Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC; Notice of Request Under Blanket Authorization, 65730-65731 [2015-27180]

Download as PDF 65730 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 207 / Tuesday, October 27, 2015 / Notices the uranium from which may still be affecting markets. 80 FR at 26,385. In reaching the conclusion that transfers of up to 25 kg per year of high-assay LEU will have at most de minimis impacts on the domestic uranium industries, DOE takes account of the various transfers assessed for its recent determination. IV. Conclusion For the reasons discussed above, these transfers will not have an adverse material impact on the domestic uranium mining, conversion, or enrichment industry taking into account sales under the Russian HEU Agreement and Suspension Agreement. [FR Doc. 2015–27303 Filed 10–26–15; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6450–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. ER16–90–000] Dated: October 20, 2015. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Golden Hills Interconnection, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes Request for Blanket Section 204 Authorization [FR Doc. 2015–27174 Filed 10–26–15; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P This is a supplemental notice in the above-referenced proceeding of Golden Hills Interconnection, LLC.’s application for market-based rate authority, with an accompanying rate tariff, noting that such application includes a request for blanket authorization, under 18 CFR part 34, of future issuances of securities and assumptions of liability. Any person desiring to intervene or to protest should file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214). Anyone filing a motion to intervene or protest must serve a copy of that document on the Applicant. Notice is hereby given that the deadline for filing protests with regard to the applicant’s request for blanket authorization, under 18 CFR part 34, of future issuances of securities and assumptions of liability, is November 9, 2015. The Commission encourages electronic submission of protests and interventions in lieu of paper, using the FERC Online links at https:// www.ferc.gov. To facilitate electronic service, persons with Internet access who will eFile a document and/or be listed as a contact for an intervenor must create and validate an VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:58 Oct 26, 2015 Jkt 238001 eRegistration account using the eRegistration link. Select the eFiling link to log on and submit the intervention or protests. Persons unable to file electronically should submit an original and 5 copies of the intervention or protest to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426. The filings in the above-referenced proceeding are accessible in the Commission’s eLibrary system by clicking on the appropriate link in the above list. They are also available for electronic review in the Commission’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. There is an eSubscription link on the Web site that enables subscribers to receive email notification when a document is added to a subscribed docket(s). For assistance with any FERC Online service, please email FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov. or call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. ER16–91–000] Blythe Solar 110, LLC; Supplemental Notice that Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes Request for Blanket Section 204 Authorization This is a supplemental notice in the above-referenced proceeding Blythe Solar 110 LLC.’s application for marketbased rate authority, with an accompanying rate tariff, noting that such application includes a request for blanket authorization, under 18 CFR part 34, of future issuances of securities and assumptions of liability. Any person desiring to intervene or to protest should file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214). Anyone filing a motion to intervene or protest must serve a copy of that document on the Applicant. Notice is hereby given that the deadline for filing protests with regard to the applicant’s request for blanket authorization, under 18 CFR part 34, of future issuances of securities and PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 assumptions of liability, is November 9, 2015. The Commission encourages electronic submission of protests and interventions in lieu of paper, using the FERC Online links at https:// www.ferc.gov. To facilitate electronic service, persons with Internet access who will eFile a document and/or be listed as a contact for an intervenor must create and validate an eRegistration account using the eRegistration link. Select the eFiling link to log on and submit the intervention or protests. Persons unable to file electronically should submit an original and 5 copies of the intervention or protest to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426. The filings in the above-referenced proceeding are accessible in the Commission’s eLibrary system by clicking on the appropriate link in the above list. They are also available for electronic review in the Commission’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. There is an eSubscription link on the Web site that enables subscribers to receive email notification when a document is added to a subscribed docket(s). For assistance with any FERC Online service, please email FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov. or call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659. Dated: October 20, 2015. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2015–27175 Filed 10–26–15; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP16–2–000] Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC; Notice of Request Under Blanket Authorization October 19, 2015. Take notice that on October 7, 2015, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC (FGT), 1300 Main St., Houston, TX 77002 filed a prior notice request pursuant to sections 157.205, 157.208 (b) and 157.216(b) of the Commission’s regulations under the Natural Gas Act for authorization to replace approximately 3.39 miles of 8-inch lateral pipe and approximately 3.08 miles of 10-inch lateral pipe, and appurtenant facilities, with approximately 3.78 miles of new 12- E:\FR\FM\27OCN1.SGM 27OCN1 tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 207 / Tuesday, October 27, 2015 / Notices inch replacement pipe and utilization of a 0.52 mile section of existing 10-inch pipe, south of Gandy Blvd. in Pinellas County Florida, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on file with the Commission and open to public inspection. The project known as the 12-Inch St. Petersburg Lateral Relocation Project is being done due to a Florida Department of Transportation road project. The