Endangered Species Recovery Permit Applications, 7825-7829 [2016-03037]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 30 / Tuesday, February 16, 2016 / Notices
drawback; or any authorized agent of
any of the persons described above.
CBP Form 19 collects information
such as the name and address of the
protesting party, information about the
entry being protested, detailed reasons
for the protest, justification for applying
for further review.
The information collected on CBP
Form 19 is authorized by Sections 514
and 514(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930 and
provided for by 19 CFR part 174. This
form is accessible at https://
Current Action: CBP proposes to
extend the expiration date of this
information collection with no change
to the burden hours or to the
information collected.
Type of Review: Extension (with no
Affected Public: Businesses.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Total Annual
Responses: 45,000.
Estimated Time per Response: 1 hour.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 45,000.
Dated: February 10, 2016.
Tracey Denning,
Agency Clearance Officer, U.S. Customs and
Border Protection.
[FR Doc. 2016–03070 Filed 2–12–16; 8:45 am]
Endangered Species Recovery Permit
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit
applications; request for comment.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, invite the public to
comment on the following applications
to conduct certain activities with
endangered species. With some
exceptions, the Endangered Species Act
(Act) prohibits activities with
endangered and threatened species
unless a Federal permit allows such
activity. The Act also requires that we
invite public comment before issuing
recovery permits to conduct certain
activities with endangered species.
DATES: Comments on these permit
applications must be received on or
before March 17, 2016.
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Jkt 238001
Permit No. TE–067064
Applicant: Lindsay Messett, Long
Beach, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal and amendment to take (harass
by survey) the southwestern willow
flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus)
and take (survey by pursuit) the Quino
checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas
editha quino) in conjunction with
surveys and population studies
throughout the range of the species in
California for the purpose of enhancing
the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–84210B
Fish and Wildlife Service
Written data or comments
should be submitted to the Endangered
Species Program Manager, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Region 8, 2800 Cottage
Way, Room W–2606, Sacramento, CA
95825 (telephone: 916–414–6464; fax:
916–414–6486). Please refer to the
respective permit number for each
application when submitting comments.
Daniel Marquez, Fish and Wildlife
Biologist; see ADDRESSES (telephone:
760–431–9440; fax: 760–431–9624).
following applicants have applied for
scientific research permits to conduct
certain activities with endangered
species under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the
Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). We seek
review and comment from local, State,
and Federal agencies and the public on
the following permit requests.
Applicant: Amy Storck, Folsom,
The applicant requests a permit to
take (harass by survey, capture, handle,
release, collect adult vouchers, and
collect branchiopod cysts) the
Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta longiantenna) and vernal
pool tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus
packardi) in conjunction with surveys
throughout the range of the species in
California for the purpose of enhancing
the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–134334
Applicant: Lincoln Hulse, Mission
Viejo, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, and release) the San
Bernardino Merriam’s kangaroo rat
(Dipodomys merriami parvus) in
conjunction with survey activities
throughout the range of the species for
the purpose of enhancing the species’
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Permit No. TE–009018
Applicant: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic
Garden, Claremont, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to remove/reduce to possession
the following species on Federal lands,
in conjunction with surveys, population
studies, establishment and maintenance
of a living collection or seed bank, and
research throughout the ranges of the
species in California and Nevada for the
purpose of enhancing the species’
• Acanthomintha duttonii (A.
obovata subsp. d.) (San Mateo
• Acanthoscyphus parishii var.
goodmaniana (Oxytheca p. var. g.)
(Cushenbury oxytheca),
• Acmispon dendroideus var. traskiae
(Lotus d. subsp. t.) (San Clemente Island
• Allium munzii (Munz’s onion),
• Alopecurus aequalis var.
sonomensis (Sonoma alopecurus),
• Ambrosia pumila (San Diego
• Amsinckia grandiflora (largeflowered fiddleneck),
• Arabis mcdonaldiana (McDonald’s
• Arctostaphylos confertiflora (Santa
Rosa Island manzanita),
• Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp.
crassifolia (Del Mar manzanita),
• Arctostaphylos mmontana subsp.
ravenii (A. hookeri subsp. r.) (Raven’s
manzanita (Presidio m.)),
• Arenaria paludicola (marsh
• Astragalus albens (Cushenbury
• Astragalus brauntonii (Braunton’s
• Astragalus claranus (Clara Hunt’s
• Astragalus jaegerianus (Lane
Mountain milk-vetch),
• Astragalus lentiginosus var.
coachellae (Coachella Valley milkvetch),
• Astragalus pycnostachyus var.
lanosissimus (Ventura Marsh milkvetch),
• Astragalus tener var. titi (coastal
dunes milk-vetch),
• Astragalus tricarinatus (tripleribbed milk-vetch),
• Atriplex coronata var. notatior (San
Jacinto Valley crownscale),
• Berberis nevinii (Nevin’s barberry),
• Berberis pinnata subsp. insularis
(island barberry),
• Blennosperma bakeri (Sonoma
• Boechera hoffmannii (Aribis h.)
(Hoffmann’s rockcress),
• Calystegia stebbinsii (Stebbins’
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 30 / Tuesday, February 16, 2016 / Notices
• Carex albida (white sedge),
• Castilleja affinis subsp. neglecta
(Tiburon paintbrush),
• Castilleja grisea (San Clemente
Island paintbrush),
• Castilleja mollis (soft-leaved
• Caulanthus californicus (California
• Ceanothus ferrisiae (coyote
• Ceanothus roderickii (Pine Hill
• Cercocarpus traskiae (Catalina
Island mountain-mahogany),
• Chloropyron maritimum subsp.
maritimum (Cordylanthus maritimus
subsp. maritimus) (salt marsh bird’sbeak),
• Chloropyron molle subsp. molle
(Cordylanthus mollis subsp. mollis) (soft
• Chorizanthe howellii (Howell’s
• Chorizanthe orcuttiana (Orcutt’s
• Chorizanthe pungens var.
