Notice of Availability of Proposed Changes to Section I of the Indiana Field Office Technical Guide for Public Review and Comment, 27393-27406 [2016-10218]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
Dated: May 2, 2016.
Julie K. King,
Forest Supervisor.
Forest Service
[FR Doc. 2016–10721 Filed 5–5–16; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
May 2, 2016.
The Department of Agriculture has
submitted the following information
collection requirement(s) to OMB for
review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. Comments are
requested regarding (1) whether the
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of burden including
the validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques and
other forms of information technology.
Comments regarding this information
collection received by June 6, 2016 will
be considered. Written comments
should be addressed to: Desk Officer for
Agriculture, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), New
Executive Office Building, 725 17th
Street NW., Washington, DC 20503.
Commentors are encouraged to submit
their comments to OMB via email to: or fax
(202) 395–5806 and to Departmental
Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail
Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250–
7602. Copies of the submission(s) may
be obtained by calling (202) 720–8681.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a currently valid OMB control
number and the agency informs
potential persons who are to respond to
the collection of information that such
persons are not required to respond to
the collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
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Title: Recreation Fee and Wilderness
Program Administration.
OMB Control Number: 0596–0106.
Summary of Collection: The Federal
Lands Recreation and Enhancement Act
(16 U.S.C. 6801–6814) authorizes the
Forest Service (FS) to collect recreation
fees for use of government facilities and
services. The Organic Administration
Act (16 U.S.C. 473), the Wilderness Act
(16 U.S.C. 1131), and Wild and Scenic
Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1271) authorize FS
to collect information from National
Forest System visitors who are asked to
describe the location of their visit and
estimated duration of stay. Every year
millions of people visit National Forest
System recreations sites. At some of
these sites, the public is required to pay
a fee to use the site. Fees are charged to
help cover the costs of operating and
maintaining fee sites, areas, and
facilities such as campgrounds. FS will
collect information from the forms to
document when visitors pay a required
recreation fee and to schedule requests
for use and occupancy of government
owned facilities.
Need and use of the Information:
Forms used to collection information
and fees from visitors: (1) The
Recreation Fee Permit Envelope (FS
2300–26 and 26a); (2) Permit for ShortTerm, Non-commercial Use of
Government-Owned Cabins and
Lookouts (FS 2300–43); (3) Visitor
Permit (FS–2300–30); (4) Visitor
Registration Card (FS–2300–32); (5)
National Recreation Application (FS–
2300–47) and (6) National Recreation
Permit (FS–2300–48). Personal
information includes, but not limited to,
names, addresses, telephone number,
length of stay, amount paid, requested
dates of occupancy, party size and
vehicle registration are collected. If this
information and fees was not collected
FS could not monitor visitation rates in
special management areas to prevent
overuse and site deterioration in
environmentally sensitive areas.
Description of Respondents:
Individuals or households.
Number of Respondents: 2,228,000.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
Other (per visit).
Total Burden Hours: 119,000.
Natural Resources Conservation
Charlene Parker,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2016–10722 Filed 5–5–16; 8:45 am]
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[Docket No. NRCS–2016–0003]
Notice of Availability of Proposed
Changes to Section I of the Indiana
Field Office Technical Guide for Public
Review and Comment
Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS), United
States Department of Agriculture
ACTION: Notice and request for
NRCS is proposing to revise
Section I of the Indiana Field Office
Technical Guide to include ‘‘Guidance
for Indiana Wetland Determinations,
Including the use of Offsite Methods, to
Identify Wetlands, Wetland Types, and
Their Size for the 1985 Food Security
Act, as amended,’’ which will replace
the existing ‘‘Wetland Mapping
Conventions for Agricultural Land and
Narrow Band and Small Pocket
Inclusions of Non-Agricultural Land’’
(commonly referred as State Wetland
Mapping Conventions).
DATES: Effective Date: This notice is
effective May 6, 2016. ‘‘Guidance for
Indiana Wetland Determinations,
Including the use of Offsite Methods, to
Identify Wetlands, Wetland Types, and
Their Size for the 1985 Food Security
Act, as amended’’ is in final draft,
subject to revision and will be utilized
immediately in order to better service
requests for wetland determinations for
compliance with the Food Security Act
of 1985 (as amended) in a timely
Comment Date: Submit comments on
or before June 6, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
submitted, identified by Docket Number
NRCS–2016–0003, using any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail or hand-delivery: Submit state
specific comments to the Indiana NRCS
State Office, located at 6013 Lakeside
Boulevard, Indianapolis Indiana 61821.
NRCS will post all comments on In general,
personal information provided with
comments will be posted. If your
comment includes your address, phone
number, email, or other personal
identifying information, your
comments, including personal
information, may be available to the
public. You may ask in your comment
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
that your personal identifying
information be withheld from public
view, but this cannot be guaranteed.
E. Hardisty, State Conservationist,
Telephone: (317) 295–5801
for Indiana Wetland Determinations,
Including the use of Offsite Methods, To
Identify Wetlands, Wetland Types, and
Their Size for the 1985 Food Security
Act, as amended’’ will be used as part
of the technical documents and
procedures to conduct wetland
determinations on agricultural land as
required by 16 U.S.C. 3822. NRCS is
required by 16 U.S.C. 3862 to make
available for public review and
comment all proposed revisions to
standards and procedures used to carry
out highly erodible land and wetland
provisions of the law. All comments
will be considered. If no comments are
received, ‘‘Guidance for Indiana
Wetland Determinations, Including the
use of Offsite Methods, to Identify
Wetlands, Wetland Types, and Their
Size for the 1985 Food Security Act, as
amended’’ will be considered final.
Electronic copies of the proposed
‘‘Guidance for Indiana Wetland
Determinations, Including the use of
Offsite Methods, to Identify Wetlands,
Wetland Types, and Their Size for the
1985 Food Security Act, as amended’’
are available through https:// by accessing Docket No.
NRCS–2016–0003. Alternatively, copies
can be downloaded or printed from the
Indiana NRCS Web site located at https://
site/in/home/. Requests for paper
versions or inquiries may be directed to
the Indiana State Conservationist at the
contact point shown above.
Signed this 21 day of April, 2016.
Jane E. Hardisty,
Indiana State Conservationist.
United States Department of
Indiana Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Guidance for Indiana Wetland
Determinations, Including the use of
Offsite Methods, To Identify Wetlands,
Wetland Types, and Their Size For the
1985 Food Security Act, as amended.
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................................................
1.0 FOOD SECURITY ACT OF 1985, AS AMENDED WETLAND DETERMINATION PROCESS STEP 1: WETLAND IDENTIFICATION ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
1.1 DEVELOPMENT OF SAMPLING UNTS BASED ON NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES ..................................................................
1.2 DETERMINE REMOTE INDICATORS FOR HYDRIC SOILS .........................................................................................................
1.3 DETERMINE REMOTE INDICATORS FOR WETLAND HYDROLOGY ........................................................................................
1.4 DETERMINE REMOTE INDICATORS FOR HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION ...............................................................................
1.5 DEVELOPEMENT OF THE BASE MAP ..........................................................................................................................................
LABELS .................................................................................................................................................................................................
2.1 VERIFICATION OF PRE–DECEMBER 23, 1985 CROPPING HISTORY ........................................................................................
2.2 VERIFICATION OF PRE–DECEMBER 23, 1985 MANIPULATIONS ............................................................................................
2.3 VERIFICATION OF POST–DECEMBER 23, 1985 MANIPULATION OR CONVERSION ............................................................
2.4 VERIFICATION OF CROPPED GLACIATED POTHOLE LANDFORM .........................................................................................
2.5 VERIFICATION OF PASTURED DEPRESSIONAL LANDFORMS ................................................................................................
2.6 VERIFICATION OF CROPPED DEPRESSIONAL LANDFORMS ...................................................................................................
2.7 DETERMINATION OF THE REQUIRED CONDITIONS FOR WC LABELS .................................................................................
3.0 FOOD SECURITY ACT OF 1985, AS AMENDED WETLAND DETERMINATION PROCESS STEP 3: CERTIFIED WETLAND DETERMINATION MAP ...........................................................................................................................................................
3.2 CERTIFIED WETLAND DETERMINATION (CWD) MAP ..............................................................................................................
4.0 ATTACHMENTS ..............................................................................................................................................................................
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The National Food Security Act
Manual (NFSAM) provides internal
agency policy related to the Highly
Erodible Land Conservation and
Wetland Conservation provisions of the
1985 Food Security Act, as amended
(FSA *). Part 514.7 of the NFSAM
explains that the FSA wetland
determination process requires a
technical determination of whether the
site (sampling unit) is a wetland, then
a separate, independent determination
of whether any exemptions to the
provisions apply. Based on these two
decisions, a certified wetland
determination map is prepared with an
appropriate Wetland Conservation (WC)
label assigned to each sampling unit.
The size of each area with a WC label
is provided. Thus, the FSA wetland
* To properly differentiate between the Food
Security Act and the Farm Service Agency, ‘‘FSA’’
will refer to the 1985 Food Security Act and ‘‘Farm
Services Agency’’ will be spelled out.
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determination decision includes three
independent steps: Step 1: Wetland
Identification, Step 2: Assignment of
WC Labels and Step 3: Sizing.
To accomplish the first step (wetland
identification), the Secretary of
Agriculture directed the Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
to develop and use offsite and onsite
wetland identification procedures (7
CFR 12.30(a)(4)). The NRCS responded
by providing such procedures in the
The NFSAM Part 527 FSA Wetland
Identification Procedures, as distributed
through Circular 6 in December 2010,
directs that NRCS will utilize Part IV:
Methods, contained in the Corps of
Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual
(Corps Manual) for onsite and offsite
determinations. The NFSAM explains
that the on-site procedures contained in
the Corps Manual are supplemented by
the Corps Regional Supplements and
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the FSA variances to the Corps
Methods, as provided in Part 527 FSA
Wetland Identification Procedures.
The second step (Assignment of
Wetland Conservation Labels) assigns
labels identified in NFSAM Part 514 to
each sampling unit. The methodology
for this step involves taking the Step 1:
Wetland Identification, which is either
‘‘Yes, the site meets the FSA definition
of a wetland’’ or ‘‘No, the site does not
meet the FSA definition of a wetland’’,
reviewing the data for activities that
have affected the wetland nature of the
site and assigning a FSA label to the
sampling unit in response to the
disturbances, if any, done to the area
within the sampling unit. This assigning
of FSA labels is a straight forward
determination that the data reviewed
indicates that the site meets the
definition of the FSA label.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The third step is to review the
ecological conditions of the site for a
change in the overall size from the Step
1: Wetland Identification, to the present
day with an analysis of the correctness
of a specific Wetland Type Label for a
specific size.
This step is designed to take notice of
sample units meet a FSA label of a type
of wetland that then may have
decreased in size after December 23,
1985, and may require a change in label
to document that the sampling unit was
manipulated or converted.
On the other hand, an increase in the
size of a sampling unit may also
indicate the change in a FSA label from
a type of non-wetland to wetland where
an exemption still applies to the
increased size and can be converted into
land suitable for crop production.
The FSA Wetland Identification
Procedures provide that the US Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) offsite
procedures found in Part IV, Section D,
Subsection 1—‘‘Onsite Inspection
Unnecessary’’ can be augmented with
the development of State Offsite
Methods (SOSM). The purpose of this
document is to provide procedures that
the NRCS in Indiana will use for
rendering decisions when onsite
inspection (field indicators) is
unnecessary. Additionally, this
document provides guidance related to
the assignment of FSA labels and sizing.
The SOSM incorporates by reference
the current versions and pertinent
sections of the following Documents
(and their location):
1. National Food Security Act Manual
2. 20101 Food Security Act Wetland
Identification Procedures (NFSAM Part
527 Appendix)
3. 1987 United States Army Corps of
Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual,
Technical Report Y–87–1 (on-line
4. USACE Regional Supplements
Eastern Mountains and Piedmont,
Midwest, and North Central and
Northeast Regions to the ’87 Manual
(on-line editions)
5. Hydrology Tools for Wetland
Determination (Title 210 Engineering,
National Engineering Handbook (NEH),
Part 650, Engineering Field Handbook
(EFH), Chapter 19)
The Assignment of Wetland Types
and The Sizing of Wetlands Procedures
(WTSP) can be used either offsite or onsite, and both incorporate by reference
the current versions and pertinent
sections of NFSAM Parts 514 (Labels)
and 515 (Minimal Effect and Mitigation
Exemption). These labels were
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developed to account for all of the
various kinds of wetlands defined in
7CFR12.2–Wetland determinations and
the different exemptions to be applied
to those wetlands as found in 7 CFR
12.5(b)–Exemptions for wetlands and
converted wetlands. The sizing of
wetlands is a procedure to ensure that
the label is correct for the entire area of
the sampling unit based on the
aforementioned references used for the
Assignment of Wetland Types. NRCS
has used Part IV of the 1987 USACE
Delineation Manual as the base
document for the development of SOSM
while incorporating the variances from
the FSA Wetland Identification
Procedures without any alterations, so it
is anticipated that there will be few, if
any, differences with the existing
wetland determination system.
Paragraph (2–14) of the FSA Wetland
Identification Procedures defines SOSM
as ‘‘Methods developed by the NRCS for
the sole purpose of supplementing the
offsite methodology in the Corp Manual
(decisions made using Level 1 or Level
3) for use in identifying wetlands for
FSA purposes. The adoption process for
State Offsite Methods will include
solicitation of State Technical
Committee recommendations. These
methods may replace or supplement
methods provided for in State Mapping
Indiana NRCS presented the SOSM to
the Indiana State Technical Committee
on February 24, 2015 and April 9, 2015
to solicit feedback and
recommendations as required in
paragraph (2–14) of the FSA Wetland
Identification Procedures. NRCS also
presented the WTSP to the committee to
demonstrate how the FSA label
assignment and sizing procedure carries
on the information collected to make the
Wetland Identification. All of the
methodologies and procedures
developed for Indiana take into account
unique regional, state, and local wetland
characteristics. This document adheres
to regulations and policies in effect as
of the date of this document but may be
subject to change. Specific changes
required by CFR will be implemented
without concurrence from other
agencies while changes in methodology
and procedures will be vetted with the
For FSA purposes, the term
‘‘wetland’’ is defined in 16 U.S.C.
3801(a)(18) as land that—
A) Has a predominance of hydric
B) Is inundated or saturated by
surface or groundwater at a frequency
and duration sufficient to support a
prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation
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typically adapted for life in saturated
soil conditions.
C) Under normal circumstances
supports a prevalence of such
According to paragraph (3–2) of the
FSA Wetland Identification Procedures,
‘‘This definition is unique to the statute,
and all decisions regarding the
identification of FSA wetlands must be
based on this definition. The statute
adds further clarity to the concept of an
FSA wetland by defining ‘‘hydric soil’’
and ‘‘hydrophytic vegetation’’ (as those
concepts will be applied to the Wetland
Conservation provisions) and by the
specific direction given to the Secretary
as to the hydric soils and hydrophytic
vegetation criteria that must be
developed by USDA (16 U.S.C. Section
Wetland identification decisions are
based on conditions that are expected to
occur under Normal Circumstances. The
FSA Wetland Identification Procedures
paragraph (2–10) defines Normal
Circumstances (NC) as, ‘‘The soil and
hydrologic conditions that are normally
present, without regard to whether the
vegetation has been removed (7 CFR
12.31(b)(2)(i)). For FSA wetland
identification purposes, this concept is
the consideration of normal and
abnormal climate-based site changes
and natural and artificial disturbancebased site changes that can create
wetland identification challenges.
‘‘Normally present’’ is further explained
as the vegetative, soil, and hydrologic
conditions that occur under both of
these conditions:
a. Without regard to whether the site
has been subject to drainage actions (see
drainage definition) after December 23,
1985, and without regard to whether the
vegetation has been removed or
significantly altered.
b. During the wet portion of the
growing season under normal climatic
conditions (normal environmental
The FSA Wetland Identification
Procedures paragraph (2–11) defines
Normal Environmental Conditions
(NEC) as ‘‘The climate-based concept of
NC, defined as the physical conditions,
characteristics (hydrology, soil, and
vegetation), or both that would exist in
a typical situation (2–12) on a site
during the wet portion of the growing
season in a normal climatic year.’’
Normal Circumstances as used in the
FSA wetland definition requires that
decisions be based not on anomalies,
but rather what would normally occur
on the sampling unit during NEC (FSA
Procedures paragraph 3–3). In the Corps
methods, the concept of ‘‘normal’’ is
separated into the disturbance-based
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
concept of normal circumstances
(typical/atypical situations) and the
climate-based concept of normal
circumstances called ‘‘normal
environmental conditions’’ (NEC). The
NRCS adopts this concept that a
determination of ‘‘normal’’ is a twopronged consideration (FSA Procedures
paragraph 3–4). For FSA purposes the
agency expert will determine the normal
circumstances (NC) of the sampling unit
as those that would be expected to
(1) In the absence of post-December
23, 1985 drainage actions that alter the
normal soil or hydrologic conditions.
(2) In the absence of an alteration
(removal or change) in the plant
community such that a decision cannot
be made if the site would support a
prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation if
(3) During the wet portion of the
growing season during a year
experiencing normal weather patterns.
In the absence of direct evidence, the
decision if a sampling unit meets a
particular diagnostic factor (wetland
hydrology, prevalence of hydrophytic
vegetation, and a predominance of
hydric soils) is assisted by confirmation
of the presence of indicators. The use of
indicators to predict the conditions that
would occur under NC is referred to as
the ‘‘indicator-based approach to
wetland identification.’’ The presence or
lack of indicators can be determined
using remotely sensed data sources or
onsite observations. USACE, United
States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), and NRCS use the indicatorbased approach to assist in decisionmaking. The ultimate decision if a site
meets the FSA criteria for any of the
three diagnostic factors is made from a
preponderance of evidence, best
professional judgment, and the FSA
definitions and criteria of hydrophytic
vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland
hydrology (FSA Wetland Identification
Procedures paragraph 4–3).
According to Paragraph 4–4 of the
FSA Wetland Identification Procedures,
‘‘The decision if the site is a Food
Security Act wetland is ultimately
rendered based on the determination of
a presence or absence of each of the
three factors under NC. Areas
determined to support wetland
hydrology, a prevalence of hydrophytic
vegetation, and a predominance of
hydric soils (all under NC), as each
factor is defined by the FSA, are
wetlands subject to the WC provisions of
the act.’’
