Amendments to the 2013 Mortgage Servicing Rules Under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X) and the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z), 24519-24521 [2016-09695]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 81, No. 80
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
12 CFR Part 1026
[Docket No. CFPB–2016–0016]
RIN 3170–AA49
Amendments to the 2013 Mortgage
Servicing Rules Under the Real Estate
Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation
X) and the Truth in Lending Act
(Regulation Z)
Bureau of Consumer Financial
ACTION: Reopening of comment period
with request for public comment.
The Bureau of Consumer
Financial Protection (Bureau) is
reopening the comment period for a
specific aspect of the proposed rule
published by the Bureau in the Federal
Register on December 15, 2014 (79 FR
74176). On December 15, 2014, the
Bureau published for notice and
comment proposed amendments to
certain mortgage servicing provisions in
Regulation X and Regulation Z. Among
other things, the proposed rule:
Addressed requiring servicers to
provide modified periodic statements
under Regulation Z to consumers who
have filed for bankruptcy, subject to
certain exceptions; included related
proposed sample periodic statement
forms; and indicated that the Bureau
intended to conduct consumer testing of
the proposed sample forms and would
publish and seek comment on a report
summarizing the methods and results of
such testing prior to finalizing any
sample forms. The original comment
period to the proposed rule closed on
March 16, 2015. The Bureau conducted
consumer testing of sample periodic
statement forms for consumers in
bankruptcy after the close of the original
comment period. The Bureau now
reopens the comment period until May
26, 2016 to seek comment specifically
on the report summarizing consumer
testing of sample periodic statement
forms for consumers in bankruptcy.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSAL
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The comment period for the
proposed rule published on December
15, 2014 (79 FR 74176) is reopened.
Comments must be received on or
before May 26, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. CFPB–2016–
0016 or RIN 3170–AA49, by any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Email: FederalRegisterComments@ Include Docket No. CFPB–
2016–0016 or RIN 3170–AA49 in the
subject line of the email.
• Mail: Monica Jackson, Office of the
Executive Secretary, Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau, 1700 G
Street NW., Washington, DC 20552.
• Hand Delivery/Courier: Monica
Jackson, Office of the Executive
Secretary, Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau, 1275 First Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20002. Instructions: All
submissions should include the agency
name and docket number or Regulatory
Information Number (RIN) for this
rulemaking. Because paper mail in the
Washington, DC area and at the Bureau
is subject to delay, commenters are
encouraged to submit comments
electronically. In general, all comments
received will be posted without change
to In
addition, comments will be available for
public inspection and copying at 1275
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20002,
on official business days between the
hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern
Time. You can make an appointment to
inspect the documents by telephoning
(202) 435–7275.
All comments, including attachments
and other supporting materials, will
become part of the public record and
subject to public disclosure. Sensitive
personal information, such as account
numbers or Social Security numbers,
should not be included. Comments will
not be edited to remove any identifying
or contact information.
Dania L. Ayoubi or David H. Hixson,
Counsels, or Laura A. Johnson, Senior
Counsel; Office of Regulations, at 202–
I. Background
In January 2013, the Bureau issued
several final rules concerning mortgage
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markets in the United States (2013 Title
XIV Final Rules), pursuant to the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), Public
Law 111–203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010).1
Two of these rules were (1) the Mortgage
Servicing Rules Under the Real Estate
Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation
X) (2013 RESPA Servicing Final Rule); 2
and (2) the Mortgage Servicing Rules
Under the Truth in Lending Act
(Regulation Z) (2013 TILA Servicing
Final Rule).3 These two rules are
referred to collectively as the 2013
Mortgage Servicing Final Rules.
