[Docket No. 160714611-6611-01] HEADOffice of Administration; Commerce Alternative Personnel System, 54787-54789 [2016-19616]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 17, 2016 / Notices
identifiable name is attached to an
objection, the Forest Service will
attempt to verify the identity of the
objector to confirm objection eligibility;
(2) Signature or other verification of
authorship upon request (a scanned
signature for electronic mail may be
filed with the objection);
(3) Identification of the lead objector,
when multiple names are listed on an
objection. The Forest Service will
communicate to all parties to an
objection through the lead objector.
Verification of the identity of the lead
objector must also be provided if
(4) The name of the plan revision
being objected to, and the name and title
of the Responsible Official;
(5) A statement of the issues and/or
parts of the plan revision to which the
objection applies;
(6) A concise statement explaining the
objection and suggesting how the
proposed plan decision may be
improved. If the objector believes that
the plan revision is inconsistent with
law, regulation, or policy, an
explanation should be included;
(7) A statement that demonstrates the
link between the objector’s prior
substantive formal comments and the
content of the objection, unless the
objection concerns an issue that arose
after the opportunities for formal
comment; and
(8) All documents referenced in the
objection (a bibliography is not
sufficient), except that the following
need not be provided:
a. All or any part of a Federal law or
b. Forest Service Directive System
documents and land management plans
or other published Forest Service
c. Documents referenced by the Forest
Service in the planning documentation
related to the proposal subject to
objection, and
d. Formal comments previously
provided to the Forest Service by the
objector during the plan revision
comment period.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
Responsible Official
The responsible official for the
revision of the land management plan
for the Francis Marion National Forest
is Rick Lint, Forest Supervisor, Francis
Marion and Sumter National Forests,
4931 Broad River Road, Columbia, SC
Dated: August 10, 2016.
John Richard Lint,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2016–19608 Filed 8–16–16; 8:45 am]
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[Docket No. 160714611–6611–01]
Office of Administration; Commerce
Alternative Personnel System
Office of Administration, Office
of Human Resources Management,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice announces
modifications to the provisions of the
Commerce Alternative Personnel
System, formerly the Department of
Commerce Personnel Management
Demonstration Project, published in the
Federal Register on December 24, 1997.
As published on January 2, 2015 (80
FR 25), the Commerce Alternative
Personnel System implemented directhire authority, under section 3304(a)(3)
of Title 5 of the United States Code, for
recruitment of certain scientific and
engineering positions in the ZP career
path at the Pay Band IV and above.
Direct-hire authority was authorized for
positions located in the National
Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA), employed under
the First Responder Network Authority
(FirstNet). The System was modified
again, as published on June 22, 2016 (81
FR 40653), to increase the number of
positions FirstNet could fill under
direct-hire authority and to include
certain occupational series in the ZP
career path at the Pay Band III level and
This notice serves to make changes to
the System to expand the use of directhire authority to the NTIA, Institute for
Telecommunication Sciences (ITS), and
authorizes ITS to fill certain ZP
positions, on a limited basis, at the Pay
Band III level and above. This notice
also serves to announce the addition of
the 1520—Mathematics occupational
series to the Commerce Alternative
Personnel System.
DATES: The amended Commerce
Alternative Personnel System is
effective August 17, 2016.
Department of Commerce—Sandra
Thompson, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th and Constitution
Avenue NW., Room 51020, Washington,
DC 20230, (202) 482–0056 or Valerie
Smith at (202) 482–0272.
