Direct Farm Ownership Microloan, 3289-3293 [2016-01038]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 81, No. 13
Thursday, January 21, 2016
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Farm Service Agency
7 CFR Parts 761 and 764
RIN 0560–AI33
Direct Farm Ownership Microloan
Farm Service Agency, USDA.
Final rule.
The Farm Service Agency
(FSA) is adding Direct Farm Ownership
Microloan (DFOML) to the existing
Direct Loan Program. The revisions to
the Direct Loan Program regulations
consist of application, eligibility,
repayment terms, and security
requirements to better serve the unique
operating needs of small family farm
operations. The existing Microloans
(ML) in the Direct Loan Program already
include MLs for operating loans (OL).
DFOML is expected to make farm
ownership loans (FOs) available and
more attractive to small operators
through reduced application
requirements, more timely application
processing, and added flexibility for
Youth Loan (YL) borrowers in meeting
the farm experience eligibility
DATES: Effective date: January 21, 2016.
Comment Date: We will consider
comments we receive by April 20, 2016.
ADDRESSES: We invite you to submit
comments on this final rule. In your
comment, please specify RIN 0560–AI33
and include the volume, date, and page
number of this issue of the Federal
Register. You may submit comments by
either of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Director, Loan Making
Division, Farm Loan Programs (FLP),
FSA, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
1400 Independence Avenue SW., Stop
0522, Washington, DC 20250–0522.
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Comments will be available for
inspection online at https:// and in the Office
of the Director, Loan Making Division,
FSA, USDA, 1400 Independence
Avenue SW., Stop 0522, Washington,
DC 20250–0522, between 8 a.m. and
4:30 p.m., except holidays.
Clanton; telephone: (202) 690–0214.
Persons with disabilities or who require
alternative means for communication
should contact the USDA Target Center
at (202) 720–2600 (voice).
FSA provides agricultural credit to
the Nation’s farmers and ranchers
through the FO Program. The
Consolidated Farm and Rural
Development Act of 1972 (CONACT,
Pub. L. 92–419), as amended, authorizes
FSA’s FO Program. The FO Program is
designed to finance the farm ownership
needs of family farms for operators who
meet the program eligibility
requirements. Among other things,
eligible applicants must be unable to
obtain sufficient credit from other
sources; have sufficient farming
experience; have an acceptable credit
history; and have adequate collateral for
the proposed loan. (See 7 CFR 764.101
and 764.152 for a full explanation of FO
eligibility requirements.) FO funds may
be used, among other purposes, to
purchase a farm, enlarge an existing
farm, construct new farm buildings or
improve structures, pay closing costs,
and promote soil and water
conservation and protection. (See 7 CFR
764.151 for a complete list of FO funds
uses.) Throughout this rule, any
reference to ‘‘farm’’ or ‘‘farmer’’ also
includes ‘‘ranch’’ or ‘‘rancher,’’
respectively; in this document, the word
‘‘operator’’ refers to farmers who operate
a farm.
FSA has conducted a Direct ML
Program for OLs since January 2013 and
has made 16,842 MLs to farmers since
inception and provided MLs totaling
$66.1 million dollars in FY 2013, $98.3
million in FY 2014, and $209.4 million
in FY 2015 and the first quarter of FY
2016 (loan amounts are as of January 13,
2016). The Direct ML Program has seen
explosive growth and helped to fill a
need for financing of small farm
operations, many of them to beginning
or underserved farmers. Following the
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success of the Direct ML Program for
direct OLs, FSA has decided to expand
the ML Program to add direct FOs to
reach more beginning farmers and
farmers with small farms.
FSA evaluated the unique needs of
small farm operations and identified
unintended barriers to applying for FOs
of smaller loan amounts. FSA is
simplifying the application process and
adding flexibility for meeting loan
eligibility in order to encourage their
participation. FSA is creating the new
DFOML application process within the
existing FO Program framework, and
will use existing FO appropriations to
focus on the financing needs of small
farm operations.
FSA is implementing the DFOML to
provide credit in an aggregate amount
not to exceed $50,000. The $50,000
limit for MLs is established as specified
in section 5106 of the Agricultural Act
of 2014 (Pub. L. 113–79, referred to as
the 2014 Farm Bill), amending the
CONACT (7 U.S.C. 1943), to set the
limit of $50,000 for the total ML
indebtedness outstanding at any one
time to any single borrower. Therefore,
eligible farmers cannot have more than
$50,000 in direct ML debt in each of the
direct FO and OL programs upon loan
closing. It is intended that smaller loan
amounts will help small operations,
such as beginning farmers, truck
farmers, niche-type operations, and
those who have demonstrated financial
and business experience through the
successful repayment of a Youth Loan
(YL). These farmers tend to have
difficulty obtaining real estate financing
from lenders who are unlikely to loan
such small amounts, particularly to nontypical operations. FSA is providing
credit to these farmers at reasonable
rates and terms that are significant
because financing costs have a greater
impact on smaller startup operations,
which typically have a tighter cash flow.
Similar to the OL ML, under 7 CFR
761.104(e) DFOML applicants can
provide other forms of documentation,
such as operator’s sales receipts,
financial statements, contracts, and tax
returns. This change will be helpful for
operations where past yields have little
bearing on the projected plan, such as
vegetable operators who plan short term
and grow different crops to meet current
demand; operators who produce crops
using measures such as rows or partial
rows versus acres; or operators who
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
grow crops that sell in volumes such as
bunches. In some of these cases it will
be impracticable, burdensome, and
often irrelevant for the farmer to
demonstrate accurate yields, especially
if a variety of produce is harvested and
then sold to the public only hours later.
In such cases, past reliable history of
income and expenses or cash receipts
may be more useful in projecting the
future production revenue of a field,
greenhouse, or operation. Also, if an
operator is changing the crop from year
to year to meet changing market
demands, then production for the past
2 or 3 years may not be applicable to the
production model. This modification
allows FSA to assist operations that
otherwise may have difficulty meeting
or documenting production and yield
history and will provide sufficient
information for a loan official to
determine eligibility and feasibility.
Additionally, repayment terms are
being modified for these smaller FOs to
allow borrowers to more quickly build
equity in their farm real estate according
to their repayment ability. That,
combined with the already established
flexibility for the farmers to make loan
payments when they sell their products,
allows farmers to more efficiently
manage their income and resources.
