Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Court of Competent Jurisdiction To Foreclose Liens on FHA-Owned Properties, 61980-61981 [2015-26160]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
Nashville, TN, John C Tune, RNAV (GPS)
RWY 2, Amdt 2
Nashville, TN, John C Tune, RNAV (GPS)
RWY 20, Amdt 2
Nashville, TN, John C Tune, Takeoff
Minimums and Obstacle DP, Amdt 2
Austin, TX, Austin-Bergstrom Intl, RNAV
(GPS) Y RWY 35R, Amdt 1B
Austin, TX, Austin-Bergstrom Intl, RNAV
(RNP) Z RWY 35L, Orig
Austin, TX, Austin-Bergstrom Intl, RNAV
(RNP) Z RWY 35R, Orig
Castroville, TX, Castroville Muni, RNAV
(GPS) RWY 16, Amdt 1
Castroville, TX, Castroville Muni, RNAV
(GPS) RWY 34, Amdt 1
Castroville, TX, Castroville Muni, Takeoff
Minimums and Obstacle DP, Orig
Eastland, TX, Eastland Muni, NDB RWY 35,
Mosinee, WI, Central Wisconsin, VOR/DME
Stevens Point, WI, Stevens Point Muni, VOR/
Stevens Point, WI, Stevens Point Muni, VOR/
Stevens Point, WI, Stevens Point Muni, VOR/
Wisconsin Rapids, WI, Alexander Field
South Wood County, VOR/DME OR
[FR Doc. 2015–25566 Filed 10–14–15; 8:45 am]
24 CFR Part 203
[Docket No. FR–5823–IA–01]
Federal Housing Administration (FHA):
Court of Competent Jurisdiction To
Foreclose Liens on FHA-Owned
Office of the General Counsel,
Interpretive rule.
The Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) generally
acquires title to single family properties
when it pays mortgage insurance
benefits to approved mortgagees. FHA’s
activities in managing and marketing
the properties it acquires include paying
real estate taxes referred to as ad
valorem taxes (a tax based on the value
of the property) and special
assessments. For properties in
condominiums or planned unit
developments, FHA also pays
homeowners’ association or
condominium association fees. During
the period over which an insured lender
forecloses and FHA becomes the owner
of the property, taxes or other fees may
become due and payable. With lenders
conveying close to 100,000 properties
annually to FHA, bills for taxes and fees
may be past due and payable at the time
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of FHA’s acquisition and suits are
brought for payment of taxes and fees.
This rule provides HUD’s interpretation
of the ‘‘sue and be sued’’ clause
contained in section 1, Title I of the
National Housing Act. This rule
provides that, in the case of an action
brought against HUD to foreclose on a
lien arising out of unpaid taxes or fees,
the term ‘‘court of competent
jurisdiction’’ as used in section 1 of the
National Housing Act refers to a United
States District Court. In conjunction
with this interpretive rule, HUD is
providing, by separate notices published
in today’s Federal Register, direction to
taxing authorities and other entities
owed money as to the proper Point of
Contact (POC) at HUD for seeking
payment. In the unlikely event that
payment is not timely made, the entity
can bring an action under the Quiet
Title Act in the appropriate United
States District Court to foreclose on its
lien interest in the property.
DATES: Effective Date: October 15, 2015.
Bruce S. Albright, Senior Trial Attorney
and Litigation Risk Advisor, Office of
Litigation, Office of General Counsel,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room
10258, Washington, DC 20410–8000;
telephone number 202–708–0300 (this
is not a toll-free number). Persons with
hearing or speech challenges may access
this number through TTY by calling the
toll-free Federal Relay Service at 800–
I. Background
Under FHA’s single family mortgage
insurance program, FHA took title to
approximately 94,500 properties in
Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 by paying
insurance claims to approved
mortgagees. In recouping its losses to
the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund
(MMIF), FHA manages and markets
these properties through contractors.
