Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority, 63555-63558 [2015-26615]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 202 / Tuesday, October 20, 2015 / Notices
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Stop: S3–02–01, Baltimore, MD 21244
or send via email to
Maria Ellis, Executive Secretary for the
MEDCAC, Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Center for Clinical
Standards and Quality, Coverage and
Analysis Group, S3–02–01, 7500
Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD
21244 or contact Ms. Ellis by phone
(410–786–0309) or via email at
I. Background
The Secretary signed the initial
charter for the Medicare Coverage
Advisory Committee (MCAC) on
November 24, 1998. A notice in the
Federal Register (63 FR 68780)
announcing establishment of the MCAC
was published on December 14, 1998.
The MCAC name was updated to more
accurately reflect the purpose of the
committee and on January 26, 2007, the
Secretary published a notice in the
Federal Register (72 FR 3853),
announcing that the Committee’s name
changed to the Medicare Evidence
Development & Coverage Advisory
Committee (MEDCAC). The current
Secretary’s Charter for the MEDCAC is
available on the CMS Web site at: https://
medcaccharter.pdf, or you may obtain a
copy of the charter by submitting a
request to the contact listed in the FOR
this notice.
The MEDCAC is governed by
provisions of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, Public Law 92–463, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App. 2), which sets
forth standards for the formulation and
use of advisory committees, and is
authorized by section 222 of the Public
Health Service Act as amended (42
U.S.C. 217A).
We are requesting nominations for
candidates to serve on the MEDCAC.
Nominees are selected based upon their
individual qualifications and not solely
as representatives of professional
associations or societies. We wish to
ensure adequate representation of the
interests of both women and men,
members of all ethnic groups, and
physically challenged individuals.
Therefore, we encourage nominations of
qualified candidates who can represent
these interests.
The MEDCAC consists of a pool of
100 appointed members including: 94
at-large standing members (6 of whom
are patient advocates), and 6
representatives of industry interests.
Members generally are recognized
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authorities in clinical medicine
including subspecialties, administrative
medicine, public health, biological and
physical sciences, epidemiology and
biostatistics, clinical trial design, health
care data management and analysis,
patient advocacy, health care
economics, medical ethics or other
relevant professions.
The MEDCAC works from an agenda
provided by the Designated Federal
Official. The MEDCAC reviews and
evaluates medical literature and
technology assessments, and hears
public testimony on the evidence
available to address the impact of
medical items and services on health
outcomes of Medicare beneficiaries. The
MEDCAC may also advise the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
as part of Medicare’s ‘‘coverage with
evidence development’’ initiative.
II. Provisions of the Notice
As of June 2016, there will be 35
membership terms expiring. Of the 35
memberships expiring, 1 is an industry
representative, 4 are patient advocates,
and the remaining 30 membership
openings are for the at-large standing
MEDCAC membership.
All nominations must be
accompanied by curricula vitae.
Nomination packages should be sent to
Maria Ellis at the address listed in the
ADDRESSES section of this notice.
Nominees are selected based upon their
individual qualifications. Nominees for
membership must have expertise and
experience in one or more of the
following fields:
• Clinical medicine including
• Administrative medicine
• Public health
• Biological and physical sciences
• Epidemiology and biostatistics
• Clinical trial design
• Health care data management and
• Patient advocacy
• Health care economics
• Medical ethics
• Other relevant professions
We are looking particularly for
experts in a number of fields. These
include cancer screening, genetic
testing, clinical epidemiology,
psychopharmacology, screening and
diagnostic testing analysis, and vascular
surgery. We also need experts in
biostatistics in clinical settings,
dementia treatment, minority health,
observational research design, stroke
epidemiology, and women’s health.
The nomination letter must include a
statement that the nominee is willing to
serve as a member of the MEDCAC and
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appears to have no conflict of interest
that would preclude membership. We
are requesting that all curricula vitae
include the following:
• Date of birth
• Place of birth
• Social security number
• Title and current position
• Professional affiliation
• Home and business address
• Telephone and fax numbers
• Email address
• List of areas of expertise
In the nomination letter, we are
requesting that nominees specify
whether they are applying for a patient
advocate position, for an at-large
standing position, or as an industry
representative. Potential candidates will
be asked to provide detailed information
concerning such matters as financial
holdings, consultancies, and research
grants or contracts in order to permit
evaluation of possible sources of
financial conflict of interest. Department
policy prohibits multiple committee
memberships. A federal advisory
committee member may not serve on
more than one committee within an
agency at the same time.
Members are invited to serve for
overlapping 2-year terms. A member
may continue to serve after the
expiration of the member’s term until a
successor is named. Any interested
person may nominate one or more
qualified persons. Self-nominations are
also accepted. Individuals interested in
the representative positions must
include a letter of support from the
organization or interest group they
would represent.
Dated: October 13, 2015.
Patrick Conway,
CMS Chief Medical Officer and Director,
Center for Clinical Standards and Quality,
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2015–26569 Filed 10–19–15; 8:45 am]
Administration for Children and
Statement of Organization, Functions,
and Delegations of Authority
Administration for Children
and Families, HHS.
ACTION: Notice of reorganization.
