Notice of Commission Staff Attendance, 42342-42343 [2016-15342]
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mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/11/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1970–000.
Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
Description: Tariff Cancellation:
Notice of Cancellation of Service
Agreement No. 4210, Queue No. Z2–090
to be effective 6/14/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5059.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1971–000.
Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
Description: Tariff Cancellation:
Notice of Cancellation of ISA No. 3564,
Queue No. Y2–099 due to Deactivation
to be effective 1/31/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5071.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1972–000.
Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Amendment to Original ISA No. 4415,
Queue No. Z2–028 to be effective 2/3/
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5072.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1973–000.
Applicants: Western Antelope Blue
Sky Ranch B LLC.
Description: Baseline eTariff Filing:
Western Antelope Blue Sky Ranch B
LLC MBR Tariff to be effective 6/22/
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5073.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1974–000.
Applicants: Southern California
Edison Company.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Amended GIA and Distribution Service
Agmt with San Gorgonio Westwinds II,
LLC to be effective 5/27/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5097.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1975–000.
Applicants: Alabama Electric
Marketing, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revisions to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5127.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1976–000.
Applicants: California Electric
Marketing, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revisions to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
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Accession Number: 20160621–5129.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1977–000.
Applicants: CSOLAR IV South, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revisions to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5130.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1978–000.
Applicants: LQA, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revisions to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5131.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1979–000.
Applicants: New Mexico Electric
Marketing, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revision to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5133.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1980–000.
Applicants: Tenaska Energıa de
Mexico, S. de R. L. d.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revisions to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5135.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1981–000.
Applicants: Tenaska Power
Management, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revisions to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5136.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1982–000.
Applicants: Tenaska Power Services
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revisions to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5137.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1983–000.
Applicants: California Independent
System Operator Corporation.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
2016–06–21_Local Market Power
Mitigation Enhancements 2015 to be
effective 1/30/2017.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5138.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1984–000.
Applicants: Texas Electric Marketing,
PO 00000
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Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Market-Based Rate Tariff Revisions to be
effective 6/22/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5139.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1985–000.
Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Revisions to OATT and OA re: Dynamic
Transfers to be effective 8/20/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5142.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–1986–000.
Applicants: Michigan Electric
Transmission Company, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
TOOA Filing to be effective 6/1/2016.
Filed Date: 6/21/16.
Accession Number: 20160621–5154.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/16.
The filings are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the links or querying the
docket number.
Any person desiring to intervene or
protest in any of the above proceedings
must file in accordance with Rules 211
and 214 of the Commission’s
Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time on the specified comment date.
Protests may be considered, but
intervention is necessary to become a
party to the proceeding.
eFiling is encouraged. More detailed
information relating to filing
requirements, interventions, protests,
service, and qualifying facilities filings
can be found at:
docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
other information, call (866) 208–3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
Dated: June 21, 2016.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–15282 Filed 6–28–16; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
Notice of Commission Staff
The Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (Commission) hereby gives
notice that members of the
Commission’s staff may attend the
following meeting related to the
transmission planning activities of the
Northern Tier Transmission Group,
whose members include NorthWestern
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 125 / Wednesday, June 29, 2016 / Notices
Corporation, Deseret Generation &
Transmission Cooperative, Inc.,
Portland General Electric Company,
Idaho Power Company, PacifiCorp, and
Northern Tier Transmission Group
Quarter 2 Stakeholder Meeting
June 28, 2016 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
The above-referenced meeting will be
held at: Boise Airport Conference
Center, 3201 Airport Way, Suite 1000,
Boise, ID 83705.
The above-referenced meeting is open
to stakeholders.
Further information may be found at
this link.
The discussions at the meeting
described above may address matters at
issue in the following proceeding:
Docket No. ER16–778, MATL LLP
For more information, contact Navin
Shekar (, 202–
502–6297), or Penny Ince (penny.ince@, 202–502–6386) at the Office of
Energy Market Regulation, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission.
