Superior National Forest, Minnesota; School Trust Land Exchange, 52245-52247 [2015-20834]
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Federal Register
Vol. 80, No. 167
Friday, August 28, 2015
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Revision and Extension of
Approved Collection; Comment
Request; Generic Clearance for the
Collection of Qualitative Feedback on
Agency Service Delivery
August 25, 2015.
Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service, USDA.
30-Day notice of submission of
information collection approval from
the Office of Management and Budget
and request for comments.
As part of a Federal
Government-wide effort to streamline
the process to seek feedback from the
public on service delivery, the
Department of Agriculture (USDA),
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service (APHIS) has submitted a
Generic Information Collection Request
(Generic ICR): ‘‘Generic Clearance for
the Collection of Qualitative Feedback
on Agency Service Delivery’’ to OMB for
approval under the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et.
Comments must be submitted
September 28, 2015.
Written comments may be
submitted to the Desk Officer for
Agriculture, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503; OIRA_Submission@
OMB.EOP.GOV or fax (202) 395–5806
and to Departmental Clearance Office,
USDA, OCIO, Mail Stop 7602,
Washington, DC 20250–7602.
request additional information, please
contact Ruth Brown (202) 720–8958 or
Charlene Parker (202) 720–8681.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:19 Aug 27, 2015
Jkt 235001
Title: Generic Clearance for the
Collection of Qualitative Feedback on
Agency Service Delivery
Abstract: The information collection
activity will garner qualitative customer
and stakeholder feedback in an efficient,
timely manner, in accordance with the
Administration’s commitment to
improving service delivery. By
qualitative feedback we mean
information that provides useful
insights on perceptions and opinions,
but are not statistical surveys that yield
quantitative results that can be
generalized to the population of study.
This feedback will provide insights into
customer or stakeholder perceptions,
experiences and expectations, provide
an early warning of issues with service,
or focus attention on areas where
communication, training or changes in
operations might improve delivery of
products or services. These collections
will allow for ongoing, collaborative and
actionable communications between the
Agency and its customers and
stakeholders. It will also allow feedback
to contribute directly to the
improvement of program management.
Feedback collected under this generic
clearance will provide useful
information, but it will not yield data
that can be generalized to the overall
population. This type of generic
clearance for qualitative information
will not be used for quantitative
information collections that are
designed to yield reliably actionable
results, such as monitoring trends over
time or documenting program
performance. Such data uses require
more rigorous designs that address: the
target population to which
generalizations will be made, the
sampling frame, the sample design
(including stratification and clustering),
the precision requirements or power
calculations that justify the proposed
sample size, the expected response rate,
methods for assessing potential nonresponse bias, the protocols for data
collection, and any testing procedures
that were or will be undertaken prior
fielding the study. Depending on the
degree of influence the results are likely
to have, such collections may still be
eligible for submission for other generic
mechanisms that are designed to yield
quantitative results.
The Agency received one comments
in response to the 60-day notice
PO 00000
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published in the Federal Register of
June 3, 2015 (80 FR 31569).
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Current Actions: Revision and
Extension of Currently Approved
Type of Review: Revision and
Affected Public: Individuals and
Households, Businesses and
Organizations, State, Local or Tribal
Average Expected Annual Number of
activities: 29.
Respondents: 17,000.
Annual responses: 17,000.
Frequency of Response: Once per
Average minutes per response: 0.25.
Burden hours: 17,500.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid
Office of Management and Budget
control number.
Ruth Brown,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015–21331 Filed 8–27–15; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Superior National Forest, Minnesota;
School Trust Land Exchange
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.
The purpose and need for the
land exchange is: the Superior National
Forest would acquire land inside the
Boundary Waters Canoe Area
Wilderness (BWCAW) from the
Minnesota School Trust with
outstanding wilderness/scenic/
recreational opportunities, which will
consolidate ownership and eliminate
the risk of development or uses
incompatible with wilderness values
and management. The federal land
located outside the BWCAW conveyed
to the Minnesota School Trust would
allow the State to manage lands outside
the wilderness to generate revenue to
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Notices
benefit the Minnesota public school
In February 2015, a scoping process
for this project was initiated by the
Forest Supervisor. The scoping period
lasted until May 15, 2015 and included
notification to a wide range of interested
persons, adjacent landowners, state,
local and tribal government, and
organizations. In addition, five open
houses were held in the project area and
Saint Paul, MN. Over 1,600 comment
letters were received from interested
persons, adjacent landowners, state,
local and tribal government, and
organizations. Upon review of scoping
comments, the Forest Supervisor
decided to prepare an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS).
