Combined Notice of Filings #2, 8951-8952 [2016-03617]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 23, 2016 / Notices
The discussions at the meeting
described above may address matters at
issue in the following proceedings:
New York Independent System
Operator, Inc., Docket No. ER13–102.
New York Independent System
Operator, Inc., Docket No. ER15–2059.
New York Independent System
Operator, Inc., Docket No. ER16–120.
New York Independent System
Operator, Inc., Docket No. ER13–1942.
New York Transco, LLC, Docket No.
For more information, contact James
Eason, Office of Energy Market
Regulation, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission at (202) 502–8622 or
Dated: February 16, 2016.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–03620 Filed 2–22–16; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. CP15–528–000]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Equitrans, LP; Notice of Schedule for
Environmental Review of the TP–371
Replacement Project
On July 10, 2015, Equitrans, LP
(Equitrans) filed an application in
Docket No. CP15–528–000 requesting a
Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity pursuant to Section 7(c) of the
Natural Gas Act to construct and operate
certain natural gas pipeline facilities,
and permission under Section 7(b) of
the Natural Gas Act to abandon in place
an existing segment of pipeline. The
proposed project, known as the TP–371
Pipeline Replacement Project, would
upgrade the existing system to allow for
in-line inspection and improve
operational efficiency and reliability. No
change in the transportation capacity of
the existing pipeline system is
On July 23, 2015, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission or
FERC) issued its Notice of Application
for the project. Among other things, the
Notice of Application alerted agencies
issuing federal authorizations of the
requirement to complete all necessary
reviews and to reach a final decision on
a request for a federal authorization
within 90 days of the date of issuance
of the Commission staff’s Environmental
Assessment (EA) for the project. This
instant notice identifies the FERC staff’s
planned schedule for the completion of
the EA for the project.
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Issuance of EA February 29, 2016
90-Day Federal Authorization Decision
Deadline May 31, 2016
If a schedule change becomes
necessary, additional notice will be
provided so that the relevant agencies
are kept informed of the project’s
Project Description
The project would include
construction of 20.9 miles of 20-inchdiameter natural gas pipeline and
related facilities, and abandonment of
the adjacent 12-inch-diameter pipeline.
Minor aboveground facilities would also
be constructed, relocated, or abandoned.
The project would be located in
Armstrong and Indiana Counties,
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Schedule for Environmental Review
Additional Information
In order to receive notification of the
issuance of the EA and to keep track of
all formal issuances and submittals in
specific dockets, the Commission offers
a free service called eSubscription. This
can reduce the amount of time you
spend researching proceedings by
automatically providing you with
notification of these filings, document
summaries, and direct links to the
documents. Go to
Additional information about the
project is available from the
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Commission’s Office of External Affairs
at (866) 208–FERC or on the FERC Web
site ( Using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link, select ‘‘General Search’’
from the eLibrary menu, enter the
selected date range and ‘‘Docket
Number’’ excluding the last three digits
(i.e., CP15–528), and follow the
instructions. For assistance with access
to eLibrary, the helpline can be reached
at (866) 208–3676, TTY (202) 502–8659,
or at The
eLibrary link on the FERC Web site also
provides access to the texts of formal
documents issued by the Commission,
such as orders, notices, and rule
Dated: February 12, 2016.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–03612 Filed 2–22–16; 8:45 am]
On August 19, 2015, the Commission
issued a Notice of Intent to Prepare an
Environmental Assessment for the
Proposed TP–371 Pipeline Replacement
Project and Request for Comments on
Environmental Issues (NOI). The NOI
was sent to affected landowners; federal,
state, and local government agencies;
elected officials; environmental and
public interest groups; Native American
tribes; other interested parties; and local
libraries, newspapers, and radio
stations. In response to the NOI, the
Commission received environmental
comments from the Pennsylvania
Department of Conservation and Natural
Resources, Consol Energy Inc.,
Allegheny Defense Project, combined
comments from the Allegheny Defense
Project and the Ohio Valley
Environmental Coalition, and one
landowner. The primary issues raised
by the commentors included impacts on
community parks and recreation
projects; vegetation; mining properties,
and cumulative impacts; unauthorized
access of the right-of-way; future
upgrades of the Equitrans system; and
natural gas production methods.
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Federal Energy Regulatory
Combined Notice of Filings #2
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric corporate
Docket Numbers: EC16–63–000.
Applicants: High Lonesome Mesa,
Description: Amendment to January
27, 2016 Application for authorization
for disposition of jurisdictional facilities
under Section 203 of the FPA of High
Lonesome Mesa, LLC.
