Notice of Public Meeting, 3856-3857 [2016-01273]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 14 / Friday, January 22, 2016 / Notices
[Public Notice: 9423]
Culturally Significant Objects Imported
for Exhibition Determinations: ‘‘Cave
Temples of Dunhuang: Buddhist Art on
China’s Silk Road’’ Exhibition
Notice is hereby given of the
following determinations: Pursuant to
the authority vested in me by the Act of
October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C.
2459), Executive Order 12047 of March
27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and
Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat.
2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et
seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of
October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority
No. 236–3 of August 28, 2000 (and, as
appropriate, Delegation of Authority No.
257–1 of December 11, 2015), I hereby
determine that the objects to be
included in the exhibition ‘‘Cave
Temples of Dunhuang: Buddhist Art on
China’s Silk Road,’’ imported from
abroad for temporary exhibition within
the United States, are of cultural
significance. The objects are imported
pursuant to loan agreements with the
foreign owners or custodians. I also
determine that the exhibition or display
of the exhibit objects at The J. Paul Getty
Museum, Los Angeles, California, from
on about May 7, 2016, until on or about
September 4, 2016, and at possible
additional exhibitions or venues yet to
be determined, is in the national
interest. I have ordered that Public
Notice of these Determinations be
published in the Federal Register.
further information, including a list of
the imported objects, contact the Office
of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
in the Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S.
Department of State (telephone: 202–
632–6471; email: The mailing
address is U.S. Department of State, L/
PD, SA–5, Suite 5H03, Washington, DC
Dated: January 19, 2016.
Mark Taplin,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Bureau
of Educational and Cultural Affairs,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2016–01348 Filed 1–21–16; 8:45 am]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
[Public Notice 9415]
Notice of a Public Meeting
The Department of State will conduct
an open meeting at 10:00 a.m. on
Wednesday, February 10, 2016, in the
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Oklahoma Room of the U.S. Department
of Transportation Headquarters, 1200
New Jersey Ave. SE., Washington, DC
20590. The primary purpose of the
meeting is to prepare for the third
Session of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) Sub-Committee on
Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR
3) to be held at the IMO Headquarters,
United Kingdom, from February 15–19,
The agenda items to be considered
—Decisions of other IMO bodies
—Safety and pollution hazards of
chemicals and preparation of
consequential amendments to the IBC
—Review of MARPOL Annex II
requirements that have an impact on
cargo residues and tank washings of
high viscosity and persistent floating
—Code for the transport and handling of
limited amounts of hazardous and
noxious liquid substances in bulk on
offshore support vessels
—Revised guidance on ballast water
sampling and analysis
—Production of a manual entitled
‘‘Ballast Water Management—How to
do it’’
—Consideration of the impact on the
Arctic of emissions of Black Carbon
from international shipping
—Development of standards for
shipboard gasification waste to energy
systems and associated amendments
to regulation 16 of MARPOL Annex
—Amendments to bunker delivery note
to permit the supply of fuel oil not in
compliance with regulation 14 of
—Guidelines for onboard sampling and
verification of the sulphur content of
the fuel oil used on ships
—Guidelines for the discharge of
exhaust gas recirculation bleed-off
—Improved and new technologies
approved for ballast water
management systems and reduction of
atmospheric pollution
—Revised section II of the Manual on
oil pollution contingency planning
—Guide on oil spill response in ice and
snow conditions
—Updated IMO Dispersant Guidelines
—Updated OPRC Model training
—Unified interpretation to provisions of
IMO environment-related
—Biennial agenda and provisional
agenda for PPR 4
—Election of Chairman and ViceChairman for 2016
PO 00000
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—Report to the Marine Environment
Protection Committee
Members of the public may attend
this meeting up to the seating capacity
of the room. They may also contact the
meeting coordinator to request a call-in
number, in order to ensure adequate
teleconference capacity, or to submit
written comments and related material
ahead of time. To facilitate the building
security process, and to request
reasonable accommodation, those who
plan to attend should contact the
meeting coordinator, Ms. Regina
Bergner, by email at regina.r.bergner@, by phone at 202–372–1431, or
by fax at (202) 372–8383, not later than
February 5, 2016. Requests made after
February 5, 2016, might not be able to
be accommodated.
Please note that in the case of
inclement weather, the meeting will not
be rescheduled. Refer to the Office of
Personnel Management Web site for the
operational status of federal agencies
current-status/). In the case of a delayed
opening, the meeting will be held as
scheduled. The public meeting will be
cancelled if federal agencies are closed.
Please note that due to security
considerations, two valid, governmentissued photo identifications must be
presented to gain entrance to the
Directions to DOT Headquarters may
be found at:
directions. Additional information
regarding this and other public meetings
related to the IMO may be found at:
Dated: January 15, 2016.
