Export Trade Certificate of Review, 52405-52406 [2016-18755]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 152 / Monday, August 8, 2016 / Notices
occurred and the subsequent assessment
of double antidumping duties.
We are issuing and publishing these
results in accordance with sections
751(a)(2)(B) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: August 2, 2016.
Ronald K. Lorentzen,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement
and Compliance.
Appendix I—List of Sections in the
Preliminary Decision Memorandum
1. Summary
2. Background
3. Scope of the Order
4. Discussion of the Methodology
5. Conclusion
[FR Doc. 2016–18779 Filed 8–5–16; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
[Application No. 84–27A12]
Export Trade Certificate of Review
International Trade
Administration, Department of
ACTION: Notice of Application for an
Amended Export Trade Certificate of
Review by Northwest Fruit Exporters,
Application No. 84–27A12.
The Secretary of Commerce,
through the International Trade
Administration, Office of Trade and
Economic Analysis (OTEA), has
received an application for an amended
Export Trade Certificate of Review
(‘‘Certificate’’) from Northwest Fruit
Exporters. This notice summarizes the
proposed amendment and seeks public
comments on whether the amended
Certificate should be issued.
Joseph E. Flynn, Director, Office of
Trade and Economic Analysis,
International Trade Administration, by
telephone at (202) 482–5131 (this is not
a toll-free number) or email at
Title III of
the Export Trading Company Act of
1982 (15 U.S.C. 4001–21) authorizes the
Secretary of Commerce to issue Export
Trade Certificates of Review. An Export
Trade Certificate of Review protects the
holder and the members identified in
the Certificate from State and Federal
government antitrust actions and from
private treble damage antitrust actions
for the export conduct specified in the
Certificate and carried out in
compliance with its terms and
conditions. Section 302(b)(1) of the
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Export Trading Company Act of 1982
and 15 CFR 325.6(a) require the
Secretary to publish a notice in the
Federal Register identifying the
applicant and summarizing its proposed
export conduct.
Request for Public Comments
Interested parties may submit written
comments relevant to the determination
whether an amended Certificate should
be issued. If the comments include any
privileged or confidential business
information, it must be clearly marked
and a nonconfidential version of the
comments (identified as such) should be
included. Any comments not marked as
privileged or confidential business
information will be deemed to be
An original and five (5) copies, plus
two (2) copies of the nonconfidential
version, should be submitted no later
than 20 days after the date of this notice
to: Export Trading Company Affairs,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room
21028, Washington, DC 20230.
Information submitted by any person
is exempt from disclosure under the
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.
552). However, nonconfidential versions
of the comments will be made available
to the applicant if necessary for
determining whether or not to issue the
amended Certificate. Comments should
refer to this application as ‘‘Export
Trade Certificate of Review, application
number 84–27A12.’’
A summary of the current application
Summary of the Application
Applicant: Northwest Fruit Exporters,
105 South 18th Street, Suite 227,
Yakima, WA 98901.
Contact: Fred Scarlett, Manager, (509)
Application No.: 84–27A12.
Date Deemed Submitted: July 25,
Proposed Amendment: Northwest
Fruit Exporters seeks to amend its
Certificate as follows:
1. Add the following companies as
new Members of the Certificate within
the meaning of section 325.2(l) of the
Regulations (15 CFR 325.2(l)), for Export
Trade Activities and Methods of
Operation relating to apples (A):
• Legacy Fruit Packers LLC—Wapato,
2. Remove the following companies as
Members of the Certificate:
• Garrett Ranches Packing—Wilder, ID
• Ron Lefore d/b/a LeFore Apple
Farms—Milton-Freewater, OR
3. Change the product listing for the
following existing Members:
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• From pears (P) to apples and pears
(A,P) for Underwood Fruit &
Warehouse Co.—Bingen, WA
4. Update the city listing for the
following existing Members:
• Remove Brewster, WA from Custom
Apple Packers, Inc.