1. Background
The Office of Personnel Management
(OPM) approved the Department of
Commerce (DoC) demonstration project
for an alternative personnel
management system and published the
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approval of the final plan in the Federal
Register on Wednesday, December 24,
1997 (62 FR 67434). The demonstration
project was designed to simplify current
classification systems allowing greater
flexibility in classifying work and
paying employees; establish a
performance management and rewards
system for improving individual and
organizational performance; and
improve recruiting and examining to
attract highly-qualified candidates. The
purpose of the project was to strengthen
the contribution of human resources
management and test whether the same
innovations conducted under the
National Institute of Standards and
Technology alternative personnel
management system would produce
similarly successful results in other DoC
environments. The project was
implemented on March 29, 1998. The
project plan has been modified ten
times to clarify certain DoC
Demonstration Project authorities, and
to extend and expand the project: 64 FR
52810 (September 30, 1999); 68 FR
47948 (August 12, 2003); 68 FR 54505
(September 17, 2003); 70 FR 38732 (July
5, 2005); 71 FR 25615 (May 1, 2006); 71
FR 50950 (August 28, 2006); 74 FR
22728 (May 14, 2009); 80 FR 25 (January
2, 2015); 81 FR 20322 (April 7, 2016);
81 FR 40653 (June 22, 2016). With the
passage of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2008, Public Law
110–161, on December 26, 2007, the
project was made permanent (extended
indefinitely) and renamed the
Commerce Alternative Personnel
System (CAPS).
CAPS provides for modifications to be
made as experience is gained, results are
analyzed, and conclusions are reached
on how the system is working. This
notice announces that the DoC
implements ITS’ use of direct-hire
authority under 5 U.S.C. 3304(a)(3) to
fill specific scientific and engineering
positions announced through this notice
in the ZP career path and adds the
occupational series: 1520—Mathematics
to the ZP career path. The DoC will
follow the CAPS plan, as published in
the Federal Register on December 24,
1997, and subsequent modifications as
listed in the Background Section of this
Kevin E. Mahoney,
Director for Human Resources Management
and Chief Human Capital Officer.
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Basis for CAPS Expansion
III. Changes to the Project Plan
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 17, 2016 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
I. Executive Summary
CAPS is designed to (1) improve
hiring and allow DoC to compete more
effectively for high-quality candidates
through direct hiring, selective use of
higher entry salaries, and selective use
of recruitment incentives; (2) motivate
and retain staff through higher pay
potential, pay-for-performance, more
responsive personnel systems, and
selective use of retention incentives; (3)
strengthen the manager’s role in
personnel management through
delegation of personnel authorities; and
(4) increase the efficiency of personnel
systems through the installation of a
simpler and more flexible classification
system based on pay banding through
reduction of guidelines, steps, and
paperwork in classification, hiring, and
other personnel systems, and through
The current participating
organizations include 7 offices of the
Chief Financial Officer/Assistant
Secretary for Administration in the
Office of the Secretary; the Bureau of
Economic Analysis; the Institute for
Telecommunication Sciences—National
Telecommunications and Information
Administration; the First Responder
Network Authority—National
Telecommunications and Information
Administration; and 12 units of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration: Office of Oceanic and
Atmospheric Research, National Marine
Fisheries Service, the National
Environmental Satellite, Data, and
Information Service, National Weather
Service—Space Environment Center,
National Ocean Service, Program
Planning and Integration Office, Office
of the Under Secretary, Marine and
Aviation Operations, Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer, Office of the
Chief Financial Officer, the Workforce
Management Office, and the Office of
the Chief Information Officer.
This amendment modifies the June
22, 2016, Federal Register notice (81 FR
40653). Specifically, it expands and
implements direct-hire authority for ITS
and enables ITS to hire, after public
notice is given, any qualified applicants
in the ZP career path series as defined
in the Basis for CAPS Expansion section
without regard to 5 U.S.C. 3309–3318, 5
CFR part 211, or 5 CFR part 337, subpart
A on a limited basis.
II. Basis for CAPS Expansion
A. Purpose
CAPS is designed to provide
managers at the lowest organizational
level the authority, control, and
flexibility to recruit, retain, develop,
recognize, and motivate its workforce,
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while ensuring adequate accountability
and oversight.