The Bureau clarified and revised
those rules through notice and comment
rulemaking during the summer and fall
of 2013 in the (1) Amendments to the
2013 Mortgage Rules under the Real
Estate Settlement Procedures Act
(Regulation X) and the Truth in Lending
Act (Regulation Z) (July 2013 Mortgage
Final Rule) 4 and (2) Amendments to the
2013 Mortgage Rules under the Equal
Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B),
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
(Regulation X), and the Truth in
Lending Act (Regulation Z) (September
1 Specifically, on January 10, 2013, the Bureau
issued Escrow Requirements Under the Truth in
Lending Act (Regulation Z), 78 FR 4725 (Jan. 22,
2013) (2013 Escrows Final Rule), High-Cost
Mortgage and Homeownership Counseling
Amendments to the Truth in Lending Act
(Regulation Z) and Homeownership Counseling
Amendments to the Real Estate Settlement
Procedures Act (Regulation X), 78 FR 6855 (Jan. 31,
2013) (2013 HOEPA Final Rule), and Ability to
Repay and Qualified Mortgage Standards Under the
Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z), 78 FR 6407
(Jan. 30, 2013) (January 2013 ATR Final Rule). The
Bureau concurrently issued a proposal to amend the
January 2013 ATR Final Rule, which was finalized
on May 29, 2013. See 78 FR 6621 (Jan. 30, 2013)
(January 2013 ATR Proposal) and 78 FR 35429 (June
12, 2013) (May 2013 ATR Final Rule). On January
17, 2013, the Bureau issued the Real Estate
Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X) and Truth
in Lending Act (Regulation Z) Mortgage Servicing
Final Rules, 78 FR 10901 (Feb. 14, 2013)
(Regulation Z) and 78 FR 10695 (Feb. 14, 2013)
(Regulation X) (2013 Mortgage Servicing Final
Rules). On January 18, 2013, the Bureau issued the
Disclosure and Delivery Requirements for Copies of
Appraisals and Other Written Valuations Under the
Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 78 FR
7215 (Jan. 31, 2013) (2013 ECOA Valuations Final
Rule) and, jointly with other agencies, issued
Appraisals for Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans
(Regulation Z), 78 FR 10367 (Feb. 13, 2013) (2013
Interagency Appraisals Final Rule). On January 20,
2013, the Bureau issued the Loan Originator
Compensation Requirements under the Truth in
Lending Act (Regulation Z), 78 FR 11279 (Feb. 15,
2013) (2013 Loan Originator Final Rule).
2 78 FR 10695 (Feb. 14, 2013).
3 78 FR 10901 (Feb. 14, 2013).
4 78 FR 44685 (July 24, 2013).
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 80 / Tuesday, April 26, 2016 / Proposed Rules
2013 Mortgage Final Rule).5 In October
2013, the Bureau issued clarified
compliance requirements in relation to
successors in interest, early intervention
requirements, bankruptcy law, and the
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
(FDCPA),6 through an Interim Final
Rule (IFR) 7 and a contemporaneous
compliance bulletin (October 2013
Servicing Bulletin).8 Among other
things, the IFR provisionally exempted
servicers from the periodic statement
requirement for a mortgage loan while
the consumer is a debtor in bankruptcy
and indicated that the Bureau would
continue to examine the issue and might
reinstate the requirement to provide a
consumer in bankruptcy with a periodic
statement.9 In October 2014, the Bureau
added an alternative definition of small
servicer in the Amendments to the 2013
Mortgage Rules under the Truth in
Lending Act (Regulation Z).10 The
purpose of each of these updates was to
address important questions raised by
industry, consumer advocacy groups,
and other stakeholders. The 2013
Mortgage Servicing Final Rules, as
amended in 2013 and 2014, are referred
to herein as the Mortgage Servicing
On December 15, 2014, the Bureau
published for notice and comment a
proposed rule amending Regulation X
and Regulation Z.11 Among other
things, the proposed amendments to
§ 1026.41 of Regulation Z would require
servicers to provide modified periodic
statements to consumers who have filed
for bankruptcy, subject to certain
exceptions, with content varying
depending on whether the consumer is
a debtor in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 11
bankruptcy case, or in a Chapter 12 or
Chapter 13 bankruptcy case,
respectively.12 The Bureau also
proposed related sample periodic
statement forms,13 and indicated that it
would conduct consumer testing of the
proposed sample forms. As the Bureau
5 78
FR 60381 (Oct. 1, 2013).