Statement of Organization,
Functions, and Delegations of
Authority. The Administration for
Children and Families (ACF) has
reorganized. The reorganization adds
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 202 / Tuesday, October 20, 2015 / Notices
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the Chief of Staff, the Deputy Assistant
Secretary for External Affairs, and the
Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Early Childhood Development positions
to the Office of the Assistant Secretary.
It also renames the Inter-Departmental
Liaison for Early Childhood
Development position to the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Early Childhood
Development. It eliminates the Office of
the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Policy and External Affairs. The
reorganization removes the Office of
Human Services Emergency
Preparedness and Response from within
the Office of the Assistant Secretary and
creates the Office of Human Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response
as a direct report to the Assistant
Secretary. It renames the Office of
Public Affairs to the Office of
Communications. Lastly, it changes the
reporting relationship of the Office of
Regional Operations and the Office of
Communications from the Assistant
Secretary to a direct report to the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for External
Affairs. This notice amends Part K of the
Statement of Organization, Functions,
and Delegations of Authority of the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), Administration for
Children and Families (ACF), as
follows: Chapter K, Administration for
Children and Families (ACF), as last
amended in 77 FR 23250—23260, April
18, 2012; Chapter KA, Office of the
Assistant Secretary, as last amended in
80 FR 33269—33270, June 11, 2015;
Chapter KJ, Office of Regional
Operations, as last amended in 71 FR
59117–59123, October 6, 2006; and
Chapter KN, Office of Public Affairs, as
last amended in 77 FR 61002–61003,
October 5, 2012.
I. Under Chapter K, Administration
for Children and Families, delete K.00
Mission in its entirety and replace with
the following:
K.00 Mission. The Administration for
Children and Families (ACF) provides
national leadership and direction to plan,
manage, and coordinate the nationwide
administration of comprehensive and
supportive programs for vulnerable children
and families. The Administration oversees
and finances a broad range of programs for
children and families, including Native
Americans, persons with developmental
disabilities, refugees, and legalized aliens, to
help them develop and grow toward a more
independent, self-reliant life. These
programs, carried out by state, county, city,
and tribal governments, and public and
private local agencies, are designed to
promote stability, economic security,
responsibility, and self-sufficiency.
The Administration coordinates
development and implementation of familycentered strategies, policies, and linkages
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among its programs, and with other federal
and state programs serving children and
families. The Administration’s programs
assist families in financial crisis,
emphasizing short-term financial assistance,
and education, training and employment for
the long term. Its programs for children and
youth focus on those children and youth
with special problems, including children of
low-income families, abused and neglected
children, those in institutions or requiring
adoption or foster family services, runaway
youth, children with disabilities, migrant
children, and Native American children. The
Administration promotes the development of
comprehensive and integrated community
and home-based modes of service delivery
where possible. The Administration provides
national leadership to develop and
coordinate public and private programs and
serves as a focal point for states in the
provision of financial assistance and
intervention programs that promote and
support permanence for children and family
stability. The Administration advises the
Secretary on issues pertaining to children
and families, including Native Americans,
refugees, and legalized aliens.
II. Under Chapter K, Administration
for Children and Families, delete K.10
Organization in its entirety and replace
with the following:
K.10 Organization. The Administration for
Children and Families (ACF) is a principal
operating division of the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS). The
Administration is headed by the Assistant
Secretary for Children and Families, who
reports directly to the Secretary. The
Assistant Secretary also serves as the Director
of Child Support Enforcement. In addition to
the Assistant Secretary, the Administration
consists of the Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary, the Chief of Staff, the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Administration, the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early
Childhood Development, the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for External Affairs, and
Staff and Program Offices. ACF is organized
as follows:
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Children
and Families (KA)
Administration on Children, Youth and
Families (KB)
Administration for Native Americans (KE)
Office of Child Support Enforcement (KF)
Office of Community Services (KG)
Office of Family Assistance (KH)
Office of Regional Operations (KJ)
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation
Office of Communications (KN)
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Administration (KP)
Office of Refugee Resettlement (KR)
Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget (KT)
Office of Head Start (KU)
Office of Child Care (KV)
Office of Human Services Emergency
Preparedness and Response (KW)
III. Under Chapter KA, Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Children and
Families, delete KA.20 Functions,
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Paragraph A in its entirety and replace
with the following:
KA.20 Functions. A. Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Children and Families: The
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Children
and Families is responsible to the Secretary
for carrying out ACF’s mission and provides
executive supervision of the major
components of ACF. These responsibilities
include providing executive leadership and
direction to plan and coordinate ACF
program activities to ensure their
effectiveness; approving instructions,
policies, publications, and grant awards
issued by ACF; and representing ACF in
relationships with governmental and nongovernmental organizations. The Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary serves as an alter
ego to the Assistant Secretary for Children
and Families on program matters and acts in
the absence of the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families. The Chief of Staff
advises the Assistant Secretary for Children
and Families and provides executive
leadership and direction to the operations of
ACF. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for
External Affairs provides executive
leadership and direction to the Offices of
Regional Operations and Communications.
The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early
Childhood Development serves as a key
liaison and representative to the Department
for early childhood development on behalf of
the Assistant Secretary, ACF, and to other
agencies across the government on behalf of
the Department. The Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Policy has responsibility for
cross-program coordination of ACF
initiatives, including efforts to promote
interoperability and program integration.