ITS is responsible for providing core
telecommunications research and
engineering services to promote
enhanced domestic competition and
new technology deployment; advancing
telecommunications and information
services; improving foreign trade
opportunities for U.S.
telecommunication firms and more
efficient use of the radio frequency
spectrum. ITS also serves as a principal
Federal resource for investigating the
telecommunications challenges of other
Federal agencies, state and local
governments, private corporations and
associations, and international
organizations. In particular, this
includes assisting Federal public safety
agencies, the Federal Communications
Commission, and agencies that use
Federal spectrum. As specified in the
June 28, 2010, Presidential
Memorandum, ‘‘Unleashing the
Wireless Broadband Revolution’’ NTIA
is responsible for exploring innovative
spectrum-sharing technologies. As the
research and engineering laboratory for
NTIA, ITS supports NTIA by performing
research that enables the U.S.
Government, national and international
standards organizations, and many
aspects of private industry to manage
the radio spectrum and ensure that
innovative, new technologies are
recognized and effective. To continue to
advance strategic initiatives to make
additional spectrum available for
commercial wireless use and to meet the
increasing radio spectrum needs of both
Federal and commercial users in the
U.S. as efficiently and effectively as
possible, ITS must quickly hire
qualified individuals, for specialized
roles, to advance communication
Section 3304(a)(3) of Title 5 United
States Code provides agencies with the
authority to appoint candidates directly
to jobs for which the OPM determines
that there is a severe shortage of
candidates or a critical hiring need.
OPM’s direct-hire authority enables
agencies to hire, after public notice is
given, any qualified applicant without
regard to 5 U.S.C. 3309–3318, 5 CFR
part 211, or 5 CFR part 337, subpart A.
This notice implements ITS’ use of
direct-hire authority to fill up to 20
positions in the ZP career path, at Pay
Band III or higher, in the following
occupational series: 0854—Computer
Engineering; 0855—Electronics
Engineering; 1310—Physics; 1550—
Computer Science; or 1520—
Mathematics. The use of direct-hire
authority to fill these positions will not
exceed 20 positions in the ZP career
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path at any one time. ITS will track the
number of hires made under direct-hire
authority, ensuring numbers specified
for the occupational series are not
In 1997, with the approval of the
DoC’s Demonstration Project (62 FR
67434, December 24, 1997), OPM
concurred that some occupations in the
ZP career path at the Pay Band III and
above constitute a shortage category,
and some occupations for which there is
a special rate under the General
Schedule pay system constitute a
shortage category. Past recruitment
efforts have demonstrated a critical
shortage of candidates possessing
specialized technical expertise in
spectrum measurements, spectrum
monitoring, propagation modeling, 4G
Long Term Evolution (LTE)
technologies, mobile systems
development, computer security,
systems engineering, scientific software
development, as well as expertise in
public safety organizational operations
and infrastructure capabilities. ITS will
use direct-hire authority to recruit
Computer Engineers, Electronics
Engineers, Computer Scientists,
Physicists and Mathematicians in the
ZP career path, Pay Band III or higher,
with efforts focused on recruiting
individuals possessing the above listed
specialized technical areas of expertise.
Recruitment of individuals possessing
this expertise is critical in order to
measure, analyze, monitor, and evaluate
cutting edge technologies and methods
that will make spectrum sharing
DoC’s CAPS allows for modifications
of procedures if no new waiver from law
or regulation is added. Given that this
expansion and modification is in
accordance with existing law and
regulation and CAPS is a permanent
alternative personnel system, the DoC is
authorized to make the changes
described in this notice.
III. Changes to the Project Plan
The CAPS at DoC, originally
published in the Federal Register on
December 24, 1997 (62 FR 67434), and
subsequently expanded as discussed
above, Section III (81 FR 40653, June 22,
2016), is modified as follows:
1. The following series is added to
Table 2:
Scientific and Engineering (ZP) Career
Path 1520, Mathematics Series
2. Section III Personnel System
Changes, (B) Staffing: Replace the
paragraph in subsection titled: ‘‘DirectHire Authority: Critical Shortage
Occupations’’ to state:
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 17, 2016 / Notices
DoC FirstNet and ITS use direct-hire
procedures for categories of occupations that
require skills that are in short supply. The
following occupations and series constitute a
shortage category at the Pay Band III and
above in the ZP Career Path: Emergency
Management Specialists (Public Safety)
(0089), Electrical Engineers (0850), Computer
Engineers (0854), Electronics Engineers,
(0855), Physicists (1310), Computer
Scientists (1550), and Mathematicians (1520).
