Reducing Regulatory Burden, 28736-28738 [2016-10956]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 81, No. 90
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
5 CFR Chapter XXIII
10 CFR Chapters II, III, and X
Reducing Regulatory Burden
Office of the General Counsel,
Department of Energy.
ACTION: Request for information (RFI).
As part of its implementation
of Executive Order 13563, ‘‘Improving
Regulation and Regulatory Review,’’
issued by the President on January 18,
2011, the Department of Energy
(Department or DOE) is seeking
comments and information from
interested parties to assist DOE in
reviewing its existing regulations to
determine whether any such regulations
should be modified, streamlined,
expanded, or repealed. The purpose of
DOE’s review is to make the agency’s
regulatory program more effective and
less burdensome in achieving its
regulatory objectives. In this request for
information, DOE also highlights its
most recent regulatory review and
reform efforts conducted to date in light
of comments from interested parties.
DATES: Written comments and
information are requested on or before
July 11, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
encouraged to submit comments,
identified by ‘‘Regulatory Burden RFI,’’
by any of the following methods:
White House Web site: https://
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Email: Regulatory.Review@ Include ‘‘Regulatory Burden
RFI’’ in the subject line of the message.
Mail: U.S. Department of Energy,
Office of the General Counsel, 1000
Independence Avenue SW., Room
6A245, Washington, DC 20585.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents, or
comments received, go to the Federal
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eRulemaking Portal at https://
The Department’s plan for
retrospective review of its regulations
and its subsequent update reports can
be accessed at
Matthew Zogby, Office of the Assistant
General Counsel for Legislation,
Regulation, and Energy Efficiency, U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of the
General Counsel, 1000 Independence
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585.
January 18, 2011, the President issued
Executive Order 13563, ‘‘Improving
Regulation and Regulatory Review,’’ to
ensure that Federal regulations seek
more affordable, less intrusive means to
achieve policy goals, and that agencies
give careful consideration to the benefits
and costs of those regulations. To that
end, the Executive order requires,
among other things, that:
• Agencies propose or adopt a
regulation only upon a reasoned
determination that its benefits justify its
costs; and that agencies tailor
regulations to impose the least burden
on society, consistent with obtaining the
regulatory objectives, taking into
account, among other things, and to the
extent practicable, the costs of
cumulative regulations; and that,
consistent with applicable law, agencies
select, in choosing among alternative
regulatory approaches, those approaches
that maximize net benefits (including
potential economic, environmental,
public health and safety, and other
advantages; distributive impacts; and
• The regulatory process encourages
public participation and an open
exchange of views, with an opportunity
for the public to comment.
• Agencies coordinate, simplify, and
harmonize regulations to reduce costs
and promote certainty for businesses
and the public.
• Agencies consider low-cost
approaches that reduce burdens and
maintain flexibility.
• Regulations be guided by objective
scientific evidence.
Additionally, the Executive Order
directs agencies to consider how best to
promote retrospective analyses of
existing rules. Specifically, agencies
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were required to develop a plan under
which the agency will periodically
review existing regulations to determine
which should be maintained, modified,
strengthened, or repealed to increase the
effectiveness and decrease the burdens
of the agency’s regulatory program.
DOE’s plan and its subsequent update
reports can be accessed at https://
The Department is committed to
maintaining a consistent culture of
retrospective review and analysis. DOE
will continually engage in review of its
rules to determine whether there are
burdens on the public that can be
avoided by amending or rescinding
existing requirements. To that end, DOE
is publishing this RFI to again explicitly
solicit public input. In addition, DOE is
always open to receiving information
about the impact of its regulations. To
facilitate both this RFI and the ongoing
submission of comments, interested
parties can identify regulations that may
be in need of review at the following
White House Web site: https:// DOE has
also created a link on the Web page of
DOE’s Office of the General Counsel to
an email in-box for the submission of
comments, Regulatory.Review@
While the Department promulgates
rules in accordance with the law and to
the best of its analytic capability, it is
difficult to be certain of the
consequences of a rule, including its
costs and benefits, until it has been
tested. Because knowledge about the
full effects of a rule is widely dispersed
in society, members of the public are
likely to have useful information and
perspectives on the benefits and
burdens of existing requirements and
how regulatory obligations may be
updated, streamlined, revised, or
repealed to better achieve regulatory
objectives, while minimizing regulatory
burdens. Interested parties may also be
well-positioned to identify those rules
that are most in need of review and,
thus, assist the Department in
prioritizing and properly tailoring its
retrospective review process. In short,
engaging the public in an open,
transparent process is a crucial step in
DOE’s review of its existing regulations.
