Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project; Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment, 42397-42452 [2016-15343]
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Vol. 81
No. 125
June 29, 2016
Part II
Department of Energy
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project; Notice of Availability of
Environmental Assessment; Notice
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 14677–001—Montana]
Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric
Project; Notice of Availability of
Environmental Assessment
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
In accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and
the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission’s (Commission or FERC)
regulations, 18 CFR part 380 (Order No.
486, 52 FR 47897), Office of Energy
Projects staff have reviewed Clark
Canyon Hydro, LLC’s application for
license for the proposed Clark Canyon
Dam Hydroelectric Project. The project
would be located at the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation’s (Reclamation’s) Clark
Canyon Dam, on the Beaverhead River
near the city of Dillon, Beaverhead
County, Montana, and would occupy a
total of 62.3 acres of federal land
administered by the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation and the U.S. Bureau of
Land Management.
Staff have prepared an environmental
assessment (EA) analyzing the potential
environmental impacts of the project,
and conclude that constructing and
operating the project, with appropriate
environmental protective measures,
would not constitute a major federal
action that would significantly affect the
quality of the human environment.
A copy of the EA is available for
review at the Commission in the Public
Reference Room or may be viewed on
the Commission’s Web site at https:// using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number excluding the
last three digits in the docket number
field to access the document. For
assistance, contact FERC Online
Support at FERCOnlineSupport@ or toll-free at 1–866–208–3676,
or for TTY, 202–502–8659.
You may also register online at https://
esubscription.asp to be notified via
email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects.
For assistance, contact FERC Online
Any comments should be filed within
30 days from the date of this notice.
Comments may be filed electronically
via the Internet. See 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s Web site https://
Commenters can submit brief comments
up to 6,000 characters, without prior
registration, using the eComment system
ecomment.asp. You must include your
name and contact information at the end
of your comments.
For assistance, please contact FERC
Online Support. Although the
Commission strongly encourages
electronic filing, documents may also be
paper-filed. To paper-file, mail
comments to: Kimberly D. Bose,
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20426. The first page of
any filing should include docket
number P–14677–001.
For further information, contact Kelly
Wolcott by telephone at 202–502–6480
or by email at
Dated: June 23, 2016.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Environmental Assessment for
Hydropower License
Clark Canyon Dam Project
FERC Project No. 14677–001
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Office of Energy Projects, Division of
Hydropower Licensing, 888 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
June 23, 2016.
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................................................
LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................................................................................................
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................................................
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................................................
1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................
1.1 Application ...................................................................................................................................................................
1.2 Purpose of Action and Need for Power .......................................................................................................................
1.2.1 Purpose of Action ...............................................................................................................................................
1.2.2 Need for Power ...................................................................................................................................................
1.3 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements ......................................................................................................................
1.3.1 Federal Power Act ..............................................................................................................................................
1.3.2 Clean Water Act ..................................................................................................................................................
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act .....................................................................................................................................
1.3.4 National Historic Preservation Act ....................................................................................................................
1.4 Public Review and Consultation ..................................................................................................................................
1.4.1 Interventions .......................................................................................................................................................
1.4.2 Comments on the License Application .............................................................................................................
2.0 PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES .....................................................................................................................
2.1 No-Action Alternative ..................................................................................................................................................
2.2 Applicant’s Proposal ....................................................................................................................................................
2.2.1 Proposed Project Facilities .................................................................................................................................
2.2.2 Project Safety ......................................................................................................................................................
2.2.3 Proposed Project Operation ...............................................................................................................................
2.2.4 Proposed Environmental Measures ...................................................................................................................
2.2.5 Modifications to Applicant’s Proposal—Mandatory Conditions .....................................................................
2.3 Staff Alternative ............................................................................................................................................................
3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................................................................
3.1 General Description of the River Basin .......................................................................................................................
3.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects ........................................................................................................................................
3.2.1 Geographic Scope ...............................................................................................................................................
3.2.2 Temporal Scope ..................................................................................................................................................
3.3 Proposed Action and Action Alternatives ..................................................................................................................
3.3.1 Geologic and Soil Resources ..............................................................................................................................
3.3.2 Aquatic Resources ..............................................................................................................................................
3.3.3 Terrestrial Resources ..........................................................................................................................................
3.3.4 Threatened and Endangered Species ................................................................................................................
3.3.5 Recreation, Land Use, and Aesthetics ...............................................................................................................
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3.3.6 Cultural Resources ..............................................................................................................................................
3.4 No-Action Alternative ..................................................................................................................................................
DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................................................................
4.2.1 No-action Alternative .........................................................................................................................................
4.2.2 Applicant’s Proposal ..........................................................................................................................................
4.2.3 Staff Alternative ..................................................................................................................................................
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................................
5.1 Comparison of Alternatives .........................................................................................................................................
5.2 Comprehensive Development and Recommended Alternative .................................................................................
5.3 Unavoidable Adverse Effects .......................................................................................................................................
5.4 Summary of Section 10(j) Recommendations and 4(e) conditions ...........................................................................
5.4.1 Recommendations of Fish and Wildlife Agencies ...........................................................................................
5.4.2 Land Management Agency’s Section 4(e) Conditions ......................................................................................
5.5 Consistency with Comprehensive Plans .....................................................................................................................
FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ..........................................................................................................................
LITERATURE CITED ...........................................................................................................................................................
LIST OF PREPARERS ..........................................................................................................................................................
List of Figures
Figure 1. Location of Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project ...............................................................................................
Figure 2. Clark Canyon Dam Project features .............................................................................................................................
Figure 3. Beaverhead River hydrograph at Clark Canyon Dam, 1965 to 2007 and 2001 to 2005 ...........................................
Figure 4. Clark Canyon Dam Daily Reservoir Discharge, 1965 to 2014 ....................................................................................
Figure 5. Daily average water temperatures in the Beaverhead River measured at the site located 300 feet downstream
of Clark Canyon Dam in 2013 ..................................................................................................................................................
Figure 6. Minimum oxygen levels measured during monthly 48-hour continuous sampling periods at five sites in the
lower Beaverhead River between May 2007 and November 2008 downstream from the Clark Canyon Dam ...................
Figure 7. Daily minimum dissolved oxygen levels in the Beaverhead River measured at the site located 300 feet downstream of Clark Canyon Dam ...................................................................................................................................................
Figure 8 Discharge and total dissolved gas concentrations in the Beaverhead River downstream of Clark Canyon Dam
during periodic sampling, October 2007 through December 2009 ........................................................................................
Figure 9. Average turbidity values measured during monthly 48-hour continuous sampling periods at five sites in the
lower Beaverhead River between May 2007 and November 2008 ........................................................................................
Figure 10. Relative abundance of age 1+ rainbow and brown trout in the Hildreth section (RM 74.9 and 73.3 of the Beaverhead River below Clark Canyon Dam, 1991–2013 ............................................................................................................
Figure 11. Recreation access sites in the vicinity of the proposed Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project ......................
List of Tables
Table 1. Major statutory and regulatory requirements for the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project ..............................
Table 2. Numeric water quality criteria applicable to the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project ....................................
Table 3. Clark Canyon Reservoir release guidelines ..................................................................................................................
Table 4. Water Quality Monitoring During Operation (source: license application as modified by staff) .............................
Table 5. Parameters for the economic analysis of the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project ...........................................
Table 6. Costs of environmental mitigation and enhancement measures considered in assessing the environmental effects of constructing and operating the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project ..............................................................
Table 7. Fish and wildlife agency recommendations ................................................................................................................
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Acronyms and Abbreviations
AIR additional information request
APLIC Avian Power Line Interaction
APE Area of Potential Effect
applicant Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC
BLM U.S. Bureau of Land Management
BMPs best management practices
°C degrees Celsius
certification Section 401 Water Quality
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
cfs cubic feet per second
Commerce U.S. Department of Commerce
Commission Federal Energy Regulatory
CWA Clean Water Act
CWQMP Construction Water Quality
Monitoring Plan
District East Bench Irrigation District
DO dissolved oxygen
Revised DOEP Revised Dissolved Oxygen
Enhancement Plan
EA environmental assessment
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ESA Endangered Species Act
ESCP Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
°F degrees Fahrenheit
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory
FPA Federal Power Act
FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
HPMP Historic Properties Management
Interior U.S. Department of the Interior
IPaC Information, Planning, and
Conservation system
kWh kilowatt-hour
kV kilovolt
L&WCF Land and Water Conservation Fund
mg/L milligram per liter
Montana DEQ Montana Department of
Environmental Quality
Montana DFWP Montana Department of
Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Montana DNRC Montana Department of
Natural Resources and Conservation
Montana NHP Montana Natural Heritage
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MOU Memorandum of Understanding
msl mean sea level
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
National Register National Register of
Historic Places
NERC North American Electric Reliability
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act of
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit
NWPP Northwest Power Pool
P–12429 FERC Project No. 12429
PA Programmatic Agreement
Park Service National Park Service
project Clark Canyon Dam Project
Reclamation U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
RM river mile
ROW right-of-way
SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer
SOC Species of Concern
TCP traditional cultural property
TDG total dissolved gas
TMDL total maximum daily load
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
ULT Ute ladies’-tresses
VMP Vegetation Management Plan
VRMP Visual Resources Management Plan
Proposed Action
On November 23, 2015, Clark Canyon
Hydro, LLC (applicant) filed an
application to construct and operate the
4.7-megawatt (MW) Clark Canyon Dam
Hydroelectric Project (project). The
project would be located at the U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation’s)
Clark Canyon Dam on the Beaverhead
River, near the city of Dillon, Montana.1
The proposed project would occupy a
total of 62.3 acres of federal land
managed by Reclamation and the U.S.
Bureau of Land Management.
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Existing Reclamation Facilities
Reclamation’s Clark Canyon Dam and
Reservoir is a flood control and water
conservation facility located at the head
of the Beaverhead River 2 in
southwestern Montana. Clark Canyon
Dam was completed in 1964 as part of
Reclamation’s Pick-Sloan Missouri
River Basin Program, East Bench Unit.
It is managed to provide irrigation
storage, flood control, and recreation
Clark Canyon Dam is a 2,950-foot
long, 147.5-foot high, zoned, earth-fill
structure, with an uncontrolled spillway
at a crest elevation of 5,578 feet mean
sea level (msl). The reservoir has a
volume of 257,152 acre-feet at the flood
control pool elevation of 5,560.5 msl.
The dam includes an intake structure
and conduit located within the reservoir
that leads to a shaft house at the dam
crest. From the shaft house, a 9-footdiameter outlet conduit carries water
through the dam approximately 360 feet
and discharges it into a stilling basin.
The discharge capacity of the outlet
works is 2,325 cubic feet per second
(cfs) at a reservoir water surface
elevation of 5,547 feet msl. Reclamation
manages approximately 15 recreation
sites at Clark Canyon Reservoir and just
downstream of the dam, including
fishing access, campgrounds, day-use
areas, boat ramps, and an overlook.
Proposed Project Facilities
The proposed Clark Canyon Dam
Hydroelectric Project would use the
existing dam, reservoir, intake and
outlet works, and stilling basin. The
proposed project would involve the
installation of a new 360-foot long, 81 The applicant supplemented its application on
December 10, 2015; February 1, 2016; February 9,
2016; and March 11, 2016.
2 Red Rock River and Horse Prairie Creek flow
into Clark Canyon reservoir; reservoir releases form
the head of the Beaverhead River.
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foot diameter steel lining within
Reclamation’s outlet works from the
existing gate chamber to the stilling
basin. At the river end of the liner, a
trifurcation would separate flows into
two 8-foot-diameter, 35-foot-long steel
penstocks leading to a new powerhouse
and a new 10-foot long, 8-foot diameter
steel outlet pipe that would discharge
into the stilling basin through a fixed
cone valve.3 The 46-foot by 65-foot
concrete powerhouse would be located
at the toe of the dam adjacent to the
stilling basin and contain two 2.35megawatt (MW) vertical Francis-type
turbine/generator units, for a total
installed capacity of 4.7 MW. Water
discharged from the turbines would
pass through 25-foot-long steel draft
tubes that would transition into a
concrete draft tube and tailrace channel
discharging into the stilling basin. An
aeration basin, consisting of three 45foot-long, 10-foot-wide frames
containing 330 diffusers would be
installed in the stilling basin to inject air
into the water column to elevate DO
levels by a maximum of 7.5 milligrams
per liter above reservoir conditions at
the intake before the water enters the
Beaverhead River. Power would be
carried through a 1,100-foot-long
underground transmission line from the
powerhouse to a new substation
containing step-up transformers and
switchgear, and from there along a 7.9mile-long overhead transmission line to
the existing Peterson Flat substation (the
point of interconnection).
Proposed Operation
The project would operate in a run-ofrelease mode, meaning the project
would operate only using flows made
available by Reclamation in accordance
with its standard practices and
procedures; thus project operation
would not affect storage or reservoir
levels. The project would be operated
automatically, but an operator would be
on site daily.
Power generation would be seasonally
dictated by Reclamation’s operations.
The project would be able to operate
with flow release ranging from 87.5 to
700 cfs (minimum capacity of 87.5 cfs
and a maximum capacity of 350 cfs per
unit totaling 700 cfs). Flows less than
the 87.5-cfs would cause the isolation
valve in the penstock to close, allowing
all flows to bypass the powerhouse and
pass through the existing outlet works
into the stilling basin. When the project
is operating at maximum capacity, any
3 The fixed cone value would provide a
controlled release of flows when the powerhouse is
offline or when the flow requirements are greater
than the turbine capacity.
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inflows in excess of 700 cfs would
bypass the powerhouse and continue to
flow through Reclamation’s existing
outlet works and over its spillway into
the stilling basin. The proposed project
would generate up to 15,400 megawatthours (MWh) annually.
Proposed Environmental Measures
The applicant proposes the following
environmental measures to protect or
enhance aquatic, terrestrial, cultural,
recreational and visual resources during
project design, construction, and
• Implement the Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) filed with
the license application to minimize soil
erosion and dust, protect water quality,
and minimize turbidity in the
Beaverhead River;
• Implement the Instream Flow
Release Plan filed with the license
application with provisions to
temporarily pump flows around
Reclamation’s existing intake and outlet
works to prevent interrupting
Reclamation’s flow releases into the
Beaverhead River during installation of
the proposed project’s penstock;
• Maintain compliance monitoring
staff on site 24 hours per day and 7 days
per week when bypassing flows around
Reclamation’s intake and outlet works
to ensure prompt response to a pumping
equipment failure or malfunction and
Reclamation’s flow releases are
maintained in the Beaverhead River
• Implement the Construction Water
Quality Monitoring Plan (CWQMP) filed
with the license application that
includes monitoring and reporting water
temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO),
total dissolved gas (TDG), and turbidity
levels during construction to protect
aquatic resources during construction;
• Implement the Revised Dissolved
Oxygen Enhancement Plan (Revised
DOEP) filed with the license application
that includes installing and operating
the aeration basin and monitoring and
reporting of water temperature, DO, and
TDG levels for a minimum of the first
five years of project operation to ensure
water quality does not degrade during
project operation;
• Implement the Vegetation
Management Plan filed with the license
application that includes provisions for
revegetating disturbed areas, wetland
protection, and invasive weed control
before, during, and after construction;
• Conduct a pre-construction survey
for raptor nests and schedule
construction activities or establish a 0.5mile construction buffer, as appropriate,
to minimize disturbance of nesting
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
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• Design and construct the project
transmission line in accordance with
current avian protection guidelines,
including installing flight diverters and
perch deterrents to prevent collision
and electrocution hazards and increased
predation of upland sage grouse;
• Implement the Visual Resources
Management Plan (VRMP) filed with the
license application that includes
measures to design and select materials
to reduce the visual contrast of project
• Post signs and public notice, limit
construction hours, days, and locations,
and stage construction traffic to reduce
conflicts with recreational users and
other motorists;
• Implement the Buffalo Bridge
Fishing Access Road Management Plan
filed with the license application that
includes provisions for flagging, traffic
control devices, and public notice of
construction activities to maintain
traffic safety and minimize effects on
fishing access;
• Install and maintain an interpretive
sign near the dam that describes the
concept and function of the
hydroelectric project and how it affects
the sport fisheries, including any
measures taken to eliminate or reduce
adverse effects;
• Use a single-pole design for the
transmission line, along with materials
and colors that reduce visibility and
blend with the surroundings; and
• Implement the revised Historic
Properties Management Plan (HPMP)
filed February 9, 2016, and stop work if
any unanticipated cultural materials or
human remains are found.
Public Involvement and Areas of
This project was previously licensed
under a similar design as FERC Project
No.12429 (P–12429) on August 26,
2009.4 The license was amended on
March 7, 2013, to alter the project
transmission line from a 0.3-mile-long,
24.9-kV buried transmission line to a
7.9-mile-long, 69-kV overhead
powerline.5 That license was terminated
on March 19, 2015, for failure to
commence construction by the deadline
established in section 13 of the FPA.
Because of the similarity of the project
features and level of consultation that
occurred during the preparation of the
current license application, the
Commission waived the pre-filing,
three-stage consultation process and
scoping for this project by notice issued
on December 4, 2015. On February 23,
2016, the Commission issued a notice
4 See
5 See
128 FERC ¶ 62,129 (2009).
142 FERC ¶ 62,192 (2013).
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stating that the application was
accepted and ready for environmental
analysis, setting March 24, 2016, as the
deadline for filing protests and motions
to intervene as well as comments, terms
and conditions, recommendations, and
The primary issues associated with
licensing the project are the protection
of wetlands, water quality, fish and
wildlife habitat, visual resources, and
cultural resources during project
construction and operation.
Alternatives Considered
This EA analyzes the effects of project
construction and operation and
recommends conditions for an original
license for the project. The EA considers
three alternatives: (1) the applicant’s
proposal, as outlined above; (2) the
applicant’s proposal with staff
modifications (staff alternative); and (3)
no action—no project construction or
operation (no-action alternative).
Staff Alternative
Under the staff alternative, the project
would be constructed and operated as
proposed by the applicant with the
modifications and additional measures
described below. This alternative
includes all of the mandatory conditions
specified by Reclamation under section
4(e) of the Federal Power Act and all but
one of the conditions specified by
Montana Department of Environmental
Quality’s (Montana DEQ) section 401
Water Quality Certification
(certification).6 Our recommended
modifications and additional
environmental measures include, or are
based on, recommendations made by
federal and state resource agencies that
have an interest in resources that may
be affected by operation of the proposed
Under the staff alternative, the project
would include most of the applicant’s
proposed measures, as outlined above,
and the following additional measures:
(1) TDG and DO compliance monitoring
at all times during project operation
rather than just potentially for the first
five years of operation; (2) water
temperature monitoring for the first five
years of project operation and, after
consultation with the agencies, filing a
proposal for Commission approval
regarding the possible cessation of
temperature monitoring after the first
6 The
staff alternative does not include condition
11 which stipulates that the applicant meet
annually with all watershed stakeholders to discuss
water quality monitoring efforts associated with
project operation. However, we recognize that the
Commission is required to include valid section 401
water quality certification conditions in any license
issued for the project.
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five years; (3) installing and maintaining
a pressure transducer and water level
alarm in the Beaverhead River when
flows are being bypassed around
Reclamation’s existing intake and outlet
works to alert compliance monitoring
staff if water levels downstream of the
dam are reduced; (4) notifying Montana
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
(Montana DFWP) in addition to
Reclamation in the event of an
unplanned shutdown during project
operation; (5) notifying Montana DEQ
and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of
any deviation from water temperature,
DO, TDG, or turbidity requirements
during construction and operation and
filing a report with the Commission
within 30 days describing the deviation,
any adverse effects resulting from the
deviation, the corrective actions taken,
any proposed measures to avoid future
deviations, and comments or
correspondence, if any, received from
the agencies; (6) maintaining records of
pre-construction raptor surveys that
includes presence of birds, eggs, and
active nests, the qualifications of the
biologist performing the survey, and
measures implemented to avoid
disturbing nesting birds; and (7)
constructing the transmission line
segments that cross the Horse Prairie
and Medicine Lodge drainages outside
of the greater sage-grouse breeding
season (March 1–April 15); and (8)
revising the HPMP in consultation with
the Montana State Historic Preservation
Officer (Montana SHPO) and
Reclamation to include a Treatment
Plan to resolve project effects on the
Clark Canyon Dam and to clarify
consultation procedures and filing the
plan with the Commission for approval
prior to construction.
Under the no-action alternative, the
proposed project would not be built and
environmental resources in the project
area would not be affected.
Project Effects
Geology and Soils
Some unavoidable minor, short-term
increases in turbidity would occur in
the Beaverhead River downstream of the
project during project construction.
These effects would be minimized by
implementing the applicant’s ESCP.
Aquatic Resources
Operating the project in a run-ofrelease mode would protect aquatic
habitat in the impoundment and in the
Beaverhead River downstream of the
project. Installing the penstock and
associated valves would temporarily
impair Reclamation’s ability to release
stream flows downstream of the dam.
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
However, pumping flows around
Reclamations’ existing intake and outlet
works to the Beaverhead River as
outlined in the applicant’s Final
Instream Flow Release Plan would
ensure that streamflows and water
quality are maintained downstream
during this phase of construction. Also,
the applicant’s proposal to provide 24hour attendance of the pumping system
for the duration of pumping activities
would ensure that any failure or
malfunction of the pumping equipment
could be dealt with in a timely manner
to avoid downramping during the trout
spawning season. Staff’s
recommendation to install a flow meter
and water level alarm would detect
falling water levels in the event of an
equipment failure and alert construction
staff of the need to activate backup
Current dam operations can cause
total dissolved gases (TDG) levels to rise
above 115 percent saturation, exceeding
the state standard of 110 percent and
potentially harming fish. Discharging
flows through the project instead of
Reclamation’s outlet works would
reduce the plunging effect and potential
for entrained air to enter solution under
pressure, thereby reducing the potential
for TDG supersaturation which would
be a project benefit. However, TDG
supersaturation could still affect aquatic
resources at times in the summer or
early fall when flow release
requirements exceed the hydraulic
capacity of the project or when the
project is shut down and flows exit at
high pressure through the existing outlet
Reducing the turbulence from
Reclamation’s discharges could also
reduce dissolved oxygen (DO) levels
downstream. However, injecting air
through the proposed aeration basin
based on incoming DO levels and the
level of aeration needed to maintain the
state criteria of 7.5–8.0 mg/L as
described in the applicant’s Revised
DOEP would maintain adequate DO
levels in the project tailrace and
potentially enhance DO levels in the
summer months, which would benefit
trout in the Beaverhead River.
Deploying corrective measures and
emergency shutdown procedures if DO
falls below state criteria would further
protect aquatic resources during low DO
The applicant’s proposal to monitor
water temperature, DO, TDG, and
turbidity prior to and during
construction as described in its CWQMP
and its proposal to monitor water
temperature, DO, and TDG for a
minimum of the first five years of
project operation as described in its
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Revised DOEP would allow the
applicant to document and report
compliance with state water quality
criteria and would inform the need for
corrective measures to protect water
quality during the monitoring period.
Staff’s recommendation that the
applicant extend monitoring for DO and
TDG for the term of any license issued
would ensure that the aeration basin
continues to function properly and
maintains or improves water quality
downstream. Staff’s recommended
reporting requirements during
construction and operation would
facilitate the Commission’s
administration of the license and ensure
that any appropriate corrective
measures to protect water quality are
timely identified and implemented.
The applicant’s proposal to screen the
pump intakes would limit the potential
for entrainment of fish during project
construction. However, some fish are
likely to be entrained and injured as
they pass through the project turbines
during operation similar to existing
Terrestrial Resources
Project construction would
temporarily disturb and displace some
wildlife and would permanent remove
0.10 acres of vegetation. Implementing
the best management practices in the
applicant’s proposed VMP would
protect wetlands and prevent the
introduction and spread of noxious
weeds during construction.
Vegetation lost during construction of
the transmission line right-of-way and
staging and spoil areas would be
restored following construction using
native plant species approved by
Reclamation and BLM which would
provide locally-adapted and naturallyoccurring habitat and forage for wildlife.
The potential for avian electrocutions
and collisions with the transmission
line would be reduced by the
applicant’s proposals to design the
transmission line in adherence to
current avian protection standards,
including installing flight diverters and
perch deterrents on the power line.
Perch deterrents would also discourage
predators from perching on the
transmission line poles, which would
protect greater sage-grouse. Restricting
construction within 0.5 miles of a raptor
nests would avoid disturbing or
displacing nesting raptors.
Threatened and Endangered Species
Project construction and operation
would not affect the federally listed
threatened Ute ladies’-tresses, the
threatened grizzly bear, or the
threatened Canada lynx because the
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project area does not contain suitable
habitat for either species, or for the
snowshoe hare, which is the primary
prey of the Canada lynx. There is no
designated critical habitat within the
project area for these species.
Cultural Resources
Clark Canyon Dam and six other
cultural resource sites along the
transmission corridor were identified
during site investigations. Project
construction would only affect the Clark
Canyon Dam, which was determined to
be eligible for listing on the National
Register of Historic Places. The Montana
SHPO concurred with these findings.7
Revising the HPMP to include a
Treatment Plan to resolve project effects
on the Clark Canyon Dam and to clarify
consultation procedures for addressing
any future maintenance activities would
protect known and any newly
discovered historic properties.
Recreation, Land Use, and Aesthetics
Clark Canyon Reservoir and the
Beaverhead River are popular
recreational destinations, particularly
for fishing, boating, and camping. The
noise and dust associated with
construction activities could disturb
recreationists, and safety concerns could
arise where recreational users and
construction vehicles use the same
roadways to access areas near the dam
or transmission line. The applicant’s
proposed Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access
Road Management Plan would reduce
the effects of construction traffic on
recreation users at that location. The
applicant’s proposed limits on
construction hours and days, along with
public notice of construction activities
would help to minimize conflicts with
recreational users, and its proposed
signing, flagging, barriers, and
construction traffic staging would
minimize conflicts with other motorists.
During project operation, minor noise
and light from the powerhouse could be
noticeable to recreation users nearby,
particularly below the dam.
Installing and maintaining an
interpretive sign at the Clark Canyon
Dam Fishing Access site would inform
visitors of the concept and function of
the hydroelectric project, how it affects
the sport fisheries, and any measures
taken to eliminate or reduce adverse
Construction of the powerhouse,
transmission line, and construction and
access roads would introduce new
visual elements to the existing
7 See the Programmatic Agreement issued by the
Commission on May 5, 2016, and the letter from the
Montana SHPO to the Commission, filed March 25,
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
environment. Implementing the
applicants proposed Visual Resources
Management Plan would ensure that
project design incorporates the use of
color, form, grading, and revegetation
that would minimize the project’s longterm visual contrast with the existing
environment. The overhead
transmission line would be designed
and located to further minimize visual
effects on scenic vistas and nearby
recreational use.
Under the no-action alternative, the
project would not be constructed and
the environmental resources in the
project areas would not be affected.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Based on our analysis, we recommend
licensing the project as proposed by the
applicant with staff modifications and
additional measures, as described above
under Alternatives Considered.
In section 4.2 of the EA, we estimate
the likely cost of alternative power for
each of the two alternatives identified
above. Our analysis shows that during
the first year of operation under the
applicant’s proposal, project power
would cost $2,331,512, or $151.40/
MWh, more than the likely alternative
cost of power. Under the staff
alternative, project power would cost
$2,335,362, or $151.65/MWh, more than
the likely alternative cost of power.
We chose the staff alternative as the
preferred alternative because: (1) the
4.7–MW project would save the
equivalent amount of fossil-fueled
generation and capacity, thereby
helping to conserve non-renewable
energy resources and reduce
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atmospheric pollution; and (2) the
recommended environmental measures
proposed by the applicant, as modified
by staff, would adequately protect and
enhance environmental resources
affected by the project. The overall
benefits of the staff alternative would be
worth the cost of the proposed and
recommended environmental measures.
We conclude that issuing a license for
the project, with the environmental
measures that we recommend, would
not be a major federal action
significantly affecting the quality of the
human environment.
Environmental Assessment
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Office of Energy Projects, Division of
Hydropower Licensing, Washington, DC
Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric
FERC Project No. 14677–001—Montana
Month XX, 2016
1.1 Application
On November 23, 2015, Clark Canyon
Hydro, LLC (applicant) filed an
application for an original license to
construct, operate, and maintain the
Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project
(project). The 4.7-megawatt (MW)
project would be located at the U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation’s)
Clark Canyon Dam on the Beaverhead
River, near the city of Dillon, Montana
(figure 1). The proposed project would
occupy 62.1 acres of federal lands
within the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin
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Program, East Bench Unit, administered
by Reclamation, and 0.2 acres of land
administered by the U.S. Bureau of
Land Management. The project would
generate an average of about 15,400
megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy
1.2 Purpose of Action and Need For
Purpose of Action
The Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (Commission or FERC)
must decide whether to issue a license
to the applicant for the project and what
conditions should be placed in any
license issued. In deciding whether to
issue a license for a hydroelectric
project, the Commission must determine
that the project will be best adapted to
a comprehensive plan for improving or
developing a waterway. In addition to
the power and developmental purposes
for which licenses are issued (e.g., flood
control, irrigation, and water supply),
the Commission must give equal
consideration to the purposes of energy
conservation, the protection, mitigation
of damage to, and enhancement of fish
and wildlife (including related
spawning grounds and habitat), the
protection of recreational opportunities,
and the preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality.
Issuing a license for the project would
allow the applicant to generate
electricity at the project for the term of
an original license, making electric
power from a renewable resource
available to the public.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Project Location
Figure 1.
Location of Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project (Source: staff).
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
This environmental assessment (EA)
assesses the environmental and
economic effects of constructing and
operating the proposed hydroelectric
project: (1) As proposed by the
applicant, and (2) with our
recommended measures and agency
mandatory conditions. We also consider
the effects of the no-action alternative.
Important issues that are addressed
include the protection of wetlands,
water quality, fish and wildlife habitat,
visual resources, and cultural resources
during project construction and
1.2.2 Need for Power
The project would provide
hydroelectric generation to meet part of
Montana’s power requirements,
resource diversity, and capacity needs.
The project would have an installed
capacity of 4.7 MW and generate
approximately 15,400 MWh per year.
The North American Electric
Reliability Corporation (NERC) annually
forecasts electric supply and demand
nationally and regionally for a 10-year
period. The proposed project would be
located in the Northwest Power Pool
area of the Western Electricity
Coordinating Council (WECC) region of
NERC. For the 2016–2025 time period,
NERC projects that total demand for the
summer, the peak season for the entire
WECC Region, decreased by 2.3 percent
due to generally mild temperatures and
increased distributed solar generation.
The demand for the summer season is
projected to increase by 1.1% per year,
while the annual energy load is
projected to increase by 1.2% per year
for the same time period.
We conclude that power from the
proposed project would help meet a
need for power in the WECC region in
both the short and long term. The
project would provide power that would
displace non-renewable, fossil-fired
generation and contribute to a
diversified generation mix. Displacing
the operation of fossil-fueled facilities
avoids some power plant emissions and
creates an environmental benefit.
1.3 Statutory and Regulatory
A license for the project is subject to
numerous requirements under the
Federal Power Act (FPA) and other
applicable statutes. The major
regulatory and statutory requirements
are summarized in table 1 and described
[Source: Staff]
Section 18 of the FPA (fishway prescriptions) ..
FWS ........................................
Section 4(e) of the FPA (land management
Section 10(j) of the FPA ....................................
Reclamation ............................
FWS ........................................
Endangered Species Act consultation ...............
Montana DFWP .......................
FWS ........................................
No fishway prescription or requests for reservation of authority to prescribe fishways were filed.
Interior, on behalf of Reclamation, filed preliminary conditions
on March 17, 2016.
Interior, on behalf of FWS, filed section 10(j) recommendations on March 17, 2016.
No section 10(j) recommendations were filed.
Commission staff generated official species list from FWS’s
IPaC website on April 15, 2016.
Applicant submitted an application for certification on April 15,
2016, which was received by Montana DEQ on April 18,
2016. Montana DEQ issued a draft certification for public
comment on June 3, 2016; comments are due to Montana
DEQ by July 5, 2016. Certification is due by April 18, 2017.
The Clark Canyon Dam was determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. A PA was
signed by the SHPO and filed on May 31, 2016, requiring
the applicant to revise its HPMP and prepare a Treatment
Plan to resolve effects.
Clean Water Act—section 401 water quality
Montana DEQ .........................
National Historic Preservation Act .....................
Montana SHPO .......................
Notes: Commission—Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. FPA—Federal Power Act. FWS—U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HPMP—Historic Properties Management Plan. Interior—U.S. Department of the Interior. Montana DEQ—Montana Department of Environmental Quality.
Montana DFWP—Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Montana SHPO—Montana State Historic Preservation Officer. PA—Programmatic Agreement. Reclamation—U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Federal Power Act
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2 Section 18 Fishway
Section 18 of the FPA states that the
Commission is to require construction,
operation, and maintenance by a
licensee of such fishways as may be
prescribed by the Secretaries of the U.S.
Department of Commerce (Commerce)
or the U.S. Department of the Interior
(Interior). Neither Commerce nor
Interior filed a fishway prescription or
requested a reservation of authority to
prescribe fishways at the project.
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Section 4(e) Conditions
Section 4(e) of the FPA provides that
any license issued by the Commission
for a project within a federal reservation
shall be subject to and contain such
conditions as the Secretary of the
responsible federal land management
agency deems necessary for the
adequate protection and use of the
reservation. Interior, on behalf of
Reclamation, filed preliminary
conditions on March 17, 2016, pursuant
to section 4(e) of the FPA. These
conditions are described under section
2.2.5, Modifications to Applicant’s
Proposal—Mandatory Conditions.
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Section 10(j) Recommendations
Under section 10(j) of the FPA, each
hydroelectric license issued by the
Commission must include conditions
based on recommendations provided by
federal and state fish and wildlife
agencies for the protection, mitigation,
or enhancement of fish and wildlife
resources affected by the project. The
Commission is required to include these
conditions unless it determines that
they are inconsistent with the purposes
and requirements of the FPA or other
applicable law. Before rejecting or
modifying an agency recommendation,
the Commission is required to attempt
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
to resolve any such inconsistency with
the agency, giving due weight to the
recommendations, expertise, and
statutory responsibilities of such
On March 17, 2016, Interior, on behalf
of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(FWS), timely filed recommendations
under section 10(j), as summarized in
table 7 in section 5.4.1,
Recommendations of Fish and Wildlife
Agencies. In section 5.4, Summary of
Section 10(j) Recommendations and 4(e)
Conditions, we discuss how we address
the agency recommendations and
comply with section 10(j).
Clean Water Act
Under section 401 of the Clean Water
Act (CWA), a license applicant must
obtain certification from the appropriate
state pollution control agency verifying
compliance with the CWA. On April 15,
2016, the applicant applied to the
Montana Department of Environmental
Quality (Montana DEQ) for 401 water
quality certification (certification) for
the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric
Project. Montana DEQ acknowledged
receipt of the application on April 18,
2016.8 Montana DEQ issued a draft
certification for a 30-day public
comment period on June 3, 2016;
comments are due to Montana DEQ by
July 5, 2016. Clark Canyon Hydro filed
the draft certification with the
Commission on June 7, 2016. The
certification is due by April 18, 2017.
Endangered Species Act
Section 7 of the Endangered Species
Act (ESA) requires federal agencies to
ensure that their actions are not likely
to jeopardize the continued existence of
endangered or threatened species or
result in the destruction or adverse
modifications of the critical habitat of
such species. No federally listed species
are known to occur within the project
area; however, on April 15, 2016,
Commission staff generated an official
species list on FWS’s Information,
Planning, and Conservation (IPaC) Web
site that indicates that three threatened
species: The Ute ladies’-tresses
(Spiranthes diluvialis), the grizzly bear
(Ursus arctos horribilis), and the Canada
lynx (Lynx canadensis) may occur in the
project area. There are no critical
habitats in the project area for these
species. See section 3.3.4, Threatened
and Endangered Species, for our
analysis of the occurrence of listed
species and the potential for effects on
them. We conclude that the proposed
action would have no effect on the
threatened Ute ladies’-tresses,
threatened grizzly bear, or the
threatened Canada lynx.
1.3.4 National Historic Preservation
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) as
amended requires that every federal
agency ‘‘take into account’’ how the
agency’s undertakings could affect
historic properties. Historic properties
are districts, sites, buildings, structures,
traditional cultural properties (TCPs),
and objects significant in American
history, architecture, engineering, and
culture that are eligible for inclusion in
the National Register of Historic Places
(National Register).
The Clark Canyon Dam was
determined to be individually eligible
for listing on the National Register and
would be adversely affected by project
construction; six other sites located
along the transmission line corridor that
may or may not be eligible would not
be adversely affected by project
construction and operation.
Commission staff and the Montana
SHPO concurred with these findings as
discussed in a letter and Programmatic
Agreement (PA) issued on May 5, 2016.
The SHPO signed the PA and filed it on
May 31, 2016. In the event that a license
is issued for the project, the PA requires
the licensee to revise its proposed
HPMP 9 to include a Treatment Plan to
resolve effects on the dam, as well as
address other concerns raised by the
SHPO and Reclamation with regard to
future consultation and review of
ongoing activities at the dam (as
discussed in section 3.3.6, Cultural
Resources). The Treatment Plan and
revised HPMP would be developed by
the licensee in consultation with the
SHPO and Reclamation, and would be
filed with the Commission for approval
prior to construction. Additionally, the
Commission contacted the ShoshoneBannock, Eastern Shoshone, Nez Perce,
and Salish-Kootenai tribes inviting
comments and consultation. No
comments or requests for consultation
were received from the tribes.
The Commission’s regulations (18
Code of Federal Regulations [CFR],
section 4.38) require that applicants
consult with appropriate resource
agencies, tribes, and other entities
before filing an application for a license.
This consultation is the first step in
complying with the Fish and Wildlife
Coordination Act, the ESA, the NHPA,
and other federal statutes. Pre-filing
consultation must be complete and
documented according to the
Commission’s regulations.
In its tendering notice issued
December 4, 2015, the Commission
stated its intent to waive the three-stage
pre-filing consultation process and
scoping for this project based on the
pre-filing consultation record. No
objections were filed.
1.4.2 Comments on the License
The February 23, 2016, notice
solicited comments, terms and
conditions, recommendations, and
prescriptions. In a letter filed March 17,
2016, Interior, on behalf of Reclamation
and FWS, filed preliminary comments,
terms and conditions,
recommendations, and prescriptions.
The following entities commented:
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Date filed
Wade Fellin ...............................................................................................................
Brian Wheeler ...........................................................................................................
Michael Stack ............................................................................................................
Tim Hunt ....................................................................................................................
Steve Hemkens .........................................................................................................
Kimball Leighton ........................................................................................................
Department of the Interior .........................................................................................
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February 26, 2016.
March 1, 2016.
March 8, 2016.
March 11, 2016.
March 14, 2016.
March 17, 2016.
March 17, 2016.
9 The HPMP filed with the license application
was developed by the applicant before the Clark
Canyon Dam was determined to be eligible for
listing on the National Register. A modified HPMP
PO 00000
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On February 23, 2016, the
Commission issued a notice stating that
the applicant’s application was accepted
and ready for analysis. This notice set
March 24, 2016, as the deadline for
filing protests and motions to intervene.
On March 22, 2016, Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper filed a motion to intervene.
Commenting agencies and other entities
8 The letter confirming receipt was dated April
18, 2016, and filed with the Commission the
following day.
Public Review and Consultation
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filed by the applicant on February 9, 2016,
acknowledges eligibility and adverse effects on the
dam, but does not resolve the effects.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Commenting agencies and other entities
Date filed
Gregg B. Messel .......................................................................................................
Woody Bailey ............................................................................................................
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks ........................................................
Rhonda Sellers (on behalf of International Federation of Fly Fishers) ....................
Luke Massaro ............................................................................................................
Christian Appel ..........................................................................................................
Cordell Appel .............................................................................................................
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper 10 .................................................................................
Montana Historical Society .......................................................................................
Montana Trout Unlimited ...........................................................................................
The applicant filed reply comments on April 8, 2016.
Reclamation’s Clark Canyon Dam and
Reservoir are existing flood control and
water conservation facilities at the head
of the Beaverhead River in southwestern
Montana, about 20 miles southwest of
Dillon, Montana. Clark Canyon Dam
was completed in 1964 for
Reclamation’s Pick-Sloan Missouri
River Basin Program, East Bench Unit,
which was authorized as part of the
Flood Control Acts of 1944 and 1946.
The dam is a zoned, earth-fill
structure that is approximately 2,950
feet long at the crest. The crest of the
dam is at elevation 5,578 feet mean sea
level (msl), with a structural height of
147.5 feet and width of 36 feet. The
outlet works include an approach
channel, an intake structure, a concrete
conduit, a shaft house, and a 9-footdiameter conduit that discharges into a
stilling basin. The outlet works contain
a gate chamber with four 3-foot by 6.5foot high pressure gates. The discharge
capacity of the outlet works is 2,325
cubic feet per second (cfs) at a reservoir
water surface elevation of 5,547 feet
msl. In addition, there is a separate
uncontrolled spillway with a crest
elevation of 5,571.9 feet msl, and a
design discharge of 9,520 cfs.
The proposed project (figure 2) would
use the existing dam, reservoir, and
outlet works, and would consist of the
following new facilities: (1) A 360-footlong, 8-foot-diameter steel penstock
within Reclamation’s existing concrete
conduit, ending in a trifurcation; (2) two
35-foot-long, 8-foot-diameter steel
penstocks equipped with isolation
valves extending from the trifurcation to
the powerhouse, each penstock
transitioning to 6-foot-diameter before
entering the powerhouse; (3) a 10-footlong, 8-foot-diameter steel penstock
leaving the trifurcation and ending in a
7-foot-diameter cone valve and reducer
to control discharge into Reclamation’s
existing outlet stilling basin; (4) a 65foot-long, 46-foot-wide reinforced
concrete powerhouse, located at the toe
of the dam adjacent to the spillway
stilling basin, containing two vertical
Francis-type turbine/generator units
with a total capacity of 4.7 MW; (5) two
25-foot-long steel draft tubes
10 Upper Missouri Waterkeeper also filed a form
letter signed by 178 citizens urging the Commission
to consider how the project may contribute to
recent poor water quality conditions in the
Beaverhead River.
11 Upper Missouri Waterkeeper’s recommends
that the existing Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir
be included in the project boundary. However,
since the dam was constructed and is operated by
Reclamation for flood control and water
No-Action Alternative
The no-action alternative is license
denial. Under the no-action alternative,
the proposed project would not be built
and environmental resources in the
project area would not be affected.
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Applicant’s Proposal
Proposed Project Facilities
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transitioning to a concrete draft tube/
tailrace section; (6) a 17-foot-long, 15foot-wide tailrace channel connecting
with Reclamation’s existing spillway
stilling basin; (7) an aeration basin
downstream of the powerhouse with
three 45-foot-long, 10-foot-wide frames
containing 330 diffusers; (8) a 4.16kilovolt (kV) buried transmission line
from the powerhouse to a substation
containing step-up transformers and
switchgear located 1,100 feet
downstream of the powerhouse; (9) a
500-foot-long access road connecting to
the existing access road; (10) a 7.9-milelong, 69-kV overhead transmission line
extending from the substation to the
Peterson Flat substation (the point of
interconnection); and (11) appurtenant
Proposed Project Boundary
The proposed project boundary 11 will
enclose: 4.3 acres around the outlet
conduit, penstock, powerhouse, aeration
basin, tailrace, and valve house; 1.9
acres of staging area; 2.5 acres along
proposed and existing access roads; and
0.4 acres along the transmission line
corridor, for a total of about 12.7 acres
of federal lands under jurisdiction of
Reclamation’s Pick-Sloan Missouri
Basin Program, East Bench Unit.
conservation purposes, the applicant will have no
control over the dam or reservoir. The dam and
reservoir would not be project features to be
included in the project boundary.
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Figure 2.
Clark Canyon~ Rese.i:voir
Clark Canyon Dam Project features (Source: Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC, 2015, as modified by staff).
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
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Proposed Trammissiou Line
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2.2.2 Project Safety
As part of the licensing process, the
Commission would review the adequacy
of the proposed project facilities.
Special articles would be included in
any license issued, as appropriate.
Commission staff would inspect the
licensed project both during and after
construction. Inspection during
construction would concentrate on
adherence to Commission-approved
plans and specifications, special license
articles relating to construction, and
accepted engineering practices and
procedures. Operational inspections
would focus on the continued safety of
the structures, identification of
unauthorized modifications, efficiency
and safety of operation, compliance
with the terms of the license, and proper
maintenance. Additionally,
Reclamation’s preliminary section 4(e)
conditions require Reclamation review
and approval of plans and specifications
to ensure structural adequacy and
compatibility of the proposed projects
with the authorized purposes of
Reclamation’s East Bench Unit. Any
license issued would give Reclamation
oversight over construction, operation,
and maintenance of the project as they
pertain to the structural integrity or
operation of the East Bench Unit.
Construction, operation, and
maintenance of project works that may
affect the structural integrity or
operation of the East Bench Unit would
also be subject to periodic or continuous
inspections by Reclamation.
2.2.3 Proposed Project Operation
The Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir
are owned and operated by Reclamation
for irrigation storage, flood control, and
recreational opportunities.
Reclamation’s existing facilities are not
currently capable of providing
hydroelectric power generation.
Regulation of the reservoir and
corresponding water releases are made
in accordance with standard procedures
developed by Reclamation. The East
Bench Irrigation District (District) is
responsible for operation of the dam and
reservoir in close coordination with
Reclamation. Operation of the dam and
reservoir would not be altered to
accommodate operation of the proposed
hydroelectric facilities. The proposed
project would use water that is currently
released from the reservoir into the
Beaverhead River through the existing
intake structure and outlet works on the
The proposed hydropower project
would require no modification to
existing Clark Canyon Dam and
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Reservoir uses and would operate in a
run-of-release mode with no daily
storage, using normally released flows
to produce power. The hydropower
project would have the ability to be
operated automatically, but an operator
would be on site daily for operation.
Power generation would be seasonally
dictated as flow regimes, reservoir
levels, and so on are set forth by
The project would operate using
Reclamation’s flow releases ranging
from 87.5 to 700 cfs (minimum capacity
of 87.5 cfs and a maximum capacity of
350 cfs per unit totaling 700 cfs). Flows
less than the 87.5-cfs would cause the
isolation valve in the penstock to close,
allowing all flows to bypass the
powerhouse and flow through the
existing outlet works into the stilling
basin. When the project is operating at
maximum capacity, flows in excess of
700 cfs would continue to flow through
Reclamation’s existing outlet works and
over its spillway into the stilling basin.
The proposed project would have an
installed generating capacity of 4.7 MW,
with an average annual generation of
15,400 MWh.
2.2.4 Proposed Environmental
The applicant proposes the following
environmental measures:
• Implement the Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) filed with
the license application to minimize soil
erosion and dust, protect water quality,
and minimize turbidity in the
Beaverhead River;
• Implement the Instream Flow
Release Plan filed with the license
application with provisions to
temporarily pump bypassed flows
around Reclamation’s existing intake
and outlet works to prevent interrupting
Reclamation’s flow releases into the
Beaverhead River during installation of
the proposed project’s penstock;
• Maintain qualified compliance
monitoring staff on site 24 hours per day
and 7 days per week when flows are
bypassing Reclamation’s outlet works to
ensure staff promptly responds to a
pumping equipment failure or
malfunction and ensure Reclamation’s
flow releases are maintained in the
Beaverhead River downstream;
• Implement the Construction Water
Quality Monitoring Plan (CWQMP) filed
with the license application that
includes monitoring and reporting water
temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO),
total dissolved gas (TDG), and turbidity
levels during construction;
• Implement the Revised Dissolved
Oxygen Enhancement Plan (Revised
DOEP) filed with the license application
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that includes installing and operating an
aeration basin to increase DO levels of
water exiting the powerhouse and
monitoring and reporting water
temperature, DO, and TDG levels for a
minimum of the first five years of
project operation to ensure water quality
does not degrade during project
• Implement the Vegetation
Management Plan filed with the license
application that includes provisions for
revegetating disturbed areas, wetland
protection, and invasive weed control
before, during, and after construction;
• Conduct a pre-construction survey
for raptor nests and schedule
construction activities or establish a 0.5mile construction buffer as appropriate
to minimize disturbing nesting raptors;
• Design and construct the project
transmission line in accordance with
current avian protection guidelines,
including installing flight diverters and
perch deterrents;
• Post signs and public notice, limit
construction hours, days, and locations,
and stage construction traffic to reduce
conflicts with recreational users and
other motorists;
• Implement the Buffalo Bridge
Fishing Access Road Management Plan
filed with the license application,
including provisions for flagging, traffic
control devices, and public notice of
construction activities to maintain
traffic safety and minimize effects on
fishing access;
• Install and maintain an interpretive
sign near the dam that describes the
concept and function of the
hydroelectric project and how it affects
the sport fisheries, including any
measures taken to eliminate or reduce
adverse effects;
• Use a single-pole design for the
transmission line, along with materials
and colors that reduce visibility and
blend with the surroundings; and
• Implement the revised Historic
Properties Management Plan (HPMP)
filed February 9, 2016. Stop work if any
unanticipated cultural materials or
human remains are found.
2.2.5 Modifications to Applicant’s
Proposal—Mandatory Conditions Section 4(e) Land Management
Interior, on behalf of Reclamation,
filed nine mandatory conditions under
FPA section 4(e). Conditions 1 through
3 and conditions 5 through 9 are
administrative conditions that would
require the applicant to enter into a
construction, operation, and
maintenance agreement with
Reclamation; consult with and receive
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
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approval from Reclamation for those
facilities that would be an integral part
of, or could affect the structural integrity
or operation of, the federal reservation;
not impair the structural integrity or
operation of the federal facilities or the
federal government’s ability to fulfill its
trust responsibilities to Indian tribes;
have no claim against the United States
arising from any change in operation of
the federal facility; recognize the
primary right of any Reclamation
activity or the fulfillment of Indian
water rights taking precedence over
project hydropower activities; provide
to the Commission’s Regional Engineer
copies of all correspondence between
the licensee and Reclamation; provide
Reclamation the opportunity to review
and approve the design of contractordesigned cofferdams, blasting, and deep
excavations; and acknowledge that the
timing, quantity, and location of water
releases and release changes from the
facilities would be at the sole discretion
of Reclamation. Condition 4 requires the
applicant to revegetate all newly
disturbed land areas with plant species
indigenous to the area within 6 months
of the completion of the project’s
construction. Water Quality Certification
Montana DEQ’s certification includes
13 conditions. Conditions 1 through 7
and condition 11 are environmental
measures that are evaluated in the EA.
Conditions 8 through 10 and conditions
12 and 13 are administrative or legal in
nature and not environmental measures;
therefore we do not analyze them in the
The administrative measures specify
that Clark Canyon Hydro: Allow
Montana DEQ reasonable entry and
access to the project and review of
appropriate records; obtain all required
permits, authorizations, and
certifications prior to commencement of
any activity that would violate Montana
water quality standards; understand that
Montana DEQ’s reserves its authority to
require adaptive management plans that
may include corrective actions and
monitoring necessary to correct water
quality violations that may result from
construction or operation; consider the
terms and conditions of the certification
to be violated if the project is found to
not be in compliance with any of the
certification conditions or if the project
is constructed or operated in any way
not specified in the application,
supporting documents or as modified by
the conditions; and understand that the
certification expires upon transfer of
property covered by the certification
unless the new owner submits to
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Montana DEQ a written consent to all
the certification conditions.
Environmental measures included in
Montana DEQ’s certification conditions
1 through 7 and condition 11 that are
analyzed in this EA are as follows:
• Condition 1 stipulates that Clark
Canyon Hydro conduct water quality
monitoring for DO, temperature, and
TDG for a minimum of five years
following initial project operation and
to continue monitoring these parameters
each year thereafter while discharging
between July and October, unless
Montana DEQ determines that
additional monitoring is not warranted
upon review of the five-year monitoring
• Condition 2 stipulates that Clark
Canyon Hydro submit a plan prior to
construction to monitor Clark Canyon
Reservoir and the Beaverhead River for
turbidity, TDG, DO, and temperature
during project construction.12
• Condition 3 stipulates that Clark
Canyon Hydro maintain minimum DO
levels at saturation from June 1 through
August 31 and 8.0 milligrams per liter
(mg/L) the rest of the year downstream
of the project while discharging into the
Beaverhead River.
• Condition 4 stipulates that Clark
Canyon Hydro maintain TDG levels at
110 percent or lower downstream of the
project while discharging into the
Beaverhead River.
• Condition 5 stipulates that Clark
Canyon Hydro submit a plan prior to
construction for project engineering
modifications to maintain DO levels
during project operation.13
• Condition 6 stipulates that the
project automatically go offline in the
event that DO levels fall below Montana
DEQ standards, that an on-call operator
arrive at the powerhouse within 30
minutes to evaluate the cause of any
noncompliance reading, and that Clark
Canyon Hydro deploy a redundant DO
probe at its compliance point in the
Beaverhead River.
• Condition 7 stipulates that Clark
Canyon Hydro notify Montana DFWP
and Montana DEQ within 24 hours of
any unauthorized discharge of
pollutants to state waters within the
project boundary.
12 Montana DEQ clarified in a phone conversation
with staff that condition 2 refers directly to the
applicant’s CWQMP filed with the license
application and would not require a new or
modified plan to be submitted. See telephone
record summary between FERC and Montana DEQ
filed on June 9, 2016.
13 Montana DEQ clarified in a phone conversation
with staff that condition 5 refers directly to the
applicant’s Revised DOEP filed with the license
application and would not require a new or
modified plan to be submitted. See telephone
record summary between FERC and Montana DEQ
filed on June 9, 2016.
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• Condition 11 stipulates that Clark
Canyon Hydro meet annually with all
watershed stakeholders to discuss water
quality monitoring efforts associated
with project operation.
2.3 Staff Alternative
Under the staff alternative, the project
would include all of the applicant’s
proposals, all of Reclamation’s
conditions specified under FPA section
4(e), all but one of Montana DEQ’s
certification conditions,14 and the
following additional measures:
• Conduct TDG and DO compliance
monitoring at all times during project
• Conduct water temperature
monitoring for the first five years of
project operation and, after consultation
with Montana DFWP, Montana DEQ,
and FWS, file a proposal for
Commission approval regarding the
possible cessation of the temperature
monitoring program after 5 years;
• Install and maintain a pressure
transducer and water level alarm in the
Beaverhead River when flows are being
bypassed around Reclamation’s existing
intake and outlet works to alert
compliance monitoring staff if water
levels downstream of the dam are
• During project operation, notify
Montana DFWP in addition to
Reclamation in the event of an
unplanned shutdown;
• Notify Montana DEQ and Montana
DFWP, within 24 hours of any deviation
from water temperature, DO, TDG, or
turbidity requirements during
construction and operation and file a
report with the Commission within 30
days describing the deviation, any
adverse effects resulting from the
deviation, the corrective actions taken,
any proposed measures to avoid future
deviations, and comments or
correspondence, if any, received from
the agencies;
• Document the results of the preconstruction raptor survey and the
measures taken to avoid disturbing
raptors by maintaining a record that
includes nesting bird survey data,
including the presence of migratory
birds, eggs, and active nests, the
qualifications of the biologist
performing the survey, and any
avoidance measures implemented;
• Construct the transmission line
segments that cross the Horse Prairie
14 The staff alternative does not include condition
11 which stipulates that the applicant meet
annually with watershed stakeholders to discuss
water quality monitoring efforts associated with
project operation. However, we recognize that the
Commission is required to include all valid 401
water quality certification conditions in any license
issued for the project.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
and Medicine Lodge drainages outside
of the greater sage-grouse breeding
season (March 1–April 15); and
• Revise the Historic Properties
Management Plan (HPMP) in
consultation with the Montana SHPO
and Reclamation to include a Treatment
Plan to resolve project effects on the
Clark Canyon Dam and to clarify
consultation procedures in the plan (see
section 3.3.6). File the HPMP with the
Commission for approval prior to
Proposed and recommended measures
are discussed under the appropriate
resource sections and summarized in
section 4 of this EA.
In this section, we present: (1) A
general description of the project
vicinity; (2) an explanation of the scope
of our cumulative effects analysis; and
(3) our analysis of the proposed action
and other recommended environmental
measures. Sections are organized by
resource area (e.g., aquatic resources,
recreation). Under each resource area,
historical and current conditions are
first described. The existing condition is
the baseline against which the
environmental effects of the proposed
action and alternatives are compared,
including an assessment of the effects of
proposed mitigation, protection, and
enhancement measures, and any
potential cumulative effects of the
proposed action and alternatives. Staff
conclusions and recommended
measures are discussed in section 5.2,
Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative.15
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3.1 General Description of the River
The Beaverhead River is formed by
the confluence of the Red Rock River
and Horse Prairie Creek immediately
upstream of Clark Canyon Dam. Other
important tributaries include Cedar
Creek, Medicine Lodge Creek, and
Maurer Creek upstream of the dam, and
Gallagher Creek and Grasshopper Creek
downstream of the dam. From its origin
at the tailrace of Clark Canyon Dam, the
river flows approximately 71 miles to its
confluence with the Big Hole River at
Twin Bridges, Montana, where it forms
the Jefferson River. The Jefferson River
merges with the Madison and Gallatin
rivers at Three Forks, Montana, about
15 Unless
noted otherwise, the sources of our
information are the final License Application filed
on November 23, 2015 (Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC,
2015a) and additional information filed on
December 10, 2015 (Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC,
2015), February 1, 2016 (Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC,
2016b), February 9, 2016 (Clark Canyon Hydro,
LLC, 2016a), and March 11, 2016 (Clark Canyon
Hydro, LLC, 2016).
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100 miles downstream of Clark Canyon
Dam, to form the Missouri River.
The topography of the Beaverhead
River Basin is characterized by arid
hillsides throughout the first 12 river
miles (RM), opening into a wide valley
about 8 miles south of Dillon, Montana.
The total drainage area encompasses
3,619 square miles. Average annual
precipitation in the basin is largely
dependent on location and elevation.
The southeast and western portions of
the basin receive up to 20 inches. At the
city of Dillon, about 20 miles from Clark
Canyon Dam, the average annual
precipitation is 11.7 inches. Winter and
summer temperatures average about 26
and 63 degrees Fahrenheit (°F),
respectively, at Dillon.
Clark Canyon Reservoir and the
Beaverhead River provide water for
Reclamation’s East Bench Unit of the
Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Irrigation
Program. The program provides full
irrigation services for up to 28,055 acres
of land to support the agricultural
Scope of Cumulative Effects
According to the Council on
Environmental Quality’s regulations for
implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act (40 CFR,
section 1508.7), cumulative effect is the
impact on the environment that results
from the incremental impact of the
action when added to other past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable
future actions regardless of what agency
(federal or non-federal) or person
undertakes such other actions.
Cumulative impacts can result from
individually minor but collectively
significant actions taking place over a
period of time, including hydropower
and other land and water development
Based on our review of the license
application and agency and public
comments, we have identified aquatic
resources, including fisheries and water
quality, as resources that may be
cumulatively affected by the project in
combination with other past, present,
and future activities, because of the
potential for the project to adversely
affect aquatic habitat and water quality,
which are affected by upstream land
uses and water storage and diversion.
Geographic Scope
The geographic scope of the analysis
defines the physical limits or
boundaries of the proposed action’s
effects on the resources. Because the
proposed action would affect these
resources differently, the geographic
scope for each resource varies.
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We have determined that the
geographic scope for cumulatively
affected fishery resources would
encompass the Beaverhead River from
Clark Canyon Dam to Barrett’s Diversion
Dam, located about 11 miles
downstream. We chose this geographic
scope because construction and
operation of the project may affect
streamflows and aquatic habitat in this
For water quality, we have
determined that the geographic scope
would encompass Clark Canyon
Reservoir, its two primary tributaries
(Red Rock River and Horse Prairie
Creek), and the Beaverhead River from
Clark Canyon Dam downstream to
Barrett’s Diversion Dam. We chose this
geographic scope because these stream
reaches are on the CWA section 303(d)
list as being impaired for water quality,
and actions within these waterbodies
together with construction and
operation of the project may affect water
quality in the Beaverhead River.
3.2.2 Temporal Scope
The temporal scope of analysis
includes a discussion of the past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable
future actions and their effects on
fishery and water quality resources.
