Rocky Mountain Region Transmission, Ancillary Services, and Sale of Surplus Products-Rate Order No. WAPA-174, 5744-5748 [2016-02035]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 22 / Wednesday, February 3, 2016 / Notices
Legal Authority
Western will hold both a public
information forum and a public
comment forum. After review of public
comments, Western will take further
action on the proposed formula rates
and other modifications addressed in
this FRN, and follow procedures for
public participation consistent with 10
CFR part 903.
Western is establishing P–DP and
Intertie NITS and WALC Ancillary
Services formula rates under the
Department of Energy (DOE)
Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7152); the
Reclamation Act of 1902 (ch. 1093, 32
Stat. 388), as amended and
supplemented by subsequent
enactments, particularly section 9(c) of
the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (43
U.S.C. 485h(c)) and section 5 of the
Flood Control Act of 1944 (16 U.S.C.
825s); and other acts specifically
applicable to the projects involved.
By Delegation Order No. 00–037.00A,
effective December 25, 2013, the
Secretary of Energy delegated: (1) The
authority to develop power and
transmission rates to Western’s
Administrator; (2) the authority to
confirm, approve, and place such rates
into effect on an interim basis to the
Deputy Secretary of Energy; and (3) the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
into effect on a final basis, to remand,
or to disapprove such rates to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Availability of Information
All brochures, studies, comments,
letters, memorandums, or other
documents Western initiates or uses to
develop the proposed formula rates are
available for inspection and copying at
the Desert Southwest Customer Service
Regional Office, Western Area Power
Administration, located at 615 South
43rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85009.
Many of these documents and
supporting information are available on
Western’s Web site at: https://
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Ratemaking Procedure Requirements
Environmental Compliance
In compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321–4347; the Council
on Environmental Quality Regulations
for implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts
1500–1508); and DOE NEPA
Implementing Procedures and
Guidelines (10 CFR part 1021), Western
is in the process of determining whether
an environmental assessment or an
environmental impact statement should
be prepared or if this action can be
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categorically excluded from those
Determination Under Executive Order
Western has an exemption from
centralized regulatory review under
Executive Order 12866; accordingly, no
clearance of this notice by the Office of
Management and Budget is required.
Dated: January 20, 2016.
Mark A. Gabriel,
[FR Doc. 2016–01977 Filed 2–2–16; 8:45 am]
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region Transmission,
Ancillary Services, and Sale of Surplus
Products—Rate Order No. WAPA–174
Western Area Power
Administration, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of Proposed
Transmission, Ancillary Services, and
Sale of Surplus Products Formula Rates.
The Western Area Power
Administration (Western) Loveland
Area Projects’ (LAP) Transmission and
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority’s (WACM)
Ancillary Services formula rates under
Rate Schedules L–NT1, L–FPT1, L–
NFPT1, L–AS1, L–AS2, L–AS3, L–AS4,
L–AS5, L–AS6, L–AS7, L–AS9, and L–
UU1 expire on September 30, 2016.
Western is proposing modifications to
the existing formula rate schedules and
also is proposing to add a new rate
schedule, referred to as ‘‘LAP Marketing
Sale of Surplus Products, L–M1.’’
Western has prepared a brochure that
provides detailed information on the
proposed formula rates. If adopted, the
proposed formula rates, under Rate
Schedules L–NT1, L–FPT1, L–NFPT1,
L–AS1, L–AS2, L–AS3, L–AS4, L–AS5,
L–AS6, L–AS7, L–AS9, L–UU1, and L–
M1, will become effective October 1,
2016, and will remain in effect through
September 30, 2021, or until
superseded. Publication of this Federal
Register notice (FRN) begins the formal
process for consideration of the
proposed formula rates.
DATES: The consultation and comment
period begins today and will end May
3, 2016. Western will present a detailed
explanation of the proposed formula
rates and other modifications addressed
within this FRN at a public information
forum that will be held on March 28,
2016, at noon MDT. Western will accept
oral and written comments at a public
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comment forum that will be held on
March 28, 2016, from 2:30 p.m. to no
later than 4:00 p.m. MDT. Western will
accept written comments any time
during the consultation and comment
The location for both the
public information forum and the public
comment forum is the Western Area
Power Administration, Rocky Mountain
Region, 5555 East Crossroads Boulevard,
Loveland, Colorado. Send written
comments to Mr. Bradley S. Warren,
Senior Vice President, Rocky Mountain
Regional Manager, Western Area Power
Administration, 5555 East Crossroads
Boulevard, Loveland, Colorado 80538–
8986, or at email LAPTransAdj@ Western will post
information about the rate process, as
well as comments received via letter
and email, on its Web site at: https://
2017-rate-adjustment.aspx. Written
comments must be received by the end
of the consultation and comment period
to be considered by Western in its
decision process.
As access to Western facilities is
controlled, any United States (U.S.)
citizen wishing to attend must present
an official form of picture identification
(ID), such as a U.S. driver’s license, U.S.
passport, U.S. Government ID, or U.S.
Military ID prior to signing into
Western. Foreign nationals should
contact Western via Mrs. Sheila D.
Cook, Rates Manager, at telephone
number (970) 461–7211 or by email at 30 days in advance of
the meeting to obtain the necessary form
for admittance to Western’s Rocky
Mountain Regional Office.
Sheila D. Cook, Rates Manager, Rocky
Mountain Region, Western Area Power
Administration, 5555 East Crossroads
Boulevard, Loveland, Colorado 80538–
8986, at telephone number (970) 461–
7211, or by email at
existing formula rate schedules,
approved under Rate Order No. WAPA–
155,1charges are recalculated annually
using updated financial and load
information, as applicable. The
proposed formula rates continue this
approach. If adopted, these proposed
formula rates will be in effect October
1, 2016, through September 30, 2021.
