Mandatory Declassification Review Program, 24042-24044 [2016-09251]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 79 / Monday, April 25, 2016 / Proposed Rules
repair medical devices (hereafter termed
‘‘third-party entity or entities’’),
including radiation-emitting devices
subject to the electronic product
radiation control (EPRC) provisions of
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act (the FD&C Act). Comments on the
service, maintenance, refurbishment,
and alteration of medical devices, by
third-party entities as well as challenges
third-party entities face in maintaining
or restoring devices to their original or
current specifications will inform FDA
when we hold a public meeting later in
2016 to further engage this segment of
the device industry and healthcare
The Agency has received requests for
a 30-day extension of the comment
period for the document. Each request
conveyed concern that the current 60day comment period does not allow
sufficient time to develop meaningful or
thoughtful response to the document on
‘‘Refurbishing, Reconditioning,
Rebuilding, Remarketing,
Remanufacturing, and Servicing of
Medical Devices Performed by ThirdParty Entities and Original Equipment
FDA has considered the requests and
is extending the comment period for the
document on ‘‘Refurbishing,
Reconditioning, Rebuilding,
Remarketing, Remanufacturing, and
Servicing of Medical Devices Performed
by Third-Party Entities and Original
Equipment Manufacturers’’ for 30 days,
until June 3, 2016. The Agency believes
that a 30-day extension allows adequate
time for interested persons to submit
comments without significantly
delaying future workshop on these
important issues.
Dated: April 19, 2016.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
32 CFR Part 1704
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Mandatory Declassification Review
Office of the Director of
National Intelligence.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Office of the Director of
National Intelligence (ODNI) is
publishing this proposed rule pursuant
to Executive Order 13526, relating to
classified national security information.
It provides procedures for members of
17:18 Apr 22, 2016
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This proposed rule is not a significant
regulatory action for the purposes of
Executive Order 12866. This rule is not
a major rule as defined in 5 U.S.C.
Chapter 8, Congressional Review of
Agency Rulemaking. As required by the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, we certify
that this proposed rule will not have a
significant impact on a substantial
number of small entities because it
applies only to Federal agencies.
Declassification, Information,
Intelligence, National security
■ For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, ODNI proposes to add 32 CFR
part 1704 to read as follows:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Regulatory Impact
List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 1704
[FR Doc. 2016–09443 Filed 4–22–16; 8:45 am]
the public to request from ODNI a
Mandatory Declassification Review
(MDR) of information classified under
the provisions of Executive Order 13526
or predecessor orders such that the
agency may retrieve it with reasonable
effort. This rule also informs requesters
where to send requests for an MDR.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
May 25, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods: By
mail to the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence, Director of the
Information Management Division,
Washington, DC 20511, by facsimile at
(703) 874–8910, or by email at
Jennifer L. Hudson, 703–874–8085.
policy of the ODNI to act in matters
relating to national security information
in accordance with Executive Order
13526 and directives issued thereunder
by the Information Security Oversight
Office (ISOO). The purpose of this rule
is to assist in implementing specific
sections of Executive Order 13526
concerning the Mandatory
Declassification Review (MDR).
1704.1 Authority and purpose.
1704.2 Definitions.
1704.3 Contact information.
1704.4 MDR program feedback.
1704.5 Guidance.
1704.6 Exceptions.
1704.7 Requirements.
1704.8 Fees.
1704.9 Determination by originator or
interested party.
1704.10 Appeals.
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Authority: 50 U.S.C. 3001; E.O. 13526, 75
FR 707, 3 CFR, 2009 Comp, p. 298.
§ 1704.1
Authority and purpose.
(a) Authority. This part is issued
under the authority of 32 CFR 2001.33;
Section 3.5 of Executive Order 13526 (or
successor Orders); the National Security
Act of 1947, as amended (50 U.S.C. 3001
et seq.).