IV. Under Chapter KJ, Office of
Regional Operations, delete KJ in its
entirety and replace with the following:
KJ.00 Mission. The Office of Regional
Operations (ORO) advises the Assistant
Secretary for Children and Families through
the Deputy Assistant Secretary for External
Affairs on all strategic and operational
activities related to implementation of agency
goals and priorities at the regional level. ORO
oversees the performance of the Offices of the
Regional Administrators (ORA) on
coordination of cross-cutting and special
emphasis programs and initiatives,
emergency preparedness, tribal government
relations, state, and local ACF-related affairs,
and administrative functions in Regions I–X,
Offices of the Regional Administrators
The ORAs are located in the ten HHS
Regional Offices: Region I (Boston), Region II
(New York), Region III (Philadelphia), Region
IV (Atlanta), Region V (Chicago), Region VI
(Dallas), Region VII (Kansas City), Region VIII
(Denver), Region IX (San Francisco), and
Region X (Seattle). Each ORA, through the
Director, ORO, and in coordination with ACF
Program Directors, represents ACF to states,
counties, cities, or towns, territories, and
tribal governments, grantees, and public and
private local organizations. The ORA
coordinates issues that may have significant
regional or national impact. The ORA
develops plans in conjunction with the
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 202 / Tuesday, October 20, 2015 / Notices
Program Directors to meet ACF goals and
objectives and initiatives and participates in
regional activities to inform the public about
ACF programs at the regional level in
coordination with the ACF Office of
Communications. The ORA contributes to the
development of ACF national policy based
on knowledge of services in the region.
KJ.10 Organization. The Office of Regional
Operations (ORO) is headed by a Director
who reports to the Assistant Secretary
through the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
External Affairs. The ORO is organized as
Office of the Director (KJA)
Regional Operations Staff (KJB)
Office of the Regional Administrators (KJDI–
KJ.20 Functions. A. Office of the Director
(KJA): The Office of the Director (OD)
provides executive leadership and assistance
on all strategic and operational activities
related to implementation of the agency’s
national goals and priorities at the regional
level. The Director is the principal advisor to
the Assistant Secretary for Children and
Families through the Deputy Assistant
Secretary for External Affairs on regional
matters involving special emphasis programs
and initiatives, emergency preparedness,
tribal government relations, state and local
ACF partnership activities, and regional
administrative functions. The Director
represents the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families within HHS and with
other federal agencies and task forces on
regional activities.
The OD: (1) Oversees the Regional
Administrators in administering regional
activities and implementing cross-cutting
program initiatives; (2) serves as a focal point
for operational and long-range planning; and
(3) coordinates with the ACF Central Office
components to ensure that the Regional
Administrators can help coordinate certain
national priorities and initiatives, state and
local partnership activities, special programs,
and emergency preparedness and response
B. Regional Operations Staff (KJB): The
Regional Operations Staff: (1) Develops and
manages liaison processes between ACF
Regional Offices and the Assistant Secretary
for Children and Families; (2) supports the
Offices of the Regional Administrators (ORA)
of each region by implementing and
overseeing the management systems and
procedures for communication and workload
that emanate from ACF national priorities
and initiatives, special emphasis programs,
emergency preparedness, tribal government
relations, and state and local ACF
partnership activities; (3) monitors and
evaluates ORA operations and makes plans
for the utilization of regional resources to
accomplish approved objectives; and (4)
manages administrative and human resources
functions, and salaries and expenses for the
C. Offices of the Regional Administrators
(KJDI–X): Each of the ORAs is headed by a
Regional Administrator who reports to the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for External
Affairs through the Director, ORO. Each
Office: (1) Helps support ACF’s key national
goals and priorities; (2) communicates ACF’s
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regional interests, concerns, and
relationships within HHS and among other
federal agencies and focuses on state agency
culture change, more effective partnerships,
and improved customer service; (3) manages
special and sensitive projects; (4) serves as a
focal point for public affairs and contacts
with the media, public awareness activities,
information dissemination, and education
campaigns in coordination with the ACF
Office of Communications and in
conjunction with the HHS Regional Director;
(5) assists the ACF Regional Administrator in
the management of cross-cutting initiatives
and activities among the regional
components; and (6) as appropriate, and in
coordination with the ACF Central Office
components, assists with activities relating to
developmental disabilities, refugee
resettlement, economic and community
development, tribal and special initiative
The Regional Administrators: (1) Oversee
the management of ACF regional staff in the
ORA; (2) coordinate activities across regional
programs; (3) ensure that goals and objectives
are carried out; and (4) alert the Assistant
Secretary for Children and Families through
the Director, ORO, the DAS of External
Affairs, and/or Central Office ACF Program
Directors to problems and issues that may
have significant regional or national impact.