1 WAPA–155 was approved by the Deputy
Secretary of Energy on September 2, 2011 (76 FR
61184), and confirmed and approved by FERC on
a final basis on December 2, 2011, in Docket No.
EF11–10–000. See United States Department of
Energy, Western Area Power Administration, 137
FERC ¶ 62,200.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 22 / Wednesday, February 3, 2016 / Notices
Transmission Services
Formula Rate for Annual Transmission
Revenue Requirement
Under this proposal, there will be no
change to the existing formula rate for
calculating the Annual Transmission
Revenue Requirement (ATRR), which is
applicable to both Network Integration
and Point-to-Point transmission service.
The ATRR is the annual cost of the LAP
Transmission System, adjusted for NonFirm Point-to-Point revenue credits,
costs that increase the capacity available
for transmission, other miscellaneous
charges or credits, and the prior year
Proposed Change to Forward-Looking
Transmission Rate Methodology
Western is proposing to shorten the
forward-looking transmission rate
projection period for this ATRR
calculation from sixteen months to four
months. In the previous rate adjustment
process, Western incorporated a
forward-looking transmission rate
methodology to calculate the ATRR to
recover transmission expenses and
investments on a current basis rather
than a historical basis. Presently,
Western projects transmission costs two
years into the future relying on current
year actual data for approximately the
first eight months of the year and
projecting for the remaining four
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In addition, Western also proposes to
make minor editorial changes to the
firm and non-firm rate schedules. Those
edits would consist of rearranging the
order of the sections and deleting the
sections setting forth the annual charges
under the formula rates. In the future,
the annual charges will be identified in
a separate tracking document posted on
Western’s Web site as well as posted on
the LAPT OASIS Web site.
Transmission Losses Service (Rate
Schedule L–AS7)
Western proposes no changes to the
Transmission Losses formula rate but
proposes to make minor editorial
changes to the rate schedule. Those
edits would consist of rearranging the
order of the sections, moving text within
the sections, making minor edits to the
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months of the year plus twelve
additional months. Western is
proposing to remove the last twelve
months of projections, thus only having
to true-up the projected costs for the
four-month period of the current year.
This method would allow Western to
more accurately match cost recovery
with cost incurrence without
introducing unnecessary, large true-ups
caused by estimating the second year.
This proposal would be a change to the
inputs for the annual charge, rather than
a change to the formula rate.
When actual cost information for a
year becomes available, Western will
continue to calculate the actual revenue
requirement. Revenue collected in
excess of Western’s actual revenue
requirement will be included as a credit
in the ATRR in the following year.
Similarly, any under-collection of the
revenue requirement will be recovered
in the following year. This true-up
procedure ensures Western recovers no
more or no less than the actual
transmission costs for the year. For
example, as Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 actual
financial data becomes available, the
under- or over-collection of revenue for
FY 2016 can be determined. When the
FY 2018 charge is calculated, it would
include an adjustment for revenue
under- or over-collected in FY 2016.
Formula Rate for Network Integration
Transmission Service (Rate Schedule L–
language within the ‘‘applicable’’
section, and deleting the ‘‘rate’’ section.
schedule. Those edits would consist of
adding LAPT and Colorado River
Storage Project Transmission (CRCM) to
the title, rearranging the order of the
sections, and deleting the section setting
forth the annual charge under the
formula rate. In the future, the annual
charge will be identified in a separate
tracking document posted on Western’s
Web site as well as posted on the LAPT
and CRCM OASIS Web sites.
Penalty Rate for Unreserved Use of
Transmission Service (Rate Schedule L–
Western proposes no changes to the
Unreserved Use penalty formula rate but
plans to make minor editorial changes
to the rate schedule. Those edits would
consist of rearranging the order of the
sections, moving text within the
sections, and deleting the ‘‘rate’’ section.
Western proposes no changes to the
Network Integration Transmission
Service Formula Rate, but proposes to
make minor edits to the rate schedule.
Those edits would consist of rearranging
the order of the sections and removing
the section setting forth the annual
ATRR. In the future, each year’s ATRR
will be identified in a separate tracking
document posted on Western’s Web site,
as well as posted on Western’s
Transmission Services Open Access
Same Time Information System (OASIS)
Web site under Loveland Area Projects
Transmission (LAPT).
Formula Rates for Firm and Non-Firm
Point-to-Point Transmission Service
(Rate Schedules L–FPT1 and L–NFPT1)
Western proposes a change in the
formula rate for Firm Point-to-Point
transmission service to clarify the
denominator of the formula includes
both Firm Point-to-Point transmission
capacity reservations and Network
Integration transmission service
capacity. Western proposes the
denominator read as ‘‘Firm
Transmission Capacity Reservations
plus Network Integration Transmission
Service Capacity’’ rather than the
current language ‘‘LAP Transmission
System Total Load.’’
The proposed formula rate for Pointto-Point transmission service would be:
Ancillary Services
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
From Generation or Other Sources
Service (Rate Schedule L–AS2)
Scheduling, System Control, and
Dispatch Service (Rate Schedule L–AS1)
Western proposes no changes to the
Scheduling, System Control, and
Dispatch formula rate, but plans to make
minor editorial changes to the rate
Western proposes to eliminate
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
from Generation or Other Sources (VAR
Support Service) exemptions and begin
assessing VAR Support Service charges
for all transmission transactions on the
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This FRN describes proposed changes to
the services referenced below.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 22 / Wednesday, February 3, 2016 / Notices
agreed to make their non-Federal
generation resources inside WACM
available to the WACM operator for
VAR Support Service, Western has
allowed some of these LAPT and CRCM
transmission customers to receive an
exemption from LAPT and CRCM VAR
Support Service charges. As a result of
these exemptions, the cost for LAPT and
CRCM to provide VAR Support Service
on their transmission systems has been
shifted to the remaining (non-exempted)
transmission customers. WACM, the
Control Area operator, has always taken
the position the non-Federal TSPs have
adequate non-Federal generation
resources to provide VAR Support
Service on their transmission systems
and therefore WACM has never charged
any non-Federal TSPs for VAR Support
Service. In the future, WACM plans to
pursue efforts to verify that this
presumption continues to be warranted
for all of the non-Federal TSPs.
