Request for Letters of Intent To Apply for 2016 Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grants, 3478-3481 [2016-01106]

Download as PDF 3478 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Notices can be obtained by contacting the office listed below in the ADDRESSES section of this Notice. DATES: Written comments must be submitted to the office listed in the ADDRESSES section below on or before March 21, 2016. ADDRESSES: Ms Yoon Ferguson, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave. NW., Room S–3323, Washington, DC 20210, telephone/fax (202) 354– 9647, Email Please use only one method of transmission for comments (mail, fax, or Email). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background In order to qualify as a dependent that is eligible for black lung benefits, a child aged 18 to 23 must be a full-time student as described in the Black Lung Benefits Act, 30 U.S.C. 901 et seq. and attending regulations 20 CFR 725.209. The CM–981 is partially completed by the appropriate district office so that the school official or registrar’s office will know for which student and time period the information is being requested and is also used to verify the full-time student status. This information collection is currently approved for use through July 31, 2016. Type of Review: Extension. Agency: Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs. Title: Certification by School Official. OMB Number: 1240–0031. Agency Number: CM–981. Affected Public: Individuals or households, Not-for-profit institutions, State, Local or Tribal Government. Total Respondents: 493. Total Annual Responses: 493. Estimated Time per Response: 10 minutes. Frequency: On occasion. Estimated Total Burden Hours: 82 Total Burden Cost (capital/startup): $0. Total Burden Cost (operating/ maintenance): $0. Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for Office of Management and Budget approval of the information collection request; they will also become a matter of public record. Dated: January 14, 2016. Yoon Ferguson, Agency Clearance Officer, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, U.S. Department of Labor. [FR Doc. 2016–01145 Filed 1–20–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510–CK–P asabaliauskas on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES II. Review Focus The Department of Labor is particularly interested in comments which: • Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; • evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; • enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and • minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submissions of responses. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION III. Current Actions Mytrang Nguyen, Program Counsel, Office of Program Performance, Legal Services Corporation, 3333 K Street NW., Washington, DC, 20007; (202) 295–1564 or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of Labor seeks the approval for the extension of this currently-approved information collection in order to determine the continued eligibility of students. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:26 Jan 20, 2016 Jkt 238001 Request for Letters of Intent To Apply for 2016 Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grants Legal Services Corporation. Notice. AGENCY: ACTION: The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) issues this Notice describing the conditions under which Letters of Intent to Apply for 2016 funding will be received for the Pro Bono Innovation Fund. On December 18, 2015, Congress provided $4 million for the Pro Bono Innovation Fund through the Consolidated Appropriations Act for 2016. DATES: Letters of Intent must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. EST on March 28, 2016. ADDRESSES: Letters of Intent must be submitted electronically at https:// SUMMARY: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 I. General Information The Pro Bono Innovation Fund was created after the LSC Board of Directors formed a Pro Bono Task Force in 2011 to identify ways to better engage pro bono lawyers and other volunteers to serve low-income people. One recommendation of the Pro Bono Task Force was to create a competitive Innovation Fund grant program. On January 17, 2014, the President signed Public Law 113–76, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, which included $2.5 million in LSC’s appropriation for the Pro Bono Innovation Fund. In its first year of grant making, LSC funded eleven projects seeking to address the critical legal needs of underserved populations with more pro bono volunteers, significant collaboration, and technology enhancements. The Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, Public Law 113–235 (December 16, 2014) increased LSC’s appropriation for the Pro Bono Innovation Fund to $4 million and LSC funded an additional fifteen projects in FY15. On December 18, 