Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2017, 75487-75588 [2015-29884]
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Vol. 80
No. 231
December 2, 2015
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
45 CFR Parts 144, 146, 147, et al.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; HHS Notice of Benefit and
Payment Parameters for 2017; Proposed Rule
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
45 CFR Parts 144, 146, 147, 153, 154,
155, 156, and 158
RIN 0938–AS57
Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act; HHS Notice of Benefit and
Payment Parameters for 2017
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
This proposed rule sets forth
payment parameters and provisions
related to the risk adjustment,
reinsurance, and risk corridors
programs; cost sharing parameters and
cost-sharing reductions; and user fees
for Federally-facilitated Exchanges. It
also provides additional standards for
the annual open enrollment period for
the individual market for the 2017
benefit year; essential health benefits;
cost-sharing requirements; qualified
health plans; updated standards for
Exchange consumer assistance
programs; network adequacy; patient
safety standards; the Small Business
Health Options Program; stand-alone
dental plans; acceptance of third-party
payments by qualified health plans; the
definitions of large employer and small
employer; fair health insurance
premiums; guaranteed availability;
student health insurance coverage; the
rate review program; the medical loss
ratio program; eligibility and
enrollment; exemptions and appeals;
and other related topics.
DATES: To be assured consideration,
comments must be received at one of
the addresses provided below, no later
than 5 p.m. on December 21, 2015.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer
to file code CMS–9937–P. Because of
staff and resource limitations, we cannot
accept comments by facsimile (FAX)
You may submit comments in one of
four ways (please choose only one of the
ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may submit
electronic comments on this regulation
to Follow
the ‘‘Submit a comment’’ instructions.
2. By regular mail. You may mail
written comments to the following
address only: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention:
CMS–9937–P, P.O. Box 8016, Baltimore,
MD 21244–8016.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Please allow sufficient time for mailed
comments to be received before the
close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You
may send written comments to the
following address only: Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human
Services, Attention: CMS–9937–P, Mail
Stop C4–26–05, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–1850.
4. By hand or courier. Alternatively,
you may deliver (by hand or courier)
your written comments ONLY to the
following addresses prior to the close of
the comment period:
a. For delivery in Washington, DC—
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, Room 445–G, Hubert
H. Humphrey Building, 200
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20201.
(Because access to the interior of the
Hubert H. Humphrey Building is not
readily available to persons without
Federal government identification,
commenters are encouraged to leave
their comments in the CMS drop slots
located in the main lobby of the
building. A stamp-in clock is available
for persons wishing to retain a proof of
filing by stamping in and retaining an
extra copy of the comments being filed.)
b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD—
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–
If you intend to deliver your
comments to the Baltimore address, call
telephone number (410) 786–7195 in
advance to schedule your arrival with
one of our staff members.
Comments erroneously mailed to the
addresses indicated as appropriate for
hand or courier delivery may be delayed
and received after the comment period.
For information on viewing public
comments, see the beginning of the
Jeff Wu, (301) 492–4305, Krutika
Amin, (301) 492–5153, or Lindsey
Murtagh (301) 492–4106, for general
David Mlawsky, (410) 786–6851, for
matters related to fair health insurance
premiums, the single risk pool,
guaranteed availability, guaranteed
renewability, and student health
insurance coverage.
Kelly Drury, (410) 786–0558, for
matters related to risk adjustment.
Adrianne Glasgow, (410) 786–0686,
for matters related to reinsurance,
distributed data collection, and
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administrative appeals of financial
Melissa Jaffe, (301) 492–4129, for
matters related to risk corridors.
Lisa Cuozzo, (410) 786–1746, for
matters related to rate review.
Jennifer Stolbach, (301) 492–4350, for
matters related to establishing a State
Exchange, and State-based Exchanges
on the Federal Platform.
Emily Ames, (301) 492–4246, and
Michelle Koltov, (301) 492–4225, for
matters related to Navigators and nonNavigator assistance personnel under
part 155.
Joan Matlack, (301) 492–4223, for
matters related to certified application
counselors under part 155.
Briana Levine, (301) 492–4247, for
matters related to agents and brokers.
Dana Krohn, (301) 492–4412, for
matters related to employer notification
and verification.
Rachel Arguello, (301) 492–4263, for
matters related to open enrollment
periods and special enrollment periods
under part 155.
Anne Pesto, (410) 786–3492, for
matters related to eligibility
determinations and appeals of eligibility
determinations for Exchange
participation and insurance affordability
programs, and eligibility determinations
for exemptions.
Kate Ficke, (301) 492–4256, for
matters related to exemptions from the
shared responsibility payment.
Christelle Jang, (410) 786–8438, for
matters related to the SHOP.
Krutika Amin, (301) 492–5153, for
matters related to the Federallyfacilitated Exchange user fee.
Leigha Basini, (301) 492–4380, for
matters related to essential health
benefits, network adequacy, essential
community providers, and other
standards for QHP issuers.
Ielnaz Kashefipour, (301) 492–4376,
for matters related to standardized
options and third party payment of
premiums and cost sharing.
Rebecca Zimmermann, (301) 492–
4396, for matters related to stand-alone
dental plans.
Cindy Chiou, (301) 492–5142, for
matters related to QHP issuer oversight.
Pat Meisol, (410) 786–1917, for
matters related to cost-sharing
reductions and the premium adjustment
Nidhi Singh Shah, (301) 492–5110, for
matters related to patient safety
Christina Whitefield, (301) 492–4172,
for matters related to the medical loss
ratio program.
Inspection of Public Comments: All
comments received before the close of
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
the comment period are available for
viewing by the public, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
a comment. We post all comments
received before the close of the
comment period on the following Web
site as soon as possible after they have
been received: https:// Follow the search
instructions on that Web site to view
public comments.
Comments received timely will also
be available for public inspection as
they are received, generally beginning
approximately 3 weeks after publication
of a document, at the headquarters of
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244, Monday
through Friday of each week from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. To schedule an
appointment to view public comments,
phone 1–800–743–3951.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Background
A. Legislative and Regulatory Overview
B. Stakeholder Consultation and Input
C. Structure of Proposed Rule
III. Provisions of the Proposed HHS Notice of
Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2017
A. Part 144—Requirements Relating to
Health Insurance Coverage
B. Part 146—Requirements for the Group
Health Insurance Market
C. Part 147—Health Insurance Reform
Requirements for the Group and
Individual Health Insurance Markets
D. Part 153—Standards Related to
Reinsurance, Risk Corridors, and Risk
Adjustment Under the Affordable Care
E. Part 154—Health Insurance Issuer Rate
Increases: Disclosure and Review
F. Part 155—Exchange Establishment
Standards and Other Related Standards
Under the Affordable Care Act
G. Part 156—Health Insurance Issuer
Standards Under the Affordable Care
Act, Including Standards Related to
H. Part 158—Issuer Use of Premium
Revenue: Reporting and Rebate
IV. Collection of Information Requirements
A. ICRs Regarding Submission of Risk
Corridors Data
B. ICRs Regarding Submission of Rate
Filing Justification
C. ICRs Regarding Election to Operate an
Exchange After 2014
D. ICRs Regarding Standards for Certified
Application Counselors
E. ICRs Regarding Network Adequacy
F. ICR Regarding Monthly SHOP
Enrollment Reconciliation Files
Submitted by Issuers
G. ICR Regarding Patient Safety Standards
V. Response to Comments
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VI. Regulatory Impact Analysis
A. Statement of Need
B. Overall Impact
C. Impact Estimates of the Payment Notice
Provisions and Accounting Table
D. Regulatory Alternatives Considered
E. Regulatory Flexibility Act
F. Unfunded Mandates
G. Federalism
H. Congressional Review Act
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Affordable Care Act—The collective term for
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (Pub. L. 111–148) and the Health Care
and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
(Pub. L. 111–152), as amended
APTC—Advance payments of the premium
tax credit
AV—Actuarial value
CBO—Congressional Budget Office
CFR—Code of Federal Regulations
CHIP—Children’s Health Insurance Program
CMP—Civil money penalties
CMS—Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
CSR—Cost-sharing reduction
ECN—Exemption certificate number
ECP—Essential community provider
EHB—Essential health benefits
ERISA—Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93–406)
FFE—Federally-facilitated Exchange
FF–SHOP—Federally-facilitated Small
Business Health Options Program
FPL—Federal poverty level
FR—Federal Register
FTE—Full-time equivalent
GDP—Gross Domestic Product
HCC—Hierarchical condition category
HHS—United States Department of Health
and Human Services
HIOS—Health Insurance Oversight System
HIPAA—Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–
IRS—Internal Revenue Service
MEC—Minimum essential coverage
MLR—Medical loss ratio
NAIC—National Association of Insurance
NHEA—National Health Expenditure
OMB—Office of Management and Budget
OPM—United States Office of Personnel
PHS Act—Public Health Service Act
PII—Personally Identifiable Information
PMPM—Per member per month
PRA—Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
PSO—Patient safety organization
QHP—Qualified health plan
SADPs—Stand-alone dental Plans
SBE—State-based Exchange
SBE–FP—State-based Exchange on the
Federal platform
SHOP—Small Business Health Options
The Code—Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(26 U.S.C. 1, et seq.)
I. Executive Summary
The Affordable Care Act enacted a set
of reforms that are making high quality
health insurance coverage and care
more affordable and accessible to
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millions of Americans. These reforms
include the creation of competitive
marketplaces called Affordable
Insurance Exchanges, or ‘‘Exchanges’’
(in this proposed rule, we also call an
Exchange a Health Insurance
MarketplaceSM,1 or MarketplaceSM)
through which qualified individuals
and qualified employers can purchase
health insurance coverage. In addition,
many individuals who enroll in
qualified health plans (QHPs) through
individual market Exchanges are
eligible to receive a premium tax credit
to make health insurance more
affordable, and reductions in costsharing payments to reduce out-ofpocket expenses for health care services.
These Affordable Care Act reforms also
include the premium stabilization
programs (that is, risk adjustment,
reinsurance and risk corridors) and
rules that are intended to mitigate the
potential impact of adverse selection
and stabilize the price of health
insurance in the individual and small
group markets. In previous rulemaking,
we have outlined the major provisions
and parameters related to many
Affordable Care Act programs.
In this proposed rule, we seek to
improve States’ ability to operate
efficient Exchanges through a proposal
that leverages the economies of scale
available through the Federal eligibility
and enrollment platform and
information technology infrastructure.
We propose to codify a new Exchange
model—the State-based Exchange on the
Federal platform (SBE–FP). This model
would enable State-based Exchanges
(SBEs) to execute certain processes
using the Federal eligibility and
enrollment infrastructure. Under the
proposal, the SBE–FP would be required
to enter into a Federal platform
agreement with HHS that would define
a set of mutual obligations, including
the set of Federal services upon which
the SBE–FP relies. Under this Exchange
model, certain requirements that were
previously only applicable to QHPs
offered on a Federally-facilitated
Exchange (FFE) and their downstream
and delegated entities would apply to
QHPs offered on an SBE–FP and their
downstream and delegated entities. In
addition, we propose that agents and
brokers facilitating enrollments through
SBE–FPs would need to comply with
the FFE registration and training
requirements. For 2017, we propose a
user fee for QHPs offered through SBE–
FPs to offset Federal costs of providing
this infrastructure.
1 Health Insurance MarketplaceSM and
MarketplaceSM are service marks of the U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
We also propose a number of
incremental amendments that we
believe will improve the stability of the
Exchanges while improving the choices
available to consumers and supporting
consumers’ ability to make informed
choices when purchasing health
insurance. These include the
introduction of ‘‘standardized options’’
in the individual market, which will
improve competition and consumer
transparency. These amendments are
complemented by a series of additional
amendments designed to enhance
consumers’ ability to make informed
choices about their health coverage,
increase the accessibility of high quality
health insurance, and improve
competition, transparency, and
Our proposal for standardized options
is intended to simplify the consumer
shopping experience by allowing
consumers to more easily compare plans
across issuers in the individual market
FFEs. We propose a standardized option
with a specified cost-sharing structure at
each of the bronze, silver (with costsharing reduction (CSR) plan
variations), and gold metal levels. We
do not propose to restrict issuers’ nonstandardized option offerings. We
anticipate differentially displaying these
standardized options to allow
consumers to compare plans based on
differences in price and quality rather
than cost-sharing structure.
We are also proposing to standardize
a number of policies relating to network
adequacy for QHPs on the FFEs. We
propose a quantitative network
adequacy threshold to be selected by the
State and a Federal default network
adequacy standard that would apply
otherwise, that is based on the standard
currently used for review and several
provisions relating to provider
transition for QHPs. We also discuss in
this proposed rule a standardized
categorization of network depth for
QHPs in these Exchanges and their
display on Finally, we
propose a standard for when an enrollee
receives an essential health benefit at an
in-network setting provided by an outof-network provider.
As part of our efforts to provide
consumers simplicity and transparency
in their choices, we are considering
giving the FFEs the authority to
selectively contract with issuers. We
would use this authority primarily to
strengthen oversight in the short term.
We also seek to improve consumers’
ability to make choices regarding health
insurance coverage by ensuring they
receive high-quality assistance in their
interactions with the Exchange. The
proposed rule would amend program
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requirements for Navigators, certain
non-Navigator assistance personnel, and
certified application counselors. These
amendments would require Navigators
to assist consumers with certain postenrollment issues, serve underserved
and vulnerable populations, and require
Navigators and non-Navigator assistance
personnel to complete training prior to
conducting outreach and education
activities. We would also amend our
rules regarding the use of gifts by
Navigators, certain non-Navigator
assistance personnel and certified
application counselors. In addition, we
propose that certified application
counselor designated organizations
would be required to submit data and
information related to the organization’s
certified application counselors, upon
the request of the Exchanges in which
they operate.
We believe transparency is critical to
informed decision-making, and this
proposed rule includes several
proposals to increase transparency. This
proposed rule proposes provisions to
enhance the transparency of rates in all
States and the effectiveness of the rate
review program.
In this proposed rule, we propose
several provisions regarding when
consumers may choose and enroll in
plans. This rule proposes dates for the
individual market annual open
enrollment period for the 2017 benefit
year. For 2017, we propose to maintain
the same open enrollment period we
adopted for 2016—that is, November 1,
2016, through January 31, 2017.
We also propose to codify a number
of Exchange policies relating to
exemptions in order to provide certainty
and transparency around these policies
for all stakeholders.
The HHS Notice of Benefit and
Payment Parameters for 2014 (78 FR
15410) (2014 Payment Notice) finalized
the risk adjustment methodology that
HHS will use when it operates risk
adjustment on behalf of a State. Risk
adjustment factors reflect enrollee
health risk and the costs of a given
disease relative to average spending.
Last year, we recalibrated the HHS risk
adjustment models for 2016 by using
2011, 2012, and 2013 claims data from
the Truven Health Analytics 2010
MarketScan® Commercial Claims and
Encounters database (MarketScan) to
develop updated risk factors. Similarly,
this year we propose to do so using the
2012, 2013, and 2014 claims data, when
the 2014 MarketScan data become
If any reinsurance contribution
amounts remain after calculating
reinsurance payments for the 2016
benefit year (including after HHS would
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increase the coinsurance rate to 100
percent for the 2016 benefit year), we
propose to lower the 2016 attachment
point of $90,000 to pay out any
remaining contribution amounts for the
2016 benefit year. We also propose
several changes to the risk corridors
program for 2015 and 2016. We propose
that, for 2015 risk corridors and MLR
reporting, if the issuer reported a
certified estimate of 2014 cost-sharing
reductions on its 2014 MLR and Risk
Corridors Annual Reporting Form that is
lower than the actual cost-sharing
reductions provided, HHS would make
an adjustment to the issuer’s 2015 risk
corridors payment or charge amount in
order to address the impact of the
inaccurate reporting on the risk
corridors and MLR calculations for the
2014 benefit year. We also propose that
the issuer must adjust the cost-sharing
reduction amounts it reports for the
2015 MLR and risk corridors reporting
cycle by any difference between 2014
reported and actual cost-sharing
reductions amounts.
We also propose that for the 2015 and
later benefit years, the issuer must true
up claims liabilities and reserves used
to determine the allowable costs
reported for the risk corridors program
for the preceding benefit year to reflect
the actual claims payments made
through June 30 of the year following
the benefit year. In addition, we propose
changes to the definition of ‘‘unpaid
claim reserves’’ and related
requirements for reporting incurred
claims for the MLR program beginning
with the 2015 reporting year to require
issuers to utilize a 6-month (rather than
a 3-month) claims run out period.
In addition to provisions aimed at
stabilizing premiums, we propose
several provisions related to cost
sharing. First, we propose the premium
adjustment percentage for 2017, which
is used to set the rate of increase for
several parameters detailed in the
Affordable Care Act, including the
maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing for 2017. We propose the
maximum annual limitations on cost
sharing for the 2017 benefit year for
cost-sharing reduction plan variations.
This proposed rule also proposes
standards for stand-alone dental plans
(SADPs) related to the annual limitation
on cost sharing, and would amend
standards related to the acceptance of
third party payments for premiums and
cost sharing by QHP issuers.
This proposed rule includes several
incremental improvements that seek to
ensure Americans have access to not
only affordable, but also robust, highquality health care coverage. This
proposed rule would amend
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
requirements for QHPs, including
essential community providers (ECPs)
and meaningful difference
requirements. There are also proposed
technical amendments to QHP issuer
oversight provisions. This rule proposes
amendments to further strengthen the
patient safety requirements for QHP
issuers offering coverage through
For consumers purchasing coverage
through the Small Business Health
Options Program (SHOP), we propose a
new ‘‘vertical choice’’ model for
Federally-facilitated SHOPs for plan
years beginning on or after January 1,
2017, under which employers would be
able to offer qualified employees a
choice of all plans across all available
levels of coverage from a single issuer.
Finally, in this proposed rule, as
outlined, we propose adjustments to our
programs and rules, as we do each year,
so that our rules and policies reflect the
latest market developments. We propose
the following changes and clarifications
to the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and
Affordable Care Act health insurance
reform requirements. We propose
revisions to the definitions of small
employer and large employer to bring
them into conformance with recently
enacted legislation. We also propose
provisions to ensure that a network plan
in the small group market with a limited
service area can be appropriately rated
based on geography. We propose that an
issuer subject to the guaranteed
availability requirements may—in the
limited circumstances of when the
exception to the guaranteed
renewability requirement related to
discontinuing a particular product, or
the exception related to discontinuing
all coverage in a market, applies—deny
coverage to individuals and employers.
Lastly, we propose provisions regarding
the application of the actuarial value
(AV) and single risk pool provisions to
student health insurance coverage.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
II. Background
A. Legislative and Regulatory Overview
The Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act (Pub. L. 111–148) was enacted
on March 23, 2010. The Health Care and
Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
(Pub. L. 111–152), which amended and
revised several provisions of the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act, was
enacted on March 30, 2010. In this
proposed rule, we refer to the two
statutes collectively as the ‘‘Affordable
Care Act.’’
Subtitles A and C of title I of the
Affordable Care Act reorganized,
amended, and added to the provisions
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of part A of title XXVII of the Public
Health Service Act (PHS Act) relating to
group health plans and health insurance
issuers in the group and individual
Section 2701 of the PHS Act, as added
by the Affordable Care Act, restricts the
variation in premium rates charged by a
health insurance issuer for nongrandfathered health insurance coverage
in the individual or small group market
to certain specified factors. The factors
are: Family size, rating area, age and
tobacco use.
Section 2701 of the PHS Act operates
in coordination with section 1312(c) of
the Affordable Care Act. Section 1312(c)
of the Affordable Care Act generally
requires a health insurance issuer to
consider all enrollees in all health plans
(except for grandfathered health plans)
offered by such issuer to be members of
a single risk pool for each of its
individual and small group markets.
States have the option to merge the
individual market and small group
market risk pools under section
1312(c)(3) of the Affordable Care Act.
Section 2702 of the PHS Act, as added
by the Affordable Care Act, requires
health insurance issuers that offer
health insurance coverage in the group
or individual market in a State to offer
coverage to and accept every employer
and individual in the State that applies
for such coverage unless an exception
Section 2703 of the PHS Act, as added
by the Affordable Care Act, and sections
2712 and 2741 of the PHS Act, as added
by HIPAA and codified prior to the
enactment of the Affordable Care Act,
require health insurance issuers that
offer health insurance coverage in the
group or individual market to renew or
continue in force such coverage at the
option of the plan sponsor or individual
unless an exception applies.
Section 2718 of the PHS Act, as added
by the Affordable Care Act, generally
requires health insurance issuers to
submit an annual MLR report to HHS,
and provide rebates to enrollees if the
issuers do not achieve specified MLR
Section 2794 of the PHS Act, as added
by the Affordable Care Act, directs the
Secretary of HHS (the Secretary), in
conjunction with the States, to establish
a process for the annual review of
‘‘unreasonable increases in premiums
for health insurance coverage.’’ 3 The
2 Before enactment of the Affordable Care Act, the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
of 1996 amended the PHS Act (formerly section
2711) to generally require guaranteed availability of
coverage for employers in the small group market.
3 The implementing regulations in part 154 limit
the scope of the requirements under section 2794
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law also requires health insurance
issuers to submit to the Secretary and
the applicable State justifications for
unreasonable premium increases prior
to the implementation of the increases.
Section 2794(b)(2) of the PHS Act
further specifies that beginning with
plan years starting in 2014, the
Secretary, in conjunction with the
States, will monitor premium increases
of health insurance coverage offered
through an Exchange and outside of an
Section 1252 of the Affordable Care
Act provides that any standard or
requirement adopted by a State under
title I of the Affordable Care Act, or any
amendment made by title I of the
Affordable Care Act, shall be applied
uniformly to all health plans in each
insurance market to which the standard
and requirement apply.
Section 1302 of the Affordable Care
Act provides for the establishment of an
essential health benefits (EHB) package
that includes coverage of EHB (as
defined by the Secretary), cost-sharing
limits, and actuarial value requirements.
The law directs that EHBs be equal in
scope to the benefits covered by a
typical employer plan and that they
cover at least the following 10 general
categories: ambulatory patient services;
emergency services; hospitalization;
maternity and newborn care; mental
health and substance use disorder
services, including behavioral health
treatment; prescription drugs;
rehabilitative and habilitative services
and devices; laboratory services;
preventive and wellness services and
chronic disease management; and
pediatric services, including oral and
vision care.
Section 1301(a)(1)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act directs all issuers of
QHPs to cover the EHB package
described in section 1302(a) of the
Affordable Care Act, including coverage
of the services described in section
1302(b) of the Affordable Care Act, to
adhere to the cost-sharing limits
described in section 1302(c) of the
Affordable Care Act and to meet the AV
levels established in section 1302(d) of
the Affordable Care Act. Section 2707(a)
of the PHS Act, which is effective for
plan or policy years beginning on or
after January 1, 2014, extends the
coverage of the EHB package to nongrandfathered individual and small
group coverage, irrespective of whether
such coverage is offered through an
Exchange. In addition, section 2707(b)
of the PHS Act to health insurance issuers offering
health insurance coverage in the individual market
or small group market. See Rate Increase Disclosure
and Review; Final Rule, 76 FR 29964, 29966 (May
23, 2011).
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
of the PHS Act directs nongrandfathered group health plans to
ensure that cost sharing under the plan
does not exceed the limitations
described in sections 1302(c)(1) and (2)
of the Affordable Care Act.
Section 1302(d) of the Affordable Care
Act describes the various levels of
coverage based on actuarial value.
Consistent with section 1302(d)(2)(A) of
the Affordable Care Act, actuarial value
is calculated based on the provision of
EHB to a standard population. Section
1302(d)(3) of the Affordable Care Act
directs the Secretary to develop
guidelines that allow for de minimis
variation in AV calculations.
Section 1311(b)(1)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act directs that the
Small Business Health Options Program
assist qualified small employers in
facilitating the enrollment of their
employees in qualified health plans
offered in the small group market.
Sections 1312(f)(1) and (2) of the
Affordable Care Act define qualified
individuals and qualified employers.
Under section 1312(f)(2)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act, beginning in 2017,
States will have the option to allow
issuers to offer QHPs in the large group
market through an Exchange.4
Section 1311(c)(1)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act requires the
Secretary to establish minimum criteria
for provider network adequacy that a
health plan must meet to be certified as
a QHP.
Section 1311(c)(5) of the Affordable
Care Act requires the Secretary to
continue to operate, maintain, and
update the Internet portal developed
under section 1103 of the Affordable
Care Act to provide information to
consumers and small businesses on
affordable health insurance coverage
Section 1311(c)(6)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act states that the
Secretary is to set annual open
enrollment periods for Exchanges for
calendar years after the initial
enrollment period.
Sections 1311(d)(4)(K) and 1311(i) of
the Affordable Care Act direct all
Exchanges to establish a Navigator
Section 1311(h)(1) of the Affordable
Care Act specifies that a QHP may
contract with health care providers and
hospitals with more than 50 beds only
if they meet certain patient safety
standards, including use of a patient
4 If a State elects this option, the rating rules in
section 2701 of the PHS Act and its implementing
regulations will apply to all coverage offered in
such State’s large group market (except for selfinsured group health plans) pursuant to section
2701(a)(5) of the PHS Act.
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safety evaluation system, a
comprehensive hospital discharge
program, and implementation of health
care quality improvement activities.
Section 1311(h)(2) of the Affordable
Care Act also provides the Secretary
flexibility to establish reasonable
exceptions to these patient safety
requirements and section 1311(h)(3) of
the Affordable Care Act allows the
Secretary flexibility to issue regulations
to modify the number of beds described
in section 1311(h)(1)(A) of the
Affordable Care Act.
Section 1321(a) of the Affordable Care
Act provides broad authority for the
Secretary to establish standards and
regulations to implement the statutory
requirements related to Exchanges,
QHPs and other components of title I of
the Affordable Care Act. Section
1321(a)(1) directs the Secretary to issue
regulations that set standards for
meeting the requirements of title I of the
Affordable Care Act with respect to,
among other things, the establishment
and operation of Exchanges.
Sections 1313 and 1321 of the
Affordable Care Act provide the
Secretary with the authority to oversee
the financial integrity of State
Exchanges, their compliance with HHS
standards, and the efficient and nondiscriminatory administration of State
Exchange activities. Section 1321 of the
Affordable Care Act provides for State
flexibility in the operation and
enforcement of Exchanges and related
When operating an FFE under section
1321(c)(1) of the Affordable Care Act,
HHS has the authority under sections
1321(c)(1) and 1311(d)(5)(A) of the
Affordable Care Act to collect and spend
user fees. In addition, 31 U.S.C. 9701
permits a Federal agency to establish a
charge for a service provided by the
agency. Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Circular A–25 Revised
establishes Federal policy regarding
user fees and specifies that a user charge
will be assessed against each
identifiable recipient for special benefits
derived from Federal activities beyond
those received by the general public.
Section 1321(c)(2) of the Affordable
Care Act authorizes the Secretary to
enforce the Exchange standards using
civil money penalties (CMPs) on the
same basis as detailed in section 2723(b)
of the PHS Act. Section 2723(b) of the
PHS Act authorizes the Secretary to
impose CMPs as a means of enforcing
the individual and group market
reforms contained in Part A of title
XXVII of the PHS Act when a State fails
to substantially enforce these provisions
Section 1321(d) of the Affordable Care
Act provides that nothing in title I of the
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Affordable Care Act should be
construed to preempt any State law that
does not prevent the application of title
I of the Affordable Care Act. Section
1311(k) of the Affordable Care Act
specifies that Exchanges may not
establish rules that conflict with or
prevent the application of regulations
issued by the Secretary.
Section 1341 of the Affordable Care
Act requires the establishment of a
transitional reinsurance program in each
State to help pay the cost of treating
high-cost enrollees in the individual
market in benefit years 2014 through
2016. Section 1342 of the Affordable
Care Act directs the Secretary to
establish a temporary risk corridors
program that reduces the impact of
inaccurate rate setting from 2014
through 2016. Section 1343 of the
Affordable Care Act establishes a
permanent risk adjustment program to
provide increased payments to health
insurance issuers that attract higher-risk
populations, such as those with chronic
conditions, funded by payments from
those that attract lower-risk populations;
thereby, reducing incentives for issuers
to avoid higher-risk enrollees.
Sections 1402 and 1412 of the
Affordable Care Act provide for, among
other things, reductions in cost sharing
for essential health benefits for qualified
low- and moderate-income enrollees in
silver level health plans offered through
the individual market Exchanges. These
sections also provide for reductions in
cost sharing for Indians enrolled in
QHPs at any metal level.
Section 5000A of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code), as
added by section 1501(b) of the
Affordable Care Act, requires all nonexempt individuals to maintain
minimum essential coverage (MEC) for
each month or make the individual
shared responsibility payment. Section
5000A(f) of the Code defines minimum
essential coverage as any of the
following: (1) Coverage under a
specified government sponsored
program; (2) coverage under an eligible
employer-sponsored plan; (3) coverage
under a health plan offered in the
individual market within a State; and
(4) coverage under a grandfathered
health plan. Section 5000A(f)(1)(E) of
the Code authorizes the Secretary of
HHS, in coordination with the Secretary
of the Treasury, to designate other
health benefits coverage as minimum
essential coverage.
The Protecting Affordable Coverage
for Employees Act (Pub. L. 114–60)
amended section 1304(b) of the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act and
section 2791(e) of the PHS Act to amend
the definition of small employer in
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
these statutes to mean, in connection
with a group health plan with respect to
a calendar year and a plan year, an
employer who employed an average of
at least 1 but not more than 50
employees on business days during the
preceding calendar year and who
employs at least 1 employee on the first
day of the plan year. It also amended
these statutes to make conforming
changes to the definition of large
employer, and to provide that a State
may treat as a small employer, with
respect to a calendar year and a plan
year, an employer who employed an
average of at least 1 but not more than
100 employees on business days during
the preceding calendar year and who
employs at least 1 employee on the first
day of the plan year.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
1. Premium Stabilization Programs
In the July 15, 2011 Federal Register
(76 FR 41929), we published a proposed
rule outlining the framework for the
premium stabilization programs. We
implemented the premium stabilization
programs in a final rule, published in
the March 23, 2012 Federal Register (77
FR 17219) (Premium Stabilization Rule).
In the December 7, 2012 Federal
Register (77 FR 73117), we published a
proposed rule outlining the benefit and
payment parameters for the 2014 benefit
year to expand the provisions related to
the premium stabilization programs and
set forth payment parameters in those
programs (proposed 2014 Payment
Notice). We published the 2014
Payment Notice final rule in the March
11, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR
In the December 2, 2013 Federal
Register (78 FR 72321), we published a
proposed rule outlining the benefit and
payment parameters for the 2015 benefit
year to expand the provisions related to
the premium stabilization programs,
setting forth certain oversight provisions
and establishing the payment
parameters in those programs (proposed
2015 Payment Notice). We published
the 2015 Payment Notice final rule in
the March 11, 2014 Federal Register (79
FR 13743).
In the November 26, 2014 Federal
Register (79 FR 70673), we published a
proposed rule outlining the benefit and
payment parameters for the 2016 benefit
year to expand the provisions related to
the premium stabilization programs,
setting forth certain oversight provisions
and establishing the payment
parameters in those programs (proposed
2016 Payment Notice). We published
the 2016 Payment Notice final rule in
the February 27, 2015 Federal Register
(80 FR 10749).
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2. Program Integrity
In the June 19, 2013 Federal Register
(78 FR 37031), we published a proposed
rule that proposed certain program
integrity standards related to Exchanges
and the premium stabilization programs
(proposed Program Integrity Rule). The
provisions of that proposed rule were
finalized in two rules, the ‘‘first Program
Integrity Rule’’ published in the August
30, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR 54069)
and the ‘‘second Program Integrity
Rule’’ published in the October 30, 2013
Federal Register (78 FR 65045).
3. Exchanges
We published a request for comment
relating to Exchanges in the August 3,
2010 Federal Register (75 FR 45584).
We issued initial guidance to States on
Exchanges on November 18, 2010. We
proposed a rule in the July 15, 2011
Federal Register (76 FR 41865) to
implement components of the
Exchanges, and a rule in the August 17,
2011 Federal Register (76 FR 51201)
regarding Exchange functions in the
individual market, eligibility
determinations, and Exchange standards
for employers. A final rule
implementing components of the
Exchanges and setting forth standards
for eligibility for Exchanges was
published in the March 27, 2012
Federal Register (77 FR 18309)
(Exchange Establishment Rule).
We established standards for SHOP in
the 2014 Payment Notice and in the
Amendments to the HHS Notice of
Benefit and Payment Parameters for
2014 interim final rule, published in the
March 11, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR
15541). The provisions established in
the interim final rule were finalized in
the second Program Integrity Rule. We
also set forth standards related to
Exchange user fees in the 2014 Payment
Notice. We established an adjustment to
the FFE user fee in the Coverage of
Certain Preventive Services Under the
Affordable Care Act final rule,
published in the July 2, 2013 Federal
Register (78 FR 39869) (Preventive
Services Rule).
In a final rule published in the July
17, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR
42823), we established standards for
Navigators and non-Navigator assistance
personnel in FFEs and for nonNavigator assistance personnel funded
through an Exchange establishment
grant. This final rule also established a
certified application counselor program
for Exchanges and set standards for that
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4. Essential Health Benefits and
Actuarial Value
On December 16, 2011, HHS released
a bulletin 5 (the EHB Bulletin) that
outlined an intended regulatory
approach for defining EHB, including a
benchmark-based framework. HHS also
published a bulletin that outlined its
intended regulatory approach to
calculations of AV on February 24,
2012.6 A proposed rule relating to EHBs
and AVs was published in the
November 26, 2012 Federal Register (77
FR 70643). We established requirements
relating to EHBs and AVs in the
Standards Related to Essential Health
Benefits, Actuarial Value, and
Accreditation Final Rule, which was
published in the February 25, 2013
Federal Register (78 FR 12833) (EHB
5. Market Rules
A proposed rule relating to the 2014
health insurance market rules was
published in the November 26, 2012
Federal Register (77 FR 70584). A final
rule implementing the health insurance
market rules was published in the
February 27, 2013 Federal Register (78
FR 13406) (2014 Market Rules).
A proposed rule relating to Exchanges
and Insurance Market Standards for
2015 and Beyond was published in the
March 21, 2014 Federal Register (79 FR
15808) (2015 Market Standards
Proposed Rule). A final rule
implementing the Exchange and
Insurance Market Standards for 2015
and Beyond was published in the May
27, 2014 Federal Register (79 FR 30240)
(2015 Market Standards Rule).
6. Rate Review
A proposed rule to establish the rate
review program was published in the
December 23, 2010 Federal Register (75
FR 81003). A final rule with comment
period implementing the rate review
program was published in the May 23,
2011 Federal Register (76 FR 29963)
(Rate Review Rule). The provisions of
the Rate Review Rule were amended in
final rules published in the September
6, 2011 Federal Register (76 FR 54969),
the February 27, 2013 Federal Register
(78 FR 13405), the May 27, 2014 Federal
Register (79 FR 30339), and the
February 27, 2015 Federal Register (80
FR 10749).
5 ‘‘Essential Health Benefits Bulletin.’’ December
16, 2011. Available at:
6 ‘‘Actuarial Value and Cost-Sharing Reductions
Bulletin.’’ February 24, 2012. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
7. Medical Loss Ratio
We published a request for comment
on section 2718 of the PHS Act in the
April 14, 2010 Federal Register (75 FR
19297), and published an interim final
rule with a 60-day comment period
relating to the MLR program on
December 1, 2010 (75 FR 74863). A final
rule with a 30-day comment period was
published in the December 7, 2011
Federal Register (76 FR 76573). An
interim final rule with a 60-day
comment period was published in the
December 7, 2011 Federal Register (76
FR 76595). A final rule was published
in the Federal Register on May 16, 2012
(77 FR 28790).
B. Stakeholder Consultation and Input
HHS has consulted with stakeholders
on policies related to the operation of
Exchanges, including the SHOP and the
premium stabilization programs. We
have held a number of listening sessions
with consumers, providers, employers,
health plans, the actuarial community,
and State representatives to gather
public input. We consulted with
stakeholders through regular meetings
with the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners (NAIC),
regular contact with States through the
Exchange Establishment grant and
Exchange Blueprint approval processes,
and meetings with Tribal leaders and
representatives, health insurance
issuers, trade groups, consumer
advocates, employers, and other
interested parties. We considered all
public input we received as we
developed the policies in this proposed
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
C. Structure of Proposed Rule
The regulations outlined in this
proposed rule would be codified in 45
CFR parts 144, 146, 147, 153, 154, 155,
156 and 158. The proposed regulations
in part 144 would, consistent with
recent legislation, revise the definitions
of ‘‘large employer’’ and ‘‘small
The proposed regulations in parts 146
and 147 would codify an exception to
the guaranteed availability requirement
when the exception to the guaranteed
renewability requirement related to
discontinuing a particular product or
discontinuing all coverage in a market
The proposed regulations in part 147
would clarify the definition of principal
business address for purposes of
geographic rating. We further propose
provisions regarding the treatment of
student health insurance coverage with
regard to the AV and single risk pool
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The proposed regulations in part 153
amend the audit provision for the
reinsurance program to clarify that this
authority also extends to third parties
who assist contributing entities with
their obligations under this program.
The proposed regulations also include
the risk adjustment user fee for 2017
and outline certain modifications to the
HHS risk adjustment methodology. We
propose to clarify reporting
requirements for the risk adjustment,
reinsurance, and risk corridors.
The proposed regulations in part 154
outline certain modifications to enhance
the transparency and effectiveness of
the rate review program. We propose to
collect a Unified Rate Review Template
from all issuers offering single risk pool
coverage in the individual and small
group market, including coverage with
rate decreases or unchanged rates, as
well as rates for new plans. We also
announce our intention to disclose all
proposed rate increases for single risk
pool coverage at a uniform time on the
CMS Web site, including rates with
increases of less than 10 percent. We
also reiterate the process for establishing
the uniform timeline that proposed rate
increases subject to review and all final
rate increases (including those not
subject to review) for single risk pool
coverage must be posted at a uniform
time by States with Effective Rate
Review Programs. Finally, we specify
the rate filing requirements for student
health insurance coverage.
The proposed regulations in part 155
include a clarification related to the
functions of an Exchange, and would
establish the individual market open
enrollment period for the 2017 benefit
year. Certain proposals in part 155 are
related to the eligibility and verification
processes related to eligibility for
insurance affordability programs. We
also propose to amend and clarify rules
related to enrollment of qualified
individuals into QHPs. We describe
changes to the process of submitting
certain exemption applications and
options for State Exchanges to handle
exemptions. The proposed regulations
also include a Federal platform
agreement through which a State
Exchange may rely on the FFE for
certain functions as an SBE–FP. We
propose that QHP issuers on an SBE–FP
be required to comply with certain
provisions relating directly to the
eligibility and enrollment platform, and
propose to require that SBE–FPs
promulgate regulations at least as
stringent as a number of FFE
regulations, to maintain consistency of
the experience. We also
make various proposals related to the
SHOPs. We propose to amend the
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standards applicable to the consumer
assistance functions performed by
Navigators, non-Navigator assistance
personnel, and certified application
counselors. We also discuss our
approach to denial of QHP certification,
and outline proposed modifications to
standards for FFE-registered agents and
brokers and requirements for HHSapproved vendors of FFE training.
The proposed regulations in part 156
set forth proposals related to cost
sharing, including the premium
adjustment percentage, the maximum
annual limitation on cost sharing, and
the reductions in the maximum annual
limitation for cost-sharing plan
variations for 2017. We propose a
clarification to the administrative
appeals process applicable to the
premium stabilization, Exchange
financial assistance, and FFE user fee
programs. Part 156 also includes
proposals related to essential health
benefits, including clarification to the
policy regarding additional Staterequired benefits. We propose
amendments to network adequacy
requirements (including application of
out-of-network costs to the annual
limitation on cost sharing for EHBs
covered under QHPs in the small group
and individual markets), and essential
community provider requirements. We
propose establishing standardized
options for cost-sharing structures,
indexing for the stand-alone dental plan
annual limitation on cost sharing,
changes to our process for updating the
AV Calculator for QHPs, meaningful
difference standards for QHPs, and
minor changes to QHP issuer oversight
standards. We also propose additional
modifications to acceptance of third
party payments by QHP issuers and the
next phase for patient safety standards
for issuers of QHPs offered on
The proposed amendments to the
regulations in part 158 propose
revisions related to the definitions of
‘‘large employer’’ and ‘‘small employer’’
consistent with recent legislation, as
well as revisions related to the reporting
of incurred claims.
III. Provisions of the Proposed HHS
Notice of Benefit and Payment
Parameters for 2017
A. Part 144—Requirements Relating to
Health Insurance Coverage
1. Definitions (§ 144.103)
Under § 144.103, the term ‘‘plan year’’
means, for a group health plan, the year
that is designated as the plan year in the
plan document of the group health plan.
However, if the plan document does not
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
designate a plan year or if there is no
plan document, then the plan year is—
• The deductible or limit year used
under the plan;
• If the plan does not impose
deductibles or limits on a yearly basis,
then the plan year is the policy year;
• If the plan does not impose
deductible or limits on a yearly basis,
and either the plan is not insured or the
insurance policy is not renewed on an
annual basis, then the plan year is the
employer’s taxable year; or
• In any other case, the plan year is
the calendar year.7
We are not proposing any changes to
the definition of ‘‘plan year’’ in this
proposed rule. However, we note that
whichever definition applies under
§ 144.103, we interpret the term plan
year to mean a period that is no longer
than 12 months with respect to
grandfathered and non-grandfathered
group health plans. Plan years that
exceed 12 months are inconsistent with
the Affordable Care Act, including the
rate review and single risk pool
requirements, which both contemplate
12-month or shorter plan years. The
Departments of Labor and the Treasury,
which respectively have jurisdiction
over parallel definitions in the
Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974 (ERISA) and the Code, have
advised HHS that they concur with this
Also under § 144.103, because of the
original Affordable Care Act definitions,
the term large employer currently is
defined to mean, in connection with a
group health plan with respect to a
calendar year and a plan year, an
employer who employed an average of
at least 101 employees on business days
during the preceding calendar year and
who employs at least 1 employee on the
first day of the plan year. In the case of
plan years beginning before January 1,
2016, a State may elect to define large
employer by substituting ‘‘51
employees’’ for ‘‘101 employees.’’ The
term small employer currently is
defined to mean, in connection with a
group health plan with respect to a
calendar year and a plan year, an
employer who employed an average of
7 Under § 147.104(b)(1)(i), in the small group
market, including under § 155.725 in the SHOP,
issuers generally must permit small employers to
purchase coverage at any point during the year. In
the SHOP, the employer’s plan year must consist of
the 12-month period beginning with the qualified
employer’s effective date of coverage. With respect
to an employer that purchases coverage in the small
group market in a State that has elected to merge
its individual and small group risk pools under
section 1312(c) of the Affordable Care Act, the plan
year will begin on the qualified employer’s effective
date of coverage, which might be any day during
the year, and end on December 31 of the calendar
year in which coverage first became effective.
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at least 1 but not more than 100
employees on business days during the
preceding calendar year and who
employs at least 1 employee on the first
day of the plan year. In the case of plan
years beginning before January 1, 2016,
a State may elect to define small
employer by substituting ‘‘50
employees’’ for ‘‘100 employees.’’ These
regulatory definitions were consistent
with section 1304(b) of the Affordable
Care Act and section 2791(e) of the PHS
However, both of those sections have
recently been amended by the
Protecting Affordable Coverage for
Employees Act (Pub. L. 114–60).
Therefore, we propose to revise the
regulatory definitions of large employer
and small employer in § 144.103 to
conform to this legislation. Specifically,
we propose to revise the regulatory
definition of large employer to mean, in
connection with a group health plan
with respect to a calendar year and a
plan year, an employer who employed
an average of at least 51 employees on
business days during the preceding
calendar year and who employs at least
1 employee on the first day of the plan
year, but would provide that a State may
elect to define large employer by
substituting ‘‘101 employees’’ for ‘‘51
employees.’’ Conversely, we propose to
revise the regulatory definition of small
employer to mean, in connection with a
group health plan with respect to a
calendar year and a plan year, an
employer who employed an average of
at least 1 but not more than 50
employees on business days during the
preceding calendar year and who
employs at least 1 employee on the first
day of the plan year, but would provide
that a State may elect to define small
employer by substituting ‘‘100
employees’’ for ‘‘50 employees.’’
Consistent with section 1304(b) of the
Affordable Care Act and section 2791(e)
of the PHS Act, we also propose to
codify statutory language providing that
in the case of an employer that was not
in existence throughout the preceding
calendar year, the determination of
whether the employer is a large
employer or a small employer be based
on the average number of employees
that it is reasonably expected the
employer will employ on business days
in the current calendar year.
Finally, we propose to correct a crossreference in the definition of excepted
benefits under § 144.103, which should
refer to the group market provisions in
§ 146.145(b) as opposed to § 146.145(c).
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B. Part 146—Requirements for the
Group Health Insurance Market
1. Guaranteed Availability of Coverage
for Employers in the Small Group
Market (§ 146.150)
Part 146 includes pre-Affordable Care
Act HIPAA requirements on group
health insurance issuers, including
§ 146.150, which requires health
insurance issuers in the small group
market to guarantee the availability of
coverage, with some specific exceptions.
We propose to add paragraph (g) to
§ 146.150, providing an exception to the
guaranteed availability requirement
when the exceptions to the guaranteed
renewability requirement in § 146.152(c)
or (d) related to discontinuing a
particular product or all coverage in a
market apply. For a further discussion
of this proposal, see the discussion of
§ 147.104, ‘‘Guaranteed Availability of
Coverage,’’ in this proposed rule at part
147, ‘‘Health Insurance Reform
Requirements for the Group and
Individual Health Insurance Markets.’’
C. Part 147—Health Insurance Reform
Requirements for the Group and
Individual Health Insurance Markets
1. Fair Health Insurance Premiums
(§ 147.102)
Under section 2701 of the PHS Act
and regulations at § 147.102, the rating
area for a small group plan is the group
policyholder’s principal business
address. We propose to amend
§ 147.102(a)(1)(ii) to provide that if the
employer has registered an in-State
principal business address with the
State, that location is the principal
business address. We note that an inState address registered solely for
purposes of service of process would
not be considered the employer’s
principal business address, unless it is
a substantial worksite for the employer’s
business. If an in-State principal
business address is not registered with
the State or is only registered for
purposes of service of process and is not
a substantial worksite, the employer
would designate as its principal
business address the business address
within the State where the greatest
number of employees work in the
applicable State.
When a network plan offered in a
State has a limited service area, the
policy described above could result in
an issuer having to make a plan
available to an employer (because the
employer has an employee who lives,
works, or resides in the service area),
but not be able to apply a geographic
rating factor under the current rule,
because the issuer might not have
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
established rates applicable to the
location of the employer’s principal
business address outside the plan’s
service area.
We propose to amend § 147.102 to
provide for an additional principal
business address to be identified within
a plan’s service area so that the plan can
be appropriately rated for sale to the
employer. In such instances, the
additional principal business address
would be the business address within
the plan’s service area where the
greatest number of employees work as of
the beginning of the plan year, or, if
there is no such business address, an
address within the rating area selected
by the employer that reasonably reflects
where the greatest number of employees
within the plan’s service area live or
reside as of the beginning of the plan
We note that SHOPs, including the
Federally-facilitated Small Business
Health Options Programs (FF–SHOPs),
may use the address that was used to
establish a qualified employer’s
eligibility for participation in the SHOP
to determine the applicable geographic
rating area when calculating premiums
for participating employers. The SHOPs,
including the FF–SHOPs, may not be
able to accommodate multiple principal
business addresses within a State for
premium calculation purposes. As a
result, when a single application is
completed in a State, plan availability
and premium calculations will be based
on the principal business address
entered on the FF–SHOP employer user
Under § 147.102(b), States have
considerable flexibility in establishing
rating areas. Rating areas must be based
on counties, three-digit zip codes, or
metropolitan statistical areas and nonmetropolitan statistical areas, and
generally will be presumed adequate if
State-established rating areas are no
greater in number than the number of
metropolitan statistical areas in the
State plus one. States may seek approval
from CMS for a greater number of rating
areas provided they are actuarially
justified, are not unfairly
discriminatory, reflect significant
differences in health care unit costs,
lead to stability in rates over time, and
apply uniformly to all issuers in a
We have observed wide variations in
the size of rating areas in the various
States. We are concerned that, within
States, this could lead to pockets of
smaller rating areas with higher-risk
groups, which potentially compromises
the risk-spreading objective that the
single risk pool requirement is intended
to achieve. At the same time, States are
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the primary regulators of health
insurance, and we believe it is
important to recognize the unique needs
of each State. We also recognize the
consumer disruption that could result
from changes to rating areas. Therefore,
we seek comments on whether we
should seek more uniformity in the size
of rating areas or establish a minimum
size for rating areas, and if so, how that
should be achieved, consistent with the
principle of flexibility for States. For
example, to help ensure uniformity in
rating areas, we could require that each
rating area in a State be one
geographically contiguous area, and that
the relative population of each rating
area not vary by more than a specified
percentage. To help ensure that rating
areas are sufficiently large, we could
direct that each State have a maximum
number of rating areas equal to the
number of metropolitan statistical areas
in the State, plus one. We also seek
comment on how we could improve
uniformity and sufficient size for risk
pooling in a manner that would
preserve flexibility to accommodate the
unique needs of each State.
We also recognize the inconsistency
that can occur between an issuer’s rating
area and the service area of some of its
network-based plans. Under current
§ 155.1055, the service area of a QHP
must be established without regard to
racial, ethnic, language, health statusrelated factors, or other factors that
exclude specific high utilizing, high
cost, or medically underserved
populations. We believe it could be
beneficial from an insurance market
perspective for the rating area and the
service area to generally be consistent,
to provide that health insurance issuers
offer a full array of products in larger
geographic areas. We seek comment on
whether and how to achieve this
objective, including whether to achieve
it through regulation, and if so, how our
regulations should be revised for this
Section 147.102(e) provides for a
uniform age curve in each State. When
a State does not specify an age curve, a
Federal default uniform age curve will
apply. We are investigating the child age
rating factor in the Federal uniform age
curve, and seek to determine whether
the default factor is appropriate, or fails
to adequately differentiate the health
risk of children of different ages. We
seek comment and data on the most
appropriate child age curve, and the
policy reasons underlying any
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2. Guaranteed Availability of Coverage
(§ 147.104)
a. Product Discontinuance and Market
Withdrawal Exceptions to Guaranteed
Section 147.104 includes several
exceptions to the guaranteed availability
requirement. We have been asked
whether there is an exception to this
requirement in the small group, large
group, and individual markets when an
issuer avails itself of the exception to
the guaranteed renewability
requirement in § 147.106(c)
(discontinuing a particular product), or
in § 147.106(d) (discontinuing all
coverage). The exception to the
guaranteed renewability requirement in
§ 147.106(c) requires an issuer to
provide notice in writing, in a form and
manner specified by the Secretary, to
each plan sponsor or individual, as
applicable, (and to all participants and
beneficiaries covered under such
coverage) of the discontinuation at least
90 calendar days before the date the
coverage will be discontinued. The
exception to the guaranteed
renewability requirement in
§ 147.106(d) requires an issuer to
provide notice in writing to the
applicable State authority and to each
plan sponsor or individual, as
applicable (and to all participants and
beneficiaries covered under the
coverage) of the discontinuation at least
180 calendar days prior to the date the
coverage will be discontinued. We have
been asked whether the guaranteed
availability requirement requires health
insurance issuers discontinuing a
product, or all coverage, to guarantee
the availability of coverage during these
90- and 180-day (or other applicable)
time periods. We do not believe an
issuer should be required to guarantee
the availability of a product the issuer
is in the process of discontinuing, while
the issuer is attempting to wind down
its operations for that product.
Therefore, we propose to redesignate
paragraphs (e) through (i) as (f) through
(j), and add a new paragraph (e) to
§ 147.104, providing for an exception to
the guaranteed availability requirement
when the exceptions to the guaranteed
renewability requirement in § 147.106(c)
or (d) related to discontinuing a
particular product, or the exception
related to discontinuing all coverage in
a market, apply. The exception would
be effective for the duration of the
notice periods discussed above. We
acknowledge that the statute does not
expressly contain such an exception to
the guaranteed availability requirement.
However, the statutory requirement
under the guaranteed renewability
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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provision requires issuers to provide at
least 90-day or 180-day advance notice
to enrollees prior to discontinuation of
the coverage. If additional consumers
continue to enroll after notice is given,
the issuer would not be able to provide
the required advance notice to these
new enrollees before discontinuing
coverage. Accordingly, we are
interpreting the interaction between the
guaranteed availability and guaranteed
renewability provisions to permit an
issuer to deny enrollments during the
applicable product discontinuance or
market withdrawal notice period.
However, we propose in paragraph
(e)(3) that this exception does not
relieve issuers of their obligations to
existing policyholders, such as enrolling
dependents under a special enrollment
right during the 90-day or 180-day
We understand that some States may
wish issuers to guarantee the
availability of products until the end of
the applicable notice period, and any
such requirement would continue to
We also propose a new paragraph
(e)(2), under which an issuer that denies
coverage under these provisions must
apply the denial uniformly to all
employers or individuals in the large
group, small group, or individual
market, as applicable, in the State
consistent with applicable State law,
and without regard to the claims
experience or any health-status related
factor relating to those individuals or
employers and their employees (or their
respective dependents).
We seek comment on these proposals.
b. Minimum Participation and
Contribution Rules
Section 2702 of the PHS Act generally
requires health insurance issuers in the
group and individual markets to
guarantee the availability of coverage. In
the 2014 Market Rules final rule, we
determined that small employers
accordingly could not be denied
coverage for failure to satisfy minimum
participation or contribution
requirements. In recognition of the
potential for adverse selection, however,
under our authority to define open
enrollment periods at § 147.104, we
permitted health insurance issuers
offering non-grandfathered plans in the
small group market to limit the
availability of coverage to small
employers that do not meet an issuer’s
employer contribution or group
participation rules to an annual
enrollment period of November 15 to
December 15 of each year. We continue
to recognize that the use of minimum
participation or contribution rules to
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limit when coverage can be obtained
can guard against adverse selection, in
that some employers might wait to
purchase insurance only when medical
need arises. We also acknowledge the
possibility that minimum contribution
rules might promote employee take-up
and help spread insurance risk across a
broad and diverse pool of individuals.
However, several features of the
Affordable Care Act make participation
and contribution rules less relevant,
including the individual shared
responsibility provisions, under which
non-exempt individuals must maintain
minimum essential coverage (such as
might be available through a group
health plan) or make an individual
shared responsibility payment, and the
employer shared responsibility
provisions, under which applicable
large employers (in general, employers
with at least 50 full-time employees
(including full-time equivalent
employees)) must either offer coverage
that is affordable and that provides
minimum value to their full-time
employees (and their dependents) or
potentially make an assessable payment
to the IRS.
Based on our experience since the
finalization of the rule providing for the
November 15 to December 15
enrollment window, we are concerned
that the limitation of the enrollment
window could result in some applicable
large employers that intend to avoid an
employer shared responsibility payment
by offering coverage being unable to
reasonably offer coverage, if a State were
to expand the small group market to
include employers with up to 100
In recognition of this dynamic, we
note that a State electing to expand its
small group market to include
employers with up to 100 employees
may opt, under its own authority, to
prohibit a small group health insurance
issuer from restricting the availability of
small group coverage based on employer
contribution or group participation
rules. Alternatively, in cases where a
State expands the definition of a small
employer to include up to 100
employees, we could amend the
guaranteed availability regulations, with
respect to small employers with 51–100
employees or with respect to all small
employers altogether, to achieve this
objective. We seek comment on such an
3. Guaranteed Renewability of Coverage
(§ 147.106)
The guaranteed renewability
provisions of title XXVII of the PHS Act
provide that an issuer may discontinue
a product offered in the group or
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individual market if the issuer offers to
each plan sponsor or individual who is
enrolled in that particular product the
option to purchase all (or, in the case of
the large group market, any) other
health insurance coverage currently
being offered by the issuer in that
market, and complies with other
requirements of those sections, as well
as with any applicable State law. Title
XXVII of the PHS Act includes several
exceptions to the guaranteed
renewability provisions, including
when a group health plan sponsor has
violated a material plan provision
relating to employer contribution or
group participation rules, provided
applicable State law allows an
exception to guaranteed renewability
under such circumstances; and for
coverage made available in the
individual market, or small or large
group market only through one or more
bona fide associations, if the
individual’s or employer’s membership
in the association ceases. Although the
Affordable Care Act removed from title
XXVII these exceptions as they applied
to guaranteed availability, it did not do
so with respect to guaranteed
renewability. Therefore, a large
employer whose coverage is nonrenewed for one of these reasons, and a
small employer whose coverage is nonrenewed due to membership ceasing in
an association, could be seen to have a
right to immediately purchase that same
coverage (if available in the market)
from that same issuer in accordance
with guaranteed availability. This
renders effectively meaningless these
two exceptions to guaranteed
renewability in these contexts. To
address this potential ambiguity
regarding the interplay between
guaranteed renewability and guaranteed
availability, we propose to remove these
guaranteed renewability exceptions
from the regulations at § 147.106. We
seek comment on other ways in which
this ambiguity could be addressed.
4. Student Health Insurance Coverage
(§ 147.145)
a. Index Rate Setting Methodology for
Student Health Insurance Coverage
Under 45 CFR 147.145, student health
insurance coverage is a type of
individual health insurance coverage
that, subject to limited exceptions, must
comply with the PHS Act requirements
that apply to individual health
insurance coverage. However, section
1560(c) of the Affordable Care Act
provides that nothing in title I of the
Affordable Care Act (or an amendment
made by title I) is to be construed to
prohibit an institution of higher
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
education from offering a student health
insurance plan to the extent that the
requirement is otherwise permitted
under applicable Federal, State, or local
law. HHS has exercised its authority
under section 1560(c) to modify some of
its rules as applied to student health
insurance coverage, including those
related to the guaranteed availability,
guaranteed renewability, and single risk
pool requirements.
Our intent in exempting student
health insurance coverage from the
single risk pool requirement was to
provide that student health insurance
issuers need not include their student
health insurance coverage in their
overall individual market (or merged
market) risk pool, and also need not
have one single risk pool composed of
their total statewide book of student
health insurance business. Rather, we
intended that issuers could establish
separate risk pools from their individual
health insurance market single risk pool
(or merged market risk pool, where
applicable) for student health insurance
coverage, including by establishing
separate risk pools for different
institutions of higher education, or
multiple risk pools within a single
institution, provided the risk pools were
based on a bona fide school-related
classification (for example, graduate
students and undergraduate students)
and not a health status-related factor as
described in § 146.121. However, we
have learned that student health
insurance issuers may be using certain
rating factors that would be prohibited
under the single risk pool regulation in
§ 156.80(d) to establish rates for
institutions of higher education, on the
basis that student health insurance
coverage has been exempted from those
single risk pool index rating
requirements under our regulations.
Examples of such rating factors include
the percentage of students enrolled in
the coverage, or the length of time the
college or university has had coverage
through the issuer. Section 156.80(d)
requires a health insurance issuer to
base its index rate only on the total
combined claims costs for providing
EHB (subject to certain adjustments).
We do not intend to disrupt rate
setting for student health insurance, but
we do seek to ensure that rates are based
on actuarially justified factors. To
clarify our intent, we propose, for plan
years beginning on or after January 1,
2017, that student health insurance
coverage be subject to the index rate
setting methodology of the single risk
pool provision in the regulation at
§ 156.80(d). However, student health
insurance issuers still would be
permitted to establish separate risk
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pools from their individual health
insurance market single risk pool (or
merged market risk pool, where
applicable) for student health insurance
coverage, including by establishing
separate risk pools for different
institutions of higher education, or
multiple risk pools within a single
institution, provided they are based on
a bona fide school-related classification
(for example, graduate students and
undergraduate students) and not a
health status-related factor as described
in § 146.121. Consistent with our single
risk pool policy, the index rates for
these risk pools would be based upon
actuarially justified estimates of claims.
Permissible plan-level adjustments to
these index rates would be limited to
those permitted under our rules. This
approach would continue to allow rates
for student health insurance coverage to
reflect the unique characteristics of the
student population at the particular
institution, while more clearly
delineating our intent with regard to the
treatment of student health insurance
coverage. We seek comment on any
potential operational challenges
associated with this proposal, including
potential challenges related to filing
rates for student health insurance
coverage and how this policy might be
adjusted to address those challenges.
b. Actuarial Value Requirements for
Student Health Insurance Plans
Many colleges and universities have
reported to us that they offer student
health insurance plans that are rich in
benefits (for example, providing an
actuarial value of 96 percent) and that
they are reluctant to reduce the level of
benefits to meet an actuarial value metal
level. Because enrollees in student
health insurance plans are not typically
selecting among such plans, there is less
need for standardization of actuarial
levels in this part of the individual
market. Therefore, we propose to add an
exemption to the requirements for
student health insurance coverage in
§ 147.145, under which, for plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2017,
student health insurance coverage
would be exempt from the actuarial
value requirements under section
1302(d) of the Affordable Care Act, as
implemented in §§ 156.135 and 156.140,
but would be required to provide an
actuarial value of at least 60 percent. To
determine a plan’s actuarial value for
purposes of the application of the 60
percent actuarial value requirement to
student health insurance coverage, we
propose to require student health
insurance coverage issuers to obtain
certification by an actuary that the plan
provides an actuarial value of at least 60
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percent. This determination would be
required to be made by a member of the
American Academy of Actuaries, based
on analysis in accordance with
generally accepted actuarial principles
and methodologies.
We considered making modifications
to the AV Calculator for the purposes of
determining the actuarial value for
student health insurance plans.
However, the standard population in the
AV Calculator is more diverse than the
expected population in student health
insurance plans, such that the AV
Calculator’s calculations might be less
accurate. That said, we solicit comments
on whether the AV Calculator should be
used for this purpose.
We also solicit comments on whether
to require student health insurance
issuers to specify, in their SBCs,
summary plan descriptions, enrollment
materials, marketing materials, or other
materials, the actuarial value of the
coverage, the next lowest metal level the
coverage would otherwise satisfy, based
on its actuarial value, or any other data
that would give enrollees and
prospective enrollees information about
the actuarial value of the coverage.
D. Part 153—Standards Related to
Reinsurance, Risk Corridors, and Risk
Adjustment Under the Affordable Care
1. Sequestration
In accordance with the OMB Report to
Congress on the Joint Committee
Reductions for Fiscal Year 2016,8 both
the transitional reinsurance program
and permanent risk adjustment program
are subject to the fiscal year 2016
sequestration. The Federal government’s
2016 fiscal year began on October 1,
2015. The reinsurance program will be
sequestered at a rate of 6.8 percent for
payments made from fiscal year 2016
resources (that is, funds collected
during the 2016 fiscal year). To meet the
sequestration requirement for the risk
adjustment program for fiscal year 2016,
HHS will sequester risk adjustment
payments made using fiscal year 2016
resources in all States where HHS
operates risk adjustment at a
sequestration rate of 7.0 percent. HHS
estimates that increasing the
sequestration rate for all risk adjustment
payments made in fiscal year 2016 to all
issuers in the States where HHS
operates risk adjustment by 0.2 percent
will permit HHS to meet the required
national risk adjustment program
8 Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
sequestration percentage of 6.8 percent
noted in the OMB Report to Congress.
HHS, in coordination with the OMB,
has determined that, under section
256(k)(6) of the Balanced Budget and
Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985,
as amended, and the underlying
authority for these programs, the funds
that are sequestered in fiscal year 2016
from the reinsurance and risk
adjustment programs will become
available for payment to issuers in fiscal
year 2017 without further Congressional
action. If the Congress does not enact
deficit reduction provisions that replace
the Joint Committee reductions, these
programs would be sequestered in
future fiscal years, and any sequestered
funding would become available in the
fiscal year following that in which it
was sequestered.
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2. Provisions and Parameters for the
Permanent Risk Adjustment Program
In subparts D and G of 45 CFR part
153, we established standards for the
administration of the risk adjustment
program. The risk adjustment program
is a permanent program created by
section 1343 of the Affordable Care Act
that transfers funds from lower risk,
non-grandfathered plans to higher risk,
non-grandfathered plans in the
individual and small group markets,
inside and outside the Exchanges. In
accordance with § 153.310(a), a State
that is approved or conditionally
approved by the Secretary to operate an
Exchange may establish a risk
adjustment program, or have HHS do so
on its behalf.
a. Overview of the HHS Risk
Adjustment Model (§ 153.320)
The HHS risk adjustment model
predicts plan liability for an average
enrollee based on that person’s age, sex,
and diagnoses (risk factors), producing a
risk score. The HHS risk adjustment
methodology utilizes separate models
for adults, children, and infants to
account for cost differences in each of
these age groups. In each of the adult
and child models, the relative costs
assigned to an individual’s age, sex, and
diagnoses are added together to produce
a risk score. Infant risk scores are
determined by inclusion in one of 25
mutually exclusive groups, based on the
infant’s maturity and the severity of its
diagnoses. If applicable, the risk score is
multiplied by a cost-sharing reduction
The enrollment-weighted average risk
score of all enrollees in a particular risk
adjustment-covered plan, or the plan
liability risk score, within a geographic
rating area is one of the inputs into the
risk adjustment payment transfer
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formula, which determines the payment
or charge that an issuer will receive or
be required to pay for that plan. Thus,
the HHS risk adjustment model predicts
average group costs to account for risk
across plans, which, as we stated in the
2014 Payment Notice, accords with the
Actuarial Standards Board’s Actuarial
Standards of Practice for risk
b. Proposed Updates to the Risk
Adjustment Model (§ 153.320)
We propose to continue to use the
same risk adjustment methodology
finalized in the 2014 Payment Notice.
We propose to make certain updates to
the risk adjustment model to
incorporate preventive services into our
simulation of plan liability, and to
reflect more current data. The proposed
data updates are similar to the ones we
effectuated for 2016 risk adjustment in
the 2016 Payment Notice. We propose to
recalculate the weights assigned to the
various hierarchical condition
categories (HCCs) and demographic
factors in our risk adjustment models
using the most recent data available. As
we previously described, in the adult
and child models, enrollee health risks
are estimated using the HHS risk
adjustment model, which assigns a set
of additive factors that reflect the
relative costs attributable to
demographics and diagnoses. Risk
adjustment factors are developed using
claims data and reflect the costs of a
given disease relative to average
spending. The longer the lag in data
used to develop the risk factors, the
greater the potential that the costs of
treating one disease versus another have
changed in a manner not fully reflected
in the risk factors.
To provide risk adjustment factors
that best reflect more recent treatment
patterns and costs, we propose to
recalibrate the HHS risk adjustment
models for 2017 by using more recent
claims data to develop updated risk
factors. The risk factors published in the
2016 Payment Notice for use in 2016
were developed using the Truven
Health Analytics 2011, 2012 and 2013
MarketScan® Commercial Claims and
Encounters database (MarketScan); we
are proposing to update the risk factors
in the HHS risk adjustment model using
2012, 2013, and 2014 MarketScan data.
We would publish and finalize the
updated factors in the final rule. We
seek comment on this proposal.
We are proposing to incorporate
preventive services into our simulation
of plan liability in the recalibration of
the risk adjustment models for 2017. We
identified preventive services for the
2012 and 2013 MarketScan samples
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using procedure and diagnosis codes,
prescription drug therapeutic classes,
and enrollee age and sex. We relied on
lists of preventive services from several
major issuers, the preventive services
used for the AV Calculator, and
Medicare’s preventive services benefit
to operationalize preventive services
definitions for incorporation in the risk
adjustment models. We then adjusted
plan liability by adding 100 percent of
preventive services covered charges to
simulate plan liability for all metal
levels. We also applied standard benefit
cost sharing rules by metal level to
covered charges for non-preventive
services. Total adjusted simulated plan
liability is the sum of preventive
services covered charges, and nonpreventive services simulated plan
We re-estimated the risk adjustment
models by metal level, predicting plan
liability adjusted to account for
preventive services without cost
sharing. We compared the model
coefficients predicting original (that is,
non-adjusted for preventive services)
and adjusted simulated plan liability.
Adjusting for preventive services
increases age-sex coefficients relative to
HCC coefficients, especially in the
higher cost-sharing metal tiers (bronze
and silver), and in age/sex ranges with
high preventive services expenditures
(for example, young adult females). The
implication of the changes to the model
coefficients is that the risk scores of
healthy enrollees (whose risk scores are
based solely on model age-sex
coefficients) will likely rise relative to
the risk scores of the less healthy
(whose risk scores include one or more
HCC coefficients in addition to an agesex coefficient), especially in bronze
and silver plans. As a result of the risk
score changes for individuals, we expect
that the incorporation of preventive
services would increase the risk scores
of bronze and silver plans with healthier
enrollees relative to other plans’ risk
scores when preventive services are
taken into account. This incorporation
of preventive services will more
accurately compensate risk adjustment
covered plans with enrollees who use
preventive services. We seek comment
on this approach.
Additionally, we are evaluating how
we may incorporate prescription drug
data in the Federally certified risk
adjustment methodology that HHS uses
when it operates risk adjustment.
Prescription drug data could be used in
the risk adjustment methodology to
supplement diagnostic data by using the
prescription drug data as a severity
indicator, or as a proxy for diagnoses is
in cases where diagnostic data are likely
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
to be incomplete. We are assessing these
approaches, with particular sensitivity
to reliability and the potential for
strategic behavior with respect to
prescribing behavior. As we noted in the
2014 Payment Notice, we did not
include prescription drugs to predict
expenditures to avoid creating adverse
incentives to modify discretionary
prescribing. We are evaluating whether
we can improve the models’ predictive
power through the incorporation of
prescription drugs without unduly
incentivizing altered prescribing
behavior. We seek comment and any
data that may inform effective methods
of incorporating prescription drug data
in future recalibrations.
Similarly, we believe we could more
accurately account for high-cost
conditions with new treatments that are
not reflected in our model due to lags
in the data available to us for
recalibration. We believe that stability
across our models is important, but seek
comment and data that may inform
better methods of accurately
compensating for new treatments for
high cost conditions. For example, we
seek comment on whether there are
ways to model the severity of these
conditions in a manner that will more
fully capture the highest cost enrollees.
Lastly, we would like to explore the
effect of partial year enrollment in the
HHS risk adjustment methodology. We
have received input that issuers are
experiencing higher than expected
claims costs for partial-year enrollees.
We have also received input that the
methodology does not capture enrollees
with chronic conditions who may not
have accumulated diagnoses in their
partial year enrollment. At the same
time, as compared to full year enrollees
of the same relative risk, partial year
enrollees are less likely to have
spending that exceeds the deductible or
annual limitation on cost sharing. We
seek comment and data on how the
methodology could be made more
predictive for partial year enrollees.
c. List of Factors To Be Employed in the
Model (§ 153.320)
The HHS risk adjustment models
predict annualized plan liability
expenditures using age and sex
categories and the HHS HCCs included
in the HHS risk adjustment model.
Dollar coefficients were estimated for
these factors using weighted least
squares regression, where the weight
was the fraction of the year enrolled.
We are including the same HCCs that
were included in the original risk
adjustment calibration in the 2014
Payment Notice. For each model, the
factors are the statistical regression
dollar values for each HCC in the model
divided by a weighted average plan
liability for the full modeling sample.
The factors represent the predicted
relative incremental expenditures for
each HCC. The proposed factors
resulting from the blended factors from
the 2012 and 2013 separately solved
models (with the incorporation of
preventive services) are shown in the
tables below. For a given enrollee, the
sums of the factors for the enrollee’s
HCCs are the total relative predicted
expenditures for that enrollee. Table 1
contains factors for each adult model,
including the interactions. Table 2
contains the HHS HHCs in the severity
illness indicator variable. Table 3
contains the factors for each child
model. Table 4 contains the factors for
each infant model.
Demographic Factors
Male .....................................................................................
Male .....................................................................................
Male .....................................................................................
Male .....................................................................................
Male .....................................................................................
Male .....................................................................................
Male .....................................................................................
Male .....................................................................................
Male .....................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
Female .................................................................................
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Diagnosis Factors
HIV/AIDS ..................................................................................................
Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/
Shock ...................................................................................................
Central Nervous System Infections, Except Viral Meningitis ..................
Viral or Unspecified Meningitis ................................................................
Opportunistic Infections ...........................................................................
Metastatic Cancer ....................................................................................
Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, Including Pediatric Acute
Lymphoid Leukemia .............................................................................
Non-Hodgkin‘s Lymphomas and Other Cancers and Tumors ................
Colorectal, Breast (Age <50), Kidney, and Other Cancers .....................
Breast (Age 50+) and Prostate Cancer, Benign/Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and Tumors ................................................
Thyroid Cancer, Melanoma, Neurofibromatosis, and Other Cancers
and Tumors ..........................................................................................
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jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Pancreas Transplant Status/Complications .............................................
Diabetes with Acute Complications .........................................................
Diabetes with Chronic Complications ......................................................
Diabetes without Complication ................................................................
Protein-Calorie Malnutrition .....................................................................
Mucopolysaccharidosis ............................................................................
Lipidoses and Glycogenosis ....................................................................
Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Metabolic Disorders .........................
Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant Endocrine Disorders ...............
Liver Transplant Status/Complications ....................................................
End-Stage Liver Disease .........................................................................
Cirrhosis of Liver ......................................................................................
Chronic Hepatitis ......................................................................................
Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including Neonatal Hepatitis .....................
Intestine Transplant Status/Complications ..............................................
Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Enterocolitis .............
Intestinal Obstruction ...............................................................................
Chronic Pancreatitis .................................................................................
Acute Pancreatitis/Other Pancreatic Disorders and Intestinal Malabsorption .............................................................................................
Inflammatory Bowel Disease ...................................................................
Necrotizing Fasciitis .................................................................................
Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis ....................................................
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune Disorders ...................
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Autoimmune Disorders .......
Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other Osteodystrophies ..........................
Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders ..
Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate ................................................................................
Hemophilia ...............................................................................................
Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myelofibrosis .......................................
Aplastic Anemia .......................................................................................
Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic Disease of Newborn
Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS) .....................................................................
Thalassemia Major ...................................................................................
Combined and Other Severe Immunodeficiencies ..................................
Disorders of the Immune Mechanism ......................................................
Coagulation Defects and Other Specified Hematological Disorders .......
Drug Psychosis ........................................................................................
Drug Dependence ....................................................................................
Schizophrenia ..........................................................................................
Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders .................................................
Reactive and Unspecified Psychosis, Delusional Disorders ...................
Personality Disorders ...............................................................................
Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa .......................................................................
Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and Autosomal Deletion Syndromes .......
Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other Chromosomal Anomalies, and Congenital Malformation Syndromes ..........................................................
Autistic Disorder .......................................................................................
Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except Autistic Disorder ...............
Traumatic Complete Lesion Cervical Spinal Cord ..................................
Quadriplegia .............................................................................................
Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal Spinal Cord .....................................
Paraplegia ................................................................................................
Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries .................................................................
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Anterior Horn Cell Disease ...
Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy ....................................................................
Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic .......................................................
Spina Bifida and Other Brain/Spinal/Nervous System Congenital
Anomalies .............................................................................................
Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and Guillain-Barre Syndrome/
Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy ....................................................
Muscular Dystrophy .................................................................................
Multiple Sclerosis .....................................................................................
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Spinocerebellar Disease, and Other
Neurodegenerative Disorders ..............................................................
Seizure Disorders and Convulsions ........................................................
Hydrocephalus .........................................................................................
Non-Traumatic Coma, and Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage ............
Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status ........................................
Respiratory Arrest ....................................................................................
Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress
Syndromes ...........................................................................................
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Heart Assistive Device/Artificial Heart .....................................................
Heart Transplant ......................................................................................
Congestive Heart Failure .........................................................................
Acute Myocardial Infarction .....................................................................
Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease ...................
Heart Infection/Inflammation, Except Rheumatic ....................................
Specified Heart Arrhythmias ....................................................................
Intracranial Hemorrhage ..........................................................................
Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke ...............................................................
Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation .............................
Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis ..........................................................................
Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes .................................................
Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene .............
Vascular Disease with Complications ......................................................
Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis ..................................
Lung Transplant Status/Complications ....................................................
Cystic Fibrosis ..........................................................................................
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Including Bronchiectasis ........
Asthma .....................................................................................................
Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung Disorders ............................................
Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias and Other Severe Lung
Infections ..............................................................................................
Kidney Transplant Status .........................................................................
End Stage Renal Disease .......................................................................
Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5 ............................................................
Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4) .............................................
Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy, Except with Renal Failure, Shock, or
Embolism ..............................................................................................
Miscarriage with Complications ...............................................................
Miscarriage with No or Minor Complications ...........................................
Completed Pregnancy With Major Complications ...................................
Completed Pregnancy With Complications .............................................
Completed Pregnancy with No or Minor Complications ..........................
Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure ..................................................
Hip Fractures and Pathological Vertebral or Humerus Fractures ...........
Pathological Fractures, Except of Vertebrae, Hip, or Humerus ..............
Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant Status/Complications ....
Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination .........................................
Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation Complications ....................
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Interaction Factors
Severe illness x Opportunistic Infections .................................................
Severe illness x Metastatic Cancer .........................................................
Severe illness x Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, Including Pediatric Acute Lymphoid Leukemia ........................................................
Severe illness x Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas and Other Cancers and
Tumors .................................................................................................
Severe illness x Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and GuillainBarre Syndrome/Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy .........................
Severe illness x Heart Infection/Inflammation, Except Rheumatic ..........
Severe illness x Intracranial Hemorrhage ...............................................
Severe illness x HCC group G06 (G06 is HCC Group 6 which includes
the following HCCs in the blood disease category: 67, 68) ................
Severe illness x HCC group G08 (G08 is HCC Group 8 which includes
the following HCCs in the blood disease category: 73, 74) ................
Severe illness x End-Stage Liver Disease ..............................................
Severe illness x Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including Neonatal Hepatitis ........................................................................................................
Severe illness x Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration or
Gangrene .............................................................................................
Severe illness x Vascular Disease with Complications ...........................
Severe illness x Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias and
Other Severe Lung Infections ..............................................................
Severe illness x Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination ..............
Severe illness x HCC group G03 (G03 is HCC Group 3 which includes
the following HCCs in the musculoskeletal disease category: 54, 55)
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Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock.
Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Enter colitis.
Seizure Disorders and Convulsions.
Non-Traumatic Coma, Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage.
Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status.
Respiratory Arrest.
Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes.
Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Demographic Factors
2–4, Male .........................................................................................
5–9, Male .........................................................................................
10–14, Male .....................................................................................
15–20, Male .....................................................................................
2–4, Female .....................................................................................
5–9, Female .....................................................................................
10–14, Female .................................................................................
15–20, Female .................................................................................
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Diagnosis Factors
HIV/AIDS ..................................................................................................
Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/
Shock ...................................................................................................
Central Nervous System Infections, Except Viral Meningitis ..................
Viral or Unspecified Meningitis ................................................................
Opportunistic Infections ...........................................................................
Metastatic Cancer ....................................................................................
Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, Including Pediatric Acute
Lymphoid Leukemia .............................................................................
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas and Other Cancers and Tumors ................
Colorectal, Breast (Age <50), Kidney, and Other Cancers .....................
Breast (Age 50+) and Prostate Cancer, Benign/Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and Tumors ................................................
Thyroid Cancer, Melanoma, Neurofibromatosis, and Other Cancers
and Tumors ..........................................................................................
Pancreas Transplant Status/Complications .............................................
Diabetes with Acute Complications .........................................................
Diabetes with Chronic Complications ......................................................
Diabetes without Complication ................................................................
Protein-Calorie Malnutrition .....................................................................
Mucopolysaccharidosis ............................................................................
Lipidoses and Glycogenosis ....................................................................
Congenital Metabolic Disorders, Not Elsewhere Classified ....................
Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Metabolic Disorders .........................
Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant Endocrine Disorders ...............
Liver Transplant Status/Complications ....................................................
End-Stage Liver Disease .........................................................................
Cirrhosis of Liver ......................................................................................
Chronic Hepatitis ......................................................................................
Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including Neonatal Hepatitis .....................
Intestine Transplant Status/Complications ..............................................
Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Enterocolitis .............
Intestinal Obstruction ...............................................................................
Chronic Pancreatitis .................................................................................
Acute Pancreatitis/Other Pancreatic Disorders and Intestinal Malabsorption .............................................................................................
Inflammatory Bowel Disease ...................................................................
Necrotizing Fasciitis .................................................................................
Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis ....................................................
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune Disorders ...................
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Autoimmune Disorders .......
Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other Osteodystrophies ..........................
Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders ..
Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate ................................................................................
Hemophilia ...............................................................................................
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jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myelofibrosis .......................................
Aplastic Anemia .......................................................................................
Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic Disease of Newborn
Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS) .....................................................................
Thalassemia Major ...................................................................................
Combined and Other Severe Immunodeficiencies ..................................
Disorders of the Immune Mechanism ......................................................
Coagulation Defects and Other Specified Hematological Disorders .......
Drug Psychosis ........................................................................................
Drug Dependence ....................................................................................
Schizophrenia ..........................................................................................
Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders .................................................
Reactive and Unspecified Psychosis, Delusional Disorders ...................
Personality Disorders ...............................................................................
Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa .......................................................................
Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and Autosomal Deletion Syndromes .......
Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other Chromosomal Anomalies, and Congenital Malformation Syndromes ..........................................................
Autistic Disorder .......................................................................................
Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except Autistic Disorder ...............
Traumatic Complete Lesion Cervical Spinal Cord ..................................
Quadriplegia .............................................................................................
Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal Spinal Cord .....................................
Paraplegia ................................................................................................
Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries .................................................................
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Anterior Horn Cell Disease ...
Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy ....................................................................
Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic .......................................................
Spina Bifida and Other Brain/Spinal/Nervous System Congenital
Anomalies .............................................................................................
Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and Guillain-Barre Syndrome/
Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy ....................................................
Muscular Dystrophy .................................................................................
Multiple Sclerosis .....................................................................................
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Spinocerebellar Disease, and Other
Neurodegenerative Disorders ..............................................................
Seizure Disorders and Convulsions ........................................................
Hydrocephalus .........................................................................................
Non-Traumatic Coma, and Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage ............
Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status ........................................
Respiratory Arrest ....................................................................................
Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress
Syndromes ...........................................................................................
Heart Assistive Device/Artificial Heart .....................................................
Heart Transplant ......................................................................................
Congestive Heart Failure .........................................................................
Acute Myocardial Infarction .....................................................................
Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease ...................
Heart Infection/Inflammation, Except Rheumatic ....................................
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Other Severe Congenital Heart
Disorders ..............................................................................................
Major Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders .........................................
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, and
Other Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders .....................................
Specified Heart Arrhythmias ....................................................................
Intracranial Hemorrhage ..........................................................................
Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke ...............................................................
Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation .............................
Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis ..........................................................................
Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes .................................................
Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene .............
Vascular Disease with Complications ......................................................
Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis ..................................
Lung Transplant Status/Complications ....................................................
Cystic Fibrosis ..........................................................................................
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Including Bronchiectasis ........
Asthma .....................................................................................................
Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung Disorders ............................................
Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias and Other Severe Lung
Infections ..............................................................................................
Kidney Transplant Status .........................................................................
End Stage Renal Disease .......................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5 ............................................................
Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4) .............................................
Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy, Except with Renal Failure, Shock, or
Embolism ..............................................................................................
Miscarriage with Complications ...............................................................
Miscarriage with No or Minor Complications ...........................................
Completed Pregnancy With Major Complications ...................................
Completed Pregnancy With Complications .............................................
Completed Pregnancy with No or Minor Complications ..........................
Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure ..................................................
Hip Fractures and Pathological Vertebral or Humerus Fractures ...........
Pathological Fractures, Except of Vertebrae, Hip, or Humerus ..............
Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant Status/Complications ....
Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination .........................................
Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation Complications ....................
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 5 (Highest) ....................................
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 4 ....................................................
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 3 ....................................................
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 2 ....................................................
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 1 (Lowest) .....................................
Immature * Severity Level 5 (Highest) ......................................................
Immature * Severity Level 4 .....................................................................
Immature * Severity Level 3 .....................................................................
Immature * Severity Level 2 .....................................................................
Immature * Severity Level 1 (Lowest) ......................................................
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 5 (Highest) .....................................
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 4 ....................................................
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 3 ....................................................
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 2 ....................................................
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 1 (Lowest) ......................................
Term * Severity Level 5 (Highest) ............................................................
Term * Severity Level 4 ............................................................................
Term * Severity Level 3 ............................................................................
Term * Severity Level 2 ............................................................................
Term * Severity Level 1 (Lowest) .............................................................
Age 1 * Severity Level 5 (Highest) ...........................................................
Age 1 * Severity Level 4 ...........................................................................
Age 1 * Severity Level 3 ...........................................................................
Age 1 * Severity Level 2 ...........................................................................
Age 1 * Severity Level 1 (Lowest) ............................................................
Age 0 Male ..............................................................................................
Age 1 Male ..............................................................................................
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Maturity category
Extremely Immature ...................................
Extremely Immature ...................................
Extremely Immature ...................................
Immature ....................................................
Immature ....................................................
Premature/Multiples ...................................
Premature/Multiples ...................................
Term ...........................................................
Age 1 .........................................................
Extremely Immature Newborns, Birthweight <500 Grams.
Extremely Immature Newborns, Including Birthweight 500–749 Grams.
Extremely Immature Newborns, Including Birthweight 750–999 Grams.
Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 1000–1499 Grams.
Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 1500–1999 Grams.
Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 2000–2499 Grams.
Other Premature, Low Birthweight, Malnourished, or Multiple Birth Newborns.
Term or Post-Term Singleton Newborn, Normal or High Birthweight
All age 1 infants.
Severity category
Severity Level 5 (Highest) .........................
Severity Level 5 .........................................
Severity Level 5 .........................................
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Metastatic Cancer.
Pancreas Transplant Status/Complications.
Liver Transplant Status/Complications.
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Severity category
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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End-Stage Liver Disease.
Intestine Transplant Status/Complications.
Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Enterocolitis.
Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status.
Heart Assistive Device/Artificial Heart.
Heart Transplant.
Congestive Heart Failure.
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Other Severe Congenital Heart Disorders.
Lung Transplant Status/Complications.
Kidney Transplant Status.
End Stage Renal Disease.
Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant Status/Complications.
Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock.
Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, Including Pediatric Acute Lymphoid Leukemia.
Major Congenital Anomalies of Diaphragm, Abdominal Wall, and Esophagus, Age <2.
Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myelofibrosis.
Aplastic Anemia.
Combined and Other Severe Immunodeficiencies.
Traumatic Complete Lesion Cervical Spinal Cord.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Anterior Horn Cell Disease.
Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy.
Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy.
Non-Traumatic Coma, Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage.
Respiratory Arrest.
Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes.
Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Heart Infection/Inflammation, Except Rheumatic.
Major Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders.
Intracranial Hemorrhage.
Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke.
Vascular Disease with Complications.
Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias and Other Severe Lung Infections.
Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5.
Hip Fractures and Pathological Vertebral or Humerus Fractures.
Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination.
Central Nervous System Infections, Except Viral Meningitis.
Opportunistic Infections.
Non-Hodgkin‘s Lymphomas and Other Cancers and Tumors.
Colorectal, Breast (Age <50), Kidney and Other Cancers.
Breast (Age 50+), Prostate Cancer, Benign/Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and Tumors.
Lipidoses and Glycogenosis.
Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant Endocrine Disorders.
Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including Neonatal Hepatitis.
Intestinal Obstruction.
Necrotizing Fasciitis.
Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other Osteodystrophies.
Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate.
Disorders of the Immune Mechanism.
Coagulation Defects and Other Specified Hematological Disorders.
Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and Autosomal Deletion Syndromes.
Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal Spinal Cord.
Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries.
Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic.
Muscular Dystrophy.
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Spinocerebellar Disease, and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders.
Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease.
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, and Other Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders.
Specified Heart Arrhythmias.
Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation.
Cystic Fibrosis.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Severity category
(Lowest) ..........................
Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung Disorders.
Pathological Fractures, Except of Vertebrae, Hip, or Humerus.
Viral or Unspecified Meningitis.
Thyroid, Melanoma, Neurofibromatosis, and Other Cancers and Tumors.
Diabetes with Acute Complications.
Diabetes with Chronic Complications.
Diabetes without Complication.
Protein-Calorie Malnutrition.
Congenital Metabolic Disorders, Not Elsewhere Classified.
Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Metabolic Disorders.
Cirrhosis of Liver.
Chronic Pancreatitis.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune Disorders.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Autoimmune Disorders.
Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders.
Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic Disease of Newborn.
Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS).
Drug Psychosis.
Drug Dependence.
Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other Chromosomal Anomalies, and Congenital Malformation Syndromes.
Spina Bifida and Other Brain/Spinal/Nervous System Congenital Anomalies.
Seizure Disorders and Convulsions.
Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes.
Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Including Bronchiectasis.
Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure.
Chronic Hepatitis.
Acute Pancreatitis/Other Pancreatic Disorders and Intestinal Malabsorption.
Thalassemia Major.
Autistic Disorder.
Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except Autistic Disorder.
Multiple Sclerosis.
Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4).
Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation Complications.
No Severity HCCs.
d. Cost-Sharing Reductions Adjustments
(§ 153.320)
We propose to continue including an
adjustment for the receipt of costsharing reductions in the model to
account for increased plan liability due
to increased utilization of health care
services by enrollees receiving costsharing reductions. The proposed costsharing reduction adjustment factors for
2017 risk adjustment are unchanged
from those finalized in the 2016
Payment Notice and are set forth in
Table 7. These adjustments are effective
for 2015, 2016, and 2017 risk
adjustment, and are multiplied against
the sum of the demographic, diagnosis,
and interaction factors. We will
continue to evaluate this adjustment in
future years as more data becomes
available. We seek comment on this
Household income
Plan AV
Induced utilization factor
Silver Plan Variant Recipients
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
100–150% of FPL ...............................................................
150–200% of FPL ...............................................................
200–250% of FPL ...............................................................
>250% of FPL .....................................................................
Plan Variation 94% .............................................................
Plan Variation 87% .............................................................
Plan Variation 73% .............................................................
Standard Plan 70% ............................................................
Zero Cost-Sharing Recipients
Platinum (90%) ...................................................................
Gold (80%) .........................................................................
Silver (70%) ........................................................................
Bronze (60%) .....................................................................
Limited Cost-Sharing Recipients
>300% of FPL .....................................................................
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Household income
Plan AV
>300% of FPL .....................................................................
>300% of FPL .....................................................................
>300% of FPL .....................................................................
Gold (80%) .........................................................................
Silver (70%) ........................................................................
Bronze (60%) .....................................................................
e. Model Performance Statistics
(§ 153.320)
To evaluate the model’s performance,
we examined its R-squared and
predictive ratios. The R-squared
statistic, which calculates the
percentage of individual variation
explained by a model, measures the
predictive accuracy of the model
overall. The predictive ratios measure
the predictive accuracy of a model for
different validation groups or
subpopulations. The predictive ratio for
each of the HHS risk adjustment models
is the ratio of the weighted mean
predicted plan liability for the model
sample population to the weighted
mean actual plan liability for the model
sample population. The predictive ratio
represents how well the model does on
average at predicting plan liability for
that subpopulation. A subpopulation
that is predicted perfectly would have a
predictive ratio of 1.0. For each of the
HHS risk adjustment models, the R-
Induced utilization factor
squared statistic and the predictive ratio
are in the range of published estimates
for concurrent risk adjustment models.9
Because we are proposing to blend the
coefficients from separately solved
models based on MarketScan 2012 and
2013 data (and 2012, 2013, and 2014
data in the final rule), we are publishing
the R-squared statistic for each model
and year separately to verify their
statistical validity. The R-squared
statistic for each model is shown in
Table 8.
R-Squared statistic
Risk adjustment model
Platinum Adult ..........................................................................................................................
Platinum Child ..........................................................................................................................
Platinum Infant .........................................................................................................................
Gold Adult ................................................................................................................................
Gold Child ................................................................................................................................
Gold Infant ...............................................................................................................................
Silver Adult ...............................................................................................................................
Silver Child ...............................................................................................................................
Silver Infant ..............................................................................................................................
Bronze Adult ............................................................................................................................
Bronze Child ............................................................................................................................
Bronze Infant ...........................................................................................................................
Catastrophic Adult ...................................................................................................................
Catastrophic Child ...................................................................................................................
Catastrophic Infant ...................................................................................................................
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
f. Overview of the Payment Transfer
Formula (§ 153.320)
We do not propose to alter our
payment transfer methodology. Plan
average risk scores will continue to be
calculated as the member monthweighted average of individual enrollee
risk scores. We defined the calculation
of plan average actuarial risk and the
calculation of payments and charges in
the Premium Stabilization Rule. In the
2014 Payment Notice, we combined
those concepts into a risk adjustment
payment transfer formula. Risk
adjustment transfers (payments and
charges) will be calculated after issuers
have completed risk adjustment data
reporting. The payment transfer formula
9 Winkleman, Ross and Syed Mehmud. ‘‘A
Comparative Analysis of Claims-Based Tools for
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includes a set of cost adjustment terms
that require transfers to be calculated at
the geographic rating area level for each
plan (that is, HHS will calculate two
separate transfer amounts for a plan that
operates in two rating areas).
The payment transfer formula is
designed to provide a per member per
month (PMPM) transfer amount. The
PMPM transfer amount derived from the
payment transfer formula would be
multiplied by each plan’s total member
months for the benefit year to determine
the total payment due or charge owed
by the issuer for that plan in a rating
(1) Overview of the Payment Transfer
Although we do not propose to
change the payment transfer formula
from what was finalized in the 2014
Payment Notice (78 FR 15430 through
15434), we believe it would be useful to
republish the formula in its entirety,
since, as noted above, we are proposing
to recalibrate the HHS risk adjustment
model. Transfers (payments and
charges) will be calculated as the
difference between the plan premium
estimate reflecting risk selection and the
plan premium estimate not reflecting
risk selection. As finalized in the 2014
Payment Notice, the HHS risk
adjustment payment transfer formula is:
Health Risk Assessment.’’ Society of Actuaries.
April 2007.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
The denominator is summed across all
plans in the risk pool in the market in
the State.
The difference between the two
premium estimates in the payment
transfer formula determines whether a
plan pays a risk transfer charge or
receives a risk transfer payment. Note
that the value of the plan average risk
score by itself does not determine
whether a plan would be assessed a
charge or receive a payment—even if the
risk score is greater than 1.0, it is
possible that the plan would be assessed
a charge if the premium compensation
that the plan may receive through its
rating practices (as measured through
the allowable rating factor) exceeds the
plan’s predicted liability associated
with risk selection. Risk adjustment
transfers are calculated at the risk pool
level, and catastrophic plans are treated
as a separate risk pool for purposes of
risk adjustment.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
g. State-Submitted Alternate Risk
Adjustment Methodology
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
has expressed interest in having an
HHS-operated risk adjustment program,
beginning in the 2017 benefit year. If
HHS operates risk adjustment in
Massachusetts for 2017 using the
Federally certified methodology we use
in all States in which we operate risk
adjustment, we would announce this in
the final rule.
h. Risk Adjustment User Fee
(§ 153.610(f))
As noted above, if a State is not
approved to operate or chooses to forgo
operating its own risk adjustment
program, HHS will operate risk
adjustment on the State’s behalf. As
described in the 2014 Payment Notice,
HHS’s operation of risk adjustment on
behalf of States is funded through a risk
adjustment user fee. Section
153.610(f)(2) provides that an issuer of
a risk adjustment covered plan with the
meaning of § 153.20 must remit a user
fee to HHS equal to the product of its
monthly enrollment in the plan and the
per enrollee per month risk adjustment
user fee specified in the annual HHS
notice of benefit and payment
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parameters for the applicable benefit
OMB Circular No. A–25R establishes
Federal policy regarding user fees, and
specifies that a user charge will be
assessed against each identifiable
recipient for special benefits derived
from Federal activities beyond those
received by the general public. The risk
adjustment program will provide special
benefits as defined in section 6(a)(1)(b)
of Circular No. A–25R to issuers of risk
adjustment covered plans because it
will mitigate the financial instability
associated with potential adverse risk
selection. The risk adjustment program
also will contribute to consumer
confidence in the health insurance
industry by helping to stabilize
premiums across the individual and
small group health insurance markets.
In the 2016 Payment Notice, we
estimated Federal administrative
expenses of operating the risk
adjustment program to be $1.75 per
enrollee per year, based on our
estimated contract costs for risk
adjustment operations. For the 2017
benefit year, we propose to use the same
methodology to estimate our
administrative expenses to operate the
program. These contracts cover
development of the model and
methodology, collections, payments,
account management, data collection,
data validation, program integrity and
audit functions, operational and fraud
analytics, stakeholder training, and
operational support. To calculate the
user fee, we divide HHS’s projected
total costs for administering the risk
adjustment programs on behalf of States
by the expected number of enrollees in
risk adjustment covered plans (other
than plans not subject to market reforms
and student health plans, which are not
subject to payments and charges under
the risk adjustment methodology HHS
uses when it operates risk adjustment
on behalf of a State) in HHS-operated
risk adjustment programs for the benefit
We estimate that the total cost for
HHS to operate the risk adjustment
program on behalf of States for 2017
will be approximately $52 million, and
that the risk adjustment user fee would
be $1.80 per enrollee per year. The risk
adjustment user fee contract costs for
2017 include costs related to 2017 risk
adjustment data validation, and are
slightly higher than the 2016 contract
costs as the result of some contracts that
were rebid. We do not anticipate
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Massachusetts’ decision to use the
Federal risk adjustment methodology
will substantially affect the risk
adjustment user fee rate for 2017.
3. Provisions and Parameters for the
Transitional Reinsurance Program
The Affordable Care Act directs that
a transitional reinsurance program be
established in each State to help
stabilize premiums for coverage in the
individual market from 2014 through
2016. In the 2014 Payment Notice, we
expanded on the standards set forth in
subparts C and E of the Premium
Stabilization Rule and established the
reinsurance payment parameters and
uniform reinsurance contribution rate
for the 2014 benefit year. In the 2015
Payment Notice, we established the
reinsurance payment parameters and
uniform reinsurance contribution rate
for the 2015 benefit year and certain
oversight provisions related to the
operation of the reinsurance program. In
the 2016 Payment Notice, we
established the reinsurance payment
parameters and uniform reinsurance
contribution rate for the 2016 benefit
year and certain clarifying provisions
related to the operation of the
reinsurance program.
a. Decreasing the Reinsurance
Attachment Point for the 2016 Benefit
Section 1341(b)(2)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act directs the
Secretary, in establishing standards for
the transitional reinsurance program, to
include a formula for determining the
amount of reinsurance payments to be
made to non-grandfathered, individual
market issuers for high-risk claims that
provides for the equitable allocation of
funds. In the Premium Stabilization
Rule (77 FR 17228), we provided that
reinsurance payments to issuers of
reinsurance-eligible plans will be made
for a portion of an enrollee’s claims
costs paid by the issuer (the coinsurance
rate, meant to reimburse a proportion of
claims while giving issuers an incentive
to contain costs) that exceeds an
attachment point (when reinsurance
would begin), subject to a reinsurance
cap (when the reinsurance program
stops paying claims for a high-cost
individual). The coinsurance rate,
attachment point, and reinsurance cap
together constitute the uniform
reinsurance payment parameters.
We finalized in the 2015 Payment
Notice (79 FR 13777) that HHS will use
PS = State average premium;
PLRSI = plan i’s plan liability risk score;
AVi = plan i’s metal level AV;
ARFi = allowable rating factor;
IDFi = plan i’s induced demand factor;
GCFi = plan i’s geographic cost factor;
Si = plan i’s share of State enrollment.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
any excess contributions for reinsurance
payments for a benefit year by
increasing the coinsurance rate for that
benefit year up to 100 percent before
rolling over any remaining funds in the
next year. If any contribution amounts
remain after calculating reinsurance
payments for the 2016 benefit year (and
after HHS increases the coinsurance rate
to 100 percent for the 2016 benefit year),
we propose to decrease the 2016
attachment point of $90,000 to pay out
any remaining contribution amounts in
an equitable manner for the 2016 benefit
year. We believe that expending all
remaining reinsurance contribution
funds as payments for the 2016 benefit
year will support the reinsurance
program’s goals of promoting
nationwide premium stabilization and
market stability in the early years of
Exchange operations while providing
issuers with incentives to continue to
effectively manage enrollee costs. The
final attachment point and coinsurance
rate for the 2016 benefit year will be
calculated based on total available
reinsuance collections and accepted
reinsurance payment requests. We seek
comment on this proposal.
b. Audit Authority Extends to Entities
That Assist Contributing Entities
(§ 153.405(i))
In accordance with § 153.405(i), HHS
or its designee has the authority to audit
a contributing entity to assess
compliance with the reinsurance
program requirements. In 2014, HHS
implemented a streamlined approach
through which a contributing entity, or
a third party such as a third party
administrator or an administrative
services-only contractor acting on behalf
of a contributing entity, could register
on, calculate the annual
enrollment count and schedule
reinsurance contribution payments.
During the 2014 contribution
submission process, many third party
administrators and administrative
services-only contractors assisted
contributing entities by calculating the
contributing entity’s annual enrollment
count and maintaining the records
necessary to validate that enrollment.
To ensure that reported annual
enrollment counts are calculated
correctly in accordance with
§§ 153.405(d) through 153.405(g) and
applicable guidance, we propose to
amend § 153.405(i) to specify that the
audit authority extends to any third
party administrators, administrative
services-only contractors, or other third
parties that complete any part of the
reinsurance contribution submission
process on behalf of contributing
entities or otherwise assist contributing
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entities with compliance with the
requirements for the transitional
reinsurance program. This would
include third party administrators,
administrative services-only contractors
or other third parties that provide
contributing entities with their annual
enrollment counts or maintain records
to substantiate the annual enrollment
counts, even if the third party does not
submit the annual enrollment count to
HHS. Additionally, we propose to
amend § 153.405(i) to specify that a
contributing entity that chooses to use a
third party administrator, administrative
services-only contractor, or other third
party to complete the reinsurance
contribution submission process on its
behalf must ensure that this third party
administrator, administrative servicesonly contractor, or other third party
cooperate with any audit under this
section. Contributing entities, not third
party administrators, administrative
services-only contractors, or other third
parties, remain responsible for the
payment of reinsurance contributions.
We seek comment on these
4. Provisions for the Temporary Risk
Corridors Program
This section contains proposals
related to the temporary risk corridors
program, and therefore applies only to
issuers of QHPs, as defined at § 153.500,
with respect to the benefit years 2014
through 2016.
a. Risk Corridors Payment Methodology
(§ 153.510(g))
To ensure the integrity of data used in
risk corridors and MLR calculations, in
prior guidance 10 we indicated that we
would propose in the HHS Notice of
Benefit and Payment Parameters for
2017 an adjustment to correct for any
inaccuracies in risk corridors payment
and charge amounts that could result
from issuers reporting a certified
estimate of cost-sharing reductions on
the 2014 MLR and Risk Corridors
Annual Reporting Form.11 The use of a
certified estimate that is lower than the
actual cost-sharing reductions provided
would affect the MLR calculation and
the risk corridors financial transfers by
increasing incurred claims and
allowable costs, thereby increasing the
MLR and potentially increasing the risk
corridors payment or lowering the risk
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corridors charge. We believe that
requiring an update of these reported
amounts through recalculation of the
risk corridors and MLR amounts for the
2014 benefit year will be disruptive to
the market and consumers, as well as
administratively burdensome and
difficult to operationalize for issuers
and HHS. Therefore, consistent with our
earlier guidance, we are proposing to
add a new paragraph (g) to the risk
corridors payment methodology set
forth in § 153.510 to propose that if the
issuer reported a certified estimate of
2014 cost-sharing reductions on its 2014
MLR and Risk Corridors Annual
Reporting Form that is lower than the
actual cost-sharing reductions provided
(as calculated under § 156.430(c) for the
2014 benefit year, which will take place
in the spring of 2016), HHS would make
an adjustment to the amount of the
issuer’s 2015 benefit year risk corridors
payment or charge measured by the full
difference between the certified estimate
reported and the actual cost-sharing
reductions provided as calculated under
§ 156.430(c) in order to address the
impact of the inaccurate reporting on
the risk corridors and MLR calculations
for the 2014 benefit year. We seek
comment on this proposal.
b. Risk Corridors Data Requirements
(§ 153.530)
Due to the fact that the actual value
of cost-sharing reductions provided by
an issuer was not available in time for
risk corridors and MLR reporting for
2014, for the purpose of adjusting
allowable costs in the risk corridors
calculation and incurred claims in the
MLR calculation for 2014, HHS
instructed issuers to report the amount
of the cost-sharing reduction portion of
the advance payments received by the
issuer for 2014 (to the extent not
reimbursed to the provider furnishing
the item or service).12 Additionally,
issuers were permitted to report a
certified estimate of the amount of costsharing reductions provided in 2014 (to
the extent not reimbursed to the
provider furnishing the item or service)
in their risk corridors and MLR
reporting for the 2014 benefit year.
We propose to amend § 153.530 to
add a new paragraph (b)(2)(iii) to
require an issuer to adjust the costsharing reduction amount it reports on
its 2015 risk corridors and MLR forms
by the difference (if any) between the
reported cost-sharing reduction amount
used to adjust allowable costs and
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
incurred claims on the 2014 MLR
Annual Reporting Form and the actual
cost-sharing reductions provided by the
issuer for the 2014 benefit year (as
calculated under § 156.430(c) for the
2014 benefit year, which will take place
in the spring of 2016). Issuers must
report the amount as calculated under
§ 156.430(c) when reporting risk
corridors and MLR for the applicable
benefit year. As discussed elsewhere in
this preamble, we are proposing to
modify the issuer data reporting
requirements in § 153.710(h)(1)(iii) to
reflect this change.
In addition, in the May 23, 2012
Premium Stabilization Rule (77 FR
17220), we defined ‘‘allowable costs’’ to
reference the MLR term ‘‘incurred
claims’’ and to include quality
improvement activity expenditures as
defined in the MLR rule. Incurred
claims, as defined in § 158.140 for the
MLR program, are generally comprised
of claims incurred during the reporting
year and paid through the applicable
run-out period beyond the end of the
year, plus the liabilities and reserves
estimating claims incurred during the
reporting year but still unpaid at the end
of the run-out period, with certain other
Thus, the MLR definition of incurred
claims relies only on reserves and
liabilities at the end of the reporting
year, rather than a trued up year-overyear change in reserves and liabilities.
In the MLR calculation, these drawbacks
are mitigated to some extent because the
MLR calculation is based on 3 years of
data, and consequently the estimates of
unpaid claims are trued up over the
following 2 years. However, because the
risk corridors calculation is based on
only a single year of data, an issuer’s
estimate of unpaid claims is never trued
up, and consequently any inaccuracy in
these estimates can have a significant
impact on the accuracy of the risk
corridors payment or charge calculation.
Therefore, to preserve the integrity of
the risk corridors program, we propose
to amend § 153.530 to add a new
paragraph (b)(2)(iv) to require issuers to
adjust the claims reported as allowable
costs for the 2015 and later benefit years
by the amount by which the issuer’s
estimate of unpaid claims for the
preceding benefit year exceeded (or fell
below) the actual payments that the
issuer made after the date of the
estimate for claims attributable to the
preceding benefit year. For example, if
in calculating its 2014 allowable costs,
an issuer overestimated the amount of
claims it incurred in 2014 that were
unpaid as of March 31, 2015, then under
this proposal, in calculating its 2015
allowable costs, the issuer would be
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required to subtract the amount by
which its March 31, 2015 claims
estimate exceeded the actual payments
for 2014 claims that the issuer made
between March 31, 2015 and June 30,
2016 (the claims reserves and liabilities
valuation dates for the 2014 and 2015
benefit years, respectively). We seek
comment on the most appropriate way
to true up estimates of unpaid claims for
2016. For example, we could provide for
a 2017 payment or charge (calculated
with 2018 MLR), provide for a
simplified true-up process, require that
the 2016 estimate be based on actual
2014 and 2015 amounts, or provide for
no true-up at all in the final year.
5. Distributed Data Collection for the
HHS-Operated Programs
a. Interim Dedicated Distributed Data
Environment Reports (§ 153.710(d))
Effective for the 2016 benefit year, we
propose deleting § 153.710(d), which
sets forth an interim discrepancy
reporting process by which an issuer
must notify HHS of any discrepancy it
identifies between the data to which the
issuer has provided access to HHS
through its dedicated distributed data
environment (that is, an issuer’s EDGE
server) and the interim dedicated
distributed data environment report, or
confirm to HHS that the information in
the interim report accurately reflects the
data to which the issuer has provided
access to HHS through its dedicated
distributed data environment in
accordance with § 153.700(a) for the
timeframe specified in the report. Many
issuers viewed the interim discrepancy
process for the 2014 benefit year as an
additional burden and an administrative
reporting exercise that they had to
complete in order to preserve their
appeal rights. The process also required
significant resources and extensive
support from HHS. Additionally, the
information collected during the 2014
interim formal discrepancy process
largely focused on the problems that
issuers were encountering with the data
submission process, as opposed to
issues involving the dedicated
distributed data environment report
matching the data the issuer made
accessible in its environment. HHS is
committed to working with issuers prior
to the data submission deadline to
address any data issues so that
reinsurance payment and risk
adjustment transfer calculations can be
made accurately and timely. After the
initial submission period and prior to
the data submission deadline (that is,
April 30 of the year following the
applicable benefit year), issuers should
identify any problems that the issuer is
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experiencing in loading complete and
accurate data; HHS must know about
these data issues during this period to
assist issuers in addressing these issues
prior to the data submission deadline
and in advance of reinsurance payment
and risk adjustment transfer
calculations. Throughout the data
collection period, HHS will continue to
maintain a help desk to assist issuers
with data submission errors and to
provide technical assistance. We believe
that removing the requirement to file an
interim discrepancy report starting in
the 2016 benefit year will alleviate the
administrative burden on issuers and
HHS, as well as streamline outreach and
communications during the data
submission window. In light of this
proposal, we propose to remove any
cross-references to the interim
discrepancy reporting process currently
codified at § 153.710(d) in §§ 153.710
and 156.1220. We also propose
conforming amendments to redesignate
paragraph (e) as paragraph (d), as well
as to revise and redesignate paragraph
(f) as (e). We seek comment on this
proposal and the proposed effective
b. Evaluation of Quality and Quantity of
EDGE Data Submissions (§ 153.710(f))
Under § 153.740(b), if an issuer of a
risk adjustment covered plan fails to
provide HHS with access to the required
data in a dedicated data environment
such that HHS cannot apply the
applicable Federally certified risk
adjustment methodology to calculate the
risk adjustment payment transfer
amount for the risk adjustment covered
plan in a timely fashion, HHS will
assess a default risk adjustment charge.
Similarly, under §§ 153.420 and
153.740(a), an issuer of a reinsuranceeligible plan will forfeit reinsurance
payments it otherwise might have
received if the issuer fails to establish a
dedicated data environment or fails to
meet certain data requirements. HHS
released guidance on April 24, 2015,
entitled ‘‘Evaluation of EDGE Data
Submissions’’ describing the approach it
would use, starting with data
submissions for the 2014 benefit year, to
evaluate whether an issuer provided
access in a dedicated data environment
to data that was sufficient for HHS to
calculate reinsurance payments and
apply the HHS risk adjustment
methodology.13 The approach evaluated
the sufficiency of an issuer’s data in
terms of the quantity and quality of the
data. In this rulemaking, we propose to
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
codify this practice for future benefit
years to support the integrity of
payments and charges made under the
HHS-operated risk adjustment program
and payments under the reinsurance
program, both of which depend upon
the submission of accurate and
complete data by issuers to their EDGE
Consistent with the approach for
review of 2014 benefit year data, to
determine if an issuer meets data
quantity standards, HHS would
compare an issuer’s self-reported
baseline data on its total enrollment and
claims counts by market to the issuer’s
data submitted to its dedicated data
environment. An issuer with a low
enrollment count following the
submission deadline would be subject
to a default risk adjustment charge
under § 153.740(b). An issuer with a low
claims count following the submission
deadline would be subject to a default
risk adjustment charge if the default
charge is lower than the charge it would
have received through the risk
adjustment transfer calculation.
Additionally, an issuer with either a low
enrollment count or a low claims count
would forgo reinsurance payments for
any claims that it failed to submit. HHS
proposes to set forth in guidance, on an
annual basis, the appropriate threshold
by which HHS will deem data sufficient
as to quantity for a given benefit year.
HHS will also specify in guidance the
format and timeline for submission of
baseline data to HHS.
To determine if an issuer meets the
data quality standards required for HHS
to calculate reinsurance payments and
apply the HHS risk adjustment
methodology, HHS proposes to perform
an outlier analysis using select metrics
that target reinsurance data quality and
risk adjustment data quality. For the
2014 benefit year, HHS used the
following five key metrics: Percentage of
all enrollees with at least one HCC;
average number of conditions per
enrollee with at least one HCC; issuer
average risk score; percentage of
individual market enrollees with
reinsurance payments; and average
reinsurance payment per enrollee for
which the issuer would receive
reinsurance payments. Similar to data
quantity, HHS plans to describe in
guidance, on an annual basis, the
metrics used for a given benefit year. An
issuer may be assessed a risk adjustment
default charge if it does not meet data
quality standards on any of the risk
adjustment metrics and may forfeit
reinsurance payments it might
otherwise have received if it does not
meet data quality standards for any of
the reinsurance metrics.
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HHS would conduct these data
quality and quantity analyses after the
deadline for submission of data
specified in § 153.730 (that is, April 30,
of the year following the applicable
benefit year). In § 153.710, we propose
to add a paragraph (f). In the new
paragraph (f), we propose to specify that
HHS will assess default risk adjustment
charges based on these analyses no later
than the date of the notification
provided by HHS under § 153.310(e)
(that is, June 30 of the year following the
applicable benefit year); and to describe
the responsibilities of issuers in relation
to the quality and quantity analyses. In
§ 153.710(f)(1), we propose to codify the
requirement for issuers to provide
baseline data on their total enrollment
and claims counts by market, in a
format and on a timeline that we intend
to specify in guidance. In
§ 153.710(f)(2), we propose that if HHS
identifies a data anomaly that would
cause the data that a risk adjustment
covered plan or a reinsurance-eligible
plan made available through a dedicated
data environment to fail HHS’s quality
thresholds, the issuer may, within 10
calendar days of receiving notification
of the anomaly, submit an explanation
of the anomaly for HHS to consider in
determining whether the issuer met the
reinsurance and risk adjustment data
HHS expects to perform informal data
sufficiency analyses throughout the data
submission process. Issuers are
encouraged to provide explanations and
corrected enrollment or claims counts at
any time during the data submission
process. The timeframe we propose in
§ 153.710(f)(2) would apply to the final
data sufficiency analyses only, which
are performed following the deadline for
submission of data specified in
§ 153.730 (that is, April 30, of the year
following the applicable benefit year).
We seek comment on this proposal.
c. Data Requirements (§ 153.710(g))
We are proposing to make conforming
amendments to the introductory
language at § 153.710(g)(1) to remove
the cross-references to the interim
discrepancy reporting process currently
codified at § 153.710(d). However,
because we have learned in the first year
of the implementation of the premium
stabilization and Exchange financial
assistance programs that flexibility is
often needed in reporting the amounts
on risk corridors and MLR forms, we
also propose that HHS have the ability
to modify these instructions in subregulatory guidance. Our intent in
issuing any such guidance would be to
avoid having the application of the
instructions in exceptional
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circumstances lead to unfair or
misleading financial reporting. We
propose to capture this flexibility
through a new proposed paragraph at
§ 153.710(g)(3).
We also propose to change
§ 153.710(g)(1)(iii) to require an issuer to
report the amount of cost-sharing
reductions calculated under § 156.430(c)
in its annual MLR and risk corridors
report, regardless of whether the issuer
had any unresolved discrepancy under
§ 156.1210, or whether the issuer had
submitted a request for reconsideration
under § 156.1220(a)(1)(v). Additionally,
consistent with the process outlined in
§ 153.710(g)(2), we propose to require an
issuer to adjust the cost-sharing
reduction amount it reports on its 2015
risk corridors and MLR forms by the
difference (if any) between the reported
cost-sharing reduction amount used to
adjust allowable costs and incurred
claims on the 2014 MLR Annual
Reporting Form and the amount of costsharing reductions as calculated under
§ 156.430(c) for the 2014 benefit year.
Consistent with the approach
currently outlined in § 153.710(g)(2), we
propose to amend this paragraph to
require an issuer to report any
adjustment made or approved by HHS
for any risk adjustment payment or
charge, reinsurance payment, costsharing reduction payment to reflect
actual cost-sharing reduction amounts
received, or risk corridors payment or
charge, where the adjustment has not
been accounted for in a prior MLR and
Risk Corridors Annual Reporting Form
in the next following year. By way of
example, if an issuer’s risk adjustment
charges or payments are adjusted as a
result of the administrative appeals
process, the issuer should adjust these
reported amounts in the next MLR and
risk corridors reporting cycle, after the
appeal has been resolved. Similarly, if
HHS makes changes to an issuer’s risk
adjustment charges or payments after
the risk corridors and MLR reporting
cycle has closed for the applicable
reporting year, the issuer should adjust
these reported amounts in the next MLR
and risk corridors reporting cycle to
account for the difference between the
reported amounts and the amounts
actually received or paid for the
previous benefit year. However, if an
issuer is notified about the modification
during an open MLR and risk corridors
submission period, it must report the
modified amounts in that open
reporting cycle.
We also propose to clarify in
§ 153.710(g)(1)(iii) that cost-sharing
reduction amounts to be reported under
this section must exclude amounts
reimbursed to providers of services or
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
items. This clarifying language is
consistent with how the instructions for
cost-sharing reductions amounts are
reported under § 153.530(b)(2)(iii) (risk
corridors data requirements) and
§ 158.140(b)(iii) (MLR data
Lastly, we propose to revise paragraph
(g)(1)(iv) to require that for medical loss
ratio reporting only, issuers should
report the risk corridors payment to be
made or charge assessed by HHS, as
reflected under § 153.510.
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d. Good Faith Safe Harbor
In the second Program Integrity Rule,
we finalized § 153.740(a), which permits
HHS to impose civil money penalties
upon issuers of risk adjustment covered
plans and reinsurance-eligible plans for
failure to adhere to certain standards
relating to their dedicated distributed
data environments. In the preamble to
that rule, we stated that if we are able
to determine that an issuer of a risk
adjustment covered plan or reinsuranceeligible plan is making good faith efforts
to comply with the standards set forth
in § 153.740(a), consistent with our
policy codified at § 156.800(c), we
would not seek to impose CMPs for
noncompliance with those standards
during 2014 (78 FR 65061). In the 2016
Payment Notice (80 FR 10780), we
extended the good faith safe harbor to
the 2015 calendar year, and stated that
we would not apply the good faith safe
harbor to non-compliance with
dedicated distributed data environment
standards applicable during the 2016
calendar year, even where the noncompliance relates to data for the 2015
benefit year. As we have previously
said, we are not proposing to extend the
good-faith safe harbor. Starting in the
2016 calendar year and beyond, civil
money penalties may be imposed if an
issuer of a risk adjustment covered plan
or reinsurance-eligible plan fails to
establish a dedicated distributed data
environment in a manner and timeframe
specified by HHS; fails to provide HHS
with access to the required data in such
environment in accordance with
§ 153.700(a) or otherwise fails to comply
with the requirements of §§ 153.700
through 153.730; fails to adhere to the
reinsurance data submission
requirements set forth in § 153.420; or
fails to adhere to the risk adjustment
data submission and data storage
requirements set forth in §§ 153.610
through 153.630, even if the issuer has
made good faith efforts to comply with
these requirements.
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e. Default Risk Adjustment Charge
(§ 153.740(b))
In the second Program Integrity Rule
and the 2015 Payment Notice, HHS
indicated that a default risk adjustment
charge will be assessed if an issuer does
not establish a dedicated distributed
data environment or submits inadequate
risk adjustment data. In the 2016
Payment Notice, we established how a
default risk adjustment charge will be
allocated among risk adjustment
covered plans.
As described in the second final
Program Integrity Rule, the total risk
adjustment default charge for a risk
adjustment covered plan would equal a
per member per month amount
multiplied by the plan’s enrollment.
Tn = Cn*En
Tn = total default risk adjustment charge for
a plan n;
Cn = the PMPM amount for plan n; and
En = the total enrollment (total billable
member months) for plan n.
In the second final Program Integrity
Rule, we provided that En could be
calculated using an enrollment count
provided by the issuer, using enrollment
data from the issuer’s MLR and risk
corridors filings for the applicable
benefit year, or other reliable data
In the 2015 Payment Notice, we
determined that we would calculate
Cn—the PMPM amount for a plan—
equal to the product of the Statewide
average premium (expressed as a PMPM
amount) for a risk pool and the 75th
percentile plan risk transfer amount
expressed as a percentage of the
respective Statewide average PMPM
premiums for the risk pool. The
nationwide percentile would reflect
only plans in States where HHS is
operating the risk adjustment program
and would be calculated based on the
absolute value of plan risk transfer
amounts. The PMPM amount
determined using the method described
here would be multiplied by the noncompliant plan’s enrollment, as
determined using the sources finalized
in the second final Program Integrity
Rule, to establish the plan’s total default
risk adjustment charge.
For the second year of risk
adjustment, the 2015 benefit year, we
are proposing to calculate Cn in the
same manner, but increased to the 90th
percentile plan risk transfer amount
expressed as a percentage of the
respective Statewide average PMPM
premiums for the risk pool. We believe
that the 75th percentile was reasonable
for the initial year of risk adjustment, as
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we did not yet know the distribution of
risk adjustment transfers and issuers
were more likely to experience technical
difficulties in establishing a dedicated
distributed data environment. In the
second year of risk adjustment, now that
issuers have set up EDGE servers and
participated in the calculation of risk
adjustment transfers, we believe that
adjusting the default charge upwards to
the 90th percentile of plan risk transfer
amounts expressed as a percentage of
the respective Statewide average PMPM
premiums for the risk pool will
encourage continued compliance with
risk adjustment data submission
requirements. We are concerned that,
absent this change, some issuers may
prefer receiving a default charge at the
75th percentile over participating in the
risk adjustment program; a default
charge at this level lacks sufficient
deterrent value. In contrast, we believe
the proposed 90th percentile default
charge will adequately incentivize
issuers to participate in the risk
adjustment program. We seek comment
on this approach.
For the 2016 benefit year, we propose
a separate calculation of Cn for issuers
where En Statewide, in the individual
and small group markets combined, is
500 billable member months or less. For
these issuers, we are proposing to
calculate Cn, or the PMPM charge for a
plan, as 14 percent of premium, which
we have calculated as the mean charge
as a percent of premium of issuers with
500 billable member months or fewer in
the 2014 benefit year in the small group
market. We are basing the charge itself
on the experience of small group issuers
in the 2014 benefit year, as we believe
that individual market issuers are more
likely to set up an EDGE server because
of the availability of reinsurance.
Limiting the applicability in the 2016
benefit year of this default charge to
issuers with 500 billable member
months or fewer is intended to ensure
that the only issuers with this option are
ones that are so small that their removal
from the overall risk adjustment risk
pool would have a minimal impact on
transfers nationwide. In 2014,
approximately 125 issuers would have
had fewer than 500 member months in
the individual and small group markets
combined. Of those approximately 125
small issuers, 80 were assessed risk
adjustment charges greater than the
proposed default charge of 14 percent of
premium PMPM. Those charges
amounted to less than 0.09 percent of
total risk adjustment charges assessed
nationally. Assuming every one of those
issuers elect to accept the proposed 14
percent default risk charge, and none of
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
the small issuers that owed risk
adjustment payments, or with charges
below 14 percent of premium PMPM,
did so (which we believe unlikely, due
to the administrative expenses of setting
up an EDGE server), the assessment of
the proposed 14 percent of premium
default charge on those 80 issuers (and
only those 80 issuers) would have
resulted in a 0.05 percent (that is, one
twentieth of one percent) reduction in
risk adjustment charges collected
nationally. Because issuers of this size
are immaterial to the overall risk
adjustment risk pools and have a
disproportionately high operational
burden to comply with risk adjustment
data submission requirements, we
believe that a separate default charge for
these issuers would promote efficiency
and data quality in the risk adjustment
program. We propose to establish this
risk adjustment default charge as the
mean charge in the small group for these
small issuers, or 14 percent of statewide
average premium PMPM, to compensate
on average for the absence of these
immaterial amounts in the affected risk
pools. We intend that this policy would
apply only to the very smallest issuers,
in recognition of the disproportionately
high operational burden on these
issuers, and seek comment on this
f. Insolvent Issuers
We are aware that a health insurance
issuer may become insolvent or exit a
market during a benefit year. In some
cases, another entity, such as another
issuer or liquidator may take over the
issuer’s operations, or a State guaranty
fund may become responsible for paying
claims for the insolvent issuer. In some
instances when this occurs, both the
entity seeking to acquire business from
an insolvent issuer and the insolvent
issuer lack a full year’s data to submit
for the risk adjustment or reinsurance
To address this concern, we propose
to clarify that an entity acquiring or
entering into another arrangement with
an issuer to serve the current enrollees
under a plan, or a State guaranty fund
that is responsible for paying claims on
behalf of the insolvent issuer, with
substantially the same terms may accrue
the previous months of claims
experience for purposes of risk
adjustment and reinsurance to fully
reflect the enrollees’ risk and claims
costs. We propose the ‘‘substantially the
same’’ standard because we understand
that in many of these situations an
acquiring entity’s platform may require
some adjustments to the plan
arrangements. To meet this standard
would require the carryover of
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accumulators for deductibles and
annual limitations on cost sharing. If the
‘‘substantially the same’’ standard is
met, and the insolvent issuer and
acquiring entity agree that the acquiring
entity will accrue the previous months
of claims experience, the acquiring
entity must take responsibility for
submitting to HHS complete and
accurate claims and baseline
information for that benefit year
(including data from the insolvent
issuer) in accordance with HHS’s
operational guidance. We also recognize
that guaranty funds may not meet all of
the requirements to be considered a risk
adjustment covered plan or reinsurance
eligible plan (for example, they may not
meet the definition of ‘‘health insurance
issuer’’), and so we propose to permit a
guaranty fund to participate in those
programs notwithstanding these
definition, to the extent it has taken over
liability for a risk adjusted covered plan
or reinsurance eligible plan during a
benefit year.
We seek comment on these policies,
including with respect to permissible
ways in which the acquiring entity’s
arrangements may differ and other ways
of ensuring the submission of the data
necessary for HHS to calculate the risk
adjustment financial transfer amounts
and the reinsurance payment amounts
when another party will take over
operations of the insolvent issuer, or
pay claims on behalf of the insolvent
issuer, during a benefit year. We also
solicit comments on whether additional
flexibility is needed with respect to the
data submission requirements for the
reinsurance and risk adjustment
programs, such as with respect to the
definition of a ‘‘paid claim’’ to account
for situations when an issuer is unable
to pay claims for covered services, for
example, due to insolvency.
E. Part 154—Health Insurance Issuer
Rate Increases: Disclosure and Review
1. General Provisions
This section includes proposals
related to the rate review program under
part 154. The amendments in this part
would apply to rates filed during the
2016 calendar year for coverage effective
on or after January 1, 2017.
2. Disclosure and Review Provisions
a. Rate Increases Subject To Review
(§ 154.200)
In § 154.200, we propose amending
paragraph (c)(2) to provide that a rate
increase for single risk pool coverage 14
14 The phrase ‘‘single risk pool coverage’’ is used
to describe non-grandfathered health insurance
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beginning on or after January 1, 2017
meets or exceeds the applicable
threshold for review if the average
increase, including premium rating
factors described in § 147.102 of the
subchapter, for all enrollees weighted by
premium volume for any plan within
the product meets or exceeds the
applicable threshold. We previously
provided that a rate increase for single
risk pool coverage beginning on or after
January 1, 2017 meets or exceeds the
applicable threshold if an increase in
the plan-adjusted index rate for any
plan within the product meets or
exceeds the applicable threshold.
We propose this change under
paragraph (c)(2) because the planadjusted index rate does not reflect
changes to adjustments for rating area,
family size, age, or tobacco factors.
Therefore, it would be possible for an
issuer to change geographic rating area
factors such that members in a certain
rating area receive a larger increase,
even though the overall rate increase
would not be subject to rate review
because the plan-adjusted index rate
does not increase by 10 percent or more.
We believe the annual review of
unreasonable increases must include
review of the underlying rates that are
used to develop the premiums, as
opposed to the actual premiums
themselves. We do not expect this to
result in additional rate increases that
meet the threshold, but will measure
rate increases in plans more accurately.
We seek comment on this proposal.
Consistent with the approach finalized
in the 2016 Payment Notice (80 FR
10781), we note that starting with rates
filed for single risk pool coverage
beginning on or after January 1, 2017,
rate increases would be calculated at the
plan level as opposed to the product
level when determining whether an
increase is subject to review. We are not
proposing any changes to that policy.
b. Submission of Rate Filing
Justification (§ 154.215)
Under § 154.215, health insurance
issuers are currently required to submit
a Rate Filing Justification for all single
coverage in the individual or small group (or
merged) market that is subject to all of the single
risk pool provisions at 45 CFR 156.80. Although we
are proposing that student health insurance plans
be subject to the index rating methodology specified
in 45 CFR 56.80(d), such plans would not have to
be included in an issuers’ individual (or merged)
market single risk pool. Rather they could be
included in one or more separate risk pools.
Student health plan issuers submit the required rate
filing information using the Rate Review
Justification Template rather than the Unified Rate
Review Template. Student health insurance plans
are referred to as ‘‘non-single risk pool coverage’’
for purposes of the requirements established in 45
CFR part 154.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
risk pool coverage products (including
new or discontinued products) when
any plan within a product in the
individual or small group (or merged)
market is subject to a rate increase,
regardless of the size of the increase.
This requirement was established, in
part, to carry out the Secretary’s
responsibility, in conjunction with the
States, under section 2794(b)(2)(A) of
the PHS Act to monitor premium
increases of health insurance coverage
offered through an Exchange and
outside of an Exchange beginning in
2014. However, our experience with the
rate review program has shown that
premium increases cannot reasonably be
monitored without evaluating the net
effect on premiums, including the
impact of rate decreases, plans with
unchanged rates, and new plans’ rates.
We therefore propose to revise
paragraphs (a) and (b) to address this
gap in information.
We propose to revise paragraph (a)(1)
to require health insurance issuers to
submit the Unified Rate Review
Template (also known as Part I of the
Rate Filing Justification) for all single
risk pool coverage products in the
individual or small group (or merged)
market, regardless of whether any plan
within a product is subject to a rate
increase. We note that most issuers
offering single risk pool coverage
already submit a Unified Rate Review
Template because:
• A plan within the issuer’s single
risk pool has a rate increase;
• The issuer’s State regulator requires
submission of the Rate Filing
Justification for all rates;
• The issuer is seeking to offer a QHP
through a Federally-Facilitated or State
Partnership Exchange; or
• The issuer chooses to use the Rate
Filing Justification to satisfy the
requirement to annually set an index
We believe that requiring the
submission of the Unified Rate Review
Template, rather than requiring
submission of a new document, will
reduce administrative burden for issuers
while providing the Secretary and the
States with the information necessary to
more effectively carry out their
responsibilities to monitor premium
increases inside and outside of
We propose to revise paragraph (a)(2)
so that issuers must submit a Unified
Rate Review Template and an Actuarial
Memorandum (also known as Parts I
and III of the Rate Filing Justification)
when a plan within a product is subject
to a rate increase. The Unified Rate
Review Template and Actuarial
Memorandum are submitted at the risk
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pool level, but the requirement to
submit is based on increases at the plan
level. This is the current policy but we
are revising regulatory text for clarity.
We propose to revise paragraph (a)(3)
to provide that all three parts of the Rate
Filing Justification (that is, the Unified
Rate Review Template, a written
description justifying a rate increase,
and the Actuarial Memorandum) must
be filed when a plan within a product
has a rate increase that is subject to
review. The information is submitted at
the risk pool level, but the requirement
to submit is based on increases at the
plan level. This is the current policy but
we are revising regulatory text for
We also propose to revise paragraph
(b) to provide that a Unified Rate
Review Template, a written description
justifying a rate increase, and rate filing
documentation (commonly referred to
as an Actuarial Memorandum) are part
of a Rate Filing Justification. One or all
of those parts of the Rate Filing
Justification may be required by CMS
and the State, depending on the change,
if any, to plan rates. We also propose to
remove and reserve paragraph (c), as it
would be unnecessary in light of the
proposed amendments to paragraphs (a)
and (b).
These proposed amendments and
clarifications will ensure that the rate
review process is transparent regardless
of whether coverage is included in the
individual market or small group market
single risk pool, and will allow HHS
and the States to more effectively
monitor premium increases for coverage
offered through or outside of an
Exchange. Furthermore, the proposed
amendments and clarifications will
introduce consistent submission
requirements for all issuers of single risk
pool coverage, regardless of whether the
issuer is increasing, decreasing, or
maintaining rates.
We also remind issuers of student
health insurance plans to use the Rate
Review Justification (RRJ) module of the
Health Insurance Oversight System
(HIOS) to submit the required rate filing
information.15 Even though we propose
to amend § 147.145 in this rulemaking
(see III.C.4. of this preamble) to extend
the index rate setting methodology to
student health insurance plans for plan
years beginning on or after January 1,
2017, we do not propose to change the
form or manner of submission of rate
filing information under 45 CFR part
154 for such coverage. In States without
15 See Rate Review Student Health Plans FAQ
published on August 12, 2015. https://
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Effective Rate Review programs, issuers
would be required to submit
Preliminary Justifications for all student
health insurance plans with rate
increases subject to review to CMS by
the earlier of the date that the issuer
files the Preliminary Justification with
the State or a date prior to
implementation of the rate increase. In
the States where CMS enforces the
Public Health Service Act requirements,
as amended by the Affordable Care Act,
issuers must submit rate filings for
student health insurance plan coverage
for (a) rate increases of 10 percent or
more into the HIOS RRJ module; and (b)
rate increases of less than 10 percent
into the HIOS Document Collection
Form Filing Module.
We propose to permit the Secretary to
specify in guidance, as provided under
§ 154.220(b)(2), different submission
deadlines for Rate Filing Justifications
for single risk pool coverage plans
versus non-single risk pool coverage
In accordance with paragraph (h)(2),
we intend to make public on an HHS
Web site the information contained in
parts I and III of each Rate Filing
Justification that is not a trade secret or
confidential commercial or financial
information, as defined in HHS’
Freedom of Information Act regulations,
45 CFR 5.65. We intend to disclose such
information for all single risk pool
coverage proposed rate increases
(regardless of whether the increase is
subject to review) and for all final rate
increases. We note that we currently
make such information available to the
public for single risk pool coverage
proposed rate increases subject to
review and all final rates. The
disclosure of information for all single
risk pool coverage proposed rate
increases, rather than only proposed
rate increases subject to review, will
provide the public with more
comprehensive information and
increase the transparency of the rate
setting process.
c. Timing of Providing the Rate Filing
Justification (§ 154.220)
Section 154.220 establishes time
frames for required rate filing
justifications. As previously discussed,
we propose to collect a Unified Rate
Review Template for all single risk pool
coverage products in the individual or
small group (or merged) market,
regardless of whether any plan within a
product is subject to a rate increase. We
propose technical changes to the
language in this section to align with
this proposal to remove references to
rate increases and clarify that the time
frames listed pertain to all single risk
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
pool coverage products with or without
rate changes. Specifically, we propose to
revise the introductory language to this
section with accompanying edits to the
language in paragraphs (b) and (b)(1).
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
d. Submission and Posting of Final
Justifications for Unreasonable Rate
Increases (§ 154.230)
We propose a technical change to
paragraph (c)(2)(i). That paragraph
currently includes a reference to
§ 154.215(i) but no such paragraph
exists. We propose to fix the
typographical error and change the cross
reference to § 154.215(h).
e. CMS’s Determinations of Effective
Rate Review Programs (§ 154.301)
Section 154.301 sets forth criteria for
evaluating whether a State has an
Effective Rate Review Program in the
individual and small group (or merged)
markets. In the 2016 Payment Notice (80
FR 10783), we provided that the criteria
for determining whether a State has an
Effective Rate Review program includes
making rate information available to the
public at a uniform time (rather than on
a rolling basis) for proposed rate
increases subject to review and all final
rate increases, including those not
subject to review (as applicable) for
single risk pool coverage in the relevant
market segment and without regard to
whether coverage is offered through an
Exchange or outside of an Exchange. As
this was the first year for these uniform
posting requirements, and because the
uniform timelines were published by
CMS well into 2015, CMS understands
that some States had significant
challenges in meeting the specified
timelines for rates filed for coverage
beginning on or after January 1, 2016.
For rates filed for coverage beginning on
or after January 1, 2017, we intend to
make a proposed timeline for release of
rate information for single risk pool
coverage available for comment from
States and other stakeholders in
December and finalize the timeline no
later than March. We believe the
comment process will allow States and
other stakeholders to identify in
advance any challenges that the
timeline may pose and allow us to make
adjustments as may be necessary to
accommodate State-specific needs and
other considerations. We also believe
this process will better support States
that seek to operate an Effective Rate
Review program in compliance with
these requirements for rates filed for
coverage beginning on or after January
1, 2017.