Western is now proposing to take the
same position with the Federal TSPs,
i.e., that the Federal generation
resources connected to the LAPT and
CRCM transmission systems provide
adequate VAR Support Service on the
LAPT and CRCM transmission systems,
without the addition of the non-Federal
generation resources. It will be
inappropriate, therefore, for LAPT and
CRCM TSPs to continue to provide VAR
Support Service charge exemptions to
its transmission customers. The
elimination of the LAPT and CRCM
VAR Support Service exemptions will
lead to the recovery of the LAPT and
CRCM VAR Support Service costs from
all LAPT and CRCM transmission
customers instead of only a portion of
Western is also proposing changes to
both the numerator and the
denominator of the formula rate for VAR
Support Service. The numerator will be
changed to include the annual cost of
other resources used to provide VAR
Support Service in addition to the
revenue requirement for Federal
generation. The denominator will be
changed to state ‘‘Transmission
Transactions in WACM Requiring VAR
Support Service’’ rather than ‘‘Load in
WACM requiring VAR Support
The proposed formula rate for VAR
Support Service is as follows:
Numerator is: Annual Revenue
Requirement for VAR Support Service =
(Revenue Requirement for Generation ×
% of Resource Capacity Used for VAR
Support Service (1 Minus Power
Factor)) + Other Resources, e.g., energy
and transmission costs for condensing
Federal generating units.
Denominator is: Transmission
Transactions in WACM Requiring VAR
Support Service = Transmission
Capacity usage on Federal Transmission
Systems (Point-to-Point Transmission
Service as well as Network Integration
Transmission Service on LAPT and
CRCM Transmission Systems) +
Transmission Capacity usage by other
TSPs inside WACM.
In addition, Western also proposes to
make edits to the VAR Support Service
rate schedule. Those edits would consist
of adding LAPT and CRCM to the title,
rearranging the order of the sections,
removing language regarding
exemptions, clarifying the rate is
applicable to Federal transmission
customers serving load inside WACM
and to non-Federal TSPs/owners/
operators who request the service from
WACM or who do not adequately
supply VAR Support Service on their
systems, and deleting the section setting
forth the annual charge under the
formula rate. In the future, the annual
charge will be identified in a separate
tracking document posted on Western’s
Web site as well as posted on the LAPT
and CRCM OASIS Web sites.
Service (Regulation Service) formula
rate. The current load-based assessment
is applicable to (1) all load inside
WACM and (2) installed nameplate
capacity of all intermittent resources
serving load inside WACM.
Western is not proposing any changes
to the application of the load-based
assessment for the load inside WACM.
The charge will continue to be one-forone for each megawatt (MW) of load
inside WACM. Western is, however,
proposing to modify the one-for-one
MW load-based assessment for the
installed nameplate of intermittent
resources serving load inside WACM. It
would instead include a ‘‘variable
capacity multiplier’’ to be applied to the
installed capacity for Variable Energy
Resources (VER) serving load inside
The proposed formula rate for
Regulation Service is as follows:
2 75 FERC ¶ 61,080 (FERC Order 888), Appendix
D, ‘‘Pro Forma Open Access Transmission Tariff’’,
Schedule 2, ‘‘Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
from Generation Sources Service’’ (April 24, 1996).
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Regulation and Frequency Response
Service (Rate Schedule L–AS3)
In order to more accurately allocate
costs based on cost causation principles,
Western is proposing a change to the
current load-based assessment of the
Regulation and Frequency Response
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mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
LAPT and CRCM transmission systems,
as contract provisions allow. In order to
maintain transmission voltages on the
transmission system within acceptable
limits, generating facilities under the
control of the Control Area operator,
WACM, are operated to produce or
absorb reactive power. Thus, VAR
Support Service must be provided for
each transaction on the transmission
systems within the Control Area either
directly by the Transmission Service
Provider (TSP) or indirectly by the TSP
making arrangements with the Control
Area operator. Furthermore, the
Transmission Customers are required to
purchase this service from the TSP. If
the TSP acquires the service from the
Control Area, the charges are to reflect
only a pass-through of the costs charged
to the TSP by the Control Area operator,
as stated in the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) pro
forma open access transmission tariff
language.2 WACM has both Federal
TSPs (LAPT and CRCM) and nonFederal TSPs.
Historically, based on the assumption
some LAPT and CRCM transmission
customers have non-Federal generation
resources inside WACM, and they have
Regulation Service is necessary to
provide for the continuous balancing of
resources with obligations and for
maintaining scheduled interconnection
frequency at sixty cycles per second (60
Hz). Regulation Service is accomplished
by committing on-line generation whose
output is raised or lowered as necessary,
predominantly through the use of
automatic generation control (AGC)
equipment, to follow the moment-bymoment changes in load. The obligation
to maintain this balance between
resources and load lies with the TSP (or
the Control Area Operator who performs
this function for the TSP). The TSP
must offer this service when the
transmission service is used to serve
load within its Control Area.