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On-site Visits Required by
7CFR12(a)(6) is cited in NFSAM Part
514.1.A(3)(v) as requiring an on-site
investigation of FSA–569 ‘‘NRCS Report
of HELC and WC Compliance’’ requests
or whistleblower complaints. Other
situations that require an on-site
investigation include a specific request
for an onsite determination; as a
condition of withholding program
benefits; servicing an appeal; or a
request for a pre-conversion minimal
effect determination.
In addition, an on-site visit is required
any time an agency expert:
1) Cannot accumulate enough offsite
data to complete the decision-making
process, or
2) Finds that the accumulated data do
not give a clear and definitive
At each significant decision-making
point in the offsite procedure, the
agency expert will consider whether an
on-site inspection procedure is needed.
It is not the intent of the SOSM to
always provide a determination answer.
The intent of the SOSM is to provide a
body of data to the agency expert that
can be used to make an offsite
determination if the data is of sufficient
quantity and quality. If not, then the
offsite data will be used to assist in
making an on-site determination.
Modifying the procedure—
The FSA wetland determination
process makes use of two parts of the
1987 USACE Wetland Delineation
Manual; Paragraph 23 of the
Introduction and Part IV minus the
comprehensive method (NFSAM, Part
527(5–3). Paragraph 23, entitled
‘‘Flexibility’’, addresses the possibility
of the need to modify the procedures.
NRCS has developed modifications to
the process as required by the FSA and
its amendments. These modifications
are incorporated into the ‘‘2010 Food
Security Act Wetland Identification
Procedure’’ (FSA Wetland Identification
Procedure) as variances and are used in
the SOSM and other procedures in this
document. Paragraph 23 requires all
modifications to be explained so that all
variances will be cited when used. No
further modifications to the SOSM or
other procedures are authorized. Any
need to modify the SOSM or other
offsite procedures themselves is an
indication that a Level 2 or Level 3 onsite determination is necessary.
Locally produced evidence—
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7 CFR 12.5(b)(7) ‘‘Responsibility to
provide evidence’’ states it is the person
who is seeking an exemption listed in
7 CFR 12.5(b)(1–5) to a converted
wetland (any time before or after
December 23, 1985) to provide evidence
in seeking that exemption. It is not the
NRCS’ responsibility to search for such
evidence outside of this procedure;
rather, it is the NRCS’ responsibility to
see if the participant-provided evidence
can be confirmed and to ensure that the
person has had such an opportunity.
Locally produced evidence will be
considered as a source of data alongside
all other data used to make the offsite
determination. NOTE: In this instance
the use of the word ‘‘converted’’ is in
reference to 7CFR12.2(3), meaning a
manipulation creating ground suitable
for crop production at any time before
or after December 23, 1985. This is not
referring to the use of the FSA Labels
‘‘Converted Wetland’’ or ‘‘Converted
Wetland + Year’’.
As stated in the NFSAM in Part 514.1,
‘‘Certified wetland determinations must
be completed by a qualified NRCS
employee, as determined by the State
Conservationist. Qualified employees
(i.e., agency experts) must meet all of
the following criteria:
1. Have completed all the required
training, including updated courses.
2. Have the appropriate job-approval
3. Have demonstrated proficiency in
making certified wetland
Persons using these SOSM must have
the appropriate ‘‘Wetland Job Approval
Authority(s)’’ delegated and
documented in accordance with current
NRCS policy.
The first step in the wetland
identification process is to subdivide
the project into different areas called
sampling units (FSA Procedures (2–12))
and identify each sampling unit on a
base map. For each sampling unit, an
independent consideration of each of
the three wetland diagnostic factors is
made. For each sampling unit, the
agency expert must decide which level
of determination outlined in ‘‘Section C:
Selection of Method’’ of the USACE
1987 Wetland Delineation Manual is
most appropriate as follows—
• Level 1 is rendering a decision
using offsite resources for each of the
three factors. The assessment of each
factor must be independent of the other
factors and a different remote data
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
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source must be used for each factor.
NOTE: A single resource document
(tool) can contain multiple data sources.
Each can be used as an indicator for a
different factor. For example, a soil
survey contains multiple data sources
(soils map, hydrology data, vegetative
data, and use limitation data). Highaccuracy Digital Elevation Models
(DEMs) derived from Light Detection
and Ranging (LIDAR) data and United
States Geological Survey (USGS)
topographic maps are sources for
elevation data, land use data, and
hydrology data (i.e. water symbols). The
mandate is that a single remote data
source (i.e. soil map unit) cannot be
applied to more than one factor.
• Level 2 is rendering a decision
using on-site data, along with any useful
offsite data. The exception is if Section
F (Atypical Situation) or G (Problem
Area) of the USACE Manual is needed.
Those sections are only applied after a
decision is made to use onsite methods
(even if remote data sources are
eventually used to render a decision).
• Level 3 is rendering a decision
using offsite resources (i.e. soils maps,
DEMs derived from LIDAR data, etc.) for
1 or 2 factors and using onsite indicators
(i.e. soil pits, drift lines, plant
dominance tests) for the other factor(s).
Wetland determinations are a
technical decision resulting from the
determination of whether an area is a
wetland or non-wetland (wetland ID),
including the determination of
appropriate wetland type (WC
compliance label) and size (FSA
Wetland Identification Procedures
paragraph (2–18)). Therefore, the NRCS
identifies three unique and separate
steps to the wetland determination
process. Within the first two steps, each
of the three wetland diagnostic factors
must be assessed independently to
determine if a decision can be rendered
at the diagnostic factor level using
offsite data sources.
• All agency decisions during Step 1
are made at the sampling unit level.
• The term ‘‘imagery’’ refers to all
forms of remotely captured imagery or
photography, digital or analog, at all
• Unless otherwise stated, the use of
‘‘1985’’ in this document refers to
December 23, 1985.
Identification of Sampling Units
Gather all available sources of data
and create a base map using available
geospatial data to determine if wetlands
exist within each sampling unit.
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Users will graphically subdivide the
area of interest into sampling units on
a base map image using resources A
through F (as available) listed below.
The base map needs to be large enough
to read and record multiple sampling
units in one location. Sampling unit
boundaries do not need to correspond
exactly to a boundary indicated by any
of the resources listed below. The
agency expert determines sampling unit
validity. Sampling units will be located
using the following remote resources:
A. Based on knowledge of local
conditions, review the FSA slides from
prior to 1987 (regardless of annual
precipitation). Each signature listed
below may indicate a unique sampling
• Trees, saplings, shrubs and other
non-agricultural vegetation.
• Surface water.
• Saturated conditions.
• Flooded or drowned-out crops.
• Stressed crops due to wetness.
• Differences in vegetation due to
different planting dates.
• Inclusion of wet areas as set-aside
or idled.
• Circular or irregular areas of
unharvested crops within a harvested
• Isolated areas that are not farmed
with the rest of the field.
• Areas of greener vegetation
(especially during dry years).
B. Review the US Fish & Wildlife
Service (US FWS) National Wetland
Inventory (NWI) maps. While each NWI
polygon not matching the other
indicators may be a sampling unit, care
should be taken to notice when the NWI
is simply displaced from the location
where other indicators are showing a
unique sampling unit. This ‘‘off-center’’
displacement has been observed when
matching up the Indiana NWI sites with
certified wetland boundaries.
C. Review DEMs derived from LIDAR
data for differences in elevation
indicating significant differences in land
forms that may collect and hold water.
D. Review the soil survey and the
county hydric soils list from the NRCS
Web Soil Survey. Identify listed hydric
soil map units, map units with hydric
soils as part of their name, soils with
hydric inclusions, and map units with
conventional wetland symbols. Each
soil survey feature not matching the
other resources above may be a
sampling unit.
E. Locally-produced information from
individuals involved with the property
related to manipulations and
conversions prior to December 23, 1985.
F. Review other inventory tools, if
NOTE: The more indicators that can
be assigned to a specific area, the greater
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
the probability that the area qualifies as
a unique sampling unit.
NOTE: All land within the requested
area will be assigned a sampling unit
designation of ‘‘Y’’ (yes, a wetland) or
‘‘N’’ (no, not a wetland); therefore all
land within the requested area will be
part of a sampling unit.
➢ Proceed to the Section 1.2. For
each sampling unit—
The term hydric soil means soil that,
in its undrained condition, is saturated,
flooded, or ponded long enough during
a growing season to develop an
anaerobic condition that supports the
growth and regeneration of hydrophytic
vegetation (16 U.S.C. 3801(a)(12)). Refer
to Part V, subpart C, paragraphs 5–49
through 5–53, of the FSA Wetland
Identification Procedures for further
information and allowable variances
from the Corps methods.
Title 7 CFR § 12.31(a)(1) states,
‘‘NRCS shall identify hydric soils
through the use of published soil maps
which reflect soil surveys completed by
or through the use of onsite reviews.’’
Title 7 CFR § 12.31(a)(2) states,
‘‘NRCS shall determine whether an area
of a field or other parcel of land has a
predominance of hydric soils that are
inundated or saturated as follows:’’
i. ‘‘If a soil map unit has hydric soil
as all or part of its name, that soil map
unit or portion of the map unit related
to the hydric soil will be determined to
have a predominance of hydric soils.’’
ii. ‘‘If a soil map unit is named for a
miscellaneous area that meets the
criteria for hydric soils (i.e., riverwash,
playas, beaches, or water) the soil map
unit will be determined to have a
predominance of hydric soils.’’
iii. ‘‘If a soil map unit contains
inclusions of hydric soils, that portion
of the soil map unit identified as hydric
soil will be determined to have a
predominance of hydric soils.’’
The following remote indicators are
suggestive (indicates) that the hydric
soils definition is met:
1. Soils Maps (data) and County
Hydric Soils Lists.
Hydric Soils Decision Threshold
(the factor is met if:
1. The sampling unit meets 7 CFR
§ 12.31(a)(2) as described above. If a soil
map unit has hydric soil as part of its
name or contains a hydric inclusion,
that portion of the hydric component
(major or minor) in the soil survey can
be verified by either:
a. Identifying that the landform (such
as a depressional area viewed on remote
data) of the sampling unit is consistent
with the landform (such as closed
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
depression or swale) of the hydric
component or inclusion; or,
b. Using the soil series.
➢ Proceed to Section 1.3.
Wetland Hydrology means inundation
or saturation of the site by surface or
groundwater during a growing season at
a frequency and duration sufficient to
support a prevalence of hydrophytic
vegetation. Refer to Part V, subpart C,
paragraphs (5–56) through (5–60), of the
FSA Wetland Identification Procedures
for further information and allowable
variances from the Corps methods.
The NFSAM defines inundation as
meaning ‘‘the ground is covered by
water due to ponding, flowing, or
flooded water.’’ Depth of the inundation
is not part of the identification of the
presence of hydrology. Rather, the focus
of data collection and interpretation is
on the time of year the inundation
occurs, the length of time the
inundation lasts, and how frequently it
occurs over time on an annual basis.
The NFSAM and the CFR do not
define saturation other than being the
presence of water within the soil profile
that affects the presence of hydrophytic
vegetation, and by inference, the
absence of non-hydrophytic vegetation
as a dominant plant community. Similar
to the definition of inundation, the
focus on data collection and
interpretation is on the season, duration,
and frequency of the saturation.
However, saturation as a factor in
affecting the prevalence of hydrophytic
vegetation is dependent on proximity to
the rooting depth of the plant.
The 1987 USACE Wetland delineation
Manual defines ‘‘saturated soil
conditions’’ in the glossary as ‘‘A
condition in which all easily drained
voids (pore) between soil particles in
the root zone are temporarily or
permanently filled with water to the soil
surface at pressures greater than
Wetland hydrology is defined as
inundation or saturation by surface or
groundwater at a frequency and
duration sufficient to support a
prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation
typically adapted for life in saturated
soil conditions NFSAM 514.6(1).
For the purposes of this method,
procedure, and process, saturation is
defined as the presence of groundwater
or perched water at or near the surface
of the soil profile within a depth of 12
inches from the soil surface during any
time in the growing season.
In Indiana, a site under direct
observation during the growing season
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that is dominated by hydrophytic
vegetation on a hydric soil that is
saturated to a depth within 12 inches of
the surface is indicative of the site being
either a wetland (W) or a manipulated
wetland (WX), indicating partially
removed hydrology after 1985, rather
than a non-wetland (NW),
notwithstanding contradictory
The following remote indicators are
suggestive (indicates) that the wetland
hydrology definition is met:
1. Imagery showing surface water
inundation by ponding or flooding
under NC.
2. Imagery showing a Color Tone
difference due to wetness that is
reflective of NC that: (a) Was occurring
on the date of the imagery, or (b) that
occurred previous to the imagery but the
evidence of this wetting event remains
evident. Refer to Attachment C. Color
tones provide clear distinctions in the
condition of the sampling unit
compared to the condition in the
surrounding area including size and
color. Color tones include:
• Hydrophytic vegetation such as
trees, saplings, shrubs, and other nonagricultural plants.
• Saturated condition.
• Stressed crops due to wetness.
• Differences in vegetation due to
different planting dates.
• Inclusion of wet areas as set-aside
or idled.
• Circular or irregular areas of
unharvested crops within a harvested
• Isolated areas that are not farmed
with the rest of the field.
• Areas of greener vegetation
(especially during dry years).
Æ Users are advised that sampling
units and wetness signatures in areas
with perennial vegetation may not be
readily visible. In such cases, field
verification is required.
3. The presence of mineral soil flats
that have not been manipulated such
that the microtopography of the soil
surface has been leveled, or that the area
has been altered by surface drain
patterns or subsurface drainage.
Clermont, Cobbsfork, and Peoga soils
are currently the soil types that are
included in the mineral soil flats
reference site in Indiana.
Wetland Hydrology (including
pre-1985 drainage) Decision
Threshold is met with the proper
combination of the following
1. The presence of water as indicated
by signatures on imagery or a soil
survey with the area labeled as ‘‘Water’’
or ‘‘Miscellaneous Water’’,
PO 00000
Frm 00012
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
2. The presence of mineral soil flats
that have not been tilled or leveled, or
altered by surface drain patterns or
subsurface drainage. Clermont,
Cobbsfork, and Peoga soils are currently
the soil types that are included in the
mineral soil flats reference site in
3. Wetness signatures found on
greater than 50 percent of imagery
reviewed with consideration given to
the actual environmental conditions at
the time of data collection (wet, dry,
• The imagery review will consist of
all available imageries prior to 1988.
The 1987 imagery is to be used only to
verify subsequent effects of drainage
installed prior to 1985. Imagery from
1979 to 1986 will be interpreted with
consideration of whether it is reflective
of normal, wet, or dry amounts of
NOTE: Imagery from years that are
considered wet or dry years are an
indicator only if they have contrarian
indicators (i.e.—wet signatures in a dry
year or no signatures on a wet year). See
attachment C ‘‘Hydrology Information’’
for information on the use of normal
year data.
• Publically available high-resolution
leaf-off imagery taken in the early spring
can be used to determine presence of
wetland signatures, taking care not to
factor in any post-December 23, 1985
manipulations and conversions.
• NRCS is invoking Paragraph 23 of
the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation
Manual for agricultural land
determinations. For a sample unit that
has been identified by the Farm Service
Agency as having an agricultural
commodity produced at least once prior
to 1985 and does not support woody
vegetation on 1985, the only FSA labels
that are applicable are Prior Converted
Cropland (PC), Non-Wetland (NW), and
Farmed Wetland (FW). The absence of
hydrology indicators on a majority of
imagery taken prior to 1987 indicates
either a PC or NW determination.
Hydrophytic vegetation criteria can be
by-passed by documenting that an
agricultural commodity was produced
prior to 1985. The soils map will
indicate either a PC label for hydric
soils or a NW label for non-hydric soils.
The FW label will be used if a majority
of the aforementioned imagery has the
hydrology indicators of surface water or
long-term inundation (10% consecutive
days of inundation during the wet part
of the growing season (i.e.—March,
April, May) such as non-agricultural
herbaceous vegetation or bare soil with
slow drawdown signatures. These labels
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
can be applied without applying the
remainder of the SOSM.
NOTE: Care will be taken to identify
False Positive and Negative situations.
Æ An FW label will be changed to W
if the site is abandoned for five
consecutive years at any time after 1985.
Æ A NW label due to the conversion
of a wetland prior to 1985 will be
changed to W if the three criteria return.
Æ An herbaceous Wetland (W) or a
Farmed Wetland Pasture (FWP) can
present subtle signatures on the imagery
such as simple vegetative color variation
but with a consistent footprint.
Æ FWP’s can also be abandoned to the
W label,
1. High-accuracy Digital Elevation
Models (DEMs) derived from LIDAR.
2. Depth Grid modeled from high
accuracy digital elevation models.
3. Short term-inundation modelled
from stream gauge data.
4. National Wetland Inventory (NWI)
maps produced by the US FWS.
5. Soil Survey map with wetness spot
6. Soil Survey map with linear spot
symbols associated with imagery
wetness signatures.
7. USGS Topographical map with
wetness spot symbol.
Producer-provided records indicate
that drainage has been installed or
constructed prior to 1985,
a. And has been maintained and is
functioning such that the lack of
hydrology indicators can be explained,
or that such indicators are potential
false positive hydrology indicators.
b. If no producer-provided records are
available, then the agency expert is to
presume maintenance has been
conducted on any drainage features
installed prior to 1985 and any wetness
signatures observed are valid (indicating
any potential system has not adequately
removed hydrology) and are not false
positive indicators.
➢ Proceed to Section 1.4.
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Hydrophytic vegetation means a plant
growing in (A) water; or (B) a substrate
that is at least periodically deficient in
oxygen during a growing season as a
result of excessive water content (16
U.S.C. 3801(a)(11)). Refer to Part V,
subpart C, paragraphs (5–41) through
(5–46), of the FSA Wetland
Identification Procedures for further
information and allowable variances
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from the Corps methods in
identification of hydrophytic vegetation.
The following remote indicators are
suggestive (indicates) that the
hydrophytic vegetation definition is
met. See Attachment A for a detailed
description of each resource:
1. Ecological Site Descriptions (ESD).
2. Approved Indiana NRCS wetland
reference site data as it is developed.
3. Indiana Hydric Soil and Vegetative
Correlation List
4. Locally developed soil map units
and plant association lists.
5. National Wetland Inventory (NWI)
6. Indiana Approved Official Soil
Series Descriptions (OSD) plant data.
7. Prior land-based (on the ground)
Hydrophytic Vegetation Decision
Threshold (the factor is met if):
One or more of the listed resources
will indicate the presence of
hydrophytic vegetation.
