composition analyzers are routinely
calibrated according to ASTM Method
D6522 for measuring NOx, CO, and
oxygen during engine testing. This
commenter also stated that any analyzer
or device must be calibrated according
to an EPA approved method and not just
manufacturer’s specifications.
Response: The EPA appreciates the
commenters providing information
regarding the use of portable gas
composition analyzers for landfill
monitoring. Commenters provided data
showing that their portable gas
composition analyzers are used to
monitor the oxygen level at a wellhead
and are capable of meeting the
calibration requirements in Method 3A.
Therefore, in this action, we are
clarifying the use of portable gas
composition analyzers with Method 3A.
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
A portable gas composition analyzer
may be used to monitor the oxygen level
at a wellhead provided that the analyzer
is calibrated and meets all QA/QC
according to Method 3A. Although we
did not receive enough information
regarding calibration methods that
could be used on a portable gas
composition analyzer to monitor the
nitrogen level at a wellhead, any
portable combustion monitor analyzer
that uses gas chromatography and
thermal conductivity technology may be
used with Method 3C. Other
technologies for the measurement of
nitrogen may be used in lieu of Method
3C through the administrative
alternative test method process outlined
in 40 CFR 60.8(b)(2).
Regarding the suggestion to allow
ASTM D6522–11 as an alternative to
Method 3A, the EPA thanks the
commenter for their perspective. As
long as all the quality assurance is
conducted as required by ASTM D6522–
11, then ASTM D6522–11 may be used
as an alternative to Method 3A for
wellhead monitoring (prior to
combustion). Examples of quality
assurance required by ASTM D6522–11
include, but are not limited to: analyzers
must have a linearity check, interference
check, bias check using mid-level gases,
stability check, and be calibrated before
a test; and a calibration error check and
the interference verification must be
conducted after the testing has occurred.
Due to a different sample matrix
typically found in post-combustion gas
streams as stated in the applicability of
ASTM D6522–11, the interference check
must be done on the oxygen
measurement with the appropriate gases
(e.g., carbon dioxide, VOC mixture, and
methane) and concentration ranges. The
ASTM D6522–11 method also has
calibrations before and calibration
checks after testing. According to
Methods 3A, 3C, and ASTM D6522–11,
the data are valid only when they pass
the bias check or zero and upscale
calibration error check. The EPA does
not believe manufacturers’
specifications are rigorous enough to
ensure data are of a proper quality.
5. More Precise Location Data
The EPA proposed more specific
requirements for reporting the locations
where measured methane surface
emissions are 500 ppm above
background (80 FR 52124). Specifically,
the EPA proposed to require landfills to
report the latitude and longitude
coordinates of each SEM exceedance
using an instrument with an accuracy of
at least 3 meters. This includes surface
methane readings above 500 ppm for
landfills conducting quarterly SEM with
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
GCCS in place, as well as landfills that
are conducting Tier 4 SEM to determine
the timing of GCCS installation.
Comments: Several commenters
supported and several commenters
opposed the EPA’s proposed
requirement to report the latitude and
longitude coordinates of each methane
surface emissions exceedance using an
instrument with an accuracy of at least
3 meters.
Of those commenters that supported
the requirement, one said that making
global positioning system (GPS)
coordinates of each exceedance
available would assist owners or
operators in determining the location
and timing of exceedances relative to
the GCCS components and would also
assist in inspections and enforcement.
This commenter added that these
requirements provided important
compliance monitoring assurances as
well as important information to landfill
owners or operators regarding their
GCCS effectiveness. Other supportive
commenters argued that all SEM data
and GPS coordinates should be
recorded, no matter whether there is an
exceedance. One of these commenters, a
state agency, said that the NSPS and
Emission Guidelines have historically
required retention of only exceedance
data, but GPS data correlated with SEM
readings would be an invaluable
addition to the monitoring procedure.
Another commenter said recording all
SEM data (rather than only
exceedances) was necessary to show
compliance with the monitoring
requirement; and by linking the
methane readings with positioning data,
the time required to process the data
would be reduced. Commenters said
that by correlating the SEM readings
directly with the location of the reading,
facilities and their regulators could
easily gain a clear picture of how the
LFG collection system was functioning
and anticipate problems before they
arose by tracking trends in the data.
Of the commenters that opposed the
requirement that owners or operators of
landfills report the latitude and
longitude coordinates of each
exceedance using an instrument with an
accuracy of at least 3 meters, one said
it was unclear why coordinate
information must be reported, given that
it merely adds burden for sites to collect
and report as well as for agencies to
review. Two of these commenters
argued that the added expense to
purchase an instrument (i.e., a GPS
device), use that GPS device in the field,
and then plot the GPS data on a map,
may provide no additional value to the
operator compared to marking
exceedances with marker flags. One of
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these commenters stated that 3 meters is
too much of an error range such that the
use of GPS alone may not allow the
operator to return to the exact spot of
the exceedance, and may still
necessitate the use of a marker flag.
Another of these commenters added that
the existing approach of marking
exceedances at their exact physical
location with a marker flag is actually
more accurate because it does not rely
on a technology with accuracy
Some of the commenters that oppose
the requirement said that it is unclear
from the docket materials (e.g., the
Regulatory Impact Analysis) whether
the EPA evaluated: (1) If GPS equipment
can achieve an accuracy of at least 3
meters; (2) the cost to purchase or rent
GPS equipment; and/or (3) the size and
weight of the GPS equipment with
regard to requiring a technician to carry
another field monitoring instrument.
One of these commenters added that
because GPS equipment is not typically
integrated into other monitoring
devices, monitoring technicians will be
required to carry the GPS equipment in
addition to the monitoring equipment,
which could be difficult and present a
safety concern.
Response: The EPA is finalizing a
requirement for landfills to report the
latitude and longitude coordinates of
each surface emissions exceedance, as
proposed, except the instrument
accuracy must be at least 4 meters
instead of 3 meters. GPS technology is
readily available and is currently in use
at landfills in California and other
landfills employing electronic LFG data
management systems. These GPS
devices have the ability to identify
latitude and longitude coordinates in
decimal degrees with at least five
decimal places. This level of accuracy
and precision is consistent with the
requirements in Petroleum Refinery
Sector Risk and Technology Review and
New Source Performance Standards (80
FR 75250). The EPA is aware of one
device that is already in use by some
landfills in California to conduct surface
emissions monitoring and to create a
more comprehensive understanding of
the GCCS. The instrument, containing a
flame ionization detector (FID), is linked
by Bluetooth wireless technology to a
GPS-enabled handheld field instrument.
This instrument has an accuracy of 2–
4 meters.
When reviewing site records on the
location of the traversed path and where
surface emission leaks were identified,
inspectors will be able to identify areas
of the landfill where surface monitoring
activities may be incomplete, which
may assist with targeting inspections to
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
problem areas of the landfill. In
addition, more precise location data will
allow the landfill owner or operator to
overlay the coordinates of surface
exceedances against maps of the GCCS
to determine spatial and temporal
patterns of exceedances relative to
GCCS components. Both the landfill
owner or operator and regulators can
use locational data to gain perspective
on how the LFG collection system is
functioning over time and will allow the
landfill to track trends in GCCS
performance and cover practices.
Using GPS locational data will
provide a more robust and long-term
record of GCCS performance compared
to the short-term practice of simply
marking an exceedance location with a
marker flag. Owners or operators may
continue the practice of marking
exceedances with a flag, but GPS data
will allow the landfill owner or operator
to return readily to the location of the
exceedance to not only take the required
corrective action, but also to track and
inform long-term performance of the
GCCS to minimize emissions.
The EPA included the rental price of
a Trimble Integrated Landfill Gas
Solution device, which combines a FID
linked by Bluetooth wireless technology
to a GPS-enabled handheld field
instrument, in the revised testing and
monitoring cost analysis for both the
final Emission Guidelines and final
NSPS. The GPS location is recorded in
real time as the technician traverses the
path so the labor involved in gathering
and recording the data with GPS
coordinates is expected to be minimal.
In fact, the recording of each surface
reading and the corresponding
locational data is automatic, in contrast
to the older technology, which may
have involved handwriting an
exceedance in a notebook and then
transposing the data to a computer after
returning from the field. Eliminating
transposing the data could reduce data
entry errors and improve data accuracy
and credibility. The GPS device is
already in use by landfills that maintain
an electronic LFG data management
system to map long-term trends in GCCS
performance. The GPS device weighs
approximately 21 ounces (including
battery weight) and can be clipped to a
belt or attached to a backpack to allow
the technician to complete the
monitoring safely.
B. Tier 4
In the 2015 Emission Guidelines
proposal, the EPA proposed Tier 4 as an
alternative site-specific emission
threshold determination for when a
landfill must install and operate a GCCS
(80 FR 52112). For both Tier 4 SEM for
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
determining the timing for GCCS
installation and SEM to ensure a well
operated GCCS, the EPA considered
limiting SEM during windy conditions.
Specifically, in the Emission
Guidelines, the EPA proposed that SEM
must be terminated when the average
wind speed exceeds 5 mph or the
instantaneous wind speed exceeds 10
mph. However, the EPA also proposed
that the Administrator may approve
alternatives to this wind speed surface
monitoring termination for landfills
consistently having measured winds in
excess of these specified limits.
Comments. The EPA received
numerous comments on the Tier 4
provisions included in the 2015
Emission Guidelines proposal. The
discussion below includes all comments
related to changes since the 2015
proposal; more detailed comments are
available in the Response to Comments
document. A summary of the initial
comments received in response to our
request for comments for a Tier 4
provision in the 2014 ANPRM was
provided in the preamble to the
proposal (80 FR 52112).
Which landfills should qualify. Some
commenters believe that the EPA should
limit the types of landfills that qualify
for Tier 4. One commenter opposed the
inclusion of a Tier 4 option for new
landfills, stating that it allows a subset
of new landfills to delay methane
capture requirements when these
landfills will be required to install a
GCCS in the future and should have a
GCCS designed and installed during
landfill construction. One commenter
encouraged the EPA to ban Tier 4 for
landfills with a voluntary (nonregulatory) GCCS because it is possible
that GCCS design, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements could be avoided
indefinitely through the use of a nonregulatory GCCS that may not provide
the same level of control as required by
the EPA landfills regulations. Another
commenter thinks that Tier 4 could be
conducted at landfills with a GCCS
installed, but that the GCCS should
follow typical operational conditions
during the Tier 4 test. In other words,
if portions of the site are typically
offline due to decreased gas flow, the
commenter (0215–0197) thinks those
portions must remain offline during Tier
4. Further, one commenter believes that
no means of gas control whatsoever
should be employed during the Tier 4
Frequency. There were a variety of
opinions on how often SEM should be
conducted for Tier 4. One commenter
suggested the SEM should be done
annually instead of quarterly. Two other
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commenters were concerned with
reducing the frequency to semi-annually
unless the landfill no longer accepted
waste. One of these commenters noted
that if a landfill has already crossed the
34 Mg/yr NMOC threshold and the
facility continues to receive solid waste,
then the expected gas generation will
continue to increase.
Windy conditions. Many commenters,
including many state agencies, opposed
limiting surface monitoring during
windy conditions, stating that the wind
restrictions would be a significant
inhibitor to completing the required
monitoring in many regions of the
country due to typical windy
conditions. Commenters also stated that
it would be difficult to schedule and
reschedule dedicated sampling crews.
Commenters claimed that climate
conditions across the United States are
too variable, that monitoring the wind
using an anemometer is not
representative of wind conditions where
the surface monitoring is required (5–10
cm of surface), and that it is difficult to
assemble monitoring team and schedule
monitoring events if they may be
cancelled due to wind. One commenter
supports the development of a Tier 4
SEM methodology that is functional
during windy conditions. Other
commenters support the removal of the
wind speed criteria and replacement
with a requirement that surface
monitoring be performed during typical
meteorological conditions. Lastly, one
commenter pointed out that the Tier 4
proposal is inconsistent with the
ongoing quarterly SEM requirements
since Tier 4 has wind restrictions and
the ongoing quarterly SEM does not.
One commenter noted that EPA
recognized wind speed can skew the
results of SEM. Another commenter did
not submit comments specific to the
wind speed limitations; however, this
commenter supported the SEM
approach in the CA LMR, which does
include wind speed restrictions.
Reporting requirement. Commenters
supported the notification requirement;
however, one commenter believes
landfills should not be required to
reschedule monitoring events based on
the availability of regulatory authorities.
Furthermore, two commenters thought
the notification requirement was
acceptable but with the existing wind
requirements, coordination with
regulators could become even more
challenging. Another commenter did
not support the notification requirement
because Tier 4 is voluntary.
Response: After considering public
comments and input from small entity
outreach, the EPA is finalizing Tier 4
SEM procedures for determining when
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
a landfill must install a GCCS. Tier 4
provides operational flexibility and
allows owners or operators of landfills
that have exceeded the modeled NMOC
emission rate threshold to demonstrate
that site-specific surface methane
emissions are below a specific
threshold. Commenters raised some
valid points, however, and based on our
consideration of that input, we are
making some adjustments to the final
In response to public comments
concerned with implementation of Tier
4 with wind speed restrictions, the EPA
is retaining a wind speed limitation
with allowance of a wind barrier when
onsite wind speed exceeds the limits in
the regulation. The EPA is also
providing additional clarifications about
probe placement (as described in
sections IV.A.2 and V.B of this
preamble) for Tier 4 SEM. In the
proposed NSPS (80 FR 52136), the EPA
acknowledged concerns about the
accuracy of SEM under windy
conditions. The EPA is including the
wind speed restriction, because air
movement can affect whether the
monitor is accurately reading the
methane concentration during surface
monitoring. Because Tier 4 is an
optional emission threshold
methodology, the EPA believes that
wind speed restrictions and the use of
wind barriers are appropriate to ensure
the reliability of the results, which in
turn determine the timing of GCCS
installation. We also refined the wind
speed criteria to account for gusts up to
10 mph. The EPA is not finalizing a
variance for wind speed, but is allowing
the use of a wind barrier. In the
proposed NSPS (80 FR 52136), the EPA
acknowledged concerns about the
accuracy of SEM under windy
conditions. The EPA also expressed
concern about whether monitors could
accurately read methane concentrations
or provide representative results. The
EPA has provided the Tier 4 approach
as a flexible alternative to traditional
modeling based approaches; but still
asserts the importance of accurate
measurements due to the use of the SEM
approach to determine installation of
In addition, Tier 4 is allowed only if
the landfill owner or operator can
demonstrate that NMOC emissions are
greater than or equal to 34 Mg/yr but
less than 50 Mg/yr using Tier 1 or Tier
2 (a landfill need not model emissions
under Tier 3 before using Tier 4). Tier
3 was not required because tiers 1 and
2 are more commonly used. If both Tier
1 and Tier 2 indicate NMOC emissions
of 50 Mg/yr or greater, then Tier 4
cannot be used. This change avoids a
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
potential conflict between what is
required under the Emission Guidelines
and what is required by the landfills
NESHAP for landfills with modeled
NMOC emissions greater than 50 Mg/yr.
It also ensures that landfills with
modeled NMOC emissions at 50 Mg/yr
or more continue to be required to
install controls at an NMOC level and
on a schedule that is at least as stringent
as the current NSPS (40 CFR part 60,
subpart WWW). To demonstrate that
NMOC emissions are less than 50 Mg/
yr according to Tier 1 and Tier 2,
landfill owners or operators will
continue to calculate the NMOC
emission rate and report results
Regarding frequency of monitoring,
the EPA is finalizing an approach where
quarterly SEM is required for Tier 4
indefinitely unless the landfill is closed.
Closed landfills would be able to reduce
the frequency of surface emission
monitoring to annually after four
quarters of no surface exceedances.
Landfills that are closed are on the
downside of their gas generation profile.
Regarding landfills equipped with a
non-regulatory GCCS, the EPA is
allowing the non-regulatory GCCS to be
in operation during the Tier 4 SEM
demonstration, but only if the nonregulatory GCCS has operated for at
least 75 percent of the hours the 12
months leading up to the Tier 4 SEM
demonstration (6,570 hours), as
discussed below. The EPA recognizes
that many landfills have acted early to
control their emissions and installed a
GCCS before surpassing the size and
NMOC emission thresholds in the
landfills regulations in order to recover
and utilize LFG methane for beneficial
use, flare for carbon credits, control
odors, or meet state-specific regulations
that may be more stringent than the
federal NSPS standards. Thus, during
the SEM demonstration, the nonregulatory GCCS must continue to
operate as it normally would to collect
and control as much LFG as possible.
Although these landfills do not operate
their GCCS under the landfills NSPS,
they employ the same technology that
would be applied to comply with the
landfills NSPS. Many of these nonregulatory GCCSs are located at sites
that are likely to eventually exceed the
NSPS size and NMOC emissions
thresholds and thus if no exceedances
are identified during a Tier 4 SEM, the
system is operating at a level consistent
with the landfills NSPS collection and
control requirements and operational
standards at a point in time earlier than
when federal regulations would require.
These near-term methane reductions
from non-regulatory GCCS are beneficial
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to the environment and the goal of
achieving short-term emission
reductions of methane, a potent
greenhouse gas. In addition, landfill
owners or operators have incentive to
operate the GCCS as efficiently as
possible to collect and control LFG to
avoid surface exceedances, as it would
reduce paperwork requirements
associated with the compliance
provisions of the landfills NSPS. The
non-regulatory GCCS would have to be
robust to keep readings below 500 ppm
methane during an SEM demonstration.
To not allow the Tier 4 demonstration
while a non-regulatory GCCS is in
operation under these circumstances
would create a disincentive for landfill
owners or operators to install control
systems voluntarily before emissions
reach the regulatory threshold for
review. The requirement to operate the
GCCS at least 75 percent of the hours
during the 12 months leading up to the
Tier 4 SEM demonstration (described
below) will ensure that the nonregulatory GCCS is in regular use and
thus represents accurate operation of the
The landfill owner or operator is
allowed to operate the non-regulatory
GCCS during the Tier 4 demonstration,
but only if the non-regulatory GCCS has
operated for at least 75 percent of the
hours during the 12 months leading up
to the Tier 4 SEM demonstration (6,570
of 8,760 hours). To demonstrate that the
non-regulatory GCCS operated at least
75 percent of the hours during the 12
months leading up to the Tier 4 SEM
demonstration, landfill owners or
operators must keep records of the total
operating hours of the gas collection
system as measured for each destruction
device (i.e., at the flare, engine, or other
destruction device), as well as the
annual operating hours where active gas
flow was sent to each destruction
device. If the non-regulatory GCCS has
not operated at least 75 percent of the
hours during the 12 months leading up
to the Tier 4 SEM demonstration, then
the landfill is not eligible for Tier 4. The
EPA seeks to encourage use of voluntary
non-regulatory GCCS systems for early
gas collection before emissions reach
the regulatory threshold for review,
while still allowing landfill owners and
operators to use Tier 4 surface emissions
monitoring approach to determine if a
GCCS is required. We believe that
requiring the operation of the nonregulatory GCCS at least 75 percent of
the hours during the 12 months leading
up to the Tier 4 SEM demonstration
(described below) will ensure that the
non-regulatory GCCS is in regular use
and thus results would be representative
of the operation of the landfill.
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Regarding other recordkeeping and
reporting requirements associated with
Tier 4, landfill owners or operators
choosing Tier 4 would continue to
calculate the NMOC emission rate and
report results in the annual report to
demonstrate that NMOC emissions are
less than 50 Mg/yr. Once there is any
measured concentration of methane of
500 ppm or greater from the surface of
the landfill, the EPA is requiring a GCCS
to be installed and operated within 30
months of the most recent NMOC
emission rate report in which the
calculated NMOC emission rate equals
or exceeds 34 Mg/yr according to Tier
2. Starting the 30 months from the most
recent NMOC emission rate report
ensures that a GCCS is installed in a
timely manner. The EPA believes that if
a landfill owner or operator chooses to
use Tier 4 SEM, it is appropriate to
require the installation and operation of
a GCCS when any reading of 500 ppm
or greater is detected during the
quarterly SEM event. Since Tier 4 is
allowed only if the landfill owner or
operator can demonstrate that NMOC
emissions are greater than or equal to 34
Mg/yr NMOC, but less than 50 Mg/yr
using Tier 1 or Tier 2, we would expect
the methane emissions at the landfill to
be below the 500 ppm threshold. If an
exceedance of the threshold is detected,
it would be indicative of higher
emissions than would normally be
expected at a landfill.
The EPA is also finalizing a
recordkeeping requirement to take and
store digital photographs of the
instrument setup. The photographs
must be time and date-stamped and
taken at the first sampling location prior
to sampling and at the last sampling
location after sampling at the end of
each sampling day, for the duration of
the Tier 4 monitoring demonstration.
The EPA believes these records will
help provide credibility to the Tier 4
sampling results.
The EPA is also finalizing a
requirement to notify delegated
authorities 30 days prior to the Tier 4
test so that officials can be present to
observe the SEM. This notification is
consistent with other notification
requirements for stack testing. This
notification requirement will also
mitigate concerns that the SEM is being
conducted incorrectly and ensure
transparency of results achieved during
the SEM approach. In the event the Tier
4 SEM is postponed due to weather
conditions or other unforeseen events,
the EPA is requiring the owner or
operator to notify the delegated
authority to arrange a rescheduled Tier
4 SEM date.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
Emerging Measurement Technologies.
This rulemaking provides certain MSW
landfill owners or operators the option
of using either modeling or the Tier 4
SEM approach to determine whether
controls are required to be installed at
specific landfills. Current modeling
approaches, which rely on the
decomposition rate of different waste
streams buried in a landfill, are prone to
uncertainties due to inaccuracies in
input data and often unverifiable
assumptions. Current surface emission
measurement methodologies can also
have associated uncertainties.
New methane emissions measurement
methodologies are emerging that are
anticipated to provide landfill methane
emission rates (mass per unit time) over
time, thereby reducing significantly the
uncertainty associated with current
modeling and emission measurements
approaches. Two promising examples of
new methane measurement
methodologies being used by research
groups to quantify landfill methane
emissions are mobile tracer correlation
(TC) 44 45 46 47 and discrete area source
eddy covariance (DASEC).48
1. Mobile tracer correlation. This
methodology provides a ‘‘snap-shot in
time’’ assessment of whole facility
methane emissions using on-site release
of atmospheric tracer gases. It provides
a total mass emission rate of methane
(or other gas) per unit of time. An
instrumented vehicle driving 1 km to 4
km downwind of the landfill
simultaneously measures the emitted
landfill methane plume along with the
superimposed tracer gas release. The
landfill methane emission rate is
determined through a simple ratio to the
known tracer gas release rate. The
technique has been demonstrated using
44 Development of a mobile tracer correlation
method for assessment of air emissions from
landfills and other area sources, Foster-Wittig, T.A.;
Thoma, E.D.; Green, R.B.; Hater, G.R.; Swan, N.D.;
Chanton, J.P. Atmos. Environ. 2015, 102 (0), 323–
45 Quantification of methane emissions from 15
Danish landfills using the mobile tracer dispersion
method, M2014
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a variety of tracer gases and instruments
by a number of groups to investigate
emissions from landfills and other
sources. The mobile tracer correlation
approach is under development by the
EPA as a Category C ‘‘other test method
(OTM)’’ with potential posting in 2017
2. Eddy covariance (EC). This
micrometeorological method estimates
the source emission rate from the
vertical wind speed and gas
concentration above the emitting
surface. This technique measures the
emissions flux in mass of methane (or
other gas) per unit area. The technique
is well-established for measurement of
emission fluxes from spatially-extended
homogenous sources, such as very large,
flat fields. Discrete area source eddy
covariance (DASEC) is an application of
EC to finite, heterogeneous area sources.
This application of EC has been recently
demonstrated on landfills, although
method development questions on the
effects of topography and variable
observational foot print remain. DASEC
provides the potential for long term
(near continuous) measurements of
discrete sections of a landfill using
solar-powered on-site instrumentation.
Development of this type of long term
measurement capability is critical to
better understand and *track changes in
landfill emissions overtime that may be
caused by both site management and
atmospheric factors.
In sum, as noted above, these
techniques are still being investigated
and additional work will be needed
before the EPA can deem them ready for
use in this application. Once additional
research is completed, we believe that
DASEC used in combination with
mobile TC will provide a
characterization of methane landfill
emissions with significantly reduced
uncertainty over current models or
measurement techniques.
C. Changes To Address Closed or NonProductive Areas
1. Closed Landfill Subcategory
In the 2015 Emission Guidelines
proposal, the EPA proposed a separate
subcategory for landfills that closed
before August 27, 2015. These landfills
would be subject to an NMOC emission
threshold of 50 Mg/yr NMOC for
determining when controls must be
installed or removed, rather than the 34
Mg/yr NMOC emission threshold (or
corresponding Tier 4 emission
threshold) that would apply to open
landfills. In addition, the EPA requested
comments on extending the subcategory
of closed landfills to those that close no
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later than 13 months after publication of
the final Emission Guidelines in the
Federal Register.
Comment: Commenters generally
favored the creation of a closed landfill
subcategory and believe it was
appropriate for closed landfills to be
categorized separately. One commenter
agreed that a separate category is
appropriate, but only if EPA decides to
lower the NMOC emission threshold
thus ensuring that closed landfills with
low emissions are not burdened with a
requirement to install a GCCS. Another
commenter suggested that the EPA
exempt closed landfills from 40 CFR
part 60, subpart Cf, entirely since
facilities that no longer have income
from waste acceptance have financially
planned for closure. The commenter
believes that if these landfills were
included in the new rule, it would cause
financial burden.
Many commenters, including one
state agency, support the expansion of
the closed landfill subcategory to
include those facilities that closed no
later than 13 months of publication of
the Emission Guidelines. Commenters
believe it is critical that landfills that are
planning to close are given the
necessary time to meet all criteria and
file required documentation to achieve
closed status. Another commenter
believes the EPA should provide the
opportunity for landfills to be closed
under the Emission Guidelines until the
state or federal regulations
implementing the revised Emission
Guidelines are effective (i.e., through a
revised state or federal plan). This
would allow more landfills nearing the
end of their useful lifetime with little
ability to change their fees or plan for
longer GCCS operation the chance to
close and remain under current
Response: After considering public
comments, the EPA is finalizing the
subcategory for closed landfills and is
expanding the subcategory to include
those landfills that close on or before
September 27, 2017. Landfills in the
closed landfill subcategory continue to
be subject to a 50 Mg/yr NMOC
emission rate threshold for installing a
GCCS, consistent with the NMOC
threshold in 40 CFR part 60, subparts Cc
and WWW.
The EPA recognizes that after landfills
stop accepting waste and close, LFG
flows decline as well as the
corresponding ability to achieve
additional reductions. Many of these
closed landfills are subject to the
emission control requirements in the
current Emission Guidelines (40 CFR
part 60, subpart Cc, or corresponding
state or federal plan) or the current
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NSPS (40 CFR part 60, subpart WWW)
and have achieved significant
reductions. However, commenters
report that declining gas flows make it
difficult to operate a GCCS according to
the landfills regulations and many
closed landfills must use supplemental
fuel to properly operate control devices
such as flares for example. In addition,
many closed landfills no longer have
income from tipping fees, and have
either decommissioned their GCCS or
are in process of doing so. Thus, the
EPA recognizes that it could be
financially burdensome for landfills that
are already closed to restart or expand
their GCCS. For these reasons, the EPA
is finalizing the subcategory of closed
To give closed landfills or landfills
that are planning to close more time to
complete the steps to reach closure, the
EPA is expanding the closed landfill
subcategory to include those landfills
that close on or before September 27,
2017. Closed landfills must submit a
closure report to the Administrator
within 30 days of waste acceptance
cessation. The Administrator may
request additional information as may
be necessary to verify that permanent
closure has taken place in accordance
with the closure requirements under
RCRA (40 CFR 258.60). Closure criteria
include a requirement to prepare a
written closure plan and to install a
final cover system that is designed to
minimize infiltration and erosion.
Landfills in the closed landfill
subcategory of the Emission Guidelines
would be exempt from initial reporting
requirements in subpart Cf, provided
that the landfill already met these
requirements under subparts Cc or
WWW of 40 CFR part 60.
For landfills that are expected to close
after September 27, 2017, the EPA
understands that gas quality will remain
a concern and has revised the GCCS
removal criteria, as discussed in section
IV.A.5 of this preamble.
2. Criteria for Removing or
Decommissioning a GCCS
The proposed revisions to the
Emission Guidelines in 2015 modified
the criteria that allow a landfill owner
or operator to cap or remove the GCCS.
Specifically, the proposal refined the
15-year criterion by allowing a landfill
owner or operator to demonstrate that
the GCCS will be unable to operate for
15 years due to declining gas flows. In
addition, the EPA tightened the NMOC
emissions criterion, requiring the
controls until the NMOC emissions
were below 34 Mg/yr for three
consecutive quarters to be consistent
with the emission threshold for
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installing controls. For closed landfills,
the NMOC emissions criterion remained
at 50 Mg/yr to be consistent with the
emission threshold for the closed
landfill subcategory. Finally, the
proposed Emission Guidelines added an
alternative removal criterion based on
site-specific SEM of methane. This
alternative would allow the owner or
operator to demonstrate for four
consecutive quarters that there are no
surface emissions of 500 ppm or greater
from the closed landfill or area of an
open landfill that is closed. The EPA
received numerous comments on the
revised set of GCCS removal criteria.
Comment: Commenters did not agree
on the proposed alternative to allow an
SEM demonstration as a criterion for
removing a GCCS. Commenters in favor
of an SEM demonstration for GCCS
removal agreed with the flexibility that
the approach would offer, but
commenters that opposed the criterion
expressed concern about emissions once
the GCCS was no longer operating.
Some commenters opposed SEM
procedures for determining removal or
decommissioning of the GCCS. One
commenter expressed concerns with
relying on surface emission testing
because the intervals are too far apart to
detect localized high emissions and low
surface emission readings during a
dormant period could lead to
uncontrolled emissions at a later period.
The commenter (0215–0121) added that
even in a closed landfill the decay
process is not complete and gas
collection systems should stay in place.
Another commenter opposed SEM
specifically at closed areas of open
landfills due to gas migration concerns
and difficulty in defining these areas.
Several commenters representing
industry and state agency interests
supported the use of SEM procedures to
help determine the removal or
decommissioning of existing GCCS.
Commenters supported the use of SEM
to allow the flexibility to confirm when
a closed landfill or area of an open
landfill that is closed is no longer
producing gas in significant quantities
could remove or decommission all or a
portion of the GCCS. Several of these
commenters referenced a rationale
similar to the one they provided for
supporting the use of Tier 4 SEM for
determining GCCS installation as
discussed in section VI.B of this
Commenters that supported an SEM
demonstration for GCCS removal
presented several options on how to
implement the SEM procedure. Several
commenters requested that the EPA
provide a ‘‘step-down’’ procedure for
scaling down GCCS operations in
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nonproducing areas and allowing a
GCCS to be removed from rule
applicability. Two commenters made
recommendations on SEM procedures
for GCCS removal or decommissioning,
which included shutting down the
GCCS for 30 days following a Tier 2 test
showing NMOC emissions below the
threshold, then relying on subsequent
SEM demonstrations and corrective
action to determine whether the GCCS
could remain off. Other commenters
also stated that when considering SEM
for removing the GCCS, quarterly SEM
should be performed at steady state
conditions. As LFG generation declines,
one commenter suggested that some
wells may be removed from service;
however, such wells must not be turned
on in order to pass quarterly SEM and
subsequently turned back off for the
remainder of the quarter. Another
commenter suggested that EPA not rely
solely on surface emissions when
defining a closed landfill in arid areas,
but instead should consider the gas
quality being collected (methane, carbon
dioxide, negative pressure, or nitrogen/
oxygen content) when determining
when a GCCS can be removed.
Regarding the 15-year criterion in the
2015 Emission Guidelines, several
commenters noted that the provision to
allow landfills to demonstrate the GCCS
could not be operated for 15 years due
to declining flow was vague, and more
guidance was needed to provide
instructions to landfills on how to
demonstrate this to regulators.
Response: After considering public
comments, the EPA is finalizing criteria
for capping, removing, or
decommissioning the GCCS that are
similar to the criteria in 40 CFR part 60,
subpart Cc, but have been adjusted to
reflect the NMOC emission threshold in
the final rule and to provide flexibility
on the requirement to operate the GCCS
for 15 years. The final criteria are: (1)
The landfill is a closed landfill, (2) the
GCCS has been in operation for 15 years
or the landfill owner or operator can
demonstrate that the GCCS will be
unable to operate for 15 years due to
declining gas flows, and (3) three
successive tests for NMOC emissions are
below the NMOC emission threshold of
34 Mg/yr for open landfills and below
50 Mg/yr NMOC for closed landfills.
The three successive tests for NMOC
emissions makes the threshold for
removing a GCCS consistent with the
threshold for installing a GCCS. The
EPA is not finalizing an alternative set
of criteria for capping, removing, or
decommissioning a GCCS that includes
a SEM demonstration.
While a SEM approach has been
allowed for installation of controls, the
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
EPA believes it is not appropriate to
allow SEM demonstrations for capping,
removing, or decommissioning a control
system. The EPA recognizes the unique
emissions profile for landfills including
the ability of these sources to release
emissions for decades. For these
reasons, the EPA believes it is
appropriate to ensure that controls are
installed and properly maintained for
the appropriate period of time. The EPA
believes sufficient flexibility has been
added to the control removal approach
by allowing a demonstration of the
system’s inability to operate for 15 years
due to declining gas flows and a
calculation of the NMOC emission rate.
Further, during the comment period,
concerns were raised about changes in
the waste mass over time and how the
SEM approach could inadvertently
allow landfills whose emissions were in
a period of dormancy, rather than a
decline in their emissions profile, to
remove controls. Agency enforcement
personnel are also aware of situations
where the installation of additional
wells led to additional gas capture at
sites asserting declining emissions. The
EPA understands the importance of gas
capture from landfills and believes the
SEM approach for control removal may
have the unintended consequence of
allowing controls to be removed when
significant gas capture is still possible.
As a result, the EPA is not finalizing the
SEM approach for removal.
Several commenters noted that the
provision provided in the 2015
Emission Guidelines to allow landfills
to demonstrate the GCCS could not be
operated for 15 years due to declining
flow was vague, and more guidance was
needed to provide instructions to
landfills on how to demonstrate this to
Regarding the 15-year criterion, the
EPA is retaining the requirement to
operate the GCCS for 15 years, but is
providing flexibility to address
declining gas flow in areas where the
GCCS has not operated for 15 years. If
the landfill is closed and the NMOC
emission rate is less than 34 Mg/yr, but
the GCCS has not operated for 15 years,
the landfill owner or operator can
demonstrate that the GCCS will be
unable to operate for 15 years due to
declining gas flows. The EPA is
providing this flexibility to address
areas of declining gas flows due to the
age of the waste, arid climate, or low
organic content. Given that there are
unique situations that could cause low
gas flow, or low gas quality which
would cause a GCCS to be unable to
operate for 15 years, the EPA is not
providing prescriptive criteria for how a
landfill owner or operator can
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demonstrate that a GCCS could not
operate for 15 years and will proceed
with a site-specific approach for
handling these unique cases. Some
examples of data elements that could be
used to demonstrate a GCCS is unable
to operate may include supplemental
fuel use at the flare to sustain operations
or LFG quality sample measurements
showing methane content lower than
what is viable for combustion in the
destruction device.
D. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction
In July 2014, the EPA proposed that
the standards in subpart XXX apply at
all times, including periods of startup or
shutdown, and periods of malfunction.
In addition, the proposed NSPS
included recordkeeping and reporting
requirements for all landfill owners or
operators to estimate emissions during
such periods.
Similarly, the EPA proposed
standards that apply at all times in the
August 2015 proposed Emission
Guidelines. However, the EPA
considered how the landfill emissions
differ from those generated by industrial
or manufacturing sources. Specifically,
the EPA noted that landfill emissions
are produced by a continuous biological
process that cannot be stopped or
restarted. Therefore, the primary
concern related to SSM is with
malfunction of the landfill GCCS and
associated monitoring equipment, not
with the startup or shutdown of the
entire source. SSM periods that we have
determined should be covered by the
work practice standard are those periods
when the landfill GCCS and associated
monitoring equipment are not operating.
To address these SSM periods, the
EPA proposed in the 2015 Emission
Guidelines that in the event the
collection or control system is not
operating the gas mover system must be
shut down and all valves in the GCCS
contributing to venting of gas to the
atmosphere must be closed within 1
hour of the collection or control system
not operating. This provision is
consistent with 40 CFR part 60, subpart
WWW. Additionally, the EPA proposed
recordkeeping of combustion
temperature, bypass flow, and periods
when the flare flame or the flare pilot
flame is out. The EPA received
numerous comments on the 2014
proposed changes to the NSPS and the
additional proposed edits made in the
2015 Emission Guidelines. A summary
of these comments are presented below.
Sierra Club v. EPA, 551 F.3d 1019
(D.C. Cir. 2008). Many commenters
stated that the Sierra Club decision
applies only to rules with numerical
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emission limits and not to rules that are
specified as a work practice. One of
these commenters elaborated that Sierra
Club applies to section 111 of the Clean
Air Act. Therefore, the commenter
concluded that landfills subject to the
NSPS are not bound by the findings of
Sierra Club and instead they are legally
allowed to develop a clear and
achievable landfill rule by considering
the unique circumstances that a landfill
is a biological process that cannot be
stopped or restarted and that the gas
collection and control systems must
periodically be shut down for
maintenance, repair, and expansion.
Retain the 5 day/1-hour exemption for
SSM events. Many commenters,
including affected industry commenters
and some state agencies, disagreed with
removing the provisions in 40 CFR part
60, subpart WWW, which allow for
exemption periods of 5 days for
collection systems and 1 hour for
treatment or control devices. These
commenters indicated that by removing
this provision, state and local agencies
could misconstrue the rule to require
that a landfill must operate the gas
collection system at all times, even
during SSM, including periods of
collection system construction,
expansion, and repair. These
commenters suggested instead of
removing the exemption provision
during periods of SSM, compliance can
be maintained as long as the landfill
owner or operator minimizes emissions
of LFG by following the applicable work
practices and restores the system to
operation as expeditiously as
One of the state agency commenters,
suggested that the 5-day and 1-hour
time limitations in subpart WWW are
appropriate for most situations and
instead of removing these exemptions,
the new subpart XXX could provide a
mechanism for the facility to apply to
the Administration for an extension of
those timeframes. On the contrary, one
state agency commenter and an NGO
agreed with the standards applying at
all times, including periods of SSM.
If the 5 day/1-hour exemption is not
retained, the EPA should add a work
practice standard for SSM events. One
commenter was concerned that the
preamble language for the 2014
proposed Emission Guidelines does not
clarify how a landfill can demonstrate
compliance with the standard during
SSM events stating that ‘‘compliance
with proposed 40 CFR 60.34f(e) does
not constitute compliance with the
applicable standards in proposed 40
CFR 60.36f’’ and that ‘‘by shutting down
flow to the flare or other control devices
a source is unlikely to be in violation of
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
the 98 percent emission reduction
requirements since there will be no gas
flowing to the control device’’ (see 80
FR 52134–52135). This commenter
stated that EPA must clarify this
confusion and specify a clear set of
work practices (e.g., shut down of the
gas mover system and prevention of
venting) that constitute compliance
during SSM periods when the collection
or control system is not operated.
Several other industry commenters and
the U.S. Small Business Administration
also asked that the rule specifically
accommodate periods when the
collection system is not operating
during activities associated with
construction, expansion, repair,
replacement, testing, upgrades, or other
maintenance of the system or its
Reporting requirement to estimate
NMOC emissions whenever the
collection system or control system is
not operating. Two commenters
representing a state agency and an NGO
supported reporting NMOC emissions
during SSM periods. Several industry
commenters provided numerous
technical arguments to explain the
infeasibility of accurately estimating
NMOC emissions during the short
periods of SSM. For example, methods
to estimate LFG emissions are based on
site-specific variables that estimate LFG
generation over the life of the landfill,
typically on an annual basis, and cannot
be used to estimate hourly or daily
emissions. Accordingly, the commenters
contended that it is technically and
practically inappropriate to require
landfill owners/operators to make this
estimate for the time periods that the gas
collection or control systems are not
operated, given the substantial technical
uncertainties involved in estimating
these emissions over discrete, shortterm time periods. Further, other
commenters noted that emissions
during SSM are expected to be very low,
reporting SSM emissions is an onerous
and meaningless exercise and is likely
to overestimate emissions.
Two commenters asked that if the
reporting requirement is retained, the
EPA should limit the reporting to
periods when the flare is free venting
because these are the only emissions
that can be estimated accurately. Several
commenters asked EPA to develop
guidance on how to estimate emissions
during SSM if this requirement is
retained in the final rule.
Several commenters stated that
because there should be no deviation
from the rule when the work practices
of the rule are followed, there are no
excess emissions, and the reported
emissions are not relevant to
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determining compliance. Commenters
are concerned that if estimated NMOC
emissions are reported, states will deem
the reported emissions to be ‘‘excess
emissions,’’ which could be treated as a
serious violation. Therefore, reporting
these emissions poses the risk of state or
citizen suits for enforcement, even when
a landfill is following all requirements
of the rule.
Other Comments. Several commenters
added that because SSM provisions
apply to numerical emission limitations
and a numerical limitation applies only
to the control device (not the collection
devices), commenters stated that SSM
provisions should address only
operation of the control devices during
periods when LFG is routed from the
collection system.
Several commenters indicated that
EPA must retain an allowance of 5 days/
1 hour for downtime events so that
states do not file enforcement actions for
downtime events that are shorter than
the previously allowed 5 days/1-hour
allowance. These commenters also
asked the EPA to clarify that the 1-hour
allowance for shutting vents allows for
free venting for 1 hour such that venting
during this time period does not
constitute ‘‘excess emissions’’ that can
be deemed a serious violation.
Response: The EPA recognizes that
landfills are not typical affected sources
that can be started up or shut down.
Landfill emissions are produced by a
continuous biological process that
cannot be stopped or shut down. The
EPA also recognizes that the primary
concern is with malfunction of the LFG
collection and control system and
associated monitoring equipment, not
with the startup, shutdown, or
malfunction of the entire source. The
EPA received extensive comments on
the proposed requirements applicable to
landfills during SSM events, as
summarized above. Consistent with the
recent Court decision that vacated the
exemption in 40 CFR 63.6(f)(1) and
(h)(1) for SSM (Sierra Club v. EPA, 551
F.3d 1019), the EPA has established
standards in this rule that apply at all
The general provisions in 40 CFR part
60 provide that emissions in excess of
the level of the applicable emissions
limit during periods of SSM shall not be
considered a violation of the applicable
emission limit unless otherwise
specified in the applicable standard (see
40 CFR 60.8(c)) (emphasis added). As
reflected in the italicized language, an
individual subpart can supersede this
The EPA is finalizing a requirement in
40 CFR 60.465(e) whereby the standards
apply at all times, including periods of
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SSM. However, the final rule
incorporates a work practice during
periods of SSM. During these SSM
events, owners or operators must shut
down the gas mover system and close
within 1 hour all valves in the GCCS
contributing to venting of the gas to the
atmosphere. The landfill owner or
operator must also keep records and
submit reports of all periods when the
collection and control device is not
operating. The EPA, however, is not
reinstating the 5-day exemption for SSM
periods because the provision provides
an exemption from compliance with the
standard during SSM periods, which the
EPA does not have the authority to do
under the reasoning of the Sierra Club
E. Other Corrections and Clarifications
1. Test Methods
In the 2014 proposed NSPS, the EPA
did not include EPA Method 18 or EPA
Method 25A. In the 2015 proposed
Emission Guidelines, the EPA proposed
to include Method 25A based on public
comments received on the 2014
proposed NSPS and the EPA’s
recognition that the use of Method 25A
is necessary for measuring outlet
concentrations less than 50 ppm NMOC.
However, the EPA did not propose to
include Method 18 (80 FR 52112)
because the EPA had determined that
Method 18 was not appropriate or cost
effective for testing the large number of
NMOCs found in landfill samples.
Specifically, 40 target analytes are listed
in the current landfills section of AP–42
and 160 analytes are listed in the draft
landfills section AP–42. The EPA
determined that the extensive quality
assurance required by the method
makes the method technically and
economically prohibitive for all the
potential target analytes.
Comment: Commenters requested that
the EPA retain both Method 18 and 25A
in the final rule and cited a number of
reasons that the EPA should retain
them, including both technical and legal
reasons. Commenters stated that landfill
owners or operators have relied on these
test methods to demonstrate compliance
for performance testing of enclosed
flares as a part of EPA policy for over
a decade under 40 CFR 60.764 [60.754].
One commenter emphasized the
importance of Method 25A because its
use is required for many sources with an
outlet concentration of less than 50
ppmv NMOC as carbon.
The commenters noted that the
majority of LFG destruction devices
show NMOC concentrations below 50
ppmv as carbon. Due to issues with
Methods 25/25C in measuring NMOC
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content under this level, commenters
observed that the proposed NSPS rule
change effectively removes the ability to
accurately measure compliance with the
20 ppmv outlet standard for a large class
of enclosed combustors. Commenter
believes that Method 25A is the superior
testing methodology for certain
circumstances and is more commonly
used in practice. Commenters cited
limitations of Method 25, including
sensitivity of the test method to water
and carbon dioxide and the inability to
measure NMOC content below 50 ppmv
as carbon.
Commenters also contended that the
EPA did not provide any justification
for removing these methods.
Commenters stated that the EPA did not
provide any factual data, methodology,
or any legal or policy justification for its
proposed exclusion of Method 25A or
Method 18; thus commenters claimed
that the EPA did not satisfy the noticeand-comment requirements of the CAA.
Response: After considering public
comments, the EPA is including both
EPA Method 25A and Method 18 (on a
limited basis, i.e., compound specific)
in the final landfills regulations (40 CFR
part 60, subparts Cf and XXX).
After reviewing the comments
received on the NSPS for new landfills
proposed on July 17, 2014, the EPA
recognizes that the use of Method 25A
is necessary for measuring outlet
concentrations less than 50 ppm NMOC.
EPA Method 25A determines total
gaseous organic concentration of vapor
(total organic compounds). Because the
rule regulates NMOC, EPA Method 18 or
Method 3C are needed to determine the
concentration of methane in the gas
stream. Method 25A, in conjunction
with Methods 18 or 3C (for methane),
can be used to determine NMOC for the
outlet concentrations less than 50 ppm
NMOC as carbon. Note that Method 25A
FIDs are insensitive to formaldehyde.
While Method 18 may be used in
conjunction with Method 25A for
methane or specific compounds of
interest, there are limitations on the
number of analytes that can be
reasonably quantified in measuring the
sum of all NMOCs. With the possibility
of 40 target analytes listed in the current
landfill section of AP–42 (160 analytes
in the draft landfill AP–42), Method 18
is not an appropriate or cost effective
method to test all NMOCs found in
landfill samples. The extensive QA
required by the method makes the
method technically and economically
prohibitive for all the potential target
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2. Tier 2 Sampling Procedure
The EPA continues to believe that the
number of samples required per hectare
is appropriate for Tier 2. As described
in 40 CFR 60.764, the EPA is reaffirming
that the two samples are required per
hectare and if additional samples are
taken, all samples must be used in
determining the site-specific NMOC
concentration. Landfill owners or
operators must also ensure that the
probes are evenly distributed over the
landfill surface. The EPA explored a
number of methods, including a
statistical approach, when establishing
requirements for the number and
location of Tier 2 samples for the
original rule. Public commenters raised
significant concerns with approaches
based on equations. As such, the EPA
determined that a simplified method (2
samples per hectare) was best and
received no public comments to the
3. Non-degradable Waste
The EPA is reaffirming that all the
waste must be included in calculating
the design capacity. Non-degradable
waste cannot be subtracted from the
permitted landfill design capacity.
However, non-degradable waste can be
subtracted from the mass of solid waste
when calculating the NMOC emission
rate because such waste would not
produce NMOC emissions. Nondegradable waste is defined as waste
that does not break down through
chemical or microbiological activity.
Examples include concrete, municipal
waste combustor ash, and metals.
Petroleum contaminated soils (PCS) and
paper mill sludges likely contain
organics that could be emitted as MSW
LFG emissions. Therefore, emissions
from PCS and sludges would need to be
accounted for in the emission estimate
only. The EPA is also reaffirming that
documentation of the nature and
amount of non-degradable waste needs
to be maintained when subtracting the
mass of non-degradable waste from the
total mass of waste for NMOC emission
rate calculations.
VII. Impacts of This Final Rule
For most Emission Guidelines, the
EPA analyzes the impacts in the year
the standard is implemented. If the
Emission Guidelines are promulgated
and published in August 2016, then the
implementation year would be 2017
based on the following: states have 9
months to prepare a state plan
implementing the guidelines (May
2017); the EPA has 4 months to review
the plan (September 2017); and if
necessary, the state has an additional 2
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months to revise and submit a corrected
plan based on any comments from the
EPA (November 2017). Concurrently,
the EPA must promulgate a federal plan
within 6 months after the state plan is
due, consistent with 40 CFR 60.27(d), or
November 2017. Thus, the EPAapproved state plan and updated federal
plan implementing the Emission
Guidelines are expected to become
effective in November 2017. Although
late 2017 is the estimated
implementation year, the reporting and
control timeframe allows 3 months to
submit the first NMOC emission report
and then 30 months after reporting the
NMOC emission rate results before the
GCCS is required to be installed.
Therefore, the first year that affected
landfills could have controls installed
under the final rule will be late 2020.
Because of the necessarily lengthy
implementation process, the EPA is
assessing impacts in year 2025 as a
representative year for the landfills
Emission Guidelines. While the year
2025 differs somewhat from the
expected first year of implementation
for the Emission Guidelines (year 2020),
the number of existing landfills required
to install controls under the final rule in
year 2025 is the same as those estimated
to control in the estimated first year of
implementation. Further, year 2025
represents a year in which several of the
landfills subject to control requirements
will have had to expand their GCCS
according the expansion lag times set
forth in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf.
The landfills dataset used for
estimating the impacts of the Emission
Guidelines is discussed in detail in the
August 27, 2015 proposed revisions to
the Emission Guidelines (80 FR 52116–
52117). The EPA made several
significant edits to the dataset since the
August 2015 proposal, based on public
comments received; new data made
available from the landfills reporting
2014 emissions to 40 CFR part 98,
subpart HH, of GHGRP; and
consultations with EPA regional offices,
and state and local authorities to
identify additional landfills expected to
undergo a modification within the next
5 years. After incorporating all of the
updates to the inventory and removing
the landfills expected to modify, the
revised dataset to analyze the impacts of
the final rule now has 1,851 existing
landfills that accepted waste after
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
1987 49 and opened prior to 2014.50 A
detailed discussion of updates made to
the landfill dataset is in the docketed
memorandum, ‘‘Summary of Updated
Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and
Emission Reduction Analysis of
Landfills Regulations, 2016.’’
The methodology used for estimating
the impacts of the Emission Guidelines
is discussed in detail in the August 27,
2015 proposed revisions to the Emission
Guidelines (80 FR 52116–52117). The
EPA made several significant edits to
the methodology since the August 2015
proposal based on public comments and
comments on a separate peer review of
the EPA Landfill Gas Energy Cost
(LFGcost) model.51 Notably, the EPA
adjusted its assumption of gas collection
efficiency to an average of 85 percent.
The impacts analysis at the proposal did
not apply a collection efficiency
assumption. However, in consideration
of public comments received and EPA
assumptions in subpart HH of the
GHGRP, and analyses performed for
marginal abatement cost curves, the
EPA has included an 85 percent average
gas collection efficiency factor to reflect
a more realistic indicator of GCCS
performance.52 In addition, Chapter 2.4
of the EPA AP–42 for MSW landfills
cites a range of collection efficiencies
for LFG between 60 and 85 percent. The
EPA also adjusted the electricity
purchase price and anticipated revenue
estimates using forecasted commercial
retail electricity rate data and forecasted
electricity generation price data for
different Energy Information
Administration (EIA) Electricity Market
Module regions.53 54
A detailed discussion of the
methodology and equations used to
estimate the impacts of the final rule are
available in the docketed memorandum
‘‘Revised Methodology for Estimating
Cost and Emission Impacts of MSW
Landfill Regulations, 2016.’’ The results
of applying this methodology to the
population of existing landfills
potentially subject to the final rule are
in the docketed memorandum ‘‘Revised
Cost and Emission Impacts Resulting
from the Landfill EG Review, 2016.’’
Table 2 of this preamble summarizes the
emission reductions and costs
associated with the final rule.
Number Number of
affected by of landfills
final rule a affected b controlling
capacity\50 Mg\yr NMOC).
All .............
Number of
but not
controlling c
Net cost
mt\yr) d
NMOC Cost Methane cost CO2e Cost
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
($\mt) d
Incremental values vs. the Baseline
Final Option (2.5 million Mg design capacity/34 Mg/yr NMOC).
Open ........
e 54.1
a The final option in this table shows the impacts of reducing the NMOC emission threshold to 34 Mg/yr on open landfills only, and retaining the NMOC threshold of 50 Mg/yr for the closed
landfill subcategory.
b Landfills are affected by the landfills Emission Guidelines based on design capacity. Once affected, they calculate and report emissions until they exceed the NMOC threshold, which triggers
control requirements. Since we are not changing the size threshold, there are no incremental landfills affected.
c Since the number of landfills affected remains the same as the baseline, the number of landfills reporting NMOC (but not controlling) decreases since more landfills will control emissions
under the final rule.
d Results do not include secondary CO impacts.
e The annualized net cost for the final Emission Guidelines is estimated to be $54.1 million (2012$) in 2025, when using a 7 percent discount rate. The annualized costs represent the costs
compared to no changes to the current Emission Guidelines (i.e., baseline) and include $92.6 million to install and operate a GCCS, as well as $0.76 million to complete the corresponding testing and monitoring. These control costs are offset by $39.3 million in revenue from electricity sales, which is incorporated into the net control costs for certain landfills that are expected to generate revenue by using the LFG to produce electricity.
A. What are the air quality impacts?
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
The EPA estimates that the final rule
will achieve nearly an additional 3
percent reduction in NMOC from
existing landfills, or 1,810 Mg/yr, when
compared to the baseline, as shown in
Table 2 of this preamble. The final rule
would also achieve 0.285 million Mg of
methane reductions (7.1 million
mtCO2e) in 2025. These reductions are
achieved by reducing the NMOC
threshold from 50 Mg/yr to 34 Mg/yr
open landfills.
49 November 8, 1987, is the date on which permit
programs were established under the Hazardous
and Solid Waste Amendments of RCRA. This date
was also selected as the regulatory cutoff in the
Emission Guidelines for landfills no longer
receiving wastes because the EPA judged states
would be able to identify active facilities as of this
date. The data available to EPA include an open
year without the month and so the analysis uses a
cutoff year of 1988 for landfill closure year.
50 July 17, 2014, is the proposal date of the
revised NSPS for MSW landfills in 40 CFR part 60,
subpart XXX. A landfill opening or commencing
construction on its modification after this date
would become subject to this new subpart and
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B. What are the water quality and solid
waste impacts?
Leachate is the liquid that passes
through the landfilled waste and strips
contaminants from the waste as the
leachate percolates. Precipitation
generates the vast majority of leachate
volume. Installation of a gas collection
system will generate additional liquid,
in the form of gas condensate, and it
will be routed to the same leachate
treatment mechanisms in place for
controlling precipitation-based leachate.
Collected leachate can be treated on site
or transported off site to wastewater
would not be subject to the revised Emission
Guidelines. The EPA cannot predict the exact
month a model landfill will open so the analysis
uses a cutoff year of 2014.
51 See the docketed 2016 RIA for additional
discussion of changes made on the methodology for
estimating impacts as a result of the LFGcost peer
52 USEPA. Global Mitigation of Non-CO
Greenhouse Gases: 2010–2030. EPA–430–R–13–
53 See the docketed 2016 RIA for additional
discussion of changes made to electricity pricing
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treatment facilities. Some landfills have
received permits allowing for
recirculation of leachate in the landfill,
which may further reduce the volume of
leachate requiring treatment. Additional
liquid generated from gas condensate is
not expected to be significant and
insufficient data are available to
estimate the increases in leachate
resulting from expanded gas collection
and control requirements.
The additional gas collection and
control components required by this
final rule have finite lifetimes
(approximately 15 years) and these
54 To map existing landfill sites to EIA’s
Electricity Market Module regions, the sites’
geospatial coordinates were overlayed on a map of
the EMM regions. The AEO Electricity Market
Module regions are commensurate with the
eGRID2012 primary regions for which a shapefile is
available at https://www.epa.gov/energy/downloadegrid2012-shapefiles. For expected new landfills
within a state the specific location is unknown,
therefore the landfill is located at the state’s
centroid for purposes of mapping the site to an
EMM region.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
pipes and wells will be capped or
disposed of at the end of their useful
life. There are insufficient data to
quantify the solid waste resulting from
disposal of this control infrastructure.
Further, the incremental costs of
control for the final rule of $54.1 million
in 2025 (7% discount rate, 2012$) are
not expected to have an appreciable
market effect on the waste disposal
costs, tipping fees, or the amount of
solid waste disposed in landfills
because the costs for gas collection
represent a small portion of the overall
costs to design, construct, and operate a
landfill. The handling of waste by the
private companies in the industry was
estimated to generate $55 billion of
revenue in 2011, of which landfilling
contributed $13 billion, while a more
recent estimate shows the U.S. nonhazardous solid waste services industry
generated about $60 billion in annual
revenues in 2015. These revenue
estimates do not include activity related
to publicly owned landfills. For more
information, see the ‘‘Regulatory Impact
Analysis for the Final Revisions to the
Emission Guidelines for Existing
Sources and the New Source
Performance Standards in the Municipal
Solid Waste Landfills Sector, 2016’’
(hereafter ‘‘2016 RIA’’) included in the
docket. There also is insufficient
information to quantify the effect
increased gas control costs might have
on the amount of solid waste disposed
in landfills versus other disposal
mechanisms such as recycling, waste-toenergy, or composting. Note that
elements of this final rule—notably
lowering the NMOC threshold to 34 Mg/
yr—provide additional incentives to
separate waste.
C. What are the secondary air impacts?
Secondary air impacts may include
grid emissions from purchasing
electricity to operate the GCCS
components, by-product emissions from
combustion of LFG in flares or energy
recovery devices, and offsets to
conventional grid emissions from new
LFG energy supply.
The secondary air impacts are
presented as net impacts, considering
both the energy demand and energy
supply resulting from the final rule. The
methodology used to prepare the
estimated secondary impacts for this
preamble is discussed in the docketed
memorandum ‘‘Revised Estimates of
Secondary Impacts of the Landfills
Emission Guidelines Review, 2016.’’
While we do expect NOx and sulfur
dioxide (SO2) emission changes as a
result of these guidelines, we expect
these changes to be small and these
changes have not been estimated. The
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net impacts were computed for CO2e.
After considering the offsets from LFG
electricity, the impacts of the final rule
are expected to reduce CO2 emissions by
277,000 metric tons per year. These CO2
emission reductions are in addition to
the methane emission reductions
achieved from the direct destruction of
methane in flares or engines presented
in Table 2 of this preamble.
D. What are the energy impacts?
The final rule is expected to have a
very minimal impact on energy supply
and consumption. Active gas collection
systems require energy to operate the
blowers and pumps and the final rule
will increase the volume of LFG
collected. When the least cost control is
a flare, energy may be purchased from
the grid to operate the blowers of the
LFG collection system. However, when
the least cost control option is an
engine, the engine may provide this
energy to the gas control system and
then sell the excess to the grid.
Considering the balance of energy
generated and demanded from the
estimated least cost controls, the final
rule is estimated to supply 0.51 million
megawatt hours (MWh) of additional
renewable LFG energy per year, which
will reduce the need for conventional
fossil-based energy sources.
E. What are the cost impacts?
To meet the final rule emission
thresholds, a landfill is expected to
install the least cost control for
combusting the LFG. The cost estimates
evaluated each landfill to determine
whether a gas collection and flare or a
gas collection with flare and engine
equipment would be least cost, after
considering local power buyback rates
and whether the quantity of LFG was
sufficient to generate electricity. The
control costs include the costs to install
and operate gas collection infrastructure
such as wells, header pipes, blowers,
and an enclosed flare. For landfills for
which the least cost control option is an
engine, the costs also include the cost to
install and operate one or more
reciprocating internal combustion
engines to convert the LFG into
electricity. Revenue from electricity
sales was incorporated into the net
control costs using forecasted electricity
generation price data from EIA
Electricity Market Module regions.
Testing and monitoring costs at
controlled landfills include the cost to
conduct initial performance tests on the
enclosed flare or engine control
equipment, quarterly surface
monitoring, continuous combustion
monitoring, and monthly wellhead
monitoring. At uncontrolled landfills,
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the testing and monitoring costs include
calculation and reporting of NMOC
emission rates.
The nationwide incremental
annualized net cost for the final rule is
$54.1 million, when using a 7 percent
discount rate and 2012$. The
annualized net costs of $54.1 million
represent the costs compared to no
changes to the current Emission
Guidelines (i.e., baseline) and include
$92.6 million to install and operate a
GCCS, as well as $0.76 million to
complete the corresponding testing and
monitoring. These control costs are
offset by $39.3 million in revenue from
electricity sales, which is incorporated
into the net control costs for certain
landfills that are expected to generate
revenue by using the LFG to produce
F. What are the economic impacts?
Because of the relatively low net cost
of the final rule compared to the overall
size of the MSW industry, as well as the
lack of appropriate economic
parameters or model, the EPA is unable
to estimate the impacts on the supply
and demand for MSW landfill services.
However, because of the relatively low
incremental costs, the EPA does not
believe the final rule would lead to
substantial changes in supply and
demand for landfill services or waste
disposal costs, tipping fees, or the
amount of waste disposed in landfills.
Hence, the overall economic impact of
the final rule should be minimal on the
affected industries and their consumers.
G. What are the benefits?
This final action is expected to result
in significant emissions reductions from
existing MSW landfills. By lowering the
NMOC emissions threshold to 34 Mg/yr,
these final guidelines would achieve
reductions of more than 1,810 Mg/yr
NMOC and 285,000 metric tons of
methane (7.1 million mtCO2e). In
addition, the guidelines are expected to
result in the net reduction of 277,000
metric tons CO2, due to reduced
demand for electricity from the grid as
landfills generate electricity from LFG.