The Department’s dedication to
involve the public in the regulatory
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 90 / Tuesday, May 10, 2016 / Proposed Rules
process includes a number of ongoing
successful public engagement efforts.
These efforts include seeking public
input on the retrospective review
process, posting comments on our Web
page to encourage the public to share
their thoughts on the comments of
others, and considering input received
through a dedicated retrospective
review email address. These efforts
encourage public engagement in the
retrospective review process, and
provide the ability for the public to
comment and engage in a dialog on the
improvement of DOE regulations.
The Department has developed
another innovative way to engage the
public in the regulatory review process.
The Department has tasked the
Appliance Standards and Rulemaking
Federal Advisory Committee (ASRAC)
to assist DOE in the retrospective review
process. ASRAC was created as an
advisory committee to provide advice
and recommendations on the
development of standards and test
procedures for residential appliances
and commercial equipment,
certification and enforcement of
standards, and product labeling. ASRAC
is comprised of representatives from
industry, utilities, energy efficiency/
environmental advocacy groups, and
consumer groups. As a part of the
retrospective regulatory review process,
the Department has tasked ASRAC to
identify particular rules for which
revision would have the most positive
impact and potential improvement to
the regulatory process. ASRAC meetings
are also open to the public and notice
of ASRAC meetings are published in the
Federal Register. ASRAC has also been
tasked with writing a report that details
their recommendations for the
regulatory review process. ASRAC held
two meetings at which retrospective
regulatory review was on the agenda.
Involving ASRAC in the regulatory
review process will provide the public
with another means to help the
Department determine the regulations
that could benefit the most from
retrospective review.
Department of Energy Retrospective
Review Successes
The Department highlights the
examples below as retrospective review
successes resulting from public
engagement in the regulatory process.
For further details and additional
examples, the public is invited to
review DOE’s previous update reports,
available at
restrospective-regulatory-review. New
retrospective successes from DOE’s
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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March 2016 and July 2015 reports are
described below.
(1) DOE published a proposed rule to
amend its regulations for the timely
coordination of Federal Authorizations
for proposed interstate electric
transmission facilities pursuant to
section 216(h) of the Federal Power Act.
This rulemaking will improve the preapplication procedures and result in
more efficient processing of
applications. The proposed rule
implements a number of Presidential
directives, including the Presidential
Memorandum on ‘‘Speeding
Infrastructure Development through
More Efficient and Effective Permitting
and Environmental Review’’ (August 31,
2011), Executive Order 13604,
‘‘Improving Performance of Federal
Permitting and Review of Infrastructure
Projects’’ (March 22, 2012), the
Presidential Memorandum on
‘‘Modernizing Federal Infrastructure
Review and Permitting Regulations,
Policies, and Procedures ’’ (May 17,
2013, and the Presidential
Memorandum on ‘‘Transforming our
Nation’s Electric Grid Through
Improved Siting, Permitting, and
Review’’ (June 7, 2013).
(2) DOE published a final rule
amending the administrative
requirements for grants and cooperative
agreements with for-profit
organizations. Specifically, the rule
modifies title provisions and
requirements related to the handling of
real property and equipment acquired
with federal funds. The rule also adds
provisions related to export control
requirements and supporting U.S.
manufacturing, reporting on utilization
of subject inventions, novation of
financial assistance agreements, and
changes of control of recipients. The
rule will reduce the burden on grant
recipients because they will need to file
only UCC–1s and will not have to
negotiate a separate ‘‘priority’’ term in
their individual grant agreements. As
part of its retrospective review efforts,
DOE will continue to consider input
from affected parties on ways to reduce
burdens on its grant recipients and
entities with which DOE enters
cooperative agreements.
