Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, 9855-9856 [2016-04131]
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mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 38 / Friday, February 26, 2016 / Notices
76.1709 (availability of signals), 76.1710
(operator interests in video
programming), 76.1715 (sponsorship
identification), and 76.630
(compatibility with consumer
electronics equipment. Cable systems
with fewer than 5,000 subscribers may
continue to retain their political file
locally and are not required to upload
new political file material to the online
public file until March 1, 2018. In
addition, cable systems may elect to
retain the material required by 76.1708
(principal headend) locally rather than
placing this material in the online
public file.
47 CFR 76.1700(b) requires cable
system operators to make the records
required to be retained by the following
rules available to local franchising
authorities: 76.1704 (proof-ofperformance test data) and 76.1713
(complaint resolution).
47 CFR 76.1700(c) requires cable
system operators to make the records
required to be retained by the following
rules available to the Commission:
76.1704 (proof-of-performance test
data), 76.1706 (signal leakage logs and
repair records), 76.1711 (emergency
alert system and activations), 76.1713
(complaint resolution), and 76.1716
(subscriber records).
47 CFR 76.1700(d) exempts cable
television systems having fewer than
1,000 subscribers from the online public
file and the public inspection
requirements contained in 47 CFR
76.1701 (political file); 76.1702 (equal
employment opportunity); 76.1703
(commercial records for children’s
programming); 76.1704 (proof-ofperformance test data); 76.1706 (signal
leakage logs and repair records); and
76.1715 (sponsorship identifications).
47 CFR 76.1700(e) requires that public
file material that continues to be
retained at the system be retained in a
public inspection file maintained at the
office which the system operator
maintains for the ordinary collection of
subscriber charges, resolution of
subscriber complaints, and other
business or at any accessible place in
the community served by the system
unit(s) (such as a public registry for
documents or an attorney’s office).
Public files must be available for public
inspection during regular business
47 CFR 76.1700(f) requires cable
systems to provide a link to the public
inspection file hosted on the
Commission’s Web site from the home
page of its own Web site, if the system
has a Web site, and provide contact
information on its Web site for a system
representative who can assist any
person with disabilities with issues
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related to the content of the public files.
A system also is required to include in
the online public file the address of the
system’s local public file, if the system
retains documents in the local file that
are not available in the Commission’s
online file, and the name, phone
number, and email address of the
system’s designated contact for
questions about the public file. In
addition, a system must provide on the
online public file a list of the five digit
ZIP codes served by the system.
47 CFR 76.1700(g) requires that cable
operators make any material in the
public inspection file that is not also
available in the Commission’s online
file available for machine reproduction
upon request made in person, provided
the requesting party shall pay the
reasonable cost of reproduction.
Requests for machine copies must be
fulfilled at a location specified by the
system operator, within a reasonable
period of time, which in no event shall
be longer than seven days. The system
operator is not required to honor
requests made by mail but may do so if
it chooses.
47 CFR 76.1702(a) requires that every
employment unit with six or more fulltime employees shall maintain for
public inspection a file containing
copies of all EEO program annual
reports filed with the Commission and
the equal employment opportunity
program information described in 47
76.1702(b). These materials shall be
placed in the Commission’s online
public inspection file for each cable
system associated with the employment
unit. These materials must be placed in
the Commission’s online public
inspection file annually by the date that
the unit’s EEO program annual report is
due to be filed and shall be retained for
a period of five years. A headquarters
employment unit file and a file
containing a consolidated set of all
documents pertaining to the other
employment units of a multichannel
video programming distributor that
operates multiple units shall be
maintained in the Commission’s online
public file for every cable system
associated with the headquarters
employment unit.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–04118 Filed 2–25–16; 8:45 am]
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[OMB 3060–0292]
Information Collection Being Reviewed
by the Federal Communications
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice and request for
As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork burdens, and as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520), the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC or the Commission)
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collection.
