Hazardous Materials: Actions on Special Permit Applications, 81432-81433 [2015-32393]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 249 / Tuesday, December 29, 2015 / Notices
Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, East Building, PHH–30,
1200 New Jersey Avenue Southeast,
Washington, DC 20590–0001, (202) 366–
Copies of the applications are
available for inspection in the Records
Docket No.
Center, East Building, PHH–30, 1200
New Jersey Avenue Southeast,
Washington DC or at https://
This notice of receipt of applications
for modification of special permit is
published in accordance with Part 107
of the Federal hazardous materials
Regulation(s) affected
transportation law (49 U.S.C. 5117(b);
49 CFR 1.53(b)).
Issued in Washington, DC, December 7,
Don Burger,
Chief, General Approvals and Permits.
Nature of special permit thereof
8178–M ........
National Aeronautics &
Space Administration
(NASA) Washington, DC.
Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C. Flanders,
Honeywell International,
Inc. Morristown, NJ.
Belshire Transportation
Services, Inc. Foothill
Ranch, CA.
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Allentown, PA.
49 CFR 173.302(a);
173.34(d); 175.3.
To modify the special permit by extending the service
life of the cylinder from 32 years to 43 years.
8451–M ........
49 CFR 173.320,
173.54(a), 173.56(b),
173.57, 173.58, 173.60.
49 CFR 173.306(a)(3) .......
To modify the special permit to authorize transportation to a final disposal and facility.
11516–M ......
11624–M ......
14298–M ......
14692–M ......
Airgas USA, LLC, Tulsa,
49 CFR 180.209 ................
15507–M ......
49 CFR 173.304(d) ...........
16061–M ......
Yiwu Jinyu Machinery Factory, Jiangwan Town,
Yiwu City.
Battery Solutions, LLC,
Howell, MI.
16514–M ......
Robert Bosch Tool Corporation, Mt. Prospect,
49 CFR 172.301(c),
49 CFR 173.173(b)(2) .......
49 CFR 180.209(a) and (b)
49 CFR 172.200, 172.300,
Notice of actions on special
permit applications.
In accordance with the
procedures governing the application
for, and the processing of, special
permits from the Department of
Transportation’s Hazardous Material
Regulations (49 CFR part 107, subpart
B), notice is hereby given of the actions
on special permits applications in
(October to October 2014). The mode of
transportation involved are identified by
a number in the ‘‘Nature of
Application’’ portion of the table below
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Hazardous Materials: Actions on
Special Permit Applications
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:17 Dec 28, 2015
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To modify the special permit to authorize DOT specification 3A or 3AA tubes with a capacity greater
than 125 lbs mounted in an ISO or tube trailer
frame to not be removed from bundles or be hammer tested prior to refilling and to align the markings
requirements for ISO or tube trailer frame mounted
DOT specification 3A or 3AA cylinders with those
for DOT specification DOT 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX or
3T cylinders in tube trailers.
To modify the special permit to increase the maximum
cycling (fillings) of each cylinder in a 10 year period
to 600 from 300 cycles (fillings).
To modify the special permit to authorize an additional
non- refillable, non-DOT specification inner container similar to a DOT specification 2Q.
To modify the special permit to authorize dry cell batteries each with a marked rating up to 12 volts to be
transported without short circuit protection; to increase the quantity of lithium metal authorized in
each battery from 5 grams to 25 grams; to increase
the weight of each non-spillable battery authorized
from 11 pounds to 25 pounds; and to correct the
Packing Groups in paragraph 6.
To modify the special permit to increase the watt- hour
(Wh) rating of lithium ion cells and batteries from 20
Wh to 60 Wh for cells and from 100 Wh to 300 Wh
for batteries.
[FR Doc. 2015–32394 Filed 12–28–15; 8:45 am]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
To modify the special permit to authorize an additional
Division 2.2 material.
To modify the special permit to authorize Class 8, PG
II and PG III hazardous materials.
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
as follows: 1—Motor vehicle, 2—Rail
freight, 3—Cargo vessel, 4—Cargo
aircraft only, 5—Passenger-carrying
aircraft. Application numbers prefixed
by the letters EE represent applications
for Emergency Special Permits. It
should be noted that some of the
sections cited were those in effect at the
time certain special permits were
Issued in Washington, DC, on December 7,
Don Burger,
Chief, Special Permits and Approvals Branch.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 249 / Tuesday, December 29, 2015 / Notices
S.P. No.
Nature of special permit thereof
12549–M ......
15146–M ......
16394–M ......
TRISTAR Engineering Consulting Logistic SA 78311
ITW Tech Spray LLC Kennesaw, GA.
49 CFR 178.245–1(a) .............
Cellco Partnership, Basking
Ridge, NJ.
49 CFR Subparts C through H
of Part 172, 173.185(f).
49 CFR 173.304(d) .................
To modify the special permit to an offer special permit and
add ‘‘no new construction to this package is authorized’’
and company name change.