NOTE: Attention should be given to
the definition being ‘‘Plants growing in
water or in a substrate that is as least
periodically deficient in oxygen during
the growing season as a result of
saturation or inundation by water’’.
Variance 5–42 of the FSA Wetland
Identification Procedure states ‘‘For FSA
purposes, the question is not as much
the species, but rather how individual
plants are behaving within any one
sampling unit.’’ Any individual plant
meeting the definition is considered to
be hydrophytic vegetation.
➢ Proceed to Step 1.5
The agency expert will analyze each
sampling unit as defined in Steps 1.2,
1.3, and 1.4 and use a worksheet to
complete the following steps:
• If all three factor answers are ‘‘yes’’
(the factors are met) for a sampling unit
then record a ‘‘Y’’ (yes) on the base map
for the sampling unit.
• If any factor answer is ‘‘no’’ (a factor
is not met) for a sampling unit then
record an ‘‘N’’ (no) on the base map for
the sampling unit.
• Provide a copy of the final base map
to the case file.
• This final base map will be used to
complete Section 2 and Section 3.
NOTE: Part IV of the 1987 USCAE
Wetland Delineation Manual instructs
the user to label the wetland ‘‘W’’ and
the nonwetland ‘‘N’’. NRCS is using the
label ‘‘Y’’ in place of the ‘‘W’’ so as not
to cause confusion with the use of ‘‘W’’
as an FSA Wetland Type Label in
section 2.
➢ Proceed to Section 2
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Sampling units identified as a ‘‘Y’’
(wetland) or ‘‘N’’ (non-wetland) in
Section 1 will be assigned the
appropriate WC compliance label as
determined by any applicable
exemptions found in the current version
of the NFSAM. The offsite process for
this step is identified as the State Offsite
Wetland Type and Size Procedure
(SOWTP). This is a separate procedure
from the SOSM.
NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, the
use of ‘‘1985’’ in this document refers to
December 23, 1985.
The following data will be used to
indicate that pre-1985 cropping history
(‘‘agricultural commodity produced at
least once before 1985’’ (7 CFR 12.2)) is
met. This step may have already been
carried out in step 1.3. If so then this
section need not be used unless there is
a possibility of a false positive or
negative determination
1. Any imagery taken prior to 1986.
2. Farm Service Agency records of any
3. Any record from a person who was
involved in the farming operation before
December 23, 1985 that demonstrates
that the site was cropped and appears to
be valid.
4. Areas that are in pasture or hay
land that have a uniform topography
that indicates suitability as a crop field
in past years. This condition does not
preclude the use of wetland labels.
Cropping History Decision
Threshold (met if):
The threshold to use crop production
as an eligible wetland exemptions has
three parts:
1. The site is determined to be ‘‘N’’
(Non Wetland) on the Base Map.
a. There may be situations with the
Base Map being marked ‘‘Y’’ when the
site may be determined to have
cropping history with the use of steps
#2 and #3 (resulting in a FW label).
2. The site was cropped at least once
prior to December 23, 1985—
a. Evidence of Pre-1985 cropping
appears on at least one piece of remote
b. Pre-1985 imagery indicates that the
site was cleared of woody vegetation
and the mapped soil type is commonly
suited for crop production (as indicated
on ‘‘Use and Vegetation’’ section of the
Official Soil Description).
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
c. Farm Service Agency informs NRCS
of cropping history.
d. An individual provides a written
statement of when the site was cropped
or imagery demonstrating so.
3. The site was suitable for crop
production on December 23, 1985 (can
use a and/or b)—
a. 1985 or 1986 imagery indicates the
i. Is being cropped, or
ii. Is being used for pasture or hayland
production absent of wetland indicators,
iii. Is not inundated with surface
water, or
iv. Does not contain woody vegetation
such that:
1. Only isolated individual specimens
that would not hinder conventional row
planting are observed, and
2. There are not so many trees that a
non-ag determination should be
b. The Farm Services Agency informs
NRCS of 1985 cropping history, ‘‘setaside’’ history, or other status indicating
that the site was suitable for crop
➢ Proceed to Section 2.2.
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Manipulations are defined by
regulation as an activity that drains,
dredges, fills, levels, or otherwise
manipulates, including the removal of
woody vegetation, or any activity that
results in impairing or reducing the flow
and circulation of water, for the purpose
of or to have the effect of making
possible the production of an
agricultural commodity.
The analysis related to pre-1985
manipulations has been completed in
Evidence of pre-1985 manipulations
presented during the following steps in
the FSA label determination step should
be applied to the steps in Section 1
(Developing the Base Map) to determine
if the analysis completed in Section 2
needs reconsidered.
The following remote indicators are
suggestive (indicates) that a post-1985
potential conversion occurred.
• Post-1986 imagery/aerial
photography showing a manipulation(s).
• Post-1985 NRCS or Farm Service
Agency records showing a
• Post-1985 producer-provided
records showing a manipulation(s).
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• Post-1985 land-based photographs
showing a manipulation(s).
• DEMs derived from LIDAR data
showing a manipulation.
Post-1985 Potential Conversion
Decision Threshold (the factor is
met if):
1. The manipulation appears on at
least one indicator from post-1985 data.
NOTE: A site visit is required for
potential wetland violations and a FSA–
569 will be issued. Refer to 7CFR12 and
NFSAM 514.1 to determine the
circumstances that require a site visit.
NOVEMBER 28, 1990
The following remote indicators will
be used to indicate whether a potential
manipulation or conversion occurred
before or after November 28, 1990.
• Imagery/aerial photography
showing a manipulation(s) after
December 23, 1985 but before November
28, 1990 (NFSAM Part 514).
• NRCS or Farm Service Agency
records showing a manipulation(s) after
December 23, 1985 but before November
28, 1990.
• Producer-provided records showing
a manipulation(s) after December 23,
1985 but before November 28, 1990.
• Land-based photographs showing a
manipulation(s) after December 23, 1985
but before November 28, 1990.
• DEMs derived from LIDAR data
indicating a manipulation after
December 23, 1985 but before November
28, 1990.
Pre-1990 Potential Conversion
Decision Threshold (the factor is
met if):
1. The manipulation appears on at
least one indicator from data
representing conditions between
December 23, 1985 and November 28,
NOTE: A site visit is required for
potential wetland violations and a FSA–
569 will be issued. Refer to 7CFR12 and
NFSAM 514.1 to determine the
circumstances that require a site visit.
The following remote indicators will
be used to indicate whether a potential
manipulation or conversion occurred
after November 28, 1990.
• Imagery/aerial photography
showing a manipulation(s) after
November 28, 1990 (NFSAM Part 514).
• NRCS or Farm Service Agency
records showing a manipulation(s) after
November 28, 1990.
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
• Producer provided records showing
a manipulation(s) after November 28,
• Land-based photographs showing a
manipulation (e.g. tile inlet/outlet) after
November 28, 1990.
• DEMs derived from LIDAR data
indicating a manipulation after
November 28, 1990.
Post-1990 Potential Conversion
Decision Threshold (the factor is
met if):
1. The manipulation appears on at
least one indicator representing
conditions after November 28, 1990.
NOTE: A site visit is required for
potential wetland violations and a FSA–
569 will be issued. Refer to 7CFR12 and
NFSAM 514.1 to determine the
circumstances that require a site visit.
➢ Proceed to Section 2.4, 2.5, or 2.6
as appropriate. These sections identify
land forms that meet the definition of
depressional Farmed Wetlands, closed
depressional Farmed Wetlands known
as potholes, and Farmed Wetland
Pastures. Proceed to section 2.7 if none
of these are appropriate.
Pre-December 23, 1985
The following remote indicators are
suggestive (indicates) that the site is a
glaciated depression or land form that
does not have topography that allows
accumulated surface water to flow offsite such that it meets the definition of
a Farmed Wetland pothole (FW).
1. Imagery, land-based photography,
or other data show evidence that 7
consecutive days of inundation or 14
consecutive days saturation occurs in a
closed topographic depression in a
glaciated upland (non-floodplain, nondrainage way) landscape during the
growing season. The term upland
follows the concept from the national
Soil Survey Handbook (NSSH). Imagery
evidence includes—
a. Surface water.
b. Flooded or drowned out crops.
c. Vegetative color variation.
d. Stressed crops.
e. Un-harvested crops.
f. Isolated areas not farmed with the
rest of the field.
g. Non-agricultural vegetation.
2. DEMS derived from LIDAR show a
closed topographic depression in a
glaciated upland landscape position.
3. USGS Topographic map or other
land survey shows a closed topographic
depression in a glaciated upland
landscape position.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
4. Soil Survey data show a
depression, pothole, or closed
topographic depression in a glaciated
upland landscape position. Refer to
Attachment B for further information.
5. A combination of US FWS NWI
map and one other indicator from step
Glaciated Closed Depression
Decision Threshold is met if:
A. The landform appears on at least
one of the five remote indicators. The
more indicators that can be assigned to
a specific area, the greater the
probability that it qualifies as a glaciated
closed depressional area that meets the
definition of a Farmed Wetland (FW).
B. NRCS records show field-verified
manipulations with an assessment of
duration, such as drainage equations
found in the National Engineering
Handbook, Chapter 19.
➢ Document and proceed to the
section 2.5.
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
23, 1985 IN MOST YEARS
Pre-December 23, 1985
The following remote indicators are
suggestive (indicates) that sites that
have been manipulated but still warrant
a ‘‘Y’’ on the Base Map exhibit the
duration of inundation or saturation
required to meet the criteria for pasture
and hay land that contains depressions
or other topography sufficient to allow
water to accumulate such that it meets
the definition of a Farmed Wetland
Pasture (FWP).
1. 1980 through 1986 Farm Service
Agency aerial imagery (taken during the
growing season as defined in Part 514.2
of the NFSAM) showing wetness
signatures. Imagery evidence includes
the following signatures —
a. Surface water.
b. Flooded or drowned out crops.
c. Vegetative color variation.
d. Stressed crops.
e. Un-harvested crops.
f. Isolated areas not farmed with the
rest of the field.
g. Non-agricultural vegetation.
2. DEMS derived from LIDAR show a
closed topographic depression in a
glaciated upland landscape position.
3. USGS Topographic map or other
land survey shows a closed topographic
depression in a glaciated upland
landscape position.
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4. Soil Survey data show a
depression, pothole, or closed
topographic depression in a glaciated
upland landscape position. Refer to
Attachment B for further information.
5. A combination of FWS NWI map
and one other indicator from 1–3.
Pastured Open-ended
Depressional Areas Decision
Threshold is met if:
A. The landform appears on at least
one of the four remote indicators. The
more indicators that can be assigned to
a specific area, the greater the
probability that the area qualifies as a
glaciated open-ended depression that
meets the definition of a Farmed
Wetland Pasture (FWP).
B. NRCS records show field-verified
manipulations with an assessment of
duration, such as drainage equations
found in the National Engineering
Handbook, Chapter 19.
23, 1985 IN MOST YEARS
IF A Pre-December 23, 1985
The following remote indicators are
suggestive (indicates) that sites that
have been manipulated but still warrant
a ‘‘Y’’ on the Base Map exhibit the
duration of inundation or saturation
required to meet the criteria for
cropland that contains depressions or
other topography sufficient to allow
water to accumulate in order to meet the
definition of a Farmed Wetland (FW).
1. 1980 through 1986 Farm Service
Agency aerial imagery (taken during the
growing season as defined in Part 514.2
of the NFSAM) showing wetness
signatures. Any other 1986 or earlier
aerial photography may also be used.
Imagery evidence is limited to—
• Surface water.
• Drowned out crops leaving bare soil
indicating long-term inundation (‘‘bullseye’’ pattern).
• Non-ag vegetation on hydric soils.
2. NRCS records show field-verified
manipulations with an assessment of
duration, such as drainage equations
found in the National Engineering
Handbook, Chapter 19.
3. A combination of FWS NWI map
and one other indicator from 1–3.
Open-Ended Depressional
Decision Threshold is met if:
A. The landform appears on at least
one of the three remote indicators. The
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more indicators that can be assigned to
a specific area, the greater the
probability that the area qualifies as a
glaciated open-ended depression that
meets the definition of a Farmed
Wetland Pasture (FWP).
B. Results of analytical techniques
(such as drainage equation(s)) show that
inundation would not be removed
within 15 days or consecutive days of
10% of the growing season.
➢ Document and proceed to section
Refer to Part 514 of the NFSAM, 7
CFR 12.2 and 7 CFR 12.5 for a full
discussion of the requirements for
various exemptions. The SOSM has
determined whether the sampling unit
is considered a Wetland (Y) or a NonWetland (N). 7CFR12 lists the possible
Wetland Types—
• Artificial Wetland (AW)—
7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(1)
• Commenced Conversion Wetland
(CC)—7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(2) &
• Converted Wetland (CW or
CW+Year)—7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(3) &
• Converted Wetland not for the
production of commodity crops (No
• Farmed Wetland—depressional or
pothole (FW)—7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(4)
• Farmed-Wetland Pasture (FWP)—
7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(5)
• Minimal Effect Wetland (MW)—
• Not-Inventoried Wetland (No
label)—7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(6)
• Non-Wetland (NW)—7CFR12.2(a)
• Prior-Converted Cropland (PC)—
7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(8)
• Wetland (W)—7CFR12.2(a)
All other WC compliance label
assignments require the use of the
NFSAM and on-site investigations.
These include—
• Converted Wetland by Entity
• Converted Wetland Planting
Violation (CW)—7CFR12.2(a)
Wetland(3) & 12.4(a)(2)
• Converted Wetland + Year
(CW+Yr)—7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(3) &
• Manipulated Wetland (WX)—
• Third Party Conversion (TP)—
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
The agency expert will analyze the
final product to ensure that the size of
the labeled area is accurate, particularly
in response to post 1985 developments.
Sample units and WC labeled areas will
be adjusted to ensure that the labeled
area accurately reflects the 1985 status
and any changes created after that year.
The agency expert will, as
appropriate, further divide or combine
the sampling units identified in Section
2.0 into labeled polygons for the
certified wetland determination map.
This decision is based on the answers to
the steps in Section 2 (e.g. closed
depression/open depression, cropping
history, manipulation, hydrology
The Certified Determination Map will
be depicted on the latest imagery that
appears to be of normal precipitation.
The map will contain labels for all areas
that have certified determinations and
preliminary determinations.
The map will be of sufficient scale so
that the determined areas can be easily
seen. Additional maps can be made to
better show site location, location of
farm, and past activities on the farm to
show manipulation and conversion.
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Hydrophytic Vegetation Information
The following resources are listed in
Part IV of the USACE 1987 Wetland
Delineation Manual or are resources
developed after the issuance of the
Ecological Site Description (ESD)
As of the date of issuance of these
SOSM, ESDs are currently being
developed in Indiana. Once completed,
a matrix correlating soil map unit
components to ecological sites will be
available in Section 1, State Offsite
Methods, of the Indiana Field Office
Technical Guide (FOTG).
Ecological Site Descriptions and
Range Site Descriptions are based on
relative weight of component species,
rather than the percent cover measure
cited in the Corps Methods. Both
measures are viable for determining the
ecological significance of the species
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comprising the plant community. This
use of these data is authorized in
Paragraph 55-Step 4(c) and (d) of the
1987 USACE Wetland Delineation
Approved Indiana NRCS wetland
reference site data as it is developed.
Indiana NRCS will develop wetland
reference site data through formal longterm water table monitoring and data
demonstrating that a specific soil type
has both positive hydrology and a plant
community dominated by hydrophytic
vegetation. These reference site data are
currently being developed for Cobbsfork
and similar soils in Southern Indiana.
The use of these data is authorized in
Paragraph 55-Step 4(d) and (h) of the
1987 USACE Wetland Delineation
Indiana NRCS Wetland Soils and
Vegetative Correlation Data
Indiana NRCS will maintain and
continually build a list of vegetative
species observed, correlated with
specific soil series, from past and future
on-site determinations. In addition to
this ‘‘master’’ correlated list, the
certified agency experts may make use
of their own accumulation of past
determinations to indicate the presence
of hydrophytic vegetation, particularly
if a reference site is near the site to be
determined. The use of these data is
authorized in Paragraph 55-Step 4(d)
and (h) of the 1987 USACE Wetland
Delineation Manual.
Locally Developed Soil and Plant
association lists
Certified agency experts can make use
of previous determination data that
demonstrates a correlation between
specific soil types and observed plant
communities dominated by hydrophytic
vegetation. The use of these data is
authorized in Paragraph 55-Step 4(d),
(f), and (h) of the 1987 USACE Wetland
Delineation Manual.
Fish and Wildlife Service National
Wetland Inventory (NWI) Mapping
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Web site ‘‘Wetland Mapper’’ contains a
list of vegetative species correlated to
their specific wetland classifications.
The use of these data is authorized in
Paragraph 55-Step 4(b) of the 1987
USACE Wetland Delineation Manual
Official Soil Series Descriptions (OSD)
The official soil series descriptions
provide a description of the vegetation
adapted to the soil in a section entitled
‘‘Use and Vegetation’’. The description
of the vegetation can range from listing
specific species to only providing a
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general description such as ‘‘Native
vegetation is water tolerant sedges,
reeds, grasses, and shrubs.’’
Indiana NRCS is in the process of
developing a state-wide list of all of the
listed soil series, indicating which
descriptions can be used to indicate
hydrophytic vegetation and which soil
series descriptions are being updated to
provide specific species information.
The use of these data is authorized in
Paragraph 55-Step 4(d) and (g) of the
1987 USACE Wetland Delineation
The NRCS will use the definition of
pothole, playa, and pocosin as noted
below. This definition is subject to
change via the rule-making process.
However, any change in definition will
not change the soils the state considers
pothole, playa, or pocosin soils.
• Pothole—Pothole means a closed or
partially closed depressional wetlands,
generally circular or elliptical in shape,
that were formed during the Wisconsin
Glaciation. Potholes can occur in an
outwash plain, a recessional moraine,
lacustrine plain, or a till plain and
commonly contain an intermittent or
seasonal pond or marsh. Many pothole
wetlands are seasonally dry, retaining
water and saturated soil conditions due
to snow-melt and precipitation runoff
early in the growing season. Later in the
growing season, evapotranspiration
generally exceeds normal precipitation
resulting in some potholes being dry for
a significant portion of the year. The
fluctuating hydrology, along with
alterations implemented to improve
farming, lead to a variety of vegetation
characteristics including submergent
and floating plants in deeper water,
bulrushes and cattails in shallow water
and sedges located near adjacent
uplands. During dry periods, upland
plant species can invade these sites and
persist into wet seasons.
