Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) FY 2016 Funding Round, 8328-8342 [2016-03221]

Download as PDF 8328 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices actions subject to U.S.C § 139(l)(1) by issuing licenses, permits, and approvals for the Centennial Corridor Project in the State of California. Caltrans, in cooperation with the City of Bakersfield, proposes to construct a freeway on a new alignment for State Route 58 and make improvements to the existing State Route 99. The new alignment for State Route 58 will provide a continuous route along State Route 58 from Cottonwood Road (post mile R55.6) on existing State Route 58 (East), east of State Route 99 to Interstate 5 (post mile T31.7). Improvements to State Route 99 from Wilson Road (post mile 21.2) to Gilmore Avenue (post mile 26.2) will also be required for the connection with State Route 58. The project is intended to provide route continuity and associated traffic congestion relief. The Federal ID number for the Centennial Corridor Project is NCIIP 5109 (106). The actions by the Federal agencies, and the laws under which such actions were taken, are described in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the project, approved on December 4, 2015, in the Record of Decision (ROD) issued on February 8, 2016, and in other documents in the FHWA project records. The FEIS, ROD and other project records are available by contacting Caltrans at the address provided above. The Caltrans FEIS and ROD can be viewed and downloaded from the project Web site at: https://dot. centennial/Environmental Documents.html or viewed at public libraries in the project area. This notice applies to all Federal agency decisions as of the issuance date of this notice and all laws under which such actions were taken, including but not limited to: 1. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) [42 U.S.C. 4321–4351]; FederalAid Highway Act [23 U.S.C. 109 and 23 U.S.C. 128]. 2. Clean Air Act [42 U.S.C. 7401– 7671(q)]. 3. Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966 [49 U.S.C. 303]. 4. Endangered Species Act [16 U.S.C. 1531–1544 and Section 1536], Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act [16 U.S.C. 661–667(d)], Migratory Bird Treaty Act [16 U.S.C. 703–712]. 5. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended [16 U.S.C. 470(f) et seq.]; Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1977 [16 U.S.C. 470(aa)–11]; Archeological and Historic Preservation Act [16 U.S.C. 469–469(c)]; Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) [25 U.S.C. 3001–3013]. 6. Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) [16 U.S.C. 4601–4604]; Clean Water Act 33 U.S.C. 1251–1387. 7. Farmland Protection Policy Act [7 U.S.C. 4201–4209 and its regulations]. 8. E.O. 11990 Protection of Wetlands; E.O. 11988 Floodplain Management; E.O. 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low Income Populations; E.O. 11593 Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Resources; E.O. 13112 Invasive Species. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Number 20.205, Highway Planning and Construction. The regulations implementing Executive Order 12372 regarding intergovernmental consultation on Federal programs and activities apply to this program.) Authority: 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1) Issued on: February 11, 2016. Gary Sweeten, North Team Leader, Project Delivery, Federal Highway Administration, Sacramento, California. [FR Doc. 2016–03306 Filed 2–17–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–RY–P DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) FY 2016 Funding Round Funding Opportunity Title: Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) inviting Applications for Financial Assistance (FA) awards or Technical Assistance (TA) grants under the Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) fiscal year (FY) 2016 Funding Round. Announcement Type: Announcement of funding opportunity. Funding Opportunity Number: CDFI– 2016–FATA. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 21.020. KEY DATES: TABLE 1—FY 2016 CDFI PROGRAM FUNDING ROUND CRITICAL DEADLINES FOR APPLICANTS Description Deadline Time (eastern daylight time—EDT) Submission method CDFI Certification Applications .................. March 18, 2016 ................. 5:00 p.m. EDT ................... SF424 (Application for Federal Assistance). Last day to contact CDFI Program staff ... March 18, 2016 ................. 11:59 p.m. EDT ................. Award Management Information System (AMIS). Electronically via April 15, 2016 .................... 5:00 p.m. EDT ................... April 18, 2016 .................... 11:59 p.m. EDT ................. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES CDFI Program Application for Financial Assistance (FA) or Technical Assistance (TA). Executive Summary: Through the CDFI Program, the CDFI Fund provides (i) FA awards of up to $2 million to Certified Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to build their financial capacity to lend to their Target Markets, and (ii) TA grants of up to $125,000 to build Certified, Certifiable, and Emerging CDFIs’ organizational capacity to serve their Target Markets. All awards provided VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 through this NOFA are subject to funding availability. I. Program Description A. History: The CDFI Fund was established by the Riegle Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 to promote economic revitalization and community development through investment in and assistance to CDFIs. Since its creation in PO 00000 Frm 00156 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 CDFI Fund Helpdesk: 202–653–0421 or Electronically via Awards Management Information System (AMIS). 1994, the CDFI Fund has awarded over $2 billion to CDFIs, community development organizations, and financial institutions through the Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program), the Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program), the Bank Enterprise Award Program (BEA Program), the Capital Magnet Fund, and the Financial Education and Counseling E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 8329 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices Pilot Program. In addition, the CDFI Fund has allocated more than $43 billion in tax credit allocation authority through the New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program) and has obligated $852 million in bond guarantees to Eligible CDFIs through the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program. B. Priorities: Through the CDFI Program’s FA awards and TA grants, the CDFI Fund invests in and builds the capacity of for-profit and non-profit community based lending organizations known as Community Development Financial Institutions, or CDFIs. These organizations, Certified as CDFIs by the CDFI Fund, serve rural and urban lowincome people and communities across the nation that lack adequate access to affordable financial products and services. C. Authorizing Statutes and Regulations: The CDFI Program is authorized by the Riegle Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103– 325, 12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.). The regulations governing the CDFI Program are found at 12 CFR parts 1805 and 1815 (the Regulations) and set forth evaluation criteria and other program requirements. The CDFI Fund encourages Applicants to review the Regulations, this NOFA, the Application, and the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR part 200; 78 FR 78590) (Uniform Administrative Requirements) for a complete understanding of the program. Capitalized terms in this NOFA are defined in the authorizing statute, the Regulations, this NOFA, the Application, or the Uniform Administrative Requirements. Details regarding Application content requirements are found in the Application and related materials. D. Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR part 200): The Uniform Administrative Requirements codifies financial, administrative, procurement, and program management standards that Federal award agencies must follow. When evaluating award applications, awarding agencies must evaluate the risks to the program posed by each applicant, and each applicant’s merits and eligibility. These requirements are designed to ensure that applicants for Federal assistance receive a fair and consistent review prior to an award decision. This review will assess items such as the Applicant’s financial stability, quality of management systems, history of performance, and single audit findings. In addition, the Uniform Administrative Requirements include guidance on audit requirements and other award compliance requirements for award Recipients. E. Funding limitations: The CDFI Fund reserves the right to fund, in whole or in part, any, all, or none of the Applications submitted in response to this NOFA. II. Federal Award Information A. Funding Availability: 1. FY 2016 Funding Round: The CDFI Fund expects to award, through this NOFA, approximately $175 million as indicated in the following table: TABLE 2—FY 2016 FUNDING ROUND ANTICIPATED CATEGORY AMOUNTS Estimated total amount to be awarded (millions) Funding categories (see definition in Table 7) FA: Category I/Small and/or Emerging CDFI Assistance (SECA) ............................................................................. FA: Category II/Core ............................................................ TA ......................................................................................... Healthy Food Financing Initiative—Financial Assistance (HFFI–FA) * ....................................................................... Award amount Minimum Maximum Estimated number of awards Average amount awarded in FY 2015 $19 130 4 $700,000 2,000,000 125,000 36 87 33 $521,300 1,486,400 121,500 22 500,000 5,000,000 11 2,000,000 175 Total .............................................................................. $100,000 100,000 10,000 ........................ ........................ 167 ........................ mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES * HFFI–FA appropriation will be allocated in one competitive round between the NACA and CDFI Program NOFAs. The CDFI Fund reserves the right to award more or less than the amounts cited above in each category, based upon available funding and other factors, as appropriate. 2. Funding Availability for the FY 2016 Funding Round: Funds for the FY 2016 Funding Round were appropriated in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114–113). 3. Anticipated Start Date and Period of Performance: The CDFI Fund anticipates the period of performance for the FY 2016 Funding Round will begin in late September 2016. Specifically, the period of performance for TA grants begins with the date of the notice of the award and includes an award Recipient’s two full consecutive fiscal years after the date of the notice of the award, during which the Recipient must meet the performance VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 goals set forth in the Assistance Agreement. The period of performance for FA awards includes an award Recipient’s three full consecutive fiscal years after the date of the notice of the award, during which time the Recipient must meet its performance goals. B. Types of Awards: Through the CDFI Program, the CDFI Fund provides two types of awards: Financial Assistance (FA) and Technical Assistance (TA) awards. An Applicant may submit an Application for a TA grant or an FA award, but not both. 1. FA Awards: FA awards can be in the form of loans, grants, Equity Investments, deposits and credit union shares. The form of the FA award is based on the form of the matching funds that the Applicant includes in its Application, unless Congress waives the matching funds requirement. Matching PO 00000 Frm 00157 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 funds are required for FA awards, must be from non-Federal sources, and cannot have been used as matching funds for any other Federal award. The CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to provide an FA award in an amount other than that which the Applicant requests; however, the award amount will not exceed the Applicant’s award request as stated in its Application. 2. Healthy Food Financing Initiative— Financial Assistance (HFFI–FA) Awards: HFFI–FA awards will be provided as a supplement to FA awards; therefore, only those Applicants that have been selected to receive an FA award through the CDFI Program FY 2016 Funding Round will be eligible to receive an HFFI–FA award. HFFI–FA awards can be in the form of loans, grants, Equity Investments, deposits and E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 8330 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices credit union shares. The form of the HFFI–FA award is based on the form of the matching funds that the Applicant includes in its Application, unless Congress waives the matching funds requirement. Matching funds are required for HFFI–FA awards, must be from non-Federal sources, and cannot have been used as matching funds for any other Federal award. The CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to provide an HFFI–FA award in an amount other than that which the Applicant requests; however, the award amount will not exceed the Applicant’s award request as stated in its Application. 3. TA Grants: TA is provided in the form of grants. The CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to provide a TA grant in an amount other than which the Applicant requests; however, the TA grant amount will not exceed the Applicant’s request as stated in its Application and the applicable budget chart. C. Eligible Activities: 1. FA Awards: FA and HFFI–FA award funds can be expended for activities in the following five categories: (i) Financial Products; (ii) Financial Services; (iii) Loan Loss Reserves; (iv) Development Services; and (v) Capital Reserves. FA awards can only be used for direct costs associated with an eligible activity; no indirect expenses are allowed. Up to 15 percent of the FA award can be used for Direct Administrative Expenses associated with an eligible FA activity. For purposes of this NOFA, the five eligible activity categories are defined as follows: TABLE 3—FA AND HFFI–FA ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY CATEGORIES FA eligible activity FA eligible activity definition i. Financial Products ................................... FA expended as loans, Equity Investments and similar financing activities (as determined by the CDFI Fund) including the purchase of loans originated by certified CDFIs and the provision of loan guarantees; in the case of CDFI Intermediaries, Financial Products may also include loans to CDFIs and/or emerging CDFIs and deposits in Insured Credit Union CDFIs, emerging Insured Credit Union CDFIs, and/or State-Insured Credit Union CDFIs. FA expended for providing checking, savings accounts, check cashing, money orders, certified checks, automated teller machines, deposit taking, safe deposit box services, and other similar services. FA set aside in the form of cash reserves, or through accounting-based accrual reserves, to cover losses on loans, accounts, and notes receivable made in the Applicant’s Target Market, or for related purposes that the CDFI Fund deems appropriate. FA expended for activities undertaken by a CDFI, its Affiliate or contractor that promote community development and shall prepare or assist current or potential borrowers or investees to use the CDFI’s Financial Products or Financial Services. For example, such activities include, financial or credit counseling; homeownership counseling; and business planning and management assistance. FA set aside as reserves to support the Applicant’s ability to leverage other capital, for such purposes as increasing its net assets or serving the financing needs of its Target Market, or for related purposes as the CDFI Fund deems appropriate. ii. Financial Services .................................. iii. Loan Loss Reserves .............................. iv. Development Services ........................... v. Capital Reserves .................................... 2. TA Grants: TA grant funds can be expended for the following seven eligible activity categories: (i) Compensation—personal services; (ii) Compensation—fringe benefits; (iii) Professional Service Costs; (iv) Travel Costs; (v) Training and Education Costs; (vi) Equipment and other capital expenditures; and (vii) Supplies. Each of the eligible activity Eligible CDFI institution types All. Insured Depository Institutions only. All. All. Insured Depository Institutions only. categories will not be authorized for indirect costs and an associated indirect cost rate. For purposes of this NOFA, the seven eligible activity categories are defined as follows: TABLE 4—TA ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY CATEGORIES mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES (i) Compensation—personal services ................. (ii) Compensation—fringe benefits ...................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 TA paid to cover salaries of the Applicant’s personnel that are paid currently or accrued by the Applicant for work performed directly related to carrying out the purpose of the TA grant (including activities related to becoming certified as a CDFI), subject to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements. TA paid to cover costs of the Applicant’s personnel employment (other than the employees’ salaries income) in proportion to the salary charged to the TA grant, to the extent that such payments are made under formally established and consistently applied organizational policies, subject to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements. PO 00000 Frm 00158 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices 8331 TABLE 4—TA ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY CATEGORIES—Continued (iii) Professional service costs ............................. (iv) Travel costs ................................................... (v) Training and education costs ......................... (vi) Equipment ..................................................... (vii) Supplies ........................................................ III. Eligibility Information A. Eligible Applicants: For the purposes of this NOFA, the following tables set forth the eligibility criteria to be in contention to receive an award TA used to pay for professional and consultant services rendered by persons who are members of a particular profession or possess a special skill, and who are not officers or employees of the Recipient, subject to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements. Payment for a consultant’s services may not exceed the daily equivalent of the current maximum rate paid to an Executive Schedule Level IV Federal employee. TA used to pay expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items incurred by the Applicant’s personnel who are on travel status on business related to the TA grant, subject to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements. TA used to pay the cost of training and education provided for employee development, subject to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements. TA used to pay for tangible personal property, having a useful life of more than one year and a per-unit acquisition cost of at least $5,000 and subject to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements. Examples include office equipment, furnishings, and information technology equipment and systems. TA used to pay for tangible personal property with a per unit acquisition of less than $5,000 and subject to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements. from the CDFI Fund, along with certain definitions of terms. There are four categories of Applicant eligibility criteria: (1) CDFI certification criteria (Table 5); (2) requirements that apply to all Applicants (Table 6); (3) requirements that apply to TA Applicants (Table 7); and (4) requirements that apply to FA Applicants (Table 8). TABLE 5—CDFI CERTIFICATION CRITERIA DEFINITIONS Certified CDFI ...................................................... Certifiable CDFI (FA Applicants) ......................... Emerging CDFI (TA Applicants) .......................... • An entity that the CDFI Fund has officially notified that it meets all CDFI certification requirements. • An entity that has submitted a CDFI Certification Application to the CDFI Fund demonstrating that it meets the CDFI certification requirements but which has not yet been officially certified. (See Table 11 for application submission deadlines.) • The CDFI Fund will not enter into an Assistance Agreement or make an FA award payment unless and until an Applicant is a Certified CDFI. • A non-Certified entity that has not submitted a CDFI Certification Application but demonstrates to the CDFI Fund in its Application that it has an acceptable plan to meet certification requirements by the end of its period of performance, or another date that the CDFI Fund selects. • An Emerging CDFI that has prior award(s) will be held to the CDFI certification performance goal and measure(s) stated in its prior Assistance Agreement(s). • Emerging CDFIs may only apply for TA grants; they are not eligible to apply for FA awards. • Each Emerging CDFI selected to receive a TA grant will be required to become a Certified CDFI by a date specified in the Assistance Agreement. TABLE 6—ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL APPLICANTS Applicant .............................................................. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Application type and submission overview through and Awards Management Information System (AMIS). VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 • Only the entity that will carry out the proposed award activities can apply for an award (e.g., the intended award Recipient). • The information in the Application should only reflect the activities of the Applicant, including the presentation of financial and portfolio information. Do not include financial or portfolio information from parent companies, Affiliates, or Subsidiaries in the Application unless it relates to the provision of Development Services. • An Applicant that applies on behalf of another organization will be rejected without further consideration, except for Depository Institution Holding Companies (see below). • Applicants must submit the required application documents listed in Table 10. • The CDFI Fund will only accept Applications that use the official application templates provided on the and AMIS websites. Applications submitted with alternative or altered templates will not be considered. • Applicants have a two-step process that requires the submission of application documents on two separate deadlines and locations: (1) and (2) AMIS. Æ Applicants must submit the OMB SF–424, Application for Federal Assistance. Æ AMIS: Applicants must submit all other required application materials. Æ All Applicants must register in the and AMIS systems to successfully submit an application. The CDFI Fund strongly encourages applicants to register early as possible. • and the SF–424: Æ The SF–424 must be submitted in on or before March 18, 2016, the deadline listed in Table 1 and Table 11. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their SF–424 as early as possible in the portal. Æ The deadline for the submission is before the AMIS deadline. PO 00000 Frm 00159 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 8332 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices TABLE 6—ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL APPLICANTS—Continued • Employer Identification Number (EIN) ................ • • DUNS number ..................................................... • • Awards Management (AMIS). Information System • • • 501(c)(4) status ................................................... • Compliance with Federal civil rights requirements. • Depository Institution Holding Company Applicant. • • Insured CDFI—Insured Credit Union and Insured Depository Institution. Use of award ....................................................... • • • • Requested award amount for eligible activities .. • • • Default or Noncompliance status ........................ mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Pending resolution of noncompliance ................. • • Undisbursed award funds and calculations (general). VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 • PO 00000 Æ If the SF–424 is not accepted by by the deadline, the CDFI Fund will not review any material submitted in AMIS and the application will be deemed ineligible. AMIS: Æ AMIS is a new enterprise-wide information technology system that is replacing the myCDFI Fund portal and which will be used to submit and store organization and application information with the CDFI Fund. Æ Applicants are only allowed one submission in AMIS. Æ Only the Authorized Representative or Application Point of Contact can submit the Application in AMIS. Æ All other required application materials must be submitted in AMIS on or before the deadline specified in Tables 1 and 11. Applicants must have a unique EIN assigned by the IRS. The CDFI Fund will reject an Application submitted with the EIN of a parent or Affiliate organization. Pursuant to OMB guidance (68 FR 38402), an Applicant must apply using its unique DUNS number in The CDFI Fund will reject an Application submitted with the DUNS number of a parent or Affiliate organization. Each Applicant must register as an organization in AMIS and submit all required application materials through the AMIS portal. The Authorized Representative and/or Application point of contact must be included as ‘‘users’’ in the Applicant’s AMIS account. An Applicant that fails to properly register and update its AMIS account may miss important communication from the CDFI Fund or not be able to successfully submit an Application. Pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 1611, a 501(c)(4) any organization that engages in lobbying activities is not eligible for the receipt of a CDFI or NACA Program award. An Applicant may not be eligible to receive an award if proceedings have been instituted against it in, by, or before any court, governmental agency, or administrative body, and a final determination within the last three years indicates the Applicant has violated any of the following laws: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C.2000d); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, (42 U.S.C. 6101–6107), and Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency. In the case where a CDFI Depository Institution Holding Company Applicant intends to carry out the activities of an award through its CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository Institution, the Application must be submitted by the CDFI Depository Institution Holding Company and reflect the activities and financial performance of the CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository Institution. Authorized representatives of both the Depository Institution Holding Company and the CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository Institution must certify that the information included in the Application represents that of the CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository Institution and that the award funds will be used to support the CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository Institution for the eligible activities outlined in the Application. To be eligible for an award, each Insured Depository Institution Applicant must have a CAMELS/CAMEL (rating for banks and credit unions, respectively), by its Federal regulator of at least ‘‘4.’’ Organizations with CAMELS/CAMEL ratings of ‘‘5’’ will not be eligible for awards. All awards made through this NOFA must be used to support the Applicant’s activities in at least one of the FA or TA Eligible Activity Categories (see Section II.C). Awards cannot be used to support the activities of, or otherwise be passed through, transferred, or co-awarded to, third-party entities, whether Affiliates, Subsidiaries, or others (except Depository Institution Holding Company Applicants.) An Applicant must state its requested award amount and proposed eligible activities in the ‘‘Award Request Table’’ of the Purpose section of the Application. An Applicant that does not fully complete the ‘‘Award Request Table’’ of the Purpose Application section in the AMIS website will not be allowed to submit an Application. The CDFI Fund will consider an Application submitted by an Applicant that has pending noncompliance issues if the CDFI Fund has not yet made a final determination as to whether the Applicant is in default of any of its previously executed award agreement(s). The CDFI Fund will not consider an Application submitted by an Applicant that has been notified by the CDFI Fund in writing that it is in default of a previously executed award agreement under any CDFI Fund program, at the time of the Application deadline, unless otherwise indicated by the CDFI Fund in writing. The CDFI Fund will not consider an Application submitted by an Applicant that has been notified by the CDFI Fund in writing that it is noncompliant with an FY 2015 award agreement, or with agreements for fiscal years thereafter, under any CDFI Fund program, at the time of the Application deadline, unless otherwise indicated by the CDFI Fund in writing. The CDFI Fund will not consider any Applicant that has defaulted on a CDFI Program loan within five years of the Application deadline. An Applicant that has funds from a prior award that have not been disbursed, as defined in (a)—(d) below, as of the Application deadline will not be eligible for an award. (a) The CDFI Fund will include the combined undisbursed award funds of the Applicant and its Affiliates. Frm 00160 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices 8333 TABLE 6—ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL APPLICANTS—Continued (b) Balances on undisbursed award funds cannot exceed five percent of the combined BEA Program awards made to the Applicant in FYs 2012, 2013, and 2014. (c) Balances on undisbursed award funds cannot exceed five percent of the combined CDFI/NACA Program awards made to the Applicant in FYs 2012, 2013, and 2014. (d) The undisbursed award funds calculation does not include award funds for: (i) Which the Recipient has submitted a full and complete disbursement request before the Application deadline; (ii) an award that has been terminated or de-obligated; or (iii) an award that does not have a fully executed award agreement; and (iv) the tax credit allocation authority made available through the NMTC Program. TABLE 7—ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR TA APPLICANTS CDFI certification status Matching funds ............. Limitation on Awards .... (1) Emerging CDFIs (see definitions in Table 5), or (2) Certifiable or Certified CDFIs (see Table 5) that meet the following criteria: (1) Have total assets * as of the end of the Applicant’s most recent fiscal year end in the following amounts: • Insured Depository Institutions and Depository Institution Holding Companies: up to $250 million • Insured Credit Unions: up to $10 million • Venture capital funds: up to $10 million • Other CDFIs: up to $5 million OR (2) Have begun operations ** on or after January 1, 2012. * ‘‘Total assets’’ is defined as the Total Assets of Fiscal Year End Date stated in the Applicant’s AMIS account and verified by internally prepared financial statements and/or audits. ** ‘‘Have begun operations’’ is defined as the financing activity start date indicated in the Applicant’s AMIS account. • Matching funds documentation is not required for TA awards. • An Emerging CDFI will be allowed to receive no more than three TA awards as an uncertified CDFI. TABLE 8—ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR FA APPLICANTS CDFI certification status Matching funds documentation. $5 Million funding cap .. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES FA Category I (SECA) FA Category II (Core) .. HFFI–FA ....................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 • Each FA Applicant must be a Certified CDFI prior to the announcement of award decisions. • An Applicant that is in a cure period to remedy CDFI recertification deficiencies at the time of award announcements will not be eligible for an FA award under this NOFA. • All Applicants must submit acceptable documentation that they have received or will receive matching funds. Applications that do not submit acceptable matching funds documentation will not be evaluated. • Awards will be limited to no more than two times the amount of In-Hand or Committed matching funds documentation provided at the time of Application. • Awards will be obligated in like form to the matching funds provided at time of Application. See Table 9. Matching Funds ‘‘Determination of Award Form’’ for additional guidance. • Award payments from the CDFI Fund will require eligible dollar-for-dollar In-Hand matching funds for the total payment amount. Recipients will not receive a payment until 100 percent of their matching funds are In-Hand. • The first payment is the estimated amount of award that the Recipient will use for eligible FA activities in the first 12 months after the award. • The CDFI Fund will reduce and de-obligate the remaining balance of any Award that does not demonstrate full dollar-for-dollar matching funds equal to the announced award amount by the end of the Matching Funds Window. • The CDFI Fund is prohibited from obligating more than $5 million in CDFI and NACA Program awards, in the aggregate, to any one organization and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates during any three-year period. • For purposes of this NOFA, the CDFI Fund will include CDFI and NACA Program final awards in the cap calculation that were provided to an Applicant (and/or its Subsidiaries or Affiliates) under the FY 2014, and 2015 funding rounds, as well as the requested FY 2016 award, excluding HFFI–FA awards. The CDFI Fund will make the FY 2016 funding round award announcements after September 23, 2016. • To be an eligible SECA Applicant, an Applicant must meet the following criteria: (1) Be a Certified or Certifiable CDFI; (2) Request $700,000 or less in FA funds; AND EITHER (3) Have total assets * as of the end of the Applicant’s most recent fiscal year end in the following amounts: • Insured Depository Institutions and Depository Institution Holding Companies: up to $250 million. • Insured Credit Unions: Up to $10 million. • Venture capital funds: Up to $10 million. • Other CDFIs: Up to $5 million OR (4) Have begun operations ** on or after January 1, 2012. * ‘‘Total assets’’ is defined as the Total Assets of Fiscal Year End Date stated in the Applicant’s AMIS account and verified by internally prepared financial statements and/or audits. ** ‘‘Have begun operations’’ is defined as the financing activity start date indicated in the Applicant’s AMIS account. • A Core Applicant must be either a Certified or Certifiable CDFI as defined in Table 5. • An Applicant that meets the SECA requirements stated above, that requests more than $700,000 in award funds is categorized as an FA Category II (Core) Applicant, regardless of its total assets and/or years in operation. • All HFFI–FA Applicants must: Æ Apply for an FA award; Æ Meet all FA award eligibility requirements; and Æ Complete and submit a CDFI/NACA Program Financial Assistance Application along with the HFFI–FA Narrative Application section at the time of Application; 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 PO 00000 Frm 00161 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 8334 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices TABLE 8—ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR FA APPLICANTS—Continued Æ Provide an HFFI–FA award request amount in the ‘‘Award Request Table’’ of the Purpose section in the Application. B. Matching Funds Requirements: In order to receive an FA award, an Applicant must provide documentation of eligible dollar-for-dollar matching funds. The CDFI Fund will review matching funds documentation prior to award payment and will pay funds based upon eligible In-Hand matching funds (see Table 9 for the definition of In-Hand). The CDFI Fund encourages Applicants to review the Regulations at 12 CFR 1805.500, the Uniform Administrative Requirements, and the matching funds guidance materials available on the CDFI Fund’s Web site. Table 9 provides a summary of the matching funds requirements; additional details are set forth in the Application materials. TABLE 9—MATCHING FUNDS REQUIREMENTS Matching funds requirements by application type. Amount of required match. Determination of award form. Matching Funds Window definition. Matching funds and form of award. In-Hand matching funds definition. Committed matching funds definition. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Limitations on matching funds. Rights of the CDFI Fund. VerDate Sep<11>2014 The following Applicants must provide documentation of acceptable matching funds: • Category I/SECA FA Applicants (upon request) *; • Category II/Core FA Applicants; and • HFFI–FA Applicants. (upon request) * TA Applicants are not required to provide matching funds. * The matching funds requirement for HFFI–FA and SECA FA applicants was waived in the appropriations bill for FY 2016. HFFI–FA and SECA FA applicants are not required to submit matching funds for their award requests at the time of application. Applicants must submit supporting documentation of eligible, In-Hand, dollar-for-dollar, non-Federal matching funds for every FA award dollar to be paid by the CDFI Fund. If awarded, Applicants that did not demonstrate 100% In-Hand matching funds at the time of Application may experience a longer payment timeline. FA awards will be made in comparable form and value to the eligible In-Hand and/or Committed matching funds documentation submitted by the Applicant. • For example, if an FA Applicant provides documentation of eligible loan matching funds for $200,000 and $400,000 of its matching funds in the form of grant, the CDFI Fund will obligate $200,000 of the FA award as a loan and $400,000 as a grant. • After awards have been announced, Award Recipients may request the CDFI Fund’s permission to change the form of their award from loan to grant (by producing eligible grant matching funds), but will only be eligible to receive a grant equal to the federal credit subsidy amount associated with the original loan. Applicants will also experience delays in payments if requested award form changes are approved by the CDFI Fund. • The Applicant must receive eligible In-Hand matching funds between January 1, 2014 and January 15, 2017. • An award Recipient must provide the CDFI Fund with all documentation demonstrating the receipt of In-Hand matching funds by January 31, 2017. • Recipients will be approved for a maximum award size of two times the total amount of eligible In-Hand and/or Committed matching funds documentation included in the Application, so long as they do not exceed the award amount limit. • The form of the matching funds documented in the Application determines the form of the award. • Matching funds are eligible and In-Hand when the Applicant receives payment for the matching funds and includes acceptable documentation in the Application, showing the source, form (e.g., grant, loan, deposit, and Equity Investment), amount of the matching funds, and the date the funds came into physical possession of the applicant. • The following documentation, depending on the type of award being requested, must be included in the Application: • Loan—the loan agreement and/or promissory note; • grant—the grant letter or agreement for all grants of $100,000 or more; • Equity Investment—the stock certificate and shareholder agreement; • retained earnings—audits or call reports from regulating entity; and • third party in-kind contribution—evidence of receipt of contribution and valuation; AND • clearly legible documentation that demonstrates actual receipt of the matching funds including the date of the transaction and the amount, such as a copy of a check or a wire transfer statement. • Grants under $100,000 only require the source name, amount, date of receipt, and source contact information. Documentation of this information should be available if audited. • Matching funds are Committed when the Applicant has entered into or received a legally binding commitment from the matching funds source showing the matching funds will be disbursed to the Applicant at a future date. • The Applicant must provide the CDFI Fund acceptable written documentation showing the source, form, and amount of the Committed matching funds (including, in the case of a loan, the terms thereof), as well as the anticipated payment date of the Committed funds. • Matching funds must be from non-Federal sources. • Applicants cannot proffer matching funds that were accepted as matching funds for a prior FA award under the CDFI Program, NACA Program, or under another Federal grant or award program. • Matching funds must comply with Regulations at 12 CFR 1805.500 et seq. • Matching funds must be attributable to at least one of the five eligible FA activities (see Section II.C). • The CDFI Fund reserves the right to contact the matching funds source to discuss the matching funds and the documentation that the Applicant provided. • The CDFI Fund may grant an extension of the Matching Funds Window (defined in Table 9), on a case-by-case basis, if the CDFI Fund deems it appropriate. • The CDFI Fund reserves the right to rescind all or a portion of an FA award and re-allocate the rescinded award amount to other qualified Applicant(s), if an award Recipient fails to obtain In-Hand 100 percent of the required Matching Funds during the Matching Funds Window. 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 PO 00000 Frm 00162 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices 8335 TABLE 9—MATCHING FUNDS REQUIREMENTS—Continued Matching funds in the form of third-party inkind contributions. Matching funds in the form of a loan. Severe Constraints Waiver. Ineligible matching funds. Use of matching funds from a prior CDFI Program Recipient. Matching funds in the form of retained earnings. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Special rule for Insured Credit Unions and Insured Depository Institutions. VerDate Sep<11>2014 • Third party in-kind contributions are the value of non-cash contributions (i.e., property or services) provided by nonFederal third parties. • Third party in-kind contributions will be considered to be in the form of a grant for matching funds purposes. • Third party in-kind contributions may be in the form of real property, equipment, supplies, and other expendable property, and the value of goods and services directly benefiting the eligible activities. • For third-party in-kind contributions, the fair market value of goods and services must be documented. • Applicants will be responsible for documenting the value of all in-kind contributions as described in the Uniform Administrative Requirements. • An FA award made in the form of a loan will have the following standardized terms: • A 13-year term with semi-annual interest-only payments due in years 1 through 10, and fully amortizing payments due each year in years 11 through 13; and • A fixed interest rate of 2.2 percent, which was calculated by the CDFI Fund based on the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s 10-year Treasury note. • The Applicant’s matching funds loan(s) must: i. have a minimum of a 3-year term. Loans presented as matching funds with less than a 3-year term will not qualify as eligible match; and ii. not be from a Federal source. • Not more than 25 percent of the total funds available for obligation under this funding round may be matched under the Severe Constraints Waiver. • In the case of an Applicant demonstrating severe constraints on available sources of matching funds, the CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, may permit such Applicant to comply with the matching funds requirements by reducing such requirements by up to 50 percent. • In order to be considered eligible for a Severe Constraints Waiver, an Applicant must meet all of the SECA eligibility criteria described in Table 8 and follow the instructions in the Application materials. • If the CDFI Fund determines that any portion of the Applicant’s matching funds is ineligible, the CDFI Fund will permit the Applicant to offer documentation of alternative matching funds as a substitute for the ineligible matching funds. • In such instances: i. the Applicant must provide acceptable alternative matching funds documentation within the period of time specified by the CDFI Fund, and ii. the alternative matching funds documentation will not increase the total amount of FA requested. If an Applicant offers matching funds documentation from an organization that was a prior Recipient under the CDFI Program, the Applicant must be able to prove to the CDFI Fund’s satisfaction that such funds do not consist, in whole or in part, of CDFI Program funds or other Federal funds. • Retained earnings are eligible for use as matching funds when the CDFI Fund calculates an amount equal to: i. The increase in retained earnings that occurred over any one of the Applicant’s fiscal years within the Matching Funds Window, adjusted to remove revenue and expenses derived from Federal sources and matching funds previously used for an award; or ii. the annual average of such increases that occurred over any three consecutive fiscal years of the Applicant with at least one of the fiscal years occurring within the Matching Funds Window, adjusted to remove revenue and expenses derived from Federal sources and matching funds previously used for an award; or iii. any combination of (i) and (ii) above that does not include matching funds previously used for an award. • Retained earnings will be matched with an FA award in the form of a grant or an Equity Investment. • An Insured Credit Union’s and Insured Depository Institution’s retained earnings are eligible for use as matching funds when the CDFI Fund calculates an amount equal to: i. The increase in retained earnings that occurred over any one of the Applicant’s fiscal years within the Matching Funds Window, adjusted to remove revenue from Federal sources and matching funds previously used for an award; or ii. the annual average of such increases that occurred over any three consecutive fiscal years of the Applicant with at least one of the fiscal years occurring within the Matching Funds Window, adjusted to remove revenue and expenses derived from Federal sources and matching funds previously used for an award; or iii. the entire retained earnings that have been accumulated since the inception of the Applicant, as provided in the Regulations. • If option (iii) is used for Insured Credit Unions, the Applicant must increase its member and/or non-member shares and/or total loans outstanding by an amount equal to the amount of retained earnings committed as matching funds. • This increase will be measured on a quarterly basis from March 31, 2016, and must occur by the end of the Recipient’s Year 1 of Performance Period, as set forth in its Assistance Agreement, and will be based on amounts reported in the Applicant’s National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) form 5300 Call Report. • The CDFI Fund will assess the likelihood of this increase during the Application review process. • An award will not be made to any Applicant that has not demonstrated in the relevant NCUA form 5300 Call Reports that it has increased shares and/or total loans outstanding by at least 25 percent of the requested FA award amount between December 31, 2014, and December 31, 2015. • The matching funds are not In-Hand until the Recipient has increased its member and/or non-member shares, deposits and/or total loans outstanding within the time period specified. • If option (iii) is used for Insured Depository Institutions or Depository Institution Holding Companies, the Applicant or its Subsidiary Insured Depository Institution (in the case of a Depository Institution Holding Company) must increase deposits and/or total loans outstanding by an amount equal to the amount of retained earnings committed as matching funds. Please note that Depository Institution Holding Company Applicants must use the call reports of the CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository Institution that the requested FA award will support. • This increase will be measured on a quarterly basis from March 31, 2016, and must occur by the end of the Recipient’s Year 1 of Performance Period, as set forth in its Assistance Agreement, and will be based on amounts reported in the Bank Call Report. • The CDFI Fund will assess the likelihood of this increase during the Application review process. 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 PO 00000 Frm 00163 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 8336 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices TABLE 9—MATCHING FUNDS REQUIREMENTS—Continued • An award will not be made to any Applicant that has not demonstrated in the relevant call reports that it has increased deposits and/or total loans outstanding by at least 25 percent of the requested FA award amount between December 31, 2014, and December 31, 2015. • The matching funds are not In-Hand until the Recipient has increased its deposits and/or total loans outstanding within the time period specified. • All regulated Applicants utilizing the part (iii) Since Inception rule should refer to the Retained Earnings Guidance document on the and CDFI Fund websites. IV. Application and Submission Information A. Address to Request an Application Package: Application materials can be found on and the CDFI Fund’s Web site at cdfi. Applicants may request a paper version of any Application material by contacting the CDFI Fund Help Desk at B. Content and Form of Application Submission: All Applications must be prepared using the English language and calculations must be made in U.S. dollars. The following table lists the required Application documents for the FY 2016 Funding Round. The CDFI Fund reserves the right to request and review other pertinent or public information that has not been specifically requested in this NOFA or the Application. Information submitted by the Applicant that the CDFI Fund has not specifically requested will not be reviewed or considered as part of the Application. Information submitted must accurately reflect the Applicant’s activities. Financial, portfolio, and activity information provided in the Application should only include the Applicant’s activities. TABLE 10—REQUIRED APPLICATION DOCUMENTS Application documents Applicant type SF–424 .................................................................................................... CDFI Program Application Components: ................................................ • Funding Application Detail Related Lists: • Application Financial Data All Applicants ................................. All Applicants ................................. * Funders is excluded for Insured Depository Institutions, TA Applicants, and NACA TA Applicants. Fillable PDF in AMIS. HFFI–FA Applicants ...................... —Must create new funding application. AMIS. Matching Funds Documentation ............................................................. FA Core Applicants ....................... Policies and Procedures ......................................................................... Key Staff Resumes ................................................................................. Organizational Chart ............................................................................... Audited Financial Statements ................................................................. FA Applicants ................................ All Applicants ................................. All Applicants ................................. FA Applicants: Loan funds and other non-Insured Depository Institutions. FA Applicants: Loan funds and other non-Insured Depository Institutions, TA Applicants: If available. TA Applicants: Loan funds and other non-Insured Depository Institutions. FA and TA Applicants: Insured Depository Institutions only. FA and TA Applicants: Loan funds and other non-Insured Depository Institutions. All Applicants, if applicable ............ PDF or Excel (Retained Earnings Calculator only) in AMIS. PDF in AMIS. PDF or Word document in AMIS. PDF in AMIS. PDF in AMIS. Æ Financials and Portfolio Æ Impacts Æ Application Activities Levels Æ Funders (Historic Only) * • Matching Funds Used (FA Core Only). • Customer Snapshot Table. • Key Personnel. • Policies. • Product Design. • Narratives. HFFI–FA Application Components: ......................................................... • Funding Application Detail • Narratives Submission format ATTACHMENTS TO THE APPLICATION: Add to ‘‘Related Attachments’’ related list in application. Management Letters ............................................................................... mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Unaudited Financial Statements (if Audited Financial Statements are not available). Call Reports ............................................................................................. Current Year to Date—December 31, 2015, Unaudited Financial Statements. Additional Documents As Applicable: Community Partnership Agreement 501(c)(4) Questionnaire Explanation Environmental Review Form Explanation. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 PO 00000 Frm 00164 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM PDF in AMIS. PDF in AMIS. PDF in AMIS. PDF in AMIS. PDF or Word document in AMIS. 18FEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices C. Application Submission: The CDFI Fund has a two-step process that requires the submission of application documents on separate deadlines and locations. The SF–424 must be submitted through and all other application documents through the AMIS portal. The CDFI Fund will not accept Applications via email, mail, facsimile, or other forms of communication, except in extremely rare circumstances that have been preapproved by the CDFI Fund. Applicants are only required to submit the OMB SF–424, Application for Federal Assistance form in as all other application information (listed in Table 10) will be submitted through AMIS. The deadline for submitting the SF 424 is 30 days after the publication of the NOFA. All other application information must be submitted in AMIS and only the Authorized Representative or Application Point of Contact can submit the application. Applicants are encouraged to submit the SF–424 as early as possible through to provide time to resolve any submission problems. Applicants should contact directly with questions related to the registration or submission process as the CDFI Fund does not maintain the system. The CDFI Fund strongly encourages Applicants to start the registration process as soon as possible (refer to the following link: https://www. as it may take several weeks to complete. An Applicant that has previously registered with must verify that its registration is current and active. D. Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS): Pursuant to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, each Applicant must provide as part of its Application submission, a Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. Applicants without a DUNS number will not be able to register and submit an Application in the system. Please allow sufficient time for Dun & Bradstreet to respond to inquiries and/or requests for DUNS numbers. E. System for Award Management (SAM): Any entity applying for Federal grants or other forms of Federal financial assistance through 8337 must be registered in SAM before submitting its Application. The SAM registration process can take several weeks to complete. Applicants that have previously completed the SAM registration process must verify that their SAM accounts are current and active. Each Applicant must continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active Federal award or an Application under consideration by a Federal awarding agency. The CDFI Fund will not consider any Applicant that fails to properly register or activate its SAM account and, as a result, is unable to submit its Application by the Application deadline. Applicants must contact SAM directly with questions related to registration or SAM account changes as the CDFI Fund does not maintain this system. For more information about SAM, please visit F. Submission Dates and Times: 1. Submission Deadlines: The following table provides the critical deadlines for the FY 2016 Funding Round. TABLE 11—FY 2016 FUNDING ROUND CRITICAL DEADLINES FOR APPLICANTS Deadline Time (EDT) Submission method CDFI Certification Applications ........................ March 18, 2016 .......... 5:00 p.m. EDT ............ SF424 (Application for Federal Assistance) .... Last day to contact CDFI Program staff .......... March 18, 2016 .......... April 15, 2016 ............. 11:59 p.m. EDT .......... 5:00 p.m. EDT ............ CDFI Program Application for Financial Assistance (FA) or Technical Assistance (TA). mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Description April 18, 2016 ............. 11:59 p.m. EDT .......... Award Management Information System (AMIS). Electronically via CDFI Fund Helpdesk: 202–653–0421 or Electronically via Awards Management Information System (AMIS). 2. Confirmation of Application Submission in and AMIS: Applicants are required to submit the OMB SF–424, Application for Federal Assistance through the system and must submit all other required application materials through the AMIS Web site. Application materials submitted through both systems are due by the application deadlines. Applicants must submit the SF–424 on an earlier deadline from the other required application materials in AMIS. If the SF–424 is not successfully accepted by by the deadline, the CDFI Fund will not review any of the material submitted in AMIS and the Application will be deemed ineligible. (a) Submission Information: Each Applicant will receive an email from immediately after submitting the SF– 424 confirming that the submission has entered the system. This email will contain a tracking number for the submitted SF–424. Within 48 hours, the Applicant will receive a second email, which will indicate if the submitted SF–424 was either successfully validated or rejected with errors. However, Applicants should not rely on the email notification from to confirm that their SF–424 was validated. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use the tracking number provided in the first email to closely monitor the status of their SF–424 by contacting the helpdesk at directly. The Application material submitted in AMIS is not officially accepted by the CDFI Fund until has validated the SF–424. (b) Award Management Information System (AMIS) Submission Information: AMIS is a web-based portal where Applicants will directly enter their application information and add required attachments listed in Table 10. AMIS will verify that the Applicant provided the minimum information VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 PO 00000 Frm 00165 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 required to submit an Application. Applicants are responsible for the quality and accuracy of the information and attachments included in the Application submitted in AMIS. The CDFI Fund strongly encourages the Applicant to allow sufficient time to confirm the Application content, review the material submitted, and remedy any issues prior to the Application deadline. Only the Authorized Representative or the application Point of Contact can submit the Application. Applicants can only submit one Application. Upon submission, the Application will be locked and cannot be resubmitted, edited, or modified in any way. The CDFI Fund will not unlock or allow multiple Applications submissions. 4. Late Submission: The CDFI Fund will not accept an Application submitted after the Application deadline except where the submission delay was a direct result of a Federal government administrative or E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 8338 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices technological error. In such case, the Applicant must submit a written request for acceptance of late Application submission and include documentation of the error no later than two business days after the Application deadline. The CDFI Fund will not respond to request for acceptance of late Application submissions after that time period. Applicants must submit late Application submission requests to the CDFI Helpdesk at cdfihelp@cdfi. with a subject line of ‘‘Late Application Submission Request.’’ G. Funding Restrictions: FA, HFFI–FA and TA awards are limited by the following: 1. FA awards: (a) An award Recipient shall use FA funds only for the eligible activities described in Section II. Award Description (C)(1) of this NOFA and its Assistance Agreement. (b) A Recipient may not distribute FA funds to an Affiliate, Subsidiary, or any other entity, without the CDFI Fund’s prior written approval. (c) FA funds shall only be paid to the Recipient. (d) The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, may pay FA funds in amounts, or under terms and conditions, which are different from those requested by an Applicant. 2. HFFI–FA awards: (a) An award Recipient shall use HFFI–FA funds only for the eligible activities described in Section II. Award Description (C) (1) of this NOFA and its Assistance Agreement. (b) A Recipient may not distribute HFFI–FA funds to an Affiliate, Subsidiary, or any other entity, without the CDFI Fund’s prior written approval. (c) HFFI–FA funds shall only be paid to the Recipient. (d) The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, may pay HFFI–FA funds in amounts, or under terms and conditions, which are different from those requested by an Applicant. 