Jonathan W. Burby,
Coast Guard Liaison Officer, Office of Ocean
and Polar Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2016–01272 Filed 1–21–16; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice: 9416]
Notice of Public Meeting
The Department of State will conduct
an open meeting at 10:00 a.m. on
Tuesday, March 8, 2016, at the offices
of the Radio Technical Commission for
Maritime Services (RTCM), 1611 N.
Kent Street, Suite 605, Arlington, VA
22209. The primary purpose of the
meeting is to prepare for the third
session of the International Maritime
Organization’s (IMO) Sub-Committee on
Ship Systems and Equipment to be held
at the IMO Headquarters, United
Kingdom, March 14–18, 2016.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 14 / Friday, January 22, 2016 / Notices
The agenda items to be considered
—Safety objectives and functional
requirement of the Guidelines on
alternative design and arrangements
for SOLAS chapters II–1 and III
—Making the provisions of MSC.1/
Circ.1206/Rev.1 mandatory
—Review of the MODU Code, LSA Code
and MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1
—Development of life safety
performance criteria for alternative
design and arrangements for fire
safety (MSC/Circ.1002)
—Clarification of the requirements in
SOLAS chapter II–2 for fire integrity
of windows on passenger ships
carrying not more than 36 passengers
and special purpose ships with more
than 60 (but no more than 240)
persons on board
—Measures for on-board lifting
appliances and winches
—Amendments to the Guidelines for
vessels with dynamic positioning (DP)
systems (MSC/Circ.645)
—Revision of requirement for escape
route signs and equipment location
markings in SOLAS and related
—Revised SOLAS regulations II–1/13
and II–1/13–1 and other related
regulations for new ships
—Unified interpretation of provisions of
IMO safety, security, and environment
related conventions
—Biennial status report and provisional
agenda for SSE 4
—Any other business
Members of the public may attend
this meeting up to the seating capacity
of the room. In order to ensure
reasonable accommodation for the full
number of meeting participants, those
who plan to attend should contact the
meeting coordinator, LT Brian Hall, by
email at, by
phone at (202) 372–1396, or in writing
at 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE.,
Stop 7509, Washington DC 20593–7509
not later than March 1, 2016. Requests
made after March 1, 2016, might not be
able to be accommodated. RTCM
Headquarters is located adjacent to the
Rosslyn Metro station and is accessible
by taxi and privately owned
conveyance. Additional information
regarding this and other public meetings
related to the IMO may be found at:
Dated: January 15, 2016.
Jonathan Burby,
Coast Guard Liaison Officer, Office of Ocean
and Polar Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2016–01273 Filed 1–21–16; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:59 Jan 21, 2016
Jkt 238001
east side of I–15. The directional flyover
ramps would be shifted to the south to
Federal Highway Administration
avoid the Army Rail Shop (a Section 4(f)
property). The actions by the FHWA
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions and the laws under which such actions
on Proposed Highway in Utah
were taken are described in the
Environmental Impact Statement and
AGENCY: Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), Department of Section 4(f) Evaluation issued on
December 21, 2015.
Transportation (DOT).
This notice applies to all FHWA
ACTION: Notice of limitation of claims for
judicial review of actions by FHWA and decisions as of the issuance date of this
notice and all laws under which such
other federal agencies.
actions were taken. Laws generally
SUMMARY: This notice announces actions applicable to such actions include but
taken by the FWHA that are final within are not limited to:
the meaning of 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). The
1. General: National Environmental
actions relate to the proposed 1800
Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321–4351);
North (SR–37) 2000 West to I–15, Davis
Federal-aid Highway Act (23 U.S.C.
County improvements in the State of
Utah. These actions grant approvals for
2. Wildlife: Endangered Species Act
the project.
(16 U.S.C. 1531–1544 and 1536); Fish
DATES: By this notice, the FHWA is
and Wildlife Coordination Act (16
advising the public of final agency
U.S.C. 661–667(d)); Migratory Bird
actions subject to 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). A
Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 703–712).
claim seeking judicial review of the
3. Cultural Resources: Section 106 of
FHWA actions on the highway project
the National Historic Preservation Act of
will be barred unless the claim is filed
1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470(f) et
on or before June 20, 2016. If the Federal seq.); Archaeological and Historic
law that authorizes judicial review of a
Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 469–469(c));
claim provides a time period of less
Archaeological Resources Protection Act
than 150 days for filing such claim, then of 1977 (16 U.S.C. 470(aa)–11).
that shorter time period still applies.
4. Wetlands and Water Resources:
Clean Water Act (Sections 319, 401, and
Paul Ziman, Area Engineer, Region 1,
404) (33 U.S.C. 1251–1387); Land and
FHWA Utah Division, 2520 West 4700
Water Conservation Fund (16 U.S.C.