U.S.C. 1692 et seq.
7 78 FR 62993 (Oct. 23, 2013).
8 Consumer Fin. Prot. Bureau, CFPB Bulletin
2013–12, Implementation Guidance for Certain
Mortgage Servicing Rules (Oct. 15, 2013), available
9 78 FR 62993, 63000–01 (Oct. 23, 2013). The
Bureau received comments in response to the IFR
that it took into account in developing the proposed
rule and sample forms for consumers in
10 79 FR 65300, 65304 (Nov. 3, 2014).
11 79 FR 74176 (Dec. 15, 2014).
12 The discussion of the relevant portions of the
proposed rule pertaining to the bankruptcy periodic
statements are available at 79 FR 74176, 74256–66
(Dec. 15, 2014).
13 79 FR 74176, 74267 and 74300–02 (Dec. 15,
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSAL
6 15
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explained in the proposed rule, ‘‘[p]rior
to finalizing any such sample forms, the
Bureau will publish and seek comment
on a report summarizing the methods
and results of the consumer testing.’’ 14
The comment period for the proposed
rule closed on March 16, 2015. In
response to the proposed rule, the
Bureau received over 100 comment
letters during the comment period from
numerous commenters, including
servicers, consumer groups, trade
associations, other government entities,
and individual consumers. In particular,
the Bureau received a number of
comments addressing the merits of the
proposed provisions on the bankruptcy
period statements. After the close of the
comment period, interested parties
submitted to the Bureau additional oral
ex parte presentations and written ex
parte comments on the proposed rule.15
In addition, the Bureau has conducted
ex parte outreach to servicers to gain
insight into their mortgage processing
systems and capabilities to implement
proposed changes to the servicing of
loans in bankruptcy.16 After the close of
the comment period, as discussed in
more detail below, the Bureau
conducted consumer testing of sample
periodic statement forms that servicers
could use for consumers in bankruptcy
to comply with the related proposed
amendments to § 1026.41.
II. Discussion and Request for Comment
Following publication of the proposed
rule, the Bureau engaged Fors Marsh
Group (FMG), a research and consulting
firm that specializes in designing
disclosures and consumer testing, to
conduct one-on-one cognitive
interviews of consumers to test the
Bureau’s proposed sample periodic
statement forms for consumers who
have filed for bankruptcy, with content
varying depending on whether the
consumer is a debtor in a Chapter 7 or
Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, or in a
Chapter 12 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy
case, respectively. As described in detail
in the report summarizing the testing,17
the Bureau and FMG worked closely to
14 79
FR 74175, 74266 (Dec. 15, 2014).
Consumer Fin. Prot. Bureau, CFPB Bulletin
11–3, CFPB Policy on Ex Parte Presentations in
Rulemaking Proceedings (Aug. 16, 2011), available
RulemakingProceedings.pdf. Materials pertaining to
these presentations are filed in the record and are
publicly available at
16 Summaries of the Bureau’s outreach are filed in
the record and are publicly available at https://
17 Fors Marsh Group, Testing of Bankruptcy
Periodic Statement Forms for Mortgage Servicing
(Feb. 2016), available at https://www.consumer (report on consumer testing
submitted to the CFPB).
15 See
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develop and test the Bureau’s proposed
sample modified periodic statement
forms and various revisions thereto.
Between May 2015 and August 2015,
FMG conducted three rounds of one-onone cognitive interviews regarding the
forms with a total of 51 participants in
Arlington, Virginia, Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, and Chicago, Illinois. Efforts
were made to recruit a significant
number of participants who had filed
for bankruptcy, who had a mortgage
(preferably when they filed for
bankruptcy), and who had trouble
making mortgage payments in the last
two years.