There is a time lag between a
mortgagee initiating and completing the
foreclosure of a defaulted insured
mortgage and FHA acquiring and
managing the property. Taxes or
Homeowners Association (HOA) or
Condominium Association (CA) fees, or
fees for special assessments may come
due and payable at the time when the
property is being conveyed to FHA (or
shortly thereafter) for the insurance
benefits. HUD issued Mortgagee Letter
2013–18 on May 31, 2013, addressing
unpaid tax and association fees.1 This
Mortgagee Letter may reduce, but not
1 See https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/
PO 00000
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entirely eliminate, problems FHA has
faced with unpaid taxes and fees when
FHA takes title to single family
properties. Correspondence regarding
tax and other property charges and
assessments are presently sent to a
myriad of addresses—either to FHA’s
headquarters and field offices across the
nation, or to the contractors handling
the management of the FHA properties.
If a taxing authority, HOA, CA, or
special assessment entity is unable to
obtain payment of the amounts due after
sending out notices and contacting FHA
offices and contractors, its alternative
has been to perfect a lien under
applicable local law and then attempt to
enforce the lien against the HUD owned
property by foreclosing the lien on the
property. Normally, absent the
involvement of a Federal agency, this is
accomplished under a state court
procedure, which varies greatly from
jurisdiction to jurisdiction as to the time
period in which to respond to the
summons and complaint, as well as
upon who service is required to be
made. HUD’s involvement as a Federal
government agency, however, means
that the proper venue should be in
Federal District Court. On occasion,
when actions are brought in state court,
the government’s interest cannot be
determined quickly enough for a U.S.
Attorney’s Office to timely respond to a
complaint that seeks to foreclose FHA’s
ownership interest in a property. If the
property is taken by the taxing authority
or other entity, FHA must expend time
and resources to recover the property,
and may even lose its ability to recoup
its insurance losses to the Mutual
Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF).
II. This Interpretive Rule
A. Introduction
This interpretive rule clarifies HUD’s
longstanding position on the question of
what is meant by the term ‘‘court of
competent jurisdiction’’ in the ‘‘sue and
be sued’’ clause contained in section 1,
Title I of the National Housing Act
(NHA) (12 U.S.C. 1702). The purpose of
this clarification is to assist FHA to
efficiently manage its real estate owned
(REO) inventory and ensure prompt
payment for taxes and other fees and
assessments. The purpose is also to
protect FHA’s MMIF assets, which
include acquired single family
properties.2 By accompanying notices in
2 Section 202(a)(3) of the National Housing Act
(12 U.S.C. 1708(a)(3)) imposes a fiduciary duty on
the Secretary to protect the Mutual Mortgage
Insurance Fund. Section 4(b) of the Department of
HUD Act (42 U.S.C. 3533(b)) requires the Secretary
to hold FHA managers responsible for protecting
federal assets and performing risk management.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 199 / Thursday, October 15, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
today’s Federal Register, HUD provides
specific POCs at HUD’s Home
Ownership Centers (HOCs) that holders
of liens on HUD single family property
may use to present requests for
payment. The publication and use of
these POCs by the public should help
obviate the need for litigation to enforce
non-payment of liens against FHA
properties. This interpretive rule
provides the process for initiating suit
against FHA if for some reason payment
is not made and the taxing authority or
other entity has a lien that it seeks to
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES
Ancillary to the interpretive rule,
HUD is providing POCs in each of its
four HOCs to receive tax bills and
similar billings. Each HOC oversees on
average 13 states/jurisdictions for FHA
activities and has an REO division that
handles the day-to-day oversight of
FHA’s acquired properties. In most
cases, having a known POC to send
billings should obviate the need to have
to bring suit against HUD to levy on a
C. Jurisdiction
In the unlikely event it becomes
necessary for a taxing authority or HOA,
CA or special assessment entity to
proceed against HUD’s property, this
interpretive rule explains the exclusive
federal jurisdiction for such an action.
Section 1 title I, of the NHA provides a
limited waiver of sovereign immunity.