hartwegiana (Ben Lomond spineflower),
• Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii
(Scotts Valley spineflower),
• Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta
(robust spineflower),
• Chorizanthe valida (Sonoma
• Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale
(fountain thistle),
• Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense
(Chorro Creek bog thistle),
• Cirsium hydrophilum var.
hydrophilum (Suisun thistle),
• Cirsium loncholepis (La Graciosa
• Clarkia franciscana (Presidio
• Clarkia imbricata (Vine Hill
• Clarkia speciosa subsp. immaculata
(Pismo clarkia),
• Chloropyron palmatum
(Cordylanthus palmatus) (palmatebracted bird’s-beak),
• Cordylanthus tenuis subsp.
capillaris (Pennell’s bird’s-beak),
• Deinandra conjugens (Hemizonia
c.) (Otay tarplant),
• Deinandra increscens subsp. villosa
(Gaviota tarplant), bakeri (Baker’s
• Delphinium luteum (yellow
• Delphinium variegatum subsp.
kinkiense (San Clemente Island
• Dodecahema leptoceras (slenderhorned spineflower),
• Dudleya setchellii (Santa Clara
Valley dudleya),
• Eremalche kernensis (Kern
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Jkt 238001
• Eriastrum densifolium subsp.
sanctorum (Santa Ana River woollystar),
• Eriodictyon altissimum (Indian
Knob mountain balm),
• Eriodictyon capitatum (Lompoc
yerba santa),
• Eriogonum apricum (incl. vars.
apricum and prostratum) (lone
buckwheat and Irish Hill buckwheat),
• Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum
(Cushenbury buckwheat),
• Eriophyllum latilobum (San Mateo
woolly sunflower),
• Eryngium aristulatum var. parishii
(San Diego button-celery),
• Eryngium constancei (Loch Lomond
coyote thistle),
• Erysimum capitatum var.
angustatum (Contra Costa wallflower),
• Erysimum menziesii (Menzies’
• Erysimum teretifolium (Ben
Lomond wallflower),
• Fremontodendron decumbens (F.
californicum subsp. d.) (Pine Hill
• Fremontodendron mexicanum
(Mexican flannelbush),
• Galium buxifolium (island
• Galium californicum subsp. sierrae
(El Dorado bedstraw),
• Gilia tenuiflora subsp. arenaria
(Monterey gilia),
• Gilia tenuiflora subsp. hoffmanii
(Hoffmann’s slender-flowered gilia),
• Helianthemum greenei (island rushrose),
• Hesperocyparis abramsiana
(Cupressus a.) (incl. vars. abramsiana
and butanoensis) (Santa Cruz cypress
and San Mateo cypress),
• Holocarpha macradenia (Santa
Cruz tarplant),
• Lasthenia burkei (Burke’s
• Lasthenia conjugens (Contra Costa
• Layia carnosa (beach layia),
• Lessingia germanorum (L.g. var.
germanorum) (San Francisco lessingia),
• Lilium occidentale (western lily),
• Lilium pardalinum subsp.
pitkinense (Pitkin Marsh lily),
• Limnanthes floccosa subsp.
californica (Butte County meadowfoam),
• Limnanthes vinculans (Sebastopol
• Lithophragma maximum (San
Clemente Island woodland-star),
• Lupinus nipomensis (Nipomo Mesa
• Lupinus tidestromii (clover lupine),
• Malacothamnus clementinus (San
Clemente Island bush-mallow),
• Malacothamnus fasciculatus var.
nesioticus (Santa Cruz Island bushmallow),
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• Malacothrix indecora (Santa Cruz
Island malacothrix),
• Malacothrix squalida (island
• Monardella viminea (M. linoides
subsp. v.) (willowy monardella),
• Monolopia congdonii (Lembertia c.)
(San Joaquin woolly-threads),
• Nasturtium gambelii (Rorippa g.)
(Gambel’s watercress),
• Navarretia leucocephala subsp.
pauciflora (N. pauciflora) (few-flowered
• Navarretia leucocephala subsp.
plieantha (many-flowered navarretia),
• Nitrophila mohavensis (Amargosa
• Noccaea fendleri subsp. californica
(Thlaspi californicum) (Kneeland Prairie
• Oenothera californica subsp.
eurekensis (O. avita subsp. e.) (Eureka
Valley evening-primrose),
• Oenothera deltoides subsp. howellii
(Antioch Dunes evening-primrose),
• Opuntia basilaris var. treleasei (O.
treleasei) (Bakersfield cactus),
• Orcuttia californica (California
orcutt grass),
• Orcuttia pilosa (hairy orcutt grass),
• Orcuttia viscida (Sacramento orcutt
• Pentachaeta bellidiflora (whiterayed pentachaeta),
• Pentachaeta lyonii (Lyon’s
• Phacelia insularis subsp. insularis
(island phacelia),
• Phlox hirsuta (Yreka phlox),
• Physaria kingii subsp. bernardina
(Lesquerella k. subsp. b.) (San
Bernardino Mountains bladderpod),
• Piperia yadonii (Yadon’s piperia),
• Plagiobothrys strictus (Calistoga
• Poa atropurpurea (San Bernardino
• Poa napensis (Napa bluegrass),
• Pogogyne abramsii (San Diego
• Pogogyne nudiuscula (Otay mesamint),
• Polygonum hickmanii (Scotts
Valley polygonum),
• Potentilla hickmanii (Hickman’s
• Pseudobahia peirsonii (San Joaquin
adobe sunburst),
• Sedella leiocarpa (Parvisedum l.)