As requested by the Director of Regional
Operations or Central Office ACF Program
Directors, the ORA represents ACF at the
regional level in executive communications
within ACF, with the HHS Regional Director,
other HHS Operating Divisions, other federal
agencies, and public or private local
Within the ORA, an administrative staff:
(1) develops regional work plans, in
coordination with Central Office Program
Directors, related to the overall ACF strategic
plans, and tracks, monitors, and reports on
regional progress in the attainment of ACF
national goals and objectives; (2) coordinates
routine budget, administrative, and human
resource functions as required, including
Executive Secretariat, ACF-controlled space,
computer and computer peripheral
equipment, and health and safety for the
ORA; (3) coordinates ACF programs during
emergencies in the regions, including natural
disasters, pandemic flu, or other disasters; (4)
serve as ACF’s focal point for Continuity of
Operations Program planning,
implementation, and coordination; (5)
coordinates regional ACF deployments of
human services assessments and action
teams during state and/or federally declared
emergencies and disasters; and (6)
coordinates resources for regional special
emphasis activities with the HHS Regional
Director’s office.
V. Under Chapter KN, Office of Public
Affairs, delete KN in its entirety and
replace with the following:
KN.00 Mission. The Office of
Communications (OC) develops, directs, and
coordinates public affairs and
communication services for ACF. It provides
leadership, direction and oversight in
promoting ACF’s public affairs policies,
programs, and initiatives. OC oversees
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Freedom of Information Act requests, digital
communications, and also provides printing
and distribution services for ACF.
KN.10 Organization. OC is headed by a
Director who reports to the Assistant
Secretary through the Deputy Assistant
Secretary for External Affairs. The Office is
organized as follows:
Office of the Director (KNA)
Division of News and Media (KNB)
Division of Digital Information (KNC)
Division of Freedom of Information Act
KN.20 Functions. A. The Office of Director
provides leadership and direction to the
Office of Communications in administering
its responsibilities. The Office provides
direction and leadership in the areas of
public relations policy and internal and
external communications services. It serves
as advisor to the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families through the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for External Affairs in the
areas of public affairs; provides advice on
strategies and approaches to be used to
improve public understanding of and access
to ACF programs and policies; and
coordinates and serves as ACF liaison with
the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. The
Office serves as Regional Liaison on public
affairs issues.
B. Division of News and Media develops
and implements public affairs strategies to
achieve ACF program objectives in
coordination with other ACF components. It
coordinates news media relations strategy;
responds to all media inquiries concerning
ACF programs and related issues; develops
fact sheets, news releases, feature articles for
magazines and other publications on ACF
programs and initiatives; and manages
preparation and clearance of speeches and
official statements on ACF programs. It
coordinates regional public affairs policies
and public affairs activities pertaining to ACF
programs and initiatives.
C. Division of Digital Information manages
the ACF Web site, social media accounts,
audio-visual, publications, and printing
management systems for ACF. It manages
preparation and clearance of all ACF audiovisual product, publications, and graphic
designs, including planning, budget
oversight, and technical support. It provides
centralized graphics design services to ACF.
It reviews requests for proposals for contracts
and grants that involve publications, audiovisual materials and/or public information,
and education activity. It manages all ACF
Web site content, 508 compliance, and other
federal laws and regulations governing digital
D. Division of Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) implements elements of ACF’s Open
Government Initiative. The FOIA division
receives requests under the FOIA statue,
elicits the requested records from program
offices, reviews the records and redacts
accordingly, and provides responses to the
VI. Under Chapter KW, Create the
Office of Human Services Emergency
Preparedness and Response:
KW.00 Mission. The Office of Human
Services Emergency Preparedness and
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 202 / Tuesday, October 20, 2015 / Notices
Response (OHSEPR) promotes resilience of
vulnerable individuals, children, families,
and communities impacted by disasters and
public health emergencies and provides
expertise in human services preparedness,
response, and recovery through policy,
planning, operations, and partnerships.
OHSEPR coordinates ACF’s work in
emergency preparedness, response, and
recovery planning, policy, and operations,
working in close partnership with ACF
Program Offices and the Immediate Offices of
the Regional Administrators. OHSEPR
supports fulfillment of disaster human
services within the integrated response and
recovery operations of the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS). OHSEPR
administers the Human Services Immediate
Disaster Case Management Program, which is
the FEMA HHS alternate of the Disaster Case
Management Program.
KW.10 Organization. OHSEPR is headed by
a Director, who reports to the Assistant
Secretary, and consists of:
Office of the Director (KW1)
Division of Disaster Case Management (KW2)
Division of Emergency Planning, Policy and
Operations (KW3)
KW.20 Functions. A. The OD is
responsible for the administrative oversight
and strategic direction of all OHSEPR
programs, projects, and activities. The Office
of the Director implements the strategic
vision of the Director, manages budgetary
and legal matters affecting OHSEPR,
administers human resources and program
evaluation functions, and assures alignment
of activities by all OHSEPR divisions with
the Director’s strategy and applicable laws,
policies, doctrines, and frameworks related to
the provision of HHS ACF disaster human
The Administrative Team provides
administrative and budget support to
OHSEPR. These responsibilities include, but
are not limited to: (1) serving as the
Executive Secretariat for OHSEPR, including
managing correspondence, correspondence
systems, and public requests; (2)
coordinating human resources activities; and
(3) as appropriate, development of internal
policies and procedures relating to these
B. Division of Disaster Case Management is
responsible for administration of the Human
Services Disaster Case Management Program
to assist states, tribes, and territories in
establishing the capacity to coordinate and
provide case management services in the
event of a presidentially declared disaster for
which Individual Assistance is approved.