Western markets the maximum
amount of power from its Federal
projects, leaving little flexibility for
additional regulation needs within
WACM. More VER connecting to the
system results in a significant increase
in regulation needs and costs and
presents operational constraints in
managing the significant fluctuations
normally associated with VER. These
costs are allocated to all customers
taking Regulation Service regardless of
their ability or inability to influence the
The Annual Revenue Requirement for
Regulation Service will not be affected
by the inclusion of the multipliers. The
proposed change will result in the
denominator increasing, because more
units of capacity will be charged, which
in turn will cause the overall Regulation
Service charge to be lower. The lower
charge will then be allocated to each
unit of capacity, thereby lowering the
costs incurred by the load and assigning
more of the costs for regulating capacity
to those customers predominantly
contributing to the need for Regulation
In order to determine the ‘‘variable
capacity multipliers,’’ Western has
developed a ‘‘Regulation Analysis’’ tool
that allows Western to determine the
hourly impacts of both load and variable
energy generation on WACM. The
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Regulation Analysis tool focuses on 95
percent (%) of the events where the
Control Area’s Area Control Error (ACE)
limit was exceeded within the 10
minute duration range. Recent analysis
using the Regulation Analysis tool has
shown wind resources consume a
disproportionate amount of regulating
capacity. As an example, the results for
the July 2014 to June 2015 average
indicate a 2.25 or 225% wind capacity
WACM does not have a significant
amount of solar generation impacting its
balancing authority area and, therefore,
does not have sufficient solar generation
data available to perform a thorough
analysis at this time. Therefore, Western
proposes to identify a solar capacity
multiplier of 1.00 or 100%. This
multiplier does not change the current
denominator, but allows the
denominator to change if and when
solar generation becomes more
prevalent in the WACM footprint.
The Regulation Analysis will be
completed on a monthly basis with an
annual average, based on most current
data available, typically July to June,
used for the annual formula rate updates
that go into effect each October 1 of the
effective rate period.
In addition, Western proposes to
make edits to the Regulation Service
rate schedule. Those edits will consist
of adding LAPT and CRCM to the title,
rearranging the order of the sections,
clarifying the rate is applicable to
Federal transmission customers and
non-Federal TSPs requesting the service
that serve load within WACM, and
removing the section setting forth the
annual charge under the formula rate. In
the future, the annual charge will be
identified in a separate tracking
document posted on Western’s Web site
as well as posted on the LAPT and
CRCM OASIS Web sites.
Energy and Generator Imbalance
Services (Rate Schedules L–AS4 and L–
Western proposes no changes to the
Energy Imbalance Service or Generator
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Imbalance Service formula rates, but
plans to make minor editorial changes
to the rate schedules. Those edits would
consist of adding LAPT to the title,
rearranging the order of the sections,
and deleting the ‘‘rate’’ section.
Rate Schedules for Operating Reserves
Service—Spinning and Supplemental
(Rate Schedules L–AS5 and L–AS6)
Western proposes no changes to the
Spinning and Supplemental Reserves
Service formula rates, but proposes to
make editorial changes to the rate
schedules. Those edits would consist of
adding LAPT to the schedule, clarifying
the ‘‘applicable’’ language, and
rearranging the order of the sections.
LAP Marketing Services
LAP Marketing Sale of Surplus Products
Western is proposing to implement a
new LAP Marketing rate schedule that
would be applicable to the sale of LAP
surplus energy and capacity products.
At this time, Western proposes to
include reserves, regulation, and
frequency response. If LAP resources are
available, the charge will be determined
based on market rates plus
administrative costs. In the future, if
Western considers offering additional
products for sale, a revised or new rate
schedule will be proposed via a public
rate adjustment process.
Legal Authority
Western will hold both a public
information forum and a public
comment forum. After review of public
comments, Western will take further
action on the proposed formula rates
and other modifications addressed in
this FRN, and follow procedures for
public participation consistent with 10
CFR part 903.
Western is establishing formula rates
for LAP Transmission, WACM, LAPT,
and CRCM Ancillary Services, and LAP
Marketing Sales of Surplus Products
under the Department of Energy (DOE)
Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7152); the
Reclamation Act of 1902 (ch. 1093, 32
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 22 / Wednesday, February 3, 2016 / Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 22 / Wednesday, February 3, 2016 / Notices
Stat. 388), as amended and
supplemented by subsequent
enactments, particularly section 9(c) of
the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (43
U.S.C. 485h(c)) and section 5 of the
Flood Control Act of 1944 (16 U.S.C.
825s); and other acts specifically
applicable to the projects involved.
By Delegation Order No. 00–037.00A,
effective October 25, 2013, the Secretary
of Energy delegated: (1) The authority to
develop power and transmission rates to
Western’s Administrator; (2) the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
such rates into effect on an interim basis
to the Deputy Secretary of Energy; and
(3) the authority to confirm, approve,
and place into effect on a final basis, to
remand, or to disapprove such rates to
Availability of Information
All brochures, studies, comments,
letters, memorandums, or other
documents Western initiates or uses to
develop the proposed formula rates are
available for inspection and copying at
the Rocky Mountain Regional Office,
located at 5555 East Crossroads
Boulevard, Loveland Colorado 80538–
8986. Many of these documents and
supporting information are also
available on Western’s RMR Web site
under the 2017 Rate Adjustment—
Transmission and Ancillary Services
section located at
Ratemaking Procedure Requirements
Environmental Compliance
In compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321–4347; the Council
on Environmental Quality Regulations
for implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts
1500–1508); and DOE NEPA
Implementing Procedures and
Guidelines (10 CFR part 1021), Western
is in the process of determining whether
an environmental assessment or an
environmental impact statement should
be prepared or if this action can be
categorically excluded from those
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Determination Under Executive Order
Western has an exemption from
centralized regulatory review under
Executive Order 12866; accordingly, no
clearance of this notice by the Office of
Management and Budget is required.
Dated: January 20, 2016.