(b) Purpose. This part prescribes
procedures, subject to limitations set
forth below, for requesters to request a
mandatory declassification review of
information classified under Executive
Order 13526 or predecessor or successor
orders. Section 3.5 of Executive Order
13526 and these regulations are not
intended to and do not create any right
or benefit, substantive or procedural,
enforceable at law by a party against the
United States, its agencies, officers,
employees, or agents, or any other
§ 1704.2
For purposes of this part:
Control means the authority of the
agency that originates information, or its
successor in function, to regulate access
to the information. (32 CFR 2001.92)
Day means U.S. Federal Government
working day, which excludes Saturdays,
Sundays, and federal holidays. Three (3)
days may be added to any time limit
imposed on a requester by this part if
responding by U.S. domestic mail; ten
(10) days may be added if responding by
international mail.
D/IMD means the Director of the
Information Management Division and
the leader of any successor organization,
who serves as the ODNI’s manager of
the information review and release
Federal agency means any Executive
agency, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105; any
Military department, as defined in 5
U.S.C. 102; and any other entity within
the executive branch that comes into the
possession of classified information.
Information means any knowledge
that can be communicated or
documentary material, regardless of its
physical form that is owned by,
produced by or for, or under the control
of the U.S. Government; it does not
include information originated by the
incumbent President, White House
Staff, appointed committees,
commissions or boards, or any entities
within the Executive Office that solely
advise and assist the incumbent
Interested party means any official in
the executive, military, congressional, or
judicial branches of government, or U.S.
Government contractor who, in the sole
discretion of the ODNI, has a subject
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 79 / Monday, April 25, 2016 / Proposed Rules
matter or other interest in the
documents or information at issue.
NARA means the National Archives
and Records Administration.
ODNI means the Office of the Director
of National Intelligence.
Order means Executive Order 13526,
‘‘Classified National Security
Information’’ (December 29, 2009) or
successor Orders.
Originating element means the
element that created the information at
Presidential libraries means the
libraries or collection authorities
established under the Presidential
Libraries Act (44 U.S.C. 2112) and
similar institutions or authorities as may
be established in the future.
Referral means coordination with or
transfer of action to an interested party.
Requester means any person or
organization submitting an MDR
§ 1704.3
Contact information.
For general information on the
regulation in this part or to submit a
request for a Mandatory Declassification
Review (MDR), please direct your
communication by mail to the Office of
the Director of National Intelligence,
Director of the Information Management
Division, Washington, DC 20511; by
facsimile to (703) 874–8910; or by email
to For general
information on the ODNI MDR program
or status information on pending MDR
cases, call (703) 874–8500.
§ 1704.4
Suggestions or comments.
The ODNI welcomes suggestions for
improving the administration of our
MDR program in accordance with
Executive Order 13526. Suggestions
should identify the specific purpose and
the items for consideration. The ODNI
will respond to all communications and
take such actions as determined feasible
and appropriate.
§ 1704.5
Address all communications to the
point of contact as specified in § 1704.3.
Clearly describe, list, or label said
communication as an MDR Request.
§ 1704.6
MDR requests will not be accepted
from a foreign government entity or any
representative thereof. MDR requests
will not be accepted for documents
required to be submitted for prepublication review or other
administrative process pursuant to an
approved nondisclosure agreement; for
information that is the subject of
pending litigation; nor for any
document or material containing
information contained within an
operational file exempted from search
and review, publication, and disclosure
under the FOIA. If the ODNI has
reviewed the requested information for
declassification within the past two
years, the ODNI will not conduct
another review, but the D/IMD will
notify the requester of this fact and the
prior review decision. Requests will not
be accepted from requesters who have
outstanding fees for MDR or Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) requests with
the ODNI or another federal agency.
§ 1704.7
An MDR request shall describe the
document or material containing the
information with sufficient specificity to
enable the ODNI to locate it with a
reasonable amount of effort.
§ 1704.8
(a) In general. Any search, review,
and reproduction fees will be charged in
accordance with the provisions below
relating to schedule, limitations, and
category of requester. Applicable fees
will be due even if a subsequent search
locates no responsive records.
(b) Agency discretion to waive fees.