We consider the posting of proposed
rate increases that are subject to review
and the posting of all final rate increases
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(including those not subject to review)
for single risk pool coverage at a
uniform time a criterion for a State
retaining its designation as having an
Effective Rate Review Program. We will
continue to monitor States to ensure
that single risk pool coverage rate filings
are posted at a uniform time, in the
relevant market segment and without
regard to whether the coverage is offered
through or outside of an Exchange, in
accordance with these requirements and
guidance issued by CMS.
reasonably expected the employer will
employ on business days in the current
calendar year. We do not propose to
change the applicability of the counting
methodology under 4980H(c)(2) of the
Code to these definitions, but we
propose to eliminate language about the
timing of its applicability, which will no
longer be relevant when this rule is
F. Part 155—Exchange Establishment
Standards and Other Related Standards
Under the Affordable Care Act
a. Election To Operate an Exchange
After 2014 (§ 155.106)
We propose to modify the timeframes
for submission and approval of
documentation specifying how an
Exchange established by a State or a
regional Exchange meets the Exchange
approval standards (that is, the
Exchange Blueprint). Based on our
experience over the last two open
enrollment periods, we believe the
current Exchange Blueprint application
deadlines for States intending to operate
a State Exchange do not sufficiently
balance the need to provide States with
time to adequately prepare their
Blueprint applications against the need
to ensure HHS has sufficient time to
accurately assess a State’s progress and
ability to timely build the necessary
Exchange information technology. In
our experience, the process for seeking
approval to operate a State Exchange
involves substantial technical assistance
and collaboration between HHS and the
State in developing plans to transition
from one Exchange operational model
and information technology
infrastructure to another, including key
milestones, deadlines, and contingency
measures. Since the completion of some
of these key milestones and deadlines
would need to occur prior to the
submission of the Blueprint application,
we propose that we will make that
technical assistance available and
initiate the transition planning process
following submission of a declaration
letter from the State, as provided for in
the Blueprint approval process. The
declaration letter would serve as formal
notification to HHS of a State’s intent to
pursue approval to operate a State
Exchange, and will initiate coordination
between the State and HHS on a
transition plan. We would seek a
declaration letter approximately 21
months prior to the beginning of the
SBE’s first annual enrollment and 9
months prior to the beginning of an
SBE–FP’s first annual open enrollment.
In § 155.106(a)(2), we propose to
require States that are establishing a
State Exchange (not including a State
Exchange using the Federal platform for
1. General Provisions
a. Definitions (§ 155.20)
In § 155.20, we propose to amend the
definition of ‘‘applicant’’ for the small
group market so that the term also
includes an employer seeking eligibility
to purchase coverage through a SHOP,
without necessarily enrolling in that
coverage themselves. The current
definition of an applicant contemplates
an employer, employee, or former
employee seeking eligibility for
enrollment in a QHP through the SHOP
for himself or herself. For consistency
with our existing regulations governing
the SHOP application process at
§§ 155.710 and 155.715 and for
consistency with how the small group
market typically works, we propose that
the term applicant also include an
employer who is seeking eligibility to
purchase coverage through a SHOP, but
who is not seeking to enroll in that
coverage himself or herself.
We also propose to amend § 155.20 to
add a definition for ‘‘Federal platform
agreement’’ to apply to this part. We
propose to define a Federal platform
agreement to mean an agreement
entered into by a State Exchange and
HHS, under which the State Exchange
elects to rely on the Federal platform to
carry out select Exchange functions.
We also propose to modify the
definitions of a ‘‘small employer’’ and
‘‘large employer’’ at § 155.20 to align
with the Protecting Affordable Coverage
for Employees Act (Pub. L. 114–60),
which was recently enacted, as further
described in the preamble for § 144.103.
As described in that section of the
preamble, consistent with section
1304(b) of the Affordable Care Act and
section 2791(e) of the PHS Act, we
propose to codify that in the case of an
employer that was not in existence
throughout the preceding calendar year,
the determination of whether the
employer is a large employer or a small
employer be based on the average
number of employees that it is
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2. General Standards Related to the
Establishment of an Exchange
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
select functions) to submit an Exchange
Blueprint at least 15 months prior to the
date the Exchange proposes to begin
open enrollment as a State Exchange.
We also propose in § 155.106(a)(3) to
increase the time that the State must
have in effect an approved or
conditionally approved Exchange
Blueprint from 6.5 months to 14 months
prior to the date the Exchange proposes
to begin open enrollment as a State
Exchange. We recognize that in some
situations the open enrollment period
may not have been established when
Blueprints are due. Therefore, we
propose in paragraph (a)(5), if the open
enrollment period for the year the State
intends to begin operating an SBE has
not been established, a State should
assume open enrollment will begin on
the same date as open enrollment is to
begin for the year in which they are
submitting the Blueprint.
We propose to revise paragraph (b) to
clarify that HHS will operate the
Exchange if a State Exchange ceases
We propose to add a paragraph (c) to
establish requirements for a State that
elects to operate an SBE–FP. These
States must submit an Exchange
Blueprint (or submit an update to an
existing approved Exchange Blueprint)
at least 3 months prior to the date open
enrollment is to begin for the State as an
SBE–FP; and must have in effect an
approved, or conditionally approved,
Exchange Blueprint and operational
readiness assessment at least 2 months
prior to the date on which the Exchange
proposes to begin open enrollment as an
SBE–FP. If the State Exchange has a
conditionally approved Exchange
Blueprint application, we propose that
it would not be required to submit a
new Blueprint application, but must
submit any significant changes to that
application for HHS approval at least 3
months prior to the date on which the
Exchange proposes to begin open
enrollment as an SBE–FP. Upon receipt
of approval or conditional approval of
the Exchange Blueprint or amended
Blueprint, and prior to the start of the
open enrollment period, we propose
that these States must execute a Federal
platform agreement and be required to
coordinate with HHS on a transition
Lastly, we want to be clear that we are
only proposing changes to the timelines
for submission of the Blueprint
application. We are not otherwise
proposing any modifications to the
information and documents that States
must submit as part of the actual
Exchange Blueprint application.
We seek comment on these proposals.
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b. Additional Required Benefits
(§ 155.170)
Section 1311(d)(3)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act permits a State, at
its option, to require QHPs to cover
benefits in addition to the essential
health benefits, but requires a State to
make payments, either to the individual
enrollee or to the issuer on behalf of the
enrollee, to defray the cost of these
additional State-required benefits. In the
2016 Payment Notice, we instructed
States to select a new EHB basebenchmark plan to take effect beginning
for the 2017 plan year. The final EHB
base-benchmark plans selected as a
result of this process have been made
publicly available.16
Section 1311(d)(3)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act refers to situations
in which the State requires QHPs to
cover benefits. That section is not
specific to State statutes and we have
interpreted that section to apply not
only in cases of legislative action but
also in cases of State regulation,
guidance, or other State action.
Therefore, we propose to reword
§ 155.170(a)(2) to make clear that a
benefit required by the State through
action taking place on or before
December 31, 2011 is considered an
In the EHB Rule (78 FR 12837 through
12838), we discussed § 155.170(a)(2),
which implements section 1311(d)(3)(B)
of the Affordable Care Act. In our
discussion of that provision, we
provided that ‘‘State-required benefits
enacted on or before December 31, 2011
(even if not effective until a later date)
may be considered EHB, which would
obviate the requirement for the State to
defray costs for these State-required
benefits.’’ This policy continues to
apply. Therefore, benefits required by a
State through action taking place after
December 31, 2011 that directly apply to
the QHPs are not considered EHB
(unless enactment is directly
attributable to State compliance with
Federal requirements, as discussed
Although benefits requirements
enacted by States after December 31,
2011 that directly apply to the QHP and
that were not enacted for purposes of
compliance with Federal requirements
are not considered EHB,17 the basebenchmark plan might cover some of
those non-EHB. Nonetheless, issuers
16 Available at
17 The 2016 Payment Notice provides that States
are not expected to defray the cost of State-required
benefits enacted on or after January 1, 2012 that
were required in order to comply with new Federal
requirements. (80 FR 10749, 10813 (Feb. 27, 2015)).
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must treat those benefits as they would
other non-EHB, such as those identified
in § 156.115(d) 18 and the State must
defray the cost. We propose to codify
this interpretation in § 155.170(a)(2). We
seek comment on this proposal.
At § 155.170(a)(3), we currently
require the Exchange to identify which
additional State-required benefits, if
any, are in excess of EHB. We propose
to amend paragraph (a)(3) to designate
the State, rather than the Exchange, as
the entity that identifies which Staterequired benefits are not EHB. We
propose this change because we believe
insurance regulators are generally more
familiar with State-required benefits.
We believe each State should determine
the appropriate State entity best suited
to identify newly required benefits.
Additionally, for consistency of
terminology, we propose to amend
paragraph (a)(3) to replace the reference
to ‘‘in excess of EHB’’ to ‘‘in addition to
In current § 155.170(c)(2)(iii), we
require QHP issuers to quantify the cost
attributable to each additional Staterequired benefit and report their
calculations to the Exchange. We also
propose to designate the State as the
entity that receives issuer calculations
in paragraph (c)(2)(iii). Since the State is
required by statute to remit a payment
to an enrollee or issuer, we believe the
calculation should be sent directly to
the State rather than to the Exchange.
We seek comment on this proposal.
The 2016 Payment Notice specified
that a State may need to supplement
habilitative services if the basebenchmark plan does not cover such
services. If a State supplements the
base-benchmark plan, there is no
requirement to defray the cost of the
benefits added through
supplementation, as long as the State
imposes the requirement to comply with
the Affordable Care Act or another
Federal requirement. Examples of such
Federal requirements include:
Requirements to provide benefits and
services in each of the 10 categories of
EHB; requirements to cover preventive
services; requirements to comply with
the Mental Health Parity and Addiction
Equity Act; and the removal of
discriminatory age limits from existing
In some States, the base-benchmark
plan may be a large group (nonMedicaid HMO) or State employee plan.
We have received questions regarding
State-required benefits that are
18 An issuer of a plan offering EHB may not
include routine non-pediatric dental services,
routine non-pediatric eye exam services, long-term/
custodial nursing home care benefits, or nonmedically necessary orthodontia as EHB.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
embedded in those large group (nonMedicaid HMO) base-benchmark plans.
As stated earlier in this section, if the
State-required benefit in question was
required by State action after December
31, 2011, applies directly to the QHP,
and was not enacted for purposes of
compliance with Federal requirements,
the benefit is not considered EHB, even
if the benefit is embedded in the basebenchmark plan. However, a benefit
required only in the large group market
and reflected in a large group basebenchmark plan is not an EHB for QHPs
offered in the individual or small group
markets because such a benefit
requirement does not apply directly to
those plans, and to the extent it is
included in the base-benchmark plan, it
may be ‘‘substituted’’ for, in accordance
with § 156.115(b). Therefore, the State
would not have to defray the cost of
individual and small group market
QHPs covering State-required benefits
that are required in the large group
market only. (However, to the extent the
State permits large group plans to be
sold as QHPs through the State’s
Exchange, the State would have to
defray the cost of the large group QHPs
covering the mandated benefit.) We note
that plans subject to the EHB
requirements offered in the individual
and small group markets in those States
would have to be substantially equal to
the base-benchmark plan, and therefore
may cover the State-required benefit as
EHB since it is embedded in the basebenchmark plan. In such a case, the
benefit is an EHB because it is covered
by the base-benchmark plan, but the
cost of coverage by individual and small
group QHPs does not have to be
defrayed, because the State-required
benefit does not apply directly to those
Some States have imposed new
benefit requirements only on individual
and small group plans that are not QHPs
such that only individual and small
group plans sold outside the Exchange
must cover the State-required benefit.
We note that a QHP generally may be
sold outside the Exchanges in which
case it would be subject to the new
benefit requirements. States are
cautioned, however, that imposing
different benefit mandates depending on
a plan’s status as a QHP or because it
is sold through the Exchange may
violate section 1252 of the Affordable
Care Act. Under this section, State
standards or requirements
implementing, or related to, standards
or requirements in title I of the Act must
be applied uniformly within a given
insurance market. Thus, if a State
requires that non-QHPs in the
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individual or small group market
provide any benefits, under section
1252, the State must require QHPs sold
through the Exchange to provide those
same benefits, and consistent with our
earlier stated policy at § 155.170(a)(2),
States would generally be required to
defray the cost of QHPs providing the
required benefits if they were required
through State action taking place after
December 31, 2011.
As noted earlier, the Protecting
Affordable Coverage for Employees Act,
enacted in October 2015, amended the
definitions of small employer and large
employer in section 1304(b) of the
Affordable Care Act and section 2791(e)
of the PHS Act such that a small
employer is generally 19 an employer
with 1–50 employees, with the option
for States to expand the definition of
small employer to 1–100 employees.20
We have proposed amendments to
§ 144.103 to reflect these statutory
Several States have enacted benefit
requirements that would apply to small
group insurance plans offered to
employers with 51–100 employees, but
not to employers with 1–50 employees.
This may arise because the Staterequired benefit was designed to apply
only in the large group market when the
large group market included employers
with more than 50 employees, but the
State has since then availed itself of the
option to define a ‘‘small employer’’ as
an employer with 1–100 employees.
Section 2702 of the PHS Act and
§ 147.104 generally require an issuer to
offer all approved products to any
individual or employer in the market for
which the product was approved and to
accept any individual or employer that
applies for any approved product in a
given market. If a State elects to expand
the definition of small employer so that
it covers employers with 1–100
employees, all products approved for
sale in the small group market (defined
by the State as 1–100 employees)
generally must be offered to employers
with 1–100 employees. This effectively
19 Prior to enactment of the Protecting Affordable
Coverage for Employees Act, small employer was
defined to mean, in connection with a group health
plan with respect to a calendar year and a plan year,
an employer who employed an average of at least
1 but not more than 100 employees on business
days during the preceding calendar year and who
employs at least 1 employee on the first day of the
plan year. In case of plan years beginning before
January 1, 2016, a State was able to elect to define
small employer by substituting ‘‘50 employees’’ for
‘‘100 employees’’. For ease of reference with regard
to this section, we will refer to employers as having
1–50 or 1–100 employees.
20 States that elect to extend the small employer
definition were requested to notify CMS of their
election by October 30, 2015 at marketreform@
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means that existing State benefits
mandates that apply to insurance
coverage sold to employers with 51–100
employees would then effectively also
apply to all products sold to employers
with 1–100 employees. As long as the
benefit was required by State action
taken on or before December 31, 2011,
the expansion of coverage would not
trigger the requirement to defray,
because the expansion was required to
comply with Federal guaranteed
availability laws. If a State does not opt
to expand the definition of small
employer to 1–100 employees, then any
State-required benefits applicable in the
large group market (including to
employers with 51–100 employees)
would continue to not apply in the
small group market. If a State-required
benefit was imposed by State action
taking place January 1, 2012 or later,
then defrayal generally would be
3. General Functions of an Exchange
a. Functions of an Exchange (§ 155.200)
We propose to amend § 155.200(a) to
include reference to subpart M, which
establishes oversight and program
integrity standards for State Exchanges,
and subpart O, which establishes
quality reporting standards for
Exchanges. These subparts were not
originally incorporated into this
paragraph because they were finalized
after § 155.200(a) was finalized. We
propose incorporating them now
because we view them as providing
important safeguards for consumers.
We also propose to amend § 155.200
by adding a paragraph (f) to address
SBE–FPs. This arrangement is intended
to permit a State Exchange to leverage
existing Federal assets and operations
by relying on HHS services for
performing certain Exchange functions,
particularly eligibility and enrollment
functions. The SBE–FP would also rely
on HHS to perform certain consumer
call center functions and casework
processes, and maintain related
information technology infrastructure.
The SBE–FP would retain responsibility
for plan management functions, subject
to certain rules requiring the SBE–FP to
require its QHP issuers to comply with
certain FFE standards governing QHPs
and issuers (as proposed in
§ 155.200(f)(2) of this proposed rule),
and consumer support functions,
subject to FFE rules governing consumer
assistance functions.
Under § 155.200(f)(1), we propose that
a State may receive approval or
conditional approval to operate an SBE–
FP under proposed § 155.106(c) and
meet its obligations under § 155.200(a)
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
by entering into a Federal platform
agreement with HHS. In the Federal
platform agreement, an SBE–FP would
indicate its decision to rely on HHS for
services related to the individual market
Exchange, the SHOP Exchange, or both
the individual market and SHOP
Exchanges. The Federal platform
agreement would specify the Federal
services on which the State Exchange
relies, the user fee that HHS will collect
from issuers in that SBE–FP for the
Federal services (as specified at
§ 156.50(c)(2)), and other mutual
obligations relating to the arrangement,
including obligations for the transfer of
data. We intend to release the Federal
platform agreement at a later date. We
note that at this point the Federal
services on which SBE–FPs may rely
will come as an entire package. That is,
HHS will not at this time offer a ‘‘menu’’
of Federal services from which an SBE–
FP may select some but not other
services on the Federal platform.
However, we will explore the feasibility
of doing so in the future.
The Federal platform agreement
would also specify expectations
between the State and HHS across
various operational areas.
Although the SBE–FPs would retain
primary, formal responsibility for
overseeing QHPs and issuers, we
propose under § 155.200(f)(2) to require
an SBE–FP to establish and oversee
certain requirements for its QHPs and
QHP issuers that are no less strict than
the requirements that apply to QHPs
and QHP issuers on an FFE. We propose
these requirements to include the
existing and proposed standards under
the following sections: § 156.122(d)(2)
(the requirement for QHPs to make
available published up-to-date, accurate,
and complete formulary drug list on its
Web site in a format and at times
determined by HHS); § 156.230
(network adequacy standards); § 156.235
(essential community providers
standards); § 156.298 (meaningful
difference standards); § 156.330
(changes of ownership of issuers
requirement); § 156.340(a)(4) (QHP
issuer compliance and compliance of
delegated and downstream entities
requirements); § 156.705 (maintenance
of records standard), § 156.715
(compliance reviews standard); and
§ 156.1010 (casework standards).
Applying the changes of ownership
issuers’ requirement to SBE–FPs will
help fulfill the Federal platform’s need
for data and technical consistency. It
will ensure that HHS maintains the
most accurate and updated information
to present to consumers through its
branded platform, HHS
must be able to monitor and provide
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regulatory oversight over change in
control situations. Change in control has
a significant operational impact on the
Federal platform and requires the
expenditure of considerable technical
resources to effectuate the change
throughout the multiple systems that
constitute the Federal platform.
Applying the formulary drug list,
network adequacy, meaningful
difference, and essential community
providers standards will ensure that all
QHPs on meet a
consistent minimum standard and that
consumers obtaining coverage as a
result of applying through are guaranteed plans that
meet these minimum standards. For
example, all QHP issuers must meet a
‘‘reasonable access’’ network adequacy
standard, but FFE issuers must meet
additional network adequacy standards.
It is important to HHS that shoppers at do not enroll in plans
that fail to meet these minimum
standards, so we propose that SBE–FPs
that wish to rely on the
platform require its issuers to meet these
minimum standards as well, since their
consumers are obtaining the coverage
through SBE–FPs may
exceed these minimum standards to the
extent they do not present display
problems on Although
the SBE–FPs are legally distinct from
FFEs, this difference will not always be
apparent to consumers.
Not having these standards apply may
lead to consumer confusion and
dilution of consumer goodwill with
respect to the plans available on The States would
conduct QHP certification reviews for
these standards.
Applying the QHP issuer compliance
and compliance of delegated or
downstream entities requirement at
§ 156.340(a)(4), which involves the
maintenance of records standards of
§ 156.705 and the compliance reviews
for QHP issuers standards of § 156.715,
will ensure that the SBE–FP has
authority at least as strong as that
possessed by HHS to enforce
compliance with these standards and
will ensure that the SBE–FP and HHS
are able to access all records upon
request from the issuers in the SBE–FPs.
Applying the casework standards at
§ 156.1010 will ensure that the SBE–FP
and HHS can respond to problems about
which they both bear responsibility.
Since SBE–FPs must use the Health
Insurance Casework System (HICS) for
handling consumer casework and
meeting casework resolution
timeframes, the SBE–FP would not be
overseeing casework processes.
However, as with all other Exchange
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types, State Departments of Insurance
will still handle appropriate consumer
complaints related to issuers in their
States. For cases that are Exchangerelated, or those in which the consumer
has chosen to contact the Exchange even
after contacting the appropriate
Department of Insurance, HHS would
oversee the routing and resolution of
casework. HHS’ intent is to work
collaboratively with the SBE–FP, similar
to how HHS works with SPMs.
Finally, we propose under
§ 155.200(f)(3) that HHS will work with
SBE–FPs to enforce the FFE standards
listed under § 155.200(f)(2) directly
against SBE–FP issuers or plans, when
the SBE–FP is not substantially
enforcing one or more of these
requirements. In that circumstance, we
propose that HHS would have the
authority to suppress a plan under
§ 156.815. This will ensure that
consumers shopping for coverage on have access to plans that
are in compliance with the FFE
standards with which SBE–FP issuers
must comply as a condition of offering
QHPs through a State Exchange on the
Federal platform.
We intend to work closely and
collaboratively with SBE–FPs, and
believe that our collaboration with
States that currently use the Federal
platform with respect to enforcement
matters has been close and effective. We
seek comments on all aspects of this
b. Consumer Assistance Tools and
Programs of an Exchange (§ 155.205)
We propose two amendments to
§ 155.205 to address functions of an
SBE–FP. First, because an SBE–FP relies
on HHS to carry out call center
functions, we propose to amend
§ 155.205(a) to exempt an SBE–FP from
the requirement to operate a toll-free
call center, and instead provide that an
SBE–FP must at a minimum operate a
toll-free telephone hotline to respond to
requests for assistance to consumers in
their State, in accordance with section
1311(d)(4)(B) of the Affordable Care Act.
We seek comments on this proposal.
Secondly, we propose to amend
§ 155.205(b) by adding paragraph (b)(7)
to provide that an SBE–FP must, at a
minimum, operate an informational
Internet Web site through which
consumers can also be directed to, in accordance with
section 1311(d)(4)(C) of the Affordable
Care Act. We seek comments on this
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
c. Standards Applicable to Navigators
under §§ 155.210 and 155.215;
Standards Applicable to Consumer
Assistance Tools and Programs of an
Exchange under § 155.205(d) and (e);
and Standards Applicable to NonNavigator Assistance Personnel in an
FFE and to Non-Navigator Assistance
Personnel Funded through an Exchange
Establishment Grant (§§ 155.205,
155.210 and 155.215)
We have previously established a
range of consumer assistance programs
to help consumers apply for and enroll
in QHPs and insurance affordability
programs through the Exchange. These
consumer assistance programs include
the Navigator program described at
section 1311(d)(4)(K) and (i) of the
Affordable Care Act and § 155.210.
Among other duties, section 1311(i)(3)
of the Affordable Care Act requires
Navigators to conduct public education
activities to raise awareness of the
availability of QHPs; to distribute fair
and impartial information concerning
enrollment in QHPs and the availability
of Exchange financial assistance under
the Affordable Care Act; to facilitate
enrollment in QHPs; and to provide
referrals to certain State agencies for any
enrollee with a grievance, complaint, or
question regarding their health plan,
coverage, or a determination under such
plan or coverage.
We have also established under
§ 155.205(d) and (e) that each Exchange
must provide consumer assistance,
outreach, and education functions.
These must include a Navigator program
and can include a non-Navigator
assistance personnel program.
We propose to amend § 155.210(e) by
adding a new paragraph (e)(8) that
would require Navigators in all
Exchanges to provide targeted assistance
to serve underserved and/or vulnerable
populations within the Exchange
service area. Section 155.210(b)(2)(i)
already requires Navigators to have
expertise in the needs of underserved
and vulnerable populations. We believe
that also requiring Navigators to provide
targeted assistance to underserved and
vulnerable populations is critical to
improving access to health care for
communities that often experience a
disproportionate burden of disease. In
keeping with the spirit of section
1311(i)(3)(A) of the Affordable Care Act,
which directs that Navigator entities
must conduct public education
activities to raise awareness about the
availability of QHPs, we believe that
Navigators should focus their outreach
and enrollment assistance efforts on
harder-to-reach populations and the
remaining uninsured, to build increased
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awareness of the coverage options
available through the Exchange and to
help new consumers find affordable
health coverage that meets their needs.
Because the characteristics of
underserved and vulnerable populations
may vary over time and from region to
region, we do not propose to define and
identify these populations for all
Exchanges. Instead, we propose to
permit each Exchange to define and
identify the underserved and vulnerable
populations in its service area, and to
update these definitions as necessary.
This could include an Exchange
allowing its Navigator grantees to
propose, for the Exchange’s approval
(for example, in their grant
applications), which communities to
target. In Federally-facilitated
Exchanges, we would identify
populations as vulnerable or
underserved through our Navigator
Funding Opportunity Announcements,
and would give FFE Navigator grant
applicants an opportunity to propose
additional communities to target during
the grant application process.
Vulnerable or underserved populations
might include, for example, populations
that are disproportionately without
access to coverage or care, or are at a
greater risk for poor health outcomes.
We propose that these would be the
primary criteria used to identify such
populations within the FFEs. Members
of these populations could be identified
by age groups, demographics, disease,
geography, or other characteristics as
defined or approved by the Exchange.
We believe reaching vulnerable or
underserved populations is important to
increasing awareness among the
remaining uninsured of the coverage
options available through the Exchange,
helping new consumers find affordable
coverage that meets their needs, and
narrowing health disparities. In
Federally-facilitated Exchanges, our
proposal would apply beginning with
the application process for Navigator
grants awarded in 2018.
We seek comment on all aspects of
this proposal, including on how
Exchanges, including the FFEs, should
identify vulnerable or underserved
populations in their service areas, and
on the appropriate process and
timeframes under which these
populations would be identified.
Additionally, although we have not
proposed to extend this requirement to
certified application counselors and
non-Navigator assistance personnel
subject to § 155.215, we encourage
certified application counselors and
non-Navigator assistance personnel to
prioritize reaching and assisting the
vulnerable and underserved populations
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identified by the Exchange in their
communities, and we recognize that
many of these assisters already focus
their efforts on such populations.
We note that Navigators would not
exclusively be serving these target
populations, since all Navigators are
required to assist any consumer seeking
assistance. As we have explained in
prior rulemakings, we interpret
Navigators’ duty to provide fair and
impartial information and services
under § 155.210(e)(2) to require that all
Navigators should have the ability to
help any individual who seeks
assistance, even if that consumer is not
a member of the community or group
the Navigator intends to target (see 78
FR 20589; 78 FR 42830; 79 FR 30270;
79 FR 30278).
In § 155.210, we propose to add
paragraph (e)(9) to specify that
Navigators in all Exchanges would be
required to help consumers with certain
other types of assistance, including
post-enrollment assistance. This
proposal is designed to ensure that
consumers would have access to skilled
assistance beyond applying for and
enrolling in health coverage, including,
for example, assistance with the process
of filing Exchange eligibility appeals or
with applying through the Exchange for
exemptions from the individual shared
responsibility payment, providing basic
information about reconciliation of
premium tax credits, and understanding
basic concepts related to using health
coverage. Section 1311(i)(3)(D) of the
Affordable Care Act and § 155.210(e)(4)
already expressly require Navigators to
provide post-enrollment assistance by
referring consumers with complaints,
questions, or grievances about their
coverage to appropriate State agencies.
This suggests that Congress anticipated
that consumers would need assistance
beyond the application and enrollment
process, and that Navigators would
maintain relationships with consumers
and be a source of such assistance.
Consistent with the requirements
under section 1311(i)(3)(B) and (C) of
the Affordable Care Act that Navigators
distribute fair and impartial information
concerning enrollment in QHPs and
facilitate enrollment in QHPs, and
pursuant to the Secretary’s authority
under section 1321(a)(1)(A) of the
Affordable Care Act, we propose at
§ 155.210(e)(9)(i) to require Navigators
in all Exchanges to help consumers with
the process of filing appeals of Exchange
eligibility determinations. We are not
proposing to establish a duty for
Navigators to represent a consumer in
an appeal, sign an appeal request, or file
an appeal on the consumer’s behalf. We
believe that helping consumers
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understand Exchange appeal rights
when they have received an adverse
eligibility determination, and assisting
them with the process of completing
and submitting appeal forms, would
help to facilitate enrollment and would
help consumers obtain fair and
impartial information about enrollment,
including information about available
exemptions from the individual shared
responsibility payment that would help
consumers decide whether or not to
enroll in coverage. We would interpret
this proposal to include helping
consumers file appeals of eligibility
determinations made by an Exchange
(including SHOP Exchanges) related to
enrollment in a QHP, special enrollment
periods, exemptions from the individual
shared responsibility payment that are
granted by the Exchange, participation
as an employer in a SHOP, and any
insurance affordability program,
including eligibility determinations for
Exchange financial assistance,
Medicaid, the Children’s Health
Insurance Program (CHIP), and Basic
Health Programs.
We also propose at § 155.210(e)(9)(ii)
to require that Navigators in all
Exchanges help consumers understand
and apply for exemptions from the
individual shared responsibility
payment that are granted by the
Exchange. We believe that it would be
consistent with the Secretary’s
rulemaking authority under section
1321(a)(1)(A) of the Affordable Care Act
to require Navigators to provide
assistance with exemptions that the
Exchange must grant under section
1311(d)(4)(H) of the Affordable Care
Act. Additionally, we believe that this
proposal is consistent with Navigators’
duty under section 1311(i)(3)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act to distribute fair
and impartial information concerning
enrollment in QHPs, since impartial
information concerning the availability
of exemptions from the individual
shared responsibility payment would
help consumers make informed
decisions about whether or not to enroll
in coverage.
This assistance with Exchangegranted exemptions would include
informing consumers about the
requirement to maintain minimum
essential coverage and the individual
shared responsibility payment; helping
consumers fill out and submit
Exchange-granted exemption
applications and obtain any necessary
forms prior to or after applying for the
exemption; explaining what the
exemption certificate number is and
how to use it; and helping consumers
understand and use the Exchange tool to
find bronze plan premiums. This duty
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would also include explaining the
general purpose of Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) Form 8965 to consumers,
consistent with IRS published guidance
on the topic, and explaining how to
access this form and related tax
information on
Navigators may not provide tax
assistance or interpret tax rules within
their capacity as Exchange Navigators,
and this proposal would not require
Navigators to help consumers apply for
exemptions claimed through the tax
filing process. We would interpret this
proposal, however, to require helping
consumers generally understand the
availability of exemptions claimed
through the tax filing process and how
to obtain them. This interpretation
would help ensure that Navigators share
information about the full scope of
possible exemptions while not
providing actual tax assistance or tax
advice. We request comment on
whether we should require that, prior to
providing this assistance and
information, Navigators provide
consumers with a disclaimer stating that
they are not acting as tax advisers and
cannot provide tax advice within their
capacity as Exchange Navigators. We
seek comment on whether such a
disclaimer would help avoid consumer
misunderstandings and detrimental
reliance on Navigator advice, or whether
it might be unnecessary, impractical, or
cause consumer confusion.
We also seek comment on whether a
Navigator’s duty to provide assistance
with filing exemption applications
under proposed § 155.210(e)(9)(ii) and
filing appeals of exemption application
denials under proposed
§ 155.210(e)(9)(i) should be limited, for
example, to consumers who have
applied for or have been denied
coverage or financial assistance, or
whether another limitation should
apply. We are cognizant of the resource
limitations that Navigators and their
funding agencies may face, and do not
want to reduce the assistance available
to consumers seeking coverage, as
opposed to those who only seek to avoid
the individual shared responsibility
penalty. At the same time, we recognize
that consumers may be unable to access
coverage for a wide variety of reasons,
including their financial circumstances,
coverage gaps, and other personal or
systemic obstacles, and want to be sure
that experienced help is available so
that these consumers are fully aware of
and can access their exemptions
options. We seek comment on these
In addition, we propose at
§ 155.210(e)(9)(iii) to require Navigators
to help consumers with the Exchange-
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related components of the premium tax
credit reconciliation process, such as by
ensuring they have access to their Forms
1095–A and receive general, high-level
information about the purpose of this
form that is consistent with published
IRS guidance on the topic. This
proposal stems from the requirement
under section 1311(i)(3)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act that Navigators
distribute fair and impartial information
concerning the availability of the
premium tax credits under section 36B
of the Code. Consumers who receive
advance payments of the premium tax
credit may need help with a variety of
issues related to reconciliation.
Navigators would be required to help
consumers obtain IRS Forms 1095–A
and 8962, and the instructions for both,
and to provide general information,
consistent with applicable IRS
guidance, about the significance of the
forms. Navigators would also be
required to help consumers understand
(1) how to report errors on the Form
1095–A; (2) how to find silver plan
premiums using the Exchange tool; and
(3) the difference between advance
payments of the premium tax credit and
the premium tax credit and the potential
implications for enrollment and reenrollment of not filing a tax return and
reconciling any advance payments of
the premium tax credit that were paid
on consumers’ behalf.
As noted above, Navigators may not
provide tax assistance or advice, or
interpret tax rules and forms within
their capacity as Exchange Navigators,
but their expertise related to the
consumer-facing aspects of the
Exchange, including eligibility and
enrollment rules and procedures,
uniquely qualifies them to help
consumers understand and obtain
information from the Exchange that is
necessary to the premium tax credit
reconciliation process. Because this
proposal would include a requirement
that Navigators provide consumers with
information and assistance
understanding the availability of IRS
resources, Navigators would be
expected to familiarize themselves with
the availability of materials on,
including the Form 8962 instructions,
IRS Publication 974 Premium Tax
Credit, and relevant FAQs, and to refer
consumers with questions about tax law
to those resources or to other resources,
such as free tax return preparation
assistance from the Volunteer Income
Tax Assistance or Tax Counseling for
the Elderly programs. Again, we request
comment on whether we should require
that, prior to providing this information
and assistance, Navigators provide
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consumers with a disclaimer stating that
they are not acting as tax advisers and
cannot provide tax advice within their
capacity as Exchange Navigators.
To help ensure consumers have
seamless access to Exchange-related tax
information beyond the basic
information that Navigators can provide,
we propose at 155.210(e)(9)(v) that
Navigators be required to refer
consumers to licensed tax advisers, tax
preparers, or other resources for
assistance with tax preparation and tax
advice related to consumer questions
about the Exchange application and
enrollment process, exemptions from
the requirement to maintain minimum
essential coverage and the individual
shared responsibility payment, and
premium tax credit reconciliation.
We interpret the Navigator duties to
facilitate enrollment in QHPs in section
1311(i)(3)(C) of the Affordable Care Act,
to distribute fair and impartial
information concerning enrollment in
QHPs under section 1311(i)(3)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act, and to conduct
public education activities to raise
awareness about the availability of
QHPs in section 1311(i)(3)(A) of the
Affordable Care Act to include helping
consumers understand the kinds of
decisions they will need to make in
selecting coverage, and how to use their
coverage after they are enrolled. We
have previously stated that one overall
purpose of consumer assistance
programs is to help consumers become
fully informed and health literate. (See
79 FR 30276.) To improve consumers’
health literacy related to coverage
generally, and to ensure that individual
consumers are able to use their coverage
meaningfully, we propose at
§ 155.210(e)(9)(iv) to require Navigators
in all Exchanges to help consumers
understand basic concepts related to
health coverage and how to use it. These
activities could be supported through
the use of existing resources such as the
HHS ‘‘From Coverage to Care’’
initiative, which we encourage
Navigators to review, and which are
now available in multiple languages at This
proposal would improve consumers’
access to health coverage information
not just when selecting a plan, but also
when using their coverage. For example,
Navigators could help consumers
understand (1) key terms used in health
coverage materials, such as
‘‘deductible’’ and ‘‘coinsurance,’’ and
how they relate to the consumer’s health
plan; (2) the cost and care differences
between a visit to the emergency
department and a visit to a primary care
provider under the coverage options
available to the consumer; (3) how to
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identify in-network providers to make
and prepare for an appointment with a
provider; (4) how the consumer’s
coverage addresses steps that often are
taken after an appointment with a
provider, such as making a follow-up
appointment and filling a prescription;
and (5) the right to coverage of certain
preventive health services without cost
sharing. We anticipate that this
assistance would vary depending on
each consumer’s needs and goals. We
invite comment on whether we should
provide additional specificity for
Navigators related to this proposed duty
to help consumers understand and use
their coverage, and if so, which
additional topics should be included.
We note that under § 155.215(b)(2),
Navigators in FFEs must already be
trained on the tax implications of
enrollment decisions, the individual
responsibility to have health coverage,
eligibility appeals, and rights and
processes for QHP appeals and
grievances. To ensure that Navigators in
all States receive training in every area
for which there would be a
corresponding Navigator duty, we
propose to require all Exchanges,
including State Exchanges, to provide
training that would prepare Navigators
for the additional areas of responsibility
proposed in this rulemaking. In
proposed § 155.210(b)(2)(v) through
(viii), therefore, we would require
Exchanges to develop and disseminate
training standards to be met by all
entities and individuals carrying out
Navigator functions to ensure expertise
in: The process of filing appeals of
Exchange eligibility determinations;
general concepts regarding exemptions
from the requirement to maintain
minimum essential coverage and the
individual shared responsibility
payment, including the application
process for exemptions granted through
the Exchange, and IRS resources on
exemptions; the Exchange-related
components of the premium tax credit
reconciliation process and IRS resources
on this process; and basic concepts
related to health coverage and how to
use it.
We note that providing assistance
with certain other post-enrollment
issues already falls within the scope of
existing required Navigator duties. We
interpret the requirement to facilitate
enrollment in a QHP under section
1311(i)(3)(C) of the Affordable Care Act,
and the requirement at § 155.210(e)(2) to
provide information that assists
consumers with submitting the
eligibility application, to include
assistance with updating an application
for coverage through an Exchange,
including reporting changes in
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circumstances and assisting with
submitting information for eligibility
Additionally, Navigators are already
permitted, but not required, to help with
a variety of other post-enrollment
issues. For example, we interpret the
requirements in § 155.210(e)(1) and (2)
that Navigators conduct public
education activities to raise awareness
about the Exchange and provide fair and
impartial information about the
application and plan selection process
to mean that Navigators may educate
consumers about their rights with
respect to coverage available through an
Exchange, such as nondiscrimination
protections, prohibitions on preexisting
condition exclusions, and preventive
services available without cost-sharing.
We also interpret these requirements,
together with the requirement in section
1311(i)(3)(B) of the Affordable Care Act
that Navigators distribute fair and
impartial information concerning
enrollment in QHPs, and the availability
of Exchange financial assistance, to
mean that Navigators may assist
consumers with questions about paying
premiums for coverage or insurance
affordability programs enrolled in
through an Exchange. Finally, we
interpret the requirement in section
1311(i)(3)(D) of the Affordable Care Act
and § 155.210(e)(4) to provide referrals
for certain post-enrollment issues to
mean that Navigators may help
consumers obtain assistance with
coverage claims denials. We request
comments on whether we should make
any of the above interpretations explicit
in the regulation and whether there are
additional post-enrollment duties
required or permitted by these
provisions that should be made explicit
as either required or simply permitted
(but not required) duties, as well as
whether there are other forms of postenrollment assistance that Exchanges
should require Navigators to provide,
commensurate with their general legal
authority, but which are not already
specifically required under our
Although we have not proposed to
extend any of the requirements under
proposed § 155.210(e)(8) or (9) to nonNavigator assistance personnel subject
to § 155.215, we note that the
requirement to provide information that
assists consumers with submitting the
eligibility application under
§ 155.210(e)(2), which would include
helping consumers report changes in
circumstances and submit information
for eligibility redeterminations, also
applies to certain non-Navigator
assistance personnel through
§ 155.215(a)(2)(i). We also note that
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
under § 155.215, the training
requirements for these non-Navigator
assistance personnel are the same as for
Navigators in States with an FFE.
We have also not proposed to extend
any of these requirements to certified
application counselors. However,
nothing prevents non-Navigator
assistance personnel or certified
application counselors from helping
with activities that are consistent with
their existing regulatory duties. We
request comments on whether we
should extend these proposed
requirements to help with postenrollment and other activities to these
We propose to amend §§ 155.205(d)
and 155.215(b)(1)(i) to specify that any
individual or entity carrying out
consumer assistance functions under
§ 155.205(d) and (e) or § 155.210, in
both State Exchanges and FFEs, would
be required to complete training prior to
performing any assister duties,
including before conducting outreach
and education activities, as well as
before providing application and
enrollment assistance. Section
155.215(b), which establishes training
standards for Navigators and nonNavigator assistance personnel in FFEs
and for non-Navigator assistance
personnel funded through Exchange
Establishment grants under section
1311(a) of the Affordable Care Act,
requires that these assisters must obtain
certification by the Exchange prior to
carrying out any consumer assistance
functions under § 155.205(d) and (e) or
§ 155.210. We also propose to amend
§ 155.215(b)(1)(i) to specify that the
consumer assistance functions
referenced in that provision would
include outreach and education
activities. In addition, we propose to
amend § 155.205(d) to specify that
training would have to be completed not
only before providing the assistance
described in that paragraph, but also
before conducting the outreach and
education activities specified in
paragraph (e). These proposals would
require that Navigators, non-Navigator
assistance personnel subject to
§ 155.215, and other entities and
persons providing consumer assistance
under § 155.205(d) and consumer
outreach and education activities under
§ 155.205(e), complete training prior to
carrying out any consumer assistance
functions, including outreach and
education activities.
We note that nothing in the Exchange
regulations prohibits individuals or
organizations from conducting outreach
about Exchanges and providing
application and enrollment assistance
without being trained and certified as
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Navigators, non-Navigator assistance
personnel, certified application
counselors, or other kinds of Exchangeapproved assisters. However, this
proposal would ensure that individuals
and organizations do not perform any
Exchange outreach and education
activities or application and enrollment
assistance while identifying as or
holding themselves out to the public as
Navigators, non-Navigator assistance
personnel, or certified application
counselors, prior to completing
Exchange requirements, including
training and certification. This proposal
would also help ensure that Navigators
and non-Navigator assistance personnel
are providing accurate information
when performing outreach and
education activities.
Section 155.210(d)(6) currently
prohibits Navigators from providing to
an applicant or potential enrollee any
gifts unless they are of nominal value;
or any promotional items that market or
promote the products or services of a
third party, when those promotional
items are being used as an inducement
for enrollment. Through a crossreference to § 155.210(d) in
§ 155.215(a)(2)(i) and a parallel
provision in § 155.225(g)(4), this
prohibition also applies to nonNavigator assistance personnel subject
to § 155.215, and to certified application
We have received questions
indicating that there is general
confusion about when gifts and
promotional items can be provided to
applicants and potential enrollees. To
reduce this confusion, we propose to
amend §§ 155.210(d)(6) and
155.225(g)(4) to specify that gifts of any
value (including third-party
promotional items of any value) should
never be provided to applicants or
potential enrollees as an inducement for
enrollment. We also propose to specify
that gifts that are not provided as an
inducement for enrollment may be
provided to applicants and potential
enrollees if they do not exceed nominal
value.21 This proposed nominal value
restriction would apply both to each
individual gift and to the cumulative
value of multiple gifts, including
promotional items, which are provided
by these types of assisters to an
applicant or potential enrollee. We
further propose that the nominal value
restriction on the cumulative value of
multiple gifts would only apply to
single encounters between the assister
21 We have previously defined ‘‘nominal value’’
as a cash value of $15 or less, or an item worth $15
or less, based on the retail purchase price of the
item, regardless of the actual cost. (79 FR 15831 and
79 FR 30283).
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and an individual applicant or potential
enrollee, and not to multiple
encounters, so that assisters would not
have to collect PII as a means of tracking
the number and value of gifts provided
to an individual consumer across
multiple encounters, such as all
encounters in a single calendar year or
enrollment season. Since we anticipate
that gifts or promotional items of a
nominal value, such as pens, magnets or
keychains, could be provided to
consumers at outreach and education
events or at other forums attended by
members of the general public, we do
not want to establish a nominal value
restriction that would be difficult or
burdensome for assisters to enforce, or
that would require the unnecessary
collection of PII from consumers. We
would consider a single outreach or
educational event to be a ‘‘single
encounter’’; that is, assisters would not
be permitted to provide multiple gifts to
the same consumer at the same outreach
event if the cumulative value of those
gifts exceeded nominal value. We seek
comments on all aspects of this
proposal, including whether the
nominal value restriction should apply
to a single encounter with an individual
consumer, as proposed, or whether a
longer timeframe, such as all encounters
with an individual consumer in a
calendar year, in an enrollment season,
or in total, would be preferable.
Finally, to simplify the rule, we
propose to define ‘‘gifts,’’ for purposes
of §§ 155.210(d)(6) and 155.225(g)(4), to
include gift items, gift cards, cash cards
or cash, as well as promotional items
that market or promote the products or
services of a third party. We further
propose to amend language in
§§ 155.210(d)(6) and 155.225(g)(4) that
currently provides that gifts, gift cards,
or cash may exceed nominal value for
the purpose of providing reimbursement
for legitimate expenses incurred by a
consumer in an effort to receive
Exchange application assistance, such
as travel or postage expenses. We
propose to amend this language to
indicate that the reimbursement of
legitimate expenses, such as travel or
postage expenses, when incurred by a
consumer in an effort to receive
Exchange application assistance, would
not be considered a gift, and therefore,
would not be subject to the proposed
restrictions on providing gifts.
Our proposal seeks to strike a balance
between permitting these types of
assisters to provide small gifts and
promotional items as part of creative
outreach and education strategies, while
ensuring that gifts, including
promotional items, are never provided
to applicants and potential enrollees to
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induce enrollment. We believe this
outright prohibition on providing gifts
and promotional items, of any value, to
induce enrollment, is consistent with
the duties of these assisters to provide
information and services to consumers
in a fair, accurate, and impartial
manner, including clarifying the
distinctions among health coverage
options, and helping consumers make
informed decisions during the health
coverage selection process. We believe it
would be inconsistent with these duties
for an assister to try to influence the
consumer’s decision about whether to
enroll in coverage by providing them
with a gift to induce enrollment.
In addition, the duty of these assisters
to provide information and services in
a fair, accurate and impartial manner
would make it inappropriate for them to
engage in activities that give the
appearance that they are endorsing,
promoting, or marketing the products or
services of third party business interests
when performing their authorized
activities and services. At the same
time, we believe that any appearance
that these assisters are endorsing,
promoting, or marketing the products or
services of a third party, is substantially
mitigated if the items are only of
nominal value and not provided to
induce enrollment, since it is unlikely
that gifts of a nominal value will
influence a consumer’s health coverage
selection and enrollment decisions. We
also recognize that providing gifts,
including promotional items, of a
nominal value may help to attract
applicants and potential enrollees to
engage in a discussion with these
assisters during an outreach event and
encourage consumers to consider
seeking Exchange application
assistance. For these reasons, we do not
want to entirely prohibit these types of
assisters from using gifts and
promotional items as part of their
outreach efforts.
Finally, we note that existing
regulations under § 155.210(d)(7)
already prohibit the use of Exchange
funds to purchase gifts or gift cards, or
promotional items that market or
promote the products or services of a
third party, that would be provided to
any applicant or potential enrollee. We
do not propose to amend this provision.
We request comments on all aspects
of our proposals.
d. Ability of States To Permit Agents
and Brokers To Assist Qualified
Individuals, Qualified Employers, or
Qualified Employees Enrolling in QHPs
(§ 155.220)
Section 1312(e) of the Affordable Care
Act directs the Secretary to establish
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procedures under which a State may
permit agents and brokers to enroll
qualified individuals and qualified
employers in QHPs through an
Exchange, and to assist individuals in
applying for financial assistance for
QHPs sold through an Exchange. Under
§ 155.220, we established procedures to
support the States’ ability to permit
agents and brokers to assist individuals,
employers or employees with
enrollment in QHPs offered through an
Exchange, subject to applicable Federal
and State requirements.
At § 155.220(c), we established
parameters for enrollment of qualified
individuals through an Exchange with
the assistance of an agent or broker. At
§ 155.220(c)(1), we established that an
agent or broker who assists with
enrollment through the Exchange must
ensure completion of an eligibility
verification and enrollment application
through the Exchange Web site as
described § 155.405. In § 155.220(c)(3),
we established the standards that apply
when a Web site of an agent or broker
is used to complete the QHP selection.
As described at § 155.220(d), an agent
or broker that enrolls qualified
individuals through an Exchange, or
assists individuals in applying for
Exchange financial assistance, must
comply with the terms of a general
agreement with the Exchange, as well as
register with the Exchange and receive
training in the range of QHP options and
insurance affordability programs. In
addition, all agents and brokers must
execute the applicable privacy and
security agreement required by
§ 155.260(b) to provide assistance with
enrollment through the Exchange.
In § 155.220(g), we established
standards under which HHS may
terminate an agent’s or broker’s general
agreement with the FFEs for cause. We
established that HHS may pursue
termination with notice of an agent’s or
broker’s agreement with the FFEs if, in
HHS’s determination, a specific finding
of noncompliance or pattern of
noncompliance is sufficiently severe. As
established, the termination for cause of
the general agreement with notice
means that after a 30-day opportunity to
resolve the matter, HHS would take
necessary steps to prohibit an agent or
broker from assisting or enrolling
individuals in a QHP offered through an
FFE, or a web-broker’s ability to
securely exchange information with
HHS, if the matter is not resolved to the
satisfaction of HHS. As of the date of
termination, an agent or broker would
no longer be registered with the FFEs
and would not be able to assist with
enrollment through the FFEs or
exchange information with HHS.
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Certain obligations of the agent or
broker would survive that termination,
including the duty to protect and
maintain the privacy and security of
personally identifiable information (PII)
it has created, collected, accessed, or
acquired through its relationship with
the FFEs. We established that an agent
or broker may be considered
noncompliant if HHS finds that the
agent or broker violated: (a) Any
standard specified under § 155.220; (b)
any term or condition of its agreement
with the FFEs required under paragraph
(d) of this section, or if, the agent’s or
broker’s FFE privacy and security
agreements under § 155.260(b) are
terminated; (c) any applicable State law;
or (d) any other applicable Federal law.
In § 155.220(h), we established a onelevel process through which an agent or
broker may request reconsideration of
HHS’s decision to terminate for cause an
agreement required under § 155.220(d).
We established that an agent or broker
must submit a request for
reconsideration to the HHS
reconsideration entity within 30
calendar days of the date of the written
termination notice from HHS. We
established that the HHS
reconsideration entity would provide
the agent or broker with a written
reconsideration decision within 30
calendar days of the date it receives the
request for reconsideration. This
decision constitutes HHS’s final
i. New Exchange Standards for WebBrokers
As specified at § 155.220(c)(1), an
agent or broker who assists with an
enrollment through the Exchange must
ensure that the applicant completes an
eligibility verification and enrollment
application through the Exchange
Internet Web site. Under this standard,
agents and brokers that use a nonExchange Web site to assist consumers
in the QHP selection and enrollment
process (‘‘direct enrollment’’ through a
‘‘web-broker’’) must redirect an
applicant to go directly to the Exchange
Web site to complete the application
and receive an eligibility determination.
HHS is considering an option under
which an applicant could remain on the
web-broker’s Web site to complete the
application and enroll in coverage, and
the web-broker’s Web site can obtain
eligibility information from the
Exchange to support the consumer in
selecting and enrolling in a QHP with
Exchange financial assistance. The
intent is to have this information
exchange occur through an Exchangeapproved web service as described
below, enhancing the direct enrollment
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
process. This option would provide
Exchanges offering direct enrollment
and web-brokers more operational
flexibility to expand front-end,
consumer-facing channels for
enrollment through a seamless
consumer experience.
HHS solicits comments related to the
current consumer experience with webbrokers and the potential integration of
the streamlined eligibility application if
a non-FFE Web site is used for the entire
process. We request comment on how
much flexibility a web-broker should
have relative to the consumer
experience on its Web site, using the
direct enrollment channel, to provide an
end-to-end eligibility and enrollment
experience. We propose that webbrokers be required to use the FFE
single streamlined application without
deviation from the language of the
application questions and the sequence
of information required for an eligibility
determination or redetermination. This
will ensure that the information
gathered when an applicant completes
an application on the Exchange Web site
will also be collected to send to the
Exchange for an eligibility
determination or redetermination that is
accurate and consistent across any
channel used for enrollment. We seek
comment on this standard. HHS is also
considering how to ensure that
consumers understand that they are
applying for Exchange coverage, such as
through specific branding or wording
requirements if a non-FFE front-end
Web site is used for the entire
application and enrollment process, and
we seek comment on this as well.
Accordingly, we propose to revise
§ 155.220(c)(1) to ensure that an
applicant who initiates enrollment
directly with the web-broker for
enrollment through the Exchange
receives an eligibility determination for
coverage through the Exchange Web site
or through an Exchange-approved web
service via the FFE single streamline
application. This maintains the role of
the Exchange in determining eligibility.
We propose to adopt similar changes to
the standards for the use of QHP issuer
Web sites under § 156.265(b)(2)(ii).
Please see section III.G.4.c for this
accompanying preamble discussion. We
seek comment on this proposal.
We are also soliciting comments about
the current agent and broker provisions
in § 155.220 as applied to web-brokers.
We are interested in feedback on
consumer and agent/broker experiences
with enrollment through web-brokers,
any concerns with privacy and security
of the information transmitted through
web-brokers by expanding direct
enrollment to incorporate the FFE single
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streamlined application, and
suggestions for improvements in the
future, such as increased monitoring
and oversight activities. For example
HHS is considering expanding audits,
requiring additional information display
requirements (such as the lowest cost
plan at each metal level) beyond those
outlined in § 155.220(c)(3) to ensure that
consumers understand basic
information about cost and availability
of qualified health plans, and requiring
HHS approval of alternative enrollment
pathway processes. Additional
requirements to safeguard consumer
information or enhancements to
improve the consumer and web-broker
experience are also being considered.
These may include establishing more
robust privacy and security
requirements, requiring adoption of
cyber security best practices, additional
web-broker reporting requirements and
specificity as to the collection and use
of consumer information. We note that
the current oversight provisions for the
general agreement, registration, training,
termination, and reconsideration in
§ 155.220(d) through (h), as well as the
changes in paragraphs (f), (g), (j), and (k)
proposed below, would apply to webbrokers.
ii. New Standards for Termination of
Agent and Broker Agreements With the
We propose to amend existing
paragraph (g)(2)(ii) that an agent or
broker may be determined
noncompliant if HHS finds that the
agent or broker violated any term or
condition of the agreement with the
FFEs required under paragraph (d) of
this section, or any term or condition of
an agreement with the FFEs required
under § 155.260(b).
We propose to add paragraph (g)(5) to
§ 155.220(g) to address suspension or
termination of an agent’s or broker’s
agreements with the FFEs in cases
involving potential fraud or abusive
conduct. These cases would include
cases in which there is an allegation of
potential fraud or abusive conduct that
HHS finds to be credible; or any report
of potential fraud or abusive conduct
made by a State or Federal agency or
law enforcement. We propose to add
this paragraph to give HHS authority to
act quickly to terminate access to HHS
systems in these instances to prevent
further harm to consumers and to
support the efficient and effective
administration of the FFEs.
We propose in § 155.220(g)(5)(i)(A)
that if HHS reasonably suspects that an
agent or broker may have engaged in
fraud or abusive conduct using PII of
Exchange applicants or enrollees, or in
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connection with an Exchange
enrollment or application, HHS may
suspend the agent’s or broker’s
agreement and accompanying
registration with the FFEs for up to 90
calendar days, with the suspension
effective as of the date of the notice to
the agent or broker. This would apply
whether the activity or conduct in
question was committed directly by the
agent or broker, or through a third party
who acts at the direction of or on behalf
of the agent or broker. This immediate
and temporary suspension would
prohibit the agent or broker from
assisting with or facilitating enrollment
in coverage in a manner that constitutes
enrollment through the FFEs, including
enrollment through the FFE Application
Programming Interface, while the
investigation is conducted during this
90-day period. Immediate suspension is
critical in these circumstances to stop
additional potentially fraudulent
enrollments through the FFE during the
period of investigation. Although the
agent or broker would not be provided
with advance notice, we propose under
§ 155.220(g)(5)(i)(B) that the agent or
broker may submit evidence to HHS to
rebut the allegation during this 90-day
period. If HHS determines that the agent
or broker satisfactorily addresses the
concerns at issue, HHS would lift the
temporary suspension and notify the
agent or broker. We further propose
under § 155.220(g)(5)(i)(B) that failure to
submit information during this 90-day
period may result in termination of the
agreement for cause effective
immediately under § 155.220(g)(5)(ii).
We propose in § 155.220(g)(5)(ii) that
if HHS reasonably confirms the
credibility of an allegation that an agent
or broker engaged in fraud or abusive
conduct using personally identifiable
information of Exchange enrollees or
applicants, or in connection with an
Exchange enrollment or application, or
is notified by a State or law enforcement
authority of the State or law
enforcement authority’s finding or
determination of fraud or behavior that
would constitute abusive conduct in
such a circumstance, HHS will notify
the agent or broker and terminate,
immediately and permanently, the
agent’s or broker’s agreements with the
FFEs for cause. In contrast to
termination for other violations listed in
§ 155.220(g), we propose that following
an HHS reasonable confirmation of such
an allegation or such a State or law
enforcement notification, termination
would occur without 30 days’ advance
notice and would be effective upon the
date of the termination notice. An agent
or broker who engages in fraud or
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abusive conduct may pose immediate
harm to consumers and to HHS’s ability
to properly administer the FFEs. Under
this scenario, following the reasonable
confirmation by HHS (that is, the FFE)
of fraud or abusive conduct, HHS would
notify the agent or broker of HHS’s
termination action. We note that we
would coordinate with OIG and other
State and Federal agencies (including
law enforcement) as appropriate when
investigating these situations. Similar to
any termination for cause described in
paragraph (g)(1), any termination notice
would include information on the
agent’s or broker’s right to seek
reconsideration as described in
§ 155.220(h). HHS currently works with
States and local law enforcement to
investigate and resolve suspected
incidents of fraud. We note that
termination proposed in § 155.220(g)
only applies to the FFE agreement
described in paragraph (d) of this
section, and the agreements required
under § 155.260(b)(2). While States
remain the primary oversight authority
for agents and brokers, HHS reserves the
right to take any other permissible
enforcement or remedial action against
an agent or broker for violation of
Federal requirements.
In § 155.220(g)(5)(iii), we propose that
during the 90-day suspension period, as
well as following the termination of the
FFE agreements for cause, the agent or
broker would not be registered with the
FFEs, or be permitted to assist with or
facilitate enrollment of qualified
individuals, qualified employers, or
qualified employees through an FFE, or
assist individuals in applying for
Exchange financial assistance for QHPs.
However, consistent with the FFE
agreement described in § 155.260(b)(2),
the agent or broker must continue to
protect any PII accessed during the term
of the agreement with the FFEs. Section
155.260(g) includes penalties for failure
to continue protecting PII as described
in the § 155.260(b)(2) agreement. For
consistency with these proposed
termination standards, we propose
corresponding updates to paragraph
(g)(4). We also propose to amend
existing paragraph (f)(4) to remove the
reference to paragraph (g) for further
alignment of these regulatory
We solicit comment on all aspects of
these proposals, including: The
appropriate length of time for the
temporary suspension period under
§ 155.220(g)(5)(i); whether we should
provide authority for HHS to suspend
an agent’s or broker’s agreements with
the FFEs for cause for conduct other
than potential fraud or abusive conduct;
and whether we should include a
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provision permitting HHS to
immediately terminate (that is, without
the advance 30-day notice currently
provided under § 155.220(g)(3)) an
agent’s or broker’s agreements with the
FFEs for cause for suspected conduct
other than fraud or abusive conduct. We
are also considering whether the notice
requirements captured in
§ 155.220(f)(3)(i) that currently apply to
agent or broker initiated terminations
should also be extended to terminations
for cause under § 155.220(g), including
these proposed grounds for termination
for cause under § 155.220(g)(5). In
addition, see § 155.430 below for a
discussion of proposals related to
retroactive termination of coverage for
consumers affected by potential
fraudulent activity by a third party
related to enrollment through the FFEs.
iii. FFE Standards of Conduct for Agents
and Brokers
We propose adding a paragraph
§ 155.220(j) to establish standards of
conduct for agents and brokers that
assist consumers to enroll in coverage
through the FFEs to protect consumers
and ensure the proper administration of
the FFEs. We are proposing these
standards of conduct to protect against
agent and broker conduct that is
harmful towards consumers, or prevents
the efficient operation of the FFEs. In
§ 155.220(j)(1)(i) through (iii), we
propose to capture as part of these
standards of conduct the requirements
that an agent or broker that assists with
or facilitates enrollment of qualified
individuals, qualified employers, or
qualified employees through an FFE, or
assists individuals in applying for
Exchange financial assistance for QHPs
sold through the FFEs, must (i) have
executed the required agreement under
§ 155.260(b)(2); (ii) be registered with
the FFEs as described in paragraph
(d)(1) of this section; and (iii) comply
with the FFE standards of conduct
proposed in this paragraph. We note
that signing of the FFE agreement as
well as all required registration steps
must be completed prior to assisting
with or facilitating enrollment of
qualified individuals, qualified
employers, or qualified employees
through an FFE, or assisting individuals
in applying for Exchange financial
assistance for QHPs sold through the
In § 155.220(j)(2), we propose to
capture as part of the standards of
conduct the requirements that the
agents and brokers described in
paragraph (j)(1) must: (i) Provide
consumers with correct information,
without omission of material fact,
regarding the FFEs, QHPs (including
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SADPs 22) offered through the FFEs, and
insurance affordability programs, and
refrain from marketing or conduct that
is misleading or coercive, or
discriminates based on race, color,
national origin, disability, age, sex,
gender identity, or sexual orientation;
(ii) provide the FFEs with correct
information under section 1411(b) of the
Affordable Care Act; (iii) obtain the
consent of the individual, employer, or
employee prior to assisting with or
facilitating enrollment in coverage
through an FFE, or assisting with the
application for financial assistance for
QHPs sold through the FFEs; (iv) protect
consumer PII in accordance with
§ 155.260(b)(3) and the agreement
described in § 155.260(b)(2); and (v)
comply with all applicable Federal and
State laws and regulations. We note that
these proposed standards for conduct
extend to naming of businesses and Web
sites associated with agents, brokers or
web-brokers, and that use of
‘‘Exchange,’’ ‘‘Marketplace,’’ or other
words in a name or URL that would
reasonably cause confusion with a
Federal program or Web site may be
considered misleading under paragraph
In § 155.220(j)(3), we propose that an
agent or broker will be considered to be
in compliance with the standard of
conduct requirements to provide
consumers and the FFEs with correct
information if HHS determines that
there was a reasonable cause for any
failure to provide correct information
and that the agent or broker acted in
good faith.
We further propose that violation of
these standards of conduct may result in
termination for cause of the agent’s or
broker’s agreements with the FFEs as
described in paragraph § 155.220(g) or
the imposition of other penalties
authorized by law. We will continue to
coordinate our enforcement activities
with States, other Federal agencies, and
local and Federal law enforcement, and
anticipate imposing penalties (beyond
the termination of the FFE agreements)
only in instances where States do not or
are unable to act.
We expect that States will continue to
license and monitor agents and brokers,
and will continue to have primary
responsibility to oversee and regulate all
22 As detailed in the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act; Establishment of Exchanges
and Qualified Health Plans; Exchange Standards for
Employers; Final Rule and Interim Final Rule (77
FR 18310, 18315) (March 27, 2012), with some
limited exceptions, SADPs are considered a type of
QHP. We expect agents, brokers, and web-brokers
registered with the FFEs to comply with applicable
rules and requirements in connection with SADPs,
just as they must comply with those rules in
connection with medical QHPs.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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agents and brokers, both inside and
outside of the Exchanges. All State laws
and regulations related to agents and
brokers, including State requirements
related to appointments, contractual
relationships with issuers, and licensing
and marketing requirements, will
continue to apply. To avoid duplication
of oversight activities related to agents
and brokers assisting with enrollment
through an FFE, we propose that HHS
will continue to focus its oversight
activities primarily on ensuring that
agents and brokers assisting with
enrollment through an FFE meet the
standards outlined in § 155.220. In
particular, HHS plans to focus on
protecting the privacy and security of
PII of applicants and enrollees through
the FFEs, as well as the misuse of such
PII, to the extent this is not already
covered under existing State or Federal
efforts. We will continue to collaborate
with State regulators to resolve cases of
potential misconduct and to further
develop standard operating procedures
for the FFEs that will be critical to HHS
oversight of agents and brokers
registered to assist with enrollment
through the FFEs.
iv. Penalties Other Than Termination of
the Agreements With the FFEs
In § 155.220(k), we propose penalties
for agents and brokers registered with
the FFEs other than termination of the
agreements with the FFEs. In
§ 155.220(k)(1), we propose that if HHS
determines that an agent or broker fails
to comply with the requirements of
§ 155.220, he or she may be denied the
right to enter into an agreement with the
FFEs in future years, and may be subject
to CMPs as described in § 155.285 if the
violation involved the provision of false
or fraudulent information to an
Exchange or the improper use or
disclosure of information. In
§ 155.220(k)(2), we propose that the
denial of the right to enter into an
agreement with the FFEs in future years
would be subject to 30 calendar days’
advance notice and the reconsideration
process established in § 155.220(h). The
imposition of CMPs for the provision of
false or fraudulent information to an
Exchange or the improper use of
disclosure of information would be
subject to the advance notice and
appeals process described in § 155.285.
We are also proposing a denial of the
right to enter into future agreements
with the FFEs in cases where an agent
or broker has not completed FFE
registration requirements, and not
entered into the required agreements
with the FFEs, but has enrolled
qualified individuals, qualified
employers, or qualified employees in
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coverage in a manner that constitutes
enrollment through an FFE, or assisted
individual market consumers with
submission of applications for Exchange
financial assistance through an FFE and
has sought compensation based on the
enrollment through the FFEs in his or
her capacity as an agent or broker. We
note that § 155.285 applies to agents and
brokers, and we propose to specify here
that agents and brokers may also be
subject to CMPs as described in
§ 155.285 for noncompliance if the
violation involved the provision of false
or fraudulent information to an
Exchange or the improper use or
disclosure of information. We seek
comment on these additional proposed
penalties, including the length of time
for which the prohibition on entering
into an agreement with the FFEs would
apply in these cases.
We intend to continue to collaborate
with State regulators to further develop
standard operating procedures for an
FFE that will be critical to HHS’s
oversight of agents and brokers
registered to assist with enrollment
through an FFE and to ensure the
efficient and effective administration of
the FFEs. We encourage comment on
the information required to carry out
these activities, and on any definitions,
timeframes, or procedures described in
our proposed amendments to § 155.220.
v. Agents and Brokers Assisting
Consumers With Enrollment in
Coverage Through SBE–FPs
We propose adding § 155.220(l) to
provide that an agent or broker who
enrolls qualified individuals, qualified
employers, or qualified employees in
coverage in a manner that constitutes
enrollment through an SBE–FP, or
assists individual market consumers
with submission of applications for
Exchange financial assistance through
an SBE–FP must comply with all
applicable FFE standards in § 155.220.
We believe it is important to extend the
FFE standards in § 155.220 to agents
and brokers who assist with enrollments
through an SBE–FP due to the HHS’s
role in operating the FFE infrastructure
and the accompanying access that this
provides to HHS data systems. We also
propose that agents and brokers in SBE–
FP States would be able to satisfy the
requirement for training in
§ 155.220(d)(2) by taking FFE training
offered by a vendor as described in
§ 155.222.
e. Standards for HHS-Approved
Vendors of FFE Training for Agents and
Brokers (§ 155.222)
At § 155.222, we previously
established a process for HHS to
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approve vendors to offer training and
information verification services
through which State licensed agents and
brokers could complete the training
requirements necessary to assist
consumers seeking coverage through the
FFEs. As part of an approved training
and information verification program,
we stated that the vendor must require
agents and brokers to successfully
complete identity proofing, provide
identifying information, and
successfully complete the required
curriculum. Further, we established that
no vendor training program would be
recognized unless it included an
information verification component
under which the vendor confirms the
identity and applicable State licensure
of the person who is credited with
successful completion of the training
We propose eliminating the § 155.222
requirement that vendors perform
information verification functions,
including State licensure verification
and identity proofing. Section
155.220(e) requires an agent or broker
that enrolls qualified individuals
through the Exchange or assists with the
submission of applications for financial
assistance through an Exchange to
comply with applicable State law,
which includes requirements related to
operating as an insurance producer,
such as licensure. We expect that QHP
issuers will adhere to the § 156.340(a)(3)
requirement to ensure their delegated
and downstream entities, which include
affiliated agents and brokers, comply
with the standards of § 155.220 with
respect to assisting with enrollments in
QHPs, including the requirement to
comply with applicable State law. The
FFE will continue to provide identity
proofing services to facilitate the
registration of agents or brokers as
required by § 155.220(d)(1). We propose
these changes to avoid duplication of
efforts. If QHP issuers are ensuring that
their affiliated agents and brokers are
complying with State law, such as
licensure, it is not necessary for vendors
to do so as well. Consistent with this
proposal, we propose amending
§ 155.222(a)(1) to provide that a vendor
must be approved by HHS, and remove
the reference to information verification.
We also propose in § 155.222(a)(2) to
remove the requirements that vendors
must require agents and brokers to
provide proof of valid State licensure.
Consistent with these changes
proposed for § 155.222(a), we propose
amending § 155.222(b)(1) through (5)
and (d) to remove standards for
information verification, identity
proofing, verification of agents’ and
brokers’ valid State licensure, and all
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related standards that support these
functions. We propose to eliminate the
requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)
through (ii) to submit an application
demonstrating prior experience with
verification of State licensure and
identity proofing; instead, we propose to
combine into paragraph (b)(1) the
existing requirements to demonstrate
prior experience with online training
and technical support for a large
customer base. In paragraph (b)(2), we
propose to eliminate the requirement to
adhere to HHS specifications for
content, format, and delivery of
information verification; separately, in
(b)(2), we propose to include SBE–FP
States in the requirement to offer
continuing education units (CEUs) in
five FFE States. In paragraph (b)(3), we
propose to eliminate the requirement
that vendors collect, store, and share
with HHS all data from agent and broker
users of the vendor’s training; instead
we propose that vendors would only be
required to collect, store and share with
HHS FFE training completion data. In
paragraph (b)(4), we propose to amend
the standards for the agreement that
vendors must execute with HHS, to
eliminate the requirement that vendors
implement information verification
processes. We propose amending
§ 155.222(b)(5) and (d) to remove
references to information verification.
We solicit comment on the proposals to
eliminate these requirements related to
information verification.
We propose adding a paragraph (b)(6)
to require vendors to provide technical
support to agent and broker users of the
vendor’s FFE training as specified by
HHS. Currently, paragraph (b)(1)
requires vendors to demonstrate prior
experience with providing technical
support to a large customer base. We
propose adding this requirement to
specify that a vendor must provide tierone help desk support to assist agents
and broker accessing the vendor’s FFE
training platform from the CMS
Enterprise Portal. Tier-one support
includes, for any inquiry received by the
vendor’s help desk, intake, initial
response, and resolution of inquiry
through a scripted response or rerouting to another help desk. The scope
of inquiries that must be answered
through scripted response will be
provided by HHS in guidance. We seek
comments on the requirement that a
vendor must provide technical
assistance as specified by HHS to agent
and broker users of the vendor’s FFE
We note that HHS has the authority to
require approved vendors to provide
technical support, as well as FFE
training, in accordance with HHS
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guidelines and in a manner and format
that complies with Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The World
Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
Level AA standards is an alternative
that we propose would also be
considered an acceptable national
standard for Web site accessibility. For
more information see, the WCAG Web
site at
f. Standards Applicable to Certified
Application Counselors (§ 155.225)
This proposed rule would also require
certified application counselor
organizations to report performance data
to an Exchange, in order to improve the
ability of each Exchange to monitor the
work of the organizations it has
designated as certified application
counselor organizations. In accordance
with the Secretary’s authority under
section 1321(a)(1)(A) of the Affordable
Care Act to establish standards related
to the operation of Exchanges, we
propose to amend § 155.225(b)(1) to
provide that certified application
counselor designated organizations
must, as a condition of their designation
as certified application counselor
organizations by the Exchange, provide
the Exchange with information and data
related to the number and performance
of the organization’s certified
application counselors, and about the
consumer assistance being provided by
the organization’s certified application
counselors, upon request, in the form
and manner specified by the Exchange.
Section 155.225(b)(1)(ii) already
requires certified application counselor
designated organizations to maintain a
registration process and method to track
the performance of certified application
counselors, but it does not specify the
type of performance information that
must be tracked, nor does it require that
information to be provided to the
The proposed requirement would give
Exchanges valuable information to aid
in their oversight of certified application
counselor programs, and would help
improve Exchanges’ understanding of
the scope of consumer assistance being
provided in the Exchange service area.
The proposed requirement would also
improve the consumer assistance
functions of the Exchange in other
significant ways, for example, by
providing information that could help
an Exchange focus its outreach and
education efforts, target its recruitment
of certified application counselor
organizations, and identify the need for
increased technical assistance and
support for certified application
counselor organizations.
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Under this proposal, Exchanges could
establish reporting standards as they
determine appropriate based on their
own specific needs and objectives. In
States with FFEs, HHS proposes that it
would begin collecting information and
data from certified application
counselor designated organizations on a
monthly basis beginning in January
2017. We propose that the kind of
information and data that the FFEs
would require from these organizations
will include, at a minimum, data
regarding the number of individuals
who have been certified by the
organization; the total number of
consumers who received application
and enrollment assistance from the
organization; and of that number, the
number of consumers who received
assistance applying for and selecting a
QHP, enrolling in a QHP, or applying
for Medicaid or CHIP. We anticipate
that the monthly reports submitted to
the FFEs would provide information
and data from the preceding month, and
would be submitted electronically,
through HIOS or another electronic
submission vehicle. We also expect that
some of the data that FFEs would
require from certified application
counselor designated organizations
would be similar to what is collected
from Navigator grantees in the FFEs.23
We do not expect this information
collection to include consumers’ PII.
HHS recognizes the importance of
certified application counselors, and we
intend that any FFE information
collection would be straightforward and
place little additional burden on
certified application counselor
We request comments on this
proposal, on the scope of information
and data that Exchanges should collect,
and on HHS’s specific proposals for
collecting information and data from
certified application counselor
organizations in the FFEs, including the
proposed scope and timing of reports by
these organizations to the FFEs.
As discussed earlier in this preamble
in a parallel proposal to amend
§ 155.210(d)(6), we propose to amend
§ 155.225(g)(4), which prohibits
certified application counselors in all
Exchanges from providing certain kinds
of gifts and promotional items to an
applicant or potential enrollee. For the
23 The data collection requirements for FFE
Navigator grantees in 2015–2016 are specified in
the Information Collection Request (OMB control
number 0938–1215) under the Cooperative
Agreement to Support Navigators in Federallyfacilitated and State Partnership Exchanges (see the
PRA package associated with 80 FR 36810).
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
same reasons discussed above, we
propose to amend § 155.225(g)(4)
consistent with our proposed
amendments to § 155.210(d)(6).
We seek comment on all aspects of
this proposal
g. Privacy and Security of Personally
Identifiable Information (§ 155.260)
Section 155.260(a)(1) refers to
insurance affordability programs, as
defined in § 155.20. We propose to make
a technical correction to this paragraph
so that § 155.300, which contains the
definition of insurance affordability
programs, is referenced instead.
h. Oversight and Monitoring of Privacy
and Security Requirements (§ 155.280)
Section 155.280(a) permits HHS to
oversee and monitor the FFEs and nonExchange entities associated with FFEs
to ensure compliance with the privacy
and security standards established and
implemented by an FFE under
§ 155.260. Section 155.280(a) also
provides authority for HHS to monitor
State Exchanges for compliance with the
privacy and security standards
established and implemented by the
State Exchanges under § 155.260. We
propose amending paragraph (a) to
permit HHS to also oversee and monitor
SBE–FPs’ compliance with the privacy
and security standards established and
implemented by an FFE under
§ 155.260.
4. Exchange Functions in the Individual
Market: Eligibility Determinations for
Exchange Participation and Insurance
Affordability Programs
a. Options for Conducting Eligibility
Determinations (§ 155.302)
We propose to amend § 155.302(a) by
adding an option for an SBE–FP to
satisfy the requirement of conducting
eligibility determinations by relying on
HHS to carry out eligibility
determination activity and other
requirements within subpart D, through
a Federal platform agreement. We seek
comments on this proposal.
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b. Eligibility Process (§ 155.310(h))
We propose to amend § 155.310(h)
related to the requirement that the
Exchange must notify an employer that
an employee has been determined
eligible for Exchange financial
assistance upon such determination.
This notice serves two main purposes.
First, it informs an employer that it may
be liable for the payment assessed under
section 4980H of the Code because one
of the employer’s employees was
determined eligible for Exchange
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financial assistance.24 Second, it may
reduce an employee’s tax liability
because in the event an employer
prevails in an employer appeal
described in § 155.555, the Exchange
will redetermine the employee’s
eligibility (including for Exchange
financial assistance) or notify the
employee of the requirement to report
changes in eligibility, as discussed in
the preamble section III.F.6.g of this
proposed rule. Currently under
§ 155.310(h), the Exchange is directed to
notify an employer that an employee
has been determined eligible for
Exchange financial assistance. We
propose to revise this requirement so
that the Exchange must notify an
employer that an employee has been
determined eligible for Exchange
financial assistance only if the employee
has also enrolled in a QHP through the
Exchange. For purposes of this
provision, an employee is determined
eligible for cost-sharing reductions
when the employee is determined
eligible for cost-sharing reductions
based on income in accordance with
§ 155.305(g) or § 155.350(a).
We believe this change better reflects
the statutory requirement to send
employer notices and will reduce
confusion among employers and
employees. The relevant statutes that
address the employer notice
requirement contemplate that employer
notices will be provided for enrolled
individuals who have been determined
eligible for Exchange financial
assistance. Sections 4980H(a)(2) and
(b)(1)(B) of the Code provide that an
assessable payment may be imposed on
an employer if at least one full-time
employee is certified as having enrolled
in a QHP for which Exchange financial
assistance is allowed or paid for the
In the case of an employee who has
been determined eligible for Exchange
financial assistance but has not enrolled
in a QHP, it would be inaccurate and
24 Only certain employers (called applicable large
employers) are subject to the employer shared
responsibility provisions under section 4980H of
the Code. In general, applicable large employers
must either offer minimum essential coverage that
is ‘‘affordable’’ and that provides ‘‘minimum value’’
to their full-time employees (and their dependents),
or make an employer shared responsibility payment
to the IRS if at least one full-time employee receives
the premium tax credit under section 36B of the
Code. For more information on which employers
are subject the employer shared responsibility
provisions and under what circumstances an
applicable large employer will be subject to a
payment (and how the payments are calculated),
see Shared Responsibility for Employers Regarding
Health Coverage; Final Rule, 79 FR 8544 (Feb. 12,
2014).). Liability for the employer shared
responsibility payment is determined
independently by the IRS. More information on the
IRS process can be found at
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confusing to send a notice under
§ 155.310(h) because the employer
receiving the notice would not be liable
for a payment assessed under section
4980H of the Code if its employee does
not enroll in a QHP through the
Exchange (even if the employee could
have received Exchange financial
assistance if the employee had enrolled
in a QHP). Futhermore, because sections
36B(b)(1) and (c)(2)(A) of the Code
provide that a premium tax credit
amount may not be allowed for any
month in which, as of the first day of
the month a tax filer (or the tax filer’s
spouse or tax dependent) was not
enrolled in a QHP through the
Exchange, a notice under § 155.310(h)
serves no purpose in protecting an
employer from potential tax liability
under section 4980H or an employee
from tax liability under section 36B
when the employee has been
determined eligible for Exchange
financial assistance but has not enrolled
in a QHP through the Exchange. We also
propose to revise paragraph (h)(2) so
that a notice sent in accordance with
§ 155.310(h) must indicate that an
employee has been determined eligible
for Exchange financial assistance and
has enrolled in a QHP through the
Additionally, for purposes of
operational efficiency with regard to the
timing of the employer notification
required under paragraph (h), we
propose that the Exchange may choose
to either (a) notify employers on an
employee-by-employee basis as
eligibility determinations are made for
Exchange financial assistance and
enrollment in a QHP through the
Exchange, or (b) notify employers for
groups of employees who are
determined eligible for Exchange
financial assistance and enroll in a QHP
through the Exchange. Under both
options, the Exchange must notify
employers within a reasonable
timeframe following any month an
employee was determined eligible for
either form of Exchange financial
assistance and enrolled in a QHP, with
the goal to notify employers as soon as
possible to provide the greatest benefit
to enrollees. We seek comment on these
c. Verification Process Related to
Eligibility for Insurance Affordability
Programs (§ 155.320)
We propose to revise
§ 155.320(c)(3)(vi) to allow the Exchange
to establish a reasonable threshold at
which the Exchange must follow the
alternate verification process for
decreases in the annual household
income between the applicant’s
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attestation of projected annual
household income and the annual
income computed in accordance with
§ 155.320(c)(3)(ii)(A). The reasonable
threshold would be subject to approval
by HHS. Current regulations require the
Exchange to follow the alternate
verification process under
§ 155.320(c)(3)(vi) if either (1) the
attested annual household income
submitted by the consumer is more than
10 percent less than income data
received from trusted data sources, or
(2) if no data is available from trusted
data sources. We recognize that many
consumers have difficulty projecting
their annual household income and
complying with the verification
requirements. Annual household
income may fluctuate year to year and
throughout the year, making it difficult
for consumers to project their income
for the year ahead. Income data from
trusted data sources can be up to 2 years
old. In addition, consumers with lower
incomes have a smaller margin for error
in dollar terms under the current
percentage-based threshold. We
recognize that the current threshold of
10 percent may not be adequate to allow
for normal variation in a consumer’s
annual household income, and may be
too sensitive a threshold in terms of
triggering the alternate verification
process. Accordingly, we propose that
the Exchange may set a reasonable
threshold for when an applicant enters
the alternate verification process in
cases where the applicant’s attestation
of projected annual household income
is lower than income data received from
trusted data sources. A reasonable
standard would allow for a realistic
variation in a consumer’s projected
annual household income for the year
for which they are seeking coverage
from previous years’ income data
received from trusted data sources and
may be defined in terms of a percentage,
or a percentage and a fixed dollar
amount (for example, the greater of 20
percent or $5,000). A threshold set less
than 10 percent would not be a
reasonable standard since it would not
allow for small projected reductions in
income from a previous year. HHS will
provide additional guidance on what
constitutes a reasonable threshold. This
proposal would allow the Exchange to
establish a threshold that effectively
maintains program integrity, while
minimizing burdens to consumers to the
extent possible. It would also allow the
Exchange to make adjustments in future
years as more data becomes available.
We seek comment on this proposal.
In § 155.320(d), we make certain
proposals related to alternative
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processes relating to verification of
enrollment in an eligible employersponsored plan and eligibility for
qualifying coverage in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan.
In paragraph (d)(3), we propose to
redesignate paragraph (d)(3)(i) as
(d)(3)(ii) and redesignate paragraph
(d)(3)(ii) as (d)(3)(i). To preserve the
accuracy of the redesignated paragraph
(d)(3)(ii), we propose to update the
cross-reference to paragraph (d)(3)(ii)
with (d)(3)(i), and paragraph (d)(3)(iii)
with (d)(4)(i), discussed below. We also
propose to remove paragraph (d)(3)(iii),
which requires the Exchange to select a
statistically significant random sample
of applicants for whom the Exchange
does not have data as specified in
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) and
take steps to contact any employer
identified on the application for the
applicant and the members of his or her
household to verify whether the
applicant is enrolled in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan or is eligible
for qualifying coverage in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan for the benefit
year for which coverage is requested.
This process is referred to as
‘‘sampling.’’ We propose to modify this
requirement, and describe that proposal
in our discussion of proposed paragraph
(d)(4) below. We believe these
amendments to paragraph (d)(3) will
organize and simplify the regulatory
We propose to add paragraph (d)(4)
concerning a survey of verification
procedures. In paragraph (d)(4), we
propose that the Exchange must follow
the procedures described in paragraph
(d)(4)(i) or, in the alternative, for benefit
years 2016 and 2017, the Exchange may
follow the procedures specified in
paragraph (d)(4)(ii), for any benefit year
for which it does not reasonably expect
to obtain sufficient verification data as
described in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through
(iii). For the purposes of this section, the
Exchange reasonably expects to obtain
sufficient verification data for any
benefit year when, for the benefit year,
the Exchange is able to obtain data
about enrollment in and eligibility for
qualifying coverage in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan from at least
one electronic data source that is
available to the Exchange and has been
approved by HHS, based on evidence
showing that the data source is
sufficiently current, accurate, and
minimizes administrative burden, as
described in paragraph (d)(2)(i).
In paragraph (d)(4)(i), we propose that
the Exchange may conduct sampling.
This paragraph is substantially the same
as current paragraph (d)(3)(iii), with
three differences. First, we propose to
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remove the absolute requirement to
conduct sampling, and for benefit years
2016 and 2017, allow the Exchange to
implement an alternate process
approved by HHS. This proposal and
rationale is described in more detail in
the discussion of paragraph (d)(4)(ii),
below. Second, we propose to remove
the language that currently appears in
paragraph (d)(3)(iv) since the relief it
provided only applied to eligibility
determinations that were effective
before January 1, 2015. Third, we
propose to replace two internal crossreferences to paragraph (d)(3)(iii) with
appropriate cross-references to
paragraph (d)(4)(i).
We propose moving the sampling
requirement from paragraph (d)(3) and
adding it to new paragraph (d)(4) to
more accurately reflect the role of the
sampling process. Paragraph (d)(3)
contains standards for ‘‘[v]erification
procedures’’ applicable to all applicants
for Exchange financial assistance. The
sampling process, however, does not
involve verification of eligibility
information for all applicants, and is
primarily intended to serve as a way for
the Exchange to gain insight into
whether consumers provide accurate
information on the application
regarding their enrollment in and
eligibility for qualifying coverage in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan and
the effectiveness of an Exchange’s
verification of such information.
In paragraph (d)(4)(ii), we propose to
permit an Exchange the option to
implement an alternate process
approved by HHS for the benefit years
2016 and 2017. We believe this option
will provide Exchanges with needed
flexibility as verification processes are
refined and employer databases
compiled over the next several years, to
improve long-term verification
programs. We seek comment on these
d. Medicare Notices
Over the course of the first two years
of Exchange operations, we have
realized the importance of providing
notification to enrollees in coverage
through the Exchange of their potential
eligibility for Medicare. We recognize
the importance of a smooth transition to
Medicare coverage, and seek comment
on whether and how to implement a
notification that an enrollee may have
become eligible for Medicare. For
example, for enrollees in an FFE, we are
considering ‘‘pop up’’ text on for individuals who are
going to turn 65 during the benefit year.
We seek comment on this and other
ways to promote smooth coverage
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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5. Exchange Functions in the Individual
Market: Enrollment in Qualified Health
a. Annual Eligibility Redetermination
(§ 155.335(j))
In the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act; Annual Eligibility
Redeterminations for Exchange
Participation and Insurance
Affordability Programs; Health
Insurance Issuer Standards Under the
Affordable Care Act, Including
Standards Related to Exchanges final
rule (79 FR 52994, 53000 (Sept. 5,
2014)), we established a renewal and reenrollment hierarchy at § 155.335(j) to
minimize potential enrollment
disruptions. To further minimize
potential disruptions of enrollee
eligibility for cost-sharing reductions,
we propose to amend § 155.335(j)(1) to
create a new re-enrollment hierarchy for
all enrollees in a silver-level QHP that
is no longer available for re-enrollment.
Specifically, if such an enrollee’s
current silver-level QHP is not available
and the enrollee’s current product no
longer includes a silver-level QHP
available through the Exchange, the
enrollee’s coverage would be renewed
in a silver-level QHP in the product
offered by the same issuer that is the
most similar to the enrollee’s current
product, rather than in a plan one metal
level higher or lower than his or current
silver-level QHP, but within the same
product. Transitioning enrollees in this
manner is an operationally efficient way
of maintaining continuity for enrollees
eligible for cost-sharing reductions, and,
because the benchmark plans for
establishing the amount of the premium
tax credit for which an eligible taxpayer
is eligible is a silver-level plan,
continued enrollment in a silver-level
plan, as opposed to enrollment in a plan
at a different metal level but in the same
product is likely to be more consumer
protective. We request comment on this
proposal, including the best means of
determining which product is most
similar to the enrollee’s current product.
We also seek comment on whether the
hierarchy should permit a QHP enrollee
to be automatically re-enrolled into a
plan not available through an Exchange,
and under what circumstances such a
re-enrollment should occur.
In the 2016 Payment Notice proposed
rule, we also noted that we are
exploring a change to the re-enrollment
hierarchy at § 155.335(j), which
currently prioritizes re-enrollment with
the same issuer in the same or a similar
plan. As we discussed in that
rulemaking, many consumers place a
high value on low premiums when
selecting a plan, and the approach we
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were exploring would recognize that
plans that have competitively priced
premiums in one year may not continue
to be the most competitively priced in
subsequent years. As a result, default
enrollment in the same or similar plan
may sometimes encourage consumers to
remain in plans that are significantly
more expensive than the lowest cost
plans available to the enrollee.
We are considering an approach
under which an enrollee in an FFE
would be offered a choice of reenrollment hierarchies at the time of
initial enrollment, and could thereby
opt into being re-enrolled by default for
the subsequent year into a low-cost
plan, rather than his or her current plan
or the plan specified in the current reenrollment hierarchy. The alternative
enrollment hierarchy could be triggered
if the enrollee’s current plan’s premium
increased from the prior year, or
increased relative to the premium of
other similar plans (such as plans of the
same metal tier), by more than a
threshold amount, such as 5 percent or
10 percent. For example, in those
conditions, the enrollee would be
placed into a QHP of the same metal
level with the lowest premium in the
enrollee’s service area, or perhaps one of
three such QHPs with the lowest
premiums, by random allocation or
another appropriate allocation process.
As is the case under the existing
approach, a consumer would retain the
option to take action to enroll in a
different plan during open enrollment if
he or she wished to do so.
We received a number of comments
regarding the discussion in the 2016
Payment Notice proposed rule. Some
commenters supported the approach
generally. Other commenters stated that
the approach does not give adequate
deference to the plan an enrollee has
selected during open enrollment, or to
the impact of cost sharing. A number of
commenters had concerns that
consumers may not realize that opting
into a default enrollment hierarchy
based on low-cost premiums may result
in other significant changes to their
coverage, and emphasized the
importance of education by the
Exchanges with respect to this reenrollment hierarchy. We received a few
alternative ideas for re-enrollment
hierarchies, including basing reenrollment on factors consumers
identify as most important to them, or
basing re-enrollment on the consumer’s
original choice of premium. Similarly,
one commenter suggested implementing
this approach only for those consumers
currently enrolled in the lowest-cost or
second-lowest cost silver plan.
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Continuing the discussion in the 2016
Payment Notice, we are requesting
further comment on this concept to
update our policy in the final rule. In
particular, we are interested in
understanding how to ensure that
consumers understand the increased
risk of being re-enrolled automatically
in a plan with a significantly different
provider network, benefits, cost-sharing
structure, or service area. We seek
comment on the timing and form of the
notice related to plan re-enrollment that
the Federally-facilitated Exchange
would provide to consumers opting in
to such an enrollment hierarchy. We
seek comment on whether hierarchies
that considered factors other than metal
level or premiums, such as plan type
(for example, HMO versus PPO) or
network breadth could help to reduce
the risk that consumers are re-enrolled
automatically into a plan that does not
suit their needs. We are interested in
comments on what premium growth in
the current plan (or what growth
relative to other similar plans) would
trigger re-enrollment into a low-cost
plan, and how to determine which
enrollees get assigned to which plans,
for example if enrollees are allocated
among one of the three lowest cost
QHPs of the metal level in the enrollee’s
service area. We seek comment on how
best to deal with the risk of providing
small plans with excess enrollment, in
order to avoid destabilizing such plans
with a deluge of new enrollments. As
we did last year, we seek comment on
how these types of default re-enrollment
procedures have functioned in other
programs and settings, and what lessons
can be drawn from those experiences.
Finally, we seek comment on the
appropriate timeframe for implementing
such an alternative hierarchy.
b. Enrollment of Qualified Individuals
into QHPs (§ 155.400)
i. Rules for First Month’s Premium
Payments for Individuals Enrolling With
Regular, Special, and Retroactive
Coverage Effective Dates.
We propose to amend § 155.400(e)
related to the payment of the first
month’s premium (that is, binder
payments), including deadlines, to
codify previously released guidance in
section 8.2 of the updated Federallyfacilitated Marketplace and Federallyfacilitated Small Business Health
Options Program Enrollment Manual,25
that specified our interpretation of these
requirements. Specifically, we propose
to amend § 155.400(e)(1)(i) and (ii) to
25 Available at
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
provide that, for prospective coverage,
the binder payment must consist of the
first month’s premium. To provide
added flexibility for issuers, we also
would add to the rule to specify that the
deadline for a binder payment related to
prospective coverage with a prospective
special effective date, would have to be
no earlier than the coverage effective
date and no later than 30 calendar days
from the date the issuer receives the
enrollment transaction or the coverage
effective date, whichever is later. This
would align the requirement for
enrollments with prospective special
effective dates with the requirement for
enrollments with regular effective dates.
We propose to add § 155.400(e)(1)(iii) to
reflect our interpretation, intended to
limit the risk that issuers would provide
retroactive coverage without receiving
sufficient premium payments from
enrollees, that applicants requesting
coverage being effectuated under
retroactive effective dates, such as
coverage in accordance with a special
enrollment period or a successful
eligibility appeal, must pay a binder
payment that consists of all premium
due (meaning the premium for all
months of retroactive coverage). If the
applicant pays only the premium for
one month of coverage, we propose that
the issuer would be required to enroll
the applicant in prospective coverage in
accordance with regular effective dates.
We also propose to specify that the
deadline for payment of all premium
due must be no earlier than 30 calendar
days from the date the issuer receives
the enrollment transaction or
notification of the enrollment. This
change to the binder payment rules is
intended to allow issuers flexibility to
set a reasonable deadline for enrollees to
submit payment of retroactive premium,
the total amount of which may consist
of payment for several months of
Based on our experience
implementing the grace period
provisions under our previous
rulemaking, particularly in cases
involving advance payments of the
premium tax credit, that require full
payments of amounts due to avoid being
put in a grace period and to avoid
termination of enrollment, we have
identified the need for additional
flexibility for issuers to establish
reasonable policies regarding premium
collection that would allow issuers to
collect a minimal amount of premium
less than that which is owed without
necessarily triggering the consequences
for non-payment of premiums. For
example, in the Exchange Establishment
Rule, we established that enrollees
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c. Annual Open Enrollment Period
(§ 155.410)
We propose this time period and
these coverage effective dates to remain
consistent with the 2016 open
enrollment period. This time frame will
continue to partially overlap with the
annual open enrollment period for
Medicare and most employer offerings,
which will benefit consumers by
facilitating smooth transitions between
coverage and creating process
efficiencies for issuers handling
enrollments and re-enrollments during
the same period. We seek comments on
this proposal.
We are also considering defining the
open enrollment period for coverage
year 2018, and seek comment on what
that period should be. For example, we
could incrementally shift to an earlier
open enrollment period, while
maintaining the same duration, such
that the open enrollment period for
benefit year 2018 would run from
October 15, 2017 through January 15,
2018. Alternatively, we could shift to an
earlier open enrollment period and
shorten its duration simultaneously,
such that the open enrollment period
would run from October 15, 2017
through December 15, 2017. We note
that open enrollment periods for health
coverage typically end before the end of
the year prior to the benefit year to
promote full-year coverage. However, in
the short run, as eligible consumers are
learning about their options and the
individual shared responsibility
requirement and newly insured
consumers are learning how to re-enroll
into coverage for the next benefit year,
we note that there is value in a longer
open enrollment period. We would also
face significant operational limitations
in moving the beginning of the open
enrollment period to an earlier time.
However, if we do not shift the
beginning of the open enrollment period
to an earlier date, ending the period
before the end of the year would result
in a shorter open enrollment period. We
seek comment on the length, start, and
end of the open enrollment period for
2018 and subsequent years.
In § 155.410, we propose to amend
paragraph (e), which provides the dates
for the annual open enrollment period
in which qualified individuals and
enrollees may apply for or change
coverage in a QHP. We propose to
amend paragraph (e)(2) to define the
open enrollment period for coverage
year 2017, which would be November 1
through January 31. We also propose to
amend the annual open enrollment
period coverage effective date
provisions in paragraphs (f)(2)(i)
through (iii) to include the coverage
effective dates for 2017.
d. Special Enrollment Periods
(§ 155.420)
Special enrollment periods are
available to consumers under a variety
of circumstances as described in
§ 155.420. We seek comment and any
available data on existing special
enrollment periods.
In addition, we have heard concerns
that these special enrollment periods
may be subject to abuse. We seek
comment regarding this, and data, if
available. Elsewhere in this document,
we propose an amendment to
§ 155.430(b)(2)(vi) that would allow the
receiving advance payments of the
premium tax credit have to pay full
payments of all outstanding premiums
owed in order to avoid entering a grace
period or having their coverage
terminated. In response to requests from
issuers, we propose to add flexibility to
this rule to allow issuers the option to
adopt a premium payment threshold
policy to avoid situations in which an
enrollee who owes only a de minimis
amount of premium has his or her
enrollment terminated for non-payment
of premiums.
Accordingly, at new § 155.400(g), we
propose to codify a provision related to
premium payment threshold policies,
thereby allowing additional issuer
flexibility regarding when amounts
collected will be considered to satisfy
the obligation to pay amounts due, so
long as issuers implement such a policy
uniformly and without regard to health
status and that the premium payment
threshold adopted is reasonable. This
would allow issuers flexibility to
effectuate an enrollment, not to place an
enrollee in a grace period for failure to
pay 100 percent of the amount due, or
not to terminate enrollments after
exhaustion of the applicable grace
period for enrollees who owe only a
small amount of premium within the
We seek comment on these proposals.
ii. Reliance on HHS To Carry Out
Enrollment and Related Functions.
We also propose to amend § 155.400
by adding a new paragraph (h) to reflect
that SBE–FPs must rely on HHS to
implement the functions related to
eligibility and enrollment within
subpart E, through the Federal platform
agreement. This reflects that eligibility
and enrollment functions must be
performed together in the FFE, and that
neither function can be performed
separately by an SBE–FPs at this time.
We seek comments on this proposal.
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Exchange to initiate cancellation or
retroactive termination of an enrollee’s
enrollment, after a determination has
been made that the enrollment was due
to fraudulent activity. We believe this
proposal would provide us with an
important tool for addressing potential
gaming of these rules.
e. Termination of Coverage (§ 155.430)
Under our current rules,
§ 155.430(b)(1) requires an Exchange to
permit an enrollee to cancel or
terminate his or her coverage in a QHP
following appropriate notice to the
Exchange or the QHP issuer. We
propose to add paragraph (b)(1)(iv) to
allow an enrollee to retroactively cancel
or terminate his or her enrollment in a
QHP through the Exchange in the
limited circumstances set forth below.
For enrollees whose enrollment or
continued enrollment in a QHP resulted
from an error, misconduct, or fraud
committed by an entity other than the
enrollee, we aim to increase flexibility
under the regulations to permit such
enrollees to avoid the consequences of
that entity’s actions by canceling the
QHP coverage. To this end, we propose
to redesignate current paragraph
(b)(2)(vi) as (b)(2)(vii) and add a new
paragraph (b)(2)(vi) to permit the
Exchange to cancel an enrollee’s
enrollment in a QHP under certain
circumstances. This rule would permit
cancellations of fraudulent enrollments
that the Exchange discovers, even if the
enrollee is never aware of the
New paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(A) would
provide that the enrollee would be
permitted to retroactively terminate his
or her coverage or enrollment if he or
she demonstrates to the Exchange that
he or she attempted to terminate his or
her coverage or enrollment and
experienced a technical error that did
not allow the enrollee to effectuate
termination of his or her coverage or
enrollment through the Exchange. Such
an enrollee would have 60 days after he
or she discovered the technical error to
request retroactive termination. This
aligns with our standard 60-day window
for special enrollment periods.
We propose a new paragraph (d)(9),
which would provide that the
retroactive termination date under
paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(A) would be no
sooner than 14 days after the earliest
date that the enrollee could demonstrate
that he or she contacted the Exchange to
terminate his or her coverage or
enrollment through the Exchange,
unless the issuer agrees to an earlier
effective date as set forth in
§ 155.430(d)(2)(iii). This 14-day window
aligns with the regulation on voluntary,
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enrollee-initiated prospective
We propose in paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(B)
to provide for cancellation for an
enrollee who demonstrates to the
Exchange that his or her enrollment in
a QHP through the Exchange was
unintentional, inadvertent, or erroneous
and was the result of the error or
misconduct of an officer, employee, or
agent of the Exchange or HHS, its
instrumentalities, or a non-Exchange
entity providing enrollment assistance
or conducting enrollment activities.
Such an enrollee would have 60 days
from the point he or she discovered the
unintentional, inadvertent, or erroneous
enrollment to request cancellation, to
align with our standard 60-day special
enrollment period window. In
determining whether an enrollee has
demonstrated to the Exchange that his
or her enrollment meets the criteria for
cancellation under this paragraph, the
Exchange would examine the totality of
the circumstances surrounding the
enrollment, such as whether the
enrollee was enrolled in other minimum
essential coverage at the time of his or
her QHP enrollment and whether he or
she submitted claims for services
rendered to the QHP. These factors
would serve to indicate the intentions of
the enrollee and whether the enrollment
really was undesired and would be
weighed in making a determination
whether a cancellation is warranted.
This approach offers a broad and fair
analysis of the enrollee’s intentions and
balances the interests and protection of
consumers with the interests of issuers.
For example, we believe that, without
additional evidence to the contrary, one
reasonably could assume that an
enrollee who was enrolled in other
minimum essential coverage at the time
of his or her QHP enrollment and who
submitted no claims to that QHP likely
did not intend to enroll in such QHP.
Conversely, claims submitted by an
enrollee to the QHP would weigh
against the enrollee’s request for
cancellation because, barring contrary
evidence, the Exchange would view
submittal of such claims to constitute a
ratification of the enrollee’s contract
with the QHP issuer, even if the enrollee
did not intend to enroll in QHP
coverage. We seek comment on what
other factors are indicative of an
enrollee’s bona fide intent and can limit
‘‘gaming,’’ and should be considered in
this analysis.
In paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(C), we propose
to allow cancellations for enrollees who
are enrolled in a QHP without their
knowledge or consent due to the
fraudulent activity of any third party,
including third parties who have no
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connection with the Exchange. Such an
enrollee would have 60 days from the
point at which he or she discovered the
fraudulent enrollment to request
cancellation, to align with our standard
60-day special enrollment period
New paragraph (d)(10) would provide
that for cancellation or retroactive
terminations granted in accordance with
paragraphs (b)(1)(iv)(B) and (C), the
cancellation or termination date would
be the original coverage effective date or
a later date, as determined appropriate
by the Exchange, based on the
circumstances of the cancellation or
Under our current rules,
§ 155.430(b)(2) allows the Exchange to
initiate termination of an enrollee’s
coverage or enrollment in a QHP
through the Exchange, and permits a
QHP issuer to terminate such coverage
or enrollment in certain circumstances.
Amended paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(A) reflects
the change to § 156.270(d) and (g) that
gives an enrollee who, upon failing to
timely pay premium, is receiving
advance payments of the premium tax
credit (APTC), a three-month grace
period. The changes to § 156.270 are
described in section ‘‘Termination of
Coverage or Enrollment for Qualified
Individuals’’ of the preamble.
We propose in new paragraph
(b)(2)(vi) that the Exchange could cancel
an enrollee’s enrollment that the
Exchange determines was due to
fraudulent activity, including fraudulent
activity by a third party with no
connection with the Exchange.
New paragraph (d)(11) would provide
that for cancellations granted in
accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(vi),
the cancellation date would be the
original coverage effective date. The
Exchange only would send the
cancellation transaction following
reasonable notice to the enrollee
(recognizing that where no contact
information is available that notice may
be impossible or impracticable).
Our current guidance recognizes that
at some point, the Exchange must
discontinue the ability for enrollees to
retroactively adjust coverage for the
preceding coverage year. To this end,
we are considering codifying a deadline
for requesting cancellations or
retroactive terminations. We seek
comment on these proposals.
6. Appeals of Eligibility Determinations
for Exchange Participation and
Insurance Affordability Programs
a. General Eligibility Appeals
Requirements (§ 155.505)
In § 155.505, we make certain
proposals related to the general
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eligibility appeals requirements.
Currently, paragraph (b)(1) of this
section states that an applicant or
enrollee has the right to appeal an
eligibility determination made in
accordance with subpart D. This right
includes the right to appeal
determinations of eligibility for QHP
enrollment periods, such as special
enrollment periods. To clarify the scope
of applicants’ and enrollee’s right to
appeal, we are proposing to add
paragraph (b)(1)(iii) which would more
explicitly state that applicants and
enrollees have the right to appeal a
determination of eligibility for an
enrollment period. This change would
apply to appeals provided by the HHS
appeals entity and a State Exchange
appeals entity.
Similarly, we propose new paragraph
(b)(5) to clarify that applicants and
enrollees have the right to appeal a
decision issued by the State Exchange
appeals entity. Section 155.520(c)
already provides that an appellant who
disagrees with a decision of a State
Exchange appeals entity may request an
appeal to the HHS appeals entity within
30 days of the notice of appeal decision.
New paragraph (b)(5) would clarify
applicants’ and enrollees’ existing right
to appeal any decision issued by a State
Exchange appeals entity in accordance
with § 155.545(b), in addition their right
to appeal a denial of a request to vacate
a dismissal made by a State Exchange
appeals entity, as described in
§ 155.505(b)(4).
Finally, in paragraph (b)(4), we
propose to correct a typographical error
by replacing the word ‘‘or’’ with the
word ‘‘of,’’ and to replace ‘‘pursuant to’’
with ‘‘under,’’ so the last clause of the
paragraph would read, ‘‘. . . made
under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this
section. . .’’. We seek comment on
these proposals.
b. Appeals Coordination (§ 155.510)
We propose to revise § 155.510(a)(1)
to give the appeals entity and agencies
administering insurance affordability
programs more flexibility in obtaining
documentation and information from
appellants. To minimize burden on
appellants, § 155.510(a)(1) currently
prohibits the appeals entity or agency
administering insurance affordability
programs from asking an appellant to
provide information or documentation
that the appellant already provided.
However, when such information or
documentation is not available to the
appeals entity or agency, this provision
may also prevent the appeals entity or
agency from obtaining information that
is necessary to properly adjudicate the
appellant’s appeal. As a result, the
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appeals entity is deprived of
documentation that could support a
decision favorable to the appellant.
Accordingly, we propose to revise
paragraph (a)(1) to allow the appeals
entity, the Exchange, or the agency
administering insurance affordability
programs to request information or
documentation from the appellant that
the appellant already has provided if the
agency does not have access to such
information or documentation and
cannot reasonably obtain it. We believe
this revision balances the need to
minimize the burden on the appellant as
well as the need to ensure that all
information necessary for the
appellant’s appeal is available to the
appeals entity, Exchange, or agency
administering the insurance
affordability program, which ultimately
will inure to the appellant’s benefit by
helping to ensure a correct appeal
decision and eligibility determination.
We seek comment on this proposal.
c. Appeal Requests (§ 155.520)
We propose to add paragraph
(d)(2)(i)(D), concerning appellants
whose appeal request is determined
invalid for failure to request an appeal
by the date determined in paragraph (b)
or (c) of this section. Currently, when an
appellant’s request is invalid because it
is untimely, it is not possible for the
appellant to cure the defect as
contemplated under
§ 155.520(d)(2)(i)(C). Therefore, the
appeals entity dismisses the appeal in
accordance with § 155.530(a)(3). If the
appellant makes a written request
within 30 days of the date of the notice
of dismissal showing good cause why
the dismissal should be vacated, the
appeals entity must vacate the dismissal
in accordance with § 155.530(d).
Accordingly, an appellant who shows
good cause why his or her appeal
should proceed even though the appeal
request was untimely (for example, an
appellant who was unable to submit a
timely appeal request because he or she
was hospitalized with a serious
condition) currently may proceed with
an appeal, but the process is circuitous.
This proposed addition of (d)(2)(i)(D)
would require the appeals entity to
notify an appellant that, in the event the
appeal request is invalid because it was
not timely submitted, the appeal request
may be considered valid if the applicant
or enrollee demonstrates within a
reasonable timeframe determined by the
appeals entity that failure to timely
submit was due to exceptional
circumstances and should not preclude
the appeal. This would allow the
appellant to demonstrate before the
appeal is dismissed that failure to
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submit a timely appeal request was due
to exceptional circumstances
constituting good cause why the appeal
should proceed, which would minimize
burden on the appellant as well as
administrative burden on the appeals
The appeals entity may determine
what constitutes an exceptional
circumstance that should not preclude
an appeal notwithstanding the
appellant’s failure to timely submit an
appeal request. An appeals entity may,
for instance, find that circumstances
making timely submission impossible
constitute an exceptional circumstance.
A weather emergency, such as a
blizzard, a hurricane or a tornado, may
cause power outages making it
impossible to prepare, mail, or fax
appeal requests to the appeals entity.
Similarly, such disasters may cause
consumers to lose access to the
documents they need to complete and
submit appeal requests. Likewise, if a
consumer suffers a catastrophic medical
event and is consequently unable to
submit an appeal request on time, the
appeals entity may determine that this
constitutes an exceptional circumstance
under the proposed exception.
The appeals entity may also
determine what is considered a
reasonable timeframe for an appellant to
demonstrate an exceptional
circumstance. For example, if an
appellant was unable to send an appeal
request on time due to a snow storm and
power outage and sent the request four
months after the snow storm and power
outage had been resolved, the appeals
entity may find that the appellant
experienced an exceptional
circumstance as contemplated by this
proposed rule, but that the appellant
waited an unreasonable amount of time
to demonstrate it. Without such
flexibility for the appeals entity,
appellants who experienced an
exceptional circumstance would have
an unlimited amount of time to request
that the appeals entity consider their
appeal. We seek comment on this
d. Dismissals (§ 155.530)
We propose to revise § 155.530(a)(4)
to allow an appeal to continue when an
appellant dies if the executor,
administrator, or other duly authorized
representative of the estate requests to
continue the appeal. We seek comment
on this proposal.
e. Informal Resolution and Hearing
Requirements (§ 155.535)
In § 155.535, we propose amendments
to the informal resolution and notice of
hearing requirements. In § 155.535(a),
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we propose a change to clarify that the
requirements of the informal resolution
process described in paragraphs (a)(1)
through (4) apply to both the HHS
appeals entity and a State Exchange
appeals entity.
In § 155.535(b), we propose providing
two exceptions to the requirement that
the appeals entity must send written
notice to the appellant of the date, time,
and location or format of the hearing no
later than 15 days prior to the hearing
date. In paragraph (b)(1), we propose an
exception when an appellant requests
an earlier hearing date. Currently, the
15-day notice requirement prevents an
appellant from selecting a hearing date
within 15 days even if such a date is
available and desired by the appellant.
In paragraph (b)(2), we propose an
exception to the notice requirement
under paragraph (b) when a hearing date
sooner than 15 days is necessary to
process an expedited appeal, as
described in § 155.540(a), and the
appeals entity and appellant have
mutually agreed to the date, time, and
location or format of the hearing. If
finalized, this amendment would create
efficiency for the appeals process as a
whole and create a more agreeable
experience for the appellant. In
addition, it would allow for an earlier
hearing when there is an immediate
need for a health service. We seek
comment on these proposals.
f. Appeal Decisions (§ 155.545)
We propose several changes to
§ 155.545. In paragraph (b)(1), we
propose to remove the third appearance
of the word ‘‘of’’ to correct a
typographical error. We also propose to
revise paragraph (c)(1)(i) to include
cross references to § 155.330(f)(4) and
(5), which discuss effective dates for
certain special enrollment periods
described in § 155.420. This change
aligns with our proposed change
§ 155.505(b) to clarify that applicants
and enrollees have the right to appeal a
determination of eligibility for an
enrollment period.
Finally, we propose to revise
§ 155.545(c)(1)(ii) so that the coverage
effective date for eligible appellants
requesting a retroactive appeal decision
effective date is the coverage effective
date that the appellant did receive or
would have received if the appellant
had enrolled in coverage under the
incorrect eligibility determination that
is the subject of the appeal. This is
consistent with the coverage effective
dates consumers receive in comparable
situations when given the option for
retroactive coverage, such as in the case
of certain special enrollment periods.
We seek comment on this proposal.
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g. Employer Appeals Process (§ 155.555)
We also propose to amend
§ 155.555(l) to give the Exchange more
operational flexibility in implementing
an employer appeal decision. Currently
under § 155.555(l), when an employer
appeal decision affects an employee’s
eligibility, the Exchange is directed to
redetermine the employee’s eligibility
and the eligibility of the employee’s
household members, if applicable. An
employer’s appeal decision may affect
an employee’s eligibility when the
employer prevails in the appeal by
establishing that it does offer the
employee employer-sponsored coverage
that meets the minimum value standard
and is affordable for the employee, and
the HHS appeals entity therefore finds
that the employee is not eligible for
Exchange financial assistance.
We propose to amend § 155.555(l) by
revising paragraph (l) and adding
paragraphs (l)(1) and (2). Under
proposed paragraph (l), after receipt of
the notice under paragraph (k)(3) of this
section, the Exchange must follow the
requirements in either paragraph (l)(1)
or (2) if the appeal decision affects the
employee’s eligibility. Under proposed
paragraph (l)(1), the Exchange must
promptly redetermine the employee’s
eligibility and the eligibility of the
employee’s household members, if
applicable, in accordance with the
standards specified in § 155.305, as
currently provided in paragraph (l).
Under proposed paragraph (l)(2), the
Exchange must promptly notify the
employee of the requirement to report
changes in eligibility as described in
§ 155.330(b)(1). The FFE intends to
implement the latter procedure to give
employees the opportunity to report any
additional changes in their eligibility
information to help ensure the most
accurate redetermination of eligibility
for insurance affordability programs. We
believe this amendment will also give
the Exchange greater operational
Additionally, we propose to make a
technical correction to § 155.555(e)(1)
by removing the cross-reference to
paragraph (d)(3) of this section, which
does not exist, and replacing it with
paragraph (d)(1)(iii). We seek comment
on these proposals.
7. Exchange Functions in the Individual
Market: Eligibility Determinations for
a. Eligibility Standards for Exemptions
(§ 155.605)
We are proposing to clarify and
streamline policies related to
exemptions and are proposing to amend
§ 155.605 to reflect those changes. The
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proposed changes will simplify and
streamline the process for members of
health care sharing ministries, members
of Indian tribes, and incarcerated
individuals by directing consumers
solely to the tax filing process to claim
these exemptions. To claim one of these
exemptions on a tax return, the
individual needs only to file IRS Form
8965, Health Coverage Exemptions,
with his or her tax return. Presently, the
Exchange process requires that an
application be submitted to the
Exchange, and the Exchange review,
process, and respond to the application.
If the individual does not complete the
Exchange application with all required
information, the individual will be
asked to submit the missing information
before the application can be processed.
The follow-up steps may result in a
significant delay to the individual’s
application if he or she does not submit
the information on a timely basis.
Further, the Exchange may only grant
certain exemptions on a retrospective
basis so that the individual may need to
submit multiple applications
throughout the year. Finally, the
Exchange may not grant exemptions for
members of health care sharing
ministries and individuals who were
incarcerated for the previous year if the
individual requests the exemption after
December 31 of the previous year. This
adds confusion when many individuals
are preparing their tax returns, assessing
their exemption eligibility and
discovering that they can apply with the
Exchange. Corresponding requirements
do not exist in the tax return process;
consumers simply claim the exemption
on IRS Form 8965 when filing the tax
return. Therefore, we propose that the
Exchange would no longer make
eligibility determinations for
exemptions based on membership in a
health care sharing ministry,
membership in an Indian tribe, or
incarceration status, and therefore
propose to delete paragraphs (d) through
(f). We propose to redesignate paragraph
(g) as paragraph (d).
We also propose to add a new
paragraph (e), under which we propose
that certain exemptions authorized
under Section 5000(A) of the Internal
Revenue Code may be claimed during
the tax filing process without obtaining
an exemption certificate number (ECN)
from the Exchange. In previous
guidance, we identified these
exemptions and provided that they may
be claimed on a tax return without
obtaining an ECN.26 The IRS has also
26 HHS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Shared Responsibility Guidance-Filing Threshold
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
published guidance identifying these
exemptions, and allowing eligible
individuals to claim the exemption
without first obtaining an ECN.27 These
proposed regulations codify our prior
An ECN is not required for an
exemption that can be claimed on a tax
return. Rather, an individual can simply
list the appropriate code to claim the
exemption per the instructions to Form
8965. The varying requirements
between the IRS and the Exchange
exemption processes may cause
confusion for applicants. Further, we
intend to permit individuals who have
already been granted an ECN from the
Exchange on a continuing basis (such as
for members of Federally recognized
tribes or individuals eligible for services
through an Indian health care provider)
to use their ECN on their Federal
income tax return to claim this
exemption until such time that they no
longer are eligible for this exemption.
An individual will be able to obtain
information about his or her ECN after
the Exchange ceases processing tribal
membership exemptions. We also
propose a clarifying amendment to
§ 155.605(b) to remove the crossreference to paragraphs (f)(2) and (g) and
replace it with paragraphs (c)(2) and (d).
We seek comment on all aspects of this
We propose to redesignate
§ 155.605(g), which discusses hardship
exemptions, as § 155.605(d), and
reorganize and revise the newly
redesignated paragraph (d). In newly
redesignated § 155.605(d)(1), we
propose to limit the amount of time a
general hardship exemption may cover
to the remainder of the calendar year
from the date the hardship commenced
plus the next calendar year, plus the
month before the hardship began. We
believe that such a maximum period for
the hardship exemption provides the
individual with a sufficient period of
time during which he or she will be
covered by the exemption, and
sufficient time for the individual to
recover from the hardship. We propose
that an individual would need to submit
a new hardship exemption application
to the Exchange to request subsequent
hardship exemptions on the same basis,
however the Exchange may use the
proof of hardship submitted with the
previous application as long as it is
within 3 years of an individual’s initial
Hardship Exemption (Sept. 18, 2014), available at–18–14.pdf.
27 Notice 2014–76, 2014–50 I.R.B. 946 (December
8, 2014), available at–50.pdf.
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application for the hardship exemption.
We propose that individuals would not
be required to submit additional proof
within 3 years of their initial
application because we believe that this
proof would be sufficiently current to
support an additional exemption
application. We seek comment on this
proposal, in particular with respect to
the timeframes—both the maximum
timeframe for the length of the hardship
exemption, and the 3-year timeline for
submission of new supporting evidence.
Next, we propose to revise newly
redesignated § 155.605(d)(2) to set out
specific examples of events and
circumstances that qualify an individual
for a hardship exemption under the
umbrella of the general set of events and
circumstances described under newly
redesignated § 155.605(d)(1). We note
that these specific proposed criteria are
not intended to limit the Exchange’s
ability to determine individuals’
eligibility for a hardship exemption
based on other criteria provided through
guidance, covering a specified duration,
such as the exemption available to
individuals enrolled in CHIP Buy-In
plans in 2014. The specific illustrative
criteria we propose to add are:
• Homelessness;
• Eviction or facing eviction or
• Received a shut-off notice from a
utility company;
• Experienced domestic violence;
• Experienced the death of a family
• Experienced a fire, flood or other
nature or human-caused disaster that
caused substantial damage to your
• Filed for bankruptcy;
• Experienced unexpected increases
in necessary expenses due to caring for
an ill, disabled or aging family member;
• Seeking categorical Medicaid
eligibility under section 1902(f) of the
Social Security Act (the Act) for
‘‘209(b)’’ States (codified at § 435.121);
• Seeking Medicaid coverage
provided to medically needy
individuals under section 1902(a)(10(C)
of the Act that is not included as
government-sponsored minimum
essential coverage under IRS regulations
and not recognized as MEC by the
Secretary of HHS in accordance with the
CMS State Health Official (SHO) Letter
• Enrolled in Medicaid coverage
provided to a pregnant woman that is
not included as government-sponsored
minimum essential coverage under IRS
regulations and not recognized as
minimum essential coverage by the
Secretary of HHS in accordance with
CMS SHO #14–002;
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• Enrolled in CHIP coverage provided
to an unborn child that includes
comprehensive prenatal care for the
pregnant mother; or
• As a result of an eligibility appeals
decision the individual is eligible for
enrollment in a qualified health plan
through the Exchange, lower costs on
the individual’s monthly premiums or
CSRs for a time period when the
individual was not enrolled in a QHP
through the Exchange. These criteria
were previously laid out in Exchange
guidance, and capture many of the
reasons why an individual has
requested a hardship exemption to date.
We seek comment on this proposal.
We propose to revise newly
redesignated paragraph (d)(3) to require
that a hardship event or circumstance
must have occurred within 3 years from
the date of the individual’s hardship
application submitted to the Exchange.
This proposed paragraph is in line with
the requirement that an Exchange may
only accept an application for a
hardship exemption up to 3 calendar
years after the month or months during
which the applicant attests that the
hardship occurred under § 155.610(h).
The same hardship event or
circumstance may qualify an individual
for two ECNs that cover a period of 4
years total.
For example, assume an individual
experiences a hardship event in January
2015 and submits a hardship
application to the Exchange in February
2015. If the individual otherwise
qualifies for the exemption, the
individual may be granted an ECN
spanning December 2014 through
December 2016. If the individual
submits a second hardship application
in January 2017 noting that the
exemption is requested for the same
event covered by the original ECN that
occurred in January 2015, the individual
may be granted a second ECN that
extends through December 2018.
Next, consider an individual who
experiences a hardship event in January
2015 and submits a hardship
application to the Exchange in January
2018. The individual is eligible for a
hardship exemption from December
2014 through December 2016, and the
individual may request a second ECN to
cover through December 2018.
Finally, consider an individual who
experiences a hardship event in January
2015 and submits a hardship
application to the Exchange in January
2019. The individual is not eligible for
an exemption for the January 2015 event
because it happened more than 3 years
from the date of the individual’s
exemption application. However, if the
individual can show the Exchange that
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the event continued or a new hardship
qualifying event occurred anytime from
January 2016 to January 2019, the
individual would be eligible for a
hardship exemption. We seek comment
on this proposal and on whether 3 years
is the appropriate length of time, or
whether a shorter period is warranted.
In addition, we propose to amend
newly redesignated § 155.605(d)(5),
which provides an exemption for a
calendar year to an individual who has
been determined ineligible for Medicaid
for one or more months during a benefit
year solely as a result of a State not
implementing section 2001(a) of the
Affordable Care Act. We propose to
remove the requirement to obtain an
eligibility determination from the
individual’s appropriate State Medicaid
office. Instead, we propose that this
exemption be made available to an
individual who would be determined
ineligible for Medicaid for one or more
months during a benefit year solely as
a result of a State not implementing
section 2001(a) of the Affordable Care
Act. By removing the requirement to
obtain a Medicaid determination, we
believe that we are reducing State
administrative costs and are alleviating
a significant burden on individuals who
do not request this exemption until the
previous calendar year has passed and
are therefore unable to obtain a
Medicaid determination for the previous
year. We anticipate that this proposed
change will simplify the process for
filing an exemption application with the
Exchange. We seek comment on this
Finally, we propose § 155.605(e)(4) to
allow individuals to claim the
exemption described in section F of
I.R.S. Notice 2014–76 (Dec. 8, 2014),
relating to certain individuals who
reside in a State that did not expand
Medicaid eligibility, on their Federal
income tax return without first
obtaining an ECN from the Exchange.
We propose to allow this exemption to
be claimed beginning for the 2015 tax
year so that there is no gap in the ability
for consumers to claim this exemption
on a tax return.
b. Required Contribution Percentage
(§ 155.605(e)(3))
Under section 5000A of the Code, an
individual must have minimum
essential coverage for each month,
qualify for an exemption, or make a
shared responsibility payment with his
or her Federal income tax return. Under
section 5000A(e)(1) of the Code, an
individual is exempt if the amount that
he or she would be required to pay for
minimum essential coverage (the
required contribution) exceeds a
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particular percentage (the required
contribution percentage) of his or her
actual household income for a taxable
year. In addition, under § 155.605(g)(2)
(redesignated as § 155.605(d)(2)), an
individual is exempt if his or her
required contribution exceeds the
required contribution percentage of his
or her projected household income for
a year. Finally, under § 155.605(g)(5)
(redesignated as § 155.605(d)(5)), certain
employed individuals are exempt if, on
an individual basis, the cost of
individual coverage is less than the
required contribution percentage, but
the aggregate cost of individual coverage
through employers exceeds the required
contribution percentage, and no family
coverage is available through an
employer at a cost less than the required
contribution percentage.
Section 5000A established the 2014
required contribution percentage at 8
percent. For plan years after 2014,
section 5000A(e)(1)(D) of the Code and
26 CFR 1.5000A–3(e)(2)(ii) provide that
the required contribution percentage is
the percentage determined by the
Secretary that reflects the excess of the
rate of premium growth between the
preceding calendar year and 2013, over
the rate of income growth for that
In the 2015 Market Standards Rule (79
FR 30302), we established a
methodology for determining the excess
of the rate of premium growth over the
rate of income growth for plan years
after 2014. We also said future
adjustments would be published
annually in the HHS notice of benefit
and payment parameters.
Under the HHS methodology, the rate
of premium growth over the rate of
income growth for a particular calendar
year is the quotient of (x) 1 plus the rate
of premium growth between the
preceding calendar year and 2013,
carried out to ten significant digits,
divided by (y) 1 plus the rate of income
growth between the preceding calendar
year and 2013, carried out to ten
significant digits.28
As the measure of premium growth
for a calendar year, we established in
the 2015 Market Standards Rule that we
would use the premium adjustment
percentage. The premium adjustment
percentage is based on projections of
average per enrollee employersponsored insurance premiums from the
National Health Expenditure Accounts
(NHEA), which are calculated by the
28 We
also defined the required contribution
percentage at § 155.600(a) to mean the product of
8 percent and the rate of premium growth over the
rate of income growth for the calendar year,
rounded to the nearest one-hundredth of one
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CMS Office of the Actuary. 29 In
§ 156.130 of this proposed rule, we
propose the 2017 premium adjustment
percentage of 1.1325256291 (or about
13.3 percent) over the period from 2013
to 2016. This reflects an increase of
about 5.1 percent for 2015–2016.
As the measure of income growth for
a calendar year, we established in the
2015 Market Standards Rule that we
would use per capita Gross Domestic
Product (GDP), using the projections of
per capita GDP used for the NHEA,
which is calculated by the Office of the
However, as noted in the 2015 Market
Standards Rule (79 FR 30304), we stated
that we would consider alternative
measures of income and premium
growth should projections of those
measures become available. As part of
its projections of National Health
Expenditures, the Office of the Actuary
published projections of personal
income (PI) for the first time in
September 2014 and subsequently in
July 2015. As a result, we are
considering substituting this new
measure of per capita PI for per capita
GDP in the calculation for the required
contribution percentage. We believe per
capita PI better aligns with the statutory
intent of measuring the income of an
individual than per capita GDP. The
projections of PI published by the Office
of the Actuary are consistent with the
measure published by the Bureau of
Economic Analysis, which reflects
income received by individuals from all
sources, including income from
participation in production.
Specifically, it includes compensation
of employees (received), supplements to
wages and salaries, proprietors’ income
with adjustments for inventory
valuation and capital consumption,
personal income receipts on assets,
rental income, and personal current
transfer receipts, less contributions for
government social insurance.
The Office of the Actuary’s PI
projection is generated using the
University of Maryland’s Long Term
Inter-industry Forecasting Tool. The
Long Term Inter-industry Forecasting
Tool model is a macro-economic model
that is based on the historical
relationships that exist between PI
growth, GDP growth, and changes in
other macro-economic variables. For
instance, the correlation between PI and
GDP is influenced by fluctuations in
29 For any given year the premium adjustment
percentage is the percentage (if any) by which the
most recent NHEA projection of per enrollee
employer-sponsored insurance premiums for the
current year exceeds the most recent NHEA
projection of per enrollee employer-sponsored
insurance premiums for 2013.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
taxes and government transfer
payments, depreciation of capital stock,
and retained earnings and transfer
payments of private business.30
Estimates of GDP in the NHE projections
reflect economic assumptions from the
2015 Medicare Trustees Report and are
updated to incorporate the latest
available consensus data from the
monthly Blue Chip Economic
Indicators. These same economic
assumptions are used for producing
projections of PI and employersponsored insurance premiums, so
using this estimate will generate an
internally consistent estimate of the
growth in premiums relative to growth
in income. We welcome comments on
whether to substitute per capita PI for
per capita GDP in the calculation to
establish the rate of income growth for
the required contribution percentage.
We will continue to consider other
changes to the measures of income per
capita and premium growth as
additional information becomes
available and as we gain experience
with the current measures, and seek
comment on other indices that we
should develop or consider. For
example, we have considered a measure
of per capita personal income that does
not include government transfers such
as social security, Medicare, and
Medicaid. We welcome comments on
whether we should seek to develop such
a measure of income, and whether we
should use this or another alternative
measure to establish the rate of income
growth for the required contribution
Since updating the required
contribution percentage for 2017
requires calculating the cumulative
difference between premium growth
and income growth between the
preceding calendar year and 2013, we
propose to replace per capita GDP with
per capita PI for all years beginning in
2013 and then calculate cumulative
income growth through 2016. We
propose this retrospective approach as it
allows for consistency across all years
with the most recent data available. We
note that potential future changes based
on new data that are not available for
2013 may be made on a prospective
Under this proposal, using the NHEA
data, the rate of income growth for 2017
is the percentage (if any) by which the
most recent projection of per capita PI
30 Projections of PI and GDP are available from
Table 1 at: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services. National Health Expenditure Data:
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for the preceding calendar year ($49,875
for 2016) exceeds the per capita PI for
2013, ($44,925), carried out to ten
significant digits. The total rate of
income growth for the 3-year period
from 2013–2016 is estimated to be
1.1101836394 (or about 11.0 percent).
This reflects an increase of about 2.68
percent for 2015–2016.
Thus, using the proposed 2017
premium adjustment percentage, the
excess of the rate of premium growth
over the rate of income growth for 2013–
2016 is 1.1325256291/1.1101836394, or
1.0201245892. This results in a required
contribution percentage for 2017 of
8.00*1.0201245892, or 8.16 percent,
when rounded to the nearest onehundredth of one percent, an increase of
0.37 percentage points from 2016. The
required contribution percentage is also
used for 36B(b)(3)(A) and (c)(2)(C).
c. Eligibility Process for Exemptions
(§ 155.610)
In § 155.610, we propose to delete a
cross-reference and add a paragraph
about the handling of incomplete
exemption applications received by the
First, we propose to strike the crossreference to paragraph (f) in
§ 155.610(h)(1) as we propose elsewhere
in this proposed rule that the Exchange
will no longer process exemption
applications related to membership in
an Indian tribe.
Second, we propose to add new
paragraph § 155.610(k) regarding how
the Exchange will handle incomplete
exemption applications submitted to the
Exchange. We propose that the
Exchange will handle incomplete
exemption applications similarly to how
it handles incomplete health coverage
applications under § 155.310(k).
Specifically, when the Exchange
receives an application that does not
contain sufficient information to make
an eligibility determination, the
Exchange will: (1) Provide notice to the
applicant indicating that information
necessary to complete an eligibility
determination is missing, specifying the
missing information, and providing
instructions on how to provide the
missing information; (2) provide the
applicant with a period of no less than
10 and no more than 90 days starting
from the date on which the notice is
sent to the applicant to provide the
information needed to complete the
application to the Exchange; and (3) if
the Exchange does not receive the
requested information, the Exchange
will notify the applicant that the
Exchange will not process the
application and will provide appeal
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rights to the applicant. We seek
comment on this proposal.
d. Verification Process Related to
Eligibility for Exemptions (§ 155.615)
In § 155.615, we propose deletions
related to exemptions that we are
proposing elsewhere in this proposed
rule to remove from the Exchange
exemption eligibility determination
process, and an addition to align with
newly added paragraphs pertaining to a
general hardship exemption.
First, we propose conforming edits to
delete § 155.615(c), (d), (e), and (f)(3) in
accordance with our proposal to remove
the option to obtain an ECN from the
Exchange for certain exemptions.
Next, we propose to add paragraph
§ 155.615(c)(2) to align with the 3-year
time frame requirement proposed in
§ 155.605(d)(3). We propose that if the
hardship-qualifying event or
circumstance in § 155.605(d)(1) began
more than 3 years from the date the
exemption application was submitted,
and if the event or circumstance
continued beyond the initial 3-year
period, the Exchange must verify the
applicant continued to experience the
hardship to which he or she is attesting
during a period that is within 3 years
from the date of the exemption
application submitted under
§ 155.605(d)(1). We believe that this
requirement places minimum burden on
the applicant while ensuring that the
Exchange appropriately meets the
requirements in paragraph (c)(1) of this
section under the proposed 3-year time
frame in § 155.605(d)(3). We seek
comment on this proposal.
e. Options for Conducting Eligibility
Determinations for Exemptions
(§ 155.625)
We propose to amend § 155.625(a)(2)
and (b) to remove the deadline after
which a State Exchange was to be
required to process exemption
applications for residents of the State by
the start of open enrollment for 2016,
and to permit an Exchange to adopt an
exemption eligibility determination
made by HHS indefinitely. Based on
HHS’s operation of this service to date,
we have determined that the HHS
exemption option is an efficient process
for State Exchanges that has minimized
confusion for consumers. This proposed
rule follows an FAQ published on July
28, 2015 in which HHS stated that it
will not take any enforcement action
against State Exchanges that continue to
use the HHS service for exemptions
beyond the start of open enrollment for
2016. Therefore, we propose to delete
paragraphs (b)(1), (2) and (3). We seek
comment on this proposal.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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8. Exchange Functions: Small Business
Health Options Program (SHOP)
a. Functions of a SHOP (§ 155.705)
Sections 155.705(b)(2) and (3) set
forth regulations related to employer
choice in SHOPs. We are proposing to
add new paragraphs (b)(3)(viii) and (ix)
to specify that the FF–SHOPs would
provide additional options for employer
choice for plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017.
For plan years beginning in 2015,
employers offering coverage in certain
FF–SHOP States have two options for
providing coverage: they can offer a
single plan or they can offer
‘‘horizontal’’ choice, in which an
employer selects a single actuarial value
coverage level and makes all plans at
that coverage level available to the
qualified employees. These same two
options are available to participating
employers in all FF–SHOP States for
plan years beginning on or after January
1, 2016. For plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017, we propose to add
paragraphs (b)(3)(viii) and (ix) to this
section to add an additional employer
choice option available to consumers
participating in FF–SHOPs. We are
proposing to add a ‘‘vertical choice’’
option for QHPs and SADPs under
which employers will be able to offer
qualified employees a choice of all
plans across all available levels of
coverage from a single issuer, for plan
years beginning on or after January 1,
2017. We anticipate that this ‘‘vertical
choice’’ option would be appealing to
employers because it gives employees
greater flexibility across coverage levels,
and that it may encourage more issuers
to participate in SHOPs because issuers
would be able to offer all of their plans
to employees. Issuers may also prefer
this option because it minimizes the risk
of adverse selection by limiting choices
to their own plans. By offering multiple
plans to an employer, the issuer may be
more likely to enroll a greater share of
the employer’s group than if multiple
issuers offering coverage in a single
coverage level were vying for members
of the group. By doing so, the issuer
would be likely to enroll a more diverse
risk pool from the employer’s group,
minimizing the risk of adverse selection.
We note that existing SHOP regulations
at § 155.705(b)(3)(i)(B) and (b)(3)(ii)(B)
provide State-based SHOPs with the
flexibility to provide employers with
vertical choice or other options for
providing employer choice in addition
to ‘‘horizontal’’ choice, and these
amendments would not affect Statebased SHOPs’ flexibility in this regard.
We are also seeking comment on
whether the FF–SHOPs should make
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other employer choice options available.