While further scoping comments will
be accepted, it is anticipated that the
scoping comments already received
have thoroughly described the range of
issues of interest to the public, agencies,
organizations and governments. Scoping
comments already received during the
February–May 2015 scoping period are
being considered, are part of the project
record, and will provide standing to
object per requirements of 36 CFR 218.
DATES: Any additional comments
concerning the scope of the analysis
must be received by September 30,
2015. The Draft Environmental Impact
Statement is expected January 2016, and
the Final Environmental Impact
Statement is expected September 2016.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
Brenda Halter, Forest Supervisor, RE:
School Trust Land Exchange EIS, at
8901 Grand Avenue Place, Duluth, MN
55808. Comments may also be sent via
email to comments-eastern-superior@ or via facsimile to (218) 626–
Peter Taylor, Forest Environmental
Coordinator, at (218) 626–4368 or Go to
and navigate to the School Trust Land
Exchange Web page for the scoping
information on this project. The scoping
information on the Web page is the
same as that available during the
February–May 2015 scoping period.
Purpose and Need for Action
Inside the BWCAW
The Superior National Forest would
acquire land with outstanding
opportunities, which will consolidate
ownership and eliminate the risk of
development or uses incompatible with
wilderness values and management.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:19 Aug 27, 2015
Jkt 235001
This exchange is part of the long term
strategy for acquiring all county and
state lands in the BWCAW to resolve the
long standing issue of wilderness
restrictions limiting use of nonfederal
lands. The acquisition of these lands is
considered Priority 1 under Forest Plan
Guideline G–LA–2 (p. 2–51).
Outside the BWCAW
The exchange would meet Forest Plan
Land Adjustment Goal G–LA–5 (p. 2–
52) for acquisition of Minnesota State
School Trust Lands in the BWCAW
through land exchange. This exchange
has the potential to reduce and/or
eliminate over 30 complex special use
permits/easements reducing the cost of
special use permit administration on the
Forest. The authorized activities would
continue but would be managed by the
State. This would meet the intent of
Forest Plan Guideline G–LA–3(e) (p. 2–
The conveyance of Federal land
would reduce boundary management
and landline costs. Federal parcels
proposed for exchange were specifically
identified to consolidate federal and
state ownership patterns. This would
meet the intent of Forest Plan Guideline
G–LA–3(d) (p. 2–52).
The land conveyed would allow the
State to actively manage lands outside
the wilderness to generate revenue to
benefit the MN public school system.
The State would manage the conveyed
land to provide for a wide variety of
goods, uses and services similar to
management under federal ownership.
This would meet the intent of Forest
Plan Guideline G–LA–3(b) (p. 2–52).
Proposed Action
The Forest Service proposes to
exchange federal lands of equal value
from a pool of approximately 39,075
acres for approximately 30,000 acres of
State lands. The final acres to be
exchanged would reflect equal market
values based on an appraisal compliant
with federal standards. The possibility
that all of the federal land will be
necessary or that the federal land list
will be inadequate is relatively low.
The Forest Service would also transfer
authority and administration of special
use permits located within the federal
parcels to the Minnesota DNR. Many of
these permits and easements involve
both short and long-term authorizations
for roads and trails, phone lines,
electrical lines, fiber optics, and a
county canister transfer station. These
permits are located across the Forest
and are administered by five ranger
The State Constitution requires the
State to reserve mineral rights in an
PO 00000
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exchange of School Trust lands. (Minn.
Const. Art. XI Section 10.) The United
States would reserve mineral rights on
the 150 parcels where federal minerals
Preliminary Issues
Consideration of issues raised in
scoping comments will be documented
in the Draft Environmental Impact
Possible Alternatives
Consideration of alternatives raised in
scoping comments will be documented
in the Draft Environmental Impact
Responsible Official
Forest Supervisor, Superior National
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The decision to be made is whether to
exchange federal lands of equal value
from a pool of approximately 39,075
acres for approximately 30,000 acres of
State lands. The decision will include:
1. What actions would be used to
address the purpose and need;
2. Where and when those actions
would take place;
3. Any other actions that would be
Scoping Process
In February 2015, a scoping process
for this project was initiated by the
Forest Supervisor. The scoping period
lasted until May 15, 2015 and included
notification to a wide range of interested
persons, adjacent landowners, state,
local and tribal government, and
organizations. In addition, five open
houses were held in the project area and
Saint Paul, MN. Over 1,600 comment
letters were received from interested
persons, adjacent landowners, state,
local and tribal government, and
organizations. Upon review of scoping
comments, the Forest Supervisor
decided to prepare an EIS.