Under that provision: ‘‘[T]he Secretary
shall, in carrying out the functions of
this title and titles II, III . . . be
authorized, in his official capacity, to
sue and be sued in any court of
competent jurisdiction, State or
Federal.’’ (Underlining is provided for
emphasis). This section was added to
the NHA by the Banking Act of 1935,
sec. 334, Title III, Public Law 74–305, 49
Stat. 684, approved August 23, 1935). In
1972, Congress passed the Quiet Title
Act (QTA) (Pub. L. 92–562, 86 Stat.
1176). The QTA made two changes to
Title 28 of the United States Code,
which title of the code governs the
federal judicial system and judiciary
procedures. First, the QTA created a
new 28 U.S.C. 2409a, entitled ‘‘Real
Property Quiet Title Actions.’’
Paragraph (a) of section 2409a states,
‘‘The United States may be named as a
party defendant in a civil action under
this section to adjudicate a disputed
title to real property in which the
United States claims an interest.’’
Second, QTA amended 28 U.S.C. 1346,
This interpretive rule is issued pursuant to these
statutory mandates.
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entitled ‘‘United States as defendant’’ by
adding a new paragraph (f), which
states, ‘‘The district courts shall have
exclusive original jurisdiction of civil
actions under section 2409a to quiet
title to an estate or interest in property
in which an interest is claimed by the
United States.’’
The Supreme Court succinctly
explained the lack of jurisdiction in
state courts and the exclusivity of
federal court jurisdiction in QTA
actions in California v. Arizona, 440
U.S. 59 (1979):
[T]he intent of Congress seems reasonably
clear. The congressional purpose was simply
to confine jurisdiction to the federal courts
and to exclude the courts of the States, which
otherwise might be presumed to have
jurisdiction over quiet-title suits against the
United States, once its sovereign immunity
had been waived. . . . We find, therefore,
that section 1346(f), by vesting ‘exclusive
original jurisdiction’ of quiet title actions
against the United States in the federal
district courts did no more than assure that
such jurisdiction was not conferred upon the
courts of any State.
Federal courts have consistently held
that 28 U.S.C. 2409a authorizes owners
of an interest in real property in which
an agency such as HUD holds an
interest, including an ownership
interest, to bring suit to foreclose the
government’s interest in the property.
The QTA applies to lawsuits involving
interests that could cloud title, not just
traditional quiet title actions, as the
terminology of the QTA by its terms
includes any adjudication of a
‘‘disputed title’’ to real property. See,
United States v. Bedford Associates, 657
F. 2d 1300, 1316 (2d Cir. 1981), cert.
den. 456 U.S. 914 (1982); Robinson v.
United States, 586 F. 3d 683, 687 (9th
Cir. 2009); Delta Sav. & Loan Ass’n. v.
I.R.S., 847 F. 2d 248, 249 n. 1 (5th Cir.
1988); George v. United States, 672 F.
3d 942 (10th Cir. 2012), cert. den. 133
S. Ct. 432, __ U.S. __, 2012 U.S. LEXIS
7933 (2012).
In order to have a uniform process
that both the public and HUD can use,
and which will ensure that HUD can act
in a timely, accurate, and consistent
manner to protect properties that are
assets of the MMIF, it is HUD’s
interpretation that the sue and be sued
clause in 12 U.S.C. 1702, specifically
the words ‘‘court of competent
jurisdiction’’ means, for purposes of
foreclosing tax, HOA, CA, special
assessment (i.e., for sidewalks, septic or
water systems and the like), or similar
fees and assessments that result in liens
on HUD properties, the United States
District Court in the jurisdiction where
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the HUD property that is to be the
subject of the lien foreclosure is situated
or in Washington, DC. This
interpretation is based on the provisions
of the QTA, and the Supreme Court’s
analysis of the same in California v.
Arizona and similar cases.
As the exclusive venue for foreclosing
a lien on HUD-owned property is a
United States District Court, the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) must be
followed. Rule 4(i) sets out the
procedures to serve Federal agencies.