This rule is expected to result in
significant public health and welfare
benefits resulting from the climate
benefits due to anticipated methane and
CO2 reductions. Methane is a potent
GHG that, once emitted into the
atmosphere, absorbs terrestrial infrared
radiation that contributes to increased
global warming and continuing climate
change. Methane reacts in the
atmosphere to form tropospheric ozone
and stratospheric water vapor, both of
which also contribute to global
warming. When accounting for the
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
impacts of changing methane,
tropospheric ozone, and stratospheric
water vapor concentrations, the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report
(2013) found that historical emissions of
methane accounted for about 30 percent
of the total current warming influence
(radiative forcing) due to historical
emissions of greenhouse gases. Methane
is therefore a major contributor to the
climate change impacts described in
section III.B of this preamble. The
remainder of this section discusses the
methane reductions expected from this
proposed rule and the associated
monetized benefits.
As discussed in section IV of this
preamble, this rulemaking includes
several changes to the Emission
Guidelines for MSW landfills that will
decrease methane emissions from this
sector. Specifically, the final emission
guideline changes are expected to
reduce methane emissions from all
landfills in 2025 by about 285,000
metric tons of methane.
We calculated the global social
benefits of these methane emission
reductions using estimates of SC–CH4, a
metric that estimates the monetary value
of impacts associated with marginal
changes in methane emissions in a
given year. The SC–CH4 estimates
applied in this analysis were developed
by Marten et al. (2014) and are
discussed in greater detail below.
A similar metric, the social cost of
CO2 (SC–CO2), provides important
context for understanding the Marten et
al. SC–CH4 estimates.55 The SC–CO2 is
a metric that estimates the monetary
value of impacts associated with
marginal changes in CO2 emissions in a
given year. It includes a wide range of
anticipated climate impacts, such as net
changes in agricultural productivity and
human health, property damage from
increased flood risk, and changes in
energy system costs, such as reduced
costs for heating and increased costs for
air conditioning. Estimates of the SC–
CO2 have been used by the EPA and
other federal agencies to value the
impacts of CO2 emissions changes in
benefit cost analysis for GHG-related
rulemakings since 2008.
The SC–CO2 estimates were
developed over many years, using the
best science available, and with input
from the public. Specifically, an
interagency working group (IWG) that
55 Previous analyses have commonly referred to
the social cost of carbon dioxide emissions as the
social cost of carbon or SCC. To more easily
facilitate the inclusion of non-CO2 GHGs in the
discussion and analysis the more specific SC–CO2
nomenclature is used to refer to the social cost of
CO2 emissions.
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included the EPA and other executive
branch agencies and offices used three
integrated assessment models (IAMs) to
develop the SC–CO2 estimates and
recommended four global values for use
in regulatory analyses. The SC–CO2
estimates were first released in February
2010 and updated in 2013 using new
versions of each IAM.
The 2010 SC–CO2 Technical Support
Document (TSD) provides a complete
discussion of the methods used to
develop these estimates and the current
SC–CO2 TSD presents and discusses the
2013 update (including recent minor
technical corrections to the estimates).56
The SC–CO2 TSDs discuss a number
of limitations to the SC–CO2 analysis,
including the incomplete way in which
the IAMs capture catastrophic and noncatastrophic impacts, their incomplete
treatment of adaptation and
technological change, uncertainty in the
extrapolation of damages to high
temperatures, and assumptions
regarding risk aversion. Currently, IAMs
do not assign value to all of the
important physical, ecological, and
economic impacts of climate change
recognized in the climate change
literature due to a lack of precise
information on the nature of damages
and because the science incorporated
into these models understandably lags
behind the most recent research.
Nonetheless, these estimates and the
discussion of their limitations represent
the best available information about the
social benefits of CO2 reductions to
inform benefit-cost analysis. The EPA
and other agencies continue to engage in
research on modeling and valuation of
climate impacts with the goal to
improve these estimates, and continue
to consider feedback on the SC–CO2
estimates from stakeholders through a
range of channels, including public
comments received on Agency
rulemakings, a separate Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) public
comment solicitation, and through
regular interactions with stakeholders
and research analysts implementing the
SC–CO2 methodology. See the docketed
2016 RIA for additional details.
A challenge particularly relevant to
this rule is that the IWG did not
estimate the social costs of non-CO2
GHG emissions at the time the SC–CO2
estimates were developed. In addition,
the directly modeled estimates of the
social costs of non-CO2 GHG emissions
previously found in the published
literature were few in number and
varied considerably in terms of the
56 Both the 2010 SC–CO TSD and the current
TSD are available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/
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models and input assumptions they
employed 57 (EPA 2012). In the past, the
EPA has sought to understand the
potential importance of monetizing nonCO2 GHG emissions changes through
sensitivity analysis using an estimate of
the GWP of CH4 to convert emission
impacts to CO2 equivalents, which can
then be valued using the SC–CO2
estimates. This approach approximates
the SC–CH4 using estimates of the SC–
CO2 and the GWP of methane.
The published literature documents a
variety of reasons that directly modeled
estimates of SC–CH4 are an analytical
improvement over the estimates from
the GWP approximation approach.
Specifically, several recent studies
found that GWP-weighted benefit
estimates for CH4 are likely to be lower
than the estimates derived using
directly modeled social cost estimates
for these gases.58 The GWP reflects only
the relative integrated radiative forcing
of a gas over 100 years in comparison
to CO2. The directly modeled social cost
estimates differ from the GWP-scaled
SC–CO2 because the relative differences
in timing and magnitude of the warming
between gases are explicitly modeled,
the non-linear effects of temperature
change on economic damages are
included, and rather than treating all
impacts over a hundred years equally,
the modeled damages over the time
horizon considered (300 years in this
case) are discounted to present value
terms. A detailed discussion of the
limitations of the GWP approach can be
found in the 2016 RIA.
In general, the commenters on
previous rulemakings strongly
encouraged the EPA to incorporate the
monetized value of non-CO2 GHG
impacts into the benefit cost analysis.
However, they noted the challenges
associated with the GWP approach, as
discussed above, and encouraged the
use of directly modeled estimates of the
SC–CH4 to overcome those challenges.
Since then, a paper by Marten et al.
(2014) has provided the first set of
published SC–CH4 estimates in the peerreviewed literature that are consistent
with the modeling assumptions
57 U.S. EPA. 2012. Regulatory Impact Analysis
Final New Source Performance Standards and
Amendments to the National Emissions Standards
for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Oil and Natural
Gas Industry. Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, Health and Environmental Impacts
Division. April. https://www.epa.gov/ttn/ecas/
ria.pdf. Accessed April 7, 2016.
58 See Waldhoff et al. (2011); Marten and
Newbold (2012); and Marten et al. (2014).
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
underlying the SC–CO2 estimates.59 60
Specifically, the estimation approach of
Marten et al. used the same set of three
IAMs, five socioeconomic-emissions
scenarios, equilibrium climate
sensitivity distribution, three constant
discount rates, and aggregation
approach used by the IWG to develop
the SC–CO2 estimates.
The SC–CH4 estimates from Marten, et
al. (2014) are presented in Table 3 of
this preamble. More detailed discussion
of the methodology, results, and a
comparison to other published estimates
can be found in the 2016 RIA and in
Marten, et al.
TABLE 3—SOCIAL COST OF CH4, 2012–2050 a
[In 2012$ per metric ton (Source: Marten et al., 2014 b]
5% Average
3% Average
2.5% Average
3% 95th
a The values are emissions-year specific. Estimates using several discount rates are included because the literature shows that estimates of
the SC–CO2 (and SC–CH4) are sensitive to assumptions about the discount rate, and because no consensus exists on the appropriate rate to
use in an intergenerational context (where costs and benefits are incurred by different generations). The fourth value is the 95th percentile of the
SC–CH4 estimates across three models using a 3 percent discount rate. It is included to represent higher-than-expected impacts from temperature change further out in the tails of the SC–CH4 distribution.
b The estimates in this table have been adjusted to reflect recent minor technical corrections to the SC–CO estimates. See the Corrigendum
to Marten et al. (2014), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14693062.2015.1070550.
The application of these directly
modeled SC–CH4 estimates from Marten
et al. (2014) in a benefit-cost analysis of
a regulatory action is analogous to the
use of the SC–CO2 estimates. In
addition, the limitations for the SC–CO2
estimates discussed above likewise
apply to the SC–CH4 estimates, given
the consistency in the methodology.
In early 2015, the EPA conducted a
peer review of the application of the
Marten, et al. (2014) non-CO2 social cost
estimates in regulatory analysis and
received responses that supported this
application. See the 2016 RIA for a
detailed discussion.
The EPA also carefully considered the
full range of public comments and
associated technical issues on the
Marten et al. SC–CH4 estimates received
through this rulemaking. The comments
addressed the technical details of the
SC–CO2 estimates and the Marten et al.
SC–CH4 estimates as well as their
application to this rulemaking analysis.
One comment letter also provided
constructive recommendations to
improve the SC–CO2 and SC–CH4
estimates in the future. Based on the
evaluation of the public comments on
this rulemaking, the favorable peer
review of the Marten et al. application,
and past comments urging the EPA to
value non-CO2 GHG impacts in its
rulemakings, the agency has concluded
that the estimates represent the best
scientific information on the impacts of
climate change available in a form
appropriate for incorporating the
damages from incremental CH4
emissions changes into regulatory
analysis. The EPA has included those
benefits in the main benefits analysis.
See the EPA’s Response to Comments
document for the complete response to
comments received on the SC–CH4 as
part of this rulemaking.
The methane benefits based on
Marten et al. (2014) are presented for the
year 2025. Applying this approach to
the methane reductions estimated for
these guidelines, the 2025 methane
benefits vary by discount rate and range
from about $200 million to
approximately $1.1 billion; the mean
SC–CH4 at the 3-percent discount rate
results in an estimate of about $430
million in 2025, as presented in Table
4 of this preamble.
[In millions, 2012$]
Discount rate and statistic
Million metric tons CH4
5% Average
3% Average
2.5% Average
3% 95th
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
0.285 ................................................................................................................
The vast majority of this action’s
climate-related benefits are associated
with methane reductions. Additional
climate-related benefits are expected
from the guidelines’ secondary air
impacts, specifically, a net reduction in
CO2 emissions. Monetizing the net CO2
reductions with the SC–CO2 estimates
described in this section yields benefits
59 Marten et al. (2014) also provided the first set
of SC–N2O estimates that are consistent with the
assumptions underlying the IWG SC–CO2 estimates.
60 Marten, A. L., E. A. Kopits, C. W. Griffiths, S.
C. Newbold & A. Wolverton (2014). Incremental
CH4 and N2O mitigation benefits consistent with the
U.S. Government’s SC–CO2 estimates, Climate
Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2014.912981.
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of $14 million in the year 2025 (average
SC–CO2, 3 percent discount rate,
2012$). Monetized climate benefits
associated with reductions in methane
and secondary CO2 emissions are
approximately $440 million in 2025
(2012$), based on the average SC–CH4 at
a 3 percent discount rate and the
average SC–CO2 at a 3 percent discount
rate. See the 2016 RIA for more details.
In addition to the limitation discussed
above, and the referenced documents,
there are additional impacts of
individual GHGs that are not currently
captured in the IAMs used in the
directly modeled approach of Marten et
al. (2014), and therefore not quantified
for the rule. For example, the NMOC
portion of LFG can contain a variety of
air pollutants, including VOC and
various organic HAP. VOC emissions
are precursors to both PM2.5 and ozone
formation, while methane is a GHG and
a precursor to global ozone formation.
These pollutants are associated with
substantial health effects, welfare
effects, and climate effects, which are
discussed in section III.B of this
preamble. The ozone generated by
methane has important non-climate
impacts on agriculture, ecosystems, and
human health. The 2016 RIA describes
the specific impacts of methane as an
ozone precursor in more detail and
discusses studies that have estimated
monetized benefits of these methane
generated ozone effects. The EPA
continues to monitor developments in
this area of research.
Finally, these final Emission
Guidelines will yield benefits from
reductions in VOC and HAP emissions
and from reductions in methane as a
precursor to global background
concentrations of tropospheric ozone.
With the data available, we are not able
to provide quantified health benefit
estimates for the reduction in exposure
to HAP, ozone, and PM2.5 for this rule.
This is not to imply that there are no
benefits of the rules; rather, it is a
reflection of the difficulties in modeling
the direct and indirect impacts of the
reductions in emissions for this sector
with the data currently available.61 In
61 Previous studies have estimated the monetized
benefits-per-ton of reducing VOC emissions
associated with the effect that those emissions have
on ambient PM2.5 levels and the health effects
associated with PM2.5 exposure (Fann, Fulcher, and
Hubbell, 2009). While these ranges of benefit-perton estimates can provide useful context, the
geographic distribution of VOC emissions from the
MSW landfills sector are not consistent with
emissions modeled in Fann, Fulcher, and Hubbell
(2009). In addition, the benefit-per-ton estimates for
VOC emission reductions in that study are derived
from total VOC emissions across all sectors.
Coupled with the larger uncertainties about the
relationship between VOC emissions and PM2.5 and
the highly localized nature of air quality responses
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addition to health improvements, there
will be improvements in visibility
effects, ecosystem effects, and climate
Although we do not have sufficient
information or modeling available to
provide quantitative estimates of the
health benefits associated with HAP,
ozone, and PM2.5 reductions, we include
a qualitative assessment of the public
health effects associated with exposure
to HAP, ozone, and PM2.5 in the 2016
RIA for this rule. These qualitative
impact assessments are briefly
summarized in section III.B of this
preamble, but for more detailed
information, please refer to the 2016
RIA, which is available in the docket.
Based on the monetized benefits and
costs of the final emission guidelines,
the annual net benefits of the rule are
estimated to be $390 million ($2012) in
2025 based on the average SC–CH4 at a
3 percent discount rate and costs at a 7
percent discount rate.
VIII. Statutory and Executive Order
Additional information about these
statues and Executive Orders can be
found at https://www2.epa.gov/lawsregulations/laws-and-executive-orders.
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
This action is an economically
significant regulatory action that was
submitted to OMB for review. Any
changes made in response to OMB
recommendations have been
documented in the docket. The EPA
prepared an economic analysis of the
potential costs and benefits associated
with the proposed Emission Guidelines.
The analysis is documented in the 2016
RIA, which is available in docket EPA–
HQ–OAR–2014–0451 and is briefly
summarized in section VII of this
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
OMB has approved the information
collection activities contained in this
rule under the PRA and has assigned
OMB control number 2060–NEW. The
Information Collection Request (ICR)
document that the EPA prepared for the
final Emission Guidelines has been
assigned EPA ICR number 2522.02. You
can find a copy of the ICR in the docket
for this rule, and it is briefly
summarized here.
associated with HAP and VOC reductions, these
factors lead us to conclude that the available VOC
benefit-per-ton estimates are not appropriate to
calculate monetized benefits of these rules, even as
a bounding exercise.
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The information required to be
collected is necessary to identify the
regulated entities subject to the final
rule and to ensure their compliance
with the final Emission Guidelines. The
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements are mandatory and are
being established under authority of
CAA section 114 (42 U.S.C. 7414). All
information other than emissions data
submitted as part of a report to the
agency for which a claim of
confidentiality is made will be
safeguarded according to CAA section
114(c) and the EPA’s implementing
regulations at 40 CFR part 2, subpart B.
Respondents/affected entities: MSW
landfills that accepted waste after
November 8, 1987, and commenced
construction, reconstruction, or
modification on or before July 17, 2014.
Respondent’s obligation to respond:
Mandatory (40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf).
Estimated number of respondents:
1,192 MSW landfills.
Frequency of response: Initially,
occasionally, and annually.
Total estimated burden: 679,668
hours (per year) for the responding
facilities and 17,829 hours (per year) for
the agency. These are estimates for the
average annual burden for the first 3
years after the rule is final. Burden is
defined at 5 CFR 1320.3(b).
Total estimated cost: $45,225,362 (per
year), which includes annualized
capital or operation and maintenance
costs, for the responding facilities and
1,161,840 (per year) for the agency.
These are estimates for the average
annual cost for the first 3 years after the
rule is final.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The OMB control
numbers for the EPA’s regulations in 40
CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
I certify that this action will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the RFA. This action will not
impose any requirements on small
entities. Specifically, Emission
Guidelines established under CAA
section 111(d) do not impose any
requirements on regulated entities and,
thus, will not have a significant
economic impact upon a substantial
number of small entities. After Emission
Guidelines are promulgated, states and
U.S. territories establish standards on
existing sources, and it is those state
requirements that could potentially
impact small entities.
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Our analysis here is consistent with
the analysis of the analogous situation
arising when the EPA establishes
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS), which do not impose any
requirements on regulated entities. As
here, any impact of a NAAQS on small
entities would only arise when states
take subsequent action to maintain and/
or achieve the NAAQS through their
state implementation plans. See
American Trucking Assoc. v. EPA, 175
F.3d 1029, 1043–45 (D.C. Cir. 1999).
(NAAQS do not have significant
impacts upon small entities because
NAAQS themselves impose no
regulations upon small entities.)
Nevertheless, the EPA is aware that
there is substantial interest in the rule
among small entities. The EPA
conducted stakeholder outreach as
detailed in sections XI.C and XI.E of the
preamble to the proposed Standards of
Performance for MSW Landfills (79 FR
41828–41829; July 17, 2014) and in
sections VIII.C and VIII.E of this
preamble. The EPA convened a Small
Business Advocacy Review (SBAR)
Panel in 2013 for the landfills
rulemaking. The EPA originally planned
a review of the Emission Guidelines and
NSPS in one action, but the actions
were subsequently divided into separate
rulemakings. The SBAR Panel evaluated
the assembled materials and smallentity comments on issues related to the
rule’s potential effects and significant
alternative regulatory approaches. A
copy of the ‘‘Summary of Small Entity
Outreach’’ is available in the rulemaking
docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2014–0451.
While formulating the provisions of the
rule, the EPA considered the input
provided over the course of the
stakeholder outreach as well as the
input provided in the many public
comments, and we have incorporated
many of the suggestions in this final
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
This action does not contain any
unfunded mandate of $100 million or
more as described in UMRA, 2 U.S.C.
1531–1538. The final Emission
Guidelines apply to landfills that were
constructed, modified, or reconstructed
after November 8, 1987, and that
commenced construction,
reconstruction, or modification on or
before July 17, 2014. Impacts resulting
from the final Emission Guidelines are
below the applicable threshold.
We note however, that the final
Emission Guidelines may significantly
or uniquely affect small governments
because small governments operate
landfills. The EPA consulted with small
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governments concerning the regulatory
requirements that might significantly or
uniquely affect them. In developing this
rule, the EPA consulted with small
governments pursuant to a plan
established under section 203 of the
UMRA to address impacts of regulatory
requirements in the rule that might
significantly or uniquely affect small
governments. The EPA also held
meetings as discussed in section VIII.E
of this preamble under Federalism
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
The EPA has concluded that the final
Emission Guidelines may have
federalism implications, because the
rule imposes substantial direct
compliance costs on state or local
governments and the federal
government will not provide the funds
necessary to pay those costs.
The EPA provides the following
federalism summary impact statement.
The EPA consulted with state and local
officials, including their representative
national organizations, early in the
process of developing the proposed
action to permit them to have
meaningful and timely input into its
development. In developing the
regulatory options reflected in the
proposed rule as well as this final
action, the EPA consulted with 8
national organizations representing state
and local elected officials, including the
National Governors Association, the
National League of Cities, the National
Association of Counties, the National
Conference of State Legislatures, the
United States Conference of Mayors, the
County Executives of America, the
Council of State Governments, and the
National Association of Towns and
Townships. Additionally, the
Environmental Council of the States, the
National Association of Clean Air
Agencies and the Association of State
and Territorial Solid Waste Management
Officials participated in pre-proposal
briefings. Finally, in addition to these
associations, over 140 officials
representing state and local
governments across the nation
participated in at least one of three preproposal briefings in the Fall of 2013
(September 10, 2013, November 7, 2013,
and November 14, 2013.
In the spirit of Executive Order 13132,
and consistent with EPA policy to
promote communications between the
EPA and state and local governments,
the EPA specifically solicited input
prior to proposal from these
intergovernmental associations, their
members, and the participating state
and local officials during and in followup to these briefings. As a result of the
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first phase of pre-proposal
intergovernmental outreach, the EPA
received comments from [over 40]
entities representing State and local
governments. As the development of the
rule continued, and in the interest of
sharing additional information with its
intergovernmental partners prior to
proposing the rule, EPA conducted an
additional Federalism outreach meeting
on April 15, 2015.
The principal intergovernmental
concerns raised during the pre-proposal
consultations, as well as during the
proposed rule’s public comment period,
include: Implementation concerns
associated with shortening of gas
collection system installation and/or
expansion timeframes; concerns
regarding significant lowering of the
design capacity or emission thresholds;
the need for clarifications associated
with wellhead operating parameters;
and, the need for consistent, clear, and
rigorous surface monitoring
requirements. In response to these
comments and based upon the data
currently available, the EPA has decided
not to adjust the design capacity or
significantly lower the emission
threshold. The EPA has also decided not
to adjust the time allotted for
installation of the GCCS or expansion of
the wellfield. In 80 FR 52121 (the
proposed rule), the EPA highlighted
specific concerns raised by commenters,
which included state agencies as well as
landfill owners and operators, about the
interaction between shortened lag times
and design plan approvals, costs and
safety concerns associated with reduced
lag times, and the need for flexibility for
lag time adjustments. Wellhead
operating parameters have been
adjusted to limit corrective action
requirements to negative pressure and
temperature. The EPA also
acknowledged concerns about wellhead
operating parameters in 80 FR 52121
and reviewed public comments in favor
of and against retention of the
parameters during the public comment
period as described in section VI.A.1 of
this preamble.
As described section VI.B of this
preamble, the EPA is finalizing a SEM
approach for determining GCCS
installation. Commenters were generally
supportive of this approach and
recognized the additional flexibility
provided as an alternative to the
traditional approach for determining
GCCS installation based on a series of
models. The EPA is also finalizing a
subcategory for closed landfills as
outlined in section VI.C of this
preamble. While federalism commenters
primarily supported this approach,
some representatives of local
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
governments opposed it due to trends in
ownership and size of landfills and the
perception that landfills owned by these
entities should not benefit from
A complete list of the comments from
State and local governments has been
provided to OMB and has been placed
in the docket for this rulemaking. In
addition, the detailed response to
comments from these entities is
contained in the EPA’s Response to
Comments document for this
As required by section 8(a) of
Executive Order 13132, the EPA
included a certification from its
Federalism Official stating that the EPA
had met the Executive Order’s
requirements in a meaningful and
timely manner when it sent the draft of
this final action to OMB for review
pursuant to Executive Order 12866. A
copy of this certification is included in
the public version of the official record
for this final action.
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F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This action has tribal implications.
However, it will neither impose
substantial direct compliance costs on
federally recognized tribal governments,
nor preempt tribal law. The database
used to estimate impacts of the final 40
CFR part 60, subpart Cf, identified one
tribe, the Salt River Pima-Maricopa
Indian Community, which owns three
landfills potentially subject to the final
Emission Guidelines. One of these
landfills is open, the Salt River Landfill,
and is already controlling emissions
under the current NSPS/EG framework,
so while subject to this subpart, the
costs of this proposal are not
substantial. The two other landfills are
closed and anticipated to meet the
definition of the closed landfill
subcategory. One of the closed landfills,
the Tri Cities Landfill, is already
controlling emissions under the current
NSPS/EG framework and will not incur
substantial additional compliance costs
under subpart Cf. The other landfill,
North Center Street Landfill, is not
estimated to install controls under the
current NSPS/EG framework.
As required by section 7(a), the EPA’s
Tribal Consultation Official has certified
that the requirements of the Executive
Order have been met in a meaningful
and timely manner. A copy of the
certification is included in the docket
for this action.
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G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
This action is subject to Executive
Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23,
1997) because it is a significant
regulatory action as defined by
Executive Order 12866, and the EPA
believes that the environmental health
or safety risk addressed by this action
has a disproportionate effect on
children. Accordingly, the EPA has
evaluated the environmental health and
welfare effects of climate change on
Greenhouse gases including methane
contribute to climate change and are
emitted in significant quantities by the
landfill sector. The EPA believes that
the GHG emission reductions resulting
from implementation of this final rule
will further improve children’s health.
The assessment literature cited in the
EPA’s 2009 Endangerment Finding
concluded that certain populations and
life stages, including children, the
elderly, and the poor, are most
vulnerable to climate-related health
effects. The assessment literature since
2009 strengthens these conclusions by
providing more detailed findings
regarding these groups’ vulnerabilities
and the projected impacts they may
These assessments describe how
children’s unique physiological and
developmental factors contribute to
making them particularly vulnerable to
climate change. Impacts to children are
expected from heat waves, air pollution,
infectious and waterborne illnesses, and
mental health effects resulting from
extreme weather events. In addition,
children are among those especially
susceptible to most allergic diseases, as
well as health effects associated with
heat waves, storms, and floods.
Additional health concerns may arise in
low income households, especially
those with children, if climate change
reduces food availability and increases
prices, leading to food insecurity within
More detailed information on the
impacts of climate change to human
health and welfare is provided in
section III.B of this preamble.
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
This action is not a ‘‘significant
energy action’’ because it is not likely to
have a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
Further, we have concluded that the
final Emission Guidelines are not likely
to have any adverse energy effects
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because the energy demanded to operate
these control systems will be offset by
additional energy supply from LFG
energy projects.
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
Part 51
The final Emission Guidelines involve
technical standards. For the final
Emission Guidelines, the EPA has
decided to use EPA Methods 2, 2E, 3,
3A, 3C, 18, 21, 25, 25A, and 25C of 40
CFR part 60, appendix A.
The EPA identified 15 voluntary
consensus standards (VCS) as being
potentially applicable (ASTM D3154–00
(2006), ASTM D3464–96 (2007), ASTM
D3796–90 (2001), ANSI/ASME PTC 19–
10–1981 Part 10, ASME B133.9–1994
(2001), ISO 10396:1993 (2007), ISO
12039:2001, ISO 10780:1994, ASTM
D5835–95 (2013), ASTM D6522–11,
ASTM D6420–99 (2010), CAN/CSA
Z223.2–M86 (1999), ASTM D6060–96
(2009), ISO 14965:2000(E), EN
12619(1999)). The EPA determined that
14 of the 15 candidate VCS identified
for measuring emissions of pollutants or
their surrogates subject to emission
standards in the rule would not be
practical due to lack of equivalency,
documentation, validation data, and
other important technical and policy
considerations. The agency identified
no equivalent standards for Methods 2E,
21, and 25C. However, one voluntary
consensus standard was identified as
acceptable alternative to EPA test
method for the purposes of this rule.
The voluntary consensus standard
ASTM D6522–11, Standard Test Method
for the Determination of Nitrogen
Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen
Concentrations in Emissions from
Natural Gas-Fired Reciprocating
Engines, Combustion Turbines, Boilers,
and Process Heaters Using Portable
Analyzers’’ is an acceptable alternative
to Method 3A when used at the
wellhead before combustion. It is
advisable to know the flammability and
check the Lower Explosive Limit of the
flue gas constituents, prior to sampling,
in order to avoid undesired ignition of
the gas. The results of ASTM D6522–11
may be used to determine nitrogen
oxides and carbon monoxide emission
concentrations from natural gas
combustion at stationary sources. This
test method may also be used to monitor
emissions during short-term emission
tests or periodically in order to optimize
process operation for nitrogen oxides
and carbon monoxide control.
The EPA’s review, including review
of comments for these 15 methods, is
documented in the memorandum,
‘‘Voluntary Consensus Standard Results
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for Emission Guidelines and
Compliance Times for Municipal Solid
Waste Landfills, 2016’’ in the docket for
this rulemaking (EPA–HQ–OAR–2014–
In this rule, the EPA is finalizing
regulatory text for 40 CFR part 60,
subpart Cf, that includes incorporation
by reference in accordance with
requirements of 1 CFR 51.5.
Specifically, the EPA is incorporating by
reference ASTM D6522–11. You may
obtain a copy from American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor
Drive, Post Office Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959 or
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations
The EPA believes the human health or
environmental risk addressed by this
action will not have potential
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on minority, low-income, or indigenous
populations. The EPA has determined
this because the rulemaking increases
the level of environmental protection for
all affected populations without having
any disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on any population, including any
minority, low-income, or indigenous
populations. To the extent that any
minority, low-income, or indigenous
subpopulation is disproportionately
impacted by hazardous air emissions
due to the proximity of their homes to
sources of these emissions, that
subpopulation also stands to see
increased environmental and health
benefit from the emission reductions
called for by this rule.
The EPA has provided meaningful
participation opportunities for minority,
low-income, indigenous populations
and tribes during the rulemaking
process by conducting and participating
in community calls and webinars.
Documentation of these activities can be
found in the July 13, 2016, document
titled, ‘‘2016 Environmental Justice
Screening Report for Municipal Solid
Waste Landfills,’’ a copy of which is
available in the docket for this action
The EPA is committed to assisting
states and communities to develop
plans that ensure there are no
disproportionate, adverse impacts on
overburdened communities. To provide
information fundamental to that
process, the EPA has conducted a
proximity analysis for this final
rulemaking that summarizes
demographic data on the communities
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located near landfills.62 The EPA
understands that, in order to prevent
disproportionately, high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on these communities, both states and
communities must have information on
the communities living near facilities,
including demographic data, and that
accessing and using census data files
requires expertise that some community
groups may lack. Therefore, the EPA
used census data from the American
Community Survey (ACS) 2008–2012 to
conduct a proximity analysis that can be
used by states and communities as they
develop state plans and as they later
assess the final plans’ impacts. The
analysis and its results are presented in
the EJ Screening Report for Municipal
Solid Waste Landfills, which is located
in the docket for this rulemaking at
The proximity analysis provides
detailed demographic information on
the communities located within a 3-mile
radius of each affected landfill in the
U.S. Included in the analysis is the
breakdown by percentage of community
characteristics such as income and
minority status. The analysis shows a
higher percentage of communities of
color and people without high school
diplomas living near landfills than
national averages. It is important to note
that the impacts of landfill emissions
are not limited to a 3-mile radius and
the impacts of both potential increases
and decreases in landfill emissions can
be felt many miles away. Still, being
aware of the characteristics of
communities closest to landfills is a
starting point in understanding how
changes in the landfill’s air emissions
may affect the air quality experienced
by some of those already experiencing
environmental burdens.
As stated in the Executive Order
12898 discussion located in section
XIII.J of this preamble, the EPA believes
that all communities will benefit from
this final rulemaking because this action
addresses the impacts of climate change
by climate co-benefits achieved through
reductions in the methane component of
LFG. The EPA also believes that the
information provided in the proximity
analysis will promote engagement
between vulnerable communities and
their states and will be useful for states
as they develop their plans.
Additionally, the EPA encourages
states to conduct their own analyses of
community considerations when
developing their plans. Each state is
uniquely knowledgeable about its own
62 The
proximity analysis was conducted using
the EPA’s environmental justice mapping and
screening tool, EJSCREEN.
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communities and well-positioned to
consider the possible impacts of plans
on vulnerable communities within its
state. Conducting state-specific analyses
would not only help states assess
possible impacts of plan options, but it
would also enhance a state’s
understanding of the means to engage
these communities that would most
effectively reach them and lead to
valuable exchanges of information and
concerns. A state analysis, together with
the proximity analysis conducted by the
EPA, would provide a solid foundation
for engagement between a state and its
Such state-specific analyses need not
be exhaustive. An examination of the
options a state is considering for its
plan, and any projections of likely
resulting increases in landfill emissions
affecting low-income populations,
communities of color populations, or
indigenous communities, would be
informative for communities. The
analyses could include available air
quality monitoring data and information
from air quality models, and, if
available, take into account information
about local health vulnerabilities such
as asthma rates or access to healthcare.
Alternatively, a simple analysis may
consider expected landfill utilization in
geographic proximity to overburdened
communities. The EPA will provide
states with information on its publicly
available environmental justice
screening and mapping tool, EJ
SCREEN, which they may use in
conducting a state-specific analysis.
Additionally, the EPA encourages states
to submit a copy of their analysis if they
choose to conduct one, with their initial
and final plan submittals.
K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
This action is subject to the CRA, and
the EPA will submit a rule report to
each House of the Congress and to the
Comptroller General of the United
States. This action is a ‘‘major rule’’ as
defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 60
Environmental protection,
Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Incorporation by
reference, Reporting and recordkeeping
Dated: July 14, 2016.
Gina McCarthy,
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Environmental Protection
Agency amends title 40, chapter I of the
Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
1. The authority citation for part 60
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
2. Section 60.17 is amended:
a. By redesignating paragraphs
(h)(185) through (206) as paragraphs
(h)(186) through (207), respectively; and
■ b. By adding a new paragraph
The addition reads as follows:
§ 60.17
Incorporations by reference.
(h) * * *
(185) ASTM D6522–11 Standard Test
Method for Determination of Nitrogen
Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen
Concentrations in Emissions from
Natural Gas-Fired Reciprocating
Engines, Combustion Turbines, Boilers,
and Process Heaters Using Portable
Analyzers (Approved December 1,
2011), IBR approved for § 60.37f(a).
■ 3. Part 60 is amended by adding
subpart Cf to read as follows:
Subpart Cf—Emission Guidelines and
Compliance Times for Municipal Solid
Waste Landfills
60.30f Scope and delegated authorities.
60.31f Designated facilities.
60.32f Compliance times.
60.33f Emission Guidelines for municipal
solid waste landfill emissions.
60.34f Operational standards for collection
and control systems.
60.35f Test methods and procedures.
60.36f Compliance provisions.
60.37f Monitoring of operations.
60.38f Reporting guidelines.
60.39f Recordkeeping guidelines.
60.40f Specifications for active collection
60.41f Definitions.
Subpart Cf—Emission Guidelines and
Compliance Times for Municipal Solid
Waste Landfills
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§ 60.30f
Scope and delegated authorities.
This subpart establishes Emission
Guidelines and compliance times for the
control of designated pollutants from
certain designated municipal solid
waste (MSW) landfills in accordance
with section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act
and subpart B of this part.
(a) If you are the Administrator of an
air quality program in a state or United
States protectorate with one or more
existing MSW landfills that commenced
construction, modification, or
reconstruction on or before July 17,
2014, you must submit a state plan to
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the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) that implements the
Emission Guidelines contained in this
subpart. The requirements for state
plans are specified in subpart B of this
(b) You must submit a state plan to
EPA by May 30, 2017.
(c) The following authorities will not
be delegated to state, local, or tribal
(1) Approval of alternative methods to
determine the NMOC concentration or a
site-specific methane generation rate
constant (k).
(2) [Reserved]
§ 60.31f
Designated facilities.
(a) The designated facility to which
these Emission Guidelines apply is each
existing MSW landfill for which
construction, reconstruction, or
modification was commenced on or
before July 17, 2014.
(b) Physical or operational changes
made to an existing MSW landfill solely
to comply with an emission guideline
are not considered a modification or
reconstruction and would not subject an
existing MSW landfill to the
requirements of a standard of
performance for new MSW landfills.
(c) For purposes of obtaining an
operating permit under title V of the
Clean Air Act, the owner or operator of
an MSW landfill subject to this subpart
with a design capacity less than 2.5
million megagrams or 2.5 million cubic
meters is not subject to the requirement
to obtain an operating permit for the
landfill under part 70 or 71 of this
chapter, unless the landfill is otherwise
subject to either part 70 or 71. For
purposes of submitting a timely
application for an operating permit
under part 70 or 71, the owner or
operator of an MSW landfill subject to
this subpart with a design capacity
greater than or equal to 2.5 million
megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters
on the effective date of EPA approval of
the state’s program under section 111(d)
of the Clean Air Act, and not otherwise
subject to either part 70 or 71, becomes
subject to the requirements of
§ 70.5(a)(1)(i) or § 71.5(a)(1)(i) of this
chapter 90 days after the effective date
of such section 111(d) program
approval, even if the design capacity
report is submitted earlier.
(d) When an MSW landfill subject to
this subpart is closed as defined in this
subpart, the owner or operator is no
longer subject to the requirement to
maintain an operating permit under part
70 or 71 of this chapter for the landfill
if the landfill is not otherwise subject to
the requirements of either part 70 or 71
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and if either of the following conditions
are met:
(1) The landfill was never subject to
the requirement to install and operate a
gas collection and control system under
§ 60.33f; or
(2) The landfill meets the conditions
for control system removal specified in
§ 60.33f(f).
(e) When an MSW landfill subject to
this subpart is in the closed landfill
subcategory, the owner or operator is
not subject to the following reports of
this subpart, provided the owner or
operator submitted these reports under
the provisions of subpart WWW of this
part; 40 CFR part 62, subpart GGG; or
a state plan implementing subpart Cc of
this part on or before July 17, 2014:
(1) Initial design capacity report
specified in § 60.38f(a).
(2) Initial or subsequent NMOC
emission rate report specified in
§ 60.38f(c), provided that the most
recent NMOC emission rate report
indicated the NMOC emissions were
below 50 Mg/yr.
(3) Collection and control system
design plan specified in § 60.38f(d).
(4) Closure report specified in
§ 60.38f(f).
(5) Equipment removal report
specified in § 60.38f(g).
(6) Initial annual report specified in
§ 60.38f(h).
(7) Initial performance test report in
§ 60.38f(i).
§ 60.32f
Compliance times.
Planning, awarding of contracts,
installing, and starting up MSW landfill
air emission collection and control
equipment that is capable of meeting the
Emission Guidelines under § 60.33f
must be completed within 30 months
after the date an NMOC emission rate
report shows NMOC emissions equal or
exceed 34 megagrams per year (50
megagrams per year for the closed
landfill subcategory); or within 30
months after the date of the most recent
NMOC emission rate report that shows
NMOC emissions equal or exceed 34
megagrams per year (50 megagrams per
year for the closed landfill subcategory),
if Tier 4 surface emissions monitoring
shows a surface emission concentration
of 500 parts per million methane or
§ 60.33f Emission Guidelines for municipal
solid waste landfill emissions.
(a) Landfills. For approval, a state
plan must require each owner or
operator of an MSW landfill having a
design capacity greater than or equal to
2.5 million megagrams by mass and 2.5
million cubic meters by volume to
collect and control MSW landfill
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
emissions at each MSW landfill that
meets the following conditions:
(1) The landfill has accepted waste at
any time since November 8, 1987, or has
additional design capacity available for
future waste deposition.
(2) The landfill commenced
construction, reconstruction, or
modification on or before July 17, 2014.
(3) The landfill has an NMOC
emission rate greater than or equal to 34
megagrams per year or Tier 4 surface
emissions monitoring shows a surface
emission concentration of 500 parts per
million methane or greater.
(4) The landfill in the closed landfill
subcategory and has an NMOC emission
rate greater than or equal to 50
megagrams per year or Tier 4 surface
emissions monitoring shows a surface
emission concentration of 500 parts per
million methane or greater.
(b) Collection system. For approval, a
state plan must include provisions for
the installation of a gas collection and
control system meeting the
requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)
through (3) and (c) of this section at
each MSW landfill meeting the
conditions in paragraph (a) of this
(1) Collection system. Install and start
up a collection and control system that
captures the gas generated within the
landfill within 30 months after:
(i) The first annual report in which
the NMOC emission rate equals or
exceeds 34 megagrams per year, unless
Tier 2 or Tier 3 sampling demonstrates
that the NMOC emission rate is less
than 34 megagrams per year, as
specified in § 60.38f(d)(4); or
(ii) The first annual NMOC emission
rate report for a landfill in the closed
landfill subcategory in which the NMOC
emission rate equals or exceeds 50
megagrams per year, unless Tier 2 or
Tier 3 sampling demonstrates that the
NMOC emission rate is less than 50
megagrams per year, as specified in
§ 60.38f(d)(4); or
(iii) The most recent NMOC emission
rate report in which the NMOC
emission rate equals or exceeds 34
megagrams per year based on Tier 2, if
the Tier 4 surface emissions monitoring
shows a surface methane emission
concentration of 500 parts per million
methane or greater as specified in
§ 60.38f(d)(4)(iii).
(2) Active. An active collection system
(i) Be designed to handle the
maximum expected gas flow rate from
the entire area of the landfill that
warrants control over the intended use
period of the gas control system
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(ii) Collect gas from each area, cell, or
group of cells in the landfill in which
the initial solid waste has been placed
for a period of 5 years or more if active;
or 2 years or more if closed or at final
(iii) Collect gas at a sufficient
extraction rate.
(iv) Be designed to minimize off-site
migration of subsurface gas.
(3) Passive. A passive collection
system must:
(i) Comply with the provisions
specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), and
(iv) of this section.
(ii) Be installed with liners on the
bottom and all sides in all areas in
which gas is to be collected. The liners
must be installed as required under
§ 258.40 of this chapter.
(c) Control system. For approval, a
state plan must include provisions for
the control of the gas collected from
within the landfill through the use of
control devices meeting the following
requirements, except as provided in
§ 60.24.
(1) A non-enclosed flare designed and
operated in accordance with the
parameters established in § 60.18 except
as noted in § 60.37f(d); or
(2) A control system designed and
operated to reduce NMOC by 98 weight
percent; or when an enclosed
combustion device is used for control,
to either reduce NMOC by 98 weight
percent or reduce the outlet NMOC
concentration to less than 20 parts per
million by volume, dry basis as hexane
at 3 percent oxygen or less. The
reduction efficiency or concentration in
parts per million by volume must be
established by an initial performance
test to be completed no later than 180
days after the initial startup of the
approved control system using the test
methods specified in § 60.35f(d). The
performance test is not required for
boilers and process heaters with design
heat input capacities equal to or greater
than 44 megawatts that burn landfill gas
for compliance with this subpart.
(i) If a boiler or process heater is used
as the control device, the landfill gas
stream must be introduced into the
flame zone.
(ii) The control device must be
operated within the parameter ranges
established during the initial or most
recent performance test. The operating
parameters to be monitored are
specified in § 60.37f.
(iii) For the closed landfill
subcategory, the initial or most recent
performance test conducted to comply
with subpart WWW of this part; 40 CFR
part 62, subpart GGG; or a state plan
implementing subpart Cc of this part on
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or before July 17, 2014 is sufficient for
compliance with this subpart.
(3) Route the collected gas to a
treatment system that processes the
collected gas for subsequent sale or
beneficial use such as fuel for
combustion, production of vehicle fuel,
production of high-Btu gas for pipeline
injection, or use as a raw material in a
chemical manufacturing process.
Venting of treated landfill gas to the
ambient air is not allowed. If the treated
landfill gas cannot be routed for
subsequent sale or beneficial use, then
the treated landfill gas must be
controlled according to either paragraph
(c)(1) or (2) of this section.
(4) All emissions from any
atmospheric vent from the gas treatment
system are subject to the requirements
of paragraph (b) or (c) of this section.
For purposes of this subpart,
atmospheric vents located on the
condensate storage tank are not part of
the treatment system and are exempt
from the requirements of paragraph (b)
or (c) of this section.
(d) Design capacity. For approval, a
state plan must require each owner or
operator of an MSW landfill having a
design capacity less than 2.5 million
megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic
meters by volume to submit an initial
design capacity report to the
Administrator as provided in § 60.38f(a).
The landfill may calculate design
capacity in either megagrams or cubic
meters for comparison with the
exemption values. Any density
conversions must be documented and
submitted with the report. Submittal of
the initial design capacity report fulfills
the requirements of this subpart except
as provided in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2)
of this section.
(1) The owner or operator must
submit an amended design capacity
report as provided in § 60.38f(b).
Note to paragraph (d)(1): Note that if
the design capacity increase is the result
of a modification, as defined in this
subpart, that was commenced after July
17, 2014, then the landfill becomes
subject to subpart XXX of this part
instead of this subpart. If the design
capacity increase is the result of a
change in operating practices, density,
or some other change that is not a
modification as defined in this subpart,
then the landfill remains subject to this
(2) When an increase in the maximum
design capacity of a landfill with an
initial design capacity less than 2.5
million megagrams or 2.5 million cubic
meters results in a revised maximum
design capacity equal to or greater than
2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million
cubic meters, the owner or operator
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must comply with paragraph (e) of this
(e) Emissions. For approval, a state
plan must require each owner or
operator of an MSW landfill having a
design capacity equal to or greater than
2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million
cubic meters to either install a
collection and control system as
provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of
this section or calculate an initial
NMOC emission rate for the landfill
using the procedures specified in
§ 60.35f(a). The NMOC emission rate
must be recalculated annually, except as
provided in § 60.38f(c)(3).
(1) If the calculated NMOC emission
rate is less than 34 megagrams per year,
the owner or operator must:
(i) Submit an annual NMOC emission
rate report according to § 60.38f(c),
except as provided in § 60.38f(c)(3); and
(ii) Recalculate the NMOC emission
rate annually using the procedures
specified in § 60.35f(a) until such time
as the calculated NMOC emission rate is
equal to or greater than 34 megagrams
per year, or the landfill is closed.
(A) If the calculated NMOC emission
rate, upon initial calculation or annual
recalculation required in paragraph
(e)(1)(ii) of this section, is equal to or
greater than 34 megagrams per year, the
owner or operator must either: Comply
with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
section; calculate NMOC emissions
using the next higher tier in § 60.35f; or
conduct a surface emission monitoring
demonstration using the procedures
specified in § 60.35f(a)(6).
(B) If the landfill is permanently
closed, a closure report must be
submitted to the Administrator as
provided in § 60.38f(f), except for
exemption allowed under § 60.31f(e)(4).
(C) For the closed landfill
subcategory, if the most recently
calculated NMOC emission rate is equal
to or greater than 50 megagrams per
year, the owner or operator must either:
Submit a gas collection and control
system design plan as specified in
§ 60.38f(d), except for exemptions
allowed under § 60.31f(e)(3), and install
a collection and control system as
provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of
this section; calculate NMOC emissions
using the next higher tier in § 60.35f; or
conduct a surface emission monitoring
demonstration using the procedures
specified in § 60.35f(a)(6).
(2) If the calculated NMOC emission
rate is equal to or greater than 34
megagrams per year using Tier 1, 2, or
3 procedures, the owner or operator
must either: submit a collection and
control system design plan prepared by
a professional engineer to the
Administrator within 1 year as specified
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in § 60.38f(d), except for exemptions
allowed under § 60.31f(e)(3); calculate
NMOC emissions using a higher tier in
§ 60.35f; or conduct a surface emission
monitoring demonstration using the
procedures specified in § 60.35f(a)(6).
(3) For the closed landfill subcategory,
if the calculated NMOC emission rate is
equal to or greater than 50 megagrams
per year using Tier 1, 2, or 3 procedures,
the owner or operator must either:
Submit a collection and control system
design plan as specified in § 60.38f(d),
except for exemptions allowed under
§ 60.31f(e)(3); calculate NMOC
emissions using a higher tier in § 60.35f;
or conduct a surface emission
monitoring demonstration using the
procedures specified in § 60.35f(a)(6).
(f) Removal criteria. The collection
and control system may be capped,
removed, or decommissioned if the
following criteria are met:
(1) The landfill is a closed landfill (as
defined in § 60.41f). A closure report
must be submitted to the Administrator
as provided in § 60.38f(f).
(2) The collection and control system
has been in operation a minimum of 15
years or the landfill owner or operator
demonstrates that the GCCS will be
unable to operate for 15 years due to
declining gas flow.
(3) Following the procedures
specified in § 60.35f(b), the calculated
NMOC emission rate at the landfill is
less than 34 megagrams per year on
three successive test dates. The test
dates must be no less than 90 days
apart, and no more than 180 days apart.
(4) For the closed landfill subcategory
(as defined in § 60.41), following the
procedures specified in § 60.35f(b), the
calculated NMOC emission rate at the
landfill is less than 50 megagrams per
year on three successive test dates. The
test dates must be no less than 90 days
apart, and no more than 180 days apart.
§ 60.34f Operational standards for
collection and control systems.
For approval, a state plan must
include provisions for the operational
standards in this section for an MSW
landfill with a gas collection and control
system used to comply with the
provisions of § 60.33f(b) and (c). Each
owner or operator of an MSW landfill
with a gas collection and control system
used to comply with the provisions of
§ 60.33f(b) and (c) must:
(a) Operate the collection system such
that gas is collected from each area, cell,
or group of cells in the MSW landfill in
which solid waste has been in place for:
(1) Five (5) years or more if active; or
(2) Two (2) years or more if closed or
at final grade.
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(b) Operate the collection system with
negative pressure at each wellhead
except under the following conditions:
(1) A fire or increased well
temperature. The owner or operator
must record instances when positive
pressure occurs in efforts to avoid a fire.
These records must be submitted with
the annual reports as provided in
§ 60.38f(h)(1).
(2) Use of a geomembrane or synthetic
cover. The owner or operator must
develop acceptable pressure limits in
the design plan.
(3) A decommissioned well. A well
may experience a static positive
pressure after shut down to
accommodate for declining flows. All
design changes must be approved by the
Administrator as specified in
§ 60.38f(d).
(c) Operate each interior wellhead in
the collection system with a landfill gas
temperature less than 55 degrees Celsius
(131 degrees Fahrenheit). The owner or
operator may establish a higher
operating temperature value at a
particular well. A higher operating
value demonstration must be submitted
to the Administrator for approval and
must include supporting data
demonstrating that the elevated
parameter neither causes fires nor
significantly inhibits anaerobic
decomposition by killing methanogens.
The demonstration must satisfy both
criteria in order to be approved (i.e.,
neither causing fires nor killing
methanogens is acceptable).
(d) Operate the collection system so
that the methane concentration is less
than 500 parts per million above
background at the surface of the landfill.
To determine if this level is exceeded,
the owner or operator must conduct
surface testing using an organic vapor
analyzer, flame ionization detector, or
other portable monitor meeting the
specifications provided in § 60.36(d).
The owner or operator must conduct
surface testing around the perimeter of
the collection area and along a pattern
that traverses the landfill at no more
than 30-meter intervals and where
visual observations indicate elevated
concentrations of landfill gas, such as
distressed vegetation and cracks or
seeps in the cover and all cover
penetrations. Thus, the owner or
operator must monitor any openings
that are within an area of the landfill
where waste has been placed and a gas
collection system is required. The
owner or operator may establish an
alternative traversing pattern that
ensures equivalent coverage. A surface
monitoring design plan must be
developed that includes a topographical
map with the monitoring route and the
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
MNMOC = Total NMOC emission rate from the
landfill, megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year¥1.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic
meters per megagram solid waste.
Mi = Mass of solid waste in the ith section,
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MNMOC = Mass emission rate of NMOC,
megagrams per year.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic
meters per megagram solid waste.
R = Average annual acceptance rate,
megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant,
year ¥1.
t = Age of landfill, years.
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per
million by volume as hexane.
c = Time since closure, years; for an active
landfill c = 0 and e¥kc = 1.
3.6 × 10¥9 = Conversion factor.
(B) The mass of nondegradable solid
waste may be subtracted from the total
mass of solid waste in a particular
section of the landfill when calculating
the value of R, if documentation of the
nature and amount of such wastes is
(2) Tier 1. The owner or operator must
compare the calculated NMOC mass
emission rate to the standard of 34
megagrams per year.
(i) If the NMOC emission rate
calculated in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section is less than 34 megagrams per
year, then the owner or operator must
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(b), (c), or (d) of this section are not met,
corrective action must be taken as
specified in § 60.36f(a)(3) and (5) or (c).
If corrective actions are taken as
specified in § 60.36f, the monitored
exceedance is not a violation of the
operational requirements in this section.
§ 60.35f
Test methods and procedures.
For approval, a state plan must
include provisions in this section to
calculate the landfill NMOC emission
rate or to conduct a surface emission
monitoring demonstration.
(a)(1) NMOC Emission Rate. The
landfill owner or operator must
calculate the NMOC emission rate using
either Equation 1 provided in paragraph
(a)(1)(i) of this section or Equation 2
provided in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this
section. Both Equation 1 and Equation
2 may be used if the actual year-to-year
ti = Age of the ith section, years.
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per
million by volume as hexane.
3.6 × 10¥9 = Conversion factor.
solid waste acceptance rate is known, as
specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this
section, for part of the life of the landfill
and the actual year-to-year solid waste
acceptance rate is unknown, as
specified in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this
section, for part of the life of the
landfill. The values to be used in both
Equation 1 and Equation 2 are 0.05 per
year for k, 170 cubic meters per
megagram for Lo, and 4,000 parts per
million by volume as hexane for the
CNMOC. For landfills located in
geographical areas with a 30-year
annual average precipitation of less than
25 inches, as measured at the nearest
representative official meteorologic site,
the k value to be used is 0.02 per year.
(i)(A) Equation 1 must be used if the
actual year-to-year solid waste
acceptance rate is known.
(B) The mass of nondegradable solid
waste may be subtracted from the total
mass of solid waste in a particular
section of the landfill when calculating
the value for Mi if documentation of the
nature and amount of such wastes is
(ii)(A) Equation 2 must be used if the
actual year-to-year solid waste
acceptance rate is unknown.
submit an NMOC emission rate report
according to § 60.38f(c), and must
recalculate the NMOC mass emission
rate annually as required under
§ 60.33f(e).
(ii) If the NMOC emission rate
calculated in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section is equal to or greater than 34
megagrams per year, then the landfill
owner or operator must either:
(A) Submit a gas collection and
control system design plan within 1
year as specified in § 60.38f(d) and
install and operate a gas collection and
control system within 30 months
according to § 60.33f(b) and (c);
(B) Determine a site-specific NMOC
concentration and recalculate the
NMOC emission rate using the Tier 2
procedures provided in paragraph (a)(3)
of this section; or
(C) Determine a site-specific methane
generation rate constant and recalculate
the NMOC emission rate using the Tier
3 procedures provided in paragraph
(a)(4) of this section.
(3) Tier 2. The landfill owner or
operator must determine the sitespecific NMOC concentration using the
following sampling procedure. The
landfill owner or operator must install
at least two sample probes per hectare,
evenly distributed over the landfill
surface that has retained waste for at
least 2 years. If the landfill is larger than
25 hectares in area, only 50 samples are
required. The probes should be evenly
distributed across the sample area. The
sample probes should be located to
avoid known areas of nondegradable
solid waste. The owner or operator must
collect and analyze one sample of
landfill gas from each probe to
determine the NMOC concentration
using Method 25 or 25C of appendix A
of this part. Taking composite samples
from different probes into a single
cylinder is allowed; however, equal
sample volumes must be taken from
each probe. For each composite, the
sampling rate, collection times,
beginning and ending cylinder
vacuums, or alternative volume
measurements must be recorded to
verify that composite volumes are equal.
Composite sample volumes should not
be less than one liter unless evidence
can be provided to substantiate the
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rationale for any site-specific deviations
from the 30-meter intervals. Areas with
steep slopes or other dangerous areas
may be excluded from the surface
(e) Operate the system such that all
collected gases are vented to a control
system designed and operated in
compliance with § 60.33f(c). In the
event the collection or control system is
not operating, the gas mover system
must be shut down and all valves in the
collection and control system
contributing to venting of the gas to the
atmosphere must be closed within 1
hour of the collection or control system
not operating.
(f) Operate the control system at all
times when the collected gas is routed
to the system.
(g) If monitoring demonstrates that the
operational requirements in paragraph
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accuracy of smaller volumes. Terminate
compositing before the cylinder
approaches ambient pressure where
measurement accuracy diminishes. If
more than the required number of
samples is taken, all samples must be
used in the analysis. The landfill owner
or operator must divide the NMOC
concentration from Method 25 or 25C by
six to convert from CNMOC as carbon to
CNMOC as hexane. If the landfill has an
active or passive gas removal system in
place, Method 25 or 25C samples may
be collected from these systems instead
of surface probes provided the removal
system can be shown to provide
sampling as representative as the two
sampling probe per hectare requirement.
For active collection systems, samples
may be collected from the common
header pipe. The sample location on the
common header pipe must be before any
gas moving, condensate removal, or
treatment system equipment. For active
collection systems, a minimum of three
samples must be collected from the
header pipe.
(i) Within 60 days after the date of
determining the NMOC concentration
and corresponding NMOC emission
rate, the owner or operator must submit
the results according to § 60.38f(j)(2).
(ii) The landfill owner or operator
must recalculate the NMOC mass
emission rate using Equation 1 or
Equation 2 provided in paragraph
(a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section using the
average site-specific NMOC
concentration from the collected
samples instead of the default value
provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this
(iii) If the resulting NMOC mass
emission rate is less than 34 megagrams
per year, then the owner or operator
must submit a periodic estimate of
NMOC emissions in an NMOC emission
rate report according to § 60.38f(c), and
must recalculate the NMOC mass
emission rate annually as required
under § 60.33f(e). The site-specific
NMOC concentration must be retested
every 5 years using the methods
specified in this section.
(iv) If the NMOC mass emission rate
as calculated using the Tier 2 sitespecific NMOC concentration is equal to
or greater than 34 megagrams per year,
the owner or operator must either:
(A) Submit a gas collection and
control system design plan within 1
year as specified in § 60.38f(d) and
install and operate a gas collection and
control system within 30 months
according to § 60.33f(b) and (c);
(B) Determine a site-specific methane
generation rate constant and recalculate
the NMOC emission rate using the sitespecific methane generation rate using
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the Tier 3 procedures specified in
paragraph (a)(4) of this section; or
(C) Conduct a surface emission
monitoring demonstration using the
Tier 4 procedures specified in paragraph
(a)(6) of this section.
(4) Tier 3. The site-specific methane
generation rate constant must be
determined using the procedures
provided in Method 2E of appendix A
of this part. The landfill owner or
operator must estimate the NMOC mass
emission rate using Equation 1 or
Equation 2 in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (ii)
of this section and using a site-specific
methane generation rate constant, and
the site-specific NMOC concentration as
determined in paragraph (a)(3) of this
section instead of the default values
provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section. The landfill owner or operator
must compare the resulting NMOC mass
emission rate to the standard of 34
megagrams per year.
(i) If the NMOC mass emission rate as
calculated using the Tier 2 site-specific
NMOC concentration and Tier 3 sitespecific methane generation rate is
equal to or greater than 34 megagrams
per year, the owner or operator must
(A) Submit a gas collection and
control system design plan within 1
year as specified in § 60.38f(d) and
install and operate a gas collection and
control system within 30 months
according to § 60.33f(b) and (c); or
(B) Conduct a surface emission
monitoring demonstration using the
Tier 4 procedures specified in paragraph
(a)(6) of this section.
(ii) If the NMOC mass emission rate
is less than 34 megagrams per year, then
the owner or operator must recalculate
the NMOC mass emission rate annually
using Equation 1 or Equation 2 in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section and
using the site-specific Tier 2 NMOC
concentration and Tier 3 methane
generation rate constant and submit a
periodic NMOC emission rate report as
provided in § 60.38f(c). The calculation
of the methane generation rate constant
is performed only once, and the value
obtained from this test must be used in
all subsequent annual NMOC emission
rate calculations.
(5) Other methods. The owner or
operator may use other methods to
determine the NMOC concentration or a
site-specific methane generation rate
constant as an alternative to the
methods required in paragraphs (a)(3)
and (4) of this section if the method has
been approved by the Administrator.
(6) Tier 4. The landfill owner or
operator must demonstrate that surface
methane emissions are below 500 parts
per million. Surface emission
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monitoring must be conducted on a
quarterly basis using the following
procedures. Tier 4 is allowed only if the
landfill owner or operator can
demonstrate that NMOC emissions are
greater than or equal to 34 Mg/yr but
less than 50 Mg/yr using Tier 1 or Tier
2. If both Tier 1 and Tier 2 indicate
NMOC emissions are 50 Mg/yr or
greater, then Tier 4 cannot be used. In
addition, the landfill must meet the
criteria in paragraph (a)(6)(viii) of this
(i) The owner or operator must
measure surface concentrations of
methane along the entire perimeter of
the landfill and along a pattern that
traverses the landfill at no more than 30meter intervals using an organic vapor
analyzer, flame ionization detector, or
other portable monitor meeting the
specifications provided in § 60.36f(d).
(ii) The background concentration
must be determined by moving the
probe inlet upwind and downwind at
least 30 meters from the waste mass
boundary of the landfill.
(iii) Surface emission monitoring
must be performed in accordance with
section 8.3.1 of Method 21 of appendix
A of this part, except that the probe inlet
must be placed no more than 5
centimeters above the landfill surface;
the constant measurement of distance
above the surface should be based on a
mechanical device such as with a wheel
on a pole.
(A) The owner or operator must use
a wind barrier, similar to a funnel, when
onsite average wind speed exceeds 4
miles per hour or 2 meters per second
or gust exceeding 10 miles per hour.
Average on-site wind speed must also
be determined in an open area at 5minute intervals using an on-site
anemometer with a continuous recorder
and data logger for the entire duration
of the monitoring event. The wind
barrier must surround the SEM monitor,
and must be placed on the ground, to
ensure wind turbulence is blocked. SEM
cannot be conducted if average wind
speed exceeds 25 miles per hour.
(B) Landfill surface areas where visual
observations indicate elevated
concentrations of landfill gas, such as
distressed vegetation and cracks or
seeps in the cover, and all cover
penetrations must also be monitored
using a device meeting the
specifications provided in § 60.36f(d).
(iv) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with the Tier 4 provisions in
paragraph (a)(6) of this section must
maintain records of surface emission
monitoring as provided in § 60.39f(g)
and submit a Tier 4 surface emissions
report as provided in § 60.38f(d)(4)(iii).
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500 parts per million or greater from the
surface of the landfill, the owner or
operator must continue quarterly
surface emission monitoring using the
methods specified in this section.
(vii) If after four consecutive quarterly
monitoring periods at a closed landfill
there is no measured concentration of
methane of 500 parts per million or
greater from the surface of the landfill,
the owner or operator must conduct
annual surface emission monitoring
using the methods specified in this
(viii) If a landfill has installed and
operates a collection and control system
that is not required by this subpart, then
the collection and control system must
meet the following criteria:
(A) The gas collection and control
system must have operated for at least
6,570 out of 8,760 hours preceding the
Tier 4 surface emissions monitoring
(B) During the Tier 4 surface
emissions monitoring demonstration,
the gas collection and control system
must operate as it normally would to
collect and control as much landfill gas
as possible.
(b) After the installation and startup
of a collection and control system in
compliance with this subpart, the owner
or operator must calculate the NMOC
emission rate for purposes of
determining when the system can be
capped, removed, or decommissioned as
provided in § 60.33f(f), using Equation
MNMOC = Mass emission rate of NMOC,
megagrams per year.
QLFG = Flow rate of landfill gas, cubic meters
per minute.
