Update to Notice of Availability of a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Jamul Indian Village Proposed Gaming Management Agreement, San Diego County, California, 48841-48842 [2016-17589]
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srobinson on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 143 / Tuesday, July 26, 2016 / Notices
of management alternatives designed to
address management challenges and
issues raised during scoping concerning
mineral leasing decisions in the area.
The four alternatives are:
(1) Alternative A is the No Action
alternative and represents the
continuation of existing mineral leasing
management (oil, gas, and potash).
Alternative A allows for oil, gas, and
potash leasing and development to
occur on the same tracts of land where
it is consistent with current leasing
decisions in the RMPs.
(2) Alternative B provides for mineral
leasing and development outside of
areas that are protected for high scenic
quality (including public lands visible
from Arches and Canyonlands National
Parks), high-use recreation areas, and
other sensitive resources with
stipulations that minimize surface
disturbance and associated potential
resource impacts. Mineral leasing
decisions are divided into two options
specified as Alternative B1 and
Alternative B2. In Alternative B1,
surface impacts would be minimized by
separating new leasing of the two
commodities (oil/gas and potash),
limiting the density of mineral
development, and locating potash
processing facilities in areas identified
with the least amount of sensitive
resources. Potash leasing would involve
a phased approach and would be
prioritized within identified areas.
Alternative B2 provides for only oil and
gas leasing; no new potash leasing
would occur. Alternative B2 would also
minimize surface impacts by limiting
the density of oil and gas development.
(3) Alternative C provides for only oil
and gas leasing; no potash leasing
would occur. This alternative affords
the greatest protection to areas with
high scenic quality, recreational uses,
and special designations, the BLMmanaged lands adjacent to Arches and
Canyonlands National Parks, and other
sensitive resources.
(4) Alternative D is the BLM’s
proposed plan and provides for both oil
and gas leasing and potash leasing.
Mineral development would be
precluded in many areas with high
scenic quality, in some high use
recreation areas, specifically designated
areas, and in other areas with sensitive
resources. Outside of these areas,
surface impacts would be minimized by
separating leasing of the two
commodities (oil/gas and potash),
locating potash processing facilities in
areas with the least amount of sensitive
resources, and limiting the density of
mineral development. Potash leasing
would involve a phased approach and
would be prioritized within identified
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areas. The proposed plan would provide
operational flexibility for mineral
leasing and development through some
specific exceptions and would close the
BLM-managed lands adjacent to Arches
and Canyonlands National Parks to
mineral leasing and development. In the
proposed plan, a controlled surface use
stipulation requiring compensatory
mitigation would be applied to sensitive
resources where onsite mitigation alone
may not be sufficient to adequately
mitigate impacts. Best Management
Practices (BMPs) have been developed
that include components of the draft
compensatory mitigation policy such as
the priority for mitigating impacts, types
of mitigation, long term durability, and
monitoring. The BMPs also identify
Utah’s Watershed Restoration Initiative
projects as potential locations for
compensatory mitigation outside the
area of impact. Utah’s Watershed
Restoration Initiative is a partnershipdriven effort which includes State and
Federal agencies with a mission to
conserve, restore, and manage
ecosystems in priority areas across Utah.
Comments on the MLP and Draft RMP
Amendments/Draft EIS (MLP/DEIS)
received from the public and internal
BLM review were considered and
incorporated, as appropriate, into the
proposed plan amendments and Final
EIS. Public comments resulted in the
addition of clarifying text, but did not
significantly change proposed land-use
plan decisions. Adjustments and
clarifications have also been made to the
preferred alternative in the Draft EIS,
which is now presented as the proposed
plan in the Moab MLP/FEIS.
Instructions for filing a protest with
the BLM Director regarding the Moab
MLP/Proposed RMP Amendments/Final
EIS may be found in the ‘‘Dear Reader’’
letter of the Moab MLP/Proposed RMP
Amendments/Final EIS, and in the
Federal regulations at 43 CFR 1610.5–2.
All protests must be in writing and
mailed to the appropriate address, as set
forth in the ADDRESSES section above.
Emailed protests will not be accepted as
valid protests unless the protesting
party also provides the original letter by
either regular mail or overnight delivery
postmarked by the close of the protest
period. Under these conditions, the
BLM will consider the email as an
advance copy and it will receive full
consideration. If you wish to provide
the BLM with such advance
notification, please direct emails to
Before including your phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your protest,
you should be aware that your entire
protest—including your personal
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identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your protest to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6, 40 CFR 1506.10,
43 CFR 1610.2, 43 CFR 1610.5.
Jenna Whitlock,
Acting State Director.