This rule modifies the FO eligibility
requirements in 7 CFR 764.152 to allow
farmers who have successfully repaid an
FSA financed YL to use the term of that
loan toward the 3 years farm
management experience for a DFOML.
Each year of the YL term can be applied
toward meeting the requirement for 3
years of farm management experience.
The repayment terms of DFOML will
differ from the regular FO Program; the
maximum number of years for a
borrower to pay back a DFOML is 25
years. For smaller real estate loans, there
is not a large difference in the payment
amount between the annual
installments under DFOML’s maximum
25-year amortization schedule and the
regular FO’s maximum 40 year
amortization. However; the interest paid
on a 40 year amortization is
considerably larger than on the 25-year
schedule. The borrowers will benefit
from paying less total interest on the life
of their loan. The average number of
years for an FO to be outstanding is 13
years, with loans being either paid in
full or refinanced with another lender
within this timeframe. Some borrowers
do remain with FSA for the duration of
their FO term. The 25-year maximum is
reasonable for assisting our borrowers to
purchase land and to build equity in the
property. The benefits will help small
operations endure through the start-up
years, demonstrate capacity, build
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equity, move up to FSA regular loan
programs, and eventually graduate to
commercial credit.
Our role in providing supervised
credit is to help borrowers prepare for
the transition to conventional credit.
While a DFOML will reduce the
paperwork burden on applicants and
FSA staff, it will not reduce the amount
of oversight provided by FSA to these
farmers. In fact, as a result of
streamlining the application process,
FSA will have more time to work on
cash flow analysis, provide borrower
training and ready these borrowers for
transition into commercial credit.
ML Application Requirements and
Application Processing
This rule is revising 7 CFR 764.51 to
add the requirements for the DFOML
application. A complete DFOML
application will consist of the following:
• A microloan application form
(§ 764.51(b)(1));
• A balance sheet (§ 764.51(b)(9) and
• An operating plan (§ 764.51(b)(9));
• Applicable environmental
information (§ 764.51(b)(7));
• Description of the applicant’s farm
training and experience (§ 764.51(b)(3));
• Verification of applicant’s farm
experience (§ 764.51(d)(2)(v));
• Documentation that credit cannot
be obtained elsewhere (§ 764.51(b)(6));
• Documents with regard to the
property or option to purchase
agreement (§ 764.51(b)(10));
• The credit report fee
(§ 764.51(b)(11)); and
• Verification of non-farm income for
repayment (§ 764.51(d)(2)(iii)).
• In addition, if the applicant is an
entity, the complete application will
include entity and entity member
information specified in § 764.51(b)(2).
The DFOML application form is the
same one in use for applicants for Direct
ML Program for OLs. This form is
intended to capture most of the
information needed to process an ML,
including sections for the applicant to
describe farm training and experience. It
also reduces and simplifies the financial
Environmental information will still
be handled through the county office
process, involving FSA staff and NRCS
staff, as applicable. This will not change
from the current process followed for
regular FOs.
Verification of non-farm income will
only be required if that income is
necessary for a feasible plan and
sufficient cash flow for debt repayment.
This is a change from the existing FO
application process, as income is always
verified as specified in § 764.51(b)(8). If
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it is necessary to verify debt, debts will
be verified through the credit bureau
reporting system.
This information will be sufficient for
a loan official to determine eligibility
and feasibility. The DFOML includes an
abbreviated loan assessment, Farm
Business Plan credit presentation, and
year-end analysis, which will better
parallel components of a small
operation. Additionally, since these real
estate loans will be $50,000 or less, the
appraisal requirement may be met by an
authorized agency official’s evaluation
that establishes the value of the real
estate. An acceptable evaluation for
DFOML will include an identification of
the location of the property; a
description of the property, including
any improvements and its current and
projected use; confirmation that the
property was physically inspected and
the date of the inspection; description of
the analysis performed and supporting
information used to determine the
property’s market value; an effective
date of the evaluation and signature of
the preparer.
The reduced requirements will allow
loan staff to focus on paperwork that is
valuable in the analysis of these smaller
operations, instead of reviewing the
required forms and paperwork
necessary with larger, more complex
real estate loans. The lower loan limit
helps mitigate much of the risk inherent
with less documentation and nontypical agricultural operations.
For incomplete applications, FSA will
follow existing direct loan processing
procedures. Following current
procedures, FSA will inform the
applicant, through written
correspondence, of any missing items
needed to complete the application
prior to established regulatory
Since DFOMLs are FOs, applicants
will be subject to existing FO eligibility
requirements. However, FSA added
flexibility for YL borrowers in meeting
the managerial ability requirement.
Current regulations in 7 CFR 764.152(d)
require that an FO applicant show the
ability to manage a farm operation; the
applicant must have participated in the
business operations of a farm for at least
3 years out of the 10 years prior to the
date the application is submitted. One
of these three years can be substituted
with the following experience:
• Postsecondary education in
agriculture business, horticulture,
animal science, agronomy, or other
agricultural related fields,
• Significant business management
experience, or
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
• Leadership or management
experience while serving in any branch
of the military.
As noted above, the current revisions
add flexibility for farmers who have
successfully repaid an FSA financed YL
to use the term of that loan toward the
3 years farm management experience for
Except as noted in the rule, FO
eligibility and feasibility criteria will
remain consistent with existing
programs in FLP, but the small loan
amount will make the extensive
paperwork requirements unnecessary.
The farm operation will be required to
project a positive cash flow, and
servicing options will remain consistent
with existing FLP options. The DFOML
process will simply broaden the reach of
FSA’s FO Program by providing
flexibility that allows FSA loan
programs to be more attractive to small
and beginning farmers.
This rule modifies the ML definition,
in 7 CFR 761.2, to include FO uses of
funds; the prior ML definition only
addressed direct OLs. Additionally, this
rule creates a distinction between MLs
used for OL and FO purposes in areas
in which the application process,
eligibility, and security requirements
FSA has considered several options in
creating the DFOML and has weighed
the underwriting risks against the
opportunity to improve the FO Program.