CNMOC = NMOC concentration, parts per
million by volume as hexane.
purposes of determining when the
system can be capped or removed, the
owner or operator must submit the
results according to § 60.38f(j)(2).
(ii) [Reserved]
(c) When calculating emissions for
Prevention of Significant Deterioration
purposes, the owner or operator of each
MSW landfill subject to the provisions
of this subpart must estimate the NMOC
emission rate for comparison to the
Prevention of Significant Deterioration
major source and significance levels in
§ 51.166 or § 52.21 of this chapter using
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission
Factors, Volume I: Stationary Point and
Area Sources (AP–42) or other approved
measurement procedures.
(d) For the performance test required
in § 60.33f(c)(1), the net heating value of
the combusted landfill gas as
determined in § 60.18(f)(3) is calculated
from the concentration of methane in
the landfill gas as measured by Method
3C. A minimum of three 30-minute
Method 3C samples are determined. The
measurement of other organic
components, hydrogen, and carbon
monoxide is not applicable. Method 3C
may be used to determine the landfill
gas molecular weight for calculating the
flare gas exit velocity under
§ 60.18(f)(4).
(1) Within 60 days after the date of
completing each performance test (as
defined in § 60.8), the owner or operator
must submit the results of the
performance tests required by paragraph
(b) or (d) of this section, including any
associated fuel analyses, according to
§ 60.38f(j)(1).
(2) [Reserved]
(e) For the performance test required
in § 60.33f(c)(2), Method 25 or 25C
(Method 25C may be used at the inlet
only) of appendix A of this part must be
used to determine compliance with the
98 weight-percent efficiency or the 20
parts per million by volume outlet
NMOC concentration level, unless
another method to demonstrate
compliance has been approved by the
Administrator as provided by
§ 60.38f(d)(2). Method 3, 3A, or 3C must
be used to determine oxygen for
correcting the NMOC concentration as
hexane to 3 percent. In cases where the
outlet concentration is less than 50 ppm
NMOC as carbon (8 ppm NMOC as
hexane), Method 25A should be used in
place of Method 25. Method 18 may be
used in conjunction with Method 25A
on a limited basis (compound specific,
e.g., methane) or Method 3C may be
used to determine methane. The
methane as carbon should be subtracted
from the Method 25A total hydrocarbon
value as carbon to give NMOC
concentration as carbon. The landfill
owner or operator must divide the
NMOC concentration as carbon by 6 to
convert the CNMOC as carbon to CNMOC
as hexane. Equation 4 must be used to
calculate efficiency:
(1) The flow rate of landfill gas, QLFG,
must be determined by measuring the
total landfill gas flow rate at the
common header pipe that leads to the
control system using a gas flow
measuring device calibrated according
to the provisions of section 10 of
Method 2E of appendix A of this part.
(2) The average NMOC concentration,
CNMOC, must be determined by
collecting and analyzing landfill gas
sampled from the common header pipe
before the gas moving or condensate
removal equipment using the
procedures in Method 25 or Method 25C
of appendix A of this part. The sample
location on the common header pipe
must be before any condensate removal
or other gas refining units. The landfill
owner or operator must divide the
NMOC concentration from Method 25 or
Method 25C by six to convert from
CNMOC as carbon to CNMOC as hexane.
(3) The owner or operator may use
another method to determine landfill
gas flow rate and NMOC concentration
if the method has been approved by the
(i) Within 60 days after the date of
calculating the NMOC emission rate for
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(v) If there is any measured
concentration of methane of 500 parts
per million or greater from the surface
of the landfill, the owner or operator
must submit a gas collection and control
system design plan within 1 year of the
first measured concentration of methane
of 500 parts per million or greater from
the surface of the landfill according to
§ 60.38f(d) and install and operate a gas
collection and control system according
to § 60.33f(b) and (c) within 30 months
of the most recent NMOC emission rate
report in which the NMOC emission
rate equals or exceeds 34 megagrams per
year based on Tier 2.
(vi) If after four consecutive quarterly
monitoring periods at a landfill, other
than a closed landfill, there is no
measured concentration of methane of
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
(1) Within 60 days after the date of
completing each performance test (as
defined in § 60.8), the owner or operator
must submit the results of the
performance tests, including any
associated fuel analyses, according to
§ 60.38f(j)(1).
(2) [Reserved]
Compliance provisions.
For approval, a state plan must
include the compliance provisions in
this section.
(a) Except as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2), the specified methods in
paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this
section must be used to determine
whether the gas collection system is in
compliance with § 60.33f(b)(2).
(1) For the purposes of calculating the
maximum expected gas generation flow
rate from the landfill to determine
compliance with § 60.33f(b)(2)(i), either
Equation 5 or Equation 6 in paragraph
(a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section must be
used. The methane generation rate
k = Methane generation rate constant, year¥1.
t = Age of the landfill at equipment
installation plus the time the owner or
operator intends to use the gas mover
equipment or active life of the landfill,
whichever is less. If the equipment is
QM = Maximum expected gas generation flow
rate, cubic meters per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year¥1.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic
meters per megagram solid waste.
Mi = Mass of solid waste in the ith section,
ti = Age of the ith section, years.
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Qm = Maximum expected gas generation flow
rate, cubic meters per year.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic
meters per megagram solid waste.
R = Average annual acceptance rate,
megagrams per year.
all operational and performance
(3) For the purpose of demonstrating
whether the gas collection system flow
rate is sufficient to determine
compliance with § 60.33f(b)(2)(iii), the
owner or operator must measure gauge
pressure in the gas collection header
applied to each individual well
monthly. If a positive pressure exists,
action must be initiated to correct the
exceedance within 5 calendar days,
except for the three conditions allowed
under § 60.34f(b). Any attempted
corrective measure must not cause
exceedances of other operational or
performance standards.
(i) If negative pressure cannot be
achieved without excess air infiltration
within 15 calendar days of the first
measurement of positive pressure, the
owner or operator must conduct a root
cause analysis and correct the
exceedance as soon as practicable, but
not later than 60 days after positive
pressure was first measured. The owner
or operator must keep records according
to § 60.39f(e)(3).
(ii) If corrective actions cannot be
fully implemented within 60 days
following the positive pressure
measurement for which the root cause
analysis was required, the owner or
(iii) If a collection and control system
has been installed, actual flow data may
be used to project the maximum
expected gas generation flow rate
instead of, or in conjunction with,
Equation 5 or Equation 6 in paragraph
(a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section. If the
landfill is still accepting waste, the
actual measured flow data will not
equal the maximum expected gas
generation rate, so calculations using
Equation 5 or Equation 6 or other
methods must be used to predict the
maximum expected gas generation rate
over the intended period of use of the
gas control system equipment.
(2) For the purposes of determining
sufficient density of gas collectors for
compliance with § 60.33f(b)(2)(ii), the
owner or operator must design a system
of vertical wells, horizontal collectors,
or other collection devices, satisfactory
to the Administrator, capable of
controlling and extracting gas from all
portions of the landfill sufficient to meet
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constant (k) and methane generation
potential (Lo) kinetic factors should be
those published in the most recent AP–
42 or other site-specific values
demonstrated to be appropriate and
approved by the Administrator. If k has
been determined as specified in
§ 60.35f(a)(4), the value of k determined
from the test must be used. A value of
no more than 15 years must be used for
the intended use period of the gas
mover equipment. The active life of the
landfill is the age of the landfill plus the
estimated number of years until closure.
(i) For sites with unknown year-toyear solid waste acceptance rate:
installed after closure, t is the age of the
landfill at installation, years.
c = Time since closure, years (for an active
landfill c = 0 and e¥kc = 1).
(ii) For sites with known year-to-year
solid waste acceptance rate:
operator must also conduct a corrective
action analysis and develop an
implementation schedule to complete
the corrective action(s) as soon as
practicable, but no more than 120 days
following the positive pressure
measurement. The owner or operator
must submit the items listed in
§ 60.38f(h)(7) as part of the next annual
report. The owner or operator must keep
records according to § 60.39f(e)(4).
(iii) If corrective action is expected to
take longer than 120 days to complete
after the initial exceedance, the owner
or operator must submit the root cause
analysis, corrective action analysis, and
corresponding implementation timeline
to the Administrator, according to
§ 60.38f(h)(7) and (k). The owner or
operator must keep records according to
§ 60.39f(e)(5).
(4) [Reserved]
(5) For the purpose of identifying
whether excess air infiltration into the
landfill is occurring, the owner or
operator must monitor each well
monthly for temperature as provided in
§ 60.34f(c). If a well exceeds the
operating parameter for temperature,
action must be initiated to correct the
exceedance within 5 calendar days. Any
attempted corrective measure must not
§ 60.36f
NMOCin = Mass of NMOC entering control
NMOCout = Mass of NMOC exiting control
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cause exceedances of other operational
or performance standards.
(i) If a landfill gas temperature less
than 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit) cannot be achieved within
15 calendar days of the first
measurement of landfill gas temperature
greater than 55 degrees Celsius (131
degrees Fahrenheit), the owner or
operator must conduct a root cause
analysis and correct the exceedance as
soon as practicable, but no later than 60
days after a landfill gas temperature
greater than 55 degrees Celsius (131
degrees Fahrenheit) was first measured.
The owner or operator must keep
records according to § 60.39f(e)(3).
(ii) If corrective actions cannot be
fully implemented within 60 days
following the positive pressure
measurement for which the root cause
analysis was required, the owner or
operator must also conduct a corrective
action analysis and develop an
implementation schedule to complete
the corrective action(s) as soon as
practicable, but no more than 120 days
following the measurement of landfill
gas temperature greater than 55 degrees
Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit). The
owner or operator must submit the
items listed in § 60.38f(h)(7) as part of
the next annual report. The owner or
operator must keep records according to
§ 60.39f(e)(4).
(iii) If corrective action is expected to
take longer than 120 days to complete
after the initial exceedance, the owner
or operator must submit the root cause
analysis, corrective action analysis, and
corresponding implementation timeline
to the Administrator, according to
§ 60.38f(h)(7) and (k). The owner or
operator must keep records according to
§ 60.39f(e)(5).
(6) An owner or operator seeking to
demonstrate compliance with
§ 60.33f(b)(2)(iv) through the use of a
collection system not conforming to the
specifications provided in § 60.40f must
provide information satisfactory to the
Administrator as specified in
§ 60.38f(d)(3) demonstrating that off-site
migration is being controlled.
(b) For purposes of compliance with
§ 60.34f(a), each owner or operator of a
controlled landfill must place each well
or design component as specified in the
approved design plan as provided in
§ 60.38f(d). Each well must be installed
no later than 60 days after the date on
which the initial solid waste has been
in place for a period of:
(1) Five (5) years or more if active; or
(2) Two (2) years or more if closed or
at final grade.
(c) The following procedures must be
used for compliance with the surface
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methane operational standard as
provided in § 60.34f(d):
(1) After installation and startup of
the gas collection system, the owner or
operator must monitor surface
concentrations of methane along the
entire perimeter of the collection area
and along a pattern that traverses the
landfill at no more than 30-meter
intervals (or a site-specific established
spacing) for each collection area on a
quarterly basis using an organic vapor
analyzer, flame ionization detector, or
other portable monitor meeting the
specifications provided in paragraph (d)
of this section.
(2) The background concentration
must be determined by moving the
probe inlet upwind and downwind
outside the boundary of the landfill at
a distance of at least 30 meters from the
perimeter wells.
(3) Surface emission monitoring must
be performed in accordance with
section 8.3.1 of Method 21 of appendix
A of this part, except that the probe inlet
must be placed within 5 to 10
centimeters of the ground. Monitoring
must be performed during typical
meteorological conditions.
(4) Any reading of 500 parts per
million or more above background at
any location must be recorded as a
monitored exceedance and the actions
specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through
(v) of this section must be taken. As long
as the specified actions are taken, the
exceedance is not a violation of the
operational requirements of § 60.34f(d).
(i) The location of each monitored
exceedance must be marked and the
location and concentration recorded.
For location, you must determine the
latitude and longitude coordinates using
an instrument with an accuracy of at
least 4 meters. The coordinates must be
in decimal degrees with at least five
decimal places.
(ii) Cover maintenance or adjustments
to the vacuum of the adjacent wells to
increase the gas collection in the
vicinity of each exceedance must be
made and the location must be remonitored within 10 calendar days of
detecting the exceedance.
(iii) If the re-monitoring of the
location shows a second exceedance,
additional corrective action must be
taken and the location must be
monitored again within 10 days of the
second exceedance. If the re-monitoring
shows a third exceedance for the same
location, the action specified in
paragraph (c)(4)(v) of this section must
be taken, and no further monitoring of
that location is required until the action
specified in paragraph (c)(4)(v) of this
section has been taken.
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(iv) Any location that initially showed
an exceedance but has a methane
concentration less than 500 parts per
million methane above background at
the 10-day re-monitoring specified in
paragraph (c)(4)(ii) or (iii) of this section
must be re-monitored 1 month from the
initial exceedance. If the 1-month remonitoring shows a concentration less
than 500 parts per million above
background, no further monitoring of
that location is required until the next
quarterly monitoring period. If the 1month re-monitoring shows an
exceedance, the actions specified in
paragraph (c)(4)(iii) or (v) of this section
must be taken.
(v) For any location where monitored
methane concentration equals or
exceeds 500 parts per million above
background three times within a
quarterly period, a new well or other
collection device must be installed
within 120 calendar days of the initial
exceedance. An alternative remedy to
the exceedance, such as upgrading the
blower, header pipes or control device,
and a corresponding timeline for
installation may be submitted to the
Administrator for approval.
(5) The owner or operator must
implement a program to monitor for
cover integrity and implement cover
repairs as necessary on a monthly basis.
(d) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with the provisions in
paragraph (c) of this section or
§ 60.35f(a)(6) must comply with the
following instrumentation specifications
and procedures for surface emission
monitoring devices:
(1) The portable analyzer must meet
the instrument specifications provided
in section 6 of Method 21 of appendix
A of this part, except that ‘‘methane’’
replaces all references to ‘‘VOC’’.
(2) The calibration gas must be
methane, diluted to a nominal
concentration of 500 parts per million in
(3) To meet the performance
evaluation requirements in section 8.1
of Method 21 of appendix A of this part,
the instrument evaluation procedures of
section 8.1 of Method 21 must be used.
(4) The calibration procedures
provided in sections 8 and 10 of Method
21 of appendix A of this part must be
followed immediately before
commencing a surface monitoring
(e) The provisions of this subpart
apply at all times, including periods of
startup, shutdown, or malfunction.
During periods of startup, shutdown,
and malfunction, you must comply with
the work practice specified in § 60.34f(e)
in lieu of the compliance provisions in
§ 60.36f.
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§ 60.37f
Monitoring of operations.
For approval, a state plan must
include the monitoring provisions in
this section, except as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2).
(a) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with § 60.33f(b)(2) for an active
gas collection system must install a
sampling port and a thermometer, other
temperature measuring device, or an
access port for temperature
measurements at each wellhead and:
(1) Measure the gauge pressure in the
gas collection header on a monthly basis
as provided in § 60.36f(a)(3); and
(2) Monitor nitrogen or oxygen
concentration in the landfill gas on a
monthly basis as follows:
(i) The nitrogen level must be
determined using Method 3C, unless an
alternative test method is established as
allowed by § 60.38f(d)(2).
(ii) Unless an alternative test method
is established as allowed by
§ 60.38f(d)(2), the oxygen level must be
determined by an oxygen meter using
Method 3A, 3C, or ASTM D6522–11
(incorporated by reference, see § 60.17).
Determine the oxygen level by an
oxygen meter using Method 3A, 3C, or
ASTM D6522–11 (if sample location is
prior to combustion) except that:
(A) The span must be set between 10
and 12 percent oxygen;
(B) A data recorder is not required;
(C) Only two calibration gases are
required, a zero and span;
(D) A calibration error check is not
required; and
(E) The allowable sample bias, zero
drift, and calibration drift are ±10
(iii) A portable gas composition
analyzer may be used to monitor the
oxygen levels provided:
(A) The analyzer is calibrated; and
(B) The analyzer meets all quality
assurance and quality control
requirements for Method 3A or ASTM
D6522–11 (incorporated by reference,
see § 60.17).
(3) Monitor temperature of the landfill
gas on a monthly basis as provided in
§ 60.36f(a)(5). The temperature
measuring device must be calibrated
annually using the procedure in this
part 60, appendix A–1, Method 2,
Section 10.3.
(b) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with § 60.33f(c) using an
enclosed combustor must calibrate,
maintain, and operate according to the
manufacturer’s specifications, the
following equipment:
(1) A temperature monitoring device
equipped with a continuous recorder
and having a minimum accuracy of ±1
percent of the temperature being
measured expressed in degrees Celsius
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or ±0.5 degrees Celsius, whichever is
greater. A temperature monitoring
device is not required for boilers or
process heaters with design heat input
capacity equal to or greater than 44
(2) A device that records flow to the
control device and bypass of the control
device (if applicable). The owner or
operator must:
(i) Install, calibrate, and maintain a
gas flow rate measuring device that
must record the flow to the control
device at least every 15 minutes; and
(ii) Secure the bypass line valve in the
closed position with a car-seal or a lockand-key type configuration. A visual
inspection of the seal or closure
mechanism must be performed at least
once every month to ensure that the
valve is maintained in the closed
position and that the gas flow is not
diverted through the bypass line.
(c) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with § 60.33f(c) using a nonenclosed flare must install, calibrate,
maintain, and operate according to the
manufacturer’s specifications the
following equipment:
(1) A heat sensing device, such as an
ultraviolet beam sensor or
thermocouple, at the pilot light or the
flame itself to indicate the continuous
presence of a flame.
(2) A device that records flow to the
flare and bypass of the flare (if
applicable). The owner or operator
(i) Install, calibrate, and maintain a
gas flow rate measuring device that
records the flow to the control device at
least every 15 minutes; and
(ii) Secure the bypass line valve in the
closed position with a car-seal or a lockand-key type configuration. A visual
inspection of the seal or closure
mechanism must be performed at least
once every month to ensure that the
valve is maintained in the closed
position and that the gas flow is not
diverted through the bypass line.
(d) Each owner or operator seeking to
demonstrate compliance with § 60.33f(c)
using a device other than a nonenclosed flare or an enclosed combustor
or a treatment system must provide
information satisfactory to the
Administrator as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2) describing the operation of
the control device, the operating
parameters that would indicate proper
performance, and appropriate
monitoring procedures. The
Administrator must review the
information and either approve it, or
request that additional information be
submitted. The Administrator may
specify additional appropriate
monitoring procedures.
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(e) Each owner or operator seeking to
install a collection system that does not
meet the specifications in § 60.40f or
seeking to monitor alternative
parameters to those required by
§§ 60.34f through 60.37f must provide
information satisfactory to the
Administrator as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2) and (3) describing the
design and operation of the collection
system, the operating parameters that
would indicate proper performance, and
appropriate monitoring procedures. The
Administrator may specify additional
appropriate monitoring procedures.
(f) Each owner or operator seeking to
demonstrate compliance with the 500
parts per million surface methane
operational standard in § 60.34f(d) must
monitor surface concentrations of
methane according to the procedures
provided in § 60.36f(c) and the
instrument specifications in § 60.36f(d).
Any closed landfill that has no
monitored exceedances of the
operational standard in three
consecutive quarterly monitoring
periods may skip to annual monitoring.
Any methane reading of 500 parts per
million or more above background
detected during the annual monitoring
returns the frequency for that landfill to
quarterly monitoring.
(g) Each owner or operator seeking to
demonstrate compliance with the
control system requirements in
§ 60.33f(c) using a landfill gas treatment
system must maintain and operate all
monitoring systems associated with the
treatment system in accordance with the
site-specific treatment system
monitoring plan required in
§ 60.39f(b)(5)(ii) and must calibrate,
maintain, and operate according to the
manufacturer’s specifications a device
that records flow to the treatment
system and bypass of the treatment
system (if applicable). The owner or
operator must:
(1) Install, calibrate, and maintain a
gas flow rate measuring device that
records the flow to the treatment system
at least every 15 minutes; and
(2) Secure the bypass line valve in the
closed position with a car-seal or a lockand-key type configuration. A visual
inspection of the seal or closure
mechanism must be performed at least
once every month to ensure that the
valve is maintained in the closed
position and that the gas flow is not
diverted through the bypass line.
(h) The monitoring requirements of
paragraphs (b), (c) (d) and (g) of this
section apply at all times the affected
source is operating, except for periods of
monitoring system malfunctions, repairs
associated with monitoring system
malfunctions, and required monitoring
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
system quality assurance or quality
control activities. A monitoring system
malfunction is any sudden, infrequent,
not reasonably preventable failure of the
monitoring system to provide valid data.
Monitoring system failures that are
caused in part by poor maintenance or
careless operation are not malfunctions.
You are required to complete
monitoring system repairs in response
to monitoring system malfunctions and
to return the monitoring system to
operation as expeditiously as
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§ 60.38f
Reporting guidelines.
For approval, a state plan must
include the reporting provisions listed
in this section, as applicable, except as
provided under §§ 60.24 and
(a) Design capacity report. For
existing MSW landfills subject to this
subpart, the initial design capacity
report must be submitted no later than
90 days after the effective date of EPA
approval of the state’s plan under
section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The
initial design capacity report must
contain the following information:
(1) A map or plot of the landfill,
providing the size and location of the
landfill, and identifying all areas where
solid waste may be landfilled according
to the permit issued by the state, local,
or tribal agency responsible for
regulating the landfill.
(2) The maximum design capacity of
the landfill. Where the maximum design
capacity is specified in the permit
issued by the state, local, or tribal
agency responsible for regulating the
landfill, a copy of the permit specifying
the maximum design capacity may be
submitted as part of the report. If the
maximum design capacity of the landfill
is not specified in the permit, the
maximum design capacity must be
calculated using good engineering
practices. The calculations must be
provided, along with the relevant
parameters as part of the report. The
landfill may calculate design capacity in
either megagrams or cubic meters for
comparison with the exemption values.
If the owner or operator chooses to
convert the design capacity from
volume to mass or from mass to volume
to demonstrate its design capacity is less
than 2.5 million megagrams or 2.5
million cubic meters, the calculation
must include a site-specific density,
which must be recalculated annually.
Any density conversions must be
documented and submitted with the
design capacity report. The state, local,
or tribal agency or the Administrator
may request other reasonable
information as may be necessary to
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verify the maximum design capacity of
the landfill.
(b) Amended design capacity report.
An amended design capacity report
must be submitted providing
notification of an increase in the design
capacity of the landfill, within 90 days
of an increase in the maximum design
capacity of the landfill to meet or
exceed 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5
million cubic meters. This increase in
design capacity may result from an
increase in the permitted volume of the
landfill or an increase in the density as
documented in the annual recalculation
required in § 60.39f(f).
(c) NMOC emission rate report. For
existing MSW landfills covered by this
subpart with a design capacity equal to
or greater than 2.5 million megagrams
and 2.5 million cubic meters, the NMOC
emission rate report must be submitted
following the procedure specified in
paragraph (j)(2) of this section no later
than 90 days after the effective date of
EPA approval of the state’s plan under
section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The
NMOC emission rate report must be
submitted to the Administrator annually
following the procedure specified in
paragraph (j)(2) of this section, except as
provided for in paragraph (c)(3) of this
section. The Administrator may request
such additional information as may be
necessary to verify the reported NMOC
emission rate.
(1) The NMOC emission rate report
must contain an annual or 5-year
estimate of the NMOC emission rate
calculated using the formula and
procedures provided in § 60.35f(a) or
(b), as applicable.
(2) The NMOC emission rate report
must include all the data, calculations,
sample reports and measurements used
to estimate the annual or 5-year
(3) If the estimated NMOC emission
rate as reported in the annual report to
the Administrator is less than 34
megagrams per year in each of the next
5 consecutive years, the owner or
operator may elect to submit, following
the procedure specified in paragraph
(j)(2) of this section, an estimate of the
NMOC emission rate for the next 5-year
period in lieu of the annual report. This
estimate must include the current
amount of solid waste-in-place and the
estimated waste acceptance rate for each
year of the 5 years for which an NMOC
emission rate is estimated. All data and
calculations upon which this estimate is
based must be provided to the
Administrator. This estimate must be
revised at least once every 5 years. If the
actual waste acceptance rate exceeds the
estimated waste acceptance rate in any
year reported in the 5-year estimate, a
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revised 5-year estimate must be
submitted to the Administrator. The
revised estimate must cover the 5-year
period beginning with the year in which
the actual waste acceptance rate
exceeded the estimated waste
acceptance rate.
(4) Each owner or operator subject to
the requirements of this subpart is
exempted from the requirements to
submit an NMOC emission rate report,
after installing a collection and control
system that complies with § 60.33f(b)
and (c), during such time as the
collection and control system is in
operation and in compliance with
§§ 60.34f and 60.36f.
(d) Collection and control system
design plan. The state plan must
include a process for state review and
approval of the site-specific design plan
for each gas collection and control
system. The collection and control
system design plan must be prepared
and approved by a professional engineer
and must meet the following
(1) The collection and control system
as described in the design plan must
meet the design requirements in
§ 60.33f(b) and (c).
(2) The collection and control system
design plan must include any
alternatives to the operational
standards, test methods, procedures,
compliance measures, monitoring,
recordkeeping, or reporting provisions
of §§ 60.34f through 60.39f proposed by
the owner or operator.
(3) The collection and control system
design plan must either conform to
specifications for active collection
systems in § 60.40f or include a
demonstration to the Administrator’s
satisfaction of the sufficiency of the
alternative provisions to § 60.40f.
(4) Each owner or operator of an MSW
landfill having a design capacity equal
to or greater than 2.5 million megagrams
and 2.5 million cubic meters must
submit a copy of the collection and
control system design plan cover page
that contains the engineer’s seal to the
Administrator within 1 year of the first
NMOC emission rate report in which
the NMOC emission rate equals or
exceeds 34 megagrams per year, except
as follows:
(i) If the owner or operator elects to
recalculate the NMOC emission rate
after Tier 2 NMOC sampling and
analysis as provided in § 60.35f(a)(3)
and the resulting rate is less than 34
megagrams per year, annual periodic
reporting must be resumed, using the
Tier 2 determined site-specific NMOC
concentration, until the calculated
NMOC emission rate is equal to or
greater than 34 megagrams per year or
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the landfill is closed. The revised
NMOC emission rate report, with the
recalculated NMOC emission rate based
on NMOC sampling and analysis, must
be submitted, following the procedures
in paragraph (j)(2) of this section, within
180 days of the first calculated
exceedance of 34 megagrams per year.
(ii) If the owner or operator elects to
recalculate the NMOC emission rate
after determining a site-specific
methane generation rate constant k, as
provided in Tier 3 in § 60.35f(a)(4), and
the resulting NMOC emission rate is less
than 34 megagrams per year, annual
periodic reporting must be resumed.
The resulting site-specific methane
generation rate constant k must be used
in the NMOC emission rate calculation
until such time as the emissions rate
calculation results in an exceedance.
The revised NMOC emission rate report
based on the provisions of § 60.35f(a)(4)
and the resulting site-specific methane
generation rate constant k must be
submitted, following the procedure
specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this
section, to the Administrator within 1
year of the first calculated NMOC
emission rate equaling or exceeding 34
megagrams per year.
(iii) If the owner or operator elects to
demonstrate that site-specific surface
methane emissions are below 500 parts
per million methane, based on the
provisions of § 60.35f(a)(6), then the
owner or operator must submit annually
a Tier 4 surface emissions report as
specified in this paragraph (d)(4)(iii)
following the procedure specified in
paragraph (j)(2) of this section until a
surface emissions readings of 500 parts
per million methane or greater is found.
If the Tier 4 surface emissions report
shows no surface emissions readings of
500 parts per million methane or greater
for four consecutive quarters at a closed
landfill, then the landfill owner or
operator may reduce Tier 4 monitoring
from a quarterly to an annual frequency.
The Administrator may request such
additional information as may be
necessary to verify the reported
instantaneous surface emission
readings. The Tier 4 surface emissions
report must clearly identify the location,
date and time (to the nearest second),
average wind speeds including wind
gusts, and reading (in parts per million)
of any value 500 parts per million
methane or greater, other than nonrepeatable, momentary readings. For
location, you must determine the
latitude and longitude coordinates using
an instrument with an accuracy of at
least 4 meters. The coordinates must be
in decimal degrees with at least five
decimal places. The Tier 4 surface
emission report should also include the
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results of the most recent Tier 1 and
Tier 2 results in order to verify that the
landfill does not exceed 50 Mg/yr of
(A) The initial Tier 4 surface
emissions report must be submitted
annually, starting within 30 days of
completing the fourth quarter of Tier 4
surface emissions monitoring that
demonstrates that site-specific surface
methane emissions are below 500 parts
per million methane, and following the
procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2)
of this section.
(B) The Tier 4 surface emissions rate
report must be submitted within 1 year
of the first measured surface exceedance
of 500 parts per million methane,
following the procedure specified in
paragraph (j)(2) of this section.
(iv) If the landfill is in the closed
landfill subcategory, the owner or
operator must submit a collection and
control system design plan to the
Administrator within 1 year of the first
NMOC emission rate report in which
the NMOC emission rate equals or
exceeds 50 megagrams per year, except
as follows:
(A) If the owner or operator elects to
recalculate the NMOC emission rate
after Tier 2 NMOC sampling and
analysis as provided in § 60.35f(a)(3)
and the resulting rate is less than 50
megagrams per year, annual periodic
reporting must be resumed, using the
Tier 2 determined site-specific NMOC
concentration, until the calculated
NMOC emission rate is equal to or
greater than 50 megagrams per year or
the landfill is closed. The revised
NMOC emission rate report, with the
recalculated NMOC emission rate based
on NMOC sampling and analysis, must
be submitted, following the procedure
specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this
section, within 180 days of the first
calculated exceedance of 50 megagrams
per year.
(B) If the owner or operator elects to
recalculate the NMOC emission rate
after determining a site-specific
methane generation rate constant k, as
provided in Tier 3 in § 60.35f(a)(4), and
the resulting NMOC emission rate is less
than 50 megagrams per year, annual
periodic reporting must be resumed.
The resulting site-specific methane
generation rate constant k must be used
in the NMOC emission rate calculation
until such time as the emissions rate
calculation results in an exceedance.
The revised NMOC emission rate report
based on the provisions of § 60.35f(a)(4)
and the resulting site-specific methane
generation rate constant k must be
submitted, following the procedure
specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this
section, to the Administrator within 1
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year of the first calculated NMOC
emission rate equaling or exceeding 50
megagrams per year.
(C) The landfill owner or operator
elects to demonstrate surface emissions
are low, consistent with the provisions
in paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section.
(D) The landfill has already submitted
a gas collection and control system
design plan consistent with the
provisions of subpart WWW of this part;
40 CFR part 62, subpart GGG; or a state
plan implementing subpart Cc of this
(5) The landfill owner or operator
must notify the Administrator that the
design plan is completed and submit a
copy of the plan’s signature page. The
Administrator has 90 days to decide
whether the design plan should be
submitted for review. If the
Administrator chooses to review the
plan, the approval process continues as
described in paragraph (c)(6) of this
section. However, if the Administrator
indicates that submission is not
required or does not respond within 90
days, the landfill owner or operator can
continue to implement the plan with the
recognition that the owner or operator is
proceeding at their own risk. In the
event that the design plan is required to
be modified to obtain approval, the
owner or operator must take any steps
necessary to conform any prior actions
to the approved design plan and any
failure to do so could result in an
enforcement action.
(6) Upon receipt of an initial or
revised design plan, the Administrator
must review the information submitted
under paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of
this section and either approve it,
disapprove it, or request that additional
information be submitted. Because of
the many site-specific factors involved
with landfill gas system design,
alternative systems may be necessary. A
wide variety of system designs are
possible, such as vertical wells,
combination horizontal and vertical
collection systems, or horizontal
trenches only, leachate collection
components, and passive systems. If the
Administrator does not approve or
disapprove the design plan, or does not
request that additional information be
submitted within 90 days of receipt,
then the owner or operator may
continue with implementation of the
design plan, recognizing they would be
proceeding at their own risk.
(7) If the owner or operator chooses to
demonstrate compliance with the
emission control requirements of this
subpart using a treatment system as
defined in this subpart, then the owner
or operator must prepare a site-specific
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treatment system monitoring plan as
specified in § 60.39f(b)(5).
(e) Revised design plan. The owner or
operator who has already been required
to submit a design plan under paragraph
(d) of this section, or under subpart
WWW of this part; 40 CFR part 62,
subpart GGG; or a state plan
implementing subpart Cc of this part,
must submit a revised design plan to the
Administrator for approval as follows:
(1) At least 90 days before expanding
operations to an area not covered by the
previously approved design plan.
(2) Prior to installing or expanding the
gas collection system in a way that is
not consistent with the design plan that
was submitted to the Administrator
according to paragraph (d) of this
(f) Closure report. Each owner or
operator of a controlled landfill must
submit a closure report to the
Administrator within 30 days of ceasing
waste acceptance. The Administrator
may request additional information as
may be necessary to verify that
permanent closure has taken place in
accordance with the requirements of 40
CFR 258.60. If a closure report has been
submitted to the Administrator, no
additional wastes may be placed into
the landfill without filing a notification
of modification as described under
§ 60.7(a)(4).
(g) Equipment removal report. Each
owner or operator of a controlled
landfill must submit an equipment
removal report to the Administrator 30
days prior to removal or cessation of
operation of the control equipment.
(1) The equipment removal report
must contain the following items:
(i) A copy of the closure report
submitted in accordance with paragraph
(f) of this section; and
(ii) A copy of the initial performance
test report demonstrating that the 15year minimum control period has
expired, unless the report of the results
of the performance test has been
submitted to the EPA via the EPA’s
CDX, or information that demonstrates
that the GCCS will be unable to operate
for 15 years due to declining gas flows.
In the equipment removal report, the
process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s)
tested, and the date that such
performance test was conducted may be
submitted in lieu of the performance
test report if the report has been
previously submitted to the EPA’s CDX;
(iii) Dated copies of three successive
NMOC emission rate reports
demonstrating that the landfill is no
longer producing 34 megagrams or
greater of NMOC per year, unless the
NMOC emission rate reports have been
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submitted to the EPA via the EPA’s
CDX. If the NMOC emission rate reports
have been previously submitted to the
EPA’s CDX, a statement that the NMOC
emission rate reports have been
submitted electronically and the dates
that the reports were submitted to the
EPA’s CDX may be submitted in the
equipment removal report in lieu of the
NMOC emission rate reports; or
(iv) For the closed landfill
subcategory, dated copies of three
successive NMOC emission rate reports
demonstrating that the landfill is no
longer producing 50 megagrams or
greater of NMOC per year, unless the
NMOC emission rate reports have been
submitted to the EPA via the EPA’s
CDX. If the NMOC emission rate reports
have been previously submitted to the
EPA’s CDX, a statement that the NMOC
emission rate reports have been
submitted electronically and the dates
that the reports were submitted to the
EPA’s CDX may be submitted in the
equipment removal report in lieu of the
NMOC emission rate reports.
(2) The Administrator may request
such additional information as may be
necessary to verify that all of the
conditions for removal in § 60.33f(f)
have been met.
(h) Annual report. The owner or
operator of a landfill seeking to comply
with § 60.33f(e)(2) using an active
collection system designed in
accordance with § 60.33f(b) must submit
to the Administrator, following the
procedures specified in paragraph (j)(2)
of this section, an annual report of the
recorded information in paragraphs
(h)(1) through (7) of this section. The
initial annual report must be submitted
within 180 days of installation and
startup of the collection and control
system. The initial annual report must
include the initial performance test
report required under § 60.8, as
applicable, unless the report of the
results of the performance test has been
submitted to the EPA via the EPA’s
CDX. In the initial annual report, the
process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s)
tested and the date that such
performance test was conducted may be
submitted in lieu of the performance
test report if the report has been
previously submitted to the EPA’s CDX.
The initial performance test report must
be submitted, following the procedure
specified in paragraph (j)(1) of this
section, no later than the date that the
initial annual report is submitted. For
enclosed combustion devices and flares,
reportable exceedances are defined
under § 60.39f(c)(1).
(1) Value and length of time for
exceedance of applicable parameters
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monitored under § 60.37f(a)(1), (b), (c),
(d), and (g).
(2) Description and duration of all
periods when the gas stream was
diverted from the control device or
treatment system through a bypass line
or the indication of bypass flow as
specified under § 60.37f.
(3) Description and duration of all
periods when the control device or
treatment system was not operating and
length of time the control device or
treatment system was not operating.
(4) All periods when the collection
system was not operating.
(5) The location of each exceedance of
the 500 parts per million methane
concentration as provided in § 60.34f(d)
and the concentration recorded at each
location for which an exceedance was
recorded in the previous month. For
location, you must determine the
latitude and longitude coordinates using
an instrument with an accuracy of at
least 4 meters. The coordinates must be
in decimal degrees with at least five
decimal places.
(6) The date of installation and the
location of each well or collection
system expansion added pursuant to
§ 60.36f(a)(3), (a)(5), (b), and (c)(4).
(7) For any corrective action analysis
for which corrective actions are required
in § 60.36f(a)(3) or (5) and that take
more than 60 days to correct the
exceedance, the root cause analysis
conducted, including a description of
the recommended corrective action(s),
the date for corrective action(s) already
completed following the positive
pressure reading, and, for action(s) not
already completed, a schedule for
implementation, including proposed
commencement and completion dates.
(i) Initial performance test report.
Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with § 60.33f(c) must include
the following information with the
initial performance test report required
under § 60.8:
(1) A diagram of the collection system
showing collection system positioning
including all wells, horizontal
collectors, surface collectors, or other
gas extraction devices, including the
locations of any areas excluded from
collection and the proposed sites for the
future collection system expansion;
(2) The data upon which the sufficient
density of wells, horizontal collectors,
surface collectors, or other gas
extraction devices and the gas mover
equipment sizing are based;
(3) The documentation of the
presence of asbestos or nondegradable
material for each area from which
collection wells have been excluded
based on the presence of asbestos or
nondegradable material;
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(4) The sum of the gas generation flow
rates for all areas from which collection
wells have been excluded based on
nonproductivity and the calculations of
gas generation flow rate for each
excluded area;
(5) The provisions for increasing gas
mover equipment capacity with
increased gas generation flow rate, if the
present gas mover equipment is
inadequate to move the maximum flow
rate expected over the life of the
landfill; and
(6) The provisions for the control of
off-site migration.
(j) Electronic reporting. The owner or
operator must submit reports
electronically according to paragraphs
(j)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Within 60 days after the date of
completing each performance test (as
defined in § 60.8), the owner or operator
must submit the results of each
performance test according to the
following procedures:
(i) For data collected using test
methods supported by the EPA’s
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as
listed on the EPA’s ERT Web site
info.html) at the time of the test, you
must submit the results of the
performance test to the EPA via the
Compliance and Emissions Data
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). CEDRI can
be accessed through the EPA’s Central
Data Exchange (CDX) (https://
cdx.epa.gov/). Performance test data
must be submitted in a file format
generated through the use of the EPA’s
ERT or an alternative file format
consistent with the extensible markup
language (XML) schema listed on the
EPA’s ERT Web site, once the XML
schema is available. If you claim that
some of the performance test
information being submitted is
confidential business information (CBI),
you must submit a complete file
generated through the use of the EPA’s
ERT or an alternate electronic file
consistent with the XML schema listed
on the EPA’s ERT Web site, including
information claimed to be CBI, on a
compact disc, flash drive or other
commonly used electronic storage
media to the EPA. The electronic media
must be clearly marked as CBI and
Office, Attention: Group Leader,
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404–
02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC
27703. The same ERT or alternate file
with the CBI omitted must be submitted
to the EPA via the EPA’s CDX as
described earlier in this paragraph
(ii) For data collected using test
methods that are not supported by the
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EPA’s ERT as listed on the EPA’s ERT
Web site at the time of the test, you must
submit the results of the performance
test to the Administrator at the
appropriate address listed in § 60.4.
(2) Each owner or operator required to
submit reports following the procedure
specified in this paragraph must submit
reports to the EPA via the CEDRI.
(CEDRI can be accessed through the
EPA’s CDX.) The owner or operator
must use the appropriate electronic
report in CEDRI for this subpart or an
alternate electronic file format
consistent with the XML schema listed
on the CEDRI Web site (https://
index.html). If the reporting form
specific to this subpart is not available
in CEDRI at the time that the report is
due, the owner or operator must submit
the report to the Administrator at the
appropriate address listed in § 60.4.
Once the form has been available in
CEDRI for 90 calendar days, the owner
or operator must begin submitting all
subsequent reports via CEDRI. The
reports must be submitted by the
deadlines specified in this subpart,
regardless of the method in which the
reports are submitted.
(k) Corrective action and the
corresponding timeline. The owner or
operator must submit according to
paragraphs (k)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) For corrective action that is
required according to § 60.36f(a)(3)(iii)
or (a)(5)(iii) and is expected to take
longer than 120 days after the initial
exceedance to complete, you must
submit the root cause analysis,
corrective action analysis, and
corresponding implementation timeline
to the Administrator as soon as
practicable but no later than 75 days
after the first measurement of positive
pressure or temperature monitoring
value of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit) or above. The Administrator
must approve the plan for corrective
action and the corresponding timeline.
(2) For corrective action that is
required according to § 60.36f(a)(3)(iii)
or (a)(5)(iii) and is not completed within
60 days after the initial exceedance, you
must submit a notification to the
Administrator as soon as practicable but
no later than 75 days after the first
measurement of positive pressure or
temperature exceedance.
(l) Liquids addition. The owner or
operator of an affected landfill with a
design capacity equal to or greater than
2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million
cubic meters that has employed leachate
recirculation or added liquids based on
a Research, Development, and
Demonstration permit (issued through
Resource Conservation and Recovery
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Act, subtitle D, part 258) within the last
10 years must submit to the
Administrator, annually, following the
procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2)
of this section, the following
(1) Volume of leachate recirculated
(gallons per year) and the reported basis
of those estimates (records or
engineering estimates).
(2) Total volume of all other liquids
added (gallons per year) and the
reported basis of those estimates
(records or engineering estimates).
(3) Surface area (acres) over which the
leachate is recirculated (or otherwise
(4) Surface area (acres) over which
any other liquids are applied.
(5) The total waste disposed
(megagrams) in the areas with
recirculated leachate and/or added
liquids based on on-site records to the
extent data are available, or engineering
estimates and the reported basis of those
(6) The annual waste acceptance rates
(megagrams per year) in the areas with
recirculated leachate and/or added
liquids, based on on-site records to the
extent data are available, or engineering
(7) The initial report must contain
items in paragraph (l)(1) through (6) of
this section per year for the most recent
365 days as well as for each of the
previous 10 years, to the extent
historical data are available in on-site
records, and the report must be
submitted no later than:
(i) September 27, 2017, for landfills
that commenced construction,
modification, or reconstruction after
July 17, 2014 but before August 29,
2016; or
(ii) 365 days after the date of
commenced construction, modification,
or reconstruction for landfills that
commence construction, modification,
or reconstruction after August 29, 2016.
(8) Subsequent annual reports must
contain items in paragraph (l)(1)
through (6) of this section for the 365day period following the 365-day period
included in the previous annual report,
and the report must be submitted no
later than 365 days after the date the
previous report was submitted.
(9) Landfills in the closed landfill
subcategory are exempt from reporting
requirements contained in paragraphs
(l)(1) through (7) of this section.
(10) Landfills may cease annual
reporting of items in paragraphs (l)(1)
through (6) of this section once they
have submitted the closure report in
§ 60.38f(f).
(m) Tier 4 notification. (1) The owner
or operator of an affected landfill with
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
a design capacity equal to or greater
than 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5
million cubic meters must provide a
notification of the date(s) upon which it
intends to demonstrate site-specific
surface methane emissions are below
500 parts per million methane, based on
the Tier 4 provisions of § 60.35f(a)(6).
The landfill must also include a
description of the wind barrier to be
used during the SEM in the notification.
Notification must be postmarked not
less than 30 days prior to such date.
(2) If there is a delay to the scheduled
Tier 4 SEM date due to weather
conditions, including not meeting the
wind requirements in § 60.35f
(a)(6)(iii)(A), the owner or operator of a
landfill shall notify the Administrator
by email or telephone no later than 48
hours before any known delay in the
original test date, and arrange an
updated date with the Administrator by
mutual agreement.
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§ 60.39f
Recordkeeping guidelines.
For approval, a state plan must
include the recordkeeping provisions in
this section.
(a) Except as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or operator of
an MSW landfill subject to the
provisions of § 60.33f(e) must keep for at
least 5 years up-to-date, readily
accessible, on-site records of the design
capacity report that triggered § 60.33f(e),
the current amount of solid waste inplace, and the year-by-year waste
acceptance rate. Off-site records may be
maintained if they are retrievable within
4 hours. Either paper copy or electronic
formats are acceptable.
(b) Except as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or operator of
a controlled landfill must keep up-todate, readily accessible records for the
life of the control system equipment of
the data listed in paragraphs (b)(1)
through (5) of this section as measured
during the initial performance test or
compliance determination. Records of
subsequent tests or monitoring must be
maintained for a minimum of 5 years.
Records of the control device vendor
specifications must be maintained until
(1) Where an owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart
seeks to demonstrate compliance with
§ 60.33f(b):
(i) The maximum expected gas
generation flow rate as calculated in
§ 60.36f(a)(1). The owner or operator
may use another method to determine
the maximum gas generation flow rate,
if the method has been approved by the
(ii) The density of wells, horizontal
collectors, surface collectors, or other
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gas extraction devices determined using
the procedures specified in
§ 60.40f(a)(1).
(2) Where an owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart
seeks to demonstrate compliance with
§ 60.33f(c) through use of an enclosed
combustion device other than a boiler or
process heater with a design heat input
capacity equal to or greater than 44
(i) The average temperature measured
at least every 15 minutes and averaged
over the same time period of the
performance test.
(ii) The percent reduction of NMOC
determined as specified in § 60.33f(c)(2)
achieved by the control device.
(3) Where an owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart
seeks to demonstrate compliance with
§ 60.33f(c)(2)(i) through use of a boiler
or process heater of any size: A
description of the location at which the
collected gas vent stream is introduced
into the boiler or process heater over the
same time period of the performance
(4) Where an owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart
seeks to demonstrate compliance with
§ 60.33f(c)(1) through use of a nonenclosed flare, the flare type (i.e., steamassisted, air-assisted, or non-assisted),
all visible emission readings, heat
content determination, flow rate or
bypass flow rate measurements, and exit
velocity determinations made during
the performance test as specified in
§ 60.18; and continuous records of the
flare pilot flame or flare flame
monitoring and records of all periods of
operations during which the pilot flame
or the flare flame is absent.
(5) Where an owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart
seeks to demonstrate compliance with
§ 60.33f(c)(3) through use of a landfill
gas treatment system:
(i) Bypass records. Records of the flow
of landfill gas to, and bypass of, the
treatment system.
(ii) Site-specific treatment monitoring
plan, to include:
(A) Monitoring records of parameters
that are identified in the treatment
system monitoring plan and that ensure
the treatment system is operating
properly for each intended end use of
the treated landfill gas. At a minimum,
records should include records of
filtration, de-watering, and compression
parameters that ensure the treatment
system is operating properly for each
intended end use of the treated landfill
(B) Monitoring methods, frequencies,
and operating ranges for each monitored
operating parameter based on
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manufacturer’s recommendations or
engineering analysis for each intended
end use of the treated landfill gas.
(C) Documentation of the monitoring
methods and ranges, along with
justification for their use.
(D) Identify who is responsible (by job
title) for data collection.
(E) Processes and methods used to
collect the necessary data.
(F) Description of the procedures and
methods that are used for quality
assurance, maintenance, and repair of
all continuous monitoring systems.
(c) Except as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or operator of
a controlled landfill subject to the
provisions of this subpart must keep for
5 years up-to-date, readily accessible
continuous records of the equipment
operating parameters specified to be
monitored in § 60.37f as well as up-todate, readily accessible records for
periods of operation during which the
parameter boundaries established
during the most recent performance test
are exceeded.
(1) The following constitute
exceedances that must be recorded and
reported under § 60.38f:
(i) For enclosed combustors except for
boilers and process heaters with design
heat input capacity of 44 megawatts
(150 million British thermal unit per
hour) or greater, all 3-hour periods of
operation during which the average
temperature was more than 28 degrees
Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit) below
the average combustion temperature
during the most recent performance test
at which compliance with § 60.33f(c)
was determined.
(ii) For boilers or process heaters,
whenever there is a change in the
location at which the vent stream is
introduced into the flame zone as
required under paragraph (b)(3) of this
(2) Each owner or operator subject to
the provisions of this subpart must keep
up-to-date, readily accessible
continuous records of the indication of
flow to the control system and the
indication of bypass flow or records of
monthly inspections of car-seals or lockand-key configurations used to seal
bypass lines, specified under § 60.37f.
(3) Each owner or operator subject to
the provisions of this subpart who uses
a boiler or process heater with a design
heat input capacity of 44 megawatts or
greater to comply with § 60.33f(c) must
keep an up-to-date, readily accessible
record of all periods of operation of the
boiler or process heater. (Examples of
such records could include records of
steam use, fuel use, or monitoring data
collected pursuant to other state, local,
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tribal, or federal regulatory
(4) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with the provisions of this
subpart by use of a non-enclosed flare
must keep up-to-date, readily accessible
continuous records of the flame or flare
pilot flame monitoring specified under
§ 60.37f(c), and up-to-date, readily
accessible records of all periods of
operation in which the flame or flare
pilot flame is absent.
(5) Each owner or operator of a
landfill seeking to comply with
§ 60.33f(e) using an active collection
system designed in accordance with
§ 60.33f(b) must keep records of periods
when the collection system or control
device is not operating.
(d) Except as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart
must keep for the life of the collection
system an up-to-date, readily accessible
plot map showing each existing and
planned collector in the system and
providing a unique identification
location label on each collector that
matches the labeling on the plot map.
(1) Each owner or operator subject to
the provisions of this subpart must keep
up-to-date, readily accessible records of
the installation date and location of all
newly installed collectors as specified
under § 60.36f(b).
(2) Each owner or operator subject to
the provisions of this subpart must keep
readily accessible documentation of the
nature, date of deposition, amount, and
location of asbestos-containing or
nondegradable waste excluded from
collection as provided in § 60.40f(a)(3)(i)
as well as any nonproductive areas
excluded from collection as provided in
§ 60.40f(a)(3)(ii).
(e) Except as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart
must keep for at least 5 years up-to-date,
readily accessible records of the
(1) All collection and control system
exceedances of the operational
standards in § 60.34f, the reading in the
subsequent month whether or not the
second reading is an exceedance, and
the location of each exceedance.
(2) Each owner or operator subject to
the provisions of this subpart must also
keep records of each wellhead
temperature monitoring value of 55
degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit)
or above, each wellhead nitrogen level
at or above 20 percent, and each
wellhead oxygen level at or above 5
(3) For any root cause analysis for
which corrective actions are required in
§ 60.36f(a)(3) or (5), keep a record of the
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root cause analysis conducted,
including a description of the
recommended corrective action(s) taken,
and the date(s) the corrective action(s)
were completed.
(4) For any root cause analysis for
which corrective actions are required in
§ 60.36f(a)(3)(ii) or (a)(5)(ii), keep a
record of the root cause analysis
conducted, the corrective action
analysis, the date for corrective action(s)
already completed following the
positive pressure reading or high
temperature reading, and, for action(s)
not already completed, a schedule for
implementation, including proposed
commencement and completion dates.
(5) For any root cause analysis for
which corrective actions are required in
§ 60.36f(a)(3)(iii) or (a)(5)(iii), keep a
record of the root cause analysis
conducted, the corrective action
analysis, the date for corrective action(s)
already completed following the
positive pressure reading or high
temperature reading, for action(s) not
already completed, a schedule for
implementation, including proposed
commencement and completion dates,
and a copy of any comments or final
approval on the corrective action
analysis or schedule from the regulatory
(f) Landfill owners or operators who
convert design capacity from volume to
mass or mass to volume to demonstrate
that landfill design capacity is less than
2.5 million megagrams or 2.5 million
cubic meters, as provided in the
definition of ‘‘design capacity’’, must
keep readily accessible, on-site records
of the annual recalculation of sitespecific density, design capacity, and
the supporting documentation. Off-site
records may be maintained if they are
retrievable within 4 hours. Either paper
copy or electronic formats are
(g) Landfill owners or operators
seeking to demonstrate that site-specific
surface methane emissions are below
500 parts per million by conducting
surface emission monitoring under the
Tier 4 procedures specified in
§ 60.35f(a)(6) must keep for at least 5
years up-to-date, readily accessible
records of all surface emissions
monitoring and information related to
monitoring instrument calibrations
conducted according to sections 8 and
10 of Method 21 of appendix A of this
part, including all of the following
(1) Calibration records:
(i) Date of calibration and initials of
operator performing the calibration.
(ii) Calibration gas cylinder
identification, certification date, and
certified concentration.
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(iii) Instrument scale(s) used.
(iv) A description of any corrective
action taken if the meter readout could
not be adjusted to correspond to the
calibration gas value.
(v) If an owner or operator makes their
own calibration gas, a description of the
procedure used.
(2) Digital photographs of the
instrument setup. The photographs
must be time and date-stamped and
taken at the first sampling location prior
to sampling and at the last sampling
location after sampling at the end of
each sampling day, for the duration of
the Tier 4 monitoring demonstration.
(3) Timestamp of each surface scan
(i) Timestamp should be detailed to
the nearest second, based on when the
sample collection begins.
(ii) A log for the length of time each
sample was taken using a stopwatch
(e.g., the time the probe was held over
the area).
(4) Location of each surface scan
reading. The owner or operator must
determine the coordinates using an
instrument with an accuracy of at least
4 meters. Coordinates must be in
decimal degrees with at least five
decimal places.
(5) Monitored methane concentration
(parts per million) of each reading.
(6) Background methane
concentration (parts per million) after
each instrument calibration test.
(7) Adjusted methane concentration
using most recent calibration (parts per
(8) For readings taken at each surface
penetration, the unique identification
location label matching the label
specified in paragraph (d) of this
(9) Records of the operating hours of
the gas collection system for each
destruction device.
(h) Except as provided in
§ 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart
must keep for at least 5 years up-to-date,
readily accessible records of all
collection and control system
monitoring data for parameters
measured in § 60.37f(a)(1), (2), and (3).
(i) Any records required to be
maintained by this subpart that are
submitted electronically via the EPA’s
CDX may be maintained in electronic
(j) For each owner or operator
reporting leachate or other liquids
addition under § 60.38f(l), keep records
of any engineering calculations or
company records used to estimate the
quantities of leachate or liquids added,
the surface areas for which the leachate
or liquids were applied, and the
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
estimates of annual waste acceptance or
total waste in place in the areas where
leachate or liquids were applied.
§ 60.40f Specifications for active collection
For approval, a state plan must
include the specifications for active
collection systems in this section.
(a) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with § 60.33f(b) must site active
collection wells, horizontal collectors,
surface collectors, or other extraction
devices at a sufficient density
throughout all gas producing areas using
the following procedures unless
alternative procedures have been
approved by the Administrator.
(1) The collection devices within the
interior must be certified to achieve
comprehensive control of surface gas
emissions by a professional engineer.
The following issues must be addressed
in the design: depths of refuse, refuse
gas generation rates and flow
characteristics, cover properties, gas
system expandability, leachate and
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Qi = NMOC emission rate from the ith
section, megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year¥1.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic
meters per megagram solid waste.
Mi = Mass of the degradable solid waste in
the ith section, megagram.
ti = Age of the solid waste in the ith section,
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per
million by volume.
3.6×10¥9 = Conversion factor.
(B) If the owner or operator is
proposing to exclude, or cease gas
collection and control from,
nonproductive physically separated
(e.g., separately lined) closed areas that
already have gas collection systems,
NMOC emissions from each physically
separated closed area must be computed
using either Equation 3 in § 60.35f or
Equation 7 in paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of
this section.
(iii) The values for k and CNMOC
determined in field testing must be used
if field testing has been performed in
determining the NMOC emission rate or
the radii of influence (the distance from
the well center to a point in the landfill
where the pressure gradient applied by
the blower or compressor approaches
zero). If field testing has not been
performed, the default values for k, Lo,
and CNMOC provided in § 60.35f or the
alternative values from § 60.35f must be
used. The mass of nondegradable solid
waste contained within the given
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condensate management, accessibility,
compatibility with filling operations,
integration with closure end use, air
intrusion control, corrosion resistance,
fill settlement, resistance to the refuse
decomposition heat, and ability to
isolate individual components or
sections for repair or troubleshooting
without shutting down entire collection
(2) The sufficient density of gas
collection devices determined in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section must
address landfill gas migration issues and
augmentation of the collection system
through the use of active or passive
systems at the landfill perimeter or
(3) The placement of gas collection
devices determined in paragraph (a)(1)
of this section must control all gas
producing areas, except as provided by
paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (ii) of this
(i) Any segregated area of asbestos or
nondegradable material may be
excluded from collection if documented
as provided under § 60.39f(d). The
documentation must provide the nature,
date of deposition, location and amount
of asbestos or nondegradable material
deposited in the area, and must be
provided to the Administrator upon
(ii) Any nonproductive area of the
landfill may be excluded from control,
provided that the total of all excluded
areas can be shown to contribute less
than 1 percent of the total amount of
NMOC emissions from the landfill. The
amount, location, and age of the
material must be documented and
provided to the Administrator upon
request. A separate NMOC emissions
estimate must be made for each section
proposed for exclusion, and the sum of
all such sections must be compared to
the NMOC emissions estimate for the
entire landfill.
(A) The NMOC emissions from each
section proposed for exclusion must be
computed using Equation 7:
section may be subtracted from the total
mass of the section when estimating
emissions provided the nature, location,
age, and amount of the nondegradable
material is documented as provided in
paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section.
(b) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with § 60.33f(b) must construct
the gas collection devices using the
following equipment or procedures:
(1) The landfill gas extraction
components must be constructed of
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high density
polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, fiberglass,
stainless steel, or other nonporous
corrosion resistant material of suitable
dimensions to: Convey projected
amounts of gases; withstand
installation, static, and settlement
forces; and withstand planned
overburden or traffic loads. The
collection system must extend as
necessary to comply with emission and
migration standards. Collection devices
such as wells and horizontal collectors
must be perforated to allow gas entry
without head loss sufficient to impair
performance across the intended extent
of control. Perforations must be situated
with regard to the need to prevent
excessive air infiltration.
(2) Vertical wells must be placed so as
not to endanger underlying liners and
must address the occurrence of water
within the landfill. Holes and trenches
constructed for piped wells and
horizontal collectors must be of
sufficient cross-section so as to allow for
their proper construction and
completion including, for example,
centering of pipes and placement of
gravel backfill. Collection devices must
be designed so as not to allow indirect
short circuiting of air into the cover or
refuse into the collection system or gas
into the air. Any gravel used around
pipe perforations should be of a
dimension so as not to penetrate or
block perforations.
(3) Collection devices may be
connected to the collection header pipes
below or above the landfill surface. The
connector assembly must include a
positive closing throttle valve, any
necessary seals and couplings, access
couplings and at least one sampling
port. The collection devices must be
constructed of PVC, HDPE, fiberglass,
stainless steel, or other nonporous
material of suitable thickness.
(c) Each owner or operator seeking to
comply with § 60.33f(c) must convey the
landfill gas to a control system in
compliance with § 60.33f(c) through the
collection header pipe(s). The gas mover
equipment must be sized to handle the
maximum gas generation flow rate
expected over the intended use period
of the gas moving equipment using the
following procedures:
(1) For existing collection systems, the
flow data must be used to project the
maximum flow rate. If no flow data
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exist, the procedures in paragraph (c)(2)
of this section must be used.
(2) For new collection systems, the
maximum flow rate must be in
accordance with § 60.36f(a)(1).
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§ 60.41f
Terms used but not defined in this
subpart have the meaning given them in
the Clean Air Act and in subparts A and
B of this part.
Active collection system means a gas
collection system that uses gas mover
Active landfill means a landfill in
which solid waste is being placed or a
landfill that is planned to accept waste
in the future.
Administrator means the
Administrator of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency or
his/her authorized representative or the
Administrator of a state air pollution
control agency.
Closed area means a separately lined
area of an MSW landfill in which solid
waste is no longer being placed. If
additional solid waste is placed in that
area of the landfill, that landfill area is
no longer closed. The area must be
separately lined to ensure that the
landfill gas does not migrate between
open and closed areas.
Closed landfill means a landfill in
which solid waste is no longer being
placed, and in which no additional
solid wastes will be placed without first
filing a notification of modification as
prescribed under § 60.7(a)(4). Once a
notification of modification has been
filed, and additional solid waste is
placed in the landfill, the landfill is no
longer closed.
Closed landfill subcategory means a
closed landfill that has submitted a
closure report as specified in § 60.38f(f)
on or before September 27, 2017.
Closure means that point in time
when a landfill becomes a closed
Commercial solid waste means all
types of solid waste generated by stores,
offices, restaurants, warehouses, and
other nonmanufacturing activities,
excluding residential and industrial
Controlled landfill means any landfill
at which collection and control systems
are required under this subpart as a
result of the NMOC emission rate. The
landfill is considered controlled at the
time a collection and control system
design plan is prepared in compliance
with § 60.33f(e)(2).
Corrective action analysis means a
description of all reasonable interim and
long-term measures, if any, that are
available, and an explanation of why the
selected corrective action(s) is/are the
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best alternative(s), including, but not
limited to, considerations of cost
effectiveness, technical feasibility,
safety, and secondary impacts.
Design capacity means the maximum
amount of solid waste a landfill can
accept, as indicated in terms of volume
or mass in the most recent permit issued
by the state, local, or tribal agency
responsible for regulating the landfill,
plus any in-place waste not accounted
for in the most recent permit. If the
owner or operator chooses to convert
the design capacity from volume to
mass or from mass to volume to
demonstrate its design capacity is less
than 2.5 million megagrams or 2.5
million cubic meters, the calculation
must include a site-specific density,
which must be recalculated annually.
Disposal facility means all contiguous
land and structures, other
appurtenances, and improvements on
the land used for the disposal of solid
Emission rate cutoff means the
threshold annual emission rate to which
a landfill compares its estimated
emission rate to determine if control
under the regulation is required.