(Lake County stonecrop),
• Sibara filifolia (Santa Cruz Island
• Sidalcea keckii (Keck’s checkermallow),
• Sidalcea oregana subsp. valida
(Kenwood Marsh checker-mallow),
• Sidalcea pedata (pedate checkermallow),
• Streptanthus albidus subsp. albidus
(Metcalf Canyon jewelflower),
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 30 / Tuesday, February 16, 2016 / Notices
• Streptanthus niger (Tiburon
• Suaeda californica (California
• Swallenia alexandrae (Eureka Dune
• Taraxacum californicum (California
• Thelypodium stenopetalum
(slender-petaled mustard),
• Thysanocarpus conchuliferus
(Santa Cruz Island fringepod),
• Trifolium amoenum (showy Indian
• Trifolium trichocalyx (Monterey
• Tuctoria greenei (Greene’s tuctoria),
• Tuctoria mucronata (Solano grass)
Permit No. TE–53825B
Applicant: Zoological Society of San
Diego, San Diego, California
The applicant requests a permit
amendment to take (collect biological
samples) the California least tern
(Sternula antillarum browni) (Sterna a.
browni) in conjunction with survey and
population monitoring activities within
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and
Naval Base San Diego, San Diego
County, California, for the purpose of
enhancing the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–027742
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture, handle, and
collect) the delta smelt (Hypomesus
transpacificus) in conjunction with
research activities throughout the range
of the species in the San Francisco Bay
Estuary and Sacramento–San Joaquin
River Delta, California, for the purpose
of enhancing the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–758175
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Applicant: Griffith Wildlife Biology,
Calumet, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (harass by survey, locate
and monitor nests, and remove brownheaded cowbird (Molothrus ater) eggs
and chicks from parasitized nests) the
southwestern willow flycatcher
(Empidonax traillii extimus) in
conjunction with survey and population
monitoring activities in Arizona,
California, New Mexico, and Nevada;
take (locate and monitor nests, remove
brown-headed cowbird eggs and chicks
from parasitized nests, capture, handle,
band, and release) the least Bell’s vireo
(Vireo bellii pusillus); take (harass by
survey) the light-footed Ridgway’s rail
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Permit No. TE–44855A
Applicant: Clint Scheuerman, San Luis
Obispo, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, release, collect adult
vouchers, and collect branchiopod
cysts) the Conservancy fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta conservatio), longhorn
fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
longiantenna), San Diego fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta sandiegonensis),
Riverside fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus
woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole
shrimp (Lepidurus packardi) in
conjunction with survey activities
throughout the range of the species in
California for the purpose of enhancing
the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–144964
Applicant: Fish Conservation and
Culture Lab, University of California,
Davis, California
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(light-footed clapper r.) (Rallus
obsoletus levipes) (R. longirostris l.) in
conjunction with surveys and
population monitoring throughout the
range of the species in California; and
take (harass by survey) the Yuma
Ridgway’s rail (Yuma clapper r.) (Rallus
obsoletus yumanensis) (R. longirostris
y.) in conjunction with surveys and
population studies throughout the range
of the species in Arizona, California,
and Nevada for the purpose of
enhancing the species’ survival.
Applicant: Derek Jansen, Brentwood,
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, and release) the
California tiger salamander (Santa
Barbara County and Sonoma County
Distinct Population Segment (DPS))
(Ambystoma californiense) in
conjunction with survey activities
throughout the range of the species in
California for the purpose of enhancing
the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–17841A
Applicant: Tetra Tech, Inc., Santa
Barbara, California
The applicant requests a permit
amendment and renewal to take (harass
by survey and locate and monitor nests)
the California least tern (Sternula
antillarum browni) (Sterna a. browni) in
conjunction with surveys and
population studies throughout the range
of the species in San Diego, Orange, Los
Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Luis
Obispo, and Ventura Counties,
California, for the purpose of enhancing
the species’ survival.
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Permit No. TE–58862A
Applicant: Greg Mason, San Diego,
The applicant requests a permit
renewal and amendment to take (harass
by survey, capture, handle, release,
collect adult vouchers, collect
branchiopod cysts, and culture and
hatch cysts for species identification)
the Conservancy fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta conservatio), longhorn
fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
longiantenna), San Diego fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta sandiegonensis),
Riverside fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus
woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole
shrimp (Lepidurus packardi); and take
(survey by pursuit) the Quino
checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas
editha quino) in conjunction with
survey activities throughout the range of
the species in California for the purpose
of enhancing the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–53771B
Applicant: Erin Bergman, La Mesa,
The applicant requests a permit
amendment to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, release, collect adult
vouchers, collect branchiopod cysts,
and culture and hatch cysts for species
identification) the Conservancy fairy
shrimp (Branchinecta conservatio),
longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
longiantenna), San Diego fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta sandiegonensis),
Riverside fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus
woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole
shrimp (Lepidurus packardi); take
(survey by pursuit) the Quino
checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas
editha quino), Palos Verdes blue
butterfly (Glaucopsyche lygdamus
palosverdesensis), and El Segundo blue
butterfly (Euphilotes battoides allyni);
and take (survey by pursuit, capture,
handle, release) the Casey’s June beetle
(Dinacoma caseyi) in conjunction with
survey activities throughout the range of
the species in California for the purpose
of enhancing the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–85618B
Applicant: Biological Resources
Services, LLC, Folsom, California
The applicant requests a new permit
to take (harass by survey, capture,
handle, and release) the California tiger
salamander (Santa Barbara County and
Sonoma County DPS) (Ambystoma
californiense); blunt-nosed leopard
lizard (Gambelia silus); San Joaquin kit
fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica); and
remove/reduce to possession the
following species, on Federal lands in
conjunction with survey activities
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 30 / Tuesday, February 16, 2016 / Notices
throughout the range of the species in
California for the purpose of enhancing
the species’ survival:
• Calystegia stebbinsii (Stebbins’
• Caulanthus californicus (California
• Ceanothus roderickii (Pine Hill
• Chloropyron palmatum (Cordylanthus
palmatus) (palmate-bracted bird’sbeak)
• Eremalche kernensis (Kern mallow)
• Fremontodendron decumbens (F.
californicum subsp. d.) (Pine Hill
• Gilia tenuiflora subsp. arenaria
(Monterey gilia)
• Lasthenia conjugens (Contra Costa
• Monolopia congdonii (Lembertia c.)