This Division develops and maintains the
capability to deploy Immediate Disaster Case
Management (IDCM) teams upon activation
by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA). The Division manages
contracts for IDCM staffing assets and
infrastructure, and for electronic case record
to support provision of IDCM services to
survivors in states and tribes as tasked by
C. Division of Emergency Planning, Policy
and Operations is responsible for
administration of ACF human services
preparedness, response, and recovery for
disasters and public health emergencies, as
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well as ‘‘steady state’’ capabilities necessary
to maintain readiness for response or
recovery operations to future events. The
Division manages deployable and nondeployable capabilities for operations,
including ACF’s Watch Desk and threat
analysis, situational awareness reporting,
deployment of requested emergency response
and recovery staffing assets, coordination of
ACF support for federal emergency missions,
and liaison with federal interagency and
other partners in response and recovery. This
Division is responsible for administration of
OHSEPR’s activities to promote emergency
preparedness of ACF programs, community
resilience to the human services impacts of
disasters and public health emergencies, and
participation in HHS-wide and governmentwide emergency planning and policymaking.
The Division manages preparedness activities
and messaging. The Division coordinates
fulfillment of ACF participation in
Departmental and federal policy workgroups
related to disasters, tools and guidance
intended to promote preparedness of ACF
programs and community resilience for ACF
served populations, and training and exercise
programs to continually improve ACF’s
capacity to support disaster human services
for affected populations.
VII. Continuation of Policy
Except as inconsistent with this
reorganization, all statements of policy
and interpretations with respect to
organizational components affected by
this notice within the Administration
for Children and Families, heretofore
issued and in effect on this date of this
reorganization are continued in full
force and effect.
VIII. Delegation of Authority
All delegations and re-delegations of
authority made to officials and
employees of affected organizational
components will continue in them or
their successors pending further redelegations, provided they are
consistent with this reorganization.
IX. Funds, Personnel, and Equipment
Transfer of organizations and
functions affected by this reorganization
shall be accompanied in each instance
by direct and support funds, positions,
personnel, records, equipment,
supplies, and other resources.
This reorganization will be effective
upon date of signature.
Dated: September 21, 2015.
Mark H. Greenberg,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Children and
[FR Doc. 2015–26615 Filed 10–19–15; 8:45 am]
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Health Resources and Services
Advisory Committee on Organ
Transplantation; Notice of Meeting
In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), notice is hereby given
of the following meeting:
Name: Advisory Committee on Organ
Transplantation (ACOT).
Date and Time: November 17, 2015,
from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Place: The meeting will be via audio
conference call and Adobe Connect Pro.
Status: The meeting will be open to
the public.
Purpose: Under the authority of 42
U.S.C. Section 217a, Section 222 of the
Public Health Service Act, as amended,
and 42 CFR 121.12 (2000), ACOT was
established to assist the Secretary in
enhancing organ donation, ensuring that
the system of organ transplantation is
grounded in the best available medical
science, and assuring the public that the
system is as effective and equitable as
possible, thereby increasing public
confidence in the integrity and
effectiveness of the transplantation
system. ACOT is composed of up to 25
members including the Chair. Members
serve as Special Government Employees
and have diverse backgrounds in fields
such as organ donation, health care
public policy, transplantation medicine
and surgery, critical care medicine, and
other medical specialties involved in
the identification and referral of donors,
non-physician transplant professions,
nursing, epidemiology, immunology,
law and bioethics, behavioral sciences,
economics and statistics, as well as
representatives of transplant candidates,
transplant recipients, organ donors, and
family members.
Agenda: The Committee will hear
presentations including those on the
following topics: Donor Management
Research; the HOPE Act; and Program
Updates. Agenda items are subject to
change as priorities indicate.
After Committee discussions,
members of the public will have an
opportunity to comment. Because of the
Committee’s full agenda and timeframe
in which to cover the agenda topics,
public comment will be limited. All
public comments will be included in
the record of the ACOT meeting.
Meeting summary notes will be posted
on Department’s organ donation Web
site at
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 202 (Tuesday, October 20, 2015)]
[Pages 63555-63558]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-26615]
Administration for Children and Families
Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of
AGENCY: Administration for Children and Families, HHS.
ACTION: Notice of reorganization.
SUMMARY: Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of
Authority. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has
reorganized. The reorganization adds
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the Chief of Staff, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for External
Affairs, and the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early
Childhood Development positions to the Office of the Assistant
Secretary. It also renames the Inter-Departmental Liaison for Early
Childhood Development position to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Early Childhood Development. It eliminates the Office of the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Policy and External Affairs. The reorganization
removes the Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and
Response from within the Office of the Assistant Secretary and creates
the Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response as a
direct report to the Assistant Secretary. It renames the Office of
Public Affairs to the Office of Communications. Lastly, it changes the
reporting relationship of the Office of Regional Operations and the
Office of Communications from the Assistant Secretary to a direct
report to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs. This
notice amends Part K of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), as follows:
Chapter K, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), as last
amended in 77 FR 23250--23260, April 18, 2012; Chapter KA, Office of
the Assistant Secretary, as last amended in 80 FR 33269--33270, June
11, 2015; Chapter KJ, Office of Regional Operations, as last amended in
71 FR 59117-59123, October 6, 2006; and Chapter KN, Office of Public
Affairs, as last amended in 77 FR 61002-61003, October 5, 2012.