[FR Doc. 2016–17592 Filed 7–25–16; 8:45 am]
National Indian Gaming Commission
Update to Notice of Availability of a
Final Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement for the Jamul Indian
Village Proposed Gaming Management
Agreement, San Diego County,
National Indian Gaming
Commission (NIGC), Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability (NOA).
In accordance with Section
102(2)(C) of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) 42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq., the NIGC, in cooperation with the
Jamul Indian Village has prepared a
Final Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement (Final SEIS) for the
proposed Gaming Management
Agreement (GMA) between the Jamul
Indian Village (JIV) and San Diego
Gaming Ventures (SDGV). If approved,
the GMA would allow SDGV to assume
responsibility for operation and
management of the JIV Gaming Facility
located in San Diego County, California.
The Final SEIS addresses the effects of
GMA approval and the No Action
Alternative, which assumes no GMA, is
approved. The SEIS also updates the
environmental baseline given the time
that has passed and the changes that
have been made to the scope of the
Proposed Action, which was originally
addressed in the 2003 Final EIS.
further information or to request a copy
of the Final SEIS, please contact:
Andrew Mendoza, Staff Attorney,
National Indian Gaming Commission
Office of the General Counsel 1849 C
Street NW., Mail Stop #1621,
Washington, DC 20240, Phone: 202–
632–7003: Facsimile: 202–632–7066:
email: Andrew Mendoza@nigc.gov.
Availability of the Final SEIS: The
Final SEIS is available for public review
at the following locations:
The Rancho San Diego Public Library,
11555 Via Rancho San Diego, El Cajon,
srobinson on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 143 / Tuesday, July 26, 2016 / Notices
CA 92019, telephone (619) 660–5370;
The Jamul Indian Village Tribal
Office, 14191 #16 Highway 94. Jamul,
CA 91935, telephone (619) 669–4785.
Copies of the Final SEIS will also be
available for download from the Tribe’s
Web site www.jamulindianvillage.com.
Reservation is located in the
unincorporated portion of southwestern
San Diego County approximately one
mile south of the community of Jamul
on approximately six-acres of land held
in federal trust. State Route 94 (SR–94)
provides regional access to the JIV from
downtown San Diego, which is located
approximately 20 miles to the west
where it intersects with Highway 5.
Local access to the JIV is provided
directly from SR–94 via Daisy Drive.
From the JIV, SR–94 travels briefly
north and then west to Downtown San
Diego, passing through the
unincorporated communities of Jamul,
Casa de Oro, Spring Valley and Lemon
In 2000, JIV proposed a fee-to-trust
land acquisition, construction and
operation of a gaming complex and
approval of a gaming development and
management agreement for operation of
the JIV Gaming Facility. The proposal
was evaluated in a Final EIS prepared
in 2003. Since that time, several major
items have been removed from JIV’s
overall development program and the
Gaming Facility has been redesigned to
fit entirely within the existing JIV
Reservation. All environmental effects
of the Gaming Facility redesign have
been evaluated through preparation of a
Final Tribal Environmental Evaluation,
which was prepared in accordance with
the 1999 Tribal/State Compact. No
action is before the BIA due to no feeto-trust component of the JIV proposal.
An action from the NIGC is required;
specifically, approval or disapproval of
the GMA. That approval or disapproval
is the Proposed Action evaluated in the
Final SEIS.
In addition to the Proposed Action,
the Final SEIS addresses the No Action
Alternative, which assumes no approval
of the GMA between JIV and SDGV.
Under the No Action scenario, JIV
would assume operation and
management responsibilities of the
Jamul Gaming Facility. The NIGC may,
in its Record of Decision, select the No
Action Alternative rather than the
Proposed Action.
This Final SEIS updates
environmental conditions in the
affected area given the amount of time
that has passed since the 2003 Final EIS.
Environmental issues addressed within
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the Final SEIS include land resources,
water resources, air quality, biological
resources, cultural/paleontological
resources, socioeconomic conditions,
transportation, land use, public services,
hazardous materials, noise, and visual
resources. The Final SEIS examines the
direct, indirect, and cumulative effects
of each alternative on these resources.
The NIGC published a Notice of Intent
(NOI) in the Federal Register on April
10, 2013, describing the Proposed
Action, announcing the NIGC’s intent to
prepare a Draft SEIS for the Proposed
Action, and inviting comments.
