2015/2016 Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Annual Product Review: Inviting Public Comments on Possible Actions Related to Competitive Need Limitations, 10356-10358 [2016-04301]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 39 / Monday, February 29, 2016 / Notices
to determine whether the proposed rule
change should be disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (https://www.sec.gov/
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@
sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–
BATS–2016–14 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–BATS–2016–14. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (https://www.sec.gov/
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for Web site viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing will also be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change;
the Commission does not edit personal
identifying information from
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File No. SR–BATS–
2016–14 and should be submitted on or
before March 21, 2016.
54 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–04252 Filed 2–26–16; 8:45 am]
2015/2016 Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP) Annual Product
Review: Inviting Public Comments on
Possible Actions Related to
Competitive Need Limitations
Office of the United States
Trade Representative.
ACTION: Notice and solicitation of
This notice announces the
availability of full 2015 calendar year
import statistics relating to competitive
need limitations (CNLs) under the
Generalized System of Preferences
(GSP) program. The Office of the United
States Trade Representative (USTR) will
accept public comments submitted by
April 1, 2016, regarding: (1) Possible de
minimis CNL waivers; and (2) possible
redesignations of articles currently not
eligible for GSP benefits because they
previously exceeded the CNL
thresholds. This notice also announces
the withdrawal by the petitioners of
certain previously accepted CNL waiver
Aimee Larsen, Director for GSP, Office
of the United States Trade
Representative, 600 17th Street NW.,
Washington DC 20508. The telephone
number is (202) 395–2974 and the email
address is Aimee_B_Larsen@
Public comments are due by 5:00
p.m., Friday, April 1, 2016.
I. Statutory Provisions Related to CNLs
The GSP program provides for the
duty-free importation of designated
articles when imported from designated
beneficiary developing countries
(BDCs). The GSP program is authorized
by Title V of the Trade Act of 1974 (19
U.S.C. 2461, et seq.), as amended (the
‘‘1974 Act’’).
Section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act
sets out the two CNLs. When the
President determines that a BDC
exported to the United States during a
calendar year either: (1) A quantity of a
GSP-eligible article having a value in
excess of the applicable amount for that
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year ($170 million for 2015), or (2) a
quantity of a GSP-eligible article having
a value equal to or greater than 50
percent of the value of total U.S. imports
of the article from all countries (the ‘‘50
percent’’ CNL), the President must
terminate GSP duty-free treatment for
that article from that BDC by no later
than July 1 of the next calendar year,
unless a waiver is granted. (Note—as
announced in a November 17, 2015,
Federal Register notice (FRN), petitions
for CNL waivers are being considered
under a separate timeline than that of
the actions on CNLs set forth in this
De minimis waivers: Under section
503(c)(2)(F) of the 1974 Act, the
President may waive the 50 percent
CNL with respect to an eligible article
imported from a BDC if the value of
total imports of that article from all
countries during the calendar year did
not exceed the applicable de minimis
amount for that year ($22.5 million for
Redesignations: Under section
503(c)(2)(C) of the 1974 Act, if imports
of an eligible article from a BDC ceased
to receive duty-free treatment due to
exceeding a CNL in a prior year, the
President may, subject to the
considerations in sections 501 and 502
of the 1974 Act, redesignate such an
article for duty-free treatment if imports
in the most recently completed calendar
year did not exceed the CNLs.
CNL waiver revocation: Under Section
503(d)(5) of the 1974 Act, a CNL waiver
remains in effect until the President
determines that it is no longer
warranted due to changed
circumstances. Section 503(d)(4)(B)(ii)
of the 1974 Act, as amended by Public
Law 109–432, also provides that, ‘‘[n]ot
later than July 1 of each year, the
President should revoke any waiver that
has then been in effect with respect to
an article for five years or more if the
beneficiary developing country has
exported to the United States (directly
or indirectly) during the preceding
calendar year a quantity of the article—
(I) having an appraised value in excess
of 1.5 times the applicable amount set
forth in subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii) for that
calendar year ($255 million in 2015); or
(II) exceeding 75 percent of the
appraised value of the total imports of
that article into the United States during
that calendar year.’’
Exclusions from GSP duty-free
treatment where CNLs have been
exceeded will be effective July 1, 2016,
unless granted a waiver by the
President. Any CNL-based exclusions,
CNL waiver revocations, and decisions
with respect to de minimis waivers and
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 39 / Monday, February 29, 2016 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
redesignations will be based on full
2015 calendar year import data.