Mark A. Gabriel,
[FR Doc. 2016–02035 Filed 2–2–16; 8:45 am]
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[EPA–HQ–ORD–2016–0010; FRL–9941–88–
Information Collection Request
Submitted to OMB for Review and
Approval; Comment Request;
Recordkeeping for Institutional Dual
Use Research of Concern (iDURC)
Policy Compliance
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
The Environmental Protection
Agency has submitted an information
collection request (ICR),
‘‘Recordkeeping for Institutional Dual
Use Research of Concern (iDURC) Policy
Compliance’’ (EPA ICR No. 2530.01,
OMB Control No. 2080–NEW) to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for emergency processing in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
This is a request for approval of a new
collection, for which EPA requests
approval by February 29, 2016. A fuller
description of the ICR is given below,
including its estimated burden and cost
to the public. An Agency may not
conduct or sponsor and a person is not
required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
DATES: Additional comments may be
submitted on or before March 4, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
referencing Docket ID Number EPA–
HQ–ORD–2016–0010, to (1) EPA online
using (our
preferred method), by email to, or by mail to: EPA
Docket Center, Environmental
Protection Agency, Mail Code 28221T,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC 20460, and (2) OMB via
email to
Address comments to OMB Desk Officer
for EPA.
EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes profanity, threats,
information claimed to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute.
Brendan Doyle, Office of Research and
Development, Mail Code: 8801R,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,
DC 20460; telephone number: 202–564–
4584; email address: doyle.brendan@
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Supporting documents which explain in
detail the information that the EPA will
be collecting are available in the public
docket for this ICR. The docket can be
viewed online at
or in person at the EPA Docket Center,
WJC West, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Ave. NW., Washington,
DC. The telephone number for the
Docket Center is 202–566–1744. For
additional information about EPA’s
public docket, visit
Abstract: To comply with the U.S.
Government Policy for Institutional
Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use
Research of Concern (Policy) (https://
default.aspx), EPA must ensure that the
institutions that are subject to the Policy
train their laboratory personnel and
maintain records of that training. This
training is specific to ‘‘dual use research
of concern,’’ and should include
information on how to properly identify
DURC and appropriate methods for
ensuring research that is determined to
be DURC is conducted and
communicated responsibly.
EPA is requesting emergency
clearance of this ICR under 5 CFR
1320.13(a)(2)(i) because the iDURC
policy’s effective date has passed, but
without PRA approval the
recordkeeping provisions cannot yet be
implemented. Standard processing of
this ICR would further delay full
implementation of the policy, which
seeks to mitigate the risk of public harm
from life sciences research being
EPA requests that OMB authorize this
ICR by February 29, 2016, for the
maximum of 180 days.
Form Numbers: None.
Respondents/affected entities: Private
sector and the federal-owned/
contractor-operated labs.
Respondent’s obligation to respond:
Mandatory (per EPA Order on Policy
and Procedures for Managing Dual Use
Research of Concern).
Estimated number of respondents:
Eighteen (total).
Frequency of response: Only once
and/or as necessary.
Total estimated burden: 72 hours (per
year). Burden is defined at 5 CFR
Total estimated cost: $4,320 (per
year), includes $0 annualized capital or
operation & maintenance costs.
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 22 (Wednesday, February 3, 2016)]
[Pages 5744-5748]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-02035]
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region Transmission, Ancillary Services, and Sale
of Surplus Products--Rate Order No. WAPA-174
AGENCY: Western Area Power Administration, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of Proposed Transmission, Ancillary Services, and Sale
of Surplus Products Formula Rates.
SUMMARY: The Western Area Power Administration (Western) Loveland Area
Projects' (LAP) Transmission and Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority's (WACM) Ancillary Services formula rates under
Rate Schedules L-NT1, L-FPT1, L-NFPT1, L-AS1, L-AS2, L-AS3, L-AS4, L-
AS5, L-AS6, L-AS7, L-AS9, and L-UU1 expire on September 30, 2016.
Western is proposing modifications to the existing formula rate
schedules and also is proposing to add a new rate schedule, referred to
as ``LAP Marketing Sale of Surplus Products, L-M1.'' Western has
prepared a brochure that provides detailed information on the proposed
formula rates. If adopted, the proposed formula rates, under Rate
Schedules L-NT1, L-FPT1, L-NFPT1, L-AS1, L-AS2, L-AS3, L-AS4, L-AS5, L-
AS6, L-AS7, L-AS9, L-UU1, and L-M1, will become effective October 1,
2016, and will remain in effect through September 30, 2021, or until
superseded. Publication of this Federal Register notice (FRN) begins
the formal process for consideration of the proposed formula rates.
DATES: The consultation and comment period begins today and will end
May 3, 2016. Western will present a detailed explanation of the
proposed formula rates and other modifications addressed within this
FRN at a public information forum that will be held on March 28, 2016,
at noon MDT. Western will accept oral and written comments at a public
comment forum that will be held on March 28, 2016, from 2:30 p.m. to no
later than 4:00 p.m. MDT. Western will accept written comments any time
during the consultation and comment period.
ADDRESSES: The location for both the public information forum and the
public comment forum is the Western Area Power Administration, Rocky
Mountain Region, 5555 East Crossroads Boulevard, Loveland, Colorado.
Send written comments to Mr. Bradley S. Warren, Senior Vice President,
Rocky Mountain Regional Manager, Western Area Power Administration,
5555 East Crossroads Boulevard, Loveland, Colorado 80538-8986, or at
email Western will post information about the
rate process, as well as comments received via letter and email, on its
Web site at: Written comments must be received by the end of the
consultation and comment period to be considered by Western in its
decision process.
