Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations, 53801-53802 [2015-22549]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices
Number of
responses per
Number of
burden per
(in hours)
Type of respondent
Form name
Individuals in households ..................
Special Studies ................................
Total ...........................................
Leroy A. Richardson,
Chief, Information Collection Review, Office
Office of Scientific Integrity, Office of the
Associate Director for Science, Office of the
Director, Centers for Disease Control and
[FR Doc. 2015–22550 Filed 9–4–15; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
[60Day–15–0488; Docket No. CDC–2015–
Proposed Data Collection Submitted
for Public Comment and
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice with comment period.
The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of
its continuing efforts to reduce public
burden and maximize the utility of
government information, invites the
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on proposed and/or
continuing information collections, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. This notice invites
comment on the proposed revision of
the information collection request
entitled Restrictions on Interstate Travel
of Persons (42 CFR part 70). This
information collection request outlines
regulatory reporting requirements for
communicable disease reporting from
conveyances engaged in interstate travel
within the United States.
DATES: Written comments must be
received on or before November 9, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. CDC–2015–
0079 by any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions
for submitting comments.
• Mail: Leroy A. Richardson,
Information Collection Review Office,
Centers for Disease Control and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:18 Sep 04, 2015
Jkt 235001
Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road NE., MS–
D74, Atlanta, Georgia 30329.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
Docket Number. All relevant comments
received will be posted without change
to, including any
personal information provided. For
access to the docket to read background
documents or comments received, go to
Please note: All public comment
should be submitted through the
Federal eRulemaking portal
( or by U.S. mail to the
address listed above.
request more information on the
proposed project or to obtain a copy of
the information collection plan and
instruments, contact the Information
Collection Review Office, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 1600
Clifton Road NE., MS–D74, Atlanta,
Georgia 30329; phone: 404–639–7570;
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA)
(44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), Federal agencies
must obtain approval from the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for each
collection of information they conduct
or sponsor. In addition, the PRA also
requires Federal agencies to provide a
60-day notice in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of
information, including each new
proposed collection, each proposed
extension of existing collection of
information, and each reinstatement of
previously approved information
collection before submitting the
collection to OMB for approval. To
comply with this requirement, we are
publishing this notice of a proposed
data collection as described below.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; (d) ways to minimize the
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information. Burden means
the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to
generate, maintain, retain, disclose or
provide information to or for a Federal
agency. This includes the time needed
to review instructions; to develop,
acquire, install and utilize technology
and systems for the purpose of
collecting, validating and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; to train
personnel and to be able to respond to
a collection of information, to search
data sources, to complete and review
the collection of information; and to
transmit or otherwise disclose the
Proposed Project
Restrictions on Interstate Travel of
Persons (42 CFR part 70) (OMB Control
No. 0920–0488 exp. 3/31/2016)—
Revision—Division of Global Migration
and Quarantine, National Center for
Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious
Diseases, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
This revision to an existing
information collection request is
intended to ensure that CDC can
continue to collect pertinent
information related to communicable
disease or deaths that occur aboard
conveyances during interstate travel
within the United States, as authorized
under 42 Code of Federal Regulations
part 70.
The intended use of the information
is to ensure that CDC can assess and
respond to reports of communicable
disease or death that occur on
conveyances engaged in interstate
travel, and assist state and local health
authorities if an illness or death occurs
that poses a risk to public health.
Generally, the primary source of this
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 173 / Tuesday, September 8, 2015 / Notices
information is aircraft traveling within
the United States.
This revision makes several
modification to this information
collection. They are as follows:
• In current practice, CDC does not
process applications for travel permits.
The issuance of travel restrictions is a
collaborative process between public
health partners, e.g., state health
departments, the Department of
Homeland Security, and CDC. There is
no standardized collection of
information involved. This change
results in the removal of the Ill Person
Travel Permit from the list of
information collections as well as the
removal of the associated burden.
• Reports of communicable disease or
death from domestic conveyances are
the facilitation of reporting using
electronic means, i.e., Air Traffic
Control and the Domestic Events
Network for domestic flights.
The resulting change in burden is a
reduction of 3,678 hours.