(3) DOE issued a comprehensive
update of regulations in 10 CFR part 810
concerning Assistance to Foreign
Atomic Energy Activities, making the
regulations consistent with current
global civil nuclear trade practices and
nonproliferation norms. DOE has also
initiated a process improvement
program to reduce the public burden
associated with nuclear technology
export authorizations, to reduce specific
authorization processing time, and to
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create a guide to part 810 and an
electronic application and tracking (e810) system. Since the Part 810 final
rule went into effect on March 25, 2015,
DOE has created guidance and FAQs,
which are available online. As a result
of the rule revisions, DOE estimates a
net benefit, for the period 2013–2030, of
$19,896,142 per year at a 7-percent
discount rate and $19,253,076 per year
at a 3-percent discount rate. The process
improvement program is expected to
reduce the time needed for DOE to
process nuclear export authorizations
and provide more transparency to
submitters regarding process steps and
the associated time needed to complete
each step.
List of Questions for Commenters
The following list of questions is
intended to assist in the formulation of
comments and not to restrict the issues
that may be addressed. In addressing
these questions or others, DOE requests
that commenters identify with
specificity the regulation or reporting
requirement at issue, providing legal
citation where available. The
Department also requests that the
submitter provide, in as much detail as
possible, an explanation why a
regulation or reporting requirement
should be modified, streamlined,
expanded, or repealed, as well as
specific suggestions of ways the
Department can better achieve its
regulatory objectives.
(1) How can the Department best
promote meaningful periodic reviews of
its existing rules and how can it best
identify those rules that might be
modified, streamlined, expanded, or
(2) What factors should the agency
consider in selecting and prioritizing
rules and reporting requirements for
(3) Are there regulations that are or
have become unnecessary, ineffective,
or ill advised and, if so, what are they?
Are there rules that can simply be
repealed without impairing the
Department’s regulatory programs and,
if so, what are they?
(4) Are there rules or reporting
requirements that have become outdated
and, if so, how can they be modernized
to accomplish their regulatory objectives
(5) Are there rules that are still
necessary, but have not operated as well
as expected such that a modified,
stronger, or slightly different approach
is justified?
(6) Does the Department currently
collect information that it does not need
or use effectively to achieve regulatory
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 90 / Tuesday, May 10, 2016 / Proposed Rules
(7) Are there regulations, reporting
requirements, or regulatory processes
that are unnecessarily complicated or
could be streamlined to achieve
regulatory objectives in more efficient
(8) Are there rules or reporting
requirements that have been overtaken
by technological developments? Can
new technologies be leveraged to
modify, streamline, or do away with
existing regulatory or reporting
(9) How can the Department best
obtain and consider accurate, objective
information and data about the costs,
burdens, and benefits of existing
regulations? Are there existing sources
of data the Department can use to
evaluate the post-promulgation effects
of regulations over time? We invite
interested parties to provide data that
may be in their possession that
documents the costs, burdens, and
benefits of existing requirements.
(10) Are there regulations that are
working well that can be expanded or
used as a model to fill gaps in other
DOE regulatory programs?
The Department notes that this RFI is
issued solely for information and
program-planning purposes. Responses
to this RFI do not bind DOE to any
further actions related to the response.
All submissions will be made publically
available on
Issued in Washington, DC on May 3, 2016.
Steven P. Croley,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2016–10956 Filed 5–9–16; 8:45 am]
Food and Nutrition Service
7 CFR Parts 272, 274, and 280
[FNS 2015–0021]
RIN 0584–AE00
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP): Disaster
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (D–SNAP)
Food and Nutrition Service,
ACTION: Proposed rule.
This proposed rule would
amend the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly
the Food Stamp Program) regulations to
establish procedures for planning,
requesting and operating a Disaster
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Program (D–SNAP). The rulemaking is
necessary to implement a section of the
Food and Nutrition Act of 2008. This
rulemaking also addresses a section of
the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief
and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988
and accompanying Executive Order
12673, which provides the authority for
the Department to determine the need
for SNAP assistance during a
presidentially-declared disaster.
DATES: Written comments on this
proposed rule must be received on or
before July 11, 2016.
ADDRESSES: The Food and Nutrition
Service (FNS) invites interested persons
to submit comments on this proposed
rule. Comments may be submitted by
any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Preferred
method. Go to https://; follow the online
instructions for submitting comments
on Docket FNS 2015–0021.
FAX: Submit comments by facsimile
transmission to (703) 305–2486,
attention: Sasha Gersten-Paal.
Mail: Send comments to Sasha
Gersten-Paal, Branch Chief, Certification
Policy Branch, Program Development
Division, Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program, Food and Nutrition
Service, 3101 Park Center Drive, Room
812, Alexandria, Virginia, 22302, (703)
Hand Delivery or Courier: Deliver
comments to Sasha Gersten-Paal at the
above address.