As access to Western facilities is controlled, any United States
(U.S.) citizen wishing to attend must present an official form of
picture identification (ID), such as a U.S. driver's license, U.S.
passport, U.S. Government ID, or U.S. Military ID prior to signing into
Western. Foreign nationals should contact Western via Mrs. Sheila D.
Cook, Rates Manager, at telephone number (970) 461-7211 or by email at 30 days in advance of the meeting to obtain the
necessary form for admittance to Western's Rocky Mountain Regional
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mrs. Sheila D. Cook, Rates Manager,
Rocky Mountain Region, Western Area Power Administration, 5555 East
Crossroads Boulevard, Loveland, Colorado 80538-8986, at telephone
number (970) 461-7211, or by email at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the existing formula rate schedules,
approved under Rate Order No. WAPA-155,\1\charges are recalculated
annually using updated financial and load information, as applicable.
The proposed formula rates continue this approach. If adopted, these
proposed formula rates will be in effect October 1, 2016, through
September 30, 2021.
[[Page 5745]]
This FRN describes proposed changes to the services referenced below.
\1\ WAPA-155 was approved by the Deputy Secretary of Energy on
September 2, 2011 (76 FR 61184), and confirmed and approved by FERC
on a final basis on December 2, 2011, in Docket No. EF11-10-000. See
United States Department of Energy, Western Area Power
Administration, 137 FERC ] 62,200.
Transmission Services
Formula Rate for Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement
Under this proposal, there will be no change to the existing
formula rate for calculating the Annual Transmission Revenue
Requirement (ATRR), which is applicable to both Network Integration and
Point-to-Point transmission service. The ATRR is the annual cost of the
LAP Transmission System, adjusted for Non-Firm Point-to-Point revenue
credits, costs that increase the capacity available for transmission,
other miscellaneous charges or credits, and the prior year true-up.
Proposed Change to Forward-Looking Transmission Rate Methodology
Western is proposing to shorten the forward-looking transmission
rate projection period for this ATRR calculation from sixteen months to
four months. In the previous rate adjustment process, Western
incorporated a forward-looking transmission rate methodology to
calculate the ATRR to recover transmission expenses and investments on
a current basis rather than a historical basis. Presently, Western
projects transmission costs two years into the future relying on
current year actual data for approximately the first eight months of
the year and projecting for the remaining four months of the year plus
twelve additional months. Western is proposing to remove the last
twelve months of projections, thus only having to true-up the projected
costs for the four-month period of the current year. This method would
allow Western to more accurately match cost recovery with cost
incurrence without introducing unnecessary, large true-ups caused by
estimating the second year. This proposal would be a change to the
inputs for the annual charge, rather than a change to the formula rate.
When actual cost information for a year becomes available, Western
will continue to calculate the actual revenue requirement. Revenue
collected in excess of Western's actual revenue requirement will be
included as a credit in the ATRR in the following year. Similarly, any
under-collection of the revenue requirement will be recovered in the
following year. This true-up procedure ensures Western recovers no more
or no less than the actual transmission costs for the year. For
example, as Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 actual financial data becomes
available, the under- or over-collection of revenue for FY 2016 can be
determined. When the FY 2018 charge is calculated, it would include an
adjustment for revenue under- or over-collected in FY 2016.
Formula Rate for Network Integration Transmission Service (Rate
Schedule L-NT1)
Western proposes no changes to the Network Integration Transmission
Service Formula Rate, but proposes to make minor edits to the rate
schedule. Those edits would consist of rearranging the order of the
sections and removing the section setting forth the annual ATRR. In the
future, each year's ATRR will be identified in a separate tracking
document posted on Western's Web site, as well as posted on Western's
Transmission Services Open Access Same Time Information System (OASIS)
Web site under Loveland Area Projects Transmission (LAPT).
Formula Rates for Firm and Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
(Rate Schedules L-FPT1 and L-NFPT1)
Western proposes a change in the formula rate for Firm Point-to-
Point transmission service to clarify the denominator of the formula
includes both Firm Point-to-Point transmission capacity reservations
and Network Integration transmission service capacity. Western proposes
the denominator read as ``Firm Transmission Capacity Reservations plus
Network Integration Transmission Service Capacity'' rather than the
current language ``LAP Transmission System Total Load.''
The proposed formula rate for Point-to-Point transmission service
would be:
In addition, Western also proposes to make minor editorial changes
to the firm and non-firm rate schedules. Those edits would consist of
rearranging the order of the sections and deleting the sections setting
forth the annual charges under the formula rates. In the future, the
annual charges will be identified in a separate tracking document
posted on Western's Web site as well as posted on the LAPT OASIS Web
Transmission Losses Service (Rate Schedule L-AS7)
Western proposes no changes to the Transmission Losses formula rate
but proposes to make minor editorial changes to the rate schedule.
Those edits would consist of rearranging the order of the sections,
moving text within the sections, making minor edits to the language
within the ``applicable'' section, and deleting the ``rate'' section.
Penalty Rate for Unreserved Use of Transmission Service (Rate Schedule
Western proposes no changes to the Unreserved Use penalty formula
rate but plans to make minor editorial changes to the rate schedule.
Those edits would consist of rearranging the order of the sections,
moving text within the sections, and deleting the ``rate'' section.
Ancillary Services
Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch Service (Rate Schedule L-AS1)
Western proposes no changes to the Scheduling, System Control, and
Dispatch formula rate, but plans to make minor editorial changes to the
rate schedule. Those edits would consist of adding LAPT and Colorado
River Storage Project Transmission (CRCM) to the title, rearranging the
order of the sections, and deleting the section setting forth the
annual charge under the formula rate. In the future, the annual charge
will be identified in a separate tracking document posted on Western's
Web site as well as posted on the LAPT and CRCM OASIS Web sites.