II. 2015 Import Statistics
In order to provide notice of articles
that have exceeded the CNLs for 2015
and to afford an opportunity for
comment regarding (1) potential de
minimis waivers and (2) potential
redesignations for 2015, USTR has
posted product lists on the USTR Web
site at https://ustr.gov/issue-areas/
gsp-20152016 under the title ‘‘2015
Import Statistics Relating to Competitive
Need Limitations for the Generalized
System of Preferences.’’ These lists can
also be found at www.regulations.gov in
Docket Number USTR–2015–0013.
There were no articles that were subject
to CNL waiver revocation for 2015 based
on the provisions of Section
503(d)(4)(B)(ii) of the 1974 Act, as
amended by Public Law 109–432. Full
2015 calendar year data for individual
tariff subheadings may also be viewed
on the Web site of the U.S. International
Trade Commission at https://
The lists available on the USTR Web
site contain, for each article, the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS) subheading and
BDC country of origin, the value of
imports of the article for the 2015
calendar year, and the percentage of
total U.S. imports of that article from all
The lists published on the USTR Web
site are for informational purposes only.
They may not include all articles to
which the GSP CNLs may apply. All
determinations and decisions regarding
the CNLs of the GSP program will be
based on full 2015 calendar year import
data with respect to each GSP-eligible
article. Each interested party is advised
to conduct its own review of 2015
import data with respect to the possible
application of the GSP CNL provisions.
List I on the USTR Web site shows
GSP-eligible articles from BDCs that
exceeded a CNL by having been
imported in excess of $170 million, or
in a quantity equal to or greater than 50
percent of the total U.S. import value, in
2015. These products will be removed
from eligibility for GSP for the subject
countries on July 1, 2016, unless the
President grants a waiver for the
product for the subject country in
response to a petition filed by an
interested party. Such petitions for CNL
waivers must have been previously
submitted in the 2015/2016 GSP Annual
Review. (See 80 FR 50376 and 80 FR
71913.) The last column in List I shows
those products for which petitions have
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been accepted and are now under
List II identifies GSP-eligible articles
from BDCs that are above the 50 percent
CNL, but that are eligible for a de
minimis waiver of the 50 percent CNL.
Articles eligible for de minimis waivers
are automatically considered in the GSP
annual review process, without the
filing of a petition. List III shows GSPeligible articles from certain BDCs that
are currently not receiving GSP dutyfree treatment, but that may be
considered for GSP redesignation based
on 2015 trade data and consideration of
certain statutory factors.
Recommendations to the President on
de minimis waivers and redesignations
will be made as part of the GSP annual
review process, and public comments
(including comments in support of or in
opposition to de minimis waivers and
redesignations) are invited in
accordance with the Requirements for
Submissions below.
III. Public Comments
Requirements for Submissions
Written comments submitted in
response to this notice must be
submitted electronically by 5:00 p.m.,
Friday, April 1, 2016. All submissions
must be made in English and submitted
electronically via https://
www.regulations.gov, using docket
number USTR–2015–0013. Handdelivered submissions will not be
All submissions for the GSP Annual
Review must conform to the GSP
regulations set forth at 15 CFR part
2007, except as modified below. These
regulations are available on the USTR
Web site at https://ustr.gov/issue-areas/
trade-development/preferenceprograms/generalized-systempreference-gsp/gsp-program-inf. Any
person or party making a submission is
strongly advised to review the GSP
regulations as well as the GSP
Guidebook, which is available at the
same link.
To make a submission using https://
www.regulations.gov, enter docket
number USTR–2015–0013 in the
‘‘Search for’’ field on the home page and
click ‘‘Search.’’ The site will provide a
search-results page listing all documents
associated with this docket. Find a
reference to this notice by selecting
‘‘Notice’’ under ‘‘Document Type’’ in
the ‘‘Filter Results by’’ section on the
left side of the screen and click on the
link entitled ‘‘Comment Now.’’ The
https://www.regulations.gov Web site
offers the option of providing comments
by filling in a ‘‘Type Comment’’ field or
by attaching a document using the
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‘‘Upload file(s)’’ field. The
Subcommittee prefers that submissions
be provided in an attached document
and, in such cases, that parties note
‘‘See attached’’ in the ‘‘Type Comment’’
field on the online submission form.