For example, we are considering
allowing participating employers to
select an actuarial value level of
coverage, after which employees could
choose from plans available at that level
and at the level above it. We also seek
comment on whether to give the State
in which the FF–SHOP is operating an
opportunity to recommend whether the
FF–SHOP in that State should
implement any additional model of
employer choice. Under this approach,
a State regulatory agency, such as the
State Department of Insurance, could
submit a letter to the Secretary with a
recommendation for the employer
choice models that should be offered in
their State, based on the additional
models of employer choice the FF–
SHOP has made available. The FF–
SHOP would then evaluate the State’s
recommendation and determine
whether to make the additional models
of employer choice available in the
State. In all States, the FF–SHOPs
would continue to give employers the
option of offering a single QHP (or
SADP) as well as the option of offering
a choice of all QHPs (or SADPs) at a
single actuarial value level of coverage,
and States would not be given an
opportunity to recommend that these
options not be implemented in their
We also propose adding a new
§ 155.705(b)(3)(x) to provide that the
employer choice models that would be
available for SBE–FPs utilizing the
Federal platform for SHOP enrollment
functions would be the ones that are
available through the FF–SHOP
platform, because employer choice is an
integral part of the FF–SHOP platform’s
enrollment functionality and system
build. If we finalize an approach under
which States with an FF–SHOP would
be given an opportunity to recommend
whether the FF–SHOP in that State
should implement any additional
models of employer choice that would
ultimately be finalized as a result of
these proposals, the same opportunity
would be made available to a State with
an SBE–FP.
We propose to amend paragraph
(b)(4)(ii)(B) to specify the timeline under
which qualified employers in a FF–
SHOP must make initial premium
payments. Specifically, we are
proposing to add paragraph
(b)(4)(ii)(B)(1) to specify that in the FFSHOPs, payment for the group’s first
month of coverage must be received by
the premium aggregation services
vendor on or before the 20th day of the
month prior to the month that coverage
begins. This means electronic payments
must be completed or the premium
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aggregation services vendor must have
receipt of any hard copy check on or
before the 20th day of the month prior
to the month that coverage would begin.
HHS currently advises employers
participating in FF–SHOPs to submit
initial premium payments electronically
by the 15th of the month prior to the
coverage effective date to ensure that
there is sufficient time for the payment
to be cleared. Selecting the 20th of the
month provides sufficient time to cancel
coverage prior to the effective date.
Under this proposal, if an initial
premium payment is not received by the
premium aggregation services vendor on
or before the 20th day of the month
prior to the month that coverage would
begin, coverage would not be
effectuated. If this happens, the
employer could apply to purchase
coverage that would be effective at the
beginning of another month during the
year, as coverage would not have been
effectuated. The group would not need
to submit a new application, but would
need to select a new coverage effective
date. Therefore, the grace period and
reinstatement opportunities under
§ 155.735(c)(2) that are provided to
groups that do not make timely
payments after coverage has taken effect
are not relevant in this context, and we
are proposing amendments to the
introductory language of § 155.735(c)(2)
to reflect this.
In circumstances where an FF–SHOPs
would be retroactively effectuating
coverage for qualified employer groups,
the FF–SHOP would need to receive
payment prior to effectuating coverage.
We seek comment on the timing of
when premium payment must be
received by an FF–SHOP when coverage
is effectuated retroactively. We are
considering a policy under which
payments for the first month’s coverage
and all months of the retroactive
coverage would have to be received and
processed no later than 30 days after the
event that triggers the eligibility for
retroactive coverage. We believe 30 days
would provide sufficient time for groups
to make these payments.
In paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(C)(2) of this
section, we propose to correct a cross
reference to § 155.705(b)(4)(ii)(B)(1) that
should have been updated to crossreference § 155.705(b)(4)(ii)(C)(1) when
§ 155.705(b)(4)(ii)(A) was added in the
2016 Payment Notice.
We also propose amendments to
§ 155.705(b)(11)(ii), which governs
employer contributions to premiums in
FF–SHOPs and applies to both medical
and dental plans. Section
155.705(b)(11)(ii) currently states that
the FF–SHOP ‘‘must use’’ the reference
plan contribution methodology
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
currently set forth at § 155.705(b)(11)(ii).
We propose to amend this provision to
provide for FF–SHOPs to use a ‘‘fixed
contribution methodology,’’ in addition
to the reference plan methodology set
forth in the current regulation. The
amendments would specify that when
an employer decides to offer a single
plan to qualified employees, the
employer would be required to use the
fixed contribution methodology.
Specifically, when offering a single
plan, the employer would contribute a
fixed percentage of the plan’s premium
for each qualified employee, and (if
applicable) for each dependent of a
qualified employee. This policy for
employers offering a single plan is
consistent with what was described in
the preamble to the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act; Establishment
of Exchanges and Qualified Health
Plans; Small Business Health Options
Program rulemaking (78 FR 33233), in
which we explained that when a choice
of plans is not available to the
employee, the single QHP offered by the
employer would be the reference plan
under the reference plan methodology
described in the current regulation. See
78 FR 33236. While the proposed
methodology would be consistent with
our interpretation of the current
regulation in circumstances where a
choice of plans is not offered, we are
proposing to codify how the
contribution methodology would be
handled operationally in those
circumstances. Additionally, we
propose to permit employers to choose
between the reference plan contribution
methodology set forth in the current
regulation and the proposed fixed
contribution methodology when offering
a choice of plans. When offering a
choice of plans, an employer opting for
the fixed percentage contribution
methodology would contribute a fixed
percentage of the premiums across all
plans in which any qualified employee
and, if applicable, any dependent of a
qualified employee, is enrolled. The
dollar amount of the fixed percentage
contribution would vary from enrollee
to enrollee based on their age and the
plan they choose. We believe that
offering these two employer
contribution methodologies to
employers offering a choice of plans
would provide employers with
flexibility to contribute to their qualified
employees’ plans in a manner that is
appropriate for the group. We are also
proposing to add language to
§ 155.705(b)(11)(ii) explaining that a
tobacco surcharge, if applicable, would
be added to the monthly premium after
the employer contribution is applied to
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the premium so that the financial
impact of the surcharge is borne by the
tobacco user, as opposed to being shared
with the employer or other enrollees.
We also propose to streamline the
discussion of the reference plan
contribution methodology described in
§ 155.705(b)(11)(ii), and propose
removing § 155.705(b)(11)(ii)(D) because
the FF–SHOPs are currently not able to
support basing employer contributions
on calculated composite premiums.
We seek comment on these proposals.
b. Eligibility Determination Process for
SHOP (§ 155.715)
We propose to amend § 155.715(g)(1),
which sets forth what a SHOP must do
if a qualified employer withdraws from
the SHOP, to distinguish between
terminations of enrollment and
terminations of coverage. This
regulation currently provides that, if an
employer ceases to purchase coverage
through a SHOP, the SHOP must ensure
that each QHP terminates the coverage
of the qualified employee who is
enrolled in the QHP through the SHOP.
Consistent with guaranteed availability
and guaranteed renewability, coverage
purchased through a SHOP might in
many circumstances continue outside a
SHOP in a manner no longer considered
to be enrollment through the SHOP.
Therefore, we propose to specify that
the termination described in this
paragraph would be a termination of the
employer group’s enrollment through
the SHOP, rather than a termination of
the group’s coverage. For example, in
many circumstances, an employer may
offer to continue the same coverage
outside of the SHOP, in which case the
issuer should not terminate the
We seek comment on this proposal.
c. Enrollment Periods Under SHOP
(§ 155.725)
Section 155.725(c) discusses the
annual employer election period. We
are proposing to delete paragraph (c)(1)
because it is outdated, redesignate
current paragraph (c)(2) as (c)
introductory text and redesignate the
remaining paragraphs to reflect the new
structure of paragraph (c).
We propose to redesignate
§ 155.725(e) as § 155.725(e)(1) and add
paragraph (e)(2). To provide adequate
time for qualified employees in FF–
SHOPs to make coverage selections
during their annual open enrollment
period, we propose adding paragraph
(e)(2) to specify that qualified employers
in the FF–SHOP must provide qualified
employees an annual open enrollment
period of at least one week. This
proposed amendment, like all of
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§ 155.725(e), would apply only with
respect to renewals.
We are also proposing amendments to
§ 155.725(h)(2) to specify that the event
that triggers a group’s coverage effective
date in a FF–SHOP is not the plan
selections of the individual enrollees,
but the employer’s submission of all
plan selections for the group (which we
call the group enrollment), and to allow
employers to opt for a coverage effective
date later than the standard dates
provided for under the rule. The
proposed amendments would permit
qualified employers to set enrollment
periods for their qualified employees
that could include plan selections both
before and after the 15th of a month,
and would also permit employers to
select a coverage effective date later
than the standard dates provided for
under the rule. Employers would be
able to select a coverage effective date
up to 2 months in advance, provided
that small group market rates are
available for the quarter in which the
employer would like coverage to take
effect. This would allow employers to
maximize their enrollment periods so
that they could begin the SHOP
enrollment process as soon as small
group market rates are available for the
quarter in which they would like
coverage to take effect. Under the
proposed amendments, if an employer
submits its group enrollment by the
15th day of any month, the FF–SHOP
would ensure a coverage effective date
of the first day of the following month,
unless the employer opts for a later
effective date for which rates are
available. If an employer submits its
group enrollment between the 16th day
of the month and the last day of the
month, we propose that the FF–SHOP
must ensure a coverage effective date of
the first day of the second following
month, unless the employer opts for a
later effective date for which rates are
We propose to amend § 155.725(i)(1),
which currently provides that if a
qualified employee enrolled in a QHP
through a SHOP remains eligible for
coverage, that qualified employee will
remain in the QHP selected the previous
year, unless certain exceptions apply.
We propose to provide that a SHOP be
permitted to, but need not, provide for
auto-renewals of qualified employees,
and also propose to revise the language
of the provision for consistency with
our interpretation of guaranteed
renewability. If a SHOP does not
provide for auto-renewals for qualified
employees, qualified employees would
have to review and provide a response
to the employer’s renewal offer of
coverage. If auto-renewal is available,
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qualified employees need not take any
action to continue in the prior year’s
coverage through the SHOP. We are
proposing this amendment to reflect
current operational capabilities in the
Additionally, we propose to amend
paragraph (j)(2)(i) of this section to
remove a reference to § 155.420(d)(10),
which was deleted in the 2016 Payment
Notice. We also propose to amend the
paragraph to specify that there would
not be a SHOP special enrollment
period when a qualified employee or
dependent of a qualified employee
experiences an event described in
§ 155.420(d)(1)(ii), which provides for a
special enrollment period for
individuals enrolled in a non-calendaryear group health plan.
We seek comment on these proposals.
d. Termination of SHOP Enrollment or
Coverage (§ 155.735)
For the reasons discussed above in the
preamble discussion of our proposed
amendments to § 155.705(b)(4), we are
proposing to modify the introductory
language of § 155.735(c)(2) to specify
that the provisions related to
termination of employer group health
coverage for non-payment of premiums
in FF–SHOPs under paragraph (c)(2)
would not apply to premium payments
for the first month of coverage.
We are also proposing amendments to
§ 155.735(d). Under existing regulations
at § 155.735(d)(2), terminations of FF–
SHOP coverage or enrollment are
effective on the last day of the month in
which the FF–SHOP receives notice for
enrollees that change from one QHP to
another during the employer’s annual
open enrollment period or during a
special enrollment period. We propose
that if an enrollee changes from one
QHP to another during the annual open
enrollment period or during a special
enrollment period, the last day of
coverage would be the day before the
effective date of coverage in the
enrollee’s new QHP. We believe that
this would prevent any instances of
double coverage as well as avoid a gap
in coverage.
We also propose to require at
§ 155.735(d)(2)(iii) that the FF–SHOPs
send advance notices to qualified
employees before their dependents age
off of their plan. This notice would be
sent 90 days in advance of the date
when the child dependent enrollee is no
longer eligible for coverage under the
plan the employer purchased through
the FF–SHOP because he or she has
reached the maximum child dependent
age for the plan. The notice would
include information about the plan the
dependent is currently enrolled in, the
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date the dependent would age off the
plan, and information about next steps.
In the FF–SHOPs, consistent with
current § 155.735(d)(2) and proposed
§ 155.735(d)(2)(i), a dependent aging off
of the plan loses eligibility for
dependent coverage at the end of the
month of the dependent’s 26th birthday
or at the end of the month in which the
issuer has set the maximum dependent
age limit (but in some cases might have
the option to keep the coverage for a
period of time after that date under
applicable continuation coverage laws).
This notice is intended to be a courtesy
notice as enrollees would still receive a
termination notice when their coverage
through the SHOP is terminating.
flexibility under this proposal to opt for
a prospective effective date because he
or she did not want to pay retrospective
premiums. We also propose to revise
paragraph (l)(3) to specify that if
eligibility is denied under an appeal
decision, the effective date of the
coverage or enrollment through the
SHOP under the appeal decision would
be the first day of the month following
the date of the notice of the appeal
decision. We seek comment on these
e. SHOP Employer and Employee
Eligibility Appeals Requirements
(§ 155.740)
In § 155.740, we make certain
proposals relating to SHOP appeals. We
propose to amend paragraphs (c)(2) and
(d)(2) to provide that employers and
employees may file an appeal not only
if a SHOP fails to provide an eligibility
determination in a timely manner but
also if a SHOP fails to provide timely
notice of an eligibility determination, in
accordance with § 155.715(e) and (f). We
propose these amendments in order to
better align the SHOP appeals
provisions with individual market
Exchange appeals. We note that the FF–
SHOPs provide the notice of eligibility
automatically when an application is
submitted. For the FF–SHOPs, the date
of eligibility determination and
eligibility notice are generally the same
We also propose to amend paragraph
(l)(3) to allow employers and employees
who successfully appeal a denial of
SHOP eligibility to select whether the
effective date of coverage or enrollment
through the SHOP under their appeal
decision will be retroactive to the
effective date of coverage or enrollment
through the SHOP that the employer or
employee would have had if they had
correctly been determined eligible, or
prospective from the first day of the
month following the date of the notice
of the appeal decision. The current
version of paragraph (l)(3) requires all
SHOP appeal decisions to be retroactive
to the date the incorrect eligibility
determination was made. This proposed
change would grant employers and
employees added flexibility regarding
the effective date of coverage or
enrollment through the SHOP under
their appeal decision and would be
better aligned with current and
proposed policy for individual market
Exchange appeals. For example, an
employer or employee would have
In the first few years of FFE
operations, HHS has generally used an
‘‘open market’’ approach to QHP
certification, accepting plans that met
the minimum QHP certification criteria.
As the new QHP market developed, it
has been valuable to maintain
predictability for issuers, and that
remains an important consideration. For
example, elsewhere in this rulemaking,
we propose codifying and making
transparent standards related to network
adequacy. At the same time we are
exploring the most useful tools to
ensure that QHPs offer consumers a
quality product. In this section, we seek
comment on a means of improving
product value by using the authority to
deny certification to QHP applications.
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9. Exchange Functions: Certification of
Qualified Health Plans
a. Certification Standards for QHPs
(§ 155.1000)
1. Denial of Certification
Section 1311(e)(1)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act states that
Exchanges may certify a health plan as
a QHP if ‘‘(A) such health plan meets
the requirements for certification as
promulgated by the Secretary . . . and
(B) the Exchange determines that
making available such health plan
through such Exchange is in the
interests of qualified individuals and
qualified employers.’’ Section
1311(e)(1)(B) thereby affords Exchanges
the discretion to deny certification of
QHPs that meet minimum QHP
certification standards, but are not
ultimately in the interests of qualified
individuals and qualified employers.
We interpret the ‘‘interest’’ standard to
mean QHPs should provide quality
coverage to consumers to meet the
Affordable Care Act’s goals.
Section 155.1000 provides Exchanges
with broad discretion to certify health
plans that otherwise meet the QHP
certification standards specified in part
156. HHS will continue to focus denials
of certification in the FFEs based on the
‘‘interest of the qualified individuals
and qualified employers’’ standard to
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
cases involving the integrity of the FFEs
and the plans offered through them.
Examples of issues that could result in
non-certification of a plan include
concerns related to an issuer’s material
non-compliance with applicable
requirements, an issuer’s financial
insolvency, or data errors related to
QHP applications and data submissions.
Under this approach, HHS could
consider an assessment of past
performance, including with respect to
oversight concerns raised through
compliance reviews and consumer
complaints received and the frequency
and extent of any data submission
errors. HHS would adopt a measured
approach in exercising this authority
that would take into consideration
several factors, including available
market competition and the availability
of operational resources.
As we consider this approach, we
anticipate seeking more specific
comment. We seek comment on this
proposal generally, and on these and
any other factors HHS should consider
when evaluating QHPs to determine if
they meet the interests of consumers
and businesses. HHS would also ensure
any future policy changes do not
interfere with State activities. We seek
comments, specifically from States and
other stakeholders, on this aspect of the
We note that the OPM has the sole
discretion for contracting with multiState plans and as such retains the
authority to selectively contract with
multi-State plans.
G. Part 156—Health Insurance Issuer
Standards Under the Affordable Care
Act, Including Standards Related to
1. Standardized Options
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
a. Standardized Option Definition
(§ 156.20)
The Affordable Care Act gives
Exchanges considerable flexibility in
certification and oversight of QHPs. An
excessive number of health plan options
makes consumers less likely to make
any plan selection, more likely to make
a selection that does not match their
health needs, and more likely to make
a selection that leaves them less
satisfied. In studies of consumer
behavior in Medicare Part D, Medicare
Advantage, and Medigap, a choice of 15
or fewer plans was associated with
higher enrollment rates, while a choice
of 30 or more plans led to a decline in
enrollment rates.31 In 2015, across the
31 Chao Zhou and Yuting Zhang, ‘‘The Vast
Majority Of Medicare Part D Beneficiaries Still
Don’t Choose The Cheapest Plans That Meet Their
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37 Exchanges using the
platform, the number of health plan
choices available per county varied from
2 to 54 plans at the bronze level, 2 to
73 plans at the silver level, and 1 to 43
plans at the gold level.32 Our experience
in the first two open enrollment periods
suggests that many consumers,
particularly those with a high number of
health plan options, find the large
variety of cost-sharing structures
available on the Exchanges difficult to
We believe that standardized options
will provide these consumers the
opportunity to make simpler
comparisons of plans offered by
different issuers within a metal level.
Consumers will be able to focus their
decision making on the providers in the
plan networks, premiums, benefits, and
quality, and will not be required to
make complex tradeoffs among costsharing differences among a large
number of plans. Taken together,
standardized options, EHB, AV, and
QHP certification standards can
significantly simplify consumers’ ability
to compare plans and make informed
To simplify the consumer plan
selection process, HHS is proposing to
establish ‘‘standardized options’’ in the
individual market FFEs. These plans
would have standardized cost sharing
for a key set of EHB that comprise a
large percentage of the total allowable
costs for an average enrollee. We
propose that issuers would not be
required to offer standardized options in
2017 and would retain the flexibility to
offer non-standardized plans, but we are
considering ways that standardized
options, when certified by an FFE,
could be displayed on in
a manner that makes it easier for
consumers to find and identify them,
including distinguishing them from
non-standardized plans.
We propose cost-sharing structures for
standardized options at the bronze,
silver (and associated silver cost-sharing
reduction plan variations), and gold
levels of coverage. At § 156.20, we
propose adding a definition for
standardized option. A standardized
option would be defined as a QHP with
a standardized cost-sharing structure
specified by HHS and that is offered for
sale through an individual market FFE
(see Table 9 for proposed models). We
envision standardized options to
Medication Needs.’’ Health Affairs, 31, no.10
32 The average number of plans available per
county in 2015 were: 12 bronze plans, 15 silver
plans, and 9 gold plans. Available at: https://www.
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include a single provider tier, a fixed innetwork deductible, a fixed annual
limitation on cost sharing, and
standardized copayments and
coinsurance for a key set of EHB that
comprise a large percentage of the total
allowable costs for an average enrollee.
We seek comment on this proposal.
b. Standardized Option Design
We have designed one bronze
standardized option, one silver
standardized option, one standardized
option for each silver CSR plan
variation, and one gold standardized
option. We are not proposing a platinum
standardized option because only a
small proportion of QHP issuers in the
FFEs offered platinum plans in 2015.
Silver plans are the most common and
popular plans in the FFEs.33 As such,
we encourage issuers to offer at least
one standardized option at the silver
level of coverage (along with the
associated standardized silver CSR plan
variations) to simplify the consumer
shopping experience for the greatest
number of enrollees. We intend to
propose standardized option changes
annually. We seek comment on these
c. General Features of the Standardized
To minimize market disruption, we
have designed the standardized options
to be as similar as possible to the most
popular 2015 FFE QHPs (based on
enrollment), and we have sought a costsharing structure that would generally
not raise premiums. In arriving at these
standardized option designs, we also
consulted the standardized option
designs offered in the SBEs that have
provided standardized plans since the
2014 plan year (California, Connecticut,
Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, and
i. Drug Formularies
We propose that standardized options
have the four drug tiers currently
utilized in our consumer-facing
applications at this time—generic,
preferred brand, non-preferred brand,
and specialty drug tiers. However, we
propose to allow issuers to offer
additional lower-cost tiers if desired.
Slightly more than half (56 percent) of
the proposed 2016 FFE QHPs have more
than four drug tiers. We seek comment
on this design element.
33 In 2015, across the FFEs, there were a total of:
263 catastrophic, 1864 bronze, 2500 silver, 1774
gold, and 551 platinum plans. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
ii. Provider Tiers
We propose that standardized options
have no more than one in-network
provider tier. Varying cost sharing by
provider tier affects the actuarial value
of a plan, making it difficult to
standardize a cost-sharing structure.
Further, only 14 percent of FFE
enrollees are currently enrolled in QHPs
with more than one in-network tier, and
only 6 percent of enrollees are covered
by an issuer that does not offer a singletier plan in addition to a multi-tier plan
in the same county. We seek comment
on this design element.
iii. Deductible-Exempt Services
In designing the standardized options,
we seek to exempt from the deductible
certain routine services, such as primary
care, specialist visits (at the silver and
gold metal levels), and generic drugs, to
ensure that access to coverage translates
into access to care for routine and
chronic conditions and that enrollees
receive some up-front value for their
premium dollars. Again, in terms of this
feature, we designed the standardized
options to be as similar as possible to
the most popular 2015 FFE QHPs (based
on enrollment). Among those 2015 FFE
QHPs, over 85 percent of silver plan
enrollees and over 50 percent of bronze
plan enrollees selected plans that cover
certain services prior to application of
the deductible. (The figure for gold plan
enrollees was over 90 percent. However,
many gold plans have a $0 deductible,
for which the concept of deductibleexempt services would not be
meaningful.) Primary care and generic
drugs are the services most likely to be
covered without a deductible at all three
metal levels. Other services that are also
likely to be covered prior to the
deductible, particularly by silver and
gold plans, include specialist visits and
mental/behavioral health and substance
use disorder outpatient services. We
seek comment on this design element.
iv. Copayment vs. Coinsurance
We sought to balance consumer
preference for copayments over
coinsurance with the potential impact
on premiums. Research shows that
consumers often prefer copayments to
coinsurance because the former are
more transparent and make it easier for
consumers to predict their out-of-pocket
costs. On the other hand, setting fixed
copayments on a national level could
lead to disparate premium effects due to
regional and issuer-specific cost
differences. We seek comment on this
design element.
d. Specific Standardized Option Designs
The proposed 2017 bronze
standardized option closely resembles a
catastrophic plan, with a few key
exceptions. The plan has a $6,650
deductible, an annual limitation on cost
sharing equal to the maximum
allowable annual limitation on cost
sharing for 2017 (proposed to be
$7,150), and 50 percent coinsurance.
Primary care visits (for the first three
visits) and mental health/substance use
outpatient services are exempt from the
deductible, and have a copayment of
$45. Generic drugs are also exempt from
the deductible and have a copayment of
$35. Note that for all standardized
options, cost-sharing rules for
preventive services under § 147.130
apply (we do not list this benefit
category in Table 9).
The proposed 2017 silver
standardized option has a $3,500
deductible, an annual limitation on cost
sharing equal to the maximum
allowable annual limitation on sharing
for 2017, and a 20 percent enrollee
coinsurance rate. Primary care visits,
mental health/substance use outpatient
services, specialist visits, urgent care
visits, and all drug benefits are exempt
from the deductible, and all of the
deductible-exempt benefits have
copayments instead of co-insurance,
except for specialty drugs, which are
subject to a 40 percent coinsurance rate.
Emergency room services are subject to
the deductible, with a $400 copayment
applicable after the deductible.
The proposed 2017 silver cost-sharing
reduction standardized options reduce
all cost sharing parameters successively
to meet the 73 percent, 87 percent, and
94 percent AV requirements. Where
possible, the cost-sharing reduction
standardized options and the non-costsharing reduction standardized silver
option maintain similar differentials
between the cost sharing for certain
benefits like primary care and specialty
The proposed 2017 gold standardized
option has a $1,250 deductible, a $4,750
annual limitation on cost sharing, and a
20 percent enrollee coinsurance rate.
Primary care visits, mental health and
substance use outpatient services,
specialist visits, urgent care visits, and
all drug benefits are not subject to the
deductible. All of the benefits not
subject to the deductible have
copayments except for specialty drugs.
We seek comment on these designs, in
particular with respect to whether
particular cost-sharing elements, such as
deductibles or copayments for particular
services, should be modified.
Silver 73%
actuarial value
Silver 87%
actuarial value
Silver 94%
actuarial value
Actuarial Value (%) ...
Deductible .................
Annual Limitation on
Cost Sharing.
Emergency Room
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
61.8 ...........................
$6,650 .......................
$7,150 .......................
71.00 ..................
$3,500 ................
$7,150 ................
73.55 ..................
$3,000 ................
$5,700 ................
87.47 ..................
$700 ...................
$2,000 ................
94.3 ....................
$250 ...................
$1,250 ................
50% ..........................
Urgent Care ..............
Inpatient Hospital
Primary Care Visit ....
50% ..........................
50% ..........................
$400 (copay applies only after
$75 (*) ................
20% ...................
$300 (copay applies only after
$75 (*) ................
20% ...................
$150 (copay applies only after
$40 (*) ................
20% ...................
$100 (copay applies only after
$25 (*) ................
5% .....................
$250 (copay applies only after
$65 (*).
$30 (*) ................
$30 (*) ................
$10 (*) ................
$5 (*) ..................
$20 (*).
$65 (*) ................
$30 (*) ................
$65 (*) ................
$30 (*) ................
$25 (*) ................
$10 (*) ................
$15 (*) ................
$5 (*) ..................
$50 (*).
$20 (*).
Specialist Visit ..........
Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Outpatient
VerDate Sep<11>2014
$45 (* first 3 visits,
then subject to deductible and 50%
50% ..........................
$45 (*) .......................
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Imaging (CT/PET
Scans, MRIs).
Rehabilitative Speech
Rehabilitative OT/PT
Laboratory Services ..
X-rays .......................
Skilled Nursing Facility.
Outpatient Facility
Outpatient Surgery
Generic Drugs ..........
Preferred Brand
Non-Preferred Brand
Specialty Drugs ........
Silver 73%
actuarial value
Silver 87%
actuarial value
Silver 94%
actuarial value
50% ..........................
20% ...................
20% ...................
20% ...................
5% .....................
50% ..........................
20% ...................
20% ...................
20% ...................
5% .....................
50% ..........................
20% ...................
20% ...................
20% ...................
5% .....................
50% ..........................
20% ...................
20% ...................
20% ...................
5% .....................
$35 (*) .......................
50% ..........................
$10 (*) ................
$50 (*) ................
$10 (*) ................
$50 (*) ................
$5 (*) ..................
$25 (*) ................
$3 (*) ..................
$5 (*) ..................
$10 (*).
$30 (*).
50% ..........................
$100 (*) ..............
$100 (*) ..............
$50 (*) ................
$10 (*) ................
$75 (*).
50% ..........................
40% (*) ..............
40% (*) ..............
30% (*) ..............
25% (*) ..............
30% (*).
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(*) = not subject to the deductible.
We propose that an issuer may offer
multiple plans through an FFE for each
standardized option within a service
area when the plans are meaningfully
different, such as offering an HMO
standardized option and a PPO
standardized option at a certain metal
level. We seek comment on this
To reduce operational complexity, we
do not propose to vary the standardized
options by State or region. Instead, we
propose one set of standardized options
for all FFEs, including those in which
States perform plan management
functions. We recognize that some
States regulate the level of cost sharing
applied to certain benefits, such as
emergency room services and specialty
drugs. We invite comment from States
and other stakeholders on the proposed
standardized options, and how they
may interact with State-specific costsharing laws or regulations, as well as
any potential options for incorporating
State cost-sharing requirements into the
standardized option framework.
We do not propose to limit the
number of non-standardized options
that an issuer may offer through an FFE;
however, meaningful difference
standards at § 156.298 and other QHP
certification standards still apply. There
is currently no such cap on the number
of plans that an issuer offering a QHP
through an FFE can offer, or on the
number of issuers that can offer
coverage at each metal level in an FFE.
In this proposed rule, we do not propose
to limit the total number of QHPs that
may be sold through an FFE in a rating
area or county. However, we may
consider limiting the number of plan
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options in future plan years, to further
simplify the health plan shopping
experience for consumers. We seek
comment as to whether we should limit
the number of non-standardized options
an issuer may offer through an FFE in
future years.
We are considering making
modifications to our consumer-facing
plan comparison features to readily
allow consumers to identify
standardized options, and seek
comment on how we should do so. We
intend to conduct consumer testing to
help us make this determination. We
also anticipate providing information to
explain the standardized option concept
to consumers. We expect to provide
information about specific design
features through issuer testing of plan
data and other fora. We seek comment
on these proposals, including whether
there should be a requirement on QHP
issuers or web-brokers to differentially
display standardized options when a
non-FFE Web site is used to facilitate
enrollment in an FFE. Multi-State plan
issuers may use the standardized
options noted above. OPM, at its
discretion, may design additional
standardized options applicable only to
multi-State plan issuers, though we
would not display these OPM options in
a differential manner in order to
preserve consistency in the
standardized options identified on the
2. FFE User Fee for the 2017 Benefit
Year (§ 156.50)
Section 1311(d)(5)(A) of the
Affordable Care Act permits an
Exchange to charge assessments or user
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fees on participating health insurance
issuers as a means of generating funding
to support its operations. In addition, 31
U.S.C. 9701 permits a Federal agency to
establish a charge for a service provided
by the agency. If a State does not elect
to operate an Exchange or does not have
an approved Exchange, section
1321(c)(1) of the Affordable Care Act
directs HHS to operate an Exchange
within the State. Accordingly, at
§ 156.50(c), we specify that a
participating issuer offering a plan
through an FFE must remit a user fee to
HHS each month that is equal to the
product of the monthly user fee rate
specified in the annual HHS notice of
benefit and payment parameters for
FFEs for the applicable benefit year and
the monthly premium charged by the
issuer for each policy under the plan
where enrollment is through an FFE.
OMB Circular No. A–25R establishes
Federal policy regarding user fees, and
specifies that a user charge will be
assessed against each identifiable
recipient for special benefits derived
from Federal activities beyond those
received by the general public. As in
benefit years 2014 to 2016, issuers
seeking to participate in an FFE in
benefit year 2017 will receive two
special benefits not available to the
general public: (1) The certification of
their plans as QHPs; and (2) the ability
to sell health insurance coverage
through an FFE to individuals
determined eligible for enrollment in a
QHP. These special benefits are
provided to participating issuers
through the following Federal activities
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
in connection with the operation of
• Provision of consumer assistance
• Consumer outreach and education.
• Management of a Navigator
• Regulation of agents and brokers.
• Eligibility determinations.
• Enrollment processes.
• Certification processes for QHPs
(including ongoing compliance
verification, recertification and
• Administration of a SHOP
OMB Circular No. A–25R further
states that user fee charges should
generally be set at a level so that they
are sufficient to recover the full cost to
the Federal government of providing the
service when the government is acting
in its capacity as sovereign (as is the
case when HHS operates an FFE).
Accordingly, we propose to set the 2017
user fee rate for all participating FFE
issuers at 3.5 percent. This user fee rate
assessed on FFE issuers is the same as
the 2014 to 2016 user fee rate. In
addition, we intend to seek an exception
from OMB Circular No. A–25R, which
requires that the user fee charge be
sufficient to recover the full cost to the
Federal government of providing the
special benefit. We seek this exception
to ensure that the FFE can support many
of the goals of the Affordable Care Act,
including improving the health of the
population, reducing health care costs,
and providing access to health coverage,
in cases where user fee collections do
not cover the full cost of the special
benefit. We seek comments on this
Additionally, we have proposed
under §§ 155.106(c) and 155.200(f) to
allow State Exchanges to enter into a
Federal platform agreement with HHS
so that the State Exchange may rely on
the Federal platform for certain
Exchange functions to enhance
efficiency and coordination between
State and Federal programs, and to
leverage the systems established by the
FFE to perform certain Exchange
functions. We propose in § 156.50(c)(2)
to charge SBE–FP issuers a user fee for
the services and benefits to the issuers
provided by HHS. For 2017, these
functions will include the Federal
Exchange information technology and
call center infrastructure used in
connection with eligibility
determinations for enrollment in QHPs
and other applicable State health
subsidy programs, as defined at section
1413(e) of the Affordable Care Act and
enrollment in QHPs under § 155.400. As
previously discussed, OMB Circular No.
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A–25R establishes Federal policy
regarding user fees, and specifies that a
user charge will be assessed against
each identifiable recipient for special
benefits derived from Federal activities
beyond those received by the general
public. If our proposals under
§§ 155.106(c) and 155.200(f) are
finalized, issuers seeking to participate
in an SBE–FP in benefit year 2017 will
receive special benefits not available to
the general public: The ability to sell
health insurance coverage through a
State Exchange that realizes efficiencies
by relying on the Federal platform to
enroll individuals determined eligible
for enrollment in a QHP, including
individuals who may be eligible for
insurance affordability programs that
may support premiums paid to issuers
offering plans through the State
Exchange by way of the Federal
platform (, and the
ability to sell health insurance coverage
to small employers eligible to purchase
QHPs for its employees through a SHOP
exchange. Other services that will be
provided to issuers offering plans
through State Exchanges on the Federal
platform include the Federal Exchange
information technology and call center
infrastructure used in connection with
eligibility determinations for enrollment
in QHPs and other applicable State
health subsidy programs. We propose to
charge issuers offering QHPs through an
SBE–FP a user fee rate of 3.0 percent of
the monthly premium charged by the
issuer for each policy under a plan
offered through an SBE–FP. This fee
will recover funding to support FFE
operations incurred by the Federal
government associated with providing
the services described above.
The proposed user fee rate was
calculated based on the proportion of
FFE costs that are associated with the
FFE information technology
infrastructure, the consumer call center,
and eligibility and enrollment services,
and allocating a share of those costs to
issuers in the relevant SBE–FPs. A
significant portion of expenditures for
FFE services are associated with the
information technology, call center
infrastructure, and personnel who
conduct eligibility determinations for
enrollment in QHPs and other
applicable State health subsidy
programs as defined at section 1413(e)
of the Affordable Care Act, and who
perform the functions set forth in
§ 155.400 to facilitate enrollment in
QHPs. We intend to review the costs
incurred to provide these special
benefits each year, and revise the user
fee rate for issuers in SBE–FPs
accordingly in the annual HHS notice of
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benefit and payment parameters.
Additional guidance on user fee
collection processes will be provided in
the future.
While a user fee rate of 3.0 percent is
reflective of HHS’s actual costs, we
recognize that States that are currently
using the Federal platform may find the
abrupt change of the proposed user fee
in 2017 challenging for their health
insurance markets. Therefore, HHS is
also considering reducing for the 2017
benefit year the user fee rate by one half
or one third (that is, to 1.5 or 2.0
percent) for the issuers in State
Exchanges utilizing the Federal
platform, to provide these States
additional time to integrate this user fee
rate. In future years, issuers in SBE–FPs
would be charged the full user fee rate
for SBE–FPs to cover their full share of
costs incurred by the FFE for those
services. We seek comment on this
proposal and this possible reduction.
Additionally, to ease administrative
burdens on issuers and States, at the
request of SBE–FPs, pursuant to the
authority under the Intergovernmental
Cooperation Act of 1968 (IGCA), HHS
will seek to offer States the option to
have HHS collect an additional user fee
from issuers at a rate specified by the
State to cover costs incurred by the
State-based Exchange for the functions
the State retains. If HHS grants requests
to provide such services, States may be
required to reimburse HHS any
additional costs that are associated with
HHS’s provision of such service. This
coordination between the State and
Federal programs will reduce
administrative burden on issuers as well
as the SBEs–FP.
3. Single Risk Pool (§ 156.80)
In the small group market, an issuer
may update rates on a quarterly basis,
provided that any changes to rates have
effective dates of January 1, April 1, July
1, or October 1. In the preamble to the
second Program Integrity Rule (78 FR
65067), we explained that any new rates
set by an issuer would apply for new or
renewing coverage on or after the rate
effective date, and would apply for the
entire the plan year. We propose to
codify this policy in § 156.80(d)(3)(ii),
and to make non-substantive changes to
the wording of that paragraph, including
to delete an outdated reference to when
quarterly rate changes could first be
For all issuers, we also reiterate that
§ 156.80(d)(2) permits a health
insurance issuer to vary the planadjusted index rate for a particular plan
from its market-wide index rate
adjusting only for the explicitly stated
factors. Any plan level adjustment not
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
specifically stated, including adjusting
for morbidity of plan enrollees, is not
4. Essential Health Benefits Package
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
a. Prescription Drug Benefits (§ 156.122)
Current § 156.122(c) requires plans
providing EHB to have procedures in
place that allow an enrollee, the
enrollee’s designee, or the enrollee’s
prescribing physician (or other
prescriber) to request and gain access to
clinically appropriate drugs not covered
by the plan. Such procedures must
include a process to request an
expedited review based on exigent
circumstances. Under the expedited
process, the issuer must make its
coverage determination no later than 24
hours after it receives the request. This
requirement, commonly referred to as
the ‘‘exceptions process,’’ applies to
drugs that are not included on the plan’s
formulary drug list. For plan years
beginning in 2016, these processes must
also include certain processes and
timeframes for the standard review
process, and have an external review
process if the internal review request is
denied. The costs of the non-formulary
drug provided through the exceptions
process count towards the annual
limitation on cost sharing and AV of the
As discussed in the 2016 Payment
Notice (80 FR 10750), the exceptions
process established in this section is
distinct from the coverage appeals
process established under § 147.136.
Specifically, the drug exceptions
process applies to drugs that are not
included on the plan’s formulary drug
list, while the coverage appeals
regulations apply if an enrollee receives
an adverse benefit determination for a
drug that is included on the plan’s
formulary drug list. Because these two
processes serve different purposes, we
believe they are not duplicative and we
do not propose to change these
definitions. However, we also clarified
in the 2016 Payment Notice that
‘‘nothing under this policy
(§ 156.122(c)) precludes a State from
requiring stricter standards in this area.’’
Since finalizing the rule, we have
received additional comment regarding
States’ coverage appeals laws and
regulations and non-formulary drugs.
For example, if a State is subjecting nonformulary drugs to the standards under
§ 147.136 as opposed to § 156.122(c), the
State’s coverage appeals laws or
regulations would provide the enrollee
with a different process for review, and
as a result a different process for
obtaining coverage of the non-formulary
drug. Specifically, § 147.136 has
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separate requirements for its external
review process. Also, § 147.136(b)(ii)(G)
allows for a secondary level of internal
review before the final internal review
determination for group plans.
Therefore, if the State is subjecting nonformulary drugs to § 147.136 and the
issuers are also required to comply
§ 156.122(c), the issuer may have to
satisfy two standards for non-formulary
We are considering amending the rule
to establish that a plan, in a State that
has coverage appeals laws or regulations
that are more stringent than or are in
conflict with our exceptions process
under § 156.122(c), and that include
reviews for non-formulary drugs,
satisfies § 156.122(c) if it complies with
the State’s coverage appeals laws or
regulations. The purpose of § 156.122(c)
is to ensure that an enrollee has the
ability to request and gain access to
clinically appropriate drugs not covered
by the plan. Regardless of whether a
State’s coverage appeals laws or
regulations are satisfying § 156.122(c) or
if the issuer is meeting § 156.122(c)
through its exception process, we would
expect that an enrollee would retain the
ability to request and gain access to
clinically appropriate drugs not covered
by the plan. Therefore, we solicit
comments on the scope of application of
State appeals laws or regulations that
are allowing determinations for nonformulary drugs for this purpose,
especially under medical necessity
provisions and whether these provisions
would allow the enrollee the ability to
request and gain access to clinically
appropriate drugs not covered by the
plan in all cases through a State’s
coverage appeals laws or regulations. As
the State is the primary enforcer of the
EHB requirements, the State would
determine whether its coverage appeals
laws or regulations would satisfy
§ 156.122(c) and therefore, would allow
the issuers in the State to defer to the
States’ coverage laws or regulations. We
note that we consider multi-State plans
that comply with OPM’s coverage
appeals requirements to satisfy
§ 156.122(c), and we are considering
codifying this interpretation.
We are also considering amending the
process at § 156.122(c) to allow for a
second level of internal review. For
example, we are considering using the
same timelines as the first level of
internal review, 72 hours for the
standard review request and 24 hours
for the expedited review request. We
seek comments on all of these
Lastly, opioid abuse has become a
public health crisis in recent years. In
2013, nearly 2 million Americans
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abused prescription painkillers, and
each day, nearly 7,000 people receive
emergency department care for misusing
these drugs. We recognize that
medication-assisted treatments for
substance use disorders might not be
available to all consumers as an
essential health benefit. Therefore, we
seek comment on whether the substance
use disorder requirement in essential
health benefits needs additional
clarification with regard to medicationassisted treatment for opioid addiction.
b. Premium Adjustment Percentage
(§ 156.130)
Section 1302(c)(4) of the Affordable
Care Act directs the Secretary to
determine an annual premium
adjustment percentage, which is used to
set the rate of increase for three
parameters detailed in the Affordable
Care Act: The maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing (defined at
§ 156.130(a)), the required contribution
percentage by individuals for minimum
essential coverage the Secretary may use
to determine eligibility for hardship
exemptions under section 5000A of the
Code, and the assessable payment
amounts under section 4980H(a) and (b)
of the Code. Section 156.130(e) provides
that the premium adjustment percentage
is the percentage (if any) by which the
average per capita premium for health
insurance coverage for the preceding
calendar year exceeds such average per
capita premium for health insurance for
2013, and that this percentage will be
published annually in the HHS notice of
benefit and payment parameters.
Under the methodology established in
the 2015 Payment Notice and amended
in the 2015 Market Standards Rule for
estimating average per capita premium
for purposes of calculating the premium
adjustment percentage, the premium
adjustment percentage is calculated
based on the projections of average per
enrollee employer-sponsored insurance
premiums from the NHEA, which is
calculated by the Office of the Actuary.
Accordingly, using the employersponsored insurance data, the premium
adjustment percentage for 2017 is the
percentage (if any) by which the most
recent NHEA projection of per enrollee
employer-sponsored insurance
premiums for 2016 ($6,076) exceeds the
most recent NHEA projection of per
enrollee employer-sponsored insurance
premiums for 2013 ($5,365).34 Using
34 See
Downloads/ProjectionsMethodology2012.pdf and
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
this formula, the proposed premium
adjustment percentage for 2017 is
13.25256291 percent. We note that the
2013 premium used for this calculation
has been updated to reflect the latest
NHEA data. Based on the proposed 2017
premium adjustment percentage, we
propose the following cost-sharing
parameters for calendar year 2017.
Maximum Annual Limitation on Cost
Sharing for Calendar Year 2017. Under
§ 156.130(a)(2), for the 2017 calendar
year, cost sharing for self-only coverage
may not exceed the dollar limit for
calendar year 2014 increased by an
amount equal to the product of that
amount and the premium adjustment
percentage for 2017, and for other than
self-only coverage, the limit is twice the
dollar limit for self-only coverage.
Under § 156.130(d), these amounts must
be rounded down to the next lowest
multiple of 50. Using the premium
adjustment percentage of 13.25256291
percent for 2017 we established above,
and the 2014 maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing of $6,350 for
self-only coverage, which was published
by the IRS on May 2, 2013,35 we
propose that the 2017 maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing would be
$7,150 for self-only coverage and
$14,300 for other than self-only
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
c. Reduced Maximum Annual
Limitation on Cost Sharing (§ 156.130)
Sections 1402(a) through (c) of the
Affordable Care Act direct issuers to
reduce cost sharing for EHBs for eligible
individuals enrolled in a silver level
QHP. In the 2014 Payment Notice, we
established standards related to the
provision of these cost-sharing
reductions. Specifically, in 45 CFR part
156, subpart E, we specified that QHP
issuers must provide cost-sharing
reductions by developing plan
variations, which are separate costsharing structures for each eligibility
category that change how the cost
sharing required under the QHP is to be
shared between the enrollee and the
Federal government. At § 156.420(a), we
detailed the structure of these plan
variations and specified that QHP
issuers must ensure that each silver plan
variation has an annual limitation on
Table 17 (located in the NHE Projections 2014–
2024—Tables link) found here https://
NationalHealthAccountsProjected.html in https://
Proj2012.pdf for additional information.
35 See
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cost sharing no greater than the
applicable reduced maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing specified in
the annual HHS notice of benefit and
payment parameters. Although the
amount of the reduction in the
maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing is specified in section
1402(c)(1)(A) of the Affordable Care Act,
section 1402(c)(1)(B)(ii) of the
Affordable Care Act states that the
Secretary may adjust the cost-sharing
limits to ensure that the resulting limits
do not cause the AVs of the health plans
to exceed the levels specified in section
1402(c)(1)(B)(i) of the Affordable Care
Act (that is, 73 percent, 87 percent, or
94 percent, depending on the income of
the enrollee). Accordingly, we propose
to use a method we established in the
2014 Payment Notice for determining
the appropriate reductions in the
maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing for cost-sharing plan variations.
As we proposed above, the 2017
maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing would be $7,150 for self-only
coverage and $14,300 for other than selfonly group coverage. We analyzed the
effect on AV of the reductions in the
maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing described in the statute to
determine whether to adjust the
reductions so that the AV of a silver
plan variation will not exceed the AV
specified in the statute. Below, we
describe our analysis for the 2017
benefit year and our proposed results.
Consistent with our analysis in the
2014, 2015, and 2016 Payment Notices,
we developed three test silver level
QHPs, and analyzed the impact on AV
of the reductions described in the
Affordable Care Act to the estimated
2017 maximum annual limitation on
cost sharing for self-only coverage
($7,150). The test plan designs are based
on data collected for 2016 plan year
QHP certification to ensure that they
represent a range of plan designs that
we expect issuers to offer at the silver
level of coverage through the Exchanges.
For 2017, the test silver level QHPs
included a PPO with typical costsharing structure ($7,150 annual
limitation on cost sharing, $2,175
deductible, and 20 percent in-network
coinsurance rate), a PPO with a lower
annual limitation on cost sharing
($4,800 annual limitation on cost
sharing, $2,775 deductible, and 20
percent in-network coinsurance rate),
and an HMO ($7,150 annual limitation
on cost sharing, $3,000 deductible, 20
percent in-network coinsurance rate,
and the following services with
copayments that are not subject to the
deductible or coinsurance: $500
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inpatient stay per day, $350 emergency
department visit, $25 primary care
office visit, and $50 specialist office
visit). All three test QHPs meet the AV
requirements for silver level health
We then entered these test plans into
the proposed 2017 AV Calculator
developed by HHS and observed how
the reductions in the maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing specified in
the Affordable Care Act affected the AVs
of the plans. We found that the
reduction in the maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing specified in
the Affordable Care Act for enrollees
with a household income between 100
and 150 percent of the Federal poverty
line (FPL) (2⁄3 reduction in the
maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing), and 150 and 200 percent of the
FPL (2⁄3 reduction), would not cause the
AV of any of the model QHPs to exceed
the statutorily specified AV level (94
and 87 percent, respectively). In
contrast, the reduction in the maximum
annual limitation on cost sharing
specified in the Affordable Care Act for
enrollees with a household income
between 200 and 250 percent of FPL (1⁄2
reduction), would cause the AVs of two
of the test QHPs to exceed the specified
AV level of 73 percent. As a result, we
propose that the maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing for enrollees
in the 2017 benefit year with a
household income between 200 and 250
percent of FPL be reduced by
approximately 1⁄5, rather than 1⁄2. We
further propose that the maximum
annual limitation on cost sharing for
enrollees with a household income
between 100 and 200 percent of the FPL
be reduced by approximately 2⁄3, as
specified in the statute, and as shown in
Table 10. These proposed reductions in
the maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing should adequately account for
unique plan designs that may not be
captured by our three model QHPs. We
also note that selecting a reduction for
the maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing that is less than the reduction
specified in the statute would not
reduce the benefit afforded to enrollees
in aggregate because QHP issuers are
required to further reduce their annual
limitation on cost sharing, or reduce
other types of cost sharing, if the
required reduction does not cause the
AV of the QHP to meet the specified
level. We welcome comment on this
analysis and the proposed reductions in
the maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing for 2017.
We note that for 2017, as described in
§ 156.135(d), States are permitted to
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
submit for approval by HHS Statespecific data sets for use as the standard
population to calculate AV. No State
submitted a data set by the September
1 deadline.
limitation on cost
sharing for selfonly coverage for
Eligibility category
limitation on cost
sharing for other
than self-only coverage for 2017
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Individuals eligible for cost-sharing reductions under § 155.305(g)(2)(i) (that is, 100–150 percent of
FPL) ..........................................................................................................................................................
Individuals eligible for cost-sharing reductions under § 155.305(g)(2)(ii) (that is, 150–200 percent of
FPL) ..........................................................................................................................................................
Individuals eligible for cost-sharing reductions under § 155.305(g)(2)(iii) (that is, 200–250 percent of
FPL) ..........................................................................................................................................................
d. AV Calculation for Determining Level
of Coverage (§ 156.135)
Section 2707(a) of the PHS Act and
section 1302 of the Affordable Care Act
direct issuers of non-grandfathered
health insurance in the individual and
small group markets, including QHPs, to
ensure that plans meet a level of
coverage specified in section 1302(d)(1)
of the Affordable Care Act and codified
at § 156.140(b). On February 25, 2013,
HHS published the EHB Rule (78 FR
12833) implementing section 1302(d) of
the Affordable Care Act that required
that, to determine the level of coverage
for a given metal tier level, the
calculation of AV be based upon the
provision of EHB to a standard
population. Section 156.135(a)
establishes that AV is generally to be
calculated using the AV Calculator
developed and made available by HHS
for a given benefit year. In the 2015
Payment Notice (79 FR 13743), we
established at § 156.135(g) provisions
for updating the AV Calculator in future
plan years and provided an overview of
how we would consider each of these
updates and our approach towards
making these updates.
As discussed in the 2015 Payment
Notice, we recognize the importance of
balancing the interests of ensuring that
the AV Calculator accurately reflects the
current market and that changes to the
AV Calculator minimize disruption to
current plan designs through keeping
AVs stable. In considering updates to
the AV Calculator under the factors
established under § 156.135(g), we
found the need for greater flexibility
than provided for under current
regulations to better ensure updates to
the AV Calculator achieve these
For example, in the preamble of the
2015 Payment Notice, we established
our methodology for developing the
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trend factor. We stated that ‘‘when
updating the trending factor in the AV
Calculator, we will use two sources of
data, one to reflect the individual
market and one to reflect the small
group market, to develop a single trend
factor that could be applied to the AV
Calculator.’’ 36 However, in considering
options for updating the trend factor
annually under this policy, we found
that this policy unduly limits our
options. For instance, costs for specific
services, such as specialty drugs, are
currently increasing at a significantly
different rate than other medical
services. Trending costs based on each
service type could capture those
different rates of cost growth more
accurately and better ensure that the
trend adjustments in the AV Calculator
reflect the actual market.
We propose to revise § 156.135(g) to
allow for additional flexibility in our
approach and options for updating of
the AV Calculator in the future. We
propose that HHS will update the AV
Calculator annually for material changes
that may include costs, plan designs, the
standard population, developments in
the function and operation of the AV
Calculator and other actuarially relevant
factors. Specifically, we would not be
required to make each of these changes
each year, but we could include these
types of material changes in our annual
updating of the AV Calculator. Under
this proposed policy, we will continue
to make updates to the AV Calculator,
as we have in previous years, including
updates to the trend factor, algorithms
changes and user interface changes. We
will also update the claim data and
demographic distribution being used in
the AV Calculator as needed and
continue to update the AV Calculator’s
annual limitation on cost sharing based
36 79
PO 00000
FR 13811. Col 1. [March 11, 2014].
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on a projected estimate to allow for
compliance with § 156.130(a). The
major difference under the proposed
§ 156.135(g) will be that the
methodology, data sources, and trigger
for making updates in the AV Calculator
would be more flexible than the current
§ 156.135(g). For instance, we propose
that specific timelines and materiality
thresholds for updating the continuance
tables to reflect more current enrollment
and claims data will no longer be
specified by the regulation. This will
allow us more options in considering
approaches to making changes in the
AV Calculator, particularly as the health
insurance market and the AV Calculator
evolve, new methodological approaches
are developed, and new data becomes
available. In developing the annual
updates to the AV Calculator, we will
continue to take into consideration
stakeholder feedback on needed changes
to the AV Calculator (through and to
publicly release a draft version of the
AV Calculator and the AV Calculator
Methodology for comment before
releasing the final AV Calculator. We
also understand the importance for
issuers and States to have time to use
the final version of the AV Calculator to
develop and adjust plan designs and we
hope that by providing the additional
flexibility under proposed § 156.135(g),
we will have more options that could
allow us to release the AV Calculator
sooner. We solicit comments on the
proposed § 156.135(g).
e. Application to Stand-Alone Dental
Plans Inside the Exchange (§ 156.150)
In § 156.150, we propose revisions to
increase the annual limitation on cost
sharing for SADPs. In the 2015 Payment
Notice, we established that the annual
limitation on cost sharing for an SADP
covering the pediatric dental EHB under
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 155.1065 in any Exchange may not
exceed $350 for one covered child and
$700 for two or more covered children.
To make adjustments to the annual
limitation on cost sharing in subsequent
years to keep pace with inflation, we
propose in paragraph (a)(1) that for a
plan year beginning after 2016, the
dollar limit applicable to a SADP for
one covered child be increased by an
amount equal to the product of that
amount and the quotient of consumer
price index for dental services for the
year 2 years prior to the benefit year,
divided by the consumer price index for
dental services for 2016. In paragraph
(a)(2), we propose that the dollar limit
for two or more covered children be
twice the dollar limit for one child
described in paragraph (a)(1) of this
We considered using the premium
adjustment percentage defined in
§ 156.130(e), but ultimately decided that
the dental CPI would be a more
appropriate adjuster for the annual
limitation on cost sharing as it is based
on dental services. The annual
limitation on cost sharing should
increase over time to keep pace with
inflation and moderate potential
increases in premium. This is similar to
the approach for medical QHPs. We
seek comment on whether the premium
adjustment percentage defined in
§ 156.130(e) should be used instead. We
would propose and finalize the annual
increase to the dental annual limitation
on cost sharing in the annual Payment
In paragraph (c), we propose to define
the dental CPI, which is a subcomponent of the U.S. Department of
Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consumer Price Index specific to dental
services. We would use the annual
dental CPI published by the Department
of Labor.
In paragraph (d), we propose that
increases in the annual dollar limits for
one child that do not result in a
multiple of $25 will be rounded down,
to the next lowest multiple of $25. We
believe this provision will result in
stability in SADPs, making changes in
annual limits that are based on round
figures in moderate increments.
We seek comment on these proposals.
5. Qualified Health Plan Minimum
Certification Standards
a. Network Adequacy Standards
(§ 156.230)
At § 156.230, we established the
minimum criteria for network adequacy
that health and dental plan issuers must
meet to be certified as QHPs, including
SADPs, in accordance with the
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Secretary’s authority in section
1311(c)(1)(B) of the Affordable Care Act.
Section 156.230(a)(2) requires all issuers
to maintain a network that is sufficient
in number and types of providers to
assure that all services will be accessible
without unreasonable delay. Section
156.230(b) sets forth standards for
access to provider directories requiring
issuers to publish an up-to-date,
accurate, and complete provider
directory for plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2016 and § 156.230(c)
requires QHPs in the FFE to make this
provider directory data available on its
Web site in an HHS specified format
and also submit this information to HHS
in a format and manner and at times
determined by HHS.
i. State Selection of Minimum Network
Adequacy Standards
The National Association of Insurance
Commissioners’ (NAIC’s) Network
Adequacy Model Review Subgroup has
been doing significant work in the area
of network adequacy, which includes
work towards development of a
Network Adequacy Model Act that
States could adopt in whole or in part.
We will continue to monitor the NAIC
work and look forward to partnering
with States and the NAIC in developing
and promulgating network adequacy
protections. In the interest of furthering
this work, we are proposing standards
related to network adequacy below, but
will take into consideration the NAIC’s
final recommendation as we assess
these policies.
In recognition of the traditional roles
States have in developing and enforcing
network adequacy standards, we
propose that FFEs would rely on State
reviews for network adequacy in States
in which an FFE is operating, provided
that HHS determines that the State uses
an acceptable quantifiable network
adequacy metric commonly used in the
health insurance industry to measure
network adequacy, approved by HHS.
We anticipate that HHS would
determine that a State’s network
adequacy assessment methodology
meets the standard above if the State
selects one or more standards from a list
of metrics provided by HHS and applies
them prospectively to the QHP issuers
in the State. HHS intends to detail the
specific criteria and process for meeting
the standard in each annual Letter to
Issuers, but we anticipate including at
least the following metrics:
• Prospective time and distance
standards at least as stringent as the FFE
• Prospective minimum providercovered person ratios for the specialties
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with the highest utilization rate for its
HHS would discuss with States their
selection in advance of the start of the
certification cycle to determine whether
the State’s network adequacy standard
would be acceptable under the standard
above. We would thereafter notify
issuers via subregulatory guidance
whether the State standards or Federal
default standards apply.
If HHS determines that a State’s
nework adequacy standard is acceptable
under the standard above, the State
would certify to the FFE which plans
meet the network adequacy standard,
and the FFE in that State would rely on
the State’s review for purposes of
determining whether a QHP meets the
requirements under § 156.230(a)(2),
although those issuers would still be
required to submit to HHS provider
data, attest to the HHS network
adequacy certification requirements,
and meet other applicable HHS
standards, including the other standards
under § 156.230.
We welcome comments on this
proposal, including suggestions for
additional State network adequacy
methodologies that the FFEs could rely
on, and other factors we might consider.
In States that do not review for
network adequacy, or do not select a
standard as described above, the FFE
would conduct an independent review
under a Federal default standard. We
propose the Federal default standard at
§ 156.230(d) to be a time and distance
standard. For the certification cycle for
plan years beginning in 2017, we
anticipate evaluating the QHP issuer
networks under this standard based on
the numbers and types of providers, in
addition to their general geographic
location. In particular, we propose to
calculate a time and distance standard
at the county level. We are considering
using standards similar to those used in
Medicare Advantage, utilizing the
National Provider Identifier database,
and focusing on the specialties that
enrollees most generally use. HHS is
also carefully considering other network
standards, including those of individual
States, accrediting entities, and Federal
health care programs, as it develops the
time and distance standards for the
FFEs. We solicit comments on whether
these proposed standards are
appropriate. We also seek comment
specifically on whether they are
appropriate for SADPs, and, if not, what
standards for SADPs would be more
appropriate, and the basis for any
The county-specific time and distance
parameters that plans will be required to
meet, including specifications for
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
specific provider and facility types,
would be detailed annually in
conjunction with the Letter to Issuers.
We also propose that issuers that are
unable to meet the specified standards
would be able to submit a justification
to account for any variances, and that
the FFE would review the justification
to determine whether the variance is
reasonable based on circumstances,
such as the availability of providers and
variables reflected in local patterns of
It is not our intent in establishing
these default standards to prohibit
certification of plans with narrow
networks or otherwise impede
innovation in plan design. Instead, we
intend to establish a minimum floor
consistent with the levels generally
maintained in the market today, so that
generally a very small number of plans
would be idenfitied as having networks
deemed inadequate. The Federal default
standard would provide issuers with
more transparency regarding our
certification processes and will be
designed and implemented to achieve
results similar to those yielded by the
reviews conducted by the FFEs in prior
certification cycles. We believe this will
promote predictability for issuers in the
course of certification. We note that
multi-State plan options will be
considered to meet the network
adequacy requirements under
§ 156.230(a)(2) if they meet network
adequacy standards established by
We seek comments on this proposal,
including how we might develop time
and distance standards appropriate for
the FFEs, the use of Medicare
Advantage or other standards and other
factors we should examine in measuring
network adequacy, and suggestions of
other models we might consider.
ii. Additional Network Adequacy
We also propose other additional
network-related standards under
§ 156.230(e) and (f).
In the new § 156.230(e)(1), we
propose to require QHP issuers in all
FFEs to notify enrollees about a
discontinuation in their network
coverage of a contracted provider. We
believe that it is important for enrollees
to be notified of changes to the network
on a timely basis. Consumers need
accurate information about which
providers are in-network to ensure that
they can optimize their health insurance
coverage and make cost effective
choices. Therefore, we propose that a
QHP in an FFE be required to make a
good faith effort to provide written
notice of a discontinued provider, 30
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days prior to the effective date of the
change or otherwise as soon as
practicable, to all enrollees who are
patients seen on a regular basis by the
provider or receive primary care from
the provider whose contract is being
discontinued, irrespective of whether
the contract is being discontinued due
to a termination for cause or without
cause, or due to a non-renewal. We
propose that a discontinued provider
includes cases of where the provider is
being removed and where the provider
is leaving the network. We solicit
comments on this proposed provision,
including the timeframe for notification
and whether separate timeframe
requirements are needed for primary
care providers versus other types of
providers that a patient sees on a regular
basis. We also solicit comments on an
appropriate definition of ‘‘regular
basis,’’ or whether the implementation
of that phrase should be left to the good
faith interpretation of the issuer. For
instance, we considered whether we
should define regular basis if the
enrollee has seen the provider within
the last 3 months, 6 months or 12
months. To satisfy this requirement, we
expect the issuer to try to work with the
provider to obtain the list of affected
patients or to use their claims data
system to identify enrollees who see the
affected providers. As part of the notice,
we encourage issuers to notify the
enrollee of other comparable in-network
providers in the enrollee’s service area,
provide information on how an enrollee
could access the plan’s continuity of
care coverage, and encourage the
enrollee to contact the plan with any
In developing the proposed
notification standard under
§ 156.230(e)(1), we considered Medicaid
Managed Care and Medicare
Advantage’s notification requirements
and considered the work by the NAIC’s
Network Adequacy Model Review
Subgroup. For instance, Medicare
Advantage’s notification requirements
are similar to the proposed
§ 156.230(e)(1), and require that the
Medicare Advantage organization make
a good faith effort to provide written
notice of a termination of a contracted
provider at least 30 calendar days before
the termination effective date to all
enrollees who are patients seen on a
regular basis by the provider whose
contract is terminating, irrespective of
whether the termination was for cause
or without cause. Medicare Advantage
also requires that when a contract
termination involves a primary care
professional, all enrollees who are
patients of that primary care
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professional must be notified.37
Medicaid Managed Care, on the other
hand, requires the Managed Care
Organization, the Prepaid Inpatient
Health Plan, and, when appropriate, the
Prepaid Ambulatory Health Plan or
Primary Care Case Manager, to make a
good faith effort to give written notice
of termination of a contracted provider,
within 15 days after receipt or issuance
of the termination notice, to each
enrollee who received his or her
primary care from, or was seen on a
regular basis by the terminated
provider.38 We seek comments on other
standards for notifying enrollees about
their network coverage in cases of
discontinuation, including States’
standards and whether exceptions
should be allowed for States’ that
already require notification to enrollees
when a provider leaves the network.
We are also proposing in
§ 156.230(e)(2) a provision for QHP
issuers in all FFEs to ensure continuity
of care for enrollees in cases where a
provider is terminated without cause.
Specifically, we propose to require the
issuer, in cases where the provider is
terminated without cause, to allow an
enrollee in active treatment to continue
treatment until the treatment is
complete or for 90 days, whichever is
shorter, at in-network cost-sharing rates.
Additionally, in proposed paragraph
(e)(2), we propose a definition of active
treatment as meaning: (1) An ongoing
course of treatment for a life-threatening
condition; (2) an ongoing course of
treatment for a serious acute condition;
(3) the second or third trimester of
pregnancy; or (4) an ongoing course of
treatment for a health condition for
which a treating physician or health
care provider attests that discontinuing
care by that physician or health care
provider would worsen the condition or
interfere with anticipated outcomes.
Under the proposed definition of active
treatment, an ongoing course of
treatment would include treatments for
mental health and substance use
disorders that fall within the proposed
definition. For the purposes of the
active treatment definition, we propose
to interpret a life-threatening condition
as a disease or condition for which
likelihood of death is probable unless
the course of the disease or condition is
interrupted; and a serious acute
condition as a disease or condition
requiring complex on-going care which
the covered person is currently
receiving, such as chemotherapy, postoperative visits, or radiation therapy.
Finally, under paragraph (e)(2)(ii), we
37 42
38 42
CFR 422.111(e).
CFR 438.10(f)(5).
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
propose that any decisions made for a
request for continuity of care be subject
to the health benefit plan’s internal and
external grievance and appeal processes
in accordance with applicable State or
Federal law or regulations. We solicit
comments on this proposed section of
the regulation, including the definitions
of ‘‘active treatment,’’ ‘‘life-threatening
condition,’’ and ‘‘serious acute
condition’’ and whether exceptions
should be allowed for States’ standards
that already require coverage of
continuity of care for enrollees. We also
solicit comments about whether
enrollees in their second or third
trimester of pregnancy should be
allowed to extend obstetric care through
the postpartum period, which could
require the continuity of care standard
to extend beyond 90 days. If these
enrollees were allowed to extend
obstetric care through the postpartum
period, we solicit comment on the
definition of the postpartum period,
such as for 6 weeks after birth, and
whether the allowance of care through
the postpartum period should apply for
broader types of care than for obstetric
care. We also solicit comments on
proposed § 156.230(e)(1) and (2) on the
distinction between a termination with
or without cause versus when a
provider leaves the network because the
provider’s contract is non-renewed.
Specifically, we solicit comments on
whether § 156.230(e)(2) should
incorporate cases where the provider’s
contract is non-renewed or whether we
should consider a non-renewal of the
provider’s contract as a termination
without cause under § 156.230(e)(1) and
(2). Lastly, we seek comments about
what other possible provisions may be
needed to protect an enrollee when a
provider contract is terminated and can
be implemented with limited burden on
In general, our network adequacy
rules for QHPs require that a network
plan maintain a network sufficient to
assure that all services will be accessible
without unreasonable delay. However,
there may be occasions when an
enrollee obtains an EHB outside the
QHP’s network because the enrollee
unknowingly receives out-of-network
care. An enrollee may have made
reasonable efforts to stay within the
QHP’s network when obtaining an EHB
service, but then unknowingly received
care from an out-of-network provider in
an in-network setting (for example, an
anesthesiologist or pathologist). To
address these circumstances, we
propose to add a new § 156.230(f).
In that paragraph, we propose to
require, notwithstanding § 156.130(c) of
the subpart, for a network to be deemed
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adequate, each QHP that uses a provider
network must count cost sharing paid
by an enrollee for an EHB provided by
an out-of-network provider in an innetwork setting under certain
circumstances towards the enrollee’s
annual limitation on cost sharing. That
is, if an enrollee received an EHB in an
in-network setting, such as an innetwork hospital, but as part of the
provision of the EHB the enrollee was
charged out-of-network cost-sharing for
an EHB provided by an out-of-network
provider (such as anesthesiology or
pathology services, for example), that
cost-sharing would apply towards the
annual limitation on cost-sharing. The
enrollee could still be responsible for
out-of-network cost sharing, and balance
billing, for other benefits received from
an out-of-network provider at any time,
but not for cost sharing for a covered
EHB provided in-network or out-ofnetwork in a circumstance described in
this paragraph after the annual
limitation is met.
Alternatively, the plan could provide
a written notice to the enrollee at least
10 business days before the provision of
the benefit that additional costs may be
incurred for EHB provided by an out-ofnetwork provider in an in-network
setting, including balance billing
charges, unless such costs are
prohibited under State law, and that any
additional charges may not count
toward the in-network annual limitation
on cost sharing. Such notice could be
provided during preauthorization. If the
plan provides such notice, this rule
would not require the plan to apply the
out-of-network cost sharing towards the
enrollee’s annual limit on cost sharing
or to be responsible for covering out-ofnetwork cost sharing above the annual
limit. This alternative would not be
available if fewer than 10 business days’
notice is provided, including in cases
where that amount of time is not
available (for example, in urgent but
non-emergency care situations).
We believe that this proposal balances
financial protection for consumers
against surprise out-of-network cost
sharing, while maintaining the larger
part of the QHP’s cost-sharing structure.
The 10 business days’ advance notice
provision is intended to allow the
enrollee to arrange for an in-network
provider to provide the EHB; we solicit
comments on whether this time frame
should be shorter or longer. We would
expect the issuer would provide this
notification to the enrollee at the time
it notifies the provider with any preauthorization documents. The issuer
would also be permitted to send a
‘‘form’’ document—that is, one that is
not customized to the particular
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situation at issue—but it could not rely
on a blanket notification through its
Web site or provided at enrollment, for
example. We seek comment on this
proposal and if we should instead
require the issuer to provide customized
information to the consumer including
information on potential in-network
We acknowledge that some States and
issuers may offer consumers in these
scenarios protections which go beyond
what we are proposing here for QHPs.
Several States have enacted laws that
similarly provide consumers financial
protection from the high out-of-pocket
expenditures associated with receiving
out-of-network care. States, relying on
their authority to regulate both
providers and issuers, generally impose
requirements on both, whereas our
proposal focuses on QHP issuers. States
have generally included in their laws
mechanisms to address the level of
reimbursement an issuer must pay an
out-of-network provider. For example,
States have required payment of all
charges, set the rate at a percentage of
a fee schedule, and set forth a process
through which providers and issuers
must resolve disputes about charges.
Some States have also prohibited
balance billing consumers for certain
out-of-network services, ranging from
only emergency services to any covered
service. This proposal is not intended to
preempt any State laws that would be
more consumer protective. We note that
this proposal would apply to QHPs in
all Exchanges. We seek comment on
these proposals.
We are also soliciting comments
regarding other network adequacy
standards that may be appropriate to
apply to QHPs in an FFE in future years,
including standards included in the
work being done by the NAIC’s Network
Adequacy Model Review Subgroup. One
policy we are considering is whether a
QHP in an FFE should have a network
resilience policy for disaster
preparedness. Network resilience refers
to the provider network’s capacity to
withstand and recover from natural or
man-made disasters that may threaten
enrollees’ continuous access to quality
care. Disasters may negatively impact an
issuer’s network and can result in delay
in services. Therefore, issuers who have
a network resilience policy will be
better prepared to ensure that their
network can provide reasonable access
under adverse circumstances. Some
examples of appropriate network
resilience policies might include
business continuity planning,
consideration of temporary policy
changes in the event of a disaster, and/
or disclosure or communication plans.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
We solicit comments on this possible
future policy and the examples
provided, including thoughts on what
type of policy would be reasonable and
operationally feasible.
In addition, certain States measure
network adequacy based on enrollee
wait times for scheduled appointments.
As a result, we are interested in
comments on the variation in wait times
depending on the type of provider, such
as for primary care or non-primary care
services. Additionally, we also solicit
comments as to whether we should add
a wait time standard as an option under
the proposed permissible State
standards mentioned in this preamble,
or if we should apply a broad wait time
standard across QHPs in the FFEs.
We are also soliciting comments on
whether an issuer should be required to
survey all of its contracted providers on
a regular basis to determine if a
sufficient number of network providers
are accepting new patients.
Additionally, we solicit comments on
transparency of issuers’ standards for
selecting and tiering of participating
providers for QHPs in an FFE and
whether issuers should be required to
make available their selecting and
tiering criteria for review and approval
by HHS and the State upon request. We
are proposing § 156.230(e) as a
requirement for QHPs in the FFEs and
§ 156.230(f) as a requirement for QHPs
in all Exchanges. However, we solicit
comments on whether these provisions
should apply to all QHPs or only QHPs
in the FFEs. We also solicit comments
on applying § 156.230(e) and (f) to
SADPs and whether other standards
should be provided for these provisions
for stand-alone dental plans. We note
that § 156.230(f) applies to cost sharing
incurred in connection with EHB, and,
of dental benefits, only pediatric dental
is EHB.
In addition to the policies above, we
are also considering providing on a rating of each QHP’s
relative network coverage. This rating or
classification could be made available to
a consumer when making a plan
selection. We believe that such a rating
would help an enrollee select the plan
that best meets his or her needs, and we
anticipate that this analysis would
compare the breadth of the QHP
network at the plan level as compared
to the breadth of the other plan
networks for plans available in the same
geographic area.
We anticipate analyzing the QHP
network by calculating the number of
specific providers that are accessible
within specified time and distance
standards. We would then classify the
QHP networks into three categories. We
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are considering performing the
calculation based on the provider
information submitted by all QHP
issuers in the existing network adequacy
FFE QHP certification template, but
comments on potential additional data
collections are welcome.
This network breadth rating would
allow an enrollee to better understand
plans’ design, and, like other consumer
tools, could help improve plan
satisfaction. We anticipate providing
additional details about how we would
classify networks in the Letter to Issuers
and in the QHP certification
instructions, and solicit comments on
what types of methods should be used
to identify each network’s breadth, what
specific specialties should be included
in the analysis, what sorts of
adjustments should be made to address
provider shortages, and other possible
data sources to obtain information about
available providers in the area. We
welcome comments on the best way to
make this information available to
consumers, and any other comments
related to this topic.
b. Essential Community Providers
(§ 156.235)
On June 5, 2015, we proposed through
a Paperwork Reduction Act notice a
provider petition process to update the
ECP list against which issuer
compliance with the ECP standard is
measured. We expect that this data
collection for the 2017 benefit year
should be completed by the end of 2015,
although HHS will provide additional
opportunities for ECPs to submit
provider data to HHS for benefit years
beyond 2017. If the degree of provider
participation in this data collection
effort through the ECP petition allows
HHS to assemble a more complete
listing of ECPs, we believe the proposals
described below would strengthen the
ECP standard.
We propose that, for the 2017 QHP
certification cycle, HHS will continue to
credit a health plan seeking certification
to be offered through an FFE with
multiple providers at a single location
counting as a single ECP toward both
the available ECPs in the plan’s service
area and the issuer’s satisfaction of the
ECP participation standard. For QHP
certification cycles beginning with the
2018 benefit year, we solicit public
comment on crediting issuers for
multiple contracted full-time equivalent
(FTE) practitioners at a single location,
up to the number of available FTE
practitioners reported to HHS by the
ECP facility through the provider
petition process and published on the
HHS ECP list. HHS would apply this
credit in the numerator of an issuer’s
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percentage satisfaction of the general
ECP standard described in paragraphs
(a)(1) and (2) of this section. The
denominator of an issuer’s percentage
satisfaction of the ECP standard would
reflect the number of available FTE
practitioners reported to HHS by each
ECP facility that appears on the HHS
ECP list located in the issuer’s plan
service area. Once we have collected
this FTE practitioner data through the
provider petition process, we believe
that crediting an issuer for multiple
contracted FTE practitioners at a single
location would more accurately reflect
the issuer’s ECP participation in its
network. Therefore, we propose for QHP
certification cycles beginning with the
2018 benefit year to revise
§ 156.235(a)(2)(i) to credit an issuer for
multiple contracted FTE practitioners at
a single location, up to the number of
available FTE practitioners reported to
HHS by the ECP facility and reflected on
the HHS ECP list, toward the issuer’s
satisfaction of the ECP participation
In the final 2016 Payment Notice, we
stated that we would consider
disaggregating certain ECP categories to
ensure better access to a wider variety
of health care services. However, our
analysis of the available ECPs in each of
the additional categories considered for
disaggregation (that is, children’s
hospitals, rural health clinics, freestanding cancer centers, community
mental health centers, and hemophilia
treatment centers) does not support
further ECP category disaggregation at
this time. We believe there are too few
ECPs within each of these additional
categories appearing on our HHS ECP
list to afford issuers sufficient flexibility
in their contracting. We may revisit this
consideration in the future and
encourage QHP issuers to include in
their networks these additional
providers to best meet the needs of the
populations they serve.
For the same reasons described for
our proposal to revise § 156.235(a)(2)(i),
we propose in § 156.235(b)(2)(i) that
issuers that qualify for the alternate ECP
standard described in § 156.235(a)(5)
that seek certification to be offered
through an FFE (or SBE–FP) be credited
for multiple contracted FTE
practitioners at a single location toward
the issuer’s satisfaction of the alternate
ECP standard described in paragraphs
(b)(1) and (2) of this section, beginning
with the 2018 benefit year. We propose
that for the 2017 benefit year, HHS will
continue to credit an issuer that
qualifies for the alternate ECP standard
and is seeking certification to be offered
through an FFE with multiple providers
at a single location counting as a single
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
ECP toward both the available ECPs in
the plan’s service area and the issuer’s
satisfaction of the ECP participation
standard. We seek comment on these
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
c. Enrollment Process for Qualified
Individuals (§ 156.265)
Under § 156.265(b)(2), if an applicant
initiates enrollment directly with the
QHP issuer for enrollment through the
Exchange (direct enrollment through an
issuer), the QHP issuer must redirect an
applicant to go directly to the Exchange
Web site to complete the application
and receive an eligibility determination.
HHS is considering options under
which an applicant could remain on the
QHP issuer’s Web site to complete the
application and enroll in coverage, and
the QHP issuer’s Web site can obtain
eligibility information from the
Exchange in order to support the
consumer in selecting and enrolling in
a QHP with Exchange financial
assistance. The intent is to have this
information exchange occur through an
Exchange-approved web service, as
described in § 155.220, enhancing the
current direct enrollment process. This
option would provide Exchanges
offering direct enrollment and QHP
issuers more operational flexibility to
expand front-end, consumer-facing
channels for enrollment through a more
seamless consumer experience.
For a discussion of the options we are
considering in the direct enrollment
scenario, see the discussion regarding
direct enrollment by web-brokers in our
discussion of changes to § 155.220. We
seek comment on these options, and
whether standards should differ for a
web-broker compared to a QHP issuer,
and how to maintain privacy and
Accordingly, we propose to revise
§ 156.265(b)(2)(ii) to ensure that an
applicant who initiates enrollment
directly with the QHP issuer for
enrollment through the Exchange
receives an eligibility determination for
coverage through the Exchange through
the Exchange Web site or through an
Exchange-approved web service via the
FFE single streamline application. This
maintains the role of the Exchange in
determining eligibility. We seek
comment on this proposal.
d. Termination of Coverage or
Enrollment for Qualified Individuals
(§ 156.270)
We propose to amend § 156.270(d) to
specify that a QHP issuer must provide
a 3-month grace period to an enrollee
who, upon failing to timely pay his or
her premiums, is receiving advance
payments of the premium tax credit.
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Because we believe that changing the
length of an enrollee’s grace period
during the middle of such a grace period
would be confusing to enrollees and
could result in otherwise avoidable
terminations for failure to pay premium,
enrollees receiving APTC who enter a
grace period for failing to timely pay
premiums and who lose their eligibility
for APTC during the grace period would
be able to complete the remaining
portion of the grace period as though the
loss of eligibility for APTC did not
occur. The proposed amendment to
§ 156.270(d) also eliminates language
limiting the 3-month grace period for
enrollees who are receiving APTC to
only those enrollees who made a
payment during the benefit year. This
would permit enrollees renewing
coverage that does not require a binder
payment who fail to pay January
premiums in full (or fail to pay within
an issuer’s premium payment threshold
policy, if applicable) to receive the full
grace period of 3 months. This change
would align more closely with our
interpretation of the interaction between
grace periods, guaranteed availability
and renewability, and the binder
payment requirement, that a binder
payment is not necessary when an
enrollee enrolls, either actively or
passively, in a plan within the same
insurance product, and would prevent
enrollees who re-enroll in the same plan
or product from unfairly losing their
right to a grace period because they do
not make a payment for January
coverage. Finally, we propose to codify
with regard to the grace period
standards our policy described in the
preamble for § 155.400 of this part that
if an enrollee receiving advance
payments of the premium tax credit can
satisfy the requirement to pay all
outstanding premiums, or if the enrollee
satisfies an issuer’s premium payment
threshold implemented under
§ 155.400(g), if applicable, the QHP
issuer must not terminate for nonpayment of premium the enrollee’s
enrollment through the Exchange. This
change to the rule would reflect the
extension of the premium threshold
policy to enrollees who are in a grace
period for non-payment of premium.
SHOP. Specifically, the proposed
amendments would provide that the
issuer must send enrollment
reconciliation files on at least a monthly
basis according to a process and
timeline established by the FF–SHOP,
and in a file format specified by the FF–
We are also proposing to delete
§ 156.285(d)(2) consistent with our
interpretation of guaranteed availability
and renewability. If a qualified
employer withdraws from a SHOP, the
SHOP, not the issuer, should terminate
the group’s enrollment through the
SHOP, and coverage might in many
circumstances continue outside the
e. Additional Standards Specific to
SHOP (§ 156.285)
Sections 155.720(g) and 156.285(c)(5)
currently provide that SHOPs and QHP
issuers must reconcile enrollment
information on no less than a monthly
basis. We propose to amend
§ 156.285(c)(5) to specify additional
details about how a QHP issuer offering
a QHP through a FF–SHOP should
reconcile enrollment files with the FF–
g. Other Considerations
We remind issuers that certain other
Federal civil rights laws impose nondiscrimination requirements. Issuers
that receive Federal financial assistance,
including in connection with offering a
QHP on an Exchange, are subject to
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
the Age Discrimination Act of 1975,
section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, and section 1557 of the Affordable
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f. Meaningful Difference Standard for
Qualified Health Plans in the FederallyFacilitated Exchanges (§ 156.298)
At § 156.298, we propose
modifications to the meaningful
difference standard for QHPs in the
FFEs. We propose to remove the
criterion in paragraph (b)(5) that
otherwise identical plans would be
considered meaningfully different on
the basis of one QHP being health
savings account eligible. A QHP’s health
savings account eligibility is a costsharing status that may be assessed by
examining the QHP’s cost sharing,
which is included at paragraph (b)(1).
This criterion is therefore redundant.
We also propose to delete ‘‘self-only’’
and ‘‘non-self-only’’ from paragraph
(b)(6). Self-only (that is, individual)
plans do not allow any dependent
relationships, while non-self-only (that
is, enrollee group) plans allow at least
one dependent relationship type. An
individual can enroll in individual and
enrollee group plans. The allowance of
dependents is the only difference
between two plans if they are identified
as individual or enrollee group only. We
have determined that these statuses
alone are not indicative of meaningful
differences among QHPs. We will
maintain the ‘‘child-only’’ versus nonchild-only status. We further propose to
redesignate paragraph (b)(6) as
paragraph (b)(5) and add the word ‘‘or’’
to paragraph (b)(4). We seek comment
on the proposed changes.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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Care Act. The Office for Civil Rights
(OCR), which enforces these statutes,
published a notice of proposed
rulemaking on September 9, 2015 (80
FR 54172) on the requirements of
section 1557. Issuers that intend to seek
certification of one or more QHPs are
directed to that proposed rule and to for
additional information.
We also seek to foster market-driven
programs that can improve the
management of costs and care. We note
that innovative issuer, provider, and
local programs or strategies may be
successful in promoting and managing
care, potentially resulting in better
health outcomes and lower rates while
creating important differentiation
opportunities for market participants.
We seek comment on ways in which we
can facilitate such innovation, and in
particular on whether there are
regulations or policies in place that we
should modify in order to foster this
6. Standards for Qualified Health Plan
Issuers on Federally-Facilitated
Exchanges and State-Based Exchanges
on the Federal Platform
To make it operationally feasible for
a State-based Exchange to rely on the
Federal platform for eligibility and
enrollment functions, issuers and plans
offered on the SBE–FP must comply
with rules, as interpreted and
implemented in policy and guidance
related to the Federal eligibility and
enrollment infrastructure. These would
be the same requirements related to
eligibility and enrollment that are
applicable to QHP issuers and plans on
FFEs. For example, SBE–FP special
enrollment periods must be
administered within the guidelines of
the FFE special enrollment periods, as
it is not possible at this time for the FFE
to accommodate State customization in
policy or operations, such as Statespecific SEPs, application questions,
display elements in plan compare, or
data analysis. Additionally, if the FFE is
to perform eligibility and enrollment
functions, the FFE would also need to
provide for certain consumer tools (plan
compare, premium estimator, secondlowest cost silver plan tool, etc.) to
support those functions. Thus, the FFE
would need SBE–FP QHP plan data by
the dates specified in the annual Letter
to Issuers to provide for enough time for
adequate testing and loading of the data
into the various consumer tools the FFE
offers. Issuers must also comply with
certain FFE enrollment policies and
operations (for example, premium
payment and grace period rules,
effective date logic, acceptable
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transaction codes, and reconciliation
rules) for the FFE to successfully
process 834 transactions with issuers
and minimize any data discrepancies for
Therefore, we propose to add
§ 156.350 to address eligibility and
enrollment standards for QHP issuers
participating on an SBE–FP. In
paragraph (a) of new § 156.350, we
would require QHP issuers participating
in an SBE–FP to comply with HHS
regulations, and guidance related to the
eligibility and enrollment functions for
which the State-based Exchange relies
on the Federal platform. For example,
those issuers would be required to
comply with operational standards in
the Federally-facilitated Marketplace
and Federally-facilitated Small Business
Health Options Program Enrollment
Manual. We provide in paragraph (a) a
list of provisions with which QHP
issuers participating in an SBE–FP
would be required to comply. These
provisions relate to eligibility and
enrollment functions directly, or are
critical to enabling HHS to assess
compliance with eligibility and
enrollment functions. For example, we
would require QHP issuers to comply
with the requirements regarding
compliance reviews of QHP issuers to
the extent relating directly to applicable
eligibility and enrollment functions.
Without this requirement, we would be
severely limited in our ability to
determine whether an issuer is
complying with the requirements
related directly to the Federal platform’s
eligibility and enrollment functions. In
paragraph (b), we propose to permit
these issuers to directly enroll
applicants in a manner that is
considered to be through the Exchange,
under § 156.1230, just as QHP issuers on
FFEs are permitted.
In paragraph (c), we propose that if an
SBE–FP does not substantially enforce
the eligibility and enrollment standards
described in paragraph (a), then HHS
may enforce against the issuer or plan
using the enforcement remedies and
processes described in subpart I of part
156. We also propose that the
administrative review process in
subpart J of part 156 would apply to
enforcement actions taken against QHP
issuers or plans under proposed
§ 156.350. Because timely compliance
with paragraph (a) is vital to the smooth
functioning of the Federal platform and
because the Federal platform would
apply a uniform compliance and
enforcement regime for reasons of
efficiency and speed, we believe it is
appropriate that HHS have this
authority in this circumstance.
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Because this proposal would insert a
section applicable to SBE–FPs in
subpart D, which currently describes
only standards for QHP issuers on the
FFEs, we propose to amend the title of
subpart D to read Standards for
Qualified Health Plan Issuers on
Federally-Facilitated Exchange and
State-Based Exchanges on the Federal
We seek comment on this proposal.
7. Enforcement Remedies in FederallyFacilitated Exchanges (§§ 156.800,
156.805, 156.810, and 156.815)
We propose to revise paragraph
§ 156.805(d). We believe paragraph (d)
provides insufficient information on the
effect of appealing a CMP. In the interest
of aligning our CMP and decertification
regulations, we propose to rename
paragraph (d) ‘‘Request for hearing.’’
Next, we propose to revise paragraph
(d)(1) to state affirmatively the issuer’s
right to file a request for hearing on the
assessment of a CMP. Finally, we
propose to add paragraph (d)(2), stating
that the request for hearing will suspend
the assessment of CMP until a final
administrative decision on the appeal. A
similar provision exists in the
decertification regulation at § 156.810.
We propose to amend § 156.810 by
revising paragraph (e) to present the
appeal rights of QHP issuers and the
impact of an appeal more clearly.
Specifically, we propose to provide for
the issuer’s appeal right in paragraph
(e). Then in paragraph (e)(1) and its
paragraphs, we propose to explain how
an appeal will affect the effective date
of a decertification depending on
whether the decertification is standard
or expedited.
Previously, we finalized § 156.800(c),
in which we stated that sanctions will
not be imposed on a QHP issuer on an
FFE if it has made good faith efforts to
comply with applicable requirements
for calendar years 2014 and 2015. We
are not proposing to extend this policy.
Starting in the 2016 calendar year and
beyond, sanctions may be imposed if a
QHP issuer on an FFE fails to comply
with applicable standards, even if the
QHP issuer has made good faith efforts
to comply with these requirements.
Section 156.810 contains bases for
decertification of a QHP. One of the
bases for decertification, § 156.810(a)(5),
authorizes decertification if a QHP
issuer is hindering the efficient and
effective operation of a Federallyfacilitated Exchange. We interpret the
efficient and effective operation of the
FFEs to include displaying plans that
will provide coverage to enrollees who
purchase coverage under that plan.
Where an issuer has informed HHS that
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
it cannot continue to provide coverage
under a QHP, HHS will interpret this
information to mean that the efficient
and effective operation of the FFE will
be hindered because it will incorrectly
display plans on the FFE platform. In
such a case, HHS may take all necessary
steps to suppress and/or decertify the
We propose to add new bases for
decertification to § 156.810 to address
situations where a QHP issuer is the
subject of a pending or existing State
enforcement action, including a consent
order, or where HHS has reasonably
determined that an issuer lacks the
funds to continue providing coverage to
its consumers for the remainder of the
plan year. Under its obligation to
determine that making a plan available
on the FFEs is in the interest of
qualified individuals and employers,
HHS is proposing to adopt these
decertification bases as a consumer
protection measure.
We welcome comments on these
8. Quality Standards
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a. Patient Safety Standards for QHP
Issuers (§ 156.1110)
In § 156.1110, we established the first
phase of patient safety standards,
beginning on January 1, 2015, for QHP
issuers to verify that certain contracted
hospitals meet Medicare Hospital
Conditions of Participation
requirements regarding a quality
assessment and performance
improvement program and a discharge
planning process. We propose to
strengthen QHP patient safety standards
in accordance with section 1311(h) of
the Affordable Care Act for plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2017. In
addition to hospital requirements to
meet certain quality and patient safety
standards delineated in the Medicare
Conditions of Participation, HHS has
engaged with several initiatives such as
the Patient Safety Organization (PSO)
program, Hospital Engagement
Networks and the Quality Improvement
Organizations, to broaden the national
impact on reducing patient harm. By
leveraging the successful work already
being done at national, regional, and
local hospital systems for health care
quality improvement and harm
reduction, we believe that alignment of
the QHP issuer standards with effective
patient safety interventions will achieve
greater impact. Therefore, we propose
amending § 156.1110 to capture the
current patient safety standards that
continue to apply for plan years
beginning before January 1, 2017 in new
paragraph (a)(1). We also propose to add
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new paragraph (a)(2)(i)(A) to specify
that for plan years beginning on or after
January 1, 2017, a QHP issuer that
contracts with a hospital with greater
than 50 beds must verify that the
hospital uses a patient safety evaluation
system as defined in 42 CFR 3.20. The
patient safety evaluation system is
defined in the PHS Act as the collection,
management, or analysis of information
for reporting to or by a Patient Safety
Organization.39 We propose in
§ 156.1110(a)(2)(i)(B) to require that a
QHP issuer that contracts with a
hospital with greater than 50 beds must
ensure that the hospital implemented a
comprehensive person-centered
discharge program to improve care
coordination and health care quality for
each patient. We believe that use of a
data-driven approach, analytic feedback,
and shared learning to advance patient
safety, such as working with a PSO, are
essential to implementing meaningful
interventions to improve patient health
care quality.
In accordance with the flexibility
provided to the Secretary under section
1311(h)(2) of the Affordable Care Act to
establish reasonable exceptions to the
QHP issuer patient safety requirements,
we propose in § 156.1110(a)(2)(ii), that
the hospital may implement evidencebased initiatives to reduce all cause
preventable harm,40 prevent hospital
readmission, improve care coordination
and improve health care quality through
the collection, management and analysis
of patient safety events by a means other
than reporting of such information to or
by a PSO. For example, a QHP issuer
may comply with the proposed patient
safety standards if the applicable QHP
issuer-contracted hospital participates
through the Partnership for Patients
initiative as part of a Hospital
Engagement Network.41 We believe this
would allow for flexibility and promote
alignment for hospitals that already
engage in effective national, State,
public and private patient safety
programs. Although hospital patient
safety programs are diverse, we believe
that promoting a common goal of
preventing the risk of patient harm in an
effective, sustainable way is important.
We also believe it is important to
recognize the core components of a
39 See, 42 U.S.C. 299b–21(6); and https://
40 All cause preventable harm or all adverse
events-any event during the care process that
results in harm to a patient, regardless of cause
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hospital patient safety program,
including development of
comprehensive patient safety systems to
identify, report and analyze data;
tracking of process and outcome
measures; encouraging a culture of
safety with leadership and health care
provider support and expertise; and
engaging patients and families in quality
improvement and action plans. Over
time, as PSO activities continue to
expand in scope, maturity and
effectiveness to advance efforts to
ensure patient safety, we anticipate
continuing to reassess the reasonable
exceptions to the QHP issuer patient
safety requirements outlined in
§ 156.1110(a)(2)(ii). We expect that
QHP-issuer contracted hospitals with
more than 50 beds will contract with a
PSO and implement a comprehensive
person-centered discharge program to
improve care coordination and health
care quality for each patient. HHS will
continue to monitor the status of the
PSO program and other patient safety
initiatives and will develop additional
requirements or guidance, if needed, to
support effective patient safety
strategies and harmonization of
evidence-based standards and
requirements under § 156.1110.
In addition, HHS strongly supports
hospital tracking of patient safety events
using the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality Common
Formats,42 which are a useful tool for a
hospital regardless of what patient
safety interventions are implemented for
ongoing, data-driven quality assessment.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality anticipates releasing version 2.0
of the Common Formats for Event
Reporting—Hospitals, which would
define a systematic process for reporting
adverse events, near misses and unsafe
conditions, and allow a hospital to
report harm from all causes. We believe
that use of Common Formats, and
aligning with existing HHS
recommendations for hospitals,43 is
integral whether a hospital chooses to
work with a PSO to comply with the
proposed requirement in
§ 156.1110(a)(2)(i) or implements the
alternative approach under the
reasonable exception provision as
proposed in § 156.1110(a)(2)(ii).
We believe these proposed
amendments to QHP issuer patient
safety requirements would support
these common aspects and goal, and
also align with the established
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
requirements in § 156.1130 for a QHP
quality improvement strategy,
specifically the outlined quality
improvement strategy topic areas from
section 1311(g) of the Affordable Care
Act, including implementation of
activities to prevent hospital
readmissions and implementation of
activities to improve patient safety and
reduce medical errors.
We propose in § 156.1110(b) to amend
the documentation requirement to
specify that, for plan years beginning on
or after January 1, 2017, a QHP issuer
to collect information from each of its
contracted hospitals with greater than
50 beds to demonstrate that those
hospitals meet the patient safety
standards required in paragraph (a)(2) of
this section. Such information could
include a copy of the current agreement
to partner with a PSO, a Hospital
Engagement Network, or a Quality
Improvement Organization. The
documentation should reflect
implementation of PSO activities, such
as PSOs and hospitals working together
to collect, report and analyze patient
safety events, and implementation of a
comprehensive person-centered hospital
discharge program to demonstrate
compliance with the proposed
requirements in § 156.1110(a)(2)(i); or
implementation of other patient safety
initiatives to reduce all cause
preventable harm, prevent hospital
readmission, improve care coordination
and improve health care quality through
the collection, management and analysis
of patient safety events to demonstrate
compliance with the reasonable
exception provision proposed to be
captured in § 156.1110(a)(2)(ii). We also
propose to remove paragraph (d) from
section § 156.1110 because it is no
longer needed given the clarifying
proposed effective date language within
paragraphs (a) and (b). We clarify that,
at this time, HHS does not intend to
amend the number of hospital beds
threshold authorized by section
1311(h)(3) of the Affordable Care Act
and does not intend to begin
implementing the provisions in section
1311(h)(1)(B) regarding non-hospital
health care providers.
We seek comment on the proposed
amendments to paragraphs (a) and (b),
and the proposed deletion of paragraph
(d). We seek comment specifically on
the proposals to require that a QHP
issuer that contracts with a hospital
with greater than 50 beds must verify
that the hospital uses a patient safety
evaluation system and implements a
comprehensive person-centered
discharge program to improve care
coordination and health care quality for
each patient. We also seek comment on
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the reasonable exception provision
under which the QHP issuer-contracted
hospital with greater than 50 beds may
implement evidence-based initiatives
other than working with a PSO to
reduce all cause preventable harm,
prevent hospital readmission, improve
care coordination and improve health
care quality through the collection,
management and analysis of patient
safety events. We are considering
providing that QHP issuers must ensure
that their contracted hospitals as
described in section 1311(h) are
standardizing reporting of patient safety
events with the use of the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality
Common Formats, and we seek
comment regarding this potential
requirement. We seek comment on the
types of information, such as hospital
agreements with PSOs, HENs or QIOs,
that may be submitted to a QHP issuer
to comply with the proposed standard
in § 156.1110(b)(2). We also seek
comment on the proposed
documentation standard, including the
burden and costs, to require a QHP
issuer to track information and
demonstrate compliance with meeting
the new patient safety standards
described in paragraph (a)(2).
9. Qualified Health Plan Issuer
a. Payment and Collections Processes
(§ 156.1215)
In the 2015 Payment Notice, HHS
established a monthly payment and
collections cycle for insurance
affordability programs, user fees, and
premium stabilization programs. In
2017, as discussed elsewhere in this
document, we are proposing to charge
issuers in State-based Exchanges that
utilize the Federal platform for
eligibility and enrollment services a
user fee for the use of the platform. To
streamline our payment and collections
process, we propose that, for 2017 and
later years, for purposes of the netting
process, the reference to FFE user fees
in § 156.1215(b) would be interpreted to
include any fees for issuers in Statebased Exchanges using the Federal
platform, as well as user fees that HHS
collects on behalf of the State-based
Exchange using the Federal platform.
In the 2015 Payment Notice, we
established in § 156.1215(c) that any
amount owed to the Federal government
by an issuer and its affiliates is the basis
for calculating a debt owed to the
Federal government. Similarly, we
propose that, for 2015 and later years,
for purposes of calculating the debt
owed to the Federal government, we
would interpret the reference to FFE
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user fees to include any fees for issuers
in State-based Exchanges using the
Federal platform, as well as user fees
that HHS collects on behalf of the Statebased Exchange using the Federal
We solicit comments on these
proposals, including whether the
current regulations should be amended
to reflect this interpretation.
b. Administrative Appeals (§ 156.1220)
In the 2015 Payment Notice (79 FR
13818), we established an
administrative appeals process for
issuers. We established a three-tiered
appeals process: a request for
reconsideration under § 156.1220(a); a
request for an informal hearing before a
CMS hearing officer under
§ 156.1220(b); and a request for review
by the Administrator of CMS under
§ 156.1220(c). We note that should we
finalize our proposal around SBE–FPs,
we would interpret this administrative
appeals process to apply to user fee
payments that we collect from SBE–FP
QHP issuers that offer plans on an SBE–
Under § 156.1220(a), an issuer may
only file a request for reconsideration
based on the following: a processing
error by HHS, HHS’s incorrect
application of the relevant methodology,
or HHS’s mathematical error. For
example, an issuer may file a request for
reconsideration that challenges the
assessment of a default risk adjustment
charge if the issuer believes the default
charge was assessed because HHS
incorrectly applied its methodology
regarding data quantity and data
sufficiency standards; however, the
issuer may not file a request for
reconsideration to challenge the
methodology itself. We note that we are
seeking comment on the proposed
requirements related to the data
quantity and data sufficiency
methodology for the reinsurance and
risk adjustments programs elsewhere in
this proposed rule. We also clarify that
an issuer may not file a request for
reconsideration regarding issues arising
from the issuer’s failure to load
complete and accurate data to its
dedicated distributed data environment
within the data submission window.
Errors by the issuer are not appealable.
We seek to clarify these grounds for
appeal for the risk adjustment and
reinsurance programs, as follows. In line
with our proposal to delete § 153.710(d),
we propose to make conforming
amendments to modify § 156.1220 to
remove cross-references to the interim
discrepancy reporting process. Under
§ 156.1220(a)(4)(ii), a reconsideration
relating to risk adjustment or
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
reinsurance may only be requested if, to
the extent the issue could have been
previously identified by the issuer to
HHS under the final discrepancy
reporting process proposed to be
redesignated at § 153.710(d)(2), it was so
identified and remains unresolved. As
proposed to be redesignated,
§ 153.710(d)(2) states that an issuer must
identify to HHS any discrepancies it
identified in the final distributed data
environment reports. We clarify that
issuers may identify issues during the
discrepancy reporting process under
newly designated § 153.710(d)(2) that
are not subject to appeal; issuers may
identify issues that are not processing
errors by HHS, HHS’s incorrect
application of the relevant methodology,
or HHS’s mathematical errors. We
clarify that, in contrast, an issuer may
only request a reconsideration of
unresolved issues that were identified
under the final discrepancy reporting
process proposed to be redesignated at
§ 153.710(d)(2), if contesting a
processing error by HHS, HHS’s
incorrect application of the relevant
methodology, or HHS’s mathematical
error. The existence of an unresolved
discrepancy is not alone a sufficient
basis on which to request a
We also seek to clarify the grounds for
appeal for the risk corridors program.
An issuer may not file a request for
reconsideration to challenge the
standards for the risk corridors program,
including those established in
§§ 153.500 through 153.540 and in
guidance issued by HHS. In addition,
appeals related to data for programs
other than risk corridors covered in
§ 156.1220(a) cannot be grounds for risk
corridors appeals.
We also propose to shorten the
deadline for filing a request for
reconsideration in § 156.1220(a)(3) from
60 to 30 calendar days. This proposal
will permit HHS to resolve
administrative appeals, calculate final
payments and charges, and make
payments in a more expedited manner.
Additionally, we propose to clarify that
an issuer must pay the full amount
owed to HHS as set forth in the
applicable notification, even if the
issuer files a request for reconsideration
under § 156.1220. Failure to pay an
amount owed will result in interest
accruing after the applicable payment
deadline. Therefore, if an appeal is
unsuccessful, and the issuer has not
already remitted the charge amount
owed, the issuer would owe the debt
plus the interest, and administrative
fees which accrue from delayed
payment. If an appeal is successful,
HHS will refund the amount paid in
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accordance with the final appeal
Therefore, we propose that the request
for reconsideration must be filed in
accordance with the following
timeframes: (i) For the premium tax
credit and cost-sharing reduction
portions of the advance payments, or
FFE user fee charges, within 30 calendar
days after the date of the final
reconsideration notification specifying
the aggregate amount of such advance
payments or user fees for the applicable
benefit year; (ii) for a risk adjustment
payment or charge, including an
assessment of risk adjustment user fees,
within 30 calendar days of the date of
the notification under § 153.310(e); (iii)
for a reinsurance payment, within 30
calendar days of the date of the
notification provided under
§ 153.240(b)(1)(ii); (iv) for a default risk
adjustment charge, within 30 calendar
days of the date of the notification of
such charge; (v) for reconciliation of the
cost-sharing reduction portion of the
advance payments, within 30 calendar
days of the date of the notification of
such payment or charge; and (vi) for a
risk corridors payment or charge, within
30 calendar days of the date of the
notification of such payment or charge
for the purposes of § 153.510(d). We
propose to clarify that the last
submission of data to which the issuer
has attested serves as the notification for
purposes of § 153.510(d). We seek
comment on this proposal.
c. Third Party Payment of Qualified
Health Plan Premiums (§ 156.1250)
On March 19, 2014, we published in
the Federal Register an interim final
rule (IFR) with comment period titled,
Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act; Third Party Payment of Qualified
Health Plan Premiums (79 FR 15240).
The IFR requires individual market QHP
issuers, including SADP issuers, to
accept premium and cost-sharing
payments made on behalf of enrollees
by: The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program;
other Federal and State government
programs that provide premium and
cost sharing support for specific
individuals; and Indian tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian
organizations. The IFR applies the
requirements at § 156.1250 to all
individual market QHPs and SADPs,
regardless of whether they are offered
through an FFE, an SBE, or outside of
an Exchange.
The IFR also amended § 156.805 to
ensure that § 156.1250 could be
enforced. Specifically, the IFR amended
§ 156.805(a)(1) to: Provide that § 156.805
targets violations of issuer standards
and requirements of part 153 that are
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applicable to issuers; clarify that
substantial non-compliance with any
Exchange standard or requirement
applicable to issuers in the FFE is
grounds for imposing CMPs; and
explicitly reference part 156 to clarify
that substantial non-compliance with
the Exchange standards applicable to
issuers offering QHPs in the FFEs under
part 156, including new § 156.1250, may
be a basis for the imposition of CMPs
under § 156.805.
Prior to publishing the IFR, HHS
issued two ‘‘Frequently Asked
Questions’’ documents regarding
premium and cost-sharing payments
made by third parties on behalf of QHP
enrollees. In an FAQ issued on
November 4, 2013 (the November FAQ),
HHS encouraged QHP issuers not to
accept third-party payments made on
behalf of enrollees by hospitals, other
healthcare providers, and other
commercial entities due to concerns that
such practices could skew the insurance
risk pool and create an uneven field in
the Exchanges.44 On February 7, 2014,
HHS issued another FAQ (the February
FAQ) clarifying that the November FAQ
did not apply to third party premium
and cost-sharing payments made on
behalf of enrollees by Indian tribes,
tribal organizations, and urban Indian
organizations; State and Federal
government programs (such as the Ryan
White HIV/AIDS Program); or private,
not-for-profit foundations that base
eligibility on financial status, do not
consider enrollees’ health status, and
provide assistance for an entire year.45
In the February FAQ, HHS affirmatively
encouraged QHP issuers to accept such
payments given that Federal or State
law or policy specifically envisions
third party payment of premium and
cost-sharing amounts by these entities.
We received 174 comments in
response to the March 19, 2014 IFR. The
comments ranged from general support
of or opposition to the IFR’s provisions
to very specific questions or comments.
Based on these comments, we propose
to make some modifications to the
policy finalized in the IFR.
Several commenters requested that
final regulations clarify that ‘‘Federal
and State government programs’’
include programs administered by a
State’s political sub-divisions (for
example, counties and municipalities).
Several other commenters expressed
confusion regarding the definition of
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
‘‘State and Federal government
programs,’’ particularly in the case
where an entity is both a (Federal or
State) government program as well as a
health care provider. These commenters
expressed concern that § 156.1250 does
not make a distinction between
government programs (such as Ryan
White HIV/AIDS programs) and
programs that involve Federal grantees
receiving considerable public funding.
Other commenters expressed concern
that the category of Federal and State
government programs is too broad, and
does not provide adequate notice of
which payments must be accepted.
We propose to amend § 156.1250 to
clarify that a Federal or State
government program includes programs
of the political subdivisions of the State,
namely counties and municipalities,
which we refer to as ‘‘local
governments.’’ Including this
clarification in regulations will ensure
that States have the flexibility to
distribute care and Exchange financial
assistance to their vulnerable
populations through local governments,
consistent with their statutory and
regulatory authority.
In terms of the distinction between
programs sponsored and operated by the
government (such as the Ryan White
HIV/AIDS programs) and programs that
involve Federal grantees that receive
considerable public funding, we
acknowledge that programs such as the
Ryan White HIV/AIDS program operate
by working with cities, States, and local
community-based organizations to
provide services in line with their
statutory authority. Sections
2604(c)(3)(F), 2612(c)(3)(F), and
2651(c)(3)(F) of the PHS Act authorize
Ryan White HIV/AIDS program grantees
and sub-grantees to use program funds
for premium and cost-sharing
assistance. These grantees and subgrantees must provide the assistance
through third-party payments as they
are prohibited from making payments
directly to patients. Though many Ryan
White HIV/AIDS program grantees are
State and local governments, not all are;
similarly, many of the State and local
government grantees administer funds
through sub-grantees that are not
government entities. We propose to
distinguish government programs from
government grantees such that the
requirement at § 156.1250 applies to
government programs, but not
necessarily to entities that are
government grantees, unless specifically
authorized and funded by the Federal,
State, or local government program to
make the payments on behalf of the
program, consistent with the
government programs’ statutory and
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regulatory authority to provide premium
and cost-sharing assistance through
grants and grantees. In other words, if
such Federal, State, and local
governments are authorized to
administer their premium and costsharing assistance through grantees or
sub-grantees, the payments may not be
rejected on the grounds that they did
not come directly from the government
programs. In such cases, the source of
the Exchange financial assistance is the
government program, and
administration or distribution of that
assistance through grants and grantees is
authorized under statute or regulation.
We seek comment on this proposal and
also on whether final regulations should
list out the specific entities that qualify
as government programs for purposes of
this provision.
We also propose to require entities
that make third party payments of
premiums under this section to notify
HHS, in a format and timeline specified
in guidance. We propose that the
notification must reflect the entity’s
intent to make payments of premiums
under this section and the number of
consumers for whom it intends to make
payments. We seek comment on this
requirement, and on what information
entities should provide as part of this
We also propose to clarify that while
issuers offering individual market
QHPs, including SADPs, generally do
not collect cost-sharing payments, they
are required to accept third party costsharing payments on behalf of enrollees
in circumstances where the issuer or the
issuer’s downstream entity accepts costsharing payments from plan enrollees.
Although generally cost-sharing
payments are made to providers, rather
than to issuers, there are certain
contractual circumstances where an
issuer’s non-provider downstream entity
engages in activities on behalf of the
issuer, including the collection of costsharing payments. For example, an
issuer’s pharmacy benefits manager may
collect cost-sharing payments from the
issuer’s plan enrollees for prescription
drugs. We propose to clarify that in such
situations, the rules at § 156.1250
regarding third-party payments would
apply to cost sharing. We seek comment
on these proposals.
We received a number of comments
requesting that final regulations require
issuers to accept third-party payments
from not-for-profit, charitable
organizations. Several comments stated
that requiring QHP issuers to accept
third party payments from Ryan White
HIV/AIDS programs but not from other
disease-specific programs is unfair to
those individuals with other diseases or
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conditions. Several other commenters
expressed that many not-for-profit
foundations and charitable
organizations offer premium and costsharing assistance to individuals based
on both financial status and diagnosis of
a particular condition or disease.
We are considering whether we
should expand the list of entities from
whom issuers are required to accept
payment under § 156.1250 to include
not-for-profit charitable organizations
organizations in future years. If we did
include not-for-profit charitable
organizations, we would intend to
include guardrails intended to minimize
risk pool impacts, such as limiting
assistance to individuals not eligible for
other MEC and requiring assistance
until the end of the calendar year. In
making this determination, we intend to
carefully review data provided by
entities currently making third party
premium payments and data related to
the overall risk pool to better
understand the impact of these
d. Other Notices (§ 156.1256)
We propose to add a new § 156.1256,
which would add a requirement for
issuers, in the case of a plan or benefit
display error included in
§ 155.420(d)(4), to notify their enrollees
within 30 calendar days after the error
is identified, if directed to do so by the
FFE. We believe that enrollees should
be made aware of any error that may
have impacted their QHP selection and
enrollment and any associated monthly
or annual costs. Therefore, we are
proposing a requirement for issuers to
notify their enrollees of such error,
should such error occur, as well as the
availability of a special enrollment
period, under § 155.420(d)(4), for the
enrollee to select a different QHP, if
desired. We seek comment on this
H. Part 158—Issuer Use of Premium
Revenue: Reporting and Rebate
1. Definitions (§ 158.103)
To ensure consistency in the
definitions of ‘‘large employer’’ and
‘‘small employer’’ between the MLR
regulation and the market reform
requirements, and to reflect the recent
amendments to section 2791(e) of the
PHS Act and section 1304(b) of the
Affordable Care Act that were made by
the Protecting Affordable Coverage for
Employees Act (Pub. L. 114–60), we
propose to revise the regulatory
definitions of ‘‘large employer’’ and
‘‘small employer’’ in § 158.103 to cross-
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
reference the definitions of those terms
in § 144.103.
2. Reporting of Incurred Claims
(§§ 158.103 and 158.140(a))
The MLR December 1, 2010 interim
final rule (75 FR 74864) and the May 16,
2012 technical corrections thereto (77
FR 28788) direct issuers to report
incurred claims with a 3-month run-out
period, and define unpaid claim
reserves to mean reserves and liabilities
established to account for claims that
were incurred during the MLR reporting
year but had not been paid within 3
months of the end of the MLR reporting
year. The run-out period improves the
accuracy of reported incurred claims by
using the actual claims payments that
take place during the run-out period,
instead of the estimated claims
liabilities and reserves, in the
calculation of claims incurred in the
reporting year.
Prior to the 2014 MLR reporting year,
the deadline for submitting MLR reports
to the Secretary was June 1 of the year
following the reporting year. The 2014
Payment Notice (78 FR 15410) moved
the reporting deadline from June 1 to
July 31 of the year following the
reporting year to accommodate
inclusion of the transitional reinsurance
and risk adjustment amounts, which
HHS generally publishes by June 30, in
the MLR and risk corridors calculations.
Because the MLR reporting deadline
applicable to the 2014 and later
reporting years occurs later in the year,
the incurred claims valuation can also
occur later in the year. Therefore, we
propose to amend the definition of
unpaid claims reserves in § 158.103 and
the requirements for reporting incurred
claims in § 158.140(a) to utilize a 6month, rather than a 3-month run-out
period beginning with the 2015
reporting year. This proposed
amendment would require incurred
claims to be calculated as of June 30,
rather than March 31, of the year
following the reporting year. We note
that this approach is consistent with the
proposal outlined in section III.D.3.a. of
this preamble regarding the treatment of
incurred but not received claims for the
risk corridors program. We seek
comment on this proposal.
Finally, we are inviting comment on
whether we should modify the
treatment of a health insurance issuer’s
investments in fraud prevention
activities for MLR reporting purposes in
the final rule. We are considering
amending the MLR regulation to permit
the counting of a health insurance
issuer’s investments in fraud prevention
activities among those expenses
attributable to incurred claims. We
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solicit comments on this approach,
including whether safeguards against
potential abuse should be included (for
example, an upper limit on this
allowance, such as a percentage based
on the ratio of issuers’ fraud reduction
expenses reported under
§ 158.140(b)(iv) and issuers’ earned
premium as defined in § 158.130);
whether we should collect fraud
prevention activity expense data as an
informational item on the MLR Annual
Reporting Form before amending the
regulation; as well as on potential
alternative treatment of these expenses
for MLR reporting or rebate calculation
purposes. We seek comment on this
issue from all stakeholders, and specific
actual data, if available, including with
respect to the additional incentives that
would result for health plan
investments of this sort.
IV. Collection of Information
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995, we are required to provide 60day notice in the Federal Register and
solicit public comment before a
collection of information requirement is
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for review and
approval. This proposed rule contains
information collection requirements
(ICRs) that are subject to review by
OMB. A description of these provisions
is given in the following paragraphs
with an estimate of the annual burden,
summarized in Table 11. To fairly
evaluate whether an information
collection should be approved by OMB,
section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) requires
that we solicit comment on the
following issues:
• The need for the information
collection and its usefulness in carrying
out the proper functions of our agency.
• The accuracy of our estimate of the
information collection burden.
• The quality, utility, and clarity of
the information to be collected.
• Recommendations to minimize the
information collection burden on the
affected public, including automated
collection techniques.
We are soliciting public comment on
each of these issues for the following
sections of this proposed rule that
contain ICRs. We generally used data
from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to
derive average labor costs (including a
35 percent increase for fringe benefits
and overhead) for estimating the burden
associated with the ICRs.46
46 See May 2014 Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Occupational Employment Statistics, National
Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates at
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A. ICRs Regarding Submission of Risk
Corridors Data (§ 153.530)
We are proposing to amend the risk
corridors program requirements at
§ 153.530 to require issuers to true-up
claims liabilities and reserves used to
determine the allowable costs reported
for the preceding benefit year to reflect
the actual claims payments made
through June 30 of the year following
the benefit year. Although this proposal
would require issuers to submit data
indicating the difference between their
incurred liability estimated as of March
31 and June 30, we believe that issuers
will be recording these amounts as part
of their normal business practices, and
that there will be no new data elements
and no additional burden as a result of
this proposal. Therefore, in accordance
with the implementing regulations of
the PRA at 5 CFR 1320.3(b)(2), we
believe the burden associated with this
requirement would be exempt as it
associated with a usual and customary
business practice.
B. ICRs Regarding Submission of Rate
Filing Justification (§ 154.215)
This proposed rule would require
health insurance issuers to submit a
Unified Rate Review Template for all
single risk pool coverage regardless of
whether there is a plan within a product
that experiences a rate increase. The
existing information collection
requirement is approved under OMB
Control Number 0938–1141. This
includes the unified rate review
template and instructions for rate filing
documentation that issuers currently
use to submit rate information to HHS
for rate increases of any size for single
risk pool coverage and rate increases
that meet or exceed the subject to
review threshold for non-single risk
pool coverage. As detailed in the
accompanying preamble discussion, we
believe most issuers already report this
information. Therefore, we do not
expect issuers to incur a burden
associated with this proposed
regulation. Prior to the deadline for the
submission of rate information to CMS
for rates for single risk pool coverage
effective on or after January 1, 2017,
HHS intends to solicit public comment
on and seek OMB approval for revisions
to the information collection template
and instructions approved under OMB
Control Number 0938–1141.
C. ICRs Regarding Election To Operate
an Exchange After 2014 (§ 155.106)
This proposed rule would modify the
dates for application submission and
approval for States seeking to operate an
SBE, and have an approved or
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
conditionally-approved Exchange
Blueprint application and operational
readiness assessment. HHS does not
propose modifying the documents that
States already must submit as part of the
required Exchange Blueprint
application. Therefore, HHS does not
anticipate any additional impact to the
administrative burden associated with
the proposed regulatory changes to
§ 155.106. HHS proposes utilizing the
existing PRA package approved under
OMB Control Number 0938–1172 for the
Exchange Blueprint application.
D. ICRs Regarding Standards for
Certified Application Counselors
(§ 155.225(b)(1)(iii))
Section 155.225(b)(1)(ii) requires
certified application counselor
designated organizations to maintain a
registration process and methodology to
track the performance of certified
application counselors. This proposed
rule would add a new
§ 155.225(b)(1)(iii) requiring certified
application counselor designated
organizations to provide the Exchange
with information and data regarding the
performance of the organization’s
certified application counselors, and the
consumer assistance they provide.
Although the current requirement at
§ 155.225(b)(1)(ii) does not specify the
type of performance information that
must be tracked, or require that the
information be provided to the
Exchange, we expect that certified
application counselor designated
organizations already have a tracking
process in place to collect performance
information from individual certified
application counselors, and that
individual certified application
counselors are already recording and
submitting this required information to
their organization. Therefore, we expect
this proposal to have minimal impact on
individual certified application
counselors and on certified application
counselor designated organizations.
The proposed § 155.225(b)(1)(iii)
would add a new burden of compiling
the performance information and
submitting it to the Exchanges. In States
with FFEs, HHS anticipates that,
beginning in January 2017, it would
collect three performance data points
each month from certified application
counselor designated organizations: The
number of individuals who have been
certified by the organization; the total
number of consumers who received
application and enrollment assistance
from the organization; and of that
number, the number of consumers who
received assistance applying for and
selecting a QHP, enrolling in a QHP, or
applying for Medicaid or CHIP. We
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anticipate that this data would be
reported to FFEs electronically, through
HIOS or another electronic submission
vehicle. For the purpose of estimating
costs and burdens, we assume that State
Exchanges will collect the same
information with the same frequency,
although our proposal gives Exchanges
the flexibility to determine which data
to collect and the form and manner of
the collection. We estimate that certified
application counselor designated
organizations will have a mid-level
health policy analyst prepare the reports
and a senior manager will review each
monthly report. HHS expects that a midlevel health policy analyst (at an hourly
wage rate of $40.64) will spend 2 hours
each month to provide the required
monthly submissions and a senior
manager (at an hourly wage rate of
$91.31) will spend 3⁄ fxsp0;8 hour to
review the submissions. Therefore, we
estimate each monthly report will
require 2.375 hours and a cost burden
of $115.52 per month per organization,
or 28.50 hours with a cost (12 monthly
reports) of $1,386.25 annually per
certified application counselor
designated organization. Nationwide,
we estimate there are 5,000 certified
application counselor designated
organizations, resulting in an annual
cost burden of $6,931,200 and 142,500
hours for certified application counselor
designated organizations.
Under proposed § 155.225(b)(1)(iii), if
an Exchange requests these certified
application counselor reports, the
Exchange would also need to review the
reports. We assume that all Exchanges
will require monthly reports and will
utilize in-house staff to review them. We
assume that an employee earning a wage
that is equivalent to a mid-level GS–11
employee would review monthly report
submissions from certified application
counselor designated organizations.47
We estimate that a mid-level employee
(at an hourly wage rate of $43.13) will
spend 10 minutes reviewing each
monthly report for a cost burden of
approximately $7.19 per monthly report
per certified application counselor
designated organization. For State
Exchanges, we estimate that there are
1,500 certified application counselor
designated organizations resulting in a
cost burden of 3,000 hours and
approximately $129,390 annually. Costs
to the FFEs are estimated separately in
the Regulatory Impact Analysis section
of this proposed rule.
47 Federal wage rates are available at https://
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E. ICRs Regarding Network Adequacy
Standards (§ 156.230(e) and (f))
Proposed § 156.230(e) would require
that QHP issuers make a good faith
effort to provide written notice of
discontinuation of a provider 30 days
prior to the effective date of the change
or otherwise as soon as practicable, to
enrollees who are patients seen on a
regular basis by the provider or who
receive primary care from the provider
whose contract is being discontinued,
irrespective of whether the contract is
being discontinued due to a termination
for cause or without cause, or due to a
non-renewal. This is a third-party
disclosure requirement. We estimate
that a total of 475 issuers participate in
the FFE and would be required to
comply with the proposed standard. We
propose an estimate of 5 percent of
providers discontinue contracts per year
and that an issuer in the FFE covers
7,500 National Provider Identifiers,
which means that we estimate an issuer
would have 375 provider
discontinuations in a year. For each
provider discontinuation, we propose
an estimate that it will take a database
administrator 30 minutes for data
analysis to produce the list of affected
enrollees at $55.37 an hour and an
administrative assistant 30 minutes to
develop the notification and send the
notification to the affected enrollees, at
$29.93 an hour. The total costs per an
issuer would be $15,993.75. The total
annual costs estimate would be
$7,597,031. Because we are already
collecting information regarding
network classifications as part of the
existing QHP certification process, we
do not believe that this proposal
described in the preamble will result in
additional information collection
requirements for issuers.
Proposed § 156.230(f) would require
QHP issuers to provide a notice to
enrollees of the possibility of out-ofnetwork charges from an out-of-network
provider in an in-network setting at
least 10 business days prior to the
benefit being provided to avoid
counting the out-of-network costs
against to the annual limitation on cost
sharing. This provision would apply to
all QHPs, which includes 575 issuers.
We estimate it would take an issuer’s
mid-level health policy analyst (at an
hourly wage rate of $54.87)
approximately 6 minutes to create a
notification and send the proposed
information. We estimate that
approximately 2 notices would be sent
for every 100 enrollees. Assuming
approximately 9 million enrollees in
QHPs 2017, we estimate QHPs would
send approximately 180,000 total
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
notices, for a total hours of 18,000, with
a total cost of $987,660.
F. ICR Regarding Monthly SHOP
Enrollment Reconciliation Files
Submitted by Issuers (156.285(c)(5))
Proposed amendments to
§ 156.285(c)(5) would specify that
issuers in a Federally-facilitated SHOP
would send monthly enrollment
reconciliation files to the SHOP
according to a process, timeline and file
format established by the FF–SHOP.
CMS anticipates that it would require
FF–SHOP issuers to submit a standard
file with specific data elements and
submit their files in a process set out by
the SHOP, no less frequently than on a
monthly basis.
Issuers of QHPs available through the
SHOP are already required under the
current version of § 156.285(c)(5) ‘‘to
reconcile enrollment files with the
SHOP at least monthly.’’ Therefore, we
expect this proposal to have minimal
impact on SHOP issuers.
G. ICR Regarding Patient Safety
Standards (§ 156.1110)
In § 156.1110(a)(2), we propose that
for plan years beginning on or after
January 1, 2017, a QHP issuer that
contracts with a hospital with greater
than 50 beds must verify that the
hospital uses a patient safety evaluation
system and implements a mechanism
for comprehensive person-centered
hospital discharge to improve care
coordination and health care quality for
each patient. We also propose in
§ 156.1100(a)(2)(ii) to establish
reasonable exceptions to these new QHP
issuer patient safety requirements such
that the hospital may implement
evidence-based initiatives to reduce all
cause preventable harm, prevent
hospital readmission, improve care
coordination and improve health care
quality through the collection,
management and analysis of patient
safety events (rather than requiring
reporting of such information to or by a
Patient Safety Organization). The
burden estimate associated with the
information collection, recordkeeping,
and disclosure requirements to
demonstrate compliance with these
standards includes the time and effort
required for QHP issuers to maintain
and submit to the applicable Exchanges,
documentation including but not
limited to, hospital agreements to
partner with a Patient Safety
Organization, a Hospital Engagement
Network, or a Quality Improvement
Organization that demonstrate that each
of its contracted hospitals with greater
than 50 beds meets the patient safety
standards required in § 156.1110(a)(2)
for plan years beginning on or after
January 1, 2017. QHP issuers may not
already be collecting such network
provider information; therefore, we
estimate the cost and burden to collect
this administrative information as
follows: For a total of 600 QHP issuers,
offering 15 plans as potential QHPs, we
estimate each issuer would require one
senior manager an average of 3 hours to
collect and maintain the hospital
agreements or other information
necessary to demonstrate compliance as
required in § 156.1110(a)(2) for their
QHPs offered on Exchanges for plan
years beginning on or after January 1,
2017. For a senior manager (at an hourly
wage rate of $91.31), we estimate the
total annual cost for a QHP issuer to be
$273.93. Therefore, we estimate a total
annual burden of 1,800 hours, resulting
in an annual cost of $164,358.
H. ICR Regarding Third Party Payment
of Qualified Health Plan Premiums
(§ 156.1250)
We are proposing to require entities
that make third party payments of
premiums under this section to notify
HHS, in a format and timeline specified
in guidance. We expect that the
notification would reflect the entity’s
intent to make payments of premiums
under this section and the number of
consumers for whom it intends to make
payments. We estimate it would take
approximately four hours to analyze the
number of consumers the entity intends
to make payments of premiums on
behalf of, draft a notification and send
the proposed information by a mid-level
health policy analyst (at an hourly wage
rate of $54.87). Assuming 500 entities
exist that make third party payments
and each would send one notice, we
estimate a total burden of 2,000 hours
resulting in an annual cost of $109,740.
I. ICRs Regarding Other Notices
(§ 156.1256)
We are proposing to add a new
section at § 156.1256 to require that, in
the event of a plan or benefit display
error, QHP issuers notify their enrollees
within 30 calendar days after the error
is identified, both of the plan or benefit
display error and of the opportunity to
enroll in a new QHP under a special
enrollment period at § 155.420(d)(4), if
directed to do so by the FFE. This
provision would apply to all QHPs in
the FFEs, which includes 475 issuers.
We estimate it would take
approximately 30 minutes to amend a
form notice, add SEP language provided
by the FFE, and send the proposed
information by an issuer’s mid-level
health policy analyst (at an hourly wage
rate of $54.87). We estimate that
approximately 4 percent of enrollees
would receive such a notice. Assuming
approximately 7 million FFE enrollees,
we estimate QHPs in the FFEs would
send approximately 280,000 total
notices, for a total hours of 140,000,
with a total cost of $7,681,800.
However, although this proposal
would require issuers to send notices for
the specified situation, sending these
notices is already part of normal issuer
business practices and issuers are
already working with the FFE to include
language in their notices about special
enrollment periods, as applicable and
appropriate. Therefore, there will be no
additional information required by
issuers and no new administrative
burden as a result of this proposal. In
accordance with the implementing
regulations of the PRA at 5 CFR
1320.3(b)(2), we believe the burden
associated with this requirement would
be exempt as it associated with a usual
and customary business practice.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Regulation section
§ 155.225(b)(1)(iii)—certified application counselor organizations.
§ 155.225(b)(1)(iii)—State Exchange ...............
§ 156.230(e) .....................................................
§ 156.230(f) ......................................................
§ 156.1110 ........................................................
§ 156.1250 ........................................................
§ 156.1256 ........................................................
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Number of
per response
annual burden
Hourly labor
cost of
Total labor
cost of
Total cost
0938–1172 ..................
0938–1172 ..................
0938–NEW .................
0938–NEW .................
0938–1249 ..................
0938–NEW .................
0938–NEW .................
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Regulation section
Total ..........................................................
Number of
per response
annual burden
Hourly labor
cost of
Total labor
cost of
Total cost
Note: There are no capital/maintenance costs associated with the information collection requirements contained in this rule; therefore, we have removed the associated column from Table 11.
Submission of PRA-Related Comments
We have submitted a copy of this
proposed rule to OMB for its review of
the rule’s information collection
requirements. These requirements are
not effective until they have been
approved by OMB.
To obtain copies of the supporting
statement and any related forms for the
proposed paperwork collections
referenced above, access CMS’ Web site
PaperworkReductionActof1995; email
your request, including your address,
phone number, OMB control number,
and CMS document identifier, to; or call the
Reports Clearance Office at 410–786–
We invite public comments on these
potential information collection
requirements. If you comment on these
information collection and
recordkeeping requirements, please
submit your comments electronically as
specified in the ADDRESSES section of
this proposed rule. Please include
‘‘CMS–9937–P,’’ the ICR’s OMB control
number, and the CMS document ID
number in your comment.
PRA-specific comments must be
received by February 1, 2016.
V. Response to Comments
Because of the large number of public
comments we normally receive on
Federal Register documents, we are not
able to acknowledge or respond to them
individually. We will consider all
comments we receive by the date and
time specified in the DATES section of
this proposed rule, and, when we
proceed with a subsequent document,
we will respond to the comments in the
preamble to that document.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
VI. Regulatory Impact Analysis
A. Statement of Need
This rule proposes standards related
to the premium stabilization programs
(risk adjustment, reinsurance, and risk
corridors) for the 2017 benefit year, as
well as certain modifications to these
programs that will protect issuers from
the potential effects of adverse selection
and protect consumers from increases in
premiums due to issuer uncertainty.
The Premium Stabilization Rule and
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previous Payment Notices provided
detail on the implementation of these
programs, including the specific
parameters for the 2014, 2015, and 2016
benefit years applicable to these
programs. This rule proposes additional
standards related to essential health
benefits, meaningful access in the
Exchange, consumer assistance tools
and programs of an Exchange,
Navigators, non-Navigator assistance
personnel, agents and brokers registered
with the Federally-facilitated Exchange,
certified application counselors, costsharing parameters and cost-sharing
reduction notices, essential community
providers, qualified health plans,
network adequacy, stand-alone dental
plans, acceptance of third-party
payments by QHP issuers, patient safety
standards for issuers of qualified health
plans participating in Exchanges,
guaranteed availability and guaranteed
renewability, minimum essential
coverage, the rate review program, the
medical loss ratio program, the Small
Business Health Options Program, and
FFE user fees.
B. Overall Impact
We have examined the impacts of this
rule as required by Executive Order
12866 on Regulatory Planning and
Review (September 30, 1993), Executive
Order 13563 on Improving Regulation
and Regulatory Review (January 18,
2011), the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA) (September 19, 1980, Pub. L. 96–
354), section 202 of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (March
22, 1995, Pub. L. 104–4), Executive
Order 13132 on Federalism (August 4,
1999), and the Congressional Review
Act (5 U.S.C. 804(2)).
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
direct agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). Executive Order 13563
emphasizes the importance of
quantifying both costs and benefits, of
reducing costs, of harmonizing rules,
and of promoting flexibility. A
regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must
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be prepared for rules with economically
significant effects ($100 million or more
in any 1 year).
OMB has determined that this
proposed rule is ‘‘economically
significant’’ within the meaning of
section 3(f)(1) of Executive Order 12866,
because it is likely to have an annual
effect of $100 million in any 1 year.
Accordingly, we have prepared an RIA
that presents the costs and benefits of
this proposed rule.
Although it is difficult to discuss the
wide-ranging effects of these provisions
in isolation, the overarching goal of the
premium stabilization, market
standards, and Exchange-related
provisions and policies in the
Affordable Care Act is to make
affordable health insurance available to
individuals who do not have access to
affordable employer-sponsored
coverage. The provisions within this
proposed rule are integral to the goal of
expanding coverage. For example, the
premium stabilization programs help
prevent risk selection and decrease the
risk of financial loss that health
insurance issuers might otherwise
expect in 2017 and Exchange financial
assistance assists low- and moderateincome consumers and American
Indians/Alaska Natives in purchasing
health insurance. The combined
impacts of these provisions affect the
private sector, issuers, and consumers,
through increased access to health care
services including preventive services,
decreased uncompensated care, lower
premiums, establishment of the next
phase of patient safety standards, and
increased plan transparency. Through
the reduction in financial uncertainty
for issuers and increased affordability
for consumers, these provisions are
expected to increase access to affordable
health coverage.
HHS anticipates that the provisions of
this proposed rule will help further the
Department’s goal of ensuring that all
consumers have access to quality and
affordable health care and are able to
make informed choices, that Exchanges
operate smoothly, that premium
stabilization programs work as
intended, that SHOPs are provided
flexibility, and that employers and
consumers are protected from
fraudulent and criminal activities.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Affected entities such as QHP issuers
would incur costs to comply with the
proposed provisions, including
administrative costs related to notices,
new patient safety requirements,
training and recertification
requirements, and establishing a larger
provider network. In accordance with
Executive Order 12866, HHS believes
that the benefits of this regulatory action
justify the costs.
C. Impact Estimates of the Payment
Notice Provisions and Accounting Table
In accordance with OMB Circular A–
4, Table 12 depicts an accounting
statement summarizing HHS’s
assessment of the benefits, costs, and
transfers associated with this regulatory
This proposed rule implements
standards for programs that will have
numerous effects, including providing
consumers with affordable health
insurance coverage, reducing the impact
of adverse selection, and stabilizing
premiums in the individual and small
group health insurance markets and in
an Exchange. We are unable to quantify
certain benefits of this proposed rule—
such as improved health outcomes and
longevity due to continuous quality
improvement, improved patient safety
and increased insurance enrollment—
and certain costs—such as the cost of
providing additional medical services to
newly-enrolled individuals. The effects
in Table 12 reflect qualitative impacts
and estimated direct monetary costs and
transfers resulting from the provisions
of this proposed rule for health
insurance issuers. The annualized
monetized costs described in Table 12
reflect direct administrative costs to
health insurance issuers as a result of
the proposed provisions, and include
administrative costs related to notices,
new patient safety requirements, and
training and recertification requirements
that are estimated in the Collection of
Information section of this proposed
rule. The annual monetized transfers
described in Table 12 include costs
associated with FFE user fees, the risk
adjustment user fee paid to HHS by
issuers, changes in the overall transfer
amount for the risk corridors program
for fiscal years 2017 through 2018, and
an increase in MLR rebates to
consumers. We are proposing to collect
a total of $52 million in risk adjustment
user fees or $1.80 per enrollee per year
from risk adjustment issuers, which is
slightly more than the $50 million
generated in benefit year 2016 when we
established a $1.75 per-enrollee-per-year
risk adjustment user fee amount. As in
2016, the risk adjustment user fee
contract costs for 2017 include
additional costs for risk adjustment data
validation; however, we expect
increased enrollment in 2017 HHS risk
adjustment covered plans, which
decreases the per enrollee amount. Also,
the increase in FFE user fee collections
is the result of expected growth in
enrollment in the FFEs rather than an
increase in the user fee rate, which at
3.5 percent remains the same from 2016
to 2017. Beginning in 2017, we are also
proposing to charge a user fee for SBEs
that utilize the Federal platform for
eligibility and enrollment services. This
user fee rate would be set at 3.0 percent
for benefit year 2017.
• Increased enrollment in the individual market leading to improved access to health care for the previously uninsured, especially individuals with medical conditions, which will result in improved health and protection from the risk of catastrophic medical expenditures.
• Continuous quality improvement among QHP issuers to reduce patient harm and improve health outcomes at lower costs.
• More informed Exchanges QHP certification decisions.
• Increased coverage options for small businesses and employees with minimal adverse selection.
Annualized Monetized ($/year) ......................................................................
Year dollar
Discount rate
• Costs incurred by issuers to comply with provisions in the proposed rule.
Annualized Monetized ($/year) ......................................................................
Year dollar
Discount rate
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
• Transfers reflect an additional $2 million annual cost of risk adjustment user fees (the total risk adjustment user fee amount for 2015 was $50
million), which are transfers from health insurance issuers to the Federal government. Transfers also reflect an additional $31 million in rebates from entities subject to medical loss ratio (MLR) requirements to consumers, an increase of $105 million in the amount of user fees collected from State-based Exchanges that use the Federal platform for eligibility and enrollment, which are transfers from issuers to the Federal
government, and a total decrease of $112 million in the amount of risk corridors transfers between issuers of qualified health plans (QHPs).