2015, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, Public Law 114–113 provided $4 million for the Pro Bono Innovation Fund. In 2016, the Pro Bono Innovation Fund will continue to advance LSC’s goal of increasing the quantity and quality of legal services provided to eligible people. Applicants to the Pro Bono Innovation Fund should identify the most pressing unmet client needs and how pro bono volunteers will be used to address those needs. Projects funded by the Pro Bono Innovation Fund will serve as demonstration efforts to strengthen pro bono service delivery and improve low income persons’ access to high quality legal assistance through coordinated legal delivery systems. II. Funding Opportunity Information A. Pro Bono Innovation Fund Purpose and Key Goals The purpose of the Pro Bono Innovation Fund is to develop and enhance pro bono programs that serve larger numbers of low-income clients and that improve the quality and effectiveness of the services clients receive by using pro bono volunteers. Projects should be innovative (new, replicable models and approaches to pro bono delivery) or replicate prior successful models. The Pro Bono Innovation Fund is designed to address issues identified in the 2012 report of LSC’s Pro Bono Task Force. The report provides a summary E:\FR\FM\21JAN1.SGM 21JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Notices of findings that illustrates the current crisis in legal services and suggests ways that pro bono can be used to increase the supply of lawyers and others who are available to provide legal assistance to low-income people. The key goals of the Pro Bono Innovation Fund are to: asabaliauskas on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES 1. Address gaps in the delivery of legal services to low-income people 2. Engage more lawyers and other volunteers in pro bono service 3. Develop and implement new, innovative, and replicable strategies that address persistent challenges in pro bono delivery systems B. Areas of Interest for FY 2016 LSC welcomes applications in a wide variety of areas; there are no specific areas of interest. Consistent with the key goals of the Pro Bono Innovation Fund, however, applicants are encouraged to consider developing projects that propose to replicate effective models of pro bono delivery or propose novel (and replicable) solutions to persistent challenges in their current pro bono system. Such challenges and solutions may include, but are not limited to: • Advancing the organization’s strategic imperatives by integrating volunteers into significant delivery or advocacy efforts (e.g., using law students to conduct screening and intake, expanding complex litigation or appellate practice with pro bono attorneys). • Addressing duplicative or fractured pro bono efforts by forming partnerships with pro bono and community stakeholders or adding new partners to existing collaborations (e.g., working with state and local pro bono committees or with specialty and minority bar associations, aligning with state Access to Justice Commission initiatives, and complementing selfrepresented litigant efforts). • Developing strategies to bring pro bono services to the locations and communities where clients reside or are accessing services, particularly for hard to reach populations (e.g., medical-legal partnerships, mobile or remote services for rural populations, or adopting a neighborhood). • Developing quality controls and setting goals for timely, effective pro bono work. This can include technology solutions and/or innovative ways to provide more mentoring, training, and support for volunteers (e.g., designating experienced volunteers to mentor newer VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:26 Jan 20, 2016 Jkt 238001 3479 and evaluation plan. Applicants must submit the LOI electronically using the LSC Grants online system found at They system will be live for applicants in early March 2016. C. Available Funds and Estimated The LOI form in LSC Grants will ask Award Amounts each applicant the following LSC has received an appropriation of information about the proposed project: $4 million, of which $3.8 million is 1. Project Description. In this section, available for grants in fiscal year 2016 please provide a brief description of the to support Pro Bono Innovation Fund proposed project that includes: projects. In 2015, fifteen Pro Bono • The specific client need and Innovation Fund Projects received challenge or opportunity in the pro funding with a median funding amount bono delivery system that the project of $257,000. LSC recommends a will address. minimum $50,000 request, and there is • The goals and objectives of the no maximum amount for Pro Bono project, the activities that make up the Innovation Fund requests that are project, and how those activities will within the total funding available. LSC link to and achieve the stated goals and encourages proposals for projects that