• Change location of L&M Companies
from Selah to Union Gap, WA
Northwest Fruit Exporter’s Export
Trade Certificate of Review complete
amended membership is listed below:
1. Allan Bros., Naches, WA
2. AltaFresh L.L.C. dba Chelan Fresh
Marketing, Chelan, WA
3. Apple House Warehouse & Storage,
Inc., Brewster, WA
4. Apple King, L.L.C., Yakima, WA
5. Auvil Fruit Co., Inc., Orondo, WA
6. Baker Produce, Inc., Kennewick, WA
7. Blue Bird, Inc., Peshastin, WA
8. Blue Star Growers, Inc., Cashmere,
9. Borton & Sons, Inc., Yakima, WA
10. Brewster Heights Packing &
Orchards, LP, Brewster, WA
11. Broetje Orchards LLC, Prescott, WA
12. C.M. Holtzinger Fruit Co., Inc.,
Yakima, WA
13. Chelan Fruit Cooperative, Chelan,
14. Chiawana, Inc. dba Columbia Reach
Pack, Yakima, WA
15. Columbia Fruit Packers, Inc.,
Wenatchee, WA
16. Columbia Fruit Packers/Airport
Division, Wenatchee, WA
17. Columbia Marketing International
Corp., Wenatchee, WA
18. Columbia Valley Fruit, L.L.C.,
Yakima, WA
19. Congdon Packing Co. L.L.C.,
Yakima, WA
20. Conrad & Adams Fruit L.L.C.,
Grandview, WA
21. Cowiche Growers, Inc., Cowiche,
22. CPC International Apple Company,
Tieton, WA
23. Crane & Crane, Inc., Brewster, WA
24. Custom Apple Packers, Inc., Quincy,
and Wenatchee, WA
25. Diamond Fruit Growers, Odell, OR
26. Domex Superfresh Growers LLC,
Yakima, WA
27. Douglas Fruit Company, Inc., Pasco,
28. Dovex Export Company, Wenatchee,
29. Duckwall Fruit, Odell, OR
30. E. Brown & Sons, Inc., MiltonFreewater, OR
31. Evans Fruit Co., Inc., Yakima, WA
32. E.W. Brandt & Sons, Inc., Parker,
33. Frosty Packing Co., LLC, Yakima,
34. G&G Orchards, Inc., Yakima, WA
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 152 / Monday, August 8, 2016 / Notices
35. Gilbert Orchards, Inc., Yakima, WA
36. Gold Digger Apples, Inc., Oroville,
37. Hansen Fruit & Cold Storage Co.,
Inc., Yakima, WA
38. Henggeler Packing Co., Inc.,
Fruitland, ID
39. Highland Fruit Growers, Inc.,
Yakima, WA
40. HoneyBear Growers, Inc., Brewster,
41. Honey Bear Tree Fruit Co., LLC,
Wenatchee, WA
42. Hood River Cherry Company, Hood
River, OR
43. Ice Lakes LLC, East Wenatchee, WA
44. JackAss Mt. Ranch, Pasco, WA
45. Jenks Bros Cold Storage & Packing
Royal City, WA
46. Kershaw Fruit & Cold Storage, Co.,
Yakima, WA
47. L&M Companies, Union Gap, WA
48. Larson Fruit Co., Selah, WA
49. Legacy Fruit Packers LLC, Wapato,
50. Manson Growers Cooperative,
Manson, WA
51. Matson Fruit Company, Selah, WA
52. McDougall & Sons, Inc., Wenatchee,
53. Monson Fruit Co. Selah, WA
54. Morgan’s of Washington dba Double
Diamond Fruit, Quincy, WA
55. Naumes, Inc., Medford, OR
56. Northern Fruit Company, Inc.,
Wenatchee, WA
57. Olympic Fruit Co., Moxee, WA
58. Oneonta Trading Corp., Wenatchee,
59. Orchard View Farms, Inc., The
Dalles, OR
60. Pacific Coast Cherry Packers, LLC,
Yakima, WA
61. Peshastin Hi-Up Growers, Peshastin,
62. Phillippi Fruit Company, Inc.,
Wenatchee, WA
63. Piepel Premium Fruit Packing LLC,
East Wenatchee, WA
64. Polehn Farm’s Inc., The Dalles, OR
65. Price Cold Storage & Packing Co.,
Inc., Yakima, WA
66. Pride Packing Company, Wapato,
67. Quincy Fresh Fruit Co., Quincy, WA
68. Rainier Fruit Company, Selah, WA
69. Roche Fruit, Ltd., Yakima, WA
70. Sage Fruit Company, L.L.C., Yakima,
71. Smith & Nelson, Inc., Tonasket, WA
72. Stadelman Fruit, L.L.C., MiltonFreewater, OR, and Zillah, WA
73. Stemilt Growers, LLC, Wenatchee,
74. Strand Apples, Inc., Cowiche, WA
75. Symms Fruit Ranch, Inc., Caldwell,
76. The Dalles Fruit Company, LLC,
Dallesport, WA
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77. Underwood Fruit & Warehouse Co.,
Bingen, WA
78. Valicoff Fruit Co., Inc., Wapato, WA
79. Valley Fruit III L.L.C., Wapato, WA
80. Washington Cherry Growers,
Peshastin, WA
81. Washington Fruit & Produce Co.,
Yakima, WA
82. Western Sweet Cherry Group, LLC,
Yakima, WA
83. Western Traders LLC, E. Wenatchee,
84. Whitby Farms, Inc. dba: Farm Boy
Fruit Snacks LLC, Mesa, WA
85. Yakima Fresh, Yakima, WA
86. Yakima Fruit & Cold Storage Co.,
Yakima, WA
87. Zirkle Fruit Company, Selah, WA
Dated: August 3, 2016.