The underwriting risks will be limited
due to the lower loan amounts and the
smaller pool of applicants who are able
to benefit from DFOML. The benefits to
beginning and small farmers to apply for
DFOML clearly outweigh any perceived
risks or barriers.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Security Requirements
As specified in § 764.101(c) and (e),
MLs are exempted from the
requirements of obtaining 150 percent
security and taking a lien on nonessential assets. As specified in
§ 764.155(b)(1), an ML made for FO
purposes, may be secured only by the
real estate being purchased or improved,
as long as it meets the 100 percent
security requirement. This is consistent
with the security requirements in place
for existing OL MLs.
Applicability of Other Regulatory
Other existing and applicable
regulatory requirements pertaining to
development of operating plans, loan
processing and closing, use of loan
funds, loan servicing, and
environmental requirements not
specifically amended by this rule will
apply to MLs, like other FOs.
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Miscellaneous Changes
In addition to the changes discussed
above, this rule is making conforming
minor changes to correct the ML limit
to be consistently $50,000 and to
otherwise add MLs to FOs in the
reducing costs, of harmonizing rules,
and of promoting flexibility.
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) designated this rule as not
significant under Executive Order 12866
and, therefore, OMB has not reviewed
this final rule.
Notice and Comment
In general, the Administrative
Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553) requires
that a notice of proposed rulemaking be
published in the Federal Register and
interested persons be given an
opportunity to participate in the
rulemaking through submission of
written data, views, or arguments with
or without opportunity for oral
presentation, except when the rule
involves a matter relating to public
property, loans, grants, benefits, or
contracts. This rule involved matters
relating to loans and is therefore being
published as a final rule. Although FSA
is not required to provide the
opportunity for comments on this rule,
we are requesting public comments for
90 days to get input on the changes.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601–612), as amended by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA),
generally requires an agency to prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis of any
rule whenever an agency is required by
APA or any other law to publish a final
rule, unless the agency certifies that the
rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. This rule is
not subject to the Regulatory Flexibility
Act because it is exempt from notice
and comment rulemaking requirements
of the APA and no other law requires
that a proposed rule be published for
this rulemaking initiative.
Effective Date
The Administrative Procedure Act (5
U.S.C. 553) provides generally that
before rules are issued by Government
agencies, the rule is required to be
published in the Federal Register, and
the required publication of a substantive
rule is to be not less than 30 days before
its effective date. One of the exceptions
is when the agency finds good cause for
not delaying the effective date. Most FO
loans are established at the beginning of
the calendar year, therefore,
implementing this rule quickly will
benefit beginning and small farms
starting in 2016 instead of having to
wait for 2017. Using the administrative
procedure provisions in 5 U.S.C. 553,
FSA finds that there is good cause for
making this rule effective less than 30
days after publication in the Federal
Register. Therefore, this final rule is
effective when published in the Federal
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Order 12866, ‘‘Regulatory
Planning and Review,’’ and Executive
Order 13563, ‘‘Improving Regulation
and Regulatory Review,’’ direct agencies
to assess all costs and benefits of
available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select
regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health
and safety effects, distributive impacts,
and equity). Executive Order 13563
emphasized the importance of
quantifying both costs and benefits, of
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Environmental Review
The environmental impacts of this
rule have been considered in a manner
consistent with the provisions of the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA, 42 U.S.C. 4321–4347), the
regulations of the Council on
Environmental Quality (40 CFR parts
1500–1508), and the FSA regulations for
compliance with NEPA (7 CFR 799 and
7 CFR part 1940, subpart G). FSA
concluded that simplifying the
application process and adding
flexibility for meeting loan eligibility
requirements to encourage small farm
operation participation in its FO
program explained in this rule are
administrative in nature and will not
have a significant impact on the quality
of the human environment either
individually or cumulatively. The
environmental responsibilities for each
prospective applicant will not change
from the current process followed for all
FLP actions (7 CFR 1940.309).
Therefore, FSA will not prepare an
environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement on this
Executive Order 12372
Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs,’’ requires consultation with
State and local officials. The objectives
of the Executive Order are to foster an
intergovernmental partnership and a
strengthened Federalism, by relying on
State and local processes for State and
local government coordination and
review of proposed Federal Financial
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
assistance and direct Federal
development. For reasons set forth in
the Notice to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart
V (48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983), the
programs and activities within this rule
are excluded from the scope of
Executive Order 12372.
Executive Order 12988
This rule has been reviewed in
accordance with Executive Order 12988,
‘‘Civil Justice Reform.’’ The provisions
of this rule will not have preemptive
effect with respect to any State or local
laws, regulations, or policies that
conflict with such provision or which
otherwise impede their full
implementation. The rule will not have
retroactive effect.
Executive Order 13132
This rule has been reviewed under
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism.’’
The policies contained in this rule will
not have any substantial direct effect on
States, on the relationship between the
Federal Government and the States, or
on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. Nor would this
rule impose substantial direct
compliance costs on State and local
governments. Therefore, consultation
with the States is not required.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Executive Order 13175
This rule has been reviewed in
accordance with the requirements of
Executive Order 13175, ‘‘Consultation
and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments.’’ Executive Order 13175
requires Federal agencies to consult and
coordinate with tribes on a governmentto-government basis on policies that
have tribal implications, including
regulations, legislative comments or
proposed legislation, and other policy
statements or actions that have
substantial direct effects on one or more
Indian tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal Government and
Indian tribes or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities between the
Federal Government and Indian tribes.
FSA has assessed the impact of this
rule on Indian tribes and determined
that this rule does not, to our
knowledge, have tribal implications that
require tribal consultation under
Executive Order 13175. If a Tribe
requests consultation, FSA will work
with the USDA Office of Tribal
Relations to ensure meaningful
consultation is provided where changes,
additions, and modifications identified
in this rule are not expressly mandated
by the 2014 Farm Bill.
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Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
7 CFR Part 764
Title II of the Unfunded Mandate
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA, Pub. L.
104–4) requires Federal agencies to
assess the effects of their regulatory
actions on State, local, or Tribal
governments or the private sector.
Agencies generally must prepare a
written statement, including a cost
benefit analysis, for proposed and final
rules with Federal mandates that may
result in expenditures of $100 million or
more in any 1 year for State, local, or
Tribal governments, in the aggregate, or
to the private sector. UMRA generally
requires agencies to consider
alternatives and adopt the more cost
effective or least burdensome alternative
that achieves the objectives of the rule.