Based on the term of the proposed
license, we will look 30 to 50 years into
the future, concentrating on the effects
on fish, fish habitat, and water quality
from reasonably foreseeable future
actions. The historical discussion is
limited, by necessity, to the amount of
available information. We identified the
present resource conditions based on
the license application, agency
comments, and comprehensive plans.
3.3 Proposed Action and Action
In this section, we discuss the effects
of the project alternatives on
environmental resources. For each
resource, we first describe the affected
environment, which is the existing
condition and baseline against which
we measure effects. We then discuss
and analyze the specific cumulative and
site-specific environmental issues.
Only the resources that would be
affected, or about which comments have
been received, are addressed in detail in
this EA. Based on this, we have
determined that geology and soils,
fishery, water quality and quantity,
terrestrial, threatened and endangered
species, recreation, cultural, and
aesthetic resources may be affected by
the proposed action and action
alternatives. We have not identified any
substantive issues related to
socioeconomics associated with the
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
proposed action, and therefore,
socioeconomics is not assessed in this
EA. We present our recommendations in
section 5.2, Comprehensive
Development and Recommended
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Geologic and Soil Resources Affected Environment
Clark Canyon Dam is located at the
confluence of the Red Rock River and
Horse Prairie Creek, where the
watercourses become the Beaverhead
River. The terrain in the area is
generally characterized as arid rolling
hills with watercourses carving
floodplains and canyons into volcanic
rock. In areas where the canyon sides
become unstable as a result of erosion
or seismic activity, landslides do occur
and some affect the path of river flow.
Downstream of the dam, the river
valley is relatively deep and narrow for
about 12 miles, with an average gradient
of 0.244 percent. The valley widens as
the river crosses an area near the
Blacktail Fault at Barrett’s Diversion
Dam, where the Blacktail uplift was
developed by late movement of this
active fault (described in more detail
below). Below the diversion, the valley
is characterized by agricultural activity
and the irrigation that supports it,
stemming from the irrigation and flood
control functions of Clark Canyon
Reservoir. Surface soils in the hills and
mountains are generally loamy and
sandy with rock escarpments and
fragments, while the alluvial valley soils
are loamy and clayey. Watercourses
have generally carved soil down to
bedrock and loose gravel.
Seismic activity in the southwestern
region of Montana is significant and has
been shown to have the highest degree
of tectonic plate movement within the
state (Bartholomew et al., 1999). A
portion of the region borders the highly
active Yellowstone caldera in Wyoming.
Documented earthquakes occurred in
1925, 1959, and 1983, centered at
Clarkston Valley, Hebgen Lake, and
Borah Peak, Idaho, respectively. These
epicenters all lie within 90 miles of
Clark Canyon Reservoir, and at least one
of the earthquakes (Hebgen Lake) was
felt in nine states and three Canadian
provinces. It also caused subsidence
within the Hebgen Lake Basin of as
much as 6.7 meters, as well as a
landslide large enough to dam Madison
Canyon and create Earthquake Lake.
The nearest faults to Clark Canyon
Dam are known as Red Rock Fault and
Blacktail Fault. Both run approximately
southeast to northwest, perpendicular to
the flow of the Beaverhead River
downstream of the dam. Red Rock Fault
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is about 10 miles upstream along the
Red Rock River, while the Blacktail
Fault is about 12 miles downstream
toward the city of Dillon. Being close to
a population center, Blacktail Fault has
been well-documented as an active
In 2000, Reclamation commissioned a
study to assess the amount of
sedimentation that has accumulated in
Clark Canyon Reservoir since operation
of the earthfill dam began in 1964. The
sedimentation is generally believed to
be contributed by the drainage area to
the reservoir, although a minor amount
is trapped upstream by Lima reservoir.
Loss of storage below the normal
operating water surface level could also
occur from shoreline erosion, although
this has not been studied. Reclamation’s
mapping of the reservoir concluded that
2.3 percent of the reservoir’s storage
volume had been lost since operation
began, an average of 114.7 acre-feet of
sedimentation per year.
The areas where construction of the
proposed project would occur are all
areas that were disturbed during
construction of Clark Canyon Dam,
completed in 1964. The valve house,
powerhouse, and staging area would all
be located on the toe of the downstream
face of the dam adjacent to the existing
spillway and stilling basin. There would
be no new penetrations through the dam
structure; the project would use the
existing outlet tunnel downstream of the
intake gates by installing a new steel
liner in the tunnel with a new
trifurcated diversion structure to allow
for flows to the existing outlet stilling
basin or to the proposed powerhouse.
Environmental Effects
Effects of Construction
Ground disturbance associated with
construction of the project, including
the powerhouse, access road, and
transmission line, could release
sediment into nearby wetland areas and
the Beaverhead River downstream of the
dam, and it could adversely affect the
structural stability or seepage
characteristics of the existing dam.
Turbidity could also be increased by a
change in flow patterns through the dam
during construction.
Proposed construction work would
disturb multiple areas on the
downstream side of the dam, as well as
inside the dam. The disturbance
downstream of the dam would include
burial of 0.3 miles of transmission line.
The applicant proposes to lengthen the
existing access road and place a
temporary staging and spoil site on the
uphill side of the proposed transmission
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line burial corridor and existing access
To minimize soil erosion and dust,
protect water quality, and minimize
turbidity in the Beaverhead River, the
applicant proposes to implement the
measures contained in its ESCP. The
ESCP includes best management
practices (BMPs) such as:
• Defining clearing limits within
project area and buffer zones around
sensitive areas, including wetlands;
• Stabilizing construction access road
entrances and exits, parking and staging
• Controlling flow rates coming onto
and leaving the project area utilizing,
but not limited to, swales, dikes,
sediment ponds, or sediment traps, as
• Installing sediment controls to
minimize erosion and stabilize soils
including, but not limited to, silt fences,
wattles, interceptor dikes, swales, and
vegetative filtration;
• Preserving natural vegetation and
stabilize soils utilizing nets, blankets,
mulch, and seeding, as necessary;
• Protecting slopes utilizing, but not
limited to, terracing or pipe slope
• Protecting stormwater drain inlets
utilizing catch basin inserts;
• Stabilizing channels and outlets;
• Controlling the release of pollutants
to protect water quality and aquatic
resources by keeping chemical storage
areas covered or designating a concrete
handing area; and taking all precautions
to avoid spills (e.g. herbicides would
not be mixed within 200 feet of
wetlands or open water, maintain spill
kits on-site, etc.);
• Controlling de-watering processes
within the project area;
• Visually inspecting all construction
and disturbance areas every two weeks
throughout the entirety of construction
activity, or after any project related
discharges or rain events; and
• Using existing developed and
primitive roads where possible to access
the project area and construction
Constructing facilities at an existing
earthfill dam such as the Clark Canyon
Dam has the potential to adversely affect
the dam’s structural ability to withstand
a seismic or flood event by adversely
affecting the seepage characteristics of
the dam. The applicant proposes to
construct the powerhouse and
appurtenant facilities in a manner to
avoid any effects on reservoir levels or
dam stability. The proposed
hydroelectric facilities would also be
designed to withstand seismic and
hydrostatic forces.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
guidelines. With effective erosion
control measures in place, sediment
from construction activities would not
likely enter wetlands or the Beaverhead
The applicant’s proposal to avoid any
jurisdictional wetlands and route the
transmission line along the uphill side
of the existing access road would limit
the potential for sediment release from
construction activities into wetlands
and the Beaverhead River. Although
project construction would result in
ground disturbance and could
potentially result in sediment release
into the river, the applicant’s proposed
plan would protect environmental
Our Analysis
The proposed project would disturb
areas downstream of the dam during
construction of the powerhouse and
appurtenant facilities, burial of the
transmission line, and upgrade of the
access road. The ESCP would control
sediment release, if properly
implemented. Approved and properly
implemented erosion and sediment
control measures, consistent with the
Commission’s guidelines, would
minimize sediment releases that could
result from construction disturbance.
Inspection and maintenance of the
erosion and sediment control structures,
especially around rainfall events and
disturbance activities, would ensure
compliance with Commission
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To ensure that the area is suitable for
the foundation loading of the
hydroelectric facilities, geotechnical
borings would be drilled and the results
reviewed and approved by the
Commission and Reclamation. To
confirm that the proposed facilities
would not affect the stability of the
existing structures, and to confirm that
the proposed structures would be
compatible with applicable seismic and
hydrostatic load standards, the
applicant would finalize design plans
and drawings and submit for
Commission and Reclamation review
and approval. The plans would include
structural drawings, construction
methods, and mitigation measures for
potential impacts from construction of
the powerhouse, steel conduit liner,
shaft house, transmission line, and all
appurtenant facilities. The Commission
and Reclamation would review final
design plans before the start of
construction, as well as the results of
geotechnical borings. Borings would be
located and drilled after final design
plans specify the exact location of the
hydroelectric facilities. The results of
the borings would show the
composition of the subsurface geology
and dam structures, including the
location of bedrock, to confirm the
suitability of the final design location of
the powerhouse and foundation loading.
Our Analysis
Post-construction stabilization and
effective site restoration as discussed in
section, Environmental Effects,
Terrestrial Resources, would minimize
long-term effects on environmental
resources. With effective erosion control
measures in place, sediment from
construction activities would not likely
enter wetlands or the Beaverhead River.
Once in operation, the project should
have little or no effect on geology and
soils. Proper implementation of the
applicant’s ESCP would prevent
excessive runoff that could possibly
cause rills or gullies to form, thereby
protecting water quality, wetlands, and
soil resources. Intake and discharge of
water for project use would be confined
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Effects of Operation
Potential effects on geology and soils
during project operation could occur as
a result of sediment release caused by
concentrated runoff. Revegetated or
paved surfaces such as the access roads,
parking area, or walkways could
generate runoff. If improperly managed,
that runoff could cause rills or gullies
that transport sediment into Beaverhead
River. Similarly, construction areas and
the spoil area, especially the buried
transmission line corridor, could be
susceptible to increased erosion if
revegetation work were not completed
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to areas already established for those
Aquatic Resources
The proposed project has the
potential to affect water quantity, water
quality, and fisheries resources in Clark
Canyon Reservoir and the Beaverhead
River. The Affected Environment
section describes these resources in the
project area.
Affected Environment
Water Quantity
The hydrology of the Beaverhead
River is dictated by Reclamation’s
operation of the Clark Canyon Reservoir
as an irrigation and flood control
facility. On average, the lowest reservoir
elevations typically occur in late
summer or early fall at the end of the
irrigation season, with the highest
reservoir elevations typically occurring
in mid-May just prior to the irrigation
season. For the period of record of 1965
to 2007, the estimated mean monthly
streamflow downstream of the dam
ranged from a low of about 170 cfs
during the winter to a high of about 750
cfs during the peak summer irrigation
season (figures 3 and 4). Starting in
April, water releases from the reservoir
are increased until mid-July when the
pool in the reservoir is nearly full.
Flows then drop until around midOctober before stabilizing until the
following April, which corresponds to a
period of reduced reservoir storage.
Extended periods of low flows (<100
cfs) occurred in 1967, 1975, 1986, 1990–
1993, 2001–2009, and 2013–2014. The
low-flow period of 2001–2004 reduced
the reservoir storage to its lowest level
since construction, with flow releases
during this period ranging from a fall/
winter low of about 30 cfs to a summer
high of about 500 cfs (figure 3).
Unusually high flow years occurred in
1976, 1984, 1996, and 1999. In 1984,
spring snow melt, accompanied by
spring rains, contributed to a maximum
combined release of 2,586 cfs through
the dam outlet works and spillway.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
seasons ranged from a high of about
1,300 cfs in October to about 700 to 500
cfs from November through February.
Minimum instream flow releases
specified by existing water uses during
non-irrigation (winter) seasons are 23
cfs during dry conditions.
Water Quality
Canyon Dam are shown in table 2.
These waters are classified as B–1,
which means they are to be maintained
suitable for drinking, culinary, and food
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Water quality standards applicable to
Clark Canyon Reservoir and the
Beaverhead River downstream of Clark
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cfs from 1965 to 2003. The maximum
discharge recorded for the period of
1965 to 2003 for the fall and winter
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Discharge from Clark Canyon Dam
during the fall through winter period
generally averaged between 200 to 300
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
processing purposes, after conventional
treatment; bathing, swimming and
recreation; growth and propagation of
salmonid fishes and associated aquatic
life, waterfowl, and furbearers; and
agricultural and industrial water supply.
[Source: License application as modified by staff]
Background condition
Numeric criteria
Temperature a ..................................
32°F to 66 °F .................................
66°F to 66.5 °F ..............................
1°F maximum increase above background.
No discharge is allowed that will cause the water temperature to exceed 67 °F.
The maximum allowable increase in water temperature is 0.5°F.
At saturation (approximately 7.5 mg/L or higher) from June 1 through
August 31 and 8.0 mg/L from September 1 through May 31 c.
110 percent saturation.
5 NTU above background.
DO b .................................................
>66.5 °F .........................................
NA ..................................................
Total gas pressure ..........................
Turbidity ...........................................
NA ..................................................
NA ..................................................
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Notes: DO—dissolved oxygen; °F—degrees Fahrenheit; mg/L—milligram per liter; NA—not applicable; NTU—nephelometric turbidity unit.
a Montana does not have absolute standards for water temperature. Temperature regulation is relative and prohibits increases of various
amounts above naturally occurring water temperature.
b The freshwater aquatic life standard for dissolved oxygen in Montana is contingent on the classification of the waterbody and the presence of
early life stages of fish.
c These project-specific DO standards were stipulated by Montana DEQ’s certification condition 3.
Red Rock River and Horse Prairie
Creek (the primary tributaries to Clark
Canyon Reservoir), as well as the
Beaverhead River downstream to
Grasshopper Creek (11.8 miles
downstream from Clark Canyon Dam),
are identified on the state of Montana’s
CWA section 303(d) list as being water
quality impaired (EPA, 2008). The Red
Rock River is listed as being impaired
due to habitat alteration, flow alteration,
sediment, temperature, lead and zinc.
Horse Prairie Creek is impaired by flow
alteration, arsenic, cadmium, copper,
lead, mercury, and zinc. The
Beaverhead River from Clark Canyon
Dam to Grasshopper Creek is listed as
being impaired due to flow and habitat
alteration, as well as lead, and
downstream from Grasshopper Creek,
the river is listed as being impaired by
flow and habitat alteration, sediment,
and temperature. Montana DEQ is
currently working on defining
acceptable total maximum daily loads
(TMDLs) for the Red Rock River and
Beaverhead River Basins.
Clark Canyon Reservoir is included in
Montana DEQ’s 2014 Integrated Water
Quality Report as impaired by a nonpollutant for alterations to flow regimes
relating to drought impacts and irrigated
crop production. These impacts cause
impairments for the beneficial uses of
primary contact recreation and aquatic
life but because these impairments are
not considered pollutants, no TMDL
will be established (Montana DEQ
The causes of water quality
impairment in the Beaverhead River
Basin identified on the 303(d) list
include grazing in riparian or shoreline
zones, flow regulation and diversion for
irrigated crop production, leaching of
toxic materials from abandoned mines,
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and land clearing for development. Each
of these sources likely contributes to a
cumulative reduction in water quality in
the project area, although water quality
in Clark Canyon Reservoir and in the
Beaverhead River downstream of Clark
Canyon Dam is generally sufficient to
support a high-quality trout fishery.
The applicant collected water quality
data at six sites in the project vicinity
between 2007 and 2009. The sites were
chosen to provide baseline data for
assessment of the potential effects of
project construction and operation on
water quality of the Beaverhead River.
Monitoring efforts documented DO and
temperature profiles in the forebay area
of Clark Canyon Reservoir, as well as
DO, temperature, TDG, and turbidity at
five sites in the Beaverhead River
downstream from the dam.
Clark Canyon Reservoir
Reservoir profiles reported by the
applicant during the sampling period
captured reservoir dynamics over a
wide range of reservoir elevations. In
2007, reservoir surface elevations
dropped about 15 feet during the
sampling period from a high of about
5,535 feet during early May to a low of
about 5,520 feet from August through
October. The reservoir was cool but well
stratified in May, with surface
temperatures of approximately 14.5
degrees Celsius (°C), a thermocline
depth of about 10 meters, and
hypolimnion temperatures of
approximately 10 °C. Surface
temperatures continued to warm
through July, but began to cool in
August and were down to 12.5 °C by
September. The maximum surface
temperature observed was in early July
when surface waters reached 22 °C. The
thermocline was relatively constant at
PO 00000
Frm 00019
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
about 10 meters deep despite changes in
reservoir elevations and reservoir
temperatures. Stratification was strong
from May through July, but lessened by
mid-August and was completely absent
by late September when the profile
reflected complete mixing throughout
the water column and a uniform
temperature of approximately 12.5 °C.
DO patterns from data collected in
2007 reflected the temperature
stratification of Clark Canyon Reservoir.
Surface DO concentrations were highest
in May at about 9 mg/L, but declined
below the thermocline and were below
the standard of 8 mg/L in the bottom 3
meters of the reservoir. Late June
showed a similar pattern of
stratification, with only slightly lower
DO concentrations. In July and August,
DO levels were below the 8 mg/L water
quality standard at the surface, and fell
below 4 mg/L at depths greater than 15
meters. By late September, however, the
reservoir uniformly mixed and DO
concentrations met and exceeded the
standard of 8 mg/L. Reservoir profiles of
DO were also performed in 2010. The
2010 reservoir profiles showed that fall
turnover occurred during late
September or early October. However,
the lowest hypolimnion DO level was
1.3 mg/L in late July during that
sampling year.
Additional information about
reservoir stratification patterns is
available from temperature and DO
profiles measured by Reclamation in
2001, 2002, and 2003 (Reclamation,
2005). In 2001, a substantial degree of
stratification was evident in late June
and in mid-August, with complete
mixing (as reflected by uniform
temperature and DO profiles) occurring
by the next measurement on October 14.
In 2002, the reservoir exhibited
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
between years, with winter
temperatures generally less than 5 °C
and summer temperatures reaching 16
to 17 °C. Sites closest to the reservoir
outlet were generally the coolest in the
summer, due to the proximity to cool
reservoir waters.
Temperature observations in 2013
were consistent with historical
monitoring, with winter temperatures
generally less than 5 °C and summer
temperatures peaking at approximately
18 °C with a maximum daily average
temperature of 18.6 °C recorded on
August 25 (figure 5). The applicant
states that the range of daily variation
throughout the year averaged less than
1 °C in 2013 which is consistent with
data collected in 2007.
Dissolved Oxygen—Minimum DO
values measured at the five monitoring
sites from May 2007 through 2009
generally exceeded the 8-mg/L (March
through September) and 4 mg/L
(October through February) water
quality standards in most months and
locations, although measurements at
sites closest to the reservoir did measure
levels lower than the state standard of
8 mg/L at times during the late summer
and early fall months (figure 6).
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PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Beaverhead River
The applicant conducted continuous
monitoring of water temperature, DO,
TDG, and turbidity at a site
approximately 300 feet downstream of
Clark Canyon Dam from June 2007
through 2009 and also collected water
temperature, DO, and turbidity data at
this site again in 2013. In addition, the
2009 monitoring effort included four
additional sites located 0.9, 3.0, 5.7, and
10.7 miles downstream from Clark
Canyon Dam. Water temperature, DO,
TDG and turbidity were monitored for a
minimum period of 48 hours in each
month at each of these sites.
Temperature—Water temperatures
were monitored in the Beaverhead River
from 2007–2009 and again in 2013.
Water temperatures measured in 2007 at
the site 300 feet downstream from the
dam gradually increased from 14.3 °C in
late June, peaked at just over 21 °C on
August 4, and then gradually decreased
to just over 16 °C in early September.
The range of daily variation decreased
as the summer progressed, but averaged
just less than 1 °C. Water temperatures
were highest around noon and lowest
around midnight. Data collected in 2008
and 2009 showed similar patterns
substantial stratification in mid-June,
was weakly stratified in mid-September,
and reflected complete mixing by the
next measurement on October 8. In
2003, stratification was not evident in
July, but no profiles were measured after
July 28 in that year.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Seasonal highs occurred during the
spring and winter months, with a peak
concentration in the month of May, and
lowest concentrations occurring in late
summer. DO concentrations were
temporarily below the 8 mg/L standard
during the month of June, and
concentrations stayed below the
standard continuously from mid-July
through September during the 2013
sampling year (figure 7).
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper,
Montana Trout Unlimited, Rhonda
Sellers (on behalf of the International
Federation of Fly Fishers), and several
local residents filed comments stating
concerns with recent algal blooms that
occurred in the Beaverhead River
downstream of the dam during the
summers of 2014 and 2015.17 Recent
limnological data from Montana DFWP
collected in the summer of 2015
indicate that the reservoir likely
contributes to nitrogen and phosphorus
loads being transported downstream
(Selch, 2015). Downstream transport of
nitrogen and phosphorous can feed algal
growth in the summer which can also
contribute to lower DO levels in the
Beaverhead River during these months.
16 The heavy dashed line applies to data collected
at RM 5.7.
17 See comment letters filed by Wade Fellin on
February 26, 2016; Brian Wheeler on March 1, 2016;
Michael Stack on March 8, 2016; Tim Hunt on
March 11, 2016; Steve Hemkins on March 14, 2016;
Kimball Leighton on March 17, 2016; Gregg B.
Messel on March 21, 2016; Woody Bailey on March
22, 2016, Rhonda Sellers on March 24, 2016;
Christian Appel on March 24, 2016, Cordell Appel
on March 24, 2016, and Luke Massaro on March 24,
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PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Monitoring conducted near the
reservoir outlet in 2008 and 2009
revealed some diel DO patterns,
primarily during the spring and winter
months. For instance, DO generally
increased during the day from morning
to late afternoon before declining. The
greatest amplitudes were observed
during the spring. During the summer
months, there was little or no diel
pattern. The applicant stated that
discharges during those times likely
reduced the opportunity for DO to be
absorbed into solution.
DO observations in 2013 were
consistent with historical monitoring.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Total Dissolved Gas—Current dam
operations cause water to be vigorously
aerated as highly pressurized flows exit
the regulating outlet. As a result, the
flow rate through the dam is highly
correlated with TDG saturation. The
highest flows can lead to oversaturation
and TDG levels above 115 percent
saturation which exceeds the state
standard for TDG of 110 percent
saturation and potentially harm fish.
Although no spill occurred over Clark
Canyon Dam during the 2007
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monitoring period, TDG saturation
levels exceeded the state standard of
110 percent saturation during high flow
periods in 2007, and did so again during
the 2008 and 2009 monitoring years
(figure 8). The applicant states that
statistically, the 110 percent saturation
standard was exceeded when flows
were greater than about 360 cfs. Overall,
TDG levels appeared to track discharge
from Clark Canyon Dam and frequently
exceeded state standards between June
and September. Peak TDG levels
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
exceeded 115–120 percent saturation
during mid-summer in all years, when
flows were in the range of 600 to 900
cfs. Measurements taken at downstream
sites indicated that saturation levels
were reduced as water moved
downstream, although at times TDG
levels remained above the 110 percent
standard at the next three measurement
sites, extending 5.7 miles downstream
from Clark Canyon Dam.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
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sediment deposits due to wave action as
the elevation of the reservoir was
lowered over the irrigation season. Peak
instantaneous turbidity levels of
between 11 and 13 NTU occurred in
mid-August and in late September,
respectively. Longitudinal sampling at
the four downstream sites showed
relatively low average turbidity levels at
all sites except in May, when the 48hour average turbidity level increased
from less than 2.7 NTU at the first three
sites to 7.33 and 21.48 NTU at the sites
located 5.7 and 10.7 miles downstream
of Clark Canyon Dam, respectively.
Elevated turbidity levels at the
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
downstream sites were most likely
attributable to suspended sediment
contributed from tributary inflows.
In 2008, average turbidity levels
ranged between 0.2 and 29.3 NTU. The
29.3–NTU peak in turbidity reported in
March 2008 at station RM 0 is of
questionable accuracy because this peak
is not reflected in measurements taken
at the downstream monitoring stations
(figure 9). In its CWQMP, the applicant
states that such spikes may be due to the
gradual buildup of algae on the sensor
or to debris becoming lodged in the
probe casing near the sensor, thus
causing a faulty reading.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Turbidity—Turbidity measurements
reported by the applicant indicate that
turbidity levels in the Beaverhead River
downstream of Clark Canyon Dam are
generally low (i.e., below 5 NTU per
every 48-hour sampling event), but do
show some seasonal variation. For
example, in 2007, average turbidity
values measured 300 feet downstream
from the dam ranged from a low of 0.02
NTU in July to a high of 4.7 NTU in
September (figure 9). Overall, turbidity
levels measured at the site closest to the
dam were highest in the fall when
reservoir levels were low, which may be
attributable to re-suspension of
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Except for the questionable spike in
turbidity observed at the site closest to
the dam in March 2008, turbidity
remained generally below 5 NTU at all
sites throughout the majority of the 2008
and 2009 monitoring years. Exceptions
to this were most often recorded at the
monitoring site located the furthest
downstream of the dam. For example,
during May 2009, a measurement of
about 20 NTU was recorded at this site.
The applicant noted that this site occurs
below several tributaries and irrigation
returns and is downstream of river
portions that may be more vulnerable to
shoreline erosion, all of which can
elevate turbidity in the river.
In addition to tributary inflow and
irrigation sources, turbidity may also be
affected in Clark Canyon Reservoir and
in the Beaverhead downstream due to
algal blooms. Recent limnological and
bathymetric survey data from Montana
DFWP and Montana DEQ collected in
2015 indicated that both inorganic fine
sediments and concentrations of
nitrogen and phosphorus are likely
being transported downstream through
the existing outlet works (Selch, 2015;
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Flynn, 2015). Downstream transport of
nitrogen and phosphorous can feed algal
growth and, along with other sediment
sources, contribute to turbid conditions
in the Beaverhead River downstream of
Clark Canyon Dam.
Fishery Resources
Fish Community
The Beaverhead River is recognized as
one of the most popular and productive
trout fisheries in North America and is
designated as a blue ribbon fishery by
Montana DFWP. Native fish species
occurring in the Beaverhead River and
in Clark Canyon Reservoir include
mountain whitefish, burbot, mottled
sculpin, mountain sucker, longnose
sucker, and white sucker. Introduced
fish species include rainbow trout,
brown trout, brook trout, redside shiner,
and common carp. Brown and rainbow
trout are well established, and often
attain trophy size in the Beaverhead
River. Special status species that may
occur in the project area include the
westslope cutthroat trout
(Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) and
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Montana Arctic grayling (Thymallus
arcticus montanus).
The westslope cutthroat trout is a
subspecies that occurred historically
throughout the Northern Rocky
Mountain states, including the
Beaverhead River Basin. Genetically
pure and near-pure populations have
been documented in portions of the
Beaverhead River in recent years, and
some individuals may occur in the
project vicinity. The U.S. Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) categorizes
the westslope cutthroat trout as having
special status, which indicates that the
species is imperiled throughout at least
part of its range and documented to
occur on BLM lands. It is currently
listed as a S2 18 species by Montana
18 S1 species are at high risk because of extremely
limited and/or rapidly declining population
numbers, range and/or habitat, making it highly
vulnerable to global extinction or extirpation in the
state. S2 species are at risk because of very limited
and/or potentially declining population numbers,
range and/or habitat, making it vulnerable to global
extinction or extirpation in the state. S3 species are
potentially at risk because of limited and/or
declining numbers, range and/or habitat, even
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
DFWP, meaning that it is at risk because
of very limited and potentially declining
numbers, extent, and/or habitat, making
it highly vulnerable to global extinction
or extirpation in the state. Current
management actions for the westslope
cutthroat trout by federal and state
agencies include the identification and
protection of remaining populations; the
evaluation of areas that provide suitable
habitat for range expansion; and the
expansion of the distribution of
genetically pure strains (Sloat, 2001).
Montana DFWP and sister state agencies
have signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) and Conservation
Agreement that is part of a coordinated
multi-state, range wide effort to
conserve westslope cutthroat trout
(Montana DFWP, 2007). Genetically
pure strains of westslope cutthroat trout
persist in some of the headwaters of
unobstructed tributaries within their
former range where colder temperatures
appear to provide them with a
competitive advantage over introduced
species that require higher temperatures
to reach optimal growth, such as
stocked rainbow trout (Sloat, 2001).
The Montana Arctic grayling
historically occurred throughout the
upper Missouri River Basin upstream of
Great Falls, Montana, including the
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
though it may be abundant in some areas (Montana
NHP and Montana DFWP, 2016).
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Beaverhead River. In recent years, the
Montana Arctic grayling has been
stocked into the Beaverhead River
downstream of the city of Dillon in an
attempt to re-establish the species. The
species is listed as sensitive by the U.S.
Forest Service, indicating there is a
concern for population viability within
the state due to a significant current or
predicted downward trend in
populations or habitat. The species has
also been petitioned for listing under
the ESA several times since 1991
although the FWS determined it was not
warranted for listing in 2014 (79 FR
49384). BLM affords the species special
status and Montana DFWP lists it as G1–
S1 species, indicating it is at high risk
because of extremely limited and
potentially declining numbers, extent,
and/or habitat, making it highly
vulnerable to global extinction or
extirpation in the state.
Fisheries in the Beaverhead River
Basin have been cumulatively affected
by grazing in riparian or shoreline
zones, flow regulation and diversion for
irrigated crop production, land clearing
for development, and cumulative effects
on water quality from these and other
Beaverhead River Fishery
The Beaverhead River between Clark
Canyon Dam and Barrett’s Diversion
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Dam is a productive tailwater fishery.
This portion of the river is designated as
a blue ribbon fishery and angler use can
be very high from May through
November. The dominant fish species in
the Beaverhead River are brown trout
and, to a lesser degree, rainbow trout.
While neither of these species is native
to the river, their populations are
considered to be wild and selfsustaining.
Surveys to determine the abundance
of age 1+ rainbow and brown trout have
been conducted by Montana DFWP
within the project vicinity annually
since 1986. Survey data collected by
between RM 74.9 to RM 73.3 in the
Beaverhead River below Clark Canyon
Dam between 1991 and 2013 are shown
on figure 10 below. Brown trout
abundance was observed to range from
473 fish per mile to 2,619 fish per mile
and averaged 1,369 fish per mile
between 1991 and 2013. Rainbow trout
abundance was observed to range from
99 fish per mile to 680 fish per mile and
averaged 305 fish per mile between
1991 and 2013. Oswald (2003) reports
that rainbow trout in the reach
downstream of Clark Canyon Dam have
declined as the population of brown
trout has expanded.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Trout abundance in the survey area of
the Beaverhead River has been observed
to fluctuate with discharge flows which
are generally attributable to regional
weather conditions. Populations of both
species appear to be adversely affected
in dry water years, when the minimum
flow released from Clark Canyon Dam
may be reduced substantially during the
winter (non-irrigation) season. Oswald
(2006) reported that the number of
brown trout greater than 18 inches in
length in the Beaverhead River
exceeded 600 fish per mile from 1998 to
2000, after a series of wet water years
when the mean winter flow releases
were over 200 cfs. Dry water years from
2001 through 2006 resulted in winter
flow releases of less than 50 cfs, and the
estimated number of brown trout greater
than 18 inches in length subsequently
declined to about 400 fish per mile by
2002, to 300 fish per mile by 2004, and
to 100 fish per mile by 2006.
Gas bubble trauma has been
documented in trout populations in the
Beaverhead River (Oswald, 1985, as
cited by Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC,
2015a). The primary cause of gas bubble
trauma in regulated systems is TDG
supersaturation from water spilled at
dams, which commonly occurs when
entrained air is dissolved in water under
pressure at depth in plunge pools
(Beeman et al., 2003). Gas bubble
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trauma induces a variety of sub-lethal
and lethal effects in fish and other
aquatic species (EPRI, 1990; Weitkamp
and Katz, 1980). Gas bubble trauma is
characterized by the formation of gas
bubbles in the body cavities of fish,
such as behind the eyes or between
layers of skin tissue. Small bubbles can
form within the vascular system,
blocking the flow of blood and causing
tissue death. Bubbles can also form in
the gill lamellae and block blood flow,
occasionally resulting in death by
asphyxiation. The effects of gas bubble
trauma can range from mild to fatal
depending on the level of TDG
supersaturation, species, life stage,
depth, condition of the aquatic
organism, and temperature of the water
(Beeman et al., 2003).
In 1983, elevated TDG levels and gas
bubble trauma were observed for the
first time in the Beaverhead River
downstream of Clark Canyon Dam. It
was originally believed that the elevated
TDG levels were caused by very high
flows that included releasing the
maximum quantity of flow through the
outlet works and—for the first and only
time since construction—releasing
water through the spillway. Data
collected by Oswald (1985) indicated
that 8.8 percent of brown trout and 3
percent of the rainbow trout sampled
downstream of the dam exhibited gas
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
bubble trauma symptoms. Data collected
by Falter and Bennett (1987) during a
non-spill period, however, also found
elevated levels of TDG in the river. In
fact, the highest TDG concentration
observed for the non-spill period was
126 percent of saturation compared to
127 percent of saturation during the
spill event. Falter and Bennett (1987)
suggested that the primary cause of TDG
supersaturation downstream of Clark
Canyon Dam is the turbulent mixing
and plunging of flows released through
the existing outlet structure of the dam.
Data reported by the applicant indicate
that TDG levels continue to remain
above state standards, even in the
absence of spills.
Other factors that may adversely affect
trout populations in the Beaverhead
River include outbreaks of bacterial
furunculosis, and the more recent
introductions of New Zealand mud snail
(an exotic nuisance species that may
displace species of greater forage value
to trout) and whirling disease
(Reclamation, 2006).
Clark Canyon Reservoir Fishery
Clark Canyon Reservoir supports a
popular fishery for rainbow trout. Other
common or abundant fish species
include white sucker, redside shiner,
brown trout and burbot. Rare species
present in the reservoir include brook
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
trout, mountain whitefish, carp, and
westslope cutthroat trout.
Relative abundance of rainbow and
brown trout in Clark Canyon Reservoir
has been documented since 1980 by gill
netting. Rainbow trout abundance in fall
surveys conducted between 1989 and
2011 was observed to range from 1.2
fish per net to 50 fish per net in 2004
and 2006, respectively. Rainbow trout
abundance in spring surveys conducted
between 1980 and 2006 was observed to
range from 2.9 fish per net to 18.7 fish
per net in 1991 and 2006, respectively.
Brown trout abundance in spring and
fall surveys has remained fairly low and
stable; generally ranging between 1 fish
per net and 10 fish per net. To augment
the existing rainbow trout population in
Clark Canyon Reservoir, Montana DFWP
collects and spawns broodstock from
Red Rock River. Fertilized eggs from
these fish are incubated and reared in
hatcheries and then are released into the
reservoir as fingerlings or yearlings.
Between 100,000 and 300,000 fingerling
trout are stocked into the reservoir in
most years, and approximately 70,000
additional yearling fish have been
released in most years since 2002.
Broodstock collection has not been
undertaken in some drought years,
when flows in the Red Rock River were
too low to support a spawning migration
of rainbow trout (Reclamation, 2006).
The health of the Clark Canyon
Reservoir fishery has been linked to
reservoir operation. Reclamation (2006)
reports that fish populations typically
remain healthy in years where storage
remains over 60,000 acre-feet at the end
of the summer irrigation season, with
year-end storage levels of 100,000 acrefeet or greater providing optimum
habitat conditions.
Environmental Effects
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Flow Releases During Project
Aquatic resources downstream of the
dam may be affected during
construction if project construction
impairs the ability of streamflows to be
released downstream into the
Beaverhead River, or if it alters water
quality compared to existing conditions.
Because the existing outlet works would
not be available to provide flow releases
during part of the construction period,
the applicant developed a plan for
maintaining the continuity of flow
releases during construction in
consultation with Reclamation, FWS,
Montana DFWP, District, Clark Canyon
Water Supply Company, and Montana
DEQ. The final Instream Flow Release
Plan, incorporating comments received
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from the consulted agencies, was filed
with the license application.
During installation and pressuregrouting of the steel penstock liner,
construction of the trifurcation leading
to the powerhouse turbines, and
installation of associated valves,
minimum flows to the Beaverhead River
would need to be bypassed around the
existing penstock. The applicant
estimates that this phase of the
construction process would require
approximately 8 to 12 weeks, extending
from October into December. In its Final
Instream Flow Release Plan, the
applicant proposes to provide
streamflows during this period using
electric pumps mounted on a barge
anchored in the project forebay. After
this phase of the construction has been
completed, flow would be released
through the existing penstock.
Prior to the start of construction, the
number of primary and backup pumps
would be determined based on the
minimum flow release that would be
required by Reclamation during the
construction period. The number of
primary and backup pump units would
be a function of the final construction
specifications and bypass flow
requirements. The applicant anticipates
that one or two pumps would most
likely be required, but it proposes to
provide as many pumps as are needed
to pass the minimum flow specified by
Reclamation. The applicant provided
cost estimates for the installation of up
to four pumps. The applicant proposes
to mount the primary and backup pump
units on a platform anchored in the
forebay near the spillway, and to screen
the pump intakes to meet resource
agency requirements for fish exclusion.
Magnetic flow measuring equipment
would be installed on each discharge
pipe so that the discharge from each
pump can be measured. In addition, the
applicant proposes to install a gaging
station immediately downstream of the
project prior to construction.
Reclamation would be consulted prior
to construction regarding how the
exchange of flow releases from the
regulating outlet to the pumps and back
again would occur, and continuous
contact would be maintained between
representatives of the applicant and
Reclamation during this period.
A diesel generator located above the
reservoir shoreline would be available
to provide backup power in the event of
a power outage. The generator would be
enclosed in a spill containment unit of
sufficient capacity to handle the diesel
generator fuel storage. Additionally, an
earthen berm would be placed around
the generator site. The diesel generator
would provide controls for automatic
PO 00000
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startup and electrical transfer if an
outage occurs. The applicant also
proposes to provide full-time/24-hour
staff attendance of the pumping system
when flows are being bypassed around
Reclamation’s existing intake and outlet
works during construction of the
proposed penstock.
Our Analysis
The applicant’s proposal to
implement its Final Instream Flow
Release Plan, with provisions to pump
flows around the existing penstock to
the Beaverhead River at flows dictated
by Reclamation, would ensure that
streamflows and water quality suitable
to protect aquatic life are maintained in
the Beaverhead River downstream of the
dam during project construction.
Providing stable flow releases would be
especially important to brown trout and
mountain whitefish, which spawn in
the Beaverhead River in October and
November and rely on stable river flows
for reproductive success.
The applicant estimates that this
phase of the construction process would
require approximately 8 to 12 weeks,
extending from October into December.
Elevated flows associated with irrigation
demands have typically ended by late
September. The timing of irrigation
releases and the amount of minimum
flow to be released after irrigation
releases end are determined jointly by
Reclamation and the East Bench Joint
Board of Control, which is composed of
the District and the Clark Canyon Water
Supply Company. Minimum flows
released during the post-irrigation
season are determined using guidelines
based on the amount of reservoir storage
at the beginning of September plus the
total inflow that occurs during July and
August (table 3).
September 1 Storage Plus
July–August Inflow
Less than 80,000 ..........................
80,000–130,000 ............................
130,000–160,000 ..........................
Greater than 160,000 ...................
Staff examined the end-of-month
storage for Clark Canyon Reservoir for
the years 1965–2016. Over the period of
record, end-of-month storage for the
month of September was generally less
than 160,000 acre-feet with very few
exceptions (Reclamation, 2016). Data for
the most recent three years showed that
storage for September ranged from
47,983–59,215 acre-feet (Reclamation,
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
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2016). Given the data, we do not expect
that the applicant would be required to
provide a minimum flow above 100 cfs
during the pumping stage of
construction. Nevertheless, the
applicant commits to being prepared to
release whatever flow is required by
Reclamation during the construction
period. Consultation with Reclamation
prior to the start of construction to
determine what minimum flows would
be required during the construction
period, as the applicant proposes,
would ensure that a sufficient number
of primary and backup pumps are
installed to maintain the required
minimum release flows. Provision of
backup pumps and a backup generator,
as proposed by the applicant, would
help to ensure that the required
minimum flow is maintained in the
event of a mechanical failure or power
outage. Installation of the backup
generator and fuel storage in a
containment unit would help to ensure
that any spills of diesel fuel are
contained and do not enter the
Additional provisions proposed by
the applicant that would help ensure
flow continuity during project operation
• When flows drop below 87.5 cfs
(the minimum hydraulic capacity of the
powerhouse), the flow would be
gradually transferred to the main
penstock through synchronization
between the powerhouse and the
penstock valves. As flow is reduced
through the powerhouse valves, flow
would increase correspondingly through
the penstock valve, and vice versa.
• The project is being engineered
such that, in the event of emergency
shut down or during a drop in flows
that precludes power generation, the
closure of the powerhouse valves and
the return of flows to the normal outlet
works would be automatically
synchronized to eliminate the potential
for unintended ramping. There would
be no transition between pressurized
and non-pressurized flows through the
regulating outlet once the project is
operational. Upon completion of the
project, flows exiting the dam would be
pressurized at all exit points except for
the spillway.
• A project operator would be on site
daily and Reclamation personnel would
be notified immediately in the event of
an unplanned shutdown or in case of
any other type of emergency.
Implementing these measures would
help ensure a very low likelihood of
unintended ramping or dewatering of
aquatic habitat as a result of project
operation. Also informing Montana
DFWP of any unplanned shutdown
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would provide that agency with
information relevant to its management
of fishery resources downstream of the
Providing 24-hour attendance of the
pumping system for the duration of time
that minimum flows are to be
maintained by pumping would help
avoid or minimize any adverse effects
on aquatic resources caused by failure
or malfunction of any component of the
pumping system. Failure of the
pumping system could have
catastrophic consequences on fish and
aquatic resources, especially brown
trout and whitefish that are known to
spawn during October and November in
areas downstream of the dam. Because
the pumps would provide the only
means to transfer water from the
reservoir to the river, it is anticipated
that streamflows downstream of the
dam would immediately begin to recede
in the event of a pumping system
failure. Any potential adverse effects of
a pumping failure would be minimized
by having properly trained staff on site
to ensure a return to normal operations
as quickly as possible. Further,
installing a water level alarm to detect
falling water levels in the Beaverhead
River near the instream flow release
point could help alert onsite staff of any
need to activate back-up pumps or
address any unforeseen problems with
the pumping system.
Notifying Montana DEQ and Montana
DFWP within 24 hours of any
unauthorized discharge of pollutants, as
the applicant proposes in its CWQMP,
would help ensure that best
management practices are adhered to
and that any spills are addressed in a
timely and thorough manner.
Construction Water Quality Monitoring
Montana DEQ’s condition 2 stipulates
the applicant submit a plan to monitor
turbidity, temperature, DO, and TDG
during construction. In its CWQMP, the
applicant proposes to monitor DO,
temperature, and turbidity at a site
approximately 300 feet downstream of
the proposed powerhouse and parking
construction areas while TDG would be
monitored immediately below the
spillway pool when flows are being
bypassed around Reclamation’s existing
intake and outlet works during
construction of the proposed penstock.
If monitoring indicates that the state
of Montana standard for TDG of 110
percent saturation is exceeded during
pumping, the applicant would
reposition the pump outlets until the
state standard is met. Data would be
transmitted in real time to the
construction manager’s trailer at the
construction site, with mean values
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recorded at 15-minute intervals. Routine
calibration and maintenance of field
equipment would be accomplished in
accordance with the manufacturer’s
The applicant’s plan also includes
provisions to take a vertical profile of
dissolved oxygen levels and water
temperatures in Clark Canyon Reservoir
prior to commencement of pumping
activities to ensure that reservoir mixing
has occurred. If mixing has not
occurred, then the applicant would
delay modifying Reclamation’s penstock
and inlet works until this determination
is made; thereby ensuring that any water
pumped around Reclamation’s penstock
does not degrade water quality
conditions below the dam.
For turbidity monitoring, the
applicant proposes to use 5 NTU as
background from which to evaluate
turbidity levels generated by
construction activities. Should this level
be exceeded by more than 5 NTU during
construction, the applicant would
conduct a ground survey to determine if
there is noticeable sedimentation arising
from the construction area, take a water
sample to verify the reading, and also
determine if the probe is functioning
properly and clear of algae or other
debris. Any event resulting in a
discharge of sediment would be
reported within 24 hours to Montana
DEQ and Montana DFWP to determine
the need for corrective measures.
The applicant proposes to submit
annual water quality monitoring reports
to Reclamation, FWS, Montana DFWP,
and Montana DEQ by February 15
following each year of construction.
Agencies would have 60 days to review
the draft reports and the applicant
would submit a final report to the
Commission each year addressing
agency comments. The reports would
include the raw data, documentation of
any deviations from water quality
criteria, and documentation of
procedures to correct any deviations. In
addition to annual reporting, the
applicant proposes and Montana DEQ’s
condition 7 stipulates that the applicant
notify Montana DEQ and Montana
DFWP within 24 hours of any event that
results in the discharge of sediment or
pollutants as described above. The
applicant also proposes to file an
incident report with the Commission
following the event.
Our Analysis
Monitoring water temperature, DO,
TDG, and turbidity prior to and during
construction as the applicant proposes
and as stipulated by Montana DEQ’s
condition 2 would ensure that any
adverse effects on water quality are
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
identified and that appropriate actions
are undertaken to protect aquatic
resources in Clark Canyon Reservoir and
in the Beaverhead River downstream of
the dam during all phases of
Available information on water
temperature and DO levels in Clark
Canyon Reservoir indicate that the
reservoir is typically well-mixed by late
September so that the depth at which
water is drawn from the reservoir during
the October start date for pumping flows
around the existing intake and outlet
works should have no effect on
downstream water quality conditions.
Collecting reservoir profile data prior to
the start of project construction, as the
applicant proposes, would help to
determine whether reservoir mixing has
occurred and to assess whether project
construction can be initiated without
causing any adverse changes in
downstream water quality. If preconstruction water quality monitoring
indicates that temperature and DO are
not uniform by the proposed October
start date, delaying the start date of
construction would further ensure that
downstream water quality is protected
prior to initiating pumping activities.
There is some potential that the
pumping system used to bypass flows
around the existing intake and outlet
works during construction of the
proposed penstock would provide a
different level of aeration than currently
occurs in the existing outlet structure,
which could affect DO and TDG
concentrations. If the pump discharge
lines do not extend to the base of the
spillway, aeration that would occur as
flows pass down the spillway should
ensure that DO and TDG concentrations
equilibrate with atmospheric
conditions, which would likely improve
water quality for a temporary period
compared to existing conditions. In the
unlikely event that water quality
conditions during pumping activities
are adversely affected and water quality
standards are not met, this would be
detected by the proposed water quality
monitoring program and appropriate
measures could be taken (e.g.,
repositioning the pump outlets) until
Montana DEQ’s water quality standards
for DO and TDG are met.
The proposed temporary pumping
facility could affect turbidity levels
downstream by taking in sediment
through its intake in the reservoir, or by
disturbance during installation or
removal of the intake. Monitoring
turbidity levels downstream of the
construction footprint immediately
prior to and during construction as
described in the applicant’s CWQMP
would alert the construction manager of
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a spike in turbidity and the need to
determine the cause of the event and
any necessary corrective measures to
protect water quality. Because turbidity
levels near the proposed construction
footprint are generally less than 5 NTU
during the year, using 5 NTU as a
background turbidity level as the
applicant proposes would be more than
adequate to identify when a spike in
turbidity has occurred beyond naturally
occurring background levels. Notifying
Montana DFWP and Montana DEQ
within 24 hours of a discharge of
sediment or pollutants would alert the
agencies of these events as they occur
and allow for these agencies to provide
timely recommendations to protect
water quality and fish resources
downstream during construction.
Providing annual water quality
monitoring reports to the agencies and
the Commission during construction as
the applicant proposes would provide a
mechanism to evaluate whether any
changes are needed to achieve water
quality standards on a year-to-year basis
during construction. However, in
addition to annual reporting, notifying
the agencies within 24 hours of a
deviation from water quality criteria,
and submitting an incident report to the
Commission following the incident
would enable the Commission and
agencies to determine whether best
management practices are being
followed and that any needed corrective
actions are addressed in a timely
Also, notifying Montana DEQ and
Montana DFWP within 24 hours of any
discharge of pollutants and submitting
an incident report with the Commission
following the event would help ensure
that best management practices are
adhered to and that any spills are
addressed in a timely and thorough
Minimum Instream Flows
The applicant proposes that the
project be operated as a run-of-release
project, in which the flows downstream
of the project powerhouse would be
dictated by Reclamation, thus the flows
would be identical to the flows that
would be released by Reclamation in the
absence of the project. This is consistent
with Reclamation’s 4(e) condition 9,
which states that the timing, quantity,
and location of water releases and
release changes from the facilities
would be at the sole discretion of
Interior, Upper Missouri Waterkeeper,
and Montana Trout Unlimited
recommend that the applicant work
closely with water users and federal and
state agencies to improve minimum
PO 00000
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instream flow conditions in the
Beaverhead River, and support the
implementation of the 2006 MOU
between Reclamation and Montana
DFWP entitled Betterment of the
Beaverhead River and Valley.
Interior and Montana Trout Unlimited
also recommend that the applicant
contribute to improvements in water use
efficiency to enhance instream flows for
fisheries and environmental health of
the river. They recommend that the
applicant dedicate 4 percent of the gross
hydropower revenues to funding
independent technical studies of water
efficiency improvements or funding onthe-ground water conservation measures
designed to result in instream flow
improvements. Interior and Montana
Trout Unlimited recommend that the
applicant prepare annual reports that
explain the uses and expenditures of
such funds, and the expected benefits of
funded activities. In advance of
submitting the annual report to the
Commission, the applicant would
provide the report to Montana DFWP
and FWS for a 30-day review, and attach
any comments received on the report
when filing it with the Commission.
Our Analysis
Available information indicates that
trout populations in the Beaverhead
River are adversely affected by low
flows that occur during the nonirrigation season and that fish
populations in Clark Canyon Reservoir
are adversely affected by low reservoir
levels during periods of drought.
Encouraging the implementation of
water conservation strategies in the
basin could alleviate adverse conditions
that occur in Clark Canyon Reservoir
and in the Beaverhead River during
drought conditions. However, we note
that operation of the project as proposed
by the applicant would not cause any
changes in the flows in the Beaverhead
River or on water storage levels in Clark
Canyon Reservoir.
The 2006 Reclamation/Montana
DFWP MOU includes the following
elements: (1) Identify environmental
degradation issues of the Beaverhead
River; (2) investigate possible solutions
to correct degradation issues; (3) review
Clark Canyon Reservoir operation to
increase river and reservoir
environmental health; (4) explore water
conservation projects; (5) describe
fishery goals and fish management
objectives; and (6) work through a
collaborative process with interested
groups to develop resource management
strategies to improve the environmental
health of Clark Canyon Reservoir and
the Beaverhead River. Implementing the
applicant’s proposed water quality
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
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monitoring program would assist with
identifying any environmental impacts
associated with project construction and
operation, and determine whether
measures are needed to address project
effects. The monitoring program would
also contribute information on water
quality conditions that would be useful
to Reclamation and Montana DFWP as
they pursue implementation of the
The applicant’s proposal to operate
the project to provide flows determined
by Reclamation, consistent with
Reclamation’s 4(e) condition 9, would
ensure that any changes in reservoir
operation or flow regimes implemented
under the MOU or through any other
agreements that Reclamation enters into
would not be impeded by operation of
the project.
We make our final recommendation
for water efficiency improvements in
section 5.2, Comprehensive
Development and Recommended
Water Quality Operation Effects
Montana DEQ’s condition 3 stipulates
that the applicant maintain DO levels at
saturation (approximately 7.5 mg/L or
higher, depending on the temperature of
the reservoir water at the intakes) from
June 1 through August 31 and 8.0 mg/
L the rest of the year while operating.
Condition 5 stipulates that the applicant
submit a plan prior to construction
describing any project design
engineering modifications for
maintaining DO at these levels.
Condition 4 stipulates that the applicant
maintain TDG levels at 110 percent or
lower downstream of the project while
Diverting water through the
applicant’s proposed penstock and
turbines at Clark Canyon Dam has the
potential to reduce DO concentrations
downstream compared to current
conditions by reducing the turbulence
and the entrainment of gases in water
exiting the powerhouse. Reduced DO
concentrations may limit salmonid
growth and reproduction and delay
embryonic development and hatching of
juveniles if concentrations remain low
for extended periods (EPRI, 1990). In
order to address potential DO and other
water quality concerns during project
operation and to comply with Montana
DEQ’s certification conditions, the
applicant proposes to construct and
operate an aeration basin downstream of
the powerhouse and to implement its
Revised DOEP during project operation
which includes: (1) Procedures for
monitoring and reporting temperature,
DO, and TDG levels in project waters for
a minimum of five years following
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initial project operation; (2) procedures
for enhancing DO concentrations for
water exiting the tailrace; and (3)
corrective measures and emergency
shutdown procedures to be
implemented if deviations from state
water quality criteria occur during
project operation. The applicant states
that the plan was developed in
consultation with Reclamation, FWS,
Montana DFWP, and Montana DEQ.
Water quality monitoring provisions
included in the plan are evaluated in
section, Post-Construction Water
Quality Monitoring.
The proposed aeration basin would
consist of three 45-foot-long, 10-footwide frames containing 330 diffusers
with the capacity to add additional
frames if needed. The diffuser system
would feature two mechanical blowers,
an electronic control system, and ducted
aeration diffuser disks to inject fine
bubbles of air into the water column to
provide the additional aeration. The
applicant states that the blower and
diffuser system would be designed with
the capacity to elevate DO levels by a
maximum of 7.5 mg/L before the water
enters the Beaverhead River and could
be adjusted based on the level of
aeration needed to meet state criteria.
The applicant anticipates that operation
of the aeration basin would likely occur
from June through mid-September each
year, which is the time that DO
concentrations at the bottom of the
reservoir (i.e., near the depth of the
intake) are expected to be at their lowest
levels of the year.
The blower for the aeration basin
would include sensors to monitor flow
rates and could be adjusted by the
operator using controls located both
remotely and in the powerhouse. The
volume of air supplied by the blower
would be based on the level of DO
enhancement that is required for a given
volume of water and would take into
account empirically observed oxygen
transfer rates. The applicant states that
in early summer, as DO levels decline,
the air diffusers in the aeration basin
would be gradually brought online to
maintain DO concentrations in the
Beaverhead River downstream. If DO
concentrations decline to such levels
that the diffusers are insufficient to meet
Montana DEQ’s DO criteria (i.e., 7.5–8.0
mg/L) during these months, then flows
would be gradually shifted through the
cone valves to the existing project works
to provide additional aeration beyond
that provided by the aeration basin
alone.19 This shift in flow would occur
either automatically based on feedback
from the applicant’s water quality
monitoring probes or manually by an
operator as needed.
In an emergency shutdown or if
probes at compliance monitoring Site 3
located approximately 300 feet
downstream of the project in the
Beaverhead River (described further
below in section PostConstruction Water Quality Monitoring)
show that Montana DEQ’s DO criteria
cannot be met, the project would
automatically trip offline, triggering the
closing of the wicket gates on the
turbines and simultaneously opening
the cone valve, transferring all flows
through the cone valves at the existing
project works. If blowers malfunction
during the time that the applicant needs
to provide additional aeration, the
project would remain offline until the
backup blower is connected or the
blowers are replaced. The applicant also
proposes to notify Reclamation
immediately in the event of an
unplanned shutdown or any other type
of emergency that occurs during project
Montana DFWP recommends that the
applicant’s aeration system be designed
to achieve water quality standards
downstream when water entering the
project works has DO concentrations of
0 mg/L or the applicant should be
willing to shut the project down. In its
reply comments, the applicant reiterated
that its proposed aeration basin is
designed to provide the necessary level
of DO enhancement downstream, but in
any case it would shift flows through
the existing outlet works or shut the
project down as a last resort to meet
water quality standards.
In addition, Montana DFWP and
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
recommend that the applicant evaluate
the need for dam infrastructure
alterations and/or changes in long-term
operations to minimize downstream
turbidity resulting from entrainment of
organic material or inorganic fine
sediment from the reservoir into the
project works. In its reply comments,
the applicant stated that the Clark
Canyon Project would not alter the
depth of the reservoir intake, or the rate,
volume, or velocity of water withdrawn.
As a result, the applicant contends that
minimizing entrainment of suspended
organic and inorganic material is not
within its operational control.
19 The applicant states the shift of partial flows
to the cone valve can function to aerate water using
the existing outlet works in addition to the
proposed aeration basin thereby potentially further
enhancing DO levels beyond what the aeration
basin would provide alone.
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Our Analysis
Installation of turbines at the outlet
works as proposed by the applicant has
the potential to alter TDG levels
downstream of the project. Under
existing conditions, water leaving the
outlet structures is subject to aeration
and plunging as it exits the outlet
works, which likely causes
supersaturated TDG levels that have
been documented in the dam tailrace
during the months of June through
September (see Figure 8). Elevated TDG
levels may injure or kill fish that are
exposed depending on the level of TDG
supersaturation, species, life stage,
depth, condition of the aquatic
organism, and temperature of the water
(Beeman et al., 2003). Passing water
through the turbines would reduce the
plunging effect and turbulence that
occur under existing conditions, as well
as the potential for entrained air to enter
solution under pressure in the outlet
works and in the spillway pool, thereby
reducing the potential for TDG
supersaturation. Thus, when flows are
within the operating range of the project
(i.e., between 87.5 and 700 cfs), we
expect that the potential for TDG
supersaturation would be reduced
compared to existing conditions which
would benefit aquatic resources in the
Beaverhead River downstream of the
dam. Based on mean monthly flow
release data for Clark Canyon Dam, we
expect flow releases to be within this
range a majority of the time (see figures
3 and 4). While it is reasonable to expect
that TDG levels would be lowered
during project operation (as compared
to not operating the project), it is
difficult to predict whether Montana
DEQ’s criteria of 110 percent saturation
could be maintained at all times during
project operation.
This would especially be the case
when flow release requirements exceed
the 700-cfs hydraulic capacity of the
powerhouse. Under this scenario,
additional flows would bypass the
powerhouse penstock at the trifurcation
and would be discharged through the
existing outlet works, and in rare
circumstances, through the spillway. As
previously noted, TDG supersaturation
frequently occurs when flows are
released through the existing outlet
works at the dam. Therefore, any time
that flows exceed the 700-cfs capacity of
the powerhouse which can occur at
times during the peak summer irrigation
season (see figures 3 and 4), it would
not be unreasonable to expect that TDG
supersaturation could occur. We would
also expect that TDG supersaturation
may occur if flows are partially shifted
through the existing outlet works to
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enhance DO beyond what the
applicant’s proposed aeration basin
would provide alone or if the project is
shut down and all flows are released
through the existing outlet works.
According to its Revised DOEP, the
applicant plans to take an adaptive
management approach to correct any
deviations from state water quality
criteria, including TDG levels that occur
during operation. At this time, we are
not aware of any additional potential
measures that could be implemented at
the project to minimize TDG levels;
therefore, we assume that the project
would be required to cease operation
should TDG levels exceed the 110
percent saturation criteria stipulated by
Montana DEQ’s condition 4 similar to
what would occur if DO criteria aren’t
met. Under a shutdown scenario,
supersaturation of gases may occur at
times during the summer and early fall
as is typical under existing conditions
until any future corrective actions are
identified and implemented.
Although reduced turbulence in the
tailrace area could benefit aquatic
resources by reducing the frequency and
extent of gas supersaturation, it could
also decrease DO concentrations in the
Beaverhead River by reducing the
degree of aeration that occurs to water
that is discharged downstream of the
dam. Water currently discharges
through the dam’s outlet works under
turbulent conditions, which tend to
entrain atmospheric gases, thus
increasing DO concentrations relative to
Clark Canyon reservoir background
levels. In contrast, discharging water
through a powerhouse would reduce the
turbulence and plunging effect and thus
capacity for DO entrainment. The
potential to pass water with decreased
DO concentrations would be greatest in
July, August, and September when DO
concentrations at the bottom of the
reservoir (near the depth of the intake)
would be expected to be at the lowest
levels of the year (i.e., approaching 0
mg/L). Since baseline information
indicates that DO levels in the upper
Beaverhead River can fall below the
7.5–8.0 mg/L criteria for trout under
existing aeration conditions, it appears
likely that some level of DO
enhancement would be necessary to
ensure compliance with the state DO
criteria during project operation.