(San Joaquin woolly-threads)
• Orcuttia viscida (Sacramento orcutt
• Trifolium amoenum (showy Indian
• Tuctoria mucronata (Solano grass)
Permit No. TE–85771B
Applicant: Karen Mullen, Laguna
Niguel, California
The applicant requests a new permit
to take (harass by survey, capture,
handle, release, collect adult vouchers,
and collect branchiopod cysts) the
Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta longiantenna), San Diego
fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
sandiegonensis), Riverside fairy shrimp
(Streptocephalus woottoni), and vernal
pool tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus
packardi) in conjunction with survey
activities throughout the range of the
species in California for the purpose of
enhancing the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–158552
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Applicant: Holly Burger, Berkeley,
The applicant requests a permit
renewal and amendment to take (harass
by survey, capture, handle, and release)
the California tiger salamander (Santa
Barbara County and Sonoma County
DPS) (Ambystoma californiense) and
take (harass by survey, capture, handle,
mark, and release) the San Francisco
garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis
tetrataenia) in conjunction with survey
and population study activities
throughout the range of the species in
California for the purpose of enhancing
the species’ survival.
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Permit No. TE–832946
Applicant: James Pike, Huntington
Beach, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (harass by survey, locate
and monitor nests, and remove brownheaded cowbird (Molothrus ater) eggs
and chicks from parasitized nests) the
southwestern willow flycatcher
(Empidonax traillii extimus), and take
(locate and monitor nests and remove
brown-headed cowbird eggs and chicks
from parasitized nests) the least Bell’s
vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) in
conjunction with surveys and
population monitoring throughout the
range the species in California for the
purpose of enhancing the species’
Permit No. TE–086267
Applicant: Channel Islands National
Park, Ventura, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, measure, insert passive
integrated transponder (PIT) tags, radiocollar, vaccinate, collect biological
samples, conduct veterinary care,
transport, maintain in captivity, release
to the wild, and euthanize for humane
reasons) the Santa Cruz Island fox
(Urocyon littoralis santacruzae), San
Miguel Island fox (Urocyon littoralis
littoralis), and Santa Rosa Island fox
(Urocyon littoralis santarosae) in
conjunction with survey and research
activities throughout the range of the
species in California for the purpose of
enhancing the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–023496
Applicant: California State University,
Turlock, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, release, collect adult
vouchers, and collect branchiopod
cysts) the Conservancy fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta conservatio), longhorn
fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
longiantenna), San Diego fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta sandiegonensis),
Riverside fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus
woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole
shrimp (Lepidurus packardi) in
conjunction with survey activities in
Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced,
San Luis Obispo, San Joaquin, and
Tulare Counties, California; take
(survey, capture, handle, mark, insert
passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag
and release) the giant garter snake
(Thamnophis gigas) in conjunction with
survey activities in Contra Costa,
Fresno, Kern, Madera, Merced, San
Joaquin, and Stanislaus Counties,
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California; take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, and release) the
California tiger salamander (Santa
Barbara County and Sonoma County
DPS) (Ambystoma californiense); take
(capture, handle, mark, PIT tag, attach/
remove radio transmitters, take
biological samples and release) the San
Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis
mutica); take (capture, handle, mark,
PIT tag, attach/remove radio
transmitters, take biological samples,
hold in captivity, relocate and release)
the blunt-nosed leopard lizard
(Gambelia silus) and riparian brush
rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius);
take (capture, handle, mark, PIT tag,
attach/remove radio transmitters, hold
in captivity, relocate and release) the
Fresno kangaroo rat (Dipodomys
nitratoides exilis), giant kangaroo rat
(Dipodomys ingens), Tipton kangaroo
rat (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides),
and riparian woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes
riparia); and take (capture, handle,
mark, take biological samples, and
release) the Buena Vista Lake shrew
(Sorex ornatus relictus) in conjunction
with survey and research activities
throughout the range of the species for
the purpose of enhancing the species’
Permit No. TE–86222B
Applicant: Ethan J. Ripperger
The applicant requests a permit to
take (locate and monitor nests) the least
Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) in
conjunction with survey activities
throughout the range of the species for
the purpose of enhancing the species’
Permit No. TE–86213B
Applicant: Alan D. Roseto, Lompoc,
The applicant requests a permit to
take (harass by survey, capture, handle,
and release) the California tiger
salamander (Santa Barbara County and
Sonoma County DPS) (Ambystoma
californiense) in conjunction with
survey activities throughout the range of
the species for the purpose of enhancing
the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–86278B
Applicant: Andrew J. Anderson
The applicant requests a permit to
take (harass by survey, capture, handle,
release, collect adult vouchers, and
collect branchiopod cysts) the
Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta longiantenna), riverside
fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni),
and vernal pool tadpole shrimp
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 30 / Tuesday, February 16, 2016 / Notices
(Lepidurus packardi) in conjunction
with survey activities throughout the
range of the species for the purpose of
enhancing the species’ survival.
Permit No. TE–785148
[S1D1S SS08011000 SX064A000
167S180110; S2D2S SS08011000
SX064A000 16XS501520]
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement
Applicant: Aaron P. Goldschmidt,
Riverside, California
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (harass by survey and
locate and monitor nests) the
southwestern willow flycatcher
(Empidonax traillii extimus); take
(harass by survey, capture, handle,
mark, and release) the Stephens’
kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi) and
Pacific pocket mouse (Perognathus
longimembris pacificus); take (survey by
pursuit) the Quino checkerspot butterfly
(Euphydryas editha quino); and take
(harass by survey, capture, handle,
release, collect adult vouchers, and
collect branchiopod cysts) the
Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta longiantenna), Riverside
fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni),
San Diego fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
sandiegonensis), and vernal pool
tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus packardi) in
conjunction with surveys and
population studies throughout the range
of the species in California for the
purpose of enhancing the species’
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Public Comments
We invite public review and comment
on each of these recovery permit
applications. Comments and materials
we receive will be available for public
inspection, by appointment, during
normal business hours at the address
listed in the ADDRESSES section of this
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Angela Picco,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific Southwest
Region, Sacramento, California.