NOTE: This definition is a mutually
agreed-to definition by both Indiana and
Illinois NRCS to describe the glaciated
pothole region present in both states.
• Specific Indiana identification
parameters are:
Æ Occurs within the Wisconsin
glaciated region.
Æ Symmetrically closed depression.
Æ Ponds water greater than 1 foot in
depth if not drained.
Æ Side slopes dominantly greater than
Æ Has a ≥50% chance of being
ponded for at least 7 consecutive days
or is saturated for at least 14 consecutive
days during the growing season.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
• In Indiana, Potholes are located
primarily in the upper half of the
Wisconsin Glaciated Region and
include, but are not limited to, the
following soil series with the modifier
Æ Harpster sil, pothole
Æ Milford msic, pothole
Æ Milford sl, pothole
Æ Milford sicl, pothole
Æ Pella sicl, pothole
Æ Peotone sicl, pothole
Æ Walkill l, pothole
Æ Warners sil, pothole
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
1. Hydrology information will be
developed using Chapter 19 of the
NRCS National Engineering Field
I. Part 650.1901—‘‘Use of stream and
lake gauges (pages 19–2 to 19–5)
i. This part may be used whenever
there are data developed for such use.
II. Part 650.1911—‘‘Remote Sensing
Applications’’ (pages 19–85 to 19–96)
i. This part is to be used to determine
the presence of hydrology.
III. The use of the other parts of
Chapter 19 will only be with the
assistance of NRCS engineering
IV. NRCS will use Purdue Extension
Publication AY–300, June 2001,
‘‘Drainage and Wet Soil Management—
Drainage Recommendations for Indiana
i. The guide provides a tile spacing
distance range for each group of soils
with a similar drainage capability.
ii. The guide will be used to
determine how far back to set a tile line
from an herbaceous wetland, a farmed
wetland, or a farmed wetland pasture.
1. Each person receiving such a guide
will be advised to use the maximum
spacing range as a setback distance.
2. Each person receiving such a guide
will be advised that wetland labels such
as W–Wetland, FW–Farmed Wetland, or
FWP-–armed Wetland Pasture will be
changed to CW+Year if they are affected
by the installation of new tiles, even if
laid according to the guide.
3. A Technical Assistance Note or a
copy of the guide will be placed in the
casefile of every person receiving the
2. The use of Farm Service Agency
aerial imagery will serve two
I. The identification of wetlands and
non-wetlands as of December 23, 1985.
Consequently, the slides to be used are
limited to those taken before 1987 as the
intent of the interpretation is for the
Wetland Identification prior to 1985.
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Slides and imagery post-1986, such as
the 2005 infrared and other high
resolution imagery, may be used to help
identify ground and topographical
conditions but not in the identification
of wetlands under typical conditions.
II. The occurrence of atypical
activities in wetlands after December 23,
1985. Slides taken after 1986 are used
for three purposes—
i. To indicate if a wetland was
ii. To determine if a wetland was
converted between December 23, 1985
and November 28, 1990, and if it was
converted—what year, if any, was it
used for the production of an annual
commodity crop after the conversion.
iii. To determine what year, if any,
was a wetland converted after
November 28, 1990, to make it suitable
for the production of a commodity crop.
3. Normal Precipitation—
The terms ‘‘normal precipitation
imagery’’, ‘‘normal precipitation’’, or
‘‘normal years’’ is referring to a period
of time where normal amounts of
precipitation were received by the site.
The time frame is normally 3 months.
The amount of precipitation received by
a specific area is arrived by using the
procedure outlined in Part 650.1903—
‘‘Supplemental data for remote sensing’’
(pages 19–24 to 19–31). This same
procedure is used to determine if a site,
during a specific date or time frame,
received precipitation amounts within
the range of normal rainfall or outside
of the normal range with excessive
amounts of precipitation, considered
‘‘wet’’, or low amounts of precipitation,
considered ‘‘dry’’.
Ten (10) potential sources of
information are described within Part
IV, Section B of the 1987 Manual. This
section describes some of the sources
listed in the manual, defines additional
sources that NRCS may use to complete
the CWD process. A source not being
mentioned in this section should not be
interpreted as that source being
invalidated. The delineator should
attempt to utilize all available sources of
information when completing the
United States Geological Survey
(USGS) 7.5 Minute Series
Quadrangle Maps
NRCS employees are provided with
the official USGS topographic maps
within agency Geographic Information
Systems (GIS). USGS topographic maps
and other spatial data may also be
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accessed at: via
‘‘The National Map Viewer.’’
Topographic maps provide marsh or
swamp symbols for wetter areas and the
general agricultural status of the land
relative to the date of the map (e.g.
cleared ground that could be either
cropland or pastureland, forested, or
urban). Water bodies such as streams
and ponds are identified and
manipulations to those waters such as
channelization or existing levees may be
noted. Site relief is one of the most
important aspects of the topographic
map. Contours enable decisions relative
to the site’s ability to charge and retain
wetness, and to recognize drainage
Topographic map limitations
1. Check the date on the map or in the
metadata for the date of revision. This
may help determine a time range when
changes occurred.
2. USGS protocol was generally to
delineate the wet areas mapped based
on the driest season of the year, which
may have missed several wetlands.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
National Wetland Inventory (NWI)
The National Wetland Inventory
(NWI) is an offsite delineation of
potential wetlands. The NWI is an
available tool that mapped potential
wetlands when wetland losses were
accelerating in the 1970’s and 80’s due
to agricultural conversions and other
wetland stressors. The NWI is accepted
a first cut indicator tool for the presence
of wetlands. NRCS employees are
provided with the most up to date
version of NWI data that is compatible
with agency Geographic Information
Systems and tools. NWI data can also be
obtained directly from USFWS at
Plant community and hydrologic
condition are key components of the
NWI interpretation and these
interpretations were made at a time
critical for making decisions relative to
the FSA. Because the first iterations of
NWI were commenced in the 1970’s, the
historical data provides an indication of
the status of wetlands around the
critical December 23, 1985 date.
Hydrologic condition was interpreted
using several water regime modifiers.
The 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation
Manual states in Part IV, Section B
chapter 54 that areas mapped as
‘‘wetter’’ than temporarily flooded and
intermittently flooded have extremely
high probabilities of meeting the
wetland criteria (in excess of 90
percent). The historical NWI also
indicates possible manipulations to
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
wetlands that were photo-interpreted
from the base map utilized in the
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
NWI limitations
1. The NWI mapping protocol was
developed prior to the accepted federal
definition of wetlands contingent on the
three parameters of soils, hydrology,
and plants. Consequently, some of the
early delineations may have only been
based on the two parameters of
hydrology and plant species. This was
somewhat corrected with soils between
the draft remote sensing interpretations
and the final interpretations.
2. The inventory was remotely sensed
with generally no more than 5%
ground-truthing in any given state.
3. The inventory often fails to capture
open land wetlands, such as farmed
wetlands, as defined under the Food
Security Act of 1985, as amended,
because of cropping activities and/or
disturbance of plant communities.
NRCS Soil Survey
Soils information is a primary tool for
making offsite wetland determinations.
NRCS employees and the general public
have access to the most up to date soils
data via agency GIS systems as well as
Web Soil Survey (WSS) at https://
Field office business software or the
WSS have reports available that will
produce both spatial and tabular
reports/lists for hydric soils. Currently
this report for individual parcels should
be a subset of the ‘‘County Hydric Soils
List’’ which is referenced in many
documents. Field office business
software rates each map unit. Map units
are designated as ‘‘all hydric,’’ ‘‘partially
hydric,’’ ‘‘not hydric,’’ or ‘‘unknown
hydric,’’ depending on the rating of its
respective components. ‘‘All hydric’’
means that all components listed for a
given map unit are rated as being
hydric, while ‘‘not hydric’’ means that
all components are rated as not hydric.
‘‘Partially hydric’’ refers to a soil that
has at least one component of the map
unit that is rated as hydric and at least
one component that is rated as not
hydric. ‘‘Unknown hydric’’ indicates
that at least one component is not rated
so a definitive rating for the map unit
cannot be made.
In Web Soil Survey, there are multiple
reports that provide hydric soil
information. ‘‘Hydric Rating by Map
Unit’’ indicates the cumulative
percentage of soil components within
each map unit that meet the criteria for
hydric soils. A related report, ‘‘Hydric
Rating by Map Unit (5 categories)’’
further designates a hydric category for
each map unit based on the cumulative
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percentage of its hydric components.
The ‘‘Hydric Soils List’’ provides the
hydric/non-hydric status of all map unit
components in the survey area. The
‘‘Hydric Soils’’ report lists only those
map units that have at least one
component that is hydric. The
percentages of hydric or non-hydric soil
components found in each report for
any map unit are only an estimate.
These estimates were derived from field
observations taken by soil scientists
during the soil survey but will vary for
any map unit from one location to the
The decision to use SOSM (remote
sensing) versus an onsite visit for
possible hydric soil inclusions is a
primary objective of this methodology.
Soil Survey limitations
The published soils data is a tool that
provides evidence to the possible
presence of a wetland. Some of the
limitations to the published soil survey
relative to offsite hydric soil
determinations are as follows:
1. All soil surveys rely on data that
were gathered during a specific period
of time. Land use changes or
manipulations from natural or human
events may now result in inaccurate
soils data. Additionally, some wetlands,
such as floodplain wetlands, naturally
evolve over time into non-wetlands.
2. A ‘‘hydric soil’’ component listed
in the report may have properties that
do meet hydric soil criteria. However,
the entire range of characteristics of soil
components classified to the series level
may not be entirely within the range of
properties for a ‘‘hydric soil.’’ Hydric
soil criteria were developed separately
from Soil Taxonomy. Therefore, any
given component (series) may have a
range of characteristics that is not
entirely within the range for hydric soils
even though the series is poorly or very
poorly drained.
3. Almost all of the soil maps in the
state were originally drawn at a
relatively small scale so some minor
displacement of soil lines may be
observed. Additionally, much of the
digital spatial data available were
created by recompiling and digitizing
these hard copy maps. Errors such as
mislabeled map units and spatial
displacement are accidentally
introduced as a result of the analog to
digital conversion process. If an error is
suspected for any reason, an original
hard copy of the information should be
consulted when available.
USGS Stream Gauge Data
Stream gauge data may be a useful
tool in some parts of the state for
determining the hydrologic criteria of
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potential riverine wetlands subject to
long duration flooding. Sites subject to
long duration flooding (or ponding) that
occurs during the growing season for 14
or more consecutive days > 50% of
years under normal circumstances will
meet the criteria of a wetland if the site
also supports a prevalence of
hydrophytic plants. Long duration
periods of surface inundation meet both
the hydrologic criteria of a wetland (14
or more days) and the hydric soil
criteria of a wetland (7 or more days).
Typically this method requires that the
flood elevation be extrapolated across
the landscape between gauges in order
to analyze the potential of individual
Stream Gauge Data Limitations
1. Current stream gauge data coverage
and subsequent analyses are limited in
Remote Sensing Including Farm
Service Agency Aerial Photography
There are three basic film bands for
the imagery available through the
NHAP, NAPP, and NAIP: Color infrared
(CIR), Natural Color (NC), and Black/
White (BW).
The currently acquired imagery by
Farm Service Agency, NAIP, is digital
ortho-imagery acquired during the
agricultural growing season (leaf on)
and the Farm Service Agency uses this
imagery as a tool primarily to verify
agricultural conditions for USDA
programs. The NAIP provides one meter
ground sample distance (GSD) orthoimagery rectified within +/¥6 meters to
true ground at a 95% confidence level.
From the 1980s through the 1990s, the
Farm Service Agency purchased countywide high altitude flights for resource
assessments and verification of fields
planted and types of crops grown. The
spring flights make these sources of
imagery very valuable for wetland
determinations because they occur
during the normal hydrologic period of
recharge for the majority of the wetlands
in the state. The Farm Service Agency
Aerial Photography Field Office
landing&topic=anding) located in Salt
Lake City, Utah, also houses and
provides copies for a fee of paper aerial
photographs (provided as a digital print)
from past flights which were typically
flown about every five to ten years.
The NAIP imagery is accessible as a
digital data layer in Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) and is
available in all field offices, and certain
flight years have the capability of being
displayed either in natural color and
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
Because Farm Services Agency
imagery may be available on or around
the key years of 1985 and 1990, this
imagery is one of the MOST IMPORTANT
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
In addition to Farm Service Agency,
NRCS personnel have access to imagery
from a number of sources. Imagery from
the ‘‘Indiana Historical Aerial Photo
Index’’ can be acquired from the Indiana
Geological Web site. Imagery can also be
viewed on many County GIS Web sites
that are operated in conjunction with
the Assessor’s office. These sources tend
to offer variability in timing and season
of photography which provides greater
perspective when making a
determination. Many of these sources
are not geo-referenced and therefore
cannot be added to a base map within
a GIS. However, the information that
they provide is often extremely valuable
to the delineator.
Aerial Photography Limitations
Some of the limitations relative to use
1. Low crop producing counties may
have fewer available years of imagery.
2. Many counties in the state have
discarded early years of crop
compliance slides.
3. Early year crop compliance slides
not digitized may have no mapping
index and consequently are hard to
organize and use unless an index is
4. Based on the actual flight date and
the type of film, the imagery may be
limiting relative to some interpretations.
For example, flights in the growing
season (e.g. leaf on) may result in
misinterpretations of potential wetland
features. In natural color images water,
wetland understory plants, and drainage
patterns may be obscured by the canopy
of a mature forested cover.
5. Normal climatic conditions (i.e.
pre-flight rainfall patterns) assessed for
the flight may still not accurately reflect
the actual onsite condition due to local
6. Early year crop compliance slides
may experience some fading of colors,
although this rarely results in the
masking of gross landscape features.
Determining the Flight Date of the
Determining the date of the imagery is
critical when making photointerpretations of imagery for wetland
determinations. The actual date of the
flight allows the reviewer to evaluate
the climatic condition both for growing
season decisions and for rainfall
amounts and time of storm events.
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Actual days of the flight may be printed
on the hard copy imagery or can be
found in the metadata of digital
imagery. Records of actual flight days
may be available in the Farm Service
Agency Aerial Photography Field Office
as previously mentioned.
Evaluation of Imagery for Normal
Climatic Condition:
The pre-flight climatic assessment
(antecedent moisture condition)
supports the quality of each flight year
of imagery as a tool. By documenting
that the normal condition relative to
rainfall existed just prior to the flight,
good wetland hydrology decisions can
be made. Flight dates that occur within
the growing season support the wetland
definition. However, imagery flown
outside of growing seasons should still
be considered tangible evidence for the
hydrologic condition during the
growing season if similar rainfall
amounts are expected during growing
season months. Such leaf off imagery
may better display drainage patterns.
The methodology to complete this
climatic assessment can be found in
Chapter 19 of the NRCS National
Engineering Field Handbook (Hydrology
Tools for Making Wetland
Determinations). Each month’s rainfall
amount is determined to be within the
range of normal when it is within 30%
to 70% of the monthly average. The
three-month rainfall period is then
assessed as a weighted average for the
imagery, with more emphasis placed on
the period just preceding the flight date.
This assessment is used to determine
the climatic condition prior to the flight.
There are a number of good sources of
rainfall data by month. The NRCS
CLIMSYS WETS table, available for
most counties in the state, will post
monthly rainfall amounts for the 30
years of records used to provide county
averages (https:// However, this
data is usually at least ten years old for
most counties. Current climatic data
may be acquired from the following
• National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
cooperative site: May provide data to
within two months of real time, and this
data is recorded daily. The Web site
does not have a static url and appears
to have limited coverage of the state.
• Indiana State Climate Office: Offers
hourly, daily and monthly reports. The
site also offers access to additional data
such as drought reports and long term
moisture trends.
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• National Weather Service,
Advanced Hydrologic Prediction
Service: Provides a variety of search and
report options for gathering climatic
data up to a year to date in duration.
• Weather Underground: May
provide real time rainfall amounts. This
source may be limited by the lack of
available stations providing data. The
closest station may be some distance
from the site. https://
The weather station closest to the
potential wetland site should be the first
source of rainfall data. If rainfall data is
unavailable for the needed period of
assessment, analyze rainfall records
from more than one station on each side
of the site in order to bracket the site
and support that the site received
rainfall amounts similar to station data
Wetness signature interpretations:
Wetness signature is a change in
appearance of a site from the
surrounding land readily visible on
aerial photography due to excessive
moisture or wetness. Indicators of
wetness signature include:
a. Surface water
b. Flooded or drowned out crops
c. Long-term inundation that leaves a
distinctive ‘‘bulls-eye’’ or ‘‘bathtub ring’’
signature indicating very gradual
percolation and/or evaporation.
d. Stressed vegetation (e.g. leaf
yellowing, timber kills, etc.);
e. Differences in vegetation color due
to management, such as delayed
planting or harvesting;
f. Isolated, squared, and/or irregularly
shaped areas not managed similar to rest
of the agricultural field (i.e. not
cropped, not harvested);
g. Patches of lush or greener
vegetation, which may be especially
pronounced in a drier than normal
image or during a drought.
h. Unharvested crops in an otherwise
harvest field
i. Non-agricultural vegetation in place
of crops on hydric soils or inclusions.
j. A consistent land change or
vegetative boundary outline, or
footprint, can be indicative of a wetland
of some type when the other
characteristics, such as color or texture,
may be too subtle to call for a different
sampling unit or label on their own.
It is important to confirm the
landscape position and relief of the site
when making wetness signature
interpretations. Recognize that similar
irregular patterns on upland sloping
agricultural areas may be such things as
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 88 / Friday, May 6, 2016 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
fertilizer skips, seeding skips, herbicide
drift, gully erosion, a dry ridge top or
hill crown, or exposed subsoil rather
than wetness signature.
Ground-truthing, or on-site analysis,
is not required to make an offsite
wetland determination. However, it is
an important consideration for making
sound remote sensing interpretations
and should be a part of the training
protocol for any wetland specialist
using this method. While the policy is
to do as many determinations as
possible using offsite methods for both
the identification of wetlands (SOSM)
and the identification of wetland type
(SOWTP), this process encourages the
use of ground-truthing when needed for
increased accuracy in the
determination. Newly trained agency
experts especially are encouraged to
make an on-site analysis in order to
better develop their ability to interpret
offsite data.