Early life stages of trout begin to see
declines in their growth rates when DO
levels fall below 8 mg/L and cannot
survive in extremely hypoxic conditions
when DO levels fall below 1–3 mg/L
(EPRI, 1990). Because baseline
information indicates that DO levels in
the upper Beaverhead River can at times
fall below the 7.5–8.0 mg/L criteria in
PO 00000
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the summer months, providing the
necessary aeration to achieve this
criteria throughout the summer would
enhance water quality and provide a
benefit to aquatic resources during these
months, particularly early life stages of
trout that are typically more vulnerable
to low DO levels (EPRI, 1990). Foust et
al. (2008) determined that an air
admission system is a particularly costeffective method for improving DO
conditions in a hydroelectric project
tailrace and EPRI (2002) states that
tailrace diffusers are widely accepted as
devices capable of providing
supplemental aeration. A similar
aeration basin and diffuser array was
built and operating effectively at the
Island Park Hydroelectric Project (FERC
Project No. 2973) in Idaho. Water
quality monitoring reports filed from
2001–2016 confirmed that the Island
Park Hydroelectric Project was
successful at meeting state DO standards
of 7.0 mg/L approximately 99 percent of
the time during that period.20 Given the
information available, we anticipate that
using a similar aeration basin and
tailrace diffuser array to inject air into
the water column to provide at least 7.5
mg/L of DO as the applicant proposes
would maintain DO concentrations
downstream to support all life stages of
trout even when source reservoir levels
are approaching 0 mg/L. Shifting flows
to the existing outlet structures as
needed to either achieve a level of 8.0
mg/L or shutting the project down and
passing all flows through Reclamation’s
outlet works would ensure that project
operation does not degrade water
quality conditions relative to existing
conditions and ensure that the applicant
complies with DO levels stipulated by
Montana DEQ’s condition 3 while
operating. Diverting all flows through
the existing project works in the event
of a blower failure or during an
emergency shutdown would further
ensure that existing water quality
conditions are maintained downstream
consistent with Montana DFWP’s
In regard to Montana DFWP’s and
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper’s
recommendations that the applicant
evaluate the need for dam infrastructure
alterations and/or changes in long-term
operations to minimize downstream
turbidity, we echo the applicant’s reply
comment that it wouldn’t alter the
depth of the reservoir intake, or the rate,
20 See annual water quality monitoring reports for
the Island Park Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project
No. 2973) filed on November 2, 2001; April 22,
2002; August 25, 2003; July 9, 2004; August 8, 2005;
June 27, 2006; October 3, 2007; December 31, 2008;
November 12, 2009; December 6, 2010; and March
16, 2016.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
volume, or velocity of water withdrawn
as these are determined solely by
Reclamation. Therefore, we are not
aware of what changes to dam
infrastructure or operations would
result from the recommended
evaluation to be able to sufficiently
evaluate this measure. The applicant
already proposes to implement other
soil and erosion control measures
during construction (i.e., implementing
its ESCP and CWQMP) which should
inform how construction of the
proposed penstock and outlet works
affects downstream turbidity. Given
these measures and the restrictions
listed above, it is unclear what
additional water quality benefit would
be gained by requiring the applicant to
conduct the recommended evaluation.
Post-Construction Water Quality
Montana DEQ’s condition 1 stipulates
that the applicant conduct water quality
monitoring for temperature, DO, and
TDG for a minimum of the first five
years of project operation and each year
thereafter while discharging from July
through October, unless Montana DEQ
determines that additional monitoring is
not warranted based on a review of the
monitoring results for the first five years
of project operation. Condition 6
stipulates that the project shut down
automatically if DO levels fall below
Montana DEQ standards and that a
second, redundant DO probe be
deployed at site 3 to ensure compliance
with DO criteria during project
operation. Condition 6 also stipulates
that in the event that automated alarms
indicate that water quality standards
may have been exceeded (i.e., TDG or
temperature criteria), that an on-call
operator be required to arrive within 30
minutes to evaluate the causes of the
non-compliance reading. Condition 11
stipulates that the applicant meet
annually with all watershed
stakeholders to discuss water quality
monitoring efforts associated with
project operation.21
In its Revised DOEP, the applicant
proposes to continuously monitor TDG,
DO and water temperature for at least
the first five years of project operation
consistent with Montana DEQ’s
condition 1. The applicant would
monitor DO and temperature at three
sites and TDG at two sites during this
initial monitoring period (table 4).
[Source: License application as modified by staff]
site a
Temperature (°C) ....................................................
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L and percent saturation) b
Total Dissolved Gas (percent saturation) ...............
Frequency and duration
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
2, 3
Continuous for a minimum of first five years of project operation.
Continuous for a minimum of first five years of project operation.
Continuous for a minimum of first five years of project operation.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Notes: °C—degrees Celsius; mg/L—milligram per liter.
a Site 1 is small chamber located upstream of proposed turbines. Site 2 is located in the proposed aeration basin. Site 3 is located about 300
feet downstream of the project in the Beaverhead River.
b Site 3 would also contain a second redundant probe to monitor DO levels in the Beaverhead River for the first year of project operation and
then each year thereafter from June 1–September 14, subject to approval from Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP.
Temperature and DO levels of the
intake water would be monitored by
diverting small amounts of water from
the project penstock upstream of the
turbines into a small pressurized
chamber containing a monitoring probe
(Site 1) that would continuously
transmit data to the powerhouse. Probes
would also be deployed in the aeration
basin (Site 2) and at a site
approximately 300 feet downstream of
the project in the Beaverhead River (Site
3). A second redundant probe to
‘‘double-check’’ DO concentrations
would also be deployed at Site 3
consistent with Montana DEQ’s
condition 6 for the first monitoring year
and then from June 1 through
September 15 each year thereafter or
until the DO criteria is met for 14
consecutive days without supplemental
aeration, whichever date is later, subject
to approval from Montana DEQ and
Montana DFWP. The applicant also
states that Montana DEQ or Montana
DFWP can request to extended or
shortened deployment of the redundant
probe at Site 3 if necessary.
As discussed in section, Water
Quality Operation Effects, blower
controls would include a bypass that
would allow full flows to be
automatically routed through the
existing cone valves in the event of an
emergency shutdown, or if DO criteria
cannot be met. If probes at Site 3
indicate that DO levels are lowering and
approaching Montana DEQ’s DO
criteria, flows would gradually shift to
the cone valves in the existing outlet
works to provide additional aeration
beyond what the aeration basin could
provide alone. If either probe at Site 3
registers DO levels that fall below
compliance levels, the project would
automatically trip offline, and all water
would be diverted through the cone
valves consistent with Montana DEQ’s
condition 6.
In addition to the automatic
shutdown procedures described above,
a powerhouse operator would oversee
compliance with Montana DEQ’s water
quality standards and would take action
in the event of a non-compliance
reading for temperature, TDG, or if only
one of the probes at Site 3 indicate that
DO criteria is not being met. The
operator would visit the powerhouse at
least once daily during all phases of
operation and would determine the
ability of the aeration basin to provide
sufficient aeration. If a non-compliance
reading for temperature or TDG occurs
at Site 3 or if only one probe indicates
non-compliance with DO criteria, the
operator would immediately investigate
and determine if corrective actions,
such as shutting the project down, is
Whenever the operator is not at the
powerhouse, a series of automated
alarms would dispatch an on-call
operator to the powerhouse within 30
minutes following a non-compliance
reading consistent with the procedures
stipulated by Montana DEQ’s condition
6. If the operator is not able to reach the
powerhouse for any reason, or if the
cause of any noncompliance reading
cannot be determined, the project would
be manually shut down either at the
powerhouse or remotely and all water
would be diverted through the cone
valves at the existing project works.
Thus, the applicant states that whenever
21 Montana DEQ clarified in a phone conversation
with staff that ‘‘watershed stakeholders’’ includes
state and federal agencies, non-governmental
organizations, and any interested members of the
public. See telephone record summary between
FERC and Montana DEQ filed on June 9, 2016.
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
compliance with state water quality
standards for DO, TDG, and temperature
cannot be met due to project operations,
the project would be offline and all
flows would be diverted through the
existing project works until further
corrective actions, in consultation with
the agencies, could be identified and
Although water quality would be
monitored continuously, the applicant
proposes to log and store hourly data for
reporting purposes and to submit
annual monitoring reports to
Reclamation, Montana DEQ, Montana
DFWP, and FWS for review by March 1
for the prior calendar year.22 The reports
would include the raw data, identify
any deviations from water quality
criteria, and recommended actions to
correct any deviations. At the end of the
five-year monitoring period, the
applicant would file a report that
includes recommendations for any
potential future monitoring, and
identify which parameters, if any,
should be monitored. The applicant’s
Revised DOEP states that monitoring of
any parameter could be extended
beyond the initial five-year monitoring
period at the discretion of Montana DEQ
following review of the five-year
monitoring results. In addition, the
applicant includes a provision in its
Revised DOEP to notify Reclamation,
Montana DEQ, and Montana DFWP
within 24 hours of any deviation from
water quality criteria.
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
recommends that the applicant tier
operation of oxygen supplementation
systems to ongoing monitoring of
hypolimnion conditions in the reservoir
to ensure the system in fact discharges
water that achieves water quality
standards and to consider immediate
shutdown of diversions if water quality
is shown through monitoring to be
negatively affected downstream. In its
reply comments, the applicant states
that implementation of its Revised
DOEP, which includes water quality
monitoring compliance sites and
corrective measures that would be
taken, would ensure that adequate DO
concentrations are maintained during
project operation.
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
recommends that the applicant support
ongoing studies evaluating turbidity and
nutrient pollution events occurring in
the project vicinity and to develop and
implement an adaptive management
plan that addresses these concerns
22 The applicant agreed to send all postconstruction annual water quality monitoring
reports to FWS in addition to the other agencies in
their reply comments filed on April 8, 2016.
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based on the results of those studies. In
its reply comments, the applicant states
that the proposed project has no nexus
to the upstream land-use practices and
subsequent nutrient loading to the Clark
Canyon Reservoir and that it is beyond
their control to eliminate or mitigate
water quality impacts manifested from
upstream land-use practices and
reservoir operations.
Montana DFWP recommends that the
applicant conduct water quality
monitoring at three additional sites for
a minimum of three years to empirically
assess water quality dynamics within
the mixing zone in the Beaverhead River
downstream of the project prior to
selecting a permanent site in
consultation with Montana DEQ and
Montana DFWP. Specifically, Montana
DFWP recommends the additional sites
be located: (1) Immediately downstream
of the cone valve; (2) 100 feet
downstream of the project; and (3) 200
feet downstream of the project. Upper
Missouri Waterkeeper also recommends
that the applicant consider additional
upstream and downstream monitoring
sites as part of its water quality
monitoring program. In its reply
comments, the applicant states that its
water quality compliance sites were
selected in consultation with Montana
DEQ under the previous licensing
process but that it would collaborate
with Montana DFWP and Montana DEQ
as needed.
Our Analysis
Monitoring TDG, DO, and water
temperature for a minimum of five years
during project operation as proposed by
the applicant and as stipulated by
Montana DEQ’s condition 1 would
document compliance with state water
quality criteria and help identify
whether the project is adequately
protecting and enhancing water quality
conditions and aquatic resources of the
Beaverhead River over a range of
hydrologic and meteorological
conditions encountered during the
monitoring period. This would be
especially important for TDG and DO,
two parameters that are expected to be
affected by project operation.
Monitoring DO concentrations of
reservoir water at Site 1 as the applicant
proposes and as recommended by
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper would
alert the project operator of the need to
operate the aeration basin to maintain
adequate water quality downstream.
Monitoring DO at Site 2 in the aeration
basin would confirm the amount of
additional aeration being provided by
the diffusers when the aeration basin is
operating. Monitoring DO at Site 3 in
the Beaverhead River downstream of the
PO 00000
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project would help confirm that DO
enhancement measures are effective at
maintaining adequate DO levels
downstream of the project. Deploying a
redundant probe at Site 3 as proposed
by the applicant and as stipulated by
Montana DEQ’s condition 6 would
ensure that the equipment is working
properly for the first year of project
operation and each additional year it is
However, if monitoring ceases after
the first five years of project operation,
it is unclear how the applicant would
ensure compliance with Montana DEQ’s
DO, TDG and temperature criteria
beyond the initial monitoring period.
The applicant and Montana DEQ did
not identify what criteria would be used
to determine that further monitoring
would not be necessary, leaving that to
occur in consultation with the agencies
based on the five-year monitoring
results. Presumably, the annual reports
would show that with supplemental
aeration that DO and TDG levels are
always meeting or better than state
water quality criteria. Consequently, the
applicant would then be able to identify
a set timeframe for operating the
diffusers each year rather than tying
operation of the diffusers to the results
of DO monitoring. Operating the
diffusers on this as-yet unidentified set
schedule may cause DO levels to fall
below state standards at certain times
outside of this set period. Thus,
extending the DO monitoring period
through the term of any license issued
would provide a means to track that DO
enhancement equipment is working
properly and that adequate DO levels
are maintained at all times downstream
for the protection of aquatic resources.
Monitoring TDG levels in the aeration
basin at Site 2 and in the Beaverhead
River downstream of the project at Site
3 would confirm whether the project
reduces TDG levels from October
through April and also determine
whether the project complies with
Montana DEQ’s TDG standard at other
times to protect fish and other aquatic
resources downstream. Our analysis in
section, Water Quality Operation
Effects, indicates that the project may
still cause exceedances of Montana
DEQ’s TDG criteria during certain times
of the year (i.e., when DO enhancement
is occurring and when flow release
requirements exceed the 700 cfs
capacity of the project). Thus, extending
the monitoring period for TDG through
the license term would allow the
applicant, resource agencies and
Commission staff track these events as
they occur, and make informed
decisions on the need for corrective
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Deploying probes at the cone valve
and 100, 200, and 300 feet below the
project, as recommended by Montana
DFW and Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
would permit the applicant to
determine the extent of the mixing zone
and potentially the best place to
document compliance with DO and
TDG levels. According to Urban et al
(2008), the factors contributing to TDG
concentrations in river systems
downstream of a dam changes with
distance. Elevated TDG levels in
hydropower releases are generally
caused by the entrainment of air in
spillway releases and the subsequent
exchange of atmospheric gasses into
solution during passage through the
stilling basin. Aerated water plunging
off steep drops into pools is the typical
mechanism by which entrained air is
forced into solution causing gas
supersaturation. These interactions
cause TDG to fluctuate for a short
distance downstream of the plunge or
release point before TDG levels plateau
and remain plateaued often for several
miles downstream. This was consistent
with the applicant’s water quality
sampling results from 2009 which
showed that TDG saturation levels
slightly reduced as water moved
downstream from the dam but quickly
plateaued and still remained above state
criteria at times as much as 5.7 miles
downstream of the project. Given the
documented small changes in TDG
levels and because conditions
downstream are likely to be better
represented by the applicant’s proposed
monitoring site than the turbulent
mixing zone, it is unclear what
additional benefits to aquatic resources
would be derived from monitoring DO
and TDG levels within the mixing zone.
Because the project would be
operated run-of-release and would
withdraw water from the same depth
and through the existing intake
structure, operation of the project
should not cause any change in water
temperature in the Beaverhead River
downstream of the project. If initial
project operation causes any unforeseen
adverse effects on downstream water
temperatures, consulting with the
agencies on the annual reports and
extending the monitoring program
beyond the initial five-year monitoring
period would help ensure that any
modifications needed to protect
beneficial uses could be developed and
implemented, if warranted.
Conducting additional water quality
monitoring at upstream sites as
recommended by Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper would provide general
information on water quality conditions
within the Clark Canyon Reservoir
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above the intake as well as possibly in
tributaries feeding the reservoir but it is
unclear what nexus this would have to
the project as these areas would not be
affected by the project.
Supporting ongoing studies
evaluating turbidity and nutrient
pollution events occurring in the
watershed and participating in the
development of an adaptive
management plan with other regional
entities as recommended by Upper
Missouri Waterkeeper would likely
provide some information on specific
land-use practices and upstream sources
of nutrient loading of project waters to
support ongoing watershed management
efforts. However, it is unclear what
nexus this effort has to the effects of the
project and at this time we are not able
to evaluate specific actions that would
be required by the as-yet undeveloped
adaptive management plan. However,
implementing the applicant’s proposed
water quality monitoring program
would assist with identifying any effects
associated with project construction and
operation, and determine whether
measures are needed to address project
effects. The monitoring program would
also contribute information on water
quality conditions that would be useful
to entities as they conduct future studies
addressing nutrient pollution events
and their effects on aquatic resources in
the project area.
Also, the applicant’s proposal to
operate the project to provide flows
determined by Reclamation, consistent
with Reclamation’s 4(e) condition 9,
would ensure that any changes in
reservoir operation or flow regimes
implemented under any future adaptive
management plan that Reclamation
enters into would not be impeded by
operation of the project.
Submitting annual water quality
monitoring reports to the agencies
would provide a mechanism to evaluate
whether any changes are needed to
achieve water quality standards on a
year-to-year basis during the initial few
years of project operation. Holding an
annual meeting with watershed
stakeholders to discuss water quality
monitoring efforts as stipulated by
Montana DEQ’s condition 11 would
provide another mechanism to evaluate
whether any changes are needed on a
yearly basis.
Notifying Reclamation, Montana DEQ,
and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of
any deviation from water temperature,
DO, or TDG requirements as the
applicant proposes would allow the
agencies to provide timely input on
corrective actions needed to protect
aquatic resources as they occur.
However, also submitting an incident
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report with the Commission within 30
days following any deviation from water
quality criteria would enable the
Commission to review actions taken by
the applicant in the short-term when
these deviations occur and would
facilitate Commission administration of
the license.
Also, notifying Montana DFWP in
addition to Reclamation immediately in
the event of an unplanned shutdown or
other operating emergency would
ensure that Montana DFWP provides
input on any corrective actions needed
to protect water quality and fish
resources in the event of an unplanned
Fish Entrainment
Entrainment of fish from Clark
Canyon Reservoir during project
construction and operation could cause
some reduction in fish populations in
Clark Canyon Reservoir, and installation
of the proposed Francis turbines could
increase the mortality rate of entrained
fish and reduce the number of fish that
are recruited to downstream fish
During project construction, the
applicant proposes to screen the pump
intakes to meet resource agency
requirements for fish exclusion using
0.5-inch mesh screens of sufficient size
to limit approach velocities to a
maximum of 1.0 foot per second.
Interior and Montana Trout Unlimited
recommend that the applicant prepare,
in consultation with Montana DFWP
and FWS, a feasibility assessment of
technical procedures to evaluate the
effects of fish entrainment (including
pressure differential effects) and
impingement of the dam outlet and
project works, to include monitoring a
range of water supply and operating
conditions. These entities recommend
that, based on the feasibility assessment,
the reviewing agencies and the
Commission determine whether
monitoring or preventive measures to
avoid or minimize damage and
mortality of native fish would be
Our Analysis
Although the applicant does not
specify the depth from which the
pumps would withdraw water from
Clark Canyon Reservoir during project
construction, it is expected that the
water would likely be withdrawn from
a shallow depth to minimize pipe length
and pumping costs and to facilitate the
inspection and maintenance of the
proposed intake screens. Because the
depth of the intakes would be much
shallower than the existing dam intake,
the potential for fish entrainment would
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
differ from existing conditions and from
project operation, when flows would
pass through the existing dam intake
Screening the pump intakes as
proposed by the applicant would limit
the potential for increasing the
entrainment rates of fish species that
use shallower areas of the reservoir, and
would limit the potential for adversely
affecting fish populations in the
reservoir during project construction.
The fish entrainment feasibility
assessment recommended by Interior
and Montana Trout Unlimited would
determine what, if any, procedures are
possible to study the magnitude of fish
entrainment and the mortality rate of
fish passing through the outlet works,
with the ultimate goal of determining
whether measures to reduce
entrainment are warranted to minimize
injury and mortality of fish.
Numerous studies of resident fish
entrainment and mortality have been
conducted at hydroelectric projects over
the past several decades.
Comprehensive reviews of these studies
have been done by FERC (1995), the
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI,
1997, 1992), and Winchell et al. (2000).
While none of these studies specifically
evaluated the entrainment potential of
resident trout, CH2M HILL (2007)
summarized the results of several trout
entrainment studies conducted at
hydropower projects in the Pacific
Northwest. The study reports
summarized in the document suggest
that the type of analysis requested by
Interior and Montana Trout Unlimited
could be conducted at the Clark Canyon
Dam Project, and may be effective at
developing estimates of entrainment
and mortality if baseline information is
lacking. In this instance, however,
sufficient information appears to exist to
describe how entrainment rates might
change between baseline conditions and
proposed project operation. Project
operation would have no effect on the
rate of fish entrained from Clark Canyon
Reservoir because the project would not
alter the timing, rate, or volume of water
withdrawals, and all water passing the
dam would pass via the existing deep
intake and outlet structure (and by the
spillway during spill events), as it does
under existing conditions. During
project operation, however, it is possible
that the mortality rate of fish that are
entrained into the intake facilities on
the dam may increase due to the routing
of fish through the turbines instead of
the existing outlet works.
The best available information
suggests that the mortality rate of
entrained fish under existing conditions
appears to be quite high. In its
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comments under the previous license
issued for the Clark Canyon project (i.e.,
P–12429), Montana DFWP stated that
adult burbot entrained and sampled in
1984 exhibited a very high incidence of
mortality, with most of the dead fish
exhibiting extremely distended swim
bladders. Further, Montana DFWP
indicated that it is highly unlikely that
brown or rainbow trout entrained under
existing conditions can survive the
pressure differential that occurs when
fish are entrained into the deep intake
in the reservoir and discharged through
the existing outlet works (Clark Canyon
Hydro, LLC, 2006).23
It is unlikely that the addition of a
penstock and turbines would alter the
existing pressure-induced mortality
rates of fish entrained into the dam. As
previously noted, the project would not
alter the depth of the intake, or the rate,
volume, or velocity of water
withdrawal. Therefore, similar to
existing conditions, fish would pass
through the turbines having been
acclimated to the pressures of the deep
reservoir and would experience rapid
depressurization when they are exposed
to atmospheric pressures in the
relatively shallow tailrace. Because the
mortality rate of fish passing through
the existing outlet works likely
approaches 100 percent based on the
available information, any additional
turbine-induced injury caused by
mechanical strike or shear effects would
not result in additional fish losses.
The fish entrainment feasibility
assessment recommended by Interior
and Montana Trout Unlimited would
ultimately determine whether measures
to reduce entrainment are warranted to
minimize damage and mortality of
native fish. The probable outcome of
this evaluation would be to determine
whether a fish screen to preclude fish
from exiting the reservoir would be
appropriate. However, installing and
maintaining a fish screen at the existing
intake structure would be a substantial
undertaking given the depth of the
Finally, the fishery in the Beaverhead
River consists of self-reproducing
populations of brown and rainbow
trout. Any increase in the mortality rate
of fish that are entrained from Clark
Canyon Reservoir, if it were to occur, is
unlikely to affect the fishery for these
species. Brown trout, the dominant trout
species in the Beaverhead River, are not
abundant in Clark Canyon Reservoir,
and as a result, only small numbers of
this species are likely to be entrained.
Any rainbow trout that survived passage
23 See section E.4 of the final license application
filed on July 7, 2006 under FERC Project No. 12429.
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through the existing outlet works would
likely be stocked fish that were hatched
and reared in a hatchery environment,
and are not likely to be as well adapted
to conditions in the Beaverhead River as
naturally spawned fish recruited from
the existing, self-sustaining population.
Cumulative Effects
Montana DEQ put the Beaverhead
River as well as several tributaries to
Clark Canyon Reservoir on the list of
impaired waterbodies (CWA section
303[d]) for violations of state water
quality standards. The listing of these
waterbodies on the 303(d) list triggered
the development of a TMDL for each
parameter listed. TMDLs are designed to
limit the inputs of potentially degrading
agents to waterbodies by limiting the
sources responsible for the degradation.
Future implementation of TMDLs for
tributaries to Clark Canyon Reservoir
and the Beaverhead River could have a
cumulative benefit of reducing harmful
algal blooms caused by excessive
nutrient inputs from several upstream
and downstream sources within the
watershed. However, because the
project would not contribute to or affect
such inputs, constructing and operating
the project would not directly or
cumulatively affect nutrient levels
within the tributaries or the reservoir
that may cause algal blooms.
DO in the tailrace has been shown to
fall below the state criteria of 8 mg/L at
times during the summer and early fall
when early life stages of fish are present.
Project operation could further reduce
DO concentrations in the tailrace.
However, implementing the applicant’s
DO enhancement program would
maintain adequate DO concentrations in
the project tailrace throughout the year
and potentially enhance DO levels in
the summer months compared to
existing conditions. Monitoring DO
levels in the aeration basin and
downstream would ensure that DO
enhancement measures are successful at
meeting state DO criteria during project
The proposed project would likely
cumulatively contribute to efforts to
improve water quality in the
Beaverhead River by lowering TDG
concentrations in the project tailrace at
least during the months of October
through April. Monitoring TDG levels
within the aeration basin and
downstream would inform whether
additional corrective actions need to be
taken to maintain compliance with state
TDG criteria.
Overall, construction and operation of
the project is likely to cause cumulative
enhancement to aquatic resources
within the area defined for our
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
cumulative analysis due to DO
enhancement in the summer months
and the lowering of harmful TDG
concentrations during the late fall
compared to existing conditions.
Terrestrial Resources
Affected Environment
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir are
located within the Beaverhead
Mountains Ecoregion, which extends
from the Centennial Mountains south of
Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife
Refuge in southwestern Montana, west
to the Continental divide along the
Beaverhead Mountains, and includes
the headwaters for the Beaverhead,
Madison, and Big Hole rivers.
Shrub steppe is the prevalent
vegetation type in the Clark Canyon
Reservoir area. Big sagebrush and green
rabbitbrush are common shrubs. Rocky
areas support mountain mahogany and
broom snake weed. Perennial bunch
grasses such as bluebunch wheatgrass,
fescue, and Indian ricegrass occupy the
understory alongside drought-adapted
The proposed powerhouse site, at the
base of Clark Canyon Dam, is
characterized by low to mid-height
grasses and forbs.
The proposed transmission line route
would extend over 7.9 miles to the
south to the Peterson Flat substation.
This area consists primarily of basin big
sagebrush and bluebunch wheatgrasss.
Other vegetation types found along the
right-of-way (ROW) are Rocky Mountain
juniper/bluebunch wheatgrass
woodland, quackgrass herbaceous
vegetation, and wetland areas along the
two small creeks west of the reservoir.
Hayfields occur at the western end of
the proposed transmission line ROW.
The Montana Natural Heritage
Program (Montana NHP) lists 93 plant
species within Beaverhead County that
are species of concern or potential
species of concern. Eleven of these
species are listed as sensitive species by
BLM. Five of these plant species occur
near the project: bitterroot milkvetch,
scallop-leaf lousewort (at high risk of
extirpation in Montana), hoary phacilia
(a BLM watch species), chicken sage,
and limestone larkspur. The known
populations of bitterroot milkvetch,
chicken sage, limestone larkspur, and
hoary phacilia are located outside of the
area that would be affected by the
project. The scallop-leaf lousewort,
which is known to occur in wetland and
river bottom areas, is located along the
Beaverhead River riparian zone
downstream of Clark Canyon Dam.
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Wetlands are transitional land areas
between terrestrial and aquatic systems
where the water table is usually at or
near the land surface or the land is
covered by shallow water.
The Beaverhead River at the base of
the dam consists of a mix of open water
and emergent and shrub-scrub wetland
habitats. A narrow riparian corridor
with a diversity of wetland plants along
the river bottom land borders the
Beaverhead River downstream of Clark
Canyon Dam. Common riparian species
include Baltic rush, hardstem bulrush,
and coyote willow. Immediately
downstream of the tailrace and along
the original river channel, seepage has
created a marsh wetland adjacent to the
Beaverhead River.
Wetlands within the bottomlands of
Horse Prairie Creek and Medicine Lodge
Creek along the transmission line ROW
are dominated by cultivated grasses
such as quack grass, Kentucky
bluegrass, and redtop, as well as native
species such as Baltic rush, sedges, and
cattail. Coyote willow was also present
in the Horse Prairie Creek bottomland
The marsh wetland and riparian areas
provide feeding and nesting habitat for
gulls, cormorants, sandhill cranes, and
waterfowl. The open water of Clark
Canyon Reservoir and the Beaverhead
River provide feeding areas for
waterfowl, bald eagles, and osprey, as
well as breeding habitat for amphibians.
Mule deer, moose, pronghorn antelope,
and elk occasionally use the riparian
meadows along the river and are
commonly found in the upland
sagebrush steppe. Song birds nest and
feed in these habitats. The upland
steppe provides feeding, breeding, and
nesting habitat for songbirds, game birds
such as sage grouse, and raptors such as
ferruginous hawk.
Common big game mammals in the
area include mule deer, white-tailed
deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, and black
bear. Mule deer comprise most of the
big game take in management districts
of Montana DFWP Region 3, which
includes the project area. Pronghorn and
mule deer also feed and rear young in
sage steppe habitats. Upland game birds
popular with hunters in the region
include blue grouse and sage grouse.
Other upland game birds include
chuckar, ruffed grouse, spruce grouse,
Hungarian partridge, pheasant, and
sharp tailed grouse.
Several furbearing mammals that
occur in the region include coyote,
beaver, mountain lion, bobcat,
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wolverine, otter, marten, skunk, weasel,
mink, muskrat, raccoon, badger, and
fox. Many of these species are highly
mobile, with large home ranges
incorporating many habitat types. Mink
and muskrat and rodents such as voles
may den along the banks of the tailrace
and meadow habitats. Others such as
beaver, muskrat, and otter are more
restricted to the riparian corridor.
The ferruginous hawk is a BLM
special status species, a Montana DFWP
S2 species of concern (SOC), and is
considered at risk for extirpation from
the state by Montana NHP. In Montana,
ferruginous hawks breed in the
shortgrass foothills and steppe-habitat
east of the Rocky Mountains. These
hawks commonly migrate south in the
fall. Ferruginous hawks are found on
semi-arid plains and in arid steppe
habitats and prefer relatively unbroken
terrain. In Montana they inhabit shrub
steppe and shortgrass prairie.
Ferruginous hawks prefer tall trees for
nesting, but will use a variety of
structures including mounds, short
cliffs, cutbacks, low hills, haystacks,
and human structures. Ferruginous
hawks feed on ground squirrels, rabbits,
pocket gophers, kangaroo rats, mice,
voles, lizards, and snakes. Populations
can be adversely influenced by
agricultural activities. The Montana
NHP has records of 14 nest locations in
the vicinity of the proposed
transmission ROW; however, no
breeding birds have been documented
by the Montana NHP database since
2000. Nonetheless, there is suitable
nesting habitat in the project vicinity,
and breeding pairs may use the area for
foraging. Call (1978 in Travsky and
Beauvais, 2005) identified the breeding
season of ferruginous hawks to be
March 10–July 2 with nest building
taking place from 10–16 March; egg
laying from 17 March–1April;
incubation from 21 March–21 May;
hatching from 16 April–21 May; and
fledging from 4 June–2 July.
Montana NHP has one local record of
occurrence of a sagebrush sparrow (S2
SOC in Montana and a BLM sensitive
species) from a couple of miles north of
the proposed transmission ROW in
2002. Southwestern Montana is near the
northern extent of the species’ breeding
range, and sagebrush sparrows are
generally uncommon. Nonetheless,
there is abundant suitable habitat in the
vicinity of the proposed transmission
ROW and sagebrush sparrows could be
present in the area during the breeding
Trumpeter swans are a Montana S2
and BLM sensitive species that utilize
the Clark Canyon reservoir as migration
stopover and winter habitat. A great
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
blue heron (S3 SOC in Montana)
rookery is known from the east side of
the reservoir, but was last observed
active in 1999. The only wetland
habitats found within the transmission
line ROW that could support nesting,
wintering, and migrating birds are
associated with Horse Prairie Creek,
Medicine Lodge Creek, and the
Beaverhead River.
The pygmy rabbit, a BLM special
status species and a Beaverhead
National Forest sensitive species, is
found from the Great Basin region north
to extreme southwestern Montana.
Isolated populations are known from
east central Washington and Oregon.
The project is located within the range
of pygmy rabbits, but pygmy rabbits
have not been documented in the
vicinity of the project. The Great Basin
pocket mouse is another BLM sensitive
species and a S1 SOC for Montana FWP.
Southwestern Montana is near the
northern extent of the species’ range.
Occupied habitats in Montana are arid
and sometimes sparsely vegetated. They
include grassland-shrubland, stabilized
sandhills, and other landscapes with
sandy soils where sagebrush cover
exceeds 25 percent. Elsewhere, they are
also known to occur in pine woodlands,
juniper-sagebrush scablands, shortgrass
steppes, and shrublands. They tend not
to occur in heavily forested habitats.
The Montana NHP does not have
records of occurrence near the project,
but there are known populations in
Beaverhead County and suitable habitat
Preble’s shrew and Merriam’s shrew,
both S2 SOC in Montana, have not been
documented in the project area, but
have been known to occur in
Beaverhead County and have suitable
habitat that exists in the project area.
Similarly, Southwestern Montana is at
the western edge of the known range for
the Dwarf shrew, another S2 SOC in
Montana. It is possible, but unlikely,
that this species occurs in the project
The bald eagle is a Montana DFWP S1
species. Bald eagles continue to be
protected at the federal level under the
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of
1940 and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
The State of Montana also has
regulations that protect bald eagles. The
1994 Montana Bald Eagle Management
Plan developed by the Montana Bald
Eagle Working Group, and their
addendum, the 2010 Bald Eagle
Management Guidelines, detail
restrictions on human activities near
known nest sites. Bald eagles are found
primarily near coastlines, rivers,
reservoirs, and lakes. Eagles principally
eat fish, but also feed on carrion,
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waterfowl, and small mammals. They
use large trees as nest sites and hunting
perches. Eagles winter throughout much
of the United States; both wintering and
nesting eagles can be found in the
project vicinity.
Bald eagles are known to nest near the
proposed transmission line ROW and
downstream of Clark Canyon Dam. The
Montana NHP has one record of a bald
eagle nest attempt in 2011 about 334
feet north of the proposed project
transmission ROW in the Horse Prairie
Creek drainage, west of the reservoir
and a pair of eagles were observed at the
nest tree in February 2012. Montana
DFW assumes the territory to be
occupied yearly. Bald eagle nests also
have been observed downstream of the
dam, one of which was last documented
in 2014. Bald eagles also utilize the
Clark Canyon Reservoir area in winter
and during migration.
The golden eagle is a BLM sensitive
species, a Montana DFWP S2 SOC, and
a FWS Bird of Conservation Concern
that is protected under the federal Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act. They
are common year round in open
rangelands and mountainous habitats
throughout Montana. Golden eagles
prey primarily on small mammals,
particularly rabbits and ground
squirrels, but are also known to eat a
wide variety of prey, including birds,
snakes, insects, and carrion. They
usually nest in large trees or on cliffs.
Since the year 2000, there are no records
of active breeding territories for golden
eagles within 0.5 mile of the proposed
project. However, the Clark Canyon
Reservoir area does provide suitable
nesting and wintering habitat, and
golden eagles may be present at any
time of year.
On September 22, 2015, FWS
determined that the greater sage-grouse
does not warrant protection under the
ESA. A landmark landscape-scale
conservation initiative was started with
conservation partnerships instituted
between federal and state governments,
private land owners, and others that
provided sufficient protections to
prevent listing (FWS, 2015). However,
the greater sage-grouse remains a
Montana DFWP S1 SOC and a BLM
sensitive species. It is the largest grouse
species in North America and a
sagebrush-obligate, depending on
sagebrush communities for breeding,
nesting, brood-rearing, and winter
habitat. Seasonal habitat characteristics
vary considerably and greater sagegrouse frequently move over large areas
annually to meet their seasonal needs.
Populations are found scattered
throughout Montana, excluding the
northwest and extreme northeast
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portions of the state. Greater sage-grouse
leks generally occur in open areas with
sparse shrub cover, while nests are
usually located under sagebrush.
Brood-rearing habitat tends to have
higher cover of herbaceous vegetation
and abundant insects, which are an
important food resource for juveniles.
Greater sage-grouse move to more mesic
habitats as herbaceous vegetation dries
out and late summer brood-rearing
habitats become more variable.
In winter, greater sage-grouse feed
almost exclusively on sagebrush, which
they also rely on for thermal and escape
cover. Winter habitat is often in areas
with moderate cover of tall sagebrush
that emerges at least 10 to 12 inches
from snow cover. Predators of adults
and juveniles include hawks, eagles,
ravens, weasels, coyotes, and foxes.
Common nest predators include ground
squirrels, badgers, coyotes, ravens, and
snakes. Predation can cause low rates of
nest success and juvenile survival.
The greater sage-grouse population
within the project area is designated as
part of the Southwest Montana
Population, which occurs in Madison
and Beaverhead Counties. FWS
developed a report titled Greater Sagegrouse Conservation Objectives: Final
Report (FWS, 2013). The FWS (2013)
considers the Southwest Montana
population populations, which includes
Madison and Beaverhead Counties, to
be at a low level of risk considering the
population size, limited habitat threats,
and ties to Idaho’s birds. The proposed
transmission ROW runs alongside
Highway 324 and through the Montana
DFWP-designated greater sage-grouse
core area identified as ‘‘Beaverhead 3.’’
Active and historic leks are known to
exist within four miles of the highway.
As of 2012, greater sage-grouse had
not been observed close to Highway 324
and the proposed transmission ROW;
however, they may utilize the area
during the late brooding season, when
food resources become scarce in more
xeric habitats, or during migration to
and from breeding grounds. Any
movement between breeding grounds in
the Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge
drainages would entail crossing the
highway and proposed transmission
ROW. Movement to and from breeding
grounds in Montana and wintering areas
in Idaho would also entail crossing
through the project area.
Environmental Effects
Vegetation and Wetlands
Approximately 0.10 acres of upland
habitat near the dam would be
permanently converted for project
features: 0.07 acres for the powerhouse
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
and 0.03 acres for the substation. A
staging area of approximately 8,000
square feet located adjacent to the
access road would be used to store
materials, equipment, and fuels during
the construction period. A 200 square
foot area located near the east end of the
downstream side of the dam would be
designated for the temporary
containment of spoils until it is either
used as backfill or permanently
removed from the project site. The
existing access roads would be
improved for use during project
construction, operation, and
maintenance. Vegetation would be
temporarily removed from this area
until vegetation is re-established
following construction.
The proposed access road currently
appears to be little more than an
infrequently used track through
perennial grasses and sagebrush steppe
vegetation. The increase in traffic
associated with the project, including
heavy construction vehicle traffic,
would likely cause soil compaction and
remove the existing perennial grasses
from the roadway. The increase in
traffic during construction would
temporarily disturb wildlife in the
vicinity of the road.
The buried transmission line segment
between the powerhouse and
powerhouse substation would roughly
follow the south and east side of the
access road for about 0.3 mile.
Transmission line construction would
require excavation of a 3-foot-wide by 3foot-deep trench, placement of
conductor, and backfilling. The
applicant states that removed material
would likely be temporarily placed
alongside the trench and would be
replaced in the trench following
placement of the conductor. The buried
transmission line would temporarily
disturb about 8,000 square feet of
perennial grasses and sagebrush steppe
Approximately five miles of the 7.9mile long transmission line would be
located 100 to 200 feet north of Highway
324. The westernmost two miles and
several shorter sections (generally at
road curves) would be located closer to
the highway. The proposed ROW would
be 80 feet wide. The applicant proposes
to construct the transmission line as
single pole structures with an average
span distance of 428 feet between the
poles. Clark Canyon Hydro estimates
that 13 poles would be required per
mile and that each pole would displace
approximately three square feet of
vegetation and temporarily disturb an
additional 22 square feet. Less than 0.01
ac of vegetation would be permanently
removed to construct the proposed
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transmission line and approximately
0.05 acre could be temporarily disturbed
by construction activities. No trees
would be removed within the proposed
Construction activities, including pole
placement for the transmission line,
would avoid wetlands to the extent
practicable. The wetland areas adjacent
to the original river channel, tailrace
channel, and along the river would be
protected from adverse construction
effects by avoidance and the installation
of a silt fence to prevent sediments from
reaching the wetland areas.
The applicant proposes to implement
its Vegetation Management Plan (VMP)
to minimize effects to wetland, riparian,
and upland vegetation. The plan also
includes measure to control noxious
weeds. The VMP includes the following
best management practices to minimize
vegetation disturbance and loss and
promote quick recovery of disturbed
• Avoid driving off designated access
routes whenever possible, use existing
developed and primitive roads;
• Clearly mark wetland/riparian areas
with signs and/or highly visible flagging
during construction;
• Do not drive equipment, or stage
materials in wetland/riparian areas;
• Limit ground disturbance and
grading to where absolutely necessary;
• Educate equipment operators
through: Review of this plan; explicit
delineation of all sensitive areas (e.g.
wetland areas); the presence of an onsite construction supervisor trained in
environmental protection; and frequent
site walks to confirm all equipment
operators are familiar with the location
of sensitive areas;
• Visually inspect of all construction
and disturbance areas a minimum of
every seven days throughout the
entirety of construction activity;
• Minimize compaction by heavy
equipment in previously undisturbed
off-road areas;
• Do not temporarily or permanently
place fill material within the channel in
the delineated wetland area, unless
specifically permitted as part of the
project design;
• Install biodegradable erosion
control logs as needed (e.g., every 200
feet) in any sloped areas to minimize
erosion until vegetation has established;
• Place biodegradable erosion control
mats (coir fabric) on slopes exceeding
5% (e.g. along the transmission line
right-of-way, or on the dam face) as
needed to minimize erosion until
vegetation has established;
• Employ silt fence as needed if
working during rain events that may
cause excess sediment to be washed into
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the Beaverhead River, or into wetland
areas; and
• Reclaim and revegetate temporarily
disturbed areas as soon as practicable
after construction.
The VMP also includes the following
revegetation measures, which would be
applied to all construction areas on and
below the dam, the staging and spoil
areas, temporary vehicle use and
parking areas, and areas temporarily
disturbed by installation of the
transmission line poles:
• Preserving existing topography
wherever possible;
• Following construction, ripping to a
depth of 6 inches any soils compacted
by construction equipment;
• Removing noxious weeds around
areas to be reseeded;
• Reseeding or replanting all
disturbed soils using a mix of native
plants that meets Reclamation and BLM
requirements; and
• Spreading certified weed-free
mulch over seeded areas to retain
moisture and protect from soil erosion.
The applicant proposes to use native
topsoil for all revegetation efforts.
However, if this is not possible (e.g. if
revegetation needs to occur in an area
that was excavated and re-filled), then
topsoil stripping and stockpiling would
need to occur to ensure a proper topsoil
seed bed. Fertilizer would not be used
during the initial plantings. The species
selected for planting would be adapted
to conditions at the site. Seeding would
occur ideally in spring, early summer
(June-early July), or fall, within three
months of construction.
The applicant also proposes measures
to treat and prevent the spread of
invasive weeds in the project area.
Gravel and fill material would be
obtained from inspected and certified
weed-free sources, and all equipment
would be cleaned and inspected prior to
arrival at the project area. Invasive
weeds found prior to construction
would be flagged and treated manually
(for small infestations), and larger
infestations would be treated with
herbicides by an applicator certified by
the Montana Department of Agriculture.
Flagging would remain in place to
designate the site as an area where
additional weed precautions must be
taken. Access roads leading to
construction areas would also be
inspected and weeds would be treated
to preclude their spread by equipment
moving through the area.
Under the proposed VMP, the
applicant would monitor the
revegetation and invasive weed control
efforts for a minimum of three years
post-construction, and until the
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
following performance standards are
• Vegetation cover would be
comparable to conditions in the
adjacent, undisturbed reference area
(within 70 percent of adjacent cover)
within five years of revegetation.
• Soil stability would be evident
based on the absence of rills, sediment
fans, and other indicators of soil
The applicant would provide annual
monitoring reports to Reclamation and
BLM by December 31 of each year. The
reports would include at a minimum:
• Description of each monitoring
location including vegetation cover,
species composition, condition, and any
evidence of soil erosion;
• Discussion comparing revegetated
versus reference plots with regards to
performance criteria;
• Declaration of any performance
criteria that have been met and a
description of the progress made toward
reaching any criteria that are not yet
attained; and
• Maintenance recommendations to
be implemented to achieve performance
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Our Analysis
The measures identified in the
proposed VMP, if properly
implemented, would minimize adverse
effects of vegetation loss and
disturbance and minimize the potential
introduction and spread of invasive
weeds. Wetlands adjacent to the original
river channel, tailrace channel, along
the river, and within the transmission
line ROW would be protected from
negative construction effects by
avoidance and the installation of a silt
fence to prevent sediments from
reaching the wetland areas.
There would be a loss of perennial
grassland habitat during the
construction period. Because the
applicant would reseed this area with
native grass species from the area, this
impact would be temporary. Using
certified weed-free mulch, as well as
removing invasive weeds from the areas
to be revegetated, would aid in the
success of these mitigation efforts.
Revegetation with native species, and
using biodegradable erosion control
mats and logs until these efforts are
established would prevent revegetation
material, such as seed and mulch, from
being released into wetlands or the
river. Post-construction stabilization
and effective site restoration with native
plants would minimize long-term effects
on environmental resources.
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Constructing the project would mostly
be in an area already disturbed by
construction and operation of
Reclamation’s facilities. The project
transmission line may pose an
electrocution risk to perching birds and
a collision risk to birds in flight. Raptors
are at risk of electrocution due to their
use of power line poles as perching
structures. Species that are less
maneuverable such as cranes, pelicans,
and large waterfowl are also susceptible
to power line collision. Birds that fly
fast and low, such as geese, ducks, and
smaller flocking birds, are also at higher
risk. Lines that pose a high risk of
collision include those over water, those
that cross draws or other natural
flyways, and those placed immediately
above tree tops and ridgelines.
Transmission lines that bisect areas of
high bird movement, such as lines
placed between nesting and feeding
habitats, also pose a collision risk. The
Montana DFWP identified three
segments of the proposed transmission
right-of-way where bird activity is
concentrated and relatively high,
including the portions within the
Beaverhead River corridor and where
the lines cross Horse Prairie and
Medicine Lodge creeks.
The applicant proposes to conduct
pre-construction raptor surveys within
the transmission line ROW and
coordinate with FWS, BLM, and
Montana DFWP on nest locations and
nesting activity prior to and during
construction. Based on the survey
results and agency consultation, the
applicant would incorporate any
recommended construction buffers or
seasonal constraints to protect raptors.
The applicant would construct the
transmission line in accordance with
Avian Power Line Interaction
Committee (APLIC) standards 24 and
include visual markers on the wires to
prevent collisions as outlined in
Reducing Avian Collisions with Power
Lines: The State of the Art in 2012
(APLIC, 2012). In addition, the
applicant proposes to coordinate with
relevant agencies involved in greater
sage-grouse management in southwest
Montana, including Montana DFWP, the
Montana Sage-Grouse Habitat
Conservation Manager within the
Montana Department of Natural
Resources and Conservation (Montana
DNRC), BLM, and FWS. As practicable,
24 In their reply comments, Clark Canyon Hydro,
LLC explicitly stated their intent to use APLIC’s
Suggested Practices for Avian Protection on Power
Lines: The State of the Art in 2006 (APLIC, 2006),
which are the most current guidelines to date for
transmission line construction (Clark Canyon
Hydro, LLC, 2016).
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the transmission towers would also
include perch deterrents to reduce or
eliminate use by avian predators for
nesting and perching on the
transmission line infrastructure. The
applicant also proposes that any
recommended buffers seasonal
constraints related to avian protection
would be incorporated into the project
In their letter filed March 17, 2016,
Interior recommended that to the
maximum extent practicable, project
construction shall be scheduled so as
not to disrupt nesting raptors or other
birds during the breeding season. This
includes a 0.5-mile no construction
buffer during the breeding season
(species-specific) for most nesting raptor
species, including ferruginous hawks
that nest in the project area. If work is
proposed to take place during the
breeding season or at any other time
which may result in take of migratory
birds, their eggs, or active nests, the
licensee shall take all practicable
measures to avoid and minimize take,
such as maintaining adequate buffers, to
protect the birds until the young have
fledged. Active nests may not be
removed. If field surveys for nesting
birds are conducted with the intent of
avoiding take during construction, any
documentation of the presence of
migratory birds, eggs, and active nests,
along with information regarding the
qualifications of the biologist(s)
performing the surveys, and any
avoidance measures implemented at the
project site shall be maintained
In addition, they recommended that if
any active bald eagle nests occur within
0.5 mile of the project during
construction, the licensee shall comply
with the temporary seasonal disturbance
restrictions (generally February 1–
August 15) and distance buffer (0.5
mile) specified in the 2010 Montana
Bald Eagle Management Guidelines: An
Addendum to Montana Bald Eagle
Management Plan (Montana Bald Eagle
Working Group, 2010) during
construction. To minimize the
electrocution and collision hazard to
eagles in the project area, the licensee
shall ensure that: (1) Any newly
constructed power lines or substations
adhere to the APLIC standards in
Suggested Practices for Avian Protection
on Power Lines: The State of the Art in
2006; and, (2) all new power lines shall
include visual markers on the wires to
prevent collisions per techniques
outlined in Reducing Avian Collisions
with Power Lines: The State of the Art
in 2012. In its reply comments, the
applicant reiterated its proposed
environmental measures, as mentioned
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
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In addition, Interior recommended
that the applicant coordinate with
Montana DNRC and BLM regarding
compliance with the Montana Executive
Order 12–2015 and the Idaho
Southwestern Montana Greater SageGrouse Land Use Plan Amendment,
where applicable. Interior also
recommended that the applicant
provide compensatory mitigation to
offset any unavoidable effects that
remain after implementing avoidance
and minimization measures for greater
sage-grouse. In its reply comments, the
applicant stated that no effects to greater
sage-grouse were anticipated, and did
not expect compensatory mitigation to
be required after implementation if its
proposed avoidance and mitigation
Our Analysis
Project construction would
temporarily disturb and displace
wildlife in the immediate vicinity of
construction activities. The population
of ferruginous hawks in the vicinity may
use the area of the access road and
transmission line ROW for foraging.
This activity would be unavoidably but
temporarily lost during the construction
Because most construction would
occur in areas disturbed from
constructing and operating
Reclamation’s dam, the greatest
potential for disturbing and displacing
nesting birds would be during
construction of the transmission line.
Highway 324 already fragments wildlife
habitat. Locating the transmission line
within the road ROW would minimize
further habitat losses, but it would also
add a new vertical dimension to that
fragmentation. Conducting preconstruction raptor nest surveys in
coordination with FWS, BLM, and
Montana DFWP would identify any
raptor nests that might be disturbed
during construction of the project.
Disturbance and displacement of
nesting raptors would be avoided if
construction activities are scheduled to
avoid the nesting period or through the
use of 0.5-mile construction buffer as
recommended by Interior and agreed to
by the applicant. However, because the
nesting period for the ferruginous hawks
(March 10–July 2) and the seasonal
disturbance restrictions (generally
February 1–August 15) and distance
buffers (0.5 mile) for the bald eagle
overlap significantly with the available
construction season, implementing
these construction limits could
significantly delay construction,
particular for the transmission line.
Therefore, avoidance of the entire
breeding season for all birds may not be
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practicable. Maintaining records of the
pre-construction survey results and the
measures taken to avoid disturbing
nesting raptors and birds during
construction would allow the applicant
to document its efforts to minimize and
avoid adverse effects on migratory birds.
Those records should include the
reproductive status of any identified
nests, qualifications of the surveyor, and
the applicant’s proposed avoidance
The applicant’s proposal to adhere to
APLIC guidance in the design and
construction of the transmission line,
including installing flight diverters and
perch deterrents to prevent perching,
would reduce the risk of avian collision
and electrocution, as well as predation
of sage grouse.
Greater sage grouse may abandon leks
if repeatedly disturbed by raptors
perching on power lines or other tall
vertical structures near leks (Ellis 1984),
by vehicular traffic on roads (Lyon and
Anderson 2003), or by noise and human
activity associated with energy
development (Braun et al. 2002;
Holloran 2005; Kaiser 2006). Indirect
effects could also occur from habitat
degradation. Because the project would
be constructed in habitats that have
already been disturbed and subject to
frequent human use (e.g., construction
and operation of Reclamation’s dam and
Highway 324), greater sage grouse
habitat in the project area is considered
poor and any degradation of habitat
conditions from project construction
minimal. Reestablishing native
vegetation and controlling invasive
weeds through the VMP would further
minimize any adverse effects on sage
grouse habitat.
Because the project would be colocated with existing development, it is
unlikely that any greater sage grouse
leks or breeding habitat occur near any
project facility, except possibly where
the proposed transmission line crosses
Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge
drainages. Scheduling construction of
these segments of the transmission line
outside of the greater sage grouse
breeding season would avoid disturbing
sage grouse. The breeding season for
greater sage-grouse is highly dependent
on elevation and the length of winter
conditions, and leks occurring in higher
elevations may continue through early
to mid-May (Connelly et al., 2003). In
southeast Montana the breeding season
is from March 1- April 15 and nesting
and brood-rearing occurs between April
16-July 15 (Montana DFWP and BLM,
undated). In the Montana DFWP and
BLM study, nests were located at an
average elevation of 3,442 feet, which is
lower than the elevation of the proposed
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project. As such, the breeding season for
the greater sage-grouse in the project
area may be later in the spring, or early
summer. This could delay construction
of these segments of the transmission
line until mid- to late-summer, but
would not affect the post-construction
revegetation effort, as the VMP states
that the revegetation efforts may be
carried out in the fall. The VMP also
states that seeding should not occur
during hot, dry, summer conditions (late
July through August), or after if there is
a significant amount of snow on the
ground. Including seasonal restrictions
on transmission line construction would
still allow time for the transmission line
to be constructed and the revegetation
mitigation to take place before weather
conditions become unfavorable. The
avoidance and mitigation measures
proposed by the applicant, as well as
constructing segments of the
transmission line outside of the
breeding season, would ensure that the
project would have minimal effects on
the greater sage-grouse.
3.3.4 Threatened and Endangered
Affected Environment
Commission staff accessed the IPaC
Web site on April 15, 2016, and
generated the following list of
threatened and endangered species with
the potential to occur in the vicinity of
the project: the threatened plant Ute
ladies’-tresses (ULT), threatened grizzly
bear, and the threatened Canada lynx.
There are no critical habitats present in
or around the project area.
Ute Ladies’-Tresses
ULT was listed as threatened under
the ESA on January 17, 1992 (50 CFR
part 17, Vol. 57, No. 12). Clark Canyon
Hydro conducted a survey for ULT in
2007 and 2011 in support of application
for prior proceedings. No UTL were
found and no suitable habitat was found
within the areas that would be subject
to disturbance from project construction
and operation (ERM, 2015).
Grizzly Bear
FWS listed the grizzly bear as
threatened on July 28, 1975. Grizzly
bears are normally solitary, except
during breeding season or when caring
for cubs. Home ranges for individual
bears vary depending on food
availability, weather conditions, other
bears, and season. Female bears need
large home ranges to support their
offspring. Grizzly bears are
opportunistic in their eating habits and
will feed on prey items like small
mammals or fish, but will also forage for
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
plants, berries, roots, and fungi. They
will also scavenge on carrion and
garbage. They prefer habitats with
significant forest cover, especially for
beds (FWS, 1993). This habitat is not
present in the project area, and the
project area is outside of its historical
range and present distribution (FWS,
1993); therefore, grizzly bears are not
expected to occur in the project site.
tresses, grizzly bears or Canada lynx,
and no further action is warranted.
3.3.5 Recreation, Land Use, and
Canada Lynx
Canada lynx are medium-sized cats
that inhabit boreal forests and feed
almost exclusively on snowshoe hare.
The United States, primarily the
Northeast, western Great Lakes,
northern and southern Rockies, and
northern Cascades, is the southern-most
extent of its range. Populations of
snowshoe hare have a direct effect on
local lynx populations, which fluctuate
in response to its prey. In the United
States, Canada lynx prefer coniferhardwood forests that support snowshoe
hare. The Canada lynx was listed under
the ESA as threatened on March 24,
2000 (FWS, 2005). The Canada lynx is
not expected to occur at the project site
due to the lack of habitat.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2 Environmental Effects
No effects to threatened or
endangered species are anticipated as a
result of project construction and
operation. ULT was not found during
surveys in the project area in 2007 or
2011. Although the proposed
transmission line route has a slightly
different alignment than surveyed in
2011, surveys covered habitats that
might support the species such as
Medicine Lodge Creek, Horse Prairie
Creek, and the wetlands near
Beaverhead Creek below the dam.
With respect to grizzly bears and
Canada lynx, the project area does not
contain suitable habitat for either
species. Suitable habitat for the
snowshoe hare, the primary prey
species for Canada lynx, is also not
available in the project area. Therefore,
constructing and operating the project
would have no effect on Ute ladies’-
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Affected Environment
Reclamation manages approximately
15 recreation sites at Clark Canyon
Reservoir and just downstream of the
dam (figure 11). The sites include
fishing access, campgrounds, day-use
areas, boat ramps, and an overlook.
Recreational opportunities at the
reservoir include boating, visiting
cultural/historic sites, camping, fishing,
hiking, hunting, picnicking, water
sports, wildlife viewing, and using
recreational vehicles. According to
Reclamation’s Great Plains Region Clark
Canyon Web site (Reclamation, 2016),
the reservoir, at full pool, has 4,935
surface acres and 17 miles of shoreline
offering good fishing for rainbow and
brown trout. There are several concrete
boat ramps, picnic shelters, and a
marina, along with 9 campgrounds,
including one recreational vehicle-only
site, for a total of 96 campsites. The
Cattail Marsh Nature Trail offers
wildlife watching opportunities for
seasonal waterfowl. Montana DFWP
also manages several fishing access
areas (figure 11) on the Beaverhead
River downstream of the dam that are
used by wading and bank anglers as
well as by anglers on both guided and
unguided float trips (Montana DFWP,
2003). In a letter filed September 19,
2007, during review of the prior license
application, the Park Service stated that
the Montana DFWP-managed
Henneberry fishing access is an L&WCF
site. The site is about 5 miles
downstream of the proposed project
(figure 11).
As noted in section, the
Beaverhead River is recognized as one
of the most popular and productive
trout fisheries in North America, and is
designated as a blue ribbon fishery by
Montana DFWP. Brown and rainbow
PO 00000
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trout are well established, and often
attain trophy size in the Beaverhead
River. Recreational use of the reservoir
is also quite high, with heavy use from
personal watercraft, water-skiers and
pleasure boaters, as well as from anglers
due to the high quality of the fishing.
Of the recreational sites at the
reservoir and immediately downstream
of the dam (figure 11), those closest to
the proposed project area include
Beaverhead Campground (17.08 acres),
Buffalo Bridge fishing access area, High
Bridge fishing access area (0.18 acres),
and Clark Canyon Dam fishing access
area (also known as Beaverhead River
fishing access area, 3.27 acres). Use
figures from a 2004 recreation survey of
the area indicated that the Beaverhead
Campground and Beaverhead River
fishing access area are frequently used
by campers (10,423 visitors per year)
and anglers (3,042 visitors per year),
respectively (Dvorak et al., 2004). The
survey did not include the Buffalo
Bridge or High Bridge fishing access
areas. Traffic count data from
Reclamation for 2007 and 2008
indicated that more than 75 percent of
the vehicle use of the Clark Canyon Dam
and Buffalo Bridge fishing access areas
occurred from March through October
(email from Steve Davies, Reclamation,
to FERC staff, filed on March 25, 2009).
During those two years, the greatest use
at Clark Canyon Dam fishing access area
occurred in June (781 vehicles in 2007
and 789 in 2008). At Buffalo Bridge
fishing access area, the greatest use
occurred in June (728 vehicles in 2008)
or July (647 vehicles in 2007).
Reclamation did not have traffic count
data for the High Bridge fishing access
area, which is managed by Montana
In 2009, the Beaverhead River had
38,706 angler days in 2009 (Montana
DFWP, 2015). Fishing regulations are in
place to help manage heavy use, and
fishing closures have occurred in
drought years.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Lew is and ClarK
Beav emead Rwer
Nature Trail
Recreation access sites in the vicinity of the proposed Clark Canyon Dam
Hydroelectric Project (Source: Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project
EA, FERC, 2009; staff).