[FR Doc. 2016–03037 Filed 2–12–16; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
22:15 Feb 12, 2016
Jkt 238001
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection; Request for Comments for
Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior.
ACTION: Notice and request for
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement (OSMRE) is
announcing its intention to request
approval for the collection of
information for the Abandoned Mine
Land Problem Area Description form.
This information collection activity was
previously approved by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), and
assigned control number 1029–0087.
DATES: Comments on the proposed
information collection must be received
by April 18, 2016, to be assured of
Comments may be mailed to
John Trelease, Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, 1951
Constitution Ave. NW., Room 203–SIB,
Washington, DC 20240. Comments may
also be submitted electronically to
receive a copy of the information
collection request, contact John
Trelease, at (202) 208–2783 or by email
at jtrelease@osmre.gov.
regulations at 5 CFR 1320, which
implement provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13),
require that interested members of the
public and affected agencies have an
opportunity to comment on information
collection and recordkeeping activities
[see 5 CFR 1320.8 (d)]. This notice
identifies an information collection that
OSMRE will be submitting to OMB for
approval. This collection is contained in
the Form OSM–76, Abandoned Mine
Land Problem Area Description form.
OSMRE will request a 3-year term of
approval for each information collection
activity. Responses are required to
obtain a benefit.
Comments are invited on: (1) The
need for the collection of information
for the performance of the functions of
the agency; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s burden estimates; (3) ways to
PO 00000
Frm 00088
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
enhance the quality, utility and clarity
of the information collection; and (4)
ways to minimize the information
collection burden on respondents, such
as use of automated means of collection
of the information. A summary of the
public comments will accompany
OSMRE’s submissions of the
information collection requests to OMB.
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Title: OSM–76—Abandoned Mine
Land Problem Area Description Form.
OMB Control Number: 1029–0087.
Summary: This form will be used to
update the Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement’s
electronic inventory of abandoned mine
lands (e-AMLIS). From this inventory,
the most serious problem areas are
selected for reclamation through the
apportionment of funds to States and
Indian tribes.
Bureau Form Number: OSM–76.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Description of Respondents: State
governments and Indian tribes.
Total Annual Responses: 1,888.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 5,016.
Obligation to Respond: Required in
order to obtain or retain benefits.
Dated: February 10, 2016.
John A. Trelease,
Acting Chief, Division of Regulatory Support.
[FR Doc. 2016–03056 Filed 2–12–16; 8:45 am]
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement
[S1D1S SS08011000 SX064A000
167S180110; S2D2S SS08011000
SX064A000 16XS501520]
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection; Request for Comments for
Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior.
ACTION: Notice and request for
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement (OSMRE) is
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 30 (Tuesday, February 16, 2016)]
[Pages 7825-7829]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-03037]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS-R8-ES-2016-N016; FXES11130800000-167-FF08E00000]
Endangered Species Recovery Permit Applications
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit applications; request for comment.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to
comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities
with endangered species. With some exceptions, the Endangered Species
Act (Act) prohibits activities with endangered and threatened species
unless a Federal permit allows such activity. The Act also requires
that we invite public comment before issuing recovery permits to
conduct certain activities with endangered species.
DATES: Comments on these permit applications must be received on or
before March 17, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Written data or comments should be submitted to the
Endangered Species Program Manager, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Region 8, 2800 Cottage Way, Room W-2606, Sacramento, CA 95825
(telephone: 916-414-6464; fax: 916-414-6486). Please refer to the
respective permit number for each application when submitting comments.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel Marquez, Fish and Wildlife
Biologist; see ADDRESSES (telephone: 760-431-9440; fax: 760-431-9624).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following applicants have applied for
scientific research permits to conduct certain activities with
endangered species under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531
et seq.). We seek review and comment from local, State, and Federal
agencies and the public on the following permit requests.
Permit No. TE-067064
Applicant: Lindsay Messett, Long Beach, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal and amendment to take
(harass by survey) the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax
traillii extimus) and take (survey by pursuit) the Quino checkerspot
butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino) in conjunction with surveys and
population studies throughout the range of the species in California
for the purpose of enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-84210B
Applicant: Amy Storck, Folsom, California
The applicant requests a permit to take (harass by survey, capture,
handle, release, collect adult vouchers, and collect branchiopod cysts)
the Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta conservatio), longhorn fairy
shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna) and vernal pool tadpole shrimp
(Lepidurus packardi) in conjunction with surveys throughout the range
of the species in California for the purpose of enhancing the species'
Permit No. TE-134334
Applicant: Lincoln Hulse, Mission Viejo, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, and release) the San Bernardino Merriam's kangaroo rat
(Dipodomys merriami parvus) in conjunction with survey activities
throughout the range of the species for the purpose of enhancing the
species' survival.
Permit No. TE-009018
Applicant: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to remove/reduce to
possession the following species on Federal lands, in conjunction with
surveys, population studies, establishment and maintenance of a living
collection or seed bank, and research throughout the ranges of the
species in California and Nevada for the purpose of enhancing the
species' survival.
Acanthomintha duttonii (A. obovata subsp. d.) (San Mateo
Acanthoscyphus parishii var. goodmaniana (Oxytheca p. var.
g.) (Cushenbury oxytheca),
Acmispon dendroideus var. traskiae (Lotus d. subsp. t.)