Wetness signature is always easier to
detect from imagery in open agricultural
areas because of the physical responses
of plant communities to wetness or
dryness after periodic agricultural
disturbances. In cropped areas, bare
ground will periodically be the
condition of the site in some flights.
Forested areas are harder to remote
sense for wetness signature due to leaf
cover, shadows, lack of disturbance and
lack of visible response by the forest
community to minor changes in
wetness. For that reason, the user may
be able to interpret wetness signature
within forested areas from the open
agricultural areas adjacent to those areas
when characteristics such as relief and
drainage pattern are considered.
Wetness signatures at the interface of
woods and crops are a signature of
wetness in the woods, indicating that
the woods should be visited to
determine how much of the woods is
wet if it cannot be determined with the
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a
raster dataset that can be used as an
elevation surface layer in a Geographic
Information System (GIS) to display and
analyze topographic and geomorphic
characteristics within the extent of data
coverage. For the Indiana SOSM
process, DEMs refers to Digital Elevation
Models that represent the bare earth
surface of landscape, without buildings,
vegetation, or other above ground
features. The most up to date DEMs in
Indiana consist of a new generation of
high accuracy data derived from LIDAR
datasets. This set of Digital Elevation
Models is capable of accurately
mapping a 2-foot contour interval on the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:20 May 05, 2016
Jkt 238001
land. The DEM and other landscape
based data derivatives are available to
NRCS employees for use in offsite
assessments for the SOSM process and
prior to site visits. Derivative datasets
generated from the DEM can include
contours, slope, shaded relief or
hillshade, fill, flow accumulation,
landform curvature, and aspect. These
datasets are able to be used as remote
sensing tools to aid in determining
potential wetland geomorphology and
detailed local drainage patterns. They
serve as a valuable tool for this
methodology. All NRCS employees in
Indiana that have approval to perform
wetland determinations are provided
with access to the data and software
tools to utilize and interpret the data
within agency based Geographic
Information Systems
Indiana DEM limitations
1. The current set of Indiana DEMs
was developed from LIDAR data
collected between 2008 and 2013 across
the state. As a result, the DEMs will
sometimes, but not always, be useful in
interpreting the presence or absence of
manmade drainage features such as
ditches prior to 1985.
2. DEMs from any source are similar
to aerial imagery in that they store
information about the state of the
landscape at the time of the source data
acquisition, in this case LIDAR collected
between 2008 and 2013. This means
that subsequent changes to the
landscape are not depicted which could
include ditch cleaning, diversions,
terraces, etc.
Other Data Sources
There are a number of other valuable
resources available to NRCS delineators.
All credible data sources should be
considered when making a CWD to
ensure accuracy.
Additional years of orthorectified
aerial imagery are available, including
1998 NAPP (1 meter, leaf-off), numerous
years of NAIP (1 meter, leaf-on) from
2003 to the present, and multiple highresolution local data sets (typically 1
foot, leaf-off, 4-band) collected by units
of state and county government. More
recent versions of the NAIP and high
resolution local imagery include a 4th
band of color infrared (CIR) data which
can be displayed in a manner to further
assist photo interpretation of wetness
The USGS topographic maps were
created prior to the 1980’s and provide
a good historical indicator of land use.
The contour interval on the historical
USGS topographic maps is typically 5 or
10 feet which can be insufficient for
landform geomorphology interpretations
in relatively flat landscapes. The use of
PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
high-resolution Digital Elevation Models
(DEMs) derived from new LIDAR
products now enables all of Indiana to
be covered by 2-foot contour interval
data to provide much more detailed
views of local topography and
[FR Doc. 2016–10218 Filed 5–5–16; 8:45 am]
Rural Housing Service
Notice of Request for Extension of a
Currently Approved Information
Rural Housing Service, USDA.
Proposed collection; comments
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces the Rural Housing
Service’s (RHS) intention to request an
extension for the currently approved
information collection in support of our
program for Complaints and
Compensation for Construction Defects.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received by July 5, 2016 to be assured
of consideration.
Myron Wooden, Finance and Loan
Analyst, Single Family Housing Direct
Loan Division, RHS, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, STOP 0783, 1400
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–0783.
Telephone (804) 287–1559.
Title: RD Instruction 1924–F,
‘‘Complaints and Compensation for
Construction Defects.’’
OMB Number: 0575–0082.
Expiration Date of Approval: 09–30–
Type of Request: Extension of a
currently approved information
Abstract: The Complaints and
Compensation for Construction Defects
program under section 509C of title V of
the Housing Act of 1949, as amended,
provides funding to eligible persons
who have structural defects with their
Agency financed homes to correct these
problems. Structural defects are defects
in the dwelling, installation of a
manufactured home, or a related facility
or a deficiency in the site or site
development which directly and
significantly reduces the useful life,
habitability, or integrity of the dwelling
or unit. The defect may be due to faulty
material, poor workmanship, or latent
causes that existed when the dwelling
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 88 (Friday, May 6, 2016)]
[Pages 27393-27406]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-10218]
Natural Resources Conservation Service
[Docket No. NRCS-2016-0003]
Notice of Availability of Proposed Changes to Section I of the
Indiana Field Office Technical Guide for Public Review and Comment
AGENCY: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA).
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: NRCS is proposing to revise Section I of the Indiana Field
Office Technical Guide to include ``Guidance for Indiana Wetland
Determinations, Including the use of Offsite Methods, to Identify
Wetlands, Wetland Types, and Their Size for the 1985 Food Security Act,
as amended,'' which will replace the existing ``Wetland Mapping
Conventions for Agricultural Land and Narrow Band and Small Pocket
Inclusions of Non-Agricultural Land'' (commonly referred as State
Wetland Mapping Conventions).
DATES: Effective Date: This notice is effective May 6, 2016. ``Guidance
for Indiana Wetland Determinations, Including the use of Offsite
Methods, to Identify Wetlands, Wetland Types, and Their Size for the
1985 Food Security Act, as amended'' is in final draft, subject to
revision and will be utilized immediately in order to better service
requests for wetland determinations for compliance with the Food
Security Act of 1985 (as amended) in a timely manner.
Comment Date: Submit comments on or before June 6, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be submitted, identified by Docket Number
NRCS-2016-0003, using any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Mail or hand-delivery: Submit state specific comments to
the Indiana NRCS State Office, located at 6013 Lakeside Boulevard,
Indianapolis Indiana 61821.
NRCS will post all comments on In
general, personal information provided with comments will be posted. If
your comment includes your address, phone number, email, or other
personal identifying information, your comments, including personal
information, may be available to the public. You may ask in your
[[Page 27394]]
that your personal identifying information be withheld from public
view, but this cannot be guaranteed.
Conservationist, Telephone: (317) 295-5801
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ``Guidance for Indiana Wetland
Determinations, Including the use of Offsite Methods, To Identify
Wetlands, Wetland Types, and Their Size for the 1985 Food Security Act,
as amended'' will be used as part of the technical documents and
procedures to conduct wetland determinations on agricultural land as
required by 16 U.S.C. 3822. NRCS is required by 16 U.S.C. 3862 to make
available for public review and comment all proposed revisions to
standards and procedures used to carry out highly erodible land and
wetland provisions of the law. All comments will be considered. If no
comments are received, ``Guidance for Indiana Wetland Determinations,
Including the use of Offsite Methods, to Identify Wetlands, Wetland
Types, and Their Size for the 1985 Food Security Act, as amended'' will
be considered final.
Electronic copies of the proposed ``Guidance for Indiana Wetland
Determinations, Including the use of Offsite Methods, to Identify
Wetlands, Wetland Types, and Their Size for the 1985 Food Security Act,
as amended'' are available through by accessing
Docket No. NRCS-2016-0003. Alternatively, copies can be downloaded or
printed from the Indiana NRCS Web site located at Requests for paper
versions or inquiries may be directed to the Indiana State
Conservationist at the contact point shown above.
Signed this 21 day of April, 2016.
Jane E. Hardisty,
Indiana State Conservationist.
United States Department of Agriculture
Indiana Natural Resources Conservation Service
Guidance for Indiana Wetland Determinations, Including the use of
Offsite Methods, To Identify Wetlands, Wetland Types, and Their Size
For the 1985 Food Security Act, as amended.
INTRODUCTION................................................ 4
1.5 DEVELOPEMENT OF THE BASE MAP............................ 26
DETERMINATION MAP..........................................
LABELED POLYGONS...........................................
4.0 ATTACHMENTS............................................. 40
The National Food Security Act Manual (NFSAM) provides internal
agency policy related to the Highly Erodible Land Conservation and
Wetland Conservation provisions of the 1985 Food Security Act, as
amended (FSA *). Part 514.7 of the NFSAM explains that the FSA wetland
determination process requires a technical determination of whether the
site (sampling unit) is a wetland, then a separate, independent
determination of whether any exemptions to the provisions apply. Based
on these two decisions, a certified wetland determination map is
prepared with an appropriate Wetland Conservation (WC) label assigned
to each sampling unit. The size of each area with a WC label is
provided. Thus, the FSA wetland determination decision includes three
independent steps: Step 1: Wetland Identification, Step 2: Assignment
of WC Labels and Step 3: Sizing.
* To properly differentiate between the Food Security Act and
the Farm Service Agency, ``FSA'' will refer to the 1985 Food
Security Act and ``Farm Services Agency'' will be spelled out.
To accomplish the first step (wetland identification), the
Secretary of Agriculture directed the Natural Resources Conservation
Service (NRCS) to develop and use offsite and onsite wetland
identification procedures (7 CFR 12.30(a)(4)). The NRCS responded by
providing such procedures in the NFSAM.
The NFSAM Part 527 FSA Wetland Identification Procedures, as
distributed through Circular 6 in December 2010, directs that NRCS will
utilize Part IV: Methods, contained in the Corps of Engineers Wetland
Delineation Manual (Corps Manual) for onsite and offsite
determinations. The NFSAM explains that the on-site procedures
contained in the Corps Manual are supplemented by the Corps Regional
Supplements and the FSA variances to the Corps Methods, as provided in
Part 527 FSA Wetland Identification Procedures.
The second step (Assignment of Wetland Conservation Labels) assigns
labels identified in NFSAM Part 514 to each sampling unit. The
methodology for this step involves taking the Step 1: Wetland
Identification, which is either ``Yes, the site meets the FSA
definition of a wetland'' or ``No, the site does not meet the FSA
definition of a wetland'', reviewing the data for activities that have
affected the wetland nature of the site and assigning a FSA label to
the sampling unit in response to the disturbances, if any, done to the
area within the sampling unit. This assigning of FSA labels is a
straight forward determination that the data reviewed indicates that
the site meets the definition of the FSA label.
[[Page 27395]]
The third step is to review the ecological conditions of the site
for a change in the overall size from the Step 1: Wetland
Identification, to the present day with an analysis of the correctness
of a specific Wetland Type Label for a specific size.
This step is designed to take notice of sample units meet a FSA
label of a type of wetland that then may have decreased in size after
December 23, 1985, and may require a change in label to document that
the sampling unit was manipulated or converted.
On the other hand, an increase in the size of a sampling unit may
also indicate the change in a FSA label from a type of non-wetland to
wetland where an exemption still applies to the increased size and can
be converted into land suitable for crop production.
The FSA Wetland Identification Procedures provide that the US Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) offsite procedures found in Part IV, Section
D, Subsection 1--``Onsite Inspection Unnecessary'' can be augmented
with the development of State Offsite Methods (SOSM). The purpose of
this document is to provide procedures that the NRCS in Indiana will
use for rendering decisions when onsite inspection (field indicators)
is unnecessary. Additionally, this document provides guidance related
to the assignment of FSA labels and sizing.
The SOSM incorporates by reference the current versions and
pertinent sections of the following Documents (and their location):
1. National Food Security Act Manual (NFSAM)
2. 20101 Food Security Act Wetland Identification Procedures (NFSAM
Part 527 Appendix)
3. 1987 United States Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation
Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1 (on-line edition)
4. USACE Regional Supplements Eastern Mountains and Piedmont,
Midwest, and North Central and Northeast Regions to the '87 Manual (on-
line editions)
5. Hydrology Tools for Wetland Determination (Title 210
Engineering, National Engineering Handbook (NEH), Part 650, Engineering
Field Handbook (EFH), Chapter 19)
The Assignment of Wetland Types and The Sizing of Wetlands
Procedures (WTSP) can be used either offsite or on-site, and both
incorporate by reference the current versions and pertinent sections of
NFSAM Parts 514 (Labels) and 515 (Minimal Effect and Mitigation
Exemption). These labels were developed to account for all of the
various kinds of wetlands defined in 7CFR12.2-Wetland determinations
and the different exemptions to be applied to those wetlands as found
in 7 CFR 12.5(b)-Exemptions for wetlands and converted wetlands. The
sizing of wetlands is a procedure to ensure that the label is correct
for the entire area of the sampling unit based on the aforementioned
references used for the Assignment of Wetland Types. NRCS has used Part
IV of the 1987 USACE Delineation Manual as the base document for the
development of SOSM while incorporating the variances from the FSA
Wetland Identification Procedures without any alterations, so it is
anticipated that there will be few, if any, differences with the
existing wetland determination system.
Paragraph (2-14) of the FSA Wetland Identification Procedures
defines SOSM as ``Methods developed by the NRCS for the sole purpose of
supplementing the offsite methodology in the Corp Manual (decisions
made using Level 1 or Level 3) for use in identifying wetlands for FSA
purposes. The adoption process for State Offsite Methods will include
solicitation of State Technical Committee recommendations. These
methods may replace or supplement methods provided for in State Mapping
Indiana NRCS presented the SOSM to the Indiana State Technical
Committee on February 24, 2015 and April 9, 2015 to solicit feedback
and recommendations as required in paragraph (2-14) of the FSA Wetland
Identification Procedures. NRCS also presented the WTSP to the
committee to demonstrate how the FSA label assignment and sizing
procedure carries on the information collected to make the Wetland
Identification. All of the methodologies and procedures developed for
Indiana take into account unique regional, state, and local wetland
characteristics. This document adheres to regulations and policies in
effect as of the date of this document but may be subject to change.
Specific changes required by CFR will be implemented without
concurrence from other agencies while changes in methodology and
procedures will be vetted with the committee.
For FSA purposes, the term ``wetland'' is defined in 16 U.S.C.
3801(a)(18) as land that--
A) Has a predominance of hydric soils.
B) Is inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a
frequency and duration sufficient to support a prevalence of
hydrophytic vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil
C) Under normal circumstances supports a prevalence of such
According to paragraph (3-2) of the FSA Wetland Identification
Procedures, ``This definition is unique to the statute, and all
decisions regarding the identification of FSA wetlands must be based on
this definition. The statute adds further clarity to the concept of an
FSA wetland by defining ``hydric soil'' and ``hydrophytic vegetation''
(as those concepts will be applied to the Wetland Conservation
provisions) and by the specific direction given to the Secretary as to
the hydric soils and hydrophytic vegetation criteria that must be
developed by USDA (16 U.S.C. Section 3801(b)(1)).''
Wetland identification decisions are based on conditions that are
expected to occur under Normal Circumstances. The FSA Wetland
Identification Procedures paragraph (2-10) defines Normal Circumstances
(NC) as, ``The soil and hydrologic conditions that are normally
present, without regard to whether the vegetation has been removed (7
CFR 12.31(b)(2)(i)). For FSA wetland identification purposes, this
concept is the consideration of normal and abnormal climate-based site
changes and natural and artificial disturbance-based site changes that
can create wetland identification challenges. ``Normally present'' is
further explained as the vegetative, soil, and hydrologic conditions
that occur under both of these conditions:
a. Without regard to whether the site has been subject to drainage
actions (see drainage definition) after December 23, 1985, and without
regard to whether the vegetation has been removed or significantly
b. During the wet portion of the growing season under normal
climatic conditions (normal environmental conditions).''
The FSA Wetland Identification Procedures paragraph (2-11) defines
Normal Environmental Conditions (NEC) as ``The climate-based concept of
NC, defined as the physical conditions, characteristics (hydrology,
soil, and vegetation), or both that would exist in a typical situation
(2-12) on a site during the wet portion of the growing season in a
normal climatic year.''
Normal Circumstances as used in the FSA wetland definition requires
that decisions be based not on anomalies, but rather what would
normally occur on the sampling unit during NEC (FSA Procedures
paragraph 3-3). In the Corps methods, the concept of ``normal'' is
separated into the disturbance-based
[[Page 27396]]
concept of normal circumstances (typical/atypical situations) and the
climate-based concept of normal circumstances called ``normal
environmental conditions'' (NEC). The NRCS adopts this concept that a
determination of ``normal'' is a two-pronged consideration (FSA
Procedures paragraph 3-4). For FSA purposes the agency expert will
determine the normal circumstances (NC) of the sampling unit as those
that would be expected to occur,
(1) In the absence of post-December 23, 1985 drainage actions that
alter the normal soil or hydrologic conditions.
(2) In the absence of an alteration (removal or change) in the
plant community such that a decision cannot be made if the site would
support a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation if undisturbed.
(3) During the wet portion of the growing season during a year
experiencing normal weather patterns.
In the absence of direct evidence, the decision if a sampling unit
meets a particular diagnostic factor (wetland hydrology, prevalence of
hydrophytic vegetation, and a predominance of hydric soils) is assisted
by confirmation of the presence of indicators. The use of indicators to
predict the conditions that would occur under NC is referred to as the
``indicator-based approach to wetland identification.'' The presence or
lack of indicators can be determined using remotely sensed data sources
or onsite observations. USACE, United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), and NRCS use the indicator-based approach to assist in
decision-making. The ultimate decision if a site meets the FSA criteria
for any of the three diagnostic factors is made from a preponderance of
evidence, best professional judgment, and the FSA definitions and
criteria of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology
(FSA Wetland Identification Procedures paragraph 4-3).
According to Paragraph 4-4 of the FSA Wetland Identification
Procedures, ``The decision if the site is a Food Security Act wetland
is ultimately rendered based on the determination of a presence or
absence of each of the three factors under NC. Areas determined to
support wetland hydrology, a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation, and
a predominance of hydric soils (all under NC), as each factor is
defined by the FSA, are wetlands subject to the WC provisions of the
On-site Visits Required by Regulation:
7CFR12(a)(6) is cited in NFSAM Part 514.1.A(3)(v) as requiring an
on-site investigation of FSA-569 ``NRCS Report of HELC and WC
Compliance'' requests or whistleblower complaints. Other situations
that require an on-site investigation include a specific request for an
onsite determination; as a condition of withholding program benefits;
servicing an appeal; or a request for a pre-conversion minimal effect
In addition, an on-site visit is required any time an agency
1) Cannot accumulate enough offsite data to complete the decision-
making process, or
2) Finds that the accumulated data do not give a clear and
definitive determination.