3. TA grants: (a) An award Recipient shall use TA funds only for the eligible activities described in Section II. Award Description (C) (2) of this NOFA and its Assistance Agreement. (b) A Recipient may not distribute TA funds to an Affiliate, Subsidiary or any other entity, without the CDFI Fund’s prior written consent. (c) TA funds shall only be paid to the Recipient. (d) The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, may pay TA funds in amounts, or under terms and conditions, which are different from those requested by an Applicant. V. Application Review Information 1. Criteria: If the Applicant has submitted a complete and eligible Application, the CDFI Fund will conduct a substantive review in accordance with the criteria and procedures described in the Regulations, this NOFA, the Application guidance, and the Uniform Administrative Requirements. The CDFI Fund reserves the right to contact the Applicant by telephone, email, or mail for the sole purpose of clarifying or confirming Application information. If contacted, the Applicant must respond within the time period communicated by the CDFI Fund or run the risk that its Application will be rejected. (a) Application Scoring and Award Selection (FA, HFFI–FA, and TA): The CDFI Fund will evaluate each Application using the FA and TA Application Scoring Criteria described in the Application. An Applicant must receive a minimum 60 percent of the total score for the FA, HFFI–FA, and TA components in order to be considered for an award. An Applicant that is an Emerging CDFI will be rated, among other elements, on its plan to meet the requirements of a Certified CDFI within two years of the beginning of the period of performance (or if the Applicant is a prior TA Recipient, by the date specified in its previous Assistance Agreement). The CDFI Fund will score each part as indicated in Tables 12 and 13. TABLE 12—FA & TA APPLICATION SCORING CRITERIA FA Applicants (points) TA Applicants (points) Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................. Purpose/Proposal .................................................................................................................................................... Products ................................................................................................................................................................... Policies ..................................................................................................................................................................... People ...................................................................................................................................................................... Partnerships ............................................................................................................................................................. Performance ............................................................................................................................................................ Projections ............................................................................................................................................................... Not Scored 10 10 10 10 10 40 10 Not Scored 15 10 10 15 5 30 15 Total Points ....................................................................................................................................................... 100 100 FA & TA narrative sections TABLE 13—HFFI–FA APPLICATION SCORING CRITERIA HFFI–FA Applicants mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES HFFI–FA Narrative sections HFFI Target Market Profile .................................................................................................................................................................. Healthy Food Financial Products ........................................................................................................................................................ Healthy Food Development Services .................................................................................................................................................. Projected HFFI–FA Activities ............................................................................................................................................................... HFFI Track Record, Management Capacity for Providing Healthy Food Financing, Healthy Food Financing Outcomes ................ 4 5 2 7 7 Total Points ................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 2. Review and Selection Process. All Applications will be initially evaluated by external non-Federal reviewers who VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 are selected based on criteria that includes: A professional background in community and economic development PO 00000 Frm 00166 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 finance; experience reviewing financial statements of all CDFI institution types; and experience performing E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices underwriting of community and economic development projects. Reviewers must complete the CDFI Fund’s conflict of interest process and be approved by the CDFI Fund. The CDFI Fund’s application reader conflict of interest policy is located on the CDFI Fund’s Web site. TA Applications will be evaluated by one external reviewer; FA and HFFI–FA Applications will be evaluated by three external reviewers. All Applications will be reviewed in accordance with reviewer evaluation materials. Applications will be ranked based on Application scores, from highest to lowest. In the case of tied scores, Applicants will be ranked first according to each Performance score, then the Purpose section. TA Applicants, Category I, Category II, and HFFI–FA Applicants will be grouped and ranked separately. 3. Programmatic and Financial Risk Analysis. The CDFI Fund conducts three additional levels of due diligence for Applications that are in scoring contention for an award. This due diligence includes an analysis of programmatic and financial risk factors including, but not limited to: Financial stability; quality of management systems and ability to meet award management standards; history of performance in managing Federal awards (including timeliness of reporting and compliance); reports and findings from audits; and the Applicant’s ability to effectively implement Federal requirements. Award amounts may be reduced as a result of this analysis. In addition, for FA awards, the CDFI Fund may reduce awards sizes from requested amounts based on certain variables, including an Applicant’s loan disbursement activity, total portfolio outstanding, and similar factors. Lastly, the CDFI Fund may consider geographic diversity of Applicants when making its funding decisions. 4. Insured Depository Institutions: The CDFI Fund will consider safety and soundness information from the Appropriate Federal or State Banking Agency. If the Applicant is a CDFI Depository Institution Holding Company, the CDFI Fund will consider information provided by the Appropriate Federal or State Banking Agencies about both the CDFI Depository Institution Holding Company and the CDFI Certified Insured Depository Institution that will expend and carry out the award. If the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency identifies safety and soundness concerns, the CDFI Fund will assess whether the concerns cause or will cause the VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 Applicant to be incapable of undertaking the activities for which funding has been requested. 5. Non-Regulated Institutions: In accordance with the CDFI Program’s authorizing statute and regulations, the CDFI Fund must ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that recipients that are non-regulated CDFIs are financially and managerially sound and maintain appropriate internal controls (12 U.S.C. 4707(f)(1)(A) and 12 CFR 1805.800(b)). Further, the CDFI Fund must determine that an Applicant’s capacity to operate as a CDFI will not be dependent upon assistance from the CDFI Fund for continued viability (12 U.S.C. 4704(b)(2)(A)). If it is determined the Applicant is incapable of meeting these requirements, the CDFI Fund reserves the right to deem the Applicant ineligible or terminate the award. 6. Anticipated Award Announcement: The CDFI Fund anticipates making CDFI Program award announcements after September 23, 2016 and before September 30, 2016. 7. Application Rejection: The CDFI Fund reserves the right to reject an Application if information (including administrative error) comes to the CDFI Fund’s attention that either: Adversely affects an Applicant’s eligibility for an award; adversely affects the Recipient’s certification as a CDFI (to the extent that the award is conditional upon CDFI certification); adversely affects the CDFI Fund’s evaluation or scoring of an Application; or indicates fraud or mismanagement on the Applicant’s part. If the CDFI Fund determines any portion of the Application is incorrect in a material respect, the CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject the Application. The CDFI Fund reserves the right to change its eligibility and evaluation criteria and procedures, if the CDFI Fund deems it appropriate. If the changes materially affect the CDFI Fund’s award decisions, the CDFI Fund will provide information about the changes through its Web site. The CDFI Fund’s award decisions are final and there is no right to appeal the decisions. VI. Federal Award Administration Information A. Award Notification: Each successful Applicant will receive an email ‘‘notice of award’’ notification from the CDFI Fund stating that its Application has been approved for an award. Each Applicant not selected for an award will receive an email stating that a debriefing notice has been provided in its AMIS account. PO 00000 Frm 00167 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 8339 B. Assistance Agreement: Each Applicant selected to receive an award must enter into an Assistance Agreement with the CDFI Fund in order to receive a payment(s). The Assistance Agreement will set forth the award’s terms and conditions, including but not be limited to the: (i) Award amount; (ii) award type; (iii) award uses; (iv) eligible use of funds; (v) performance goals and measures; and (vi) reporting requirements. FA Assistance Agreements have three-year periods of performance; TA Assistance Agreements have two-year periods of performance. 1. Certificate of Good Standing: All FA and TA Recipients that are not Insured Depository Institutions will be required to provide the CDFI Fund with a certificate of good standing from the secretary of state for the Recipient’s State of incorporation prior to closing. This certificate can often be acquired online on the secretary of state Web site for the Recipient’s State of incorporation and must generally be dated within 270 days before the date the Recipient executes the Assistance Agreement. Due to potential backlogs in State government offices, Applicants are advised to submit requests for certificates of good standing no later than 60 days after they submit their Applications. 2. Closing: Pursuant to the Assistance Agreement, there will be an initial closing at which point the Assistance Agreement and related documents will be properly executed and delivered, and an initial payment of FA or TA may be made. FA Recipients that are subject to the matching funds requirement will not receive a payment until 100 percent of their matching funds are In-Hand. The first payment is the estimated amount of award that the Recipient states in its Application that it will use for eligible FA or TA activities in the first 12 months after the award. The CDFI Fund will minimize the time between the Recipient incurring costs for eligible activities and award payment based on what is administratively feasible. The advanced payments for eligible activities will occur no more than one year in advance of the Recipient incurring costs for the eligible activities. Following the initial closing, there may be subsequent closings involving additional award payments. Any documents in addition to the Assistant Agreement that are connected with such subsequent closings and payments shall be properly executed and timely delivered by the Recipient to the CDFI Fund. 3. Requirements Prior to Entering into an Assistance Agreement: If, prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement, E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 8340 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices information (including administrative error) comes to the CDFI Fund’s attention that: Adversely affects the Recipient’s eligibility for an award; adversely affects the Recipient’s certification as a CDFI (to the extent that the award is conditional upon CDFI certification); adversely affects the CDFI Fund’s evaluation of the Application; indicates that the Recipient is not in compliance with any requirement listed the Uniform Administrative Requirements; or indicates fraud or mismanagement on the Recipient’s part, the CDFI Fund may, in its discretion and without advance notice to the Recipient, terminate the award or take such other actions as it deems appropriate. The CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to rescind an award if the Recipient fails to return the Assistance Agreement, signed by the authorized representative of the Recipient, and/or provide the CDFI Fund with any other requested documentation, within the CDFI Fund’s deadlines. In addition, the CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate and rescind the Assistance Agreement and the award made under this NOFA pending the criteria described in the following table: TABLE 14—REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO EXECUTING AN ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT Requirement Criteria Failure to meet reporting requirements ............... • If a Recipient received a prior award under any CDFI Fund program and is not current with the reporting requirements in the previously executed agreement(s), the CDFI Fund can delay entering into an Assistance Agreement or disbursing an award until reporting requirements are met. • If such a Recipient is unable to meet the requirement within the timeframe specified, the CDFI Fund may terminate and rescind the Assistance Agreement and the award made under this NOFA. • The automated systems the CDFI Fund uses only acknowledge a report’s receipt, not a determination of meeting reporting requirements. • An FA Recipient must be a Certified CDFI prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement. • If an FA Recipient fails to maintain CDFI Certification, the CDFI Fund will terminate and rescind the Assistance Agreement and the award made under this NOFA. • The CDFI Fund will delay entering into an Assistance Agreement with a Recipient that has pending noncompliance issues if the CDFI Fund has not yet made a final determination as to whether the Recipient is in default of its previously executed award agreement(s). • If the Recipient is unable to satisfactorily resolve the compliance issues, the CDFI Fund may terminate and rescind the Assistance Agreement and the award made under this NOFA. If, at any time prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement, the CDFI Fund determines that an Recipient is in default of a previously executed agreement with the CDFI Fund and the Recipient has been provided written notification of such determination, the CDFI Fund can delay entering into an Assistance Agreement, until the Recipient has cured the default by taking actions the CDFI Fund has specified within the specified timeframe. Further, if, at any time prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement, the CDFI Fund determines that an Recipient is noncompliant with an FY 2015 or later award agreement with the CDFI Fund and the Recipient has been provided written notification of such determination, the CDFI Fund can delay entering into an Assistance Agreement, until the Recipient has cured the noncompliance by taking actions the CDFI Fund has specified within the specified timeframe. If the Recipient is unable to meet the cure requirement within the specified timeframe, the CDFI Fund may terminate and rescind the Assistance Agreement and the award made under this NOFA. If the CDFI Fund has found the Recipient in final default of a prior executed agreement and provided notification of sanctions, the CDFI Fund may terminate and rescind the Assistance Agreement and the award made under this NOFA within the time period specified in such notification. If prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement under this NOFA, the Recipient receives a final determination, made within the last three years, in any proceeding instituted against the Recipient in, by, or before any court, governmental, or administrative body or agency, declaring that the Recipient has violated the following laws: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C.2000d); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, (42 U.S.C. 6101–6107), and Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, the CDFI Fund will terminate and rescind the Assistance Agreement and the award made under this NOFA. • The Do Not Pay Business Center was developed to support Federal agencies in their efforts to reduce the number of improper payments made through programs funded by the Federal government. • The CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to rescind an award if the Recipient is identified as an ineligible recipient on the Do Not Pay database. • If it is determined the Recipient is or will be incapable of meeting its award obligations, the CDFI Fund will deem the Recipient to be ineligible or require it to improve safety and soundness conditions prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement. Failure to maintain CDFI Certification ................. Pending resolution of noncompliance ................. Default or Noncompliance status ........................ Final Default and sanctions ................................. Compliance with Federal civil rights requirements. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Do Not Pay .......................................................... Safety and soundness ........................................ C. Reporting 1. Reporting requirements: On an annual basis for the period of VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 performance, the CDFI Fund may collect information from each Recipient PO 00000 Frm 00168 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 including, but not limited to, an Annual Report with the following components: E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices 8341 TABLE 15—ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Financial Report (Finan- The Financial Report will be reviewed by the CDFI Fund to determine the Recipient’s financial and managerial soundcial Statements and ness. Related Auditor’s and Accountant’s Review Reports, if applicable). Single Audit (if applicaIf a Recipient is required to complete a Single Audit Report, it should be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse ble) (or similar report). (see 2 CFR subpart F—Audit Requirements in the Uniform Administrative Requirements). For-profit Recipients will be required to complete and submit a similar report directly to the CDFI Fund. Institution Level Report The ILR is a report used to collect compliance and performance data from CDFI Fund award Recipients. The ILR is (ILR). submitted through the Community Investment Impact System (CIIS) and captures organizational information, financial position, lending and investing activities, community development outputs, and development services. Transaction Level ReThe TLR is a report used to collect compliance and performance data from CDFI Fund award Recipients. The TLR is port (TLR). submitted through the CIIS and captures data on each individual loan and investment in the award Recipient’s portfolio. • For CDFI Depository Institution Holding Company award Recipients, the TLR captures data on the individual loans and investments by its CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository Institution’s portfolio. • TLR is not required for TA Recipients. Federal Financial ReIf the Recipient receives a TA award, it must submit the Federal Financial Report/OMB Standard Form 425 via AMIS. port/OMB Standard Form 425. Uses of Funds Report .. If the Recipient receives an FA or TA award, it must submit the Uses of Funds Report via AMIS. Shareholders Report .... If the Assistance is in the form of an Equity Investment, the Recipient must submit shareholder information to the CDFI Fund showing the class, series, and number of shares and valuation of capital stock held or to be held by each shareholder. The Shareholder Report must be submitted for as long as the CDFI Fund is an equity holder. Each Recipient is responsible for the timely and complete submission of the Annual Reporting requirements. The CDFI Fund reserves the right to contact the Recipient and additional entities or signatories to the Assistance Agreement to request additional information and documentation. The CDFI Fund will use such information to monitor each Recipient’s compliance with the requirements in the Assistance Agreement and to assess the impact of the CDFI Program. The CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify these reporting requirements, including increasing the scope and frequency of reporting, if it determines it to be appropriate and necessary; however, such reporting requirements will be modified only after notice to Recipients. 2. Financial Management and Accounting: The CDFI Fund will require Recipients to maintain financial management and accounting systems that comply with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award. These systems must be sufficient to permit the preparation of reports required by general and program specific terms and conditions, including the tracing of funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award. The cost principles used by Recipients must be consistent with Federal cost principles and support the accumulation of costs as required by the principles, and must provide for adequate documentation to support costs charged to the CDFI Program award. In addition, the CDFI Fund will require Recipients to: Maintain effective internal controls; comply with applicable statutes, regulations, and the Assistance Agreement; evaluate and monitor compliance; take action when not in compliance; and safeguard personally identifiable information. VII. Agency Contacts A. The CDFI Fund will respond to questions concerning this NOFA and the Application between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time, starting on the date that the NOFA is published through the date listed in Table 1 and Table 11. The CDFI Fund will post on its Web site responses to reoccurring questions received about this Application. Other information regarding the CDFI Fund and its programs may be obtained from the CDFI Fund’s Web site at https:// Table 16 lists CDFI Fund contact information: TABLE 16—CONTACT INFORMATION Telephone number (not toll free) CDFI Program ................................................................................................ Certification, Compliance Monitoring, and Evaluation ................................... AMIS—IT Help Desk ...................................................................................... mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Type of question 202–653–0421, option 1 .................... 202–653–0423 ................................... 202–653–0422 ................................... B. Information Technology Support: For IT Assistance, submit an AMIS Service Request (Record Type of ‘‘General Inquiry’’). In the Service Request form, select the appropriate program, then select ‘‘AMIS Technical Problem’’ as the Type. People who have visual or mobility impairments that VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 prevent them from using the CDFI Fund’s Web site should call (202) 653– 0422 for assistance (this is not a toll free number). C. Communication with the CDFI Fund: The CDFI Fund will use contact information in AMIS to communicate with Applicants and Recipients. It is PO 00000 Frm 00169 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Email addresses imperative, therefore, that Applicants, Recipients, Subsidiaries, Affiliates, and signatories maintain accurate contact information in their accounts. This includes information such as contact names (especially for the authorized representative) listed in this NOFA’s application materials, email addresses, E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1 8342 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 32 / Thursday, February 18, 2016 / Notices fax and phone numbers, and office locations. D. Civil Rights and Diversity: Any person who is eligible to receive benefits or services from CDFI Fund or Recipients under any of its programs is entitled to those benefits or services without being subject to prohibited discrimination. The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Civil Rights and Diversity enforces various Federal statutes and regulations that prohibit discrimination in financially assisted and conducted programs and activities of the CDFI Fund. If a person believes that s/he has been subjected to discrimination and/or reprisal because of membership in a protected group, s/he may file a complaint with: Associate Chief Human Capital Officer, Office of Civil Rights, and Diversity, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20220 or (202) 622– 1160 (not a toll-free number). VIII. Other Information A. Paperwork Reduction Act: Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35), an agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information, and an individual is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a valid OMB control number. If applicable, the CDFI Fund may inform Applicants that they do not need to provide certain Application information otherwise required. Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act, the CDFI Program, and NACA Program Application has been assigned the following control number: 1559– 0021. B. Application Information Sessions: The CDFI Fund may conduct webinars or host information sessions for organizations that are considering applying to, or are interested in learning about, the CDFI Fund’s programs. For further information, please visit the CDFI Fund’s Web site at https:// Authority: 12 U.S.C. 4701, et seq; 12 CFR parts 1805 and 1815; 2 CFR part 200. Mary Ann Donovan, Director, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program) FY 2016 Funding Round Funding Opportunity Title: Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) inviting Applications for Financial Assistance (FA) awards or Technical Assistance (TA) grants under the Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program) FY 2016 Funding Round. Announcement Type: Announcement of funding opportunity. Funding Opportunity Number: CDFI– 2016–NACA. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 21.020. KEY DATES: [FR Doc. 2016–03221 Filed 2–17–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4810–70–P TABLE 1—FY 2016 NACA PROGRAM FUNDING ROUND CRITICAL DEADLINES FOR APPLICANTS Deadline Time (eastern daylight time—EDT) Submission method CDFI Certification Applications .................. March 18, 2016 ................. 5:00 p.m. EDT ................... SF424 (Application for Federal Assistance). Last day to contact NACA Program staff .. March 18, 2016 ................. 11:59 p.m. EDT ................. Award Management Information System (AMIS). Electronically via April 15, 2016 .................... 5:00 p.m. EDT ................... NACA Program Application for Financial Assistance (FA) or Technical Assistance (TA). mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Description April 18, 2016 .................... 11:59 p.m. EDT ................. Executive Summary: Through the NACA Program, the CDFI Fund provides (i) FA awards of up to $1 million to Certified Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) serving Native American, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian populations or Native American areas defined as Federally-designated reservations, Hawaiian homelands, Alaska Native Villages and U.S. Census Bureau-designated Tribal Statistical Areas (collectively, ‘‘Native Communities’’) to build their financial capacity to lend to their Target Markets, and (ii) TA grants of up to $150,000 to build Certified, Certifiable, and Emerging CDFIs’ organizational capacity to serve their Target Markets and Sponsoring Entities ability to create Certified CDFIs that serve Native Communities. All awards provided VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:03 Feb 17, 2016 Jkt 238001 through this NOFA are subject to funding availability. I. Program Description A. History: The CDFI Fund was established by the Riegle Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 to promote economic revitalization and community development through investment in and assistance to CDFIs. Since its creation in 1994, the CDFI Fund has awarded over $2 billion to CDFIs, community development organizations, and financial institutions through the Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program), the Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program), the Bank Enterprise Award Program (BEA Program), the Capital Magnet Fund, and the Financial Education and Counseling Pilot Program. In addition, the CDFI PO 00000 Frm 00170 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 CDFI Fund Helpdesk: 202–653–0421 or Electronically via and Awards Management Information System (AMIS). Fund has allocated more than $43 billion in tax credit allocation authority through the New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program) and has obligated $852 million in bond guarantees to Eligible CDFIs through the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program. B. Priorities: Through the NACA Program’s FA awards and TA grants, the CDFI Fund invests in and builds the capacity of for-profit and non-profit community based lending organizations known as Community Development Financial Institutions, or CDFIs. These organizations, Certified as CDFIs by the CDFI Fund, serve Native Communities. C. Program Regulations: The regulations governing the CDFI Program are found at 12 CFR parts 1805 and 1815 (the Regulations), and are used by the CDFI Fund to govern, in general, the NACA Program, setting forth evaluation criteria and other program requirements. E:\FR\FM\18FEN1.SGM 18FEN1