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Figure 11.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Land Use
The proposed project, including most
of the transmission line corridor, would
occupy 62.1 acres of federal lands
within the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin
Program, East Bench Unit, administered
by Reclamation. It would also occupy
0.2 acres of federal land administered by
BLM. In addition to substantial
recreation opportunities, the dam and
reservoir provide for irrigation and flood
control across a wide area downstream
of the project.
The Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir
present a relatively natural appearance
in a broad, open valley of scenic, rolling
landscape, with low vegetation cover of
grasses and shrubs with a few patches
of taller, thicker vegetation. The dam
and reservoir are dominant landscape
features that are quite visible to
motorists traveling on Interstate
Highway 15 (I–15) and very visible from
adjacent lands. Dominant features
include the dam structure, the reservoir,
Armstead Island (see figure 11), and
several recreation facilities. Wildlife
viewing areas include a developed bird
watching trail, as well as the delta areas
near the mouths of Horse Prairie Creek
and Red Rock River (see figure 1). A 3.2mile-long section of the Beaverhead
River between the I–15 bridge at Pipe
Organ Rock and the Dalys highway exit
has been evaluated for eligibility for
‘‘Recreation’’ classification of the Wild
and Scenic River Act and is considered
‘‘outstandingly remarkable’’ for
recreation, fish and historic values
(BLM, 2005). This section of the river
starts about 6 miles downstream of the
project area.
Several transmission lines are present
in the vicinity of the project; however,
transmission lines are absent along
approximately five miles of Montana
Highway 324, north and west of the
Clark Canyon Reservoir. The proposed
new transmission line would parallel
this portion of the highway.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Environmental Effects
Issues that have been identified with
respect to recreation apply primarily to
the year-long construction period.
Construction equipment activity could
generate temporary disturbance to
recreational use, including noise and
dust, which could diminish the quality
of the recreation experience in the
vicinity of the proposed project,
particularly at the Clark Canyon Dam/
Beaverhead River fishing access site
(figure 11). Additionally, there could be
safety concerns where recreational users
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and construction vehicles use the same
roadways to access areas near the dam.
Construction access would use the
Buffalo Bridge approach and could
affect fishing access to the river at that
location, although regular use of the
road by construction vehicles is not
To reduce effects on fishing access,
the applicant proposes to implement its
Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access Road
Management Plan. The plan provides
for alerting the public to potential traffic
hazards during construction and
specifies the contents of a public notice,
locations for posting, the number, type,
and locations of any barriers that would
be installed, a process to evaluate
effectiveness of the plan and modify the
plan if needed, and an implementation
schedule. Flagging, traffic control
devices, and signs would be used to
further reduce effects on traffic and
traffic safety. During project operation,
minor noise and nighttime security light
from the powerhouse could be
noticeable to recreational users nearby.
To minimize the effects of
construction activities on nearby
recreation users, the applicant proposes
to limit construction activities in
summer (Memorial Day through Labor
Day) to daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 8:00
p.m.). The applicant also proposes to
have no construction taking place over
peak summer holiday weekends
(Memorial Day, Independence Day, and
Labor Day), including the day before
and day after those weekends. A sign
with contact information would be
posted at a location approved by
Reclamation and would provide dates
and hours of construction.
The southbound exit ramp from I–15
to Montana Route 324 is proposed as a
secondary access route for construction
vehicles. This route is also an existing
access route to the dam site and is gated
to prevent unauthorized access.
Construction traffic on the secondary
route may affect exit ramp traffic.
The applicant’s proposal also
includes installation and maintenance
of an interpretive sign near the dam to
inform visitors of the concept and
function of the project, its relationship
to aquatic resources and the recreational
fishery, and measures taken to reduce
adverse effects. The sign would be
placed at a location acceptable to
Our Analysis
During project construction, the
applicant’s proposed limits on
construction hours, days, and locations
would reduce conflicts with recreational
users, and its proposed construction
access routes and vehicle staging would
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reduce potential conflicts with other
motorists. If public notices, signage, and
barriers are used where appropriate, and
the Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access Road
Management Plan is implemented, this
would further reduce potential concerns
about traffic safety and effects on fishing
Secondary use of the I–5 exit ramp for
construction vehicles would have little
effect on traffic or recreational use,
including the two nearest recreational
sites, due to relatively light traffic and
only occasional use of the ramp and
access route for construction. The
entrance to Beaverhead Campground is
located at the top of Exit 44 on Route
324, and the access to the Clark Canyon
Dam/Beaverhead River fishing access
site is located on the opposite side of
the river from the construction access
routes, which would minimize any
potential disturbance to recreation users
in the areas that are nearest the
construction activity.
During project operation, minor noise
and light from the powerhouse could be
noticeable to recreational users nearby,
particularly those fishing or camping
immediately below the dam, but the
proximity of I–15 to both the project site
and the nearby recreation sites suggests
that this effect would be minimal. All
existing recreation sites would remain
accessible to the public during project
The applicant proposes to operate the
project in run-of-release mode,
consistent with the current method of
operation employed by Reclamation.
Run-of-release operation would
maintain the existing water surface
elevations. Therefore, fishing and
boating on the reservoir would not be
affected, and neither would fishing
opportunities downstream of the dam in
the Beaverhead River be affected.
With respect to the potential effects of
the project on the Henneberry Fishing
Access, the applicant does not propose
any project-related activities that would
result in water quantity or quality
effects at the site or interfere with access
during construction or operation. The
site would continue to be available for
recreational use.
The applicant’s proposed interpretive
sign would enhance the recreational
experience for users and would also
assist the public in understanding the
project’s potential effects on the prized
fishery (see section,, Aquatic
Land Use
Except for the footprint of the
hydropower facilities and transmission
line, land uses and public access in the
vicinity of the project would remain
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
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unchanged. Excluding the proposed
transmission line, the project footprint
would be small (approximately 0.10
acres at the dam), and the effect on land
use would be minor.
Project construction activities would
be visible from I–15, Highway 324,
recreation sites below the dam, and
from other sites near the dam and along
the transmission line corridor. Once
construction is complete, the permanent
presence of above-ground facilities,
including the powerhouse, transformer,
parking area, and transmission line
would alter the current visual
A major portion of the new overhead
transmission line would be located
along approximately five miles of
Montana Highway 324 west of the Camp
Fortunate Overlook, where no
transmission line currently exists. This
could affect the aesthetic quality of
nearby recreation and cultural
resources, including the Clark Canyon
Reservoir, the Lewis and Clark Trail,
Camp Fortunate Overlook, several
campgrounds, and a day-use area that
are located along this stretch of the
highway and above the shore of the
As part of its Visual Resources
Management Plan (VRMP), the
applicant proposes to address shortterm impacts by limiting disturbance or
displacement of vegetation to the extent
possible. To reduce long-term effects,
the applicant proposes to bury a short,
0.3-mile-long transmission line between
the proposed powerhouse and
substation; use contouring and
replanting to help the areas disturbed by
construction, including the transmission
line corridor, blend with the
surrounding terrain; and consult with
Reclamation on the design of project
features, including color and
construction materials. The applicant
also states that it would use relevant
comprehensive management plans to
ensure that all new features of the
proposed hydroelectric project meet
established visual quality objectives.
The applicant’s VRMP, filed with the
Commission on February 1, 2016, lists
the following as basic design criteria:
• Prevention of adverse visual
impacts, whenever possible, by means
of preconstruction planning and design,
particularly in the selection of facility
• Reduction of adverse visual impacts
that cannot be completely prevented, by
designing features with appearances
consistent with existing structures;
• Reduction of adverse visual impacts
to existing vegetation during
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construction by means of postconstruction vegetation rehabilitation;
• Quality control during construction,
operation, and construction
rehabilitation to ensure that the
preceding objectives are achieved.
After license issuance but prior to the
start of construction activities, including
any land-disturbing or land-clearing
activities, the VRMP calls for the
applicant to file with the Commission a
pre-construction visual impact
assessment of the project area. That
assessment would include photographs
taken from three proposed key
observation points (the parking area at
the Clark Canyon Dam/Beaverhead
River fishing access area, Highway 324
immediately above the power house,
and the secondary access point on I–15
north of Clark Canyon Dam). The plan
also includes the filing of postconstruction photographic assessments
annually for the first three years of
project operation. If a license is issued
for the project, the applicant would
consult with Reclamation during the
design phase to identify appropriate
colors for structures on Reclamation
lands and to identify appropriate
vegetation mixes for disturbed areas of
the project.
Our Analysis
As noted by the applicant, the
proposed hydropower facility would be
designed to blend in with the existing
dam structure as much as possible.
Implementation of the applicant’s
VRMP, including consultation with
Reclamation concerning structure color
and appropriate vegetation mixes,
would minimize any long-term effect on
the aesthetic character of the project
The previously altered landscape,
including construction of the existing
dam and its appurtenant features is
highly visible to people using area roads
and recreation sites. The proposed
hydroelectric facility would be generally
out of view from areas above the dam,
but would be conspicuous below the
dam. However, the proposed facilities
would not be inconsistent with the
existing or associated landscape
The overhead portion of the
transmission line would have a modest
effect on the visual character of the area
west of the Camp Fortunate Overlook,
where no transmission line currently
exists. Scenic and cultural values in the
vicinity are associated with the
extensive recreational amenities around
the reservoir and near the highway.
However, the transmission line would
be generally located on the uphill side
PO 00000
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of the highway and away from the
reservoir and recreation sites. Much of
the transmission line would be located
100 to 200 feet from the highway, which
would reduce its visibility to highway
motorists and recreation users on or
near the reservoir. As described above,
the use of a single-pole design and
unobtrusive materials and colors would
further reduce its visibility and would
be consistent with the criteria of VRMP.
However, the transmission line was not
specifically identified as a project
facility that would be addressed by the
proposed VRMP. While no additional
measures are necessary, any deviation
from the proposed design could have
more of a negative effect on the aesthetic
landscape. Applying the criteria and
consultation procedures in the VRMP to
the transmission line would ensure that
visual effects are kept to a minimum.
Cultural Resources Affected Environment
NHPA section 106 requires that the
Commission evaluate the potential
effects on properties listed or eligible for
listing in the National Register. Such
properties listed or eligible for listing in
the National Register are called historic
properties. In this document, we also
use the term ‘‘cultural resources’’ for
properties that have not been evaluated
for eligibility for listing in the National
Register. Cultural resources represent
things, structures, places, or
archeological sites that can be either
prehistoric or historic in origin. In most
cases, cultural resources less than 50
years old are not considered historic.
Section 106 also requires that the
Commission seek concurrence with the
SHPO on any finding involving effects
or no effects to historic properties, and
allow the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation (Council) an opportunity to
comment on any finding of effects to
historic properties. If Native American
(i.e., aboriginal) properties have been
identified, section 106 also requires that
the Commission consult with interested
Indian tribes that might attach religious
or cultural significance to such
properties. In this case, the Commission
must take into account whether any
historic property could be affected by a
proposed new license within the
project’s area of potential effect (APE),
and allow the Council an opportunity to
comment prior to issuance of any new
license for the project.
Area of Potential Effect
Pursuant to section 106, the
Commission must take into account
whether any historic property could be
affected by the issuance of a proposed
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new license within a project’s APE. The
APE is determined in consultation with
the SHPO and is defined as the
geographic area or areas within which
an undertaking may directly or
indirectly cause alterations in the
character or use of historic properties, if
any such properties exist.
The APE includes all lands within the
project boundary and construction
footprint, as well as the 7.9-mile-long,
80-feet-wide transmission line corridor
and a portion of the Clark Canyon Dam,
including the spillway. The APE is
defined in the February 2016 HPMP. In
an amendment to the HPMP filed on
March 11, 2016, the applicant corrected
the total area of the APE to 88.6 acres,
including 68.3 acres of federal land
owned by Reclamation.
Cultural History Overview
The immediate area within the
vicinity of the proposed project was an
important prehistoric and historic travel
route. During the ethnographic period
(pre-European contact), the Clark
Canyon watershed was occupied
seasonally by the Lemhi-Shoshone
Tribes. Lewis and Clark were the first
Euro-Americans to pass through the
Beaverhead Valley on August 13, 1805.
The Lewis and Clark expedition made
its first contact with Sacagawea’s
Shoshone Tribe at a location that is
currently inundated by Clark Canyon
Reservoir. The location was named
‘‘Camp Fortunate’’ due to the hospitality
of the tribe and its willingness to trade
for horses, a necessity for crossing the
In 1862, gold was discovered near the
town of Bannock, Montana, and caused
the first wave of rapid Euro-American
settlement in the area. At the height of
the area’s gold rush, Bannock, about 175
miles from the proposed project site,
had a population of more than 3,000
and was the first Montana territorial
capital. The period was short lived,
however, and old mining camps and
ghost towns are all that remain.
In 1877, approximately 750 Nez Perce
Native Americans fled north out of
Idaho because of the demands of the
U.S. Army that they move onto a
reservation. On August 9, 1877, the U.S.
Army attacked the Nez Perce along the
north fork of the Big Hole River, about
50 miles from the proposed project site.
Although the Battle of Big Hole lasted
less than 36 hours, significant casualties
were suffered on both sides. In 1992,
25 The Lewis and Clark expedition crossed the
Continental Divide at Lemhi Pass on August 12,
1805. Approximately 208 acres in the vicinity of
Lemhi Pass, about 35 miles from the proposed
project site, are designated as a registered historic
landmark by Interior.
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legislation incorporated Big Hole
National Battlefield with the Nez Perce
National Historical Park.
The city of Dillon, about 20 miles
from the proposed project site,
originated during construction of the
Utah and Northern Railroad. The city
was the site of a construction camp
during the winter of 1880. The railroad
was pushing north toward Butte, but
winter conditions halted progress until
the spring of 1881. When construction
resumed in the spring, the town
remained. The city was named in honor
of Sidney Dillon, the president of the
Union Pacific Railroad.
Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological
An archaeological survey of the
applicant’s cultural resources inventory
area for the prior license application
identified one prehistoric artifact, a
single chert flake. As an isolated find,
this artifact does not meet the criteria
for listing on the National Register. No
prehistoric or historic-era sites were
documented at that time.
The project APE contains a single
structure that is considered eligible for
listing on the National Register—Clark
Canyon Dam. Clark Canyon Dam
(24BE1740) is an earthen dam
constructed in 1964 by Reclamation.
This structure meets the 50-year age
requirement for listing on the National
Register. Although the Clark Canyon
Dam was potentially eligible for listing
on the National Register as a
contributing element to a broad, but
undefined Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin
historic district, the dam was also
determined to be individually eligible
for listing on the National Register.
Commission staff and the Montana
SHPO concurred that the dam was
individually eligible, as discussed in a
letter and Programmatic Agreement (PA)
issued on May 5, 2016. Six additional
sites that may or may not be eligible for
listing were identified in 2012 during a
cultural resources inventory for the
proposed transmission line corridor.
Additionally, the Commission
contacted the Shoshone-Bannock,
Eastern Shoshone, Nez Perce, and
Salish-Kootenai tribes inviting
comments and consultation. No
comments or requests for consultation
were received from the tribes.
Traditional Cultural Properties
The Commission consulted with the
Nez Perce, Salish-Kootenai, Eastern
Shoshone, Shoshone-Bannock, and
Northern Arapaho tribes regarding the
project. None of these tribes expressed
concern about potential TCPs that might
be present within the project APE.
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Environmental Effects
Commission staff and the Montana
SHPO concurred that the Clark Canyon
Dam would be adversely affected by
constructing and operating the project,
as stated in the PA and HPMP.
Construction of the project, including
retrofitting project features on or
adjacent to the dam, or other alteration,
would diminish the historical integrity
of the structure’s location, design,
setting, materials, workmanship, feeling,
or association. The applicant would
consult with the SHPO and Reclamation
to develop a Memorandum of
Agreement that would include measures
to address adverse effects to Clark
Canyon Dam. A final PA has been
signed that requires the licensee, if a
license is issued, to revise its proposed
HPMP to include a Treatment Plan to
resolve effects on the dam prior to
The SHPO concurred in 2012 that
none of the six sites along the
transmission line corridor would be
adversely affected by the project. To
ensure that a specific rock feature was
not affected, the applicant proposed to
maintain a buffer around that area so
that construction activity would not
inadvertently disturb the site.
Our Analysis
Alterations to the Clark Canyon Dam
that would result from construction of
the proposed project require specific
measures to avoid or reduce adverse
effects. The HPMP was originally
developed by the applicant for the prior
license before the Clark Canyon Dam
was determined to be eligible for listing
on the National Register. The HPMP
filed on February 9, 2016 does not
indicate what specific measures would
be developed or how or when they
might be implemented. Revising the
HPMP, as required by the PA, to include
these measures in a Treatment Plan for
the dam before construction begins
would resolve the adverse effects.
The February HPMP defines
consultation procedures for
maintenance activities that would and
would not affect the dam and what steps
would be taken if human remains are
discovered during project construction
and operation. The PA requires the
applicant to revise the HPMP to allow
the SHPO and Reclamation to review
and comment on maintenance activities
that the licensee may determine have no
effect on the dam, and clarifies the
process to be followed in the event of
an unanticipated discovery of human
remains. Revising the HPMP
accordingly, in consultation with the
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
SHPO and Reclamation, would ensure
that cultural resources are protected.
The February HPMP also defines
procedures, in the event that cultural
resources are inadvertently discovered
during the course of constructing or
developing project works or other
facilities at the project. Those
procedures include stopping all landclearing and land-disturbing activities
in the vicinity of the discoveries and
consulting with both Reclamation and
the SHPO to determine next steps.
Implementing the procedures in an
approved, revised HPMP would prevent
adverse effects on any newly identified
cultural resources.
3.4 No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, the
project would not be constructed. There
would be no changes to the physical,
biological, or cultural resources of the
area and electrical generation from the
project would not occur. The power that
would have been developed from a
renewable resource would have to be
replaced with other sources, and the
anticipated benefits of reduced TDG
supersaturation on aquatic resources
would not be realized.
In this section, we look at the Clark
Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project’s use
of the Beaverhead River for hydropower
purposes to see what effect various
environmental measures would have on
the project’s costs and power
generation. Consistent with the
Commission’s approach to evaluating
the economics of hydropower projects,
as articulated in Mead Corp.,26 the
Commission compares the project cost
to an estimate of the cost of obtaining
the same amount of power using the
likely alternative source of power for the
region (cost of alternative power). As
described in Mead Corp., our economic
analysis is based on current electric
power cost conditions and does not
consider future escalation of fuel prices
in valuing the hydropower project’s
power benefits.
For each of the licensing alternatives,
our analysis includes an estimate of: (1)
The cost of individual measures
considered in the EA for the protection,
mitigation and enhancement of
environmental resources affected by the
project; (2) the cost of alternative power;
(3) the total project cost (i.e. for
construction, operation, maintenance,
and environmental measures); and (4)
the difference between the cost of
alternative power and total project cost.
If the difference between the cost of
alternative power and total project cost
is positive, the project produces power
for less than the cost of alternative
power. If the difference between the cost
of alternative power and total project
cost is negative, the project produces
power for more than the cost of
alternative power. This estimate helps
to support an informed decision
concerning what is in the public interest
with respect to a proposed license.
However, project economics is only one
of many public interest factors the
Commission considers in determining
whether, and under what conditions, to
issue a license.
4.1 Power and Developmental Benefits
of the Project
As proposed, the 4.7–MW project
would generate an average of 15,400
MWh annually. We have assumed the
project would have a dependable
capacity of 4.7 MW; however, because
the project inflow is dependent on
releases from the Clark Canyon Dam,
which is directed by Reclamation and
beyond the control of the applicant, the
actual dependable capacity of the
project could be lower.
Table 5 summarizes the assumptions
and economic information we use in our
analysis. This information was provided
by the applicant in its license
application and supplemental
submittals, or estimated by staff. We
find that the values provided by the
applicant are reasonable for the
purposes of our analysis. Cost items
common to all alternatives include;
licensing costs; and normal operation
and maintenance cost.
[Source: Staff]
Period of analysis (years) .............................................................................................................
Term of financing (years) ..............................................................................................................
License application cost ................................................................................................................
Construction cost ..........................................................................................................................
Annual operation and maintenance ..............................................................................................
Power value a ................................................................................................................................
Interest rate ...................................................................................................................................
Discount rate .................................................................................................................................
8 percent
8 percent
Note: All costs are in 2015 dollars.
a Average of on- and off-peak seasonal values of project power since the project would be producing power during the summer representing
55% of the project’s total annual production.
Applicant’s Proposal
Under the no-action alternative, the
project would not be constructed as
proposed and would not produce any
electricity. No costs for construction,
operation and maintenance, or proposed
environmental protection, mitigation, or
enhancement measures would be
incurred by the applicant.
Under the applicant’s proposal, the
project would require construction of a
new hydroelectric facility at the existing
Clark Canyon Dam. The proposed
project would have a total capacity of
4.7 MW, an average annual generation
of 15,400 MWh, and an average annual
power value of $1,245,398 ($80.87/
MWh). With an annual production cost
(levelized over the 30-year period of
26 See Mead Corporation, Publishing Paper
Division, 72 FERC ¶ 61,027 (July 13, 1995). In most
cases, electricity from hydropower would displace
some form of fossil-fueled generation, in which fuel
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Comparison of Alternatives
No-Action Alternative
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analysis) of $3,576,910 ($232.27/MWh),
the project would produce energy at a
cost which is $2,331,512, or about
$151.40/MWh, more than the cost of
alternative power.
Staff Alternative
Table 6 shows the staff’s
recommended additions, deletions, and
modifications to the applicant’s
proposed environmental protection and
cost is the largest component of the cost of
electricity production.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
enhancement measures and the
estimated cost of each.
Based on the same total capacity and
average annual generation, the project
under the staff alternative would have
an average annual power value of
$1,245,398 ($80.87/MWh). With an
annual production cost (levelized over
the 30-year period of our analysis) of
$3,580,760 ($232.52/MWh), the project
would produce energy at a cost which
is $2,335,362, or about $151.65/MWh,
more than the cost of alternative power.
The staff alternative also included all
mandatory conditions specified by
Montana DEQ section 401 certification,
except for the except for condition 11
which stipulates that the applicant meet
annually with all watershed
stakeholders to discuss water quality
monitoring efforts associated with
project operation.
Cost of Environmental Measures
Table 6 gives the cost for each of the
environmental enhancement measures
considered in our analysis. We convert
all costs to equal annual (levelized)
costs over a 30-year period of analysis
to give a uniform basis for comparing
the benefits of a measure to its cost.
[Sources: Applicant and Staff]
Capital cost
Environmental measure
1. Implement the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
2. Implement the Final Instream Flow Release Plan
including pump on floating barge.
3. Implement the Construction Water Quality Monitoring Plan (CWQMP) including installation of monitoring equipment.
4. Notify Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP within
24 hours of a deviation from state water quality criteria during construction and operation and file a
report with the Commission within 30 days of the
5. Conduct total dissolved gas and dissolved oxygen
compliance monitoring for the term of the license.
6. Implement the Revised DOEP with an additional
provision to send the annual water quality monitoring reports to FWS in addition to the other
agencies specified in the plan.
Applicant, Staff ................
Applicant, Staff ................
6a. Consult with Montana DFWP and FWS in addition to Montana DEQ after the first five years of
operation and, after consulting with the agencies,
file a proposal for Commission approval regarding
possible cessation of the temperature monitoring
program after the first five years.
7. Install pressure transducer and water level alarm ..
8. Maintain compliance monitoring staff on site 24
hours a day and 7 days a week when flows are
bypassed around the existing intake and outlet
works during construction of the proposed
9. Notify Montana DFWP in addition to Reclamation
in the event of an unplanned shutdown.
10. Support water conservation strategies .................
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11. Fund water conservation measures ......................
12. Assess impacts of fish entrainment and impingement.
13. Support ongoing agency turbidity and nutrient
pollution studies and participate in developing an
adaptive management plan to address pollution
14. Evaluate the need for dam infrastructure alterations or changes in operation to minimize downstream turbidity.
15. Consider additional upstream and downstream
water quality monitoring sites to determine compliance with state water quality criteria.
16. Monitor water quality at three additional sites
downstream of the cone valve for 3 years to evaluate the dynamics of the mixing zone.
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PO 00000
Annual cost
a $5,900
annual cost
a 424,600
$0 .....................................
0 .......................................
Applicant, Montana DEQ,
FWS, Montana Trout
Unlimited, Staff.
Staff .................................
b 100,000
75,000 for years 1 & 2 b ..
1,000 c ..............................
Staff .................................
c 20,000
3,000 c ..............................
Applicant, Montana DEQ,
FWS, Montana Trout
Unlimited, Upper Missouri Waterkeeper,
Staff .................................
d 1,000,000
75,000 for years 1–5,
$20,000 for rest of license term b.
1,000 in year 6 c ..............
d 2,000
Staff .................................
Applicant, Staff ................
d 25,800
0 .......................................
0 .......................................
Staff .................................
0 .......................................
Interior, Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper, Montana
Trout Unlimited.
Interior, Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper, Montana
Trout Unlimited.
Interior, Montana Trout
Upper Missouri
0 .......................................
37,000 e ............................
100,000 for years 1 & 2 c
c 10,000
N/A ...................................
f N/A
Montana DFWP, Upper
Missouri Waterkeeper.
N/A ...................................
f N/A
Upper Missouri
N/A ...................................
f N/A
c 60,000
3,000 for years 1–3 c .......
Montana DFWP ...............
Frm 00047
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
[Sources: Applicant and Staff]
Capital cost
Annual cost
annual cost
Environmental measure
17. Hold annual meetings with watershed stakeholders to discuss water quality monitoring efforts
associated with project operation.
18. Survey for raptor nests prior to beginning construction of the transmission line.
18a. Maintain a record of the raptor surveys, including documentation of the presence of migratory
birds, eggs, and active nests, along with information regarding the qualifications of the biologist(s)
performing the surveys, and any avoidance measures implemented at the project site.
19. Coordinate (including sequential impact avoidance, minimization, reclamation, and compensation) with federal and state greater-sage grouse
plans and provide compensatory mitigation to offset any unavoidable impacts remaining after application of greater sage-grouse impact avoidance
and minimization measures.
20. Construct the transmission line segments that
cross the Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge drainages outside of the greater sage-grouse breeding
season (March 1–April 15).
21. Construct the transmission line in accordance
with APLIC guidelines, schedule construction to
avoid nesting season for raptors (including bald
eagles and ferruginous hawk) and other birds, establish a 0.5-mile construction buffer around raptor
nests (including any bald eagle nest) to avoid disturbing any raptors during project construction, and
include avoidance and mitigation measures for
breeding migratory birds to the extent practicable.
22. Install avian flight diverters and perch deterrents
on the transmission line.
23. Implement the Vegetation Management Plan ......
24. Revise the HPMP to include a Treatment Plan
and consultation procedures; stop work, consult
with SHPO, and prepare action plan if previously
unidentified cultural materials are found.
25. Implement the Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access
Road Management Plan and other signage and
traffic measures for local roads used by construction vehicles.
26. Implement signage and limit construction times to
reduce conflicts with recreational use.
27. Develop, install, and maintain an interpretive display.
28. Implement the Visual Resources Management
29. Use a single-pole design for the transmission
line, and materials and colors that reduce visibility.
Montana DEQ ..................
1,000 c ..............................
Applicant, Staff ................
b 20,000
0 .......................................
Interior, Staff ....................
0 .......................................
N/A ...................................
g N/A
Staff .................................
0 .......................................
Applicant, Interior, Staff ...
0 .......................................
Applicant, Interior, Staff ...
b 200,000
0 .......................................
Applicant, Staff ................
Applicant, Staff ................
c 50,000
10,000 for years 1–3 c .....
0 .......................................
Staff .................................
c 2,000
0 .......................................
Applicant ..........................
0 .......................................
Applicant, Staff ................
b 10,000
100 c .................................
Applicant, Staff ................
a 65,200
0 .......................................
Applicant ..........................
0 .......................................
Interior, Staff (except
compensatory mitigation).
a Cost
estimated by applicant in the original license application escalated to 2015 dollars.
estimated by the applicant.
estimated by staff.
d Cost estimated by the applicant for its aeration basin.
e Cost estimated by entity based on 4 percent of projected annual generation.
f Cost cannot be determined because the measure lacks specificity.
g Cost unavailable as it includes compensatory mitigation for effects after avoidance and mitigation efforts have been applied. Costs and measures are unknown.
h Cost included with general and construction costs.
i Cost for designing and constructing the transmission line in accordance with APLIC standards included in the construction cost. Additional
costs (construction delay or implementing buffers) are unknown because it would depend on the nature and extent of the find.
j The Treatment Plan would replace the Memorandum of Agreement approach proposed by the applicant; no additional cost is anticipated.
b Cost
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c Cost
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5.1 Comparison of Alternatives
In this section we compare the
developmental and non-developmental
effects of the applicant’s proposal, the
applicant’s proposal as modified by
staff, the staff alternative with all agency
mandatory conditions, and the noaction alternative. The major differences
between the applicant’s proposal and
our staff-recommended modifications
are that we recommend monitoring TDG
and DO at all times during project
operation rather than just potentially the
first five years of project operation and
the following additional measures:
Installing and maintaining a pressure
transducer and water level alarm in the
Beaverhead River during construction
when flows are bypassed around
Reclamation’s existing intake and outlet
works; notifying Montana DFWP in
addition to Reclamation in the event of
an unplanned shutdown; notifying
Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP
within 24 hours of any deviation from
water temperature, DO, TDG, or
turbidity requirements during
construction and operation and filing a
report with the Commission within 30
days describing the deviation, any
adverse effects resulting from the
deviation, the corrective actions taken,
any proposed measures to avoid future
deviations; and maintaining records of
pre-construction raptor surveys that
includes presence of birds, eggs, and
active nests, information regarding the
qualifications of the biologist
performing the survey, and measures
implemented to avoid disturbing
nesting birds. The staff alternative also
includes all of the mandatory conditions
specified by Reclamation under FPA
section 4(e) and all of Montana DEQ’s
section 401 water quality certification
conditions except for condition 11
which stipulates that the applicant meet
annually with watershed stakeholders to
discuss water quality monitoring efforts
associated with project operation.
The environmental effects of the staff
alternative and applicant’s proposal are
essentially the same. Both alternatives
would result in short-term changes in
water quality from erosion and
sedimentation and minor impacts from
vegetation removal and disturbance of
wildlife during construction. Proposed
measures would minimize the adverse
effects to greatest extent practicable.
Both alternatives would also result in
long-term benefits to water quality and
aquatic resources from increased oxygen
through the aeration basin in the
summer and reduced potential for TDG
supersaturation in the late fall. Staff’s
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recommended measures would improve
Commission administration of the
license and ensure timely identification
of any needed corrective actions.
5.2 Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative
Sections 4(e) and 10(a)(1) of the FPA
require the Commission to give equal
consideration to the power development
purposes and to the purposes of energy
conservation, the protection, mitigation
of damage to, and enhancement of fish
and wildlife, the protection of
recreational opportunities, and the
preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality. Any license
issued shall be such as in the
Commission’s judgment will be best
adapted to a comprehensive plan for
improving or developing a waterway or
waterways for all beneficial public uses.
This section contains the basis for, and
a summary of, our recommendations for
licensing the Clark Canyon Dam
Hydroelectric Project. We weigh the
costs and benefits of our recommended
alternative against other proposed
Based on our independent review of
agency and public comments filed on
this project and our review of the
environmental and economic effects of
the proposed project and its
alternatives, we selected the staff
alternative as the preferred alternative.
This alternative includes elements of
the applicant’s proposal, all of the
section 4(e) conditions, most of the
section 401 water quality certification
conditions, most of the resource agency
recommendations, and some additional
We recommend this alternative
because: (1) The 4.7–MW project would
save the equivalent amount of fossilfueled generation and capacity, thereby
helping to conserve non-renewable
energy resources and reduce
atmospheric pollution; (2) the
recommended environmental measures
proposed by the applicant, as modified
by staff, would adequately protect and
enhance environmental resources
affected by the project; and (3) it
includes all agency mandatory
conditions. The overall benefits of the
staff alternative would be worth the cost
of the proposed and recommended
environmental measures.
In the following section, we make
recommendations as to which
environmental measures proposed by
the applicant or recommended or
required by agencies and other entities
should be included in any license
issued for the project. In addition to the
applicant’s proposed environmental
measures, we recommend additional
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staff-recommended environmental
measures to be included in any license
issued for the project. We also discuss
which measures we do not recommend
including in the license.
Measures Proposed by the Applicant
Based on our environmental analysis
of the applicant’s proposal discussed in
section 3 and the costs discussed in
section 4, we recommend including the
following environmental measures
proposed by the applicant in any license
issued for the project.
The applicant proposes the following
environmental measures:
• Implement the ESCP filed with the
license application to minimize soil
erosion and dust, protect water quality,
and minimize turbidity in the
Beaverhead River;
• Implement the Instream Flow
Release Plan filed with license
application that includes provisions to
temporarily pump flows around
Reclamation’s existing intake and outlet
works to prevent interrupting
Reclamation’s flow releases into the
Beaverhead River during installation of
the proposed project’s penstock;
• Maintain qualified compliance
monitoring staff on site 24 hours per day
and 7 days per week during
construction when flows are bypassing
Reclamation’s outlet works to ensure
staff promptly responds to a pumping
equipment failure or malfunction and
ensure Reclamation’s flow releases are
maintained in the Beaverhead River
• Implement the CWQMP filed with
the license application that includes
monitoring and reporting water
temperature, DO, total dissolved gas
(TDG), and turbidity levels during
• Implement the Revised DOEP filed
with the license application that
includes installing and operating an
aeration basin to increase DO levels of
water exiting the powerhouse and
monitoring and reporting water
temperature, DO, and TDG levels for a
minimum of the first five years of
project operation to ensure water quality
does not degrade during project
• Implement the Vegetation
Management Plan filed with the license
application that includes provisions for
revegetating disturbed areas, wetland
protection, and invasive weed control to
be implemented before, during, and
after construction;
• Conduct a pre-construction survey
for raptor nests and schedule
construction activities or establish a 0.5mile construction buffer as appropriate
to minimize disturbing nesting raptors;
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
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• Design and construct the project
transmission line in accordance with
current avian protection guidelines,
including installing flight diverters and
perch deterrents;
• Implement the Visual Resources
Management Plan filed with the license
application that includes measures to
design and select materials to minimize
visual effects of the project;
• Post signs and public notice, limit
construction hours, days, and locations,
and stage construction traffic to reduce
conflicts with recreational users and
other motorists;
• Implement the Buffalo Bridge
Fishing Access Road Management Plan
filed with the license application,
including provisions for flagging, traffic
control devices, and public notice of
construction activities to maintain
traffic safety and minimize effects on
fishing access;
• Install and maintain an interpretive
sign near the dam that describes the
concept and function of the
hydroelectric project and how it affects
the sport fisheries, including any
measures taken to eliminate or reduce
adverse effects;
• Use a single-pole design for the
transmission line, along with materials
and colors that reduce visibility and
blend with the surroundings; and
• Implement the revised Historic
Properties Management Plan (HPMP)
filed February 9, 2016. Stop work if any
unanticipated cultural materials or
human remains are found.
Additional Measures Proposed by Staff
Under the staff alternative, the project
would include Reclamation’s 4(e)
conditions, the applicant’s proposals, all
of the section 401 water quality
certification conditions except for
condition 11, and the following
additional measures:
• Conduct TDG and DO compliance
monitoring at all times during project
• Conduct water temperature
monitoring for the first five years of
project operation and, after consultation
with Montana DFWP, Montana DEQ,
and FWS, file a proposal for
Commission approval regarding the
possible cessation of the temperature
monitoring program;
• Install and maintain a pressure
transducer and water level alarm in the
Beaverhead River during construction
when flows are being bypassed around
Reclamation’s existing intake and outlet
works to alert compliance monitoring
staff if water levels downstream of the
dam are reduced;
• During project operation, notify
Montana DFWP in addition to
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Reclamation in the event of an
unplanned shutdown;
• Notify Montana DEQ and Montana
DFWP within 24 hours of any deviation
from water temperature, DO, TDG, or
turbidity requirements during
construction and operation and file a
report with the Commission within 30
days describing the deviation, any
adverse effects resulting from the
deviation, the corrective actions taken,
any proposed measures to avoid future
deviations, and comments or
correspondence, if any, received from
the agencies;
• Document the results of the preconstruction raptor survey and the
measures taken to avoid disturbing
raptors by maintaining a record that
includes nesting bird survey data,
including the presence of migratory
birds, eggs, and active nests, the
qualifications of the biologist
performing the survey, and any
avoidance measures implemented;
• Construct the transmission line
segments that cross the Horse Prairie
and Medicine Lodge drainages outside
of the greater sage-grouse breeding
season (March 1–April 15); and
• Revise the Historic Properties
Management Plan (HPMP) in
consultation with the Montana SHPO
and Reclamation to include a Treatment
Plan to resolve project effects on the
Clark Canyon Dam and to clarify
consultation procedures in the plan (see
section 3.3.6). File the HPMP with the
Commission for approval prior to
The following is a discussion of the
basis for the additional staffrecommended measures that would
have significant effects on project
economics or environmental resources,
as well as the basis for not
recommending some measures proposed
by agencies.
Construction Water Quality Monitoring
and Reporting
The applicant proposes in its CWQMP
to provide Reclamation, Montana DEQ,
Montana DFWP, and FWS annual water
quality monitoring reports during
construction. Because the applicant
proposes to prepare monitoring reports
on an annual basis, any deviations from
state water quality criteria for turbidity,
temperature, DO, and TDG that occur
during construction would not be
reported to the Commission until the
annual report is submitted. The
applicant’s proposal does not
sufficiently protect water quality in the
short term. If water quality monitoring
in the reservoir or in the Beaverhead
River indicates that deviations from
water quality criteria are occurring
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during project construction, the
applicant should take immediate
reasonable action to remediate the
deviation, and should notify Montana
DEQ and Montana DFWP within 24
hours of the deviation. This would give
the agencies the opportunity to visit the
site quickly, assess the effects of the
deviation, and provide the applicant
and the Commission with
recommendations for ways to prevent
future deviations from occurring. Thus,
we also recommend that the applicant
file a report with the Commission
within 30 days of the deviation that
describes: (a) The cause, severity, and
duration of the incident; (b) any
observed or reported adverse
environmental impacts resulting from
the incident; (c) operational data
necessary to determine compliance; (d)
a description of any corrective measures
implemented at the time of the incident
and the measures implemented or
proposed to ensure that similar
incidents do not recur; and (e)
comments or correspondence, if any,
received from interested parties
regarding the incident.
We estimate that these additional
notification and reporting measures
would have minimal costs and conclude
that the compliance monitoring benefits
as well as benefits to aquatic resources
during project construction would
justify the cost.
Post-Construction Monitoring and
Temperature Compliance Monitoring
The applicant proposes to consult
with Montana DEQ on whether to
extend the water temperature
monitoring program beyond the first 5
years of operation. We recommend this
measure but also recommend that the
applicant consult with Montana DFWP
and FWS and allow the agencies 30
days to review the report before filing a
proposal to modify the temperature
monitoring requirements for
Commission approval. Given their trust
responsibilities, also consulting with
Montana DFWP and FWS would allow
them to weigh in on whether a sufficient
record has been established to
document the project’s compliance with
state water temperature criteria during
project operation, and to determine if
additional temperature monitoring is
needed beyond the initial five-year
monitoring period. We estimate that this
additional coordination and reporting
measure would have minimal costs and
conclude that the compliance
monitoring and aquatic resource
protection benefits would justify the
minor costs.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Dissolved Oxygen and Total Dissolved
Gas Compliance Monitoring
We recommend that the applicant
continue to monitor TDG and DO for the
term of any license issued. Our analysis
in section indicates that it would
be necessary to monitor these
parameters for the term of the license to
ensure that adequate DO enhancement
is occurring throughout the year as
needed, that DO aeration equipment is
functioning properly, and to track
compliance with TDG and DO criteria.
We estimate the annualized cost of this
measure would be $1,530, and conclude
that the compliance monitoring and
aquatic resource protection benefits
would justify its costs.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Reporting Deviations From Water
Quality Criteria
The applicant proposes to provide
annual water quality monitoring reports
for the first five years of project
operation to Reclamation, Montana
DFWP, Montana DEQ, and FWS within
60 days following each calendar year
(i.e., by March 1) and includes a
provision within its Revised DOEP to
report deviations from water quality
criteria to Reclamation, Montana DEQ,
and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of
the deviation. We recommend the
applicant implement its proposed
reporting provisions but also
recommend that the applicant file a
report with the Commission within 30
days of any deviation from water quality
criteria that describes: (a) The cause,
severity, and duration of the incident;
(b) any observed or reported adverse
environmental impacts resulting from
the incident; (c) operational data
necessary to determine compliance; (d)
a description of any corrective measures
implemented at the time of the incident
and the measures implemented or
proposed to ensure that similar
incidents do not recur; and (e)
comments or correspondence, if any,
received from interested parties
regarding the incident. Filing a report
with the Commission would facilitate
the Commission’s administration of the
license and ensure that corrective
actions taken to protect water quality
during operation are reported to the
Commission in a timely manner.
We estimate that these additional
notification and reporting measures
would have minimal costs and conclude
that the compliance monitoring benefits
as well as benefits to aquatic resources
during project operation would justify
the cost.
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Flow Alarm
Measures Not Recommended by Staff
During construction of the project’s
inlet works, use of Reclamation’s intake
and outlet works would not be available
to release flows to the Beaverhead River.
During that construction period, the
applicant would pump flows from a
barge over Reclamation’s spillway to
discharge into the river. We recommend
that the applicant install and operate a
minimum flow protection alarm system
to alert compliance monitoring staff in
the event of a pumping system failure
and subsequent water level drop in the
tailrace. Our analysis in section
indicates that the alarm system would
ensure that minimum flows are
maintained and backup pumps are
brought on-line as rapidly as possible in
the event of a pumping system failure.
We envision that the alarm system
would include: (1) Installation of a
pressure transducer at the proposed
water quality monitoring station located
approximately 300 feet downstream of
the dam; and (2) an alarm that would
sound in the event that water levels
measured by the transducer begin to
drop. We estimate the annualized costs
of this measure would be $160, and
conclude the benefits of ensuring
minimum instream flow releases and
protecting fish resources when flows are
being bypassed during construction
would justify the cost.
Staff finds that some of the measures
recommended by other interested
parties would not contribute to the best
comprehensive use of Clark Canyon
reservoir and Beaverhead River water
resources, do not exhibit a sufficient
relationship to project environmental
effects, or would not result in benefits
to non-power resources that would be
worth their cost. The following
discusses the basis for staff’s conclusion
not to recommend such measures.
Agency Notification of Unplanned
We recommend that the applicant
inform Montana DFWP in addition to
Reclamation in the event of an
unplanned shutdown or other operating
emergency during project operation. We
estimate this additional notification
would have minimal costs and therefore
recommend this measure as it would
allow Montana DFWP to provide input
on any corrective measures needed to
protect aquatic resources during any
unplanned shutdowns that occur during
Cultural Resources
To resolve adverse effects on the Clark
Canyon Dam, we recommend that the
HPMP be revised to include a Treatment
Plan for the dam, as well as address
other concerns raised by the SHPO and
Reclamation regarding consultation
procedures. The Treatment Plan and
revised HPMP should be developed by
the licensee in consultation with the
SHPO and Reclamation, and filed with
the Commission for approval within 90
days of license issuance and prior to
construction. Because the Treatment
Plan essentially replaces the proposed
MOA, no additional cost is anticipated.
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
Water Efficiency Improvements,
Conservation Planning, and Pollution
Adaptive Management Plan
Interior, Upper Missouri Waterkeeper,
and Montana Trout Unlimited
recommend that the applicant be
required to: (1) Provide 4 percent of the
project’s gross revenue to fund
independent technical studies of
Beaverhead River Basin water efficiency
improvements or water conservation
measures; and (2) support
implementation of the 2006 MOU
between Reclamation and Montana
DFWP for the Betterment of the
Beaverhead River and Valley. In
addition, Missouri Waterkeeper
recommends the applicant be required
to support ongoing agency studies
evaluating turbidity and nutrient
pollution events occurring in the
watershed and participate in developing
and implementing an adaptive
management plan that addresses those
Available information indicates that
trout populations in the Beaverhead
River are adversely affected by low
flows that occur during the nonirrigation season, and that fish
populations in Clark Canyon Reservoir
are adversely affected by low reservoir
levels during periods of drought.
Funding water conservation measures
could help alleviate some adverse
conditions to fish that occur in Clark
Canyon Reservoir and the Beaverhead
River, particularly during drought
conditions. Our analysis in section, however, indicates that
operation of the project as proposed by
the applicant would not cause any
changes in the water levels of Clark
Canyon Reservoir, the quantity of water
released by Reclamation into the
Beaverhead River for instream flows, or
the quality of tributaries entering the
reservoir or within the reservoir.
Although we agree that providing
funds or support for water efficiency
improvements and participating in
watershed management and
conservation planning activities may
provide some benefits to fisheries in
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Clark Canyon Reservoir and the
Beaverhead River through increased
potential for enhanced water storage,
instream flows, and water quality, we
find that these measures bear no
relationship to project effects or
For these reasons we conclude that
Interior’s, Montana Trout Unlimited’s,
and Upper Missouri Waterkeeper’s
recommended measures would be
inconsistent with the comprehensive
planning standard of section 10(a)(1) of
the FPA, and therefore would not be in
the public interest.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Annual Meeting With Watershed
Montana DEQ’s condition 11
stipulates that the applicant hold an
annual meeting with watershed
stakeholders (i.e., state and federal
agencies, non-governmental
organizations, and any interested
members of the public) to discuss water
quality monitoring efforts associated
with project operation. Our analysis in
section indicates that we do not
expect project operation to result in
frequent deviations from the state water
quality standards. Instead, our analysis
indicates that operating the project
would improve water quality in the
Beaverhead River downstream of the
project by enhancing DO levels in the
summer months and reducing the
potential for TDG supersaturation in the
summer and early fall compared to
existing conditions. While an annual
meeting would provide another
mechanism to evaluate whether any
changes are needed to achieve water
quality standards during project
operation, it is not needed because the
applicants proposed annual reporting
and staff’s recommended notification
procedures (notifying the agencies
within 24 hours of a deviation) would
be adequate to identify problems and
any need for corrective actions.
Although the costs of organizing and
holding such meetings would be small
($1,000), the benefits would not be
worth the cost. For these reasons, we do
not recommend the annual meeting
stipulated by Montana DEQ’s condition
Fish Entrainment, Impingement, and
Interior and Montana Trout Unlimited
recommend that the applicant evaluate
the effects of the project on fish
entrainment and impingement. The
recommended entrainment evaluation
may be useful at assessing the
entrainment, impingement, and
mortality rates of fish at the dam.
However, we believe that sufficient
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information exists to evaluate the effects
of the project on fish entrainment and
Our analysis in section found
that operation of the proposed project
would have no effect on the rate of fish
entrainment from Clark Canyon
Reservoir because the project would not
alter the timing or volume of water
withdrawals, and all water passing the
dam would do so via the existing intake
structure (and by the spillway during
spill events), as it does under existing
conditions. Further, our analysis
suggests that the mortality rates of
entrained fish under proposed project
operation would be similar to existing
conditions. During project operation
fish would still be subject to high
mortality levels when they are exposed
to rapid depressurization as they exit
the pressure conditions of the deep
reservoir and enter the relatively
shallow conditions in the tailrace of the
dam; therefore, the proposed project
would not substantially add to the
losses of fish currently occurring at the
existing outlet works at mortality rates
approaching 100 percent of entrained
fishes. The continued high mortality
through the dam would limit the
potential that fish entrained from the
reservoir contribute substantially to the
fishery downstream of the reservoir,
which consists of self-reproducing trout
populations. For these reasons,
collecting additional information on
entrainment and mortality would have
only minimal benefits to the fishery
We estimate that the annualized costs
of the entrainment assessment would be
$4,540, not including the additional
costs of any future measures that could
be implemented to reduce entrainment.
We conclude that the potential benefits
of the entrainment assessment would
not justify the cost, and therefore would
not be in the public interest.
Dam Infrastructure and Operation
Montana DFWP and Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper recommend that the
applicant evaluate the need for
alterations to dam infrastructure or
operations to minimize downstream
turbidity effects resulting from
entrainment of organic material or
inorganic fine sediment from the
reservoir into the project works. The
recommended measure is non-specific,
and therefore, we are unable to evaluate
the benefits and costs of the measure.
Because the project would be operated
run-of-release, the project would not
alter the depth of the reservoir intake, or
the rate, volume, or velocity of water
withdrawn from the reservoir, nor does
PO 00000
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the Commission have the authority to
require changes to Reclamation’s
facilities or operations; therefore it is
unclear what specific changes in dam
infrastructure or operations would be
available to the applicant to address
Montana DFWP and Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper’s concerns.
For these reasons, we do not
recommend requiring Montana DFWP
and Upper Missouri Waterkeeper’s
recommended evaluation.
Downstream Water Quality Compliance
The applicant proposes to
continuously monitor TDG, DO and
water temperature for at least the first
five years of project operation. The
applicant would monitor DO and
temperature in a small chamber located
upstream of proposed turbines (Site 1),
at a site located in the proposed aeration
basin (Site 2), and at a site located about
300 feet downstream of the project in
the Beaverhead River (Site 3). The
applicant would monitor TDG levels at
Sites 2 and 3.
Montana DFWP recommends that the
applicant deploy probes at the cone
valve and 100, 200, and 300 feet below
the project, in addition to the sites
proposed by the applicant, and to
monitor water quality parameters at
these sites for a minimum of three
consecutive years. The additional
probes would permit the applicant to
determine the water quality dynamics
within the mixing zone and potentially
the best place to document compliance
with DO and TDG levels over the long
In addition, Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper recommends that the
applicant evaluate the need for
additional monitoring downstream of
the project during operation.
Our analysis in section
indicates that although TDG and DO
may change slightly within the mixing
zone, the site recommended by the
applicant is likely to be most
representative of water quality
conditions downstream of the project
and would be sufficient to document
compliance with water quality
conditions. Given the anticipated small
changes within so short a distance, there
would be little benefit to downstream
aquatic resources by conducting this
additional monitoring.
We estimate that the annualized costs
of monitoring at these additional
compliance sites would be $3,500 and
conclude that the limited benefits of the
additional downstream monitoring
would not justify the cost.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Upstream Water Quality Monitoring
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
recommends that the applicant evaluate
the need for additional monitoring
upstream of Clark Canyon Dam during
project operation. The recommended
measure is non-specific, and therefore,
we are unable to determine the benefits
and costs of the measure. The applicant
already proposes to collect water
temperature and DO concentrations
levels of source reservoir water in order
to monitor the need for DO
enhancement downstream. Conducting
monitoring at additional sites upstream
would provide general information on
water quality conditions within the
Clark Canyon Reservoir above the intake
or in tributaries feeding the reservoir.
However, the project would not affect
these upstream areas. Therefore, the
recommended monitoring does not have
sufficient nexus to the project effects
and we do not recommend that
additional upstream monitoring be
included as a license requirement.
Compensatory Mitigation for Greater
We recommend adopting Interior’s
recommendation to coordinate with
BLM and Montana DNRC for the
purposes of complying with federal and
state greater sage-grouse plans; however,
we do not recommend adopting
Interior’s recommendation to provide
compensatory mitigation to offset any
remaining impacts after application of
avoidance and mitigation measures. We
cannot evaluate the cost or benefits of
compensatory mitigation requirements
because the agencies have not defined
those requirements. Regardless,
compensatory mitigation would not be
warranted because the applicant’s and
staff proposed measures adequately
minimize potential adverse effects on
greater sage grouse for several reasons.
First, the applicant’s proposal to
prevent perching of predators on the
transmission line, and the revegetation
measures under the VMP, would deter
increased predation and minimize
habitat loss. Second, staff’s
recommended measure to construct the
transmission line segments that cross
the Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge
drainages outside of the greater sagegrouse breeding season (March 1–April
15) would reduce the risk of projectrelated disturbances on breeding greater
The avoidance and mitigation
measures recommended in the staff
alternative would ensure that the project
would have minimal effects on greater
sage-grouse and would not affect the
5.3 Unavoidable Adverse Effects
Land-disturbing activities associated
with the proposed construction and
operation of the project would require
the removal of vegetation and
disturbance of soil. These activities
would disrupt the topsoil and result in
some temporary erosion in the
construction areas that would be largely
controlled by implementation of the
applicant’s proposed ESCP and VMP.
During the construction period there
would be an unavoidable loss of habitat
along the access road and transmission
line right-of way. Bald eagles and
ferruginous hawks may be displaced
from foraging areas in the stilling basin
and along the access road and
transmission line ROW during the
period of construction and for a short
time afterward until vegetation becomes
Noise and dust from land-disturbing
activities, other construction activities,
and construction traffic would diminish
the quality of the recreational
experience in the vicinity of Clark
Canyon Dam and the project site. Project
construction traffic would conflict with
recreational traffic. The transmission
line would introduce a new structural
feature within view of several nearby
recreation sites and along five miles of
Montana Highway 324 where no
transmission line currently exists.
Some long-term fish entrainment into
project facilities and subsequent injury
would occur similar to existing
5.4 Summary of Section 10(j)
Recommendations and 4(e) Conditions
5.4.1 Recommendations of Fish and
Wildlife Agencies
Under the provisions of section 10(j)
of the FPA, each hydroelectric license
issued by the Commission shall include
conditions based on recommendations
provided by federal and state fish and
wildlife agencies for the protection,
mitigation, or enhancement of fish and
wildlife resources affected by the
project. In response to our Ready for
Environmental Analysis notice, Interior,
on behalf of FWS, submitted 10(j)
recommendations for the project on
March 17, 2016.
Section 10(j) of the FPA states that
whenever the Commission believes that
any fish and wildlife agency
recommendation is inconsistent with
the purposes and the requirements of
the FPA or other applicable law, the
Commission and the agency shall
attempt to resolve any such
inconsistency, giving due weight to the
recommendations, expertise, and
statutory responsibilities of such
agency. Table 7 lists Interior’s
recommendations filed pursuant to
section 10(j) and indicates whether the
recommendations are adopted under the
staff alternative. Environmental
recommendations that we consider
outside the scope of section 10(j) have
been considered under section 10(a) of
the FPA and are addressed in the
specific resource sections of this
Of the 5 recommendations that we
consider to be within the scope of
section 10(j), we wholly include 3,
include 1 in part, and do not include 1.
We discuss the reasons for not including
those recommendations in section 5.1,
Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative. Table 7
indicates the basis for our preliminary
determinations concerning measures
that we consider inconsistent with
section 10(j).
[Source: Staff]
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Support water conservation
strategies to improve Beaverhead River instream flows.
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Within scope of section 10(j)
Interior ............
annual cost
No. Not a specific measure to protect fish and wildlife.
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Not adopted. Because the measure is not related to project effects, we have no justification for
recommending the measure.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
[Source: Staff]
annual cost
Within scope of section 10(j)
2. Fund studies of water efficiency
improvements or water conservation measures.
Interior ............
3. Submit water quality monitoring
reports during construction and
operation to FWS.
4. Assess impacts of entrainment
and impingement.
Interior ............
No. A funding commitment for
these purposes is not a specific
measure to protect fish and wildlife. Additionally, there is no relationship between this measure
and project effects—project operation would not affect the
quantity of Beaverhead River
instream flow releases or reservoir levels.
No. Not a specific measure to protect fish and wildlife.
Interior ............
Yes .................................................
5. Coordinate (including sequential
impact avoidance, minimization,
reclamation, and compensation)
with federal and state agencies
on any applicable compliance
procedures and stipulations in
greater-sage grouse recovery
plans. Provide compensatory
mitigation for any unavoidable
6(a). Construct power lines and
substation in accordance with
APLIC standards, including installing visual markers on the
6(b). To the extent practicable,
schedule construction to avoid
nesting season for raptors (including ferruginous hawk) and
other birds, and establish a 0.5mile
around raptor nests.
If field surveys are conducted to
avoid take during construction,
maintain nesting bird survey
data, including the presence of
migratory birds, eggs, and active
nests, as well as information regarding the qualifications of the
biologist performing the survey,
and any avoidance measures
7. Apply temporary seasonal disturbance restrictions (February
1–August 15) and 0.5-mile buffer
for any bald eagle nest that
occur within 0.5-mile of the
Interior ............
No. Not a specific fish and wildlife
mitigation measure.
c N/A
Interior ............
Yes .................................................
d $0
Interior ............
Yes .................................................
d $0
Interior ............
Yes .................................................
d $0
Interior ............
Yes .................................................
Not adopted. Because the measure is not related to project effects, we have no justification for
recommending the measure.
Not adopted.b Benefits of monitoring program would not justify
the cost.
Adopted in part. We recommend
that the applicant coordinate
with state and federal resource
agencies for greater sagegrouse conservation, but we do
not recommend a requirement to
provide compensatory funds for
unavoidable effects.
c Cost
included in implementing the applicant’s CWQMP and Revised DOEP.
findings that recommendations found to be within the scope of section 10(j) are inconsistent with the comprehensive planning
standard of section 10(a) of the FPA, including the equal consideration provision of section 4(e) of the FPA, are based on staff’s determination
that the costs of the measures outweigh the expected benefits.
c Cost unavailable as it includes unidentified compensatory mitigation for effects after avoidance and mitigation efforts have been applied.
Therefore, costs and measures are unknown.
c Cost included in applicant’s construction design.
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
b Preliminary
5.4.2 Land Management Agency’s
Section 4(e) Conditions
Of Reclamation’s 9 preliminary
conditions, we consider 8 (conditions 1
through 3 and conditions 5 through 9)
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to be administrative or legal in nature
and not specific environmental
measures. We therefore do not analyze
these conditions in this EA. Condition
4 requires the applicant to revegetate all
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
newly disturbed land areas with plant
species indigenous to the area within 6
months of the completion of the
project’s construction. All of
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Reclamation’s section 4(e) conditions
are included in the staff alternative.
5.5 Consistency With Comprehensive
Section 10(a)(2)(A) of the FPA, 16
U.S.C.§ 803(a)(2)(A), requires the
Commission to consider the extent to
which a project is consistent with
federal or state comprehensive plans for
improving, developing, or conserving a
waterway or waterways affected by the
project. We reviewed nine
comprehensive plans that are applicable
to the Clark Canyon Dam Project,
located in Montana.27 No
inconsistencies were found.
On the basis of our independent
analysis, we conclude that approval of
the proposed action, with our
recommended measures, would not
constitute a major federal action
significantly affecting the quality of the
human environment. Preparation of an
environmental impact statement is not
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
APLIC (Avian Power Line Interaction
Committee). 2012. Reducing avian
collisions with power lines: The state of
the art in 2012. Edison Electric Institute
and APLIC. Washington, DC. October
lll. 2006. Suggested practices for avian
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APLIC and the California Energy
Commission. Washington, DC, and
Sacramento, CA.
Balance Environmental. 2011. Ute Ladies’Tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) survey
report for the Clark Canyon transmission
27 (1) Montana DEQ. 2004. Montana water quality
integrated report for Montana (305(b)/303(d)).
Helena, Montana; (2) Montana DEQ. 2001. Montana
non-point source management plan. Helena,
Montana; (3) Montana DEQ. Montana’s State water
plan: 1987–1999. Part I: Background and
Evaluation. Part II: Plan Sections Agricultural Water
Use Efficiency; Instream Flow Protection; Federal
Hydropower Licensing and State Water Rights;
Water Information System; Water Storage; Drought
Management; Integrated Water Quality and
Quantity Management; and Montana Groundwater
Plan. Helena, Montana; (4) Montana DFWP. 2003.
Montana Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor
Recreation Plan (SCORP), 2003–2007; (5) Montana
DFWP. 1993. Water rights filings under S.B.76.
Helena, Montana; (6) Montana State Legislature.
1997. House Bill Number 546. Total Maximum
Daily Load. Helena, Montana; (7) National Park
Service. 1982. The nationwide rivers inventory.
Department of the Interior, Washington, DC; (8) U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service. Canadian Wildlife
Service. 1986. North American waterfowl
management plan. Department of the Interior.
Environment Canada; and (9) U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Undated. Fisheries USA: the recreational
fisheries policy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Washington, DC.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:08 Jun 28, 2016
Jkt 238001
Bartholomew, M.J., and S.E. Lewis, G.S.
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Beeman, J.W., D.A. Venditti, R.G. Morris,
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VanderKooi, T.C. Robinson, and A.G.