FirstNet is authorized to fill positions in the
following occupational series using directhire procedures: 0089, 0850, 0854, 0855, and
1550 in all duty locations. ITS is authorized
to fill positions in the following occupational
series: 0854, 0855, 1310, 1550, and 1520 in
all duty locations. Positions in these
categories may be filled by FirstNet and ITS
through direct-hire procedures in accordance
with 5 U.S.C. 3304(a)(3). DoC FirstNet and
ITS advertise the availability of job
opportunities in direct-hire occupations by
posting on the OPM USAJOBS Web site. DoC
FirstNet and ITS will follow internal directhire procedures for accepting applications.
[FR Doc. 2016–19616 Filed 8–16–16; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
Approval of Subzone Status: Westlake
Chemical Corporation, Geismar,
On May 25, 2016, the Executive
Secretary of the Foreign-Trade Zones
(FTZ) Board docketed an application
submitted by the Greater Baton Rouge
Port Commission, grantee of FTZ 154,
requesting subzone status subject to the
existing activation limit of FTZ 154, on
behalf of Westlake Chemical
Corporation in Geismar, Louisiana.
The application was processed in
accordance with the FTZ Act and
Regulations, including notice in the
Federal Register inviting public
comment (81 FR 35297, June 2, 2016).
The FTZ staff examiner reviewed the
application and determined that it
meets the criteria for approval.
Pursuant to the authority delegated to
the FTZ Board’s Executive Secretary (15
CFR Sec. 400.36(f)), the application to
establish Subzone 154C is approved,
subject to the FTZ Act and the Board’s
regulations, including Section 400.13,
and further subject to FTZ 154’s 2,000acre activation limit.
Industry and Security Bureau
The Department of Commerce will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for clearance the
following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35).
Agency: Bureau of Industry and
Title: International Import Certificate.
Form Number(s): BIS–645P.
OMB Control Number: 0694–0017.
Type of Request: Regular.
Burden Hours: 52 hours.
Number of Respondents: 195
Average Hours per Response: 16
minutes per response.
Needs and Uses: The United States
and several other countries have
increased the effectiveness of their
respective controls over international
trade in strategic commodities by means
of an Import Certificate procedure. For
the U.S. importer, this procedure
provides that, where required by the
exporting country, the importer submits
an international import certificate to the
U.S. Government to certify that he/she
will import commodities into the
United States and will not reexport such
commodities, except in accordance with
the export control regulations of the
United States. The U.S. Government, in
turn, certifies that such representations
have been made.
Affected Public: Businesses and other
for-profit institutions.
Frequency: On occasion.
Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
obtain benefits.
This information collection request
may be viewed at www.reginfo.gov.
Follow the instructions to view the
Department of Commerce collections
currently under review by OMB.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to OIRA Submission@
omb.eop.gov or fax to (202) 395–5806.
[FR Doc. 2016–19647 Filed 8–16–16; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 2016–19517 Filed 8–16–16; 8:45 am]
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Bureau of Consumer Financial
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
Dated: August 11, 2016.