Filed Date: 2/12/16.
Accession Number: 20160212–5273.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 2/22/16.
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric rate
Docket Numbers: ER16–945–000.
Applicants: Midcontinent
Independent System Operator, Inc.
Description: Notice of Termination by
Midcontinent Independent System
Operator, Inc. of Service Agreements
Nos. 568 and 569 among Northern
Indiana Public Service Company and
the Indiana Municipal Power Agency
under ER16–945.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216–5254.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–946–000.
Applicants: ISO New England Inc.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: Rev.
to Schedules 22, 23 & 25 of the OATT
Relating to Interconnection Process to
be effective 4/17/2016.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 23, 2016 / Notices
Accession Number: 20160216–5279.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–947–000.
Applicants: Big Sandy Peaker Plant,
LLC, Wolf Hills Energy, LLC, Middle
River Power II, LLC.
Description: Joint Request of Big
Sandy Peaker Plant, LLC, Wolf Hills
Energy, LLC and Middle River Power II
LLC for Waiver and Request for
Expedited Consideration.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216–5278.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–948–000.
Applicants: Midcontinent
Independent System Operator, Inc.,
Otter Tail Power Company.
Description: Compliance filing: 2016–
02–16_SA 2897 OTP–GRE FSA
Compliance to be effective 8/26/2015.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216–5292.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–949–000.
Applicants: Escalante Solar I, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Tenant In Common and Shared
Facilities Agreement to be effective 4/2/
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216–5301.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–950–000.
Applicants: Escalante Solar II, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Tenant in Common and Shared
Facilities Agreement to be effective 4/2/
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216–5305.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16–951–000.
Applicants: Escalante Solar III, LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Tenant In Common and Shared
Facilities Agreement to be effective 4/2/
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216–5306.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
The filings are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the links or querying the
docket number.
Any person desiring to intervene or
protest in any of the above proceedings
must file in accordance with Rules 211
and 214 of the Commission’s
Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time on the specified comment date.
Protests may be considered, but
intervention is necessary to become a
party to the proceeding.
eFiling is encouraged. More detailed
information relating to filing
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 238001
requirements, interventions, protests,
service, and qualifying facilities filings
can be found at:
docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
other information, call (866) 208–3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
Dated: February 16, 2016.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–03617 Filed 2–22–16; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 14726–000]
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe; Notice of
Preliminary Permit Application
Accepted for Filing and Soliciting
Comments, Motions To Intervene, and
Competing Applications
On November 3, 2015, the Pyramid
Lake Paiute Tribe (Pyramid Lake) filed
an application for a preliminary permit,
pursuant to section 4(f) of the Federal
Power Act, proposing to study the
feasibility of the Prosser Creek
Hydroelectric Project (project) to be
located at the existing Bureau of
Reclamation’s Prosser Creek Dam on
Prosser Creek, near the City of Truckee,
Nevada County, California. The sole
purpose of a preliminary permit, if
issued, is to grant the permit holder
priority to file a license application
during the permit term. A preliminary
permit does not authorize the permit
holder to perform any land-disturbing
activities or otherwise enter upon lands
or waters owned by others without the
owners’ express permission.
Prosser Creek Reservoir has a usable
storage capacity of 29,800 acre-feet at a
normal maximum elevation of 5,741.2
feet, of which up to 20,000 acre-feet is
required for flood control purposes
between November and June annually.
The proposed project would utilize the
existing intake structure in Prosser
Creek Reservoir, the two 9.5-foot arched
concrete conduits, and the discharge
channel on the downstream side of the
BOR Prosser Creek Dam. No
modifications would be made to these
existing structures.
The proposed project would also
consist of the following new structures:
(1) An approximately 32-foot-wide by
62-foot-long by 33-foot-high
powerhouse located on the east side of
the primary discharge channel outlet
containing two Francis generating units,
one smaller 790-kilowatt unit and one
larger 2.7-megawatt (MW) unit for a
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total rated capacity of 3.49 MW; (2) a
pressure-rated, concrete, flow-control
structure located at the end of the
existing low-level outlet that would
include control valves to regulate flows
to the powerhouse or direct flows to the
existing discharge channel during a
powerhouse outage; (3) a 48-inchdiameter penstock that conveys water
from the existing outlet structures to the
powerhouse and directs flow to one or
both of the generating units via a
common header and control valves; (4)
a 50-foot-long tailrace channel
extending from the proposed
powerhouse to meet the existing outlet
channel; (5) a channel training wall
leaving the powerhouse on the landside
of the tailrace channel; (6) a 650-footlong, 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line
and electrical substation to interconnect
the proposed project to the existing,
nearby 69-kV transmission line; (7) and
a small parking area at the powerhouse.