Enclosed combustor means an
enclosed firebox which maintains a
relatively constant limited peak
temperature generally using a limited
supply of combustion air. An enclosed
flare is considered an enclosed
Flare means an open combustor
without enclosure or shroud.
Gas mover equipment means the
equipment (i.e., fan, blower,
compressor) used to transport landfill
gas through the header system.
Gust means the highest instantaneous
wind speed that occurs over a 3-second
running average.
Household waste means any solid
waste (including garbage, trash, and
sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived
from households (including, but not
limited to, single and multiple
residences, hotels and motels,
bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew
quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds,
and day-use recreation areas).
Household waste does not include fully
segregated yard waste. Segregated yard
waste means vegetative matter resulting
exclusively from the cutting of grass, the
pruning and/or removal of bushes,
shrubs, and trees, the weeding of
gardens, and other landscaping
maintenance activities. Household
waste does not include construction,
renovation, or demolition wastes, even
if originating from a household.
Industrial solid waste means solid
waste generated by manufacturing or
industrial processes that is not a
PO 00000
Frm 00055
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
hazardous waste regulated under
Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act, parts 264 and 265 of
this chapter. Such waste may include,
but is not limited to, waste resulting
from the following manufacturing
processes: electric power generation;
fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food
and related products/by-products;
inorganic chemicals; iron and steel
manufacturing; leather and leather
products; nonferrous metals
manufacturing/foundries; organic
chemicals; plastics and resins
manufacturing; pulp and paper
industry; rubber and miscellaneous
plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and
concrete products; textile
manufacturing; transportation
equipment; and water treatment. This
term does not include mining waste or
oil and gas waste.
Interior well means any well or
similar collection component located
inside the perimeter of the landfill
waste. A perimeter well located outside
the landfilled waste is not an interior
Landfill means an area of land or an
excavation in which wastes are placed
for permanent disposal, and that is not
a land application unit, surface
impoundment, injection well, or waste
pile as those terms are defined under
§ 257.2 of this title.
Lateral expansion means a horizontal
expansion of the waste boundaries of an
existing MSW landfill. A lateral
expansion is not a modification unless
it results in an increase in the design
capacity of the landfill.
Leachate recirculation means the
practice of taking the leachate collected
from the landfill and reapplying it to the
landfill by any of one of a variety of
methods, including pre-wetting of the
waste, direct discharge into the working
face, spraying, infiltration ponds,
vertical injection wells, horizontal
gravity distribution systems, and
pressure distribution systems.
Modification means an increase in the
permitted volume design capacity of the
landfill by either lateral or vertical
expansion based on its permitted design
capacity as of July 17, 2014.
Modification does not occur until the
owner or operator commences
construction on the lateral or vertical
Municipal solid waste landfill or
MSW landfill means an entire disposal
facility in a contiguous geographical
space where household waste is placed
in or on land. An MSW landfill may
also receive other types of Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Subtitle D wastes (§ 257.2 of this title)
such as commercial solid waste,
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES2
nonhazardous sludge, conditionally
exempt small quantity generator waste,
and industrial solid waste. Portions of
an MSW landfill may be separated by
access roads. An MSW landfill may be
publicly or privately owned. An MSW
landfill may be a new MSW landfill, an
existing MSW landfill, or a lateral
Municipal solid waste landfill
emissions or MSW landfill emissions
means gas generated by the
decomposition of organic waste
deposited in an MSW landfill or derived
from the evolution of organic
compounds in the waste.
NMOC means nonmethane organic
compounds, as measured according to
the provisions of § 60.35f.
Nondegradable waste means any
waste that does not decompose through
chemical breakdown or microbiological
activity. Examples are, but are not
limited to, concrete, municipal waste
combustor ash, and metals.
Passive collection system means a gas
collection system that solely uses
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:20 Aug 26, 2016
Jkt 238001
positive pressure within the landfill to
move the gas rather than using gas
mover equipment.
Protectorate means American Samoa,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
District of Columbia, Guam, the
Northern Mariana Islands, and the
Virgin Islands.
Root cause analysis means an
assessment conducted through a process
of investigation to determine the
primary cause, and any other
contributing causes, of positive pressure
at a wellhead.
Sludge means the term sludge as
defined in 40 CFR 258.2.
Solid waste means the term solid
waste as defined in 40 CFR 258.2.
State means any of the 50 United
States and the protectorates of the
United States.
State plan means a plan submitted
pursuant to section 111(d) of the Clean
Air Act and subpart B of this part that
implements and enforces this subpart.
Sufficient density means any number,
spacing, and combination of collection
PO 00000
Frm 00056
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 9990
system components, including vertical
wells, horizontal collectors, and surface
collectors, necessary to maintain
emission and migration control as
determined by measures of performance
set forth in this part.
Sufficient extraction rate means a rate
sufficient to maintain a negative
pressure at all wellheads in the
collection system without causing air
infiltration, including any wellheads
connected to the system as a result of
expansion or excess surface emissions,
for the life of the blower.
Treated landfill gas means landfill gas
processed in a treatment system as
defined in this subpart.
Treatment system means a system that
filters, de-waters, and compresses
landfill gas for sale or beneficial use.
Untreated landfill gas means any
landfill gas that is not treated landfill
[FR Doc. 2016–17700 Filed 8–26–16; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 167 (Monday, August 29, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 59275-59330]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-17700]
[[Page 59275]]
Vol. 81
No. 167
August 29, 2016
Part II
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 60
Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 81 , No. 167 / Monday, August 29, 2016 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 59276]]
40 CFR Part 60
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0451; FRL-9949-55-OAR]
RIN 2060-AS23
Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid
Waste Landfills
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing a new
subpart that updates the Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for
Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (Emission Guidelines). The EPA reviewed
the landfills Emission Guidelines based on changes in the landfills
industry since the Emission Guidelines were promulgated in 1996. The
EPA's review of the Emission Guidelines for municipal solid waste (MSW)
landfills considered landfills that accepted waste after November 8,
1987, and commenced construction, reconstruction, or modification on or
before July 17, 2014. Based on this review, the EPA has determined that
it is appropriate to revise the Emission Guidelines to reflect changes
to the population of landfills and the results of an analysis of the
timing and methods for reducing emissions. This action will achieve
additional reductions in emissions of landfill gas and its components,
including methane, by lowering the emissions threshold at which a
landfill must install controls. This action also incorporates new data
and information received in response to an advanced notice of proposed
rulemaking and a proposed rulemaking and addresses other regulatory
issues including surface emissions monitoring, wellhead monitoring, and
the definition of landfill gas treatment system.
The revised Emission Guidelines, once implemented through revised
state plans or a revised federal plan, will reduce emissions of
landfill gas, which contains both nonmethane organic compounds and
methane. Landfills are a significant source of methane, which is a
potent greenhouse gas pollutant. These avoided emissions will improve
air quality and reduce the potential for public health and welfare
effects associated with exposure to landfill gas emissions.
DATES: This final rule is effective on October 28, 2016.
The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in
the regulations is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as
of October 28, 2016.
ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a docket for this action under
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0451. All documents in the docket are
listed in the https://www.regulations.gov index. Although listed in the
index, some information is not publicly available, e.g., Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted
material, is not placed on the Internet and will be publicly available
only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket materials are
available electronically through https://www.regulations.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information concerning this final
rule, contact Ms. Hillary Ward, Fuels and Incineration Group, Sector
Policies and Programs Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards (E143-05), Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle
Park, NC 27711; telephone number: (919) 541-3154; fax number: (919)
541-0246; email address: ward.hillary@epa.gov.
Acronyms and Abbreviations. The following acronyms and
abbreviations are used in this document.
ANPRM Advance notice of proposed rulemaking
ANSI American National Standards Institute
BMP Best management practice
Btu British thermal unit
CAA Clean Air Act
CBI Confidential business information
CDX Central Data Exchange
CEDRI Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERT Electronic Reporting Tool
FID Flame ionization detector
GCCS Gas collection and control system
GHG Greenhouse gas
GHGRP Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
GWP Global warming potential
HAP Hazardous air pollutant
HOV Higher operating value
IAMS Integrated assessment models
ICR Information collection request
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IWG Interagency working group
LFG Landfill gas
LFGCost Landfill Gas Energy Cost Model
m\3\ Cubic meters
Mg Megagram
Mg/yr Megagram per year
mph Miles per hour
MSW Municipal solid waste
mtCO2e Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt hour
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NMOC Nonmethane organic compound
NRC National Research Council
NSPS New source performance standards
NTTAA National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PM Particulate matter
PM2.5 Fine particulate matter
ppm Parts per million
ppmvd Parts per million by dry volume
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RD&D Research, development, and demonstration
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
SBAR Small Business Advocacy Review
SC-CH4 Social cost of methane
SC-CO2 Social cost of carbon dioxide
SEM Surface emissions monitoring
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
SSM Startup, shutdown, and malfunction
Tg Teragram
TIP Tribal implementation plan
TTN Technology Transfer Network
U.S. United States
USGCRP U.S. Global Change Research Program
VCS Voluntary consensus standard
VOC Volatile organic compound
Organization of This Document. The following outline is provided to
aid in locating information in this preamble.
I. Executive Summary
A. Purpose of Regulatory Action
B. Summary of Major Provisions
C. Costs and Benefits
II. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
B. Where can I get a copy of this document and other related
III. Background
A. Landfill Gas Emissions and Climate Change
B. What are the public health and welfare effects of landfill
gas emissions?
C. What is the EPA's authority for reviewing the Emission
D. What is the purpose and scope of this action?
E. How would the changes in applicability affect sources
currently subject to subparts Cc and WWW?
IV. Summary of the Final Emission Guidelines
A. What are the control requirements?
B. What are the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
C. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Provisions
V. Summary of Significant Changes Since Proposal
A. Changes to Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting
B. Tier 4
C. Changes to Address Closed or Non-Productive Areas
D. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Provisions
[[Page 59277]]
E. Other Corrections and Clarifications
VI. Rationale for Significant Changes Since Proposal
A. Changes to Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting
B. Tier 4
C. Changes to Address Closed or Non-Productive Areas
D. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Provisions
E. Other Corrections and Clarifications
VII. Impacts of This Final Rule
A. What are the air quality impacts?
B. What are the water quality and solid waste impacts?
C. What are the secondary air impacts?
D. What are the energy impacts?
E. What are the cost impacts?
F. What are the economic impacts?
G. What are the benefits?
VIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination with
Indian Tribal Governments
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children from
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions that Significantly Affect
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and
1 CFR part 51
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions to Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income
K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
I. Executive Summary
A. Purpose of Regulatory Action
This action finalizes changes to the MSW landfills Emission
Guidelines resulting from the EPA's review of the Emission Guidelines
under Clean Air Act (CAA) section 111. The EPA's review identified a
number of advances in technology and operating practices for reducing
emissions of landfill gas (LFG) and the final changes are based on our
evaluation of those advances and our understanding of LFG emissions.
The resulting changes to the Emission Guidelines will achieve
additional reductions in emissions of LFG and its components, including
methane. This final rule is consistent with the President's 2013
Climate Action Plan,\1\ which directs federal agencies to focus on
``assessing current emissions data, addressing data gaps, identifying
technologies and best practices for reducing emissions, and identifying
existing authorities and incentive-based opportunities to reduce
methane emissions.'' The final rule is also consistent with the
President's Methane Strategy,\2\ which directs the EPA's regulatory and
voluntary programs to continue to pursue emission reductions through
regulatory updates and to encourage LFG energy recovery through
voluntary programs. These directives are discussed in detail in section
III.A of this preamble. This regulatory action also resolves or
clarifies several implementation issues that were previously addressed
in amendments proposed on May 23, 2002 (67 FR 36475) and September 8,
2006 (71 FR 53271).
\1\ Executive Office of the President, ``The President's Climate
Action Plan'' June 2013. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/image/president27sclimateactionplan.pdf.
\2\ Executive Office of the President, ``Climate Action Plan
Strategy to Reduce Methane, March 2014. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/strategy_to_reduce_methane_emissions_2014-03-28_final.pdf.
1. Need for Regulatory Action
The EPA reviewed the Emission Guidelines to determine the potential
for achieving additional reductions in emissions of LFG. Significant
changes have occurred in the landfill industry over time, including
changes to the size and number of existing landfills, industry
practices, and gas control methods and technologies. Based on the EPA's
review, we are finalizing changes to the Emission Guidelines. The
changes will achieve additional emission reductions of LFG and its
components (including methane), which will reduce air pollution and the
resulting harm to public health and welfare. Landfills are a
significant source of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, for which there
are cost-effective means of reduction, so this rule is an important
element of the United States' work to reduce emissions that are
contributing to climate change. In addition, the changes provide more
effective options for demonstrating compliance, and provide
clarification of several implementation issues raised during the
amendments proposed in 2002 and 2006. Additional information supporting
the EPA's decision to review the Emission Guidelines can be found in
Section I.A. of the Emission Guidelines proposal (80 FR 52100, August
27, 2015).
2. Legal Authority
The EPA is not statutorily obligated to conduct a review of the
Emission Guidelines, but has the discretion to do so when circumstances
indicate that it is appropriate. The EPA determined that it was
appropriate to review the Emission Guidelines based on changes in the
landfill industry and changes in operation of landfills, including the
size, trends in gas collection and control system installations, and
age of landfills since the Emission Guidelines were promulgated in
1996. The EPA compiled new information on landfills through data
collection efforts for a statutorily mandated review of the existing
new source performance standards (NSPS) (40 CFR part 60, subpart WWW),
public comments received on the NSPS proposal (79 FR 41796, July 17,
2014), public comments received on the Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (ANPRM) (79 FR 41772, July 17, 2014), and public comments
received on the Emission Guidelines proposal (80 FR 52100, August 27,
2015) for use in reviewing the Emission Guidelines. This information
allowed the EPA to assess current practices, emissions, and the
potential for additional emission reductions.
The EPA interprets CAA section 111(d) as providing discretionary
authority to update emission guidelines, and by extension to require
states to update standards of performance, in appropriate
circumstances. The EPA believes this is the best, and perhaps only,
permissible interpretation of the CAA. It is consistent with the gap
filling nature of section 111(d), the general purposes of the CAA to
protect and enhance air quality. Moreover, this is supported because
Congress's grant of authority to issue regulations carries with it the
authority to amend or update regulations \3\ that they have issued.\4\
``Regulatory agencies do not establish rules of conduct to last
forever; they are supposed, within the limits of the law and of fair
and prudent administration, to adapt their rules and practices to the
Nation's needs in a volatile, changing economy. They are neither
required nor supposed to regulate the present and the future within the
inflexible limits of yesterday.'' \5\
\3\ Congress has provided the Agency with broad authority to
issue regulations ``as necessary to carry out [her] functions
under'' the Act. This broad grant of authority further supports the
reasonableness of EPA's interpretation.
\4\ See Trujillo v. General Electric Co., 621 F.2d 1084, 1086
(10th Cir. 1980) (``Administrative agencies have an inherent
authority to reconsider their own decisions, since the power to
decide in the first instance carries with it the power to
reconsider.'') (citing Albertson v. FCC, 182 F.2d 397, 399 (D.C.
Cir. 1950)). See 621 F.2d at 1088 (``The authority to reconsider may
result in some instances, as it did here, in a totally new and
different determination.'').
\5\ American Trucking Ass'n v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry.,
387 U.S. 397, 416 (1967).
To interpret the CAA otherwise would mean that Congress intended to
[[Page 59278]]
allow existing sources to operate forever without any consideration of
the need for updated controls simply because, at some point in the
distant past, the EPA had previously required these sources to be
regulated. The EPA's interpretation is consistent with the gap filling
nature of section 111(d), whereas the opposite interpretation would
undermine it. By its terms, section 111(d) was designed to address
emissions from existing sources of non-national ambient air quality
standards (NAAQS), non-CAA section 112 hazardous air pollutants.\6\ A
one-off approach would mean that the EPA would be unable to address the
threats from these sources even as we improve our understanding of the
danger presented by the pollutant at issue or new or improved control
options become available. Indeed, this lack of authority would exist
even in cases such as the instant one where some affected sources had
not yet been required to invest in emission controls.
\6\ CAA subsection 111(d)(1)(A)(i), provides that regulation
under CAA section 111(d) is intended to cover pollutants that are
not regulated under either the criteria pollutant/NAAQS provisions
or section 112 of the CAA. Thus, section 111(d) is designed to
regulate pollutants from existing sources that fall in the gap not
covered by the criteria pollutant provisions or the hazardous air
pollutant provisions. This gap-filling purpose can be seen in the
early legislative history of the CAA. As originally enacted in the
1970 CAA, the precursor to CAA section 111 (which was originally
section 114) was described as covering pollutants that would not be
controlled by the criteria pollutant provisions or the hazardous air
pollutant provisions. See S. Committee Rep. to accompany S. 4358
(Sept. 17, 1970), 1970 CAA Legis. Hist. at 420 (``It should be noted
that the emission standards for pollutants which cannot be
considered hazardous (as defined in section 115 [which later became
section 112]) could be established under section 114 [later, section
111]. Thus, there should be no gaps in control activities pertaining
to stationary source emissions that pose any significant danger to
public health or welfare.''); Statement by S. Muskie, S. Debate on
S. 4358 (Sept. 21, 1970), 1970 CAA Legis. Hist. at 227 (``[T]he bill
[in section 114] provides the Secretary with the authority to set
emission standards for selected pollutants which cannot be
controlled through the ambient air quality standards and which are
not hazardous substances.'').
The overall structure of the CAA also supports EPA's
interpretation. The primary goal of the CAA is: ``[T]o protect and
enhance the Nation's air resources so as to promote the public health
and welfare and the productive capacity of its population.'' CAA
section 101(b)(1), 42 U.S.C. 7401(b)(1). The CAA goes about this in a
number of ways. Under section 111 the chosen approach is through the
identification of the best system of emission reduction available to
reduce emissions to the atmosphere which takes into account the cost of
achieving such reductions and any nonair quality health and
environmental impact and energy requirements. These systems change over
time. Where such changes have the effect of substantially reducing
harmful air emissions, it would be illogical that the EPA would be
precluded from requiring existing sources to update their controls in
recognition of those changes, particularly when those sources may
continue to operate for decades. Similarly, if, after a rule was
finalized, factual information were to arise revealing that the initial
standards were too stringent to be met, it would be illogical that EPA
would be precluded from revising the standards accordingly. Had
Congress intended to preclude the EPA from updating the emission
guidelines to reflect changes, it would surely have specifically said
so, something it did not do.
The fact that the EPA has the authority to update the emission
guidelines does not, however, mean that it is unconstrained in
exercising that authority. Rather, the decision whether to update a
particular set of emission guidelines must be made on a rule-specific
basis after considering the same factors the EPA considered in
establishing those guidelines, including the level of reductions
achievable and the cost of achieving those reductions, and, as
appropriate, taking into account controls sources installed to comply
with the initial emission guidelines. The EPA has determined that it is
appropriate to update the emission guidelines for municipal solid waste
(MSW) landfills. The EPA's final rule is not a requirement to install
new and different control equipment (compared to the existing rule),
but rather to install the same basic controls, i.e., a well-designed
and well-operated landfill gas collection and control system, on an
accelerated basis. While this will result in some additional cost, the
EPA believes that cost is fully justified given the substantial
reduction in emissions of landfill gas and its constituent components,
including methane, that will result. As indicated in the final rule,
lowering the threshold above which landfill owners/operators must
install a gas collection and control system from 50 Mg of non-methane
organic compounds (NMOC) per year to 34 Mg/year will result in an
additional reduction in NMOC emissions of 1,810 Mg/yr and a concomitant
reduction in methane emissions of 0.285 million Mg/yr. In these
circumstances, the EPA believes that it not only has the legal
authority to update the emission guidelines, but that doing so
imminently reasonable.
B. Summary of Major Provisions
The final Emission Guidelines apply to landfills that accepted
waste after November 8, 1987,\7\ and that commenced construction,
reconstruction, or modification on or before July 17, 2014 (the date of
publication of proposed revisions to the landfills NSPS, 40 CFR part
60, subpart XXX). The final rule provisions are described below.
\7\ This date in 1987 is the date on which permit programs were
established under the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of the
Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) which amended the
Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA), 42 U.S.C. 6901-6992k. This date was
also selected as the regulatory cutoff in the Emission Guidelines
for landfills no longer receiving wastes because the EPA judged
states would be able to identify active facilities as of this date.
Thresholds for Installing Controls. The final Emission Guidelines
retain the current design capacity thresholds of 2.5 million megagrams
(Mg) and 2.5 million cubic meters (m\3\), but reduce the nonmethane
organic compounds (NMOC) emission threshold for the installation and
removal of a gas collection and control system (GCCS) from 50 Mg/yr to
34 Mg/yr for landfills that are not closed as of September 27, 2017. (A
megagram is also known as a metric ton, which is equal to 1.1 U.S.
short tons or about 2,205 pounds.) An MSW landfill that exceeds the
design capacity thresholds must install and start up a GCCS within 30
months after LFG emissions reach or exceed an NMOC level of 34 Mg/yr.
Consistent with the existing Emission Guidelines, the owner or operator
of a landfill may control the gas by routing it to a non-enclosed
flare, an enclosed combustion device, or a treatment system that
processes the collected gas for subsequent sale or beneficial use.
Emission Threshold Determination. The EPA is finalizing an
alternative site-specific emission threshold determination methodology
for when a landfill must install and operate a GCCS. This alternative
methodology, referred to as ``Tier 4,'' is based on surface emissions
monitoring (SEM) and demonstrates whether or not surface emissions are
below a specific threshold. The Tier 4 SEM demonstration allows
landfills that exceed the threshold using modeled NMOC emission rates
using Tier 1 or 2 to demonstrate that actual site-specific surface
methane emissions are below a specific threshold. A landfill that can
demonstrate that surface emissions are below 500 parts per million
(ppm) for four consecutive quarters does not trigger the requirement to
install a GCCS even if Tier 1, 2, or 3 calculations
[[Page 59279]]
indicate that the 34 Mg/yr threshold has been exceeded. Landfills that
have calculated NMOC emissions of 50 Mg/yr or greater are not eligible
for the Tier 4 emission threshold determination in order to prevent
conflicting requirements between subpart Cf and the landfills NESHAP
(40 CFR part 63, subpart AAAA). Many landfills that are subject to
subpart Cf will also be subject to the landfills NESHAP. The landfills
NESHAP requires landfills that exceed the size threshold (2.5 million
Mg and 2.5 million m\3\) and exceed the NMOC emissions threshold (50
Mg/yr) to install and operate a GCCS.
Closed Landfill Subcategory. Because closed landfills do not
produce as much LFG as an active landfill, the EPA is finalizing a
separate subcategory for landfills that close on or before September
27, 2017. Landfills in this subcategory will continue to be subject to
an NMOC emission threshold of 50 Mg/yr for determining when controls
must be installed or can be removed.
Low LFG Producing Areas. The EPA is also finalizing criteria for
determining when it is appropriate to cap or remove all or a portion of
the GCCS. The final criteria for capping or removing all or a portion
of the GCCS are: (1) The landfill is closed, (2) the GCCS has operated
for at least 15 years or the landfill owner or operator can demonstrate
that the GCCS will be unable to operate for 15 years due to declining
gas flows, and (3) the calculated NMOC emission rate at the landfill is
less than 34 Mg/yr on three successive test dates. The final rule does
not contain a GCCS removal criterion based on surface emissions
Landfill Gas Treatment. In the final Emission Guidelines, the EPA
has addressed two issues related to LFG treatment. First, the EPA is
clarifying that the use of treated LFG is not limited to use as a fuel
for a stationary combustion device but may be used for other beneficial
uses such as vehicle fuel, production of high-British thermal unit
(Btu) gas for pipeline injection, or use as a raw material in a
chemical manufacturing process. Second, the EPA is finalizing a
definition of treated landfill gas that applies to LFG processed in a
treatment system meeting the requirements in 40 CFR part 60, subpart
Cf, and defining treatment system as a system that filters, de-waters,
and compresses LFG for sale or beneficial use. The definition of
treatment system allows the level of treatment to be tailored to the
type and design of the specific combustion equipment or the other
beneficial use such as vehicle fuel, production of high-Btu gas for
pipeline injection, or use as a raw material in a chemical
manufacturing process in which the LFG is used. Owners or operators
must develop a site-specific treatment system monitoring plan that
includes monitoring parameters addressing all three elements of
treatment (filtration, de-watering, and compression) to ensure the
treatment system is operating properly for the intended end use of the
treated LFG. They also must keep records that demonstrate that such
parameters effectively monitor filtration, de-watering, and compression
system performance necessary for the end use of the treated LFG.
Wellhead Operational Standards. The EPA is finalizing changes to
certain operational standards (i.e., the requirement to meet specific
operating limits) for nitrogen/oxygen level at the wellheads. Landfill
owners or operators are not required to take corrective action based on
exceedances of specified operational standards for nitrogen/oxygen
levels at wellheads, but they must continue to monitor and maintain
records of nitrogen/oxygen levels on a monthly basis in order to inform
any necessary adjustments to the GCCS and must maintain records of
monthly readings. The operational standard, corrective action, and
corresponding recordkeeping and reporting remain for temperature and
maintaining negative pressure at the wellhead.
Surface Monitoring. The EPA is finalizing a requirement to monitor
all surface penetrations at existing landfills. In final 40 CFR part
60, subpart Cf, landfills must conduct SEM at all cover penetrations
and openings within the area of the landfill where waste has been
placed and a gas collection system is required to be in place and
operating according to the operational standards in final 40 CFR part
60, subpart Cf. Specifically, landfill owners or operators must conduct
surface monitoring on a quarterly basis at the specified intervals and
where visual observations indicate elevated concentrations of LFG, such
as distressed vegetation and cracks or seeps in the cover and all cover
Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction. The EPA is finalizing a
requirement that standards of performance in the Emission Guidelines
apply at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and
malfunction (SSM). The EPA is also finalizing an alternative standard
during SSM events: In the event the collection or control system is not
operating, the gas mover system must be shut down and all valves in the
collection and control system contributing to venting of the gas to the
atmosphere must be closed within 1 hour of the collection or control
system not operating.
Other Clarifications. The EPA is finalizing a number of
clarifications to address several issues that have been raised by
landfill owners or operators during implementation of the current NSPS
and Emission Guidelines. These clarifications include adding criteria
for when an affected source must update its design plan and clarifying
when landfill owners or operators must submit requests to extend the
timeline for taking corrective action. The EPA is also updating several
definitions in the Emission Guidelines. In addition, while the EPA is
not mandating organics diversion, we are finalizing two specific
compliance flexibilities in the Emission Guidelines to encourage wider
adoption of organics diversion and GCCS best management practices
(BMPs) for emission reductions at landfills. These compliance
flexibilities are discussed in section V.A.1 and VI.A.1 (wellhead
monitoring) and section V.B and section VI.B (Tier 4 emission threshold
determination) of this preamble.
C. Costs and Benefits
The final Emission Guidelines are expected to significantly reduce
emissions of LFG and its components, which include methane, volatile
organic compounds (VOC), and hazardous air pollutants (HAP). Landfills
are a significant source of methane emissions, and in 2014, landfills
represented the third largest source of human-related methane emissions
in the U.S. This rulemaking applies to existing landfills that
commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction on or before
July 17, 2014 and accepted waste after 1987. The EPA estimates 1,851
existing landfills that accepted waste after 1987 and opened prior to
To comply with the emission limits in the final rule, MSW landfill
owners or operators are expected to install the least-cost control for
collecting, and treating or combusting LFG. The annualized net cost for
the final Emission Guidelines is estimated to be $54.1 million (2012$)
in 2025, when using a 7 percent discount rate. The annualized costs
represent the costs compared to no changes to the current Emission
Guidelines (i.e., baseline) and include $92.6 million to install and
operate a GCCS, as well as $0.76 million to complete the corresponding
testing and monitoring. These control costs are offset by $39.3 million
in revenue from electricity sales, which is incorporated into the net
control costs for certain landfills that are expected to generate
revenue by using the LFG to produce electricity.
[[Page 59280]]
Installation of a GCCS to comply with the 34 Mg/yr NMOC emissions
threshold at open landfills would achieve reductions of 1,810 Mg/yr
NMOC and 285,000 metric tons methane (about 7.1 million metric tons of
carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e)) beyond the baseline in
year 2025. In addition, the final rule is expected to result in the net
reduction of an additional 277,000 Mg CO2, due to reduced
demand for electricity from the grid as landfills generate electricity
from LFG. The NMOC portion of LFG can contain a variety of air
pollutants, including VOC and various organic HAP. VOC emissions are
precursors to both fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone
formation. These pollutants, along with methane, are associated with
substantial health effects, welfare effects, and climate effects. The
EPA expects that the reduced emissions will result in improvements in
air quality and lessen the potential for health effects associated with
exposure to air pollution related emissions, and result in climate
benefits due to reductions of the methane component of LFG.
The EPA estimates that the final rule's estimated methane emission
reductions and secondary CO2 emission reductions in the year
2025 would yield global monetized climate benefits of $200 million to
approximately $1.2 billion, depending on the discount rate. Using the
average social cost of methane (SC-CH4) and the average
social cost of CO2 (SC-CO2), each at a 3-percent
discount rate, results in an estimate of about $440 million in 2025
The SC-CH4 and SC-CO2 are the monetary values
of impacts associated with marginal changes in methane and
CO2 emissions, respectively, in a given year. It includes a
wide range of anticipated climate impacts, such as net changes in
agricultural productivity, property damage from increased flood risk,
and changes in energy system costs, such as reduced costs for heating
and increased costs for air conditioning.
With the data available, we are not able to provide health benefit
estimates for the reduction in exposure to HAP, ozone, and
PM2.5 for this rule. This is not to imply that there are no
such benefits of the rule; rather, it is a reflection of the
difficulties in modeling the direct and indirect impacts of the
reductions in emissions for this sector with the data currently
Based on the monetized benefits and costs, the annual net benefits
of the final guidelines are estimated to be $390 million ($2012) in
2025, based on the average SC-CH4 at a 3 percent discount
rate, average SC-CO2 at a 3 percent discount rate, and costs
at a 7 percent discount rate.
II. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
This final rule addresses existing MSW landfills, i.e., landfills
accepting waste after 1987 and on which construction was commenced on
or before July 17, 2014, and associated solid waste management
programs. Potentially affected categories include those listed in Table
1 of this preamble.
Table 1--Regulated Entities
Examples of affected
Category NAICS a facilities
Industry: Air and water resource 924110 Solid waste
and solid waste management. landfills.
Industry: Refuse systems--solid 562212 Solid waste
waste landfills. landfills.
State, local, and tribal 924110 Administration of
government agencies. air and water
resource and solid
waste management
a North American Industry Classification System.
This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a
guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by the new
subpart. To determine whether your facility would be regulated by this
action, you should carefully examine the applicability criteria in
final 40 CFR 60.32f of subpart Cf. If you have any questions regarding
the applicability of the final subpart to a particular entity, contact
the person listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT
B. Where can I get a copy of this document and other related
In addition to being available in the docket, an electronic copy of
this action is available through EPA's Technology Transfer Network
(TTN) Web site, a forum for information and technology exchange in
various areas of air pollution control. Following signature by the EPA
Administrator, the EPA will post a copy of this action at https://www.epa.gov/ttnatw01/landfill/landflpg.html. Following publication in
the Federal Register, the EPA will post the Federal Register version of
this final rule and technical documents at this same Web site.
III. Background
The Emission Guidelines for MSW landfills were promulgated on March
12, 1996, and subsequently amended on June 16, 1998, February 24, 1999,
and April 10, 2000, to make technical corrections and clarifications.
Amendments were proposed on May 23, 2002, and September 8, 2006, to
address implementation issues, but those amendments were never
finalized. On July 17, 2014, the EPA issued an ANPRM for the MSW
landfills Emission Guidelines (79 FR 41772). The purpose of that action
was to request public input on controls and practices that could
further reduce emissions from existing MSW landfills and to evaluate
that input to determine if changes to the Emission Guidelines were
appropriate. On July 17, 2014, the EPA issued a concurrent proposal for
revised NSPS for new MSW landfills (79 FR 41796). On August 27, 2015
(80 FR 52100), the EPA proposed a review of the Emission Guidelines to
build on progress to date to (1) Achieve additional reductions in
emissions of LFG and its components, (2) account for changes in the
landfill industry and changes in operation of the landfills, including
the size, trends in GCCS installations, and age of landfills, as
reflected in new data, (3) provide new options for demonstrating
compliance, and (4) to complete efforts regarding unresolved
implementation issues. The EPA considered information it received in
response to the ANPRM (79 FR 41772) and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(80 FR 52100) for existing landfills in evaluating these final Emission
Guidelines. We are also finalizing some of the amendments proposed on
May 23, 2002, and September 8, 2006 to improve implementation of the
Emission Guidelines. The respective frameworks of NSPS and Emission
Guidelines have been similar since they were first promulgated in 1996
(e.g., size threshold, emission threshold, monitoring requirements,
etc). In response to public comments, which include implementation
[[Page 59281]]
associated with the potential for different approaches and requirements
between revised final rules, the EPA is finalizing similar requirements
for the NSPS and Emission Guidelines.
A. Landfill Gas Emissions and Climate Change
In June 2013, President Obama issued a Climate Action Plan that
directed federal agencies to focus on ``assessing current emissions
data, addressing data gaps, identifying technologies and best practices
for reducing emissions, and identifying existing authorities and
incentive-based opportunities to reduce methane emissions.'' \8\
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) that is 28-36 times greater
than carbon dioxide (CO2) and has an atmospheric life of
about 12 years.\9\ Because of methane's potency as a GHG and its
atmospheric life, reducing methane emissions is one of the best ways to
achieve near-term beneficial impact in mitigating global climate
\8\ Executive Office of the President, ``The President's Climate
Action Plan'' June 2013. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/image/president27sclimateactionplan.pdf.
\9\ The IPCC updates GWP estimates with each new assessment
report, and in the latest assessment report, AR5, the latest
estimate of the methane GWP ranged from 28-36, compared to a GWP of
25 in AR4. The impacts analysis in this final rule is based on the
100-year GWP from AR4 (25) instead of AR5 to be consistent with and
comparable to key Agency emission quantification programs such as
the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (GHG Inventory),
and the GHGRP.
The ``Climate Action Plan: Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions''
\10\ (the Methane Strategy) was released in March 2014. The strategy
recognized the methane reductions achieved through the EPA's regulatory
and voluntary programs to date. It also directed the EPA to continue to
pursue emission reductions through regulatory updates and to encourage
LFG energy recovery through voluntary programs.
\10\ Executive Office of the President, ``Climate Action Plan
Strategy to Reduce Methane, March 2014. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/strategy_to_reduce_methane_emissions_2014-03-28_final.pdf.
The EPA recognized the climate benefits associated with reducing
methane emissions from landfills nearly 25 years ago. The 1991 NSPS
Background Information Document \11\ asserted that the reduction of
methane emissions from MSW landfills was one of many options available
to reduce global warming. The NSPS for MSW landfills, promulgated in
1996, also recognized the climate co-benefits of controlling methane
(61 FR 9917, March 12, 1996).
\11\ Air Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills-
Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines, U.S.
EPA (EPA-450/3-90-011a) (NTIS PB 91-197061) page 2-15.
A recent study assessed EPA regulations and voluntary programs over
the period 1993-2013 and found that they were responsible for the
reduction of about 130 million metric tons of methane emissions (equal
to about 18 percent of the total U.S. methane emissions over that time
period), leading to a reduction in atmospheric concentrations of
methane of about 28 parts per billion in 2013 \12\ (compared to an
observed increase in methane concentrations of about 80 ppb over those
20 years).
\12\ Melvin, A.M.; Sarofim, M.C.; Crimmins, A.R., ``Climate
benefits of U.S. EPA programs and policies that reduced methane
emissions 1993-2013'', Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, in
press. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.est.6b00367. DOI
The review and final revision of the MSW landfills Emission
Guidelines capitalizes on additional opportunities to achieve methane
reductions while acknowledging historical agency perspectives and
research on climate, a charge from the President's Climate Action Plan,
the Methane Strategy, and improvements in the science surrounding GHG
LFG is a collection of air pollutants, including methane and NMOC.
LFG is typically composed of 50-percent methane, 50-percent
CO2, and less than 1-percent NMOC by volume. The NMOC
portion of LFG can contain various organic HAP and VOC. When the
Emission Guidelines and NSPS were promulgated in 1996, NMOC was
selected as a surrogate for MSW LFG emissions because NMOC contains the
air pollutants that at that time were of most concern due to their
adverse effects on public health and welfare. Today, methane's effects
on climate change are also considered important. In 2014, methane
emissions from MSW landfills represented 18.2 percent of total U.S.
methane emissions and 1.9 percent of total U.S. GHG emissions (in
carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)).\13\ In 2014, MSW
landfills continued to be the third largest source of human-related
methane emissions in the U.S., releasing an estimated 133.1 million
metric tons of CO2e. For these reasons and because
additional emissions reductions can be achieved at a reasonable cost,
the EPA is finalizing changes to the Emission Guidelines that are based
on reducing the NMOC and methane components of LFG.
\13\ Total U.S. methane emissions were 731 teragrams (Tg)
CO2e and total U.S. GHG emissions were 6,870.5 Tg in
2014. A teragram is equal to 1 million Mg. (A megagram is also known
as a metric ton, which is equal to 1.1 U.S. short tons or about
2,205 pounds.) U.S. EPA ``Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
and Sinks: 1990-2014.'' Table ES-2. Available at https://www.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/usinventoryreport.html.
B. What are the public health and welfare effects of landfill gas
1. Public Health Effects of VOC and Various Organic HAP
VOC emissions are precursors to both PM2.5 and ozone
formation. As documented in previous analyses (U.S. EPA, 2006 \14\,
2010 \15\, and 2014 \16\), exposure to PM2.5 and ozone is
associated with significant public health effects. PM2.5 is
associated with health effects, including premature mortality for
adults and infants, cardiovascular morbidity such as heart attacks, and
respiratory morbidity such as asthma attacks, acute bronchitis,
hospital admissions and emergency room visits, work loss days,
restricted activity days and respiratory symptoms, as well as welfare
impacts such as visibility impairment.\17\ Ozone is associated with
public health effects, including hospital and emergency department
visits, school loss days and premature mortality, as well as ecological
effects (e.g., injury to vegetation and climate change).\18\ Nearly 30
organic HAP have been identified in uncontrolled LFG, including
benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and vinyl chloride.\19\ Benzene is a
known human carcinogen.
\14\ U.S. EPA. RIA. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for
Particulate Matter, Chapter 5. Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. October 2006. Available on
the Internet at https://www.epa.gov/ttn/ecas/regdata/RIAs/Chapter%205-Benefits.pdf.
\15\ U.S. EPA. RIA. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for
Ozone. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research
Triangle Park, NC. January 2010. Available on the Internet at https://www.epa.gov/ttn/ecas/regdata/RIAs/s1-supplemental_analysis_full.pdf.
\16\ U.S. EPA. RIA. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for
Ozone. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research
Triangle Park, NC. December 2014. Available on the Internet at
\17\ U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate
Matter (Final Report). EPA-600-R-08-139F. National Center for
Environmental Assessment--RTP Division. December 2009. Available at
\18\ U.S. EPA. Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related
Photochemical Oxidants (Final). EPA/600/R-05/004aF-cF. Washington,
DC: U.S. EPA. February 2006. Available on the Internet at https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/CFM/recordisplay.cfm?deid=149923.
\19\ U.S. EPA. 1998. Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards. ``Compilation of Air Pollutant
Emission Factors, Fifth Edition, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area
Sources, Chapter 2: Solid Waste Disposal, Section 2.4: Municipal
Solid Waste Landfills''. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/ch02/final/c02s04.pdf.
[[Page 59282]]
2. Climate Impacts of Methane Emissions
In addition to the improvements in air quality and resulting
benefits to human health and the non-climate welfare effects discussed
above, reducing emissions from landfills is expected to result in
climate co-benefits due to reductions of the methane component of LFG.
Methane is a potent GHG with a global warming potential (GWP) 28-36
times greater than CO2, which accounts for methane's
stronger absorption of infrared radiation per ton in the atmosphere,
but also its shorter lifetime (on the order of 12 years compared to
centuries or millennia for CO2).20 21 According
to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment
Report, methane is the second leading long-lived climate forcer after
CO2 globally.\22\
\20\ IPCC, 2013: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science
Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker,
T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A.
Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
\21\ As previously noted, this rulemaking uses the AR4 100-year
GWP value for methane (25), rather than AR5, for CO2
equivalency calculations to be consistent with and comparable to key
Agency emission quantification programs such as the Inventory of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (GHG Inventory), and the GHGRP.
\22\ IPCC, 2013: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science
Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker,
T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A.
Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
Methane is also a precursor to ground-level ozone, which can cause
a number of harmful effects on public health and the environment.
Additionally, ozone is a short-lived climate forcer that contributes to
global warming.
In 2009, based on a large body of robust and compelling scientific
evidence, the EPA Administrator issued an Endangerment Finding under
CAA section 202(a)(1).\23\ In the Endangerment Finding, the
Administrator found that the current, elevated concentrations of GHGs
in the atmosphere--already at levels unprecedented in human history--
may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health and welfare of
current and future generations in the U.S. We summarize these adverse
effects on public health and welfare briefly here.
\23\ ``Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for
Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act,'' 74 FR
66496 (Dec. 15, 2009) (``Endangerment Finding'').
3. Public Health Impacts Detailed in the 2009 Endangerment Finding
The 2009 Endangerment Finding documented that climate change caused
by human emissions of GHGs threatens the health of Americans. By
raising average temperatures, climate change increases the likelihood
of heat waves, which are associated with increased deaths and
illnesses. While climate change also increases the likelihood of
reductions in cold-related mortality, evidence indicates that the
increases in heat mortality will be larger than the decreases in cold
mortality in the United States. Compared to a future without climate
change, climate change is expected to increase ozone pollution over
broad areas of the U.S., including in the largest metropolitan areas
with the worst ozone problems, and thereby increase the risk of
morbidity and mortality. Climate change is also expected to cause more
intense hurricanes and more frequent and intense storms of other types
and heavy precipitation, with impacts on other areas of public health,
such as the potential for increased deaths, injuries, infectious and
waterborne diseases, and stress-related disorders. Children, the
elderly, and the poor are among the most vulnerable to these climate-
related health effects.
4. Public Welfare Impacts Detailed in the 2009 Endangerment Finding
The 2009 Endangerment Finding documented that climate change
impacts touch nearly every aspect of public welfare. Among the multiple
threats caused by human emissions of GHGs, climate changes are expected
to place large areas of the country at serious risk of reduced water
supplies, increased water pollution, and increased occurrence of
extreme events such as floods and droughts. Coastal areas are expected
to face a multitude of increased risks, particularly from rising sea
level and increases in the severity of storms. These communities face
storm and flooding damage to property, or even loss of land due to
inundation, erosion, wetland submergence and habitat loss.
Impacts of climate change on public welfare also include threats to
social and ecosystem services. Climate change is expected to result in
an increase in peak electricity demand. Extreme weather from climate
change threatens energy, transportation, and water resource
infrastructure. Climate change may also exacerbate ongoing
environmental pressures in certain settlements, particularly in Alaskan
indigenous communities, and is very likely to fundamentally rearrange
U.S. ecosystems over the 21st century. Though some benefits may balance
adverse effects on agriculture and forestry in the next few decades,
the body of evidence points towards increasing risks of net adverse
impacts on U.S. food production, agriculture and forest productivity as
temperature continues to rise. These impacts are global and may
exacerbate problems outside the U.S. that raise humanitarian, trade,
and national security issues for the U.S.
5. New Scientific Assessments
In 2009, based on a large body of robust and compelling scientific
evidence, the EPA Administrator issued the Endangerment Finding under
CAA section 202(a)(1).\24\ In the Endangerment Finding, the
Administrator found that the current, elevated concentrations of GHGs
in the atmosphere--already at levels unprecedented in human history--
may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health and welfare of
current and future generations in the U.S. The D.C. Circuit later
upheld the Endangerment Finding from all challenges. Coalition for
Responsible Regulation v. EPA, 684 F. 3d 102, 116-26 (D.C. Cir. 2012).
\24\ ``Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for
Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act,'' 74 FR
66496 (Dec. 15, 2009) (``Endangerment Finding'').
Since the administrative record concerning the Endangerment Finding
closed following the EPA's 2010 Reconsideration Denial, the climate has
continued to change, with new records being set for a number of climate
indicators such as global average surface temperatures, Arctic sea ice
retreat, CO2 concentrations, and sea level rise.
Additionally, a number of major scientific assessments have been
released that improve understanding of the climate system and
strengthen the case that GHGs endanger public health and welfare both
for current and future generations. These assessments, from the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.S. Global
Change Research Program (USGCRP), and the National Research Council
(NRC), include: IPCC's 2012 Special Report on Managing the Risks of
Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation
(SREX) and the 2013-2014 Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the USGCRP's
2014 National Climate Assessment, Climate Change Impacts in the United
States (NCA3), and the NRC's 2010 Ocean Acidification: A National
Strategy to Meet the Challenges of a Changing
[[Page 59283]]
Ocean (Ocean Acidification), 2011 Report on Climate Stabilization
Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts over Decades to
Millennia (Climate Stabilization Targets), 2011 National Security
Implications for U.S. Naval Forces (National Security Implications),
2011 Understanding Earth's Deep Past: Lessons for Our Climate Future
(Understanding Earth's Deep Past), 2012 Sea Level Rise for the Coasts
of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, and Future, 2012
Climate and Social Stress: Implications for Security Analysis (Climate
and Social Stress), and 2013 Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change (Abrupt
Impacts) assessments.
The conclusions of the recent scientific assessments confirm and
strengthen the science that supported the 2009 Endangerment Finding.
The NCA3 indicates that climate change ``threatens human health and
well-being in many ways, including impacts from increased extreme
weather events, wildfire, decreased air quality, threats to mental
health, and illnesses transmitted by food, water, and disease-carriers
such as mosquitoes and ticks.'' \25\ Most recently, the USGCRP released
a new assessment, ``The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in
the United States: A Scientific Assessment'' (also known as the USGCRP
Climate and Health Assessment). This assessment finds that ``climate
change impacts endanger our health'' and that in the United States we
have ``observed climate-related increases in our exposure to elevated
temperatures; more frequent, severe, or longer lasting extreme events;
diseases transmitted through food, water, or disease vectors such as
ticks and mosquitoes; and stresses to mental health and well-being.''
The assessment determines that ``[e]very American is vulnerable to the
health impacts associated with climate change.'' Climate warming will
also likely ``make it harder for any given regulatory approach to
reduce ground-level ozone pollution'', and, unless offset by reductions
of ozone precursors, it is likely that ``climate-driven increases in
ozone will cause premature deaths, hospital visits, lost school days,
and acute respiratory symptoms.'' \26\
\25\ USGCRP, Third National Climate Assessment, p. 221.
\26\ See also Kleeman, M.J., S.-H. Chen, and R.A. Harley. 2010.
Climate change impact on air quality in California: Report to the
California Air Resources Board. https://www.arb.ca.gov/research/apr/past/04-349.pdf.
Assessments state that certain populations are particularly
vulnerable to climate change. The USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment
assesses several disproportionately vulnerable populations, including
those with low income, some communities of color, immigrant groups,
indigenous peoples, pregnant women, vulnerable occupational groups,
persons with disabilities, and persons with preexisting or chronic
medical conditions. The Climate and Health Assessment also concludes
that children's unique physiology and developing bodies contribute to
making them particularly vulnerable to climate change. Children also
have unique behaviors and exposure pathways that could increase their
exposure to environmental stressors, like contaminants in dust or
extreme heat events. Impacts from climate change on children are likely
from heat waves, air pollution, infectious and waterborne illnesses,
disruptions in food safety and security, and mental health effects
resulting from extreme weather events. For example, climate change can
disrupt food safety and security by significantly reducing food
quality, availability and access. Children are more susceptible to this
disruption because nutrition is important during critical windows of
development and growth. Older people are at much higher risk of
mortality during extreme heat events and pre-existing health conditions
also make older adults susceptible to cardiac and respiratory impacts
of air pollution and to more severe consequences from infectious and
waterborne diseases. Limited mobility among older adults can also
increase health risks associated with extreme weather and floods.
The new assessments also confirm and strengthen the science that
supported the 2009 Endangerment Finding. The NRC assessment
Understanding Earth's Deep Past stated that ``[b]y the end of this
century, without a reduction in emissions, atmospheric CO2 is projected
to increase to levels that Earth has not experienced for more than 30
million years.'' In fact, that assessment stated that ``the magnitude
and rate of the present GHG increase place the climate system in what
could be one of the most severe increases in radiative forcing of the
global climate system in Earth history.'' \27\ Because of these
unprecedented changes in atmospheric concentrations, several
assessments state that we may be approaching critical, poorly
understood thresholds. The NRC Abrupt Impacts report analyzed the
potential for abrupt climate change in the physical climate system and
abrupt impacts of ongoing changes that, when thresholds are crossed,
could cause abrupt impacts for society and ecosystems. The report
considered destabilization of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (which could
cause 3-4 m of potential sea level rise) as an abrupt climate impact
with unknown but probably low probability of occurring this century.
The report categorized a decrease in ocean oxygen content (with
attendant threats to aerobic marine life); increase in intensity,
frequency, and duration of heat waves; and increase in frequency and
intensity of extreme precipitation events (droughts, floods,
hurricanes, and major storms) as climate impacts with moderate risk of
an abrupt change within this century. The NRC Abrupt Impacts report
also analyzed the threat of rapid state changes in ecosystems and
species extinctions as examples of an irreversible impact that is
expected to be exacerbated by climate change. Species at most risk
include those whose migration potential is limited, whether because
they live on mountaintops or fragmented habitats with barriers to
movement, or because climatic conditions are changing more rapidly than
the species can move or adapt. While some of these abrupt impacts may
be of low or moderate probability in this century, the probability for
a significant change in many of these processes after 2100 was judged
to be higher, with severe impacts likely should the abrupt change
occur. Future temperature changes will be influenced by what emissions
path the world follows. In its high emission scenario, the IPCC AR5
projects that global temperatures by the end of the century will likely
be 2.6 [deg]C to 4.8 [deg]C (4.7 to 8.6 [deg]F) warmer than today.
There is very high confidence that temperatures on land and in the
Arctic will warm even faster than the global average. However,
according to the NCA3, significant reductions in emissions would lead
to noticeably less future warming beyond mid-century, and therefore
less impact to public health and welfare. According to the NCA3,
regions closer to the poles are projected to receive more
precipitation, while the dry subtropics expand (colloquially, this has
been summarized as wet areas getting wet and dry regions getting
drier), while ``[t]he widespread trend of increasing heavy downpours is
expected to continue, with precipitation becoming less frequent but
more intense.'' Meanwhile, the NRC Climate Stabilization Targets
assessment found that the area burned by wildfire in parts of western
North America is expected to grow by 2 to 4 times for 1 [deg]C (1.8
[deg]F) of warming. The NCA also found that
[[Page 59284]]
``[e]xtrapolation of the present observed trend suggests an essentially
ice-free Arctic in summer before mid-century.'' Retreating snow and
ice, and emissions of carbon dioxide and methane released from thawing
permafrost, are very likely to amplify future warming.
\27\ National Research Council, Understanding Earth's Deep Past,
p. 138.
Since the 2009 Endangerment Finding, the IPCC AR5, the USGCRP NCA3,
and three of the new NRC assessments provide estimates of projected
global average sea level rise. These estimates, while not always
directly comparable as they assume different emissions scenarios and
baselines, are at least 40 percent larger than, and in some cases more
than twice as large as, the projected rise estimated in the IPCC AR4
assessment, which was referred to in the 2009 Endangerment Finding. The
NRC Sea Level Rise assessment projects a global average sea level rise
of 0.5 to 1.4 meters by 2100. The NRC National Security Implications
assessment suggests that ``the Department of the Navy should expect
roughly 0.4 to 2 meters global average sea-level rise by 2100.'' The
NRC Climate Stabilization Targets assessment states that a global
average temperature increase of 3 [deg]C will lead to a global average
sea level rise of 0.5 to 1 meter by 2100. These NRC and IPCC
assessments continue to recognize and characterize the uncertainty
inherent in accounting for melting ice sheets in sea level rise
In addition to future impacts, the NCA3 emphasizes that climate
change driven by human emissions of GHGs is already happening now and
it is happening in the U.S. According to the IPCC AR5 and the NCA3,
there are a number of climate-related changes that have been observed
recently, and these changes are projected to accelerate in the future:
The planet warmed about 0.85 [deg]C (1.5 [deg]F) from 1880
to 2012. It is extremely likely (>95 percent probability) that human
influence was the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-
20th century, and likely (>66 percent probability) that human influence
has more than doubled the probability of occurrence of heat waves in
some locations. In the Northern Hemisphere, the last 30 years were
likely the warmest 30 year period of the last 1400 years.
Global sea levels rose 0.19 m (7.5 inches) from 1901 to
2010. Contributing to this rise was the warming of the oceans and
melting of land ice. It is likely that 275 gigatons per year of ice
melted from land glaciers (not including ice sheets) since 1993, and
that the rate of loss of ice from the Greenland and Antarctic ice
sheets increased substantially in recent years, to 215 gigatons per
year and 147 gigatons per year respectively since 2002. For context,
360 gigatons of ice melt is sufficient to cause global sea levels to
rise 1 mm.
Annual mean Arctic sea ice has been declining at 3.5 to
4.1 percent per decade, and Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent has
decreased at about 1.6 percent per decade for March and 11.7 percent
per decade for June.
Permafrost temperatures have increased in most regions
since the 1980s, by up to 3 [deg]C (5.4 [deg]F) in parts of Northern
Winter storm frequency and intensity have both increased
in the Northern Hemisphere. The NCA3 states that the increases in the
severity or frequency of some types of extreme weather and climate
events in recent decades can affect energy production and delivery,
causing supply disruptions, and compromise other essential
infrastructure such as water and transportation systems.
In addition to the changes documented in the assessment literature,
there have been other climate milestones of note. According to the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), methane
concentrations in 2014 were about 1,823 parts per billion, 150 percent
higher than concentrations were in 1750. After a few years of nearly
stable concentrations from 1999 to 2006, methane concentrations have
resumed increasing at about 5 parts per billion per year.\28\
Concentrations today are likely higher than they have been for at least
the past 800,000 years.\29\ Arctic sea ice has continued to decline,
with September of 2012 marking the record low in terms of Arctic sea
ice extent, 40 percent below the 1979-2000 median. Sea level has
continued to rise at a rate of 3.2 mm per year (1.3 inches/decade)
since satellite observations started in 1993, more than twice the
average rate of rise in the 20th century prior to 1993.\30\ And 2015
was the warmest year globally in the modern global surface temperature
record, going back to 1880, breaking the record previously held by
2014; this now means that the last 15 years have been 15 of the 16
warmest years on record.\31\
\28\ Ed Dlugokencky, NOAA/ESRL (www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends_ch4/).
\29\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2014. Climate change
indicators in the United States, 2014. Third edition. EPA 430-R-14-
004. www.epa.gov/climatechange/indicators.
\30\ Blunden, J., and D. S. Arndt, Eds., 2015: State of the
Climate in 2014. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (7), S1-S267.
\31\ https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201513.
These assessments and observed changes raise concerns that reducing
emissions of GHGs across the globe is necessary in order to avoid the
worst impacts of climate change, and underscore the urgency of reducing
emissions now. In 2011 the NRC Committee on America's Climate Choices
listed a number of reasons ``why it is imprudent to delay actions that
at least begin the process of substantially reducing emissions.'' \32\
For example, they stated:
\32\ NRC, 2011: America's Climate Choices, The National
Academies Press, p. 2.
The faster emissions are reduced, the lower the risks
posed by climate change. Delays in reducing emissions could commit the
planet to a wide range of adverse impacts, especially if the
sensitivity of the climate to GHGs is on the higher end of the
estimated range.
Waiting for unacceptable impacts to occur before taking
action is imprudent because the effects of GHG emissions do not fully
manifest themselves for decades and, once manifested, many of these
changes will persist for hundreds or even thousands of years.
In the committee's judgment, the risks associated with
maintaining business as usual are a much greater concern than the risks
associated with engaging in strong response efforts.
Overview of Climate Change Impacts in the United States
The NCA3 assessed the climate impacts in eight regions of the U.S.,
noting that changes in physical climate parameters such as
temperatures, precipitation, and sea ice retreat were already having
impacts on forests, water supplies, ecosystems, flooding, heat waves,
and air quality. The U.S. average temperatures have similarly increased
by 1.3 to 1.9 degrees F since 1895, with most of that increase
occurring since 1970, and the most recent decade was the U.S.'s hottest
as well as the world's hottest. Moreover, the NCA3 found that future
warming is projected to be much larger than recent observed variations
in temperature, with 2 to 4 degrees F warming expected in most areas of
the U.S. over the next few decades, and up to 10 degrees F possible by
the end of the century assuming continued increases in emissions.
Extreme heat events will continue to become more common, and extreme
cold less common. Additionally, precipitation is considered likely to
increase in the northern states, decrease in the southern states, and
with the heaviest precipitation events projected to increase
[[Page 59285]]
In the Northeast, temperatures increased almost 2[emsp14][deg]F
from 1895 to 2011, precipitation increased by about 5 inches (10
percent), and sea level rise of about a foot has led to an increase in
coastal flooding. In the future, if emissions continue to increase, the
Northeast is projected to experience 4.5 to 10[emsp14][deg]F of warming
by the 2080s. This is expected to lead to more heat waves, coastal and
river flooding, and intense precipitation events. Sea levels in the
Northeast are expected to increase faster than the global average
because of subsidence, and models suggest changing ocean currents may
further increase the rate of sea level rise.
In the Southeast, average annual temperature during the last
century cycled between warm and cool periods. A warm peak occurred
during the 1930s and 1940s followed by a cool period and temperatures
then increased again from 1970 to the present by an average of
2[emsp14][deg]F. Louisiana has already lost 1,880 square miles of land
in the last 80 years due to sea level rise and other contributing
factors. The Southeast is exceptionally vulnerable to sea level rise,
extreme heat events, hurricanes, and decreased water availability.
Major risks of further warming include significant increases in the
number of hot days (95[emsp14][deg]F or above) and decreases in
freezing events, as well as exacerbated ground level ozone in urban
areas. Projections suggest that there may be fewer hurricanes in the
Atlantic in the future, but they will be more intense, with more
Category 4 and 5 storms. The NCA identified New Orleans, Miami, Tampa,
Charleston, and Virginia Beach as cities at particular risk of
In the Northwest, temperatures increased by about 1.3[emsp14][deg]F
between 1895 and 2011. Snowpack in the Northwest is an important
freshwater source for the region. More precipitation falling as rain
instead of snow has reduced the snowpack, and warmer springs have
corresponded to earlier snowpack melting and reduced stream flows
during summer months. Drier conditions have increased the extent of
wildfires in the region. Average annual temperatures are projected to
increase by 3.3[emsp14][deg]F to 9.7[emsp14][deg]F by the end of the
century (depending on future global GHG emissions), with the greatest
warming is expected during the summer. Continued increases in global
GHG emissions are projected to result in up to a 30 percent decrease in
summer precipitation. Warmer waters are expected to increase disease
and mortality in important fish species, including Chinook and sockeye
In Alaska, temperatures have changed faster than anywhere else in
the U.S. Annual temperatures increased by about 3[emsp14][deg]F in the
past 60 years. Warming in the winter has been even greater, rising by
an average of 6[emsp14][deg]F. Glaciers in Alaska are melting at some
of the fastest rates on Earth. Permafrost soils are also warming and
beginning to thaw. Drier conditions had already contributed to more
large wildfires in the 10 years prior to the NCA3 than in any previous
decade since the 1940s, when recordkeeping began, and subsequent years
have seen even more wildfires. By the end of this century, continued
increases in GHG emissions are expected to increase temperatures by 10
to 12[emsp14][deg]F in the northernmost parts of Alaska, by 8 to
10[emsp14][deg]F in the interior, and by 6 to 8[emsp14][deg]F across
the rest of the state. These increases will exacerbate ongoing arctic
sea ice loss, glacial melt, permafrost thaw and increased wildfire, and
threaten humans, ecosystems, and infrastructure.
In the Southwest, temperatures are now about 2[emsp14][deg]F higher
than the past century, and are already the warmest that region has
experienced in at least 600 years. The NCA notes that there is evidence
that climate-change induced warming on top of recent drought has
influenced tree mortality, wildfire frequency and area, and forest
insect outbreaks. At the time of publication of the NCA, even before
the last 2 years of extreme drought in California, tree ring data was
already indicating that the region might be experiencing its driest
period in 800 years. The Southwest is projected to warm an additional
5.5 to 9.5[emsp14][deg]F over the next century if emissions continue to
increase. Winter snowpack in the Southwest is projected to decline
(consistent with recent record lows), reducing the reliability of
surface water supplies for cities, agriculture, cooling for power
plants, and ecosystems. Sea level rise along the California coast is
projected to worsen coastal erosion, increase flooding risk for coastal
highways, bridges, and low-lying airports, and pose a threat to
groundwater supplies in coastal cities. Also, ``[t]he combination of a
longer frost-free season, less frequent cold air outbreaks, and more
frequent heat waves accelerates crop ripening and maturity, reduces
yields of corn, tree fruit, and wine grapes, stresses livestock, and
increases agricultural water consumption.'' Increased drought, higher
temperatures, and bark beetle outbreaks are likely to contribute to
continued increases in wildfires.
The rate of warming in the Midwest has markedly accelerated over
the past few decades. Temperatures rose by more than 1.5[emsp14][deg]F
from 1900 to 2010, but between 1980 and 2010 the rate of warming was
three times faster than from 1900 through 2010. Precipitation generally
increased over the last century, with much of the increase driven by
intensification of the heaviest rainfalls. Several types of extreme
weather events in the Midwest (e.g., heat waves and flooding) have
already increased in frequency and/or intensity due to climate change.
In the future, if emissions continue increasing, the Midwest is
expected to experience 5.6 to 8.5[emsp14][deg]F of warming by the
2080s, leading to more heat waves. Specific vulnerabilities highlighted
by the NCA include long-term decreases in agricultural productivity,
changes in the composition of the region's forests, increased public
health threats from heat waves and degraded air and water quality,
negative impacts on transportation and other infrastructure associated
with extreme rainfall events and flooding, and risks to the Great Lakes
including shifts in invasive species, increases in harmful algal
blooms, and declining beach health.