Glenna Mickelson,
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
16:39 Aug 16, 2016
Credit Union Advisory Council Meeting
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Dated: August 11, 2016.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
This notice sets forth the
announcement of a public meeting of
the Credit Union Advisory Council
(CUAC or Council) of the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or
Bureau). The notice also describes the
functions of the Council. Notice of the
meeting is permitted by section 9 of the
CUAC Charter and is intended to notify
the public of this meeting. Specifically,
section 9(d) of the CUAC Charter states:
(1) Each meeting of the Council shall be
open to public observation, to the extent that
a facility is available to accommodate the
public, unless the Bureau, in accordance
with paragraph (4) of this section, determines
that the meeting shall be closed. The Bureau
also will make reasonable efforts to make the
meetings available to the public through live
recording. (2) Notice of the time, place and
purpose of each meeting, as well as a
summary of the proposed agenda, shall be
published in the Federal Register not more
than 45 or less than 15 days prior to the
scheduled meeting date. Shorter notice may
be given when the Bureau determines that
the Council’s business so requires; in such
event, the public will be given notice at the
earliest practicable time. (3) Minutes of
meetings, records, reports, studies, and
agenda of the Council shall be posted on the
Bureau’s Web site
(www.consumerfinance.gov). (4) The Bureau
may close to the public a portion of any
meeting, for confidential discussion. If the
Bureau closes a meeting or any portion of a
meeting, the Bureau will issue, at least
annually, a summary of the Council’s
activities during such closed meetings or
portions of meetings.
The meeting date is Thursday,
September 1, 2016, 3:30 p.m. to 5:00
p.m. eastern daylight time.
ADDRESSES: The meeting location is the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
1275 First Street NE., Washington, DC
Crystal Dully, Outreach and Engagement
Associate, 202–435–9588, CFPB_
Consumer Advisory Board and Councils
Office, External Affairs, 1275 First Street
NE., Washington, DC 20002.
I. Background
Section 2 of the CUAC Charter
provides: ‘‘Pursuant to the executive
and administrative powers conferred on
the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau by section 1012 of the Dodd-
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 159 (Wednesday, August 17, 2016)]
[Pages 54787-54789]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-19616]
[Docket No. 160714611-6611-01]
Office of Administration; Commerce Alternative Personnel System
AGENCY: Office of Administration, Office of Human Resources Management,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces modifications to the provisions of the
Commerce Alternative Personnel System, formerly the Department of
Commerce Personnel Management Demonstration Project, published in the
Federal Register on December 24, 1997.
As published on January 2, 2015 (80 FR 25), the Commerce
Alternative Personnel System implemented direct-hire authority, under
section 3304(a)(3) of Title 5 of the United States Code, for
recruitment of certain scientific and engineering positions in the ZP
career path at the Pay Band IV and above. Direct-hire authority was
authorized for positions located in the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA), employed under the First Responder
Network Authority (FirstNet). The System was modified again, as
published on June 22, 2016 (81 FR 40653), to increase the number of
positions FirstNet could fill under direct-hire authority and to
include certain occupational series in the ZP career path at the Pay
Band III level and above.
This notice serves to make changes to the System to expand the use
of direct-hire authority to the NTIA, Institute for Telecommunication
Sciences (ITS), and authorizes ITS to fill certain ZP positions, on a
limited basis, at the Pay Band III level and above. This notice also
serves to announce the addition of the 1520--Mathematics occupational
series to the Commerce Alternative Personnel System.
DATES: The amended Commerce Alternative Personnel System is effective
August 17, 2016.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Department of Commerce--Sandra
Thompson, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th and Constitution Avenue
NW., Room 51020, Washington, DC 20230, (202) 482-0056 or Valerie Smith
at (202) 482-0272.
1. Background
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) approved the Department of
Commerce (DoC) demonstration project for an alternative personnel
management system and published the approval of the final plan in the
Federal Register on Wednesday, December 24, 1997 (62 FR 67434). The
demonstration project was designed to simplify current classification
systems allowing greater flexibility in classifying work and paying
employees; establish a performance management and rewards system for
improving individual and organizational performance; and improve
recruiting and examining to attract highly-qualified candidates. The
purpose of the project was to strengthen the contribution of human
resources management and test whether the same innovations conducted
under the National Institute of Standards and Technology alternative
personnel management system would produce similarly successful results
in other DoC environments. The project was implemented on March 29,
1998. The project plan has been modified ten times to clarify certain
DoC Demonstration Project authorities, and to extend and expand the
project: 64 FR 52810 (September 30, 1999); 68 FR 47948 (August 12,
2003); 68 FR 54505 (September 17, 2003); 70 FR 38732 (July 5, 2005); 71
FR 25615 (May 1, 2006); 71 FR 50950 (August 28, 2006); 74 FR 22728 (May
14, 2009); 80 FR 25 (January 2, 2015); 81 FR 20322 (April 7, 2016); 81
FR 40653 (June 22, 2016). With the passage of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2008, Public Law 110-161, on December 26, 2007, the
project was made permanent (extended indefinitely) and renamed the
Commerce Alternative Personnel System (CAPS).