Records will be furnished without
charge or at a reduced rate when ODNI
(1) As a matter of administrative
discretion, the interest of the United
States Government would be served, or
(2) It is in the public interest to
provide responsive records because the
disclosure is likely to contribute
significantly to the public
understanding of the operations or
activities of the United States
Government and is not primarily in the
commercial interest of the requester.
(c) Agreement to pay fees. If you
request an MDR, it shall be considered
a firm commitment by you to pay all
applicable fees chargeable under this
regulation, up to and including the
amount of $25.00. When making a
request, you may specify a willingness
to pay a greater or lesser amount.
(d) Advance payment. The ODNI may
require an advance payment of up to
100 percent of the estimated fees when
projected fees exceed $250.00, not
including charges associated with the
first 100 pages of production and two
hours of search (when applicable), or
when the requester previously failed to
pay fees in a timely fashion, for fees of
any amount. ODNI will hold in
abeyance for 45 days those requests
where advance payment has been
(e) Schedule of fees—(1) In general.
The schedule of fees for services
performed in responding to requests for
records is as follows:
Personnel Search and Review
Clerical/Technical ............................................................................................
Professional/Supervisory ................................................................................
Manager/Senior Professional .........................................................................
Quarter Hour ..........................................................
Quarter Hour ..........................................................
Quarter Hour ..........................................................
$ 5.00
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Computer Search and Production
Search (on-line) ..............................................................................................
Search (off-line) ..............................................................................................
Other activity ...................................................................................................
Tapes (mainframe cassette) ...........................................................................
Tapes (mainframe cartridge) ..........................................................................
Tapes (mainframe reel) ..................................................................................
Tapes (PC 9mm) ............................................................................................
Diskette (3.5’’) .................................................................................................
CD (bulk recorded) .........................................................................................
CD (recordable) ..............................................................................................
Telecommunications .......................................................................................
Paper (mainframe printer) ..............................................................................
Paper (PC b&w laser printer) .........................................................................
Paper (PC color printer) .................................................................................
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Flat Rate .................................................................
Flat Rate .................................................................
Per minute ..............................................................
Each .......................................................................
Each .......................................................................
Each .......................................................................
Each .......................................................................
Each .......................................................................
Each .......................................................................
Each .......................................................................
Per minute ..............................................................
Per page .................................................................
Per page .................................................................
Per page .................................................................
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 79 / Monday, April 25, 2016 / Proposed Rules
Paper Production
Photocopy (standard or legal) ........................................................................
Pre-printed (if available) .................................................................................
Published (if available) ...................................................................................
(2) Application of schedule. Personnel
search time includes time expended in
manual paper records searches, indices
searches, review of computer search
results for relevance, and personal
computer system searches. In any event
where the actual cost to ODNI of a
particular item is less than the above
schedule (e.g., a large production run of
a document resulting in a cost less than
$5.00 per hundred pages), then the
actual lesser cost will be charged.
(3) Other services. For all other types
of output, production, or reproduction
(e.g., photographs, maps, or published
reports), ODNI will charge actual cost or
amounts authorized by statute.
Determinations of actual cost shall
include the commercial cost of the
media, the personnel time expended in
making the item to be released, and an
allocated cost of the equipment used in
making the item, or, if the production is
effected by a commercial service, then
that charge shall be deemed the actual
cost for purposes of this regulation.
(f) Limitations on collection of fees—
(1) In general. No fees will be charged
if the cost of collecting the fee is equal
to or greater than the fee itself. That cost
includes the administrative costs to
ODNI of billing, receiving, recording,
and processing the fee for deposit to the
Treasury Department and, as of the date
of these regulations, is deemed to be
(g) Associated requests. If it appears a
requester or a group of requesters acting
in concert have requested portions of an
apparently unitary request for the
purpose of avoiding the assessment of
fees, ODNI may aggregate any such
requests and charge accordingly.
Requests from multiple requesters will
not be aggregated without clear
evidence. ODNI will not aggregate
multiple unrelated requests.