To modify the special permit to authorize two additional nonspecification inside metal containers similar to a DOT specification 2Q.
To modify the special permit to authorize cargo vessel.
1652I–N ........
Sentry Equipment Corp.,
Oconomowoc, WI.
49 CFR 173.201, 173.301(f),
173.302a, 173.304a.
16485–N .......
Entegris, Inc., Billerica, MA .....
16478–N .......
Sentry Equipment Corp.,
Oconomowoc, WI.
49 CFR 173.302c(a),
173.302c(i)(5), 180.205(f),
180.205(g), IMDG Code
49 CFR 173.201, 173.301(f),
173.302a, 173.404a.
To authorize the manufacture, mark, sale and use of stainless steel nin-DOT specification cylinders designed and
manufactured in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division I, and which conform in part to the specification DOT
3A. (modes 1, 2, 3, 4)
To authorize the transportation in commerce of adsorbed
gases in cylinders conforming to Specifications DOT 3AA
and DOT 3E, (modes 1,2,3)
To authorize the manufacture, mark, sale and use of stainless steel non-DOT specification cylinders designed and
manufactured in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division 1, and which conform in part to specification DOT 3A.
(modes 1, 2, 3, 4)
16572–N .......
16609–N .......
16610–N .......
Samsung Austin Semiconductor, LLC, Austin, TX.
Hollywood Pyrotechnics, Inc.,
Eagan, MN.
Kalitta Air, LLC, Ypsilanti, MI ..
16581–N .......
Int’l Repo-Depo, Inc., Waller,
16580–N .......
Int’l Repo-Depo, Inc., Waller,
49 CFR 173.158(b),
173.158(e), 173.158(f).
49 CFR 173.56 ........................
49 CFR 172.101 Table Column (9B), 172.204(c)(3),
172.27(b)(2), (3),
49 CFR 172.101 Column (9B),
172.204(c)(3), 175.78,
49 CFR 172.101 Column (9B),
To authorize the transportation in commerce of nitric acid not
exceeding 70% concentration in UN 1H1 drums. (mode 1)
To authorize the transportation in commerce of fireworks
without approved EX numbers. (mode 1)
To authorize the one-time transportation in commerce of certain explosives and that are forbidden for transportation by
cargo only aircraft. (mode 4)
To authorize the transportation
which is otherwise forbidden
To authorize the transportation
which is otherwise forbidden
in commerce of an explosive,
by the regulations. (modes 3,
in commerce of an explosive,
by the regulations. (modes 3,
15610–M ......
16320–N .......
16462–N .......
16484–N .......
16526–N .......
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
16564–N .......
Request by WavesinSolids LLC, State College, PA, November 3, 2015.
Request by Digital Wave Corporation, Centennial, CO, November 23, 2015. To authorize the extension of the service life of certain DOT–CFFC cylinders which are subjected to certain requalification and operational controls.
Request by Helimax Aviation, Inc., McClellan, CA, November 20, 2015. To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain
hazardous materials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations transporting hazardous materials attached to
or suspended from an aircraft without being subject to certain hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
Request by Rotarex North America, Mount Pleasant, PA, November 18, 2015. To authorize the manufacture, mark, sale and
use of certain piston accumulators.
Request by Helimax Aviation, Inc., McClellan Park, CA, November 20, 2015. To authorize the transportation in commerce in the
U.S. only of certain hazardous materials by 14 CFR part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations transporting hazardous
materials attached to or suspended from an aircraft and 14 CFR part 135 operations transporting hazardous materials on
board an aircraft. Such transportation is in support of construction operations when the use of cranes or other lifting devices
is impracticable or unavailable or when aircraft is the only means of transportation, without being subject to certain hazard
communication requirements, quantity limitations, packaging and loading and storage requirements.
Request by Carrier Corporation, Farmington, CT, November 20, 2015. To authorize the transportation in commerce of new (unused) refrigerating machines containing up to 6,500 pounds of a Group A1 refrigerant in each pressure vessel.
[FR Doc. 2015–32393 Filed 12–28–15; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 249 (Tuesday, December 29, 2015)]
[Pages 81432-81433]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-32393]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Actions on Special Permit Applications
AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA),
ACTION: Notice of actions on special permit applications.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the procedures governing the application
for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of
Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR part 107,
subpart B), notice is hereby given of the actions on special permits
applications in (October to October 2014). The mode of transportation
involved are identified by a number in the ``Nature of Application''
portion of the table below as follows: 1--Motor vehicle, 2--Rail
freight, 3--Cargo vessel, 4--Cargo aircraft only, 5--Passenger-carrying
aircraft. Application numbers prefixed by the letters EE represent
applications for Emergency Special Permits. It should be noted that
some of the sections cited were those in effect at the time certain
special permits were issued.
Issued in Washington, DC, on December 7, 2015.
Don Burger,
Chief, Special Permits and Approvals Branch.