Under that rule, the head of the agency
or his or her designee must be served,
as well as the United States Attorney
General and the United States Attorney
in the applicable district. HUD, by
separate notice in today’s Federal
Register, pursuant to previously
published delegations of authority,
authorizes Regional Counsel in each of
HUD’s 10 Regional Counsel Offices to
redelegate to staff within their
operational jurisdictions the authority to
accept service of process in those cases
where FHA owns a property, a taxing
authority, HOA, CA, or other entity
purports to bring suit due to a
nonpayment of taxes or other fees and
assessments, and the entity seeks to
foreclose its lien in order to obtain title
to the property.
IV. Conclusion
Accordingly, HUD interprets the ‘‘sue
and be sued’’ clause of section 1 of title
1 of the NHA as requiring suit to be
brought exclusively in the Federal
District Court where the property is
located (or in the Federal District Court
for the District of Columbia) if a
lienholder wishes to enforce a lien
against a single family property owned
by HUD as the result of the payment of
a mortgage insurance claim.
Dated: October 7, 2015.
Helen R. Kanovsky,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2015–26160 Filed 10–14–15; 8:45 am]
III. This Interpretive Rule
PO 00000
29 CFR Part 4022
Benefits Payable in Terminated SingleEmployer Plans; Interest Assumptions
for Paying Benefits
Pension Benefit Guaranty
ACTION: Final rule.
This final rule amends the
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s
regulation on Benefits Payable in
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 199 (Thursday, October 15, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 61980-61981]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-26160]
24 CFR Part 203
[Docket No. FR-5823-IA-01]
Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Court of Competent
Jurisdiction To Foreclose Liens on FHA-Owned Properties
AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel, HUD.
ACTION: Interpretive rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) generally acquires
title to single family properties when it pays mortgage insurance
benefits to approved mortgagees. FHA's activities in managing and
marketing the properties it acquires include paying real estate taxes
referred to as ad valorem taxes (a tax based on the value of the
property) and special assessments. For properties in condominiums or
planned unit developments, FHA also pays homeowners' association or
condominium association fees. During the period over which an insured
lender forecloses and FHA becomes the owner of the property, taxes or
other fees may become due and payable. With lenders conveying close to
100,000 properties annually to FHA, bills for taxes and fees may be
past due and payable at the time of FHA's acquisition and suits are
brought for payment of taxes and fees. This rule provides HUD's
interpretation of the ``sue and be sued'' clause contained in section
1, Title I of the National Housing Act. This rule provides that, in the
case of an action brought against HUD to foreclose on a lien arising
out of unpaid taxes or fees, the term ``court of competent
jurisdiction'' as used in section 1 of the National Housing Act refers
to a United States District Court. In conjunction with this
interpretive rule, HUD is providing, by separate notices published in
today's Federal Register, direction to taxing authorities and other
entities owed money as to the proper Point of Contact (POC) at HUD for
seeking payment. In the unlikely event that payment is not timely made,
the entity can bring an action under the Quiet Title Act in the
appropriate United States District Court to foreclose on its lien
interest in the property.
DATES: Effective Date: October 15, 2015.
Attorney and Litigation Risk Advisor, Office of Litigation, Office of
General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th
Street SW., Room 10258, Washington, DC 20410-8000; telephone number
202-708-0300 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or
speech challenges may access this number through TTY by calling the
toll-free Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
I. Background
Under FHA's single family mortgage insurance program, FHA took
title to approximately 94,500 properties in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 by
paying insurance claims to approved mortgagees. In recouping its losses
to the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF), FHA manages and markets
these properties through contractors.
There is a time lag between a mortgagee initiating and completing
the foreclosure of a defaulted insured mortgage and FHA acquiring and
managing the property. Taxes or Homeowners Association (HOA) or
Condominium Association (CA) fees, or fees for special assessments may
come due and payable at the time when the property is being conveyed to
FHA (or shortly thereafter) for the insurance benefits. HUD issued
Mortgagee Letter 2013-18 on May 31, 2013, addressing unpaid tax and
association fees.\1\ This Mortgagee Letter may reduce, but not entirely
eliminate, problems FHA has faced with unpaid taxes and fees when FHA
takes title to single family properties. Correspondence regarding tax
and other property charges and assessments are presently sent to a
myriad of addresses--either to FHA's headquarters and field offices
across the nation, or to the contractors handling the management of the
FHA properties.