I. Under Chapter K, Administration for Children and Families,
delete K.00 Mission in its entirety and replace with the following:
K.00 Mission. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
provides national leadership and direction to plan, manage, and
coordinate the nationwide administration of comprehensive and
supportive programs for vulnerable children and families. The
Administration oversees and finances a broad range of programs for
children and families, including Native Americans, persons with
developmental disabilities, refugees, and legalized aliens, to help
them develop and grow toward a more independent, self-reliant life.
These programs, carried out by state, county, city, and tribal
governments, and public and private local agencies, are designed to
promote stability, economic security, responsibility, and self-
The Administration coordinates development and implementation of
family-centered strategies, policies, and linkages among its
programs, and with other federal and state programs serving children
and families. The Administration's programs assist families in
financial crisis, emphasizing short-term financial assistance, and
education, training and employment for the long term. Its programs
for children and youth focus on those children and youth with
special problems, including children of low-income families, abused
and neglected children, those in institutions or requiring adoption
or foster family services, runaway youth, children with
disabilities, migrant children, and Native American children. The
Administration promotes the development of comprehensive and
integrated community and home-based modes of service delivery where
possible. The Administration provides national leadership to develop
and coordinate public and private programs and serves as a focal
point for states in the provision of financial assistance and
intervention programs that promote and support permanence for
children and family stability. The Administration advises the
Secretary on issues pertaining to children and families, including
Native Americans, refugees, and legalized aliens.
II. Under Chapter K, Administration for Children and Families,
delete K.10 Organization in its entirety and replace with the
K.10 Organization. The Administration for Children and Families
(ACF) is a principal operating division of the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS). The Administration is headed by the
Assistant Secretary for Children and Families, who reports directly
to the Secretary. The Assistant Secretary also serves as the
Director of Child Support Enforcement. In addition to the Assistant
Secretary, the Administration consists of the Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary, the Chief of Staff, the Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Administration, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Policy, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early Childhood
Development, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs,
and Staff and Program Offices. ACF is organized as follows:
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families (KA)
Administration on Children, Youth and Families (KB)
Administration for Native Americans (KE)
Office of Child Support Enforcement (KF)
Office of Community Services (KG)
Office of Family Assistance (KH)
Office of Regional Operations (KJ)
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (KM)
Office of Communications (KN)
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration (KP)
Office of Refugee Resettlement (KR)
Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget (KT)
Office of Head Start (KU)
Office of Child Care (KV)
Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response (KW)
III. Under Chapter KA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families, delete KA.20 Functions, Paragraph A in its
entirety and replace with the following:
KA.20 Functions. A. Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families is responsible to the Secretary for carrying
out ACF's mission and provides executive supervision of the major
components of ACF. These responsibilities include providing
executive leadership and direction to plan and coordinate ACF
program activities to ensure their effectiveness; approving
instructions, policies, publications, and grant awards issued by
ACF; and representing ACF in relationships with governmental and
non-governmental organizations. The Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary serves as an alter ego to the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families on program matters and acts in the absence of
the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families. The Chief of
Staff advises the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families and
provides executive leadership and direction to the operations of
ACF. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs provides
executive leadership and direction to the Offices of Regional
Operations and Communications. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Early Childhood Development serves as a key liaison and
representative to the Department for early childhood development on
behalf of the Assistant Secretary, ACF, and to other agencies across
the government on behalf of the Department. The Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Policy has responsibility for cross-program
coordination of ACF initiatives, including efforts to promote
interoperability and program integration.
IV. Under Chapter KJ, Office of Regional Operations, delete KJ in
its entirety and replace with the following:
KJ.00 Mission. The Office of Regional Operations (ORO) advises
the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families through the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for External Affairs on all strategic and
operational activities related to implementation of agency goals and
priorities at the regional level. ORO oversees the performance of
the Offices of the Regional Administrators (ORA) on coordination of
cross-cutting and special emphasis programs and initiatives,
emergency preparedness, tribal government relations, state, and
local ACF-related affairs, and administrative functions in Regions
I-X, Offices of the Regional Administrators (ORA).
The ORAs are located in the ten HHS Regional Offices: Region I
(Boston), Region II (New York), Region III (Philadelphia), Region IV
(Atlanta), Region V (Chicago), Region VI (Dallas), Region VII
(Kansas City), Region VIII (Denver), Region IX (San Francisco), and
Region X (Seattle). Each ORA, through the Director, ORO, and in
coordination with ACF Program Directors, represents ACF to states,
counties, cities, or towns, territories, and tribal governments,
grantees, and public and private local organizations. The ORA
coordinates issues that may have significant regional or national
impact. The ORA develops plans in conjunction with the
[[Page 63557]]
Program Directors to meet ACF goals and objectives and initiatives
and participates in regional activities to inform the public about
ACF programs at the regional level in coordination with the ACF
Office of Communications. The ORA contributes to the development of
ACF national policy based on knowledge of services in the region.
KJ.10 Organization. The Office of Regional Operations (ORO) is
headed by a Director who reports to the Assistant Secretary through
the Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs. The ORO is
organized as follows:
Office of the Director (KJA)
Regional Operations Staff (KJB)
Office of the Regional Administrators (KJDI-X)
KJ.20 Functions. A. Office of the Director (KJA): The Office of
the Director (OD) provides executive leadership and assistance on
all strategic and operational activities related to implementation
of the agency's national goals and priorities at the regional level.