While further scoping comments will
be accepted, it is anticipated that the
scoping comments already received
have thoroughly described the range of
issues of interest to the public, agencies,
organizations and governments. Scoping
comments already received during the
February–May 2015 scoping period are
being considered, are part of the project
record, and will provide standing to
object per requirements of 36 CFR 218.
Comments received in response to
this solicitation, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action. Comments submitted
anonymously will be accepted and
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 167 / Friday, August 28, 2015 / Notices
considered; however, anonymous
comments will not provide the Agency
with the ability to provide the
respondsent with notification of
subsequent environmental documents.
The School Trust Land Exchange
decision is subject to objections
following Forest Service regulations at
36 CFR 218, Subparts A and B. Only
individuals or organizations who submit
timely and specific written comments as
defined at 36 CFR 218.2 regarding the
proposed project during a public
comment period established by the
Responsible Official are eligible to file
an objection to the School Trust Land
Exchange. Scoping comments already
received during the February–May 2015
scoping period provide commenters
with standing to object per requirements
of 36 CFR 218.2. The opportunity to
object will be provided when a draft
decision on the project is published.
Dated: August 10, 2015.
Brenda Halter,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2015–20834 Filed 8–27–15; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Meeting of the Texas
State Advisory Committee for the
Purpose of Planning Project Activity
U.S. Commission on Civil
ACTION: Announcement of meeting.
Notice is hereby given,
pursuant to the provisions of the rules
and regulations of the U.S. Commission
on Civil Rights (Commission) and the
Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA) that a meeting of the Texas State
Advisory Committee (Committee) to the
Commission will be held on Friday,
September 18, 2015, at 1:30 p.m. for the
purpose of planning projects on school
discipline and voting rights.
This meeting is available to the public
through the following toll-free call-in
number: 888–503–8169, conference ID:
5785668. Any interested member of the
public may call this number and listen
to the meeting. Callers can expect to
incur charges for calls they initiate over
wireless lines, and the Commission will
not refund any incurred charges. Callers
will incur no charge for calls they
initiate over land-line connections to
the toll-free telephone number. Persons
with hearing impairments may also
follow the proceedings by first calling
the Federal Relay Service at 1–800–977–
8339 and providing the Service with the
conference call number and conference
ID number.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:19 Aug 27, 2015
Jkt 235001
Members of the public are entitled to
make comments in the open period at
the end of the meeting. Members of the
public may also submit written
comments. The comments must be
received in the Western Regional Office
of the Commission by October 28, 2015.
The address is Western Regional Office,
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 300 N.
Los Angeles Street, Suite 2010, Los
Angeles, CA 90012. Persons wishing to
email their comments may do so by
sending them to Angelica Trevino, Civil
Rights Analyst, Western Regional Office,
at Persons who
desire additional information should
contact the Western Regional Office, at
(213) 894–3437, (or for hearing impaired
TDD 913–551–1414), or by email to Hearing-impaired
persons who will attend the meeting
and require the services of a sign
language interpreter should contact the
Regional Office at least ten (10) working
days before the scheduled date of the
Records and documents discussed
during the meeting will be available for
public viewing prior to and after the
meeting at
committee/meetings.aspx?cid=276 and
clicking on the ‘‘Meeting Details’’ and
‘‘Documents’’ links. Records generated
from this meeting may also be inspected
and reproduced at the Western Regional
Office, as they become available, both
before and after the meeting. Persons
interested in the work of this Committee
are directed to the Commission’s Web
site,, or may
contact the Western Regional Office at
the above email or street address.
1:30 p.m.—Discussion of project
proposal on school discipline and
voting rights project
2:30 p.m.—Public comment
DATES: Friday, September 18, 2015,
Peter Minarik, DFO, at (213) 894–3437
Dated August 25, 2015.
David Mussatt,
Chief, Regional Programs Coordination Unit.
[FR Doc. 2015–21370 Filed 8–27–15; 8:45 am]
Bureau of the Census
Census Advisory Committees
Bureau of the Census,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of Public Meeting.