(San Clemente Island lotus),
Allium munzii (Munz's onion),
Alopecurus aequalis var. sonomensis (Sonoma alopecurus),
Ambrosia pumila (San Diego ambrosia),
Amsinckia grandiflora (large-flowered fiddleneck),
Arabis mcdonaldiana (McDonald's rockcress),
Arctostaphylos confertiflora (Santa Rosa Island
Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp. crassifolia (Del Mar
Arctostaphylos mmontana subsp. ravenii (A. hookeri subsp.
r.) (Raven's manzanita (Presidio m.)),
Arenaria paludicola (marsh sandwort),
Astragalus albens (Cushenbury milk-vetch),
Astragalus brauntonii (Braunton's milk-vetch),
Astragalus claranus (Clara Hunt's milk-vetch),
Astragalus jaegerianus (Lane Mountain milk-vetch),
Astragalus lentiginosus var. coachellae (Coachella Valley
Astragalus pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus (Ventura Marsh
Astragalus tener var. titi (coastal dunes milk-vetch),
Astragalus tricarinatus (triple-ribbed milk-vetch),
Atriplex coronata var. notatior (San Jacinto Valley
Berberis nevinii (Nevin's barberry),
Berberis pinnata subsp. insularis (island barberry),
Blennosperma bakeri (Sonoma sunshine),
Boechera hoffmannii (Aribis h.) (Hoffmann's rockcress),
Calystegia stebbinsii (Stebbins' morning-glory),
[[Page 7826]]
Carex albida (white sedge),
Castilleja affinis subsp. neglecta (Tiburon paintbrush),
Castilleja grisea (San Clemente Island paintbrush),
Castilleja mollis (soft-leaved paintbrush),
Caulanthus californicus (California jewelflower),
Ceanothus ferrisiae (coyote ceanothus),
Ceanothus roderickii (Pine Hill ceanothus),
Cercocarpus traskiae (Catalina Island mountain-mahogany),
Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum (Cordylanthus
maritimus subsp. maritimus) (salt marsh bird's-beak),
Chloropyron molle subsp. molle (Cordylanthus mollis subsp.
mollis) (soft bird's-beak),
Chorizanthe howellii (Howell's spineflower),
Chorizanthe orcuttiana (Orcutt's spineflower),
Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegiana (Ben Lomond
Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii (Scotts Valley
Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta (robust spineflower),
Chorizanthe valida (Sonoma spineflower),
Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale (fountain thistle),
Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense (Chorro Creek bog
Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum (Suisun thistle),
Cirsium loncholepis (La Graciosa thistle),
Clarkia franciscana (Presidio clarkia),
Clarkia imbricata (Vine Hill clarkia),
Clarkia speciosa subsp. immaculata (Pismo clarkia),
Chloropyron palmatum (Cordylanthus palmatus) (palmate-
bracted bird's-beak),
Cordylanthus tenuis subsp. capillaris (Pennell's bird's-
Deinandra conjugens (Hemizonia c.) (Otay tarplant),
Deinandra increscens subsp. villosa (Gaviota tarplant),
bakeri (Baker's larkspur),
Delphinium luteum (yellow larkspur),
Delphinium variegatum subsp. kinkiense (San Clemente
Island larkspur),
Dodecahema leptoceras (slender-horned spineflower),
Dudleya setchellii (Santa Clara Valley dudleya),
Eremalche kernensis (Kern mallow),
Eriastrum densifolium subsp. sanctorum (Santa Ana River
Eriodictyon altissimum (Indian Knob mountain balm),
Eriodictyon capitatum (Lompoc yerba santa),
Eriogonum apricum (incl. vars. apricum and prostratum)
(lone buckwheat and Irish Hill buckwheat),
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum (Cushenbury buckwheat),
Eriophyllum latilobum (San Mateo woolly sunflower),
Eryngium aristulatum var. parishii (San Diego button-
Eryngium constancei (Loch Lomond coyote thistle),
Erysimum capitatum var. angustatum (Contra Costa
Erysimum menziesii (Menzies' wallflower),
Erysimum teretifolium (Ben Lomond wallflower),
Fremontodendron decumbens (F. californicum subsp. d.)
(Pine Hill flannelbush),
Fremontodendron mexicanum (Mexican flannelbush),
Galium buxifolium (island bedstraw),
Galium californicum subsp. sierrae (El Dorado bedstraw),
Gilia tenuiflora subsp. arenaria (Monterey gilia),
Gilia tenuiflora subsp. hoffmanii (Hoffmann's slender-
flowered gilia),
Helianthemum greenei (island rush-rose),
Hesperocyparis abramsiana (Cupressus a.) (incl. vars.
abramsiana and butanoensis) (Santa Cruz cypress and San Mateo cypress),
Holocarpha macradenia (Santa Cruz tarplant),
Lasthenia burkei (Burke's goldfields),
Lasthenia conjugens (Contra Costa goldfields),
Layia carnosa (beach layia),
Lessingia germanorum (L.g. var. germanorum) (San Francisco
Lilium occidentale (western lily),
Lilium pardalinum subsp. pitkinense (Pitkin Marsh lily),
Limnanthes floccosa subsp. californica (Butte County
Limnanthes vinculans (Sebastopol meadowfoam),
Lithophragma maximum (San Clemente Island woodland-star),
Lupinus nipomensis (Nipomo Mesa lupine),
Lupinus tidestromii (clover lupine),
Malacothamnus clementinus (San Clemente Island bush-
Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. nesioticus (Santa Cruz
Island bush-mallow),
Malacothrix indecora (Santa Cruz Island malacothrix),
Malacothrix squalida (island malacothrix),
Monardella viminea (M. linoides subsp. v.) (willowy
Monolopia congdonii (Lembertia c.) (San Joaquin woolly-
Nasturtium gambelii (Rorippa g.) (Gambel's watercress),
Navarretia leucocephala subsp. pauciflora (N. pauciflora)
(few-flowered navarretia),
Navarretia leucocephala subsp. plieantha (many-flowered
Nitrophila mohavensis (Amargosa niterwort),
Noccaea fendleri subsp. californica (Thlaspi californicum)
(Kneeland Prairie penny-cress),
Oenothera californica subsp. eurekensis (O. avita subsp.
e.) (Eureka Valley evening-primrose),
Oenothera deltoides subsp. howellii (Antioch Dunes
Opuntia basilaris var. treleasei (O. treleasei)
(Bakersfield cactus),
Orcuttia californica (California orcutt grass),
Orcuttia pilosa (hairy orcutt grass),
Orcuttia viscida (Sacramento orcutt grass),
Pentachaeta bellidiflora (white-rayed pentachaeta),
Pentachaeta lyonii (Lyon's pentachaeta),
Phacelia insularis subsp. insularis (island phacelia),
Phlox hirsuta (Yreka phlox),
Physaria kingii subsp. bernardina (Lesquerella k. subsp.
