Notice of Public Meeting, Pecos District Resource Advisory Council Meeting, New Mexico, 52059-52060 [2015-21284]
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rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 166 / Thursday, August 27, 2015 / Notices
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Nevada State Office, Reno, Nevada on
June 30, 2015:
The plat, in 2 sheets, representing the
dependent resurvey of a portion of the
north boundary, a portion of the
subdivisional lines, and the subdivision
of sections 3 and 4, Township 34 North,
Range 55 East, Mount Diablo Meridian,
Nevada, under Group No. 942, was
accepted June 29, 2015. This survey was
executed to define and mark boundaries
for management of the Te-Moak trust
lands transferred by legislation, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
6. The Plat of Survey of the following
described lands was officially filed at
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Nevada State Office, Reno, Nevada on
July 24, 2015:
The plat, in 2 sheets, representing the
dependent resurvey of a portion of the
east boundary, a portion of the
subdivisional lines, and the subdivision
of section 25, and certain metes-andbounds surveys in section 25, Township
34 North, Range 54 East, Mount Diablo
Meridian, Nevada, under Group No.
943, was accepted July 22, 2015. This
survey was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public lands, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
7. The Plat of Survey of the following
described lands was officially filed at
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Nevada State Office, Reno, Nevada on
July 24, 2015:
The plat, in 1 sheet, representing the
dependent resurvey of a portion of the
east boundary, and a metes-and-bounds
survey in section 25, Township 34
North, Range 54 1/2 East, Mount Diablo
Meridian, Nevada, under Group No.
943, was accepted July 22, 2015. This
survey was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public lands, as
authorize by Public Law 113–291.
8. The Plat of Survey of the following
described lands was officially filed at
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Nevada State Office, Reno, Nevada on
July 30, 2015:
The plat, in 1 sheet, representing the
dependent resurvey of Mineral Survey
Nos. 3962 and 3971, in unsurveyed
Township 5 South, Range 46 East,
Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada, under
Group No. 946, was accepted July 29,
2015. This survey was executed to
identify the boundaries of certain
mineral surveys to the extent necessary
to identify federal interest for eventual
conveyance to the United States.
9. The Supplemental Plat of the
following described lands was officially
filed at the BLM Nevada State Office,
Reno, Nevada on June 4, 2015: The
supplemental plat, in 1 sheet, showing
amended lottings in section 17,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
15:08 Aug 26, 2015
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Township 19 South, Range 60 East, of
the Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada,
under Group No. 947, was accepted
June 3, 2015. This supplemental plat
was prepared to meet certain
administrative needs of the Bureau of
Land Management.
10. The Supplemental Plat of the
following described lands was officially
filed at the BLM Nevada State Office,
Reno, Nevada on June 25, 2015:
The supplemental plat, in 1 sheet,
showing amended lottings in section 2,
Township 12 North, Range 26 East, of
the Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada,
under Group No. 951, was accepted
June 22, 2015. This supplemental plat
was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public land to the
municipality of Yerington, Nevada, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
11. The Supplemental Plat of the
following described lands was officially
filed at the BLM Nevada State Office,
Reno, Nevada on June 25, 2015:
The supplemental plat, in 1 sheet,
showing amended lottings in section 3,
Township 12 North, Range 26 East, of
the Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada,
under Group No. 951, was accepted
June 22, 2015. This supplemental plat
was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public land to the
municipality of Yerington, Nevada, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
12. The Supplemental Plat of the
following described lands was officially
filed at the BLM Nevada State Office,
Reno, Nevada on June 25, 2015:
The supplemental plat, in 1 sheet,
showing amended lottings in section 4,
Township 12 North, Range 26 East, of
the Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada,
under Group No. 951, was accepted
June 22, 2015. This supplemental plat
was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public land to the
municipality of Yerington, Nevada, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
13. The Supplemental Plat of the
following described lands was officially
filed at the BLM Nevada State Office,
Reno, Nevada on June 25, 2015:
The supplemental plat, in 1 sheet,
showing amended lottings in section 9,
Township 12 North, Range 26 East, of
the Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada,
under Group No. 951, was accepted