CAPS provides for modifications to be made as experience is gained,
results are analyzed, and conclusions are reached on how the system is
working. This notice announces that the DoC implements ITS' use of
direct-hire authority under 5 U.S.C. 3304(a)(3) to fill specific
scientific and engineering positions announced through this notice in
the ZP career path and adds the occupational series: 1520--Mathematics
to the ZP career path. The DoC will follow the CAPS plan, as published
in the Federal Register on December 24, 1997, and subsequent
modifications as listed in the Background Section of this notice.
Kevin E. Mahoney,
Director for Human Resources Management and Chief Human Capital
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Basis for CAPS Expansion
III. Changes to the Project Plan
[[Page 54788]]
I. Executive Summary
CAPS is designed to (1) improve hiring and allow DoC to compete
more effectively for high-quality candidates through direct hiring,
selective use of higher entry salaries, and selective use of
recruitment incentives; (2) motivate and retain staff through higher
pay potential, pay-for-performance, more responsive personnel systems,
and selective use of retention incentives; (3) strengthen the manager's
role in personnel management through delegation of personnel
authorities; and (4) increase the efficiency of personnel systems
through the installation of a simpler and more flexible classification
system based on pay banding through reduction of guidelines, steps, and
paperwork in classification, hiring, and other personnel systems, and
through automation.
The current participating organizations include 7 offices of the
Chief Financial Officer/Assistant Secretary for Administration in the
Office of the Secretary; the Bureau of Economic Analysis; the Institute
for Telecommunication Sciences--National Telecommunications and
Information Administration; the First Responder Network Authority--
National Telecommunications and Information Administration; and 12
units of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Office of
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, National Marine Fisheries Service,
the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service,
National Weather Service--Space Environment Center, National Ocean
Service, Program Planning and Integration Office, Office of the Under
Secretary, Marine and Aviation Operations, Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, the
Workforce Management Office, and the Office of the Chief Information
This amendment modifies the June 22, 2016, Federal Register notice
(81 FR 40653). Specifically, it expands and implements direct-hire
authority for ITS and enables ITS to hire, after public notice is
given, any qualified applicants in the ZP career path series as defined
in the Basis for CAPS Expansion section without regard to 5 U.S.C.
3309-3318, 5 CFR part 211, or 5 CFR part 337, subpart A on a limited
II. Basis for CAPS Expansion
A. Purpose
CAPS is designed to provide managers at the lowest organizational
level the authority, control, and flexibility to recruit, retain,
develop, recognize, and motivate its workforce, while ensuring adequate
accountability and oversight.
ITS is responsible for providing core telecommunications research
and engineering services to promote enhanced domestic competition and
new technology deployment; advancing telecommunications and information
services; improving foreign trade opportunities for U.S.
telecommunication firms and more efficient use of the radio frequency
spectrum. ITS also serves as a principal Federal resource for
investigating the telecommunications challenges of other Federal
agencies, state and local governments, private corporations and
associations, and international organizations. In particular, this
includes assisting Federal public safety agencies, the Federal
Communications Commission, and agencies that use Federal spectrum. As
specified in the June 28, 2010, Presidential Memorandum, ``Unleashing
the Wireless Broadband Revolution'' NTIA is responsible for exploring
innovative spectrum-sharing technologies. As the research and
engineering laboratory for NTIA, ITS supports NTIA by performing
research that enables the U.S. Government, national and international
standards organizations, and many aspects of private industry to manage
the radio spectrum and ensure that innovative, new technologies are
recognized and effective. To continue to advance strategic initiatives
to make additional spectrum available for commercial wireless use and
to meet the increasing radio spectrum needs of both Federal and
commercial users in the U.S. as efficiently and effectively as
possible, ITS must quickly hire qualified individuals, for specialized
roles, to advance communication technologies.