objectives. include other in-kind and cash support, • Strong indication of volunteer although LSC has no matching demand or interest in supporting the requirement. project. D. Project and Funding Period • The expected impact of the project. This should include a brief explanation Pro Bono Innovation Fund grant of the changes and outcomes that will awards will cover either an 18- or 24be created as a result of the project. month project period. Applicants’ 2. Project Staff, Organizational proposals should cover the full period Capacity, and Project Partners. Please for which a grant award is requested. briefly identify and describe the project The project period is expected to team and project partners including: commence in October 2016. • The qualifications and relevant III. Grant Application Process and experience of the proposed project team, Letter of Intent To Apply Instructions any proposed partner organizations, and your organization. A. Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grant • The role of your organization’s Application Process executive management in the design LSC is committed to reviewing all Pro and implementation of the project. Bono Innovation Fund grant 3. Budget and Timeline. Please applications in a quick and thorough provide the following information about manner. Applicants must first submit a the estimated project costs and the Letter of Intent to Apply for Funding proposed implementation timeframe: (LOI). LSC staff will review the LOIs • Whether the proposed project will and notify applicants by April 25, 2016 be implemented in an 18- or 24- month if their LOI is selected. Applicants timeframe. whose LOIs are selected will be asked • Estimated total project cost. This to submit a detailed, full application in includes the estimate for the Pro Bono LSC Grants. Once LSC has received a Innovation Fund requested amount and full application from a selected other in-kind or cash contributions to applicant, the application undergoes a rigorous review process by LSC staff and support the project. • List, if any, of anticipated external subject matter experts. LSC’s contributions, both in-kind and President makes the final decision on monetary, of all partners involved in the funding for the Pro Bono Innovation project. Fund. • List of key partners who will B. Letters of Intent To Apply for Funding receive Pro Bono Innovation Fund Requirements and Format funding, including their roles, and the The LOI should succinctly summarize estimated dollar amount or percent of in approximately three pages a proposed budget assigned to each partner. Please provide an estimated budget project’s context, goals, objectives, using the following form. activities, estimated budget, timeline, pro bono attorneys, developing process improvements to share resources through common data portals, and sharing case updates and files with shared case management systems). PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\21JAN1.SGM 21JAN1 3480 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Notices Pro Bono Innovation Fund Share—estimated Other cash or in-kind support— estimated 1. Personnel Expenses: a. Salaries/Wages b. Fringe Benefits Subtotal Personnel Expenses 2. Project Expenses: a. Travel b. Equipment c. Software d. Supplies e. Communication f. Training g. Evaluation h. Other Subtotal Project Expenses 3. Third-Party Contracts and Subgrants: a. Contract b. Subgrant Subtotal Third-Party Contracts and Subgrants Totals Percentage of Total Project Note: Applicants are encouraged to provide as complete an estimate as possible despite the preliminary nature of the LOI. LSC recognizes that the budget information provided is an initial estimate only and subject to change if applicants are invited to submit a full application. asabaliauskas on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES C. One Project per Letter of Intent To Apply Applicants are encouraged to propose more than project. To do so, applicants must submit a separate LOI for each project. D. Letter of Intent To Apply Deadline Applicants must complete and submit LOIs through no later than 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday, March 28, 2016. To avoid any technical difficulties or submission challenges on the day of the deadline, please allow sufficient time for your LSC Grants submission. Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete LOI submissions prior to the deadline. LSC will provide a confirmation email for each completed electronic LOI submission. Please keep this email as verification that your LOI was received. If you do not receive an email confirmation for your LOI submission, please inquire about the status of your LOI at LSC will not accept applications submitted after the deadline unless LSC has approved a request to waive the deadline. See Section IV (D) Waiver Authority below. E. Selection Process Applicants must be current LSC grantees. LSC will review all LOIs to determine whether they are from eligible entities, submitted as complete in LSC Grants, and are responsive to the VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:26 Jan 20, 2016 Jkt 238001 questions described above. Failure to meet these submission requirements may result in rejection of the LOI before substantive review. Each LOI will then be carefully reviewed to identify those projects that address the key goals of the Pro Bono Innovation Fund. The LOIs will also be reviewed to determine the extent to which the proposed project: • Provides a clear description of client need and the challenge in the pro bono delivery system that the project will address. • Demonstrates is has the support of, or is viable with, the pro bono volunteers targeted for recruitment and participation in the project. • Articulates thoughtful, appropriate, and concrete goals and activities that address the articulated need and challenges. • Is either innovative or an appropriate replication of prior successful models. • Has potential for client impact, strong outcomes, further replication, or scaling. • Leverages partnerships and involves all of the appropriate parties needed to make it successful and sustainable. • Has organizational support and capacity, and is cost-effective. Projects that address the above criteria will be invited to submit full applications. F. Next Steps for Successful Applicants LSC will notify successful LOI applicants by April 25, 2016. Successful applicants will have until 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday, July 18, 2016 to complete full applications in the LSC Grants online application system. PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 IV. LSC Requirements and Eligibility Information A. LSC Requirements Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants are subject to all the requirements of the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974 as amended (LSC Act), any applicable appropriations acts and any other applicable law, rules, regulations, policies, guidelines, instructions, and other directives of including, but not limited to: The LSC Audit Guide for Recipients and Auditors, the Accounting Guide for LSC Recipients, the CSR Handbook, the 1981 LSC Property Manual (as amended) and the Property Acquisition and Management Manual, with any amendments to the foregoing adopted before or during the period of the grant. Before submitting a Letter of Intent to Apply, applicants should be familiar with LSC’s subgrant and transfer requirements at 45 CFR parts 1610 and 1627, particularly as they pertain to payments of LSC funds to other entities for programmatic activities. Termination Policies and Procedures will be same as those described in the 2015 Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grant Assurances. B. Eligible Applicants To be eligible for Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants, applicants must be current grantees of LSC grants for Basic FieldGeneral, Basic Field-Migrant, or Basic Field-Native American funding. Organizations and entities that are not current LSC grantees are not eligible to apply directly to LSC for Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants. Collaborations between LSC grantees and partner organizations are strongly encouraged to enhance projects, strengthen pro bono E:\FR\FM\21JAN1.SGM 21JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Notices delivery systems, and avoid duplication of services. C. Waiver Authority LSC, upon its own initiative or when requested, may waive provisions in this Notice at its sole discretion under extraordinary circumstances and when it is in the best interest of the eligible client community. Waivers may be granted only for requirements that are discretionary and not mandated by statute or regulation. Any request for a waiver must set forth in writing the extraordinary circumstances for the request. LSC will not consider a request to waive the deadline for an LOI unless it is received by LSC prior to the deadline. D. Contact Information For more information about current Pro Bono Innovation Fund projects, please contact Mytrang Nguyen, Program Counsel, (202) 295–1564 or If you have a general question or questions about the Pro Bono Innovation Fund application process, please email probonoinnovation@ For technical questions or issues with the LSC Grants online application system, please send an email to Dated: January 15, 2016. Stefanie K. Davis, Assistant General Counsel. [FR Doc. 2016–01106 Filed 1–20–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7050–01–P NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Smithsonian Institution’s South Mall Campus Master Plan National Capital Planning Commission. ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement. AGENCY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1970, as amended and implemented by the Council on Environmental, and in accordance with the Environmental Policies and Procedures adopted by the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), the NCPC announces its intent along with the Smithsonian Institution (SI), and in cooperation with the National Park Service (NPS), to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS will provide a full and fair discussion of the potential asabaliauskas on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:26 Jan 20, 2016 Jkt 238001 environmental impacts resulting from implementation of SI’s South Mall Campus Master Plan. NCPC will act as lead federal agency for NEPA compliance and SI is the project owner, sponsoring the preparation of the EIS. Although SI is not a ‘‘federal agency’’ within the meaning of NEPA and CEQ Regulations, SI works with federal agencies on NEPA compliance when, as here, an SI project requires federal agency approval. The South Mall Campus Master Plan (Master Plan) will evaluate opportunities to: Better align Smithsonian facilities on the South Mall Campus with SI’s mission; increase public access to the museums and gardens; replace and upgrade aging building systems; upgrade security systems campus wide; rehabilitate and restore historic buildings; provide seismic retrofitting; consolidate and upgrade loading functions; enhance public space; and increase the visitor services provided in the area. The Master Plan will revitalize the South Mall Campus by interconnecting programs and services both above- and below-grade; and, by improving physical access for all through enhanced circulation, way finding, and program visibility. These improvements will provide visitors and staff with facilities, amenities, and educational experiences expected of a world class institution. DATES: The Scoping Period shall run February 22, 2016. ADDRESSES: Electronic Comments may be submitted at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew Flis, Senior Urban Designer, National Capital Planning Commission, Urban Design and Plan Review, 401 9th StreetNW., Washington, DC 20004, Phone 202–482–7236; or Michelle Spofford, Senior Planning Manager, Smithsonian Institution, Office of Planning Design and Construction, Facilities Master Planning, 600 Maryland Avenue SW., Suite 501, PO Box 37012, MRC 511, Washington, DC 20013–7012, Phone: 202–633–6558. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NCPC and SI previously conducted scoping For an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the Master Plan from December 16, 2014 through January 30, 2015. As part of this process, NCPC and SI held a public scoping meeting on December 16, 2014 and received written comments from local and federal agencies, interested organizations, and the public. Based on the information obtained and additional coordination with local and federal agencies, NCPC and SI have determined that preparation of an EIS is warranted. PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 3481 Topics for environmental analysis identified through the scoping process include: Historic resources; visual resources; transportation; public utilities; land use; social and economic issues; visitor use; and physical and biological resources, such as air quality, water quality, and climate change. All private parties, Federal and local agencies, and interested organizations having an interest in the project are invited to comment. All previously submitted comments from the EA scoping period are documented in the administrative record and will be used to inform the Draft EIS; only new issues and concerns need to be submitted at this time. During this scoping period, no public scoping meeting will be held. All new and relevant environmental information, or additional comments on any issues that may be associated with the proposed project, should be sent to the address or email address below. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment, including your personal identifying information, may be made publically available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. Information related to the project and public involvement opportunities for the draft EIS will be provided at the project’s Web site: https:// Authority: 40 CFR 1501.7. Dated: January 13, 2016. Anne R. Schuyler, General Counsel. [FR Doc. 2016–01162 Filed 1–20–16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7520–01–P NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES National Endowment for the Arts; Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; 2017 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts National Endowment for the Arts, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. ACTION: Proposed collection; comments request. AGENCY: The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\21JAN1.SGM 21JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 13 (Thursday, January 21, 2016)]
[Pages 3478-3481]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-01106]