At the beginning of the submission, or
on the first page (if an attachment),
please note that the submission is in
response to this Federal Register notice
and indicate the specific product(s)
(including the eight-digit HTSUS
subheading) that is the subject of the
comment and on which of the relevant
lists described above (e.g., List I) it
appears. Submissions should not exceed
30 single-spaced, standard letter-size
pages in 12–point type, including
attachments. Any data attachments to
the submission should be included in
the same file as the submission itself,
and not as separate files.
Each submitter will receive a
submission tracking number upon
completion of the submissions
procedure at https://
www.regulations.gov. The tracking
number will be the submitter’s
confirmation that the submission was
received into https://
www.regulations.gov. The confirmation
should be kept for the submitter’s
records. USTR is not responsible for any
delays in a submission due to technical
difficulties, nor is it able to provide any
technical assistance for the https://
www.regulations.gov Web site.
Documents not submitted in accordance
with these instructions may not be
considered in this review. If an
interested party is unable to provide
submissions as requested, please contact
the GSP program at USTR to arrange for
an alternative method of transmission.
Business Confidential Petitions
An interested party requesting that
information contained in a submission
be treated as business confidential
information must certify that such
information is business confidential and
would not customarily be released to
the public by the submitter.
Confidential business information must
be clearly designated as such. The
submission must be marked ‘‘BUSINESS
CONFIDENTIAL’’ at the top and bottom
of the cover page and each succeeding
page, and the submission should
indicate, via brackets, the specific
information that is confidential.
Additionally, ‘‘Business Confidential’’
must be included in the ‘‘Type
Comment’’ field. For any submission
containing business confidential
information, a non-confidential version
must be submitted separately (i.e., not as
part of the same submission with the
confidential version), indicating where
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 39 / Monday, February 29, 2016 / Notices
confidential information has been
redacted. The non-confidential version
will be placed in the docket and open
to public inspection.
Public Viewing of Review Submissions
Sunshine Act Meetings; Unified Carrier
Registration Plan Board of Directors
Submissions in response to this
notice, except for information granted
‘‘business confidential’’ status under 15
CFR part 2003.6, will be available for
public viewing pursuant to 15 CFR part
2007.6 at https://www.regulations.gov
upon completion of processing, usually
within two weeks of the relevant due
date or date of the submission. Public
versions of all documents relating to the
2015/2016 Annual Product Review will
be made available for public viewing in
docket USTR–2015–0013 at
www.regulations.gov upon completion
of processing.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
IV. Withdrawal of Certain CNL Waiver
In a January 11, 2016 Federal Register
notice (see 81 FR 1275), USTR
announced the acceptance of CNL
waiver petitions for the 2015/2016 GSP
Annual Review. Following the release of
full 2015 calendar year trade data, the
following petitioners have withdrawn
their CNL waiver petition from the
2015/2016 GSP Annual Review because
the product imported from the subject
GSP beneficiary country did not surpass
the CNL thresholds for 2015:
• CamelBak Products LLC: HTS
4202.92.04 from the Philippines
• Government of Tunisia: HTS
1509.10.40 from Tunisia
• Government of Ukraine: HTS
2804.29.00 from Ukraine
• Lenox Corporation: HTS 6911.10.37
from Indonesia
An updated list of the CNL waiver
petitions being considered in the 2015/
2016 review can be found on the USTR
Web site at https://ustr.gov/issue-areas/
gsp-20152016 under the title ‘‘Product
and CNL Waiver Petitions Accepted for
the 2015/2016 GSP Annual Review.’’
This list can also be found at
www.regulations.gov in Docket Number
William D. Jackson,
Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative
for the Generalized System of Preferences,
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
[FR Doc. 2016–04301 Filed 2–26–16; 8:45 am]
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Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of Unified Carrier
Registration Plan Board of Directors
Time and Date: The meeting will be
held on March 17, 2016, from 12:00
Noon to 3:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight
Place: This meeting will be open to
the public via conference call. Any
interested person may call 1–877–422–
1931, passcode 2855443940, to listen
and participate in this meeting.
Status: Open to the public.
Matters to be considered: The Unified
Carrier Registration Plan Board of
Directors (the Board) will continue its
work in developing and implementing
the Unified Carrier Registration Plan
and Agreement and to that end, may
consider matters properly before the
For further information contact: Mr.
Avelino Gutierrez, Chair, Unified
Carrier Registration Board of Directors at
(505) 827–4565.
Dated: February 17, 2016.