Section 3304(a)(3) of Title 5 United States Code provides agencies
with the authority to appoint candidates directly to jobs for which the
OPM determines that there is a severe shortage of candidates or a
critical hiring need. OPM's direct-hire authority enables agencies to
hire, after public notice is given, any qualified applicant without
regard to 5 U.S.C. 3309-3318, 5 CFR part 211, or 5 CFR part 337,
subpart A.
This notice implements ITS' use of direct-hire authority to fill up
to 20 positions in the ZP career path, at Pay Band III or higher, in
the following occupational series: 0854--Computer Engineering; 0855--
Electronics Engineering; 1310--Physics; 1550--Computer Science; or
1520--Mathematics. The use of direct-hire authority to fill these
positions will not exceed 20 positions in the ZP career path at any one
time. ITS will track the number of hires made under direct-hire
authority, ensuring numbers specified for the occupational series are
not exceeded.
In 1997, with the approval of the DoC's Demonstration Project (62
FR 67434, December 24, 1997), OPM concurred that some occupations in
the ZP career path at the Pay Band III and above constitute a shortage
category, and some occupations for which there is a special rate under
the General Schedule pay system constitute a shortage category. Past
recruitment efforts have demonstrated a critical shortage of candidates
possessing specialized technical expertise in spectrum measurements,
spectrum monitoring, propagation modeling, 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE)
technologies, mobile systems development, computer security, systems
engineering, scientific software development, as well as expertise in
public safety organizational operations and infrastructure
capabilities. ITS will use direct-hire authority to recruit Computer
Engineers, Electronics Engineers, Computer Scientists, Physicists and
Mathematicians in the ZP career path, Pay Band III or higher, with
efforts focused on recruiting individuals possessing the above listed
specialized technical areas of expertise. Recruitment of individuals
possessing this expertise is critical in order to measure, analyze,
monitor, and evaluate cutting edge technologies and methods that will
make spectrum sharing possible.
DoC's CAPS allows for modifications of procedures if no new waiver
from law or regulation is added. Given that this expansion and
modification is in accordance with existing law and regulation and CAPS
is a permanent alternative personnel system, the DoC is authorized to
make the changes described in this notice.
III. Changes to the Project Plan
The CAPS at DoC, originally published in the Federal Register on
December 24, 1997 (62 FR 67434), and subsequently expanded as discussed
above, Section III (81 FR 40653, June 22, 2016), is modified as
1. The following series is added to Table 2:
Scientific and Engineering (ZP) Career Path 1520, Mathematics Series
2. Section III Personnel System Changes, (B) Staffing: Replace the
paragraph in subsection titled: ``Direct-Hire Authority: Critical
Shortage Occupations'' to state:
[[Page 54789]]
DoC FirstNet and ITS use direct-hire procedures for categories
of occupations that require skills that are in short supply. The
following occupations and series constitute a shortage category at
the Pay Band III and above in the ZP Career Path: Emergency
Management Specialists (Public Safety) (0089), Electrical Engineers
(0850), Computer Engineers (0854), Electronics Engineers, (0855),
Physicists (1310), Computer Scientists (1550), and Mathematicians
(1520). FirstNet is authorized to fill positions in the following
occupational series using direct-hire procedures: 0089, 0850, 0854,
0855, and 1550 in all duty locations. ITS is authorized to fill
positions in the following occupational series: 0854, 0855, 1310,
1550, and 1520 in all duty locations. Positions in these categories
may be filled by FirstNet and ITS through direct-hire procedures in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3304(a)(3). DoC FirstNet and ITS advertise
the availability of job opportunities in direct-hire occupations by
posting on the OPM USAJOBS Web site. DoC FirstNet and ITS will
follow internal direct-hire procedures for accepting applications.
[FR Doc. 2016-19616 Filed 8-16-16; 8:45 am]