Application to Export Electric Energy; Vitol Inc., 51250-51251 [2015-20840]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 163 / Monday, August 24, 2015 / Notices
District of Columbia, American Samoa,
the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam,
Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
NPEFS data are used for a wide variety
of purposes, including to calculate
federal program allocations such as
states’ ‘‘average per-pupil expenditure’’
(SPPE) for elementary and secondary
education, certain formula grant
programs (e.g. title I, part A of the
Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965 (ESEA) as amended, Impact
Aid, and Indian Education programs).
Furthermore, other federal programs,
such as the Educational Technology
State Grants program (title II part D of
the ESEA), the Education for Homeless
Children and Youth Program under title
VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless
Assistance Act, and the Teacher Quality
State Grants program (title II part A of
the ESEA) make use of SPPE data
indirectly because their formulas are
based, in whole or in part, on State title
I part A allocations. This submission is
to conduct the annual collection of
state-level finance data for FY 2015–
Dated: August 19, 2015.
Kate Mullan,
Acting Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Office of the Chief Privacy
Officer, Office of Management.
[FR Doc. 2015–20821 Filed 8–21–15; 8:45 am]
Environmental Management SiteSpecific Advisory Board, Nevada
Department of Energy.
Notice of open meeting.
This notice announces a
meeting of the Environmental
Management Site-Specific Advisory
Board (EM SSAB), Nevada. The Federal
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–
463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public
notice of this meeting be announced in
the Federal Register.
DATES: Wednesday, September 16, 2015;
4:00 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Clark County Government
Center, Pueblo Room, 500 South Grand
Central Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada
Barbara Ulmer, Board Administrator,
232 Energy Way, M/S 505, North Las
Vegas, Nevada 89030. Phone: (702) 630–
0522; Fax (702) 295–5300 or Email:
Purpose of the Board: The purpose of
the Board is to make recommendations
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to DOE–EM and site management in the
areas of environmental restoration,
waste management, and related
Tentative Agenda
• Fiscal Year 2016 Work Plan
• Election of Officers
• Recommendation Development for
Communication Improvement
Opportunities (Work Plan Item #10)
• Recommendation Development for
Public Participation: The EM SSAB,
Nevada, welcomes the attendance of the
public at its advisory committee
meetings and will make every effort to
accommodate persons with physical
disabilities or special needs. If you
require special accommodations due to
a disability, please contact Barbara
Ulmer at least seven days in advance of
the meeting at the phone number listed
above. Written statements may be filed
with the Board either before or after the
meeting. Individuals who wish to make
oral presentations pertaining to agenda
items should contact Barbara Ulmer at
the telephone number listed above. The
request must be received five days prior
to the meeting and reasonable provision
will be made to include the presentation
in the agenda. The Deputy Designated
Federal Officer is empowered to
conduct the meeting in a fashion that
will facilitate the orderly conduct of
business. Individuals wishing to make
public comments can do so during the
15 minutes allotted for public
Minutes: Minutes will be available by
writing to Barbara Ulmer at the address
listed above or at the following Web
Issued at Washington, DC, on August 19,
LaTanya R. Butler,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015–20841 Filed 8–21–15; 8:45 am]
[OE Docket No. EA–370–A]
Application to Export Electric Energy;
Vitol Inc.
Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of application.
Vitol Inc. (Applicant or Vitol))
has applied to renew its authority to
transmit electric energy from the United
States to Canada pursuant to section
202(e) of the Federal Power Act.
PO 00000
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Comments, protests, or motions
to intervene must be submitted on or
before September 23, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Comments, protests,
motions to intervene, or requests for
more information should be addressed
to: Office of Electricity Delivery and
Energy Reliability, Mail Code: OE–20,
U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0350. Because
of delays in handling conventional mail,
it is recommended that documents be
transmitted by overnight mail, by
electronic mail to Electricity.Exports@, or by facsimile to 202–586–
electricity from the United States to a
foreign country are regulated by the
Department of Energy (DOE) pursuant to
sections 301(b) and 402(f) of the
Department of Energy Organization Act
(42 U.S.C. 7151(b), 7172(f)) and require
authorization under section 202(e) of
the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.
On December 13, 2010, DOE issued
Order No. EA–370 to Vitol Inc., which
authorized the Applicant to transmit
electric energy from the United States to
Canada as a power marketer for a fiveyear term using existing international
transmission facilities. That authority
expires on December 13, 2015. On
August 6, 2015, Vitol filed an
application with DOE for renewal of the
export authority contained in Order No.
EA–370 for an additional five-year term.
In its application, Vitol states that it
does not own or operate any electric
generation or transmission facilities,
and it does not have a franchised service
area. The electric energy that Vitol
proposes to export to Canada would be
surplus energy purchased from third
parties such as electric utilities and
Federal power marketing agencies
pursuant to voluntary agreements. The
existing international transmission
facilities to be utilized by Vitol have
previously been authorized by
Presidential permits issued pursuant to
Executive Order 10485, as amended,
and are appropriate for open access
transmission by third parties.
