Winschell Dugway Motorized Trail Project; Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Idaho, 8038 [2016-03250]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 17, 2016 / Notices
Forest Service
Winschell Dugway Motorized Trail
Project; Caribou-Targhee National
Forest, Idaho
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.
The Forest Service intends to
prepare an environmental impact
statement to analyze and disclose the
environmental effects of constructing a
motorized trail from Morgan Meadows
to Caribou City on the Soda Springs
Ranger District of the Caribou-Targhee
National Forest.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis must be received by
March 18, 2016. The draft
environmental impact statement is
expected June, 2016 and the final
environmental impact statement is
expected October, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
Garth Smelser, Forest Supervisor,
Caribou-Targhee National Forest, 1405
Hollipark Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83402.
Comments may also be sent via email to
comments-intermtn-caribou-targhee@, or via facsimile to 208–557–
Jessica Taylor, Forest NEPA Coordinator
at 208–557–5837.
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday.
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Purpose and Need for Action
The purpose for this project is to
respond to outside public interest to
provide a motorized trail opportunity
from Morgan Meadows to Caribou City
allowing forest visitors to experience the
historic mining history of the area.
Proposed Action
The proposed action would establish
a motorized ATV trail from Morgan
Meadows to Caribou City. The proposed
action comes from planning efforts that
have occurred since 2007. This
alternative includes constructing
approximately 2.2 miles of new trail and
managing the new trail as a motorized
ATV trail. Further, the proposed action
calls for reconstructing approximately
4.85 miles of existing trails, exploratory
mining roads and abandoned roads (see
Alternative 2 Map) to implement the
Winschell Dugway Motorized Trail
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The proposed action addresses the
trail corridor in the following specific
1. Use .75 mile of ATV Trail #449,
from Morgan Meadows to Tincup Creek.
2. Reconstruction of 1.5 miles of trail
from Tincup Creek to the saddle west of
Jackknife Basin.
3. Construct 1.5 miles along the
ridgeline west of Jackknife Basin to an
old reclaimed gold exploratory road.
4. Use of old reclaimed gold
exploratory road for approximately .6
5. Construction of .1 mile down into
the Bilk Creek drainage.
6. Use of abandoned mining road that
crosses Bilk Creek and continues to
ridgeline between Anderson and Bilk
7. Construction of .5 mile on ridgeline
in the Anderson Creek drainage back
into Bilk Creek.
8. Use of old roadbed for .2 mile in
Bilk Creek.
9. Construction of .1 mile of route that
would tie into a well-used road that
takes the trail to Caribou City.
The route would require the
installation of ATV bridges at four
stream crossings; on Bilk Creek (2),
Tincup Creek (1) and on an unnamed
tributary to Tincup Creek (1). A
cooperative agreement with Bonneville
County Parks and Recreation and Idaho
Department of Parks and Recreation
would be created, specifying
management and maintenance
responsibilities of all parties.
Possible Alternatives
Alternatives currently being
considered for the Winschell Dugway
Motorized Trail project include: (a) No
action, and (b) proposed action as
outlined above.
Responsible Official
Forest Supervisor, Garth Smelser, is
the responsible official.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The decision to be made is whether to
implement the proposed action as
described above, or to meet the purpose
and need for action through some other
combination of activities as a result of
the scoping process, or to take no action
at this time.
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates the
scoping process, which guides the
development of the environmental
impact statement.
The purpose of this comment period
is to provide an opportunity for the
public to provide early and meaningful
participation on a proposed action prior
PO 00000
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to a decision being made by the
Responsible Official. Per 36 CFR 218,
only those who provide specific, written
comments regarding the proposed
project or activity will be eligible to file
an objection.
Comments received in response to
this solicitation, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action. Comments submitted
anonymously will be accepted and
considered, however.
Dated: February 10, 2016.
Garth Smelser,
Forest Supervisor, Caribou-Targhee National
[FR Doc. 2016–03250 Filed 2–16–16; 8:45 am]
Grain Inspection, Packers and
Stockyards Administration
Request for Extension and Revision of
a Currently Approved Information
Grain Inspection, Packers and
Stockyards Administration, USDA.
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces Grain Inspection,
Packers and Stockyards
Administration’s (GIPSA) intention to
request that the Office of Management
and Budget approve a 3-year extension
and revision of a currently approved
information collection in support of the
reporting and recordkeeping
requirements for the Swine Contract
Library program.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before April 18, 2016.