Request for Letters of Intent To Apply for 2016 Pro Bono 
Innovation Fund Grants

AGENCY: Legal Services Corporation.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) issues this Notice 
describing the conditions under which Letters of Intent to Apply for 
2016 funding will be received for the Pro Bono Innovation Fund. On 
December 18, 2015, Congress provided $4 million for the Pro Bono 
Innovation Fund through the Consolidated Appropriations Act for 2016.

DATES: Letters of Intent must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. EST on March 
28, 2016.

ADDRESSES: Letters of Intent must be submitted electronically at

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mytrang Nguyen, Program Counsel, 
Office of Program Performance, Legal Services Corporation, 3333 K 
Street NW., Washington, DC, 20007; (202) 295-1564 or


I. General Information

    The Pro Bono Innovation Fund was created after the LSC Board of 
Directors formed a Pro Bono Task Force in 2011 to identify ways to 
better engage pro bono lawyers and other volunteers to serve low-income 
people. One recommendation of the Pro Bono Task Force was to create a 
competitive Innovation Fund grant program. On January 17, 2014, the 
President signed Public Law 113-76, the Consolidated Appropriations Act 
of 2014, which included $2.5 million in LSC's appropriation for the Pro 
Bono Innovation Fund. In its first year of grant making, LSC funded 
eleven projects seeking to address the critical legal needs of 
underserved populations with more pro bono volunteers, significant 
collaboration, and technology enhancements. The Consolidated and 
Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, Public Law 113-235 
(December 16, 2014) increased LSC's appropriation for the Pro Bono 
Innovation Fund to $4 million and LSC funded an additional fifteen 
projects in FY15. On December 18, 2015, the Consolidated Appropriations 
Act, 2016, Public Law 114-113 provided $4 million for the Pro Bono 
Innovation Fund.
    In 2016, the Pro Bono Innovation Fund will continue to advance 
LSC's goal of increasing the quantity and quality of legal services 
provided to eligible people. Applicants to the Pro Bono Innovation Fund 
should identify the most pressing unmet client needs and how pro bono 
volunteers will be used to address those needs. Projects funded by the 
Pro Bono Innovation Fund will serve as demonstration efforts to 
strengthen pro bono service delivery and improve low income persons' 
access to high quality legal assistance through coordinated legal 
delivery systems.

II. Funding Opportunity Information

A. Pro Bono Innovation Fund Purpose and Key Goals

    The purpose of the Pro Bono Innovation Fund is to develop and 
enhance pro bono programs that serve larger numbers of low-income 
clients and that improve the quality and effectiveness of the services 
clients receive by using pro bono volunteers. Projects should be 
innovative (new, replicable models and approaches to pro bono delivery) 
or replicate prior successful models.
    The Pro Bono Innovation Fund is designed to address issues 
identified in the 2012 report of LSC's Pro Bono Task Force. The report 
provides a summary

[[Page 3479]]

of findings that illustrates the current crisis in legal services and 
suggests ways that pro bono can be used to increase the supply of 
lawyers and others who are available to provide legal assistance to 
low-income people. The key goals of the Pro Bono Innovation Fund are 

1. Address gaps in the delivery of legal services to low-income 
2. Engage more lawyers and other volunteers in pro bono service
3. Develop and implement new, innovative, and replicable strategies 
that address persistent challenges in pro bono delivery systems

B. Areas of Interest for FY 2016

    LSC welcomes applications in a wide variety of areas; there are no 
specific areas of interest. Consistent with the key goals of the Pro 
Bono Innovation Fund, however, applicants are encouraged to consider 
developing projects that propose to replicate effective models of pro 
bono delivery or propose novel (and replicable) solutions to persistent 
challenges in their current pro bono system. Such challenges and 
solutions may include, but are not limited to:
     Advancing the organization's strategic imperatives by 
integrating volunteers into significant delivery or advocacy efforts 
(e.g., using law students to conduct screening and intake, expanding 
complex litigation or appellate practice with pro bono attorneys).
     Addressing duplicative or fractured pro bono efforts by 
forming partnerships with pro bono and community stakeholders or adding 
new partners to existing collaborations (e.g., working with state and 
local pro bono committees or with specialty and minority bar 
associations, aligning with state Access to Justice Commission 
initiatives, and complementing self-represented litigant efforts).
     Developing strategies to bring pro bono services to the 
locations and communities where clients reside or are accessing 
services, particularly for hard to reach populations (e.g., medical-
legal partnerships, mobile or remote services for rural populations, or 
adopting a neighborhood).
     Developing quality controls and setting goals for timely, 
effective pro bono work. This can include technology solutions and/or 
innovative ways to provide more mentoring, training, and support for 
volunteers (e.g., designating experienced volunteers to mentor newer 
pro bono attorneys, developing process improvements to share resources 
through common data portals, and sharing case updates and files with 
shared case management systems).

C. Available Funds and Estimated Award Amounts

    LSC has received an appropriation of $4 million, of which $3.8 
million is available for grants in fiscal year 2016 to support Pro Bono 
Innovation Fund projects. In 2015, fifteen Pro Bono Innovation Fund 
Projects received funding with a median funding amount of $257,000. LSC 
recommends a minimum $50,000 request, and there is no maximum amount 
for Pro Bono Innovation Fund requests that are within the total funding 
available. LSC encourages proposals for projects that include other in-
kind and cash support, although LSC has no matching requirement.