For reports of death or communicable
disease made by master of a vessel or
person in charge of a conveyance
engaged in interstate traffic, the
requested burden is approximately 23
hours. This total is estimated from 200
respondents submitting domestic
reports of death or communicable
disease a year, with an average burden
of 7 minutes per report. This totals 23
hours. There is no burden to
respondents other than the time
required to make the report of illness or
almost always submitted electronically
via radio, so the current Master of
Vessel or Conveyance Illness Report has
been rendered obsolete. In addition,
CDC has issued guidance stating that
reports to CDC, instead of local health
authorities, regarding domestic reports
of communicable disease or death on
board conveyances meet the
requirements of the regulation;
therefore, information collections
related to copies sent to state health
departments are no longer necessary.
This primary concerns interstate flights.
• CDC is also requesting an
adjustment to the burden associated
with reports of communicable disease or
death from domestic conveyances. CDC
is reducing the burden from 15 minutes
per report to 7 minutes. This is due to
Number of
responses per
Number of
burden per
(in hours)
Total burden
(in hours)
Type of respondent
Form name
Master of a vessel or person in
charge of a conveyance.
42 CFR 70.4 Report by the master
of a vessel or person in charge of
conveyance of the incidence of a
communicable disease occurring
while in interstate travel.
Total ...........................................
Leroy A. Richardson,
Chief, Information Collection Review Office,
Office of Scientific Integrity, Office of the
Associate Director for Science, Office of the
Director, Centers for Disease Control and
[FR Doc. 2015–22549 Filed 9–4–15; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
[CDC–2015–0075, Docket Number NIOSH–
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
A Vapor Containment Performance
Protocol for Closed System Transfer
Devices Used During Pharmacy
Compounding and Administration of
Hazardous Drugs; Request for
National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC),
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice of draft document
available for public comment.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:18 Sep 04, 2015
Jkt 235001
The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
announces the availability of the
following draft document for public
comment entitled A Vapor Containment
Performance Protocol for Closed System
Transfer Devices Used During Pharmacy
Compounding and Administration of
Hazardous Drugs. The document and
instructions for submitting comments
can be found at
This guidance document does not
have the force and effect of law.
Table of Contents
Electronic or written comments
must be received by November 9, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by CDC–2015–0075 and
Docket Number NIOSH–288, by either
of the two following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: NIOSH Docket Office, Robert
A. Taft Laboratories, 1090 Tusculum
PO 00000
Frm 00044
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Avenue, MS–C34, Cincinnati, Ohio
Instructions: All information received
in response to this notice must include
the agency name and the docket number
(CDC–2015–0075; NIOSH–288). All
relevant comments received will be
posted without change to, including any
personal information provided. All
electronic comments should be
formatted as Microsoft Word. Please
make reference to CDC–2015–0075 and
Docket Number NIOSH–288. All
information received in response to this
notice will also be available for public
examination and copying at the NIOSH
Docket Office, 1150 Tusculum Avenue,
Room 155, Cincinnati, OH 45226–1998.
Deborah V. Hirst, NIOSH, Division of
Applied Research and Technology,
Alice Hamilton Laboratories, 1090
Tusculum Avenue, MS R–5, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45226, (513) 841–4141 (not a toll
free number), Email: hazardousdrugs@
purpose of the protocol is to test a
closed system transfer device’s (CSTD)
capability to perform as a closed system.
During an evaluation of the protocol,
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 173 (Tuesday, September 8, 2015)]
[Pages 53801-53802]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-22549]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
[60Day-15-0488; Docket No. CDC-2015-0079]
Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and
AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice with comment period.
SUMMARY: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part
of its continuing efforts to reduce public burden and maximize the
utility of government information, invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or
continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on the proposed
revision of the information collection request entitled Restrictions on
Interstate Travel of Persons (42 CFR part 70). This information
collection request outlines regulatory reporting requirements for
communicable disease reporting from conveyances engaged in interstate
travel within the United States.