Joseph E. Flynn,
Director, Office of Trade and Economic
Analysis, International Trade Administration.
[FR Doc. 2016–18755 Filed 8–5–16; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XE780
Pacific Fishery Management Council;
Public Meetings and Hearings
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of public meetings and
The Pacific Fishery
Management Council (Pacific Council)
has begun the five-year review of its
groundfish trawl catch share program,
as required by the Magnuson Stevens
Fishery Management and Conservation
Act. It will also begin a concurrent
review of its groundfish inter-sector
allocations. This document announces
the dates and locations of Pacific
Council public hearings that will inform
Council decisions on the content and
focus for the review (review plan).
DATES: The hearings will begin on
Wednesday, August 31, 2016, and end
on Thursday, September 29, 2016.
Written comments must be received by
5 p.m. on October 18, 2016. For specific
hearing dates and times, see
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to Mr. Herb Pollard, Chair,
Pacific Fishery Management Council,
7700 NE. Ambassador Place, Suite 101,
Portland, OR 97220–1384, telephone:
503–820–2280 (voice) or 503–820–2299
PO 00000
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(fax). Comments can also be submitted
via email at PFMC.comments@noaa.gov.
For specific hearing locations, see
Council Address: Pacific Fishery
Management Council, 7700 NE.
Ambassador Place, Suite 101, Portland,
OR 97220.
Jim Seger, telephone: 503–820–2416.
Information on the review process is
available from the Council Web site
(www.pcouncil.org) on the five-year
review Web page (https://tinyurl.com/
hjkmvw6). Comment from the hearings
will be summarized and provided to the
Council at its November 2016 meeting,
at which time the Council will finalize
its review plan. Written comments may
also be submitted and should be
received by 5 p.m. on October 18, 2016,
in order to be considered at the
November Council meeting. Results of
the catch share program review are
expected to be published in the
following year.
Thursday, August 31, 2016, Through
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Public hearings will be held to receive
comments on the content and focus for
the review. Written comments received
at the public hearings and a summary of
oral comments at the hearings will be
provided to the Pacific Council at its
November 2016 meeting.
All public hearings begin at 7 p.m. at
the following locations:
1. August 31, 2016: Marriott
Courtyard, San Luis Obispo Room, 1605
Calle Joaquin Road, San Luis Obispo,
CA 93405, telephone 805–786–4200.
2. September 1, 2016: Half Moon Bay
Lodge, Club Room, 2400 Cabrillo Hwy.
South, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019,
telephone 650–726–9000.
3. September 6, 2016: City of Fort
Bragg. Town Hall, 363 N. Main Street,
Fort Bragg CA 95437, telephone 707–
4. September 7, 2016: Red Lion
Eureka, Evergreen Room, 1929 Fourth
Street, Eureka, CA 95501, telephone
5. September 8, 2016: Red Lion Hotel,
South Umpqua Room, 1313 North
Bayshore Drive, Coos Bay, OR 97420,
telephone 541–267–4141.
6. September 12, 2016: Chateau
Westport, Beach Room, 710 West
Hancock, Westport, WA 98595,
telephone 360–268–9101.
7. September 13, 2016: Sheraton
Seattle Hotel, Diamond Room, 1400
Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101,
telephone 206–621–9000.
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 152 (Monday, August 8, 2016)]
[Pages 52405-52406]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-18755]
International Trade Administration
[Application No. 84-27A12]
Export Trade Certificate of Review
AGENCY: International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of Application for an Amended Export Trade Certificate
of Review by Northwest Fruit Exporters, Application No. 84-27A12.