June 22, 2015. This supplemental plat
was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public land to the
municipality of Yerington, Nevada, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
14. The Supplemental Plat of the
following described lands was officially
filed at the BLM Nevada State Office,
Reno, Nevada on June 25, 2015:
The supplemental plat, in 1 sheet,
showing amended lottings in section 10,
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Township 12 North, Range 26 East, of
the Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada,
under Group No. 951, was accepted
June 22, 2015. This supplemental plat
was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public land to the
municipality of Yerington, Nevada, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
15. The Supplemental Plat of the
following described lands was officially
filed at the BLM Nevada State Office,
Reno, Nevada on June 25, 2015:
The supplemental plat, in 1 sheet,
showing amended lottings in section 11,
Township 12 North, Range 26 East, of
the Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada,
under Group No. 951, was accepted
June 22, 2015. This supplemental plat
was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public land to the
municipality of Yerington, Nevada, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
16. The Supplemental Plat of the
following described lands was officially
filed at the BLM Nevada State Office,
Reno, Nevada on August 11, 2015:
The supplemental plat, in 1 sheet,
showing amended lottings in section 33,
Township 13 North, Range 26 East, of
the Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada,
under Group No. 953, was accepted
August 11, 2015. This supplemental plat
was executed to facilitate the
conveyance of certain public land to the
municipality of Yerington, Nevada, as
authorized by Public Law 113–291.
The surveys and supplemental plats
listed above are now the basic record for
describing the lands for all authorized
purposes. These records have been
placed in the open files in the BLM
Nevada State Office and are available to
the public as a matter of information.
Copies of the surveys and related field
notes may be furnished to the public
upon payment of the appropriate fees.
Dated: August 21, 2015.
Michael O. Harmening,
Chief Cadastral Surveyor, Nevada.
[FR Doc. 2015–21245 Filed 8–26–15; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLNMP00000 L13110000.PP0000
Notice of Public Meeting, Pecos
District Resource Advisory Council
Meeting, New Mexico
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
In accordance with the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 166 / Thursday, August 27, 2015 / Notices
Act and the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, Bureau of Land
Management’s (BLM) Pecos District
Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will
meet as indicated below.
15XL1109AF: HAG 15–0217]
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
The RAC will meet on October
15, 2015, at the Carlsbad Field Office,
620 East Greene Street, Carlsbad, New
Mexico, from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. The public
may send written comments to the RAC
at the BLM Pecos District, 2909 West
2nd Street, Roswell, New Mexico,
Filing of Plats of Survey: Oregon/
F. David Radford,
Acting, Chief Cadastral Surveyor of Oregon/
Howard Parman, Pecos District Office,
Bureau of Land Management, 2909 West
2nd Street, Roswell, New Mexico 88201,
575–627–0212. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8229
to contact the above individual during
normal business hours. The FIRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
to leave a message or question with the
above individual. You will receive a
reply during normal business hours.
The 10member Pecos District RAC advises the
Secretary of the Interior, through the
BLM, on a variety of planning and
management issues associated with
public land management in the BLM’s
Pecos District. Planned agenda items
include: Election of a new chairman;
report on the status of the Carlsbad plan
revision; an overview of penalties for
non-compliance for oil and gas
development activities; presentations by
both BLM staff and cave interests
regarding the BLM’s management of
caves in regards to containing the
spread of white nose syndrome; and a
field trip to the Delaware and Black
Rivers to discuss issues associated with
these bodies of water.
All RAC meetings are open to the
public. There will be a half-hour public
comment period at 9:30 a.m. for any
interested members of the public who
wish to address the RAC. Depending on
the number of persons wishing to speak
and time available, the time for
individual comments may be limited.
rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Debby Lucero,
Acting Deputy State Director, Lands and
[FR Doc. 2015–21284 Filed 8–26–15; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 235001
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice.
[FR Doc. 2015–21276 Filed 8–26–15; 8:45 am]
The plats of survey of the
following described lands are scheduled
to be officially filed in the Bureau of
Land Management, Oregon State Office,
Portland, Oregon, 30 days from the date
of this publication.