Additional electronic filing
information: You may download a copy
of this rule from
SNAP. You may also comment via the
Internet at the same address. Please
include ATTENTION RIN: 0584–AE00
in the subject line and your name and
address in the message. If you do not
receive a confirmation that we have
received your comment please call
Sasha Gersten-Paal at 703–305–2507.
All comments on this proposed rule
will be included in the record and will
be made available to the public. Please
be advised that the substance of the
comments and the identity of the
individuals or entities submitting the
comments will be subject to public
disclosure. FNS will make the
comments publicly available on the
Internet via
All submissions will be available for
public inspection at the office of FNS
during regular business hours (8:30 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday) at
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 810,
Alexandria, Virginia 22302–1594.
Written comments on this proposed
rule should be specific, confined to
issues pertinent to the rule, and should
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explain the reason for any change you
recommend. Where possible, you
should reference the specific section or
paragraph you are addressing. We may
not consider or include in the
Administrative Record that supports the
final rulemaking comments that we
receive after the close of the comment
period or comments delivered to an
address other than that listed above. We
will make available all comments for
public inspection, including, name,
address and other contact information of
respondents. If you wish to request that
we consider withholding your name,
address, or other contact information
from public review or from disclosure
under the Freedom of Information Act,
you must state this prominently at the
beginning of your comment. We will
honor requests for confidentiality on a
case-by-case basis to the extent allowed
by law. We will make available for
public inspection in their entirety all
submissions from organizations or
businesses, and from individuals
identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses.
further information concerning this
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)
you may contact Sasha Gersten-Paal,
Branch Chief, Certification Policy
Branch, Program Development Division,
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program, 3101 Park Center Drive, Room
810, Alexandria, Virginia, 22302, or by
email at Sasha.Gersten-Paal@
The basic premise underlying the D–
SNAP and this proposed rule is that
when a disaster occurs (and after
commercial channels of food
distribution are operating again) there is
an increased and immediate need for
nutrition assistance for families that
have suffered loss of income and/or
incurred additional costs due to the
disaster. SNAP is not designed to take
disaster-related expenses into account
in determining eligibility. SNAP
eligibility requirements typically do not
match the sudden (but temporary) needs
of households affected by disaster, and
SNAP’s procedural requirements make
it difficult for States to handle the large
number of people suddenly in need of
immediate assistance. Thus, it may be
necessary to implement a D–SNAP that
uses a different set of rules to determine
need and issue benefits.
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 90 (Tuesday, May 10, 2016)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 28736-28738]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-10956]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 90 / Tuesday, May 10, 2016 / Proposed
[[Page 28736]]
5 CFR Chapter XXIII
10 CFR Chapters II, III, and X
Reducing Regulatory Burden
AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel, Department of Energy.
ACTION: Request for information (RFI).
SUMMARY: As part of its implementation of Executive Order 13563,
``Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review,'' issued by the President
on January 18, 2011, the Department of Energy (Department or DOE) is
seeking comments and information from interested parties to assist DOE
in reviewing its existing regulations to determine whether any such
regulations should be modified, streamlined, expanded, or repealed. The
purpose of DOE's review is to make the agency's regulatory program more
effective and less burdensome in achieving its regulatory objectives.
In this request for information, DOE also highlights its most recent
regulatory review and reform efforts conducted to date in light of
comments from interested parties.
DATES: Written comments and information are requested on or before July
11, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are encouraged to submit comments,
identified by ``Regulatory Burden RFI,'' by any of the following
White House Web site:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Email: Include ``Regulatory Burden
RFI'' in the subject line of the message.
Mail: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
1000 Independence Avenue SW., Room 6A245, Washington, DC 20585.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents, or
comments received, go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal at
The Department's plan for retrospective review of its regulations
and its subsequent update reports can be accessed at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew Zogby, Office of the Assistant
General Counsel for Legislation, Regulation, and Energy Efficiency,
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General Counsel, 1000
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585. Email:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On January 18, 2011, the President issued
Executive Order 13563, ``Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review,''
to ensure that Federal regulations seek more affordable, less intrusive
means to achieve policy goals, and that agencies give careful
consideration to the benefits and costs of those regulations. To that
end, the Executive order requires, among other things, that:
Agencies propose or adopt a regulation only upon a
reasoned determination that its benefits justify its costs; and that
agencies tailor regulations to impose the least burden on society,
consistent with obtaining the regulatory objectives, taking into
account, among other things, and to the extent practicable, the costs
of cumulative regulations; and that, consistent with applicable law,
agencies select, in choosing among alternative regulatory approaches,
those approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other
advantages; distributive impacts; and equity).