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 1704.9 Determination by originator or
interested party.
(a) In general. The originating
element(s) of the classified information
(document) is always an interested party
to any mandatory declassification
review; other interested parties may
become involved through a referral by
the D/IMD when it is determined that
some or all of the information is also
within their official cognizance.
(b) Required determinations. These
parties shall respond in writing to the
D/IMD with a finding as to the classified
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Per page .................................................................
Per 100 pages ........................................................
Per item ..................................................................
status of the information, including the
category of protected information as set
forth in section 1.4 of the Order, and if
older than ten years, the basis for the
extension of classification time under
sections 1.5 and 3.3 of the Order. These
parties shall also indicate whether
withholding is otherwise authorized
and warranted in accordance with
sections 3.5(c) and 6.2(d) of the Order.
(c) Time. Responses to the requester
shall be provided on a first-in/first-out
basis, taking into account the business
requirements of the originating
element(s) and other interested parties,
and, in accordance with Executive
Order 13526, ODNI will respond to
requesters within one year of receipt of
(d) Deciding official. The IMD FOIA
Branch Chief, in consultation with the
D/IMD and the Classification
Management Branch Chief, will
ordinarily be the deciding official on
initial reviews of MDR requests to the
§ 1704.10
(a) Administrative. Appeals of initial
decisions must be received in writing by
the D/IMD within 60 days of the date of
mailing of the ODNI’s decision. The
appeal must identify with specificity the
documents or information to be
considered on appeal and it may but
need not provide a factual or legal basis
for the appeal.
(1) Exceptions. No appeal shall be
accepted from a foreign government
entity or any representative thereof.
Appeals will not be accepted for
documents required to be submitted for
pre-publication review or other
administrative process pursuant to an
approved nondisclosure agreement; for
information that is the subject of
pending litigation; nor for any
document or material containing
information contained within an
operational file exempted from search
and review, publication, and disclosure
under the FOIA. No appeals shall be
accepted if the requester has
outstanding fees for information
services at ODNI or another Federal
agency. In addition, no appeal shall be
accepted if the information in question
has been the subject of a declassification
review within the previous two years.
(2) Receipt, recording, and tasking.
The D/IMD will record each appeal
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received under this part and
acknowledge receipt to the requester.
(3) Appellate authority. The ODNI
Chief Management Officer (CMO), after
consultation with all interested parties
or ODNI component organization as
well as with the Office of General
Counsel, will make a final
determination on the appeal within 60
(b) Final appeal. The D/IMD will
prepare and communicate the ODNI
administrative appeal decision to the
requester, NARA, Presidential Library
and referring agency, as appropriate.
Correspondence will include a notice, if
applicable, that a further appeal of
ODNI’s final decision may be made to
the Interagency Security Classification
Appeals Panel (ISCAP) established
pursuant to section 5.3 of Executive
Order 13526. Action by that Panel will
be the subject of rules to be promulgated
by the Information Security Oversight
Dated: April 12, 2016.
Mark W. Ewing,
Chief Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2016–09251 Filed 4–22–16; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Parts 174 and 180
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2015–0032; FRL–9944–86]
Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions
Filed for Residues of Pesticide
Chemicals in or on Various
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of filing of petitions and
request for comment.
This document announces the
Agency’s receipt of several initial filings
of pesticide petitions requesting the
establishment or modification of
regulations for residues of pesticide
chemicals in or on various commodities.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before May 25, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number and the pesticide petition
number (PP) of interest as shown in the
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 79 (Monday, April 25, 2016)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 24042-24044]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-09251]
32 CFR Part 1704
Mandatory Declassification Review Program
AGENCY: Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is
publishing this proposed rule pursuant to Executive Order 13526,
relating to classified national security information. It provides
procedures for members of the public to request from ODNI a Mandatory
Declassification Review (MDR) of information classified under the
provisions of Executive Order 13526 or predecessor orders such that the
agency may retrieve it with reasonable effort. This rule also informs
requesters where to send requests for an MDR.