The Director is the principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families through the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
External Affairs on regional matters involving special emphasis
programs and initiatives, emergency preparedness, tribal government
relations, state and local ACF partnership activities, and regional
administrative functions. The Director represents the Assistant
Secretary for Children and Families within HHS and with other
federal agencies and task forces on regional activities.
The OD: (1) Oversees the Regional Administrators in
administering regional activities and implementing cross-cutting
program initiatives; (2) serves as a focal point for operational and
long-range planning; and (3) coordinates with the ACF Central Office
components to ensure that the Regional Administrators can help
coordinate certain national priorities and initiatives, state and
local partnership activities, special programs, and emergency
preparedness and response operations.
B. Regional Operations Staff (KJB): The Regional Operations
Staff: (1) Develops and manages liaison processes between ACF
Regional Offices and the Assistant Secretary for Children and
Families; (2) supports the Offices of the Regional Administrators
(ORA) of each region by implementing and overseeing the management
systems and procedures for communication and workload that emanate
from ACF national priorities and initiatives, special emphasis
programs, emergency preparedness, tribal government relations, and
state and local ACF partnership activities; (3) monitors and
evaluates ORA operations and makes plans for the utilization of
regional resources to accomplish approved objectives; and (4)
manages administrative and human resources functions, and salaries
and expenses for the ORA.
C. Offices of the Regional Administrators (KJDI-X): Each of the
ORAs is headed by a Regional Administrator who reports to the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for External Affairs through the Director, ORO.
Each Office: (1) Helps support ACF's key national goals and
priorities; (2) communicates ACF's regional interests, concerns, and
relationships within HHS and among other federal agencies and
focuses on state agency culture change, more effective partnerships,
and improved customer service; (3) manages special and sensitive
projects; (4) serves as a focal point for public affairs and
contacts with the media, public awareness activities, information
dissemination, and education campaigns in coordination with the ACF
Office of Communications and in conjunction with the HHS Regional
Director; (5) assists the ACF Regional Administrator in the
management of cross-cutting initiatives and activities among the
regional components; and (6) as appropriate, and in coordination
with the ACF Central Office components, assists with activities
relating to developmental disabilities, refugee resettlement,
economic and community development, tribal and special initiative
The Regional Administrators: (1) Oversee the management of ACF
regional staff in the ORA; (2) coordinate activities across regional
programs; (3) ensure that goals and objectives are carried out; and
(4) alert the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families through
the Director, ORO, the DAS of External Affairs, and/or Central
Office ACF Program Directors to problems and issues that may have
significant regional or national impact.
As requested by the Director of Regional Operations or Central
Office ACF Program Directors, the ORA represents ACF at the regional
level in executive communications within ACF, with the HHS Regional
Director, other HHS Operating Divisions, other federal agencies, and
public or private local organizations.
Within the ORA, an administrative staff: (1) develops regional
work plans, in coordination with Central Office Program Directors,
related to the overall ACF strategic plans, and tracks, monitors,
and reports on regional progress in the attainment of ACF national
goals and objectives; (2) coordinates routine budget,
administrative, and human resource functions as required, including
Executive Secretariat, ACF-controlled space, computer and computer
peripheral equipment, and health and safety for the ORA; (3)
coordinates ACF programs during emergencies in the regions,
including natural disasters, pandemic flu, or other disasters; (4)
serve as ACF's focal point for Continuity of Operations Program
planning, implementation, and coordination; (5) coordinates regional
ACF deployments of human services assessments and action teams
during state and/or federally declared emergencies and disasters;
and (6) coordinates resources for regional special emphasis
activities with the HHS Regional Director's office.
V. Under Chapter KN, Office of Public Affairs, delete KN in its
entirety and replace with the following:
KN.00 Mission. The Office of Communications (OC) develops,
directs, and coordinates public affairs and communication services
for ACF. It provides leadership, direction and oversight in
promoting ACF's public affairs policies, programs, and initiatives.
OC oversees Freedom of Information Act requests, digital
communications, and also provides printing and distribution services
for ACF.
KN.10 Organization. OC is headed by a Director who reports to
the Assistant Secretary through the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
External Affairs. The Office is organized as follows:
Office of the Director (KNA)
Division of News and Media (KNB)
Division of Digital Information (KNC)
Division of Freedom of Information Act (KND)
KN.20 Functions. A. The Office of Director provides leadership
and direction to the Office of Communications in administering its
responsibilities. The Office provides direction and leadership in
the areas of public relations policy and internal and external
communications services. It serves as advisor to the Assistant
Secretary for Children and Families through the Deputy Assistant
Secretary for External Affairs in the areas of public affairs;
provides advice on strategies and approaches to be used to improve
public understanding of and access to ACF programs and policies; and
coordinates and serves as ACF liaison with the Assistant Secretary
for Public Affairs. The Office serves as Regional Liaison on public
affairs issues.