The Draft EIS Notice of Availability
(NOA) was published in the Federal
Register by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) on April 8,
2016 and the Draft SEIS was made
available to federal, Tribal, state, and
local agencies and other interested
parties for review and comment. The
comment period was open for 45 days
after the date of publication in the
Federal Register and closed on May 23,
2016. A total of nine comment letters
were received. All comments received
by the NIGC were considered and
addressed in the Final SEIS, however,
no substantive changes were made.
The EPA published the NOA of the
Final SEIS in the Federal Register on
July 8, 2016 The Chairman of the NIGC
will prepare and sign the record of
decision (ROD) to announce his final
decision on the GMA between the JIV
and SDGV following the August 8, 2016
conclusion of the 30 day public
comment and review period.
Availability of the ROD will be
announced to the media and the project
mailing list, and the ROD itself will be
made available online.
Submittal of Written Comments: You
may mail or email, written comments to
NIGC, Attn: Andrew Mendoza, Staff
Attorney, c/o Department of the Interior,
1849 C Street NW., Mail Stop #1621,
Washington, DC 20240 email: Andrew
Mendoza @nigc.gov. Please include your
name, return address, and the caption:
’’Final SEIS Comments, Jamul Indian
Village,’’ on the first page of your
written comments. In order to be fully
considered, written comments on the
Final SEIS must be postmarked by
August 8, 2016.
Commenting individuals may request
confidentiality. If you wish us to
withhold your name and/or address
from public review or from disclosure
under the Freedom of Information Act,
you must state this prominently at the
beginning of your written comments.
Such requests will be honored to the
extent allowed by law. Anonymous
comments will not, however, be
considered. All submissions from
PO 00000
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organizations or businesses, and from
individuals identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses, will be
made available to public in their
Authority: This notice is published in
accordance with 25 U.S.C. 2711, section
1503.l of the Council on Environmental
Quality Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500
through 1508), and the Department of
the Interior regulations (43 CFR part 46),
implementing the procedural
requirements of NEPA, as amended (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
Dated: July 20, 2016.
Michael Hoenig,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2016–17589 Filed 7–25–16; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
PPWOCRADI0, PCU00RP14.R50000 (166)]
Information Collection Request Sent to
the Office of Management and Budget
for Approval; Historic Preservation
Certification Application
National Park Service, Interior.
Notice; request for comments.
We (National Park Service,
NPS) have sent an Information
Collection Request (ICR) to Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval. We summarize the
ICR below and describe the nature of the
collection and the estimated burden and
cost. This information collection is
scheduled to expire on July 31, 2016.
We may not conduct or sponsor and a
person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB Control
Number. However, under OMB
regulations, we may continue to
conduct or sponsor this information
collection while it is pending at OMB.
DATES: You must submit comments on
or before August 25, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Send your comments and
suggestions on this information
collection to the Desk Officer for the
Department of the Interior at OMB–
OIRA at (202) 395–5806 (fax) or
(email). Please provide a copy of your
comments to the Information Collection
Clearance Officer, National Park
Service, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive,
Mail Stop 242, Reston, VA 20192 (mail);
or madonna_baucum@nps.gov (email).
Please reference OMB Control Number
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 143 (Tuesday, July 26, 2016)]
[Pages 48841-48842]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-17589]
National Indian Gaming Commission
Update to Notice of Availability of a Final Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement for the Jamul Indian Village Proposed
Gaming Management Agreement, San Diego County, California
AGENCY: National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC), Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability (NOA).
SUMMARY: In accordance with Section 102(2)(C) of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., the NIGC, in
cooperation with the Jamul Indian Village has prepared a Final
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (Final SEIS) for the
proposed Gaming Management Agreement (GMA) between the Jamul Indian
Village (JIV) and San Diego Gaming Ventures (SDGV). If approved, the
GMA would allow SDGV to assume responsibility for operation and
management of the JIV Gaming Facility located in San Diego County,
California. The Final SEIS addresses the effects of GMA approval and
the No Action Alternative, which assumes no GMA, is approved. The SEIS
also updates the environmental baseline given the time that has passed
and the changes that have been made to the scope of the Proposed
Action, which was originally addressed in the 2003 Final EIS.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information or to request
a copy of the Final SEIS, please contact: Andrew Mendoza, Staff
Attorney, National Indian Gaming Commission Office of the General
Counsel 1849 C Street NW., Mail Stop #1621, Washington, DC 20240,
Phone: 202-632-7003: Facsimile: 202-632-7066: email: Andrew
Availability of the Final SEIS: The Final SEIS is available for
public review at the following locations:
The Rancho San Diego Public Library, 11555 Via Rancho San Diego, El
[[Page 48842]]
CA 92019, telephone (619) 660-5370; and
The Jamul Indian Village Tribal Office, 14191 #16 Highway 94.