• Unquantified: Lower premium rates in the individual market due to the improved risk profile of the insured, competition, and pooling.
This RIA expands upon the impact
analyses of previous rules and utilizes
the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO)
analysis of the Affordable Care Act’s
impact on Federal spending, revenue
collection, and insurance enrollment.
The Affordable Care Act ends the
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temporary risk corridors program and,
in this rulemaking, we propose to end
the transitional reinsurance program
after the benefit year 2016. Therefore,
the costs associated with those programs
are not included in Tables 12 or 13 for
fiscal years 2019–2020. Table 13
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summarizes the effects of the risk
adjustment program on the Federal
budget from fiscal years 2016 through
2020, with the additional, societal
effects of this proposed rule discussed
in this RIA. We do not expect the
provisions of this proposed rule to
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
significantly alter CBO’s estimates of the
budget impact of the premium
stabilization programs that are described
in Table 13. We estimate that the
proposal to true up claims liabilities and
reserves used to determine allowable
costs for the risk corridors program will
reduce the overall risk corridors transfer
amount by $112 million in each of fiscal
years 2017 and 2018. We note that
transfers associated with the risk
adjustment and reinsurance programs
were previously estimated in the
Premium Stabilization Rule; therefore,
to avoid double-counting, we do not
include them in the accounting
statement for this proposed rule (Table
In addition to utilizing CBO
projections, HHS conducted an internal
analysis of the effects of its regulations
on enrollment and premiums. Based on
these internal analyses, we anticipate
that the quantitative effects of the
provisions proposed in this rule are
consistent with our previous estimates
in the 2016 Payment Notice for the
impacts associated with the advance
payments of cost-sharing reductions and
premium tax credits, the premium
stabilization programs, and FFE user fee
[In billions of dollars]
Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance, and Risk Corridors Program Payments ............................................................
Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance, and Risk Corridors Program Collections* .........................................................
Note 1: Risk adjustment program payments and receipts lag by one quarter. Receipt will fully offset payments over time.
Note 2: The CBO score reflects an additional $2 million in collections in FY 2015 that are outlayed in the FY 2016–FY 2020 timeframe. CBO
does not expect a shortfall in these programs.
Source: Congressional Budget Office. Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care Act—CBO’s March 2015 Baseline Table https://
1. Fair Health Insurance Premiums
The proposed regulations would
permit an additional principal business
address to be identified for a small
employer that is within the service area
of an issuer’s network plan, in instances
where the issuer is rating based on
geography and the employer’s principal
business address is not within that
service area. This would ensure that the
network plan can be appropriately rated
for sale to the group policyholder,
benefitting both issuers and employers.
2. Guaranteed Availability
This proposed rule would codify
certain exceptions to guaranteed
availability. Because we believe this
codification is consistent with current
industry practice under current
standards, we do not believe this change
will have a material impact on issuers
or enrollees.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
2. Student Health Insurance Coverage
This proposed rule would subject
student health insurance coverage to the
index rating methodology under the
single risk pool regulation, but specify
that issuers may establish one or more
separate risk pools for each institution
of higher education, provided they are
based on a bona fide school-related
classification and not related to health
status. The proposed rule would also
eliminate the requirement that issuers of
student health insurance coverage
provide coverage comprised of the
specific metal levels, and instead
require such issuers to provide
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insurance policies that provide at least
60 percent AV. This would provide
flexibility for colleges and universities
to offer student health insurance plans
that are more generous than the
standard metal levels. This would affect
an estimated 41 issuers that offer
student health insurance coverage
nationwide and approximately 1.3
million students and dependents
enrolled in such plans.48
3. Risk Adjustment
The risk adjustment program is a
permanent program created by the
Affordable Care Act that transfers funds
from lower risk, non-grandfathered
plans to higher risk, non-grandfathered
plans in the individual and small group
markets, inside and outside the
Exchanges. We established standards for
the administration of the risk
adjustment program, in subparts D and
G of part 45 of the CFR.
A State approved or conditionally
approved by the Secretary to operate an
Exchange may establish a risk
adjustment program, or have HHS do so
on its behalf. As described in the 2014,
2015, and 2016 Payment Notices, if HHS
operates risk adjustment on behalf of a
State, it will fund its risk adjustment
program operations by assessing a risk
adjustment user fee on issuers of risk
adjustment covered plans. For the 2017
benefit year, we estimate that the total
cost for HHS to operate the risk
adjustment program on behalf of States
48 Source: Data from Medical Loss Ratio
submissions for 2013 reporting year.
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for 2017 will be approximately $52
million, slightly more than in 2016, and
that the risk adjustment user fee would
be approximately $1.80 per enrollee per
year. This user fee reflects both
increased contract costs to support the
risk adjustment data validation process
in 2017 and an expected increase in
enrollment in risk adjustment covered
4. Risk Corridors
The Federally operated temporary risk
corridors program ends in benefit year
2016 as required by statute. Because risk
corridors charges are collected in the
year following the applicable benefit
year, and risk corridors payments lag
receipt of collections by one quarter, we
estimate that risk corridors transfers will
continue through fiscal year 2018. We
are proposing that for the 2015 and later
benefit years, the issuer must true up
claims liabilities and reserves used to
determine the allowable costs reported
for the preceding benefit year to reflect
the actual claims payments made
through June 30 of the year following
the benefit year. This proposed
amendment would provide for a more
accurate risk corridors calculation by
substituting actual experience in place
of estimates. Some issuers overestimate
their claims and liabilities, while others
underestimate them. Based on the 2014
MLR and risk corridors data, we
estimate that this proposed amendment
will result in a combined total reduction
of approximately $315 million in risk
corridors payments or increase in risk
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
corridors charges for some issuers; and
a combined total increase of
approximately $203 million in risk
corridors payments or decrease in risk
corridors charges for other issuers. The
estimated net impact of the proposed
amendment would thus be a reduction
of approximately $112 million in total
transfers between issuers.
5. Rate Review
In § 154.215, we propose to amend the
criteria for submission of the Unified
Rate Review Template for single risk
pool coverage to HHS. We estimated the
burden associated with the rate filing
process in the Supporting Statement
approved under OMB Control Number
0938–1141. We intend to revise the
information collection currently
approved under OMB Control Number
0938–1141 to clarify instructions related
to completing the template for single
risk pool coverage that has a rate
decrease, no rate change and for new
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
6. Additional Required Benefits
In § 155.170, we propose to amend the
requirement for coverage of benefits in
addition to the essential health benefits.
Specifically, we propose to reword
§ 155.170(a)(2) to make clear that a
benefit required by the State through
action taking place on or before
December 31, 2011 is considered an
EHB and one required by the State
through action taking place after
December 31, 2011 is considered in
addition to EHB. As we see this as a
clarification, we do not anticipate an
additional burden on States or issuers.
At § 155.170(a)(3), we currently require
the Exchange to identify which
additional State-required benefits, if
any, are in excess of EHB. We propose
to amend paragraph (a)(3) to designate
the State, rather than the Exchange, as
the entity that identifies which Staterequired benefits are not EHB. Because
Exchanges have generally been relying
upon State Departments of Insurance in
determining what constitutes an
essential health benefit, we do not
anticipate any additional burden to
States because of this modification.
7. Standards for Navigators and Certain
Non-Navigator Assistance Personnel
This proposed rule would amend
some of the standards for consumer
assistance functions under § 155.205(d)
and (e), as well as for the activities of
Navigators and non-Navigator assistance
personnel subject to § 155.215. The
proposed changes include ensuring
consumers have access to skilled
assistance with Exchange-related issues
beyond applying for and enrolling in
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coverage. Such post enrollment and
other assistance would include assisting
consumers with applying for
exemptions from the individual shared
responsibility payment that are granted
through the Exchange, with the process
of filing Exchange appeals, and with
understanding basic concepts related to
health coverage and how to use it. The
proposed rule would also require
Navigators to provide targeted
assistance to serve underserved and/or
vulnerable populations, as identified by
each Exchange. Our proposals would
also specify that any individual or entity
carrying out consumer assistance
functions under § 155.205(d) and (e) or
§ 155.210 must complete training prior
to performing any assister duties,
including conducting outreach and
education activities.
Our proposal to amend §§ 155.205(d)
and 155.215(b)(1)(i) related to
completing training for Navigators and
certain non-Navigator assistance
personnel only applies to the timing of
the training and does not have any
impact on the training itself. Therefore,
it would not affect the burden or cost for
entities already subject to training
requirements. Because under existing
§ 155.215(b)(2), Navigators in FFEs must
already be trained on the tax
implications of enrollment decisions,
the individual responsibility to have
health coverage, eligibility appeals, and
rights and processes for QHP appeals
and grievances, we expect our
amendments to § 155.210(b)(2)(v)
through (viii) to have minimal impact
on FFE training. If any SBEs do not
already provide training on these topics,
we expect they would incur minimal
costs in developing and implementing
this training. Our proposal requiring
Navigators to serve underserved and
vulnerable populations will have an
increased benefit for consumers,
especially hard to reach populations.
All costs associated with reaching these
consumers in FFEs would be considered
allowable costs that would be covered
by the Navigator grants for the FFEs and
that may be drawn down as the grantee
incurs such costs. Additionally,
§ 155.210(b)(2)(i) already requires
Navigators in all States to receive
training on serving underserved and
vulnerable populations.
8. Certified Application Counselors
This proposed rule would require
certified application counselor
organizations to submit data and
information to the Exchanges regarding
the performance of their certified
application counselors and the
consumer assistance they provide, upon
request, in a form and manner specified
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by the Exchange. Under proposed
§ 155.225(b)(1)(iii), if an Exchange
requests these certified application
counselor reports, the Exchange would
also need to review them. We assume
that all Exchanges will require monthly
reports and will utilize in-house staff to
review them. We assume that an
employee earning a wage that is
equivalent to a mid-level GS–11
employee would review monthly report
submissions from certified application
counselor designated organizations.49
We estimate that a mid-level employee
(at an hourly wage rate of $43.13) will
spend 10 minutes reviewing each
monthly report for a cost burden of
approximately $7.19 per monthly report
per certified application counselor
designated organization. We estimate
the costs of this proposal for State
Exchanges in the Collection of
Information Requirements section of
this proposed rule. For the FFEs, we
estimate there are 3,500 certified
application counselor designated
organizations, resulting in a total annual
burden for FFEs of 7,000 hours, at a cost
of $301,910.
The SHOP facilitates the enrollment
of eligible employees of small
employers into small group health
insurance plans. A qualitative analysis
of the costs and benefits of establishing
a SHOP was included in the RIA
published in conjunction with the
Exchange Establishment Rule.50
The proposed § 155.735(d)(2)(iii)
would require the FF–SHOPs to send
qualified employees a notice notifying
them that their child dependent(s) are
no longer eligible for dependent child
coverage under their plan because of
age. The notice would be sent 90 days
in advance of the date when the
dependent enrollee loses eligibility for
dependent coverage. We estimate the
Federally-facilitated SHOPs will spend
roughly 35 hours annually, per State, to
prepare the notice, for a total cost of
$1,775, per State, to design and
implement the notices proposed under
§ 155.735(d)(2)(iii). We estimate that
there will be approximately 32 States
operating under the Federally-facilitated
SHOPs and all will be subject to this
requirement. Therefore, we estimate a
total annual cost of $58,575 for the FF–
SHOPs as a result of this requirement.
49 Federal wage rates are available at https://
50 Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
10. Standardized Options
In assessing the burden associated
with implementing standardized
options, as described in § 156.20, we
assessed the potential impact on
premiums established by QHP issuers in
the FFEs. Due to the many complex
factors that issuers consider when
setting premiums, it is impossible to
fully predict how each QHP issuer
would price a standardized option prior
to HHS sharing the standardized option
with stakeholders and soliciting
feedback. We anticipate that an issuer
will price a standardized option based
on how similar or different the
standardized option is to the issuer’s
current shelf (plan offerings). Because of
the large variation across the country,
we expect that how standardized
options will be priced will vary by
issuer and by State. We do not
anticipate that it will significantly affect
2017 plan premiums. We expect that
issuers will offer standardized options
at a given metal level if the standardized
options are similar to their existing
plans and can be priced competitively.
The premium impact on issuers’ nonstandard plan offerings is difficult to
Among the six State Exchanges that
standardized plans and required
standardized options to be offered by
QHP issuers in 2014, two (California
and New York) that attempted to
conduct premium impact analysis found
that introduction of the requirement on
issuers to offer standardized options
was associated with a negligible or
downward impact on premiums.
However, these SBEs found it was
difficult to isolate the effects of plan
standardization on premiums given the
many changes that occurred in the
insurance market in 2014 (including the
uptake in individual market enrollment,
the movement to narrow networks, and
active purchasing and rate negotiation
in California).
Again, we note that there is a great
deal of uncertainty in how this policy
will affect Exchanges due to several
• While we propose to standardize
cost-sharing on key essential health
benefits, there are a wide range of other
benefit design parameters that we will
not standardize. It is not clear how this
differentiation will manifest among
plans or affect consumer choice.
• There is also wide geographic
variation in health care markets,
including with respect to prices, plan
designs, and provider networks. As
such, we anticipate that the take-up of
standardized options and their impacts
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on consumers will vary in different
locations across the country.
effect with precision. We seek comment
on the impact of this policy.
11. User Fees
To support the operation of FFEs, we
require in § 156.50(c) that a
participating issuer offering a plan
through an FFE must remit a user fee to
HHS each month equal to the product
of the monthly user fee rate specified in
the annual HHS notice of benefit and
payment parameters for the applicable
benefit year and the monthly premium
charged by the issuer for each policy
under the plan where enrollment is
through an FFE. In this proposed rule,
for the 2017 benefit year, we propose a
monthly FFE user fee rate equal to 3.5
percent and, for a State-based Exchange
that relies on the Federal platform, 3.0
percent of the monthly premium. For
the user fee charges assessed on issuers
in the FFE and State-based Exchanges
using the Federal platform, we intend to
seek an exception to OMB Circular No.
A–25R, which requires that the user fee
charge be sufficient to recover the full
cost to the Federal government of
providing the special benefit. We seek
this exception to ensure that the FFE
can support many of the goals of the
Affordable Care Act, including
improving the health of the population,
reducing health care costs, and
providing access to health coverage as
advanced by § 156.50(d).
14. Provisions Related to Cost Sharing
12. Actuarial Value
The proposed § 156.135(g) changes
current § 156.135(g) to allow for
additional flexibility in our approach
and options for updating of the AV
Calculator in the future. Issuers may
incur minor administrative costs
associated with altering cost-sharing
parameters of their plan designs to
ensure compliance with AV
requirements when utilizing the AV
calculator from year-to-year. These
requirements are established in the EHB
Rule. Since issuers have extensive
experience in offering products with
various levels of cost sharing and since
these modifications are expected to be
relatively minor for most issuers, HHS
expects that the process for computing
AV with the AV Calculator will not
demand many additional resources.
13. Network Adequacy
In § 156.230(f), we propose to require
QHPs in the FFEs to count certain outof-network cost sharing towards the innetwork annual limitation on cost
sharing for enrollees who receive EHB
from an out-of-network provider at an
in-network setting. The premium impact
will vary based on existing State laws.
It is difficult to estimate a nationwide
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The Affordable Care Act provides for
the reduction or elimination of cost
sharing for certain eligible individuals
enrolled in QHPs offered through the
Exchanges. This assistance will help
many low- and moderate-income
individuals and families obtain health
insurance—for many people, cost
sharing is a barrier to obtaining needed
health care.51
We set forth in this proposed rule the
reductions in the maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing for silver plan
variations. Consistent with our analysis
in previous Payment Notices, we
developed three model silver level
QHPs and analyzed the impact on their
AVs of the reductions described in the
Affordable Care Act to the estimated
2017 maximum annual limitation on
cost sharing for self only coverage
($7,150). We do not believe these
changes will result in a significant
economic impact. Therefore, we do not
believe the provisions related to costsharing reductions in this proposed rule
will have an impact on the program
established by and described in the
2015 and 2016 Payment Notices.
We also proposed the premium
adjustment percentage for the 2017
benefit year. Section 156.130(e)
provides that the premium adjustment
percentage is the percentage (if any) by
which the average per capita premium
for health insurance coverage for the
preceding calendar year exceeds such
average per capita premium for health
insurance for 2013. The annual
premium adjustment percentage sets the
rate of increase for three parameters
detailed in the Affordable Care Act: The
annual limitation on cost sharing
(defined at § 156.130(a)), the required
contribution percentage by individuals
for minimum essential coverage the
Secretary may use to determine
eligibility for hardship exemptions
under section 5000A of the Code, and
the assessable payments under sections
4980H(a) and 4980H(b). We believe that
the proposed 2017 premium adjustment
percentage of 13.25256291 percent is
well within the parameters used in the
modeling of the Affordable Care Act,
and we do not expect that these
51 Brook, Robert H., John E. Ware, William H.
Rogers, Emmett B. Keeler, Allyson Ross Davies,
Cathy D. Sherbourne, George A. Goldberg, Kathleen
N. Lohr, Patricia Camp and Joseph P. Newhouse.
The Effect of Coinsurance on the Health of Adults:
Results from the RAND Health Insurance
Experiment. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation,
1984. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
18. Acceptance of Certain Third Party
proposed provisions will alter CBO’s
March 2015 baseline estimates of the
budget impact.
15. Stand-Alone Dental Plans
In § 156.150, we propose increasing
the annual limitation on cost sharing for
stand-alone dental plans being certified
by the Exchanges. We believe that the
benefit of increasing the annual limit on
cost sharing is that issuers would be
able to offer consumers SADPs that
provide preventive care without any
cost sharing, similar to what is generally
offered by SADPs in the large group
market. This proposal may also decrease
the likelihood of premium increases.
16. Meaningful Difference
In § 156.298, we propose to remove
health savings account eligibility and
the individual coverage or enrollment
group coverage criteria as options for
meeting the meaningful difference
standard. As we believe the health
savings account eligibility criterion to
overlap with cost-sharing criterion (that
is, we believe that a plan that meets the
meaningful difference standard for
health savings account eligibility would
also meet the standard under the costsharing criterion), we do not believe that
removing this criterion will have any
impact on issuers. Additionally, our
records indicate that no self-only
coverage plans were reviewed for
meaningful difference in 2015 and none
are offered for 2016 Open Enrollment.
As such, we estimate that the impact of
this proposed change is negligible.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
17. Patient Safety Standards
The proposed next phase of patient
safety standards requires QHP issuers
participating in Exchanges to track
hospital participation agreements with
PSOs or other evidence-based patient
safety initiatives. We believe this
proposed requirement to verify that
hospitals with greater than 50 beds use
a patient safety evaluation tool and
implement a comprehensive personcentered hospital discharge program
would encourage continuous quality
improvement among QHP issuers by
strengthening system-wide efforts to
reduce patient harm in a measurable
way, improve health outcomes at lower
costs, allow for flexibility and
innovation in patient safety
interventions and practices, and
encourage meaningful health care
quality improvements. We discuss the
administrative costs associated with
submitting this information in the
Collection of Information section of this
proposed rule.
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On March 19, 2014, we published in
the Federal Register an interim final
rule (IFR) with comment period titled,
Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act; Third Party Payment of Qualified
Health Plan Premiums (79 FR 15240). In
§ 156.1250, we propose to refine this
rule to require individual market QHPs
and SADPs to accept premium
payments made by certain third parties.
This rule proposes to clarify the
circumstances in which individual
market QHPs and SADPs must accept
payments made by Ryan White HIV/
AIDS program; Federal and State
government programs that provide
premium and cost sharing support for
specific individuals; and Indian tribes,
tribal organizations, and urban Indian
organizations. We do not believe these
actions would impose any significant
new costs on issuers because we assume
that most issuers already accept such
payments under our interim final rule.
19. Medical Loss Ratio
In this proposed rule, we propose to
amend the definition of unpaid claims
reserves in § 158.103 and the
requirements for reporting incurred
claims in § 158.140(a) to utilize a 6month, rather than a 3-month, run-out
period beginning with the 2015
reporting year. This proposed
amendment would require incurred
claims to be calculated as of June 30,
rather than March 31, of the year
following the reporting year. This
proposed amendment would provide for
a more accurate MLR and risk corridors
calculation by reducing reliance on
estimates. Some issuers overestimate
their claims and liabilities, while others
underestimate them. We estimate that
this proposed provision would increase
rebate payments from issuers to
consumers by a net total of
approximately $12 million.
In addition, we are proposing to
amend the risk corridors program
requirements at § 153.530 to require
issuers to true-up claims liabilities and
reserves used to determine the
allowable costs reported for the
preceding benefit year to reflect the
actual claims payments made through
June 30 of the year following the benefit
year. We estimate the impact of this
proposal on the risk corridors program
elsewhere in this RIA. Because risk
corridors payments and charges are a
component of the MLR and rebate
calculation, the impact of this proposed
provision on risk corridors payments
and charges will affect MLR rebates to
consumers. We estimate that this
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proposed provision would increase
rebate payments from issuers to
consumers by an estimated net total of
$19 million for the 2015 MLR reporting
D. Regulatory Alternatives Considered
In developing the policies contained
in this proposed rule, we considered
numerous alternatives to the presented
proposals. Below we discuss the key
regulatory alternatives that we
Regarding the 2017 required
contribution percentage, which
establishes the threshold for spending
on minimum essential health care
required for an affordability exemption
from the individual responsibility
requirement, we considered continuing
to use the per capita gross domestic
product as the measure of income
growth. However, a new measure of
income growth, per capita personal
income, became available for the first
time last year as part of the National
Health Expenditure’s projections, and
includes not only participation in
production but also transfer payments.
We believe that this broader measure of
personal income more accurately
reflects individual income than GDP per
For proposed § 155.200(f), we
considered a number of alternatives. We
considered not codifying the SBE–FP
model, and winding down use of the
Federal platform by SBEs. This would
have forced SBEs to find a way to
perform all required Exchange eligibility
and enrollment functions themselves,
including the implementation of an
Exchange technology platform, or else
convert to FFEs. We made the proposal
we did because we believe that it is
technically feasible and will permit a
number of SBEs to access the Federal
government’s greater economies of
scale. We also considered a more
customized option, under which an SBE
would be permitted to select from a
menu of Federal services. While we are
considering providing more flexibility
to SBE–FPs in the future, at this point
we do not have the operational ability
to permit that level of customization.
Finally, we considered alternatives
under which issuers and other delegated
and downstream entities in States with
SBE–FPs would not be required to meet
FFE standards, or HHS would not
participate in enforcement against
issuers violating those FFE rules. As
discussed in this proposed rule, we
believe that applying Federal standards
to issuers and their downstream entities
for SBE–FPs helps promote consistent
minimum standards associated with
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Regarding the exemptions program,
we considered maintaining the option
under which individuals can receive
certification of certain exemptions from
the Exchange, rather than transitioning
the process for obtaining those
exemption types fully to the IRS.
However, we believe that this approach
contributes to confusion and
unnecessarily creates additional hurdles
for individuals claiming these
exemptions. We also considered
whether to cede other exemption types
to the IRS, in addition to the exemptions
for Indian status, members of health
care sharing ministries, and
incarceration. However, to minimize
potential consumer confusion, we opted
only to streamline the exemptions
process and not to expand the scope of
exemptions that the IRS may grant.
We propose issuing hardship
exemptions when a consumer shows
their hardship is ongoing at the time of
application. Hardship exemptions are
issued for months within the current
calendar year plus the next, plus the
months before and after the hardship
ends. When consumers approach the
Exchange near the end of the calendar
year, we typically can only grant them
a hardship exemption for a few months.
We believe the current approach may
not give consumers sufficient time to
seek coverage before their hardship
exemption expires, and therefore
proposed extending the length of the
hardship exemption. Many enrollees
eligible for a hardship exemption are
currently facing significant life
disruptions, and may need more time to
find coverage.
For employer choice in the FF–
SHOPs, we considered offering an
additional employer choice option that
would permit an employer to select an
actuarial value level of coverage, after
which employees could choose from
plans available at that level and at the
level above it. Recognizing that small
group market dynamics differ by State,
we decided to seek comment on, but not
propose this option at this time. We also
considered requiring all SHOPs to offer
these additional employer choice
options, but instead opted to maintain
State-based SHOPs’ flexibility under the
current regulations, so that States can
decide whether implementing
additional employer choice options
would be in the best interest of small
group market consumers in their State.
We considered requiring QHP issuers
to offer standardized options as a
condition of participation in the FFEs.
However, we believe that markets and
Exchanges may be at different stages of
readiness for standardized options, and
that the cost-sharing structure that HHS
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specifies may not be well tailored for all
States. Similarly, we believe that some
issuers may have difficulty offering
standardized options in the short run
because of operational constraints.
In developing proposed § 156.230, we
considered waiting for the NAIC’s
workgroup to complete its work on
drafting a revised model act on network
adequacy and not proposing changes to
the network adequacy standard for
2017. As discussed in the preamble of
the final rule for the HHS Notice of
Benefit and Payment Parameters for
2016 (80 FR 10750), HHS had planned
to await the results of the NAIC’s
workgroup to develop a revised model
act before proposing significant changes
to network adequacy policy. However,
since the NAIC workgroup has not
completed its work, we have decided to
proceed with proposing some concepts
from the draft versions of the NAIC
model act to strengthen network
adequacy requirements, particularly for
QHPs being offered in the FFEs. We
propose these requirements to ensure
certain consumer protections and
standards are being provided to
enrollees in 2017. As an alternative, we
also considered proposing more
concepts from the NAIC’s drafts of the
model act in the area of network
adequacy, such as requiring issuers to
submit for review and approval an
access plan and establishing
requirements for what the access plan
must include. However, we are
cognizant of the burden on issuers to
implement many policy changes in one
year, especially when these changes
affect issuers’ QHP certification
applications. Therefore, we will
continue to monitor the NAIC’s
workgroup efforts to develop a model
act on network adequacy, and will
consider whether additional standards
will be needed in future years.
In § 156.230(f), regarding QHP
enrollees in the FFE who receive an
EHB from an out-of-network provider in
an in-network setting, we considered an
alternative under which all cost sharing,
regardless of notification, would count
towards the in-network annual
limitation on cost sharing, or to accrue
at in-network rates. However, we
recognize that the issuer often has a
limited ability to control the use of outof-network providers, and are wary of
the impact of such a policy on
In § 156.1110, we considered
maintaining the current approach of
aligning with Medicare hospital
Conditions of Participation standards
and not establishing further regulations
at this time for QHP issuers to collect
information, such as hospital
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participation agreements with PSOs, to
comply with new patient safety
standards for plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017. However, we
decided to propose the policy in this
proposed rule because we believe that
strengthening patient safety standards
and aligning with current, effective
patient safety interventions will achieve
greater impact for consumers, in terms
of health care quality improvement and
harm reduction, resulting in higher
quality QHPs being offered in the
Exchanges. Additionally, we considered
proposing an approach that did not
include establishing reasonable
exceptions to the requirements for a
QHP issuer that contracts with a
hospital with greater than 50 beds to
utilize a patient safety evaluation
system and implement a mechanism for
comprehensive person-centered hospital
discharges, as described in section
1311(h)(1) of the Affordable Care Act.
However, we determined that it is
important to support national patient
safety efforts, promote evidence-based
patient safety interventions and allow
for flexibility, innovation, and minimal
burden for issuers and hospitals.
E. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act, (5
U.S.C. 601, et seq.), requires agencies to
prepare an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis to describe the impact of the
proposed rule on small entities, unless
the head of the agency can certify that
the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. The RFA
generally defines a ‘‘small entity’’ as (1)
a proprietary firm meeting the size
standards of the Small Business
Administration (SBA), (2) a not-forprofit organization that is not dominant
in its field, or (3) a small government
jurisdiction with a population of less
than 50,000. States and individuals are
not included in the definition of ‘‘small
entity.’’ HHS uses a change in revenues
of more than 3 to 5 percent as its
measure of significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small
In this proposed rule, we propose
standards for the risk adjustment,
reinsurance, and risk corridors
programs, which are intended to
stabilize premiums as insurance market
reforms are implemented and Exchanges
facilitate increased enrollment. Because
we believe that insurance firms offering
comprehensive health insurance
policies generally exceed the size
thresholds for ‘‘small entities’’
established by the SBA, we do not
believe that an initial regulatory
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
flexibility analysis is required for such
For purposes of the RFA, we expect
the following types of entities to be
affected by this proposed rule:
• Health insurance issuers.
• Group health plans.
We believe that health insurance
issuers and group health plans would be
classified under the North American
Industry Classification System code
524114 (Direct Health and Medical
Insurance Carriers). According to SBA
size standards, entities with average
annual receipts of $38.5 million or less
would be considered small entities for
these North American Industry
Classification System codes. Issuers
could possibly be classified in 621491
(HMO Medical Centers) and, if this is
the case, the SBA size standard would
be $32.5 million or less.
In this proposed rule, we proposed
standards for employers that choose to
participate in a SHOP Exchange. The
SHOPs are limited by statute to
employers with at least one but not
more than 50 employees, unless a State
opts to provide that employers with
from 1 to 100 employees are ‘‘small
employers.’’ For this reason, we expect
that many employers who would be
affected by the proposals would meet
the SBA standard for small entities. We
do not believe that the proposals impose
requirements on employers offering
health insurance through a SHOP that
are more restrictive than the current
requirements on small businesses
offering employer sponsored insurance.
We believe the processes that we have
established constitute the minimum
amount of requirements necessary to
implement the SHOP program and
accomplish our policy goals, and that no
appropriate regulatory alternatives
could be developed to further lessen the
compliance burden.
We believe that a substantial number
of sponsors of self-insured group health
plans could qualify as ‘‘small entities.’’
This proposed rule provides HHS with
the authority to audit these entities.
However, we do not believe that the
burden of these audits is likely to reflect
more than 3 to 5 percent of such an
entity’s revenues.
Some of the entities that voluntarily
act as Navigators and non-Navigator
assistance personnel subject to
§ 155.215, or as designated certified
application counselor organizations,
might be small entities and could incur
costs to comply with the provisions of
this proposed rule. It should be noted
that HHS, in its role as the operator of
the FFEs, does not impose any fees on
these entities for participating in their
respective programs, nor are there fees
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for taking the Federally required
training or completing continuing
education or recertification in FFEs. The
cost burden related to our proposals
about reaching vulnerable and
underserved populations and providing
post-enrollment and other assistance
would apply to Navigators in all
Exchanges. The costs associated with
these proposals would generally be
considered an allowable cost that would
be covered by the Navigator grants for
the FFEs, and these grant funds may be
drawn down as the grantee incurs such
costs. Depending upon applicable State
law and how States with State
Exchanges implement their Navigator
grant programs, the same might be true
in those States. Though it is very likely
that many costs associated with these
proposals would be covered by affected
entities’ and individuals’ funding
sources, HHS cannot guarantee that all
such costs would be covered because of
the possibility of budget limitations
applicable to the FFEs in any given
period, and because there may be
variations in how State Exchanges
implement their Navigator grant
The costs related to the proposed
reporting requirement for designated
certified application counselor
organizations would be borne by those
organizations, which do not receive
funding from Exchanges for these
services. The costs incurred by
designated certified application
counselor organizations for the
reporting of performance metrics are
expected to be low.
Based on data from MLR annual
report submissions for the 2014 MLR
reporting year, approximately 118 out of
525 issuers of health insurance coverage
nationwide had total premium revenue
of $38.5 million or less. This estimate
may overstate the actual number of
small health insurance companies that
may be affected, since almost 80 percent
of these small companies belong to
larger holding groups, and many if not
all of these small companies are likely
to have non-health lines of business that
would result in their revenues
exceeding $38.5 million. Only seven of
these 118 potentially small entities, all
of them part of larger holding groups,
are estimated to experience an increase
or decrease in the rebate amount under
the proposed amendments to the MLR
provisions of this proposed rule in part
158, including one entity that did not
owe a rebate for the 2014 reporting year.
Two additional entities may experience
a small (less than 2.5 percent) change in
their risk corridors payments and
charges under the MLR provisions of
this proposed rule. Based on data from
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the 2014 MLR and risk corridors annual
report submissions, 20 of these 118
potentially small entities had risk
corridors payments or charges for the
2014 benefit year. Only one of these
entities is estimated to experience a
decrease in its risk corridors payment
under the proposed provisions in
§ 153.530(b)(2)(iv), with no impact on
its rebate liability. Therefore, we do not
expect the proposed provisions of this
rule to affect a substantial number of
small entities.
F. Unfunded Mandates
Section 202 of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA)
requires that agencies assess anticipated
costs and benefits and take certain other
actions before issuing a proposed rule
that includes any Federal mandate that
may result in expenditures in any 1 year
by a State, local, or Tribal governments,
in the aggregate, or by the private sector,
of $100 million in 1995 dollars, updated
annually for inflation. In 2015, that
threshold is approximately $144
million. Although we have not been
able to quantify all costs, the combined
administrative cost and user fee impact
on State, local, or Tribal governments
and the private sector may be above the
threshold. Earlier portions of this RIA
constitute our UMRA analysis.
G. Federalism
Executive Order 13132 establishes
certain requirements that an agency
must meet when it promulgates a
proposed rule that imposes substantial
direct costs on State and local
governments, preempts State law, or
otherwise has Federalism implications.
Because States have flexibility in
designing their Exchange and Exchangerelated programs, State decisions will
ultimately influence both administrative
expenses and overall premiums. States
are not required to establish an
Exchange or risk adjustment or
reinsurance program. For States electing
to operate an Exchange, risk adjustment
or reinsurance program, much of the
initial cost of creating these programs
will be funded by Exchange Planning
and Establishment Grants. After
establishment, Exchanges will be
financially self-sustaining, with revenue
sources at the discretion of the State.
Current State Exchanges charge user
fees to issuers.
In HHS’s view, while this proposed
rule would not impose substantial direct
requirement costs on State and local
governments, this regulation has
Federalism implications due to direct
effects on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the State and
Federal governments relating to
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
determining standards relating to health
insurance that is offered in the
individual and small group markets. For
example, our proposal permitting a
State to elect to utilize the Federal
platform for enrollment and eligibility
services may make certain SBEs more
economically feasible, providing more
options for States seeking to exercise the
right to establish and operate n
Exchange. However, HHS anticipates
that the Federalism implications (if any)
are substantially mitigated because
under the statute, States have choices
regarding the structure and governance
of their Exchanges and risk adjustment
and reinsurance programs. Additionally,
the Affordable Care Act does not require
States to establish these programs; if a
State elects not to establish any of these
programs or is not approved to do so,
HHS must establish and operate the
programs in that State.
In compliance with the requirement
of Executive Order 13132 that agencies
examine closely any policies that may
have Federalism implications or limit
the policy making discretion of the
States, HHS has engaged in efforts to
consult with and work cooperatively
with affected States, including
participating in conference calls with
and attending conferences of the
National Association of Insurance
Commissioners, and consulting with
State insurance officials on an
individual basis.
While developing this proposed rule,
HHS has attempted to balance the
States’ interests in regulating health
insurance issuers, and Congress’ intent
to provide access to Affordable
Insurance Exchanges for consumers in
every State. By doing so, it is HHS’s
view that we have complied with the
requirements of Executive Order 13132.
States will continue to license,
monitor, and regulate agents and
brokers, both inside and outside of
Exchanges. All State laws related to
agents and brokers, including State laws
related to appointments, contractual
relationships with issuers, licensing,
marketing, conduct, and fraud will
continue to apply.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
H. Congressional Review Act
This proposed rule is subject to the
Congressional Review Act provisions of
the Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (5
U.S.C. 801, et seq.), which specifies that
before a rule can take effect, the Federal
agency promulgating the rule shall
submit to each House of the Congress
and to the Comptroller General a report
containing a copy of the rule along with
other specified information, and has
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been transmitted to Congress and the
Comptroller for review.
List of Subjects
45 CFR Parts 144, 146, and 147
Health care, Health insurance,
Reporting and recordkeeping
45 CFR Part 153
Administrative practice and
procedure, Health care, Health
insurance, Health records, Organization
and functions (Government agencies),
Reporting and recordkeeping
45 CFR Part 154
Administrative practice and
procedure, Claims, Health care, Health
insurance, Penalties, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
45 CFR Part 155
Administrative practice and
procedure, Health care, Health
insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, State and local
45 CFR Part 156
Administrative practice and
procedure, Advertising, American
Indian/Alaska Natives, Conflict of
interest, Consumer protection, Costsharing reductions, Grant programshealth, Grants administration, Health
care, Health insurance, Health
maintenance organization (HMO),
Health records, Hospitals, Individuals
with disabilities, Loan programs-health,
Medicaid, Organization and functions
(Government agencies), Public
assistance programs, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, State and
local governments, Sunshine Act,
Technical assistance, Women, Youth.
45 CFR Part 158
Administrative practice and
procedure, Claims, Health care, Health
insurance, Penalties, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Department of Health and
Human Services proposes to amend 45
CFR parts 144, 146, 147, 150, 153, 154,
155, 156, and 158 as set forth below.
2. Section 144.103 is amended by
revising paragraph (1) of the definition
of ‘‘Excepted benefits’’ and revising the
definitions of ‘‘Large employer’’ and
‘‘Small employer’’ to read as follows:
§ 144.103
Excepted benefits * * *
(1) Group market provisions in 45
CFR part 146, subpart D, is defined in
45 CFR 146.145(b); and
Large employer means, in connection
with a group health plan with respect to
a calendar year and a plan year, an
employer who employed an average of
at least 51 employees on business days
during the preceding calendar year and
who employs at least 1 employee on the
first day of the plan year. A State may
elect to define large employer by
substituting ‘‘101 employees’’ for ‘‘51
employees.’’ In the case of an employer
that was not in existence throughout the
preceding calendar year, the
determination of whether the employer
is a large employer is based on the
average number of employees that it is
reasonably expected the employer will
employ on business days in the current
calendar year.
Small employer means, in connection
with a group health plan with respect to
a calendar year and a plan year, an
employer who employed an average of
at least 1 but not more than 50
employees on business days during the
preceding calendar year and who
employs at least 1 employee on the first
day of the plan year. A State may elect
to define small employer by substituting
‘‘100 employees’’ for ‘‘50 employees.’’ In
the case of an employer that was not in
existence throughout the preceding
calendar year, the determination of
whether the employer is a small
employer is based on the average
number of employees that it is
reasonably expected the employer will
employ on business days in the current
calendar year.
3. The authority citation for part 146
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 2701 through 2763, 2791,
and 2792 of the Public Health Service Act,
42 U.S.C. 300gg through 300gg–63, 300gg–91,
and 300gg–92.
Authority: Secs. 2702 through 2705, 2711
through 2723, 2791, and 2792 of the PHS Act
(42 U.S.C. 300gg–1 through 300gg–5, 300gg–
11 through 300gg–23, 300gg–91, and 300gg–
1. The authority citation for part 144
continues to read as follows:
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4. Section 146.150 is amended by—
a. In paragraph (a) introductory text,
removing the reference ‘‘paragraphs (c)
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
through (f)’’ and adding in its place the
reference ‘‘paragraphs (c) through (g)’’.
■ b. Adding paragraph (g).
The addition reads as follows:
§ 146.150 Guaranteed availability of
coverage for employers in the small group
(g) Exception for discontinuing a
particular product or all coverage. (1) If
an issuer decides to discontinue offering
a particular product or all coverage in
the small group market in accordance
with § 146.152, the issuer may between
the time of providing the relevant notice
and discontinuing the coverage —
(i) Deny health insurance coverage in
that product when the exception to
guaranteed renewability of coverage
related to discontinuing the particular
product under § 146.152(c) applies.
(ii) Deny health insurance coverage in
the small group market when the
exception to guaranteed renewability of
coverage related to discontinuing all
coverage under § 146.152(d) applies.
(2) An issuer that denies coverage
under this paragraph (g) must apply
paragraph (g)(1) of this section
uniformly to all small employers in the
State consistent with applicable State
law and without regard to the claims
experience or any health-status related
factor relating to those employers and
their employees (or their respective
(3) Nothing in this paragraph (g)
relieves an issuer of its obligations with
respect to existing policyholders, such
as enrolling dependents under an
applicable special enrollment period.
§ 147.104 Guaranteed availability of
5. The authority citation for part 147
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs 2701 through 2763, 2791,
and 2792 of the Public Health Service Act (42
U.S.C. 300gg through 300gg–63, 300gg–91,
and 300gg–92), as amended.
6. Section 147.102 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(1)(ii) to read as
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 147.102
Fair health insurance premiums.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(ii) Rating area, as established in
accordance with paragraph (b) of this
section. For purposes of this paragraph
(a), rating area is determined—
(A) In the individual market, using
the primary policyholder’s address.
(B) In the small group market, using
the group policyholder’s principal
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business address. For purposes of this
paragraph, principal business address
means the principal business address
registered with the State or, if a
principal business address is not
registered with the State, or is registered
solely for purposes of service of process
and is not a substantial worksite for the
employer’s business, the business
address within the State where the
greatest number of employees of such
employer works. If, for a network plan,
the group policyholder’s principal
business address is not within the
service area of such plan, and the
policyholder has employees who live,
reside, or work within the service area,
the principal business address for
purposes of the network plan is deemed
to be the business address within the
plan’s service area where the greatest
number of employees work as of the
beginning of the plan year. If there is no
such business address, the principal
business address for purposes of the
network plan is deemed to be an
address within the rating area selected
by the employer that reasonably reflects
where the greatest number of employees
within the plan’s service area live or
reside as of the beginning of the plan
■ 7. Section 147.104 is amended by—
■ a. In paragraph (a), removing the
reference ‘‘paragraphs (b) through (d)’’
and adding in its place the reference
‘‘paragraphs (b) thorugh (e)’’.
■ b. Redesignating paragraphs (e)
through (i) as paragraphs (f) through (j),
■ c. Adding paragraph (e).
The addition reads as follows:
(e) Exception for discontinuing a
particular product or all coverage. (1) If
an issuer decides to discontinue offering
a particular product or all coverage in
the large group, small group, or
individual market in accordance with
§ 147.106, the issuer may between the
time of providing the relevant notice
and discontinuing the coverage—
(i) Deny health insurance coverage in
that product when the exception to
guaranteed renewability of coverage
related to discontinuing the particular
product under § 147.106(c) applies.
(ii) Deny health insurance coverage in
that market when the exception to
guaranteed renewability of coverage
related to discontinuing all coverage
under § 147.106(d) applies.
(2) An issuer that denies coverage
under this paragraph (e) must apply
paragraph (e)(1) of this section
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uniformly to all employers or
individuals in the large group, small
group, or individual market, as
applicable, in the State consistent with
applicable State law and without regard
to the claims experience or any healthstatus related factor relating to those
individuals or employers and their
employees (or their respective
(3) Nothing in this paragraph (e)
relieves an issuer from any of its
obligations with respect to existing
policyholders, such as enrolling
dependents under an applicable special
enrollment period.
■ 8. Section 147.145 is amended by
revising paragraph (b)(3) and adding
paragraph (b)(4) to read as follows:
§ 147.145 Student health insurance
(b) * * *
(3) Single risk pool. For plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2017,
student health insurance coverage is
subject to the index rating provisions of
§ 156.80(d) of this subchapter. For
purposes of the preceding sentence, a
health insurance issuer that offers
student health insurance coverage may
establish one or more separate risk pools
for each institution of higher education,
if the distinction between or among
groups of students (or dependents of
students) who form the risk pool is
based on a bona fide school-related
classification and not based on a health
factor as described in § 146.121 of this
(4) Levels of coverage. The
requirement to provide a specific level
of coverage described in section 1302(d)
of the Affordable Care Act does not
apply to student health insurance
coverage for plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017. However, the
benefits provided by such coverage
must provide at least 60 percent
actuarial value, as certified by a member
of the American Academy of Actuaries
using generally accepted actuarial
9. The authority citation for part 153
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 1311, 1321, 1341–1343,
Pub. L. 111–148, 24 Stat. 119.
10. Section 153.405 is amended by
revising paragraph (i) to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
§ 153.405 Calculation of reinsurance
§ 153.510 Risk corridors establishment
and payment methodology.
(A) The sum of unpaid claims
reserves and claims incurred but not
reported, as set forth in §§ 158.103 and
158.140(a)(2) and (3) of this subchapter,
that were reported on the MLR and Risk
Corridors Annual Reporting Form for
the year preceding the benefit year; and
(B) The actual claims incurred during
the year preceding the benefit year and
paid between the valuation date of the
unpaid claims reserves and liabilities
described above and June 30 of the year
following the benefit year.
■ 13. Section 153.710 is amended by—
■ a. Removing paragraph (d).
■ b. Redesignating paragraphs (e) and (f)
as paragraphs (d) and (e), respectively.
■ c. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (e).
■ d. Adding paragraph (f).
■ e. Revising paragraphs (g)
introductory text, (g)(1) introductory
text, (g)(1)(iii) and (iv), and (g)(2).
■ f. Adding paragraph (g)(3).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 153.710
(i) Audits. HHS or its designee may
audit a contributing entity to assess its
compliance with the requirements of
this subpart. HHS or its designee may
audit a third party administrator,
administrative services-only contractor,
or other third party who assists a
contributing entity with its obligations
under this subpart to assess compliance
with the requirements of this subpart. A
contributing entity that chooses to use a
third party administrator, administrative
services-only contractor, or other third
party to assist with its obligations under
this subpart must ensure that the third
party administrator, administrative
services-only contractor, or other third
party cooperate with any audit under
this section.
■ 11. Section 153.510 is amended by
adding paragraph (g) to read as follows:
(g) Adjustment to risk corridors
payments and charges. If an issuer
reported a certified estimate of 2014
cost-sharing reductions on its 2014 MLR
and Risk Corridors Annual Reporting
Form that is lower than the actual value
of cost-sharing reductions calculated
under § 156.430(c) of this subchapter for
the 2014 benefit year, HHS will make an
adjustment to the amount of the issuer’s
2015 benefit year risk corridors payment
or charge measured by the full
difference between the certified estimate
of 2014 cost-sharing reductions reported
and the actual value of cost-sharing
reductions provided as calculated under
§ 156.430(c) for the 2014 benefit year.
■ 12. Section 153.530 is amended by
revising paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and (iii)
and adding paragraph (b)(2)(iv) to read
as follows:
§ 153.530 Risk corridors data
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(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) Any reinsurance payments
received by the issuer for the nongrandfathered health plans under the
transitional reinsurance program
established under subpart C of this part;
(iii) A cost-sharing reduction amount
equal to the amount of cost-sharing
reductions for the benefit year as
calculated under § 156.430(c) of this
subchapter, to the extent not reimbursed
to the provider furnishing the item or
(iv) For the 2015 and later benefit
years, any difference between—
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Data requirements.
(e) Unresolved discrepancies. If a
discrepancy first identified in a final
dedicated distributed data environment
report in accordance with paragraph
(d)(2) of this section remains unresolved
after the issuance of the notification of
risk adjustment payments and charges
or reinsurance payments under
§ 153.310(e) or § 153.240(b)(1)(ii),
respectively, an issuer of a risk
adjustment covered plan or reinsuranceeligible plan may make a request for
reconsideration regarding such
discrepancy under the process set forth
in § 156.1220(a) of this subchapter.
(f) Data sufficiency. If an issuer of a
risk adjustment covered plan fails to
provide sufficient required data, such
that HHS cannot apply the applicable
methodology to calculate the risk
adjustment payment transfer amount for
the risk adjustment covered plan in a
timely or appropriate fashion, then HHS
will assess a default risk adjustment
charge under § 153.740(b). A default
charge will be assessed under this
paragraph no later than the date of the
notification provided by HHS under
§ 153.310(e). If an issuer of a
reinsurance eligible plan fails to provide
data sufficient for HHS to calculate
reinsurance payments, the issuer will
forfeit reinsurance payments for claims
it fails to submit.
(1) Data quantity. An issuer of a risk
adjustment covered plan or a
reinsurance-eligible plan must provide,
in a format and on a timeline specified
by HHS, data on its total enrollment and
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claims counts by market, which HHS
may use in evaluating whether the
issuer provided access in the dedicated
distributed data environment to a
sufficient quantity of data to meet
reinsurance and risk adjustment data
(2) Data quality. If, following the
deadline for submission of data
specified in § 153.730, HHS identifies
an anomaly that would cause the data
that a risk adjustment covered plan or
a reinsurance-eligible plan made
available through a dedicated data
environment to fail HHS’s data quality
thresholds, the issuer may, within 10
calendar days of receiving notification
of the anomaly, submit an explanation
of the anomaly for HHS to consider in
determining whether the issuer met the
reinsurance and risk adjustment data
(g) Risk corridors and MLR reporting.
Except as provided in paragraph (g)(3)
of this section:
(1) Notwithstanding any discrepancy
report made under paragraph (d)(2) of
this section, or any request for
reconsideration under § 156.1220(a) of
this subchapter with respect to any risk
adjustment payment or charge,
including an assessment of risk
adjustment user fees; reinsurance
payment; cost-sharing reduction
payment or charge; or risk corridors
payment or charge, unless the dispute
has been resolved, an issuer must
report, for purposes of the risk corridors
and MLR programs:
(iii) A cost-sharing reduction amount
equal to the actual amount of costsharing reductions for the benefit year
as calculated under § 156.430(c) of this
subchapter, to the extent not reimbursed
to the provider furnishing the item or
service; and
(iv) For medical loss ratio reporting
only, the risk corridors payment to be
made or charge assessed by HHS under
§ 153.510.
(2) An issuer must report any
adjustment made or approved by HHS
for any risk adjustment payment or
charge, including an assessment of risk
adjustment user fees; any reinsurance
payment; any cost-sharing reduction
payment or charge; or any risk corridors
payment or charge; where such
adjustment has not be accounted for in
a prior MLR and Risk Corridor Annual
Reporting Form, in the MLR and Risk
Corridors Annual Reporting Form for
the following reporting year.
(3) In cases where HHS reasonably
determines that the reporting
instructions in paragraph (g)(1) or (2) of
this section would lead to unfair or
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
misleading financial reporting, issuers
must mitigate or correct their data
submissions in a form and manner to be
specified by HHS.
§ 154.220 Timing of providing the rate
filing justification.
14. The authority citation for part 154
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Section 2794 of the Public
Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg–94).
15. Section 154.200 is amended by
revising paragraph (c)(2) to read as
§ 154.200
Rate increases subject to
(c) * * *
(2) For rates filed for single risk pool
coverage beginning on or after January
1, 2017, the average increase, including
premium rating factors described in
§ 147.102 of this subchapter, for all
enrollees weighted by premium volume
for any plan within the product meets
or exceeds the applicable threshold.
■ 16. Section 154.215 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a) and (b)
introductory text and removing and
reserving paragraph (c) to read as
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 154.215 Submission of rate filing
(a) A health insurance issuer must
submit to CMS and to the applicable
State (if the State accepts such
submissions) the information specified
below on a form and in a manner
prescribed by the Secretary.
(1) For all single risk pool coverage
products, including new and
discontinuing products, the Unified
Rate Review Template, as described in
paragraph (d) of this section;
(2) For each single risk pool coverage
product that includes a plan that is
subject to a rate increase, regardless of
the size of the increase, the Unified Rate
Review Template and Actuarial
Memorandum, as described in
paragraph (f) of this section;
(3) For each single risk pool coverage
product that includes a plan with a rate
increase that is subject to review under
§ 154.210, all parts of the Rate Filing
Justification, as described in paragraph
(b) of this section
(b) A Rate Filing Justification includes
one or more of the following:
(c) [Reserved]
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17. Section 154.220 is amended by
revising the introductory text and
paragraphs (b) introductory text and
(b)(1) to read as follows:
A health insurance issuer must
submit applicable sections of the Rate
Filing Justification for all single risk
pool coverage in the individual or small
group market, as follows:
(b) For coverage effective on or after
January 1, 2017, by the earlier of the
(1) The date by which the State
requires submission of a rate filing; or
■ 18. Section 154.230 is amended by
revising paragraph (c)(2)(i) to read as
§ 154.230 Submission and posting of Final
Justifications for unreasonable rate
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) The information made available to
the public by CMS and described in
§ 154.215(h).
19. The authority citation for part 155
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Title I of the Affordable Care
Act, sections 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1311,
1312, 1313, 1321, 1322, 1331, 1332, 1334,
1402, 1411, 1412, 1413, Pub. L. 111–148, 124
Stat. 119 (42 U.S.C. 18021–18024, 18031–
18033, 18041–18042, 18051, 18054, 18071,
and 18081–18083).
20. Section 155.20 is amended by—
a. In the definition of ‘‘Applicant’’,
revising paragraph (2).
■ b. Adding the definition of ‘‘Federal
platform agreement’’ in alphabetical
■ c. Revising the definitions of ‘‘Large
employer’’ and ‘‘Small employer’’.
The addition and revisions read as
§ 155.20
Applicant * * *
(2) For SHOP:
(i) An employer seeking eligibility to
purchase coverage through the SHOP; or
(ii) An employer, employee, or a
former employee seeking eligibility for
enrollment in a QHP through the SHOP
for himself or herself and, if the
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qualified employer offers dependent
coverage through the SHOP, seeking
eligibility to enroll his or her
dependents in a QHP through the
Federal platform agreement means an
agreement between a State Exchange
and HHS under which a State Exchange
elects to rely on the Federal platform to
carry out select Exchange functions.
Large employer means, in connection
with a group health plan with respect to
a calendar year and a plan year, an
employer who employed an average of
at least 51 employees on business days
during the preceding calendar year and
who employs at least 1 employee on the
first day of the plan year. In the case of
an employer that was not in existence
throughout the preceding calendar year,
the determination of whether the
employer is a large employer is based on
the average number of employees that it
is reasonably expected the employer
will employ on business days in the
current calendar year. A State may elect
to define large employer by substituting
‘‘101 employees’’ for ‘‘51 employees.’’
The number of employees must be
determined using the method set forth
in section 4980H(c)(2) of the Code.
Small employer means, in connection
with a group health plan with respect to
a calendar year and a plan year, an
employer who employed an average of
at least one but not more than 50
employees on business days during the
preceding calendar year and who
employs at least one employee on the
first day of the plan year. In the case of
an employer that was not in existence
throughout the preceding calendar year,
the determination of whether the
employer is a small employer is based
on the average number of employees
that it is reasonably expected the
employer will employ on business days
in the current calendar year. A State
may elect to define small employer by
substituting ‘‘100 employees’’ for ‘‘50
employees.’’ The number of employees
must be determined using the method
set forth in section 4980H(c)(2) of the
■ 21. Section 155.106 is amended by—
■ a. Revising paragraphs (a)
introductory text, (a)(2) and (3), and (b)
introductory text.
■ b. Adding paragraphs (a)(4), (a)(5),
and (c).
The revisions and additions read as
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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§ 155.106 Election to operate an Exchange
after 2014.
(a) Election to operate an Exchange.
Except as provided in paragraph (c) of
this section, a State electing to seek
approval of its Exchange must:
(2) Submit an Exchange Blueprint
application for HHS approval at least 15
months prior to the date on which the
Exchange proposes to begin open
enrollment as a State Exchange;
(3) Have in effect an approved, or
conditionally approved, Exchange
Blueprint and operational readiness
assessment at least 14 months prior to
the date on which the Exchange
proposes to begin open enrollment as a
State Exchange;
(4) Develop a plan jointly with HHS
to facilitate the transition to a State
Exchange; and
(5) If the open enrollment period for
the year the State intends to begin
operating an SBE has not been
established, this deadline must be
calculated based on the date open
enrollment began or will begin in the
year in which the State is submitting the
Blueprint application.
(b) Transition process for State
Exchanges that cease operations. If a
State intends to cease operation of its
Exchange, HHS will operate the
Exchange on behalf of the State.
Therefore, a State that intends to cease
operations of its Exchange must:
(c) Process for State Exchanges that
seek to utilize the Federal platform for
select functions. A State seeking
approval as a State Exchange utilizing
the Federal platform to support select
functions through a Federal platform
agreement under § 155.200(f) must:
(1) If the State Exchange does not
have a conditionally approved Exchange
Blueprint application, submit one for
HHS approval at least 3 months prior to
the date on which the Exchange
proposes to begin open enrollment as an
(2) If the State Exchange has a
conditionally approved Exchange
Blueprint application, submit any
significant changes to that application
for HHS approval, in accordance with
§ 155.105(e), at least 3 months prior to
the date on which the Exchange
proposes to begin open enrollment as an
(3) Have in effect an approved, or
conditionally approved, Exchange
Blueprint and operational readiness
assessment at least 2 months prior to the
date on which the Exchange proposes to
begin open enrollment as an SBE–FP, in
accordance with HHS rules, as a State
Exchange utilizing the Federal platform;
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(4) Upon approval, or conditional
approval, of the Exchange Blueprint,
execute a Federal platform agreement
prior to the start of the open enrollment
period for which the State Exchange
desires to begin utilizing the Federal
platform; and
(5) Coordinate with HHS on a
transition plan to be developed jointly
between HHS and the State.
■ 22. Section 155.170 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), and
(c)(2)(iii) to read as follows:
§ 155.170
Additional required benefits.
(a) * * *
(2) A benefit required by State action
taking place on or before December 31,
2011 is considered an EHB. A benefit
required by State action taking place on
or after January 1, 2012, other than for
purposes of compliance with Federal
requirements, is considered in addition
to the essential health benefits.
(3) The State will identify which
State-required benefits are in addition to
the EHB.
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) Reported to the State.
■ 23. Section 155.200 is amended by
revising paragraph (a) and adding
paragraph (f) to read as follows:
§ 155.200
Functions of an Exchange.
(a) General requirements. An
Exchange must perform the functions
described in this subpart and in
subparts D, E, F, G, H, K, M, and O of
this part unless the State is approved to
operate only a SHOP by HHS under
§ 155.100(a)(2), in which case the
Exchange operated by the State must
perform the functions described in
subpart H of this part and all applicable
provisions of other subparts referenced
in that subpart. In a State that is
approved to operate only a SHOP, the
individual market Exchange operated by
HHS in that State will perform the
functions described in this subpart and
in subparts D, E, F, G, K, M, and O of
this part.
(f) Requirements for State Exchanges
on the Federal platform. (1) A State that
receives approval or conditional
approval to operate a State Exchange on
the Federal platform under § 155.106(c)
may meet its obligations under
paragraph (a) of this section by relying
on Federal services that the Federal
government agrees to provide under a
Federal platform agreement.
(2) A State Exchange on the Federal
platform must establish and oversee
requirements for its issuers that are no
less strict than the following
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requirements that are applied to
Federally-facilitated Exchange issuers:
(i) Data submission requirements
under § 156.122(d)(2) of this subchapter;
(ii) Network adequacy standards
under § 156.230 of this subchapter;
(iii) Essential community providers
standards under § 156.235 of this
(iv) Meaningful difference standards
under § 156.298 of this subchapter;
(v) Changes of ownership of issuers
requirements under § 156.330 of this
(vi) QHP issuer compliance and
compliance of delegated or downstream
entities requirements under
§ 156.340(a)(4) of this subchapter; and
(vii) Casework requirements under
§ 156.1010 of this subchapter.
(3) If a State is not substantially
enforcing any requirement listed under
§ 155.200(f)(2) of this subchapter with
respect to a QHP issuer or plan in a
State-based Exchange on the Federal
platform, HHS may enforce that
requirement directly against the issuer
or plan by means of plan suppression
under § 156.815 of this subchapter.
■ 24. Section 155.205 is amended by—
■ a. Revising paragraphs (a) and (d)(1).
■ b. Adding paragraph (b)(7).
The addition and revisions read as
§ 155.205 Consumer assistance tools and
programs of an Exchange.
(a) Call center. The Exchange must
provide for operation of a toll-free call
center that addresses the needs of
consumers requesting assistance and
meets the requirements outlined in
paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2)(i), and (c)(3) of
this section, unless it enters into a
Federal platform agreement through
which it relies on HHS to carry out call
center functions, in which case the
Exchange must provide at a minimum a
toll-free telephone hotline to respond to
requests for assistance.
(b) * * *
(7) A State-based Exchange on the
Federal platform must at a minimum
maintain an informational Internet Web
(d) * * *
(1) The Exchange must have a
consumer assistance function that meets
the standards in paragraph (c) of this
section, including the Navigator
program described in § 155.210. Any
individual providing such consumer
assistance must be trained regarding
QHP options, insurance affordability
programs, eligibility, and benefits rules
and regulations governing all insurance
affordability programs operated in the
State, as implemented in the State, prior
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
to providing such assistance or the
outreach and education activities
specified in paragraph (e) of this
■ 25. Section 155.210 is amended by—
■ a. Revising paragraphs (b)(2)(iii) and
■ b. Adding paragraphs (b)(2)(v), (vi),
(vii), and (viii).
■ c. Revising paragraph (d)(6).
■ d. In paragraph (e)(7), removing the
period at the end of the paragraph and
adding a semicolon in its place.
■ e. Adding paragraphs (e)(8) and (9).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 155.210
Navigator program standards.
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(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) The range of QHP options and
insurance affordability programs;
(iv) The privacy and security
standards applicable under § 155.260;
(v) The process of filing Exchange
eligibility appeals;
(vi) General concepts regarding
exemptions from the requirement to
maintain minimum essential coverage
and from the individual shared
responsibility payment, including the
application process for exemptions
granted through the Exchange, and IRS
resources on exemptions;
(vii) The Exchange-related
components of the premium tax credit
reconciliation process and IRS resources
on this process; and
(viii) Basic concepts related to health
coverage and how to use it.
(d) * * *
(6) Provide to an applicant or
potential enrollee gifts of any value as
an inducement for enrollment. The
value of gifts provided to applicants and
potential enrollees for purposes other
than as an inducement for enrollment
must not exceed nominal value, either
individually or in the aggregate, when
provided to that individual during a
single encounter. For purposes of this
paragraph (d)(6), the term gifts includes
gift items, gift cards, cash cards, cash,
and promotional items that market or
promote the products or services of a
third party, but does not include the
reimbursement of legitimate expenses
incurred by a consumer in an effort to
receive Exchange application assistance,
such as travel or postage expenses.
(e) * * *
(8) Provide targeted assistance to
serve underserved or vulnerable
populations, as identified by the
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Exchange, within the Exchange service
(i) In a Federally-facilitated Exchange,
this paragraph (e)(8) will apply
beginning with the Navigator grant
application process for Navigator grants
awarded in 2018. The Federallyfacilitated Exchange will identify
populations as vulnerable or
underserved that are disproportionately
without access to coverage or care, or
that are at a greater risk for poor health
outcomes, in the funding opportunity
announcement for its Navigator grants,
and applicants for those grants will have
an opportunity to propose additional
vulnerable or underserved populations
in their applications for the Federallyfacilitated Exchange’s approval.
(ii) [Reserved]
(9) Provide information and assistance
(i) The process of filing Exchange
eligibility appeals;
(ii) Understanding and applying for
exemptions from the individual shared
responsibility requirement that are
granted through the Exchange,
understanding the availability of
exemptions from the requirement to
maintain minimum essential coverage
and from the individual shared
responsibility payment that are claimed
through the tax filing process and how
to apply for them, and understanding
the availability of IRS resources on this
(iii) Understanding the Exchangerelated components of the premium tax
credit reconciliation process, and the
availability of IRS resources on this
(iv) Understanding basic concepts
related to health coverage and how to
use it; and
(v) Referrals to licensed tax advisers,
tax preparers, or other resources for
assistance with tax preparation and tax
advice related to consumer questions
about the Exchange application and
enrollment process, exemptions from
the requirement to maintain minimum
essential coverage and from the
individual shared responsibility
requirement, and premium tax credit
■ 26. Section 155.215 is amended by
revising paragraph (b)(1)(i) to read as
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§ 155.215 Standards applicable to
Navigators and Non-Navigator Assistance
Personnel carrying out consumer
assistance functions under §§ 155.205(d)
and (e) and 155.210 in a Federally-facilitated
Exchange and to Non-Navigator Assistance
Personnel funded through an Exchange
Establishment Grant.
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) Obtain certification by the
Exchange prior to carrying out any
consumer assistance functions or
outreach and education activities under
§ 155.205(d) and (e) or § 155.210;
■ 27. Section 155.220 is amended by—
■ a. Revising paragraph (c)(1), (f)(4),
(g)(2)(ii), (g)(3), and (g)(4);
■ b. Adding paragraphs (g)(5), (j), (k),
and (l).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 155.220 Ability of States to permit agents
and brokers to assist qualified individuals,
qualified employers, or qualified employees
enrolling in QHPs.
(c) * * *
(1) The agent or broker ensures the
applicant’s completion of an eligibility
verification and enrollment application
through the Exchange Internet Web site
or an Exchange approved web service
using the FFE single streamline
(f) * * *
(4) When termination of the
agreement between the agent or broker
and the Exchange under paragraph (d)
of this section becomes effective under
paragraph (f) of this section, the agent or
broker will no longer be registered with
the Federally-facilitated Exchanges, or
be permitted to assist with or facilitate
enrollment of qualified individuals,
qualified employers or qualified
employees in coverage in a manner that
constitutes enrollment through a
Federally-facilitated Exchange, or be
permitted to assist individuals in
applying for advance payments of the
premium tax credit and cost-sharing
reductions for QHPs. The agent’s or
broker’s agreement with the Exchange
under § 155.260(b) will also be
terminated through the termination for
cause process set forth in that
agreement. The agent or broker must
continue to protect any personally
identifiable information accessed during
the term of either of these agreements
with the Federally-facilitated Exchange.
(g) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) Any term or condition of the
agreement with the Federally-facilitated
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Exchange required under paragraph (d)
of this section, or any term or condition
of the agreement with the Federallyfacilitated Exchange required under
§ 155.260(b);
(3) HHS will notify the agent or broker
of the specific finding of noncompliance
or pattern of noncompliance made
under paragraph (g)(1) of this section,
and after 30 days from the date of the
notice, may terminate the agreement for
cause if the matter is not resolved to the
satisfaction of HHS.
(4) After the period in paragraph (g)(3)
of this section has elapsed and the
agreement under paragraph (d) of this
section is terminated, the agent or
broker will no longer be registered with
the Federally-facilitated Exchanges, or
be permitted to assist with or facilitate
enrollment of a qualified individual,
qualified employer, or qualified
employee in coverage in a manner that
constitutes enrollment through a
Federally-facilitated Exchange, or be
permitted to assist individuals in
applying for advance payments of the
premium tax credit and cost-sharing
reductions for QHPs. The agent’s or
broker’s agreement with the Exchange
under § 155.260(b) will also be
terminated through the process set forth
in that agreement. The agent or broker
must continue to protect any personally
identifiable information accessed during
the term of either of these agreements
with a Federally-facilitated Exchange.
(5) In cases involving potential fraud
or abusive conduct—
(i)(A) If HHS reasonably suspects that
an agent or broker may have engaged in
fraud or abusive conduct using
personally identifiable information of an
Exchange enrollee or applicant, or in
connection with an Exchange
enrollment or application, HHS may
temporarily suspend the agent’s or
broker’s agreements required under
paragraph (d) of this section and under
§ 155.260(b) for up to 90 calendar days.
The suspension will be effective starting
on the date of the notice that HHS sends
to the agent or broker advising of the
suspension under this paragraph
(B) The agent or broker may submit
evidence in a form and manner to be
specified by HHS, to rebut the allegation
during this 90-day period. If the agent
or broker fails to submit such evidence
during the suspension period, HHS may
terminate the agent’s or broker’s
agreements required under paragraph
(d) of this section and under
§ 155.260(b) for cause under paragraph
(g)(5)(ii) of this section.
(ii) If HHS reasonably confirms the
credibility of an allegation that an agent
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or broker engaged in fraud or abusive
conduct (or is notified by a State or law
enforcement authority of the State or
law enforcement authority’s finding or
determination of fraud or behavior that
would constitute abusive conduct) using
personally identifiable information of
Exchange enrollees or applicants, or in
connection with an Exchange
enrollment or application, HHS will
terminate the agent’s or broker’s
agreements required under paragraph
(d) of this section and under
§ 155.260(b) for cause. The termination
will be effective starting on the date of
the notice that HHS sends to the agent
or broker advising of the termination of
the agreements under this paragraph
(iii) During the suspension period
under paragraph (g)(5)(i) of this section
and following termination of the
agreements under paragraph (g)(5)(ii) of
this section, the agent or broker will not
be registered with the Federallyfacilitated Exchanges, or be permitted to
assist with or facilitate enrollment of
qualified individuals, qualified
employers, or qualified employees in
coverage in a manner that constitutes
enrollment through a Federallyfacilitated Exchange, or be permitted to
assist individuals in applying for
advance payments of the premium tax
credit and cost-sharing reductions for
QHPs. In the case of termination under
paragraph (g)(5)(ii) of this section, the
agent’s or broker’s agreement with the
Exchange under § 155.260(b) will also
be terminated as of the date of the
notice. The agent or broker must
continue to protect any personally
identifiable information accessed during
the term of either of these agreements
with a Federally-facilitated Exchange.
(j) Federally-facilitated Exchange
standards of conduct. (1) An agent or
broker that assists with or facilitates
enrollment of qualified individuals,
qualified employers, or qualified
employees, in coverage in a manner that
constitutes enrollment through a
Federally-facilitated Exchange, or assists
individuals in applying for advance
payments of the premium tax credit and
cost-sharing reductions for QHPs sold
through a Federally-facilitated
Exchange, must—
(i) Have executed the required
agreement under paragraph
§ 155.260(b);
(ii) Be registered with the Federallyfacilitated Exchanges under paragraph
(d)(1) of this section; and
(iii) Comply with the standards of
conduct in paragraph (j)(2) of this
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(2) Standards of conduct. An
individual or entity described in
paragraph (j)(1) of this section must—
(i) Provide consumers with correct
information, without omission of
material fact, regarding the Federallyfacilitated Exchanges, QHPs offered
through the Federally-facilitated
Exchanges, and insurance affordability
programs, and refrain from marketing or
conduct that is misleading or coercive,
or discriminates based on race, color,
national origin, disability, age, sex,
gender identity, or sexual orientation;
(ii) Provide the Federally-facilitated
Exchanges with correct information
under section 1411(b) of the Affordable
Care Act;
(iii) Obtain the consent of the
individual, employer, or employee prior
to assisting with or facilitating
enrollment through a Federallyfacilitated Exchange, or assisting the
individual in applying for advance
payments of the premium tax credit and
cost-sharing reductions for QHPs;
(iv) Protect consumer personally
identifiable information according to
§ 155.260(b)(3) and the agreement
described in § 155.260(b)(2); and
(v) Comply with all applicable
Federal and State laws and regulations.
(3) An agent or broker will be
considered to be in compliance with
paragraphs (j)(2)(i) and (ii) of this
section if HHS determines that there
was a reasonable cause for the failure to
provide correct information and that the
agent or broker acted in good faith.
(k) Penalties other than termination of
the agreement with the Federallyfacilitated Exchanges. (1) If HHS
determines that an agent or broker has
failed to comply with the requirements
of this section, in addition to any other
available remedies, that agent or
(i) May be denied the right to enter
into agreements with the Federallyfacilitated Exchanges in future years;
(ii) May be subject to civil money
penalties as described in § 155.285.
(2) HHS will notify the agent or broker
of the proposed imposition of penalties
under paragraph (k)(1)(i) of this section
and, after 30 calendar days from the
date of the notice, may impose the
penalty if the agent or broker has not
requested a reconsideration under
paragraph (h) of this section. The
proposed imposition of penalties under
paragraph (k)(1)(ii) of this section will
follow the process outlined under
§ 155.285.
(l) Application to State-Based
Exchanges using a Federal platform. An
agent or broker who enrolls qualified
individuals, qualified employers, or
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
qualified employees in coverage in a
manner that constitutes enrollment
through an State-Based Exchange using
a Federal platform, or assists individual
market consumers with submission of
applications for advance payments of
the premium tax credit and cost-sharing
reductions through an State-Based
Exchange using a Federal platform must
comply with all applicable Federallyfacilitated Exchange standards in this
■ 28. Section 155.222 is amended by—
■ a. Revising the section heading.
■ b. Revising paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2),
(b)(1) through (5), and (d).
■ c. Adding paragraph (b)(6).
The revisions and addition read as
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§ 155.222 Standards for HHS-approved
vendors of Federally-facilitated Exchange
training for agents and brokers.
(a) * * *
(1) A vendor must be approved by
HHS, in a form and manner to be
determined by HHS, to have its training
program recognized for agents and
brokers assisting with or facilitating
enrollment in individual market or
SHOP coverage through the Federallyfacilitated Exchanges consistent with
§ 155.220.
(2) As part of the training program,
the vendor must require agents and
brokers to provide identifying
information and successfully complete
the required curriculum.
(b) * * *
(1) Submit a complete and accurate
application by the deadline established
by HHS, which includes demonstration
of prior experience with successfully
conducting online training, as well as
providing technical support to a large
customer base.
(2) Adhere to HHS specifications for
content, format, and delivery of training,
which includes offering continuing
education units (CEUs) for at least five
States in which a Federally-facilitated
Exchange or State-Based Exchange using
a Federal platform is operating.
(3) Collect, store, and share with HHS
training completion data from agent and
broker users of the vendor’s training in
a manner, format, and frequency
specified by HHS, and protect all data
from agent and broker users of the
vendor’s training in accordance with
applicable privacy and security
(4) Execute an agreement with HHS,
in a form and manner to be determined
by HHS, which requires the vendor to
comply with applicable HHS guidelines
for implementing the training and
interfacing with HHS data systems, and
the use of all data collected.
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(5) Permit any individual who holds
a valid State license or equivalent State
authority to sell health insurance
products to access the vendor’s training.
(6) Provide technical support to agent
and broker users of the vendor’s training
as specified by HHS.
(d) Monitoring. HHS may periodically
monitor and audit vendors approved
under this subpart, and their records
related to the training functions
described in this section, to ensure
ongoing compliance with the standards
in paragraph (b) of this section. If HHS
determines that an HHS-approved
vendor is not in compliance with the
standards required in paragraph (b) of
this section, the vendor may be removed
from the approved list described in
paragraph (c) of this section and may be
required by HHS to cease performing
the training functions described under
this subpart.
■ 29. Section 155.225 is amended by
adding paragraph (b)(1)(iii) and revising
paragraph (g)(4) to read as follows:
§ 155.225
Certified application counselors.
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) Provides data and information to
the Exchange regarding the number and
performance of its certified application
counselors and regarding the consumer
assistance provided by its certified
application counselors, upon request, in
the form and manner specified by the
Exchange. Beginning in January 2017, in
a Federally-facilitated Exchange,
organizations designated by the
Exchange must submit monthly reports
that include, at a minimum, data
regarding the number of individuals
who have been certified by the
organization; the total number of
consumers who received application
and enrollment assistance from the
organization; and of that number, the
number of consumers who received
assistance in applying for and selecting
a QHP, enrolling in a QHP, or applying
for Medicaid or CHIP.
(g) * * *
(4) Provide to an applicant or
potential enrollee gifts of any value as
an inducement for enrollment. The
value of gifts provided to applicants and
potential enrollees for purposes other
than as an inducement for enrollment
must not exceed nominal value, either
individually or in the aggregate, when
provided to that individual during a
single encounter. For purposes of this
paragraph (g)(4), the term gifts includes
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gift items, gift cards, cash cards, cash,
and promotional items that market or
promote the products or services of a
third party, but does not include the
reimbursement of legitimate expenses
incurred by a consumer in an effort to
receive Exchange application assistance,
such as travel or postage expenses.
■ 30. Section 155.260 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(1) introductory
text to read as follows:
§ 155.260 Privacy and security of
personally identifiable information.
(a) * * *
(1) Where the Exchange creates or
collects personally identifiable
information for the purposes of
determining eligibility for enrollment in
a qualified health plan; determining
eligibility for other insurance
affordability programs, as defined in
§ 155.300; or determining eligibility for
exemptions from the individual
responsibility provisions in section
5000A of the Code, the Exchange may
only use or disclose such personally
identifiable information to the extent
such information is necessary:
■ 31. Section 155.280 is amended by
revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 155.280 Oversight and monitoring of
privacy and security requirements.
(a) General. HHS will oversee and
monitor the Federally-facilitated
Exchanges, State-based Exchanges on
the Federal platform, and non-Exchange
entities required to comply with the
privacy and security standards
established and implemented by a
Federally-facilitated Exchange pursuant
to § 155.260 for compliance with those
standards. HHS will oversee and
monitor State Exchanges for compliance
with the standards State Exchanges
establish and implement pursuant to
§ 155.260. State Exchanges will oversee
and monitor non-Exchange entities
required to comply with the privacy and
security standards established and
implemented by a State Exchange in
accordance to § 155.260.
■ 32. Section 155.302 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 155.302 Options for conducting eligibility
(a) * * *
(1) Directly, through contracting
arrangements in accordance with
§ 155.110(a), or as a State-based
Exchange on the Federal platform
through a Federal platform agreement
under which HHS carries out eligibility
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
determinations and other requirements
contained within this subpart; or
■ 33. Section 155.310 is amended by
revising paragraphs (h) introductory text
and (h)(2) to read as follows:
§ 155.310
Eligibility process.
(h) Notice of an employee’s receipt of
advance payments of the premium tax
credit and cost-sharing reductions to an
employer. The Exchange must notify an
employer that an employee has been
determined eligible for advance
payments of the premium tax credit and
cost-sharing reductions and has enrolled
in a qualified health plan through the
Exchange within a reasonable timeframe
following a determination that the
employee is eligible for advance
payments of the premium tax credit and
cost-sharing reductions in accordance
with § 155.305(g) or § 155.350(a) and
enrollment by the employee in a
qualified health plan through the
Exchange. Such notice must:
(2) Indicate that the employee has
been determined eligible advance
payments of the premium tax credit and
cost-sharing reductions and has enrolled
in a qualified health plan through the
■ 34. Section 155.320 is amended by—
■ a. Revising paragraphs (c)(3)(vi) and
■ b. Adding paragraph (d)(4).
The revisions and addition read as
§ 155.320 Verification process related to
eligibility for insurance affordability
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(c) * * *
(3) * * *
(vi) Alternate verification process for
decreases in annual household income
estimates and for situations in which
tax return data is unavailable. If a tax
filer qualifies for an alternate
verification process based on the
requirements specified in paragraph
(c)(3)(iv) of this section and the
applicant’s attestation to projected
annual household income, as described
in paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(B) of this section,
is more than a reasonable threshold
below the annual household income
computed in accordance with paragraph
(c)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, or if data
described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this
section is unavailable, the Exchange
must attempt to verify the applicant’s
attestation of the tax filer’s projected
annual household income by following
the procedures specified in paragraph
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(c)(3)(vi)(A) through (G) of this section.
For the purposes of this paragraph
(c)(3)(vi), a reasonable threshold is
established by the Exchange in guidance
and approved by HHS, but must not be
less than10 percent, and can also
include a threshold dollar amount. The
Exchange’s threshold is subject to
approval by HHS.
(d) * * *
(3) Verification procedures. (i) If an
applicant’s attestation is not reasonably
compatible with the information
obtained by the Exchange as specified in
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this
section, other information provided by
the application filer, or other
information in the records of the
Exchange, the Exchange must follow the
procedures specified in § 155.315(f).
(ii) Except as specified in paragraph
(d)(3)(i) or (d)(4)(i) of this section, the
Exchange must accept an applicant’s
attestation regarding the verification
specified in paragraph (d) of this section
without further verification.
(4) Alternate procedures. For any
benefit year for which it does not
reasonably expect to obtain sufficient
verification data as described in
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this
section, the Exchange must follow the
procedures specified in paragraph
(d)(4)(i) of this section or, for benefit
years 2016 and 2017, the Exchange may
follow the procedures specified in
paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section. For
purposes of this paragraph (d)(4), the
Exchange reasonably expects to obtain
sufficient verification data for any
benefit year when, for the benefit year,
the Exchange is able to obtain data
about enrollment in and eligibility for
qualifying coverage in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan from at least
one electronic data source that is
available to the Exchange and that has
been approved by HHS, based on
evidence showing that the data source is
sufficiently current, accurate, and
minimizes administrative burden, as
described under paragraph (d)(2)(i) of
this section.
(i) Select a statistically significant
random sample of applicants for whom
the Exchange does not have any of the
information specified in paragraphs
(d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section
(A) Provide notice to the applicant
indicating that the Exchange will be
contacting any employer identified on
the application for the applicant and the
members of his or her household, as
defined in 26 CFR 1.36B–1(d), to verify
whether the applicant is enrolled in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan or is
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eligible for qualifying coverage in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan for the
benefit year for which coverage is
(B) Proceed with all other elements of
the eligibility determination using the
applicant’s attestation, and provide
eligibility for enrollment in a QHP to the
extent that an applicant is otherwise
(C) Ensure that advance payments of
the premium tax credit and cost-sharing
reductions are provided on behalf of an
applicant who is otherwise qualified for
such payments and reductions, as
described in § 155.305, if the tax filer
attests to the Exchange that he or she
understands that any advance payments
of the premium tax credit paid on his or
her behalf are subject to reconciliation;
(D) Make reasonable attempts to
contact any employer identified on the
application for the applicant and the
members of his or her household, as
defined in 26 CFR 1.36B–1(d), to verify
whether the applicant is enrolled in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan or is
eligible for qualifying coverage in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan for the
benefit year for which coverage is
(E) If the Exchange receives any
information from an employer relevant
to the applicant’s enrollment in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan or
eligibility for qualifying coverage in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan, the
Exchange must determine the
applicant’s eligibility based on such
information and in accordance with the
effective dates specified in § 155.330(f),
and if such information changes his or
her eligibility determination, notify the
applicant and his or her employer or
employers of such determination in
accordance with the notice
requirements specified in § 155.310(g)
and (h);
(F) If, after a period of 90 days from
the date on which the notice described
in paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) of this section
is sent to the applicant, the Exchange is
unable to obtain the necessary
information from an employer, the
Exchange must determine the
applicant’s eligibility based on his or
her attestation regarding coverage
provided by that employer.
(G) To carry out the process described
in paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section, the
Exchange must only disclose an
individual’s information to an employer
to the extent necessary for the employer
to identify the employee.
(ii) Establish an alternative process
approved by HHS.
■ 35. Section 155.335 is amended by
revising paragraph (j) to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
§ 155.335 Annual eligibility
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(j) Re-enrollment. If an enrollee
remains eligible for enrollment in a QHP
through the Exchange upon annual
redetermination and—
(1) QHPs under the product under
which the QHP in which he or she is
enrolled remain available through the
Exchange for renewal, consistent with
§ 147.106 of this subchapter, such
enrollee will have his or her enrollment
through the Exchange in a QHP under
that product renewed, unless he or she
terminates coverage, including
termination of coverage in connection
with voluntarily selecting a different
QHP, in accordance with § 155.430. The
Exchange will ensure that re-enrollment
in coverage under this paragraph (j)(1)
occurs under the same product (except
as provided in paragraph (j)(1)(iii)(A) of
this section) in which the enrollee was
enrolled, as follows:
(i) The enrollee’s coverage will be
renewed in the same plan as the
enrollee’s current QHP, unless the
current QHP is not available through the
(ii) If the enrollee’s current QHP is not
available through the Exchange, the
enrollee’s coverage will be renewed in
a QHP at the same metal level as the
enrollee’s current QHP within the same
(iii) If the enrollee’s current QHP is
not available through the Exchange and
the enrollee’s product no longer
includes a QHP at the same metal level
as the enrollee’s current QHP and—
(A) The enrollee’s current QHP is a
silver level plan, the enrollee will be reenrolled in a silver level QHP under a
different product offered by the same
QHP issuer that is most similar to the
enrollee’s current product. If no such
silver level QHP is available for
enrollment through the Exchange, the
enrollee’s coverage will be renewed in
a QHP that is one metal level higher or
lower than the enrollee’s current QHP
under the same product;
(B) The enrollee’s current QHP is not
a silver level plan, the enrollee’s
coverage will be renewed in a QHP that
is one metal level higher or lower than
the enrollee’s current QHP under the
same product; or
(iv) If the enrollee’s current QHP is
not available through the Exchange and
the enrollee’s product no longer
includes a QHP that is at the same metal
level as, or one metal level higher or
lower than the enrollee’s current QHP,
the enrollee’s coverage will be renewed
in any other QHP offered under the
product in which the enrollee’s current
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QHP is offered in which the enrollee is
eligible to enroll.
(2) No plans under the product under
which the QHP in which he or she is
enrolled are available through the
Exchange for renewal, consistent with
§ 147.106 of this subchapter, such
enrollee may be enrolled in a QHP
under a different product offered by the
same QHP issuer, to the extent
permitted by applicable State law,
unless he or she terminates coverage,
including termination of coverage in
connection with voluntarily selecting a
different QHP, in accordance with
§ 155.430. The Exchange will ensure
that re-enrollment in coverage under
this paragraph (j)(2) occurs as follows:
(i) The enrollee will be re-enrolled in
a QHP at the same metal level as the
enrollee’s current QHP in the product
offered by the same issuer that is the
most similar to the enrollee’s current
(ii) If the issuer does not offer another
QHP at the same metal level as the
enrollee’s current QHP, the enrollee will
be re-enrolled in a QHP that is one
metal level higher or lower than the
enrollee’s current QHP in the product
offered by the same issuer through the
Exchange that is the most similar to the
enrollee’s current product; or
(iii) If the issuer does not offer another
QHP through the Exchange at the same
metal level as, or one metal level higher
or lower than the enrollee’s current
QHP, the enrollee will be re-enrolled in
any other QHP offered by the same
issuer in which the enrollee is eligible
to enroll.
■ 36. Section 155.400 is amended by
revising paragraph (e) and adding
paragraphs (g) and (h) to read as follows:
§ 155.400 Enrollment of qualified
individuals into QHPs.
(e) Premium payment. Exchanges
may, and the Federally-facilitated
Exchange will, require payment of a
binder payment to effectuate an
enrollment or to add coverage
retroactively to an already effectuated
enrollment. Exchanges may, and the
Federally-facilitated Exchange will,
establish a standard policy for setting
premium payment deadlines:
(1) In a Federally-facilitated
(i) For prospective coverage to be
effectuated under regular coverage
effective dates, as provided for in
§§ 155.410(f) and 155.420(b)(1), the
binder payment must consist of the first
month’s premium, and the deadline for
making the binder payment must be no
earlier than the coverage effective date,
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and no later than 30 calendar days from
the coverage effective date;
(ii) For prospective coverage to be
effectuated under special effective dates,
as provided for in § 155.420(b)(2), the
binder payment must consist of the first
month’s premium, and the deadline for
making the binder payment must be no
earlier than the coverage effective date
and no later than 30 calendar days from
the date the issuer receives the
enrollment transaction or the coverage
effective date, whichever is later.
(iii) For coverage to be effectuated
under retroactive effective dates, as
provided for in § 155.420(b)(2), the
binder payment must consist of the
premium due for all months of
retroactive coverage through the first
prospective month of coverage, and, the
deadline for making the binder payment
must be no earlier than 30 calendar days
from the date the issuer receives the
enrollment transaction. If only the
premium for one month of coverage is
paid, only prospective coverage should
be effectuated, in accordance with
regular effective dates.
(2) [Reserved]
(g) Premium payment threshold.
Exchanges may, and the Federallyfacilitated Exchange will, allow issuers
to implement, a premium payment
threshold policy under which issuers
can consider enrollees to have paid all
amounts due if the enrollees pay an
amount sufficient to maintain a
percentage of total premium paid out of
the total premium owed equal to or
greater than a level prescribed by the
issuer, provided that the level is
reasonable and that the level and the
policy are applied in a uniform manner
to all enrollees. If an applicant or
enrollee satisfies the premium payment
threshold policy, the issuer may:
(1) Effectuate an enrollment based on
payment of the binder payment under
paragraph (e) of this section.
(2) Avoid triggering a grace period for
non-payment of premium, as described
by § 156.270(d) of this subchapter or a
grace period governed by State rules.
(3) Avoid terminating the enrollment
for non-payment of premium as,
described by §§ 156.270(g) of this
subchapter and 155.430(b)(2)(ii)(A)
(h) Requirements. A State Exchange
may rely on HHS to carry out the
requirements of this section and other
requirements contained within this
subpart E through a Federal platform
■ 37. Section 155.410 is amended by
revising paragraphs (e)(2) and (f)(2) to
read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
§ 155.410 Initial and annual open
enrollment periods.
(e) * * *
(2) For the benefit years beginning on
January 1, 2016 and on January 1, 2017,
the annual open enrollment period
begins on November 1 of the calendar
year preceding the benefit year, and
extends through January 31 of the
benefit year.
(f) * * *
(2) For the benefit years beginning on
January 1, 2016 and on January 1, 2017,
the Exchange must ensure that coverage
is effective—
(i) January 1 for QHP selections
received by the Exchange on or before
December 15 of the calendar year
preceding the benefit year.
(ii) February 1 for QHP selections
received by the Exchange from
December 16 of the calendar year
preceding the benefit year through
January 15 of the benefit year.
(iii) March 1 for QHP selections
received by the Exchange from January
16 through January 31 of the benefit
■ 38. Section 155.430 is amended by—
■ a. Adding paragraph (b)(1)(iv).
■ b. Revising paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(A).
■ c. Redesignating paragraph (b)(2)(vi)
as paragraph (b)(2)(vii).
■ d. Adding paragraphs (b)(2)(vi) and
(d)(9), (10), and (11)
The additions and revision read as
§ 155.430 Termination of Exchange
enrollment or coverage.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(iv) The Exchange must permit an
enrollee to retroactively terminate or
cancel his or her coverage or enrollment
in a QHP in the following
(A) The enrollee demonstrates to the
Exchange that he or she attempted to
terminate his or her coverage or
enrollment in a QHP and experienced a
technical error that did not allow the
enrollee to terminate his or her coverage
or enrollment through the Exchange,
and requests retroactive termination
within 60 days after he or she
discovered the technical error.
(B) The enrollee demonstrates to the
Exchange that his or her enrollment in
a QHP through the Exchange was
unintentional, inadvertent, or erroneous
and was the result of the error or
misconduct of an officer, employee, or
agent of the Exchange or HHS, its
instrumentalities, or a non-Exchange
entity providing enrollment assistance
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or conducting enrollment activities.
Such enrollee must request cancellation
within 60 days of discovering the
unintentional, inadvertent, or erroneous
enrollment. For purposes of this
paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(B), misconduct
includes the failure to comply with
applicable standards under this part,
part 156 of this subchapter, or other
applicable Federal or State requirements
as determined by the Exchange.
(C) The enrollee was enrolled in a
QHP without his or her knowledge or
consent due to the fraudulent activity of
any third party, including third parties
who have no connection with the
Exchange, and requests cancellation
within 60 days of discovering of the
fraudulent enrollment.
(2) * * *
(ii) * * *
(A) The exhaustion of the 3-month
grace period, as described in
§ 156.270(d) and (g) of this subchapter,
required for enrollees, who when first
failing to timely pay premiums, are
receiving advance payments of the
premium tax credit;
(vi) The enrollee was enrolled in a
QHP due to fraudulent activity,
including fraudulent activity by a third
party with no connection with the
(d) * * *
(9) In case of a retroactive termination
in accordance with paragraph
(b)(1)(iv)(A) of this section, the
termination date will be no sooner than
14 days after the date that the enrollee
can demonstrate he or she contacted the
Exchange to terminate his or her
coverage or enrollment through the
Exchange, unless the issuer agrees to an
earlier effective date as set forth in
paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this section.
(10) In case of a retroactive
cancellation or termination in
accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(B)
or (C) of this section, the cancellation
date or termination date will be the
original coverage effective date or a later
date, as determined appropriate by the
Exchange, based on the circumstances
of the cancellation or termination.
(11) In the case of cancellation in
accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(vi) of
this section, the Exchange may cancel
the enrollee’s enrollment upon its
determination that the enrollment was
performed fraudulently and following
reasonable notice to the enrollee (where
possible). The termination date will be
the original coverage effective date.
■ 39. Section 155.505 is amended by
adding paragraphs (b)(1)(iii) and (b)(5)
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and revising paragraph (b)(4) to read as
§ 155.505 General eligibility appeals
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) A determination of eligibility for
an enrollment period, made in
accordance with § 155.305(b);
(4) A denial of a request to vacate
dismissal made by a State Exchange
appeals entity in accordance with
§ 155.530(d)(2), made under paragraph
(c)(2)(i) of this section; and
(5) An appeal decision issued by a
State Exchange appeals entity in
accordance with § 155.545(b), consistent
with § 155.520(c).
■ 40. Section 155.510 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 155.510
Appeals coordination.
(a) * * *
(1) Minimize burden on appellants,
including not asking the appellant to
provide duplicative information or
documentation that he or she already
provided to an agency administering an
insurance affordability program or
eligibility appeals process, unless the
appeals entity, Exchange, or agency
does not have access to the information
or documentation and cannot
reasonably obtain it;
■ 41. Section 155.520 is amended by
adding paragraph (d)(2)(i)(D) to read as
§ 155.520
Appeal requests.
(d) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) * * *
(D) That, in the event the appeal
request is not valid due to failure to
submit by the date determined under
paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, as
applicable, the appeal request may be
considered valid if the applicant or
enrollee sufficiently demonstrates
within a reasonable timeframe
determined by the appeals entity that
failure to timely submit was due to
exceptional circumstances and should
not preclude the appeal.
■ 42. Section 155.530 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(4) to read as
§ 155.530
(a) * * *
(4) Dies while the appeal is pending,
except if the executor, administrator, or
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
other duly authorized representative of
the estate requests to continue the
■ 43. Section 155.535 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a) introductory text
and (b) to read as follows:
§ 155.535 Informal resolution and hearing
(a) Informal resolution. The HHS
appeals process will provide an
opportunity for informal resolution and
a hearing in accordance with the
requirements of this section. A State
Exchange appeals entity may also
provide an informal resolution process
prior to a hearing. Any information
resolution process must meet the
following requirements:
(b) Notice of hearing. When a hearing
is scheduled, the appeals entity must
send written notice to the appellant of
the date, time, and location or format of
the hearing no later than 15 days prior
to the hearing date unless—
(1) The appellant requests an earlier
hearing date; or
(2) A hearing date sooner than 15 days
is necessary to process an expedited
appeal, as described in § 155.540(a), and
the appeals entity has contacted the
appellant to schedule a hearing on a
mutually agreed upon date, time, and
location or format.
■ 44. Section 155.545 is amended by
revising paragraphs (b)(1) and (c)(1)(i)
and (ii) to read as follows:
§ 155.545
Appeal decisions.
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(b) * * *
(1) Must issue written notice of the
appeal decision to the appellant within
90 days of the date an appeal request
under § 155.520(b) or (c) is received, as
administratively feasible.
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) Prospectively, on the first day of
the month following the date of the
notice of appeal decision, or consistent
with § 155.330(f)(2), (3), (4), or (5), if
applicable; or
(ii) Retroactively, to the coverage
effective date the appellant did receive
or would have received if the appellant
had enrolled in coverage under the
incorrect eligibility determination that
is the subject of the appeal, at the option
of the appellant.
■ 45. Section 155.555 is amended by
revising paragraphs (e)(1) introductory
text and (l) to read as follows:
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§ 155.555
Employer appeals process.
(e) * * *
(1) Upon receipt of a valid appeal
request under this section, or upon
receipt of the notice under paragraph
(d)(1)(iii) of this section, the Exchange
must promptly transmit via secure
electronic interface to the appeals
(l) Implementation of the appeal
decision. After receipt of the notice
under paragraph (k)(3) of this section, if
the appeal decision affects the
employee’s eligibility, the Exchange
must promptly:
(1) Redetermine the employee’s
eligibility and the eligibility of the
employee’s household members, if
applicable, in accordance with the
standards specified in § 155.305; or
(2) Notify the employee of the
requirement to report changes in
eligibility as described in
§ 155.330(b)(1).
■ 46. Section 155.605 is amended by:
■ a. In paragraph (b), removing the
reference ‘‘paragraphs (c)(2), (f)(2), and
(g) of this section’’ and adding in its
place the reference ‘‘paragraphs (c)(2)
and (d) of this section’’;
■ b. Removing paragraphs (d), (e) and
■ c. Redesignating paragraph (g) as
paragraph (d);
■ d. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (d); and
■ c. Adding paragraph (e).
The revision and addition read as
§ 155.605 Eligibility standards for
(d) Hardship—(1) General. The
Exchange must grant a hardship
exemption to an applicant eligible for an
exemption for at least the month before,
the month or months during which, and
the month after a specific event or
circumstance, if the Exchange
determines that the applicant has
suffered a hardship in relation to his or
her ability to obtain coverage because
they experienced one or more of the
events or circumstances listed in
paragraph (d)(1)(i) through (iii) or (d)(2)
of this section. Notwithstanding the
length of the hardship, any hardship
exemption granted pursuant to this
paragraph (d) may be granted for a
maximum period that is not to exceed
the month before the event or
circumstance and the remainder of the
calendar year during which the
hardship commenced, plus the next
calendar year.
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(i) He or she experienced financial or
domestic circumstances, including an
unexpected natural or human-caused
event, such that he or she had a
significant, unexpected increase in
essential expenses that prevented him
or her from obtaining coverage under a
qualified health plan;
(ii) The expense of purchasing a
qualified health plan would have
caused him or her to experience serious
deprivation of food, shelter, clothing or
other necessities; or
(iii) He or she has experienced other
circumstances that prevented him or her
from obtaining coverage under a
qualified health plan.
(2) Examples of events and
circumstances for which the Exchange
must grant a hardship exemption to an
applicant based on paragraph (d)(1) of
this section include:
(i) Individuals that the Exchange
determines are homeless.
(ii) Individuals who have been evicted
or facing eviction or foreclosure.
(iii) Individuals who have received a
shut-off notice from a utility company.
(iv) Individuals who have
experienced domestic violence.
(v) Individuals who have experienced
the death of a family member.
(vi) Individuals who have
experienced a fire, flood or other nature
or human-caused disaster that caused
substantial damage to your property.
(vii) Individuals who have filed for
(viii) Individuals who had medical
bills which resulted in substantial debt
(ix) Individuals who experienced
unexpected increases in necessary
expenses due to caring for an ill,
disabled or aging family member.
(x) Individuals who are seeking
categorical Medicaid eligibility under
section 1902(f) of the Act for ‘‘209(b)’’
States (codified at 42 CFR 435.121).
(xi) Individuals who are seeking
Medicaid coverage provided to
medically needy individuals under
section 1902(a)(10)(C) of the Social
Security Act 42 U.S.C. 1396(a)(10)(C)
that is not recognized as governmentsponsored minimum essential coverage
(MEC) under IRS regulations or HHS
regulations or guidance.
(xii) Individuals who are enrolled in
Medicaid coverage provided to a
pregnant women that is not recognized
as government-sponsored MEC under
IRS regulations or HHS regulations or
(xiii) Individuals who are enrolled in
CHIP coverage provided to an unborn
child that includes comprehensive
prenatal care for the pregnant mother.
(xiv) Individuals who are eligible for
enrollment in a qualified health plan
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(QHP) through the Exchange, lower
costs on the individual’s monthly
premiums or cost-sharing reductions for
a time period when the individual was
not enrolled in a QHP through the
Exchange as a result of an eligibility
appeals decision.
(3) The hardship event or
circumstance described under
paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section
must have occurred within 3 years of
the date the applicant submits an
application to the Exchange under
§ 155.610, except in the case of
applicants who are or who were
homeless or experienced domestic
(i) The date of submission of an
application means the date of receipt of
the application by the Exchange via the
channels available for the submission of
an application, as described in
§ 155.610(d) or the date the application
was signed by the submitter.
(ii) [Reserved]
(4) Lack of affordable coverage based
on projected income. The Exchange
must determine an applicant eligible for
an exemption for a month or months
during which he or she, or another
individual the applicant attests will be
included in the applicant’s family, as
defined in 26 CFR 1.36B–1(d), is unable
to afford coverage in accordance with
the standards specified in section
5000A(e)(1) of the Code, provided that—
(i) Eligibility for this exemption is
based on projected annual household
(ii) An eligible employer-sponsored
plan is only considered under
paragraphs (d)(4)(iii) and (iv) of this
section if it meets the minimum value
standard described in § 156.145 of this
(iii) For an individual who is eligible
to purchase coverage under an eligible
employer-sponsored plan, the Exchange
determines the required contribution for
coverage such that—
(A) An individual who uses tobacco is
treated as not earning any premium
incentive related to participation in a
wellness program designed to prevent or
reduce tobacco use that is offered by an
eligible employer-sponsored plan;
(B) Wellness incentives offered by an
eligible employer-sponsored plan that
do not relate to tobacco use are treated
as not earned;
(C) In the case of an employee who is
eligible to purchase coverage under an
eligible employer-sponsored plan
sponsored by the employee’s employer,
the required contribution is the portion
of the annual premium that the
employee would pay (whether through
salary reduction or otherwise) for the
lowest cost self-only coverage.
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(D) In the case of an individual who
is eligible to purchase coverage under
an eligible employer-sponsored plan as
a member of the employee’s family, as
defined in 26 CFR 1.36B–1(d), the
required contribution is the portion of
the annual premium that the employee
would pay (whether through salary
reduction or otherwise) for the lowest
cost family coverage that would cover
the employee and all other individuals
who are included in the employee’s
family who have not otherwise been
granted an exemption through the
(iv) For an individual who is
ineligible to purchase coverage under an
eligible employer-sponsored plan, the
Exchange determines the required
contribution for coverage in accordance
with section 5000A(e)(1)(B)(ii) of the
Code, inclusive of all members of the
family, as defined in 26 CFR 1.36B–1(d),
who have not otherwise been granted an
exemption through the Exchange and
who are not treated as eligible to
purchase coverage under an eligible
employer-sponsored plan, in accordance
with paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section;
(v) The applicant applies for this
exemption prior to the last date on
which he or she could enroll in a QHP
through the Exchange for the month or
months of a calendar year for which the
exemption is requested.
(vi) The Exchange must make an
exemption in this category available
prospectively, and provide it for all
remaining months in a coverage year,
notwithstanding any change in an
individual’s circumstances.
(5) Ineligible for Medicaid based on a
State’s decision not to expand. The
Exchange must determine an applicant
eligible for an exemption for a calendar
year if he or she would be determined
ineligible for Medicaid for one or more
months during the benefit year solely as
a result of a State not implementing
section 2001(a) of the Affordable Care
(e) Eligibility for an exemption
through the IRS. Hardship exemptions
in this paragraph can be claimed on a
Federal income tax return without
obtaining an exemption certificate
number. The IRS may allow an
individual to claim the hardship
exemptions described in this paragraph
(e) without requiring an exemption
certificate number from the Exchange.
(1) Filing threshold. The IRS may
allow an applicant to claim an
exemption specified in HHS Guidance
published September 18, 2014, entitled,
Shared Responsibility Guidance—Filing
Threshold Hardship Exemption,’’ and in
IRS Notice 2014–76, section B.
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(2) Self-only coverage in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan. The IRS may
allow an applicant to claim an
exemption specified in HHS Guidance
published November 21, 2014, entitled,
‘‘Guidance on Hardship Exemptions for
Persons Meeting Certain Criteria,’’ and
in IRS Notice 2014–76, section A.
(3) Eligible for services through an
Indian health care provider. The IRS
may allow an applicant to claim the
exemption specified in HHS Guidance
published September 18, 2014, entitled,
‘‘Shared Responsibility Guidance—
Exemption for Individuals Eligible for
Services through an Indian Health Care
Provider,’’ and in IRS Notice 2014–76,
section E.
(4) Ineligible for Medicaid based on a
State’s decision not to expand. The IRS
may allow an applicant to claim the
exemption specified in HHS Guidance
published November 21, 2014, entitled,
‘‘Guidance on Hardship Exemptions for
Persons Meeting Certain Criteria,’’ and
in IRS Notice 2014–76, section F.
■ 47. Section 155.610 is amended by
revising paragraph (h)(1) and adding
paragraph (k) to read as follows:
§ 155.610 Eligibility process for
(h) * * *
(1) Except for the exemptions
described in § 155.605(c) and (d), after
December 31 of a given calendar year,
the Exchange may decline to accept an
application for an exemption that is
available retrospectively for months for
such calendar year, and must provide
information to individuals regarding
how to claim an exemption through the
tax filing process.
(k) Incomplete application. (1) If an
applicant submits an application that
does not include sufficient information
for the Exchange to conduct a
determination for eligibility of an
exemption the Exchange must—
(i) Provide notice to the applicant
indicating that information necessary to
complete an eligibility determination is
missing, specifying the missing
information, and providing instructions
on how to provide the missing
information; and
(ii) Provide the applicant with a
period of no less than 10 and no more
than 90 days, in the reasonable
discretion of the Exchange, from the
date on which the notice described in
paragraph (k)(1) of this section is sent to
the applicant to provide the information
needed to complete the application to
the Exchange; and
(iii) Not proceed with the applicant’s
eligibility determination during the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
period described in paragraph (k)(2) of
this section.
(2) If the Exchange does not receive
the requested information within the
time allotted in paragraph (k)(1)(ii) of
this section, the Exchange must notify
the applicant in writing that the
Exchange cannot process the
application and provide appeal rights to
the applicant.
■ 48. Section 155.615 is amended by■ a. Removing paragraphs (c), (d), and
■ b. Redesignating paragraphs (f), (g),
(h), (i), (j), and (k) as paragraphs (c), (d),
(e), (f), (g), and (h), respectively.
■ c. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (c)(1).
■ d. Removing newly redesignated
paragraph (c)(3).
■ e. Further redesignating newly
redesignated paragraph (c)(2) as
paragraph (c)(3).
■ f. Adding paragraph (c)(2).
The revision and addition read as
§ 155.615 Verification process related to
eligibility for exemptions.
(c) Verification related to exemption
for hardship—(1) In general. For any
applicant who requests an exemption
based on hardship, except for the
hardship exemptions described in
§ 155.605(d)(3), the Exchange must
verify whether he or she has
experienced the hardship to which he or
she is attesting.
(2) Hardship. If the hardshipqualifying event or circumstance in
§ 155.605(d)(1) began more than 3 years
prior to the date the exemption
application was submitted, as specified
in § 155.605(d)(3)(i), and the event or
circumstance continued beyond the
initial 3-year period, the Exchange must
verify the applicant continued to
experience the hardship to which he or
she is attesting during a period that is
within 3 years from the date of the
exemption application submitted under
§ 155.605(d)(1).
■ 49. Section 155.625 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) to read
as follows:
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§ 155.625 Options for conducting eligibility
determinations for exemptions.
(a) * * *
(2) By use of the HHS service under
paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Use of HHS service.
Notwithstanding the requirements of
this subpart, the Exchange may adopt an
exemption eligibility determination
made by HHS.
■ 50. Section 155.705 is amended by:
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a. Adding paragraphs (b)(3)(viii), (ix),
and (x).
■ b. In paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(B), removing
the semicolon and adding a colon in its
■ c. Adding paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(B)(1)
and adding and reserving paragraph
■ d. Revising paragraphs (b)(4)(ii)(C)(2)
and (b)(11)(ii)(A), (B), and (C).
■ e. Removing paragraphs (b)(11)(ii)(D)
and (E).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 155.705
Functions of a SHOP.
(b) * * *
(3) * * *
(viii) For plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017, a Federallyfacilitated SHOP will provide a
qualified employer a choice of three
methods to make QHPs available to
qualified employees and their
(A) The employer may choose a level
of coverage as described in paragraph
(b)(2) of this section;
(B) The employer may choose a single
QHP; or
(C) The employer may offer its
qualified employees a choice of all
QHPs offered through a Federallyfacilitated SHOP by a single issuer
across all available levels of coverage, as
described in section 1302(d)(1) of the
Affordable Care Act and implemented
in § 156.140(b) of this subchapter.
(ix) For plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017, a Federallyfacilitated SHOP will provide a
qualified employer a choice of three
methods to make stand-alone dental
plans available to qualified employees
and their dependents:
(A) The employer may choose to make
available a single stand-alone dental
(B) The employer may choose to make
available all stand-alone dental plans
offered through a Federally-facilitated
SHOP at a level of coverage as described
in § 156.150(b)(2) of this subchapter; or
(C) The employer may offer its
qualified employees a choice of all
plans offered through a Federallyfacilitated SHOP by a single issuer
across all available levels of coverage, as
described in § 156.150(b)(2) of this
(x) States operating as a State-based
Exchange utilizing the Federal platform
for SHOP enrollment functions will
have the same employer choice models
available as States with a Federallyfacilitated SHOP.
(4) * * *
(ii) * * *
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(B) * * *
(1) In a Federally-facilitated SHOP,
payment for the group’s first month of
coverage must be received by the
premium aggregation services vendor on
or before the 20th day of the month
prior to the month that coverage begins.
(2) [Reserved]
(C) * * *
(2) The number of days for which
coverage is being provided in the month
described in paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(C)(1) of
this section.
(11) * * *
(ii) * * *
(A) When the employer offers a single
plan to qualified employees, the
employer must use a fixed contribution
methodology under which the employer
contributes a fixed percentage of the
plan’s premium for each qualified
employee and, if applicable, for each
dependent of a qualified employee. A
tobacco surcharge, if applicable, will be
applied after the employer’s
contribution is applied to the premium.
(B) When the employer offers a choice
of plans to qualified employees, the
employer may use a fixed contribution
methodology or a reference plan
contribution methodology. Under the
fixed contribution methodology, the
employer contributes a fixed percentage
of the premiums for each qualified
employee and, if applicable, for each
dependent of a qualified employee,
across all plans in which any qualified
employee, and, if applicable, any
dependent of a qualified employee, is
enrolled. Under the reference plan
contribution methodology, the employer
will select a plan from within the level
of coverage offered as described in
paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section
to serve as a reference plan on which
contributions will be based, and then
will define a percentage contribution
toward premiums under the reference
plan; the resulting contribution amounts
under the reference plan will be applied
toward any plan in which a qualified
employee or, if applicable, any
dependent of a qualified employee, is
enrolled, up to the lesser of the
contribution amount or the total amount
of any premium for the selected plan
before application of a tobacco
surcharge, if applicable. A tobacco
surcharge, if applicable, will be applied
after the employer’s contribution is
applied to the premium.
(C) The employer will define a
percentage contribution toward
premiums for employee-only coverage
and, if dependent coverage is offered, a
percentage contribution toward
premiums for dependent coverage. To
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
the extent permitted by other applicable
law, for plan years beginning on or after
January 1, 2015, a Federally-facilitated
SHOP may permit an employer to define
a different percentage contribution for
full-time employees from the percentage
contribution it defines for non-full-time
employees, and it may permit an
employer to define a different
percentage contribution for dependent
coverage for full-time employees from
the percentage contribution it defines
for dependent coverage for non-full-time
■ 51. Section 155.715 is amended by
revising paragraph (g)(1) to read as
§ 155.715 Eligibility determination process
for SHOP.
(g) * * *
(1) Each QHP terminates the
enrollment through the SHOP of the
employer’s enrollees enrolled in a QHP
through the SHOP; and
■ 52. Section 155.725 is amended by
revising paragraphs (c), (e), (h)(2), (i)(1)
introductory text, and (j)(2)(i) to read as
§ 155.725
Enrollment periods under SHOP.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(c) Annual employer election period.
The SHOP must provide qualified
employers with a standard election
period prior to the completion of the
employer’s plan year and before the
annual employee open enrollment
period, in which the qualified employer
may change its participation in the
SHOP for the next plan year,
(1) The method by which the
qualified employer makes QHPs
available to qualified employees
pursuant to § 155.705(b)(2) and (3);
(2) The employer contribution
towards the premium cost of coverage;
(3) The level of coverage offered to
qualified employees as described in
§ 155.705(b)(2) and (3); and
(4) The QHP or QHPs offered to
qualified employees in accordance with
§ 155.705.
(e) Annual employee open enrollment
period. (1) The SHOP must establish a
standardized annual open enrollment
period for qualified employees prior to
the completion of the applicable
qualified employer’s plan year and after
that employer’s annual election period.
(2) Qualified employers in a
Federally-facilitated SHOP must
provide qualified employees with an
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annual open enrollment period of at
least one week.
(h) * * *
(2) For a group enrollment received by
the Federally-facilitated SHOP from a
qualified employer at the time of an
initial group enrollment or renewal:
(i) Between the first and fifteenth day
of any month, the Federally-facilitated
SHOP must ensure a coverage effective
date of the first day of the following
month unless the employer opts for a
later effective date within a quarter for
which small group market rates are
(ii) Between the 16th and last day of
any month, the Federally-facilitated
SHOP must ensure a coverage effective
date of the first day of the second
following month unless the employer
opts for a later effective date within a
quarter for which small group market
rates are available.
(i) * * *
(1) If a qualified employee enrolled in
a QHP through the SHOP remains
eligible for enrollment through the
SHOP in coverage offered by the same
qualified employer, the SHOP may
provide for a process under which the
employee will remain in the QHP
selected the previous year, unless—
(j) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) Experiences an event described in
§ 155.420(d)(1) (other than paragraph
(d)(1)(ii)), or experiences an event
described in § 155.420(d)(2), (4), (5), (7),
(8), or (9);
■ 53. Section 155.735 is amended by
revising paragraphs (c)(2) introductory
text and (d)(2) to read as follows:
§ 155.735 Termination of SHOP enrollment
or coverage.
(c) * * *
(2) In an FF–SHOP, for premium
payments other than payments for the
first month of coverage—
(d) * * *
(2) In the FF–SHOP, termination is
(i) In the case of a termination in
accordance with paragraphs (d)(1)(i),
(ii), (iii), and (v) of this section,
termination is effective on the last day
of the month in which the Federallyfacilitated SHOP receives notice of the
event described in paragraph (d)(1)(i),
(ii), (iii), or (v) of this section.
(ii) In the case of a termination in
accordance with paragraph (d)(1)(iv) of
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this section, the last day of coverage in
an enrollee’s prior QHP is the day before
the effective date of coverage in his or
her new QHP, including for any
retroactive enrollments effectuated
under § 155.420(b)(2).
(iii) The FF–SHOP will send qualified
employees a notice notifying them in
advance of a child dependent’s loss of
eligibility for dependent child coverage
under their plan because of age. The
notice will be sent 90 days in advance
of the date when the dependent enrollee
would lose eligibility for dependent
child coverage. The enrollee will also
receive a separate termination notice
when coverage is terminated, under
§ 155.735(g).
■ 54. Section 155.740 is amended by
revising paragraphs (c)(2), (d)(2), and
(l)(3) to read as follows:
§ 155.740 SHOP employer and employee
eligibility appeals requirements.
(c) * * *
(2) A failure by the SHOP to provide
a timely eligibility determination or a
timely notice of an eligibility
determination in accordance with
§ 155.715(e).
(d) * * *
(2) A failure by the SHOP to provide
a timely eligibility determination or a
timely notice of an eligibility
determination in accordance with
§ 155.715(f).
(l) * * *
(3) Be effective as follows:
(i) If an employer is found eligible
under the decision, then at the
employer’s option, the effective date of
coverage or enrollment through the
SHOP under the decision can either be
made retroactive to the effective date of
coverage or enrollment through the
SHOP that the employer would have
had if the employer had been correctly
determined eligible, or prospective to
the first day of the month following the
date of the notice of the appeal decision.
(ii) If an employee is found eligible
under the decision, then at the
employee’s option, the effective date of
coverage or enrollment through the
SHOP under the decision can either be
made effective retroactive to the
effective date of coverage or enrollment
through the SHOP that the employee
would have had if the employee had
been correctly determined eligible, or
prospective to the first day of the month
following the date of the notice of the
appeal decision.
(iii) If the employer or employee is
found ineligible under the decision,
then the decision is effective on the first
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
day of the month following the date of
the notice of the appeal decision.
55. The authority citation for part 156
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Title I of the Affordable Care
Act, sections 1301–1304, 1311–1313, 1321–
1322, 1324, 1334, 1342–1343, 1401–1402,
Pub. L. 111–148, 124 Stat. 119 (42 U.S.C.
18021–18024, 18031–18032, 18041–18042,
18044, 18054, 18061, 18063, 18071, 18082,
26 U.S.C. 36B, and 31 U.S.C. 9701).
56. Section 156.20 is amended by
adding a definition of ‘‘Standardized
option’’ in alphabetical order to read as
§ 156.20
Standardized option means a QHP
with a standardized cost-sharing
structure specified by HHS and that is
offered for sale through an individual
market Federally-facilitated Exchange.
■ 57. Section 156.50 amended by
revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:
§ 156.50
Financial support.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(c) Requirement for Federallyfacilitated Exchange user fee. (1) To
support the functions of Federallyfacilitated Exchanges, a participating
issuer offering a plan through a
Federally-facilitated Exchange must
remit a user fee to HHS each month, in
the time frame and manner established
by HHS, equal to the product of the
monthly user fee rate specified in the
annual HHS notice of benefit and
payment parameters for Federallyfacilitated Exchanges for the applicable
benefit year and the monthly premium
charged by the issuer for each policy
under the plan where enrollment is
through a Federally-facilitated
(2) To support the functions of Statebased Exchanges on the Federal
platform, a participating issuer offering
a plan through a State-based Exchange
that elects to utilize the Federal
Exchange platform for certain Exchange
functions described in § 155.200 of this
subchapter, as specified in a Federal
platform agreement, must remit a user
fee to HHS, in the timeframe and
manner established by HHS, equal to
the product of the sum of the monthly
user fee rate specified in the annual
HHS notice of benefit and payment
parameters for State-based Exchanges
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that use the Federal platform for the
applicable benefit year plus any
additional user fee rate that HHS will
collect on behalf of the Sate-based
Exchange, multiplied by the monthly
premium charged by the issuer for each
policy under the plan where enrollment
is through the State-based Exchange on
the Federal platform.
■ 58. Section 156.80 is amended by
revising paragraph (d)(3)(ii) to read as
§ 156.80
Single risk pool.
(d) * * *
(3) * * *
(ii) A health insurance issuer in the
small group market (not including a
merged market) may establish index
rates and make the marketwide
adjustments under paragraph (d)(1) of
this section, and make the plan-level
adjustments under paragraph (d)(2) of
this section, no more frequently than
quarterly. Any changes to rates must
have effective dates of January 1, April
1, July 1, or October 1. Such rates may
only apply to coverage issued or
renewed on or after the rate effective
date and will apply for the entire plan
year of the group health plan.
■ 59. Section 156.135 is amended by
revising paragraph (g) to read as follows:
§ 156.135 AV calculation for determining
level of coverage.
(g) Updates to the AV Calculator.
HHS will update the AV Calculator
annually for material changes that may
include costs, plan designs, the standard
population, developments in the
function and operation of the AV
Calculator and other actuarially relevant
■ 60. Section 156.150 is amended by
adding paragraphs (a)(1) and (2), (c), and
(d) to read as follows:
§ 156.150 Application to stand-alone
dental plans inside the Exchange.
(a) * * *
(1) For plan years beginning after
2016, for one covered child—the dollar
limit applicable to a stand-alone dental
plan for one covered child specified in
this paragraph (a) increased by an
amount equal to the product of that
amount and the quotient of consumer
price index for dental services for the
year 2 years prior to the benefit year,
divided by the consumer price index for
dental services for 2016.
(2) For plan years after 2016, for two
or more covered children—twice the
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dollar limit for one child described in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(c) Consumer price index for dental
services defined. The consumer price
index for dental services is a subcomponent of the US Department of
Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consumer Price Index specific to dental
(d) Increments of cost sharing
increases. Any increase in the annual
dollar limits described in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section that does not result
in a multiple of 25 dollars will be
rounded down, to the next lowest
multiple of 25 dollars.
■ 61. Section 156.230 is amended by
adding (d), (e), and (f) to read as follows.
§ 156.230
Network adequacy standards.
(d) Minimum threshold. A QHP in a
Federally-facilitated Exchange meets the
standard under paragraph (a)(2) of this
section if its network is determined
adequate under the following standards:
(1) In a State that implements an
acceptable quantifiable network
adequacy metric commonly used in the
health insurance industry to measure
network adequacy, under that metric; or
(2) In any other State, under the
Federal time and distance standard,
based on minimum number of providers
and average time and distance to those
providers. QHPs that cannot meet the
time and distance standard established
by HHS may satisfy this requirement by
reasonably justifying variances from this
standard based on such factors as the
availability of providers and variables
reflected in local patterns of care.
(e) Provider transitions. A QHP issuer
in a Federally-facilitated Exchange
(1) Make a good faith effort to provide
written notice of discontinuation of a
provider 30 days prior to the effective
date of the change or otherwise as soon
as practicable, to enrollees who are
patients seen on a regular basis by the
provider or who receive primary care
from the provider whose contract is
being discontinued, irrespective of
whether the contract is being
discontinued due to a termination for
cause or without cause, or due to a nonrenewal;
(2) In cases where a provider is
terminated without cause, allow an
enrollee in active treatment to continue
treatment until the treatment is
complete or for 90 days, whichever is
shorter, at in-network cost-sharing rates.
(i) For the purposes of paragraph
(e)(2) of this section, active treatment
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(A) An ongoing course of treatment
for a life-threatening condition;
(B) An ongoing course of treatment for
a serious acute condition;
(C) The second or third trimester of
pregnancy; or
(D) An ongoing course of treatment for
a health condition for which a treating
physician or health care provider attests
that discontinuing care by that
physician or health care provider would
worsen the condition or interfere with
anticipated outcomes.
(ii) Any decisions made for a request
for continuity of care under paragraph
(e)(2) of this section must be subject to
the health benefit plan’s internal and
external grievance and appeal processes
in accordance with applicable State or
Federal law or regulations.
(f) Out-of-network cost sharing.
Notwithstanding § 156.130(c), for a
network to be deemed adequate, each
QHP that uses a provider network must:
(1) Count the cost sharing paid by an
enrollee for an essential health benefit
provided by an out-of-network provider
in an in-network setting towards the
enrollee’s annual limitation on cost
sharing; or
(2) Provide a written notice to the
enrollee at least ten business days before
the provision of the benefit that
additional costs may be incurred for an
essential health benefit provided by an
out-of-network provider in an innetwork setting, including balance
billing charges, unless such costs are
prohibited under State law, and that any
additional charges may not count
toward the in-network annual limitation
on cost sharing.
■ 62. Section 156.235, as amended on
February 27, 2015 (80 FR 10873), is
further amended by revising paragraphs
(a)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(i) to read as follows:
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 156.235
Essential community providers.
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) The network includes as
participating practitioners at least a
minimum percentage, as specified by
HHS, of available essential community
providers in each plan’s service area.
For plan years beginning prior to
January 1, 2018, multiple providers at a
single location will count as a single
essential community provider toward
both the available essential community
provider s in the plan’s service area and
the issuer’s satisfaction of the essential
community provider participation
standard. For plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2018, multiple
contracted or employed full-time
equivalent practitioners at a single
location will count toward both the
available essential community providers
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in the plan’s service area and the
issuer’s satisfaction of the essential
community provider participation
standard; and
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) The number of its providers that
are located in Health Professional
Shortage Areas or five-digit zip codes in
which 30 percent or more of the
population falls below 200 percent of
the Federal Poverty Line satisfies a
minimum percentage, specified by HHS,
of available essential community
provider in the plan’s service area. For
plan years beginning prior to January 1,
2018, multiple providers at a single
location will count as a single essential
community provider toward both the
available essential community providers
in the plan’s service area and the
issuer’s satisfaction of the essential
community provider participation
standard. For plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2018, multiple
contracted or employed full-time
equivalent practitioners at a single
location will count toward both the
available essential community providers
in the plan’s service area and the
satisfaction of the essential community
provider participation standard; and
■ 63. Section 156.265 is amended by
revising paragraph (b)(2)(ii) to read as
§ 156.265 Enrollment process for qualified
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) Ensure the applicant received an
eligibility determination for coverage
through the Exchange through the
Exchange Internet Web site or an
Exchange approved web service using
the FFE single streamline application.
■ 64. Section 156.270 is amended by
revising paragraphs (d) introductory text
and (g) to read as follows:
§ 156.270 Termination of coverage or
enrollment for qualified individuals.
(d) Grace period for recipients of
advance payments of the premium tax
credit. A QHP issuer must provide a
grace period of 3 months for an enrollee,
who when failing to timely pay
premiums, is receiving advance
payments of the premium tax credit.
During the grace period, the QHP issuer
(g) Exhaustion of grace period. If an
enrollee receiving advance payments of
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the premium tax credit exhausts the 3month grace period in paragraph (d) of
this section without paying all
outstanding premiums, subject to a
premium payment threshold
implemented under § 155.400(g) of this
subchapter, if applicable, the QHP
issuer must terminate the enrollee’s
enrollment through the Exchange on the
effective date described in
§ 155.430(d)(4) of this subchapter,
provided that the QHP issuer meets the
notice requirement specified in
paragraph (b) of this section.
■ 65. Section 156.285 is amended by
revising paragraph (c)(5) and removing
and reserving paragraph (d)(2) to read as
§ 156.285
Additional standards specific to
(c) * * *
(5) In a Federally-facilitated SHOP,
must send enrollment reconciliation
files on at least a monthly basis
according to a process, timeline, and file
format established by the Federallyfacilitated SHOP;
(d) * * *
(2) [Reserved]
66. Section 156.298 is amended by—
a. Revising paragraph (b)(4).
b. Removing paragraph (b)(5).
c. Redesignating paragraph (b)(6) as
paragraph (b)(5).
■ d. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (b)(5).
The revision reads as follows:
§ 156.298 Meaningful difference standard
for Qualified Health Plans in the Federallyfacilitated Exchanges.
(b) * * *
(4) Plan type; or
(5) Child-only versus non Child-only
plan offerings.
■ 67. The heading of subpart D is
revised to read as follows:
Subpart D—Standards for Qualified
Health Plan Issuers on FederallyFacilitated Exchanges and State-Based
Exchanges on the Federal Platform
68. Section 156.350 is added to
subpart D to read as follows:
§ 156.350 Eligibility and enrollment
standards for Qualified Health Plan issuers
on State-based Exchanges on the Federal
(a) In order to participate in a Statebased Exchange on the Federal platform,
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
a QHP issuer must comply with HHS
regulations, and guidance pertaining to
issuer eligibility and enrollment
functions as if the issuer were an issuer
of a QHP on a Federally-facilitated
Exchange. These requirements
(1) Section 156.285(a)(4)(ii) regarding
the premiums for plans offered on the
(2) Section 156.285(c)(8)(iii) regarding
enrollment process for SHOP; and
(3) Section 156.715 regarding
compliance reviews of QHP issuers, to
the extent relating directly to applicable
eligibility and enrollment functions.
(b) HHS will permit issuers of QHPs
in each State-based Exchange on the
Federal platform to directly enroll
applicants in a manner that is
considered to be through the Exchange,
as if the issuers were issuers of QHPs on
Federally-facilitated Exchanges under
§ 156.1230(a), to the extent permitted by
applicable State law.
(c) If the State-based Exchange on the
Federal platform does not substantially
enforce a requirement in paragraph (a)
of this section against the issuer or plan,
then HHS may do so, in accordance
with the enforcement remedies in
subpart I of this part, subject to the
administrative review process in
subpart J of this part.
■ 69. Section 156.805 is amended by
revising paragraph (d) to read as
§ 156.805 Bases and process for imposing
civil money penalties in Federally-facilitated
(d) Request for hearing. (1) An issuer
may appeal the assessment of a civil
money penalty under this section by
filing a request for hearing under an
applicable administrative hearing
(2) If an issuer files a request for
hearing under this paragraph (d), the
assessment of a civil money penalty will
not occur prior to the issuance of the
final administrative decision in the
■ 70. Section 156.810 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(12) and (13) and
(e) and adding paragraphs (a)(14) and
(15) to read as follows:
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§ 156.810 Bases and process for
decertification of a QHP offered by an
issuer through a Federally-facilitated
(a) * * *
(12) The QHP issuer substantially fails
to meet the requirements related to the
cases forwarded to QHP issuers under
subpart K of this part;
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(13) The QHP issuer substantially fails
to meet the requirements related to the
offering of a QHP under subpart M of
this part;
(14) The QHP issuer offering the QHP
is the subject of a pending, ongoing, or
final State regulatory or enforcement
action or determination that relates to
the issuer offering QHPs in the
Federally-facilitated Exchanges; or
(15) HHS reasonably believes that the
QHP issuer lacks the financial viability
to provide coverage under its QHPs
until the end of the plan year.
(e) Request for hearing. An issuer may
appeal the decertification of a QHP
offered by that issuer under paragraph
(c) or (d) of this section by filing a
request for hearing under an applicable
administrative hearing process.
(1) If an issuer files a request for
hearing under this paragraph (e):
(i) If the decertification is under
paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the
decertification will not take effect prior
to the issuance of the final
administrative decision in the appeal,
notwithstanding the effective date
specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this
(ii) If the decertification is under
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the
decertification will be effective on the
date specified in the notice of
decertification, but the certification of
the QHP may be reinstated immediately
upon issuance of a final administrative
decision that the QHP should not be
(2) [Reserved]
■ 71. Section § 156.1110 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a) and (b) and
removing paragraph (d) to read as
§ 156.1110 Establishment of patient safety
standards for QHP issuers.
(a) Patient safety standards. A QHP
issuer that contracts with a hospital
with greater than 50 beds must verify
that the hospital, as defined in section
1861(e) of the Act:
(1) For plan years beginning before
January 1, 2017, is Medicare-certified or
has been issued a Medicaid-only CMS
Certification Number (CCN) and is
subject to the Medicare Hospital
Conditions of Participation
requirements for—
(i) A quality assessment and
performance improvement program as
specified in 42 CFR 482.21; and
(ii) Discharge planning as specified in
42 CFR 482.43.
(2) For plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017—
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(i)(A) Utilizes a patient safety
evaluation system as defined in 42 CFR
3.20; and
(B) Implements a mechanism for
comprehensive person-centered hospital
discharge to improve care coordination
and health care quality for each patient;
(ii) Implements evidence-based
initiatives to reduce all cause
preventable harm, prevent hospital
readmission, improve care coordination
and improve health care quality through
the collection, management and analysis
of patient safety events.
(3) A QHP issuer must ensure that
each of its QHPs meets the patient safety
standards in accordance with this
(b) Documentation. A QHP issuer
must collect:
(1) For plan years beginning before
January 1, 2017, the CCN from each of
its contracted hospitals with greater
than 50 beds, to demonstrate that those
hospitals meet patient safety standards
required in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section; and
(2) For plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017, information, from
each of its contracted hospitals with
greater than 50 beds, to demonstrate that
those hospitals meet patient safety
standards required in paragraph (a)(2) of
this section.
■ 72. Section 156.1220 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(4)(ii)
to read as follows:
§ 156.1220
Administrative appeals.
(a) * * *
(3) Time for filing a request for
reconsideration. The request for
reconsideration must be filed in
accordance with the following
(i) For advance payments of the
premium tax credit, advance payments
of cost-sharing reductions, or Federallyfacilitated Exchange user fee charges,
within 30 calendar days after the date of
the final reconsideration notification
specifying the aggregate amount of
advance payments of the premium tax
credit, advance payments of costsharing reductions, and Federallyfacilitated Exchange user fees for the
applicable benefit year;
(ii) For a risk adjustment payment or
charge, including an assessment of risk
adjustment user fees, within 30 calendar
days of the date of the notification
under § 153.310(e) of this subchapter;
(iii) For a reinsurance payment,
within 30 calendar days of the date of
the notification under § 153.240(b)(1)(ii)
of this subchapter;
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(iv) For a default risk adjustment
charge, within 30 calendar days of the
date of the notification of the default
risk adjustment charge;
(v) For reconciliation of cost-sharing
reductions, within 30 calendar days of
the date of the notification of the costsharing reduction reconciliation
payment or charge; and
(vi) For a risk corridors payment or
charge, within 30 calendar days of the
date of the notification under
§ 153.510(d) of this subchapter.
(4) * * *
(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1)
of this section, a reconsideration with
respect to a processing error by HHS,
HHS’s incorrect application of the
relevant methodology, or HHS’s
mathematical error may be requested
only if, to the extent the issue could
have been previously identified by the
issuer to HHS under § 153.710(d)(2) of
this subchapter, it was so identified and
remains unresolved.
■ 73. Section 156.1250 is revised to read
as follows:
§ 156.1250 Acceptance of certain third
party payments.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(a) Issuers offering individual market
QHPs, including stand-alone dental
plans, and their downstream entities,
must accept premium and cost-sharing
payments from the following third-party
entities on behalf of plan enrollees:
(1) A Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
under title XXVI of the Public Health
Service Act;
(2) An Indian tribe, tribal
organization, or urban Indian
organization; and
(3) A local, State, or Federal
government program, including a
grantee directed by a government
program to make payments on its behalf
consistent with the program’s statutory
VerDate Sep<11>2014
13:28 Dec 01, 2015
Jkt 238001
(b) An entity making third party
payments of premiums under paragraph
(a) of this section must notify HHS of its
intent to do so, and the expected
number of consumers for which it will
do so, in a format and timeline
established by HHS.
■ 74. Section 156.1256 is added to
subpart M to read as follows:
claims that were incurred during the
MLR reporting year but had not been
paid within 6 months of the end of the
MLR reporting year.
■ 77. Section 158.140 is amended by
revising paragraph (a) introductory text
to read as follows:
§ 156.1256
(a) General requirements. The report
required in § 158.110 must include
direct claims paid to or received by
providers, including under capitation
contracts with physicians, whose
services are covered by the policy for
clinical services or supplies covered by
the policy. In addition, the report must
include claim reserves associated with
claims incurred during the MLR
reporting year, the change in contract
reserves, reserves for contingent benefits
and the medical claim portion of
lawsuits, and any incurred experience
rating refunds. Reimbursement for
clinical services, as defined in this
section, is referred to as ‘‘incurred
claims.’’ All components of and
adjustments to incurred claims, with the
exception of contract reserves, must be
calculated based on claims incurred
only during the MLR reporting year and
paid through June 30th of the following
year. Contract reserves must be
calculated as of December 31st of the
applicable year.
Other notices.
As directed by the FFE, health
insurance issuer that is offering QHP
coverage through an FFE must notify its
enrollees of material plan or benefit
display errors and the enrollees’
eligibility for a special enrollment
period, included in § 155.420(d)(4) of
this subchapter, within 30 calendar days
after the error is identified.
75. The authority citation for part 158
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Section 2718 of the Public
Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg-18), as
76. Section 158.103 is amended by
revising the definitions of ‘‘Large
Employer’’, ‘‘Small Employer’’, and
‘‘Unpaid claim reserves’’ to read as
§ 158.103
Large Employer has the meaning
given the term in § 144.103 of this
Small Employer has the meaning
given the term in § 144.103 of this
Unpaid claim reserves means reserves
and liabilities established to account for
PO 00000
Frm 00102
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 9990
§ 158.140 Reimbursement for clinical
services provided to enrollees.
Dated: October 23, 2015.
Andrew M. Slavitt,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
Dated: November 17, 2015.
Sylvia M. Burwell,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human
[FR Doc. 2015–29884 Filed 11–20–15; 4:15 pm]
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 231 (Wednesday, December 2, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 75487-75588]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-29884]
[[Page 75487]]
Vol. 80
No. 231
December 2, 2015
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
45 CFR Parts 144, 146, 147, et al.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; HHS Notice of Benefit and
Payment Parameters for 2017; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 231 / Wednesday, December 2, 2015 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 75488]]
45 CFR Parts 144, 146, 147, 153, 154, 155, 156, and 158
RIN 0938-AS57
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; HHS Notice of Benefit
and Payment Parameters for 2017
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule sets forth payment parameters and
provisions related to the risk adjustment, reinsurance, and risk
corridors programs; cost sharing parameters and cost-sharing
reductions; and user fees for Federally-facilitated Exchanges. It also
provides additional standards for the annual open enrollment period for
the individual market for the 2017 benefit year; essential health
benefits; cost-sharing requirements; qualified health plans; updated
standards for Exchange consumer assistance programs; network adequacy;
patient safety standards; the Small Business Health Options Program;
stand-alone dental plans; acceptance of third-party payments by
qualified health plans; the definitions of large employer and small
employer; fair health insurance premiums; guaranteed availability;
student health insurance coverage; the rate review program; the medical
loss ratio program; eligibility and enrollment; exemptions and appeals;
and other related topics.
DATES: To be assured consideration, comments must be received at one of
the addresses provided below, no later than 5 p.m. on December 21,
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer to file code CMS-9937-P. Because
of staff and resource limitations, we cannot accept comments by
facsimile (FAX) transmission.
You may submit comments in one of four ways (please choose only one
of the ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may submit electronic comments on this
regulation to Follow the ``Submit a
comment'' instructions.
2. By regular mail. You may mail written comments to the following
address only: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention: CMS-9937-P, P.O. Box 8016,
Baltimore, MD 21244-8016.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed comments to be received
before the close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You may send written comments to
the following address only: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services, Attention: CMS-9937-P, Mail
Stop C4-26-05, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
4. By hand or courier. Alternatively, you may deliver (by hand or
courier) your written comments ONLY to the following addresses prior to
the close of the comment period:
a. For delivery in Washington, DC--Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Room 445-G, Hubert
H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC
(Because access to the interior of the Hubert H. Humphrey Building
is not readily available to persons without Federal government
identification, commenters are encouraged to leave their comments in
the CMS drop slots located in the main lobby of the building. A stamp-
in clock is available for persons wishing to retain a proof of filing
by stamping in and retaining an extra copy of the comments being
b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD--Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and Human Services, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
If you intend to deliver your comments to the Baltimore address,
call telephone number (410) 786-7195 in advance to schedule your
arrival with one of our staff members.