High temperatures (more than 100[emsp14][deg]F in the Southern
Plains and more than 95[emsp14][deg]F in the Northern Plains) are
projected to occur much more frequently by mid-century. Increases in
extreme heat will increase heat stress for residents, energy demand for
air conditioning, and water losses. In Hawaii, other Pacific islands,
and the Caribbean, rising air and ocean temperatures, shifting rainfall
patterns, changing frequencies and intensities of storms and drought,
decreasing base flow in streams, rising sea levels, and changing ocean
chemistry will affect ecosystems on land and in the oceans, as well as
local communities, livelihoods, and cultures. Low islands are
particularly at risk.
In Hawaii and the Pacific islands, ``[w]armer oceans are leading to
increased coral bleaching events and disease outbreaks in coral reefs,
as well as changed distribution patterns of tuna fisheries. Ocean
acidification will reduce coral growth and health. Warming and
acidification, combined with existing stresses, will strongly affect
coral reef fish communities.'' For Hawaii and the Pacific islands,
future sea surface temperatures are projected to increase
2.3[emsp14][deg]F by 2055 and 4.7[emsp14][deg]F by 2090 under a
scenario that assumes continued increases in emissions.
Methane Specific Impacts. Methane is also a precursor to ground-
level ozone, which can cause a number of harmful effects on health and
the environment. Additionally, ozone is a short-lived climate forcer
that contributes to global
[[Page 59286]]
warming. In remote areas, methane is an important precursor to
tropospheric ozone formation.\33\ Almost half of the global annual mean
ozone increase since preindustrial times is believed to be due to
anthropogenic methane.\34\ Projections of future emissions also
indicate that methane is likely to be a key contributor to ozone
concentrations in the future.\35\ Unlike nitrogen oxide
(NOX) and VOC, which affect ozone concentrations regionally
and at hourly time scales, methane emissions affect ozone
concentrations globally and on decadal time scales given methane's
relatively long atmospheric lifetime compared to these other ozone
precursors.\36\ Reducing methane emissions, therefore, may contribute
to efforts to reduce global background ozone concentrations that
contribute to the incidence of ozone-related health
effects.37 38 39 These benefits are global and occur in both
urban and rural areas.
\33\ U.S. EPA. 2013. ``Integrated Science Assessment for Ozone
and Related Photochemical Oxidants (Final Report).'' EPA-600-R-10-
076F. National Center for Environmental Assessment--RTP Division.
Available at www.epa.gov/ncea/isa/.
\34\ Ibid.
\35\ Ibid.
\36\ Ibid.
\37\ West, J.J., Fiore, A.M. 2005. ``Management of tropospheric
ozone by reducing methane emissions.'' Environ. Sci. Technol.
\38\ Anenberg, S.C., et al. 2009. ``Intercontinental impacts of
ozone pollution on human mortality,'' Environ. Sci. & Technol. 43:
\39\ Sarofim, M.C., Waldhoff, S.T., Anenberg, S.C. 2015.
``Valuing the Ozone-Related Health Benefits of Methane Emission
Controls,'' Environ. Resource Econ. DOI 10.1007/s10640-015-9937-6.
C. What is the EPA's authority for reviewing the Emission Guidelines?
The EPA is not statutorily obligated to conduct a review of the
Emission Guidelines, but has the discretionary authority to do so when
circumstances indicate that it is appropriate. The EPA has determined
that it is appropriate to conduct a review of and finalize certain
changes to the Emission Guidelines due to changes in the landfill
industry and changes in operation of the landfills, including the size,
trends in GCCS installations (such as the types of MSW landfills that
have installed gas collection systems), and age of landfills since the
Emission Guidelines were promulgated in 1996 and the opportunities for
significant reductions in methane and other pollutants at reasonable
cost. The EPA compiled new information on MSW landfills through data
collection efforts for a statutorily mandated review of the NSPS,
public comments received on the NSPS proposal, and public comments
received on an ANPRM, as well as a proposed rulemaking for a review of
the Emission Guidelines. This information allowed the EPA to conduct an
assessment of current practices, emissions and potential for additional
emission reductions.
D. What is the purpose and scope of this action?
The purpose of this action is to (1) Present the results of the
EPA's review of the Emission Guidelines, (2) finalize revisions to the
Emission Guidelines based on that review, and (3) resolve or provide
clarification regarding several implementation issues that were
addressed in prior proposed amendments published on May 23, 2002 (67 FR
36475) and September 8, 2006 (71 FR 53271) as they apply to existing
sources. The final revisions appear in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf.\40\
Although the EPA is not required to respond to comments received on the
July 17, 2014, ANPRM (79 FR 41772) for the MSW landfills Emission
Guidelines or comments it received on the concurrent proposal for
revised NSPS for new MSW landfills in this document, the EPA is
summarizing several comments it received to provide a framework and
support the rationale for the final revisions to the Emission
\40\ Rather than merely updating 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cc, the
existing emissions guidelines, the EPA has determined that the most
appropriate way to proceed is to establish a new subpart that
includes both the verbatim restatement of certain provisions in the
existing Emission Guidelines and revisions to, or the addition of,
other provisions.
E. How would the changes in applicability affect sources currently
subject to subparts Cc and WWW?
Landfills currently subject to 40 CFR part 60, subparts Cc and WWW,
are considered ``existing'' with the promulgation of this new subpart
Cf and are ultimately affected by any changes to the Emission
Guidelines resulting from this review. Each MSW landfill for which
construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced on or before
July 17, 2014, the date of proposal of the standard for new landfills
under subpart XXX, is an existing source as of the effective date of
this rule. Under CAA section 111, a source is either new, i.e.,
construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced after a
proposed NSPS is published in the Federal Register (CAA section
111(a)(1)) or existing, i.e., any source other than a new source (CAA
section 111(a)(6)). Because the revised Emission Guidelines apply to
existing sources, any source that is not subject to subpart XXX will be
subject to the revised Emission Guidelines. Any existing MSW landfill
that modifies or reconstructs after July 17, 2014 would become a new
source subject to the NSPS subpart XXX.
Consistent with the general approach evinced by CAA section 111,
sources currently subject to subpart WWW would need to continue to
comply with the requirements in that rule until they become subject to
more stringent requirements in the revised Emission Guidelines as
implemented through a revised state or federal plan. The current
Emission Guidelines, subpart Cc, refer to subpart WWW for their
substantive requirements. That is, the requirements regarding the
installation and operation of a well-designed and well-operated GCCS
and compliance with the specified emission limits are the same in both
rules. Thus, because the EPA is finalizing its proposal to revise the
Emission Guidelines to increase their stringency, a landfill currently
subject to 40 CFR part 60, subpart WWW, would need to comply with the
more stringent requirements in a revised state plan or federal plan
implementing the revised Emission Guidelines (40 CFR part 60, subpart
Cf). States with designated facilities must develop (or revise) and
submit a state plan to the EPA within 9 months of promulgation of any
revisions to the Emission Guidelines (40 CFR 60.23). Any revisions to
an existing state plan and any newly adopted state plan must be
established following the requirements of 40 CFR part 60, subpart B. To
assist regulatory agencies in preparing state plans, the EPA developed
the document ``Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Volume 2: Summary of
Requirements for Section 111(d) State Plans for Implementing the
Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Emission Guidelines.'' This volume
describes the elements of a state plan and explains the state plan
development and review process. The requirements include making the
state plan publically available and providing the opportunity for
public discussion. MSW Landfills, Volume 2 is available on the TTN Web
site at https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/atw/landfill/landflpg.html. Note that
MSW Landfills, Volume 2 was written for implementing the 1996 Emission
Guidelines and contains a schedule corresponding to the 1996 Emission
Guidelines. For these 2016 Emission Guidelines, state plans are due May
30, 2017.
Once the EPA receives a complete state plan or plan revision, and
completes its review of that plan or plan revision, the EPA will
propose the plan or plan revision for approval or disapproval. The EPA
will approve or disapprove the plan or plan revision
[[Page 59287]]
according to the schedule in 40 CFR part 60, subpart B. The EPA will
publish notice of state plan approvals or disapprovals in the Federal
Register and will include an explanation of its decision. The EPA also
intends to revise the existing federal plan (40 CFR part 62, subpart
GGG) to incorporate the changes and other requirements adopted in this
final action revising the Emission Guidelines. The revised federal plan
will apply in states that have either never submitted a state plan or
not received approval of any necessary revised state plan until such
time as an initial state plan or revised state plan is approved.
Fifteen states and territories implement the original Emission
Guidelines promulgated at subpart Cc under the Federal Plan (40 CFR
part 62, subpart GGG) The revised federal plan would also apply in
Indian country unless and until replaced by a tribal implementation
plan (TIP).\41\
\41\ Indian tribes may, but are not required to, seek approval
for treatment in a manner similar to a state for purposes of
developing a tribal implementation plan implementing the Emission
guidelines. If a tribe obtains such approval and submits a proposed
TIP, the EPA will use the same criteria and follow the same
procedure in approving that plan as it does with state plans. The
federal plan will apply to all affected facilities located in Indian
country unless and until EPA approves an applicable TIP.
Because many of the landfills currently subject to 40 CFR part 60,
subparts Cc and WWW, are closed, the EPA is finalizing provisions to
minimize the burden on these closed landfills while continuing to
protect air quality, as discussed in sections V.C and VI.C of this
IV. Summary of the Final Emission Guidelines
A. What are the control requirements?
1. Design Capacity and Emissions Thresholds
The revised Emission Guidelines retain the current design capacity
thresholds of 2.5 million Mg and 2.5 million m\3\, but reduce the NMOC
emission threshold for the installation and removal of a GCCS from 50
Mg/yr to 34 Mg/yr for landfills that are not closed as of September 27,
2017. An MSW landfill that exceeds the design capacity thresholds must
install and start up a GCCS within 30 months after reporting that LFG
emissions reach or exceed a NMOC level of 34 Mg/yr NMOC. The owner or
operator of a landfill may control the gas by routing it to a non-
enclosed flare, an enclosed combustion device, or a treatment system
that processes the collected gas for subsequent sale or beneficial use.
2. Tier 4
The current Emission Guidelines (40 CFR part 60, subpart Cc)
provide that owners or operators determine whether the landfill has
exceeded the NMOC emissions threshold using one of three available
modeling procedures, known as Tiers 1, 2, and 3. The EPA is finalizing
in subpart Cf an additional optional methodology based on site-specific
surface methane emissions to determine when a landfill must install and
operate a GCCS. This alternative emission threshold methodology,
referred to as ``Tier 4,'' is based on SEM and demonstrates that
surface methane emissions are below a specific threshold. The Tier 4
SEM demonstration allows certain landfills that exceed modeled NMOC
emission rates using Tier 1 or 2 to demonstrate that site-specific
surface methane emissions are below a surface concentration threshold
(a landfill need not model emissions under Tier 3 before using Tier 4).
A landfill that can demonstrate that surface emissions are below 500
ppm for four consecutive quarters does not trigger the requirement to
install a GCCS even if Tier 1, 2, or 3 calculations indicate that the
34 Mg/yr threshold has been exceeded. Owners or operators continue to
keep detailed records of each quarterly monitoring demonstration and
must submit a Tier 4 surface emissions report annually. If a landfill
measures a surface emissions reading of greater than 500 ppm methane,
the landfill must submit a GCCS design plan and install and operate a
Tier 4 is based on the results of quarterly site-specific methane
emissions monitoring of the perimeter of the landfill and entire
surface of the landfill along a pattern that traverses the landfill at
30-meter (98-ft) intervals, in addition to monitoring areas where
visual observations may indicate elevated concentrations of LFG, such
as distressed vegetation and cracks or seeps in the cover and all cover
penetrations. If the landfill opts to use Tier 4 for its emission
threshold determination and there is any measured concentration of
methane of 500 ppm or greater from the surface of the landfill, the
owner or operator must install a GCCS, and the landfill cannot go back
to using Tiers 1, 2, or 3 modeling to demonstrate that emissions are
below the NMOC threshold.
Tier 4 is allowed only if the landfill owner or operator can
demonstrate that NMOC emissions are greater than or equal to 34 Mg/yr,
but less than 50 Mg/yr using Tier 1 or Tier 2. If both Tier 1 and Tier
2 indicate NMOC emissions of 50 Mg/yr or greater, Tier 4 cannot be
used. In addition, a wind barrier must be used for Tier 4 when the
average wind speed exceeds 4 miles per hour (mph)(or 2 meters per
second), or gusts are above 10 mph. Tier 4 measurements cannot be
conducted if the average wind speed exceeds 25 mph. Wind speed must be
measured with an on-site anemometer with a continuous recorder and data
logger for the entire duration of the monitoring event. The average
wind speed must be determined at 5-minute intervals. The gust must be
determined at 3-second intervals. Further, when conducting Tier 4
monitoring, the sampling probe must be held no more than 5 centimeters
above the landfill (e.g., using a mechanical device such as a wheel on
a pole). Tier 4 measurements cannot be conducted if the average wind
speed exceeds 25 mph
In addition, landfills with a non-regulatory GCCS are allowed to
operate the GCCS during the Tier 4 SEM demonstration, however, the GCCS
must have operated at least 75 percent of the hours during the 12
months leading up to the Tier 4 SEM demonstration.
3. Subcategory of Closed Landfills
Because many landfills are closed and do not produce as much LFG,
the EPA is finalizing the proposed subcategory for landfills that close
on or before September 27, 2017. Landfills in this subcategory will
continue to be subject to an NMOC emission threshold of 50 Mg/yr for
determining when controls must be installed or can be removed,
consistent with the NMOC thresholds in subparts Cc and WWW of 40 CFR
part 60. These closed landfills would also be exempt from initial
reporting requirements (i.e., initial design capacity, initial NMOC
emission rate, GCCS design plan, initial annual report, closure report,
equipment removal report, and initial performance test report),
provided that the landfill already met these requirements under
subparts Cc or WWW of 40 CFR part 60.
4. Criteria for Removing GCCS
Landfill emissions increase as waste is added to a landfill, but
decline over time; as waste decays, a landfill produces less and less
methane and other pollutants. In the proposed Emission Guidelines (80
FR 52112), the EPA recognized that many open landfills subject to the
Emission Guidelines contain inactive areas that have experienced
declining LFG flows. Therefore, the EPA is finalizing criteria for
determining when it is appropriate to cap, remove, or decommission a
portion of the GCCS. The criteria for capping, removing, or
[[Page 59288]]
the GCCS are: (1) The landfill is closed, (2) the GCCS has operated for
at least 15 years or the landfill owner or operator can demonstrate
that the GCCS will be unable to operate for 15 years due to declining
gas flows, and (3) the calculated NMOC emission rate at the landfill is
less than 34 Mg/yr on three successive test dates. For landfills in the
closed subcategory, the NMOC emission rate threshold for removing
controls is 50 Mg/yr.
5. Excluding Non-Productive Areas From Control
The EPA is finalizing a provision that allows the use of actual
flow data when estimating NMOC emissions for the purposes of excluding
low- or non-producing areas of the landfill from control. Owners or
operators of landfills with physically separated, closed areas may
either model NMOC emission rates, or may determine the flow rate of LFG
using actual measurements, to determine NMOC emissions. Using actual
flow measurements yields a more precise measurement of NMOC emissions
for purposes of demonstrating the closed area represents less than 1
percent of the landfills total NMOC emissions. The Emission Guidelines
historically allowed owners or operators to exclude from control areas
that are non-productive. In this final action, the retained the 1
percent criteria level, rather than raising it, to prevent landfills
from excluding areas from control unless emissions were very low. But,
to help owners or operators demonstrate that a non-productive area may
be excluded from control, the final rule allow the owner or operator to
use site-specific flow measurements to determine NMOC emissions.
6. Landfill Gas Treatment
The EPA is finalizing two provisions related to LFG treatment.
First, the EPA is clarifying that the use of treated LFG is not limited
to use as a fuel for a stationary combustion device but also allows
other beneficial uses such as vehicle fuel, production of high-Btu gas
for pipeline injection, and use as a raw material in a chemical
manufacturing process. Second, the EPA is defining ``treated landfill
gas'' as LFG processed in a treatment system meeting the requirements
in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf, and defining ``treatment system'' as a
system that filters, de-waters, and compresses LFG for sale or
beneficial use. Owners or operators must develop a site-specific
treatment system monitoring plan that includes monitoring parameters
addressing all three elements of treatment (filtration, de-watering,
and compression) to ensure the treatment system is operating properly
for each intended end use of the treated LFG. They also must keep
records that demonstrate that such parameters effectively monitor
filtration, de-watering, and compression system performance necessary
for each end use of the treated LFG. The treatment system monitoring
plan must be submitted as part of the landfill's title V permit
application. The permitting authority will review the permit
application, including the treatment system monitoring plan, as part of
the general permitting process. The treatment system monitoring
parameters would be included in the permit as applicable requirements
and thus become enforceable conditions (i.e., the landfill monitors the
treatment system monitoring parameters and maintains them in the
specified range).
B. What are the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements?
1. Wellhead Monitoring
The operational standard, corrective action, and corresponding
recordkeeping and reporting remain for temperature and maintaining
negative pressure at the wellhead. The EPA is removing the operational
standards for nitrogen/oxygen levels at wellheads. Thus, the EPA is
removing the corresponding requirement to take corrective action for
exceedances of nitrogen/oxygen at wellheads. These adjustments to the
wellhead monitoring parameters apply to all landfills. Although
landfill owners or operators are not required to take corrective action
based on exceedances of nitrogen/oxygen levels at wellheads, they are
required to monitor nitrogen/oxygen levels at wellheads on a monthly
basis to inform any necessary adjustments to the GCCS and must maintain
records of all monthly readings. The landfill owner or operator must
make these records available to the Administrator upon request.
2. Surface Monitoring
The EPA is finalizing the proposed requirement to monitor all
surface penetrations. Landfills must conduct SEM at all cover
penetrations and openings within the area of the landfill where waste
has been placed and a GCCS is required to be in place and operating
according to the operational standards in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf.
Specifically, landfill owners or operators must conduct surface
monitoring on a quarterly basis around the perimeter of the collection
area and along a pattern that traverses the landfill at no more than 30
meter intervals, at all cover penetrations, and where visual
observations may indicate the presence of elevated concentrations of
LFG, such as distressed vegetation and cracks or seeps in the cover.
Cover penetrations include wellheads, but do not include items such as
survey stakes, fencing or litter fencing, flags, signs, trees, and
utility poles.
3. Corrective Action
The owner or operator must measure the LFG temperature at the
wellhead and gauge pressure in the gas collection header applied to
each individual well on a monthly basis. If there is an exceedance
(i.e., LFG temperature of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit)
or positive pressure), the owner or operator must initiate corrective
action within 5 days. If the temperature exceedance or positive
pressure cannot be resolved within 15 days, then the owner or operator
must determine the appropriate corrective action by conducting a root
cause analysis and correct the exceedance as soon as practicable, but
no later than 60 days after the first measurement of the temperature
exceedance or positive pressure. For corrective action that takes
longer than 60 days to fully implement, the owner or operator must also
conduct a corrective action analysis and develop an implementation
schedule for the corrective action that does not exceed 120 days. The
owner or operator must also notify the Administrator of any corrective
action exceeding 60 days within 75 days and also include a description
of the root cause analysis, corrective action analysis and
implementation schedule in the annual report. If corrective action is
expected to take longer than 120 days after the initial exceedance, the
owner or operator must submit the corrective action plan and
corresponding implementation timeline to the Administrator for approval
within 75 days of the first measurement of positive pressure. Owners or
operators must keep records of corrective action analyses. Owners or
operators must include corrective action records in the annual
compliance report for corrective actions that take more than 60 days to
4. Update and Approval of Design Plan
The EPA is reaffirming some requirements and revising others to
address design plans. Design plans must continue to be prepared and
approved by a professional engineer. The landfill owner or operator
must then notify the Administrator that the plan is completed and
provide a copy of the
[[Page 59289]]
plan's signature page. The Administrator will now have 90 days to make
a decision about whether the plan should be submitted for review. If
the Administrator chooses to review, the approval process continues at
outlined in this section. However, if the Administrator indicates that
submission is not required or doesn't respond within 90 days, the
landfill owner or operator can continue to implement the plan with the
recognition that they are proceeding at their own risk. In the event
that the design plan is required to be modified to obtain approval, the
owner/operator must take any steps necessary to conform any prior
actions to the approved design plan and any failure to do so could
result in an enforcement action.
The EPA is also finalizing two criteria for when an affected source
must update its design plan and submit it to the Administrator for
approval. A revised design plan must be submitted on the following
timeline: (1) Within 90 days of expanding operations to an area not
covered by the previously approved design plan; and (2) prior to
installing or expanding the gas collection system in a manner other
than the one described in the previous design plan. The final rule
continues to require landfill owners or operators to prepare both an
initial and revised design plan.
5. Electronic Reporting
The EPA is requiring owners or operators of existing MSW Landfills
to submit electronic copies of certain required performance test
reports, NMOC emission rate reports, annual reports, Tier 4 emission
rate reports, and wet landfilling practices through the EPA's Central
Data Exchange (CDX) using the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting
Interface (CEDRI). Owners or operators are allowed to maintain
electronic copies of the records in lieu of hardcopies to satisfy
federal recordkeeping requirements.
The requirement to submit performance test data electronically to
the EPA applies only to those performance tests conducted using test
methods that are supported by the Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT). A
listing of the pollutants and test methods supported by the ERT is
available at: www3.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/ert_info.html. When the EPA
adds new methods to the ERT, a notice will be sent out through the
Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emissions Factors (CHIEF) Listserv
and a notice of availability will be added to the ERT Web site. You are
encouraged to check the ERT Web site regularly for up-to-date
information on methods supported by the ERT.
The EPA believes that the electronic submittal of the reports
addressed in this rulemaking will increase the usefulness of the data
contained in those reports, is in keeping with current trends in data
availability, will further assist in the protection of public health
and the environment and will ultimately result in less burden on the
regulated community. Electronic reporting can also eliminate paper-
based, manual processes, thereby saving time and resources, simplifying
data entry, eliminating redundancies, minimizing data reporting errors
and providing data quickly and accurately to the affected facilities,
air agencies, the EPA and the public.
The EPA Web site that stores the submitted electronic data,
WebFIRE, will be easily accessible to everyone and will provide a user-
friendly interface that any stakeholder could access. By making the
records, data, and reports addressed in this rulemaking readily
available, the EPA, the regulated community, and the public will
benefit when the EPA conducts its CAA-required reviews. As a result of
having reports readily accessible, our ability to carry out
comprehensive reviews will be increased and achieved within a shorter
period of time.
We anticipate fewer or less substantial information collection
requests (ICRs) in conjunction with prospective CAA-required reviews
may be needed. Under an electronic reporting system, the EPA would have
air emissions and performance test data in hand; we would not have to
collect these data from the regulated industry. The data would provide
useful information on actual emissions, types of controls in place,
locations of facilities, and other data that the EPA uses in conducting
required reviews or future assessments. We expect this to result in a
decrease in time spent by industry to respond to data collection
requests. We also expect the ICRs to contain less extensive stack
testing provisions, as we will already have stack test data
electronically. Reduced testing requirements would be a cost savings to
industry. The EPA should also be able to conduct these required reviews
more quickly. While the regulated community may benefit from a reduced
burden of ICRs, the general public benefits from the agency's ability
to provide these required reviews more quickly, resulting in increased
public health and environmental protection.
Air agencies could benefit from more streamlined and automated
review of the electronically submitted data. Having reports and
associated data in electronic format will facilitate review through the
use of software ``search'' options, as well as the downloading and
analyzing of data in spreadsheet format. The ability to access and
review air emission report information electronically will assist air
agencies to more quickly and accurately determine compliance with the
applicable regulations, potentially allowing a faster response to
violations which could minimize harmful air emissions. This benefits
both air agencies and the general public.
For a more thorough discussion of electronic reporting required by
this rule, see the discussion in the proposed NSPS (79 FR 41818) and
the 2015 proposed Emission Guidelines (80 FR 52127). In summary, in
addition to supporting regulation development, control strategy
development, and other air pollution control activities, having an
electronic database populated with performance test data will save
industry, air agencies, and the EPA significant time, money, and effort
while improving the quality of emission inventories and air quality
regulations and enhancing the public's access to this important
6. Landfills Recirculating Leachate or Adding Other Liquids
In the ANPRM and proposed Emission Guidelines, the EPA solicited
input on whether additional action should be taken to address emissions
from wet landfills. As discussed in section VI.A.3 of this preamble,
there were a wide variety of perspectives provided in the public
comments, and while many commenters supported separate thresholds for
wet landfills, the EPA did not receive sufficient data to support a
separate subcategory for landfills adding leachate or other liquids. In
addition, the EPA has several other pending regulatory actions that
could affect wet landfills. Accordingly, the EPA believes it is
appropriate to further assess emissions from wet landfills prior to
taking additional action. Therefore, the EPA is finalizing electronic
reporting of additional data elements, as discussed in Section V.A.3 of
this preamble, to inform potential action on wet landfills in the
C. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Provisions
The standards in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf, apply at all times,
including periods of startup or shutdown, and periods of malfunction.
The EPA is reaffirming the work practice standard applicable during SSM
events wherein
[[Page 59290]]
the landfill owner or operator is required to shut down the gas mover
system and close all valves in the collection and control system
potentially contributing to the venting of the gas to the atmosphere
within 1 hour of the collection or control system not operating. The
landfill owner or operator must also keep records and submit reports of
all periods when the collection and control device is not operating.
V. Summary of Significant Changes Since Proposal
A. Changes to Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting
1. Wellhead Monitoring
Although the EPA is finalizing the proposed removal of wellhead
operational standards for nitrogen/oxygen, the EPA has decided to
retain the operational standards for temperature. The temperature
standards were considered to be an essential indicator for fires, as
discussed in Section VI.A.1 of this preamble.
2. Corrective Action
We are revising the procedural requirements for correcting positive
pressure and temperature by allowing owners or operators 60 days to
correct exceedances. If the owner or operator cannot achieve negative
pressure or temperature of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit)
by 60 days after the initial exceedance, owners or operators must
conduct a root cause analysis to identify the most appropriate
corrective action, which can include, but is not limited to, expanding
the GCCS. For corrective action that takes longer than 60 days, owners
or operators must develop an implementation schedule to complete the
corrective action as soon as practicable, but no more than 120 days
following the initial positive pressure or temperature reading.
Additionally, owners or operators must keep records of the corrective
action analysis. Owners or operators must submit the corrective action
and corresponding implementation timeline to the Administrator for
approval when implementation of the corrective action is expected to
take longer than 120 days after the initial exceedance.
This change provides flexibility to owners or operators in
determining the appropriate remedy, as well as the timeline for
implementing the remedy.
3. Landfills Recirculating Leachate or Adding Other Liquids
The EPA is adding additional electronic reporting requirements for
wet areas of landfills. The additional reporting applies to areas of
the landfill that have recirculated leachate within the last 10 years
and to areas where other liquids were added within the last 10 years.
The EPA is requiring these landfills to annually report quantities
of liquids added and/or leachate recirculated. The first report will
contain historical quantities, where those data are available in on-
site records. The EPA is also requiring the landfill to report the
surface area over which the liquids are added or the leachate is
recirculated during each reporting year. The EPA is also requiring the
landfill to report the total waste disposed in the area with
recirculated leachate or added liquids as well as the annual waste
acceptance rates in those same areas. As discussed in Section VI.A.3 of
this preamble, this additional electronic reporting for wet landfills
will inform potential future action on wet landfills.
4. Portable Gas Analyzers
We are allowing the use of portable gas composition analyzers in
conjunction with Method 3A to monitor the oxygen level at a wellhead. A
portable analyzer may be used to monitor the oxygen level at a wellhead
provided that it is calibrated and meets all QA/QC requirements
according to Method 3A. ASTM D6522-11 may be used as an alternative to
Method 3A for wellhead monitoring as long as all the quality assurance
is conducted as required by ASTM D6522-11. To use ASTM D6552-11, the
sample location must be prior to combustion.
This change allows owners or operators to employ devices that are
commonly used in practice to measure wellhead parameters. This change
also eliminates the need for the landfill owner or operator to request
portable analyzers as an alternative, as well as the need for agency
review or approval of such requests. In addition to providing reliable
results when used properly, portable analyzers have a number of
benefits, including common use, the ability to provide additional
information on gas composition, and the ability to download data to a
spreadsheet for easy access and analysis.
5. More Precise Location Data
The EPA is finalizing a requirement for landfills to report the
latitude and longitude coordinates of each surface emissions exceedance
(500 ppm methane or greater), as proposed, except the instrument
accuracy must be at least 4 meters instead of 3 meters. This change
will provide a more robust and long-term record of GCCS performance.
Landfill owners or operators and regulators can use locational data to
gain perspective on how the LFG collection system is functioning over
time and owners or operators will be able to track trends in GCCS
performance and cover practices to ensure a well operating system and
minimize emissions.
B. Tier 4
The EPA is finalizing the use of Tier 4 SEM as an alternative way
of determining when a landfill must install a GCCS; however, in the
final rule, the final Tier 4 emissions threshold determination can be
used only at landfills that have modeled NMOC emissions using Tier 1 or
Tier 2 of greater than or equal to 34 Mg/yr but less than 50 Mg/yr
because the landfills NESHAP (40 CFR part 63, subpart AAAA) requires
landfills that have modeled NMOC emissions of 50 Mg/yr or greater to
install and operate a GCCS irrespective of surface emissions. If both
Tier 1 and Tier 2 indicate NMOC emissions of 50 Mg/yr or greater, Tier
4 cannot be used (a landfill need not model emissions under Tier 3
before using Tier 4). In order to verify that the landfill is eligible
for Tier 4, the EPA is finalizing a provision to require landfill
owners or operators that choose to use Tier 4 to continue to conduct
Tier 1 and Tier 2 NMOC emission rate calculations and report results in
the annual report.
The EPA is also limiting the use of Tier 4 at landfills with a GCCS
installed. In order for a landfill with an operational GCCS to qualify
for Tier 4, the GCCS must have operated for at least 75 percent of the
12 months prior to initiating Tier 4 testing. The EPA is finalizing
reporting and recordkeeping requirements for the annual operating hours
of destruction devices in order to verify that a landfill with a GCCS
installed and opting for Tier 4 meets the GCCS criteria for having
operated the system.
In addition, the EPA is finalizing specific requirements for the
use of Tier 4 for emission threshold determinations related to wind
speed. Since accurate measurements can be compromised in even
moderately windy conditions, the EPA is requiring the owner or operator
to use a wind barrier, similar to a funnel or other device, to minimize
surface air turbulence when onsite wind speed exceeds the limits in the
rule. Thus, when a wind barrier is used, the final rule allows the Tier
4 surface emissions demonstration to proceed when the average on-site
wind speed exceeds 4 mph, or gusts exceed 10 mph. Tier 4 measurements
cannot be conducted if the average wind speed exceeds 25
[[Page 59291]]
mph. Although we are aware of the use of wind barriers in the field,
the EPA intends to provide additional guidance on their use. In
addition, the owner or operator must take digital photographs of the
instrument setup, including the wind barrier. The photographs must be
time and date-stamped and taken at the first sampling location prior to
sampling and at the last sampling location after sampling at the end of
each sampling day, for the duration of the Tier 4 monitoring
demonstration. The owner or operator must maintain those photographs
per the recordkeeping requirements. Wind speed must be measured with an
on-site anemometer with a continuous recorder and data logger for the
entire duration of the monitoring event. The average wind speed must be
determined at 5-minute intervals. The gust must be determined at 3-
second intervals. Further, when taking surface measurements, the
sampling probe must be held no more than 5 centimeters above the
landfill surface (e.g., using a mechanical device such as a wheel on a
The EPA is also finalizing reporting and recordkeeping requirements
to ensure that a GCCS is installed in a timely manner and to improve
the transparency of SEM testing. To ensure that a GCCS is installed in
a timely manner, the EPA is requiring a GCCS to be installed and
operated within 30 months of the most recent NMOC emission rate report
in which the calculated NMOC emission rate equals or exceeds 34 Mg/yr
according to Tier 2, once there is any measured concentration of
methane of 500 ppm or greater from the surface of the landfill. To
improve the transparency of SEM testing, landfill owners or operators
must notify the delegated authority 30 days prior to conducting Tier 4
tests and maintain records of all SEM monitoring data and calibrations.
In addition, landfill owners or operators must take and store digital
photographs of the instrument setup. The photographs must be time and
date-stamped and taken at the first sampling location prior to sampling
and at the last sampling location after sampling at the end of each
sampling day, for the duration of the Tier 4 monitoring demonstration.
C. Changes To Address Closed or Non-Productive Areas
1. Closed Landfill Subcategory
The closed landfill subcategory is expanded to include those
landfills that close on or before September 27, 2017 which is 13 months
after publication of the final Emission Guidelines. This change gives
landfills that closed or are planning to close time to complete the
steps to reach closure.
2. Criteria for Removing or Decommissioning GCCS
The GCCS can be capped or removed when a landfill owner or operator
demonstrates that (1) the landfill is closed, (2) the GCCS has operated
for at least 15 years or the landfill owner or operator can demonstrate
that the GCCS will be unable to operate for 15 years due to declining
gas flows, and (3) the calculated NMOC emission rate at the landfill is
less than 34 Mg/yr on three consecutive test dates (50 Mg/yr for the
closed landfill subcategory). The final rule does not contain a GCCS
removal criterion based on SEM.
D. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Provisions
In the 2015 Emission Guidelines proposal (80 FR 52103), the EPA
clarified that standards apply at all times, including periods of SSM.
The EPA also added requirements to estimate emissions during SSM
events. Consistent with Sierra Club v. EPA, 551 F.3d 1019 (D.C. Cir.
2008), the EPA is clarifying that the standards in the Emission
Guidelines, once implemented through an EPA-approved state plan or a
promulgated federal plan, apply at all times. In recognition of the
unique nature of landfill emissions, and consistent with the need for
standards to apply at all times, including during periods of SSM, the
EPA is reaffirming a work practice standard that applies during SSM
events. During such events, owners or operators must shut down the gas
mover system and close within 1 hour all valves in the collection and
control system contributing to the potential venting of the gas to the
atmosphere. The landfill owner or operator must also keep records and
submit reports of all periods when the collection and control device is
not operating.
E. Other Corrections and Clarifications
The use of EPA Method 25A and Method 18 (on a limited basis, e.g.,
specific compounds like methane) are included in the final rule. Method
25A in conjunction with Method 18 (for methane) or Method 3C can be
used to determine NMOC for the outlet concentrations less than 50 ppm
NMOC as carbon.
VI. Rationale for Significant Changes Since Proposal
After considering public comments and further analyzing the
available data, the EPA made several changes in this final rule
relative to what we proposed. A complete list of public comments
received on the proposed rule and the responses to them can be viewed
in the document ``Responses to Public Comments on EPA's Standards of
Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills and Emission Guidelines
and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: Proposed
Rules'' (hereafter ``Response to Comments document''), which is
available in Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0451. This section of the preamble
summarizes comments and presents responses to those comments for only
those provisions that have changed since the 2015 proposed Emission
A. Changes to Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting
1. Wellhead Monitoring
In the 2014 proposed NSPS, the EPA requested comment on alternative
wellhead monitoring requirements, including potential exclusion from
the temperature and nitrogen/oxygen monitoring requirements, or a
reduction in the frequency of this monitoring. For example, the EPA
indicated that it could reduce the frequency of wellhead monitoring for
these three parameters (temperature and nitrogen/oxygen) from monthly
to a quarterly or semi-annual schedule. The EPA requested comments on
whether the potential exclusion should apply to a subset of landfills
or landfill areas based on beneficial use of LFG.
In the 2015 proposed Emission Guidelines, the EPA proposed to
remove the operational standards (i.e., the requirement to meet
operating limits) for temperature and nitrogen/oxygen at the wellheads,
thus removing the corresponding requirement to take corrective action
for exceedances of these parameters. This approach was taken to
eliminate the need for owners or operators to request higher operating
values (HOVs) for these parameters, submit alternative timelines for
corrective action, or expand the GCCS to address exceeding these
wellhead standards. The EPA proposed to maintain the requirement to
monitor nitrogen/oxygen and temperature on a monthly basis, but to
remove the requirement to report exceedances from fluctuations or
variations in these parameters in the annual reports. Instead of annual
reporting, the EPA proposed that landfill owners or operators maintain
the records of this monthly monitoring on site to inform any necessary
adjustments to the GCCS and make these records available to the
Administrator upon request. The EPA proposed to maintain the
requirement to
[[Page 59292]]
operate the GCCS at negative pressure and in a manner that collects the
most LFG and minimizes losses of LFG through the surface of the
landfill. The EPA also requested comments on whether it should add a
requirement to monitor wellhead flow rate, or any other wellhead
monitoring parameters, that would help to ensure a well-operated GCCS
(80 FR 52138).
Comment: Several commenters want the EPA to maintain the wellhead
operational standards, including states, industry consultants, and
environmental organizations, with one environmental organization
stating that these wellhead parameters are the only warning signal for
potential fire hazards. One state stated that the removal of the
operational standards could lead to some landfill owners or operators
not operating the GCCS in an effective manner, thus creating a
potential for increased LFG emissions through the landfill surface.
Many other commenters supported removing the nitrogen/oxygen and
temperature operational standards, including industry, some states),
and the Small Business Association. Several commenters indicated that a
lack of response to or approval of HOV requests or alternative
timelines for corrective action, despite appropriate justification, is
a significant administrative barrier in the current Emission
Guidelines. These commenters stated that a lack of response to or
approval of HOVs results in owners or operators having to install new
wells to correct for temperature or oxygen exceedances even though such
expansion of the GCCS does not correct the exceedance and may be
contrary to a well-operated GCCS. One commenter stated that removing
the operational standards would alleviate one of the most significant
barriers to installing interim gas collection measures and would
alleviate the corresponding administrative burden of requesting HOVs.
Other commenters stated that removing the operational standards would
not only reduce administrative burden, but would also facilitate early
installation of GCCS and the use of appropriate best management
practices to maximize gas collection. Two commenters from state
agencies agreed with removing the operational standards, and agreed
with retaining monthly monitoring of temperature and nitrogen/oxygen
and retaining the corresponding monitoring data.
Several commenters suggested that certain monitoring data should be
reported on a semi-annual basis so that agencies can identify or
prevent fires. For example, state agency commenters suggested that the
EPA require semi-annual reporting of wellhead readings above 5 percent
oxygen and 130 degrees Fahrenheit, which was supported by supplemental
comments received from the industry and industry trade organizations.
One commenter also suggested reporting of any subsurface fire. One
regional agency wanted the results to be reported if temperature
exceeds 150[emsp14][deg]F and also suggested reporting any methane to
carbon dioxide ratio less than 1.
Commenters that supported removal of the operational standards for
temperature and nitrogen/oxygen also contended that the nitrogen/oxygen
and temperature wellheads parameters are poor indicators of landfill
fires or inhibited decomposition and that landfill owners or operators
already have their own incentive to prevent landfill fires. Commenters
added that expanding the LFG collection system by drilling new wells
may introduce more air into the landfill, which can exacerbate a fire
and actually increase oxygen content. Commenters (0451-0178, 0451-0167,
0215-0191, 0215-0121) that favored retaining the operational standards
for temperature and nitrogen/oxygen contend that temperature and
nitrogen/oxygen data are essential to inform regulators of the presence
of the potential for a landfill fire.
Response: After carefully considering public comments and available
data, the EPA is removing the operational standards (i.e., the
requirement to meet operating limits) for nitrogen/oxygen, but not
temperature. Landfill owners or operators must continue to monitor
nitrogen/oxygen on a monthly basis, however, to ensure that the GCCS is
well maintained and operated, collects the most LFG, and minimizes
losses of LFG through the surface of the landfill. Landfill owners or
operators must maintain records of this monthly monitoring and make
these records available to the Administrator upon request. The EPA is
requiring monthly monitoring and recordkeeping for these wellhead
monitoring parameters (i.e., oxygen, nitrogen, temperature, and
pressure), since these are key indicators that are already being
monitored by landfill owner or operators to determine how well the
landfill is being operated, including the capturing and destroying
landfill gas, promoting efficient anaerobic decomposition and/or
preventing landfill fires.
Because of concerns regarding fire hazards, the EPA is retaining
the operational standard for temperature. Landfill owners or operators
must electronically submit, as part of their annual report, all
readings that show LFG temperatures greater than 55 degrees Celsius
(131 degrees Fahrenheit), and document the root cause and corrective
action taken to correct for this exceedance, as discussed in section
VI.A.2 of this preamble. While several commenters supported removing
the temperature parameter, other commenters were concerned with fire
risks if the parameter was removed. In addition, given the EPA
experience with consent decrees and other enforcement actions involving
elevated temperature values, the EPA has decided to retain temperature
as an operating standard in the final rule. This overall approach will
reduce the number of requests for higher operating values and
alternative timeliness for nitrogen/oxygen parameters. In addition,
note that regulatory agencies can request data records of oxygen,
nitrogen, or temperature monitoring, as measured on a monthly basis, at
any time.
Landfills are subject to 40 CFR part 60, subpart A. These
provisions require landfill owners or operators, to the extent
practicable, to maintain and operate any affected facility including
associated air pollution control equipment in a manner consistent with
good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Due to
the extreme environmental consequences of a subsurface landfill fire,
these provisions obligate landfill owners or operators to take all
practical steps necessary to avoid landfill fires. While this action
removes requirements to meet operational standards for nitrogen/oxygen
at wellheads and to make corrective actions, landfill owners or
operators must continue all due diligence to ensure that the GCCS is
not overdrawn, thereby creating a flammable subsurface environment.
Because the corrective action requirements for certain parameters
have been retained, the EPA is reaffirming its provisions for HOVs. The
HOV provisions were originally enacted to address variations in
temperature between landfills and between wells. With a sufficient
demonstration (i.e., supporting data showing the elevated parameter
does not cause fires or significantly inhibit anaerobic decomposition
by killing methanogens), an HOV may be established for temperature,
nitrogen, or oxygen at a particular well. The EPA encourages regulatory
authorities review requests for HOVs in a timely manner and to make use
of these mechanisms where
[[Page 59293]]
appropriate.\42\ States may also consider HOVs when developing state
\42\ The EPA asserts the importance of case specific HOV
requests and approvals. However, to address concerns from HOV
request reviewers and those submitting requests, an example of
regulatory guidance for HOV demonstrations can be found at https://www.epa.ohio.gov/portals/34/document/guidance/gd_1002.pdf.
2. Corrective Action
In a 1998 Federal Register notice (63 FR 32748, June 16, 1998), the
EPA amended the wellhead monitoring provisions of 40 CFR part 60,
subpart WWW, to allow an alternative timeline for correcting wellhead
exceedances to be submitted to the Administrator for approval. The rule
change made the wellhead monitoring provisions consistent with the SEM
provisions, which allow an alternative remedy and corresponding
timeline for correcting an exceedance to be submitted to the
Administrator for approval. The EPA noted in the 1998 preamble that any
timeline extending more than 120 days must be approved by the
regulating agency. Since 1998, questions have been raised about the
timing of correcting wellhead exceedances and whether a landfill needs
agency approval for corrective action timelines that exceed 15 calendar
days but are less than the 120 days allowed for expanding the GCCS.
In the 2015 Emission Guidelines proposal, the EPA clarified its
intent and outlined a corresponding timeline for correcting positive
pressure at a wellhead. The EPA proposed that a landfill must submit an
alternative corrective action timeline request to the Administrator for
approval if the landfill cannot restore negative pressure within 15
calendar days of the initial failure to maintain negative pressure and
the landfill is unable to (or does not plan to) expand the gas
collection system within 120 days of the initial exceedance. The EPA
explained in the preamble that it did not specify a schedule in the
proposed rule language by when a landfill would need to submit
alternative timeline requests because the EPA determined that
investigating and determining the appropriate corrective action, as
well as the schedule for implementing corrective action, would be site
specific and depend on the reason for the exceedance (80 FR 52126). In
addition, the EPA requested comment (80 FR 52126) on an alternative
timeline that extends the requirement for notification from 15 days to
as soon as practicable, but no later than 60 days from when an
exceedance is identified. In the 2014 ANPRM, the EPA had requested
comment on the same approach, as well as whether 60 days is the
appropriate time to make necessary repairs.
Comment: The EPA received comments on the proposed changes,
including the time allowed for corrective action and for submitting
alternative timeline requests for approval by the Administrator.
Regarding the timeframe for submitting a request, several state
agencies recommended extending the 15-day timeline for a request to be
submitted and indicated that 15 days is not sufficient time to evaluate
the problem and plan for corrective action, which may often involve
construction activities. There were varied opinions from the state
agencies on what length of time beyond 15 days is appropriate. Two
agencies supported an extension to as soon as practicable but no later
than 60 days, other agencies specified that the request should be
submitted within 30 days from the initial exceedance.
Industry representatives from private and publicly owned landfills
as well as waste industry consultants opposed the requirement to submit
a request for an alternative corrective action timeline within 15 days.
The commenters were concerned that 15 days is not enough time to assess
the appropriate solution across miles of interconnected piping. In
addition, the commenters were concerned that a 15-day time period would
increase the paperwork for both the landfill and the reviewing
regulatory agency. One commenter indicated that while many repairs can
be completed within 60 days, some repairs, especially in cold weather
climates, may take longer. One industry commenter suggested that a
timeframe of 90 days to complete any adjustments or repairs is
appropriate. If the corrections could not be made within 90 days, the
commenter stated that the landfill would be prepared to have the system
expanded within 120 days.
Industry commenters raised the issue that the timeline for
corrective action for surface exceedances in the current subpart WWW
regulations, 40 CFR 60.755(c)(4)(v), allows 120 days to install a new
well or other collection device or submit an alternative timeline for
another corrective action. These commenters also indicated that the
1998 NSPS amendments modified the corrective action for wellhead
parameter exceedances to be consistent with the timeframe allowed for
correcting surface exceedances (63 FR 32748, June 16, 1998). The
commenters also noted that the 1998 amendments recognized that
installation of a new well may not always be the appropriate corrective
action for remedying a wellhead exceedance.
Despite the 1998 rule amendments, several of these industry
commenters note that interpretation and implementation of the 1998
amendments to 40 CFR 60.755(a)(3) have been inconsistent, with some
agencies only requiring the landfill owner or operator to submit
requests if the corrective action will take longer than 120 days. Other
states have taken the position that any exceedances that cannot be
resolved within 15 days must automatically result in a requirement to
expand the GCCS. One commenter referenced determinations that required
landfills to submit an alternative timeline request within 15 days. One
commenter indicated that the original rule never anticipated
notification and a request for an alternative compliance timeline
within 15 days, while another commenter indicated that the state of
Texas requires landfills to submit alternative timelines only if the
corrective action requires more than 120 days to complete.
In consideration of the 1998 final rule notice, industry commenters
recommended that EPA require landfill owners or operators to submit an
alternative timeline request for approval as soon as practicable and
only in circumstances in which a system expansion or alternative
corrective action will require more than 120 days to complete. One of
the commenters (Republic 0451-0176) suggested that this approach was
consistent with the Petroleum Refineries NSPS (40 CFR part 60, subpart
Ja). The commenter noted that while the Landfills NSPS requires special
approval to avoid the default corrective action of expanding the GCCS,
the Refineries NSPS requires a root cause analysis to identify the
appropriate corrective action, without specifying a default approach.
The Refineries NSPS requires a root cause analysis and a corrective
action analysis for exceedances and requires the facility to implement
the corrective action within 45 days. If the corrective action cannot
be completed in 45 days, the refinery must document and record all
corrective actions completed to date. For actions not fully completed
by day 45, they must develop an implementation schedule, as soon as
practicable, for beginning and completing all corrective action.
One commenter provided some ideas for landfills to demonstrate good
faith effort to comply with the 120-day corrective action schedule.
They suggested the rules clarify that the landfill owner or operator is
required to submit a notification to the agency that
[[Page 59294]]
identifies and describes the diagnosis performed, the results of the
diagnosis, identifies the corrective measure or alternative remedy to
be implemented and reason(s) why system expansion is not appropriate to
correct the exceedance. Under such an approach, corrective measures
other than expansion that take 0-60 days to complete from the initial
exceedance would not require any notification or approval but they
would be documented in the annual compliance report. For corrective
actions other than expansion that take longer than 60 days but less
than 120 days to complete, the landfill owner or operator would notify
the regulatory agency by day 75 from the date of the initial
exceedance. This would allow 45 days for the agency to review and
comment, and such notification would not require agency approval so as
not to delay the site from proceeding with and completing the
corrective action, as long as the corrective actions are completed
within the 120-day timeframe.
Industry commenters indicated that the timeline for corrective
action is affected by other regulations. Two of these commenters noted
that any corrective action that involves disturbing the final landfill
cover could delay diagnosing the problem. All of these commenters also
noted that a 60-day timeframe is problematic for landfills affected by
the Asbestos NESHAP (40 CFR part 61, subpart M), which requires a 45-
day notification prior to disturbing areas that may have asbestos
containing material.
Response: The EPA is retaining the corrective action requirements
for temperature in addition to negative pressure. The EPA recognizes
the importance of temperature as a critical indicator of landfill fires
and its effect on methanogens. Further removal of the corrective action
requirements for temperature could have the unintended consequence of
improper operation of a GCCS which could lead to a subsurface fire. Due
to the importance of this parameter, e-reporting requirements for
excessive temperature have also been established to better assess
landfill fires.\43\
\43\ The need to rely on temperature in addition to pressure is
also illustrated in the report titled Subsurface Heating Events at
Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris Landfills: Best
Management Practices at https://www.epa.state.oh.us/Portals/34/document/guidance/gd_1009.pdf.
After carefully considering the comments received and evaluating
the available data, the EPA is finalizing corrective action
requirements that generally give owners or operators 60 days to
investigate and determine the appropriate corrective action and then
implement that action. The EPA has retained the requirements for
temperature and positive pressure, in that if positive pressure or
temperature exceedances exist, action must be initiated to correct the
exceedances within 5 calendar days. This requirement has been retained
to ensure the landfill takes prompt action to ensure the GCCS remains
well-operated. The EPA recognizes, however, that the appropriate
corrective action, as well as a schedule to implement it, is site-
specific and depends on the reason for the exceedance. Therefore, for
corrective action that takes longer than 60 days after the initial
exceedance to implement, the EPA is providing flexibility for the
landfill to determine the appropriate course of action based on a root
cause analysis. Specifically, if the owner or operator cannot achieve
negative pressure or temperature of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit) at the GCCS wellhead within 15 days, then the owner or
operator must conduct a root cause analysis and correct the exceedance
as soon as practicable, but no later than 60 days after positive
pressure or temperature of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit)
was first measured. An implementation schedule is required for
exceedances that will take longer than 60 days to correct. A root cause
analysis is an assessment conducted through a process of investigation
to determine the primary cause, and any other contributing cause(s), of
positive pressure at a wellhead or temperature above 55 degrees Celsius
(131 degrees Fahrenheit). The root cause analysis and documentation of
the corrective action taken to restore negative pressure or temperature
of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit) must be kept on site as
a record, but they do not have to be submitted or approved.
If negative pressure or temperature of 55 degrees Celsius (131
degrees Fahrenheit) cannot be achieved within 60 days, then the owner
or operator must develop an implementation schedule to complete the
corrective action(s) as soon as practicable, but no more than 120 days
following the positive pressure or temperature reading. The owner or
operator must also notify the Administrator within 75 days. The
implementation schedule, root cause analysis, and documentation of the
corrective action taken to restore negative pressure or temperature of
55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit) must be submitted in the
facility's next annual report, but these items do not have to be
If the exceedance cannot be corrected (or is not expected to be
corrected) within 120 days, then the owner or operator must submit the
root cause analysis, plan for corrective action to restore negative
pressure or temperature of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit),
and the corresponding implementation timeline to the Administrator. The
Administrator must approve the plan for corrective action and the
corresponding timeline. The owner or operator must submit the proposed
corrective action and timeline to the Administrator for approval as
soon as practicable but no later than 75 days after the initial
exceedance. Requiring approval by the Administrator for corrective
action timelines that extend beyond 120 days is consistent with the
corrective action timeline for surface emissions in 40 CFR
60.36f(c)(4)(v). This approach also prevents the landfill owner or
operator from delaying submittals for corrective action requests until
day 120. Once the negative pressure has been restored, the facility
must document the corrective actions taken in the facility's next
annual report.
For corrective action required to address positive pressure or
temperature, the owner or operator must keep a record of the root cause
analysis conducted, including a description of the recommended
corrective action(s); the date for corrective action(s) already
completed following the positive pressure reading and; and for
action(s) not already completed within 60 days of the initial positive
pressure reading, a schedule for implementation, including proposed
commencement and completion dates. For corrective actions taking longer
than 60 days to correct the exceedance, the owner or operator would
also include in the annual report the root cause analysis, recommended
corrective action(s), date corrective actions were completed, and
schedule for implementing corrective actions. The owner or operator
must also notify the Administrator within 75 days. For corrective
actions taking longer than 120 days to correct the exceedance, the
owner or operator would include, in a separate notification submitted
to the Administrator for approval as soon as practicable, but no later
than 75 days after the initial positive pressure or elevated
temperature reading, the root cause analysis, recommended corrective
action(s), date corrective actions taken to date were completed, and
proposed schedule for implementing corrective actions.
[[Page 59295]]
3. Landfills Recirculating Leachate or Adding Other Liquids
In the ANPRM and proposed Emission Guidelines, the EPA solicited
input on whether additional action should be taken to address emissions
from wet landfills (i.e., landfills that recirculate leachate or add
liquids). Commenters differed on whether the EPA should require
separate thresholds or different lag times for landfills that
recirculate leachate or add liquids. (The lag time is the time period
between when the landfill exceeds the emission rate threshold and when
controls are required to be installed and started up.)
Comments: Commenters supported more environmentally protective
requirements for wet landfills and asserted that wet landfills produce
more methane but actually collect less. Commenters said that the EPA
should shorten the lag time for installing controls for these
landfills. Other commenters opposed separate requirements for wet
landfills and contended that additional requirements for wet landfills
would achieve minimal emission reductions and would result in a
significant additional burden for landfills that recirculate leachate.
One commenter said that the EPA should focus on potential emission
reductions at landfills that recirculate leachate.
Commenters also differed on what methane generation rate (k-value)
should be used in the landfill Emission Guidelines for wet landfills.
One commenter indicated that they have previously provided several
studies on k-values for wet landfills to EPA and urged the EPA to
update the emission factors for wet landfills based on this literature
prior to adjusting the control requirements at landfills recirculating
leachate or adding other liquids. Another commenter asked the EPA to
use higher, more representative k-values, or perhaps a sensitivity
analysis for a range of k-values to estimate the impacts of controlling
emissions from wet landfills in the landfills Emission Guidelines.
Response: Based on the diverse nature of the feedback provided and
several other outstanding EPA actions affecting the control
requirements and emission factors for wet landfills, the EPA is not
creating separate emission threshold or lag time requirements for wet
landfills in this action. Instead, the EPA believes it is appropriate
to further assess emissions from wet landfills prior to taking
additional action on control requirements or changes to the k-values.
As a result, the EPA is finalizing additional electronic reporting
requirements for wet landfills with a design capacity of 2.5 million Mg
or greater to inform potential future action on wet landfills. The
final rule is limiting reporting of these additional data to wet
landfills that meet the current size threshold of 2.5 million Mg of
design capacity to be consistent with the universe of landfills that
are affected by the rule.
Specifically, the final Emission Guidelines require annual
electronic reporting of the volume of leachate recirculated (gallons
per year) and the volume of other liquids added (gallons per year), as
well as the surface area over which the leachate is recirculated (or
sprayed), and the surface area (acres) over which any liquids are
applied. The quantity of leachate recirculated or liquids added should
be based on company records or engineering estimates. The initial
report will collect historical data for the 10 years preceding the
initial annual reporting year, to the extent the data are available in
on-site records, along with data corresponding to the initial reporting
year. After the initial report, the other annual electronic reports
will include only the quantities of leachate recirculated and/or added
liquid and their corresponding surface areas for each the subsequent
reporting year. The EPA believes many landfills, especially those
operating with a Research, Development, and Demonstration (RD&D)
permit, already keep records and may submit reports containing
quantities of liquids added. So, the effort to track these additional
data is expected to be minimal. RD&D permits are issued through
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) subtitle D, part 258
regulations for MSW landfills. The EPA is also aware of some state
rules that require reporting of leachate or added liquids outside of
the Clean Air Act reporting requirements. Consolidating these data in
an electronic format in a central repository can help inform how
leachate or added liquids affect LFG generation and collection whether
air emission standards should be adjusted for wet landfills.
The EPA is also requiring the landfill to report the total waste
disposed (Mg) in the area with recirculated leachate and/or added
liquids, as well as the annual waste acceptance rates (Mg/yr) in those
same areas. Recognizing that the waste quantities may be tracked at the
scale house entry to the landfill and not the specific cell where the
liquids are added, the EPA is allowing the landfill to report data
based on on-site records or engineering estimates.
The EPA is exempting landfills in the closed landfill subcategory
from this wet landfill report recognizing that this information would
be difficult to obtain from this subcategory of landfills, these
landfills are unlikely to still be adding liquids if closed, and also
because the gas generation from these landfills is on the downward side
of their gas generation curve. In addition, for similar reasons the EPA
is allowing owners or operators of landfills to discontinue annual
reporting of the wet landfill report after the landfill has submitted
its closure report.
The EPA is also aware of annual LFG collected and annual LFG
generation data electronically reported to 40 CFR part 98, subpart HH,
of the GHGRP and therefore the EPA is not requesting reporting of these
data in this rule to avoid duplicative requests. However, the EPA may
link the wet landfill practices data collected under the landfills NSPS
with the annual gas collected data under subpart HH in order to inform
how liquids addition affects LFG emissions. Similarly, the EPA
understands that precipitation may affect gas generation. However,
since precipitation data are readily available through the National
Weather Service, the EPA is not requiring reporting of this parameter.
Instead, the EPA will use existing electronic data already available to
link up with data collected under this final rule. These additional
data will be used to assess the appropriateness of potential future
action on wet areas of landfills.
The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) requires each federal agency to
obtain OMB approval before undertaking a collection of information
directed to 10 or more people. The PRA applies whether a ``collection
of information is mandatory, voluntary, or required to obtain or retain
a benefit.'' The EPA believes the additional data on wet landfills will
be beneficial for evaluating whether separate thresholds for wet
landfills are appropriate when revising future MSW landfill standards.
Because the EPA understands that many of the data elements in the wet
landfill report, including quantities of leachate or other liquids
added and the surface areas over which those liquids are added are
tracked at a state level as part of a leachate management or RDD
permit, the EPA does not anticipate these data. Additionally, the EPA
is allowing landfill owners or operators to report the data elements in
the wet landfill monitoring report using either engineering estimates
or on-site records to minimize the burden on respondents, depending on
the types of records the landfill owner/operator may keep.
This is a new rule and a new collections submitted to OMB under
[[Page 59296]]
EPA ICR number 2522.02. This collection is similar to collections for
subpart Cc. Thus, many of the line item burden estimates in this ICR
estimate are the same as the burdens submitted to OMB under ICR number
1893.06 for the most recent ICR renewal for subpart Cc.
4. Portable Gas Analyzers
Commenters on the proposed NSPS (79 FR 41796) requested that the
EPA specify that portable gas composition analyzers are an acceptable
alternative to Methods 3A or 3C, and noted that these devices are
commonly used in practice to measure wellhead parameters and are
calibrated according to the manufacturer's specifications. Currently,
approvals of these analyzers are done on a case-by-case basis.
Therefore, in the preamble for the proposed revisions of the Emission
Guidelines (80 FR 52141), the EPA requested data or information on
using a portable gas composition analyzer according to Method 3A for
wellhead monitoring. The EPA also requested data on other reference
methods used for calibrating these analyzers.
Comment: Many commenters supported the use of portable gas
composition analyzers and requested that the EPA specify that these
analyzers may be used as an approved alternative monitoring method for
well monitoring. Three state agencies indicated the use of the portable
analyzers is common practice. One of these agencies stated that Method
3A and Method 3C are designed to be used in ``quasi-CEMS'' and/or
``laboratory benchtop'' situations and most landfill operators are not
using this type of equipment to test wellhead LFG; instead, landfill
operators are using handheld-size portable analyzers. Another state
agency stated that portable gas composition analyzers (e.g., Landtec
GEM 2000) are a standard for conducting MSW landfill well monitoring
and the analyzers provide additional information on gas composition
than what the current Emission Guidelines require, which provides
operators with a better understanding of the condition of the landfill.
This commenter said that a primary advantage of portable gas
composition analyzers, for both landfills and regulators, is that these
devices take and record the monitored readings (as well as other
information on gas composition that is not required to be monitored in
the Emission Guidelines), which can then be downloaded into a
spreadsheet and prevent landfills from making data collection mistakes.
The commenter suggested that the EPA and state air pollution control
agencies would benefit if the EPA were to require landfills to submit,
in their semi-annual reports, all of the monitoring data recorded by
portable gas composition analyzers.
One commenter stated that most portable gas composition analyzers
can be used to measure the oxygen level at the wellhead and can be
calibrated according to Method 3A, but are unlikely to be calibrated
according to Method 3C (to measure oxygen or nitrogen levels) because
such calibration requires the use of gas chromatograph equipment with a
thermal conductivity detector and integrator. The commenter said that
Method 3A is straightforward and does not specify a particular
technology. Several commenters specifically referenced the comments
from an equipment manufacturer that provided specific details on how
its Landtec GEM Series portable analyzers are able to comply with each
specific requirement in Method 3A, including the calibration
requirements. Two of these commenters said that portable gas
composition analyzers should be allowed in both the Emissions
Guidelines and NSPS. Another of these commenters requested that the EPA
add language to the rule to recognize that balance gas is commonly used
as a surrogate for nitrogen.
With regard to the EPA's request for data on other reference
methods used for calibrating portable gas composition analyzers, one
commenter suggested that the EPA allow ASTM D6522 as an alternative to
Method 3A because an analyzer can easily be calibrated for oxygen alone
following ASTM D6522. The commenter stated that although the QA/QC
procedures in ASTM D6522 are different from Method 3A, they are just as
rigorous as Method 3A. The commenter stated that it has extensive data
available showing portable gas composition analyzers are routinely
calibrated according to ASTM Method D6522 for measuring NOx, CO, and
oxygen during engine testing. This commenter also stated that any
analyzer or device must be calibrated according to an EPA approved
method and not just manufacturer's specifications.