\1\ See https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=13-18ml.pdf.
If a taxing authority, HOA, CA, or special assessment entity is
unable to obtain payment of the amounts due after sending out notices
and contacting FHA offices and contractors, its alternative has been to
perfect a lien under applicable local law and then attempt to enforce
the lien against the HUD owned property by foreclosing the lien on the
property. Normally, absent the involvement of a Federal agency, this is
accomplished under a state court procedure, which varies greatly from
jurisdiction to jurisdiction as to the time period in which to respond
to the summons and complaint, as well as upon who service is required
to be made. HUD's involvement as a Federal government agency, however,
means that the proper venue should be in Federal District Court. On
occasion, when actions are brought in state court, the government's
interest cannot be determined quickly enough for a U.S. Attorney's
Office to timely respond to a complaint that seeks to foreclose FHA's
ownership interest in a property. If the property is taken by the
taxing authority or other entity, FHA must expend time and resources to
recover the property, and may even lose its ability to recoup its
insurance losses to the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF).
II. This Interpretive Rule
A. Introduction
This interpretive rule clarifies HUD's longstanding position on the
question of what is meant by the term ``court of competent
jurisdiction'' in the ``sue and be sued'' clause contained in section
1, Title I of the National Housing Act (NHA) (12 U.S.C. 1702). The
purpose of this clarification is to assist FHA to efficiently manage
its real estate owned (REO) inventory and ensure prompt payment for
taxes and other fees and assessments. The purpose is also to protect
FHA's MMIF assets, which include acquired single family properties.\2\
By accompanying notices in
[[Page 61981]]
today's Federal Register, HUD provides specific POCs at HUD's Home
Ownership Centers (HOCs) that holders of liens on HUD single family
property may use to present requests for payment. The publication and
use of these POCs by the public should help obviate the need for
litigation to enforce non-payment of liens against FHA properties. This
interpretive rule provides the process for initiating suit against FHA
if for some reason payment is not made and the taxing authority or
other entity has a lien that it seeks to foreclose.
\2\ Section 202(a)(3) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C.
1708(a)(3)) imposes a fiduciary duty on the Secretary to protect the
Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund. Section 4(b) of the Department of
HUD Act (42 U.S.C. 3533(b)) requires the Secretary to hold FHA
managers responsible for protecting federal assets and performing
risk management. This interpretive rule is issued pursuant to these
statutory mandates.
Ancillary to the interpretive rule, HUD is providing POCs in each
of its four HOCs to receive tax bills and similar billings. Each HOC
oversees on average 13 states/jurisdictions for FHA activities and has
an REO division that handles the day-to-day oversight of FHA's acquired
properties. In most cases, having a known POC to send billings should
obviate the need to have to bring suit against HUD to levy on a
C. Jurisdiction
In the unlikely event it becomes necessary for a taxing authority
or HOA, CA or special assessment entity to proceed against HUD's
property, this interpretive rule explains the exclusive federal
jurisdiction for such an action. Section 1 title I, of the NHA provides
a limited waiver of sovereign immunity. Under that provision: ``[T]he
Secretary shall, in carrying out the functions of this title and titles
II, III . . . be authorized, in his official capacity, to sue and be
sued in any court of competent jurisdiction, State or Federal.''
(Underlining is provided for emphasis). This section was added to the
NHA by the Banking Act of 1935, sec. 334, Title III, Public Law 74-305,
49 Stat. 684, approved August 23, 1935). In 1972, Congress passed the
Quiet Title Act (QTA) (Pub. L. 92-562, 86 Stat. 1176). The QTA made two
changes to Title 28 of the United States Code, which title of the code
governs the federal judicial system and judiciary procedures. First,
the QTA created a new 28 U.S.C. 2409a, entitled ``Real Property Quiet
Title Actions.'' Paragraph (a) of section 2409a states, ``The United
States may be named as a party defendant in a civil action under this
section to adjudicate a disputed title to real property in which the
United States claims an interest.'' Second, QTA amended 28 U.S.C. 1346,
entitled ``United States as defendant'' by adding a new paragraph (f),
which states, ``The district courts shall have exclusive original
jurisdiction of civil actions under section 2409a to quiet title to an
estate or interest in property in which an interest is claimed by the
United States.''