Comments are requested concerning:
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and ways to
further reduce the information
collection burden on small business
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
PRA that does not display a valid Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before April 26,
2016. If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contact listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to
Nicole Ongele, FCC, via email PRA@ and to
additional information about the
information collection, contact Nicole
Ongele at (202) 418–2991.
OMB Control Number: 3060–0292.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 38 / Friday, February 26, 2016 / Notices
Title: Section 69.605, Reporting and
Distribution of Pool Access Revenues,
Part 69–Access Charges.
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 1,064 respondents; 12,757
Estimated Time per Response: 0.75
hours–1 hour.
Frequency of Response: Annual and
monthly reporting requirements and
third party disclosure requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. Statutory
authority for this information collection
is contained in 47 U.S.C. 154, 201, 202,
203, 205, 218 and 403 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as
Total Annual Burden: 9,568 hours.
Total Annual Cost: No cost.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is no need for confidentiality.
Needs and Uses: The Commission is
requesting approval for an extension (no
change in the reporting and/or third
party disclosure requirements).
Due to consolidation in the
telecommunications marketplace, there
is a decrease in the Commission’s
burden estimates. Section 69.605
requires that access revenues and cost
data shall be reported by participants in
association tariffs to the association for
computation of monthly pool revenues
distributions. The association shall
submit a report on or before February 1
of each calendar year describing the
associations’ cost study review process
for the preceding calendar year as well
as the results of that process. For any
revisions to the cost study results made
or recommended by the association that
would change the respective carrier’s
calculated annual common line or
traffic sensitive revenue requirement by
ten percent or more, the report shall
include the following information:
(1) Name of the carrier;
(2) A detailed description of the
(3) The amount of the revisions;
(4) The impact of the revisions on the
carrier’s calculated common line and
traffic sensitive revenue requirements;
(5) The carrier’s total annual common
line and traffic sensitive revenue
requirement. The information is used to
compute charges in tariffs for access
service (or origination and termination)
and to compute revenue pool
distributions. Neither process could be
implemented without the information.
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Federal Communications Commission.
Gloria J. Miles,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office of the
[FR Doc. 2016–04131 Filed 2–25–16; 8:45 am]
[File No. 142–3156]
ASUSTeK Computer, Inc.; Analysis of
Proposed Consent Order To Aid Public
Federal Trade Commission.
Proposed Consent Agreement.
Notice of Proposals To Engage in or
To Acquire Companies Engaged in
Permissible Nonbanking Activities
The companies listed in this notice
have given notice under section 4 of the
Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C.
1843) (BHC Act) and Regulation Y, (12
CFR part 225) to engage de novo, or to
acquire or control voting securities or
assets of a company, including the
companies listed below, that engages
either directly or through a subsidiary or
other company, in a nonbanking activity
that is listed in § 225.28 of Regulation Y
(12 CFR 225.28) or that the Board has
determined by Order to be closely
related to banking and permissible for
bank holding companies. Unless
otherwise noted, these activities will be
conducted throughout the United States.
Each notice is available for inspection
at the Federal Reserve Bank indicated.
The notice also will be available for
inspection at the offices of the Board of
Governors. Interested persons may
express their views in writing on the
question whether the proposal complies
with the standards of section 4 of the
BHC Act.
Unless otherwise noted, comments
regarding the notices must be received
at the Reserve Bank indicated or the
offices of the Board of Governors not
later than March 24, 2016.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
(Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice
President) 230 South LaSalle Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60690–1414:
1. Royal Financial, Inc., Chicago,
Illinois; to merge with Park Bancorp,
Inc., and indirectly acquire Park Federal
Savings Bank, both in Chicago, Illinois,
and thereby engage in operating a
savings association, pursuant to section
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, February 23, 2016.