This rule contains no Federal mandates
under the regulatory provisions of Title
II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform
Act of 1995 (UMRA) for State, local, or
Tribal governments, or the private
sector. Therefore, this rule is not subject
to the requirements of sections 202 and
205 of UMRA.
Agriculture, Disaster assistance, Loan
programs-agriculture, Agricultural
commodities, Livestock.
For reasons discussed above, FSA
amends 7 CFR chapter VII as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 761
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 U.S.C. 1989.
2. Revise the definition of
‘‘Microloan’’ in § 761.2(b) to read as
§ 761.2
Abbreviations and definitions.
(b) * * *
Microloan means a type of OL or FO
of $50,000 or less made using a reduced
loan application. Direct MLs are made
under modified eligibility and security
Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520), FSA described the Direct Farm
Ownership Microloan (DFOML)
information collection activities in the
request for the renewal and revision of
the 0260–0237, Direct Loan Making,
notice published on 10/07/2015, 80 FR
60614–60615. FSA will be using the
existing approval for the forms to begin
the DFOML collection under the 0560–
0237, Direct Loan Making. Therefore, no
change to the information collection
was required in this rule.
E-Government Act Compliance
3. The authority citation for part 764
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 U.S.C. 1989.
§ 764.1
§ 764.51
FSA is committed to complying with
the E-Government Act, to promote the
use of the Internet and other
information technologies to provide
increased opportunities for citizen
access to Government information and
services, and for other purposes.
Federal Assistance Programs
The title and number of the Federal
assistance programs, as found in the
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance,
to which this final rule would apply is:
Farm Ownership Loans.
List of Subjects
7 CFR Part 761
Accounting, Loan programsagriculture, Rural areas.
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4. In § 764.1(b)(1), add the phrase ‘‘ML
and’’ immediately after ‘‘including’’.
■ 5. Amend § 764.51 as follows:
■ a. In paragraph (c) introductory text,
add the words ‘‘for OL purposes’’
immediately after ‘‘request’’;
■ b. Redesignate paragraphs (d), (e), and
(f) as paragraphs (e), (f), and (g); and
■ c. Add a new paragraph (d).
The addition reads as follows:
(d) For an ML request for FO
purposes, all of the following criteria
must be met:
(1) The loan requested is:
(i) To pay for any authorized purpose
under the FO Program, which are
specified in § 764.151; and
(ii) $50,000 or less and the applicant’s
total outstanding Agency FO debt at the
time of loan closing will be $50,000 or
(2) The applicant must submit the
(i) Items specified in paragraphs
(b)(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (9), (10), and (11)
of this section;
(ii) Financial and production records
for the most recent production cycle, if
available and practicable to project the
cash flow of the operating cycle; and
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Rules and Regulations
(iv) Verification of all non-farm
income relied upon for repayment; and
(v) Verification of applicant’s farm
(3) The Agency may require an ML
applicant to submit any other
information listed in paragraph (b) of
this section upon request when
necessary to make a determination on
the loan application.
■ 6. Amend § 764.101 as follows:
■ a. In paragraph (i)(3), remove ‘‘MLs’’
and add the phrase ‘‘MLs, made for OL
purposes,’’ in its place; and
■ b. Revise paragraph (i)(4).
The revision reads as follows:
§ 764.101
General eligibility requirements.
(i) * * *
(4) Alternatives for MLs made for OL
purposes. Applicants for MLs made for
OL purposes, also may demonstrate
managerial ability by one of the
■ 7. Revise § 764.107(a) to read as
§ 764.107
General appraisal requirements.
(a) Establishing value for real estate.
The value of real estate will be
established by an appraisal completed
in accordance with § 761.7 of this
chapter, except that for MLs made for
FO purposes, the appraisal requirement
may be satisfied by an evaluation by an
authorized agency official that
establishes the value of the real estate.
■ 8. Amend § 764.152 as follows:
■ a. Redesignate paragraph (e) as
paragraph (f); and
■ b. Add a new paragraph (e).
The addition reads as follows:
§ 764.152
Eligibility requirements.
(1) For MLs made for FO purposes the
Agency schedules repayment of an FO
based on the applicant’s ability to repay
and the useful life of the security. In no
event will the term be more than 25
years from the date of the note.
(2) [Reserved]
■ 10. In § 764.155, add paragraph (b)(1)
to read as follows; and add and reserve
paragraph (b)(2).
§ 764.155
Security requirements.
(b) * * *
(1) An ML made for FO purposes, may
be secured only by the real estate being
purchased or improved, as long as its
value is at least 100 percent of the loan
(2) [Reserved]
■ 11. Amend § 764.203 as follows:
■ a. Redesignate paragraph (c) as
paragraph (d); and
■ b. Add a new paragraph (c).
The addition reads as follows:
§ 764.203
(c) Downpayment loans made as an
ML for FO purposes may not exceed
§ 764.251
12. In § 764.251(a) introductory text,
add the phrase ‘‘used for OL purposes’’
immediately after ‘‘ML’’.
§ 764.255
13. In § 764.255(c) introductory text,
add ‘‘used for OL purposes’’
immediately after ‘‘MLs’’.
Val Dolcini,
Administrator, Farm Service Agency.
[FR Doc. 2016–01038 Filed 1–20–16; 8:45 am]
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with RULES
(e) For an ML made for FO purposes,
if an ML applicant has successfully
repaid an FSA financed youth loan, the
term of that loan may be used toward
the 3 years of management experience
required for a FO direct loan.
■ 9. Amend § 764.154 as follows:
■ a. In paragraph (b), remove the words
‘‘The Agency’’ and add the phrase
‘‘Except for MLs made for FO purposes,
the Agency’’ in their place.
■ b. Add paragraph (b)(1) and add and
reserve paragraph (b)(2).
The addition reads as follows:
§ 764.154
Rates and terms.
(b) * * *
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Agricultural Marketing Service
7 CFR Part 922
[Doc. No. AMS–FV–15–0033; FV15–922–1
Apricots Grown in Designated
Counties in Washington; Decreased
Assessment Rate
Agricultural Marketing Service,
ACTION: Affirmation of interim rule as
final rule.