Dated: June 23, 2016.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2016–15342 Filed 6–28–16; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. OR16–19–000]
mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
BridgeTex Pipeline Company, LLC;
Notice of Petition for Declaratory Order
Take notice that on June 22, 2016,
pursuant to Rule 207(a)(2) of the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission’s
(Commission) Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 18 CFR 385.207(a)(2) (2015),
BridgeTex Pipeline Company, LLC
(BridgeTex), filed a petition for a
declaratory order (1) approving the
proposed tariff and overall rate structure
and terms of service for a proposed
expansion of the existing BridgeTex
pipeline system to offer service to
shippers from the Eaglebine production
area in Texas (Eaglebine Expansion
Project), and (2) ruling that the
regulatory assurances provided by the
Commission in its declaratory order
issued on October 12, 2012 in Docket
No. OR12–25–000, which approved the
proposed tariff and rate structure of the
1 MATL LLP indicates that it will participate in
NTTG beginning in March 2016. See MATL LLP,
Transmittal, Docket No. ER16–778–000, at 1,7 (filed
January 27, 2016).
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existing BridgeTex Pipeline system, are
not affected by the Eaglebine Expansion
Project, all as more fully explained in
the petition.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest this filing must file in
accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214).
Protests will be considered by the
Commission in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but will
not serve to make protestants parties to
the proceeding. Any person wishing to
become a party must file a notice of
intervention or motion to intervene, as
appropriate. Such notices, motions, or
protests must be filed on or before the
comment date. Anyone filing a motion
to intervene or protest must serve a copy
of that document on the Petitioner.
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper using the
‘‘eFiling’’ link at
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 5 copies
of the protest or intervention to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
This filing is accessible on-line at, using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link and is available for
review in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room in Washington, DC.
There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on the
Web site that enables subscribers to
receive email notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please email, or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern time
on July 22, 2016.
Dated: June 23, 2016.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–15390 Filed 6–28–16; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. ER16–1875–000]
Hydro Renewable Energy Inc.;
Supplemental Notice That Initial
Market-Based Rate Filing Includes
Request for Blanket Section 204
This is a supplemental notice in the
above-referenced proceeding of Hydro
PO 00000
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Sfmt 9990
Renewable Energy Inc.’s application for
market-based rate authority, with an
accompanying rate tariff, noting that
such application includes a request for
blanket authorization, under 18 CFR
part 34, of future issuances of securities
and assumptions of liability.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest should file with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426,
in accordance with Rules 211 and 214
of the Commission’s Rules of Practice
and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214). Anyone filing a motion to
intervene or protest must serve a copy
of that document on the Applicant.
Notice is hereby given that the
deadline for filing protests with regard
to the applicant’s request for blanket
authorization, under 18 CFR part 34, of
future issuances of securities and
assumptions of liability, is July 11,
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper, using the
FERC Online links at https:// To facilitate electronic
service, persons with Internet access
who will eFile a document and/or be
listed as a contact for an intervenor
must create and validate an
eRegistration account using the
eRegistration link. Select the eFiling
link to log on and submit the
intervention or protests.
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 5 copies
of the intervention or protest to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
The filings in the above-referenced
proceeding are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the appropriate link in the
above list. They are also available for
electronic review in the Commission’s
Public Reference Room in Washington,
DC. There is an eSubscription link on
the Web site that enables subscribers to
receive email notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please email or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
Dated: June 20, 2016.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–15276 Filed 6–28–16; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 125 (Wednesday, June 29, 2016)]
[Pages 42342-42343]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-15342]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Notice of Commission Staff Attendance
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) hereby gives
notice that members of the Commission's staff may attend the following
meeting related to the transmission planning activities of the Northern
Tier Transmission Group, whose members include NorthWestern
[[Page 42343]]
Corporation, Deseret Generation & Transmission Cooperative, Inc.,
Portland General Electric Company, Idaho Power Company, PacifiCorp, and
\1\ MATL LLP indicates that it will participate in NTTG
beginning in March 2016. See MATL LLP, Transmittal, Docket No. ER16-
778-000, at 1,7 (filed January 27, 2016).
Northern Tier Transmission Group Quarter 2 Stakeholder Meeting
June 28, 2016 10:00 a.m.--3:00 p.m. (MPT)
The above-referenced meeting will be held at: Boise Airport
Conference Center, 3201 Airport Way, Suite 1000, Boise, ID 83705.
The above-referenced meeting is open to stakeholders.
Further information may be found at this link.
The discussions at the meeting described above may address matters
at issue in the following proceeding:
Docket No. ER16-778, MATL LLP
For more information, contact Navin Shekar (,
202-502-6297), or Penny Ince (, 202-502-6386) at the
Office of Energy Market Regulation, Federal Energy Regulatory
Dated: June 23, 2016.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2016-15342 Filed 6-28-16; 8:45 am]