Comments erroneously mailed to the addresses indicated as
appropriate for hand or courier delivery may be delayed and received
after the comment period.
For information on viewing public comments, see the beginning of
Jeff Wu, (301) 492-4305, Krutika Amin, (301) 492-5153, or Lindsey
Murtagh (301) 492-4106, for general information.
David Mlawsky, (410) 786-6851, for matters related to fair health
insurance premiums, the single risk pool, guaranteed availability,
guaranteed renewability, and student health insurance coverage.
Kelly Drury, (410) 786-0558, for matters related to risk
Adrianne Glasgow, (410) 786-0686, for matters related to
reinsurance, distributed data collection, and administrative appeals of
financial transfers.
Melissa Jaffe, (301) 492-4129, for matters related to risk
Lisa Cuozzo, (410) 786-1746, for matters related to rate review.
Jennifer Stolbach, (301) 492-4350, for matters related to
establishing a State Exchange, and State-based Exchanges on the Federal
Emily Ames, (301) 492-4246, and Michelle Koltov, (301) 492-4225,
for matters related to Navigators and non-Navigator assistance
personnel under part 155.
Joan Matlack, (301) 492-4223, for matters related to certified
application counselors under part 155.
Briana Levine, (301) 492-4247, for matters related to agents and
Dana Krohn, (301) 492-4412, for matters related to employer
notification and verification.
Rachel Arguello, (301) 492-4263, for matters related to open
enrollment periods and special enrollment periods under part 155.
Anne Pesto, (410) 786-3492, for matters related to eligibility
determinations and appeals of eligibility determinations for Exchange
participation and insurance affordability programs, and eligibility
determinations for exemptions.
Kate Ficke, (301) 492-4256, for matters related to exemptions from
the shared responsibility payment.
Christelle Jang, (410) 786-8438, for matters related to the SHOP.
Krutika Amin, (301) 492-5153, for matters related to the Federally-
facilitated Exchange user fee.
Leigha Basini, (301) 492-4380, for matters related to essential
health benefits, network adequacy, essential community providers, and
other standards for QHP issuers.
Ielnaz Kashefipour, (301) 492-4376, for matters related to
standardized options and third party payment of premiums and cost
Rebecca Zimmermann, (301) 492-4396, for matters related to stand-
alone dental plans.
Cindy Chiou, (301) 492-5142, for matters related to QHP issuer
Pat Meisol, (410) 786-1917, for matters related to cost-sharing
reductions and the premium adjustment percentage.
Nidhi Singh Shah, (301) 492-5110, for matters related to patient
safety standards.
Christina Whitefield, (301) 492-4172, for matters related to the
medical loss ratio program.
Inspection of Public Comments: All comments received before the
close of
[[Page 75489]]
the comment period are available for viewing by the public, including
any personally identifiable or confidential business information that
is included in a comment. We post all comments received before the
close of the comment period on the following Web site as soon as
possible after they have been received:
Follow the search instructions on that Web site to view public
Comments received timely will also be available for public
inspection as they are received, generally beginning approximately 3
weeks after publication of a document, at the headquarters of the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244, Monday through Friday of each week from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. To schedule an appointment to view public comments,
phone 1-800-743-3951.
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Background
A. Legislative and Regulatory Overview
B. Stakeholder Consultation and Input
C. Structure of Proposed Rule
III. Provisions of the Proposed HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment
Parameters for 2017
A. Part 144--Requirements Relating to Health Insurance Coverage
B. Part 146--Requirements for the Group Health Insurance Market
C. Part 147--Health Insurance Reform Requirements for the Group
and Individual Health Insurance Markets
D. Part 153--Standards Related to Reinsurance, Risk Corridors,
and Risk Adjustment Under the Affordable Care Act
E. Part 154--Health Insurance Issuer Rate Increases: Disclosure
and Review Requirements
F. Part 155--Exchange Establishment Standards and Other Related
Standards Under the Affordable Care Act
G. Part 156--Health Insurance Issuer Standards Under the
Affordable Care Act, Including Standards Related to Exchanges
H. Part 158--Issuer Use of Premium Revenue: Reporting and Rebate
IV. Collection of Information Requirements
A. ICRs Regarding Submission of Risk Corridors Data
B. ICRs Regarding Submission of Rate Filing Justification
C. ICRs Regarding Election to Operate an Exchange After 2014
D. ICRs Regarding Standards for Certified Application Counselors
E. ICRs Regarding Network Adequacy Standards
F. ICR Regarding Monthly SHOP Enrollment Reconciliation Files
Submitted by Issuers
G. ICR Regarding Patient Safety Standards
V. Response to Comments
VI. Regulatory Impact Analysis
A. Statement of Need
B. Overall Impact
C. Impact Estimates of the Payment Notice Provisions and
Accounting Table
D. Regulatory Alternatives Considered
E. Regulatory Flexibility Act
F. Unfunded Mandates
G. Federalism
H. Congressional Review Act
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Affordable Care Act--The collective term for the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148) and the Health Care and
Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-152), as amended
APTC--Advance payments of the premium tax credit
AV--Actuarial value
CBO--Congressional Budget Office
CFR--Code of Federal Regulations
CHIP--Children's Health Insurance Program
CMP--Civil money penalties
CMS--Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
CSR--Cost-sharing reduction
ECN--Exemption certificate number
ECP--Essential community provider
EHB--Essential health benefits
ERISA--Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-
FFE--Federally-facilitated Exchange
FF-SHOP--Federally-facilitated Small Business Health Options Program
FPL--Federal poverty level
FR--Federal Register
FTE--Full-time equivalent
GDP--Gross Domestic Product
HCC--Hierarchical condition category
HHS--United States Department of Health and Human Services
HIOS--Health Insurance Oversight System
HIPAA--Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(Pub. L. 104-191)
IRS--Internal Revenue Service
MEC--Minimum essential coverage
MLR--Medical loss ratio
NAIC--National Association of Insurance Commissioners
NHEA--National Health Expenditure Accounts
OMB--Office of Management and Budget
OPM--United States Office of Personnel Management
PHS Act--Public Health Service Act
PII--Personally Identifiable Information
PMPM--Per member per month
PRA--Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
PSO--Patient safety organization
QHP--Qualified health plan
SADPs--Stand-alone dental Plans
SBE--State-based Exchange
SBE-FP--State-based Exchange on the Federal platform
SHOP--Small Business Health Options Program
The Code--Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 1, et seq.)
I. Executive Summary
The Affordable Care Act enacted a set of reforms that are making
high quality health insurance coverage and care more affordable and
accessible to millions of Americans. These reforms include the creation
of competitive marketplaces called Affordable Insurance Exchanges, or
``Exchanges'' (in this proposed rule, we also call an Exchange a Health
Insurance Marketplace\SM\,\1\ or Marketplace\SM\) through which
qualified individuals and qualified employers can purchase health
insurance coverage. In addition, many individuals who enroll in
qualified health plans (QHPs) through individual market Exchanges are
eligible to receive a premium tax credit to make health insurance more
affordable, and reductions in cost-sharing payments to reduce out-of-
pocket expenses for health care services. These Affordable Care Act
reforms also include the premium stabilization programs (that is, risk
adjustment, reinsurance and risk corridors) and rules that are intended
to mitigate the potential impact of adverse selection and stabilize the
price of health insurance in the individual and small group markets. In
previous rulemaking, we have outlined the major provisions and
parameters related to many Affordable Care Act programs.
\1\ Health Insurance Marketplace\SM\ and Marketplace\SM\ are
service marks of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
In this proposed rule, we seek to improve States' ability to
operate efficient Exchanges through a proposal that leverages the
economies of scale available through the Federal eligibility and
enrollment platform and information technology infrastructure. We
propose to codify a new Exchange model--the State-based Exchange on the
Federal platform (SBE-FP). This model would enable State-based
Exchanges (SBEs) to execute certain processes using the Federal
eligibility and enrollment infrastructure. Under the proposal, the SBE-
FP would be required to enter into a Federal platform agreement with
HHS that would define a set of mutual obligations, including the set of
Federal services upon which the SBE-FP relies. Under this Exchange
model, certain requirements that were previously only applicable to
QHPs offered on a Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE) and their
downstream and delegated entities would apply to QHPs offered on an
SBE-FP and their downstream and delegated entities. In addition, we
propose that agents and brokers facilitating enrollments through SBE-
FPs would need to comply with the FFE registration and training
requirements. For 2017, we propose a user fee for QHPs offered through
SBE-FPs to offset Federal costs of providing this infrastructure.
[[Page 75490]]
We also propose a number of incremental amendments that we believe
will improve the stability of the Exchanges while improving the choices
available to consumers and supporting consumers' ability to make
informed choices when purchasing health insurance. These include the
introduction of ``standardized options'' in the individual market,
which will improve competition and consumer transparency. These
amendments are complemented by a series of additional amendments
designed to enhance consumers' ability to make informed choices about
their health coverage, increase the accessibility of high quality
health insurance, and improve competition, transparency, and
Our proposal for standardized options is intended to simplify the
consumer shopping experience by allowing consumers to more easily
compare plans across issuers in the individual market FFEs. We propose
a standardized option with a specified cost-sharing structure at each
of the bronze, silver (with cost-sharing reduction (CSR) plan
variations), and gold metal levels. We do not propose to restrict
issuers' non-standardized option offerings. We anticipate
differentially displaying these standardized options to allow consumers
to compare plans based on differences in price and quality rather than
cost-sharing structure.
We are also proposing to standardize a number of policies relating
to network adequacy for QHPs on the FFEs. We propose a quantitative
network adequacy threshold to be selected by the State and a Federal
default network adequacy standard that would apply otherwise, that is
based on the standard currently used for review and several provisions
relating to provider transition for QHPs. We also discuss in this
proposed rule a standardized categorization of network depth for QHPs
in these Exchanges and their display on Finally, we
propose a standard for when an enrollee receives an essential health
benefit at an in-network setting provided by an out-of-network
As part of our efforts to provide consumers simplicity and
transparency in their choices, we are considering giving the FFEs the
authority to selectively contract with issuers. We would use this
authority primarily to strengthen oversight in the short term.
We also seek to improve consumers' ability to make choices
regarding health insurance coverage by ensuring they receive high-
quality assistance in their interactions with the Exchange. The
proposed rule would amend program requirements for Navigators, certain
non-Navigator assistance personnel, and certified application
counselors. These amendments would require Navigators to assist
consumers with certain post-enrollment issues, serve underserved and
vulnerable populations, and require Navigators and non-Navigator
assistance personnel to complete training prior to conducting outreach
and education activities. We would also amend our rules regarding the
use of gifts by Navigators, certain non-Navigator assistance personnel
and certified application counselors. In addition, we propose that
certified application counselor designated organizations would be
required to submit data and information related to the organization's
certified application counselors, upon the request of the Exchanges in
which they operate.
We believe transparency is critical to informed decision-making,
and this proposed rule includes several proposals to increase
transparency. This proposed rule proposes provisions to enhance the
transparency of rates in all States and the effectiveness of the rate
review program.
In this proposed rule, we propose several provisions regarding when
consumers may choose and enroll in plans. This rule proposes dates for
the individual market annual open enrollment period for the 2017
benefit year. For 2017, we propose to maintain the same open enrollment
period we adopted for 2016--that is, November 1, 2016, through January
31, 2017.
We also propose to codify a number of Exchange policies relating to
exemptions in order to provide certainty and transparency around these
policies for all stakeholders.
The HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2014 (78 FR
15410) (2014 Payment Notice) finalized the risk adjustment methodology
that HHS will use when it operates risk adjustment on behalf of a
State. Risk adjustment factors reflect enrollee health risk and the
costs of a given disease relative to average spending. Last year, we
recalibrated the HHS risk adjustment models for 2016 by using 2011,
2012, and 2013 claims data from the Truven Health Analytics 2010
MarketScan[supreg] Commercial Claims and Encounters database
(MarketScan) to develop updated risk factors. Similarly, this year we
propose to do so using the 2012, 2013, and 2014 claims data, when the
2014 MarketScan data become available.
If any reinsurance contribution amounts remain after calculating
reinsurance payments for the 2016 benefit year (including after HHS
would increase the coinsurance rate to 100 percent for the 2016 benefit
year), we propose to lower the 2016 attachment point of $90,000 to pay
out any remaining contribution amounts for the 2016 benefit year. We
also propose several changes to the risk corridors program for 2015 and
2016. We propose that, for 2015 risk corridors and MLR reporting, if
the issuer reported a certified estimate of 2014 cost-sharing
reductions on its 2014 MLR and Risk Corridors Annual Reporting Form
that is lower than the actual cost-sharing reductions provided, HHS
would make an adjustment to the issuer's 2015 risk corridors payment or
charge amount in order to address the impact of the inaccurate
reporting on the risk corridors and MLR calculations for the 2014
benefit year. We also propose that the issuer must adjust the cost-
sharing reduction amounts it reports for the 2015 MLR and risk
corridors reporting cycle by any difference between 2014 reported and
actual cost-sharing reductions amounts.
We also propose that for the 2015 and later benefit years, the
issuer must true up claims liabilities and reserves used to determine
the allowable costs reported for the risk corridors program for the
preceding benefit year to reflect the actual claims payments made
through June 30 of the year following the benefit year. In addition, we
propose changes to the definition of ``unpaid claim reserves'' and
related requirements for reporting incurred claims for the MLR program
beginning with the 2015 reporting year to require issuers to utilize a
6-month (rather than a 3-month) claims run out period.
In addition to provisions aimed at stabilizing premiums, we propose
several provisions related to cost sharing. First, we propose the
premium adjustment percentage for 2017, which is used to set the rate
of increase for several parameters detailed in the Affordable Care Act,
including the maximum annual limitation on cost sharing for 2017. We
propose the maximum annual limitations on cost sharing for the 2017
benefit year for cost-sharing reduction plan variations. This proposed
rule also proposes standards for stand-alone dental plans (SADPs)
related to the annual limitation on cost sharing, and would amend
standards related to the acceptance of third party payments for
premiums and cost sharing by QHP issuers.
This proposed rule includes several incremental improvements that
seek to ensure Americans have access to not only affordable, but also
robust, high-quality health care coverage. This proposed rule would
[[Page 75491]]
requirements for QHPs, including essential community providers (ECPs)
and meaningful difference requirements. There are also proposed
technical amendments to QHP issuer oversight provisions. This rule
proposes amendments to further strengthen the patient safety
requirements for QHP issuers offering coverage through Exchanges.
For consumers purchasing coverage through the Small Business Health
Options Program (SHOP), we propose a new ``vertical choice'' model for
Federally-facilitated SHOPs for plan years beginning on or after
January 1, 2017, under which employers would be able to offer qualified
employees a choice of all plans across all available levels of coverage
from a single issuer.
Finally, in this proposed rule, as outlined, we propose adjustments
to our programs and rules, as we do each year, so that our rules and
policies reflect the latest market developments. We propose the
following changes and clarifications to the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and Affordable Care
Act health insurance reform requirements. We propose revisions to the
definitions of small employer and large employer to bring them into
conformance with recently enacted legislation. We also propose
provisions to ensure that a network plan in the small group market with
a limited service area can be appropriately rated based on geography.
We propose that an issuer subject to the guaranteed availability
requirements may--in the limited circumstances of when the exception to
the guaranteed renewability requirement related to discontinuing a
particular product, or the exception related to discontinuing all
coverage in a market, applies--deny coverage to individuals and
employers. Lastly, we propose provisions regarding the application of
the actuarial value (AV) and single risk pool provisions to student
health insurance coverage.
II. Background
A. Legislative and Regulatory Overview
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148)
was enacted on March 23, 2010. The Health Care and Education
Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-152), which amended and revised
several provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,
was enacted on March 30, 2010. In this proposed rule, we refer to the
two statutes collectively as the ``Affordable Care Act.''
Subtitles A and C of title I of the Affordable Care Act
reorganized, amended, and added to the provisions of part A of title
XXVII of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) relating to group
health plans and health insurance issuers in the group and individual
Section 2701 of the PHS Act, as added by the Affordable Care Act,
restricts the variation in premium rates charged by a health insurance
issuer for non-grandfathered health insurance coverage in the
individual or small group market to certain specified factors. The
factors are: Family size, rating area, age and tobacco use.
Section 2701 of the PHS Act operates in coordination with section
1312(c) of the Affordable Care Act. Section 1312(c) of the Affordable
Care Act generally requires a health insurance issuer to consider all
enrollees in all health plans (except for grandfathered health plans)
offered by such issuer to be members of a single risk pool for each of
its individual and small group markets. States have the option to merge
the individual market and small group market risk pools under section
1312(c)(3) of the Affordable Care Act.
Section 2702 of the PHS Act, as added by the Affordable Care Act,
requires health insurance issuers that offer health insurance coverage
in the group or individual market in a State to offer coverage to and
accept every employer and individual in the State that applies for such
coverage unless an exception applies.\2\
\2\ Before enactment of the Affordable Care Act, the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 amended the PHS
Act (formerly section 2711) to generally require guaranteed
availability of coverage for employers in the small group market.
Section 2703 of the PHS Act, as added by the Affordable Care Act,
and sections 2712 and 2741 of the PHS Act, as added by HIPAA and
codified prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, require
health insurance issuers that offer health insurance coverage in the
group or individual market to renew or continue in force such coverage
at the option of the plan sponsor or individual unless an exception
Section 2718 of the PHS Act, as added by the Affordable Care Act,
generally requires health insurance issuers to submit an annual MLR
report to HHS, and provide rebates to enrollees if the issuers do not
achieve specified MLR thresholds.
Section 2794 of the PHS Act, as added by the Affordable Care Act,
directs the Secretary of HHS (the Secretary), in conjunction with the
States, to establish a process for the annual review of ``unreasonable
increases in premiums for health insurance coverage.'' \3\ The law also
requires health insurance issuers to submit to the Secretary and the
applicable State justifications for unreasonable premium increases
prior to the implementation of the increases. Section 2794(b)(2) of the
PHS Act further specifies that beginning with plan years starting in
2014, the Secretary, in conjunction with the States, will monitor
premium increases of health insurance coverage offered through an
Exchange and outside of an Exchange.
\3\ The implementing regulations in part 154 limit the scope of
the requirements under section 2794 of the PHS Act to health
insurance issuers offering health insurance coverage in the
individual market or small group market. See Rate Increase
Disclosure and Review; Final Rule, 76 FR 29964, 29966 (May 23,
Section 1252 of the Affordable Care Act provides that any standard
or requirement adopted by a State under title I of the Affordable Care
Act, or any amendment made by title I of the Affordable Care Act, shall
be applied uniformly to all health plans in each insurance market to
which the standard and requirement apply.
Section 1302 of the Affordable Care Act provides for the
establishment of an essential health benefits (EHB) package that
includes coverage of EHB (as defined by the Secretary), cost-sharing
limits, and actuarial value requirements. The law directs that EHBs be
equal in scope to the benefits covered by a typical employer plan and
that they cover at least the following 10 general categories:
ambulatory patient services; emergency services; hospitalization;
maternity and newborn care; mental health and substance use disorder
services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs;
rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory
services; preventive and wellness services and chronic disease
management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care.
Section 1301(a)(1)(B) of the Affordable Care Act directs all
issuers of QHPs to cover the EHB package described in section 1302(a)
of the Affordable Care Act, including coverage of the services
described in section 1302(b) of the Affordable Care Act, to adhere to
the cost-sharing limits described in section 1302(c) of the Affordable
Care Act and to meet the AV levels established in section 1302(d) of
the Affordable Care Act. Section 2707(a) of the PHS Act, which is
effective for plan or policy years beginning on or after January 1,
2014, extends the coverage of the EHB package to non-grandfathered
individual and small group coverage, irrespective of whether such
coverage is offered through an Exchange. In addition, section 2707(b)
[[Page 75492]]
of the PHS Act directs non-grandfathered group health plans to ensure
that cost sharing under the plan does not exceed the limitations
described in sections 1302(c)(1) and (2) of the Affordable Care Act.
Section 1302(d) of the Affordable Care Act describes the various
levels of coverage based on actuarial value. Consistent with section
1302(d)(2)(A) of the Affordable Care Act, actuarial value is calculated
based on the provision of EHB to a standard population. Section
1302(d)(3) of the Affordable Care Act directs the Secretary to develop
guidelines that allow for de minimis variation in AV calculations.
Section 1311(b)(1)(B) of the Affordable Care Act directs that the
Small Business Health Options Program assist qualified small employers
in facilitating the enrollment of their employees in qualified health
plans offered in the small group market. Sections 1312(f)(1) and (2) of
the Affordable Care Act define qualified individuals and qualified
employers. Under section 1312(f)(2)(B) of the Affordable Care Act,
beginning in 2017, States will have the option to allow issuers to
offer QHPs in the large group market through an Exchange.\4\
\4\ If a State elects this option, the rating rules in section
2701 of the PHS Act and its implementing regulations will apply to
all coverage offered in such State's large group market (except for
self-insured group health plans) pursuant to section 2701(a)(5) of
the PHS Act.
Section 1311(c)(1)(B) of the Affordable Care Act requires the
Secretary to establish minimum criteria for provider network adequacy
that a health plan must meet to be certified as a QHP.
Section 1311(c)(5) of the Affordable Care Act requires the
Secretary to continue to operate, maintain, and update the Internet
portal developed under section 1103 of the Affordable Care Act to
provide information to consumers and small businesses on affordable
health insurance coverage options.
Section 1311(c)(6)(B) of the Affordable Care Act states that the
Secretary is to set annual open enrollment periods for Exchanges for
calendar years after the initial enrollment period.
Sections 1311(d)(4)(K) and 1311(i) of the Affordable Care Act
direct all Exchanges to establish a Navigator program.
Section 1311(h)(1) of the Affordable Care Act specifies that a QHP
may contract with health care providers and hospitals with more than 50
beds only if they meet certain patient safety standards, including use
of a patient safety evaluation system, a comprehensive hospital
discharge program, and implementation of health care quality
improvement activities. Section 1311(h)(2) of the Affordable Care Act
also provides the Secretary flexibility to establish reasonable
exceptions to these patient safety requirements and section 1311(h)(3)
of the Affordable Care Act allows the Secretary flexibility to issue
regulations to modify the number of beds described in section
1311(h)(1)(A) of the Affordable Care Act.
Section 1321(a) of the Affordable Care Act provides broad authority
for the Secretary to establish standards and regulations to implement
the statutory requirements related to Exchanges, QHPs and other
components of title I of the Affordable Care Act. Section 1321(a)(1)
directs the Secretary to issue regulations that set standards for
meeting the requirements of title I of the Affordable Care Act with
respect to, among other things, the establishment and operation of
Sections 1313 and 1321 of the Affordable Care Act provide the
Secretary with the authority to oversee the financial integrity of
State Exchanges, their compliance with HHS standards, and the efficient
and non-discriminatory administration of State Exchange activities.
Section 1321 of the Affordable Care Act provides for State flexibility
in the operation and enforcement of Exchanges and related requirements.
When operating an FFE under section 1321(c)(1) of the Affordable
Care Act, HHS has the authority under sections 1321(c)(1) and
1311(d)(5)(A) of the Affordable Care Act to collect and spend user
fees. In addition, 31 U.S.C. 9701 permits a Federal agency to establish
a charge for a service provided by the agency. Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Circular A-25 Revised establishes Federal policy regarding
user fees and specifies that a user charge will be assessed against
each identifiable recipient for special benefits derived from Federal
activities beyond those received by the general public.
Section 1321(c)(2) of the Affordable Care Act authorizes the
Secretary to enforce the Exchange standards using civil money penalties
(CMPs) on the same basis as detailed in section 2723(b) of the PHS Act.
Section 2723(b) of the PHS Act authorizes the Secretary to impose CMPs
as a means of enforcing the individual and group market reforms
contained in Part A of title XXVII of the PHS Act when a State fails to
substantially enforce these provisions
Section 1321(d) of the Affordable Care Act provides that nothing in
title I of the Affordable Care Act should be construed to preempt any
State law that does not prevent the application of title I of the
Affordable Care Act. Section 1311(k) of the Affordable Care Act
specifies that Exchanges may not establish rules that conflict with or
prevent the application of regulations issued by the Secretary.
Section 1341 of the Affordable Care Act requires the establishment
of a transitional reinsurance program in each State to help pay the
cost of treating high-cost enrollees in the individual market in
benefit years 2014 through 2016. Section 1342 of the Affordable Care
Act directs the Secretary to establish a temporary risk corridors
program that reduces the impact of inaccurate rate setting from 2014
through 2016. Section 1343 of the Affordable Care Act establishes a
permanent risk adjustment program to provide increased payments to
health insurance issuers that attract higher-risk populations, such as
those with chronic conditions, funded by payments from those that
attract lower-risk populations; thereby, reducing incentives for
issuers to avoid higher-risk enrollees.
Sections 1402 and 1412 of the Affordable Care Act provide for,
among other things, reductions in cost sharing for essential health
benefits for qualified low- and moderate-income enrollees in silver
level health plans offered through the individual market Exchanges.
These sections also provide for reductions in cost sharing for Indians
enrolled in QHPs at any metal level.
Section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code), as
added by section 1501(b) of the Affordable Care Act, requires all non-
exempt individuals to maintain minimum essential coverage (MEC) for
each month or make the individual shared responsibility payment.
Section 5000A(f) of the Code defines minimum essential coverage as any
of the following: (1) Coverage under a specified government sponsored
program; (2) coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan; (3)
coverage under a health plan offered in the individual market within a
State; and (4) coverage under a grandfathered health plan. Section
5000A(f)(1)(E) of the Code authorizes the Secretary of HHS, in
coordination with the Secretary of the Treasury, to designate other
health benefits coverage as minimum essential coverage.
The Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act (Pub. L. 114-
60) amended section 1304(b) of the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act and section 2791(e) of the PHS Act to amend the definition of
small employer in
[[Page 75493]]
these statutes to mean, in connection with a group health plan with
respect to a calendar year and a plan year, an employer who employed an
average of at least 1 but not more than 50 employees on business days
during the preceding calendar year and who employs at least 1 employee
on the first day of the plan year. It also amended these statutes to
make conforming changes to the definition of large employer, and to
provide that a State may treat as a small employer, with respect to a
calendar year and a plan year, an employer who employed an average of
at least 1 but not more than 100 employees on business days during the
preceding calendar year and who employs at least 1 employee on the
first day of the plan year.
1. Premium Stabilization Programs
In the July 15, 2011 Federal Register (76 FR 41929), we published a
proposed rule outlining the framework for the premium stabilization
programs. We implemented the premium stabilization programs in a final
rule, published in the March 23, 2012 Federal Register (77 FR 17219)
(Premium Stabilization Rule). In the December 7, 2012 Federal Register
(77 FR 73117), we published a proposed rule outlining the benefit and
payment parameters for the 2014 benefit year to expand the provisions
related to the premium stabilization programs and set forth payment
parameters in those programs (proposed 2014 Payment Notice). We
published the 2014 Payment Notice final rule in the March 11, 2013
Federal Register (78 FR 15409).
In the December 2, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR 72321), we
published a proposed rule outlining the benefit and payment parameters
for the 2015 benefit year to expand the provisions related to the
premium stabilization programs, setting forth certain oversight
provisions and establishing the payment parameters in those programs
(proposed 2015 Payment Notice). We published the 2015 Payment Notice
final rule in the March 11, 2014 Federal Register (79 FR 13743).
In the November 26, 2014 Federal Register (79 FR 70673), we
published a proposed rule outlining the benefit and payment parameters
for the 2016 benefit year to expand the provisions related to the
premium stabilization programs, setting forth certain oversight
provisions and establishing the payment parameters in those programs
(proposed 2016 Payment Notice). We published the 2016 Payment Notice
final rule in the February 27, 2015 Federal Register (80 FR 10749).
2. Program Integrity
In the June 19, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR 37031), we published a
proposed rule that proposed certain program integrity standards related
to Exchanges and the premium stabilization programs (proposed Program
Integrity Rule). The provisions of that proposed rule were finalized in
two rules, the ``first Program Integrity Rule'' published in the August
30, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR 54069) and the ``second Program
Integrity Rule'' published in the October 30, 2013 Federal Register (78
FR 65045).
3. Exchanges
We published a request for comment relating to Exchanges in the
August 3, 2010 Federal Register (75 FR 45584). We issued initial
guidance to States on Exchanges on November 18, 2010. We proposed a
rule in the July 15, 2011 Federal Register (76 FR 41865) to implement
components of the Exchanges, and a rule in the August 17, 2011 Federal
Register (76 FR 51201) regarding Exchange functions in the individual
market, eligibility determinations, and Exchange standards for
employers. A final rule implementing components of the Exchanges and
setting forth standards for eligibility for Exchanges was published in
the March 27, 2012 Federal Register (77 FR 18309) (Exchange
Establishment Rule).
We established standards for SHOP in the 2014 Payment Notice and in
the Amendments to the HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for
2014 interim final rule, published in the March 11, 2013 Federal
Register (78 FR 15541). The provisions established in the interim final
rule were finalized in the second Program Integrity Rule. We also set
forth standards related to Exchange user fees in the 2014 Payment
Notice. We established an adjustment to the FFE user fee in the
Coverage of Certain Preventive Services Under the Affordable Care Act
final rule, published in the July 2, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR
39869) (Preventive Services Rule).
In a final rule published in the July 17, 2013 Federal Register (78
FR 42823), we established standards for Navigators and non-Navigator
assistance personnel in FFEs and for non-Navigator assistance personnel
funded through an Exchange establishment grant. This final rule also
established a certified application counselor program for Exchanges and
set standards for that program.
4. Essential Health Benefits and Actuarial Value
On December 16, 2011, HHS released a bulletin \5\ (the EHB
Bulletin) that outlined an intended regulatory approach for defining
EHB, including a benchmark-based framework. HHS also published a
bulletin that outlined its intended regulatory approach to calculations
of AV on February 24, 2012.\6\ A proposed rule relating to EHBs and AVs
was published in the November 26, 2012 Federal Register (77 FR 70643).
We established requirements relating to EHBs and AVs in the Standards
Related to Essential Health Benefits, Actuarial Value, and
Accreditation Final Rule, which was published in the February 25, 2013
Federal Register (78 FR 12833) (EHB Rule).
\5\ ``Essential Health Benefits Bulletin.'' December 16, 2011.
Available at:
\6\ ``Actuarial Value and Cost-Sharing Reductions Bulletin.''
February 24, 2012. Available at:
5. Market Rules
A proposed rule relating to the 2014 health insurance market rules
was published in the November 26, 2012 Federal Register (77 FR 70584).
A final rule implementing the health insurance market rules was
published in the February 27, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR 13406) (2014
Market Rules).
A proposed rule relating to Exchanges and Insurance Market
Standards for 2015 and Beyond was published in the March 21, 2014
Federal Register (79 FR 15808) (2015 Market Standards Proposed Rule). A
final rule implementing the Exchange and Insurance Market Standards for
2015 and Beyond was published in the May 27, 2014 Federal Register (79
FR 30240) (2015 Market Standards Rule).
6. Rate Review
A proposed rule to establish the rate review program was published
in the December 23, 2010 Federal Register (75 FR 81003). A final rule
with comment period implementing the rate review program was published
in the May 23, 2011 Federal Register (76 FR 29963) (Rate Review Rule).
The provisions of the Rate Review Rule were amended in final rules
published in the September 6, 2011 Federal Register (76 FR 54969), the
February 27, 2013 Federal Register (78 FR 13405), the May 27, 2014
Federal Register (79 FR 30339), and the February 27, 2015 Federal
Register (80 FR 10749).
[[Page 75494]]
7. Medical Loss Ratio
We published a request for comment on section 2718 of the PHS Act
in the April 14, 2010 Federal Register (75 FR 19297), and published an
interim final rule with a 60-day comment period relating to the MLR
program on December 1, 2010 (75 FR 74863). A final rule with a 30-day
comment period was published in the December 7, 2011 Federal Register
(76 FR 76573). An interim final rule with a 60-day comment period was
published in the December 7, 2011 Federal Register (76 FR 76595). A
final rule was published in the Federal Register on May 16, 2012 (77 FR
B. Stakeholder Consultation and Input
HHS has consulted with stakeholders on policies related to the
operation of Exchanges, including the SHOP and the premium
stabilization programs. We have held a number of listening sessions
with consumers, providers, employers, health plans, the actuarial
community, and State representatives to gather public input. We
consulted with stakeholders through regular meetings with the National
Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), regular contact with
States through the Exchange Establishment grant and Exchange Blueprint
approval processes, and meetings with Tribal leaders and
representatives, health insurance issuers, trade groups, consumer
advocates, employers, and other interested parties. We considered all
public input we received as we developed the policies in this proposed
C. Structure of Proposed Rule
The regulations outlined in this proposed rule would be codified in
45 CFR parts 144, 146, 147, 153, 154, 155, 156 and 158. The proposed
regulations in part 144 would, consistent with recent legislation,
revise the definitions of ``large employer'' and ``small employer.''
The proposed regulations in parts 146 and 147 would codify an
exception to the guaranteed availability requirement when the exception
to the guaranteed renewability requirement related to discontinuing a
particular product or discontinuing all coverage in a market applies.
The proposed regulations in part 147 would clarify the definition
of principal business address for purposes of geographic rating. We
further propose provisions regarding the treatment of student health
insurance coverage with regard to the AV and single risk pool
The proposed regulations in part 153 amend the audit provision for
the reinsurance program to clarify that this authority also extends to
third parties who assist contributing entities with their obligations
under this program. The proposed regulations also include the risk
adjustment user fee for 2017 and outline certain modifications to the
HHS risk adjustment methodology. We propose to clarify reporting
requirements for the risk adjustment, reinsurance, and risk corridors.
The proposed regulations in part 154 outline certain modifications
to enhance the transparency and effectiveness of the rate review
program. We propose to collect a Unified Rate Review Template from all
issuers offering single risk pool coverage in the individual and small
group market, including coverage with rate decreases or unchanged
rates, as well as rates for new plans. We also announce our intention
to disclose all proposed rate increases for single risk pool coverage
at a uniform time on the CMS Web site, including rates with increases
of less than 10 percent. We also reiterate the process for establishing
the uniform timeline that proposed rate increases subject to review and
all final rate increases (including those not subject to review) for
single risk pool coverage must be posted at a uniform time by States
with Effective Rate Review Programs. Finally, we specify the rate
filing requirements for student health insurance coverage.
The proposed regulations in part 155 include a clarification
related to the functions of an Exchange, and would establish the
individual market open enrollment period for the 2017 benefit year.
Certain proposals in part 155 are related to the eligibility and
verification processes related to eligibility for insurance
affordability programs. We also propose to amend and clarify rules
related to enrollment of qualified individuals into QHPs. We describe
changes to the process of submitting certain exemption applications and
options for State Exchanges to handle exemptions. The proposed
regulations also include a Federal platform agreement through which a
State Exchange may rely on the FFE for certain functions as an SBE-FP.
We propose that QHP issuers on an SBE-FP be required to comply with
certain provisions relating directly to the eligibility and enrollment
platform, and propose to require that SBE-FPs promulgate regulations at
least as stringent as a number of FFE regulations, to maintain
consistency of the experience. We also make various
proposals related to the SHOPs. We propose to amend the standards
applicable to the consumer assistance functions performed by
Navigators, non-Navigator assistance personnel, and certified
application counselors. We also discuss our approach to denial of QHP
certification, and outline proposed modifications to standards for FFE-
registered agents and brokers and requirements for HHS-approved vendors
of FFE training.
The proposed regulations in part 156 set forth proposals related to
cost sharing, including the premium adjustment percentage, the maximum
annual limitation on cost sharing, and the reductions in the maximum
annual limitation for cost-sharing plan variations for 2017. We propose
a clarification to the administrative appeals process applicable to the
premium stabilization, Exchange financial assistance, and FFE user fee
programs. Part 156 also includes proposals related to essential health
benefits, including clarification to the policy regarding additional
State-required benefits. We propose amendments to network adequacy
requirements (including application of out-of-network costs to the
annual limitation on cost sharing for EHBs covered under QHPs in the
small group and individual markets), and essential community provider
requirements. We propose establishing standardized options for cost-
sharing structures, indexing for the stand-alone dental plan annual
limitation on cost sharing, changes to our process for updating the AV
Calculator for QHPs, meaningful difference standards for QHPs, and
minor changes to QHP issuer oversight standards. We also propose
additional modifications to acceptance of third party payments by QHP
issuers and the next phase for patient safety standards for issuers of
QHPs offered on Exchanges.
The proposed amendments to the regulations in part 158 propose
revisions related to the definitions of ``large employer'' and ``small
employer'' consistent with recent legislation, as well as revisions
related to the reporting of incurred claims.
III. Provisions of the Proposed HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment
Parameters for 2017
A. Part 144--Requirements Relating to Health Insurance Coverage
1. Definitions (Sec. 144.103)
Under Sec. 144.103, the term ``plan year'' means, for a group
health plan, the year that is designated as the plan year in the plan
document of the group health plan. However, if the plan document does
[[Page 75495]]
designate a plan year or if there is no plan document, then the plan
year is--
The deductible or limit year used under the plan;
If the plan does not impose deductibles or limits on a
yearly basis, then the plan year is the policy year;
If the plan does not impose deductible or limits on a
yearly basis, and either the plan is not insured or the insurance
policy is not renewed on an annual basis, then the plan year is the
employer's taxable year; or
In any other case, the plan year is the calendar year.\7\
\7\ Under Sec. 147.104(b)(1)(i), in the small group market,
including under Sec. 155.725 in the SHOP, issuers generally must
permit small employers to purchase coverage at any point during the
year. In the SHOP, the employer's plan year must consist of the 12-
month period beginning with the qualified employer's effective date
of coverage. With respect to an employer that purchases coverage in
the small group market in a State that has elected to merge its
individual and small group risk pools under section 1312(c) of the
Affordable Care Act, the plan year will begin on the qualified
employer's effective date of coverage, which might be any day during
the year, and end on December 31 of the calendar year in which
coverage first became effective.
We are not proposing any changes to the definition of ``plan year''
in this proposed rule. However, we note that whichever definition
applies under Sec. 144.103, we interpret the term plan year to mean a
period that is no longer than 12 months with respect to grandfathered
and non-grandfathered group health plans. Plan years that exceed 12
months are inconsistent with the Affordable Care Act, including the
rate review and single risk pool requirements, which both contemplate
12-month or shorter plan years. The Departments of Labor and the
Treasury, which respectively have jurisdiction over parallel
definitions in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(ERISA) and the Code, have advised HHS that they concur with this
Also under Sec. 144.103, because of the original Affordable Care
Act definitions, the term large employer currently is defined to mean,
in connection with a group health plan with respect to a calendar year
and a plan year, an employer who employed an average of at least 101
employees on business days during the preceding calendar year and who
employs at least 1 employee on the first day of the plan year. In the
case of plan years beginning before January 1, 2016, a State may elect
to define large employer by substituting ``51 employees'' for ``101
employees.'' The term small employer currently is defined to mean, in
connection with a group health plan with respect to a calendar year and
a plan year, an employer who employed an average of at least 1 but not
more than 100 employees on business days during the preceding calendar
year and who employs at least 1 employee on the first day of the plan
year. In the case of plan years beginning before January 1, 2016, a
State may elect to define small employer by substituting ``50
employees'' for ``100 employees.'' These regulatory definitions were
consistent with section 1304(b) of the Affordable Care Act and section
2791(e) of the PHS Act.
However, both of those sections have recently been amended by the
Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act (Pub. L. 114-60).
Therefore, we propose to revise the regulatory definitions of large
employer and small employer in Sec. 144.103 to conform to this
legislation. Specifically, we propose to revise the regulatory
definition of large employer to mean, in connection with a group health
plan with respect to a calendar year and a plan year, an employer who
employed an average of at least 51 employees on business days during
the preceding calendar year and who employs at least 1 employee on the
first day of the plan year, but would provide that a State may elect to
define large employer by substituting ``101 employees'' for ``51
employees.'' Conversely, we propose to revise the regulatory definition
of small employer to mean, in connection with a group health plan with
respect to a calendar year and a plan year, an employer who employed an
average of at least 1 but not more than 50 employees on business days
during the preceding calendar year and who employs at least 1 employee
on the first day of the plan year, but would provide that a State may
elect to define small employer by substituting ``100 employees'' for
``50 employees.'' Consistent with section 1304(b) of the Affordable
Care Act and section 2791(e) of the PHS Act, we also propose to codify
statutory language providing that in the case of an employer that was
not in existence throughout the preceding calendar year, the
determination of whether the employer is a large employer or a small
employer be based on the average number of employees that it is
reasonably expected the employer will employ on business days in the
current calendar year.
Finally, we propose to correct a cross-reference in the definition
of excepted benefits under Sec. 144.103, which should refer to the
group market provisions in Sec. 146.145(b) as opposed to Sec.
B. Part 146--Requirements for the Group Health Insurance Market
1. Guaranteed Availability of Coverage for Employers in the Small Group
Market (Sec. 146.150)
Part 146 includes pre-Affordable Care Act HIPAA requirements on
group health insurance issuers, including Sec. 146.150, which requires
health insurance issuers in the small group market to guarantee the
availability of coverage, with some specific exceptions. We propose to
add paragraph (g) to Sec. 146.150, providing an exception to the
guaranteed availability requirement when the exceptions to the
guaranteed renewability requirement in Sec. 146.152(c) or (d) related
to discontinuing a particular product or all coverage in a market
apply. For a further discussion of this proposal, see the discussion of
Sec. 147.104, ``Guaranteed Availability of Coverage,'' in this
proposed rule at part 147, ``Health Insurance Reform Requirements for
the Group and Individual Health Insurance Markets.''
C. Part 147--Health Insurance Reform Requirements for the Group and
Individual Health Insurance Markets
1. Fair Health Insurance Premiums (Sec. 147.102)
Under section 2701 of the PHS Act and regulations at Sec. 147.102,
the rating area for a small group plan is the group policyholder's
principal business address. We propose to amend Sec. 147.102(a)(1)(ii)
to provide that if the employer has registered an in-State principal
business address with the State, that location is the principal
business address. We note that an in-State address registered solely
for purposes of service of process would not be considered the
employer's principal business address, unless it is a substantial
worksite for the employer's business. If an in-State principal business
address is not registered with the State or is only registered for
purposes of service of process and is not a substantial worksite, the
employer would designate as its principal business address the business
address within the State where the greatest number of employees work in
the applicable State.
When a network plan offered in a State has a limited service area,
the policy described above could result in an issuer having to make a
plan available to an employer (because the employer has an employee who
lives, works, or resides in the service area), but not be able to apply
a geographic rating factor under the current rule, because the issuer
might not have
[[Page 75496]]
established rates applicable to the location of the employer's
principal business address outside the plan's service area.
We propose to amend Sec. 147.102 to provide for an additional
principal business address to be identified within a plan's service
area so that the plan can be appropriately rated for sale to the
employer. In such instances, the additional principal business address
would be the business address within the plan's service area where the
greatest number of employees work as of the beginning of the plan year,
or, if there is no such business address, an address within the rating
area selected by the employer that reasonably reflects where the
greatest number of employees within the plan's service area live or
reside as of the beginning of the plan year.
We note that SHOPs, including the Federally-facilitated Small
Business Health Options Programs (FF-SHOPs), may use the address that
was used to establish a qualified employer's eligibility for
participation in the SHOP to determine the applicable geographic rating
area when calculating premiums for participating employers. The SHOPs,
including the FF-SHOPs, may not be able to accommodate multiple
principal business addresses within a State for premium calculation
purposes. As a result, when a single application is completed in a
State, plan availability and premium calculations will be based on the
principal business address entered on the FF-SHOP employer user
Under Sec. 147.102(b), States have considerable flexibility in
establishing rating areas. Rating areas must be based on counties,
three-digit zip codes, or metropolitan statistical areas and non-
metropolitan statistical areas, and generally will be presumed adequate
if State-established rating areas are no greater in number than the
number of metropolitan statistical areas in the State plus one. States
may seek approval from CMS for a greater number of rating areas
provided they are actuarially justified, are not unfairly
discriminatory, reflect significant differences in health care unit
costs, lead to stability in rates over time, and apply uniformly to all
issuers in a market.
We have observed wide variations in the size of rating areas in the
various States. We are concerned that, within States, this could lead
to pockets of smaller rating areas with higher-risk groups, which
potentially compromises the risk-spreading objective that the single
risk pool requirement is intended to achieve. At the same time, States
are the primary regulators of health insurance, and we believe it is
important to recognize the unique needs of each State. We also
recognize the consumer disruption that could result from changes to
rating areas. Therefore, we seek comments on whether we should seek
more uniformity in the size of rating areas or establish a minimum size
for rating areas, and if so, how that should be achieved, consistent
with the principle of flexibility for States. For example, to help
ensure uniformity in rating areas, we could require that each rating
area in a State be one geographically contiguous area, and that the
relative population of each rating area not vary by more than a
specified percentage. To help ensure that rating areas are sufficiently
large, we could direct that each State have a maximum number of rating
areas equal to the number of metropolitan statistical areas in the
State, plus one. We also seek comment on how we could improve
uniformity and sufficient size for risk pooling in a manner that would
preserve flexibility to accommodate the unique needs of each State.
We also recognize the inconsistency that can occur between an
issuer's rating area and the service area of some of its network-based
plans. Under current Sec. 155.1055, the service area of a QHP must be
established without regard to racial, ethnic, language, health status-
related factors, or other factors that exclude specific high utilizing,
high cost, or medically underserved populations. We believe it could be
beneficial from an insurance market perspective for the rating area and
the service area to generally be consistent, to provide that health
insurance issuers offer a full array of products in larger geographic
areas. We seek comment on whether and how to achieve this objective,
including whether to achieve it through regulation, and if so, how our
regulations should be revised for this purpose.
Section 147.102(e) provides for a uniform age curve in each State.
When a State does not specify an age curve, a Federal default uniform
age curve will apply. We are investigating the child age rating factor
in the Federal uniform age curve, and seek to determine whether the
default factor is appropriate, or fails to adequately differentiate the
health risk of children of different ages. We seek comment and data on
the most appropriate child age curve, and the policy reasons underlying
any recommendation.
2. Guaranteed Availability of Coverage (Sec. 147.104)
a. Product Discontinuance and Market Withdrawal Exceptions to
Guaranteed Availability
Section 147.104 includes several exceptions to the guaranteed
availability requirement. We have been asked whether there is an
exception to this requirement in the small group, large group, and
individual markets when an issuer avails itself of the exception to the
guaranteed renewability requirement in Sec. 147.106(c) (discontinuing
a particular product), or in Sec. 147.106(d) (discontinuing all
coverage). The exception to the guaranteed renewability requirement in
Sec. 147.106(c) requires an issuer to provide notice in writing, in a
form and manner specified by the Secretary, to each plan sponsor or
individual, as applicable, (and to all participants and beneficiaries
covered under such coverage) of the discontinuation at least 90
calendar days before the date the coverage will be discontinued. The
exception to the guaranteed renewability requirement in Sec.
147.106(d) requires an issuer to provide notice in writing to the
applicable State authority and to each plan sponsor or individual, as
applicable (and to all participants and beneficiaries covered under the
coverage) of the discontinuation at least 180 calendar days prior to
the date the coverage will be discontinued. We have been asked whether
the guaranteed availability requirement requires health insurance
issuers discontinuing a product, or all coverage, to guarantee the
availability of coverage during these 90- and 180-day (or other
applicable) time periods. We do not believe an issuer should be
required to guarantee the availability of a product the issuer is in
the process of discontinuing, while the issuer is attempting to wind
down its operations for that product. Therefore, we propose to
redesignate paragraphs (e) through (i) as (f) through (j), and add a
new paragraph (e) to Sec. 147.104, providing for an exception to the
guaranteed availability requirement when the exceptions to the
guaranteed renewability requirement in Sec. 147.106(c) or (d) related
to discontinuing a particular product, or the exception related to
discontinuing all coverage in a market, apply. The exception would be
effective for the duration of the notice periods discussed above. We
acknowledge that the statute does not expressly contain such an
exception to the guaranteed availability requirement. However, the
statutory requirement under the guaranteed renewability
[[Page 75497]]
provision requires issuers to provide at least 90-day or 180-day
advance notice to enrollees prior to discontinuation of the coverage.
If additional consumers continue to enroll after notice is given, the
issuer would not be able to provide the required advance notice to
these new enrollees before discontinuing coverage. Accordingly, we are
interpreting the interaction between the guaranteed availability and
guaranteed renewability provisions to permit an issuer to deny
enrollments during the applicable product discontinuance or market
withdrawal notice period. However, we propose in paragraph (e)(3) that
this exception does not relieve issuers of their obligations to
existing policyholders, such as enrolling dependents under a special
enrollment right during the 90-day or 180-day period.
We understand that some States may wish issuers to guarantee the
availability of products until the end of the applicable notice period,
and any such requirement would continue to apply.
We also propose a new paragraph (e)(2), under which an issuer that
denies coverage under these provisions must apply the denial uniformly
to all employers or individuals in the large group, small group, or
individual market, as applicable, in the State consistent with
applicable State law, and without regard to the claims experience or
any health-status related factor relating to those individuals or
employers and their employees (or their respective dependents).
We seek comment on these proposals.
b. Minimum Participation and Contribution Rules
Section 2702 of the PHS Act generally requires health insurance
issuers in the group and individual markets to guarantee the
availability of coverage. In the 2014 Market Rules final rule, we
determined that small employers accordingly could not be denied
coverage for failure to satisfy minimum participation or contribution
requirements. In recognition of the potential for adverse selection,
however, under our authority to define open enrollment periods at Sec.
147.104, we permitted health insurance issuers offering non-
grandfathered plans in the small group market to limit the availability
of coverage to small employers that do not meet an issuer's employer
contribution or group participation rules to an annual enrollment
period of November 15 to December 15 of each year. We continue to
recognize that the use of minimum participation or contribution rules
to limit when coverage can be obtained can guard against adverse
selection, in that some employers might wait to purchase insurance only
when medical need arises. We also acknowledge the possibility that
minimum contribution rules might promote employee take-up and help
spread insurance risk across a broad and diverse pool of individuals.
However, several features of the Affordable Care Act make participation
and contribution rules less relevant, including the individual shared
responsibility provisions, under which non-exempt individuals must
maintain minimum essential coverage (such as might be available through
a group health plan) or make an individual shared responsibility
payment, and the employer shared responsibility provisions, under which
applicable large employers (in general, employers with at least 50
full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees)) must
either offer coverage that is affordable and that provides minimum
value to their full-time employees (and their dependents) or
potentially make an assessable payment to the IRS.
Based on our experience since the finalization of the rule
providing for the November 15 to December 15 enrollment window, we are
concerned that the limitation of the enrollment window could result in
some applicable large employers that intend to avoid an employer shared
responsibility payment by offering coverage being unable to reasonably
offer coverage, if a State were to expand the small group market to
include employers with up to 100 employees.
In recognition of this dynamic, we note that a State electing to
expand its small group market to include employers with up to 100
employees may opt, under its own authority, to prohibit a small group
health insurance issuer from restricting the availability of small
group coverage based on employer contribution or group participation
rules. Alternatively, in cases where a State expands the definition of
a small employer to include up to 100 employees, we could amend the
guaranteed availability regulations, with respect to small employers
with 51-100 employees or with respect to all small employers
altogether, to achieve this objective. We seek comment on such an
3. Guaranteed Renewability of Coverage (Sec. 147.106)
The guaranteed renewability provisions of title XXVII of the PHS
Act provide that an issuer may discontinue a product offered in the
group or individual market if the issuer offers to each plan sponsor or
individual who is enrolled in that particular product the option to
purchase all (or, in the case of the large group market, any) other
health insurance coverage currently being offered by the issuer in that
market, and complies with other requirements of those sections, as well
as with any applicable State law. Title XXVII of the PHS Act includes
several exceptions to the guaranteed renewability provisions, including
when a group health plan sponsor has violated a material plan provision
relating to employer contribution or group participation rules,
provided applicable State law allows an exception to guaranteed
renewability under such circumstances; and for coverage made available
in the individual market, or small or large group market only through
one or more bona fide associations, if the individual's or employer's
membership in the association ceases. Although the Affordable Care Act
removed from title XXVII these exceptions as they applied to guaranteed
availability, it did not do so with respect to guaranteed renewability.
Therefore, a large employer whose coverage is non-renewed for one of
these reasons, and a small employer whose coverage is non-renewed due
to membership ceasing in an association, could be seen to have a right
to immediately purchase that same coverage (if available in the market)
from that same issuer in accordance with guaranteed availability. This
renders effectively meaningless these two exceptions to guaranteed
renewability in these contexts. To address this potential ambiguity
regarding the interplay between guaranteed renewability and guaranteed
availability, we propose to remove these guaranteed renewability
exceptions from the regulations at Sec. 147.106. We seek comment on
other ways in which this ambiguity could be addressed.
4. Student Health Insurance Coverage (Sec. 147.145)
a. Index Rate Setting Methodology for Student Health Insurance Coverage
Under 45 CFR 147.145, student health insurance coverage is a type
of individual health insurance coverage that, subject to limited
exceptions, must comply with the PHS Act requirements that apply to
individual health insurance coverage. However, section 1560(c) of the
Affordable Care Act provides that nothing in title I of the Affordable
Care Act (or an amendment made by title I) is to be construed to
prohibit an institution of higher
[[Page 75498]]
education from offering a student health insurance plan to the extent
that the requirement is otherwise permitted under applicable Federal,
State, or local law. HHS has exercised its authority under section
1560(c) to modify some of its rules as applied to student health
insurance coverage, including those related to the guaranteed
availability, guaranteed renewability, and single risk pool
Our intent in exempting student health insurance coverage from the
single risk pool requirement was to provide that student health
insurance issuers need not include their student health insurance
coverage in their overall individual market (or merged market) risk
pool, and also need not have one single risk pool composed of their
total statewide book of student health insurance business. Rather, we
intended that issuers could establish separate risk pools from their
individual health insurance market single risk pool (or merged market
risk pool, where applicable) for student health insurance coverage,
including by establishing separate risk pools for different
institutions of higher education, or multiple risk pools within a
single institution, provided the risk pools were based on a bona fide
school-related classification (for example, graduate students and
undergraduate students) and not a health status-related factor as
described in Sec. 146.121. However, we have learned that student
health insurance issuers may be using certain rating factors that would
be prohibited under the single risk pool regulation in Sec. 156.80(d)
to establish rates for institutions of higher education, on the basis
that student health insurance coverage has been exempted from those
single risk pool index rating requirements under our regulations.
Examples of such rating factors include the percentage of students
enrolled in the coverage, or the length of time the college or
university has had coverage through the issuer. Section 156.80(d)
requires a health insurance issuer to base its index rate only on the
total combined claims costs for providing EHB (subject to certain
We do not intend to disrupt rate setting for student health
insurance, but we do seek to ensure that rates are based on actuarially
justified factors. To clarify our intent, we propose, for plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2017, that student health insurance
coverage be subject to the index rate setting methodology of the single
risk pool provision in the regulation at Sec. 156.80(d). However,
student health insurance issuers still would be permitted to establish
separate risk pools from their individual health insurance market
single risk pool (or merged market risk pool, where applicable) for
student health insurance coverage, including by establishing separate
risk pools for different institutions of higher education, or multiple
risk pools within a single institution, provided they are based on a
bona fide school-related classification (for example, graduate students
and undergraduate students) and not a health status-related factor as
described in Sec. 146.121. Consistent with our single risk pool
policy, the index rates for these risk pools would be based upon
actuarially justified estimates of claims. Permissible plan-level
adjustments to these index rates would be limited to those permitted
under our rules. This approach would continue to allow rates for
student health insurance coverage to reflect the unique characteristics
of the student population at the particular institution, while more
clearly delineating our intent with regard to the treatment of student
health insurance coverage. We seek comment on any potential operational
challenges associated with this proposal, including potential
challenges related to filing rates for student health insurance
coverage and how this policy might be adjusted to address those
b. Actuarial Value Requirements for Student Health Insurance Plans
Many colleges and universities have reported to us that they offer
student health insurance plans that are rich in benefits (for example,
providing an actuarial value of 96 percent) and that they are reluctant
to reduce the level of benefits to meet an actuarial value metal level.
Because enrollees in student health insurance plans are not typically
selecting among such plans, there is less need for standardization of
actuarial levels in this part of the individual market. Therefore, we
propose to add an exemption to the requirements for student health
insurance coverage in Sec. 147.145, under which, for plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2017, student health insurance
coverage would be exempt from the actuarial value requirements under
section 1302(d) of the Affordable Care Act, as implemented in
Sec. Sec. 156.135 and 156.140, but would be required to provide an
actuarial value of at least 60 percent. To determine a plan's actuarial
value for purposes of the application of the 60 percent actuarial value
requirement to student health insurance coverage, we propose to require
student health insurance coverage issuers to obtain certification by an
actuary that the plan provides an actuarial value of at least 60
percent. This determination would be required to be made by a member of
the American Academy of Actuaries, based on analysis in accordance with
generally accepted actuarial principles and methodologies.
We considered making modifications to the AV Calculator for the
purposes of determining the actuarial value for student health
insurance plans. However, the standard population in the AV Calculator
is more diverse than the expected population in student health
insurance plans, such that the AV Calculator's calculations might be
less accurate. That said, we solicit comments on whether the AV
Calculator should be used for this purpose.
We also solicit comments on whether to require student health
insurance issuers to specify, in their SBCs, summary plan descriptions,
enrollment materials, marketing materials, or other materials, the
actuarial value of the coverage, the next lowest metal level the
coverage would otherwise satisfy, based on its actuarial value, or any
other data that would give enrollees and prospective enrollees
information about the actuarial value of the coverage.
D. Part 153--Standards Related to Reinsurance, Risk Corridors, and Risk
Adjustment Under the Affordable Care Act
1. Sequestration
In accordance with the OMB Report to Congress on the Joint
Committee Reductions for Fiscal Year 2016,\8\ both the transitional
reinsurance program and permanent risk adjustment program are subject
to the fiscal year 2016 sequestration. The Federal government's 2016
fiscal year began on October 1, 2015. The reinsurance program will be
sequestered at a rate of 6.8 percent for payments made from fiscal year
2016 resources (that is, funds collected during the 2016 fiscal year).
To meet the sequestration requirement for the risk adjustment program
for fiscal year 2016, HHS will sequester risk adjustment payments made
using fiscal year 2016 resources in all States where HHS operates risk
adjustment at a sequestration rate of 7.0 percent. HHS estimates that
increasing the sequestration rate for all risk adjustment payments made
in fiscal year 2016 to all issuers in the States where HHS operates
risk adjustment by 0.2 percent will permit HHS to meet the required
national risk adjustment program
[[Page 75499]]
sequestration percentage of 6.8 percent noted in the OMB Report to
\8\ Available at:
HHS, in coordination with the OMB, has determined that, under
section 256(k)(6) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control
Act of 1985, as amended, and the underlying authority for these
programs, the funds that are sequestered in fiscal year 2016 from the
reinsurance and risk adjustment programs will become available for
payment to issuers in fiscal year 2017 without further Congressional
action. If the Congress does not enact deficit reduction provisions
that replace the Joint Committee reductions, these programs would be
sequestered in future fiscal years, and any sequestered funding would
become available in the fiscal year following that in which it was
2. Provisions and Parameters for the Permanent Risk Adjustment Program
In subparts D and G of 45 CFR part 153, we established standards
for the administration of the risk adjustment program. The risk
adjustment program is a permanent program created by section 1343 of
the Affordable Care Act that transfers funds from lower risk, non-
grandfathered plans to higher risk, non-grandfathered plans in the
individual and small group markets, inside and outside the Exchanges.
In accordance with Sec. 153.310(a), a State that is approved or
conditionally approved by the Secretary to operate an Exchange may
establish a risk adjustment program, or have HHS do so on its behalf.
a. Overview of the HHS Risk Adjustment Model (Sec. 153.320)
The HHS risk adjustment model predicts plan liability for an
average enrollee based on that person's age, sex, and diagnoses (risk
factors), producing a risk score. The HHS risk adjustment methodology
utilizes separate models for adults, children, and infants to account
for cost differences in each of these age groups. In each of the adult
and child models, the relative costs assigned to an individual's age,
sex, and diagnoses are added together to produce a risk score. Infant
risk scores are determined by inclusion in one of 25 mutually exclusive
groups, based on the infant's maturity and the severity of its
diagnoses. If applicable, the risk score is multiplied by a cost-
sharing reduction adjustment.
The enrollment-weighted average risk score of all enrollees in a
particular risk adjustment-covered plan, or the plan liability risk
score, within a geographic rating area is one of the inputs into the
risk adjustment payment transfer formula, which determines the payment
or charge that an issuer will receive or be required to pay for that
plan. Thus, the HHS risk adjustment model predicts average group costs
to account for risk across plans, which, as we stated in the 2014
Payment Notice, accords with the Actuarial Standards Board's Actuarial
Standards of Practice for risk classification.
b. Proposed Updates to the Risk Adjustment Model (Sec. 153.320)
We propose to continue to use the same risk adjustment methodology
finalized in the 2014 Payment Notice. We propose to make certain
updates to the risk adjustment model to incorporate preventive services
into our simulation of plan liability, and to reflect more current
data. The proposed data updates are similar to the ones we effectuated
for 2016 risk adjustment in the 2016 Payment Notice. We propose to
recalculate the weights assigned to the various hierarchical condition
categories (HCCs) and demographic factors in our risk adjustment models
using the most recent data available. As we previously described, in
the adult and child models, enrollee health risks are estimated using
the HHS risk adjustment model, which assigns a set of additive factors
that reflect the relative costs attributable to demographics and
diagnoses. Risk adjustment factors are developed using claims data and
reflect the costs of a given disease relative to average spending. The
longer the lag in data used to develop the risk factors, the greater
the potential that the costs of treating one disease versus another
have changed in a manner not fully reflected in the risk factors.
To provide risk adjustment factors that best reflect more recent
treatment patterns and costs, we propose to recalibrate the HHS risk
adjustment models for 2017 by using more recent claims data to develop
updated risk factors. The risk factors published in the 2016 Payment
Notice for use in 2016 were developed using the Truven Health Analytics
2011, 2012 and 2013 MarketScan[supreg] Commercial Claims and Encounters
database (MarketScan); we are proposing to update the risk factors in
the HHS risk adjustment model using 2012, 2013, and 2014 MarketScan
data. We would publish and finalize the updated factors in the final
rule. We seek comment on this proposal.
We are proposing to incorporate preventive services into our
simulation of plan liability in the recalibration of the risk
adjustment models for 2017. We identified preventive services for the
2012 and 2013 MarketScan samples using procedure and diagnosis codes,
prescription drug therapeutic classes, and enrollee age and sex. We
relied on lists of preventive services from several major issuers, the
preventive services used for the AV Calculator, and Medicare's
preventive services benefit to operationalize preventive services
definitions for incorporation in the risk adjustment models. We then
adjusted plan liability by adding 100 percent of preventive services
covered charges to simulate plan liability for all metal levels. We
also applied standard benefit cost sharing rules by metal level to
covered charges for non-preventive services. Total adjusted simulated
plan liability is the sum of preventive services covered charges, and
non-preventive services simulated plan liability.
We re-estimated the risk adjustment models by metal level,
predicting plan liability adjusted to account for preventive services
without cost sharing. We compared the model coefficients predicting
original (that is, non-adjusted for preventive services) and adjusted
simulated plan liability. Adjusting for preventive services increases
age-sex coefficients relative to HCC coefficients, especially in the
higher cost-sharing metal tiers (bronze and silver), and in age/sex
ranges with high preventive services expenditures (for example, young
adult females). The implication of the changes to the model
coefficients is that the risk scores of healthy enrollees (whose risk
scores are based solely on model age-sex coefficients) will likely rise
relative to the risk scores of the less healthy (whose risk scores
include one or more HCC coefficients in addition to an age-sex
coefficient), especially in bronze and silver plans. As a result of the
risk score changes for individuals, we expect that the incorporation of
preventive services would increase the risk scores of bronze and silver
plans with healthier enrollees relative to other plans' risk scores
when preventive services are taken into account. This incorporation of
preventive services will more accurately compensate risk adjustment
covered plans with enrollees who use preventive services. We seek
comment on this approach.
Additionally, we are evaluating how we may incorporate prescription
drug data in the Federally certified risk adjustment methodology that
HHS uses when it operates risk adjustment. Prescription drug data could
be used in the risk adjustment methodology to supplement diagnostic
data by using the prescription drug data as a severity indicator, or as
a proxy for diagnoses is in cases where diagnostic data are likely
[[Page 75500]]
to be incomplete. We are assessing these approaches, with particular
sensitivity to reliability and the potential for strategic behavior
with respect to prescribing behavior. As we noted in the 2014 Payment
Notice, we did not include prescription drugs to predict expenditures
to avoid creating adverse incentives to modify discretionary
prescribing. We are evaluating whether we can improve the models'
predictive power through the incorporation of prescription drugs
without unduly incentivizing altered prescribing behavior. We seek
comment and any data that may inform effective methods of incorporating
prescription drug data in future recalibrations.
Similarly, we believe we could more accurately account for high-
cost conditions with new treatments that are not reflected in our model
due to lags in the data available to us for recalibration. We believe
that stability across our models is important, but seek comment and
data that may inform better methods of accurately compensating for new
treatments for high cost conditions. For example, we seek comment on
whether there are ways to model the severity of these conditions in a
manner that will more fully capture the highest cost enrollees.
Lastly, we would like to explore the effect of partial year
enrollment in the HHS risk adjustment methodology. We have received
input that issuers are experiencing higher than expected claims costs
for partial-year enrollees. We have also received input that the
methodology does not capture enrollees with chronic conditions who may
not have accumulated diagnoses in their partial year enrollment. At the
same time, as compared to full year enrollees of the same relative
risk, partial year enrollees are less likely to have spending that
exceeds the deductible or annual limitation on cost sharing. We seek
comment and data on how the methodology could be made more predictive
for partial year enrollees.
c. List of Factors To Be Employed in the Model (Sec. 153.320)
The HHS risk adjustment models predict annualized plan liability
expenditures using age and sex categories and the HHS HCCs included in
the HHS risk adjustment model. Dollar coefficients were estimated for
these factors using weighted least squares regression, where the weight
was the fraction of the year enrolled.
We are including the same HCCs that were included in the original
risk adjustment calibration in the 2014 Payment Notice. For each model,
the factors are the statistical regression dollar values for each HCC
in the model divided by a weighted average plan liability for the full
modeling sample. The factors represent the predicted relative
incremental expenditures for each HCC. The proposed factors resulting
from the blended factors from the 2012 and 2013 separately solved
models (with the incorporation of preventive services) are shown in the
tables below. For a given enrollee, the sums of the factors for the
enrollee's HCCs are the total relative predicted expenditures for that
enrollee. Table 1 contains factors for each adult model, including the
interactions. Table 2 contains the HHS HHCs in the severity illness
indicator variable. Table 3 contains the factors for each child model.
Table 4 contains the factors for each infant model.
Table 1--Adult Risk Adjustment Model Factors
Factor Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Catastrophic
Demographic Factors
Age 21-24, Male............................... 0.242 0.183 0.117 0.077 0.076
Age 25-29, Male............................... 0.249 0.186 0.117 0.074 0.073
Age 30-34, Male............................... 0.296 0.220 0.135 0.082 0.080
Age 35-39, Male............................... 0.356 0.268 0.170 0.104 0.103
Age 40-44, Male............................... 0.435 0.335 0.221 0.143 0.142
Age 45-49, Male............................... 0.518 0.405 0.277 0.188 0.186
Age 50-54, Male............................... 0.662 0.531 0.380 0.274 0.272
Age 55-59, Male............................... 0.755 0.607 0.439 0.318 0.316
Age 60-64, Male............................... 0.907 0.733 0.538 0.395 0.392
Age 21-24, Female............................. 0.404 0.315 0.211 0.144 0.143
Age 25-29, Female............................. 0.491 0.383 0.262 0.181 0.180
Age 30-34, Female............................. 0.613 0.488 0.350 0.259 0.257
Age 35-39, Female............................. 0.704 0.570 0.423 0.327 0.325
Age 40-44, Female............................. 0.785 0.638 0.477 0.369 0.367
Age 45-49, Female............................. 0.802 0.649 0.480 0.364 0.362
Age 50-54, Female............................. 0.905 0.739 0.554 0.421 0.419
Age 55-59, Female............................. 0.921 0.748 0.554 0.412 0.409
Age 60-64, Female............................. 1.003 0.814 0.601 0.445 0.442
Diagnosis Factors
HIV/AIDS...................................... 5.924 5.438 5.099 5.113 5.114
Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory 11.809 11.632 11.526 11.587 11.589
Response Syndrome/Shock......................
Central Nervous System Infections, Except 7.068 6.960 6.891 6.914 6.914
Viral Meningitis.............................
Viral or Unspecified Meningitis............... 4.995 4.743 4.574 4.530 4.530
Opportunistic Infections...................... 9.345 9.238 9.168 9.156 9.156
Metastatic Cancer............................. 24.911 24.456 24.139 24.207 24.209
Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, 11.344 10.991 10.744 10.751 10.752
Including Pediatric Acute Lymphoid Leukemia..
Non-Hodgkin`s Lymphomas and Other Cancers and 6.079 5.829 5.643 5.597 5.596
Colorectal, Breast (Age <50), Kidney, and 5.522 5.272 5.082 5.034 5.034
Other Cancers................................
Breast (Age 50+) and Prostate Cancer, Benign/ 3.188 3.005 2.861 2.807 2.806
Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and
Thyroid Cancer, Melanoma, Neurofibromatosis, 1.556 1.392 1.248 1.153 1.152
and Other Cancers and Tumors.................
[[Page 75501]]
Pancreas Transplant Status/Complications...... 5.898 5.665 5.517 5.542 5.543
Diabetes with Acute Complications............. 1.261 1.113 0.984 0.875 0.873
Diabetes with Chronic Complications........... 1.261 1.113 0.984 0.875 0.873
Diabetes without Complication................. 1.261 1.113 0.984 0.875 0.873
Protein-Calorie Malnutrition.................. 14.543 14.553 14.565 14.629 14.630
Mucopolysaccharidosis......................... 2.246 2.121 2.018 1.963 1.962
Lipidoses and Glycogenosis.................... 2.246 2.121 2.018 1.963 1.962
Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Metabolic 2.246 2.121 2.018 1.963 1.962
Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant 2.246 2.121 2.018 1.963 1.962
Endocrine Disorders..........................
Liver Transplant Status/Complications......... 15.618 15.437 15.325 15.338 15.339
End-Stage Liver Disease....................... 5.957 5.705 5.543 5.560 5.561
Cirrhosis of Liver............................ 2.417 2.245 2.128 2.094 2.093
Chronic Hepatitis............................. 2.212 2.059 1.942 1.881 1.880
Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including 4.584 4.410 4.290 4.284 4.284
Neonatal Hepatitis...........................
Intestine Transplant Status/Complications..... 35.083 35.028 34.981 35.010 35.009
Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/ 12.704 12.429 12.241 12.279 12.279
Necrotizing Enterocolitis....................
Intestinal Obstruction........................ 6.960 6.679 6.497 6.526 6.527
Chronic Pancreatitis.......................... 5.898 5.665 5.517 5.542 5.543
Acute Pancreatitis/Other Pancreatic Disorders 2.929 2.728 2.583 2.538 2.537
and Intestinal Malabsorption.................
Inflammatory Bowel Disease.................... 3.154 2.884 2.680 2.572 2.571
Necrotizing Fasciitis......................... 7.009 6.797 6.650 6.671 6.671
Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis......... 7.009 6.797 6.650 6.671 6.671
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune 3.718 3.455 3.263 3.242 3.242
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other 1.235 1.092 0.968 0.880 0.879
Autoimmune Disorders.........................
Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other 3.474 3.263 3.094 3.035 3.034
Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and 3.474 3.263 3.094 3.035 3.034
Connective Tissue Disorders..................
Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate........................ 1.507 1.336 1.200 1.130 1.130
Hemophilia.................................... 42.711 42.402 42.168 42.178 42.179
Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myelofibrosis... 12.218 12.073 11.973 11.984 11.985
Aplastic Anemia............................... 12.218 12.073 11.973 11.984 11.985
Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic 9.749 9.576 9.446 9.441 9.441
Disease of Newborn...........................
Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS).................... 9.749 9.576 9.446 9.441 9.441
Thalassemia Major............................. 9.749 9.576 9.446 9.441 9.441
Combined and Other Severe Immunodeficiencies.. 5.252 5.095 4.985 4.991 4.992
Disorders of the Immune Mechanism............. 5.252 5.095 4.985 4.991 4.992
Coagulation Defects and Other Specified 2.989 2.884 2.801 2.774 2.773
Hematological Disorders......................
Drug Psychosis................................ 3.809 3.542 3.340 3.241 3.240
Drug Dependence............................... 3.809 3.542 3.340 3.241 3.240
Schizophrenia................................. 3.100 2.840 2.647 2.568 2.567
Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders........ 1.777 1.601 1.450 1.346 1.344
Reactive and Unspecified Psychosis, Delusional 1.777 1.601 1.450 1.346 1.344
Personality Disorders......................... 1.188 1.050 0.913 0.805 0.803
Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa...................... 2.786 2.612 2.469 2.406 2.405
Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and Autosomal 2.824 2.684 2.579 2.531 2.531
Deletion Syndromes...........................
Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other Chromosomal 1.042 0.933 0.828 0.752 0.751
Anomalies, and Congenital Malformation
Autistic Disorder............................. 1.188 1.050 0.913 0.805 0.803
Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except 1.188 1.050 0.913 0.805 0.803
Autistic Disorder............................
Traumatic Complete Lesion Cervical Spinal Cord 13.957 13.787 13.663 13.665 13.666
Quadriplegia.................................. 13.957 13.787 13.663 13.665 13.666
Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal Spinal Cord.. 10.170 10.005 9.884 9.875 9.875
Paraplegia.................................... 10.170 10.005 9.884 9.875 9.875
Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries................ 6.086 5.864 5.707 5.679 5.679
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other 3.246 2.997 2.827 2.787 2.788
Anterior Horn Cell Disease...................
Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy................... 1.400 1.183 1.020 0.960 0.959
Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic........... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Spina Bifida and Other Brain/Spinal/Nervous 0.126 0.033 0.000 0.000 0.000
System Congenital Anomalies..................
Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and 5.285 5.129 5.018 4.995 4.995
Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Inflammatory and
Toxic Neuropathy.............................
Muscular Dystrophy............................ 2.211 2.034 1.907 1.835 1.834
Multiple Sclerosis............................ 9.367 8.954 8.667 8.708 8.710
Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Spinocerebellar 2.211 2.034 1.907 1.835 1.834
Disease, and Other Neurodegenerative
Seizure Disorders and Convulsions............. 1.485 1.319 1.184 1.109 1.108
Hydrocephalus................................. 7.352 7.229 7.123 7.098 7.097
Non-Traumatic Coma, and Brain Compression/ 9.834 9.691 9.579 9.574 9.574
Anoxic Damage................................
Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status..... 37.369 37.364 37.365 37.433 37.434
Respiratory Arrest............................ 11.456 11.296 11.192 11.262 11.264
Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, 11.456 11.296 11.192 11.262 11.264
Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes.....
[[Page 75502]]
Heart Assistive Device/Artificial Heart....... 35.695 35.429 35.257 35.324 35.325
Heart Transplant.............................. 35.695 35.429 35.257 35.324 35.325
Congestive Heart Failure...................... 3.387 3.271 3.190 3.186 3.186
Acute Myocardial Infarction................... 10.835 10.482 10.255 10.380 10.382
Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart 5.666 5.370 5.186 5.209 5.210
Heart Infection/Inflammation, Except Rheumatic 6.510 6.365 6.260 6.240 6.239
Specified Heart Arrhythmias................... 3.099 2.940 2.818 2.765 2.764
Intracranial Hemorrhage....................... 10.244 9.944 9.743 9.761 9.761
Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke................ 3.640 3.440 3.319 3.331 3.332
Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous 4.354 4.138 3.986 3.947 3.946
Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis........................ 6.079 5.979 5.919 5.967 5.967
Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes......... 3.944 3.803 3.705 3.688 3.688
Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with 11.784 11.679 11.619 11.694 11.695
Ulceration or Gangrene.......................
Vascular Disease with Complications........... 8.222 8.025 7.892 7.898 7.898
Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis... 4.155 3.978 3.852 3.829 3.829
Lung Transplant Status/Complications.......... 35.331 35.127 34.994 35.078 35.080
Cystic Fibrosis............................... 12.237 11.906 11.656 11.667 11.667
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 1.009 0.883 0.768 0.687 0.686
Including Bronchiectasis.....................
Asthma........................................ 1.009 0.883 0.768 0.687 0.686
Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung Disorders..... 2.091 1.961 1.867 1.828 1.827
Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias 8.033 7.949 7.895 7.913 7.914
and Other Severe Lung Infections.............
Kidney Transplant Status...................... 10.464 10.180 9.997 9.991 9.991
End Stage Renal Disease....................... 40.683 40.431 40.270 40.401 40.403
Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5............... 2.212 2.102 2.031 2.026 2.026
Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4)...... 2.212 2.102 2.031 2.026 2.026
Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy, Except with Renal 1.372 1.177 0.993 0.798 0.794
Failure, Shock, or Embolism..................
Miscarriage with Complications................ 1.372 1.177 0.993 0.798 0.794
Miscarriage with No or Minor Complications.... 1.372 1.177 0.993 0.798 0.794
Completed Pregnancy With Major Complications.. 3.837 3.331 3.033 2.879 2.880
Completed Pregnancy With Complications........ 3.837 3.331 3.033 2.879 2.880
Completed Pregnancy with No or Minor 3.837 3.331 3.033 2.879 2.880
Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure........ 2.399 2.270 2.183 2.168 2.168
Hip Fractures and Pathological Vertebral or 9.757 9.532 9.381 9.425 9.426
Humerus Fractures............................
Pathological Fractures, Except of Vertebrae, 1.951 1.817 1.700 1.626 1.624
Hip, or Humerus..............................
Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant 32.229 32.225 32.223 32.243 32.243
Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination 10.912 10.812 10.748 10.791 10.792
Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation 6.029 5.865 5.760 5.790 5.791
Interaction Factors
Severe illness x Opportunistic Infections..... 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Severe illness x Metastatic Cancer............ 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Severe illness x Lung, Brain, and Other Severe 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Cancers, Including Pediatric Acute Lymphoid
Severe illness x Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas and 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Other Cancers and Tumors.....................
Severe illness x Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Disorders and Guillain-Barre Syndrome/
Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy............
Severe illness x Heart Infection/Inflammation, 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Except Rheumatic.............................
Severe illness x Intracranial Hemorrhage...... 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Severe illness x HCC group G06 (G06 is HCC 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Group 6 which includes the following HCCs in
the blood disease category: 67, 68)..........
Severe illness x HCC group G08 (G08 is HCC 11.440 11.678 11.854 11.949 11.950
Group 8 which includes the following HCCs in
the blood disease category: 73, 74)..........
Severe illness x End-Stage Liver Disease...... 2.193 2.336 2.443 2.529 2.530
Severe illness x Acute Liver Failure/Disease, 2.193 2.336 2.443 2.529 2.530
Including Neonatal Hepatitis.................
Severe illness x Atherosclerosis of the 2.193 2.336 2.443 2.529 2.530
Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene......
Severe illness x Vascular Disease with 2.193 2.336 2.443 2.529 2.530
Severe illness x Aspiration and Specified 2.193 2.336 2.443 2.529 2.530
Bacterial Pneumonias and Other Severe Lung
Severe illness x Artificial Openings for 2.193 2.336 2.443 2.529 2.530
Feeding or Elimination.......................
Severe illness x HCC group G03 (G03 is HCC 2.193 2.336 2.443 2.529 2.530
Group 3 which includes the following HCCs in
the musculoskeletal disease category: 54, 55)
[[Page 75503]]
Table 2--HHS HCCs in the Severity Illness Indicator Variable
Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock.
Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Enter colitis.
Seizure Disorders and Convulsions.
Non-Traumatic Coma, Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage.
Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status.
Respiratory Arrest.
Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress
Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Table 3--Child Risk Adjustment Model Factors
Factor Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Catastrophic
Demographic Factors
Age 2-4, Male................................. 0.251 0.167 0.082 0.032 0.031
Age 5-9, Male................................. 0.176 0.113 0.048 0.012 0.011
Age 10-14, Male............................... 0.224 0.158 0.084 0.045 0.044
Age 15-20, Male............................... 0.290 0.216 0.134 0.084 0.083
Age 2-4, Female............................... 0.205 0.131 0.061 0.024 0.024
Age 5-9, Female............................... 0.140 0.086 0.033 0.006 0.005
Age 10-14, Female............................. 0.210 0.148 0.083 0.050 0.050
Age 15-20, Female............................. 0.348 0.262 0.165 0.105 0.104
Diagnosis Factors
HIV/AIDS...................................... 3.608 3.174 2.855 2.743 2.742
Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory 18.093 17.932 17.830 17.855 17.856
Response Syndrome/Shock......................
Central Nervous System Infections, Except 12.330 12.136 11.998 12.005 12.005
Viral Meningitis.............................
Viral or Unspecified Meningitis............... 3.826 3.606 3.444 3.341 3.340
Opportunistic Infections...................... 23.638 23.563 23.513 23.505 23.505
Metastatic Cancer............................. 38.499 38.239 38.029 38.030 38.030
Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, 13.275 12.966 12.718 12.660 12.660
Including Pediatric Acute Lymphoid Leukemia..
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas and Other Cancers and 9.665 9.384 9.151 9.061 9.060
Colorectal, Breast (Age <50), Kidney, and 3.995 3.755 3.539 3.419 3.417
Other Cancers................................
Breast (Age 50+) and Prostate Cancer, Benign/ 3.123 2.910 2.725 2.614 2.612
Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and
Thyroid Cancer, Melanoma, Neurofibromatosis, 1.892 1.713 1.548 1.438 1.436
and Other Cancers and Tumors.................
Pancreas Transplant Status/Complications...... 33.115 32.960 32.863 32.876 32.877
Diabetes with Acute Complications............. 2.630 2.290 2.028 1.773 1.770
Diabetes with Chronic Complications........... 2.630 2.290 2.028 1.773 1.770
Diabetes without Complication................. 2.630 2.290 2.028 1.773 1.770
Protein-Calorie Malnutrition.................. 14.811 14.720 14.655 14.683 14.683
Mucopolysaccharidosis......................... 6.419 6.134 5.907 5.866 5.865
Lipidoses and Glycogenosis.................... 6.419 6.134 5.907 5.866 5.865
Congenital Metabolic Disorders, Not Elsewhere 6.419 6.134 5.907 5.866 5.865
Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Metabolic 6.419 6.134 5.907 5.866 5.865
Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant 6.419 6.134 5.907 5.866 5.865
Endocrine Disorders..........................
Liver Transplant Status/Complications......... 33.115 32.960 32.863 32.876 32.877
End-Stage Liver Disease....................... 13.699 13.535 13.419 13.421 13.422
Cirrhosis of Liver............................ 12.715 12.528 12.391 12.343 12.344
Chronic Hepatitis............................. 1.566 1.405 1.257 1.186 1.185
Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including 13.286 13.119 12.987 12.966 12.967
Neonatal Hepatitis...........................
Intestine Transplant Status/Complications..... 33.115 32.960 32.863 32.876 32.877
Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/ 16.433 16.077 15.815 15.844 15.845
Necrotizing Enterocolitis....................
Intestinal Obstruction........................ 6.156 5.905 5.705 5.620 5.619
Chronic Pancreatitis.......................... 9.291 9.008 8.815 8.801 8.800
Acute Pancreatitis/Other Pancreatic Disorders 2.803 2.658 2.528 2.436 2.435
and Intestinal Malabsorption.................
Inflammatory Bowel Disease.................... 5.919 5.531 5.229 5.120 5.118
Necrotizing Fasciitis......................... 5.073 4.814 4.608 4.555 4.554
Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis......... 5.073 4.814 4.608 4.555 4.554
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune 3.361 3.116 2.901 2.803 2.801
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other 1.226 1.061 0.899 0.778 0.776
Autoimmune Disorders.........................
Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other 1.704 1.565 1.432 1.357 1.356
Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and 1.704 1.565 1.432 1.357 1.356
Connective Tissue Disorders..................
Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate........................ 1.660 1.433 1.242 1.127 1.125
Hemophilia.................................... 56.279 55.780 55.399 55.383 55.384
[[Page 75504]]
Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myelofibrosis... 17.181 17.007 16.867 16.847 16.847
Aplastic Anemia............................... 17.181 17.007 16.867 16.847 16.847
Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic 7.999 7.705 7.476 7.409 7.407
Disease of Newborn...........................
Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS).................... 7.999 7.705 7.476 7.409 7.407
Thalassemia Major............................. 7.999 7.705 7.476 7.409 7.407
Combined and Other Severe Immunodeficiencies.. 6.480 6.287 6.134 6.076 6.075
Disorders of the Immune Mechanism............. 6.480 6.287 6.134 6.076 6.075
Coagulation Defects and Other Specified 5.201 5.051 4.911 4.837 4.835
Hematological Disorders......................
Drug Psychosis................................ 5.249 4.979 4.782 4.717 4.717
Drug Dependence............................... 5.249 4.979 4.782 4.717 4.717
Schizophrenia................................. 5.328 4.926 4.626 4.528 4.527
Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders........ 1.935 1.707 1.495 1.332 1.329
Reactive and Unspecified Psychosis, Delusional 1.935 1.707 1.495 1.332 1.329
Personality Disorders......................... 0.781 0.645 0.486 0.344 0.341
Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa...................... 2.818 2.603 2.423 2.357 2.356
Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and Autosomal 3.727 3.503 3.351 3.317 3.317
Deletion Syndromes...........................
Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other Chromosomal 1.555 1.360 1.203 1.114 1.113
Anomalies, and Congenital Malformation
Autistic Disorder............................. 1.867 1.660 1.462 1.308 1.305
Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except 0.923 0.772 0.592 0.421 0.418
Autistic Disorder............................
Traumatic Complete Lesion Cervical Spinal Cord 13.459 13.418 13.402 13.481 13.482
Quadriplegia.................................. 13.459 13.418 13.402 13.481 13.482
Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal Spinal Cord.. 11.430 11.214 11.066 11.066 11.066
Paraplegia.................................... 11.430 11.214 11.066 11.066 11.066
Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries................ 5.506 5.254 5.060 4.983 4.982
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other 8.929 8.672 8.473 8.435 8.435
Anterior Horn Cell Disease...................
Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy................... 4.067 3.800 3.630 3.648 3.648
Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic........... 0.974 0.772 0.616 0.531 0.530
Spina Bifida and Other Brain/Spinal/Nervous 1.210 1.053 0.917 0.845 0.843
System Congenital Anomalies..................
Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and 9.746 9.558 9.412 9.372 9.372
Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Inflammatory and
Toxic Neuropathy.............................
Muscular Dystrophy............................ 3.762 3.552 3.387 3.308 3.307
Multiple Sclerosis............................ 6.689 6.337 6.076 6.037 6.037
Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Spinocerebellar 3.762 3.552 3.387 3.308 3.307
Disease, and Other Neurodegenerative
Seizure Disorders and Convulsions............. 2.136 1.942 1.755 1.619 1.617
Hydrocephalus................................. 6.047 5.916 5.820 5.814 5.814
Non-Traumatic Coma, and Brain Compression/ 8.776 8.612 8.487 8.448 8.447
Anoxic Damage................................
Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status..... 42.997 42.897 42.854 42.982 42.984
Respiratory Arrest............................ 13.335 13.131 12.994 12.998 12.998
Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, 13.335 13.131 12.994 12.998 12.998
Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes.....
Heart Assistive Device/Artificial Heart....... 33.115 32.960 32.863 32.876 32.877
Heart Transplant.............................. 33.115 32.960 32.863 32.876 32.877
Congestive Heart Failure...................... 7.307 7.189 7.087 7.047 7.046
Acute Myocardial Infarction................... 11.965 11.749 11.601 11.612 11.613
Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart 6.781 6.652 6.566 6.583 6.584
Heart Infection/Inflammation, Except Rheumatic 16.783 16.643 16.539 16.519 16.519
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Other 6.142 5.922 5.704 5.578 5.575
Severe Congenital Heart Disorders............
Major Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders.. 1.945 1.808 1.640 1.529 1.527
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects, Patent 1.370 1.252 1.106 1.021 1.019
Ductus Arteriosus, and Other Congenital Heart/
Circulatory Disorders........................
Specified Heart Arrhythmias................... 4.748 4.549 4.375 4.309 4.308
Intracranial Hemorrhage....................... 17.965 17.699 17.514 17.509 17.510
Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke................ 8.807 8.679 8.600 8.623 8.624
Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous 4.116 3.893 3.725 3.664 3.663
Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis........................ 5.352 5.230 5.146 5.127 5.127
Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes......... 3.500 3.334 3.220 3.178 3.178
Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with 15.636 15.350 15.141 15.046 15.045
Ulceration or Gangrene.......................
Vascular Disease with Complications........... 18.385 18.204 18.079 18.077 18.077
Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis... 15.215 15.029 14.908 14.927 14.928
Lung Transplant Status/Complications.......... 33.115 32.960 32.863 32.876 32.877
Cystic Fibrosis............................... 14.859 14.403 14.062 14.084 14.084
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 0.484 0.390 0.262 0.170 0.169
Including Bronchiectasis.....................
Asthma........................................ 0.484 0.390 0.262 0.170 0.169
Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung Disorders..... 3.395 3.241 3.101 3.038 3.037
Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias 9.223 9.149 9.092 9.104 9.104
and Other Severe Lung Infections.............
Kidney Transplant Status...................... 14.429 14.054 13.797 13.798 13.798
End Stage Renal Disease....................... 39.233 39.038 38.913 38.998 38.999
[[Page 75505]]
Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5............... 10.493 10.315 10.152 10.039 10.037
Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4)...... 10.493 10.315 10.152 10.039 10.037
Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy, Except with Renal 1.160 0.967 0.768 0.565 0.561
Failure, Shock, or Embolism..................
Miscarriage with Complications................ 1.160 0.967 0.768 0.565 0.561
Miscarriage with No or Minor Complications.... 1.160 0.967 0.768 0.565 0.561
Completed Pregnancy With Major Complications.. 3.354 2.882 2.584 2.386 2.385
Completed Pregnancy With Complications........ 3.354 2.882 2.584 2.386 2.385
Completed Pregnancy with No or Minor 3.354 2.882 2.584 2.386 2.385
Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure........ 1.654 1.541 1.428 1.366 1.365
Hip Fractures and Pathological Vertebral or 5.891 5.601 5.355 5.259 5.257
Humerus Fractures............................
Pathological Fractures, Except of Vertebrae, 1.718 1.565 1.392 1.270 1.268
Hip, or Humerus..............................
Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant 33.115 32.960 32.863 32.876 32.877
Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination 15.795 15.698 15.662 15.783 15.785
Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation 8.011 7.729 7.525 7.418 7.416
Table 4--Infant Risk Adjustment Models Factors
Group Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Catastrophic
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 5 409.050 407.618 406.498 406.512 406.513
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 4......... 203.011 201.612 200.519 200.501 200.502
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 3......... 54.774 53.619 52.671 52.503 52.501
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 2......... 54.774 53.619 52.671 52.503 52.501
Extremely Immature * Severity Level 1 (Lowest) 54.774 53.619 52.671 52.503 52.501
Immature * Severity Level 5 (Highest)......... 193.052 191.689 190.621 190.640 190.641
Immature * Severity Level 4................... 91.573 90.161 89.057 89.058 89.059
Immature * Severity Level 3................... 54.774 53.619 52.671 52.503 52.501
Immature * Severity Level 2................... 31.501 30.277 29.298 29.119 29.116
Immature * Severity Level 1 (Lowest).......... 31.501 30.277 29.298 29.119 29.116
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 5 180.068 178.688 177.612 177.587 177.588
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 4........ 34.716 33.374 32.329 32.210 32.210
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 3........ 18.143 17.052 16.164 15.859 15.855
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 2........ 9.619 8.708 7.919 7.456 7.447
Premature/Multiples * Severity Level 1 6.761 6.055 5.326 4.813 4.803
Term * Severity Level 5 (Highest)............. 148.077 146.787 145.765 145.664 145.663
Term * Severity Level 4....................... 17.881 16.823 15.955 15.592 15.587
Term * Severity Level 3....................... 6.615 5.913 5.209 4.662 4.651
Term * Severity Level 2....................... 3.999 3.438 2.791 2.206 2.195
Term * Severity Level 1 (Lowest).............. 1.717 1.385 0.811 0.379 0.371
Age 1 * Severity Level 5 (Highest)............ 55.723 55.014 54.446 54.372 54.371
Age 1 * Severity Level 4...................... 9.659 9.128 8.675 8.484 8.481
Age 1 * Severity Level 3...................... 3.494 3.127 2.751 2.528 2.524
Age 1 * Severity Level 2...................... 2.210 1.911 1.570 1.327 1.323
Age 1 * Severity Level 1 (Lowest)............. 0.603 0.465 0.288 0.206 0.205
Age 0 Male.................................... 0.723 0.672 0.641 0.584 0.582
Age 1 Male.................................... 0.168 0.148 0.127 0.101 0.100
Table 5--HHS HCCS Included in Infant Model Maturity Categories
Maturity category HCC/Description
Extremely Immature................... Extremely Immature Newborns,
Birthweight <500 Grams.
Extremely Immature................... Extremely Immature Newborns,
Including Birthweight 500-749
Extremely Immature................... Extremely Immature Newborns,
Including Birthweight 750-999
Immature............................. Premature Newborns, Including
Birthweight 1000-1499 Grams.
Immature............................. Premature Newborns, Including
Birthweight 1500-1999 Grams.
Premature/Multiples.................. Premature Newborns, Including
Birthweight 2000-2499 Grams.
Premature/Multiples.................. Other Premature, Low Birthweight,
Malnourished, or Multiple Birth
Term................................. Term or Post-Term Singleton
Newborn, Normal or High
Age 1................................ All age 1 infants.
Table 6--HHS HCCs Included in Infant Model Severity Categories
Severity category HCC
Severity Level 5 (Highest)........... Metastatic Cancer.
Severity Level 5..................... Pancreas Transplant Status/
Severity Level 5..................... Liver Transplant Status/
[[Page 75506]]
Severity Level 5..................... End-Stage Liver Disease.
Severity Level 5..................... Intestine Transplant Status/
Severity Level 5..................... Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal
Severity Level 5..................... Respirator Dependence/
Tracheostomy Status.
Severity Level 5..................... Heart Assistive Device/Artificial
Severity Level 5..................... Heart Transplant.
Severity Level 5..................... Congestive Heart Failure.
Severity Level 5..................... Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
and Other Severe Congenital
Heart Disorders.
Severity Level 5..................... Lung Transplant Status/
Severity Level 5..................... Kidney Transplant Status.
Severity Level 5..................... End Stage Renal Disease.
Severity Level 5..................... Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow,
Transplant Status/Complications.
Severity Level 4..................... Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic
Inflammatory Response Syndrome/
Severity Level 4..................... Lung, Brain, and Other Severe
Cancers, Including Pediatric
Acute Lymphoid Leukemia.
Severity Level 4..................... Mucopolysaccharidosis.
Severity Level 4..................... Major Congenital Anomalies of
Diaphragm, Abdominal Wall, and
Esophagus, Age <2.
Severity Level 4..................... Myelodysplastic Syndromes and
Severity Level 4..................... Aplastic Anemia.
Severity Level 4..................... Combined and Other Severe
Severity Level 4..................... Traumatic Complete Lesion
Cervical Spinal Cord.
Severity Level 4..................... Quadriplegia.
Severity Level 4..................... Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and
Other Anterior Horn Cell
Severity Level 4..................... Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy.
Severity Level 4..................... Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural
Disorders and Guillain-Barre
Syndrome/Inflammatory and Toxic
Severity Level 4..................... Non-Traumatic Coma, Brain
Compression/Anoxic Damage.
Severity Level 4..................... Respiratory Arrest.
Severity Level 4..................... Cardio-Respiratory Failure and
Shock, Including Respiratory
Distress Syndromes.
Severity Level 4..................... Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Severity Level 4..................... Heart Infection/Inflammation,
Except Rheumatic.
Severity Level 4..................... Major Congenital Heart/
Circulatory Disorders.
Severity Level 4..................... Intracranial Hemorrhage.
Severity Level 4..................... Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke.
Severity Level 4..................... Vascular Disease with
Severity Level 4..................... Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein
Severity Level 4..................... Aspiration and Specified
Bacterial Pneumonias and Other
Severe Lung Infections.
Severity Level 4..................... Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5.
Severity Level 4..................... Hip Fractures and Pathological
Vertebral or Humerus Fractures.
Severity Level 4..................... Artificial Openings for Feeding
or Elimination.
Severity Level 3..................... HIV/AIDS.
Severity Level 3..................... Central Nervous System
Infections, Except Viral
Severity Level 3..................... Opportunistic Infections.
Severity Level 3..................... Non-Hodgkin`s Lymphomas and Other
Cancers and Tumors.
Severity Level 3..................... Colorectal, Breast (Age <50),
Kidney and Other Cancers.
Severity Level 3..................... Breast (Age 50+), Prostate
Cancer, Benign/Uncertain Brain
Tumors, and Other Cancers and
Severity Level 3..................... Lipidoses and Glycogenosis.
Severity Level 3..................... Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other
Significant Endocrine Disorders.
Severity Level 3..................... Acute Liver Failure/Disease,
Including Neonatal Hepatitis.
Severity Level 3..................... Intestinal Obstruction.
Severity Level 3..................... Necrotizing Fasciitis.
Severity Level 3..................... Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/
Severity Level 3..................... Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other
Severity Level 3..................... Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate.
Severity Level 3..................... Hemophilia.
Severity Level 3..................... Disorders of the Immune
Severity Level 3..................... Coagulation Defects and Other
Specified Hematological
Severity Level 3..................... Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and
Autosomal Deletion Syndromes.
Severity Level 3..................... Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal
Spinal Cord.
Severity Level 3..................... Paraplegia.
Severity Level 3..................... Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries.
Severity Level 3..................... Cerebral Palsy, Except
Severity Level 3..................... Muscular Dystrophy.
Severity Level 3..................... Parkinson's, Huntington's, and
Spinocerebellar Disease, and
Other Neurodegenerative
Severity Level 3..................... Hydrocephalus.
Severity Level 3..................... Unstable Angina and Other Acute
Ischemic Heart Disease.
Severity Level 3..................... Atrial and Ventricular Septal
Defects, Patent Ductus
Arteriosus, and Other Congenital
Heart/Circulatory Disorders.
Severity Level 3..................... Specified Heart Arrhythmias.
Severity Level 3..................... Cerebral Aneurysm and
Arteriovenous Malformation.
Severity Level 3..................... Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis.
Severity Level 3..................... Cystic Fibrosis.
[[Page 75507]]
Severity Level 3..................... Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung
Severity Level 3..................... Pathological Fractures, Except of
Vertebrae, Hip, or Humerus.
Severity Level 2..................... Viral or Unspecified Meningitis.
Severity Level 2..................... Thyroid, Melanoma,
Neurofibromatosis, and Other
Cancers and Tumors.
Severity Level 2..................... Diabetes with Acute
Severity Level 2..................... Diabetes with Chronic
Severity Level 2..................... Diabetes without Complication.
Severity Level 2..................... Protein-Calorie Malnutrition.
Severity Level 2..................... Congenital Metabolic Disorders,
Not Elsewhere Classified.
Severity Level 2..................... Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other
Metabolic Disorders.
Severity Level 2..................... Cirrhosis of Liver.
Severity Level 2..................... Chronic Pancreatitis.
Severity Level 2..................... Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Severity Level 2..................... Rheumatoid Arthritis and
Specified Autoimmune Disorders.
Severity Level 2..................... Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and
Other Autoimmune Disorders.
Severity Level 2..................... Congenital/Developmental Skeletal
and Connective Tissue Disorders.
Severity Level 2..................... Acquired Hemolytic Anemia,
Including Hemolytic Disease of
Severity Level 2..................... Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS).
Severity Level 2..................... Drug Psychosis.
Severity Level 2..................... Drug Dependence.
Severity Level 2..................... Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other
Chromosomal Anomalies, and
Congenital Malformation
Severity Level 2..................... Spina Bifida and Other Brain/
Spinal/Nervous System Congenital
Severity Level 2..................... Seizure Disorders and
Severity Level 2..................... Monoplegia, Other Paralytic
Severity Level 2..................... Atherosclerosis of the
Extremities with Ulceration or
Severity Level 2..................... Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease, Including
Severity Level 2..................... Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except
Severity Level 1 (Lowest)............ Chronic Hepatitis.
Severity Level 1..................... Acute Pancreatitis/Other
Pancreatic Disorders and
Intestinal Malabsorption.
Severity Level 1..................... Thalassemia Major.
Severity Level 1..................... Autistic Disorder.
Severity Level 1..................... Pervasive Developmental
Disorders, Except Autistic
Severity Level 1..................... Multiple Sclerosis.
Severity Level 1..................... Asthma.
Severity Level 1..................... Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe
(Stage 4).
Severity Level 1..................... Amputation Status, Lower Limb/
Amputation Complications.
Severity Level 1..................... No Severity HCCs.
d. Cost-Sharing Reductions Adjustments (Sec. 153.320)
We propose to continue including an adjustment for the receipt of
cost-sharing reductions in the model to account for increased plan
liability due to increased utilization of health care services by
enrollees receiving cost-sharing reductions. The proposed cost-sharing
reduction adjustment factors for 2017 risk adjustment are unchanged
from those finalized in the 2016 Payment Notice and are set forth in
Table 7. These adjustments are effective for 2015, 2016, and 2017 risk
adjustment, and are multiplied against the sum of the demographic,
diagnosis, and interaction factors. We will continue to evaluate this
adjustment in future years as more data becomes available. We seek
comment on this approach.
Table 7--Cost-Sharing Reduction Adjustment
Induced utilization
Household income Plan AV factor
Silver Plan Variant Recipients
100-150% of FPL.............. Plan Variation 1.12
150-200% of FPL.............. Plan Variation 1.12
200-250% of FPL.............. Plan Variation 1.00
>250% of FPL................. Standard Plan 1.00
Zero Cost-Sharing Recipients
<300% of FPL................. Platinum (90%).. 1.00
<300% of FPL................. Gold (80%)...... 1.07
<300% of FPL................. Silver (70%).... 1.12
<300% of FPL................. Bronze (60%).... 1.15
Limited Cost-Sharing Recipients
>300% of FPL................. Platinum (90%).. 1.00
[[Page 75508]]
>300% of FPL................. Gold (80%)...... 1.07
>300% of FPL................. Silver (70%).... 1.12
>300% of FPL................. Bronze (60%).... 1.15
e. Model Performance Statistics (Sec. 153.320)
To evaluate the model's performance, we examined its R-squared and
predictive ratios. The R-squared statistic, which calculates the
percentage of individual variation explained by a model, measures the
predictive accuracy of the model overall. The predictive ratios measure
the predictive accuracy of a model for different validation groups or
subpopulations. The predictive ratio for each of the HHS risk
adjustment models is the ratio of the weighted mean predicted plan
liability for the model sample population to the weighted mean actual
plan liability for the model sample population. The predictive ratio
represents how well the model does on average at predicting plan
liability for that subpopulation. A subpopulation that is predicted
perfectly would have a predictive ratio of 1.0. For each of the HHS
risk adjustment models, the R-squared statistic and the predictive
ratio are in the range of published estimates for concurrent risk
adjustment models.\9\ Because we are proposing to blend the
coefficients from separately solved models based on MarketScan 2012 and
2013 data (and 2012, 2013, and 2014 data in the final rule), we are
publishing the R-squared statistic for each model and year separately
to verify their statistical validity. The R-squared statistic for each
model is shown in Table 8.
\9\ Winkleman, Ross and Syed Mehmud. ``A Comparative Analysis of
Claims-Based Tools for Health Risk Assessment.'' Society of
Actuaries. April 2007.
Table 8--R-Squared Statistic for HHS Risk Adjustment Models
R-Squared statistic
Risk adjustment model 2012 2013
Platinum Adult................................................ 0.3936 0.3820
Platinum Child................................................ 0.2855 0.2774
Platinum Infant............................................... 0.2844 0.3215
Gold Adult.................................................... 0.3895 0.3775
Gold Child.................................................... 0.2804 0.2722
Gold Infant................................................... 0.2823 0.3195
Silver Adult.................................................. 0.3858 0.3735
Silver Child.................................................. 0.2757 0.2674
Silver Infant................................................. 0.2808 0.3182
Bronze Adult.................................................. 0.3836 0.3713
Bronze Child.................................................. 0.2732 0.2649
Bronze Infant................................................. 0.2807 0.3181
Catastrophic Adult............................................ 0.3836 0.3712
Catastrophic Child............................................ 0.2732 0.2648
Catastrophic Infant........................................... 0.2807 0.3181
f. Overview of the Payment Transfer Formula (Sec. 153.320)
We do not propose to alter our payment transfer methodology. Plan
average risk scores will continue to be calculated as the member month-
weighted average of individual enrollee risk scores. We defined the
calculation of plan average actuarial risk and the calculation of
payments and charges in the Premium Stabilization Rule. In the 2014
Payment Notice, we combined those concepts into a risk adjustment
payment transfer formula. Risk adjustment transfers (payments and
charges) will be calculated after issuers have completed risk
adjustment data reporting. The payment transfer formula includes a set
of cost adjustment terms that require transfers to be calculated at the
geographic rating area level for each plan (that is, HHS will calculate
two separate transfer amounts for a plan that operates in two rating
The payment transfer formula is designed to provide a per member
per month (PMPM) transfer amount. The PMPM transfer amount derived from
the payment transfer formula would be multiplied by each plan's total
member months for the benefit year to determine the total payment due
or charge owed by the issuer for that plan in a rating area.
(1) Overview of the Payment Transfer Formula
Although we do not propose to change the payment transfer formula
from what was finalized in the 2014 Payment Notice (78 FR 15430 through
15434), we believe it would be useful to republish the formula in its
entirety, since, as noted above, we are proposing to recalibrate the
HHS risk adjustment model. Transfers (payments and charges) will be
calculated as the difference between the plan premium estimate
reflecting risk selection and the plan premium estimate not reflecting
risk selection. As finalized in the 2014 Payment Notice, the HHS risk
adjustment payment transfer formula is:
[[Page 75509]]
PS = State average premium;
PLRSI = plan i's plan liability risk score;
AVi = plan i's metal level AV;
ARFi = allowable rating factor;
IDFi = plan i's induced demand factor;
GCFi = plan i's geographic cost factor;
Si = plan i's share of State enrollment.
The denominator is summed across all plans in the risk pool in the
market in the State.
The difference between the two premium estimates in the payment
transfer formula determines whether a plan pays a risk transfer charge
or receives a risk transfer payment. Note that the value of the plan
average risk score by itself does not determine whether a plan would be
assessed a charge or receive a payment--even if the risk score is
greater than 1.0, it is possible that the plan would be assessed a
charge if the premium compensation that the plan may receive through
its rating practices (as measured through the allowable rating factor)
exceeds the plan's predicted liability associated with risk selection.
Risk adjustment transfers are calculated at the risk pool level, and
catastrophic plans are treated as a separate risk pool for purposes of
risk adjustment.
g. State-Submitted Alternate Risk Adjustment Methodology
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has expressed interest in having
an HHS-operated risk adjustment program, beginning in the 2017 benefit
year. If HHS operates risk adjustment in Massachusetts for 2017 using
the Federally certified methodology we use in all States in which we
operate risk adjustment, we would announce this in the final rule.
h. Risk Adjustment User Fee (Sec. 153.610(f))
As noted above, if a State is not approved to operate or chooses to
forgo operating its own risk adjustment program, HHS will operate risk
adjustment on the State's behalf. As described in the 2014 Payment
Notice, HHS's operation of risk adjustment on behalf of States is
funded through a risk adjustment user fee. Section 153.610(f)(2)
provides that an issuer of a risk adjustment covered plan with the
meaning of Sec. 153.20 must remit a user fee to HHS equal to the
product of its monthly enrollment in the plan and the per enrollee per
month risk adjustment user fee specified in the annual HHS notice of
benefit and payment parameters for the applicable benefit year.
OMB Circular No. A-25R establishes Federal policy regarding user
fees, and specifies that a user charge will be assessed against each
identifiable recipient for special benefits derived from Federal
activities beyond those received by the general public. The risk
adjustment program will provide special benefits as defined in section
6(a)(1)(b) of Circular No. A-25R to issuers of risk adjustment covered
plans because it will mitigate the financial instability associated
with potential adverse risk selection. The risk adjustment program also
will contribute to consumer confidence in the health insurance industry
by helping to stabilize premiums across the individual and small group
health insurance markets.
In the 2016 Payment Notice, we estimated Federal administrative
expenses of operating the risk adjustment program to be $1.75 per
enrollee per year, based on our estimated contract costs for risk
adjustment operations. For the 2017 benefit year, we propose to use the
same methodology to estimate our administrative expenses to operate the
program. These contracts cover development of the model and
methodology, collections, payments, account management, data
collection, data validation, program integrity and audit functions,
operational and fraud analytics, stakeholder training, and operational
support. To calculate the user fee, we divide HHS's projected total
costs for administering the risk adjustment programs on behalf of
States by the expected number of enrollees in risk adjustment covered
plans (other than plans not subject to market reforms and student
health plans, which are not subject to payments and charges under the
risk adjustment methodology HHS uses when it operates risk adjustment
on behalf of a State) in HHS-operated risk adjustment programs for the
benefit year.
We estimate that the total cost for HHS to operate the risk
adjustment program on behalf of States for 2017 will be approximately
$52 million, and that the risk adjustment user fee would be $1.80 per
enrollee per year. The risk adjustment user fee contract costs for 2017
include costs related to 2017 risk adjustment data validation, and are
slightly higher than the 2016 contract costs as the result of some
contracts that were rebid. We do not anticipate Massachusetts' decision
to use the Federal risk adjustment methodology will substantially
affect the risk adjustment user fee rate for 2017.
3. Provisions and Parameters for the Transitional Reinsurance Program
The Affordable Care Act directs that a transitional reinsurance
program be established in each State to help stabilize premiums for
coverage in the individual market from 2014 through 2016. In the 2014
Payment Notice, we expanded on the standards set forth in subparts C
and E of the Premium Stabilization Rule and established the reinsurance
payment parameters and uniform reinsurance contribution rate for the
2014 benefit year. In the 2015 Payment Notice, we established the
reinsurance payment parameters and uniform reinsurance contribution
rate for the 2015 benefit year and certain oversight provisions related
to the operation of the reinsurance program. In the 2016 Payment
Notice, we established the reinsurance payment parameters and uniform
reinsurance contribution rate for the 2016 benefit year and certain
clarifying provisions related to the operation of the reinsurance
a. Decreasing the Reinsurance Attachment Point for the 2016 Benefit
Section 1341(b)(2)(B) of the Affordable Care Act directs the
Secretary, in establishing standards for the transitional reinsurance
program, to include a formula for determining the amount of reinsurance
payments to be made to non-grandfathered, individual market issuers for
high-risk claims that provides for the equitable allocation of funds.
In the Premium Stabilization Rule (77 FR 17228), we provided that
reinsurance payments to issuers of reinsurance-eligible plans will be
made for a portion of an enrollee's claims costs paid by the issuer
(the coinsurance rate, meant to reimburse a proportion of claims while
giving issuers an incentive to contain costs) that exceeds an
attachment point (when reinsurance would begin), subject to a
reinsurance cap (when the reinsurance program stops paying claims for a
high-cost individual). The coinsurance rate, attachment point, and
reinsurance cap together constitute the uniform reinsurance payment
We finalized in the 2015 Payment Notice (79 FR 13777) that HHS will
[[Page 75510]]
any excess contributions for reinsurance payments for a benefit year by
increasing the coinsurance rate for that benefit year up to 100 percent
before rolling over any remaining funds in the next year. If any
contribution amounts remain after calculating reinsurance payments for
the 2016 benefit year (and after HHS increases the coinsurance rate to
100 percent for the 2016 benefit year), we propose to decrease the 2016
attachment point of $90,000 to pay out any remaining contribution
amounts in an equitable manner for the 2016 benefit year. We believe
that expending all remaining reinsurance contribution funds as payments
for the 2016 benefit year will support the reinsurance program's goals
of promoting nationwide premium stabilization and market stability in
the early years of Exchange operations while providing issuers with
incentives to continue to effectively manage enrollee costs. The final
attachment point and coinsurance rate for the 2016 benefit year will be
calculated based on total available reinsuance collections and accepted
reinsurance payment requests. We seek comment on this proposal.
b. Audit Authority Extends to Entities That Assist Contributing
Entities (Sec. 153.405(i))
In accordance with Sec. 153.405(i), HHS or its designee has the
authority to audit a contributing entity to assess compliance with the
reinsurance program requirements. In 2014, HHS implemented a
streamlined approach through which a contributing entity, or a third
party such as a third party administrator or an administrative
services-only contractor acting on behalf of a contributing entity,
could register on, calculate the annual enrollment count and
schedule reinsurance contribution payments. During the 2014
contribution submission process, many third party administrators and
administrative services-only contractors assisted contributing entities
by calculating the contributing entity's annual enrollment count and
maintaining the records necessary to validate that enrollment. To
ensure that reported annual enrollment counts are calculated correctly
in accordance with Sec. Sec. 153.405(d) through 153.405(g) and
applicable guidance, we propose to amend Sec. 153.405(i) to specify
that the audit authority extends to any third party administrators,
administrative services-only contractors, or other third parties that
complete any part of the reinsurance contribution submission process on
behalf of contributing entities or otherwise assist contributing
entities with compliance with the requirements for the transitional
reinsurance program. This would include third party administrators,
administrative services-only contractors or other third parties that
provide contributing entities with their annual enrollment counts or
maintain records to substantiate the annual enrollment counts, even if
the third party does not submit the annual enrollment count to HHS.
Additionally, we propose to amend Sec. 153.405(i) to specify that a
contributing entity that chooses to use a third party administrator,
administrative services-only contractor, or other third party to
complete the reinsurance contribution submission process on its behalf
must ensure that this third party administrator, administrative
services-only contractor, or other third party cooperate with any audit
under this section. Contributing entities, not third party
administrators, administrative services-only contractors, or other
third parties, remain responsible for the payment of reinsurance
contributions. We seek comment on these amendments.
4. Provisions for the Temporary Risk Corridors Program
This section contains proposals related to the temporary risk
corridors program, and therefore applies only to issuers of QHPs, as
defined at Sec. 153.500, with respect to the benefit years 2014
through 2016.
a. Risk Corridors Payment Methodology (Sec. 153.510(g))
To ensure the integrity of data used in risk corridors and MLR
calculations, in prior guidance \10\ we indicated that we would propose
in the HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2017 an
adjustment to correct for any inaccuracies in risk corridors payment
and charge amounts that could result from issuers reporting a certified
estimate of cost-sharing reductions on the 2014 MLR and Risk Corridors
Annual Reporting Form.\11\ The use of a certified estimate that is
lower than the actual cost-sharing reductions provided would affect the
MLR calculation and the risk corridors financial transfers by
increasing incurred claims and allowable costs, thereby increasing the
MLR and potentially increasing the risk corridors payment or lowering
the risk corridors charge. We believe that requiring an update of these
reported amounts through recalculation of the risk corridors and MLR
amounts for the 2014 benefit year will be disruptive to the market and
consumers, as well as administratively burdensome and difficult to
operationalize for issuers and HHS. Therefore, consistent with our
earlier guidance, we are proposing to add a new paragraph (g) to the
risk corridors payment methodology set forth in Sec. 153.510 to
propose that if the issuer reported a certified estimate of 2014 cost-
sharing reductions on its 2014 MLR and Risk Corridors Annual Reporting
Form that is lower than the actual cost-sharing reductions provided (as
calculated under Sec. 156.430(c) for the 2014 benefit year, which will
take place in the spring of 2016), HHS would make an adjustment to the
amount of the issuer's 2015 benefit year risk corridors payment or
charge measured by the full difference between the certified estimate
reported and the actual cost-sharing reductions provided as calculated
under Sec. 156.430(c) in order to address the impact of the inaccurate
reporting on the risk corridors and MLR calculations for the 2014
benefit year. We seek comment on this proposal.
b. Risk Corridors Data Requirements (Sec. 153.530)
Due to the fact that the actual value of cost-sharing reductions
provided by an issuer was not available in time for risk corridors and
MLR reporting for 2014, for the purpose of adjusting allowable costs in
the risk corridors calculation and incurred claims in the MLR
calculation for 2014, HHS instructed issuers to report the amount of
the cost-sharing reduction portion of the advance payments received by
the issuer for 2014 (to the extent not reimbursed to the provider
furnishing the item or service).\12\ Additionally, issuers were
permitted to report a certified estimate of the amount of cost-sharing
reductions provided in 2014 (to the extent not reimbursed to the
provider furnishing the item or service) in their risk corridors and
MLR reporting for the 2014 benefit year.
We propose to amend Sec. 153.530 to add a new paragraph
(b)(2)(iii) to require an issuer to adjust the cost-sharing reduction
amount it reports on its 2015 risk corridors and MLR forms by the
difference (if any) between the reported cost-sharing reduction amount
used to adjust allowable costs and
[[Page 75511]]
incurred claims on the 2014 MLR Annual Reporting Form and the actual
cost-sharing reductions provided by the issuer for the 2014 benefit
year (as calculated under Sec. 156.430(c) for the 2014 benefit year,
which will take place in the spring of 2016). Issuers must report the
amount as calculated under Sec. 156.430(c) when reporting risk
corridors and MLR for the applicable benefit year. As discussed
elsewhere in this preamble, we are proposing to modify the issuer data
reporting requirements in Sec. 153.710(h)(1)(iii) to reflect this
In addition, in the May 23, 2012 Premium Stabilization Rule (77 FR
17220), we defined ``allowable costs'' to reference the MLR term
``incurred claims'' and to include quality improvement activity
expenditures as defined in the MLR rule. Incurred claims, as defined in
Sec. 158.140 for the MLR program, are generally comprised of claims
incurred during the reporting year and paid through the applicable run-
out period beyond the end of the year, plus the liabilities and
reserves estimating claims incurred during the reporting year but still
unpaid at the end of the run-out period, with certain other
Thus, the MLR definition of incurred claims relies only on reserves
and liabilities at the end of the reporting year, rather than a trued
up year-over-year change in reserves and liabilities. In the MLR
calculation, these drawbacks are mitigated to some extent because the
MLR calculation is based on 3 years of data, and consequently the
estimates of unpaid claims are trued up over the following 2 years.
However, because the risk corridors calculation is based on only a
single year of data, an issuer's estimate of unpaid claims is never
trued up, and consequently any inaccuracy in these estimates can have a
significant impact on the accuracy of the risk corridors payment or
charge calculation.
Therefore, to preserve the integrity of the risk corridors program,
we propose to amend Sec. 153.530 to add a new paragraph (b)(2)(iv) to
require issuers to adjust the claims reported as allowable costs for
the 2015 and later benefit years by the amount by which the issuer's
estimate of unpaid claims for the preceding benefit year exceeded (or
fell below) the actual payments that the issuer made after the date of
the estimate for claims attributable to the preceding benefit year. For
example, if in calculating its 2014 allowable costs, an issuer
overestimated the amount of claims it incurred in 2014 that were unpaid
as of March 31, 2015, then under this proposal, in calculating its 2015
allowable costs, the issuer would be required to subtract the amount by
which its March 31, 2015 claims estimate exceeded the actual payments
for 2014 claims that the issuer made between March 31, 2015 and June
30, 2016 (the claims reserves and liabilities valuation dates for the
2014 and 2015 benefit years, respectively). We seek comment on the most
appropriate way to true up estimates of unpaid claims for 2016. For
example, we could provide for a 2017 payment or charge (calculated with
2018 MLR), provide for a simplified true-up process, require that the
2016 estimate be based on actual 2014 and 2015 amounts, or provide for
no true-up at all in the final year.
5. Distributed Data Collection for the HHS-Operated Programs
a. Interim Dedicated Distributed Data Environment Reports (Sec.
Effective for the 2016 benefit year, we propose deleting Sec.
153.710(d), which sets forth an interim discrepancy reporting process
by which an issuer must notify HHS of any discrepancy it identifies
between the data to which the issuer has provided access to HHS through
its dedicated distributed data environment (that is, an issuer's EDGE
server) and the interim dedicated distributed data environment report,
or confirm to HHS that the information in the interim report accurately
reflects the data to which the issuer has provided access to HHS
through its dedicated distributed data environment in accordance with
Sec. 153.700(a) for the timeframe specified in the report. Many
issuers viewed the interim discrepancy process for the 2014 benefit
year as an additional burden and an administrative reporting exercise
that they had to complete in order to preserve their appeal rights. The
process also required significant resources and extensive support from
HHS. Additionally, the information collected during the 2014 interim
formal discrepancy process largely focused on the problems that issuers
were encountering with the data submission process, as opposed to
issues involving the dedicated distributed data environment report
matching the data the issuer made accessible in its environment. HHS is
committed to working with issuers prior to the data submission deadline
to address any data issues so that reinsurance payment and risk
adjustment transfer calculations can be made accurately and timely.
After the initial submission period and prior to the data submission
deadline (that is, April 30 of the year following the applicable
benefit year), issuers should identify any problems that the issuer is
experiencing in loading complete and accurate data; HHS must know about
these data issues during this period to assist issuers in addressing
these issues prior to the data submission deadline and in advance of
reinsurance payment and risk adjustment transfer calculations.
Throughout the data collection period, HHS will continue to maintain a
help desk to assist issuers with data submission errors and to provide
technical assistance. We believe that removing the requirement to file
an interim discrepancy report starting in the 2016 benefit year will
alleviate the administrative burden on issuers and HHS, as well as
streamline outreach and communications during the data submission
window. In light of this proposal, we propose to remove any cross-
references to the interim discrepancy reporting process currently
codified at Sec. 153.710(d) in Sec. Sec. 153.710 and 156.1220. We
also propose conforming amendments to redesignate paragraph (e) as
paragraph (d), as well as to revise and redesignate paragraph (f) as
(e). We seek comment on this proposal and the proposed effective date.
b. Evaluation of Quality and Quantity of EDGE Data Submissions (Sec.
Under Sec. 153.740(b), if an issuer of a risk adjustment covered
plan fails to provide HHS with access to the required data in a
dedicated data environment such that HHS cannot apply the applicable
Federally certified risk adjustment methodology to calculate the risk
adjustment payment transfer amount for the risk adjustment covered plan
in a timely fashion, HHS will assess a default risk adjustment charge.
Similarly, under Sec. Sec. 153.420 and 153.740(a), an issuer of a
reinsurance-eligible plan will forfeit reinsurance payments it
otherwise might have received if the issuer fails to establish a
dedicated data environment or fails to meet certain data requirements.
HHS released guidance on April 24, 2015, entitled ``Evaluation of EDGE
Data Submissions'' describing the approach it would use, starting with
data submissions for the 2014 benefit year, to evaluate whether an
issuer provided access in a dedicated data environment to data that was
sufficient for HHS to calculate reinsurance payments and apply the HHS
risk adjustment methodology.\13\ The approach evaluated the sufficiency
of an issuer's data in terms of the quantity and quality of the data.
In this rulemaking, we propose to
[[Page 75512]]
codify this practice for future benefit years to support the integrity
of payments and charges made under the HHS-operated risk adjustment
program and payments under the reinsurance program, both of which
depend upon the submission of accurate and complete data by issuers to
their EDGE servers.
Consistent with the approach for review of 2014 benefit year data,
to determine if an issuer meets data quantity standards, HHS would
compare an issuer's self-reported baseline data on its total enrollment
and claims counts by market to the issuer's data submitted to its
dedicated data environment. An issuer with a low enrollment count
following the submission deadline would be subject to a default risk
adjustment charge under Sec. 153.740(b). An issuer with a low claims
count following the submission deadline would be subject to a default
risk adjustment charge if the default charge is lower than the charge
it would have received through the risk adjustment transfer
calculation. Additionally, an issuer with either a low enrollment count
or a low claims count would forgo reinsurance payments for any claims
that it failed to submit. HHS proposes to set forth in guidance, on an
annual basis, the appropriate threshold by which HHS will deem data
sufficient as to quantity for a given benefit year. HHS will also
specify in guidance the format and timeline for submission of baseline
data to HHS.
To determine if an issuer meets the data quality standards required
for HHS to calculate reinsurance payments and apply the HHS risk
adjustment methodology, HHS proposes to perform an outlier analysis
using select metrics that target reinsurance data quality and risk
adjustment data quality. For the 2014 benefit year, HHS used the
following five key metrics: Percentage of all enrollees with at least
one HCC; average number of conditions per enrollee with at least one
HCC; issuer average risk score; percentage of individual market
enrollees with reinsurance payments; and average reinsurance payment
per enrollee for which the issuer would receive reinsurance payments.
Similar to data quantity, HHS plans to describe in guidance, on an
annual basis, the metrics used for a given benefit year. An issuer may
be assessed a risk adjustment default charge if it does not meet data
quality standards on any of the risk adjustment metrics and may forfeit
reinsurance payments it might otherwise have received if it does not
meet data quality standards for any of the reinsurance metrics.
HHS would conduct these data quality and quantity analyses after
the deadline for submission of data specified in Sec. 153.730 (that
is, April 30, of the year following the applicable benefit year). In
Sec. 153.710, we propose to add a paragraph (f). In the new paragraph
(f), we propose to specify that HHS will assess default risk adjustment
charges based on these analyses no later than the date of the
notification provided by HHS under Sec. 153.310(e) (that is, June 30
of the year following the applicable benefit year); and to describe the
responsibilities of issuers in relation to the quality and quantity
analyses. In Sec. 153.710(f)(1), we propose to codify the requirement
for issuers to provide baseline data on their total enrollment and
claims counts by market, in a format and on a timeline that we intend
to specify in guidance. In Sec. 153.710(f)(2), we propose that if HHS
identifies a data anomaly that would cause the data that a risk
adjustment covered plan or a reinsurance-eligible plan made available
through a dedicated data environment to fail HHS's quality thresholds,
the issuer may, within 10 calendar days of receiving notification of
the anomaly, submit an explanation of the anomaly for HHS to consider
in determining whether the issuer met the reinsurance and risk
adjustment data requirements.
HHS expects to perform informal data sufficiency analyses
throughout the data submission process. Issuers are encouraged to
provide explanations and corrected enrollment or claims counts at any
time during the data submission process. The timeframe we propose in
Sec. 153.710(f)(2) would apply to the final data sufficiency analyses
only, which are performed following the deadline for submission of data
specified in Sec. 153.730 (that is, April 30, of the year following
the applicable benefit year). We seek comment on this proposal.
c. Data Requirements (Sec. 153.710(g))
We are proposing to make conforming amendments to the introductory
language at Sec. 153.710(g)(1) to remove the cross-references to the
interim discrepancy reporting process currently codified at Sec.
153.710(d). However, because we have learned in the first year of the
implementation of the premium stabilization and Exchange financial
assistance programs that flexibility is often needed in reporting the
amounts on risk corridors and MLR forms, we also propose that HHS have
the ability to modify these instructions in sub-regulatory guidance.
Our intent in issuing any such guidance would be to avoid having the
application of the instructions in exceptional circumstances lead to
unfair or misleading financial reporting. We propose to capture this
flexibility through a new proposed paragraph at Sec. 153.710(g)(3).
We also propose to change Sec. 153.710(g)(1)(iii) to require an
issuer to report the amount of cost-sharing reductions calculated under
Sec. 156.430(c) in its annual MLR and risk corridors report,
regardless of whether the issuer had any unresolved discrepancy under
Sec. 156.1210, or whether the issuer had submitted a request for
reconsideration under Sec. 156.1220(a)(1)(v). Additionally, consistent
with the process outlined in Sec. 153.710(g)(2), we propose to require
an issuer to adjust the cost-sharing reduction amount it reports on its
2015 risk corridors and MLR forms by the difference (if any) between
the reported cost-sharing reduction amount used to adjust allowable
costs and incurred claims on the 2014 MLR Annual Reporting Form and the
amount of cost-sharing reductions as calculated under Sec. 156.430(c)
for the 2014 benefit year.
Consistent with the approach currently outlined in Sec.
153.710(g)(2), we propose to amend this paragraph to require an issuer
to report any adjustment made or approved by HHS for any risk
adjustment payment or charge, reinsurance payment, cost-sharing
reduction payment to reflect actual cost-sharing reduction amounts
received, or risk corridors payment or charge, where the adjustment has
not been accounted for in a prior MLR and Risk Corridors Annual
Reporting Form in the next following year. By way of example, if an
issuer's risk adjustment charges or payments are adjusted as a result
of the administrative appeals process, the issuer should adjust these
reported amounts in the next MLR and risk corridors reporting cycle,
after the appeal has been resolved. Similarly, if HHS makes changes to
an issuer's risk adjustment charges or payments after the risk
corridors and MLR reporting cycle has closed for the applicable
reporting year, the issuer should adjust these reported amounts in the
next MLR and risk corridors reporting cycle to account for the
difference between the reported amounts and the amounts actually
received or paid for the previous benefit year. However, if an issuer
is notified about the modification during an open MLR and risk
corridors submission period, it must report the modified amounts in
that open reporting cycle.
We also propose to clarify in Sec. 153.710(g)(1)(iii) that cost-
sharing reduction amounts to be reported under this section must
exclude amounts reimbursed to providers of services or
[[Page 75513]]
items. This clarifying language is consistent with how the instructions
for cost-sharing reductions amounts are reported under Sec.
153.530(b)(2)(iii) (risk corridors data requirements) and Sec.
158.140(b)(iii) (MLR data requirements).
Lastly, we propose to revise paragraph (g)(1)(iv) to require that
for medical loss ratio reporting only, issuers should report the risk
corridors payment to be made or charge assessed by HHS, as reflected
under Sec. 153.510.
d. Good Faith Safe Harbor
In the second Program Integrity Rule, we finalized Sec.
153.740(a), which permits HHS to impose civil money penalties upon
issuers of risk adjustment covered plans and reinsurance-eligible plans
for failure to adhere to certain standards relating to their dedicated
distributed data environments. In the preamble to that rule, we stated
that if we are able to determine that an issuer of a risk adjustment
covered plan or reinsurance-eligible plan is making good faith efforts
to comply with the standards set forth in Sec. 153.740(a), consistent
with our policy codified at Sec. 156.800(c), we would not seek to
impose CMPs for noncompliance with those standards during 2014 (78 FR
65061). In the 2016 Payment Notice (80 FR 10780), we extended the good
faith safe harbor to the 2015 calendar year, and stated that we would
not apply the good faith safe harbor to non-compliance with dedicated
distributed data environment standards applicable during the 2016
calendar year, even where the non-compliance relates to data for the
2015 benefit year. As we have previously said, we are not proposing to
extend the good-faith safe harbor. Starting in the 2016 calendar year
and beyond, civil money penalties may be imposed if an issuer of a risk
adjustment covered plan or reinsurance-eligible plan fails to establish
a dedicated distributed data environment in a manner and timeframe
specified by HHS; fails to provide HHS with access to the required data
in such environment in accordance with Sec. 153.700(a) or otherwise
fails to comply with the requirements of Sec. Sec. 153.700 through
153.730; fails to adhere to the reinsurance data submission
requirements set forth in Sec. 153.420; or fails to adhere to the risk
adjustment data submission and data storage requirements set forth in
Sec. Sec. 153.610 through 153.630, even if the issuer has made good
faith efforts to comply with these requirements.
e. Default Risk Adjustment Charge (Sec. 153.740(b))
In the second Program Integrity Rule and the 2015 Payment Notice,
HHS indicated that a default risk adjustment charge will be assessed if
an issuer does not establish a dedicated distributed data environment
or submits inadequate risk adjustment data. In the 2016 Payment Notice,
we established how a default risk adjustment charge will be allocated
among risk adjustment covered plans.
As described in the second final Program Integrity Rule, the total
risk adjustment default charge for a risk adjustment covered plan would
equal a per member per month amount multiplied by the plan's
Tn = Cn*En
Tn = total default risk adjustment charge for a plan n;
Cn = the PMPM amount for plan n; and
En = the total enrollment (total billable member months)
for plan n.
In the second final Program Integrity Rule, we provided that
En could be calculated using an enrollment count provided by
the issuer, using enrollment data from the issuer's MLR and risk
corridors filings for the applicable benefit year, or other reliable
data sources.
In the 2015 Payment Notice, we determined that we would calculate
Cn--the PMPM amount for a plan--equal to the product of the
Statewide average premium (expressed as a PMPM amount) for a risk pool
and the 75th percentile plan risk transfer amount expressed as a
percentage of the respective Statewide average PMPM premiums for the
risk pool. The nationwide percentile would reflect only plans in States
where HHS is operating the risk adjustment program and would be
calculated based on the absolute value of plan risk transfer amounts.
The PMPM amount determined using the method described here would be
multiplied by the non-compliant plan's enrollment, as determined using
the sources finalized in the second final Program Integrity Rule, to
establish the plan's total default risk adjustment charge.
For the second year of risk adjustment, the 2015 benefit year, we
are proposing to calculate Cn in the same manner, but
increased to the 90th percentile plan risk transfer amount expressed as
a percentage of the respective Statewide average PMPM premiums for the
risk pool. We believe that the 75th percentile was reasonable for the
initial year of risk adjustment, as we did not yet know the
distribution of risk adjustment transfers and issuers were more likely
to experience technical difficulties in establishing a dedicated
distributed data environment. In the second year of risk adjustment,
now that issuers have set up EDGE servers and participated in the
calculation of risk adjustment transfers, we believe that adjusting the
default charge upwards to the 90th percentile of plan risk transfer
amounts expressed as a percentage of the respective Statewide average
PMPM premiums for the risk pool will encourage continued compliance
with risk adjustment data submission requirements. We are concerned
that, absent this change, some issuers may prefer receiving a default
charge at the 75th percentile over participating in the risk adjustment
program; a default charge at this level lacks sufficient deterrent
value. In contrast, we believe the proposed 90th percentile default
charge will adequately incentivize issuers to participate in the risk
adjustment program. We seek comment on this approach.
For the 2016 benefit year, we propose a separate calculation of
Cn for issuers where En Statewide, in the
individual and small group markets combined, is 500 billable member
months or less. For these issuers, we are proposing to calculate
Cn, or the PMPM charge for a plan, as 14 percent of premium,
which we have calculated as the mean charge as a percent of premium of
issuers with 500 billable member months or fewer in the 2014 benefit
year in the small group market. We are basing the charge itself on the
experience of small group issuers in the 2014 benefit year, as we
believe that individual market issuers are more likely to set up an
EDGE server because of the availability of reinsurance. Limiting the
applicability in the 2016 benefit year of this default charge to
issuers with 500 billable member months or fewer is intended to ensure
that the only issuers with this option are ones that are so small that
their removal from the overall risk adjustment risk pool would have a
minimal impact on transfers nationwide. In 2014, approximately 125
issuers would have had fewer than 500 member months in the individual
and small group markets combined. Of those approximately 125 small
issuers, 80 were assessed risk adjustment charges greater than the
proposed default charge of 14 percent of premium PMPM. Those charges
amounted to less than 0.09 percent of total risk adjustment charges
assessed nationally. Assuming every one of those issuers elect to
accept the proposed 14 percent default risk charge, and none of
[[Page 75514]]
the small issuers that owed risk adjustment payments, or with charges
below 14 percent of premium PMPM, did so (which we believe unlikely,
due to the administrative expenses of setting up an EDGE server), the
assessment of the proposed 14 percent of premium default charge on
those 80 issuers (and only those 80 issuers) would have resulted in a
0.05 percent (that is, one twentieth of one percent) reduction in risk
adjustment charges collected nationally. Because issuers of this size
are immaterial to the overall risk adjustment risk pools and have a
disproportionately high operational burden to comply with risk
adjustment data submission requirements, we believe that a separate
default charge for these issuers would promote efficiency and data
quality in the risk adjustment program. We propose to establish this
risk adjustment default charge as the mean charge in the small group
for these small issuers, or 14 percent of statewide average premium
PMPM, to compensate on average for the absence of these immaterial
amounts in the affected risk pools. We intend that this policy would
apply only to the very smallest issuers, in recognition of the
disproportionately high operational burden on these issuers, and seek
comment on this approach.
f. Insolvent Issuers
We are aware that a health insurance issuer may become insolvent or
exit a market during a benefit year. In some cases, another entity,
such as another issuer or liquidator may take over the issuer's
operations, or a State guaranty fund may become responsible for paying
claims for the insolvent issuer. In some instances when this occurs,
both the entity seeking to acquire business from an insolvent issuer
and the insolvent issuer lack a full year's data to submit for the risk
adjustment or reinsurance programs.