Pyramid Lake proposes to develop the
proposed project in conformance with
the operation of Prosser Creek Dam by
the Bureau of Reclamation under the
terms of the Truckee River Operating
Agreement (TROA) and would generate
electricity using the existing flow
releases under the terms of the TROA.
Pyramid Lake does not propose to alter
the timing, condition or the amount of
releases from Prosser Creek Reservoir or
impair any of the current functions
supported by operation of this existing
multi-purpose water resources project.
The estimated annual generation of the
Prosser Creek Hydroelectric Project
would be 7.4 gigawatt-hours.
Applicant Contact: Donna Noel,
Director of Natural Resources, Pyramid
Lake Paiute Tribe, P.O. Box 256, Nixon,
Nevada 89424; phone: (775) 574–1000.
FERC Contact: Quinn Emmering;
phone: (202) 502–6382.
Deadline for filing comments, motions
to intervene, competing applications
(without notices of intent), or notices of
intent to file competing applications: 60
days from the issuance of this notice.
Competing applications and notices of
intent must meet the requirements of 18
CFR 4.36.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filing. Please file comments,
motions to intervene, notices of intent,
and competing applications using the
Commission’s eFiling system at https://
Commenters can submit brief comments
up to 6,000 characters, without prior
registration, using the eComment system
ecomment.asp. You must include your
name and contact information at the end
of your comments. For assistance,
please contact FERC Online Support at
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 35 (Tuesday, February 23, 2016)]
[Pages 8951-8952]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-03617]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Combined Notice of Filings #2
Take notice that the Commission received the following electric
corporate filings:
Docket Numbers: EC16-63-000.
Applicants: High Lonesome Mesa, LLC.
Description: Amendment to January 27, 2016 Application for
authorization for disposition of jurisdictional facilities under
Section 203 of the FPA of High Lonesome Mesa, LLC.
Filed Date: 2/12/16.
Accession Number: 20160212-5273.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 2/22/16.
Take notice that the Commission received the following electric
rate filings:
Docket Numbers: ER16-945-000.
Applicants: Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.
Description: Notice of Termination by Midcontinent Independent
System Operator, Inc. of Service Agreements Nos. 568 and 569 among
Northern Indiana Public Service Company and the Indiana Municipal Power
Agency under ER16-945.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216-5254.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16-946-000.
Applicants: ISO New England Inc.
Description: Sec. 205(d) Rate Filing: Rev. to Schedules 22, 23 &
25 of the OATT Relating to Interconnection Process to be effective 4/
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
[[Page 8952]]
Accession Number: 20160216-5279.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16-947-000.
Applicants: Big Sandy Peaker Plant, LLC, Wolf Hills Energy, LLC,
Middle River Power II, LLC.
Description: Joint Request of Big Sandy Peaker Plant, LLC, Wolf
Hills Energy, LLC and Middle River Power II LLC for Waiver and Request
for Expedited Consideration.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216-5278.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16-948-000.
Applicants: Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., Otter
Tail Power Company.
Description: Compliance filing: 2016-02-16_SA 2897 OTP-GRE FSA
Compliance to be effective 8/26/2015.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216-5292.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16-949-000.
Applicants: Escalante Solar I, LLC.
Description: Sec. 205(d) Rate Filing: Tenant In Common and Shared
Facilities Agreement to be effective 4/2/2016.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216-5301.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16-950-000.
Applicants: Escalante Solar II, LLC.
Description: Sec. 205(d) Rate Filing: Tenant in Common and Shared
Facilities Agreement to be effective 4/2/2016.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216-5305.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
Docket Numbers: ER16-951-000.
Applicants: Escalante Solar III, LLC.
Description: Sec. 205(d) Rate Filing: Tenant In Common and Shared
Facilities Agreement to be effective 4/2/2016.
Filed Date: 2/16/16.
Accession Number: 20160216-5306.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/8/16.
The filings are accessible in the Commission's eLibrary system by
clicking on the links or querying the docket number.
Any person desiring to intervene or protest in any of the above
proceedings must file in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the
Commission's Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214) on or before 5:00
p.m. Eastern time on the specified comment date. Protests may be
considered, but intervention is necessary to become a party to the
eFiling is encouraged. More detailed information relating to filing
requirements, interventions, protests, service, and qualifying
facilities filings can be found at: For other information, call (866) 208-3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502-8659.
Dated: February 16, 2016.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016-03617 Filed 2-22-16; 8:45 am]