[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 32 (Thursday, February 18, 2016)]
[Pages 8328-8342]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-03221]



Community Development Financial Institutions Fund

Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI 
Program) FY 2016 Funding Round

    Funding Opportunity Title: Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) 
inviting Applications for Financial Assistance (FA) awards or Technical 
Assistance (TA) grants under the Community Development Financial 
Institutions Program (CDFI Program) fiscal year (FY) 2016 Funding 
    Announcement Type: Announcement of funding opportunity.
    Funding Opportunity Number: CDFI-2016-FATA.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 21.020.

                  Table 1--FY 2016 CDFI Program Funding Round Critical Deadlines for Applicants
                                                                 Time (eastern daylight
             Description                       Deadline                time--EDT)           Submission method
CDFI Certification Applications......  March 18, 2016.........  5:00 p.m. EDT..........  Award Management
                                                                                          Information System
SF424 (Application for Federal         March 18, 2016.........  11:59 p.m. EDT.........  Electronically via
Last day to contact CDFI Program       April 15, 2016.........  5:00 p.m. EDT..........  CDFI Fund Helpdesk: 202-
 staff.                                                                                   653-0421 or
CDFI Program Application for           April 18, 2016.........  11:59 p.m. EDT.........  Electronically via
 Financial Assistance (FA) or                                                             Awards Management
 Technical Assistance (TA).                                                               Information System

    Executive Summary: Through the CDFI Program, the CDFI Fund provides 
(i) FA awards of up to $2 million to Certified Community Development 
Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to build their financial capacity to 
lend to their Target Markets, and (ii) TA grants of up to $125,000 to 
build Certified, Certifiable, and Emerging CDFIs' organizational 
capacity to serve their Target Markets. All awards provided through 
this NOFA are subject to funding availability.

I. Program Description

    A. History: The CDFI Fund was established by the Riegle Community 
Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 to promote 
economic revitalization and community development through investment in 
and assistance to CDFIs. Since its creation in 1994, the CDFI Fund has 
awarded over $2 billion to CDFIs, community development organizations, 
and financial institutions through the Community Development Financial 
Institutions Program (CDFI Program), the Native American CDFI 
Assistance Program (NACA Program), the Bank Enterprise Award Program 
(BEA Program), the Capital Magnet Fund, and the Financial Education and 

[[Page 8329]]

Pilot Program. In addition, the CDFI Fund has allocated more than $43 
billion in tax credit allocation authority through the New Markets Tax 
Credit Program (NMTC Program) and has obligated $852 million in bond 
guarantees to Eligible CDFIs through the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program.
    B. Priorities: Through the CDFI Program's FA awards and TA grants, 
the CDFI Fund invests in and builds the capacity of for-profit and non-
profit community based lending organizations known as Community 
Development Financial Institutions, or CDFIs. These organizations, 
Certified as CDFIs by the CDFI Fund, serve rural and urban low-income 
people and communities across the nation that lack adequate access to 
affordable financial products and services.
    C. Authorizing Statutes and Regulations: The CDFI Program is 
authorized by the Riegle Community Development Banking and Financial 
Institutions Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-325, 12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.). The 
regulations governing the CDFI Program are found at 12 CFR parts 1805 
and 1815 (the Regulations) and set forth evaluation criteria and other 
program requirements. The CDFI Fund encourages Applicants to review the 
Regulations, this NOFA, the Application, and the Uniform Administrative 
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal 
Awards (2 CFR part 200; 78 FR 78590) (Uniform Administrative 
Requirements) for a complete understanding of the program. Capitalized 
terms in this NOFA are defined in the authorizing statute, the 
Regulations, this NOFA, the Application, or the Uniform Administrative 
Requirements. Details regarding Application content requirements are 
found in the Application and related materials.
    D. Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit 
Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR part 200): The Uniform 
Administrative Requirements codifies financial, administrative, 
procurement, and program management standards that Federal award 
agencies must follow. When evaluating award applications, awarding 
agencies must evaluate the risks to the program posed by each 
applicant, and each applicant's merits and eligibility. These 
requirements are designed to ensure that applicants for Federal 
assistance receive a fair and consistent review prior to an award 
decision. This review will assess items such as the Applicant's 
financial stability, quality of management systems, history of 
performance, and single audit findings. In addition, the Uniform 
Administrative Requirements include guidance on audit requirements and 
other award compliance requirements for award Recipients.
    E. Funding limitations: The CDFI Fund reserves the right to fund, 
in whole or in part, any, all, or none of the Applications submitted in 
response to this NOFA.