Response: The EPA appreciates the commenters providing information
regarding the use of portable gas composition analyzers for landfill
monitoring. Commenters provided data showing that their portable gas
composition analyzers are used to monitor the oxygen level at a
wellhead and are capable of meeting the calibration requirements in
Method 3A. Therefore, in this action, we are clarifying the use of
portable gas composition analyzers with Method 3A. A portable gas
composition analyzer may be used to monitor the oxygen level at a
wellhead provided that the analyzer is calibrated and meets all QA/QC
according to Method 3A. Although we did not receive enough information
regarding calibration methods that could be used on a portable gas
composition analyzer to monitor the nitrogen level at a wellhead, any
portable combustion monitor analyzer that uses gas chromatography and
thermal conductivity technology may be used with Method 3C. Other
technologies for the measurement of nitrogen may be used in lieu of
Method 3C through the administrative alternative test method process
outlined in 40 CFR 60.8(b)(2).
Regarding the suggestion to allow ASTM D6522-11 as an alternative
to Method 3A, the EPA thanks the commenter for their perspective. As
long as all the quality assurance is conducted as required by ASTM
D6522-11, then ASTM D6522-11 may be used as an alternative to Method 3A
for wellhead monitoring (prior to combustion). Examples of quality
assurance required by ASTM D6522-11 include, but are not limited to:
analyzers must have a linearity check, interference check, bias check
using mid-level gases, stability check, and be calibrated before a
test; and a calibration error check and the interference verification
must be conducted after the testing has occurred. Due to a different
sample matrix typically found in post-combustion gas streams as stated
in the applicability of ASTM D6522-11, the interference check must be
done on the oxygen measurement with the appropriate gases (e.g., carbon
dioxide, VOC mixture, and methane) and concentration ranges. The ASTM
D6522-11 method also has calibrations before and calibration checks
after testing. According to Methods 3A, 3C, and ASTM D6522-11, the data
are valid only when they pass the bias check or zero and upscale
calibration error check. The EPA does not believe manufacturers'
specifications are rigorous enough to ensure data are of a proper
5. More Precise Location Data
The EPA proposed more specific requirements for reporting the
locations where measured methane surface emissions are 500 ppm above
background (80 FR 52124). Specifically, the EPA proposed to require
landfills to report the latitude and longitude coordinates of each SEM
exceedance using an instrument with an accuracy of at least 3 meters.
This includes surface methane readings above 500 ppm for landfills
conducting quarterly SEM with
[[Page 59297]]
GCCS in place, as well as landfills that are conducting Tier 4 SEM to
determine the timing of GCCS installation.
Comments: Several commenters supported and several commenters
opposed the EPA's proposed requirement to report the latitude and
longitude coordinates of each methane surface emissions exceedance
using an instrument with an accuracy of at least 3 meters.
Of those commenters that supported the requirement, one said that
making global positioning system (GPS) coordinates of each exceedance
available would assist owners or operators in determining the location
and timing of exceedances relative to the GCCS components and would
also assist in inspections and enforcement. This commenter added that
these requirements provided important compliance monitoring assurances
as well as important information to landfill owners or operators
regarding their GCCS effectiveness. Other supportive commenters argued
that all SEM data and GPS coordinates should be recorded, no matter
whether there is an exceedance. One of these commenters, a state
agency, said that the NSPS and Emission Guidelines have historically
required retention of only exceedance data, but GPS data correlated
with SEM readings would be an invaluable addition to the monitoring
procedure. Another commenter said recording all SEM data (rather than
only exceedances) was necessary to show compliance with the monitoring
requirement; and by linking the methane readings with positioning data,
the time required to process the data would be reduced. Commenters said
that by correlating the SEM readings directly with the location of the
reading, facilities and their regulators could easily gain a clear
picture of how the LFG collection system was functioning and anticipate
problems before they arose by tracking trends in the data.
Of the commenters that opposed the requirement that owners or
operators of landfills report the latitude and longitude coordinates of
each exceedance using an instrument with an accuracy of at least 3
meters, one said it was unclear why coordinate information must be
reported, given that it merely adds burden for sites to collect and
report as well as for agencies to review. Two of these commenters
argued that the added expense to purchase an instrument (i.e., a GPS
device), use that GPS device in the field, and then plot the GPS data
on a map, may provide no additional value to the operator compared to
marking exceedances with marker flags. One of these commenters stated
that 3 meters is too much of an error range such that the use of GPS
alone may not allow the operator to return to the exact spot of the
exceedance, and may still necessitate the use of a marker flag. Another
of these commenters added that the existing approach of marking
exceedances at their exact physical location with a marker flag is
actually more accurate because it does not rely on a technology with
accuracy limitations.
Some of the commenters that oppose the requirement said that it is
unclear from the docket materials (e.g., the Regulatory Impact
Analysis) whether the EPA evaluated: (1) If GPS equipment can achieve
an accuracy of at least 3 meters; (2) the cost to purchase or rent GPS
equipment; and/or (3) the size and weight of the GPS equipment with
regard to requiring a technician to carry another field monitoring
instrument. One of these commenters added that because GPS equipment is
not typically integrated into other monitoring devices, monitoring
technicians will be required to carry the GPS equipment in addition to
the monitoring equipment, which could be difficult and present a safety
Response: The EPA is finalizing a requirement for landfills to
report the latitude and longitude coordinates of each surface emissions
exceedance, as proposed, except the instrument accuracy must be at
least 4 meters instead of 3 meters. GPS technology is readily available
and is currently in use at landfills in California and other landfills
employing electronic LFG data management systems. These GPS devices
have the ability to identify latitude and longitude coordinates in
decimal degrees with at least five decimal places. This level of
accuracy and precision is consistent with the requirements in Petroleum
Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance
Standards (80 FR 75250). The EPA is aware of one device that is already
in use by some landfills in California to conduct surface emissions
monitoring and to create a more comprehensive understanding of the
GCCS. The instrument, containing a flame ionization detector (FID), is
linked by Bluetooth wireless technology to a GPS-enabled handheld field
instrument. This instrument has an accuracy of 2-4 meters.
When reviewing site records on the location of the traversed path
and where surface emission leaks were identified, inspectors will be
able to identify areas of the landfill where surface monitoring
activities may be incomplete, which may assist with targeting
inspections to problem areas of the landfill. In addition, more precise
location data will allow the landfill owner or operator to overlay the
coordinates of surface exceedances against maps of the GCCS to
determine spatial and temporal patterns of exceedances relative to GCCS
components. Both the landfill owner or operator and regulators can use
locational data to gain perspective on how the LFG collection system is
functioning over time and will allow the landfill to track trends in
GCCS performance and cover practices.
Using GPS locational data will provide a more robust and long-term
record of GCCS performance compared to the short-term practice of
simply marking an exceedance location with a marker flag. Owners or
operators may continue the practice of marking exceedances with a flag,
but GPS data will allow the landfill owner or operator to return
readily to the location of the exceedance to not only take the required
corrective action, but also to track and inform long-term performance
of the GCCS to minimize emissions.
The EPA included the rental price of a Trimble Integrated Landfill
Gas Solution device, which combines a FID linked by Bluetooth wireless
technology to a GPS-enabled handheld field instrument, in the revised
testing and monitoring cost analysis for both the final Emission
Guidelines and final NSPS. The GPS location is recorded in real time as
the technician traverses the path so the labor involved in gathering
and recording the data with GPS coordinates is expected to be minimal.
In fact, the recording of each surface reading and the corresponding
locational data is automatic, in contrast to the older technology,
which may have involved handwriting an exceedance in a notebook and
then transposing the data to a computer after returning from the field.
Eliminating transposing the data could reduce data entry errors and
improve data accuracy and credibility. The GPS device is already in use
by landfills that maintain an electronic LFG data management system to
map long-term trends in GCCS performance. The GPS device weighs
approximately 21 ounces (including battery weight) and can be clipped
to a belt or attached to a backpack to allow the technician to complete
the monitoring safely.
B. Tier 4
In the 2015 Emission Guidelines proposal, the EPA proposed Tier 4
as an alternative site-specific emission threshold determination for
when a landfill must install and operate a GCCS (80 FR 52112). For both
Tier 4 SEM for
[[Page 59298]]
determining the timing for GCCS installation and SEM to ensure a well
operated GCCS, the EPA considered limiting SEM during windy conditions.
Specifically, in the Emission Guidelines, the EPA proposed that SEM
must be terminated when the average wind speed exceeds 5 mph or the
instantaneous wind speed exceeds 10 mph. However, the EPA also proposed
that the Administrator may approve alternatives to this wind speed
surface monitoring termination for landfills consistently having
measured winds in excess of these specified limits.
Comments. The EPA received numerous comments on the Tier 4
provisions included in the 2015 Emission Guidelines proposal. The
discussion below includes all comments related to changes since the
2015 proposal; more detailed comments are available in the Response to
Comments document. A summary of the initial comments received in
response to our request for comments for a Tier 4 provision in the 2014
ANPRM was provided in the preamble to the proposal (80 FR 52112).
Which landfills should qualify. Some commenters believe that the
EPA should limit the types of landfills that qualify for Tier 4. One
commenter opposed the inclusion of a Tier 4 option for new landfills,
stating that it allows a subset of new landfills to delay methane
capture requirements when these landfills will be required to install a
GCCS in the future and should have a GCCS designed and installed during
landfill construction. One commenter encouraged the EPA to ban Tier 4
for landfills with a voluntary (non-regulatory) GCCS because it is
possible that GCCS design, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements could be avoided indefinitely through the use of a non-
regulatory GCCS that may not provide the same level of control as
required by the EPA landfills regulations. Another commenter thinks
that Tier 4 could be conducted at landfills with a GCCS installed, but
that the GCCS should follow typical operational conditions during the
Tier 4 test. In other words, if portions of the site are typically
offline due to decreased gas flow, the commenter (0215-0197) thinks
those portions must remain offline during Tier 4. Further, one
commenter believes that no means of gas control whatsoever should be
employed during the Tier 4 exemption.
Frequency. There were a variety of opinions on how often SEM should
be conducted for Tier 4. One commenter suggested the SEM should be done
annually instead of quarterly. Two other commenters were concerned with
reducing the frequency to semi-annually unless the landfill no longer
accepted waste. One of these commenters noted that if a landfill has
already crossed the 34 Mg/yr NMOC threshold and the facility continues
to receive solid waste, then the expected gas generation will continue
to increase.
Windy conditions. Many commenters, including many state agencies,
opposed limiting surface monitoring during windy conditions, stating
that the wind restrictions would be a significant inhibitor to
completing the required monitoring in many regions of the country due
to typical windy conditions. Commenters also stated that it would be
difficult to schedule and reschedule dedicated sampling crews.
Commenters claimed that climate conditions across the United States
are too variable, that monitoring the wind using an anemometer is not
representative of wind conditions where the surface monitoring is
required (5-10 cm of surface), and that it is difficult to assemble
monitoring team and schedule monitoring events if they may be cancelled
due to wind. One commenter supports the development of a Tier 4 SEM
methodology that is functional during windy conditions. Other
commenters support the removal of the wind speed criteria and
replacement with a requirement that surface monitoring be performed
during typical meteorological conditions. Lastly, one commenter pointed
out that the Tier 4 proposal is inconsistent with the ongoing quarterly
SEM requirements since Tier 4 has wind restrictions and the ongoing
quarterly SEM does not.
One commenter noted that EPA recognized wind speed can skew the
results of SEM. Another commenter did not submit comments specific to
the wind speed limitations; however, this commenter supported the SEM
approach in the CA LMR, which does include wind speed restrictions.
Reporting requirement. Commenters supported the notification
requirement; however, one commenter believes landfills should not be
required to reschedule monitoring events based on the availability of
regulatory authorities. Furthermore, two commenters thought the
notification requirement was acceptable but with the existing wind
requirements, coordination with regulators could become even more
challenging. Another commenter did not support the notification
requirement because Tier 4 is voluntary.
Response: After considering public comments and input from small
entity outreach, the EPA is finalizing Tier 4 SEM procedures for
determining when a landfill must install a GCCS. Tier 4 provides
operational flexibility and allows owners or operators of landfills
that have exceeded the modeled NMOC emission rate threshold to
demonstrate that site-specific surface methane emissions are below a
specific threshold. Commenters raised some valid points, however, and
based on our consideration of that input, we are making some
adjustments to the final rule.
In response to public comments concerned with implementation of
Tier 4 with wind speed restrictions, the EPA is retaining a wind speed
limitation with allowance of a wind barrier when onsite wind speed
exceeds the limits in the regulation. The EPA is also providing
additional clarifications about probe placement (as described in
sections IV.A.2 and V.B of this preamble) for Tier 4 SEM. In the
proposed NSPS (80 FR 52136), the EPA acknowledged concerns about the
accuracy of SEM under windy conditions. The EPA is including the wind
speed restriction, because air movement can affect whether the monitor
is accurately reading the methane concentration during surface
monitoring. Because Tier 4 is an optional emission threshold
methodology, the EPA believes that wind speed restrictions and the use
of wind barriers are appropriate to ensure the reliability of the
results, which in turn determine the timing of GCCS installation. We
also refined the wind speed criteria to account for gusts up to 10 mph.
The EPA is not finalizing a variance for wind speed, but is allowing
the use of a wind barrier. In the proposed NSPS (80 FR 52136), the EPA
acknowledged concerns about the accuracy of SEM under windy conditions.
The EPA also expressed concern about whether monitors could accurately
read methane concentrations or provide representative results. The EPA
has provided the Tier 4 approach as a flexible alternative to
traditional modeling based approaches; but still asserts the importance
of accurate measurements due to the use of the SEM approach to
determine installation of controls.
In addition, Tier 4 is allowed only if the landfill owner or
operator can demonstrate that NMOC emissions are greater than or equal
to 34 Mg/yr but less than 50 Mg/yr using Tier 1 or Tier 2 (a landfill
need not model emissions under Tier 3 before using Tier 4). Tier 3 was
not required because tiers 1 and 2 are more commonly used. If both Tier
1 and Tier 2 indicate NMOC emissions of 50 Mg/yr or greater, then Tier
4 cannot be used. This change avoids a
[[Page 59299]]
potential conflict between what is required under the Emission
Guidelines and what is required by the landfills NESHAP for landfills
with modeled NMOC emissions greater than 50 Mg/yr. It also ensures that
landfills with modeled NMOC emissions at 50 Mg/yr or more continue to
be required to install controls at an NMOC level and on a schedule that
is at least as stringent as the current NSPS (40 CFR part 60, subpart
WWW). To demonstrate that NMOC emissions are less than 50 Mg/yr
according to Tier 1 and Tier 2, landfill owners or operators will
continue to calculate the NMOC emission rate and report results
Regarding frequency of monitoring, the EPA is finalizing an
approach where quarterly SEM is required for Tier 4 indefinitely unless
the landfill is closed. Closed landfills would be able to reduce the
frequency of surface emission monitoring to annually after four
quarters of no surface exceedances. Landfills that are closed are on
the downside of their gas generation profile.
Regarding landfills equipped with a non-regulatory GCCS, the EPA is
allowing the non-regulatory GCCS to be in operation during the Tier 4
SEM demonstration, but only if the non-regulatory GCCS has operated for
at least 75 percent of the hours the 12 months leading up to the Tier 4
SEM demonstration (6,570 hours), as discussed below. The EPA recognizes
that many landfills have acted early to control their emissions and
installed a GCCS before surpassing the size and NMOC emission
thresholds in the landfills regulations in order to recover and utilize
LFG methane for beneficial use, flare for carbon credits, control
odors, or meet state-specific regulations that may be more stringent
than the federal NSPS standards. Thus, during the SEM demonstration,
the non-regulatory GCCS must continue to operate as it normally would
to collect and control as much LFG as possible. Although these
landfills do not operate their GCCS under the landfills NSPS, they
employ the same technology that would be applied to comply with the
landfills NSPS. Many of these non-regulatory GCCSs are located at sites
that are likely to eventually exceed the NSPS size and NMOC emissions
thresholds and thus if no exceedances are identified during a Tier 4
SEM, the system is operating at a level consistent with the landfills
NSPS collection and control requirements and operational standards at a
point in time earlier than when federal regulations would require.
These near-term methane reductions from non-regulatory GCCS are
beneficial to the environment and the goal of achieving short-term
emission reductions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. In addition,
landfill owners or operators have incentive to operate the GCCS as
efficiently as possible to collect and control LFG to avoid surface
exceedances, as it would reduce paperwork requirements associated with
the compliance provisions of the landfills NSPS. The non-regulatory
GCCS would have to be robust to keep readings below 500 ppm methane
during an SEM demonstration.
To not allow the Tier 4 demonstration while a non-regulatory GCCS
is in operation under these circumstances would create a disincentive
for landfill owners or operators to install control systems voluntarily
before emissions reach the regulatory threshold for review. The
requirement to operate the GCCS at least 75 percent of the hours during
the 12 months leading up to the Tier 4 SEM demonstration (described
below) will ensure that the non-regulatory GCCS is in regular use and
thus represents accurate operation of the facility.
The landfill owner or operator is allowed to operate the non-
regulatory GCCS during the Tier 4 demonstration, but only if the non-
regulatory GCCS has operated for at least 75 percent of the hours
during the 12 months leading up to the Tier 4 SEM demonstration (6,570
of 8,760 hours). To demonstrate that the non-regulatory GCCS operated
at least 75 percent of the hours during the 12 months leading up to the
Tier 4 SEM demonstration, landfill owners or operators must keep
records of the total operating hours of the gas collection system as
measured for each destruction device (i.e., at the flare, engine, or
other destruction device), as well as the annual operating hours where
active gas flow was sent to each destruction device. If the non-
regulatory GCCS has not operated at least 75 percent of the hours
during the 12 months leading up to the Tier 4 SEM demonstration, then
the landfill is not eligible for Tier 4. The EPA seeks to encourage use
of voluntary non-regulatory GCCS systems for early gas collection
before emissions reach the regulatory threshold for review, while still
allowing landfill owners and operators to use Tier 4 surface emissions
monitoring approach to determine if a GCCS is required. We believe that
requiring the operation of the non-regulatory GCCS at least 75 percent
of the hours during the 12 months leading up to the Tier 4 SEM
demonstration (described below) will ensure that the non-regulatory
GCCS is in regular use and thus results would be representative of the
operation of the landfill.
Regarding other recordkeeping and reporting requirements associated
with Tier 4, landfill owners or operators choosing Tier 4 would
continue to calculate the NMOC emission rate and report results in the
annual report to demonstrate that NMOC emissions are less than 50 Mg/
yr. Once there is any measured concentration of methane of 500 ppm or
greater from the surface of the landfill, the EPA is requiring a GCCS
to be installed and operated within 30 months of the most recent NMOC
emission rate report in which the calculated NMOC emission rate equals
or exceeds 34 Mg/yr according to Tier 2. Starting the 30 months from
the most recent NMOC emission rate report ensures that a GCCS is
installed in a timely manner. The EPA believes that if a landfill owner
or operator chooses to use Tier 4 SEM, it is appropriate to require the
installation and operation of a GCCS when any reading of 500 ppm or
greater is detected during the quarterly SEM event. Since Tier 4 is
allowed only if the landfill owner or operator can demonstrate that
NMOC emissions are greater than or equal to 34 Mg/yr NMOC, but less
than 50 Mg/yr using Tier 1 or Tier 2, we would expect the methane
emissions at the landfill to be below the 500 ppm threshold. If an
exceedance of the threshold is detected, it would be indicative of
higher emissions than would normally be expected at a landfill.
The EPA is also finalizing a recordkeeping requirement to take and
store digital photographs of the instrument setup. The photographs must
be time and date-stamped and taken at the first sampling location prior
to sampling and at the last sampling location after sampling at the end
of each sampling day, for the duration of the Tier 4 monitoring
demonstration. The EPA believes these records will help provide
credibility to the Tier 4 sampling results.
The EPA is also finalizing a requirement to notify delegated
authorities 30 days prior to the Tier 4 test so that officials can be
present to observe the SEM. This notification is consistent with other
notification requirements for stack testing. This notification
requirement will also mitigate concerns that the SEM is being conducted
incorrectly and ensure transparency of results achieved during the SEM
approach. In the event the Tier 4 SEM is postponed due to weather
conditions or other unforeseen events, the EPA is requiring the owner
or operator to notify the delegated authority to arrange a rescheduled
Tier 4 SEM date.
[[Page 59300]]
Emerging Measurement Technologies. This rulemaking provides certain
MSW landfill owners or operators the option of using either modeling or
the Tier 4 SEM approach to determine whether controls are required to
be installed at specific landfills. Current modeling approaches, which
rely on the decomposition rate of different waste streams buried in a
landfill, are prone to uncertainties due to inaccuracies in input data
and often unverifiable assumptions. Current surface emission
measurement methodologies can also have associated uncertainties.
New methane emissions measurement methodologies are emerging that
are anticipated to provide landfill methane emission rates (mass per
unit time) over time, thereby reducing significantly the uncertainty
associated with current modeling and emission measurements approaches.
Two promising examples of new methane measurement methodologies being
used by research groups to quantify landfill methane emissions are
mobile tracer correlation (TC) 44 45 46 47 and discrete area
source eddy covariance (DASEC).\48\
\44\ Development of a mobile tracer correlation method for
assessment of air emissions from landfills and other area sources,
Foster-Wittig, T.A.; Thoma, E.D.; Green, R.B.; Hater, G.R.; Swan,
N.D.; Chanton, J.P. Atmos. Environ. 2015, 102 (0), 323-330.
\45\ Quantification of methane emissions from 15 Danish
landfills using the mobile tracer dispersion method, M[oslash]nster,
J.; Samuelsson, J.; Kjeldsen, P.; Scheutz, C. Waste Manage. 2015, 35
(0), 177-186.
\46\ Methane Emissions Measured at Two California Landfills by
OTM-10 and an Acetylene Tracer Method, Green, R.B., Hater, G.R.,
Thoma, E.D., DeWees, J., Rella, C.W., Crosson, E.R., Goldsmith,
C.D., Swan, N., Proceedings of the Global Waste Management
Symposium, San Antonio, TX, October 3-6, 2010.
\47\ Development of Mobile Measurement Method Series OTM 33;
Thoma, E.D.; Brantley, H.L.; Squier, B.; DeWees, J.; Segall, R.;
Merrill, R.; Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Conference
and Exhibition, Raleigh, NC, June 22-25, 2015.
\48\ Using Eddy Covariance to Quantify Methane Emissions from a
Dynamic Heterogeneous Area, Xu, L., Lin, X., Amen, J., Welding, K.
and McDermitt, D. Impact of changes in barometric pressure on
landfill methane emission. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2014, 28(7),
pp. 679-695.
1. Mobile tracer correlation. This methodology provides a ``snap-
shot in time'' assessment of whole facility methane emissions using on-
site release of atmospheric tracer gases. It provides a total mass
emission rate of methane (or other gas) per unit of time. An
instrumented vehicle driving 1 km to 4 km downwind of the landfill
simultaneously measures the emitted landfill methane plume along with
the superimposed tracer gas release. The landfill methane emission rate
is determined through a simple ratio to the known tracer gas release
rate. The technique has been demonstrated using a variety of tracer
gases and instruments by a number of groups to investigate emissions
from landfills and other sources. The mobile tracer correlation
approach is under development by the EPA as a Category C ``other test
method (OTM)'' with potential posting in 2017 (https://www3.epa.gov/ttnemc01/prelim.html).
2. Eddy covariance (EC). This micrometeorological method estimates
the source emission rate from the vertical wind speed and gas
concentration above the emitting surface. This technique measures the
emissions flux in mass of methane (or other gas) per unit area. The
technique is well-established for measurement of emission fluxes from
spatially-extended homogenous sources, such as very large, flat fields.
Discrete area source eddy covariance (DASEC) is an application of EC to
finite, heterogeneous area sources. This application of EC has been
recently demonstrated on landfills, although method development
questions on the effects of topography and variable observational foot
print remain. DASEC provides the potential for long term (near
continuous) measurements of discrete sections of a landfill using
solar-powered on-site instrumentation. Development of this type of long
term measurement capability is critical to better understand and *track
changes in landfill emissions overtime that may be caused by both site
management and atmospheric factors.
In sum, as noted above, these techniques are still being
investigated and additional work will be needed before the EPA can deem
them ready for use in this application. Once additional research is
completed, we believe that DASEC used in combination with mobile TC
will provide a characterization of methane landfill emissions with
significantly reduced uncertainty over current models or measurement
C. Changes To Address Closed or Non-Productive Areas
1. Closed Landfill Subcategory
In the 2015 Emission Guidelines proposal, the EPA proposed a
separate subcategory for landfills that closed before August 27, 2015.
These landfills would be subject to an NMOC emission threshold of 50
Mg/yr NMOC for determining when controls must be installed or removed,
rather than the 34 Mg/yr NMOC emission threshold (or corresponding Tier
4 emission threshold) that would apply to open landfills. In addition,
the EPA requested comments on extending the subcategory of closed
landfills to those that close no later than 13 months after publication
of the final Emission Guidelines in the Federal Register.
Comment: Commenters generally favored the creation of a closed
landfill subcategory and believe it was appropriate for closed
landfills to be categorized separately. One commenter agreed that a
separate category is appropriate, but only if EPA decides to lower the
NMOC emission threshold thus ensuring that closed landfills with low
emissions are not burdened with a requirement to install a GCCS.
Another commenter suggested that the EPA exempt closed landfills from
40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf, entirely since facilities that no longer
have income from waste acceptance have financially planned for closure.
The commenter believes that if these landfills were included in the new
rule, it would cause financial burden.
Many commenters, including one state agency, support the expansion
of the closed landfill subcategory to include those facilities that
closed no later than 13 months of publication of the Emission
Guidelines. Commenters believe it is critical that landfills that are
planning to close are given the necessary time to meet all criteria and
file required documentation to achieve closed status. Another commenter
believes the EPA should provide the opportunity for landfills to be
closed under the Emission Guidelines until the state or federal
regulations implementing the revised Emission Guidelines are effective
(i.e., through a revised state or federal plan). This would allow more
landfills nearing the end of their useful lifetime with little ability
to change their fees or plan for longer GCCS operation the chance to
close and remain under current regulations.
Response: After considering public comments, the EPA is finalizing
the subcategory for closed landfills and is expanding the subcategory
to include those landfills that close on or before September 27, 2017.
Landfills in the closed landfill subcategory continue to be subject to
a 50 Mg/yr NMOC emission rate threshold for installing a GCCS,
consistent with the NMOC threshold in 40 CFR part 60, subparts Cc and
The EPA recognizes that after landfills stop accepting waste and
close, LFG flows decline as well as the corresponding ability to
achieve additional reductions. Many of these closed landfills are
subject to the emission control requirements in the current Emission
Guidelines (40 CFR part 60, subpart Cc, or corresponding state or
federal plan) or the current
[[Page 59301]]
NSPS (40 CFR part 60, subpart WWW) and have achieved significant
reductions. However, commenters report that declining gas flows make it
difficult to operate a GCCS according to the landfills regulations and
many closed landfills must use supplemental fuel to properly operate
control devices such as flares for example. In addition, many closed
landfills no longer have income from tipping fees, and have either
decommissioned their GCCS or are in process of doing so. Thus, the EPA
recognizes that it could be financially burdensome for landfills that
are already closed to restart or expand their GCCS. For these reasons,
the EPA is finalizing the subcategory of closed landfills.
To give closed landfills or landfills that are planning to close
more time to complete the steps to reach closure, the EPA is expanding
the closed landfill subcategory to include those landfills that close
on or before September 27, 2017. Closed landfills must submit a closure
report to the Administrator within 30 days of waste acceptance
cessation. The Administrator may request additional information as may
be necessary to verify that permanent closure has taken place in
accordance with the closure requirements under RCRA (40 CFR 258.60).
Closure criteria include a requirement to prepare a written closure
plan and to install a final cover system that is designed to minimize
infiltration and erosion.
Landfills in the closed landfill subcategory of the Emission
Guidelines would be exempt from initial reporting requirements in
subpart Cf, provided that the landfill already met these requirements
under subparts Cc or WWW of 40 CFR part 60.
For landfills that are expected to close after September 27, 2017,
the EPA understands that gas quality will remain a concern and has
revised the GCCS removal criteria, as discussed in section IV.A.5 of
this preamble.
2. Criteria for Removing or Decommissioning a GCCS
The proposed revisions to the Emission Guidelines in 2015 modified
the criteria that allow a landfill owner or operator to cap or remove
the GCCS. Specifically, the proposal refined the 15-year criterion by
allowing a landfill owner or operator to demonstrate that the GCCS will
be unable to operate for 15 years due to declining gas flows. In
addition, the EPA tightened the NMOC emissions criterion, requiring the
controls until the NMOC emissions were below 34 Mg/yr for three
consecutive quarters to be consistent with the emission threshold for
installing controls. For closed landfills, the NMOC emissions criterion
remained at 50 Mg/yr to be consistent with the emission threshold for
the closed landfill subcategory. Finally, the proposed Emission
Guidelines added an alternative removal criterion based on site-
specific SEM of methane. This alternative would allow the owner or
operator to demonstrate for four consecutive quarters that there are no
surface emissions of 500 ppm or greater from the closed landfill or
area of an open landfill that is closed. The EPA received numerous
comments on the revised set of GCCS removal criteria.
Comment: Commenters did not agree on the proposed alternative to
allow an SEM demonstration as a criterion for removing a GCCS.
Commenters in favor of an SEM demonstration for GCCS removal agreed
with the flexibility that the approach would offer, but commenters that
opposed the criterion expressed concern about emissions once the GCCS
was no longer operating.
Some commenters opposed SEM procedures for determining removal or
decommissioning of the GCCS. One commenter expressed concerns with
relying on surface emission testing because the intervals are too far
apart to detect localized high emissions and low surface emission
readings during a dormant period could lead to uncontrolled emissions
at a later period. The commenter (0215-0121) added that even in a
closed landfill the decay process is not complete and gas collection
systems should stay in place. Another commenter opposed SEM
specifically at closed areas of open landfills due to gas migration
concerns and difficulty in defining these areas.
Several commenters representing industry and state agency interests
supported the use of SEM procedures to help determine the removal or
decommissioning of existing GCCS. Commenters supported the use of SEM
to allow the flexibility to confirm when a closed landfill or area of
an open landfill that is closed is no longer producing gas in
significant quantities could remove or decommission all or a portion of
the GCCS. Several of these commenters referenced a rationale similar to
the one they provided for supporting the use of Tier 4 SEM for
determining GCCS installation as discussed in section VI.B of this
Commenters that supported an SEM demonstration for GCCS removal
presented several options on how to implement the SEM procedure.
Several commenters requested that the EPA provide a ``step-down''
procedure for scaling down GCCS operations in nonproducing areas and
allowing a GCCS to be removed from rule applicability. Two commenters
made recommendations on SEM procedures for GCCS removal or
decommissioning, which included shutting down the GCCS for 30 days
following a Tier 2 test showing NMOC emissions below the threshold,
then relying on subsequent SEM demonstrations and corrective action to
determine whether the GCCS could remain off. Other commenters also
stated that when considering SEM for removing the GCCS, quarterly SEM
should be performed at steady state conditions. As LFG generation
declines, one commenter suggested that some wells may be removed from
service; however, such wells must not be turned on in order to pass
quarterly SEM and subsequently turned back off for the remainder of the
quarter. Another commenter suggested that EPA not rely solely on
surface emissions when defining a closed landfill in arid areas, but
instead should consider the gas quality being collected (methane,
carbon dioxide, negative pressure, or nitrogen/oxygen content) when
determining when a GCCS can be removed.
Regarding the 15-year criterion in the 2015 Emission Guidelines,
several commenters noted that the provision to allow landfills to
demonstrate the GCCS could not be operated for 15 years due to
declining flow was vague, and more guidance was needed to provide
instructions to landfills on how to demonstrate this to regulators.
Response: After considering public comments, the EPA is finalizing
criteria for capping, removing, or decommissioning the GCCS that are
similar to the criteria in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cc, but have been
adjusted to reflect the NMOC emission threshold in the final rule and
to provide flexibility on the requirement to operate the GCCS for 15
years. The final criteria are: (1) The landfill is a closed landfill,
(2) the GCCS has been in operation for 15 years or the landfill owner
or operator can demonstrate that the GCCS will be unable to operate for
15 years due to declining gas flows, and (3) three successive tests for
NMOC emissions are below the NMOC emission threshold of 34 Mg/yr for
open landfills and below 50 Mg/yr NMOC for closed landfills. The three
successive tests for NMOC emissions makes the threshold for removing a
GCCS consistent with the threshold for installing a GCCS. The EPA is
not finalizing an alternative set of criteria for capping, removing, or
decommissioning a GCCS that includes a SEM demonstration.
While a SEM approach has been allowed for installation of controls,
[[Page 59302]]
EPA believes it is not appropriate to allow SEM demonstrations for
capping, removing, or decommissioning a control system. The EPA
recognizes the unique emissions profile for landfills including the
ability of these sources to release emissions for decades. For these
reasons, the EPA believes it is appropriate to ensure that controls are
installed and properly maintained for the appropriate period of time.
The EPA believes sufficient flexibility has been added to the control
removal approach by allowing a demonstration of the system's inability
to operate for 15 years due to declining gas flows and a calculation of
the NMOC emission rate. Further, during the comment period, concerns
were raised about changes in the waste mass over time and how the SEM
approach could inadvertently allow landfills whose emissions were in a
period of dormancy, rather than a decline in their emissions profile,
to remove controls. Agency enforcement personnel are also aware of
situations where the installation of additional wells led to additional
gas capture at sites asserting declining emissions. The EPA understands
the importance of gas capture from landfills and believes the SEM
approach for control removal may have the unintended consequence of
allowing controls to be removed when significant gas capture is still
possible. As a result, the EPA is not finalizing the SEM approach for
Several commenters noted that the provision provided in the 2015
Emission Guidelines to allow landfills to demonstrate the GCCS could
not be operated for 15 years due to declining flow was vague, and more
guidance was needed to provide instructions to landfills on how to
demonstrate this to regulators.
Regarding the 15-year criterion, the EPA is retaining the
requirement to operate the GCCS for 15 years, but is providing
flexibility to address declining gas flow in areas where the GCCS has
not operated for 15 years. If the landfill is closed and the NMOC
emission rate is less than 34 Mg/yr, but the GCCS has not operated for
15 years, the landfill owner or operator can demonstrate that the GCCS
will be unable to operate for 15 years due to declining gas flows. The
EPA is providing this flexibility to address areas of declining gas
flows due to the age of the waste, arid climate, or low organic
content. Given that there are unique situations that could cause low
gas flow, or low gas quality which would cause a GCCS to be unable to
operate for 15 years, the EPA is not providing prescriptive criteria
for how a landfill owner or operator can demonstrate that a GCCS could
not operate for 15 years and will proceed with a site-specific approach
for handling these unique cases. Some examples of data elements that
could be used to demonstrate a GCCS is unable to operate may include
supplemental fuel use at the flare to sustain operations or LFG quality
sample measurements showing methane content lower than what is viable
for combustion in the destruction device.
D. Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Provisions
In July 2014, the EPA proposed that the standards in subpart XXX
apply at all times, including periods of startup or shutdown, and
periods of malfunction. In addition, the proposed NSPS included
recordkeeping and reporting requirements for all landfill owners or
operators to estimate emissions during such periods.
Similarly, the EPA proposed standards that apply at all times in
the August 2015 proposed Emission Guidelines. However, the EPA
considered how the landfill emissions differ from those generated by
industrial or manufacturing sources. Specifically, the EPA noted that
landfill emissions are produced by a continuous biological process that
cannot be stopped or restarted. Therefore, the primary concern related
to SSM is with malfunction of the landfill GCCS and associated
monitoring equipment, not with the startup or shutdown of the entire
source. SSM periods that we have determined should be covered by the
work practice standard are those periods when the landfill GCCS and
associated monitoring equipment are not operating.
To address these SSM periods, the EPA proposed in the 2015 Emission
Guidelines that in the event the collection or control system is not
operating the gas mover system must be shut down and all valves in the
GCCS contributing to venting of gas to the atmosphere must be closed
within 1 hour of the collection or control system not operating. This
provision is consistent with 40 CFR part 60, subpart WWW. Additionally,
the EPA proposed recordkeeping of combustion temperature, bypass flow,
and periods when the flare flame or the flare pilot flame is out. The
EPA received numerous comments on the 2014 proposed changes to the NSPS
and the additional proposed edits made in the 2015 Emission Guidelines.
A summary of these comments are presented below.
Sierra Club v. EPA, 551 F.3d 1019 (D.C. Cir. 2008). Many commenters
stated that the Sierra Club decision applies only to rules with
numerical emission limits and not to rules that are specified as a work
practice. One of these commenters elaborated that Sierra Club applies
to section 111 of the Clean Air Act. Therefore, the commenter concluded
that landfills subject to the NSPS are not bound by the findings of
Sierra Club and instead they are legally allowed to develop a clear and
achievable landfill rule by considering the unique circumstances that a
landfill is a biological process that cannot be stopped or restarted
and that the gas collection and control systems must periodically be
shut down for maintenance, repair, and expansion.
Retain the 5 day/1-hour exemption for SSM events. Many commenters,
including affected industry commenters and some state agencies,
disagreed with removing the provisions in 40 CFR part 60, subpart WWW,
which allow for exemption periods of 5 days for collection systems and
1 hour for treatment or control devices. These commenters indicated
that by removing this provision, state and local agencies could
misconstrue the rule to require that a landfill must operate the gas
collection system at all times, even during SSM, including periods of
collection system construction, expansion, and repair. These commenters
suggested instead of removing the exemption provision during periods of
SSM, compliance can be maintained as long as the landfill owner or
operator minimizes emissions of LFG by following the applicable work
practices and restores the system to operation as expeditiously as
One of the state agency commenters, suggested that the 5-day and 1-
hour time limitations in subpart WWW are appropriate for most
situations and instead of removing these exemptions, the new subpart
XXX could provide a mechanism for the facility to apply to the
Administration for an extension of those timeframes. On the contrary,
one state agency commenter and an NGO agreed with the standards
applying at all times, including periods of SSM.
If the 5 day/1-hour exemption is not retained, the EPA should add a
work practice standard for SSM events. One commenter was concerned that
the preamble language for the 2014 proposed Emission Guidelines does
not clarify how a landfill can demonstrate compliance with the standard
during SSM events stating that ``compliance with proposed 40 CFR
60.34f(e) does not constitute compliance with the applicable standards
in proposed 40 CFR 60.36f'' and that ``by shutting down flow to the
flare or other control devices a source is unlikely to be in violation
[[Page 59303]]
the 98 percent emission reduction requirements since there will be no
gas flowing to the control device'' (see 80 FR 52134-52135). This
commenter stated that EPA must clarify this confusion and specify a
clear set of work practices (e.g., shut down of the gas mover system
and prevention of venting) that constitute compliance during SSM
periods when the collection or control system is not operated. Several
other industry commenters and the U.S. Small Business Administration
also asked that the rule specifically accommodate periods when the
collection system is not operating during activities associated with
construction, expansion, repair, replacement, testing, upgrades, or
other maintenance of the system or its components.
Reporting requirement to estimate NMOC emissions whenever the
collection system or control system is not operating. Two commenters
representing a state agency and an NGO supported reporting NMOC
emissions during SSM periods. Several industry commenters provided
numerous technical arguments to explain the infeasibility of accurately
estimating NMOC emissions during the short periods of SSM. For example,
methods to estimate LFG emissions are based on site-specific variables
that estimate LFG generation over the life of the landfill, typically
on an annual basis, and cannot be used to estimate hourly or daily
emissions. Accordingly, the commenters contended that it is technically
and practically inappropriate to require landfill owners/operators to
make this estimate for the time periods that the gas collection or
control systems are not operated, given the substantial technical
uncertainties involved in estimating these emissions over discrete,
short-term time periods. Further, other commenters noted that emissions
during SSM are expected to be very low, reporting SSM emissions is an
onerous and meaningless exercise and is likely to overestimate
Two commenters asked that if the reporting requirement is retained,
the EPA should limit the reporting to periods when the flare is free
venting because these are the only emissions that can be estimated
accurately. Several commenters asked EPA to develop guidance on how to
estimate emissions during SSM if this requirement is retained in the
final rule.
Several commenters stated that because there should be no deviation
from the rule when the work practices of the rule are followed, there
are no excess emissions, and the reported emissions are not relevant to
determining compliance. Commenters are concerned that if estimated NMOC
emissions are reported, states will deem the reported emissions to be
``excess emissions,'' which could be treated as a serious violation.
Therefore, reporting these emissions poses the risk of state or citizen
suits for enforcement, even when a landfill is following all
requirements of the rule.
Other Comments. Several commenters added that because SSM
provisions apply to numerical emission limitations and a numerical
limitation applies only to the control device (not the collection
devices), commenters stated that SSM provisions should address only
operation of the control devices during periods when LFG is routed from
the collection system.
Several commenters indicated that EPA must retain an allowance of 5
days/1 hour for downtime events so that states do not file enforcement
actions for downtime events that are shorter than the previously
allowed 5 days/1-hour allowance. These commenters also asked the EPA to
clarify that the 1-hour allowance for shutting vents allows for free
venting for 1 hour such that venting during this time period does not
constitute ``excess emissions'' that can be deemed a serious violation.
Response: The EPA recognizes that landfills are not typical
affected sources that can be started up or shut down. Landfill
emissions are produced by a continuous biological process that cannot
be stopped or shut down. The EPA also recognizes that the primary
concern is with malfunction of the LFG collection and control system
and associated monitoring equipment, not with the startup, shutdown, or
malfunction of the entire source. The EPA received extensive comments
on the proposed requirements applicable to landfills during SSM events,
as summarized above. Consistent with the recent Court decision that
vacated the exemption in 40 CFR 63.6(f)(1) and (h)(1) for SSM (Sierra
Club v. EPA, 551 F.3d 1019), the EPA has established standards in this
rule that apply at all times.
The general provisions in 40 CFR part 60 provide that emissions in
excess of the level of the applicable emissions limit during periods of
SSM shall not be considered a violation of the applicable emission
limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard (see 40 CFR
60.8(c)) (emphasis added). As reflected in the italicized language, an
individual subpart can supersede this provision.
The EPA is finalizing a requirement in 40 CFR 60.465(e) whereby the
standards apply at all times, including periods of SSM. However, the
final rule incorporates a work practice during periods of SSM. During
these SSM events, owners or operators must shut down the gas mover
system and close within 1 hour all valves in the GCCS contributing to
venting of the gas to the atmosphere. The landfill owner or operator
must also keep records and submit reports of all periods when the
collection and control device is not operating. The EPA, however, is
not reinstating the 5-day exemption for SSM periods because the
provision provides an exemption from compliance with the standard
during SSM periods, which the EPA does not have the authority to do
under the reasoning of the Sierra Club decision.
E. Other Corrections and Clarifications
1. Test Methods
In the 2014 proposed NSPS, the EPA did not include EPA Method 18 or
EPA Method 25A. In the 2015 proposed Emission Guidelines, the EPA
proposed to include Method 25A based on public comments received on the
2014 proposed NSPS and the EPA's recognition that the use of Method 25A
is necessary for measuring outlet concentrations less than 50 ppm NMOC.
However, the EPA did not propose to include Method 18 (80 FR 52112)
because the EPA had determined that Method 18 was not appropriate or
cost effective for testing the large number of NMOCs found in landfill
samples. Specifically, 40 target analytes are listed in the current
landfills section of AP-42 and 160 analytes are listed in the draft
landfills section AP-42. The EPA determined that the extensive quality
assurance required by the method makes the method technically and
economically prohibitive for all the potential target analytes.
Comment: Commenters requested that the EPA retain both Method 18
and 25A in the final rule and cited a number of reasons that the EPA
should retain them, including both technical and legal reasons.
Commenters stated that landfill owners or operators have relied on
these test methods to demonstrate compliance for performance testing of
enclosed flares as a part of EPA policy for over a decade under 40 CFR
60.764 [60.754]. One commenter emphasized the importance of Method 25A
because its use is required for many sources with an outlet
concentration of less than 50 ppmv NMOC as carbon.
The commenters noted that the majority of LFG destruction devices
show NMOC concentrations below 50 ppmv as carbon. Due to issues with
Methods 25/25C in measuring NMOC
[[Page 59304]]
content under this level, commenters observed that the proposed NSPS
rule change effectively removes the ability to accurately measure
compliance with the 20 ppmv outlet standard for a large class of
enclosed combustors. Commenter believes that Method 25A is the superior
testing methodology for certain circumstances and is more commonly used
in practice. Commenters cited limitations of Method 25, including
sensitivity of the test method to water and carbon dioxide and the
inability to measure NMOC content below 50 ppmv as carbon.
Commenters also contended that the EPA did not provide any
justification for removing these methods. Commenters stated that the
EPA did not provide any factual data, methodology, or any legal or
policy justification for its proposed exclusion of Method 25A or Method
18; thus commenters claimed that the EPA did not satisfy the notice-
and-comment requirements of the CAA.
Response: After considering public comments, the EPA is including
both EPA Method 25A and Method 18 (on a limited basis, i.e., compound
specific) in the final landfills regulations (40 CFR part 60, subparts
Cf and XXX).
After reviewing the comments received on the NSPS for new landfills
proposed on July 17, 2014, the EPA recognizes that the use of Method
25A is necessary for measuring outlet concentrations less than 50 ppm
NMOC. EPA Method 25A determines total gaseous organic concentration of
vapor (total organic compounds). Because the rule regulates NMOC, EPA
Method 18 or Method 3C are needed to determine the concentration of
methane in the gas stream. Method 25A, in conjunction with Methods 18
or 3C (for methane), can be used to determine NMOC for the outlet
concentrations less than 50 ppm NMOC as carbon. Note that Method 25A
FIDs are insensitive to formaldehyde.
While Method 18 may be used in conjunction with Method 25A for
methane or specific compounds of interest, there are limitations on the
number of analytes that can be reasonably quantified in measuring the
sum of all NMOCs. With the possibility of 40 target analytes listed in
the current landfill section of AP-42 (160 analytes in the draft
landfill AP-42), Method 18 is not an appropriate or cost effective
method to test all NMOCs found in landfill samples. The extensive QA
required by the method makes the method technically and economically
prohibitive for all the potential target analytes.
2. Tier 2 Sampling Procedure
The EPA continues to believe that the number of samples required
per hectare is appropriate for Tier 2. As described in 40 CFR 60.764,
the EPA is reaffirming that the two samples are required per hectare
and if additional samples are taken, all samples must be used in
determining the site-specific NMOC concentration. Landfill owners or
operators must also ensure that the probes are evenly distributed over
the landfill surface. The EPA explored a number of methods, including a
statistical approach, when establishing requirements for the number and
location of Tier 2 samples for the original rule. Public commenters
raised significant concerns with approaches based on equations. As
such, the EPA determined that a simplified method (2 samples per
hectare) was best and received no public comments to the contrary.
3. Non-degradable Waste
The EPA is reaffirming that all the waste must be included in
calculating the design capacity. Non-degradable waste cannot be
subtracted from the permitted landfill design capacity. However, non-
degradable waste can be subtracted from the mass of solid waste when
calculating the NMOC emission rate because such waste would not produce
NMOC emissions. Non-degradable waste is defined as waste that does not
break down through chemical or microbiological activity. Examples
include concrete, municipal waste combustor ash, and metals. Petroleum
contaminated soils (PCS) and paper mill sludges likely contain organics
that could be emitted as MSW LFG emissions. Therefore, emissions from
PCS and sludges would need to be accounted for in the emission estimate
only. The EPA is also reaffirming that documentation of the nature and
amount of non-degradable waste needs to be maintained when subtracting
the mass of non-degradable waste from the total mass of waste for NMOC
emission rate calculations.
VII. Impacts of This Final Rule
For most Emission Guidelines, the EPA analyzes the impacts in the
year the standard is implemented. If the Emission Guidelines are
promulgated and published in August 2016, then the implementation year
would be 2017 based on the following: states have 9 months to prepare a
state plan implementing the guidelines (May 2017); the EPA has 4 months
to review the plan (September 2017); and if necessary, the state has an
additional 2 months to revise and submit a corrected plan based on any
comments from the EPA (November 2017). Concurrently, the EPA must
promulgate a federal plan within 6 months after the state plan is due,
consistent with 40 CFR 60.27(d), or November 2017. Thus, the EPA-
approved state plan and updated federal plan implementing the Emission
Guidelines are expected to become effective in November 2017. Although
late 2017 is the estimated implementation year, the reporting and
control timeframe allows 3 months to submit the first NMOC emission
report and then 30 months after reporting the NMOC emission rate
results before the GCCS is required to be installed. Therefore, the
first year that affected landfills could have controls installed under
the final rule will be late 2020.
Because of the necessarily lengthy implementation process, the EPA
is assessing impacts in year 2025 as a representative year for the
landfills Emission Guidelines. While the year 2025 differs somewhat
from the expected first year of implementation for the Emission
Guidelines (year 2020), the number of existing landfills required to
install controls under the final rule in year 2025 is the same as those
estimated to control in the estimated first year of implementation.
Further, year 2025 represents a year in which several of the landfills
subject to control requirements will have had to expand their GCCS
according the expansion lag times set forth in 40 CFR part 60, subpart
The landfills dataset used for estimating the impacts of the
Emission Guidelines is discussed in detail in the August 27, 2015
proposed revisions to the Emission Guidelines (80 FR 52116-52117). The
EPA made several significant edits to the dataset since the August 2015
proposal, based on public comments received; new data made available
from the landfills reporting 2014 emissions to 40 CFR part 98, subpart
HH, of GHGRP; and consultations with EPA regional offices, and state
and local authorities to identify additional landfills expected to
undergo a modification within the next 5 years. After incorporating all
of the updates to the inventory and removing the landfills expected to
modify, the revised dataset to analyze the impacts of the final rule
now has 1,851 existing landfills that accepted waste after
[[Page 59305]]
1987 \49\ and opened prior to 2014.\50\ A detailed discussion of
updates made to the landfill dataset is in the docketed memorandum,
``Summary of Updated Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission
Reduction Analysis of Landfills Regulations, 2016.''
\49\ November 8, 1987, is the date on which permit programs were
established under the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of RCRA.
This date was also selected as the regulatory cutoff in the Emission
Guidelines for landfills no longer receiving wastes because the EPA
judged states would be able to identify active facilities as of this
date. The data available to EPA include an open year without the
month and so the analysis uses a cutoff year of 1988 for landfill
closure year.
\50\ July 17, 2014, is the proposal date of the revised NSPS for
MSW landfills in 40 CFR part 60, subpart XXX. A landfill opening or
commencing construction on its modification after this date would
become subject to this new subpart and would not be subject to the
revised Emission Guidelines. The EPA cannot predict the exact month
a model landfill will open so the analysis uses a cutoff year of
The methodology used for estimating the impacts of the Emission
Guidelines is discussed in detail in the August 27, 2015 proposed
revisions to the Emission Guidelines (80 FR 52116-52117). The EPA made
several significant edits to the methodology since the August 2015
proposal based on public comments and comments on a separate peer
review of the EPA Landfill Gas Energy Cost (LFGcost) model.\51\
Notably, the EPA adjusted its assumption of gas collection efficiency
to an average of 85 percent. The impacts analysis at the proposal did
not apply a collection efficiency assumption. However, in consideration
of public comments received and EPA assumptions in subpart HH of the
GHGRP, and analyses performed for marginal abatement cost curves, the
EPA has included an 85 percent average gas collection efficiency factor
to reflect a more realistic indicator of GCCS performance.\52\ In
addition, Chapter 2.4 of the EPA AP-42 for MSW landfills cites a range
of collection efficiencies for LFG between 60 and 85 percent. The EPA
also adjusted the electricity purchase price and anticipated revenue
estimates using forecasted commercial retail electricity rate data and
forecasted electricity generation price data for different Energy
Information Administration (EIA) Electricity Market Module
regions.53 54
\51\ See the docketed 2016 RIA for additional discussion of
changes made on the methodology for estimating impacts as a result
of the LFGcost peer review.
\52\ USEPA. Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse
Gases: 2010-2030. EPA-430-R-13-011.
\53\ See the docketed 2016 RIA for additional discussion of
changes made to electricity pricing assumptions.
\54\ To map existing landfill sites to EIA's Electricity Market
Module regions, the sites' geospatial coordinates were overlayed on
a map of the EMM regions. The AEO Electricity Market Module regions
are commensurate with the eGRID2012 primary regions for which a
shapefile is available at https://www.epa.gov/energy/download-egrid2012-shapefiles. For expected new landfills within a state the
specific location is unknown, therefore the landfill is located at
the state's centroid for purposes of mapping the site to an EMM
A detailed discussion of the methodology and equations used to
estimate the impacts of the final rule are available in the docketed
memorandum ``Revised Methodology for Estimating Cost and Emission
Impacts of MSW Landfill Regulations, 2016.'' The results of applying
this methodology to the population of existing landfills potentially
subject to the final rule are in the docketed memorandum ``Revised Cost
and Emission Impacts Resulting from the Landfill EG Review, 2016.''
Table 2 of this preamble summarizes the emission reductions and costs
associated with the final rule.
Table 2--Emission Reductions and Costs for Final Rule in Year 2025 at Existing Landfills (2012$)
Number of
Number of landfills Annual Annual Annual
Landfills affected landfills Number of reporting Net cost Annual NMOC methane CO2e NMOC Cost Methane cost CO2e Cost
Option by final rule a affected landfills but not (million reductions reductions reductions effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
b controlling controlling $2012) (Mg\yr) (million (million ($\Mg) ($\Mg) ($\mt) d
c Mg\yr) mt\yr) d
Baseline (2.5 million Mg design All................. 1014 638 177 642 58,770 9.3 231 10,900 69.3 2.8
capacity\50 Mg\yr NMOC).
Incremental values vs. the Baseline
Final Option (2.5 million Mg design Open................ 0 93 -100 e 54.1 1,810 0.285 7.1 29,900 190 7.6
capacity/34 Mg/yr NMOC).
a The final option in this table shows the impacts of reducing the NMOC emission threshold to 34 Mg/yr on open landfills only, and retaining the NMOC threshold of 50 Mg/yr for the closed
landfill subcategory.
b Landfills are affected by the landfills Emission Guidelines based on design capacity. Once affected, they calculate and report emissions until they exceed the NMOC threshold, which triggers
control requirements. Since we are not changing the size threshold, there are no incremental landfills affected.
c Since the number of landfills affected remains the same as the baseline, the number of landfills reporting NMOC (but not controlling) decreases since more landfills will control emissions
under the final rule.
d Results do not include secondary CO[ihel2] impacts.
e The annualized net cost for the final Emission Guidelines is estimated to be $54.1 million (2012$) in 2025, when using a 7 percent discount rate. The annualized costs represent the costs
compared to no changes to the current Emission Guidelines (i.e., baseline) and include $92.6 million to install and operate a GCCS, as well as $0.76 million to complete the corresponding
testing and monitoring. These control costs are offset by $39.3 million in revenue from electricity sales, which is incorporated into the net control costs for certain landfills that are
expected to generate revenue by using the LFG to produce electricity.
A. What are the air quality impacts?
The EPA estimates that the final rule will achieve nearly an
additional 3 percent reduction in NMOC from existing landfills, or
1,810 Mg/yr, when compared to the baseline, as shown in Table 2 of this
preamble. The final rule would also achieve 0.285 million Mg of methane
reductions (7.1 million mtCO2e) in 2025. These reductions are achieved
by reducing the NMOC threshold from 50 Mg/yr to 34 Mg/yr open
B. What are the water quality and solid waste impacts?
Leachate is the liquid that passes through the landfilled waste and
strips contaminants from the waste as the leachate percolates.
Precipitation generates the vast majority of leachate volume.
Installation of a gas collection system will generate additional
liquid, in the form of gas condensate, and it will be routed to the
same leachate treatment mechanisms in place for controlling
precipitation-based leachate. Collected leachate can be treated on site
or transported off site to wastewater treatment facilities. Some
landfills have received permits allowing for recirculation of leachate
in the landfill, which may further reduce the volume of leachate
requiring treatment. Additional liquid generated from gas condensate is
not expected to be significant and insufficient data are available to
estimate the increases in leachate resulting from expanded gas
collection and control requirements.
The additional gas collection and control components required by
this final rule have finite lifetimes (approximately 15 years) and
[[Page 59306]]
pipes and wells will be capped or disposed of at the end of their
useful life. There are insufficient data to quantify the solid waste
resulting from disposal of this control infrastructure.
Further, the incremental costs of control for the final rule of
$54.1 million in 2025 (7% discount rate, 2012$) are not expected to
have an appreciable market effect on the waste disposal costs, tipping
fees, or the amount of solid waste disposed in landfills because the
costs for gas collection represent a small portion of the overall costs
to design, construct, and operate a landfill. The handling of waste by
the private companies in the industry was estimated to generate $55
billion of revenue in 2011, of which landfilling contributed $13
billion, while a more recent estimate shows the U.S. non-hazardous
solid waste services industry generated about $60 billion in annual
revenues in 2015. These revenue estimates do not include activity
related to publicly owned landfills. For more information, see the
``Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Revisions to the Emission
Guidelines for Existing Sources and the New Source Performance
Standards in the Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Sector, 2016''
(hereafter ``2016 RIA'') included in the docket. There also is
insufficient information to quantify the effect increased gas control
costs might have on the amount of solid waste disposed in landfills
versus other disposal mechanisms such as recycling, waste-to-energy, or
composting. Note that elements of this final rule--notably lowering the
NMOC threshold to 34 Mg/yr--provide additional incentives to separate
C. What are the secondary air impacts?
Secondary air impacts may include grid emissions from purchasing
electricity to operate the GCCS components, by-product emissions from
combustion of LFG in flares or energy recovery devices, and offsets to
conventional grid emissions from new LFG energy supply.
The secondary air impacts are presented as net impacts, considering
both the energy demand and energy supply resulting from the final rule.
The methodology used to prepare the estimated secondary impacts for
this preamble is discussed in the docketed memorandum ``Revised
Estimates of Secondary Impacts of the Landfills Emission Guidelines
Review, 2016.''
While we do expect NOx and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission
changes as a result of these guidelines, we expect these changes to be
small and these changes have not been estimated. The net impacts were
computed for CO2e. After considering the offsets from LFG
electricity, the impacts of the final rule are expected to reduce
CO2 emissions by 277,000 metric tons per year. These
CO2 emission reductions are in addition to the methane
emission reductions achieved from the direct destruction of methane in
flares or engines presented in Table 2 of this preamble.
D. What are the energy impacts?
The final rule is expected to have a very minimal impact on energy
supply and consumption. Active gas collection systems require energy to
operate the blowers and pumps and the final rule will increase the
volume of LFG collected. When the least cost control is a flare, energy
may be purchased from the grid to operate the blowers of the LFG
collection system. However, when the least cost control option is an
engine, the engine may provide this energy to the gas control system
and then sell the excess to the grid. Considering the balance of energy
generated and demanded from the estimated least cost controls, the
final rule is estimated to supply 0.51 million megawatt hours (MWh) of
additional renewable LFG energy per year, which will reduce the need
for conventional fossil-based energy sources.
E. What are the cost impacts?
To meet the final rule emission thresholds, a landfill is expected
to install the least cost control for combusting the LFG. The cost
estimates evaluated each landfill to determine whether a gas collection
and flare or a gas collection with flare and engine equipment would be
least cost, after considering local power buyback rates and whether the
quantity of LFG was sufficient to generate electricity. The control
costs include the costs to install and operate gas collection
infrastructure such as wells, header pipes, blowers, and an enclosed
flare. For landfills for which the least cost control option is an
engine, the costs also include the cost to install and operate one or
more reciprocating internal combustion engines to convert the LFG into
electricity. Revenue from electricity sales was incorporated into the
net control costs using forecasted electricity generation price data
from EIA Electricity Market Module regions. Testing and monitoring
costs at controlled landfills include the cost to conduct initial
performance tests on the enclosed flare or engine control equipment,
quarterly surface monitoring, continuous combustion monitoring, and
monthly wellhead monitoring. At uncontrolled landfills, the testing and
monitoring costs include calculation and reporting of NMOC emission
The nationwide incremental annualized net cost for the final rule
is $54.1 million, when using a 7 percent discount rate and 2012$. The
annualized net costs of $54.1 million represent the costs compared to
no changes to the current Emission Guidelines (i.e., baseline) and
include $92.6 million to install and operate a GCCS, as well as $0.76
million to complete the corresponding testing and monitoring. These
control costs are offset by $39.3 million in revenue from electricity
sales, which is incorporated into the net control costs for certain
landfills that are expected to generate revenue by using the LFG to
produce electricity.
F. What are the economic impacts?
Because of the relatively low net cost of the final rule compared
to the overall size of the MSW industry, as well as the lack of
appropriate economic parameters or model, the EPA is unable to estimate
the impacts on the supply and demand for MSW landfill services.
However, because of the relatively low incremental costs, the EPA does
not believe the final rule would lead to substantial changes in supply
and demand for landfill services or waste disposal costs, tipping fees,
or the amount of waste disposed in landfills. Hence, the overall
economic impact of the final rule should be minimal on the affected
industries and their consumers.
G. What are the benefits?
This final action is expected to result in significant emissions
reductions from existing MSW landfills. By lowering the NMOC emissions
threshold to 34 Mg/yr, these final guidelines would achieve reductions
of more than 1,810 Mg/yr NMOC and 285,000 metric tons of methane (7.1
million mtCO2e). In addition, the guidelines are expected to
result in the net reduction of 277,000 metric tons CO2, due
to reduced demand for electricity from the grid as landfills generate
electricity from LFG.
This rule is expected to result in significant public health and
welfare benefits resulting from the climate benefits due to anticipated
methane and CO2 reductions. Methane is a potent GHG that,
once emitted into the atmosphere, absorbs terrestrial infrared
radiation that contributes to increased global warming and continuing
climate change. Methane reacts in the atmosphere to form tropospheric
ozone and stratospheric water vapor, both of which also contribute to
global warming. When accounting for the
[[Page 59307]]
impacts of changing methane, tropospheric ozone, and stratospheric
water vapor concentrations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report (2013) found that historical
emissions of methane accounted for about 30 percent of the total
current warming influence (radiative forcing) due to historical
emissions of greenhouse gases. Methane is therefore a major contributor
to the climate change impacts described in section III.B of this
preamble. The remainder of this section discusses the methane
reductions expected from this proposed rule and the associated
monetized benefits.