Jamul, CA 91935, telephone (619) 669-4785.
Copies of the Final SEIS will also be available for download from
the Tribe's Web site www.jamulindianvillage.com.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The JIV Reservation is located in the
unincorporated portion of southwestern San Diego County approximately
one mile south of the community of Jamul on approximately six-acres of
land held in federal trust. State Route 94 (SR-94) provides regional
access to the JIV from downtown San Diego, which is located
approximately 20 miles to the west where it intersects with Highway 5.
Local access to the JIV is provided directly from SR-94 via Daisy
Drive. From the JIV, SR-94 travels briefly north and then west to
Downtown San Diego, passing through the unincorporated communities of
Jamul, Casa de Oro, Spring Valley and Lemon Grove.
In 2000, JIV proposed a fee-to-trust land acquisition, construction
and operation of a gaming complex and approval of a gaming development
and management agreement for operation of the JIV Gaming Facility. The
proposal was evaluated in a Final EIS prepared in 2003. Since that
time, several major items have been removed from JIV's overall
development program and the Gaming Facility has been redesigned to fit
entirely within the existing JIV Reservation. All environmental effects
of the Gaming Facility redesign have been evaluated through preparation
of a Final Tribal Environmental Evaluation, which was prepared in
accordance with the 1999 Tribal/State Compact. No action is before the
BIA due to no fee-to-trust component of the JIV proposal. An action
from the NIGC is required; specifically, approval or disapproval of the
GMA. That approval or disapproval is the Proposed Action evaluated in
the Final SEIS.
In addition to the Proposed Action, the Final SEIS addresses the No
Action Alternative, which assumes no approval of the GMA between JIV
and SDGV. Under the No Action scenario, JIV would assume operation and
management responsibilities of the Jamul Gaming Facility. The NIGC may,
in its Record of Decision, select the No Action Alternative rather than
the Proposed Action.
This Final SEIS updates environmental conditions in the affected
area given the amount of time that has passed since the 2003 Final EIS.
Environmental issues addressed within the Final SEIS include land
resources, water resources, air quality, biological resources,
cultural/paleontological resources, socioeconomic conditions,
transportation, land use, public services, hazardous materials, noise,
and visual resources. The Final SEIS examines the direct, indirect, and
cumulative effects of each alternative on these resources. The NIGC
published a Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register on April 10,
2013, describing the Proposed Action, announcing the NIGC's intent to
prepare a Draft SEIS for the Proposed Action, and inviting comments.
The Draft EIS Notice of Availability (NOA) was published in the
Federal Register by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on
April 8, 2016 and the Draft SEIS was made available to federal, Tribal,
state, and local agencies and other interested parties for review and
comment. The comment period was open for 45 days after the date of
publication in the Federal Register and closed on May 23, 2016. A total
of nine comment letters were received. All comments received by the
NIGC were considered and addressed in the Final SEIS, however, no
substantive changes were made.
The EPA published the NOA of the Final SEIS in the Federal Register
on July 8, 2016 The Chairman of the NIGC will prepare and sign the
record of decision (ROD) to announce his final decision on the GMA
between the JIV and SDGV following the August 8, 2016 conclusion of the
30 day public comment and review period. Availability of the ROD will
be announced to the media and the project mailing list, and the ROD
itself will be made available online.
Submittal of Written Comments: You may mail or email, written
comments to NIGC, Attn: Andrew Mendoza, Staff Attorney, c/o Department
of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW., Mail Stop #1621, Washington, DC
20240 email: Andrew Mendoza@nigc.gov. Please include your name, return
address, and the caption: ''Final SEIS Comments, Jamul Indian
Village,'' on the first page of your written comments. In order to be
fully considered, written comments on the Final SEIS must be postmarked
by August 8, 2016.
Commenting individuals may request confidentiality. If you wish us
to withhold your name and/or address from public review or from
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, you must state this
prominently at the beginning of your written comments. Such requests
will be honored to the extent allowed by law. Anonymous comments will
not, however, be considered. All submissions from organizations or
businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of organizations or businesses, will be
made available to public in their entirety.
Authority: This notice is published in accordance with 25 U.S.C.
2711, section 1503.l of the Council on Environmental Quality
Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508), and the Department of the
Interior regulations (43 CFR part 46), implementing the procedural
requirements of NEPA, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
Dated: July 20, 2016.
Michael Hoenig,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2016-17589 Filed 7-25-16; 8:45 am]