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator, Office of Policy,
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
[FR Doc. 2016–04460 Filed 2–25–16; 4:15 pm]
Federal Transit Administration
[Docket No. FTA–2015–0030]
Award Management Requirements:
Proposed Circular
Federal Transit Administration
ACTION: Notice of availability of
proposed circular and request for
FTA has placed in the docket
and on its Web site proposed guidance
in the form of proposed FTA Circular,
5010.1E, ‘‘Award Management
Requirements,’’ to facilitate
implementation of FTA’s assistance
programs. The purpose of the proposed
circular is to update the current ‘‘Grants
Management Requirements’’ circular to
reflect various changes in the law,
regulations, and FTA’s transition to a
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new electronic award and management
system. The proposed circular provides
guidance regarding the management
responsibilities accompanying FTA
awards of federal assistance through
Grants and Cooperative Agreements. By
this notice, FTA seeks public comment
on the proposed circular.
DATES: Comments must be submitted by
April 29, 2016. Late-filed comments will
be considered to the extent practicable.
ADDRESSES: Please submit your
comments by only one of the following
methods, identifying your submission
by DOT Docket Number FTA–2015–
0030. All electronic submissions must
be made to the U.S. Government
electronic site at https://
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov and follow
the online instructions for submitting
Mail: Docket Management Facility:
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building,
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
Hand Delivery or Courier: West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time, Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Fax: 202–493–2251.
Instructions: You must include the
agency name (Federal Transit
Administration) and Docket number
(FTA–2015–0030) for this notice at the
beginning of each submission of your
comments. Submit two copies of your
comments if you submit them by mail.
For confirmation that FTA received
your comments, include a selfaddressed stamped postcard. All
comments received will be posted
without change to www.regulations.gov
including any personal information
provided and will be available to
internet users. You may review DOT’s
complete Privacy Act Statement
published in the Federal Register on
April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477) or https://
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents and
comments received, go to
www.regulations.gov at any time or to
the U.S. Department of Transportation,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Docket
Operations, M–30, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590 between 9:00
a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
Time, Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
program matters, contact Pamela A.
Brown, FTA Office of Program
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 39 (Monday, February 29, 2016)]
[Pages 10356-10358]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-04301]
2015/2016 Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Annual Product
Review: Inviting Public Comments on Possible Actions Related to
Competitive Need Limitations
AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative.
ACTION: Notice and solicitation of comments.
SUMMARY: This notice announces the availability of full 2015 calendar
year import statistics relating to competitive need limitations (CNLs)
under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program. The Office
of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) will accept public
comments submitted by April 1, 2016, regarding: (1) Possible de minimis
CNL waivers; and (2) possible redesignations of articles currently not
eligible for GSP benefits because they previously exceeded the CNL
thresholds. This notice also announces the withdrawal by the
petitioners of certain previously accepted CNL waiver petitions.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Aimee Larsen, Director for GSP, Office
of the United States Trade Representative, 600 17th Street NW.,
Washington DC 20508. The telephone number is (202) 395-2974 and the
email address is Aimee_B_Larsen@ustr.eop.gov.
DATES: Public comments are due by 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 1, 2016.
I. Statutory Provisions Related to CNLs
The GSP program provides for the duty-free importation of
designated articles when imported from designated beneficiary
developing countries (BDCs). The GSP program is authorized by Title V
of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2461, et seq.), as amended (the
``1974 Act'').
Section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act sets out the two CNLs. When
the President determines that a BDC exported to the United States
during a calendar year either: (1) A quantity of a GSP-eligible article
having a value in excess of the applicable amount for that year ($170
million for 2015), or (2) a quantity of a GSP-eligible article having a
value equal to or greater than 50 percent of the value of total U.S.
imports of the article from all countries (the ``50 percent'' CNL), the
President must terminate GSP duty-free treatment for that article from
that BDC by no later than July 1 of the next calendar year, unless a
waiver is granted. (Note--as announced in a November 17, 2015, Federal
Register notice (FRN), petitions for CNL waivers are being considered
under a separate timeline than that of the actions on CNLs set forth in
this FRN).
De minimis waivers: Under section 503(c)(2)(F) of the 1974 Act, the
President may waive the 50 percent CNL with respect to an eligible
article imported from a BDC if the value of total imports of that
article from all countries during the calendar year did not exceed the
applicable de minimis amount for that year ($22.5 million for 2015).