DATES: Written comments must be received on or before November 9, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. CDC-2015-
0079 by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Leroy A. Richardson, Information Collection Review
Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road
NE., MS-D74, Atlanta, Georgia 30329.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and Docket Number. All relevant comments received will be posted
without change to, including any personal information
provided. For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to
Please note: All public comment should be submitted through the
Federal eRulemaking portal ( or by U.S. mail to the
address listed above.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request more information on the
proposed project or to obtain a copy of the information collection plan
and instruments, contact the Information Collection Review Office,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road NE., MS-
D74, Atlanta, Georgia 30329; phone: 404-639-7570; Email:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), Federal agencies must obtain approval from
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for each collection of
information they conduct or sponsor. In addition, the PRA also requires
Federal agencies to provide a 60-day notice in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of information, including each new
proposed collection, each proposed extension of existing collection of
information, and each reinstatement of previously approved information
collection before submitting the collection to OMB for approval. To
comply with this requirement, we are publishing this notice of a
proposed data collection as described below.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents,
including through the use of automated collection techniques or other
forms of information technology; and (e) estimates of capital or start-
up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information. Burden means the total time, effort, or
financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain,
disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This
includes the time needed to review instructions; to develop, acquire,
install and utilize technology and systems for the purpose of
collecting, validating and verifying information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information; to
train personnel and to be able to respond to a collection of
information, to search data sources, to complete and review the
collection of information; and to transmit or otherwise disclose the
Proposed Project
Restrictions on Interstate Travel of Persons (42 CFR part 70) (OMB
Control No. 0920-0488 exp. 3/31/2016)--Revision--Division of Global
Migration and Quarantine, National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and
Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
This revision to an existing information collection request is
intended to ensure that CDC can continue to collect pertinent
information related to communicable disease or deaths that occur aboard
conveyances during interstate travel within the United States, as
authorized under 42 Code of Federal Regulations part 70.
The intended use of the information is to ensure that CDC can
assess and respond to reports of communicable disease or death that
occur on conveyances engaged in interstate travel, and assist state and
local health authorities if an illness or death occurs that poses a
risk to public health. Generally, the primary source of this
[[Page 53802]]
information is aircraft traveling within the United States.
This revision makes several modification to this information
collection. They are as follows:
In current practice, CDC does not process applications for
travel permits. The issuance of travel restrictions is a collaborative
process between public health partners, e.g., state health departments,
the Department of Homeland Security, and CDC. There is no standardized
collection of information involved. This change results in the removal
of the Ill Person Travel Permit from the list of information
collections as well as the removal of the associated burden.
Reports of communicable disease or death from domestic
conveyances are almost always submitted electronically via radio, so
the current Master of Vessel or Conveyance Illness Report has been
rendered obsolete. In addition, CDC has issued guidance stating that
reports to CDC, instead of local health authorities, regarding domestic
reports of communicable disease or death on board conveyances meet the
requirements of the regulation; therefore, information collections
related to copies sent to state health departments are no longer
necessary. This primary concerns interstate flights.
CDC is also requesting an adjustment to the burden
associated with reports of communicable disease or death from domestic
conveyances. CDC is reducing the burden from 15 minutes per report to 7
minutes. This is due to the facilitation of reporting using electronic
means, i.e., Air Traffic Control and the Domestic Events Network for
domestic flights.
The resulting change in burden is a reduction of 3,678 hours.
For reports of death or communicable disease made by master of a
vessel or person in charge of a conveyance engaged in interstate
traffic, the requested burden is approximately 23 hours. This total is
estimated from 200 respondents submitting domestic reports of death or
communicable disease a year, with an average burden of 7 minutes per
report. This totals 23 hours. There is no burden to respondents other
than the time required to make the report of illness or death.
Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
Number of Average burden
Type of respondent Form name Number of responses per per response Total burden
respondents respondent (in hours) (in hours)
Master of a vessel or person 42 CFR 70.4 200 1 7/60 23
in charge of a conveyance. Report by the
master of a
vessel or
person in
charge of
conveyance of
the incidence
of a
occurring while
in interstate
Total..................... ................ .............. .............. .............. 23
Leroy A. Richardson,
Chief, Information Collection Review Office, Office of Scientific
Integrity, Office of the Associate Director for Science, Office of the
Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2015-22549 Filed 9-4-15; 8:45 am]