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control From Generation or Other Sources
Service (Rate Schedule L-AS2)
Western proposes to eliminate Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
from Generation or Other Sources (VAR Support Service) exemptions and
begin assessing VAR Support Service charges for all transmission
transactions on the
[[Page 5746]]
LAPT and CRCM transmission systems, as contract provisions allow. In
order to maintain transmission voltages on the transmission system
within acceptable limits, generating facilities under the control of
the Control Area operator, WACM, are operated to produce or absorb
reactive power. Thus, VAR Support Service must be provided for each
transaction on the transmission systems within the Control Area either
directly by the Transmission Service Provider (TSP) or indirectly by
the TSP making arrangements with the Control Area operator.
Furthermore, the Transmission Customers are required to purchase this
service from the TSP. If the TSP acquires the service from the Control
Area, the charges are to reflect only a pass-through of the costs
charged to the TSP by the Control Area operator, as stated in the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) pro forma open access
transmission tariff language.\2\ WACM has both Federal TSPs (LAPT and
CRCM) and non-Federal TSPs.
\2\ 75 FERC ] 61,080 (FERC Order 888), Appendix D, ``Pro Forma
Open Access Transmission Tariff'', Schedule 2, ``Reactive Supply and
Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service'' (April 24, 1996).
Historically, based on the assumption some LAPT and CRCM
transmission customers have non-Federal generation resources inside
WACM, and they have agreed to make their non-Federal generation
resources inside WACM available to the WACM operator for VAR Support
Service, Western has allowed some of these LAPT and CRCM transmission
customers to receive an exemption from LAPT and CRCM VAR Support
Service charges. As a result of these exemptions, the cost for LAPT and
CRCM to provide VAR Support Service on their transmission systems has
been shifted to the remaining (non-exempted) transmission customers.
WACM, the Control Area operator, has always taken the position the non-
Federal TSPs have adequate non-Federal generation resources to provide
VAR Support Service on their transmission systems and therefore WACM
has never charged any non-Federal TSPs for VAR Support Service. In the
future, WACM plans to pursue efforts to verify that this presumption
continues to be warranted for all of the non-Federal TSPs.
Western is now proposing to take the same position with the Federal
TSPs, i.e., that the Federal generation resources connected to the LAPT
and CRCM transmission systems provide adequate VAR Support Service on
the LAPT and CRCM transmission systems, without the addition of the
non-Federal generation resources. It will be inappropriate, therefore,
for LAPT and CRCM TSPs to continue to provide VAR Support Service
charge exemptions to its transmission customers. The elimination of the
LAPT and CRCM VAR Support Service exemptions will lead to the recovery
of the LAPT and CRCM VAR Support Service costs from all LAPT and CRCM
transmission customers instead of only a portion of them.
Western is also proposing changes to both the numerator and the
denominator of the formula rate for VAR Support Service. The numerator
will be changed to include the annual cost of other resources used to
provide VAR Support Service in addition to the revenue requirement for
Federal generation. The denominator will be changed to state
``Transmission Transactions in WACM Requiring VAR Support Service''
rather than ``Load in WACM requiring VAR Support Service.''
The proposed formula rate for VAR Support Service is as follows:
Numerator is: Annual Revenue Requirement for VAR Support Service =
(Revenue Requirement for Generation x % of Resource Capacity Used for
VAR Support Service (1 Minus Power Factor)) + Other Resources, e.g.,
energy and transmission costs for condensing Federal generating units.
Denominator is: Transmission Transactions in WACM Requiring VAR
Support Service = Transmission Capacity usage on Federal Transmission
Systems (Point-to-Point Transmission Service as well as Network
Integration Transmission Service on LAPT and CRCM Transmission Systems)
+ Transmission Capacity usage by other TSPs inside WACM.
In addition, Western also proposes to make edits to the VAR Support
Service rate schedule. Those edits would consist of adding LAPT and
CRCM to the title, rearranging the order of the sections, removing
language regarding exemptions, clarifying the rate is applicable to
Federal transmission customers serving load inside WACM and to non-
Federal TSPs/owners/operators who request the service from WACM or who
do not adequately supply VAR Support Service on their systems, and
deleting the section setting forth the annual charge under the formula
rate. In the future, the annual charge will be identified in a separate
tracking document posted on Western's Web site as well as posted on the
LAPT and CRCM OASIS Web sites.
Regulation and Frequency Response Service (Rate Schedule L-AS3)
In order to more accurately allocate costs based on cost causation
principles, Western is proposing a change to the current load-based
assessment of the Regulation and Frequency Response Service (Regulation
Service) formula rate. The current load-based assessment is applicable
to (1) all load inside WACM and (2) installed nameplate capacity of all
intermittent resources serving load inside WACM.
Western is not proposing any changes to the application of the
load-based assessment for the load inside WACM. The charge will
continue to be one-for-one for each megawatt (MW) of load inside WACM.
Western is, however, proposing to modify the one-for-one MW load-based
assessment for the installed nameplate of intermittent resources
serving load inside WACM. It would instead include a ``variable
capacity multiplier'' to be applied to the installed capacity for
Variable Energy Resources (VER) serving load inside WACM.
The proposed formula rate for Regulation Service is as follows:
[[Page 5747]]
Regulation Service is necessary to provide for the continuous
balancing of resources with obligations and for maintaining scheduled
interconnection frequency at sixty cycles per second (60 Hz).
Regulation Service is accomplished by committing on-line generation
whose output is raised or lowered as necessary, predominantly through
the use of automatic generation control (AGC) equipment, to follow the
moment-by-moment changes in load. The obligation to maintain this
balance between resources and load lies with the TSP (or the Control
Area Operator who performs this function for the TSP). The TSP must
offer this service when the transmission service is used to serve load
within its Control Area.