The Supreme Court succinctly explained the lack of jurisdiction in
state courts and the exclusivity of federal court jurisdiction in QTA
actions in California v. Arizona, 440 U.S. 59 (1979):
[T]he intent of Congress seems reasonably clear. The
congressional purpose was simply to confine jurisdiction to the
federal courts and to exclude the courts of the States, which
otherwise might be presumed to have jurisdiction over quiet-title
suits against the United States, once its sovereign immunity had
been waived. . . . We find, therefore, that section 1346(f), by
vesting `exclusive original jurisdiction' of quiet title actions
against the United States in the federal district courts did no more
than assure that such jurisdiction was not conferred upon the courts
of any State.
Federal courts have consistently held that 28 U.S.C. 2409a
authorizes owners of an interest in real property in which an agency
such as HUD holds an interest, including an ownership interest, to
bring suit to foreclose the government's interest in the property. The
QTA applies to lawsuits involving interests that could cloud title, not
just traditional quiet title actions, as the terminology of the QTA by
its terms includes any adjudication of a ``disputed title'' to real
property. See, United States v. Bedford Associates, 657 F. 2d 1300,
1316 (2d Cir. 1981), cert. den. 456 U.S. 914 (1982); Robinson v. United
States, 586 F. 3d 683, 687 (9th Cir. 2009); Delta Sav. & Loan Ass'n. v.
I.R.S., 847 F. 2d 248, 249 n. 1 (5th Cir. 1988); George v. United
States, 672 F. 3d 942 (10th Cir. 2012), cert. den. 133 S. Ct. 432, __
U.S. __, 2012 U.S. LEXIS 7933 (2012).
III. This Interpretive Rule
In order to have a uniform process that both the public and HUD can
use, and which will ensure that HUD can act in a timely, accurate, and
consistent manner to protect properties that are assets of the MMIF, it
is HUD's interpretation that the sue and be sued clause in 12 U.S.C.
1702, specifically the words ``court of competent jurisdiction'' means,
for purposes of foreclosing tax, HOA, CA, special assessment (i.e., for
sidewalks, septic or water systems and the like), or similar fees and
assessments that result in liens on HUD properties, the United States
District Court in the jurisdiction where the HUD property that is to be
the subject of the lien foreclosure is situated or in Washington, DC.
This interpretation is based on the provisions of the QTA, and the
Supreme Court's analysis of the same in California v. Arizona and
similar cases.
As the exclusive venue for foreclosing a lien on HUD-owned property
is a United States District Court, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
(FRCP) must be followed. Rule 4(i) sets out the procedures to serve
Federal agencies. Under that rule, the head of the agency or his or her
designee must be served, as well as the United States Attorney General
and the United States Attorney in the applicable district. HUD, by
separate notice in today's Federal Register, pursuant to previously
published delegations of authority, authorizes Regional Counsel in each
of HUD's 10 Regional Counsel Offices to redelegate to staff within
their operational jurisdictions the authority to accept service of
process in those cases where FHA owns a property, a taxing authority,
HOA, CA, or other entity purports to bring suit due to a nonpayment of
taxes or other fees and assessments, and the entity seeks to foreclose
its lien in order to obtain title to the property.
IV. Conclusion
Accordingly, HUD interprets the ``sue and be sued'' clause of
section 1 of title 1 of the NHA as requiring suit to be brought
exclusively in the Federal District Court where the property is located
(or in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia) if a
lienholder wishes to enforce a lien against a single family property
owned by HUD as the result of the payment of a mortgage insurance
Dated: October 7, 2015.
Helen R. Kanovsky,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2015-26160 Filed 10-14-15; 8:45 am]