As discussed in section IV of this preamble, this rulemaking
includes several changes to the Emission Guidelines for MSW landfills
that will decrease methane emissions from this sector. Specifically,
the final emission guideline changes are expected to reduce methane
emissions from all landfills in 2025 by about 285,000 metric tons of
We calculated the global social benefits of these methane emission
reductions using estimates of SC-CH4, a metric that
estimates the monetary value of impacts associated with marginal
changes in methane emissions in a given year. The SC-CH4
estimates applied in this analysis were developed by Marten et al.
(2014) and are discussed in greater detail below.
A similar metric, the social cost of CO2 (SC-
CO2), provides important context for understanding the
Marten et al. SC-CH4 estimates.\55\ The SC-CO2 is
a metric that estimates the monetary value of impacts associated with
marginal changes in CO2 emissions in a given year. It
includes a wide range of anticipated climate impacts, such as net
changes in agricultural productivity and human health, property damage
from increased flood risk, and changes in energy system costs, such as
reduced costs for heating and increased costs for air conditioning.
Estimates of the SC-CO2 have been used by the EPA and other
federal agencies to value the impacts of CO2 emissions
changes in benefit cost analysis for GHG-related rulemakings since
\55\ Previous analyses have commonly referred to the social cost
of carbon dioxide emissions as the social cost of carbon or SCC. To
more easily facilitate the inclusion of non-CO2 GHGs in
the discussion and analysis the more specific SC-CO2
nomenclature is used to refer to the social cost of CO2
The SC-CO2 estimates were developed over many years,
using the best science available, and with input from the public.
Specifically, an interagency working group (IWG) that included the EPA
and other executive branch agencies and offices used three integrated
assessment models (IAMs) to develop the SC-CO2 estimates and
recommended four global values for use in regulatory analyses. The SC-
CO2 estimates were first released in February 2010 and
updated in 2013 using new versions of each IAM.
The 2010 SC-CO2 Technical Support Document (TSD)
provides a complete discussion of the methods used to develop these
estimates and the current SC-CO2 TSD presents and discusses
the 2013 update (including recent minor technical corrections to the
\56\ Both the 2010 SC-CO2 TSD and the current TSD are
available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/oira/social-cost-of-carbon.
The SC-CO2 TSDs discuss a number of limitations to the
SC-CO2 analysis, including the incomplete way in which the
IAMs capture catastrophic and non-catastrophic impacts, their
incomplete treatment of adaptation and technological change,
uncertainty in the extrapolation of damages to high temperatures, and
assumptions regarding risk aversion. Currently, IAMs do not assign
value to all of the important physical, ecological, and economic
impacts of climate change recognized in the climate change literature
due to a lack of precise information on the nature of damages and
because the science incorporated into these models understandably lags
behind the most recent research. Nonetheless, these estimates and the
discussion of their limitations represent the best available
information about the social benefits of CO2 reductions to
inform benefit-cost analysis. The EPA and other agencies continue to
engage in research on modeling and valuation of climate impacts with
the goal to improve these estimates, and continue to consider feedback
on the SC-CO2 estimates from stakeholders through a range of
channels, including public comments received on Agency rulemakings, a
separate Office of Management and Budget (OMB) public comment
solicitation, and through regular interactions with stakeholders and
research analysts implementing the SC-CO2 methodology. See
the docketed 2016 RIA for additional details.
A challenge particularly relevant to this rule is that the IWG did
not estimate the social costs of non-CO2 GHG emissions at
the time the SC-CO2 estimates were developed. In addition,
the directly modeled estimates of the social costs of non-
CO2 GHG emissions previously found in the published
literature were few in number and varied considerably in terms of the
models and input assumptions they employed \57\ (EPA 2012). In the
past, the EPA has sought to understand the potential importance of
monetizing non-CO2 GHG emissions changes through sensitivity
analysis using an estimate of the GWP of CH4 to convert
emission impacts to CO2 equivalents, which can then be
valued using the SC-CO2 estimates. This approach
approximates the SC-CH4 using estimates of the SC-
CO2 and the GWP of methane.
\57\ U.S. EPA. 2012. Regulatory Impact Analysis Final New Source
Performance Standards and Amendments to the National Emissions
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Oil and Natural Gas
Industry. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Health and
Environmental Impacts Division. April. https://www.epa.gov/ttn/ecas/regdata/RIAs/oil_natural_gas_final_neshap_nsps_ria.pdf. Accessed
April 7, 2016.
The published literature documents a variety of reasons that
directly modeled estimates of SC-CH4 are an analytical
improvement over the estimates from the GWP approximation approach.
Specifically, several recent studies found that GWP-weighted benefit
estimates for CH4 are likely to be lower than the estimates
derived using directly modeled social cost estimates for these
gases.\58\ The GWP reflects only the relative integrated radiative
forcing of a gas over 100 years in comparison to CO2. The
directly modeled social cost estimates differ from the GWP-scaled SC-
CO2 because the relative differences in timing and magnitude
of the warming between gases are explicitly modeled, the non-linear
effects of temperature change on economic damages are included, and
rather than treating all impacts over a hundred years equally, the
modeled damages over the time horizon considered (300 years in this
case) are discounted to present value terms. A detailed discussion of
the limitations of the GWP approach can be found in the 2016 RIA.
\58\ See Waldhoff et al. (2011); Marten and Newbold (2012); and
Marten et al. (2014).
In general, the commenters on previous rulemakings strongly
encouraged the EPA to incorporate the monetized value of non-
CO2 GHG impacts into the benefit cost analysis. However,
they noted the challenges associated with the GWP approach, as
discussed above, and encouraged the use of directly modeled estimates
of the SC-CH4 to overcome those challenges.
Since then, a paper by Marten et al. (2014) has provided the first
set of published SC-CH4 estimates in the peer-reviewed
literature that are consistent with the modeling assumptions
[[Page 59308]]
underlying the SC-CO2 estimates.59 60
Specifically, the estimation approach of Marten et al. used the same
set of three IAMs, five socioeconomic-emissions scenarios, equilibrium
climate sensitivity distribution, three constant discount rates, and
aggregation approach used by the IWG to develop the SC-CO2
\59\ Marten et al. (2014) also provided the first set of SC-
N2O estimates that are consistent with the assumptions
underlying the IWG SC-CO2 estimates.
\60\ Marten, A. L., E. A. Kopits, C. W. Griffiths, S. C. Newbold
& A. Wolverton (2014). Incremental CH4 and N2O
mitigation benefits consistent with the U.S. Government's SC-
CO2 estimates, Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/
The SC-CH4 estimates from Marten, et al. (2014) are
presented in Table 3 of this preamble. More detailed discussion of the
methodology, results, and a comparison to other published estimates can
be found in the 2016 RIA and in Marten, et al.
Table 3--Social Cost of CH4, 2012-2050 a
[In 2012$ per metric ton (Source: Marten et al., 2014 \b\]
Year 3% 95th
5% Average 3% Average 2.5% Average percentile
2012............................................ $430 $1000 $1400 $2800
2015............................................ 490 1100 1500 3000
2020............................................ 580 1300 1700 3500
2025............................................ 700 1500 1900 4000
2030............................................ 820 1700 2200 4500
2035............................................ 970 1900 2500 5300
2040............................................ 1100 2200 2800 5900
2045............................................ 1300 2500 3000 6600
2050............................................ 1400 2700 3300 7200
\a\ The values are emissions-year specific. Estimates using several discount rates are included because the
literature shows that estimates of the SC-CO2 (and SC-CH4) are sensitive to assumptions about the discount
rate, and because no consensus exists on the appropriate rate to use in an intergenerational context (where
costs and benefits are incurred by different generations). The fourth value is the 95th percentile of the SC-
CH4 estimates across three models using a 3 percent discount rate. It is included to represent higher-than-
expected impacts from temperature change further out in the tails of the SC-CH4 distribution.
\b\ The estimates in this table have been adjusted to reflect recent minor technical corrections to the SC-CO2
estimates. See the Corrigendum to Marten et al. (2014), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14693062.2015.1070550.
The application of these directly modeled SC-CH4
estimates from Marten et al. (2014) in a benefit-cost analysis of a
regulatory action is analogous to the use of the SC-CO2
estimates. In addition, the limitations for the SC-CO2
estimates discussed above likewise apply to the SC-CH4
estimates, given the consistency in the methodology.
In early 2015, the EPA conducted a peer review of the application
of the Marten, et al. (2014) non-CO2 social cost estimates
in regulatory analysis and received responses that supported this
application. See the 2016 RIA for a detailed discussion.
The EPA also carefully considered the full range of public comments
and associated technical issues on the Marten et al. SC-CH4
estimates received through this rulemaking. The comments addressed the
technical details of the SC-CO2 estimates and the Marten et al. SC-CH4
estimates as well as their application to this rulemaking analysis. One
comment letter also provided constructive recommendations to improve
the SC-CO2 and SC-CH4 estimates in the future. Based on the evaluation
of the public comments on this rulemaking, the favorable peer review of
the Marten et al. application, and past comments urging the EPA to
value non-CO2 GHG impacts in its rulemakings, the agency has
concluded that the estimates represent the best scientific information
on the impacts of climate change available in a form appropriate for
incorporating the damages from incremental CH4 emissions
changes into regulatory analysis. The EPA has included those benefits
in the main benefits analysis. See the EPA's Response to Comments
document for the complete response to comments received on the SC-
CH4 as part of this rulemaking.
The methane benefits based on Marten et al. (2014) are presented
for the year 2025. Applying this approach to the methane reductions
estimated for these guidelines, the 2025 methane benefits vary by
discount rate and range from about $200 million to approximately $1.1
billion; the mean SC-CH4 at the 3-percent discount rate
results in an estimate of about $430 million in 2025, as presented in
Table 4 of this preamble.
Table 4--Estimated Global Benefits of CH[ihel4] Reductions in 2025
[In millions, 2012$]
Discount rate and statistic
Million metric tons CH[ihel4] 3% 95th
5% Average 3% Average 2.5% Average percentile
0.285....................................... $200 $430 $550 $1,100
The vast majority of this action's climate-related benefits are
associated with methane reductions. Additional climate-related benefits
are expected from the guidelines' secondary air impacts, specifically,
a net reduction in CO2 emissions. Monetizing the net
CO2 reductions with the SC-CO2 estimates
described in this section yields benefits
[[Page 59309]]
of $14 million in the year 2025 (average SC-CO2, 3 percent
discount rate, 2012$). Monetized climate benefits associated with
reductions in methane and secondary CO2 emissions are approximately
$440 million in 2025 (2012$), based on the average SC-CH4 at
a 3 percent discount rate and the average SC-CO2 at a 3 percent
discount rate. See the 2016 RIA for more details.
In addition to the limitation discussed above, and the referenced
documents, there are additional impacts of individual GHGs that are not
currently captured in the IAMs used in the directly modeled approach of
Marten et al. (2014), and therefore not quantified for the rule. For
example, the NMOC portion of LFG can contain a variety of air
pollutants, including VOC and various organic HAP. VOC emissions are
precursors to both PM2.5 and ozone formation, while methane
is a GHG and a precursor to global ozone formation. These pollutants
are associated with substantial health effects, welfare effects, and
climate effects, which are discussed in section III.B of this preamble.
The ozone generated by methane has important non-climate impacts on
agriculture, ecosystems, and human health. The 2016 RIA describes the
specific impacts of methane as an ozone precursor in more detail and
discusses studies that have estimated monetized benefits of these
methane generated ozone effects. The EPA continues to monitor
developments in this area of research.
Finally, these final Emission Guidelines will yield benefits from
reductions in VOC and HAP emissions and from reductions in methane as a
precursor to global background concentrations of tropospheric ozone.
With the data available, we are not able to provide quantified health
benefit estimates for the reduction in exposure to HAP, ozone, and
PM2.5 for this rule. This is not to imply that there are no
benefits of the rules; rather, it is a reflection of the difficulties
in modeling the direct and indirect impacts of the reductions in
emissions for this sector with the data currently available.\61\ In
addition to health improvements, there will be improvements in
visibility effects, ecosystem effects, and climate effects.
\61\ Previous studies have estimated the monetized benefits-per-
ton of reducing VOC emissions associated with the effect that those
emissions have on ambient PM2.5 levels and the health
effects associated with PM2.5 exposure (Fann, Fulcher,
and Hubbell, 2009). While these ranges of benefit-per-ton estimates
can provide useful context, the geographic distribution of VOC
emissions from the MSW landfills sector are not consistent with
emissions modeled in Fann, Fulcher, and Hubbell (2009). In addition,
the benefit-per-ton estimates for VOC emission reductions in that
study are derived from total VOC emissions across all sectors.
Coupled with the larger uncertainties about the relationship between
VOC emissions and PM2.5 and the highly localized nature
of air quality responses associated with HAP and VOC reductions,
these factors lead us to conclude that the available VOC benefit-
per-ton estimates are not appropriate to calculate monetized
benefits of these rules, even as a bounding exercise.
Although we do not have sufficient information or modeling
available to provide quantitative estimates of the health benefits
associated with HAP, ozone, and PM2.5 reductions, we include
a qualitative assessment of the public health effects associated with
exposure to HAP, ozone, and PM2.5 in the 2016 RIA for this
rule. These qualitative impact assessments are briefly summarized in
section III.B of this preamble, but for more detailed information,
please refer to the 2016 RIA, which is available in the docket.
Based on the monetized benefits and costs of the final emission
guidelines, the annual net benefits of the rule are estimated to be
$390 million ($2012) in 2025 based on the average SC-CH4 at a 3 percent
discount rate and costs at a 7 percent discount rate.
VIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
Additional information about these statues and Executive Orders can
be found at https://www2.epa.gov/laws-regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
This action is an economically significant regulatory action that
was submitted to OMB for review. Any changes made in response to OMB
recommendations have been documented in the docket. The EPA prepared an
economic analysis of the potential costs and benefits associated with
the proposed Emission Guidelines. The analysis is documented in the
2016 RIA, which is available in docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0451 and is
briefly summarized in section VII of this preamble.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
OMB has approved the information collection activities contained in
this rule under the PRA and has assigned OMB control number 2060-NEW.
The Information Collection Request (ICR) document that the EPA prepared
for the final Emission Guidelines has been assigned EPA ICR number
2522.02. You can find a copy of the ICR in the docket for this rule,
and it is briefly summarized here.
The information required to be collected is necessary to identify
the regulated entities subject to the final rule and to ensure their
compliance with the final Emission Guidelines. The recordkeeping and
reporting requirements are mandatory and are being established under
authority of CAA section 114 (42 U.S.C. 7414). All information other
than emissions data submitted as part of a report to the agency for
which a claim of confidentiality is made will be safeguarded according
to CAA section 114(c) and the EPA's implementing regulations at 40 CFR
part 2, subpart B.
Respondents/affected entities: MSW landfills that accepted waste
after November 8, 1987, and commenced construction, reconstruction, or
modification on or before July 17, 2014.
Respondent's obligation to respond: Mandatory (40 CFR part 60,
subpart Cf).
Estimated number of respondents: 1,192 MSW landfills.
Frequency of response: Initially, occasionally, and annually.
Total estimated burden: 679,668 hours (per year) for the responding
facilities and 17,829 hours (per year) for the agency. These are
estimates for the average annual burden for the first 3 years after the
rule is final. Burden is defined at 5 CFR 1320.3(b).
Total estimated cost: $45,225,362 (per year), which includes
annualized capital or operation and maintenance costs, for the
responding facilities and 1,161,840 (per year) for the agency. These
are estimates for the average annual cost for the first 3 years after
the rule is final.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for the
EPA's regulations in 40 CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
I certify that this action will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. This
action will not impose any requirements on small entities.
Specifically, Emission Guidelines established under CAA section 111(d)
do not impose any requirements on regulated entities and, thus, will
not have a significant economic impact upon a substantial number of
small entities. After Emission Guidelines are promulgated, states and
U.S. territories establish standards on existing sources, and it is
those state requirements that could potentially impact small entities.
[[Page 59310]]
Our analysis here is consistent with the analysis of the analogous
situation arising when the EPA establishes National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS), which do not impose any requirements on regulated
entities. As here, any impact of a NAAQS on small entities would only
arise when states take subsequent action to maintain and/or achieve the
NAAQS through their state implementation plans. See American Trucking
Assoc. v. EPA, 175 F.3d 1029, 1043-45 (D.C. Cir. 1999). (NAAQS do not
have significant impacts upon small entities because NAAQS themselves
impose no regulations upon small entities.)
Nevertheless, the EPA is aware that there is substantial interest
in the rule among small entities. The EPA conducted stakeholder
outreach as detailed in sections XI.C and XI.E of the preamble to the
proposed Standards of Performance for MSW Landfills (79 FR 41828-41829;
July 17, 2014) and in sections VIII.C and VIII.E of this preamble. The
EPA convened a Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) Panel in 2013 for
the landfills rulemaking. The EPA originally planned a review of the
Emission Guidelines and NSPS in one action, but the actions were
subsequently divided into separate rulemakings. The SBAR Panel
evaluated the assembled materials and small-entity comments on issues
related to the rule's potential effects and significant alternative
regulatory approaches. A copy of the ``Summary of Small Entity
Outreach'' is available in the rulemaking docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0451.
While formulating the provisions of the rule, the EPA considered the
input provided over the course of the stakeholder outreach as well as
the input provided in the many public comments, and we have
incorporated many of the suggestions in this final rule.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
This action does not contain any unfunded mandate of $100 million
or more as described in UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538. The final Emission
Guidelines apply to landfills that were constructed, modified, or
reconstructed after November 8, 1987, and that commenced construction,
reconstruction, or modification on or before July 17, 2014. Impacts
resulting from the final Emission Guidelines are below the applicable
We note however, that the final Emission Guidelines may
significantly or uniquely affect small governments because small
governments operate landfills. The EPA consulted with small governments
concerning the regulatory requirements that might significantly or
uniquely affect them. In developing this rule, the EPA consulted with
small governments pursuant to a plan established under section 203 of
the UMRA to address impacts of regulatory requirements in the rule that
might significantly or uniquely affect small governments. The EPA also
held meetings as discussed in section VIII.E of this preamble under
Federalism consultations.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
The EPA has concluded that the final Emission Guidelines may have
federalism implications, because the rule imposes substantial direct
compliance costs on state or local governments and the federal
government will not provide the funds necessary to pay those costs.
The EPA provides the following federalism summary impact statement.
The EPA consulted with state and local officials, including their
representative national organizations, early in the process of
developing the proposed action to permit them to have meaningful and
timely input into its development. In developing the regulatory options
reflected in the proposed rule as well as this final action, the EPA
consulted with 8 national organizations representing state and local
elected officials, including the National Governors Association, the
National League of Cities, the National Association of Counties, the
National Conference of State Legislatures, the United States Conference
of Mayors, the County Executives of America, the Council of State
Governments, and the National Association of Towns and Townships.
Additionally, the Environmental Council of the States, the National
Association of Clean Air Agencies and the Association of State and
Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials participated in pre-
proposal briefings. Finally, in addition to these associations, over
140 officials representing state and local governments across the
nation participated in at least one of three pre-proposal briefings in
the Fall of 2013 (September 10, 2013, November 7, 2013, and November
14, 2013.
In the spirit of Executive Order 13132, and consistent with EPA
policy to promote communications between the EPA and state and local
governments, the EPA specifically solicited input prior to proposal
from these intergovernmental associations, their members, and the
participating state and local officials during and in follow-up to
these briefings. As a result of the first phase of pre-proposal
intergovernmental outreach, the EPA received comments from [over 40]
entities representing State and local governments. As the development
of the rule continued, and in the interest of sharing additional
information with its intergovernmental partners prior to proposing the
rule, EPA conducted an additional Federalism outreach meeting on April
15, 2015.
The principal intergovernmental concerns raised during the pre-
proposal consultations, as well as during the proposed rule's public
comment period, include: Implementation concerns associated with
shortening of gas collection system installation and/or expansion
timeframes; concerns regarding significant lowering of the design
capacity or emission thresholds; the need for clarifications associated
with wellhead operating parameters; and, the need for consistent,
clear, and rigorous surface monitoring requirements. In response to
these comments and based upon the data currently available, the EPA has
decided not to adjust the design capacity or significantly lower the
emission threshold. The EPA has also decided not to adjust the time
allotted for installation of the GCCS or expansion of the wellfield. In
80 FR 52121 (the proposed rule), the EPA highlighted specific concerns
raised by commenters, which included state agencies as well as landfill
owners and operators, about the interaction between shortened lag times
and design plan approvals, costs and safety concerns associated with
reduced lag times, and the need for flexibility for lag time
adjustments. Wellhead operating parameters have been adjusted to limit
corrective action requirements to negative pressure and temperature.
The EPA also acknowledged concerns about wellhead operating parameters
in 80 FR 52121 and reviewed public comments in favor of and against
retention of the parameters during the public comment period as
described in section VI.A.1 of this preamble.
As described section VI.B of this preamble, the EPA is finalizing a
SEM approach for determining GCCS installation. Commenters were
generally supportive of this approach and recognized the additional
flexibility provided as an alternative to the traditional approach for
determining GCCS installation based on a series of models. The EPA is
also finalizing a subcategory for closed landfills as outlined in
section VI.C of this preamble. While federalism commenters primarily
supported this approach, some representatives of local
[[Page 59311]]
governments opposed it due to trends in ownership and size of landfills
and the perception that landfills owned by these entities should not
benefit from subcategorization.
A complete list of the comments from State and local governments
has been provided to OMB and has been placed in the docket for this
rulemaking. In addition, the detailed response to comments from these
entities is contained in the EPA's Response to Comments document for
this rulemaking.
As required by section 8(a) of Executive Order 13132, the EPA
included a certification from its Federalism Official stating that the
EPA had met the Executive Order's requirements in a meaningful and
timely manner when it sent the draft of this final action to OMB for
review pursuant to Executive Order 12866. A copy of this certification
is included in the public version of the official record for this final
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
This action has tribal implications. However, it will neither
impose substantial direct compliance costs on federally recognized
tribal governments, nor preempt tribal law. The database used to
estimate impacts of the final 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf, identified
one tribe, the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, which owns
three landfills potentially subject to the final Emission Guidelines.
One of these landfills is open, the Salt River Landfill, and is already
controlling emissions under the current NSPS/EG framework, so while
subject to this subpart, the costs of this proposal are not
substantial. The two other landfills are closed and anticipated to meet
the definition of the closed landfill subcategory. One of the closed
landfills, the Tri Cities Landfill, is already controlling emissions
under the current NSPS/EG framework and will not incur substantial
additional compliance costs under subpart Cf. The other landfill, North
Center Street Landfill, is not estimated to install controls under the
current NSPS/EG framework.
As required by section 7(a), the EPA's Tribal Consultation Official
has certified that the requirements of the Executive Order have been
met in a meaningful and timely manner. A copy of the certification is
included in the docket for this action.
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental
Health Risks and Safety Risks
This action is subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April
23, 1997) because it is a significant regulatory action as defined by
Executive Order 12866, and the EPA believes that the environmental
health or safety risk addressed by this action has a disproportionate
effect on children. Accordingly, the EPA has evaluated the
environmental health and welfare effects of climate change on children.
Greenhouse gases including methane contribute to climate change and
are emitted in significant quantities by the landfill sector. The EPA
believes that the GHG emission reductions resulting from implementation
of this final rule will further improve children's health.
The assessment literature cited in the EPA's 2009 Endangerment
Finding concluded that certain populations and life stages, including
children, the elderly, and the poor, are most vulnerable to climate-
related health effects. The assessment literature since 2009
strengthens these conclusions by providing more detailed findings
regarding these groups' vulnerabilities and the projected impacts they
may experience.
These assessments describe how children's unique physiological and
developmental factors contribute to making them particularly vulnerable
to climate change. Impacts to children are expected from heat waves,
air pollution, infectious and waterborne illnesses, and mental health
effects resulting from extreme weather events. In addition, children
are among those especially susceptible to most allergic diseases, as
well as health effects associated with heat waves, storms, and floods.
Additional health concerns may arise in low income households,
especially those with children, if climate change reduces food
availability and increases prices, leading to food insecurity within
More detailed information on the impacts of climate change to human
health and welfare is provided in section III.B of this preamble.
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That Significantly Affect Energy
Supply, Distribution, or Use
This action is not a ``significant energy action'' because it is
not likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply,
distribution, or use of energy. Further, we have concluded that the
final Emission Guidelines are not likely to have any adverse energy
effects because the energy demanded to operate these control systems
will be offset by additional energy supply from LFG energy projects.
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
Part 51
The final Emission Guidelines involve technical standards. For the
final Emission Guidelines, the EPA has decided to use EPA Methods 2,
2E, 3, 3A, 3C, 18, 21, 25, 25A, and 25C of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
The EPA identified 15 voluntary consensus standards (VCS) as being
potentially applicable (ASTM D3154-00 (2006), ASTM D3464-96 (2007),
ASTM D3796-90 (2001), ANSI/ASME PTC 19-10-1981 Part 10, ASME B133.9-
1994 (2001), ISO 10396:1993 (2007), ISO 12039:2001, ISO 10780:1994,
ASTM D5835-95 (2013), ASTM D6522-11, ASTM D6420-99 (2010), CAN/CSA
Z223.2-M86 (1999), ASTM D6060-96 (2009), ISO 14965:2000(E), EN
12619(1999)). The EPA determined that 14 of the 15 candidate VCS
identified for measuring emissions of pollutants or their surrogates
subject to emission standards in the rule would not be practical due to
lack of equivalency, documentation, validation data, and other
important technical and policy considerations. The agency identified no
equivalent standards for Methods 2E, 21, and 25C. However, one
voluntary consensus standard was identified as acceptable alternative
to EPA test method for the purposes of this rule.
The voluntary consensus standard ASTM D6522-11, Standard Test
Method for the Determination of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and
Oxygen Concentrations in Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired Reciprocating
Engines, Combustion Turbines, Boilers, and Process Heaters Using
Portable Analyzers'' is an acceptable alternative to Method 3A when
used at the wellhead before combustion. It is advisable to know the
flammability and check the Lower Explosive Limit of the flue gas
constituents, prior to sampling, in order to avoid undesired ignition
of the gas. The results of ASTM D6522-11 may be used to determine
nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide emission concentrations from
natural gas combustion at stationary sources. This test method may also
be used to monitor emissions during short-term emission tests or
periodically in order to optimize process operation for nitrogen oxides
and carbon monoxide control.
The EPA's review, including review of comments for these 15
methods, is documented in the memorandum, ``Voluntary Consensus
Standard Results
[[Page 59312]]
for Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills, 2016'' in the docket for this rulemaking (EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-
In this rule, the EPA is finalizing regulatory text for 40 CFR part
60, subpart Cf, that includes incorporation by reference in accordance
with requirements of 1 CFR 51.5. Specifically, the EPA is incorporating
by reference ASTM D6522-11. You may obtain a copy from American Society
for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, Post Office Box C700,
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 or https://www.astm.org.
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
The EPA believes the human health or environmental risk addressed
by this action will not have potential disproportionately high and
adverse human health or environmental effects on minority, low-income,
or indigenous populations. The EPA has determined this because the
rulemaking increases the level of environmental protection for all
affected populations without having any disproportionately high and
adverse human health or environmental effects on any population,
including any minority, low-income, or indigenous populations. To the
extent that any minority, low-income, or indigenous subpopulation is
disproportionately impacted by hazardous air emissions due to the
proximity of their homes to sources of these emissions, that
subpopulation also stands to see increased environmental and health
benefit from the emission reductions called for by this rule.
The EPA has provided meaningful participation opportunities for
minority, low-income, indigenous populations and tribes during the
rulemaking process by conducting and participating in community calls
and webinars. Documentation of these activities can be found in the
July 13, 2016, document titled, ``2016 Environmental Justice Screening
Report for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills,'' a copy of which is
available in the docket for this action (EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0451).
The EPA is committed to assisting states and communities to develop
plans that ensure there are no disproportionate, adverse impacts on
overburdened communities. To provide information fundamental to that
process, the EPA has conducted a proximity analysis for this final
rulemaking that summarizes demographic data on the communities located
near landfills.\62\ The EPA understands that, in order to prevent
disproportionately, high and adverse human health or environmental
effects on these communities, both states and communities must have
information on the communities living near facilities, including
demographic data, and that accessing and using census data files
requires expertise that some community groups may lack. Therefore, the
EPA used census data from the American Community Survey (ACS) 2008-2012
to conduct a proximity analysis that can be used by states and
communities as they develop state plans and as they later assess the
final plans' impacts. The analysis and its results are presented in the
EJ Screening Report for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, which is
located in the docket for this rulemaking at EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0451.
\62\ The proximity analysis was conducted using the EPA's
environmental justice mapping and screening tool, EJSCREEN.
The proximity analysis provides detailed demographic information on
the communities located within a 3-mile radius of each affected
landfill in the U.S. Included in the analysis is the breakdown by
percentage of community characteristics such as income and minority
status. The analysis shows a higher percentage of communities of color
and people without high school diplomas living near landfills than
national averages. It is important to note that the impacts of landfill
emissions are not limited to a 3-mile radius and the impacts of both
potential increases and decreases in landfill emissions can be felt
many miles away. Still, being aware of the characteristics of
communities closest to landfills is a starting point in understanding
how changes in the landfill's air emissions may affect the air quality
experienced by some of those already experiencing environmental
As stated in the Executive Order 12898 discussion located in
section XIII.J of this preamble, the EPA believes that all communities
will benefit from this final rulemaking because this action addresses
the impacts of climate change by climate co-benefits achieved through
reductions in the methane component of LFG. The EPA also believes that
the information provided in the proximity analysis will promote
engagement between vulnerable communities and their states and will be
useful for states as they develop their plans.
Additionally, the EPA encourages states to conduct their own
analyses of community considerations when developing their plans. Each
state is uniquely knowledgeable about its own communities and well-
positioned to consider the possible impacts of plans on vulnerable
communities within its state. Conducting state-specific analyses would
not only help states assess possible impacts of plan options, but it
would also enhance a state's understanding of the means to engage these
communities that would most effectively reach them and lead to valuable
exchanges of information and concerns. A state analysis, together with
the proximity analysis conducted by the EPA, would provide a solid
foundation for engagement between a state and its communities.
Such state-specific analyses need not be exhaustive. An examination
of the options a state is considering for its plan, and any projections
of likely resulting increases in landfill emissions affecting low-
income populations, communities of color populations, or indigenous
communities, would be informative for communities. The analyses could
include available air quality monitoring data and information from air
quality models, and, if available, take into account information about
local health vulnerabilities such as asthma rates or access to
healthcare. Alternatively, a simple analysis may consider expected
landfill utilization in geographic proximity to overburdened
communities. The EPA will provide states with information on its
publicly available environmental justice screening and mapping tool, EJ
SCREEN, which they may use in conducting a state-specific analysis.
Additionally, the EPA encourages states to submit a copy of their
analysis if they choose to conduct one, with their initial and final
plan submittals.
K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
This action is subject to the CRA, and the EPA will submit a rule
report to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of
the United States. This action is a ``major rule'' as defined by 5
U.S.C. 804(2).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 60
Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Incorporation by reference, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: July 14, 2016.
Gina McCarthy,
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Environmental
Protection Agency amends title 40, chapter I of the Code of Federal
Regulations as follows:
[[Page 59313]]
1. The authority citation for part 60 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
2. Section 60.17 is amended:
a. By redesignating paragraphs (h)(185) through (206) as paragraphs
(h)(186) through (207), respectively; and
b. By adding a new paragraph (h)(185).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 60.17 Incorporations by reference.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
(185) ASTM D6522-11 Standard Test Method for Determination of
Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen Concentrations in
Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engines, Combustion
Turbines, Boilers, and Process Heaters Using Portable Analyzers
(Approved December 1, 2011), IBR approved for Sec. 60.37f(a).
* * * * *
3. Part 60 is amended by adding subpart Cf to read as follows:
Subpart Cf--Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal
Solid Waste Landfills
60.30f Scope and delegated authorities.
60.31f Designated facilities.
60.32f Compliance times.
60.33f Emission Guidelines for municipal solid waste landfill
60.34f Operational standards for collection and control systems.
60.35f Test methods and procedures.
60.36f Compliance provisions.
60.37f Monitoring of operations.
60.38f Reporting guidelines.
60.39f Recordkeeping guidelines.
60.40f Specifications for active collection systems.
60.41f Definitions.
Subpart Cf--Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal
Solid Waste Landfills
Sec. 60.30f Scope and delegated authorities.
This subpart establishes Emission Guidelines and compliance times
for the control of designated pollutants from certain designated
municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in accordance with section 111(d)
of the Clean Air Act and subpart B of this part.
(a) If you are the Administrator of an air quality program in a
state or United States protectorate with one or more existing MSW
landfills that commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction
on or before July 17, 2014, you must submit a state plan to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that implements the Emission
Guidelines contained in this subpart. The requirements for state plans
are specified in subpart B of this part.
(b) You must submit a state plan to EPA by May 30, 2017.
(c) The following authorities will not be delegated to state,
local, or tribal agencies:
(1) Approval of alternative methods to determine the NMOC
concentration or a site-specific methane generation rate constant (k).
(2) [Reserved]
Sec. 60.31f Designated facilities.
(a) The designated facility to which these Emission Guidelines
apply is each existing MSW landfill for which construction,
reconstruction, or modification was commenced on or before July 17,
(b) Physical or operational changes made to an existing MSW
landfill solely to comply with an emission guideline are not considered
a modification or reconstruction and would not subject an existing MSW
landfill to the requirements of a standard of performance for new MSW
(c) For purposes of obtaining an operating permit under title V of
the Clean Air Act, the owner or operator of an MSW landfill subject to
this subpart with a design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams or
2.5 million cubic meters is not subject to the requirement to obtain an
operating permit for the landfill under part 70 or 71 of this chapter,
unless the landfill is otherwise subject to either part 70 or 71. For
purposes of submitting a timely application for an operating permit
under part 70 or 71, the owner or operator of an MSW landfill subject
to this subpart with a design capacity greater than or equal to 2.5
million megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters on the effective date of
EPA approval of the state's program under section 111(d) of the Clean
Air Act, and not otherwise subject to either part 70 or 71, becomes
subject to the requirements of Sec. 70.5(a)(1)(i) or Sec.
71.5(a)(1)(i) of this chapter 90 days after the effective date of such
section 111(d) program approval, even if the design capacity report is
submitted earlier.
(d) When an MSW landfill subject to this subpart is closed as
defined in this subpart, the owner or operator is no longer subject to
the requirement to maintain an operating permit under part 70 or 71 of
this chapter for the landfill if the landfill is not otherwise subject
to the requirements of either part 70 or 71 and if either of the
following conditions are met:
(1) The landfill was never subject to the requirement to install
and operate a gas collection and control system under Sec. 60.33f; or
(2) The landfill meets the conditions for control system removal
specified in Sec. 60.33f(f).
(e) When an MSW landfill subject to this subpart is in the closed
landfill subcategory, the owner or operator is not subject to the
following reports of this subpart, provided the owner or operator
submitted these reports under the provisions of subpart WWW of this
part; 40 CFR part 62, subpart GGG; or a state plan implementing subpart
Cc of this part on or before July 17, 2014:
(1) Initial design capacity report specified in Sec. 60.38f(a).
(2) Initial or subsequent NMOC emission rate report specified in
Sec. 60.38f(c), provided that the most recent NMOC emission rate
report indicated the NMOC emissions were below 50 Mg/yr.
(3) Collection and control system design plan specified in Sec.
(4) Closure report specified in Sec. 60.38f(f).
(5) Equipment removal report specified in Sec. 60.38f(g).
(6) Initial annual report specified in Sec. 60.38f(h).
(7) Initial performance test report in Sec. 60.38f(i).
Sec. 60.32f Compliance times.
Planning, awarding of contracts, installing, and starting up MSW
landfill air emission collection and control equipment that is capable
of meeting the Emission Guidelines under Sec. 60.33f must be completed
within 30 months after the date an NMOC emission rate report shows NMOC
emissions equal or exceed 34 megagrams per year (50 megagrams per year
for the closed landfill subcategory); or within 30 months after the
date of the most recent NMOC emission rate report that shows NMOC
emissions equal or exceed 34 megagrams per year (50 megagrams per year
for the closed landfill subcategory), if Tier 4 surface emissions
monitoring shows a surface emission concentration of 500 parts per
million methane or greater.
Sec. 60.33f Emission Guidelines for municipal solid waste landfill
(a) Landfills. For approval, a state plan must require each owner
or operator of an MSW landfill having a design capacity greater than or
equal to 2.5 million megagrams by mass and 2.5 million cubic meters by
volume to collect and control MSW landfill
[[Page 59314]]
emissions at each MSW landfill that meets the following conditions:
(1) The landfill has accepted waste at any time since November 8,
1987, or has additional design capacity available for future waste
(2) The landfill commenced construction, reconstruction, or
modification on or before July 17, 2014.
(3) The landfill has an NMOC emission rate greater than or equal to
34 megagrams per year or Tier 4 surface emissions monitoring shows a
surface emission concentration of 500 parts per million methane or
(4) The landfill in the closed landfill subcategory and has an NMOC
emission rate greater than or equal to 50 megagrams per year or Tier 4
surface emissions monitoring shows a surface emission concentration of
500 parts per million methane or greater.
(b) Collection system. For approval, a state plan must include
provisions for the installation of a gas collection and control system
meeting the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) and (c) of
this section at each MSW landfill meeting the conditions in paragraph
(a) of this section.
(1) Collection system. Install and start up a collection and
control system that captures the gas generated within the landfill
within 30 months after:
(i) The first annual report in which the NMOC emission rate equals
or exceeds 34 megagrams per year, unless Tier 2 or Tier 3 sampling
demonstrates that the NMOC emission rate is less than 34 megagrams per
year, as specified in Sec. 60.38f(d)(4); or
(ii) The first annual NMOC emission rate report for a landfill in
the closed landfill subcategory in which the NMOC emission rate equals
or exceeds 50 megagrams per year, unless Tier 2 or Tier 3 sampling
demonstrates that the NMOC emission rate is less than 50 megagrams per
year, as specified in Sec. 60.38f(d)(4); or
(iii) The most recent NMOC emission rate report in which the NMOC
emission rate equals or exceeds 34 megagrams per year based on Tier 2,
if the Tier 4 surface emissions monitoring shows a surface methane
emission concentration of 500 parts per million methane or greater as
specified in Sec. 60.38f(d)(4)(iii).
(2) Active. An active collection system must:
(i) Be designed to handle the maximum expected gas flow rate from
the entire area of the landfill that warrants control over the intended
use period of the gas control system equipment.
(ii) Collect gas from each area, cell, or group of cells in the
landfill in which the initial solid waste has been placed for a period
of 5 years or more if active; or 2 years or more if closed or at final
(iii) Collect gas at a sufficient extraction rate.
(iv) Be designed to minimize off-site migration of subsurface gas.
(3) Passive. A passive collection system must:
(i) Comply with the provisions specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i),
(ii), and (iv) of this section.
(ii) Be installed with liners on the bottom and all sides in all
areas in which gas is to be collected. The liners must be installed as
required under Sec. 258.40 of this chapter.
(c) Control system. For approval, a state plan must include
provisions for the control of the gas collected from within the
landfill through the use of control devices meeting the following
requirements, except as provided in Sec. 60.24.
(1) A non-enclosed flare designed and operated in accordance with
the parameters established in Sec. 60.18 except as noted in Sec.
60.37f(d); or
(2) A control system designed and operated to reduce NMOC by 98
weight percent; or when an enclosed combustion device is used for
control, to either reduce NMOC by 98 weight percent or reduce the
outlet NMOC concentration to less than 20 parts per million by volume,
dry basis as hexane at 3 percent oxygen or less. The reduction
efficiency or concentration in parts per million by volume must be
established by an initial performance test to be completed no later
than 180 days after the initial startup of the approved control system
using the test methods specified in Sec. 60.35f(d). The performance
test is not required for boilers and process heaters with design heat
input capacities equal to or greater than 44 megawatts that burn
landfill gas for compliance with this subpart.
(i) If a boiler or process heater is used as the control device,
the landfill gas stream must be introduced into the flame zone.
(ii) The control device must be operated within the parameter
ranges established during the initial or most recent performance test.
The operating parameters to be monitored are specified in Sec. 60.37f.
(iii) For the closed landfill subcategory, the initial or most
recent performance test conducted to comply with subpart WWW of this
part; 40 CFR part 62, subpart GGG; or a state plan implementing subpart
Cc of this part on or before July 17, 2014 is sufficient for compliance
with this subpart.
(3) Route the collected gas to a treatment system that processes
the collected gas for subsequent sale or beneficial use such as fuel
for combustion, production of vehicle fuel, production of high-Btu gas
for pipeline injection, or use as a raw material in a chemical
manufacturing process. Venting of treated landfill gas to the ambient
air is not allowed. If the treated landfill gas cannot be routed for
subsequent sale or beneficial use, then the treated landfill gas must
be controlled according to either paragraph (c)(1) or (2) of this
(4) All emissions from any atmospheric vent from the gas treatment
system are subject to the requirements of paragraph (b) or (c) of this
section. For purposes of this subpart, atmospheric vents located on the
condensate storage tank are not part of the treatment system and are
exempt from the requirements of paragraph (b) or (c) of this section.
(d) Design capacity. For approval, a state plan must require each
owner or operator of an MSW landfill having a design capacity less than
2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume to
submit an initial design capacity report to the Administrator as
provided in Sec. 60.38f(a). The landfill may calculate design capacity
in either megagrams or cubic meters for comparison with the exemption
values. Any density conversions must be documented and submitted with
the report. Submittal of the initial design capacity report fulfills
the requirements of this subpart except as provided in paragraphs
(d)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) The owner or operator must submit an amended design capacity
report as provided in Sec. 60.38f(b).
Note to paragraph (d)(1): Note that if the design capacity increase
is the result of a modification, as defined in this subpart, that was
commenced after July 17, 2014, then the landfill becomes subject to
subpart XXX of this part instead of this subpart. If the design
capacity increase is the result of a change in operating practices,
density, or some other change that is not a modification as defined in
this subpart, then the landfill remains subject to this subpart.
(2) When an increase in the maximum design capacity of a landfill
with an initial design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams or 2.5
million cubic meters results in a revised maximum design capacity equal
to or greater than 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters,
the owner or operator
[[Page 59315]]
must comply with paragraph (e) of this section.
(e) Emissions. For approval, a state plan must require each owner
or operator of an MSW landfill having a design capacity equal to or
greater than 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters to
either install a collection and control system as provided in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section or calculate an initial NMOC
emission rate for the landfill using the procedures specified in Sec.
60.35f(a). The NMOC emission rate must be recalculated annually, except
as provided in Sec. 60.38f(c)(3).
(1) If the calculated NMOC emission rate is less than 34 megagrams
per year, the owner or operator must:
(i) Submit an annual NMOC emission rate report according to Sec.
60.38f(c), except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(c)(3); and
(ii) Recalculate the NMOC emission rate annually using the
procedures specified in Sec. 60.35f(a) until such time as the
calculated NMOC emission rate is equal to or greater than 34 megagrams
per year, or the landfill is closed.
(A) If the calculated NMOC emission rate, upon initial calculation
or annual recalculation required in paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this
section, is equal to or greater than 34 megagrams per year, the owner
or operator must either: Comply with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
section; calculate NMOC emissions using the next higher tier in Sec.
60.35f; or conduct a surface emission monitoring demonstration using
the procedures specified in Sec. 60.35f(a)(6).
(B) If the landfill is permanently closed, a closure report must be
submitted to the Administrator as provided in Sec. 60.38f(f), except
for exemption allowed under Sec. 60.31f(e)(4).
(C) For the closed landfill subcategory, if the most recently
calculated NMOC emission rate is equal to or greater than 50 megagrams
per year, the owner or operator must either: Submit a gas collection
and control system design plan as specified in Sec. 60.38f(d), except
for exemptions allowed under Sec. 60.31f(e)(3), and install a
collection and control system as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of
this section; calculate NMOC emissions using the next higher tier in
Sec. 60.35f; or conduct a surface emission monitoring demonstration
using the procedures specified in Sec. 60.35f(a)(6).
(2) If the calculated NMOC emission rate is equal to or greater
than 34 megagrams per year using Tier 1, 2, or 3 procedures, the owner
or operator must either: submit a collection and control system design
plan prepared by a professional engineer to the Administrator within 1
year as specified in Sec. 60.38f(d), except for exemptions allowed
under Sec. 60.31f(e)(3); calculate NMOC emissions using a higher tier
in Sec. 60.35f; or conduct a surface emission monitoring demonstration
using the procedures specified in Sec. 60.35f(a)(6).
(3) For the closed landfill subcategory, if the calculated NMOC
emission rate is equal to or greater than 50 megagrams per year using
Tier 1, 2, or 3 procedures, the owner or operator must either: Submit a
collection and control system design plan as specified in Sec.
60.38f(d), except for exemptions allowed under Sec. 60.31f(e)(3);
calculate NMOC emissions using a higher tier in Sec. 60.35f; or
conduct a surface emission monitoring demonstration using the
procedures specified in Sec. 60.35f(a)(6).
(f) Removal criteria. The collection and control system may be
capped, removed, or decommissioned if the following criteria are met:
(1) The landfill is a closed landfill (as defined in Sec. 60.41f).
A closure report must be submitted to the Administrator as provided in
Sec. 60.38f(f).
(2) The collection and control system has been in operation a
minimum of 15 years or the landfill owner or operator demonstrates that
the GCCS will be unable to operate for 15 years due to declining gas
(3) Following the procedures specified in Sec. 60.35f(b), the
calculated NMOC emission rate at the landfill is less than 34 megagrams
per year on three successive test dates. The test dates must be no less
than 90 days apart, and no more than 180 days apart.
(4) For the closed landfill subcategory (as defined in Sec.
60.41), following the procedures specified in Sec. 60.35f(b), the
calculated NMOC emission rate at the landfill is less than 50 megagrams
per year on three successive test dates. The test dates must be no less
than 90 days apart, and no more than 180 days apart.
Sec. 60.34f Operational standards for collection and control systems.
For approval, a state plan must include provisions for the
operational standards in this section for an MSW landfill with a gas
collection and control system used to comply with the provisions of
Sec. 60.33f(b) and (c). Each owner or operator of an MSW landfill with
a gas collection and control system used to comply with the provisions
of Sec. 60.33f(b) and (c) must:
(a) Operate the collection system such that gas is collected from
each area, cell, or group of cells in the MSW landfill in which solid
waste has been in place for:
(1) Five (5) years or more if active; or
(2) Two (2) years or more if closed or at final grade.
(b) Operate the collection system with negative pressure at each
wellhead except under the following conditions:
(1) A fire or increased well temperature. The owner or operator
must record instances when positive pressure occurs in efforts to avoid
a fire. These records must be submitted with the annual reports as
provided in Sec. 60.38f(h)(1).
(2) Use of a geomembrane or synthetic cover. The owner or operator
must develop acceptable pressure limits in the design plan.
(3) A decommissioned well. A well may experience a static positive
pressure after shut down to accommodate for declining flows. All design
changes must be approved by the Administrator as specified in Sec.
(c) Operate each interior wellhead in the collection system with a
landfill gas temperature less than 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit). The owner or operator may establish a higher operating
temperature value at a particular well. A higher operating value
demonstration must be submitted to the Administrator for approval and
must include supporting data demonstrating that the elevated parameter
neither causes fires nor significantly inhibits anaerobic decomposition
by killing methanogens. The demonstration must satisfy both criteria in
order to be approved (i.e., neither causing fires nor killing
methanogens is acceptable).
(d) Operate the collection system so that the methane concentration
is less than 500 parts per million above background at the surface of
the landfill. To determine if this level is exceeded, the owner or
operator must conduct surface testing using an organic vapor analyzer,
flame ionization detector, or other portable monitor meeting the
specifications provided in Sec. 60.36(d). The owner or operator must
conduct surface testing around the perimeter of the collection area and
along a pattern that traverses the landfill at no more than 30-meter
intervals and where visual observations indicate elevated
concentrations of landfill gas, such as distressed vegetation and
cracks or seeps in the cover and all cover penetrations. Thus, the
owner or operator must monitor any openings that are within an area of
the landfill where waste has been placed and a gas collection system is
required. The owner or operator may establish an alternative traversing
pattern that ensures equivalent coverage. A surface monitoring design
plan must be developed that includes a topographical map with the
monitoring route and the
[[Page 59316]]
rationale for any site-specific deviations from the 30-meter intervals.
Areas with steep slopes or other dangerous areas may be excluded from
the surface testing.
(e) Operate the system such that all collected gases are vented to
a control system designed and operated in compliance with Sec.
60.33f(c). In the event the collection or control system is not
operating, the gas mover system must be shut down and all valves in the
collection and control system contributing to venting of the gas to the
atmosphere must be closed within 1 hour of the collection or control
system not operating.
(f) Operate the control system at all times when the collected gas
is routed to the system.
(g) If monitoring demonstrates that the operational requirements in
paragraph (b), (c), or (d) of this section are not met, corrective
action must be taken as specified in Sec. 60.36f(a)(3) and (5) or (c).
If corrective actions are taken as specified in Sec. 60.36f, the
monitored exceedance is not a violation of the operational requirements
in this section.
Sec. 60.35f Test methods and procedures.
For approval, a state plan must include provisions in this section
to calculate the landfill NMOC emission rate or to conduct a surface
emission monitoring demonstration.
(a)(1) NMOC Emission Rate. The landfill owner or operator must
calculate the NMOC emission rate using either Equation 1 provided in
paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section or Equation 2 provided in paragraph
(a)(1)(ii) of this section. Both Equation 1 and Equation 2 may be used
if the actual year-to-year solid waste acceptance rate is known, as
specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, for part of the life
of the landfill and the actual year-to-year solid waste acceptance rate
is unknown, as specified in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section, for
part of the life of the landfill. The values to be used in both
Equation 1 and Equation 2 are 0.05 per year for k, 170 cubic meters per
megagram for Lo, and 4,000 parts per million by volume as hexane for
the CNMOC. For landfills located in geographical areas with
a 30-year annual average precipitation of less than 25 inches, as
measured at the nearest representative official meteorologic site, the
k value to be used is 0.02 per year.
(i)(A) Equation 1 must be used if the actual year-to-year solid
waste acceptance rate is known.
MNMOC = Total NMOC emission rate from the landfill,
megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year-\1\.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic meters per
megagram solid waste.
Mi = Mass of solid waste in the i\th\ section, megagrams.
ti = Age of the i\th\ section, years.
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per million by
volume as hexane.
3.6 x 10-\9\ = Conversion factor.
(B) The mass of nondegradable solid waste may be subtracted from
the total mass of solid waste in a particular section of the landfill
when calculating the value for Mi if documentation of the
nature and amount of such wastes is maintained.
(ii)(A) Equation 2 must be used if the actual year-to-year solid
waste acceptance rate is unknown.
MNMOC = Mass emission rate of NMOC, megagrams per year.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic meters per
megagram solid waste.
R = Average annual acceptance rate, megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year -\1\.
t = Age of landfill, years.
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per million by
volume as hexane.
c = Time since closure, years; for an active landfill c = 0 and
e-\kc\ = 1.
3.6 x 10-\9\ = Conversion factor.
(B) The mass of nondegradable solid waste may be subtracted from
the total mass of solid waste in a particular section of the landfill
when calculating the value of R, if documentation of the nature and
amount of such wastes is maintained.
(2) Tier 1. The owner or operator must compare the calculated NMOC
mass emission rate to the standard of 34 megagrams per year.
(i) If the NMOC emission rate calculated in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section is less than 34 megagrams per year, then the owner or
operator must submit an NMOC emission rate report according to Sec.
60.38f(c), and must recalculate the NMOC mass emission rate annually as
required under Sec. 60.33f(e).
(ii) If the NMOC emission rate calculated in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section is equal to or greater than 34 megagrams per year, then
the landfill owner or operator must either:
(A) Submit a gas collection and control system design plan within 1
year as specified in Sec. 60.38f(d) and install and operate a gas
collection and control system within 30 months according to Sec.
60.33f(b) and (c);
(B) Determine a site-specific NMOC concentration and recalculate
the NMOC emission rate using the Tier 2 procedures provided in
paragraph (a)(3) of this section; or
(C) Determine a site-specific methane generation rate constant and
recalculate the NMOC emission rate using the Tier 3 procedures provided
in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
(3) Tier 2. The landfill owner or operator must determine the site-
specific NMOC concentration using the following sampling procedure. The
landfill owner or operator must install at least two sample probes per
hectare, evenly distributed over the landfill surface that has retained
waste for at least 2 years. If the landfill is larger than 25 hectares
in area, only 50 samples are required. The probes should be evenly
distributed across the sample area. The sample probes should be located
to avoid known areas of nondegradable solid waste. The owner or
operator must collect and analyze one sample of landfill gas from each
probe to determine the NMOC concentration using Method 25 or 25C of
appendix A of this part. Taking composite samples from different probes
into a single cylinder is allowed; however, equal sample volumes must
be taken from each probe. For each composite, the sampling rate,
collection times, beginning and ending cylinder vacuums, or alternative
volume measurements must be recorded to verify that composite volumes
are equal. Composite sample volumes should not be less than one liter
unless evidence can be provided to substantiate the
[[Page 59317]]
accuracy of smaller volumes. Terminate compositing before the cylinder
approaches ambient pressure where measurement accuracy diminishes. If
more than the required number of samples is taken, all samples must be
used in the analysis. The landfill owner or operator must divide the
NMOC concentration from Method 25 or 25C by six to convert from
CNMOC as carbon to CNMOC as hexane. If the
landfill has an active or passive gas removal system in place, Method
25 or 25C samples may be collected from these systems instead of
surface probes provided the removal system can be shown to provide
sampling as representative as the two sampling probe per hectare
requirement. For active collection systems, samples may be collected
from the common header pipe. The sample location on the common header
pipe must be before any gas moving, condensate removal, or treatment
system equipment. For active collection systems, a minimum of three
samples must be collected from the header pipe.
(i) Within 60 days after the date of determining the NMOC
concentration and corresponding NMOC emission rate, the owner or
operator must submit the results according to Sec. 60.38f(j)(2).
(ii) The landfill owner or operator must recalculate the NMOC mass
emission rate using Equation 1 or Equation 2 provided in paragraph
(a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section using the average site-specific NMOC
concentration from the collected samples instead of the default value
provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(iii) If the resulting NMOC mass emission rate is less than 34
megagrams per year, then the owner or operator must submit a periodic
estimate of NMOC emissions in an NMOC emission rate report according to
Sec. 60.38f(c), and must recalculate the NMOC mass emission rate
annually as required under Sec. 60.33f(e). The site-specific NMOC
concentration must be retested every 5 years using the methods
specified in this section.
(iv) If the NMOC mass emission rate as calculated using the Tier 2
site-specific NMOC concentration is equal to or greater than 34
megagrams per year, the owner or operator must either:
(A) Submit a gas collection and control system design plan within 1
year as specified in Sec. 60.38f(d) and install and operate a gas
collection and control system within 30 months according to Sec.
60.33f(b) and (c);
(B) Determine a site-specific methane generation rate constant and
recalculate the NMOC emission rate using the site-specific methane
generation rate using the Tier 3 procedures specified in paragraph
(a)(4) of this section; or
(C) Conduct a surface emission monitoring demonstration using the
Tier 4 procedures specified in paragraph (a)(6) of this section.
(4) Tier 3. The site-specific methane generation rate constant must
be determined using the procedures provided in Method 2E of appendix A
of this part. The landfill owner or operator must estimate the NMOC
mass emission rate using Equation 1 or Equation 2 in paragraph
(a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section and using a site-specific methane
generation rate constant, and the site-specific NMOC concentration as
determined in paragraph (a)(3) of this section instead of the default
values provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. The landfill owner
or operator must compare the resulting NMOC mass emission rate to the
standard of 34 megagrams per year.
(i) If the NMOC mass emission rate as calculated using the Tier 2
site-specific NMOC concentration and Tier 3 site-specific methane
generation rate is equal to or greater than 34 megagrams per year, the
owner or operator must either:
(A) Submit a gas collection and control system design plan within 1
year as specified in Sec. 60.38f(d) and install and operate a gas
collection and control system within 30 months according to Sec.
60.33f(b) and (c); or
(B) Conduct a surface emission monitoring demonstration using the
Tier 4 procedures specified in paragraph (a)(6) of this section.
(ii) If the NMOC mass emission rate is less than 34 megagrams per
year, then the owner or operator must recalculate the NMOC mass
emission rate annually using Equation 1 or Equation 2 in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section and using the site-specific Tier 2 NMOC
concentration and Tier 3 methane generation rate constant and submit a
periodic NMOC emission rate report as provided in Sec. 60.38f(c). The
calculation of the methane generation rate constant is performed only
once, and the value obtained from this test must be used in all
subsequent annual NMOC emission rate calculations.
(5) Other methods. The owner or operator may use other methods to
determine the NMOC concentration or a site-specific methane generation
rate constant as an alternative to the methods required in paragraphs
(a)(3) and (4) of this section if the method has been approved by the
(6) Tier 4. The landfill owner or operator must demonstrate that
surface methane emissions are below 500 parts per million. Surface
emission monitoring must be conducted on a quarterly basis using the
following procedures. Tier 4 is allowed only if the landfill owner or
operator can demonstrate that NMOC emissions are greater than or equal
to 34 Mg/yr but less than 50 Mg/yr using Tier 1 or Tier 2. If both Tier
1 and Tier 2 indicate NMOC emissions are 50 Mg/yr or greater, then Tier
4 cannot be used. In addition, the landfill must meet the criteria in
paragraph (a)(6)(viii) of this section.
(i) The owner or operator must measure surface concentrations of
methane along the entire perimeter of the landfill and along a pattern
that traverses the landfill at no more than 30-meter intervals using an
organic vapor analyzer, flame ionization detector, or other portable
monitor meeting the specifications provided in Sec. 60.36f(d).
(ii) The background concentration must be determined by moving the
probe inlet upwind and downwind at least 30 meters from the waste mass
boundary of the landfill.
(iii) Surface emission monitoring must be performed in accordance
with section 8.3.1 of Method 21 of appendix A of this part, except that
the probe inlet must be placed no more than 5 centimeters above the
landfill surface; the constant measurement of distance above the
surface should be based on a mechanical device such as with a wheel on
a pole.
(A) The owner or operator must use a wind barrier, similar to a
funnel, when onsite average wind speed exceeds 4 miles per hour or 2
meters per second or gust exceeding 10 miles per hour. Average on-site
wind speed must also be determined in an open area at 5-minute
intervals using an on-site anemometer with a continuous recorder and
data logger for the entire duration of the monitoring event. The wind
barrier must surround the SEM monitor, and must be placed on the
ground, to ensure wind turbulence is blocked. SEM cannot be conducted
if average wind speed exceeds 25 miles per hour.
(B) Landfill surface areas where visual observations indicate
elevated concentrations of landfill gas, such as distressed vegetation
and cracks or seeps in the cover, and all cover penetrations must also
be monitored using a device meeting the specifications provided in
Sec. 60.36f(d).
(iv) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with the Tier 4
provisions in paragraph (a)(6) of this section must maintain records of
surface emission monitoring as provided in Sec. 60.39f(g) and submit a
Tier 4 surface emissions report as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(4)(iii).
[[Page 59318]]
(v) If there is any measured concentration of methane of 500 parts
per million or greater from the surface of the landfill, the owner or
operator must submit a gas collection and control system design plan
within 1 year of the first measured concentration of methane of 500
parts per million or greater from the surface of the landfill according
to Sec. 60.38f(d) and install and operate a gas collection and control
system according to Sec. 60.33f(b) and (c) within 30 months of the
most recent NMOC emission rate report in which the NMOC emission rate
equals or exceeds 34 megagrams per year based on Tier 2.
(vi) If after four consecutive quarterly monitoring periods at a
landfill, other than a closed landfill, there is no measured
concentration of methane of 500 parts per million or greater from the
surface of the landfill, the owner or operator must continue quarterly
surface emission monitoring using the methods specified in this
(vii) If after four consecutive quarterly monitoring periods at a
closed landfill there is no measured concentration of methane of 500
parts per million or greater from the surface of the landfill, the
owner or operator must conduct annual surface emission monitoring using
the methods specified in this section.
(viii) If a landfill has installed and operates a collection and
control system that is not required by this subpart, then the
collection and control system must meet the following criteria:
(A) The gas collection and control system must have operated for at
least 6,570 out of 8,760 hours preceding the Tier 4 surface emissions
monitoring demonstration.
(B) During the Tier 4 surface emissions monitoring demonstration,
the gas collection and control system must operate as it normally would
to collect and control as much landfill gas as possible.
(b) After the installation and startup of a collection and control
system in compliance with this subpart, the owner or operator must
calculate the NMOC emission rate for purposes of determining when the
system can be capped, removed, or decommissioned as provided in Sec.
60.33f(f), using Equation 3:
MNMOC = Mass emission rate of NMOC, megagrams per year.
QLFG = Flow rate of landfill gas, cubic meters per
CNMOC = NMOC concentration, parts per million by volume
as hexane.
(1) The flow rate of landfill gas, QLFG, must be
determined by measuring the total landfill gas flow rate at the common
header pipe that leads to the control system using a gas flow measuring
device calibrated according to the provisions of section 10 of Method
2E of appendix A of this part.
(2) The average NMOC concentration, CNMOC, must be
determined by collecting and analyzing landfill gas sampled from the
common header pipe before the gas moving or condensate removal
equipment using the procedures in Method 25 or Method 25C of appendix A
of this part. The sample location on the common header pipe must be
before any condensate removal or other gas refining units. The landfill
owner or operator must divide the NMOC concentration from Method 25 or
Method 25C by six to convert from CNMOC as carbon to
CNMOC as hexane.
(3) The owner or operator may use another method to determine
landfill gas flow rate and NMOC concentration if the method has been
approved by the Administrator.
(i) Within 60 days after the date of calculating the NMOC emission
rate for purposes of determining when the system can be capped or
removed, the owner or operator must submit the results according to
Sec. 60.38f(j)(2).
(ii) [Reserved]
(c) When calculating emissions for Prevention of Significant
Deterioration purposes, the owner or operator of each MSW landfill
subject to the provisions of this subpart must estimate the NMOC
emission rate for comparison to the Prevention of Significant
Deterioration major source and significance levels in Sec. 51.166 or
Sec. 52.21 of this chapter using Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission
Factors, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources (AP-42) or other
approved measurement procedures.
(d) For the performance test required in Sec. 60.33f(c)(1), the
net heating value of the combusted landfill gas as determined in Sec.