ADDRESSES: We invite you to submit
comments on this notice. You may
submit comments by any of the
following methods:
• Internet: Go to https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail, hand deliver, or courier to R.
Dexter Thomas, GIPSA, USDA, 1400
Independence Avenue SW., Room
2530–S, Washington, DC 20250–3604.
• Fax to (202) 690–2173.
Instructions: All comments should
refer to the date and page number of this
issue of the Federal Register. The
information collection package, public
comments, and other documents
relating to this action will be available
for public inspection in the above office
during regular business hours. Please
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 31 (Wednesday, February 17, 2016)]
[Page 8038]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-03250]
[[Page 8038]]
Forest Service
Winschell Dugway Motorized Trail Project; Caribou-Targhee
National Forest, Idaho
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The Forest Service intends to prepare an environmental impact
statement to analyze and disclose the environmental effects of
constructing a motorized trail from Morgan Meadows to Caribou City on
the Soda Springs Ranger District of the Caribou-Targhee National
DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis must be received
by March 18, 2016. The draft environmental impact statement is expected
June, 2016 and the final environmental impact statement is expected
October, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Garth Smelser, Forest Supervisor,
Caribou-Targhee National Forest, 1405 Hollipark Drive, Idaho Falls, ID
83402. Comments may also be sent via email to, or via facsimile to 208-557-5827.
Coordinator at 208-557-5837.
Individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD)
may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Purpose and Need for Action
The purpose for this project is to respond to outside public
interest to provide a motorized trail opportunity from Morgan Meadows
to Caribou City allowing forest visitors to experience the historic
mining history of the area.
Proposed Action
The proposed action would establish a motorized ATV trail from
Morgan Meadows to Caribou City. The proposed action comes from planning
efforts that have occurred since 2007. This alternative includes
constructing approximately 2.2 miles of new trail and managing the new
trail as a motorized ATV trail. Further, the proposed action calls for
reconstructing approximately 4.85 miles of existing trails, exploratory
mining roads and abandoned roads (see Alternative 2 Map) to implement
the Winschell Dugway Motorized Trail project.
The proposed action addresses the trail corridor in the following
specific segments:
1. Use .75 mile of ATV Trail #449, from Morgan Meadows to Tincup
2. Reconstruction of 1.5 miles of trail from Tincup Creek to the
saddle west of Jackknife Basin.
3. Construct 1.5 miles along the ridgeline west of Jackknife Basin
to an old reclaimed gold exploratory road.
4. Use of old reclaimed gold exploratory road for approximately .6
5. Construction of .1 mile down into the Bilk Creek drainage.
6. Use of abandoned mining road that crosses Bilk Creek and
continues to ridgeline between Anderson and Bilk Creeks.
7. Construction of .5 mile on ridgeline in the Anderson Creek
drainage back into Bilk Creek.
8. Use of old roadbed for .2 mile in Bilk Creek.
9. Construction of .1 mile of route that would tie into a well-used
road that takes the trail to Caribou City.
The route would require the installation of ATV bridges at four
stream crossings; on Bilk Creek (2), Tincup Creek (1) and on an unnamed
tributary to Tincup Creek (1). A cooperative agreement with Bonneville
County Parks and Recreation and Idaho Department of Parks and
Recreation would be created, specifying management and maintenance
responsibilities of all parties.
Possible Alternatives
Alternatives currently being considered for the Winschell Dugway
Motorized Trail project include: (a) No action, and (b) proposed action
as outlined above.
Responsible Official
Forest Supervisor, Garth Smelser, is the responsible official.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The decision to be made is whether to implement the proposed action
as described above, or to meet the purpose and need for action through
some other combination of activities as a result of the scoping
process, or to take no action at this time.
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates the scoping process, which guides
the development of the environmental impact statement.
The purpose of this comment period is to provide an opportunity for
the public to provide early and meaningful participation on a proposed
action prior to a decision being made by the Responsible Official. Per
36 CFR 218, only those who provide specific, written comments regarding
the proposed project or activity will be eligible to file an objection.
Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names
and addresses of those who comment, will be part of the public record
for this proposed action. Comments submitted anonymously will be
accepted and considered, however.
Dated: February 10, 2016.
Garth Smelser,
Forest Supervisor, Caribou-Targhee National Forest.
[FR Doc. 2016-03250 Filed 2-16-16; 8:45 am]