D. Project and Funding Period

    Pro Bono Innovation Fund grant awards will cover either an 18- or 
24- month project period. Applicants' proposals should cover the full 
period for which a grant award is requested. The project period is 
expected to commence in October 2016.

III. Grant Application Process and Letter of Intent To Apply 

A. Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grant Application Process

    LSC is committed to reviewing all Pro Bono Innovation Fund grant 
applications in a quick and thorough manner. Applicants must first 
submit a Letter of Intent to Apply for Funding (LOI). LSC staff will 
review the LOIs and notify applicants by April 25, 2016 if their LOI is 
selected. Applicants whose LOIs are selected will be asked to submit a 
detailed, full application in LSC Grants. Once LSC has received a full 
application from a selected applicant, the application undergoes a 
rigorous review process by LSC staff and external subject matter 
experts. LSC's President makes the final decision on funding for the 
Pro Bono Innovation Fund.

B. Letters of Intent To Apply for Funding Requirements and Format

    The LOI should succinctly summarize in approximately three pages a 
proposed project's context, goals, objectives, activities, estimated 
budget, timeline, and evaluation plan. Applicants must submit the LOI 
electronically using the LSC Grants online system found at They system will be live for applicants in early 
March 2016.
    The LOI form in LSC Grants will ask each applicant the following 
information about the proposed project:
    1. Project Description. In this section, please provide a brief 
description of the proposed project that includes:
     The specific client need and challenge or opportunity in 
the pro bono delivery system that the project will address.
     The goals and objectives of the project, the activities 
that make up the project, and how those activities will link to and 
achieve the stated goals and objectives.
     Strong indication of volunteer demand or interest in 
supporting the project.
     The expected impact of the project. This should include a 
brief explanation of the changes and outcomes that will be created as a 
result of the project.
    2. Project Staff, Organizational Capacity, and Project Partners. 
Please briefly identify and describe the project team and project 
partners including:
     The qualifications and relevant experience of the proposed 
project team, any proposed partner organizations, and your 
     The role of your organization's executive management in 
the design and implementation of the project.
    3. Budget and Timeline. Please provide the following information 
about the estimated project costs and the proposed implementation 
     Whether the proposed project will be implemented in an 18- 
or 24- month timeframe.
     Estimated total project cost. This includes the estimate 
for the Pro Bono Innovation Fund requested amount and other in-kind or 
cash contributions to support the project.
     List, if any, of anticipated contributions, both in-kind 
and monetary, of all partners involved in the project.
     List of key partners who will receive Pro Bono Innovation 
Fund funding, including their roles, and the estimated dollar amount or 
percent of budget assigned to each partner.
    Please provide an estimated budget using the following form.

[[Page 3480]]

                                 Pro Bono Innovation   Other cash or in-
                                     Fund Share--       kind support--
                                      estimated            estimated
1. Personnel Expenses:
    a. Salaries/Wages
    b. Fringe Benefits
        Subtotal Personnel
2. Project Expenses:
    a. Travel
    b. Equipment
    c. Software
    d. Supplies
    e. Communication
    f. Training
    g. Evaluation
    h. Other
        Subtotal Project
3. Third-Party Contracts and
    a. Contract
    b. Subgrant
        Subtotal Third-Party
         Contracts and
            Percentage of Total

    Note:  Applicants are encouraged to provide as complete an 
estimate as possible despite the preliminary nature of the LOI. LSC 
recognizes that the budget information provided is an initial 
estimate only and subject to change if applicants are invited to 
submit a full application.

C. One Project per Letter of Intent To Apply

    Applicants are encouraged to propose more than project. To do so, 
applicants must submit a separate LOI for each project.