During the interviews, participants
were shown sample modified periodic
statements. In general, participants who
had filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
reviewed the statements tailored to
borrowers who are debtors in a Chapter
7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, while
participants who had filed for Chapter
13 bankruptcy reviewed the statements
tailored to borrowers who are debtors in
a Chapter 12 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy
case. Participants were asked specific
questions to test their understanding of
the information presented in the sample
statements, how easily they could find
various pieces of information presented
in the sample statements, as well as to
learn about how they would use the
information presented in the sample
statements. The Bureau and FMG
worked closely to develop revisions to
all of the forms between rounds to
address any usability or comprehension
issues that became apparent, as well as
to respond further to public comments
the Bureau received on the proposed
As noted above, the Bureau indicated
in its proposed rule that it would
conduct consumer testing of sample
periodic statement forms for consumers
in bankruptcy and publish a report prior
to finalizing any such sample forms.
The Bureau conducted the consumer
testing after the close of the original
comment period and is now issuing this
notice to reopen the comment period in
order to publish and seek public
comment specifically on the report
summarizing the methods and results of
the testing. The Bureau is not soliciting
comment on other aspects of the
proposed rule, including the merits of
the proposal to require periodic
statements for consumers in bankruptcy
under certain circumstances. As noted
above, the Bureau has already received
a number of comments on the merits of
the proposal, and any further such
comments will be considered outside of
the scope of this request for public
comment. Therefore, the Bureau
encourages commenters to limit their
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 80 / Tuesday, April 26, 2016 / Proposed Rules
submissions accordingly to the report,
its findings, and conclusions.
Dated : April 21 , 2016.
Richard Cordray,
Director, Bureau of Consumer Financial
[FR Doc. 2016–09695 Filed 4–25–16; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
[Docket Number USCG–2016–0131]
RIN 1625–AA00
Safety Zone, Shallowbag Bay; Manteo,
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Coast Guard proposes to
establish a temporary safety zone on the
navigable waters of Shallowbag Bay, in
Manteo, NC. This proposed safety zone
would restrict vessel movement from a
portion of Shallowbag Bay River during
the Manteo July 4th Celebration
Fireworks display. This action is
necessary for the safety of life and
property on the surrounding navigable
waters during the fireworks display. The
Coast Guard invites comments on this
proposed rule.
DATES: Comments and related material
must be received by the Coast Guard on
or before May 11, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by docket number USCG–
2016–0131 using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at https:// See the ‘‘Public
Participation and Request for
Comments’’ portion of the
further instructions on submitting
you have questions about this proposed
rulemaking, call or email LCDR Derek J.
Burrill, Coast Guard Sector North
Carolina, Coast Guard; telephone (910)
772–2230, email Derek.J.Burrill@
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSAL
II. Background, Purpose, and Legal
On July 4, 2016 fireworks will be
launched from a barge located in
Shallowbag Bay in Manteo, North
Carolina as part of the Manteo July 4th
Celebration. The Captain of the Port
North Carolina (COTP) proposes to
establish a temporary safety zone on
specified waters of Shallowbag Bay
within a 200 yard radius of a barge
anchor. This safety zone would be
effective and enforced from 9:00 p.m. to
10:30 p.m. on July 4, 2016 with a rain
date of July 5, 2016. Access to the safety
zone would be restricted during the
specified date and time.
The purpose of this temporary safety
zone is to ensure the safety of vessels
and spectators from hazards associated
with the fireworks display, such as
accidental discharge of fireworks,
dangerous projectiles, and falling hot
embers or other debris.
The legal basis for the rule is the
Coast Guard’s authority to establish
safety zones: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 46 U.S.C.
Chapter 701, 3306, 3703; 50 U.S.C. 191,
195; 33 CFR 1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6,
160.5; Public Law 107–295, 116 Stat.
2064; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1.