Maule. 2003. Gas bubble disease in
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Final Report of Research. Western
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Braun, C.E., O.O. Oedekoven, and C.L.
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CH2M HILL. 2007. Henry M. Jackson
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Call, M.W. 1978. Nesting habitats and
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Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC. 2016. Clark
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lll. 2016a. Clark Canyon Dam
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lll. 2016a. Clark Canyon Dam
Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 14677,
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lll. 2016b. Clark Canyon Dam
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AIR Item 2, and revised Visual Resources
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lll. 2015. Clark Canyon Dam
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lll. 2015a. Clark Canyon Dam
PO 00000
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lll. 2006. Clark Canyon Dam
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discharges. EPRI GS–7001. Prepared by
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Environmental Resource Management (ERM).
2015. Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC draft
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Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project final
license application. Portland, Oregon.
November 2015.
Falter, C.M. and D.H. Bennett. 1987.
Overview of dissolved gas
supersaturation and effects at Clark
Canyon Dam. Department of Fish and
Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho
(unpublished report). (Not seen, as cited
in Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC, 2006).
FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission). 2009. Environmental
Assessment for the Clark Canyon Dam
Hydroelectric Project P–12429. April
lll. 1995. Preliminary assessment of fish
entrainment at hydropower projects; a
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
report on studies and protective
measures. Volume 1. Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
Flynn, K. 2015. Clark Canyon reservoir
turbidity: Summary of DEQ efforts.
Powerpoint presentation. Montana DEQ.
Available online at: https:// Accessed
April 6, 2016.
Foust, J.M, J. Etter, and R.K. Fisher. 2008.
Predicting Dissolved Oxygen and
Nitrogen Uptake During Turbine
Aeration. Proceedings of Hydrovision
2008. Paper No. 187.
FWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 2015.
Historic Conservation Campaign Protects
Greater Sage-Grouse. Press release dated
September 22, 2015. Available at:
historic-conservation-campaign-protectsgreater-sage-grouse. Accessed on March
29, 2016.
lll. 2013. Greater Sage-grouse
(Centrocercus urophasianus)
Conservation Objectives: Final Report.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver,
CO. February, 2013.
lll. 2005. Recovery Outline: Contiguous
United States Distinct Population
Segment of the Canada lynx. U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service. Montana Field
Office, Helena, Montana. September 14,
lll. 1993. Grizzly bear recovery plan. U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Missoula, MT.
181 pp. Montana DEQ (Montana
Department of Environmental Quality).
2014. Montana 2014 Final Water Quality
Integrated Report. Helena, Montana.
Montana DEQ. 126pp.
GeoSense, LLC. 2016. Island Park
Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No.
2973. 2015 Water Quality Report.
Submitted to FERC. Prepared by
GeoSense, LLC for Fall River Electric.
Idaho Falls, ID. March 2016.
Holloran, M. J.R., and S.H. Anderson. 2005.
‘‘Spatial distribution of Greater SageGrouse nests in relatively contiguous
sagebrush habitat.’’ Condor 107:742–52.
Kaiser, R.C. 2006. ‘‘Recruitment by Greater
Sage-Grouse in association with natural
gas development in western Wyoming.’’
Master’s thesis, University of Wyoming,
Lyon, A.G., and S.H. Anderson. 2003.
‘‘Potential gas development impacts on
sage-grouse nest initiation and
movement.’’ Wildlife Society Bulletin
Montana DFWP (Montana Department of
Fish, Wildlife, and Parks). 2008. 2008year end drought report. Memorandum
dated October 15, 2008, from Andy
Brummond, Montana DFWP, to
Interested Parties. Available at: https://
getItem.aspx?id=35640. Accessed on
February 8, 2009.
lll. 2007. Memorandum of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:08 Jun 28, 2016
Jkt 238001
Understanding and Conservation
Agreement for Westlope Cutthroat Trout
and Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in
Montana. July 2007.
lll. 2003. Beaverhead River Summary
Results of User Survey, Summer 2002.
Available at:
River. Accessed on March 11, 2009.
Montana DFWP and BLM (U.S. Bureau of
Land Management). Undated. Greater
sage-grouse in the southeast Montana
Sage-Grouse Core Area. Available at:
62566 Accessed on April 29, 2016.
Montana NHP (Montana Natural Heritage
Program) and Montana DFWP. 2016.
Montana Animal Species of Concern
Report. Available at:
SpeciesOfConcern/?AorP=a. Accessed
on: May 2, 2016.
Montana Bald Eagle Working Group. 2010.
Montana Bald Eagle Management
Guidelines: An Addendum to Montana
Bald Eagle Management Plan, 1994,
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks,
Helena, Montana.
NERC (North American Electric Reliability
Corporation). 2008. 2008 long-term
reliability assessment to ensure the
reliability of the bulk power system.
Princeton, NJ. October 2008.
Oswald, R.A. 2006. Inventory and survey of
selected stream fisheries of the Red Rock,
Ruby, and Beaverhead River drainages of
southwest Montana: 2003–2006.
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife &
Parks, Bozeman, MT. 99 pp.
lll. 2003. Inventory and survey of
selected stream fisheries of the Red Rock,
Ruby, and Beaverhead River drainages of
southwest Montana; 2000–2002. Job
Prog. Rpt., Fed. Aid in Fish and Wild.
Rest. Acts, Proj. Nos. F–78–R–6, F–113–
R–1, F–113–R–2. Filed on May 7, 2008.
71 pp.
Oswald, R. 1985. Investigation of the
influence of Clark Canyon reservoir on
the stream fishery of the Beaverhead
River. Southwest Montana Fisheries
Study. Project No. F–9R–31/F–90R–32;
II–2. (Not seen, as cited in Clark Canyon
Hydro, 2006)
Reclamation (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation).
2016. Clark Canyon Dam Web page.
Available at:
Accessed on April 6, 2016.
lll. 2009. Clark Canyon Reservoir Web
page. Available at: https://
=131&contractCode=129. Accessed on
February 8, 2009.
lll. 2006. Final environmental
assessment and finding of no significant
impact—Conversion of long-term water
service contracts to repayment contracts.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Great Plains
Region, Montana Area Office. 119 pp.
lll. 2005. The limnological status of Clark
Canyon reservoir: Report of findings
PO 00000
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Legacy Consulting Services, Butte, MT.
Prepared by Renewable Technologies,
Inc., Butte, MT.
Selch, T. 2015. Beaverhead River water
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Montana DFWP. Available online at:
Upper-Beaverhead-River-Water-ClarityFWP-2015.pdf. Accessed April 6, 2016.
Sloat, M.R. 2001. Status of Westslope
Cutthroat Trout in the Madison River
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118 pp.
Stillwater Sciences. 2001. Low Impact
Hydropower Institute Amended
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Charlotte, NC. August 2000.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Kelly Wolcott—Project Coordinator,
Terrestrial Resources and Threatened
and Endangered Species (Environmental
Biologist; M.S., Natural Resources)
Mike Tust—Aquatic Resources (Fishery
Biologist; M.A., B.A, Marine Affairs and
Ken Wilcox—Cultural Resources, Recreation,
Land Use, and Aesthetics (Outdoor
Recreation Planner; B.S., Environmental
Policy and Management)
Kim Nguyen—Geology and Soils,
Developmental Analysis (Civil Engineer;
B.S., Civil Engineering)
Frank Winchell—Cultural Resources
(Archaeologist; Ph.D., M.A., B.S.,
[FR Doc. 2016–15343 Filed 6–28–16; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 125 (Wednesday, June 29, 2016)]
[Pages 42397-42452]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-15343]
[[Page 42397]]
Vol. 81
No. 125
June 29, 2016
Part II
Department of Energy
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project; Notice of Availability of
Environmental Assessment; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 81 , No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 /
[[Page 42398]]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Project No. 14677-001--Montana]
Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project; Notice of Availability of
Environmental Assessment
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (Commission or FERC)
regulations, 18 CFR part 380 (Order No. 486, 52 FR 47897), Office of
Energy Projects staff have reviewed Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC's
application for license for the proposed Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric
Project. The project would be located at the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation's (Reclamation's) Clark Canyon Dam, on the Beaverhead River
near the city of Dillon, Beaverhead County, Montana, and would occupy a
total of 62.3 acres of federal land administered by the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
Staff have prepared an environmental assessment (EA) analyzing the
potential environmental impacts of the project, and conclude that
constructing and operating the project, with appropriate environmental
protective measures, would not constitute a major federal action that
would significantly affect the quality of the human environment.
A copy of the EA is available for review at the Commission in the
Public Reference Room or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site at using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to
access the document. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support at or toll-free at 1-866-208-3676, or for TTY,
You may also register online at to be notified via email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support.
Any comments should be filed within 30 days from the date of this
notice. Comments may be filed electronically via the Internet. See 18
CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions on the Commission's Web
site Commenters can submit
brief comments up to 6,000 characters, without prior registration,
using the eComment system at You must include your name and contact information at the
end of your comments.
For assistance, please contact FERC Online Support. Although the
Commission strongly encourages electronic filing, documents may also be
paper-filed. To paper-file, mail comments to: Kimberly D. Bose,
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20426. The first page of any filing should include
docket number P-14677-001.
For further information, contact Kelly Wolcott by telephone at 202-
502-6480 or by email at
Dated: June 23, 2016.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Environmental Assessment for Hydropower License
Clark Canyon Dam Project
FERC Project No. 14677-001
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects,
Division of Hydropower Licensing, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
June 23, 2016.
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES...................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES....................................... v
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS........................... vi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................... viii
1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................... 1
1.1 Application.................................. 1
1.2 Purpose of Action and Need for Power......... 1
1.2.1 Purpose of Action...................... 1
1.2.2 Need for Power......................... 4
1.3 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements........ 4
1.3.1 Federal Power Act...................... 6
1.3.2 Clean Water Act........................ 7
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act................. 7
1.3.4 National Historic Preservation Act..... 7
1.4 Public Review and Consultation............... 8
1.4.1 Interventions.......................... 8
1.4.2 Comments on the License Application.... 9
2.1 No-Action Alternative........................ 10
2.2 Applicant's Proposal......................... 10
2.2.1 Proposed Project Facilities............ 10
2.2.2 Project Safety......................... 13
2.2.3 Proposed Project Operation............. 13
2.2.4 Proposed Environmental Measures........ 14
2.2.5 Modifications to Applicant's Proposal-- 15
Mandatory Conditions........................
2.3 Staff Alternative............................ 18
3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS........................... 19
3.1 General Description of the River Basin....... 19
3.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects.................. 20
3.2.1 Geographic Scope....................... 20
3.2.2 Temporal Scope......................... 21
3.3 Proposed Action and Action Alternatives...... 21
3.3.1 Geologic and Soil Resources............ 21
3.3.2 Aquatic Resources...................... 26
3.3.3 Terrestrial Resources.................. 62
3.3.4 Threatened and Endangered Species...... 75
3.3.5 Recreation, Land Use, and Aesthetics... 76
[[Page 42399]]
3.3.6 Cultural Resources..................... 83
3.4 No-Action Alternative........................ 87
4.0 DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS........................... 87
4.2.1 No-action Alternative.................. 89
4.2.2 Applicant's Proposal................... 89
4.2.3 Staff Alternative...................... 89
5.1 Comparison of Alternatives................... 96
5.2 Comprehensive Development and Recommended 97
5.3 Unavoidable Adverse Effects.................. 108
5.4 Summary of Section 10(j) Recommendations and 108
4(e) conditions.................................
5.4.1 Recommendations of Fish and Wildlife 108
5.4.2 Land Management Agency's Section 4(e) 112
5.5 Consistency with Comprehensive Plans......... 112
6.0 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT................. 113
7.0 LITERATURE CITED................................. 114
8.0 LIST OF PREPARERS................................ 121
List of Figures
Figure 1. Location of Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric 3
Figure 2. Clark Canyon Dam Project features.......... 12
Figure 3. Beaverhead River hydrograph at Clark Canyon 27
Dam, 1965 to 2007 and 2001 to 2005..................
Figure 4. Clark Canyon Dam Daily Reservoir Discharge, 27
1965 to 2014........................................
Figure 5. Daily average water temperatures in the 31
Beaverhead River measured at the site located 300
feet downstream of Clark Canyon Dam in 2013.........
Figure 6. Minimum oxygen levels measured during 32
monthly 48-hour continuous sampling periods at five
sites in the lower Beaverhead River between May 2007
and November 2008 downstream from the Clark Canyon
Figure 7. Daily minimum dissolved oxygen levels in 33
the Beaverhead River measured at the site located
300 feet downstream of Clark Canyon Dam.............
Figure 8 Discharge and total dissolved gas 34
concentrations in the Beaverhead River downstream of
Clark Canyon Dam during periodic sampling, October
2007 through December 2009..........................
Figure 9. Average turbidity values measured during 35
monthly 48-hour continuous sampling periods at five
sites in the lower Beaverhead River between May 2007
and November 2008...................................
Figure 10. Relative abundance of age 1+ rainbow and 38
brown trout in the Hildreth section (RM 74.9 and
73.3 of the Beaverhead River below Clark Canyon Dam,
Figure 11. Recreation access sites in the vicinity of 78
the proposed Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project.
List of Tables
Table 1. Major statutory and regulatory requirements 5
for the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project......
Table 2. Numeric water quality criteria applicable to 28
the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project..........
Table 3. Clark Canyon Reservoir release guidelines... 42
Table 4. Water Quality Monitoring During Operation 53
(source: license application as modified by staff)..
Table 5. Parameters for the economic analysis of the 88
Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project..............
Table 6. Costs of environmental mitigation and 90
enhancement measures considered in assessing the
environmental effects of constructing and operating
the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project..........
Table 7. Fish and wildlife agency recommendations.... 109
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AIR additional information request
APLIC Avian Power Line Interaction Committee
APE Area of Potential Effect
applicant Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC
BLM U.S. Bureau of Land Management
BMPs best management practices
[deg]C degrees Celsius
certification Section 401 Water Quality Certification
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
cfs cubic feet per second
Commerce U.S. Department of Commerce
Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
CWA Clean Water Act
CWQMP Construction Water Quality Monitoring Plan
District East Bench Irrigation District
DO dissolved oxygen
Revised DOEP Revised Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Plan
EA environmental assessment
ESA Endangered Species Act
ESCP Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
[deg]F degrees Fahrenheit
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FPA Federal Power Act
FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
HPMP Historic Properties Management Plan
Interior U.S. Department of the Interior
IPaC Information, Planning, and Conservation system
kWh kilowatt-hour
kV kilovolt
L&WCF Land and Water Conservation Fund
mg/L milligram per liter
Montana DEQ Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Montana DFWP Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Montana DNRC Montana Department of Natural Resources and
Montana NHP Montana Natural Heritage Program
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
msl mean sea level
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
National Register National Register of Historic Places
NERC North American Electric Reliability Council
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit
NWPP Northwest Power Pool
P-12429 FERC Project No. 12429
PA Programmatic Agreement
Park Service National Park Service
project Clark Canyon Dam Project
Reclamation U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
RM river mile
ROW right-of-way
SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer
SOC Species of Concern
TCP traditional cultural property
TDG total dissolved gas
TMDL total maximum daily load
[[Page 42400]]
ULT Ute ladies'-tresses
VMP Vegetation Management Plan
VRMP Visual Resources Management Plan
Proposed Action
On November 23, 2015, Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC (applicant) filed an
application to construct and operate the 4.7-megawatt (MW) Clark Canyon
Dam Hydroelectric Project (project). The project would be located at
the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation's) Clark Canyon Dam on
the Beaverhead River, near the city of Dillon, Montana.\1\ The proposed
project would occupy a total of 62.3 acres of federal land managed by
Reclamation and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
\1\ The applicant supplemented its application on December 10,
2015; February 1, 2016; February 9, 2016; and March 11, 2016.
Existing Reclamation Facilities
Reclamation's Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir is a flood control and
water conservation facility located at the head of the Beaverhead River
\2\ in southwestern Montana. Clark Canyon Dam was completed in 1964 as
part of Reclamation's Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin Program, East
Bench Unit. It is managed to provide irrigation storage, flood control,
and recreation opportunities.
\2\ Red Rock River and Horse Prairie Creek flow into Clark
Canyon reservoir; reservoir releases form the head of the Beaverhead
Clark Canyon Dam is a 2,950-foot long, 147.5-foot high, zoned,
earth-fill structure, with an uncontrolled spillway at a crest
elevation of 5,578 feet mean sea level (msl). The reservoir has a
volume of 257,152 acre-feet at the flood control pool elevation of
5,560.5 msl. The dam includes an intake structure and conduit located
within the reservoir that leads to a shaft house at the dam crest. From
the shaft house, a 9-foot-diameter outlet conduit carries water through
the dam approximately 360 feet and discharges it into a stilling basin.
The discharge capacity of the outlet works is 2,325 cubic feet per
second (cfs) at a reservoir water surface elevation of 5,547 feet msl.
Reclamation manages approximately 15 recreation sites at Clark Canyon
Reservoir and just downstream of the dam, including fishing access,
campgrounds, day-use areas, boat ramps, and an overlook.
Proposed Project Facilities
The proposed Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project would use the
existing dam, reservoir, intake and outlet works, and stilling basin.
The proposed project would involve the installation of a new 360-foot
long, 8-foot diameter steel lining within Reclamation's outlet works
from the existing gate chamber to the stilling basin. At the river end
of the liner, a trifurcation would separate flows into two 8-foot-
diameter, 35-foot-long steel penstocks leading to a new powerhouse and
a new 10-foot long, 8-foot diameter steel outlet pipe that would
discharge into the stilling basin through a fixed cone valve.\3\ The
46-foot by 65-foot concrete powerhouse would be located at the toe of
the dam adjacent to the stilling basin and contain two 2.35-megawatt
(MW) vertical Francis-type turbine/generator units, for a total
installed capacity of 4.7 MW. Water discharged from the turbines would
pass through 25-foot-long steel draft tubes that would transition into
a concrete draft tube and tailrace channel discharging into the
stilling basin. An aeration basin, consisting of three 45-foot-long,
10-foot-wide frames containing 330 diffusers would be installed in the
stilling basin to inject air into the water column to elevate DO levels
by a maximum of 7.5 milligrams per liter above reservoir conditions at
the intake before the water enters the Beaverhead River. Power would be
carried through a 1,100-foot-long underground transmission line from
the powerhouse to a new substation containing step-up transformers and
switchgear, and from there along a 7.9-mile-long overhead transmission
line to the existing Peterson Flat substation (the point of
\3\ The fixed cone value would provide a controlled release of
flows when the powerhouse is offline or when the flow requirements
are greater than the turbine capacity.
Proposed Operation
The project would operate in a run-of-release mode, meaning the
project would operate only using flows made available by Reclamation in
accordance with its standard practices and procedures; thus project
operation would not affect storage or reservoir levels. The project
would be operated automatically, but an operator would be on site
Power generation would be seasonally dictated by Reclamation's
operations. The project would be able to operate with flow release
ranging from 87.5 to 700 cfs (minimum capacity of 87.5 cfs and a
maximum capacity of 350 cfs per unit totaling 700 cfs). Flows less than
the 87.5-cfs would cause the isolation valve in the penstock to close,
allowing all flows to bypass the powerhouse and pass through the
existing outlet works into the stilling basin. When the project is
operating at maximum capacity, any inflows in excess of 700 cfs would
bypass the powerhouse and continue to flow through Reclamation's
existing outlet works and over its spillway into the stilling basin.
The proposed project would generate up to 15,400 megawatt-hours (MWh)
Proposed Environmental Measures
The applicant proposes the following environmental measures to
protect or enhance aquatic, terrestrial, cultural, recreational and
visual resources during project design, construction, and operation:
Implement the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
filed with the license application to minimize soil erosion and dust,
protect water quality, and minimize turbidity in the Beaverhead River;
Implement the Instream Flow Release Plan filed with the
license application with provisions to temporarily pump flows around
Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works to prevent interrupting
Reclamation's flow releases into the Beaverhead River during
installation of the proposed project's penstock;
Maintain compliance monitoring staff on site 24 hours per
day and 7 days per week when bypassing flows around Reclamation's
intake and outlet works to ensure prompt response to a pumping
equipment failure or malfunction and Reclamation's flow releases are
maintained in the Beaverhead River downstream.
Implement the Construction Water Quality Monitoring Plan
(CWQMP) filed with the license application that includes monitoring and
reporting water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved gas
(TDG), and turbidity levels during construction to protect aquatic
resources during construction;
Implement the Revised Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Plan
(Revised DOEP) filed with the license application that includes
installing and operating the aeration basin and monitoring and
reporting of water temperature, DO, and TDG levels for a minimum of the
first five years of project operation to ensure water quality does not
degrade during project operation;
Implement the Vegetation Management Plan filed with the
license application that includes provisions for revegetating disturbed
areas, wetland protection, and invasive weed control before, during,
and after construction;
Conduct a pre-construction survey for raptor nests and
schedule construction activities or establish a 0.5-mile construction
buffer, as appropriate, to minimize disturbance of nesting raptors;
[[Page 42401]]
Design and construct the project transmission line in
accordance with current avian protection guidelines, including
installing flight diverters and perch deterrents to prevent collision
and electrocution hazards and increased predation of upland sage
Implement the Visual Resources Management Plan (VRMP)
filed with the license application that includes measures to design and
select materials to reduce the visual contrast of project facilities;
Post signs and public notice, limit construction hours,
days, and locations, and stage construction traffic to reduce conflicts
with recreational users and other motorists;
Implement the Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access Road
Management Plan filed with the license application that includes
provisions for flagging, traffic control devices, and public notice of
construction activities to maintain traffic safety and minimize effects
on fishing access;
Install and maintain an interpretive sign near the dam
that describes the concept and function of the hydroelectric project
and how it affects the sport fisheries, including any measures taken to
eliminate or reduce adverse effects;
Use a single-pole design for the transmission line, along
with materials and colors that reduce visibility and blend with the
surroundings; and
Implement the revised Historic Properties Management Plan
(HPMP) filed February 9, 2016, and stop work if any unanticipated
cultural materials or human remains are found.
Public Involvement and Areas of Concern
This project was previously licensed under a similar design as FERC
Project No.12429 (P-12429) on August 26, 2009.\4\ The license was
amended on March 7, 2013, to alter the project transmission line from a
0.3-mile-long, 24.9-kV buried transmission line to a 7.9-mile-long, 69-
kV overhead powerline.\5\ That license was terminated on March 19,
2015, for failure to commence construction by the deadline established
in section 13 of the FPA. Because of the similarity of the project
features and level of consultation that occurred during the preparation
of the current license application, the Commission waived the pre-
filing, three-stage consultation process and scoping for this project
by notice issued on December 4, 2015. On February 23, 2016, the
Commission issued a notice stating that the application was accepted
and ready for environmental analysis, setting March 24, 2016, as the
deadline for filing protests and motions to intervene as well as
comments, terms and conditions, recommendations, and prescriptions.
\4\ See 128 FERC ] 62,129 (2009).
\5\ See 142 FERC ] 62,192 (2013).
The primary issues associated with licensing the project are the
protection of wetlands, water quality, fish and wildlife habitat,
visual resources, and cultural resources during project construction
and operation.
Alternatives Considered
This EA analyzes the effects of project construction and operation
and recommends conditions for an original license for the project. The
EA considers three alternatives: (1) the applicant's proposal, as
outlined above; (2) the applicant's proposal with staff modifications
(staff alternative); and (3) no action--no project construction or
operation (no-action alternative).
Staff Alternative
Under the staff alternative, the project would be constructed and
operated as proposed by the applicant with the modifications and
additional measures described below. This alternative includes all of
the mandatory conditions specified by Reclamation under section 4(e) of
the Federal Power Act and all but one of the conditions specified by
Montana Department of Environmental Quality's (Montana DEQ) section 401
Water Quality Certification (certification).\6\ Our recommended
modifications and additional environmental measures include, or are
based on, recommendations made by federal and state resource agencies
that have an interest in resources that may be affected by operation of
the proposed project.
\6\ The staff alternative does not include condition 11 which
stipulates that the applicant meet annually with all watershed
stakeholders to discuss water quality monitoring efforts associated
with project operation. However, we recognize that the Commission is
required to include valid section 401 water quality certification
conditions in any license issued for the project.
Under the staff alternative, the project would include most of the
applicant's proposed measures, as outlined above, and the following
additional measures: (1) TDG and DO compliance monitoring at all times
during project operation rather than just potentially for the first
five years of operation; (2) water temperature monitoring for the first
five years of project operation and, after consultation with the
agencies, filing a proposal for Commission approval regarding the
possible cessation of temperature monitoring after the first five
years; (3) installing and maintaining a pressure transducer and water
level alarm in the Beaverhead River when flows are being bypassed
around Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works to alert
compliance monitoring staff if water levels downstream of the dam are
reduced; (4) notifying Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
(Montana DFWP) in addition to Reclamation in the event of an unplanned
shutdown during project operation; (5) notifying Montana DEQ and
Montana DFWP within 24 hours of any deviation from water temperature,
DO, TDG, or turbidity requirements during construction and operation
and filing a report with the Commission within 30 days describing the
deviation, any adverse effects resulting from the deviation, the
corrective actions taken, any proposed measures to avoid future
deviations, and comments or correspondence, if any, received from the
agencies; (6) maintaining records of pre-construction raptor surveys
that includes presence of birds, eggs, and active nests, the
qualifications of the biologist performing the survey, and measures
implemented to avoid disturbing nesting birds; and (7) constructing the
transmission line segments that cross the Horse Prairie and Medicine
Lodge drainages outside of the greater sage-grouse breeding season
(March 1-April 15); and (8) revising the HPMP in consultation with the
Montana State Historic Preservation Officer (Montana SHPO) and
Reclamation to include a Treatment Plan to resolve project effects on
the Clark Canyon Dam and to clarify consultation procedures and filing
the plan with the Commission for approval prior to construction.
Under the no-action alternative, the proposed project would not be
built and environmental resources in the project area would not be
Project Effects
Geology and Soils
Some unavoidable minor, short-term increases in turbidity would
occur in the Beaverhead River downstream of the project during project
construction. These effects would be minimized by implementing the
applicant's ESCP.
Aquatic Resources
Operating the project in a run-of-release mode would protect
aquatic habitat in the impoundment and in the Beaverhead River
downstream of the project. Installing the penstock and associated
valves would temporarily impair Reclamation's ability to release stream
flows downstream of the dam.
[[Page 42402]]
However, pumping flows around Reclamations' existing intake and outlet
works to the Beaverhead River as outlined in the applicant's Final
Instream Flow Release Plan would ensure that streamflows and water
quality are maintained downstream during this phase of construction.
Also, the applicant's proposal to provide 24-hour attendance of the
pumping system for the duration of pumping activities would ensure that
any failure or malfunction of the pumping equipment could be dealt with
in a timely manner to avoid downramping during the trout spawning
season. Staff's recommendation to install a flow meter and water level
alarm would detect falling water levels in the event of an equipment
failure and alert construction staff of the need to activate backup
Current dam operations can cause total dissolved gases (TDG) levels
to rise above 115 percent saturation, exceeding the state standard of
110 percent and potentially harming fish. Discharging flows through the
project instead of Reclamation's outlet works would reduce the plunging
effect and potential for entrained air to enter solution under
pressure, thereby reducing the potential for TDG supersaturation which
would be a project benefit. However, TDG supersaturation could still
affect aquatic resources at times in the summer or early fall when flow
release requirements exceed the hydraulic capacity of the project or
when the project is shut down and flows exit at high pressure through
the existing outlet works.
Reducing the turbulence from Reclamation's discharges could also
reduce dissolved oxygen (DO) levels downstream. However, injecting air
through the proposed aeration basin based on incoming DO levels and the
level of aeration needed to maintain the state criteria of 7.5-8.0 mg/L
as described in the applicant's Revised DOEP would maintain adequate DO
levels in the project tailrace and potentially enhance DO levels in the
summer months, which would benefit trout in the Beaverhead River.
Deploying corrective measures and emergency shutdown procedures if DO
falls below state criteria would further protect aquatic resources
during low DO periods.
The applicant's proposal to monitor water temperature, DO, TDG, and
turbidity prior to and during construction as described in its CWQMP
and its proposal to monitor water temperature, DO, and TDG for a
minimum of the first five years of project operation as described in
its Revised DOEP would allow the applicant to document and report
compliance with state water quality criteria and would inform the need
for corrective measures to protect water quality during the monitoring
period. Staff's recommendation that the applicant extend monitoring for
DO and TDG for the term of any license issued would ensure that the
aeration basin continues to function properly and maintains or improves
water quality downstream. Staff's recommended reporting requirements
during construction and operation would facilitate the Commission's
administration of the license and ensure that any appropriate
corrective measures to protect water quality are timely identified and
The applicant's proposal to screen the pump intakes would limit the
potential for entrainment of fish during project construction. However,
some fish are likely to be entrained and injured as they pass through
the project turbines during operation similar to existing conditions.
Terrestrial Resources
Project construction would temporarily disturb and displace some
wildlife and would permanent remove 0.10 acres of vegetation.
Implementing the best management practices in the applicant's proposed
VMP would protect wetlands and prevent the introduction and spread of
noxious weeds during construction.
Vegetation lost during construction of the transmission line right-
of-way and staging and spoil areas would be restored following
construction using native plant species approved by Reclamation and BLM
which would provide locally-adapted and naturally-occurring habitat and
forage for wildlife.
The potential for avian electrocutions and collisions with the
transmission line would be reduced by the applicant's proposals to
design the transmission line in adherence to current avian protection
standards, including installing flight diverters and perch deterrents
on the power line. Perch deterrents would also discourage predators
from perching on the transmission line poles, which would protect
greater sage-grouse. Restricting construction within 0.5 miles of a
raptor nests would avoid disturbing or displacing nesting raptors.
Threatened and Endangered Species
Project construction and operation would not affect the federally
listed threatened Ute ladies'-tresses, the threatened grizzly bear, or
the threatened Canada lynx because the project area does not contain
suitable habitat for either species, or for the snowshoe hare, which is
the primary prey of the Canada lynx. There is no designated critical
habitat within the project area for these species.
Cultural Resources
Clark Canyon Dam and six other cultural resource sites along the
transmission corridor were identified during site investigations.
Project construction would only affect the Clark Canyon Dam, which was
determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of
Historic Places. The Montana SHPO concurred with these findings.\7\
Revising the HPMP to include a Treatment Plan to resolve project
effects on the Clark Canyon Dam and to clarify consultation procedures
for addressing any future maintenance activities would protect known
and any newly discovered historic properties.
\7\ See the Programmatic Agreement issued by the Commission on
May 5, 2016, and the letter from the Montana SHPO to the Commission,
filed March 25, 2016.
Recreation, Land Use, and Aesthetics
Clark Canyon Reservoir and the Beaverhead River are popular
recreational destinations, particularly for fishing, boating, and
camping. The noise and dust associated with construction activities
could disturb recreationists, and safety concerns could arise where
recreational users and construction vehicles use the same roadways to
access areas near the dam or transmission line. The applicant's
proposed Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access Road Management Plan would
reduce the effects of construction traffic on recreation users at that
location. The applicant's proposed limits on construction hours and
days, along with public notice of construction activities would help to
minimize conflicts with recreational users, and its proposed signing,
flagging, barriers, and construction traffic staging would minimize
conflicts with other motorists. During project operation, minor noise
and light from the powerhouse could be noticeable to recreation users
nearby, particularly below the dam.
Installing and maintaining an interpretive sign at the Clark Canyon
Dam Fishing Access site would inform visitors of the concept and
function of the hydroelectric project, how it affects the sport
fisheries, and any measures taken to eliminate or reduce adverse
Construction of the powerhouse, transmission line, and construction
and access roads would introduce new visual elements to the existing
[[Page 42403]]
environment. Implementing the applicants proposed Visual Resources
Management Plan would ensure that project design incorporates the use
of color, form, grading, and revegetation that would minimize the
project's long-term visual contrast with the existing environment. The
overhead transmission line would be designed and located to further
minimize visual effects on scenic vistas and nearby recreational use.
Under the no-action alternative, the project would not be
constructed and the environmental resources in the project areas would
not be affected.
Based on our analysis, we recommend licensing the project as
proposed by the applicant with staff modifications and additional
measures, as described above under Alternatives Considered.
In section 4.2 of the EA, we estimate the likely cost of
alternative power for each of the two alternatives identified above.
Our analysis shows that during the first year of operation under the
applicant's proposal, project power would cost $2,331,512, or $151.40/
MWh, more than the likely alternative cost of power. Under the staff
alternative, project power would cost $2,335,362, or $151.65/MWh, more
than the likely alternative cost of power.
We chose the staff alternative as the preferred alternative
because: (1) the 4.7-MW project would save the equivalent amount of
fossil-fueled generation and capacity, thereby helping to conserve non-
renewable energy resources and reduce atmospheric pollution; and (2)
the recommended environmental measures proposed by the applicant, as
modified by staff, would adequately protect and enhance environmental
resources affected by the project. The overall benefits of the staff
alternative would be worth the cost of the proposed and recommended
environmental measures.
We conclude that issuing a license for the project, with the
environmental measures that we recommend, would not be a major federal
action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.
Environmental Assessment
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects,
Division of Hydropower Licensing, Washington, DC
Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project
FERC Project No. 14677-001--Montana
Month XX, 2016
1.1 Application
On November 23, 2015, Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC (applicant) filed an
application for an original license to construct, operate, and maintain
the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project (project). The 4.7-megawatt
(MW) project would be located at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's
(Reclamation's) Clark Canyon Dam on the Beaverhead River, near the city
of Dillon, Montana (figure 1). The proposed project would occupy 62.1
acres of federal lands within the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program,
East Bench Unit, administered by Reclamation, and 0.2 acres of land
administered by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. The project would
generate an average of about 15,400 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy
1.2 Purpose of Action and Need For Power
1.2.1 Purpose of Action
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) must
decide whether to issue a license to the applicant for the project and
what conditions should be placed in any license issued. In deciding
whether to issue a license for a hydroelectric project, the Commission
must determine that the project will be best adapted to a comprehensive
plan for improving or developing a waterway. In addition to the power
and developmental purposes for which licenses are issued (e.g., flood
control, irrigation, and water supply), the Commission must give equal
consideration to the purposes of energy conservation, the protection,
mitigation of damage to, and enhancement of fish and wildlife
(including related spawning grounds and habitat), the protection of
recreational opportunities, and the preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality.
Issuing a license for the project would allow the applicant to
generate electricity at the project for the term of an original
license, making electric power from a renewable resource available to
the public.
[[Page 42404]]
[[Page 42405]]
This environmental assessment (EA) assesses the environmental and
economic effects of constructing and operating the proposed
hydroelectric project: (1) As proposed by the applicant, and (2) with
our recommended measures and agency mandatory conditions. We also
consider the effects of the no-action alternative. Important issues
that are addressed include the protection of wetlands, water quality,
fish and wildlife habitat, visual resources, and cultural resources
during project construction and operation.
1.2.2 Need for Power
The project would provide hydroelectric generation to meet part of
Montana's power requirements, resource diversity, and capacity needs.
The project would have an installed capacity of 4.7 MW and generate
approximately 15,400 MWh per year.
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) annually
forecasts electric supply and demand nationally and regionally for a
10-year period. The proposed project would be located in the Northwest
Power Pool area of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)
region of NERC. For the 2016-2025 time period, NERC projects that total
demand for the summer, the peak season for the entire WECC Region,
decreased by 2.3 percent due to generally mild temperatures and
increased distributed solar generation. The demand for the summer
season is projected to increase by 1.1% per year, while the annual
energy load is projected to increase by 1.2% per year for the same time
We conclude that power from the proposed project would help meet a
need for power in the WECC region in both the short and long term. The
project would provide power that would displace non-renewable, fossil-
fired generation and contribute to a diversified generation mix.
Displacing the operation of fossil-fueled facilities avoids some power
plant emissions and creates an environmental benefit.
1.3 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
A license for the project is subject to numerous requirements under
the Federal Power Act (FPA) and other applicable statutes. The major
regulatory and statutory requirements are summarized in table 1 and
described below.
Table 1--Major statutory and Regulatory Requirements for the Clark
Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project
[Source: Staff]
Requirement Agency Status
Section 18 of the FPA (fishway FWS.............. No fishway
prescriptions). prescription or
requests for
reservation of
authority to
prescribe fishways
were filed.
Section 4(e) of the FPA (land Reclamation...... Interior, on behalf
management conditions). of Reclamation,
filed preliminary
conditions on March
17, 2016.
Section 10(j) of the FPA...... FWS.............. Interior, on behalf
of FWS, filed
section 10(j)
recommendations on
March 17, 2016.
Montana DFWP..... No section 10(j)
recommendations were
Endangered Species Act FWS.............. Commission staff
consultation. generated official
species list from
FWS's IPaC website
on April 15, 2016.
Clean Water Act--section 401 Montana DEQ...... Applicant submitted
water quality certification. an application for
certification on
April 15, 2016,
which was received
by Montana DEQ on
April 18, 2016.
Montana DEQ issued a
draft certification
for public comment
on June 3, 2016;
comments are due to
Montana DEQ by July
5, 2016.
Certification is due
by April 18, 2017.
National Historic Preservation Montana SHPO..... The Clark Canyon Dam
Act. was determined to be
eligible for listing
on the National
Register of Historic
Places. A PA was
signed by the SHPO
and filed on May 31,
2016, requiring the
applicant to revise
its HPMP and prepare
a Treatment Plan to
resolve effects.
Notes: Commission--Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. FPA--Federal
Power Act. FWS--U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HPMP--Historic
Properties Management Plan. Interior--U.S. Department of the Interior.
Montana DEQ--Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Montana
DFWP--Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Montana SHPO--
Montana State Historic Preservation Officer. PA--Programmatic
Agreement. Reclamation--U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
1.3.1 Federal Power Act Section 18 Fishway Prescription
Section 18 of the FPA states that the Commission is to require
construction, operation, and maintenance by a licensee of such fishways
as may be prescribed by the Secretaries of the U.S. Department of
Commerce (Commerce) or the U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior).
Neither Commerce nor Interior filed a fishway prescription or requested
a reservation of authority to prescribe fishways at the project. Section 4(e) Conditions
Section 4(e) of the FPA provides that any license issued by the
Commission for a project within a federal reservation shall be subject
to and contain such conditions as the Secretary of the responsible
federal land management agency deems necessary for the adequate
protection and use of the reservation. Interior, on behalf of
Reclamation, filed preliminary conditions on March 17, 2016, pursuant
to section 4(e) of the FPA. These conditions are described under
section 2.2.5, Modifications to Applicant's Proposal--Mandatory
Conditions. Section 10(j) Recommendations
Under section 10(j) of the FPA, each hydroelectric license issued
by the Commission must include conditions based on recommendations
provided by federal and state fish and wildlife agencies for the
protection, mitigation, or enhancement of fish and wildlife resources
affected by the project. The Commission is required to include these
conditions unless it determines that they are inconsistent with the
purposes and requirements of the FPA or other applicable law. Before
rejecting or modifying an agency recommendation, the Commission is
required to attempt
[[Page 42406]]
to resolve any such inconsistency with the agency, giving due weight to
the recommendations, expertise, and statutory responsibilities of such
On March 17, 2016, Interior, on behalf of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS), timely filed recommendations under section
10(j), as summarized in table 7 in section 5.4.1, Recommendations of
Fish and Wildlife Agencies. In section 5.4, Summary of Section 10(j)
Recommendations and 4(e) Conditions, we discuss how we address the
agency recommendations and comply with section 10(j).
1.3.2 Clean Water Act
Under section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), a license applicant
must obtain certification from the appropriate state pollution control
agency verifying compliance with the CWA. On April 15, 2016, the
applicant applied to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality
(Montana DEQ) for 401 water quality certification (certification) for
the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project. Montana DEQ acknowledged
receipt of the application on April 18, 2016.\8\ Montana DEQ issued a
draft certification for a 30-day public comment period on June 3, 2016;
comments are due to Montana DEQ by July 5, 2016. Clark Canyon Hydro
filed the draft certification with the Commission on June 7, 2016. The
certification is due by April 18, 2017.
\8\ The letter confirming receipt was dated April 18, 2016, and
filed with the Commission the following day.
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) requires federal
agencies to ensure that their actions are not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of endangered or threatened species or result in
the destruction or adverse modifications of the critical habitat of
such species. No federally listed species are known to occur within the
project area; however, on April 15, 2016, Commission staff generated an
official species list on FWS's Information, Planning, and Conservation
(IPaC) Web site that indicates that three threatened species: The Ute
ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis), the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos
horribilis), and the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) may occur in the
project area. There are no critical habitats in the project area for
these species. See section 3.3.4, Threatened and Endangered Species,
for our analysis of the occurrence of listed species and the potential
for effects on them. We conclude that the proposed action would have no
effect on the threatened Ute ladies'-tresses, threatened grizzly bear,
or the threatened Canada lynx.
1.3.4 National Historic Preservation Act
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
(NHPA) as amended requires that every federal agency ``take into
account'' how the agency's undertakings could affect historic
properties. Historic properties are districts, sites, buildings,
structures, traditional cultural properties (TCPs), and objects
significant in American history, architecture, engineering, and culture
that are eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic
Places (National Register).
The Clark Canyon Dam was determined to be individually eligible for
listing on the National Register and would be adversely affected by
project construction; six other sites located along the transmission
line corridor that may or may not be eligible would not be adversely
affected by project construction and operation. Commission staff and
the Montana SHPO concurred with these findings as discussed in a letter
and Programmatic Agreement (PA) issued on May 5, 2016. The SHPO signed
the PA and filed it on May 31, 2016. In the event that a license is
issued for the project, the PA requires the licensee to revise its
proposed HPMP \9\ to include a Treatment Plan to resolve effects on the
dam, as well as address other concerns raised by the SHPO and
Reclamation with regard to future consultation and review of ongoing
activities at the dam (as discussed in section 3.3.6, Cultural
Resources). The Treatment Plan and revised HPMP would be developed by
the licensee in consultation with the SHPO and Reclamation, and would
be filed with the Commission for approval prior to construction.
Additionally, the Commission contacted the Shoshone-Bannock, Eastern
Shoshone, Nez Perce, and Salish-Kootenai tribes inviting comments and
consultation. No comments or requests for consultation were received
from the tribes.
\9\ The HPMP filed with the license application was developed by
the applicant before the Clark Canyon Dam was determined to be
eligible for listing on the National Register. A modified HPMP filed
by the applicant on February 9, 2016, acknowledges eligibility and
adverse effects on the dam, but does not resolve the effects.
1.4 Public Review and Consultation
The Commission's regulations (18 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR],
section 4.38) require that applicants consult with appropriate resource
agencies, tribes, and other entities before filing an application for a
license. This consultation is the first step in complying with the Fish
and Wildlife Coordination Act, the ESA, the NHPA, and other federal
statutes. Pre-filing consultation must be complete and documented
according to the Commission's regulations.
In its tendering notice issued December 4, 2015, the Commission
stated its intent to waive the three-stage pre-filing consultation
process and scoping for this project based on the pre-filing
consultation record. No objections were filed.
1.4.1 Interventions
On February 23, 2016, the Commission issued a notice stating that
the applicant's application was accepted and ready for analysis. This
notice set March 24, 2016, as the deadline for filing protests and
motions to intervene. On March 22, 2016, Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
filed a motion to intervene.
1.4.2 Comments on the License Application
The February 23, 2016, notice solicited comments, terms and
conditions, recommendations, and prescriptions. In a letter filed March
17, 2016, Interior, on behalf of Reclamation and FWS, filed preliminary
comments, terms and conditions, recommendations, and prescriptions. The
following entities commented:
Commenting agencies and other entities Date filed
Wade Fellin............................... February 26, 2016.
Brian Wheeler............................. March 1, 2016.
Michael Stack............................. March 8, 2016.
Tim Hunt.................................. March 11, 2016.
Steve Hemkens............................. March 14, 2016.
Kimball Leighton.......................... March 17, 2016.
Department of the Interior................ March 17, 2016.
[[Page 42407]]
Gregg B. Messel........................... March 21, 2016.
Woody Bailey.............................. March 21, 2016.
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & March 24, 2016.
Rhonda Sellers (on behalf of International March 24, 2016.
Federation of Fly Fishers).
Luke Massaro.............................. March 24, 2016.
Christian Appel........................... March 24, 2016.
Cordell Appel............................. March 24, 2016.
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper \10\........... March 24, 2016.
Montana Historical Society................ March 25, 2016.
Montana Trout Unlimited................... March 25, 2016.
The applicant filed reply comments on April 8, 2016.
\10\ Upper Missouri Waterkeeper also filed a form letter signed
by 178 citizens urging the Commission to consider how the project
may contribute to recent poor water quality conditions in the
Beaverhead River.
2.1 No-Action Alternative
The no-action alternative is license denial. Under the no-action
alternative, the proposed project would not be built and environmental
resources in the project area would not be affected.
2.2 Applicant's Proposal
2.2.1 Proposed Project Facilities
Reclamation's Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir are existing flood
control and water conservation facilities at the head of the Beaverhead
River in southwestern Montana, about 20 miles southwest of Dillon,
Montana. Clark Canyon Dam was completed in 1964 for Reclamation's Pick-
Sloan Missouri River Basin Program, East Bench Unit, which was
authorized as part of the Flood Control Acts of 1944 and 1946.
The dam is a zoned, earth-fill structure that is approximately
2,950 feet long at the crest. The crest of the dam is at elevation
5,578 feet mean sea level (msl), with a structural height of 147.5 feet
and width of 36 feet. The outlet works include an approach channel, an
intake structure, a concrete conduit, a shaft house, and a 9-foot-
diameter conduit that discharges into a stilling basin. The outlet
works contain a gate chamber with four 3-foot by 6.5-foot high pressure
gates. The discharge capacity of the outlet works is 2,325 cubic feet
per second (cfs) at a reservoir water surface elevation of 5,547 feet
msl. In addition, there is a separate uncontrolled spillway with a
crest elevation of 5,571.9 feet msl, and a design discharge of 9,520
The proposed project (figure 2) would use the existing dam,
reservoir, and outlet works, and would consist of the following new
facilities: (1) A 360-foot-long, 8-foot-diameter steel penstock within
Reclamation's existing concrete conduit, ending in a trifurcation; (2)
two 35-foot-long, 8-foot-diameter steel penstocks equipped with
isolation valves extending from the trifurcation to the powerhouse,
each penstock transitioning to 6-foot-diameter before entering the
powerhouse; (3) a 10-foot-long, 8-foot-diameter steel penstock leaving
the trifurcation and ending in a 7-foot-diameter cone valve and reducer
to control discharge into Reclamation's existing outlet stilling basin;
(4) a 65-foot-long, 46-foot-wide reinforced concrete powerhouse,
located at the toe of the dam adjacent to the spillway stilling basin,
containing two vertical Francis-type turbine/generator units with a
total capacity of 4.7 MW; (5) two 25-foot-long steel draft tubes
transitioning to a concrete draft tube/tailrace section; (6) a 17-foot-
long, 15-foot-wide tailrace channel connecting with Reclamation's
existing spillway stilling basin; (7) an aeration basin downstream of
the powerhouse with three 45-foot-long, 10-foot-wide frames containing
330 diffusers; (8) a 4.16-kilovolt (kV) buried transmission line from
the powerhouse to a substation containing step-up transformers and
switchgear located 1,100 feet downstream of the powerhouse; (9) a 500-
foot-long access road connecting to the existing access road; (10) a
7.9-mile-long, 69-kV overhead transmission line extending from the
substation to the Peterson Flat substation (the point of
interconnection); and (11) appurtenant facilities.
2.2.2 Proposed Project Boundary
The proposed project boundary \11\ will enclose: 4.3 acres around
the outlet conduit, penstock, powerhouse, aeration basin, tailrace, and
valve house; 1.9 acres of staging area; 2.5 acres along proposed and
existing access roads; and 0.4 acres along the transmission line
corridor, for a total of about 12.7 acres of federal lands under
jurisdiction of Reclamation's Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, East
Bench Unit.
\11\ Upper Missouri Waterkeeper's recommends that the existing
Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir be included in the project boundary.
However, since the dam was constructed and is operated by
Reclamation for flood control and water conservation purposes, the
applicant will have no control over the dam or reservoir. The dam
and reservoir would not be project features to be included in the
project boundary.
[[Page 42408]]
[[Page 42409]]
2.2.2 Project Safety
As part of the licensing process, the Commission would review the
adequacy of the proposed project facilities. Special articles would be
included in any license issued, as appropriate. Commission staff would
inspect the licensed project both during and after construction.
Inspection during construction would concentrate on adherence to
Commission-approved plans and specifications, special license articles
relating to construction, and accepted engineering practices and
procedures. Operational inspections would focus on the continued safety
of the structures, identification of unauthorized modifications,
efficiency and safety of operation, compliance with the terms of the
license, and proper maintenance. Additionally, Reclamation's
preliminary section 4(e) conditions require Reclamation review and
approval of plans and specifications to ensure structural adequacy and
compatibility of the proposed projects with the authorized purposes of
Reclamation's East Bench Unit. Any license issued would give
Reclamation oversight over construction, operation, and maintenance of
the project as they pertain to the structural integrity or operation of
the East Bench Unit. Construction, operation, and maintenance of
project works that may affect the structural integrity or operation of
the East Bench Unit would also be subject to periodic or continuous
inspections by Reclamation.
2.2.3 Proposed Project Operation
The Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir are owned and operated by
Reclamation for irrigation storage, flood control, and recreational
opportunities. Reclamation's existing facilities are not currently
capable of providing hydroelectric power generation. Regulation of the
reservoir and corresponding water releases are made in accordance with
standard procedures developed by Reclamation. The East Bench Irrigation
District (District) is responsible for operation of the dam and
reservoir in close coordination with Reclamation. Operation of the dam
and reservoir would not be altered to accommodate operation of the
proposed hydroelectric facilities. The proposed project would use water
that is currently released from the reservoir into the Beaverhead River
through the existing intake structure and outlet works on the dam.
The proposed hydropower project would require no modification to
existing Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir uses and would operate in a
run-of-release mode with no daily storage, using normally released
flows to produce power. The hydropower project would have the ability
to be operated automatically, but an operator would be on site daily
for operation. Power generation would be seasonally dictated as flow
regimes, reservoir levels, and so on are set forth by Reclamation.
The project would operate using Reclamation's flow releases ranging
from 87.5 to 700 cfs (minimum capacity of 87.5 cfs and a maximum
capacity of 350 cfs per unit totaling 700 cfs). Flows less than the
87.5-cfs would cause the isolation valve in the penstock to close,
allowing all flows to bypass the powerhouse and flow through the
existing outlet works into the stilling basin. When the project is
operating at maximum capacity, flows in excess of 700 cfs would
continue to flow through Reclamation's existing outlet works and over
its spillway into the stilling basin.
The proposed project would have an installed generating capacity of
4.7 MW, with an average annual generation of 15,400 MWh.
2.2.4 Proposed Environmental Measures
The applicant proposes the following environmental measures:
Implement the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
filed with the license application to minimize soil erosion and dust,
protect water quality, and minimize turbidity in the Beaverhead River;
Implement the Instream Flow Release Plan filed with the
license application with provisions to temporarily pump bypassed flows
around Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works to prevent
interrupting Reclamation's flow releases into the Beaverhead River
during installation of the proposed project's penstock;
Maintain qualified compliance monitoring staff on site 24
hours per day and 7 days per week when flows are bypassing
Reclamation's outlet works to ensure staff promptly responds to a
pumping equipment failure or malfunction and ensure Reclamation's flow
releases are maintained in the Beaverhead River downstream;
Implement the Construction Water Quality Monitoring Plan
(CWQMP) filed with the license application that includes monitoring and
reporting water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved gas
(TDG), and turbidity levels during construction;
Implement the Revised Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Plan
(Revised DOEP) filed with the license application that includes
installing and operating an aeration basin to increase DO levels of
water exiting the powerhouse and monitoring and reporting water
temperature, DO, and TDG levels for a minimum of the first five years
of project operation to ensure water quality does not degrade during
project operation;
Implement the Vegetation Management Plan filed with the
license application that includes provisions for revegetating disturbed
areas, wetland protection, and invasive weed control before, during,
and after construction;
Conduct a pre-construction survey for raptor nests and
schedule construction activities or establish a 0.5-mile construction
buffer as appropriate to minimize disturbing nesting raptors;
Design and construct the project transmission line in
accordance with current avian protection guidelines, including
installing flight diverters and perch deterrents;
Post signs and public notice, limit construction hours,
days, and locations, and stage construction traffic to reduce conflicts
with recreational users and other motorists;
Implement the Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access Road
Management Plan filed with the license application, including
provisions for flagging, traffic control devices, and public notice of
construction activities to maintain traffic safety and minimize effects
on fishing access;
Install and maintain an interpretive sign near the dam
that describes the concept and function of the hydroelectric project
and how it affects the sport fisheries, including any measures taken to
eliminate or reduce adverse effects;
Use a single-pole design for the transmission line, along
with materials and colors that reduce visibility and blend with the
surroundings; and
Implement the revised Historic Properties Management Plan
(HPMP) filed February 9, 2016. Stop work if any unanticipated cultural
materials or human remains are found.
2.2.5 Modifications to Applicant's Proposal--Mandatory Conditions Section 4(e) Land Management Conditions
Interior, on behalf of Reclamation, filed nine mandatory conditions
under FPA section 4(e). Conditions 1 through 3 and conditions 5 through
9 are administrative conditions that would require the applicant to
enter into a construction, operation, and maintenance agreement with
Reclamation; consult with and receive
[[Page 42410]]
approval from Reclamation for those facilities that would be an
integral part of, or could affect the structural integrity or operation
of, the federal reservation; not impair the structural integrity or
operation of the federal facilities or the federal government's ability
to fulfill its trust responsibilities to Indian tribes; have no claim
against the United States arising from any change in operation of the
federal facility; recognize the primary right of any Reclamation
activity or the fulfillment of Indian water rights taking precedence
over project hydropower activities; provide to the Commission's
Regional Engineer copies of all correspondence between the licensee and
Reclamation; provide Reclamation the opportunity to review and approve
the design of contractor-designed cofferdams, blasting, and deep
excavations; and acknowledge that the timing, quantity, and location of
water releases and release changes from the facilities would be at the
sole discretion of Reclamation. Condition 4 requires the applicant to
revegetate all newly disturbed land areas with plant species indigenous
to the area within 6 months of the completion of the project's
construction. Water Quality Certification Conditions
Montana DEQ's certification includes 13 conditions. Conditions 1
through 7 and condition 11 are environmental measures that are
evaluated in the EA. Conditions 8 through 10 and conditions 12 and 13
are administrative or legal in nature and not environmental measures;
therefore we do not analyze them in the EA.
The administrative measures specify that Clark Canyon Hydro: Allow
Montana DEQ reasonable entry and access to the project and review of
appropriate records; obtain all required permits, authorizations, and
certifications prior to commencement of any activity that would violate
Montana water quality standards; understand that Montana DEQ's reserves
its authority to require adaptive management plans that may include
corrective actions and monitoring necessary to correct water quality
violations that may result from construction or operation; consider the
terms and conditions of the certification to be violated if the project
is found to not be in compliance with any of the certification
conditions or if the project is constructed or operated in any way not
specified in the application, supporting documents or as modified by
the conditions; and understand that the certification expires upon
transfer of property covered by the certification unless the new owner
submits to Montana DEQ a written consent to all the certification
Environmental measures included in Montana DEQ's certification
conditions 1 through 7 and condition 11 that are analyzed in this EA
are as follows:
Condition 1 stipulates that Clark Canyon Hydro conduct
water quality monitoring for DO, temperature, and TDG for a minimum of
five years following initial project operation and to continue
monitoring these parameters each year thereafter while discharging
between July and October, unless Montana DEQ determines that additional
monitoring is not warranted upon review of the five-year monitoring
Condition 2 stipulates that Clark Canyon Hydro submit a
plan prior to construction to monitor Clark Canyon Reservoir and the
Beaverhead River for turbidity, TDG, DO, and temperature during project
\12\ Montana DEQ clarified in a phone conversation with staff
that condition 2 refers directly to the applicant's CWQMP filed with
the license application and would not require a new or modified plan
to be submitted. See telephone record summary between FERC and
Montana DEQ filed on June 9, 2016.
Condition 3 stipulates that Clark Canyon Hydro maintain
minimum DO levels at saturation from June 1 through August 31 and 8.0
milligrams per liter (mg/L) the rest of the year downstream of the
project while discharging into the Beaverhead River.
Condition 4 stipulates that Clark Canyon Hydro maintain
TDG levels at 110 percent or lower downstream of the project while
discharging into the Beaverhead River.
Condition 5 stipulates that Clark Canyon Hydro submit a
plan prior to construction for project engineering modifications to
maintain DO levels during project operation.\13\
\13\ Montana DEQ clarified in a phone conversation with staff
that condition 5 refers directly to the applicant's Revised DOEP
filed with the license application and would not require a new or
modified plan to be submitted. See telephone record summary between
FERC and Montana DEQ filed on June 9, 2016.
Condition 6 stipulates that the project automatically go
offline in the event that DO levels fall below Montana DEQ standards,
that an on-call operator arrive at the powerhouse within 30 minutes to
evaluate the cause of any noncompliance reading, and that Clark Canyon
Hydro deploy a redundant DO probe at its compliance point in the
Beaverhead River.
Condition 7 stipulates that Clark Canyon Hydro notify
Montana DFWP and Montana DEQ within 24 hours of any unauthorized
discharge of pollutants to state waters within the project boundary.
Condition 11 stipulates that Clark Canyon Hydro meet
annually with all watershed stakeholders to discuss water quality
monitoring efforts associated with project operation.
2.3 Staff Alternative
Under the staff alternative, the project would include all of the
applicant's proposals, all of Reclamation's conditions specified under
FPA section 4(e), all but one of Montana DEQ's certification
conditions,\14\ and the following additional measures:
\14\ The staff alternative does not include condition 11 which
stipulates that the applicant meet annually with watershed
stakeholders to discuss water quality monitoring efforts associated
with project operation. However, we recognize that the Commission is
required to include all valid 401 water quality certification
conditions in any license issued for the project.
Conduct TDG and DO compliance monitoring at all times
during project operation;
Conduct water temperature monitoring for the first five
years of project operation and, after consultation with Montana DFWP,
Montana DEQ, and FWS, file a proposal for Commission approval regarding
the possible cessation of the temperature monitoring program after 5
Install and maintain a pressure transducer and water level
alarm in the Beaverhead River when flows are being bypassed around
Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works to alert compliance
monitoring staff if water levels downstream of the dam are reduced;
During project operation, notify Montana DFWP in addition
to Reclamation in the event of an unplanned shutdown;
Notify Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP, within 24 hours of
any deviation from water temperature, DO, TDG, or turbidity
requirements during construction and operation and file a report with
the Commission within 30 days describing the deviation, any adverse
effects resulting from the deviation, the corrective actions taken, any
proposed measures to avoid future deviations, and comments or
correspondence, if any, received from the agencies;
Document the results of the pre-construction raptor survey
and the measures taken to avoid disturbing raptors by maintaining a
record that includes nesting bird survey data, including the presence
of migratory birds, eggs, and active nests, the qualifications of the
biologist performing the survey, and any avoidance measures
Construct the transmission line segments that cross the
Horse Prairie
[[Page 42411]]
and Medicine Lodge drainages outside of the greater sage-grouse
breeding season (March 1-April 15); and
Revise the Historic Properties Management Plan (HPMP) in
consultation with the Montana SHPO and Reclamation to include a
Treatment Plan to resolve project effects on the Clark Canyon Dam and
to clarify consultation procedures in the plan (see section 3.3.6).
File the HPMP with the Commission for approval prior to construction.
Proposed and recommended measures are discussed under the
appropriate resource sections and summarized in section 4 of this EA.
In this section, we present: (1) A general description of the
project vicinity; (2) an explanation of the scope of our cumulative
effects analysis; and (3) our analysis of the proposed action and other
recommended environmental measures. Sections are organized by resource
area (e.g., aquatic resources, recreation). Under each resource area,
historical and current conditions are first described. The existing
condition is the baseline against which the environmental effects of
the proposed action and alternatives are compared, including an
assessment of the effects of proposed mitigation, protection, and
enhancement measures, and any potential cumulative effects of the
proposed action and alternatives. Staff conclusions and recommended
measures are discussed in section 5.2, Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative.\15\
\15\ Unless noted otherwise, the sources of our information are
the final License Application filed on November 23, 2015 (Clark
Canyon Hydro, LLC, 2015a) and additional information filed on
December 10, 2015 (Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC, 2015), February 1, 2016
(Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC, 2016b), February 9, 2016 (Clark Canyon
Hydro, LLC, 2016a), and March 11, 2016 (Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC,
3.1 General Description of the River Basin
The Beaverhead River is formed by the confluence of the Red Rock
River and Horse Prairie Creek immediately upstream of Clark Canyon Dam.