DATES: Submit comments on or before May 25, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods: By
mail to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Director
of the Information Management Division, Washington, DC 20511, by
facsimile at (703) 874-8910, or by email at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jennifer L. Hudson, 703-874-8085.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: It is the policy of the ODNI to act in
matters relating to national security information in accordance with
Executive Order 13526 and directives issued thereunder by the
Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). The purpose of this rule
is to assist in implementing specific sections of Executive Order 13526
concerning the Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR).
Regulatory Impact
This proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action for the
purposes of Executive Order 12866. This rule is not a major rule as
defined in 5 U.S.C. Chapter 8, Congressional Review of Agency
Rulemaking. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, we certify
that this proposed rule will not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities because it applies only to Federal
List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 1704
Declassification, Information, Intelligence, National security
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, ODNI proposes to add 32 CFR
part 1704 to read as follows:
1704.1 Authority and purpose.
1704.2 Definitions.
1704.3 Contact information.
1704.4 MDR program feedback.
1704.5 Guidance.
1704.6 Exceptions.
1704.7 Requirements.
1704.8 Fees.
1704.9 Determination by originator or interested party.
1704.10 Appeals.
Authority: 50 U.S.C. 3001; E.O. 13526, 75 FR 707, 3 CFR, 2009
Comp, p. 298.
Sec. 1704.1 Authority and purpose.
(a) Authority. This part is issued under the authority of 32 CFR
2001.33; Section 3.5 of Executive Order 13526 (or successor Orders);
the National Security Act of 1947, as amended (50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.).
(b) Purpose. This part prescribes procedures, subject to
limitations set forth below, for requesters to request a mandatory
declassification review of information classified under Executive Order
13526 or predecessor or successor orders. Section 3.5 of Executive
Order 13526 and these regulations are not intended to and do not create
any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by
a party against the United States, its agencies, officers, employees,
or agents, or any other person.
Sec. 1704.2 Definitions.
For purposes of this part:
Control means the authority of the agency that originates
information, or its successor in function, to regulate access to the
information. (32 CFR 2001.92)
Day means U.S. Federal Government working day, which excludes
Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. Three (3) days may be added
to any time limit imposed on a requester by this part if responding by
U.S. domestic mail; ten (10) days may be added if responding by
international mail.
D/IMD means the Director of the Information Management Division and
the leader of any successor organization, who serves as the ODNI's
manager of the information review and release program.
Federal agency means any Executive agency, as defined in 5 U.S.C.
105; any Military department, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 102; and any other
entity within the executive branch that comes into the possession of
classified information.
Information means any knowledge that can be communicated or
documentary material, regardless of its physical form that is owned by,
produced by or for, or under the control of the U.S. Government; it
does not include information originated by the incumbent President,
White House Staff, appointed committees, commissions or boards, or any
entities within the Executive Office that solely advise and assist the
incumbent President.
Interested party means any official in the executive, military,
congressional, or judicial branches of government, or U.S. Government
contractor who, in the sole discretion of the ODNI, has a subject
[[Page 24043]]
matter or other interest in the documents or information at issue.
NARA means the National Archives and Records Administration.
ODNI means the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Order means Executive Order 13526, ``Classified National Security
Information'' (December 29, 2009) or successor Orders.
Originating element means the element that created the information
at issue.
Presidential libraries means the libraries or collection
authorities established under the Presidential Libraries Act (44 U.S.C.
2112) and similar institutions or authorities as may be established in
the future.
Referral means coordination with or transfer of action to an
interested party.
Requester means any person or organization submitting an MDR
Sec. 1704.3 Contact information.
For general information on the regulation in this part or to submit
a request for a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR), please direct
your communication by mail to the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence, Director of the Information Management Division,
Washington, DC 20511; by facsimile to (703) 874-8910; or by email to For general information on the ODNI MDR program or
status information on pending MDR cases, call (703) 874-8500.
Sec. 1704.4 Suggestions or comments.