II. Federal Award Information

    A. Funding Availability:
    1. FY 2016 Funding Round: The CDFI Fund expects to award, through 
this NOFA, approximately $175 million as indicated in the following 

                           Table 2--FY 2016 Funding Round Anticipated Category Amounts
                                     Estimated             Award amount
     Funding categories (see       total amount  --------------------------------    Estimated    Average amount
     definition in Table 7)        to be awarded                                     number of       awarded in
                                    (millions)        Minimum         Maximum         awards          FY 2015
FA: Category I/Small and/or                  $19        $100,000        $700,000              36        $521,300
 Emerging CDFI Assistance (SECA)
FA: Category II/Core............             130         100,000       2,000,000              87       1,486,400
TA..............................               4          10,000         125,000              33         121,500
Healthy Food Financing                        22         500,000       5,000,000              11       2,000,000
 Assistance (HFFI-FA) *.........
    Total.......................             175  ..............  ..............             167  ..............
* HFFI-FA appropriation will be allocated in one competitive round between the NACA and CDFI Program NOFAs.

    The CDFI Fund reserves the right to award more or less than the 
amounts cited above in each category, based upon available funding and 
other factors, as appropriate.
    2. Funding Availability for the FY 2016 Funding Round: Funds for 
the FY 2016 Funding Round were appropriated in the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114-113).
    3. Anticipated Start Date and Period of Performance: The CDFI Fund 
anticipates the period of performance for the FY 2016 Funding Round 
will begin in late September 2016. Specifically, the period of 
performance for TA grants begins with the date of the notice of the 
award and includes an award Recipient's two full consecutive fiscal 
years after the date of the notice of the award, during which the 
Recipient must meet the performance goals set forth in the Assistance 
Agreement. The period of performance for FA awards includes an award 
Recipient's three full consecutive fiscal years after the date of the 
notice of the award, during which time the Recipient must meet its 
performance goals.
    B. Types of Awards: Through the CDFI Program, the CDFI Fund 
provides two types of awards: Financial Assistance (FA) and Technical 
Assistance (TA) awards. An Applicant may submit an Application for a TA 
grant or an FA award, but not both.
    1. FA Awards: FA awards can be in the form of loans, grants, Equity 
Investments, deposits and credit union shares. The form of the FA award 
is based on the form of the matching funds that the Applicant includes 
in its Application, unless Congress waives the matching funds 
requirement. Matching funds are required for FA awards, must be from 
non-Federal sources, and cannot have been used as matching funds for 
any other Federal award. The CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole 
discretion, to provide an FA award in an amount other than that which 
the Applicant requests; however, the award amount will not exceed the 
Applicant's award request as stated in its Application.
    2. Healthy Food Financing Initiative--Financial Assistance (HFFI-
FA) Awards: HFFI-FA awards will be provided as a supplement to FA 
awards; therefore, only those Applicants that have been selected to 
receive an FA award through the CDFI Program FY 2016 Funding Round will 
be eligible to receive an HFFI-FA award. HFFI-FA awards can be in the 
form of loans, grants, Equity Investments, deposits and

[[Page 8330]]

credit union shares. The form of the HFFI-FA award is based on the form 
of the matching funds that the Applicant includes in its Application, 
unless Congress waives the matching funds requirement. Matching funds 
are required for HFFI-FA awards, must be from non-Federal sources, and 
cannot have been used as matching funds for any other Federal award. 
The CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to provide an 
HFFI-FA award in an amount other than that which the Applicant 
requests; however, the award amount will not exceed the Applicant's 
award request as stated in its Application.
    3. TA Grants: TA is provided in the form of grants. The CDFI Fund 
reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to provide a TA grant in an 
amount other than which the Applicant requests; however, the TA grant 
amount will not exceed the Applicant's request as stated in its 
Application and the applicable budget chart.
    C. Eligible Activities:
    1. FA Awards:
    FA and HFFI-FA award funds can be expended for activities in the 
following five categories: (i) Financial Products; (ii) Financial 
Services; (iii) Loan Loss Reserves; (iv) Development Services; and (v) 
Capital Reserves. FA awards can only be used for direct costs 
associated with an eligible activity; no indirect expenses are allowed. 
Up to 15 percent of the FA award can be used for Direct Administrative 
Expenses associated with an eligible FA activity. For purposes of this 
NOFA, the five eligible activity categories are defined as follows:

          Table 3--FA and HFFI-FA Eligible Activity Categories
                                                          Eligible CDFI
     FA eligible activity        FA eligible activity      institution
                                      definition              types
i. Financial Products.........  FA expended as loans,   All.
                                 Equity Investments
                                 and similar financing
                                 activities (as
                                 determined by the
                                 CDFI Fund) including
                                 the purchase of loans
                                 originated by
                                 certified CDFIs and
                                 the provision of loan
                                 guarantees; in the
                                 case of CDFI
                                 Financial Products
                                 may also include
                                 loans to CDFIs and/or
                                 emerging CDFIs and
                                 deposits in Insured
                                 Credit Union CDFIs,
                                 emerging Insured
                                 Credit Union CDFIs,
                                 and/or State-Insured
                                 Credit Union CDFIs.
ii. Financial Services........  FA expended for         Insured
                                 providing checking,     Depository
                                 savings accounts,       Institutions
                                 check cashing, money    only.
                                 orders, certified
                                 checks, automated
                                 teller machines,
                                 deposit taking, safe
                                 deposit box services,
                                 and other similar
iii. Loan Loss Reserves.......  FA set aside in the     All.
                                 form of cash
                                 reserves, or through
                                 accrual reserves, to
                                 cover losses on
                                 loans, accounts, and
                                 notes receivable made
                                 in the Applicant's
                                 Target Market, or for
                                 related purposes that
                                 the CDFI Fund deems
iv. Development Services......  FA expended for         All.
                                 activities undertaken
                                 by a CDFI, its
                                 Affiliate or
                                 contractor that
                                 promote community
                                 development and shall
                                 prepare or assist
                                 current or potential
                                 borrowers or
                                 investees to use the
                                 CDFI's Financial
                                 Products or Financial
                                 Services. For
                                 example, such
                                 activities include,
                                 financial or credit
                                 counseling; and
                                 business planning and
                                 management assistance.
v. Capital Reserves...........  FA set aside as         Insured
                                 reserves to support     Depository
                                 the Applicant's         Institutions
                                 ability to leverage     only.
                                 other capital, for
                                 such purposes as
                                 increasing its net
                                 assets or serving the
                                 financing needs of
                                 its Target Market, or
                                 for related purposes
                                 as the CDFI Fund
                                 deems appropriate.

    2. TA Grants:
    TA grant funds can be expended for the following seven eligible 
activity categories: (i) Compensation--personal services; (ii) 
Compensation--fringe benefits; (iii) Professional Service Costs; (iv) 
Travel Costs; (v) Training and Education Costs; (vi) Equipment and 
other capital expenditures; and (vii) Supplies. Each of the eligible 
activity categories will not be authorized for indirect costs and an 
associated indirect cost rate. For purposes of this NOFA, the seven 
eligible activity categories are defined as follows:

                Table 4--TA Eligible Activity Categories
(i) Compensation--personal          TA paid to cover salaries of the
 services.                           Applicant's personnel that are paid
                                     currently or accrued by the
                                     Applicant for work performed
                                     directly related to carrying out
                                     the purpose of the TA grant
                                     (including activities related to
                                     becoming certified as a CDFI),
                                     subject to the applicable
                                     provisions of the Uniform
                                     Administrative Requirements.
(ii) Compensation--fringe benefits  TA paid to cover costs of the
                                     Applicant's personnel employment
                                     (other than the employees' salaries
                                     income) in proportion to the salary
                                     charged to the TA grant, to the
                                     extent that such payments are made
                                     under formally established and
                                     consistently applied organizational
                                     policies, subject to the applicable
                                     provisions of the Uniform
                                     Administrative Requirements.

[[Page 8331]]

(iii) Professional service costs..  TA used to pay for professional and
                                     consultant services rendered by
                                     persons who are members of a
                                     particular profession or possess a
                                     special skill, and who are not
                                     officers or employees of the
                                     Recipient, subject to the
                                     applicable provisions of the
                                     Uniform Administrative
                                     Requirements. Payment for a
                                     consultant's services may not
                                     exceed the daily equivalent of the
                                     current maximum rate paid to an
                                     Executive Schedule Level IV Federal
(iv) Travel costs.................  TA used to pay expenses for
                                     transportation, lodging,
                                     subsistence, and related items
                                     incurred by the Applicant's
                                     personnel who are on travel status
                                     on business related to the TA
                                     grant, subject to the applicable
                                     provisions of the Uniform
                                     Administrative Requirements.
(v) Training and education costs..  TA used to pay the cost of training
                                     and education provided for employee
                                     development, subject to the
                                     applicable provisions of the
                                     Uniform Administrative
(vi) Equipment....................  TA used to pay for tangible personal
                                     property, having a useful life of
                                     more than one year and a per-unit
                                     acquisition cost of at least $5,000
                                     and subject to the applicable
                                     provisions of the Uniform
                                     Administrative Requirements.
                                     Examples include office equipment,
                                     furnishings, and information
                                     technology equipment and systems.
(vii) Supplies....................  TA used to pay for tangible personal
                                     property with a per unit
                                     acquisition of less than $5,000 and
                                     subject to the applicable
                                     provisions of the Uniform
                                     Administrative Requirements.

III. Eligibility Information

    A. Eligible Applicants: For the purposes of this NOFA, the 
following tables set forth the eligibility criteria to be in contention 
to receive an award from the CDFI Fund, along with certain definitions 
of terms. There are four categories of Applicant eligibility criteria: 
(1) CDFI certification criteria (Table 5); (2) requirements that apply 
to all Applicants (Table 6); (3) requirements that apply to TA 
Applicants (Table 7); and (4) requirements that apply to FA Applicants 
(Table 8).

            Table 5--CDFI Certification Criteria Definitions
Certified CDFI....................   An entity that the CDFI
                                     Fund has officially notified that
                                     it meets all CDFI certification
Certifiable CDFI (FA Applicants)..   An entity that has
                                     submitted a CDFI Certification
                                     Application to the CDFI Fund
                                     demonstrating that it meets the
                                     CDFI certification requirements but
                                     which has not yet been officially
                                     certified. (See Table 11 for
                                     application submission deadlines.)
                                     The CDFI Fund will not
                                     enter into an Assistance Agreement
                                     or make an FA award payment unless
                                     and until an Applicant is a
                                     Certified CDFI.
Emerging CDFI (TA Applicants).....   A non-Certified entity that
                                     has not submitted a CDFI
                                     Certification Application but
                                     demonstrates to the CDFI Fund in
                                     its Application that it has an
                                     acceptable plan to meet
                                     certification requirements by the
                                     end of its period of performance,
                                     or another date that the CDFI Fund
                                     An Emerging CDFI that has
                                     prior award(s) will be held to the
                                     CDFI certification performance goal
                                     and measure(s) stated in its prior
                                     Assistance Agreement(s).
                                     Emerging CDFIs may only
                                     apply for TA grants; they are not
                                     eligible to apply for FA awards.
                                     Each Emerging CDFI selected
                                     to receive a TA grant will be
                                     required to become a Certified CDFI
                                     by a date specified in the
                                     Assistance Agreement.

          Table 6--Eligibility Requirements for All Applicants
Applicant.........................   Only the entity that will
                                     carry out the proposed award
                                     activities can apply for an award
                                     (e.g., the intended award
                                     The information in the
                                     Application should only reflect the
                                     activities of the Applicant,
                                     including the presentation of
                                     financial and portfolio
                                     information. Do not include
                                     financial or portfolio information
                                     from parent companies, Affiliates,
                                     or Subsidiaries in the Application
                                     unless it relates to the provision
                                     of Development Services.
                                     An Applicant that applies
                                     on behalf of another organization
                                     will be rejected without further
                                     consideration, except for
                                     Depository Institution Holding
                                     Companies (see below).
Application type and submission      Applicants must submit the
 overview through and     required application documents
 Awards Management Information       listed in Table 10.
 System (AMIS).                      The CDFI Fund will only
                                     accept Applications that use the
                                     official application templates
                                     provided on the and AMIS
                                     websites. Applications submitted
                                     with alternative or altered
                                     templates will not be considered.
                                     Applicants have a two-step
                                     process that requires the
                                     submission of application documents
                                     on two separate deadlines and
                                     locations: (1) and (2)
                                       [cir] Applicants must
                                        submit the OMB SF-424,
                                        Application for Federal
                                       [cir] AMIS: Applicants must
                                        submit all other required
                                        application materials.
                                       [cir] All Applicants must
                                        register in the and
                                        AMIS systems to successfully
                                        submit an application. The CDFI
                                        Fund strongly encourages
                                        applicants to register early as
                            and the SF-424:
                                       [cir] The SF-424 must be
                                        submitted in on or
                                        before March 18, 2016, the
                                        deadline listed in Table 1 and
                                        Table 11. Applicants are
                                        strongly encouraged to submit
                                        their SF-424 as early as
                                        possible in the
                                       [cir] The deadline for the
                               submission is before
                                        the AMIS deadline.

[[Page 8332]]

                                       [cir] If the SF-424 is not
                                        accepted by by the
                                        deadline, the CDFI Fund will not
                                        review any material submitted in
                                        AMIS and the application will be
                                        deemed ineligible.
                                       [cir] AMIS is a new enterprise-
                                        wide information technology
                                        system that is replacing the
                                        myCDFI Fund portal and which
                                        will be used to submit and store
                                        organization and application
                                        information with the CDFI Fund.
                                       [cir] Applicants are only allowed
                                        one submission in AMIS.
                                       [cir] Only the Authorized
                                        Representative or Application
                                        Point of Contact can submit the
                                        Application in AMIS.
                                       [cir] All other required
                                        application materials must be
                                        submitted in AMIS on or before
                                        the deadline specified in Tables
                                        1 and 11.
Employer Identification Number       Applicants must have a
 (EIN).                              unique EIN assigned by the IRS.
                                     The CDFI Fund will reject
                                     an Application submitted with the
                                     EIN of a parent or Affiliate
DUNS number.......................   Pursuant to OMB guidance
                                     (68 FR 38402), an Applicant must
                                     apply using its unique DUNS number
                                     The CDFI Fund will reject
                                     an Application submitted with the
                                     DUNS number of a parent or
                                     Affiliate organization.
Awards Management Information        Each Applicant must
 System (AMIS).                      register as an organization in AMIS
                                     and submit all required application
                                     materials through the AMIS portal.
                                     The Authorized
                                     Representative and/or Application
                                     point of contact must be included
                                     as ``users'' in the Applicant's
                                     AMIS account.
                                     An Applicant that fails to
                                     properly register and update its
                                     AMIS account may miss important
                                     communication from the CDFI Fund or
                                     not be able to successfully submit
                                     an Application.
501(c)(4) status..................   Pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 1611,
                                     a 501(c)(4) any organization that
                                     engages in lobbying activities is
                                     not eligible for the receipt of a
                                     CDFI or NACA Program award.
Compliance with Federal civil        An Applicant may not be
 rights requirements.                eligible to receive an award if
                                     proceedings have been instituted
                                     against it in, by, or before any
                                     court, governmental agency, or
                                     administrative body, and a final
                                     determination within the last three
                                     years indicates the Applicant has
                                     violated any of the following laws:
                                     Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
                                     1964, as amended (42 U.S.C.2000d);
                                     Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
                                     Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794); the
                                     Age Discrimination Act of 1975, (42
                                     U.S.C. 6101-6107), and Executive
                                     Order 13166, Improving Access to
                                     Services for Persons with Limited
                                     English Proficiency.
Depository Institution Holding       In the case where a CDFI
 Company Applicant.                  Depository Institution Holding
                                     Company Applicant intends to carry
                                     out the activities of an award
                                     through its CDFI Subsidiary Insured
                                     Depository Institution, the
                                     Application must be submitted by
                                     the CDFI Depository Institution
                                     Holding Company and reflect the
                                     activities and financial
                                     performance of the CDFI Subsidiary
                                     Insured Depository Institution.
                                     Authorized representatives
                                     of both the Depository Institution
                                     Holding Company and the CDFI
                                     Subsidiary Insured Depository
                                     Institution must certify that the
                                     information included in the
                                     Application represents that of the
                                     CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository
                                     Institution and that the award
                                     funds will be used to support the
                                     CDFI Subsidiary Insured Depository
                                     Institution for the eligible
                                     activities outlined in the
Insured CDFI--Insured Credit Union   To be eligible for an
 and Insured Depository              award, each Insured Depository
 Institution.                        Institution Applicant must have a
                                     CAMELS/CAMEL (rating for banks and
                                     credit unions, respectively), by
                                     its Federal regulator of at least
                                     Organizations with CAMELS/
                                     CAMEL ratings of ``5'' will not be
                                     eligible for awards.
Use of award......................   All awards made through
                                     this NOFA must be used to support
                                     the Applicant's activities in at
                                     least one of the FA or TA Eligible
                                     Activity Categories (see Section
                                     Awards cannot be used to
                                     support the activities of, or
                                     otherwise be passed through,
                                     transferred, or co-awarded to,
                                     third-party entities, whether
                                     Affiliates, Subsidiaries, or others
                                     (except Depository Institution
                                     Holding Company Applicants.)
Requested award amount for           An Applicant must state its
 eligible activities.                requested award amount and proposed
                                     eligible activities in the ``Award
                                     Request Table'' of the Purpose
                                     section of the Application.
                                     An Applicant that does not
                                     fully complete the ``Award Request
                                     Table'' of the Purpose Application
                                     section in the AMIS website will
                                     not be allowed to submit an
Pending resolution of                The CDFI Fund will consider
 noncompliance.                      an Application submitted by an
                                     Applicant that has pending
                                     noncompliance issues if the CDFI
                                     Fund has not yet made a final
                                     determination as to whether the
                                     Applicant is in default of any of
                                     its previously executed award
Default or Noncompliance status...   The CDFI Fund will not
                                     consider an Application submitted
                                     by an Applicant that has been
                                     notified by the CDFI Fund in
                                     writing that it is in default of a
                                     previously executed award agreement
                                     under any CDFI Fund program, at the
                                     time of the Application deadline,
                                     unless otherwise indicated by the
                                     CDFI Fund in writing. The CDFI Fund
                                     will not consider an Application
                                     submitted by an Applicant that has
                                     been notified by the CDFI Fund in
                                     writing that it is noncompliant
                                     with an FY 2015 award agreement, or
                                     with agreements for fiscal years
                                     thereafter, under any CDFI Fund
                                     program, at the time of the
                                     Application deadline, unless
                                     otherwise indicated by the CDFI
                                     Fund in writing.
                                     The CDFI Fund will not
                                     consider any Applicant that has
                                     defaulted on a CDFI Program loan
                                     within five years of the
                                     Application deadline.
Undisbursed award funds and          An Applicant that has funds
 calculations (general).             from a prior award that have not
                                     been disbursed, as defined in (a)--
                                     (d) below, as of the Application
                                     deadline will not be eligible for
                                     an award.
                                       (a) The CDFI Fund will include
                                        the combined undisbursed award
                                        funds of the Applicant and its