Western markets the maximum amount of power from its Federal
projects, leaving little flexibility for additional regulation needs
within WACM. More VER connecting to the system results in a significant
increase in regulation needs and costs and presents operational
constraints in managing the significant fluctuations normally
associated with VER. These costs are allocated to all customers taking
Regulation Service regardless of their ability or inability to
influence the condition.
The Annual Revenue Requirement for Regulation Service will not be
affected by the inclusion of the multipliers. The proposed change will
result in the denominator increasing, because more units of capacity
will be charged, which in turn will cause the overall Regulation
Service charge to be lower. The lower charge will then be allocated to
each unit of capacity, thereby lowering the costs incurred by the load
and assigning more of the costs for regulating capacity to those
customers predominantly contributing to the need for Regulation
In order to determine the ``variable capacity multipliers,''
Western has developed a ``Regulation Analysis'' tool that allows
Western to determine the hourly impacts of both load and variable
energy generation on WACM. The Regulation Analysis tool focuses on 95
percent (%) of the events where the Control Area's Area Control Error
(ACE) limit was exceeded within the 10 minute duration range. Recent
analysis using the Regulation Analysis tool has shown wind resources
consume a disproportionate amount of regulating capacity. As an
example, the results for the July 2014 to June 2015 average indicate a
2.25 or 225% wind capacity multiplier.
WACM does not have a significant amount of solar generation
impacting its balancing authority area and, therefore, does not have
sufficient solar generation data available to perform a thorough
analysis at this time. Therefore, Western proposes to identify a solar
capacity multiplier of 1.00 or 100%. This multiplier does not change
the current denominator, but allows the denominator to change if and
when solar generation becomes more prevalent in the WACM footprint.
The Regulation Analysis will be completed on a monthly basis with
an annual average, based on most current data available, typically July
to June, used for the annual formula rate updates that go into effect
each October 1 of the effective rate period.
In addition, Western proposes to make edits to the Regulation
Service rate schedule. Those edits will consist of adding LAPT and CRCM
to the title, rearranging the order of the sections, clarifying the
rate is applicable to Federal transmission customers and non-Federal
TSPs requesting the service that serve load within WACM, and removing
the section setting forth the annual charge under the formula rate. In
the future, the annual charge will be identified in a separate tracking
document posted on Western's Web site as well as posted on the LAPT and
CRCM OASIS Web sites.
Energy and Generator Imbalance Services (Rate Schedules L-AS4 and L-
Western proposes no changes to the Energy Imbalance Service or
Generator Imbalance Service formula rates, but plans to make minor
editorial changes to the rate schedules. Those edits would consist of
adding LAPT to the title, rearranging the order of the sections, and
deleting the ``rate'' section.
Rate Schedules for Operating Reserves Service--Spinning and
Supplemental (Rate Schedules L-AS5 and L-AS6)
Western proposes no changes to the Spinning and Supplemental
Reserves Service formula rates, but proposes to make editorial changes
to the rate schedules. Those edits would consist of adding LAPT to the
schedule, clarifying the ``applicable'' language, and rearranging the
order of the sections.
LAP Marketing Services
LAP Marketing Sale of Surplus Products (L-M1)
Western is proposing to implement a new LAP Marketing rate schedule
that would be applicable to the sale of LAP surplus energy and capacity
products. At this time, Western proposes to include reserves,
regulation, and frequency response. If LAP resources are available, the
charge will be determined based on market rates plus administrative
costs. In the future, if Western considers offering additional products
for sale, a revised or new rate schedule will be proposed via a public
rate adjustment process.
Legal Authority
Western will hold both a public information forum and a public
comment forum. After review of public comments, Western will take
further action on the proposed formula rates and other modifications
addressed in this FRN, and follow procedures for public participation
consistent with 10 CFR part 903.
Western is establishing formula rates for LAP Transmission, WACM,
LAPT, and CRCM Ancillary Services, and LAP Marketing Sales of Surplus
Products under the Department of Energy (DOE) Organization Act (42
U.S.C. 7152); the Reclamation Act of 1902 (ch. 1093, 32
[[Page 5748]]
Stat. 388), as amended and supplemented by subsequent enactments,
particularly section 9(c) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (43
U.S.C. 485h(c)) and section 5 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 (16
U.S.C. 825s); and other acts specifically applicable to the projects
By Delegation Order No. 00-037.00A, effective October 25, 2013, the
Secretary of Energy delegated: (1) The authority to develop power and
transmission rates to Western's Administrator; (2) the authority to
confirm, approve, and place such rates into effect on an interim basis
to the Deputy Secretary of Energy; and (3) the authority to confirm,
approve, and place into effect on a final basis, to remand, or to
disapprove such rates to FERC.
Availability of Information
All brochures, studies, comments, letters, memorandums, or other
documents Western initiates or uses to develop the proposed formula
rates are available for inspection and copying at the Rocky Mountain
Regional Office, located at 5555 East Crossroads Boulevard, Loveland
Colorado 80538-8986. Many of these documents and supporting information
are also available on Western's RMR Web site under the 2017 Rate
Adjustment--Transmission and Ancillary Services section located at
Ratemaking Procedure Requirements
Environmental Compliance
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347; the Council on Environmental Quality
Regulations for implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-1508); and DOE
NEPA Implementing Procedures and Guidelines (10 CFR part 1021), Western
is in the process of determining whether an environmental assessment or
an environmental impact statement should be prepared or if this action
can be categorically excluded from those requirements.
Determination Under Executive Order 12866
Western has an exemption from centralized regulatory review under
Executive Order 12866; accordingly, no clearance of this notice by the
Office of Management and Budget is required.
Dated: January 20, 2016.
Mark A. Gabriel,
[FR Doc. 2016-02035 Filed 2-2-16; 8:45 am]