T. 32 S., R. 8 W., accepted August 5, 2015
T. 12 S., R. 41 E., accepted August 5, 2015
A copy of the plats may be
obtained from the Public Room at the
Bureau of Land Management, Oregon
State Office, 1220 SW. 3rd Avenue,
Portland, Oregon 97204, upon required
Hensley, (503) 808–6132, Branch of
Geographic Sciences, Bureau of Land
Management, 1220 SW. 3rd Avenue,
Portland, Oregon 97204. Persons who
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
800–877–8339 to contact the above
individual during normal business
hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, to leave a message
or question with the above individual.
You will receive a reply during normal
business hours.
or party who wishes to protest against
this survey must file a written notice
with the Oregon State Director, Bureau
of Land Management, stating that they
wish to protest. A statement of reasons
for a protest may be filed with the notice
of protest and must be filed with the
Oregon State Director within thirty days
after the protest is filed. If a protest
against the survey is received prior to
the date of official filing, the filing will
be stayed pending consideration of the
protest. A plat will not be officially filed
until the day after all protests have been
dismissed or otherwise resolved. Before
including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
Frm 00035
Fmt 4703
Bureau of Land Management
15XL1109AF MO#4500082502]
Notice of Public Meeting; Central
Montana Resource Advisory Council
Willamette Meridian
PO 00000
Sfmt 4703
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
In accordance with the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory
Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) Central
Montana Resource Advisory Council
(RAC) will meet as indicated below.
DATES: The Central Montana Resource
Advisory Council Meeting will be held
October 6–7, 2015 in Chinook, Montana.
The October 6 meeting will begin at
10:00 a.m. with a 30-minute public
comment period and will adjourn at
5:00 p.m. The October 7 meeting will
begin at 8:00 a.m. with a 30-minute
public comment period beginning at
10:00 a.m. and will adjourn at 12:00
ADDRESSES: The meetings will be in the
Chinook Motor Inn Conference Room at
100 Indian Street, Chinook, Montana.
Mark Albers, HiLine District Manager,
Great Falls Field Office, 1101 15th
Street North, Great Falls, MT 59401,
(406) 791–7789,
Persons who use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–677–8339 to contact the
above individual during normal
business hours. The FIRS is available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week to leave a
message or question with the above
individual. You will receive a reply
during normal business hours.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This 15member council advises the Secretary of
the Interior, through the BLM, on a
variety of management issues associated
with public land management in
Montana. During these meetings the
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 166 (Thursday, August 27, 2015)]
[Pages 52059-52060]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-21284]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLNMP00000 L13110000.PP0000 15XL1109PF]
Notice of Public Meeting, Pecos District Resource Advisory
Council Meeting, New Mexico
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management
[[Page 52060]]
Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Bureau of Land Management's
(BLM) Pecos District Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as
indicated below.
DATES: The RAC will meet on October 15, 2015, at the Carlsbad Field
Office, 620 East Greene Street, Carlsbad, New Mexico, from 9 a.m.-4
p.m. The public may send written comments to the RAC at the BLM Pecos
District, 2909 West 2nd Street, Roswell, New Mexico, 88201.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Howard Parman, Pecos District Office,
Bureau of Land Management, 2909 West 2nd Street, Roswell, New Mexico
88201, 575-627-0212. Persons who use a telecommunications device for
the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at
1-800-877-8229 to contact the above individual during normal business
hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a
message or question with the above individual. You will receive a reply
during normal business hours.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The 10-member Pecos District RAC advises the
Secretary of the Interior, through the BLM, on a variety of planning
and management issues associated with public land management in the
BLM's Pecos District. Planned agenda items include: Election of a new
chairman; report on the status of the Carlsbad plan revision; an
overview of penalties for non-compliance for oil and gas development
activities; presentations by both BLM staff and cave interests
regarding the BLM's management of caves in regards to containing the
spread of white nose syndrome; and a field trip to the Delaware and
Black Rivers to discuss issues associated with these bodies of water.
All RAC meetings are open to the public. There will be a half-hour
public comment period at 9:30 a.m. for any interested members of the
public who wish to address the RAC. Depending on the number of persons
wishing to speak and time available, the time for individual comments
may be limited.
Debby Lucero,
Acting Deputy State Director, Lands and Resources.
[FR Doc. 2015-21284 Filed 8-26-15; 8:45 am]