Michael J. Lewandowski,
Associate Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2016–04132 Filed 2–25–16; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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The consent agreement in this
matter settles alleged violations of
federal law prohibiting unfair or
deceptive acts or practices. The attached
Analysis to Aid Public Comment
describes both the allegations in the
draft complaint and the terms of the
consent order—embodied in the consent
agreement—that would settle these
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 24, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may file a
comment at https://ftcpublic.comment online or on
paper, by following the instructions in
the Request for Comment part of the
below. Write ‘‘ASUSTeK Computer
Inc.,—Consent Agreement; File No.
142–3156’’ on your comment and file
your comment online at https://
asusconsent by following the
instructions on the web-based form. If
you prefer to file your comment on
paper, write ‘‘ASUSTeK Computer
Inc.,—Consent Agreement; File No.
142–3156’’ on your comment and on the
envelope, and mail your comment to the
following address: Federal Trade
Commission, Office of the Secretary,
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Suite
CC–5610 (Annex D), Washington, DC
20580, or deliver your comment to the
following address: Federal Trade
Commission, Office of the Secretary,
Constitution Center, 400 7th Street SW.,
5th Floor, Suite 5610 (Annex D),
Washington, DC 20024.
Nithan Sannappa (202) 326–3185 or
Jarad Brown (202) 326–2927, Bureau of
Consumer Protection, 600 Pennsylvania
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20580.
to Section 6(f) of the Federal Trade
Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. 46(f), and
FTC Rule 2.34, 16 CFR 2.34, notice is
hereby given that the above-captioned
consent agreement containing consent
order to cease and desist, having been
filed with and accepted, subject to final
approval, by the Commission, has been
placed on the public record for a period
of thirty (30) days. The following
Analysis to Aid Public Comment
describes the terms of the consent
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 38 (Friday, February 26, 2016)]
[Pages 9855-9856]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-04131]
[OMB 3060-0292]
Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal
Communications Commission
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens,
and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3501-3520), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the
Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on the following information
collection. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the Commission, including whether the information
shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden
estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents, including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and
ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small
business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct
or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently
valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for
failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA
that does not display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should be submitted on or before April 26,
2016. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find
it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice,
you should advise the contact listed below as soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to Nicole Ongele, FCC, via email and to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the
information collection, contact Nicole Ongele at (202) 418-2991.
OMB Control Number: 3060-0292.
[[Page 9856]]
Title: Section 69.605, Reporting and Distribution of Pool Access
Revenues, Part 69-Access Charges.
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents and Responses: 1,064 respondents; 12,757
Estimated Time per Response: 0.75 hours-1 hour.
Frequency of Response: Annual and monthly reporting requirements
and third party disclosure requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits.
Statutory authority for this information collection is contained in 47
U.S.C. 154, 201, 202, 203, 205, 218 and 403 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended.
Total Annual Burden: 9,568 hours.
Total Annual Cost: No cost.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No impact(s).
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: There is no need for
Needs and Uses: The Commission is requesting approval for an
extension (no change in the reporting and/or third party disclosure
Due to consolidation in the telecommunications marketplace, there
is a decrease in the Commission's burden estimates. Section 69.605
requires that access revenues and cost data shall be reported by
participants in association tariffs to the association for computation
of monthly pool revenues distributions. The association shall submit a
report on or before February 1 of each calendar year describing the
associations' cost study review process for the preceding calendar year
as well as the results of that process. For any revisions to the cost
study results made or recommended by the association that would change
the respective carrier's calculated annual common line or traffic
sensitive revenue requirement by ten percent or more, the report shall
include the following information:
(1) Name of the carrier;
(2) A detailed description of the revisions;
(3) The amount of the revisions;
(4) The impact of the revisions on the carrier's calculated common
line and traffic sensitive revenue requirements; and
(5) The carrier's total annual common line and traffic sensitive
revenue requirement. The information is used to compute charges in
tariffs for access service (or origination and termination) and to
compute revenue pool distributions. Neither process could be
implemented without the information.
Federal Communications Commission.
Gloria J. Miles,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016-04131 Filed 2-25-16; 8:45 am]