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
The Bureau of the Census
(Census Bureau) is giving notice of a
meeting of the National Advisory
Committee on Racial, Ethnic and Other
Populations (NAC). The NAC will
address census policies, research and
methodology, tests, operations,
communications/messaging, and other
activities to ascertain needs and best
practices to improve censuses, surveys,
operations, and programs. The NAC will
meet in a plenary session on October 8–
9, 2015. Last-minute changes to the
schedule are possible, which could
prevent giving advance public notice of
schedule adjustments. Please visit the
Census Advisory Committee’s Web site
for the most current meeting agenda at:
DATES: October 8–9, 2015. On October 8,
the meeting will begin at approximately
8:30 a.m. and end at approximately 5:00
p.m. On October 9, the meeting will
begin at approximately 8:30 a.m. and
end at approximately 1:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the U.S. Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill
Road, Suitland, Maryland 20746.
Collier, Assistant Division Chief for
Stakeholders, Customer Liaison and
Marketing Services Office,,
Department of Commerce, U.S. Census
Bureau, Room 8H185, 4600 Silver Hill
Road, Washington, DC 20233, telephone
301–763–6590. For TTY callers, please
use the Federal Relay Service 1–800–
comprises up to thirty-two members.
The Committee provides an organized
and continuing channel of
communication between race, ethnic,
and other populations and the Census
Bureau. The Committee advises the
Director of the Census Bureau on the
full range of economic, housing,
demographic, socioeconomic, linguistic,
technological, methodological,
geographic, behavioral, and operational
variables affecting the cost, accuracy,
and implementation of Census Bureau
programs and surveys, including the
decennial census. The Committee is
established in accordance with the
Federal Advisory Committee Act (Title
5, United States Code, Appendix 2,
Section 10(a)(b)).
All meetings are open to the public.
A brief period will be set aside at the
meeting for public comment on October
9. However, individuals with extensive
questions or statements must submit
them in writing to:
census.national.advisory.committee@ (subject line ‘‘October 2015
NAC Meeting Public Comment’’), or by
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 167 (Friday, August 28, 2015)]
[Pages 52245-52247]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-20834]
Forest Service
Superior National Forest, Minnesota; School Trust Land Exchange
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The purpose and need for the land exchange is: the Superior
National Forest would acquire land inside the Boundary Waters Canoe
Area Wilderness (BWCAW) from the Minnesota School Trust with
outstanding wilderness/scenic/recreational opportunities, which will
consolidate ownership and eliminate the risk of development or uses
incompatible with wilderness values and management. The federal land
located outside the BWCAW conveyed to the Minnesota School Trust would
allow the State to manage lands outside the wilderness to generate
revenue to
[[Page 52246]]
benefit the Minnesota public school system.
In February 2015, a scoping process for this project was initiated
by the Forest Supervisor. The scoping period lasted until May 15, 2015
and included notification to a wide range of interested persons,
adjacent landowners, state, local and tribal government, and
organizations. In addition, five open houses were held in the project
area and Saint Paul, MN. Over 1,600 comment letters were received from
interested persons, adjacent landowners, state, local and tribal
government, and organizations. Upon review of scoping comments, the
Forest Supervisor decided to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
While further scoping comments will be accepted, it is anticipated
that the scoping comments already received have thoroughly described
the range of issues of interest to the public, agencies, organizations
and governments. Scoping comments already received during the February-
May 2015 scoping period are being considered, are part of the project
record, and will provide standing to object per requirements of 36 CFR
DATES: Any additional comments concerning the scope of the analysis
must be received by September 30, 2015. The Draft Environmental Impact
Statement is expected January 2016, and the Final Environmental Impact
Statement is expected September 2016.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Brenda Halter, Forest Supervisor,
RE: School Trust Land Exchange EIS, at 8901 Grand Avenue Place, Duluth,
MN 55808. Comments may also be sent via email to or via facsimile to (218) 626-4398.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Taylor, Forest Environmental
Coordinator, at (218) 626-4368 or Go to and navigate to the School Trust
Land Exchange Web page for the scoping information on this project. The
scoping information on the Web page is the same as that available
during the February-May 2015 scoping period.