filing may also be viewed on the web at https://www.ferc.gov using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access the document. For assistance, contact FERC at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call toll-free, (866) 208–3676 or TTY, (202) 502–8659. Any questions regarding this Application should be directed to Stephen Veatch, Senior Director of Certificates & Tariffs, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, 1300 Main St., Houston, TX 77002, at phone (713) 989–2024 or facsimile (713) 989– 1205, or via email to stephen.veatch@ energytransfer.com. Any person may, within 60 days after the issuance of the instant notice by the Commission, file pursuant to Rule 214 of the Commission’s Procedural Rules (18 CFR 385.214) a motion to intervene or notice of intervention. Any person filing to intervene or the Commission’s staff may, pursuant to section 157.205 of the Commission’s Regulations under the NGA (18 CFR 157.205) file a protest to the request. If no protest is filed within the time allowed therefore, the proposed activity shall be deemed to be authorized effective the day after the time allowed for protest. If a protest is filed and not withdrawn within 30 days after the time allowed for filing a protest, the instant request shall be treated as an application for authorization pursuant to section 7 of the NGA. Pursuant to section 157.9 of the Commission’s rules, 18 CFR 157.9, within 90 days of this Notice the Commission staff will either: complete its environmental assessment (EA) and place it into the Commission’s public record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or issue a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review. If a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review is issued, it will indicate, among other milestones, the anticipated date for the Commission staff’s issuance of the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) or EA for this proposal. The filing of the EA in the Commission’s public record for this proceeding or the issuance of a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review will serve to notify federal and VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:58 Oct 26, 2015 Jkt 238001 state agencies of the timing for the completion of all necessary reviews, and the subsequent need to complete all federal authorizations within 90 days of the date of issuance of the Commission staff’s FEIS or EA. Persons who wish to comment only on the environmental review of this project should submit an original and two copies of their comments to the Secretary of the Commission. Environmental commenter’s will be placed on the Commission’s environmental mailing list, will receive copies of the environmental documents, and will be notified of meetings associated with he Commission’s environmental review process. Environmental commenter’s will not be required to serve copies of filed documents on all other parties. However, the non-party commentary, will not receive copies of all documents filed by other parties or issued by the Commission (except for the mailing of environmental documents issued by the Commission) and will not have the right to seek court review of the Commission’s final order. The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings of comments, protests, and interventions via the internet in lieu of paper. See 18 CFR 385.2001(a) (1) (iii) and the instructions on the Commission’s Web site (www.ferc.gov) under the ‘‘e-Filing’’ link. Persons unable to file electronically should submit original and 5 copies of the protest or intervention to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426. Dated: October 19, 2015. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2015–27180 Filed 10–26–15; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Combined Notice of Filings #1 Take notice that the Commission received the following electric corporate filings: Docket Numbers: EC16–17–000. Applicants: Prairie Breeze Wind Energy II LLC. Description: Application for Authorization Under Section 203 of the Federal Power Act and Request for Waivers and Expedited Action of Prairie Breeze Wind Energy II LLC. Filed Date: 10/19/15. Accession Number: 20151019–5386. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 11/9/15. PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 65731 Take notice that the Commission received the following electric rate filings: Docket Numbers: ER10–2331–042; ER14–630–019; ER10–2319–034; ER10– 2317–034; ER13–1351–016; ER10–2330– 041. Applicants: J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation, AlphaGen Power LLC, BE Alabama LLC, BE CA LLC, Florida Power Development LLC, Utility Contract Funding, L.L.C. Description: Updated Notice of NonMaterial Change in Status of JPMorgan Sellers. Filed Date: 10/20/15. Accession Number: 20151020–5188. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 11/10/15. Docket Numbers: ER11–47–006; ER14–594–006; ER14–2477–003; ER14– 2476–003; ER14–2475–003; ER13–1896– 009; ER12–2343–004; ER12–1544–004; ER12–1542–004; ER12–1541–004; ER12–1540–004; ER11–46–009; ER11– 41–006; ER10–2981–006; ER10–2975– 009. Applicants: Appalachian Power Company, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Kingsport Power Company, Wheeling Power Company, AEP Texas Central Company, AEP Texas North Company, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, Ohio Power Company, AEP Energy Partners, Inc. CSW Energy Services, Inc., AEP Retail Energy Partners LLC, AEP Energy, Inc., AEP Generation Resources Inc. Description: Supplement to June 26, 2015 Updated Market Power Analysis in the Southwest Power Pool balancing area authority of the AEP MBR affiliates. Filed Date: 10/19/15. Accession Number: 20151019–5403. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 11/9/15. Docket Numbers: ER12–2065–002; ER14–2472–002; ER15–1721–001. Applicants: Aequitas Energy, Inc., Agera Energy LLC, energy.me midwest llc. Description: Notice of Non-Material Change in Status of Aequitas Energy, Inc., et al. Filed Date: 10/19/15. Accession Number: 20151019–5388. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 11/9/15. Docket Numbers: ER14–2274–001. Applicants: Aesir Power, LLC. Description: Notice of Change in Status of Aesir Power, LLC. Filed Date: 10/19/15. Accession Number: 20151019–5393. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 11/9/15. Docket Numbers: ER15–1061–001. Applicants: New York Independent System Operator, Inc. Description: Compliance filing: NYISO compliance notify effective date E:\FR\FM\27OCN1.SGM 27OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 207 (Tuesday, October 27, 2015)]
[Pages 65730-65731]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-27180]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Docket No. CP16-2-000]

Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC; Notice of Request Under 
Blanket Authorization

October 19, 2015.
    Take notice that on October 7, 2015, Florida Gas Transmission 
Company, LLC (FGT), 1300 Main St., Houston, TX 77002 filed a prior 
notice request pursuant to sections 157.205, 157.208 (b) and 157.216(b) 
of the Commission's regulations under the Natural Gas Act for 
authorization to replace approximately 3.39 miles of 8-inch lateral 
pipe and approximately 3.08 miles of 10-inch lateral pipe, and 
appurtenant facilities, with approximately 3.78 miles of new 12-

[[Page 65731]]

inch replacement pipe and utilization of a 0.52 mile section of 
existing 10-inch pipe, south of Gandy Blvd. in Pinellas County Florida, 
all as more fully set forth in the application which is on file with 
the Commission and open to public inspection. The project known as the 
12-Inch St. Petersburg Lateral Relocation Project is being done due to 
a Florida Department of Transportation road project.
    The filing may also be viewed on the web at https://www.ferc.gov 
using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket number excluding the last 
three digits in the docket number field to access the document. For 
assistance, contact FERC at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call toll-
free, (866) 208-3676 or TTY, (202) 502-8659.
    Any questions regarding this Application should be directed to 
Stephen Veatch, Senior Director of Certificates & Tariffs, Florida Gas 
Transmission Company, LLC, 1300 Main St., Houston, TX 77002, at phone 
(713) 989-2024 or facsimile (713) 989-1205, or via email to 
    Any person may, within 60 days after the issuance of the instant 
notice by the Commission, file pursuant to Rule 214 of the Commission's 
Procedural Rules (18 CFR 385.214) a motion to intervene or notice of 
intervention. Any person filing to intervene or the Commission's staff 
may, pursuant to section 157.205 of the Commission's Regulations under 
the NGA (18 CFR 157.205) file a protest to the request. If no protest 
is filed within the time allowed therefore, the proposed activity shall 
be deemed to be authorized effective the day after the time allowed for 
protest. If a protest is filed and not withdrawn within 30 days after 
the time allowed for filing a protest, the instant request shall be 
treated as an application for authorization pursuant to section 7 of 
the NGA.
    Pursuant to section 157.9 of the Commission's rules, 18 CFR 157.9, 
within 90 days of this Notice the Commission staff will either: 
complete its environmental assessment (EA) and place it into the 
Commission's public record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or issue a 
Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review. If a Notice of Schedule 
for Environmental Review is issued, it will indicate, among other 
milestones, the anticipated date for the Commission staff's issuance of 
the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) or EA for this 
proposal. The filing of the EA in the Commission's public record for 
this proceeding or the issuance of a Notice of Schedule for 
Environmental Review will serve to notify federal and state agencies of 
the timing for the completion of all necessary reviews, and the 
subsequent need to complete all federal authorizations within 90 days 
of the date of issuance of the Commission staff's FEIS or EA.
    Persons who wish to comment only on the environmental review of 
this project should submit an original and two copies of their comments 
to the Secretary of the Commission. Environmental commenter's will be 
placed on the Commission's environmental mailing list, will receive 
copies of the environmental documents, and will be notified of meetings 
associated with he Commission's environmental review process. 
Environmental commenter's will not be required to serve copies of filed 
documents on all other parties. However, the non-party commentary, will 
not receive copies of all documents filed by other parties or issued by 
the Commission (except for the mailing of environmental documents 
issued by the Commission) and will not have the right to seek court 
review of the Commission's final order.
    The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings of comments, 
protests, and interventions via the internet in lieu of paper. See 18 
CFR 385.2001(a) (1) (iii) and the instructions on the Commission's Web 
site (www.ferc.gov) under the ``e-Filing'' link. Persons unable to file 
electronically should submit original and 5 copies of the protest or 
intervention to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First 
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.

    Dated: October 19, 2015.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2015-27180 Filed 10-26-15; 8:45 am]
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