The ODNI welcomes suggestions for improving the administration of
our MDR program in accordance with Executive Order 13526. Suggestions
should identify the specific purpose and the items for consideration.
The ODNI will respond to all communications and take such actions as
determined feasible and appropriate.
Sec. 1704.5 Guidance.
Address all communications to the point of contact as specified in
Sec. 1704.3. Clearly describe, list, or label said communication as an
MDR Request.
Sec. 1704.6 Exceptions.
MDR requests will not be accepted from a foreign government entity
or any representative thereof. MDR requests will not be accepted for
documents required to be submitted for pre-publication review or other
administrative process pursuant to an approved nondisclosure agreement;
for information that is the subject of pending litigation; nor for any
document or material containing information contained within an
operational file exempted from search and review, publication, and
disclosure under the FOIA. If the ODNI has reviewed the requested
information for declassification within the past two years, the ODNI
will not conduct another review, but the D/IMD will notify the
requester of this fact and the prior review decision. Requests will not
be accepted from requesters who have outstanding fees for MDR or
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the ODNI or another
federal agency.
Sec. 1704.7 Requirements.
An MDR request shall describe the document or material containing
the information with sufficient specificity to enable the ODNI to
locate it with a reasonable amount of effort.
Sec. 1704.8 Fees.
(a) In general. Any search, review, and reproduction fees will be
charged in accordance with the provisions below relating to schedule,
limitations, and category of requester. Applicable fees will be due
even if a subsequent search locates no responsive records.
(b) Agency discretion to waive fees. Records will be furnished
without charge or at a reduced rate when ODNI determines:
(1) As a matter of administrative discretion, the interest of the
United States Government would be served, or
(2) It is in the public interest to provide responsive records
because the disclosure is likely to contribute significantly to the
public understanding of the operations or activities of the United
States Government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of
the requester.
(c) Agreement to pay fees. If you request an MDR, it shall be
considered a firm commitment by you to pay all applicable fees
chargeable under this regulation, up to and including the amount of
$25.00. When making a request, you may specify a willingness to pay a
greater or lesser amount.
(d) Advance payment. The ODNI may require an advance payment of up
to 100 percent of the estimated fees when projected fees exceed
$250.00, not including charges associated with the first 100 pages of
production and two hours of search (when applicable), or when the
requester previously failed to pay fees in a timely fashion, for fees
of any amount. ODNI will hold in abeyance for 45 days those requests
where advance payment has been requested.
(e) Schedule of fees--(1) In general. The schedule of fees for
services performed in responding to requests for records is as follows:
Personnel Search and Review
Clerical/Technical................ Quarter Hour........ $ 5.00
Professional/Supervisory.......... Quarter Hour........ 10.00
Manager/Senior Professional....... Quarter Hour........ 18.00
Computer Search and Production
Search (on-line).................. Flat Rate........... 10.00
Search (off-line)................. Flat Rate........... 30.00
Other activity.................... Per minute.......... 10.00
Tapes (mainframe cassette)........ Each................ 9.00
Tapes (mainframe cartridge)....... Each................ 9.00
Tapes (mainframe reel)............ Each................ 20.00
Tapes (PC 9mm).................... Each................ 25.00
Diskette (3.5'').................. Each................ 4.00
CD (bulk recorded)................ Each................ 10.00
CD (recordable)................... Each................ 20.00
Telecommunications................ Per minute.......... .50
Paper (mainframe printer)......... Per page............ .10
Paper (PC b&w laser printer)...... Per page............ .10
Paper (PC color printer).......... Per page............ 1.00
[[Page 24044]]
Paper Production
Photocopy (standard or legal)..... Per page............ .10
Pre-printed (if available)........ Per 100 pages....... 5.00
Published (if available).......... Per item............ NTIS
(2) Application of schedule. Personnel search time includes time
expended in manual paper records searches, indices searches, review of
computer search results for relevance, and personal computer system
searches. In any event where the actual cost to ODNI of a particular
item is less than the above schedule (e.g., a large production run of a
document resulting in a cost less than $5.00 per hundred pages), then
the actual lesser cost will be charged.