[[Page 8333]]

                                       (b) Balances on undisbursed award
                                        funds cannot exceed five percent
                                        of the combined BEA Program
                                        awards made to the Applicant in
                                        FYs 2012, 2013, and 2014.
                                       (c) Balances on undisbursed award
                                        funds cannot exceed five percent
                                        of the combined CDFI/NACA
                                        Program awards made to the
                                        Applicant in FYs 2012, 2013, and
                                       (d) The undisbursed award funds
                                        calculation does not include
                                        award funds for: (i) Which the
                                        Recipient has submitted a full
                                        and complete disbursement
                                        request before the Application
                                        deadline; (ii) an award that has
                                        been terminated or de-obligated;
                                        or (iii) an award that does not
                                        have a fully executed award
                                        agreement; and (iv) the tax
                                        credit allocation authority made
                                        available through the NMTC

           Table 7--Eligibility Requirements for TA Applicants
CDFI certification status.........  (1) Emerging CDFIs (see definitions
                                     in Table 5), or
                                    (2) Certifiable or Certified CDFIs
                                     (see Table 5) that meet the
                                     following criteria:
                                       (1) Have total assets * as of the
                                        end of the Applicant's most
                                        recent fiscal year end in the
                                        following amounts:
                                          Insured Depository
                                          Institutions and Depository
                                          Institution Holding Companies:
                                          up to $250 million
                                          Insured Credit Unions:
                                          up to $10 million
                                     Venture capital funds: up
                                     to $10 million
                                     Other CDFIs: up to $5
                                       (2) Have begun operations ** on
                                        or after January 1, 2012.
                                    * ``Total assets'' is defined as the
                                     Total Assets of Fiscal Year End
                                     Date stated in the Applicant's AMIS
                                     account and verified by internally
                                     prepared financial statements and/
                                     or audits.
                                    ** ``Have begun operations'' is
                                     defined as the financing activity
                                     start date indicated in the
                                     Applicant's AMIS account.
Matching funds....................   Matching funds
                                     documentation is not required for
                                     TA awards.
Limitation on Awards..............   An Emerging CDFI will be
                                     allowed to receive no more than
                                     three TA awards as an uncertified

           Table 8--Eligibility Requirements for FA Applicants
CDFI certification status.........   Each FA Applicant must be a
                                     Certified CDFI prior to the
                                     announcement of award decisions.
                                     An Applicant that is in a
                                     cure period to remedy CDFI
                                     recertification deficiencies at the
                                     time of award announcements will
                                     not be eligible for an FA award
                                     under this NOFA.
Matching funds documentation......   All Applicants must submit
                                     acceptable documentation that they
                                     have received or will receive
                                     matching funds. Applications that
                                     do not submit acceptable matching
                                     funds documentation will not be
                                     Awards will be limited to
                                     no more than two times the amount
                                     of In-Hand or Committed matching
                                     funds documentation provided at the
                                     time of Application.
                                     Awards will be obligated in
                                     like form to the matching funds
                                     provided at time of Application.
                                     See Table 9. Matching Funds
                                     ``Determination of Award Form'' for
                                     additional guidance.
                                     Award payments from the
                                     CDFI Fund will require eligible
                                     dollar-for-dollar In-Hand matching
                                     funds for the total payment amount.
                                     Recipients will not receive a
                                     payment until 100 percent of their
                                     matching funds are In-Hand.
                                     The first payment is the
                                     estimated amount of award that the
                                     Recipient will use for eligible FA
                                     activities in the first 12 months
                                     after the award.
                                     The CDFI Fund will reduce
                                     and de-obligate the remaining
                                     balance of any Award that does not
                                     demonstrate full dollar-for-dollar
                                     matching funds equal to the
                                     announced award amount by the end
                                     of the Matching Funds Window.
$5 Million funding cap............   The CDFI Fund is prohibited
                                     from obligating more than $5
                                     million in CDFI and NACA Program
                                     awards, in the aggregate, to any
                                     one organization and its
                                     Subsidiaries and Affiliates during
                                     any three-year period.
                                     For purposes of this NOFA,
                                     the CDFI Fund will include CDFI and
                                     NACA Program final awards in the
                                     cap calculation that were provided
                                     to an Applicant (and/or its
                                     Subsidiaries or Affiliates) under
                                     the FY 2014, and 2015 funding
                                     rounds, as well as the requested FY
                                     2016 award, excluding HFFI-FA
                                     awards. The CDFI Fund will make the
                                     FY 2016 funding round award
                                     announcements after September 23,
FA Category I (SECA)..............   To be an eligible SECA
                                     Applicant, an Applicant must meet
                                     the following criteria:
                                       (1) Be a Certified or Certifiable
                                       (2) Request $700,000 or less in
                                        FA funds; AND EITHER
                                       (3) Have total assets * as of the
                                        end of the Applicant's most
                                        recent fiscal year end in the
                                        following amounts:
                                          Insured Depository
                                          Institutions and Depository
                                          Institution Holding Companies:
                                          up to $250 million.
                                          Insured Credit Unions:
                                          Up to $10 million.
                                          Venture capital funds:
                                          Up to $10 million.
                                          Other CDFIs: Up to $5
                                          million OR
                                       (4) Have begun operations ** on
                                        or after January 1, 2012.
                                    * ``Total assets'' is defined as the
                                     Total Assets of Fiscal Year End
                                     Date stated in the Applicant's AMIS
                                     account and verified by internally
                                     prepared financial statements and/
                                     or audits.
                                    ** ``Have begun operations'' is
                                     defined as the financing activity
                                     start date indicated in the
                                     Applicant's AMIS account.
FA Category II (Core).............   A Core Applicant must be
                                     either a Certified or Certifiable
                                     CDFI as defined in Table 5.
                                     An Applicant that meets the
                                     SECA requirements stated above,
                                     that requests more than $700,000 in
                                     award funds is categorized as an FA
                                     Category II (Core) Applicant,
                                     regardless of its total assets and/
                                     or years in operation.
HFFI-FA...........................   All HFFI-FA Applicants
                                       [cir] Apply for an FA award;
                                       [cir] Meet all FA award
                                        eligibility requirements; and
                                       [cir] Complete and submit a CDFI/
                                        NACA Program Financial
                                        Assistance Application along
                                        with the HFFI-FA Narrative
                                        Application section at the time
                                        of Application;

[[Page 8334]]

                                       [cir] Provide an HFFI-FA award
                                        request amount in the ``Award
                                        Request Table'' of the Purpose
                                        section in the Application.

    B. Matching Funds Requirements: In order to receive an FA award, an 
Applicant must provide documentation of eligible dollar-for-dollar 
matching funds. The CDFI Fund will review matching funds documentation 
prior to award payment and will pay funds based upon eligible In-Hand 
matching funds (see Table 9 for the definition of In-Hand). The CDFI 
Fund encourages Applicants to review the Regulations at 12 CFR 
1805.500, the Uniform Administrative Requirements, and the matching 
funds guidance materials available on the CDFI Fund's Web site. Table 9 
provides a summary of the matching funds requirements; additional 
details are set forth in the Application materials.

                  Table 9--Matching Funds Requirements
Matching funds requirements by      The following Applicants must
 application type.                   provide documentation of acceptable
                                     matching funds:
                                     Category I/SECA FA
                                     Applicants (upon request) *;
                                     Category II/Core FA
                                     Applicants; and
                                        HFFI-FA Applicants.
                                        (upon request) *
                                    TA Applicants are not required to
                                     provide matching funds.
                                    * The matching funds requirement for
                                     HFFI-FA and SECA FA applicants was
                                     waived in the appropriations bill
                                     for FY 2016. HFFI-FA and SECA FA
                                     applicants are not required to
                                     submit matching funds for their
                                     award requests at the time of
Amount of required match..........  Applicants must submit supporting
                                     documentation of eligible, In-Hand,
                                     dollar-for-dollar, non-Federal
                                     matching funds for every FA award
                                     dollar to be paid by the CDFI Fund.
                                     If awarded, Applicants that did not
                                     demonstrate 100% In-Hand matching
                                     funds at the time of Application
                                     may experience a longer payment
Determination of award form.......  FA awards will be made in comparable
                                     form and value to the eligible In-
                                     Hand and/or Committed matching
                                     funds documentation submitted by
                                     the Applicant.
                                        For example, if an FA
                                        Applicant provides documentation
                                        of eligible loan matching funds
                                        for $200,000 and $400,000 of its
                                        matching funds in the form of
                                        grant, the CDFI Fund will
                                        obligate $200,000 of the FA
                                        award as a loan and $400,000 as
                                        a grant.
                                        After awards have been
                                        announced, Award Recipients may
                                        request the CDFI Fund's
                                        permission to change the form of
                                        their award from loan to grant
                                        (by producing eligible grant
                                        matching funds), but will only
                                        be eligible to receive a grant
                                        equal to the federal credit
                                        subsidy amount associated with
                                        the original loan. Applicants
                                        will also experience delays in
                                        payments if requested award form
                                        changes are approved by the CDFI
Matching Funds Window definition..   The Applicant must receive
                                     eligible In-Hand matching funds
                                     between January 1, 2014 and January
                                     15, 2017.
                                     An award Recipient must
                                     provide the CDFI Fund with all
                                     documentation demonstrating the
                                     receipt of In-Hand matching funds
                                     by January 31, 2017.
Matching funds and form of award..   Recipients will be approved
                                     for a maximum award size of two
                                     times the total amount of eligible
                                     In-Hand and/or Committed matching
                                     funds documentation included in the
                                     Application, so long as they do not
                                     exceed the award amount limit.
                                     The form of the matching
                                     funds documented in the Application
                                     determines the form of the award.
In-Hand matching funds definition.   Matching funds are eligible
                                     and In-Hand when the Applicant
                                     receives payment for the matching
                                     funds and includes acceptable
                                     documentation in the Application,
                                     showing the source, form (e.g.,
                                     grant, loan, deposit, and Equity
                                     Investment), amount of the matching
                                     funds, and the date the funds came
                                     into physical possession of the
                                     The following
                                     documentation, depending on the
                                     type of award being requested, must
                                     be included in the Application:
                                        Loan--the loan agreement
                                        and/or promissory note;
                                        grant--the grant letter
                                        or agreement for all grants of
                                        $100,000 or more;
                                        Equity Investment--the
                                        stock certificate and
                                        shareholder agreement;
                                        retained earnings--
                                        audits or call reports from
                                        regulating entity; and
                                        third party in-kind
                                        contribution--evidence of
                                        receipt of contribution and
                                        valuation; AND
                                        clearly legible
                                        documentation that demonstrates
                                        actual receipt of the matching
                                        funds including the date of the
                                        transaction and the amount, such
                                        as a copy of a check or a wire
                                        transfer statement.
                                     Grants under $100,000 only
                                     require the source name, amount,
                                     date of receipt, and source contact
                                     information. Documentation of this
                                     information should be available if
Committed matching funds             Matching funds are
 definition.                         Committed when the Applicant has
                                     entered into or received a legally
                                     binding commitment from the
                                     matching funds source showing the
                                     matching funds will be disbursed to
                                     the Applicant at a future date.
                                     The Applicant must provide
                                     the CDFI Fund acceptable written
                                     documentation showing the source,
                                     form, and amount of the Committed
                                     matching funds (including, in the
                                     case of a loan, the terms thereof),
                                     as well as the anticipated payment
                                     date of the Committed funds.
Limitations on matching funds.....   Matching funds must be from
                                     non-Federal sources.
                                     Applicants cannot proffer
                                     matching funds that were accepted
                                     as matching funds for a prior FA
                                     award under the CDFI Program, NACA
                                     Program, or under another Federal
                                     grant or award program.
                                     Matching funds must comply
                                     with Regulations at 12 CFR 1805.500
                                     et seq.
                                     Matching funds must be
                                     attributable to at least one of the
                                     five eligible FA activities (see
                                     Section II.C).
Rights of the CDFI Fund...........   The CDFI Fund reserves the
                                     right to contact the matching funds
                                     source to discuss the matching
                                     funds and the documentation that
                                     the Applicant provided.
                                     The CDFI Fund may grant an
                                     extension of the Matching Funds
                                     Window (defined in Table 9), on a
                                     case-by-case basis, if the CDFI
                                     Fund deems it appropriate.
                                     The CDFI Fund reserves the
                                     right to rescind all or a portion
                                     of an FA award and re-allocate the
                                     rescinded award amount to other
                                     qualified Applicant(s), if an award
                                     Recipient fails to obtain In-Hand
                                     100 percent of the required
                                     Matching Funds during the Matching
                                     Funds Window.

[[Page 8335]]