The Department of
Agriculture is adopting, as a final rule,
15:08 Jan 20, 2016
Jkt 238001
PO 00000
Frm 00005
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
without change, an interim rule that
implemented a recommendation from
the Washington Apricot Marketing
Committee (Committee) to decrease the
assessment rate from $1.50 to $0.75 per
ton of Washington apricots handled for
the 2015–2016 and subsequent fiscal
periods. The Committee locally
administers the marketing order and is
comprised of apricot producers and
handlers operating within designated
counties in Washington. The interim
rule was necessary to allow the
Committee to reduce its financial
reserve while still providing adequate
funding to meet program expenses.
DATES: Effective January 22, 2016.
Teresa Hutchinson, Marketing
Specialist, or Gary Olson, Regional
Director, Northwest Marketing Field
Office, Marketing Order and Agreement
Division, Specialty Crops Program,
AMS, USDA; Telephone: (503) 326–
2724; Fax: (503) 326–7440; or Email: or
Small businesses may obtain
information on complying with this and
other marketing order regulations by
viewing a guide at the following Web
or by contacting Antoinette Carter,
Marketing Order and Agreement
Division, Specialty Crops Program,
AMS, USDA, 1400 Independence
Avenue SW., STOP 0237, Washington,
DC 20250–0237; Telephone: (202) 720–
2491; Fax: (202) 720–8938; or Email:
is issued under Marketing Agreement
No. 132 and Order No. 922, as amended
(7 CFR 922), regulating the handling of
apricots grown in designated counties in
Washington, hereinafter referred to as
the ‘‘order.’’ The order is effective under
the Agricultural Marketing Agreement
Act of 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 601–
674), hereinafter referred to as the
The Department of Agriculture
(USDA) is issuing this rule in
conformance with Executive Orders
12866, 13563, and 13175.
Under the order, Washington apricot
handlers are subject to assessments,
which provide funds to administer the
order. Assessment rates issued under
the order are intended to be applicable
to all assessable Washington apricots for
the entire fiscal period, and continue
indefinitely until amended, suspended,
or terminated. The Committee’s fiscal
period begins on April 1 and ends on
March 31.
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 13 (Thursday, January 21, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 3289-3293]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-01038]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 13 / Thursday, January 21, 2016 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 3289]]
Farm Service Agency
7 CFR Parts 761 and 764
RIN 0560-AI33
Direct Farm Ownership Microloan
AGENCY: Farm Service Agency, USDA.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is adding Direct Farm Ownership
Microloan (DFOML) to the existing Direct Loan Program. The revisions to
the Direct Loan Program regulations consist of application,
eligibility, repayment terms, and security requirements to better serve
the unique operating needs of small family farm operations. The
existing Microloans (ML) in the Direct Loan Program already include MLs
for operating loans (OL). DFOML is expected to make farm ownership
loans (FOs) available and more attractive to small operators through
reduced application requirements, more timely application processing,
and added flexibility for Youth Loan (YL) borrowers in meeting the farm
experience eligibility requirement.
DATES: Effective date: January 21, 2016.
Comment Date: We will consider comments we receive by April 20,
ADDRESSES: We invite you to submit comments on this final rule. In your
comment, please specify RIN 0560-AI33 and include the volume, date, and
page number of this issue of the Federal Register. You may submit
comments by either of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Director, Loan Making Division, Farm Loan Programs
(FLP), FSA, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Avenue
SW., Stop 0522, Washington, DC 20250-0522.
Comments will be available for inspection online at and in the Office of the Director, Loan Making
Division, FSA, USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue SW., Stop 0522,
Washington, DC 20250-0522, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., except
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Russ Clanton; telephone: (202) 690-
0214. Persons with disabilities or who require alternative means for
communication should contact the USDA Target Center at (202) 720-2600
FSA provides agricultural credit to the Nation's farmers and
ranchers through the FO Program. The Consolidated Farm and Rural
Development Act of 1972 (CONACT, Pub. L. 92-419), as amended,
authorizes FSA's FO Program. The FO Program is designed to finance the
farm ownership needs of family farms for operators who meet the program
eligibility requirements. Among other things, eligible applicants must
be unable to obtain sufficient credit from other sources; have
sufficient farming experience; have an acceptable credit history; and
have adequate collateral for the proposed loan. (See 7 CFR 764.101 and
764.152 for a full explanation of FO eligibility requirements.) FO
funds may be used, among other purposes, to purchase a farm, enlarge an
existing farm, construct new farm buildings or improve structures, pay
closing costs, and promote soil and water conservation and protection.
(See 7 CFR 764.151 for a complete list of FO funds uses.) Throughout
this rule, any reference to ``farm'' or ``farmer'' also includes
``ranch'' or ``rancher,'' respectively; in this document, the word
``operator'' refers to farmers who operate a farm.
FSA has conducted a Direct ML Program for OLs since January 2013
and has made 16,842 MLs to farmers since inception and provided MLs
totaling $66.1 million dollars in FY 2013, $98.3 million in FY 2014,
and $209.4 million in FY 2015 and the first quarter of FY 2016 (loan
amounts are as of January 13, 2016). The Direct ML Program has seen
explosive growth and helped to fill a need for financing of small farm
operations, many of them to beginning or underserved farmers. Following
the success of the Direct ML Program for direct OLs, FSA has decided to
expand the ML Program to add direct FOs to reach more beginning farmers
and farmers with small farms.
FSA evaluated the unique needs of small farm operations and
identified unintended barriers to applying for FOs of smaller loan
amounts. FSA is simplifying the application process and adding
flexibility for meeting loan eligibility in order to encourage their
participation. FSA is creating the new DFOML application process within
the existing FO Program framework, and will use existing FO
appropriations to focus on the financing needs of small farm
FSA is implementing the DFOML to provide credit in an aggregate
amount not to exceed $50,000. The $50,000 limit for MLs is established
as specified in section 5106 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (Pub. L.
113-79, referred to as the 2014 Farm Bill), amending the CONACT (7
U.S.C. 1943), to set the limit of $50,000 for the total ML indebtedness
outstanding at any one time to any single borrower. Therefore, eligible
farmers cannot have more than $50,000 in direct ML debt in each of the
direct FO and OL programs upon loan closing. It is intended that
smaller loan amounts will help small operations, such as beginning
farmers, truck farmers, niche-type operations, and those who have
demonstrated financial and business experience through the successful
repayment of a Youth Loan (YL). These farmers tend to have difficulty
obtaining real estate financing from lenders who are unlikely to loan
such small amounts, particularly to non-typical operations. FSA is
providing credit to these farmers at reasonable rates and terms that
are significant because financing costs have a greater impact on
smaller startup operations, which typically have a tighter cash flow.