III. Discussion of Proposed Rule
The COTP proposes to establish a
safety zone from 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
on July 4, 2016 with a rain date being
July 5, 2016. The safety zone would
cover all navigable waters within 200
yards of barge anchor. The duration of
the zone is intended to ensure the safety
of vessels and these navigable waters
before, during, and after the scheduled
9:30 to 10:00 p.m. fireworks display. All
persons and vessels would need to
comply with the instructions of the
COTP or his designated representative.
Except for vessels authorized by the
COTP or his designated representative,
no person or vessel would be allowed to
enter or remain in the safety zone.
Notification of the temporary safety
zone would be provided to the public
via marine information broadcasts.
I. Table of Abbreviations
IV. Regulatory Analyses
We developed this proposed rule after
considering numerous statutes and
Executive orders related to rulemaking.
Below we summarize our analyses
based on a number of these statutes and
Executive orders and we discuss First
Amendment rights of protestors.
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DHS Department of Homeland Security
FR Federal Register
NPRM Notice of proposed rulemaking
§ Section
U.S.C. United States Code
A. Regulatory Planning and Review
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
direct agencies to assess the costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
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necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits.
Executive Order 13563 emphasizes the
importance of quantifying both costs
and benefits, of reducing costs, of
harmonizing rules, and of promoting
flexibility. This NPRM has not been
designated a ‘‘significant regulatory
action,’’ under Executive Order 12866.
Accordingly, the NPRM has not been
reviewed by the Office of Management
and Budget.
This regulatory action determination
is based on the size, location, duration,
and time-of-day of the safety zone.
Vessel traffic would be able to safely
transit around this safety zone which
would impact a small designated area of
Shallowbag Bay, Manteo, North
Carolina for less than 1 hour. Moreover,
the Coast Guard would issue a
Broadcast Notice to Mariners via VHF–
FM marine channel 16 about the zone,
and the rule would allow vessels to seek
permission to enter the zone.
B. Impact on Small Entities
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980, 5 U.S.C. 601–612, as amended,
requires Federal agencies to consider
the potential impact of regulations on
small entities during rulemaking. The
term ‘‘small entities’’ comprises small
businesses, not-for-profit organizations
that are independently owned and
operated and are not dominant in their
fields, and governmental jurisdictions
with populations of less than 50,000.
The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C.
605(b) that this proposed rule would not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
While some owners or operators of
vessels intending to transit the safety
zone may be small entities, for the
reasons stated in section IV.A above this
proposed rule would not have a
significant economic impact on any
vessel owner or operator.
If you think that your business,
organization, or governmental
jurisdiction qualifies as a small entity
and that this rule would have a
significant economic impact on it,
please submit a comment (see
ADDRESSES) explaining why you think it
qualifies and how and to what degree
this rule would economically affect it.
Under section 213(a) of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–121),
we want to assist small entities in
understanding this proposed rule. If the
rule would affect your small business,
organization, or governmental
jurisdiction and you have questions
concerning its provisions or options for
compliance, please contact the person
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 80 (Tuesday, April 26, 2016)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 24519-24521]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-09695]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 80 / Tuesday, April 26, 2016 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 24519]]
12 CFR Part 1026
[Docket No. CFPB-2016-0016]
RIN 3170-AA49
Amendments to the 2013 Mortgage Servicing Rules Under the Real
Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X) and the Truth in
Lending Act (Regulation Z)
AGENCY: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.
ACTION: Reopening of comment period with request for public comment.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) is
reopening the comment period for a specific aspect of the proposed rule
published by the Bureau in the Federal Register on December 15, 2014
(79 FR 74176). On December 15, 2014, the Bureau published for notice
and comment proposed amendments to certain mortgage servicing
provisions in Regulation X and Regulation Z. Among other things, the
proposed rule: Addressed requiring servicers to provide modified
periodic statements under Regulation Z to consumers who have filed for
bankruptcy, subject to certain exceptions; included related proposed
sample periodic statement forms; and indicated that the Bureau intended
to conduct consumer testing of the proposed sample forms and would
publish and seek comment on a report summarizing the methods and
results of such testing prior to finalizing any sample forms. The
original comment period to the proposed rule closed on March 16, 2015.