Matching funds in the form of        Third party in-kind
 third-party in-kind contributions.  contributions are the value of non-
                                     cash contributions (i.e., property
                                     or services) provided by non-
                                     Federal third parties.
                                     Third party in-kind
                                     contributions will be considered to
                                     be in the form of a grant for
                                     matching funds purposes.
                                     Third party in-kind
                                     contributions may be in the form of
                                     real property, equipment, supplies,
                                     and other expendable property, and
                                     the value of goods and services
                                     directly benefiting the eligible
                                     For third-party in-kind
                                     contributions, the fair market
                                     value of goods and services must be
                                     Applicants will be
                                     responsible for documenting the
                                     value of all in-kind contributions
                                     as described in the Uniform
                                     Administrative Requirements.
Matching funds in the form of a      An FA award made in the
 loan.                               form of a loan will have the
                                     following standardized terms:
                                     A 13-year term with semi-
                                     annual interest-only payments due
                                     in years 1 through 10, and fully
                                     amortizing payments due each year
                                     in years 11 through 13; and
                                        A fixed interest rate of
                                        2.2 percent, which was
                                        calculated by the CDFI Fund
                                        based on the U.S. Department of
                                        the Treasury's 10-year Treasury
                                     The Applicant's matching
                                     funds loan(s) must:
                                       i. have a minimum of a 3-year
                                        term. Loans presented as
                                        matching funds with less than a
                                        3-year term will not qualify as
                                        eligible match; and
                                       ii. not be from a Federal source.
Severe Constraints Waiver.........   Not more than 25 percent of
                                     the total funds available for
                                     obligation under this funding round
                                     may be matched under the Severe
                                     Constraints Waiver.
                                     In the case of an Applicant
                                     demonstrating severe constraints on
                                     available sources of matching
                                     funds, the CDFI Fund, in its sole
                                     discretion, may permit such
                                     Applicant to comply with the
                                     matching funds requirements by
                                     reducing such requirements by up to
                                     50 percent.
                                     In order to be considered
                                     eligible for a Severe Constraints
                                     Waiver, an Applicant must meet all
                                     of the SECA eligibility criteria
                                     described in Table 8 and follow the
                                     instructions in the Application
Ineligible matching funds.........   If the CDFI Fund determines
                                     that any portion of the Applicant's
                                     matching funds is ineligible, the
                                     CDFI Fund will permit the Applicant
                                     to offer documentation of
                                     alternative matching funds as a
                                     substitute for the ineligible
                                     matching funds.
                                     In such instances:
                                       i. the Applicant must provide
                                        acceptable alternative matching
                                        funds documentation within the
                                        period of time specified by the
                                        CDFI Fund, and
                                       ii. the alternative matching
                                        funds documentation will not
                                        increase the total amount of FA
Use of matching funds from a prior  If an Applicant offers matching
 CDFI Program Recipient.             funds documentation from an
                                     organization that was a prior
                                     Recipient under the CDFI Program,
                                     the Applicant must be able to prove
                                     to the CDFI Fund's satisfaction
                                     that such funds do not consist, in
                                     whole or in part, of CDFI Program
                                     funds or other Federal funds.
Matching funds in the form of        Retained earnings are
 retained earnings.                  eligible for use as matching funds
                                     when the CDFI Fund calculates an
                                     amount equal to:
                                    i. The increase in retained earnings
                                     that occurred over any one of the
                                     Applicant's fiscal years within the
                                     Matching Funds Window, adjusted to
                                     remove revenue and expenses derived
                                     from Federal sources and matching
                                     funds previously used for an award;
                                       ii. the annual average of such
                                        increases that occurred over any
                                        three consecutive fiscal years
                                        of the Applicant with at least
                                        one of the fiscal years
                                        occurring within the Matching
                                        Funds Window, adjusted to remove
                                        revenue and expenses derived
                                        from Federal sources and
                                        matching funds previously used
                                        for an award; or
                                       iii. any combination of (i) and
                                        (ii) above that does not include
                                        matching funds previously used
                                        for an award.
                                     Retained earnings will be
                                     matched with an FA award in the
                                     form of a grant or an Equity
Special rule for Insured Credit      An Insured Credit Union's
 Unions and Insured Depository       and Insured Depository
 Institutions.                       Institution's retained earnings are
                                     eligible for use as matching funds
                                     when the CDFI Fund calculates an
                                     amount equal to:
                                    i. The increase in retained earnings
                                     that occurred over any one of the
                                     Applicant's fiscal years within the
                                     Matching Funds Window, adjusted to
                                     remove revenue from Federal sources
                                     and matching funds previously used
                                     for an award; or
                                       ii. the annual average of such
                                        increases that occurred over any
                                        three consecutive fiscal years
                                        of the Applicant with at least
                                        one of the fiscal years
                                        occurring within the Matching
                                        Funds Window, adjusted to remove
                                        revenue and expenses derived
                                        from Federal sources and
                                        matching funds previously used
                                        for an award; or
                                       iii. the entire retained earnings
                                        that have been accumulated since
                                        the inception of the Applicant,
                                        as provided in the Regulations.
                                     If option (iii) is used for
                                     Insured Credit Unions, the
                                     Applicant must increase its member
                                     and/or non-member shares and/or
                                     total loans outstanding by an
                                     amount equal to the amount of
                                     retained earnings committed as
                                     matching funds.
                                        This increase will be
                                        measured on a quarterly basis
                                        from March 31, 2016, and must
                                        occur by the end of the
                                        Recipient's Year 1 of
                                        Performance Period, as set forth
                                        in its Assistance Agreement, and
                                        will be based on amounts
                                        reported in the Applicant's
                                        National Credit Union
                                        Administration (NCUA) form 5300
                                        Call Report.
                                        The CDFI Fund will
                                        assess the likelihood of this
                                        increase during the Application
                                        review process.
                                        An award will not be
                                        made to any Applicant that has
                                        not demonstrated in the relevant
                                        NCUA form 5300 Call Reports that
                                        it has increased shares and/or
                                        total loans outstanding by at
                                        least 25 percent of the
                                        requested FA award amount
                                        between December 31, 2014, and
                                        December 31, 2015.
                                        The matching funds are
                                        not In-Hand until the Recipient
                                        has increased its member and/or
                                        non-member shares, deposits and/
                                        or total loans outstanding
                                        within the time period
                                     If option (iii) is used for
                                     Insured Depository Institutions or
                                     Depository Institution Holding
                                     Companies, the Applicant or its
                                     Subsidiary Insured Depository
                                     Institution (in the case of a
                                     Depository Institution Holding
                                     Company) must increase deposits and/
                                     or total loans outstanding by an
                                     amount equal to the amount of
                                     retained earnings committed as
                                     matching funds. Please note that
                                     Depository Institution Holding
                                     Company Applicants must use the
                                     call reports of the CDFI Subsidiary
                                     Insured Depository Institution that
                                     the requested FA award will
                                        This increase will be
                                        measured on a quarterly basis
                                        from March 31, 2016, and must
                                        occur by the end of the
                                        Recipient's Year 1 of
                                        Performance Period, as set forth
                                        in its Assistance Agreement, and
                                        will be based on amounts
                                        reported in the Bank Call
                                        The CDFI Fund will
                                        assess the likelihood of this
                                        increase during the Application
                                        review process.

[[Page 8336]]

                                        An award will not be
                                        made to any Applicant that has
                                        not demonstrated in the relevant
                                        call reports that it has
                                        increased deposits and/or total
                                        loans outstanding by at least 25
                                        percent of the requested FA
                                        award amount between December
                                        31, 2014, and December 31, 2015.
                                        The matching funds are
                                        not In-Hand until the Recipient
                                        has increased its deposits and/
                                        or total loans outstanding
                                        within the time period
                                     All regulated Applicants
                                     utilizing the part (iii) Since
                                     Inception rule should refer to the
                                     Retained Earnings Guidance document
                                     on the and CDFI Fund

IV. Application and Submission Information

    A. Address to Request an Application Package: Application materials 
can be found on and the CDFI Fund's Web site at Applicants may request a paper version of any 
Application material by contacting the CDFI Fund Help Desk at
    B. Content and Form of Application Submission:
    All Applications must be prepared using the English language and 
calculations must be made in U.S. dollars. The following table lists 
the required Application documents for the FY 2016 Funding Round. The 
CDFI Fund reserves the right to request and review other pertinent or 
public information that has not been specifically requested in this 
NOFA or the Application. Information submitted by the Applicant that 
the CDFI Fund has not specifically requested will not be reviewed or 
considered as part of the Application. Information submitted must 
accurately reflect the Applicant's activities. Financial, portfolio, 
and activity information provided in the Application should only 
include the Applicant's activities.

                Table 10--Required Application Documents
      Application documents         Applicant type     Submission format
SF-424..........................  All Applicants....  Fillable PDF in
CDFI Program Application          All Applicants....  AMIS.
     Funding Application  * Funders is
     Detail Related Lists:         excluded for
     Application           Insured
     Financial Data.               Depository
                                   Institutions, TA
                                   Applicants, and
                                   NACA TA
        [cir] Financials and
        [cir] Impacts
        [cir] Application
         Activities Levels
        [cir] Funders (Historic
         Only) *
     Matching Funds Used
     (FA Core Only).
     Customer Snapshot
     Key Personnel.
     Product Design.
HFFI-FA Application Components:.  HFFI-FA Applicants  AMIS.
     Funding Application     --Must create
     Detail                           new funding
     Narratives.........      application.
Add to ``Related Attachments''
 related list in application.
Matching Funds Documentation....  FA Core Applicants  PDF or Excel
                                                       Calculator only)
                                                       in AMIS.
Policies and Procedures.........  FA Applicants.....  PDF in AMIS.
Key Staff Resumes...............  All Applicants....  PDF or Word
                                                       document in AMIS.
Organizational Chart............  All Applicants....  PDF in AMIS.
Audited Financial Statements....  FA Applicants:      PDF in AMIS.
                                   Loan funds and
                                   other non-Insured
Management Letters..............  FA Applicants:      PDF in AMIS.
                                   Loan funds and
                                   other non-Insured
                                   Institutions, TA
                                   Applicants: If
Unaudited Financial Statements    TA Applicants:      PDF in AMIS.
 (if Audited Financial             Loan funds and
 Statements are not available).    other non-Insured
Call Reports....................  FA and TA           PDF in AMIS.
                                   Institutions only.
Current Year to Date--December    FA and TA           PDF in AMIS.
 31, 2015, Unaudited Financial     Applicants: Loan
 Statements.                       funds and other
Additional Documents As           All Applicants, if  PDF or Word
 Applicable: Community             applicable.         document in AMIS.
 Partnership Agreement 501(c)(4)
 Questionnaire Explanation
 Environmental Review Form

[[Page 8337]]

    C. Application Submission: The CDFI Fund has a two-step process 
that requires the submission of application documents on separate 
deadlines and locations. The SF-424 must be submitted through and all other application documents through the AMIS portal. 
The CDFI Fund will not accept Applications via email, mail, facsimile, 
or other forms of communication, except in extremely rare circumstances 
that have been pre-approved by the CDFI Fund. Applicants are only 
required to submit the OMB SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance 
form in as all other application information (listed in 
Table 10) will be submitted through AMIS. The deadline for submitting 
the SF 424 is 30 days after the publication of the NOFA. All other 
application information must be submitted in AMIS and only the 
Authorized Representative or Application Point of Contact can submit 
the application.
    Applicants are encouraged to submit the SF-424 as early as possible 
through to provide time to resolve any submission problems. 
Applicants should contact directly with questions related to 
the registration or submission process as the CDFI Fund does not 
maintain the system.
    The CDFI Fund strongly encourages Applicants to start the registration process as soon as possible (refer to the 
following link: as it 
may take several weeks to complete. An Applicant that has previously 
registered with must verify that its registration is current 
and active.
    D. Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS): Pursuant to 
the Uniform Administrative Requirements, each Applicant must provide as 
part of its Application submission, a Dun and Bradstreet Universal 
Numbering System (DUNS) number. Applicants without a DUNS number will 
not be able to register and submit an Application in the 
system. Please allow sufficient time for Dun & Bradstreet to respond to 
inquiries and/or requests for DUNS numbers.
    E. System for Award Management (SAM): Any entity applying for 
Federal grants or other forms of Federal financial assistance through must be registered in SAM before submitting its Application. 
The SAM registration process can take several weeks to complete. 
Applicants that have previously completed the SAM registration process 
must verify that their SAM accounts are current and active. Each 
Applicant must continue to maintain an active SAM registration with 
current information at all times during which it has an active Federal 
award or an Application under consideration by a Federal awarding 
agency. The CDFI Fund will not consider any Applicant that fails to 
properly register or activate its SAM account and, as a result, is 
unable to submit its Application by the Application deadline. 
Applicants must contact SAM directly with questions related to 
registration or SAM account changes as the CDFI Fund does not maintain 
this system. For more information about SAM, please visit
    F. Submission Dates and Times:
    1. Submission Deadlines: The following table provides the critical 
deadlines for the FY 2016 Funding Round.

                        Table 11--FY 2016 Funding Round Critical Deadlines for Applicants
            Description                     Deadline               Time (EDT)             Submission method
CDFI Certification Applications....  March 18, 2016........  5:00 p.m. EDT.........  Award Management
                                                                                      Information System (AMIS).
SF424 (Application for Federal       March 18, 2016........  11:59 p.m. EDT........  Electronically via
Last day to contact CDFI Program     April 15, 2016........  5:00 p.m. EDT.........  CDFI Fund Helpdesk: 202-653-
 staff.                                                                               0421 or
CDFI Program Application for         April 18, 2016........  11:59 p.m. EDT........  Electronically via Awards
 Financial Assistance (FA) or                                                         Management Information
 Technical Assistance (TA).                                                           System (AMIS).

    2. Confirmation of Application Submission in and AMIS: 
Applicants are required to submit the OMB SF-424, Application for 
Federal Assistance through the system and must submit all 
other required application materials through the AMIS Web site. 
Application materials submitted through both systems are due by the 
application deadlines. Applicants must submit the SF-424 on an earlier 
deadline from the other required application materials in AMIS. If the 
SF-424 is not successfully accepted by by the deadline, the 
CDFI Fund will not review any of the material submitted in AMIS and the 
Application will be deemed ineligible.
    (a) Submission Information: Each Applicant will receive 
an email from immediately after submitting the SF-424 
confirming that the submission has entered the system. This 
email will contain a tracking number for the submitted SF-424. Within 
48 hours, the Applicant will receive a second email, which will 
indicate if the submitted SF-424 was either successfully validated or 
rejected with errors. However, Applicants should not rely on the email 
notification from to confirm that their SF-424 was 
validated. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use the tracking 
number provided in the first email to closely monitor the status of 
their SF-424 by contacting the helpdesk at directly. The 
Application material submitted in AMIS is not officially accepted by 
the CDFI Fund until has validated the SF-424.
    (b) Award Management Information System (AMIS) Submission 
Information: AMIS is a web-based portal where Applicants will directly 
enter their application information and add required attachments listed 
in Table 10. AMIS will verify that the Applicant provided the minimum 
information required to submit an Application. Applicants are 
responsible for the quality and accuracy of the information and 
attachments included in the Application submitted in AMIS. The CDFI 
Fund strongly encourages the Applicant to allow sufficient time to 
confirm the Application content, review the material submitted, and 
remedy any issues prior to the Application deadline. Only the 
Authorized Representative or the application Point of Contact can 
submit the Application. Applicants can only submit one Application. 
Upon submission, the Application will be locked and cannot be 
resubmitted, edited, or modified in any way. The CDFI Fund will not 
unlock or allow multiple Applications submissions.
    4. Late Submission: The CDFI Fund will not accept an Application 
submitted after the Application deadline except where the submission 
delay was a direct result of a Federal government administrative or

[[Page 8338]]

technological error. In such case, the Applicant must submit a written 
request for acceptance of late Application submission and include 
documentation of the error no later than two business days after the 
Application deadline. The CDFI Fund will not respond to request for 
acceptance of late Application submissions after that time period. 
Applicants must submit late Application submission requests to the CDFI 
Helpdesk at with a subject line of ``Late 
Application Submission Request.''
    G. Funding Restrictions: FA, HFFI-FA and TA awards are limited by 
the following:
    1. FA awards:
    (a) An award Recipient shall use FA funds only for the eligible 
activities described in Section II. Award Description (C)(1) of this 
NOFA and its Assistance Agreement.
    (b) A Recipient may not distribute FA funds to an Affiliate, 
Subsidiary, or any other entity, without the CDFI Fund's prior written 
    (c) FA funds shall only be paid to the Recipient.
    (d) The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, may pay FA funds in 
amounts, or under terms and conditions, which are different from those 
requested by an Applicant.
    2. HFFI-FA awards:
    (a) An award Recipient shall use HFFI-FA funds only for the 
eligible activities described in Section II. Award Description (C) (1) 
of this NOFA and its Assistance Agreement.
    (b) A Recipient may not distribute HFFI-FA funds to an Affiliate, 
Subsidiary, or any other entity, without the CDFI Fund's prior written 
    (c) HFFI-FA funds shall only be paid to the Recipient.
    (d) The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, may pay HFFI-FA funds in 
amounts, or under terms and conditions, which are different from those 
requested by an Applicant.
    3. TA grants:
    (a) An award Recipient shall use TA funds only for the eligible 
activities described in Section II. Award Description (C) (2) of this 
NOFA and its Assistance Agreement.
    (b) A Recipient may not distribute TA funds to an Affiliate, 
Subsidiary or any other entity, without the CDFI Fund's prior written 
    (c) TA funds shall only be paid to the Recipient.
    (d) The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, may pay TA funds in 
amounts, or under terms and conditions, which are different from those 
requested by an Applicant.

V. Application Review Information

    1. Criteria: If the Applicant has submitted a complete and eligible 
Application, the CDFI Fund will conduct a substantive review in 
accordance with the criteria and procedures described in the 
Regulations, this NOFA, the Application guidance, and the Uniform 
Administrative Requirements. The CDFI Fund reserves the right to 
contact the Applicant by telephone, email, or mail for the sole purpose 
of clarifying or confirming Application information. If contacted, the 
Applicant must respond within the time period communicated by the CDFI 
Fund or run the risk that its Application will be rejected.
    (a) Application Scoring and Award Selection (FA, HFFI-FA, and TA): 
The CDFI Fund will evaluate each Application using the FA and TA 
Application Scoring Criteria described in the Application. An Applicant 
must receive a minimum 60 percent of the total score for the FA, HFFI-
FA, and TA components in order to be considered for an award. An 
Applicant that is an Emerging CDFI will be rated, among other elements, 
on its plan to meet the requirements of a Certified CDFI within two 
years of the beginning of the period of performance (or if the 
Applicant is a prior TA Recipient, by the date specified in its 
previous Assistance Agreement).
    The CDFI Fund will score each part as indicated in Tables 12 and 

             Table 12--FA & TA Application Scoring Criteria
                                           FA Applicants   TA Applicants
       FA & TA narrative sections            (points)        (points)
Executive Summary.......................      Not Scored      Not Scored
Purpose/Proposal........................              10              15
Products................................              10              10
Policies................................              10              10
People..................................              10              15
Partnerships............................              10               5
Performance.............................              40              30
Projections.............................              10              15
    Total Points........................             100             100

             Table 13--HFFI-FA Application Scoring Criteria
               HFFI-FA Narrative sections                   Applicants
HFFI Target Market Profile..............................               4
Healthy Food Financial Products.........................               5
Healthy Food Development Services.......................               2
Projected HFFI-FA Activities............................               7
HFFI Track Record, Management Capacity for Providing                   7
 Healthy Food Financing, Healthy Food Financing Outcomes
    Total Points........................................              25

    2. Review and Selection Process. All Applications will be initially 
evaluated by external non-Federal reviewers who are selected based on 
criteria that includes: A professional background in community and 
economic development finance; experience reviewing financial statements 
of all CDFI institution types; and experience performing