Similar to the OL ML, under 7 CFR 761.104(e) DFOML applicants can
provide other forms of documentation, such as operator's sales
receipts, financial statements, contracts, and tax returns. This change
will be helpful for operations where past yields have little bearing on
the projected plan, such as vegetable operators who plan short term and
grow different crops to meet current demand; operators who produce
crops using measures such as rows or partial rows versus acres; or
operators who
[[Page 3290]]
grow crops that sell in volumes such as bunches. In some of these cases
it will be impracticable, burdensome, and often irrelevant for the
farmer to demonstrate accurate yields, especially if a variety of
produce is harvested and then sold to the public only hours later. In
such cases, past reliable history of income and expenses or cash
receipts may be more useful in projecting the future production revenue
of a field, greenhouse, or operation. Also, if an operator is changing
the crop from year to year to meet changing market demands, then
production for the past 2 or 3 years may not be applicable to the
production model. This modification allows FSA to assist operations
that otherwise may have difficulty meeting or documenting production
and yield history and will provide sufficient information for a loan
official to determine eligibility and feasibility.
Additionally, repayment terms are being modified for these smaller
FOs to allow borrowers to more quickly build equity in their farm real
estate according to their repayment ability. That, combined with the
already established flexibility for the farmers to make loan payments
when they sell their products, allows farmers to more efficiently
manage their income and resources.
This rule modifies the FO eligibility requirements in 7 CFR 764.152
to allow farmers who have successfully repaid an FSA financed YL to use
the term of that loan toward the 3 years farm management experience for
a DFOML. Each year of the YL term can be applied toward meeting the
requirement for 3 years of farm management experience.
The repayment terms of DFOML will differ from the regular FO
Program; the maximum number of years for a borrower to pay back a DFOML
is 25 years. For smaller real estate loans, there is not a large
difference in the payment amount between the annual installments under
DFOML's maximum 25-year amortization schedule and the regular FO's
maximum 40 year amortization. However; the interest paid on a 40 year
amortization is considerably larger than on the 25-year schedule. The
borrowers will benefit from paying less total interest on the life of
their loan. The average number of years for an FO to be outstanding is
13 years, with loans being either paid in full or refinanced with
another lender within this timeframe. Some borrowers do remain with FSA
for the duration of their FO term. The 25-year maximum is reasonable
for assisting our borrowers to purchase land and to build equity in the
property. The benefits will help small operations endure through the
start-up years, demonstrate capacity, build equity, move up to FSA
regular loan programs, and eventually graduate to commercial credit.
Our role in providing supervised credit is to help borrowers
prepare for the transition to conventional credit. While a DFOML will
reduce the paperwork burden on applicants and FSA staff, it will not
reduce the amount of oversight provided by FSA to these farmers. In
fact, as a result of streamlining the application process, FSA will
have more time to work on cash flow analysis, provide borrower training
and ready these borrowers for transition into commercial credit.
ML Application Requirements and Application Processing
This rule is revising 7 CFR 764.51 to add the requirements for the
DFOML application. A complete DFOML application will consist of the
A microloan application form (Sec. 764.51(b)(1));
A balance sheet (Sec. 764.51(b)(9) and (d)(2)(ii));
An operating plan (Sec. 764.51(b)(9));
Applicable environmental information (Sec. 764.51(b)(7));
Description of the applicant's farm training and
experience (Sec. 764.51(b)(3));
Verification of applicant's farm experience (Sec.
Documentation that credit cannot be obtained elsewhere
(Sec. 764.51(b)(6));
Documents with regard to the property or option to
purchase agreement (Sec. 764.51(b)(10));
The credit report fee (Sec. 764.51(b)(11)); and
Verification of non-farm income for repayment (Sec.
In addition, if the applicant is an entity, the complete
application will include entity and entity member information specified
in Sec. 764.51(b)(2).
The DFOML application form is the same one in use for applicants
for Direct ML Program for OLs. This form is intended to capture most of
the information needed to process an ML, including sections for the
applicant to describe farm training and experience. It also reduces and
simplifies the financial statement.
Environmental information will still be handled through the county
office process, involving FSA staff and NRCS staff, as applicable. This
will not change from the current process followed for regular FOs.
Verification of non-farm income will only be required if that
income is necessary for a feasible plan and sufficient cash flow for
debt repayment. This is a change from the existing FO application
process, as income is always verified as specified in Sec.
764.51(b)(8). If it is necessary to verify debt, debts will be verified
through the credit bureau reporting system.
This information will be sufficient for a loan official to
determine eligibility and feasibility. The DFOML includes an
abbreviated loan assessment, Farm Business Plan credit presentation,
and year-end analysis, which will better parallel components of a small
operation. Additionally, since these real estate loans will be $50,000
or less, the appraisal requirement may be met by an authorized agency
official's evaluation that establishes the value of the real estate. An
acceptable evaluation for DFOML will include an identification of the
location of the property; a description of the property, including any
improvements and its current and projected use; confirmation that the
property was physically inspected and the date of the inspection;
description of the analysis performed and supporting information used
to determine the property's market value; an effective date of the
evaluation and signature of the preparer.
The reduced requirements will allow loan staff to focus on
paperwork that is valuable in the analysis of these smaller operations,
instead of reviewing the required forms and paperwork necessary with
larger, more complex real estate loans. The lower loan limit helps
mitigate much of the risk inherent with less documentation and non-
typical agricultural operations.
For incomplete applications, FSA will follow existing direct loan
processing procedures. Following current procedures, FSA will inform
the applicant, through written correspondence, of any missing items
needed to complete the application prior to established regulatory
Since DFOMLs are FOs, applicants will be subject to existing FO
eligibility requirements. However, FSA added flexibility for YL
borrowers in meeting the managerial ability requirement. Current
regulations in 7 CFR 764.152(d) require that an FO applicant show the
ability to manage a farm operation; the applicant must have
participated in the business operations of a farm for at least 3 years
out of the 10 years prior to the date the application is submitted. One
of these three years can be substituted with the following experience:
Postsecondary education in agriculture business,
horticulture, animal science, agronomy, or other agricultural related
Significant business management experience, or
[[Page 3291]]
Leadership or management experience while serving in any
branch of the military.