The Bureau conducted consumer testing of sample periodic statement
forms for consumers in bankruptcy after the close of the original
comment period. The Bureau now reopens the comment period until May 26,
2016 to seek comment specifically on the report summarizing consumer
testing of sample periodic statement forms for consumers in bankruptcy.
DATES: The comment period for the proposed rule published on December
15, 2014 (79 FR 74176) is reopened. Comments must be received on or
before May 26, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. CFPB-2016-
0016 or RIN 3170-AA49, by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Email: Include Docket
No. CFPB-2016-0016 or RIN 3170-AA49 in the subject line of the email.
Mail: Monica Jackson, Office of the Executive Secretary,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 1700 G Street NW., Washington, DC
Hand Delivery/Courier: Monica Jackson, Office of the
Executive Secretary, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 1275 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20002. Instructions: All submissions should
include the agency name and docket number or Regulatory Information
Number (RIN) for this rulemaking. Because paper mail in the Washington,
DC area and at the Bureau is subject to delay, commenters are
encouraged to submit comments electronically. In general, all comments
received will be posted without change to
In addition, comments will be available for public inspection and
copying at 1275 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20002, on official
business days between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time. You
can make an appointment to inspect the documents by telephoning (202)
All comments, including attachments and other supporting materials,
will become part of the public record and subject to public disclosure.
Sensitive personal information, such as account numbers or Social
Security numbers, should not be included. Comments will not be edited
to remove any identifying or contact information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dania L. Ayoubi or David H. Hixson,
Counsels, or Laura A. Johnson, Senior Counsel; Office of Regulations,
at 202-435-7700.
I. Background
In January 2013, the Bureau issued several final rules concerning
mortgage markets in the United States (2013 Title XIV Final Rules),
pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act (Dodd-Frank Act), Public Law 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010).\1\ Two
of these rules were (1) the Mortgage Servicing Rules Under the Real
Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X) (2013 RESPA Servicing
Final Rule); \2\ and (2) the Mortgage Servicing Rules Under the Truth
in Lending Act (Regulation Z) (2013 TILA Servicing Final Rule).\3\
These two rules are referred to collectively as the 2013 Mortgage
Servicing Final Rules.
\1\ Specifically, on January 10, 2013, the Bureau issued Escrow
Requirements Under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z), 78 FR
4725 (Jan. 22, 2013) (2013 Escrows Final Rule), High-Cost Mortgage
and Homeownership Counseling Amendments to the Truth in Lending Act
(Regulation Z) and Homeownership Counseling Amendments to the Real
Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 78 FR 6855 (Jan.
31, 2013) (2013 HOEPA Final Rule), and Ability to Repay and
Qualified Mortgage Standards Under the Truth in Lending Act
(Regulation Z), 78 FR 6407 (Jan. 30, 2013) (January 2013 ATR Final
Rule). The Bureau concurrently issued a proposal to amend the
January 2013 ATR Final Rule, which was finalized on May 29, 2013.
See 78 FR 6621 (Jan. 30, 2013) (January 2013 ATR Proposal) and 78 FR
35429 (June 12, 2013) (May 2013 ATR Final Rule). On January 17,
2013, the Bureau issued the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
(Regulation X) and Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) Mortgage
Servicing Final Rules, 78 FR 10901 (Feb. 14, 2013) (Regulation Z)
and 78 FR 10695 (Feb. 14, 2013) (Regulation X) (2013 Mortgage
Servicing Final Rules). On January 18, 2013, the Bureau issued the
Disclosure and Delivery Requirements for Copies of Appraisals and
Other Written Valuations Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
(Regulation B), 78 FR 7215 (Jan. 31, 2013) (2013 ECOA Valuations
Final Rule) and, jointly with other agencies, issued Appraisals for
Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans (Regulation Z), 78 FR 10367 (Feb. 13,
2013) (2013 Interagency Appraisals Final Rule). On January 20, 2013,
the Bureau issued the Loan Originator Compensation Requirements
under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z), 78 FR 11279 (Feb. 15,
2013) (2013 Loan Originator Final Rule).