B. Division of News and Media develops and implements public
affairs strategies to achieve ACF program objectives in coordination
with other ACF components. It coordinates news media relations
strategy; responds to all media inquiries concerning ACF programs
and related issues; develops fact sheets, news releases, feature
articles for magazines and other publications on ACF programs and
initiatives; and manages preparation and clearance of speeches and
official statements on ACF programs. It coordinates regional public
affairs policies and public affairs activities pertaining to ACF
programs and initiatives.
C. Division of Digital Information manages the ACF Web site,
social media accounts, audio-visual, publications, and printing
management systems for ACF. It manages preparation and clearance of
all ACF audio-visual product, publications, and graphic designs,
including planning, budget oversight, and technical support. It
provides centralized graphics design services to ACF. It reviews
requests for proposals for contracts and grants that involve
publications, audio-visual materials and/or public information, and
education activity. It manages all ACF Web site content, 508
compliance, and other federal laws and regulations governing digital
D. Division of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) implements
elements of ACF's Open Government Initiative. The FOIA division
receives requests under the FOIA statue, elicits the requested
records from program offices, reviews the records and redacts
accordingly, and provides responses to the requestor.
VI. Under Chapter KW, Create the Office of Human Services Emergency
Preparedness and Response:
KW.00 Mission. The Office of Human Services Emergency
Preparedness and
[[Page 63558]]
Response (OHSEPR) promotes resilience of vulnerable individuals,
children, families, and communities impacted by disasters and public
health emergencies and provides expertise in human services
preparedness, response, and recovery through policy, planning,
operations, and partnerships.
OHSEPR coordinates ACF's work in emergency preparedness,
response, and recovery planning, policy, and operations, working in
close partnership with ACF Program Offices and the Immediate Offices
of the Regional Administrators. OHSEPR supports fulfillment of
disaster human services within the integrated response and recovery
operations of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
OHSEPR administers the Human Services Immediate Disaster Case
Management Program, which is the FEMA HHS alternate of the Disaster
Case Management Program.
KW.10 Organization. OHSEPR is headed by a Director, who reports
to the Assistant Secretary, and consists of:
Office of the Director (KW1)
Division of Disaster Case Management (KW2)
Division of Emergency Planning, Policy and Operations (KW3)
KW.20 Functions. A. The OD is responsible for the administrative
oversight and strategic direction of all OHSEPR programs, projects,
and activities. The Office of the Director implements the strategic
vision of the Director, manages budgetary and legal matters
affecting OHSEPR, administers human resources and program evaluation
functions, and assures alignment of activities by all OHSEPR
divisions with the Director's strategy and applicable laws,
policies, doctrines, and frameworks related to the provision of HHS
ACF disaster human services.
The Administrative Team provides administrative and budget
support to OHSEPR. These responsibilities include, but are not
limited to: (1) serving as the Executive Secretariat for OHSEPR,
including managing correspondence, correspondence systems, and
public requests; (2) coordinating human resources activities; and
(3) as appropriate, development of internal policies and procedures
relating to these activities.
B. Division of Disaster Case Management is responsible for
administration of the Human Services Disaster Case Management
Program to assist states, tribes, and territories in establishing
the capacity to coordinate and provide case management services in
the event of a presidentially declared disaster for which Individual
Assistance is approved. This Division develops and maintains the
capability to deploy Immediate Disaster Case Management (IDCM) teams
upon activation by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The Division manages contracts for IDCM staffing assets and
infrastructure, and for electronic case record to support provision
of IDCM services to survivors in states and tribes as tasked by
C. Division of Emergency Planning, Policy and Operations is
responsible for administration of ACF human services preparedness,
response, and recovery for disasters and public health emergencies,
as well as ``steady state'' capabilities necessary to maintain
readiness for response or recovery operations to future events. The
Division manages deployable and non-deployable capabilities for
operations, including ACF's Watch Desk and threat analysis,
situational awareness reporting, deployment of requested emergency
response and recovery staffing assets, coordination of ACF support
for federal emergency missions, and liaison with federal interagency
and other partners in response and recovery. This Division is
responsible for administration of OHSEPR's activities to promote
emergency preparedness of ACF programs, community resilience to the
human services impacts of disasters and public health emergencies,
and participation in HHS-wide and government-wide emergency planning
and policymaking. The Division manages preparedness activities and
messaging. The Division coordinates fulfillment of ACF participation
in Departmental and federal policy workgroups related to disasters,
tools and guidance intended to promote preparedness of ACF programs
and community resilience for ACF served populations, and training
and exercise programs to continually improve ACF's capacity to
support disaster human services for affected populations.
VII. Continuation of Policy
Except as inconsistent with this reorganization, all statements of
policy and interpretations with respect to organizational components
affected by this notice within the Administration for Children and
Families, heretofore issued and in effect on this date of this
reorganization are continued in full force and effect.
VIII. Delegation of Authority
All delegations and re-delegations of authority made to officials
and employees of affected organizational components will continue in
them or their successors pending further re-delegations, provided they
are consistent with this reorganization.
IX. Funds, Personnel, and Equipment
Transfer of organizations and functions affected by this
reorganization shall be accompanied in each instance by direct and
support funds, positions, personnel, records, equipment, supplies, and
other resources.
This reorganization will be effective upon date of signature.
Dated: September 21, 2015.
Mark H. Greenberg,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Children and Families.
[FR Doc. 2015-26615 Filed 10-19-15; 8:45 am]