South, Suite 9A, Salt Lake City, Utah
4601–4604); Safe Drinking Water Act
84129; telephone at 801–955–3525, or
(42 U.S.C. 300f through 300j–26); Rivers
via email at The
and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 401–
FHWA Utah Division Office’s normal
406); Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16
business hours are Monday through
U.S.C. 1271–1287); Emergency
Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., m.t.
Wetlands Resources Act, (16 U.S.C.
3901, 3921); Wetlands Mitigation (23
U.S.C. 119(g) and 133(b)(14)); Flood
hereby given that the FHWA has taken
Disaster Protection Act (42 U.S.C.
final agency action subject to 23 U.S.C.
4012a, 4106).
139(l)(1) by issuing licenses, permits,
5. Section 4(f) Land: Department of
and approvals for the 1800 North (SR–
Transportation Act of 1966 (49 U.S.C.
37) 2000 West to I–15 project in the
303; 23 U.S.C. 138).
State of Utah. The 1800 North (SR–37)
6. Noise: Federal-Aid Highway Act of
2000 West to I–15 project proposes to
provide transportation improvements on 1970 (Pub. L. 91–605, 84 Stat. 1713); 23
1800 North (SR–37) between 2000 West U.S.C. 109(h) and (i); 42 U.S.C. 4441,
and Interstate 15 (I–15) in Davis County, 4332; sec. 339(b), Public Law 104–59,
109 Stat. 568, 605; 23 CFR part 772
Utah, within the cities of Clinton and
(Procedures for Abatement of Highway
Sunset. The project consists of the
Traffic Noise and Construction Noise);
following improvements: Widen 1800
49 CFR 1.48(b).
North between Main Street and 2000
7. Executive Orders: E.O. 11593
West to a five-lane cross-section (two
Protection and Enhancement of Cultural
travel lanes in each direction with a
Resources; E.O. 13287 Preserve
two-way left-turn lane) with additional
lanes to accommodate turning
movements as 1800 approaches Main
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Street and 2000 West; construct a grade- Program Number 20.205, Highway Planning
separated railroad crossing on 1800
and Construction. The regulations
North that would take 1800 North over
implementing Executive Order 12372
regarding intergovernmental consultation on
the Union Pacific Railroad and Utah
Federal programs and activities apply to this
Transit Authority tracks; and construct
a new interchange on I–15 at 1800 North program.)
that would provide flyover ramps to the
Authority: 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1).
PO 00000
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[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 14 (Friday, January 22, 2016)]
[Pages 3856-3857]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-01273]
[Public Notice: 9416]
Notice of Public Meeting
The Department of State will conduct an open meeting at 10:00 a.m.
on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, at the offices of the Radio Technical
Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM), 1611 N. Kent Street, Suite
605, Arlington, VA 22209. The primary purpose of the meeting is to
prepare for the third session of the International Maritime
Organization's (IMO) Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment to be
held at the IMO Headquarters, United Kingdom, March 14-18, 2016.
[[Page 3857]]
The agenda items to be considered include:
--Safety objectives and functional requirement of the Guidelines on
alternative design and arrangements for SOLAS chapters II-1 and III
--Making the provisions of MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1 mandatory
--Review of the MODU Code, LSA Code and MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1
--Development of life safety performance criteria for alternative
design and arrangements for fire safety (MSC/Circ.1002)
--Clarification of the requirements in SOLAS chapter II-2 for fire
integrity of windows on passenger ships carrying not more than 36
passengers and special purpose ships with more than 60 (but no more
than 240) persons on board
--Measures for on-board lifting appliances and winches
--Amendments to the Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning
(DP) systems (MSC/Circ.645)
--Revision of requirement for escape route signs and equipment location
markings in SOLAS and related instruments
--Revised SOLAS regulations II-1/13 and II-1/13-1 and other related
regulations for new ships
--Unified interpretation of provisions of IMO safety, security, and
environment related conventions
--Biennial status report and provisional agenda for SSE 4
--Any other business
Members of the public may attend this meeting up to the seating
capacity of the room. In order to ensure reasonable accommodation for
the full number of meeting participants, those who plan to attend
should contact the meeting coordinator, LT Brian Hall, by email at, by phone at (202) 372-1396, or in writing at
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE., Stop 7509, Washington DC 20593-
7509 not later than March 1, 2016. Requests made after March 1, 2016,
might not be able to be accommodated. RTCM Headquarters is located
adjacent to the Rosslyn Metro station and is accessible by taxi and
privately owned conveyance. Additional information regarding this and
other public meetings related to the IMO may be found at:
Dated: January 15, 2016.
Jonathan Burby,
Coast Guard Liaison Officer, Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2016-01273 Filed 1-21-16; 8:45 am]