\2\ 78 FR 10695 (Feb. 14, 2013).
\3\ 78 FR 10901 (Feb. 14, 2013).
The Bureau clarified and revised those rules through notice and
comment rulemaking during the summer and fall of 2013 in the (1)
Amendments to the 2013 Mortgage Rules under the Real Estate Settlement
Procedures Act (Regulation X) and the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation
Z) (July 2013 Mortgage Final Rule) \4\ and (2) Amendments to the 2013
Mortgage Rules under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B),
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), and the Truth in
Lending Act (Regulation Z) (September
[[Page 24520]]
2013 Mortgage Final Rule).\5\ In October 2013, the Bureau issued
clarified compliance requirements in relation to successors in
interest, early intervention requirements, bankruptcy law, and the Fair
Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA),\6\ through an Interim Final Rule
(IFR) \7\ and a contemporaneous compliance bulletin (October 2013
Servicing Bulletin).\8\ Among other things, the IFR provisionally
exempted servicers from the periodic statement requirement for a
mortgage loan while the consumer is a debtor in bankruptcy and
indicated that the Bureau would continue to examine the issue and might
reinstate the requirement to provide a consumer in bankruptcy with a
periodic statement.\9\ In October 2014, the Bureau added an alternative
definition of small servicer in the Amendments to the 2013 Mortgage
Rules under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z).\10\ The purpose of
each of these updates was to address important questions raised by
industry, consumer advocacy groups, and other stakeholders. The 2013
Mortgage Servicing Final Rules, as amended in 2013 and 2014, are
referred to herein as the Mortgage Servicing Rules.
\4\ 78 FR 44685 (July 24, 2013).
\5\ 78 FR 60381 (Oct. 1, 2013).
\6\ 15 U.S.C. 1692 et seq.
\7\ 78 FR 62993 (Oct. 23, 2013).
\8\ Consumer Fin. Prot. Bureau, CFPB Bulletin 2013-12,
Implementation Guidance for Certain Mortgage Servicing Rules (Oct.
15, 2013), available at
\9\ 78 FR 62993, 63000-01 (Oct. 23, 2013). The Bureau received
comments in response to the IFR that it took into account in
developing the proposed rule and sample forms for consumers in
\10\ 79 FR 65300, 65304 (Nov. 3, 2014).
On December 15, 2014, the Bureau published for notice and comment a
proposed rule amending Regulation X and Regulation Z.\11\ Among other
things, the proposed amendments to Sec. 1026.41 of Regulation Z would
require servicers to provide modified periodic statements to consumers
who have filed for bankruptcy, subject to certain exceptions, with
content varying depending on whether the consumer is a debtor in a
Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, or in a Chapter 12 or Chapter
13 bankruptcy case, respectively.\12\ The Bureau also proposed related
sample periodic statement forms,\13\ and indicated that it would
conduct consumer testing of the proposed sample forms. As the Bureau
explained in the proposed rule, ``[p]rior to finalizing any such sample
forms, the Bureau will publish and seek comment on a report summarizing
the methods and results of the consumer testing.'' \14\
The comment period for the proposed rule closed on March 16, 2015.
In response to the proposed rule, the Bureau received over 100 comment
letters during the comment period from numerous commenters, including
servicers, consumer groups, trade associations, other government
entities, and individual consumers. In particular, the Bureau received
a number of comments addressing the merits of the proposed provisions
on the bankruptcy period statements. After the close of the comment
period, interested parties submitted to the Bureau additional oral ex
parte presentations and written ex parte comments on the proposed
rule.\15\ In addition, the Bureau has conducted ex parte outreach to
servicers to gain insight into their mortgage processing systems and
capabilities to implement proposed changes to the servicing of loans in
bankruptcy.\16\ After the close of the comment period, as discussed in
more detail below, the Bureau conducted consumer testing of sample
periodic statement forms that servicers could use for consumers in
bankruptcy to comply with the related proposed amendments to Sec.