At each significant decision-making point in the offsite procedure,
the agency expert will consider whether an on-site inspection procedure
is needed. It is not the intent of the SOSM to always provide a
determination answer. The intent of the SOSM is to provide a body of
data to the agency expert that can be used to make an offsite
determination if the data is of sufficient quantity and quality. If
not, then the offsite data will be used to assist in making an on-site
Modifying the procedure--
The FSA wetland determination process makes use of two parts of the
1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual; Paragraph 23 of the Introduction
and Part IV minus the comprehensive method (NFSAM, Part 527(5-3).
Paragraph 23, entitled ``Flexibility'', addresses the possibility of
the need to modify the procedures.
NRCS has developed modifications to the process as required by the
FSA and its amendments. These modifications are incorporated into the
``2010 Food Security Act Wetland Identification Procedure'' (FSA
Wetland Identification Procedure) as variances and are used in the SOSM
and other procedures in this document. Paragraph 23 requires all
modifications to be explained so that all variances will be cited when
used. No further modifications to the SOSM or other procedures are
authorized. Any need to modify the SOSM or other offsite procedures
themselves is an indication that a Level 2 or Level 3 on-site
determination is necessary.
Locally produced evidence--
7 CFR 12.5(b)(7) ``Responsibility to provide evidence'' states it
is the person who is seeking an exemption listed in 7 CFR 12.5(b)(1-5)
to a converted wetland (any time before or after December 23, 1985) to
provide evidence in seeking that exemption. It is not the NRCS'
responsibility to search for such evidence outside of this procedure;
rather, it is the NRCS' responsibility to see if the participant-
provided evidence can be confirmed and to ensure that the person has
had such an opportunity.
Locally produced evidence will be considered as a source of data
alongside all other data used to make the offsite determination. NOTE:
In this instance the use of the word ``converted'' is in reference to
7CFR12.2(3), meaning a manipulation creating ground suitable for crop
production at any time before or after December 23, 1985. This is not
referring to the use of the FSA Labels ``Converted Wetland'' or
``Converted Wetland + Year''.
As stated in the NFSAM in Part 514.1, ``Certified wetland
determinations must be completed by a qualified NRCS employee, as
determined by the State Conservationist. Qualified employees (i.e.,
agency experts) must meet all of the following criteria:
1. Have completed all the required training, including updated
2. Have the appropriate job-approval authority.
3. Have demonstrated proficiency in making certified wetland
Persons using these SOSM must have the appropriate ``Wetland Job
Approval Authority(s)'' delegated and documented in accordance with
current NRCS policy.
The first step in the wetland identification process is to
subdivide the project into different areas called sampling units (FSA
Procedures (2-12)) and identify each sampling unit on a base map. For
each sampling unit, an independent consideration of each of the three
wetland diagnostic factors is made. For each sampling unit, the agency
expert must decide which level of determination outlined in ``Section
C: Selection of Method'' of the USACE 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual
is most appropriate as follows--
Level 1 is rendering a decision using offsite resources
for each of the three factors. The assessment of each factor must be
independent of the other factors and a different remote data
[[Page 27397]]
source must be used for each factor. NOTE: A single resource document
(tool) can contain multiple data sources. Each can be used as an
indicator for a different factor. For example, a soil survey contains
multiple data sources (soils map, hydrology data, vegetative data, and
use limitation data). High-accuracy Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data and United States
Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps are sources for elevation
data, land use data, and hydrology data (i.e. water symbols). The
mandate is that a single remote data source (i.e. soil map unit) cannot
be applied to more than one factor.
Level 2 is rendering a decision using on-site data, along
with any useful offsite data. The exception is if Section F (Atypical
Situation) or G (Problem Area) of the USACE Manual is needed. Those
sections are only applied after a decision is made to use onsite
methods (even if remote data sources are eventually used to render a
Level 3 is rendering a decision using offsite resources
(i.e. soils maps, DEMs derived from LIDAR data, etc.) for 1 or 2
factors and using onsite indicators (i.e. soil pits, drift lines, plant
dominance tests) for the other factor(s).
Wetland determinations are a technical decision resulting from the
determination of whether an area is a wetland or non-wetland (wetland
ID), including the determination of appropriate wetland type (WC
compliance label) and size (FSA Wetland Identification Procedures
paragraph (2-18)). Therefore, the NRCS identifies three unique and
separate steps to the wetland determination process. Within the first
two steps, each of the three wetland diagnostic factors must be
assessed independently to determine if a decision can be rendered at
the diagnostic factor level using offsite data sources.
All agency decisions during Step 1 are made at the
sampling unit level.
The term ``imagery'' refers to all forms of remotely
captured imagery or photography, digital or analog, at all resolutions.
Unless otherwise stated, the use of ``1985'' in this
document refers to December 23, 1985.
Identification of Sampling Units
Gather all available sources of data and create a base map using
available geospatial data to determine if wetlands exist within each
sampling unit.
Users will graphically subdivide the area of interest into sampling
units on a base map image using resources A through F (as available)
listed below. The base map needs to be large enough to read and record
multiple sampling units in one location. Sampling unit boundaries do
not need to correspond exactly to a boundary indicated by any of the
resources listed below. The agency expert determines sampling unit
validity. Sampling units will be located using the following remote
A. Based on knowledge of local conditions, review the FSA slides
from prior to 1987 (regardless of annual precipitation). Each signature
listed below may indicate a unique sampling unit:
Trees, saplings, shrubs and other non-agricultural
Surface water.
Saturated conditions.
Flooded or drowned-out crops.
Stressed crops due to wetness.
Differences in vegetation due to different planting dates.
Inclusion of wet areas as set-aside or idled.
Circular or irregular areas of unharvested crops within a
harvested field.
Isolated areas that are not farmed with the rest of the
Areas of greener vegetation (especially during dry years).
B. Review the US Fish & Wildlife Service (US FWS) National Wetland
Inventory (NWI) maps. While each NWI polygon not matching the other
indicators may be a sampling unit, care should be taken to notice when
the NWI is simply displaced from the location where other indicators
are showing a unique sampling unit. This ``off-center'' displacement
has been observed when matching up the Indiana NWI sites with certified
wetland boundaries.
C. Review DEMs derived from LIDAR data for differences in elevation
indicating significant differences in land forms that may collect and
hold water.
D. Review the soil survey and the county hydric soils list from the
NRCS Web Soil Survey. Identify listed hydric soil map units, map units
with hydric soils as part of their name, soils with hydric inclusions,
and map units with conventional wetland symbols. Each soil survey
feature not matching the other resources above may be a sampling unit.
E. Locally-produced information from individuals involved with the
property related to manipulations and conversions prior to December 23,
F. Review other inventory tools, if available.
NOTE: The more indicators that can be assigned to a specific area,
the greater the probability that the area qualifies as a unique
sampling unit.
NOTE: All land within the requested area will be assigned a
sampling unit designation of ``Y'' (yes, a wetland) or ``N'' (no, not a
wetland); therefore all land within the requested area will be part of
a sampling unit.
[rtarr8] Proceed to the Section 1.2. For each sampling unit--
The term hydric soil means soil that, in its undrained condition,
is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during a growing season to
develop an anaerobic condition that supports the growth and
regeneration of hydrophytic vegetation (16 U.S.C. 3801(a)(12)). Refer
to Part V, subpart C, paragraphs 5-49 through 5-53, of the FSA Wetland
Identification Procedures for further information and allowable
variances from the Corps methods.
Title 7 CFR Sec. 12.31(a)(1) states, ``NRCS shall identify hydric
soils through the use of published soil maps which reflect soil surveys
completed by or through the use of onsite reviews.''
Title 7 CFR Sec. 12.31(a)(2) states, ``NRCS shall determine
whether an area of a field or other parcel of land has a predominance
of hydric soils that are inundated or saturated as follows:''
i. ``If a soil map unit has hydric soil as all or part of its name,
that soil map unit or portion of the map unit related to the hydric
soil will be determined to have a predominance of hydric soils.''
ii. ``If a soil map unit is named for a miscellaneous area that
meets the criteria for hydric soils (i.e., riverwash, playas, beaches,
or water) the soil map unit will be determined to have a predominance
of hydric soils.''
iii. ``If a soil map unit contains inclusions of hydric soils, that
portion of the soil map unit identified as hydric soil will be
determined to have a predominance of hydric soils.''
The following remote indicators are suggestive (indicates) that the
hydric soils definition is met:
1. Soils Maps (data) and County Hydric Soils Lists.
Hydric Soils Decision Threshold (the factor is met if:
1. The sampling unit meets 7 CFR Sec. 12.31(a)(2) as described
above. If a soil map unit has hydric soil as part of its name or
contains a hydric inclusion, that portion of the hydric component
(major or minor) in the soil survey can be verified by either:
a. Identifying that the landform (such as a depressional area
viewed on remote data) of the sampling unit is consistent with the
landform (such as closed
[[Page 27398]]
depression or swale) of the hydric component or inclusion; or,
b. Using the soil series.
[rtarr8] Proceed to Section 1.3.
Wetland Hydrology means inundation or saturation of the site by
surface or groundwater during a growing season at a frequency and
duration sufficient to support a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation.
Refer to Part V, subpart C, paragraphs (5-56) through (5-60), of the
FSA Wetland Identification Procedures for further information and
allowable variances from the Corps methods.
The NFSAM defines inundation as meaning ``the ground is covered by
water due to ponding, flowing, or flooded water.'' Depth of the
inundation is not part of the identification of the presence of
hydrology. Rather, the focus of data collection and interpretation is
on the time of year the inundation occurs, the length of time the
inundation lasts, and how frequently it occurs over time on an annual
The NFSAM and the CFR do not define saturation other than being the
presence of water within the soil profile that affects the presence of
hydrophytic vegetation, and by inference, the absence of non-
hydrophytic vegetation as a dominant plant community. Similar to the
definition of inundation, the focus on data collection and
interpretation is on the season, duration, and frequency of the
saturation. However, saturation as a factor in affecting the prevalence
of hydrophytic vegetation is dependent on proximity to the rooting
depth of the plant.
The 1987 USACE Wetland delineation Manual defines ``saturated soil
conditions'' in the glossary as ``A condition in which all easily
drained voids (pore) between soil particles in the root zone are
temporarily or permanently filled with water to the soil surface at
pressures greater than atmospheric.''
Wetland hydrology is defined as inundation or saturation by surface
or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support a
prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation typically adapted for life in
saturated soil conditions NFSAM 514.6(1).
For the purposes of this method, procedure, and process, saturation
is defined as the presence of groundwater or perched water at or near
the surface of the soil profile within a depth of 12 inches from the
soil surface during any time in the growing season.
In Indiana, a site under direct observation during the growing
season that is dominated by hydrophytic vegetation on a hydric soil
that is saturated to a depth within 12 inches of the surface is
indicative of the site being either a wetland (W) or a manipulated
wetland (WX), indicating partially removed hydrology after 1985, rather
than a non-wetland (NW), notwithstanding contradictory indicators.
The following remote indicators are suggestive (indicates) that the
wetland hydrology definition is met:
1. Imagery showing surface water inundation by ponding or flooding
under NC.
2. Imagery showing a Color Tone difference due to wetness that is
reflective of NC that: (a) Was occurring on the date of the imagery, or
(b) that occurred previous to the imagery but the evidence of this
wetting event remains evident. Refer to Attachment C. Color tones
provide clear distinctions in the condition of the sampling unit
compared to the condition in the surrounding area including size and
color. Color tones include:
Hydrophytic vegetation such as trees, saplings, shrubs,
and other non-agricultural plants.
Saturated condition.
Stressed crops due to wetness.
Differences in vegetation due to different planting dates.
Inclusion of wet areas as set-aside or idled.
Circular or irregular areas of unharvested crops within a
harvested field.
Isolated areas that are not farmed with the rest of the
Areas of greener vegetation (especially during dry years).
[cir] Users are advised that sampling units and wetness signatures
in areas with perennial vegetation may not be readily visible. In such
cases, field verification is required.
3. The presence of mineral soil flats that have not been
manipulated such that the microtopography of the soil surface has been
leveled, or that the area has been altered by surface drain patterns or
subsurface drainage. Clermont, Cobbsfork, and Peoga soils are currently
the soil types that are included in the mineral soil flats reference
site in Indiana.
Wetland Hydrology (including pre-1985 drainage) Decision Threshold
is met with the proper combination of the following indicators:
1. The presence of water as indicated by signatures on imagery or a
soil survey with the area labeled as ``Water'' or ``Miscellaneous
2. The presence of mineral soil flats that have not been tilled or
leveled, or altered by surface drain patterns or subsurface drainage.
Clermont, Cobbsfork, and Peoga soils are currently the soil types that
are included in the mineral soil flats reference site in Indiana,
3. Wetness signatures found on greater than 50 percent of imagery
reviewed with consideration given to the actual environmental
conditions at the time of data collection (wet, dry, normal).
The imagery review will consist of all available imageries
prior to 1988. The 1987 imagery is to be used only to verify subsequent
effects of drainage installed prior to 1985. Imagery from 1979 to 1986
will be interpreted with consideration of whether it is reflective of
normal, wet, or dry amounts of precipitation.
NOTE: Imagery from years that are considered wet or dry years are
an indicator only if they have contrarian indicators (i.e.--wet
signatures in a dry year or no signatures on a wet year). See
attachment C ``Hydrology Information'' for information on the use of
normal year data.
Publically available high-resolution leaf-off imagery
taken in the early spring can be used to determine presence of wetland
signatures, taking care not to factor in any post-December 23, 1985
manipulations and conversions.
NRCS is invoking Paragraph 23 of the 1987 USACE Wetland
Delineation Manual for agricultural land determinations. For a sample
unit that has been identified by the Farm Service Agency as having an
agricultural commodity produced at least once prior to 1985 and does
not support woody vegetation on 1985, the only FSA labels that are
applicable are Prior Converted Cropland (PC), Non-Wetland (NW), and
Farmed Wetland (FW). The absence of hydrology indicators on a majority
of imagery taken prior to 1987 indicates either a PC or NW
determination. Hydrophytic vegetation criteria can be by-passed by
documenting that an agricultural commodity was produced prior to 1985.
The soils map will indicate either a PC label for hydric soils or a NW
label for non-hydric soils. The FW label will be used if a majority of
the aforementioned imagery has the hydrology indicators of surface
water or long-term inundation (10% consecutive days of inundation
during the wet part of the growing season (i.e.--March, April, May)
such as non-agricultural herbaceous vegetation or bare soil with slow
drawdown signatures. These labels
[[Page 27399]]
can be applied without applying the remainder of the SOSM.
NOTE: Care will be taken to identify False Positive and Negative
[cir] An FW label will be changed to W if the site is abandoned for
five consecutive years at any time after 1985.
[cir] A NW label due to the conversion of a wetland prior to 1985
will be changed to W if the three criteria return.
[cir] An herbaceous Wetland (W) or a Farmed Wetland Pasture (FWP)
can present subtle signatures on the imagery such as simple vegetative
color variation but with a consistent footprint.
[cir] FWP's can also be abandoned to the W label,
1. High-accuracy Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from
2. Depth Grid modeled from high accuracy digital elevation models.
3. Short term-inundation modelled from stream gauge data.
4. National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps produced by the US FWS.
5. Soil Survey map with wetness spot symbols.
6. Soil Survey map with linear spot symbols associated with imagery
wetness signatures.
7. USGS Topographical map with wetness spot symbol.
Producer-provided records indicate that drainage has been installed
or constructed prior to 1985,
a. And has been maintained and is functioning such that the lack of
hydrology indicators can be explained, or that such indicators are
potential false positive hydrology indicators.
b. If no producer-provided records are available, then the agency
expert is to presume maintenance has been conducted on any drainage
features installed prior to 1985 and any wetness signatures observed
are valid (indicating any potential system has not adequately removed
hydrology) and are not false positive indicators.
[rtarr8] Proceed to Section 1.4.
Hydrophytic vegetation means a plant growing in (A) water; or (B) a
substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen during a
growing season as a result of excessive water content (16 U.S.C.
3801(a)(11)). Refer to Part V, subpart C, paragraphs (5-41) through (5-
46), of the FSA Wetland Identification Procedures for further
information and allowable variances from the Corps methods in
identification of hydrophytic vegetation.
The following remote indicators are suggestive (indicates) that the
hydrophytic vegetation definition is met. See Attachment A for a
detailed description of each resource:
1. Ecological Site Descriptions (ESD).
2. Approved Indiana NRCS wetland reference site data as it is
3. Indiana Hydric Soil and Vegetative Correlation List
4. Locally developed soil map units and plant association lists.
5. National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping.
6. Indiana Approved Official Soil Series Descriptions (OSD) plant
7. Prior land-based (on the ground) photography.
Hydrophytic Vegetation Decision Threshold (the factor is met if):
One or more of the listed resources will indicate the presence of
hydrophytic vegetation.
NOTE: Attention should be given to the definition being ``Plants
growing in water or in a substrate that is as least periodically
deficient in oxygen during the growing season as a result of saturation
or inundation by water''. Variance 5-42 of the FSA Wetland
Identification Procedure states ``For FSA purposes, the question is not
as much the species, but rather how individual plants are behaving
within any one sampling unit.'' Any individual plant meeting the
definition is considered to be hydrophytic vegetation.
[rtarr8] Proceed to Step 1.5
The agency expert will analyze each sampling unit as defined in
Steps 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 and use a worksheet to complete the following
If all three factor answers are ``yes'' (the factors are
met) for a sampling unit then record a ``Y'' (yes) on the base map for
the sampling unit.
If any factor answer is ``no'' (a factor is not met) for a
sampling unit then record an ``N'' (no) on the base map for the
sampling unit.
Provide a copy of the final base map to the case file.
This final base map will be used to complete Section 2 and
Section 3.
NOTE: Part IV of the 1987 USCAE Wetland Delineation Manual
instructs the user to label the wetland ``W'' and the nonwetland ``N''.
NRCS is using the label ``Y'' in place of the ``W'' so as not to cause
confusion with the use of ``W'' as an FSA Wetland Type Label in section
[rtarr8] Proceed to Section 2
Sampling units identified as a ``Y'' (wetland) or ``N'' (non-
wetland) in Section 1 will be assigned the appropriate WC compliance
label as determined by any applicable exemptions found in the current
version of the NFSAM. The offsite process for this step is identified
as the State Offsite Wetland Type and Size Procedure (SOWTP). This is a
separate procedure from the SOSM.
NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, the use of ``1985'' in this document
refers to December 23, 1985.
The following data will be used to indicate that pre-1985 cropping
history (``agricultural commodity produced at least once before 1985''
(7 CFR 12.2)) is met. This step may have already been carried out in
step 1.3. If so then this section need not be used unless there is a
possibility of a false positive or negative determination
1. Any imagery taken prior to 1986.
2. Farm Service Agency records of any kind.
3. Any record from a person who was involved in the farming
operation before December 23, 1985 that demonstrates that the site was
cropped and appears to be valid.
4. Areas that are in pasture or hay land that have a uniform
topography that indicates suitability as a crop field in past years.
This condition does not preclude the use of wetland labels.
Cropping History Decision Threshold (met if):
The threshold to use crop production as an eligible wetland
exemptions has three parts:
1. The site is determined to be ``N'' (Non Wetland) on the Base
a. There may be situations with the Base Map being marked ``Y''
when the site may be determined to have cropping history with the use
of steps #2 and #3 (resulting in a FW label).
2. The site was cropped at least once prior to December 23, 1985--
a. Evidence of Pre-1985 cropping appears on at least one piece of
remote imagery.
b. Pre-1985 imagery indicates that the site was cleared of woody
vegetation and the mapped soil type is commonly suited for crop
production (as indicated on ``Use and Vegetation'' section of the
Official Soil Description).
[[Page 27400]]
c. Farm Service Agency informs NRCS of cropping history.
d. An individual provides a written statement of when the site was
cropped or imagery demonstrating so.
3. The site was suitable for crop production on December 23, 1985
(can use a and/or b)--
a. 1985 or 1986 imagery indicates the site--
i. Is being cropped, or
ii. Is being used for pasture or hayland production absent of
wetland indicators, or
iii. Is not inundated with surface water, or
iv. Does not contain woody vegetation such that:
1. Only isolated individual specimens that would not hinder
conventional row planting are observed, and
2. There are not so many trees that a non-ag determination should
be completed.
b. The Farm Services Agency informs NRCS of 1985 cropping history,
``set-aside'' history, or other status indicating that the site was
suitable for crop production.
[rtarr8] Proceed to Section 2.2.
Manipulations are defined by regulation as an activity that drains,
dredges, fills, levels, or otherwise manipulates, including the removal
of woody vegetation, or any activity that results in impairing or
reducing the flow and circulation of water, for the purpose of or to
have the effect of making possible the production of an agricultural
The analysis related to pre-1985 manipulations has been completed
Evidence of pre-1985 manipulations presented during the following
steps in the FSA label determination step should be applied to the
steps in Section 1 (Developing the Base Map) to determine if the
analysis completed in Section 2 needs reconsidered.
The following remote indicators are suggestive (indicates) that a
post-1985 potential conversion occurred.
Post-1986 imagery/aerial photography showing a
Post-1985 NRCS or Farm Service Agency records showing a
Post-1985 producer-provided records showing a
Post-1985 land-based photographs showing a
DEMs derived from LIDAR data showing a manipulation.
Post-1985 Potential Conversion Decision Threshold (the factor is
met if):
1. The manipulation appears on at least one indicator from post-
1985 data.
NOTE: A site visit is required for potential wetland violations and
a FSA-569 will be issued. Refer to 7CFR12 and NFSAM 514.1 to determine
the circumstances that require a site visit.
DECEMBER 23, 1985 AND NOVEMBER 28, 1990
The following remote indicators will be used to indicate whether a
potential manipulation or conversion occurred before or after November
28, 1990.
Imagery/aerial photography showing a manipulation(s) after
December 23, 1985 but before November 28, 1990 (NFSAM Part 514).
NRCS or Farm Service Agency records showing a
manipulation(s) after December 23, 1985 but before November 28, 1990.
Producer-provided records showing a manipulation(s) after
December 23, 1985 but before November 28, 1990.
Land-based photographs showing a manipulation(s) after
December 23, 1985 but before November 28, 1990.
DEMs derived from LIDAR data indicating a manipulation
after December 23, 1985 but before November 28, 1990.
Pre-1990 Potential Conversion Decision Threshold (the factor is met
1. The manipulation appears on at least one indicator from data
representing conditions between December 23, 1985 and November 28,
NOTE: A site visit is required for potential wetland violations and
a FSA-569 will be issued. Refer to 7CFR12 and NFSAM 514.1 to determine
the circumstances that require a site visit.
NOVEMBER 28, 1990
The following remote indicators will be used to indicate whether a
potential manipulation or conversion occurred after November 28, 1990.
Imagery/aerial photography showing a manipulation(s) after
November 28, 1990 (NFSAM Part 514).
NRCS or Farm Service Agency records showing a
manipulation(s) after November 28, 1990.
Producer provided records showing a manipulation(s) after
November 28, 1990.
Land-based photographs showing a manipulation (e.g. tile
inlet/outlet) after November 28, 1990.
DEMs derived from LIDAR data indicating a manipulation
after November 28, 1990.
Post-1990 Potential Conversion Decision Threshold (the factor is
met if):
1. The manipulation appears on at least one indicator representing
conditions after November 28, 1990.
NOTE: A site visit is required for potential wetland violations and
a FSA-569 will be issued. Refer to 7CFR12 and NFSAM 514.1 to determine
the circumstances that require a site visit.
[rtarr8] Proceed to Section 2.4, 2.5, or 2.6 as appropriate. These
sections identify land forms that meet the definition of depressional
Farmed Wetlands, closed depressional Farmed Wetlands known as potholes,
and Farmed Wetland Pastures. Proceed to section 2.7 if none of these
are appropriate.
The following remote indicators are suggestive (indicates) that the
site is a glaciated depression or land form that does not have
topography that allows accumulated surface water to flow off-site such
that it meets the definition of a Farmed Wetland pothole (FW).
1. Imagery, land-based photography, or other data show evidence
that 7 consecutive days of inundation or 14 consecutive days saturation
occurs in a closed topographic depression in a glaciated upland (non-
floodplain, non-drainage way) landscape during the growing season. The
term upland follows the concept from the national Soil Survey Handbook
(NSSH). Imagery evidence includes--
a. Surface water.
b. Flooded or drowned out crops.
c. Vegetative color variation.
d. Stressed crops.
e. Un-harvested crops.
f. Isolated areas not farmed with the rest of the field.
g. Non-agricultural vegetation.
2. DEMS derived from LIDAR show a closed topographic depression in
a glaciated upland landscape position.
3. USGS Topographic map or other land survey shows a closed
topographic depression in a glaciated upland landscape position.
[[Page 27401]]
4. Soil Survey data show a depression, pothole, or closed
topographic depression in a glaciated upland landscape position. Refer
to Attachment B for further information.
5. A combination of US FWS NWI map and one other indicator from
step 1.3.
Glaciated Closed Depression Decision Threshold is met if:
A. The landform appears on at least one of the five remote
indicators. The more indicators that can be assigned to a specific
area, the greater the probability that it qualifies as a glaciated
closed depressional area that meets the definition of a Farmed Wetland
B. NRCS records show field-verified manipulations with an
assessment of duration, such as drainage equations found in the
National Engineering Handbook, Chapter 19.
[rtarr8] Document and proceed to the section 2.5.
The following remote indicators are suggestive (indicates) that
sites that have been manipulated but still warrant a ``Y'' on the Base
Map exhibit the duration of inundation or saturation required to meet
the criteria for pasture and hay land that contains depressions or
other topography sufficient to allow water to accumulate such that it
meets the definition of a Farmed Wetland Pasture (FWP).
1. 1980 through 1986 Farm Service Agency aerial imagery (taken
during the growing season as defined in Part 514.2 of the NFSAM)
showing wetness signatures. Imagery evidence includes the following
signatures --
a. Surface water.
b. Flooded or drowned out crops.
c. Vegetative color variation.
d. Stressed crops.
e. Un-harvested crops.
f. Isolated areas not farmed with the rest of the field.
g. Non-agricultural vegetation.
2. DEMS derived from LIDAR show a closed topographic depression in
a glaciated upland landscape position.
3. USGS Topographic map or other land survey shows a closed
topographic depression in a glaciated upland landscape position.
4. Soil Survey data show a depression, pothole, or closed
topographic depression in a glaciated upland landscape position. Refer
to Attachment B for further information.
5. A combination of FWS NWI map and one other indicator from 1-3.
Pastured Open-ended Depressional Areas Decision Threshold is met
A. The landform appears on at least one of the four remote
indicators. The more indicators that can be assigned to a specific
area, the greater the probability that the area qualifies as a
glaciated open-ended depression that meets the definition of a Farmed
Wetland Pasture (FWP).
B. NRCS records show field-verified manipulations with an
assessment of duration, such as drainage equations found in the
National Engineering Handbook, Chapter 19.
The following remote indicators are suggestive (indicates) that
sites that have been manipulated but still warrant a ``Y'' on the Base
Map exhibit the duration of inundation or saturation required to meet
the criteria for cropland that contains depressions or other topography
sufficient to allow water to accumulate in order to meet the definition
of a Farmed Wetland (FW).
1. 1980 through 1986 Farm Service Agency aerial imagery (taken
during the growing season as defined in Part 514.2 of the NFSAM)
showing wetness signatures. Any other 1986 or earlier aerial
photography may also be used. Imagery evidence is limited to--
Surface water.
Drowned out crops leaving bare soil indicating long-term
inundation (``bulls-eye'' pattern).
Non-ag vegetation on hydric soils.
2. NRCS records show field-verified manipulations with an
assessment of duration, such as drainage equations found in the
National Engineering Handbook, Chapter 19.
3. A combination of FWS NWI map and one other indicator from 1-3.
Open-Ended Depressional Decision Threshold is met if:
A. The landform appears on at least one of the three remote
indicators. The more indicators that can be assigned to a specific
area, the greater the probability that the area qualifies as a
glaciated open-ended depression that meets the definition of a Farmed
Wetland Pasture (FWP).
B. Results of analytical techniques (such as drainage equation(s))
show that inundation would not be removed within 15 days or consecutive
days of 10% of the growing season.
[rtarr8] Document and proceed to section 2.7.
Refer to Part 514 of the NFSAM, 7 CFR 12.2 and 7 CFR 12.5 for a
full discussion of the requirements for various exemptions. The SOSM
has determined whether the sampling unit is considered a Wetland (Y) or
a Non-Wetland (N). 7CFR12 lists the possible Wetland Types--
Artificial Wetland (AW)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(1)
Commenced Conversion Wetland (CC)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(2)
& 12.5(b)(2)
Converted Wetland (CW or CW+Year)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(3)
& 12.4(a)(2)&(3)
Converted Wetland not for the production of commodity
crops (No label)--7CFR12.5(b)(1)(iv)
Farmed Wetland--depressional or pothole (FW)--7CFR12.2(a)
Farmed-Wetland Pasture (FWP)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(5)
Minimal Effect Wetland (MW)--7CFR12.5(b)(1)(v)
Not-Inventoried Wetland (No label)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(6)
Non-Wetland (NW)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(7)
Prior-Converted Cropland (PC)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(8)
Wetland (W)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(9)
All other WC compliance label assignments require the use of the
NFSAM and on-site investigations. These include--
Converted Wetland by Entity (CW)--7CFR12.5(D)
Converted Wetland Planting Violation (CW)--7CFR12.2(a)
Wetland(3) & 12.4(a)(2)
Converted Wetland + Year (CW+Yr)--7CFR12.2(a) Wetland(3) &
Manipulated Wetland (WX)--7CFR12.5(b)(1)(iv)
Third Party Conversion (TP)--7CFR12.5(D)
[[Page 27402]]
The agency expert will analyze the final product to ensure that the
size of the labeled area is accurate, particularly in response to post
1985 developments. Sample units and WC labeled areas will be adjusted
to ensure that the labeled area accurately reflects the 1985 status and
any changes created after that year.
The agency expert will, as appropriate, further divide or combine
the sampling units identified in Section 2.0 into labeled polygons for
the certified wetland determination map. This decision is based on the
answers to the steps in Section 2 (e.g. closed depression/open
depression, cropping history, manipulation, hydrology duration).
The Certified Determination Map will be depicted on the latest
imagery that appears to be of normal precipitation. The map will
contain labels for all areas that have certified determinations and
preliminary determinations.
The map will be of sufficient scale so that the determined areas
can be easily seen. Additional maps can be made to better show site
location, location of farm, and past activities on the farm to show
manipulation and conversion.
Hydrophytic Vegetation Information
The following resources are listed in Part IV of the USACE 1987
Wetland Delineation Manual or are resources developed after the
issuance of the Manual.
Ecological Site Description (ESD)
As of the date of issuance of these SOSM, ESDs are currently being
developed in Indiana. Once completed, a matrix correlating soil map
unit components to ecological sites will be available in Section 1,
State Offsite Methods, of the Indiana Field Office Technical Guide
Ecological Site Descriptions and Range Site Descriptions are based
on relative weight of component species, rather than the percent cover
measure cited in the Corps Methods. Both measures are viable for
determining the ecological significance of the species comprising the
plant community. This use of these data is authorized in Paragraph 55-
Step 4(c) and (d) of the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual.
Approved Indiana NRCS wetland reference site data as it is developed.
Indiana NRCS will develop wetland reference site data through
formal long-term water table monitoring and data demonstrating that a
specific soil type has both positive hydrology and a plant community
dominated by hydrophytic vegetation. These reference site data are
currently being developed for Cobbsfork and similar soils in Southern
Indiana. The use of these data is authorized in Paragraph 55-Step 4(d)
and (h) of the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual.
Indiana NRCS Wetland Soils and Vegetative Correlation Data
Indiana NRCS will maintain and continually build a list of
vegetative species observed, correlated with specific soil series, from
past and future on-site determinations. In addition to this ``master''
correlated list, the certified agency experts may make use of their own
accumulation of past determinations to indicate the presence of
hydrophytic vegetation, particularly if a reference site is near the
site to be determined. The use of these data is authorized in Paragraph
55-Step 4(d) and (h) of the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual.
Locally Developed Soil and Plant association lists
Certified agency experts can make use of previous determination
data that demonstrates a correlation between specific soil types and
observed plant communities dominated by hydrophytic vegetation. The use
of these data is authorized in Paragraph 55-Step 4(d), (f), and (h) of
the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual.
Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland Inventory (NWI) Mapping
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Web site ``Wetland Mapper''
contains a list of vegetative species correlated to their specific
wetland classifications. The use of these data is authorized in
Paragraph 55-Step 4(b) of the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual
Official Soil Series Descriptions (OSD)
The official soil series descriptions provide a description of the
vegetation adapted to the soil in a section entitled ``Use and
Vegetation''. The description of the vegetation can range from listing
specific species to only providing a general description such as
``Native vegetation is water tolerant sedges, reeds, grasses, and
Indiana NRCS is in the process of developing a state-wide list of
all of the listed soil series, indicating which descriptions can be
used to indicate hydrophytic vegetation and which soil series
descriptions are being updated to provide specific species information.
The use of these data is authorized in Paragraph 55-Step 4(d) and (g)
of the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual
The NRCS will use the definition of pothole, playa, and pocosin as
noted below. This definition is subject to change via the rule-making
process. However, any change in definition will not change the soils
the state considers pothole, playa, or pocosin soils.
Pothole--Pothole means a closed or partially closed
depressional wetlands, generally circular or elliptical in shape, that
were formed during the Wisconsin Glaciation. Potholes can occur in an
outwash plain, a recessional moraine, lacustrine plain, or a till plain
and commonly contain an intermittent or seasonal pond or marsh. Many
pothole wetlands are seasonally dry, retaining water and saturated soil
conditions due to snow-melt and precipitation runoff early in the
growing season. Later in the growing season, evapotranspiration
generally exceeds normal precipitation resulting in some potholes being
dry for a significant portion of the year. The fluctuating hydrology,
along with alterations implemented to improve farming, lead to a
variety of vegetation characteristics including submergent and floating
plants in deeper water, bulrushes and cattails in shallow water and
sedges located near adjacent uplands. During dry periods, upland plant
species can invade these sites and persist into wet seasons.
NOTE: This definition is a mutually agreed-to definition by both
Indiana and Illinois NRCS to describe the glaciated pothole region
present in both states.
Specific Indiana identification parameters are:
[cir] Occurs within the Wisconsin glaciated region.
[cir] Symmetrically closed depression.
[cir] Ponds water greater than 1 foot in depth if not drained.
[cir] Side slopes dominantly greater than 2%.
[cir] Has a >=50% chance of being ponded for at least 7 consecutive
days or is saturated for at least 14 consecutive days during the
growing season.
[[Page 27403]]
In Indiana, Potholes are located primarily in the upper
half of the Wisconsin Glaciated Region and include, but are not limited
to, the following soil series with the modifier ``pothole'':
[cir] Harpster sil, pothole
[cir] Milford msic, pothole
[cir] Milford sl, pothole
[cir] Milford sicl, pothole
[cir] Pella sicl, pothole
[cir] Peotone sicl, pothole
[cir] Walkill l, pothole
[cir] Warners sil, pothole
1. Hydrology information will be developed using Chapter 19 of the
NRCS National Engineering Field Handbook--
I. Part 650.1901--``Use of stream and lake gauges (pages 19-2 to
i. This part may be used whenever there are data developed for such
II. Part 650.1911--``Remote Sensing Applications'' (pages 19-85 to
i. This part is to be used to determine the presence of hydrology.
III. The use of the other parts of Chapter 19 will only be with the
assistance of NRCS engineering specialists.
IV. NRCS will use Purdue Extension Publication AY-300, June 2001,
``Drainage and Wet Soil Management--Drainage Recommendations for
Indiana Soils''.
i. The guide provides a tile spacing distance range for each group
of soils with a similar drainage capability.
ii. The guide will be used to determine how far back to set a tile
line from an herbaceous wetland, a farmed wetland, or a farmed wetland
1. Each person receiving such a guide will be advised to use the
maximum spacing range as a setback distance.
2. Each person receiving such a guide will be advised that wetland
labels such as W-Wetland, FW-Farmed Wetland, or FWP--armed Wetland
Pasture will be changed to CW+Year if they are affected by the
installation of new tiles, even if laid according to the guide.
3. A Technical Assistance Note or a copy of the guide will be
placed in the casefile of every person receiving the guide.