SUMMARY: The Secretary of Commerce, through the International Trade
Administration, Office of Trade and Economic Analysis (OTEA), has
received an application for an amended Export Trade Certificate of
Review (``Certificate'') from Northwest Fruit Exporters. This notice
summarizes the proposed amendment and seeks public comments on whether
the amended Certificate should be issued.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph E. Flynn, Director, Office of
Trade and Economic Analysis, International Trade Administration, by
telephone at (202) 482-5131 (this is not a toll-free number) or email
at etca@trade.gov.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title III of the Export Trading Company Act
of 1982 (15 U.S.C. 4001-21) authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to
issue Export Trade Certificates of Review. An Export Trade Certificate
of Review protects the holder and the members identified in the
Certificate from State and Federal government antitrust actions and
from private treble damage antitrust actions for the export conduct
specified in the Certificate and carried out in compliance with its
terms and conditions. Section 302(b)(1) of the Export Trading Company
Act of 1982 and 15 CFR 325.6(a) require the Secretary to publish a
notice in the Federal Register identifying the applicant and
summarizing its proposed export conduct.
Request for Public Comments
Interested parties may submit written comments relevant to the
determination whether an amended Certificate should be issued. If the
comments include any privileged or confidential business information,
it must be clearly marked and a nonconfidential version of the comments
(identified as such) should be included. Any comments not marked as
privileged or confidential business information will be deemed to be
An original and five (5) copies, plus two (2) copies of the
nonconfidential version, should be submitted no later than 20 days
after the date of this notice to: Export Trading Company Affairs,
International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room
21028, Washington, DC 20230.
Information submitted by any person is exempt from disclosure under
the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). However, nonconfidential
versions of the comments will be made available to the applicant if
necessary for determining whether or not to issue the amended
Certificate. Comments should refer to this application as ``Export
Trade Certificate of Review, application number 84-27A12.''
A summary of the current application follows.
Summary of the Application
Applicant: Northwest Fruit Exporters, 105 South 18th Street, Suite
227, Yakima, WA 98901.
Contact: Fred Scarlett, Manager, (509) 576-8004.
Application No.: 84-27A12.
Date Deemed Submitted: July 25, 2016.
Proposed Amendment: Northwest Fruit Exporters seeks to amend its
Certificate as follows:
1. Add the following companies as new Members of the Certificate
within the meaning of section 325.2(l) of the Regulations (15 CFR
325.2(l)), for Export Trade Activities and Methods of Operation
relating to apples (A):
Legacy Fruit Packers LLC--Wapato, WA
2. Remove the following companies as Members of the Certificate:
Garrett Ranches Packing--Wilder, ID
Ron Lefore d/b/a LeFore Apple Farms--Milton-Freewater, OR
3. Change the product listing for the following existing Members:
From pears (P) to apples and pears (A,P) for Underwood Fruit &
Warehouse Co.--Bingen, WA
4. Update the city listing for the following existing Members:
Remove Brewster, WA from Custom Apple Packers, Inc.
Change location of L&M Companies from Selah to Union Gap, WA
Northwest Fruit Exporter's Export Trade Certificate of Review
complete amended membership is listed below:
1. Allan Bros., Naches, WA
2. AltaFresh L.L.C. dba Chelan Fresh Marketing, Chelan, WA