Other important tributaries include Cedar Creek, Medicine Lodge Creek,
and Maurer Creek upstream of the dam, and Gallagher Creek and
Grasshopper Creek downstream of the dam. From its origin at the
tailrace of Clark Canyon Dam, the river flows approximately 71 miles to
its confluence with the Big Hole River at Twin Bridges, Montana, where
it forms the Jefferson River. The Jefferson River merges with the
Madison and Gallatin rivers at Three Forks, Montana, about 100 miles
downstream of Clark Canyon Dam, to form the Missouri River.
The topography of the Beaverhead River Basin is characterized by
arid hillsides throughout the first 12 river miles (RM), opening into a
wide valley about 8 miles south of Dillon, Montana. The total drainage
area encompasses 3,619 square miles. Average annual precipitation in
the basin is largely dependent on location and elevation. The southeast
and western portions of the basin receive up to 20 inches. At the city
of Dillon, about 20 miles from Clark Canyon Dam, the average annual
precipitation is 11.7 inches. Winter and summer temperatures average
about 26 and 63 degrees Fahrenheit ([deg]F), respectively, at Dillon.
Clark Canyon Reservoir and the Beaverhead River provide water for
Reclamation's East Bench Unit of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin
Irrigation Program. The program provides full irrigation services for
up to 28,055 acres of land to support the agricultural industry.
3.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects
According to the Council on Environmental Quality's regulations for
implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (40 CFR, section
1508.7), cumulative effect is the impact on the environment that
results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other
past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of
what agency (federal or non-federal) or person undertakes such other
actions. Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but
collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time,
including hydropower and other land and water development activities.
Based on our review of the license application and agency and
public comments, we have identified aquatic resources, including
fisheries and water quality, as resources that may be cumulatively
affected by the project in combination with other past, present, and
future activities, because of the potential for the project to
adversely affect aquatic habitat and water quality, which are affected
by upstream land uses and water storage and diversion.
3.2.1 Geographic Scope
The geographic scope of the analysis defines the physical limits or
boundaries of the proposed action's effects on the resources. Because
the proposed action would affect these resources differently, the
geographic scope for each resource varies.
We have determined that the geographic scope for cumulatively
affected fishery resources would encompass the Beaverhead River from
Clark Canyon Dam to Barrett's Diversion Dam, located about 11 miles
downstream. We chose this geographic scope because construction and
operation of the project may affect streamflows and aquatic habitat in
this reach.
For water quality, we have determined that the geographic scope
would encompass Clark Canyon Reservoir, its two primary tributaries
(Red Rock River and Horse Prairie Creek), and the Beaverhead River from
Clark Canyon Dam downstream to Barrett's Diversion Dam. We chose this
geographic scope because these stream reaches are on the CWA section
303(d) list as being impaired for water quality, and actions within
these waterbodies together with construction and operation of the
project may affect water quality in the Beaverhead River.
3.2.2 Temporal Scope
The temporal scope of analysis includes a discussion of the past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions and their effects on
fishery and water quality resources. Based on the term of the proposed
license, we will look 30 to 50 years into the future, concentrating on
the effects on fish, fish habitat, and water quality from reasonably
foreseeable future actions. The historical discussion is limited, by
necessity, to the amount of available information. We identified the
present resource conditions based on the license application, agency
comments, and comprehensive plans.
3.3 Proposed Action and Action Alternatives
In this section, we discuss the effects of the project alternatives
on environmental resources. For each resource, we first describe the
affected environment, which is the existing condition and baseline
against which we measure effects. We then discuss and analyze the
specific cumulative and site-specific environmental issues.
Only the resources that would be affected, or about which comments
have been received, are addressed in detail in this EA. Based on this,
we have determined that geology and soils, fishery, water quality and
quantity, terrestrial, threatened and endangered species, recreation,
cultural, and aesthetic resources may be affected by the proposed
action and action alternatives. We have not identified any substantive
issues related to socioeconomics associated with the
[[Page 42412]]
proposed action, and therefore, socioeconomics is not assessed in this
EA. We present our recommendations in section 5.2, Comprehensive
Development and Recommended Alternative.
3.3.1 Geologic and Soil Resources Affected Environment
Clark Canyon Dam is located at the confluence of the Red Rock River
and Horse Prairie Creek, where the watercourses become the Beaverhead
River. The terrain in the area is generally characterized as arid
rolling hills with watercourses carving floodplains and canyons into
volcanic rock. In areas where the canyon sides become unstable as a
result of erosion or seismic activity, landslides do occur and some
affect the path of river flow.
Downstream of the dam, the river valley is relatively deep and
narrow for about 12 miles, with an average gradient of 0.244 percent.
The valley widens as the river crosses an area near the Blacktail Fault
at Barrett's Diversion Dam, where the Blacktail uplift was developed by
late movement of this active fault (described in more detail below).
Below the diversion, the valley is characterized by agricultural
activity and the irrigation that supports it, stemming from the
irrigation and flood control functions of Clark Canyon Reservoir.
Surface soils in the hills and mountains are generally loamy and sandy
with rock escarpments and fragments, while the alluvial valley soils
are loamy and clayey. Watercourses have generally carved soil down to
bedrock and loose gravel.
Seismic activity in the southwestern region of Montana is
significant and has been shown to have the highest degree of tectonic
plate movement within the state (Bartholomew et al., 1999). A portion
of the region borders the highly active Yellowstone caldera in Wyoming.
Documented earthquakes occurred in 1925, 1959, and 1983, centered at
Clarkston Valley, Hebgen Lake, and Borah Peak, Idaho, respectively.
These epicenters all lie within 90 miles of Clark Canyon Reservoir, and
at least one of the earthquakes (Hebgen Lake) was felt in nine states
and three Canadian provinces. It also caused subsidence within the
Hebgen Lake Basin of as much as 6.7 meters, as well as a landslide
large enough to dam Madison Canyon and create Earthquake Lake.
The nearest faults to Clark Canyon Dam are known as Red Rock Fault
and Blacktail Fault. Both run approximately southeast to northwest,
perpendicular to the flow of the Beaverhead River downstream of the
dam. Red Rock Fault is about 10 miles upstream along the Red Rock
River, while the Blacktail Fault is about 12 miles downstream toward
the city of Dillon. Being close to a population center, Blacktail Fault
has been well-documented as an active fault.
In 2000, Reclamation commissioned a study to assess the amount of
sedimentation that has accumulated in Clark Canyon Reservoir since
operation of the earthfill dam began in 1964. The sedimentation is
generally believed to be contributed by the drainage area to the
reservoir, although a minor amount is trapped upstream by Lima
reservoir. Loss of storage below the normal operating water surface
level could also occur from shoreline erosion, although this has not
been studied. Reclamation's mapping of the reservoir concluded that 2.3
percent of the reservoir's storage volume had been lost since operation
began, an average of 114.7 acre-feet of sedimentation per year.
The areas where construction of the proposed project would occur
are all areas that were disturbed during construction of Clark Canyon
Dam, completed in 1964. The valve house, powerhouse, and staging area
would all be located on the toe of the downstream face of the dam
adjacent to the existing spillway and stilling basin. There would be no
new penetrations through the dam structure; the project would use the
existing outlet tunnel downstream of the intake gates by installing a
new steel liner in the tunnel with a new trifurcated diversion
structure to allow for flows to the existing outlet stilling basin or
to the proposed powerhouse. Environmental Effects
Effects of Construction
Ground disturbance associated with construction of the project,
including the powerhouse, access road, and transmission line, could
release sediment into nearby wetland areas and the Beaverhead River
downstream of the dam, and it could adversely affect the structural
stability or seepage characteristics of the existing dam. Turbidity
could also be increased by a change in flow patterns through the dam
during construction.
Proposed construction work would disturb multiple areas on the
downstream side of the dam, as well as inside the dam. The disturbance
downstream of the dam would include burial of 0.3 miles of transmission
line. The applicant proposes to lengthen the existing access road and
place a temporary staging and spoil site on the uphill side of the
proposed transmission line burial corridor and existing access road.
To minimize soil erosion and dust, protect water quality, and
minimize turbidity in the Beaverhead River, the applicant proposes to
implement the measures contained in its ESCP. The ESCP includes best
management practices (BMPs) such as:
Defining clearing limits within project area and buffer
zones around sensitive areas, including wetlands;
Stabilizing construction access road entrances and exits,
parking and staging areas;
Controlling flow rates coming onto and leaving the project
area utilizing, but not limited to, swales, dikes, sediment ponds, or
sediment traps, as necessary;
Installing sediment controls to minimize erosion and
stabilize soils including, but not limited to, silt fences, wattles,
interceptor dikes, swales, and vegetative filtration;
Preserving natural vegetation and stabilize soils
utilizing nets, blankets, mulch, and seeding, as necessary;
Protecting slopes utilizing, but not limited to, terracing
or pipe slope drains;
Protecting stormwater drain inlets utilizing catch basin
Stabilizing channels and outlets;
Controlling the release of pollutants to protect water
quality and aquatic resources by keeping chemical storage areas covered
or designating a concrete handing area; and taking all precautions to
avoid spills (e.g. herbicides would not be mixed within 200 feet of
wetlands or open water, maintain spill kits on-site, etc.);
Controlling de-watering processes within the project area;
Visually inspecting all construction and disturbance areas
every two weeks throughout the entirety of construction activity, or
after any project related discharges or rain events; and
Using existing developed and primitive roads where
possible to access the project area and construction features.
Constructing facilities at an existing earthfill dam such as the
Clark Canyon Dam has the potential to adversely affect the dam's
structural ability to withstand a seismic or flood event by adversely
affecting the seepage characteristics of the dam. The applicant
proposes to construct the powerhouse and appurtenant facilities in a
manner to avoid any effects on reservoir levels or dam stability. The
proposed hydroelectric facilities would also be designed to withstand
seismic and hydrostatic forces.
[[Page 42413]]
To ensure that the area is suitable for the foundation loading of
the hydroelectric facilities, geotechnical borings would be drilled and
the results reviewed and approved by the Commission and Reclamation. To
confirm that the proposed facilities would not affect the stability of
the existing structures, and to confirm that the proposed structures
would be compatible with applicable seismic and hydrostatic load
standards, the applicant would finalize design plans and drawings and
submit for Commission and Reclamation review and approval. The plans
would include structural drawings, construction methods, and mitigation
measures for potential impacts from construction of the powerhouse,
steel conduit liner, shaft house, transmission line, and all
appurtenant facilities. The Commission and Reclamation would review
final design plans before the start of construction, as well as the
results of geotechnical borings. Borings would be located and drilled
after final design plans specify the exact location of the
hydroelectric facilities. The results of the borings would show the
composition of the subsurface geology and dam structures, including the
location of bedrock, to confirm the suitability of the final design
location of the powerhouse and foundation loading.
Our Analysis
The proposed project would disturb areas downstream of the dam
during construction of the powerhouse and appurtenant facilities,
burial of the transmission line, and upgrade of the access road. The
ESCP would control sediment release, if properly implemented. Approved
and properly implemented erosion and sediment control measures,
consistent with the Commission's guidelines, would minimize sediment
releases that could result from construction disturbance. Inspection
and maintenance of the erosion and sediment control structures,
especially around rainfall events and disturbance activities, would
ensure compliance with Commission guidelines. With effective erosion
control measures in place, sediment from construction activities would
not likely enter wetlands or the Beaverhead River.
The applicant's proposal to avoid any jurisdictional wetlands and
route the transmission line along the uphill side of the existing
access road would limit the potential for sediment release from
construction activities into wetlands and the Beaverhead River.
Although project construction would result in ground disturbance and
could potentially result in sediment release into the river, the
applicant's proposed plan would protect environmental resources.
Effects of Operation
Potential effects on geology and soils during project operation
could occur as a result of sediment release caused by concentrated
runoff. Revegetated or paved surfaces such as the access roads, parking
area, or walkways could generate runoff. If improperly managed, that
runoff could cause rills or gullies that transport sediment into
Beaverhead River. Similarly, construction areas and the spoil area,
especially the buried transmission line corridor, could be susceptible
to increased erosion if revegetation work were not completed properly.
Our Analysis
Post-construction stabilization and effective site restoration as
discussed in section, Environmental Effects, Terrestrial
Resources, would minimize long-term effects on environmental resources.
With effective erosion control measures in place, sediment from
construction activities would not likely enter wetlands or the
Beaverhead River.
Once in operation, the project should have little or no effect on
geology and soils. Proper implementation of the applicant's ESCP would
prevent excessive runoff that could possibly cause rills or gullies to
form, thereby protecting water quality, wetlands, and soil resources.
Intake and discharge of water for project use would be confined to
areas already established for those purposes.
3.3.2 Aquatic Resources
The proposed project has the potential to affect water quantity,
water quality, and fisheries resources in Clark Canyon Reservoir and
the Beaverhead River. The Affected Environment section describes these
resources in the project area. Affected Environment
Water Quantity
The hydrology of the Beaverhead River is dictated by Reclamation's
operation of the Clark Canyon Reservoir as an irrigation and flood
control facility. On average, the lowest reservoir elevations typically
occur in late summer or early fall at the end of the irrigation season,
with the highest reservoir elevations typically occurring in mid-May
just prior to the irrigation season. For the period of record of 1965
to 2007, the estimated mean monthly streamflow downstream of the dam
ranged from a low of about 170 cfs during the winter to a high of about
750 cfs during the peak summer irrigation season (figures 3 and 4).
Starting in April, water releases from the reservoir are increased
until mid-July when the pool in the reservoir is nearly full. Flows
then drop until around mid-October before stabilizing until the
following April, which corresponds to a period of reduced reservoir
Extended periods of low flows (<100 cfs) occurred in 1967, 1975,
1986, 1990-1993, 2001-2009, and 2013-2014. The low-flow period of 2001-
2004 reduced the reservoir storage to its lowest level since
construction, with flow releases during this period ranging from a
fall/winter low of about 30 cfs to a summer high of about 500 cfs
(figure 3). Unusually high flow years occurred in 1976, 1984, 1996, and
1999. In 1984, spring snow melt, accompanied by spring rains,
contributed to a maximum combined release of 2,586 cfs through the dam
outlet works and spillway.
[[Page 42414]]
Discharge from Clark Canyon Dam during the fall through winter
period generally averaged between 200 to 300 cfs from 1965 to 2003. The
maximum discharge recorded for the period of 1965 to 2003 for the fall
and winter seasons ranged from a high of about 1,300 cfs in October to
about 700 to 500 cfs from November through February.
Minimum instream flow releases specified by existing water uses
during non-irrigation (winter) seasons are 23 cfs during dry
Water Quality
Water quality standards applicable to Clark Canyon Reservoir and
the Beaverhead River downstream of Clark Canyon Dam are shown in table
2. These waters are classified as B-1, which means they are to be
maintained suitable for drinking, culinary, and food
[[Page 42415]]
processing purposes, after conventional treatment; bathing, swimming
and recreation; growth and propagation of salmonid fishes and
associated aquatic life, waterfowl, and furbearers; and agricultural
and industrial water supply.
Table 2--Numeric Water Quality Criteria Applicable to the Clark Canyon
Dam Hydroelectric Project
[Source: License application as modified by staff]
Parameter condition Numeric criteria
Temperature \a\............... 32[deg]F to 66 1[deg]F maximum
[deg]F. increase above
66[deg]F to 66.5 No discharge is
[deg]F. allowed that will
cause the water
temperature to
exceed 67 [deg]F.
>66.5 [deg]F..... The maximum allowable
increase in water
temperature is
DO \b\........................ NA............... At saturation
(approximately 7.5
mg/L or higher) from
June 1 through
August 31 and 8.0 mg/
L from September 1
through May 31 \c\.
Total gas pressure............ NA............... 110 percent
Turbidity..................... NA............... 5 NTU above
Notes: DO--dissolved oxygen; [deg]F--degrees Fahrenheit; mg/L--milligram
per liter; NA--not applicable; NTU--nephelometric turbidity unit.
\a\ Montana does not have absolute standards for water temperature.
Temperature regulation is relative and prohibits increases of various
amounts above naturally occurring water temperature.
\b\ The freshwater aquatic life standard for dissolved oxygen in Montana
is contingent on the classification of the waterbody and the presence
of early life stages of fish.
\c\ These project-specific DO standards were stipulated by Montana DEQ's
certification condition 3.
Red Rock River and Horse Prairie Creek (the primary tributaries to
Clark Canyon Reservoir), as well as the Beaverhead River downstream to
Grasshopper Creek (11.8 miles downstream from Clark Canyon Dam), are
identified on the state of Montana's CWA section 303(d) list as being
water quality impaired (EPA, 2008). The Red Rock River is listed as
being impaired due to habitat alteration, flow alteration, sediment,
temperature, lead and zinc. Horse Prairie Creek is impaired by flow
alteration, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, and zinc. The
Beaverhead River from Clark Canyon Dam to Grasshopper Creek is listed
as being impaired due to flow and habitat alteration, as well as lead,
and downstream from Grasshopper Creek, the river is listed as being
impaired by flow and habitat alteration, sediment, and temperature.
Montana DEQ is currently working on defining acceptable total maximum
daily loads (TMDLs) for the Red Rock River and Beaverhead River Basins.
Clark Canyon Reservoir is included in Montana DEQ's 2014 Integrated
Water Quality Report as impaired by a non-pollutant for alterations to
flow regimes relating to drought impacts and irrigated crop production.
These impacts cause impairments for the beneficial uses of primary
contact recreation and aquatic life but because these impairments are
not considered pollutants, no TMDL will be established (Montana DEQ
The causes of water quality impairment in the Beaverhead River
Basin identified on the 303(d) list include grazing in riparian or
shoreline zones, flow regulation and diversion for irrigated crop
production, leaching of toxic materials from abandoned mines, and land
clearing for development. Each of these sources likely contributes to a
cumulative reduction in water quality in the project area, although
water quality in Clark Canyon Reservoir and in the Beaverhead River
downstream of Clark Canyon Dam is generally sufficient to support a
high-quality trout fishery.
The applicant collected water quality data at six sites in the
project vicinity between 2007 and 2009. The sites were chosen to
provide baseline data for assessment of the potential effects of
project construction and operation on water quality of the Beaverhead
River. Monitoring efforts documented DO and temperature profiles in the
forebay area of Clark Canyon Reservoir, as well as DO, temperature,
TDG, and turbidity at five sites in the Beaverhead River downstream
from the dam.
Clark Canyon Reservoir
Reservoir profiles reported by the applicant during the sampling
period captured reservoir dynamics over a wide range of reservoir
elevations. In 2007, reservoir surface elevations dropped about 15 feet
during the sampling period from a high of about 5,535 feet during early
May to a low of about 5,520 feet from August through October. The
reservoir was cool but well stratified in May, with surface
temperatures of approximately 14.5 degrees Celsius ([deg]C), a
thermocline depth of about 10 meters, and hypolimnion temperatures of
approximately 10 [deg]C. Surface temperatures continued to warm through
July, but began to cool in August and were down to 12.5 [deg]C by
September. The maximum surface temperature observed was in early July
when surface waters reached 22 [deg]C. The thermocline was relatively
constant at about 10 meters deep despite changes in reservoir
elevations and reservoir temperatures. Stratification was strong from
May through July, but lessened by mid-August and was completely absent
by late September when the profile reflected complete mixing throughout
the water column and a uniform temperature of approximately 12.5
DO patterns from data collected in 2007 reflected the temperature
stratification of Clark Canyon Reservoir. Surface DO concentrations
were highest in May at about 9 mg/L, but declined below the thermocline
and were below the standard of 8 mg/L in the bottom 3 meters of the
reservoir. Late June showed a similar pattern of stratification, with
only slightly lower DO concentrations. In July and August, DO levels
were below the 8 mg/L water quality standard at the surface, and fell
below 4 mg/L at depths greater than 15 meters. By late September,
however, the reservoir uniformly mixed and DO concentrations met and
exceeded the standard of 8 mg/L. Reservoir profiles of DO were also
performed in 2010. The 2010 reservoir profiles showed that fall
turnover occurred during late September or early October. However, the
lowest hypolimnion DO level was 1.3 mg/L in late July during that
sampling year.
Additional information about reservoir stratification patterns is
available from temperature and DO profiles measured by Reclamation in
2001, 2002, and 2003 (Reclamation, 2005). In 2001, a substantial degree
of stratification was evident in late June and in mid-August, with
complete mixing (as reflected by uniform temperature and DO profiles)
occurring by the next measurement on October 14. In 2002, the reservoir
[[Page 42416]]
substantial stratification in mid-June, was weakly stratified in mid-
September, and reflected complete mixing by the next measurement on
October 8. In 2003, stratification was not evident in July, but no
profiles were measured after July 28 in that year.
Beaverhead River
The applicant conducted continuous monitoring of water temperature,
DO, TDG, and turbidity at a site approximately 300 feet downstream of
Clark Canyon Dam from June 2007 through 2009 and also collected water
temperature, DO, and turbidity data at this site again in 2013. In
addition, the 2009 monitoring effort included four additional sites
located 0.9, 3.0, 5.7, and 10.7 miles downstream from Clark Canyon Dam.
Water temperature, DO, TDG and turbidity were monitored for a minimum
period of 48 hours in each month at each of these sites.
Temperature--Water temperatures were monitored in the Beaverhead
River from 2007-2009 and again in 2013. Water temperatures measured in
2007 at the site 300 feet downstream from the dam gradually increased
from 14.3 [deg]C in late June, peaked at just over 21 [deg]C on August
4, and then gradually decreased to just over 16 [deg]C in early
September. The range of daily variation decreased as the summer
progressed, but averaged just less than 1 [deg]C. Water temperatures
were highest around noon and lowest around midnight. Data collected in
2008 and 2009 showed similar patterns between years, with winter
temperatures generally less than 5 [deg]C and summer temperatures
reaching 16 to 17 [deg]C. Sites closest to the reservoir outlet were
generally the coolest in the summer, due to the proximity to cool
reservoir waters.
Temperature observations in 2013 were consistent with historical
monitoring, with winter temperatures generally less than 5 [deg]C and
summer temperatures peaking at approximately 18 [deg]C with a maximum
daily average temperature of 18.6 [deg]C recorded on August 25 (figure
5). The applicant states that the range of daily variation throughout
the year averaged less than 1 [deg]C in 2013 which is consistent with
data collected in 2007.
Dissolved Oxygen--Minimum DO values measured at the five monitoring
sites from May 2007 through 2009 generally exceeded the 8-mg/L (March
through September) and 4 mg/L (October through February) water quality
standards in most months and locations, although measurements at sites
closest to the reservoir did measure levels lower than the state
standard of 8 mg/L at times during the late summer and early fall
months (figure 6).
[[Page 42417]]
Monitoring conducted near the reservoir outlet in 2008 and 2009
revealed some diel DO patterns, primarily during the spring and winter
months. For instance, DO generally increased during the day from
morning to late afternoon before declining. The greatest amplitudes
were observed during the spring. During the summer months, there was
little or no diel pattern. The applicant stated that discharges during
those times likely reduced the opportunity for DO to be absorbed into
\16\ The heavy dashed line applies to data collected at RM 5.7.
DO observations in 2013 were consistent with historical monitoring.
Seasonal highs occurred during the spring and winter months, with a
peak concentration in the month of May, and lowest concentrations
occurring in late summer. DO concentrations were temporarily below the
8 mg/L standard during the month of June, and concentrations stayed
below the standard continuously from mid-July through September during
the 2013 sampling year (figure 7).
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper, Montana Trout Unlimited, Rhonda Sellers
(on behalf of the International Federation of Fly Fishers), and several
local residents filed comments stating concerns with recent algal
blooms that occurred in the Beaverhead River downstream of the dam
during the summers of 2014 and 2015.\17\ Recent limnological data from
Montana DFWP collected in the summer of 2015 indicate that the
reservoir likely contributes to nitrogen and phosphorus loads being
transported downstream (Selch, 2015). Downstream transport of nitrogen
and phosphorous can feed algal growth in the summer which can also
contribute to lower DO levels in the Beaverhead River during these
\17\ See comment letters filed by Wade Fellin on February 26,
2016; Brian Wheeler on March 1, 2016; Michael Stack on March 8,
2016; Tim Hunt on March 11, 2016; Steve Hemkins on March 14, 2016;
Kimball Leighton on March 17, 2016; Gregg B. Messel on March 21,
2016; Woody Bailey on March 22, 2016, Rhonda Sellers on March 24,
2016; Christian Appel on March 24, 2016, Cordell Appel on March 24,
2016, and Luke Massaro on March 24, 2016.
[[Page 42418]]
Total Dissolved Gas--Current dam operations cause water to be
vigorously aerated as highly pressurized flows exit the regulating
outlet. As a result, the flow rate through the dam is highly correlated
with TDG saturation. The highest flows can lead to oversaturation and
TDG levels above 115 percent saturation which exceeds the state
standard for TDG of 110 percent saturation and potentially harm fish.
Although no spill occurred over Clark Canyon Dam during the 2007
monitoring period, TDG saturation levels exceeded the state standard of
110 percent saturation during high flow periods in 2007, and did so
again during the 2008 and 2009 monitoring years (figure 8). The
applicant states that statistically, the 110 percent saturation
standard was exceeded when flows were greater than about 360 cfs.
Overall, TDG levels appeared to track discharge from Clark Canyon Dam
and frequently exceeded state standards between June and September.
Peak TDG levels exceeded 115-120 percent saturation during mid-summer
in all years, when flows were in the range of 600 to 900 cfs.
Measurements taken at downstream sites indicated that saturation levels
were reduced as water moved downstream, although at times TDG levels
remained above the 110 percent standard at the next three measurement
sites, extending 5.7 miles downstream from Clark Canyon Dam.
[[Page 42419]]
Turbidity--Turbidity measurements reported by the applicant
indicate that turbidity levels in the Beaverhead River downstream of
Clark Canyon Dam are generally low (i.e., below 5 NTU per every 48-hour
sampling event), but do show some seasonal variation. For example, in
2007, average turbidity values measured 300 feet downstream from the
dam ranged from a low of 0.02 NTU in July to a high of 4.7 NTU in
September (figure 9). Overall, turbidity levels measured at the site
closest to the dam were highest in the fall when reservoir levels were
low, which may be attributable to re-suspension of sediment deposits
due to wave action as the elevation of the reservoir was lowered over
the irrigation season. Peak instantaneous turbidity levels of between
11 and 13 NTU occurred in mid-August and in late September,
respectively. Longitudinal sampling at the four downstream sites showed
relatively low average turbidity levels at all sites except in May,
when the 48-hour average turbidity level increased from less than 2.7
NTU at the first three sites to 7.33 and 21.48 NTU at the sites located
5.7 and 10.7 miles downstream of Clark Canyon Dam, respectively.
Elevated turbidity levels at the downstream sites were most likely
attributable to suspended sediment contributed from tributary inflows.
In 2008, average turbidity levels ranged between 0.2 and 29.3 NTU.
The 29.3-NTU peak in turbidity reported in March 2008 at station RM 0
is of questionable accuracy because this peak is not reflected in
measurements taken at the downstream monitoring stations (figure 9). In
its CWQMP, the applicant states that such spikes may be due to the
gradual buildup of algae on the sensor or to debris becoming lodged in
the probe casing near the sensor, thus causing a faulty reading.
[[Page 42420]]
Except for the questionable spike in turbidity observed at the site
closest to the dam in March 2008, turbidity remained generally below 5
NTU at all sites throughout the majority of the 2008 and 2009
monitoring years. Exceptions to this were most often recorded at the
monitoring site located the furthest downstream of the dam. For
example, during May 2009, a measurement of about 20 NTU was recorded at
this site. The applicant noted that this site occurs below several
tributaries and irrigation returns and is downstream of river portions
that may be more vulnerable to shoreline erosion, all of which can
elevate turbidity in the river.
In addition to tributary inflow and irrigation sources, turbidity
may also be affected in Clark Canyon Reservoir and in the Beaverhead
downstream due to algal blooms. Recent limnological and bathymetric
survey data from Montana DFWP and Montana DEQ collected in 2015
indicated that both inorganic fine sediments and concentrations of
nitrogen and phosphorus are likely being transported downstream through
the existing outlet works (Selch, 2015; Flynn, 2015). Downstream
transport of nitrogen and phosphorous can feed algal growth and, along
with other sediment sources, contribute to turbid conditions in the
Beaverhead River downstream of Clark Canyon Dam.
Fishery Resources
Fish Community
The Beaverhead River is recognized as one of the most popular and
productive trout fisheries in North America and is designated as a blue
ribbon fishery by Montana DFWP. Native fish species occurring in the
Beaverhead River and in Clark Canyon Reservoir include mountain
whitefish, burbot, mottled sculpin, mountain sucker, longnose sucker,
and white sucker. Introduced fish species include rainbow trout, brown
trout, brook trout, redside shiner, and common carp. Brown and rainbow
trout are well established, and often attain trophy size in the
Beaverhead River. Special status species that may occur in the project
area include the westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi)
and Montana Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus montanus).
The westslope cutthroat trout is a subspecies that occurred
historically throughout the Northern Rocky Mountain states, including
the Beaverhead River Basin. Genetically pure and near-pure populations
have been documented in portions of the Beaverhead River in recent
years, and some individuals may occur in the project vicinity. The U.S.
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) categorizes the westslope cutthroat
trout as having special status, which indicates that the species is
imperiled throughout at least part of its range and documented to occur
on BLM lands. It is currently listed as a S2 \18\ species by Montana
[[Page 42421]]
DFWP, meaning that it is at risk because of very limited and
potentially declining numbers, extent, and/or habitat, making it highly
vulnerable to global extinction or extirpation in the state. Current
management actions for the westslope cutthroat trout by federal and
state agencies include the identification and protection of remaining
populations; the evaluation of areas that provide suitable habitat for
range expansion; and the expansion of the distribution of genetically
pure strains (Sloat, 2001). Montana DFWP and sister state agencies have
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Conservation Agreement
that is part of a coordinated multi-state, range wide effort to
conserve westslope cutthroat trout (Montana DFWP, 2007). Genetically
pure strains of westslope cutthroat trout persist in some of the
headwaters of unobstructed tributaries within their former range where
colder temperatures appear to provide them with a competitive advantage
over introduced species that require higher temperatures to reach
optimal growth, such as stocked rainbow trout (Sloat, 2001).
\18\ S1 species are at high risk because of extremely limited
and/or rapidly declining population numbers, range and/or habitat,
making it highly vulnerable to global extinction or extirpation in
the state. S2 species are at risk because of very limited and/or
potentially declining population numbers, range and/or habitat,
making it vulnerable to global extinction or extirpation in the
state. S3 species are potentially at risk because of limited and/or
declining numbers, range and/or habitat, even though it may be
abundant in some areas (Montana NHP and Montana DFWP, 2016).
The Montana Arctic grayling historically occurred throughout the
upper Missouri River Basin upstream of Great Falls, Montana, including
the Beaverhead River. In recent years, the Montana Arctic grayling has
been stocked into the Beaverhead River downstream of the city of Dillon
in an attempt to re-establish the species. The species is listed as
sensitive by the U.S. Forest Service, indicating there is a concern for
population viability within the state due to a significant current or
predicted downward trend in populations or habitat. The species has
also been petitioned for listing under the ESA several times since 1991
although the FWS determined it was not warranted for listing in 2014
(79 FR 49384). BLM affords the species special status and Montana DFWP
lists it as G1-S1 species, indicating it is at high risk because of
extremely limited and potentially declining numbers, extent, and/or
habitat, making it highly vulnerable to global extinction or
extirpation in the state.
Fisheries in the Beaverhead River Basin have been cumulatively
affected by grazing in riparian or shoreline zones, flow regulation and
diversion for irrigated crop production, land clearing for development,
and cumulative effects on water quality from these and other sources.
Beaverhead River Fishery
The Beaverhead River between Clark Canyon Dam and Barrett's
Diversion Dam is a productive tailwater fishery. This portion of the
river is designated as a blue ribbon fishery and angler use can be very
high from May through November. The dominant fish species in the
Beaverhead River are brown trout and, to a lesser degree, rainbow
trout. While neither of these species is native to the river, their
populations are considered to be wild and self-sustaining.
Surveys to determine the abundance of age 1+ rainbow and brown
trout have been conducted by Montana DFWP within the project vicinity
annually since 1986. Survey data collected by between RM 74.9 to RM
73.3 in the Beaverhead River below Clark Canyon Dam between 1991 and
2013 are shown on figure 10 below. Brown trout abundance was observed
to range from 473 fish per mile to 2,619 fish per mile and averaged
1,369 fish per mile between 1991 and 2013. Rainbow trout abundance was
observed to range from 99 fish per mile to 680 fish per mile and
averaged 305 fish per mile between 1991 and 2013. Oswald (2003) reports
that rainbow trout in the reach downstream of Clark Canyon Dam have
declined as the population of brown trout has expanded.
[[Page 42422]]
Trout abundance in the survey area of the Beaverhead River has been
observed to fluctuate with discharge flows which are generally
attributable to regional weather conditions. Populations of both
species appear to be adversely affected in dry water years, when the
minimum flow released from Clark Canyon Dam may be reduced
substantially during the winter (non-irrigation) season. Oswald (2006)
reported that the number of brown trout greater than 18 inches in
length in the Beaverhead River exceeded 600 fish per mile from 1998 to
2000, after a series of wet water years when the mean winter flow
releases were over 200 cfs. Dry water years from 2001 through 2006
resulted in winter flow releases of less than 50 cfs, and the estimated
number of brown trout greater than 18 inches in length subsequently
declined to about 400 fish per mile by 2002, to 300 fish per mile by
2004, and to 100 fish per mile by 2006.
Gas bubble trauma has been documented in trout populations in the
Beaverhead River (Oswald, 1985, as cited by Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC,
2015a). The primary cause of gas bubble trauma in regulated systems is
TDG supersaturation from water spilled at dams, which commonly occurs
when entrained air is dissolved in water under pressure at depth in
plunge pools (Beeman et al., 2003). Gas bubble trauma induces a variety
of sub-lethal and lethal effects in fish and other aquatic species
(EPRI, 1990; Weitkamp and Katz, 1980). Gas bubble trauma is
characterized by the formation of gas bubbles in the body cavities of
fish, such as behind the eyes or between layers of skin tissue. Small
bubbles can form within the vascular system, blocking the flow of blood
and causing tissue death. Bubbles can also form in the gill lamellae
and block blood flow, occasionally resulting in death by asphyxiation.
The effects of gas bubble trauma can range from mild to fatal depending
on the level of TDG supersaturation, species, life stage, depth,
condition of the aquatic organism, and temperature of the water (Beeman
et al., 2003).
In 1983, elevated TDG levels and gas bubble trauma were observed
for the first time in the Beaverhead River downstream of Clark Canyon
Dam. It was originally believed that the elevated TDG levels were
caused by very high flows that included releasing the maximum quantity
of flow through the outlet works and--for the first and only time since
construction--releasing water through the spillway. Data collected by
Oswald (1985) indicated that 8.8 percent of brown trout and 3 percent
of the rainbow trout sampled downstream of the dam exhibited gas bubble
trauma symptoms. Data collected by Falter and Bennett (1987) during a
non-spill period, however, also found elevated levels of TDG in the
river. In fact, the highest TDG concentration observed for the non-
spill period was 126 percent of saturation compared to 127 percent of
saturation during the spill event. Falter and Bennett (1987) suggested
that the primary cause of TDG supersaturation downstream of Clark
Canyon Dam is the turbulent mixing and plunging of flows released
through the existing outlet structure of the dam. Data reported by the
applicant indicate that TDG levels continue to remain above state
standards, even in the absence of spills.
Other factors that may adversely affect trout populations in the
Beaverhead River include outbreaks of bacterial furunculosis, and the
more recent introductions of New Zealand mud snail (an exotic nuisance
species that may displace species of greater forage value to trout) and
whirling disease (Reclamation, 2006).
Clark Canyon Reservoir Fishery
Clark Canyon Reservoir supports a popular fishery for rainbow
trout. Other common or abundant fish species include white sucker,
redside shiner, brown trout and burbot. Rare species present in the
reservoir include brook
[[Page 42423]]
trout, mountain whitefish, carp, and westslope cutthroat trout.
Relative abundance of rainbow and brown trout in Clark Canyon
Reservoir has been documented since 1980 by gill netting. Rainbow trout
abundance in fall surveys conducted between 1989 and 2011 was observed
to range from 1.2 fish per net to 50 fish per net in 2004 and 2006,
respectively. Rainbow trout abundance in spring surveys conducted
between 1980 and 2006 was observed to range from 2.9 fish per net to
18.7 fish per net in 1991 and 2006, respectively. Brown trout abundance
in spring and fall surveys has remained fairly low and stable;
generally ranging between 1 fish per net and 10 fish per net. To
augment the existing rainbow trout population in Clark Canyon
Reservoir, Montana DFWP collects and spawns broodstock from Red Rock
River. Fertilized eggs from these fish are incubated and reared in
hatcheries and then are released into the reservoir as fingerlings or
yearlings. Between 100,000 and 300,000 fingerling trout are stocked
into the reservoir in most years, and approximately 70,000 additional
yearling fish have been released in most years since 2002. Broodstock
collection has not been undertaken in some drought years, when flows in
the Red Rock River were too low to support a spawning migration of
rainbow trout (Reclamation, 2006).
The health of the Clark Canyon Reservoir fishery has been linked to
reservoir operation. Reclamation (2006) reports that fish populations
typically remain healthy in years where storage remains over 60,000
acre-feet at the end of the summer irrigation season, with year-end
storage levels of 100,000 acre-feet or greater providing optimum
habitat conditions. Environmental Effects
Flow Releases During Project Construction
Aquatic resources downstream of the dam may be affected during
construction if project construction impairs the ability of streamflows
to be released downstream into the Beaverhead River, or if it alters
water quality compared to existing conditions. Because the existing
outlet works would not be available to provide flow releases during
part of the construction period, the applicant developed a plan for
maintaining the continuity of flow releases during construction in
consultation with Reclamation, FWS, Montana DFWP, District, Clark
Canyon Water Supply Company, and Montana DEQ. The final Instream Flow
Release Plan, incorporating comments received from the consulted
agencies, was filed with the license application.
During installation and pressure-grouting of the steel penstock
liner, construction of the trifurcation leading to the powerhouse
turbines, and installation of associated valves, minimum flows to the
Beaverhead River would need to be bypassed around the existing
penstock. The applicant estimates that this phase of the construction
process would require approximately 8 to 12 weeks, extending from
October into December. In its Final Instream Flow Release Plan, the
applicant proposes to provide streamflows during this period using
electric pumps mounted on a barge anchored in the project forebay.
After this phase of the construction has been completed, flow would be
released through the existing penstock.
Prior to the start of construction, the number of primary and
backup pumps would be determined based on the minimum flow release that
would be required by Reclamation during the construction period. The
number of primary and backup pump units would be a function of the
final construction specifications and bypass flow requirements. The
applicant anticipates that one or two pumps would most likely be
required, but it proposes to provide as many pumps as are needed to
pass the minimum flow specified by Reclamation. The applicant provided
cost estimates for the installation of up to four pumps. The applicant
proposes to mount the primary and backup pump units on a platform
anchored in the forebay near the spillway, and to screen the pump
intakes to meet resource agency requirements for fish exclusion.
Magnetic flow measuring equipment would be installed on each
discharge pipe so that the discharge from each pump can be measured. In
addition, the applicant proposes to install a gaging station
immediately downstream of the project prior to construction.
Reclamation would be consulted prior to construction regarding how the
exchange of flow releases from the regulating outlet to the pumps and
back again would occur, and continuous contact would be maintained
between representatives of the applicant and Reclamation during this
A diesel generator located above the reservoir shoreline would be
available to provide backup power in the event of a power outage. The
generator would be enclosed in a spill containment unit of sufficient
capacity to handle the diesel generator fuel storage. Additionally, an
earthen berm would be placed around the generator site. The diesel
generator would provide controls for automatic startup and electrical
transfer if an outage occurs. The applicant also proposes to provide
full-time/24-hour staff attendance of the pumping system when flows are
being bypassed around Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works
during construction of the proposed penstock.
Our Analysis
The applicant's proposal to implement its Final Instream Flow
Release Plan, with provisions to pump flows around the existing
penstock to the Beaverhead River at flows dictated by Reclamation,
would ensure that streamflows and water quality suitable to protect
aquatic life are maintained in the Beaverhead River downstream of the
dam during project construction. Providing stable flow releases would
be especially important to brown trout and mountain whitefish, which
spawn in the Beaverhead River in October and November and rely on
stable river flows for reproductive success.
The applicant estimates that this phase of the construction process
would require approximately 8 to 12 weeks, extending from October into
December. Elevated flows associated with irrigation demands have
typically ended by late September. The timing of irrigation releases
and the amount of minimum flow to be released after irrigation releases
end are determined jointly by Reclamation and the East Bench Joint
Board of Control, which is composed of the District and the Clark
Canyon Water Supply Company. Minimum flows released during the post-
irrigation season are determined using guidelines based on the amount
of reservoir storage at the beginning of September plus the total
inflow that occurs during July and August (table 3).
Table 3--Clark Canyon Reservoir Release Guidelines (Source: Reclamation,
September 1 Storage Plus July-August Inflow (acre-feet) Flow
Less than 80,000............................................. 25
80,000-130,000............................................... 50
130,000-160,000.............................................. 100
Greater than 160,000......................................... 200
Staff examined the end-of-month storage for Clark Canyon Reservoir
for the years 1965-2016. Over the period of record, end-of-month
storage for the month of September was generally less than 160,000
acre-feet with very few exceptions (Reclamation, 2016). Data for the
most recent three years showed that storage for September ranged from
47,983-59,215 acre-feet (Reclamation,
[[Page 42424]]
2016). Given the data, we do not expect that the applicant would be
required to provide a minimum flow above 100 cfs during the pumping
stage of construction. Nevertheless, the applicant commits to being
prepared to release whatever flow is required by Reclamation during the
construction period. Consultation with Reclamation prior to the start
of construction to determine what minimum flows would be required
during the construction period, as the applicant proposes, would ensure
that a sufficient number of primary and backup pumps are installed to
maintain the required minimum release flows. Provision of backup pumps
and a backup generator, as proposed by the applicant, would help to
ensure that the required minimum flow is maintained in the event of a
mechanical failure or power outage. Installation of the backup
generator and fuel storage in a containment unit would help to ensure
that any spills of diesel fuel are contained and do not enter the
Additional provisions proposed by the applicant that would help
ensure flow continuity during project operation include:
When flows drop below 87.5 cfs (the minimum hydraulic
capacity of the powerhouse), the flow would be gradually transferred to
the main penstock through synchronization between the powerhouse and
the penstock valves. As flow is reduced through the powerhouse valves,
flow would increase correspondingly through the penstock valve, and
vice versa.
The project is being engineered such that, in the event of
emergency shut down or during a drop in flows that precludes power
generation, the closure of the powerhouse valves and the return of
flows to the normal outlet works would be automatically synchronized to
eliminate the potential for unintended ramping. There would be no
transition between pressurized and non-pressurized flows through the
regulating outlet once the project is operational. Upon completion of
the project, flows exiting the dam would be pressurized at all exit
points except for the spillway.
A project operator would be on site daily and Reclamation
personnel would be notified immediately in the event of an unplanned
shutdown or in case of any other type of emergency.
Implementing these measures would help ensure a very low likelihood
of unintended ramping or dewatering of aquatic habitat as a result of
project operation. Also informing Montana DFWP of any unplanned
shutdown would provide that agency with information relevant to its
management of fishery resources downstream of the project.
Providing 24-hour attendance of the pumping system for the duration
of time that minimum flows are to be maintained by pumping would help
avoid or minimize any adverse effects on aquatic resources caused by
failure or malfunction of any component of the pumping system. Failure
of the pumping system could have catastrophic consequences on fish and
aquatic resources, especially brown trout and whitefish that are known
to spawn during October and November in areas downstream of the dam.
Because the pumps would provide the only means to transfer water from
the reservoir to the river, it is anticipated that streamflows
downstream of the dam would immediately begin to recede in the event of
a pumping system failure. Any potential adverse effects of a pumping
failure would be minimized by having properly trained staff on site to
ensure a return to normal operations as quickly as possible. Further,
installing a water level alarm to detect falling water levels in the
Beaverhead River near the instream flow release point could help alert
onsite staff of any need to activate back-up pumps or address any
unforeseen problems with the pumping system.
Notifying Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of any
unauthorized discharge of pollutants, as the applicant proposes in its
CWQMP, would help ensure that best management practices are adhered to
and that any spills are addressed in a timely and thorough manner.
Construction Water Quality Monitoring
Montana DEQ's condition 2 stipulates the applicant submit a plan to
monitor turbidity, temperature, DO, and TDG during construction. In its
CWQMP, the applicant proposes to monitor DO, temperature, and turbidity
at a site approximately 300 feet downstream of the proposed powerhouse
and parking construction areas while TDG would be monitored immediately
below the spillway pool when flows are being bypassed around
Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works during construction of
the proposed penstock.
If monitoring indicates that the state of Montana standard for TDG
of 110 percent saturation is exceeded during pumping, the applicant
would reposition the pump outlets until the state standard is met. Data
would be transmitted in real time to the construction manager's trailer
at the construction site, with mean values recorded at 15-minute
intervals. Routine calibration and maintenance of field equipment would
be accomplished in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines.
The applicant's plan also includes provisions to take a vertical
profile of dissolved oxygen levels and water temperatures in Clark
Canyon Reservoir prior to commencement of pumping activities to ensure
that reservoir mixing has occurred. If mixing has not occurred, then
the applicant would delay modifying Reclamation's penstock and inlet
works until this determination is made; thereby ensuring that any water
pumped around Reclamation's penstock does not degrade water quality
conditions below the dam.
For turbidity monitoring, the applicant proposes to use 5 NTU as
background from which to evaluate turbidity levels generated by
construction activities. Should this level be exceeded by more than 5
NTU during construction, the applicant would conduct a ground survey to
determine if there is noticeable sedimentation arising from the
construction area, take a water sample to verify the reading, and also
determine if the probe is functioning properly and clear of algae or
other debris. Any event resulting in a discharge of sediment would be
reported within 24 hours to Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP to determine
the need for corrective measures.
The applicant proposes to submit annual water quality monitoring
reports to Reclamation, FWS, Montana DFWP, and Montana DEQ by February
15 following each year of construction. Agencies would have 60 days to
review the draft reports and the applicant would submit a final report
to the Commission each year addressing agency comments. The reports
would include the raw data, documentation of any deviations from water
quality criteria, and documentation of procedures to correct any
deviations. In addition to annual reporting, the applicant proposes and
Montana DEQ's condition 7 stipulates that the applicant notify Montana
DEQ and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of any event that results in the
discharge of sediment or pollutants as described above. The applicant
also proposes to file an incident report with the Commission following
the event.
Our Analysis
Monitoring water temperature, DO, TDG, and turbidity prior to and
during construction as the applicant proposes and as stipulated by
Montana DEQ's condition 2 would ensure that any adverse effects on
water quality are
[[Page 42425]]
identified and that appropriate actions are undertaken to protect
aquatic resources in Clark Canyon Reservoir and in the Beaverhead River
downstream of the dam during all phases of construction.
Available information on water temperature and DO levels in Clark
Canyon Reservoir indicate that the reservoir is typically well-mixed by
late September so that the depth at which water is drawn from the
reservoir during the October start date for pumping flows around the
existing intake and outlet works should have no effect on downstream
water quality conditions. Collecting reservoir profile data prior to
the start of project construction, as the applicant proposes, would
help to determine whether reservoir mixing has occurred and to assess
whether project construction can be initiated without causing any
adverse changes in downstream water quality. If pre-construction water
quality monitoring indicates that temperature and DO are not uniform by
the proposed October start date, delaying the start date of
construction would further ensure that downstream water quality is
protected prior to initiating pumping activities.
There is some potential that the pumping system used to bypass
flows around the existing intake and outlet works during construction
of the proposed penstock would provide a different level of aeration
than currently occurs in the existing outlet structure, which could
affect DO and TDG concentrations. If the pump discharge lines do not
extend to the base of the spillway, aeration that would occur as flows
pass down the spillway should ensure that DO and TDG concentrations
equilibrate with atmospheric conditions, which would likely improve
water quality for a temporary period compared to existing conditions.
In the unlikely event that water quality conditions during pumping
activities are adversely affected and water quality standards are not
met, this would be detected by the proposed water quality monitoring
program and appropriate measures could be taken (e.g., repositioning
the pump outlets) until Montana DEQ's water quality standards for DO
and TDG are met.
The proposed temporary pumping facility could affect turbidity
levels downstream by taking in sediment through its intake in the
reservoir, or by disturbance during installation or removal of the
intake. Monitoring turbidity levels downstream of the construction
footprint immediately prior to and during construction as described in
the applicant's CWQMP would alert the construction manager of a spike
in turbidity and the need to determine the cause of the event and any
necessary corrective measures to protect water quality. Because
turbidity levels near the proposed construction footprint are generally
less than 5 NTU during the year, using 5 NTU as a background turbidity
level as the applicant proposes would be more than adequate to identify
when a spike in turbidity has occurred beyond naturally occurring
background levels. Notifying Montana DFWP and Montana DEQ within 24
hours of a discharge of sediment or pollutants would alert the agencies
of these events as they occur and allow for these agencies to provide
timely recommendations to protect water quality and fish resources
downstream during construction.
Providing annual water quality monitoring reports to the agencies
and the Commission during construction as the applicant proposes would
provide a mechanism to evaluate whether any changes are needed to
achieve water quality standards on a year-to-year basis during
construction. However, in addition to annual reporting, notifying the
agencies within 24 hours of a deviation from water quality criteria,
and submitting an incident report to the Commission following the
incident would enable the Commission and agencies to determine whether
best management practices are being followed and that any needed
corrective actions are addressed in a timely manner.
Also, notifying Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of any
discharge of pollutants and submitting an incident report with the
Commission following the event would help ensure that best management
practices are adhered to and that any spills are addressed in a timely
and thorough manner.
Minimum Instream Flows
The applicant proposes that the project be operated as a run-of-
release project, in which the flows downstream of the project
powerhouse would be dictated by Reclamation, thus the flows would be
identical to the flows that would be released by Reclamation in the
absence of the project. This is consistent with Reclamation's 4(e)
condition 9, which states that the timing, quantity, and location of
water releases and release changes from the facilities would be at the
sole discretion of Reclamation.
Interior, Upper Missouri Waterkeeper, and Montana Trout Unlimited
recommend that the applicant work closely with water users and federal
and state agencies to improve minimum instream flow conditions in the
Beaverhead River, and support the implementation of the 2006 MOU
between Reclamation and Montana DFWP entitled Betterment of the
Beaverhead River and Valley.
Interior and Montana Trout Unlimited also recommend that the
applicant contribute to improvements in water use efficiency to enhance
instream flows for fisheries and environmental health of the river.
They recommend that the applicant dedicate 4 percent of the gross
hydropower revenues to funding independent technical studies of water
efficiency improvements or funding on-the-ground water conservation
measures designed to result in instream flow improvements. Interior and
Montana Trout Unlimited recommend that the applicant prepare annual
reports that explain the uses and expenditures of such funds, and the
expected benefits of funded activities. In advance of submitting the
annual report to the Commission, the applicant would provide the report
to Montana DFWP and FWS for a 30-day review, and attach any comments
received on the report when filing it with the Commission.
Our Analysis
Available information indicates that trout populations in the
Beaverhead River are adversely affected by low flows that occur during
the non-irrigation season and that fish populations in Clark Canyon
Reservoir are adversely affected by low reservoir levels during periods
of drought. Encouraging the implementation of water conservation
strategies in the basin could alleviate adverse conditions that occur
in Clark Canyon Reservoir and in the Beaverhead River during drought
conditions. However, we note that operation of the project as proposed
by the applicant would not cause any changes in the flows in the
Beaverhead River or on water storage levels in Clark Canyon Reservoir.
The 2006 Reclamation/Montana DFWP MOU includes the following
elements: (1) Identify environmental degradation issues of the
Beaverhead River; (2) investigate possible solutions to correct
degradation issues; (3) review Clark Canyon Reservoir operation to
increase river and reservoir environmental health; (4) explore water
conservation projects; (5) describe fishery goals and fish management
objectives; and (6) work through a collaborative process with
interested groups to develop resource management strategies to improve
the environmental health of Clark Canyon Reservoir and the Beaverhead
River. Implementing the applicant's proposed water quality
[[Page 42426]]
monitoring program would assist with identifying any environmental
impacts associated with project construction and operation, and
determine whether measures are needed to address project effects. The
monitoring program would also contribute information on water quality
conditions that would be useful to Reclamation and Montana DFWP as they
pursue implementation of the MOU.
The applicant's proposal to operate the project to provide flows
determined by Reclamation, consistent with Reclamation's 4(e) condition
9, would ensure that any changes in reservoir operation or flow regimes
implemented under the MOU or through any other agreements that
Reclamation enters into would not be impeded by operation of the
We make our final recommendation for water efficiency improvements
in section 5.2, Comprehensive Development and Recommended Alternative.
Water Quality Operation Effects
Montana DEQ's condition 3 stipulates that the applicant maintain DO
levels at saturation (approximately 7.5 mg/L or higher, depending on
the temperature of the reservoir water at the intakes) from June 1
through August 31 and 8.0 mg/L the rest of the year while operating.
Condition 5 stipulates that the applicant submit a plan prior to
construction describing any project design engineering modifications
for maintaining DO at these levels. Condition 4 stipulates that the
applicant maintain TDG levels at 110 percent or lower downstream of the
project while operating.
Diverting water through the applicant's proposed penstock and
turbines at Clark Canyon Dam has the potential to reduce DO
concentrations downstream compared to current conditions by reducing
the turbulence and the entrainment of gases in water exiting the
powerhouse. Reduced DO concentrations may limit salmonid growth and
reproduction and delay embryonic development and hatching of juveniles
if concentrations remain low for extended periods (EPRI, 1990). In
order to address potential DO and other water quality concerns during
project operation and to comply with Montana DEQ's certification
conditions, the applicant proposes to construct and operate an aeration
basin downstream of the powerhouse and to implement its Revised DOEP
during project operation which includes: (1) Procedures for monitoring
and reporting temperature, DO, and TDG levels in project waters for a
minimum of five years following initial project operation; (2)
procedures for enhancing DO concentrations for water exiting the
tailrace; and (3) corrective measures and emergency shutdown procedures
to be implemented if deviations from state water quality criteria occur
during project operation. The applicant states that the plan was
developed in consultation with Reclamation, FWS, Montana DFWP, and
Montana DEQ. Water quality monitoring provisions included in the plan
are evaluated in section, Post-Construction Water Quality
The proposed aeration basin would consist of three 45-foot-long,
10-foot-wide frames containing 330 diffusers with the capacity to add
additional frames if needed. The diffuser system would feature two
mechanical blowers, an electronic control system, and ducted aeration
diffuser disks to inject fine bubbles of air into the water column to
provide the additional aeration. The applicant states that the blower
and diffuser system would be designed with the capacity to elevate DO
levels by a maximum of 7.5 mg/L before the water enters the Beaverhead
River and could be adjusted based on the level of aeration needed to
meet state criteria. The applicant anticipates that operation of the
aeration basin would likely occur from June through mid-September each
year, which is the time that DO concentrations at the bottom of the
reservoir (i.e., near the depth of the intake) are expected to be at
their lowest levels of the year.
The blower for the aeration basin would include sensors to monitor
flow rates and could be adjusted by the operator using controls located
both remotely and in the powerhouse. The volume of air supplied by the
blower would be based on the level of DO enhancement that is required
for a given volume of water and would take into account empirically
observed oxygen transfer rates. The applicant states that in early
summer, as DO levels decline, the air diffusers in the aeration basin
would be gradually brought online to maintain DO concentrations in the
Beaverhead River downstream. If DO concentrations decline to such
levels that the diffusers are insufficient to meet Montana DEQ's DO
criteria (i.e., 7.5-8.0 mg/L) during these months, then flows would be
gradually shifted through the cone valves to the existing project works
to provide additional aeration beyond that provided by the aeration
basin alone.\19\ This shift in flow would occur either automatically
based on feedback from the applicant's water quality monitoring probes
or manually by an operator as needed.
\19\ The applicant states the shift of partial flows to the cone
valve can function to aerate water using the existing outlet works
in addition to the proposed aeration basin thereby potentially
further enhancing DO levels beyond what the aeration basin would
provide alone.
In an emergency shutdown or if probes at compliance monitoring Site
3 located approximately 300 feet downstream of the project in the
Beaverhead River (described further below in section Post-
Construction Water Quality Monitoring) show that Montana DEQ's DO
criteria cannot be met, the project would automatically trip offline,
triggering the closing of the wicket gates on the turbines and
simultaneously opening the cone valve, transferring all flows through
the cone valves at the existing project works. If blowers malfunction
during the time that the applicant needs to provide additional
aeration, the project would remain offline until the backup blower is
connected or the blowers are replaced. The applicant also proposes to
notify Reclamation immediately in the event of an unplanned shutdown or
any other type of emergency that occurs during project operation.
Montana DFWP recommends that the applicant's aeration system be
designed to achieve water quality standards downstream when water
entering the project works has DO concentrations of 0 mg/L or the
applicant should be willing to shut the project down. In its reply
comments, the applicant reiterated that its proposed aeration basin is
designed to provide the necessary level of DO enhancement downstream,
but in any case it would shift flows through the existing outlet works
or shut the project down as a last resort to meet water quality
In addition, Montana DFWP and Upper Missouri Waterkeeper recommend
that the applicant evaluate the need for dam infrastructure alterations
and/or changes in long-term operations to minimize downstream turbidity
resulting from entrainment of organic material or inorganic fine
sediment from the reservoir into the project works. In its reply
comments, the applicant stated that the Clark Canyon Project would not
alter the depth of the reservoir intake, or the rate, volume, or
velocity of water withdrawn. As a result, the applicant contends that
minimizing entrainment of suspended organic and inorganic material is
not within its operational control.
[[Page 42427]]
Our Analysis
Installation of turbines at the outlet works as proposed by the
applicant has the potential to alter TDG levels downstream of the
project. Under existing conditions, water leaving the outlet structures
is subject to aeration and plunging as it exits the outlet works, which
likely causes supersaturated TDG levels that have been documented in
the dam tailrace during the months of June through September (see
Figure 8). Elevated TDG levels may injure or kill fish that are exposed
depending on the level of TDG supersaturation, species, life stage,
depth, condition of the aquatic organism, and temperature of the water
(Beeman et al., 2003). Passing water through the turbines would reduce
the plunging effect and turbulence that occur under existing
conditions, as well as the potential for entrained air to enter
solution under pressure in the outlet works and in the spillway pool,
thereby reducing the potential for TDG supersaturation. Thus, when
flows are within the operating range of the project (i.e., between 87.5
and 700 cfs), we expect that the potential for TDG supersaturation
would be reduced compared to existing conditions which would benefit
aquatic resources in the Beaverhead River downstream of the dam. Based
on mean monthly flow release data for Clark Canyon Dam, we expect flow
releases to be within this range a majority of the time (see figures 3
and 4). While it is reasonable to expect that TDG levels would be
lowered during project operation (as compared to not operating the
project), it is difficult to predict whether Montana DEQ's criteria of
110 percent saturation could be maintained at all times during project
This would especially be the case when flow release requirements
exceed the 700-cfs hydraulic capacity of the powerhouse. Under this
scenario, additional flows would bypass the powerhouse penstock at the
trifurcation and would be discharged through the existing outlet works,
and in rare circumstances, through the spillway. As previously noted,
TDG supersaturation frequently occurs when flows are released through
the existing outlet works at the dam. Therefore, any time that flows
exceed the 700-cfs capacity of the powerhouse which can occur at times
during the peak summer irrigation season (see figures 3 and 4), it
would not be unreasonable to expect that TDG supersaturation could
occur. We would also expect that TDG supersaturation may occur if flows
are partially shifted through the existing outlet works to enhance DO
beyond what the applicant's proposed aeration basin would provide alone
or if the project is shut down and all flows are released through the
existing outlet works.