Purpose and Need for Action
Inside the BWCAW
The Superior National Forest would acquire land with outstanding
wilderness/scenic/recreational opportunities, which will consolidate
ownership and eliminate the risk of development or uses incompatible
with wilderness values and management. This exchange is part of the
long term strategy for acquiring all county and state lands in the
BWCAW to resolve the long standing issue of wilderness restrictions
limiting use of nonfederal lands. The acquisition of these lands is
considered Priority 1 under Forest Plan Guideline G-LA-2 (p. 2-51).
Outside the BWCAW
The exchange would meet Forest Plan Land Adjustment Goal G-LA-5 (p.
2-52) for acquisition of Minnesota State School Trust Lands in the
BWCAW through land exchange. This exchange has the potential to reduce
and/or eliminate over 30 complex special use permits/easements reducing
the cost of special use permit administration on the Forest. The
authorized activities would continue but would be managed by the State.
This would meet the intent of Forest Plan Guideline G-LA-3(e) (p. 2-
The conveyance of Federal land would reduce boundary management and
landline costs. Federal parcels proposed for exchange were specifically
identified to consolidate federal and state ownership patterns. This
would meet the intent of Forest Plan Guideline G-LA-3(d) (p. 2-52).
The land conveyed would allow the State to actively manage lands
outside the wilderness to generate revenue to benefit the MN public
school system. The State would manage the conveyed land to provide for
a wide variety of goods, uses and services similar to management under
federal ownership. This would meet the intent of Forest Plan Guideline
G-LA-3(b) (p. 2-52).
Proposed Action
The Forest Service proposes to exchange federal lands of equal
value from a pool of approximately 39,075 acres for approximately
30,000 acres of State lands. The final acres to be exchanged would
reflect equal market values based on an appraisal compliant with
federal standards. The possibility that all of the federal land will be
necessary or that the federal land list will be inadequate is
relatively low.
The Forest Service would also transfer authority and administration
of special use permits located within the federal parcels to the
Minnesota DNR. Many of these permits and easements involve both short
and long-term authorizations for roads and trails, phone lines,
electrical lines, fiber optics, and a county canister transfer station.
These permits are located across the Forest and are administered by
five ranger districts.
The State Constitution requires the State to reserve mineral rights
in an exchange of School Trust lands. (Minn. Const. Art. XI Section
10.) The United States would reserve mineral rights on the 150 parcels
where federal minerals occur.
Preliminary Issues
Consideration of issues raised in scoping comments will be
documented in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Possible Alternatives
Consideration of alternatives raised in scoping comments will be
documented in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Responsible Official
Forest Supervisor, Superior National Forest.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The decision to be made is whether to exchange federal lands of
equal value from a pool of approximately 39,075 acres for approximately
30,000 acres of State lands. The decision will include:
1. What actions would be used to address the purpose and need;
2. Where and when those actions would take place;
3. Any other actions that would be required.
Scoping Process
In February 2015, a scoping process for this project was initiated
by the Forest Supervisor. The scoping period lasted until May 15, 2015
and included notification to a wide range of interested persons,
adjacent landowners, state, local and tribal government, and
organizations. In addition, five open houses were held in the project
area and Saint Paul, MN. Over 1,600 comment letters were received from
interested persons, adjacent landowners, state, local and tribal
government, and organizations. Upon review of scoping comments, the
Forest Supervisor decided to prepare an EIS.
While further scoping comments will be accepted, it is anticipated
that the scoping comments already received have thoroughly described
the range of issues of interest to the public, agencies, organizations
and governments. Scoping comments already received during the February-
May 2015 scoping period are being considered, are part of the project
record, and will provide standing to object per requirements of 36 CFR
Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names
and addresses of those who comment, will be part of the public record
for this proposed action. Comments submitted anonymously will be
accepted and
[[Page 52247]]
considered; however, anonymous comments will not provide the Agency
with the ability to provide the respondsent with notification of
subsequent environmental documents.
The School Trust Land Exchange decision is subject to objections
following Forest Service regulations at 36 CFR 218, Subparts A and B.
Only individuals or organizations who submit timely and specific
written comments as defined at 36 CFR 218.2 regarding the proposed
project during a public comment period established by the Responsible
Official are eligible to file an objection to the School Trust Land
Exchange. Scoping comments already received during the February-May
2015 scoping period provide commenters with standing to object per
requirements of 36 CFR 218.2. The opportunity to object will be
provided when a draft decision on the project is published.
Dated: August 10, 2015.
Brenda Halter,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2015-20834 Filed 8-27-15; 8:45 am]