To address this concern, we propose to clarify that an entity
acquiring or entering into another arrangement with an issuer to serve
the current enrollees under a plan, or a State guaranty fund that is
responsible for paying claims on behalf of the insolvent issuer, with
substantially the same terms may accrue the previous months of claims
experience for purposes of risk adjustment and reinsurance to fully
reflect the enrollees' risk and claims costs. We propose the
``substantially the same'' standard because we understand that in many
of these situations an acquiring entity's platform may require some
adjustments to the plan arrangements. To meet this standard would
require the carryover of accumulators for deductibles and annual
limitations on cost sharing. If the ``substantially the same'' standard
is met, and the insolvent issuer and acquiring entity agree that the
acquiring entity will accrue the previous months of claims experience,
the acquiring entity must take responsibility for submitting to HHS
complete and accurate claims and baseline information for that benefit
year (including data from the insolvent issuer) in accordance with
HHS's operational guidance. We also recognize that guaranty funds may
not meet all of the requirements to be considered a risk adjustment
covered plan or reinsurance eligible plan (for example, they may not
meet the definition of ``health insurance issuer''), and so we propose
to permit a guaranty fund to participate in those programs
notwithstanding these definition, to the extent it has taken over
liability for a risk adjusted covered plan or reinsurance eligible plan
during a benefit year.
We seek comment on these policies, including with respect to
permissible ways in which the acquiring entity's arrangements may
differ and other ways of ensuring the submission of the data necessary
for HHS to calculate the risk adjustment financial transfer amounts and
the reinsurance payment amounts when another party will take over
operations of the insolvent issuer, or pay claims on behalf of the
insolvent issuer, during a benefit year. We also solicit comments on
whether additional flexibility is needed with respect to the data
submission requirements for the reinsurance and risk adjustment
programs, such as with respect to the definition of a ``paid claim'' to
account for situations when an issuer is unable to pay claims for
covered services, for example, due to insolvency.
E. Part 154--Health Insurance Issuer Rate Increases: Disclosure and
Review Requirements
1. General Provisions
This section includes proposals related to the rate review program
under part 154. The amendments in this part would apply to rates filed
during the 2016 calendar year for coverage effective on or after
January 1, 2017.
2. Disclosure and Review Provisions
a. Rate Increases Subject To Review (Sec. 154.200)
In Sec. 154.200, we propose amending paragraph (c)(2) to provide
that a rate increase for single risk pool coverage \14\ beginning on or
after January 1, 2017 meets or exceeds the applicable threshold for
review if the average increase, including premium rating factors
described in Sec. 147.102 of the subchapter, for all enrollees
weighted by premium volume for any plan within the product meets or
exceeds the applicable threshold. We previously provided that a rate
increase for single risk pool coverage beginning on or after January 1,
2017 meets or exceeds the applicable threshold if an increase in the
plan-adjusted index rate for any plan within the product meets or
exceeds the applicable threshold.
\14\ The phrase ``single risk pool coverage'' is used to
describe non-grandfathered health insurance coverage in the
individual or small group (or merged) market that is subject to all
of the single risk pool provisions at 45 CFR 156.80. Although we are
proposing that student health insurance plans be subject to the
index rating methodology specified in 45 CFR 56.80(d), such plans
would not have to be included in an issuers' individual (or merged)
market single risk pool. Rather they could be included in one or
more separate risk pools. Student health plan issuers submit the
required rate filing information using the Rate Review Justification
Template rather than the Unified Rate Review Template. Student
health insurance plans are referred to as ``non-single risk pool
coverage'' for purposes of the requirements established in 45 CFR
part 154.
We propose this change under paragraph (c)(2) because the plan-
adjusted index rate does not reflect changes to adjustments for rating
area, family size, age, or tobacco factors. Therefore, it would be
possible for an issuer to change geographic rating area factors such
that members in a certain rating area receive a larger increase, even
though the overall rate increase would not be subject to rate review
because the plan-adjusted index rate does not increase by 10 percent or
more. We believe the annual review of unreasonable increases must
include review of the underlying rates that are used to develop the
premiums, as opposed to the actual premiums themselves. We do not
expect this to result in additional rate increases that meet the
threshold, but will measure rate increases in plans more accurately. We
seek comment on this proposal. Consistent with the approach finalized
in the 2016 Payment Notice (80 FR 10781), we note that starting with
rates filed for single risk pool coverage beginning on or after January
1, 2017, rate increases would be calculated at the plan level as
opposed to the product level when determining whether an increase is
subject to review. We are not proposing any changes to that policy.
b. Submission of Rate Filing Justification (Sec. 154.215)
Under Sec. 154.215, health insurance issuers are currently
required to submit a Rate Filing Justification for all single
[[Page 75515]]
risk pool coverage products (including new or discontinued products)
when any plan within a product in the individual or small group (or
merged) market is subject to a rate increase, regardless of the size of
the increase. This requirement was established, in part, to carry out
the Secretary's responsibility, in conjunction with the States, under
section 2794(b)(2)(A) of the PHS Act to monitor premium increases of
health insurance coverage offered through an Exchange and outside of an
Exchange beginning in 2014. However, our experience with the rate
review program has shown that premium increases cannot reasonably be
monitored without evaluating the net effect on premiums, including the
impact of rate decreases, plans with unchanged rates, and new plans'
rates. We therefore propose to revise paragraphs (a) and (b) to address
this gap in information.
We propose to revise paragraph (a)(1) to require health insurance
issuers to submit the Unified Rate Review Template (also known as Part
I of the Rate Filing Justification) for all single risk pool coverage
products in the individual or small group (or merged) market,
regardless of whether any plan within a product is subject to a rate
increase. We note that most issuers offering single risk pool coverage
already submit a Unified Rate Review Template because:
A plan within the issuer's single risk pool has a rate
The issuer's State regulator requires submission of the
Rate Filing Justification for all rates;
The issuer is seeking to offer a QHP through a Federally-
Facilitated or State Partnership Exchange; or
The issuer chooses to use the Rate Filing Justification to
satisfy the requirement to annually set an index rate.
We believe that requiring the submission of the Unified Rate Review
Template, rather than requiring submission of a new document, will
reduce administrative burden for issuers while providing the Secretary
and the States with the information necessary to more effectively carry
out their responsibilities to monitor premium increases inside and
outside of Exchanges.
We propose to revise paragraph (a)(2) so that issuers must submit a
Unified Rate Review Template and an Actuarial Memorandum (also known as
Parts I and III of the Rate Filing Justification) when a plan within a
product is subject to a rate increase. The Unified Rate Review Template
and Actuarial Memorandum are submitted at the risk pool level, but the
requirement to submit is based on increases at the plan level. This is
the current policy but we are revising regulatory text for clarity.
We propose to revise paragraph (a)(3) to provide that all three
parts of the Rate Filing Justification (that is, the Unified Rate
Review Template, a written description justifying a rate increase, and
the Actuarial Memorandum) must be filed when a plan within a product
has a rate increase that is subject to review. The information is
submitted at the risk pool level, but the requirement to submit is
based on increases at the plan level. This is the current policy but we
are revising regulatory text for clarity.
We also propose to revise paragraph (b) to provide that a Unified
Rate Review Template, a written description justifying a rate increase,
and rate filing documentation (commonly referred to as an Actuarial
Memorandum) are part of a Rate Filing Justification. One or all of
those parts of the Rate Filing Justification may be required by CMS and
the State, depending on the change, if any, to plan rates. We also
propose to remove and reserve paragraph (c), as it would be unnecessary
in light of the proposed amendments to paragraphs (a) and (b).
These proposed amendments and clarifications will ensure that the
rate review process is transparent regardless of whether coverage is
included in the individual market or small group market single risk
pool, and will allow HHS and the States to more effectively monitor
premium increases for coverage offered through or outside of an
Exchange. Furthermore, the proposed amendments and clarifications will
introduce consistent submission requirements for all issuers of single
risk pool coverage, regardless of whether the issuer is increasing,
decreasing, or maintaining rates.
We also remind issuers of student health insurance plans to use the
Rate Review Justification (RRJ) module of the Health Insurance
Oversight System (HIOS) to submit the required rate filing
information.\15\ Even though we propose to amend Sec. 147.145 in this
rulemaking (see III.C.4. of this preamble) to extend the index rate
setting methodology to student health insurance plans for plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2017, we do not propose to change the
form or manner of submission of rate filing information under 45 CFR
part 154 for such coverage. In States without Effective Rate Review
programs, issuers would be required to submit Preliminary
Justifications for all student health insurance plans with rate
increases subject to review to CMS by the earlier of the date that the
issuer files the Preliminary Justification with the State or a date
prior to implementation of the rate increase. In the States where CMS
enforces the Public Health Service Act requirements, as amended by the
Affordable Care Act, issuers must submit rate filings for student
health insurance plan coverage for (a) rate increases of 10 percent or
more into the HIOS RRJ module; and (b) rate increases of less than 10
percent into the HIOS Document Collection Form Filing Module.
\15\ See Rate Review Student Health Plans FAQ published on
August 12, 2015.
We propose to permit the Secretary to specify in guidance, as
provided under Sec. 154.220(b)(2), different submission deadlines for
Rate Filing Justifications for single risk pool coverage plans versus
non-single risk pool coverage plans.
In accordance with paragraph (h)(2), we intend to make public on an
HHS Web site the information contained in parts I and III of each Rate
Filing Justification that is not a trade secret or confidential
commercial or financial information, as defined in HHS' Freedom of
Information Act regulations, 45 CFR 5.65. We intend to disclose such
information for all single risk pool coverage proposed rate increases
(regardless of whether the increase is subject to review) and for all
final rate increases. We note that we currently make such information
available to the public for single risk pool coverage proposed rate
increases subject to review and all final rates. The disclosure of
information for all single risk pool coverage proposed rate increases,
rather than only proposed rate increases subject to review, will
provide the public with more comprehensive information and increase the
transparency of the rate setting process.
c. Timing of Providing the Rate Filing Justification (Sec. 154.220)
Section 154.220 establishes time frames for required rate filing
justifications. As previously discussed, we propose to collect a
Unified Rate Review Template for all single risk pool coverage products
in the individual or small group (or merged) market, regardless of
whether any plan within a product is subject to a rate increase. We
propose technical changes to the language in this section to align with
this proposal to remove references to rate increases and clarify that
the time frames listed pertain to all single risk
[[Page 75516]]
pool coverage products with or without rate changes. Specifically, we
propose to revise the introductory language to this section with
accompanying edits to the language in paragraphs (b) and (b)(1).
d. Submission and Posting of Final Justifications for Unreasonable Rate
Increases (Sec. 154.230)
We propose a technical change to paragraph (c)(2)(i). That
paragraph currently includes a reference to Sec. 154.215(i) but no
such paragraph exists. We propose to fix the typographical error and
change the cross reference to Sec. 154.215(h).
e. CMS's Determinations of Effective Rate Review Programs (Sec.
Section 154.301 sets forth criteria for evaluating whether a State
has an Effective Rate Review Program in the individual and small group
(or merged) markets. In the 2016 Payment Notice (80 FR 10783), we
provided that the criteria for determining whether a State has an
Effective Rate Review program includes making rate information
available to the public at a uniform time (rather than on a rolling
basis) for proposed rate increases subject to review and all final rate
increases, including those not subject to review (as applicable) for
single risk pool coverage in the relevant market segment and without
regard to whether coverage is offered through an Exchange or outside of
an Exchange. As this was the first year for these uniform posting
requirements, and because the uniform timelines were published by CMS
well into 2015, CMS understands that some States had significant
challenges in meeting the specified timelines for rates filed for
coverage beginning on or after January 1, 2016. For rates filed for
coverage beginning on or after January 1, 2017, we intend to make a
proposed timeline for release of rate information for single risk pool
coverage available for comment from States and other stakeholders in
December and finalize the timeline no later than March. We believe the
comment process will allow States and other stakeholders to identify in
advance any challenges that the timeline may pose and allow us to make
adjustments as may be necessary to accommodate State-specific needs and
other considerations. We also believe this process will better support
States that seek to operate an Effective Rate Review program in
compliance with these requirements for rates filed for coverage
beginning on or after January 1, 2017.
We consider the posting of proposed rate increases that are subject
to review and the posting of all final rate increases (including those
not subject to review) for single risk pool coverage at a uniform time
a criterion for a State retaining its designation as having an
Effective Rate Review Program. We will continue to monitor States to
ensure that single risk pool coverage rate filings are posted at a
uniform time, in the relevant market segment and without regard to
whether the coverage is offered through or outside of an Exchange, in
accordance with these requirements and guidance issued by CMS.
F. Part 155--Exchange Establishment Standards and Other Related
Standards Under the Affordable Care Act
1. General Provisions
a. Definitions (Sec. 155.20)
In Sec. 155.20, we propose to amend the definition of
``applicant'' for the small group market so that the term also includes
an employer seeking eligibility to purchase coverage through a SHOP,
without necessarily enrolling in that coverage themselves. The current
definition of an applicant contemplates an employer, employee, or
former employee seeking eligibility for enrollment in a QHP through the
SHOP for himself or herself. For consistency with our existing
regulations governing the SHOP application process at Sec. Sec.
155.710 and 155.715 and for consistency with how the small group market
typically works, we propose that the term applicant also include an
employer who is seeking eligibility to purchase coverage through a
SHOP, but who is not seeking to enroll in that coverage himself or
We also propose to amend Sec. 155.20 to add a definition for
``Federal platform agreement'' to apply to this part. We propose to
define a Federal platform agreement to mean an agreement entered into
by a State Exchange and HHS, under which the State Exchange elects to
rely on the Federal platform to carry out select Exchange functions.
We also propose to modify the definitions of a ``small employer''
and ``large employer'' at Sec. 155.20 to align with the Protecting
Affordable Coverage for Employees Act (Pub. L. 114-60), which was
recently enacted, as further described in the preamble for Sec.
144.103. As described in that section of the preamble, consistent with
section 1304(b) of the Affordable Care Act and section 2791(e) of the
PHS Act, we propose to codify that in the case of an employer that was
not in existence throughout the preceding calendar year, the
determination of whether the employer is a large employer or a small
employer be based on the average number of employees that it is
reasonably expected the employer will employ on business days in the
current calendar year. We do not propose to change the applicability of
the counting methodology under 4980H(c)(2) of the Code to these
definitions, but we propose to eliminate language about the timing of
its applicability, which will no longer be relevant when this rule is
2. General Standards Related to the Establishment of an Exchange
a. Election To Operate an Exchange After 2014 (Sec. 155.106)
We propose to modify the timeframes for submission and approval of
documentation specifying how an Exchange established by a State or a
regional Exchange meets the Exchange approval standards (that is, the
Exchange Blueprint). Based on our experience over the last two open
enrollment periods, we believe the current Exchange Blueprint
application deadlines for States intending to operate a State Exchange
do not sufficiently balance the need to provide States with time to
adequately prepare their Blueprint applications against the need to
ensure HHS has sufficient time to accurately assess a State's progress
and ability to timely build the necessary Exchange information
technology. In our experience, the process for seeking approval to
operate a State Exchange involves substantial technical assistance and
collaboration between HHS and the State in developing plans to
transition from one Exchange operational model and information
technology infrastructure to another, including key milestones,
deadlines, and contingency measures. Since the completion of some of
these key milestones and deadlines would need to occur prior to the
submission of the Blueprint application, we propose that we will make
that technical assistance available and initiate the transition
planning process following submission of a declaration letter from the
State, as provided for in the Blueprint approval process. The
declaration letter would serve as formal notification to HHS of a
State's intent to pursue approval to operate a State Exchange, and will
initiate coordination between the State and HHS on a transition plan.
We would seek a declaration letter approximately 21 months prior to the
beginning of the SBE's first annual enrollment and 9 months prior to
the beginning of an SBE-FP's first annual open enrollment.
In Sec. 155.106(a)(2), we propose to require States that are
establishing a State Exchange (not including a State Exchange using the
Federal platform for
[[Page 75517]]
select functions) to submit an Exchange Blueprint at least 15 months
prior to the date the Exchange proposes to begin open enrollment as a
State Exchange. We also propose in Sec. 155.106(a)(3) to increase the
time that the State must have in effect an approved or conditionally
approved Exchange Blueprint from 6.5 months to 14 months prior to the
date the Exchange proposes to begin open enrollment as a State
Exchange. We recognize that in some situations the open enrollment
period may not have been established when Blueprints are due.
Therefore, we propose in paragraph (a)(5), if the open enrollment
period for the year the State intends to begin operating an SBE has not
been established, a State should assume open enrollment will begin on
the same date as open enrollment is to begin for the year in which they
are submitting the Blueprint.
We propose to revise paragraph (b) to clarify that HHS will operate
the Exchange if a State Exchange ceases operations.
We propose to add a paragraph (c) to establish requirements for a
State that elects to operate an SBE-FP. These States must submit an
Exchange Blueprint (or submit an update to an existing approved
Exchange Blueprint) at least 3 months prior to the date open enrollment
is to begin for the State as an SBE-FP; and must have in effect an
approved, or conditionally approved, Exchange Blueprint and operational
readiness assessment at least 2 months prior to the date on which the
Exchange proposes to begin open enrollment as an SBE-FP. If the State
Exchange has a conditionally approved Exchange Blueprint application,
we propose that it would not be required to submit a new Blueprint
application, but must submit any significant changes to that
application for HHS approval at least 3 months prior to the date on
which the Exchange proposes to begin open enrollment as an SBE-FP. Upon
receipt of approval or conditional approval of the Exchange Blueprint
or amended Blueprint, and prior to the start of the open enrollment
period, we propose that these States must execute a Federal platform
agreement and be required to coordinate with HHS on a transition plan.
Lastly, we want to be clear that we are only proposing changes to
the timelines for submission of the Blueprint application. We are not
otherwise proposing any modifications to the information and documents
that States must submit as part of the actual Exchange Blueprint
We seek comment on these proposals.
b. Additional Required Benefits (Sec. 155.170)
Section 1311(d)(3)(B) of the Affordable Care Act permits a State,
at its option, to require QHPs to cover benefits in addition to the
essential health benefits, but requires a State to make payments,
either to the individual enrollee or to the issuer on behalf of the
enrollee, to defray the cost of these additional State-required
benefits. In the 2016 Payment Notice, we instructed States to select a
new EHB base-benchmark plan to take effect beginning for the 2017 plan
year. The final EHB base-benchmark plans selected as a result of this
process have been made publicly available.\16\
\16\ Available at
Section 1311(d)(3)(B) of the Affordable Care Act refers to
situations in which the State requires QHPs to cover benefits. That
section is not specific to State statutes and we have interpreted that
section to apply not only in cases of legislative action but also in
cases of State regulation, guidance, or other State action. Therefore,
we propose to reword Sec. 155.170(a)(2) to make clear that a benefit
required by the State through action taking place on or before December
31, 2011 is considered an EHB.
In the EHB Rule (78 FR 12837 through 12838), we discussed Sec.
155.170(a)(2), which implements section 1311(d)(3)(B) of the Affordable
Care Act. In our discussion of that provision, we provided that
``State-required benefits enacted on or before December 31, 2011 (even
if not effective until a later date) may be considered EHB, which would
obviate the requirement for the State to defray costs for these State-
required benefits.'' This policy continues to apply. Therefore,
benefits required by a State through action taking place after December
31, 2011 that directly apply to the QHPs are not considered EHB (unless
enactment is directly attributable to State compliance with Federal
requirements, as discussed below).
Although benefits requirements enacted by States after December 31,
2011 that directly apply to the QHP and that were not enacted for
purposes of compliance with Federal requirements are not considered
EHB,\17\ the base-benchmark plan might cover some of those non-EHB.
Nonetheless, issuers must treat those benefits as they would other non-
EHB, such as those identified in Sec. 156.115(d) \18\ and the State
must defray the cost. We propose to codify this interpretation in Sec.
155.170(a)(2). We seek comment on this proposal.
\17\ The 2016 Payment Notice provides that States are not
expected to defray the cost of State-required benefits enacted on or
after January 1, 2012 that were required in order to comply with new
Federal requirements. (80 FR 10749, 10813 (Feb. 27, 2015)).
\18\ An issuer of a plan offering EHB may not include routine
non-pediatric dental services, routine non-pediatric eye exam
services, long-term/custodial nursing home care benefits, or non-
medically necessary orthodontia as EHB.
At Sec. 155.170(a)(3), we currently require the Exchange to
identify which additional State-required benefits, if any, are in
excess of EHB. We propose to amend paragraph (a)(3) to designate the
State, rather than the Exchange, as the entity that identifies which
State-required benefits are not EHB. We propose this change because we
believe insurance regulators are generally more familiar with State-
required benefits. We believe each State should determine the
appropriate State entity best suited to identify newly required
benefits. Additionally, for consistency of terminology, we propose to
amend paragraph (a)(3) to replace the reference to ``in excess of EHB''
to ``in addition to EHB.''
In current Sec. 155.170(c)(2)(iii), we require QHP issuers to
quantify the cost attributable to each additional State-required
benefit and report their calculations to the Exchange. We also propose
to designate the State as the entity that receives issuer calculations
in paragraph (c)(2)(iii). Since the State is required by statute to
remit a payment to an enrollee or issuer, we believe the calculation
should be sent directly to the State rather than to the Exchange. We
seek comment on this proposal.
The 2016 Payment Notice specified that a State may need to
supplement habilitative services if the base-benchmark plan does not
cover such services. If a State supplements the base-benchmark plan,
there is no requirement to defray the cost of the benefits added
through supplementation, as long as the State imposes the requirement
to comply with the Affordable Care Act or another Federal requirement.
Examples of such Federal requirements include: Requirements to provide
benefits and services in each of the 10 categories of EHB; requirements
to cover preventive services; requirements to comply with the Mental
Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act; and the removal of
discriminatory age limits from existing benefits.
In some States, the base-benchmark plan may be a large group (non-
Medicaid HMO) or State employee plan. We have received questions
regarding State-required benefits that are
[[Page 75518]]
embedded in those large group (non-Medicaid HMO) base-benchmark plans.
As stated earlier in this section, if the State-required benefit in
question was required by State action after December 31, 2011, applies
directly to the QHP, and was not enacted for purposes of compliance
with Federal requirements, the benefit is not considered EHB, even if
the benefit is embedded in the base-benchmark plan. However, a benefit
required only in the large group market and reflected in a large group
base-benchmark plan is not an EHB for QHPs offered in the individual or
small group markets because such a benefit requirement does not apply
directly to those plans, and to the extent it is included in the base-
benchmark plan, it may be ``substituted'' for, in accordance with Sec.
156.115(b). Therefore, the State would not have to defray the cost of
individual and small group market QHPs covering State-required benefits
that are required in the large group market only. (However, to the
extent the State permits large group plans to be sold as QHPs through
the State's Exchange, the State would have to defray the cost of the
large group QHPs covering the mandated benefit.) We note that plans
subject to the EHB requirements offered in the individual and small
group markets in those States would have to be substantially equal to
the base-benchmark plan, and therefore may cover the State-required
benefit as EHB since it is embedded in the base-benchmark plan. In such
a case, the benefit is an EHB because it is covered by the base-
benchmark plan, but the cost of coverage by individual and small group
QHPs does not have to be defrayed, because the State-required benefit
does not apply directly to those QHPs.
Some States have imposed new benefit requirements only on
individual and small group plans that are not QHPs such that only
individual and small group plans sold outside the Exchange must cover
the State-required benefit. We note that a QHP generally may be sold
outside the Exchanges in which case it would be subject to the new
benefit requirements. States are cautioned, however, that imposing
different benefit mandates depending on a plan's status as a QHP or
because it is sold through the Exchange may violate section 1252 of the
Affordable Care Act. Under this section, State standards or
requirements implementing, or related to, standards or requirements in
title I of the Act must be applied uniformly within a given insurance
market. Thus, if a State requires that non-QHPs in the individual or
small group market provide any benefits, under section 1252, the State
must require QHPs sold through the Exchange to provide those same
benefits, and consistent with our earlier stated policy at Sec.
155.170(a)(2), States would generally be required to defray the cost of
QHPs providing the required benefits if they were required through
State action taking place after December 31, 2011.
As noted earlier, the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees
Act, enacted in October 2015, amended the definitions of small employer
and large employer in section 1304(b) of the Affordable Care Act and
section 2791(e) of the PHS Act such that a small employer is generally
\19\ an employer with 1-50 employees, with the option for States to
expand the definition of small employer to 1-100 employees.\20\ We have
proposed amendments to Sec. 144.103 to reflect these statutory
\19\ Prior to enactment of the Protecting Affordable Coverage
for Employees Act, small employer was defined to mean, in connection
with a group health plan with respect to a calendar year and a plan
year, an employer who employed an average of at least 1 but not more
than 100 employees on business days during the preceding calendar
year and who employs at least 1 employee on the first day of the
plan year. In case of plan years beginning before January 1, 2016, a
State was able to elect to define small employer by substituting
``50 employees'' for ``100 employees''. For ease of reference with
regard to this section, we will refer to employers as having 1-50 or
1-100 employees.
\20\ States that elect to extend the small employer definition
were requested to notify CMS of their election by October 30, 2015
Several States have enacted benefit requirements that would apply
to small group insurance plans offered to employers with 51-100
employees, but not to employers with 1-50 employees. This may arise
because the State-required benefit was designed to apply only in the
large group market when the large group market included employers with
more than 50 employees, but the State has since then availed itself of
the option to define a ``small employer'' as an employer with 1-100
Section 2702 of the PHS Act and Sec. 147.104 generally require an
issuer to offer all approved products to any individual or employer in
the market for which the product was approved and to accept any
individual or employer that applies for any approved product in a given
market. If a State elects to expand the definition of small employer so
that it covers employers with 1-100 employees, all products approved
for sale in the small group market (defined by the State as 1-100
employees) generally must be offered to employers with 1-100 employees.
This effectively means that existing State benefits mandates that apply
to insurance coverage sold to employers with 51-100 employees would
then effectively also apply to all products sold to employers with 1-
100 employees. As long as the benefit was required by State action
taken on or before December 31, 2011, the expansion of coverage would
not trigger the requirement to defray, because the expansion was
required to comply with Federal guaranteed availability laws. If a
State does not opt to expand the definition of small employer to 1-100
employees, then any State-required benefits applicable in the large
group market (including to employers with 51-100 employees) would
continue to not apply in the small group market. If a State-required
benefit was imposed by State action taking place January 1, 2012 or
later, then defrayal generally would be required.
3. General Functions of an Exchange
a. Functions of an Exchange (Sec. 155.200)
We propose to amend Sec. 155.200(a) to include reference to
subpart M, which establishes oversight and program integrity standards
for State Exchanges, and subpart O, which establishes quality reporting
standards for Exchanges. These subparts were not originally
incorporated into this paragraph because they were finalized after
Sec. 155.200(a) was finalized. We propose incorporating them now
because we view them as providing important safeguards for consumers.
We also propose to amend Sec. 155.200 by adding a paragraph (f) to
address SBE-FPs. This arrangement is intended to permit a State
Exchange to leverage existing Federal assets and operations by relying
on HHS services for performing certain Exchange functions, particularly
eligibility and enrollment functions. The SBE-FP would also rely on HHS
to perform certain consumer call center functions and casework
processes, and maintain related information technology infrastructure.
The SBE-FP would retain responsibility for plan management functions,
subject to certain rules requiring the SBE-FP to require its QHP
issuers to comply with certain FFE standards governing QHPs and issuers
(as proposed in Sec. 155.200(f)(2) of this proposed rule), and
consumer support functions, subject to FFE rules governing consumer
assistance functions.
Under Sec. 155.200(f)(1), we propose that a State may receive
approval or conditional approval to operate an SBE-FP under proposed
Sec. 155.106(c) and meet its obligations under Sec. 155.200(a)
[[Page 75519]]
by entering into a Federal platform agreement with HHS. In the Federal
platform agreement, an SBE-FP would indicate its decision to rely on
HHS for services related to the individual market Exchange, the SHOP
Exchange, or both the individual market and SHOP Exchanges. The Federal
platform agreement would specify the Federal services on which the
State Exchange relies, the user fee that HHS will collect from issuers
in that SBE-FP for the Federal services (as specified at Sec.
156.50(c)(2)), and other mutual obligations relating to the
arrangement, including obligations for the transfer of data. We intend
to release the Federal platform agreement at a later date. We note that
at this point the Federal services on which SBE-FPs may rely will come
as an entire package. That is, HHS will not at this time offer a
``menu'' of Federal services from which an SBE-FP may select some but
not other services on the Federal platform. However, we will explore
the feasibility of doing so in the future.
The Federal platform agreement would also specify expectations
between the State and HHS across various operational areas.
Although the SBE-FPs would retain primary, formal responsibility
for overseeing QHPs and issuers, we propose under Sec. 155.200(f)(2)
to require an SBE-FP to establish and oversee certain requirements for
its QHPs and QHP issuers that are no less strict than the requirements
that apply to QHPs and QHP issuers on an FFE. We propose these
requirements to include the existing and proposed standards under the
following sections: Sec. 156.122(d)(2) (the requirement for QHPs to
make available published up-to-date, accurate, and complete formulary
drug list on its Web site in a format and at times determined by HHS);
Sec. 156.230 (network adequacy standards); Sec. 156.235 (essential
community providers standards); Sec. 156.298 (meaningful difference
standards); Sec. 156.330 (changes of ownership of issuers
requirement); Sec. 156.340(a)(4) (QHP issuer compliance and compliance
of delegated and downstream entities requirements); Sec. 156.705
(maintenance of records standard), Sec. 156.715 (compliance reviews
standard); and Sec. 156.1010 (casework standards).
Applying the changes of ownership issuers' requirement to SBE-FPs
will help fulfill the Federal platform's need for data and technical
consistency. It will ensure that HHS maintains the most accurate and
updated information to present to consumers through its branded
platform, HHS must be able to monitor and provide
regulatory oversight over change in control situations. Change in
control has a significant operational impact on the Federal platform
and requires the expenditure of considerable technical resources to
effectuate the change throughout the multiple systems that constitute
the Federal platform.
Applying the formulary drug list, network adequacy, meaningful
difference, and essential community providers standards will ensure
that all QHPs on meet a consistent minimum standard and
that consumers obtaining coverage as a result of applying through are guaranteed plans that meet these minimum standards.
For example, all QHP issuers must meet a ``reasonable access'' network
adequacy standard, but FFE issuers must meet additional network
adequacy standards. It is important to HHS that shoppers at do not enroll in plans that fail to meet these minimum
standards, so we propose that SBE-FPs that wish to rely on the platform require its issuers to meet these minimum
standards as well, since their consumers are obtaining the coverage
through SBE-FPs may exceed these minimum standards to
the extent they do not present display problems on
Although the SBE-FPs are legally distinct from FFEs, this difference
will not always be apparent to consumers. Not having
these standards apply may lead to consumer confusion and dilution of
consumer goodwill with respect to the plans available on The States would conduct QHP certification reviews for
these standards.
Applying the QHP issuer compliance and compliance of delegated or
downstream entities requirement at Sec. 156.340(a)(4), which involves
the maintenance of records standards of Sec. 156.705 and the
compliance reviews for QHP issuers standards of Sec. 156.715, will
ensure that the SBE-FP has authority at least as strong as that
possessed by HHS to enforce compliance with these standards and will
ensure that the SBE-FP and HHS are able to access all records upon
request from the issuers in the SBE-FPs.
Applying the casework standards at Sec. 156.1010 will ensure that
the SBE-FP and HHS can respond to problems about which they both bear
responsibility. Since SBE-FPs must use the Health Insurance Casework
System (HICS) for handling consumer casework and meeting casework
resolution timeframes, the SBE-FP would not be overseeing casework
processes. However, as with all other Exchange types, State Departments
of Insurance will still handle appropriate consumer complaints related
to issuers in their States. For cases that are Exchange-related, or
those in which the consumer has chosen to contact the Exchange even
after contacting the appropriate Department of Insurance, HHS would
oversee the routing and resolution of casework. HHS' intent is to work
collaboratively with the SBE-FP, similar to how HHS works with SPMs.
Finally, we propose under Sec. 155.200(f)(3) that HHS will work
with SBE-FPs to enforce the FFE standards listed under Sec.
155.200(f)(2) directly against SBE-FP issuers or plans, when the SBE-FP
is not substantially enforcing one or more of these requirements. In
that circumstance, we propose that HHS would have the authority to
suppress a plan under Sec. 156.815. This will ensure that consumers
shopping for coverage on have access to plans that are
in compliance with the FFE standards with which SBE-FP issuers must
comply as a condition of offering QHPs through a State Exchange on the
Federal platform.
We intend to work closely and collaboratively with SBE-FPs, and
believe that our collaboration with States that currently use the
Federal platform with respect to enforcement matters has been close and
effective. We seek comments on all aspects of this proposal.
b. Consumer Assistance Tools and Programs of an Exchange (Sec.
We propose two amendments to Sec. 155.205 to address functions of
an SBE-FP. First, because an SBE-FP relies on HHS to carry out call
center functions, we propose to amend Sec. 155.205(a) to exempt an
SBE-FP from the requirement to operate a toll-free call center, and
instead provide that an SBE-FP must at a minimum operate a toll-free
telephone hotline to respond to requests for assistance to consumers in
their State, in accordance with section 1311(d)(4)(B) of the Affordable
Care Act. We seek comments on this proposal.
Secondly, we propose to amend Sec. 155.205(b) by adding paragraph
(b)(7) to provide that an SBE-FP must, at a minimum, operate an
informational Internet Web site through which consumers can also be
directed to, in accordance with section 1311(d)(4)(C) of
the Affordable Care Act. We seek comments on this proposal.
[[Page 75520]]
c. Standards Applicable to Navigators under Sec. Sec. 155.210 and
155.215; Standards Applicable to Consumer Assistance Tools and Programs
of an Exchange under Sec. 155.205(d) and (e); and Standards Applicable
to Non-Navigator Assistance Personnel in an FFE and to Non-Navigator
Assistance Personnel Funded through an Exchange Establishment Grant
(Sec. Sec. 155.205, 155.210 and 155.215)
We have previously established a range of consumer assistance
programs to help consumers apply for and enroll in QHPs and insurance
affordability programs through the Exchange. These consumer assistance
programs include the Navigator program described at section
1311(d)(4)(K) and (i) of the Affordable Care Act and Sec. 155.210.
Among other duties, section 1311(i)(3) of the Affordable Care Act
requires Navigators to conduct public education activities to raise
awareness of the availability of QHPs; to distribute fair and impartial
information concerning enrollment in QHPs and the availability of
Exchange financial assistance under the Affordable Care Act; to
facilitate enrollment in QHPs; and to provide referrals to certain
State agencies for any enrollee with a grievance, complaint, or
question regarding their health plan, coverage, or a determination
under such plan or coverage.
We have also established under Sec. 155.205(d) and (e) that each
Exchange must provide consumer assistance, outreach, and education
functions. These must include a Navigator program and can include a
non-Navigator assistance personnel program.
We propose to amend Sec. 155.210(e) by adding a new paragraph
(e)(8) that would require Navigators in all Exchanges to provide
targeted assistance to serve underserved and/or vulnerable populations
within the Exchange service area. Section 155.210(b)(2)(i) already
requires Navigators to have expertise in the needs of underserved and
vulnerable populations. We believe that also requiring Navigators to
provide targeted assistance to underserved and vulnerable populations
is critical to improving access to health care for communities that
often experience a disproportionate burden of disease. In keeping with
the spirit of section 1311(i)(3)(A) of the Affordable Care Act, which
directs that Navigator entities must conduct public education
activities to raise awareness about the availability of QHPs, we
believe that Navigators should focus their outreach and enrollment
assistance efforts on harder-to-reach populations and the remaining
uninsured, to build increased awareness of the coverage options
available through the Exchange and to help new consumers find
affordable health coverage that meets their needs.
Because the characteristics of underserved and vulnerable
populations may vary over time and from region to region, we do not
propose to define and identify these populations for all Exchanges.
Instead, we propose to permit each Exchange to define and identify the
underserved and vulnerable populations in its service area, and to
update these definitions as necessary. This could include an Exchange
allowing its Navigator grantees to propose, for the Exchange's approval
(for example, in their grant applications), which communities to
target. In Federally-facilitated Exchanges, we would identify
populations as vulnerable or underserved through our Navigator Funding
Opportunity Announcements, and would give FFE Navigator grant
applicants an opportunity to propose additional communities to target
during the grant application process. Vulnerable or underserved
populations might include, for example, populations that are
disproportionately without access to coverage or care, or are at a
greater risk for poor health outcomes. We propose that these would be
the primary criteria used to identify such populations within the FFEs.
Members of these populations could be identified by age groups,
demographics, disease, geography, or other characteristics as defined
or approved by the Exchange. We believe reaching vulnerable or
underserved populations is important to increasing awareness among the
remaining uninsured of the coverage options available through the
Exchange, helping new consumers find affordable coverage that meets
their needs, and narrowing health disparities. In Federally-facilitated
Exchanges, our proposal would apply beginning with the application
process for Navigator grants awarded in 2018.
We seek comment on all aspects of this proposal, including on how
Exchanges, including the FFEs, should identify vulnerable or
underserved populations in their service areas, and on the appropriate
process and timeframes under which these populations would be
identified. Additionally, although we have not proposed to extend this
requirement to certified application counselors and non-Navigator
assistance personnel subject to Sec. 155.215, we encourage certified
application counselors and non-Navigator assistance personnel to
prioritize reaching and assisting the vulnerable and underserved
populations identified by the Exchange in their communities, and we
recognize that many of these assisters already focus their efforts on
such populations.
We note that Navigators would not exclusively be serving these
target populations, since all Navigators are required to assist any
consumer seeking assistance. As we have explained in prior rulemakings,
we interpret Navigators' duty to provide fair and impartial information
and services under Sec. 155.210(e)(2) to require that all Navigators
should have the ability to help any individual who seeks assistance,
even if that consumer is not a member of the community or group the
Navigator intends to target (see 78 FR 20589; 78 FR 42830; 79 FR 30270;
79 FR 30278).
In Sec. 155.210, we propose to add paragraph (e)(9) to specify
that Navigators in all Exchanges would be required to help consumers
with certain other types of assistance, including post-enrollment
assistance. This proposal is designed to ensure that consumers would
have access to skilled assistance beyond applying for and enrolling in
health coverage, including, for example, assistance with the process of
filing Exchange eligibility appeals or with applying through the
Exchange for exemptions from the individual shared responsibility
payment, providing basic information about reconciliation of premium
tax credits, and understanding basic concepts related to using health
coverage. Section 1311(i)(3)(D) of the Affordable Care Act and Sec.
155.210(e)(4) already expressly require Navigators to provide post-
enrollment assistance by referring consumers with complaints,
questions, or grievances about their coverage to appropriate State
agencies. This suggests that Congress anticipated that consumers would
need assistance beyond the application and enrollment process, and that
Navigators would maintain relationships with consumers and be a source
of such assistance.
Consistent with the requirements under section 1311(i)(3)(B) and
(C) of the Affordable Care Act that Navigators distribute fair and
impartial information concerning enrollment in QHPs and facilitate
enrollment in QHPs, and pursuant to the Secretary's authority under
section 1321(a)(1)(A) of the Affordable Care Act, we propose at Sec.
155.210(e)(9)(i) to require Navigators in all Exchanges to help
consumers with the process of filing appeals of Exchange eligibility
determinations. We are not proposing to establish a duty for Navigators
to represent a consumer in an appeal, sign an appeal request, or file
an appeal on the consumer's behalf. We believe that helping consumers
[[Page 75521]]
understand Exchange appeal rights when they have received an adverse
eligibility determination, and assisting them with the process of
completing and submitting appeal forms, would help to facilitate
enrollment and would help consumers obtain fair and impartial
information about enrollment, including information about available
exemptions from the individual shared responsibility payment that would
help consumers decide whether or not to enroll in coverage. We would
interpret this proposal to include helping consumers file appeals of
eligibility determinations made by an Exchange (including SHOP
Exchanges) related to enrollment in a QHP, special enrollment periods,
exemptions from the individual shared responsibility payment that are
granted by the Exchange, participation as an employer in a SHOP, and
any insurance affordability program, including eligibility
determinations for Exchange financial assistance, Medicaid, the
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Basic Health Programs.
We also propose at Sec. 155.210(e)(9)(ii) to require that
Navigators in all Exchanges help consumers understand and apply for
exemptions from the individual shared responsibility payment that are
granted by the Exchange. We believe that it would be consistent with
the Secretary's rulemaking authority under section 1321(a)(1)(A) of the
Affordable Care Act to require Navigators to provide assistance with
exemptions that the Exchange must grant under section 1311(d)(4)(H) of
the Affordable Care Act. Additionally, we believe that this proposal is
consistent with Navigators' duty under section 1311(i)(3)(B) of the
Affordable Care Act to distribute fair and impartial information
concerning enrollment in QHPs, since impartial information concerning
the availability of exemptions from the individual shared
responsibility payment would help consumers make informed decisions
about whether or not to enroll in coverage.
This assistance with Exchange-granted exemptions would include
informing consumers about the requirement to maintain minimum essential
coverage and the individual shared responsibility payment; helping
consumers fill out and submit Exchange-granted exemption applications
and obtain any necessary forms prior to or after applying for the
exemption; explaining what the exemption certificate number is and how
to use it; and helping consumers understand and use the Exchange tool
to find bronze plan premiums. This duty would also include explaining
the general purpose of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 8965 to
consumers, consistent with IRS published guidance on the topic, and
explaining how to access this form and related tax information on
Navigators may not provide tax assistance or interpret tax rules
within their capacity as Exchange Navigators, and this proposal would
not require Navigators to help consumers apply for exemptions claimed
through the tax filing process. We would interpret this proposal,
however, to require helping consumers generally understand the
availability of exemptions claimed through the tax filing process and
how to obtain them. This interpretation would help ensure that
Navigators share information about the full scope of possible
exemptions while not providing actual tax assistance or tax advice. We
request comment on whether we should require that, prior to providing
this assistance and information, Navigators provide consumers with a
disclaimer stating that they are not acting as tax advisers and cannot
provide tax advice within their capacity as Exchange Navigators. We
seek comment on whether such a disclaimer would help avoid consumer
misunderstandings and detrimental reliance on Navigator advice, or
whether it might be unnecessary, impractical, or cause consumer
We also seek comment on whether a Navigator's duty to provide
assistance with filing exemption applications under proposed Sec.
155.210(e)(9)(ii) and filing appeals of exemption application denials
under proposed Sec. 155.210(e)(9)(i) should be limited, for example,
to consumers who have applied for or have been denied coverage or
financial assistance, or whether another limitation should apply. We
are cognizant of the resource limitations that Navigators and their
funding agencies may face, and do not want to reduce the assistance
available to consumers seeking coverage, as opposed to those who only
seek to avoid the individual shared responsibility penalty. At the same
time, we recognize that consumers may be unable to access coverage for
a wide variety of reasons, including their financial circumstances,
coverage gaps, and other personal or systemic obstacles, and want to be
sure that experienced help is available so that these consumers are
fully aware of and can access their exemptions options. We seek comment
on these issues.
In addition, we propose at Sec. 155.210(e)(9)(iii) to require
Navigators to help consumers with the Exchange-related components of
the premium tax credit reconciliation process, such as by ensuring they
have access to their Forms 1095-A and receive general, high-level
information about the purpose of this form that is consistent with
published IRS guidance on the topic. This proposal stems from the
requirement under section 1311(i)(3)(B) of the Affordable Care Act that
Navigators distribute fair and impartial information concerning the
availability of the premium tax credits under section 36B of the Code.
Consumers who receive advance payments of the premium tax credit may
need help with a variety of issues related to reconciliation.
Navigators would be required to help consumers obtain IRS Forms 1095-A
and 8962, and the instructions for both, and to provide general
information, consistent with applicable IRS guidance, about the
significance of the forms. Navigators would also be required to help
consumers understand (1) how to report errors on the Form 1095-A; (2)
how to find silver plan premiums using the Exchange tool; and (3) the
difference between advance payments of the premium tax credit and the
premium tax credit and the potential implications for enrollment and
re-enrollment of not filing a tax return and reconciling any advance
payments of the premium tax credit that were paid on consumers' behalf.
As noted above, Navigators may not provide tax assistance or
advice, or interpret tax rules and forms within their capacity as
Exchange Navigators, but their expertise related to the consumer-facing
aspects of the Exchange, including eligibility and enrollment rules and
procedures, uniquely qualifies them to help consumers understand and
obtain information from the Exchange that is necessary to the premium
tax credit reconciliation process. Because this proposal would include
a requirement that Navigators provide consumers with information and
assistance understanding the availability of IRS resources, Navigators
would be expected to familiarize themselves with the availability of
materials on, including the Form 8962 instructions, IRS
Publication 974 Premium Tax Credit, and relevant FAQs, and to refer
consumers with questions about tax law to those resources or to other
resources, such as free tax return preparation assistance from the
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance or Tax Counseling for the Elderly
programs. Again, we request comment on whether we should require that,
prior to providing this information and assistance, Navigators provide
[[Page 75522]]
consumers with a disclaimer stating that they are not acting as tax
advisers and cannot provide tax advice within their capacity as
Exchange Navigators.
To help ensure consumers have seamless access to Exchange-related
tax information beyond the basic information that Navigators can
provide, we propose at 155.210(e)(9)(v) that Navigators be required to
refer consumers to licensed tax advisers, tax preparers, or other
resources for assistance with tax preparation and tax advice related to
consumer questions about the Exchange application and enrollment
process, exemptions from the requirement to maintain minimum essential
coverage and the individual shared responsibility payment, and premium
tax credit reconciliation.
We interpret the Navigator duties to facilitate enrollment in QHPs
in section 1311(i)(3)(C) of the Affordable Care Act, to distribute fair
and impartial information concerning enrollment in QHPs under section
1311(i)(3)(B) of the Affordable Care Act, and to conduct public
education activities to raise awareness about the availability of QHPs
in section 1311(i)(3)(A) of the Affordable Care Act to include helping
consumers understand the kinds of decisions they will need to make in
selecting coverage, and how to use their coverage after they are
enrolled. We have previously stated that one overall purpose of
consumer assistance programs is to help consumers become fully informed
and health literate. (See 79 FR 30276.) To improve consumers' health
literacy related to coverage generally, and to ensure that individual
consumers are able to use their coverage meaningfully, we propose at
Sec. 155.210(e)(9)(iv) to require Navigators in all Exchanges to help
consumers understand basic concepts related to health coverage and how
to use it. These activities could be supported through the use of
existing resources such as the HHS ``From Coverage to Care''
initiative, which we encourage Navigators to review, and which are now
available in multiple languages at
This proposal would improve consumers' access to health coverage
information not just when selecting a plan, but also when using their
coverage. For example, Navigators could help consumers understand (1)
key terms used in health coverage materials, such as ``deductible'' and
``coinsurance,'' and how they relate to the consumer's health plan; (2)
the cost and care differences between a visit to the emergency
department and a visit to a primary care provider under the coverage
options available to the consumer; (3) how to identify in-network
providers to make and prepare for an appointment with a provider; (4)
how the consumer's coverage addresses steps that often are taken after
an appointment with a provider, such as making a follow-up appointment
and filling a prescription; and (5) the right to coverage of certain
preventive health services without cost sharing. We anticipate that
this assistance would vary depending on each consumer's needs and
goals. We invite comment on whether we should provide additional
specificity for Navigators related to this proposed duty to help
consumers understand and use their coverage, and if so, which
additional topics should be included.
We note that under Sec. 155.215(b)(2), Navigators in FFEs must
already be trained on the tax implications of enrollment decisions, the
individual responsibility to have health coverage, eligibility appeals,
and rights and processes for QHP appeals and grievances. To ensure that
Navigators in all States receive training in every area for which there
would be a corresponding Navigator duty, we propose to require all
Exchanges, including State Exchanges, to provide training that would
prepare Navigators for the additional areas of responsibility proposed
in this rulemaking. In proposed Sec. 155.210(b)(2)(v) through (viii),
therefore, we would require Exchanges to develop and disseminate
training standards to be met by all entities and individuals carrying
out Navigator functions to ensure expertise in: The process of filing
appeals of Exchange eligibility determinations; general concepts
regarding exemptions from the requirement to maintain minimum essential
coverage and the individual shared responsibility payment, including
the application process for exemptions granted through the Exchange,
and IRS resources on exemptions; the Exchange-related components of the
premium tax credit reconciliation process and IRS resources on this
process; and basic concepts related to health coverage and how to use
We note that providing assistance with certain other post-
enrollment issues already falls within the scope of existing required
Navigator duties. We interpret the requirement to facilitate enrollment
in a QHP under section 1311(i)(3)(C) of the Affordable Care Act, and
the requirement at Sec. 155.210(e)(2) to provide information that
assists consumers with submitting the eligibility application, to
include assistance with updating an application for coverage through an
Exchange, including reporting changes in circumstances and assisting
with submitting information for eligibility redeterminations.
Additionally, Navigators are already permitted, but not required,
to help with a variety of other post-enrollment issues. For example, we
interpret the requirements in Sec. 155.210(e)(1) and (2) that
Navigators conduct public education activities to raise awareness about
the Exchange and provide fair and impartial information about the
application and plan selection process to mean that Navigators may
educate consumers about their rights with respect to coverage available
through an Exchange, such as nondiscrimination protections,
prohibitions on preexisting condition exclusions, and preventive
services available without cost-sharing. We also interpret these
requirements, together with the requirement in section 1311(i)(3)(B) of
the Affordable Care Act that Navigators distribute fair and impartial
information concerning enrollment in QHPs, and the availability of
Exchange financial assistance, to mean that Navigators may assist
consumers with questions about paying premiums for coverage or
insurance affordability programs enrolled in through an Exchange.
Finally, we interpret the requirement in section 1311(i)(3)(D) of the
Affordable Care Act and Sec. 155.210(e)(4) to provide referrals for
certain post-enrollment issues to mean that Navigators may help
consumers obtain assistance with coverage claims denials. We request
comments on whether we should make any of the above interpretations
explicit in the regulation and whether there are additional post-
enrollment duties required or permitted by these provisions that should
be made explicit as either required or simply permitted (but not
required) duties, as well as whether there are other forms of post-
enrollment assistance that Exchanges should require Navigators to
provide, commensurate with their general legal authority, but which are
not already specifically required under our regulations.
Although we have not proposed to extend any of the requirements
under proposed Sec. 155.210(e)(8) or (9) to non-Navigator assistance
personnel subject to Sec. 155.215, we note that the requirement to
provide information that assists consumers with submitting the
eligibility application under Sec. 155.210(e)(2), which would include
helping consumers report changes in circumstances and submit
information for eligibility redeterminations, also applies to certain
non-Navigator assistance personnel through Sec. 155.215(a)(2)(i). We
also note that
[[Page 75523]]
under Sec. 155.215, the training requirements for these non-Navigator
assistance personnel are the same as for Navigators in States with an
We have also not proposed to extend any of these requirements to
certified application counselors. However, nothing prevents non-
Navigator assistance personnel or certified application counselors from
helping with activities that are consistent with their existing
regulatory duties. We request comments on whether we should extend
these proposed requirements to help with post-enrollment and other
activities to these assisters.
We propose to amend Sec. Sec. 155.205(d) and 155.215(b)(1)(i) to
specify that any individual or entity carrying out consumer assistance
functions under Sec. 155.205(d) and (e) or Sec. 155.210, in both
State Exchanges and FFEs, would be required to complete training prior
to performing any assister duties, including before conducting outreach
and education activities, as well as before providing application and
enrollment assistance. Section 155.215(b), which establishes training
standards for Navigators and non-Navigator assistance personnel in FFEs
and for non-Navigator assistance personnel funded through Exchange
Establishment grants under section 1311(a) of the Affordable Care Act,
requires that these assisters must obtain certification by the Exchange
prior to carrying out any consumer assistance functions under Sec.
155.205(d) and (e) or Sec. 155.210. We also propose to amend Sec.
155.215(b)(1)(i) to specify that the consumer assistance functions
referenced in that provision would include outreach and education
activities. In addition, we propose to amend Sec. 155.205(d) to
specify that training would have to be completed not only before
providing the assistance described in that paragraph, but also before
conducting the outreach and education activities specified in paragraph
(e). These proposals would require that Navigators, non-Navigator
assistance personnel subject to Sec. 155.215, and other entities and
persons providing consumer assistance under Sec. 155.205(d) and
consumer outreach and education activities under Sec. 155.205(e),
complete training prior to carrying out any consumer assistance
functions, including outreach and education activities.
We note that nothing in the Exchange regulations prohibits
individuals or organizations from conducting outreach about Exchanges
and providing application and enrollment assistance without being
trained and certified as Navigators, non-Navigator assistance
personnel, certified application counselors, or other kinds of
Exchange-approved assisters. However, this proposal would ensure that
individuals and organizations do not perform any Exchange outreach and
education activities or application and enrollment assistance while
identifying as or holding themselves out to the public as Navigators,
non-Navigator assistance personnel, or certified application
counselors, prior to completing Exchange requirements, including
training and certification. This proposal would also help ensure that
Navigators and non-Navigator assistance personnel are providing
accurate information when performing outreach and education activities.
Section 155.210(d)(6) currently prohibits Navigators from providing
to an applicant or potential enrollee any gifts unless they are of
nominal value; or any promotional items that market or promote the
products or services of a third party, when those promotional items are
being used as an inducement for enrollment. Through a cross-reference
to Sec. 155.210(d) in Sec. 155.215(a)(2)(i) and a parallel provision
in Sec. 155.225(g)(4), this prohibition also applies to non-Navigator
assistance personnel subject to Sec. 155.215, and to certified
application counselors.
We have received questions indicating that there is general
confusion about when gifts and promotional items can be provided to
applicants and potential enrollees. To reduce this confusion, we
propose to amend Sec. Sec. 155.210(d)(6) and 155.225(g)(4) to specify
that gifts of any value (including third-party promotional items of any
value) should never be provided to applicants or potential enrollees as
an inducement for enrollment. We also propose to specify that gifts
that are not provided as an inducement for enrollment may be provided
to applicants and potential enrollees if they do not exceed nominal
value.\21\ This proposed nominal value restriction would apply both to
each individual gift and to the cumulative value of multiple gifts,
including promotional items, which are provided by these types of
assisters to an applicant or potential enrollee. We further propose
that the nominal value restriction on the cumulative value of multiple
gifts would only apply to single encounters between the assister and an
individual applicant or potential enrollee, and not to multiple
encounters, so that assisters would not have to collect PII as a means
of tracking the number and value of gifts provided to an individual
consumer across multiple encounters, such as all encounters in a single
calendar year or enrollment season. Since we anticipate that gifts or
promotional items of a nominal value, such as pens, magnets or
keychains, could be provided to consumers at outreach and education
events or at other forums attended by members of the general public, we
do not want to establish a nominal value restriction that would be
difficult or burdensome for assisters to enforce, or that would require
the unnecessary collection of PII from consumers. We would consider a
single outreach or educational event to be a ``single encounter''; that
is, assisters would not be permitted to provide multiple gifts to the
same consumer at the same outreach event if the cumulative value of
those gifts exceeded nominal value. We seek comments on all aspects of
this proposal, including whether the nominal value restriction should
apply to a single encounter with an individual consumer, as proposed,
or whether a longer timeframe, such as all encounters with an
individual consumer in a calendar year, in an enrollment season, or in
total, would be preferable.
\21\ We have previously defined ``nominal value'' as a cash
value of $15 or less, or an item worth $15 or less, based on the
retail purchase price of the item, regardless of the actual cost.
(79 FR 15831 and 79 FR 30283).
Finally, to simplify the rule, we propose to define ``gifts,'' for
purposes of Sec. Sec. 155.210(d)(6) and 155.225(g)(4), to include gift
items, gift cards, cash cards or cash, as well as promotional items
that market or promote the products or services of a third party. We
further propose to amend language in Sec. Sec. 155.210(d)(6) and
155.225(g)(4) that currently provides that gifts, gift cards, or cash
may exceed nominal value for the purpose of providing reimbursement for
legitimate expenses incurred by a consumer in an effort to receive
Exchange application assistance, such as travel or postage expenses. We
propose to amend this language to indicate that the reimbursement of
legitimate expenses, such as travel or postage expenses, when incurred
by a consumer in an effort to receive Exchange application assistance,
would not be considered a gift, and therefore, would not be subject to
the proposed restrictions on providing gifts.
Our proposal seeks to strike a balance between permitting these
types of assisters to provide small gifts and promotional items as part
of creative outreach and education strategies, while ensuring that
gifts, including promotional items, are never provided to applicants
and potential enrollees to
[[Page 75524]]
induce enrollment. We believe this outright prohibition on providing
gifts and promotional items, of any value, to induce enrollment, is
consistent with the duties of these assisters to provide information
and services to consumers in a fair, accurate, and impartial manner,
including clarifying the distinctions among health coverage options,
and helping consumers make informed decisions during the health
coverage selection process. We believe it would be inconsistent with
these duties for an assister to try to influence the consumer's
decision about whether to enroll in coverage by providing them with a
gift to induce enrollment.
In addition, the duty of these assisters to provide information and
services in a fair, accurate and impartial manner would make it
inappropriate for them to engage in activities that give the appearance
that they are endorsing, promoting, or marketing the products or
services of third party business interests when performing their
authorized activities and services. At the same time, we believe that
any appearance that these assisters are endorsing, promoting, or
marketing the products or services of a third party, is substantially
mitigated if the items are only of nominal value and not provided to
induce enrollment, since it is unlikely that gifts of a nominal value
will influence a consumer's health coverage selection and enrollment
decisions. We also recognize that providing gifts, including
promotional items, of a nominal value may help to attract applicants
and potential enrollees to engage in a discussion with these assisters
during an outreach event and encourage consumers to consider seeking
Exchange application assistance. For these reasons, we do not want to
entirely prohibit these types of assisters from using gifts and
promotional items as part of their outreach efforts.
Finally, we note that existing regulations under Sec.
155.210(d)(7) already prohibit the use of Exchange funds to purchase
gifts or gift cards, or promotional items that market or promote the
products or services of a third party, that would be provided to any
applicant or potential enrollee. We do not propose to amend this
We request comments on all aspects of our proposals.
d. Ability of States To Permit Agents and Brokers To Assist Qualified
Individuals, Qualified Employers, or Qualified Employees Enrolling in
QHPs (Sec. 155.220)
Section 1312(e) of the Affordable Care Act directs the Secretary to
establish procedures under which a State may permit agents and brokers
to enroll qualified individuals and qualified employers in QHPs through
an Exchange, and to assist individuals in applying for financial
assistance for QHPs sold through an Exchange. Under Sec. 155.220, we
established procedures to support the States' ability to permit agents
and brokers to assist individuals, employers or employees with
enrollment in QHPs offered through an Exchange, subject to applicable
Federal and State requirements.
At Sec. 155.220(c), we established parameters for enrollment of
qualified individuals through an Exchange with the assistance of an
agent or broker. At Sec. 155.220(c)(1), we established that an agent
or broker who assists with enrollment through the Exchange must ensure
completion of an eligibility verification and enrollment application
through the Exchange Web site as described Sec. 155.405. In Sec.
155.220(c)(3), we established the standards that apply when a Web site
of an agent or broker is used to complete the QHP selection.
As described at Sec. 155.220(d), an agent or broker that enrolls
qualified individuals through an Exchange, or assists individuals in
applying for Exchange financial assistance, must comply with the terms
of a general agreement with the Exchange, as well as register with the
Exchange and receive training in the range of QHP options and insurance
affordability programs. In addition, all agents and brokers must
execute the applicable privacy and security agreement required by Sec.
155.260(b) to provide assistance with enrollment through the Exchange.
In Sec. 155.220(g), we established standards under which HHS may
terminate an agent's or broker's general agreement with the FFEs for
cause. We established that HHS may pursue termination with notice of an
agent's or broker's agreement with the FFEs if, in HHS's determination,
a specific finding of noncompliance or pattern of noncompliance is
sufficiently severe. As established, the termination for cause of the
general agreement with notice means that after a 30-day opportunity to
resolve the matter, HHS would take necessary steps to prohibit an agent
or broker from assisting or enrolling individuals in a QHP offered
through an FFE, or a web-broker's ability to securely exchange
information with HHS, if the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction
of HHS. As of the date of termination, an agent or broker would no
longer be registered with the FFEs and would not be able to assist with
enrollment through the FFEs or exchange information with HHS. Certain
obligations of the agent or broker would survive that termination,
including the duty to protect and maintain the privacy and security of
personally identifiable information (PII) it has created, collected,
accessed, or acquired through its relationship with the FFEs. We
established that an agent or broker may be considered noncompliant if
HHS finds that the agent or broker violated: (a) Any standard specified
under Sec. 155.220; (b) any term or condition of its agreement with
the FFEs required under paragraph (d) of this section, or if, the
agent's or broker's FFE privacy and security agreements under Sec.
155.260(b) are terminated; (c) any applicable State law; or (d) any
other applicable Federal law.
In Sec. 155.220(h), we established a one-level process through
which an agent or broker may request reconsideration of HHS's decision
to terminate for cause an agreement required under Sec. 155.220(d). We
established that an agent or broker must submit a request for
reconsideration to the HHS reconsideration entity within 30 calendar
days of the date of the written termination notice from HHS. We
established that the HHS reconsideration entity would provide the agent
or broker with a written reconsideration decision within 30 calendar
days of the date it receives the request for reconsideration. This
decision constitutes HHS's final determination.
i. New Exchange Standards for Web-Brokers
As specified at Sec. 155.220(c)(1), an agent or broker who assists
with an enrollment through the Exchange must ensure that the applicant
completes an eligibility verification and enrollment application
through the Exchange Internet Web site. Under this standard, agents and
brokers that use a non-Exchange Web site to assist consumers in the QHP
selection and enrollment process (``direct enrollment'' through a
``web-broker'') must redirect an applicant to go directly to the
Exchange Web site to complete the application and receive an
eligibility determination. HHS is considering an option under which an
applicant could remain on the web-broker's Web site to complete the
application and enroll in coverage, and the web-broker's Web site can
obtain eligibility information from the Exchange to support the
consumer in selecting and enrolling in a QHP with Exchange financial
assistance. The intent is to have this information exchange occur
through an Exchange-approved web service as described below, enhancing
the direct enrollment
[[Page 75525]]
process. This option would provide Exchanges offering direct enrollment
and web-brokers more operational flexibility to expand front-end,
consumer-facing channels for enrollment through a seamless consumer
HHS solicits comments related to the current consumer experience
with web-brokers and the potential integration of the streamlined
eligibility application if a non-FFE Web site is used for the entire
process. We request comment on how much flexibility a web-broker should
have relative to the consumer experience on its Web site, using the
direct enrollment channel, to provide an end-to-end eligibility and
enrollment experience. We propose that web-brokers be required to use
the FFE single streamlined application without deviation from the
language of the application questions and the sequence of information
required for an eligibility determination or redetermination. This will
ensure that the information gathered when an applicant completes an
application on the Exchange Web site will also be collected to send to
the Exchange for an eligibility determination or redetermination that
is accurate and consistent across any channel used for enrollment. We
seek comment on this standard. HHS is also considering how to ensure
that consumers understand that they are applying for Exchange coverage,
such as through specific branding or wording requirements if a non-FFE
front-end Web site is used for the entire application and enrollment
process, and we seek comment on this as well.
Accordingly, we propose to revise Sec. 155.220(c)(1) to ensure
that an applicant who initiates enrollment directly with the web-broker
for enrollment through the Exchange receives an eligibility
determination for coverage through the Exchange Web site or through an
Exchange-approved web service via the FFE single streamline
application. This maintains the role of the Exchange in determining
eligibility. We propose to adopt similar changes to the standards for
the use of QHP issuer Web sites under Sec. 156.265(b)(2)(ii). Please
see section III.G.4.c for this accompanying preamble discussion. We
seek comment on this proposal.
We are also soliciting comments about the current agent and broker
provisions in Sec. 155.220 as applied to web-brokers. We are
interested in feedback on consumer and agent/broker experiences with
enrollment through web-brokers, any concerns with privacy and security
of the information transmitted through web-brokers by expanding direct
enrollment to incorporate the FFE single streamlined application, and
suggestions for improvements in the future, such as increased
monitoring and oversight activities. For example HHS is considering
expanding audits, requiring additional information display requirements
(such as the lowest cost plan at each metal level) beyond those
outlined in Sec. 155.220(c)(3) to ensure that consumers understand
basic information about cost and availability of qualified health
plans, and requiring HHS approval of alternative enrollment pathway
processes. Additional requirements to safeguard consumer information or
enhancements to improve the consumer and web-broker experience are also
being considered. These may include establishing more robust privacy
and security requirements, requiring adoption of cyber security best
practices, additional web-broker reporting requirements and specificity
as to the collection and use of consumer information. We note that the
current oversight provisions for the general agreement, registration,
training, termination, and reconsideration in Sec. 155.220(d) through
(h), as well as the changes in paragraphs (f), (g), (j), and (k)
proposed below, would apply to web-brokers.
ii. New Standards for Termination of Agent and Broker Agreements With
the FFEs
We propose to amend existing paragraph (g)(2)(ii) that an agent or
broker may be determined noncompliant if HHS finds that the agent or
broker violated any term or condition of the agreement with the FFEs
required under paragraph (d) of this section, or any term or condition
of an agreement with the FFEs required under Sec. 155.260(b).
We propose to add paragraph (g)(5) to Sec. 155.220(g) to address
suspension or termination of an agent's or broker's agreements with the
FFEs in cases involving potential fraud or abusive conduct. These cases
would include cases in which there is an allegation of potential fraud
or abusive conduct that HHS finds to be credible; or any report of
potential fraud or abusive conduct made by a State or Federal agency or
law enforcement. We propose to add this paragraph to give HHS authority
to act quickly to terminate access to HHS systems in these instances to
prevent further harm to consumers and to support the efficient and
effective administration of the FFEs.
We propose in Sec. 155.220(g)(5)(i)(A) that if HHS reasonably
suspects that an agent or broker may have engaged in fraud or abusive
conduct using PII of Exchange applicants or enrollees, or in connection
with an Exchange enrollment or application, HHS may suspend the agent's
or broker's agreement and accompanying registration with the FFEs for
up to 90 calendar days, with the suspension effective as of the date of
the notice to the agent or broker. This would apply whether the
activity or conduct in question was committed directly by the agent or
broker, or through a third party who acts at the direction of or on
behalf of the agent or broker. This immediate and temporary suspension
would prohibit the agent or broker from assisting with or facilitating
enrollment in coverage in a manner that constitutes enrollment through
the FFEs, including enrollment through the FFE Application Programming
Interface, while the investigation is conducted during this 90-day
period. Immediate suspension is critical in these circumstances to stop
additional potentially fraudulent enrollments through the FFE during
the period of investigation. Although the agent or broker would not be
provided with advance notice, we propose under Sec.
155.220(g)(5)(i)(B) that the agent or broker may submit evidence to HHS
to rebut the allegation during this 90-day period. If HHS determines
that the agent or broker satisfactorily addresses the concerns at
issue, HHS would lift the temporary suspension and notify the agent or
broker. We further propose under Sec. 155.220(g)(5)(i)(B) that failure
to submit information during this 90-day period may result in
termination of the agreement for cause effective immediately under
Sec. 155.220(g)(5)(ii).
We propose in Sec. 155.220(g)(5)(ii) that if HHS reasonably
confirms the credibility of an allegation that an agent or broker
engaged in fraud or abusive conduct using personally identifiable
information of Exchange enrollees or applicants, or in connection with
an Exchange enrollment or application, or is notified by a State or law
enforcement authority of the State or law enforcement authority's
finding or determination of fraud or behavior that would constitute
abusive conduct in such a circumstance, HHS will notify the agent or
broker and terminate, immediately and permanently, the agent's or
broker's agreements with the FFEs for cause. In contrast to termination
for other violations listed in Sec. 155.220(g), we propose that
following an HHS reasonable confirmation of such an allegation or such
a State or law enforcement notification, termination would occur
without 30 days' advance notice and would be effective upon the date of
the termination notice. An agent or broker who engages in fraud or
[[Page 75526]]
abusive conduct may pose immediate harm to consumers and to HHS's
ability to properly administer the FFEs. Under this scenario, following
the reasonable confirmation by HHS (that is, the FFE) of fraud or
abusive conduct, HHS would notify the agent or broker of HHS's
termination action. We note that we would coordinate with OIG and other
State and Federal agencies (including law enforcement) as appropriate
when investigating these situations. Similar to any termination for
cause described in paragraph (g)(1), any termination notice would
include information on the agent's or broker's right to seek
reconsideration as described in Sec. 155.220(h). HHS currently works
with States and local law enforcement to investigate and resolve
suspected incidents of fraud. We note that termination proposed in
Sec. 155.220(g) only applies to the FFE agreement described in
paragraph (d) of this section, and the agreements required under Sec.
155.260(b)(2). While States remain the primary oversight authority for
agents and brokers, HHS reserves the right to take any other
permissible enforcement or remedial action against an agent or broker
for violation of Federal requirements.
In Sec. 155.220(g)(5)(iii), we propose that during the 90-day
suspension period, as well as following the termination of the FFE
agreements for cause, the agent or broker would not be registered with
the FFEs, or be permitted to assist with or facilitate enrollment of
qualified individuals, qualified employers, or qualified employees
through an FFE, or assist individuals in applying for Exchange
financial assistance for QHPs. However, consistent with the FFE
agreement described in Sec. 155.260(b)(2), the agent or broker must
continue to protect any PII accessed during the term of the agreement
with the FFEs. Section 155.260(g) includes penalties for failure to
continue protecting PII as described in the Sec. 155.260(b)(2)
agreement. For consistency with these proposed termination standards,
we propose corresponding updates to paragraph (g)(4). We also propose
to amend existing paragraph (f)(4) to remove the reference to paragraph
(g) for further alignment of these regulatory provisions.
We solicit comment on all aspects of these proposals, including:
The appropriate length of time for the temporary suspension period
under Sec. 155.220(g)(5)(i); whether we should provide authority for
HHS to suspend an agent's or broker's agreements with the FFEs for
cause for conduct other than potential fraud or abusive conduct; and
whether we should include a provision permitting HHS to immediately
terminate (that is, without the advance 30-day notice currently
provided under Sec. 155.220(g)(3)) an agent's or broker's agreements
with the FFEs for cause for suspected conduct other than fraud or
abusive conduct. We are also considering whether the notice
requirements captured in Sec. 155.220(f)(3)(i) that currently apply to
agent or broker initiated terminations should also be extended to
terminations for cause under Sec. 155.220(g), including these proposed
grounds for termination for cause under Sec. 155.220(g)(5). In
addition, see Sec. 155.430 below for a discussion of proposals related
to retroactive termination of coverage for consumers affected by
potential fraudulent activity by a third party related to enrollment
through the FFEs.
iii. FFE Standards of Conduct for Agents and Brokers
We propose adding a paragraph Sec. 155.220(j) to establish
standards of conduct for agents and brokers that assist consumers to
enroll in coverage through the FFEs to protect consumers and ensure the
proper administration of the FFEs. We are proposing these standards of
conduct to protect against agent and broker conduct that is harmful
towards consumers, or prevents the efficient operation of the FFEs. In
Sec. 155.220(j)(1)(i) through (iii), we propose to capture as part of
these standards of conduct the requirements that an agent or broker
that assists with or facilitates enrollment of qualified individuals,
qualified employers, or qualified employees through an FFE, or assists
individuals in applying for Exchange financial assistance for QHPs sold
through the FFEs, must (i) have executed the required agreement under
Sec. 155.260(b)(2); (ii) be registered with the FFEs as described in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section; and (iii) comply with the FFE
standards of conduct proposed in this paragraph. We note that signing
of the FFE agreement as well as all required registration steps must be
completed prior to assisting with or facilitating enrollment of
qualified individuals, qualified employers, or qualified employees
through an FFE, or assisting individuals in applying for Exchange
financial assistance for QHPs sold through the FFEs.
In Sec. 155.220(j)(2), we propose to capture as part of the
standards of conduct the requirements that the agents and brokers
described in paragraph (j)(1) must: (i) Provide consumers with correct
information, without omission of material fact, regarding the FFEs,
QHPs (including SADPs \22\) offered through the FFEs, and insurance
affordability programs, and refrain from marketing or conduct that is
misleading or coercive, or discriminates based on race, color, national
origin, disability, age, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation;
(ii) provide the FFEs with correct information under section 1411(b) of
the Affordable Care Act; (iii) obtain the consent of the individual,
employer, or employee prior to assisting with or facilitating
enrollment in coverage through an FFE, or assisting with the
application for financial assistance for QHPs sold through the FFEs;
(iv) protect consumer PII in accordance with Sec. 155.260(b)(3) and
the agreement described in Sec. 155.260(b)(2); and (v) comply with all
applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. We note that these
proposed standards for conduct extend to naming of businesses and Web
sites associated with agents, brokers or web-brokers, and that use of
``Exchange,'' ``Marketplace,'' or other words in a name or URL that
would reasonably cause confusion with a Federal program or Web site may
be considered misleading under paragraph (j)(1)(i).
\22\ As detailed in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act; Establishment of Exchanges and Qualified Health Plans; Exchange
Standards for Employers; Final Rule and Interim Final Rule (77 FR
18310, 18315) (March 27, 2012), with some limited exceptions, SADPs
are considered a type of QHP. We expect agents, brokers, and web-
brokers registered with the FFEs to comply with applicable rules and
requirements in connection with SADPs, just as they must comply with
those rules in connection with medical QHPs.
In Sec. 155.220(j)(3), we propose that an agent or broker will be
considered to be in compliance with the standard of conduct
requirements to provide consumers and the FFEs with correct information
if HHS determines that there was a reasonable cause for any failure to
provide correct information and that the agent or broker acted in good
We further propose that violation of these standards of conduct may
result in termination for cause of the agent's or broker's agreements
with the FFEs as described in paragraph Sec. 155.220(g) or the
imposition of other penalties authorized by law. We will continue to
coordinate our enforcement activities with States, other Federal
agencies, and local and Federal law enforcement, and anticipate
imposing penalties (beyond the termination of the FFE agreements) only
in instances where States do not or are unable to act.
We expect that States will continue to license and monitor agents
and brokers, and will continue to have primary responsibility to
oversee and regulate all
[[Page 75527]]
agents and brokers, both inside and outside of the Exchanges. All State
laws and regulations related to agents and brokers, including State
requirements related to appointments, contractual relationships with
issuers, and licensing and marketing requirements, will continue to
apply. To avoid duplication of oversight activities related to agents
and brokers assisting with enrollment through an FFE, we propose that
HHS will continue to focus its oversight activities primarily on
ensuring that agents and brokers assisting with enrollment through an
FFE meet the standards outlined in Sec. 155.220. In particular, HHS
plans to focus on protecting the privacy and security of PII of
applicants and enrollees through the FFEs, as well as the misuse of
such PII, to the extent this is not already covered under existing
State or Federal efforts. We will continue to collaborate with State
regulators to resolve cases of potential misconduct and to further
develop standard operating procedures for the FFEs that will be
critical to HHS oversight of agents and brokers registered to assist
with enrollment through the FFEs.
iv. Penalties Other Than Termination of the Agreements With the FFEs
In Sec. 155.220(k), we propose penalties for agents and brokers
registered with the FFEs other than termination of the agreements with
the FFEs. In Sec. 155.220(k)(1), we propose that if HHS determines
that an agent or broker fails to comply with the requirements of Sec.
155.220, he or she may be denied the right to enter into an agreement
with the FFEs in future years, and may be subject to CMPs as described
in Sec. 155.285 if the violation involved the provision of false or
fraudulent information to an Exchange or the improper use or disclosure
of information. In Sec. 155.220(k)(2), we propose that the denial of
the right to enter into an agreement with the FFEs in future years
would be subject to 30 calendar days' advance notice and the
reconsideration process established in Sec. 155.220(h). The imposition
of CMPs for the provision of false or fraudulent information to an
Exchange or the improper use of disclosure of information would be
subject to the advance notice and appeals process described in Sec.
We are also proposing a denial of the right to enter into future
agreements with the FFEs in cases where an agent or broker has not
completed FFE registration requirements, and not entered into the
required agreements with the FFEs, but has enrolled qualified
individuals, qualified employers, or qualified employees in coverage in
a manner that constitutes enrollment through an FFE, or assisted
individual market consumers with submission of applications for
Exchange financial assistance through an FFE and has sought
compensation based on the enrollment through the FFEs in his or her
capacity as an agent or broker. We note that Sec. 155.285 applies to
agents and brokers, and we propose to specify here that agents and
brokers may also be subject to CMPs as described in Sec. 155.285 for
noncompliance if the violation involved the provision of false or
fraudulent information to an Exchange or the improper use or disclosure
of information. We seek comment on these additional proposed penalties,
including the length of time for which the prohibition on entering into
an agreement with the FFEs would apply in these cases.
We intend to continue to collaborate with State regulators to
further develop standard operating procedures for an FFE that will be
critical to HHS's oversight of agents and brokers registered to assist
with enrollment through an FFE and to ensure the efficient and
effective administration of the FFEs. We encourage comment on the
information required to carry out these activities, and on any
definitions, timeframes, or procedures described in our proposed
amendments to Sec. 155.220.
v. Agents and Brokers Assisting Consumers With Enrollment in Coverage
Through SBE-FPs
We propose adding Sec. 155.220(l) to provide that an agent or
broker who enrolls qualified individuals, qualified employers, or
qualified employees in coverage in a manner that constitutes enrollment
through an SBE-FP, or assists individual market consumers with
submission of applications for Exchange financial assistance through an
SBE-FP must comply with all applicable FFE standards in Sec. 155.220.
We believe it is important to extend the FFE standards in Sec. 155.220
to agents and brokers who assist with enrollments through an SBE-FP due
to the HHS's role in operating the FFE infrastructure and the
accompanying access that this provides to HHS data systems. We also
propose that agents and brokers in SBE-FP States would be able to
satisfy the requirement for training in Sec. 155.220(d)(2) by taking
FFE training offered by a vendor as described in Sec. 155.222.
e. Standards for HHS-Approved Vendors of FFE Training for Agents and
Brokers (Sec. 155.222)
At Sec. 155.222, we previously established a process for HHS to
approve vendors to offer training and information verification services
through which State licensed agents and brokers could complete the
training requirements necessary to assist consumers seeking coverage
through the FFEs. As part of an approved training and information
verification program, we stated that the vendor must require agents and
brokers to successfully complete identity proofing, provide identifying
information, and successfully complete the required curriculum.
Further, we established that no vendor training program would be
recognized unless it included an information verification component
under which the vendor confirms the identity and applicable State
licensure of the person who is credited with successful completion of
the training program.
We propose eliminating the Sec. 155.222 requirement that vendors
perform information verification functions, including State licensure
verification and identity proofing. Section 155.220(e) requires an
agent or broker that enrolls qualified individuals through the Exchange
or assists with the submission of applications for financial assistance
through an Exchange to comply with applicable State law, which includes
requirements related to operating as an insurance producer, such as
licensure. We expect that QHP issuers will adhere to the Sec.
156.340(a)(3) requirement to ensure their delegated and downstream
entities, which include affiliated agents and brokers, comply with the
standards of Sec. 155.220 with respect to assisting with enrollments
in QHPs, including the requirement to comply with applicable State law.
The FFE will continue to provide identity proofing services to
facilitate the registration of agents or brokers as required by Sec.
155.220(d)(1). We propose these changes to avoid duplication of
efforts. If QHP issuers are ensuring that their affiliated agents and
brokers are complying with State law, such as licensure, it is not
necessary for vendors to do so as well. Consistent with this proposal,
we propose amending Sec. 155.222(a)(1) to provide that a vendor must
be approved by HHS, and remove the reference to information
verification. We also propose in Sec. 155.222(a)(2) to remove the
requirements that vendors must require agents and brokers to provide
proof of valid State licensure.
Consistent with these changes proposed for Sec. 155.222(a), we
propose amending Sec. 155.222(b)(1) through (5) and (d) to remove
standards for information verification, identity proofing, verification
of agents' and brokers' valid State licensure, and all
[[Page 75528]]
related standards that support these functions. We propose to eliminate
the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (ii) to submit an
application demonstrating prior experience with verification of State
licensure and identity proofing; instead, we propose to combine into
paragraph (b)(1) the existing requirements to demonstrate prior
experience with online training and technical support for a large
customer base. In paragraph (b)(2), we propose to eliminate the
requirement to adhere to HHS specifications for content, format, and
delivery of information verification; separately, in (b)(2), we propose
to include SBE-FP States in the requirement to offer continuing
education units (CEUs) in five FFE States. In paragraph (b)(3), we
propose to eliminate the requirement that vendors collect, store, and
share with HHS all data from agent and broker users of the vendor's
training; instead we propose that vendors would only be required to
collect, store and share with HHS FFE training completion data. In
paragraph (b)(4), we propose to amend the standards for the agreement
that vendors must execute with HHS, to eliminate the requirement that
vendors implement information verification processes. We propose
amending Sec. 155.222(b)(5) and (d) to remove references to
information verification. We solicit comment on the proposals to
eliminate these requirements related to information verification.
We propose adding a paragraph (b)(6) to require vendors to provide
technical support to agent and broker users of the vendor's FFE
training as specified by HHS. Currently, paragraph (b)(1) requires
vendors to demonstrate prior experience with providing technical
support to a large customer base. We propose adding this requirement to
specify that a vendor must provide tier-one help desk support to assist
agents and broker accessing the vendor's FFE training platform from the
CMS Enterprise Portal. Tier-one support includes, for any inquiry
received by the vendor's help desk, intake, initial response, and
resolution of inquiry through a scripted response or re-routing to
another help desk. The scope of inquiries that must be answered through
scripted response will be provided by HHS in guidance. We seek comments
on the requirement that a vendor must provide technical assistance as
specified by HHS to agent and broker users of the vendor's FFE
We note that HHS has the authority to require approved vendors to
provide technical support, as well as FFE training, in accordance with
HHS guidelines and in a manner and format that complies with Section
508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The World Wide Web Consortium's
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA standards is
an alternative that we propose would also be considered an acceptable
national standard for Web site accessibility. For more information see,
the WCAG Web site at
f. Standards Applicable to Certified Application Counselors (Sec.
This proposed rule would also require certified application
counselor organizations to report performance data to an Exchange, in
order to improve the ability of each Exchange to monitor the work of
the organizations it has designated as certified application counselor
organizations. In accordance with the Secretary's authority under
section 1321(a)(1)(A) of the Affordable Care Act to establish standards
related to the operation of Exchanges, we propose to amend Sec.
155.225(b)(1) to provide that certified application counselor
designated organizations must, as a condition of their designation as
certified application counselor organizations by the Exchange, provide
the Exchange with information and data related to the number and
performance of the organization's certified application counselors, and
about the consumer assistance being provided by the organization's
certified application counselors, upon request, in the form and manner
specified by the Exchange.
Section 155.225(b)(1)(ii) already requires certified application
counselor designated organizations to maintain a registration process
and method to track the performance of certified application
counselors, but it does not specify the type of performance information
that must be tracked, nor does it require that information to be
provided to the Exchange.
The proposed requirement would give Exchanges valuable information
to aid in their oversight of certified application counselor programs,
and would help improve Exchanges' understanding of the scope of
consumer assistance being provided in the Exchange service area. The
proposed requirement would also improve the consumer assistance
functions of the Exchange in other significant ways, for example, by
providing information that could help an Exchange focus its outreach
and education efforts, target its recruitment of certified application
counselor organizations, and identify the need for increased technical
assistance and support for certified application counselor
Under this proposal, Exchanges could establish reporting standards
as they determine appropriate based on their own specific needs and
objectives. In States with FFEs, HHS proposes that it would begin
collecting information and data from certified application counselor
designated organizations on a monthly basis beginning in January 2017.
We propose that the kind of information and data that the FFEs would
require from these organizations will include, at a minimum, data
regarding the number of individuals who have been certified by the
organization; the total number of consumers who received application
and enrollment assistance from the organization; and of that number,
the number of consumers who received assistance applying for and
selecting a QHP, enrolling in a QHP, or applying for Medicaid or CHIP.
We anticipate that the monthly reports submitted to the FFEs would
provide information and data from the preceding month, and would be
submitted electronically, through HIOS or another electronic submission
vehicle. We also expect that some of the data that FFEs would require
from certified application counselor designated organizations would be
similar to what is collected from Navigator grantees in the FFEs.\23\
We do not expect this information collection to include consumers' PII.
HHS recognizes the importance of certified application counselors, and
we intend that any FFE information collection would be straightforward
and place little additional burden on certified application counselor
\23\ The data collection requirements for FFE Navigator grantees
in 2015-2016 are specified in the Information Collection Request
(OMB control number 0938-1215) under the Cooperative Agreement to
Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated and State Partnership
Exchanges (see the PRA package associated with 80 FR 36810).
We request comments on this proposal, on the scope of information
and data that Exchanges should collect, and on HHS's specific proposals
for collecting information and data from certified application
counselor organizations in the FFEs, including the proposed scope and
timing of reports by these organizations to the FFEs.
As discussed earlier in this preamble in a parallel proposal to
amend Sec. 155.210(d)(6), we propose to amend Sec. 155.225(g)(4),
which prohibits certified application counselors in all Exchanges from
providing certain kinds of gifts and promotional items to an applicant
or potential enrollee. For the
[[Page 75529]]
same reasons discussed above, we propose to amend Sec. 155.225(g)(4)
consistent with our proposed amendments to Sec. 155.210(d)(6).
We seek comment on all aspects of this proposal
g. Privacy and Security of Personally Identifiable Information (Sec.
Section 155.260(a)(1) refers to insurance affordability programs,
as defined in Sec. 155.20. We propose to make a technical correction
to this paragraph so that Sec. 155.300, which contains the definition
of insurance affordability programs, is referenced instead.
h. Oversight and Monitoring of Privacy and Security Requirements (Sec.
Section 155.280(a) permits HHS to oversee and monitor the FFEs and
non-Exchange entities associated with FFEs to ensure compliance with
the privacy and security standards established and implemented by an
FFE under Sec. 155.260. Section 155.280(a) also provides authority for
HHS to monitor State Exchanges for compliance with the privacy and
security standards established and implemented by the State Exchanges
under Sec. 155.260. We propose amending paragraph (a) to permit HHS to
also oversee and monitor SBE-FPs' compliance with the privacy and
security standards established and implemented by an FFE under Sec.
4. Exchange Functions in the Individual Market: Eligibility
Determinations for Exchange Participation and Insurance Affordability
a. Options for Conducting Eligibility Determinations (Sec. 155.302)
We propose to amend Sec. 155.302(a) by adding an option for an
SBE-FP to satisfy the requirement of conducting eligibility
determinations by relying on HHS to carry out eligibility determination
activity and other requirements within subpart D, through a Federal
platform agreement. We seek comments on this proposal.
b. Eligibility Process (Sec. 155.310(h))
We propose to amend Sec. 155.310(h) related to the requirement
that the Exchange must notify an employer that an employee has been
determined eligible for Exchange financial assistance upon such
determination. This notice serves two main purposes. First, it informs
an employer that it may be liable for the payment assessed under
section 4980H of the Code because one of the employer's employees was
determined eligible for Exchange financial assistance.\24\ Second, it
may reduce an employee's tax liability because in the event an employer
prevails in an employer appeal described in Sec. 155.555, the Exchange
will redetermine the employee's eligibility (including for Exchange
financial assistance) or notify the employee of the requirement to
report changes in eligibility, as discussed in the preamble section
III.F.6.g of this proposed rule. Currently under Sec. 155.310(h), the
Exchange is directed to notify an employer that an employee has been
determined eligible for Exchange financial assistance. We propose to
revise this requirement so that the Exchange must notify an employer
that an employee has been determined eligible for Exchange financial
assistance only if the employee has also enrolled in a QHP through the
Exchange. For purposes of this provision, an employee is determined
eligible for cost-sharing reductions when the employee is determined
eligible for cost-sharing reductions based on income in accordance with
Sec. 155.305(g) or Sec. 155.350(a).
\24\ Only certain employers (called applicable large employers)
are subject to the employer shared responsibility provisions under
section 4980H of the Code. In general, applicable large employers
must either offer minimum essential coverage that is ``affordable''
and that provides ``minimum value'' to their full-time employees
(and their dependents), or make an employer shared responsibility
payment to the IRS if at least one full-time employee receives the
premium tax credit under section 36B of the Code. For more
information on which employers are subject the employer shared
responsibility provisions and under what circumstances an applicable
large employer will be subject to a payment (and how the payments
are calculated), see Shared Responsibility for Employers Regarding
Health Coverage; Final Rule, 79 FR 8544 (Feb. 12, 2014).). Liability
for the employer shared responsibility payment is determined
independently by the IRS. More information on the IRS process can be
found at
We believe this change better reflects the statutory requirement to
send employer notices and will reduce confusion among employers and
employees. The relevant statutes that address the employer notice
requirement contemplate that employer notices will be provided for
enrolled individuals who have been determined eligible for Exchange
financial assistance. Sections 4980H(a)(2) and (b)(1)(B) of the Code
provide that an assessable payment may be imposed on an employer if at
least one full-time employee is certified as having enrolled in a QHP
for which Exchange financial assistance is allowed or paid for the
In the case of an employee who has been determined eligible for
Exchange financial assistance but has not enrolled in a QHP, it would
be inaccurate and confusing to send a notice under Sec. 155.310(h)
because the employer receiving the notice would not be liable for a
payment assessed under section 4980H of the Code if its employee does
not enroll in a QHP through the Exchange (even if the employee could
have received Exchange financial assistance if the employee had
enrolled in a QHP). Futhermore, because sections 36B(b)(1) and
(c)(2)(A) of the Code provide that a premium tax credit amount may not
be allowed for any month in which, as of the first day of the month a
tax filer (or the tax filer's spouse or tax dependent) was not enrolled
in a QHP through the Exchange, a notice under Sec. 155.310(h) serves
no purpose in protecting an employer from potential tax liability under
section 4980H or an employee from tax liability under section 36B when
the employee has been determined eligible for Exchange financial
assistance but has not enrolled in a QHP through the Exchange. We also
propose to revise paragraph (h)(2) so that a notice sent in accordance
with Sec. 155.310(h) must indicate that an employee has been
determined eligible for Exchange financial assistance and has enrolled
in a QHP through the Exchange.
Additionally, for purposes of operational efficiency with regard to
the timing of the employer notification required under paragraph (h),
we propose that the Exchange may choose to either (a) notify employers
on an employee-by-employee basis as eligibility determinations are made
for Exchange financial assistance and enrollment in a QHP through the
Exchange, or (b) notify employers for groups of employees who are
determined eligible for Exchange financial assistance and enroll in a
QHP through the Exchange. Under both options, the Exchange must notify
employers within a reasonable timeframe following any month an employee
was determined eligible for either form of Exchange financial
assistance and enrolled in a QHP, with the goal to notify employers as
soon as possible to provide the greatest benefit to enrollees. We seek
comment on these proposals.
c. Verification Process Related to Eligibility for Insurance
Affordability Programs (Sec. 155.320)
We propose to revise Sec. 155.320(c)(3)(vi) to allow the Exchange
to establish a reasonable threshold at which the Exchange must follow
the alternate verification process for decreases in the annual
household income between the applicant's
[[Page 75530]]
attestation of projected annual household income and the annual income
computed in accordance with Sec. 155.320(c)(3)(ii)(A). The reasonable
threshold would be subject to approval by HHS. Current regulations
require the Exchange to follow the alternate verification process under
Sec. 155.320(c)(3)(vi) if either (1) the attested annual household
income submitted by the consumer is more than 10 percent less than
income data received from trusted data sources, or (2) if no data is
available from trusted data sources. We recognize that many consumers
have difficulty projecting their annual household income and complying
with the verification requirements. Annual household income may
fluctuate year to year and throughout the year, making it difficult for
consumers to project their income for the year ahead. Income data from
trusted data sources can be up to 2 years old. In addition, consumers
with lower incomes have a smaller margin for error in dollar terms
under the current percentage-based threshold. We recognize that the
current threshold of 10 percent may not be adequate to allow for normal
variation in a consumer's annual household income, and may be too
sensitive a threshold in terms of triggering the alternate verification
process. Accordingly, we propose that the Exchange may set a reasonable
threshold for when an applicant enters the alternate verification
process in cases where the applicant's attestation of projected annual
household income is lower than income data received from trusted data
sources. A reasonable standard would allow for a realistic variation in
a consumer's projected annual household income for the year for which
they are seeking coverage from previous years' income data received
from trusted data sources and may be defined in terms of a percentage,
or a percentage and a fixed dollar amount (for example, the greater of
20 percent or $5,000). A threshold set less than 10 percent would not
be a reasonable standard since it would not allow for small projected
reductions in income from a previous year. HHS will provide additional
guidance on what constitutes a reasonable threshold. This proposal
would allow the Exchange to establish a threshold that effectively
maintains program integrity, while minimizing burdens to consumers to
the extent possible. It would also allow the Exchange to make
adjustments in future years as more data becomes available. We seek
comment on this proposal.
In Sec. 155.320(d), we make certain proposals related to
alternative processes relating to verification of enrollment in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan and eligibility for qualifying
coverage in an eligible employer-sponsored plan.
In paragraph (d)(3), we propose to redesignate paragraph (d)(3)(i)
as (d)(3)(ii) and redesignate paragraph (d)(3)(ii) as (d)(3)(i). To
preserve the accuracy of the redesignated paragraph (d)(3)(ii), we
propose to update the cross-reference to paragraph (d)(3)(ii) with
(d)(3)(i), and paragraph (d)(3)(iii) with (d)(4)(i), discussed below.
We also propose to remove paragraph (d)(3)(iii), which requires the
Exchange to select a statistically significant random sample of
applicants for whom the Exchange does not have data as specified in
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) and take steps to contact any
employer identified on the application for the applicant and the
members of his or her household to verify whether the applicant is
enrolled in an eligible employer-sponsored plan or is eligible for
qualifying coverage in an eligible employer-sponsored plan for the
benefit year for which coverage is requested. This process is referred
to as ``sampling.'' We propose to modify this requirement, and describe
that proposal in our discussion of proposed paragraph (d)(4) below. We
believe these amendments to paragraph (d)(3) will organize and simplify
the regulatory text.
We propose to add paragraph (d)(4) concerning a survey of
verification procedures. In paragraph (d)(4), we propose that the
Exchange must follow the procedures described in paragraph (d)(4)(i)
or, in the alternative, for benefit years 2016 and 2017, the Exchange
may follow the procedures specified in paragraph (d)(4)(ii), for any
benefit year for which it does not reasonably expect to obtain
sufficient verification data as described in paragraphs (d)(2)(i)
through (iii). For the purposes of this section, the Exchange
reasonably expects to obtain sufficient verification data for any
benefit year when, for the benefit year, the Exchange is able to obtain
data about enrollment in and eligibility for qualifying coverage in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan from at least one electronic data
source that is available to the Exchange and has been approved by HHS,
based on evidence showing that the data source is sufficiently current,
accurate, and minimizes administrative burden, as described in
paragraph (d)(2)(i).
In paragraph (d)(4)(i), we propose that the Exchange may conduct
sampling. This paragraph is substantially the same as current paragraph
(d)(3)(iii), with three differences. First, we propose to remove the
absolute requirement to conduct sampling, and for benefit years 2016
and 2017, allow the Exchange to implement an alternate process approved
by HHS. This proposal and rationale is described in more detail in the
discussion of paragraph (d)(4)(ii), below. Second, we propose to remove
the language that currently appears in paragraph (d)(3)(iv) since the
relief it provided only applied to eligibility determinations that were
effective before January 1, 2015. Third, we propose to replace two
internal cross-references to paragraph (d)(3)(iii) with appropriate
cross-references to paragraph (d)(4)(i).
We propose moving the sampling requirement from paragraph (d)(3)
and adding it to new paragraph (d)(4) to more accurately reflect the
role of the sampling process. Paragraph (d)(3) contains standards for
``[v]erification procedures'' applicable to all applicants for Exchange
financial assistance. The sampling process, however, does not involve
verification of eligibility information for all applicants, and is
primarily intended to serve as a way for the Exchange to gain insight
into whether consumers provide accurate information on the application
regarding their enrollment in and eligibility for qualifying coverage
in an eligible employer-sponsored plan and the effectiveness of an
Exchange's verification of such information.
In paragraph (d)(4)(ii), we propose to permit an Exchange the
option to implement an alternate process approved by HHS for the
benefit years 2016 and 2017. We believe this option will provide
Exchanges with needed flexibility as verification processes are refined
and employer databases compiled over the next several years, to improve
long-term verification programs. We seek comment on these proposals.
d. Medicare Notices
Over the course of the first two years of Exchange operations, we
have realized the importance of providing notification to enrollees in
coverage through the Exchange of their potential eligibility for
Medicare. We recognize the importance of a smooth transition to
Medicare coverage, and seek comment on whether and how to implement a
notification that an enrollee may have become eligible for Medicare.
For example, for enrollees in an FFE, we are considering ``pop up''
text on for individuals who are going to turn 65 during
the benefit year. We seek comment on this and other ways to promote
smooth coverage transitions.
[[Page 75531]]
5. Exchange Functions in the Individual Market: Enrollment in Qualified
Health Plans
a. Annual Eligibility Redetermination (Sec. 155.335(j))
In the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Annual
Eligibility Redeterminations for Exchange Participation and Insurance
Affordability Programs; Health Insurance Issuer Standards Under the
Affordable Care Act, Including Standards Related to Exchanges final
rule (79 FR 52994, 53000 (Sept. 5, 2014)), we established a renewal and
re-enrollment hierarchy at Sec. 155.335(j) to minimize potential
enrollment disruptions. To further minimize potential disruptions of
enrollee eligibility for cost-sharing reductions, we propose to amend
Sec. 155.335(j)(1) to create a new re-enrollment hierarchy for all
enrollees in a silver-level QHP that is no longer available for re-
enrollment. Specifically, if such an enrollee's current silver-level
QHP is not available and the enrollee's current product no longer
includes a silver-level QHP available through the Exchange, the
enrollee's coverage would be renewed in a silver-level QHP in the
product offered by the same issuer that is the most similar to the
enrollee's current product, rather than in a plan one metal level
higher or lower than his or current silver-level QHP, but within the
same product. Transitioning enrollees in this manner is an
operationally efficient way of maintaining continuity for enrollees
eligible for cost-sharing reductions, and, because the benchmark plans
for establishing the amount of the premium tax credit for which an
eligible taxpayer is eligible is a silver-level plan, continued
enrollment in a silver-level plan, as opposed to enrollment in a plan
at a different metal level but in the same product is likely to be more
consumer protective. We request comment on this proposal, including the
best means of determining which product is most similar to the
enrollee's current product. We also seek comment on whether the
hierarchy should permit a QHP enrollee to be automatically re-enrolled
into a plan not available through an Exchange, and under what
circumstances such a re-enrollment should occur.
In the 2016 Payment Notice proposed rule, we also noted that we are
exploring a change to the re-enrollment hierarchy at Sec. 155.335(j),
which currently prioritizes re-enrollment with the same issuer in the
same or a similar plan. As we discussed in that rulemaking, many
consumers place a high value on low premiums when selecting a plan, and
the approach we were exploring would recognize that plans that have
competitively priced premiums in one year may not continue to be the
most competitively priced in subsequent years. As a result, default
enrollment in the same or similar plan may sometimes encourage
consumers to remain in plans that are significantly more expensive than
the lowest cost plans available to the enrollee.
We are considering an approach under which an enrollee in an FFE
would be offered a choice of re-enrollment hierarchies at the time of
initial enrollment, and could thereby opt into being re-enrolled by
default for the subsequent year into a low-cost plan, rather than his
or her current plan or the plan specified in the current re-enrollment
hierarchy. The alternative enrollment hierarchy could be triggered if
the enrollee's current plan's premium increased from the prior year, or
increased relative to the premium of other similar plans (such as plans
of the same metal tier), by more than a threshold amount, such as 5
percent or 10 percent. For example, in those conditions, the enrollee
would be placed into a QHP of the same metal level with the lowest
premium in the enrollee's service area, or perhaps one of three such
QHPs with the lowest premiums, by random allocation or another
appropriate allocation process. As is the case under the existing
approach, a consumer would retain the option to take action to enroll
in a different plan during open enrollment if he or she wished to do
We received a number of comments regarding the discussion in the
2016 Payment Notice proposed rule. Some commenters supported the
approach generally. Other commenters stated that the approach does not
give adequate deference to the plan an enrollee has selected during
open enrollment, or to the impact of cost sharing. A number of
commenters had concerns that consumers may not realize that opting into
a default enrollment hierarchy based on low-cost premiums may result in
other significant changes to their coverage, and emphasized the
importance of education by the Exchanges with respect to this re-
enrollment hierarchy. We received a few alternative ideas for re-
enrollment hierarchies, including basing re-enrollment on factors
consumers identify as most important to them, or basing re-enrollment
on the consumer's original choice of premium. Similarly, one commenter
suggested implementing this approach only for those consumers currently
enrolled in the lowest-cost or second-lowest cost silver plan.
Continuing the discussion in the 2016 Payment Notice, we are
requesting further comment on this concept to update our policy in the
final rule. In particular, we are interested in understanding how to
ensure that consumers understand the increased risk of being re-
enrolled automatically in a plan with a significantly different
provider network, benefits, cost-sharing structure, or service area. We
seek comment on the timing and form of the notice related to plan re-
enrollment that the Federally-facilitated Exchange would provide to
consumers opting in to such an enrollment hierarchy. We seek comment on
whether hierarchies that considered factors other than metal level or
premiums, such as plan type (for example, HMO versus PPO) or network
breadth could help to reduce the risk that consumers are re-enrolled
automatically into a plan that does not suit their needs. We are
interested in comments on what premium growth in the current plan (or
what growth relative to other similar plans) would trigger re-
enrollment into a low-cost plan, and how to determine which enrollees
get assigned to which plans, for example if enrollees are allocated
among one of the three lowest cost QHPs of the metal level in the
enrollee's service area. We seek comment on how best to deal with the
risk of providing small plans with excess enrollment, in order to avoid
destabilizing such plans with a deluge of new enrollments. As we did
last year, we seek comment on how these types of default re-enrollment
procedures have functioned in other programs and settings, and what
lessons can be drawn from those experiences. Finally, we seek comment
on the appropriate timeframe for implementing such an alternative
b. Enrollment of Qualified Individuals into QHPs (Sec. 155.400)
i. Rules for First Month's Premium Payments for Individuals Enrolling
With Regular, Special, and Retroactive Coverage Effective Dates.
We propose to amend Sec. 155.400(e) related to the payment of the
first month's premium (that is, binder payments), including deadlines,
to codify previously released guidance in section 8.2 of the updated
Federally-facilitated Marketplace and Federally-facilitated Small
Business Health Options Program Enrollment Manual,\25\ that specified
our interpretation of these requirements. Specifically, we propose to
amend Sec. 155.400(e)(1)(i) and (ii) to
[[Page 75532]]
provide that, for prospective coverage, the binder payment must consist
of the first month's premium. To provide added flexibility for issuers,
we also would add to the rule to specify that the deadline for a binder
payment related to prospective coverage with a prospective special
effective date, would have to be no earlier than the coverage effective
date and no later than 30 calendar days from the date the issuer
receives the enrollment transaction or the coverage effective date,
whichever is later. This would align the requirement for enrollments
with prospective special effective dates with the requirement for
enrollments with regular effective dates. We propose to add Sec.
155.400(e)(1)(iii) to reflect our interpretation, intended to limit the
risk that issuers would provide retroactive coverage without receiving
sufficient premium payments from enrollees, that applicants requesting
coverage being effectuated under retroactive effective dates, such as
coverage in accordance with a special enrollment period or a successful
eligibility appeal, must pay a binder payment that consists of all
premium due (meaning the premium for all months of retroactive
coverage). If the applicant pays only the premium for one month of
coverage, we propose that the issuer would be required to enroll the
applicant in prospective coverage in accordance with regular effective
dates. We also propose to specify that the deadline for payment of all
premium due must be no earlier than 30 calendar days from the date the
issuer receives the enrollment transaction or notification of the
enrollment. This change to the binder payment rules is intended to
allow issuers flexibility to set a reasonable deadline for enrollees to
submit payment of retroactive premium, the total amount of which may
consist of payment for several months of coverage.
\25\ Available at
Based on our experience implementing the grace period provisions
under our previous rulemaking, particularly in cases involving advance
payments of the premium tax credit, that require full payments of
amounts due to avoid being put in a grace period and to avoid
termination of enrollment, we have identified the need for additional
flexibility for issuers to establish reasonable policies regarding
premium collection that would allow issuers to collect a minimal amount
of premium less than that which is owed without necessarily triggering
the consequences for non-payment of premiums. For example, in the
Exchange Establishment Rule, we established that enrollees receiving
advance payments of the premium tax credit have to pay full payments of
all outstanding premiums owed in order to avoid entering a grace period
or having their coverage terminated. In response to requests from
issuers, we propose to add flexibility to this rule to allow issuers
the option to adopt a premium payment threshold policy to avoid
situations in which an enrollee who owes only a de minimis amount of
premium has his or her enrollment terminated for non-payment of
Accordingly, at new Sec. 155.400(g), we propose to codify a
provision related to premium payment threshold policies, thereby
allowing additional issuer flexibility regarding when amounts collected
will be considered to satisfy the obligation to pay amounts due, so
long as issuers implement such a policy uniformly and without regard to
health status and that the premium payment threshold adopted is
reasonable. This would allow issuers flexibility to effectuate an
enrollment, not to place an enrollee in a grace period for failure to
pay 100 percent of the amount due, or not to terminate enrollments
after exhaustion of the applicable grace period for enrollees who owe
only a small amount of premium within the threshold.
We seek comment on these proposals.
ii. Reliance on HHS To Carry Out Enrollment and Related Functions.
We also propose to amend Sec. 155.400 by adding a new paragraph
(h) to reflect that SBE-FPs must rely on HHS to implement the functions
related to eligibility and enrollment within subpart E, through the
Federal platform agreement. This reflects that eligibility and
enrollment functions must be performed together in the FFE, and that
neither function can be performed separately by an SBE-FPs at this
time. We seek comments on this proposal.
c. Annual Open Enrollment Period (Sec. 155.410)
In Sec. 155.410, we propose to amend paragraph (e), which provides
the dates for the annual open enrollment period in which qualified
individuals and enrollees may apply for or change coverage in a QHP. We
propose to amend paragraph (e)(2) to define the open enrollment period
for coverage year 2017, which would be November 1 through January 31.
We also propose to amend the annual open enrollment period coverage
effective date provisions in paragraphs (f)(2)(i) through (iii) to
include the coverage effective dates for 2017.
We propose this time period and these coverage effective dates to
remain consistent with the 2016 open enrollment period. This time frame
will continue to partially overlap with the annual open enrollment
period for Medicare and most employer offerings, which will benefit
consumers by facilitating smooth transitions between coverage and
creating process efficiencies for issuers handling enrollments and re-
enrollments during the same period. We seek comments on this proposal.
We are also considering defining the open enrollment period for
coverage year 2018, and seek comment on what that period should be. For
example, we could incrementally shift to an earlier open enrollment
period, while maintaining the same duration, such that the open
enrollment period for benefit year 2018 would run from October 15, 2017
through January 15, 2018. Alternatively, we could shift to an earlier
open enrollment period and shorten its duration simultaneously, such
that the open enrollment period would run from October 15, 2017 through
December 15, 2017. We note that open enrollment periods for health
coverage typically end before the end of the year prior to the benefit
year to promote full-year coverage. However, in the short run, as
eligible consumers are learning about their options and the individual
shared responsibility requirement and newly insured consumers are
learning how to re-enroll into coverage for the next benefit year, we
note that there is value in a longer open enrollment period. We would
also face significant operational limitations in moving the beginning
of the open enrollment period to an earlier time. However, if we do not
shift the beginning of the open enrollment period to an earlier date,
ending the period before the end of the year would result in a shorter
open enrollment period. We seek comment on the length, start, and end
of the open enrollment period for 2018 and subsequent years.
d. Special Enrollment Periods (Sec. 155.420)
Special enrollment periods are available to consumers under a
variety of circumstances as described in Sec. 155.420. We seek comment
and any available data on existing special enrollment periods.
In addition, we have heard concerns that these special enrollment
periods may be subject to abuse. We seek comment regarding this, and
data, if available. Elsewhere in this document, we propose an amendment
to Sec. 155.430(b)(2)(vi) that would allow the
[[Page 75533]]
Exchange to initiate cancellation or retroactive termination of an
enrollee's enrollment, after a determination has been made that the
enrollment was due to fraudulent activity. We believe this proposal
would provide us with an important tool for addressing potential gaming
of these rules.
e. Termination of Coverage (Sec. 155.430)
Under our current rules, Sec. 155.430(b)(1) requires an Exchange
to permit an enrollee to cancel or terminate his or her coverage in a
QHP following appropriate notice to the Exchange or the QHP issuer. We
propose to add paragraph (b)(1)(iv) to allow an enrollee to
retroactively cancel or terminate his or her enrollment in a QHP
through the Exchange in the limited circumstances set forth below. For
enrollees whose enrollment or continued enrollment in a QHP resulted
from an error, misconduct, or fraud committed by an entity other than
the enrollee, we aim to increase flexibility under the regulations to
permit such enrollees to avoid the consequences of that entity's
actions by canceling the QHP coverage. To this end, we propose to
redesignate current paragraph (b)(2)(vi) as (b)(2)(vii) and add a new
paragraph (b)(2)(vi) to permit the Exchange to cancel an enrollee's
enrollment in a QHP under certain circumstances. This rule would permit
cancellations of fraudulent enrollments that the Exchange discovers,
even if the enrollee is never aware of the enrollment.
New paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(A) would provide that the enrollee would
be permitted to retroactively terminate his or her coverage or
enrollment if he or she demonstrates to the Exchange that he or she
attempted to terminate his or her coverage or enrollment and
experienced a technical error that did not allow the enrollee to
effectuate termination of his or her coverage or enrollment through the
Exchange. Such an enrollee would have 60 days after he or she
discovered the technical error to request retroactive termination. This
aligns with our standard 60-day window for special enrollment periods.
We propose a new paragraph (d)(9), which would provide that the
retroactive termination date under paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(A) would be no
sooner than 14 days after the earliest date that the enrollee could
demonstrate that he or she contacted the Exchange to terminate his or
her coverage or enrollment through the Exchange, unless the issuer
agrees to an earlier effective date as set forth in Sec.
155.430(d)(2)(iii). This 14-day window aligns with the regulation on
voluntary, enrollee-initiated prospective terminations.
We propose in paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(B) to provide for cancellation
for an enrollee who demonstrates to the Exchange that his or her
enrollment in a QHP through the Exchange was unintentional,
inadvertent, or erroneous and was the result of the error or misconduct
of an officer, employee, or agent of the Exchange or HHS, its
instrumentalities, or a non-Exchange entity providing enrollment
assistance or conducting enrollment activities. Such an enrollee would
have 60 days from the point he or she discovered the unintentional,
inadvertent, or erroneous enrollment to request cancellation, to align
with our standard 60-day special enrollment period window. In
determining whether an enrollee has demonstrated to the Exchange that
his or her enrollment meets the criteria for cancellation under this
paragraph, the Exchange would examine the totality of the circumstances
surrounding the enrollment, such as whether the enrollee was enrolled
in other minimum essential coverage at the time of his or her QHP
enrollment and whether he or she submitted claims for services rendered
to the QHP. These factors would serve to indicate the intentions of the
enrollee and whether the enrollment really was undesired and would be
weighed in making a determination whether a cancellation is warranted.
This approach offers a broad and fair analysis of the enrollee's
intentions and balances the interests and protection of consumers with
the interests of issuers. For example, we believe that, without
additional evidence to the contrary, one reasonably could assume that
an enrollee who was enrolled in other minimum essential coverage at the
time of his or her QHP enrollment and who submitted no claims to that
QHP likely did not intend to enroll in such QHP. Conversely, claims
submitted by an enrollee to the QHP would weigh against the enrollee's
request for cancellation because, barring contrary evidence, the
Exchange would view submittal of such claims to constitute a
ratification of the enrollee's contract with the QHP issuer, even if
the enrollee did not intend to enroll in QHP coverage. We seek comment
on what other factors are indicative of an enrollee's bona fide intent
and can limit ``gaming,'' and should be considered in this analysis.
In paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(C), we propose to allow cancellations for
enrollees who are enrolled in a QHP without their knowledge or consent
due to the fraudulent activity of any third party, including third
parties who have no connection with the Exchange. Such an enrollee
would have 60 days from the point at which he or she discovered the
fraudulent enrollment to request cancellation, to align with our
standard 60-day special enrollment period window.
New paragraph (d)(10) would provide that for cancellation or
retroactive terminations granted in accordance with paragraphs
(b)(1)(iv)(B) and (C), the cancellation or termination date would be
the original coverage effective date or a later date, as determined
appropriate by the Exchange, based on the circumstances of the
cancellation or termination.
Under our current rules, Sec. 155.430(b)(2) allows the Exchange to
initiate termination of an enrollee's coverage or enrollment in a QHP
through the Exchange, and permits a QHP issuer to terminate such
coverage or enrollment in certain circumstances. Amended paragraph
(b)(2)(ii)(A) reflects the change to Sec. 156.270(d) and (g) that
gives an enrollee who, upon failing to timely pay premium, is receiving
advance payments of the premium tax credit (APTC), a three-month grace
period. The changes to Sec. 156.270 are described in section
``Termination of Coverage or Enrollment for Qualified Individuals'' of
the preamble.
We propose in new paragraph (b)(2)(vi) that the Exchange could
cancel an enrollee's enrollment that the Exchange determines was due to
fraudulent activity, including fraudulent activity by a third party
with no connection with the Exchange.
New paragraph (d)(11) would provide that for cancellations granted
in accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(vi), the cancellation date would be
the original coverage effective date. The Exchange only would send the
cancellation transaction following reasonable notice to the enrollee
(recognizing that where no contact information is available that notice
may be impossible or impracticable).
Our current guidance recognizes that at some point, the Exchange
must discontinue the ability for enrollees to retroactively adjust
coverage for the preceding coverage year. To this end, we are
considering codifying a deadline for requesting cancellations or
retroactive terminations. We seek comment on these proposals.
6. Appeals of Eligibility Determinations for Exchange Participation and
Insurance Affordability Programs
a. General Eligibility Appeals Requirements (Sec. 155.505)
In Sec. 155.505, we make certain proposals related to the general
[[Page 75534]]
eligibility appeals requirements. Currently, paragraph (b)(1) of this
section states that an applicant or enrollee has the right to appeal an
eligibility determination made in accordance with subpart D. This right
includes the right to appeal determinations of eligibility for QHP
enrollment periods, such as special enrollment periods. To clarify the
scope of applicants' and enrollee's right to appeal, we are proposing
to add paragraph (b)(1)(iii) which would more explicitly state that
applicants and enrollees have the right to appeal a determination of
eligibility for an enrollment period. This change would apply to
appeals provided by the HHS appeals entity and a State Exchange appeals
Similarly, we propose new paragraph (b)(5) to clarify that
applicants and enrollees have the right to appeal a decision issued by
the State Exchange appeals entity. Section 155.520(c) already provides
that an appellant who disagrees with a decision of a State Exchange
appeals entity may request an appeal to the HHS appeals entity within
30 days of the notice of appeal decision. New paragraph (b)(5) would
clarify applicants' and enrollees' existing right to appeal any
decision issued by a State Exchange appeals entity in accordance with
Sec. 155.545(b), in addition their right to appeal a denial of a
request to vacate a dismissal made by a State Exchange appeals entity,
as described in Sec. 155.505(b)(4).
Finally, in paragraph (b)(4), we propose to correct a typographical
error by replacing the word ``or'' with the word ``of,'' and to replace
``pursuant to'' with ``under,'' so the last clause of the paragraph
would read, ``. . . made under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section. .
.''. We seek comment on these proposals.
b. Appeals Coordination (Sec. 155.510)
We propose to revise Sec. 155.510(a)(1) to give the appeals entity
and agencies administering insurance affordability programs more
flexibility in obtaining documentation and information from appellants.
To minimize burden on appellants, Sec. 155.510(a)(1) currently
prohibits the appeals entity or agency administering insurance
affordability programs from asking an appellant to provide information
or documentation that the appellant already provided. However, when
such information or documentation is not available to the appeals
entity or agency, this provision may also prevent the appeals entity or
agency from obtaining information that is necessary to properly
adjudicate the appellant's appeal. As a result, the appeals entity is
deprived of documentation that could support a decision favorable to
the appellant.
Accordingly, we propose to revise paragraph (a)(1) to allow the
appeals entity, the Exchange, or the agency administering insurance
affordability programs to request information or documentation from the
appellant that the appellant already has provided if the agency does
not have access to such information or documentation and cannot
reasonably obtain it. We believe this revision balances the need to
minimize the burden on the appellant as well as the need to ensure that
all information necessary for the appellant's appeal is available to
the appeals entity, Exchange, or agency administering the insurance
affordability program, which ultimately will inure to the appellant's
benefit by helping to ensure a correct appeal decision and eligibility
determination. We seek comment on this proposal.
c. Appeal Requests (Sec. 155.520)
We propose to add paragraph (d)(2)(i)(D), concerning appellants
whose appeal request is determined invalid for failure to request an
appeal by the date determined in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section.
Currently, when an appellant's request is invalid because it is
untimely, it is not possible for the appellant to cure the defect as
contemplated under Sec. 155.520(d)(2)(i)(C). Therefore, the appeals
entity dismisses the appeal in accordance with Sec. 155.530(a)(3). If
the appellant makes a written request within 30 days of the date of the
notice of dismissal showing good cause why the dismissal should be
vacated, the appeals entity must vacate the dismissal in accordance
with Sec. 155.530(d). Accordingly, an appellant who shows good cause
why his or her appeal should proceed even though the appeal request was
untimely (for example, an appellant who was unable to submit a timely
appeal request because he or she was hospitalized with a serious
condition) currently may proceed with an appeal, but the process is
This proposed addition of (d)(2)(i)(D) would require the appeals
entity to notify an appellant that, in the event the appeal request is
invalid because it was not timely submitted, the appeal request may be
considered valid if the applicant or enrollee demonstrates within a
reasonable timeframe determined by the appeals entity that failure to
timely submit was due to exceptional circumstances and should not
preclude the appeal. This would allow the appellant to demonstrate
before the appeal is dismissed that failure to submit a timely appeal
request was due to exceptional circumstances constituting good cause
why the appeal should proceed, which would minimize burden on the
appellant as well as administrative burden on the appeals entity.
The appeals entity may determine what constitutes an exceptional
circumstance that should not preclude an appeal notwithstanding the
appellant's failure to timely submit an appeal request. An appeals
entity may, for instance, find that circumstances making timely
submission impossible constitute an exceptional circumstance. A weather
emergency, such as a blizzard, a hurricane or a tornado, may cause
power outages making it impossible to prepare, mail, or fax appeal
requests to the appeals entity. Similarly, such disasters may cause
consumers to lose access to the documents they need to complete and
submit appeal requests. Likewise, if a consumer suffers a catastrophic
medical event and is consequently unable to submit an appeal request on
time, the appeals entity may determine that this constitutes an
exceptional circumstance under the proposed exception.
The appeals entity may also determine what is considered a
reasonable timeframe for an appellant to demonstrate an exceptional
circumstance. For example, if an appellant was unable to send an appeal
request on time due to a snow storm and power outage and sent the
request four months after the snow storm and power outage had been
resolved, the appeals entity may find that the appellant experienced an
exceptional circumstance as contemplated by this proposed rule, but
that the appellant waited an unreasonable amount of time to demonstrate
it. Without such flexibility for the appeals entity, appellants who
experienced an exceptional circumstance would have an unlimited amount
of time to request that the appeals entity consider their appeal. We
seek comment on this proposal.
d. Dismissals (Sec. 155.530)
We propose to revise Sec. 155.530(a)(4) to allow an appeal to
continue when an appellant dies if the executor, administrator, or
other duly authorized representative of the estate requests to continue
the appeal. We seek comment on this proposal.
e. Informal Resolution and Hearing Requirements (Sec. 155.535)
In Sec. 155.535, we propose amendments to the informal resolution
and notice of hearing requirements. In Sec. 155.535(a),
[[Page 75535]]
we propose a change to clarify that the requirements of the informal
resolution process described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) apply to
both the HHS appeals entity and a State Exchange appeals entity.
In Sec. 155.535(b), we propose providing two exceptions to the
requirement that the appeals entity must send written notice to the
appellant of the date, time, and location or format of the hearing no
later than 15 days prior to the hearing date. In paragraph (b)(1), we
propose an exception when an appellant requests an earlier hearing
date. Currently, the 15-day notice requirement prevents an appellant
from selecting a hearing date within 15 days even if such a date is
available and desired by the appellant. In paragraph (b)(2), we propose
an exception to the notice requirement under paragraph (b) when a
hearing date sooner than 15 days is necessary to process an expedited
appeal, as described in Sec. 155.540(a), and the appeals entity and
appellant have mutually agreed to the date, time, and location or
format of the hearing. If finalized, this amendment would create
efficiency for the appeals process as a whole and create a more
agreeable experience for the appellant. In addition, it would allow for
an earlier hearing when there is an immediate need for a health
service. We seek comment on these proposals.
f. Appeal Decisions (Sec. 155.545)
We propose several changes to Sec. 155.545. In paragraph (b)(1),
we propose to remove the third appearance of the word ``of'' to correct
a typographical error. We also propose to revise paragraph (c)(1)(i) to
include cross references to Sec. 155.330(f)(4) and (5), which discuss
effective dates for certain special enrollment periods described in
Sec. 155.420. This change aligns with our proposed change Sec.
155.505(b) to clarify that applicants and enrollees have the right to
appeal a determination of eligibility for an enrollment period.
Finally, we propose to revise Sec. 155.545(c)(1)(ii) so that the
coverage effective date for eligible appellants requesting a
retroactive appeal decision effective date is the coverage effective
date that the appellant did receive or would have received if the
appellant had enrolled in coverage under the incorrect eligibility
determination that is the subject of the appeal. This is consistent
with the coverage effective dates consumers receive in comparable
situations when given the option for retroactive coverage, such as in
the case of certain special enrollment periods. We seek comment on this
g. Employer Appeals Process (Sec. 155.555)
We also propose to amend Sec. 155.555(l) to give the Exchange more
operational flexibility in implementing an employer appeal decision.
Currently under Sec. 155.555(l), when an employer appeal decision
affects an employee's eligibility, the Exchange is directed to
redetermine the employee's eligibility and the eligibility of the
employee's household members, if applicable. An employer's appeal
decision may affect an employee's eligibility when the employer
prevails in the appeal by establishing that it does offer the employee
employer-sponsored coverage that meets the minimum value standard and
is affordable for the employee, and the HHS appeals entity therefore
finds that the employee is not eligible for Exchange financial
We propose to amend Sec. 155.555(l) by revising paragraph (l) and
adding paragraphs (l)(1) and (2). Under proposed paragraph (l), after
receipt of the notice under paragraph (k)(3) of this section, the
Exchange must follow the requirements in either paragraph (l)(1) or (2)
if the appeal decision affects the employee's eligibility. Under
proposed paragraph (l)(1), the Exchange must promptly redetermine the
employee's eligibility and the eligibility of the employee's household
members, if applicable, in accordance with the standards specified in
Sec. 155.305, as currently provided in paragraph (l). Under proposed
paragraph (l)(2), the Exchange must promptly notify the employee of the
requirement to report changes in eligibility as described in Sec.
155.330(b)(1). The FFE intends to implement the latter procedure to
give employees the opportunity to report any additional changes in
their eligibility information to help ensure the most accurate
redetermination of eligibility for insurance affordability programs. We
believe this amendment will also give the Exchange greater operational
Additionally, we propose to make a technical correction to Sec.
155.555(e)(1) by removing the cross-reference to paragraph (d)(3) of
this section, which does not exist, and replacing it with paragraph
(d)(1)(iii). We seek comment on these proposals.
7. Exchange Functions in the Individual Market: Eligibility
Determinations for Exemptions
a. Eligibility Standards for Exemptions (Sec. 155.605)
We are proposing to clarify and streamline policies related to
exemptions and are proposing to amend Sec. 155.605 to reflect those
changes. The proposed changes will simplify and streamline the process
for members of health care sharing ministries, members of Indian
tribes, and incarcerated individuals by directing consumers solely to
the tax filing process to claim these exemptions. To claim one of these
exemptions on a tax return, the individual needs only to file IRS Form
8965, Health Coverage Exemptions, with his or her tax return.
Presently, the Exchange process requires that an application be
submitted to the Exchange, and the Exchange review, process, and
respond to the application. If the individual does not complete the
Exchange application with all required information, the individual will
be asked to submit the missing information before the application can
be processed. The follow-up steps may result in a significant delay to
the individual's application if he or she does not submit the
information on a timely basis. Further, the Exchange may only grant
certain exemptions on a retrospective basis so that the individual may
need to submit multiple applications throughout the year. Finally, the
Exchange may not grant exemptions for members of health care sharing
ministries and individuals who were incarcerated for the previous year
if the individual requests the exemption after December 31 of the
previous year. This adds confusion when many individuals are preparing
their tax returns, assessing their exemption eligibility and
discovering that they can apply with the Exchange. Corresponding
requirements do not exist in the tax return process; consumers simply
claim the exemption on IRS Form 8965 when filing the tax return.
Therefore, we propose that the Exchange would no longer make
eligibility determinations for exemptions based on membership in a
health care sharing ministry, membership in an Indian tribe, or
incarceration status, and therefore propose to delete paragraphs (d)
through (f). We propose to redesignate paragraph (g) as paragraph (d).
We also propose to add a new paragraph (e), under which we propose
that certain exemptions authorized under Section 5000(A) of the
Internal Revenue Code may be claimed during the tax filing process
without obtaining an exemption certificate number (ECN) from the
Exchange. In previous guidance, we identified these exemptions and
provided that they may be claimed on a tax return without obtaining an
ECN.\26\ The IRS has also
[[Page 75536]]
published guidance identifying these exemptions, and allowing eligible
individuals to claim the exemption without first obtaining an ECN.\27\
These proposed regulations codify our prior guidance.
\26\ HHS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Shared
Responsibility Guidance-Filing Threshold Hardship Exemption (Sept.
18, 2014), available at
\27\ Notice 2014-76, 2014-50 I.R.B. 946 (December 8, 2014),
available at
An ECN is not required for an exemption that can be claimed on a
tax return. Rather, an individual can simply list the appropriate code
to claim the exemption per the instructions to Form 8965. The varying
requirements between the IRS and the Exchange exemption processes may
cause confusion for applicants. Further, we intend to permit
individuals who have already been granted an ECN from the Exchange on a
continuing basis (such as for members of Federally recognized tribes or
individuals eligible for services through an Indian health care
provider) to use their ECN on their Federal income tax return to claim
this exemption until such time that they no longer are eligible for
this exemption. An individual will be able to obtain information about
his or her ECN after the Exchange ceases processing tribal membership
exemptions. We also propose a clarifying amendment to Sec. 155.605(b)
to remove the cross-reference to paragraphs (f)(2) and (g) and replace
it with paragraphs (c)(2) and (d). We seek comment on all aspects of
this proposal.
We propose to redesignate Sec. 155.605(g), which discusses
hardship exemptions, as Sec. 155.605(d), and reorganize and revise the
newly redesignated paragraph (d). In newly redesignated Sec.
155.605(d)(1), we propose to limit the amount of time a general
hardship exemption may cover to the remainder of the calendar year from
the date the hardship commenced plus the next calendar year, plus the
month before the hardship began. We believe that such a maximum period
for the hardship exemption provides the individual with a sufficient
period of time during which he or she will be covered by the exemption,
and sufficient time for the individual to recover from the hardship. We
propose that an individual would need to submit a new hardship
exemption application to the Exchange to request subsequent hardship
exemptions on the same basis, however the Exchange may use the proof of
hardship submitted with the previous application as long as it is
within 3 years of an individual's initial application for the hardship
exemption. We propose that individuals would not be required to submit
additional proof within 3 years of their initial application because we
believe that this proof would be sufficiently current to support an
additional exemption application. We seek comment on this proposal, in
particular with respect to the timeframes--both the maximum timeframe
for the length of the hardship exemption, and the 3-year timeline for
submission of new supporting evidence.
Next, we propose to revise newly redesignated Sec. 155.605(d)(2)
to set out specific examples of events and circumstances that qualify
an individual for a hardship exemption under the umbrella of the
general set of events and circumstances described under newly
redesignated Sec. 155.605(d)(1). We note that these specific proposed
criteria are not intended to limit the Exchange's ability to determine
individuals' eligibility for a hardship exemption based on other
criteria provided through guidance, covering a specified duration, such
as the exemption available to individuals enrolled in CHIP Buy-In plans
in 2014. The specific illustrative criteria we propose to add are:
Eviction or facing eviction or foreclosure;
Received a shut-off notice from a utility company;
Experienced domestic violence;
Experienced the death of a family member;
Experienced a fire, flood or other nature or human-caused
disaster that caused substantial damage to your property;
Filed for bankruptcy;
Experienced unexpected increases in necessary expenses due
to caring for an ill, disabled or aging family member;
Seeking categorical Medicaid eligibility under section
1902(f) of the Social Security Act (the Act) for ``209(b)'' States
(codified at Sec. 435.121);
Seeking Medicaid coverage provided to medically needy
individuals under section 1902(a)(10(C) of the Act that is not included
as government-sponsored minimum essential coverage under IRS
regulations and not recognized as MEC by the Secretary of HHS in
accordance with the CMS State Health Official (SHO) Letter #14-002;
Enrolled in Medicaid coverage provided to a pregnant woman
that is not included as government-sponsored minimum essential coverage
under IRS regulations and not recognized as minimum essential coverage
by the Secretary of HHS in accordance with CMS SHO #14-002;
Enrolled in CHIP coverage provided to an unborn child that
includes comprehensive prenatal care for the pregnant mother; or
As a result of an eligibility appeals decision the
individual is eligible for enrollment in a qualified health plan
through the Exchange, lower costs on the individual's monthly premiums
or CSRs for a time period when the individual was not enrolled in a QHP
through the Exchange. These criteria were previously laid out in
Exchange guidance, and capture many of the reasons why an individual
has requested a hardship exemption to date. We seek comment on this
We propose to revise newly redesignated paragraph (d)(3) to require
that a hardship event or circumstance must have occurred within 3 years
from the date of the individual's hardship application submitted to the
Exchange. This proposed paragraph is in line with the requirement that
an Exchange may only accept an application for a hardship exemption up
to 3 calendar years after the month or months during which the
applicant attests that the hardship occurred under Sec. 155.610(h).
The same hardship event or circumstance may qualify an individual for
two ECNs that cover a period of 4 years total.
For example, assume an individual experiences a hardship event in
January 2015 and submits a hardship application to the Exchange in
February 2015. If the individual otherwise qualifies for the exemption,
the individual may be granted an ECN spanning December 2014 through
December 2016. If the individual submits a second hardship application
in January 2017 noting that the exemption is requested for the same
event covered by the original ECN that occurred in January 2015, the
individual may be granted a second ECN that extends through December
Next, consider an individual who experiences a hardship event in
January 2015 and submits a hardship application to the Exchange in
January 2018. The individual is eligible for a hardship exemption from
December 2014 through December 2016, and the individual may request a
second ECN to cover through December 2018.
Finally, consider an individual who experiences a hardship event in
January 2015 and submits a hardship application to the Exchange in
January 2019. The individual is not eligible for an exemption for the
January 2015 event because it happened more than 3 years from the date
of the individual's exemption application. However, if the individual
can show the Exchange that
[[Page 75537]]
the event continued or a new hardship qualifying event occurred anytime
from January 2016 to January 2019, the individual would be eligible for
a hardship exemption. We seek comment on this proposal and on whether 3
years is the appropriate length of time, or whether a shorter period is
In addition, we propose to amend newly redesignated Sec.
155.605(d)(5), which provides an exemption for a calendar year to an
individual who has been determined ineligible for Medicaid for one or
more months during a benefit year solely as a result of a State not
implementing section 2001(a) of the Affordable Care Act. We propose to
remove the requirement to obtain an eligibility determination from the
individual's appropriate State Medicaid office. Instead, we propose
that this exemption be made available to an individual who would be
determined ineligible for Medicaid for one or more months during a
benefit year solely as a result of a State not implementing section
2001(a) of the Affordable Care Act. By removing the requirement to
obtain a Medicaid determination, we believe that we are reducing State
administrative costs and are alleviating a significant burden on
individuals who do not request this exemption until the previous
calendar year has passed and are therefore unable to obtain a Medicaid
determination for the previous year. We anticipate that this proposed
change will simplify the process for filing an exemption application
with the Exchange. We seek comment on this proposal.
Finally, we propose Sec. 155.605(e)(4) to allow individuals to
claim the exemption described in section F of I.R.S. Notice 2014-76
(Dec. 8, 2014), relating to certain individuals who reside in a State
that did not expand Medicaid eligibility, on their Federal income tax
return without first obtaining an ECN from the Exchange. We propose to
allow this exemption to be claimed beginning for the 2015 tax year so
that there is no gap in the ability for consumers to claim this
exemption on a tax return.
b. Required Contribution Percentage (Sec. 155.605(e)(3))
Under section 5000A of the Code, an individual must have minimum
essential coverage for each month, qualify for an exemption, or make a
shared responsibility payment with his or her Federal income tax
return. Under section 5000A(e)(1) of the Code, an individual is exempt
if the amount that he or she would be required to pay for minimum
essential coverage (the required contribution) exceeds a particular
percentage (the required contribution percentage) of his or her actual
household income for a taxable year. In addition, under Sec.
155.605(g)(2) (redesignated as Sec. 155.605(d)(2)), an individual is
exempt if his or her required contribution exceeds the required
contribution percentage of his or her projected household income for a
year. Finally, under Sec. 155.605(g)(5) (redesignated as Sec.
155.605(d)(5)), certain employed individuals are exempt if, on an
individual basis, the cost of individual coverage is less than the
required contribution percentage, but the aggregate cost of individual
coverage through employers exceeds the required contribution
percentage, and no family coverage is available through an employer at
a cost less than the required contribution percentage.
Section 5000A established the 2014 required contribution percentage
at 8 percent. For plan years after 2014, section 5000A(e)(1)(D) of the
Code and 26 CFR 1.5000A-3(e)(2)(ii) provide that the required
contribution percentage is the percentage determined by the Secretary
that reflects the excess of the rate of premium growth between the
preceding calendar year and 2013, over the rate of income growth for
that period.
In the 2015 Market Standards Rule (79 FR 30302), we established a
methodology for determining the excess of the rate of premium growth
over the rate of income growth for plan years after 2014. We also said
future adjustments would be published annually in the HHS notice of
benefit and payment parameters.
Under the HHS methodology, the rate of premium growth over the rate
of income growth for a particular calendar year is the quotient of (x)
1 plus the rate of premium growth between the preceding calendar year
and 2013, carried out to ten significant digits, divided by (y) 1 plus
the rate of income growth between the preceding calendar year and 2013,
carried out to ten significant digits.\28\
\28\ We also defined the required contribution percentage at
Sec. 155.600(a) to mean the product of 8 percent and the rate of
premium growth over the rate of income growth for the calendar year,
rounded to the nearest one-hundredth of one percent.
As the measure of premium growth for a calendar year, we
established in the 2015 Market Standards Rule that we would use the
premium adjustment percentage. The premium adjustment percentage is
based on projections of average per enrollee employer-sponsored
insurance premiums from the National Health Expenditure Accounts
(NHEA), which are calculated by the CMS Office of the Actuary. \29\ In
Sec. 156.130 of this proposed rule, we propose the 2017 premium
adjustment percentage of 1.1325256291 (or about 13.3 percent) over the
period from 2013 to 2016. This reflects an increase of about 5.1
percent for 2015-2016.
\29\ For any given year the premium adjustment percentage is the
percentage (if any) by which the most recent NHEA projection of per
enrollee employer-sponsored insurance premiums for the current year
exceeds the most recent NHEA projection of per enrollee employer-
sponsored insurance premiums for 2013.
As the measure of income growth for a calendar year, we established
in the 2015 Market Standards Rule that we would use per capita Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), using the projections of per capita GDP used
for the NHEA, which is calculated by the Office of the Actuary.
However, as noted in the 2015 Market Standards Rule (79 FR 30304),
we stated that we would consider alternative measures of income and
premium growth should projections of those measures become available.
As part of its projections of National Health Expenditures, the Office
of the Actuary published projections of personal income (PI) for the
first time in September 2014 and subsequently in July 2015. As a
result, we are considering substituting this new measure of per capita
PI for per capita GDP in the calculation for the required contribution
percentage. We believe per capita PI better aligns with the statutory
intent of measuring the income of an individual than per capita GDP.
The projections of PI published by the Office of the Actuary are
consistent with the measure published by the Bureau of Economic
Analysis, which reflects income received by individuals from all
sources, including income from participation in production.
Specifically, it includes compensation of employees (received),
supplements to wages and salaries, proprietors' income with adjustments
for inventory valuation and capital consumption, personal income
receipts on assets, rental income, and personal current transfer
receipts, less contributions for government social insurance.