According to its Revised DOEP, the applicant plans to take an
adaptive management approach to correct any deviations from state water
quality criteria, including TDG levels that occur during operation. At
this time, we are not aware of any additional potential measures that
could be implemented at the project to minimize TDG levels; therefore,
we assume that the project would be required to cease operation should
TDG levels exceed the 110 percent saturation criteria stipulated by
Montana DEQ's condition 4 similar to what would occur if DO criteria
aren't met. Under a shutdown scenario, supersaturation of gases may
occur at times during the summer and early fall as is typical under
existing conditions until any future corrective actions are identified
and implemented.
Although reduced turbulence in the tailrace area could benefit
aquatic resources by reducing the frequency and extent of gas
supersaturation, it could also decrease DO concentrations in the
Beaverhead River by reducing the degree of aeration that occurs to
water that is discharged downstream of the dam. Water currently
discharges through the dam's outlet works under turbulent conditions,
which tend to entrain atmospheric gases, thus increasing DO
concentrations relative to Clark Canyon reservoir background levels. In
contrast, discharging water through a powerhouse would reduce the
turbulence and plunging effect and thus capacity for DO entrainment.
The potential to pass water with decreased DO concentrations would be
greatest in July, August, and September when DO concentrations at the
bottom of the reservoir (near the depth of the intake) would be
expected to be at the lowest levels of the year (i.e., approaching 0
mg/L). Since baseline information indicates that DO levels in the upper
Beaverhead River can fall below the 7.5-8.0 mg/L criteria for trout
under existing aeration conditions, it appears likely that some level
of DO enhancement would be necessary to ensure compliance with the
state DO criteria during project operation.
Early life stages of trout begin to see declines in their growth
rates when DO levels fall below 8 mg/L and cannot survive in extremely
hypoxic conditions when DO levels fall below 1-3 mg/L (EPRI, 1990).
Because baseline information indicates that DO levels in the upper
Beaverhead River can at times fall below the 7.5-8.0 mg/L criteria in
the summer months, providing the necessary aeration to achieve this
criteria throughout the summer would enhance water quality and provide
a benefit to aquatic resources during these months, particularly early
life stages of trout that are typically more vulnerable to low DO
levels (EPRI, 1990). Foust et al. (2008) determined that an air
admission system is a particularly cost-effective method for improving
DO conditions in a hydroelectric project tailrace and EPRI (2002)
states that tailrace diffusers are widely accepted as devices capable
of providing supplemental aeration. A similar aeration basin and
diffuser array was built and operating effectively at the Island Park
Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2973) in Idaho. Water quality
monitoring reports filed from 2001-2016 confirmed that the Island Park
Hydroelectric Project was successful at meeting state DO standards of
7.0 mg/L approximately 99 percent of the time during that period.\20\
Given the information available, we anticipate that using a similar
aeration basin and tailrace diffuser array to inject air into the water
column to provide at least 7.5 mg/L of DO as the applicant proposes
would maintain DO concentrations downstream to support all life stages
of trout even when source reservoir levels are approaching 0 mg/L.
Shifting flows to the existing outlet structures as needed to either
achieve a level of 8.0 mg/L or shutting the project down and passing
all flows through Reclamation's outlet works would ensure that project
operation does not degrade water quality conditions relative to
existing conditions and ensure that the applicant complies with DO
levels stipulated by Montana DEQ's condition 3 while operating.
Diverting all flows through the existing project works in the event of
a blower failure or during an emergency shutdown would further ensure
that existing water quality conditions are maintained downstream
consistent with Montana DFWP's recommendation.
\20\ See annual water quality monitoring reports for the Island
Park Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2973) filed on November
2, 2001; April 22, 2002; August 25, 2003; July 9, 2004; August 8,
2005; June 27, 2006; October 3, 2007; December 31, 2008; November
12, 2009; December 6, 2010; and March 16, 2016.
In regard to Montana DFWP's and Upper Missouri Waterkeeper's
recommendations that the applicant evaluate the need for dam
infrastructure alterations and/or changes in long-term operations to
minimize downstream turbidity, we echo the applicant's reply comment
that it wouldn't alter the depth of the reservoir intake, or the rate,
[[Page 42428]]
volume, or velocity of water withdrawn as these are determined solely
by Reclamation. Therefore, we are not aware of what changes to dam
infrastructure or operations would result from the recommended
evaluation to be able to sufficiently evaluate this measure. The
applicant already proposes to implement other soil and erosion control
measures during construction (i.e., implementing its ESCP and CWQMP)
which should inform how construction of the proposed penstock and
outlet works affects downstream turbidity. Given these measures and the
restrictions listed above, it is unclear what additional water quality
benefit would be gained by requiring the applicant to conduct the
recommended evaluation.
Post-Construction Water Quality Monitoring
Montana DEQ's condition 1 stipulates that the applicant conduct
water quality monitoring for temperature, DO, and TDG for a minimum of
the first five years of project operation and each year thereafter
while discharging from July through October, unless Montana DEQ
determines that additional monitoring is not warranted based on a
review of the monitoring results for the first five years of project
operation. Condition 6 stipulates that the project shut down
automatically if DO levels fall below Montana DEQ standards and that a
second, redundant DO probe be deployed at site 3 to ensure compliance
with DO criteria during project operation. Condition 6 also stipulates
that in the event that automated alarms indicate that water quality
standards may have been exceeded (i.e., TDG or temperature criteria),
that an on-call operator be required to arrive within 30 minutes to
evaluate the causes of the non-compliance reading. Condition 11
stipulates that the applicant meet annually with all watershed
stakeholders to discuss water quality monitoring efforts associated
with project operation.\21\
\21\ Montana DEQ clarified in a phone conversation with staff
that ``watershed stakeholders'' includes state and federal agencies,
non-governmental organizations, and any interested members of the
public. See telephone record summary between FERC and Montana DEQ
filed on June 9, 2016.
In its Revised DOEP, the applicant proposes to continuously monitor
TDG, DO and water temperature for at least the first five years of
project operation consistent with Montana DEQ's condition 1. The
applicant would monitor DO and temperature at three sites and TDG at
two sites during this initial monitoring period (table 4).
Table 4--Water Quality Monitoring During Operation
[Source: License application as modified by staff]
Parameter site \a\ Frequency and duration
Temperature ([deg]C)............. 1, 2, 3 Continuous for a minimum
of first five years of
project operation.
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L and 1, 2, 3 Continuous for a minimum
percent saturation) \b\. of first five years of
project operation.
Total Dissolved Gas (percent 2, 3 Continuous for a minimum
saturation). of first five years of
project operation.
Notes: [deg]C--degrees Celsius; mg/L--milligram per liter.
\a\ Site 1 is small chamber located upstream of proposed turbines. Site
2 is located in the proposed aeration basin. Site 3 is located about
300 feet downstream of the project in the Beaverhead River.
\b\ Site 3 would also contain a second redundant probe to monitor DO
levels in the Beaverhead River for the first year of project operation
and then each year thereafter from June 1-September 14, subject to
approval from Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP.
Temperature and DO levels of the intake water would be monitored by
diverting small amounts of water from the project penstock upstream of
the turbines into a small pressurized chamber containing a monitoring
probe (Site 1) that would continuously transmit data to the powerhouse.
Probes would also be deployed in the aeration basin (Site 2) and at a
site approximately 300 feet downstream of the project in the Beaverhead
River (Site 3). A second redundant probe to ``double-check'' DO
concentrations would also be deployed at Site 3 consistent with Montana
DEQ's condition 6 for the first monitoring year and then from June 1
through September 15 each year thereafter or until the DO criteria is
met for 14 consecutive days without supplemental aeration, whichever
date is later, subject to approval from Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP.
The applicant also states that Montana DEQ or Montana DFWP can request
to extended or shortened deployment of the redundant probe at Site 3 if
As discussed in section, Water Quality Operation Effects,
blower controls would include a bypass that would allow full flows to
be automatically routed through the existing cone valves in the event
of an emergency shutdown, or if DO criteria cannot be met. If probes at
Site 3 indicate that DO levels are lowering and approaching Montana
DEQ's DO criteria, flows would gradually shift to the cone valves in
the existing outlet works to provide additional aeration beyond what
the aeration basin could provide alone. If either probe at Site 3
registers DO levels that fall below compliance levels, the project
would automatically trip offline, and all water would be diverted
through the cone valves consistent with Montana DEQ's condition 6.
In addition to the automatic shutdown procedures described above, a
powerhouse operator would oversee compliance with Montana DEQ's water
quality standards and would take action in the event of a non-
compliance reading for temperature, TDG, or if only one of the probes
at Site 3 indicate that DO criteria is not being met. The operator
would visit the powerhouse at least once daily during all phases of
operation and would determine the ability of the aeration basin to
provide sufficient aeration. If a non-compliance reading for
temperature or TDG occurs at Site 3 or if only one probe indicates non-
compliance with DO criteria, the operator would immediately investigate
and determine if corrective actions, such as shutting the project down,
is warranted.
Whenever the operator is not at the powerhouse, a series of
automated alarms would dispatch an on-call operator to the powerhouse
within 30 minutes following a non-compliance reading consistent with
the procedures stipulated by Montana DEQ's condition 6. If the operator
is not able to reach the powerhouse for any reason, or if the cause of
any noncompliance reading cannot be determined, the project would be
manually shut down either at the powerhouse or remotely and all water
would be diverted through the cone valves at the existing project
works. Thus, the applicant states that whenever
[[Page 42429]]
compliance with state water quality standards for DO, TDG, and
temperature cannot be met due to project operations, the project would
be offline and all flows would be diverted through the existing project
works until further corrective actions, in consultation with the
agencies, could be identified and implemented.
Although water quality would be monitored continuously, the
applicant proposes to log and store hourly data for reporting purposes
and to submit annual monitoring reports to Reclamation, Montana DEQ,
Montana DFWP, and FWS for review by March 1 for the prior calendar
year.\22\ The reports would include the raw data, identify any
deviations from water quality criteria, and recommended actions to
correct any deviations. At the end of the five-year monitoring period,
the applicant would file a report that includes recommendations for any
potential future monitoring, and identify which parameters, if any,
should be monitored. The applicant's Revised DOEP states that
monitoring of any parameter could be extended beyond the initial five-
year monitoring period at the discretion of Montana DEQ following
review of the five-year monitoring results. In addition, the applicant
includes a provision in its Revised DOEP to notify Reclamation, Montana
DEQ, and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of any deviation from water
quality criteria.
\22\ The applicant agreed to send all post-construction annual
water quality monitoring reports to FWS in addition to the other
agencies in their reply comments filed on April 8, 2016.
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper recommends that the applicant tier
operation of oxygen supplementation systems to ongoing monitoring of
hypolimnion conditions in the reservoir to ensure the system in fact
discharges water that achieves water quality standards and to consider
immediate shutdown of diversions if water quality is shown through
monitoring to be negatively affected downstream. In its reply comments,
the applicant states that implementation of its Revised DOEP, which
includes water quality monitoring compliance sites and corrective
measures that would be taken, would ensure that adequate DO
concentrations are maintained during project operation.
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper recommends that the applicant support
ongoing studies evaluating turbidity and nutrient pollution events
occurring in the project vicinity and to develop and implement an
adaptive management plan that addresses these concerns based on the
results of those studies. In its reply comments, the applicant states
that the proposed project has no nexus to the upstream land-use
practices and subsequent nutrient loading to the Clark Canyon Reservoir
and that it is beyond their control to eliminate or mitigate water
quality impacts manifested from upstream land-use practices and
reservoir operations.
Montana DFWP recommends that the applicant conduct water quality
monitoring at three additional sites for a minimum of three years to
empirically assess water quality dynamics within the mixing zone in the
Beaverhead River downstream of the project prior to selecting a
permanent site in consultation with Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP.
Specifically, Montana DFWP recommends the additional sites be located:
(1) Immediately downstream of the cone valve; (2) 100 feet downstream
of the project; and (3) 200 feet downstream of the project. Upper
Missouri Waterkeeper also recommends that the applicant consider
additional upstream and downstream monitoring sites as part of its
water quality monitoring program. In its reply comments, the applicant
states that its water quality compliance sites were selected in
consultation with Montana DEQ under the previous licensing process but
that it would collaborate with Montana DFWP and Montana DEQ as needed.
Our Analysis
Monitoring TDG, DO, and water temperature for a minimum of five
years during project operation as proposed by the applicant and as
stipulated by Montana DEQ's condition 1 would document compliance with
state water quality criteria and help identify whether the project is
adequately protecting and enhancing water quality conditions and
aquatic resources of the Beaverhead River over a range of hydrologic
and meteorological conditions encountered during the monitoring period.
This would be especially important for TDG and DO, two parameters that
are expected to be affected by project operation.
Monitoring DO concentrations of reservoir water at Site 1 as the
applicant proposes and as recommended by Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
would alert the project operator of the need to operate the aeration
basin to maintain adequate water quality downstream. Monitoring DO at
Site 2 in the aeration basin would confirm the amount of additional
aeration being provided by the diffusers when the aeration basin is
operating. Monitoring DO at Site 3 in the Beaverhead River downstream
of the project would help confirm that DO enhancement measures are
effective at maintaining adequate DO levels downstream of the project.
Deploying a redundant probe at Site 3 as proposed by the applicant and
as stipulated by Montana DEQ's condition 6 would ensure that the
equipment is working properly for the first year of project operation
and each additional year it is deployed.
However, if monitoring ceases after the first five years of project
operation, it is unclear how the applicant would ensure compliance with
Montana DEQ's DO, TDG and temperature criteria beyond the initial
monitoring period. The applicant and Montana DEQ did not identify what
criteria would be used to determine that further monitoring would not
be necessary, leaving that to occur in consultation with the agencies
based on the five-year monitoring results. Presumably, the annual
reports would show that with supplemental aeration that DO and TDG
levels are always meeting or better than state water quality criteria.
Consequently, the applicant would then be able to identify a set
timeframe for operating the diffusers each year rather than tying
operation of the diffusers to the results of DO monitoring. Operating
the diffusers on this as-yet unidentified set schedule may cause DO
levels to fall below state standards at certain times outside of this
set period. Thus, extending the DO monitoring period through the term
of any license issued would provide a means to track that DO
enhancement equipment is working properly and that adequate DO levels
are maintained at all times downstream for the protection of aquatic
Monitoring TDG levels in the aeration basin at Site 2 and in the
Beaverhead River downstream of the project at Site 3 would confirm
whether the project reduces TDG levels from October through April and
also determine whether the project complies with Montana DEQ's TDG
standard at other times to protect fish and other aquatic resources
downstream. Our analysis in section, Water Quality Operation
Effects, indicates that the project may still cause exceedances of
Montana DEQ's TDG criteria during certain times of the year (i.e., when
DO enhancement is occurring and when flow release requirements exceed
the 700 cfs capacity of the project). Thus, extending the monitoring
period for TDG through the license term would allow the applicant,
resource agencies and Commission staff track these events as they
occur, and make informed decisions on the need for corrective measures.
[[Page 42430]]
Deploying probes at the cone valve and 100, 200, and 300 feet below
the project, as recommended by Montana DFW and Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper would permit the applicant to determine the extent of the
mixing zone and potentially the best place to document compliance with
DO and TDG levels. According to Urban et al (2008), the factors
contributing to TDG concentrations in river systems downstream of a dam
changes with distance. Elevated TDG levels in hydropower releases are
generally caused by the entrainment of air in spillway releases and the
subsequent exchange of atmospheric gasses into solution during passage
through the stilling basin. Aerated water plunging off steep drops into
pools is the typical mechanism by which entrained air is forced into
solution causing gas supersaturation. These interactions cause TDG to
fluctuate for a short distance downstream of the plunge or release
point before TDG levels plateau and remain plateaued often for several
miles downstream. This was consistent with the applicant's water
quality sampling results from 2009 which showed that TDG saturation
levels slightly reduced as water moved downstream from the dam but
quickly plateaued and still remained above state criteria at times as
much as 5.7 miles downstream of the project. Given the documented small
changes in TDG levels and because conditions downstream are likely to
be better represented by the applicant's proposed monitoring site than
the turbulent mixing zone, it is unclear what additional benefits to
aquatic resources would be derived from monitoring DO and TDG levels
within the mixing zone.
Because the project would be operated run-of-release and would
withdraw water from the same depth and through the existing intake
structure, operation of the project should not cause any change in
water temperature in the Beaverhead River downstream of the project. If
initial project operation causes any unforeseen adverse effects on
downstream water temperatures, consulting with the agencies on the
annual reports and extending the monitoring program beyond the initial
five-year monitoring period would help ensure that any modifications
needed to protect beneficial uses could be developed and implemented,
if warranted.
Conducting additional water quality monitoring at upstream sites as
recommended by Upper Missouri Waterkeeper would provide general
information on water quality conditions within the Clark Canyon
Reservoir above the intake as well as possibly in tributaries feeding
the reservoir but it is unclear what nexus this would have to the
project as these areas would not be affected by the project.
Supporting ongoing studies evaluating turbidity and nutrient
pollution events occurring in the watershed and participating in the
development of an adaptive management plan with other regional entities
as recommended by Upper Missouri Waterkeeper would likely provide some
information on specific land-use practices and upstream sources of
nutrient loading of project waters to support ongoing watershed
management efforts. However, it is unclear what nexus this effort has
to the effects of the project and at this time we are not able to
evaluate specific actions that would be required by the as-yet
undeveloped adaptive management plan. However, implementing the
applicant's proposed water quality monitoring program would assist with
identifying any effects associated with project construction and
operation, and determine whether measures are needed to address project
effects. The monitoring program would also contribute information on
water quality conditions that would be useful to entities as they
conduct future studies addressing nutrient pollution events and their
effects on aquatic resources in the project area.
Also, the applicant's proposal to operate the project to provide
flows determined by Reclamation, consistent with Reclamation's 4(e)
condition 9, would ensure that any changes in reservoir operation or
flow regimes implemented under any future adaptive management plan that
Reclamation enters into would not be impeded by operation of the
Submitting annual water quality monitoring reports to the agencies
would provide a mechanism to evaluate whether any changes are needed to
achieve water quality standards on a year-to-year basis during the
initial few years of project operation. Holding an annual meeting with
watershed stakeholders to discuss water quality monitoring efforts as
stipulated by Montana DEQ's condition 11 would provide another
mechanism to evaluate whether any changes are needed on a yearly basis.
Notifying Reclamation, Montana DEQ, and Montana DFWP within 24
hours of any deviation from water temperature, DO, or TDG requirements
as the applicant proposes would allow the agencies to provide timely
input on corrective actions needed to protect aquatic resources as they
occur. However, also submitting an incident report with the Commission
within 30 days following any deviation from water quality criteria
would enable the Commission to review actions taken by the applicant in
the short-term when these deviations occur and would facilitate
Commission administration of the license.
Also, notifying Montana DFWP in addition to Reclamation immediately
in the event of an unplanned shutdown or other operating emergency
would ensure that Montana DFWP provides input on any corrective actions
needed to protect water quality and fish resources in the event of an
unplanned shutdown.
Fish Entrainment
Entrainment of fish from Clark Canyon Reservoir during project
construction and operation could cause some reduction in fish
populations in Clark Canyon Reservoir, and installation of the proposed
Francis turbines could increase the mortality rate of entrained fish
and reduce the number of fish that are recruited to downstream fish
During project construction, the applicant proposes to screen the
pump intakes to meet resource agency requirements for fish exclusion
using 0.5-inch mesh screens of sufficient size to limit approach
velocities to a maximum of 1.0 foot per second.
Interior and Montana Trout Unlimited recommend that the applicant
prepare, in consultation with Montana DFWP and FWS, a feasibility
assessment of technical procedures to evaluate the effects of fish
entrainment (including pressure differential effects) and impingement
of the dam outlet and project works, to include monitoring a range of
water supply and operating conditions. These entities recommend that,
based on the feasibility assessment, the reviewing agencies and the
Commission determine whether monitoring or preventive measures to avoid
or minimize damage and mortality of native fish would be required.
Our Analysis
Although the applicant does not specify the depth from which the
pumps would withdraw water from Clark Canyon Reservoir during project
construction, it is expected that the water would likely be withdrawn
from a shallow depth to minimize pipe length and pumping costs and to
facilitate the inspection and maintenance of the proposed intake
screens. Because the depth of the intakes would be much shallower than
the existing dam intake, the potential for fish entrainment would
[[Page 42431]]
differ from existing conditions and from project operation, when flows
would pass through the existing dam intake structure.
Screening the pump intakes as proposed by the applicant would limit
the potential for increasing the entrainment rates of fish species that
use shallower areas of the reservoir, and would limit the potential for
adversely affecting fish populations in the reservoir during project
The fish entrainment feasibility assessment recommended by Interior
and Montana Trout Unlimited would determine what, if any, procedures
are possible to study the magnitude of fish entrainment and the
mortality rate of fish passing through the outlet works, with the
ultimate goal of determining whether measures to reduce entrainment are
warranted to minimize injury and mortality of fish.
Numerous studies of resident fish entrainment and mortality have
been conducted at hydroelectric projects over the past several decades.
Comprehensive reviews of these studies have been done by FERC (1995),
the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, 1997, 1992), and Winchell
et al. (2000). While none of these studies specifically evaluated the
entrainment potential of resident trout, CH2M HILL (2007) summarized
the results of several trout entrainment studies conducted at
hydropower projects in the Pacific Northwest. The study reports
summarized in the document suggest that the type of analysis requested
by Interior and Montana Trout Unlimited could be conducted at the Clark
Canyon Dam Project, and may be effective at developing estimates of
entrainment and mortality if baseline information is lacking. In this
instance, however, sufficient information appears to exist to describe
how entrainment rates might change between baseline conditions and
proposed project operation. Project operation would have no effect on
the rate of fish entrained from Clark Canyon Reservoir because the
project would not alter the timing, rate, or volume of water
withdrawals, and all water passing the dam would pass via the existing
deep intake and outlet structure (and by the spillway during spill
events), as it does under existing conditions. During project
operation, however, it is possible that the mortality rate of fish that
are entrained into the intake facilities on the dam may increase due to
the routing of fish through the turbines instead of the existing outlet
The best available information suggests that the mortality rate of
entrained fish under existing conditions appears to be quite high. In
its comments under the previous license issued for the Clark Canyon
project (i.e., P-12429), Montana DFWP stated that adult burbot
entrained and sampled in 1984 exhibited a very high incidence of
mortality, with most of the dead fish exhibiting extremely distended
swim bladders. Further, Montana DFWP indicated that it is highly
unlikely that brown or rainbow trout entrained under existing
conditions can survive the pressure differential that occurs when fish
are entrained into the deep intake in the reservoir and discharged
through the existing outlet works (Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC, 2006).\23\
\23\ See section E.4 of the final license application filed on
July 7, 2006 under FERC Project No. 12429.
It is unlikely that the addition of a penstock and turbines would
alter the existing pressure-induced mortality rates of fish entrained
into the dam. As previously noted, the project would not alter the
depth of the intake, or the rate, volume, or velocity of water
withdrawal. Therefore, similar to existing conditions, fish would pass
through the turbines having been acclimated to the pressures of the
deep reservoir and would experience rapid depressurization when they
are exposed to atmospheric pressures in the relatively shallow
tailrace. Because the mortality rate of fish passing through the
existing outlet works likely approaches 100 percent based on the
available information, any additional turbine-induced injury caused by
mechanical strike or shear effects would not result in additional fish
The fish entrainment feasibility assessment recommended by Interior
and Montana Trout Unlimited would ultimately determine whether measures
to reduce entrainment are warranted to minimize damage and mortality of
native fish. The probable outcome of this evaluation would be to
determine whether a fish screen to preclude fish from exiting the
reservoir would be appropriate. However, installing and maintaining a
fish screen at the existing intake structure would be a substantial
undertaking given the depth of the intake.
Finally, the fishery in the Beaverhead River consists of self-
reproducing populations of brown and rainbow trout. Any increase in the
mortality rate of fish that are entrained from Clark Canyon Reservoir,
if it were to occur, is unlikely to affect the fishery for these
species. Brown trout, the dominant trout species in the Beaverhead
River, are not abundant in Clark Canyon Reservoir, and as a result,
only small numbers of this species are likely to be entrained. Any
rainbow trout that survived passage through the existing outlet works
would likely be stocked fish that were hatched and reared in a hatchery
environment, and are not likely to be as well adapted to conditions in
the Beaverhead River as naturally spawned fish recruited from the
existing, self-sustaining population.
Cumulative Effects
Montana DEQ put the Beaverhead River as well as several tributaries
to Clark Canyon Reservoir on the list of impaired waterbodies (CWA
section 303[d]) for violations of state water quality standards. The
listing of these waterbodies on the 303(d) list triggered the
development of a TMDL for each parameter listed. TMDLs are designed to
limit the inputs of potentially degrading agents to waterbodies by
limiting the sources responsible for the degradation. Future
implementation of TMDLs for tributaries to Clark Canyon Reservoir and
the Beaverhead River could have a cumulative benefit of reducing
harmful algal blooms caused by excessive nutrient inputs from several
upstream and downstream sources within the watershed. However, because
the project would not contribute to or affect such inputs, constructing
and operating the project would not directly or cumulatively affect
nutrient levels within the tributaries or the reservoir that may cause
algal blooms.
DO in the tailrace has been shown to fall below the state criteria
of 8 mg/L at times during the summer and early fall when early life
stages of fish are present. Project operation could further reduce DO
concentrations in the tailrace. However, implementing the applicant's
DO enhancement program would maintain adequate DO concentrations in the
project tailrace throughout the year and potentially enhance DO levels
in the summer months compared to existing conditions. Monitoring DO
levels in the aeration basin and downstream would ensure that DO
enhancement measures are successful at meeting state DO criteria during
project operation.
The proposed project would likely cumulatively contribute to
efforts to improve water quality in the Beaverhead River by lowering
TDG concentrations in the project tailrace at least during the months
of October through April. Monitoring TDG levels within the aeration
basin and downstream would inform whether additional corrective actions
need to be taken to maintain compliance with state TDG criteria.
Overall, construction and operation of the project is likely to
cause cumulative enhancement to aquatic resources within the area
defined for our
[[Page 42432]]
cumulative analysis due to DO enhancement in the summer months and the
lowering of harmful TDG concentrations during the late fall compared to
existing conditions.
3.3.3 Terrestrial Resources Affected Environment
Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir are located within the Beaverhead
Mountains Ecoregion, which extends from the Centennial Mountains south
of Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Montana,
west to the Continental divide along the Beaverhead Mountains, and
includes the headwaters for the Beaverhead, Madison, and Big Hole
Shrub steppe is the prevalent vegetation type in the Clark Canyon
Reservoir area. Big sagebrush and green rabbitbrush are common shrubs.
Rocky areas support mountain mahogany and broom snake weed. Perennial
bunch grasses such as bluebunch wheatgrass, fescue, and Indian
ricegrass occupy the understory alongside drought-adapted forbs.
The proposed powerhouse site, at the base of Clark Canyon Dam, is
characterized by low to mid-height grasses and forbs.
The proposed transmission line route would extend over 7.9 miles to
the south to the Peterson Flat substation. This area consists primarily
of basin big sagebrush and bluebunch wheatgrasss. Other vegetation
types found along the right-of-way (ROW) are Rocky Mountain juniper/
bluebunch wheatgrass woodland, quackgrass herbaceous vegetation, and
wetland areas along the two small creeks west of the reservoir.
Hayfields occur at the western end of the proposed transmission line
The Montana Natural Heritage Program (Montana NHP) lists 93 plant
species within Beaverhead County that are species of concern or
potential species of concern. Eleven of these species are listed as
sensitive species by BLM. Five of these plant species occur near the
project: bitterroot milkvetch, scallop-leaf lousewort (at high risk of
extirpation in Montana), hoary phacilia (a BLM watch species), chicken
sage, and limestone larkspur. The known populations of bitterroot
milkvetch, chicken sage, limestone larkspur, and hoary phacilia are
located outside of the area that would be affected by the project. The
scallop-leaf lousewort, which is known to occur in wetland and river
bottom areas, is located along the Beaverhead River riparian zone
downstream of Clark Canyon Dam.
Wetlands are transitional land areas between terrestrial and
aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the land
surface or the land is covered by shallow water.
The Beaverhead River at the base of the dam consists of a mix of
open water and emergent and shrub-scrub wetland habitats. A narrow
riparian corridor with a diversity of wetland plants along the river
bottom land borders the Beaverhead River downstream of Clark Canyon
Dam. Common riparian species include Baltic rush, hardstem bulrush, and
coyote willow. Immediately downstream of the tailrace and along the
original river channel, seepage has created a marsh wetland adjacent to
the Beaverhead River.
Wetlands within the bottomlands of Horse Prairie Creek and Medicine
Lodge Creek along the transmission line ROW are dominated by cultivated
grasses such as quack grass, Kentucky bluegrass, and redtop, as well as
native species such as Baltic rush, sedges, and cattail. Coyote willow
was also present in the Horse Prairie Creek bottomland wetlands.
The marsh wetland and riparian areas provide feeding and nesting
habitat for gulls, cormorants, sandhill cranes, and waterfowl. The open
water of Clark Canyon Reservoir and the Beaverhead River provide
feeding areas for waterfowl, bald eagles, and osprey, as well as
breeding habitat for amphibians. Mule deer, moose, pronghorn antelope,
and elk occasionally use the riparian meadows along the river and are
commonly found in the upland sagebrush steppe. Song birds nest and feed
in these habitats. The upland steppe provides feeding, breeding, and
nesting habitat for songbirds, game birds such as sage grouse, and
raptors such as ferruginous hawk.
Common big game mammals in the area include mule deer, white-tailed
deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, and black bear. Mule deer comprise most of
the big game take in management districts of Montana DFWP Region 3,
which includes the project area. Pronghorn and mule deer also feed and
rear young in sage steppe habitats. Upland game birds popular with
hunters in the region include blue grouse and sage grouse. Other upland
game birds include chuckar, ruffed grouse, spruce grouse, Hungarian
partridge, pheasant, and sharp tailed grouse.
Several furbearing mammals that occur in the region include coyote,
beaver, mountain lion, bobcat, wolverine, otter, marten, skunk, weasel,
mink, muskrat, raccoon, badger, and fox. Many of these species are
highly mobile, with large home ranges incorporating many habitat types.
Mink and muskrat and rodents such as voles may den along the banks of
the tailrace and meadow habitats. Others such as beaver, muskrat, and
otter are more restricted to the riparian corridor.
The ferruginous hawk is a BLM special status species, a Montana
DFWP S2 species of concern (SOC), and is considered at risk for
extirpation from the state by Montana NHP. In Montana, ferruginous
hawks breed in the shortgrass foothills and steppe-habitat east of the
Rocky Mountains. These hawks commonly migrate south in the fall.
Ferruginous hawks are found on semi-arid plains and in arid steppe
habitats and prefer relatively unbroken terrain. In Montana they
inhabit shrub steppe and shortgrass prairie. Ferruginous hawks prefer
tall trees for nesting, but will use a variety of structures including
mounds, short cliffs, cutbacks, low hills, haystacks, and human
structures. Ferruginous hawks feed on ground squirrels, rabbits, pocket
gophers, kangaroo rats, mice, voles, lizards, and snakes. Populations
can be adversely influenced by agricultural activities. The Montana NHP
has records of 14 nest locations in the vicinity of the proposed
transmission ROW; however, no breeding birds have been documented by
the Montana NHP database since 2000. Nonetheless, there is suitable
nesting habitat in the project vicinity, and breeding pairs may use the
area for foraging. Call (1978 in Travsky and Beauvais, 2005) identified
the breeding season of ferruginous hawks to be March 10-July 2 with
nest building taking place from 10-16 March; egg laying from 17 March-
1April; incubation from 21 March-21 May; hatching from 16 April-21 May;
and fledging from 4 June-2 July.
Montana NHP has one local record of occurrence of a sagebrush
sparrow (S2 SOC in Montana and a BLM sensitive species) from a couple
of miles north of the proposed transmission ROW in 2002. Southwestern
Montana is near the northern extent of the species' breeding range, and
sagebrush sparrows are generally uncommon. Nonetheless, there is
abundant suitable habitat in the vicinity of the proposed transmission
ROW and sagebrush sparrows could be present in the area during the
breeding season.
Trumpeter swans are a Montana S2 and BLM sensitive species that
utilize the Clark Canyon reservoir as migration stopover and winter
habitat. A great
[[Page 42433]]
blue heron (S3 SOC in Montana) rookery is known from the east side of
the reservoir, but was last observed active in 1999. The only wetland
habitats found within the transmission line ROW that could support
nesting, wintering, and migrating birds are associated with Horse
Prairie Creek, Medicine Lodge Creek, and the Beaverhead River.
The pygmy rabbit, a BLM special status species and a Beaverhead
National Forest sensitive species, is found from the Great Basin region
north to extreme southwestern Montana. Isolated populations are known
from east central Washington and Oregon. The project is located within
the range of pygmy rabbits, but pygmy rabbits have not been documented
in the vicinity of the project. The Great Basin pocket mouse is another
BLM sensitive species and a S1 SOC for Montana FWP. Southwestern
Montana is near the northern extent of the species' range. Occupied
habitats in Montana are arid and sometimes sparsely vegetated. They
include grassland[hyphen]shrubland, stabilized sandhills, and other
landscapes with sandy soils where sagebrush cover exceeds 25 percent.
Elsewhere, they are also known to occur in pine woodlands,
juniper[hyphen]sagebrush scablands, shortgrass steppes, and shrublands.
They tend not to occur in heavily forested habitats. The Montana NHP
does not have records of occurrence near the project, but there are
known populations in Beaverhead County and suitable habitat nearby.
Preble's shrew and Merriam's shrew, both S2 SOC in Montana, have
not been documented in the project area, but have been known to occur
in Beaverhead County and have suitable habitat that exists in the
project area. Similarly, Southwestern Montana is at the western edge of
the known range for the Dwarf shrew, another S2 SOC in Montana. It is
possible, but unlikely, that this species occurs in the project area.
The bald eagle is a Montana DFWP S1 species. Bald eagles continue
to be protected at the federal level under the Bald and Golden Eagle
Protection Act of 1940 and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The State of
Montana also has regulations that protect bald eagles. The 1994 Montana
Bald Eagle Management Plan developed by the Montana Bald Eagle Working
Group, and their addendum, the 2010 Bald Eagle Management Guidelines,
detail restrictions on human activities near known nest sites. Bald
eagles are found primarily near coastlines, rivers, reservoirs, and
lakes. Eagles principally eat fish, but also feed on carrion,
waterfowl, and small mammals. They use large trees as nest sites and
hunting perches. Eagles winter throughout much of the United States;
both wintering and nesting eagles can be found in the project vicinity.
Bald eagles are known to nest near the proposed transmission line
ROW and downstream of Clark Canyon Dam. The Montana NHP has one record
of a bald eagle nest attempt in 2011 about 334 feet north of the
proposed project transmission ROW in the Horse Prairie Creek drainage,
west of the reservoir and a pair of eagles were observed at the nest
tree in February 2012. Montana DFW assumes the territory to be occupied
yearly. Bald eagle nests also have been observed downstream of the dam,
one of which was last documented in 2014. Bald eagles also utilize the
Clark Canyon Reservoir area in winter and during migration.
The golden eagle is a BLM sensitive species, a Montana DFWP S2 SOC,
and a FWS Bird of Conservation Concern that is protected under the
federal Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. They are common year
round in open rangelands and mountainous habitats throughout Montana.
Golden eagles prey primarily on small mammals, particularly rabbits and
ground squirrels, but are also known to eat a wide variety of prey,
including birds, snakes, insects, and carrion. They usually nest in
large trees or on cliffs. Since the year 2000, there are no records of
active breeding territories for golden eagles within 0.5 mile of the
proposed project. However, the Clark Canyon Reservoir area does provide
suitable nesting and wintering habitat, and golden eagles may be
present at any time of year.
On September 22, 2015, FWS determined that the greater sage-grouse
does not warrant protection under the ESA. A landmark landscape-scale
conservation initiative was started with conservation partnerships
instituted between federal and state governments, private land owners,
and others that provided sufficient protections to prevent listing
(FWS, 2015). However, the greater sage-grouse remains a Montana DFWP S1
SOC and a BLM sensitive species. It is the largest grouse species in
North America and a sagebrush[hyphen]obligate, depending on sagebrush
communities for breeding, nesting, brood[hyphen]rearing, and winter
habitat. Seasonal habitat characteristics vary considerably and greater
sage-grouse frequently move over large areas annually to meet their
seasonal needs. Populations are found scattered throughout Montana,
excluding the northwest and extreme northeast portions of the state.
Greater sage-grouse leks generally occur in open areas with sparse
shrub cover, while nests are usually located under sagebrush.
Brood[hyphen]rearing habitat tends to have higher cover of herbaceous
vegetation and abundant insects, which are an important food resource
for juveniles. Greater sage-grouse move to more mesic habitats as
herbaceous vegetation dries out and late summer brood[hyphen]rearing
habitats become more variable.
In winter, greater sage-grouse feed almost exclusively on
sagebrush, which they also rely on for thermal and escape cover. Winter
habitat is often in areas with moderate cover of tall sagebrush that
emerges at least 10 to 12 inches from snow cover. Predators of adults
and juveniles include hawks, eagles, ravens, weasels, coyotes, and
foxes. Common nest predators include ground squirrels, badgers,
coyotes, ravens, and snakes. Predation can cause low rates of nest
success and juvenile survival.
The greater sage-grouse population within the project area is
designated as part of the Southwest Montana Population, which occurs in
Madison and Beaverhead Counties. FWS developed a report titled Greater
Sage-grouse Conservation Objectives: Final Report (FWS, 2013). The FWS
(2013) considers the Southwest Montana population populations, which
includes Madison and Beaverhead Counties, to be at a low level of risk
considering the population size, limited habitat threats, and ties to
Idaho's birds. The proposed transmission ROW runs alongside Highway 324
and through the Montana DFWP-designated greater sage-grouse core area
identified as ``Beaverhead 3.'' Active and historic leks are known to
exist within four miles of the highway.
As of 2012, greater sage-grouse had not been observed close to
Highway 324 and the proposed transmission ROW; however, they may
utilize the area during the late brooding season, when food resources
become scarce in more xeric habitats, or during migration to and from
breeding grounds. Any movement between breeding grounds in the Horse
Prairie and Medicine Lodge drainages would entail crossing the highway
and proposed transmission ROW. Movement to and from breeding grounds in
Montana and wintering areas in Idaho would also entail crossing through
the project area. Environmental Effects
Vegetation and Wetlands
Approximately 0.10 acres of upland habitat near the dam would be
permanently converted for project features: 0.07 acres for the
[[Page 42434]]
and 0.03 acres for the substation. A staging area of approximately
8,000 square feet located adjacent to the access road would be used to
store materials, equipment, and fuels during the construction period. A
200 square foot area located near the east end of the downstream side
of the dam would be designated for the temporary containment of spoils
until it is either used as backfill or permanently removed from the
project site. The existing access roads would be improved for use
during project construction, operation, and maintenance. Vegetation
would be temporarily removed from this area until vegetation is re-
established following construction.
The proposed access road currently appears to be little more than
an infrequently used track through perennial grasses and sagebrush
steppe vegetation. The increase in traffic associated with the project,
including heavy construction vehicle traffic, would likely cause soil
compaction and remove the existing perennial grasses from the roadway.
The increase in traffic during construction would temporarily disturb
wildlife in the vicinity of the road.
The buried transmission line segment between the powerhouse and
powerhouse substation would roughly follow the south and east side of
the access road for about 0.3 mile. Transmission line construction
would require excavation of a 3-foot-wide by 3-foot-deep trench,
placement of conductor, and backfilling. The applicant states that
removed material would likely be temporarily placed alongside the
trench and would be replaced in the trench following placement of the
conductor. The buried transmission line would temporarily disturb about
8,000 square feet of perennial grasses and sagebrush steppe vegetation.
Approximately five miles of the 7.9-mile long transmission line
would be located 100 to 200 feet north of Highway 324. The westernmost
two miles and several shorter sections (generally at road curves) would
be located closer to the highway. The proposed ROW would be 80 feet
wide. The applicant proposes to construct the transmission line as
single pole structures with an average span distance of 428 feet
between the poles. Clark Canyon Hydro estimates that 13 poles would be
required per mile and that each pole would displace approximately three
square feet of vegetation and temporarily disturb an additional 22
square feet. Less than 0.01 ac of vegetation would be permanently
removed to construct the proposed transmission line and approximately
0.05 acre could be temporarily disturbed by construction activities. No
trees would be removed within the proposed ROW.
Construction activities, including pole placement for the
transmission line, would avoid wetlands to the extent practicable. The
wetland areas adjacent to the original river channel, tailrace channel,
and along the river would be protected from adverse construction
effects by avoidance and the installation of a silt fence to prevent
sediments from reaching the wetland areas.
The applicant proposes to implement its Vegetation Management Plan
(VMP) to minimize effects to wetland, riparian, and upland vegetation.
The plan also includes measure to control noxious weeds. The VMP
includes the following best management practices to minimize vegetation
disturbance and loss and promote quick recovery of disturbed areas:
Avoid driving off designated access routes whenever
possible, use existing developed and primitive roads;
Clearly mark wetland/riparian areas with signs and/or
highly visible flagging during construction;
Do not drive equipment, or stage materials in wetland/
riparian areas;
Limit ground disturbance and grading to where absolutely
Educate equipment operators through: Review of this plan;
explicit delineation of all sensitive areas (e.g. wetland areas); the
presence of an on-site construction supervisor trained in environmental
protection; and frequent site walks to confirm all equipment operators
are familiar with the location of sensitive areas;
Visually inspect of all construction and disturbance areas
a minimum of every seven days throughout the entirety of construction
Minimize compaction by heavy equipment in previously
undisturbed off-road areas;
Do not temporarily or permanently place fill material
within the channel in the delineated wetland area, unless specifically
permitted as part of the project design;
Install biodegradable erosion control logs as needed
(e.g., every 200 feet) in any sloped areas to minimize erosion until
vegetation has established;
Place biodegradable erosion control mats (coir fabric) on
slopes exceeding 5% (e.g. along the transmission line right-of-way, or
on the dam face) as needed to minimize erosion until vegetation has
Employ silt fence as needed if working during rain events
that may cause excess sediment to be washed into the Beaverhead River,
or into wetland areas; and
Reclaim and revegetate temporarily disturbed areas as soon
as practicable after construction.
The VMP also includes the following revegetation measures, which
would be applied to all construction areas on and below the dam, the
staging and spoil areas, temporary vehicle use and parking areas, and
areas temporarily disturbed by installation of the transmission line
Preserving existing topography wherever possible;
Following construction, ripping to a depth of 6 inches any
soils compacted by construction equipment;
Removing noxious weeds around areas to be reseeded;
Reseeding or replanting all disturbed soils using a mix of
native plants that meets Reclamation and BLM requirements; and
Spreading certified weed-free mulch over seeded areas to
retain moisture and protect from soil erosion.
The applicant proposes to use native topsoil for all revegetation
efforts. However, if this is not possible (e.g. if revegetation needs
to occur in an area that was excavated and re-filled), then topsoil
stripping and stockpiling would need to occur to ensure a proper
topsoil seed bed. Fertilizer would not be used during the initial
plantings. The species selected for planting would be adapted to
conditions at the site. Seeding would occur ideally in spring, early
summer (June-early July), or fall, within three months of construction.
The applicant also proposes measures to treat and prevent the
spread of invasive weeds in the project area. Gravel and fill material
would be obtained from inspected and certified weed-free sources, and
all equipment would be cleaned and inspected prior to arrival at the
project area. Invasive weeds found prior to construction would be
flagged and treated manually (for small infestations), and larger
infestations would be treated with herbicides by an applicator
certified by the Montana Department of Agriculture. Flagging would
remain in place to designate the site as an area where additional weed
precautions must be taken. Access roads leading to construction areas
would also be inspected and weeds would be treated to preclude their
spread by equipment moving through the area.
Under the proposed VMP, the applicant would monitor the
revegetation and invasive weed control efforts for a minimum of three
years post-construction, and until the
[[Page 42435]]
following performance standards are achieved:
Vegetation cover would be comparable to conditions in the
adjacent, undisturbed reference area (within 70 percent of adjacent
cover) within five years of revegetation.
Soil stability would be evident based on the absence of
rills, sediment fans, and other indicators of soil movement.
The applicant would provide annual monitoring reports to
Reclamation and BLM by December 31 of each year. The reports would
include at a minimum:
Description of each monitoring location including
vegetation cover, species composition, condition, and any evidence of
soil erosion;
Discussion comparing revegetated versus reference plots
with regards to performance criteria;
Declaration of any performance criteria that have been met
and a description of the progress made toward reaching any criteria
that are not yet attained; and
Maintenance recommendations to be implemented to achieve
performance criteria.
Our Analysis
The measures identified in the proposed VMP, if properly
implemented, would minimize adverse effects of vegetation loss and
disturbance and minimize the potential introduction and spread of
invasive weeds. Wetlands adjacent to the original river channel,
tailrace channel, along the river, and within the transmission line ROW
would be protected from negative construction effects by avoidance and
the installation of a silt fence to prevent sediments from reaching the
wetland areas.
There would be a loss of perennial grassland habitat during the
construction period. Because the applicant would reseed this area with
native grass species from the area, this impact would be temporary.
Using certified weed-free mulch, as well as removing invasive weeds
from the areas to be revegetated, would aid in the success of these
mitigation efforts.
Revegetation with native species, and using biodegradable erosion
control mats and logs until these efforts are established would prevent
revegetation material, such as seed and mulch, from being released into
wetlands or the river. Post-construction stabilization and effective
site restoration with native plants would minimize long-term effects on
environmental resources.
Constructing the project would mostly be in an area already
disturbed by construction and operation of Reclamation's facilities.
The project transmission line may pose an electrocution risk to
perching birds and a collision risk to birds in flight. Raptors are at
risk of electrocution due to their use of power line poles as perching
structures. Species that are less maneuverable such as cranes,
pelicans, and large waterfowl are also susceptible to power line
collision. Birds that fly fast and low, such as geese, ducks, and
smaller flocking birds, are also at higher risk. Lines that pose a high
risk of collision include those over water, those that cross draws or
other natural flyways, and those placed immediately above tree tops and
ridgelines. Transmission lines that bisect areas of high bird movement,
such as lines placed between nesting and feeding habitats, also pose a
collision risk. The Montana DFWP identified three segments of the
proposed transmission right-of-way where bird activity is concentrated
and relatively high, including the portions within the Beaverhead River
corridor and where the lines cross Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge
The applicant proposes to conduct pre-construction raptor surveys
within the transmission line ROW and coordinate with FWS, BLM, and
Montana DFWP on nest locations and nesting activity prior to and during
construction. Based on the survey results and agency consultation, the
applicant would incorporate any recommended construction buffers or
seasonal constraints to protect raptors. The applicant would construct
the transmission line in accordance with Avian Power Line Interaction
Committee (APLIC) standards \24\ and include visual markers on the
wires to prevent collisions as outlined in Reducing Avian Collisions
with Power Lines: The State of the Art in 2012 (APLIC, 2012). In
addition, the applicant proposes to coordinate with relevant agencies
involved in greater sage-grouse management in southwest Montana,
including Montana DFWP, the Montana Sage-Grouse Habitat Conservation
Manager within the Montana Department of Natural Resources and
Conservation (Montana DNRC), BLM, and FWS. As practicable, the
transmission towers would also include perch deterrents to reduce or
eliminate use by avian predators for nesting and perching on the
transmission line infrastructure. The applicant also proposes that any
recommended buffers seasonal constraints related to avian protection
would be incorporated into the project design.
\24\ In their reply comments, Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC explicitly
stated their intent to use APLIC's Suggested Practices for Avian
Protection on Power Lines: The State of the Art in 2006 (APLIC,
2006), which are the most current guidelines to date for
transmission line construction (Clark Canyon Hydro, LLC, 2016).
In their letter filed March 17, 2016, Interior recommended that to
the maximum extent practicable, project construction shall be scheduled
so as not to disrupt nesting raptors or other birds during the breeding
season. This includes a 0.5-mile no construction buffer during the
breeding season (species-specific) for most nesting raptor species,
including ferruginous hawks that nest in the project area. If work is
proposed to take place during the breeding season or at any other time
which may result in take of migratory birds, their eggs, or active
nests, the licensee shall take all practicable measures to avoid and
minimize take, such as maintaining adequate buffers, to protect the
birds until the young have fledged. Active nests may not be removed. If
field surveys for nesting birds are conducted with the intent of
avoiding take during construction, any documentation of the presence of
migratory birds, eggs, and active nests, along with information
regarding the qualifications of the biologist(s) performing the
surveys, and any avoidance measures implemented at the project site
shall be maintained
In addition, they recommended that if any active bald eagle nests
occur within 0.5 mile of the project during construction, the licensee
shall comply with the temporary seasonal disturbance restrictions
(generally February 1-August 15) and distance buffer (0.5 mile)
specified in the 2010 Montana Bald Eagle Management Guidelines: An
Addendum to Montana Bald Eagle Management Plan (Montana Bald Eagle
Working Group, 2010) during construction. To minimize the electrocution
and collision hazard to eagles in the project area, the licensee shall
ensure that: (1) Any newly constructed power lines or substations
adhere to the APLIC standards in Suggested Practices for Avian
Protection on Power Lines: The State of the Art in 2006; and, (2) all
new power lines shall include visual markers on the wires to prevent
collisions per techniques outlined in Reducing Avian Collisions with
Power Lines: The State of the Art in 2012. In its reply comments, the
applicant reiterated its proposed environmental measures, as mentioned
[[Page 42436]]
In addition, Interior recommended that the applicant coordinate
with Montana DNRC and BLM regarding compliance with the Montana
Executive Order 12-2015 and the Idaho Southwestern Montana Greater
Sage-Grouse Land Use Plan Amendment, where applicable. Interior also
recommended that the applicant provide compensatory mitigation to
offset any unavoidable effects that remain after implementing avoidance
and minimization measures for greater sage-grouse. In its reply
comments, the applicant stated that no effects to greater sage-grouse
were anticipated, and did not expect compensatory mitigation to be
required after implementation if its proposed avoidance and mitigation
Our Analysis
Project construction would temporarily disturb and displace
wildlife in the immediate vicinity of construction activities. The
population of ferruginous hawks in the vicinity may use the area of the
access road and transmission line ROW for foraging. This activity would
be unavoidably but temporarily lost during the construction period.
Because most construction would occur in areas disturbed from
constructing and operating Reclamation's dam, the greatest potential
for disturbing and displacing nesting birds would be during
construction of the transmission line. Highway 324 already fragments
wildlife habitat. Locating the transmission line within the road ROW
would minimize further habitat losses, but it would also add a new
vertical dimension to that fragmentation. Conducting pre-construction
raptor nest surveys in coordination with FWS, BLM, and Montana DFWP
would identify any raptor nests that might be disturbed during
construction of the project. Disturbance and displacement of nesting
raptors would be avoided if construction activities are scheduled to
avoid the nesting period or through the use of 0.5-mile construction
buffer as recommended by Interior and agreed to by the applicant.
However, because the nesting period for the ferruginous hawks (March
10-July 2) and the seasonal disturbance restrictions (generally
February 1-August 15) and distance buffers (0.5 mile) for the bald
eagle overlap significantly with the available construction season,
implementing these construction limits could significantly delay
construction, particular for the transmission line.
Therefore, avoidance of the entire breeding season for all birds
may not be practicable. Maintaining records of the pre-construction
survey results and the measures taken to avoid disturbing nesting
raptors and birds during construction would allow the applicant to
document its efforts to minimize and avoid adverse effects on migratory
birds. Those records should include the reproductive status of any
identified nests, qualifications of the surveyor, and the applicant's
proposed avoidance measures.
The applicant's proposal to adhere to APLIC guidance in the design
and construction of the transmission line, including installing flight
diverters and perch deterrents to prevent perching, would reduce the
risk of avian collision and electrocution, as well as predation of sage
Greater sage grouse may abandon leks if repeatedly disturbed by
raptors perching on power lines or other tall vertical structures near
leks (Ellis 1984), by vehicular traffic on roads (Lyon and Anderson
2003), or by noise and human activity associated with energy
development (Braun et al. 2002; Holloran 2005; Kaiser 2006). Indirect
effects could also occur from habitat degradation. Because the project
would be constructed in habitats that have already been disturbed and
subject to frequent human use (e.g., construction and operation of
Reclamation's dam and Highway 324), greater sage grouse habitat in the
project area is considered poor and any degradation of habitat
conditions from project construction minimal. Reestablishing native
vegetation and controlling invasive weeds through the VMP would further
minimize any adverse effects on sage grouse habitat.
Because the project would be co-located with existing development,
it is unlikely that any greater sage grouse leks or breeding habitat
occur near any project facility, except possibly where the proposed
transmission line crosses Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge drainages.
Scheduling construction of these segments of the transmission line
outside of the greater sage grouse breeding season would avoid
disturbing sage grouse. The breeding season for greater sage-grouse is
highly dependent on elevation and the length of winter conditions, and
leks occurring in higher elevations may continue through early to mid-
May (Connelly et al., 2003). In southeast Montana the breeding season
is from March 1- April 15 and nesting and brood-rearing occurs between
April 16-July 15 (Montana DFWP and BLM, undated). In the Montana DFWP
and BLM study, nests were located at an average elevation of 3,442
feet, which is lower than the elevation of the proposed project. As
such, the breeding season for the greater sage-grouse in the project
area may be later in the spring, or early summer. This could delay
construction of these segments of the transmission line until mid- to
late-summer, but would not affect the post-construction revegetation
effort, as the VMP states that the revegetation efforts may be carried
out in the fall. The VMP also states that seeding should not occur
during hot, dry, summer conditions (late July through August), or after
if there is a significant amount of snow on the ground. Including
seasonal restrictions on transmission line construction would still
allow time for the transmission line to be constructed and the
revegetation mitigation to take place before weather conditions become
unfavorable. The avoidance and mitigation measures proposed by the
applicant, as well as constructing segments of the transmission line
outside of the breeding season, would ensure that the project would
have minimal effects on the greater sage-grouse.
3.3.4 Threatened and Endangered Species Affected Environment
Commission staff accessed the IPaC Web site on April 15, 2016, and
generated the following list of threatened and endangered species with
the potential to occur in the vicinity of the project: the threatened
plant Ute ladies'-tresses (ULT), threatened grizzly bear, and the
threatened Canada lynx. There are no critical habitats present in or
around the project area.
Ute Ladies'-Tresses
ULT was listed as threatened under the ESA on January 17, 1992 (50
CFR part 17, Vol. 57, No. 12). Clark Canyon Hydro conducted a survey
for ULT in 2007 and 2011 in support of application for prior
proceedings. No UTL were found and no suitable habitat was found within
the areas that would be subject to disturbance from project
construction and operation (ERM, 2015).
Grizzly Bear
FWS listed the grizzly bear as threatened on July 28, 1975. Grizzly
bears are normally solitary, except during breeding season or when
caring for cubs. Home ranges for individual bears vary depending on
food availability, weather conditions, other bears, and season. Female
bears need large home ranges to support their offspring. Grizzly bears
are opportunistic in their eating habits and will feed on prey items
like small mammals or fish, but will also forage for
[[Page 42437]]
plants, berries, roots, and fungi. They will also scavenge on carrion
and garbage. They prefer habitats with significant forest cover,
especially for beds (FWS, 1993). This habitat is not present in the
project area, and the project area is outside of its historical range
and present distribution (FWS, 1993); therefore, grizzly bears are not
expected to occur in the project site.
Canada Lynx
Canada lynx are medium-sized cats that inhabit boreal forests and
feed almost exclusively on snowshoe hare. The United States, primarily
the Northeast, western Great Lakes, northern and southern Rockies, and
northern Cascades, is the southern-most extent of its range.
Populations of snowshoe hare have a direct effect on local lynx
populations, which fluctuate in response to its prey. In the United
States, Canada lynx prefer conifer-hardwood forests that support
snowshoe hare. The Canada lynx was listed under the ESA as threatened
on March 24, 2000 (FWS, 2005). The Canada lynx is not expected to occur
at the project site due to the lack of habitat. Environmental Effects
No effects to threatened or endangered species are anticipated as a
result of project construction and operation. ULT was not found during
surveys in the project area in 2007 or 2011. Although the proposed
transmission line route has a slightly different alignment than
surveyed in 2011, surveys covered habitats that might support the
species such as Medicine Lodge Creek, Horse Prairie Creek, and the
wetlands near Beaverhead Creek below the dam.
With respect to grizzly bears and Canada lynx, the project area
does not contain suitable habitat for either species. Suitable habitat
for the snowshoe hare, the primary prey species for Canada lynx, is
also not available in the project area. Therefore, constructing and
operating the project would have no effect on Ute ladies'-tresses,
grizzly bears or Canada lynx, and no further action is warranted.
3.3.5 Recreation, Land Use, and Aesthetics Affected Environment
Reclamation manages approximately 15 recreation sites at Clark
Canyon Reservoir and just downstream of the dam (figure 11). The sites
include fishing access, campgrounds, day-use areas, boat ramps, and an
overlook. Recreational opportunities at the reservoir include boating,
visiting cultural/historic sites, camping, fishing, hiking, hunting,
picnicking, water sports, wildlife viewing, and using recreational
vehicles. According to Reclamation's Great Plains Region Clark Canyon
Web site (Reclamation, 2016), the reservoir, at full pool, has 4,935
surface acres and 17 miles of shoreline offering good fishing for
rainbow and brown trout. There are several concrete boat ramps, picnic
shelters, and a marina, along with 9 campgrounds, including one
recreational vehicle-only site, for a total of 96 campsites. The
Cattail Marsh Nature Trail offers wildlife watching opportunities for
seasonal waterfowl. Montana DFWP also manages several fishing access
areas (figure 11) on the Beaverhead River downstream of the dam that
are used by wading and bank anglers as well as by anglers on both
guided and unguided float trips (Montana DFWP, 2003). In a letter filed
September 19, 2007, during review of the prior license application, the
Park Service stated that the Montana DFWP-managed Henneberry fishing
access is an L&WCF site. The site is about 5 miles downstream of the
proposed project (figure 11).
As noted in section, the Beaverhead River is recognized as
one of the most popular and productive trout fisheries in North
America, and is designated as a blue ribbon fishery by Montana DFWP.
Brown and rainbow trout are well established, and often attain trophy
size in the Beaverhead River. Recreational use of the reservoir is also
quite high, with heavy use from personal watercraft, water-skiers and
pleasure boaters, as well as from anglers due to the high quality of
the fishing.
Of the recreational sites at the reservoir and immediately
downstream of the dam (figure 11), those closest to the proposed
project area include Beaverhead Campground (17.08 acres), Buffalo
Bridge fishing access area, High Bridge fishing access area (0.18
acres), and Clark Canyon Dam fishing access area (also known as
Beaverhead River fishing access area, 3.27 acres). Use figures from a
2004 recreation survey of the area indicated that the Beaverhead
Campground and Beaverhead River fishing access area are frequently used
by campers (10,423 visitors per year) and anglers (3,042 visitors per
year), respectively (Dvorak et al., 2004). The survey did not include
the Buffalo Bridge or High Bridge fishing access areas. Traffic count
data from Reclamation for 2007 and 2008 indicated that more than 75
percent of the vehicle use of the Clark Canyon Dam and Buffalo Bridge
fishing access areas occurred from March through October (email from
Steve Davies, Reclamation, to FERC staff, filed on March 25, 2009).
During those two years, the greatest use at Clark Canyon Dam fishing
access area occurred in June (781 vehicles in 2007 and 789 in 2008). At
Buffalo Bridge fishing access area, the greatest use occurred in June
(728 vehicles in 2008) or July (647 vehicles in 2007). Reclamation did
not have traffic count data for the High Bridge fishing access area,
which is managed by Montana DFWP.
In 2009, the Beaverhead River had 38,706 angler days in 2009
(Montana DFWP, 2015). Fishing regulations are in place to help manage
heavy use, and fishing closures have occurred in drought years.
[[Page 42438]]
[[Page 42439]]
Land Use
The proposed project, including most of the transmission line
corridor, would occupy 62.1 acres of federal lands within the Pick-
Sloan Missouri Basin Program, East Bench Unit, administered by
Reclamation. It would also occupy 0.2 acres of federal land
administered by BLM. In addition to substantial recreation
opportunities, the dam and reservoir provide for irrigation and flood
control across a wide area downstream of the project.