Redesignations: Under section 503(c)(2)(C) of the 1974 Act, if
imports of an eligible article from a BDC ceased to receive duty-free
treatment due to exceeding a CNL in a prior year, the President may,
subject to the considerations in sections 501 and 502 of the 1974 Act,
redesignate such an article for duty-free treatment if imports in the
most recently completed calendar year did not exceed the CNLs.
CNL waiver revocation: Under Section 503(d)(5) of the 1974 Act, a
CNL waiver remains in effect until the President determines that it is
no longer warranted due to changed circumstances. Section
503(d)(4)(B)(ii) of the 1974 Act, as amended by Public Law 109-432,
also provides that, ``[n]ot later than July 1 of each year, the
President should revoke any waiver that has then been in effect with
respect to an article for five years or more if the beneficiary
developing country has exported to the United States (directly or
indirectly) during the preceding calendar year a quantity of the
article--(I) having an appraised value in excess of 1.5 times the
applicable amount set forth in subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii) for that
calendar year ($255 million in 2015); or (II) exceeding 75 percent of
the appraised value of the total imports of that article into the
United States during that calendar year.''
Exclusions from GSP duty-free treatment where CNLs have been
exceeded will be effective July 1, 2016, unless granted a waiver by the
President. Any CNL-based exclusions, CNL waiver revocations, and
decisions with respect to de minimis waivers and
[[Page 10357]]
redesignations will be based on full 2015 calendar year import data.
II. 2015 Import Statistics
In order to provide notice of articles that have exceeded the CNLs
for 2015 and to afford an opportunity for comment regarding (1)
potential de minimis waivers and (2) potential redesignations for 2015,
USTR has posted product lists on the USTR Web site at https://ustr.gov/issue-areas/preference-programs/generalized-system-preferences-gsp/current-reviews/gsp-20152016 under the title ``2015 Import Statistics
Relating to Competitive Need Limitations for the Generalized System of
Preferences.'' These lists can also be found at www.regulations.gov in
Docket Number USTR-2015-0013. There were no articles that were subject
to CNL waiver revocation for 2015 based on the provisions of Section
503(d)(4)(B)(ii) of the 1974 Act, as amended by Public Law 109-432.
Full 2015 calendar year data for individual tariff subheadings may also
be viewed on the Web site of the U.S. International Trade Commission at
The lists available on the USTR Web site contain, for each article,
the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) subheading
and BDC country of origin, the value of imports of the article for the
2015 calendar year, and the percentage of total U.S. imports of that
article from all countries.
The lists published on the USTR Web site are for informational
purposes only. They may not include all articles to which the GSP CNLs
may apply. All determinations and decisions regarding the CNLs of the
GSP program will be based on full 2015 calendar year import data with
respect to each GSP-eligible article. Each interested party is advised
to conduct its own review of 2015 import data with respect to the
possible application of the GSP CNL provisions.
List I on the USTR Web site shows GSP-eligible articles from BDCs
that exceeded a CNL by having been imported in excess of $170 million,
or in a quantity equal to or greater than 50 percent of the total U.S.
import value, in 2015. These products will be removed from eligibility
for GSP for the subject countries on July 1, 2016, unless the President
grants a waiver for the product for the subject country in response to
a petition filed by an interested party. Such petitions for CNL waivers
must have been previously submitted in the 2015/2016 GSP Annual Review.
(See 80 FR 50376 and 80 FR 71913.) The last column in List I shows
those products for which petitions have been accepted and are now under
List II identifies GSP-eligible articles from BDCs that are above
the 50 percent CNL, but that are eligible for a de minimis waiver of
the 50 percent CNL. Articles eligible for de minimis waivers are
automatically considered in the GSP annual review process, without the
filing of a petition. List III shows GSP-eligible articles from certain
BDCs that are currently not receiving GSP duty-free treatment, but that
may be considered for GSP redesignation based on 2015 trade data and
consideration of certain statutory factors. Recommendations to the
President on de minimis waivers and redesignations will be made as part
of the GSP annual review process, and public comments (including
comments in support of or in opposition to de minimis waivers and
redesignations) are invited in accordance with the Requirements for
Submissions below.
III. Public Comments
Requirements for Submissions
Written comments submitted in response to this notice must be
submitted electronically by 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 1, 2016. All
submissions must be made in English and submitted electronically via
https://www.regulations.gov, using docket number USTR-2015-0013. Hand-
delivered submissions will not be accepted.
All submissions for the GSP Annual Review must conform to the GSP
regulations set forth at 15 CFR part 2007, except as modified below.