b.) (San Bernardino Mountains bladderpod),
Piperia yadonii (Yadon's piperia),
Plagiobothrys strictus (Calistoga allocarya),
Poa atropurpurea (San Bernardino bluegrass),
Poa napensis (Napa bluegrass),
Pogogyne abramsii (San Diego mesa-mint),
Pogogyne nudiuscula (Otay mesa-mint),
Polygonum hickmanii (Scotts Valley polygonum),
Potentilla hickmanii (Hickman's potentilla),
Pseudobahia peirsonii (San Joaquin adobe sunburst),
Sedella leiocarpa (Parvisedum l.) (Lake County stonecrop),
Sibara filifolia (Santa Cruz Island rockcress),
Sidalcea keckii (Keck's checker-mallow),
Sidalcea oregana subsp. valida (Kenwood Marsh checker-
Sidalcea pedata (pedate checker-mallow),
Streptanthus albidus subsp. albidus (Metcalf Canyon
[[Page 7827]]
Streptanthus niger (Tiburon jewelflower),
Suaeda californica (California seablite),
Swallenia alexandrae (Eureka Dune grass),
Taraxacum californicum (California taraxacum),
Thelypodium stenopetalum (slender-petaled mustard),
Thysanocarpus conchuliferus (Santa Cruz Island fringepod),
Trifolium amoenum (showy Indian clover),
Trifolium trichocalyx (Monterey clover),
Tuctoria greenei (Greene's tuctoria), and
Tuctoria mucronata (Solano grass)
Permit No. TE-53825B
Applicant: Zoological Society of San Diego, San Diego, California
The applicant requests a permit amendment to take (collect
biological samples) the California least tern (Sternula antillarum
browni) (Sterna a. browni) in conjunction with survey and population
monitoring activities within Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and Naval
Base San Diego, San Diego County, California, for the purpose of
enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-027742
Applicant: Fish Conservation and Culture Lab, University of California,
Davis, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture, handle,
and collect) the delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) in conjunction
with research activities throughout the range of the species in the San
Francisco Bay Estuary and Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta,
California, for the purpose of enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-758175
Applicant: Griffith Wildlife Biology, Calumet, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (harass by survey,
locate and monitor nests, and remove brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus
ater) eggs and chicks from parasitized nests) the southwestern willow
flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) in conjunction with survey and
population monitoring activities in Arizona, California, New Mexico,
and Nevada; take (locate and monitor nests, remove brown-headed cowbird
eggs and chicks from parasitized nests, capture, handle, band, and
release) the least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus); take (harass
by survey) the light-footed Ridgway's rail (light-footed clapper r.)
(Rallus obsoletus levipes) (R. longirostris l.) in conjunction with
surveys and population monitoring throughout the range of the species
in California; and take (harass by survey) the Yuma Ridgway's rail
(Yuma clapper r.) (Rallus obsoletus yumanensis) (R. longirostris y.) in
conjunction with surveys and population studies throughout the range of
the species in Arizona, California, and Nevada for the purpose of
enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-44855A
Applicant: Clint Scheuerman, San Luis Obispo, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, release, collect adult vouchers, and collect
branchiopod cysts) the Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna), San
Diego fairy shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegonensis), Riverside fairy
shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole shrimp
(Lepidurus packardi) in conjunction with survey activities throughout
the range of the species in California for the purpose of enhancing the
species' survival.
Permit No. TE-144964
Applicant: Derek Jansen, Brentwood, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, and release) the California tiger salamander (Santa
Barbara County and Sonoma County Distinct Population Segment (DPS))
(Ambystoma californiense) in conjunction with survey activities
throughout the range of the species in California for the purpose of
enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-17841A
Applicant: Tetra Tech, Inc., Santa Barbara, California
The applicant requests a permit amendment and renewal to take
(harass by survey and locate and monitor nests) the California least
tern (Sternula antillarum browni) (Sterna a. browni) in conjunction
with surveys and population studies throughout the range of the species
in San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and
Ventura Counties, California, for the purpose of enhancing the species'
Permit No. TE-58862A
Applicant: Greg Mason, San Diego, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal and amendment to take
(harass by survey, capture, handle, release, collect adult vouchers,
collect branchiopod cysts, and culture and hatch cysts for species
identification) the Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna), San
Diego fairy shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegonensis), Riverside fairy
shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole shrimp
(Lepidurus packardi); and take (survey by pursuit) the Quino
checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino) in conjunction with
survey activities throughout the range of the species in California for
the purpose of enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-53771B
Applicant: Erin Bergman, La Mesa, California
The applicant requests a permit amendment to take (harass by
survey, capture, handle, release, collect adult vouchers, collect
branchiopod cysts, and culture and hatch cysts for species
identification) the Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna), San
Diego fairy shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegonensis), Riverside fairy
shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole shrimp
(Lepidurus packardi); take (survey by pursuit) the Quino checkerspot
butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino), Palos Verdes blue butterfly
(Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis), and El Segundo blue butterfly
(Euphilotes battoides allyni); and take (survey by pursuit, capture,
handle, release) the Casey's June beetle (Dinacoma caseyi) in
conjunction with survey activities throughout the range of the species
in California for the purpose of enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-85618B
Applicant: Biological Resources Services, LLC, Folsom, California
The applicant requests a new permit to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, and release) the California tiger salamander (Santa
Barbara County and Sonoma County DPS) (Ambystoma californiense); blunt-
nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia silus); San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes
macrotis mutica); and remove/reduce to possession the following
species, on Federal lands in conjunction with survey activities
[[Page 7828]]
throughout the range of the species in California for the purpose of
enhancing the species' survival:
Calystegia stebbinsii (Stebbins' morning-glory)
Caulanthus californicus (California jewelflower)
Ceanothus roderickii (Pine Hill ceanothus)
Chloropyron palmatum (Cordylanthus palmatus) (palmate-bracted
Eremalche kernensis (Kern mallow)
Fremontodendron decumbens (F. californicum subsp. d.) (Pine
Hill flannelbush)
Gilia tenuiflora subsp. arenaria (Monterey gilia)
Lasthenia conjugens (Contra Costa goldfields)
Monolopia congdonii (Lembertia c.) (San Joaquin woolly-
Orcuttia viscida (Sacramento orcutt grass)
Trifolium amoenum (showy Indian clover)
Tuctoria mucronata (Solano grass)
Permit No. TE-85771B
Applicant: Karen Mullen, Laguna Niguel, California
The applicant requests a new permit to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, release, collect adult vouchers, and collect
branchiopod cysts) the Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna), San
Diego fairy shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegonensis), Riverside fairy
shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole shrimp
(Lepidurus packardi) in conjunction with survey activities throughout
the range of the species in California for the purpose of enhancing the
species' survival.