[[Page 8339]]

underwriting of community and economic development projects. Reviewers 
must complete the CDFI Fund's conflict of interest process and be 
approved by the CDFI Fund. The CDFI Fund's application reader conflict 
of interest policy is located on the CDFI Fund's Web site.
    TA Applications will be evaluated by one external reviewer; FA and 
HFFI-FA Applications will be evaluated by three external reviewers. All 
Applications will be reviewed in accordance with reviewer evaluation 
materials. Applications will be ranked based on Application scores, 
from highest to lowest. In the case of tied scores, Applicants will be 
ranked first according to each Performance score, then the Purpose 
section. TA Applicants, Category I, Category II, and HFFI-FA Applicants 
will be grouped and ranked separately.
    3. Programmatic and Financial Risk Analysis. The CDFI Fund conducts 
three additional levels of due diligence for Applications that are in 
scoring contention for an award. This due diligence includes an 
analysis of programmatic and financial risk factors including, but not 
limited to: Financial stability; quality of management systems and 
ability to meet award management standards; history of performance in 
managing Federal awards (including timeliness of reporting and 
compliance); reports and findings from audits; and the Applicant's 
ability to effectively implement Federal requirements. Award amounts 
may be reduced as a result of this analysis. In addition, for FA 
awards, the CDFI Fund may reduce awards sizes from requested amounts 
based on certain variables, including an Applicant's loan disbursement 
activity, total portfolio outstanding, and similar factors. Lastly, the 
CDFI Fund may consider geographic diversity of Applicants when making 
its funding decisions.
    4. Insured Depository Institutions: The CDFI Fund will consider 
safety and soundness information from the Appropriate Federal or State 
Banking Agency. If the Applicant is a CDFI Depository Institution 
Holding Company, the CDFI Fund will consider information provided by 
the Appropriate Federal or State Banking Agencies about both the CDFI 
Depository Institution Holding Company and the CDFI Certified Insured 
Depository Institution that will expend and carry out the award. If the 
Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency 
identifies safety and soundness concerns, the CDFI Fund will assess 
whether the concerns cause or will cause the Applicant to be incapable 
of undertaking the activities for which funding has been requested.
    5. Non-Regulated Institutions: In accordance with the CDFI 
Program's authorizing statute and regulations, the CDFI Fund must 
ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that recipients that are 
non-regulated CDFIs are financially and managerially sound and maintain 
appropriate internal controls (12 U.S.C. 4707(f)(1)(A) and 12 CFR 
1805.800(b)). Further, the CDFI Fund must determine that an Applicant's 
capacity to operate as a CDFI will not be dependent upon assistance 
from the CDFI Fund for continued viability (12 U.S.C. 4704(b)(2)(A)). 
If it is determined the Applicant is incapable of meeting these 
requirements, the CDFI Fund reserves the right to deem the Applicant 
ineligible or terminate the award.
    6. Anticipated Award Announcement: The CDFI Fund anticipates making 
CDFI Program award announcements after September 23, 2016 and before 
September 30, 2016.
    7. Application Rejection: The CDFI Fund reserves the right to 
reject an Application if information (including administrative error) 
comes to the CDFI Fund's attention that either: Adversely affects an 
Applicant's eligibility for an award; adversely affects the Recipient's 
certification as a CDFI (to the extent that the award is conditional 
upon CDFI certification); adversely affects the CDFI Fund's evaluation 
or scoring of an Application; or indicates fraud or mismanagement on 
the Applicant's part. If the CDFI Fund determines any portion of the 
Application is incorrect in a material respect, the CDFI Fund reserves 
the right, in its sole discretion, to reject the Application. The CDFI 
Fund reserves the right to change its eligibility and evaluation 
criteria and procedures, if the CDFI Fund deems it appropriate. If the 
changes materially affect the CDFI Fund's award decisions, the CDFI 
Fund will provide information about the changes through its Web site. 
The CDFI Fund's award decisions are final and there is no right to 
appeal the decisions.

VI. Federal Award Administration Information

    A. Award Notification: Each successful Applicant will receive an 
email ``notice of award'' notification from the CDFI Fund stating that 
its Application has been approved for an award. Each Applicant not 
selected for an award will receive an email stating that a debriefing 
notice has been provided in its AMIS account.
    B. Assistance Agreement: Each Applicant selected to receive an 
award must enter into an Assistance Agreement with the CDFI Fund in 
order to receive a payment(s). The Assistance Agreement will set forth 
the award's terms and conditions, including but not be limited to the: 
(i) Award amount; (ii) award type; (iii) award uses; (iv) eligible use 
of funds; (v) performance goals and measures; and (vi) reporting 
requirements. FA Assistance Agreements have three-year periods of 
performance; TA Assistance Agreements have two-year periods of 
    1. Certificate of Good Standing: All FA and TA Recipients that are 
not Insured Depository Institutions will be required to provide the 
CDFI Fund with a certificate of good standing from the secretary of 
state for the Recipient's State of incorporation prior to closing. This 
certificate can often be acquired online on the secretary of state Web 
site for the Recipient's State of incorporation and must generally be 
dated within 270 days before the date the Recipient executes the 
Assistance Agreement. Due to potential backlogs in State government 
offices, Applicants are advised to submit requests for certificates of 
good standing no later than 60 days after they submit their 
    2. Closing: Pursuant to the Assistance Agreement, there will be an 
initial closing at which point the Assistance Agreement and related 
documents will be properly executed and delivered, and an initial 
payment of FA or TA may be made. FA Recipients that are subject to the 
matching funds requirement will not receive a payment until 100 percent 
of their matching funds are In-Hand. The first payment is the estimated 
amount of award that the Recipient states in its Application that it 
will use for eligible FA or TA activities in the first 12 months after 
the award.
    The CDFI Fund will minimize the time between the Recipient 
incurring costs for eligible activities and award payment based on what 
is administratively feasible. The advanced payments for eligible 
activities will occur no more than one year in advance of the Recipient 
incurring costs for the eligible activities. Following the initial 
closing, there may be subsequent closings involving additional award 
payments. Any documents in addition to the Assistant Agreement that are 
connected with such subsequent closings and payments shall be properly 
executed and timely delivered by the Recipient to the CDFI Fund.
    3. Requirements Prior to Entering into an Assistance Agreement: If, 
prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement,

[[Page 8340]]

information (including administrative error) comes to the CDFI Fund's 
attention that: Adversely affects the Recipient's eligibility for an 
award; adversely affects the Recipient's certification as a CDFI (to 
the extent that the award is conditional upon CDFI certification); 
adversely affects the CDFI Fund's evaluation of the Application; 
indicates that the Recipient is not in compliance with any requirement 
listed the Uniform Administrative Requirements; or indicates fraud or 
mismanagement on the Recipient's part, the CDFI Fund may, in its 
discretion and without advance notice to the Recipient, terminate the 
award or take such other actions as it deems appropriate. The CDFI Fund 
reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to rescind an award if the 
Recipient fails to return the Assistance Agreement, signed by the 
authorized representative of the Recipient, and/or provide the CDFI 
Fund with any other requested documentation, within the CDFI Fund's 
    In addition, the CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole 
discretion, to terminate and rescind the Assistance Agreement and the 
award made under this NOFA pending the criteria described in the 
following table:

    Table 14--Requirements Prior To Executing an Assistance Agreement
            Requirement                           Criteria
Failure to meet reporting            If a Recipient received a
 requirements.                       prior award under any CDFI Fund
                                     program and is not current with the
                                     reporting requirements in the
                                     previously executed agreement(s),
                                     the CDFI Fund can delay entering
                                     into an Assistance Agreement or
                                     disbursing an award until reporting
                                     requirements are met.
                                     If such a Recipient is
                                     unable to meet the requirement
                                     within the timeframe specified, the
                                     CDFI Fund may terminate and rescind
                                     the Assistance Agreement and the
                                     award made under this NOFA.
                                     The automated systems the
                                     CDFI Fund uses only acknowledge a
                                     report's receipt, not a
                                     determination of meeting reporting
Failure to maintain CDFI             An FA Recipient must be a
 Certification.                      Certified CDFI prior to entering
                                     into an Assistance Agreement.
                                     If an FA Recipient fails to
                                     maintain CDFI Certification, the
                                     CDFI Fund will terminate and
                                     rescind the Assistance Agreement
                                     and the award made under this NOFA.
Pending resolution of                The CDFI Fund will delay
 noncompliance.                      entering into an Assistance
                                     Agreement with a Recipient that has
                                     pending noncompliance issues if the
                                     CDFI Fund has not yet made a final
                                     determination as to whether the
                                     Recipient is in default of its
                                     previously executed award
                                     If the Recipient is unable
                                     to satisfactorily resolve the
                                     compliance issues, the CDFI Fund
                                     may terminate and rescind the
                                     Assistance Agreement and the award
                                     made under this NOFA.
Default or Noncompliance status...  If, at any time prior to entering
                                     into an Assistance Agreement, the
                                     CDFI Fund determines that an
                                     Recipient is in default of a
                                     previously executed agreement with
                                     the CDFI Fund and the Recipient has
                                     been provided written notification
                                     of such determination, the CDFI
                                     Fund can delay entering into an
                                     Assistance Agreement, until the
                                     Recipient has cured the default by
                                     taking actions the CDFI Fund has
                                     specified within the specified
                                     timeframe. Further, if, at any time
                                     prior to entering into an
                                     Assistance Agreement, the CDFI Fund
                                     determines that an Recipient is
                                     noncompliant with an FY 2015 or
                                     later award agreement with the CDFI
                                     Fund and the Recipient has been
                                     provided written notification of
                                     such determination, the CDFI Fund
                                     can delay entering into an
                                     Assistance Agreement, until the
                                     Recipient has cured the
                                     noncompliance by taking actions the
                                     CDFI Fund has specified within the
                                     specified timeframe. If the
                                     Recipient is unable to meet the
                                     cure requirement within the
                                     specified timeframe, the CDFI Fund
                                     may terminate and rescind the
                                     Assistance Agreement and the award
                                     made under this NOFA.
Final Default and sanctions.......  If the CDFI Fund has found the
                                     Recipient in final default of a
                                     prior executed agreement and
                                     provided notification of sanctions,
                                     the CDFI Fund may terminate and
                                     rescind the Assistance Agreement
                                     and the award made under this NOFA
                                     within the time period specified in
                                     such notification.
Compliance with Federal civil       If prior to entering into an
 rights requirements.                Assistance Agreement under this
                                     NOFA, the Recipient receives a
                                     final determination, made within
                                     the last three years, in any
                                     proceeding instituted against the
                                     Recipient in, by, or before any
                                     court, governmental, or
                                     administrative body or agency,
                                     declaring that the Recipient has
                                     violated the following laws: Title
                                     VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
                                     as amended (42 U.S.C.2000d);
                                     Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
                                     Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794); the
                                     Age Discrimination Act of 1975, (42
                                     U.S.C. 6101-6107), and Executive
                                     Order 13166, Improving Access to
                                     Services for Persons with Limited
                                     English Proficiency, the CDFI Fund
                                     will terminate and rescind the
                                     Assistance Agreement and the award
                                     made under this NOFA.
Do Not Pay........................   The Do Not Pay Business
                                     Center was developed to support
                                     Federal agencies in their efforts
                                     to reduce the number of improper
                                     payments made through programs
                                     funded by the Federal government.
                                     The CDFI Fund reserves the
                                     right, in its sole discretion, to
                                     rescind an award if the Recipient
                                     is identified as an ineligible
                                     recipient on the Do Not Pay
Safety and soundness..............   If it is determined the
                                     Recipient is or will be incapable
                                     of meeting its award obligations,
                                     the CDFI Fund will deem the
                                     Recipient to be ineligible or
                                     require it to improve safety and
                                     soundness conditions prior to
                                     entering into an Assistance

    C. Reporting
    1. Reporting requirements: On an annual basis for the period of 
performance, the CDFI Fund may collect information from each Recipient 
including, but not limited to, an Annual Report with the following 

[[Page 8341]]

                 Table 15--Annual Reporting Requirements
Financial Report (Financial         The Financial Report will be
 Statements and Related Auditor's    reviewed by the CDFI Fund to
 and Accountant's Review Reports,    determine the Recipient's financial
 if applicable).                     and managerial soundness.
Single Audit (if applicable) (or    If a Recipient is required to
 similar report).                    complete a Single Audit Report, it
                                     should be submitted to the Federal
                                     Audit Clearinghouse (see 2 CFR
                                     subpart F--Audit Requirements in
                                     the Uniform Administrative
                                    For-profit Recipients will be
                                     required to complete and submit a
                                     similar report directly to the CDFI
Institution Level Report (ILR)....  The ILR is a report used to collect
                                     compliance and performance data
                                     from CDFI Fund award Recipients.
                                     The ILR is submitted through the
                                     Community Investment Impact System
                                     (CIIS) and captures organizational
                                     information, financial position,
                                     lending and investing activities,
                                     community development outputs, and
                                     development services.
Transaction Level Report (TLR)....  The TLR is a report used to collect
                                     compliance and performance data
                                     from CDFI Fund award Recipients.
                                     The TLR is submitted through the
                                     CIIS and captures data on each
                                     individual loan and investment in
                                     the award Recipient's portfolio.
                                     For CDFI Depository
                                     Institution Holding Company award
                                     Recipients, the TLR captures data
                                     on the individual loans and
                                     investments by its CDFI Subsidiary
                                     Insured Depository Institution's
                                     TLR is not required for TA
Federal Financial Report/OMB        If the Recipient receives a TA
 Standard Form 425.                  award, it must submit the Federal
                                     Financial Report/OMB Standard Form
                                     425 via AMIS.
Uses of Funds Report..............  If the Recipient receives an FA or
                                     TA award, it must submit the Uses
                                     of Funds Report via AMIS.
Shareholders Report...............  If the Assistance is in the form of
                                     an Equity Investment, the Recipient
                                     must submit shareholder information
                                     to the CDFI Fund showing the class,
                                     series, and number of shares and
                                     valuation of capital stock held or
                                     to be held by each shareholder. The
                                     Shareholder Report must be
                                     submitted for as long as the CDFI
                                     Fund is an equity holder.

    Each Recipient is responsible for the timely and complete 
submission of the Annual Reporting requirements. The CDFI Fund reserves 
the right to contact the Recipient and additional entities or 
signatories to the Assistance Agreement to request additional 
information and documentation. The CDFI Fund will use such information 
to monitor each Recipient's compliance with the requirements in the 
Assistance Agreement and to assess the impact of the CDFI Program. The 
CDFI Fund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify these 
reporting requirements, including increasing the scope and frequency of 
reporting, if it determines it to be appropriate and necessary; 
however, such reporting requirements will be modified only after notice 
to Recipients.
    2. Financial Management and Accounting: The CDFI Fund will require 
Recipients to maintain financial management and accounting systems that 
comply with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions 
of the Federal award. These systems must be sufficient to permit the 
preparation of reports required by general and program specific terms 
and conditions, including the tracing of funds to a level of 
expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used 
according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and 
conditions of the Federal award.
    The cost principles used by Recipients must be consistent with 
Federal cost principles and support the accumulation of costs as 
required by the principles, and must provide for adequate documentation 
to support costs charged to the CDFI Program award. In addition, the 
CDFI Fund will require Recipients to: Maintain effective internal 
controls; comply with applicable statutes, regulations, and the 
Assistance Agreement; evaluate and monitor compliance; take action when 
not in compliance; and safeguard personally identifiable information.

VII. Agency Contacts

    A. The CDFI Fund will respond to questions concerning this NOFA and 
the Application between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern 
Daylight Savings Time, starting on the date that the NOFA is published 
through the date listed in Table 1 and Table 11. The CDFI Fund will 
post on its Web site responses to reoccurring questions received about 
this Application. Other information regarding the CDFI Fund and its 
programs may be obtained from the CDFI Fund's Web site at Table 16 lists CDFI Fund contact information:

                                          Table 16--Contact Information
                                         Telephone number (not toll
            Type of question                        free)                          Email addresses
CDFI Program...........................  202-653-0421, option 1....
Certification, Compliance Monitoring,    202-653-0423..............
 and Evaluation.
AMIS--IT Help Desk.....................  202-653-0422..............

    B. Information Technology Support: For IT Assistance, submit an 
AMIS Service Request (Record Type of ``General Inquiry''). In the 
Service Request form, select the appropriate program, then select 
``AMIS Technical Problem'' as the Type. People who have visual or 
mobility impairments that prevent them from using the CDFI Fund's Web 
site should call (202) 653-0422 for assistance (this is not a toll free 
    C. Communication with the CDFI Fund: The CDFI Fund will use contact 
information in AMIS to communicate with Applicants and Recipients. It 
is imperative, therefore, that Applicants, Recipients, Subsidiaries, 
Affiliates, and signatories maintain accurate contact information in 
their accounts. This includes information such as contact names 
(especially for the authorized representative) listed in this NOFA's 
application materials, email addresses,

[[Page 8342]]

fax and phone numbers, and office locations.
    D. Civil Rights and Diversity: Any person who is eligible to 
receive benefits or services from CDFI Fund or Recipients under any of 
its programs is entitled to those benefits or services without being 
subject to prohibited discrimination. The Department of the Treasury's 
Office of Civil Rights and Diversity enforces various Federal statutes 
and regulations that prohibit discrimination in financially assisted 
and conducted programs and activities of the CDFI Fund. If a person 
believes that s/he has been subjected to discrimination and/or reprisal 
because of membership in a protected group, s/he may file a complaint 
with: Associate Chief Human Capital Officer, Office of Civil Rights, 
and Diversity, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20220 or 
(202) 622-1160 (not a toll-free number).

VIII. Other Information

    A. Paperwork Reduction Act: Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 
U.S.C. chapter 35), an agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection 
of information, and an individual is not required to respond to a 
collection of information, unless it displays a valid OMB control 
number. If applicable, the CDFI Fund may inform Applicants that they do 
not need to provide certain Application information otherwise required. 
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act, the CDFI Program, and NACA 
Program Application has been assigned the following control number: 
    B. Application Information Sessions: The CDFI Fund may conduct 
webinars or host information sessions for organizations that are 
considering applying to, or are interested in learning about, the CDFI 
Fund's programs. For further information, please visit the CDFI Fund's 
Web site at

    Authority: 12 U.S.C. 4701, et seq; 12 CFR parts 1805 and 1815; 2 
CFR part 200.

Mary Ann Donovan,
Director, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund.
[FR Doc. 2016-03221 Filed 2-17-16; 8:45 am]
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