The regulatory process encourages public participation and
an open exchange of views, with an opportunity for the public to
Agencies coordinate, simplify, and harmonize regulations
to reduce costs and promote certainty for businesses and the public.
Agencies consider low-cost approaches that reduce burdens
and maintain flexibility.
Regulations be guided by objective scientific evidence.
Additionally, the Executive Order directs agencies to consider how
best to promote retrospective analyses of existing rules. Specifically,
agencies were required to develop a plan under which the agency will
periodically review existing regulations to determine which should be
maintained, modified, strengthened, or repealed to increase the
effectiveness and decrease the burdens of the agency's regulatory
program. DOE's plan and its subsequent update reports can be accessed
The Department is committed to maintaining a consistent culture of
retrospective review and analysis. DOE will continually engage in
review of its rules to determine whether there are burdens on the
public that can be avoided by amending or rescinding existing
requirements. To that end, DOE is publishing this RFI to again
explicitly solicit public input. In addition, DOE is always open to
receiving information about the impact of its regulations. To
facilitate both this RFI and the ongoing submission of comments,
interested parties can identify regulations that may be in need of
review at the following White House Web site: DOE has also created a link on the Web page
of DOE's Office of the General Counsel to an email in-box for the
submission of comments,
While the Department promulgates rules in accordance with the law
and to the best of its analytic capability, it is difficult to be
certain of the consequences of a rule, including its costs and
benefits, until it has been tested. Because knowledge about the full
effects of a rule is widely dispersed in society, members of the public
are likely to have useful information and perspectives on the benefits
and burdens of existing requirements and how regulatory obligations may
be updated, streamlined, revised, or repealed to better achieve
regulatory objectives, while minimizing regulatory burdens. Interested
parties may also be well-positioned to identify those rules that are
most in need of review and, thus, assist the Department in prioritizing
and properly tailoring its retrospective review process. In short,
engaging the public in an open, transparent process is a crucial step
in DOE's review of its existing regulations.
The Department's dedication to involve the public in the regulatory
[[Page 28737]]
process includes a number of ongoing successful public engagement
efforts. These efforts include seeking public input on the
retrospective review process, posting comments on our Web page to
encourage the public to share their thoughts on the comments of others,
and considering input received through a dedicated retrospective review
email address. These efforts encourage public engagement in the
retrospective review process, and provide the ability for the public to
comment and engage in a dialog on the improvement of DOE regulations.
The Department has developed another innovative way to engage the
public in the regulatory review process. The Department has tasked the
Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee (ASRAC)
to assist DOE in the retrospective review process. ASRAC was created as
an advisory committee to provide advice and recommendations on the
development of standards and test procedures for residential appliances
and commercial equipment, certification and enforcement of standards,
and product labeling. ASRAC is comprised of representatives from
industry, utilities, energy efficiency/environmental advocacy groups,
and consumer groups. As a part of the retrospective regulatory review
process, the Department has tasked ASRAC to identify particular rules
for which revision would have the most positive impact and potential
improvement to the regulatory process. ASRAC meetings are also open to
the public and notice of ASRAC meetings are published in the Federal
Register. ASRAC has also been tasked with writing a report that details
their recommendations for the regulatory review process. ASRAC held two
meetings at which retrospective regulatory review was on the agenda.
Involving ASRAC in the regulatory review process will provide the
public with another means to help the Department determine the
regulations that could benefit the most from retrospective review.
Department of Energy Retrospective Review Successes
The Department highlights the examples below as retrospective
review successes resulting from public engagement in the regulatory
process. For further details and additional examples, the public is
invited to review DOE's previous update reports, available at New retrospective successes from DOE's March 2016 and July 2015
reports are described below.