60.18(f)(3) is calculated from the concentration of methane in the
landfill gas as measured by Method 3C. A minimum of three 30-minute
Method 3C samples are determined. The measurement of other organic
components, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide is not applicable. Method 3C
may be used to determine the landfill gas molecular weight for
calculating the flare gas exit velocity under Sec. 60.18(f)(4).
(1) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance
test (as defined in Sec. 60.8), the owner or operator must submit the
results of the performance tests required by paragraph (b) or (d) of
this section, including any associated fuel analyses, according to
Sec. 60.38f(j)(1).
(2) [Reserved]
(e) For the performance test required in Sec. 60.33f(c)(2), Method
25 or 25C (Method 25C may be used at the inlet only) of appendix A of
this part must be used to determine compliance with the 98 weight-
percent efficiency or the 20 parts per million by volume outlet NMOC
concentration level, unless another method to demonstrate compliance
has been approved by the Administrator as provided by Sec.
60.38f(d)(2). Method 3, 3A, or 3C must be used to determine oxygen for
correcting the NMOC concentration as hexane to 3 percent. In cases
where the outlet concentration is less than 50 ppm NMOC as carbon (8
ppm NMOC as hexane), Method 25A should be used in place of Method 25.
Method 18 may be used in conjunction with Method 25A on a limited basis
(compound specific, e.g., methane) or Method 3C may be used to
determine methane. The methane as carbon should be subtracted from the
Method 25A total hydrocarbon value as carbon to give NMOC concentration
as carbon. The landfill owner or operator must divide the NMOC
concentration as carbon by 6 to convert the CNMOC as carbon
to CNMOC as hexane. Equation 4 must be used to calculate
[[Page 59319]]
NMOCin = Mass of NMOC entering control device.
NMOCout = Mass of NMOC exiting control device.
(1) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance
test (as defined in Sec. 60.8), the owner or operator must submit the
results of the performance tests, including any associated fuel
analyses, according to Sec. 60.38f(j)(1).
(2) [Reserved]
Sec. 60.36f Compliance provisions.
For approval, a state plan must include the compliance provisions
in this section.
(a) Except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2), the specified methods
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this section must be used to
determine whether the gas collection system is in compliance with Sec.
(1) For the purposes of calculating the maximum expected gas
generation flow rate from the landfill to determine compliance with
Sec. 60.33f(b)(2)(i), either Equation 5 or Equation 6 in paragraph
(a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section must be used. The methane generation
rate constant (k) and methane generation potential (Lo)
kinetic factors should be those published in the most recent AP-42 or
other site-specific values demonstrated to be appropriate and approved
by the Administrator. If k has been determined as specified in Sec.
60.35f(a)(4), the value of k determined from the test must be used. A
value of no more than 15 years must be used for the intended use period
of the gas mover equipment. The active life of the landfill is the age
of the landfill plus the estimated number of years until closure.
(i) For sites with unknown year-to-year solid waste acceptance
Qm = Maximum expected gas generation flow rate, cubic
meters per year.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic meters per
megagram solid waste.
R = Average annual acceptance rate, megagrams per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year-\1\.
t = Age of the landfill at equipment installation plus the time the
owner or operator intends to use the gas mover equipment or active
life of the landfill, whichever is less. If the equipment is
installed after closure, t is the age of the landfill at
installation, years.
c = Time since closure, years (for an active landfill c = 0 and
e-\kc\ = 1).
(ii) For sites with known year-to-year solid waste acceptance rate:
QM = Maximum expected gas generation flow rate, cubic
meters per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year-\1\.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic meters per
megagram solid waste.
Mi = Mass of solid waste in the i\th\ section, megagrams.
ti = Age of the i\th\ section, years.
(iii) If a collection and control system has been installed, actual
flow data may be used to project the maximum expected gas generation
flow rate instead of, or in conjunction with, Equation 5 or Equation 6
in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section. If the landfill is
still accepting waste, the actual measured flow data will not equal the
maximum expected gas generation rate, so calculations using Equation 5
or Equation 6 or other methods must be used to predict the maximum
expected gas generation rate over the intended period of use of the gas
control system equipment.
(2) For the purposes of determining sufficient density of gas
collectors for compliance with Sec. 60.33f(b)(2)(ii), the owner or
operator must design a system of vertical wells, horizontal collectors,
or other collection devices, satisfactory to the Administrator, capable
of controlling and extracting gas from all portions of the landfill
sufficient to meet all operational and performance standards.
(3) For the purpose of demonstrating whether the gas collection
system flow rate is sufficient to determine compliance with Sec.
60.33f(b)(2)(iii), the owner or operator must measure gauge pressure in
the gas collection header applied to each individual well monthly. If a
positive pressure exists, action must be initiated to correct the
exceedance within 5 calendar days, except for the three conditions
allowed under Sec. 60.34f(b). Any attempted corrective measure must
not cause exceedances of other operational or performance standards.
(i) If negative pressure cannot be achieved without excess air
infiltration within 15 calendar days of the first measurement of
positive pressure, the owner or operator must conduct a root cause
analysis and correct the exceedance as soon as practicable, but not
later than 60 days after positive pressure was first measured. The
owner or operator must keep records according to Sec. 60.39f(e)(3).
(ii) If corrective actions cannot be fully implemented within 60
days following the positive pressure measurement for which the root
cause analysis was required, the owner or operator must also conduct a
corrective action analysis and develop an implementation schedule to
complete the corrective action(s) as soon as practicable, but no more
than 120 days following the positive pressure measurement. The owner or
operator must submit the items listed in Sec. 60.38f(h)(7) as part of
the next annual report. The owner or operator must keep records
according to Sec. 60.39f(e)(4).
(iii) If corrective action is expected to take longer than 120 days
to complete after the initial exceedance, the owner or operator must
submit the root cause analysis, corrective action analysis, and
corresponding implementation timeline to the Administrator, according
to Sec. 60.38f(h)(7) and (k). The owner or operator must keep records
according to Sec. 60.39f(e)(5).
(4) [Reserved]
(5) For the purpose of identifying whether excess air infiltration
into the landfill is occurring, the owner or operator must monitor each
well monthly for temperature as provided in Sec. 60.34f(c). If a well
exceeds the operating parameter for temperature, action must be
initiated to correct the exceedance within 5 calendar days. Any
attempted corrective measure must not
[[Page 59320]]
cause exceedances of other operational or performance standards.
(i) If a landfill gas temperature less than 55 degrees Celsius (131
degrees Fahrenheit) cannot be achieved within 15 calendar days of the
first measurement of landfill gas temperature greater than 55 degrees
Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit), the owner or operator must conduct a
root cause analysis and correct the exceedance as soon as practicable,
but no later than 60 days after a landfill gas temperature greater than
55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit) was first measured. The
owner or operator must keep records according to Sec. 60.39f(e)(3).
(ii) If corrective actions cannot be fully implemented within 60
days following the positive pressure measurement for which the root
cause analysis was required, the owner or operator must also conduct a
corrective action analysis and develop an implementation schedule to
complete the corrective action(s) as soon as practicable, but no more
than 120 days following the measurement of landfill gas temperature
greater than 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit). The owner or
operator must submit the items listed in Sec. 60.38f(h)(7) as part of
the next annual report. The owner or operator must keep records
according to Sec. 60.39f(e)(4).
(iii) If corrective action is expected to take longer than 120 days
to complete after the initial exceedance, the owner or operator must
submit the root cause analysis, corrective action analysis, and
corresponding implementation timeline to the Administrator, according
to Sec. 60.38f(h)(7) and (k). The owner or operator must keep records
according to Sec. 60.39f(e)(5).
(6) An owner or operator seeking to demonstrate compliance with
Sec. 60.33f(b)(2)(iv) through the use of a collection system not
conforming to the specifications provided in Sec. 60.40f must provide
information satisfactory to the Administrator as specified in Sec.
60.38f(d)(3) demonstrating that off-site migration is being controlled.
(b) For purposes of compliance with Sec. 60.34f(a), each owner or
operator of a controlled landfill must place each well or design
component as specified in the approved design plan as provided in Sec.
60.38f(d). Each well must be installed no later than 60 days after the
date on which the initial solid waste has been in place for a period
(1) Five (5) years or more if active; or
(2) Two (2) years or more if closed or at final grade.
(c) The following procedures must be used for compliance with the
surface methane operational standard as provided in Sec. 60.34f(d):
(1) After installation and startup of the gas collection system,
the owner or operator must monitor surface concentrations of methane
along the entire perimeter of the collection area and along a pattern
that traverses the landfill at no more than 30-meter intervals (or a
site-specific established spacing) for each collection area on a
quarterly basis using an organic vapor analyzer, flame ionization
detector, or other portable monitor meeting the specifications provided
in paragraph (d) of this section.
(2) The background concentration must be determined by moving the
probe inlet upwind and downwind outside the boundary of the landfill at
a distance of at least 30 meters from the perimeter wells.
(3) Surface emission monitoring must be performed in accordance
with section 8.3.1 of Method 21 of appendix A of this part, except that
the probe inlet must be placed within 5 to 10 centimeters of the
ground. Monitoring must be performed during typical meteorological
(4) Any reading of 500 parts per million or more above background
at any location must be recorded as a monitored exceedance and the
actions specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (v) of this section
must be taken. As long as the specified actions are taken, the
exceedance is not a violation of the operational requirements of Sec.
(i) The location of each monitored exceedance must be marked and
the location and concentration recorded. For location, you must
determine the latitude and longitude coordinates using an instrument
with an accuracy of at least 4 meters. The coordinates must be in
decimal degrees with at least five decimal places.
(ii) Cover maintenance or adjustments to the vacuum of the adjacent
wells to increase the gas collection in the vicinity of each exceedance
must be made and the location must be re-monitored within 10 calendar
days of detecting the exceedance.
(iii) If the re-monitoring of the location shows a second
exceedance, additional corrective action must be taken and the location
must be monitored again within 10 days of the second exceedance. If the
re-monitoring shows a third exceedance for the same location, the
action specified in paragraph (c)(4)(v) of this section must be taken,
and no further monitoring of that location is required until the action
specified in paragraph (c)(4)(v) of this section has been taken.
(iv) Any location that initially showed an exceedance but has a
methane concentration less than 500 parts per million methane above
background at the 10-day re-monitoring specified in paragraph
(c)(4)(ii) or (iii) of this section must be re-monitored 1 month from
the initial exceedance. If the 1-month re-monitoring shows a
concentration less than 500 parts per million above background, no
further monitoring of that location is required until the next
quarterly monitoring period. If the 1-month re-monitoring shows an
exceedance, the actions specified in paragraph (c)(4)(iii) or (v) of
this section must be taken.
(v) For any location where monitored methane concentration equals
or exceeds 500 parts per million above background three times within a
quarterly period, a new well or other collection device must be
installed within 120 calendar days of the initial exceedance. An
alternative remedy to the exceedance, such as upgrading the blower,
header pipes or control device, and a corresponding timeline for
installation may be submitted to the Administrator for approval.
(5) The owner or operator must implement a program to monitor for
cover integrity and implement cover repairs as necessary on a monthly
(d) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with the provisions in
paragraph (c) of this section or Sec. 60.35f(a)(6) must comply with
the following instrumentation specifications and procedures for surface
emission monitoring devices:
(1) The portable analyzer must meet the instrument specifications
provided in section 6 of Method 21 of appendix A of this part, except
that ``methane'' replaces all references to ``VOC''.
(2) The calibration gas must be methane, diluted to a nominal
concentration of 500 parts per million in air.
(3) To meet the performance evaluation requirements in section 8.1
of Method 21 of appendix A of this part, the instrument evaluation
procedures of section 8.1 of Method 21 must be used.
(4) The calibration procedures provided in sections 8 and 10 of
Method 21 of appendix A of this part must be followed immediately
before commencing a surface monitoring survey.
(e) The provisions of this subpart apply at all times, including
periods of startup, shutdown, or malfunction. During periods of
startup, shutdown, and malfunction, you must comply with the work
practice specified in Sec. 60.34f(e) in lieu of the compliance
provisions in Sec. 60.36f.
[[Page 59321]]
Sec. 60.37f Monitoring of operations.
For approval, a state plan must include the monitoring provisions
in this section, except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2).
(a) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with Sec.
60.33f(b)(2) for an active gas collection system must install a
sampling port and a thermometer, other temperature measuring device, or
an access port for temperature measurements at each wellhead and:
(1) Measure the gauge pressure in the gas collection header on a
monthly basis as provided in Sec. 60.36f(a)(3); and
(2) Monitor nitrogen or oxygen concentration in the landfill gas on
a monthly basis as follows:
(i) The nitrogen level must be determined using Method 3C, unless
an alternative test method is established as allowed by Sec.
(ii) Unless an alternative test method is established as allowed by
Sec. 60.38f(d)(2), the oxygen level must be determined by an oxygen
meter using Method 3A, 3C, or ASTM D6522-11 (incorporated by reference,
see Sec. 60.17). Determine the oxygen level by an oxygen meter using
Method 3A, 3C, or ASTM D6522-11 (if sample location is prior to
combustion) except that:
(A) The span must be set between 10 and 12 percent oxygen;
(B) A data recorder is not required;
(C) Only two calibration gases are required, a zero and span;
(D) A calibration error check is not required; and
(E) The allowable sample bias, zero drift, and calibration drift
are 10 percent.
(iii) A portable gas composition analyzer may be used to monitor
the oxygen levels provided:
(A) The analyzer is calibrated; and
(B) The analyzer meets all quality assurance and quality control
requirements for Method 3A or ASTM D6522-11 (incorporated by reference,
see Sec. 60.17).
(3) Monitor temperature of the landfill gas on a monthly basis as
provided in Sec. 60.36f(a)(5). The temperature measuring device must
be calibrated annually using the procedure in this part 60, appendix A-
1, Method 2, Section 10.3.
(b) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with Sec. 60.33f(c)
using an enclosed combustor must calibrate, maintain, and operate
according to the manufacturer's specifications, the following
(1) A temperature monitoring device equipped with a continuous
recorder and having a minimum accuracy of 1 percent of the
temperature being measured expressed in degrees Celsius or 0.5 degrees Celsius, whichever is greater. A temperature
monitoring device is not required for boilers or process heaters with
design heat input capacity equal to or greater than 44 megawatts.
(2) A device that records flow to the control device and bypass of
the control device (if applicable). The owner or operator must:
(i) Install, calibrate, and maintain a gas flow rate measuring
device that must record the flow to the control device at least every
15 minutes; and
(ii) Secure the bypass line valve in the closed position with a
car-seal or a lock-and-key type configuration. A visual inspection of
the seal or closure mechanism must be performed at least once every
month to ensure that the valve is maintained in the closed position and
that the gas flow is not diverted through the bypass line.
(c) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with Sec. 60.33f(c)
using a non-enclosed flare must install, calibrate, maintain, and
operate according to the manufacturer's specifications the following
(1) A heat sensing device, such as an ultraviolet beam sensor or
thermocouple, at the pilot light or the flame itself to indicate the
continuous presence of a flame.
(2) A device that records flow to the flare and bypass of the flare
(if applicable). The owner or operator must:
(i) Install, calibrate, and maintain a gas flow rate measuring
device that records the flow to the control device at least every 15
minutes; and
(ii) Secure the bypass line valve in the closed position with a
car-seal or a lock-and-key type configuration. A visual inspection of
the seal or closure mechanism must be performed at least once every
month to ensure that the valve is maintained in the closed position and
that the gas flow is not diverted through the bypass line.
(d) Each owner or operator seeking to demonstrate compliance with
Sec. 60.33f(c) using a device other than a non-enclosed flare or an
enclosed combustor or a treatment system must provide information
satisfactory to the Administrator as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2)
describing the operation of the control device, the operating
parameters that would indicate proper performance, and appropriate
monitoring procedures. The Administrator must review the information
and either approve it, or request that additional information be
submitted. The Administrator may specify additional appropriate
monitoring procedures.
(e) Each owner or operator seeking to install a collection system
that does not meet the specifications in Sec. 60.40f or seeking to
monitor alternative parameters to those required by Sec. Sec. 60.34f
through 60.37f must provide information satisfactory to the
Administrator as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2) and (3) describing the
design and operation of the collection system, the operating parameters
that would indicate proper performance, and appropriate monitoring
procedures. The Administrator may specify additional appropriate
monitoring procedures.
(f) Each owner or operator seeking to demonstrate compliance with
the 500 parts per million surface methane operational standard in Sec.
60.34f(d) must monitor surface concentrations of methane according to
the procedures provided in Sec. 60.36f(c) and the instrument
specifications in Sec. 60.36f(d). Any closed landfill that has no
monitored exceedances of the operational standard in three consecutive
quarterly monitoring periods may skip to annual monitoring. Any methane
reading of 500 parts per million or more above background detected
during the annual monitoring returns the frequency for that landfill to
quarterly monitoring.
(g) Each owner or operator seeking to demonstrate compliance with
the control system requirements in Sec. 60.33f(c) using a landfill gas
treatment system must maintain and operate all monitoring systems
associated with the treatment system in accordance with the site-
specific treatment system monitoring plan required in Sec.
60.39f(b)(5)(ii) and must calibrate, maintain, and operate according to
the manufacturer's specifications a device that records flow to the
treatment system and bypass of the treatment system (if applicable).
The owner or operator must:
(1) Install, calibrate, and maintain a gas flow rate measuring
device that records the flow to the treatment system at least every 15
minutes; and
(2) Secure the bypass line valve in the closed position with a car-
seal or a lock-and-key type configuration. A visual inspection of the
seal or closure mechanism must be performed at least once every month
to ensure that the valve is maintained in the closed position and that
the gas flow is not diverted through the bypass line.
(h) The monitoring requirements of paragraphs (b), (c) (d) and (g)
of this section apply at all times the affected source is operating,
except for periods of monitoring system malfunctions, repairs
associated with monitoring system malfunctions, and required monitoring
[[Page 59322]]
system quality assurance or quality control activities. A monitoring
system malfunction is any sudden, infrequent, not reasonably
preventable failure of the monitoring system to provide valid data.
Monitoring system failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance
or careless operation are not malfunctions. You are required to
complete monitoring system repairs in response to monitoring system
malfunctions and to return the monitoring system to operation as
expeditiously as practicable.
Sec. 60.38f Reporting guidelines.
For approval, a state plan must include the reporting provisions
listed in this section, as applicable, except as provided under
Sec. Sec. 60.24 and 60.38f(d)(2).
(a) Design capacity report. For existing MSW landfills subject to
this subpart, the initial design capacity report must be submitted no
later than 90 days after the effective date of EPA approval of the
state's plan under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The initial
design capacity report must contain the following information:
(1) A map or plot of the landfill, providing the size and location
of the landfill, and identifying all areas where solid waste may be
landfilled according to the permit issued by the state, local, or
tribal agency responsible for regulating the landfill.
(2) The maximum design capacity of the landfill. Where the maximum
design capacity is specified in the permit issued by the state, local,
or tribal agency responsible for regulating the landfill, a copy of the
permit specifying the maximum design capacity may be submitted as part
of the report. If the maximum design capacity of the landfill is not
specified in the permit, the maximum design capacity must be calculated
using good engineering practices. The calculations must be provided,
along with the relevant parameters as part of the report. The landfill
may calculate design capacity in either megagrams or cubic meters for
comparison with the exemption values. If the owner or operator chooses
to convert the design capacity from volume to mass or from mass to
volume to demonstrate its design capacity is less than 2.5 million
megagrams or 2.5 million cubic meters, the calculation must include a
site-specific density, which must be recalculated annually. Any density
conversions must be documented and submitted with the design capacity
report. The state, local, or tribal agency or the Administrator may
request other reasonable information as may be necessary to verify the
maximum design capacity of the landfill.
(b) Amended design capacity report. An amended design capacity
report must be submitted providing notification of an increase in the
design capacity of the landfill, within 90 days of an increase in the
maximum design capacity of the landfill to meet or exceed 2.5 million
megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters. This increase in design
capacity may result from an increase in the permitted volume of the
landfill or an increase in the density as documented in the annual
recalculation required in Sec. 60.39f(f).
(c) NMOC emission rate report. For existing MSW landfills covered
by this subpart with a design capacity equal to or greater than 2.5
million megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters, the NMOC emission rate
report must be submitted following the procedure specified in paragraph
(j)(2) of this section no later than 90 days after the effective date
of EPA approval of the state's plan under section 111(d) of the Clean
Air Act. The NMOC emission rate report must be submitted to the
Administrator annually following the procedure specified in paragraph
(j)(2) of this section, except as provided for in paragraph (c)(3) of
this section. The Administrator may request such additional information
as may be necessary to verify the reported NMOC emission rate.
(1) The NMOC emission rate report must contain an annual or 5-year
estimate of the NMOC emission rate calculated using the formula and
procedures provided in Sec. 60.35f(a) or (b), as applicable.
(2) The NMOC emission rate report must include all the data,
calculations, sample reports and measurements used to estimate the
annual or 5-year emissions.
(3) If the estimated NMOC emission rate as reported in the annual
report to the Administrator is less than 34 megagrams per year in each
of the next 5 consecutive years, the owner or operator may elect to
submit, following the procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this
section, an estimate of the NMOC emission rate for the next 5-year
period in lieu of the annual report. This estimate must include the
current amount of solid waste-in-place and the estimated waste
acceptance rate for each year of the 5 years for which an NMOC emission
rate is estimated. All data and calculations upon which this estimate
is based must be provided to the Administrator. This estimate must be
revised at least once every 5 years. If the actual waste acceptance
rate exceeds the estimated waste acceptance rate in any year reported
in the 5-year estimate, a revised 5-year estimate must be submitted to
the Administrator. The revised estimate must cover the 5-year period
beginning with the year in which the actual waste acceptance rate
exceeded the estimated waste acceptance rate.
(4) Each owner or operator subject to the requirements of this
subpart is exempted from the requirements to submit an NMOC emission
rate report, after installing a collection and control system that
complies with Sec. 60.33f(b) and (c), during such time as the
collection and control system is in operation and in compliance with
Sec. Sec. 60.34f and 60.36f.
(d) Collection and control system design plan. The state plan must
include a process for state review and approval of the site-specific
design plan for each gas collection and control system. The collection
and control system design plan must be prepared and approved by a
professional engineer and must meet the following requirements:
(1) The collection and control system as described in the design
plan must meet the design requirements in Sec. 60.33f(b) and (c).
(2) The collection and control system design plan must include any
alternatives to the operational standards, test methods, procedures,
compliance measures, monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting provisions
of Sec. Sec. 60.34f through 60.39f proposed by the owner or operator.
(3) The collection and control system design plan must either
conform to specifications for active collection systems in Sec. 60.40f
or include a demonstration to the Administrator's satisfaction of the
sufficiency of the alternative provisions to Sec. 60.40f.
(4) Each owner or operator of an MSW landfill having a design
capacity equal to or greater than 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million
cubic meters must submit a copy of the collection and control system
design plan cover page that contains the engineer's seal to the
Administrator within 1 year of the first NMOC emission rate report in
which the NMOC emission rate equals or exceeds 34 megagrams per year,
except as follows:
(i) If the owner or operator elects to recalculate the NMOC
emission rate after Tier 2 NMOC sampling and analysis as provided in
Sec. 60.35f(a)(3) and the resulting rate is less than 34 megagrams per
year, annual periodic reporting must be resumed, using the Tier 2
determined site-specific NMOC concentration, until the calculated NMOC
emission rate is equal to or greater than 34 megagrams per year or
[[Page 59323]]
the landfill is closed. The revised NMOC emission rate report, with the
recalculated NMOC emission rate based on NMOC sampling and analysis,
must be submitted, following the procedures in paragraph (j)(2) of this
section, within 180 days of the first calculated exceedance of 34
megagrams per year.
(ii) If the owner or operator elects to recalculate the NMOC
emission rate after determining a site-specific methane generation rate
constant k, as provided in Tier 3 in Sec. 60.35f(a)(4), and the
resulting NMOC emission rate is less than 34 megagrams per year, annual
periodic reporting must be resumed. The resulting site-specific methane
generation rate constant k must be used in the NMOC emission rate
calculation until such time as the emissions rate calculation results
in an exceedance. The revised NMOC emission rate report based on the
provisions of Sec. 60.35f(a)(4) and the resulting site-specific
methane generation rate constant k must be submitted, following the
procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this section, to the
Administrator within 1 year of the first calculated NMOC emission rate
equaling or exceeding 34 megagrams per year.
(iii) If the owner or operator elects to demonstrate that site-
specific surface methane emissions are below 500 parts per million
methane, based on the provisions of Sec. 60.35f(a)(6), then the owner
or operator must submit annually a Tier 4 surface emissions report as
specified in this paragraph (d)(4)(iii) following the procedure
specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this section until a surface emissions
readings of 500 parts per million methane or greater is found. If the
Tier 4 surface emissions report shows no surface emissions readings of
500 parts per million methane or greater for four consecutive quarters
at a closed landfill, then the landfill owner or operator may reduce
Tier 4 monitoring from a quarterly to an annual frequency. The
Administrator may request such additional information as may be
necessary to verify the reported instantaneous surface emission
readings. The Tier 4 surface emissions report must clearly identify the
location, date and time (to the nearest second), average wind speeds
including wind gusts, and reading (in parts per million) of any value
500 parts per million methane or greater, other than non-repeatable,
momentary readings. For location, you must determine the latitude and
longitude coordinates using an instrument with an accuracy of at least
4 meters. The coordinates must be in decimal degrees with at least five
decimal places. The Tier 4 surface emission report should also include
the results of the most recent Tier 1 and Tier 2 results in order to
verify that the landfill does not exceed 50 Mg/yr of NMOC.
(A) The initial Tier 4 surface emissions report must be submitted
annually, starting within 30 days of completing the fourth quarter of
Tier 4 surface emissions monitoring that demonstrates that site-
specific surface methane emissions are below 500 parts per million
methane, and following the procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2) of
this section.
(B) The Tier 4 surface emissions rate report must be submitted
within 1 year of the first measured surface exceedance of 500 parts per
million methane, following the procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2)
of this section.
(iv) If the landfill is in the closed landfill subcategory, the
owner or operator must submit a collection and control system design
plan to the Administrator within 1 year of the first NMOC emission rate
report in which the NMOC emission rate equals or exceeds 50 megagrams
per year, except as follows:
(A) If the owner or operator elects to recalculate the NMOC
emission rate after Tier 2 NMOC sampling and analysis as provided in
Sec. 60.35f(a)(3) and the resulting rate is less than 50 megagrams per
year, annual periodic reporting must be resumed, using the Tier 2
determined site-specific NMOC concentration, until the calculated NMOC
emission rate is equal to or greater than 50 megagrams per year or the
landfill is closed. The revised NMOC emission rate report, with the
recalculated NMOC emission rate based on NMOC sampling and analysis,
must be submitted, following the procedure specified in paragraph
(j)(2) of this section, within 180 days of the first calculated
exceedance of 50 megagrams per year.
(B) If the owner or operator elects to recalculate the NMOC
emission rate after determining a site-specific methane generation rate
constant k, as provided in Tier 3 in Sec. 60.35f(a)(4), and the
resulting NMOC emission rate is less than 50 megagrams per year, annual
periodic reporting must be resumed. The resulting site-specific methane
generation rate constant k must be used in the NMOC emission rate
calculation until such time as the emissions rate calculation results
in an exceedance. The revised NMOC emission rate report based on the
provisions of Sec. 60.35f(a)(4) and the resulting site-specific
methane generation rate constant k must be submitted, following the
procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this section, to the
Administrator within 1 year of the first calculated NMOC emission rate
equaling or exceeding 50 megagrams per year.
(C) The landfill owner or operator elects to demonstrate surface
emissions are low, consistent with the provisions in paragraph
(d)(4)(iii) of this section.
(D) The landfill has already submitted a gas collection and control
system design plan consistent with the provisions of subpart WWW of
this part; 40 CFR part 62, subpart GGG; or a state plan implementing
subpart Cc of this part.
(5) The landfill owner or operator must notify the Administrator
that the design plan is completed and submit a copy of the plan's
signature page. The Administrator has 90 days to decide whether the
design plan should be submitted for review. If the Administrator
chooses to review the plan, the approval process continues as described
in paragraph (c)(6) of this section. However, if the Administrator
indicates that submission is not required or does not respond within 90
days, the landfill owner or operator can continue to implement the plan
with the recognition that the owner or operator is proceeding at their
own risk. In the event that the design plan is required to be modified
to obtain approval, the owner or operator must take any steps necessary
to conform any prior actions to the approved design plan and any
failure to do so could result in an enforcement action.
(6) Upon receipt of an initial or revised design plan, the
Administrator must review the information submitted under paragraphs
(d)(1) through (3) of this section and either approve it, disapprove
it, or request that additional information be submitted. Because of the
many site-specific factors involved with landfill gas system design,
alternative systems may be necessary. A wide variety of system designs
are possible, such as vertical wells, combination horizontal and
vertical collection systems, or horizontal trenches only, leachate
collection components, and passive systems. If the Administrator does
not approve or disapprove the design plan, or does not request that
additional information be submitted within 90 days of receipt, then the
owner or operator may continue with implementation of the design plan,
recognizing they would be proceeding at their own risk.
(7) If the owner or operator chooses to demonstrate compliance with
the emission control requirements of this subpart using a treatment
system as defined in this subpart, then the owner or operator must
prepare a site-specific
[[Page 59324]]
treatment system monitoring plan as specified in Sec. 60.39f(b)(5).
(e) Revised design plan. The owner or operator who has already been
required to submit a design plan under paragraph (d) of this section,
or under subpart WWW of this part; 40 CFR part 62, subpart GGG; or a
state plan implementing subpart Cc of this part, must submit a revised
design plan to the Administrator for approval as follows:
(1) At least 90 days before expanding operations to an area not
covered by the previously approved design plan.
(2) Prior to installing or expanding the gas collection system in a
way that is not consistent with the design plan that was submitted to
the Administrator according to paragraph (d) of this section.
(f) Closure report. Each owner or operator of a controlled landfill
must submit a closure report to the Administrator within 30 days of
ceasing waste acceptance. The Administrator may request additional
information as may be necessary to verify that permanent closure has
taken place in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 258.60. If a
closure report has been submitted to the Administrator, no additional
wastes may be placed into the landfill without filing a notification of
modification as described under Sec. 60.7(a)(4).
(g) Equipment removal report. Each owner or operator of a
controlled landfill must submit an equipment removal report to the
Administrator 30 days prior to removal or cessation of operation of the
control equipment.
(1) The equipment removal report must contain the following items:
(i) A copy of the closure report submitted in accordance with
paragraph (f) of this section; and
(ii) A copy of the initial performance test report demonstrating
that the 15-year minimum control period has expired, unless the report
of the results of the performance test has been submitted to the EPA
via the EPA's CDX, or information that demonstrates that the GCCS will
be unable to operate for 15 years due to declining gas flows. In the
equipment removal report, the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s)
tested, and the date that such performance test was conducted may be
submitted in lieu of the performance test report if the report has been
previously submitted to the EPA's CDX; and
(iii) Dated copies of three successive NMOC emission rate reports
demonstrating that the landfill is no longer producing 34 megagrams or
greater of NMOC per year, unless the NMOC emission rate reports have
been submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX. If the NMOC emission rate
reports have been previously submitted to the EPA's CDX, a statement
that the NMOC emission rate reports have been submitted electronically
and the dates that the reports were submitted to the EPA's CDX may be
submitted in the equipment removal report in lieu of the NMOC emission
rate reports; or
(iv) For the closed landfill subcategory, dated copies of three
successive NMOC emission rate reports demonstrating that the landfill
is no longer producing 50 megagrams or greater of NMOC per year, unless
the NMOC emission rate reports have been submitted to the EPA via the
EPA's CDX. If the NMOC emission rate reports have been previously
submitted to the EPA's CDX, a statement that the NMOC emission rate
reports have been submitted electronically and the dates that the
reports were submitted to the EPA's CDX may be submitted in the
equipment removal report in lieu of the NMOC emission rate reports.
(2) The Administrator may request such additional information as
may be necessary to verify that all of the conditions for removal in
Sec. 60.33f(f) have been met.
(h) Annual report. The owner or operator of a landfill seeking to
comply with Sec. 60.33f(e)(2) using an active collection system
designed in accordance with Sec. 60.33f(b) must submit to the
Administrator, following the procedures specified in paragraph (j)(2)
of this section, an annual report of the recorded information in
paragraphs (h)(1) through (7) of this section. The initial annual
report must be submitted within 180 days of installation and startup of
the collection and control system. The initial annual report must
include the initial performance test report required under Sec. 60.8,
as applicable, unless the report of the results of the performance test
has been submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX. In the initial annual
report, the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested and the
date that such performance test was conducted may be submitted in lieu
of the performance test report if the report has been previously
submitted to the EPA's CDX. The initial performance test report must be
submitted, following the procedure specified in paragraph (j)(1) of
this section, no later than the date that the initial annual report is
submitted. For enclosed combustion devices and flares, reportable
exceedances are defined under Sec. 60.39f(c)(1).
(1) Value and length of time for exceedance of applicable
parameters monitored under Sec. 60.37f(a)(1), (b), (c), (d), and (g).
(2) Description and duration of all periods when the gas stream was
diverted from the control device or treatment system through a bypass
line or the indication of bypass flow as specified under Sec. 60.37f.
(3) Description and duration of all periods when the control device
or treatment system was not operating and length of time the control
device or treatment system was not operating.
(4) All periods when the collection system was not operating.
(5) The location of each exceedance of the 500 parts per million
methane concentration as provided in Sec. 60.34f(d) and the
concentration recorded at each location for which an exceedance was
recorded in the previous month. For location, you must determine the
latitude and longitude coordinates using an instrument with an accuracy
of at least 4 meters. The coordinates must be in decimal degrees with
at least five decimal places.
(6) The date of installation and the location of each well or
collection system expansion added pursuant to Sec. 60.36f(a)(3),
(a)(5), (b), and (c)(4).
(7) For any corrective action analysis for which corrective actions
are required in Sec. 60.36f(a)(3) or (5) and that take more than 60
days to correct the exceedance, the root cause analysis conducted,
including a description of the recommended corrective action(s), the
date for corrective action(s) already completed following the positive
pressure reading, and, for action(s) not already completed, a schedule
for implementation, including proposed commencement and completion
(i) Initial performance test report. Each owner or operator seeking
to comply with Sec. 60.33f(c) must include the following information
with the initial performance test report required under Sec. 60.8:
(1) A diagram of the collection system showing collection system
positioning including all wells, horizontal collectors, surface
collectors, or other gas extraction devices, including the locations of
any areas excluded from collection and the proposed sites for the
future collection system expansion;
(2) The data upon which the sufficient density of wells, horizontal
collectors, surface collectors, or other gas extraction devices and the
gas mover equipment sizing are based;
(3) The documentation of the presence of asbestos or nondegradable
material for each area from which collection wells have been excluded
based on the presence of asbestos or nondegradable material;
[[Page 59325]]
(4) The sum of the gas generation flow rates for all areas from
which collection wells have been excluded based on nonproductivity and
the calculations of gas generation flow rate for each excluded area;
(5) The provisions for increasing gas mover equipment capacity with
increased gas generation flow rate, if the present gas mover equipment
is inadequate to move the maximum flow rate expected over the life of
the landfill; and
(6) The provisions for the control of off-site migration.
(j) Electronic reporting. The owner or operator must submit reports
electronically according to paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance
test (as defined in Sec. 60.8), the owner or operator must submit the
results of each performance test according to the following procedures:
(i) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site
(https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ert/ert_info.html) at the time of the
test, you must submit the results of the performance test to the EPA
via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI).
CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX)
(https://cdx.epa.gov/). Performance test data must be submitted in a
file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an
alternative file format consistent with the extensible markup language
(XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, once the XML schema is
available. If you claim that some of the performance test information
being submitted is confidential business information (CBI), you must
submit a complete file generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an
alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the
EPA's ERT Web site, including information claimed to be CBI, on a
compact disc, flash drive or other commonly used electronic storage
media to the EPA. The electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI
and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader,
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC
27703. The same ERT or alternate file with the CBI omitted must be
submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this
paragraph (j)(1)(i).
(ii) For data collected using test methods that are not supported
by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the
test, you must submit the results of the performance test to the
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec. 60.4.
(2) Each owner or operator required to submit reports following the
procedure specified in this paragraph must submit reports to the EPA
via the CEDRI. (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's CDX.) The owner
or operator must use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI for
this subpart or an alternate electronic file format consistent with the
XML schema listed on the CEDRI Web site (https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cedri/). If the reporting form specific to this subpart
is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the owner
or operator must submit the report to the Administrator at the
appropriate address listed in Sec. 60.4. Once the form has been
available in CEDRI for 90 calendar days, the owner or operator must
begin submitting all subsequent reports via CEDRI. The reports must be
submitted by the deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the
method in which the reports are submitted.
(k) Corrective action and the corresponding timeline. The owner or
operator must submit according to paragraphs (k)(1) and (2) of this
(1) For corrective action that is required according to Sec.
60.36f(a)(3)(iii) or (a)(5)(iii) and is expected to take longer than
120 days after the initial exceedance to complete, you must submit the
root cause analysis, corrective action analysis, and corresponding
implementation timeline to the Administrator as soon as practicable but
no later than 75 days after the first measurement of positive pressure
or temperature monitoring value of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees
Fahrenheit) or above. The Administrator must approve the plan for
corrective action and the corresponding timeline.
(2) For corrective action that is required according to Sec.
60.36f(a)(3)(iii) or (a)(5)(iii) and is not completed within 60 days
after the initial exceedance, you must submit a notification to the
Administrator as soon as practicable but no later than 75 days after
the first measurement of positive pressure or temperature exceedance.
(l) Liquids addition. The owner or operator of an affected landfill
with a design capacity equal to or greater than 2.5 million megagrams
and 2.5 million cubic meters that has employed leachate recirculation
or added liquids based on a Research, Development, and Demonstration
permit (issued through Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, subtitle
D, part 258) within the last 10 years must submit to the Administrator,
annually, following the procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this
section, the following information:
(1) Volume of leachate recirculated (gallons per year) and the
reported basis of those estimates (records or engineering estimates).
(2) Total volume of all other liquids added (gallons per year) and
the reported basis of those estimates (records or engineering
(3) Surface area (acres) over which the leachate is recirculated
(or otherwise applied).
(4) Surface area (acres) over which any other liquids are applied.
(5) The total waste disposed (megagrams) in the areas with
recirculated leachate and/or added liquids based on on-site records to
the extent data are available, or engineering estimates and the
reported basis of those estimates.
(6) The annual waste acceptance rates (megagrams per year) in the
areas with recirculated leachate and/or added liquids, based on on-site
records to the extent data are available, or engineering estimates.
(7) The initial report must contain items in paragraph (l)(1)
through (6) of this section per year for the most recent 365 days as
well as for each of the previous 10 years, to the extent historical
data are available in on-site records, and the report must be submitted
no later than:
(i) September 27, 2017, for landfills that commenced construction,
modification, or reconstruction after July 17, 2014 but before August
29, 2016; or
(ii) 365 days after the date of commenced construction,
modification, or reconstruction for landfills that commence
construction, modification, or reconstruction after August 29, 2016.
(8) Subsequent annual reports must contain items in paragraph
(l)(1) through (6) of this section for the 365-day period following the
365-day period included in the previous annual report, and the report
must be submitted no later than 365 days after the date the previous
report was submitted.
(9) Landfills in the closed landfill subcategory are exempt from
reporting requirements contained in paragraphs (l)(1) through (7) of
this section.
(10) Landfills may cease annual reporting of items in paragraphs
(l)(1) through (6) of this section once they have submitted the closure
report in Sec. 60.38f(f).
(m) Tier 4 notification. (1) The owner or operator of an affected
landfill with
[[Page 59326]]
a design capacity equal to or greater than 2.5 million megagrams and
2.5 million cubic meters must provide a notification of the date(s)
upon which it intends to demonstrate site-specific surface methane
emissions are below 500 parts per million methane, based on the Tier 4
provisions of Sec. 60.35f(a)(6). The landfill must also include a
description of the wind barrier to be used during the SEM in the
notification. Notification must be postmarked not less than 30 days
prior to such date.
(2) If there is a delay to the scheduled Tier 4 SEM date due to
weather conditions, including not meeting the wind requirements in
Sec. 60.35f (a)(6)(iii)(A), the owner or operator of a landfill shall
notify the Administrator by email or telephone no later than 48 hours
before any known delay in the original test date, and arrange an
updated date with the Administrator by mutual agreement.
Sec. 60.39f Recordkeeping guidelines.
For approval, a state plan must include the recordkeeping
provisions in this section.
(a) Except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or
operator of an MSW landfill subject to the provisions of Sec.
60.33f(e) must keep for at least 5 years up-to-date, readily
accessible, on-site records of the design capacity report that
triggered Sec. 60.33f(e), the current amount of solid waste in-place,
and the year-by-year waste acceptance rate. Off-site records may be
maintained if they are retrievable within 4 hours. Either paper copy or
electronic formats are acceptable.
(b) Except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or
operator of a controlled landfill must keep up-to-date, readily
accessible records for the life of the control system equipment of the
data listed in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section as
measured during the initial performance test or compliance
determination. Records of subsequent tests or monitoring must be
maintained for a minimum of 5 years. Records of the control device
vendor specifications must be maintained until removal.
(1) Where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart seeks to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 60.33f(b):
(i) The maximum expected gas generation flow rate as calculated in
Sec. 60.36f(a)(1). The owner or operator may use another method to
determine the maximum gas generation flow rate, if the method has been
approved by the Administrator.
(ii) The density of wells, horizontal collectors, surface
collectors, or other gas extraction devices determined using the
procedures specified in Sec. 60.40f(a)(1).
(2) Where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart seeks to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 60.33f(c) through
use of an enclosed combustion device other than a boiler or process
heater with a design heat input capacity equal to or greater than 44
(i) The average temperature measured at least every 15 minutes and
averaged over the same time period of the performance test.
(ii) The percent reduction of NMOC determined as specified in Sec.
60.33f(c)(2) achieved by the control device.
(3) Where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart seeks to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 60.33f(c)(2)(i)
through use of a boiler or process heater of any size: A description of
the location at which the collected gas vent stream is introduced into
the boiler or process heater over the same time period of the
performance testing.
(4) Where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart seeks to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 60.33f(c)(1) through
use of a non-enclosed flare, the flare type (i.e., steam-assisted, air-
assisted, or non-assisted), all visible emission readings, heat content
determination, flow rate or bypass flow rate measurements, and exit
velocity determinations made during the performance test as specified
in Sec. 60.18; and continuous records of the flare pilot flame or
flare flame monitoring and records of all periods of operations during
which the pilot flame or the flare flame is absent.
(5) Where an owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart seeks to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 60.33f(c)(3) through
use of a landfill gas treatment system:
(i) Bypass records. Records of the flow of landfill gas to, and
bypass of, the treatment system.
(ii) Site-specific treatment monitoring plan, to include:
(A) Monitoring records of parameters that are identified in the
treatment system monitoring plan and that ensure the treatment system
is operating properly for each intended end use of the treated landfill
gas. At a minimum, records should include records of filtration, de-
watering, and compression parameters that ensure the treatment system
is operating properly for each intended end use of the treated landfill
(B) Monitoring methods, frequencies, and operating ranges for each
monitored operating parameter based on manufacturer's recommendations
or engineering analysis for each intended end use of the treated
landfill gas.
(C) Documentation of the monitoring methods and ranges, along with
justification for their use.
(D) Identify who is responsible (by job title) for data collection.
(E) Processes and methods used to collect the necessary data.
(F) Description of the procedures and methods that are used for
quality assurance, maintenance, and repair of all continuous monitoring
(c) Except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or
operator of a controlled landfill subject to the provisions of this
subpart must keep for 5 years up-to-date, readily accessible continuous
records of the equipment operating parameters specified to be monitored
in Sec. 60.37f as well as up-to-date, readily accessible records for
periods of operation during which the parameter boundaries established
during the most recent performance test are exceeded.
(1) The following constitute exceedances that must be recorded and
reported under Sec. 60.38f:
(i) For enclosed combustors except for boilers and process heaters
with design heat input capacity of 44 megawatts (150 million British
thermal unit per hour) or greater, all 3-hour periods of operation
during which the average temperature was more than 28 degrees Celsius
(82 degrees Fahrenheit) below the average combustion temperature during
the most recent performance test at which compliance with Sec.
60.33f(c) was determined.
(ii) For boilers or process heaters, whenever there is a change in
the location at which the vent stream is introduced into the flame zone
as required under paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
(2) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart must keep up-to-date, readily accessible continuous records of
the indication of flow to the control system and the indication of
bypass flow or records of monthly inspections of car-seals or lock-and-
key configurations used to seal bypass lines, specified under Sec.
(3) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart who uses a boiler or process heater with a design heat input
capacity of 44 megawatts or greater to comply with Sec. 60.33f(c) must
keep an up-to-date, readily accessible record of all periods of
operation of the boiler or process heater. (Examples of such records
could include records of steam use, fuel use, or monitoring data
collected pursuant to other state, local,
[[Page 59327]]
tribal, or federal regulatory requirements.)
(4) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with the provisions of
this subpart by use of a non-enclosed flare must keep up-to-date,
readily accessible continuous records of the flame or flare pilot flame
monitoring specified under Sec. 60.37f(c), and up-to-date, readily
accessible records of all periods of operation in which the flame or
flare pilot flame is absent.
(5) Each owner or operator of a landfill seeking to comply with
Sec. 60.33f(e) using an active collection system designed in
accordance with Sec. 60.33f(b) must keep records of periods when the
collection system or control device is not operating.
(d) Except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or
operator subject to the provisions of this subpart must keep for the
life of the collection system an up-to-date, readily accessible plot
map showing each existing and planned collector in the system and
providing a unique identification location label on each collector that
matches the labeling on the plot map.
(1) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart must keep up-to-date, readily accessible records of the
installation date and location of all newly installed collectors as
specified under Sec. 60.36f(b).
(2) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart must keep readily accessible documentation of the nature, date
of deposition, amount, and location of asbestos-containing or
nondegradable waste excluded from collection as provided in Sec.
60.40f(a)(3)(i) as well as any nonproductive areas excluded from
collection as provided in Sec. 60.40f(a)(3)(ii).
(e) Except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or
operator subject to the provisions of this subpart must keep for at
least 5 years up-to-date, readily accessible records of the following:
(1) All collection and control system exceedances of the
operational standards in Sec. 60.34f, the reading in the subsequent
month whether or not the second reading is an exceedance, and the
location of each exceedance.
(2) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this
subpart must also keep records of each wellhead temperature monitoring
value of 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit) or above, each
wellhead nitrogen level at or above 20 percent, and each wellhead
oxygen level at or above 5 percent.
(3) For any root cause analysis for which corrective actions are
required in Sec. 60.36f(a)(3) or (5), keep a record of the root cause
analysis conducted, including a description of the recommended
corrective action(s) taken, and the date(s) the corrective action(s)
were completed.
(4) For any root cause analysis for which corrective actions are
required in Sec. 60.36f(a)(3)(ii) or (a)(5)(ii), keep a record of the
root cause analysis conducted, the corrective action analysis, the date
for corrective action(s) already completed following the positive
pressure reading or high temperature reading, and, for action(s) not
already completed, a schedule for implementation, including proposed
commencement and completion dates.
(5) For any root cause analysis for which corrective actions are
required in Sec. 60.36f(a)(3)(iii) or (a)(5)(iii), keep a record of
the root cause analysis conducted, the corrective action analysis, the
date for corrective action(s) already completed following the positive
pressure reading or high temperature reading, for action(s) not already
completed, a schedule for implementation, including proposed
commencement and completion dates, and a copy of any comments or final
approval on the corrective action analysis or schedule from the
regulatory agency.
(f) Landfill owners or operators who convert design capacity from
volume to mass or mass to volume to demonstrate that landfill design
capacity is less than 2.5 million megagrams or 2.5 million cubic
meters, as provided in the definition of ``design capacity'', must keep
readily accessible, on-site records of the annual recalculation of
site-specific density, design capacity, and the supporting
documentation. Off-site records may be maintained if they are
retrievable within 4 hours. Either paper copy or electronic formats are
(g) Landfill owners or operators seeking to demonstrate that site-
specific surface methane emissions are below 500 parts per million by
conducting surface emission monitoring under the Tier 4 procedures
specified in Sec. 60.35f(a)(6) must keep for at least 5 years up-to-
date, readily accessible records of all surface emissions monitoring
and information related to monitoring instrument calibrations conducted
according to sections 8 and 10 of Method 21 of appendix A of this part,
including all of the following items:
(1) Calibration records:
(i) Date of calibration and initials of operator performing the
(ii) Calibration gas cylinder identification, certification date,
and certified concentration.
(iii) Instrument scale(s) used.
(iv) A description of any corrective action taken if the meter
readout could not be adjusted to correspond to the calibration gas
(v) If an owner or operator makes their own calibration gas, a
description of the procedure used.
(2) Digital photographs of the instrument setup. The photographs
must be time and date-stamped and taken at the first sampling location
prior to sampling and at the last sampling location after sampling at
the end of each sampling day, for the duration of the Tier 4 monitoring
(3) Timestamp of each surface scan reading:
(i) Timestamp should be detailed to the nearest second, based on
when the sample collection begins.
(ii) A log for the length of time each sample was taken using a
stopwatch (e.g., the time the probe was held over the area).
(4) Location of each surface scan reading. The owner or operator
must determine the coordinates using an instrument with an accuracy of
at least 4 meters. Coordinates must be in decimal degrees with at least
five decimal places.
(5) Monitored methane concentration (parts per million) of each
(6) Background methane concentration (parts per million) after each
instrument calibration test.
(7) Adjusted methane concentration using most recent calibration
(parts per million).
(8) For readings taken at each surface penetration, the unique
identification location label matching the label specified in paragraph
(d) of this section.
(9) Records of the operating hours of the gas collection system for
each destruction device.
(h) Except as provided in Sec. 60.38f(d)(2), each owner or
operator subject to the provisions of this subpart must keep for at
least 5 years up-to-date, readily accessible records of all collection
and control system monitoring data for parameters measured in Sec.
60.37f(a)(1), (2), and (3).
(i) Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are
submitted electronically via the EPA's CDX may be maintained in
electronic format.
(j) For each owner or operator reporting leachate or other liquids
addition under Sec. 60.38f(l), keep records of any engineering
calculations or company records used to estimate the quantities of
leachate or liquids added, the surface areas for which the leachate or
liquids were applied, and the
[[Page 59328]]
estimates of annual waste acceptance or total waste in place in the
areas where leachate or liquids were applied.
Sec. 60.40f Specifications for active collection systems.
For approval, a state plan must include the specifications for
active collection systems in this section.
(a) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with Sec. 60.33f(b)
must site active collection wells, horizontal collectors, surface
collectors, or other extraction devices at a sufficient density
throughout all gas producing areas using the following procedures
unless alternative procedures have been approved by the Administrator.
(1) The collection devices within the interior must be certified to
achieve comprehensive control of surface gas emissions by a
professional engineer. The following issues must be addressed in the
design: depths of refuse, refuse gas generation rates and flow
characteristics, cover properties, gas system expandability, leachate
and condensate management, accessibility, compatibility with filling
operations, integration with closure end use, air intrusion control,
corrosion resistance, fill settlement, resistance to the refuse
decomposition heat, and ability to isolate individual components or
sections for repair or troubleshooting without shutting down entire
collection system.
(2) The sufficient density of gas collection devices determined in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section must address landfill gas migration
issues and augmentation of the collection system through the use of
active or passive systems at the landfill perimeter or exterior.
(3) The placement of gas collection devices determined in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section must control all gas producing areas, except as
provided by paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(i) Any segregated area of asbestos or nondegradable material may
be excluded from collection if documented as provided under Sec.
60.39f(d). The documentation must provide the nature, date of
deposition, location and amount of asbestos or nondegradable material
deposited in the area, and must be provided to the Administrator upon
(ii) Any nonproductive area of the landfill may be excluded from
control, provided that the total of all excluded areas can be shown to
contribute less than 1 percent of the total amount of NMOC emissions
from the landfill. The amount, location, and age of the material must
be documented and provided to the Administrator upon request. A
separate NMOC emissions estimate must be made for each section proposed
for exclusion, and the sum of all such sections must be compared to the
NMOC emissions estimate for the entire landfill.
(A) The NMOC emissions from each section proposed for exclusion
must be computed using Equation 7:
Qi = NMOC emission rate from the i\th\ section, megagrams
per year.
k = Methane generation rate constant, year-\1\.
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic meters per
megagram solid waste.
Mi = Mass of the degradable solid waste in the i\th\
section, megagram.
ti = Age of the solid waste in the i\th\ section, years.
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per million by
3.6x10-9 = Conversion factor.
(B) If the owner or operator is proposing to exclude, or cease gas
collection and control from, nonproductive physically separated (e.g.,
separately lined) closed areas that already have gas collection
systems, NMOC emissions from each physically separated closed area must
be computed using either Equation 3 in Sec. 60.35f or Equation 7 in
paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section.
(iii) The values for k and CNMOC determined in field
testing must be used if field testing has been performed in determining
the NMOC emission rate or the radii of influence (the distance from the
well center to a point in the landfill where the pressure gradient
applied by the blower or compressor approaches zero). If field testing
has not been performed, the default values for k, Lo, and
CNMOC provided in Sec. 60.35f or the alternative values
from Sec. 60.35f must be used. The mass of nondegradable solid waste
contained within the given section may be subtracted from the total
mass of the section when estimating emissions provided the nature,
location, age, and amount of the nondegradable material is documented
as provided in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section.
(b) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with Sec. 60.33f(b)
must construct the gas collection devices using the following equipment
or procedures:
(1) The landfill gas extraction components must be constructed of
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe,
fiberglass, stainless steel, or other nonporous corrosion resistant
material of suitable dimensions to: Convey projected amounts of gases;
withstand installation, static, and settlement forces; and withstand
planned overburden or traffic loads. The collection system must extend
as necessary to comply with emission and migration standards.
Collection devices such as wells and horizontal collectors must be
perforated to allow gas entry without head loss sufficient to impair
performance across the intended extent of control. Perforations must be
situated with regard to the need to prevent excessive air infiltration.
(2) Vertical wells must be placed so as not to endanger underlying
liners and must address the occurrence of water within the landfill.
Holes and trenches constructed for piped wells and horizontal
collectors must be of sufficient cross-section so as to allow for their
proper construction and completion including, for example, centering of
pipes and placement of gravel backfill. Collection devices must be
designed so as not to allow indirect short circuiting of air into the
cover or refuse into the collection system or gas into the air. Any
gravel used around pipe perforations should be of a dimension so as not
to penetrate or block perforations.
(3) Collection devices may be connected to the collection header
pipes below or above the landfill surface. The connector assembly must
include a positive closing throttle valve, any necessary seals and
couplings, access couplings and at least one sampling port. The
collection devices must be constructed of PVC, HDPE, fiberglass,
stainless steel, or other nonporous material of suitable thickness.
(c) Each owner or operator seeking to comply with Sec. 60.33f(c)
must convey the landfill gas to a control system in compliance with
Sec. 60.33f(c) through the collection header pipe(s). The gas mover
equipment must be sized to handle the maximum gas generation flow rate
expected over the intended use period of the gas moving equipment using
the following procedures:
(1) For existing collection systems, the flow data must be used to
project the maximum flow rate. If no flow data
[[Page 59329]]
exist, the procedures in paragraph (c)(2) of this section must be used.
(2) For new collection systems, the maximum flow rate must be in
accordance with Sec. 60.36f(a)(1).
Sec. 60.41f Definitions.
Terms used but not defined in this subpart have the meaning given
them in the Clean Air Act and in subparts A and B of this part.
Active collection system means a gas collection system that uses
gas mover equipment.
Active landfill means a landfill in which solid waste is being
placed or a landfill that is planned to accept waste in the future.
Administrator means the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency or his/her authorized representative or the
Administrator of a state air pollution control agency.
Closed area means a separately lined area of an MSW landfill in
which solid waste is no longer being placed. If additional solid waste
is placed in that area of the landfill, that landfill area is no longer
closed. The area must be separately lined to ensure that the landfill
gas does not migrate between open and closed areas.
Closed landfill means a landfill in which solid waste is no longer
being placed, and in which no additional solid wastes will be placed
without first filing a notification of modification as prescribed under
Sec. 60.7(a)(4). Once a notification of modification has been filed,
and additional solid waste is placed in the landfill, the landfill is
no longer closed.
Closed landfill subcategory means a closed landfill that has
submitted a closure report as specified in Sec. 60.38f(f) on or before
September 27, 2017.
Closure means that point in time when a landfill becomes a closed
Commercial solid waste means all types of solid waste generated by
stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other nonmanufacturing
activities, excluding residential and industrial wastes.
Controlled landfill means any landfill at which collection and
control systems are required under this subpart as a result of the NMOC
emission rate. The landfill is considered controlled at the time a
collection and control system design plan is prepared in compliance
with Sec. 60.33f(e)(2).
Corrective action analysis means a description of all reasonable
interim and long-term measures, if any, that are available, and an
explanation of why the selected corrective action(s) is/are the best
alternative(s), including, but not limited to, considerations of cost
effectiveness, technical feasibility, safety, and secondary impacts.
Design capacity means the maximum amount of solid waste a landfill
can accept, as indicated in terms of volume or mass in the most recent
permit issued by the state, local, or tribal agency responsible for
regulating the landfill, plus any in-place waste not accounted for in
the most recent permit. If the owner or operator chooses to convert the
design capacity from volume to mass or from mass to volume to
demonstrate its design capacity is less than 2.5 million megagrams or
2.5 million cubic meters, the calculation must include a site-specific
density, which must be recalculated annually.
Disposal facility means all contiguous land and structures, other
appurtenances, and improvements on the land used for the disposal of
solid waste.
Emission rate cutoff means the threshold annual emission rate to
which a landfill compares its estimated emission rate to determine if
control under the regulation is required.
Enclosed combustor means an enclosed firebox which maintains a
relatively constant limited peak temperature generally using a limited
supply of combustion air. An enclosed flare is considered an enclosed
Flare means an open combustor without enclosure or shroud.
Gas mover equipment means the equipment (i.e., fan, blower,
compressor) used to transport landfill gas through the header system.
Gust means the highest instantaneous wind speed that occurs over a
3-second running average.
Household waste means any solid waste (including garbage, trash,
and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including,
but not limited to, single and multiple residences, hotels and motels,
bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic
grounds, and day-use recreation areas). Household waste does not
include fully segregated yard waste. Segregated yard waste means
vegetative matter resulting exclusively from the cutting of grass, the
pruning and/or removal of bushes, shrubs, and trees, the weeding of
gardens, and other landscaping maintenance activities. Household waste
does not include construction, renovation, or demolition wastes, even
if originating from a household.
Industrial solid waste means solid waste generated by manufacturing
or industrial processes that is not a hazardous waste regulated under
Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, parts 264 and
265 of this chapter. Such waste may include, but is not limited to,
waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: electric
power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food and related
products/by-products; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel
manufacturing; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals
manufacturing/foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins
manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous
plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile
manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment. This term
does not include mining waste or oil and gas waste.
Interior well means any well or similar collection component
located inside the perimeter of the landfill waste. A perimeter well
located outside the landfilled waste is not an interior well.
Landfill means an area of land or an excavation in which wastes are
placed for permanent disposal, and that is not a land application unit,
surface impoundment, injection well, or waste pile as those terms are
defined under Sec. 257.2 of this title.
Lateral expansion means a horizontal expansion of the waste
boundaries of an existing MSW landfill. A lateral expansion is not a
modification unless it results in an increase in the design capacity of
the landfill.
Leachate recirculation means the practice of taking the leachate
collected from the landfill and reapplying it to the landfill by any of
one of a variety of methods, including pre-wetting of the waste, direct
discharge into the working face, spraying, infiltration ponds, vertical
injection wells, horizontal gravity distribution systems, and pressure
distribution systems.
Modification means an increase in the permitted volume design
capacity of the landfill by either lateral or vertical expansion based
on its permitted design capacity as of July 17, 2014. Modification does
not occur until the owner or operator commences construction on the
lateral or vertical expansion.
Municipal solid waste landfill or MSW landfill means an entire
disposal facility in a contiguous geographical space where household
waste is placed in or on land. An MSW landfill may also receive other
types of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D
wastes (Sec. 257.2 of this title) such as commercial solid waste,
[[Page 59330]]
nonhazardous sludge, conditionally exempt small quantity generator
waste, and industrial solid waste. Portions of an MSW landfill may be
separated by access roads. An MSW landfill may be publicly or privately
owned. An MSW landfill may be a new MSW landfill, an existing MSW
landfill, or a lateral expansion.
Municipal solid waste landfill emissions or MSW landfill emissions
means gas generated by the decomposition of organic waste deposited in
an MSW landfill or derived from the evolution of organic compounds in
the waste.
NMOC means nonmethane organic compounds, as measured according to
the provisions of Sec. 60.35f.
Nondegradable waste means any waste that does not decompose through
chemical breakdown or microbiological activity. Examples are, but are
not limited to, concrete, municipal waste combustor ash, and metals.
Passive collection system means a gas collection system that solely
uses positive pressure within the landfill to move the gas rather than
using gas mover equipment.
Protectorate means American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the
Virgin Islands.
Root cause analysis means an assessment conducted through a process
of investigation to determine the primary cause, and any other
contributing causes, of positive pressure at a wellhead.
Sludge means the term sludge as defined in 40 CFR 258.2.
Solid waste means the term solid waste as defined in 40 CFR 258.2.
State means any of the 50 United States and the protectorates of
the United States.
State plan means a plan submitted pursuant to section 111(d) of the
Clean Air Act and subpart B of this part that implements and enforces
this subpart.
Sufficient density means any number, spacing, and combination of
collection system components, including vertical wells, horizontal
collectors, and surface collectors, necessary to maintain emission and
migration control as determined by measures of performance set forth in
this part.
Sufficient extraction rate means a rate sufficient to maintain a
negative pressure at all wellheads in the collection system without
causing air infiltration, including any wellheads connected to the
system as a result of expansion or excess surface emissions, for the
life of the blower.
Treated landfill gas means landfill gas processed in a treatment
system as defined in this subpart.
Treatment system means a system that filters, de-waters, and
compresses landfill gas for sale or beneficial use.
Untreated landfill gas means any landfill gas that is not treated
landfill gas.
[FR Doc. 2016-17700 Filed 8-26-16; 8:45 am]