As noted above, the current revisions add flexibility for farmers
who have successfully repaid an FSA financed YL to use the term of that
loan toward the 3 years farm management experience for a DFOML.
Except as noted in the rule, FO eligibility and feasibility
criteria will remain consistent with existing programs in FLP, but the
small loan amount will make the extensive paperwork requirements
unnecessary. The farm operation will be required to project a positive
cash flow, and servicing options will remain consistent with existing
FLP options. The DFOML process will simply broaden the reach of FSA's
FO Program by providing flexibility that allows FSA loan programs to be
more attractive to small and beginning farmers.
This rule modifies the ML definition, in 7 CFR 761.2, to include FO
uses of funds; the prior ML definition only addressed direct OLs.
Additionally, this rule creates a distinction between MLs used for OL
and FO purposes in areas in which the application process, eligibility,
and security requirements differ.
FSA has considered several options in creating the DFOML and has
weighed the underwriting risks against the opportunity to improve the
FO Program. The underwriting risks will be limited due to the lower
loan amounts and the smaller pool of applicants who are able to benefit
from DFOML. The benefits to beginning and small farmers to apply for
DFOML clearly outweigh any perceived risks or barriers.
Security Requirements
As specified in Sec. 764.101(c) and (e), MLs are exempted from the
requirements of obtaining 150 percent security and taking a lien on
non-essential assets. As specified in Sec. 764.155(b)(1), an ML made
for FO purposes, may be secured only by the real estate being purchased
or improved, as long as it meets the 100 percent security requirement.
This is consistent with the security requirements in place for existing
Applicability of Other Regulatory Requirements
Other existing and applicable regulatory requirements pertaining to
development of operating plans, loan processing and closing, use of
loan funds, loan servicing, and environmental requirements not
specifically amended by this rule will apply to MLs, like other FOs.
Miscellaneous Changes
In addition to the changes discussed above, this rule is making
conforming minor changes to correct the ML limit to be consistently
$50,000 and to otherwise add MLs to FOs in the regulations.
Notice and Comment
In general, the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553)
requires that a notice of proposed rulemaking be published in the
Federal Register and interested persons be given an opportunity to
participate in the rulemaking through submission of written data,
views, or arguments with or without opportunity for oral presentation,
except when the rule involves a matter relating to public property,
loans, grants, benefits, or contracts. This rule involved matters
relating to loans and is therefore being published as a final rule.
Although FSA is not required to provide the opportunity for comments on
this rule, we are requesting public comments for 90 days to get input
on the changes.
Effective Date
The Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553) provides generally
that before rules are issued by Government agencies, the rule is
required to be published in the Federal Register, and the required
publication of a substantive rule is to be not less than 30 days before
its effective date. One of the exceptions is when the agency finds good
cause for not delaying the effective date. Most FO loans are
established at the beginning of the calendar year, therefore,
implementing this rule quickly will benefit beginning and small farms
starting in 2016 instead of having to wait for 2017. Using the
administrative procedure provisions in 5 U.S.C. 553, FSA finds that
there is good cause for making this rule effective less than 30 days
after publication in the Federal Register. Therefore, this final rule
is effective when published in the Federal Register.
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Order 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and Review,'' and
Executive Order 13563, ``Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review,''
direct agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available
regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select
regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive
impacts, and equity). Executive Order 13563 emphasized the importance
of quantifying both costs and benefits, of reducing costs, of
harmonizing rules, and of promoting flexibility.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) designated this rule as
not significant under Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, OMB has not
reviewed this final rule.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), as amended by
the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
(SBREFA), generally requires an agency to prepare a regulatory
flexibility analysis of any rule whenever an agency is required by APA
or any other law to publish a final rule, unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. This rule is not subject to the
Regulatory Flexibility Act because it is exempt from notice and comment
rulemaking requirements of the APA and no other law requires that a
proposed rule be published for this rulemaking initiative.
Environmental Review
The environmental impacts of this rule have been considered in a
manner consistent with the provisions of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347), the regulations of the Council
on Environmental Quality (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and the FSA
regulations for compliance with NEPA (7 CFR 799 and 7 CFR part 1940,
subpart G). FSA concluded that simplifying the application process and
adding flexibility for meeting loan eligibility requirements to
encourage small farm operation participation in its FO program
explained in this rule are administrative in nature and will not have a
significant impact on the quality of the human environment either
individually or cumulatively. The environmental responsibilities for
each prospective applicant will not change from the current process
followed for all FLP actions (7 CFR 1940.309). Therefore, FSA will not
prepare an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement
on this rule.
Executive Order 12372
Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs,'' requires consultation with State and local officials. The
objectives of the Executive Order are to foster an intergovernmental
partnership and a strengthened Federalism, by relying on State and
local processes for State and local government coordination and review
of proposed Federal Financial
[[Page 3292]]
assistance and direct Federal development. For reasons set forth in the
Notice to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V (48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983), the
programs and activities within this rule are excluded from the scope of
Executive Order 12372.
Executive Order 12988
This rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive Order
12988, ``Civil Justice Reform.'' The provisions of this rule will not
have preemptive effect with respect to any State or local laws,
regulations, or policies that conflict with such provision or which
otherwise impede their full implementation. The rule will not have
retroactive effect.
Executive Order 13132
This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 13132,
``Federalism.'' The policies contained in this rule will not have any
substantial direct effect on States, on the relationship between the
Federal Government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government. Nor would this
rule impose substantial direct compliance costs on State and local
governments. Therefore, consultation with the States is not required.
Executive Order 13175
This rule has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of
Executive Order 13175, ``Consultation and Coordination with Indian
Tribal Governments.'' Executive Order 13175 requires Federal agencies
to consult and coordinate with tribes on a government-to-government
basis on policies that have tribal implications, including regulations,
legislative comments or proposed legislation, and other policy
statements or actions that have substantial direct effects on one or
more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government
and Indian tribes or on the distribution of power and responsibilities
between the Federal Government and Indian tribes.
FSA has assessed the impact of this rule on Indian tribes and
determined that this rule does not, to our knowledge, have tribal
implications that require tribal consultation under Executive Order
13175. If a Tribe requests consultation, FSA will work with the USDA
Office of Tribal Relations to ensure meaningful consultation is
provided where changes, additions, and modifications identified in this
rule are not expressly mandated by the 2014 Farm Bill.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Title II of the Unfunded Mandate Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA, Pub. L.