(1) DOE published a proposed rule to amend its regulations for the
timely coordination of Federal Authorizations for proposed interstate
electric transmission facilities pursuant to section 216(h) of the
Federal Power Act. This rulemaking will improve the pre-application
procedures and result in more efficient processing of applications. The
proposed rule implements a number of Presidential directives, including
the Presidential Memorandum on ``Speeding Infrastructure Development
through More Efficient and Effective Permitting and Environmental
Review'' (August 31, 2011), Executive Order 13604, ``Improving
Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure
Projects'' (March 22, 2012), the Presidential Memorandum on
``Modernizing Federal Infrastructure Review and Permitting Regulations,
Policies, and Procedures '' (May 17, 2013, and the Presidential
Memorandum on ``Transforming our Nation's Electric Grid Through
Improved Siting, Permitting, and Review'' (June 7, 2013).
(2) DOE published a final rule amending the administrative
requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with for-profit
organizations. Specifically, the rule modifies title provisions and
requirements related to the handling of real property and equipment
acquired with federal funds. The rule also adds provisions related to
export control requirements and supporting U.S. manufacturing,
reporting on utilization of subject inventions, novation of financial
assistance agreements, and changes of control of recipients. The rule
will reduce the burden on grant recipients because they will need to
file only UCC-1s and will not have to negotiate a separate ``priority''
term in their individual grant agreements. As part of its retrospective
review efforts, DOE will continue to consider input from affected
parties on ways to reduce burdens on its grant recipients and entities
with which DOE enters cooperative agreements.
(3) DOE issued a comprehensive update of regulations in 10 CFR part
810 concerning Assistance to Foreign Atomic Energy Activities, making
the regulations consistent with current global civil nuclear trade
practices and nonproliferation norms. DOE has also initiated a process
improvement program to reduce the public burden associated with nuclear
technology export authorizations, to reduce specific authorization
processing time, and to create a guide to part 810 and an electronic
application and tracking (e-810) system. Since the Part 810 final rule
went into effect on March 25, 2015, DOE has created guidance and FAQs,
which are available online. As a result of the rule revisions, DOE
estimates a net benefit, for the period 2013-2030, of $19,896,142 per
year at a 7-percent discount rate and $19,253,076 per year at a 3-
percent discount rate. The process improvement program is expected to
reduce the time needed for DOE to process nuclear export authorizations
and provide more transparency to submitters regarding process steps and
the associated time needed to complete each step.
List of Questions for Commenters
The following list of questions is intended to assist in the
formulation of comments and not to restrict the issues that may be
addressed. In addressing these questions or others, DOE requests that
commenters identify with specificity the regulation or reporting
requirement at issue, providing legal citation where available. The
Department also requests that the submitter provide, in as much detail
as possible, an explanation why a regulation or reporting requirement
should be modified, streamlined, expanded, or repealed, as well as
specific suggestions of ways the Department can better achieve its
regulatory objectives.
(1) How can the Department best promote meaningful periodic reviews
of its existing rules and how can it best identify those rules that
might be modified, streamlined, expanded, or repealed?
(2) What factors should the agency consider in selecting and
prioritizing rules and reporting requirements for review?
(3) Are there regulations that are or have become unnecessary,
ineffective, or ill advised and, if so, what are they? Are there rules
that can simply be repealed without impairing the Department's
regulatory programs and, if so, what are they?
(4) Are there rules or reporting requirements that have become
outdated and, if so, how can they be modernized to accomplish their
regulatory objectives better?
(5) Are there rules that are still necessary, but have not operated
as well as expected such that a modified, stronger, or slightly
different approach is justified?
(6) Does the Department currently collect information that it does
not need or use effectively to achieve regulatory objectives?
[[Page 28738]]
(7) Are there regulations, reporting requirements, or regulatory
processes that are unnecessarily complicated or could be streamlined to
achieve regulatory objectives in more efficient ways?
(8) Are there rules or reporting requirements that have been
overtaken by technological developments? Can new technologies be
leveraged to modify, streamline, or do away with existing regulatory or
reporting requirements?
(9) How can the Department best obtain and consider accurate,
objective information and data about the costs, burdens, and benefits
of existing regulations? Are there existing sources of data the
Department can use to evaluate the post-promulgation effects of
regulations over time? We invite interested parties to provide data
that may be in their possession that documents the costs, burdens, and
benefits of existing requirements.
(10) Are there regulations that are working well that can be
expanded or used as a model to fill gaps in other DOE regulatory
The Department notes that this RFI is issued solely for information
and program-planning purposes. Responses to this RFI do not bind DOE to
any further actions related to the response. All submissions will be
made publically available on
Issued in Washington, DC on May 3, 2016.
Steven P. Croley,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2016-10956 Filed 5-9-16; 8:45 am]