3. Apple House Warehouse & Storage, Inc., Brewster, WA
4. Apple King, L.L.C., Yakima, WA
5. Auvil Fruit Co., Inc., Orondo, WA
6. Baker Produce, Inc., Kennewick, WA
7. Blue Bird, Inc., Peshastin, WA
8. Blue Star Growers, Inc., Cashmere, WA
9. Borton & Sons, Inc., Yakima, WA
10. Brewster Heights Packing & Orchards, LP, Brewster, WA
11. Broetje Orchards LLC, Prescott, WA
12. C.M. Holtzinger Fruit Co., Inc., Yakima, WA
13. Chelan Fruit Cooperative, Chelan, WA
14. Chiawana, Inc. dba Columbia Reach Pack, Yakima, WA
15. Columbia Fruit Packers, Inc., Wenatchee, WA
16. Columbia Fruit Packers/Airport Division, Wenatchee, WA
17. Columbia Marketing International Corp., Wenatchee, WA
18. Columbia Valley Fruit, L.L.C., Yakima, WA
19. Congdon Packing Co. L.L.C., Yakima, WA
20. Conrad & Adams Fruit L.L.C., Grandview, WA
21. Cowiche Growers, Inc., Cowiche, WA
22. CPC International Apple Company, Tieton, WA
23. Crane & Crane, Inc., Brewster, WA
24. Custom Apple Packers, Inc., Quincy, and Wenatchee, WA
25. Diamond Fruit Growers, Odell, OR
26. Domex Superfresh Growers LLC, Yakima, WA
27. Douglas Fruit Company, Inc., Pasco, WA
28. Dovex Export Company, Wenatchee, WA
29. Duckwall Fruit, Odell, OR
30. E. Brown & Sons, Inc., Milton-Freewater, OR
31. Evans Fruit Co., Inc., Yakima, WA
32. E.W. Brandt & Sons, Inc., Parker, WA
33. Frosty Packing Co., LLC, Yakima, WA
34. G&G Orchards, Inc., Yakima, WA
[[Page 52406]]
35. Gilbert Orchards, Inc., Yakima, WA
36. Gold Digger Apples, Inc., Oroville, WA
37. Hansen Fruit & Cold Storage Co., Inc., Yakima, WA
38. Henggeler Packing Co., Inc., Fruitland, ID
39. Highland Fruit Growers, Inc., Yakima, WA
40. HoneyBear Growers, Inc., Brewster, WA
41. Honey Bear Tree Fruit Co., LLC, Wenatchee, WA
42. Hood River Cherry Company, Hood River, OR
43. Ice Lakes LLC, East Wenatchee, WA
44. JackAss Mt. Ranch, Pasco, WA
45. Jenks Bros Cold Storage & Packing Royal City, WA
46. Kershaw Fruit & Cold Storage, Co., Yakima, WA
47. L&M Companies, Union Gap, WA
48. Larson Fruit Co., Selah, WA
49. Legacy Fruit Packers LLC, Wapato, WA
50. Manson Growers Cooperative, Manson, WA
51. Matson Fruit Company, Selah, WA
52. McDougall & Sons, Inc., Wenatchee, WA
53. Monson Fruit Co. Selah, WA
54. Morgan's of Washington dba Double Diamond Fruit, Quincy, WA
55. Naumes, Inc., Medford, OR
56. Northern Fruit Company, Inc., Wenatchee, WA
57. Olympic Fruit Co., Moxee, WA
58. Oneonta Trading Corp., Wenatchee, WA
59. Orchard View Farms, Inc., The Dalles, OR
60. Pacific Coast Cherry Packers, LLC, Yakima, WA
61. Peshastin Hi-Up Growers, Peshastin, WA
62. Phillippi Fruit Company, Inc., Wenatchee, WA
63. Piepel Premium Fruit Packing LLC, East Wenatchee, WA
64. Polehn Farm's Inc., The Dalles, OR
65. Price Cold Storage & Packing Co., Inc., Yakima, WA
66. Pride Packing Company, Wapato, WA
67. Quincy Fresh Fruit Co., Quincy, WA
68. Rainier Fruit Company, Selah, WA
69. Roche Fruit, Ltd., Yakima, WA
70. Sage Fruit Company, L.L.C., Yakima, WA
71. Smith & Nelson, Inc., Tonasket, WA
72. Stadelman Fruit, L.L.C., Milton-Freewater, OR, and Zillah, WA
73. Stemilt Growers, LLC, Wenatchee, WA
74. Strand Apples, Inc., Cowiche, WA
75. Symms Fruit Ranch, Inc., Caldwell, ID
76. The Dalles Fruit Company, LLC, Dallesport, WA
77. Underwood Fruit & Warehouse Co., Bingen, WA
78. Valicoff Fruit Co., Inc., Wapato, WA
79. Valley Fruit III L.L.C., Wapato, WA
80. Washington Cherry Growers, Peshastin, WA
81. Washington Fruit & Produce Co., Yakima, WA
82. Western Sweet Cherry Group, LLC, Yakima, WA
83. Western Traders LLC, E. Wenatchee, WA
84. Whitby Farms, Inc. dba: Farm Boy Fruit Snacks LLC, Mesa, WA
85. Yakima Fresh, Yakima, WA
86. Yakima Fruit & Cold Storage Co., Yakima, WA
87. Zirkle Fruit Company, Selah, WA
Dated: August 3, 2016.
Joseph E. Flynn,
Director, Office of Trade and Economic Analysis, International Trade
[FR Doc. 2016-18755 Filed 8-5-16; 8:45 am]