The Clark Canyon Dam and Reservoir present a relatively natural
appearance in a broad, open valley of scenic, rolling landscape, with
low vegetation cover of grasses and shrubs with a few patches of
taller, thicker vegetation. The dam and reservoir are dominant
landscape features that are quite visible to motorists traveling on
Interstate Highway 15 (I-15) and very visible from adjacent lands.
Dominant features include the dam structure, the reservoir, Armstead
Island (see figure 11), and several recreation facilities. Wildlife
viewing areas include a developed bird watching trail, as well as the
delta areas near the mouths of Horse Prairie Creek and Red Rock River
(see figure 1). A 3.2-mile-long section of the Beaverhead River between
the I-15 bridge at Pipe Organ Rock and the Dalys highway exit has been
evaluated for eligibility for ``Recreation'' classification of the Wild
and Scenic River Act and is considered ``outstandingly remarkable'' for
recreation, fish and historic values (BLM, 2005). This section of the
river starts about 6 miles downstream of the project area.
Several transmission lines are present in the vicinity of the
project; however, transmission lines are absent along approximately
five miles of Montana Highway 324, north and west of the Clark Canyon
Reservoir. The proposed new transmission line would parallel this
portion of the highway. Environmental Effects
Issues that have been identified with respect to recreation apply
primarily to the year-long construction period. Construction equipment
activity could generate temporary disturbance to recreational use,
including noise and dust, which could diminish the quality of the
recreation experience in the vicinity of the proposed project,
particularly at the Clark Canyon Dam/Beaverhead River fishing access
site (figure 11). Additionally, there could be safety concerns where
recreational users and construction vehicles use the same roadways to
access areas near the dam. Construction access would use the Buffalo
Bridge approach and could affect fishing access to the river at that
location, although regular use of the road by construction vehicles is
not expected.
To reduce effects on fishing access, the applicant proposes to
implement its Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access Road Management Plan. The
plan provides for alerting the public to potential traffic hazards
during construction and specifies the contents of a public notice,
locations for posting, the number, type, and locations of any barriers
that would be installed, a process to evaluate effectiveness of the
plan and modify the plan if needed, and an implementation schedule.
Flagging, traffic control devices, and signs would be used to further
reduce effects on traffic and traffic safety. During project operation,
minor noise and nighttime security light from the powerhouse could be
noticeable to recreational users nearby.
To minimize the effects of construction activities on nearby
recreation users, the applicant proposes to limit construction
activities in summer (Memorial Day through Labor Day) to daytime hours
(7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). The applicant also proposes to have no
construction taking place over peak summer holiday weekends (Memorial
Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day), including the day before and day
after those weekends. A sign with contact information would be posted
at a location approved by Reclamation and would provide dates and hours
of construction.
The southbound exit ramp from I-15 to Montana Route 324 is proposed
as a secondary access route for construction vehicles. This route is
also an existing access route to the dam site and is gated to prevent
unauthorized access. Construction traffic on the secondary route may
affect exit ramp traffic.
The applicant's proposal also includes installation and maintenance
of an interpretive sign near the dam to inform visitors of the concept
and function of the project, its relationship to aquatic resources and
the recreational fishery, and measures taken to reduce adverse effects.
The sign would be placed at a location acceptable to Reclamation.
Our Analysis
During project construction, the applicant's proposed limits on
construction hours, days, and locations would reduce conflicts with
recreational users, and its proposed construction access routes and
vehicle staging would reduce potential conflicts with other motorists.
If public notices, signage, and barriers are used where appropriate,
and the Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access Road Management Plan is
implemented, this would further reduce potential concerns about traffic
safety and effects on fishing access.
Secondary use of the I-5 exit ramp for construction vehicles would
have little effect on traffic or recreational use, including the two
nearest recreational sites, due to relatively light traffic and only
occasional use of the ramp and access route for construction. The
entrance to Beaverhead Campground is located at the top of Exit 44 on
Route 324, and the access to the Clark Canyon Dam/Beaverhead River
fishing access site is located on the opposite side of the river from
the construction access routes, which would minimize any potential
disturbance to recreation users in the areas that are nearest the
construction activity.
During project operation, minor noise and light from the powerhouse
could be noticeable to recreational users nearby, particularly those
fishing or camping immediately below the dam, but the proximity of I-15
to both the project site and the nearby recreation sites suggests that
this effect would be minimal. All existing recreation sites would
remain accessible to the public during project operation.
The applicant proposes to operate the project in run-of-release
mode, consistent with the current method of operation employed by
Reclamation. Run-of-release operation would maintain the existing water
surface elevations. Therefore, fishing and boating on the reservoir
would not be affected, and neither would fishing opportunities
downstream of the dam in the Beaverhead River be affected.
With respect to the potential effects of the project on the
Henneberry Fishing Access, the applicant does not propose any project-
related activities that would result in water quantity or quality
effects at the site or interfere with access during construction or
operation. The site would continue to be available for recreational
The applicant's proposed interpretive sign would enhance the
recreational experience for users and would also assist the public in
understanding the project's potential effects on the prized fishery
(see section,, Aquatic Resources).
Land Use
Except for the footprint of the hydropower facilities and
transmission line, land uses and public access in the vicinity of the
project would remain
[[Page 42440]]
unchanged. Excluding the proposed transmission line, the project
footprint would be small (approximately 0.10 acres at the dam), and the
effect on land use would be minor.
Project construction activities would be visible from I-15, Highway
324, recreation sites below the dam, and from other sites near the dam
and along the transmission line corridor. Once construction is
complete, the permanent presence of above-ground facilities, including
the powerhouse, transformer, parking area, and transmission line would
alter the current visual environment.
A major portion of the new overhead transmission line would be
located along approximately five miles of Montana Highway 324 west of
the Camp Fortunate Overlook, where no transmission line currently
exists. This could affect the aesthetic quality of nearby recreation
and cultural resources, including the Clark Canyon Reservoir, the Lewis
and Clark Trail, Camp Fortunate Overlook, several campgrounds, and a
day-use area that are located along this stretch of the highway and
above the shore of the reservoir.
As part of its Visual Resources Management Plan (VRMP), the
applicant proposes to address short-term impacts by limiting
disturbance or displacement of vegetation to the extent possible. To
reduce long-term effects, the applicant proposes to bury a short, 0.3-
mile-long transmission line between the proposed powerhouse and
substation; use contouring and replanting to help the areas disturbed
by construction, including the transmission line corridor, blend with
the surrounding terrain; and consult with Reclamation on the design of
project features, including color and construction materials. The
applicant also states that it would use relevant comprehensive
management plans to ensure that all new features of the proposed
hydroelectric project meet established visual quality objectives.
The applicant's VRMP, filed with the Commission on February 1,
2016, lists the following as basic design criteria:
Prevention of adverse visual impacts, whenever possible,
by means of preconstruction planning and design, particularly in the
selection of facility locations;
Reduction of adverse visual impacts that cannot be
completely prevented, by designing features with appearances consistent
with existing structures;
Reduction of adverse visual impacts to existing vegetation
during construction by means of post-construction vegetation
rehabilitation; and
Quality control during construction, operation, and
construction rehabilitation to ensure that the preceding objectives are
After license issuance but prior to the start of construction
activities, including any land-disturbing or land-clearing activities,
the VRMP calls for the applicant to file with the Commission a pre-
construction visual impact assessment of the project area. That
assessment would include photographs taken from three proposed key
observation points (the parking area at the Clark Canyon Dam/Beaverhead
River fishing access area, Highway 324 immediately above the power
house, and the secondary access point on I-15 north of Clark Canyon
Dam). The plan also includes the filing of post-construction
photographic assessments annually for the first three years of project
operation. If a license is issued for the project, the applicant would
consult with Reclamation during the design phase to identify
appropriate colors for structures on Reclamation lands and to identify
appropriate vegetation mixes for disturbed areas of the project.
Our Analysis
As noted by the applicant, the proposed hydropower facility would
be designed to blend in with the existing dam structure as much as
possible. Implementation of the applicant's VRMP, including
consultation with Reclamation concerning structure color and
appropriate vegetation mixes, would minimize any long-term effect on
the aesthetic character of the project site.
The previously altered landscape, including construction of the
existing dam and its appurtenant features is highly visible to people
using area roads and recreation sites. The proposed hydroelectric
facility would be generally out of view from areas above the dam, but
would be conspicuous below the dam. However, the proposed facilities
would not be inconsistent with the existing or associated landscape
The overhead portion of the transmission line would have a modest
effect on the visual character of the area west of the Camp Fortunate
Overlook, where no transmission line currently exists. Scenic and
cultural values in the vicinity are associated with the extensive
recreational amenities around the reservoir and near the highway.
However, the transmission line would be generally located on the uphill
side of the highway and away from the reservoir and recreation sites.
Much of the transmission line would be located 100 to 200 feet from the
highway, which would reduce its visibility to highway motorists and
recreation users on or near the reservoir. As described above, the use
of a single-pole design and unobtrusive materials and colors would
further reduce its visibility and would be consistent with the criteria
of VRMP. However, the transmission line was not specifically identified
as a project facility that would be addressed by the proposed VRMP.
While no additional measures are necessary, any deviation from the
proposed design could have more of a negative effect on the aesthetic
landscape. Applying the criteria and consultation procedures in the
VRMP to the transmission line would ensure that visual effects are kept
to a minimum.
3.3.6 Cultural Resources Affected Environment
NHPA section 106 requires that the Commission evaluate the
potential effects on properties listed or eligible for listing in the
National Register. Such properties listed or eligible for listing in
the National Register are called historic properties. In this document,
we also use the term ``cultural resources'' for properties that have
not been evaluated for eligibility for listing in the National
Register. Cultural resources represent things, structures, places, or
archeological sites that can be either prehistoric or historic in
origin. In most cases, cultural resources less than 50 years old are
not considered historic. Section 106 also requires that the Commission
seek concurrence with the SHPO on any finding involving effects or no
effects to historic properties, and allow the Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation (Council) an opportunity to comment on any
finding of effects to historic properties. If Native American (i.e.,
aboriginal) properties have been identified, section 106 also requires
that the Commission consult with interested Indian tribes that might
attach religious or cultural significance to such properties. In this
case, the Commission must take into account whether any historic
property could be affected by a proposed new license within the
project's area of potential effect (APE), and allow the Council an
opportunity to comment prior to issuance of any new license for the
Area of Potential Effect
Pursuant to section 106, the Commission must take into account
whether any historic property could be affected by the issuance of a
[[Page 42441]]
new license within a project's APE. The APE is determined in
consultation with the SHPO and is defined as the geographic area or
areas within which an undertaking may directly or indirectly cause
alterations in the character or use of historic properties, if any such
properties exist.
The APE includes all lands within the project boundary and
construction footprint, as well as the 7.9-mile-long, 80-feet-wide
transmission line corridor and a portion of the Clark Canyon Dam,
including the spillway. The APE is defined in the February 2016 HPMP.
In an amendment to the HPMP filed on March 11, 2016, the applicant
corrected the total area of the APE to 88.6 acres, including 68.3 acres
of federal land owned by Reclamation.
Cultural History Overview
The immediate area within the vicinity of the proposed project was
an important prehistoric and historic travel route. During the
ethnographic period (pre-European contact), the Clark Canyon watershed
was occupied seasonally by the Lemhi-Shoshone Tribes. Lewis and Clark
were the first Euro-Americans to pass through the Beaverhead Valley on
August 13, 1805.
The Lewis and Clark expedition made its first contact with
Sacagawea's Shoshone Tribe at a location that is currently inundated by
Clark Canyon Reservoir. The location was named ``Camp Fortunate'' due
to the hospitality of the tribe and its willingness to trade for
horses, a necessity for crossing the Rockies.\25\
\25\ The Lewis and Clark expedition crossed the Continental
Divide at Lemhi Pass on August 12, 1805. Approximately 208 acres in
the vicinity of Lemhi Pass, about 35 miles from the proposed project
site, are designated as a registered historic landmark by Interior.
In 1862, gold was discovered near the town of Bannock, Montana, and
caused the first wave of rapid Euro-American settlement in the area. At
the height of the area's gold rush, Bannock, about 175 miles from the
proposed project site, had a population of more than 3,000 and was the
first Montana territorial capital. The period was short lived, however,
and old mining camps and ghost towns are all that remain.
In 1877, approximately 750 Nez Perce Native Americans fled north
out of Idaho because of the demands of the U.S. Army that they move
onto a reservation. On August 9, 1877, the U.S. Army attacked the Nez
Perce along the north fork of the Big Hole River, about 50 miles from
the proposed project site. Although the Battle of Big Hole lasted less
than 36 hours, significant casualties were suffered on both sides. In
1992, legislation incorporated Big Hole National Battlefield with the
Nez Perce National Historical Park.
The city of Dillon, about 20 miles from the proposed project site,
originated during construction of the Utah and Northern Railroad. The
city was the site of a construction camp during the winter of 1880. The
railroad was pushing north toward Butte, but winter conditions halted
progress until the spring of 1881. When construction resumed in the
spring, the town remained. The city was named in honor of Sidney
Dillon, the president of the Union Pacific Railroad.
Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological Resources
An archaeological survey of the applicant's cultural resources
inventory area for the prior license application identified one
prehistoric artifact, a single chert flake. As an isolated find, this
artifact does not meet the criteria for listing on the National
Register. No prehistoric or historic-era sites were documented at that
The project APE contains a single structure that is considered
eligible for listing on the National Register--Clark Canyon Dam. Clark
Canyon Dam (24BE1740) is an earthen dam constructed in 1964 by
Reclamation. This structure meets the 50-year age requirement for
listing on the National Register. Although the Clark Canyon Dam was
potentially eligible for listing on the National Register as a
contributing element to a broad, but undefined Pick-Sloan Missouri
Basin historic district, the dam was also determined to be individually
eligible for listing on the National Register. Commission staff and the
Montana SHPO concurred that the dam was individually eligible, as
discussed in a letter and Programmatic Agreement (PA) issued on May 5,
2016. Six additional sites that may or may not be eligible for listing
were identified in 2012 during a cultural resources inventory for the
proposed transmission line corridor.
Additionally, the Commission contacted the Shoshone-Bannock,
Eastern Shoshone, Nez Perce, and Salish-Kootenai tribes inviting
comments and consultation. No comments or requests for consultation
were received from the tribes.
Traditional Cultural Properties
The Commission consulted with the Nez Perce, Salish-Kootenai,
Eastern Shoshone, Shoshone-Bannock, and Northern Arapaho tribes
regarding the project. None of these tribes expressed concern about
potential TCPs that might be present within the project APE. Environmental Effects
Commission staff and the Montana SHPO concurred that the Clark
Canyon Dam would be adversely affected by constructing and operating
the project, as stated in the PA and HPMP. Construction of the project,
including retrofitting project features on or adjacent to the dam, or
other alteration, would diminish the historical integrity of the
structure's location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling,
or association. The applicant would consult with the SHPO and
Reclamation to develop a Memorandum of Agreement that would include
measures to address adverse effects to Clark Canyon Dam. A final PA has
been signed that requires the licensee, if a license is issued, to
revise its proposed HPMP to include a Treatment Plan to resolve effects
on the dam prior to construction.
The SHPO concurred in 2012 that none of the six sites along the
transmission line corridor would be adversely affected by the project.
To ensure that a specific rock feature was not affected, the applicant
proposed to maintain a buffer around that area so that construction
activity would not inadvertently disturb the site.
Our Analysis
Alterations to the Clark Canyon Dam that would result from
construction of the proposed project require specific measures to avoid
or reduce adverse effects. The HPMP was originally developed by the
applicant for the prior license before the Clark Canyon Dam was
determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register. The
HPMP filed on February 9, 2016 does not indicate what specific measures
would be developed or how or when they might be implemented. Revising
the HPMP, as required by the PA, to include these measures in a
Treatment Plan for the dam before construction begins would resolve the
adverse effects.
The February HPMP defines consultation procedures for maintenance
activities that would and would not affect the dam and what steps would
be taken if human remains are discovered during project construction
and operation. The PA requires the applicant to revise the HPMP to
allow the SHPO and Reclamation to review and comment on maintenance
activities that the licensee may determine have no effect on the dam,
and clarifies the process to be followed in the event of an
unanticipated discovery of human remains. Revising the HPMP
accordingly, in consultation with the
[[Page 42442]]
SHPO and Reclamation, would ensure that cultural resources are
The February HPMP also defines procedures, in the event that
cultural resources are inadvertently discovered during the course of
constructing or developing project works or other facilities at the
project. Those procedures include stopping all land-clearing and land-
disturbing activities in the vicinity of the discoveries and consulting
with both Reclamation and the SHPO to determine next steps.
Implementing the procedures in an approved, revised HPMP would prevent
adverse effects on any newly identified cultural resources.
3.4 No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, the project would not be
constructed. There would be no changes to the physical, biological, or
cultural resources of the area and electrical generation from the
project would not occur. The power that would have been developed from
a renewable resource would have to be replaced with other sources, and
the anticipated benefits of reduced TDG supersaturation on aquatic
resources would not be realized.
In this section, we look at the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric
Project's use of the Beaverhead River for hydropower purposes to see
what effect various environmental measures would have on the project's
costs and power generation. Consistent with the Commission's approach
to evaluating the economics of hydropower projects, as articulated in
Mead Corp.,\26\ the Commission compares the project cost to an estimate
of the cost of obtaining the same amount of power using the likely
alternative source of power for the region (cost of alternative power).
As described in Mead Corp., our economic analysis is based on current
electric power cost conditions and does not consider future escalation
of fuel prices in valuing the hydropower project's power benefits.
\26\ See Mead Corporation, Publishing Paper Division, 72 FERC ]
61,027 (July 13, 1995). In most cases, electricity from hydropower
would displace some form of fossil-fueled generation, in which fuel
cost is the largest component of the cost of electricity production.
For each of the licensing alternatives, our analysis includes an
estimate of: (1) The cost of individual measures considered in the EA
for the protection, mitigation and enhancement of environmental
resources affected by the project; (2) the cost of alternative power;
(3) the total project cost (i.e. for construction, operation,
maintenance, and environmental measures); and (4) the difference
between the cost of alternative power and total project cost. If the
difference between the cost of alternative power and total project cost
is positive, the project produces power for less than the cost of
alternative power. If the difference between the cost of alternative
power and total project cost is negative, the project produces power
for more than the cost of alternative power. This estimate helps to
support an informed decision concerning what is in the public interest
with respect to a proposed license. However, project economics is only
one of many public interest factors the Commission considers in
determining whether, and under what conditions, to issue a license.
4.1 Power and Developmental Benefits of the Project
As proposed, the 4.7-MW project would generate an average of 15,400
MWh annually. We have assumed the project would have a dependable
capacity of 4.7 MW; however, because the project inflow is dependent on
releases from the Clark Canyon Dam, which is directed by Reclamation
and beyond the control of the applicant, the actual dependable capacity
of the project could be lower.
Table 5 summarizes the assumptions and economic information we use
in our analysis. This information was provided by the applicant in its
license application and supplemental submittals, or estimated by staff.
We find that the values provided by the applicant are reasonable for
the purposes of our analysis. Cost items common to all alternatives
include; licensing costs; and normal operation and maintenance cost.
Table 5--Parameters for the Economic Analysis of the Clark Canyon Dam
Hydroelectric Project
[Source: Staff]
Assumption Value Source
Period of analysis (years)........ 30 Staff.
Term of financing (years)......... 20 Staff.
License application cost.......... $160,000 Clark Canyon Hydro.
Construction cost................. $32,500,000 Clark Canyon Hydro.
Annual operation and maintenance.. $365,088 Clark Canyon Hydro.
Power value \a\................... $80.87/MWh Clark Canyon Hydro.
Interest rate..................... 8 percent Staff.
Discount rate..................... 8 percent Staff.
Note: All costs are in 2015 dollars.
\a\ Average of on- and off-peak seasonal values of project power since
the project would be producing power during the summer representing
55% of the project's total annual production.
4.2 Comparison of Alternatives
4.2.1 No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, the project would not be
constructed as proposed and would not produce any electricity. No costs
for construction, operation and maintenance, or proposed environmental
protection, mitigation, or enhancement measures would be incurred by
the applicant.
4.2.2 Applicant's Proposal
Under the applicant's proposal, the project would require
construction of a new hydroelectric facility at the existing Clark
Canyon Dam. The proposed project would have a total capacity of 4.7 MW,
an average annual generation of 15,400 MWh, and an average annual power
value of $1,245,398 ($80.87/MWh). With an annual production cost
(levelized over the 30-year period of analysis) of $3,576,910 ($232.27/
MWh), the project would produce energy at a cost which is $2,331,512,
or about $151.40/MWh, more than the cost of alternative power.
4.2.3 Staff Alternative
Table 6 shows the staff's recommended additions, deletions, and
modifications to the applicant's proposed environmental protection and
[[Page 42443]]
enhancement measures and the estimated cost of each.
Based on the same total capacity and average annual generation, the
project under the staff alternative would have an average annual power
value of $1,245,398 ($80.87/MWh). With an annual production cost
(levelized over the 30-year period of our analysis) of $3,580,760
($232.52/MWh), the project would produce energy at a cost which is
$2,335,362, or about $151.65/MWh, more than the cost of alternative
The staff alternative also included all mandatory conditions
specified by Montana DEQ section 401 certification, except for the
except for condition 11 which stipulates that the applicant meet
annually with all watershed stakeholders to discuss water quality
monitoring efforts associated with project operation.
4.3 Cost of Environmental Measures
Table 6 gives the cost for each of the environmental enhancement
measures considered in our analysis. We convert all costs to equal
annual (levelized) costs over a 30-year period of analysis to give a
uniform basis for comparing the benefits of a measure to its cost.
Table 6--Costs of Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Measures Considered in Assessing the Environmental
Effects of Constructing and Operating the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric Project
[Sources: Applicant and Staff]
Environmental measure Entity Capital cost Annual cost (2015$) annual cost
(2015$) (2015$)
1. Implement the Erosion and Applicant, Staff..... \a\ $5,900 $0................... $500
Sediment Control Plan.
2. Implement the Final Instream Applicant, Staff..... \a\ 424,600 0.................... 31,770
Flow Release Plan including pump
on floating barge.
3. Implement the Construction Applicant, Montana \b\ 100,000 75,000 for years 1 & 4,400
Water Quality Monitoring Plan DEQ, FWS, Montana 2 \b\.
(CWQMP) including installation of Trout Unlimited,
monitoring equipment. Staff.
4. Notify Montana DEQ and Montana Staff................ 0 1,000 \c\............ 1,000
DFWP within 24 hours of a
deviation from state water
quality criteria during
construction and operation and
file a report with the Commission
within 30 days of the deviation.
5. Conduct total dissolved gas and Staff................ \c\ 20,000 3,000 \c\............ 1,530
dissolved oxygen compliance
monitoring for the term of the
6. Implement the Revised DOEP with Applicant, Montana \d\ 1,000,000 75,000 for years 1-5, 80,300
an additional provision to send DEQ, FWS, Montana $20,000 for rest of
the annual water quality Trout Unlimited, license term \b\.
monitoring reports to FWS in Upper Missouri
addition to the other agencies Waterkeeper, Staff.
specified in the plan.
6a. Consult with Montana DFWP and Staff................ 0 1,000 in year 6 \c\.. 80
FWS in addition to Montana DEQ
after the first five years of
operation and, after consulting
with the agencies, file a
proposal for Commission approval
regarding possible cessation of
the temperature monitoring
program after the first five
7. Install pressure transducer and Staff................ \d\ 2,000 0.................... 160
water level alarm.
8. Maintain compliance monitoring Applicant, Staff..... \d\ 25,800 0.................... 2,180
staff on site 24 hours a day and
7 days a week when flows are
bypassed around the existing
intake and outlet works during
construction of the proposed
9. Notify Montana DFWP in addition Staff................ 0 0.................... 0
to Reclamation in the event of an
unplanned shutdown.
10. Support water conservation Interior, Upper 0 0.................... 0
strategies. Missouri
Waterkeeper, Montana
Trout Unlimited.
11. Fund water conservation Interior, Upper 0 37,000 \e\........... 37,000
measures. Missouri
Waterkeeper, Montana
Trout Unlimited.
12. Assess impacts of fish Interior, Montana \c\ 10,000 100,000 for years 1 & 4,540
entrainment and impingement. Trout Unlimited. 2 \c\.
13. Support ongoing agency Upper Missouri N/A N/A.................. \f\ N/A
turbidity and nutrient pollution Waterkeeper.
studies and participate in
developing an adaptive management
plan to address pollution
14. Evaluate the need for dam Montana DFWP, Upper N/A N/A.................. \f\ N/A
infrastructure alterations or Missouri Waterkeeper.
changes in operation to minimize
downstream turbidity.
15. Consider additional upstream Upper Missouri N/A N/A.................. \f\ N/A
and downstream water quality Waterkeeper.
monitoring sites to determine
compliance with state water
quality criteria.
16. Monitor water quality at three Montana DFWP......... \c\ 60,000 3,000 for years 1-3 3,500
additional sites downstream of \c\.
the cone valve for 3 years to
evaluate the dynamics of the
mixing zone.
[[Page 42444]]
17. Hold annual meetings with Montana DEQ.......... 0 1,000 \c\............ 1,000
watershed stakeholders to discuss
water quality monitoring efforts
associated with project operation.
18. Survey for raptor nests prior Applicant, Staff..... \b\ 20,000 0.................... 1,690
to beginning construction of the
transmission line.
18a. Maintain a record of the Interior, Staff...... 0 0.................... \c\ 0
raptor surveys, including
documentation of the presence of
migratory birds, eggs, and active
nests, along with information
regarding the qualifications of
the biologist(s) performing the
surveys, and any avoidance
measures implemented at the
project site.
19. Coordinate (including Interior, Staff N/A N/A.................. \g\ N/A
sequential impact avoidance, (except compensatory
minimization, reclamation, and mitigation).
compensation) with federal and
state greater-sage grouse plans
and provide compensatory
mitigation to offset any
unavoidable impacts remaining
after application of greater sage-
grouse impact avoidance and
minimization measures.
20. Construct the transmission Staff................ 0 0.................... \h\ 0
line segments that cross the
Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge
drainages outside of the greater
sage-grouse breeding season
(March 1-April 15).
21. Construct the transmission Applicant, Interior, 0 0.................... \i\ 0
line in accordance with APLIC Staff.
guidelines, schedule construction
to avoid nesting season for
raptors (including bald eagles
and ferruginous hawk) and other
birds, establish a 0.5-mile
construction buffer around raptor
nests (including any bald eagle
nest) to avoid disturbing any
raptors during project
construction, and include
avoidance and mitigation measures
for breeding migratory birds to
the extent practicable.
22. Install avian flight diverters Applicant, Interior, \b\ 200,000 0.................... 16,870
and perch deterrents on the Staff.
transmission line.
23. Implement the Vegetation Applicant, Staff..... \c\ 50,000 10,000 for years 1-3 3,6800
Management Plan. \c\.
24. Revise the HPMP to include a Applicant, Staff..... 0 0.................... \j\ 0
Treatment Plan and consultation
procedures; stop work, consult
with SHPO, and prepare action
plan if previously unidentified
cultural materials are found.
25. Implement the Buffalo Bridge Staff................ \c\ 2,000 0.................... 160
Fishing Access Road Management
Plan and other signage and
traffic measures for local roads
used by construction vehicles.
26. Implement signage and limit Applicant............ \b\ 0 0.................... 0
construction times to reduce
conflicts with recreational use.
27. Develop, install, and maintain Applicant, Staff..... \b\ 10,000 100 \c\.............. 840
an interpretive display.
28. Implement the Visual Resources Applicant, Staff..... \a\ 65,200 0.................... 5,500
Management Plan.
29. Use a single-pole design for Applicant............ \b\ 0 0.................... 0
the transmission line, and
materials and colors that reduce
\a\ Cost estimated by applicant in the original license application escalated to 2015 dollars.
\b\ Cost estimated by the applicant.
\c\ Cost estimated by staff.
\d\ Cost estimated by the applicant for its aeration basin.
\e\ Cost estimated by entity based on 4 percent of projected annual generation.
\f\ Cost cannot be determined because the measure lacks specificity.
\g\ Cost unavailable as it includes compensatory mitigation for effects after avoidance and mitigation efforts
have been applied. Costs and measures are unknown.
\h\ Cost included with general and construction costs.
\i\ Cost for designing and constructing the transmission line in accordance with APLIC standards included in the
construction cost. Additional costs (construction delay or implementing buffers) are unknown because it would
depend on the nature and extent of the find.
\j\ The Treatment Plan would replace the Memorandum of Agreement approach proposed by the applicant; no
additional cost is anticipated.
[[Page 42445]]
5.1 Comparison of Alternatives
In this section we compare the developmental and non-developmental
effects of the applicant's proposal, the applicant's proposal as
modified by staff, the staff alternative with all agency mandatory
conditions, and the no-action alternative. The major differences
between the applicant's proposal and our staff-recommended
modifications are that we recommend monitoring TDG and DO at all times
during project operation rather than just potentially the first five
years of project operation and the following additional measures:
Installing and maintaining a pressure transducer and water level alarm
in the Beaverhead River during construction when flows are bypassed
around Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works; notifying
Montana DFWP in addition to Reclamation in the event of an unplanned
shutdown; notifying Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of any
deviation from water temperature, DO, TDG, or turbidity requirements
during construction and operation and filing a report with the
Commission within 30 days describing the deviation, any adverse effects
resulting from the deviation, the corrective actions taken, any
proposed measures to avoid future deviations; and maintaining records
of pre-construction raptor surveys that includes presence of birds,
eggs, and active nests, information regarding the qualifications of the
biologist performing the survey, and measures implemented to avoid
disturbing nesting birds. The staff alternative also includes all of
the mandatory conditions specified by Reclamation under FPA section
4(e) and all of Montana DEQ's section 401 water quality certification
conditions except for condition 11 which stipulates that the applicant
meet annually with watershed stakeholders to discuss water quality
monitoring efforts associated with project operation.
The environmental effects of the staff alternative and applicant's
proposal are essentially the same. Both alternatives would result in
short-term changes in water quality from erosion and sedimentation and
minor impacts from vegetation removal and disturbance of wildlife
during construction. Proposed measures would minimize the adverse
effects to greatest extent practicable. Both alternatives would also
result in long-term benefits to water quality and aquatic resources
from increased oxygen through the aeration basin in the summer and
reduced potential for TDG supersaturation in the late fall. Staff's
recommended measures would improve Commission administration of the
license and ensure timely identification of any needed corrective
5.2 Comprehensive Development and Recommended Alternative
Sections 4(e) and 10(a)(1) of the FPA require the Commission to
give equal consideration to the power development purposes and to the
purposes of energy conservation, the protection, mitigation of damage
to, and enhancement of fish and wildlife, the protection of
recreational opportunities, and the preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality. Any license issued shall be such as in the
Commission's judgment will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for
improving or developing a waterway or waterways for all beneficial
public uses. This section contains the basis for, and a summary of, our
recommendations for licensing the Clark Canyon Dam Hydroelectric
Project. We weigh the costs and benefits of our recommended alternative
against other proposed measures.
Based on our independent review of agency and public comments filed
on this project and our review of the environmental and economic
effects of the proposed project and its alternatives, we selected the
staff alternative as the preferred alternative. This alternative
includes elements of the applicant's proposal, all of the section 4(e)
conditions, most of the section 401 water quality certification
conditions, most of the resource agency recommendations, and some
additional measures.
We recommend this alternative because: (1) The 4.7-MW project would
save the equivalent amount of fossil-fueled generation and capacity,
thereby helping to conserve non-renewable energy resources and reduce
atmospheric pollution; (2) the recommended environmental measures
proposed by the applicant, as modified by staff, would adequately
protect and enhance environmental resources affected by the project;
and (3) it includes all agency mandatory conditions. The overall
benefits of the staff alternative would be worth the cost of the
proposed and recommended environmental measures.
In the following section, we make recommendations as to which
environmental measures proposed by the applicant or recommended or
required by agencies and other entities should be included in any
license issued for the project. In addition to the applicant's proposed
environmental measures, we recommend additional staff-recommended
environmental measures to be included in any license issued for the
project. We also discuss which measures we do not recommend including
in the license.
Measures Proposed by the Applicant
Based on our environmental analysis of the applicant's proposal
discussed in section 3 and the costs discussed in section 4, we
recommend including the following environmental measures proposed by
the applicant in any license issued for the project.
The applicant proposes the following environmental measures:
Implement the ESCP filed with the license application to
minimize soil erosion and dust, protect water quality, and minimize
turbidity in the Beaverhead River;
Implement the Instream Flow Release Plan filed with
license application that includes provisions to temporarily pump flows
around Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works to prevent
interrupting Reclamation's flow releases into the Beaverhead River
during installation of the proposed project's penstock;
Maintain qualified compliance monitoring staff on site 24
hours per day and 7 days per week during construction when flows are
bypassing Reclamation's outlet works to ensure staff promptly responds
to a pumping equipment failure or malfunction and ensure Reclamation's
flow releases are maintained in the Beaverhead River downstream;
Implement the CWQMP filed with the license application
that includes monitoring and reporting water temperature, DO, total
dissolved gas (TDG), and turbidity levels during construction;
Implement the Revised DOEP filed with the license
application that includes installing and operating an aeration basin to
increase DO levels of water exiting the powerhouse and monitoring and
reporting water temperature, DO, and TDG levels for a minimum of the
first five years of project operation to ensure water quality does not
degrade during project operation;
Implement the Vegetation Management Plan filed with the
license application that includes provisions for revegetating disturbed
areas, wetland protection, and invasive weed control to be implemented
before, during, and after construction;
Conduct a pre-construction survey for raptor nests and
schedule construction activities or establish a 0.5-mile construction
buffer as appropriate to minimize disturbing nesting raptors;
[[Page 42446]]
Design and construct the project transmission line in
accordance with current avian protection guidelines, including
installing flight diverters and perch deterrents;
Implement the Visual Resources Management Plan filed with
the license application that includes measures to design and select
materials to minimize visual effects of the project;
Post signs and public notice, limit construction hours,
days, and locations, and stage construction traffic to reduce conflicts
with recreational users and other motorists;
Implement the Buffalo Bridge Fishing Access Road
Management Plan filed with the license application, including
provisions for flagging, traffic control devices, and public notice of
construction activities to maintain traffic safety and minimize effects
on fishing access;
Install and maintain an interpretive sign near the dam
that describes the concept and function of the hydroelectric project
and how it affects the sport fisheries, including any measures taken to
eliminate or reduce adverse effects;
Use a single-pole design for the transmission line, along
with materials and colors that reduce visibility and blend with the
surroundings; and
Implement the revised Historic Properties Management Plan
(HPMP) filed February 9, 2016. Stop work if any unanticipated cultural
materials or human remains are found.
Additional Measures Proposed by Staff
Under the staff alternative, the project would include
Reclamation's 4(e) conditions, the applicant's proposals, all of the
section 401 water quality certification conditions except for condition
11, and the following additional measures:
Conduct TDG and DO compliance monitoring at all times
during project operation;
Conduct water temperature monitoring for the first five
years of project operation and, after consultation with Montana DFWP,
Montana DEQ, and FWS, file a proposal for Commission approval regarding
the possible cessation of the temperature monitoring program;
Install and maintain a pressure transducer and water level
alarm in the Beaverhead River during construction when flows are being
bypassed around Reclamation's existing intake and outlet works to alert
compliance monitoring staff if water levels downstream of the dam are
During project operation, notify Montana DFWP in addition
to Reclamation in the event of an unplanned shutdown;
Notify Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of any
deviation from water temperature, DO, TDG, or turbidity requirements
during construction and operation and file a report with the Commission
within 30 days describing the deviation, any adverse effects resulting
from the deviation, the corrective actions taken, any proposed measures
to avoid future deviations, and comments or correspondence, if any,
received from the agencies;
Document the results of the pre-construction raptor survey
and the measures taken to avoid disturbing raptors by maintaining a
record that includes nesting bird survey data, including the presence
of migratory birds, eggs, and active nests, the qualifications of the
biologist performing the survey, and any avoidance measures
Construct the transmission line segments that cross the
Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge drainages outside of the greater sage-
grouse breeding season (March 1-April 15); and
Revise the Historic Properties Management Plan (HPMP) in
consultation with the Montana SHPO and Reclamation to include a
Treatment Plan to resolve project effects on the Clark Canyon Dam and
to clarify consultation procedures in the plan (see section 3.3.6).
File the HPMP with the Commission for approval prior to construction.
The following is a discussion of the basis for the additional
staff-recommended measures that would have significant effects on
project economics or environmental resources, as well as the basis for
not recommending some measures proposed by agencies.
Construction Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting
The applicant proposes in its CWQMP to provide Reclamation, Montana
DEQ, Montana DFWP, and FWS annual water quality monitoring reports
during construction. Because the applicant proposes to prepare
monitoring reports on an annual basis, any deviations from state water
quality criteria for turbidity, temperature, DO, and TDG that occur
during construction would not be reported to the Commission until the
annual report is submitted. The applicant's proposal does not
sufficiently protect water quality in the short term. If water quality
monitoring in the reservoir or in the Beaverhead River indicates that
deviations from water quality criteria are occurring during project
construction, the applicant should take immediate reasonable action to
remediate the deviation, and should notify Montana DEQ and Montana DFWP
within 24 hours of the deviation. This would give the agencies the
opportunity to visit the site quickly, assess the effects of the
deviation, and provide the applicant and the Commission with
recommendations for ways to prevent future deviations from occurring.
Thus, we also recommend that the applicant file a report with the
Commission within 30 days of the deviation that describes: (a) The
cause, severity, and duration of the incident; (b) any observed or
reported adverse environmental impacts resulting from the incident; (c)
operational data necessary to determine compliance; (d) a description
of any corrective measures implemented at the time of the incident and
the measures implemented or proposed to ensure that similar incidents
do not recur; and (e) comments or correspondence, if any, received from
interested parties regarding the incident.
We estimate that these additional notification and reporting
measures would have minimal costs and conclude that the compliance
monitoring benefits as well as benefits to aquatic resources during
project construction would justify the cost.
Post-Construction Monitoring and Reporting
Temperature Compliance Monitoring
The applicant proposes to consult with Montana DEQ on whether to
extend the water temperature monitoring program beyond the first 5
years of operation. We recommend this measure but also recommend that
the applicant consult with Montana DFWP and FWS and allow the agencies
30 days to review the report before filing a proposal to modify the
temperature monitoring requirements for Commission approval. Given
their trust responsibilities, also consulting with Montana DFWP and FWS
would allow them to weigh in on whether a sufficient record has been
established to document the project's compliance with state water
temperature criteria during project operation, and to determine if
additional temperature monitoring is needed beyond the initial five-
year monitoring period. We estimate that this additional coordination
and reporting measure would have minimal costs and conclude that the
compliance monitoring and aquatic resource protection benefits would
justify the minor costs.
[[Page 42447]]
Dissolved Oxygen and Total Dissolved Gas Compliance Monitoring
We recommend that the applicant continue to monitor TDG and DO for
the term of any license issued. Our analysis in section
indicates that it would be necessary to monitor these parameters for
the term of the license to ensure that adequate DO enhancement is
occurring throughout the year as needed, that DO aeration equipment is
functioning properly, and to track compliance with TDG and DO criteria.
We estimate the annualized cost of this measure would be $1,530, and
conclude that the compliance monitoring and aquatic resource protection
benefits would justify its costs.
Reporting Deviations From Water Quality Criteria
The applicant proposes to provide annual water quality monitoring
reports for the first five years of project operation to Reclamation,
Montana DFWP, Montana DEQ, and FWS within 60 days following each
calendar year (i.e., by March 1) and includes a provision within its
Revised DOEP to report deviations from water quality criteria to
Reclamation, Montana DEQ, and Montana DFWP within 24 hours of the
deviation. We recommend the applicant implement its proposed reporting
provisions but also recommend that the applicant file a report with the
Commission within 30 days of any deviation from water quality criteria
that describes: (a) The cause, severity, and duration of the incident;
(b) any observed or reported adverse environmental impacts resulting
from the incident; (c) operational data necessary to determine
compliance; (d) a description of any corrective measures implemented at
the time of the incident and the measures implemented or proposed to
ensure that similar incidents do not recur; and (e) comments or
correspondence, if any, received from interested parties regarding the
incident. Filing a report with the Commission would facilitate the
Commission's administration of the license and ensure that corrective
actions taken to protect water quality during operation are reported to
the Commission in a timely manner.
We estimate that these additional notification and reporting
measures would have minimal costs and conclude that the compliance
monitoring benefits as well as benefits to aquatic resources during
project operation would justify the cost.
Flow Alarm
During construction of the project's inlet works, use of
Reclamation's intake and outlet works would not be available to release
flows to the Beaverhead River. During that construction period, the
applicant would pump flows from a barge over Reclamation's spillway to
discharge into the river. We recommend that the applicant install and
operate a minimum flow protection alarm system to alert compliance
monitoring staff in the event of a pumping system failure and
subsequent water level drop in the tailrace. Our analysis in section indicates that the alarm system would ensure that minimum flows
are maintained and backup pumps are brought on-line as rapidly as
possible in the event of a pumping system failure. We envision that the
alarm system would include: (1) Installation of a pressure transducer
at the proposed water quality monitoring station located approximately
300 feet downstream of the dam; and (2) an alarm that would sound in
the event that water levels measured by the transducer begin to drop.
We estimate the annualized costs of this measure would be $160, and
conclude the benefits of ensuring minimum instream flow releases and
protecting fish resources when flows are being bypassed during
construction would justify the cost.
Agency Notification of Unplanned Shutdowns
We recommend that the applicant inform Montana DFWP in addition to
Reclamation in the event of an unplanned shutdown or other operating
emergency during project operation. We estimate this additional
notification would have minimal costs and therefore recommend this
measure as it would allow Montana DFWP to provide input on any
corrective measures needed to protect aquatic resources during any
unplanned shutdowns that occur during operation.
Cultural Resources
To resolve adverse effects on the Clark Canyon Dam, we recommend
that the HPMP be revised to include a Treatment Plan for the dam, as
well as address other concerns raised by the SHPO and Reclamation
regarding consultation procedures. The Treatment Plan and revised HPMP
should be developed by the licensee in consultation with the SHPO and
Reclamation, and filed with the Commission for approval within 90 days
of license issuance and prior to construction. Because the Treatment
Plan essentially replaces the proposed MOA, no additional cost is
Measures Not Recommended by Staff
Staff finds that some of the measures recommended by other
interested parties would not contribute to the best comprehensive use
of Clark Canyon reservoir and Beaverhead River water resources, do not
exhibit a sufficient relationship to project environmental effects, or
would not result in benefits to non-power resources that would be worth
their cost. The following discusses the basis for staff's conclusion
not to recommend such measures.
Water Efficiency Improvements, Conservation Planning, and Pollution
Adaptive Management Plan
Interior, Upper Missouri Waterkeeper, and Montana Trout Unlimited
recommend that the applicant be required to: (1) Provide 4 percent of
the project's gross revenue to fund independent technical studies of
Beaverhead River Basin water efficiency improvements or water
conservation measures; and (2) support implementation of the 2006 MOU
between Reclamation and Montana DFWP for the Betterment of the
Beaverhead River and Valley. In addition, Missouri Waterkeeper
recommends the applicant be required to support ongoing agency studies
evaluating turbidity and nutrient pollution events occurring in the
watershed and participate in developing and implementing an adaptive
management plan that addresses those concerns.
Available information indicates that trout populations in the
Beaverhead River are adversely affected by low flows that occur during
the non-irrigation season, and that fish populations in Clark Canyon
Reservoir are adversely affected by low reservoir levels during periods
of drought. Funding water conservation measures could help alleviate
some adverse conditions to fish that occur in Clark Canyon Reservoir
and the Beaverhead River, particularly during drought conditions. Our
analysis in section, however, indicates that operation of the
project as proposed by the applicant would not cause any changes in the
water levels of Clark Canyon Reservoir, the quantity of water released
by Reclamation into the Beaverhead River for instream flows, or the
quality of tributaries entering the reservoir or within the reservoir.
Although we agree that providing funds or support for water
efficiency improvements and participating in watershed management and
conservation planning activities may provide some benefits to fisheries
[[Page 42448]]
Clark Canyon Reservoir and the Beaverhead River through increased
potential for enhanced water storage, instream flows, and water
quality, we find that these measures bear no relationship to project
effects or purposes.
For these reasons we conclude that Interior's, Montana Trout
Unlimited's, and Upper Missouri Waterkeeper's recommended measures
would be inconsistent with the comprehensive planning standard of
section 10(a)(1) of the FPA, and therefore would not be in the public
Annual Meeting With Watershed Stakeholders
Montana DEQ's condition 11 stipulates that the applicant hold an
annual meeting with watershed stakeholders (i.e., state and federal
agencies, non-governmental organizations, and any interested members of
the public) to discuss water quality monitoring efforts associated with
project operation. Our analysis in section indicates that we do
not expect project operation to result in frequent deviations from the
state water quality standards. Instead, our analysis indicates that
operating the project would improve water quality in the Beaverhead
River downstream of the project by enhancing DO levels in the summer
months and reducing the potential for TDG supersaturation in the summer
and early fall compared to existing conditions. While an annual meeting
would provide another mechanism to evaluate whether any changes are
needed to achieve water quality standards during project operation, it
is not needed because the applicants proposed annual reporting and
staff's recommended notification procedures (notifying the agencies
within 24 hours of a deviation) would be adequate to identify problems
and any need for corrective actions. Although the costs of organizing
and holding such meetings would be small ($1,000), the benefits would
not be worth the cost. For these reasons, we do not recommend the
annual meeting stipulated by Montana DEQ's condition 11.
Fish Entrainment, Impingement, and Mortality
Interior and Montana Trout Unlimited recommend that the applicant
evaluate the effects of the project on fish entrainment and
impingement. The recommended entrainment evaluation may be useful at
assessing the entrainment, impingement, and mortality rates of fish at
the dam. However, we believe that sufficient information exists to
evaluate the effects of the project on fish entrainment and mortality.
Our analysis in section found that operation of the
proposed project would have no effect on the rate of fish entrainment
from Clark Canyon Reservoir because the project would not alter the
timing or volume of water withdrawals, and all water passing the dam
would do so via the existing intake structure (and by the spillway
during spill events), as it does under existing conditions. Further,
our analysis suggests that the mortality rates of entrained fish under
proposed project operation would be similar to existing conditions.
During project operation fish would still be subject to high mortality
levels when they are exposed to rapid depressurization as they exit the
pressure conditions of the deep reservoir and enter the relatively
shallow conditions in the tailrace of the dam; therefore, the proposed
project would not substantially add to the losses of fish currently
occurring at the existing outlet works at mortality rates approaching
100 percent of entrained fishes. The continued high mortality through
the dam would limit the potential that fish entrained from the
reservoir contribute substantially to the fishery downstream of the
reservoir, which consists of self-reproducing trout populations. For
these reasons, collecting additional information on entrainment and
mortality would have only minimal benefits to the fishery resource.
We estimate that the annualized costs of the entrainment assessment
would be $4,540, not including the additional costs of any future
measures that could be implemented to reduce entrainment. We conclude
that the potential benefits of the entrainment assessment would not
justify the cost, and therefore would not be in the public interest.
Dam Infrastructure and Operation Evaluation
Montana DFWP and Upper Missouri Waterkeeper recommend that the
applicant evaluate the need for alterations to dam infrastructure or
operations to minimize downstream turbidity effects resulting from
entrainment of organic material or inorganic fine sediment from the
reservoir into the project works. The recommended measure is non-
specific, and therefore, we are unable to evaluate the benefits and
costs of the measure. Because the project would be operated run-of-
release, the project would not alter the depth of the reservoir intake,
or the rate, volume, or velocity of water withdrawn from the reservoir,
nor does the Commission have the authority to require changes to
Reclamation's facilities or operations; therefore it is unclear what
specific changes in dam infrastructure or operations would be available
to the applicant to address Montana DFWP and Upper Missouri
Waterkeeper's concerns.
For these reasons, we do not recommend requiring Montana DFWP and
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper's recommended evaluation.
Downstream Water Quality Compliance Monitoring
The applicant proposes to continuously monitor TDG, DO and water
temperature for at least the first five years of project operation. The
applicant would monitor DO and temperature in a small chamber located
upstream of proposed turbines (Site 1), at a site located in the
proposed aeration basin (Site 2), and at a site located about 300 feet
downstream of the project in the Beaverhead River (Site 3). The
applicant would monitor TDG levels at Sites 2 and 3.
Montana DFWP recommends that the applicant deploy probes at the
cone valve and 100, 200, and 300 feet below the project, in addition to
the sites proposed by the applicant, and to monitor water quality
parameters at these sites for a minimum of three consecutive years. The
additional probes would permit the applicant to determine the water
quality dynamics within the mixing zone and potentially the best place
to document compliance with DO and TDG levels over the long term.
In addition, Upper Missouri Waterkeeper recommends that the
applicant evaluate the need for additional monitoring downstream of the
project during operation.
Our analysis in section indicates that although TDG and DO
may change slightly within the mixing zone, the site recommended by the
applicant is likely to be most representative of water quality
conditions downstream of the project and would be sufficient to
document compliance with water quality conditions. Given the
anticipated small changes within so short a distance, there would be
little benefit to downstream aquatic resources by conducting this
additional monitoring.
We estimate that the annualized costs of monitoring at these
additional compliance sites would be $3,500 and conclude that the
limited benefits of the additional downstream monitoring would not
justify the cost.
[[Page 42449]]
Upstream Water Quality Monitoring
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper recommends that the applicant evaluate
the need for additional monitoring upstream of Clark Canyon Dam during
project operation. The recommended measure is non-specific, and
therefore, we are unable to determine the benefits and costs of the
measure. The applicant already proposes to collect water temperature
and DO concentrations levels of source reservoir water in order to
monitor the need for DO enhancement downstream. Conducting monitoring
at additional sites upstream would provide general information on water
quality conditions within the Clark Canyon Reservoir above the intake
or in tributaries feeding the reservoir. However, the project would not
affect these upstream areas. Therefore, the recommended monitoring does
not have sufficient nexus to the project effects and we do not
recommend that additional upstream monitoring be included as a license
Compensatory Mitigation for Greater Sage-Grouse
We recommend adopting Interior's recommendation to coordinate with
BLM and Montana DNRC for the purposes of complying with federal and
state greater sage-grouse plans; however, we do not recommend adopting
Interior's recommendation to provide compensatory mitigation to offset
any remaining impacts after application of avoidance and mitigation
measures. We cannot evaluate the cost or benefits of compensatory
mitigation requirements because the agencies have not defined those
requirements. Regardless, compensatory mitigation would not be
warranted because the applicant's and staff proposed measures
adequately minimize potential adverse effects on greater sage grouse
for several reasons.
First, the applicant's proposal to prevent perching of predators on
the transmission line, and the revegetation measures under the VMP,
would deter increased predation and minimize habitat loss. Second,
staff's recommended measure to construct the transmission line segments
that cross the Horse Prairie and Medicine Lodge drainages outside of
the greater sage-grouse breeding season (March 1-April 15) would reduce
the risk of project-related disturbances on breeding greater sage-
The avoidance and mitigation measures recommended in the staff
alternative would ensure that the project would have minimal effects on
greater sage-grouse and would not affect the population.
5.3 Unavoidable Adverse Effects
Land-disturbing activities associated with the proposed
construction and operation of the project would require the removal of
vegetation and disturbance of soil. These activities would disrupt the
topsoil and result in some temporary erosion in the construction areas
that would be largely controlled by implementation of the applicant's
proposed ESCP and VMP.
During the construction period there would be an unavoidable loss
of habitat along the access road and transmission line right-of way.
Bald eagles and ferruginous hawks may be displaced from foraging areas
in the stilling basin and along the access road and transmission line
ROW during the period of construction and for a short time afterward
until vegetation becomes reestablished.
Noise and dust from land-disturbing activities, other construction
activities, and construction traffic would diminish the quality of the
recreational experience in the vicinity of Clark Canyon Dam and the
project site. Project construction traffic would conflict with
recreational traffic. The transmission line would introduce a new
structural feature within view of several nearby recreation sites and
along five miles of Montana Highway 324 where no transmission line
currently exists.
Some long-term fish entrainment into project facilities and
subsequent injury would occur similar to existing conditions.
5.4 Summary of Section 10(j) Recommendations and 4(e) Conditions
5.4.1 Recommendations of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Under the provisions of section 10(j) of the FPA, each
hydroelectric license issued by the Commission shall include conditions
based on recommendations provided by federal and state fish and
wildlife agencies for the protection, mitigation, or enhancement of
fish and wildlife resources affected by the project. In response to our
Ready for Environmental Analysis notice, Interior, on behalf of FWS,
submitted 10(j) recommendations for the project on March 17, 2016.
Section 10(j) of the FPA states that whenever the Commission
believes that any fish and wildlife agency recommendation is
inconsistent with the purposes and the requirements of the FPA or other
applicable law, the Commission and the agency shall attempt to resolve
any such inconsistency, giving due weight to the recommendations,
expertise, and statutory responsibilities of such agency. Table 7 lists
Interior's recommendations filed pursuant to section 10(j) and
indicates whether the recommendations are adopted under the staff
alternative. Environmental recommendations that we consider outside the
scope of section 10(j) have been considered under section 10(a) of the
FPA and are addressed in the specific resource sections of this
Of the 5 recommendations that we consider to be within the scope of
section 10(j), we wholly include 3, include 1 in part, and do not
include 1. We discuss the reasons for not including those
recommendations in section 5.1, Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative. Table 7 indicates the basis for our
preliminary determinations concerning measures that we consider
inconsistent with section 10(j).
Table 7--Fish and Wildlife Agency Recommendations
[Source: Staff]
Within scope of Levelized
Recommendation Agency section 10(j) annual cost Adopted?
1. Support water conservation Interior.............. No. Not a specific $0 Not adopted.
strategies to improve measure to Because the
Beaverhead River instream flows. protect fish and measure is not
wildlife. related to
project effects,
we have no
justification for
recommending the
[[Page 42450]]
2. Fund studies of water Interior.............. No. A funding $37,000 Not adopted.
efficiency improvements or commitment for Because the
water conservation measures. these purposes is measure is not
not a specific related to
measure to project effects,
protect fish and we have no
wildlife. justification for
Additionally, recommending the
there is no measure.
between this
measure and
project effects--
project operation
would not affect
the quantity of
Beaverhead River
instream flow
releases or
reservoir levels.
3. Submit water quality Interior.............. No. Not a specific \a\ 0 Adopted.
monitoring reports during measure to
construction and operation to protect fish and
FWS. wildlife.
4. Assess impacts of entrainment Interior.............. Yes............... $4,540 Not adopted.\b\
and impingement. Benefits of
program would not
justify the cost.
5. Coordinate (including Interior.............. No. Not a specific \c\ N/A Adopted in part.
sequential impact avoidance, fish and wildlife We recommend that
minimization, reclamation, and mitigation the applicant
compensation) with federal and measure. coordinate with
state agencies on any state and federal
applicable compliance resource agencies
procedures and stipulations in for greater sage-
greater-sage grouse recovery grouse
plans. Provide compensatory conservation, but
mitigation for any unavoidable we do not
impacts. recommend a
requirement to
funds for
6(a). Construct power lines and Interior.............. Yes............... \d\ $0 Adopted.
substation in accordance with
APLIC standards, including
installing visual markers on
the wires.
6(b). To the extent practicable, Interior.............. Yes............... \d\ $0 Adopted.
schedule construction to avoid
nesting season for raptors
(including ferruginous hawk)
and other birds, and establish
a 0.5-mile no-construction
buffer around raptor nests.
If field surveys are conducted Interior.............. Yes............... \d\ $0 Adopted.
to avoid take during
construction, maintain nesting
bird survey data, including the
presence of migratory birds,
eggs, and active nests, as well
as information regarding the
qualifications of the biologist
performing the survey, and any
avoidance measures implemented.
7. Apply temporary seasonal Interior.............. Yes............... $0 Adopted.
disturbance restrictions
(February 1-August 15) and 0.5-
mile buffer for any bald eagle
nest that occur within 0.5-mile
of the project.
\c\ Cost included in implementing the applicant's CWQMP and Revised DOEP.
\b\ Preliminary findings that recommendations found to be within the scope of section 10(j) are inconsistent
with the comprehensive planning standard of section 10(a) of the FPA, including the equal consideration
provision of section 4(e) of the FPA, are based on staff's determination that the costs of the measures
outweigh the expected benefits.
\c\ Cost unavailable as it includes unidentified compensatory mitigation for effects after avoidance and
mitigation efforts have been applied. Therefore, costs and measures are unknown.
\c\ Cost included in applicant's construction design.
5.4.2 Land Management Agency's Section 4(e) Conditions
Of Reclamation's 9 preliminary conditions, we consider 8
(conditions 1 through 3 and conditions 5 through 9) to be
administrative or legal in nature and not specific environmental
measures. We therefore do not analyze these conditions in this EA.
Condition 4 requires the applicant to revegetate all newly disturbed
land areas with plant species indigenous to the area within 6 months of
the completion of the project's construction. All of
[[Page 42451]]
Reclamation's section 4(e) conditions are included in the staff
5.5 Consistency With Comprehensive Plans
Section 10(a)(2)(A) of the FPA, 16 U.S.C.Sec. 803(a)(2)(A),
requires the Commission to consider the extent to which a project is
consistent with federal or state comprehensive plans for improving,
developing, or conserving a waterway or waterways affected by the
project. We reviewed nine comprehensive plans that are applicable to
the Clark Canyon Dam Project, located in Montana.\27\ No
inconsistencies were found.
\27\ (1) Montana DEQ. 2004. Montana water quality integrated
report for Montana (305(b)/303(d)). Helena, Montana; (2) Montana
DEQ. 2001. Montana non-point source management plan. Helena,
Montana; (3) Montana DEQ. Montana's State water plan: 1987-1999.
Part I: Background and Evaluation. Part II: Plan Sections
Agricultural Water Use Efficiency; Instream Flow Protection; Federal
Hydropower Licensing and State Water Rights; Water Information
System; Water Storage; Drought Management; Integrated Water Quality
and Quantity Management; and Montana Groundwater Plan. Helena,
Montana; (4) Montana DFWP. 2003. Montana Statewide Comprehensive
Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), 2003-2007; (5) Montana DFWP. 1993.
Water rights filings under S.B.76. Helena, Montana; (6) Montana
State Legislature. 1997. House Bill Number 546. Total Maximum Daily
Load. Helena, Montana; (7) National Park Service. 1982. The
nationwide rivers inventory. Department of the Interior, Washington,
DC; (8) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Canadian Wildlife Service.
1986. North American waterfowl management plan. Department of the
Interior. Environment Canada; and (9) U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Undated. Fisheries USA: the recreational fisheries policy
of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, DC.
On the basis of our independent analysis, we conclude that approval
of the proposed action, with our recommended measures, would not
constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality
of the human environment. Preparation of an environmental impact
statement is not required.
APLIC (Avian Power Line Interaction Committee). 2012. Reducing avian
collisions with power lines: The state of the art in 2012. Edison
Electric Institute and APLIC. Washington, DC. October 2012.
___. 2006. Suggested practices for avian protection on power lines:
The state of the art in 2006. Edison Electric Institute, APLIC and
the California Energy Commission. Washington, DC, and Sacramento,
Balance Environmental. 2011. Ute Ladies'-Tresses (Spiranthes
diluvialis) survey report for the Clark Canyon transmission
Bartholomew, M.J., and S.E. Lewis, G.S. Russell, M.C. Stickney, E.M.
Wilde, and S.A. Kish. 1999. Late Quaternary history of Beaverhead
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___ 1997. Guidelines for hydro turbine fish entrainment and survival
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___ 1992. Fish entrainment and turbine mortality review and
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___. 1995. Preliminary assessment of fish entrainment at hydropower
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[[Page 42452]]
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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Kelly Wolcott--Project Coordinator, Terrestrial Resources and
Threatened and Endangered Species (Environmental Biologist; M.S.,
Natural Resources)
Mike Tust--Aquatic Resources (Fishery Biologist; M.A., B.A, Marine
Affairs and Policy)
Ken Wilcox--Cultural Resources, Recreation, Land Use, and Aesthetics
(Outdoor Recreation Planner; B.S., Environmental Policy and
Kim Nguyen--Geology and Soils, Developmental Analysis (Civil
Engineer; B.S., Civil Engineering)
Frank Winchell--Cultural Resources (Archaeologist; Ph.D., M.A.,
B.S., Anthropology)
[FR Doc. 2016-15343 Filed 6-28-16; 8:45 am]