The Office of the Actuary's PI projection is generated using the
University of Maryland's Long Term Inter-industry Forecasting Tool. The
Long Term Inter-industry Forecasting Tool model is a macro-economic
model that is based on the historical relationships that exist between
PI growth, GDP growth, and changes in other macro-economic variables.
For instance, the correlation between PI and GDP is influenced by
fluctuations in
[[Page 75538]]
taxes and government transfer payments, depreciation of capital stock,
and retained earnings and transfer payments of private business.\30\
Estimates of GDP in the NHE projections reflect economic assumptions
from the 2015 Medicare Trustees Report and are updated to incorporate
the latest available consensus data from the monthly Blue Chip Economic
Indicators. These same economic assumptions are used for producing
projections of PI and employer-sponsored insurance premiums, so using
this estimate will generate an internally consistent estimate of the
growth in premiums relative to growth in income. We welcome comments on
whether to substitute per capita PI for per capita GDP in the
calculation to establish the rate of income growth for the required
contribution percentage.
\30\ Projections of PI and GDP are available from Table 1 at:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. National Health
Expenditure Data: Projected.
We will continue to consider other changes to the measures of
income per capita and premium growth as additional information becomes
available and as we gain experience with the current measures, and seek
comment on other indices that we should develop or consider. For
example, we have considered a measure of per capita personal income
that does not include government transfers such as social security,
Medicare, and Medicaid. We welcome comments on whether we should seek
to develop such a measure of income, and whether we should use this or
another alternative measure to establish the rate of income growth for
the required contribution percentage.
Since updating the required contribution percentage for 2017
requires calculating the cumulative difference between premium growth
and income growth between the preceding calendar year and 2013, we
propose to replace per capita GDP with per capita PI for all years
beginning in 2013 and then calculate cumulative income growth through
2016. We propose this retrospective approach as it allows for
consistency across all years with the most recent data available. We
note that potential future changes based on new data that are not
available for 2013 may be made on a prospective basis.
Under this proposal, using the NHEA data, the rate of income growth
for 2017 is the percentage (if any) by which the most recent projection
of per capita PI for the preceding calendar year ($49,875 for 2016)
exceeds the per capita PI for 2013, ($44,925), carried out to ten
significant digits. The total rate of income growth for the 3-year
period from 2013-2016 is estimated to be 1.1101836394 (or about 11.0
percent). This reflects an increase of about 2.68 percent for 2015-
Thus, using the proposed 2017 premium adjustment percentage, the
excess of the rate of premium growth over the rate of income growth for
2013-2016 is 1.1325256291/1.1101836394, or 1.0201245892. This results
in a required contribution percentage for 2017 of 8.00*1.0201245892, or
8.16 percent, when rounded to the nearest one-hundredth of one percent,
an increase of 0.37 percentage points from 2016. The required
contribution percentage is also used for 36B(b)(3)(A) and (c)(2)(C).
c. Eligibility Process for Exemptions (Sec. 155.610)
In Sec. 155.610, we propose to delete a cross-reference and add a
paragraph about the handling of incomplete exemption applications
received by the Exchange.
First, we propose to strike the cross-reference to paragraph (f) in
Sec. 155.610(h)(1) as we propose elsewhere in this proposed rule that
the Exchange will no longer process exemption applications related to
membership in an Indian tribe.
Second, we propose to add new paragraph Sec. 155.610(k) regarding
how the Exchange will handle incomplete exemption applications
submitted to the Exchange. We propose that the Exchange will handle
incomplete exemption applications similarly to how it handles
incomplete health coverage applications under Sec. 155.310(k).
Specifically, when the Exchange receives an application that does not
contain sufficient information to make an eligibility determination,
the Exchange will: (1) Provide notice to the applicant indicating that
information necessary to complete an eligibility determination is
missing, specifying the missing information, and providing instructions
on how to provide the missing information; (2) provide the applicant
with a period of no less than 10 and no more than 90 days starting from
the date on which the notice is sent to the applicant to provide the
information needed to complete the application to the Exchange; and (3)
if the Exchange does not receive the requested information, the
Exchange will notify the applicant that the Exchange will not process
the application and will provide appeal rights to the applicant. We
seek comment on this proposal.
d. Verification Process Related to Eligibility for Exemptions (Sec.
In Sec. 155.615, we propose deletions related to exemptions that
we are proposing elsewhere in this proposed rule to remove from the
Exchange exemption eligibility determination process, and an addition
to align with newly added paragraphs pertaining to a general hardship
First, we propose conforming edits to delete Sec. 155.615(c), (d),
(e), and (f)(3) in accordance with our proposal to remove the option to
obtain an ECN from the Exchange for certain exemptions.
Next, we propose to add paragraph Sec. 155.615(c)(2) to align with
the 3-year time frame requirement proposed in Sec. 155.605(d)(3). We
propose that if the hardship-qualifying event or circumstance in Sec.
155.605(d)(1) began more than 3 years from the date the exemption
application was submitted, and if the event or circumstance continued
beyond the initial 3-year period, the Exchange must verify the
applicant continued to experience the hardship to which he or she is
attesting during a period that is within 3 years from the date of the
exemption application submitted under Sec. 155.605(d)(1). We believe
that this requirement places minimum burden on the applicant while
ensuring that the Exchange appropriately meets the requirements in
paragraph (c)(1) of this section under the proposed 3-year time frame
in Sec. 155.605(d)(3). We seek comment on this proposal.
e. Options for Conducting Eligibility Determinations for Exemptions
(Sec. 155.625)
We propose to amend Sec. 155.625(a)(2) and (b) to remove the
deadline after which a State Exchange was to be required to process
exemption applications for residents of the State by the start of open
enrollment for 2016, and to permit an Exchange to adopt an exemption
eligibility determination made by HHS indefinitely. Based on HHS's
operation of this service to date, we have determined that the HHS
exemption option is an efficient process for State Exchanges that has
minimized confusion for consumers. This proposed rule follows an FAQ
published on July 28, 2015 in which HHS stated that it will not take
any enforcement action against State Exchanges that continue to use the
HHS service for exemptions beyond the start of open enrollment for
2016. Therefore, we propose to delete paragraphs (b)(1), (2) and (3).
We seek comment on this proposal.
[[Page 75539]]
8. Exchange Functions: Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)
a. Functions of a SHOP (Sec. 155.705)
Sections 155.705(b)(2) and (3) set forth regulations related to
employer choice in SHOPs. We are proposing to add new paragraphs
(b)(3)(viii) and (ix) to specify that the FF-SHOPs would provide
additional options for employer choice for plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017.
For plan years beginning in 2015, employers offering coverage in
certain FF-SHOP States have two options for providing coverage: they
can offer a single plan or they can offer ``horizontal'' choice, in
which an employer selects a single actuarial value coverage level and
makes all plans at that coverage level available to the qualified
employees. These same two options are available to participating
employers in all FF-SHOP States for plan years beginning on or after
January 1, 2016. For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2017,
we propose to add paragraphs (b)(3)(viii) and (ix) to this section to
add an additional employer choice option available to consumers
participating in FF-SHOPs. We are proposing to add a ``vertical
choice'' option for QHPs and SADPs under which employers will be able
to offer qualified employees a choice of all plans across all available
levels of coverage from a single issuer, for plan years beginning on or
after January 1, 2017. We anticipate that this ``vertical choice''
option would be appealing to employers because it gives employees
greater flexibility across coverage levels, and that it may encourage
more issuers to participate in SHOPs because issuers would be able to
offer all of their plans to employees. Issuers may also prefer this
option because it minimizes the risk of adverse selection by limiting
choices to their own plans. By offering multiple plans to an employer,
the issuer may be more likely to enroll a greater share of the
employer's group than if multiple issuers offering coverage in a single
coverage level were vying for members of the group. By doing so, the
issuer would be likely to enroll a more diverse risk pool from the
employer's group, minimizing the risk of adverse selection. We note
that existing SHOP regulations at Sec. 155.705(b)(3)(i)(B) and
(b)(3)(ii)(B) provide State-based SHOPs with the flexibility to provide
employers with vertical choice or other options for providing employer
choice in addition to ``horizontal'' choice, and these amendments would
not affect State-based SHOPs' flexibility in this regard.
We are also seeking comment on whether the FF-SHOPs should make
other employer choice options available. For example, we are
considering allowing participating employers to select an actuarial
value level of coverage, after which employees could choose from plans
available at that level and at the level above it. We also seek comment
on whether to give the State in which the FF-SHOP is operating an
opportunity to recommend whether the FF-SHOP in that State should
implement any additional model of employer choice. Under this approach,
a State regulatory agency, such as the State Department of Insurance,
could submit a letter to the Secretary with a recommendation for the
employer choice models that should be offered in their State, based on
the additional models of employer choice the FF-SHOP has made
available. The FF-SHOP would then evaluate the State's recommendation
and determine whether to make the additional models of employer choice
available in the State. In all States, the FF-SHOPs would continue to
give employers the option of offering a single QHP (or SADP) as well as
the option of offering a choice of all QHPs (or SADPs) at a single
actuarial value level of coverage, and States would not be given an
opportunity to recommend that these options not be implemented in their
We also propose adding a new Sec. 155.705(b)(3)(x) to provide that
the employer choice models that would be available for SBE-FPs
utilizing the Federal platform for SHOP enrollment functions would be
the ones that are available through the FF-SHOP platform, because
employer choice is an integral part of the FF-SHOP platform's
enrollment functionality and system build. If we finalize an approach
under which States with an FF-SHOP would be given an opportunity to
recommend whether the FF-SHOP in that State should implement any
additional models of employer choice that would ultimately be finalized
as a result of these proposals, the same opportunity would be made
available to a State with an SBE-FP.
We propose to amend paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(B) to specify the timeline
under which qualified employers in a FF-SHOP must make initial premium
payments. Specifically, we are proposing to add paragraph
(b)(4)(ii)(B)(1) to specify that in the FF- SHOPs, payment for the
group's first month of coverage must be received by the premium
aggregation services vendor on or before the 20th day of the month
prior to the month that coverage begins. This means electronic payments
must be completed or the premium aggregation services vendor must have
receipt of any hard copy check on or before the 20th day of the month
prior to the month that coverage would begin. HHS currently advises
employers participating in FF-SHOPs to submit initial premium payments
electronically by the 15th of the month prior to the coverage effective
date to ensure that there is sufficient time for the payment to be
cleared. Selecting the 20th of the month provides sufficient time to
cancel coverage prior to the effective date. Under this proposal, if an
initial premium payment is not received by the premium aggregation
services vendor on or before the 20th day of the month prior to the
month that coverage would begin, coverage would not be effectuated. If
this happens, the employer could apply to purchase coverage that would
be effective at the beginning of another month during the year, as
coverage would not have been effectuated. The group would not need to
submit a new application, but would need to select a new coverage
effective date. Therefore, the grace period and reinstatement
opportunities under Sec. 155.735(c)(2) that are provided to groups
that do not make timely payments after coverage has taken effect are
not relevant in this context, and we are proposing amendments to the
introductory language of Sec. 155.735(c)(2) to reflect this.
In circumstances where an FF-SHOPs would be retroactively
effectuating coverage for qualified employer groups, the FF-SHOP would
need to receive payment prior to effectuating coverage. We seek comment
on the timing of when premium payment must be received by an FF-SHOP
when coverage is effectuated retroactively. We are considering a policy
under which payments for the first month's coverage and all months of
the retroactive coverage would have to be received and processed no
later than 30 days after the event that triggers the eligibility for
retroactive coverage. We believe 30 days would provide sufficient time
for groups to make these payments.
In paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(C)(2) of this section, we propose to
correct a cross reference to Sec. 155.705(b)(4)(ii)(B)(1) that should
have been updated to cross-reference Sec. 155.705(b)(4)(ii)(C)(1) when
Sec. 155.705(b)(4)(ii)(A) was added in the 2016 Payment Notice.
We also propose amendments to Sec. 155.705(b)(11)(ii), which
governs employer contributions to premiums in FF-SHOPs and applies to
both medical and dental plans. Section 155.705(b)(11)(ii) currently
states that the FF-SHOP ``must use'' the reference plan contribution
[[Page 75540]]
currently set forth at Sec. 155.705(b)(11)(ii). We propose to amend
this provision to provide for FF-SHOPs to use a ``fixed contribution
methodology,'' in addition to the reference plan methodology set forth
in the current regulation. The amendments would specify that when an
employer decides to offer a single plan to qualified employees, the
employer would be required to use the fixed contribution methodology.
Specifically, when offering a single plan, the employer would
contribute a fixed percentage of the plan's premium for each qualified
employee, and (if applicable) for each dependent of a qualified
employee. This policy for employers offering a single plan is
consistent with what was described in the preamble to the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act; Establishment of Exchanges and
Qualified Health Plans; Small Business Health Options Program
rulemaking (78 FR 33233), in which we explained that when a choice of
plans is not available to the employee, the single QHP offered by the
employer would be the reference plan under the reference plan
methodology described in the current regulation. See 78 FR 33236. While
the proposed methodology would be consistent with our interpretation of
the current regulation in circumstances where a choice of plans is not
offered, we are proposing to codify how the contribution methodology
would be handled operationally in those circumstances. Additionally, we
propose to permit employers to choose between the reference plan
contribution methodology set forth in the current regulation and the
proposed fixed contribution methodology when offering a choice of
plans. When offering a choice of plans, an employer opting for the
fixed percentage contribution methodology would contribute a fixed
percentage of the premiums across all plans in which any qualified
employee and, if applicable, any dependent of a qualified employee, is
enrolled. The dollar amount of the fixed percentage contribution would
vary from enrollee to enrollee based on their age and the plan they
choose. We believe that offering these two employer contribution
methodologies to employers offering a choice of plans would provide
employers with flexibility to contribute to their qualified employees'
plans in a manner that is appropriate for the group. We are also
proposing to add language to Sec. 155.705(b)(11)(ii) explaining that a
tobacco surcharge, if applicable, would be added to the monthly premium
after the employer contribution is applied to the premium so that the
financial impact of the surcharge is borne by the tobacco user, as
opposed to being shared with the employer or other enrollees. We also
propose to streamline the discussion of the reference plan contribution
methodology described in Sec. 155.705(b)(11)(ii), and propose removing
Sec. 155.705(b)(11)(ii)(D) because the FF-SHOPs are currently not able
to support basing employer contributions on calculated composite
We seek comment on these proposals.
b. Eligibility Determination Process for SHOP (Sec. 155.715)
We propose to amend Sec. 155.715(g)(1), which sets forth what a
SHOP must do if a qualified employer withdraws from the SHOP, to
distinguish between terminations of enrollment and terminations of
coverage. This regulation currently provides that, if an employer
ceases to purchase coverage through a SHOP, the SHOP must ensure that
each QHP terminates the coverage of the qualified employee who is
enrolled in the QHP through the SHOP. Consistent with guaranteed
availability and guaranteed renewability, coverage purchased through a
SHOP might in many circumstances continue outside a SHOP in a manner no
longer considered to be enrollment through the SHOP. Therefore, we
propose to specify that the termination described in this paragraph
would be a termination of the employer group's enrollment through the
SHOP, rather than a termination of the group's coverage. For example,
in many circumstances, an employer may offer to continue the same
coverage outside of the SHOP, in which case the issuer should not
terminate the coverage.
We seek comment on this proposal.
c. Enrollment Periods Under SHOP (Sec. 155.725)
Section 155.725(c) discusses the annual employer election period.
We are proposing to delete paragraph (c)(1) because it is outdated,
redesignate current paragraph (c)(2) as (c) introductory text and
redesignate the remaining paragraphs to reflect the new structure of
paragraph (c).
We propose to redesignate Sec. 155.725(e) as Sec. 155.725(e)(1)
and add paragraph (e)(2). To provide adequate time for qualified
employees in FF-SHOPs to make coverage selections during their annual
open enrollment period, we propose adding paragraph (e)(2) to specify
that qualified employers in the FF-SHOP must provide qualified
employees an annual open enrollment period of at least one week. This
proposed amendment, like all of Sec. 155.725(e), would apply only with
respect to renewals.
We are also proposing amendments to Sec. 155.725(h)(2) to specify
that the event that triggers a group's coverage effective date in a FF-
SHOP is not the plan selections of the individual enrollees, but the
employer's submission of all plan selections for the group (which we
call the group enrollment), and to allow employers to opt for a
coverage effective date later than the standard dates provided for
under the rule. The proposed amendments would permit qualified
employers to set enrollment periods for their qualified employees that
could include plan selections both before and after the 15th of a
month, and would also permit employers to select a coverage effective
date later than the standard dates provided for under the rule.
Employers would be able to select a coverage effective date up to 2
months in advance, provided that small group market rates are available
for the quarter in which the employer would like coverage to take
effect. This would allow employers to maximize their enrollment periods
so that they could begin the SHOP enrollment process as soon as small
group market rates are available for the quarter in which they would
like coverage to take effect. Under the proposed amendments, if an
employer submits its group enrollment by the 15th day of any month, the
FF-SHOP would ensure a coverage effective date of the first day of the
following month, unless the employer opts for a later effective date
for which rates are available. If an employer submits its group
enrollment between the 16th day of the month and the last day of the
month, we propose that the FF-SHOP must ensure a coverage effective
date of the first day of the second following month, unless the
employer opts for a later effective date for which rates are available.
We propose to amend Sec. 155.725(i)(1), which currently provides
that if a qualified employee enrolled in a QHP through a SHOP remains
eligible for coverage, that qualified employee will remain in the QHP
selected the previous year, unless certain exceptions apply. We propose
to provide that a SHOP be permitted to, but need not, provide for auto-
renewals of qualified employees, and also propose to revise the
language of the provision for consistency with our interpretation of
guaranteed renewability. If a SHOP does not provide for auto-renewals
for qualified employees, qualified employees would have to review and
provide a response to the employer's renewal offer of coverage. If
auto-renewal is available,
[[Page 75541]]
qualified employees need not take any action to continue in the prior
year's coverage through the SHOP. We are proposing this amendment to
reflect current operational capabilities in the FF-SHOPs.
Additionally, we propose to amend paragraph (j)(2)(i) of this
section to remove a reference to Sec. 155.420(d)(10), which was
deleted in the 2016 Payment Notice. We also propose to amend the
paragraph to specify that there would not be a SHOP special enrollment
period when a qualified employee or dependent of a qualified employee
experiences an event described in Sec. 155.420(d)(1)(ii), which
provides for a special enrollment period for individuals enrolled in a
non-calendar-year group health plan.
We seek comment on these proposals.
d. Termination of SHOP Enrollment or Coverage (Sec. 155.735)
For the reasons discussed above in the preamble discussion of our
proposed amendments to Sec. 155.705(b)(4), we are proposing to modify
the introductory language of Sec. 155.735(c)(2) to specify that the
provisions related to termination of employer group health coverage for
non-payment of premiums in FF-SHOPs under paragraph (c)(2) would not
apply to premium payments for the first month of coverage.
We are also proposing amendments to Sec. 155.735(d). Under
existing regulations at Sec. 155.735(d)(2), terminations of FF-SHOP
coverage or enrollment are effective on the last day of the month in
which the FF-SHOP receives notice for enrollees that change from one
QHP to another during the employer's annual open enrollment period or
during a special enrollment period. We propose that if an enrollee
changes from one QHP to another during the annual open enrollment
period or during a special enrollment period, the last day of coverage
would be the day before the effective date of coverage in the
enrollee's new QHP. We believe that this would prevent any instances of
double coverage as well as avoid a gap in coverage.
We also propose to require at Sec. 155.735(d)(2)(iii) that the FF-
SHOPs send advance notices to qualified employees before their
dependents age off of their plan. This notice would be sent 90 days in
advance of the date when the child dependent enrollee is no longer
eligible for coverage under the plan the employer purchased through the
FF-SHOP because he or she has reached the maximum child dependent age
for the plan. The notice would include information about the plan the
dependent is currently enrolled in, the date the dependent would age
off the plan, and information about next steps. In the FF-SHOPs,
consistent with current Sec. 155.735(d)(2) and proposed Sec.
155.735(d)(2)(i), a dependent aging off of the plan loses eligibility
for dependent coverage at the end of the month of the dependent's 26th
birthday or at the end of the month in which the issuer has set the
maximum dependent age limit (but in some cases might have the option to
keep the coverage for a period of time after that date under applicable
continuation coverage laws). This notice is intended to be a courtesy
notice as enrollees would still receive a termination notice when their
coverage through the SHOP is terminating.
e. SHOP Employer and Employee Eligibility Appeals Requirements (Sec.
In Sec. 155.740, we make certain proposals relating to SHOP
appeals. We propose to amend paragraphs (c)(2) and (d)(2) to provide
that employers and employees may file an appeal not only if a SHOP
fails to provide an eligibility determination in a timely manner but
also if a SHOP fails to provide timely notice of an eligibility
determination, in accordance with Sec. 155.715(e) and (f). We propose
these amendments in order to better align the SHOP appeals provisions
with individual market Exchange appeals. We note that the FF-SHOPs
provide the notice of eligibility automatically when an application is
submitted. For the FF-SHOPs, the date of eligibility determination and
eligibility notice are generally the same date.
We also propose to amend paragraph (l)(3) to allow employers and
employees who successfully appeal a denial of SHOP eligibility to
select whether the effective date of coverage or enrollment through the
SHOP under their appeal decision will be retroactive to the effective
date of coverage or enrollment through the SHOP that the employer or
employee would have had if they had correctly been determined eligible,
or prospective from the first day of the month following the date of
the notice of the appeal decision. The current version of paragraph
(l)(3) requires all SHOP appeal decisions to be retroactive to the date
the incorrect eligibility determination was made. This proposed change
would grant employers and employees added flexibility regarding the
effective date of coverage or enrollment through the SHOP under their
appeal decision and would be better aligned with current and proposed
policy for individual market Exchange appeals. For example, an employer
or employee would have flexibility under this proposal to opt for a
prospective effective date because he or she did not want to pay
retrospective premiums. We also propose to revise paragraph (l)(3) to
specify that if eligibility is denied under an appeal decision, the
effective date of the coverage or enrollment through the SHOP under the
appeal decision would be the first day of the month following the date
of the notice of the appeal decision. We seek comment on these
9. Exchange Functions: Certification of Qualified Health Plans
a. Certification Standards for QHPs (Sec. 155.1000)
In the first few years of FFE operations, HHS has generally used an
``open market'' approach to QHP certification, accepting plans that met
the minimum QHP certification criteria. As the new QHP market
developed, it has been valuable to maintain predictability for issuers,
and that remains an important consideration. For example, elsewhere in
this rulemaking, we propose codifying and making transparent standards
related to network adequacy. At the same time we are exploring the most
useful tools to ensure that QHPs offer consumers a quality product. In
this section, we seek comment on a means of improving product value by
using the authority to deny certification to QHP applications.
1. Denial of Certification
Section 1311(e)(1)(B) of the Affordable Care Act states that
Exchanges may certify a health plan as a QHP if ``(A) such health plan
meets the requirements for certification as promulgated by the
Secretary . . . and (B) the Exchange determines that making available
such health plan through such Exchange is in the interests of qualified
individuals and qualified employers.'' Section 1311(e)(1)(B) thereby
affords Exchanges the discretion to deny certification of QHPs that
meet minimum QHP certification standards, but are not ultimately in the
interests of qualified individuals and qualified employers. We
interpret the ``interest'' standard to mean QHPs should provide quality
coverage to consumers to meet the Affordable Care Act's goals.
Section 155.1000 provides Exchanges with broad discretion to
certify health plans that otherwise meet the QHP certification
standards specified in part 156. HHS will continue to focus denials of
certification in the FFEs based on the ``interest of the qualified
individuals and qualified employers'' standard to
[[Page 75542]]
cases involving the integrity of the FFEs and the plans offered through
them. Examples of issues that could result in non-certification of a
plan include concerns related to an issuer's material non-compliance
with applicable requirements, an issuer's financial insolvency, or data
errors related to QHP applications and data submissions. Under this
approach, HHS could consider an assessment of past performance,
including with respect to oversight concerns raised through compliance
reviews and consumer complaints received and the frequency and extent
of any data submission errors. HHS would adopt a measured approach in
exercising this authority that would take into consideration several
factors, including available market competition and the availability of
operational resources.
As we consider this approach, we anticipate seeking more specific
comment. We seek comment on this proposal generally, and on these and
any other factors HHS should consider when evaluating QHPs to determine
if they meet the interests of consumers and businesses. HHS would also
ensure any future policy changes do not interfere with State
activities. We seek comments, specifically from States and other
stakeholders, on this aspect of the proposal.
We note that the OPM has the sole discretion for contracting with
multi-State plans and as such retains the authority to selectively
contract with multi-State plans.
G. Part 156--Health Insurance Issuer Standards Under the Affordable
Care Act, Including Standards Related to Exchanges
1. Standardized Options
a. Standardized Option Definition (Sec. 156.20)
The Affordable Care Act gives Exchanges considerable flexibility in
certification and oversight of QHPs. An excessive number of health plan
options makes consumers less likely to make any plan selection, more
likely to make a selection that does not match their health needs, and
more likely to make a selection that leaves them less satisfied. In
studies of consumer behavior in Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage,
and Medigap, a choice of 15 or fewer plans was associated with higher
enrollment rates, while a choice of 30 or more plans led to a decline
in enrollment rates.\31\ In 2015, across the 37 Exchanges using the platform, the number of health plan choices available
per county varied from 2 to 54 plans at the bronze level, 2 to 73 plans
at the silver level, and 1 to 43 plans at the gold level.\32\ Our
experience in the first two open enrollment periods suggests that many
consumers, particularly those with a high number of health plan
options, find the large variety of cost-sharing structures available on
the Exchanges difficult to navigate.
\31\ Chao Zhou and Yuting Zhang, ``The Vast Majority Of Medicare
Part D Beneficiaries Still Don't Choose The Cheapest Plans That Meet
Their Medication Needs.'' Health Affairs, 31, no.10 (2012):2259-
\32\ The average number of plans available per county in 2015
were: 12 bronze plans, 15 silver plans, and 9 gold plans. Available
We believe that standardized options will provide these consumers
the opportunity to make simpler comparisons of plans offered by
different issuers within a metal level. Consumers will be able to focus
their decision making on the providers in the plan networks, premiums,
benefits, and quality, and will not be required to make complex
tradeoffs among cost-sharing differences among a large number of plans.
Taken together, standardized options, EHB, AV, and QHP certification
standards can significantly simplify consumers' ability to compare
plans and make informed choices.
To simplify the consumer plan selection process, HHS is proposing
to establish ``standardized options'' in the individual market FFEs.
These plans would have standardized cost sharing for a key set of EHB
that comprise a large percentage of the total allowable costs for an
average enrollee. We propose that issuers would not be required to
offer standardized options in 2017 and would retain the flexibility to
offer non-standardized plans, but we are considering ways that
standardized options, when certified by an FFE, could be displayed on in a manner that makes it easier for consumers to find
and identify them, including distinguishing them from non-standardized
We propose cost-sharing structures for standardized options at the
bronze, silver (and associated silver cost-sharing reduction plan
variations), and gold levels of coverage. At Sec. 156.20, we propose
adding a definition for standardized option. A standardized option
would be defined as a QHP with a standardized cost-sharing structure
specified by HHS and that is offered for sale through an individual
market FFE (see Table 9 for proposed models). We envision standardized
options to include a single provider tier, a fixed in-network
deductible, a fixed annual limitation on cost sharing, and standardized
copayments and coinsurance for a key set of EHB that comprise a large
percentage of the total allowable costs for an average enrollee. We
seek comment on this proposal.
b. Standardized Option Design Principles
We have designed one bronze standardized option, one silver
standardized option, one standardized option for each silver CSR plan
variation, and one gold standardized option. We are not proposing a
platinum standardized option because only a small proportion of QHP
issuers in the FFEs offered platinum plans in 2015. Silver plans are
the most common and popular plans in the FFEs.\33\ As such, we
encourage issuers to offer at least one standardized option at the
silver level of coverage (along with the associated standardized silver
CSR plan variations) to simplify the consumer shopping experience for
the greatest number of enrollees. We intend to propose standardized
option changes annually. We seek comment on these proposals.
\33\ In 2015, across the FFEs, there were a total of: 263
catastrophic, 1864 bronze, 2500 silver, 1774 gold, and 551 platinum
plans. Available at:
c. General Features of the Standardized Options
To minimize market disruption, we have designed the standardized
options to be as similar as possible to the most popular 2015 FFE QHPs
(based on enrollment), and we have sought a cost-sharing structure that
would generally not raise premiums. In arriving at these standardized
option designs, we also consulted the standardized option designs
offered in the SBEs that have provided standardized plans since the
2014 plan year (California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York,
Oregon, and Vermont).
i. Drug Formularies
We propose that standardized options have the four drug tiers
currently utilized in our consumer-facing applications at this time--
generic, preferred brand, non-preferred brand, and specialty drug
tiers. However, we propose to allow issuers to offer additional lower-
cost tiers if desired. Slightly more than half (56 percent) of the
proposed 2016 FFE QHPs have more than four drug tiers. We seek comment
on this design element.
[[Page 75543]]
ii. Provider Tiers
We propose that standardized options have no more than one in-
network provider tier. Varying cost sharing by provider tier affects
the actuarial value of a plan, making it difficult to standardize a
cost-sharing structure. Further, only 14 percent of FFE enrollees are
currently enrolled in QHPs with more than one in-network tier, and only
6 percent of enrollees are covered by an issuer that does not offer a
single-tier plan in addition to a multi-tier plan in the same county.
We seek comment on this design element.
iii. Deductible-Exempt Services
In designing the standardized options, we seek to exempt from the
deductible certain routine services, such as primary care, specialist
visits (at the silver and gold metal levels), and generic drugs, to
ensure that access to coverage translates into access to care for
routine and chronic conditions and that enrollees receive some up-front
value for their premium dollars. Again, in terms of this feature, we
designed the standardized options to be as similar as possible to the
most popular 2015 FFE QHPs (based on enrollment). Among those 2015 FFE
QHPs, over 85 percent of silver plan enrollees and over 50 percent of
bronze plan enrollees selected plans that cover certain services prior
to application of the deductible. (The figure for gold plan enrollees
was over 90 percent. However, many gold plans have a $0 deductible, for
which the concept of deductible-exempt services would not be
meaningful.) Primary care and generic drugs are the services most
likely to be covered without a deductible at all three metal levels.
Other services that are also likely to be covered prior to the
deductible, particularly by silver and gold plans, include specialist
visits and mental/behavioral health and substance use disorder
outpatient services. We seek comment on this design element.
iv. Copayment vs. Coinsurance
We sought to balance consumer preference for copayments over
coinsurance with the potential impact on premiums. Research shows that
consumers often prefer copayments to coinsurance because the former are
more transparent and make it easier for consumers to predict their out-
of-pocket costs. On the other hand, setting fixed copayments on a
national level could lead to disparate premium effects due to regional
and issuer-specific cost differences. We seek comment on this design
d. Specific Standardized Option Designs
The proposed 2017 bronze standardized option closely resembles a
catastrophic plan, with a few key exceptions. The plan has a $6,650
deductible, an annual limitation on cost sharing equal to the maximum
allowable annual limitation on cost sharing for 2017 (proposed to be
$7,150), and 50 percent coinsurance. Primary care visits (for the first
three visits) and mental health/substance use outpatient services are
exempt from the deductible, and have a copayment of $45. Generic drugs
are also exempt from the deductible and have a copayment of $35. Note
that for all standardized options, cost-sharing rules for preventive
services under Sec. 147.130 apply (we do not list this benefit
category in Table 9).
The proposed 2017 silver standardized option has a $3,500
deductible, an annual limitation on cost sharing equal to the maximum
allowable annual limitation on sharing for 2017, and a 20 percent
enrollee coinsurance rate. Primary care visits, mental health/substance
use outpatient services, specialist visits, urgent care visits, and all
drug benefits are exempt from the deductible, and all of the
deductible-exempt benefits have copayments instead of co-insurance,
except for specialty drugs, which are subject to a 40 percent
coinsurance rate. Emergency room services are subject to the
deductible, with a $400 copayment applicable after the deductible.
The proposed 2017 silver cost-sharing reduction standardized
options reduce all cost sharing parameters successively to meet the 73
percent, 87 percent, and 94 percent AV requirements. Where possible,
the cost-sharing reduction standardized options and the non-cost-
sharing reduction standardized silver option maintain similar
differentials between the cost sharing for certain benefits like
primary care and specialty visits.
The proposed 2017 gold standardized option has a $1,250 deductible,
a $4,750 annual limitation on cost sharing, and a 20 percent enrollee
coinsurance rate. Primary care visits, mental health and substance use
outpatient services, specialist visits, urgent care visits, and all
drug benefits are not subject to the deductible. All of the benefits
not subject to the deductible have copayments except for specialty
drugs. We seek comment on these designs, in particular with respect to
whether particular cost-sharing elements, such as deductibles or
copayments for particular services, should be modified.
Table 9--Proposed 2017 Standardized Options
Silver 73% Silver 87% Silver 94%
Bronze Silver actuarial value actuarial value actuarial value Gold
variation variation variation
Actuarial Value (%)............. 61.8.............. 71.00............. 73.55............. 87.47............. 94.3.............. 79.98.
Deductible...................... $6,650............ $3,500............ $3,000............ $700.............. $250.............. $1,250.
Annual Limitation on Cost $7,150............ $7,150............ $5,700............ $2,000............ $1,250............ $4,750.
Emergency Room Services......... 50%............... $400 (copay $300 (copay $150 (copay $100 (copay $250 (copay
applies only applies only applies only applies only applies only
after deductible. after deductible). after deductible). after deductible). after
Urgent Care..................... 50%............... $75 (*)........... $75 (*)........... $40 (*)........... $25 (*)........... $65 (*).
Inpatient Hospital Services..... 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
Primary Care Visit.............. $45 (* first 3 $30 (*)........... $30 (*)........... $10 (*)........... $5 (*)............ $20 (*).
visits, then
subject to
deductible and
50% coinsurance).
Specialist Visit................ 50%............... $65 (*)........... $65 (*)........... $25 (*)........... $15 (*)........... $50 (*).
Mental Health/Substance Use $45 (*)........... $30 (*)........... $30 (*)........... $10 (*)........... $5 (*)............ $20 (*).
Disorder Outpatient Services.
[[Page 75544]]
Imaging (CT/PET Scans, MRIs).... 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
Rehabilitative Speech Therapy... 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
Rehabilitative OT/PT............ 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
Laboratory Services............. 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
X-rays.......................... 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
Skilled Nursing Facility........ 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
Outpatient Facility Fee......... 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
Outpatient Surgery Physician/ 50%............... 20%............... 20%............... 20%............... 5%................ 20%.
Generic Drugs................... $35 (*)........... $10 (*)........... $10 (*)........... $5 (*)............ $3 (*)............ $10 (*).
Preferred Brand Drugs........... 50%............... $50 (*)........... $50 (*)........... $25 (*)........... $5 (*)............ $30 (*).
Non-Preferred Brand Drugs....... 50%............... $100 (*).......... $100 (*).......... $50 (*)........... $10 (*)........... $75 (*).
Specialty Drugs................. 50%............... 40% (*)........... 40% (*)........... 30% (*)........... 25% (*)........... 30% (*).
(*) = not subject to the deductible.
We propose that an issuer may offer multiple plans through an FFE
for each standardized option within a service area when the plans are
meaningfully different, such as offering an HMO standardized option and
a PPO standardized option at a certain metal level. We seek comment on
this proposal.
To reduce operational complexity, we do not propose to vary the
standardized options by State or region. Instead, we propose one set of
standardized options for all FFEs, including those in which States
perform plan management functions. We recognize that some States
regulate the level of cost sharing applied to certain benefits, such as
emergency room services and specialty drugs. We invite comment from
States and other stakeholders on the proposed standardized options, and
how they may interact with State-specific cost-sharing laws or
regulations, as well as any potential options for incorporating State
cost-sharing requirements into the standardized option framework.
We do not propose to limit the number of non-standardized options
that an issuer may offer through an FFE; however, meaningful difference
standards at Sec. 156.298 and other QHP certification standards still
apply. There is currently no such cap on the number of plans that an
issuer offering a QHP through an FFE can offer, or on the number of
issuers that can offer coverage at each metal level in an FFE. In this
proposed rule, we do not propose to limit the total number of QHPs that
may be sold through an FFE in a rating area or county. However, we may
consider limiting the number of plan options in future plan years, to
further simplify the health plan shopping experience for consumers. We
seek comment as to whether we should limit the number of non-
standardized options an issuer may offer through an FFE in future
We are considering making modifications to our consumer-facing plan
comparison features to readily allow consumers to identify standardized
options, and seek comment on how we should do so. We intend to conduct
consumer testing to help us make this determination. We also anticipate
providing information to explain the standardized option concept to
consumers. We expect to provide information about specific design
features through issuer testing of plan data and other fora. We seek
comment on these proposals, including whether there should be a
requirement on QHP issuers or web-brokers to differentially display
standardized options when a non-FFE Web site is used to facilitate
enrollment in an FFE. Multi-State plan issuers may use the standardized
options noted above. OPM, at its discretion, may design additional
standardized options applicable only to multi-State plan issuers,
though we would not display these OPM options in a differential manner
in order to preserve consistency in the standardized options identified
on the FFE.
2. FFE User Fee for the 2017 Benefit Year (Sec. 156.50)
Section 1311(d)(5)(A) of the Affordable Care Act permits an
Exchange to charge assessments or user fees on participating health
insurance issuers as a means of generating funding to support its
operations. In addition, 31 U.S.C. 9701 permits a Federal agency to
establish a charge for a service provided by the agency. If a State
does not elect to operate an Exchange or does not have an approved
Exchange, section 1321(c)(1) of the Affordable Care Act directs HHS to
operate an Exchange within the State. Accordingly, at Sec. 156.50(c),
we specify that a participating issuer offering a plan through an FFE
must remit a user fee to HHS each month that is equal to the product of
the monthly user fee rate specified in the annual HHS notice of benefit
and payment parameters for FFEs for the applicable benefit year and the
monthly premium charged by the issuer for each policy under the plan
where enrollment is through an FFE.
OMB Circular No. A-25R establishes Federal policy regarding user
fees, and specifies that a user charge will be assessed against each
identifiable recipient for special benefits derived from Federal
activities beyond those received by the general public. As in benefit
years 2014 to 2016, issuers seeking to participate in an FFE in benefit
year 2017 will receive two special benefits not available to the
general public: (1) The certification of their plans as QHPs; and (2)
the ability to sell health insurance coverage through an FFE to
individuals determined eligible for enrollment in a QHP. These special
benefits are provided to participating issuers through the following
Federal activities
[[Page 75545]]
in connection with the operation of FFEs:
Provision of consumer assistance tools.
Consumer outreach and education.
Management of a Navigator program.
Regulation of agents and brokers.
Eligibility determinations.
Enrollment processes.
Certification processes for QHPs (including ongoing
compliance verification, recertification and decertification).
Administration of a SHOP Exchange.
OMB Circular No. A-25R further states that user fee charges should
generally be set at a level so that they are sufficient to recover the
full cost to the Federal government of providing the service when the
government is acting in its capacity as sovereign (as is the case when
HHS operates an FFE). Accordingly, we propose to set the 2017 user fee
rate for all participating FFE issuers at 3.5 percent. This user fee
rate assessed on FFE issuers is the same as the 2014 to 2016 user fee
rate. In addition, we intend to seek an exception from OMB Circular No.
A-25R, which requires that the user fee charge be sufficient to recover
the full cost to the Federal government of providing the special
benefit. We seek this exception to ensure that the FFE can support many
of the goals of the Affordable Care Act, including improving the health
of the population, reducing health care costs, and providing access to
health coverage, in cases where user fee collections do not cover the
full cost of the special benefit. We seek comments on this proposal.
Additionally, we have proposed under Sec. Sec. 155.106(c) and
155.200(f) to allow State Exchanges to enter into a Federal platform
agreement with HHS so that the State Exchange may rely on the Federal
platform for certain Exchange functions to enhance efficiency and
coordination between State and Federal programs, and to leverage the
systems established by the FFE to perform certain Exchange functions.
We propose in Sec. 156.50(c)(2) to charge SBE-FP issuers a user fee
for the services and benefits to the issuers provided by HHS. For 2017,
these functions will include the Federal Exchange information
technology and call center infrastructure used in connection with
eligibility determinations for enrollment in QHPs and other applicable
State health subsidy programs, as defined at section 1413(e) of the
Affordable Care Act and enrollment in QHPs under Sec. 155.400. As
previously discussed, OMB Circular No. A-25R establishes Federal policy
regarding user fees, and specifies that a user charge will be assessed
against each identifiable recipient for special benefits derived from
Federal activities beyond those received by the general public. If our
proposals under Sec. Sec. 155.106(c) and 155.200(f) are finalized,
issuers seeking to participate in an SBE-FP in benefit year 2017 will
receive special benefits not available to the general public: The
ability to sell health insurance coverage through a State Exchange that
realizes efficiencies by relying on the Federal platform to enroll
individuals determined eligible for enrollment in a QHP, including
individuals who may be eligible for insurance affordability programs
that may support premiums paid to issuers offering plans through the
State Exchange by way of the Federal platform (, and the
ability to sell health insurance coverage to small employers eligible
to purchase QHPs for its employees through a SHOP exchange. Other
services that will be provided to issuers offering plans through State
Exchanges on the Federal platform include the Federal Exchange
information technology and call center infrastructure used in
connection with eligibility determinations for enrollment in QHPs and
other applicable State health subsidy programs. We propose to charge
issuers offering QHPs through an SBE-FP a user fee rate of 3.0 percent
of the monthly premium charged by the issuer for each policy under a
plan offered through an SBE-FP. This fee will recover funding to
support FFE operations incurred by the Federal government associated
with providing the services described above.
The proposed user fee rate was calculated based on the proportion
of FFE costs that are associated with the FFE information technology
infrastructure, the consumer call center, and eligibility and
enrollment services, and allocating a share of those costs to issuers
in the relevant SBE-FPs. A significant portion of expenditures for FFE
services are associated with the information technology, call center
infrastructure, and personnel who conduct eligibility determinations
for enrollment in QHPs and other applicable State health subsidy
programs as defined at section 1413(e) of the Affordable Care Act, and
who perform the functions set forth in Sec. 155.400 to facilitate
enrollment in QHPs. We intend to review the costs incurred to provide
these special benefits each year, and revise the user fee rate for
issuers in SBE-FPs accordingly in the annual HHS notice of benefit and
payment parameters. Additional guidance on user fee collection
processes will be provided in the future.
While a user fee rate of 3.0 percent is reflective of HHS's actual
costs, we recognize that States that are currently using the Federal
platform may find the abrupt change of the proposed user fee in 2017
challenging for their health insurance markets. Therefore, HHS is also
considering reducing for the 2017 benefit year the user fee rate by one
half or one third (that is, to 1.5 or 2.0 percent) for the issuers in
State Exchanges utilizing the Federal platform, to provide these States
additional time to integrate this user fee rate. In future years,
issuers in SBE-FPs would be charged the full user fee rate for SBE-FPs
to cover their full share of costs incurred by the FFE for those
services. We seek comment on this proposal and this possible reduction.
Additionally, to ease administrative burdens on issuers and States,
at the request of SBE-FPs, pursuant to the authority under the
Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968 (IGCA), HHS will seek to
offer States the option to have HHS collect an additional user fee from
issuers at a rate specified by the State to cover costs incurred by the
State-based Exchange for the functions the State retains. If HHS grants
requests to provide such services, States may be required to reimburse
HHS any additional costs that are associated with HHS's provision of
such service. This coordination between the State and Federal programs
will reduce administrative burden on issuers as well as the SBEs-FP.
3. Single Risk Pool (Sec. 156.80)
In the small group market, an issuer may update rates on a
quarterly basis, provided that any changes to rates have effective
dates of January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1. In the preamble to
the second Program Integrity Rule (78 FR 65067), we explained that any
new rates set by an issuer would apply for new or renewing coverage on
or after the rate effective date, and would apply for the entire the
plan year. We propose to codify this policy in Sec. 156.80(d)(3)(ii),
and to make non-substantive changes to the wording of that paragraph,
including to delete an outdated reference to when quarterly rate
changes could first be implemented.
For all issuers, we also reiterate that Sec. 156.80(d)(2) permits
a health insurance issuer to vary the plan-adjusted index rate for a
particular plan from its market-wide index rate adjusting only for the
explicitly stated factors. Any plan level adjustment not
[[Page 75546]]
specifically stated, including adjusting for morbidity of plan
enrollees, is not permissible.
4. Essential Health Benefits Package
a. Prescription Drug Benefits (Sec. 156.122)
Current Sec. 156.122(c) requires plans providing EHB to have
procedures in place that allow an enrollee, the enrollee's designee, or
the enrollee's prescribing physician (or other prescriber) to request
and gain access to clinically appropriate drugs not covered by the
plan. Such procedures must include a process to request an expedited
review based on exigent circumstances. Under the expedited process, the
issuer must make its coverage determination no later than 24 hours
after it receives the request. This requirement, commonly referred to
as the ``exceptions process,'' applies to drugs that are not included
on the plan's formulary drug list. For plan years beginning in 2016,
these processes must also include certain processes and timeframes for
the standard review process, and have an external review process if the
internal review request is denied. The costs of the non-formulary drug
provided through the exceptions process count towards the annual
limitation on cost sharing and AV of the plan.
As discussed in the 2016 Payment Notice (80 FR 10750), the
exceptions process established in this section is distinct from the
coverage appeals process established under Sec. 147.136. Specifically,
the drug exceptions process applies to drugs that are not included on
the plan's formulary drug list, while the coverage appeals regulations
apply if an enrollee receives an adverse benefit determination for a
drug that is included on the plan's formulary drug list. Because these
two processes serve different purposes, we believe they are not
duplicative and we do not propose to change these definitions. However,
we also clarified in the 2016 Payment Notice that ``nothing under this
policy (Sec. 156.122(c)) precludes a State from requiring stricter
standards in this area.''
Since finalizing the rule, we have received additional comment
regarding States' coverage appeals laws and regulations and non-
formulary drugs. For example, if a State is subjecting non-formulary
drugs to the standards under Sec. 147.136 as opposed to Sec.
156.122(c), the State's coverage appeals laws or regulations would
provide the enrollee with a different process for review, and as a
result a different process for obtaining coverage of the non-formulary
drug. Specifically, Sec. 147.136 has separate requirements for its
external review process. Also, Sec. 147.136(b)(ii)(G) allows for a
secondary level of internal review before the final internal review
determination for group plans. Therefore, if the State is subjecting
non-formulary drugs to Sec. 147.136 and the issuers are also required
to comply Sec. 156.122(c), the issuer may have to satisfy two
standards for non-formulary drugs.
We are considering amending the rule to establish that a plan, in a
State that has coverage appeals laws or regulations that are more
stringent than or are in conflict with our exceptions process under
Sec. 156.122(c), and that include reviews for non-formulary drugs,
satisfies Sec. 156.122(c) if it complies with the State's coverage
appeals laws or regulations. The purpose of Sec. 156.122(c) is to
ensure that an enrollee has the ability to request and gain access to
clinically appropriate drugs not covered by the plan. Regardless of
whether a State's coverage appeals laws or regulations are satisfying
Sec. 156.122(c) or if the issuer is meeting Sec. 156.122(c) through
its exception process, we would expect that an enrollee would retain
the ability to request and gain access to clinically appropriate drugs
not covered by the plan. Therefore, we solicit comments on the scope of
application of State appeals laws or regulations that are allowing
determinations for non-formulary drugs for this purpose, especially
under medical necessity provisions and whether these provisions would
allow the enrollee the ability to request and gain access to clinically
appropriate drugs not covered by the plan in all cases through a
State's coverage appeals laws or regulations. As the State is the
primary enforcer of the EHB requirements, the State would determine
whether its coverage appeals laws or regulations would satisfy Sec.
156.122(c) and therefore, would allow the issuers in the State to defer
to the States' coverage laws or regulations. We note that we consider
multi-State plans that comply with OPM's coverage appeals requirements
to satisfy Sec. 156.122(c), and we are considering codifying this
We are also considering amending the process at Sec. 156.122(c) to
allow for a second level of internal review. For example, we are
considering using the same timelines as the first level of internal
review, 72 hours for the standard review request and 24 hours for the
expedited review request. We seek comments on all of these proposals.
Lastly, opioid abuse has become a public health crisis in recent
years. In 2013, nearly 2 million Americans abused prescription
painkillers, and each day, nearly 7,000 people receive emergency
department care for misusing these drugs. We recognize that medication-
assisted treatments for substance use disorders might not be available
to all consumers as an essential health benefit. Therefore, we seek
comment on whether the substance use disorder requirement in essential
health benefits needs additional clarification with regard to
medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction.
b. Premium Adjustment Percentage (Sec. 156.130)
Section 1302(c)(4) of the Affordable Care Act directs the Secretary
to determine an annual premium adjustment percentage, which is used to
set the rate of increase for three parameters detailed in the
Affordable Care Act: The maximum annual limitation on cost sharing
(defined at Sec. 156.130(a)), the required contribution percentage by
individuals for minimum essential coverage the Secretary may use to
determine eligibility for hardship exemptions under section 5000A of
the Code, and the assessable payment amounts under section 4980H(a) and
(b) of the Code. Section 156.130(e) provides that the premium
adjustment percentage is the percentage (if any) by which the average
per capita premium for health insurance coverage for the preceding
calendar year exceeds such average per capita premium for health
insurance for 2013, and that this percentage will be published annually
in the HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters.
Under the methodology established in the 2015 Payment Notice and
amended in the 2015 Market Standards Rule for estimating average per
capita premium for purposes of calculating the premium adjustment
percentage, the premium adjustment percentage is calculated based on
the projections of average per enrollee employer-sponsored insurance
premiums from the NHEA, which is calculated by the Office of the
Actuary. Accordingly, using the employer-sponsored insurance data, the
premium adjustment percentage for 2017 is the percentage (if any) by
which the most recent NHEA projection of per enrollee employer-
sponsored insurance premiums for 2016 ($6,076) exceeds the most recent
NHEA projection of per enrollee employer-sponsored insurance premiums
for 2013 ($5,365).\34\ Using
[[Page 75547]]
this formula, the proposed premium adjustment percentage for 2017 is
13.25256291 percent. We note that the 2013 premium used for this
calculation has been updated to reflect the latest NHEA data. Based on
the proposed 2017 premium adjustment percentage, we propose the
following cost-sharing parameters for calendar year 2017.
\34\ See,
and Table 17 (located in the NHE Projections 2014-2024--Tables link)
found here in for additional
Maximum Annual Limitation on Cost Sharing for Calendar Year 2017.
Under Sec. 156.130(a)(2), for the 2017 calendar year, cost sharing for
self-only coverage may not exceed the dollar limit for calendar year
2014 increased by an amount equal to the product of that amount and the
premium adjustment percentage for 2017, and for other than self-only
coverage, the limit is twice the dollar limit for self-only coverage.
Under Sec. 156.130(d), these amounts must be rounded down to the next
lowest multiple of 50. Using the premium adjustment percentage of
13.25256291 percent for 2017 we established above, and the 2014 maximum
annual limitation on cost sharing of $6,350 for self-only coverage,
which was published by the IRS on May 2, 2013,\35\ we propose that the
2017 maximum annual limitation on cost sharing would be $7,150 for
self-only coverage and $14,300 for other than self-only coverage.
\35\ See
c. Reduced Maximum Annual Limitation on Cost Sharing (Sec. 156.130)
Sections 1402(a) through (c) of the Affordable Care Act direct
issuers to reduce cost sharing for EHBs for eligible individuals
enrolled in a silver level QHP. In the 2014 Payment Notice, we
established standards related to the provision of these cost-sharing
reductions. Specifically, in 45 CFR part 156, subpart E, we specified
that QHP issuers must provide cost-sharing reductions by developing
plan variations, which are separate cost-sharing structures for each
eligibility category that change how the cost sharing required under
the QHP is to be shared between the enrollee and the Federal
government. At Sec. 156.420(a), we detailed the structure of these
plan variations and specified that QHP issuers must ensure that each
silver plan variation has an annual limitation on cost sharing no
greater than the applicable reduced maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing specified in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment
parameters. Although the amount of the reduction in the maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing is specified in section 1402(c)(1)(A) of the
Affordable Care Act, section 1402(c)(1)(B)(ii) of the Affordable Care
Act states that the Secretary may adjust the cost-sharing limits to
ensure that the resulting limits do not cause the AVs of the health
plans to exceed the levels specified in section 1402(c)(1)(B)(i) of the
Affordable Care Act (that is, 73 percent, 87 percent, or 94 percent,
depending on the income of the enrollee). Accordingly, we propose to
use a method we established in the 2014 Payment Notice for determining
the appropriate reductions in the maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing for cost-sharing plan variations. As we proposed above, the
2017 maximum annual limitation on cost sharing would be $7,150 for
self-only coverage and $14,300 for other than self-only group coverage.
We analyzed the effect on AV of the reductions in the maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing described in the statute to determine
whether to adjust the reductions so that the AV of a silver plan
variation will not exceed the AV specified in the statute. Below, we
describe our analysis for the 2017 benefit year and our proposed
Consistent with our analysis in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 Payment
Notices, we developed three test silver level QHPs, and analyzed the
impact on AV of the reductions described in the Affordable Care Act to
the estimated 2017 maximum annual limitation on cost sharing for self-
only coverage ($7,150). The test plan designs are based on data
collected for 2016 plan year QHP certification to ensure that they
represent a range of plan designs that we expect issuers to offer at
the silver level of coverage through the Exchanges. For 2017, the test
silver level QHPs included a PPO with typical cost-sharing structure
($7,150 annual limitation on cost sharing, $2,175 deductible, and 20
percent in-network coinsurance rate), a PPO with a lower annual
limitation on cost sharing ($4,800 annual limitation on cost sharing,
$2,775 deductible, and 20 percent in-network coinsurance rate), and an
HMO ($7,150 annual limitation on cost sharing, $3,000 deductible, 20
percent in-network coinsurance rate, and the following services with
copayments that are not subject to the deductible or coinsurance: $500
inpatient stay per day, $350 emergency department visit, $25 primary
care office visit, and $50 specialist office visit). All three test
QHPs meet the AV requirements for silver level health plans.
We then entered these test plans into the proposed 2017 AV
Calculator developed by HHS and observed how the reductions in the
maximum annual limitation on cost sharing specified in the Affordable
Care Act affected the AVs of the plans. We found that the reduction in
the maximum annual limitation on cost sharing specified in the
Affordable Care Act for enrollees with a household income between 100
and 150 percent of the Federal poverty line (FPL) (\2/3\ reduction in
the maximum annual limitation on cost sharing), and 150 and 200 percent
of the FPL (\2/3\ reduction), would not cause the AV of any of the
model QHPs to exceed the statutorily specified AV level (94 and 87
percent, respectively). In contrast, the reduction in the maximum
annual limitation on cost sharing specified in the Affordable Care Act
for enrollees with a household income between 200 and 250 percent of
FPL (\1/2\ reduction), would cause the AVs of two of the test QHPs to
exceed the specified AV level of 73 percent. As a result, we propose
that the maximum annual limitation on cost sharing for enrollees in the
2017 benefit year with a household income between 200 and 250 percent
of FPL be reduced by approximately \1/5\, rather than \1/2\. We further
propose that the maximum annual limitation on cost sharing for
enrollees with a household income between 100 and 200 percent of the
FPL be reduced by approximately \2/3\, as specified in the statute, and
as shown in Table 10. These proposed reductions in the maximum annual
limitation on cost sharing should adequately account for unique plan
designs that may not be captured by our three model QHPs. We also note
that selecting a reduction for the maximum annual limitation on cost
sharing that is less than the reduction specified in the statute would
not reduce the benefit afforded to enrollees in aggregate because QHP
issuers are required to further reduce their annual limitation on cost
sharing, or reduce other types of cost sharing, if the required
reduction does not cause the AV of the QHP to meet the specified level.
We welcome comment on this analysis and the proposed reductions in the
maximum annual limitation on cost sharing for 2017.
We note that for 2017, as described in Sec. 156.135(d), States are
permitted to
[[Page 75548]]
submit for approval by HHS State-specific data sets for use as the
standard population to calculate AV. No State submitted a data set by
the September 1 deadline.
Table 10--Reductions in Maximum Annual Limitation on Cost Sharing for
Reduced maximum
Reduced maximum annual
annual limitation on
Eligibility category limitation on cost sharing for
cost sharing for other than self-
self-only only coverage for
coverage for 2017 2017
Individuals eligible for cost- $2,350 $4,700
sharing reductions under Sec.
155.305(g)(2)(i) (that is, 100-
150 percent of FPL)..............
Individuals eligible for cost- 2,350 4,700
sharing reductions under Sec.
155.305(g)(2)(ii) (that is, 150-
200 percent of FPL)..............
Individuals eligible for cost- 5,700 11,400
sharing reductions under Sec.
155.305(g)(2)(iii) (that is, 200-
250 percent of FPL)..............
d. AV Calculation for Determining Level of Coverage (Sec. 156.135)
Section 2707(a) of the PHS Act and section 1302 of the Affordable
Care Act direct issuers of non-grandfathered health insurance in the
individual and small group markets, including QHPs, to ensure that
plans meet a level of coverage specified in section 1302(d)(1) of the
Affordable Care Act and codified at Sec. 156.140(b). On February 25,
2013, HHS published the EHB Rule (78 FR 12833) implementing section
1302(d) of the Affordable Care Act that required that, to determine the
level of coverage for a given metal tier level, the calculation of AV
be based upon the provision of EHB to a standard population. Section
156.135(a) establishes that AV is generally to be calculated using the
AV Calculator developed and made available by HHS for a given benefit
year. In the 2015 Payment Notice (79 FR 13743), we established at Sec.
156.135(g) provisions for updating the AV Calculator in future plan
years and provided an overview of how we would consider each of these
updates and our approach towards making these updates.
As discussed in the 2015 Payment Notice, we recognize the
importance of balancing the interests of ensuring that the AV
Calculator accurately reflects the current market and that changes to
the AV Calculator minimize disruption to current plan designs through
keeping AVs stable. In considering updates to the AV Calculator under
the factors established under Sec. 156.135(g), we found the need for
greater flexibility than provided for under current regulations to
better ensure updates to the AV Calculator achieve these objectives.
For example, in the preamble of the 2015 Payment Notice, we
established our methodology for developing the trend factor. We stated
that ``when updating the trending factor in the AV Calculator, we will
use two sources of data, one to reflect the individual market and one
to reflect the small group market, to develop a single trend factor
that could be applied to the AV Calculator.'' \36\ However, in
considering options for updating the trend factor annually under this
policy, we found that this policy unduly limits our options. For
instance, costs for specific services, such as specialty drugs, are
currently increasing at a significantly different rate than other
medical services. Trending costs based on each service type could
capture those different rates of cost growth more accurately and better
ensure that the trend adjustments in the AV Calculator reflect the
actual market.
\36\ 79 FR 13811. Col 1. [March 11, 2014].
We propose to revise Sec. 156.135(g) to allow for additional
flexibility in our approach and options for updating of the AV
Calculator in the future. We propose that HHS will update the AV
Calculator annually for material changes that may include costs, plan
designs, the standard population, developments in the function and
operation of the AV Calculator and other actuarially relevant factors.
Specifically, we would not be required to make each of these changes
each year, but we could include these types of material changes in our
annual updating of the AV Calculator. Under this proposed policy, we
will continue to make updates to the AV Calculator, as we have in
previous years, including updates to the trend factor, algorithms
changes and user interface changes. We will also update the claim data
and demographic distribution being used in the AV Calculator as needed
and continue to update the AV Calculator's annual limitation on cost
sharing based on a projected estimate to allow for compliance with
Sec. 156.130(a). The major difference under the proposed Sec.
156.135(g) will be that the methodology, data sources, and trigger for
making updates in the AV Calculator would be more flexible than the
current Sec. 156.135(g). For instance, we propose that specific
timelines and materiality thresholds for updating the continuance
tables to reflect more current enrollment and claims data will no
longer be specified by the regulation. This will allow us more options
in considering approaches to making changes in the AV Calculator,
particularly as the health insurance market and the AV Calculator
evolve, new methodological approaches are developed, and new data
becomes available. In developing the annual updates to the AV
Calculator, we will continue to take into consideration stakeholder
feedback on needed changes to the AV Calculator (through and to publicly release a draft version of
the AV Calculator and the AV Calculator Methodology for comment before
releasing the final AV Calculator. We also understand the importance
for issuers and States to have time to use the final version of the AV
Calculator to develop and adjust plan designs and we hope that by
providing the additional flexibility under proposed Sec. 156.135(g),
we will have more options that could allow us to release the AV
Calculator sooner. We solicit comments on the proposed Sec.
e. Application to Stand-Alone Dental Plans Inside the Exchange (Sec.
In Sec. 156.150, we propose revisions to increase the annual
limitation on cost sharing for SADPs. In the 2015 Payment Notice, we
established that the annual limitation on cost sharing for an SADP
covering the pediatric dental EHB under
[[Page 75549]]
Sec. 155.1065 in any Exchange may not exceed $350 for one covered
child and $700 for two or more covered children.
To make adjustments to the annual limitation on cost sharing in
subsequent years to keep pace with inflation, we propose in paragraph
(a)(1) that for a plan year beginning after 2016, the dollar limit
applicable to a SADP for one covered child be increased by an amount
equal to the product of that amount and the quotient of consumer price
index for dental services for the year 2 years prior to the benefit
year, divided by the consumer price index for dental services for 2016.
In paragraph (a)(2), we propose that the dollar limit for two or more
covered children be twice the dollar limit for one child described in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
We considered using the premium adjustment percentage defined in
Sec. 156.130(e), but ultimately decided that the dental CPI would be a
more appropriate adjuster for the annual limitation on cost sharing as
it is based on dental services. The annual limitation on cost sharing
should increase over time to keep pace with inflation and moderate
potential increases in premium. This is similar to the approach for
medical QHPs. We seek comment on whether the premium adjustment
percentage defined in Sec. 156.130(e) should be used instead. We would
propose and finalize the annual increase to the dental annual
limitation on cost sharing in the annual Payment Notice.
In paragraph (c), we propose to define the dental CPI, which is a
sub-component of the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor
Statistics Consumer Price Index specific to dental services. We would
use the annual dental CPI published by the Department of Labor.
In paragraph (d), we propose that increases in the annual dollar
limits for one child that do not result in a multiple of $25 will be
rounded down, to the next lowest multiple of $25. We believe this
provision will result in stability in SADPs, making changes in annual
limits that are based on round figures in moderate increments.
We seek comment on these proposals.
5. Qualified Health Plan Minimum Certification Standards
a. Network Adequacy Standards (Sec. 156.230)
At Sec. 156.230, we established the minimum criteria for network
adequacy that health and dental plan issuers must meet to be certified
as QHPs, including SADPs, in accordance with the Secretary's authority
in section 1311(c)(1)(B) of the Affordable Care Act. Section
156.230(a)(2) requires all issuers to maintain a network that is
sufficient in number and types of providers to assure that all services
will be accessible without unreasonable delay. Section 156.230(b) sets
forth standards for access to provider directories requiring issuers to
publish an up-to-date, accurate, and complete provider directory for
plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2016 and Sec. 156.230(c)
requires QHPs in the FFE to make this provider directory data available
on its Web site in an HHS specified format and also submit this
information to HHS in a format and manner and at times determined by
i. State Selection of Minimum Network Adequacy Standards
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC's)
Network Adequacy Model Review Subgroup has been doing significant work
in the area of network adequacy, which includes work towards
development of a Network Adequacy Model Act that States could adopt in
whole or in part. We will continue to monitor the NAIC work and look
forward to partnering with States and the NAIC in developing and
promulgating network adequacy protections. In the interest of
furthering this work, we are proposing standards related to network
adequacy below, but will take into consideration the NAIC's final
recommendation as we assess these policies.
In recognition of the traditional roles States have in developing
and enforcing network adequacy standards, we propose that FFEs would
rely on State reviews for network adequacy in States in which an FFE is
operating, provided that HHS determines that the State uses an
acceptable quantifiable network adequacy metric commonly used in the
health insurance industry to measure network adequacy, approved by HHS.
We anticipate that HHS would determine that a State's network
adequacy assessment methodology meets the standard above if the State
selects one or more standards from a list of metrics provided by HHS
and applies them prospectively to the QHP issuers in the State. HHS
intends to detail the specific criteria and process for meeting the
standard in each annual Letter to Issuers, but we anticipate including
at least the following metrics:
Prospective time and distance standards at least as
stringent as the FFE standard.
Prospective minimum provider-covered person ratios for the
specialties with the highest utilization rate for its State.
HHS would discuss with States their selection in advance of the
start of the certification cycle to determine whether the State's
network adequacy standard would be acceptable under the standard above.
We would thereafter notify issuers via subregulatory guidance whether
the State standards or Federal default standards apply.
If HHS determines that a State's nework adequacy standard is
acceptable under the standard above, the State would certify to the FFE
which plans meet the network adequacy standard, and the FFE in that
State would rely on the State's review for purposes of determining
whether a QHP meets the requirements under Sec. 156.230(a)(2),
although those issuers would still be required to submit to HHS
provider data, attest to the HHS network adequacy certification
requirements, and meet other applicable HHS standards, including the
other standards under Sec. 156.230.
We welcome comments on this proposal, including suggestions for
additional State network adequacy methodologies that the FFEs could
rely on, and other factors we might consider.
In States that do not review for network adequacy, or do not select
a standard as described above, the FFE would conduct an independent
review under a Federal default standard. We propose the Federal default
standard at Sec. 156.230(d) to be a time and distance standard. For
the certification cycle for plan years beginning in 2017, we anticipate
evaluating the QHP issuer networks under this standard based on the
numbers and types of providers, in addition to their general geographic
location. In particular, we propose to calculate a time and distance
standard at the county level. We are considering using standards
similar to those used in Medicare Advantage, utilizing the National
Provider Identifier database, and focusing on the specialties that
enrollees most generally use. HHS is also carefully considering other
network standards, including those of individual States, accrediting
entities, and Federal health care programs, as it develops the time and
distance standards for the FFEs. We solicit comments on whether these
proposed standards are appropriate. We also seek comment specifically
on whether they are appropriate for SADPs, and, if not, what standards
for SADPs would be more appropriate, and the basis for any deviation.
The county-specific time and distance parameters that plans will be
required to meet, including specifications for
[[Page 75550]]
specific provider and facility types, would be detailed annually in
conjunction with the Letter to Issuers.
We also propose that issuers that are unable to meet the specified
standards would be able to submit a justification to account for any
variances, and that the FFE would review the justification to determine
whether the variance is reasonable based on circumstances, such as the
availability of providers and variables reflected in local patterns of
It is not our intent in establishing these default standards to
prohibit certification of plans with narrow networks or otherwise
impede innovation in plan design. Instead, we intend to establish a
minimum floor consistent with the levels generally maintained in the
market today, so that generally a very small number of plans would be
idenfitied as having networks deemed inadequate. The Federal default
standard would provide issuers with more transparency regarding our
certification processes and will be designed and implemented to achieve
results similar to those yielded by the reviews conducted by the FFEs
in prior certification cycles. We believe this will promote
predictability for issuers in the course of certification. We note that
multi-State plan options will be considered to meet the network
adequacy requirements under Sec. 156.230(a)(2) if they meet network
adequacy standards established by OPM.
We seek comments on this proposal, including how we might develop
time and distance standards appropriate for the FFEs, the use of
Medicare Advantage or other standards and other factors we should
examine in measuring network adequacy, and suggestions of other models
we might consider.
ii. Additional Network Adequacy Standards
We also propose other additional network-related standards under
Sec. 156.230(e) and (f).
In the new Sec. 156.230(e)(1), we propose to require QHP issuers
in all FFEs to notify enrollees about a discontinuation in their
network coverage of a contracted provider. We believe that it is
important for enrollees to be notified of changes to the network on a
timely basis. Consumers need accurate information about which providers
are in-network to ensure that they can optimize their health insurance
coverage and make cost effective choices. Therefore, we propose that a
QHP in an FFE be required to make a good faith effort to provide
written notice of a discontinued provider, 30 days prior to the
effective date of the change or otherwise as soon as practicable, to
all enrollees who are patients seen on a regular basis by the provider
or receive primary care from the provider whose contract is being
discontinued, irrespective of whether the contract is being
discontinued due to a termination for cause or without cause, or due to
a non-renewal. We propose that a discontinued provider includes cases
of where the provider is being removed and where the provider is
leaving the network. We solicit comments on this proposed provision,
including the timeframe for notification and whether separate timeframe
requirements are needed for primary care providers versus other types
of providers that a patient sees on a regular basis. We also solicit
comments on an appropriate definition of ``regular basis,'' or whether
the implementation of that phrase should be left to the good faith
interpretation of the issuer. For instance, we considered whether we
should define regular basis if the enrollee has seen the provider
within the last 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. To satisfy this
requirement, we expect the issuer to try to work with the provider to
obtain the list of affected patients or to use their claims data system
to identify enrollees who see the affected providers. As part of the
notice, we encourage issuers to notify the enrollee of other comparable
in-network providers in the enrollee's service area, provide
information on how an enrollee could access the plan's continuity of
care coverage, and encourage the enrollee to contact the plan with any
In developing the proposed notification standard under Sec.
156.230(e)(1), we considered Medicaid Managed Care and Medicare
Advantage's notification requirements and considered the work by the
NAIC's Network Adequacy Model Review Subgroup. For instance, Medicare
Advantage's notification requirements are similar to the proposed Sec.
156.230(e)(1), and require that the Medicare Advantage organization
make a good faith effort to provide written notice of a termination of
a contracted provider at least 30 calendar days before the termination
effective date to all enrollees who are patients seen on a regular
basis by the provider whose contract is terminating, irrespective of
whether the termination was for cause or without cause. Medicare
Advantage also requires that when a contract termination involves a
primary care professional, all enrollees who are patients of that
primary care professional must be notified.\37\ Medicaid Managed Care,
on the other hand, requires the Managed Care Organization, the Prepaid
Inpatient Health Plan, and, when appropriate, the Prepaid Ambulatory
Health Plan or Primary Care Case Manager, to make a good faith effort
to give written notice of termination of a contracted provider, within
15 days after receipt or issuance of the termination notice, to each
enrollee who received his or her primary care from, or was seen on a
regular basis by the terminated provider.\38\ We seek comments on other
standards for notifying enrollees about their network coverage in cases
of discontinuation, including States' standards and whether exceptions
should be allowed for States' that already require notification to
enrollees when a provider leaves the network.
\37\ 42 CFR 422.111(e).
\38\ 42 CFR 438.10(f)(5).
We are also proposing in Sec. 156.230(e)(2) a provision for QHP
issuers in all FFEs to ensure continuity of care for enrollees in cases
where a provider is terminated without cause. Specifically, we propose
to require the issuer, in cases where the provider is terminated
without cause, to allow an enrollee in active treatment to continue
treatment until the treatment is complete or for 90 days, whichever is
shorter, at in-network cost-sharing rates. Additionally, in proposed
paragraph (e)(2), we propose a definition of active treatment as
meaning: (1) An ongoing course of treatment for a life-threatening
condition; (2) an ongoing course of treatment for a serious acute
condition; (3) the second or third trimester of pregnancy; or (4) an
ongoing course of treatment for a health condition for which a treating
physician or health care provider attests that discontinuing care by
that physician or health care provider would worsen the condition or
interfere with anticipated outcomes. Under the proposed definition of
active treatment, an ongoing course of treatment would include
treatments for mental health and substance use disorders that fall
within the proposed definition. For the purposes of the active
treatment definition, we propose to interpret a life-threatening
condition as a disease or condition for which likelihood of death is
probable unless the course of the disease or condition is interrupted;
and a serious acute condition as a disease or condition requiring
complex on-going care which the covered person is currently receiving,
such as chemotherapy, post-operative visits, or radiation therapy.
Finally, under paragraph (e)(2)(ii), we
[[Page 75551]]
propose that any decisions made for a request for continuity of care be
subject to the health benefit plan's internal and external grievance
and appeal processes in accordance with applicable State or Federal law
or regulations. We solicit comments on this proposed section of the
regulation, including the definitions of ``active treatment,'' ``life-
threatening condition,'' and ``serious acute condition'' and whether
exceptions should be allowed for States' standards that already require
coverage of continuity of care for enrollees. We also solicit comments
about whether enrollees in their second or third trimester of pregnancy
should be allowed to extend obstetric care through the postpartum
period, which could require the continuity of care standard to extend
beyond 90 days. If these enrollees were allowed to extend obstetric
care through the postpartum period, we solicit comment on the
definition of the postpartum period, such as for 6 weeks after birth,
and whether the allowance of care through the postpartum period should
apply for broader types of care than for obstetric care. We also
solicit comments on proposed Sec. 156.230(e)(1) and (2) on the
distinction between a termination with or without cause versus when a
provider leaves the network because the provider's contract is non-
renewed. Specifically, we solicit comments on whether Sec.
156.230(e)(2) should incorporate cases where the provider's contract is
non-renewed or whether we should consider a non-renewal of the
provider's contract as a termination without cause under Sec.
156.230(e)(1) and (2). Lastly, we seek comments about what other
possible provisions may be needed to protect an enrollee when a
provider contract is terminated and can be implemented with limited
burden on issuers.
In general, our network adequacy rules for QHPs require that a
network plan maintain a network sufficient to assure that all services
will be accessible without unreasonable delay. However, there may be
occasions when an enrollee obtains an EHB outside the QHP's network
because the enrollee unknowingly receives out-of-network care. An
enrollee may have made reasonable efforts to stay within the QHP's
network when obtaining an EHB service, but then unknowingly received
care from an out-of-network provider in an in-network setting (for
example, an anesthesiologist or pathologist). To address these
circumstances, we propose to add a new Sec. 156.230(f).
In that paragraph, we propose to require, notwithstanding Sec.
156.130(c) of the subpart, for a network to be deemed adequate, each
QHP that uses a provider network must count cost sharing paid by an
enrollee for an EHB provided by an out-of-network provider in an in-
network setting under certain circumstances towards the enrollee's
annual limitation on cost sharing. That is, if an enrollee received an
EHB in an in-network setting, such as an in-network hospital, but as
part of the provision of the EHB the enrollee was charged out-of-
network cost-sharing for an EHB provided by an out-of-network provider
(such as anesthesiology or pathology services, for example), that cost-
sharing would apply towards the annual limitation on cost-sharing. The
enrollee could still be responsible for out-of-network cost sharing,
and balance billing, for other benefits received from an out-of-network
provider at any time, but not for cost sharing for a covered EHB
provided in-network or out-of-network in a circumstance described in
this paragraph after the annual limitation is met.
Alternatively, the plan could provide a written notice to the
enrollee at least 10 business days before the provision of the benefit
that additional costs may be incurred for EHB provided by an out-of-
network provider in an in-network setting, including balance billing
charges, unless such costs are prohibited under State law, and that any
additional charges may not count toward the in-network annual
limitation on cost sharing. Such notice could be provided during
preauthorization. If the plan provides such notice, this rule would not
require the plan to apply the out-of-network cost sharing towards the
enrollee's annual limit on cost sharing or to be responsible for
covering out-of-network cost sharing above the annual limit. This
alternative would not be available if fewer than 10 business days'
notice is provided, including in cases where that amount of time is not
available (for example, in urgent but non-emergency care situations).
We believe that this proposal balances financial protection for
consumers against surprise out-of-network cost sharing, while
maintaining the larger part of the QHP's cost-sharing structure. The 10
business days' advance notice provision is intended to allow the
enrollee to arrange for an in-network provider to provide the EHB; we
solicit comments on whether this time frame should be shorter or
longer. We would expect the issuer would provide this notification to
the enrollee at the time it notifies the provider with any pre-
authorization documents. The issuer would also be permitted to send a
``form'' document--that is, one that is not customized to the
particular situation at issue--but it could not rely on a blanket
notification through its Web site or provided at enrollment, for
example. We seek comment on this proposal and if we should instead
require the issuer to provide customized information to the consumer
including information on potential in-network providers.
We acknowledge that some States and issuers may offer consumers in
these scenarios protections which go beyond what we are proposing here
for QHPs. Several States have enacted laws that similarly provide
consumers financial protection from the high out-of-pocket expenditures
associated with receiving out-of-network care. States, relying on their
authority to regulate both providers and issuers, generally impose
requirements on both, whereas our proposal focuses on QHP issuers.
States have generally included in their laws mechanisms to address the
level of reimbursement an issuer must pay an out-of-network provider.
For example, States have required payment of all charges, set the rate
at a percentage of a fee schedule, and set forth a process through
which providers and issuers must resolve disputes about charges. Some
States have also prohibited balance billing consumers for certain out-
of-network services, ranging from only emergency services to any
covered service. This proposal is not intended to preempt any State
laws that would be more consumer protective. We note that this proposal
would apply to QHPs in all Exchanges. We seek comment on these
We are also soliciting comments regarding other network adequacy
standards that may be appropriate to apply to QHPs in an FFE in future
years, including standards included in the work being done by the
NAIC's Network Adequacy Model Review Subgroup. One policy we are
considering is whether a QHP in an FFE should have a network resilience
policy for disaster preparedness. Network resilience refers to the
provider network's capacity to withstand and recover from natural or
man-made disasters that may threaten enrollees' continuous access to
quality care. Disasters may negatively impact an issuer's network and
can result in delay in services. Therefore, issuers who have a network
resilience policy will be better prepared to ensure that their network
can provide reasonable access under adverse circumstances. Some
examples of appropriate network resilience policies might include
business continuity planning, consideration of temporary policy changes
in the event of a disaster, and/or disclosure or communication plans.
[[Page 75552]]
We solicit comments on this possible future policy and the examples
provided, including thoughts on what type of policy would be reasonable
and operationally feasible.
In addition, certain States measure network adequacy based on
enrollee wait times for scheduled appointments. As a result, we are
interested in comments on the variation in wait times depending on the
type of provider, such as for primary care or non-primary care
services. Additionally, we also solicit comments as to whether we
should add a wait time standard as an option under the proposed
permissible State standards mentioned in this preamble, or if we should
apply a broad wait time standard across QHPs in the FFEs.
We are also soliciting comments on whether an issuer should be
required to survey all of its contracted providers on a regular basis
to determine if a sufficient number of network providers are accepting
new patients. Additionally, we solicit comments on transparency of
issuers' standards for selecting and tiering of participating providers
for QHPs in an FFE and whether issuers should be required to make
available their selecting and tiering criteria for review and approval
by HHS and the State upon request. We are proposing Sec. 156.230(e) as
a requirement for QHPs in the FFEs and Sec. 156.230(f) as a
requirement for QHPs in all Exchanges. However, we solicit comments on
whether these provisions should apply to all QHPs or only QHPs in the
FFEs. We also solicit comments on applying Sec. 156.230(e) and (f) to
SADPs and whether other standards should be provided for these
provisions for stand-alone dental plans. We note that Sec. 156.230(f)
applies to cost sharing incurred in connection with EHB, and, of dental
benefits, only pediatric dental is EHB.
In addition to the policies above, we are also considering
providing on a rating of each QHP's relative network
coverage. This rating or classification could be made available to a
consumer when making a plan selection. We believe that such a rating
would help an enrollee select the plan that best meets his or her
needs, and we anticipate that this analysis would compare the breadth
of the QHP network at the plan level as compared to the breadth of the
other plan networks for plans available in the same geographic area.
We anticipate analyzing the QHP network by calculating the number
of specific providers that are accessible within specified time and
distance standards. We would then classify the QHP networks into three
categories. We are considering performing the calculation based on the
provider information submitted by all QHP issuers in the existing
network adequacy FFE QHP certification template, but comments on
potential additional data collections are welcome.
This network breadth rating would allow an enrollee to better
understand plans' design, and, like other consumer tools, could help
improve plan satisfaction. We anticipate providing additional details
about how we would classify networks in the Letter to Issuers and in
the QHP certification instructions, and solicit comments on what types
of methods should be used to identify each network's breadth, what
specific specialties should be included in the analysis, what sorts of
adjustments should be made to address provider shortages, and other
possible data sources to obtain information about available providers
in the area. We welcome comments on the best way to make this
information available to consumers, and any other comments related to
this topic.
b. Essential Community Providers (Sec. 156.235)
On June 5, 2015, we proposed through a Paperwork Reduction Act
notice a provider petition process to update the ECP list against which
issuer compliance with the ECP standard is measured. We expect that
this data collection for the 2017 benefit year should be completed by
the end of 2015, although HHS will provide additional opportunities for
ECPs to submit provider data to HHS for benefit years beyond 2017. If
the degree of provider participation in this data collection effort
through the ECP petition allows HHS to assemble a more complete listing
of ECPs, we believe the proposals described below would strengthen the
ECP standard.
We propose that, for the 2017 QHP certification cycle, HHS will
continue to credit a health plan seeking certification to be offered
through an FFE with multiple providers at a single location counting as
a single ECP toward both the available ECPs in the plan's service area
and the issuer's satisfaction of the ECP participation standard. For
QHP certification cycles beginning with the 2018 benefit year, we
solicit public comment on crediting issuers for multiple contracted
full-time equivalent (FTE) practitioners at a single location, up to
the number of available FTE practitioners reported to HHS by the ECP
facility through the provider petition process and published on the HHS
ECP list. HHS would apply this credit in the numerator of an issuer's
percentage satisfaction of the general ECP standard described in
paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section. The denominator of an
issuer's percentage satisfaction of the ECP standard would reflect the
number of available FTE practitioners reported to HHS by each ECP
facility that appears on the HHS ECP list located in the issuer's plan
service area. Once we have collected this FTE practitioner data through
the provider petition process, we believe that crediting an issuer for
multiple contracted FTE practitioners at a single location would more
accurately reflect the issuer's ECP participation in its network.
Therefore, we propose for QHP certification cycles beginning with the
2018 benefit year to revise Sec. 156.235(a)(2)(i) to credit an issuer
for multiple contracted FTE practitioners at a single location, up to
the number of available FTE practitioners reported to HHS by the ECP
facility and reflected on the HHS ECP list, toward the issuer's
satisfaction of the ECP participation standard.
In the final 2016 Payment Notice, we stated that we would consider
disaggregating certain ECP categories to ensure better access to a
wider variety of health care services. However, our analysis of the
available ECPs in each of the additional categories considered for
disaggregation (that is, children's hospitals, rural health clinics,
free-standing cancer centers, community mental health centers, and
hemophilia treatment centers) does not support further ECP category
disaggregation at this time. We believe there are too few ECPs within
each of these additional categories appearing on our HHS ECP list to
afford issuers sufficient flexibility in their contracting. We may
revisit this consideration in the future and encourage QHP issuers to
include in their networks these additional providers to best meet the
needs of the populations they serve.
For the same reasons described for our proposal to revise Sec.
156.235(a)(2)(i), we propose in Sec. 156.235(b)(2)(i) that issuers
that qualify for the alternate ECP standard described in Sec.
156.235(a)(5) that seek certification to be offered through an FFE (or
SBE-FP) be credited for multiple contracted FTE practitioners at a
single location toward the issuer's satisfaction of the alternate ECP
standard described in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section,
beginning with the 2018 benefit year. We propose that for the 2017
benefit year, HHS will continue to credit an issuer that qualifies for
the alternate ECP standard and is seeking certification to be offered
through an FFE with multiple providers at a single location counting as
a single
[[Page 75553]]
ECP toward both the available ECPs in the plan's service area and the
issuer's satisfaction of the ECP participation standard. We seek
comment on these proposals.
c. Enrollment Process for Qualified Individuals (Sec. 156.265)
Under Sec. 156.265(b)(2), if an applicant initiates enrollment
directly with the QHP issuer for enrollment through the Exchange
(direct enrollment through an issuer), the QHP issuer must redirect an
applicant to go directly to the Exchange Web site to complete the
application and receive an eligibility determination. HHS is
considering options under which an applicant could remain on the QHP
issuer's Web site to complete the application and enroll in coverage,
and the QHP issuer's Web site can obtain eligibility information from
the Exchange in order to support the consumer in selecting and
enrolling in a QHP with Exchange financial assistance. The intent is to
have this information exchange occur through an Exchange-approved web
service, as described in Sec. 155.220, enhancing the current direct
enrollment process. This option would provide Exchanges offering direct
enrollment and QHP issuers more operational flexibility to expand
front-end, consumer-facing channels for enrollment through a more
seamless consumer experience.
For a discussion of the options we are considering in the direct
enrollment scenario, see the discussion regarding direct enrollment by
web-brokers in our discussion of changes to Sec. 155.220. We seek
comment on these options, and whether standards should differ for a
web-broker compared to a QHP issuer, and how to maintain privacy and
Accordingly, we propose to revise Sec. 156.265(b)(2)(ii) to ensure
that an applicant who initiates enrollment directly with the QHP issuer
for enrollment through the Exchange receives an eligibility
determination for coverage through the Exchange through the Exchange
Web site or through an Exchange-approved web service via the FFE single
streamline application. This maintains the role of the Exchange in
determining eligibility. We seek comment on this proposal.
d. Termination of Coverage or Enrollment for Qualified Individuals
(Sec. 156.270)
We propose to amend Sec. 156.270(d) to specify that a QHP issuer
must provide a 3-month grace period to an enrollee who, upon failing to
timely pay his or her premiums, is receiving advance payments of the
premium tax credit. Because we believe that changing the length of an
enrollee's grace period during the middle of such a grace period would
be confusing to enrollees and could result in otherwise avoidable
terminations for failure to pay premium, enrollees receiving APTC who
enter a grace period for failing to timely pay premiums and who lose
their eligibility for APTC during the grace period would be able to
complete the remaining portion of the grace period as though the loss
of eligibility for APTC did not occur. The proposed amendment to Sec.
156.270(d) also eliminates language limiting the 3-month grace period
for enrollees who are receiving APTC to only those enrollees who made a
payment during the benefit year. This would permit enrollees renewing
coverage that does not require a binder payment who fail to pay January
premiums in full (or fail to pay within an issuer's premium payment
threshold policy, if applicable) to receive the full grace period of 3
months. This change would align more closely with our interpretation of
the interaction between grace periods, guaranteed availability and
renewability, and the binder payment requirement, that a binder payment
is not necessary when an enrollee enrolls, either actively or
passively, in a plan within the same insurance product, and would
prevent enrollees who re-enroll in the same plan or product from
unfairly losing their right to a grace period because they do not make
a payment for January coverage. Finally, we propose to codify with
regard to the grace period standards our policy described in the
preamble for Sec. 155.400 of this part that if an enrollee receiving
advance payments of the premium tax credit can satisfy the requirement
to pay all outstanding premiums, or if the enrollee satisfies an
issuer's premium payment threshold implemented under Sec. 155.400(g),
if applicable, the QHP issuer must not terminate for non-payment of
premium the enrollee's enrollment through the Exchange. This change to
the rule would reflect the extension of the premium threshold policy to
enrollees who are in a grace period for non-payment of premium.
e. Additional Standards Specific to SHOP (Sec. 156.285)
Sections 155.720(g) and 156.285(c)(5) currently provide that SHOPs
and QHP issuers must reconcile enrollment information on no less than a
monthly basis. We propose to amend Sec. 156.285(c)(5) to specify
additional details about how a QHP issuer offering a QHP through a FF-
SHOP should reconcile enrollment files with the FF-SHOP. Specifically,
the proposed amendments would provide that the issuer must send
enrollment reconciliation files on at least a monthly basis according
to a process and timeline established by the FF-SHOP, and in a file
format specified by the FF-SHOP.
We are also proposing to delete Sec. 156.285(d)(2) consistent with
our interpretation of guaranteed availability and renewability. If a
qualified employer withdraws from a SHOP, the SHOP, not the issuer,
should terminate the group's enrollment through the SHOP, and coverage
might in many circumstances continue outside the SHOP.
f. Meaningful Difference Standard for Qualified Health Plans in the
Federally-Facilitated Exchanges (Sec. 156.298)
At Sec. 156.298, we propose modifications to the meaningful
difference standard for QHPs in the FFEs. We propose to remove the
criterion in paragraph (b)(5) that otherwise identical plans would be
considered meaningfully different on the basis of one QHP being health
savings account eligible. A QHP's health savings account eligibility is
a cost-sharing status that may be assessed by examining the QHP's cost
sharing, which is included at paragraph (b)(1). This criterion is
therefore redundant.
We also propose to delete ``self-only'' and ``non-self-only'' from
paragraph (b)(6). Self-only (that is, individual) plans do not allow
any dependent relationships, while non-self-only (that is, enrollee
group) plans allow at least one dependent relationship type. An
individual can enroll in individual and enrollee group plans. The
allowance of dependents is the only difference between two plans if
they are identified as individual or enrollee group only. We have
determined that these statuses alone are not indicative of meaningful
differences among QHPs. We will maintain the ``child-only'' versus non-
child-only status. We further propose to redesignate paragraph (b)(6)
as paragraph (b)(5) and add the word ``or'' to paragraph (b)(4). We
seek comment on the proposed changes.
g. Other Considerations
We remind issuers that certain other Federal civil rights laws
impose non-discrimination requirements. Issuers that receive Federal
financial assistance, including in connection with offering a QHP on an
Exchange, are subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the
Age Discrimination Act of 1975, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973, and section 1557 of the Affordable
[[Page 75554]]
Care Act. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which enforces these
statutes, published a notice of proposed rulemaking on September 9,
2015 (80 FR 54172) on the requirements of section 1557. Issuers that
intend to seek certification of one or more QHPs are directed to that
proposed rule and to for additional
We also seek to foster market-driven programs that can improve the
management of costs and care. We note that innovative issuer, provider,
and local programs or strategies may be successful in promoting and
managing care, potentially resulting in better health outcomes and
lower rates while creating important differentiation opportunities for
market participants. We seek comment on ways in which we can facilitate
such innovation, and in particular on whether there are regulations or
policies in place that we should modify in order to foster this
6. Standards for Qualified Health Plan Issuers on Federally-Facilitated
Exchanges and State-Based Exchanges on the Federal Platform
To make it operationally feasible for a State-based Exchange to
rely on the Federal platform for eligibility and enrollment functions,
issuers and plans offered on the SBE-FP must comply with rules, as
interpreted and implemented in policy and guidance related to the
Federal eligibility and enrollment infrastructure. These would be the
same requirements related to eligibility and enrollment that are
applicable to QHP issuers and plans on FFEs. For example, SBE-FP
special enrollment periods must be administered within the guidelines
of the FFE special enrollment periods, as it is not possible at this
time for the FFE to accommodate State customization in policy or
operations, such as State-specific SEPs, application questions, display
elements in plan compare, or data analysis. Additionally, if the FFE is
to perform eligibility and enrollment functions, the FFE would also
need to provide for certain consumer tools (plan compare, premium
estimator, second-lowest cost silver plan tool, etc.) to support those
functions. Thus, the FFE would need SBE-FP QHP plan data by the dates
specified in the annual Letter to Issuers to provide for enough time
for adequate testing and loading of the data into the various consumer
tools the FFE offers. Issuers must also comply with certain FFE
enrollment policies and operations (for example, premium payment and
grace period rules, effective date logic, acceptable transaction codes,
and reconciliation rules) for the FFE to successfully process 834
transactions with issuers and minimize any data discrepancies for
Therefore, we propose to add Sec. 156.350 to address eligibility
and enrollment standards for QHP issuers participating on an SBE-FP. In
paragraph (a) of new Sec. 156.350, we would require QHP issuers
participating in an SBE-FP to comply with HHS regulations, and guidance
related to the eligibility and enrollment functions for which the
State-based Exchange relies on the Federal platform. For example, those
issuers would be required to comply with operational standards in the
Federally-facilitated Marketplace and Federally-facilitated Small
Business Health Options Program Enrollment Manual. We provide in
paragraph (a) a list of provisions with which QHP issuers participating
in an SBE-FP would be required to comply. These provisions relate to
eligibility and enrollment functions directly, or are critical to
enabling HHS to assess compliance with eligibility and enrollment
functions. For example, we would require QHP issuers to comply with the
requirements regarding compliance reviews of QHP issuers to the extent
relating directly to applicable eligibility and enrollment functions.
Without this requirement, we would be severely limited in our ability
to determine whether an issuer is complying with the requirements
related directly to the Federal platform's eligibility and enrollment
functions. In paragraph (b), we propose to permit these issuers to
directly enroll applicants in a manner that is considered to be through
the Exchange, under Sec. 156.1230, just as QHP issuers on FFEs are
In paragraph (c), we propose that if an SBE-FP does not
substantially enforce the eligibility and enrollment standards
described in paragraph (a), then HHS may enforce against the issuer or
plan using the enforcement remedies and processes described in subpart
I of part 156. We also propose that the administrative review process
in subpart J of part 156 would apply to enforcement actions taken
against QHP issuers or plans under proposed Sec. 156.350. Because
timely compliance with paragraph (a) is vital to the smooth functioning
of the Federal platform and because the Federal platform would apply a
uniform compliance and enforcement regime for reasons of efficiency and
speed, we believe it is appropriate that HHS have this authority in
this circumstance.
Because this proposal would insert a section applicable to SBE-FPs
in subpart D, which currently describes only standards for QHP issuers
on the FFEs, we propose to amend the title of subpart D to read
Standards for Qualified Health Plan Issuers on Federally-Facilitated
Exchange and State-Based Exchanges on the Federal Platform.
We seek comment on this proposal.
7. Enforcement Remedies in Federally-Facilitated Exchanges (Sec. Sec.
156.800, 156.805, 156.810, and 156.815)
We propose to revise paragraph Sec. 156.805(d). We believe
paragraph (d) provides insufficient information on the effect of
appealing a CMP. In the interest of aligning our CMP and
decertification regulations, we propose to rename paragraph (d)
``Request for hearing.'' Next, we propose to revise paragraph (d)(1) to
state affirmatively the issuer's right to file a request for hearing on
the assessment of a CMP. Finally, we propose to add paragraph (d)(2),
stating that the request for hearing will suspend the assessment of CMP
until a final administrative decision on the appeal. A similar
provision exists in the decertification regulation at Sec. 156.810.
We propose to amend Sec. 156.810 by revising paragraph (e) to
present the appeal rights of QHP issuers and the impact of an appeal
more clearly. Specifically, we propose to provide for the issuer's
appeal right in paragraph (e). Then in paragraph (e)(1) and its
paragraphs, we propose to explain how an appeal will affect the
effective date of a decertification depending on whether the
decertification is standard or expedited.
Previously, we finalized Sec. 156.800(c), in which we stated that
sanctions will not be imposed on a QHP issuer on an FFE if it has made
good faith efforts to comply with applicable requirements for calendar
years 2014 and 2015. We are not proposing to extend this policy.
Starting in the 2016 calendar year and beyond, sanctions may be imposed
if a QHP issuer on an FFE fails to comply with applicable standards,
even if the QHP issuer has made good faith efforts to comply with these
Section 156.810 contains bases for decertification of a QHP. One of
the bases for decertification, Sec. 156.810(a)(5), authorizes
decertification if a QHP issuer is hindering the efficient and
effective operation of a Federally-facilitated Exchange. We interpret
the efficient and effective operation of the FFEs to include displaying
plans that will provide coverage to enrollees who purchase coverage
under that plan. Where an issuer has informed HHS that
[[Page 75555]]
it cannot continue to provide coverage under a QHP, HHS will interpret
this information to mean that the efficient and effective operation of
the FFE will be hindered because it will incorrectly display plans on
the FFE platform. In such a case, HHS may take all necessary steps to
suppress and/or decertify the QHP.
We propose to add new bases for decertification to Sec. 156.810 to
address situations where a QHP issuer is the subject of a pending or
existing State enforcement action, including a consent order, or where
HHS has reasonably determined that an issuer lacks the funds to
continue providing coverage to its consumers for the remainder of the
plan year. Under its obligation to determine that making a plan
available on the FFEs is in the interest of qualified individuals and
employers, HHS is proposing to adopt these decertification bases as a
consumer protection measure.
We welcome comments on these proposals.
8. Quality Standards
a. Patient Safety Standards for QHP Issuers (Sec. 156.1110)
In Sec. 156.1110, we established the first phase of patient safety
standards, beginning on January 1, 2015, for QHP issuers to verify that
certain contracted hospitals meet Medicare Hospital Conditions of
Participation requirements regarding a quality assessment and
performance improvement program and a discharge planning process. We
propose to strengthen QHP patient safety standards in accordance with
section 1311(h) of the Affordable Care Act for plan years beginning on
or after January 1, 2017. In addition to hospital requirements to meet
certain quality and patient safety standards delineated in the Medicare
Conditions of Participation, HHS has engaged with several initiatives
such as the Patient Safety Organization (PSO) program, Hospital
Engagement Networks and the Quality Improvement Organizations, to
broaden the national impact on reducing patient harm. By leveraging the
successful work already being done at national, regional, and local
hospital systems for health care quality improvement and harm
reduction, we believe that alignment of the QHP issuer standards with
effective patient safety interventions will achieve greater impact.
Therefore, we propose amending Sec. 156.1110 to capture the current
patient safety standards that continue to apply for plan years
beginning before January 1, 2017 in new paragraph (a)(1). We also
propose to add new paragraph (a)(2)(i)(A) to specify that for plan
years beginning on or after January 1, 2017, a QHP issuer that
contracts with a hospital with greater than 50 beds must verify that
the hospital uses a patient safety evaluation system as defined in 42
CFR 3.20. The patient safety evaluation system is defined in the PHS
Act as the collection, management, or analysis of information for
reporting to or by a Patient Safety Organization.\39\ We propose in
Sec. 156.1110(a)(2)(i)(B) to require that a QHP issuer that contracts
with a hospital with greater than 50 beds must ensure that the hospital
implemented a comprehensive person-centered discharge program to
improve care coordination and health care quality for each patient. We
believe that use of a data-driven approach, analytic feedback, and
shared learning to advance patient safety, such as working with a PSO,
are essential to implementing meaningful interventions to improve
patient health care quality.
\39\ See, 42 U.S.C. 299b-21(6); and
In accordance with the flexibility provided to the Secretary under
section 1311(h)(2) of the Affordable Care Act to establish reasonable
exceptions to the QHP issuer patient safety requirements, we propose in
Sec. 156.1110(a)(2)(ii), that the hospital may implement evidence-
based initiatives to reduce all cause preventable harm,\40\ prevent
hospital readmission, improve care coordination and improve health care
quality through the collection, management and analysis of patient
safety events by a means other than reporting of such information to or
by a PSO. For example, a QHP issuer may comply with the proposed
patient safety standards if the applicable QHP issuer-contracted
hospital participates through the Partnership for Patients initiative
as part of a Hospital Engagement Network.\41\ We believe this would
allow for flexibility and promote alignment for hospitals that already
engage in effective national, State, public and private patient safety
programs. Although hospital patient safety programs are diverse, we
believe that promoting a common goal of preventing the risk of patient
harm in an effective, sustainable way is important. We also believe it
is important to recognize the core components of a hospital patient
safety program, including development of comprehensive patient safety
systems to identify, report and analyze data; tracking of process and
outcome measures; encouraging a culture of safety with leadership and
health care provider support and expertise; and engaging patients and
families in quality improvement and action plans. Over time, as PSO
activities continue to expand in scope, maturity and effectiveness to
advance efforts to ensure patient safety, we anticipate continuing to
reassess the reasonable exceptions to the QHP issuer patient safety
requirements outlined in Sec. 156.1110(a)(2)(ii). We expect that QHP-
issuer contracted hospitals with more than 50 beds will contract with a
PSO and implement a comprehensive person-centered discharge program to
improve care coordination and health care quality for each patient. HHS
will continue to monitor the status of the PSO program and other
patient safety initiatives and will develop additional requirements or
guidance, if needed, to support effective patient safety strategies and
harmonization of evidence-based standards and requirements under Sec.
\40\ All cause preventable harm or all adverse events-any event
during the care process that results in harm to a patient,
regardless of cause (
In addition, HHS strongly supports hospital tracking of patient
safety events using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Common Formats,\42\ which are a useful tool for a hospital regardless
of what patient safety interventions are implemented for ongoing, data-
driven quality assessment. The Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality anticipates releasing version 2.0 of the Common Formats for
Event Reporting--Hospitals, which would define a systematic process for
reporting adverse events, near misses and unsafe conditions, and allow
a hospital to report harm from all causes. We believe that use of
Common Formats, and aligning with existing HHS recommendations for
hospitals,\43\ is integral whether a hospital chooses to work with a
PSO to comply with the proposed requirement in Sec. 156.1110(a)(2)(i)
or implements the alternative approach under the reasonable exception
provision as proposed in Sec. 156.1110(a)(2)(ii).
We believe these proposed amendments to QHP issuer patient safety
requirements would support these common aspects and goal, and also
align with the established
[[Page 75556]]
requirements in Sec. 156.1130 for a QHP quality improvement strategy,
specifically the outlined quality improvement strategy topic areas from
section 1311(g) of the Affordable Care Act, including implementation of
activities to prevent hospital readmissions and implementation of
activities to improve patient safety and reduce medical errors.
We propose in Sec. 156.1110(b) to amend the documentation
requirement to specify that, for plan years beginning on or after
January 1, 2017, a QHP issuer to collect information from each of its
contracted hospitals with greater than 50 beds to demonstrate that
those hospitals meet the patient safety standards required in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section. Such information could include a copy of the
current agreement to partner with a PSO, a Hospital Engagement Network,
or a Quality Improvement Organization. The documentation should reflect
implementation of PSO activities, such as PSOs and hospitals working
together to collect, report and analyze patient safety events, and
implementation of a comprehensive person-centered hospital discharge
program to demonstrate compliance with the proposed requirements in
Sec. 156.1110(a)(2)(i); or implementation of other patient safety
initiatives to reduce all cause preventable harm, prevent hospital
readmission, improve care coordination and improve health care quality
through the collection, management and analysis of patient safety
events to demonstrate compliance with the reasonable exception
provision proposed to be captured in Sec. 156.1110(a)(2)(ii). We also
propose to remove paragraph (d) from section Sec. 156.1110 because it
is no longer needed given the clarifying proposed effective date
language within paragraphs (a) and (b). We clarify that, at this time,
HHS does not intend to amend the number of hospital beds threshold
authorized by section 1311(h)(3) of the Affordable Care Act and does
not intend to begin implementing the provisions in section
1311(h)(1)(B) regarding non-hospital health care providers.
We seek comment on the proposed amendments to paragraphs (a) and
(b), and the proposed deletion of paragraph (d). We seek comment
specifically on the proposals to require that a QHP issuer that
contracts with a hospital with greater than 50 beds must verify that
the hospital uses a patient safety evaluation system and implements a
comprehensive person-centered discharge program to improve care
coordination and health care quality for each patient. We also seek
comment on the reasonable exception provision under which the QHP
issuer-contracted hospital with greater than 50 beds may implement
evidence-based initiatives other than working with a PSO to reduce all
cause preventable harm, prevent hospital readmission, improve care
coordination and improve health care quality through the collection,
management and analysis of patient safety events. We are considering
providing that QHP issuers must ensure that their contracted hospitals
as described in section 1311(h) are standardizing reporting of patient
safety events with the use of the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality Common Formats, and we seek comment regarding this potential
requirement. We seek comment on the types of information, such as
hospital agreements with PSOs, HENs or QIOs, that may be submitted to a
QHP issuer to comply with the proposed standard in Sec.
156.1110(b)(2). We also seek comment on the proposed documentation
standard, including the burden and costs, to require a QHP issuer to
track information and demonstrate compliance with meeting the new
patient safety standards described in paragraph (a)(2).
9. Qualified Health Plan Issuer Responsibilities
a. Payment and Collections Processes (Sec. 156.1215)
In the 2015 Payment Notice, HHS established a monthly payment and
collections cycle for insurance affordability programs, user fees, and
premium stabilization programs. In 2017, as discussed elsewhere in this
document, we are proposing to charge issuers in State-based Exchanges
that utilize the Federal platform for eligibility and enrollment
services a user fee for the use of the platform. To streamline our
payment and collections process, we propose that, for 2017 and later
years, for purposes of the netting process, the reference to FFE user
fees in Sec. 156.1215(b) would be interpreted to include any fees for
issuers in State-based Exchanges using the Federal platform, as well as
user fees that HHS collects on behalf of the State-based Exchange using
the Federal platform.
In the 2015 Payment Notice, we established in Sec. 156.1215(c)
that any amount owed to the Federal government by an issuer and its
affiliates is the basis for calculating a debt owed to the Federal
government. Similarly, we propose that, for 2015 and later years, for
purposes of calculating the debt owed to the Federal government, we
would interpret the reference to FFE user fees to include any fees for
issuers in State-based Exchanges using the Federal platform, as well as
user fees that HHS collects on behalf of the State-based Exchange using
the Federal platform.
We solicit comments on these proposals, including whether the
current regulations should be amended to reflect this interpretation.
b. Administrative Appeals (Sec. 156.1220)
In the 2015 Payment Notice (79 FR 13818), we established an
administrative appeals process for issuers. We established a three-
tiered appeals process: a request for reconsideration under Sec.
156.1220(a); a request for an informal hearing before a CMS hearing
officer under Sec. 156.1220(b); and a request for review by the
Administrator of CMS under Sec. 156.1220(c). We note that should we
finalize our proposal around SBE-FPs, we would interpret this
administrative appeals process to apply to user fee payments that we
collect from SBE-FP QHP issuers that offer plans on an SBE-FP.
Under Sec. 156.1220(a), an issuer may only file a request for
reconsideration based on the following: a processing error by HHS,
HHS's incorrect application of the relevant methodology, or HHS's
mathematical error. For example, an issuer may file a request for
reconsideration that challenges the assessment of a default risk
adjustment charge if the issuer believes the default charge was
assessed because HHS incorrectly applied its methodology regarding data
quantity and data sufficiency standards; however, the issuer may not
file a request for reconsideration to challenge the methodology itself.
We note that we are seeking comment on the proposed requirements
related to the data quantity and data sufficiency methodology for the
reinsurance and risk adjustments programs elsewhere in this proposed
rule. We also clarify that an issuer may not file a request for
reconsideration regarding issues arising from the issuer's failure to
load complete and accurate data to its dedicated distributed data
environment within the data submission window. Errors by the issuer are
not appealable.
We seek to clarify these grounds for appeal for the risk adjustment
and reinsurance programs, as follows. In line with our proposal to
delete Sec. 153.710(d), we propose to make conforming amendments to
modify Sec. 156.1220 to remove cross-references to the interim
discrepancy reporting process. Under Sec. 156.1220(a)(4)(ii), a
reconsideration relating to risk adjustment or
[[Page 75557]]
reinsurance may only be requested if, to the extent the issue could
have been previously identified by the issuer to HHS under the final
discrepancy reporting process proposed to be redesignated at Sec.
153.710(d)(2), it was so identified and remains unresolved. As proposed
to be redesignated, Sec. 153.710(d)(2) states that an issuer must
identify to HHS any discrepancies it identified in the final
distributed data environment reports. We clarify that issuers may
identify issues during the discrepancy reporting process under newly
designated Sec. 153.710(d)(2) that are not subject to appeal; issuers
may identify issues that are not processing errors by HHS, HHS's
incorrect application of the relevant methodology, or HHS's
mathematical errors. We clarify that, in contrast, an issuer may only
request a reconsideration of unresolved issues that were identified
under the final discrepancy reporting process proposed to be
redesignated at Sec. 153.710(d)(2), if contesting a processing error
by HHS, HHS's incorrect application of the relevant methodology, or
HHS's mathematical error. The existence of an unresolved discrepancy is
not alone a sufficient basis on which to request a reconsideration.
We also seek to clarify the grounds for appeal for the risk
corridors program. An issuer may not file a request for reconsideration
to challenge the standards for the risk corridors program, including
those established in Sec. Sec. 153.500 through 153.540 and in guidance
issued by HHS. In addition, appeals related to data for programs other
than risk corridors covered in Sec. 156.1220(a) cannot be grounds for
risk corridors appeals.
We also propose to shorten the deadline for filing a request for
reconsideration in Sec. 156.1220(a)(3) from 60 to 30 calendar days.
This proposal will permit HHS to resolve administrative appeals,
calculate final payments and charges, and make payments in a more
expedited manner. Additionally, we propose to clarify that an issuer
must pay the full amount owed to HHS as set forth in the applicable
notification, even if the issuer files a request for reconsideration
under Sec. 156.1220. Failure to pay an amount owed will result in
interest accruing after the applicable payment deadline. Therefore, if
an appeal is unsuccessful, and the issuer has not already remitted the
charge amount owed, the issuer would owe the debt plus the interest,
and administrative fees which accrue from delayed payment. If an appeal
is successful, HHS will refund the amount paid in accordance with the
final appeal decision.
Therefore, we propose that the request for reconsideration must be
filed in accordance with the following timeframes: (i) For the premium
tax credit and cost-sharing reduction portions of the advance payments,
or FFE user fee charges, within 30 calendar days after the date of the
final reconsideration notification specifying the aggregate amount of
such advance payments or user fees for the applicable benefit year;
(ii) for a risk adjustment payment or charge, including an assessment
of risk adjustment user fees, within 30 calendar days of the date of
the notification under Sec. 153.310(e); (iii) for a reinsurance
payment, within 30 calendar days of the date of the notification
provided under Sec. 153.240(b)(1)(ii); (iv) for a default risk
adjustment charge, within 30 calendar days of the date of the
notification of such charge; (v) for reconciliation of the cost-sharing
reduction portion of the advance payments, within 30 calendar days of
the date of the notification of such payment or charge; and (vi) for a
risk corridors payment or charge, within 30 calendar days of the date
of the notification of such payment or charge for the purposes of Sec.
153.510(d). We propose to clarify that the last submission of data to
which the issuer has attested serves as the notification for purposes
of Sec. 153.510(d). We seek comment on this proposal.
c. Third Party Payment of Qualified Health Plan Premiums (Sec.
On March 19, 2014, we published in the Federal Register an interim
final rule (IFR) with comment period titled, Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act; Third Party Payment of Qualified Health Plan
Premiums (79 FR 15240). The IFR requires individual market QHP issuers,
including SADP issuers, to accept premium and cost-sharing payments
made on behalf of enrollees by: The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program; other
Federal and State government programs that provide premium and cost
sharing support for specific individuals; and Indian tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian organizations. The IFR applies the
requirements at Sec. 156.1250 to all individual market QHPs and SADPs,
regardless of whether they are offered through an FFE, an SBE, or
outside of an Exchange.
The IFR also amended Sec. 156.805 to ensure that Sec. 156.1250
could be enforced. Specifically, the IFR amended Sec. 156.805(a)(1)
to: Provide that Sec. 156.805 targets violations of issuer standards
and requirements of part 153 that are applicable to issuers; clarify
that substantial non-compliance with any Exchange standard or
requirement applicable to issuers in the FFE is grounds for imposing
CMPs; and explicitly reference part 156 to clarify that substantial
non-compliance with the Exchange standards applicable to issuers
offering QHPs in the FFEs under part 156, including new Sec. 156.1250,
may be a basis for the imposition of CMPs under Sec. 156.805.
Prior to publishing the IFR, HHS issued two ``Frequently Asked
Questions'' documents regarding premium and cost-sharing payments made
by third parties on behalf of QHP enrollees. In an FAQ issued on
November 4, 2013 (the November FAQ), HHS encouraged QHP issuers not to
accept third-party payments made on behalf of enrollees by hospitals,
other healthcare providers, and other commercial entities due to
concerns that such practices could skew the insurance risk pool and
create an uneven field in the Exchanges.\44\ On February 7, 2014, HHS
issued another FAQ (the February FAQ) clarifying that the November FAQ
did not apply to third party premium and cost-sharing payments made on
behalf of enrollees by Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and urban
Indian organizations; State and Federal government programs (such as
the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program); or private, not-for-profit
foundations that base eligibility on financial status, do not consider
enrollees' health status, and provide assistance for an entire
year.\45\ In the February FAQ, HHS affirmatively encouraged QHP issuers
to accept such payments given that Federal or State law or policy
specifically envisions third party payment of premium and cost-sharing
amounts by these entities.
We received 174 comments in response to the March 19, 2014 IFR. The
comments ranged from general support of or opposition to the IFR's
provisions to very specific questions or comments. Based on these
comments, we propose to make some modifications to the policy finalized
in the IFR.
Several commenters requested that final regulations clarify that
``Federal and State government programs'' include programs administered
by a State's political sub-divisions (for example, counties and
municipalities). Several other commenters expressed confusion regarding
the definition of
[[Page 75558]]
``State and Federal government programs,'' particularly in the case
where an entity is both a (Federal or State) government program as well
as a health care provider. These commenters expressed concern that
Sec. 156.1250 does not make a distinction between government programs
(such as Ryan White HIV/AIDS programs) and programs that involve
Federal grantees receiving considerable public funding. Other
commenters expressed concern that the category of Federal and State
government programs is too broad, and does not provide adequate notice
of which payments must be accepted.
We propose to amend Sec. 156.1250 to clarify that a Federal or
State government program includes programs of the political
subdivisions of the State, namely counties and municipalities, which we
refer to as ``local governments.'' Including this clarification in
regulations will ensure that States have the flexibility to distribute
care and Exchange financial assistance to their vulnerable populations
through local governments, consistent with their statutory and
regulatory authority.
In terms of the distinction between programs sponsored and operated
by the government (such as the Ryan White HIV/AIDS programs) and
programs that involve Federal grantees that receive considerable public
funding, we acknowledge that programs such as the Ryan White HIV/AIDS
program operate by working with cities, States, and local community-
based organizations to provide services in line with their statutory
authority. Sections 2604(c)(3)(F), 2612(c)(3)(F), and 2651(c)(3)(F) of
the PHS Act authorize Ryan White HIV/AIDS program grantees and sub-
grantees to use program funds for premium and cost-sharing assistance.
These grantees and sub-grantees must provide the assistance through
third-party payments as they are prohibited from making payments
directly to patients. Though many Ryan White HIV/AIDS program grantees
are State and local governments, not all are; similarly, many of the
State and local government grantees administer funds through sub-
grantees that are not government entities. We propose to distinguish
government programs from government grantees such that the requirement
at Sec. 156.1250 applies to government programs, but not necessarily
to entities that are government grantees, unless specifically
authorized and funded by the Federal, State, or local government
program to make the payments on behalf of the program, consistent with
the government programs' statutory and regulatory authority to provide
premium and cost-sharing assistance through grants and grantees. In
other words, if such Federal, State, and local governments are
authorized to administer their premium and cost-sharing assistance
through grantees or sub-grantees, the payments may not be rejected on
the grounds that they did not come directly from the government
programs. In such cases, the source of the Exchange financial
assistance is the government program, and administration or
distribution of that assistance through grants and grantees is
authorized under statute or regulation. We seek comment on this
proposal and also on whether final regulations should list out the
specific entities that qualify as government programs for purposes of
this provision.
We also propose to require entities that make third party payments
of premiums under this section to notify HHS, in a format and timeline
specified in guidance. We propose that the notification must reflect
the entity's intent to make payments of premiums under this section and
the number of consumers for whom it intends to make payments. We seek
comment on this requirement, and on what information entities should
provide as part of this notification.
We also propose to clarify that while issuers offering individual
market QHPs, including SADPs, generally do not collect cost-sharing
payments, they are required to accept third party cost-sharing payments
on behalf of enrollees in circumstances where the issuer or the
issuer's downstream entity accepts cost-sharing payments from plan
enrollees. Although generally cost-sharing payments are made to
providers, rather than to issuers, there are certain contractual
circumstances where an issuer's non-provider downstream entity engages
in activities on behalf of the issuer, including the collection of
cost-sharing payments. For example, an issuer's pharmacy benefits
manager may collect cost-sharing payments from the issuer's plan
enrollees for prescription drugs. We propose to clarify that in such
situations, the rules at Sec. 156.1250 regarding third-party payments
would apply to cost sharing. We seek comment on these proposals.
We received a number of comments requesting that final regulations
require issuers to accept third-party payments from not-for-profit,
charitable organizations. Several comments stated that requiring QHP
issuers to accept third party payments from Ryan White HIV/AIDS
programs but not from other disease-specific programs is unfair to
those individuals with other diseases or conditions. Several other
commenters expressed that many not-for-profit foundations and
charitable organizations offer premium and cost-sharing assistance to
individuals based on both financial status and diagnosis of a
particular condition or disease.
We are considering whether we should expand the list of entities
from whom issuers are required to accept payment under Sec. 156.1250
to include not-for-profit charitable organizations organizations in
future years. If we did include not-for-profit charitable
organizations, we would intend to include guardrails intended to
minimize risk pool impacts, such as limiting assistance to individuals
not eligible for other MEC and requiring assistance until the end of
the calendar year. In making this determination, we intend to carefully
review data provided by entities currently making third party premium
payments and data related to the overall risk pool to better understand
the impact of these payments.
d. Other Notices (Sec. 156.1256)
We propose to add a new Sec. 156.1256, which would add a
requirement for issuers, in the case of a plan or benefit display error
included in Sec. 155.420(d)(4), to notify their enrollees within 30
calendar days after the error is identified, if directed to do so by
the FFE. We believe that enrollees should be made aware of any error
that may have impacted their QHP selection and enrollment and any
associated monthly or annual costs. Therefore, we are proposing a
requirement for issuers to notify their enrollees of such error, should
such error occur, as well as the availability of a special enrollment
period, under Sec. 155.420(d)(4), for the enrollee to select a
different QHP, if desired. We seek comment on this proposal.
H. Part 158--Issuer Use of Premium Revenue: Reporting and Rebate
1. Definitions (Sec. 158.103)
To ensure consistency in the definitions of ``large employer'' and
``small employer'' between the MLR regulation and the market reform
requirements, and to reflect the recent amendments to section 2791(e)
of the PHS Act and section 1304(b) of the Affordable Care Act that were
made by the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act (Pub. L.
114-60), we propose to revise the regulatory definitions of ``large
employer'' and ``small employer'' in Sec. 158.103 to cross-
[[Page 75559]]
reference the definitions of those terms in Sec. 144.103.
2. Reporting of Incurred Claims (Sec. Sec. 158.103 and 158.140(a))
The MLR December 1, 2010 interim final rule (75 FR 74864) and the
May 16, 2012 technical corrections thereto (77 FR 28788) direct issuers
to report incurred claims with a 3-month run-out period, and define
unpaid claim reserves to mean reserves and liabilities established to
account for claims that were incurred during the MLR reporting year but
had not been paid within 3 months of the end of the MLR reporting year.
The run-out period improves the accuracy of reported incurred claims by
using the actual claims payments that take place during the run-out
period, instead of the estimated claims liabilities and reserves, in
the calculation of claims incurred in the reporting year.
Prior to the 2014 MLR reporting year, the deadline for submitting
MLR reports to the Secretary was June 1 of the year following the
reporting year. The 2014 Payment Notice (78 FR 15410) moved the
reporting deadline from June 1 to July 31 of the year following the
reporting year to accommodate inclusion of the transitional reinsurance
and risk adjustment amounts, which HHS generally publishes by June 30,
in the MLR and risk corridors calculations.
Because the MLR reporting deadline applicable to the 2014 and later
reporting years occurs later in the year, the incurred claims valuation
can also occur later in the year. Therefore, we propose to amend the
definition of unpaid claims reserves in Sec. 158.103 and the
requirements for reporting incurred claims in Sec. 158.140(a) to
utilize a 6-month, rather than a 3-month run-out period beginning with
the 2015 reporting year. This proposed amendment would require incurred
claims to be calculated as of June 30, rather than March 31, of the
year following the reporting year. We note that this approach is
consistent with the proposal outlined in section III.D.3.a. of this
preamble regarding the treatment of incurred but not received claims
for the risk corridors program. We seek comment on this proposal.
Finally, we are inviting comment on whether we should modify the
treatment of a health insurance issuer's investments in fraud
prevention activities for MLR reporting purposes in the final rule. We
are considering amending the MLR regulation to permit the counting of a
health insurance issuer's investments in fraud prevention activities
among those expenses attributable to incurred claims. We solicit
comments on this approach, including whether safeguards against
potential abuse should be included (for example, an upper limit on this
allowance, such as a percentage based on the ratio of issuers' fraud
reduction expenses reported under Sec. 158.140(b)(iv) and issuers'
earned premium as defined in Sec. 158.130); whether we should collect
fraud prevention activity expense data as an informational item on the
MLR Annual Reporting Form before amending the regulation; as well as on
potential alternative treatment of these expenses for MLR reporting or
rebate calculation purposes. We seek comment on this issue from all
stakeholders, and specific actual data, if available, including with
respect to the additional incentives that would result for health plan
investments of this sort.
IV. Collection of Information Requirements
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are required to
provide 60-day notice in the Federal Register and solicit public
comment before a collection of information requirement is submitted to
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. This
proposed rule contains information collection requirements (ICRs) that
are subject to review by OMB. A description of these provisions is
given in the following paragraphs with an estimate of the annual
burden, summarized in Table 11. To fairly evaluate whether an
information collection should be approved by OMB, section 3506(c)(2)(A)
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) requires that we solicit
comment on the following issues:
The need for the information collection and its usefulness
in carrying out the proper functions of our agency.
The accuracy of our estimate of the information collection
The quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be
Recommendations to minimize the information collection
burden on the affected public, including automated collection
We are soliciting public comment on each of these issues for the
following sections of this proposed rule that contain ICRs. We
generally used data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to derive
average labor costs (including a 35 percent increase for fringe
benefits and overhead) for estimating the burden associated with the
\46\ See May 2014 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational
Employment Statistics, National Occupational Employment and Wage
Estimates at
A. ICRs Regarding Submission of Risk Corridors Data (Sec. 153.530)
We are proposing to amend the risk corridors program requirements
at Sec. 153.530 to require issuers to true-up claims liabilities and
reserves used to determine the allowable costs reported for the
preceding benefit year to reflect the actual claims payments made
through June 30 of the year following the benefit year. Although this
proposal would require issuers to submit data indicating the difference
between their incurred liability estimated as of March 31 and June 30,
we believe that issuers will be recording these amounts as part of
their normal business practices, and that there will be no new data
elements and no additional burden as a result of this proposal.
Therefore, in accordance with the implementing regulations of the PRA
at 5 CFR 1320.3(b)(2), we believe the burden associated with this
requirement would be exempt as it associated with a usual and customary
business practice.
B. ICRs Regarding Submission of Rate Filing Justification (Sec.
This proposed rule would require health insurance issuers to submit
a Unified Rate Review Template for all single risk pool coverage
regardless of whether there is a plan within a product that experiences
a rate increase. The existing information collection requirement is
approved under OMB Control Number 0938-1141. This includes the unified
rate review template and instructions for rate filing documentation
that issuers currently use to submit rate information to HHS for rate
increases of any size for single risk pool coverage and rate increases
that meet or exceed the subject to review threshold for non-single risk
pool coverage. As detailed in the accompanying preamble discussion, we
believe most issuers already report this information. Therefore, we do
not expect issuers to incur a burden associated with this proposed
regulation. Prior to the deadline for the submission of rate
information to CMS for rates for single risk pool coverage effective on
or after January 1, 2017, HHS intends to solicit public comment on and
seek OMB approval for revisions to the information collection template
and instructions approved under OMB Control Number 0938-1141.
C. ICRs Regarding Election To Operate an Exchange After 2014 (Sec.
This proposed rule would modify the dates for application
submission and approval for States seeking to operate an SBE, and have
an approved or
[[Page 75560]]
conditionally-approved Exchange Blueprint application and operational
readiness assessment. HHS does not propose modifying the documents that
States already must submit as part of the required Exchange Blueprint
application. Therefore, HHS does not anticipate any additional impact
to the administrative burden associated with the proposed regulatory
changes to Sec. 155.106. HHS proposes utilizing the existing PRA
package approved under OMB Control Number 0938-1172 for the Exchange
Blueprint application.
D. ICRs Regarding Standards for Certified Application Counselors (Sec.
Section 155.225(b)(1)(ii) requires certified application counselor
designated organizations to maintain a registration process and
methodology to track the performance of certified application
counselors. This proposed rule would add a new Sec. 155.225(b)(1)(iii)
requiring certified application counselor designated organizations to
provide the Exchange with information and data regarding the
performance of the organization's certified application counselors, and
the consumer assistance they provide. Although the current requirement
at Sec. 155.225(b)(1)(ii) does not specify the type of performance
information that must be tracked, or require that the information be
provided to the Exchange, we expect that certified application
counselor designated organizations already have a tracking process in
place to collect performance information from individual certified
application counselors, and that individual certified application
counselors are already recording and submitting this required
information to their organization. Therefore, we expect this proposal
to have minimal impact on individual certified application counselors
and on certified application counselor designated organizations.
The proposed Sec. 155.225(b)(1)(iii) would add a new burden of
compiling the performance information and submitting it to the
Exchanges. In States with FFEs, HHS anticipates that, beginning in
January 2017, it would collect three performance data points each month
from certified application counselor designated organizations: The
number of individuals who have been certified by the organization; the
total number of consumers who received application and enrollment
assistance from the organization; and of that number, the number of
consumers who received assistance applying for and selecting a QHP,
enrolling in a QHP, or applying for Medicaid or CHIP. We anticipate
that this data would be reported to FFEs electronically, through HIOS
or another electronic submission vehicle. For the purpose of estimating
costs and burdens, we assume that State Exchanges will collect the same
information with the same frequency, although our proposal gives
Exchanges the flexibility to determine which data to collect and the
form and manner of the collection. We estimate that certified
application counselor designated organizations will have a mid-level
health policy analyst prepare the reports and a senior manager will
review each monthly report. HHS expects that a mid-level health policy
analyst (at an hourly wage rate of $40.64) will spend 2 hours each
month to provide the required monthly submissions and a senior manager
(at an hourly wage rate of $91.31) will spend \3/8\ hour to review the
submissions. Therefore, we estimate each monthly report will require
2.375 hours and a cost burden of $115.52 per month per organization, or
28.50 hours with a cost (12 monthly reports) of $1,386.25 annually per
certified application counselor designated organization. Nationwide, we
estimate there are 5,000 certified application counselor designated
organizations, resulting in an annual cost burden of $6,931,200 and
142,500 hours for certified application counselor designated
Under proposed Sec. 155.225(b)(1)(iii), if an Exchange requests
these certified application counselor reports, the Exchange would also
need to review the reports. We assume that all Exchanges will require
monthly reports and will utilize in-house staff to review them. We
assume that an employee earning a wage that is equivalent to a mid-
level GS-11 employee would review monthly report submissions from
certified application counselor designated organizations.\47\ We
estimate that a mid-level employee (at an hourly wage rate of $43.13)
will spend 10 minutes reviewing each monthly report for a cost burden
of approximately $7.19 per monthly report per certified application
counselor designated organization. For State Exchanges, we estimate
that there are 1,500 certified application counselor designated
organizations resulting in a cost burden of 3,000 hours and
approximately $129,390 annually. Costs to the FFEs are estimated
separately in the Regulatory Impact Analysis section of this proposed
\47\ Federal wage rates are available at
E. ICRs Regarding Network Adequacy Standards (Sec. 156.230(e) and (f))
Proposed Sec. 156.230(e) would require that QHP issuers make a
good faith effort to provide written notice of discontinuation of a
provider 30 days prior to the effective date of the change or otherwise
as soon as practicable, to enrollees who are patients seen on a regular
basis by the provider or who receive primary care from the provider
whose contract is being discontinued, irrespective of whether the
contract is being discontinued due to a termination for cause or
without cause, or due to a non-renewal. This is a third-party
disclosure requirement. We estimate that a total of 475 issuers
participate in the FFE and would be required to comply with the
proposed standard. We propose an estimate of 5 percent of providers
discontinue contracts per year and that an issuer in the FFE covers
7,500 National Provider Identifiers, which means that we estimate an
issuer would have 375 provider discontinuations in a year. For each
provider discontinuation, we propose an estimate that it will take a
database administrator 30 minutes for data analysis to produce the list
of affected enrollees at $55.37 an hour and an administrative assistant
30 minutes to develop the notification and send the notification to the
affected enrollees, at $29.93 an hour. The total costs per an issuer
would be $15,993.75. The total annual costs estimate would be
$7,597,031. Because we are already collecting information regarding
network classifications as part of the existing QHP certification
process, we do not believe that this proposal described in the preamble
will result in additional information collection requirements for
Proposed Sec. 156.230(f) would require QHP issuers to provide a
notice to enrollees of the possibility of out-of-network charges from
an out-of-network provider in an in-network setting at least 10
business days prior to the benefit being provided to avoid counting the
out-of-network costs against to the annual limitation on cost sharing.
This provision would apply to all QHPs, which includes 575 issuers. We
estimate it would take an issuer's mid-level health policy analyst (at
an hourly wage rate of $54.87) approximately 6 minutes to create a
notification and send the proposed information. We estimate that
approximately 2 notices would be sent for every 100 enrollees. Assuming
approximately 9 million enrollees in QHPs 2017, we estimate QHPs would
send approximately 180,000 total
[[Page 75561]]
notices, for a total hours of 18,000, with a total cost of $987,660.
F. ICR Regarding Monthly SHOP Enrollment Reconciliation Files Submitted
by Issuers (156.285(c)(5))
Proposed amendments to Sec. 156.285(c)(5) would specify that
issuers in a Federally-facilitated SHOP would send monthly enrollment
reconciliation files to the SHOP according to a process, timeline and
file format established by the FF-SHOP. CMS anticipates that it would
require FF-SHOP issuers to submit a standard file with specific data
elements and submit their files in a process set out by the SHOP, no
less frequently than on a monthly basis.
Issuers of QHPs available through the SHOP are already required
under the current version of Sec. 156.285(c)(5) ``to reconcile
enrollment files with the SHOP at least monthly.'' Therefore, we expect
this proposal to have minimal impact on SHOP issuers.
G. ICR Regarding Patient Safety Standards (Sec. 156.1110)
In Sec. 156.1110(a)(2), we propose that for plan years beginning
on or after January 1, 2017, a QHP issuer that contracts with a
hospital with greater than 50 beds must verify that the hospital uses a
patient safety evaluation system and implements a mechanism for
comprehensive person-centered hospital discharge to improve care
coordination and health care quality for each patient. We also propose
in Sec. 156.1100(a)(2)(ii) to establish reasonable exceptions to these
new QHP issuer patient safety requirements such that the hospital may
implement evidence-based initiatives to reduce all cause preventable
harm, prevent hospital readmission, improve care coordination and
improve health care quality through the collection, management and
analysis of patient safety events (rather than requiring reporting of
such information to or by a Patient Safety Organization). The burden
estimate associated with the information collection, recordkeeping, and
disclosure requirements to demonstrate compliance with these standards
includes the time and effort required for QHP issuers to maintain and
submit to the applicable Exchanges, documentation including but not
limited to, hospital agreements to partner with a Patient Safety
Organization, a Hospital Engagement Network, or a Quality Improvement
Organization that demonstrate that each of its contracted hospitals
with greater than 50 beds meets the patient safety standards required
in Sec. 156.1110(a)(2) for plan years beginning on or after January 1,
2017. QHP issuers may not already be collecting such network provider
information; therefore, we estimate the cost and burden to collect this
administrative information as follows: For a total of 600 QHP issuers,
offering 15 plans as potential QHPs, we estimate each issuer would
require one senior manager an average of 3 hours to collect and
maintain the hospital agreements or other information necessary to
demonstrate compliance as required in Sec. 156.1110(a)(2) for their
QHPs offered on Exchanges for plan years beginning on or after January
1, 2017. For a senior manager (at an hourly wage rate of $91.31), we
estimate the total annual cost for a QHP issuer to be $273.93.
Therefore, we estimate a total annual burden of 1,800 hours, resulting
in an annual cost of $164,358.
H. ICR Regarding Third Party Payment of Qualified Health Plan Premiums
(Sec. 156.1250)
We are proposing to require entities that make third party payments
of premiums under this section to notify HHS, in a format and timeline
specified in guidance. We expect that the notification would reflect
the entity's intent to make payments of premiums under this section and
the number of consumers for whom it intends to make payments. We
estimate it would take approximately four hours to analyze the number
of consumers the entity intends to make payments of premiums on behalf
of, draft a notification and send the proposed information by a mid-
level health policy analyst (at an hourly wage rate of $54.87).
Assuming 500 entities exist that make third party payments and each
would send one notice, we estimate a total burden of 2,000 hours
resulting in an annual cost of $109,740.
I. ICRs Regarding Other Notices (Sec. 156.1256)
We are proposing to add a new section at Sec. 156.1256 to require
that, in the event of a plan or benefit display error, QHP issuers
notify their enrollees within 30 calendar days after the error is
identified, both of the plan or benefit display error and of the
opportunity to enroll in a new QHP under a special enrollment period at
Sec. 155.420(d)(4), if directed to do so by the FFE. This provision
would apply to all QHPs in the FFEs, which includes 475 issuers. We
estimate it would take approximately 30 minutes to amend a form notice,
add SEP language provided by the FFE, and send the proposed information
by an issuer's mid-level health policy analyst (at an hourly wage rate
of $54.87). We estimate that approximately 4 percent of enrollees would
receive such a notice. Assuming approximately 7 million FFE enrollees,
we estimate QHPs in the FFEs would send approximately 280,000 total
notices, for a total hours of 140,000, with a total cost of $7,681,800.
However, although this proposal would require issuers to send
notices for the specified situation, sending these notices is already
part of normal issuer business practices and issuers are already
working with the FFE to include language in their notices about special
enrollment periods, as applicable and appropriate. Therefore, there
will be no additional information required by issuers and no new
administrative burden as a result of this proposal. In accordance with
the implementing regulations of the PRA at 5 CFR 1320.3(b)(2), we
believe the burden associated with this requirement would be exempt as
it associated with a usual and customary business practice.
Table 11--Annual Reporting, Recordkeeping and Disclosure Burden
Burden per Hourly labor Total labor
Regulation section OMB Control number Number of Responses response Total annual cost of cost of Total cost ($)
respondents (hours) burden (hours) reporting ($) reporting ($)
Sec. 155.225(b)(1)(iii)--certified 0938-1172.......................... 5,000 60,000 2.375 142,500 48.64 6,931,200 6,931,200
application counselor organizations.
Sec. 155.225(b)(1)(iii)--State Exchange.. 0938-1172.......................... 1,500 1,500 0.167 3,000 43.13 129,390 129,390
Sec. 156.230(e).......................... 0938-NEW........................... 475 178,125 1 375 42.65 7,597,031 7,597,031
Sec. 156.230(f).......................... 0938-NEW........................... 575 180,000 0.1 18,000 54.87 987,660 987,660
Sec. 156.1110............................ 0938-1249.......................... 600 9,000 0.2 1,800 91.31 164,358 164,358
Sec. 156.1250............................ 0938-NEW........................... 500 500 4 2,000 54.87 109,740 109,740
Sec. 156.1256............................ 0938-NEW........................... 475 280,000 0.5 140,000 54.87 7,681,800 7,681,800
[[Page 75562]]
Total.................................. ................................... 6,100 .............. .............. 334,675 .............. 23,601,179 23,601,179
Note: There are no capital/maintenance costs associated with the information collection requirements contained in this rule; therefore, we have removed the associated column from Table 11.
Submission of PRA-Related Comments
We have submitted a copy of this proposed rule to OMB for its
review of the rule's information collection requirements. These
requirements are not effective until they have been approved by OMB.
To obtain copies of the supporting statement and any related forms
for the proposed paperwork collections referenced above, access CMS'
Web site at; email
your request, including your address, phone number, OMB control number,
and CMS document identifier, to; or call the
Reports Clearance Office at 410-786-1326.
We invite public comments on these potential information collection
requirements. If you comment on these information collection and
recordkeeping requirements, please submit your comments electronically
as specified in the ADDRESSES section of this proposed rule. Please
include ``CMS-9937-P,'' the ICR's OMB control number, and the CMS
document ID number in your comment.
PRA-specific comments must be received by February 1, 2016.
V. Response to Comments
Because of the large number of public comments we normally receive
on Federal Register documents, we are not able to acknowledge or
respond to them individually. We will consider all comments we receive
by the date and time specified in the DATES section of this proposed
rule, and, when we proceed with a subsequent document, we will respond
to the comments in the preamble to that document.
VI. Regulatory Impact Analysis
A. Statement of Need
This rule proposes standards related to the premium stabilization
programs (risk adjustment, reinsurance, and risk corridors) for the
2017 benefit year, as well as certain modifications to these programs
that will protect issuers from the potential effects of adverse
selection and protect consumers from increases in premiums due to
issuer uncertainty. The Premium Stabilization Rule and previous Payment
Notices provided detail on the implementation of these programs,
including the specific parameters for the 2014, 2015, and 2016 benefit
years applicable to these programs. This rule proposes additional
standards related to essential health benefits, meaningful access in
the Exchange, consumer assistance tools and programs of an Exchange,
Navigators, non-Navigator assistance personnel, agents and brokers
registered with the Federally-facilitated Exchange, certified
application counselors, cost-sharing parameters and cost-sharing
reduction notices, essential community providers, qualified health
plans, network adequacy, stand-alone dental plans, acceptance of third-
party payments by QHP issuers, patient safety standards for issuers of
qualified health plans participating in Exchanges, guaranteed
availability and guaranteed renewability, minimum essential coverage,
the rate review program, the medical loss ratio program, the Small
Business Health Options Program, and FFE user fees.