(3) Other services. For all other types of output, production, or
reproduction (e.g., photographs, maps, or published reports), ODNI will
charge actual cost or amounts authorized by statute. Determinations of
actual cost shall include the commercial cost of the media, the
personnel time expended in making the item to be released, and an
allocated cost of the equipment used in making the item, or, if the
production is effected by a commercial service, then that charge shall
be deemed the actual cost for purposes of this regulation.
(f) Limitations on collection of fees--(1) In general. No fees will
be charged if the cost of collecting the fee is equal to or greater
than the fee itself. That cost includes the administrative costs to
ODNI of billing, receiving, recording, and processing the fee for
deposit to the Treasury Department and, as of the date of these
regulations, is deemed to be $10.00.
(g) Associated requests. If it appears a requester or a group of
requesters acting in concert have requested portions of an apparently
unitary request for the purpose of avoiding the assessment of fees,
ODNI may aggregate any such requests and charge accordingly. Requests
from multiple requesters will not be aggregated without clear evidence.
ODNI will not aggregate multiple unrelated requests.
Sec. 1704.9 Determination by originator or interested party.
(a) In general. The originating element(s) of the classified
information (document) is always an interested party to any mandatory
declassification review; other interested parties may become involved
through a referral by the D/IMD when it is determined that some or all
of the information is also within their official cognizance.
(b) Required determinations. These parties shall respond in writing
to the D/IMD with a finding as to the classified status of the
information, including the category of protected information as set
forth in section 1.4 of the Order, and if older than ten years, the
basis for the extension of classification time under sections 1.5 and
3.3 of the Order. These parties shall also indicate whether withholding
is otherwise authorized and warranted in accordance with sections
3.5(c) and 6.2(d) of the Order.
(c) Time. Responses to the requester shall be provided on a first-
in/first-out basis, taking into account the business requirements of
the originating element(s) and other interested parties, and, in
accordance with Executive Order 13526, ODNI will respond to requesters
within one year of receipt of requests.
(d) Deciding official. The IMD FOIA Branch Chief, in consultation
with the D/IMD and the Classification Management Branch Chief, will
ordinarily be the deciding official on initial reviews of MDR requests
to the ODNI.
Sec. 1704.10 Appeals.
(a) Administrative. Appeals of initial decisions must be received
in writing by the D/IMD within 60 days of the date of mailing of the
ODNI's decision. The appeal must identify with specificity the
documents or information to be considered on appeal and it may but need
not provide a factual or legal basis for the appeal.
(1) Exceptions. No appeal shall be accepted from a foreign
government entity or any representative thereof. Appeals will not be
accepted for documents required to be submitted for pre-publication
review or other administrative process pursuant to an approved
nondisclosure agreement; for information that is the subject of pending
litigation; nor for any document or material containing information
contained within an operational file exempted from search and review,
publication, and disclosure under the FOIA. No appeals shall be
accepted if the requester has outstanding fees for information services
at ODNI or another Federal agency. In addition, no appeal shall be
accepted if the information in question has been the subject of a
declassification review within the previous two years.
(2) Receipt, recording, and tasking. The D/IMD will record each
appeal received under this part and acknowledge receipt to the
(3) Appellate authority. The ODNI Chief Management Officer (CMO),
after consultation with all interested parties or ODNI component
organization as well as with the Office of General Counsel, will make a
final determination on the appeal within 60 days.
(b) Final appeal. The D/IMD will prepare and communicate the ODNI
administrative appeal decision to the requester, NARA, Presidential
Library and referring agency, as appropriate. Correspondence will
include a notice, if applicable, that a further appeal of ODNI's final
decision may be made to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals
Panel (ISCAP) established pursuant to section 5.3 of Executive Order
13526. Action by that Panel will be the subject of rules to be
promulgated by the Information Security Oversight Office.
Dated: April 12, 2016.
Mark W. Ewing,
Chief Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2016-09251 Filed 4-22-16; 8:45 am]