Procedural Matters: Any person
desiring to be heard in this proceeding
should file a comment or protest to the
application at the address provided
above. Protests should be filed in
accordance with Rule 211 of the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC)
Rules of Practice and Procedures (18
CFR 385.211). Any person desiring to
become a party to these proceedings
should file a motion to intervene at the
above address in accordance with FERC
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 163 / Monday, August 24, 2015 / Notices
Rule 214 (18 CFR 385.214). Five copies
of such comments, protests, or motions
to intervene should be sent to the
address provided above on or before the
date listed above.
Comments and other filings
concerning Vitol’s application to export
electric energy to Canada should be
clearly marked with OE Docket No. EA–
370–A. An additional copy is to be
provided directly to both Robert F.
Viola, Vitol Inc., 1100 Louisiana Street,
Suite 5500, Houston, TX 77002 and
Catherine M. Krupka, Sutherland Asbill
& Brennan LLP, 700 Sixth Street NW.
Suite 700, Washington, DC 20001.
A final decision will be made on this
application after the environmental
impacts have been evaluated pursuant
to DOE’s National Environmental Policy
Act Implementing Procedures (10 CFR
part 1021) and after a determination is
made by DOE that the proposed action
will not have an adverse impact on the
sufficiency of supply or reliability of the
U.S. electric power supply system.
Copies of this application will be
made available, upon request, for public
inspection and copying at the address
provided above, by accessing the
program Web site at
node/11845, or by emailing Angela Troy
Issued in Washington, DC, on August 18,
Christopher Lawrence,
Electricity Policy Analyst, Office of Electricity
Delivery and Energy Reliability.
[FR Doc. 2015–20840 Filed 8–21–15; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
Combined Notice of Filings
Take notice that the Commission has
received the following Natural Gas
Pipeline Rate and Refund Report filings:
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Filings Instituting Proceedings
Docket Numbers: RP15–1191–000.
Applicants: Gulf South Pipeline
Company, LP.
Description: Section 4(d) Rate Filing:
Amendment to Neg Rate Agmt (Sequent
34693–36) to be effective 8/13/2015.
Filed Date: 8/13/15.
Accession Number: 20150813–5089.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/25/15.
Docket Numbers: RP15–1192–000.
Applicants: Northern Natural Gas
Description: Section 4(d) Rate Filing:
20150813 Carlton Filing to be effective
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Filed Date: 8/13/15.
Accession Number: 20150813–5216.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/25/15.
Docket Numbers: RP15–1193–000.
Applicants: Southern LNG Company,
Description: Section 4(d) Rate Filing:
Conversion of Premier to DART to be
effective 4/1/2016.
Filed Date: 8/14/15.
Accession Number: 20150814–5090.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/26/15.
Docket Numbers: RP15–1194–000.
Applicants: Elba Express Company,
Description: Section 4(d) Rate Filing:
Conversion of Premier to DART to be
effective 4/1/2016.
Filed Date: 8/14/15.
Accession Number: 20150814–5097.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/26/15.
Docket Numbers: RP15–1195–000.
Applicants: Texas Eastern
Transmission, LP.
Description: Compliance filing OPEN
Project 9–15–2015 In-Service
Compliance Filing—CP14–68 to be
effective 9/15/2015.
Filed Date: 8/14/15.
Accession Number: 20150814–5181.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/26/15.
Docket Numbers: RP15–1196–000.
Applicants: Texas Eastern
Transmission, LP.
Description: Section 4(d) Rate Filing:
OPEN Project 9–15–2015 In-Service
Negotiated Rates Filing to be effective 9/
Filed Date: 8/14/15.
Accession Number: 20150814–5185.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/26/15.
Docket Numbers: RP15–1197–000.
Applicants: Trailblazer Pipeline
Company LLC.
Description: Section 4(d) Rate Filing:
Wheeling Service to be effective 10/1/
Filed Date: 8/14/15.
Accession Number: 20150814–5223.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/26/15.
Any person desiring to intervene or
protest in any of the above proceedings
must file in accordance with Rules 211
and 214 of the Commission’s
Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time on the specified comment date.
Protests may be considered, but
intervention is necessary to become a
party to the proceeding.
Filings in Existing Proceedings
Docket Numbers: RP15–1109–001.
Applicants: Gulf South Pipeline
Company, LP.
Description: Compliance filing
Compliance Filing in Docket No. RP15–
1109–000 to be effective 7/1/2015.
PO 00000
Frm 00056
Fmt 4703
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Filed Date: 8/14/15.
Accession Number: 20150814–5093.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/26/15.