Permit No. TE-158552
Applicant: Holly Burger, Berkeley, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal and amendment to take
(harass by survey, capture, handle, and release) the California tiger
salamander (Santa Barbara County and Sonoma County DPS) (Ambystoma
californiense) and take (harass by survey, capture, handle, mark, and
release) the San Francisco garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis
tetrataenia) in conjunction with survey and population study activities
throughout the range of the species in California for the purpose of
enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-832946
Applicant: James Pike, Huntington Beach, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (harass by survey,
locate and monitor nests, and remove brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus
ater) eggs and chicks from parasitized nests) the southwestern willow
flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), and take (locate and monitor
nests and remove brown-headed cowbird eggs and chicks from parasitized
nests) the least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) in conjunction
with surveys and population monitoring throughout the range the species
in California for the purpose of enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-086267
Applicant: Channel Islands National Park, Ventura, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, measure, insert passive integrated transponder (PIT)
tags, radio-collar, vaccinate, collect biological samples, conduct
veterinary care, transport, maintain in captivity, release to the wild,
and euthanize for humane reasons) the Santa Cruz Island fox (Urocyon
littoralis santacruzae), San Miguel Island fox (Urocyon littoralis
littoralis), and Santa Rosa Island fox (Urocyon littoralis santarosae)
in conjunction with survey and research activities throughout the range
of the species in California for the purpose of enhancing the species'
Permit No. TE-023496
Applicant: California State University, Turlock, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (harass by survey,
capture, handle, release, collect adult vouchers, and collect
branchiopod cysts) the Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna), San
Diego fairy shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegonensis), Riverside fairy
shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole shrimp
(Lepidurus packardi) in conjunction with survey activities in Fresno,
Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Luis Obispo, San Joaquin, and Tulare
Counties, California; take (survey, capture, handle, mark, insert
passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag and release) the giant garter
snake (Thamnophis gigas) in conjunction with survey activities in
Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus
Counties, California; take (harass by survey, capture, handle, and
release) the California tiger salamander (Santa Barbara County and
Sonoma County DPS) (Ambystoma californiense); take (capture, handle,
mark, PIT tag, attach/remove radio transmitters, take biological
samples and release) the San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica);
take (capture, handle, mark, PIT tag, attach/remove radio transmitters,
take biological samples, hold in captivity, relocate and release) the
blunt-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia silus) and riparian brush rabbit
(Sylvilagus bachmani riparius); take (capture, handle, mark, PIT tag,
attach/remove radio transmitters, hold in captivity, relocate and
release) the Fresno kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitratoides exilis), giant
kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ingens), Tipton kangaroo rat (Dipodomys
nitratoides nitratoides), and riparian woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes
riparia); and take (capture, handle, mark, take biological samples, and
release) the Buena Vista Lake shrew (Sorex ornatus relictus) in
conjunction with survey and research activities throughout the range of
the species for the purpose of enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-86222B
Applicant: Ethan J. Ripperger
The applicant requests a permit to take (locate and monitor nests)
the least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) in conjunction with
survey activities throughout the range of the species for the purpose
of enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-86213B
Applicant: Alan D. Roseto, Lompoc, California
The applicant requests a permit to take (harass by survey, capture,
handle, and release) the California tiger salamander (Santa Barbara
County and Sonoma County DPS) (Ambystoma californiense) in conjunction
with survey activities throughout the range of the species for the
purpose of enhancing the species' survival.
Permit No. TE-86278B
Applicant: Andrew J. Anderson
The applicant requests a permit to take (harass by survey, capture,
handle, release, collect adult vouchers, and collect branchiopod cysts)
the Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta conservatio), longhorn fairy
shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna), riverside fairy shrimp
(Streptocephalus woottoni), and vernal pool tadpole shrimp
[[Page 7829]]
(Lepidurus packardi) in conjunction with survey activities throughout
the range of the species for the purpose of enhancing the species'
Permit No. TE-785148
Applicant: Aaron P. Goldschmidt, Riverside, California
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (harass by survey
and locate and monitor nests) the southwestern willow flycatcher
(Empidonax traillii extimus); take (harass by survey, capture, handle,
mark, and release) the Stephens' kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi) and
Pacific pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris pacificus); take (survey
by pursuit) the Quino checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino);
and take (harass by survey, capture, handle, release, collect adult
vouchers, and collect branchiopod cysts) the Conservancy fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta conservatio), longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta
longiantenna), Riverside fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni), San
Diego fairy shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegonensis), and vernal pool
tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus packardi) in conjunction with surveys and
population studies throughout the range of the species in California
for the purpose of enhancing the species' survival.
Public Comments
We invite public review and comment on each of these recovery
permit applications. Comments and materials we receive will be
available for public inspection, by appointment, during normal business
hours at the address listed in the ADDRESSES section of this notice.
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so.
Angela Picco,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific Southwest Region, Sacramento,
[FR Doc. 2016-03037 Filed 2-12-16; 8:45 am]