\11\ 79 FR 74176 (Dec. 15, 2014).
\12\ The discussion of the relevant portions of the proposed
rule pertaining to the bankruptcy periodic statements are available
at 79 FR 74176, 74256-66 (Dec. 15, 2014).
\13\ 79 FR 74176, 74267 and 74300-02 (Dec. 15, 2014).
\14\ 79 FR 74175, 74266 (Dec. 15, 2014).
\15\ See Consumer Fin. Prot. Bureau, CFPB Bulletin 11-3, CFPB
Policy on Ex Parte Presentations in Rulemaking Proceedings (Aug. 16,
2011), available at
Materials pertaining to these presentations are filed in the record
and are publicly available at
\16\ Summaries of the Bureau's outreach are filed in the record
and are publicly available at
II. Discussion and Request for Comment
Following publication of the proposed rule, the Bureau engaged Fors
Marsh Group (FMG), a research and consulting firm that specializes in
designing disclosures and consumer testing, to conduct one-on-one
cognitive interviews of consumers to test the Bureau's proposed sample
periodic statement forms for consumers who have filed for bankruptcy,
with content varying depending on whether the consumer is a debtor in a
Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, or in a Chapter 12 or Chapter
13 bankruptcy case, respectively. As described in detail in the report
summarizing the testing,\17\ the Bureau and FMG worked closely to
develop and test the Bureau's proposed sample modified periodic
statement forms and various revisions thereto. Between May 2015 and
August 2015, FMG conducted three rounds of one-on-one cognitive
interviews regarding the forms with a total of 51 participants in
Arlington, Virginia, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Chicago, Illinois.
Efforts were made to recruit a significant number of participants who
had filed for bankruptcy, who had a mortgage (preferably when they
filed for bankruptcy), and who had trouble making mortgage payments in
the last two years.
\17\ Fors Marsh Group, Testing of Bankruptcy Periodic Statement
Forms for Mortgage Servicing (Feb. 2016), available at (report on consumer testing
submitted to the CFPB).
During the interviews, participants were shown sample modified
periodic statements. In general, participants who had filed for Chapter
7 bankruptcy reviewed the statements tailored to borrowers who are
debtors in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, while
participants who had filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy reviewed the
statements tailored to borrowers who are debtors in a Chapter 12 or
Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. Participants were asked specific questions
to test their understanding of the information presented in the sample
statements, how easily they could find various pieces of information
presented in the sample statements, as well as to learn about how they
would use the information presented in the sample statements. The
Bureau and FMG worked closely to develop revisions to all of the forms
between rounds to address any usability or comprehension issues that
became apparent, as well as to respond further to public comments the
Bureau received on the proposed rule.
As noted above, the Bureau indicated in its proposed rule that it
would conduct consumer testing of sample periodic statement forms for
consumers in bankruptcy and publish a report prior to finalizing any
such sample forms. The Bureau conducted the consumer testing after the
close of the original comment period and is now issuing this notice to
reopen the comment period in order to publish and seek public comment
specifically on the report summarizing the methods and results of the
testing. The Bureau is not soliciting comment on other aspects of the
proposed rule, including the merits of the proposal to require periodic
statements for consumers in bankruptcy under certain circumstances. As
noted above, the Bureau has already received a number of comments on
the merits of the proposal, and any further such comments will be
considered outside of the scope of this request for public comment.
Therefore, the Bureau encourages commenters to limit their
[[Page 24521]]
submissions accordingly to the report, its findings, and conclusions.
Dated : April 21 , 2016.
Richard Cordray,
Director, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.
[FR Doc. 2016-09695 Filed 4-25-16; 8:45 am]