2. The use of Farm Service Agency aerial imagery will serve two
I. The identification of wetlands and non-wetlands as of December
23, 1985. Consequently, the slides to be used are limited to those
taken before 1987 as the intent of the interpretation is for the
Wetland Identification prior to 1985. Slides and imagery post-1986,
such as the 2005 infrared and other high resolution imagery, may be
used to help identify ground and topographical conditions but not in
the identification of wetlands under typical conditions.
II. The occurrence of atypical activities in wetlands after
December 23, 1985. Slides taken after 1986 are used for three
i. To indicate if a wetland was manipulated.
ii. To determine if a wetland was converted between December 23,
1985 and November 28, 1990, and if it was converted--what year, if any,
was it used for the production of an annual commodity crop after the
iii. To determine what year, if any, was a wetland converted after
November 28, 1990, to make it suitable for the production of a
commodity crop.
3. Normal Precipitation--
The terms ``normal precipitation imagery'', ``normal
precipitation'', or ``normal years'' is referring to a period of time
where normal amounts of precipitation were received by the site. The
time frame is normally 3 months. The amount of precipitation received
by a specific area is arrived by using the procedure outlined in Part
650.1903--``Supplemental data for remote sensing'' (pages 19-24 to 19-
31). This same procedure is used to determine if a site, during a
specific date or time frame, received precipitation amounts within the
range of normal rainfall or outside of the normal range with excessive
amounts of precipitation, considered ``wet'', or low amounts of
precipitation, considered ``dry''.
Ten (10) potential sources of information are described within Part
IV, Section B of the 1987 Manual. This section describes some of the
sources listed in the manual, defines additional sources that NRCS may
use to complete the CWD process. A source not being mentioned in this
section should not be interpreted as that source being invalidated. The
delineator should attempt to utilize all available sources of
information when completing the SOSM.
United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Minute Series Quadrangle
NRCS employees are provided with the official USGS topographic maps
within agency Geographic Information Systems (GIS). USGS topographic
maps and other spatial data may also be accessed at: via ``The National Map Viewer.'' Topographic maps
provide marsh or swamp symbols for wetter areas and the general
agricultural status of the land relative to the date of the map (e.g.
cleared ground that could be either cropland or pastureland, forested,
or urban). Water bodies such as streams and ponds are identified and
manipulations to those waters such as channelization or existing levees
may be noted. Site relief is one of the most important aspects of the
topographic map. Contours enable decisions relative to the site's
ability to charge and retain wetness, and to recognize drainage
Topographic map limitations
1. Check the date on the map or in the metadata for the date of
revision. This may help determine a time range when changes occurred.
2. USGS protocol was generally to delineate the wet areas mapped
based on the driest season of the year, which may have missed several
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland Inventory (NWI)
The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) is an offsite delineation of
potential wetlands. The NWI is an available tool that mapped potential
wetlands when wetland losses were accelerating in the 1970's and 80's
due to agricultural conversions and other wetland stressors. The NWI is
accepted by USFWS, USACOE, EPA and NRCS as a first cut indicator tool
for the presence of wetlands. NRCS employees are provided with the most
up to date version of NWI data that is compatible with agency
Geographic Information Systems and tools. NWI data can also be obtained
directly from USFWS at
Plant community and hydrologic condition are key components of the
NWI interpretation and these interpretations were made at a time
critical for making decisions relative to the FSA. Because the first
iterations of NWI were commenced in the 1970's, the historical data
provides an indication of the status of wetlands around the critical
December 23, 1985 date. Hydrologic condition was interpreted using
several water regime modifiers. The 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation
Manual states in Part IV, Section B chapter 54 that areas mapped as
``wetter'' than temporarily flooded and intermittently flooded have
extremely high probabilities of meeting the wetland criteria (in excess
of 90 percent). The historical NWI also indicates possible
manipulations to
[[Page 27404]]
wetlands that were photo-interpreted from the base map utilized in the
NWI limitations
1. The NWI mapping protocol was developed prior to the accepted
federal definition of wetlands contingent on the three parameters of
soils, hydrology, and plants. Consequently, some of the early
delineations may have only been based on the two parameters of
hydrology and plant species. This was somewhat corrected with soils
between the draft remote sensing interpretations and the final
2. The inventory was remotely sensed with generally no more than 5%
ground-truthing in any given state.
3. The inventory often fails to capture open land wetlands, such as
farmed wetlands, as defined under the Food Security Act of 1985, as
amended, because of cropping activities and/or disturbance of plant
NRCS Soil Survey
Soils information is a primary tool for making offsite wetland
determinations. NRCS employees and the general public have access to
the most up to date soils data via agency GIS systems as well as Web
Soil Survey (WSS) at
Field office business software or the WSS have reports available
that will produce both spatial and tabular reports/lists for hydric
soils. Currently this report for individual parcels should be a subset
of the ``County Hydric Soils List'' which is referenced in many
documents. Field office business software rates each map unit. Map
units are designated as ``all hydric,'' ``partially hydric,'' ``not
hydric,'' or ``unknown hydric,'' depending on the rating of its
respective components. ``All hydric'' means that all components listed
for a given map unit are rated as being hydric, while ``not hydric''
means that all components are rated as not hydric. ``Partially hydric''
refers to a soil that has at least one component of the map unit that
is rated as hydric and at least one component that is rated as not
hydric. ``Unknown hydric'' indicates that at least one component is not
rated so a definitive rating for the map unit cannot be made.
In Web Soil Survey, there are multiple reports that provide hydric
soil information. ``Hydric Rating by Map Unit'' indicates the
cumulative percentage of soil components within each map unit that meet
the criteria for hydric soils. A related report, ``Hydric Rating by Map
Unit (5 categories)'' further designates a hydric category for each map
unit based on the cumulative percentage of its hydric components. The
``Hydric Soils List'' provides the hydric/non-hydric status of all map
unit components in the survey area. The ``Hydric Soils'' report lists
only those map units that have at least one component that is hydric.
The percentages of hydric or non-hydric soil components found in each
report for any map unit are only an estimate. These estimates were
derived from field observations taken by soil scientists during the
soil survey but will vary for any map unit from one location to the
The decision to use SOSM (remote sensing) versus an onsite visit
for possible hydric soil inclusions is a primary objective of this
Soil Survey limitations
The published soils data is a tool that provides evidence to the
possible presence of a wetland. Some of the limitations to the
published soil survey relative to offsite hydric soil determinations
are as follows:
1. All soil surveys rely on data that were gathered during a
specific period of time. Land use changes or manipulations from natural
or human events may now result in inaccurate soils data. Additionally,
some wetlands, such as floodplain wetlands, naturally evolve over time
into non-wetlands.
2. A ``hydric soil'' component listed in the report may have
properties that do meet hydric soil criteria. However, the entire range
of characteristics of soil components classified to the series level
may not be entirely within the range of properties for a ``hydric
soil.'' Hydric soil criteria were developed separately from Soil
Taxonomy. Therefore, any given component (series) may have a range of
characteristics that is not entirely within the range for hydric soils
even though the series is poorly or very poorly drained.
3. Almost all of the soil maps in the state were originally drawn
at a relatively small scale so some minor displacement of soil lines
may be observed. Additionally, much of the digital spatial data
available were created by recompiling and digitizing these hard copy
maps. Errors such as mislabeled map units and spatial displacement are
accidentally introduced as a result of the analog to digital conversion
process. If an error is suspected for any reason, an original hard copy
of the information should be consulted when available.
USGS Stream Gauge Data
Stream gauge data may be a useful tool in some parts of the state
for determining the hydrologic criteria of potential riverine wetlands
subject to long duration flooding. Sites subject to long duration
flooding (or ponding) that occurs during the growing season for 14 or
more consecutive days > 50% of years under normal circumstances will
meet the criteria of a wetland if the site also supports a prevalence
of hydrophytic plants. Long duration periods of surface inundation meet
both the hydrologic criteria of a wetland (14 or more days) and the
hydric soil criteria of a wetland (7 or more days). Typically this
method requires that the flood elevation be extrapolated across the
landscape between gauges in order to analyze the potential of
individual sites.
Stream Gauge Data Limitations
1. Current stream gauge data coverage and subsequent analyses are
limited in Indiana.
Remote Sensing Including Farm Service Agency Aerial Photography
There are three basic film bands for the imagery available through
the NHAP, NAPP, and NAIP: Color infrared (CIR), Natural Color (NC), and
Black/White (BW).
The currently acquired imagery by Farm Service Agency, NAIP, is
digital ortho-imagery acquired during the agricultural growing season
(leaf on) and the Farm Service Agency uses this imagery as a tool
primarily to verify agricultural conditions for USDA programs. The NAIP
provides one meter ground sample distance (GSD) ortho-imagery rectified
within +/-6 meters to true ground at a 95% confidence level.
From the 1980s through the 1990s, the Farm Service Agency purchased
county-wide high altitude flights for resource assessments and
verification of fields planted and types of crops grown. The spring
flights make these sources of imagery very valuable for wetland
determinations because they occur during the normal hydrologic period
of recharge for the majority of the wetlands in the state. The Farm
Service Agency Aerial Photography Field Office ( located in Salt
Lake City, Utah, also houses and provides copies for a fee of paper
aerial photographs (provided as a digital print) from past flights
which were typically flown about every five to ten years.
The NAIP imagery is accessible as a digital data layer in
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and is available in all field
offices, and certain flight years have the capability of being
displayed either in natural color and CIR.
[[Page 27405]]
Because Farm Services Agency imagery may be available on or around
the key years of 1985 and 1990, this imagery is one of the most
important tools available for making good offsite wetland
determinations or decisions for requiring onsite investigations.
In addition to Farm Service Agency, NRCS personnel have access to
imagery from a number of sources. Imagery from the ``Indiana Historical
Aerial Photo Index'' can be acquired from the Indiana Geological Web
site. Imagery can also be viewed on many County GIS Web sites that are
operated in conjunction with the Assessor's office. These sources tend
to offer variability in timing and season of photography which provides
greater perspective when making a determination. Many of these sources
are not geo-referenced and therefore cannot be added to a base map
within a GIS. However, the information that they provide is often
extremely valuable to the delineator.
Aerial Photography Limitations
Some of the limitations relative to use are:
1. Low crop producing counties may have fewer available years of
2. Many counties in the state have discarded early years of crop
compliance slides.
3. Early year crop compliance slides not digitized may have no
mapping index and consequently are hard to organize and use unless an
index is developed.
4. Based on the actual flight date and the type of film, the
imagery may be limiting relative to some interpretations. For example,
flights in the growing season (e.g. leaf on) may result in
misinterpretations of potential wetland features. In natural color
images water, wetland understory plants, and drainage patterns may be
obscured by the canopy of a mature forested cover.
5. Normal climatic conditions (i.e. pre-flight rainfall patterns)
assessed for the flight may still not accurately reflect the actual
onsite condition due to local variability.
6. Early year crop compliance slides may experience some fading of
colors, although this rarely results in the masking of gross landscape
Determining the Flight Date of the Imagery:
Determining the date of the imagery is critical when making photo-
interpretations of imagery for wetland determinations. The actual date
of the flight allows the reviewer to evaluate the climatic condition
both for growing season decisions and for rainfall amounts and time of
storm events. Actual days of the flight may be printed on the hard copy
imagery or can be found in the metadata of digital imagery. Records of
actual flight days may be available in the Farm Service Agency Aerial
Photography Field Office as previously mentioned.
Evaluation of Imagery for Normal Climatic Condition:
The pre-flight climatic assessment (antecedent moisture condition)
supports the quality of each flight year of imagery as a tool. By
documenting that the normal condition relative to rainfall existed just
prior to the flight, good wetland hydrology decisions can be made.
Flight dates that occur within the growing season support the wetland
definition. However, imagery flown outside of growing seasons should
still be considered tangible evidence for the hydrologic condition
during the growing season if similar rainfall amounts are expected
during growing season months. Such leaf off imagery may better display
drainage patterns.
The methodology to complete this climatic assessment can be found
in Chapter 19 of the NRCS National Engineering Field Handbook
(Hydrology Tools for Making Wetland Determinations). Each month's
rainfall amount is determined to be within the range of normal when it
is within 30% to 70% of the monthly average. The three-month rainfall
period is then assessed as a weighted average for the imagery, with
more emphasis placed on the period just preceding the flight date. This
assessment is used to determine the climatic condition prior to the
There are a number of good sources of rainfall data by month. The
NRCS CLIMSYS WETS table, available for most counties in the state, will
post monthly rainfall amounts for the 30 years of records used to
provide county averages ( However, this data is usually at least ten years
old for most counties. Current climatic data may be acquired from the
following sources:
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) cooperative site: May provide data to within two months of real
time, and this data is recorded daily. The Web site does not have a
static url and appears to have limited coverage of the state.
Indiana State Climate Office: Offers hourly, daily and
monthly reports. The site also offers access to additional data such as
drought reports and long term moisture trends.
National Weather Service, Advanced Hydrologic Prediction
Service: Provides a variety of search and report options for gathering
climatic data up to a year to date in duration.
Weather Underground: May provide real time rainfall
amounts. This source may be limited by the lack of available stations
providing data. The closest station may be some distance from the site.
The weather station closest to the potential wetland site should be
the first source of rainfall data. If rainfall data is unavailable for
the needed period of assessment, analyze rainfall records from more
than one station on each side of the site in order to bracket the site
and support that the site received rainfall amounts similar to station
data results.
Wetness signature interpretations:
Wetness signature is a change in appearance of a site from the
surrounding land readily visible on aerial photography due to excessive
moisture or wetness. Indicators of wetness signature include:
a. Surface water
b. Flooded or drowned out crops
c. Long-term inundation that leaves a distinctive ``bulls-eye'' or
``bathtub ring'' signature indicating very gradual percolation and/or
d. Stressed vegetation (e.g. leaf yellowing, timber kills, etc.);
e. Differences in vegetation color due to management, such as
delayed planting or harvesting;
f. Isolated, squared, and/or irregularly shaped areas not managed
similar to rest of the agricultural field (i.e. not cropped, not
g. Patches of lush or greener vegetation, which may be especially
pronounced in a drier than normal image or during a drought.
h. Unharvested crops in an otherwise harvest field
i. Non-agricultural vegetation in place of crops on hydric soils or
j. A consistent land change or vegetative boundary outline, or
footprint, can be indicative of a wetland of some type when the other
characteristics, such as color or texture, may be too subtle to call
for a different sampling unit or label on their own.
It is important to confirm the landscape position and relief of the
site when making wetness signature interpretations. Recognize that
similar irregular patterns on upland sloping agricultural areas may be
such things as
[[Page 27406]]
fertilizer skips, seeding skips, herbicide drift, gully erosion, a dry
ridge top or hill crown, or exposed subsoil rather than wetness
Ground-truthing, or on-site analysis, is not required to make an
offsite wetland determination. However, it is an important
consideration for making sound remote sensing interpretations and
should be a part of the training protocol for any wetland specialist
using this method. While the policy is to do as many determinations as
possible using offsite methods for both the identification of wetlands
(SOSM) and the identification of wetland type (SOWTP), this process
encourages the use of ground-truthing when needed for increased
accuracy in the determination. Newly trained agency experts especially
are encouraged to make an on-site analysis in order to better develop
their ability to interpret offsite data.
Wetness signature is always easier to detect from imagery in open
agricultural areas because of the physical responses of plant
communities to wetness or dryness after periodic agricultural
disturbances. In cropped areas, bare ground will periodically be the
condition of the site in some flights. Forested areas are harder to
remote sense for wetness signature due to leaf cover, shadows, lack of
disturbance and lack of visible response by the forest community to
minor changes in wetness. For that reason, the user may be able to
interpret wetness signature within forested areas from the open
agricultural areas adjacent to those areas when characteristics such as
relief and drainage pattern are considered. Wetness signatures at the
interface of woods and crops are a signature of wetness in the woods,
indicating that the woods should be visited to determine how much of
the woods is wet if it cannot be determined with the imagery.
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a raster dataset that can be
used as an elevation surface layer in a Geographic Information System
(GIS) to display and analyze topographic and geomorphic characteristics
within the extent of data coverage. For the Indiana SOSM process, DEMs
refers to Digital Elevation Models that represent the bare earth
surface of landscape, without buildings, vegetation, or other above
ground features. The most up to date DEMs in Indiana consist of a new
generation of high accuracy data derived from LIDAR datasets. This set
of Digital Elevation Models is capable of accurately mapping a 2-foot
contour interval on the land. The DEM and other landscape based data
derivatives are available to NRCS employees for use in offsite
assessments for the SOSM process and prior to site visits. Derivative
datasets generated from the DEM can include contours, slope, shaded
relief or hillshade, fill, flow accumulation, landform curvature, and
aspect. These datasets are able to be used as remote sensing tools to
aid in determining potential wetland geomorphology and detailed local
drainage patterns. They serve as a valuable tool for this methodology.
All NRCS employees in Indiana that have approval to perform wetland
determinations are provided with access to the data and software tools
to utilize and interpret the data within agency based Geographic
Information Systems
Indiana DEM limitations
1. The current set of Indiana DEMs was developed from LIDAR data
collected between 2008 and 2013 across the state. As a result, the DEMs
will sometimes, but not always, be useful in interpreting the presence
or absence of manmade drainage features such as ditches prior to 1985.
2. DEMs from any source are similar to aerial imagery in that they
store information about the state of the landscape at the time of the
source data acquisition, in this case LIDAR collected between 2008 and
2013. This means that subsequent changes to the landscape are not
depicted which could include ditch cleaning, diversions, terraces, etc.
Other Data Sources
There are a number of other valuable resources available to NRCS
delineators. All credible data sources should be considered when making
a CWD to ensure accuracy.
Additional years of orthorectified aerial imagery are available,
including 1998 NAPP (1 meter, leaf-off), numerous years of NAIP (1
meter, leaf-on) from 2003 to the present, and multiple high-resolution
local data sets (typically 1 foot, leaf-off, 4-band) collected by units
of state and county government. More recent versions of the NAIP and
high resolution local imagery include a 4th band of color infrared
(CIR) data which can be displayed in a manner to further assist photo
interpretation of wetness signatures.
The USGS topographic maps were created prior to the 1980's and
provide a good historical indicator of land use. The contour interval
on the historical USGS topographic maps is typically 5 or 10 feet which
can be insufficient for landform geomorphology interpretations in
relatively flat landscapes. The use of high-resolution Digital
Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from new LIDAR products now enables all
of Indiana to be covered by 2-foot contour interval data to provide
much more detailed views of local topography and landforms.
[FR Doc. 2016-10218 Filed 5-5-16; 8:45 am]