104-4) requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their
regulatory actions on State, local, or Tribal governments or the
private sector. Agencies generally must prepare a written statement,
including a cost benefit analysis, for proposed and final rules with
Federal mandates that may result in expenditures of $100 million or
more in any 1 year for State, local, or Tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or to the private sector. UMRA generally requires agencies
to consider alternatives and adopt the more cost effective or least
burdensome alternative that achieves the objectives of the rule. This
rule contains no Federal mandates under the regulatory provisions of
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) for State,
local, or Tribal governments, or the private sector. Therefore, this
rule is not subject to the requirements of sections 202 and 205 of
Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3501-3520), FSA described the Direct Farm Ownership Microloan (DFOML)
information collection activities in the request for the renewal and
revision of the 0260-0237, Direct Loan Making, notice published on 10/
07/2015, 80 FR 60614-60615. FSA will be using the existing approval for
the forms to begin the DFOML collection under the 0560-0237, Direct
Loan Making. Therefore, no change to the information collection was
required in this rule.
E-Government Act Compliance
FSA is committed to complying with the E-Government Act, to promote
the use of the Internet and other information technologies to provide
increased opportunities for citizen access to Government information
and services, and for other purposes.
Federal Assistance Programs
The title and number of the Federal assistance programs, as found
in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, to which this final rule
would apply is:
10.407 Farm Ownership Loans.
List of Subjects
7 CFR Part 761
Accounting, Loan programs-agriculture, Rural areas.
7 CFR Part 764
Agriculture, Disaster assistance, Loan programs-agriculture,
Agricultural commodities, Livestock.
For reasons discussed above, FSA amends 7 CFR chapter VII as
1. The authority citation for part 761 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 U.S.C. 1989.
2. Revise the definition of ``Microloan'' in Sec. 761.2(b) to read as
Sec. 761.2 Abbreviations and definitions.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
Microloan means a type of OL or FO of $50,000 or less made using a
reduced loan application. Direct MLs are made under modified
eligibility and security requirements.
* * * * *
3. The authority citation for part 764 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 U.S.C. 1989.
Sec. 764.1 [Amended]
4. In Sec. 764.1(b)(1), add the phrase ``ML and'' immediately after
5. Amend Sec. 764.51 as follows:
a. In paragraph (c) introductory text, add the words ``for OL
purposes'' immediately after ``request'';
b. Redesignate paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) as paragraphs (e), (f), and
(g); and
c. Add a new paragraph (d).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 764.51 Introduction.
* * * * *
(d) For an ML request for FO purposes, all of the following
criteria must be met:
(1) The loan requested is:
(i) To pay for any authorized purpose under the FO Program, which
are specified in Sec. 764.151; and
(ii) $50,000 or less and the applicant's total outstanding Agency
FO debt at the time of loan closing will be $50,000 or less,
(2) The applicant must submit the following:
(i) Items specified in paragraphs (b)(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (9),
(10), and (11) of this section;
(ii) Financial and production records for the most recent
production cycle, if available and practicable to project the cash flow
of the operating cycle; and
[[Page 3293]]
(iv) Verification of all non-farm income relied upon for repayment;
(v) Verification of applicant's farm experience;
(3) The Agency may require an ML applicant to submit any other
information listed in paragraph (b) of this section upon request when
necessary to make a determination on the loan application.
* * * * *
6. Amend Sec. 764.101 as follows:
a. In paragraph (i)(3), remove ``MLs'' and add the phrase ``MLs, made
for OL purposes,'' in its place; and
b. Revise paragraph (i)(4).
The revision reads as follows:
Sec. 764.101 General eligibility requirements.
* * * * *
(i) * * *
(4) Alternatives for MLs made for OL purposes. Applicants for MLs
made for OL purposes, also may demonstrate managerial ability by one of
the following:
* * * * *
7. Revise Sec. 764.107(a) to read as follows:
Sec. 764.107 General appraisal requirements.
(a) Establishing value for real estate. The value of real estate
will be established by an appraisal completed in accordance with Sec.
761.7 of this chapter, except that for MLs made for FO purposes, the
appraisal requirement may be satisfied by an evaluation by an
authorized agency official that establishes the value of the real
* * * * *
8. Amend Sec. 764.152 as follows:
a. Redesignate paragraph (e) as paragraph (f); and
b. Add a new paragraph (e).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 764.152 Eligibility requirements.
* * * * *
(e) For an ML made for FO purposes, if an ML applicant has
successfully repaid an FSA financed youth loan, the term of that loan
may be used toward the 3 years of management experience required for a
FO direct loan.
* * * * *
9. Amend Sec. 764.154 as follows:
a. In paragraph (b), remove the words ``The Agency'' and add the phrase
``Except for MLs made for FO purposes, the Agency'' in their place.
b. Add paragraph (b)(1) and add and reserve paragraph (b)(2).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 764.154 Rates and terms.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) For MLs made for FO purposes the Agency schedules repayment of
an FO based on the applicant's ability to repay and the useful life of
the security. In no event will the term be more than 25 years from the
date of the note.
(2) [Reserved]
* * * * *
10. In Sec. 764.155, add paragraph (b)(1) to read as follows; and add
and reserve paragraph (b)(2).
Sec. 764.155 Security requirements.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) An ML made for FO purposes, may be secured only by the real
estate being purchased or improved, as long as its value is at least
100 percent of the loan amount.
(2) [Reserved]
* * * * *
11. Amend Sec. 764.203 as follows:
a. Redesignate paragraph (c) as paragraph (d); and
b. Add a new paragraph (c).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 764.203 Limitation.
* * * * *
(c) Downpayment loans made as an ML for FO purposes may not exceed
* * * * *
Sec. 764.251 [Amended]
12. In Sec. 764.251(a) introductory text, add the phrase ``used for OL
purposes'' immediately after ``ML''.
Sec. 764.255 [Amended]
13. In Sec. 764.255(c) introductory text, add ``used for OL purposes''
immediately after ``MLs''.
Val Dolcini,
Administrator, Farm Service Agency.
[FR Doc. 2016-01038 Filed 1-20-16; 8:45 am]