[[Page 81433]]
Nature of special
S.P. No. Applicant Regulation(s) permit thereof
12549-M......... TRISTAR 49 CFR 178.245- To modify the
Engineering 1(a). special permit to
Consulting an offer special
Logistic SA permit and add ``no
78311 new construction to
Bucharest. this package is
authorized'' and
company name
15146-M......... ITW Tech Spray 49 CFR To modify the
LLC Kennesaw, 173.304(d). special permit to
GA. authorize two
additional non-
inside metal
containers similar
to a DOT
specification 2Q.
16394-M......... Cellco 49 CFR Subparts To modify the
Partnership, C through H of special permit to
Basking Ridge, Part 172, authorize cargo
NJ. 173.185(f). vessel.
1652I-N......... Sentry 49 CFR 173.201, To authorize the
Equipment 173.301(f), manufacture, mark,
Corp., 173.302a, sale and use of
Oconomowoc, WI. 173.304a. stainless steel nin-
DOT specification
cylinders designed
and manufactured in
accordance with
ASME Section VIII,
Division I, and
which conform in
part to the
specification DOT
3A. (modes 1, 2, 3,
16485-N......... Entegris, Inc., 49 CFR To authorize the
Billerica, MA. 173.302c(a), transportation in
173.302c(i)(5) commerce of
, 180.205(f), adsorbed gases in
180.205(g), cylinders
IMDG Code conforming to Specifications DOT
3AA and DOT 3E,
(modes 1,2,3)
16478-N......... Sentry 49 CFR 173.201, To authorize the
Equipment 173.301(f), manufacture, mark,
Corp., 173.302a, sale and use of
Oconomowoc, WI. 173.404a. stainless steel non-
DOT specification
cylinders designed
and manufactured in
accordance with
ASME Section VIII,
Division 1, and
which conform in
part to
specification DOT
3A. (modes 1, 2, 3,
16572-N......... Samsung Austin 49 CFR To authorize the
Semiconductor, 173.158(b), transportation in
LLC, Austin, 173.158(e), commerce of nitric
TX. 173.158(f). acid not exceeding
70% concentration
in UN 1H1 drums.
(mode 1)
16609-N......... Hollywood 49 CFR 173.56.. To authorize the
Pyrotechnics, transportation in
Inc., Eagan, commerce of
MN. fireworks without
approved EX
numbers. (mode 1)
16610-N......... Kalitta Air, 49 CFR 172.101 To authorize the one-
LLC, Table Column time transportation
Ypsilanti, MI. (9B), in commerce of
172.204(c)(3), certain explosives
172.27(b)(2), and that are
(3), forbidden for
175.30(a)(1). transportation by
cargo only
aircraft. (mode 4)
16581-N......... Int'l Repo- 49 CFR 172.101 To authorize the
Depo, Inc., Column (9B), transportation in
Waller, TX. 172.204(c)(3), commerce of an
175.78, explosive, which is
176.144. otherwise forbidden
by the regulations.
(modes 3, 4)
16580-N......... Int'l Repo- 49 CFR 172.101 To authorize the
Depo, Inc., Column (9B), transportation in
Waller, TX. 172.204(c)(3). commerce of an
explosive, which is
otherwise forbidden
by the regulations.
(modes 3, 4)
15610-M......... Request by WavesinSolids LLC, State College, PA,
November 3, 2015.
16320-N......... Request by Digital Wave Corporation, Centennial, CO,
November 23, 2015. To authorize the extension of the
service life of certain DOT-CFFC cylinders which are
subjected to certain requalification and operational
16462-N......... Request by Helimax Aviation, Inc., McClellan, CA,
November 20, 2015. To authorize the transportation in
commerce of certain hazardous materials by 14 CFR
Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or
suspended from an aircraft without being subject to
certain hazard communication requirements, quantity
limitations and certain loading and stowage
16484-N......... Request by Rotarex North America, Mount Pleasant, PA,
November 18, 2015. To authorize the manufacture,
mark, sale and use of certain piston accumulators.
16526-N......... Request by Helimax Aviation, Inc., McClellan Park, CA,
November 20, 2015. To authorize the transportation in
commerce in the U.S. only of certain hazardous
materials by 14 CFR part 133 Rotorcraft External Load
Operations transporting hazardous materials attached
to or suspended from an aircraft and 14 CFR part 135
operations transporting hazardous materials on board
an aircraft. Such transportation is in support of
construction operations when the use of cranes or
other lifting devices is impracticable or unavailable
or when aircraft is the only means of transportation,
without being subject to certain hazard communication
requirements, quantity limitations, packaging and
loading and storage requirements.
16564-N......... Request by Carrier Corporation, Farmington, CT,
November 20, 2015. To authorize the transportation in
commerce of new (unused) refrigerating machines
containing up to 6,500 pounds of a Group A1
refrigerant in each pressure vessel.
[FR Doc. 2015-32393 Filed 12-28-15; 8:45 am]