B. Overall Impact
We have examined the impacts of this rule as required by Executive
Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review (September 30, 1993),
Executive Order 13563 on Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
(January 18, 2011), the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (September 19,
1980, Pub. L. 96-354), section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (March 22, 1995, Pub. L. 104-4), Executive Order 13132 on
Federalism (August 4, 1999), and the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C.
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Executive
Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and
benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting
flexibility. A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must be prepared for
rules with economically significant effects ($100 million or more in
any 1 year).
OMB has determined that this proposed rule is ``economically
significant'' within the meaning of section 3(f)(1) of Executive Order
12866, because it is likely to have an annual effect of $100 million in
any 1 year. Accordingly, we have prepared an RIA that presents the
costs and benefits of this proposed rule.
Although it is difficult to discuss the wide-ranging effects of
these provisions in isolation, the overarching goal of the premium
stabilization, market standards, and Exchange-related provisions and
policies in the Affordable Care Act is to make affordable health
insurance available to individuals who do not have access to affordable
employer-sponsored coverage. The provisions within this proposed rule
are integral to the goal of expanding coverage. For example, the
premium stabilization programs help prevent risk selection and decrease
the risk of financial loss that health insurance issuers might
otherwise expect in 2017 and Exchange financial assistance assists low-
and moderate-income consumers and American Indians/Alaska Natives in
purchasing health insurance. The combined impacts of these provisions
affect the private sector, issuers, and consumers, through increased
access to health care services including preventive services, decreased
uncompensated care, lower premiums, establishment of the next phase of
patient safety standards, and increased plan transparency. Through the
reduction in financial uncertainty for issuers and increased
affordability for consumers, these provisions are expected to increase
access to affordable health coverage.
HHS anticipates that the provisions of this proposed rule will help
further the Department's goal of ensuring that all consumers have
access to quality and affordable health care and are able to make
informed choices, that Exchanges operate smoothly, that premium
stabilization programs work as intended, that SHOPs are provided
flexibility, and that employers and consumers are protected from
fraudulent and criminal activities.
[[Page 75563]]
Affected entities such as QHP issuers would incur costs to comply with
the proposed provisions, including administrative costs related to
notices, new patient safety requirements, training and recertification
requirements, and establishing a larger provider network. In accordance
with Executive Order 12866, HHS believes that the benefits of this
regulatory action justify the costs.
C. Impact Estimates of the Payment Notice Provisions and Accounting
In accordance with OMB Circular A-4, Table 12 depicts an accounting
statement summarizing HHS's assessment of the benefits, costs, and
transfers associated with this regulatory action.
This proposed rule implements standards for programs that will have
numerous effects, including providing consumers with affordable health
insurance coverage, reducing the impact of adverse selection, and
stabilizing premiums in the individual and small group health insurance
markets and in an Exchange. We are unable to quantify certain benefits
of this proposed rule--such as improved health outcomes and longevity
due to continuous quality improvement, improved patient safety and
increased insurance enrollment--and certain costs--such as the cost of
providing additional medical services to newly-enrolled individuals.
The effects in Table 12 reflect qualitative impacts and estimated
direct monetary costs and transfers resulting from the provisions of
this proposed rule for health insurance issuers. The annualized
monetized costs described in Table 12 reflect direct administrative
costs to health insurance issuers as a result of the proposed
provisions, and include administrative costs related to notices, new
patient safety requirements, and training and recertification
requirements that are estimated in the Collection of Information
section of this proposed rule. The annual monetized transfers described
in Table 12 include costs associated with FFE user fees, the risk
adjustment user fee paid to HHS by issuers, changes in the overall
transfer amount for the risk corridors program for fiscal years 2017
through 2018, and an increase in MLR rebates to consumers. We are
proposing to collect a total of $52 million in risk adjustment user
fees or $1.80 per enrollee per year from risk adjustment issuers, which
is slightly more than the $50 million generated in benefit year 2016
when we established a $1.75 per-enrollee-per-year risk adjustment user
fee amount. As in 2016, the risk adjustment user fee contract costs for
2017 include additional costs for risk adjustment data validation;
however, we expect increased enrollment in 2017 HHS risk adjustment
covered plans, which decreases the per enrollee amount. Also, the
increase in FFE user fee collections is the result of expected growth
in enrollment in the FFEs rather than an increase in the user fee rate,
which at 3.5 percent remains the same from 2016 to 2017. Beginning in
2017, we are also proposing to charge a user fee for SBEs that utilize
the Federal platform for eligibility and enrollment services. This user
fee rate would be set at 3.0 percent for benefit year 2017.
Table 12--Accounting Table
Increased enrollment in the individual market leading to improved access to health care for the
previously uninsured, especially individuals with medical conditions, which will result in improved health
and protection from the risk of catastrophic medical expenditures..........................................
Continuous quality improvement among QHP issuers to reduce patient harm and improve health outcomes
at lower costs.............................................................................................
More informed Exchanges QHP certification decisions................................................
Increased coverage options for small businesses and employees with minimal adverse selection.......
Costs: Estimate Year dollar Discount rate Period covered
Annualized Monetized ($/year).................. $23.91 2015 7 2016-2020
23.91 2015 3 2016-2020
Costs incurred by issuers to comply with provisions in the proposed rule...........................
Transfers: Estimate Year dollar Discount rate Period covered
Annualized Monetized ($/year).................. $21.73 2015 7 2016-2020
21.84 2015 3 2016-2020
Transfers reflect an additional $2 million annual cost of risk adjustment user fees (the total risk
adjustment user fee amount for 2015 was $50 million), which are transfers from health insurance issuers to the
Federal government. Transfers also reflect an additional $31 million in rebates from entities subject to
medical loss ratio (MLR) requirements to consumers, an increase of $105 million in the amount of user fees
collected from State-based Exchanges that use the Federal platform for eligibility and enrollment, which are
transfers from issuers to the Federal government, and a total decrease of $112 million in the amount of risk
corridors transfers between issuers of qualified health plans (QHPs).
Unquantified: Lower premium rates in the individual market due to the improved risk profile of the
insured, competition, and pooling.
This RIA expands upon the impact analyses of previous rules and
utilizes the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) analysis of the
Affordable Care Act's impact on Federal spending, revenue collection,
and insurance enrollment. The Affordable Care Act ends the temporary
risk corridors program and, in this rulemaking, we propose to end the
transitional reinsurance program after the benefit year 2016.
Therefore, the costs associated with those programs are not included in
Tables 12 or 13 for fiscal years 2019-2020. Table 13 summarizes the
effects of the risk adjustment program on the Federal budget from
fiscal years 2016 through 2020, with the additional, societal effects
of this proposed rule discussed in this RIA. We do not expect the
provisions of this proposed rule to
[[Page 75564]]
significantly alter CBO's estimates of the budget impact of the premium
stabilization programs that are described in Table 13. We estimate that
the proposal to true up claims liabilities and reserves used to
determine allowable costs for the risk corridors program will reduce
the overall risk corridors transfer amount by $112 million in each of
fiscal years 2017 and 2018. We note that transfers associated with the
risk adjustment and reinsurance programs were previously estimated in
the Premium Stabilization Rule; therefore, to avoid double-counting, we
do not include them in the accounting statement for this proposed rule
(Table 12).
In addition to utilizing CBO projections, HHS conducted an internal
analysis of the effects of its regulations on enrollment and premiums.
Based on these internal analyses, we anticipate that the quantitative
effects of the provisions proposed in this rule are consistent with our
previous estimates in the 2016 Payment Notice for the impacts
associated with the advance payments of cost-sharing reductions and
premium tax credits, the premium stabilization programs, and FFE user
fee requirements.
Table 13--Estimated Federal Government Outlays and Receipts for the Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance, and Risk
Corridors Programs From Fiscal Year 2016-2020
[In billions of dollars]
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016-2020
Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance, and 16.5 19.5 13 15 16 80
Risk Corridors Program Payments..
Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance, and 15.5 18.5 13 15 16 78
Risk Corridors Program
Note 1: Risk adjustment program payments and receipts lag by one quarter. Receipt will fully offset payments
over time.
Note 2: The CBO score reflects an additional $2 million in collections in FY 2015 that are outlayed in the FY
2016-FY 2020 timeframe. CBO does not expect a shortfall in these programs.
Source: Congressional Budget Office. Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care Act--CBO's March 2015
Baseline Table
1. Fair Health Insurance Premiums
The proposed regulations would permit an additional principal
business address to be identified for a small employer that is within
the service area of an issuer's network plan, in instances where the
issuer is rating based on geography and the employer's principal
business address is not within that service area. This would ensure
that the network plan can be appropriately rated for sale to the group
policyholder, benefitting both issuers and employers.
2. Guaranteed Availability
This proposed rule would codify certain exceptions to guaranteed
availability. Because we believe this codification is consistent with
current industry practice under current standards, we do not believe
this change will have a material impact on issuers or enrollees.
2. Student Health Insurance Coverage
This proposed rule would subject student health insurance coverage
to the index rating methodology under the single risk pool regulation,
but specify that issuers may establish one or more separate risk pools
for each institution of higher education, provided they are based on a
bona fide school-related classification and not related to health
status. The proposed rule would also eliminate the requirement that
issuers of student health insurance coverage provide coverage comprised
of the specific metal levels, and instead require such issuers to
provide insurance policies that provide at least 60 percent AV. This
would provide flexibility for colleges and universities to offer
student health insurance plans that are more generous than the standard
metal levels. This would affect an estimated 41 issuers that offer
student health insurance coverage nationwide and approximately 1.3
million students and dependents enrolled in such plans.\48\
\48\ Source: Data from Medical Loss Ratio submissions for 2013
reporting year.
3. Risk Adjustment
The risk adjustment program is a permanent program created by the
Affordable Care Act that transfers funds from lower risk, non-
grandfathered plans to higher risk, non-grandfathered plans in the
individual and small group markets, inside and outside the Exchanges.
We established standards for the administration of the risk adjustment
program, in subparts D and G of part 45 of the CFR.
A State approved or conditionally approved by the Secretary to
operate an Exchange may establish a risk adjustment program, or have
HHS do so on its behalf. As described in the 2014, 2015, and 2016
Payment Notices, if HHS operates risk adjustment on behalf of a State,
it will fund its risk adjustment program operations by assessing a risk
adjustment user fee on issuers of risk adjustment covered plans. For
the 2017 benefit year, we estimate that the total cost for HHS to
operate the risk adjustment program on behalf of States for 2017 will
be approximately $52 million, slightly more than in 2016, and that the
risk adjustment user fee would be approximately $1.80 per enrollee per
year. This user fee reflects both increased contract costs to support
the risk adjustment data validation process in 2017 and an expected
increase in enrollment in risk adjustment covered QHPs.
4. Risk Corridors
The Federally operated temporary risk corridors program ends in
benefit year 2016 as required by statute. Because risk corridors
charges are collected in the year following the applicable benefit
year, and risk corridors payments lag receipt of collections by one
quarter, we estimate that risk corridors transfers will continue
through fiscal year 2018. We are proposing that for the 2015 and later
benefit years, the issuer must true up claims liabilities and reserves
used to determine the allowable costs reported for the preceding
benefit year to reflect the actual claims payments made through June 30
of the year following the benefit year. This proposed amendment would
provide for a more accurate risk corridors calculation by substituting
actual experience in place of estimates. Some issuers overestimate
their claims and liabilities, while others underestimate them. Based on
the 2014 MLR and risk corridors data, we estimate that this proposed
amendment will result in a combined total reduction of approximately
$315 million in risk corridors payments or increase in risk
[[Page 75565]]
corridors charges for some issuers; and a combined total increase of
approximately $203 million in risk corridors payments or decrease in
risk corridors charges for other issuers. The estimated net impact of
the proposed amendment would thus be a reduction of approximately $112
million in total transfers between issuers.
5. Rate Review
In Sec. 154.215, we propose to amend the criteria for submission
of the Unified Rate Review Template for single risk pool coverage to
HHS. We estimated the burden associated with the rate filing process in
the Supporting Statement approved under OMB Control Number 0938-1141.
We intend to revise the information collection currently approved under
OMB Control Number 0938-1141 to clarify instructions related to
completing the template for single risk pool coverage that has a rate
decrease, no rate change and for new plans.
6. Additional Required Benefits
In Sec. 155.170, we propose to amend the requirement for coverage
of benefits in addition to the essential health benefits. Specifically,
we propose to reword Sec. 155.170(a)(2) to make clear that a benefit
required by the State through action taking place on or before December
31, 2011 is considered an EHB and one required by the State through
action taking place after December 31, 2011 is considered in addition
to EHB. As we see this as a clarification, we do not anticipate an
additional burden on States or issuers. At Sec. 155.170(a)(3), we
currently require the Exchange to identify which additional State-
required benefits, if any, are in excess of EHB. We propose to amend
paragraph (a)(3) to designate the State, rather than the Exchange, as
the entity that identifies which State-required benefits are not EHB.
Because Exchanges have generally been relying upon State Departments of
Insurance in determining what constitutes an essential health benefit,
we do not anticipate any additional burden to States because of this
7. Standards for Navigators and Certain Non-Navigator Assistance
This proposed rule would amend some of the standards for consumer
assistance functions under Sec. 155.205(d) and (e), as well as for the
activities of Navigators and non-Navigator assistance personnel subject
to Sec. 155.215. The proposed changes include ensuring consumers have
access to skilled assistance with Exchange-related issues beyond
applying for and enrolling in coverage. Such post enrollment and other
assistance would include assisting consumers with applying for
exemptions from the individual shared responsibility payment that are
granted through the Exchange, with the process of filing Exchange
appeals, and with understanding basic concepts related to health
coverage and how to use it. The proposed rule would also require
Navigators to provide targeted assistance to serve underserved and/or
vulnerable populations, as identified by each Exchange. Our proposals
would also specify that any individual or entity carrying out consumer
assistance functions under Sec. 155.205(d) and (e) or Sec. 155.210
must complete training prior to performing any assister duties,
including conducting outreach and education activities.
Our proposal to amend Sec. Sec. 155.205(d) and 155.215(b)(1)(i)
related to completing training for Navigators and certain non-Navigator
assistance personnel only applies to the timing of the training and
does not have any impact on the training itself. Therefore, it would
not affect the burden or cost for entities already subject to training
requirements. Because under existing Sec. 155.215(b)(2), Navigators in
FFEs must already be trained on the tax implications of enrollment
decisions, the individual responsibility to have health coverage,
eligibility appeals, and rights and processes for QHP appeals and
grievances, we expect our amendments to Sec. 155.210(b)(2)(v) through
(viii) to have minimal impact on FFE training. If any SBEs do not
already provide training on these topics, we expect they would incur
minimal costs in developing and implementing this training. Our
proposal requiring Navigators to serve underserved and vulnerable
populations will have an increased benefit for consumers, especially
hard to reach populations. All costs associated with reaching these
consumers in FFEs would be considered allowable costs that would be
covered by the Navigator grants for the FFEs and that may be drawn down
as the grantee incurs such costs. Additionally, Sec. 155.210(b)(2)(i)
already requires Navigators in all States to receive training on
serving underserved and vulnerable populations.
8. Certified Application Counselors
This proposed rule would require certified application counselor
organizations to submit data and information to the Exchanges regarding
the performance of their certified application counselors and the
consumer assistance they provide, upon request, in a form and manner
specified by the Exchange. Under proposed Sec. 155.225(b)(1)(iii), if
an Exchange requests these certified application counselor reports, the
Exchange would also need to review them. We assume that all Exchanges
will require monthly reports and will utilize in-house staff to review
them. We assume that an employee earning a wage that is equivalent to a
mid-level GS-11 employee would review monthly report submissions from
certified application counselor designated organizations.\49\ We
estimate that a mid-level employee (at an hourly wage rate of $43.13)
will spend 10 minutes reviewing each monthly report for a cost burden
of approximately $7.19 per monthly report per certified application
counselor designated organization. We estimate the costs of this
proposal for State Exchanges in the Collection of Information
Requirements section of this proposed rule. For the FFEs, we estimate
there are 3,500 certified application counselor designated
organizations, resulting in a total annual burden for FFEs of 7,000
hours, at a cost of $301,910.
\49\ Federal wage rates are available at
The SHOP facilitates the enrollment of eligible employees of small
employers into small group health insurance plans. A qualitative
analysis of the costs and benefits of establishing a SHOP was included
in the RIA published in conjunction with the Exchange Establishment
\50\ Available at:
The proposed Sec. 155.735(d)(2)(iii) would require the FF-SHOPs to
send qualified employees a notice notifying them that their child
dependent(s) are no longer eligible for dependent child coverage under
their plan because of age. The notice would be sent 90 days in advance
of the date when the dependent enrollee loses eligibility for dependent
coverage. We estimate the Federally-facilitated SHOPs will spend
roughly 35 hours annually, per State, to prepare the notice, for a
total cost of $1,775, per State, to design and implement the notices
proposed under Sec. 155.735(d)(2)(iii). We estimate that there will be
approximately 32 States operating under the Federally-facilitated SHOPs
and all will be subject to this requirement. Therefore, we estimate a
total annual cost of $58,575 for the FF-SHOPs as a result of this
[[Page 75566]]
10. Standardized Options
In assessing the burden associated with implementing standardized
options, as described in Sec. 156.20, we assessed the potential impact
on premiums established by QHP issuers in the FFEs. Due to the many
complex factors that issuers consider when setting premiums, it is
impossible to fully predict how each QHP issuer would price a
standardized option prior to HHS sharing the standardized option with
stakeholders and soliciting feedback. We anticipate that an issuer will
price a standardized option based on how similar or different the
standardized option is to the issuer's current shelf (plan offerings).
Because of the large variation across the country, we expect that how
standardized options will be priced will vary by issuer and by State.
We do not anticipate that it will significantly affect 2017 plan
premiums. We expect that issuers will offer standardized options at a
given metal level if the standardized options are similar to their
existing plans and can be priced competitively.
The premium impact on issuers' non-standard plan offerings is
difficult to estimate.
Among the six State Exchanges that standardized plans and required
standardized options to be offered by QHP issuers in 2014, two
(California and New York) that attempted to conduct premium impact
analysis found that introduction of the requirement on issuers to offer
standardized options was associated with a negligible or downward
impact on premiums. However, these SBEs found it was difficult to
isolate the effects of plan standardization on premiums given the many
changes that occurred in the insurance market in 2014 (including the
uptake in individual market enrollment, the movement to narrow
networks, and active purchasing and rate negotiation in California).
Again, we note that there is a great deal of uncertainty in how
this policy will affect Exchanges due to several considerations:
While we propose to standardize cost-sharing on key
essential health benefits, there are a wide range of other benefit
design parameters that we will not standardize. It is not clear how
this differentiation will manifest among plans or affect consumer
There is also wide geographic variation in health care
markets, including with respect to prices, plan designs, and provider
networks. As such, we anticipate that the take-up of standardized
options and their impacts on consumers will vary in different locations
across the country.
11. User Fees
To support the operation of FFEs, we require in Sec. 156.50(c)
that a participating issuer offering a plan through an FFE must remit a
user fee to HHS each month equal to the product of the monthly user fee
rate specified in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment
parameters for the applicable benefit year and the monthly premium
charged by the issuer for each policy under the plan where enrollment
is through an FFE. In this proposed rule, for the 2017 benefit year, we
propose a monthly FFE user fee rate equal to 3.5 percent and, for a
State-based Exchange that relies on the Federal platform, 3.0 percent
of the monthly premium. For the user fee charges assessed on issuers in
the FFE and State-based Exchanges using the Federal platform, we intend
to seek an exception to OMB Circular No. A-25R, which requires that the
user fee charge be sufficient to recover the full cost to the Federal
government of providing the special benefit. We seek this exception to
ensure that the FFE can support many of the goals of the Affordable
Care Act, including improving the health of the population, reducing
health care costs, and providing access to health coverage as advanced
by Sec. 156.50(d).
12. Actuarial Value
The proposed Sec. 156.135(g) changes current Sec. 156.135(g) to
allow for additional flexibility in our approach and options for
updating of the AV Calculator in the future. Issuers may incur minor
administrative costs associated with altering cost-sharing parameters
of their plan designs to ensure compliance with AV requirements when
utilizing the AV calculator from year-to-year. These requirements are
established in the EHB Rule. Since issuers have extensive experience in
offering products with various levels of cost sharing and since these
modifications are expected to be relatively minor for most issuers, HHS
expects that the process for computing AV with the AV Calculator will
not demand many additional resources.
13. Network Adequacy
In Sec. 156.230(f), we propose to require QHPs in the FFEs to
count certain out-of-network cost sharing towards the in-network annual
limitation on cost sharing for enrollees who receive EHB from an out-
of-network provider at an in-network setting. The premium impact will
vary based on existing State laws. It is difficult to estimate a
nationwide effect with precision. We seek comment on the impact of this
14. Provisions Related to Cost Sharing
The Affordable Care Act provides for the reduction or elimination
of cost sharing for certain eligible individuals enrolled in QHPs
offered through the Exchanges. This assistance will help many low- and
moderate-income individuals and families obtain health insurance--for
many people, cost sharing is a barrier to obtaining needed health
\51\ Brook, Robert H., John E. Ware, William H. Rogers, Emmett
B. Keeler, Allyson Ross Davies, Cathy D. Sherbourne, George A.
Goldberg, Kathleen N. Lohr, Patricia Camp and Joseph P. Newhouse.
The Effect of Coinsurance on the Health of Adults: Results from the
RAND Health Insurance Experiment. Santa Monica, CA: RAND
Corporation, 1984. Available at:
We set forth in this proposed rule the reductions in the maximum
annual limitation on cost sharing for silver plan variations.
Consistent with our analysis in previous Payment Notices, we developed
three model silver level QHPs and analyzed the impact on their AVs of
the reductions described in the Affordable Care Act to the estimated
2017 maximum annual limitation on cost sharing for self only coverage
($7,150). We do not believe these changes will result in a significant
economic impact. Therefore, we do not believe the provisions related to
cost-sharing reductions in this proposed rule will have an impact on
the program established by and described in the 2015 and 2016 Payment
We also proposed the premium adjustment percentage for the 2017
benefit year. Section 156.130(e) provides that the premium adjustment
percentage is the percentage (if any) by which the average per capita
premium for health insurance coverage for the preceding calendar year
exceeds such average per capita premium for health insurance for 2013.
The annual premium adjustment percentage sets the rate of increase for
three parameters detailed in the Affordable Care Act: The annual
limitation on cost sharing (defined at Sec. 156.130(a)), the required
contribution percentage by individuals for minimum essential coverage
the Secretary may use to determine eligibility for hardship exemptions
under section 5000A of the Code, and the assessable payments under
sections 4980H(a) and 4980H(b). We believe that the proposed 2017
premium adjustment percentage of 13.25256291 percent is well within the
parameters used in the modeling of the Affordable Care Act, and we do
not expect that these
[[Page 75567]]
proposed provisions will alter CBO's March 2015 baseline estimates of
the budget impact.
15. Stand-Alone Dental Plans
In Sec. 156.150, we propose increasing the annual limitation on
cost sharing for stand-alone dental plans being certified by the
Exchanges. We believe that the benefit of increasing the annual limit
on cost sharing is that issuers would be able to offer consumers SADPs
that provide preventive care without any cost sharing, similar to what
is generally offered by SADPs in the large group market. This proposal
may also decrease the likelihood of premium increases.
16. Meaningful Difference
In Sec. 156.298, we propose to remove health savings account
eligibility and the individual coverage or enrollment group coverage
criteria as options for meeting the meaningful difference standard. As
we believe the health savings account eligibility criterion to overlap
with cost-sharing criterion (that is, we believe that a plan that meets
the meaningful difference standard for health savings account
eligibility would also meet the standard under the cost-sharing
criterion), we do not believe that removing this criterion will have
any impact on issuers. Additionally, our records indicate that no self-
only coverage plans were reviewed for meaningful difference in 2015 and
none are offered for 2016 Open Enrollment. As such, we estimate that
the impact of this proposed change is negligible.
17. Patient Safety Standards
The proposed next phase of patient safety standards requires QHP
issuers participating in Exchanges to track hospital participation
agreements with PSOs or other evidence-based patient safety
initiatives. We believe this proposed requirement to verify that
hospitals with greater than 50 beds use a patient safety evaluation
tool and implement a comprehensive person-centered hospital discharge
program would encourage continuous quality improvement among QHP
issuers by strengthening system-wide efforts to reduce patient harm in
a measurable way, improve health outcomes at lower costs, allow for
flexibility and innovation in patient safety interventions and
practices, and encourage meaningful health care quality improvements.
We discuss the administrative costs associated with submitting this
information in the Collection of Information section of this proposed
18. Acceptance of Certain Third Party Payments
On March 19, 2014, we published in the Federal Register an interim
final rule (IFR) with comment period titled, Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act; Third Party Payment of Qualified Health Plan
Premiums (79 FR 15240). In Sec. 156.1250, we propose to refine this
rule to require individual market QHPs and SADPs to accept premium
payments made by certain third parties. This rule proposes to clarify
the circumstances in which individual market QHPs and SADPs must accept
payments made by Ryan White HIV/AIDS program; Federal and State
government programs that provide premium and cost sharing support for
specific individuals; and Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and
urban Indian organizations. We do not believe these actions would
impose any significant new costs on issuers because we assume that most
issuers already accept such payments under our interim final rule.
19. Medical Loss Ratio
In this proposed rule, we propose to amend the definition of unpaid
claims reserves in Sec. 158.103 and the requirements for reporting
incurred claims in Sec. 158.140(a) to utilize a 6-month, rather than a
3-month, run-out period beginning with the 2015 reporting year. This
proposed amendment would require incurred claims to be calculated as of
June 30, rather than March 31, of the year following the reporting
year. This proposed amendment would provide for a more accurate MLR and
risk corridors calculation by reducing reliance on estimates. Some
issuers overestimate their claims and liabilities, while others
underestimate them. We estimate that this proposed provision would
increase rebate payments from issuers to consumers by a net total of
approximately $12 million.
In addition, we are proposing to amend the risk corridors program
requirements at Sec. 153.530 to require issuers to true-up claims
liabilities and reserves used to determine the allowable costs reported
for the preceding benefit year to reflect the actual claims payments
made through June 30 of the year following the benefit year. We
estimate the impact of this proposal on the risk corridors program
elsewhere in this RIA. Because risk corridors payments and charges are
a component of the MLR and rebate calculation, the impact of this
proposed provision on risk corridors payments and charges will affect
MLR rebates to consumers. We estimate that this proposed provision
would increase rebate payments from issuers to consumers by an
estimated net total of $19 million for the 2015 MLR reporting year.
D. Regulatory Alternatives Considered
In developing the policies contained in this proposed rule, we
considered numerous alternatives to the presented proposals. Below we
discuss the key regulatory alternatives that we considered.
Regarding the 2017 required contribution percentage, which
establishes the threshold for spending on minimum essential health care
required for an affordability exemption from the individual
responsibility requirement, we considered continuing to use the per
capita gross domestic product as the measure of income growth. However,
a new measure of income growth, per capita personal income, became
available for the first time last year as part of the National Health
Expenditure's projections, and includes not only participation in
production but also transfer payments. We believe that this broader
measure of personal income more accurately reflects individual income
than GDP per capita.
For proposed Sec. 155.200(f), we considered a number of
alternatives. We considered not codifying the SBE-FP model, and winding
down use of the Federal platform by SBEs. This would have forced SBEs
to find a way to perform all required Exchange eligibility and
enrollment functions themselves, including the implementation of an
Exchange technology platform, or else convert to FFEs. We made the
proposal we did because we believe that it is technically feasible and
will permit a number of SBEs to access the Federal government's greater
economies of scale. We also considered a more customized option, under
which an SBE would be permitted to select from a menu of Federal
services. While we are considering providing more flexibility to SBE-
FPs in the future, at this point we do not have the operational ability
to permit that level of customization. Finally, we considered
alternatives under which issuers and other delegated and downstream
entities in States with SBE-FPs would not be required to meet FFE
standards, or HHS would not participate in enforcement against issuers
violating those FFE rules. As discussed in this proposed rule, we
believe that applying Federal standards to issuers and their downstream
entities for SBE-FPs helps promote consistent minimum standards
associated with
[[Page 75568]]
Regarding the exemptions program, we considered maintaining the
option under which individuals can receive certification of certain
exemptions from the Exchange, rather than transitioning the process for
obtaining those exemption types fully to the IRS. However, we believe
that this approach contributes to confusion and unnecessarily creates
additional hurdles for individuals claiming these exemptions. We also
considered whether to cede other exemption types to the IRS, in
addition to the exemptions for Indian status, members of health care
sharing ministries, and incarceration. However, to minimize potential
consumer confusion, we opted only to streamline the exemptions process
and not to expand the scope of exemptions that the IRS may grant.
We propose issuing hardship exemptions when a consumer shows their
hardship is ongoing at the time of application. Hardship exemptions are
issued for months within the current calendar year plus the next, plus
the months before and after the hardship ends. When consumers approach
the Exchange near the end of the calendar year, we typically can only
grant them a hardship exemption for a few months. We believe the
current approach may not give consumers sufficient time to seek
coverage before their hardship exemption expires, and therefore
proposed extending the length of the hardship exemption. Many enrollees
eligible for a hardship exemption are currently facing significant life
disruptions, and may need more time to find coverage.
For employer choice in the FF-SHOPs, we considered offering an
additional employer choice option that would permit an employer to
select an actuarial value level of coverage, after which employees
could choose from plans available at that level and at the level above
it. Recognizing that small group market dynamics differ by State, we
decided to seek comment on, but not propose this option at this time.
We also considered requiring all SHOPs to offer these additional
employer choice options, but instead opted to maintain State-based
SHOPs' flexibility under the current regulations, so that States can
decide whether implementing additional employer choice options would be
in the best interest of small group market consumers in their State.
We considered requiring QHP issuers to offer standardized options
as a condition of participation in the FFEs. However, we believe that
markets and Exchanges may be at different stages of readiness for
standardized options, and that the cost-sharing structure that HHS
specifies may not be well tailored for all States. Similarly, we
believe that some issuers may have difficulty offering standardized
options in the short run because of operational constraints.
In developing proposed Sec. 156.230, we considered waiting for the
NAIC's workgroup to complete its work on drafting a revised model act
on network adequacy and not proposing changes to the network adequacy
standard for 2017. As discussed in the preamble of the final rule for
the HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2016 (80 FR
10750), HHS had planned to await the results of the NAIC's workgroup to
develop a revised model act before proposing significant changes to
network adequacy policy. However, since the NAIC workgroup has not
completed its work, we have decided to proceed with proposing some
concepts from the draft versions of the NAIC model act to strengthen
network adequacy requirements, particularly for QHPs being offered in
the FFEs. We propose these requirements to ensure certain consumer
protections and standards are being provided to enrollees in 2017. As
an alternative, we also considered proposing more concepts from the
NAIC's drafts of the model act in the area of network adequacy, such as
requiring issuers to submit for review and approval an access plan and
establishing requirements for what the access plan must include.
However, we are cognizant of the burden on issuers to implement many
policy changes in one year, especially when these changes affect
issuers' QHP certification applications. Therefore, we will continue to
monitor the NAIC's workgroup efforts to develop a model act on network
adequacy, and will consider whether additional standards will be needed
in future years.
In Sec. 156.230(f), regarding QHP enrollees in the FFE who receive
an EHB from an out-of-network provider in an in-network setting, we
considered an alternative under which all cost sharing, regardless of
notification, would count towards the in-network annual limitation on
cost sharing, or to accrue at in-network rates. However, we recognize
that the issuer often has a limited ability to control the use of out-
of-network providers, and are wary of the impact of such a policy on
In Sec. 156.1110, we considered maintaining the current approach
of aligning with Medicare hospital Conditions of Participation
standards and not establishing further regulations at this time for QHP
issuers to collect information, such as hospital participation
agreements with PSOs, to comply with new patient safety standards for
plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2017. However, we decided
to propose the policy in this proposed rule because we believe that
strengthening patient safety standards and aligning with current,
effective patient safety interventions will achieve greater impact for
consumers, in terms of health care quality improvement and harm
reduction, resulting in higher quality QHPs being offered in the
Exchanges. Additionally, we considered proposing an approach that did
not include establishing reasonable exceptions to the requirements for
a QHP issuer that contracts with a hospital with greater than 50 beds
to utilize a patient safety evaluation system and implement a mechanism
for comprehensive person-centered hospital discharges, as described in
section 1311(h)(1) of the Affordable Care Act. However, we determined
that it is important to support national patient safety efforts,
promote evidence-based patient safety interventions and allow for
flexibility, innovation, and minimal burden for issuers and hospitals.
E. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act, (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.), requires
agencies to prepare an initial regulatory flexibility analysis to
describe the impact of the proposed rule on small entities, unless the
head of the agency can certify that the rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
The RFA generally defines a ``small entity'' as (1) a proprietary firm
meeting the size standards of the Small Business Administration (SBA),
(2) a not-for-profit organization that is not dominant in its field, or
(3) a small government jurisdiction with a population of less than
50,000. States and individuals are not included in the definition of
``small entity.'' HHS uses a change in revenues of more than 3 to 5
percent as its measure of significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
In this proposed rule, we propose standards for the risk
adjustment, reinsurance, and risk corridors programs, which are
intended to stabilize premiums as insurance market reforms are
implemented and Exchanges facilitate increased enrollment. Because we
believe that insurance firms offering comprehensive health insurance
policies generally exceed the size thresholds for ``small entities''
established by the SBA, we do not believe that an initial regulatory
[[Page 75569]]
flexibility analysis is required for such firms.
For purposes of the RFA, we expect the following types of entities
to be affected by this proposed rule:
Health insurance issuers.
Group health plans.
We believe that health insurance issuers and group health plans
would be classified under the North American Industry Classification
System code 524114 (Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers).
According to SBA size standards, entities with average annual receipts
of $38.5 million or less would be considered small entities for these
North American Industry Classification System codes. Issuers could
possibly be classified in 621491 (HMO Medical Centers) and, if this is
the case, the SBA size standard would be $32.5 million or less.
In this proposed rule, we proposed standards for employers that
choose to participate in a SHOP Exchange. The SHOPs are limited by
statute to employers with at least one but not more than 50 employees,
unless a State opts to provide that employers with from 1 to 100
employees are ``small employers.'' For this reason, we expect that many
employers who would be affected by the proposals would meet the SBA
standard for small entities. We do not believe that the proposals
impose requirements on employers offering health insurance through a
SHOP that are more restrictive than the current requirements on small
businesses offering employer sponsored insurance. We believe the
processes that we have established constitute the minimum amount of
requirements necessary to implement the SHOP program and accomplish our
policy goals, and that no appropriate regulatory alternatives could be
developed to further lessen the compliance burden.
We believe that a substantial number of sponsors of self-insured
group health plans could qualify as ``small entities.'' This proposed
rule provides HHS with the authority to audit these entities. However,
we do not believe that the burden of these audits is likely to reflect
more than 3 to 5 percent of such an entity's revenues.
Some of the entities that voluntarily act as Navigators and non-
Navigator assistance personnel subject to Sec. 155.215, or as
designated certified application counselor organizations, might be
small entities and could incur costs to comply with the provisions of
this proposed rule. It should be noted that HHS, in its role as the
operator of the FFEs, does not impose any fees on these entities for
participating in their respective programs, nor are there fees for
taking the Federally required training or completing continuing
education or recertification in FFEs. The cost burden related to our
proposals about reaching vulnerable and underserved populations and
providing post-enrollment and other assistance would apply to
Navigators in all Exchanges. The costs associated with these proposals
would generally be considered an allowable cost that would be covered
by the Navigator grants for the FFEs, and these grant funds may be
drawn down as the grantee incurs such costs. Depending upon applicable
State law and how States with State Exchanges implement their Navigator
grant programs, the same might be true in those States. Though it is
very likely that many costs associated with these proposals would be
covered by affected entities' and individuals' funding sources, HHS
cannot guarantee that all such costs would be covered because of the
possibility of budget limitations applicable to the FFEs in any given
period, and because there may be variations in how State Exchanges
implement their Navigator grant programs.
The costs related to the proposed reporting requirement for
designated certified application counselor organizations would be borne
by those organizations, which do not receive funding from Exchanges for
these services. The costs incurred by designated certified application
counselor organizations for the reporting of performance metrics are
expected to be low.
Based on data from MLR annual report submissions for the 2014 MLR
reporting year, approximately 118 out of 525 issuers of health
insurance coverage nationwide had total premium revenue of $38.5
million or less. This estimate may overstate the actual number of small
health insurance companies that may be affected, since almost 80
percent of these small companies belong to larger holding groups, and
many if not all of these small companies are likely to have non-health
lines of business that would result in their revenues exceeding $38.5
million. Only seven of these 118 potentially small entities, all of
them part of larger holding groups, are estimated to experience an
increase or decrease in the rebate amount under the proposed amendments
to the MLR provisions of this proposed rule in part 158, including one
entity that did not owe a rebate for the 2014 reporting year. Two
additional entities may experience a small (less than 2.5 percent)
change in their risk corridors payments and charges under the MLR
provisions of this proposed rule. Based on data from the 2014 MLR and
risk corridors annual report submissions, 20 of these 118 potentially
small entities had risk corridors payments or charges for the 2014
benefit year. Only one of these entities is estimated to experience a
decrease in its risk corridors payment under the proposed provisions in
Sec. 153.530(b)(2)(iv), with no impact on its rebate liability.
Therefore, we do not expect the proposed provisions of this rule to
affect a substantial number of small entities.
F. Unfunded Mandates
Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA)
requires that agencies assess anticipated costs and benefits and take
certain other actions before issuing a proposed rule that includes any
Federal mandate that may result in expenditures in any 1 year by a
State, local, or Tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100 million in 1995 dollars, updated annually for
inflation. In 2015, that threshold is approximately $144 million.
Although we have not been able to quantify all costs, the combined
administrative cost and user fee impact on State, local, or Tribal
governments and the private sector may be above the threshold. Earlier
portions of this RIA constitute our UMRA analysis.
G. Federalism
Executive Order 13132 establishes certain requirements that an
agency must meet when it promulgates a proposed rule that imposes
substantial direct costs on State and local governments, preempts State
law, or otherwise has Federalism implications. Because States have
flexibility in designing their Exchange and Exchange-related programs,
State decisions will ultimately influence both administrative expenses
and overall premiums. States are not required to establish an Exchange
or risk adjustment or reinsurance program. For States electing to
operate an Exchange, risk adjustment or reinsurance program, much of
the initial cost of creating these programs will be funded by Exchange
Planning and Establishment Grants. After establishment, Exchanges will
be financially self-sustaining, with revenue sources at the discretion
of the State. Current State Exchanges charge user fees to issuers.
In HHS's view, while this proposed rule would not impose
substantial direct requirement costs on State and local governments,
this regulation has Federalism implications due to direct effects on
the distribution of power and responsibilities among the State and
Federal governments relating to
[[Page 75570]]
determining standards relating to health insurance that is offered in
the individual and small group markets. For example, our proposal
permitting a State to elect to utilize the Federal platform for
enrollment and eligibility services may make certain SBEs more
economically feasible, providing more options for States seeking to
exercise the right to establish and operate n Exchange. However, HHS
anticipates that the Federalism implications (if any) are substantially
mitigated because under the statute, States have choices regarding the
structure and governance of their Exchanges and risk adjustment and
reinsurance programs. Additionally, the Affordable Care Act does not
require States to establish these programs; if a State elects not to
establish any of these programs or is not approved to do so, HHS must
establish and operate the programs in that State.
In compliance with the requirement of Executive Order 13132 that
agencies examine closely any policies that may have Federalism
implications or limit the policy making discretion of the States, HHS
has engaged in efforts to consult with and work cooperatively with
affected States, including participating in conference calls with and
attending conferences of the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners, and consulting with State insurance officials on an
individual basis.
While developing this proposed rule, HHS has attempted to balance
the States' interests in regulating health insurance issuers, and
Congress' intent to provide access to Affordable Insurance Exchanges
for consumers in every State. By doing so, it is HHS's view that we
have complied with the requirements of Executive Order 13132.
States will continue to license, monitor, and regulate agents and
brokers, both inside and outside of Exchanges. All State laws related
to agents and brokers, including State laws related to appointments,
contractual relationships with issuers, licensing, marketing, conduct,
and fraud will continue to apply.
H. Congressional Review Act
This proposed rule is subject to the Congressional Review Act
provisions of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
1996 (5 U.S.C. 801, et seq.), which specifies that before a rule can
take effect, the Federal agency promulgating the rule shall submit to
each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General a report
containing a copy of the rule along with other specified information,
and has been transmitted to Congress and the Comptroller for review.
List of Subjects
45 CFR Parts 144, 146, and 147
Health care, Health insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping
45 CFR Part 153
Administrative practice and procedure, Health care, Health
insurance, Health records, Organization and functions (Government
agencies), Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
45 CFR Part 154
Administrative practice and procedure, Claims, Health care, Health
insurance, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
45 CFR Part 155
Administrative practice and procedure, Health care, Health
insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, State and local
45 CFR Part 156
Administrative practice and procedure, Advertising, American
Indian/Alaska Natives, Conflict of interest, Consumer protection, Cost-
sharing reductions, Grant programs-health, Grants administration,
Health care, Health insurance, Health maintenance organization (HMO),
Health records, Hospitals, Individuals with disabilities, Loan
programs-health, Medicaid, Organization and functions (Government
agencies), Public assistance programs, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, State and local governments, Sunshine Act, Technical
assistance, Women, Youth.
45 CFR Part 158
Administrative practice and procedure, Claims, Health care, Health
insurance, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Department of Health
and Human Services proposes to amend 45 CFR parts 144, 146, 147, 150,
153, 154, 155, 156, and 158 as set forth below.
1. The authority citation for part 144 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 2701 through 2763, 2791, and 2792 of the
Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 300gg through 300gg-63, 300gg-
91, and 300gg-92.
2. Section 144.103 is amended by revising paragraph (1) of the
definition of ``Excepted benefits'' and revising the definitions of
``Large employer'' and ``Small employer'' to read as follows:
Sec. 144.103 Definitions.
* * * * *
Excepted benefits * * *
(1) Group market provisions in 45 CFR part 146, subpart D, is
defined in 45 CFR 146.145(b); and
* * * * *
Large employer means, in connection with a group health plan with
respect to a calendar year and a plan year, an employer who employed an
average of at least 51 employees on business days during the preceding
calendar year and who employs at least 1 employee on the first day of
the plan year. A State may elect to define large employer by
substituting ``101 employees'' for ``51 employees.'' In the case of an
employer that was not in existence throughout the preceding calendar
year, the determination of whether the employer is a large employer is
based on the average number of employees that it is reasonably expected
the employer will employ on business days in the current calendar year.
* * * * *
Small employer means, in connection with a group health plan with
respect to a calendar year and a plan year, an employer who employed an
average of at least 1 but not more than 50 employees on business days
during the preceding calendar year and who employs at least 1 employee
on the first day of the plan year. A State may elect to define small
employer by substituting ``100 employees'' for ``50 employees.'' In the
case of an employer that was not in existence throughout the preceding
calendar year, the determination of whether the employer is a small
employer is based on the average number of employees that it is
reasonably expected the employer will employ on business days in the
current calendar year.
* * * * *
3. The authority citation for part 146 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 2702 through 2705, 2711 through 2723, 2791,
and 2792 of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg-1 through 300gg-5, 300gg-11
through 300gg-23, 300gg-91, and 300gg-92).
4. Section 146.150 is amended by--
a. In paragraph (a) introductory text, removing the reference
``paragraphs (c)
[[Page 75571]]
through (f)'' and adding in its place the reference ``paragraphs (c)
through (g)''.
b. Adding paragraph (g).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 146.150 Guaranteed availability of coverage for employers in the
small group market.
* * * * *
(g) Exception for discontinuing a particular product or all
coverage. (1) If an issuer decides to discontinue offering a particular
product or all coverage in the small group market in accordance with
Sec. 146.152, the issuer may between the time of providing the
relevant notice and discontinuing the coverage --
(i) Deny health insurance coverage in that product when the
exception to guaranteed renewability of coverage related to
discontinuing the particular product under Sec. 146.152(c) applies.
(ii) Deny health insurance coverage in the small group market when
the exception to guaranteed renewability of coverage related to
discontinuing all coverage under Sec. 146.152(d) applies.
(2) An issuer that denies coverage under this paragraph (g) must
apply paragraph (g)(1) of this section uniformly to all small employers
in the State consistent with applicable State law and without regard to
the claims experience or any health-status related factor relating to
those employers and their employees (or their respective dependents).
(3) Nothing in this paragraph (g) relieves an issuer of its
obligations with respect to existing policyholders, such as enrolling
dependents under an applicable special enrollment period.
* * * * *
5. The authority citation for part 147 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs 2701 through 2763, 2791, and 2792 of the Public
Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg through 300gg-63, 300gg-91, and
300gg-92), as amended.
6. Section 147.102 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1)(ii) to read
as follows:
Sec. 147.102 Fair health insurance premiums.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(ii) Rating area, as established in accordance with paragraph (b)
of this section. For purposes of this paragraph (a), rating area is
(A) In the individual market, using the primary policyholder's
(B) In the small group market, using the group policyholder's
principal business address. For purposes of this paragraph, principal
business address means the principal business address registered with
the State or, if a principal business address is not registered with
the State, or is registered solely for purposes of service of process
and is not a substantial worksite for the employer's business, the
business address within the State where the greatest number of
employees of such employer works. If, for a network plan, the group
policyholder's principal business address is not within the service
area of such plan, and the policyholder has employees who live, reside,
or work within the service area, the principal business address for
purposes of the network plan is deemed to be the business address
within the plan's service area where the greatest number of employees
work as of the beginning of the plan year. If there is no such business
address, the principal business address for purposes of the network
plan is deemed to be an address within the rating area selected by the
employer that reasonably reflects where the greatest number of
employees within the plan's service area live or reside as of the
beginning of the plan year.
* * * * *
7. Section 147.104 is amended by--
a. In paragraph (a), removing the reference ``paragraphs (b) through
(d)'' and adding in its place the reference ``paragraphs (b) thorugh
b. Redesignating paragraphs (e) through (i) as paragraphs (f) through
(j), respectively.
c. Adding paragraph (e).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 147.104 Guaranteed availability of coverage.
* * * * *
(e) Exception for discontinuing a particular product or all
coverage. (1) If an issuer decides to discontinue offering a particular
product or all coverage in the large group, small group, or individual
market in accordance with Sec. 147.106, the issuer may between the
time of providing the relevant notice and discontinuing the coverage--
(i) Deny health insurance coverage in that product when the
exception to guaranteed renewability of coverage related to
discontinuing the particular product under Sec. 147.106(c) applies.
(ii) Deny health insurance coverage in that market when the
exception to guaranteed renewability of coverage related to
discontinuing all coverage under Sec. 147.106(d) applies.
(2) An issuer that denies coverage under this paragraph (e) must
apply paragraph (e)(1) of this section uniformly to all employers or
individuals in the large group, small group, or individual market, as
applicable, in the State consistent with applicable State law and
without regard to the claims experience or any health-status related
factor relating to those individuals or employers and their employees
(or their respective dependents).
(3) Nothing in this paragraph (e) relieves an issuer from any of
its obligations with respect to existing policyholders, such as
enrolling dependents under an applicable special enrollment period.
* * * * *
8. Section 147.145 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(3) and adding
paragraph (b)(4) to read as follows:
Sec. 147.145 Student health insurance coverage.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(3) Single risk pool. For plan years beginning on or after January
1, 2017, student health insurance coverage is subject to the index
rating provisions of Sec. 156.80(d) of this subchapter. For purposes
of the preceding sentence, a health insurance issuer that offers
student health insurance coverage may establish one or more separate
risk pools for each institution of higher education, if the distinction
between or among groups of students (or dependents of students) who
form the risk pool is based on a bona fide school-related
classification and not based on a health factor as described in Sec.
146.121 of this subchapter.
(4) Levels of coverage. The requirement to provide a specific level
of coverage described in section 1302(d) of the Affordable Care Act
does not apply to student health insurance coverage for plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2017. However, the benefits provided
by such coverage must provide at least 60 percent actuarial value, as
certified by a member of the American Academy of Actuaries using
generally accepted actuarial principles.
* * * * *
9. The authority citation for part 153 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 1311, 1321, 1341-1343, Pub. L. 111-148, 24
Stat. 119.
10. Section 153.405 is amended by revising paragraph (i) to read as
[[Page 75572]]
Sec. 153.405 Calculation of reinsurance contributions.
* * * * *
(i) Audits. HHS or its designee may audit a contributing entity to
assess its compliance with the requirements of this subpart. HHS or its
designee may audit a third party administrator, administrative
services-only contractor, or other third party who assists a
contributing entity with its obligations under this subpart to assess
compliance with the requirements of this subpart. A contributing entity
that chooses to use a third party administrator, administrative
services-only contractor, or other third party to assist with its
obligations under this subpart must ensure that the third party
administrator, administrative services-only contractor, or other third
party cooperate with any audit under this section.
11. Section 153.510 is amended by adding paragraph (g) to read as
Sec. 153.510 Risk corridors establishment and payment methodology.
* * * * *
(g) Adjustment to risk corridors payments and charges. If an issuer
reported a certified estimate of 2014 cost-sharing reductions on its
2014 MLR and Risk Corridors Annual Reporting Form that is lower than
the actual value of cost-sharing reductions calculated under Sec.
156.430(c) of this subchapter for the 2014 benefit year, HHS will make
an adjustment to the amount of the issuer's 2015 benefit year risk
corridors payment or charge measured by the full difference between the
certified estimate of 2014 cost-sharing reductions reported and the
actual value of cost-sharing reductions provided as calculated under
Sec. 156.430(c) for the 2014 benefit year.
12. Section 153.530 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and
(iii) and adding paragraph (b)(2)(iv) to read as follows:
Sec. 153.530 Risk corridors data requirements.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) Any reinsurance payments received by the issuer for the non-
grandfathered health plans under the transitional reinsurance program
established under subpart C of this part;
(iii) A cost-sharing reduction amount equal to the amount of cost-
sharing reductions for the benefit year as calculated under Sec.
156.430(c) of this subchapter, to the extent not reimbursed to the
provider furnishing the item or service.
(iv) For the 2015 and later benefit years, any difference between--
(A) The sum of unpaid claims reserves and claims incurred but not
reported, as set forth in Sec. Sec. 158.103 and 158.140(a)(2) and (3)
of this subchapter, that were reported on the MLR and Risk Corridors
Annual Reporting Form for the year preceding the benefit year; and
(B) The actual claims incurred during the year preceding the
benefit year and paid between the valuation date of the unpaid claims
reserves and liabilities described above and June 30 of the year
following the benefit year.
* * * * *
13. Section 153.710 is amended by--
a. Removing paragraph (d).
b. Redesignating paragraphs (e) and (f) as paragraphs (d) and (e),
c. Revising newly redesignated paragraph (e).
d. Adding paragraph (f).
e. Revising paragraphs (g) introductory text, (g)(1) introductory text,
(g)(1)(iii) and (iv), and (g)(2).
f. Adding paragraph (g)(3).
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 153.710 Data requirements.
* * * * *
(e) Unresolved discrepancies. If a discrepancy first identified in
a final dedicated distributed data environment report in accordance
with paragraph (d)(2) of this section remains unresolved after the
issuance of the notification of risk adjustment payments and charges or
reinsurance payments under Sec. 153.310(e) or Sec. 153.240(b)(1)(ii),
respectively, an issuer of a risk adjustment covered plan or
reinsurance-eligible plan may make a request for reconsideration
regarding such discrepancy under the process set forth in Sec.
156.1220(a) of this subchapter.
(f) Data sufficiency. If an issuer of a risk adjustment covered
plan fails to provide sufficient required data, such that HHS cannot
apply the applicable methodology to calculate the risk adjustment
payment transfer amount for the risk adjustment covered plan in a
timely or appropriate fashion, then HHS will assess a default risk
adjustment charge under Sec. 153.740(b). A default charge will be
assessed under this paragraph no later than the date of the
notification provided by HHS under Sec. 153.310(e). If an issuer of a
reinsurance eligible plan fails to provide data sufficient for HHS to
calculate reinsurance payments, the issuer will forfeit reinsurance
payments for claims it fails to submit.
(1) Data quantity. An issuer of a risk adjustment covered plan or a
reinsurance-eligible plan must provide, in a format and on a timeline
specified by HHS, data on its total enrollment and claims counts by
market, which HHS may use in evaluating whether the issuer provided
access in the dedicated distributed data environment to a sufficient
quantity of data to meet reinsurance and risk adjustment data
(2) Data quality. If, following the deadline for submission of data
specified in Sec. 153.730, HHS identifies an anomaly that would cause
the data that a risk adjustment covered plan or a reinsurance-eligible
plan made available through a dedicated data environment to fail HHS's
data quality thresholds, the issuer may, within 10 calendar days of
receiving notification of the anomaly, submit an explanation of the
anomaly for HHS to consider in determining whether the issuer met the
reinsurance and risk adjustment data requirements.
(g) Risk corridors and MLR reporting. Except as provided in
paragraph (g)(3) of this section:
(1) Notwithstanding any discrepancy report made under paragraph
(d)(2) of this section, or any request for reconsideration under Sec.
156.1220(a) of this subchapter with respect to any risk adjustment
payment or charge, including an assessment of risk adjustment user
fees; reinsurance payment; cost-sharing reduction payment or charge; or
risk corridors payment or charge, unless the dispute has been resolved,
an issuer must report, for purposes of the risk corridors and MLR
* * * * *
(iii) A cost-sharing reduction amount equal to the actual amount of
cost-sharing reductions for the benefit year as calculated under Sec.
156.430(c) of this subchapter, to the extent not reimbursed to the
provider furnishing the item or service; and
(iv) For medical loss ratio reporting only, the risk corridors
payment to be made or charge assessed by HHS under Sec. 153.510.
(2) An issuer must report any adjustment made or approved by HHS
for any risk adjustment payment or charge, including an assessment of
risk adjustment user fees; any reinsurance payment; any cost-sharing
reduction payment or charge; or any risk corridors payment or charge;
where such adjustment has not be accounted for in a prior MLR and Risk
Corridor Annual Reporting Form, in the MLR and Risk Corridors Annual
Reporting Form for the following reporting year.
(3) In cases where HHS reasonably determines that the reporting
instructions in paragraph (g)(1) or (2) of this section would lead to
unfair or
[[Page 75573]]
misleading financial reporting, issuers must mitigate or correct their
data submissions in a form and manner to be specified by HHS.
14. The authority citation for part 154 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Section 2794 of the Public Health Service Act (42
U.S.C. 300gg-94).
15. Section 154.200 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(2) to read as
Sec. 154.200 Rate increases subject to review.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(2) For rates filed for single risk pool coverage beginning on or
after January 1, 2017, the average increase, including premium rating
factors described in Sec. 147.102 of this subchapter, for all
enrollees weighted by premium volume for any plan within the product
meets or exceeds the applicable threshold.
* * * * *
16. Section 154.215 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and (b)
introductory text and removing and reserving paragraph (c) to read as
Sec. 154.215 Submission of rate filing justification.
(a) A health insurance issuer must submit to CMS and to the
applicable State (if the State accepts such submissions) the
information specified below on a form and in a manner prescribed by the
(1) For all single risk pool coverage products, including new and
discontinuing products, the Unified Rate Review Template, as described
in paragraph (d) of this section;
(2) For each single risk pool coverage product that includes a plan
that is subject to a rate increase, regardless of the size of the
increase, the Unified Rate Review Template and Actuarial Memorandum, as
described in paragraph (f) of this section;
(3) For each single risk pool coverage product that includes a plan
with a rate increase that is subject to review under Sec. 154.210, all
parts of the Rate Filing Justification, as described in paragraph (b)
of this section
(b) A Rate Filing Justification includes one or more of the
* * * * *
(c) [Reserved]
* * * * *
17. Section 154.220 is amended by revising the introductory text and
paragraphs (b) introductory text and (b)(1) to read as follows:
Sec. 154.220 Timing of providing the rate filing justification.
A health insurance issuer must submit applicable sections of the
Rate Filing Justification for all single risk pool coverage in the
individual or small group market, as follows:
* * * * *
(b) For coverage effective on or after January 1, 2017, by the
earlier of the following:
(1) The date by which the State requires submission of a rate
filing; or
* * * * *
18. Section 154.230 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(2)(i) to read
as follows:
Sec. 154.230 Submission and posting of Final Justifications for
unreasonable rate increases.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) The information made available to the public by CMS and
described in Sec. 154.215(h).
* * * * *
19. The authority citation for part 155 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Title I of the Affordable Care Act, sections 1301,
1302, 1303, 1304, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1321, 1322, 1331, 1332, 1334,
1402, 1411, 1412, 1413, Pub. L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119 (42 U.S.C.
18021-18024, 18031-18033, 18041-18042, 18051, 18054, 18071, and
20. Section 155.20 is amended by--
a. In the definition of ``Applicant'', revising paragraph (2).
b. Adding the definition of ``Federal platform agreement'' in
alphabetical order.
c. Revising the definitions of ``Large employer'' and ``Small
The addition and revisions read as follows:
Sec. 155.20 Definitions.
* * * * *
Applicant * * *
(2) For SHOP:
(i) An employer seeking eligibility to purchase coverage through
the SHOP; or
(ii) An employer, employee, or a former employee seeking
eligibility for enrollment in a QHP through the SHOP for himself or
herself and, if the qualified employer offers dependent coverage
through the SHOP, seeking eligibility to enroll his or her dependents
in a QHP through the SHOP.
* * * * *
Federal platform agreement means an agreement between a State
Exchange and HHS under which a State Exchange elects to rely on the
Federal platform to carry out select Exchange functions.
* * * * *
Large employer means, in connection with a group health plan with
respect to a calendar year and a plan year, an employer who employed an
average of at least 51 employees on business days during the preceding
calendar year and who employs at least 1 employee on the first day of
the plan year. In the case of an employer that was not in existence
throughout the preceding calendar year, the determination of whether
the employer is a large employer is based on the average number of
employees that it is reasonably expected the employer will employ on
business days in the current calendar year. A State may elect to define
large employer by substituting ``101 employees'' for ``51 employees.''
The number of employees must be determined using the method set forth
in section 4980H(c)(2) of the Code.
* * * * *
Small employer means, in connection with a group health plan with
respect to a calendar year and a plan year, an employer who employed an
average of at least one but not more than 50 employees on business days
during the preceding calendar year and who employs at least one
employee on the first day of the plan year. In the case of an employer
that was not in existence throughout the preceding calendar year, the
determination of whether the employer is a small employer is based on
the average number of employees that it is reasonably expected the
employer will employ on business days in the current calendar year. A
State may elect to define small employer by substituting ``100
employees'' for ``50 employees.'' The number of employees must be
determined using the method set forth in section 4980H(c)(2) of the
* * * * *
21. Section 155.106 is amended by--
a. Revising paragraphs (a) introductory text, (a)(2) and (3), and (b)
introductory text.
b. Adding paragraphs (a)(4), (a)(5), and (c).
The revisions and additions read as follows:
[[Page 75574]]
Sec. 155.106 Election to operate an Exchange after 2014.
(a) Election to operate an Exchange. Except as provided in
paragraph (c) of this section, a State electing to seek approval of its
Exchange must:
* * * * *
(2) Submit an Exchange Blueprint application for HHS approval at
least 15 months prior to the date on which the Exchange proposes to
begin open enrollment as a State Exchange;
(3) Have in effect an approved, or conditionally approved, Exchange
Blueprint and operational readiness assessment at least 14 months prior
to the date on which the Exchange proposes to begin open enrollment as
a State Exchange;
(4) Develop a plan jointly with HHS to facilitate the transition to
a State Exchange; and
(5) If the open enrollment period for the year the State intends to
begin operating an SBE has not been established, this deadline must be
calculated based on the date open enrollment began or will begin in the
year in which the State is submitting the Blueprint application.
(b) Transition process for State Exchanges that cease operations.
If a State intends to cease operation of its Exchange, HHS will operate
the Exchange on behalf of the State. Therefore, a State that intends to
cease operations of its Exchange must:
* * * * *
(c) Process for State Exchanges that seek to utilize the Federal
platform for select functions. A State seeking approval as a State
Exchange utilizing the Federal platform to support select functions
through a Federal platform agreement under Sec. 155.200(f) must:
(1) If the State Exchange does not have a conditionally approved
Exchange Blueprint application, submit one for HHS approval at least 3
months prior to the date on which the Exchange proposes to begin open
enrollment as an SBE-FP;
(2) If the State Exchange has a conditionally approved Exchange
Blueprint application, submit any significant changes to that
application for HHS approval, in accordance with Sec. 155.105(e), at
least 3 months prior to the date on which the Exchange proposes to
begin open enrollment as an SBE-FP;
(3) Have in effect an approved, or conditionally approved, Exchange
Blueprint and operational readiness assessment at least 2 months prior
to the date on which the Exchange proposes to begin open enrollment as
an SBE-FP, in accordance with HHS rules, as a State Exchange utilizing
the Federal platform;
(4) Upon approval, or conditional approval, of the Exchange
Blueprint, execute a Federal platform agreement prior to the start of
the open enrollment period for which the State Exchange desires to
begin utilizing the Federal platform; and
(5) Coordinate with HHS on a transition plan to be developed
jointly between HHS and the State.
22. Section 155.170 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3),
and (c)(2)(iii) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.170 Additional required benefits.
(a) * * *
(2) A benefit required by State action taking place on or before
December 31, 2011 is considered an EHB. A benefit required by State
action taking place on or after January 1, 2012, other than for
purposes of compliance with Federal requirements, is considered in
addition to the essential health benefits.
(3) The State will identify which State-required benefits are in
addition to the EHB.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) Reported to the State.
23. Section 155.200 is amended by revising paragraph (a) and adding
paragraph (f) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.200 Functions of an Exchange.
(a) General requirements. An Exchange must perform the functions
described in this subpart and in subparts D, E, F, G, H, K, M, and O of
this part unless the State is approved to operate only a SHOP by HHS
under Sec. 155.100(a)(2), in which case the Exchange operated by the
State must perform the functions described in subpart H of this part
and all applicable provisions of other subparts referenced in that
subpart. In a State that is approved to operate only a SHOP, the
individual market Exchange operated by HHS in that State will perform
the functions described in this subpart and in subparts D, E, F, G, K,
M, and O of this part.
* * * * *
(f) Requirements for State Exchanges on the Federal platform. (1) A
State that receives approval or conditional approval to operate a State
Exchange on the Federal platform under Sec. 155.106(c) may meet its
obligations under paragraph (a) of this section by relying on Federal
services that the Federal government agrees to provide under a Federal
platform agreement.
(2) A State Exchange on the Federal platform must establish and
oversee requirements for its issuers that are no less strict than the
following requirements that are applied to Federally-facilitated
Exchange issuers:
(i) Data submission requirements under Sec. 156.122(d)(2) of this
(ii) Network adequacy standards under Sec. 156.230 of this
(iii) Essential community providers standards under Sec. 156.235
of this subchapter;
(iv) Meaningful difference standards under Sec. 156.298 of this
(v) Changes of ownership of issuers requirements under Sec.
156.330 of this subchapter;
(vi) QHP issuer compliance and compliance of delegated or
downstream entities requirements under Sec. 156.340(a)(4) of this
subchapter; and
(vii) Casework requirements under Sec. 156.1010 of this
(3) If a State is not substantially enforcing any requirement
listed under Sec. 155.200(f)(2) of this subchapter with respect to a
QHP issuer or plan in a State-based Exchange on the Federal platform,
HHS may enforce that requirement directly against the issuer or plan by
means of plan suppression under Sec. 156.815 of this subchapter.
24. Section 155.205 is amended by--
a. Revising paragraphs (a) and (d)(1).
b. Adding paragraph (b)(7).
The addition and revisions read as follows:
Sec. 155.205 Consumer assistance tools and programs of an Exchange.
(a) Call center. The Exchange must provide for operation of a toll-
free call center that addresses the needs of consumers requesting
assistance and meets the requirements outlined in paragraphs (c)(1),
(c)(2)(i), and (c)(3) of this section, unless it enters into a Federal
platform agreement through which it relies on HHS to carry out call
center functions, in which case the Exchange must provide at a minimum
a toll-free telephone hotline to respond to requests for assistance.
(b) * * *
(7) A State-based Exchange on the Federal platform must at a
minimum maintain an informational Internet Web site.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(1) The Exchange must have a consumer assistance function that
meets the standards in paragraph (c) of this section, including the
Navigator program described in Sec. 155.210. Any individual providing
such consumer assistance must be trained regarding QHP options,
insurance affordability programs, eligibility, and benefits rules and
regulations governing all insurance affordability programs operated in
the State, as implemented in the State, prior
[[Page 75575]]
to providing such assistance or the outreach and education activities
specified in paragraph (e) of this section.
* * * * *
25. Section 155.210 is amended by--
a. Revising paragraphs (b)(2)(iii) and (iv).
b. Adding paragraphs (b)(2)(v), (vi), (vii), and (viii).
c. Revising paragraph (d)(6).
d. In paragraph (e)(7), removing the period at the end of the paragraph
and adding a semicolon in its place.
e. Adding paragraphs (e)(8) and (9).
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 155.210 Navigator program standards.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) The range of QHP options and insurance affordability
(iv) The privacy and security standards applicable under Sec.
(v) The process of filing Exchange eligibility appeals;
(vi) General concepts regarding exemptions from the requirement to
maintain minimum essential coverage and from the individual shared
responsibility payment, including the application process for
exemptions granted through the Exchange, and IRS resources on
(vii) The Exchange-related components of the premium tax credit
reconciliation process and IRS resources on this process; and
(viii) Basic concepts related to health coverage and how to use it.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(6) Provide to an applicant or potential enrollee gifts of any
value as an inducement for enrollment. The value of gifts provided to
applicants and potential enrollees for purposes other than as an
inducement for enrollment must not exceed nominal value, either
individually or in the aggregate, when provided to that individual
during a single encounter. For purposes of this paragraph (d)(6), the
term gifts includes gift items, gift cards, cash cards, cash, and
promotional items that market or promote the products or services of a
third party, but does not include the reimbursement of legitimate
expenses incurred by a consumer in an effort to receive Exchange
application assistance, such as travel or postage expenses.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
(8) Provide targeted assistance to serve underserved or vulnerable
populations, as identified by the Exchange, within the Exchange service
(i) In a Federally-facilitated Exchange, this paragraph (e)(8) will
apply beginning with the Navigator grant application process for
Navigator grants awarded in 2018. The Federally-facilitated Exchange
will identify populations as vulnerable or underserved that are
disproportionately without access to coverage or care, or that are at a
greater risk for poor health outcomes, in the funding opportunity
announcement for its Navigator grants, and applicants for those grants
will have an opportunity to propose additional vulnerable or
underserved populations in their applications for the Federally-
facilitated Exchange's approval.
(ii) [Reserved]
(9) Provide information and assistance with--
(i) The process of filing Exchange eligibility appeals;
(ii) Understanding and applying for exemptions from the individual
shared responsibility requirement that are granted through the
Exchange, understanding the availability of exemptions from the
requirement to maintain minimum essential coverage and from the
individual shared responsibility payment that are claimed through the
tax filing process and how to apply for them, and understanding the
availability of IRS resources on this topic;
(iii) Understanding the Exchange-related components of the premium
tax credit reconciliation process, and the availability of IRS
resources on this process;
(iv) Understanding basic concepts related to health coverage and
how to use it; and
(v) Referrals to licensed tax advisers, tax preparers, or other
resources for assistance with tax preparation and tax advice related to
consumer questions about the Exchange application and enrollment
process, exemptions from the requirement to maintain minimum essential
coverage and from the individual shared responsibility requirement, and
premium tax credit reconciliations.
* * * * *
26. Section 155.215 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(1)(i) to read
as follows:
Sec. 155.215 Standards applicable to Navigators and Non-Navigator
Assistance Personnel carrying out consumer assistance functions under
Sec. Sec. 155.205(d) and (e) and 155.210 in a Federally-facilitated
Exchange and to Non-Navigator Assistance Personnel funded through an
Exchange Establishment Grant.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) Obtain certification by the Exchange prior to carrying out any
consumer assistance functions or outreach and education activities
under Sec. 155.205(d) and (e) or Sec. 155.210;
* * * * *
27. Section 155.220 is amended by--
a. Revising paragraph (c)(1), (f)(4), (g)(2)(ii), (g)(3), and (g)(4);
b. Adding paragraphs (g)(5), (j), (k), and (l).
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 155.220 Ability of States to permit agents and brokers to assist
qualified individuals, qualified employers, or qualified employees
enrolling in QHPs.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(1) The agent or broker ensures the applicant's completion of an
eligibility verification and enrollment application through the
Exchange Internet Web site or an Exchange approved web service using
the FFE single streamline application;
* * * * *
(f) * * *
(4) When termination of the agreement between the agent or broker
and the Exchange under paragraph (d) of this section becomes effective
under paragraph (f) of this section, the agent or broker will no longer
be registered with the Federally-facilitated Exchanges, or be permitted
to assist with or facilitate enrollment of qualified individuals,
qualified employers or qualified employees in coverage in a manner that
constitutes enrollment through a Federally-facilitated Exchange, or be
permitted to assist individuals in applying for advance payments of the
premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions for QHPs. The agent's or
broker's agreement with the Exchange under Sec. 155.260(b) will also
be terminated through the termination for cause process set forth in
that agreement. The agent or broker must continue to protect any
personally identifiable information accessed during the term of either
of these agreements with the Federally-facilitated Exchange.
(g) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) Any term or condition of the agreement with the Federally-
[[Page 75576]]
Exchange required under paragraph (d) of this section, or any term or
condition of the agreement with the Federally-facilitated Exchange
required under Sec. 155.260(b);
* * * * *
(3) HHS will notify the agent or broker of the specific finding of
noncompliance or pattern of noncompliance made under paragraph (g)(1)
of this section, and after 30 days from the date of the notice, may
terminate the agreement for cause if the matter is not resolved to the
satisfaction of HHS.
(4) After the period in paragraph (g)(3) of this section has
elapsed and the agreement under paragraph (d) of this section is
terminated, the agent or broker will no longer be registered with the
Federally-facilitated Exchanges, or be permitted to assist with or
facilitate enrollment of a qualified individual, qualified employer, or
qualified employee in coverage in a manner that constitutes enrollment
through a Federally-facilitated Exchange, or be permitted to assist
individuals in applying for advance payments of the premium tax credit
and cost-sharing reductions for QHPs. The agent's or broker's agreement
with the Exchange under Sec. 155.260(b) will also be terminated
through the process set forth in that agreement. The agent or broker
must continue to protect any personally identifiable information
accessed during the term of either of these agreements with a
Federally-facilitated Exchange.
(5) In cases involving potential fraud or abusive conduct--
(i)(A) If HHS reasonably suspects that an agent or broker may have
engaged in fraud or abusive conduct using personally identifiable
information of an Exchange enrollee or applicant, or in connection with
an Exchange enrollment or application, HHS may temporarily suspend the
agent's or broker's agreements required under paragraph (d) of this
section and under Sec. 155.260(b) for up to 90 calendar days. The
suspension will be effective starting on the date of the notice that
HHS sends to the agent or broker advising of the suspension under this
paragraph (g)(5)(i).
(B) The agent or broker may submit evidence in a form and manner to
be specified by HHS, to rebut the allegation during this 90-day period.
If the agent or broker fails to submit such evidence during the
suspension period, HHS may terminate the agent's or broker's agreements
required under paragraph (d) of this section and under Sec. 155.260(b)
for cause under paragraph (g)(5)(ii) of this section.
(ii) If HHS reasonably confirms the credibility of an allegation
that an agent or broker engaged in fraud or abusive conduct (or is
notified by a State or law enforcement authority of the State or law
enforcement authority's finding or determination of fraud or behavior
that would constitute abusive conduct) using personally identifiable
information of Exchange enrollees or applicants, or in connection with
an Exchange enrollment or application, HHS will terminate the agent's
or broker's agreements required under paragraph (d) of this section and
under Sec. 155.260(b) for cause. The termination will be effective
starting on the date of the notice that HHS sends to the agent or
broker advising of the termination of the agreements under this
paragraph (g)(5)(ii).
(iii) During the suspension period under paragraph (g)(5)(i) of
this section and following termination of the agreements under
paragraph (g)(5)(ii) of this section, the agent or broker will not be
registered with the Federally-facilitated Exchanges, or be permitted to
assist with or facilitate enrollment of qualified individuals,
qualified employers, or qualified employees in coverage in a manner
that constitutes enrollment through a Federally-facilitated Exchange,
or be permitted to assist individuals in applying for advance payments
of the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions for QHPs. In the
case of termination under paragraph (g)(5)(ii) of this section, the
agent's or broker's agreement with the Exchange under Sec. 155.260(b)
will also be terminated as of the date of the notice. The agent or
broker must continue to protect any personally identifiable information
accessed during the term of either of these agreements with a
Federally-facilitated Exchange.
* * * * *
(j) Federally-facilitated Exchange standards of conduct. (1) An
agent or broker that assists with or facilitates enrollment of
qualified individuals, qualified employers, or qualified employees, in
coverage in a manner that constitutes enrollment through a Federally-
facilitated Exchange, or assists individuals in applying for advance
payments of the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions for QHPs
sold through a Federally-facilitated Exchange, must--
(i) Have executed the required agreement under paragraph Sec.
(ii) Be registered with the Federally-facilitated Exchanges under
paragraph (d)(1) of this section; and
(iii) Comply with the standards of conduct in paragraph (j)(2) of
this section.
(2) Standards of conduct. An individual or entity described in
paragraph (j)(1) of this section must--
(i) Provide consumers with correct information, without omission of
material fact, regarding the Federally-facilitated Exchanges, QHPs
offered through the Federally-facilitated Exchanges, and insurance
affordability programs, and refrain from marketing or conduct that is
misleading or coercive, or discriminates based on race, color, national
origin, disability, age, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation;
(ii) Provide the Federally-facilitated Exchanges with correct
information under section 1411(b) of the Affordable Care Act;
(iii) Obtain the consent of the individual, employer, or employee
prior to assisting with or facilitating enrollment through a Federally-
facilitated Exchange, or assisting the individual in applying for
advance payments of the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions
for QHPs;
(iv) Protect consumer personally identifiable information according
to Sec. 155.260(b)(3) and the agreement described in Sec.
155.260(b)(2); and
(v) Comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and
(3) An agent or broker will be considered to be in compliance with
paragraphs (j)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section if HHS determines that
there was a reasonable cause for the failure to provide correct
information and that the agent or broker acted in good faith.
(k) Penalties other than termination of the agreement with the
Federally-facilitated Exchanges. (1) If HHS determines that an agent or
broker has failed to comply with the requirements of this section, in
addition to any other available remedies, that agent or broker--
(i) May be denied the right to enter into agreements with the
Federally-facilitated Exchanges in future years; and
(ii) May be subject to civil money penalties as described in Sec.
(2) HHS will notify the agent or broker of the proposed imposition
of penalties under paragraph (k)(1)(i) of this section and, after 30
calendar days from the date of the notice, may impose the penalty if
the agent or broker has not requested a reconsideration under paragraph
(h) of this section. The proposed imposition of penalties under
paragraph (k)(1)(ii) of this section will follow the process outlined
under Sec. 155.285.
(l) Application to State-Based Exchanges using a Federal platform.
An agent or broker who enrolls qualified individuals, qualified
employers, or
[[Page 75577]]
qualified employees in coverage in a manner that constitutes enrollment
through an State-Based Exchange using a Federal platform, or assists
individual market consumers with submission of applications for advance
payments of the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions through
an State-Based Exchange using a Federal platform must comply with all
applicable Federally-facilitated Exchange standards in this section.
28. Section 155.222 is amended by--
a. Revising the section heading.
b. Revising paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(1) through (5), and (d).
c. Adding paragraph (b)(6).
The revisions and addition read as follows:
Sec. 155.222 Standards for HHS-approved vendors of Federally-
facilitated Exchange training for agents and brokers.
(a) * * *
(1) A vendor must be approved by HHS, in a form and manner to be
determined by HHS, to have its training program recognized for agents
and brokers assisting with or facilitating enrollment in individual
market or SHOP coverage through the Federally-facilitated Exchanges
consistent with Sec. 155.220.
(2) As part of the training program, the vendor must require agents
and brokers to provide identifying information and successfully
complete the required curriculum.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) Submit a complete and accurate application by the deadline
established by HHS, which includes demonstration of prior experience
with successfully conducting online training, as well as providing
technical support to a large customer base.
(2) Adhere to HHS specifications for content, format, and delivery
of training, which includes offering continuing education units (CEUs)
for at least five States in which a Federally-facilitated Exchange or
State-Based Exchange using a Federal platform is operating.
(3) Collect, store, and share with HHS training completion data
from agent and broker users of the vendor's training in a manner,
format, and frequency specified by HHS, and protect all data from agent
and broker users of the vendor's training in accordance with applicable
privacy and security requirements.
(4) Execute an agreement with HHS, in a form and manner to be
determined by HHS, which requires the vendor to comply with applicable
HHS guidelines for implementing the training and interfacing with HHS
data systems, and the use of all data collected.
(5) Permit any individual who holds a valid State license or
equivalent State authority to sell health insurance products to access
the vendor's training.
(6) Provide technical support to agent and broker users of the
vendor's training as specified by HHS.
* * * * *
(d) Monitoring. HHS may periodically monitor and audit vendors
approved under this subpart, and their records related to the training
functions described in this section, to ensure ongoing compliance with
the standards in paragraph (b) of this section. If HHS determines that
an HHS-approved vendor is not in compliance with the standards required
in paragraph (b) of this section, the vendor may be removed from the
approved list described in paragraph (c) of this section and may be
required by HHS to cease performing the training functions described
under this subpart.
* * * * *
29. Section 155.225 is amended by adding paragraph (b)(1)(iii) and
revising paragraph (g)(4) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.225 Certified application counselors.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) Provides data and information to the Exchange regarding the
number and performance of its certified application counselors and
regarding the consumer assistance provided by its certified application
counselors, upon request, in the form and manner specified by the
Exchange. Beginning in January 2017, in a Federally-facilitated
Exchange, organizations designated by the Exchange must submit monthly
reports that include, at a minimum, data regarding the number of
individuals who have been certified by the organization; the total
number of consumers who received application and enrollment assistance
from the organization; and of that number, the number of consumers who
received assistance in applying for and selecting a QHP, enrolling in a
QHP, or applying for Medicaid or CHIP.
* * * * *
(g) * * *
(4) Provide to an applicant or potential enrollee gifts of any
value as an inducement for enrollment. The value of gifts provided to
applicants and potential enrollees for purposes other than as an
inducement for enrollment must not exceed nominal value, either
individually or in the aggregate, when provided to that individual
during a single encounter. For purposes of this paragraph (g)(4), the
term gifts includes gift items, gift cards, cash cards, cash, and
promotional items that market or promote the products or services of a
third party, but does not include the reimbursement of legitimate
expenses incurred by a consumer in an effort to receive Exchange
application assistance, such as travel or postage expenses.
* * * * *
30. Section 155.260 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1)
introductory text to read as follows:
Sec. 155.260 Privacy and security of personally identifiable
(a) * * *
(1) Where the Exchange creates or collects personally identifiable
information for the purposes of determining eligibility for enrollment
in a qualified health plan; determining eligibility for other insurance
affordability programs, as defined in Sec. 155.300; or determining
eligibility for exemptions from the individual responsibility
provisions in section 5000A of the Code, the Exchange may only use or
disclose such personally identifiable information to the extent such
information is necessary:
* * * * *
31. Section 155.280 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as
Sec. 155.280 Oversight and monitoring of privacy and security
(a) General. HHS will oversee and monitor the Federally-facilitated
Exchanges, State-based Exchanges on the Federal platform, and non-
Exchange entities required to comply with the privacy and security
standards established and implemented by a Federally-facilitated
Exchange pursuant to Sec. 155.260 for compliance with those standards.
HHS will oversee and monitor State Exchanges for compliance with the
standards State Exchanges establish and implement pursuant to Sec.
155.260. State Exchanges will oversee and monitor non-Exchange entities
required to comply with the privacy and security standards established
and implemented by a State Exchange in accordance to Sec. 155.260.
* * * * *
32. Section 155.302 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1) to read as
Sec. 155.302 Options for conducting eligibility determinations.
(a) * * *
(1) Directly, through contracting arrangements in accordance with
Sec. 155.110(a), or as a State-based Exchange on the Federal platform
through a Federal platform agreement under which HHS carries out
[[Page 75578]]
determinations and other requirements contained within this subpart; or
* * * * *
33. Section 155.310 is amended by revising paragraphs (h) introductory
text and (h)(2) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.310 Eligibility process.
* * * * *
(h) Notice of an employee's receipt of advance payments of the
premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions to an employer. The
Exchange must notify an employer that an employee has been determined
eligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit and cost-
sharing reductions and has enrolled in a qualified health plan through
the Exchange within a reasonable timeframe following a determination
that the employee is eligible for advance payments of the premium tax
credit and cost-sharing reductions in accordance with Sec. 155.305(g)
or Sec. 155.350(a) and enrollment by the employee in a qualified
health plan through the Exchange. Such notice must:
* * * * *
(2) Indicate that the employee has been determined eligible advance
payments of the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions and has
enrolled in a qualified health plan through the Exchange;
* * * * *
34. Section 155.320 is amended by--
a. Revising paragraphs (c)(3)(vi) and (d)(3).
b. Adding paragraph (d)(4).
The revisions and addition read as follows:
Sec. 155.320 Verification process related to eligibility for
insurance affordability programs.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(3) * * *
(vi) Alternate verification process for decreases in annual
household income estimates and for situations in which tax return data
is unavailable. If a tax filer qualifies for an alternate verification
process based on the requirements specified in paragraph (c)(3)(iv) of
this section and the applicant's attestation to projected annual
household income, as described in paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(B) of this
section, is more than a reasonable threshold below the annual household
income computed in accordance with paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(A) of this
section, or if data described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section is
unavailable, the Exchange must attempt to verify the applicant's
attestation of the tax filer's projected annual household income by
following the procedures specified in paragraph (c)(3)(vi)(A) through
(G) of this section. For the purposes of this paragraph (c)(3)(vi), a
reasonable threshold is established by the Exchange in guidance and
approved by HHS, but must not be less than10 percent, and can also
include a threshold dollar amount. The Exchange's threshold is subject
to approval by HHS.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(3) Verification procedures. (i) If an applicant's attestation is
not reasonably compatible with the information obtained by the Exchange
as specified in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section,
other information provided by the application filer, or other
information in the records of the Exchange, the Exchange must follow
the procedures specified in Sec. 155.315(f).
(ii) Except as specified in paragraph (d)(3)(i) or (d)(4)(i) of
this section, the Exchange must accept an applicant's attestation
regarding the verification specified in paragraph (d) of this section
without further verification.
(4) Alternate procedures. For any benefit year for which it does
not reasonably expect to obtain sufficient verification data as
described in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section, the
Exchange must follow the procedures specified in paragraph (d)(4)(i) of
this section or, for benefit years 2016 and 2017, the Exchange may
follow the procedures specified in paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this
section. For purposes of this paragraph (d)(4), the Exchange reasonably
expects to obtain sufficient verification data for any benefit year
when, for the benefit year, the Exchange is able to obtain data about
enrollment in and eligibility for qualifying coverage in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan from at least one electronic data source that
is available to the Exchange and that has been approved by HHS, based
on evidence showing that the data source is sufficiently current,
accurate, and minimizes administrative burden, as described under
paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section.
(i) Select a statistically significant random sample of applicants
for whom the Exchange does not have any of the information specified in
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section and--
(A) Provide notice to the applicant indicating that the Exchange
will be contacting any employer identified on the application for the
applicant and the members of his or her household, as defined in 26 CFR
1.36B-1(d), to verify whether the applicant is enrolled in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan or is eligible for qualifying coverage in an
eligible employer-sponsored plan for the benefit year for which
coverage is requested;
(B) Proceed with all other elements of the eligibility
determination using the applicant's attestation, and provide
eligibility for enrollment in a QHP to the extent that an applicant is
otherwise qualified;
(C) Ensure that advance payments of the premium tax credit and
cost-sharing reductions are provided on behalf of an applicant who is
otherwise qualified for such payments and reductions, as described in
Sec. 155.305, if the tax filer attests to the Exchange that he or she
understands that any advance payments of the premium tax credit paid on
his or her behalf are subject to reconciliation;
(D) Make reasonable attempts to contact any employer identified on
the application for the applicant and the members of his or her
household, as defined in 26 CFR 1.36B-1(d), to verify whether the
applicant is enrolled in an eligible employer-sponsored plan or is
eligible for qualifying coverage in an eligible employer-sponsored plan
for the benefit year for which coverage is requested;
(E) If the Exchange receives any information from an employer
relevant to the applicant's enrollment in an eligible employer-
sponsored plan or eligibility for qualifying coverage in an eligible
employer-sponsored plan, the Exchange must determine the applicant's
eligibility based on such information and in accordance with the
effective dates specified in Sec. 155.330(f), and if such information
changes his or her eligibility determination, notify the applicant and
his or her employer or employers of such determination in accordance
with the notice requirements specified in Sec. 155.310(g) and (h);
(F) If, after a period of 90 days from the date on which the notice
described in paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) of this section is sent to the
applicant, the Exchange is unable to obtain the necessary information
from an employer, the Exchange must determine the applicant's
eligibility based on his or her attestation regarding coverage provided
by that employer.
(G) To carry out the process described in paragraph (d)(4)(i) of
this section, the Exchange must only disclose an individual's
information to an employer to the extent necessary for the employer to
identify the employee.
(ii) Establish an alternative process approved by HHS.
* * * * *
35. Section 155.335 is amended by revising paragraph (j) to read as
[[Page 75579]]
Sec. 155.335 Annual eligibility redetermination.
* * * * *
(j) Re-enrollment. If an enrollee remains eligible for enrollment
in a QHP through the Exchange upon annual redetermination and--
(1) QHPs under the product under which the QHP in which he or she
is enrolled remain available through the Exchange for renewal,
consistent with Sec. 147.106 of this subchapter, such enrollee will
have his or her enrollment through the Exchange in a QHP under that
product renewed, unless he or she terminates coverage, including
termination of coverage in connection with voluntarily selecting a
different QHP, in accordance with Sec. 155.430. The Exchange will
ensure that re-enrollment in coverage under this paragraph (j)(1)
occurs under the same product (except as provided in paragraph
(j)(1)(iii)(A) of this section) in which the enrollee was enrolled, as
(i) The enrollee's coverage will be renewed in the same plan as the
enrollee's current QHP, unless the current QHP is not available through
the Exchange.
(ii) If the enrollee's current QHP is not available through the
Exchange, the enrollee's coverage will be renewed in a QHP at the same
metal level as the enrollee's current QHP within the same product.
(iii) If the enrollee's current QHP is not available through the
Exchange and the enrollee's product no longer includes a QHP at the
same metal level as the enrollee's current QHP and--
(A) The enrollee's current QHP is a silver level plan, the enrollee
will be re-enrolled in a silver level QHP under a different product
offered by the same QHP issuer that is most similar to the enrollee's
current product. If no such silver level QHP is available for
enrollment through the Exchange, the enrollee's coverage will be
renewed in a QHP that is one metal level higher or lower than the
enrollee's current QHP under the same product;
(B) The enrollee's current QHP is not a silver level plan, the
enrollee's coverage will be renewed in a QHP that is one metal level
higher or lower than the enrollee's current QHP under the same product;
(iv) If the enrollee's current QHP is not available through the
Exchange and the enrollee's product no longer includes a QHP that is at
the same metal level as, or one metal level higher or lower than the
enrollee's current QHP, the enrollee's coverage will be renewed in any
other QHP offered under the product in which the enrollee's current QHP
is offered in which the enrollee is eligible to enroll.
(2) No plans under the product under which the QHP in which he or
she is enrolled are available through the Exchange for renewal,
consistent with Sec. 147.106 of this subchapter, such enrollee may be
enrolled in a QHP under a different product offered by the same QHP
issuer, to the extent permitted by applicable State law, unless he or
she terminates coverage, including termination of coverage in
connection with voluntarily selecting a different QHP, in accordance
with Sec. 155.430. The Exchange will ensure that re-enrollment in
coverage under this paragraph (j)(2) occurs as follows:
(i) The enrollee will be re-enrolled in a QHP at the same metal
level as the enrollee's current QHP in the product offered by the same
issuer that is the most similar to the enrollee's current product;
(ii) If the issuer does not offer another QHP at the same metal
level as the enrollee's current QHP, the enrollee will be re-enrolled
in a QHP that is one metal level higher or lower than the enrollee's
current QHP in the product offered by the same issuer through the
Exchange that is the most similar to the enrollee's current product; or
(iii) If the issuer does not offer another QHP through the Exchange
at the same metal level as, or one metal level higher or lower than the
enrollee's current QHP, the enrollee will be re-enrolled in any other
QHP offered by the same issuer in which the enrollee is eligible to
* * * * *
36. Section 155.400 is amended by revising paragraph (e) and adding
paragraphs (g) and (h) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.400 Enrollment of qualified individuals into QHPs.
* * * * *
(e) Premium payment. Exchanges may, and the Federally-facilitated
Exchange will, require payment of a binder payment to effectuate an
enrollment or to add coverage retroactively to an already effectuated
enrollment. Exchanges may, and the Federally-facilitated Exchange will,
establish a standard policy for setting premium payment deadlines:
(1) In a Federally-facilitated Exchange:
(i) For prospective coverage to be effectuated under regular
coverage effective dates, as provided for in Sec. Sec. 155.410(f) and
155.420(b)(1), the binder payment must consist of the first month's
premium, and the deadline for making the binder payment must be no
earlier than the coverage effective date, and no later than 30 calendar
days from the coverage effective date;
(ii) For prospective coverage to be effectuated under special
effective dates, as provided for in Sec. 155.420(b)(2), the binder
payment must consist of the first month's premium, and the deadline for
making the binder payment must be no earlier than the coverage
effective date and no later than 30 calendar days from the date the
issuer receives the enrollment transaction or the coverage effective
date, whichever is later.
(iii) For coverage to be effectuated under retroactive effective
dates, as provided for in Sec. 155.420(b)(2), the binder payment must
consist of the premium due for all months of retroactive coverage
through the first prospective month of coverage, and, the deadline for
making the binder payment must be no earlier than 30 calendar days from
the date the issuer receives the enrollment transaction. If only the
premium for one month of coverage is paid, only prospective coverage
should be effectuated, in accordance with regular effective dates.
(2) [Reserved]
* * * * *
(g) Premium payment threshold. Exchanges may, and the Federally-
facilitated Exchange will, allow issuers to implement, a premium
payment threshold policy under which issuers can consider enrollees to
have paid all amounts due if the enrollees pay an amount sufficient to
maintain a percentage of total premium paid out of the total premium
owed equal to or greater than a level prescribed by the issuer,
provided that the level is reasonable and that the level and the policy
are applied in a uniform manner to all enrollees. If an applicant or
enrollee satisfies the premium payment threshold policy, the issuer
(1) Effectuate an enrollment based on payment of the binder payment
under paragraph (e) of this section.
(2) Avoid triggering a grace period for non-payment of premium, as
described by Sec. 156.270(d) of this subchapter or a grace period
governed by State rules.
(3) Avoid terminating the enrollment for non-payment of premium as,
described by Sec. Sec. 156.270(g) of this subchapter and
155.430(b)(2)(ii)(A) and(B).
(h) Requirements. A State Exchange may rely on HHS to carry out the
requirements of this section and other requirements contained within
this subpart E through a Federal platform agreement.
37. Section 155.410 is amended by revising paragraphs (e)(2) and (f)(2)
to read as follows:
[[Page 75580]]
Sec. 155.410 Initial and annual open enrollment periods.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
(2) For the benefit years beginning on January 1, 2016 and on
January 1, 2017, the annual open enrollment period begins on November 1
of the calendar year preceding the benefit year, and extends through
January 31 of the benefit year.
(f) * * *
(2) For the benefit years beginning on January 1, 2016 and on
January 1, 2017, the Exchange must ensure that coverage is effective--
(i) January 1 for QHP selections received by the Exchange on or
before December 15 of the calendar year preceding the benefit year.
(ii) February 1 for QHP selections received by the Exchange from
December 16 of the calendar year preceding the benefit year through
January 15 of the benefit year.
(iii) March 1 for QHP selections received by the Exchange from
January 16 through January 31 of the benefit year.
* * * * *
38. Section 155.430 is amended by--
a. Adding paragraph (b)(1)(iv).
b. Revising paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(A).
c. Redesignating paragraph (b)(2)(vi) as paragraph (b)(2)(vii).
d. Adding paragraphs (b)(2)(vi) and (d)(9), (10), and (11)
The additions and revision read as follows:
Sec. 155.430 Termination of Exchange enrollment or coverage.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(iv) The Exchange must permit an enrollee to retroactively
terminate or cancel his or her coverage or enrollment in a QHP in the
following circumstances:
(A) The enrollee demonstrates to the Exchange that he or she
attempted to terminate his or her coverage or enrollment in a QHP and
experienced a technical error that did not allow the enrollee to
terminate his or her coverage or enrollment through the Exchange, and
requests retroactive termination within 60 days after he or she
discovered the technical error.
(B) The enrollee demonstrates to the Exchange that his or her
enrollment in a QHP through the Exchange was unintentional,
inadvertent, or erroneous and was the result of the error or misconduct
of an officer, employee, or agent of the Exchange or HHS, its
instrumentalities, or a non-Exchange entity providing enrollment
assistance or conducting enrollment activities. Such enrollee must
request cancellation within 60 days of discovering the unintentional,
inadvertent, or erroneous enrollment. For purposes of this paragraph
(b)(1)(iv)(B), misconduct includes the failure to comply with
applicable standards under this part, part 156 of this subchapter, or
other applicable Federal or State requirements as determined by the
(C) The enrollee was enrolled in a QHP without his or her knowledge
or consent due to the fraudulent activity of any third party, including
third parties who have no connection with the Exchange, and requests
cancellation within 60 days of discovering of the fraudulent
(2) * * *
(ii) * * *
(A) The exhaustion of the 3-month grace period, as described in
Sec. 156.270(d) and (g) of this subchapter, required for enrollees,
who when first failing to timely pay premiums, are receiving advance
payments of the premium tax credit;
* * * * *
(vi) The enrollee was enrolled in a QHP due to fraudulent activity,
including fraudulent activity by a third party with no connection with
the Exchange.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(9) In case of a retroactive termination in accordance with
paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(A) of this section, the termination date will be
no sooner than 14 days after the date that the enrollee can demonstrate
he or she contacted the Exchange to terminate his or her coverage or
enrollment through the Exchange, unless the issuer agrees to an earlier
effective date as set forth in paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this section.
(10) In case of a retroactive cancellation or termination in
accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(B) or (C) of this section, the
cancellation date or termination date will be the original coverage
effective date or a later date, as determined appropriate by the
Exchange, based on the circumstances of the cancellation or
(11) In the case of cancellation in accordance with paragraph
(b)(2)(vi) of this section, the Exchange may cancel the enrollee's
enrollment upon its determination that the enrollment was performed
fraudulently and following reasonable notice to the enrollee (where
possible). The termination date will be the original coverage effective
* * * * *
39. Section 155.505 is amended by adding paragraphs (b)(1)(iii) and
(b)(5) and revising paragraph (b)(4) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.505 General eligibility appeals requirements.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) A determination of eligibility for an enrollment period, made
in accordance with Sec. 155.305(b);
* * * * *
(4) A denial of a request to vacate dismissal made by a State
Exchange appeals entity in accordance with Sec. 155.530(d)(2), made
under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section; and
(5) An appeal decision issued by a State Exchange appeals entity in
accordance with Sec. 155.545(b), consistent with Sec. 155.520(c).
* * * * *
40. Section 155.510 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1) to read as
Sec. 155.510 Appeals coordination.
(a) * * *
(1) Minimize burden on appellants, including not asking the
appellant to provide duplicative information or documentation that he
or she already provided to an agency administering an insurance
affordability program or eligibility appeals process, unless the
appeals entity, Exchange, or agency does not have access to the
information or documentation and cannot reasonably obtain it;
* * * * *
41. Section 155.520 is amended by adding paragraph (d)(2)(i)(D) to read
as follows:
Sec. 155.520 Appeal requests.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) * * *
(D) That, in the event the appeal request is not valid due to
failure to submit by the date determined under paragraph (b) or (c) of
this section, as applicable, the appeal request may be considered valid
if the applicant or enrollee sufficiently demonstrates within a
reasonable timeframe determined by the appeals entity that failure to
timely submit was due to exceptional circumstances and should not
preclude the appeal.
* * * * *
42. Section 155.530 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(4) to read as
Sec. 155.530 Dismissals.
(a) * * *
(4) Dies while the appeal is pending, except if the executor,
administrator, or
[[Page 75581]]
other duly authorized representative of the estate requests to continue
the appeal.
* * * * *
43. Section 155.535 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) introductory
text and (b) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.535 Informal resolution and hearing requirements.
(a) Informal resolution. The HHS appeals process will provide an
opportunity for informal resolution and a hearing in accordance with
the requirements of this section. A State Exchange appeals entity may
also provide an informal resolution process prior to a hearing. Any
information resolution process must meet the following requirements:
* * * * *
(b) Notice of hearing. When a hearing is scheduled, the appeals
entity must send written notice to the appellant of the date, time, and
location or format of the hearing no later than 15 days prior to the
hearing date unless--
(1) The appellant requests an earlier hearing date; or
(2) A hearing date sooner than 15 days is necessary to process an
expedited appeal, as described in Sec. 155.540(a), and the appeals
entity has contacted the appellant to schedule a hearing on a mutually
agreed upon date, time, and location or format.
* * * * *
44. Section 155.545 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(1) and
(c)(1)(i) and (ii) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.545 Appeal decisions.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) Must issue written notice of the appeal decision to the
appellant within 90 days of the date an appeal request under Sec.
155.520(b) or (c) is received, as administratively feasible.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) Prospectively, on the first day of the month following the date
of the notice of appeal decision, or consistent with Sec.
155.330(f)(2), (3), (4), or (5), if applicable; or
(ii) Retroactively, to the coverage effective date the appellant
did receive or would have received if the appellant had enrolled in
coverage under the incorrect eligibility determination that is the
subject of the appeal, at the option of the appellant.
* * * * *
45. Section 155.555 is amended by revising paragraphs (e)(1)
introductory text and (l) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.555 Employer appeals process.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
(1) Upon receipt of a valid appeal request under this section, or
upon receipt of the notice under paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this section,
the Exchange must promptly transmit via secure electronic interface to
the appeals entity--
* * * * *
(l) Implementation of the appeal decision. After receipt of the
notice under paragraph (k)(3) of this section, if the appeal decision
affects the employee's eligibility, the Exchange must promptly:
(1) Redetermine the employee's eligibility and the eligibility of
the employee's household members, if applicable, in accordance with the
standards specified in Sec. 155.305; or
(2) Notify the employee of the requirement to report changes in
eligibility as described in Sec. 155.330(b)(1).
* * * * *
46. Section 155.605 is amended by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the reference ``paragraphs (c)(2),
(f)(2), and (g) of this section'' and adding in its place the reference
``paragraphs (c)(2) and (d) of this section'';
b. Removing paragraphs (d), (e) and (f);
c. Redesignating paragraph (g) as paragraph (d);
d. Revising newly redesignated paragraph (d); and
c. Adding paragraph (e).
The revision and addition read as follows:
Sec. 155.605 Eligibility standards for exemptions.
* * * * *
(d) Hardship--(1) General. The Exchange must grant a hardship
exemption to an applicant eligible for an exemption for at least the
month before, the month or months during which, and the month after a
specific event or circumstance, if the Exchange determines that the
applicant has suffered a hardship in relation to his or her ability to
obtain coverage because they experienced one or more of the events or
circumstances listed in paragraph (d)(1)(i) through (iii) or (d)(2) of
this section. Notwithstanding the length of the hardship, any hardship
exemption granted pursuant to this paragraph (d) may be granted for a
maximum period that is not to exceed the month before the event or
circumstance and the remainder of the calendar year during which the
hardship commenced, plus the next calendar year.
(i) He or she experienced financial or domestic circumstances,
including an unexpected natural or human-caused event, such that he or
she had a significant, unexpected increase in essential expenses that
prevented him or her from obtaining coverage under a qualified health
(ii) The expense of purchasing a qualified health plan would have
caused him or her to experience serious deprivation of food, shelter,
clothing or other necessities; or
(iii) He or she has experienced other circumstances that prevented
him or her from obtaining coverage under a qualified health plan.
(2) Examples of events and circumstances for which the Exchange
must grant a hardship exemption to an applicant based on paragraph
(d)(1) of this section include:
(i) Individuals that the Exchange determines are homeless.
(ii) Individuals who have been evicted or facing eviction or
(iii) Individuals who have received a shut-off notice from a
utility company.
(iv) Individuals who have experienced domestic violence.
(v) Individuals who have experienced the death of a family member.
(vi) Individuals who have experienced a fire, flood or other nature
or human-caused disaster that caused substantial damage to your
(vii) Individuals who have filed for bankruptcy.
(viii) Individuals who had medical bills which resulted in
substantial debt
(ix) Individuals who experienced unexpected increases in necessary
expenses due to caring for an ill, disabled or aging family member.
(x) Individuals who are seeking categorical Medicaid eligibility
under section 1902(f) of the Act for ``209(b)'' States (codified at 42
CFR 435.121).
(xi) Individuals who are seeking Medicaid coverage provided to
medically needy individuals under section 1902(a)(10)(C) of the Social
Security Act 42 U.S.C. 1396(a)(10)(C) that is not recognized as
government-sponsored minimum essential coverage (MEC) under IRS
regulations or HHS regulations or guidance.
(xii) Individuals who are enrolled in Medicaid coverage provided to
a pregnant women that is not recognized as government-sponsored MEC
under IRS regulations or HHS regulations or guidance.
(xiii) Individuals who are enrolled in CHIP coverage provided to an
unborn child that includes comprehensive prenatal care for the pregnant
(xiv) Individuals who are eligible for enrollment in a qualified
health plan
[[Page 75582]]
(QHP) through the Exchange, lower costs on the individual's monthly
premiums or cost-sharing reductions for a time period when the
individual was not enrolled in a QHP through the Exchange as a result
of an eligibility appeals decision.
(3) The hardship event or circumstance described under paragraph
(d)(1) or (2) of this section must have occurred within 3 years of the
date the applicant submits an application to the Exchange under Sec.
155.610, except in the case of applicants who are or who were homeless
or experienced domestic violence.
(i) The date of submission of an application means the date of
receipt of the application by the Exchange via the channels available
for the submission of an application, as described in Sec. 155.610(d)
or the date the application was signed by the submitter.
(ii) [Reserved]
(4) Lack of affordable coverage based on projected income. The
Exchange must determine an applicant eligible for an exemption for a
month or months during which he or she, or another individual the
applicant attests will be included in the applicant's family, as
defined in 26 CFR 1.36B-1(d), is unable to afford coverage in
accordance with the standards specified in section 5000A(e)(1) of the
Code, provided that--
(i) Eligibility for this exemption is based on projected annual
household income;
(ii) An eligible employer-sponsored plan is only considered under
paragraphs (d)(4)(iii) and (iv) of this section if it meets the minimum
value standard described in Sec. 156.145 of this subchapter.
(iii) For an individual who is eligible to purchase coverage under
an eligible employer-sponsored plan, the Exchange determines the
required contribution for coverage such that--
(A) An individual who uses tobacco is treated as not earning any
premium incentive related to participation in a wellness program
designed to prevent or reduce tobacco use that is offered by an
eligible employer-sponsored plan;
(B) Wellness incentives offered by an eligible employer-sponsored
plan that do not relate to tobacco use are treated as not earned;
(C) In the case of an employee who is eligible to purchase coverage
under an eligible employer-sponsored plan sponsored by the employee's
employer, the required contribution is the portion of the annual
premium that the employee would pay (whether through salary reduction
or otherwise) for the lowest cost self-only coverage.
(D) In the case of an individual who is eligible to purchase
coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan as a member of the
employee's family, as defined in 26 CFR 1.36B-1(d), the required
contribution is the portion of the annual premium that the employee
would pay (whether through salary reduction or otherwise) for the
lowest cost family coverage that would cover the employee and all other
individuals who are included in the employee's family who have not
otherwise been granted an exemption through the Exchange.
(iv) For an individual who is ineligible to purchase coverage under
an eligible employer-sponsored plan, the Exchange determines the
required contribution for coverage in accordance with section
5000A(e)(1)(B)(ii) of the Code, inclusive of all members of the family,
as defined in 26 CFR 1.36B-1(d), who have not otherwise been granted an
exemption through the Exchange and who are not treated as eligible to
purchase coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan, in
accordance with paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section; and
(v) The applicant applies for this exemption prior to the last date
on which he or she could enroll in a QHP through the Exchange for the
month or months of a calendar year for which the exemption is
(vi) The Exchange must make an exemption in this category available
prospectively, and provide it for all remaining months in a coverage
year, notwithstanding any change in an individual's circumstances.
(5) Ineligible for Medicaid based on a State's decision not to
expand. The Exchange must determine an applicant eligible for an
exemption for a calendar year if he or she would be determined
ineligible for Medicaid for one or more months during the benefit year
solely as a result of a State not implementing section 2001(a) of the
Affordable Care Act.
(e) Eligibility for an exemption through the IRS. Hardship
exemptions in this paragraph can be claimed on a Federal income tax
return without obtaining an exemption certificate number. The IRS may
allow an individual to claim the hardship exemptions described in this
paragraph (e) without requiring an exemption certificate number from
the Exchange.
(1) Filing threshold. The IRS may allow an applicant to claim an
exemption specified in HHS Guidance published September 18, 2014,
entitled, Shared Responsibility Guidance--Filing Threshold Hardship
Exemption,'' and in IRS Notice 2014-76, section B.
(2) Self-only coverage in an eligible employer-sponsored plan. The
IRS may allow an applicant to claim an exemption specified in HHS
Guidance published November 21, 2014, entitled, ``Guidance on Hardship
Exemptions for Persons Meeting Certain Criteria,'' and in IRS Notice
2014-76, section A.
(3) Eligible for services through an Indian health care provider.
The IRS may allow an applicant to claim the exemption specified in HHS
Guidance published September 18, 2014, entitled, ``Shared
Responsibility Guidance--Exemption for Individuals Eligible for
Services through an Indian Health Care Provider,'' and in IRS Notice
2014-76, section E.
(4) Ineligible for Medicaid based on a State's decision not to
expand. The IRS may allow an applicant to claim the exemption specified
in HHS Guidance published November 21, 2014, entitled, ``Guidance on
Hardship Exemptions for Persons Meeting Certain Criteria,'' and in IRS
Notice 2014-76, section F.
47. Section 155.610 is amended by revising paragraph (h)(1) and adding
paragraph (k) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.610 Eligibility process for exemptions.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
(1) Except for the exemptions described in Sec. 155.605(c) and
(d), after December 31 of a given calendar year, the Exchange may
decline to accept an application for an exemption that is available
retrospectively for months for such calendar year, and must provide
information to individuals regarding how to claim an exemption through
the tax filing process.
* * * * *
(k) Incomplete application. (1) If an applicant submits an
application that does not include sufficient information for the
Exchange to conduct a determination for eligibility of an exemption the
Exchange must--
(i) Provide notice to the applicant indicating that information
necessary to complete an eligibility determination is missing,
specifying the missing information, and providing instructions on how
to provide the missing information; and
(ii) Provide the applicant with a period of no less than 10 and no
more than 90 days, in the reasonable discretion of the Exchange, from
the date on which the notice described in paragraph (k)(1) of this
section is sent to the applicant to provide the information needed to
complete the application to the Exchange; and
(iii) Not proceed with the applicant's eligibility determination
during the
[[Page 75583]]
period described in paragraph (k)(2) of this section.
(2) If the Exchange does not receive the requested information
within the time allotted in paragraph (k)(1)(ii) of this section, the
Exchange must notify the applicant in writing that the Exchange cannot
process the application and provide appeal rights to the applicant.
48. Section 155.615 is amended by-
a. Removing paragraphs (c), (d), and (e).
b. Redesignating paragraphs (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), and (k) as
paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h), respectively.
c. Revising newly redesignated paragraph (c)(1).
d. Removing newly redesignated paragraph (c)(3).
e. Further redesignating newly redesignated paragraph (c)(2) as
paragraph (c)(3).
f. Adding paragraph (c)(2).
The revision and addition read as follows:
Sec. 155.615 Verification process related to eligibility for
* * * * *
(c) Verification related to exemption for hardship--(1) In general.
For any applicant who requests an exemption based on hardship, except
for the hardship exemptions described in Sec. 155.605(d)(3), the
Exchange must verify whether he or she has experienced the hardship to
which he or she is attesting.
(2) Hardship. If the hardship-qualifying event or circumstance in
Sec. 155.605(d)(1) began more than 3 years prior to the date the
exemption application was submitted, as specified in Sec.
155.605(d)(3)(i), and the event or circumstance continued beyond the
initial 3-year period, the Exchange must verify the applicant continued
to experience the hardship to which he or she is attesting during a
period that is within 3 years from the date of the exemption
application submitted under Sec. 155.605(d)(1).
* * * * *
49. Section 155.625 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) to
read as follows:
Sec. 155.625 Options for conducting eligibility determinations for
(a) * * *
(2) By use of the HHS service under paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Use of HHS service. Notwithstanding the requirements of this
subpart, the Exchange may adopt an exemption eligibility determination
made by HHS.
50. Section 155.705 is amended by:
a. Adding paragraphs (b)(3)(viii), (ix), and (x).
b. In paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(B), removing the semicolon and adding a
colon in its place.
c. Adding paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(B)(1) and adding and reserving paragraph
d. Revising paragraphs (b)(4)(ii)(C)(2) and (b)(11)(ii)(A), (B), and
e. Removing paragraphs (b)(11)(ii)(D) and (E).
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 155.705 Functions of a SHOP.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(3) * * *
(viii) For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2017, a
Federally-facilitated SHOP will provide a qualified employer a choice
of three methods to make QHPs available to qualified employees and
their dependents:
(A) The employer may choose a level of coverage as described in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section;
(B) The employer may choose a single QHP; or
(C) The employer may offer its qualified employees a choice of all
QHPs offered through a Federally-facilitated SHOP by a single issuer
across all available levels of coverage, as described in section
1302(d)(1) of the Affordable Care Act and implemented in Sec.
156.140(b) of this subchapter.
(ix) For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2017, a
Federally-facilitated SHOP will provide a qualified employer a choice
of three methods to make stand-alone dental plans available to
qualified employees and their dependents:
(A) The employer may choose to make available a single stand-alone
dental plan;
(B) The employer may choose to make available all stand-alone
dental plans offered through a Federally-facilitated SHOP at a level of
coverage as described in Sec. 156.150(b)(2) of this subchapter; or
(C) The employer may offer its qualified employees a choice of all
plans offered through a Federally-facilitated SHOP by a single issuer
across all available levels of coverage, as described in Sec.
156.150(b)(2) of this subchapter.
(x) States operating as a State-based Exchange utilizing the
Federal platform for SHOP enrollment functions will have the same
employer choice models available as States with a Federally-facilitated
(4) * * *
(ii) * * *
(B) * * *
(1) In a Federally-facilitated SHOP, payment for the group's first
month of coverage must be received by the premium aggregation services
vendor on or before the 20th day of the month prior to the month that
coverage begins.
(2) [Reserved]
(C) * * *
(2) The number of days for which coverage is being provided in the
month described in paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(C)(1) of this section.
* * * * *
(11) * * *
(ii) * * *
(A) When the employer offers a single plan to qualified employees,
the employer must use a fixed contribution methodology under which the
employer contributes a fixed percentage of the plan's premium for each
qualified employee and, if applicable, for each dependent of a
qualified employee. A tobacco surcharge, if applicable, will be applied
after the employer's contribution is applied to the premium.
(B) When the employer offers a choice of plans to qualified
employees, the employer may use a fixed contribution methodology or a
reference plan contribution methodology. Under the fixed contribution
methodology, the employer contributes a fixed percentage of the
premiums for each qualified employee and, if applicable, for each
dependent of a qualified employee, across all plans in which any
qualified employee, and, if applicable, any dependent of a qualified
employee, is enrolled. Under the reference plan contribution
methodology, the employer will select a plan from within the level of
coverage offered as described in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this
section to serve as a reference plan on which contributions will be
based, and then will define a percentage contribution toward premiums
under the reference plan; the resulting contribution amounts under the
reference plan will be applied toward any plan in which a qualified
employee or, if applicable, any dependent of a qualified employee, is
enrolled, up to the lesser of the contribution amount or the total
amount of any premium for the selected plan before application of a
tobacco surcharge, if applicable. A tobacco surcharge, if applicable,
will be applied after the employer's contribution is applied to the
(C) The employer will define a percentage contribution toward
premiums for employee-only coverage and, if dependent coverage is
offered, a percentage contribution toward premiums for dependent
coverage. To
[[Page 75584]]
the extent permitted by other applicable law, for plan years beginning
on or after January 1, 2015, a Federally-facilitated SHOP may permit an
employer to define a different percentage contribution for full-time
employees from the percentage contribution it defines for non-full-time
employees, and it may permit an employer to define a different
percentage contribution for dependent coverage for full-time employees
from the percentage contribution it defines for dependent coverage for
non-full-time employees.
* * * * *
51. Section 155.715 is amended by revising paragraph (g)(1) to read as
Sec. 155.715 Eligibility determination process for SHOP.
* * * * *
(g) * * *
(1) Each QHP terminates the enrollment through the SHOP of the
employer's enrollees enrolled in a QHP through the SHOP; and
* * * * *
52. Section 155.725 is amended by revising paragraphs (c), (e), (h)(2),
(i)(1) introductory text, and (j)(2)(i) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.725 Enrollment periods under SHOP.
* * * * *
(c) Annual employer election period. The SHOP must provide
qualified employers with a standard election period prior to the
completion of the employer's plan year and before the annual employee
open enrollment period, in which the qualified employer may change its
participation in the SHOP for the next plan year, including--
(1) The method by which the qualified employer makes QHPs available
to qualified employees pursuant to Sec. 155.705(b)(2) and (3);
(2) The employer contribution towards the premium cost of coverage;
(3) The level of coverage offered to qualified employees as
described in Sec. 155.705(b)(2) and (3); and
(4) The QHP or QHPs offered to qualified employees in accordance
with Sec. 155.705.
* * * * *
(e) Annual employee open enrollment period. (1) The SHOP must
establish a standardized annual open enrollment period for qualified
employees prior to the completion of the applicable qualified
employer's plan year and after that employer's annual election period.
(2) Qualified employers in a Federally-facilitated SHOP must
provide qualified employees with an annual open enrollment period of at
least one week.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
(2) For a group enrollment received by the Federally-facilitated
SHOP from a qualified employer at the time of an initial group
enrollment or renewal:
(i) Between the first and fifteenth day of any month, the
Federally-facilitated SHOP must ensure a coverage effective date of the
first day of the following month unless the employer opts for a later
effective date within a quarter for which small group market rates are
(ii) Between the 16th and last day of any month, the Federally-
facilitated SHOP must ensure a coverage effective date of the first day
of the second following month unless the employer opts for a later
effective date within a quarter for which small group market rates are
* * * * *
(i) * * *
(1) If a qualified employee enrolled in a QHP through the SHOP
remains eligible for enrollment through the SHOP in coverage offered by
the same qualified employer, the SHOP may provide for a process under
which the employee will remain in the QHP selected the previous year,
* * * * *
(j) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) Experiences an event described in Sec. 155.420(d)(1) (other
than paragraph (d)(1)(ii)), or experiences an event described in Sec.
155.420(d)(2), (4), (5), (7), (8), or (9);
* * * * *
53. Section 155.735 is amended by revising paragraphs (c)(2)
introductory text and (d)(2) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.735 Termination of SHOP enrollment or coverage.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(2) In an FF-SHOP, for premium payments other than payments for the
first month of coverage--
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(2) In the FF-SHOP, termination is effective:
(i) In the case of a termination in accordance with paragraphs
(d)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), and (v) of this section, termination is
effective on the last day of the month in which the Federally-
facilitated SHOP receives notice of the event described in paragraph
(d)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), or (v) of this section.
(ii) In the case of a termination in accordance with paragraph
(d)(1)(iv) of this section, the last day of coverage in an enrollee's
prior QHP is the day before the effective date of coverage in his or
her new QHP, including for any retroactive enrollments effectuated
under Sec. 155.420(b)(2).
(iii) The FF-SHOP will send qualified employees a notice notifying
them in advance of a child dependent's loss of eligibility for
dependent child coverage under their plan because of age. The notice
will be sent 90 days in advance of the date when the dependent enrollee
would lose eligibility for dependent child coverage. The enrollee will
also receive a separate termination notice when coverage is terminated,
under Sec. 155.735(g).
* * * * *
54. Section 155.740 is amended by revising paragraphs (c)(2), (d)(2),
and (l)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 155.740 SHOP employer and employee eligibility appeals
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(2) A failure by the SHOP to provide a timely eligibility
determination or a timely notice of an eligibility determination in
accordance with Sec. 155.715(e).
(d) * * *
(2) A failure by the SHOP to provide a timely eligibility
determination or a timely notice of an eligibility determination in
accordance with Sec. 155.715(f).
* * * * *
(l) * * *
(3) Be effective as follows:
(i) If an employer is found eligible under the decision, then at
the employer's option, the effective date of coverage or enrollment
through the SHOP under the decision can either be made retroactive to
the effective date of coverage or enrollment through the SHOP that the
employer would have had if the employer had been correctly determined
eligible, or prospective to the first day of the month following the
date of the notice of the appeal decision.
(ii) If an employee is found eligible under the decision, then at
the employee's option, the effective date of coverage or enrollment
through the SHOP under the decision can either be made effective
retroactive to the effective date of coverage or enrollment through the
SHOP that the employee would have had if the employee had been
correctly determined eligible, or prospective to the first day of the
month following the date of the notice of the appeal decision.
(iii) If the employer or employee is found ineligible under the
decision, then the decision is effective on the first
[[Page 75585]]
day of the month following the date of the notice of the appeal
* * * * *
55. The authority citation for part 156 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Title I of the Affordable Care Act, sections 1301-
1304, 1311-1313, 1321-1322, 1324, 1334, 1342-1343, 1401-1402, Pub.
L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119 (42 U.S.C. 18021-18024, 18031-18032,
18041-18042, 18044, 18054, 18061, 18063, 18071, 18082, 26 U.S.C.
36B, and 31 U.S.C. 9701).
56. Section 156.20 is amended by adding a definition of ``Standardized
option'' in alphabetical order to read as follows:
Sec. 156.20 Definitions.
* * * * *
Standardized option means a QHP with a standardized cost-sharing
structure specified by HHS and that is offered for sale through an
individual market Federally-facilitated Exchange.
57. Section 156.50 amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as
Sec. 156.50 Financial support.
* * * * *
(c) Requirement for Federally-facilitated Exchange user fee. (1) To
support the functions of Federally-facilitated Exchanges, a
participating issuer offering a plan through a Federally-facilitated
Exchange must remit a user fee to HHS each month, in the time frame and
manner established by HHS, equal to the product of the monthly user fee
rate specified in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment
parameters for Federally-facilitated Exchanges for the applicable
benefit year and the monthly premium charged by the issuer for each
policy under the plan where enrollment is through a Federally-
facilitated Exchange.
(2) To support the functions of State-based Exchanges on the
Federal platform, a participating issuer offering a plan through a
State-based Exchange that elects to utilize the Federal Exchange
platform for certain Exchange functions described in Sec. 155.200 of
this subchapter, as specified in a Federal platform agreement, must
remit a user fee to HHS, in the timeframe and manner established by
HHS, equal to the product of the sum of the monthly user fee rate
specified in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters
for State-based Exchanges that use the Federal platform for the
applicable benefit year plus any additional user fee rate that HHS will
collect on behalf of the Sate-based Exchange, multiplied by the monthly
premium charged by the issuer for each policy under the plan where
enrollment is through the State-based Exchange on the Federal platform.
* * * * *
58. Section 156.80 is amended by revising paragraph (d)(3)(ii) to read
as follows:
Sec. 156.80 Single risk pool.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(3) * * *
(ii) A health insurance issuer in the small group market (not
including a merged market) may establish index rates and make the
marketwide adjustments under paragraph (d)(1) of this section, and make
the plan-level adjustments under paragraph (d)(2) of this section, no
more frequently than quarterly. Any changes to rates must have
effective dates of January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1. Such rates
may only apply to coverage issued or renewed on or after the rate
effective date and will apply for the entire plan year of the group
health plan.
* * * * *
59. Section 156.135 is amended by revising paragraph (g) to read as
Sec. 156.135 AV calculation for determining level of coverage.
* * * * *
(g) Updates to the AV Calculator. HHS will update the AV Calculator
annually for material changes that may include costs, plan designs, the
standard population, developments in the function and operation of the
AV Calculator and other actuarially relevant factors.
60. Section 156.150 is amended by adding paragraphs (a)(1) and (2),
(c), and (d) to read as follows:
Sec. 156.150 Application to stand-alone dental plans inside the
(a) * * *
(1) For plan years beginning after 2016, for one covered child--the
dollar limit applicable to a stand-alone dental plan for one covered
child specified in this paragraph (a) increased by an amount equal to
the product of that amount and the quotient of consumer price index for
dental services for the year 2 years prior to the benefit year, divided
by the consumer price index for dental services for 2016.
(2) For plan years after 2016, for two or more covered children--
twice the dollar limit for one child described in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section.
* * * * *
(c) Consumer price index for dental services defined. The consumer
price index for dental services is a sub-component of the US Department
of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index specific to
dental services.
(d) Increments of cost sharing increases. Any increase in the
annual dollar limits described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section that
does not result in a multiple of 25 dollars will be rounded down, to
the next lowest multiple of 25 dollars.
61. Section 156.230 is amended by adding (d), (e), and (f) to read as
Sec. 156.230 Network adequacy standards.
* * * * *
(d) Minimum threshold. A QHP in a Federally-facilitated Exchange
meets the standard under paragraph (a)(2) of this section if its
network is determined adequate under the following standards:
(1) In a State that implements an acceptable quantifiable network
adequacy metric commonly used in the health insurance industry to
measure network adequacy, under that metric; or
(2) In any other State, under the Federal time and distance
standard, based on minimum number of providers and average time and
distance to those providers. QHPs that cannot meet the time and
distance standard established by HHS may satisfy this requirement by
reasonably justifying variances from this standard based on such
factors as the availability of providers and variables reflected in
local patterns of care.
(e) Provider transitions. A QHP issuer in a Federally-facilitated
Exchange must--
(1) Make a good faith effort to provide written notice of
discontinuation of a provider 30 days prior to the effective date of
the change or otherwise as soon as practicable, to enrollees who are
patients seen on a regular basis by the provider or who receive primary
care from the provider whose contract is being discontinued,
irrespective of whether the contract is being discontinued due to a
termination for cause or without cause, or due to a non-renewal;
(2) In cases where a provider is terminated without cause, allow an
enrollee in active treatment to continue treatment until the treatment
is complete or for 90 days, whichever is shorter, at in-network cost-
sharing rates.
(i) For the purposes of paragraph (e)(2) of this section, active
treatment means:
[[Page 75586]]
(A) An ongoing course of treatment for a life-threatening
(B) An ongoing course of treatment for a serious acute condition;
(C) The second or third trimester of pregnancy; or
(D) An ongoing course of treatment for a health condition for which
a treating physician or health care provider attests that discontinuing
care by that physician or health care provider would worsen the
condition or interfere with anticipated outcomes.
(ii) Any decisions made for a request for continuity of care under
paragraph (e)(2) of this section must be subject to the health benefit
plan's internal and external grievance and appeal processes in
accordance with applicable State or Federal law or regulations.
(f) Out-of-network cost sharing. Notwithstanding Sec. 156.130(c),
for a network to be deemed adequate, each QHP that uses a provider
network must:
(1) Count the cost sharing paid by an enrollee for an essential
health benefit provided by an out-of-network provider in an in-network
setting towards the enrollee's annual limitation on cost sharing; or
(2) Provide a written notice to the enrollee at least ten business
days before the provision of the benefit that additional costs may be
incurred for an essential health benefit provided by an out-of-network
provider in an in-network setting, including balance billing charges,
unless such costs are prohibited under State law, and that any
additional charges may not count toward the in-network annual
limitation on cost sharing.
62. Section 156.235, as amended on February 27, 2015 (80 FR 10873), is
further amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(i) to read
as follows:
Sec. 156.235 Essential community providers.
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) The network includes as participating practitioners at least a
minimum percentage, as specified by HHS, of available essential
community providers in each plan's service area. For plan years
beginning prior to January 1, 2018, multiple providers at a single
location will count as a single essential community provider toward
both the available essential community provider s in the plan's service
area and the issuer's satisfaction of the essential community provider
participation standard. For plan years beginning on or after January 1,
2018, multiple contracted or employed full-time equivalent
practitioners at a single location will count toward both the available
essential community providers in the plan's service area and the
issuer's satisfaction of the essential community provider participation
standard; and
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) The number of its providers that are located in Health
Professional Shortage Areas or five-digit zip codes in which 30 percent
or more of the population falls below 200 percent of the Federal
Poverty Line satisfies a minimum percentage, specified by HHS, of
available essential community provider in the plan's service area. For
plan years beginning prior to January 1, 2018, multiple providers at a
single location will count as a single essential community provider
toward both the available essential community providers in the plan's
service area and the issuer's satisfaction of the essential community
provider participation standard. For plan years beginning on or after
January 1, 2018, multiple contracted or employed full-time equivalent
practitioners at a single location will count toward both the available
essential community providers in the plan's service area and the
satisfaction of the essential community provider participation
standard; and
* * * * *
63. Section 156.265 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(2)(ii) to read
as follows:
Sec. 156.265 Enrollment process for qualified individuals.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) Ensure the applicant received an eligibility determination for
coverage through the Exchange through the Exchange Internet Web site or
an Exchange approved web service using the FFE single streamline
* * * * *
64. Section 156.270 is amended by revising paragraphs (d) introductory
text and (g) to read as follows:
Sec. 156.270 Termination of coverage or enrollment for qualified
* * * * *
(d) Grace period for recipients of advance payments of the premium
tax credit. A QHP issuer must provide a grace period of 3 months for an
enrollee, who when failing to timely pay premiums, is receiving advance
payments of the premium tax credit. During the grace period, the QHP
issuer must:
* * * * *
(g) Exhaustion of grace period. If an enrollee receiving advance
payments of the premium tax credit exhausts the 3-month grace period in
paragraph (d) of this section without paying all outstanding premiums,
subject to a premium payment threshold implemented under Sec.
155.400(g) of this subchapter, if applicable, the QHP issuer must
terminate the enrollee's enrollment through the Exchange on the
effective date described in Sec. 155.430(d)(4) of this subchapter,
provided that the QHP issuer meets the notice requirement specified in
paragraph (b) of this section.
* * * * *
65. Section 156.285 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(5) and
removing and reserving paragraph (d)(2) to read as follows:
Sec. 156.285 Additional standards specific to SHOP
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(5) In a Federally-facilitated SHOP, must send enrollment
reconciliation files on at least a monthly basis according to a
process, timeline, and file format established by the Federally-
facilitated SHOP;
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(2) [Reserved]
* * * * *
66. Section 156.298 is amended by--
a. Revising paragraph (b)(4).
b. Removing paragraph (b)(5).
c. Redesignating paragraph (b)(6) as paragraph (b)(5).
d. Revising newly redesignated paragraph (b)(5).
The revision reads as follows:
Sec. 156.298 Meaningful difference standard for Qualified Health
Plans in the Federally-facilitated Exchanges.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(4) Plan type; or
(5) Child-only versus non Child-only plan offerings.
* * * * *
67. The heading of subpart D is revised to read as follows:
Subpart D--Standards for Qualified Health Plan Issuers on
Federally-Facilitated Exchanges and State-Based Exchanges on the
Federal Platform
68. Section 156.350 is added to subpart D to read as follows:
Sec. 156.350 Eligibility and enrollment standards for Qualified
Health Plan issuers on State-based Exchanges on the Federal platform.
(a) In order to participate in a State-based Exchange on the
Federal platform,
[[Page 75587]]
a QHP issuer must comply with HHS regulations, and guidance pertaining
to issuer eligibility and enrollment functions as if the issuer were an
issuer of a QHP on a Federally-facilitated Exchange. These requirements
(1) Section 156.285(a)(4)(ii) regarding the premiums for plans
offered on the SHOP;
(2) Section 156.285(c)(8)(iii) regarding enrollment process for
SHOP; and
(3) Section 156.715 regarding compliance reviews of QHP issuers, to
the extent relating directly to applicable eligibility and enrollment
(b) HHS will permit issuers of QHPs in each State-based Exchange on
the Federal platform to directly enroll applicants in a manner that is
considered to be through the Exchange, as if the issuers were issuers
of QHPs on Federally-facilitated Exchanges under Sec. 156.1230(a), to
the extent permitted by applicable State law.
(c) If the State-based Exchange on the Federal platform does not
substantially enforce a requirement in paragraph (a) of this section
against the issuer or plan, then HHS may do so, in accordance with the
enforcement remedies in subpart I of this part, subject to the
administrative review process in subpart J of this part.
69. Section 156.805 is amended by revising paragraph (d) to read as
Sec. 156.805 Bases and process for imposing civil money penalties in
Federally-facilitated Exchanges.
* * * * *
(d) Request for hearing. (1) An issuer may appeal the assessment of
a civil money penalty under this section by filing a request for
hearing under an applicable administrative hearing process.
(2) If an issuer files a request for hearing under this paragraph
(d), the assessment of a civil money penalty will not occur prior to
the issuance of the final administrative decision in the appeal.
* * * * *
70. Section 156.810 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(12) and (13)
and (e) and adding paragraphs (a)(14) and (15) to read as follows:
Sec. 156.810 Bases and process for decertification of a QHP offered
by an issuer through a Federally-facilitated Exchange.
(a) * * *
(12) The QHP issuer substantially fails to meet the requirements
related to the cases forwarded to QHP issuers under subpart K of this
(13) The QHP issuer substantially fails to meet the requirements
related to the offering of a QHP under subpart M of this part;
(14) The QHP issuer offering the QHP is the subject of a pending,
ongoing, or final State regulatory or enforcement action or
determination that relates to the issuer offering QHPs in the
Federally-facilitated Exchanges; or
(15) HHS reasonably believes that the QHP issuer lacks the
financial viability to provide coverage under its QHPs until the end of
the plan year.
* * * * *
(e) Request for hearing. An issuer may appeal the decertification
of a QHP offered by that issuer under paragraph (c) or (d) of this
section by filing a request for hearing under an applicable
administrative hearing process.
(1) If an issuer files a request for hearing under this paragraph
(i) If the decertification is under paragraph (b)(1) of this
section, the decertification will not take effect prior to the issuance
of the final administrative decision in the appeal, notwithstanding the
effective date specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(ii) If the decertification is under paragraph (b)(2) of this
section, the decertification will be effective on the date specified in
the notice of decertification, but the certification of the QHP may be
reinstated immediately upon issuance of a final administrative decision
that the QHP should not be decertified.
(2) [Reserved]
71. Section Sec. 156.1110 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and
(b) and removing paragraph (d) to read as follows:
Sec. 156.1110 Establishment of patient safety standards for QHP
(a) Patient safety standards. A QHP issuer that contracts with a
hospital with greater than 50 beds must verify that the hospital, as
defined in section 1861(e) of the Act:
(1) For plan years beginning before January 1, 2017, is Medicare-
certified or has been issued a Medicaid-only CMS Certification Number
(CCN) and is subject to the Medicare Hospital Conditions of
Participation requirements for--
(i) A quality assessment and performance improvement program as
specified in 42 CFR 482.21; and
(ii) Discharge planning as specified in 42 CFR 482.43.
(2) For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2017--
(i)(A) Utilizes a patient safety evaluation system as defined in 42
CFR 3.20; and
(B) Implements a mechanism for comprehensive person-centered
hospital discharge to improve care coordination and health care quality
for each patient; or
(ii) Implements evidence-based initiatives to reduce all cause
preventable harm, prevent hospital readmission, improve care
coordination and improve health care quality through the collection,
management and analysis of patient safety events.
(3) A QHP issuer must ensure that each of its QHPs meets the
patient safety standards in accordance with this section.
(b) Documentation. A QHP issuer must collect:
(1) For plan years beginning before January 1, 2017, the CCN from
each of its contracted hospitals with greater than 50 beds, to
demonstrate that those hospitals meet patient safety standards required
in paragraph (a)(1) of this section; and
(2) For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2017,
information, from each of its contracted hospitals with greater than 50
beds, to demonstrate that those hospitals meet patient safety standards
required in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
72. Section 156.1220 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(3) and
(a)(4)(ii) to read as follows:
Sec. 156.1220 Administrative appeals.
(a) * * *
(3) Time for filing a request for reconsideration. The request for
reconsideration must be filed in accordance with the following
(i) For advance payments of the premium tax credit, advance
payments of cost-sharing reductions, or Federally-facilitated Exchange
user fee charges, within 30 calendar days after the date of the final
reconsideration notification specifying the aggregate amount of advance
payments of the premium tax credit, advance payments of cost-sharing
reductions, and Federally-facilitated Exchange user fees for the
applicable benefit year;
(ii) For a risk adjustment payment or charge, including an
assessment of risk adjustment user fees, within 30 calendar days of the
date of the notification under Sec. 153.310(e) of this subchapter;
(iii) For a reinsurance payment, within 30 calendar days of the
date of the notification under Sec. 153.240(b)(1)(ii) of this
[[Page 75588]]
(iv) For a default risk adjustment charge, within 30 calendar days
of the date of the notification of the default risk adjustment charge;
(v) For reconciliation of cost-sharing reductions, within 30
calendar days of the date of the notification of the cost-sharing
reduction reconciliation payment or charge; and
(vi) For a risk corridors payment or charge, within 30 calendar
days of the date of the notification under Sec. 153.510(d) of this
(4) * * *
(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1) of this section, a
reconsideration with respect to a processing error by HHS, HHS's
incorrect application of the relevant methodology, or HHS's
mathematical error may be requested only if, to the extent the issue
could have been previously identified by the issuer to HHS under Sec.
153.710(d)(2) of this subchapter, it was so identified and remains
* * * * *
73. Section 156.1250 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 156.1250 Acceptance of certain third party payments.
(a) Issuers offering individual market QHPs, including stand-alone
dental plans, and their downstream entities, must accept premium and
cost-sharing payments from the following third-party entities on behalf
of plan enrollees:
(1) A Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program under title XXVI of the Public
Health Service Act;
(2) An Indian tribe, tribal organization, or urban Indian
organization; and
(3) A local, State, or Federal government program, including a
grantee directed by a government program to make payments on its behalf
consistent with the program's statutory authority.
(b) An entity making third party payments of premiums under
paragraph (a) of this section must notify HHS of its intent to do so,
and the expected number of consumers for which it will do so, in a
format and timeline established by HHS.
74. Section 156.1256 is added to subpart M to read as follows:
Sec. 156.1256 Other notices.
As directed by the FFE, health insurance issuer that is offering
QHP coverage through an FFE must notify its enrollees of material plan
or benefit display errors and the enrollees' eligibility for a special
enrollment period, included in Sec. 155.420(d)(4) of this subchapter,
within 30 calendar days after the error is identified.
75. The authority citation for part 158 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Section 2718 of the Public Health Service Act (42
U.S.C. 300gg-18), as amended.
76. Section 158.103 is amended by revising the definitions of ``Large
Employer'', ``Small Employer'', and ``Unpaid claim reserves'' to read
as follows:
Sec. 158.103 Definitions.
* * * * *
Large Employer has the meaning given the term in Sec. 144.103 of
this subchapter.
* * * * *
Small Employer has the meaning given the term in Sec. 144.103 of
this subchapter.
* * * * *
Unpaid claim reserves means reserves and liabilities established to
account for claims that were incurred during the MLR reporting year but
had not been paid within 6 months of the end of the MLR reporting year.
77. Section 158.140 is amended by revising paragraph (a) introductory
text to read as follows:
Sec. 158.140 Reimbursement for clinical services provided to
(a) General requirements. The report required in Sec. 158.110 must
include direct claims paid to or received by providers, including under
capitation contracts with physicians, whose services are covered by the
policy for clinical services or supplies covered by the policy. In
addition, the report must include claim reserves associated with claims
incurred during the MLR reporting year, the change in contract
reserves, reserves for contingent benefits and the medical claim
portion of lawsuits, and any incurred experience rating refunds.
Reimbursement for clinical services, as defined in this section, is
referred to as ``incurred claims.'' All components of and adjustments
to incurred claims, with the exception of contract reserves, must be
calculated based on claims incurred only during the MLR reporting year
and paid through June 30th of the following year. Contract reserves
must be calculated as of December 31st of the applicable year.
* * * * *
Dated: October 23, 2015.
Andrew M. Slavitt,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Dated: November 17, 2015.
Sylvia M. Burwell,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 2015-29884 Filed 11-20-15; 4:15 pm]