These regulations are available on the USTR Web site at https://ustr.gov/issue-areas/trade-development/preference-programs/generalized-system-preference-gsp/gsp-program-inf. Any person or party making a
submission is strongly advised to review the GSP regulations as well as
the GSP Guidebook, which is available at the same link.
To make a submission using https://www.regulations.gov, enter docket
number USTR-2015-0013 in the ``Search for'' field on the home page and
click ``Search.'' The site will provide a search-results page listing
all documents associated with this docket. Find a reference to this
notice by selecting ``Notice'' under ``Document Type'' in the ``Filter
Results by'' section on the left side of the screen and click on the
link entitled ``Comment Now.'' The https://www.regulations.gov Web site
offers the option of providing comments by filling in a ``Type
Comment'' field or by attaching a document using the ``Upload file(s)''
field. The Subcommittee prefers that submissions be provided in an
attached document and, in such cases, that parties note ``See
attached'' in the ``Type Comment'' field on the online submission form.
At the beginning of the submission, or on the first page (if an
attachment), please note that the submission is in response to this
Federal Register notice and indicate the specific product(s) (including
the eight-digit HTSUS subheading) that is the subject of the comment
and on which of the relevant lists described above (e.g., List I) it
appears. Submissions should not exceed 30 single-spaced, standard
letter-size pages in 12-point type, including attachments. Any data
attachments to the submission should be included in the same file as
the submission itself, and not as separate files.
Each submitter will receive a submission tracking number upon
completion of the submissions procedure at https://www.regulations.gov.
The tracking number will be the submitter's confirmation that the
submission was received into https://www.regulations.gov. The
confirmation should be kept for the submitter's records. USTR is not
responsible for any delays in a submission due to technical
difficulties, nor is it able to provide any technical assistance for
the https://www.regulations.gov Web site. Documents not submitted in
accordance with these instructions may not be considered in this
review. If an interested party is unable to provide submissions as
requested, please contact the GSP program at USTR to arrange for an
alternative method of transmission.
Business Confidential Petitions
An interested party requesting that information contained in a
submission be treated as business confidential information must certify
that such information is business confidential and would not
customarily be released to the public by the submitter. Confidential
business information must be clearly designated as such. The submission
must be marked ``BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL'' at the top and bottom of the
cover page and each succeeding page, and the submission should
indicate, via brackets, the specific information that is confidential.
Additionally, ``Business Confidential'' must be included in the ``Type
Comment'' field. For any submission containing business confidential
information, a non-confidential version must be submitted separately
(i.e., not as part of the same submission with the confidential
version), indicating where
[[Page 10358]]
confidential information has been redacted. The non-confidential
version will be placed in the docket and open to public inspection.
Public Viewing of Review Submissions
Submissions in response to this notice, except for information
granted ``business confidential'' status under 15 CFR part 2003.6, will
be available for public viewing pursuant to 15 CFR part 2007.6 at
https://www.regulations.gov upon completion of processing, usually
within two weeks of the relevant due date or date of the submission.
Public versions of all documents relating to the 2015/2016 Annual
Product Review will be made available for public viewing in docket
USTR-2015-0013 at www.regulations.gov upon completion of processing.
IV. Withdrawal of Certain CNL Waiver Petitions
In a January 11, 2016 Federal Register notice (see 81 FR 1275),
USTR announced the acceptance of CNL waiver petitions for the 2015/2016
GSP Annual Review. Following the release of full 2015 calendar year
trade data, the following petitioners have withdrawn their CNL waiver
petition from the 2015/2016 GSP Annual Review because the product
imported from the subject GSP beneficiary country did not surpass the
CNL thresholds for 2015:
CamelBak Products LLC: HTS 4202.92.04 from the Philippines
Government of Tunisia: HTS 1509.10.40 from Tunisia
Government of Ukraine: HTS 2804.29.00 from Ukraine
Lenox Corporation: HTS 6911.10.37 from Indonesia
An updated list of the CNL waiver petitions being considered in the
2015/2016 review can be found on the USTR Web site at https://ustr.gov/issue-areas/preference-programs/generalized-system-preferences-gsp/current-reviews/gsp-20152016 under the title ``Product and CNL Waiver
Petitions Accepted for the 2015/2016 GSP Annual Review.'' This list can
also be found at www.regulations.gov in Docket Number USTR-2015-0013.
William D. Jackson,
Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for the Generalized System
of Preferences, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
[FR Doc. 2016-04301 Filed 2-26-16; 8:45 am]