Docket Numbers: RP15–1153–001.
Applicants: Gulf South Pipeline
Company, LP.
Description: Tariff Amendment:
Amendment to Filing in Docket No.
RP15–1153–000 to be effective 8/1/
Filed Date: 8/14/15.
Accession Number: 20150814–5099.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/26/15.
Docket Numbers: RP15–673–001.
Applicants: Equitrans, L.P.
Description: Compliance filing Update
LPS and LPS Form of Service
be effective 8/1/2015.
Filed Date: 8/14/15.
Accession Number: 20150814–5027.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 8/26/15.
Any person desiring to protest in any
of the above proceedings must file in
accordance with Rule 211 of the
Commission’s Regulations (18 CFR
385.211) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time on the specified comment date.
The filings are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the links or querying the
docket number.
eFiling is encouraged. More detailed
information relating to filing
requirements, interventions, protests,
service, and qualifying facilities filings
can be found at:
docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
other information, call (866) 208–3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
Dated: August 17, 2015.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2015–20860 Filed 8–21–15; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. ER15–2470–000]
Longreach Energy, LLC; Supplemental
Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate
Filing Includes Request for Blanket
Section 204 Authorization
This is a supplemental notice in the
above-referenced proceeding of
Longreach Energy, LLC’s application for
market-based rate authority, with an
accompanying rate tariff, noting that
such application includes a request for
blanket authorization, under 18 CFR
part 34, of future issuances of securities
and assumptions of liability.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest should file with the Federal
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 163 (Monday, August 24, 2015)]
[Pages 51250-51251]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-20840]
[OE Docket No. EA-370-A]
Application to Export Electric Energy; Vitol Inc.
AGENCY: Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of application.
SUMMARY: Vitol Inc. (Applicant or Vitol)) has applied to renew its
authority to transmit electric energy from the United States to Canada
pursuant to section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act.
DATES: Comments, protests, or motions to intervene must be submitted on
or before September 23, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Comments, protests, motions to intervene, or requests for
more information should be addressed to: Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability, Mail Code: OE-20, U.S. Department of Energy,
1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-0350. Because of
delays in handling conventional mail, it is recommended that documents
be transmitted by overnight mail, by electronic mail to, or by facsimile to 202-586-8008.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Exports of electricity from the United
States to a foreign country are regulated by the Department of Energy
(DOE) pursuant to sections 301(b) and 402(f) of the Department of
Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7151(b), 7172(f)) and require
authorization under section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.
On December 13, 2010, DOE issued Order No. EA-370 to Vitol Inc.,
which authorized the Applicant to transmit electric energy from the
United States to Canada as a power marketer for a five-year term using
existing international transmission facilities. That authority expires
on December 13, 2015. On August 6, 2015, Vitol filed an application
with DOE for renewal of the export authority contained in Order No. EA-
370 for an additional five-year term.
In its application, Vitol states that it does not own or operate
any electric generation or transmission facilities, and it does not
have a franchised service area. The electric energy that Vitol proposes
to export to Canada would be surplus energy purchased from third
parties such as electric utilities and Federal power marketing agencies
pursuant to voluntary agreements. The existing international
transmission facilities to be utilized by Vitol have previously been
authorized by Presidential permits issued pursuant to Executive Order
10485, as amended, and are appropriate for open access transmission by
third parties.
Procedural Matters: Any person desiring to be heard in this
proceeding should file a comment or protest to the application at the
address provided above. Protests should be filed in accordance with
Rule 211 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Rules of
Practice and Procedures (18 CFR 385.211). Any person desiring to become
a party to these proceedings should file a motion to intervene at the
above address in accordance with FERC
[[Page 51251]]
Rule 214 (18 CFR 385.214). Five copies of such comments, protests, or
motions to intervene should be sent to the address provided above on or
before the date listed above.
Comments and other filings concerning Vitol's application to export
electric energy to Canada should be clearly marked with OE Docket No.
EA-370-A. An additional copy is to be provided directly to both Robert
F. Viola, Vitol Inc., 1100 Louisiana Street, Suite 5500, Houston, TX
77002 and Catherine M. Krupka, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP, 700
Sixth Street NW. Suite 700, Washington, DC 20001.
A final decision will be made on this application after the
environmental impacts have been evaluated pursuant to DOE's National
Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures (10 CFR part 1021) and
after a determination is made by DOE that the proposed action will not
have an adverse impact on the sufficiency of supply or reliability of
the U.S. electric power supply system.
Copies of this application will be made available, upon request,
for public inspection and copying at the address provided above, by
accessing the program Web site at, or by
emailing Angela Troy at
Issued in Washington, DC, on August 18, 2015.
Christopher Lawrence,
Electricity Policy Analyst, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy
[FR Doc. 2015-20840 Filed 8-21-15; 8:45 am]