D. Letter of Intent To Apply Deadline

    Applicants must complete and submit LOIs through no later than 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday, March 28, 2016. 
To avoid any technical difficulties or submission challenges on the day 
of the deadline, please allow sufficient time for your LSC Grants 
submission. Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete LOI 
submissions prior to the deadline.
    LSC will provide a confirmation email for each completed electronic 
LOI submission. Please keep this email as verification that your LOI 
was received. If you do not receive an email confirmation for your LOI 
submission, please inquire about the status of your LOI at
    LSC will not accept applications submitted after the deadline 
unless LSC has approved a request to waive the deadline. See Section IV 
(D) Waiver Authority below.

E. Selection Process

    Applicants must be current LSC grantees. LSC will review all LOIs 
to determine whether they are from eligible entities, submitted as 
complete in LSC Grants, and are responsive to the questions described 
above. Failure to meet these submission requirements may result in 
rejection of the LOI before substantive review.
    Each LOI will then be carefully reviewed to identify those projects 
that address the key goals of the Pro Bono Innovation Fund. The LOIs 
will also be reviewed to determine the extent to which the proposed 
     Provides a clear description of client need and the 
challenge in the pro bono delivery system that the project will 
     Demonstrates is has the support of, or is viable with, the 
pro bono volunteers targeted for recruitment and participation in the 
     Articulates thoughtful, appropriate, and concrete goals 
and activities that address the articulated need and challenges.
     Is either innovative or an appropriate replication of 
prior successful models.
     Has potential for client impact, strong outcomes, further 
replication, or scaling.
     Leverages partnerships and involves all of the appropriate 
parties needed to make it successful and sustainable.
     Has organizational support and capacity, and is cost-
    Projects that address the above criteria will be invited to submit 
full applications.

F. Next Steps for Successful Applicants

    LSC will notify successful LOI applicants by April 25, 2016. 
Successful applicants will have until 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday, July 18, 
2016 to complete full applications in the LSC Grants online application 

IV. LSC Requirements and Eligibility Information

A. LSC Requirements

    Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants are subject to all the requirements 
of the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974 as amended (LSC Act), any 
applicable appropriations acts and any other applicable law, rules, 
regulations, policies, guidelines, instructions, and other directives 
of including, but not limited to: The LSC Audit Guide for Recipients 
and Auditors, the Accounting Guide for LSC Recipients, the CSR 
Handbook, the 1981 LSC Property Manual (as amended) and the Property 
Acquisition and Management Manual, with any amendments to the foregoing 
adopted before or during the period of the grant. Before submitting a 
Letter of Intent to Apply, applicants should be familiar with LSC's 
subgrant and transfer requirements at 45 CFR parts 1610 and 1627, 
particularly as they pertain to payments of LSC funds to other entities 
for programmatic activities. Termination Policies and Procedures will 
be same as those described in the 2015 Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grant 

B. Eligible Applicants

    To be eligible for Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants, applicants must 
be current grantees of LSC grants for Basic Field-General, Basic Field-
Migrant, or Basic Field-Native American funding. Organizations and 
entities that are not current LSC grantees are not eligible to apply 
directly to LSC for Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants. Collaborations 
between LSC grantees and partner organizations are strongly encouraged 
to enhance projects, strengthen pro bono

[[Page 3481]]

delivery systems, and avoid duplication of services.

C. Waiver Authority

    LSC, upon its own initiative or when requested, may waive 
provisions in this Notice at its sole discretion under extraordinary 
circumstances and when it is in the best interest of the eligible 
client community. Waivers may be granted only for requirements that are 
discretionary and not mandated by statute or regulation. Any request 
for a waiver must set forth in writing the extraordinary circumstances 
for the request. LSC will not consider a request to waive the deadline 
for an LOI unless it is received by LSC prior to the deadline.

D. Contact Information

    For more information about current Pro Bono Innovation Fund 
projects, please contact Mytrang Nguyen, Program Counsel, (202) 295-
1564 or
    If you have a general question or questions about the Pro Bono 
Innovation Fund application process, please email
    For technical questions or issues with the LSC Grants online 
application system, please send an email to

    Dated: January 15, 2016.
Stefanie K. Davis,
Assistant General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2016-01106 Filed 1-20-16; 8:45 am]
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